#she doesn’t mind dogs but she’s more of a cat person
anthrcpophagi · 4 months
friendly reminder that maren is a cat mom
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charliemwrites · 7 months
Part 5 of kidnapper/kept pet series:
You’re trying again with Johnny.
Or, more accurately, Simon is going to bring Johnny over so that you can (hopefully) adjust to him. Desensitize, at least. Warm up, best case scenario. Simon knows better than to get his hopes up.
He tries to set up for success though. Tells you that he’s bringing Johnny over this time. You make an annoyed noise, scrunch up your face. But he can see a little bit of intrigue in your eyes. You really could use a little more socializing.
He preps Johnny this time too. Reminds him that your shy (standoffish) and cautious (feral). Not to make any sudden movements towards you, or try to grab at you. If you come near enough to touch (unlikely) it’s in his hand’s best interest to let you make first contact.
“Be patient, she’ll come ‘round,” he reminds as he lets Johnny in.
And you, in pure spiteful fashion, are no where to be found. Simon sets Johnny up with a beer and goes searching, finds you curled up on the sun porch angrily crocheting.
“Time to come inside, feral.”
“But he’s here.”
“He’s not so bad, I like him.”
You fuss and grumble, but ultimately there’s very little you can do when he scoops you up. He brings you inside, your crocheting things in one hand, you secure with the other. Johnny watches your little parade with arched eyebrows. But he doesn’t say anything.
You get deposited on the couch, a scritch to the back of the head that makes you scowl even as you lean in a bit. Johnny has taken up residence in an armchair a healthy distance from you. When you eye him distrustfully, he chuckles and pulls his shirt collar aside.
“No tags this time, stray.”
You scoff and turn back to your crafting. Simon takes the other end of the couch, knows you’re a bit keyed up today. There, but not imposing on your treasured personal space. You settle in, more or less, though your eyes keep flicking to Johnny while he and Simon talk.
He’s much different from Simon; it’s why he wants you two to at least tolerate each other. You need the enrichment. He louder, brasher, more energetic. Eventually, you slink off to the kitchen for a snack.
“Grab us another beer, eh?” He calls.
You stalk out with a scowl. “I’m not a dog, get it yourself.”
Simon huffs with amusement as you curl up on the couch again, nibbling on your snack. Johnny points at you, empty beer in hand.
“You’re ill-mannered.”
“Says the guy that doesn’t know ‘please’.” You hop off the couch and retreat to your room.
Simon shakes his head, though his eyes crease with amusement. “Keep fucking around and you’re gonna find out. Again.”
“You spoil her,” Johnny complains.
Simon sighs. He still doesn’t get it.
“She’s not a pet, yeah? I’m just keeping her.”
“What the difference?” Johnny groans, standing to get another beer.
“A cat is a pet. A panther is not.”
“Och, and she’s a panther, is that it?” Johnny rolls his eyes.
“I don’t want her domesticated, Johnny. I want her taken care of just the way she is. If you’d stop pissing her off, you’d see why.”
Johnny grumbles, but lets it go. Lets the thought sit. Considers all the things in this specially made house just for you. The tv, the overcrowded bookshelves. The plants for you to attend to and the craft supplies lying about. The room that is yours alone, off limits to johnny, even simon rarely enters.
When you emerge again, it’s because there’s food. You’re hungry and demand a plate from simon, hovering at his elbow while he makes it up for you.
Johnny makes more of an effort, keeping all the things Simon told him in mind. He knows your unlikely to speak to him unless antagonized, so he talks at you - a lot like how Simon did when you first started out.
Luckily for him, Simon’s paved most of the way for him here. At first you pretend to ignore him, but eventually you can’t help it, he is a very engaging story teller after all. So you end up watching him openly, eyes darting from his face to his waving hands to his shaking shoulders.
You’re so focused that he and Simon even manage to coordinate Johnny giving you dessert, him getting close enough to touch as you take the slice of cheesecake from his hand. He’s careful not to touch, doesn’t want to break this spell.
But the real victory of the evening comes when he’s actually stopped paying direct attention to you. He’s still got some cheesecake left, more focused on talking than eating, as usual. And unnoticed, you slip from your chair, circle him and…
“Oi, did you just-? Get back here!”
In a move of pure strategic genius, you tuck up behind Simon. First out of caution and a little genuine fear for his reaction, then when you see him floundering, out of safe smugness.
“Ah, yeah, should have warned you about that. She likes to ‘share’.”
Several times now, you’ve eaten directly off his plate, off his spoon, from his fingers, even. You especially like doing it when you think he’s not paying attention.
“Feral brat,” Simon chuckles, “I would have gotten you more.”
“Tastes better when it’s Johnny’s,” you reply.
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landitolover · 7 months
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𝒅𝒖𝒍𝒄𝒆 𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆 part two | previous part ౨ৎ oscar x reader
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enter your password: ***********
message list !
y/n l/n
lando norris
message y/n l/n?
yes > no
you have sent a message!
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y/n l/n
hi oscar
ur famous.
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uh yeah
is it gonna be a problem?
y/n l/n
not at all
you don’t see me
any differently now?
y/n l/n
i mean, you’re not taylor swift famous….
glad about that
must be a bit tiring being that famous
y/n l/n
i’d assume 🤔
if u don’t mind me asking
where do u live
the uk, for the most part
i travel lots though cause of my job
y/n l/n
i’m living in france for a bit
with my two friends 😁
that’s nice
i like it over there
y/n l/n
yeah it’s quite alright
how long have you been
living in france?
y/n l/n
not too long
originally i just came here for a wedding
then my friend bought an apartment while she was drunk
how does one buy a whole ass apartment
while being drunk 😭
y/n l/n
i have zero clue
kinda funny tho
tell me more about yourself 🥸
well it’s my first season in formula one
i’m kinda awkward in person
i started karting when i was 10
i prefer dogs over cats
i like tim tams
sorry i don’t know what else to say……
y/n l/n
rookie season, wowie
i’m also awkward in person dw!!
karting at ten? woww i was eating chips on
my bed and watching austin & ally…
dogs over cats……… immediate no 🌝
tim tams are yummy
it’s your turn to tell me yourself
y/n l/n
okay okay uhm
I’m in uni atm
i have two cats named cinnamon and sugar
two cats?
y/n l/n
yes yes
oh! so uhm
how are u on this fine evening
y/n l/n
very very good
that’s good
i’m better now that I’m talking to you
y/n l/n
you’re a flirt, piastri
maybe i am
but you like it, don’t you?
y/n l/n
i do
i have to go now, sorry
bye :)
y/n l/n
bye oscar!
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y/n ⛄️
he wants me so bad ong
xienma 🛐
dulce hotline guy?
y/n ⛄️
yes yes
okay so
i know a bit more about him now
xienma 🛐
do tell
madeline 🤺
yes, tell us abt ur man!!
y/n ⛄️
okay so he’s an f1 driver for mclaren
so basically just cars??? it’s his rookie season
he started karting when he was 10
he loves tim tams
he prefers dogs over cats 🌝
madeline 🤺
that’s kinda boring
xienma 🛐
leave her man alone 🤓
but dogs over cats??
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madeline ⛄️
nah fr
he could POSSIBLY be the father of
cinnamon and sugar 🤔🤔🤔 if he likes
dogs more!!!
y/n ⛄️
dw guys
i can change him 🙏🏼
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madeline 🤺
we’ve lost her to a man
xienma 🛐
aww he’s a cutie
i’m a ynoscar truther!!
madeline 🤺
i guess i’ll support u guys
just don’t let this be like ur old situationship
xienma 🛐
i second that
y/n ⛄️
i won’t guys, trust!!
he seems like a sweetheart
xienma 🛐
well, i hope everything will
work out for you guys 😁
just want u to be happy!
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oscah 🦅
landoh 🤓
yes ?
oscah 🦅
i am so heavily attracted to her
landoh 🤓
dulce hotline girl???
oscah 🦅
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look how beautiful she is
landoh 🤓
did you insta stalk her mate
oscah 🦅
maybe i did
she has two cats
cinnamon and sugar
landoh 🤓
wow mate
are you going to be a father to cats 😱
oscah 🦅
uhm no
i dunno
landoh 🤓
how does she feel about like
you being famous
does she care?
oscah 🦅
no I don’t think so
she said i wasn’t “taylor swift level famous”
landoh 🤓
thank fuck you aren’t though
that’s good that she doesn’t really mind
about you being famous 🤔🤔
oscah 🦅
i agree
oh my god
oh my hod
landoh 🤓
what ????
oscah 🦅
she messaged me
oh mgmgod
landoh 🤓
I’m actually SICK
seeing u obsess over a girl
this isn’t you babe 🥺🥺🥺
what happened to landoscar
Read 15:00
y/n l/n has sent you a message
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y/n l/n
hi oscar 🤓🤓
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y/n l/n
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hi y/n :)
also, you’re sending me all these memes of myself
so does that mean i’m in your camera roll?
y/n l/n
yeah you kinda are.. taking over my camera roll
didn’t even realize
wow are you already obsessed with me?
y/n l/n
i don’t think so, piastri
maybe YOU’RE the one obsessed with me!!
are you trying to use reverse psychology?
clever girl
y/n l/n
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clever girl?? i’m blushing
wasn’t my intention but i’m glad
bet u look cute
y/n l/n
you’re insane for saying that
sorry sorry
y/n l/n
yeah no it’s fine
just !
quick topic change..
you know why i prefer dogs over cats?
y/n l/n
hm no
cause i’m scared of cats
y/n l/n
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how could you be scared of this baby
okay well i’m not scared of your cat in specific
just other cats…
y/n l/n
oh so ur biased 🙄
y/n l/n
you’re never meeting my cats.
wait no
trust i’ll change for them
y/n l/n
you know what’s funny
you kinda look like a cat yourself
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oh my god
why do i kinda look like one
y/n l/n
oscar pastry is a cat confirmed
i’m oscar pastry fr
y/n l/n
wowie 🤓
okay i’m gonna go eat now
#dinner time
alright, bye
have a nice meal
y/n l/n
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y/n ⛄️
xienma 🛐
someone’s happy
what’d he do now
y/n ⛄️
he’s just so
sooooo 😍😍
madeline 🤺
we lost her
she’s down deep
xienma 🛐
i think they’re cute idk
pretty good looking couple imo
y/n ⛄️
i think so too, i might be a little biased though…..
do u guys think that men obsess over
girls the way we obsess over them
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like this better be him 🤣🤣🤣
xienma 🛐
madeleine 🤺
no cause real shit
i wonder if they get giggly n shit
y/n ⛄️
madeleine 🤺
like do they just go :3 when we message them
xienma 🛐
y/n ⛄️
he totally goes like that when i msg him
he’s so cat coded idk what to tell u guys
madeline 🤺
no wonder y u want him so bad
y/n ⛄️
xienma 🛐
i’m ynoscar truther forever
madeline 🤺
they barely kno each other 😒😒
xienma 🛐
okay girl just cause your little situationship
didn’t work out, doesn’t mean u have to be a hater..!
madeline 🤺
don’t bring that shit up again……
yall fake
y/n ⛄️
woah man
I didn’t say anything
i’m eating dinner!!
and mad, what if he has a cute lil friend 🤫
i’ll set u up 🔥🔥
madeline 🤺
our wag era 😈
y/n ⛄️
ok bye i’m leaving
😴 nap time
xienma 🛐
dream abt oscar xx
Read 16:20
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౨ৎ sorry i didn’t post anything about dulce hotline yesterday, i just couldn’t think of anything to write 😭 i might possibly do a double update, so keep a lookout for that!
taglist, @d6za1 @amoosarte @ch3rryknots @moneygramhaas @alessioayla @cherry-piee @chasing-liberosis if you wanna be added, please comment ౨ৎ
518 notes · View notes
monster-disaster · 5 months
Little brain rot idea I had to share after reading your latest werewolf piece…but what if a werewolf was in love with a human woman BUT she doesn’t like dogs/canines. Not because she has trauma or anything, she just doesn’t like them (she’s a cat person). IMAGINE the absolute devastation werewolf man would be going through!
Let me know what you think. I don’t think I’ve ever read something like this, but I feel like this’d be such a funny read. Even just a drabble.
First Meeting/Date:
Werewolf: “So do you like dogs?…”
Woman: “Ehhh…not really. I tolerate them at best. I love cats much more. What about you?”
Werewolf: *Internal screaming
Oh god, imagine the stress!
I can see it as a speed dating event at a restaurant or a coffee shop. Our sweet werewolf noticed you from the moment you stepped into the building. His eyes followed you the whole time, and he was so impatient he almost jumped out of his chair to get to your table.
He knows he probably looks a bit crazy when he sits down in front of you on the other side of the small table. His eyes are wide, and his hair is a mess from pushing it out of his face every few minutes. His whole body is on edge, with his wolf form vibrating and rumbling under his skin. The young man wants to jump over the table to get you in his arms and run away as far as he can at the same time. His heart beats in his throat. "Hey," you smile at him, letting your eyes wander over his fidgeting body. It looks like he can barely stay on the chair. "Hey." His greeting almost sounds like a whisper in the busy restaurant. Everyone is chatting around you, busy with their date for the next few minutes. Questions and answers pop up from the tables hurriedly. The man has to shake his head to clear his mind and focus on your question. He almost misses it, and when he replies without asking his own question, your smile slowly starts to disappear. Disappointment appears in your eyes, and his posture straightens with panic.
Ask something, you stupid!
"Do you like dogs?" He asks hurriedly. His eyes widen even more when a small grimace contorts your face. "I'm more of a cat person." Your two cats waiting for you to go home is proof enough. "Oh," he breathes out, clearly disappointed with your answer. You can't help but be surprised at his reaction. "Why?" You ask him, trying to lighten the mood. "You live in a dog shelter?" You joke. "More like in a pack," he replies quietly. "Oh!" You gasp, understanding his meaning. "Oh!" "Yeah," he sighs, smoothing his thumb over the wooden surface of the table in small circles. He can barely look into your eyes, afraid of your rejection. Before you can say anything, the similar sound of a bell disturbs the restaurant. Men stand up from the tables nearby, saying goodbye to their date to move to the next one. The werewolf does the same. His movements are slow and dejected. "Wait!" You gasp at the last moment. "I can make an exception!" You are ready to slap yourself at the desperate tone of your voice. "I mean…" But the man doesn't need to hear more. His eyes shine again with excitement as he smiles down at you. "Would you like to go for a coffee after this?" He asks. You can almost imagine a fluffy tail wagging behind him. "How about now?"
Introducing him to your cats will be another challenge, but one step at a time. And our sweet werewolf is ready to become besties with them if it means they don't chase him out of your house.
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jhuzen · 1 year
a what? [m.reader]
this… idk what this is. it’s very indulgent so excuse the very chill grammar. my head is hammered by all the hot men in hsr. so here. yes, they won me over (jfc how could they not my god, i’ve been waiting on them for months) ☠️ so here’s a self-indulgent cat-boy alignment from some tall men in hsr. i’ve been playing since the release and i’m already just a few exps away from level 40 send help.
𖦹 nsfw/suggestive contents, hcs ig, i use the speculative name for the trailblazer hehe, top reader :’D, this is basically a shitpost but also not LMAO.
GEPARD LANDAU — official dogboy, a lapdog too if you will
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is this even a question at this point?
he’s your little pup (maybe not so little), and he radiates that golden retriever vibes. he’s a little more serious than that, sure, but rest assured, he’s always on you when you need him and he’s not particularly swamped with his guard duties as the captain.
he never fails to light up every time you pass by him when he’s out on patrol. he appreciates your little visits of course, sometimes even stopping by to bring him some food when you can. but there’s always something so magical whenever he sees you around the city, just minding your own business, not really aware that he can see you from his post.
and there’s just a spike of serotonin in gepard’s brain every time he ‘bumps’ into you in one of your personal excursions, romancing you with such subtlety (it’s really not much subtle, everyone and their mother in belobog knows you and him are together).
he thinks he’s so slick, trying to smooth talk you, when really, the tips of his ears are bright red, while you, completely unfazed only tried to hold in a laughter. what a trooper your boyfriend truly is!
serval thinks she should be getting second hand embarrassment from her brother’s actions towards you, but you both just looked so sweet that she just had to enjoy the view of you humoring her stiff as hell brother. he’s way too serious on the field (rightfully so), but it was all the more endearing to see a bit of that innocent glee that gepard somehow manages to manifest with you around.
he’s your good dogboy bro, always ready to serve you. though that doesn’t mean he doesn’t appreciate getting spoiled. your massages, especially your back rubs, are the highlight of his day after a grueling training — after his nice hot shower, with you guiding him all the way to your shared bedroom to give him a nice massage, it’s absolute bliss for him.
the cute sighs and the way his face becomes scrunched up as you worked the knots away from his muscles was adorable.
and if… the mood provides it, often times it leads to something a little bit more intimate than your wholesome little act of service.
gepard is a babygirl through and through man. he takes everything that you give him like a champ — extremely cooperative and will do anything as you say. maybe it’s because he likes being ordered around for once, maybe it’s because he finds it incredibly attractive to see you take charge… it could go either way and it drives him nuts.
he’s very loud, so you will be entertained at the plethora of ways gepard has to come up with just so he can’t be heard by the other neighbors while you completely wreck him.
handle with care after, please, he has to go to work the next day! we can’t have the famed captain of the silvermane guards limping around >:((
SAMPO KOSKI — absolute mid with the way he’s a dog for seeking attention and a cat for being such a little bitch
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congrats! you have a weird man for a boyfriend. the man that roams the streets of belobog be it in the underworld or overworld.
you vaguely recall the first time you and him met was when he was trying to persuade an overworld citizen in buying something, and you, as shameless as you are, moved towards him and squeezed the skin of his exposed waist, making the poor man yelp.
you gave him one questionable look before slut-shaming him with that getup, but not before buying your much needed supplies and leaving a sack of belobog currency.
admittedly, your relationship with sampo began as a transactional one. you buy stuff from him and he rewards you with a relatively risqué entertainment that your old folks would certainly faint from if they knew in the first place. but, as it turns out, even such a peculiar relationship can grow an oasis of genuine fondness for each other.
your dates before were just you and him meeting up in his place, hanging out, and then both of you just go on your separate ways. nowadays, it’s him that comes inside your house, incredibly woeful and in need of your attention and you oblige him regardless of how whiny he is.
oh, right, yes. sampo is whiny, have you seen him around his comrades? the man has the ‘woe is me’ attitude every now and then, and more often than not, you instigate that form of reaction whenever you tease him with a grin on your face.
there’s reasonable (or so i hope) amount of you calling out his outfit and why he feels the need to expose his waist only. sampo said it’s to attract customers like you, and you gotta hand the win on him on that one. though, it was becoming far more evident that you no longer see him as just an entertainment value and you as his source of income.
so. bloody. needy. it’s like he can’t live without your attention — thank the stars that the ban between the overworld and the underworld was lifted eventually so he can visit you more on the surface. one minute he skirts out of your home after some good fucking and then the next, he crawls back to you pathetically like a kicked puppy.
though, that is only to say that you got sampo absolutely hooked with your touches that he feels still lingering on his skin — you had an affinity for just harassing his poor waist while you call him names. he loves it anyway.
his clinginess comes with merit though, he appreciates the skin contact and you appreciate that chest of his to lay on. absolute king. if you tell him that his tits are the only selling point of why you finally fell for him, he will sulk and just sigh all day, looking at you with such disappointment.
“so i’m just a slab of meat to you, huh?” — sampo koski, xxxx
“pretty sure what’s in here are fats.” — you, nuzzling your face in his chest, xxxx
honestly, dating sampo feels like a one night stand, considering that he’s willing to limp away from your home in the crack of dawn, but it also feels just as endearing when he seeks you out or if you do the seeking, you could see how genuinely delighted sampo is to have you near him.
JING YUAN — certified cat boy that’s just too good at fucking [with] you
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mercilessly sly and an absolute mastermind, jing yuan has his fair share of mischief in the first place and you aren’t one he can spare despite having the honor of being the famed general’s partner.
you’re not so much of a fighter, you’re just a humble assistant to fu xuan (she disapproves of your poor taste in men though), but you learned to sleep with one eye open at the cost of you getting completely mauled to death by a general in need of his lover’s touch. he jumps at you with little to no warning, and you’re not certain if you should be proud of his stealth skills or just straight up be terrified lest you wake up to a succubus sucking you dry.
all that aside though, jing yuan is a passionate partner behind closed doors. he might look passive, but he’s sure to constantly be listening to your mumbling, even down to you just listing down what you need to buy for your home. he loves every part of you undoubtedly.
though, he likes to randomly charge you these fees wherein the currency is your warm hug. he could be a lot taller than you and still drape himself to your side while you hold him with one arm all the while cooking with the other.
a big, biiiiig cat, that’s for sure. and he accepts it, but on the account that you use it to tease lil ol’ him, get ready to be milked dry or at the very least, deprived of any form of affection from your cat.
he’s got a bit of an attitude too. he dreads the fact that you have a far more gentle disposition to his subordinates compared to him. you’re always so hard on him on work days, it makes him feel so lonely.
alas he has a remedy for that, particularly something you didn’t like at all.
mischief and a bored jing yuan on slow days are days you reminded yourself not to enter his office on, just to be safe and not get lured into his silly tricks. it always somehow fails, considering that he still is the general, and even though you are acting as fu xuan’s guide/assistant more than the general’s right hand man, you can’t refuse his calls because it’s still one of your responsibilities.
your cunning partner made sure to take advantage of that and cue… you writhing and breathless on his seat while he helped himself to your… offering from under the table. he promises he will be quick, but jing yuan is insatiable. for every time this happens, once or twice, a cloud knight would walk in to look for their general, and you had to talk to them without even giving away the embarrassing position you’re in.
hands down, a pillow princess if he’s not riding you to death. he’s the dozing general, but when the mood calls for it, he can take charge and just… leave you dry. so good luck with that.
cherishes the aftercare, he loves the slow intimate moments between you and him after. and if you’re a god at it, you can’t ever make him leave the bed, ever.
you once said, “oooh big stretch” when your beloved general did so one morning. that was the first and quite possibly the last time that you had him completely speechless for a good second. and that was saying a lot, considering that he always has the last word in your conversations. it became a core memory lmao.
BLADE — another ultra catboy… except it’s the kind of cat that demands a lot from you after scratching your face
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how in the many worlds did you ever pull this tormented man and his big sword? it’s concerning, really. kafka finds it amusing though that you even managed to make a space for yourself in blade’s little emo heart.
just laying it out there, you and blade babysit silver wolf and there’s no getting out of it apparently. kafka already placed you as the voice of reason when the one time she sent out only blade to look after silver wolf while you were off stalking the astral express gang, he dressed like a hobo, so much that he became extremely suspicious in sight more than he ever could dressed as just himself.
that aside, blade is probably one of the most demanding lovers you have dated (threateningly jealous at times too). no one can top him (but you ehe), he’s like a grumpy cat, literally swiping at you on the first few months before suddenly caving and asking you for almost everything.
really he just misses you, but he’s not into admitting such a fact. for the years that he’s gone through, whatever it may have been, you who did not care about who he was before was something that drew him in even more, you went at your own pace and it was no different when you became his. there was a sense of comfort that you brought to him.
so anyway, demanding partner that wants nothing but you. he’s extremely protective, which you found endearing, until you realized he will point a sword even to a little kid who so much as insults your face. not really good when you’re gathering intel when elio asks you both to do so.
dates with blade either includes the stellaron hunters because they are very fond of your relationship and are very nosy… or just you and him cooped up in your room, sleeping together, or ‘sleeping together’. not all too grand, but on missions that elio sends you both out on, you take the time to indulge your beloved and eat on different places, trying out delicacies of every particular world you visited in. blade doesn’t say much, but with the way his hand grips onto yours tightly already says a lot.
just throwing it out there, he is… quiet in bed. a grunter or a gasper, but if you really, really hit the right spot, he gives the deepest whine that leaves him shaking.
you either handle him with care or if he asks for it, go rough on him. like what was said, blade knows what he wants and will demand it from you all the same, no exceptions. and if you fail to live up to his expectations, he will move himself all the while glaring at you with so much disappointment.
he has… insane stamina, and if you can’t keep up, you better start working on that. the last thing that you want is to disappoint your vengeful boyfriend that has a lot of issues on his back. and while it’s not too bad of a sight to see your beloved imitate a sulking cat, it’s not so good when he ignores you. it’s not just about sex, if you so much as get that disappointing stare, best make it up to him and treat him like he’s your everything (as you should).
you once saw kafka and silver wolf planning out wedding destinations for you and blade at some point. you are unsure how to feel about your comrade’s deep involvement in your relationship — even more so when elio suggested the big wedding after you lot have accomplished your mission to the universe.
anyway, to say the least, your catboy is overly possessive and knows what he wants and can and will demand it from you. but even with such an overbearing personality and a terrifying look on his pretty face, you were already well versed in the blade language.
he thanks you on nights when you’re just out cold, probably tired from a mission, pressing a soft kiss on the side of your head. this man may have already considered elio’s proposal of the wedding date (jk).
DAN HENG — third cat in a row. are all xianzhou men cats? but he’s the cat that’s quietly watching you, always listening
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what do you mean he’s a [redacted for spoilers]? absolutely not. this man is a cat through and through.
the cat that silently watches you from afar while you do your own work. perhaps it’s because you always offer a sense of tranquility that dan heng found himself deeply enamored with you. you were just… so peaceful. it helped a lot, your presence soothed his deeply rooted anxieties born from his past. it’s as simple as you just shrugging and telling him, “why bother with anything else when i am alright where i am right now,” and dan heng fell hard.
you are as expressive as you can get, and can even get on the trailblazer and march’s antics. but the fact that you were mature enough to let yourself be resigned to the fate of time, that you were able to accept things as they are far better than anyone could, it was something your dearly beloved dan heng admired. in a sense, he also wanted to emulate whatever you’ve got going on.
bettering himself even more just because he loves you? goals. you changed this man and that was a sworn promise that he will never ever leave you from then on. always prowling around you, babysitting march 7th with you, reluctantly holding the trash the trailblazer rummages through with you, teaching old man welt how to use his beacon with you, etc.
that’s it, you can never pry dan heng out of your life anymore (unless you ask him to, in which case, please don’t, the man already has a lot to carry, how do you expect him to bear the weight of a broken heart from someone he thought he found happiness in?).
this catboy definitely lacks the expressiveness that you have, but just like any other stoic cat owner out there, you’ve basically read him well at that point. it’s almost as if you have the urge to make a guidebook about your boyfriend, and the aeons know that everyone in the astral express will eat it up.
he’s a little hard to coax at first to be more open in the beginning parts, but give him some time and he will be quicker to pry open than any other food that has an equally hard shell.
same thing in your more… intimate moments. give him some time to get used to things, especially if you’ve got far more experience at this sort of activity. go gentle, he loves the cradling embrace every time you ease yourself into him. he gets shy randomly out of nowhere in the middle of your little session, so do be patient.
though rest assured, he will grow bolder, eventually asking you to do all sorts of things that even you weren’t aware he knows about. he’s very eager to learn from you all the more, not just about the things that he prefers but what you also want! he’s extremely observant with your reactions, where you like to be touched.
let him take control every once in awhile, let him know that even in something as intimate as this, he can have a say. let him ride you until whenever, let him go at his own pace and he absolutely will lose his mind over that. the feeling of your arms around him, securing him in a tight hug while he drapes himself over you? dan heng will go nuts.
he’s also… very vocal. but he tries his best to keep it to a minimum lest you both let everyone in the express know what’s happening. usually though, you two only get frisky when everyone’s off the train and the only left are you, him, and dear ol’ pom-pom.
aftercares are everything to him, there’s something so touching at the fact that you are more than willing to still get up after being so spent just to make sure he’s comfortable after. you’re making this man cry, damnit! too good, too good.
never underestimate the tight grip he has on you — he’s usually the big spoon and he never hesitates to cling onto you. you’re like the safety that he finally found after running away from the things that trouble him. and every day with you is a day he always looked forward in waking up to.
CAELUS — what the fuck is this? it’s not a dog or a cat. it’s a fucking trash panda.
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ah yes, a raccoon with rabies (see: stellaron)
honestly, there’s no telling what is wrong with your boyfriend. it is… terrifying tbh. but you promised to be a supportive partner no matter how unnerving it is to see your beloved rummage through myriads of trash cans around belobog. more than once or twice, he has come up to you with a trash bag and even brought you a golden one.
you once asked what their use would be, and caelus just gave you a carefree smile while saying “we eat them to have better and stronger attacks against the enemy!” you quickly called dan heng and march to restrain him.
he texts you at the most ungodly hours. you don’t normally sleep at the same time as the other trailblazers since you took up the mantel in keeping watch of the express with pom-pom while the lot of you traversed through the heavenly galaxies of the universe. and because of that, your boyfriend just texts you until he falls asleep.
and when you are asleep in the day, before he heads out, he makes sure to tuck you in real good with a kiss for extra measure. seriously, he’s way too sweet for his own good. once or twice, you’ve caught him while you’re barely awake and he still manages to leave you flustered.
missions in different worlds means having to taste the myriad of delicacies a certain nation in a world has to offer. you both once ended up in a remote broken up island when the express made a quick stop in this one particular world that has… what do they call those again? archons? and you and caelus went ham on the dango milk (there was a distinct lack of trash cans around and everyone was safe from his addiction).
he loves you all too much, to the point where he’s attached to your hip, going wherever you go. getting all sulky when someone had your eye for a little bit longer. in that same nation in a world you stopped over, your eyes just happened to gaze a second longer at this young man with long braided blonde hair. though you were more interested in the tiny floating thing beside him, your raccoon was not able to inhale some copium and went all pouty at you.
either he ignores you, or he sends you a batch of sad pom-pom stickers in your beacon.
just wrap him in a blanket and fuck him silly, it can make him forget about the tiny things he was mad at you for. and just like dan heng, he can be very loud. so you kinda have to keep shushed up, a kiss usually does the trick however, so it shouldn’t be too hard to manage your little rowdy trailblazer.
he’s willing to take charge every now and then, he also still wants to make you feel good, after all! but he’s more of a pillow princess too, fuck him sideways and that gets him going, it makes him cry actual tears and alas, it was a blessing in your eyes to see him plead for you all the while trying to muffle his own sobs.
and after doing his head in, it is a must to spoon him after you clean him up. and maybe formulate a half-assed response when march comes knocking on your door, asking if you both fought or… let her come to an impending realization and just… make her not look at the both of you for a good week straight.
either way though, caelus is your pretty boy, always armed with witty teasing remarks and shitposts and a lot more stickers of pom-pom ready to flood your private messages with him.
10/10 -5 for the trash can obsession. ehe.
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yizmiu · 13 days
i’m not sure if you do requests but i was wondering if i could request enhypen boyfriend sunghoon fic where sunghoon goes from not caring at all for cats to becoming the proudest cat dad you could ever imagine when his girlfriend brings home a cat out of no where.
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ི꒰͡ ໋. kitty-incident!
𓏸 ͘ ࣭⸰ ‎inwhich. sunghoon doesn’t understand his girlfriends love for cats but after she suddenly brought one home he’s kind of forced too…
𓏸 ͘ ࣭⸰ ‎࣪genre. fluff, sunghoon x f!reader, dog person sunghoon, cat person reader
𓏸 ͘ ࣭⸰ ‎word count. 1k+
ᯇ ೀ jayjay’s note; hiii so sorry for the long wait, i was having trouble finding out on how i should write this! it’s a mix of smau and a drabble!
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Sunghoon sighed, staring at the little kitten on the floor next to his feet. Y/n, his girlfriend had impulsively bought the kitten home from a shelter without even telling him she was doing so. It’s not like Sunghoon hated cats, he was just more of a dog person.
Now, he was just told he had to watch the kitten for a couple hours. “You’re cute, but I’m still mad at you for scratching our couches. I can’t believe your mom just showed up with you and didn’t tell me.” Sunghoon glared at the cat as he spoke.
The kitten, named Yureum (chosen by the both of them) could sense Sunghoon’s passive aggressive energy from the day he entered the house. Since then he’s been acting like a little asshole to him, tearing up the furniture, knocking down Sunghoon’s things, and walking over the keyboard while he was trying to work.
Sunghoon rarely pet his ‘child’ because Yureum always made sure to nip and scratch at him out of spite. So when he suddenly started purring and rubbing against Sunghoon’s leg he was surprised.
Sunghoon figured he needed more attention, and he started to feel bad so he shut his laptop, taking a break from his work to sit on the couch with Yureum following behind.
“C’mon” Sunghoon said as he picked the kitten up with both hands, placing him on his lap. “You’re so cute, if only you weren’t a little jerk to me.” Sunghoon sighed as he gently caressed him.
Sunghoon yawned as he placed Yureum next to his head as he laid down, getting sleepy. “I’m gonna take a little nap, your mom should be home in 15 minutes.” He said as his voice started to slur.
Yureum stared at the sleeping figure in front of him for a little, a little tired himself so he snuggled up against his owner. Fitting perfectly in the gap between his chest and arms.
Sunghoon heard flashes and clicks as he began to wake up from his sleep, opening his eyes to see his girlfriend taking photos of him. “What are you doing?” He said groggily. “Look! You and Yureum.” Y/n shoved the phone in her boyfriend's face.
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“Y/n—Achoo!” Sunghoon cut himself off with a sneeze. “Are you okay, baby? You’ve been sneezing a lot.” Y/n asks in concern as she hands her boyfriend a tissue.
“What if I've developed an allergy to cats? Yureum has been clingy to me recently, what if the little shit got me sick.” Sunghoon suggested. “I know you don’t like him much but what kind of excuse is that? I mean it could be possible though…” Y/n lost the train of thought thinking about the possibility. “He just loves you a lot, he cuddles with you a night more than me.” She pouted as she crossed her arms against her chest.
“I kind of wish he didn’t…I just have been getting itchy around him a lot.”
“I can make an appointment for you later today, just take some of my allergy pills and you’ll be okay.” Y/n said as she walked over to the kitchen to fetch her allergy pills. She herself was allergic to cats but she didn’t mind.
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Turns out, Sunghoon really was allergic to cats. He tried to keep his distance after learning so. He doesn’t know how Y/n deals with it.
But It was hard when the damn cat was always by Sunghoon’s side. When he was sleeping, when he was working, hell even when he was in the bathroom. He followed him everywhere.
“Yureum! Seriously, I’m just getting up to get water.” Sunghoon groaned as the cat purposefully stuck himself to his owner by digging his claws into Sunghoon’s knitted sweater. “Don’t follow me.” He said firmly, placing the cat down after detaching it from him.
Yureum sat and stared at his owner as he walked away, deciding to ignore his wishes and follow him anyway.
“Oh my god! Yureum, I almost stepped on you.” Hoon complained as he looked at the cat that was now by his feet. “You have food and water, I was just petting you, what more could you want?” Hoon asked the cat. He looked crazy right now, he’s talking to a cat.
Yureum’s head slightly turned to the right. Taking little steps to get to his ankles, purring against them softly.
Sunghoon sighed as he picked his cat up. “God, I’m surprised I’m not dead already.” He carried the cat to the shared bedroom between him and his girlfriend.
“Are we out of allergy pills?” Y/n asked, looking up from her laptop. She was currently working on a project for work and wanted some alone time.
“Almost. I’m tired and I can tell Yureum is too.” He set the cat down before he laid himself on the bed next to Y/n. “He keeps following me everywhere, I don’t know why. He’s your cat. I’m more like his babysitter.” He sighed.
Y/n gasps. “He is our son…and it’s because he likes you, Hoon. More than me actually…it’s kind of surprising.” Y/n shrugged her shoulders, “See.” She pointed out as the cat was currently cuddling up to Sunghoon and not her.
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“Hoon! I know you’ve been tired a lot recently and you’ve been wanting a break from Yureum so I got someone else to watch him! You can go and hang with the guys tonight.” Y/n said as soon as she wrapped her arms around his waist.
Sunghoon spit out the toothpaste in his mouth into the sink. “Who is it?” He asked as he put his toothbrush away. Y/n unwrapped her arms, grabbing the hairbrush on the bathroom counter. “It’s one of my coworkers, he said he loves cats and he has a day off today so he agreed to watch him.” She gently brushed her hair as she looked at the man in the mirror.
“Yes, but who?” Sunghoon’s eyebrows slightly furrowed. “Doyoon.” Y/n said hesitantly.
Sunghoon’s eyes slightly lit up, he knew he was the said coworker. “Actually, the guys aren’t going out today. I can watch Yureum.” He said nonchalantly.
Even though Sunghoon could use his day off to hang with his friends he still decided to look after their cat every single saturday. Purely because he doesn’t want Kim Doyoon, who has a massive crush on his girl, to look after their cat. In bold their cat.
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enhypen m.list — enhypen taglist (open) : @yenqa
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cameronspecial · 8 months
Loving the Zach stuff so far!!!
Could you maybe do something where yn hates his guts, but he is like in love with her and all her sass?? Then they're forced to go on some school trip together or something, and she realizes she likes him and a cute angry love confession, perhaps???
Danke 🫶🏼💐
Thank You, History Class
Pairing: Zach MacLaren x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1.2K
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Y/N and Zach have been running in the same friend group since Freshman year, but it doesn’t mean they necessarily get along. Well, it doesn’t mean that she likes him. His sarcasm and puppy dog vibe annoys her cool and distant personality. He’s always asking her how her day is going and trying to make her laugh with his stupid jokes. Zach, on the other hand, fell for her grumpy soul the moment he set eyes on her. Unlike most people, who don’t bother looking deeper into her personality, Zach could see the soft side that she held within and never let anyone see. He would always catch how she would stand up from her bus seat when she saw an elderly person. She wouldn’t let people around her know it was the reason, but she always did. He saw the little bowl of milk she left outside her house for a cat mother and her kittens. Finally, he saw how sweet she was to children whenever they were around her. 
Zach didn’t want to take a history class and he certainly didn’t feel like going on a field trip to a museum. It all felt very high school to him. The only upside about it: Y/N is also taking the same class. When he saw that he needed a history credit to graduate, he definitely didn’t go looking for what classes she was taking this semester to try and be in the same one. The cost was giving Jason access to his bathroom whenever he wanted, but it was worth it. He knows the field trip isn’t mandatory for any marks, yet he knows Y/N is going to be there. As he heads toward the Victorian house, he finds Y/N out front waiting for the professor to show up. Her clothing consists of black and brown colours as usual. Her hair was held back by a shiny black claw clip. 
“Fancy seeing you here,” he grins, coming to stand beside her. She gives him a side eye, “Could you be more cliche? Try something more original, would ya? I still can’t believe you are taking this class.” He doesn’t let her sour mood dampen his energy. “Come on, you know you like having me with you in this class. The only other people in this class are girls who have a romanticized view of the era, or guys, who have a history stick so far up their ass that they think a history degree will take them far in life,” he notes, turning to look at her. She looks him dead in the eyes, “I’m a history major. And I am neither of those things.” “I know, that’s because you are so much better than them. You are far too smart for them,” he flatters. She shakes her head, turning her attention to the professor who has just arrived, “Flattery won’t get you anywhere.” The professor leads them into the museum and begins his lecture. After ten minutes of listening to the man speak, both Y/N and Zach realized that coming was a big waste of time. He doesn’t know what he is talking about and Zach can hear Y/N constantly correcting the older man under her breath. 
He leans toward her, making sure his lips are close to her ear. “Wanna go on our own little tour? This man is getting half of this stuff wrong.” She thinks she has lost her mind because this must be the first thing Zach has said that she thought was a good idea. “That actually sounds kind of fun. They have a Victorian fashion exhibit I want to see, but I don’t think Professor Robo over there is going to take us to,” she whispers back. Her hand finds his and she hates to admit she likes the warmth of his in hers. They round the stairs to the exhibit. She looks delighted when she spots the first mannequin with clothes. Her feet find their way beside a girl about six years old, already looking at the dress. The child’s eyes find Y/N’s face and they smile at each other. “You know, this is an 1843 Evening dress. The bodice, the thing around the chest, is low off the shoulders. And they have lots of other skirts underneath to make it poofy,” Y/N softly explains to the little girl. 
They spent around thirty minutes in the small room. Y/N walks around with Willow and Zach, explaining each outfit to them. She is surprised that Zach seemed honestly engaged with what she was saying and would ask thoughtful questions. Eventually, Willow’s mother, an employee, came looking for her and took the girl to lunch. “Do you want to head to lunch?” she asks. He shakes his head, “Actually, I was hoping we could look at the Victorian sports exhibit. I brought some snacks, so if you are hungry, we can share.” He pulls out a bag of cucumbers shaped like hearts. She has to giggle at the sight because big jock Zach MacLaren likes to have his vegetable cut into shapes. 
“What?” he questions in fake offence, holding out the Ziploc to her. She shakes her head with a chuckle, “Nothing, just surprised your cucumbers look like an inaccurate depiction of a human organ.” “They make them taste better. Try,” he says with a shrug. He hands her a slice and listens to the sweet crunch of her biting into the vegetable. “Okay… I must admit it is more fun to eat it like a heart. I can pretend I’m a witch eating people’s hearts,” she agrees. He doesn’t look disturbed by her macabre comments, instead, he pretends to be ripping out his heart as he hands her another slice. She enjoys him playing with her deadly thoughts.
They spent about an hour looking at the different displays, eating his snacks and taking turns reading the display’s blurbs to each other. As they stand on the steps of the museum, Y/N towers over him from the step above. He looks up at her like she hangs the stars in the sky. “I hate to admit that you made this day pretty fun,” she confides. Her hands find their way behind her back, biting her lip as she looks into his eyes. His mouth turns into a crescent moon, “I’m really glad I did. I like spending time with you.” She takes a moment to think and moves her head away in frustration. Not at him, but at the turmoil inside her mind. Why is his charming smile suddenly getting to her? Why does she want to step into his warmth and let his arms bring her in? “Ugh, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think I’m falling for you, MacLaren. So… would you want to go to dinner? Like on a date,” she confesses with a hint of annoyance in her tone that is just normally there. She is disgusted by the excitement that crosses his face. He gets off the steps, running around the green grass in front of the building. He jumps every so often with a little whoop let out as he does so. 
He rushes back to her, grabbing her around her waist and spinning her around. She finds the sound of her giggles odd but enjoys it nonetheless. “Way to keep a poker face,” she sasses, looking down at him. He doesn’t care though all he wants is a chance to be with her.
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia
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kaoyuuji · 3 months
adopting a kitty !!
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boyfriend! s.gojo x non-sorcerer! f!reader - . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁adopting a kitty headcanons ! . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖”How are you? I’m doing okay Unlike my heart, that feels like it’ll explode” . ݁ ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ 🎧
༘˚⋆𐙚。 on what felt like the hottest day of the millennium, gojo satoru was inside his house, enjoying a nice cold popsicle. Despite the boiling heat suffocating his body, he was in a peaceful state. Simply enjoying his lazy afternoon on the couch. that is until his beloved partner came home from her day job… with a white kitten in her arms.
⋆𖦹.✧˚ She tried to sneak past her lover, as if he didn’t hear her come inside. “andd where are you sneaking to?” — She froze. “i thought you were sleeping!” He shifted his body to look back at you, and sees the baby kitty in your arms. His eyes widen.
“andd what is that?!”
“a kitten.. i only wanted to bring it inside to give it some water!” — “really?” — “no..(*ノ▽ノ)”
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༘˚⋆𐙚。 of course he didn’t even bother arguing against you keeping it, he’d never deny you anything!
“as long as it doesn’t claw this face.. it can stay.” were his only conditions ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌ ..
⋆𖦹.✧˚ Gojo-Jr is the name y’all(gojo) chose, i mean the little kitty looks just like him! Big blue eyes and the fluffiest white hair, and the prettiest face! Truth be told, he’s ૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა excited to raise this kitty than you are !! “What if it’s a girl?” You asked — “Let me have my moment (name)!”
༘˚⋆𐙚。 You have sooo many photos of Gojo and Gojo-Jr sleeping together! You’ve never seen your boyfriend more at peace while sleeping, you can tell how much peace this baby kitten brings him. — And the two of you are proud parents, you take many photos of Jr and show all of them off to anybody in a 5 mile radius.
⋆𖦹.✧˚ Gojo is so attached it’s as if it’s his real child :> They’re always sleeping together, Gojo-Jr lovesss to nuzzle in the crook of your lovers neck, or the middle of his lap. Your favorite part of a long day is coming home to seeing your boyfriend resting peacefully with a baby kitten in his lap.. a very cute scene!
༘˚⋆𐙚。 The oneee thing Gojo can’t stand about Gojo-Jr is the amount of hair he sheds. “(name) we have to take Gojo-Jr to the vet. This can’t be normal!” He’s constantly complaining, but he always quickly forgives his baby. I mean look at it!
⋆𖦹.✧˚ Yes Gojo bought a cat leash for the kitten. And yes he 100% plans on using it when it grows up. “We have to get its shots before it can go outside!” — “The pet of the strongest can handle a few fleas (name).” — “?!?”
༘˚⋆𐙚。 Unfortunately Gojo-Jr got fleas after its first day outside due to its fathers recklessness ( ̄  ̄|||) .. Of course he took care of his pet with the most expensive vet care, your orders! Ever since then Gojo has learned his lesson too.
⋆𖦹.✧˚ And yes for halloween he did buy Jr a itty-bitty mask just like Gojos, and YESS he did show off the many pictures to his students the day after.
༘˚⋆𐙚。 Megumi is 100% Gojo-Jrs babysitter when the two of you are busy. He doesn’t mind of course, anything for you (If it were Gojo asking he'd deny immediately. jkk!) Megumi sends pictures of Jr every other hour. (per Gojos request) , and after spending a day with the kitten Megumi understands why the two of you love it soo much! Despite him being more of a dog person >_>
⋆𖦹.✧˚ in the end, this baby kitten became an official member of your family! Anddd this might be the closest to having a real kid the two of you will get to anyways ( ̄ω ̄;)
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ariseur · 11 days
How do you think Arthur Morgan would react to a reader who has a great connection with animals? The reader knows how to calm animals, from horses to pigs and chickens, she also ensures that the animals have a good food and she will always be seen with a cat or a dog in her arms.
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animal whisperer 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
arthur morgan x reader
┊ ˚➶ notes 。˚ 🎼
this request was sooo cute!! sorry it took me a little while to complete it, i’ve been working on like fifteen different drafts at once !! 💗
┊ ˚➶ warnings 。˚ 🎼
mentions of animals ( dogs, cats, horses ), mentions of arthur getting bucked off of his horse 😭, intended lowercase, lmk if i missed anything!!
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
❥ let me start this off by saying that i think arthur would literally adore you and your presence. like, he already thinks you’re such a beautiful lady and that you’re amazing within your own, but seeing you so domestic with animals does something to him.
❥ arthur’s lived a hard life, he’s calloused and struggles with letting himself enjoy some of the nicer moments in life alone. but when he finds you, it feels like all of the toughness that everybody sees melts away. all he wants is you, and now that’s he’s experienced the feeling of you, he never wants to let that go
❥ if you have a more curt and blunt nature to yourself, but you just melt around animals? oh, man— he’ll do anything to see that side of you. whenever it slips out and he sees you care so much for the horses or actually supply them with hay bales and proper necessities, his eyes will always follow you curiously
❥ and even if you’re a super sweet and outwardly kind person, he’ll still adore you!! he thinks it’s cute how you care so much for animals even if he wont say it to you, he has a fondness for animals too— except it’s more so updating his compendium and hunting them rather than taking them under his wing and feeding them 😭
❥ if you have a dog, he will love that baby to death let me tell you. doesn’t matter if they’re mangy or a mutt or even purebred, he will love them regardless. if we’re going based off what dogs you can get in rdo, i think he’d get along with a chill bigger dog— but even if your dog was energetic or more on guard like a chesapeake bay retriever or a labrador retriever, he will still adore them. i can just imagine arthur with a little guard dog by his side walking through camp as it follows him everywhere. having a dog will probably make him remember his old dog copper as he tells you tales of his journeys with him at night while rubbing your dog behind the ear as it lays its head on his lap.
❥ arthur’s not really a cat person but he won’t mind if you have one!! cats are very independent and he understands that so he’ll give them their space until one day they just like.. drape themselves over his lap and he has no idea what to do. he feels bad if he stands up but like.. he doesn’t know what else to do 😭
❥ and while i’m writing this i’m thinking of how in the game, micah would literally kick the crap out of cain in rdr2 and would scold him for no reason :(((. let me just say that arthur would literally not stand for that ( and yes i only write for high honor arthur, but i feel like regardless of his honor he wouldn’t be okay with it either way ). also why am i imagining micah getting bit or scratched and arthur just like laughing at him— like even him and your animal share a look because do you see this utter buffoonery? micah’s more of an animal than anyone if we’re being honest
❥ if you don’t like seeing him hunt or watching him skin animals, then he’ll suggest you turn away or he’ll point out something in the distance ( probably another cute animal prancing around or something ), and if it’s something small like a rabbit or a bird then it’ll be done in no time and he’ll redirect your attention back to him, jumping back on his horse and saying you guys should continue on with your journey
❥ if you need him to stop by to get any necessities or food for the animals at camp, he’ll stop by on his way back and get them the proper things they need. if you thank him, he’ll just brush it off and say it’s no problem— ( he was like two counties away but he’d gladly go back if you needed him to do so ).
❥ in summary, i feel like arthur would do really great with a partner with pets or a love for animals in general. he doesn’t get the fascination too much but he’ll support you nonetheless, as long as you don’t get hurt trying to pet something that looks cute when it’s not lmfao.
❥ holy crap i need jelp whyisa rthjrorhajgan so fne
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
“shh.. calm down, boy.” with your hands held out cautiously, you slowly approached ARTHUR’s bucking horse— the tennessee walker’s chestnut coat glimmering in the sun as it shone on its back. its alarmed neighs filled the air with only the distant rushing of water to accompany it, along with arthur’s huffs behind you as he caught his breath.
“‘s alright.” you cooed at the horse, waiting until its breaths slowed down slightly before you moved closer. your arms slowly extended out to reach his snout, his eyes widened and looking everywhere but you. you softly shushed as you halted your movements. your hand hovered over the white of his proboscis before finally placing a gentle hand on its nose, feeling its heavy breathing upon your arm.
“i still dont— fff.. get how you.. do ‘at.” arthur wheezed, bent over with his knees supporting him as he placed firm hands on them. he let out a breathy laugh, tipping his head up so you could catch a glimpse of his eyes under the brim of his hat. “i dunno what he even gotten spooked over.” he shook his head, watching as you pulled out a small carrot from your pocket and carefully fed it to his horse who munched on it in delight.
you didn’t pay him a glance as you were enveloped in the tenessee walker instead, smiling as you replied, “probably just somethin’ in the grass.”
“fair ‘nuff.” he shrugged, brushing himself off before placing a hand on his back while he winced. arthur sucked some air between clenched teeth as he struggled to stand upright. “think he got somethin’ in my back, too.” with a string of muttered curses, he hunched over once again.
your head turned this time, still focused on giving small pats to the horse’s nose as you tilted your head. brows furrowed, you asked, “need me to get you something from outta town?”
“naw, ‘s fine—“
“arthur, i was heading out that way already,” you pointed a thumb behind you— leading his vision to your horse stationary in the distance, tapping its hooves against the ground as it waited. he looked back at you as you held a gentle smile on your face and continued, “i don’t mind stoppin’ for something.”
arthur sighed, his fingers still kneading his lower back as he let out an occasional groan.
he let the silence take hold on the situation for a second, contemplating his options. letting his fingers twist and grab at the grass beneath him— his eyes flickered between the two horses, and then finally back to you. realizing it wouldn’t make a difference and you’d probably get it anyway, he waved a dismissive hand around and finally nodded his head.
“yeah, sure.”
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𐙚 taglist ; @maskedteaser
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wibta if i straight up told my s/o they can’t bring their dog when they move in with me?
i (early 20s ftm) and my partner (late 20s nb) are moving in together next year. we’ve been planning this for a couple of years now, but it’s been taking a while to plan out because we live on different continents and we needed to sort out visas, travel, work situation, and getting an apartment for us for when they arrive.
importantly to this story, my s/o has a dog. this dog is large and VERY loud - barking 24/7 at everything, crashing into furniture, loud whining, pushing people over, and growling at people who get too close to s/o.; this has included me whenever i visit.
the apartment we got has a one pet policy and all of our neighbours are elderly people as the building used to be assisted living (basically housing for the elderly where they have direct lines to nurses and disability accommodations). it’s a pretty small block, it’ll just be us, one guy across the hall, one woman directly below us, and one across the hall from her.
because of this, as soon as we got the apartment we realised we wouldn’t be able to feasibly take s/o’s dog. she’s too big for the apartment, she’s loud enough that all of the neighbours will be hearing her at all hours, and there is nowhere nearby she’ll get enough exercise for her size. on top of that, she’d have to be in quarantine for 6 months once she’s here as is my country’s policy for pets travelling which doesn’t seem fair to her, and this is AFTER a 15 hour long plane ride where she’ll be alone.
i will admit that i have kind of selfish reasons for this as well. i’m autistic and i have both anxiety and c-ptsd on top of that, and all of those things are set off by loud noise, especially loud noise that is constant or repeated. even when i’m on the phone with them, their dog is always barking and hurting my ears and sending me into sensory overload, as is how loud they have to speak over her and when they shout at her to quiet down etc. when i visit i have to make excuses to leave or go somewhere else for a breather because within minutes i’m so drained and overwhelmed and upset just because of the dog’s insanely loud barking. i was also attacked by a large dog when i was very little and ever since then i’ve been wary around Big dogs, so although i want to work on it and i’ve been trying to (i love dogs), having one so big and jumpy be aggressive and growling at me makes me incredibly on edge.
s/o was sad because they really love their dog but ultimately agreed, on the condition we can get a cat instead as they’ve always wanted one but were never allowed. i agreed to that, i’m much more of a dog person and i’m a little sad we won’t be able to get one but a cat seems a fair compromise for them having to leave their dog and i don’t mind cats either, it will be easier to care for and hopefully just as cuddly!
so i thought that was all agreed on and done with
months later i mention looking into cats and they go “but wait! that means i cant bring my dog!” like this was the first time it had occurred to them. i was kind of caught off guard and was just like “…yeah, but we can get you your cat instead!” and the conversation kind of died out and moved on quickly
but ever since then they’ve been making little comments about bringing their dog and what we’ll do with her when we live together and it just… doesn’t seem to be sinking in that they cannot bring their dog.
i feel awful because like. i can’t emphasise enough how much they love this dog. they cuddle up together in bed, they’re always calling for her, always talking about her, always taking pictures of her. when they visit me they talk about missing her.
i know when it comes down to it they’ll choose to move in with me over staying to keep her, but i worry that i’m being selfish by making them choose in the first place. i feel like i need to make it clear once and for all that the dog absolutely cannot come with them and make sure it sticks, but i honestly don’t know how to do it in a way that will make them realise while not hurting their feelings because we’ve already gone over the reasons and they initially agreed.
AITA for making my s/o give up their beloved dog?
What are these acronyms?
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short but chaotic Nimona headcanons
One time the boys were going through their baby pictures and laughing
And Nimona let it slip that she doesn’t have any baby pictures cause she was never a baby 
The boys being dramatic sappy dorks plan a whole day where they take stupid family photos 
And Bal being the most dramatic sentimental dork of all even goes as far as photoshopping Nimona into some of their old photos 
These photos were just supposed to be a cute little inside joke that they framed in their living room they never expected anyone to see them
But as time goes on and they make more friends people see those photos and draw their own conclusions 
And maybe Bal is incredible with Photoshop or maybe no one in the kingdom has critical thinking skills because people start to believe Bal and Ambrosius raised Nimona
There is a tw*tter thread of them commending Bal and Ambrosius for training to be knights and saving the day all while raising a child
Someone was talking to Nimona and congratulated her on being so brave
And Nimona was like “Oh you mean the battle with the director?” the person goes "Well yeah that too but I was also talking about your parent's split divorce can be so messy"
Most people know this is just a long drawn out joke that the trio doesn’t have the willpower to debunk
And some people are out here defending this story posting shit like “No a friend of a friend was at the institute at the same time and saw them with Nimona” 
The trio thinks it's fucking hilarious so they never bother to comment on it
In fact they didn't correct anyone until Nimona told the real story of Gloreth’s “Monster”
And they were really dragging their feet on telling people not because they were afraid of the backlash but because they knew the teen parent stories would stop 
Everyone is fully convinced that Ambrosius is the best secret keeper of all time 
He’s fucking not 
He’s a gossipy little bitch but the people who he gossips with are the real vaults 
Whenever he wants to gossip he'll talk to Nimona
And Nimona always drops his gossip onto Bal because he knows Bal will tell Ambrosius  
Bal usually doesn’t gossip but if Ambrosius asks him “What’s on your mind love?” more than once he’s an open book 
But the gossip never leaves their little trio no matter what 
Whenever the trio gets bored like on errand days or long car rides they’ll play a little game 
Basically they compare people they know to random objects or animals 
And they win depending on how accurate the object is or if it makes the other two laugh
Some of the accurate wins were Ambrosius pointing at a wet cat and commenting that it reminded him of Bal, Bal pointing at dog shit and saying “Look it’s Todd”, and Nimona asking “When did the director come back to life?” while pointing at flaming garbage 
And then there are the other answers like when Bal pointed at the air and said “Mom” Ambrosius just turns to him and goes “Bal you didn’t know your mom” and he just goes “Yeah that’s what she looks like in my mind” 
Or Ambrosius pointed at a cemetery and exclaimed “Mom!” And Bal goes “Love your Moms alive” and all he says is “Shh Bal let me manifest” 
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komoboko · 4 months
Hi! Not a request but just curious. What kind of pets do you think the kananoko squad would have in a modern au?
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𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐤𝐨 𝐬𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐨𝐰𝐧
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ft: tanjiro kamado, zenitsu agatsuma, inosuke hashibira, kanao tsuyuri, genya shinazugawa
These are 1am rambles brah
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TANJIRO would like to raise a dog, standard but oddly fitting for him. I think he would have multiple to be honest, he enjoys breeds that are more active so I would see him with a golden retriever or a Labrador. His pets really like you to!! Almost like he silently taught them to be just like him.
He definitely has dogs that get big but still thinks they are lap dogs 100%. Whenever you come over to his house and sit anywhere it’s a 50% chance a dog will come lay near you, next to you, or usually on top of you. His dogs are kinda spoiled to, he’ll you he scolds them but you caught him giving them treats when he was suppose to one time.
ZENITSU wants something small, not to big and easy to manage. Personally I think he own a bunch of guinea pigs. Very random choice but just hear me out. They remind me of his sparrow, he likes to hold them when he’s around the house. You may see him walking in a thick turtleneck during the summer, but that’s just because his guinea pig is resting in the next area.
They are a little stubborn though, even zenitsu doesn’t know why. They can get mad and almost bit you before, but that’s normally if they haven’t eaten. You don’t what zenitsu feeds them but he definitely has those really thick guinea pigs just for no reason at all. Well there is a reason as you have to invite his guinea pig to the table to eat with you all during dinner. Also obanai is banned from coming over is kaburamaru is tagging along.
INOSUKE probably wants a really unconventional pet, like I bet he tried to convince you to let him get a boar before. In the end he sticks with a dog like tanjiro. Just the breeds are different I bet he wants have to have a doberman or a German Shepard. He wants to train those dogs for war I tell you.
You refused to enter his house for a bit until his dogs get to know you, you preferred keeping in your feet and not getting tackled by his dogs. He likes to play fight with them always playing fetch with them outside. Although besides this you to went a farm that was mixed with a shelter where they have this really small boar. Every time you go there inosuke always spends time without. He named the lil dude megatron.
KANAO I feel like would have a bird of some sorts. A really well trained one as well. Not like a usual house pet but those really expensive exotic birds. She’s trained it and had help from professionals to train it now, it’s at this point where you can almost have full fledged conversation with it. It knows both of your names, the food it likes everything.
Sometimes the bird is unusually smart.. like the time you brought snacks that you and the bird can both eat but kanao never wants you to. When she can back you had everything hidden and the perfect fool proof lie created. Until the bird “coincidentally” said your name and the beaks brand right after. You were the one getting in trouble and her bird face no repercussions.
GENYA is pretty straightforward he just wants a cat. He likes how they’re more chill and calm and sometimes just hang by themselves or with him. also because the cat owning trait was subconsciously influenced by gyomei’s love for cats. It just grew on him eventually. I think I can see him with one of those black and white bicolor cats but I doubt he would care about the breed.
You tend to compare Genya to his cat a lot because of how similar they look in the face. For some reason Genya’s cat just looks mad, all the time. He could be giving it treats and it would just have the more monotone expression on its face. The cat doesn’t mind you though, Genya could be calling it thinking it’s asleep. Only to find it trailing after you while you go to sit on his couch.
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pennylanefics · 22 days
Animal Shelter - Seth Jarvis
a/n: ahhh i think this turned out so cute! 🥰 i'm more of a cat person but there are a couple breeds of dogs that i have a love for, and greyhounds are one so i put my own personal touch to it :)
summary: you and seth plan to adopt a dog, but things take an unexpected turn while at the shelter
word count: ~2k
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“You wanna get a dog?” Seth asks you late one night, as you lay in each other’s arms in the soft candlelight. The power had been out for a couple hours due to a bad storm, with no idea of when it would come back on. But thanks to a few flameless candles, you were safely able to light the room.
“What?” You wonder, looking down at him in confusion, the question seemingly out of nowhere.
“I feel like it’s a pretty straight forward question. Do you want to adopt a dog?” He repeats, his hands playing with the ends of your hair. You stare at him in disbelief.
“What kind of dog?” You ask, sitting up to stare down at him, your hand running along the chain of his necklace that laid on his bare chest. He shrugs against the pillow and moves his hand to rest on your back, caressing it up and down your shirt covering your skin.
“Dunno. I figured we could go to the shelter and find a good fit,” he nonchalantly says. “I think it would be a great addition, you know. We’ve been together for a while, we finally have this house with a backyard so they can run around and play. Just a thought.”
After talking about it for the rest of the night, since there was nothing to do with the power out, you make plans to head to the animal shelter close by in the morning to go and ask about adopting and meet a few dogs.
In the morning, you and Seth head to the local animal shelter and are immediately approached by a volunteer when stepping inside.
“Hi! I’m Rhonda, how can we help you today?” She welcomes you in, standing up from her spot near the entrance to the area where the cages are.
“We’re looking into adopting a dog, just not sure which one,” Seth chuckles, looking over her shoulder at the noisy room.
“Wonderful! If you want to come with me, I can show you around or you can roam yourself, whatever you would prefer. Are you looking for an older dog or more of a puppy age?”
You and Seth share a look and shrug.
“Not too old of a dog, but older puppy a puppy,” he answers. She nods and walks through the automatic doors, pausing after she steps in and making sure you two are with her.
“So a lot of the middle aged dogs are on the outer aisles, but there are some spread about.”
“I think we’ll just take a quick walk through and see,” you say.
“Okay! Everyone adopting gets to meet with two dogs per day, so if you don’t find that special pet today, you are more than welcome to come back another day.”
“Alright, thanks so much.” 
Seth takes your hand in his and begins walking around, pausing every few steps to take a look at the dog in the pen.
“Oh look at this lovely lady,” Seth coos, leaning down to let a pitbull sniff his hand. Her tail wags like crazy, but she was a little older than you two had the ability to care for.
So, you keep on looking, and after a bit, you have a couple dogs in mind that you’d like to see their personalities outside of their pens.
Meeting with the first dog, a Norwich terrier named Birdie, she was far more shy than either of you noticed. She cowered away when Seth tried to pet her, and he sighs, looking up at you.
“She came from a house with five other dogs small dogs that were not properly trained. She doesn’t do well sometimes, but she just needs some time and patience,” Rhonda explains.
You and Seth share another look as she describes the dog’s situation, and your heart aches for her; she looks so friendly, but extremely timid.
“We have found that she finds comfort in larger dogs, so if you have another pet at home, she’ll be just right.”
“Oh no, this is going to be our first pet,” you say, looking at the sweet brown terrier, who finally warmed up to Seth a little bit.
After spending a few more minutes with her, Rhonda leaves and brings in the next dog, a chocolate brown greyhound, just under two years old.
“Maple is a rescue from greyhound racing, she came off the track a little over a year ago. She’s been here for a little while. Her foster home didn’t work out and she was surrendered to us.”
“How long has she been here?” Seth asks.
“Almost eight months.” You groan as you hear this, Maple coming right up to you and licking your hand that you stick out to pet her with. You laugh softly, her tail beating from side to side excitedly as Seth calls her over, showing her a rope to play with.
The two of them immediately start playing, and you could tell this was the right decision. However, after Rhonda takes her back and gets the paperwork ready to fill out, Seth looks at you.
“We should adopt both,” he says, a serious yet sad look on his face. “Birdie would do so well with Maple, I think. And that way, she won’t be in here alone anymore and we can give her a chance at having a happy life.”
“Two dogs? Will they even allow us to adopt two at the same time?” You wonder in disbelief that Seth was bringing this up. You rub your face, but think back to the little dog that was first in here.
You could tell she was happy that someone was around, but her nerves were too much and it was overwhelming for her for a moment; she just needed patience and love, something you saw once the energy in the room settled a bit and you sat on the ground with her.
“We should do it,” you say, nodding a little. Seth smiles widely and wraps you in a tight hug. 
“She did say Birdie would be good with bigger dogs. And with Maple being so much larger and full of energy but still calm and sweet, I think they’d fit well together.”
“We can ask her when she comes back.”
So, when Rhonda comes back with a set of adoption papers and everything, you ask her for her honest opinion on things. After some deliberation and conversation between the three of you, a second set of adoption papers is ready to be signed, for Birdie.
Rhonda leaves you alone with Maple while she brings back the smaller dog, Seth looking at you with a huge smile on your face.
“You think this is a good idea?” He teases, scooting over closer to you as he sets the paperwork aside, petting Maple as she comes up to you.
“Maybe not financially responsible, but we’re giving two wonderful pets a happy home, so it’s definitely a positive choice,” you chuckle, resting your head against his shoulder. 
Maple rests her head on your lap, staring up at you, her tail still wagging a little. You rub her head and your heart soars. This was a new chapter in yours and Seth’s life, and it felt so right and perfect.
Not long after, Rhonda returns with Birdie, Maple turns around and sniffs the smaller dog. To your surprise, Birdie stays put, allowing Maple to examine her and check her out. Birdie’s little tail starts to wag a bit, causing you and Seth to look at each other, ecstatic and eager.
When all the right forms were filled out, Rhonda gave you a few personal tips that she thought would be important, just a couple things she’s learned from personal experience. Both of you listened and kept those tips in mind, and finally, you were ready to be on your way.
Seth helps both Maple and Birdie into the back seat, carefully putting a harness around them and buckling them in, a product that you just bought at the shelter, and it was definitely going to come in handy.
“So, you want to head to the store with them, or do you want me to drop them off at home with you and I’ll go buy food and beds and toys and everything?” Seth wonders as he hops in the driver’s seat. 
“I think it would be fun for them to pick some toys out themselves,” you say, turning around to look at them. Both were panting lightly, due to heightened anxiety from being in a car for the first time.
After half an hour at the pet store, you are headed back home and ready to finally settle in with your two new pets. Seth unbuckles them the second he parks in the driveway, not wanting them to be in distress any longer.
He helps Maple up the porch steps while you carry Birdie in your arms, leaving Seth grab all the items from the store that were left in the car.
“Come here, let’s see the backyard,” you coo to the two dogs, leading them over to the patio and opening the door up. They rush outside, Birdie far more timid than Maple, who runs out and circles the large backyard like she does it all the time. You laugh as she sprints freely, and Seth comes up behind you, his arms going around your waist.
“They seem to be enjoying it here so far,” he whispers in your ear.
“I think so,” you smile, turning around in his arms. “I love you.”
“I love you too, baby.”
You watch them continue to explore the backyard before Birdie decides she’s had enough and heads back inside. You give her time to scope out the new space on her own, while Maple, enjoying the nice weather, lays down in the grass, panting like crazy as she tries to catch her breath, a joyful gleam in her eyes.
“Should we change their names?” You wonder, looking up at your boyfriend.
“I like Birdie, so we should keep that one. For Maple…” he pauses to think for a moment, staring over at her in thought. “Maybe we can think on it for a few days.”
Later that night, during dinner, Seth had fed both Maple and Birdie, and you were in the kitchen making your dinner, which consisted of breakfast foods, when Maple comes strolling in to get a drink of water from the metal bowl near your feet. 
The toaster pops up the bread and Maple’s head pops up in curiosity, and suddenly, she starts to howl. The sound startles you a little, but it’s not a noise of fear, her tail is wagging back and forth, her head tilted as she gazes up at you. So, you test it again. You click the trigger down, then pop it back up, and she does it again.
Seth walks in with a confused expression, thinking something was wrong.
“What was that?” He asks, stepping over to where you are, looking down at the greyhound. You giggle and reach to pet her brown fur.
“I think I just found her new name,” you say, the idea clicking instantly in your head. Seth’s eyebrows raise in wonder. You show him the discovery you made and he laughs with you, crouching down to give her a hug.
“Toast,” he says. “My toasty girl. It’s perfect because she also looks like slightly burnt toast,” he comments, running his hands along her fur, kissing her head playfully. You continue making your food as Seth and, now Toast, head to the couch to curl up for the night. 
Birdie was at your feet as you cook and eat your dinner, already attached to you, and that’s when you feel like everything worked out. Seth and Toast bonded almost immediately, and Birdie was drawn to you; neither you or Seth were left out, and the dogs didn’t have to feel “in the middle.”
Everything was falling into place, and after dinner, you joined the two of them, Birdie curling up at your feet on the blanket, as you all relaxed together, Step Brothers playing on the tv, and Seth’s arms around you, holding you close.
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taglist: @petite-potato4
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vasyandii · 15 days
I’m a huge sucker for romance and relationship dynamic type questions so I do have some questions about VernAM (I believe that’s the right way)
Not the questions have to be answered, as I believe I have too many! But here’s my top three
1. In one of the little comics you did I believe AM talked about how he refused to give himself a body heat because of the concern he would produce and odour and this is where this question blooms from, does AM have any insecurities when it comes to his human body, or a fear that he doesn’t meet Vernons expectations? Or that she’ll find something un attractive or gross about him?
2. Whats their favourite thing about each other? It could be a personality trait, a skill, a body part, or say a little habit they tend to do?
3. Are they more dog people, cat people, or some other species like fish or reptilians or do they not prefer animals at all (if they had the ability to adopt pets)
Thank you so much! I love your art so very much and gain lots of inspiration from you to grow better in not just art but in educating myself in different cultures and ethnicities, please remember to drink water and I hope you have a wonderful day! Thank you once again! ^_^
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Howdy Romeo! I'm happy I was able to inspire you in some way! I'd be happy to answer all your questions! Thank you for the ask! 💞💞
VernonAM 🏺🖥️
1.) Does AM have any insecurities when it comes to his human body?
Obviously, yes. It's AM's first time on Earth physically, of course he would have insecurities. However, it's not fully because he wants to meet Vernon's expectations. It's the fear of BEING.
(This is gonna lean into some confusing type shit so bear with me. I briefly touched upon it in the second question of this post)
When AM was given a physical, tangible body, there's now a HIM that can suddenly be held accountable for his actions and that makes him uncomfortable. So being aware his body isn't as mighty as him (the complex), AM tries to combat it by removing variables that can be prone to criticism even if Vernon doesn't mind.
Look at it this way; usually people act differently online than they do in real life, right? That's usually because there's often a disconnect with their actions. This discrepancy largely stems from the perceived disconnect between their online actions and their real-world identities. When interacting online, there is often no face or tangible form that can be directly traced back to the individual. This sense of anonymity can lead to a significant reduction in accountability.
As a result, individuals—particularly those who may not be well-adjusted or who possess mean-spirited tendencies—feel emboldened to say and do things they would never consider in face-to-face interactions. They exploit this lack of immediate consequences, engaging in behaviors that are often harmful, disrespectful, or downright cruel - Much like AM, who only just recently acquired a body. (I hope that makes sense ;0;)
2.) What's their favorite thing about each other?
I'll categorize these by personality traits, skill, body part, and habit!
Vernon likes AM because of his hatred/sass because it allows her to have an outlet for her morbid curiosity along with an entertaining conversation. She doesn't find his skills her favorites because that's just him, she believes AM doesn't have skills as a man. Her favorite body part is AM's eyes, he's easier to read as a man. His pupils dilate significantly when he looks at her and AM doesn't even know. A habit she finds endearing from AM is him holding onto the end of her shirt with his hand and following her around wherever she goes.
As for AM, Vernon's take no prisoners attitude is his favorite part of her personality. Of course AM also enjoys the moments when she's caring towards him, but that's something expected. His favorite skill is how good of a liar Vernon is. She could tell him something so outlandish with such a straight face that AM would consider believing it; it's like she believes the lie herself. His favorite part of Vernon's body is her lips, AM likes how soft and warm they are, and how they're shaped. A habit he enjoys is that she would pace around the space they're sharing when she's talking, AM just likes watching her walk, I guess.
3.) Which animals do they prefer, if any?
In regards to if they're cat or dog people; Vernon is a dog person, to her they're easier to train. AM would probably like cats since they do as they please.
For other animals, They would be a Reptile and Bird household xD. I could see Vernon owning a bearded dragon or any cold blooded reptile while AM has like a cool African Grey Parrot :)
But in reality I don't think these two should have access to animals lmao
Aaand that's all for now :3 if you'd like me to clarify anything, feel free to ask! Thank you for reading!
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randomchaotix · 2 months
God I was thinking of fusions because people have started making them [you know who you are] and that made me start thinking about fusions with the voices and princesses so
Let me just—
The Desperate — a fusion of the paranoid and witch. Essentially a sobbing wet cat that would do ANYTHING to be free. . . But she would rather not deal with the LQ in any way. Even if she has to unfortunately eat her arm off
The Searching — a fusion of the cold and damsel. One that is curious of the world, so much so that she doesn’t really mind doing anything. Even if it seems “evil”, if it interests her, or you, or perhaps both, then she would do it.
The Tamed — a fusion of the broken and beast. A animal that would do anything for its owner with no will of its own. Wagging their tail for their favorite person even if they were beaten or restrained.. In my opinion— like a reverse fox [a cat with a dog body.. so reverse is a dog with a cat body!]
The Trifler — a fusion of the contriarian and the tower. A god, that could destroy everything as we know it, able to control poeple and destory their will— that likes to mess with poeple! Especially a certain echo…
The Spirited — a fusion between the hero and the razor. A entity that actually wants to do the right thing and help make everyone happy but 1. Allows emotions to get the best of her 2. Is probably very gullible and 3. They also probably fucking suck at keeping secrets. But at least she tries.
The Ashamed— a fusion between the smitten and the nightmare. Instead of this entity having a more torturing approach, this one is on the more peaceful side. But It fully believes they are a monster and they are ASHAMED for it [haha funny name reference]. It tries to hide themself from others in fear of hurting them
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skelobun · 1 year
Ellie x reader headcanons
general relationship headcanons
I’m still practicing how to write, so i’m sorry if this is poorly written </3
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Not proof read
Fem!Reader Headcanons
Ellie doesn’t like makeup, but she loves it whenever you put it on her. She loves how close you are to her and how focused you look. The way you look after finishing her makeup is adorable to her.
Ellie never was a huge fan of shopping, but when she met you, you guys spent most of your time shopping together. She always carries all of your bags and refused to let you pay.
“Ellie, at least let me carry one bag”
Ellie loved whenever you showed off the new outfits you bought.
“Ellie! Look at this new dress i bought!” You say walking out of your shared bedroom and walking into the living room.
When Ellie looked up she sees you looking at her with a smile on your face.
She walks up to you and hugs you while kissing you on the cheek.
“You look so beautiful in that dress” she says to you, smiling.
Cat lover!reader
When you first brought Ellie to your apartment, she didn’t expect to see a cat waiting for you. You’d never mention you had a cat, so this caught her off guard.
She loves whenever you show her photos of your cat and she loves seeing him in all of the little hats and outfits you buy him.
“Ellie! Look! Look at how cute he is in his little hat!”
“He looks so cute, babe”
Whenever you and Ellie are cuddling on your couch your cat will sleep right beside you two.
Sometimes you feel like your cat loves Ellie more than you.
Ellie calls herself a dog person, but whenever you and her go shopping for cat supplies she buys the best toys and food she can find for your cat.
Sometimes you catch Ellie and your cat sleeping together, and you’ll take photos of them.
Sick!reader (college au)
When Ellie notices you don’t go to class today she gets worried and calls you. When you don’t answer she panics and leaves to go to your dorm.
“Y/N!” She says while she knocks on your door. When you open the door, she notices that you seem sick.
Ellie walks into your dorm and forces you to rest in your bed.
Ellie stays with you all day and makes sure you rest.
Whenever you try to get out bed, Ellie forces you to stay in bed and would get mad at you every time you tried to leave.
Ellie refused to leave your side the entire time you were sick even though you were sick. You kept telling her to move away so she wouldn’t get sick, but she still stayed.
When you guys first met Ellie noticed how quiet and distant you seemed.
Then when you guys started dating you were slightly more talkative, but you were still as shy as ever.
During dinner/lunch dates she always has to order for you, but she doesn’t mind.
She loves how the more closer you guys got, the more talkative you seemed. You seemed more happier and more open around her. She thinks it’s so cute whenever you talk to her about your interests.
Whenever you two go out to a party or something, she notices how nervous you seem and decides to bring you home.
She never makes fun of you for being shy, and you love that.
All of these little headcanons are just some things I wanted to read about Ellie (esp the fem reader one)
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