#self doxxing queens
clairehadenough · 7 months
Story time
*Delulu deciding what to do on the internet today*
-Oh I know! Let me go to a random restaurant account from a country I never set foot in and comment on a photo that has nothing to do with me. Truth being said, I don't like seeing my imaginary boyfriend with his real life wife so let me bully the woman who posted a picture of them because that made me mad. I know, I'll make up something totally untrue so that I can accuse that mean naughty woman of lying. That'll teach her to post pictures that upset me😤
*goes to instagram*
-Oh but since l'm so clever, I'm not going to post from my personal blog, nooo, l'll use my cat's instead so no one can know it's me! I mean, I do follow my cat's account and it follows me too. Also my cat has a location that coincidentally is the same as mine. Everybody knows where l'm from because I keep repeating all over the internet that I work in that very famous place that is in said location. Also I shared a picture of my face with everyone and their mothers before, so it doesn't matter if it's also my personal account's profile picture, right? Right😌
*posts comment*
-There, I'm so clever! What a gotcha moment I got!😀 Let me take a screen shot to show my friend/boss, I hope she's going to be proud of me!
*said friend/boss is so proud that she shares the screenshot with everyone on the internet!*
-Oh wait, that screenshot contains the name of my cat's account, who's following and is being followed by my personal account who in turn has a profile pic of my face with my imaginary boyfriend.
*delulu slowly realises they have official doxxed themselves*
-Ok I know what to do! I'll accuse everyone who caught me being stupid and willingly share all this personal info of...doxxing! I mean, yes, I do know I'm the one who actually doxxed myself but my friend/ boss told me that playing the victim and gaslighting people is a great way to try and hide how stupid I am. Apparently she's tested this method lots of times...🤡
Note from author: the delulu and her friend/boss technique failed, like everything else they have ever attempted on that blog. People made even more fun of them then usual, the imaginary boyfriend is STILL married to someone else, and the restaurant’s instagram account still has the photo up.
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ilypaigebuckets · 4 months
Dating Kate Martin Headcannons!
little head cannon post bc i have so little written for kate! sorry i haven’t been active ive just been so busy but im otw to the lizzy mcalpine concert sorry just doxxed myself maybe?? idk but yay so fun but yeah im not busy after tn like no plans whatsoever 🥳
- kate definitely fell first
- i don’t think she’d be like ACTIVELY looking for a partner i think she just saw you and was like “yep i want that one” but was too scared to actually pursue you
- caitlin definitely had to hype her up to ask you out on a first date
- your guys’ first date is definitely something cozy and personable like a little coffee shop or cafe. even though it’s simple, kate would be so nervous. you guys spend the time together getting to know each other and for your second date you invite her over to your apartment that evening to watch a movie and have dinner
- she definitely kisses you on the second date bc she’s such a uhaul and already knows you’re gonna be special to her
- her love languages are definitely physical touch and quality time, and words of affirmation too!!
- she loves having full on cuddle sessions with you in the mornings, before bed, even in the middle of the afternoon when you guys have a spare moment to kill. she’s the self proclaimed queen of cuddles and always tries to scoop you up into her lap whenever she gets the chance.
- kate always wants to be touching you, no matter where you are. even in public, she’ll be hugging you from behind or holding your hand. her teammates have definitely had to tell her to cool it with the pda once or twice because she’s so enticed by you she totally forgets about everyone else around you two.
- kate’s always making time for you. even if you guys are just studying for your classes in silence or she meets up with you to walk you to your lecture, she enjoys it because it’s with you.
- she wants you to come to all of her games. one time you missed one of her away games due to a family get together and she was really upset by it. she wasn’t mad at you or anything, but she was definitely pouting about how much she missed you.
- kate is such a sweetheart to you. if you’re feeling down about yourself, best believe she will be able to tell!! she writes sweet sayings and positive affirmations on little sticky notes and puts them up on your refrigerator and bathroom mirror for you to look at.
- she loves taking care of you, to her you’re her little baby. if you’ve had a tough week, she’ll lay down with you to take a nap and after you fall asleep she’ll get up and tidy your room up a bit. you wake up feeling so grateful for her but she assures you that she’s just a neat freak and it was her pleasure to
- she’s a super patient, and i think she’d definitely find that attractive in you so i don’t think you guys would have too many fights.
- most of your fights are probably driven by jealousy on either side. kate loves you so much and she sometimes gets paranoid your eyes will wander somewhere else. you love kate just as much, and all of the fans writing flirty comments to her definitely makes you insecure from time to time.
- when you fight, you and kate never yell at each other. you’re more passionate, while she’s more calm and collected so you might shed a few tears trying to prove a point. once she sees that you’re crying, though, it’s game over and she squashes the entire thing and rushes over to hold you in her arms. she hates seeing you upset, and she hates even more that it’s partly because of her.
- kate definitely loves attention and gets annoyed/slightly jealous when you talk to her teammates over her
- “i just don’t understand why you were talking to caitlin for SO LONG y/n. do you think she’s cooler than me?” and she shows her little puppy dog eyes and pouts her lip at you and you almost fall for it
- nicknames: for kate, you definitely call her love, lovebug, baby, sweet little names like that. kate calls you baby, princess and have you guys seen her tattoo that says sunshine? she would definitely call you her sunshine too (i have a fic idea for this so lmk if you want me to write itttt)
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lizbethborden · 4 days
Whether you like her music and persona or not, Chappell Roan is extremely interesting as an example of an artist speed-running the famous female experience in a matter of months. After her Gov Ball performance, she exploded in exposure and popularity, with massive crowds on the festival circuit. Her exposure came with a price--her safety and privacy--and when she publicly asked her fans to stop cannibalizing her well-being--to stop doxxing her family, calling her by her real name, and kissing and touching her forcibly--she became hated by large groups of pop fans virtually overnight. Her conduct in public since has only intensified this, as her response to red carpet hostility and her apparent exhaustion and frustration around award shows and publicity have made her appear "ungrateful."
What this reminds me of is Andrea Dworkin's analysis of Marilyn Monroe in her book, Right Wing Women. She is talking about Hollywood's most famous actress, but much of this also applies to Roan, who, like Monroe, performs period-typical ornate femininity and expresses orientation toward male aesthetics and desires (Roan specifically via her much-expressed worship of male drag artists). Here is Dworkin on Monroe:
“The actress is the only female culturally empowered to act. When she acts well, that is, when she convinces the male controllers of images and wealth that she is reducible to current sexual fashion, available to the male on his own terms, she is paid and honored. Her acting must be imitative, not creative; rigidly conforming, not self-generated and self-renewing. The actress is the puppet of flesh, blood, and paint who acts as if she is the female acting.”
Roan is not a subversive artist. Even her explicit desire for other women comes in a "queer" context; modern "queerness" is largely a joint invention of capitalism, antifeminism, and homophobia, which is why it has mass appeal to Gen Z. Many of her costumes and looks are overtly done in drag style and in tribute to famous male drag performers. She has talked about her Chappell Roan persona as her "drag" persona and relating heavily to the experiences of drag queens. (I have never, whether in person at her concert or in interviews, heard her express knowledge of the existence of female drag artists, drag kings.) All of this in combination with her feminine aesthetic--femininity being a social signal of acquiescence to male interests and desire--means that she is, as was Dworkin's Monroe, "reducible to current sexual fashion." Her aesthetic is performed in hero worship of male creators: "imitative, not creative; rigidly conforming, not self-generated and self-renewing."
Dworkin goes on to discuss the effect of Monroe's suicide on the public (male) consciousness:
“Monroe’s premature death raised one haunting question for the men who were, in their own fantasy, her lovers, for the men who had masturbated over those pictures of exquisite female compliance: was it possible, could it be, that she hadn’t liked It all along—It—the It they had been doing to her, how many millions of times? Had those smiles been masks covering despair or rage? If so, how endangered they had been to be deceived, so fragile and exposed in their masturbatory delight, as if she could leap out from those photos of what was now a corpse and take the revenge they knew she deserved.”
Monroe committed the ultimate act of self-declaration, and in our culture, the ultimate sin specifically for a woman like her. By committing suicide, she not only forever severed male access to her person; she also threatened the tenuous male fantasy that she had ever enjoyed male access to her body, her image, her mind, her creative expresssion. Her suicide, though a private act performed out of her own personal anguish, was nonetheless an indictment of the public that had fed itself not only on her creative output, on her beauty and sexuality, but also the contempt bred by such familiarity with her image. No matter what, whether you loved her or hated her, wanted to fuck her or didn't, you could bite off a piece of Marilyn Monroe and chew, and the public consumed her until there was nothing left.
Chappell Roan has made public what Monroe kept private: that the cannibalism of fame is agonizing; that no, she does not like "It—the It they had been doing to her, how many millions of times." Rather than fulfill the female prerogative of suffering in silence, or through hateable, explosive acts like those performed by Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan in their heydays, she has explicitly, verbally expressed that she is hurt, tired, angry, frustrated, annoyed; that she does not enjoy the myriad of intrusions conducted on her person and her life by her fans, by her haters, and by the public and press. In turn, the public has revolted against her: she has violated the ultimate female rule, which is, in very brief, "smile and take it." She has declared at the very outset of her public career that she has a self and interiority that does not belong to anyone else, and she is now despised.
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prioritizetalent · 8 months
Nicki's getting stupid with this one guys
It was SO fun when she was beefing with Miley, Kim, Remy, and Cardi. But that's becuz the odds were in her favor!
Miley has always been tissue paper soft and that was a moment in time when she was licking up the crumbs of black culture, so it was completely deserved and socially rewarding to see a black woman put her in her place which made everyone FINALLY understand that she was a HUGE crybaby loser.
Kim was giving bitter (BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF! I don't blame her, I woulda been bitter too but let's bffr) and at that time she was giving the girls dust AND her diss track was wack so the audience had no choice but to call the victory for Nicki.
Remy is self explanatory. She was in WAY over her head. And it honestly got to a point where it was giving groupie "I'm gonna break into your house and lick your hairbrushes" vibes.
And Cardi was too Too TOO messy to have come outta that one victorious. Everyone thinks she's a dumb hoe and compared to everyone thinking Nicki is a crazy hoe crazy beats dumb every time. Cardi was also counted out becuz ppl find her to be obnoxious (even though that's so fun tbh). But pairing that with her mediocre clap back AND that nasty knot on her forehead. She was set up to fail! Poor thing :(
But Megan Thee Stallion Merkle!? The ppls queen? The fan favorite? The one who's on TV every week, hanging out and networking in different circles, and is always giving the girls realness and fun and sex appeal and fun and lyrics and did I mention fun!? Really Nicki??
I think becuz she had too many Ws she thought she could secure another one easy, but that was not the case this time, not with someone so big and relevant like Meg. Like?? Honestly?? How dare you give us "fragment foot, fragment foot, you're so tall and your feet are big"!?
Disgustingly poor quality!!
And becuz Megan has her shot up foot on Nicki's throat it's making her thrash around like a rat in a trap trying to attack anyone who gets too close. She's now turned to beefing with nobody's on tiktok and "threatening" ppl with interviews! That's not a scare tactic! You're SUPPOSE to do interviews! Nobody is gonna be quaking from that!
And now Nicki got these poor sweet stupid Barbz EMBARRASSED! Feeling like they got to choose between witness protection or doxxing girlies! Even billionaire Rihanna and business woman Beyoncé are getting dragged into this! Seriously?? Plz stop the madness!!!
I truly pray to GOD that Nicki received a very late invitation to the illuminati and that this is all just a part of her humiliation ritual becuz this is getting sick and sad
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harry-sussex · 10 months
This blog is talking about you and she is also duchessmmgrace on insta
Oh, yes, coolgirltactics. I’ve missed her - she hasn’t been around in a hot minute - I almost thought she’d forgotten about me smh. Glad my fan club is still intact. She has been obsessed with me since 2019 lmao - remember her @lizisanamimal @claireofluxembourg? Let her talk - she hasn’t had a critical thought cross her tiny brain once in her life (or, at the very least, not since 2016). She’s the absolute definition being stuck in a vapid, brainless cycle of hero worship, crippling tunnel vision, self-perpetuated echo chamber delusion, and creepy and all but feral parasocial relationships. As my dad would say, she couldn’t spell “cat” if you spotted her the “c” and the “t.”
No matter how you feel about Meghan, you should be able to recognize when she is right and when she is not. This blog is fundamentally incapable of such things - absolutely fucking brainless. It’s hysterical - cracks me up every time.
Thank you for keeping me in the loop - it means a lot when you guys keep an eye out for me. I’d look at her IG story out of pure curiosity but I don’t want her knowing my last name. She’s the kind of person who would dox me in a heartbeat - that “holier than thou” attitude is fake as fuck and I am genuinely concerned that she would have no trouble doing something cruel in the name of Her Lord and Savior The Duchess of Sussex, Queen of The World, Her Royal Highness Princess “Can Do No Wrong.”
Oh, and for those of you reading this who report my every move to the squad - feel free to screenshot and share. This is nothing she doesn’t know already and frankly, if this is news to her, she’s dumber than I thought, and that’s saying something.
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achilleanfemme · 2 years
What is an Achillean Femme?
Tumblr media
I am a queer person, I have been for as long as I can remember. As a young boychild, I was very feminine. I loved pretending to be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz (very on-the-nose) and lip-syncing to Britney Spears songs with my sister. As an adolescent, I came to describe myself as gay, and through YouTube and Tumblr, came to better understand my gayness. Around 18, I began identifying as non-binary. Now at age 26, I have coined (as far as I can tell) a new term for my queerness that descibes both my sexuality and my gender identity: achillean femme.
The LGBTQIA+ wiki page for achillean says that “achillean refers to a man or man-aligned individual who is attracted to other men and man-aligned people''. The same wiki’s page on the term femme says that “femme.. often refers to a person of queer gender expression [or identity] that embraces, reclaims, or subverts their culture's understanding of what it means to be feminine.” I think that the term is pretty self-explanatory once you understand the terms that comprise it. An achillean femme is an achillean person, meaning a man or someone who identifies within the realm of manhood, who is a femme or describes themselves as feminine. 
I love the term achillean because it makes sense to folks who have been apart of the gay male or man-loving-man community and spaces for any amount of time. Achilleans who are 60, 70, 80 years old know “gay men” who are feminine and flamboyant who barely align with any societal definition of manhood yet are lumped in as gay men. They also known bisexual men in the community who have called themselves gay for decades, eventhough they’ve always been attracted to, and been with, folks of other genders. Millenial and Gen Z achilleans are more and more describing themselves as non-binary and not aligning themselves with the terms “gay man” or “gay male” because they do not see themselves as cisgender men, even as they still identify within the realm of gay manhood. I believe that many of these folks would feel much more comfortable using a term like achillean that allows them linguistic space within the MLM community without confining them to strict identification as monosexual and/or cisgender men.
The term femme has taken me longer to come around to using. I love the term femme, but trans-exclusionary discourse in online feminist spaces for a long time gatekept me out of using the term to describe myself. I feared that cis lesbians and cis sapphic women would dogpile on me online and try and dox me for being a person assigned male at birth who describes themselves as a femme. It has lesbians and sapphics on twitter and tumblr, many of whom are non-binary and trans themselves, who helped me overcome this fear and embrace my femmeness. No two femmes are the same, there are as many experiences of femininity as there are feminine people, but what unites us is a common understanding of our devaluation under patriarchy and the experience of empowerment that we feel when we live authentically into our feminine inner-light. My femmeness is energetic, funny, and contagious. When I am being my femme, fairy self, people enjoy being around me. Living out my authentic feminine soul, allows others to do the same. That makes me happy.
So who are achillean femmes? Achillean femmes are fat non-binary bearded ladies like myself. Achillean femmes are magical fairy gays who strut into a gay club in a jock strap, butterfly wings, platform heals, and a tiara. Achillean femmes are drag queens of many stripes. Achillean femmes are the queeny old gays at brunch in a kaftan, sharing gossip, drinking mimosas. Achillean femmes are the trans fags who are often excluded from predominantly cis gay male settings and continue to fuck with gender anyways. Achillean femmes are anyone and everyone who feels at home in a gay club and a tea party. Achillean femmes are cis men, trans men, non-binary AMAB and AFAB people, intersex folks, and genderqueers. If you love your femininity, however you define it, and you love guys, dudes, bros, lumberjacks, bears, muscle daddies, hunks, and twinks then you are probably an achillean femme. If you are none of these things but the term feels right to you then join me, let’s be fags together! Let’s be achillean femmes!
Flag Design: Flag uses the achillean flag design (created by Trumblr user pridenpositivity in 2016) as a base and then pulls colors from the femme flag design (created in 2017 and posted by the noodle tumblr blog). The final design is mine and was created and posted by tumblr user achilleanfemme on December 12, 2022.
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doomalade · 1 year
Listen, if they wanna ship Jaune x Illia, then you can ship Jaune x Cardin. And when they try to dox you or something, you call them out on their bs and their selective homophobia (srs they ship a male selfinsert with a lesbian woman of color)
Lmao true
The first time I had to block Jaune stans on mass was when I was talking about Jaune x Cardin.
Jaune Stans are homophobic, and if you like Jaune and aren’t a raging homophobe, good for you and move along I’m not talking about you.
They see Jaune with a man, and lose their shit.
They see Jaune not with the two only lesbian characters (one being a woman of color) and they lose their shit.
So yes, don’t ship the blonde hair, blue eyed self insert with the lesbian indigenous queen. Okay bye ❤️
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asteracaea · 7 months
very very interesting article
Last month, in the heat of the Nicki Minaj and Megan Thee Stallion beef, TMZ reported that the cemetery where Megan’s mother Holly Thomas is buried had to bolster security after the location was doxxed on social media by one of Nicki’s fans, collectively known as “Barbz.” Nicki had nothing to do with the threat, but the brazenness was nonetheless regarded as a low point for stan culture and led many to ponder if that depth of celebrity stan-dom was a mental illness in itself.
Stan culture is a matter of obsessive fandom: fans crying over Playboi Carti snippets, streaming Nicki’s songs to the top of the charts as they sleep, and compulsively purchasing whatever Ye or Travis Scott put up for sale. But the rise of social media has also given music fans a digital battlefield to defend their favorite artists. People who criticize many of today’s biggest acts run the risk of being doxxed and harassed, displaying behavior that can’t simply be attributed to the quality of someone’s music.
Stan culture, the pop culture manifestation of parasocial behavior, isn’t new. Eminem’s “Stan,” about a homicidally obsessive fan came out in 2000. But, notably, Eminem didn’t mention the internet once in the song. Live streaming has given fans more access than ever to artists who routinely go on sites like Instagram Live and Twitch to engage their fans. Artists like Tee Grizzley have GTA servers where they run amok of the GTA universe with their supporters. Artists like Kenny Beats and former Brockhampton member Don Mclennon run Discord servers where they interact with fans and share music-making insights. These kinds of interactions bolster an artist from a poster on a fan’s wall to someone they could conceivably interact with, strengthening the parasocial bond.
That dynamic also occurs on X, where Nicki Minaj’s Barbz celebrate having their tweets liked and quote-tweeted by the Queens rapper. That’s especially true in the heat of discourse surrounding Megan’s ”Hiss” and Nicki’s “Big Foot” records, where her most ardent supporters vied to prove that they’re wartime stans. These frenzied interactions have become so prevalent that some stans might become public figures in their own right in the upcoming documentary film Stans, about superfans and appropriately executive produced by Eminem.
Professors Sally Theran and Azadeh Aalai tell Rolling Stone that studies are still being done on the intersection of obsessive fandom, social media, and music. Theran is a Professor of Psychology at Wellesley College and a licensed clinical psychologist. She says that parasocial relationships are one-sided, and take place in the imagination of a fan of a public figure. “You might have imaginary conversations with [your fave] in your head,” she says. “You might imagine what kind of advice they would give. You might imagine what it would be like to have them as a friend.”
Parasocial relationships aren’t inherently bad. In 2009, author and then-Arizona State University professor Jimmy Sanderson released a study of activity on boy band New Kids On The Block’s official website that explored the “relational maintenance” between the group and their fans. The study showed that “audience members shared how NKOTB had shaped their moral character as well as NKOTB had served as a crucial support mechanism for them during difficult experiences they had endured during their lifetime.” Though Donald Glover’s Swarm showcased the horrific downside of a fan obsessing over an artist loosely based on Beyonce, Theran says that Queen B is a similarly positive figure for her fanbase. “She’s so self-actualized. She’s such a powerhouse. She has created everything that she has accomplished,” Theran says. “You can imagine if you’re a 14-year-old if you think about who you want to be and then you start to internalize some of Beyonce’s characteristics, that could be really helpful and powerful.”
Azadeh Aalai is an author, associate psychology professor at Queensborough Community College, and an adjunct psychology professor at NYU. She says that the figures most likely to draw parasocial relationships are adroit at stimulating a sense of connection with fans. Aalai credits Taylor Swift’s intimate lyrics with stirring a “strong and loyal fanbase.” She also notes that the lack of “polish” in Britney Spears’ social media presence “elevates their perception that she’s being very authentic and that creates the sense that they really know her, and that can elevate that emotional attachment that you develop. That’s one of the hallmark properties of developing a larger parasocial relationship.”
The people most susceptible to parasocial relationships are typically younger (and more impressionable), and/or have a dearth of personal relationships. Both professors say that the isolation of COVID-19 quarantine intensified parasocial behavior in ways that researchers are still parsing. “Social media use, and more generally, our use of technology did increase, especially in the beginning phases of the pandemic when people were largely socially distancing and things like that. So that could have kind of heightened this intensity of the connection,” says. Theran adds that, “a lot of people look to public figures for connection if they’re lonely or feel more isolated. It can be really helpful for them to have that kind of imaginary relationship [where] they get some of their needs met. It can’t substitute for a real relationship in person, but it can be, I would think of as supplemental.”
Is the cure to male loneliness obsessive stan-dom? Probably not, but some people are clinging to whatever will get them by in a post-quarantine isolation epidemic. Many people secluded themselves during the COVID-19 quarantine and never re-adjusted to the outside world — and some can’t for health reasons. A recent Atlantic story explored how people are replacing real-life interactions with more screen time. Streamers, Tiktokers, and podcasters aren’t the industry’s rising forces for no reason; they’re benefitting from a generation of people spending an alarming amount of time alone. New York Mayor Eric Adams is attempting to sue social media companies for conceivably “fueling the nationwide youth mental health crisis.”
So, will there be an official diagnosis to address obsessive fandom in the next DSM, the standard mental illness index used by American mental health professionals? Both professors say that the studies are still too early to say.
“I could see something along the lines of obsessive-compulsive disorder being in the DSM as a provisional diagnosis, which is kind of where most diagnoses start,” Theran says. “So for example, binge eating disorder is now a diagnosis in the DSM, but before this, it was provisional. I do think there’s a difference between your average person who’s super engaged with a media figure, and then someone else who takes it to extremes. What we look for is a pattern of behavior that’s disruptive or interfering with your quality of life. And for most people with parasocial interactions, it’s not interfering with their life.”
“I don’t anticipate anything like that anytime soon being in the DSM,” Aalai says. “There would have to be a lot of research to justify something like that. To the extent that you would be pathologizing or identifying a specific disorder related to that. I still think that’s going to be more on the fringes in terms of problematic parasocial relationships. I don’t think the parasocial relationship on its own is going to trigger negative things, unless you’re talking about a really, really problematic public figure.”
Theran says that the prevalence of Instagram and Twitter has increased the perception of access to public figures. “It’s very challenging for people to disentangle themselves from their favorite celebrity’s social media, and to recognize that often it’s run by a professional,” she says. “It’s not actually the person that they’re interested in engaging with them.” But, sometimes it is an artist posting on their account, and the interactivity of an Instagram Live or Twitter Q&A has only intensified the parasocial dynamic.
Aalai says that social media, especially X, created a community for people in parasocial relationships with the same public figures. “The parasocial relationship is between the user and the public figure, but it could further be reinforced or expanded by the larger community that are also fans of that same person,” Aalai says. That’s not always a bad thing; it can be beneficial for people experiencing loneliness to meet like-minded people who are fans of the same artist. And those fans banding together to raise awareness about their faves’ releases is a positive. But when stans are defending the figures they appreciate, they can treat their timelines like digital war zones.
Nowadays, rap beef isn’t just about artists at odds, it’s about dueling fanbases, which we’ve seen in battles between Nicki and Cardi B, Drake and Kanye, and others that dominate X timeliness and Subreddits. Recently, a Taylor Swift fan declared a “Swiftie Emergency” and urged fellow stans to stream Beyonce’s “Texas Hold Em” to keep supposed Swift nemesis Kanye West from having a Billboard No.1. Kanye had to address the fuss in a since-deleted Instagram post, telling Swifties “I am not your enemy, ummm, I’m not your friend either, though, LOL.”
Aalai says the worst examples of parasocial relationships manifest from fans who have what she calls “underlying vulnerabilities.” On the extreme end, she references former President Donald Trump inciting his supporters to storm the Capitol on Jan. 6th, 2021. She also references fans of Kurt Cobain who died by suicide in the same manner as him in 1994. “The majority of Nirvana fans aren’t doing that,” she says. “That’s a very specific segment of his followers that are already emotionally unstable that are going to be compelled to engage in that kind of copycat behavior.”
There are less dire, but still troubling, examples in the entertainment world. The Barbz are infamous for harassing rival artists and doxxing those who criticize the legendary rapper. Last November, she took to her Instagram Story to tell her fans: “Dear Barbz, be sure to never threaten anyone on my behalf, whether on the internet or in person. Whether in jest or not. I don’t [and] never have condoned that.”
Aalai notes that “a lot of times you find that [the problematic behavior is] not necessarily being directly encouraged by the public figure themselves. It could just be fan bases taking it upon themselves to engage in those behaviors, and maybe even to use their fandom as a cover for more problematic or antisocial kind of behaviors.” She says “You could make the argument though that a lot of these kinds of behaviors are being normalized on social media platforms,” citing male fans of artists who harass women accusing their male fave of violence. But, she says, it’s just hard to draw conclusions because I don’t know if we have the research yet to back up those specific anecdotes.”
Both professors agree that parasocial relationships aren’t inherently problematic, and can have benefits depending on who the figure is that’s being idolized. But they slightly differ on how to characterize the extreme fan willing to dox and harass on behalf of their fave. Theran says, “This group of people are pretty much a separate category from people who invest in parasocial relationships.” Aalai says that it’s essentially a corrupted version of parasocial behavior fueled by underlying issues: “I would say the concern about it becoming overly obsessive or problematic would probably also be accompanied by underlying vulnerabilities for mental illnesses and things like that.”
Parasocial relationships, violent stan-dom, and the attention-seeking nature of social media are amalgamating to make music fandom a minefield. Beef between artists turns into social media pissing contests between fanbases. Anyone levying a legitimate critique of an artist is ripe to be harassed. That’s why Theran says that public figures should be responsible about how they engage and galvanize their stans, citing Taylor Swift telling her fans not to harass her exes.
“I think having this kind of fandom is incredibly powerful, and it’s up to the individual how they build that power,” she says. “I think history will reflect poorly on those who weaponize it in a destructive way.”
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ao3feed-supercorp · 1 year
Fall Or Rise
by Dudewithapen
Much to Kara’s shock, Lena returns to the side of good to finally end Lex and Levithan. Knowing the threat is too big to handle on her own, Kara asks the newly formed Justice League for aid, to finally take down Levithan. But during their visit, Barry, Oliver, and Sara notice something between Kara and her so-called friend. Meanwhile after finding out all Lex has done to his cousin, Clark Kent has decided to finally end this war between Lex Luthor and the House of El.
Words: 1247, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015), Arrow (TV 2012), The Flash (TV 2014), DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV), Black Lightning (TV), Wonder Woman (TV 2011), Superman & Lois (TV 2021), Batwoman (TV 2019)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw, Clark Kent, Lex Luthor, Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Sara Lance, Bruce Wayne, Diana Prince, Jefferson Pierce, Thea Queen, Wally West, Ray Palmer, Nate Heywood, Andrea Rojas, Eve Teschmacher, William Dey, Rama Khan, Gamemnae (Supergirl TV 2015), Tezumak (Supergirl TV 2015), Sela (Supergirl TV 2015), Original Hank Henshaw (Supergirl TV 2015), M'gann M'orzz, Querl Dox
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers/Kelly Olsen, Querl Dox/Nia Nal, J'onn J'onzz/M'gann M'orzz, Barry Allen & Kara Danvers & Sara Lance & Oliver Queen, Clark Kent/Lois Lane, Russell Rogers/Andrea Rojas, Clark Kent & Bruce Wayne, Lena Luthor & Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Earth-Prime (Arrowverse), Arroverse Justice League, Arrowverse Crossover, Clark Kent & Bruce Wayne Friendship, Barry Allen & Kara Danvers Friendship, Lena Luthor Needs Therapy, Past Verbal Abuse, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/sXtDqRF via IFTTT https://ift.tt/sXtDqRF
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pashterlengkap · 1 year
Bomb threat fails to shut down drag queen story hour event
An anti-LGBTQ+ bomb threat led to the evacuation and re-location of a drag queen story hour (DQSH) event in Princeton, New Jersey last Saturday around lunchtime. The event was held at the Bayard Rustin Center for Social Justice (BRCSJ), a community activist center and safe space for marginalized groups named after the gay civil rights leader. The DQSH event began at 11 a.m., featured local drag performer Carrie Dragshaw, was presented by the BRCSJ’s anti-book-banning group Defenders of the Right to Read, and was attended by over 50 people, including children and their parents. --- Related Stories Protesters at a drag queen story hour were met with a “rainbow wall” protecting attendees “It’s not going anywhere,” a library spokesperson said of the event. --- However, around 10:49 a.m. the Princeton Police Department received an anonymous email that contained remarks against the LGBTQ+ community and people affiliated with the BRCSJ. The email said that “numerous explosive devices” had been placed inside and around the BRCSJ, Patch.com reported. Get the Daily Brief The news you care about, reported on by the people who care about you. Police immediately went to the BRCSJ, evacuated the DQSH attendees and center workers, and searched the area with a dog (though not a bomb-sniffing dog, as the canine wasn’t available). No explosive devices were found. People were allowed back into the center by 12:40 p.m., and the DQSH event continued at an unnamed nearby building. The DQSH organizers cleverly acted as if the relocation of the event was part of the fun, with the drag performer leading a conga line dance away from the center, Out In Jersey reported. Police are now investigating the identity of the anonymous emailer. “A bomb threat did not stop our @DragStoryHour as our LGBTQIA families, friends & allies sashayed in fabulous field-trip fashion to a nearby stoop,” the BRCSJ wrote in a Sunday morning tweet. “Our queer community will always gather together stronger & with even more LOVE in the face of hate & ignorance.” Our queer community will always gather together stronger & with even more LOVE in the face of hate & ignorance A bomb threat did not stop our @DragStoryHour as our LGBTQIA families, friends & allies sashayed in fabulous field-trip fashion to a nearby stoophttps://t.co/BCrek6RYML— Bayard Rustin Center for Social Justice (@RustinCenter) August 27, 2023 Robt Martin Seda-Schreiber, Founder and Chief Activist of the BRCSJ, said, “The safe space we offer to our LGBTQIA youth, intersectional families, and all our beautifully diverse folx is not only a physical entity but indeed something we carry within our hearts and our souls. These despicable actions threatened, this dishonest bigoted rhetoric espoused, this abhorrent hate will only ever be answered by a stronger, braver, and more empowering message of love.” The DQSH invite webpage said, “Drag Queen Story Hour helps children learn about gender diversity, promotes self-acceptance, & builds empathy through stories & songs. DQSH also teaches children to accept & celebrate gender diversity in themselves & others, & helps to curb bullying of LGBTQIA children.” Anti-LGBTQ+ right-wing conservatives, neo-Nazis, and other hate groups have falsely claimed that drag queens are “adult performers” who seek to “sexualize” kids. Several states, like Tennessee and Florida, have passed bans seeking to prevent minors from seeing drag performances, but courts have largely blocked these bans as violations of free speech. Nonetheless, the vilification of drag performers have led far-right extremists to label drag queens, drag venue owners, and drag show attendees as “pedophiles” and to target them all with doxxing and violence. http://dlvr.it/SvJLVJ
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
A Saiyan in the DC Universe!?
by Imagineimagineimagine
While you weren’t exactly sure what would happen after you died in that sudden traffic accident, meeting God, and being offered the opportunity to reincarnate, definitely wasn’t something you were expecting to happen. Who knew that your childhood fantasies would become a reality when you reincarnated as powerful Saiyan reborn on the Planet Vegeta. Sadly, it wasn’t long before the planet was blown up by Frieza; and you alone escaped to the “uneventful” little dirt-ball known as Earth. Imagine your surprise then, when you emerged to find yourself now living on the same planet as Batman, Superman, and the rest of the DC Pantheon.
*The stand-in for you, (the reader), is a nameless gender-neutral self-insert, and the story is written in a first-person POV using "I" and “[Your/Name]” when referring to the reader.*
Words: 9732, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dragon Ball, Young Justice (Cartoon), Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Supergirl (TV 2015), Superman - All Media Types, Justice League - All Media Types, Young Justice - All Media Types, Superman & Lois (TV 2021)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Original Saiyan Character(s), Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Supergirl (DCU), Kara Danvers, Diana (Wonder Woman), Barry Allen, John Stewart (DCU), J'onn J'onzz, J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw, Arthur Curry (DCU), Red Tornado, Oliver Queen, Dinah Lance, Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Lois Lane, Dick Grayson, Zatanna Zatara, Barbara Gordon, Artemis Crock, Wally West, Kaldur'ahm | Jackson Hyde, Clone Roy Harper | Will Harper, Bardock (Dragon Ball), Gine (Dragon Ball), Frieza (Dragon Ball), Doomsday (Superman), Lex Luthor, Garfield Logan, Cassie Sandsmark, Jefferson Pierce, Jason Todd, Billy Batson, Giovanni "John" Zatara, M'gann M'orzz, Lena Luthor, Brainiac (DCU), Nia Nal, Darkseid (DCU), Vandal Savage, Klarion (DCU), Alex Danvers, Winn Schott Jr.
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Reader, Kara Danvers/Original Character(s), Clark Kent/Lois Lane, Dick Grayson/Zatanna Zatara, Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Artemis Crock/Wally West, Kaldur'ahm | Jackson Hyde/Wyynde, Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake, Querl Dox/Nia Nal, Clone Roy Harper | Will Harper/Jade Nguyen, Dinah Lance/Oliver Queen, Barry Allen/Iris West, Arthur Curry/Mera (DCU), Hawkman/Hawkwoman, Shayera Hol/John Stewart, Bardock/Gine (Dragon Ball), Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer, Alex Danvers/Kelly Olsen
Additional Tags: Animated GIFs, Reader-Insert, Reader is a Saiyan, Alternate Universe, Childhood Friends, Friends to Lovers
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/45348304
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ao3feed-westallen · 2 years
A Saiyan in the DC Universe!?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/5cPKyTL
by Imagineimagineimagine
While you weren’t exactly sure what would happen after you died in that sudden traffic accident, meeting God, and being offered the opportunity to reincarnate, definitely wasn’t something you were expecting to happen. Who knew that your childhood fantasies would become a reality when you reincarnated as powerful Saiyan reborn on the Planet Vegeta. Sadly, it wasn’t long before the planet was blown up by Frieza; and you alone escaped to the “uneventful” little dirt-ball known as Earth. Imagine your surprise then, when you emerged to find yourself now living on the same planet as Batman, Superman, and the rest of the DC Pantheon.
*The stand-in for you, (the reader), is a nameless gender-neutral self-insert, and the story is written in a first-person POV using "I" and “[Your/Name]” when referring to the reader.*
Words: 9732, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dragon Ball, Young Justice (Cartoon), Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Supergirl (TV 2015), Superman - All Media Types, Justice League - All Media Types, Young Justice - All Media Types, Superman & Lois (TV 2021)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Original Saiyan Character(s), Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Supergirl (DCU), Kara Danvers, Diana (Wonder Woman), Barry Allen, John Stewart (DCU), J'onn J'onzz, J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw, Arthur Curry (DCU), Red Tornado, Oliver Queen, Dinah Lance, Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Lois Lane, Dick Grayson, Zatanna Zatara, Barbara Gordon, Artemis Crock, Wally West, Kaldur'ahm | Jackson Hyde, Clone Roy Harper | Will Harper, Bardock (Dragon Ball), Gine (Dragon Ball), Frieza (Dragon Ball), Doomsday (Superman), Lex Luthor, Garfield Logan, Cassie Sandsmark, Jefferson Pierce, Jason Todd, Billy Batson, Giovanni "John" Zatara, M'gann M'orzz, Lena Luthor, Brainiac (DCU), Nia Nal, Darkseid (DCU), Vandal Savage, Klarion (DCU), Alex Danvers, Winn Schott Jr.
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Reader, Kara Danvers/Original Character(s), Clark Kent/Lois Lane, Dick Grayson/Zatanna Zatara, Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Artemis Crock/Wally West, Kaldur'ahm | Jackson Hyde/Wyynde, Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake, Querl Dox/Nia Nal, Clone Roy Harper | Will Harper/Jade Nguyen, Dinah Lance/Oliver Queen, Barry Allen/Iris West, Arthur Curry/Mera (DCU), Hawkman/Hawkwoman, Shayera Hol/John Stewart, Bardock/Gine (Dragon Ball), Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer, Alex Danvers/Kelly Olsen
Additional Tags: Animated GIFs, Reader-Insert, Reader is a Saiyan, Alternate Universe, Childhood Friends, Friends to Lovers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/5cPKyTL
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tempvsfrangit · 2 years
Hero-Man, High-Heels, And Twtr.
Regarding Colorado's recent-est shooting (20Nov22). Seeing lots of people praising the unarmed (reported as) combat veteran for taking down (with assistance; more later) the shooter. While it's fine to praise a person's bravery in the face of such danger, people are posting *many* images of the man, man with his wife, man's business (bar) and the business name, repeating that man has children who were at the =>targeted<= event space. Many of these people I have followed for a while and know they have no wicked agenda, they are pretty much doxxing him with all these "good intentions", freely giving out all this information regular doxhunds would have to put forth effort to find. "But the cops will..." will what, pray tell? In the same state Shooters Bobo is a Rep for? I fear for their safety, from "good intentions". As for the assistance. It has been recently called into question whether he is a drag queen or if she is a Trans woman. Semantics to some, but important distinctions to those affected. "Eh, close enough" does *not* count when it comes to who one's Self is. Like the person who told me my father's mother wasn't African because "Morocco isn't in Africa; it's in the Middle East!" However... the way things are now over on Twtr, for all I know the profile claiming she is a Trans woman (while other report he is a drag queen) could also be a falsehood just trying to stir-the-pot to keep things chaotic and encouraging spite-clicks and "I heard/You're wrong" and and and Muskrat looking gleefully at rising engagement numbers. No advertisers, but saw a =F!FA W0rld Cvp= promoted-like tweet from "a proud Q't'ri" because harsh rules are being enforced and "we are not soft" like "the West" and how we should keep our "decadence in [our] own country" [BLOCKED]. Will still try to hold on there until the lights go out or there is new EFFECTIVE management, but... ye gawdz at my age even I am starting to run low of Pure Spite. "Nothing is fool-proof, to a talented fool." --Murphy (of Murphy's Laws)
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astrognossienne · 2 years
Hello children. It's been a minute.
With the Queen's death and King Charles III's ascension and other things, this has already been quite a month. But, in the midst of somberness there always lies some fuckery...
Nicki Minaj. Typical Sagittarius. And like all typical Sags, she's quite extra, to say the least. However, she's obviously been going rather nuts lately (more so than usual), so let's examine this rather interesting case study:
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I know Sags are pretty reactionary in general, but the psychology of Minaj in particular is quite intriguing; to attempt to really discern her many issues, I decided to get into something called degree theory.
In a birth chart, there are 12 signs. There are 29 degrees in each sign. According to degree theory, each degree represents a different sign. Degrees, more than almost anything else about the manifestation of a sign, represent behaviour more specifically:
Aries: 1°, 13°, 25°
Taurus: 2°, 14°, 26°
Gemini: 3°, 15°, 27°
Cancer: 4°, 16°, 28°
Leo: 5°, 17°, 29°
Virgo: 6°, 18°
Libra: 7°, 19°
Scorpio: 8°, 20°
Sagittarius: 9°, 21°
Capricorn: 10°, 22°
Aquarius: 11°, 23°
Pisces: 12°, 24°
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Minaj's sun is in Sagittarius 16 degrees. She is fire dominant. As a Sag, this is demonstrated in a fiery self-love and unshakable faith in herself, which often turns into arrogance and conceitedness because she loses sight of the bigger picture. Sagittarius represents a lot but Minaj easily represents the dark aspects of this sign, which include: being extremely blunt and not respecting the feelings of others, not having any boundaries (just like Pisces), being obnoxious, often has the loudest voice in the room, lowkey insecure, attention always has to be on them, childish behaviour, ass kissing=friendship and good favour, and hating feeling like you’re trapped and don’t have any control/freedom. Also, her Jupiter dominance shines through with her abundant self-confidence and damages with her Sagittarian penchant for exaggeration. Her sun sign is at the 16 degree which is a Cancerian degree. Cancers, again like Pisces, are known to be sensitive and more outwardly emotional than others. Incidentally, she is also water dominant. This explains her hypersensitivity to literally everything but especially her ego because the sun represents the ego.
The moon represents emotions, subconscious, and even motherhood. Minaj's moon is in Virgo, which represents a desire to be seen as righteous, perfect, and the best. The nest rapper, the best mother to her child...as such, she's never satisfied and is one of those types that you can never make happy. She uses the Virgo analytical powers to defend her behaviour when others question her. Like all Virgos/Virgo energy, she is quite oversensitive and has massive inadequacies and insecurities and a sense of not being good enough, which impairs her ability to function personally and professionally. When others do not behave according to her expectations, she gets in her feelings and lashes out, which brings me to my next point: her moon is trine mars and square mercury, so that's why her words have an intensity of feeling and are so emotionally charged and combative and ultimately do her more harm than good. It also means that as self-assured as she likes to come across, she still needs her yes-men fans/stans/"barbz" and "friends" to co-sign her every word. Whenever someone else's opinion differs from hers, she reacts with defiance and aggressive defensiveness, and is not above doxxing those that displease her or attack others (mostly women) unprovoked based on some imaginary slight or whim. Her moon is at 27 degrees, which is a Gemini degree so that explains even more why she feels the need to be chatty to convey her rather volatile emotions.
Minaj's Uranus and 11th house dominance means that her personal values take precedence above all else. Authority seems to be the 'thing in the way' of personal action. She often feels that all authority figures (bosses, the women in rap that came before her, men in general) are against whatever she may be trying to do. She wants to be seen as the ultimate authority and blueprint when it comes to women's rap (even though there was already an established blueprint that she benefited from). She cuts her own path, as is evidenced by her style of dress and fashion sense, which is also reflected in her 11th house Venus as well as her Aquarius ascendant. Her 10th house dominance means that her legacy, how people view and revere her, and her career is very important to her. She had to be very ambitious to get to where she is. 8th house dominance, she's obviously a very sexy and sexual person, which is reflected in her image, her videos, and her rap lyrics. Also, sex, power, and control are huge themes in her life and her career; she literally cannot exist without these things (10th house Scorpio). Her Pluto dominance means that she has to ruthlessly take over other people's legacies, even erasing them, if necessary, in order to establish herself as The One (and Only) rap female in the game.
Her mercury (communication, thoughts, etc) is also in Sagittarius, so that means she’s got a sharp tongue and lashes out VERY publicly when she feels a way. Sagittarians do this, especially when they feel backed into a corner, and true to their fiery nature, they don’t care who is watching or listening either. Sags are the kings and queens of self-sabotage as long as they get their point across. Her mercury is conjunct Venus and Neptune which means there is often something childish about her. Her imagination often works overtime, especially a mental illusion and over-idealization when it comes to her loved ones (her brother, her husband). Because she is uncomfortable with reality, she often bends the truth into a shape that she can accept. It's also in the 11th house, which means that she needs to get her self-sabotaging message to the masses (Twitter, her Queen Radio) and feels a kinship with like minds or with other group members (provided she herself is the leader of said group). This is a common aspect among cult leaders, btw. Also, her mercury is a Taurean degree (26 degrees) which represents a certain stubbornness about her opinions and how she expresses them. She literally does not care what you say.
Her Mars (planet of action, anger, etc) is in Capricorn which means that she was--and is--highly motivated to be successful in the career area. With her Mars in the 28th degree this dictates that this is done with typical Cancerian tenaciousness. It also may represent her overall desire to be seen as someone who truly has it going on. She alienates others by competitively pitting the Capricorn need for maintaining a social image against the well-being of others. She regards social prestige as a means of self-justification, so she treats others (and herself) as objects to be used in fulfilling her ambitions. She cares deeply about her social image and presence like most Capricorns do (despite what her actions almost consistently show). In her desperation, she takes action like a Capricorn does negatively sometimes by projecting their own deeply rooted self hate issues onto the world. Again, Also, Capricorn represents the father in astrology and we all know she’s had a very strained relationship and upbringing with her dad who is now gone. As such, she sought a substitute father in her husband. Mars square Pluto and Saturn, she has a lack of patience, and a potentially violent temper, where she 'throws out' excess energy through a dictatorial and demanding personality in order to dominate others. When frustrated, she becomes abusive. Like most Sagittarians, true depth is generally deficient.
There is an extreme selfishness, cattiness, childishness, and egoism here. Her "friendships" and enthusiasms are sudden and violent, but ultimately short-lasting, hence her fallout with Megan Thee Stallion (with whom she did a duet), and many others, even her loyal Barbz, who don't toe the line with her at all times or are looked upon as "disloyal" (Scorpio dominance). She has an overly forceful nature and is inclined to be extremely aggressive in pursuing her ideas, and her behaviour is often foolish and reckless (Sagittarius dominance). She assumes that she can assert her will on others with impunity; she may discover later that she's created a problem she can't handle. Bottom line: this self-proclaimed "Barbie", a doll known as the ultimate ideal of female perfection, is anything but perfect; she is deeply damaged and insecure little girl.
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shinidamachu · 2 years
sessrinners will get karma if their actions are exposed by bullying and doxed
Nah, fam, we don't work with bullying or doxing around here. And even if we did, it wouldn't be necessary. Karma already bit sinners in the ass.
They spent two years yelling about how Sessrin was popular... only to see Yashahime's views drop the exact second Sunrise made it happen, losing just enough money so that it had to merge with other company.
They screamed that the show was now about the Sessrin family... only to see Sunrise giving all the actual emotional, affectionate scenes to Inuyasha, Kagome and their daughter while their ship was given shallow, cold and short interactions the few times they even shared the same frame.
They insisted Inukag wasn't as relevant as Sessrin... just to see them being used as promotional bait time and time again and the show only trend when they were in the episode.
They acted like Yashahime was the best thing to ever happen to mankind... only to see the animation and the writing getting dragged episode after episode by the critics.
They tried to convince us that there was nothing wrong with their ship and that it was approved and intended by Takahashi... only to hear her say Sesshomaru was nothing but Rin's legal guardian, the producers state that they didn't know how to write the relationship because it wasn't in the manga and many other people express how uncomfortable they were with the pairing.
They told us Sessrin was heavily accepted in the fandom... only to be faced with a massive backlash when the identity of the twins' mother was revealed.
They said that Rin was an adult... only to have Sunrise drawing her as a teen who looks younger than her 14 years old daughters, giving them nothing but kid Rin merch, juxtaposing child Rin and Sesshomaru scenes with romantic Inukag scenes, tracing a direct parallel between Rin and the villain's 14 years old daughter, changing the timeline a thousand times, making Jaken have to expressly state that she was 18 at the time she got pregnant... not to mention that one producer who actually said Rin was just "a little bit" older and that he asked her VA to keep her child self in mind.
They got it in their heads that Sesshomaru was this caring brother, husband and father who actually had a master plan to save the day and knew what he was doing all along while Rin was this girl boss, goddess queen... only to get hit with Sunrise showing him as a selfish bastard who doesn't give a flying fuck to his family and Rin being a plot device yet again, with the two of them displaying the exact same dynamic they always had since she was a child.
They forced this show as canon... only for the fandom to collectively ignore it completely and refuse to accept it.
They scolded Inukag shippers for demanding justice for the characters of the original show and for Moroha... only to have to do the same thing for their ship because in the end of the day they got jackshit but the fact that an official Inuyasha source made Sessrin happen.
And now there are only two options for them: to admit that we have been right or pretend that they're happy with what they got. Honestly, they don't need to be exposed or made fun of, because everything they do, every situation they purposefully put themselves into is already a prank in and on itself.
In fact, if the ship was just a little bit less disgusting and its shippers a little bit less annoying I'd actually feel inclined to pity them.
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sweet-sirin · 2 years
Bruh answer 1 from the ask meme please. I know exactly what it will be, I just want to listen to this one more time. Please XD
AHAH. Kat. My love. My spider queen. Are you trying to get me doxxed.
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Yeah, yeah, you know the answer. It's saiouma.
It's not that I don't get the ship. It's that I don't get the popularity it has. I was always the type to go with the flow and ship whatever is most popular around the fandom. And I knew before I even played, that saiouma is the most popular Danganronpa ship there is. So I was fully expecting to fall in love with it.
Imagine my surprise when I played the full game and encountered next to no tension.
I was baffled. Confused. Did I miss something? I played the Salmon mode, I played the Love Hotel. I just could not get sold on them. Yeah, Ouma does his best to be vaguely gay-ish around Saihara, sure. It feels more like queerbaiting than genuine tension between characters. The relationship between these two felt to me as dry as a week old bread.
So I went to look at arts. I've read an unholy amount of fics. They were fun, but almost none of them felt right. Either Saihara or Ouma were butchered beyond recognition as the sacrifice for the romance. They were not the characters I fell in love with individually during the playthrough (YES, there was a time I loved Saihara). So eventually I had to give up and allow myself to just Not Care in peace.
So as far as I understand, most of the ship's popularity comes from self-projecting on Saihara (which isnt surprising since he's the main character), and the ever present fandom's desire to "fix" and absolve Ouma (which I'm also not a fan of, but that's not a popular opinion among any Ouma shippers, oof). But that's just my guess.
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