#she calls me her little chinese laundry lady bc i do such a good job idk im not chinese and i know its a bit racist
care666bear · 6 months
When are you gonna come fold my laundry though??
Payment in orgasms
Any day! I honestly love everything about doing laundry, to the point I do the ladies laundry I rent from because she hates it lool she pays me in homemade apple pie tho, not orgasms. I could argue apple pie is better but it's about lunchtime so I'm probably hungry and lying
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batmomhoe · 8 years
They’re a Bit Protective
Requested by an anon
Summary: How the batfam gets protective of each family member/how they show they care.
Warning(s): None (Super Long)
//This is not finished yet but it’s already taken forever and I just feel like it’s prohibiting me (mentally?) from getting other requests done. Feel free to send in for an unfinished character and help me complete it. It’s not the best, nor is it the most accurate, but please appreciate it.
basically “don’t touch bc everything I love that someone else touches BREAKS.”
has a tough time actually incorporating your feelings into his protective methods.
when you decided you wanted to help man the computer he upped the security by 10000%
A lot of his showing he cares comes out sexual, mainly because when he’s physical with you the whole world melts away.
Dick constantly calls you even when he’s away(unless he’s on a mission or undercover)
makes sure you’re okay emotionally, just constantly checking up on you, he knows Bruce can be cold sometimes.
will never decline a brunch invitation.
He’s protective of her in the sense that he’s not protective(does that make sense?)
She’s kickass and he knows she can handle her own.
But he can be caught keeping a watchful eye on her during fights - just in case.
He tries to relate to him but he just can’t.
Dick is upbeat and mostly-optimistic and Jason’s practically the polar opposite.
That doesn’t mean it won’t stop him from checking up on Jason every now and then.
Whether it be catching him on parole or breaking into his brother’s apartment for some “brotherly” bonding time...
Dick always cherished the last picture he had the his parent’s, it was only a coincidence that Tim and his family were in it as well, or so he thought.
Dick completely shot down the idea of Tim getting involved with Batman even though his smart’s impressed Dick.
Dick really admires how hard Tim has to try and how hard he does try to keep up and be in top physical condition.
Dick tries his best to help Tim keep up his social life because he knows first hand that the teenager life seems to be harder than the vigilante life.
Dick likes to just hang out with Steph, he knows she has a lot on her plate and he likes to offer to help with her homework.
Orrrr have a movie night.
He tried to help her out of her “amateur” Spoiler days and was happy when she decided to become Batgirl.
Just like Barbra, he knows Cass can handle her own in a fight.
But he likes to keep a watchful eye on her.
He also likes to just talk with her, even when she was mute he would just babble as she went about her business.
He tried his best when he was Batman to show Damian the ropes of the Robin mantle and Dick did a better job than Bruce ever could have.
Damian’s only a kid and Dick just really tries to get Damian to do some typical kid things
Mainly so Damian’s not forced to live the lonely life Dick’s watched Bruce lead because he has a choice.
Though he knows Damian “hates” him for it, he also knows when Damian’s sixty years old and Dick is already dead he’s not going to resent the memory of being dragged to the zoo then.
You’re the only one Barbra doesn’t feel guilty venting to.
Everyone else is dealing with almost the same shit she is but you always listen and give her actual advice.
Every time she sees you she gives you a hug.
She will kick anyone’s ass for him.
Even from her wheelchair.
Obviously they have history together and she’s almost convinced that no matter what happens they’ll still have a mutual respect for each other.
She knows him like no one else does, so she helps out with the things she knows he forgets(like reminding him to actually do his laundry once in a while.)
Jason’s aggressive tactics and overall rude attitude annoyed her for the longest time.
But there’s not much you can say after the guy died.
When he came back she tried to reach out to him but he was already closed off.
She still tries to reach out and shows up every so often to help with a bad guy or two.
She admires his detective skills and smarts in general.
She’ll find out what he’s learning in school and talk about it with him like two little nerds.
Of course she tries to help him out with his girl issues and gives him date ideas...and legit excuses for bailing out on dates when duty calls.
She is his go-to for advice.
AKA The sister she never had
Steph decides to open up to Barbra first(besides Tim) and they just click.
Again, she gives boy advice and pretty good advice too.
There’s few girls in the vigilante business so they kind of stick together and cover each other’s backs.
Babs was kind of reluctant about Cass, she was pretty intimidating and the fact that Cass was rather unstable made Babs even more leery about it.
She definitely admires Cass's fighting abilities though.
When Cass starts to open up, Barbra is right there to offer a friendly smile and some take out Chinese.
She tries to be a supporting figure in his life.
Especially since Dick was the one training Damian.
But Damian is Damian and although Babs tried, and she still tries, Damian was trained to be closed off.
He’s much more aggressive in protecting you.
After he came back to Gotham the first thing he did was check up on you.
But he saw you moved on, and he couldn’t just show up out of the blue suddenly alive, plus he had a mission to do.
He won’t ever say anything, but he loves when you force him into a hug.
He appreciates Dick respecting him as a vigilante.
Before his death he didn’t really see a lot of Dick, but all he knew is that he would always be compared to him.
Though he doesn’t really show it he also respects Dick quite a bit.
When shit hits the fan he’d much rather stand next to Dick than Bruce.
Babs was really the first female he became friends with.
Pshhh he did not know how to act.
Still to this day he’s sooo suave with the ladies.
He knows if he ever needed any advice, Babs is like the batfam’s personal advice-giver.
He hated Tim as first because he was reminded how easily replaceable he was to Bruce.
After a while it really clicked at how much shit Tim had to go through because of Jason - and Tim wasn’t exactly the naturally athletic type either.
Jason just doesn’t want what happened to him to happen to Tim.
Pretty sure they have sarcasm battles
Along with “who has the shittier life” battles
He digs Steph’s style and they both appreciate the fact that they both tend to be more aggressive when fighting.
During his time with the LoA, Jay gained massive respect for anyone who was trained with them.
She’s hardcore af but she’s also loyal to Bruce, almost a little too much and he’s a little leery of that.
If Cass asked him for his own beating heart he would probably give it to her.
Jason feels a little awkward around Dami(maybe because he allegedly banged the kid’s mom????)
But at the same time there’s this normalcy when he’s around Damian.
The kid grew up with a tough childhood, similar yet completely different to Jason’s.
Both of them seem to express their emotions through anger, making it easy for each other to aggressively jump in for backup of the other.
Protectiveness from Tim goes unseen for the most part.
He knows how careless you are with your electronics and he’s constantly stealing them so he can put a firewall on them(and a tracker.)
But the best gift he gives you is smiling.
The sleepy smile as you hand him his cup of coffee.
The excited smile when he makes a break in a case.
The sly smile when you figure out he upgraded your laptop.
Dick is the master acrobat so Tim tries to wiggle in a bit of analytical thinking into the
Oh the geek talk!
Both Tim and Barbra are more analytical thinkers
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