#shaak ti community where are you
auxxrat · 1 year
Shaak Ti is such an important character to me that I-
I feel like she’s MY character. I want to write essays on how her and just all the lore I’ve created for her. I’ve crafted her into such a character that im DEATHLY afraid of anyone from disney touching her.
the amount of lore I have built around her, the THINGSSS I have to say about her character and what she’s been through/accomplished. it would run into so much lore that disney hasn’t even began to touch and just give us a whole other side of the jedi order and the star wars universe as a whole.
AND I have a beautiful death planned out for her that isn’t stupid and actually means something, it’s basically just a more detailed version of her force unleashed death. I also have so much thoughts about her impact as a martyr and her impact on the clones. Not only that but her impact on the future (rebels, luke, new Jedi order etc.) I’m literally so afraid of Dave Filoni or someone else getting their hands on her character and just ruining the potential (that and we know how Dave filoni likes to throw out lore…)
(Not to mention it goes hand to hand with Jango lore 🫶)
AHHH i want to talk about it so bad yet nobody wants to listen 😭 the Shaak Ti community is so small and the Jango/Shaak community is even smaller, I might be the only resident <\3
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stealingpotatoes · 11 months
Shaak Ti & Plo Koon are clone parents asks!
u guys went a bit crazy w this au-ish and you know what?? absolutely fair its a great au. however for the sake of not clogging up ppl's dashes. will put most under the cut <3
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Plo & Shaak: These are our clone children <3
Anyone else: uh two of them arent the same species and one of them is very clearly white and ginger he's not--
Plo & Shaak, igniting their lightsabers: These are our clone children.
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@freshmiraclecheesecake LMAO omg so many conversations. like aayla come here sit down we see the way you're looking at our son bly. we need to give you the shovel talk
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@theschultinator LMAO I LOVE THE IDEA OF THEM JUST CLAIMING THE CLONING FACILITY AS A FAMILY HOME good for them honestly <3 i think literally none of the jedi should be trusted as responsible anythings to the clones. if anything the clones are babysitting the jedi, ESPECIALLY the disaster lineage. rex has anakin and ahsoka on a kiddie leash
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@dr-carew-jekyll i meaaaan thats basically what the au already is except it's plo koon and shaak ti doing it to get the clones some human rights via adoption loll. au to the left. i think the Communal one we have goin probs has mace stab palps but honestly would love to see a version where he chokes on a chicken wing PLEASE write that
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idk if u mean Sister from the Padme novels or Omega tbb but yes absolutely <3 shaak ti has 1-2 girls she can be a girlmom to and thats fine w her!!
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@reader6898 LOL omg yeah. scheduled out every millisecond of custody to fit all the clones in
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@succstosucculent ok this doesnt TECHNICALLY fit the post but plo koon. anyway i have in fact drawn ghosta rica before!! its become smthn of a running joke now loll
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seven-oomen · 1 year
No but seriously I cannot get the idea of the clones as space cowboys out of my head.
So here's an idea I have to continue the saga of Cal Kestis and the clones.
After the clone wars end, the nightmare doesn't fully end for the clones. They don't have any rights, they're not considered citizens, they only have each other as a people, and public opinion of them isn't very high.
Mandalore doesn't want them. They're not welcome on many planets, despite the clones giving everything to protect them.
Sure Palpatine is dead, order 66 has been stopped in its tracks. And the jedi order, while dealing with horrendous public opinion, still stands.
But then there's the Koboh system, largely unexplored and uninhabited except by a few prospectors and raiders. As long as you contribute, you're welcome there.
So what do many clones do? They move to Koboh.
Obi-Wan and Cody take Cal (12 years old at that point) and bring him to Koboh. Several members of the 212th like Waxer, Boil, and Wooley went with them. Along with the bad batch (hunter, crosshair, tech, wrecker, echo, and 12 year old Omega), Fives (because he's not leaving his Podtwin Echo), Jango & Boba Fett, Bly & Aayla Secura, Shaak Ti and several cadets of varying ages, Plo Koon and his wolf pack, Commander Mayday, and Greez Dritus.
Together with Doma they build the Ramblers Reach outpost to a lively little town where the community thrives.
Meanwhile Fox escapes to Alderaan with his corrie brothers. And he gets to live out his life with the Organas and their adopted daughter, who calls Fox buir.
Rex lives his life on Naboo, aiding Padmé in the fight for clone rights in the senate and setting up a system where he finds suitable planets for his vods to inhabit.
Anakin and Padmé are still married, they live on Naboo with the twins, Luke & Leia, and with Ahsoka. Who is adopted into the family as Anakin's little sister. Anakin never goes Darkside.
Meanwhile Cal, Boba, and Omega live out there best lives on Koboh creating mayhem and being around so many of their bavodu'e. The sheer chaos these three can create is known planet wide.
Obi-Wan and Cody enjoy their married life. Cody, along with several ex commanders and Crosshair have taken the responsibility of town protection on them.
Hunter hunts with Mosey when he can.
Wrecker watches the gremlin triplets, which doesn't really work because they rope him into things. But it's still better than when Fives watches them. We do not talk about the Rancor incident.
Bly & Aayla marry and have a few children of their own.
And that's what I have for now..it's almost 2 am, I need sleep.
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7grandmel · 5 months
Todays rip: 23/04/2024
How 2 Do Anything
Season 3 Featured on: STRINGS OF FATE ~ SiIvaGunner: King for a Day Tournament Original Soundtrack
Ripped by Scribble1k Vocals by eva twin
(Also check out the Remastered Version!)
Requested by Corb! (Request Form)
In reading the request for me to cover How 2 Do Anything on here, I was made to realize something pretty big. For the 10-plus months that I've been running this blog, and for the amount of coverage I've dedicated to Season 4 Episode 1's King for Another Day tournament event, I've barely devoted any time to its Season 3 prequel on SiIvaGunner. I wrote about an excellent original piece made for it by dante and wolfman1405, FINAL DESTINATION, and I got to gush specifically about Anamanaguchi with Give Me The Fantasy...but I've hardly even touched on the tournament itself. I'm here today with How 2 Do Anything, and its remastered version, to try and resolve that issue - to celebrate the very first SiIvaGunner one-day king, and in some ways, a turning point for the entire channel.
So, first of all - the King for a Day Tournament. Halfway through Season 3, the SiIvaGunner channel was suddenly prevented from uploading videos for a week's time, but were still able to make community posts and tweets. The team was given the perfect opportunity for a channel shake-up, an opportunity to rethink what SiIvaGunner could be, and began thinking of ways to have the channel engage more directly with its viewers. Sure enough, that eventually landed on the idea of a "tournament arc", an event wherein viewers would both submit ideas for contestants to be featured, but then vote between the qualified few to crown a champion - with said champion then getting the reigns of the channel for an entire day of rips. Takeovers had become a regular occurrence on the channel ever since Season 2, be it the Inspector Gadget takeover with Become as Gadget, or the Santana and Rob Thomas takeover with Haltmanna feat. Rob Thomas of Matchbox 20 - each of these, as you can tell, brought with them a bevvy of rips tied to the character hosting the channel, and have in some cases become legends on the channel in retrospect. Thus, each submission to the tournament was of a character who represented a specific kind of rips, a "source list" as it's now since been called - and the voting came down to which kind of rip the viewers would most want to see on the channel for a day's time.
Truth be told, I wish I had been more involved with the fanbase at the time of KFAD1's unfurling, I can only imagine how exciting the discussions must've been during the unveiling and lead-up on Discord and Twitter. Yet as a big lorehead, a big part of the appeal of the original King for a Day tournament for me was specifically the characters each contestant was represented through. Season 3 was right when the Christmas Comeback Crisis (the channel's main storyline) had begun slowing down, with a lot of the lore additions made being supplemental rather than advancing the core story forward. Even though King for a Day wasn't connected to this main story, it was nevertheless a sudden explosion of character - and characters! - added to the channel, a good amount of which would continue to be relevant outside of the tournament's confines. Like, this was the debut of Ajit Pai on the channel, who basically had his own little narrative spun across his first appearance, A New Threat and Totally Shaaking Out Right Now - this was the debut of Geno, the tragic fallen star of DEARLY BELOVED... who we'd later catch back up with in the Season 6 DoomFes event - this was where we got JOHN NOTWOODMAN as the event's host who I rambled on about in Vote Responsibly!!....and it was, of course, the debut of everyone's favorite, Unregistered Hypercam 2.
Even though I was disconnected from most fan discussion at the time, I'm certain I wasn't alone in having Unregistered Hypercam 2 as my favorite of the tournament right from his unveiling. A source list consisting of every anthem of the old internet - Paralyzer, Dreamscape, Bodies - all wrapped up in a completely original character design, the most Little Guy thing you'd ever seen? Frankly, I was sold right away - and with each example rip made under his name, it seemed we'd only be made more sure of our choice. Throughout his run, and after his victory, it was as if How 2 Do Anything became the little guy's anthem - a modern, reimagined take on the theme that taught us all so many things across the early internet's scuffed YouTube tutorials.
I've covered some rips by Scribble1k on here before, notably the fantastic Guilty Eyes Creeper mashup, but King for a Day and its sequel gave rippers the unique opportunity to shine through full-on professional-grade rearrangements. I've always been partial to the themes that Hypercam brought with him to the channel, you may recall I've covered Paralyzer specifically twice already with YACKER TOILET and Remember when this song was the one related to toilets?, but I'm just as attached if not MORESO to the legendary Dreamscape theme that How 2 Do Anything is arranging. Just the three opening piano chords alone strike such a raw nostalgic nerve: its instrumentation is as far removed from Dreamscape as you could come, yet there's no other song that sounds quite like that, it introduces the theme as an old memory to be recalled through Hypercam's presence - an age of the internet lost to time, brought back all these years later after being buried away for so long. The arrangement itself goes in swinging soon after that, a main melody carried through a heavy electronic, almost dubstep-esque vibe - yet it never wholly loses that sort of melancholic tone set up by the introductory piano. The noise and distortion of the arrangement conveys almost a sense of the Dreamscape theme being at battle with the rest of the internet's noise, almost akin to Your Worst Nightmario, yet its a battle that turns into an incredibly sick listening experience, a balance of light and dark.
It's all topped off with a full-circle piano ending, and a small vocal signoff from guest contributor eva twin, whisking the theme away with a proud reaffirmation - "You can do anything...". And sure enough - the little guy did it!! Through a tough bracket and a close final dual with Splatoon's Off the Hook (hence, OtH Was Robbed), Unregistered Hypercam 2 wound up becoming the tournament's champion - and, in the process, has become an outright mainstay character on the channel. He got to have his Windows Movie Maker-core, day-long takeover, filled rips like Never Gonna Give Up Mahjong, and got to appear as the host of the King for Another Day Tournament, playing a vital role in its storyline and surprise final boss with NIGHTMARESCAPE 〜Unrestrained HyperCam 2〜 (Final Boss Phase 2). He's a core SiIvaGunner cast member, and all of this started with just an idea, a figment of the imagination cast into SiIvaGunner's email address for a silly tournament arc. One that was so successful and beloved by the fanbase, that it shaped the entirety of Season 4's two episodes - and in turn shaped much of Season 5 and Season 6 to boot.
This one little guy helped change SiIvaGunner forever, and in turn helped bring in a wave of incredible original arrangements just like How 2 Do Anything in the years to follow. The King for a Day Tournament may well have been overshadowed by its vastly bigger follow-up, but it has paved the way for everything that has kept SiIvaGunner so engrossing to follow in the years since - a shot in the arm at just the right time, and an incredible gateway for SiIvaGunner's team to flex just how talented they've always been.
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panther-os · 2 years
Do you have thoughts about Jedi holidays?
Oh, I actually haven't thought about this before. 👀
I wanna say they definitely have at least one festival dedicated to each of the five core parts of Jewish holidays - candles, singing, leaves, food, and "the people who tried to kill us failed, woohoo!" I've been playing a lot of swtor lately so I feel like that last one would be the anniversary of the Coruscant Temple's destruction in the Sith Wars. Candles is light, obviously. Singing, maybe something to do with kyber? Leaves, hm, I have vague half-formed thoughts about the Room of One Thousand Fountains and similar gardens in other temples. Food is pretty self-explanatory but there could be something like World Thinking Day in scouts where different ethnic groups gather together to make little booths with their local cuisine for everyone in the temple to try.
The idea of Shaak Ti walking Ahsoka and Ashla through traditional Togruti recipes and the two girls beaming with pride as other Jedi walk up to try what they made.... How they vibrate with wanting to go see all the other booths but they also want to stay and keep giving out food and eventually Shaak smiles at them and asks them to go find something they think she'd like because she's hungry - and don't worry, she'll take good care of the food they made and tell them all about the Jedi who come by while they're gone.
I also feel like there would be festivals of knowledge, days of contemplation/peace, and giant carnivals of harmony/community. The carnivals could also tie into the food festival. I can almost visualize in Ye Olden Days padawans and younglings putting together floats and such to march in parade down the Processional Way from the temple to the Senate and those ethnic food booths being set up like food carts along the way, on the steps of the temple, or both. There wouldn't be enough time or supplies towards the prequel era as the Jedi were slowly strangled by the Senate but at one time, I could see it being absolutely glorious and something all the non-Jedi on Coruscant looked forward to eagerly.
Thank you for asking this! I don't think I would've thought of it on my own. ❤️
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echos-girlfriend · 2 years
Shaak Ti is on tumblr now :0 woah
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thesunlikehoney · 1 year
take ur fav/s between these! :D also very happy to hear ur thoughts(any)
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I am going to answer all of these because they bring me joy and because I have many opinions XD
9: Anakin killing the Tuskens. Just. I'm not upset about Anakin killing people I am upset that Lucus had him kill these specific people in this specific way for these specific reasons. Like. Come on Lucus. You're the one who showed your ass, not Anakin.
10: Oh boy. Worst part of fanon hands down is the tendency to strip away what little complexity canon gives to the clones. Sure, canon doesn't do a fantastic job with them, but there are Themes and there are Character Arcs and there are situations where the clones are in conflict with the Jedi and when they are in conflict with each other. A lot of fanon tends to ignore that and flatten the clones into a monolith.
14: One thing I see in fics all the time is Cody and Wolffe and Fox and Bly and Ponds as batchmates, with Rex as their collective baby brother. I don't know why. This is not negative or positive it's just something I see a lot that I don't really understand. It's usually sweet. I guess some fic with this hc got popular and other people started writing it?
16: I answered this in another ask but I'm gonna answer it again because there are many things are popular that baffle me. Mando clones. Like, fully embracing being Mandalorian as a community and using Mando'a fluently and respecting all these traditions and beliefs. I have written Mando clones! But I have also written non-Mando clones. And the more I think about it and write about it and look for fic that does not use Mando'a the more I wonder why this is so popular that it's virtually inescapable. Clones wanting to be Mando and wanting to have this culture and this language that could or maybe should have been theirs is one thing, exploring the complexities of what could be called a diaspora is one thing, but I have read a lot of fic where the clones are written as basically Mandalorians who just kinda happen to be in this situation serving the Jedi and it. Hm. Yeah Jedi and Mando parallels are cool but that's not. That's not who the clones are. That is not the role they serve in the narrative. Why are so many people writing the clones as straight up Mandalorians?
17: There should be more fic where Cody and Obi-Wan are not friends. That is all.
18: Davijaan. It's Davijaan it's always gonna be Davijaan I am always gonna be sad that my dude has so few fans. He's so great guys. He's a pilot and he doesn't paint his armor and he's in the background of more scenes than you would think. But jokes aside this applies to all the clone characters who are just there for a few scenes and get forgotten. Fandom shaped Fox and his two minutes of screentime into something great why can't we do that with Boost and Longshot and Hawk and Appo? All these minor characters with so much potential.
21: I said TCW show in another ask and I guess I kinda stand by that, a lot of lists say it's something that needs to be watched but honestly I don't think that's the case. I don't know. I think by and large most SW fans are pretty realistic about the quality of this canon XD
22: So there are two short scenes (if I recall correctly) where they are brought up, but the clones have identification chips in their wrists. I have seen one other fic besides mine even touch that. It's so-- there is so much there, so much to explore in regards to autonomy and personhood and the logistics of desertion. And it adds so much context to the Chip Arc. Of course Rex and Anakin and Windu and Shaak Ti were totally unphased when Fives said the clones had a chip in their head. They already had a chip in their wrist, what's one more? I wouldn't say it's my favorite part exactly but it's... I guess it's another thing fandom is sleeping on. Something from canon that adds a lot of meaning to the story for me, but that nobody else seems to even acknowledge.
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gffa · 4 years
It’s been about five months since I last did a set of STAR WARS recs, which I’ve had my ups and downs with the fandom in that time, but one thing that hasn’t wavered is that this fandom has been absolutely amazing at producing fic all this time and I literally started with about 300 fics I wanted to rec and this takes maybe 20% off that list and, of course, I read more this morning, so now it’s back up to like 305 because THIS FANDOM KEEPS BEING REALLY GREAT ABOUT PRODUCING THE AMAZING FIC. I really do appreciate that, whatever other problems this fandom has, there are a lot of really great people here, too, who are doing some fantastic work and sharing their incredibly talented creations with us. As someone who loves the space fandom created, who finds meaning in the community that pops up around our ridiculous bullshit of a source material (I love it, but it’s such delightful ridiculous bullshit, that’s what endears it to me so much, I LOVE YOU FOR BEING RIDICULOUS, STAR WARS!), it also means a lot that there have been so many incredible people making the world a little better through their writing, through their art, through their good-hearted commentary, especially in a time when a lot of us really need some good cheer. So, here, cry with me about so many amazing fics and cry with me that this is barely putting a dent in all the fic I want to shove at everyone! STAR WARS FIC RECS: PREQUELS RECS: ✦ your arms never withhold by wrennette, ahsoka/barriss & rex & fives & cast, 1.1k    Ahsoka receives a gift from Barriss, shares with Torrent Co., and receives their help in making something in return. ✦ Bitter-Sweet by Ripki, obi-wan & anakin, de-aging, 1.7k    Sometimes, the Universe just hated Obi-Wan Kenobi. Case in point the peculiar moment, when he found himself staring in utter incomprehension at his former Padawan. Former being perhaps not exactly the right term. ✦ I will soften every edge by loosingletters, obi-wan & anakin & a'sharad & ki-adi & cast, 15.6k    It is tradition to prepare a meal from your homeworld and share it with your lineage to celebrate the diversity of the Order. Usually, this isn’t a trouble for anybody, but that was before Anakin Skywalker and A'Sharad Hett joined the Jedi Order. ✦ nothing too heavy by katierosefun, obi-wan & anakin, 1.6k    right after being knighted, maybe Anakin drinks for the first time. Maybe separation anxiety is a thing. Maybe there’s piggyback rides. ✦ treasure by curseofmen, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka, 3.1k    while Anakin and Obi-Wan get stuck hunting down a bounty hunter, Ahsoka ends up getting gifts for her two Jedi dads ✦ Reflections by KCKenobi, obi-wan & anakin, 1.5k    To practice using his new prosthetic arm, Anakin cuts Obi-Wan’s hair. ✦ at the edge of the cliff by loosingletters, obi-wan & anakin/padme & luke & leia, 1.2k    Anakin Skywalker doesn’t fall when Sidious asks him to. But he still very nearly did. Or, how to live with the consequences of the right choice when it leaves you feeling hollow, still only a step away from the dark. ✦ under the same sky by katierosefun, obi-wan & anakin, force ghosts, 2.5k    Anakin and Obi-Wan after Return of the Jedi. ✦ Bloodlines by KCKenobi, obi-wan & anakin & dooku, 11.6k wip    [or: your classic family road trip across a desert planet, except your grandpa is, you know, a Sith Lord. And now he’s sort of starting to bond with your Jedi dad. And that might be an issue.] ✦ what a wicked game you play by blackkat, shaak ti/jango fett, pegging, ~1k    “You’re sure?” Shaak asks, and her weight on Jango’s back makes his skin prickle, makes him want to shiver. Every last instinct recognizes her as a predator, and a dangerous one at that. ✦ both kinds of luck by lynnpaper (27beansprouts), obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka, whump/descriptions of injury, 3.2k    She touches her stomach. Warm liquid seeps from the spaces between her fingers, and she looks down in wonder, only to find a gaping wound where her skin should be smooth. Everything is red, wet, sticky. It’s on her hands, her saber hilts, her tunic, the rocks, the ground — ✦ In which the Jedi are awesome by carryonmywaywardsonofabitch, jedi & palpatine, ~1k    In which the Jedi destroy Palpatine’s plans way faster than he wanted ✦ keep the balance / stay the moment by nightdotlight, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka, 7.5k    Anakin looks to his feet. Looks to the horizon. Looks at his former Master. “One more day,” he pleads. “Just one more day.” ✦ soon you’ll aim up at the sky and I’ll watch you float away by loosingletters, obi-wan & anakin, 1.5k    Anakin was by no means falling in any of his classes. No, the issue was that Anakin wasn’t as good as he wanted to be and Obi-Wan did not have the time to read up on Check’chualik’s theory of ‘four-dimensional mathematics within a suspended room of an aircraft’. ✦ matters of the heart by dutiesofcare, obi-wan & anakin, 1.4k    Obi-Wan takes child Anakin to the medbay to remove the bomb from his neck. ✦ Frozen fire flowing through my veins by Tomicaleto, obi-wan & anakin & shmi & padme & palpatine, 1k    It’s over. The Republic has fallen, the Empire taking its place. The Jedi Order has fallen with it, Lord Vader raising from the ashes. ✦ fun? by gigglesandfreckles, obi-wan & anakin & cast, 1.7k    the Jedi Council gives Obi-Wan his newest orders as a young Jedi Knight and he struggles to understand them. he was instructed to take his new padawan and…have…fun? ✦ immersion theory {oola} by ghostwriterofthemachine, loosingletters, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & cody & rex & luminara & barriss & gree & cast, 4.7k    Or, five times the Clones stumble over Dai Bendu and one time they don’t. ✦ Interviews by meantforinfinitesadness, jedi & clones, 4.6k wip    The clip showed up on the HoloNet mere hours after it was finished being filmed and edited. OR: A behind the scenes look at the Jedi Order. ✦ Dear Qui-Gon: Or, Dooku Exchanges Letters With His Former Padawan by virdant, qui-gon & dooku, ~1k    In which letters are exchanged between a grandmaster and a master that are not passive aggressive in any way. ✦ The Blood Feather Incident by aroacejoot, obi-wan & anakin, wingfic, 1.6k    Anakin is forced to learn a valuable lesson about wing health and looking before you leap. ✦ all the ghouls by toque, obi-wan & anakin & cast, 1.6k    Anakin is determined to be Obi-Wan’s padawan, and no, Obi-Wan doesn’t have a say in the matter. ✦ i’m only me when i’m with you idiots by renegadeontherunn, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka, 1.5k    [or, Anakin, Ahsoka, and Obi-Wan have leave on Coruscant and holo night is the perfect excuse to all squeeze onto a couch together, bicker, and be, well, a family] OBI-WAN/ANAKIN RECS: ✦ Operatics by obikinn, obi-wan/anakin/padme, NSFW, omegaverse, 3.7k    Anakin goes into heat instead of going to the opera during Revenge of the Sith, and the galaxy is saved. ✦ Conceal Me What I Am by Himboskywalker, obi-wan/anakin & padme & ahsoka & palpatine & cast, NSFW, omegaverse, senator!obi-wan, 108.3k    Separatist Propaganda is turning the Republic against the Jedi Order and the Senate sees no choice but to join in a political alliance to fight dissent on a unified front.An alliance is proposed through an arranged marriage,between a Jedi Knight and Republican Senator. ✦ how to stay by answersinahauntedclub, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & padme & cast, NSFW, modern au, professor!obi-wan, 50.9k wip    A literature professor, Anakin thought, his head spinning. What were the chances that the literature professor he had fucked last night happened to be the only literature professor teaching the only humanities class Anakin was supposed to take for the year? ✦ love is a battlefield (not a one-night stand) by izazov, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & mace & yoda, 15.5k    For all his skills as a negotiator, Obi-Wan does a poor job of handling the aftermath of spending the night with his former Padawan. (He gets better at it. Eventually.) ✦ My Anankē (Routine Pining) by intermundia, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, modern au, professor!obi-wan, 3.3k    One year and seven months before graduation… Anakin was dreaming about Professor Kenobi again. ✦ My Anankē (Halloween (cum floribus)) by intermundia, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, modern au, professor!obi-wan, 4.6k    The five times Obi-Wan did not wear a costume, and the one time he did. ✦ In the Afterglow by unfortunate17, obi-wan/anakin & padme & ahsoka, NSFW, 12.1k    Anakin makes an ill-advised wish and the force decides to take him seriously. ✦ Don’t go blindly into the dark by obiwanobi, obi-wan/anakin, 3.5k    “It doesn’t change my question,” he says calmly, as he has always done after one of his padawan’s tantrums. “Why didn’t you come back to me, Anakin?” ✦ on the edge of indiscretion by loosingletters, obi-wan/anakin, modern au, serial killer au, 1.5k    “I swear I’m not a serial killer,” Anakin blurted out. His argument would probably be a little more convincing if he weren’t burying a body in the woods right now. But seriously, he wasn’t a serial killer. Five dead bodies did not make a serial killer. ✦ a secret shared is a trust formed by RexIsMyCopilot, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka, 4.1k    Anakin indulges a little too much and can’t seem to stop talking about Obi-Wan… especially to his padawan. ✦ be the death of me by master_plo, obi-wan/anakin & anakin/padme & cast, 3.7k    The name on your skin can mean one of two things. It is either the name of your soulmate or the person who will kill you. As they leave Tatooine, Anakin’s name burns itself into Obi-Wan’s wrist and for thirteen years, he is foolish enough to think he knows what it means. ✦ married life by sonderwalker, obi-wan/anakin & cast, modern au, 4.6k wip    A glimpse into the life of a modern married Anakin and Obi-Wan, their social life, and the ups and downs of their marriage and life as a whole. ✦ Cri de Coeur by obiwanobi, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka, sith!anakin, 2.3k    There is a Sith on his knees at his door, and Obi-Wan is wearing his fuzzy slippers. ✦ 3% by togglemaps, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, omegaverse, 3.9k    On an urgent diplomatic mission early in the Clone Wars, Anakin unexpectedly goes into heat for the first time. ✦ here’s to attachment and forgiveness by lynnpaper (27beansprouts), obi-wan/anakin, 4.2k    obi-wan doesn’t realise something’s not right with anakin until it’s too late. ✦ Give them blood by Himboskywalker, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, vampire!obi-wan, 9.2k    In the midst of the Clone Wars Obi-Wan is bitten by an alien creature that forces him to live off human blood.During a campaign on Eadu it becomes a complication under blockade and Anakin is determined to not let his stubborn master starve.This has nothing to do with the way his stomach flips at the sight of Obi-Wan’s sharpened fangs, not at all. ✦ paved with good intentions by izazov, obi-wan/anakin & yoda & palpatine & dooku, dark!obi-wan, 11.1k    Falling is not a single event but a series of choices. Obi-Wan’s Fall begins on Naboo, with a killing blow and a promise. ✦ the heart knows no devotion, like a shore upon the ocean by boonki, obi-wan/anakin, modern au, 1.6k    “May I have this dance?” Obi-wan asks, a hand offered in between them, no longer gloved. He is barely visible in the low lighting, shadows enshrouding all but the curve of one cheek, the glint in one eye. Obi-wan’s phone is on the floor, volume turned as high as it will go. ✦ Ruined and Ravished by xeniaraven, obi-wan/anakin/padme & anakin/others, NSFW, 8.5k    Anakin is going to have to fuck a lot of people if this negotiation is going to work. But at least he has Padmé and Obi-Wan with him. ✦ i’ve been waiting for you by RexIsMyCopilot, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka, NSFW, d/s, 4.2k    Anakin and Obi-Wan’s relationship is relatively new and Anakin is unsure of how to ask for what he wants. ✦ Tendency by cataclysm_dialogue, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, anakitty, 3.6k    Tendency: an inclination toward a particular characteristic or type of behavior. ✦ You’re On by momo_peach, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & rex, NSFW, modern au, 7.1k    One year after graduating, Anakin’s former professor Obi-Wan invites him and his friends to a game of Dungeons and Dragons. The game proceeds as normal, that is until Anakin starts flirting with one of the NPCs… ✦ On The Edge by Icse, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, bdsm, 1k    “As much as this is punishment for you, I’m enjoying this immensely.” Obi-Wan said, stroking his hard cock slowly as he continued to circle Anakin. “I’m beginning to think as often as I have to punish you, that you’re enjoying this too.” ✦ Spare Parts by mercyme, obi-wan/anakin, nsfw, 10.5k    The truth is, if Anakin hadn’t shoved his tongue down Obi-Wan Kenobi’s throat over the bar at Mos Eisley’s Cantina, Anakin would never have moved to Coruscant at all, and his life would have been totally different. ✦ most powerful is he who controls his own power by RexIsMyCopilot, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka, NSFW, 4.3k    Obi-Wan worries a little too much, but not when it comes to making sure Anakin is safe and comfortable. ✦ eyes are the window to the soul by izazov, obi-wan/anakin, 1.3k    Obi-Wan stands in the desecrated home of his kin, the Force echoing with their deaths all across the galaxy. And yet, impossibly, it is not the worst feeling he had experienced. ✦ Gold Collar by JSwander, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, 22k    The Clone Wars have ended, Palpatine is no more. High General Obi-Wan Kenobi meets a remarkable slave of the Hutts during a diplomatic mission to Tattooine. ✦ anything for you by lynnpaper (27beansprouts), obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 2.3k    Obi-Wan sets the datapad down, rubbing his eyes as they adjust to the absence of the blue glow. Swallowing his pride like a handful of pills, he manages to say “Anakin, I can’t concentrate on with you just —“ He grimaces, steeling himself for what he’s about to say. “— lying there, bare-chested, distracting.” ✦ Out of Touch by Urgirl415, obi-wan/anakin, 4.2k    Anakin is angry with Obi-Wan and decides to give him the silent treatment. Two can play at that game. ✦ The Darkroom by xeniaraven, obi-wan/anakin & padme, NSFW, modern au, 19.7k wip    Watch the film of Obi-Wan and Anakin’s life develop in The Darkroom: a collection of 1977AU oneshots. These all follow the starting fic Intricacies on Film where Obi-Wan is a famous photographer and Anakin is in his junior year of college studying art while having an internship at the local mechanics shop on the side. ✦ a great student is what the teacher hopes to be by RexIsMyCopilot, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka, 1.5k    Anakin has doubts about how to be a good master for Ahsoka. Obi-Wan is there to help. ✦ Detention by GayCheerios, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, modern au, professor!obi-wan, 4k    “Sweetheart, listen to me. You’re going to get up, lay yourself down on that desk, and show off that pretty ass of yours, and I’m going to fuck you. I won’t stop until I’ve fucked you full of my seed. And do you know what baby boy? You’re going to take it all, because you’re in detention right now, and the only way to get out, is to listen and obey.” ✦ capable de deux by obiwanobi, shatou, obi-wan/anakin, sith!anakin, 1.3k    ”I don’t want healers. I don’t want… people. I don’t like anyone touching me.” ✦ Tonight I can write the saddest lines. by Tomicaleto, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, modern au, crossdressing, d/s, ~1k    Recently married to Obi-Wan, Anakin visits him during office hours. ✦ Pod Racing. Very fast, Very Dangerous by CestNous, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, sith!obi-wan, sith!anakin, 2.6k    Anakin opened the throttle and accelerated. His pod began to shake at the strain, the engine unused to the abuse it was undergoing, but Anakin couldn’t care less. Second place was just behind him and he was not going to let them anywhere near his first place position. Not when he had a prize waiting for him at the end of the race. ✦ Persistence is Key by ToolMusicLover, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 2.2k    Anakin has been making suggestive remarks all day, when they’re finally alone together Obi-Wan finds himself succumbing to Anakin’s persistence. ✦ Why sex education is important. by Oceanoasis, obi-wan/anakin & rex & kix & cody & fives & quinlan & cast, 2.6k wip    The Kaminoans were scientists. They knew the clones couldn’t reproduce and having sexual intercourse. Wasn’t what they were made for, so they didn’t worry about giving them the sex talk. This decision created problems later down the line. ✦ Discovered Desire by ToolMusicLover, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 6k    Anakin decides to make the most out of a newly revealed desire. ✦ Old steps, new steps by boonki, obi-wan/anakin, 1.8k    Five years after Mustafar, Obi-wan is tired of grieving, and decides to see his dear friend once more, likely for the last time. ✦ arrogance diminishes wisdom by RexIsMyCopilot, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka, 3k    Anakin underestimates a pirate threat while on a mission. Obi-Wan and Ahsoka are there to rescue him. ✦ the good stuff by lynnpaper (27beansprouts), obi-wan/anakin, 2.2k    Anakin knows pain. He’s lost an arm, for kriff’s sake. He’s experienced enough injuries to empty an entire medical storage cabinet of the Halls of Healing. But this? This is new. This is so much worse. ✦ By Your Side (Always) by xeniaraven, obi-wan/anakin & padme & cast, NSFW, senator!obi-wan, 23.7k    Senator Kenobi has been invited to the Festival of Light and peace negotiations in Theed. There’s only one major problem: how to get his Jedi protector Anakin into the event. Good thing the Council has agreed to his plan. And good thing Anakin is great at acting in love. Or is it just acting? And who is trying to harm Senator Kenobi? ✦ stay with me by izazov, obi-wan/anakin, 3.7k    After giving up his life to save his son, Anakin had expected to become one with the Force. Not to find himself faced with an unexpected choice. ✦ eyes in liminality by shatou, obi-wan/anakin, 2k    Anakin doesn’t give Obi-Wan his Padawan braid. And then he does. ✦ a true heart should never be doubted by RexIsMyCopilot, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka, NSFW, 3k    Anakin notices all the little things Obi-Wan does for him. ✦ encode by loosingletters, obi-wan/anakin & cast, 5.6k wip    Instead of being accepted into the Jedi Order at the age of 9, Anakin Skywalker became a ward of Naboo. He figured out the Force on his own by trial-and-error, tracing its will through ancient temples and scriptures. Despite his night terrors and the Clone Wars raging through the galaxy, life was working out just fine for Anakin, thank you very much. ✦ The fire and fume by Himboskywalker, obi-wan/anakin & cast, medieval au, 4.6k wip    “Lend me your light and your sword, master, one last time.” ✦ Azúcar, Sudor by Delziae, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, 3k wip    Anakin can’t stand Obi-Wan’s new disciplinary tactic, but he absolutely loves it. ORIGINAL TRILOGY/MANDALORIAN RECS: ✦ The Tyranny of Kinship by amarielah, anakin & leia & ahsoka & luke & rex & cast, 38.3k wip    The presence of an Alliance mole aboard the Death Star leads to Bail Organa learning quickly of his daughter’s capture. With the dissolution of the Senate, only one option remains for him to save her life: telling Vader the truth of her parentage. ✦ Conversations With (and Between) Ghosts by zarabithia, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & luke & leia & din & lando & quinlan & cast, 4.3k    Someday, Luke will have a student. He’s sure of it. In the meantime, he has a lot to learn about the Jedi, and a few people to learn it from. After all, he is not the last Jedi. ✦ Compromise by CoffeeQuill, luke & yoda & baby yoda & din, 3.4k    After years of searching, Din finally finds where the kid belongs. But doing what’s right and doing what’s expected are two different things. ✦ Revisiting Dagobah by Innwich, luke & baby yoda & din, 2.9k    After receiving a vision during a meditation, Luke returned to Yoda’s resting place in search of guidance, but instead found a sleeping kid and a whole lot of weapons in a cave near his old stomping ground. ✦ make me young again (make me well) by deerie, din & baby yoda & cara & omera & winta, modern au, 1k    He reaches up on his socked toes and wriggles happily as Dyn scoops him up before he takes a tumble in his excitement. ✦ These Small Hands by KhamanV, din & baby yoda & the armorer, 2.4k    From the viewpoint of a child, even one strong in the Force, the galaxy can be an endlessly vast and confusing place. To find someone you can love and trust will mean everything when it’s your heritage to grow up wise and unafraid. ✦ The Guardian by 2space_lesbo1, din & baby yoda, 2.5k    He doesn’t remember his parents. FULL DETAILS + RECS HERE
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What Cannot Change
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Pairing: The Bad Batch x Reader (Polyam)
Summary: You return to a part of your old life with Hunter and things take a turn
Warning: angst, violence, bye-bye Kamino :(, TBB spoilers i guess, Crosshair being an ass but what’s new?
Word Count: 5581
A/N: SEASON FINALE, sorry this is mostly episode dialogue based and I combined the last two episodes
pt xxi pt xxiii
Crosshair stalked through the forest, scanning every inch for you. Deep within him, Crosshair can feel anguish and worry for your well-being. He just got you back… he didn’t want to lose you again. He looked over the trodden soil and cursed to himself. Hunter was always the better tracker, enhancements or not.
“Sir, we’ve scanned the area, there are signs of a lifeform just north of here.” One of his troopers informed.
“Let’s move.” He ordered, walking towards the direction the trooper pointed. The others with him followed, scouting the terrain around them just in case the Batch came back for a surprise attack. After a bit of trekking, Crosshair flicked down his spy glass and scanned for you. Behind some trees, his system spotted your heat signature and he rushed over. You were helmetless, a small cut formed above your brow, but from what he saw you were fine. He looked around you and noticed the broken branches, which signified that the trees must have broken your fall enough for you to not break your whole body from the height you fell. He felt a sense of relief at the bottom of his heart, but he couldn’t show any sign of vulnerability. He eyed your helmet and walked over to it as the troopers placed you on a stretcher.
“What should we do with her?” His squad member asked.
“Bring her to our ship and have a medical droid tend to her. She’s coming to Kamino with us.” He instructed while looking at his reflection in the visor of your helmet. He didn’t recognize the person looking back at him...
“Yes, Commander.”
After a moment, he headed back to the shuttle to go visit the prisoner already waiting for him.
He followed the trooper leading him to the detention level and once the doors slid open, he spoke, “Leave me. I’ll go alone from here.”
“Yes, commander. He’s just at the end.”
He gave the trooper a curt nod before stepping into the vast corridor and making sure the doors slid fully closed behind him. He strutted all the way to the end and eyed his older brother through his helmet before taking it off.
“I was hoping for the whole squad… but you’ll do just fine.”
“Lodestar,” Hunter finally spoke, “Did you find her?”
“She’s fine, already loaded onto the ship. Sedated. But she’ll wake up by the time we land.”
“What do you mean ‘by the time we land’?”
“You didn’t think I would keep you here in a cell, did you?”
Hunter said nothing while glaring at his vod. Crosshair pressed a button to lower the shield of the cell and tossed cuffs at Hunter.
“Put them on, then follow me.”
Hunter knew not to resist, so he did as ordered.
“Finally following orders.” Crosshair placed his helmet back on, “How… humorous.”
Hunter stood as the cuffs were secured, which caused Crosshair to walk in, grab his brother’s helmet, then pull out his blaster.
Hunter was escorted into the storage part of the shuttle by two of Crosshair’s troopers and you were already there: unconscious and laid in a stretcher with your hands cuffed together. What concerned him most was the oxygen mask covering the bottom half of your face.
“Lodestar…” He rushed to you and pushed your hair back with his own cuffed hands. He looked to the troopers, “Is she gonna be alright?”
The troopers said nothing, looking to the durasteel wall across from them, which did something to Hunter’s nerves.
“Answer me!” He ordered as he pushed one of the troopers against the wall. The other held up their blaster.
“I suggest you settle down… our Commander doesn’t want you dead but maybe he’ll make an exception for the girl if you don’t obey us.” The trooper threatened. Hunter surrendered and backed into the wall, trying to be as close to you as possible. He knew Crosshair wouldn’t hesitate to kill him first before any harm came to you, but he couldn’t risk it. After minutes of waiting, the shuttle finally began to take off and leave Daro’s atmosphere, and to his sheer luck, Crosshair had decided to come visit him again. The durasteel doors slid open and his vod strutted in, helmetless.
“Where are we going?” Hunter asked simply.
Crosshair crouched down and grabbed the communicator in one of the utility pockets on his brother’s belt, “You’ll find out soon enough,” He hissed while activating the device, “And so will your squad.”
“Using my comm won’t work. They’ll know it’s a trap.”
“They’ll still come for you.” Crosshair stated as the doors opened again, but hesitated as he glanced your way. However, he shook off the desire to check on you and headed back to the ship’s cockpit.
He entered and turned to the pilot, “Did the medical droid make a report on the girl’s condition?”
“Yes, commander. He inputted it into the computer.”
Crosshair nodded shortly before turning to a small panel and accessing the ship’s files. He found the most recent medical file and looked over it meticulously. Oddly enough, it had your birth name on it, which confused him. He looked for any files on medical history and found one with Nala Se’s signature on it. He knew he had to open it. While reading through the files, he came to a shocking discovery. The sniper took a moment to make sure no one was watching him before inputting a small device into the panel and downloading the file then deleting it from the computer’s database.
“Did you find it, sir?”
“Yes.” He answered plainly before leaving the cockpit and holding onto the small handle above him due to the main hull not having any seats. How is he going to approach you about this?
It wasn’t long until the shuttle landed in Kamino. The sudden jolts from the ship woke you up leading you to groan softly. You tried to reach for your head with one hand, but raised your wrists to look and see the cuffs around them. You huffed and pushed the mask off your face before sitting up and seeing one of Crosshair’s troopers standing over you with their blaster at hand.
“Up. Now.” She ordered, which you complied to. As you stood, Hunter was standing with another trooper.
“Hunter.” You gasped.
He looked at you with a hint of relief in his eyes. You moved past the soldier and went to him, cupping his face gently.
“Are you alright?” You looked over him worriedly.
“I’m alright…” He whispered, “Are you?”
You nodded before looking over his soldier and seeing Crosshair himself standing there. You moved with one of the troopers’ rough assistance and took your place next to Hunter. Crosshair said nothing as he led you all off the shuttle to Kamino’s main hangar. You looked around, seeing multiple troopers and soldiers loading the shuttles residing on the platform.
“Move it.” A trooper nudged you with their blaster so you could follow.
The group continued to walk before stopping while a man with a few troopers stood in front of you.
“Where are the rest of them?” He wondered while examining you and Hunter.
“They’ll be here.” Crosshair stated, “We’ll intercept upon arrival.”
The man turned to look at Hunter and smirked, “So you’re the one they call “Hunter.” The destruction your squad caused on Ryloth caught my attention.” Then he looked at you, “and you’re the liberator… What's your name again? Ah, yes, Lodestar. You’ve been causing a lot of trouble even before the Empire began. Some of our Outer Rim allies have talked of you before. You cost them a lot of credits for the slaves you freed.”
You said nothing, giving him a hard stare.
“I leave this to you, Commander. Stay on schedule.” He insisted before you were led away.
You walked down the bright corridors. It almost hurt your eyes, but that didn’t bother you as much as the memories starting to flood back to you. It’s been a year since you’ve stepped foot on Kamino, and it didn’t feel welcoming at all.
“Where are all the regs?” Hunter asked.
“When did you start caring about them?”
“No Kaminoans either.” Hunter continued, “This facility is being decommissioned. You don’t seem too concerned.”
“Why would I be?” Crosshair wondered.
“Because the Empire will be phasing out clones next.” Hunter turned to his brother with urgency.
“Not the ones that matter.” Crosshair jabbed him with the blaster he was holding.
“If they could assign people numbers like they’re nothing, then why do you think you matter?” You instigated, “Clones used to choose names for themselves because they didn’t just want to be a number… a lifeless digit. Now people are signing up for them like droids in a factory. The Empire is gonna learn that they can’t chip people they didn’t make.”
Crosshair turned to you, “Who are you to say anything? They gave up their lives to fight for a cause. You gave yours up out of fear!”
You stayed silent while looking at his emerald visor, wishing you could see his eyes. All of you kept walking down the corridor until you arrived at a room with large holomaps displayed on the walls. You’ve only been in a room like this one time, and it was when you were first starting on Kamino as an educational aid. You remember standing before Nala Se, Prime Minister Lama Suu, and Jedi Master Shaak Ti as they asked you multiple questions. Your heart raced the same as when you first stepped into that room, but you don’t know if it was the nerves or the rising pain in your body.
“A ship was detected entering the system, but we lost them below scanner range.” The trooper already waiting there announced.
“It’s them.” Crosshair said, taking a seat in one of the chairs.
“I’ll notify the scouts.” The other trooper stated, but Crosshair interrupted.
“Don’t bother. They’ll come to us. They don’t leave their own behind, most of the time.” The sniper sneered.
“You tried to kill us. We didn’t have a choice.” Hunter insisted.
“And I did?”
You looked at Hunter, “Hunter…”
“There was nothing we could do, cyare.”
You examined your metamour and knew he was being genuine. At the time, there must’ve truly been nothing he could do to save his brother.
“Crosshair, I’ve seen what the Empire’s doing,” Hunter started, “Occupying planets and silencing anyone who stands against them. You know it’s not right.”
Crosshair stood to loom over his vod, “You still don’t see the bigger picture, but you will…”
“Can’t you see they’re using you? Because of that damn chip in your head?” You shook your head, “I’ve seen it. Been on the inside. People-people are dying! Dying for a cause they don’t even know about! If the Empire is so great, then why don’t they share with their people? That’s what caused the downfall of the Republic, is that what the Empire wants?” You winced, stumbling back slightly.
“Cyare.” Hunter grabbed a hold of your arms, “What is it? What’s wrong?”
“N-nothing. I’m okay.” You murmured, “It’s okay.”
“The fall. You’re not fully healed-”
An alarm started to go off.
“We have an unauthorized entry on platform 5.” One of the troopers announced.
“Right on schedule.” He sighed, “Time to go.”
You were pulled away from Hunter before being led to the training room. You could feel the burn in your legs as you arrived onto the fighting ground and Crosshair held your cuffs while holding a blaster to Hunter’s back. A small noise came from in front of you and the boys were raised into the room, surrounded by Crosshair’s troopers.
“And here we all are, together again.” He tossed Hunter’s comm, “You won’t be needing your weapons.”
They hesitated before Hunter gave them a curt nod before tossing their weapons in front of them.
“See? Following orders isn’t so difficult.” He looked around, “Where’s your little sidekick?”
“You think we’d bring her here?” Wrecker pawned, “We’re smarter than that!”
“Lying was never your strength, Wrecker.” Crosshair retorted, “Find the kid.”
“No-” You tried to pull away from him, “Don’t touch her!”
The trooper left and you looked at him, “Cross-”
“That’s enough.” He tugged you back to him, “Hold your positions.” He ordered the troopers.
“So this was your grand plan? Bring us here, and kill us?”
“If I wanted you dead, you would be. Not that it wouldn’t be justified. You betrayed everything we stood for. And for what? The Republic?”
“We’re loyal to each other. Not some Empire.” Hunter argued.
“You weren’t loyal to me.” Crosshair hissed, “I was one of you. You may have forgotten, but I haven’t. And it’s why I’m going to give you what you never gave me: a chance.”
You looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows. He then raised his hand as his communicator beeped.
“Sir, I’ve found the girl.”
“Send her on a shuttle off-world.”
“Crosshair, don’t.” Hunter ordered.
“It’s for her own good. And yours.”
“Omega belongs with us.”
“Living amongst fugitives where she’s in constant danger?” He scoffed, “You want to protect the kid, then let her go. Stop pretending to be something you’re not, Hunter. We’re not like the regs. We never have been. We’re superior. The Empire can’t protect the galaxy without strength. This is what we were made for. Think of all we could do… together.” He used Hunter’s knife to take off his cuffs, “We were brothers once… we can be again.” He pushed Hunter towards the others.
“Why would we trust you?” Hunter asked.
Crosshair held up his blaster and looked to his troopers, “Stand down.”
“Negative, commander.” One of the troopers said, but then Crosshair shot and it deflected, killing all the troopers. Crosshair undid your cuffs and let you go before taking off his helmet and walking towards Hunter.
“Does that answer your question? You all are meant for more than drifting through the galaxy. It’s time to stop running. Join the Empire, and you will have purpose again.”
You had fallen to your knees due to most of the energy having left your body from the pain, but you still watched him and the others.
“You really don’t get who we are, do you?” Hunter shook his head.
“Don’t make the same mistake twice. Don’t become my enemy.”
“Crosshair… We never were.”
An alarm went off, and the training droids started to rise into the training room. Hunter lunged at Crosshair, trying to get his blaster. You rushed towards the others, trying to ignore the pain. Tech pulled you with him so you both would have some cover.
“Why’d you activate the droids?” Wrecker called out to Tech.
“This was not my doing.” Tech stated. You grabbed one of the dead troopers blasters and started to shoot at the droids approaching. As you all fought, you eyed one of Crosshair’s troopers at the doors. She shot one of the droids before backing away and you tried to stop her with a non lethal shot, but it was no use. You continued to fight until everything died down and the Batch gathered, Omega rushing towards. They all glared at Crosshair and you watched their movements. Hunter raised his blaster and you immediately took action.
“Hunter, no!” You moved in front of Crosshair, “Stop!”
“Hunter, please.” You whispered, tears gathering in your eyes as you raised your blaster, “It’s his chip…”
“Sarad… put it down…” Crosshair muttered. You looked back at him, shaking your head, but he placed his hand on your arm to push it down.
“My chip was taken out a long time ago.”
Hunter spoke, “When?”
“Does it matter?”
“Cross, please.” You begged as Echo pulled you to him.
“This is who I am…” Crosshair stated.
Hunter took a moment, but before Crosshair could use his rifle to shoot any of you a stun blast came from another gun. The other turned to see you holding out a blaster while tears streamed down your face. You let out a small sob while Echo held you close, trying to comfort you.
Omega hugged Hunter, who looked down shameful, “Sorry, Omega. I know I promised you’d never have to come back here.”
“It’s okay.” She smiled.
“Hunter, three Venators are approaching the city, we need to leave now!” Tech informed. He nodded then took off Crosshair’s pack and rifle.
“Wrecker, grab Crosshair. He’s coming with us.” He went to you and grabbed your face, “Does it still hurt?”
“I can manage.” You whispered.
You all followed him quickly through the halls. The building started to shake and you all hesitated.
“Cmon!” Hunter ordered.
You arrived just outside, but everything was being destroyed.
“Back inside!” Hunter ordered. You urged Omega in and followed them.
“This way!”
You all rushed through Kamino, but then the building started to collapse.
“We need to find cover!” Hunter cried, but then there was a blast that threw you all back and made your ears ring. Suddenly, everything tilted and everyone was sliding while debris started to fall around you. You were stopped by some debris along with Omega, AZI, and Crosshair. Your vision was hazy and your ears were still ringing, before you knew it, the doors slid closed whcu separated you four from the others. You must have blacked out because a light was shining into your face, which made you open your eyes.
“Lodestar!” Omega cried.
“Omega.” You sat up, pushing the debris off of you with her help. Water was surrounding you all, which caused your instincts to kick in.
“You okay?” You cupped her face.
She nodded, “Yeah, but Crosshair is stuck!” She pointed her torch in his direction, “I’ve already told Hunter. I think he’s gonna get the door unstuck!”
You nodded, rushing over the Crosshair and trying to lift the debris off of him. He started to wake up and looked around.
“Greetings CT-9904, you survived the aerial bombardment but are now moments away from drowning.”
Crosshair groaned, “Get this off me!”
“AZI! Help!” Omega pleaded while trying to get the debris off.
The water started to rise while you were still trying to get unstuck.
“Omega, come here get to higher ground! I’m gonna try to get it off him from under the water!”
She nodded, trudging to take your place while you dove under the water. She must have ordered AZI to help you because he arrived by your side.
“Omega will try to break it with her weapon!” AZI said, the water muffling his voice slightly. You nodded, using your strength to move it. A few blasts entered the water which helped get the debris off Crosshair. You resurfaced, gasping for breath while Omega helped Crosshair out of the water.
“C’mon! We have to get the door open!” Omega announced, which caused you all to follow her towards the doors. You pulled against it, seeing it slightly open with Wreckers knife. Suddenly, it started to open and sucked you all out of the room. You were caught by one of them and coughed up some water while leaning against them. Crosshair stood and looked at his brothers.
“What have you done?”
“The Empire opened fire on the city. We weren’t gonna leave you behind.” Hunter explained.
“We don’t have time for this. We have to get topside before the whole structure submerges.” Tech interfered.
“If you want to stay here and die, that’s your call.” Hunter retorted before leading you all down the dark corridor. You rushed through one of the bridges that overlooked the production tubes. Omega had stopped to look over it, which caused you all to stop.
“Omega, come on. We have to go!” Wrecker insisted, which caused her to nod.
You all kept going until there was another explosion and the corridor started to tilt.
“Hold on to something!” Hunter called out as everyone started to slide. He just so happened to be next to you, so he grabbed your waist tightly and held you while you started to hang. After a moment or two, the building came to a thud and you were all back on the durasteel floor.
“I believe we have landed on the ocean floor. There is no way to accurately calculate the damage. Most of the facility must be-” Tech reeled off, but then the building started to jolt and water came from the top, “compromised.”
“We need to get to a space that’s more secure.” Hunter said.
“Follow me.” Tech insisted.
You all rushed before you all arrived to the most familiar thing to you in Kamino.
“Ironically, our old barracks is one of the few compartments habitable, albeit temporarily.”
“This is our room?” Wrecker groaned, “What happened to it?”
“At least the smell’s gone.” Echo commented.
“Check it out. Our board’s still here!”
Crosshair glanced at it, “All those missions together, and you threw it away.”
“We made a choice, and so did you.” Hunter remarked.
“Soldiers follow orders.”
“Blind allegiance makes you a pawn. A real leader protects his squad.”
As they squabbled, you collapsed against one of the bunks, which just so happened to be Crosshair’s.
“Lodestar!” Echo rushed to you, “What is it? Are you injured?”
You couldn’t find the words as you leaned into him.
“AZI! Do a scan!” Omega ordered as she went to you.
AZI took a moment before speaking, “There are multiple contusions and two broken ribs. It seems like they were already tended to, but daily medicinal doses are needed to help the healing process.”
“It’s from her fall.” Omega realized.
“We have to get out of here.” Echo looked to Hunter, who nodded.
“We landed on the underwater tunnel!” Omega pointed it out, “If we use it to reach the base post, we could get back to the Marauder!”
“Accessing the tube will be… challenging.” Tech stated.
“Better than staying here.” Echo helped you up.
“We better try!” Omega insisted.
Crosshair sneered, “She’s calling the shots now?”
“You have a better idea?” Hunter nudged him while leading you all out of the barracks.
“My scans indicate the tunnel is right below this maintenance deck. AZI says, with a precise weld to maintain an airtight seal, this might work.”
“What do you mean, might?”
You leaned against the wall, holding your side. Hunter went to you, lifting your helmet off your head.
“Hey…” He whispered, cupping your face gently, “We’re almost there.”
“I know…” You smiled weakly, “If anything, you could leave me.”
He shook his head, “Don’t joke like that.”
You hummed before hearing a thud and looking to see AZI hovering over the whole he’s made. After a bit of observing, he called out.
“The tunnel is clear!”
You all looked at each other before entering. Hunter helped you down while Wrecker caught you gently.
“Got you, ad’ika.”
He set you down gently as everyone else made their way into the tunnel. You all walked carefully along the tunnel, but Crosshair said something which caused Wrecker to snap.
“Y’know, if it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t be in this mess.”
“Something on your tiny mind, Wrecker?”
“All that time, you didn’t even try to come back.” He sighed, “We still would’ve taken you…”
“Let it go, Wrecker. Crosshair has always been severe and unyielding. It is his nature. You cannot change that. He cannot change that.” Tech explained.
“Why are you defending me?”
“I am not. Understanding you does not mean that I agree with you.” Tech stated simply.
Wrecker had made his way to you as you leaned against the transparisteel, “Let’s get you off your feet.” He said gently before lifting you into his arms.
“Let’s keep moving.” Hunter muttered.
You all tried to move on, but then there was some distant roaring.
“AZI, these tunnels are protected, right?” Omega wondered.
“Only when the power is operational, which it is not.”
Suddenly, a large creature approached the tunnel.
Wrecker rushed with you still in his arms.
“Restoring the power should deter the creature! Try to stay alive!” AZI called as he went ahead. As you all rushed up the tube, the creature started to bite at the transparisteel, making it shake slightly. Suddenly, some lights came on and the creature retreated. Water started to fill the tunnel, but then it was blocked off by some durasteel doors. You all jumped down, panting as AZI looked you all over. After a bit of rest, you made your way up the end of the tunnel and arrived to a large room. Hunter took his helmet off and shined his torch.
“What is this place?”
“Nala Se’s private lab,” Tech started, “Omega said this is where our mutations were manipulated and enhanced.”
Crosshair asked, “How does she know?”
“Because she was there. Omega was created before us. Technically, she is older than we are.”
Hunter and Crosshair looked slightly shocked, but you simply caressed her hair back with a smile. You all moved further into the lab, then Wrecker spoke.
“That’s gonna be a problem.”
You all looked to see the tunnel had collapsed completely.
“That was our only way to the Marauder.” Omega whimpered.
You all decided to sit back and take some time to relax. You tried to rest and ignore the pain in your body.
“Aha!” AZI exclaimed before hovering over to you, “A small dosage of pain medication. This will dampen the pain for an hour or so, Ms. Lodestar.”
“Thanks, AZI.” You whispered before he injected you, causing you to gasp slightly.
“Careful, droid.” Crosshair sneered as he made his way to you.
“Apologies. I will heed a warning next time.” AZI said before going to Omega.
You looked up at him as he crouched down and held out a small device.
“There’s something you should see.”
You nodded, gesturing for him to sit beside you. He hesitated before sitting next to you and bringing you closer to him. You laid your head on his shoulder as he opened a file on a datapad he must’ve found lying around. You saw it had your birth name on it and furrowed your brows.
“What is this?”
“A personal file from Nala Se.”
You shook your head, “This should’ve been transferred to the Republic’s database, where I had deleted all files on me.”
“This is different… just read it.” He insisted.
You nodded and looked at it, then you started to read outloud.
“Our newest educational aid, now assigned as Subject #9910, has requested a birth control implant. After running multiple tests, we will grant her request, but have concluded that she is the perfect subject for our new project.”
“Project?” Echo wondered as everyone listened in.
You went on, “Our trials for the natural reproduction of enhanced clones will start when Subject #9910 is assigned to a clone squadron…”
“Natural reproduction?” Omega asked.
“Subject #9910 has been assigned as a communications officer to Clone Force 99, our enhanced clone unit. When the time is right, we will remove her birth control and let the trials commence…” You looked at Crosshair, who gestured for you to go on, “Subject #9910 has been injured, which has delayed the chip removal…” YOu read on to find some shocking records, “Subject #9910 has initiated intimacy with CT-9904… CT-9901… CT-9903…”
“That’s all when we were on Kamino.” Tech remarked, “They were watching you…”
“I-” You tried to say something, but shook your head.
“After Nala Se believed you were terminated, she ended the Natural Reproduction project.” AZI announced, “She stopped looking for any further candidates.”
You got up, backing away from them.
“Cyare…” Hunter whispered.
“I-I thought I would be safe from the Kaminoans… from their tubes and their tests…”
“What were they gonna do if I did get pregnant? Were they… were they gonna take the baby and then run tests on it?”
“Sh…” Crosshair stopped you as he noticed your breathing quicken. You leaned into him, trying to fight back tears.
“We really need to get out of here.” Echo groaned.
The Batch started to devise a plan while you sat alone with your thoughts. You eyed Hunter and Crosshair bickering again before Crosshair walked away while Omega followed. After a few minutes, a hand was placed on your shoulder, which made you look to see Omega. She smiled gently before briefing you on the plan. Then leading you to the others. She went off with AZI to set some charges as you all prepared the capsules.
“Ugh, I can barely fit in this thing?” Wrecker groaned.
“Quit complaining. At least you’re not doubled up.” Echo retorted. You rubbed his shoulder gently.
“We’ll be in and out.” You reassured him. He gave you a small nod before bumping his helmet against yours endearingly. You made your way into a capsule, waiting for Omega.
“The explosives are set.” Omega said, getting into the capsule.
“Alright, seal them up.” Hunter ordered.
You all closed the capsules and prepared for the charges to set off. You nodded to Omega for her to push the button, which she did. Water came flooding into the room and caused your capsules to move with the current it created. You looked around, seeing that you were out of the lab and floating to the surface. AZI moved meticulously to assist your capsules.
“You’re doing great, AZI.” Omega said, shining her torch around. Then a piece of debris fell onto your capsule, pushing you down. AZI rushed to your aid and you could see his lights flickering.
“AZI?” You called. He hesitated before using his laser torch to cut the debris. You watched as the debris floated away and then AZI pushed the capsule.
“Omega! Lodestar! What’s happening?” Hunter asked on comms.
“Got caught on some debris. It’s okay, AZI’s got us.” Omega answered, looking back at the droid, “Don’t give up, we’re nearly there!”
“Your path is clear.I have completed my objective.” AZI said before shutting down.
You watched before looking at her, about to tell her you have to keep going, but then you thought of D-5. You cupped her face and nodded your head in approval.
“We’re going after AZI!” Omega insisted before opening the capsule. You both swam down, but then some debris got in your way and took you up to the surface. You took off your helmet and gasped once you surfaced.
“OMEGA!” You called frantically, but Wrecker grabbed ahold of your arm, “No! I have to go back for her!” You argued as he lifted you into his capsule. Crosshair stood with his rifle and loomed over Hunter before shooting into the water. Omega was lifted out of the water with AZI and Hunter helped her into their capsule. The others had pulled out their blasters and pointed it towards Crosshair, who tossed Wrecker his rifle. You watched as he sat down before helping Wrecker paddle the capsule. You all arrived at the platform and watched as Tipoca City burned down.
“It's… all gone.” Omega murmured sadly.
“We should leave before the Empire’s scouts show up.” Tech insisted.
“You coming with us?” Wrecker turned to Crosshair.
“None of this changes anything.” Crosshair said simply, which hurt your heart slightly.
“You offered us a chance, Crosshair. This is yours.” Hunter explained.
“I made my decision.”
“We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn’t mean that we have to be enemies.”
Crosshair turned away, which caused the others to head towards the ship. You stayed back, waiting for Omega as she looked over the city.
You reached for her shoulder, “C’mon…”
She looked at you before nodding and heading towards the ship, then she stopped, “Thank you for saving AZI.”
“Consider us even.” Crosshair responded.
“You know… you’re still they’re brother. You’re my brother too…”
Crosshair stayed silent as Omega went to the ship. He turned to look at you as you stood there.
“I never said it back…” You started, which caused him to furrow his brows. You looked down, “In the hotel room, before I left with Rex… you told me you loved me. I never got to say it back.” Tears started to pool in your eyes, “And… and I hope you know that I didn’t leave because I didn’t love you, Cross. I didn’t leave because I didn’t love any of you. I… I was selfish. That’s why I left. The kaminoans wanted me dead and after what I had said to the Chancellor… I knew I would be an enemy to the Republic… and the Empire.” You hesitated, looking back up at him, “I know it's too late, but I don’t want you to forget that I love you. I love you… and I know you won’t change your mind because of it and I’m not going to force you onto that damn ship.” Tears spilled wildly, “I-” You stepped towards him and cupped his face cautiously, but he melted into your touch, shutting his eyes. You couldn’t say anymore and he knew that. You moved and placed your lips against the corner of his, not wanting to feel the heartbreak of your lips touching for the first time in a long time but also for the last time once again. You pulled away and rushed into the ship, being caught into an embrace by Hunter, who looked back at his brother as the hatch closed and the Marauder took off.
@darkangel4121 @lightning-wolffe @alucas528 @rintheemolion @shadowfoxey @butch-medusae @gabile18 @incandescentlywarm @echo-is-worth-more-than-2000 @spidercrush3
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monako-jinn-stories · 3 years
Echo X Fem!Jedi Reader FanFic
A Returning Echo ~ Before the Citadel
Main Master List
Story Master List
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Three (PG)
Chapter Twenty Three (18+)
Chapter Twenty Two
“Echo get down!”
A shout rang over the battlefield, and Echo quickly fell, rolling out of the way as a malfunctioning droid speeder whizzed by. He looked up and saw as a cannon blast landed in the middle of a bunch of troops. He ignored the pain that threatened to rip through his heart as he turned away from the now dead brothers. He pushed himself up, running back into the battle.
“We need to flank them!” He yelled as he caught up to Fives.
“That’s what we’ve been trying to do!” Fives responded, ducking as a shot flew over his head. Echo quickly blasted the droid who’d aimed at his twin, and Fives popped back up.
“General Skywalker, we still haven’t been able to move around the enemy,” Fives spoke into his comm link.
“Don’t worry, Fives. Ahsoka and Rex have this under control,” Anakin responded.
“Of course they do, they always get the fun jobs,” Fives grumbled, and Echo shook his head. Nearly dying was certainly not his idea of fun. He briefly remembered his double date with y/n, along with Shaak Ti and Fives. He remembered how you’d talked about crashing and how fun it had been, Fives agreeing.
Why did he get stuck with the daredevils?
“Echo, Fives, want to have some fun?” Rex called over the comms. Echo saw Fives perk up where he was, responding quickly.
“Always down to have some fun. What do you need us to do?” Fives asked.
“I think I’d rather have a break from fighting,” Echo said, but Rex seemed to ignore his comment as he explained the plan.
“We need you two to sneak around and get to their communications tower. You’ll need to take it down, you think you can do that?”
“Sounds easy enough, what do you think, Echo?” Fives said, turning to look at his brother. Echo nodded, turning to look at the tower.
“Just remember, I have someone waiting for me back home, so if this goes bad, you’ll have to tell her.”
“I’ve got someone as well,” Fives stated, a dreamy sound coming to his voice as Echo guessed he was thinking of the Togruta Jedi.
“Heads in the battle, boys,” Rex said, and Echo shook his head and waved at Fives. Fives nodded and began to run with him.
They ran to the back of the troops, away from the enemy. Echo followed Fives into the trees that were surrounding the edges of the battlefield. They wrapped around the edges so that the clones would be under the cover of them until they reached the side of the base the tower was at.
“So, what are your plans when we get back?” Fives asked, peering around a tree as droids marched by.
“Plans? I don’t have any plans,” Echo responded.
“Nothing special with the lady?”
“Well, we’ll probably go out on a date, might stay at her quarters, but nothing planned.”
“Maker, you’re even more boring of a riduur than you are a verd.”
“Oh please, you don’t even know what those words mean,” Echo said, rolling his eyes from behind his helmet.
“Riduur is partner, and verd is soldier,” Fives countered. He stopped in his tracks to remove his helmet and stick his tongue out at Echo. Echo just nudged him forwards with his blaster.
“Keep moving, I want this battle to be over so I can rest.”
“You gonna comm y/n?” Fives teased, slipping his helmet on.
“Maybe, but I might just fall right asleep before I get the chance,” Echo responded, a yawn suddenly slipping from his lips.
“Just don’t fall asleep on the job,” Fives joked. “Don’t wanna be like Fox.”
“With all the caf he drinks, it’s amazing he does fall asleep,” Echo laughed.
“Yeah, well, it keeps him from killing Palpatine, not that anyone would blame him if he did.”
“Don’t let any Jedi catch you saying that,” Echo warned, though he couldn’t help but to internally agree.
They continued on quietly, Fives pausing as they reached the base of the trees. The tower was only protected by a few battle droids, nothing especially hard.
“I’ll go this way, you sneak around that way,” Fives said quietly. Echo nodded, heading off to the other side. Once he got to his spot, he commed Fives.
“Okay, I’m in position.”
“Alright, 3, 2, 1, NOW!”
Fives and Echo both jumped out from their spots, blasters firing at the surprised droids. They panicked, and the boys used this to their advantage and quickly blasted them.
“Eat laser, clanker!” Fives yelled, shooting the last of the ones near him. Echo finished off his own a few seconds later, and scanned the area.
“I think we’re good now,” he said. “I’ll watch you, go take down the tower.” Fives nodded, running towards the tower. Echo was right behind him, constantly looking around.
“How am I supposed to take this down?” Fives said when they reached it.
“Use your ARC-Trooper brain to figure it out,” Echo said, raising his blaster. He squinted behind his helmet before he shot. A lone droid fell down, and he lowered his blaster.
“You figure it out yet?”
“Working on it.”
“Hurry up, I want to get a chance to rest.”
“If you say something about resting one more time-“
A sudden rain of fire suddenly fell on them. Echo ducked and ran for cover, Fives following close behind. They reached the trees again and looked back out at the new platoon of droids.
“Kark! I thought you were watching my back!”
“I was!”
“You didn’t do too good of a job then!”
“Shut up and blast them!”
Fives grumbled in response but did as Echo said. Instead of coming after them, the droids swarmed around to protect the tower.
“Ha! Perfect!” Fives said.
“Perfect? What in the kark is perfect about this situation?” Echo asked, giving him a bewildered look from behind his helmet.
“Watch and see, vod,” Fives responded. He lifted his arm and pressed a button on his commlink. A second later, the tower blew up, along with the droids surrounding it.
“Ahaha! See? I had a plan!” Fives said, removing his helmet and turning to hold a hand up to Echo. He had a big smile on his face, and sweat running down the sides. His hair was flattened, soaked from the sweat. Echo couldn’t help but give a small smile at the sight, lifting his own hand to high-five his brother.
“Echo! Fives! Is everything all right?” Rex called frantically over the comm. “We saw an explosion, are you okay?”
“Yes sir, that was our own explosion,” Fives said. “Blew up the tower, saved our asses.”
“Yes, Rex?”
“You’re supposed to keep him in check.”
“To be fair, I didn’t know his plan,” Echo defended.
“My brilliant, master plan,” Fives added.
“I don’t have time to argue, just get back over here, we need your help.”
“Yes sir!” They replied at once, Fives slipping his helmet back on before they took off running, blasters in hand, towards the main battle.
After three days of nonstop fighting, there was finally a break. Echo eagerly took it, setting up a tent and immediately crawling in and collapsing on the ground. After a minute of resting, he sat up and began to strip off his armor. The back of his neck was sore, and he rubbed it for a second, wishing there was a more reliable way to rid him of the pain.
“A Jedi could get rid of this,” he mumbled, and then his mind wandered to you. He hadn’t been able to comm you since they left, and he missed you more than he realized. He sat up and reached for the comm he’d discarded. Grabbing his commlink, he noticed he had a ping from you. He immediately thought of comming you, but paused. What time would it be on Coruscant? Would you answer? Were you busy? The thoughts lingered for only a second, as he decided to just try and reach you.
“Echo?” He heard your voice answer after a few seconds. You sounded tired and groggy, and he suddenly felt guilty for comming.
“Sorry, darling. Did I wake you?”
“It’s fine, I’d rather talk to you than sleep anyways,” you responded, and he heard a faint “pop” noise come from your end.
“What was that?” He asked.
“My jaw cracked,” you giggled. “I was yawning.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to sleep?”
“No! I want to talk to you, I miss you.”
He could hear the longing in your voice, and it made his heart swell as well as hurt. It made him beyond happy that you missed him, but he didn’t want you to have to feel that way. He didn’t want you to have to worry and not be by his side.
“I miss you too, darling. I’ll be back soon, I promise.”
“Safely, right?”
“Of course. I’m not going to get blown off a cliff like you did,” he laughed.
“Don’t joke like that, I’m being serious.”
“I know, I just…it’s been a rough few days. I need to laugh.”
“Well, if you want to laugh, I can send you the holo video that Tie took of Sans, Hex, and Steele singing karaoke. It’s ridiculous.”
“As amazing as that sounds, I think I’ll wait to watch it with you,” he said.
“When are you going to be heading back?” You asked, and he could hear a bit of impatience in your voice. He chuckled and shook his head, though you couldn’t see.
“I’ll be back soon, darling.”
“Soon isn’t good enough.”
“General Skywalker said the campaign should be over within the day. You think you can wait that long?”
“I don’t know, I might die of loneliness,” you joked.
“What a shame that would be,” he joked sarcastically.
“Hey! Just remember that I have Marvin and I can gain full custody of him.”
“You wouldn’t dare,” Echo said accusingly.
“He’s mine now! I get to cuddle him forever!”
“When I get back there, I’m stealing him and taking him to the bunks.”
“I’ll hide him when you come home.”
“He likes me more.”
“He’s a stuffed animal, he doesn’t have feelings,” you laughed.
“Still likes me more,” Echo chuckled.
There was a brief minute of silence before Echo started talking again, and what he said took you by surprise.
“When we get married, is the wedding going to be big or small?” He asked. You couldn’t see, but he’d laid down and was now staring up at the top of his tent, a small smile on his lips.
You took a minute to respond, waiting for the slight shock at his question to fade.
“Well, you have to ask me to marry you first,” you laughed. “But I think small would be nice.”
“Where would we have it?”
“If you like Dohbar, I think it would be nice to have it there.”
“Hmm,” he hummed contently, smiling as he closed his eyes.
“I love you, Echo,” you said softly, and he could hear the love and adoration in your voice, laced with tiredness. Maker, you were his galaxy, and he was going to marry you someday.
“I love you too dar-“
The sentence was cut short by an explosion. Echo’s tent was tossed into the air and he went flying with it. A sudden cannon blast from the enemy had landed next to where his tent was set up, and he’d not been prepared.
The soldiers around him were yelling, panicking as they ran out of their own tents. Anakin was yelling orders, and Rex was leading troops into the sudden fight. But Echo didn’t know or hear any of this, the impact of the throw had knocked him unconscious.
“-cho! Echo! Echo please!”
When he finally woke up, his ears were ringing and head pounding. His body ached, and when he reached for his armor, he was shaking.
“Echo come on!”
“I’m here darling,” he scratched out, groaning at the pain consuming him.
“Echo what happened? Are you okay?”
“I think we’re being attacked,” he said, sitting up and holding his head.
“Echo! Kriff, I thought you were dead!” Fives shouted as he ran over.
“Not yet, but I will be if I don’t get this armor on,” Echo responded, reaching for his chest plate. “I’ll talk to you later, darling.”
“Please be careful, Echo,” you said, and he smiled at his commlink.
“I will. I love you, y/n.”
“I love you too, Echo.”
The comm ended, and Echo went back to putting his armor on.
“Echo, take a minute, you just got blasted through the air,” Fives said, setting a hand on his brother's shoulder.
“I’m fine, don’t worry about me,” he responded, standing up but stumbling a bit. Fives instantly had a concerned look on his face, grabbing Echo’s arm again.
“Kix wouldn’t let you go back out like this.”
“Well, Kix isn’t around.”
“Actually, I am,” Kix said, having run over to the two ARCs. “I can just look at you and tell you’re in no condition to fight.”
“I’m fine, just a little dizzy, that’s all,” Echo said, but Kix shook his head.
“You might have a concussion. I’m not letting you go fight until I’m able to examine you.”
“Kix. Trust me, I’m fine.”
Kix eyed Fives, having a silent conversation with him. They both nodded, and Fives sighed.
“Fine. But stay with me, I’m keeping an eye on you,” he said.
“Since when am I ever not by your side? I’m always babysitting you.”
“Yeah yeah, let’s go,” Fives said, handing Echo his helmet before they ran off.
Echo fought the small stumbles and dizziness as he ran, nearly colliding with Fives when he suddenly stopped.
“Get down Echo!” He says, pulling his brother to the ground as a cannon blast flew over where Echo stood seconds before.
“Kriff, now I’m babysitting you!”
“Well, how does it feel?” Echo shot back sarcastically.
“Like you’re trying to get your ass killed!” Fives yelled, jumping up to continue running forward. Echo followed, steadying himself as much as possible. Raising his blaster, he shoots, and misses completely.
Kriff, what’s wrong with me? Echo thought to himself, moving to hide behind cover while holding his now pounding head. Everything became dizzy and blurry, and he barely raised his arm to speak into his commlink.
“Fives. Fives, c’n ya hear me?”
“Echo! Are you okay? Where are you?”
“M‘hiding, behind cover. M’head…dizzy…blurry…”
“Echo! I told you to stay with Kix!”
“S’ry vod…can’t move…”
“Karking hells…” Fives mumbled over the comm. “Okay, ping your location and I’ll comm Kix to get you, okay?”
“M’kay,” was the last thing Echo said before he reached to ping his location. Not even a second later, he slumped to the side and fell unconscious.
“Kix! Can you hear me?” Fives yelled into his commlink. He bent down to avoid a shot and straightened up, firing his own and knocking down the droid.
“Is it Echo?” Kix responded, skipping the casualties.
“Yeah, he pinged his location, can you get to him?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there in a second. I thought he was supposed to be the responsible one out of you two.”
“He is! That’s why I’m confused. It’s not like he’s trying to impress anyone, there’s no one here to impress. And y/n is gonna have his ass when she finds out,” Fives said. He ran behind cover before popping around, firing a few shots before going back into hiding.
“I doubt he’d tell her,” Kix responded.
“Oh, he won’t, that’s why I am.”
“He’s not gonna be happy about that,” Kix chuckled.
“Well I’m not happy about what he did, so I’d say we’re even.”
“I guess,” Kix said before he let out a groan.
“What? What’s wrong?”
“Echo is passed out, I have to haul his ass back to camp.”
“Just get him out of danger, okay?” Fives said a little too forcefully.
“Sir yes sir,” Kix responded sarcastically.
When the comm ended, Fives rushed forward to join Rex and Anakin on the field.
“Fives! Where’s Echo? We need you both here,” Anakin said, blocking a shot aimed at his Captain.
“Passed out, Kix has him,” Fives responded gruffly.
“Passed out? What happened to him?” Rex asked, concern lacing his tone.
“A cannon blast landed right outside his tent. It blew him into the air. He tried to join the battle but he couldn’t do it. Kix and I warned him not to try, but for some reason he didn’t listen.”
“Sounds like you,” Rex pointed out.
“Yeah, I know. It’s annoying.”
“Now you know how we all feel,” Rex chuckled.
“Oh shut it and blast the droids!” Fives said, moving forward again.
“Damnit, Echo!” Kix said, bending down to lift up his brother. “Kriff! What is the ARC armor made of?” Struggling to lift up the clone, Kix stumbled back until Echo was in a better position. With this new angle, he was able to lift him and throw him over his shoulder.
“Maker, you weigh a ton.”
“Mmm’snot my fault,” Echo mumbled, and Kix froze in his stumbling to the medic tent.
“Echo? Echo, can you say that again?”
Nothing. Kix let out a frustrated groan, beginning to walk again. Other troopers were laying fallen on the ground, but he couldn’t get to them until Echo was safe.
“Woah, what’s this?” Coric asked when Kix got inside the medic tent.
“An ARC who seems to have switched brains with his twin,” Kix said, laying Echo down where he wouldn’t be in the way.
“What’s wrong with him? I mean, other than being passed out.”
“I think he has a concussion, but I’m not sure. Just keep an eye on him, I’m going to go back out and help others.”
“Alright, be safe,” Coric said, and Kix nodded, heading back out to the wounded troopers.
After the battle was over, Fives went to check on Echo immediately. He was still unconscious, and Coric assured Fives he would be fine, he just needed more time. Fives shook his head, running a hand through his hair. He couldn’t stand this, not knowing what would happen. He had no reason to believe Echo wouldn’t survive, but what if he didn’t? What if Fives was the last domino? What if he lost his closest brother?
What about you?
“Kriff,” Fives mumbled to himself, knowing he needed to tell you soon before Echo woke up.
“I’ll be right back,” Fives said, Coric nodding as the clone slipped out of the tent. Finding a quiet area where he wasn’t surrounded by debris, Fives sat down and commed you.
“Fives? What’s wrong? Why hasn’t Echo commed me? Why are you comming me?”
“Glad to know you like hearing from me,” Fives chuckled, though it was a joyless sound.
“Fives, you know you wouldn’t comm me before Echo unless something happened,” you replied, and he could hear the fear in your voice.
“He’s not dead,” Fives said, needing to assure you that. “He’s just…unconscious. He went into battle after the explosion-“
“And you let him?”
“Hey! Me and Kix both tried to stop him, he wouldn’t listen.”
“Is he going to be okay? This doesn’t sound like him. It sounds like…”
“Me? I know. I hate it. We can’t have two me’s, and I’m not taking the responsible role.”
“Well, are you going to be back soon?”
“I don’t know, but the battle is over. At least for now. We know what happened last time we thought it was over.”
“Yeah. Just…be safe, Fives. All of you.”
“I will. I promise, y/n.”
“Good. Because I can’t lose Echo, but I also can’t lose you.”
“Glad to know you like me, General Jinn.”
“Ugh, don’t call me that,” you laughed over the comm, him laughing as well.
“See you soon, y/n.”
“See you soon, Fives.”
When the comm ended, Fives stood there for a second, allowing himself to feel this small happiness. You cared about him. Not that he didn’t know before, but it was nice to hear. You valued him, he wasn’t just a weapon. He wasn’t disposable.
Turning, he saw the battlefield again. Coric was carrying another wounded soldier into the tent. Kix was with other medics on board the venator, and Rex was counting the casualties.
Why was this his life? Why was he fighting, suffering all this pain, for something that he didn’t even know if it was worth it? Why was his brother injured, his other brothers lying dead around him? And why didn’t anyone, or very few, seem to care?
It was quiet when he woke up, a strange sound heard on a battlefield. Or, what had been only hours earlier. His head was still pounding, and his vision was slightly blurry.
“Coric?” He asked, barely recognizing the clone to his side.
“You’re awake,” Coric responded, shifting to give Echo a small smile. “Fives and Kix aren’t too happy with you.”
“Ehh, they’ll get over it,” he said, sitting up and holding his head.
“That’s what you think, but Fives is-”
“Fives is going to beat your karking ass into the ground,” Fives said as he walked in. He glared at Echo from the entrance before walking over to him. Echo looked up, waiting for whatever Fives was going to do next. Fives’s arms are around him in an instant, pulling him into a hug.
“What the kriff is wrong with you?” Fives said, pulling back to punch Echo’s shoulder. “You could have died! You were acting like…well you were acting like me!”
“Sorry, vod. I guess I wasn’t thinking too straight,” Echo laughed, Fives pulling him into another hug.
“I can’t lose my twin,” Fives mumbled, “Another domino can’t fall.”
“I won’t, Fives. I promise. Me and you forever, until the end of the war. Then we can marry our girls and raise families together.”
“That sounds perfect,” Fives said, grinning before frowning again.
“What? You look like someone just put spice in your caf.”
“You’re going to be out of combat for a while. Who am I going to annoy now?”
“I’m sure you could annoy pretty much anyone if you tried,” Echo laughed.
“He doesn’t even have to try,” Coric said from his spot working on another clone.
“Hey!” Fives said defensively.
“He’s not wrong,” Echo mumbled. Fives went to smack him, but stopped himself.
“Oh, you’re so lucky Kix thinks you have a concussion, or I’d be smacking you so hard right now.”
“Alright, Echo. I’m going to need you to get on a transport and back to the venator. Kix is there and can give you an exam, I need more room for the wounded down here,” Coric said, tossing away a pair of dirty medical gloves.
“Help me up?” Echo asked Fives, who reached down a hand and pulled him up. Keeping an arm slung around Fives’s shoulder for support, he walked out of the tent and onto the battlefield. There were small campfires set up, but not very many people were talking. There was debris everywhere, and the troopers looked tired.
“How bad was it?” Echo asked hesitantly as they boarded the gunship. It slowly rose, the door closing as they flew. Before the door fully shut, however, Echo was able to look down and see the full destruction of what happened.
“Well, it was a Republic win,” Fives said. “I guess that’s all that matters in the Jedi’s eyes.”
“Not the Jedi that matter,” Echo countered. “How bad was it?”
“67 troopers.”
Echo leaned back, closing his eyes for a few moments.
“Look, at least it wasn’t you, okay?”
“But it could have been. If I wouldn’t have made it to cover-“
“Echo. Shut. Up. Shut up, I don’t want to hear that. Shut up!” Fives yelled, the others on the gunship turning to look at him. Echo flinched, the pitch of Fives’s voice hurting his head.
“I had to spend the entire fight worrying about you! Not knowing if Kix had saved you, not knowing if you were going to wake up again!”
“I know, Fives. And I’m sorry, this is all my fault-“
“Yes! It is! Echo,” Fives said, closing his eyes and taking a breath to try and calm himself. “I’m pissed, Kix and Rex are pissed. Echo, y/n is going to be pissed.”
“She’s not going to know,” Echo said.
“You’d really keep a secret like this from her?” Fives questioned, raising a brow to his brother. “You’d lie to her?”
“It wouldn’t be lying, I just wouldn’t bring it up.”
“You know she’s going to ask,” Fives countered.
“I’ll…think of something.”
“Well, she already knows, so good luck with that.”
“What? Fives! Did you tell her?”
“Yes! Because I knew you wouldn’t! She needed to know” Fives yelled before the doors of the gunship opened. They had boarded the venator and Echo was due at the medbay for an exam.
“Come on,” Fives said, walking off. When he didn’t hear footsteps matching his, he paused and looked back. Echo was standing there, a mix of anger and disappointment on his face.
“What is it now?” Fives groaned, walking back over.
“You didn’t have the right to tell her,” Echo said, meeting his gaze coolly before it turned upset. “But you’re right, she needed to know.”
“Wow, you approve of something I did,” Fives said while rolling his eyes.
“Don’t get used to it,” Echo said, finally stepping off the gunship. “Now, take me to Kix,” he said, dramatically falling into Fives’s arms.
“You’re lucky your brain might be damaged from that explosion, otherwise I’d drop you on your head.”
“Like they did to you when they got you from your growing chamber?”
“Keep talking like that and I will drop you.”
“No, you won’t. You’re not going to hurt any of my patients,” Kix said, walking over to them. “Hurry up and get into the medbay, I have lots of people to tend to.”
“Sir yes sir,” Echo and Fives said at once, earning an eye roll from Kix who walked away with a sigh, leaving the boys to make their way to an empty room.
Anakin had commed you to tell you they were almost back, knowing that you were unhappy. Echo was one of his best troopers, so when he’d heard about what he did, he wasn’t happy either. He could only assume that you were even less happy about it.
So when Echo and Fives stepped off the ship and saw you, Echo was surprised, but not Fives. Fives caught your glare, something Echo seemed oblivious of at first. But then he saw Echo tense, and Fives couldn’t help the smirk that played over his lips. His brother was about to have it now.
You were standing, arms folded over your chest and staring them - well, more like Echo - down.
“Kriff, hide me,” Echo whispered to Fives, who just shook his head and pushed Echo towards you.
“Y/n! Darling! I’m glad to see you’re healing!” He said, giving you a smile that didn’t quite hide the fear in his eyes.
“Cut the banthashit, Echo,” you said, unfolding your arms and walking towards him to shorten the distance.
“Seriously, Fives. Help!” He whispered yelled to him, only to get another push, causing him to stumble towards you. He plastered that worried smile on his face and you resisted the urge to smack him. He held your gaze for another few tense seconds before he broke and sighed.
“Look, I wasn’t trying to be irresponsible-“
“Really? Because it doesn’t seem like that! Echo, you could have been killed! What if you hadn’t been able to find cover? What if you would have stumbled into a droid? What if you hadn’t been thinking right enough to hide and had just stood there? You’re so karking lucky I wasn’t there, because the second you tried to head into battle I would have stopped you. And if you did go into battle? Oh, oh-ho-ho, you would be running from me.”
“Darling, I know you were worried but-“
“Worried? You think I was worried? That doesn’t even begin to describe what I felt! What I’m still feeling!”
“I’m sorry, y/n. What do you want me to do? I’ll do anything,” Echo said. You could tell he felt awful, the look in his eyes saying everything. You sighed, closing your eyes and pinching the bridge of your nose for a second before looking at him again. Your expression softened and you threw your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. He instantly held your waist, returning the kiss.
“Don’t be like Fives, that’s what you can do,” you said when you broke apart.
“Hey! I’m not that bad!” Fives said from his spot behind Echo.
“Yeah, but I don’t want to deal with you,” you laughed, Echo wrapping an arm around your waist as he moved to stand beside you, looking at Fives.
“Don’t worry, I already have Shaak to do that,” he said, his eyes going wide after a second. “Kriff, I have a date!” You and Echo laughed as Fives sprinted off, running as fast as he could towards the door to the bunks.
“Do you want to go on a date tonight?” Echo asked, but you shook your head.
“I want to stay in. What if I teach you to cook a new meal?”
“Yes!” He said excitedly, immediately moving to drag you towards a speeder. You giggled as you followed, climbing on and wrapping your arms around him before he took off.
After you reached your quarters, you changed into your matching shirts and you each wore sweats, deciding that the night was going to be spent relaxing. Listening carefully and allowing you to help him when necessary, Echo cooked the new meal you had chosen. You joked around and made a mess of the kitchen, but you didn’t care. At least, not right now. You probably would in the morning.
After finishing up the meal, Echo set the table and moved your chair next to his. He kissed your cheek gently as you sat down, and you smiled while rolling your eyes at him.
“My beautiful riduur,” he said, and you tilted your head at him, slight confusion on your face.
“What does that mean? Riduur?”
“Well, there’s a few meanings,” he said, taking a forkful of food. “Essentially it means partner, but it could mean other things.”
“Like what?” You asked, turning fully to look at him. His cheeks went dark and he looked down, suddenly turning into the shy Echo you’d fallen for.
“Uh, well…it can mean spouse. Like, husband or wife,” he said, shoving another bite of food in his mouth before he could sound more nervous. You just giggled, pressing your lips to his cheek, making it go even darker.
“You really want to marry me, don’t you?” You teased, poking his side.
“More than you know, Darling,” he said. “All I need is a ring to propose.”
“Well, you better get one fast. Don’t want Sans stealing me from you,” you laughed, and Echo narrowed his eyes.
“Sans will never stand a chance against me,” he said defiantly.
“I don’t know…if you keep acting like Fives, he might have a chance.”
“I said I’m sorry,” Echo whined, poking your side like you did to him. He then started attacking you with kisses while tickling your sides, and you giggled as you squirmed in your seat.
“Ec-Echo-o!” You laughed, trying to shove him away. That only spurred him on, and he chuckled as he continued his assault. Your knee bumped the table and a glass fell over. You gasped and went to grab it but he took advantage and tickled under your arms. You yelped and jerked back, pulling away too much and falling from your chair.
“Maker! Are you okay?” Echo said, suddenly panicking as he remembered your recent injuries. You silently stared at him for a second, putting as much pain into your expression as you could manage. He looked even more concerned until you burst out laughing, falling back against the floor and clutching your stomach.
“Oh, you little-“ he said before he jumped down and caught himself before he crushed you. He then snaked an arm under you and rolled over, pulling you on top of him. He held you tight to his chest, and you both slowly stopped laughing and just smiled at each other.
“My adorable riduur,” you mumbled, reaching up and stroking his cheek. His cheeks darkened, and he set a serious look on his face.
“I’m not adorable, I’m a man,” he grumbled playfully.
“An adorable man,” you said, leaning forward to kiss his nose. “My handsome riduur.”
“My beautiful darling,” he responded, leaning up to kiss your lips. You playfully pulled away before he could make contact, rolling off of him before jumping up. He gave a questioning look before you grinned at him.
“You have to catch me if you want to kiss me,” you said, and you jumped away as he lunged forward and tried to grab your leg. You giggled and ran as he stood up, and put the couch between the two of you.
Standing on opposite ends, you stared at each other before he jumped onto it and ran across, stumbling on the cushions.
“Echo! No running on the couch!” You laughed, moving just in time before he caught you.
“Come back here!” He said, grinning as he tried to reach out to grab your arm. You easily dodged him, twirling away and skipping around.
“Dork!” He said, watching your gait. You add a little hop, and he chuckled as he tried to get to you.
You let him get close again before jumping away, running into your bedroom. He quickly follows, and when you reach your bed, you spin and grab his arms. You fall back and pull him with you, and he has to quickly struggle to catch himself before he crushes you. You giggle from under him and push him over so you can crawl onto him. Satisfied, you drop your body onto his, causing him to let out a grunt before his arms wrap around you.
“I caught you,” he mumbled, and you giggled while shaking your head.
“No, I caught you,” you said, poking his nose and making his face scrunch.
“So no kiss?” He asked, pouting up at you.
“You can have a kiss,” you laughed, leaning forwards and pressing your lips to his. You both smiled into it, his hands going to hold your waist.
“Wait!” Echo said suddenly, and you pulled away from him.
“Is everything okay?” You asked, concerned that you might have done something wrong. Echo just smiled before he gently set you to the side and grabbed Marvin.
“He doesn’t need to watch this,” he said, placing him on the couch and coming back into the room. You rolled your eyes and shook your head before Echo was back over you, connecting your lips again.
The rest of the night was spent in your quarters. After some time together, you shared a shower and cuddled up on your couch to watch the holo of Sans, Hex, and Steele singing, as well as some other videos. You sat sideways in his lap, arms wrapped around him and head resting on his shoulder. His own arms were around you, holding you close. He only noticed you’d fallen asleep when his shoulder began to feel wet. Looking down, he chuckled as your lips were slightly parted, and a puddle of drool was coming out. If it was anyone else, he would have found it gross, but he loved teasing you about it. It was retaliation for when you teased him about snoring.
He turned his head slowly, reaching up to hold your cheek as he kissed your forehead. You mumbled in your sleep, your arms wrapping tighter around him. Your body shifted so you were pressed into him more, and he smiled as he rested his cheek on your head.
“Mmm, what times’it?” You asked groggily, and he lifted his head to let you look up at him. Your eyes were tired and unfocused as you gazed at him.
“I think it’s bedtime,” he said softly, kissing your nose like you’d done to him earlier.
“M’not a child. Don’t have a bedtime,” you mumbled, snuggling back into him. He chuckled and moved one arm to hold under your knees and the other to wrap around your back. He stood, lifting you up and carrying you to your bedroom. He laid you down and went to grab Marvin from the couch before he crawled under the sheets with you. You instantly clung to him again, breathing deeply and letting yourself relax.
You wanted to savor these moments, because you'd both almost lost each other within two standard weeks. The war was dangerous, you’d known that from the beginning. But now you had so much more at stake. You had a family with your troopers, a family back on Dohbar, and a promise to have a family with Echo.
What would Codo do if he lost you? What would Kwol and Ahni do? Your troopers? Sans, Hex, and Steele? And Echo? The sudden thought made you cling to him tighter, and he held you back, sensing your distress.
“It’s okay, darling. I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere. I swear to the Maker, I’ll always find my way back to you.”
“I know, Echo. I believe you, and I trust you. I love you.”
“I love you too, darling.”
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auxxrat · 1 year
Wicked Game
Link to fic
Preview of 1st chapter
Tags - cheating, politics (somewhat), jango/shaak, alt universe, human au, canon divergence
shaak is afro indigenous 🤝 Walon is an ass, Jango is severely mentally unstable, Wolffe is just a boy and Appo is the best son
Shaak Ti sank down into the warm water of the tub when all of her handmaidens finally scurried off, leaving her to soak up the rare silence. The water was hot enough to make the normal person cringe, the maids had insisted on having cooler water—didn’t they know Togruta’s like the heat?
In the midst of the peaceful silence the door to Shaak’s chambers slowly creaked open, clicking shut softly as a smirk tugged at the corner of her lips.
Walon Vau, a member of Cuy’val Dar, took soft steps towards the woman in the tub, creeping behind her and softly gliding the palm of his hand against her cheek. Shaak melted into the touch, kissing his calloused hand. Walon was an older man, his dark hair was peppered with grey and his once bright eyes held wrinkles around them. He was famous for his sleek black armor and his fighting ability, hence the reason Jango put him on Cuy’val Dar.
They were basically the royal families top everything, security, military, and warriors. They were meant to mostly be a secret, for a while they were, until Jango saw their true potential and started to have them train the next generation of warriors. By Shaak they were assigned to watch the royal princes, the only heirs.
“He’s looking for you.” Walon whispered lowly, sliding his hand down under Shaak’s jaw, forcing her head backwards to look up at him.
“Then I should go to him…” She shivered despite the steaming water, knees going up as her hands gripped the sides of the tub so hard her knuckles turned white.
“You always go at his every call, yet I have to sneak around just to look at you” His fingers rubbed at the soft skin around Shaak’s throat, his voice flat but the eyes told a difference story. He was jealous.
“He’s my husband..” Shaak said just above a whisper, eyebrows furrowed
“He kidnapped you”
“He’s sick… he was worse before, if the knowledge of me beging close is enough to make him feel better-“
“You defend him? ” Walon’s voice went angry, top lip curled in a snarl as he looked down at Shaak with a mixture of confusion and disgust
“He’s your Mand’alor…” The thought of treason was frightening to Shaak, the thought of being associated with someone who was even thinking of it scared her. What if Jango were to find out? And somehow figured out that she was close to them? And in such a way? The thought was disturbing. Shaak knew he would never hurt her, but he wasn’t beyond imprisonment.
“And you are my Queen…” There was a slight hesitation in his voice, like he didn’t quite know what to say next, “That doesn’t mean I must agree with everything he does”
Shaak let her head fall back against Walon’s leg, sighing as her heavy eyelids shut. They stung.
“Leave, I have to summon my handmaidens.” She pressed a soft kiss to the man’s black armor when she turned on her knees to get up, “I’ll see you later…”
When the Mandalorian hastily left the handmaidens quickly followed, hustling inside the door as Shaak sat on her knees in thought. Her eyes watched the ripples in the water, ears going completely deaf on what was going on around her.
“Miss? Do you need help getting out?” One of the younger girls tried to pull Shaak out of her trance, not daring to touch the woman without consent. When she didn’t answer another tried pitching in to help
“My lady are you alright?”
In a blink of an eye Shaak shoved her head under the water, causing her ladies to yelp in distress and try to pull her back up. When they did they were greeted with her usual kind smile and hectic laughter, they all locked eyes in confusion, the room now being filled with loud giggles
“My lady… do you need us to call a doctor?”
“No, no Porcia, just help me get ready” Shaak shook her head, hands already folding her white hair into a tight braid.
The hallways of the castle were cold, empty besides the occasional group of diplomats and politicians walking through. They gave low bows when walking past Shaak, staying quiet as she paid little to no attention to them and continued her way down to the chambers of the Mand’alor.
They were on total opposite sides of their shared home.
When she arrived at the door one of them was already cracked open, just enough for the warm light and the sound of soft voices to spill out. Shaak stood behind the doors quietly, listening closely before she barged in. After deeming it a right time to walk in she opened one of the doors slowly, stepping in quietly so she wasn’t noticed right away. The sight before her was one she saw often, but it made guilt run through her stomach like a madman, if Shaak didn’t know any better she’d think she was about to vomit.
Jango was seated comfortably on one of his blue velvet couches, a paper in one hand and the other wrapped around a squirming five year old. The rest of his sons sat around him on the floor and on the couch across, playing with whatever toys they could get their hands on, they played quietly as if they knew their father was trying to focus. Shaak moved closer, sneaking behind the couch to look over her husband’s shoulder and onto the paper. She didn’t even get to begin reading before Jango sensed her presence, standing up quickly, almost like he was excited.
“ Ti ” He said breathlessly, hoisting their son from his lap to his hip, both now looking at her with excitement, “I was going to watch them today but.. something came up, it needs my attention”
Shaak watched as the other boys' heads snapped up at the mention of their mothers name, dropping their toys like they were on fire and running to the woman. She easily lifted the second youngest, Fox, into her arms and let him cling. The poor baby was still having a hard time with separation anxiety.
“It’s fine… just-“ Shaak spoke as Jango moved around the room, grabbing and moving different papers that sat neatly on his desk, “Just tell me what it’s about?”
If she could help bear at least half the burden of ruling, she would, but Jango was never one to share.
“It’s the Emperor. He’s building a new military base and wants Mandalore to help fund it, or at least give up a fraction of our military to give over” He tried explaining, whenever it came to the Empire Jango tried not to share as much information as he could. Not out of fear but concern, the concern that Shaak would feel any type of hurt hearing about the Empire that destroyed her previous life.
“And your response?” As far as she knows, Jango hasn’t done anything to directly help the Empire. Instead he claimed Mandalore’s neutrality as much as he could and that could either be a blessing or a curse. So far it was a blessing, but Palpatine would never take the chance on raising war against Mandalore.
Palpatine would never rage war against a military that had more power than he could ever dream of. That much has kept them safe, but the Empire was pushy and broke people, Jango could only hold out on them so long.
“That’s exactly where I’m going, I’m telling them we’ll have no part in it. Hopefully it goes over well.” Once he was finished collecting his papers he placed them by the small side table that stood next to the door, placing the small child he kept on his hip down, letting him run over to the rest of his brothers, “If it doesn’t, hopefully we can compromise”
“Hopefully? And if he doesn’t want to take your answer? What if it’s not even the Emperor himself?” Shaak’s hold on Fox tightened as worry built in her gut, “What if he sends Vader ?”
That last part came out in more of a trembling whisper, but Jango still caught it. Even he knew the possibility and danger of that type of situation, Darth Vader wasn’t someone to sit down and strike a deal. Shaak had fought him the night of his arrival, she knew first hand the type of power he wielded, even the mere thought of Jango stuck in a room with him was heart wrenching.
“Anakin is of no concern.” Was all the Mand’alor said before walking out the door, leaving Shaak full of worry.
Throughout the whole day she sat worrying, though her attention needed to be on taking care of her children, the other half of her brain telling her that something bad was going down just wouldn’t shut up. To try and calm her anxiety down Shaak stayed in the comfort of Jango’s chambers, laying comfortably on the dark velvet chaise that was placed near the window. From there she watched carefully as the boys played, fingers playing with the velvet as she let the anxiety eat her up.
Apparently her sons could sense the anxiety. Wolffe, who rarely ever said anything and looked at people like he knew every secret, had quietly crawled up next to the lounge and placed his tiny face on the empty space
“Mama…” He whispered softly, looking up at Shaak Ti like she held the world, “Are you okay?”
The sudden words took her off guard, Wolffe truly didn’t speak most of the time, when he did it was only because he deemed it important enough to speak about. This, to him at least, was important enough.
Shaak nodded her head, those few tears she did hold in slipped out and were quickly wiped away by her palm, “Yes, I’m okay baby, just worried about your Buir”
Wolffe seemed to quickly understand, crawling up onto the couch and curling into Shaak’s side. His way of showing he cared had always been different, Shaak knew from the moment she held him that this boy wasn’t exactly like his brothers. He felt emotions differently, understood them in a way no one else did.
More tears threatened to spill but she quickly forced them back, these children didn’t deserve to bare witness to something like this. They’ve already been through too much, they’ve already had to shoulder things they shouldn’t, the last thing they need to worry about is loosing their mother a second time.
“I love you, my sweet son” She whispered softly, hand flattening out Wolffe’s dark curls so she could rest her chin.
Still, the anxiety sat in the back of her throat like a bad taste and threatened to make her gag. She just wanted this meeting over.
“Buir!” The eldest, Appo, yelled in delight as his father walked back into the doors after what seemed like hours. It sounded the alarm for his brothers, all scrambling to their feet to meet Jango at the door.
It had brought Shaak out from her light sleep, causing her to shoot up from the chaise and sit up fully, heart racing. When she saw it wasn’t anything bad her heart settled, but her mind raced with questions- questions she wasn’t sure Jango was ready to answer right away or not.
With soft steps she moved past her husband, sitting down on her heels as she hugged each son goodbye. When she got to Jango the man looked at her with sad eyes, like she just kicked him.
“You’re leaving now?” His voice came broken, eyes giving her a pleading look.
That look alone almost made her stay, almost.
“I have things to attend to.” Was the only answer Shaak could come up with, leaving the chambers hastily.
“Buir… come…” Appo pulled Jango’s hand gently, urging him to come play. He was only 8 but already knew the signs of his father breaking down, he was still a child and already knew how to stop an adult’s episode. Appo shouldn’t have to take care of his own father, but he has been since their mother left; Now it was just a habit.
Nonetheless Jango complied, mindlessly following his son to whatever he wanted to do.
(continue reading on ao3 if you’d like! re work is being done because it’s a slightly old fic that I didn’t expect to actually wanna do more with. My fics are just for the sake of my entertainment, i only post them sometimes when people tell me to. This one in particular is inspired by many different medias just for the funzies)
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As much as I hated how rushed the ending was, Din is the embodiment of unselfish love. He loved Grogu enough to respect his choices and let him go. Catch me curled up in my sad corner crying over my bloody feelings for a tin can man and his green wrinkled baby. (And since you're the authority on Jedi stuff, is there anything in the code that lets Force users unite with their families after they finish their trainings? Asking for a friend. (It's me, I am the friend)).
I KNOOOOOOOOW TT^TT It was so sad but so beautiful qsddsqsdsqsdfdsq *curls up next to you so we can cry a together* 
 Ah ah, I'd never call myself that, but I am constantly flailing over those beautiful nerdy space wizards that go woosh woosh zoom zoom. So! Actually, we have no idea what the Code is, really - in the movies and TV shows, I mean. The EU is another matter but I explained here why I only go from Lucas’ canon. 
So anyway, we don’t really know what the Code is. It seems like it’s more ethical guidelines + practical community rules than a hard “Thou Shall Not Do X” type of thing.
What we do know is that the Jedi Order in the PT era didn’t see familial connections as taboo at all. Lucas did say that Anakin being raised by his mother was a hindrance for his path as a Jedi, but it’s about the exclusivity of the relationship (quotes). Raising kids in a community is important because as Knights they must be completely connected with one another (as Shaak Ti says: “I am a Jedi, where the individual and the group are one”) and at the same time they must have been taught to let go from very early on so that they’re less susceptible to fall into the trap of attachment (= aka possessiveness from Lucas’ definition). 
But we don’t have any indication that once the formative years are over Jedi aren’t allowed to seek out their birth families. Once you’ve learned how to manage your relationships so you love but know how not to lose yourself to fear and anger, what’s the difference between hanging out with your old family and your current Jedi siblings? A relationship is a relationship, and Jedi aren’t against those. 
In fact, there is evidence that even kids are very much allowed to have a connection to their birth culture, and since adult Jedi are allowed to have sex and be friends with whoever they want (see Obi-Wan casually hugging Dex the giant Besalisk ex-smuggler), I don’t see why they would be forbidden to hang out with their blood relatives/adoptive parents in the case of Din and Grogu.
I mean, in the movies + TCW Dooku inherited his birth world Serenno and became Count after leaving the Order, so clearly it’s not like connection to one’s family was completely cut off. (Dooku: Jedi Lost kinda said the opposite but as I said, the EU - Legends or Disney - ain’t my canon.)
This post on Jedi and blood families I already linked is much more comprehensive but basically: Obi-Wan and Yoda approve of Luke’s bond with Leia even if she’s not a Jedi, there are multiple canon instances of Jedi having blood relatives within the Order, Ahsoka calls the Togruta “my people,” and is very much permitted to spend time with them, etc. 
So yup. Absolutely nothing that says Jedi can’t see their families again once they’ve learned discipline, focus, and letting go. So there’s no reason Grogu and Din couldn’t be reunited <3 
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stonefreeak · 4 years
I am so sorry this has taken me so long. I can’t believe i missed updating in February entirely! Work is busy, and I have moved and am trying to get everything in my apartment put together and it’s just A Lot right now. But I will work hard to not forget to update again!
Shaak Ti walks through the halls of Kamino, projecting the sort of calm she knows she's become known for over the years. In times of upheaval, anxiety, and unrest, being a source of calm and peace is helpful not just for yourself but also to the people around you. She's long since learned to keep a tight leash on her emotional responses.
It's not that she doesn't feel, to suggest such a thing would be ridiculous—she's hardly had the emotional centres of her brain damaged or removed after all—she's merely cautious with how she lets herself express it. If she becomes agitated, if she lashes out, she risks bleeding her own agitation into the Force and affecting other people and beings around her, stoking their agitation. Not to mention that she risks entering a feedback loop with the Force, where she projects her emotions into it, and it sends those emotions back to her causing a spiral into ever deepening loss of emotional control.
As a Force Sensitive being, allowing your emotions to get the better of you means you risk losing control of yourself entirely. Usually that means that people get hurt, and Shaak Ti has no interest in people coming to harm.
She locks her emotions down, catalogues them, acknowledges them, and leaves them for meditation later when she's alone and has the time to properly dissect what she's feeling and why she's feeling it.
A side effect of this is that she has an amazing poker face—none of her fellow council members will play Correllian poker with her anymore—and as she tries to investigate the supposed chips inside the troopers' brains, it more than serves her well.
The people of Kamino have very limited emotional reflection in the Force, it seems to be an inherent trait of their species. That they're also so foreign to her that she still cannot accurately gauge their emotions from their facial expressions—limited as they are—means that she's always in a precarious situation when she speaks with them on sensitive matters. Being able to tell if they're deliberately hiding something from her or if they simply don't know is more than a little bit difficult.
But if Master Kenobi is correct, then they are deliberately hiding something from them all. Something that Former Chancellor Palpatine likely knows about, was told about, but which they haven't shared with Master Kenobi despite him being the new Chancellor.
She doesn't like the sound of that, the idea that they wouldn't speak about it with any Supreme Chancellor, but rather only Palpatine. It gives her a bad feeling, and she wonders if, perhaps, the Former Chancellor is corrupt in a way they have yet to discover? She's been told by the rest of the Council that he's been found guilty of some milder charges—as far as any corruption charges are mild—but perhaps there's more to the whole thing. Perhaps there are things that the investigation couldn't find, because all evidence of it existed only in Kamino's data systems, far beyond the reach of the investigative team.
When Master Kenobi had first brought it up, she had agreed despite her own scepticism—she is not one for dismissing possible dangers off-hand, after all. With how things have developed... Well, she's starting to believe that he was on to something, even though her own research so far has not yielded much results.
Of course she realises that if the Kaminoans wish to hide these chips from them, her access codes would not give her access to anything that is related to the chips. But she had to look into it through official and open—to her—channels first. There is no good reason to treat people as untrustworthy criminals when you have not even the smallest bit of proof that they are that. She had originally planned to simply ask the Kaminoans about the chips, but once she was about to, a sudden feeling of unease swept over her, and she held her tongue.
But her general research has failed, and now she's facing a very difficult choice: either she asks the Kaminoans directly regarding the chips thus tipping them off to the fact that she knows about their existence in the first place, thus risking them looking more closely at her actions following said discussion, or she tries to conduct covert and far from legal entrance into their systems before she so much as ask them about it.
She pauses and realises that she's made an error in judgement. While it's true that the Kaminoans would keep a closer eye on her if she were to bring any of her concerns up to them... They are unlikely to believe she would trust any trooper.
Of course, if the chips exist at all, then the problem comes in the form of what the chips do. She has never sensed any sort of duplicity or danger from any of the clones she's ever trained or interacted with. They are good and loyal men, men who deserve more life than what the Republic is willing to give them due to their status as clones, so she does not fear trusting them.
The question is... Who should she ask?
There is sure to be capable and subtle troopers among those stationed here. All her men are capable of course, though not all of them are subtle.
She needs to find a trooper who can be trusted to work covertly, but also without being detected. They also need to be without pride, because if they get caught, they need to allow her to run interference in any way she can, and trust her to be doing so for their sake.
Perhaps she should lay a false trail, express worry about information leaks, and ask the Kaminoans regarding their security. Vaguely, not pressing for any details of course. However, just as with doing any clandestine breaking and entering the secure data centres of Kamino herself, she is too noticeable a figure. She cannot blend in or hide herself away, and if she asks too many questions, she risks making them suspicious.
If the Kaminoans are hiding something from the Jedi and the Chancellor—possible because the new chancellor is a Jedi—then she cannot tip them off to the fact that they are suspicious. That they are trying to investigate.
She would like to walk into this potential fire first, ahead of her men, as the Jedi do... But in this particular instance, she is quite certain that her presence at the metaphorical front would do more harm than good. She will need to send a trooper in her stead, and put her hope in their skills and strength.
She'll look into it, there are sure to be some who stand out as appropriate choices. Some who will be willing to help her with her covert mission. The clones have no love for the Kaminoans, as far as she knows, even though they seem to consider Kamino their home world. As far as she's been able to ascertain, their loyalty is with the Jedi and the Republic—even though the Republic has never given them anything, and the Jedi has never been able to give them anything except a clear command structure and the occasional meditation help and teachings about the Force.
Perhaps once this war is over, the clone troopers who still live can finally be given personhood and a place to live and stay. Perhaps when they're all finally free from this terrible war, her men can be allowed to flourish in any which way they want.
Not just on the battlefield.
For now she'll speak with the Council again. She cannot tell them openly, just in case the Kaminoans keep some sort of watch on their communication channels, set up to trigger on specific keywords. If they do, then they may already know that she is looking, so all the more important to not let them know any of what she's planning. But while she cannot speak plainly, she can speak in the kind of code that will have the Council send out a fleet to Kamino under some sort of pretence, and through that, she can send back a coded flimsi message containing any and all information she's found until then. Whichever trooper she finds for this mission will have to go with the fleet, and perhaps that will be the safest way for them all.
The Council will be able to request the trooper's aid far away from Kamino and the Kaminoans, and without any risk of them overhearing it. The Temple, at least, is safe enough that jammers alone will keep the information safe.
If she were to use any here, it would most likely make anyone looking to overhear her conversations suspicious.
The last thing they want is anyone trying to hide away the evidence.
They cannot afford any mistakes. It's too dangerous for that.
She lowers herself to her knees and places her hands gently in her lap, focusing on her breathing as she wraps the Force around her.
She will meditate on her next step before she makes any move at all. It wouldn't do to move too quickly and make a mistake.
(Supreme Chancellor Obi-Wan Kenobi masterpost)
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kiwikipedia · 3 years
A few soft jedi headcanon of mine about the jedi temple guard
The temple guard regularly schedule group activities such as mass cuddle piles, tea parties, sneaking out to the lower levels to hit an arcade en mass with some of the corrie guard
Most temple guards have bracelets hidden under their cloak that remind them of their masters and or friends. Ie if a guard was friends with obi growing up they would probably have beige and ginger interwoven around one of their arms.
Temple guards who deal with civilians the most have a bunch of inside jokes and a dialect of so muck slang from different alien languages they are completely incomprehensible to others.
Expanding more on that last one, most of the temple guard is used to blending into the back of the temple so when people recognize them in uniform it's a complicated mix of "wow!!! They love me!?!?!" And "ahw fuck :( I thought I blended in better" clones are the worst perpetrators of recognizing each guard individually.
Members of the guard who watch the creches often have favorite kids to escort when they are younger. As they get older the temple guards make it a thing to walk them sometimes.
The guards are the most often victim of tripping over fallen robes, sleeping generals (obi Wan naps everywhere and ahsoka finds the weirdest places possible that only the guard go to), clones who snuck in to see their generals (Wolfpack and bly being the galaxys worst, padme despite being a clone also sneaks in just as regularly), animals younglings and full grown jedi have either snuck in on purpose or accident (Quinlan vos, Caleb dune, cal kestis and Barriss offee are the worst ones who do it on purpose (who get caught) Yoda and obi Wan do it on accident (the guard infront of the gardens is convinced Yoda does it on purpose) )
The temple guard has friends just about everywhere, in both military and civillian worlds. The corrie guard is the closest since they work just about tripping over one another.
Cin drallig desperately pretends he didn't adopt literally every single one of the guards. He also pretends he doesn't see the sweaters Yoda knit for them poke out from under the layers on cold days. Which is hard because they are ugly as all fuck. Yoda defense is always "hard to find good yarn it is, a war we are in. Hard times we have fallen into, my best I am doing"
About a group of 5 guards looked at commander fox and went "man he looks sad" and basically they kidnap him 3 times a week to join in on tea, cuddles and bitch n stitches. Fox has about 4 different guard robes because they keep covering him in them.
Some general jedi headcanons:
The jedi who watch the creche are in charge of introducing creche cuddle piles, zabrak, cathar and iridonian jedi are in charge of that for their calming aura and the zabrak and cathars species ability to purr.
Every jedi has 2 or more robes rhag didn't belong to them in their closet. It's a thing for jedi to cover others with their robes. Kit fisto has 15 currently because he keeps falling asleep with his shirt off.
Shaak ti is a really big fan of Dexter's, she goes with plo koon and obi Wan when she's on planet.
Ahsoka has little socks for her lekku, the temple has night's set aside for those with lekku to make socks together as a communal thing, shaak ti often comes in on holocall and stitches socks for the younger clones with the rest of the older clones and commander colt.
You, my anonymous friend, know right where to get me. Cin Drallig is Gaurd Dad and no one can change my mind. I love the Guard so much. Thank you for your headcanons I'm crying
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val-aquenta · 3 years
Mace Windu Appreciation Day One. 
Prompt: Serenity/Acting
Here on ao3
 Mace Windu sat on his seat in the council, hands steepled in front of him. He let out a long breath. The problem of Ryloth was complex and with multiple faces. The Senate was pushing for one side, and while he in part agreed, he could see and understand the other side. He shook his head. He had already spent long on this issue even though the Senate’s push had solidified what the Order would do. They disagreed, but if they made it known, the Senate would be quick to order them. As he walked from the seat into the centre and then to the door, he shed the mantle of authority that came with his seat. He was still the Master of the Order, but away from the seat of decision making there, he felt more free, closer to his family. As he exited the room, Mace took a deep breath of relief. The room was somewhat stifling after so long. “Padawan Aleya, you’re free to go if you wish.” The twi'lek smiled widely. “Apologies for keeping you so late. I should have signalled.” 
“No worries, Master Mace. You aren’t that late.” Aleya assured, bustling at the desk and picking up a stack of datapads. Mace lifted a bemused eyebrow. “I had some work to do.” He mutters, blushing a bright green in embarrassment. Suddenly, he perked up, clearly remembering something. “Oh… Knight Depa had a message, Master. There’s an opening in the play they’re doing soon if you want to join. Not sure about the play, though. She just said you should meet her at the theatre.” Aleya stumbled slightly to the side, the datapads tilting precariously. Mace moved forwards, drawing the Force around the Twi’Lek to keep him from falling. 
“Well, I look forwards to the play. Perhaps you’ll even see me on stage, hmm?” Mace grinned, bemused at the bright green flush again. Aleya had only recently been assigned to the Council desk as Shaak Ti’s padawan. He still had, despite his older age, that youthful hero-worship of some members of the Council. Shaak herself, though, was an exception. “And yourself? It’s nearing exams, isn’t it?”
Aleya cringed, his face twisting into a displeased frown. “Yeah. I’m busy, but still managing. The exams come up soon.” He frowned, fiddling with his stack of datapads. “I still don’t get the Ryloth War in 406. Elya seems to be the cause of the revolt, but then the Rila commune also could be part of it, and the-” He stopped suddenly. “Sorry, Master. I was babbling.”
“No worries, Padawan. I’m afraid I’m not too well-versed in Ryloth’s history. I had not studied it. Cyslin, my Master, she studied Ryloth, though it was a while back before I became her Padawan.” Mace explained, a contrite look on his face. 
“Oh! That would be helpful. I’ll talk to her.” They reached the end of the hall. Aleya tried to manage a wave around the datapads. He was… somewhat successful. “Well, see you tomorrow, Master!” And with that, he walked down the left corridor. 
Mace raised a hand in an aborted way. “Good luck with your studies!” He called back, receiving a smile his way. Alright, now for the theatre. It would be fun to act again. Even for just a moment.
Depa was outside the arts centre, waiting for him. She smiled widely as he neared, looking up from a holo and placing the datapad in her robe pocket. “Master! You got my message.” She had changed her hairstyle from a braided crown into four looped braids. 
“Of course. Padawan Aleya is nothing if not diligent.” Mace commented, close enough to feel the gentle warmth of his former student. She shuffled a bit closer, her youthful features lighting up in happiness. 
“Indeed.” She paused for a while, simply soaking in the familiar presence of Mace before speaking once more. “Well, the younglings were putting together a show, and they need a Master and a Knight.” She pointed to Mace and then to herself. “I already volunteered you.” 
Mace sighed, of course. “Depa, you know I am quite busy now-” He started only to be interrupted by Depa. 
“I already checked your schedule, Master.” She grinned unashamedly. Mace had idly wondered if knighting Depa would lessen the amount she pestered him. It appeared not. “I’ve cleared it for practice and rehearsal. As Master of the Order, shouldn’t you be spending some time with the younglings?” She raised an eyebrow slyly.
Mace snorted, “That’s Master Yoda’s job.” Still, he followed Depa into the theatre centre, hands folded into his sleeves. If she had, in fact, cleared his schedule, it would be silly for him to miss this. Depa shot him a smug smile, unfazed by the dry look she received in response.
“Master Windu, Knight Depa!” The crechemaster, a tall mirialan surrounded by a small gaggle of younglings. “Thank you for coming.” Mace bowed, Depa copying him, her hair bobbing playfully. She shot a smile at one of the younglings, a young nautolan who smiles hesitantly in return. Mace takes a glance over the group. There are nine children of various ages, spanning until probably 12. He can’t truly tell. “We’re acting out the tale of the caves for the day of discovery.”
“Ah, a lovely choice,” Mace assured, trying not to feel too sad when some of the children seemed to startle. It appeared he had been missing creche supervision because of all the paperwork from the council seat he had gotten right after knighting Depa. “I’m quite familiar with it. I’m sure you are too, Depa?”
Depa nodded, a hand reaching out to move her braid out of the way. “Yes, we acted it a few times when I was younger. You played the knight if I recall?”
“Indeed.” It had been where he first met Depa. A fond memory he kept close to his heart. “So, when will we begin?” He asked the crechemaster, Tirna if he recalled correctly. 
Tirna was about to speak before a flimsi was pushed into her hands. She looked down to peer at it for a moment. “It’s lovely.” She murmured with a soft smile to the small twi’lek, returning the drawing and receiving a bright smile in return. “We were waiting for you two, so I suppose we can go in. 
The younglings were corralled in, excitedly whispering to each other. The theatre was a familiar place. When he was younger, he had spent most of his time here being taught the art of acting on stage. He’d even dabbled in music on stage, though he preferred to simply speak and not sing on stage. Both Cyslin and himself were surprised when he had gotten an offer from the theatre to become an instructor here. Sadly, his path to knighthood had gotten in the way and Instructor Rhuy had been disappointed, but not exactly surprised by Mace turning down the offer. Sadly, the chiss had passed to the Force a few years ago in his few missions offworld. He had not become familiar with the new instructor, too busy with Depa’s final years of apprenticeship. Mace looked at the brown and gray walls, breathing in the familiar scent and soaking in the warmth of the place. It was a place for entertainment. While, yes, people were driven to tears with some performances, the imprint left in the place was one of happiness and joy. 
Depa, at his side, watched him with a sideways glance. She had not seen him act much in recent years. In the middle of their years, when they were on rotation at the Temple for Depa’s studies, Mace would find himself often in the theatre, but a lot of those memories were hazy, just long enough ago that Depa could only recall them with a blurriness on the edges. A striking image of Mace in full attire of older Jedi, the ornamental robes and rather fancy modified training hilts came to mind. He turned in an elaborate fighting dance with another Jedi, a crechemate in the story. Another image, this time of Mace in more modern Jedi robes, a Nautolan next to him as he acted out a confession scene. She recalled the way she had cringed away from the stage. By the Force, it was her Master up there with that knight. Cyslin’s soft chuckle and a warm hand on her head finished the memory, the faint murmur of Mace’s voice in the background. 
He belonged in the theatre, she concluded, watching his eyes light up as they saw the familiar sight around him. Just as he belonged in the Council chambers, or in some blaster fight on some war-torn planet, or at some negotiation table, impassively looking between the two sides. Mace was many things, and that included being an actor. He looked at home here amongst the rows of seats, the stage as a backdrop, but he also belonged elsewhere. His eyes caught hers. Depa lifted her brow in question. Mace shook his head and followed Tirna up the stairs to the backstage and rehearsing room. Depa took one more look at the theatre, lit up with a warm yellow light, before following the group. 
The rehearsing room was, essentially, a large room, somewhat soundproof and almost large enough to duel. There were mirrors in one corner. The kids stood with Tirna in the corner where she handed out papers. The play was short, most of it being a question and response play. It was a kid's play after all. Depa and he stood in the corner, Mace trying to relax his back. Sitting in the Council chair for so long is a painful experience. He would rather not be there sometimes. Depa eyes him sympathetically, her hand reaching out to rest on his shoulders. They both turn to Tirna, in a strange synchronisation that is a result of their partnership. The mirialan blinks before offering the script. Mace accepts it, though he thinks he can recall all the words. “Thank you.” He says softly, flicking through it. The flimsi flutters under his fingers. He looks up to catch the woman smiling at Depa as she hands the flimsi. It occurs to Mace that he never asked why Tirna had asked Depa for her help first. It appears Mace muses with a bemused smile, that Depa is hiding something from me. And that she is doing a rather poor job. He turns back to the script
Tirna floats through the class as they read through it dramatically. The exaggerated expressions and voices of a few directly contrast the other side who read with a bored monotonous voice. It is endearing and familiar. Depa shuffles where she’s seated, rearranging her clothes, a nervous tell Mace has noted for a while. Mace shuffles a bit closer to her, hand going out to rest on her free one. Depa settles, easily leaning into the familiar warmth. They continue reading this way. The nautolan boy near them shoots him a look before returning to his rather exaggerated fearful voice. “But, Master, it’s too cold. I’ll freeze here.”
“Worry not, I feel a heat coming forth.” He tries to be comforting. “Knight Lea, you feel it too?” He asks Depa.
“Indeed, Master.” She responds, easily falling into a lightheartedness as a part of her character. “Younglings… see the light, it comes through the chamber and… through the ice.” The children act as though they are surprised, and relieved. 
“It will save us from the caves. The ice, it’s going down.” A young mirialan says, veil pushed quickly to the side from where it falls on his face. “Melting.” He’s rather good at it, Mace muses. The mirialan boy looks awed. And so, the play ends. Mace finds himself clapping happily much to the embarrassment of the younglings who end up blushing and sharing glances. Depa hands out compliments easily, the children used to her mannerisms indicating she’s been here often. 
The mirialan, Lameo, comes up to him. “Knight Depa says that you were once part of the theatre, but you chose to become a council member instead.” Mace blinks from where he sits, looking slightly upwards at the boy. 
“Indeed, I did.” He confirms, his head tilting slightly to the left. 
Lameo seems to perk up, sitting down in front of Mace. “What was it like, the theatre I mean, not being a Master? I want to join the theatre club, Master Windu, and I was wondering if I should or if I shouldn’t.” 
Mace hums thoughtfully, hands unconsciously steepling in front of him, “If you desire it, and you feel that it is your path, join it. I must say, you have a knack for it as well.” He grins a bit, happy when the young mirialan smiles back. “The theatre would benefit greatly if you joined.” 
“You think so?” 
“I would not lie, young one,” Mace says.
Lameo breathes in deep, furrowing his brow for a moment before he stands and bows thankfully, “I’ll think about it.”  
The performance happens two weeks later. Mace wears slightly more traditional robes, extra ornaments and embellishments on the cream robes. The children, all decked out in their own gear, like all children do, love the elaborately designed hilts, not made for comfort in dueling, but made to look flashy and beautiful. He turns to welcome Depa and is taken aback for a moment. Her robes are designed differently from what she usually wears. The sleeves are more poofed, less easy to fight in, the pants billow before coming to a close at the boots, and there is a pattern on the fabric itself, intricate little swirls that seem to fit. He recalls a younger Depa in cream coloured tunics before she became a Padawan. It appears, he muses, that she has grown up. Her hair has been intricately plaited on top of her head, in a style that Mace would say tops even the most intricate Naboo hairstyles. When he looks at her, he feels happy, yet also sad, yearning for the time when she would only reach his elbow.
“Master?” Depa asks as she sides up beside him after praising enough of the initiates for their costumes. “Are you alright? You seem… off. Are you nervous?” She seems genuinely concerned. 
“No worries, Depa. Just… thinking.” She shoots him a confused look, obviously not exactly understanding at all. Like he’s done before, he starts explaining. “You’ve grown up. It is… novel sometimes.”
Depa snorts, reaching out to smooth non-existent wrinkles on his robes. “You knighted me a year ago.” She murmurs. “I was far from my Padawan years then.”
“I suppose it is only hitting now,” Mace admits, shifting the tunic a bit from where it sits skewed to the left. It was a tradition to make sure they were both dressed properly before leaving the apartments. It has carried on to this day. “In many ways, I can still see the little you.” Depa laughs lightly, a small chuckle really. Her eyes sparkle like they always do when she finds something humorous. 
“Oh dear, I must have a long way to go then, before I am fully grown in your eyes, my Master.” Her affectionate tone accompanies her hands squeezing his. “Well, are you ready?”
“Of course,” Mace says. Depa smiles and joins Tirna in corralling the kids onto the stage. Mace takes a moment to breathe before following her on the stage.
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siennahrobek · 3 years
He hadn’t realized it, but Alpha-17 had been waiting for this moment. This time. Whatever.
His loyalty had always been to the Republic, rather strictly, thanks to his training and upbringing, even though it never seemed like the government had cared about him or anyone else. It was something he was used to. The trainers didn’t care about anything but what they were being paid. The Kaminoans didn’t care about anything aside from progress in their work and perfection from the clones. Before, it hadn’t mattered. He did his job; that was his purpose, his whole reason for being. There was nothing else.
And then the war started. The Jedi came.
And then, despite the death and fighting and everything else, the jedi cared.
General Shaak Ti and General Kenobi had been adamant to save the clones still in tubes during the first invasion of Kamino, despite the fact that it would have been more efficient and easier just to destroy them.
They had been steadfast in saving lives.
Time had gone on and the jedi fought alongside them. Died alongside them. They encouraged speech and individuality and names.
Alpha-17 didn’t exactly know when his outlook had shifted but it had and now, he had committed mutiny against his planet, against everyone, to save his brothers from being brainwashed completely, to have the one thing they had freedom of taken away. He had committed mutiny to help them, to help the jedi. The Jedi that the clones had been made for, the jedi that had accepted them so readily and the jedi whose fates were intertwined with their own.
It would be about three days until they would arrive and virtually every single clone was working nonstop. The city was near completely torn apart by the time the ships under Kenobi’s command came into their space and kept off to the side of the planet, far enough away that they could make an escape if a ship began to fire upon them.
Alpha-17 and Commander Colt messaged the ships, indicating their safe orbit around the planet. Several gunships come down to the planet side with an entire slew of jedi and clones. Commander Colt had found General Shaak Ti and sagged in relief but Alpha-17’s attention was behind her, where General Kenobi strode off the gunship with Commander Cody and Captain Rex by his side.
Storming up to them, Alpha-17 stopped in front of the trio, staring at General Kenobi up and down with such intensity, he nearly thought the Jedi would combust into flames.
“Uh…sir?” Captain Rex questioned.
“At least you’re wearing some armor again,” Alpha-17 told the general instead, rather gruffly. General Kenobi’s smile was a bit weak but no less genuine. “Where is that scamp of an apprentice of yours, he’s usually right behind you.”
“It is good to see you, as well, captain,” General Kenobi greeted. “Your blunt honesty has been sorely missed. I am sorry to say that…that Anakin’s allegiance lies with the Empire now.”
“The Empire that tried brainwashed my brothers and tried to kill all the jedi,” Alpha-17 replied, flatly. Wordlessly, General Kenobi nodded. Alpha decided not to say any more on the matter. “We have a war room set up. Your bridge said you need to try and contact any of the jedi out in the field.”
“Yes, we have warned many, but now we have to plan on what we are going to do as well as thoughts on where to rendezvous,” General Kenobi explained. “It is also a bit of a roll call, as we don’t…know who survived.
“Master Kenobi,” a new voice called out as a human man walked towards them. Alpha-17 looked over and watched him warily.
“Alpha-17, this is Battle Master Cin Drallig,” General Kenobi introduced to a long-haired Jedi. “I think you two will get along fairly well. Master Drallig, Captain Alpha-17.”
“Well met, Captain,” the battle master greeted. Alpha-17 imagined with a title like battle master, General Kenobi was probably, irritatingly, correct. He did sound like someone he would perhaps get along with. “I have a feeling we may be working together often.”
Alpha-17 took his hand with the shake. “Why would you say that sir?”
Battle master Drallig just smirked. “Just a feeling.”
The captain led them towards the inner workings of what was left of the city and towards the large room with a nearly just as big holo table. There were already several jedi and nearly just as many clone officers standing around the edges.
He watched as General Kenobi, flanked by General Ti and battle master Drallig, straightened himself, taking a deep breath before the giant holo table flickered to life, the visage of several jedi and sometimes their respective commanders with them popping up in blue form.
There was many of them.
He imagined it was a relief to the other jedi. Alpha-17 tried to take stock of all those who were standing around. There were a few that Alpha-17 recognized, including Wolffe’s general, General Koon and Bly’s as well, General Secura but for the most part, he knew very few of them. The former looked as calm and put together as always, even though his arm was bandaged up to his side. General Secura was leaning forward, her own holo call trembling as her eyes nearly blazed which looked still intimidating even with the slew of wrappings around one of her lekku.
“As many of you are aware,” General Kenobi started, coolly. “The Republic has fallen, an Empire has rose in its place with the dark lord of the Sith at its head. We have been deceived and in it, the Temple has been lost. Former chancellor – now emperor – Palpatine is the Sith Lord we have been searching for.”
There were gasps all around, horrified stares and even a bit of pained denials.
“Right under our nose,” General Secura snarled.
“It is…very good to know that many have you survived,” General Kenobi interrupted. “We have a lot more pressing matters to attend, however. One of my communications officers, Menace, will take down everyone’s names of here and I will want you to tell him your situation so we can keep track. If you are not with your soldiers and/or do not have access to a holo table and are listening via long distance commlink, Menace will be your voice and ears if necessary. Whatever you need,” he continued, gesturing to the clone that was sitting in the corner, surrounded by equipment. He looked up and waved, indicating his presence.
There were nods around the table.
“We are currently on the planet Kamino, picking up any supplies and the clones that wish to come with us,” General Kenobi started up again in explanation, keeping his back straight and his posture perfect that even Alpha could appreciate it. “We do not know how much time we have so we are quickly working to evacuate all the young ones, the clones and then any resources they want to take.”
“I know…. I know they were chipped and that is not their fault,” a general Alpha-17 didn’t recognize said warily, swallowing heavily. “And they have the right to choose… but can we trust them?”
There were very few bristles but mostly shifts in posture with glances away from the Jedi.
“I have worked much with Alpha-17 during the beginnings of the war,” General Kenobi replied, firmly. He could see General Shaak Ti and a few others straightening with a near looming presence. “I trust him. Although first loyalties were to the Republic and the Jedi second, since the Republic has been replaced with an Empire…”
General Secura snickered with a gleaming grin. “Loophole.”
“And with him is my Commander, Colt, who I do trust,” General Shaak Ti cut in, seriously. Although her expression was as collected as he had ever seen it, her tone was underlaid with something that would not be argued. Commander Colt smiled faintly, just slightly shy at the praise.
“It appears that you are doing well in facilitating our survival, General Kenobi,” General Tapal commended with a nod. The Lasat General shifted while his padawan, a young human child, glanced up at him and grinned, keeping himself so close to his master that he was nearly hanging onto him. General Kenobi acknowledge him and then glanced towards Healer Che to take over.
The twi’lek healer had been one that Alpha-17 knew, he had spent some time in the healers, ward and he had come to respect the master healer. She was no argument and never took any crap from anyone.
“The chips within the clones are not difficult to remove,” Healer Che started to explain, pulling up diagrams and scans, clicking and swiping through some of the holo table as she sent the visuals to the others across the galaxy. “If one has the right droid or scanner, it is a very simple surgery. The only problem is you need a level five minimum atomic scan to find it which I don’t think many ships have. If you have the requisite medical droid, I would just allow them to do it. It does not take long, and the recovery time is short,” she added, calmly. “If you have a scanner capable of the level of scan and excellent medics with steady hands, they can remove it fairly easily if you would like.”
“However,” Commander Colt cut in. “If you find yourself in a pinch and being surrounded by activated brothers, we do have a pulse that will nullify the effects of the chips for several hours,” he added, pulling up his own research to replace that of the healer. It showed schematics on a small generator. “Only use it once and only if necessary because we don’t know the effect of several pulses. It should give you enough time to escape. I will have General Kenobi’s officer send you the specs of its creation. All ships should be able to scramble up the parts fairly easy.”
“That is a start,” General Koon rumbled through his mask and vocoder, shifting his wounded arm. Alpha-17 could see Commander Wolffe barely concealing a snarl right next to him. “Is there any other way to avoid the chips being activated? Do we know how they are activated?”
“Currently, at least the Empire’s voice does that with specific orders,” Alpha-17 found himself stepping up to speak. “It started with Commander Cody after he got a call from the emperor. We suspect he probably contacted, or tried to contact, the Marshal Commanders and from there, the Commander’s orders would relay the activation.”
“Proximity also appears to be a large way of the activation being spread,” Commander Colt added.
“So, we limit communications as much as possible, especially with the clones until they can be de-chipped,” General Secura shrugged. “That seems mostly doable.”
“But where do we go from here?” an older jedi rumbled.
“Right now, we move away from the Empire. Start moving towards the outer rim, towards wild space,” Battle master Drallig started, his voice rather booming in the room they were in. “The Empire will start to scramble what forces and resources they have to come after us and our men. They know current locations so move, group together if you can. If you are near another jedi or fleet that has not been activated, join together.”
“I am working on which planet would be the best to retreat to,” an older woman with tightly bound white hair, stepped forward. Her voice was no nonsense and serious with no room for argument. “I have a team as well helping to figure out the best place to go. Because we need a planet that is inhabitable to accommodate as many as we can, outside of the Empire’s view and not within their memory.”
“You have not gotten there yet,” one of the field generals noted.
She shook her head. “Not quite. I am working as quickly as I can. We cannot be running around trying to find a planet. It will be some time for all of us to come together, but we will keep in touch.”
“Ration your food, take care of each other,” General Shaak Ti added. “And fuel, get it where and when you can. I imagine very soon the Empire will make getting resources very difficult, if not impossible, to gather. Gather what you can.”
“I imagine we will have quite the fleet,” General Billaba hummed. The padawan next to her barely suppressed a snicker.
“That leads me to my next point,” General Kenobi added, glancing between Commander Cody and Alpha-17.
Alpha narrowed his eyes, suspiciously as he waited for the general to continue.
“Like I told the jedi here, I have offered the clones a place with us,” he started slowly. “And like I said, I know I didn’t particularly have the authority to do so but…”
“Don’t worry about it,” Master Koon assured with a bit of a chuckle. “I do believe it would have been unanimous.”
“And well, Alpha-17 and Commander Colt had already committed mutiny with the intent of following us,” he added, glancing at Alpha-17 with a dry, vaguely amused look. There was something else there in his look that Alpha-17 wasn’t entirely sure on. “However, I have noted that if any freed clones do not wish to make this journey with us, we will let them go to wherever they would want, with our blessings.”
Alpha-17 was a little surprised by the nods around the room, although even he could tell there was some vague disappointed even through the calls.
“I will relay it to the others,” Commander Cody said, although Alpha-17 knew him. His tone had a tint of dryness. “Don’t expect any other answers, however.”
“Same here on Kamino,” Alpha-17 grunted.
He doubted anyone else could see it but something in General Kenobi’s shoulders shifted.
“Besides,” Commander Colt interjected. “We don’t really have any experience with cadets, we could use some help with the tubies,” he admitted.
“Tubies?” a general echoed.
“Babies,” General Shaak Ti amended with a smile.
“We are not abandoning the galaxy,” General Kenobi announced with a breath. “But we need a plan. We must rebuild, regain strength before we can do anything about the Empire. We will not abandon people, nor the rest of the clones.”
“But we do need a plan,” General Koon agreed, nodding.
“Which we will do,” battle master Drallig assured.
“We will find somewhere very ancient, old and obscure. Far from minds and memory,” the white-haired woman added. “A place of refuge where we can plan our next moves.”
“Does anyone have any questions?”
“I’m sure I can speak for everyone when I say numerous,” General Billaba noted with a curiously raised brow. “But I do imagine you will not have much time to gather from Kamino and get away before the Empire catches up.”
“Menace will gather a list of everyone,” General Kenobi started again. “Please keep in touch with him and his team with updates on your positions as you move so we can keep together. Everything we add will be coded. He has a few things to send to you as well.”
“We have survived thus far,” General Koon rumbled, the vocoder easy and low, nearly crackling through the call. “And if we work together, we will continue to survive this.”
“That seemed rather successful, Master Kenobi,” battle master Drallig noted with a sly smile as they walked out of the war room. The large holo call had lasted a little longer, with more questions, answers and suggestions. Commander Cody, Captain Rex and Alpha-17 walked behind, following the jedi easily. The others had filed out, the six of them were some of the last few, leaving only Menace and his team to gather a list and give out necessary information. “Many are alive,” he added, glancing over at the other generals.
“There is hope,” General Shaak Ti agreed, calmly. “And we must also keep in mind, there are very possibly still others who have lived but were unable to make contact. We should have Menace’s team to search for other commcodes to send messages, just in case.”
General Kenobi nodded. “That is a good idea, Master.”
“I will return to the ship and set it up,” she hummed.
“I have something you need to see,” Alpha-17 announced, shooting a glance at General Kenobi. His mouth had been moving before his brain caught up but at this point, he figured it would be a good moment to do it. He was met with a rather fond but confused look. “It won’t take long.”
“Alright,” General Kenobi replied with a small shrug. “Commander Cody, Captain Rex, would you mind going with Master Drallig and Master Shaak Ti back up to our ship for a final count on what field Jedi have responded and survived?”
Commander Cody gave the both of them a rather suspicious look but the few of them walked off towards the landing platform where their gunship would be waiting. Alpha-17 barely waited before he gestured for the general to follow, unwilling to impart answers as he walked through what was left of the city. They got towards his destination and opened the door.
Good, they were still waiting for their transportation to one of the cruisers.
“Hey guys,” Alpha-17 greeted a group of younglings, gruffly, his voice mumbling through, trying not to sound too fond of the inhabitants of the room. “I brought you someone you’ll want to see.”
The room was full of a small group of cadets, nearly a dozen of them. They were all the same, as the clones were, and the expressions on their faces were nearly exactly the same as well but their voices shifted into different types of gasps and light screeches.
One of them stepped forward towards General Kenobi, eyes shining as he stared up at him. General Kenobi just glanced down and then looked back up at Alpha-17, quite thoroughly confused. It was almost comical.
“Is that…” one of the children asked.
“Yes,” Alpha-17 affirmed.
“General Kenobi!” they cried in shock, nearly tripping over one another to get a closer look. General Kenobi just smiled warmly down at him, taking it in stride as he walked forth into the gaggle of children although he was completely bewildered and puzzled, and it showed.
“Hello there,” he greeted softly as he let the kids climb over him.
“Seven!” one of them shrieked, making the captain crinkle his nose in some irritation. General Kenobi just shot him a small laugh, shaking his head. He had no idea what was going on but if there was one thing the alpha clone knew, he loved children. The young clone glared at the captain with a firm pout, shaking his head vehemently. “You did not tell us we were going to meet our finder.”
“My apologies,” General Kenobi said, already holding a child in his arms and several others clinging to his legs as he turned towards the captain. “I’m your what now?”
Alpha-17 groaned lightly and shook his head, nearly bringing his hands up to cover his face, the cadet staring at him, intently. He let out a sigh of resignation and then a breath as he began to clarify. “General Shaak Ti, when she visits the cadets, she tells them about the Jedi. She tells them a lot of things,” he explained. “I don’t know how it happened or where it came from, but she told a class once about Jedi finders, their role in bringing children to the Temple and into the Order. She explained their importance and how many children had relationships with their finders growing up. When she was asked…she rather insinuated that our… the clone “finder” was, well, you,” he explained, a bit uncertainly. “It kind of snowballed from there and now nearly every young cadet class knows and well, thinks that way.”
General Kenobi stopped and stared at him for a long moment. Even Alpha-17 could determine his reaction.
And he kept staring.
Would this man just have a reaction already?
And then, abruptly, he burst out into such laughter to the point that Alpha-17 nearly thought he was crying. The general hugged the child in his arm closer and laughed some more, his shoulder and whole body shaking from the movement. Apparently, he found this hilarious, Alpha-17 mused.
“I would love to be considered your finder, dear ones.”
He was glad he had brought General Kenobi here, for this small moment.
He had originally intended on going to General Kenobi’s flagship, but he was redirected towards a modified cruiser that had appeared not long ago by the battle master Drallig. The trip was quiet and although Alpha-17 was fairly certain he wasn’t anywhere near force sensitive, even he thought he could feel the gratitude and happiness echoing off of the General.
He had made the right choice, starting his mutiny without approval.
As they walked off the gunship and onto the docking bay of the venator, General Kenobi let a small, “thank you.”
“You’re welcome, general.”
General Kenobi opened his mouth to say something else, but his eyes caught sight of another, and his gaze dragged over the area. He stepped back, nearly tripping over a box as his eyes widened.
The general practically flew across the docking bay. Alpha-17 caught sight of the battle master, Drallig, at the other end, alongside another jedi. Dark skin, even darker hair, weird yellow stripe over his face and nose. Alpha-17 felt like he had seen him before. Nonetheless, Alpha-17 jogged after him, quickly on his heels.
The general nearly threw himself at the other jedi, tightening his grip around him in a fierce hug. Such public display Alpha-17 hadn’t seen from his general was rather rare so this must have been an importance person to him. Kenobi tucked himself into space, squeezing the man tightly. The other jedi looked utterly surprised but before he could even think of hugging – or not – back, General Kenobi hastily pulled away a few steps and didn’t even meet the other Jedi’s gaze.
“My apologies, Quinlan,” he murmured, shaking his head. “That was uncalled for, I do sincerely apologize for touching without permission. I will take my leave.”
The other Jedi – Quinlan – looked just confused and befuddled in a way that almost, just almost, would have made Alpha-17 laugh. He didn’t even think a jedi couldhave that expression. General Kenobi hurriedly shuffled away down the hall, presumably towards the bridge.
“What was that about?” Quinlan asked, glancing at the battle master for answers but his eyes ended up trailing general Kenobi as he walked away. Alpha-17 was ready to follow him but for the moment, somehow his feet wouldn’t move.
The battle master sighed and frowned. “Anakin Skywalker has fallen to the dark side, and he is now the new Sith apprentice. He is the one who led the attack on the Temple.”
Some kind of understanding fell upon the Jedi’s face as it twisted into something horrified of some type.
Alpha-17 didn’t know what that meant.
“Force,” he whispered under his breath.
And then he took off after the general. Alpha-17 rolled his eyes and sighed, barely catching a glimpse of the battle master before jogging off after him. “Again,” he muttered, keeping just behind the unfamiliar jedi.
“Obi-Wan!” the jedi shouted out.
General Kenobi stiffened and hesitated before finally stopping. He let out a soft sigh and turned around, forcing himself to look up at the man. “Quinlan,” he greeted, fairly evenly despite the shaking in his voice.
“Hey, hey buddy,” Quinlan murmured, carefully putting his hand on General Kenobi’s pauldron. “Master Drallig told me about Anakin. I’m so sorry, Obi-Wan.”
General Kenobi took a shaky breath. “I don’t…I don’t think I can really talk about it right now,” he admitted quietly, just barely leaning into the other jedi’s touch.
“Alright,” he agreed, and he didn’t seem to bothered by the notion. He quite quickly changed the subject which ended up being a good call. “Dex says you have a friend for life, ya know.”
Glancing at him, General Kenobi ended up with a small smile. “You were one of the jedi that Dex said he had.”
“Yeah. I found Master Windu. He’s in pretty rough shape but I think he might make it through, probably because I got him into a bacta tank quicker. Wanna hear how I took over the entire medical venator star cruiser,” Quinlan said with a grin.
An eyebrow raised on General Kenobi’s face but there was a relief in that, probably due to the fact that a jedi he knew was alive. “You…took over a ship? Full of clones around Coruscant.”
The long-haired jedi laughed. “Oh, let me tell you. It was kind of awesome. Not as hard as I thought, considering. But since I am a shadow, so you know, it is part of my skill set,” he winked and it made the general smile back at him, although lightly.
Alpha-17 just walked and listened as the jedi went to a full, long tirade about how he had taken over the ship and escaped with the clones. He couldn’t help be grateful, the jedi had rescued hundreds of his brothers, some of which may have been killed outright due to the fact they were sick or wounded. Still, he already had the feeling that this Quinlan character was kind of annoying.
“Dex is amazing, let me tell you,” Quinlan had said with the biggest grin. Something must have been going on with General Kenobi in the force or whatever because practically every time the man twitched, the other jedi would get happier and speak brighter. “I made a plan and needed some guys to help me out. Within the hour, the hour, Obi-Wan, he had gotten me a lineup of dozens of beings to pick from for my heist. He has got some serious connections!”
General Kenobi smiled and it was warm. Alpha-17 could almost feel it. “Dex is good like that,” he agreed. “I found Kamino because of him.”
Quinlan continued to explain the rest of the couple of days. His plan had been mildly impressive and well thought out, even Alpha-17 could begrudgingly admit. The jedi did not go in halfcocked and impulsively. And the fact that he checked to make sure there wasn’t a jedi on board, so the chips probably hadn’t been activated was probably smart. At least he didn’t jump aboard the first ship he came across and took over the bridge, just hoping nothing would go wrong.
There were a couple medical stations across the galaxy and several more pelta-class medical frigates that traveled with wounded soldiers aboard. There wasn’t a medical station orbiting Coruscant, as they were around the rest of the galaxy. Clones weren’t allowed to be treated on planet mingled with the regular citizens, although the Jedi often treated clones in their own Healing Halls frequently. They didn’t just go around turning people away who needed care.
One of the large venator cruisers had been converted into somewhat of a medical station, or at least, used as one. It was the main place where clones were treated for illness or injuries, when they could make it there. It was a good one to take over, he imagined, if one had a good plan. Which apparently the master jedi had.
There must not have been any jedi stationed at the medical facility during the time because Quinlan explained how he made sure that none of the chips had been activated. He had shut down communications with jammers around the ship and eventually took it over, locking up most of the natborns that weren’t cooperative and confiscating long range commlinks. Men were locked in certain portions of the ship to where they were stationed, at least those just handling the ship. Medics themselves were dechipped so they could continue to help those who needed it. Everything was neat and tidy and even Alpha-17 had to be impressed.
It was not only a well-thought-out mission and operation but a successful one as well. Quinlan had brought back an entire venator crew of clones with as well as many other, although wounded, brothers as well.
By the time he was done, General Kenobi’s smile was rather wide, and he offered his congratulations to the other jedi. He was thankful, Alpha-17 quickly realized. Not only had he saved people that General Kenobi valued, but he had kept his mind off of Skywalker. He hadn’t even pushed; he didn’t even ask. Nothing circled back to it.
The jedi explained about the Commander he came across, Hound, and how he had helped him. The guy was a mad man and apparently, Quinlan appreciated that sort of thing. They had rather hit it off, along with his mastiff, Grizzler, who went everywhere Hound did.
Alpha-17 wasn’t sure whether he should be worried.
“Do we know who all survived?” Quinlan asked, nudging General Kenobi gently.
“One of the officers, Menace, is compiling a list of those who have responded or were present at the meeting,” General Kenobi replied with a nod. “As far as I could tell during the meeting, it seemed quite a fair few had blocked communications or escaped in time. Aalya was one of them,” he assured. “She looked just a little banged up but okay. Her troops weren’t activated.”
Tension fell from Quinlan’s shoulders. “Thank, Obes.”
“Of course,” he added. And then, his commlink beeped urgently. General Kenobi opened it up and a gruff voice burst though. “This is Kenobi.”
“Master Kenobi,” battle master Drallig replied. “You should get back down to the loading bay. Something has happened.”
Several medical officers rushed down the halls around them. Alpha-17 caught one of them by the arm, stopping him abruptly. “Officer, what is going on?”
“A ship came out of hyperspace a few minutes ago!” the soldier reported, worriedly. “It open fired on one of our ships and then stopped. We think it is full of activated clones and there are injured jedi,” he said before pulling away and running off again.
General Kenobi swallowed heavily and the three of them chased after the group back down the hall. The loading back was a mad house of yelling officers and wounded soldiers. Out in space, it could be seen one of the ships was partially on fire with several fighters surrounding it, ready to destroy if necessary.
“Whose ship is that?”
A rolling cot ran down from a ship towards the hall. Alpha-17 watched as General Kenobi stared wide eyed. The man on the gurney was a male, a jedi from the robes, he imagined with short blonde hair that was practically soaked in blood. There was a lot of blood.
A lot.
General Kenobi’s breath got caught in this throat, his eyes wide and his hand gripping Quinlan’s vambrace so tight he thought it would crack. “Master Feemor,” he whispered.
“Feemor?” Quinlan muttered under his breath. “Where…”
Alpha-17’s old general backed up a few steps as a realization came across him. “Oh God, Ahsoka,” his head whipped around, frantically. “Where is Ahsoka? Has anyone seen Ahsoka Tano?!” he shouted out, turning and turning and turning.
“I…I’m here, Master,” a new, feminine voice announced, although rather quiet. The three of them turned around. There was a clone next to her although he had quite a few mechanical parts, more so than Alpha-17 had seen on any others. A Togruta jedi was standing there, her arms hugging herself and her eyes downcast.
General Kenobi sighed in relief. “Ahsoka, what in the galaxy happened?”
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