#she does so much for the family even once she's become kind of a nightmare
percyaugod · 8 months
Gluncle Mike AU
Glam Mike AU where Evan and Elizabeth live.
The Afton kids have a strained relationship because Michael sometimes pushed things too far when he was a young and stupid teenager. Once Michael and his friends are stopped just before putting Evan's head in the animatronic's mouth because Elizabeth got their dad things just get worse. Evan and Elizabeth do nothing to defend him as their father kicks Michael out for what tried to do.
It's not until Evan and Elizabeth are in their twenties that they meet again, Michael desperately trying to ask for their help. It's not until he pulls up his shirt that they start to listen.
After some explanations and closer looks at Michael that will haunt their nightmares, they agree to help. Cue several years of them gathering information on the animatronics, finding William, bringing Henry into the mix, and setting a trap. During that time they get closer and become friends before finally being the siblings they always wanted to be.
Which just makes it hurt that much more when Michael says he wants to burn with the others. It's not fair! They just got to know him and now he's leaving!? Making him stay wouldn't be fair either though. His body has been slowly rotting over the years and he's in constant pain, he's tired and deserves to rest more than anyone.
Skip to years later when Evan has a son named Gregory. If Evan didn't know any better he'd think Michael had come back just to make his life difficult again with the trouble this kid gets into. Evan does everything he can to make sure Gregory never had anything to do with the family business or history, but of course that doesn't work out.
Evan wakes up one morning to find a dirty and banged-up Gregory with a Freddy animatronic that somehow looks even worse. Oh, he hopes Uncle Henry still has some pull with the company, because he doesn't want to find out what happens if they get caught with a stolen animatronic. Evan isn't sure if he should be touched his son got attached to the same type that used to be his favorite or freak that the one that nearly bit his head off is walking around on its own.
When Elizabeth finds out she just laughs. Stealing an entire animatronic? If only Michael were here, he'd be so proud. When she finds out about Gregory repeatedly crawling and hiding in Freddy's stomach hatch it doesn't seem funny anymore.
Michael's memories are kind of scrambled between coming back from the dead a second time, this time after being burned, and conflicting with Freddy's AI. So Freddy has no idea how he keeps confusing Gregory for Evan, a literal adult. Whenever Freddy does or says something rude/sarcastic after living with them for a few days Evan scolds Gregory for being a bad influence. Gregory defends himself that starting the fire was Freddy's idea and Evan's brain just stops as he starts to consider something.
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asherthehimbo · 7 months
Older brother Hongjoong comforting you after a nightmare
notes: Nothing abt reader is specified, reader is adopted, age 15/16
warnings: mentions of nightmares, reader has traumatic experiences with their old family, reader has some sort of trauma regarding an older brother, meantion of panic/ anxiety attacks, sh kind of? reader scrathes their neck during a panic attack, not a warning, but the reader has an attachment to a stuffy, Hongjoongs kind of feels guilt, the reader being uncomfortable being acknowledged/ thanked for gifts
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His parents had adopted you about a year before he debuted with Ateez. You were 9 at the time, and he remembers his mother calling him to tell him the news. You had been the kid of an old high school friend of hers who died a while ago, and recently something happened that caused you to be taken away from your family.
Hongjoong didn't pry. His mother clearly didn't want to talk about it. He guessed you would tell him when the time was right. Only now, it's six years later, and Hongjoong still doesn't know the full story. What he does know is that if he ever runs into your biological big brother, his career as an idol won't still be intact after what he'd do to that man.
Hongjoong had first met you 2 months after his parents took you in. He had been living at the dorms, and since his group would debut soon, he was quite busy. The members had all been given time off, and he was very nervous to meet you. Of Course he's seen pictures, he gets updates from his mom once every week, but he's never actually spoken with you except for the video call where you were sat with his mother as she talked about all the happenings at the time.
Hongjoong didn't know how to interact with children, especially nine year olds who were clearly traumatized. He decided that the best course of action was to give you a plushie upon your first meeting. It hadn't been anything special, a black, grey and white bunny, according to his mother you liked darker colors, hated anything too bright.
Ever since he gifted it to you, Hongjoong doesn't think he's seen you anywhere without it. Even at the age of 15, you take it with you everywhere, and Hongjoong finds it adorable. Pictures posted on your friends' social media accounts (you refuse to post anything yourself, and Hongjoong needs some way to keep himself updated on your life, so he follows the two close friends you have), the dinner table, when your family goes to get him at the airport. The stuffie is always with you, hidden or in plain sight. It's always there. According to his mother, you had named it Topaz. He cried when she told him.
You didn't talk to Hongjoong, from what he knows you don't talk much at all, you're homeschooled and have two friends, at first he was worried you may have some sort of speech impediment, until his mother told him that you were just a very quiet kid, even at the age of nine. For two years, the only words he would ever hear from you were soft greetings or thank you's when he did something for you. The part that broke his heart was the fact that he's heard you apologize more than anything else, even for things you couldn't control.
You were 12 when he realized the extent of what your previous family had done to you. He had been home after a comeback, and there was a soft knock at his door right before he went to bed. When he opened his door, nobody was there but looking down he found a letter and a tiny keychain replica of the bunny stuffie he gifted you. The letter was short and simple, congratulating him on the success of their recent comeback, and an apology that you couldn't vocally express the excitement you felt for him.
He had gone to your room after he received the gifts and knocked on your door, letter in hand. He wanted to have a conversation with you, wanted to become closer. When you opened the door, you looked so frightened. There were tear marks on your cheeks, eyes wildly analyzing his frame as if he was some sort of threat. He brought his hand up to try and get your attention, opened his mouth to speak but before he could you had screamed.
It was such a terrible sound. You had fallen to the floor, scratching your neck, hyperventilating, and you muttered out apologies and begged him not to hurt you. He didn't know what to do. Luckily, his father did. The man had sent Hongjoong to his mother and guided you deeper into your room before closing the door.
Hongjoongs mother had, through tears, explained to him that when you got like this, when you had your panic attacks, his father was the only one allowed around you, he knew how to calm you down. When Hongjoong explained what happened, she had told him you don't like being thanked for a gift. You had a fear that you would be punished if the gift wasn't good enough. His mother had worked out a system and gave you a star sticker every time you did something for them. You seemed to enjoy that.
She had told Hongjoong that the keychain he received was one you made yourself, led him to a room that he recognized as your study, where you would usually take classes, showed him all the art materials you had, from paint, to fabric, to beads for jewelry. She told him that when you heard Hongjoong liked art forms, you had become interested as well and found your passion for it along the way. She also showed him pictures she took of you working late into the night to make this keychain for him. She showed him all the previous attempts that you threw away because they weren't good enough. He had no idea you put in all this effort for him, only for him to be the cause of your panic attack, and that broke him completely.
"[Name]'s been through a lot. They're quiet because there was a time they needed to be. They admire you more than you know Joong, but they're too scared to show it. Scared that you will laugh at them. Its hard, but you have to let them come to you. Let them acknowledge you first."
Hongjoong did exactly that. Your gifts had started to become more frequent after the incident, a letter of a creation you made given to him every time he came home. He had boxes he kept them in. He would also take photos of them, write the date at the back of the printed out polaroid, and put the photos in a binder. He takes the box and binder with him to the dorms every time he goes back so that he can remember you.
He figured out a system of his own, much like his mothers star sticker, he started giving you bunny stickers, different expressions and sizes of the animal would be left at your door every time you gifted him something.
He remembers the morning after he had first given you one you had walked into the living room and sat next to him with a smile on your face. It was probably the happiest he'd ever seen you be.
You two had settled into this routine. You never got too close to him, always being next to him but making sure to leave space between you. He was fine with that, never the most physically affectionate person.
All of this was what made the moment that you finally asked him for help so much more precious. It had been late, Hongjoong was visiting home, it was about twelve pm he was cooped up in his room working on an idea he had for a track until he heard a knock at the door.
That was weird, you had already given him something this visit, nevertheless he waited a few moments, to allow you to go back to your room as you always did, before walking to the door to open it. Only instead of looking down at a creation you had made, he looks at you.
You're looking at him with glossy eyes, red and puffy showing that you were crying. You were shaking, clutching onto Topaz for dear life. Hongjoong didn't know what to do. You both just stood there until he slowly reached out his hand to pet your head. He didn't miss the way you flinched, but he relished in the way you melted into his touch.
"Can I sit with you while you work?" Your voice is cracked, clear signs that you had been crying a lot longer than he thought. He turned around and walked into his room, motioning for you to follow. You grabbed his hand, and Hongjoong swore his heart would beat out of his chest.
He knew this wasn't the right time. Something was very clearly bothering you, but his little sibling is actually seeking him out for something. His little sibling is holding his hand!
He had sat down by his desk, pulling up another chair for you. You had sat down in silence next to him, clutching Topaz and watching as he explained what he was doing to calm you down. It worked. Soon enough, the fear you had felt earlier had lessened. You were safe with Hongjoong. He was kind.
"Oh, are you sleepy? it is 2 am already, we should probably get you to bed" You didn't want to go, he was safe, you didn't wanna leave the safe space, but you wouldn't push to stay here. You never pushed for anything you wanted. It only ended in hurt.
Hongjoong was observent, though. He noticed your hesitance. "Hey, you know, walking all the way down the hallway to your room is gonna take soooooo long. Why don't you just sleep here? we can have like a fun little sleepover?"
You knew Hongjoong was lying. Your room was barely 5 feet away from his own, but you wanted to stay here with him. You nodded your head in agreement before he led you to the bed. "Do you wanna talk about it? Why you're here?" Hongjoong questioned through the dark.
"Had a bad dream. Safe brother got taken away by the bad one. I wanted to make sure you were still here." You mumbled sleepily, curling up to Hongjoongs' side, clutching his arm instead of Topaz. "Brother is safe, good. Don't want him to take you away."
Those were the last words you said before dozing off. You called him brother, for the first time in 6 years you called him brother and Hongjoong could feel the water well in his eyes. You called him safe. You felt safe with him. While he didn't know who you were referring to that would take him away, he would make sure it never happened.
"Brother is here, I'm not going anywhere. I'll be by your side forever. I'll protect you from the bad one"
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notes: wrote this cause ive been having nightmares and missing my older sibling lately, it was supossed to be headcannons for all the members, but Hongjoong's part ran so long I decided to just leave it as is, might make another one with another member. Feedback is appreciated!
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klbwriting · 5 months
Surface Tension
Chapter 8: Shot at the Night
Fandom: Aquaman
Pairing: Ormxfemale!Reader
Warnings: none
Summary: Orm can't do much to help Y/N but he does find someone who can
Note: song is 'Shot at the Night' by the Killers
Taglist: @hyperagitatedcydonian13 @gabrieleskywalker @philiasoul @duchcess
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We’re breaking all the rules To find that our home Has long been outgrown Throw me a lifeline Cause honey I’ve got nothing to lose Once in a lifetime
“Why did you settle by the ocean if you’re so afraid of water?” Orm asked, sitting on the back porch with Y/N, watching the waves under the moonlight. She was strumming, singing one of her songs. He was starting to recognize them by now and he knew she sang this one because he liked it. She looked at him and shrugged.
“I used to love the water, felt free and happy in it,” she said. “I told you I was accused of something that I didn’t do. I do bare some responsibility for it though, even though it was an accident. Ever since then, I don’t want to go back into the water, but I can’t let myself forget that day. Part of me wonders if it was my fault.” She stopped strumming and set the guitar aside, wrapping a blanket around herself.
“Did you want someone to get hurt?” he asked. She shook her head. “Not your fault, you shouldn’t stay here feeling guilty. What I did…I wanted to hurt people, all of the pain I caused was because I was angry. You didn’t have that malice.” He looked at the water before looking down at his hands. She reached out and put her hand on his arm, instantly calming him.
“Do you remember feeling like that?” she asked. “Do you ever feel like that now?” He shook his head. “Have you tried to make things right?”
“Yes, I’m trying,” he whispered. She smiled at him and squeezed his arm.
“You’ll get there, let the guilt go, but keep becoming better. I’ll help you, we are better together,” she said.
Orm startled awake, the memory fading from his dream to his waking nightmare. He didn’t know when he had fallen asleep, sometime right before dawn. Last he remembered his mother and Arthur were still there making plans on finding some kind of proof of who tried to kill Orm. The footage was enough to clear Y/N of active treason, but she still could be held for conspiracy. Conspiracy to commit treason was a capital offense in Atlantis and she could still be executed if they didn’t find and get a confession from the culprit.
He was alone now with a note from Arthur that they had left to find proof in Atlantis. Arthur planned to talk to Hendrix and Atlanna was going to talk to Y/N. Orm went over to Y/N’s place. He hated to invade her privacy but maybe she had something. He started searching, trying to ignore that her bed was still unmade from where they had been together, her same clothes from her birthday on the floor around it.
“There has to be something,” he muttered to himself as he went through her closet. He moved some boxes out of the bottom and saw a small door, probably another small storage area behind the wall. He was able to pry it open and inside was a bag. He pulled it out and sat on the floor, looking through it slowly. He pulled out the mosaic of her and her father. It was cheap but well made, a product of the lower city where technology to film wasn’t as widely available. He set it aside carefully. Next came out a flyer for Atlantis for All, listing their goals as equal status, better living conditions, and fairness in the workforce. Orm remembered his father telling him that all those below the nobility were lazy, they just wanted people to hand them money and food without doing anything for it. At the time he had agreed, but this notice listed things that anyone would need to survive and thrive, which is what he thought his father wanted for all Atlantians. He set it aside also and pulled out a stack of papers. This was what he needed, letters to and from different people in AfA.
I work from morning until night, I never see my family, yet they still starve…
My mother died because we couldn’t get her a proper doctor, the nobility never have to worry…
My father died of the sickness King Orvax released when I was a child. King Orvax made me an orphan…
We can fix this. There is a way. King Orm’s coronation is on the first day of the Great Migration…
Here is what he needed. He read through the letter, it laid out a plan to protest, nothing else. They were to have Y/N sing, and Hendrix volunteered to bring the cracker. This was almost enough, but Orm needed something else. Aria was mentioned as one of the leaders of the group. He had to find her; she might have more proof.
Orm wasn’t sure where else to go so he went to the café. It was empty except for Y/N’s friends when he arrived. They were all glaring at him. When he walked in Dean came up and punched him in the face. It didn’t hurt, but Orm wasn’t expecting it and stumbled back a step. Dean was shaking his hand, wincing. He had probably broken a couple fingers. Aria pushed past him.
“Get out tyrant,” she demanded. Orm stood his ground. “We know you did something to her, no one can find her.”
“I didn’t do anything, but Hendrix took her back to Atlantis to face trial for treason,” he said. Aria froze.
“You’re lying, you gave her up,” she said, but her voice lacked conviction.
“If I gave her up I would be on my way to trial too. I’m a fugitive just as much as the two of you,” he said. “We need proof that Hendrix was the one who tried to kill me. I found a letter in her things with the plan for the coronation day, it says Hendrix was to get the cracker, but we need more than that, anything that makes it sound like he alone planned the attempt.” Aria was breathing deep, trying to remain calm.
“How do we know you won’t just take the evidence and destroy it?” Vincent called out. “What if you want to use her to get yourself pardoned?” Orm didn’t have time for this bullshit.
“Because I love her!” he yelled. “Because she is everything to me and I won’t stand by while they execute her. I can’t go back, no one will believe me if I say she is innocent, I’ll just get thrown in a cell next to her, but my brother is king. If I am able to get proof to him he can set this right.”
Aria watched his speech and nodded before motioning for him to come with her. She lived only a few houses down from the café and she also had a bag full of letters. She kept meticulous records and correspondence, including from Hendrix. Hours later she jumped up.
“I found something,” she said, setting the letter down in front of Orm at her kitchen table. By then everyone had joined them, watching. “This is from Hendrix, the day before the coronation. I think I received it by mistake. I never read it because well, I hated Hendrix and anything he had to say was worthless to me.” She pointed to a spot that clearly incriminated him.
“These people are idiots. They’re going to give me the crown and not even realize it. Tomorrow Orm will be dead and I’ll be king,” Orm read. This was perfect.
“Bless that asshole’s giant ego,” muttered Amanda from the couch. Orm stood and hugged Aria.
“I know you hate me but thank you,” he said. He looked between her and Dean. “I am sorry for the tidal wave, for everything. I was wrong and I don’t think I’ll ever forgive myself for it.” He left it at that, hurrying out of the house and calling Arthur to tell him he had proof.
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nkn0va · 3 months
Ok, so do think that you can do relationship hcs for Cynthia, Lusamine, Diantha from Pokemon?
The fact that a Pokemon request of all things took so damn long is baffling but whatever. Minimalistic post since I don't have banners for Pokemon and I don't feel like going through Tumblr gifs to find a decent one for everyone.
God this took way too long. Writer's block struck at the worst possible time.
-Cynthia's occupation as champion keeps her quite busy. Neither of you particularly enjoy this but that's just how the cookie crumbles as they say.
-Despite that, she's surprisingly good at separating work from her personal life. When the League's finding itself in a slow season and new trainers aren't running amok around Sinnoh she'll always manage to find time for you.
-She's extremely supportive of whatever you do and will be there all the way. Wanna be a trainer too? Congratulations, you have a world class mentor. Wanna be an archeologist, she will nerd out about ancient mythology with you all you want and join you on your excavations. Anything you wanna do, Pokemon-related or not, has her full support.
-Between her mythological studies on the side with her work and training as champion, there are moments she overworks herself. You'll need to play the role of caretaker and bring her back down to Earth.
-Of course despite this, it doesn't stop her from doing the same for you when necessary. Gently pushing you to go to sleep, preparing a fresh cup of your favorite warm drink, or knocking you out with a bat hugging you from behind to relax you.
-Her Pokemon quickly form an attachment to you, they see her family as theirs, too. Seeing her terrifying, nightmare inducing Garchomp acting like a big puppy will never get old.
-If you have a team of their own, they get quite protective, especially the unevolved, inexperienced ones. At least until you end up catching up to them, which they eventually will under their tutelage.
-Realistically, you really only get close enough to be in a relationship if you start as an employee at the Aether Foundation. Your hard-working attitude and sincere kindness towards the Pokemon they take care of quickly grabs her attention. Something about you just stood out even among the similar employees working under her.
-The relationship instantly is declared to be a secret, she still needs to keep a professional appearance at work. In private though is a different story.
-Once you do manage to win Lusamine's heart, she's extremely attached and clingy. Considering how her last relationship ended, she will not let you go. And you can bet that you're not touching anything involving Ultra Wormholes with a 40 foot pole.
-Very physically clingy all around despite what your first impressions of her might have been. It's a pleasant surprise when she finally drops the professional facade around you and craves gentle intimacy.
-It's only natural that Lillie and Gladion quickly become a big part of your life considering how big of a part they are in Lusamine's. Being there for them is a requirement in your relationship.
-It takes a while for them to warm up to you, but they do eventually. Lillie's much more open about it, happy to have a second parent in her life again. Gladion does try to keep up the edgy persona, but he does become fond of you, albeit shown very subtly.
-It's a very surprisingly domestic relationship after the whole Ultra Space incident. A very happy family picture with Lillie and Gladion around.
-Much like the last two ladies, very busy. Being a champion and a movie star means she's not exactly swimming in free time. Whenever you two do get to go out together, disguises are needed thanks to her fame.
-Dating Diantha means your fashion sense sees a noticeable improvement. Mostly to have effective disguises so you can go out in public without being hounded by paparazzi. It's actually quite pleasant when it works.
-You learn to spot her out in public regardless of what she's wearing as she beckons you over to a nice cafe or restaurant she wants to try with you. Kalos is known for it's exquisite fine dining, whatever gets her approval is bound to be the good stuff.
-The public is inevitably soon going to find out you're dating THE Diantha. You're gonna become a bit of a celebrity yourself whether you like it or not. If you're pursuing anything to do for a living, you're at the very least gonna get eyes on it, fortunately. You two immediately become Kalos' power couple.
-If you have a Pokemon capable of Mega Evolution, Diantha will be your number one fan and mentor in helping you achieve that power. She's about the best you could ask for in this regard, her ace is a Psychic type that she Mega Evolves, after all.
-Despite all the glamor and lights, she does crave something of a domestic life. She very much appreciates a more traditional partner there for the long run who wants the same thing. To her, buying a house and settling down is her ultimate goal, and showing you want the same makes you two pretty much set for life.
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deepouterspacecandy · 3 months
If you thought I was a mush-heart before, hold my soggy Kleenex. I'm calling this one "A Mother's Heirloom" and while I definitely teared up while writing it, I hope this glimpse into what Abby's life could've been makes you smile. Hot damn, does she ever love you.
Now I can get serious about answering the many amazing messages and asks you guys have sent me. You incredible humans make me smile so big. Thank you so much for the love.
Your heart has belonged to Abby Anderson ever since that momentous night at eleven years old when the two of you boldly stole a Humvee from the motor pool. With Abby in control of the pedals and you at the wheel, the two of you found yourselves in deep trouble with her dad.
After the dust settled, and once you had toiled away, sweating off every last ounce of your debt, he pledged to never let either of you live it down.
True to his word, he has remained steadfast for over a decade.  
It is clear as day where Abby gets her discipline from.
“Well, if it isn’t the Steering Savant and the Pedal Prodigy, blessing me with their presence!” Jerry exclaims.
“Seriously, Dad, that happened so long ago,” Abby groans. “Will you ever quit?”
“Nope,” he beams, his wild grey hair sticking out in all directions. “You girls are lucky I’m around, otherwise you’d be out on your butts.”
“You say that every time,” Abby says, chuckling. “The Fireflies don’t boot people out for stuff like that.”
“Abs, engaging in grand theft auto is a significant criminal offense,” he says, combing back the greasy strands of his disheveled hair with his hands. “I totally had to play the doctor card to keep a roof over your heads.”
“Boy, you’re really nailing the whole mad scientist thing!” you interrupt.  
As Abby collapses onto the worn leather couch in his office, she helps you double down on her father.
“You totally look like you stepped out of a movie,” Abby giggles.
His fingers continually get snagged in the frizzy tangles, so he opts to leave it alone. But not before affectionately teasing his daughter for her unabashed nerdiness.
“What do you know about movies, huh?” Jerry asks. “You’ve been a bookworm since you were three.”
“Whoa, I’m a huge movie buff,” Abby says. As she defends herself, her hands become animated, punctuating her words with sharp gestures. “Caught one last night for your information, and I didn’t even nod off!”
“She’s so full of it,” you say. In response to her playful and piercing glare, you sarcastically raise your hands in surrender. “Seriously, she asked me what just happened like a million times.”
Jerry’s fond smile between you and Abby is so heartwarming that it feels like a tender hug for your soul.
From the moment you arrived at the gates, alone and shivering, with dirt caking your body and grime under your nails, he has consistently shown you kindness.
When you started having nightmares and had some trouble sleeping, it was he who proposed that you share a room with Abby to ease your fears, making the two of you inseparable.
A pair of bookends holding each other up.
When you turned thirteen and started feeling anxious about your sexuality, he was there pouring tea and lending a supportive ear, patiently guiding you through the process of self-acceptance and discovering the importance of embracing your identity.
Despite his extensive medical knowledge, he never treated you like a patient during the many calamities he helped you navigate over the years; to him, you were always family.
And he never missed a beat when something was going on with his family.
Although he’d been thoroughly exploring the realms of science, leaving no stone unturned in his pursuit of a cure for Cordyceps for as long as you can remember, nothing got by him. Despite the visible stress reflected in the deep lines on his forehead, he never complained or took either of you for granted.
“To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?” he asks, raising a tired eyebrow. “You are way past the point of needing my permission to stay up late.”
From the wastebasket, Abby playfully tosses a crumpled piece of paper at his head, aiming with impressive precision. Her words hang trembling in the air, laden with weight.
“There’s something you need to know,” Abby says.
With a sigh of relief, Jerry shuts the massive medical textbook and pushes it aside.
“You both good?” he asks, his natural inclination to assess for any harm emerging. “What’s up?”
“Well, it’s just that we wanted to tell you ourselves instead of you finding out through the grapevine,” you explain.
“The gossip can get a bit crazy,” Abby says with a nod. “And we’ve put a ton of thought into this, just so you know.”
Before you can spiral further into your worries, Jerry signals for everyone to stop by holding up a gracious hand.
“Are you finally spilling the beans about what’s going on between the two of you?” he asks.
Beginning at her freckled forehead and travelling down to her neck, Abby’s face becomes a vivid shade of red under her father’s knowing gaze. With a smirk on his face, Jerry long-sufferingly waits for her brain to catch up, amusement dancing across his weathered features.
There is a quiver in her voice as she speaks, filled with a powerful undercurrent of conviction.
“We’ve been more than friends for a while now,” Abby confesses. The moment her glossy blue eyes connect with yours across the room, time comes to a standstill. “I really love her dad—I’m in love with her.”
“I know you are, sweetheart,” he says.
After you both exit his office, emotions running high from diving into nostalgia over the many joyful years you’ve spent together, he reaches into his desk drawer and retrieves a small wooden box.
Nestled within is a handwritten note, delicately wrapped around the wedding ring that Jerry had custom designed and placed on the finger of Abby’s late mother.
She wore it until the day she quietly slipped into her soft white wings and well before he was ready to say goodbye.
For our little girl when she meets the one who makes her as happy as you made me.
With a careful hand, he holds the ring closer to the tarnished lamp on his desk, marvelling at how the diamond still catches the light.
“Won’t be long, now, Darling,” Jerry murmurs.
A soothing presence envelops him, reminiscent of a gentle, familiar kiss on his shoulder.  
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atticrissfinch · 4 months
Fine, I know that we all have our pussies and holes drenched for MMITB!Joel, but I'm craving a little fluff since they're in the early stage of catching feelings. Is Joel a cuddler? Because I'm pretty sure he is the kind of man that enjoys being the bigger spoon just so he can grab a boob before sleep. Is SP a touchy person? Or she would rather keep it just for aftercare? What do they speak about when they're not having sex or anything remote related? Do they have a favourite TV show to watch together? Does Joel ever share childhood memories with her, even the slightest?
I accept anything. Just feed me, daddy (affectionately).
I firmly believe Joel’s love language is physical touch.
He loves having his hands on his partner at all times. He’s a hand-holder, he’s a cuddler, he’s a kiss-you-on-the-side-of-the-head-at-the-grocery-store guy. He’s an ass-slap when his partner is bent over for any reason kind of guy. He wants to cuddle before bed, either as the big spoon or just on his back with his partner clinging to his side with their legs intertwined. He’s the finger-you-under-the-table guy. His worst nightmare is a partner who hates PDA, or grows to hate PDA.
SP is….less touchy. She did not grow up in a touch-forward family. She’s an only child who felt othered by her parents. She did not experience a lot of casual physical touch with her parents. But she is also not averse to physical touch. In a way her upbringing made her more desperate for it. She’d never ask for it, but if she’s with a partner who values physical touch, she can become addicted to it fairly easily. It’s caused her some trouble and heartbreak in her past. The more Joel touches her, the more comfortable—the more comforted—she becomes. I think that’s one of the reasons she’s so drawn to him. He’s not afraid to touch and admire. And she craves being touched and admired.
I think, once they get comfortable, they talk about anything. Everything. Nothing is off-limits. Traumas, childhoods, the works. I think they become very at home with each other.
And for TV I think they like watching SVU together. And Joel definitely gets her into Ancient Aliens further along the line. Joel also likes F1 and even though SP hated it at first, she eventually got into it. Not nearly as much as him, but enough to tolerate it and root for his favorite drivers. (Don’t ask me anything about F1 I know zero about it. It’s just a vibe I get from Joel).
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valentinesdaydate98 · 1 month
The Phantomhive Butler
Word count: 1.7k
Author’s note: Please bear with me. English is not my native language, so I apologize in advance for any grammar and/or spelling mistakes. The main love interest has a name, but I try not to be too descriptive. I hope you enjoy. Thank you!
Pairing: Sebastian Michaelis x reader
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With any encounter with a demon, one must be on edge. Demons are sneaky creatures, manipulative, dangerous, untrustworthy, and much more. Charlotte remained cautious until she formed a contract.
Charlotte encountered the demon when Ciel started working on the Jack the Ripper case. They were never that close. Even with his return from his kidnappers, he was distant with her. His behavior led her to become distant. So, it was shocking when she received a letter from Madam Red requesting she join her to surprise Ciel and help him with his case. She hesitated at first, but she caved in. He was family, after all. Besides, Auntie would still have ways to convince her to help.
When she arrived at Ciel’s London Townhouse, she was taken aback by an unfamiliar figure. It's a new butler. Though staff members come and go, there was something different about him. On the outside, the butler was just a competent and hard-working person. He was rather kind and helpful to her and her family. However, there is an unusual and unsettling aura around him. He completed his duties with no mistakes. Not to mention, at lightning speed. He was intriguing. She must get to know him.
Sebastian Michaelis introduced himself, and thus the nightmare began.
The red flags appeared almost immediately. Ciel had everyone in the carriage and requested that Sebastian compile a list of Jack the Ripper suspects. Upon accepting his master’s request, Sebastian went to work by jumping from the carriage while it was still moving. Worried about his well-being, she looks out the window and doesn’t see him anywhere. ‘Where did he go?’, she thought to herself.
The next thing was when he returned to the townhouse with tea ready. All before everyone else came home. She looked perplexed by him. ‘He pulled out of a long list of suspects with no injuries to his body? And he has tea ready?’, she thought to herself. Even when Madam Red questioned him, Sebastian avoided answering them with a logical explanation. It was also frustrating that Auntie didn't push for answers from the butler. But she also doesn’t push for further answers since her focus is on capturing the killer and helping Ciel.
However, despite how uneasy she felt around Sebastian, she grew to have a soft spot for him. For one thing, he amuses her. It’s entertaining to see Sebastian using his wits to tease other people besides her. Especially when the victim is Ciel or his coworkers. Ciel explained his plan to infiltrate the Viscount Druitt’s mansion and arrest him. Although she volunteered to be the one to seduce the Viscount, Ciel immediately shut the idea down. The immense guilt she felt melted away once she saw Ciel’s disguise. The huge, puffy pink dress with a million frills only made it worse when Sebastian opened his mouth. She never could contain her laughter around him.
Despite her denial, her heart flutters whenever Sebastian shows physical affection. Especially during at night when she has trouble sleeping. He walked into her room to comfort her. Not to baby her like her Auntie does, not to degrade her, but to comfort her. The gentle caresses that she requested from him. She knows deep down he doesn’t care for her. But even then, it didn’t matter. As long as she has a companion at night, it won’t matter. Even if she won’t hear the end of it.
It was just a fun game for both.
Failing to capture the killer, Charlotte experienced feelings of anxiety and devastation. She couldn’t help but cling more to Madam Red to feel protected. Her warm body and reassuring and kind words always comforted her. Her Auntie was always a strong woman during difficult situations. With her clinging on to her aunt, Charlotte had to watch her least favorite sport, chess. However, after watching Ciel and Auntie play chess, she knew he was up to something and followed him (and his butler). Whether this was an excellent decision was up for debate.
It wasn’t until the Jack the Ripper case was over that she received the answers.
Madame Red. She was Jack the Ripper. She killed all those innocent women and ruined their families’ lives. It was all too much. The shocking revelation, the blood, the fight between Sebastian and Grelle. It wasn’t until she saw her auntie strangling Ciel that Charlotte knew she had to get involved. However, despite saving Ciel’s life, her auntie stabbed her. The ultimate betrayal. Before she passes out, she looks back at Ciel. A sigh of relief once she realizes he is safe and uninjured. The darkness consumed her, and she slipped into unconsciousness.
Later that night, the rain drowned out the singing of crickets that once echoed throughout the evening. Though it usually lulls her to sleep, the events of earlier in the night plagued her mind. Not to mention the pain remains to plague her. Eventually, she fell asleep, but not before she woke up screaming before quickly covering her mouth. As she catches her breath, the dream plays out in her head. The same warm blood staining her skin, the loud cries of her family members, and the revelation of her dear aunt being a serial killer. She couldn’t hold it in much longer. In the middle of her breakdown, Charlotte failed to realize someone was in her room.
“Having trouble staying asleep, my ladyship? How troublesome. Would you like me to assist you? A soothing lullaby perhaps?” Sebastian asked with the same playful voice she’s used to hearing. She glared at his question.
“Hush you. I have never asked you to do something so childish as singing me a lullaby,” Charlotte said with a slight annoyance as she wiped her tears away.
“Oh, no? I can’t quite remember. You cling to your family members like a little child. Even to my Lord, you cling tightly.” Sebastian replied with a smirk.
“Hmph. It was a moment of weakness, but that’s just it. It was one moment. Say, how did you get into my room? I didn’t hear the door open,” Charlotte said.
“Never mind that, my lady. You have trouble staying asleep, so I made you some hot chamomile tea. My lord has informed me you are quite picky, especially with tea. He told me you like your tea plain. So, I hope you enjoy your cup.”
“Ciel told you?” Charlotte stammered as she gazed at the cup. “I didn’t think he would remember something as simple as that,” she let out a small smile. “I will have to thank him for that some other time.” She hesitated before drinking her tea. “This is quite adequate. Thank you, Sebastian,” Charlotte said as she tried not to gag. Any praise Sebastian gets from her, he becomes a cheeky bastard. What an annoyance!
“However, that doesn’t answer my question, Sebastian. I knew you were watching me. The moment I started following you both, I saw your eyes on me. So, I ask again, how did you get into my room without making a sound?”
“Now, now, my lady,” Sebastian said as he tugged her hair behind her ears. It’s been like a cycle between the two. Whenever she has suspicions about Sebastian, he uses physical affection to keep her mind occupied. Such as when she questioned how he got her afternoon tea and cake ready in a blink of an eye, a soft caress of her cheek and a compliment made her forget about her question. Often, her cheeks would turn rosy, and she would respond with a shy smile. A little touch goes a long way. However,
“Stop that immediately.” Charlotte raised her voice and scooted away from Sebastian. “Enough of your affections for now. I know you and Ciel are hiding something here. You made that long list of suspects in a short amount of time. You absolute maniac, why did you jump out of the carriage? I didn’t even hear a groan from your lips. And I swear you have super strength and speed. How?” She takes a moment to take a deep breath. “You know I saw everything, Sebastian,” she starts. “That fight with Grelle was the final nail in the coffin. You’ve been suspicious since the very beginning. So admit it, Sebastian. You’re a demon, aren’t you?” she said with a scowl.
Sebastian smirked at her revelation and chuckled. “My lady, you’ve had quite an unfortunate night,” Sebastian interrupted her. “It’s best to get some rest now. I promise you will find the answers to your questions soon enough. I’m sure your auntie doesn’t want you to stress out,” he said with a light chuckle at the end. Her eyes widened. That’s right, Auntie is no longer here.
In pure rage, she lifted her hand out to slap Sebastian, only to be stopped. A tight grip was on her wrist as Sebastian’s smirk only grew.
“My lady, how cruel. Here I thought we were getting along swimmingly.” Sebastian squeezes her hand small, delicate hand as he presses his lips on her knuckles.
“Auntie.,” she mumbled, as if it were a brief prayer. As if she called out her name, Madam Red would appear. Unfortunately, that will never be the case. Instead, she faces Sebastian, the demon butler. “So you are a demon,” she mumbled again to herself. “What are your intentions with Ciel?” she raised her voice. “Are you after his soul, perhaps? Or are you…”
“I’m only going to say this once more. Rest now, dear. You have a long day ahead of you. I need to report your discovery to my master first thing in the morning. We shall see what we will do with you soon. Enjoy your night,” he whispered in her ear as he caressed her cheek. She gasps softly at his touch. Normally, she would feel his glove touching her cheek. She glanced at his hand, and her stomach dropped as she saw his mark. The Faustian contract mark.
“Good night, my lady. I hope you sleep well. I can't wait to see you in the morning,” he said before he planted a soft peck on her cheek. A goodnight kiss, a kiss goodbye to a normal life.
“Good night, Sebastian.”
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ash5monster01 · 11 months
Perfect To Love Part 5
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x FemReader!PlusSize
Warnings: fluff, mentions of bullying, body image issues, fat shaming, angst, trust issues.
Summary: Beth Walker was used to living in the shadows. She had only one friend and anyone else who paid her mind usually bullied her for her size. So she learned to keep her mouth shut, her head down, and her heart closed because she had to accept the fact that she would be nothing more than the fat girl to people. That is until Robin decides Beth needs more in life and that might just include a boy who she never would’ve thought could see her for who she truly was.
word count: 2,387
Part 4 ←→ Part 6
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It wasn’t often Steve and Dustin ended up alone these days. After they had become friends and Dustin started bringing around the party it just made sense to always do things as a big group. Yet every once in a while they’d get lucky and have time just the two of them. Today was one of those days since Mike went home early to call El and Lucas was taking Max to the movies to distract her from having to move into the trailer park. That meant Dustin was the only one that needed to be picked up from school today. Which also left Dustin alone with Steve since Robin was working a solo shift at Family Video tonight. He could finally hound the boy in private about his recent observations. Observations he had to keep to himself all weekend in anticipation of getting alone time with the guy.
“So how long have you been crushing on Beth?” Dustin leisurely asked after Steve had gotten done telling him about his most recent shift at Family Video. It was so smooth Steve didn’t even realized what he was asking for a moment.
“Since the party she-… Wait. You tricked me” Steve turned and glared, in disbelief he had fallen so quickly into Dustin’s trap. Loosening him up so he wouldn’t notice when he asked. He knew he should’ve been concerned when he asked about his day.
“Look I felt like skipping over the whole denial part and getting to the good stuff” Dustin offered, arms crossing over his chest.
“How’d you even know?” Steve asked, annoyed he had to explain himself to a child about a girl he wasn’t even sure what to do with. He had never dated girls like her, and that wasn’t meant to be conceived as bigger. Most girls he dated were dumb, ditzy, and had fried brain cells from too much aqua net. All of them were like that except Nancy and he totally screwed that one up anyway. On top of that, what was even the correct thing to say to her? Most times he tried to convince her of her beauty she just denied him. He didn’t want to lie to her but he wanted her to know she was worth as much as those other girls despite being different. That kind of line could get blurry.
“When you brought her to the movies with us. You did that thing where your ears turn red because she touched your arm and complimented you. It was funny. She likes you too” Steve’s eyes widened as Dustin spit this information out at him. He wished the boy didn’t notice everything all the damn time.
“She does not like me. She would’ve agreed to get food with me instead of sit through that horrible horror movie” Steve said referring to the second Nightmare on Elm Street they watched. He hadn’t even seen the first one and the only good thing about it was Beth leaning closer to him when she got scared.
“She only wanted to watch the movie cause you freaked out when Mike suggested you were going on a date with her” Dustin told him because it was true. No girl in the world wants to see the guy they like panic over the thought of dating them. Especially a girl like Beth that has only ever been hurt by men.
“Shit, I obviously didn’t mean it like that” Steve said hitting the steering wheel lightly.
“Yeah but she took it like that. I wouldn’t want to go and talk to a guy for two hours either after he made it clear he doesn’t want to date me” Dustin told him and Steve sighed, parking in front of Dustin’s house.
“Damnit, I just don’t know what to do with her. She’s different, obviously not in a bad way. I just have no idea how to approach the situation, she doesn’t believe me when I flirt with her. I have no idea how to get her to understand I want to kiss the shit out of her” Dustin snickered lightly as Steve admitted to this, not bothering hiding how he feels about the girl anymore in front of the boy.
“Where did all these feelings come from, you just met her?” Dustin asked, confused how one night could change everything.
“That night we went to the party we had a lot of fun, I was so comfortable talking to her. Plus she looked so good, like an angel. Then I caught Colin saying mean things to her and next thing I know I was punching him and claiming her as my own. When I heard those vile things he was saying I realized I wanted to protect her forever” Dustin looked at him with wide eyes, the first time he was hearing about Steve actually punching the guy.
“You punched him, and won?” Steve rolled his eyes and shoved the boy lightly to which Dustin just laughed.
“We left and she just broke down. Cried in my arms in the middle of the street and all I could think about was how many times she had cried because of that asshole and never had anyone to hold her” Steve finished his spiel and Dustin nodded, taking in all the information he had finally gotten from him.
“Makes sense why I haven’t seen Colin call her a mean name in a while. Actually I don’t think he’s even gone near her. I just assumed he got the black eye from football” Dustin told him, knowing him and the Hellfire Club usually had a front row seat to Colin’s bullying in the lunchroom.
“Good, means that asshole listened to me when I said to never go near her again” Steve seethed, already getting worked up about the guy. Where did Colin think he was getting off treating a girl like that?
“Look, just ask her on a date. Make it clear it’s actually a date this time too. Just move slow about it. You would probably scare her off going full King Steve” Dustin told him now reaching for his backpack.
“Okay, let me talk to Robin. If you tell anyone about this I’ll kill you” Steve said pointing at him and Dustin rolled his eyes before pushing open his door.
“Whatever, you screw it up with Beth I’ll kill you” Dustin told him back, already feeling protective over the girl because he knew what it was like to be treated differently because of your looks. Steve shook his head as Dustin got out the vehicle and slammed the door back shut before heading inside.
Steve drove off, towards the direction of Family Video, prepared to talk off Robins ear in hopes of getting advice about the girl. That was the plan until he pulled up outside of Family Video just to see the blue corvette parked outside. It was freshly washed, glimmering in the soft light of the autumn sun. He realized pretty soon Beth would have to put the car away, go a winter without it in order to protect it from rust. His BMW had always been important to him, he took care of it to the best of his abilities, but even he knew he didnt love his car like Beth loved hers. She loved so fiercely he wondered if that was why she hadn't allowed herself to be loved by anyone else, because she knew she would always love them more. His curiosity got the best of him and he pulled around the building to park in the back where he normally would during a shift. This way he could sneak in through the breakroom without alerting the girls.
"He showed up at your house?" Robin questioned, clearly unaware of the boy who wasn't supposed to be here since he wasn't currently working. Beth hadn't had a chance to talk to Robin since the series of events unfolded. Sunday Beth was worried about bothering her by calling and in school they didn't have a chance just the two of them to talk about it.
"Yeah I was working on my car and he just appeared in my driveway" Beth told her, leaning over the counter. She never wanted to be a girl to gossip about boys but it wasn't until now she realized how confusing boys could be.
"Then he asked you to go with him to take the kids to a movie?" to Beth Robin just seemed like a friend asking questions about what had went down over the weekend but Robin was curious because her and Steve hadn't planned on that. She was aware of most moves he was to make with Beth because it was her idea. He never brought up bringing her with the kids.
“Not exactly, he wanted to do something while they watched the movie but I said we should watch with them” Beth explained, having regretted it since she learned it was a horror movie. She didn’t sleep the entire night that night.
“Why would you do that, he clearly wanted to spend time with you?” Robin curiously asked, shoving some returns to the side that still needed to be put away.
“Well that’s what I thought until Mike suggested we were going on a date and you should’ve seen him freak out Rob. It was like even suggesting it was torture enough for him” Beth sighed, her head falling into her hands. This answer made Robin almost instantly fall into a glare. Steve's job was to mae Beth feel good about herself, acting horrified about going on a date with her clearly wouldn't help that.
"Maybe you just took it wrong, sometimes Steve is an idiot. Trust me, I would know" Robin comforted, her hand falling on the girls shoulder and giving it a squeeze.
"I dont know, I just feel stupid. I used to hate all the pretty girls that went in and out of that BMW like clockwork and now here I am, one of them" Beth groaned, feeling silly for allowing any feelings for Steve to seep in at all because she still hadn't forgiven him for what he had done. All those simple conversations made it easy to pretend but at the end of the day you could never really take a way the kind of harm he had done.
"You're not one of them Beth, no girl gets invitied into the BMW more than once these days. He's the one that showed up at your house, invited you to tag along with him. He probably panicked because he didn't want the kids teasing you guys if you did go on a date" Robin explained because she had seen how Steve was with the kids. There was a time they did it around her, Steve panicking about them suggesting a relationship between the two. That was because they didn't know she was gay. Hell she wasn't even sure Beth really knew.
"I just shouldn't of let him get close Robin, I've been out of my safety bubble too long. If I let this go on any longer all thats gonna happen is getting hurt and being reminded fat girls don't deserve that kind of love. I have to take a step back" Steve's heart dropped as he heard this confession from the back room. That was when he realized he couldn't be shy about this crush he had on her. No waiting around for hints she likes him back. Beth deserved to be pursued and he was gonna pursue the hell out of her. So he rushed back out the back door, hopped in his car, and sped back to the front of the building.
The bells on the door were hit so hard from his entrance they barely jingled, just a loud chime clambering into the wall as Steve rushed in. The wind from his stride making the Phoebe Cates cutout flutter slightly. Both girls jumped, too deep in their serious conversaton to be prepaed for such entrance. After all no one was ever that in a hurry to rent a movie. Once Beth saw it was Steve her heart calmed but Robin knew he had been listening. The stupid dingus had been eavesdropping from the back room. This was the only answer especially since Steve never cared to move so fast ever, even when he was clocked in.
"Steve we were just talki-"
"Will you go on a date with me? Saturday night, 6pm sharp, at Enzo's. I'll pick you up" Beth stared at the boy, eyes wide by his abruptness. Robin rolled her eyes, his answer enough to confirm he was spying on the two.
"You want to go on a date with me?" Beth finally muttered out, her heart racing so fast she swore they both could hear it.
"Yes Beth, because you deserve to be pursued and I want to pursue you. So we're gonna go on a real date, away from the kids, away from Robin, away from highschool assholes like Colin Matterson, who couldn’t be decent enough to take whatever snotty cheerleader he's dating this week to Enzo's, and we're going to have a damn good time. So, will you go on a date with me?" his small spech had left both Beth and Robin shocked but finally after a beat Beth nodded.
"Yeah, okay" a large smile broke across the boys face as she agreed. This wasn't just for Beth anymore, this was for him because he really liked Beth. It may have been unexpected but he was going to do the best he could to get to know her for real. So much for not going full King Steve.
"Perfect, I can’t wait" he told her with a dopey grin before turning and walking back out of the building. The minute he was alone in his car he let out the breath he was holding out. That had been the first time since Nancy that he had been nervous to ask a girl out. Hopefully it wouldn’t end the way it did with her.
“Did that just happen?” Beth asked, unable to keep a smile off her face. Robin glanced at her nervously, unsure of Steves true intentions, praying this would go her way.
“I think it just did”
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Taglist: @kindablackenedsuperhero @rinarecommends @starryeyedpoet17 @crustless-toast @loverofmarsss @alexa-33 @bethanysnow @middle-of-the-earth @princessadriana4-blog @mochminnie @legendaryhumandiplomatgoop
Comment if you want to be added to the tag list :))
a/n: sorry it’s been forever. I’m busy all of the time and I’ve been trying to keep my excitement going about this small fic. please show some love <3
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panlight · 4 months
Hi! I love your blog and your opinions so i've been thinking about some stuff. I don't know if you received this already and i'm sorry if you did. Ive been reading some fics, post BD canon, and thought about some stufff. Especially about nessie/jacob. I have no ideia how this will play out. Do you think the cullens will have to leave the town by the time nessie reach maturity? i think so, considering theyve been there for 8 years and carlisle will have to be what, 33?
If so, what will happen to jacob? he will tag along with nessie, of course, but what about his alpha duties? he will be far from his family for the next 80 years? that sounds so fucked up. i simply cannot imagine how stephanie thinks this is a good thing. nessie cant have children once she reaches maturity (even tho i DOUBT smeyer will leave her without children) so her child will have to turn into a vampire later? she wouldnt make ness/jacob lose their child. or shell make ness pregnant before she turns seven?
Anyways, another question: how do you think Edward (and bella and the cullens) will react to jacob/ness wedding and pregnancy? Some fics show edward pissed the fuck off but some hes just okay, having accepted the fate (he had 7 years to get over it). Also, i'm pretty sure he'll flip on jacob if they have sex before marriage and the thought of nessie being married at 7 years old terrifies me. i doubt they'd wait until marriage, tho. they are young and non mormon i mean, i'm sure smeyer will make them wait for marriage and have renesmee married AND knocked up before she reaches full maturity. but realistically, they wouldnt wait till marriage and i hope they wait long before marrying. what are your thoughts? how would edward, especially, react to marriage/pregnancy and pre marital sex? sorry for the long ask. i've been spiriling around twilight after some years hehe
The whole thing is just such a nightmare that I have to hope she "did not think it through" because the idea that she DID think it through and thought "yes this is great!" is even worse.
She HAS said that "the lovely thing about Jacob and Nessie relationship is that as long as he keeps phasing, he won't age." Which implies to me that a) she does intend for them to be a romantic couple in the future and b) she does intend for them both to be immortal.
The full maturity at 7 years feels so much like a "ugh I don't want to have to wait to write about her as a grown up so let's just skip ahead" sort of cheat to me, but again . . . did she think that through? The logic I've seen some fans apply is basically like, well different species reach maturity at different ages. A cat is an adult after about one year, while we think of humans becoming adults at around 18 years. Renesmee's not human, she's a hybrid and for her species adulthood is reached in 7 years so there's nothing 'bad' about it. But like . .. the optics? Terrible. And she's only been alive/on earth for seven years. She's only had seven years of life experience. That's . . . that's REALLY uncomfortable to think about. Physically she might be an adult, maybe even mentally in terms of brain development, but emotionally? Socially? Especially compared to Jacob's 20+ years of life experience at that point.
And given SM's questionable relationship with science and biology, I honestly kind of expect that she'll let Renesmee have children even after the seven years. I think that's the reason that female hybrids aren't venomous. That she's set THAT up to be like "oh they're not venomous . . . so they can get pregnant!" and Renesmee will be fertile until her eggs run out. But that's assuming that her reproductive system is anything like a human's and SM could fully just be like "oh it's not!!! she is fertile every 7 years and will always have twins" or whatever she invents (I think they will have twins because twins run in Jacob's family and while that's Not How That Works it seems like a set-up for super-amazing wolfpire hybrid twins who save the world).
In canon, Edward and Bella will probably be fine with it? SM sees this as a happy ending for Jacob (he gets his predestined soulmate) and a happy ending for Bella (she gets to keep her best friend around forever . . . as a son-in-law???) so I don't think she'll have them feel anything but normal parental feelings about seeing their little girl grow up and get married. She'll write something about Edward seeing the love in Jacob and Renesmee's minds and while Bella might be lowkey a little jealous she'll tell herself she's happy for them blah blah blah.
The headcanons of Renesmee rebelling or becoming evil or breaking the imprint are probably all more REALISTIC to what someone growing up in that nightmare of a situation would do, but I don't think that's what SM is imagining here at all. I think it will be about a girl who doesn't feel like she fits in, oh woe is me, a lonely hybrid. Nahuel will come back and there will be a love triangle with him and Jacob, because Nahuel is like her and understands, is the only male of her species and she's the only female who isn't his sister. But in the end she picks Jacob because "he's always been there for me . . . since the moment I was born" (BLECH) and they'll have amazing twins with powers that will somehow be able to stop the Volturi when they come back.
And yeah Jacob will be stuck living with the Cullens, or at least with Nessie, for the rest of forever. Maybe once Nessie's an adult they'll travel independently, but they are immortal and don't age, they can't stay in one place forever. Maaaaaybe in La Push if everyone's in on the secret, but canonically not everyone is. And how IS he supposed to be a good leader for his community if his #1 priority is being whatever Nessie, a half-vampire, needs? It's a huge conflict of interest and super unfair to him.
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gabessquishytum · 11 months
No sex ed virgin dream au my beloved.
How about mixing it in with the 'Dream has had sex before but it was just bad' idea and turning on that blender? Let's throw in young Dream with older neighbour Hob as well. Who's gonna stop me?
In this au, I am imagining the Endless as one of those stereotypical Christian families. The type that is about abstinence and boring married missionary sex to procreate. Yes the Endless siblings are the family's worst nightmare because they all turned out...like that. Even the ones who are straight and "behave" believe in supporting the "sinful lifestyle". Christmas dinner is a delightful event.
Maybe Calliope is from a similar family, because let's face it, no one can stand these people aside from people who are also Like That. She is about the same age as Dream and they both like art so naturally their families think they will be perfect together! Surprisingly they actually like spending time with each other so getting married doesn't sound awful.
They have a cute little wedding and move to a different neighbourhood to live out the married life. Except....they aren't enjoying it much. They like each other, have similar interests, respect one another, and they are great friends. Everything indicates that they would have a great marriage, they certainly get along better than other couples they know, so why are they both so unsatisfied?
Their sex life is best described as mediocre. Other young couples at church/family gatherings expressed a similar dissatisfaction but those stories all seem to have something to do with one partner pressuring the other or not reciprocating or it being physically painful. Dream and Calliope don't have those issues. The sex is just....meh.
[Calliope: I have feelings for you. Dream: I have feelings for you, too. Narrator: The feeling was “friendship,” but neither had ever experienced it]
When they meet their new neighbours they quickly befriend the slightly older couple. It's impossible not to, Eleanorand Hob are both so incredibly nice and charismatic. I'm thinking Dream and Calliope are in their early 20s and Hob and Eleanor are about mid to late 30s.
One night they have a dinner party with plenty of wine and Dream and Calliope just start spilling. Hob and Eleanor, bisexuals extraordinaire, are shocked at the blank expressions on Dream and Calliope's faces. How has their sex ed been this bad?
They end up giving Dream and Calliope a lot of tips and it does improve their sex life but they both still feel like something is missing. Maybe a hot older man/woman?
I firmly believe Calliope and Dream are the kind of couple who get wine drunk together and one night they both end up confessing they have a crush on the neighbour. Some drunken confusion later they establish that Calliope has a massive crush on Eleanor and Dream is totally gone on Hob.
It takes them way too long to do anything about it since they are so desperately trying not to get in the way of Hob and Eleanor's marriage that neither of them notice the very obvious hints Hob and Eleanor have been dropping.
They get their eventually though. The older Endless family members are dangerously close to getting an aneurism when, a couple years later, they get invited to a garden party that ends up being an anniversary celebration for..... who, exactly? The rituals of a bisexual polycule are intricate and mysterious.
For extra shits and giggles: Calliope and Eleanor get pregnant around the same time and for the family members who don't see them often (which to be fair is most of them) it becomes impossible to tell who Robin's and Orpheus's biological mothers are. They don't even try to unpack who the biological father is.
- 🍃
Quietly dying. This is SO GALAXY BRAIN. Polycule!!! Always love a polycule!!!!
Dream and Calliope having mediocre missionary sex each night while literally on the other side of the wall, Eleanor is having her mind blown once again by Hob’s pussy eating skills. She's gonna peg him when he's done down there. This is my new favourite thing ok. When they finally have The Conversation I'm imagining Eleanor taking Cal by the shoulders and looking in her eyes like "sweetheart. darling. please tell me you know where your clit is." Blank expressions from both Cal and Dream. Hob has a breakdown over the Tragedy of It All.
After a lot of umming and erring and weeks of hopeless pining Hob comes over from next door and he's like "OK my wife is going insane, we need to talk about this. she really wants to blow your back out Cal. preferably now." And then he looks at Dream and blushes "also i really want to suck your dick."
And they do talk about it a lot more and there are Big Feelings at stake. But they make it work. They end up knocking through the wall between their houses and making one Big House and its amazing. They have Robyn and Orpheus who might as well be twins and then maybe they adopt Daniel as well. The polycule is thriving (except for when Calliope and Hob get mistaken for siblings because they look vaguely alike. that's just awkward. Eleanor and Dream think it's hilarious BTW.)
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tomriddles-wh0re · 1 year
‘Running from love’ // t.r part 4
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Pairing: female!potter(james’ sister) x Tom Riddle
wc: 1.6 k
Summary: In the past, the reader hadn't hope to fall in love with him, their goal was to prevent the rise of the Dark Lord but nothing seemed to go as planned when they are sent back into the future. In the months following the return, Tom Riddle continues to haunt their nightmares and their new reality as he closes in on them. How can an old love cause so much harm? 
Trigger warnings: none
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | tbc
How does one set up a meeting with the Dark Lord? I suppose you can’t just owl his assistant for available time slots. She had no clue about his whereabouts so she decided it was time to owl one of their closest friends, Abraxas Malfoy. After a long drawn out night, she attempted to compose a letter by rewriting it time and time again until she knew it was sculpted to perfection. She sent the letter off in a black envelope to the owl post office to be set out. The letter read:
Dear Abraxas,
It comes in time where I reach back out to you, to my dismay it is under these circumstances. I understand it has been many years, decades since you have last heard from me but hopefully you haven't forgotten me. My letter regards my Tom, the attached letter is to reach him, I haven’t a clue where he is so if you could pass it to him I would be thankful. My friend, hopefully you are well, I am doing quite fine, I can’t address what happened to me or why I disappeared, that is for another letter. How are things? Must be a lot of things we can address in the future, perhaps over a cup of tea, you always told me those were for serious talks. Until then and when I am ready, this will be all until I send a letter back. You mustn’t send a letter in response or attempt to charm one my may, I prefer my location a secret. So be kind enough to not try for all attempts will fail. Best regards, Malfoy.
P.s please make sure Tom personally gets it and only he reads it. 
Tom’s letter read:
Dear Tom,
My dearest, I never intended to leave all those years ago. I intended to stay with you, to love you to my best capability, to perhaps have you round’ my folks home, meet my family, get married, have kids, and grow old together. Our time together was cut short, for reasons I must’n disclose in a letter but in person. I will explain it all if you will let me. I know what you have done yet I still love you as much as the last day I had in your presence, I ask that you give me a chance to explain. You don’t have to but I wish to at least explain, in case I get my Tom back to me or atleast get closure for the both of us. If you are willing to meet me, I ask you don’t be angry with me and you come alone as I will. The location hasn’t been chosen yet, as I haven’t thought of a place but I will send an owl to Abraxas to give to you as I don’t know your location, I trust you will abide by my wishes and wait for my owl. Meet me at 12 pm on June 16, location will be owled at a later date. I love you Tom, please don’t ever forget it. 
Sincerely yours,
Sending the letter was half the trouble, the real issue was following through with the meeting. I hoped it would only be me and him but even just the two of us alone had uneased myself. Besides Regulus, no one knew I had gone to meet him and even then he had no idea the date or location of where it was agreed.
On the brisk morning, I apparated to a small secluded area in the English countryside. Walking along the cobblestone steps, slowing up to the dark mahogany doors of the long gone manor I pulled the cloak closer over my head. The grand house succumbed to the vines that began to grow up the sides of the once incredulous architecture. The family home of the Riddles had long gone, becoming an estate, only being in good enough condition to still stand. When preventing Tom from killing his father, his dad started a new family that continued the line. Here I was shivering with the knowledge he would be inside waiting for me, possibly awaiting to kill me but he hadn’t yet so I continued. Pushing the door open, a small squeak of the rusty hinges let out through the air before returning to silence as I closed it behind me. The layout of the house reminded me of the Malfoy Manor, tall doors lining the walls ushering out to separate wings or presumed ballrooms and the giant sturdy staircase lined with oil portraits. I wondered how different he would have turned out if Tom Riddle SR. accepted to raise him, instead of being stuck with the croon Mrs. Cole. 
The farthest door on the left was ajar, the faint light of a fire along with candles were the only indications of another person being here with me. Making sure to pull my hood over my eyes whilst tucking my wand in my pocket I sturdied myself before opting to continue down the hall. Silence hung through the air besides the content click of my boots on the wooden floor, passing a few door frames I made it to the open one. Peering into the room, it appeared to be a study lined with bookshelves filled to the brim with a variety of books. In the center of the room was a lit fireplace in front of a set of couches. The center couch was a dark figure of a man, she knew it was him from the moment she set eyes on his side profile. 
The posture was a give away, along with the book he held in his palms, his diary. His hair was in a tight set of dark brown curls, his skin gleamed with warmth allowing it to dance along his face, his posture was perfect but loose, in his hand opposite to his diary was a cup of firewhiskey, his face was hardly a day older then when you last saw him. Your presence was known but he didn’t glance your way, hiding behind your cloak and the shadows just basking in the way his presence calmed you. Finally closing his book before setting his cup down he spoke “i supposed you would use her as a rouise eventually Albus, such a pity you had to be the first to die in this disgraced house” he twirled his hand before his wand appeared out of thin air.
Glancing up at the doorway, his eyes burned with full fury as he assumed Dumbledore was here. But fearing the worse you spoke softly “Tommy” he instantly froze. 
 “y/n?” his voice shook as you nodded behind shadows of the low pulled hood. “Come on, I know this is a  trick, Dumbledore give up and show yourself” he pointed his wand at you, shaking his anger as he stood up abruptly. Seeing him in person was surreal, you were sure tears were streaming down your face, still hiding in the shadows. “It's me Tom” you spoke, approaching him, faced down as your voice broke. “It can’t be” he said, almost trying to convince himself but in an instant he surged toward you, pinning you to the wall. 
He dug his wand up your jugular where it lay just on top of your pulse point, just as he had so many times in those awful nightmares. His rough palms grabbed your chin, finally lifting it to meet his eager gaze. Tilting it up so far that your hood sunk down, revealing her face to his eager eyes. Standing inches away from his face as he let the shock set it. His breath hitches in his throat, his shoulders tensed before he dropped his wand and pulling you into a tight hug. Nuzzling up into your hair, he caressed your cheek and drank in your appearance as if it was the last thing he got to see. “It's been years, why have you just found me my love” he spoke finally letting his own sobs echo through the air. “why don't you look a day older than when I last saw you?” he mumbled into her hair as he pulled you closer down to his shoulder. You finally broke, “Oh Tom, I missed you so much. I can explain everything I promise just let me hug you”. The experience was surreal, he picked you up to bring you both to the couch. Lying cuddled up, his deep breaths tethered you to reality. He had aged in the past decades, the young boy now grew into an older man. The dark brown hair of his was now parted in the middle with loose curls now framing an older more angular face. His eyes sparkled in a new sheen, the past version you knew was so far away. 
“Can you explain now?” he asked, lifting a hand to rub the hot tears off your cheeks. 
“I will” she said, but now nothing was certain. He had wanted to kill her, but now he hadn’t. He had only wished to when he thought she was Albus, only then was she truly in danger. Now, his aged self comforted the girl in such a scenario no one would have expected. How could she admit the truth, how she existed then only to prevent his own casualties? Could anyone reason to the implication that she loved him to save him, how could he react?
She wanted to greedily enjoy the silence between the both, pretending they had fallen asleep on the Slytherin homeroom’s couch again when they were young. But they weren’t kids anyone, she had lived this year of her life two times already and for Riddle he soaked up the decades away from her, building his power. They had both changed, now they only held ideas of one another but they wanted so badly to fall back in time to before the night their whole worlds paused. 
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 9 months
So since Anthonia is a distant cousin, does that mean she's stuck with Kai as a family member when he start dating Skylor ? Amd what would be her reaction and the others about their relationship? ( the others means the ninjas, Jesse, Anthonia, ect )
Nothing quite that drastic, but once Skylor gets the chance to meet Antonia she's thrilled at the idea of "meeting some of her mother's family" (even if it is family that's like seven times removed)
Antonia thinks Skylor is cool as hell and thinks it's funny to watch Kai absolutely fumble over her
Lloyd can literally sense the potency of their connection and thus approves, but also likes seeing Kai unashamedly happy again (especially after S3's aftermath, hoo)
Zane, as usual, minds his business about other people's love lives, although he (and Pixal) are naturally a little skeptical about Skylor specifically and her intentions even after everything. But with how hard Kai vouches and seeing her try to better herself, he eventually warms up to her
Pixal takes much longer to stop giving the cold shoulder. Skylor doesn't blame her. Kai feels slightly guilty but not guilty enough
Cole taunts Kai relentlessly for being so blatantly weak for Skylor after witnessing months of his shameless flirting with people but Kai just flips the script on him when it comes to Jesse
Speaking of Jesse, certain S3-related circumstances ahem lead him to having a crush on Skylor for like 48 hrs (because she is attractive and cool and he is a weak bisexual individual). Non-drama shenanigans ensue and he and Skylor become good friends, but Jesse ultimately and very gladly sends her in Kai's direction snksnknk (Jesse you've been in enough triangles for a lifetime stop)
Nya: How. How did this happen. Jesse: ...how did what happen? Nya: How do you guys get kidnapped onto a remote island, forced into a life-or-death elemental tournament WITHOUT ME, and Kai, a solid 7 maybe on a good day, comes back with a living, breathing once-evil smoking hot strong af girlfriend on his arm???? Nya: Am I in a parallel world??? A mirror realm of some kind??? A DREAM?! Chad: No, it's more a nightmare, really. Nya: ...I have to lay down. I have to be imagining things– Kai: sHUT UP NYA IT'S NOT THAT HARD TO BELIEVE Skylor: *losing her mind laughing*
...and, discussing Jay is spoilers.
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osatokun · 5 months
(for charlie - sry i love malkavians so much lol) wound, midnight, monster, heartbreak
So do I! my fav clan for sure and I stopped blaming myself for picking occult heavily based characters that are often malkavians. Enjoying what I love hehe.
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wound: How does your OC handle being wounded? Are their wounds mostly physical? Mental? Emotional? What's the worst wound your OC has ever experienced?
Physical? Easy. Once he got sick, he experienced the unbearable pain that could not be stopped. It was a mental disease and it slowly degraded kindred to being mindless creatures that could only kill and destroy, absolutely destroying their personality. Luckily, a salubri healed him. But after that he stopped fearing any physical pain, for better or worse. During the game he got his hands broken, he got his both legs chopped out, he got his tongue removed, his eyes got burned down several times etc etc. He has 0 fear. He understood that this is not alright, this is scary and painful for people around him too, when Glinda got sad because he was in pain. She grounds him well. As for mental and emotional.. well, he killed himself because he couldn't bear the betrayal of his trust in his family. The thought that he's lonely and family not always loves each other as you imagine. Reality crushed him, he started to take drugs, drink, and then killed himself trying to escape. So he doesn't deal well with feelings. But it's been 200 years, he's very slowly healing. He will never be entirely healed tho and he accepts it.
midnight: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping? I mean, he can't be up because of nightmares, he's a vampire after all.. but he have nightmares all the time. His past fears, his current fears, and glimpse of upcoming future haunts him. He dies over and over again. He loose his loved ones over and over again. He fears for his new found family the most. He's pretty predictable and simple I think? Understanding that he can't save everyone is also haunting him. Understanding how many people died because he let a demon escape. Because he lost hope to save someone and didn't even try. Because he wasn't brave enough. Because he wasn't quick enough and instead of saving, he enjoyed his new happy family life. Because he was weak and got too emotional. He has so many blood on his hands. He saved many, but so many died.it will always haunt him. And before Glinda, he feared to be completely alone. He locked himself from everyone because of fear being wounded, so no wonder he was alone. She showed him that he's not alone but now.. now he is afraid SHE will get wounded or killed.He believes in her, he wont bother her with his fear, but he knows the fear is here.She knows it too. monster: Is your OC monstrous in any way? Is there something that makes them monstrous? Are they aware of their own monstrosity? Do they accept it or reject it? He learned to accept himself as a whole. I'd say, he even love his Beast as a part oh himself. However he asked Glinda to kill him if he'll fully become a monster one day. She rejected saying she is no different. heartbreak: Have they ever had a relationship that ended badly? Experienced some other kind of heartbreak? What happened? ...many. His first ever gf, Caroline, was a vampire. He is very stupid when it comes to emotions, he was sure it's going to be forever and ofcorse she likes him just as he likes her. However she used him while he was useful and easily guided. gaslited and manipulated him for almost 15 years. His sires didn't point it out, they wanted him to learn everything the hard way. But even now, when he understands what happened and that it wasn't love at all, he is grateful for the years they've been together and has no hard feelings. (even tho he run away from her in the end and still kinda fears her a bit)
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Then he didn't want to meet with anyone and avoided romantical contacts with people for 10~ years. But Caroline opened something new in him, desire to be loved, to be wanted, to be with someone. And once he saved a man who didn't want to die by giving him his blood. The man mistaken new feelings with love and wanted to posses Charlie. He seduced this little stupid malk who desperately tried to run away from the need of being loved. However when Charlie understood that when he's around the blood bounds wont get weaker, he broke up with this man. But it didn't end here. This man, David, was no little fluffy bunny. He stalked Charlie, manipulated his exes ( Charlie started to meet people, but quickly break up with them) into starting a Charlie-hate club where they started to learn magic and trying to make his life a nightmare. And when people started to get hurt. Charlie had to kill David. He fooled him that all these years was just a test and he passed, now they going to be together forever. At this point David already understood that Charlie is a vampire, but he believed that all this painful need inside was the need for bites. He let Charlie bite him, and malkavian drank all of his ghoul's blood, while reading his thoughts in the process. David was a criminal, a cruel and manipulative person, but Charlie mourns him still. He visits his grave and take care of it. And also thinks he had to let David die in the first day they met in the clinic, when they were just a patient and a doctor.
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silverwolf1249 · 2 years
recently read an incomplete fic with injustice! Superman and arkham city! Batman after the joker venom got to him and that's definitely two people I never even thought of interacting with each other, and now lives in my head rent free. Like, I've read great stories with injustice and earth 1, but holy shit injustice and arkham knight?? jksdkjdsk the many parallels between injustice! Superman and arkham! Batman, and yet how their paths differed, my worm brain is obsessed. Just think about it:
A Superman who got tricked by the Joker by inhaling kryptonite infused fear toxin and ended up killing Lois, whose death then destroyed Metropolis. A Superman who then proceeded to kill off the Joker and began eliminating crime by creating a world of his own vision using force.
A Superman who let the Joker's influence rule his every action even after his death. A Superman who stopped being Clark Kent and became the ruthless tyrant Kal-El of the Regime. A Superman who kills anyone who's against him or gets in his way, in the name of protecting peace on earth.
A Batman who got infected by the Joker and slowly lost his grip on reality as he went through a fear toxin riddled Gotham City. A Batman who despite everything, refused to kill to the very end, trying his best to save everyone, including the Joker.
A Batman who managed to defeat the Joker's influence in the end and locked him up. A Batman who also killed off Bruce Wayne like Superman did Clark Kent, but unlike Kal, Batman receded to the shadows, to once again become a myth, a nightmare. A Batman who now utilizes fear toxin to subdue criminals.
Admittedly the last bit is kind of a conjecture based off the ending of Arkham City, but seeing a fear toxin wielding Batman vs a Superman who knows so intimately what fear toxin can do sounds so so interesting. Especially since apparently injustice! Bruce used it on Zod after he killed Tim, but said he would never use it against Kal after what he had done under its influence.
Of course, they also have some major differences, Bruce never killed his family, even if for a good second he thought bringing Barbara into his crusade was the reason she died (except that was a hallucination thank god). He never destroyed Gotham, he helped make the city better, and continues to do so. Kal-El killed Lois and their unborn child with his bare hands, and right after Metropolis got nuked.
I can only imagine Kal-El's jealousy that despite their similarities, Bruce essentially still had everything, all his loved ones and his city. Also his confusion and rage when he learns that Bruce still tried to save the Joker even after the Joker had caused him so much grief and suffering. He just can't understand how Bruce could keep his no killing rule even after basically spiraling into the Joker's madness. He has so many whys he doesn't even know where to begin.
And if arkham! Batman manages to also interact with injustice! Batman somehow ohohoho that's also so many possibilities with that considering again that arkham! Batman still has all his children alive and thriving while injustice! Bruce very much does not. Among other things of course, but that's definitely a big one. The other big thing being of course the Joker infection thing.
I sadly don't know enough about injustice to see how the rest of the Regime or Insurgency would react to arkham! Batman but man I would love to see their reactions to a Batman who might have a few screws loose, still doesn't kill, and is even scarier than ever with his fear toxin and he himself with an absolute lack of fear.
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troutfur · 22 days
4, 8, 17, and 18 for the fic behind the scenes?
Ask game
Do you outline before you start writing? If so, how far do you stray from that outline?
Overtime I've become more of a planner. I used to be full pantser but I have found it increasingly useful to plan out my scenes in advance. The story still throws me curveballs but generally I stick to my scene descriptions. A lot of the time they're just vague ideas anyway and the exact dialogue and interactions always surprise me in one way or another once I put fingers to the keyboard.
Do you listen to music while you write? If so, share a song that’s been inspiring you lately.
I do! But it's very much almost always instrumental music. Here is one that's real nice from an instrumental guitar playlist I listen to a lot on Spotify:
What fic are you most proud of?
What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
Jayfeather has a strange ability. When he sleeps, he can drift away from his own mind and float upwards. As he does it, he can feel everything as if he could touch it with his paws up close; he wonders if that's what seeing is like. But what's more important is that he can visit the dreams of other cats this way. He mostly uses it to escape his nightmares. He is Leafpool accusing her own daughter of committing a crime when she did nothing, when it's her who is to blame for misreading the signs, perhaps as punishment for her own transgression. He is Firestar raising his claws against his own granddaughter, against his own daughter, striking without hesitation. He is a warrior, duty-bound to kill Hollypaw now that she's crossed the scent line, seeking to see her family once again after all this time. He is himself, taking joy in tearing apart his own family, even if he knows how that feels. He is himself, having to exile his own wrongly chosen apprentice. Tonight it's Dovepaw he's exiling. But other nights it's Ivypaw. And some nights it's both, one after the other.
From doomed to repeat it
This one came to me in a flash of inspiration. I can definitely see the hallmarks of the kinds of fics I was reading, mostly 1st person with very terse prose. It's kind of dissonant with the rest but I like the effect. I really wanted to drive home Jayfeather's guilt and writing in nightmares is just. I don't know it's a favorite way of mine to emphasize guilt. I don't know why it resonates so much with me given I barely dream at all, whether good or bad.
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Old Wounds - Wenclair fanfic, chapter 26
Description: Now aged 22, Wednesday Addams is an up-and-coming author. Her time at Nevermore is well behind her, and she is alone, and that suits her just fine...But when a 'new' neighbour shows up in her apartment building, she'll truly be tested on whether her "bad habit" of caring truly has been broken. (Hint: It hasn't.)  
Pairing: Wednesday Addams / Enid Sinclair
Rating: Mature (Fic is fully SFW up to Chapter 20)
Click Here For Previous Chapter
Click Here To Read This Chapter On AO3 or keep reading below!
In a surprising turn of events, Wednesday and Enid’s Saturday evening is remarkably unremarkable.
Between the completely normal and delicious evening meal (served with a generous helping of wine, naturally), a competitive yet shockingly civilised few rounds of card games, before finishing with a few lessons in – completely standard, non-poison related - mixology from Morticia, an outsider looking into the Addams’ grandiose gothic home would perhaps be swayed into believing they were watching a completely average family.
This atmosphere sits uncannily with Wednesday through the whole night. She eyes her mother warily, expecting a comment, an implication; an ‘accidental’ enjoyably morbid something-or-other … but no, there is nothing but best behaviour, and innocent smiles where knowing glances would usually be exchanged.
It is jarring and unnatural.
Late becomes even later, and Morticia eventually bids them goodnight without so much as a deliberate glare or mischievous tone to her voice. Just a wish of sweet dreams for Enid, and nightmares for Wednesday. She then disappears upstairs with her usual graceful saunter… and just like that, their evening together comes to an end.
Anti-climactic does not even begin to describe it.
With their privacy now returned to them, Wednesday and Enid find themselves at a loss.
It feels as though there is something afoot. It taunts Wednesday’s mind ceaselessly. Enid is cautiously optimistic, guessing that Morticia perhaps saw error in her ways and simply aimed to make the evening quietly pleasant. Wednesday is not so easily convinced. However, aside from how abnormally “normal” her mother was, there is little to actually ruminate on. Wednesday has half a mind to follow her mother upstairs but she is dissuaded by Enid. Her pursuit of knowledge concerning her mother’s behaviour will simply have to wait.
Wednesday and Enid consequently spend the rest of the evening together alone – Which is not a terrible thing, by any stretch of the imagination.
And when Wednesday awakes the next morning, staring into the swirled plaster of the ceiling, with Enid curled up beside her, she takes some time to consider – once again – the confusing events from the night before… and thinks to the curious and strange day that must surely lay ahead of her.
But… the day isn’t strange. Nor is it curious. Not in an Addam’s way, at least.
And that – in itself – is strange and curious.
In fact, the morning passes without so much of a phrase or glance out of place. Morticia is kind, witty, but intentionally vague and somewhat distant. She seems...distracted? It only makes Wednesday more inquisitive; more intent on figuring out this puzzle.
They all have breakfast, walk the grounds of the house to feed the various wild beasts that roam the woodlands, and to forage for ingredients for Morticia’s arcane spells, before returning to the house for a midday meal and tea. Enid and Morticia do, in fact, paint each other's nails - much to Wednesday’s chagrin…even though she will concede that her lack of participation in favour of reading is beneficial on the grounds of her social battery.
Everything seems too good; too nice. It’s too simple.
It’s only as it dips into a gloomy afternoon that Morticia seems to perk up a little. The dark light that usually shimmers in her eyes makes a slight return just as rain begins to rattle gently against the windows. Though, she remains unexpectedly muted in demeanour… However, seeing as this is the closest she’s been to her regular self, it is seemingly the closest thing to an opportune moment Wednesday is going to be offered if she wishes to investigate.
And so with a subtle nod from Enid (who is now painting Thing’s nails), Wednesday slips away and corners her mother in one of the many hallways as she makes her return from the bathroom.
Although, ‘corners’ would be a forgiving use of the word. Without a pair of platform shoes to help her out, Morticia towers over Wednesday in a way that most would find intimidating… But Wednesday would never stoop to fealty on the basis of her height; not with her mother, certainly.
Her mother looks down at her with a questioning look.
“Wednesday…” She greets quietly. “What is it, little viper?”
Wednesday squints at her mother. She doesn’t buy the innocence that’s being offered.
“Cut the act. You’re acting strange… and not in our particular way.”
Morticia smooths down her dress, before tightly clasping her hands together. Pulling her lips into a tight smile, she gives a small, absent shake of her head. Whatever kind of performance she is putting on, it’s certainly one she’s invested a lot of thought into. Most would be convinced.
Most people are not Wednesday.
“It is nothing for you to worry about, darling. I’m just missing your father.” Morticia states. She attempts to shuffle past, but is stopped by Wednesday side-stepping to block her path.
“That is expected.” Wednesday replies flatly. Truly, it is. Her mother and father are rarely apart, if ever - so a desperate wave of separation anxiety is unsurprising behaviour… but, it would not manifest in this way. Wednesday knows this from experience. Her mother is usually much more sickly when her father is absent; dramatic, claiming physical ailments from the lack of her husband’s presence. It is most perturbing... But no, this behaviour is something else. Wednesday cannot be convinced otherwise. “But I am not a fool, and you are usually not a liar.”
Morticia looks aghast at the accusation. Her eyes widening, a measure of quiet shame fills her expression and her forced composure crumbles for just a second. She catches herself though, pulling herself back to form with a tight breath in. It’s uncanny how easily the mask seems to slip back on. Just like Wednesday herself, Morticia is not keen to let anyone catch her off-guard. She takes a step back from Wednesday.
“I have not lied to you, my dear.” Morticia says.
“But you have not told the truth.”
Morticia sighs. She pinches the bridge of her nose.
Wednesday stares at her mother intently. She is fortunate, in a sense, that she knows her mother expects this level of persistence from her. It means she feels unabashed in her pursuit; unrelenting in her desire for answers. Her mother should know better than to try and hide things from her.
“Why are you acting like this, mother?” Wednesday asks. Her voice is stern; demanding.
Morticia raises her hands in defeat. She concedes with a wary look in her eye, and a warning carried on her tongue.
“Because, Wednesday, I had a vision and I have been trying to alter the course it showed me.”
Wednesday scowls. She blinks a few times, confused.
That doesn’t make sense… Visions are simply a vague glimpse into the future’s path – and the path is certainly set in stone. There is no altering; no diversions. Why would her mother think herself separate from what awaits during those moments of insight?
Then, there’s a pang of something that hits Wednesday’s stomach. Like dread, but quieter. Ominous foresight, perhaps?
She looks back up at her mother with a questioning gaze.
“What do you mean?”
Morticia purses her lips slightly as she mulls over her words for a moment. She sighs again.
“My vision… it showed you finally having a new vision. A wonderful thing, you would think, being that my visions are rooted in positivity. But your visions-”
“- Are generally negative.” Wednesday finishes.
“Yes, and the timing seemed particularly poor, what with you being here and all… I thought that if I, perhaps, changed my actions, my way of interacting with the world that it may have some effect; delay your vision, so to speak.”
Wednesday nods slowly, now understanding her mother’s flawed logic. It is ridiculous, of course. A plan such as this will not and never would have worked...but her mother is nothing if caring - and cautious when it comes to certain things. Wednesday’s visions have always been fickle and consuming, but it has been a long time since they last surfaced. Perhaps her mother wishes for this dry spell to continue; to give Wednesday freedom from any threat that she does not willingly choose to participate in. It would make sense. Even so, Wednesday finds it demeaning her mother would neglect to speak on what she saw.
In truth, Wednesday is actually not keen to be thrown off her feet by the strangling sensation of the universe inviting itself into her brain, but she will admit she somewhat yearns for those dangerous peeks behind the curtain. It should be her choice whether she tries to avoid them or not.
“Why delay the inevitable? My visions must return at some point.”
Morticia eyes Wednesday gravely. She brings her hands to Wednesday’s shoulders, lightly hovering them above the fabric of the dark sweater Wednesday wears.
“Your visions are a subject of pride, but there are times they have struck fear into my blackened heart. I’m afraid that fear may have been leading me.”
Wednesday quirks an eyebrow. As much as this behaviour is distasteful, she lacks motivation to draw out any suffering from her mother’s actions, even if they are a grave misstep. Wednesday will concede privately that she understands the concern over poor timing, safety, etc. – though arguably, her visions have never had “good timing” in the first place, nor promised safety, so it is somewhat of a null argument… In any case, chastising her mother just isn’t as fun as it is with strangers or overly familiar acquittances. But she will still say something, just on principle. Just to make sure her disapproval is known.
“You should know better.” Wednesday chides. “I am an adult, mother. You do not need to protect me.”
Morticia swallows her pride, bowing her head slightly.
“I apologise.”
Wednesday offers her mother a deadly glare.
“All is forgiven, but do not attempt such a thing again.” She says sternly. With that, Wednesday then quickly turns on her heel and proceeds back to the living room. Behind her, she hears a soft rustle of fabric as her mother seemingly walks away in the opposite direction.
Wednesday mulls over what she has learned as she re-approaches Enid. A measure of concern sits in her stomach at the question of what this upcoming vision may show her. The potential is great; the potential threat even greater… It is certainly a mystery. Not ideal, really, but it is undeniable and something Wednesday is adamant to not run from. It would be easier if she knew the trigger, but it will unfortunately elude her until the moment strikes. Which is most inconvenient.
Enid and Thing greet Wednesday warmly as she rejoins them. Wednesday sits by Enid’s side, her confrontational gaze softening at Enid’s inquisitive smile.
Enid leans closer and presses a small, chaste kiss to Wednesday’s cheek.
“You get your answers?” Enid asks quietly.
Wednesday nods. She basks for a second in the bubble of privacy Enid has created.
“I did” She replies, her voice similarly low. “My mother’s behaviour was a futile attempt to protect me from my own visions… but it is all resolved now.”
“Oh, weird.” Enid says with a slight frown. She goes to continue her sentence, but snaps her mouth shut as Morticia makes an unexpected return, clutching a bundle of rope and some knives. Both Enid and Wednesday snap their attention to Morticia, who offers them a devious smile. Evidently, she is opting to move onwards and upwards as opposed to making herself scarce. A respectable move. Although, Wednesday would’ve preferred another moment alone.
Enid shoots Wednesday a subtle concerned look.
“I thought it might bring you joy to set a trap for Pugsley.” Morticia offers as explanation. She twiddles one of the knives between her thumb and forefinger. “Our last few activities have been decidedly censored. So perhaps it is time you create some real fun, hm?”
Well, now… this is interesting. Wednesday eyes the rope and the knives with intrigue, feeling the corners of her mouth twitching upwards ever so slightly at the macabre ideas filling her head. It is a devilishly clever move on her mother’s behalf – swinging the pendulum of overcompensation in the complete opposite direction; this time with the promise of pain and mischief. Despite the earlier err, Wednesday knows that her mother truly does understand her well. This offer may well be her equivalent of being offered cake and ice cream at a birthday party… even if the rest of the party was mind numbing, every normie grins for such a sweet treat.
And Wednesday sure loves setting traps for Pugsley.
If this is how her mother wishes to endear herself again, Wednesday may hold her tongue. At least for a moment.
“A tempting offer… Though I will also be needing some glass and one of those revolting processed snack cakes that Pugsley enjoys.” Wednesday says, scowling in thought. She looks to Enid, whose face now wears a mild bemusement. “Enid?”
Enid tries her best to pull her face into a supportive smile. She fidgets slightly with her hair. “You’re not planning to make something that’ll kill him, right?”
Ah yes. Brother traps are not something Enid is particularly familiar with. Morticia and Wednesday exchange glances. Fortunately, it seems Morticia is eager to qualm any misunderstanding. Wednesday is glad for it – she would struggle to explain the subtlety between a trap for murder and a trap for amusement. As long as there’s the potential for pain without excessive blood (or death), it’s all fair game… but for Enid’s sake, Wednesday would prefer a more palatable response, lest she again face that grumble of concern over Enid’s lack of compatibility with this area of her family’s interests.
“Of course not, dear.” Morticia answers. “We aim for nothing permanent. Gently maiming at the most.”
Enid looks at Thing. He makes an “Okay” sign, then a thumbs up – indicating his approval of this plan. Enid seems slightly comforted, but still somewhat hesitant.
“I think I’ll just watch and hold things for you.”
Wednesday stands and takes the various items from her mother’s hands. She turns back to Enid with a questioning look.
“You do not have to agree to this.”
“I know I don’t.” Enid replies, settling herself, giving an assured smile. She jumps up from the couch, shuffling over and reappropriating the items from Wednesday’s hands into her own. “Just ‘cause it’s not my thing doesn’t mean I can’t let you enjoy it.”
Enid then jostles the items into one hand and waggles her fingers, showing off her pink, blue, and purple nails. She adds, “Besides, I got my nails painted and you just sat there. It’s fair game, Wends.”
Wednesday stares at Enid. It is profound how easily Enid seems to jump over hills that Wednesday thought difficult to crest. She should not be surprise at Enid’s flexibility; her ability to adapt and accept things that may be strange to her, but Wednesday cannot help her quiet amazement. She eyes Enid fondly.
With a proud little smile, Enid takes Wednesday’s hand and pulls her towards the staircase; towards Pugsley’s room. It would seem the time for talking is over.
“Have fun, you two.” Morticia hums.
And have fun they do.
It’s all innocent fun, of course...well, as innocent as rigging up some knives to launch at a booby-trapped snack cake that has been also carefully decorated with glass shards just in case aforementioned trap fails can be. As designs go, Wednesday is very proud of what she has come up with.
Enid lets her work away, watching with intrigue as Wednesday nimbly crafts. Enid enquires into the history of this hobby; how it came to be, and Wednesday offers the best explanations she can whilst she continues to adjust, tweak, and fine tune her creation. Whilst this potential attempt on her brother’s life may seem backwards to anyone not in her family (not that Wednesday would care if they thought it backwards anyway), it is – in fact – a very deliberate and non-traditional way of showing the way she can make an effort. It’s a very typical Addams’ behaviour, she adds, perhaps with a slight hint of pride.
Wednesday explains to Enid that she is one of the very few exceptions to the rule when it comes to her showing positive feelings towards someone; love is a language she simply does not speak in most scenarios...but violence is a tongue she will speak any day. Thusly, if she can create intricate mechanisms, traps, etc. that require a high level of effort and then direct them at her brother? Well. It’s certainly not a typical sibling expression, but it shows she cares enough to try and maim him in increasingly ludicrous ways. There’s something in that.
That, and it’s simply fun to see how fast she can make various sharp objects fly through the air.
Enid seems puzzled somewhat at the logic, but she withholds judgement. She simply listens, and marvels at the way Wednesday seems to come alive as her brain is allowed free reign over potential chaos.
In fact, Enid gets so drawn in that she ends up shuffling over, leaning over Wednesday’s shoulder to see what she’s doing. Wednesday does not mind; she actually rather enjoys getting to explain each aspect as she adds the finishing details.
“-And if all goes well, at least one of the knives will strike.” Wednesday concludes, kneeling down as she finishes tightening one of the ropes. “If not...then the glass shards in the revolting processed snack cake is the next surprise.”
“We have very different ideas of surprises.” Enid replies with a smirk.
Wednesday flashes Enid the slightest devilish smile.
“Perhaps. Now could you just push the revolting processed snack cake slightly to the left? The trap isn’t armed yet, but it is not centred. The bait needs to be centred.”
Enid rolls her eyes playfully. She takes a few steps over to where the revolting processed snack cake ( Twinkie. It’s a twinkie.) sits on a plate on Pugsley’s bedside table. She carefully picks up the plate and inches it to the middle. She then looks at the twinkie for a moment, and in what can only be described as a moment of morbid curiosity, she touches her index finger against one of the small glass shards pointing out of it.
From behind her, Wednesday hears a small “oh no”.
Wednesday whips her head around to see Enid clutching her hand, pouting horrendously. She stands, scuttling over quickly.
“Enid? What happened?!”
“The glass.”
Wednesday frowns, her brows furrowing in concern. She takes Enid’s hand, and gently squeezes at the base of her finger to restrict the blood flow. It’s not bleeding heavily, but it’s enough to make Enid uncomfortable – visibly so. Wednesday is not good with sympathy, but she offers Enid a gentle look as she tends to her cut.
“It is small. You will be safe.” Wednesday states firmly.
Enid nods her head.
A small trail of blood begins to lead its way down Enid’s finger towards Wednesday’s hand. Wednesday doesn’t think to wipe it away and so it gently breaks and stains Wednesday’s own hand – not that she minds.
Only she isn’t able to actually think that.
Because the second Enid’s blood hits her skin, Wednesday’s head is thrown back and the world around her implodes into nothing.
The universe grabs her by the throat; leeches into her brain; leaves a future memory where nothingness once lay. She cannot parse it as it happens, but moments; words; voices echo through Wednesday’s head at a breakneck speed.
Wednesday tries to make sense of it as it happens but it is futile. There is too much – A whole realm of possibility trying to unveil itself in a matter of moments.
It is everything; yet just a flicker.
Just a tragic flash to the future.
Then nothing.
Wednesday blacks out.
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