#she probably got the schedule this morning and was like ohhh okay
benadril · 1 year
I don't usually skip class but when I do the class is always more stale than the bread they serve in the cafeteria
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fw00shy · 3 years
For @drarrymicrofic prompt, better than fighting. This is a 1.4k "microfic" lmao. You can read on AO3 as well as here.
You know when you look at someone and just know they're no good? Pansy says it's a sure sign that they pissed you off in a past life. I tell her that's about the funniest shite I've ever heard. I don't need divinity to explain myself; I've always been good at reading people. That's just how I am.
Say, Pansy. I knew we'd hit it off the moment I saw her head-to-toe in Prada, her hair as glossy as volcanic glass. That's not fate: that's good taste. And Crabbe, well — that one is a bit odd, I'll give you that. Lord knows why I have a soft spot for him when he's far too much trouble for his worth. Nearly got me killed once or twice, even. Not literally, of course — just at the bars, when he drinks me under the table. Pansy says he's "mine" the same way Theo is "hers"; I've never cared for Theo. He seems the type of guy who holds back while you make a rash of bad decisions. Mind you, Pansy isn't much better either, but at least she's always right there, too, making the same damn mistakes.
Pansy asked me what Theo did to piss me off so much. I made up some lie about how he didn't warn me about a rotted foundation on a house I was trying to sell, but really, I don't know why I think that about Theo. I'm a genius people-reader, alright? And I don't question intuition.
So I'm not worried when Blaise calls me in to meet a high-profile client. Rich geezers, they're all the same. And I've seen this one plenty in the newsstands before, so I've already sussed him out. He always looks like he doesn't want to be there. A bit sullen — dead inside — but harmless enough.
"Seems a trifle odd, doesn't it?" I tell Pansy that morning. "He could've called me direct. My number's on half the park benches around his neighbourhood."
"Maybe he thinks you'll say no," Pansy says. She has that faraway look in her eyes she gets every morning before the caffeine kicks in.
"Why would I say no?" I laugh. "I'd be an idiot to give up a million-pound commission."
She's not paying attention to me. Her eyes bug out and her lips part. It's like she's in a bloody trance. I swear she does it just to piss me off.
I'm still thinking about her ugly mug when I'm going up to Blaise's office. He's got the entire penthouse of the building for him to sign papers, and the elevator ride up the twenty-three floors leaves plenty of time for spacing out. So I'm caught off guard when, coming out of the elevator, Harry Potter smacks straight into me and all I want to do is kill him.
Oh lord, how I want to kill him. My rage builds so strong that I'm taken out of my body. Where I go, I don't know. But when I come to, Potter is gone and I'm sitting across from Blaise.
Blaise has his pitying face on, the one he practices in the mirror. His hands are clasped over the expansive walnut desk (live edge, of course), his suit as green as Potter's eyes.
Potter's eyes. Merlin, I barely remember meeting the man, but it's all I can think of now. That luxurious, deep emerald. Green as everything I ever wanted.
"No," I say. "I won't take him on."
"Dee," Blaise says, gentle. His brows raise.
I'm on the spin bike at the gym trying to blow off some steam when Pansy calls and says, "Blaise is right, you know," her voice tinny above the whirl of bikes around me. "You'll be stupid to walk away from a million pounds over a premonition."
"He's a lying tramp, I swear. I'll put in all this work, set up the listing, stage the place, and then he'll change his mind and walk right out. I know. He's a ticking time bomb."
"So...." she giggles, "what'd you think he did?"
I'm confused for a second, but then I realise she's probably talking about her reincarnation theory again.
"Don't you dare start on this past life shite," I warn. "I'm not in the damn mood."
"Maybe he razed your lands. Ohhh, can you imagine, Harry Potter — a viking? All that fur… mm, and those horned helmets. Sure makes me horny —"
"Jesus, woman. I'm at the gym."
"Okay, okay," she says. "Since you're at the gym, what about this: Harry Potter as naughty, lying George Wickham. And you: the poor Lydia Bennet, tricked into a life of poverty and ridicule for the rest of your days. Embittered, you —"
"That's Jane Austen, that's not even real life," I say before hanging up.
I meet Potter at his Islington townhouse the following Tuesday. He's a capital C celebrity so he's got no regular day job, which makes him horrifying easy to slot into my schedule.
"You're late," I say as soon as he opens the front door. He runs a hand through his tangled hair — soft, I know — and bleats out an apology as I brush past him into the grim, old place. The hallway is long and dark. There's a kitchen in the far west corner overlooking the garden. And upstairs there are three bedrooms, of which the medium-sized one is his because it faces east, and he enjoys waking sun-rumpled and satisfied.
The floorplan, I pulled from public records. The rest, I — well, I don't know. I just know. I know it with such vivaciousness that I can see us there, on his — no, our — bed, his arm thrown across my chest, and I —
"Draco?" he asks, tentative. Like he's found something he's lost but isn't sure what to do with it, yet.
My hands clam up, my heart racing back to the present. He's only a foot from me, his doe eyes searching. I know what it feels like to pull him in by the waist, to watch those lids flutter shut as we kiss. And I know he knows this too, so I lean in and punch his face.
"He called me Draco," I say to Pansy later. "Draco. Only my mother calls me Draco, and she's been dead a full decade."
"You're crazy, Dee," Pansy says, patting my hand with hers on the bar counter. "What did you do after? Get on your knees to kiss his arse so he'd keep you on?"
"Bloody hell, no. I bolted the fuck out of there thinking I lost the biggest deal of my life. But then the next day, Blaise calls and says Potter stopped by the office. Says could I get him a list of stagers, all cool and shite like nothing had happened!"
"Hm… maybe you two are more Troilus and Cressida than Brutus and Caesar. Ohh, or Achilles and Patroclus. God, yes. That fits so well —"
"Good God, woman! Unless Patroclus was trying to sell Achilles' ionic column abode, I don't want to hear another peep of past lives from you."
Pansy pushes her martini to me and waits for me to drain it before signalling for another round. "I'm only saying," she says, tapping her square-tip nails on the stem of the glass, "Kissing. Fucking, even. Wouldn't that be better than fighting?"
Naturally, I choke on my drink.
I meet with Potter the next day and manage to get through the walkthrough without any further hallucinations or fisticuffs. I call Greg up to stage the place and we go through the house again the following week. Potter's in the kitchen when Greg leaves and offers me a cup of tea while I wait for my car. I'm out of excuses and exhausted from the day, so I accept.
"Draco," he says when he hands the cup to me. Two sugars, a splash of milk. I try not to think about how he knows.
"Why do you call me that?" I ask instead, blustering.
"Why do you call me Potter?" he retorts. He's smiling, but I can tell he's not really happy. It's the same smile the paparazzi catches him with.
"I don't know," I say because I don't. My tongue knows his name better than I do.
I can't keep my eyes off of his as he comes up to me. "Draco," he says my name like he had a claim to it, long ago. I let him loosen the cup from my hand and push me up onto the counter. The angle's better here; perfect if I want to slide my hand up to his cheek and through his hair. He smells like broomstick and phoenix ash. I love him, I know. But it's not supposed to be this easy.
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kalimagik · 4 years
Fred Weasley x Pregnant!Reader
Word Count: 5k
Requested by @coffee-wihtout-caffeine​ - “Can I request Fred x reader where it’s throughout her pregnancy with supportive Weasley family? Like the entire pregnancy just bits through each month and dealing with the symptoms. Tia”
A/N: I had SO much fun writing this. I was so excited the whole time (i love babies and think pregnancy is beautiful, so I may have gotten carried away). It’s super fluffy, has something for each month, and a whole lot of cute Fred and a supportive Weasley family! It’s not my usual writing style, but still so fun. Feedback is always welcome! Comment, like, reblog! Happy Reading <3 (also, I got too excited to wait til tonight to post it, so its coming early)
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Month 1
It had to be the stomach flu, what else could it be? Fred left you in bed that morning after you spent most of the night with your head over the toilet. You racked your mind, trying to figure out where you would have caught the stomach flu. That’s when it hit you. Running to the nearest convenience store, you bought the tests, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible.
You looked at the pregnancy test again and the other 3 that sat on the vanity, all positive. No, you and Fred weren’t trying for a baby, but you weren’t not trying either. A baby…you were going to have a baby, Fred’s baby.
The butterflies in your stomach were going to have a roommate. The thought made your lips curl into a grin as you looked into the mirror. A baby! Now you just had to tell Fred. Knowing you had a few hours, you rushed around the house like a mad woman. The rest of the day consisted of picking up, making dinner, and making yourself look presentable and not like you had spent most of the day in bed. The day also included throwing up every now and then, but you were actually kind of excited each time because it was just a reminder of the little boy or girl growing in your stomach.
When Fred walked through the door, you had your favorite “Love Songs” playlist playing, the dinner table set, and candles lit throughout the entire flat. “Is someone feeling better?” Fred called out above the music.
“Freddie! I’m in here,” you sang, still cleaning up pots and pans from dinner.
“What is all of this?” Fred asked, eyes widening at the sight laid out in front of him. “Did I forget an anniversary or something?” he chuckled, knowing very well that he didn’t. “This is wonderful, love. But, what did I do to deserve this?”
“Just sit down and you’ll find out!” You beamed, bringing Fred’s favorite food to the table, his mother’s meatballs with onion sauce with a treacle tart and cream puffs on the side for dessert.
“24 hour stomach flu pass?”
“Uhhh, for the most part,” you skirted around the subject a bit. You had a plan to tell him about the baby.
Dinner went by with your usual conversations about the day, the shop, and how George and the rest of the Weasleys were doing. When tart had been dished out, you stood up from your seat and went behind the couch to get your little gift.
“Okay, what is going on?” Fred asked, now confused as to why he got his favorite dinner, dessert, and now a present. “Did you do something I should be angry about? Did someone else do something that I should be taking credit for?”
“No, silly,” you giggle, sitting the present in front of him. “Just open this!” You watch him intently while standing as he takes the tissue paper out of the bag and unwraps the first little gift. The white tissue paper fell to the floor as he unfolded a little white onesie that read “I solemnly swear I am up to no good.”
“What’s this for? I’m not going to be an uncle or something am I? Is George around here trying to punk me?”
You just shook your head, an amused, close lipped smile set on your face. “Open the next one.”
Fred stuck his hand back into the small, blue bag and pulled out the long box that had probably once held a bracelet. When he pulled the lid off, there was the 4th and final positive pregnancy test that you had taken earlier in the day. Fred looked up at you, eyes wide. The hand not holding the box with the test reached for the onesie as he put two and two together.
“Are you- Is this? Does this mean-” You just nodded as he stumbled over his words.
“I’m pregnant,” you told him with a laugh/cry. Honestly, you weren’t sure what the noise was, but it was a happy one. Fred flew out of his seat so quickly to embrace you that his chair fell to the floor with a loud clatter.
“You’re pregnant?” he asked again once he finally let you go and stopped kissing your face. You could only nod as the happy tears streamed down your face. “Oh, I guess I shouldn’t hug you so hard. Wouldn’t want to hurt the little lad or gal would I?”
“I think the little Weasley will be okay,” you smirk, hugging Fred a little tighter.
“So when can I tell George?”
You laugh as you kiss Fred’s cheek. “Not just yet, darling. Let’s see a doctor first”
Month 2
“So I can tell Georgie right after this right?” Fred asked as you sat in a room at St. Mungo’s waiting for the doctor.
“I enjoy you pretending to wait for my permission when I know you already told him,” you laugh, squeezing Fred’s hand while he helps you onto the chair for the mothers to be. “He was not very subtle when I came by the shop the other day. He was talking about inventing baby friendly products for the shop.” You rolled your eyes sarcastically at the memory.
“Okay, I may have apparated to our little flat above the shop where he was at the time after you fell asleep the night that you told me.” He pouted, looking for forgiveness from you.
You had to stifle your giggles when the doctor knocked on the door to let you know that she was entering.
“Good afternoon Y/N,” she smiled at you as she pulled out the contraption for looking at the baby’s growing form. “I see you have Fred Weasley with you again.”
The last appointment, he may or may not have dropped a dung bomb that made its way into his jacket pocket accidentally on their way out.
“Hello there, Dr. Woodson,” Fred grimaced. “Good to see you again. Don’t worry, I double checked my pockets before coming this time.”
“Very good,” your doctor nodded curtly. “Well then, let’s get started, shall we?”
Your doctor talked you through the images that you and Fred saw on the screen. “Your baby is now about the size of a pomegranate seed since you’re in the 6th week,” she finished. You sat and watched in awe. The baby was so much bigger than just a few weeks ago when you were in for the first visit that confirmed your pregnancy. “Do you have any questions for me?” Dr. Woodson asked at the end of the appointment.
You shook your head, already having read all about it in the pregnancy books you had bought a few weeks earlier. Fred was the one to pipe up. “So, my brother’s wife was pregnant a year ago or so, and she got really, really cranky. Is my wife going to do that too?”
“Fred?!” you scoffed, playfully slapping him in the arm.
“You see, it’s already starting a little bit and I was just wondering how bad it will actually get.” He continued ignoring you.
Your doctor chuckled slightly before she stood up with your charts in hand. “It was good to see you both again. Y/N, you can schedule your next appointment at the front desk on your way out. Send me an owl if you have any questions or concerns.”
After saying goodbye, Fred helped you off the chair, even though he didn’t have to, and you dressed back into your clothes that were not yet maternity wear, but starting to get a little snug in some areas.
“All ready, love?” he asked after you dressed.
“Let’s go.”
Month 3
“Are you ready?” Fred asked as you stood at the door of his childhood home. He was grinning from ear to ear. Today was the day that the two of you had decided to tell his family about the baby. You told your parents a few days earlier and they couldn’t be happier, but that was two people. Now it was time to face Fred’s parents, six siblings, and all of their significant others.
“Very ready,” you smiled back. Fred had been sitting on the edge of his seat for nearly a month whenever you visited. It was the end of your third month and therefore an appropriate time to start telling the family.
“Mum! We’re here!” Fred called out as he opened the door.
“OHHH! Y/N, Fred! Welcome. I’m so happy you both could make it!”
“We always come for Sunday night dinner, Mrs. Weasley,” you laughed while being buried into one of her notorious bear hugs.
“Woah there, mum. Don’t want to crush Y/N and our-” Fred cut himself off before he let the word ‘baby’ slip. Luckily, Molly was a blur around the house that she hadn’t even noticed. After giving Fred a quick hug, she called up to the rest of the family and feet began stampeding down the stairs.
“Wow, it is getting a little crowded in here,” you laughed as you hugged Ginny, Hermione, George, Ron, Harry and then Bill, Charlie, Fleur and little Victoire. “Even Teddy is here!” you smiled as you hugged the 3 year old with bright blue hair.
“The more the merrier is our motto!” Arthur Weasley boomed as he came into the kitchen as well.
“It’s a good thing that you think that way, dad!” Fred beamed, sharing a quick glance with George. At this rate, the family was going to learn the news before everyone even sat down for dinner.
Pre-dinner chats ensued and then Mrs. Weasley called them all from the living room to the table. That’s when she started handing out the wine. She had decided it was a special occasion because EVERYONE was at dinner. Bill and Fleur were in France the previous week and Charlie was back from Romania for a period of time. Even Percy managed to pull himself away from his busy work life. You looked at Fred with a small, close lipped smile, letting him know that it’s time to spill the news. Everyone would find out soon enough when you refused the wine.
You took your seat next to Fred with Ginny on your other side, leaning into Fred as he wrapped his arm around you and kissed your temple. Then, he cleared his throat to get the 12 other people’s attention.
“I’d like to make a toast,” he announced, raising his glass. “I can’t imagine this night being any better. Spending time with my amazing family, the extensions included,” he nodded to Harry, Hermione, and Fleur. “It’s a big family, but it’s about to get a little bigger. Currently a plum size bigger.” You nudged Fred slightly. He had been making fun of you for announcing which food your baby’s size matched each week.
“Oi, cut to the chase down there. I can’t hold it in for much longer! I’m bursting at the seams over here!” George hollered from the other end of the table.
Your smile grew as you made eye contact with Molly. You could tell she already knew what Fred was going to say, but was letting him break the news.
“Y/N and I are pregnant!” Fred’s signature grin was plastered on his face and you didn’t think that he’d been wiping it off anytime soon.
“This is brilliant!” Ginny cheered as she wrapped an arm around you. “I get to be an aunt, again!” she smiled at Victoire.
“Victoire,” Fleur got the little girl’s attention. “Yoo are going to be a couzin to a ittle boy or girl. Eesn’t zis exciting?”
“Ronald and I can babysit whenever you need a break,” Hermione offered, Ron nodding along, even though he wasn’t too sure if he wanted to be with a baby around his fiancé just yet.
The congratulations and excitement lasted all through dinner. By the end, Bill and Fleur offered you Victoire’s baby clothes if you had a girl, Arthur said he could fix up the cradle they used for all their children, Molly had already started knitting a little hat and bootie set. It was crazy and chaotic, but you loved every second of it. This was your wild family now and the wild family that your baby would get to grow up with.
Month 4
You paced around your flat with a hand on your forehead and one on your stomach. You had just gotten back from your appointment, the high of telling the Weasley family about the pregnancy two nights ago still lingering. Of course, once you went to see Dr. Woodson, the feeling changed.
“Oh, that’s interesting,” Dr. Woodson had said as she ran her wand over your stomach to look at the baby.
“What?” you asked. She’d never said anything like that before.
“It seems we may have missed something.” She pulled an image up. “Normally we would catch this earlier, but see that there.” She pointed and you nodded. “Well, there appears to be a second fetus and a second heartbeat that I must have missed before. Y/N Weasley, you are having twins!”
Laying down on the couch, you thought about what having twins would mean. Two of everything really. Fred and George’s shop was doing great again and they were acquiring Zonko’s in Hogsmeade too, so money wouldn’t technically be an issue. But, twins! They could be a little Fred and George exactly and that would be a handful. The doctor never said that they were identical necessarily, so you could have a boy and a girl.
“Honey! I’m hoooome!” Fred sang opening the door.
“With your favorite brother-in-law!” George sang after him.
Both twins sat grocery bags on the table. “What’s all this?” you asked, mind still focused on the news you got earlier in the day.
“We have decided to cook you dinner!” George said triumphantly.
You looked at the identical faces that stood before you, both grinning at you. “Fred, we’re having twins!” you blurted out at them, not able to hold it in any longer. Fred dropped the bag he was still holding, apples and oranges rolling all over the floor.
“Twins.” He said, eyes glazed over, looking past you and at the wall, where the onesie that you gave him the day you told him you were pregnant was hanging.
“You’re going to have a mini Fred and I?!” George squealed in excitement. He shook Fred’s shoulders, bringing him back to the present.
“That we are!” you smiled, appreciating the enthusiasm. “Well maybe, we could have girls, or a girl and a boy. We won’t know until the end of next month,” you explained, rambling.
That’s when Fred went into total care mode. “Do you need to sit down? You should be sitting down. Mum always complained about what Georgie and I did to her body and how hard carrying twins was.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at him. “Freddie,” you giggled, “maybe YOU should sit down!”
“Yes, perhaps I shall, love.” Fred plopped down onto the couch as you went into the kitchen to grab him a cup of water. “Twins, wow.” You heard him breathe out in the living room.
“He is happy about it, just processing,” George whispered to you as he started to put your groceries away.
“I know,” you smiled, “he is going to make a great dad!”
Month 5
Your stomach was really bulging at this point. Two little ones growing in there. You were beyond excited as you slid on a maternity dress with sunflowers plastered all over it. It had become your favorite dress, comfortable, stretchy, it had pockets. But, today, you put it on for your gender reveal party. Originally, you and Fred were going to wait and be surprised by the sex of the babies, but Molly and even George changed your minds.
They agreed that once they received the news, Dr. Woodson would write the genders on pieces of paper, seal them in an envelope, and send them with an owl to Molly. Now, you were getting ready for that party. You were more going along with Fred when you originally said you’d wait to find out the sexes, but now you were giddy!
“Love, are you ready? Everyone is downstairs,” Fred knocked on his childhood door as he opened to take in the room that hadn’t changed in years. You followed Fred down the stairs, him holding your hand the whole way to ensure that you didn’t trip down the stairs. He may be loud, boisterous, and reckless usually, but since he learned about the twins, he treated you as if you were a china doll, it was so sweet.
“Surprise!” a hoard of people called when you exited the Burrow. The Weasleys had completely decked out their yard on the spring evening. Twinkle lights flooded the area with light as the sun set to the west. Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom had brought in tons of flowers that surrounded the tables. All the pinks and blues were bright as can be, signifying the news that was about to be shared with everyone, even the parents.
“Merlin! It’s beautiful! Thank you,” you beamed, taking in as much of the yard at once as possible.
The party was a blast. Blue and pink food. Cute little presents left out with yellows and greens. Tons of little Gryffindor attire, even though you’d be okay with your children being in any of the houses. But the time for the reveal drew closer.
“Y/N, Fred. Stand here,” Molly ordered them. “George is out back setting everything up.”
You were shaking with excitement. Your family and Fred’s family all held sparklers that lit the darkness. The colors reflected off of your and Fred’s skin. He glanced over at you and whispered, “You’ve been glowing this whole time, but you’re really glowing now,” before leaning down and kissing your cheek.
“Everyone ready?” George called from behind the hedge. “3…2…1!”
The sky exploded with fireworks of blue and pink. Your hand flew to your mouth as you took in the sight. “We’re getting a little boy AND a little girl, Freddie,” you laughed, happy to now know. Fred hugged you tightly, leaving just enough room for your protruding belly.
“We’re having a boy and a girl,” he repeated, grinning ear to ear. Everyone let the two of you have your moment before flooding you with hugs and congratulations.
Month 6
“Psssst, Freddie.” You whispered, peaking at the clock quickly. It read 1:30 AM…oops.
“Yes, love,” Fred whispered as he yawned before turning over and lazily slinging an arm over your body.
“I’m hungry…” you said, big, pouty, pleading eyes already in place as Fred opened one of his. “Will you pleeeeease get me some chocolate covered strawberries and the cheesiest nachos you can find?”
“That is the strangest combination that I have ever heard.” Fred grunted as he pushed the blankets down. “You sure you can eat both of those things?”
So far, you had found that you could no longer even look at any kind of fish, tuna was WAY out of the question, the smell of tomatoes made you gag, and turkey was a big no go. In fact, most meat was starting to make you queasy and you could only eat it sometimes.
“It’s what I’m craving, so I think so?”
“Sounds good, love. I’ll be right back.” Fred threw on some pants and a jacket and apparated out of the flat. You laid back in your bed, feeling extremely content as you pulled the blankets up to your chin just to throw them off. You’d been going from freezing to feeling like a million degrees every few minutes.
That familiar pop could be heard as Fred brought the food to you in bed. “Nachos and chocolate covered strawberries for my beautiful, glowing wife. We can never go back to the Spanish restaurant on the corner or the market next to it ever again. You don’t want to know how angry the owners were when I woke them up.”
You had already dug into the food before Fred could undress and get back into bed again. “Are you going to save me any?” he chuckled, sliding back into the sheets.
“Yes, you can have some.” You told him, mouth full and chocolate dribbling down your chin.
“Let me run to the loo before I go to bed again,” Fred told you, getting up once more. By the time he walked back into the room, you were there fast asleep, box of chocolate covered strawberries on one side and box of nachos on the other. Fred couldn’t stop laughing as he picked up the open food and wiped off your face before kissing your forehead and pulling you close to him.
Month 7
“FRED!! It’s so hot!” you complained. You could feel the sweat sliding down every inch of your body and you felt disgusting. You felt huge and being pregnant was not fun anymore. You were big, couldn’t move easily, and your ankles had swollen to three times their normal size.
In the July heat, you just felt terrible.
“Let me get you another fan and some lemonade.” Fred offered.
“I’m sorry I’ve been so cranky with you,” you apologized to Fred when he came to sit back down next to you, handing you a glass of lemonade.
“You have every right to be cranky with me,” he smiled, kissing the side of your head as he had been doing so often now. “You’re carrying my babies. Speaking of which, we should come up with some names. It could be fun!”
You took a deep breath, trying to relax on the couch. “Yes, let’s do that!” Fred had already begun preparing the nursery and Molly and Fleur had sent over hordes of clothes. Planning was tiring you out, as fun and cute as it was, so maybe brainstorming names would be a blast.
“Now, George thinks we should name at least one of them after him. If we did that, we should name the girl Georgia because I think George would throw a fit if the girl was actually named after him. And then the boy could be Fred Jr.”
You looked dead eyed at Fred, not thinking his ‘joke’ was funny. “We are not making, no excuse me, forcing our twins to be mini-yous. Nope, not happening. Veto, next.”
“Okay, geez,” Fred chuckled as he took your hand in his own, knowing you would complain about being hot if he put his arm fully around you.
“Mhmmmm,” you thought out loud. “What about Andrew for the boy. You know, for my brother? I’d like to honor him after losing him 2 years ago in the war.”
“I think that would be nice,” Fred smiled softly at you. “Andrew it is. Andrew Weasley has a good ring to it. We can call him Drew for short too.”
“I think so too,” you agreed.
“Now, for a girl, this is a serious suggestion,” Fred prepared you. “Olivia. I’ve always liked that name.” he played with your fingers.
“Andrew and Olivia Weasley. I think it could work. That was much easier than I thought it was!” You laughed with joy.
“Fred, Y/N, Andrew, and Olivia. Our little family. You like your new names, kids?” Fred spoke to your stomach.
Month 8
“Nope, do not get out of bed!” Fred ordered after you tried to get out of bed. “Doctor’s orders. Plus, Mum is already here.”
Molly Weasley had been coming to your flat nearly every other day to help you and Fred around the house. Dr. Woodson placed you on bed rest the previous week and it was complete AGONY.
“But, Freddie, there is so much we still have to do. I can help.”
“Nope, George and I have it covered. Plus you know the rest of the family will help with whatever we need. You just sit here and rest. Liv and Drew are still growing in there.”
“Yes they are,” you giggled, rubbing your stomach. “I swear they were wrestling in there last night! They were being so active! Kicking and moving around. If these two fight during their entire childhoods, we will be in for some rough years!”
“I bet they will be best friends,” Fred smiled. “Look at Georgie and I! And, if they have any younger siblings in the future, they can team up against them.”
“I should hope not!” you scoffed. Your banter settled as Molly hurried into the room with a breakfast tray.
“Mum will take good care of you today and Ginny mentioned stopping by later, okay?” Fred told you as he kissed you goodbye. “I won’t be too late tonight. Everyone on Diagon Alley seems to know that you’re expecting, so even though business is booming, the shop is ready to be closed at closing!
“Sounds good, dear.” You replied, pushing the eggs to the side. You forgot to tell Molly that you weren’t eating those now because of the babies.
“I’ll take those for you,” Fred chuckled, eating your eggs, sipping some water, and kissing you one more time before leaving. “Have a good day!”
“Bye, hun,” you giggled again as she left. At least you had the company of all the Weasley guests throughout the days when he was gone.
Month 9
“They’re due any day, Freddie!” You squealed. You had attempted to jump a little, but that just made you have to pee, so you stopped that immediately. “When they get here, we can hold them all the time and I’ll be able to move freely!”
You had secretly begun doing the things that you hoped would speed along the delivery date. You were eating spicy foods, walking around when no one was watching you and forcing you back to bed, drinking raspberry tea, everything! Well, not everything. You had try to convince Fred to have sex with you the night before, but he refused. Said it was weird with two babies in there, even though you looked beautiful and he would love to.
You had just rolled your eyes at him in response, but you did try!
“You going to come out soon, little ones?” You asked your stomach. “At least one perk of being so large is that I can sit the box of chocolate covered strawberries on my stomach.” You hummed happily, eating another one of the treats that had been your favorites during your pregnancy.
You had eaten them so many times that Molly just started making them regularly for you so that Fred didn’t have to go buy them at all hours of the day randomly.
“Can I come to Diagon Alley with you today?” you asked hopefully. “I need to get out of this house. Everything is ready and I’ve been cooped up for too long.”
Fred stood there thinking, but you pleaded some more, getting him to finally give in. “Only if you promise to not walk around too much.”
“I promise! I’ll sit at Florean’s the whole time!” You drew and X over your heart to seal the promise.
You breathed in the air deeply as you took in the atmosphere of the Alley. The newer owners of the ice cream shop brought you more ice cream each time that you asked for some and whenever you tried to pay, they refused. Yet another perk of being pregnant.
Numerous people had walked by and chatted with you while Fred was at the shop and he came by every so often to check on you. It was a pleasant day. That was until an excruciating pain occurred in your stomach.
“Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,” you whined, hands immediately holding your stomach. “Excuse me,” you pulled one of the waiters aside. “Would you run down to the joke shop and get my husband, please?”
The trip to St. Mungo’s was a blur. Fred was holding your hand the entire way, helping you into your hospital gown, and just being an overall sweetheart as per usual. Molly Weasley and your mum filtered in and out of the room. It wasn’t until Dr. Woodson announced that just those going into the delivery room could stay that the chaos slowed. Even if it was just you and Fred in the room, you knew that every single Weasley and Y/L/N was in the waiting room and would be until your two children entered the world.
Four hours later, you had finished pushing, you had finished working your body to exhaustion. Four hours later, you held two little babies in your arms and they were beautiful. Fred’s smile was so wide and he was so proud as he took Andrew from you and then Olivia.
“You did beautifully, darling,” he whispered, looking at the two children in his arms. The tears were still streaming down your face, stupid post-birth hormones. “Are you ready for the family? They’ll come back in small groups.” You nodded laying your head back on the pillows. It was September 8th. The day your little family had its first addition of many.
You could see the little heads of Olivia and Drew peaking over the blankets as different family members held them. Their hair was strawberry red, just like your favorite snack.
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youalexturnermeon · 4 years
Warm Beer and Cold Women Pt. 2 (Johnny Lawrence x Reader)
Click for Part 1
Request: Hi! I absolutely love your work and I was wondering if I could get a Cobra Kai Johnny imagine where the reader is a bartender and starts crushing on him since he’s a regular and he flirts with her all the time and she pretends to hate it but she actually loves it? by Anon
A/N: First part is basically just the request, the second part is more angsty and more heated. Johnny protects the reader from some creeps in the bar and they get finally closer
Warnings: badass reader, drinking, DUI, swearing, violence and sexual harassment
Wordcount: 3174
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Friday nights were busier, much busier than any of the other days of the week. You didn’t know how much busier than the other fancy bars in L.A. but for you it was most certainly busy enough. Mostly, middle-aged men came by, construction workers above all, who decided to celebrate the end of the week by getting black-out drunk. The bar was much noisier and loud music blasted through the old shabby speakers on the walls. You didn’t particularly like the big groups of men. They weren’t the nicest and they were the definition of a patriarchal dick comparison that mostly consisted of hitting on the female barkeepers. They were a huge pain in the ass, but at least, the drunker they got, the better they tipped. And you needed the money. Compared to them Johnny was a literal angel.
You didn’t show much enthusiasm when you walked around with a tray, picking up dirty glasses, taking new orders tipped with a few disgusting comments and bringing new drinks over to the tables. Usually, you liked being behind the counter more. Firstly, because you didn’t have to move much, also you loved making cocktails, and secondly because of Johnny who was always an annoyingly good company, although you were never willing to admit that. However, he seemed off today. He still was full on hitting on you and complimenting your today’s choice of clothing, he said he loved how you looked in your shorts and fishnets, but you could see that someothing was going on with him. He was staring into space more than usual and he didn’t pick fights with the construction workers who accidentally bumped into him from time to time. You wanted to ask him about it, because you genuinely were interested in him but as soon as you walked past him with a new full tray, to bring it to a table with three men, he gave you a dirty wink. And the wish to know something about him just vanished, so you made your way.
“Alright,” you said in your overly nice server’s voice as you started placing down the drinks on the table, trying to ignore the looks on your body. You were used to it, you were attractive and being that whilst working as a barkeeper just came with nasty comments and occasional sexual harassment.
“We have three beers, one dark and two Lager, two Whisky on the rocks and one Vodka soda.” Everyone tried to grab their drink from your hands, which you hated but that was okay, some people just didn’t know better, they thought they were helping out that way. When you were putting down the last of the beers on the table and leaned down, a rough hand suddenly brushed over your chest. You might have imagined it, you thought, that was probably an accident. After all, the man, still in his dirty work clothes, probably just tried to grab his dark beer. Yet you stopped for a second, eyes wide, then you cleared your throat and pulled yourself together.
“You alright, love?” he asked, and you nodded, “Yeah, sure, enjoy!”
The man who did that wasn’t even looking at you, you missed his dirty smirk by seconds. You just shook if off, you had thick skin and turned around to go back to your beloved counter. Yet, the minute you turned your back to the men sitting, you instantly felt it. A hand on your ass, a squeeze and you heard laughter, then - a slap. You snapped back and slammed the tray on their table, glasses clanking.
“Get you fucking hands off me, you asshole!” you yelled, your breath suddenly quicker, anger rising in you. So, you haven’t imagined it, he touched your breasts before. Bad pick-up lines were okay, but this was too far. Groping was the last straw for you.
“Or what?” he retorted immediately and now you were seeing the disgusting grin on his sweaty wrinkled face, full of self-admiration, he was so proud of himself “Are you gonna chop them off with that sharp tongue of yours?”
You let out a hateful laugh, he probably was expecting you to leave it be, after all he was a customer and you’re a simple barkeeper. But not with you.
“No, I’m gonna bite your fucking tiny dick off!”
“Ohhh,”, the men growled together, “That’s a feisty one. Wanna see it? It’s not that tiny. You’ll like it.”, the bald sweaty one said and gestured to his crotch.
“I’m gonna bite your dick off. Then I’m going to go to your house and I’m gonna fuck your wife. And I’m gonna fuck her so good, she’ll leave your sorry dickless, spineless ass!”
Suddenly, your groper was on his feet, he was so close to you, you could smell his boozy breath, although he towered inches above you. He didn’t like being talked to like that. And his glance was full of fury.
“Leave my wife out of that, you slut!” he grunted through his teeth and took another threatening step towards you, nervously fiddling with his wedding ring. You didn’t back off, you were in your bar.
“I’m gonna leave her out of it if you apologize for being a piece of shit to me, you do not fucking touch your server!”
“Maybe you shouldn’t walk around in these tiny shorts of yours, showing off your legs if you don’t want men to appreciate it.”
You took a deep breath, this was not really happening right now. You felt so dirty.
“Is there a problem, (Y/N)?” you heard a familiar voice out of a sudden and felt a hand on your shoulder. And that’s when you understood how tense you were, but the soft touch helped, you relaxed. You didn’t even realize that as soon as you started yelling, Johnny sprung off his seat and rushed over to you.
“I…” you started but you had lost your words. It was the first time he touched you.
“Leave her the fuck alone!” Johnny growled, now shifting his attention from you to the three men who were bothering you. His voice was so ominous that it made you shiver. You had never seen him mad before. Protectively he stood in front of you, shielding you from their gaze, since he, too, was much taller than you. In the back Kenny was making his way to the scene as well.
“You scumbags should really pack your stuff and leave this fucking bar before I kill someone. You better watch how the fuck you are talking to her!”
“And who’s that? Your daddy?”, another spiteful remark from your tormenter. Johnny’s arms started trembling, he clenched his fist and the grip on your shoulder tightened, it almost hurt you. At the same it was calming you down.
“Yeah, and I’m her little brother” you heard yet another to you well-known voice and saw Kenny, who also stood there like a mountain, arms crossed in front of his chest, glaring down on the three construction workers, whilst his leather jacket crackled from where he tensed his muscles. He was fucking scary which made the men on appear so tiny whereas the one standing leapt back a couple steps, clearly intimidated by Kenny’s appearance and Johnny’s rage.
“And you better apologize to this lady before I give you a ban!”
And funnily enough, this helped. They muttered something about how they were sorry. But you didn’t even listen to it anymore, you were already walking back, Johnny following you, Kenny staying. You didn’t want to hear any more of that conversation. You wanted your safe space behind the bar with no one around you at best.
“Are you okay?” Johnny asked, seemingly concerned and took a seat at the other side of the counter. You were avoiding his eyes as you nodded, you didn’t want his pity. You just wanted a drink.
“That happens all the time, don’t worry,” you lied “As someone working here, I have to deal with it every fucking day. And you, my little drunk friend, are also part of the problem.”
“Ouch,” Johnny said and smiled, “At least, I never touched you!” “Seriously Johnny?” you laughed and saw how glad he was that you were able do that after the fight at the table, “The first time you came here, you bumped into me, hard.” “But not too hard.”
“And on purpose!”
“You can’t prove that,” he said grinning, “But it’s nice to hear that you still remember the first time we met. That has to mean something, right? Something like that we’re meant for each other.”
You rolled your eyes and poured yourself a whisky, you drank it and immediately another, “Not now, Johnny.”
“Sorry,” he said apologetically, and you were almost surprised to hear that from him “By the way, I really loved you threatening to fuck this asshole’s wife. That was badass. Just be careful next time, though, okay?”
“Is he bothering you, too?”, Kenny who suddenly appeared asked also pouring himself a whisky but in a much bigger glass than yours and a second in a smaller one.
“If I say yes, are you going to kill him?”
“Not necessarily kill him but cripple him real good.”
You heard Johnny gulp. He wasn’t afraid of three man but of Kenny. But Kenny laughed and placed a Whisky in front of Johnny, “That’s for protecting my (Y/N). After all you’re not as bad as she says.”
For the rest of the night, Kenny has sent you into the office, he wanted you to adjust the schedule for next week. You knew that it was only an excuse to get you out of the bar for a couple of hours, since the shifts you and the others had were always the same for years now. And you didn’t mind, although you wouldn’t have minded staying with Johnny either. Funnily enough, he calmed you down. Nevertheless, he was now making friends with Kenny whom he never really liked, so you knew, he was in good hands. It was around two o’clock in the morning when Kenny finally came in to tell you that you were free to go home if you did him the favour of bringing the garbage out and close the bar. This you didn’t mind as well. You dragged the bags behind you into the backyard where the bins were and that was also when Kenny said his goodbye.
“Are you going to be okay?” he asked as he got on his bike and let the motor roar.
“Yeah,” you waved at him “Go home, I’ll be fine.”
And just like that, he was gone. You sighed and heaved the trash into the bins. Before you made your way back inside to get your bag to finally go home and sleep you decided to smoke a cigarette. And maybe that was your mistake.
“Well, well, well, if this isn’t the feisty little bitch,” you suddenly heard a slurring voice behind you, followed by laughter as were about to light a cigarette. You didn’t even have to turn around to know exactly to whom it belonged. This time, there was no anger rising in you, you didn’t dare to say a thing, there was only fear. You dropped your cigarette.
“Where are your friends now?”
“Kenny is still inside,” you answered trying to sound calm but your voice was shaky and so were your hands “And the other one is wai-“
“Bullshit!” exclaimed the man who acted that he was so sorry to have groped you only hours before. He was even drunker now and his thin lips crowned a spiteful grin. You were fucked.
“We just saw the big guy leaving on his motorbike. You’re all alone now.” And they were right. You tried to pull yourself together, to think of a plan to get you out of this situation but everything you could think of was calling the cops and on top of that your phone was still inside. You just have to fight back, your brain kept telling you!
“And what are you going to do? Beat me up? Rape me?” you tried to sound confident, but it was pretty difficult now that you were not in the bar anymore but outside in the backyard between some dumpsters. Your voice was failing you.
“Maybe a little bit of both?” one of the men said amused and shrugged while another one was now far too close to you, so close that he could grab your wrist. His grip was so tight that you cried out in pain and that was when you took all your courage, lashed out and punched him with all your might in the face. Your hand hurt as hell but now you saw blood.
“Shit, this bitch broke my nose!” your victim cried out in pain and now, with two other man leaping towards you, you were done with your plan, you just closed your eyes and…
“What the fuck did I tell you?”, a scream and then a loud thump. When you dared to open your eyes, you could not believe them. Johnny who managed to throw himself between you and the group was now in pretty hardcore fist fight. Although at the second glance you realized that he was not only throwing one strong punch after another but also full-on kicking the kicking the shit out of the assholes who were threatening you. He must’ve known some Martial Arts or something, you thought because this looked like being straight out of an action film. You couldn’t even follow the fight with your eyes that’s how quick Johnny was moving. Yet, some time you saw him being punched as well but it was nothing compared to how he dealt blows. And it that moment, you knew, you could never be not grateful to this man in your life ever again.
It might’ve taken just second or maybe hours but after a while, the men were gone, you didn’t even realize how they fled Johnny, and there were only you two left.
Johnny was panting when he came over to you, where you still stood motionless with your back pressed against the wall.
“Are you okay?”, he asked breathing quickly, holding out his hand to you. Without thinking you grabbed it and let yourself lead to a curb stone where you two sat down. You didn’t answer you just took out another cigarette and lit it, letting the smoke calming your lungs.
“I’m okay,” you said finally coming back to you and finding your voice, offering him a cigarette as well which he gladly accepted.
“Are you?” you asked while you studied him. He was the only one that had to be asked. Johnny looked rough. His blonde hair was all messy, his clothes now dirty and jeans ripped at the knees, but above all it was his face that concerned you. Blood was dripping from his chin, coming from his burst lip. Also, it already crusted on the cheekbone where a fresh scratch was on top of a purple bruise. And in the dim light you were not completely sure, but you could see a black eye being there tomorrow.
“I mean, you look like shit.” “Thanks, you’re always so kind to me. I can clearly see why I like you so much,” he joked “But yeah, I’m fine. Believe it or not but I always get into fights, this shit kinda follows me.”
“How did you beat them up like that anyways? Was that Krav Maga or something?”
“Karate” Johnny answered proudly and took a relieving drag from his cigarette.
“You never told me you did Karate.”
“You never asked me,” he smiled at you and protectively put and arm around your shoulders. He must’ve noticed how you shivered. And you didn’t object. You weren’t really cold but you just wanted be held by him.
“Well, to be fair, I never ask you anything besides your order. But I’ll guess I’m gonna start from now on. There’s obviously more to you than being a noisy bastard.” “Oh I’m honoured to be the one who finally melted the infamous (Y/N)’s heart.”
“No Johnny, seriously, you didn’t melt my heart, but you saved my ass. Thank you,” you laid your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes “I don’t even wanna know what would’ve happened if you weren’t there.”
“You don’t have to,” Johnny said softly and stroked your hair “Because I was there! And you’re save with me.”
You were, you felt save and you sighed. There was only one thing left to do.
“Now, c’mon, let’s patch you up so we can finally call it a day” you said and stood up.
Half an hour later you could finally close the doors to the damn bar, it was relieving. “Do you need a ride?”, Johnny asked when stopped for a second and gestured over to a black car in the distance “Because I’m not leaving you alone here anymore, not today, not ever.”
You rolled your eyes, but you smiled.  After all, it was an amazing feeling to know that Johnny cared about you. That he wasn’t just one freak you liked because he was nice to you but genuinely wanted you to be happy. However, you just couldn’t help yourself but being a sarcastic little shit again.
“No, thank you,” you answered, “I’m not really interested in being involved in DUI again.”
“And there she is, (Y/N) being herself again,” Johnny laughed but he didn’t seem to mind. Instead, he threw his keys at you “You’re driving then.” You clumsily caught but immediately threw them back at him.
“I’m also not driving. I don’t have a license, lost it a few months ago.” “For DUI?”
“For DUI,” you answered. The curse of working in a bar.
“So how are you getting home? Because I’m really not leaving you alone.”
“I called myself an Uber and there it is” you saw the only moving car in the distance and pointed at it.
“Thanks again,” you said when you were walking towards your Uber and Johnny made his way to his.
“No problem”
And something in you told you, that you two weren’t done yet. As you watched him walking you suddenly realized what it was. “Johnny!” you called out and he stopped.
“What is it, (Y/N)?”
“Tomorrow for sure, I’m gonna finally let you buy me that fucking drink. And I want to know everything about your Karate. Is that a deal?”
“You bet!”, he yelled back, and the brightest smile appeared on his face. He finally made it. “See you tomorrow!”
“See you tomorrow.” You whispered back. And on your face also appeared a smile. Tomorrow would be the day, you thought and finally got in the car.
But Johnny didn’t come tomorrow, and he didn’t come the day after. That was unusual. You were waiting for him, but he didn’t show himself for almost two weeks.
Part 3
Sooooooo, let me know what you all think about this fuckery
Taglist: @lililolli​
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jaedreaminn · 3 years
‘Anti Bully Buddy’
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You weren't someone who would take shit from others and a were naturally protective of the ones you loved, but the world just didn't work out in your favour and you always became the bad guy.
Enter Tall, Handsome new guy with too much free time and a goody two shoes complex who's forced to stick by you.
Huh, maybe the world was working in your favour this time...
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Pairings: Kun x fem!reader
Theme: Highschool, Bullying, Comical, humour, fluff.
Characters: Kun, Winwin, Ningning, Ten, oc «mentioned» Jisung.
Word Count: 3.7k
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It wasn't an uncommon phenomenon for you to find your wrists bruised and, yourself slightly wounded sitting outside the principal's office. There were three other kids sitting opposite you and they were all three years below.
The principal walked out, looked at you and sighed “Bullying these kids again y/n?”
Your head hung low as anger started to boil inside you and you clenched your fists that were on your lap.
“Sorry ma'am” you forced out through gritted teeth.
Here's the thing those three kids belonged to very influential parents in the school so no matter what you said you were always the bad guy. The bully. But you didn't mind it. That reputation helped keep a lot of unwanted people in your life away.
The three boys sat in front of you with smirks and bruises on their faces. You didn't mind the title of bully, but you didn't like when the three devil incarnates always got away with what they did because it was YOU who was deemed bully.
“And that to kids who are your juniors?” The principal scoffed “This is happening way to often, and I don't like it” she said sternly, but you couldn't bother it was the same every time. She'll scold you a bit more and then give you some sort of creative punishment she worked up, and then you go home.
“Well we'll sign you up for the anti bully program I guess” the principal looked at you and sighed while you looked at her, confused.
One of the demons sitting opposite you spoke up asking her your doubt “Anti bullying? Isn't it supposed to help the victim not the bully?”
The principal smiled slightly at the boy “It's a newer approach where we assign someone to keep an eye on the bully, so they don't cause trouble. We could protect one victim, but the bully will just bully someone else” the principle smiled, and you frowned. That means your privacy will be taken away. Not that you do anything secretive, but you just aren't that fond of people.
You groaned and the principal glared at you “We already have volunteers” the principal said sternly her glare still on you “I'll check through whose schedule matches yours the most and tomorrow you're getting your anti bully buddy” the principal said sternly “Or how I like to call it A.B.B” the principal said the last part turning to the three boys giving them a quick smile.
“I'll see you in my office first thing tomorrow y/n” the principal said to you while flashing you a rather strict looking smile. You gave a slight nod and left.
It might be surprising to many how you could take on three boys at once. It had to do with your dad. He was a great fighter and told you that if there ever was a day he couldn't protect you, you should know how to fight. And so you learned, you went for karate classes and learned hand-to-hand combat. But it wasn't something you took very seriously, but then your mom died giving birth and everything went downhill. Your dad wasn't the same anymore, but he had to push through to raise your baby brother, but he was mostly drunk and spiraling while your aunt swooped in and handled the baby, and you were left alone. You needed an escape from that, so you spent more time at your dojo practicing and practicing and using it as a way to let your anger out. Because you knew you would crumble too if your brain didn't focus on something. But slowly everything got better, and you were starting to function normally as a family again. Your dad could smile again. But things changed again and your dad met someone. She made him happy, so you approved of her, so they got married. But they forgot you and your baby brother. Don't get them wrong they were good to both of you providing you with everything you needed and were never harsh or mean but to them, it was as if you weren't part of the family. It was easy for them to forget you. The person who you loved the most forgot you and moved on. And so you did to. You moved on and learned to live with it. And did the best for your brother too. He was the last memory of your happy family with mom and dad. And well know your only family that actually felt like family.
You were so lost in your own thoughts that you didn't realise when you reached class and when it ended. But all you knew was that it was lunchtime now.
“So another fight I see” Ten, one of your closest friends said with a smirk. “They deserved it” you grunted as you sat down next to him.
“I don't doubt that” Ten hummed out and just then two trays were slammed down onto the table in between you and ten. “So another fight and what is your punishment this time?” Ningning who slammed your and Ten's tray of food asked as she grabbed her own tray from Winwin who was behind her and sat down next to you. Winwin took the last seat available on the small circular table, between Ten and Ningning.
“How is jisung?” Winwin asked concerned.
“I got there in time, but he was hurt so he's resting in the infirmary right now” you said grimly.
You the looked at Ningning “Ohhh my punishment might just be the worst one yet because there is going to be someone who will FOLLOW me wherever I go in school to make sure I'm not causing trouble.” she gave a small chuckle at your irritation.
“Not that bad your lonely ass will make one more new friend” Ten said cheekily with an awfully cheeky grin on his stupid face. You punched him lightly and he dramatically fell back and threw his hand over his head and gasped “You wound me y/n” you just rolled your eyes and smiled and then naturally your group fell into conversation.
After you returned home from school and once diner was done (it was just you and jisung for diner) you lay on bed smiling. The day wasn't that bad except for the incident in the morning. You then frowned remembering what was to happen tomorrow.
Tomorrow came in a blink of an eye, and you were now seated in the principal's office next to this...guy. He had blond hair that extended below his eyes, but his eyes weren't covered because his hair was neatly parted showing his dark chocolate brown eyes. He had given you a smile when you entered, and you also saw that he had dimples. The cutest dimples that you had ever seen. But in all fairness you hadn't seen that many dimples because you didn't know that many people- you've mainly just seen pictures of people with dimples. But still his were cuter than the pictures.
“So this is your A.B.B” the principal said pointing at the boy beside you and he gave a small smile, you noticed him slightly cringe at the name.
Your principal started to speak cheerily “His name is Kun! But then her cheer fades and she said darkly "If you attack him too you're getting expelled”
You turned towards Kun and forced a smile. Kun smiled at you, again. He genuinely smiled and his teeth might have actually sparkled by how bright the smile was.
“Now off to class you two have the same schedule except for one class at the end of the week” the principal said and got to the work that was on her desk as you and Kun left.
Your smile dropped, and you turned to Kun “Look” you started, and he looked at you expectantly “You don't have to take this seriously cus I'm not really a bully per se so just mind your own business, and I'll mind mine”
Kun frowned “That's not going to help you get away with it and plus it's my job to stick by you whether you like it or not. I cannot have you bully people. It's sad that you find the need to pick on people and I hope to help you stop”.
You narrowed your eyes “I don't pick on people. You don't even know me”.
Kun sighed “I was already filled in on how you bully the kids from a younger class by the principle. I know your probably going through those teenage angst phases and that's okay I'll help you through it” Kun said not noticing the change in mood and how you were about to snap. “And maybe that is because you don't get along with your brother but beating him and his friends up and sending him to the infirmary isn't goo-” “What would you know” you interrupted him in a low hiss.
“YOU” you yelled stabbing his chest with your finger “DON'T KNOW 𝑨𝑵𝒀𝑻𝑯𝑰𝑵𝑮” you yelled emphasizing the anything as you continued stabbing him in his chest with your finger and then stormed off to your first class.
Kun stood there dumbfounded for a second but then immediately snapped out of his dazed state and realized that you had already left and began to run after you to your shared first class.
The entire day consisted of kun following you around and trying to start conversation with you and you trying to ditch him and ignoring him.
Lunch came and he followed you then too. You turned to him annoyed, but he smiled “Aren't you going to have lunch?” You asked clearly mad “Of course I'm going to have lunch” he said with his seemingly constant smile but didn't move.
“So why are you still here?”
“Like it or not” he said in a sing-song tone “I'm going to be having lunch with you”
“Ugh” you rolled your eyes and stomped towards the cafeteria. You soon saw Ten and Ningning already at the table conversing with each other.
You approached the table with Kun on your tail and Ningning and Ten looked at you confused but only for a few short seconds, soon Ten's eyes lit up knowingly “Oh A.B.B!” Ten exclaimed pointing at Kun who just awkwardly smiled.
“You can call me Kun" Kun smiled.
“But I like A.B.B.” Ten frowned.
“And I prefer Kun” Kun said a bit sternly.
“Kun works too I guess” Ten sighed.
You rolled your eyes at the exchange and sat down. A tray of food was already placed on the table for you and winwin, but you couldn't see your Jisungs tray.
“Oh ji took his tray and is sitting with his friends in the garden” Ningning said noticing you look for him.
“Kun if I knew you'd be joining us we would have got a tray for you too” Ningning smiled at him apologetically.
“Oh it's alright I'll get my own tray and sorry for just imposing in on you guys but I have to follow y/n around.” he apologized and left to get his tray.
Ningning smiled “He's sweet”
“Not when he's following you around 24/7” you groaned and Ten snickered. Just then Winwin arrived and sat down.
“What misery of y/n's are we laughing at today” Winwin asked, and you glared at him. Ningning just smiled but Ten spoke “oh her A.B.B is here and is going to be following her around throughout the day” Ten snickered.
“Ohh that's nice less trouble for our tiny bully” Winwin said patting your head, and you sneered at him.
“I'm not that short, and I can take you so don't test me”
Winwins eyes widened at the very real threat for a second before he flashed one of his adorable smiles, and you could no longer be mad at him. That's the thing. Everyone loved Winwin. And that's why the brat got away with everything he did.
“Sicheng?” someone called from behind you and everyone turned to see Kun standing there with his tray shocked.
“Kun ge?” Winwin asked his eyes scrunching in confusion before the widened, and he was smiling again.
“Kun ge! What are you doing here” Winwin said immediately getting up and hugging Kun.
“I just transferred to this school three days ago” Kun said one hand wrapped around Winwin and the other holding his tray.
“That's why I haven't seen you before” Ningning muttered under her breath but you and Ten heard it too.
“Oh, and I'm y/n's anti bully buddy to so” Kin said laughing nervously.
“Wait really” Winwin jumped up in happiness and turned towards you “Kun ge was from my old school, and he helped me a lot there” Winwin said beaming at your group. Winwinw was the latest addition to your friend group around two years ago.
Ten had made friends with him first and you and Ningning easily grew fond of him too.
“Yes sicheng and I were really close-”
“Sicheng? Who's that?” Ten asked and you, Winwin and Ningning gave him a deadpanned look.
“Umm Ten.. Winwin's real name?” Ningning said and Ten's jaw dropped and Winwin scoffed in disbelief and threw Ningning's banana at him earning a smal protest from her and a whine from Ten who was hit in the face.
“As Kun ge was saying we were close, but I lost contact when I changed my phone number.” Winwin changed the subject still glaring at Ten while taking a seat, Kun sat next to him. And soon enough your group fell into easy conversation with Kun.
You even decided to finally talk to him and Kun stopped to smile at you in shock, but continued the conversation immediately.
For the first time that day Kun was not unbearable. He was actually really cool guy and talking to him was so easy. You two then talked about everything and anything and suddenly you didn't hate him any more, couldn't hate him any more. You had a class after lunch and then a free period where you continued to talk. You even decided to take him to your favourite spot in the school: the garden.
“Y/n” he suddenly called out and you just hummed in response while continuing walking towards the garden.
“I-” he stared “I had my assumptions about you but their not true and your actually really nice and have friends who are a good influence for you too” Kun said but stopped. You stopped walking and looked at Kun, he wanted to ask you something but was waiting for your permission “go on” you said as you resumed walking.
“How come you're categorized as a bully by the principal and are always in trouble” he finally asked after a long pause.
“Because she doesn't know the truth” you sighed and muttered softly.
“What?” Kun asked not having heard you properly you were going to tell him when you heard a small bang coming from one of the inner school corridors.
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You and Kun looked at each other wide-eyed and both ran towards the sound. What you saw made your blood boil.
In front of you were the three boys that you beat up barely two days ago and on the floor agains the lockers was Jisung clutching his stomach. “Yah!” You screamed and that seemed to get their attention.
Kun who was looking at the scene unfolding wide-eyed had now come to his sense but Instead of his usually gental and calm eyes his eyes were in fierce glaring slits.
“Didn't I just teach you three a lesson yesterday” you snarled.
“Yes, and now we're teaching him a lesson. He was being pathetic and showing off in class” one of the three morons you were going to beat up spoke.
You began to charge in their direction only to be held back by a firm grip on your hand.
Kun shook his head, but you didn't care they deserved it, and you shoves his hands off you but he had other plans holding onto you tighter than before.
“Wait” he said struggling to hold you back but failing as you escaped out of his grip again, not that that was really hard to do with your training and skill, but you still waited, impatience clear on your face.
“Let me handle it” Kun said and you thought for a second about it. If anything went wrong you could still take all three of them, so you stood aside your guard up. In all honesty you wouldn't mind a different way to deal with those devils.
“So it's because he” Kun pointed at your brothers figure on the floor “is showing off? How?”
“He's getting all the answers right but refusing to help us.” One of them complained.
“Stuck up. That's what he is” the other added.
“And your solution was...?” Kun asked raising an eyebrow.
“Knock some sense into him” the third one smirked.
“So physically knock some sense into him? As in attack him... physically?” Kun asked the boys, and you were starting to get frustrated you were about to take a step ahead, but Kun held his hand out in front of you stopping you.
“Yes. You got a problem with that ha? What are you gonna do about it beat us up to?” They laughed.
“Oh yes I got a problem, but I won't beat you up. Instead,” Kun pulled his phone that out of his pocket and that's when you realised that he had been recording everything. You didn't know when he started recording or when he carefully placed the phone in his pocket with the back camera facing the boys. All you knew is that this time you got them. You couldn't before because of your school's crapy camera placement a.k.a. it being placed in only a few corridors that were close to important rooms where things could be stolen from and even those cameras were ancient.
“Instead I'll show this to the principle. And life will get easier” Kun said with a smirk on his face. It was kinda attractive but now was not the time to think about it.
Before you could register what was happening one of the boys lurched forward and tried to grab the phone but Kun simply stepped aside, and he went tripping ahead. The other two soon followed, but you had enough time to react and block them.
“So that's what..." Kun muttered still holding his phone in his hand watching you block but not attack the three. Suddenly it made sense to him, after all those conversations he realised you were very close to your brother, and he knew these three boys were also slightly influential in school. Good thing he was more influential than them Kun smirked to himself and made a run for it. He ran towards the principal's office and showed her everything.
What happened next, happened really quickly, the boys and their parents being called, acknowledgement of their bullying and your innocence, because you still used voilence, you were give a lighter and fairer punishment. All three of the boys, to their dismay had an A.B.B now, and you couldn't be happier. Oh and they also got suspended.
“Thank you” you said to Kun, and he smiled.
“Was glad I could help” his gaze then shifted to the floor “I guess I don't need to follow you any more” he said with a soft but dry chuckle.
“Yea…” you trailed off “but you could still join us?” You asked hopefully and Kun's eyes seemed to light up. “I'd like that” he smiled.
“Oh and you have to let me thank you properly” you beamed at Kun.
“You really don't need to”
“But I want to! So tell me how?”
Kun hummed in thought “Give me sometime to think about it, and I'll tell you later” he smiled and patted your head as both of you continued to make your way to class.
Time passed and things got better. You and Kun got closer than ever. You always hung out with him, either in a group or one on one. Furthermore, you found it easy and relaxing to be in his presence.
Maybe along the way you started liking his presence way more than you used to and felt for him in a more than Platonic way. But you kept it in- you aren't going to mistake his kindness for anything else.
One day when the both of you were walking to your house after you friend group parted ways after spending the entire morning and lunch together, with ice cream cones in each of your hands you remembered and asked “I never did get to repay you for how you helped tell me how can I return your favour”
“You know you don't really have to?” Kun smiled at you and immediately you felt your face go warm.
“But you know I want to”
Kun stopped in his tracks and pretend to think, you rolled your eyes at his acting but smiled nonetheless.
He then smiled and bent down leaning in, he was so close that you could see every detail on his face, even the little scar on the right side of his face “How about you take me out?” your breath hitched.
If your face felt warm earlier it was hot now. “O-out? Where do you want to go?” You bit your lip nervously as you kept reciting to your self in your head 'it isn't what you think it is. It isn't what you think it is.'
“I don't know depends on you really” Kun shrugged and then smiled again (it was as if he was trying to kill you with the number of time he gave that smile that caused you to stop breathing) “Which are your favourite dating hotspots?” and whatever defence you built up against him came crumbling down, and your jaw dropped, and you just stood there staring at him.
For a long while- like really long while because now his features fell “I mean y-you don't have to go on a date with me if you don't want to you know...” He trailed off taking a step away.
“YES! YES I'D LOVE TO GO OUT WITH YOU” you yelled and then your eyes widened, and you settled down into a more relaxed position and cleared your throat “yea sure I don't mind” you said making your voice lower and puting on a facade that Kun saw right through (obviously) because he was smiling, and you couldn't help it you smiled too.
“So Saturday's at four?” Kun asked smile still visible, but he was really nervous and you didn't need to know that.
“Yes” you said giving him a big smile.
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A/n: To the people that made it to the end....I'm sorry you read that. This is my least favorite fic among all my stuff and I honestly just posted it because I wrote this for a friend who I care for too much to have her idea hidden in my drafts forever. Well more of a demon child but yea she specifically asked for this and my conscience can't keep this hidden.
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sleepy-exe · 3 years
Shapeshifter AU - 10
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Iwaizumi x f!reader
<< Part 9 | Part 11 >>
Summary: Iwaizumi stayed at Y/n’s apartment in downtown Osaka. It’s time she tells her friends about him.
Word count: 1.1k
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Warnings: none
Genre: sfw (18+ regardless), shapeshifter au, strangers to lovers
A/n: i swear i love both twins equally.
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Part 10: Small World
The next morning Iwaizumi woke up to the view of Kita district, full of other high rises. Although it was morning, the sunrise could not be seen anywhere through the wall of windows; something he was used to being greeted by in his own apartment. A sleeping cat was curled up against his side, sharing the blankets and sofa with him. He gave her some pets before shoo-ing her to the floor. The apartment was very quiet, though he wasn’t sure if Y/n was still sleeping given how quiet she was in the mornings at his apartment. 
Escaping the overly large blanket he stood from his spot. Wandering about the main areas of Y/n’s place he remembered that there was only a half bathroom out there, so the shower must only be in an en suite. He also realized she was definitely not out here with him.
He walked to the already open bedroom door and peered inside. Straight ahead was a wall with closet doors and wardrobes. To the left was a vanity as well as the door to the en suite, and to the right was a wall of windows like the living room with a very large bed before it; it was definitely a rather large bed. How could one person need so much room to sleep?
She was nestled down into layers of blankets; he barely could see the top of her head poking out, which confirmed she was still in bed. He took it upon himself to claim the bathroom and quickly closed himself in there, hoping not to disturb her while he showered and got ready.
Maybe 10 minutes later, Y/n woke up. She stayed in her blanket cocoon as sunlight shined through the window-wall. She crawled out of the cocoon just enough to retrieve her phone from the nightstand, then got back under her warm blankets. A moment later Iwaizumi opened the bathroom door.
“Oh, you’re awake,” he said as he noticed her shifting into a sitting position, blankets still wrapped around her lower half.
She blinked sleep away before responding, “Ah, this feels backwards.. You're awake before me for once.”
“I hope you don’t mind I used your shower. And soap.” He gave a lopsided grin while he toweled off stray water from the side of his face.
“Nah, that’s fine,” she stretched and yawned, “Pretty sure I basically offered it to you.” She smiled and looked back to her phone to check her schedule for the day. “Good mornin’, by the way.”
She patted the edge of the bed calling him over, “Ya have work today too?”
“Yeah.” He sat on the edge of the bed, “I’ll have to leave soon.”
“Ah, get to play with athletes today,” she teased.
“Closer to babysitting,” he muttered. “Bokuto and Atsumu have been causing me extra work lately.” He turned to stand, missing her sudden change in expression at the mention of Atsumu.
“I’d offer breakfast, but my kitchen’s a bit barren.” She smiled sheepishly.
“That’s fine. I’ll eat after I leave. But you need to get food in here, and don’t forget to eat before you have to work.”
“Okay, okay, I will.” He frowned. “To getting food! I won’t forget to eat,” she corrected.
“Good.” He then left the room.
Instantly she grabbed her phone and texted her semi-annoying fox friend.
>> To ‘Not-the-better-twin’: “which team are you on again?”
She had just changed his contact name from “Blondie” after a silly argument the other night where Osamu agreed with her and he didn’t, earning them new contact names as a joke. Was it childish? Eh. She’s sure he picked worse for hers.
“Hey, don’t worry about the blanket and such,” she yelled to Iwaizumi in the next room, “I’ll take care of it later!”
Not two seconds later he had replied, always a fast texter.
>> From ‘Not-the-better-twin’: “u did not forget who I play for”
>> From ‘Not-the-better-twin’: “seriously?!”
>> To ‘Not-the-better-twin’: “who’s your trainer?”
>> From ‘Not-the-better-twin’: “why? What one?”
She sighed and climbed out of bed and to a closet.
>> To ‘Not-the-better-twin’: ‘any named Iwaizumi?”
>> From ‘Not-the-better-twin’: “yeahhh since when do u care about athletic trainers?”
>> To ‘Not-the-better-twin’: “since I started semi-creeping on one after he saw me shapeshift at the forest”
Picking out what to wear to work, she tossed clothes on the bed. Then walked to the bathroom and closed herself in there, filling Mochi’s extra water dish while she was at it.
>> From ‘Not-the-better-twin’: “WAIT Iwaizumi is that guy??”
>> From ‘Not-the-better-twin’: “oh shit. he’s a good guy. should be fine”
>> From ‘Not-the-better-twin’: “probably”
>> From ‘Not-the-better-twin’: “u don’t know 100% that he saw anyway”
>> To ‘Not-the-better-twin’: “yeah no. he confirmed it yesterday”
>> To ‘Not-the-better-twin’: “err the day before that”
>> From ‘Not-the-better-twin’: “girl WHAT??”
>> From ‘Not-the-better-twin’: “oh shit”
>> To ‘Not-the-better-twin’: “no no I think it’s okay now”
>> To ‘Not-the-better-twin’: “I mean he said he’s mad but that’s about something else”
>> To ‘Not-the-better-twin’: “but we’re friends so I think it’s fine”
>> From ‘Not-the-better-twin’: “does he know about me or omi??”
>> To ‘Not-the-better-twin’: “I haven’t mentioned you. He doesn’t know I know you yet. He mentioned your name right before I texted you”
>> From ‘Not-the-better-twin’: “the hell r u up this early for anyway? ur a total night owl”
>> From ‘Not-the-better-twin’: “shoulda been an owl shifter”
>> To ‘Not-the-better-twin’: “is that even a thing?”
>> To ‘Not-the-better-twin’: “And he’s here at my place”
>> From ‘Not-the-better-twin’: “Oh”
>> From ‘Not-the-better-twin’: “Ohhh~”
>> To ‘Not-the-better-twin’: “no not ohhh”
>> From ‘Not-the-better-twin’: “uh huh”
>> [Not-the-better-twin is typing]
She silenced her phone for now. And went to the living room to find Iwaizumi putting on his shoes. “You were going to tell me bye, right?”
He looked up at her. “Weren’t you just in the bathroom?”
She mumbled an agreement. “Hey, you mentioned an Atsumu, right?”
He paused. “Yes.” Raising an eyebrow as he stood up. “Miya Atsumu, setter for MSBY. Why, what’s up?”
She laughed, pressing a hand over her eyes. “I can’t believe- Ugh.”
And now he’s lost, “wh-“
“I forgot what team he played for. I didn’t even think of the likeliness that you work with him.” She slid her hand from her face. “We’re friends. Apparently I’m a bad friend that can’t remember his team though.”
He pulled his coat on and gave her a doubtful look. “You’re friends with Atsumu?”
“I would like to apologize on his behalf for how annoying he can be,” she deadpanned.
He snorted. “Can be?”
She shrugged. “Be careful. Sometimes traffic can be shitty about now.”
“Noted. See you around.” And he left.
Mochi rubbed against her legs. “Yeah yeah. I’ll feed you then get ready.”
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Part 11 >>
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atlafan · 4 years
My Everything - Part Fourteen
A Take it Slow Sequel
What happens with Harry and Y/N after he proposes? How will the two navigate the engaged life while also continuing to juggle their jobs, friends, and families? Let’s find out.
Warnings: Fluff, a wee bit of angst, and smut! 4.6K
a/n: this is the last part before the story takes a small break, but do not fear! There’s going to be 20 parts total, and I have parts 15-17 already fully written and ready to go. I just wanna give this a breather so I can put some other works out there. I hope you’re enjoying seeing them as parents! Will they make a second baby? We shall soon find out! (also, I don’t know how much a 2 year old can actually articulate, so if his dialogue is wonky, please excuse me lmao)
Jack was two years old, and you were loving having a toddler. He was rather rambunctious. You loved having summers off so you could spend time at home with him. You loved watching him play and learn. He was getting rather heavy to pick up, and his mop of curls reminded you a lot of Harry’s. He was certainly a good mix of the two of you.
Even though there were times you wanted to scream and cry when he’d get fussy, you knew it would only be another couple of years before he started school, and you wouldn’t have this time with him. You were sort of starting to miss having an actual baby around. As you watched him play in the backyard with Buster, you thought more and more about how nice it would be for him to have a little sibling to play with. He had friends from daycare, but still, a younger brother or sister would be nice.
When Harry gets home from work later, he had adjusted his schedule to be able to be home by 3PM in the summers, he sits outside with you.
“Maybe it’s time we look into a pool.” He says to you.
“It gets good sun out here.”
“Sarah and Niall have a pool, we can just use theirs.”
“I know, but wouldn’t it be nice to have one of our own? Nothing crazy, an above ground pool. We’ve got the room.”
“It’s expensive.”
“We can afford it.” He shrugs.
“What if there’s other things we’ll need that money for?”
“Like what?” He turns to look at you. Before you can answer him you both hear Jack whaling. He had tripped and fallen. “That’s what happens when you run after Daddy tells you not to, Jack.” Harry shakes his head and gets up to check on his little boy. He scoops him up and brings him over to sit. “Ah, just a scrape, no harm done, but you can cry if yeh want to, no one’s tellin’ yeh not to cry, son.” He rocks Jack back and forth in his arms and you swear you can feel your ovaries exploding. “What?”
“You’re givin’ me a weird look.” He chuckles.
“Want mumma.” Jack sniffles.
“Okay, come see me.” You take him from Harry. “You know just because mumma’s a doctor now, doesn’t mean she’s like Dr. Morris.” You tell Jack. Yes, you had gotten your PhD, it was grueling, but it allowed you to go on a tenure track at the university.
“Kisses mumma.”
“Ohhh, I see.” You give him kisses all over and it makes him giggle. “All better now?”
“Can I have juice, pwease.”
“Yes, honey.”
“I’ll go get it, you sit.” Harry gets up and goes inside to grab Jack his juice box. “Here yeh go, son.” Jack grabs it from Harry.
“Thank you, Daddy.”
“So polite.” Harry rustles the hair on the top of Jack’s head.
“Don’t drink it too fast or you’ll get the hiccups.” Buster trots over and laps up the water in the bowl you brought outside for him. He lays down in the cool of the shade.
“M’gonna have to mow in a couple days.” Harry sighs. You squeeze your legs together at the thought.
Watching Harry mow the lawn was like watching a cliché porno. He’d be shirtless, and incredibly sweaty. He’d have his bandana to keep his hair up off his forehead, and he’d come inside to grab a glass of water. You’d often sit up on the counter and watch him drink the cold beverage. That would lead to him giving you a quick fuck in the downstairs bathroom when he could, if Jack was napping.
“Harry?” You look at him and he looks at you.
“Aw, look, his little eyes are closin’.” He looks down at Jack who was falling asleep in your arms. “So cozy with his mumma.”
“Shit, if he sleeps now he won’t sleep tonight. Jack, wake up honey.” He jolts awake and looks at you. “Do you wanna go inside? Think you’ve earned some TV time, hm?”
“TV!” He repeats and smiles at you.
You take Jack inside, first to use the potty as you were still training him. Then you get him settled on the couch with his favorite cartoon playing on the TV. Harry grabs some carrot sticks to munch on before sitting down with the two of you.
“What do you feel like for dinner tonight? I could make some hot dogs for him on the grill, and some veggie burgers for us.” He snaps into a carrot.
“Sure, that sounds good.” You look down at Jack and see he’s mesmerized by the TV. “Can we speak in the kitchen?”
“Um…sure.” You both get up and walk over to kitchen. You had a large open concept area so you could still keep your eyes on Jack. “Am I in trouble?” He was thoroughly confused.
“What?! No! Why would you be?” You laugh and he shrugs his shoulders. “No, I just didn’t want him to overhear. We didn’t exactly finish our conversation from before.”
“Oh.” He says, relieved. “What were we even talkin’ about?”
“Well, you had mentioned a pool, and I was thinking we’d need to save that money.”
“Oh, right. Yeah, why can’t we get a pool? I think we’ve done a good job of savin’, hell, we even started Jack’s college fund already. We’re in really good shape. I don’t think it would set us back much, and it’d pay for itself with how much we’d all use it.”
“We can just buy a little blow up kiddie pool for now.”
“But…I would like to swim also.” He tries to read your face. You seemed nervous. “Is everything alright? What’s goin’ on up there?” He taps on your forehead.
“Harry…I…” You bite your bottom lip.
“Honey, whatever it is, you can tell me. You’re scarin’ me a little.” He rubs the back of his neck.
“Sorry, I just don’t exactly know how to phrase it.” You take a deep breath and look back over at Jack who was still content with his cartoons. “I wanna have another baby.” You whisper. Harry’s cheeks flush and his eyebrows raise. “I think we’re ready, don’t you? And I miss…I miss having a little baby. I’m still able to snuggle with Jack, but he’s getting big and he’s gonna start preschool in a couple of years, and I-“
Harry cups your cheeks and brings you in for a kiss. It gives you the good kind of butterflies in your stomach.
“So…um…that’s why I think we should hold off on the pool.”
“We can afford both.” He chuckles. “Babe, you really wanna have another?”
“I do.” You nod. “Do you?”
“Of course! I would’ve gotten yeh pregnant again a while ago if you had let me.” He smirks. “I was waitin’ for you to say somethin’. I told yeh a long time ago, I’ll have as many kids as you let us.” He strokes your cheek.
“I really want another one.” You wrap your arms around his neck. “Someone for Jack to grow up with and play with, you know?”
“Mhm.” He presses his forehead to yours. “You’ll have to go to the doctor to have your IUD taken out.”
“I know.” You step back from him. “I can make an appointment this week if I really wanted to.”
“Wow, so you wanna start trying, like, right away?”
“Yeah, why not?”
“Are you sure you’re not just, like, horny?” He chuckles.
“Harry.” You swat an arm at him. “Well, I am, but I really wanna have another baby. We made such a beautiful little boy, let’s make another.” You pout at him and he kisses you. “No way we can still afford a pool.”
“I bet we can, but I suppose we could wait until next summer. I just hate imposing on Niall and Sarah…”
“Are you kidding? She loves when I bring Jack over to swim. We were there this morning. She has summers off too, remember? Sometimes Rach joins us, it’s great. She really doesn’t mind.”
“Okay. Make an appointment then, and then we’ll make another baby.” He gives your belly a pat. “You realize though we’ll probably have to fuck in your office, that’s how we got Jack after all.”
“Oh stop it. We also had sex that weekend for my birthday.”
“I think it was the spontaneity that did it. Gotta remember to not put too much pressure on it.”
“Okay, so catch me off guard when you wanna fuck me.” You shrug. He grips your hips as you start to walk away, and you swat at him. “Not now, you idiot.”
“Come on, let’s practice.”
“Harry…why don’t you go start the grill up, hm? I’m gonna take Jack with me to walk Buster.”
“Okay, fine.” He sighs and rolls his eyes extra heavy. “But don’t say I never offer.”
You go to the doctor and get your IUD removed. Dr. Johnson doesn’t think you’ll have too much trouble conceiving, but she gives you a list of vitamins you might want to try to help yourself out. You get Jack in the car seat after your appointment.
“Jack, you were so good for mummy while she saw the doctor, thank you so much.”
“Treat, mumma?”
“Sure, I think we could go get a treat.”
You drive over to Harry’s studio and walk down the street to the ice cream shop. Buster was with Harry today, so you get a dog-friendly vanilla ice cream. You get everyone ice cream and walk with Jack back to the studio.
“Okay, you know what to say when you walk in right?” You wink at him as you open the door.
“Supwise!” He yells and Isaac beams.
“Look who it is!” He gets up to help you with the ice cream. “This really is a surprise. Hi Jack.”
“Hi.” He hugs your leg shyly, and hides his face. Buster gets up from around the desk and trots over. Jack perks up when he sees his buddy.
“Where’s my hubby?”
“Upstairs in his office. Him and Mariah are having an editing day. She’s in her office in the back.”
“Ah. Come on Jack, think you can climb the stairs? That vanilla one is for Buster.” You say to Isaac.
“Sure thing, and thanks for the treats. I’ll go give this to Mariah.”
You and Jack go up the stairs and knock on Harry’s door.
“Isaac, this better fuckin’-“ Harry’s eyes widen when he opens the door to see his wife and child standing there. “Oh! Hi!” He smiles. He gives you a kiss, and picks up Jack.
“Got you treat, Daddy.” He points to the ice cream in your hands.
“I see that, well come on in.” He sets Jack on the floor with his ice cream and a napkin.
“We were in the neighborhood, I saw Dr. Johnson today.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot that was today. What flavor did yeh get me?”
“Your favorite, purple cow.”
“Thank you.” He kisses you again as he takes the ice cream from you. “None for mummy?”
“I took a few bites of yours. I figured I’d just eat whatever he doesn’t finish.” You shrug.
“So it was a good appointment then?”
“Mhm, IUD is gone, and I picked up some vitamins she said could help. I’m in no condition to do anything tonight so don’t even think about it.”
“Hey, I’m completely innocent.” He takes a bite of ice cream. “So…when can we start trying then?”
“Whenever the mood feels right, honey.” You sit down on the little love seat and wipe Jack’s mouth.
“No!” He screams. He hates having his face wiped.
“Jack.” Harry says sternly. “Let mummy clean you up, you’re a mess.”
“No!” He screams again. Harry looks at you and then at Jack.
“Alright, I guess you don’t want ice cream then.” He sighs.
“Harry, no, it’s his treat for being good for me earlier.”
“He’s not bein’ good now.”
“And taking it away is just gonna make it worse. He doesn’t like the dry napkin, I’ll take him down to the bathroom in a minute.”
“M’done, mumma.”
“Okay.” You take his cup and throw it in the trash. “Can we go clean up now?”
“Oh good, I was worried you’d say no.” You poke his tummy and he giggles. “See, we totally avoided a meltdown.”
“Guess I just don’t know him as well as you do then.” He grumbles.
“Harry, that’s not what I meant at all.”
“No, it’s fine. You get the best of both worlds with him. You’re a stay at home parent in the summer and then during the school year he still sees you more since he goes to daycare at work with you.” Harry follows you out and down to the bathroom. He holds Jack up so you can wash his hands.
“It’s not like you can close this place down or just not work in the summer time. You come home early, and that’s really great.”
“But you know him better, and then I…end up being the bad guy more. I swear he likes you better sometimes.”
“First of all, I’m the bad guy a lot, you’re just not there to see it. Second of all, he misses you all day long. He couldn’t wait to come surprise you. You’re an amazing father, Harry, please.” Harry sets Jack down once he’s all clean. “Come on, Jack we need go home and let Daddy get back to work.
“Must be his favorite word today.” You mumble to Harry. “You can’t stay with Daddy, he has a lot to do. He’ll be home in a couple of hours.”
“No!” He starts crying and attaches himself to Harry’s legs.
“He can stay here, I have coloring books for him upstairs.”
“You won’t get anything done if he does. Jack, enough, we’re going home.”
“No!” He whales.
“Y/N, it’s fine. I’ll get plenty done. M’sure you could use the alone time, right?”
“He’s cranky because it’s almost nap time. He’ll fall asleep in the car and it’ll be fine. Help me get him in the car, please?”
Harry nods and picks a crying Jack up. These were the days you couldn’t wait for Jack to start preschool. Harry gets Jack strapped into his car seat, he was still crying.
“Jack, I need you to be good for mummy, okay? I’ll be home soon.”
“No, Daddy.”
“Harry. Let it go.” Jack continues to cry after Harry closes the car door. “He’ll fall asleep the second I start driving.”
“I know, it just breaks my heart. I feel so guilty.”
“Don’t.” You cup his cheeks. “You have nothing to be guilty over. He’s just being cranky. It’s how he is sometimes. He does the same thing to me if I take him to run errands at an odd time. He needs his nap, that’s all.” You kiss Harry quick. “I’ll see you in a little while.”
“Alright, love you.”
“Love you too.”
Harry watches as you drive away. He sighs heavily and goes back into the studio. Mariah was standing at Isaac’s desk with him.
“Is everything okay? I swear I heard crying.” She says.
“Jack didn’t feel like leavin’. He’s goin’ through the no phase right now. I don’t what’s worse, when he was teething or this.”
“Probably this, since he can talk back to you.” She smirks. “We all know how much you love that.”
“Hey, Mariah? Get back to work.” He grins, and goes back upstairs.
Harry comes home with a cauliflower crust pizza for dinner. He figured if you could surprise him, he could surprise you.
“We can keep it in the oven for now if it’s too early to eat.”
“Sounds good, yeah, it’s only 3:30, you know? But thank you this’ll be great. Hi Buster, how’s mumma’s boy?” You pet the top of his head.
“How’s Jack?”
“He’s fine.” You scoff. “Passed out in the car like I thought, and then I put him to bed for the rest of his nap. He’s coloring now at his table in the living room.”
“Daddy!” Jack exclaims when he sees Harry. He runs over to him and Harry picks him up. Harry gives him a nice kiss on the cheek.
“How was your nap?”
“Good.” He shrugs.
“Can I see what you’ve colored?” Jack nods and Harry carries him into the living room. Harry sits on the floor next to Jack so he can properly see the pages his drawn on. “Oh wow! That’s a good one, I like how you used green for everything, and then just put that one dot of blue there.” You giggle as you listen to him. Harry really was a good dad.
Around 7PM you get Jack down for bed and nearly collapse on the couch with Harry.
“Long day, babe?”
“Mhm, he was up early with me today. Crawled right in with me.”
“Aw, I love when he does that.”
“Me too, just not when I wanna sleep in a little.” You laugh. “I have no privacy to shower sometimes.”
Harry throws his arm around you as he turns the TV.
“Yeah? What do you need privacy for? Shavin’ your legs?” He smirks.
“You know exactly what I need privacy for.”
“So we really can’t have sex tonight?”
“I’m a little sore from the doctor, sweetie. Tomorrow.”
“I could eat you out, oh! Let’s sixty-nine.” He wiggles his eyebrows. You scrunch your face at him. “It’s been ages since we did that.”
“Harry, no.” You cross your arms and settle into his chest while you watch the screen.
“Why not?”
“Because I’m not in the mood right now. I’m full from dinner and I’m tired.” You look up at him. “I shouldn’t even need to give you a reason, no should be enough.” You turn back to the TV and you hear him sigh.
“It’s fine.”
“I’m just excited.”
“I know.” You look at him again. “It’s hard not jumping you when I see you with him. You have way more patience than I do sometimes.”
“Oh I see, so you only get turned on when you see me hangin’ out with him. I get it.”
“No!” You laugh. “That’s not what I’m saying at all.”
“It just makes you wanna have another.”
“Mhm.” You kiss his cheek. “You’re just so good.”
“You’re good with him too, you know that right?” You nod yes. “Good.”
A couple of days later, on Saturday, Harry woke you up early and you wanted to kill him.
“You’re worse than him, I swear.” You groan.
“Come shower with me.” He whispers.
“He should be asleep a little longer and so should Buster. Come shower with me.” He tugs you out of bed and to your feet.
“Why?” You rub the sleep away from your eyes.
“So we can fuck, obviously.”
“We need to be in the shower to fuck?” You yawn.
“No…but…he can’t exactly walk in on us like this, can he?”
“Good point.”
Harry turns the water on, and once it’s warm you’re being yanked into the shower and pressed up against the tile.
“Oh god.” You moan as his mouth works over your neck and his fingers slip inside you.
He slots his mouth over yours to swallow your moans. Your fingers rake through his hair and he presses his hard dick against your thigh.
“Fuck, put it in, fuck me, Harry.” You whine.
He lines himself up with you and just gets the tip in when you both hear a tap on the door and a little boy’s voice calling for the two of you.
“You’ve got to be fuckin’ kidding me.” He grunts. You step away from Harry and turn the water off. “Y/N!” He whines. “I’m gonna have blue balls.”
“So jerk off.” You snap. “I’m just as annoyed, deal with it.” You wrap a towel around yourself and open the door to see Jack sitting with his thumb in his mouth. “Good morning, my love.”
“Hungry.” He whines.
“Okay, mummy make you breakfast.” You secure your towel before picking him up and taking him downstairs.
Harry finally joins you in the kitchen and takes Buster out immediately. You watch as Jack picks at his cheerios. You make yourself and Harry some coffee so it’s ready for when he gets back.
“He needs to learn to stay in his bloody bed.” Harry grumbles when he gets back. “Can’t we put a gate up?”
“We did that, but he’s potty training now so he needs to be able to get into the bathroom in the morning and use the little potty if he needs it.”
“Think it’s time for a sleepover at Mimi’s.” That was what your mother wanted to be called instead of grandma.
“Harry.” You sigh. “We’re headed to London in like two weeks, where we will be staying for like three weeks. I’m sure your mum would love to have him to herself for a few days then. We can run off to the flat and have some alone time.”
“You wanna wait two fuckin’ weeks?!”
“Harry! You know how I feel about you dropping the f bomb in front of him.” You scold him. “Come on, Jack, let’s get you ready for the day. Auntie Sarah said you could come over and swim since it’s gonna be so hot out.”
“Get your swimsuit on.” You say to Harry.
“You didn’t answer my question.” He says as he watches you rub sunscreen all over Jack.
“No, I don’t wanna wait two weeks, but my mom has a life too. She can’t just take him whenever we want.”
“What about your dad?”
“What about my dad?” You scoff. “He’s not sleeping over there.”
“Why not?”
“Because.” You stand up to look at him. “You know he’s traveling right now. He always goes for road trips in the summer.”
“Okay, what about-“
“Harry.” You snap and grit your teeth. “I love you, but go put your swim suit on, so I can go put mine on.”
Harry gets Jack’s things packed up while you get ready. You come down in a cute one piece and a pair of shorts.
“Got everything?” You ask.
The three of you, plus Buster, walk down the street to Niall and Sarah’s. You walk around back to where the two of them are already sitting outside.
“Hey! Look who it is.” Niall says, and gets up to help with all the things you brought. “Y/N, are you alright? You look a little flushed.”
“I’m fine.” You set Jack down, and he toddles over to say hi to Sarah, who scoops him right up. “We got interrupted this morning.” You roll your eyes.
“Oh.” He looks at the two of you. “So go home for a little bit then.”
“No, it’s fine, we came to swim.”
“You can come back. We can watch him for a little while.”
“Thanks, mate.” Harry smiles, and you suck your teeth.
“Niall, we didn’t come over for you to babysit, it’s fine.”
“Oi, go home and make love to your husband would yeh?”
“Yeah, Y/N.” Sarah says. “I’ll play with him in the pool, he won’t even know you’re gone.”
“We-“ Harry lifts you up over his shoulder.
“We’ll be back in a little while, thanks guys.”
“Harry!” You squeal. “Put me down!”
He gets you back halfway to the house before putting you down. He shakes his head at you as he keys into your house.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m embarrassed.” You say shyly.
“Y/N, we’ve literally had sex with them in the same house as us before. S’not a big deal they know what we’re doin’.” He tilts your chin up to look at him. “Don’t you wanna love on each other?” He pouts.
“Of course I do…” You pout back.
“Alright, so let’s go upstairs to our nice air conditioned room, and get busy.”
You nod and follow him upstairs. You both get undressed and get on the bed. He takes some time to just caress your body, his fingers dancing up and down your soft skin. You take some initiative and grip his hardening cock and stroke it. His fingers slide between your legs and you moan out. He groans as your thumb rubs over his tip.
He stops his motions and gets you fully on your back, parting your legs. He licks his lips and attaches them swiftly to your clit.
“Christ!” Your hips buck up and he uses his forearm to pin you in place.
He licks all around your folds and then licks into you, using his free hand to rub circles on your clit.
“H, Harry.” You groan. Your hands reach for his hair and you get tight grip on him how he likes. He groans into you and it makes your eyes roll into the back of your head.
“You’re soaked, all this f’me.” He grunts as he continues to work his tongue.
“Wanted you all morning, I was so frustrated.” You start panting when you feel yourself get closer to the edge. “Oh my god, please don’t stop!”
Harry’s tongue moves back to your clit to flick at it while he gets a couple of fingers inside you to rub against that spongey spot. Your legs start shaking, you can’t take it anymore.
“Fuck!” You gasp as you come hard on his fingers. He gives your clit one last harsh suck before he brings his head up.
He licks his lips again and wipes everything else off with the back of his hand. He grins at you as he hovers over you. You grip his cock and pump it a few times before lining it up with your center. He slowly pushes inside you.
“Yeah?” You look up at him with innocent eyes.
“Brace yourself.”
“M’gonna fuck you into this mattress.” Your eyes darken as your eyebrows raise. You nod and grip his shoulders.
Two hours later you return to Sarah and Niall’s. Both of you freshly fucked and happy. Niall was outside getting the grill started.
“He’s inside with Sarah, she said it was his nap time.”
“It is, she’s the best.” You say and go inside. Niall gives Harry a cheeky smile.
“Thanks.” He says. “Much needed time alone.”
“And you two wanna have another because…?” He jokes.
“I know it seems crazy to add more crazy to our lives, but we both really want it.” He steps a little closer to Niall. “She told me every time she sees me with Jack she practically wants to jump me to make another one.”
You and Sarah come back out with a groggy Jack.
“Look who just woke up.” You coo.
“Hey, buddy.” Harry takes him from you and snuggles him close. “Wanna swim with Daddy after you wake up a bit?”
“Mhm.” Jack nuzzles in closer to Harry.
“Is that not the cutest thing you’ve ever seen?” You say to the group. “So sweet.” You kiss the top of Jack’s head.
“His curls are just like yours, Harry.” Sarah says.
Once Jack wakes up a little more, Harry brings him into the pool for a swim. You sit on the edge with Sarah, dipping your feet and calves in while Niall grills up lunch. Hearing Jack giggle while Harry would dip him in the water warmed your heart.
“He’s a really good, dad.” Sarah whispers to you.
“Yeah, he is.” You whisper back.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
A Vampire in Paris: Part One (Gigi x Crystal) - Chae
A/N: aaaa it’s here, part one! i was NOT expecting it to be 3.4k words but i’m so so so proud of the dialogue in this chapter. if you can handle a bit of exposition to get to the crygi fluff i swear it’s worth it XD
Summary: Gigi Goode arrives in Paris to start preparing for Fashion Week, but what dark secret is her company hiding? What’s the deal with those three supermodels? And why is Crystal Methyd so damn adorable? 
We Begin
This couldn’t be happening. It felt wholly, totally, surreally unreal. Every dream Gigi Goode had ever dreamt seemed to be coming true at that very moment. The twenty-two year old had gone through immigration and baggage claim without really feeling much. When she met the Uber that was ordered to take her to the complex, she hadn’t felt much either. But now, as she drove through the streets of Paris, taking in the narrow paths and low buildings that completely contrasted the Los Angeles she was used to, she felt like she had arrived.
Crystal Methyd wasn’t exactly well-known, but she didn’t fly under the radar either. Anyone who spent more than two minutes researching modern fashion knew about her. She’d risen to popularity online through her wacky and interpretive, yet still fashionable, street style. Then, arguably the largest label in the world, ‘Fatelle,’ bought her company (as they did with about 90% of the fashion industry) and moved her to Paris. In a few weeks would be ‘The Methyd’s’ first showing for Paris Fashion Week, aka her ticket to worldwide fame and success, and Crystal had asked Gigi to model for her. She didn’t even know Crystal was allowed to choose her own models in the first place.
Gigi was used to having some spotlight. She’d amassed quite the following on Instagram and YouTube, which was how she got signed to her agency and apparently how Crystal had found her as well. Gigi was still dumbfounded by her luck, or talent, or universal power or whatever had gotten her to Paris to model for fashion week. She still couldn’t wrap her head around that fact when the car stopped in front of a huge building. It wasn’t modern or tall like businesses back home, but it took up an entire Parisian-sized block and stood a story or two higher than the average building. 
Gigi gripped her luggage, two roller-bag cases, a duffel bag, a small backpack, and a purse, and breathed out. She wanted to look confident and put-together when she met… whoever she was going to meet. Would it be Crystal? She’d been contacted by someone named ‘Trixie,’ so probably not, but one could hope. Gigi stepped forward, entering through the gigantic gold spinning door and coughing a bit as the scent of floral cleaning product wafted up her nose.
The lobby was pristine—spotless, sparkling, even, marble floors and marble walls and marble ceilings galore. The architecture was retro, yet the furniture seemed almost futuristic. Glass display cases flaunted the designers’ best works, particularly the original creator, Miss Fame’s, designs. She felt like every single person who would work here attended at least three fashion shows a week. The young model took a moment to admire her surroundings before her heels clicked all the way to the reception desk.
There, she was met with a strikingly familiar face, with a name tag to match.
“Excuse me—wait, are you-”
“Shhhh!” the woman seemed to perk up immediately at the prospect of being recognized, looking at Gigi frantically. “I’m nobody! I’m the receptionist.” She held a finger up to her lips.
“But your name tag, it even says-”
“My nametag doesn’t say shit!”
Gigi was a little surprised at how casual the other woman spoke to her, but blinked and continued.
“You aren’t even trying to hide it?”
“Well, not everybody is as smart as you and remembers photoshoots from forty years ago!”
“This is a fashion label’s headquarters!”
The woman paused, not knowing how to respond. “Okay, touché. Ya got me.”
“May I ask a question?”
“I mean… yeah?”
“How do you look the exact same as you did in the eighties?” Gigi was raising an eyebrow at Adore Delano, a female rock icon known for her raunchy photoshoots and close relationship to the Fatelle brand. Her hair and makeup changed, her clothes were different, too, of course, but she looked the same otherwise. What kind of ooky kooky hyaluronic acid was keeping a 60 year old woman looking 20?!
“Ask, and you will not receive,” Adore sighed, playing with her hair. “There are just some things you’d be safer… not knowing,” she smiled decidedly, pleased with her answer.
“Right,” Gigi grimaced, avoiding eye contact with the star.
“Anyway girl, what’s the sitch? What can I help you with?”
“Ah, yes of course, I’m here to meet.. well, someone. I’m a new model and I’m supposed to be staying here for a while.”
“Ohhh, you’re one of the international shipments coming in for fashion week. Which designer?”
“The Methyd.”
“Shut up!” Adore grinned, a twinkle in her eye. “Babe, you’re set for life. You better make a good impression on Crystal, she’s supposed to be the new thing and stuff!”
Gigi blushed. “Will I meet her today?” 
“Mmm,” Adore checked a computer screen, clicking a few buttons and squinting. “You’re supposed to meet with Trixie, so you’ll have to ask her.” She grabbed something from under her desk. “Gigi Goode, right?”
“That’s me. Good morning!”
“Party!” The older girl grinned, handing Gigi a small card. “That’s your room key—don’t lose it. Unless you wanna like, get stolen from.”
Gigi took the key, placing it in her purse. “Thank you, and noted. Do not get robbed.”
Suddenly, another voice joined the pair as a tall woman strode into the lobby, conversing on the phone. She was wearing a pink blazer-mini skirt set and white patent pumps, the outfit hugging her curves perfectly. Her hair was big and blonde, straight with iron-curled ringlets at the tips, and her big lips and long lashes completed the Barbie aesthetic. Her voice, however, was stern and confident, the complete opposite of her doll-like appearance. If this was Trixie, Gigi was already intimidated.
“Well, Brenda, tell Katya that I’ll call her back later, please,” she commanded, a short answer coming from the other end before Trixie interrupted, scolding the person in French before hanging up. She looked to Gigi with a smile. “Sorry about that. You must be Gigi!” 
Gigi smiled and reached out to shake her hand, but forgot that air kisses were the customary French greeting. Nice going, idiot, Gigi thought to herself as she finished the proper hello. “It’s nice to meet you, Ms. Mattel!”
“Oh hun, you can call me Trixie,” she smiled. “Welcome to Fatelle! I’m your modeling manager, so we’ll be seeing each other a lot. You come to me with any questions, concerns, issues, you need a tampon, a condom, a chocolate, a shot, I’m your gal,” she winked. Gigi laughed.
“In that case, can I have a-”
“You are not about to ask me for a condom.”
The two burst out, Trixie’s laugh coming out more like a bird screech than a human chuckle. 
“Ah! Almost forgot,” Trixie reached into her pocket and grabbed a sticky note, handing it to Gigi. “That’s my number. I’ll text you important info, like meeting and fitting dates and such. We’ve only got three weeks to prepare for this, so the schedule is packed.”
Gigi folded the paper and put it with her room card, already nervous for what was to come. “Agh, well, I’m excited to start!”
“Of course!” Trixie smiled, glancing at her phone as it buzzed. “Shit, well, I gotta go.”
“Hold on, sorry, how do I get to my room?”
“Right! I’m stupid for not telling you.” Trixie pointed to where she’d come from. “Over there is the apartment complex area. Your key card will say which room it is, and the elevators are dead ahead. This place has a restaurant open to the public like a hotel does, but it’s free for models and employees and serves us privately during the day. There’s also kitchens in the rooms if you wanna cook for yourself,” she explained. “Later tonight our team should be getting together for a meeting, I’ll text you the details, kay?�� Trixie almost mumbled the last part as she frantically punched the keyboard of her phone, obviously annoyed with the person she was texting. “Enjoy your stay!”
Before Gigi could even say bye, Trixie was gone. She understood for the most part, but she couldn’t help but notice Trixie hadn’t said anything about the portion of the building across from the apartments. The curiosity ate her up, so she opted to ask Adore.
“What’s over there?” Gigi motioned to the glass doors that led to the mystery area.
“That’s where all the businessy stuff happens,” Adore rested her head in her hand. “You’ll probably go there to do your model stuff. The further in you go, the crazier the shit is.”
“Crazy shit? What kind of crazy shit?”
Adore bit her lip, knowing she’d said too much. “Enjoy your stay, Miss Goode.”
Gigi raised an eyebrow. Something smelled rotten at the Fatelle headquarters, and the young woman was dying to learn more. She followed instructions to get to her room, a spacious and immaculately decorated space. Flopping on the bed, Gigi closed her eyes, imagining what it would be like to own such a large company. She’d never considered designing clothes, more than happy to stick to modeling. Speaking of which, she had a dinner to get ready for. She sat up, releasing her ginger waves from their ponytail with a shake of her head, exhaling a breath. After she unpacked, she was going to make herself look smoking hot. Crystal would not regret choosing her to be a model.
Gigi knocked on the glass doors leading to the private seating of the restaurant, trying to get Trixie’s attention. She’d worn her fanciest mini dress and most expensive Louboutins in hopes of impressing her team. The table was large, maybe ten or eleven girls crowding around it. And in the back, she spotted Crystal.
Or did Crystal spot her? Because they were making eye contact— holy shit they were making eye contact and Crystal was the prettiest girl ever what the fuck? Gigi gulped as someone else, a girl she didn’t recognize, let her in.
“Hey! Here to meet with The Methyd team?”
“Mhm,” Gigi nodded, air kissing the other woman. “Gigi Goode.”
“Oh, awesome! I’m Rock M Sakura, one of the makeup artists,” the shorter girl grinned at Gigi, her appearance reminding the model of a magical girl anime. “But you can just call me Rock.”
“Rock? What’s that short for?”
“Rock and Roll, baby,” she made a face and sat back down at the table, leaving Gigi to giggle and flick her eyes around to find an empty spot.
Of course the only one left was right next to Crystal.
And of course Crystal was smiling at her the entire time she walked to the seat.
“Hey, you’re Gigi right?” The designer asked, making the model blush at the fact that she knew her name. 
“Good morning, it’s an honor to meet you Ms. Methyd.”
“Ah jeez, just call me Crystal! We don’t use last names here,” Crystal motioned to the laughing girls around the dinner table. “It looks like everyone’s here actually, we can finally introduce ourselves!”
Gigi glanced at Trixie, who was sitting close by, her facial expression reading “is this girl always this sweet and peppy?” The manager caught her eye and shot her back a look that said “yes.” 
Crystal tapped a wine glass, garnering everyone’s attention. “Everyone, thank you all for coming to start this journey with me,” the designer started, a grin wide across her lips. “I know we’re all gonna make an amazing team, we just have to, uh, know each other’s names first?” Everyone chuckled lightly. Crystal looked towards Gigi with a sparkle in her eye. “Why don’t you start?”
Gigi took a breath, wanting to make sure her expression was stone-cold. “Nice to meet you all, I’m Gigi Goode, I just arrived from Los Angeles, I’ll be modeling.”
Crystal smiled, beckoning the rest to introduce themselves.
“My name is Jackie Cox, I came in from New York not too long ago, and I’m your backstage coordinator!”
“Bonsoir, I am Nicky Doll from Paris, obviously. I’ll be modeling as well.”
“Hey y’all, I’m Trixie Mattel, which you probably already knew, because I got you all here, because I’m your modeling manager.”
“The name is Jaida Essence Hall, and I’ve been modeling with Fatelle for some time now. I’m looking forward to working with Miss Methyd.”
“Hi, my name’s Rock M Sakura, just got here from San Francisco!  I’ll be your assistant makeup artist!”
“Raven. Lead makeup artist.” 
Now this chick seemed… off. She was extremely out of place amongst the rest of the girls in the group. She was just sitting there, glaring at the rest of the crew and almost… taking in information? Her face was sharp and beautiful, but her eyes pierced through Gigi’s soul as she, for some reason, stared her down. They moved on.
“I’m Plastique Tiara, I’ll also be a model. I can’t wait to start!”
“Hey there, I’m Brooke Lynn Hytes, if you’re Canadian, you know me. I’ll be helping get you guys outfits and hair stylists.”
“Ugh, great to meet y’all! I’m Jan Sport, I’m another model!”
There was only one girl left, thankfully, and only one more name to remember. “Hey, I’m Dahlia Sin. I’ll obviously be modeling.”
Crystal rubbed her hands together excitedly. “Yay! Now that we all know each other, hopefully the waiter’s coming sooooon!”
The table murmured in agreement, returning back to their previous conversations.
“It’s so nice to meet you, Gigi,” Jackie said from her left. Nicky peeked over her shoulder and nodded, flashing a gorgeous smile.
“The pleasure is all mine!” Gigi replied. “I can’t wait to try some authentic French cuisine,” she liked her lips.
“That’s right, you just got off the plane!” Crystal exclaimed. 
Gigi confirmed. “How long have you been staying here?”
“Oh gosh, not long, maybe a month or two. Most of this team has only been working at Fatelle for less than a year.”
“Except moi!” Nicky’s thick accent interjected, an eyebrow raised playfully. “And Raven. Jaida’s probably been here just over a year. But yeah, apart from us, even Trixie’s a baby.” 
Raven seemed to sense her name being spoken, but only tossed them a glance before returning to typing on her phone. Trixie was enthralled in some deep phone convo, the hard worker never seeming to catch a break.
“Oh, I just can’t wait to start! These designs have been in my head for years and they finally get to see the light of day on my amazing models!” Crystal gushed. The passion for her work seemed to be flowing out of each word she spoke, the radiant positivity infectious. 
“We’re so excited to see you succeed, Crys,” Jan quickly complimented before returning to an apparently intense debate with Brooke and Dahlia. 
Gigi noticed the waiter walk in through the glass door to take their drink orders, the model smiling at the thought of finally getting some real food in her. The only thing she’d been eating for the past 48 hours were shitty plane meals and junky snacks to try and make it through the thirteen hour joint flight. 
When the door was open, however, Gigi couldn’t help but notice three distant figures sauntering down the restaurant hall. They looked super important, super rich. They must have been supermodels, but she couldn’t tell from how far away she was.
Jackie caught her line of sight. “You know them, right?” She asked, an edge of malice in her tone.
“I couldn’t exactly see who they were, but I’m sure I’d know of them.”
“They’re some bad business,” Jackie grunted. 
“Really? Who are they?”
“Those are just some of the other models. Aquaria, Valentina, and Naomi Smalls,” Crystal explained, making Gigi’s eyes widen.
“No way! They’re insanely famous! Isn’t Aquaria supposed to take over the company or something?” Gigi raved.
“That’s up for debate,” Nicky rolled her eyes. “It sure looks like it, though.”
“If Mean Girls was real life, Aquaria is Regina, Naomi is Gretchen, and Valentina is Karen,” Jackie said. “And don’t you dare try to become Cady.”
Gigi laughed. “I won’t, I promise. I like you all too much.”
“Their people are another beast altogether,” Nicky spat. “One that we’ve been trying to conquer, but they’re just so full of themselves they can’t see past their own noses.”
“They’re working for Fatelle Official, so they’re doing something right,” Crystal tried to reason. 
“Well, I’m working for The Methyd, which is gonna be bigger than Fatelle. I can just feel it,” Gigi grinned. Crystal laughed airily, a tinge of red hitting her cheeks.
“Thanks, Gig!” 
Gigi couldn’t help but blush once again at the cute nickname Crystal has already begun to use. They all placed their drink orders, and Gigi managed to converse with Crystal without exploding. The older girl was dressed in a sparkly cocktail dress, with bright colored eyeshadow and thick eyeliner. Her hair was curly and mouse-brown, and it framed her face while flaring out in the back. Crystal was dastardly gorgeous, with twinkling eyes, a tiny nose, and lips ever-curved into a smile. Thank god it was normal to look at someone while they talked to you, because Gigi couldn’t stop looking at Crystal.
Gigi sipped the mixed drink that was brought to her at last, while Crystal looked at her with a playful smirk. 
“Have you ever thought about going blonde?”
“Ha! Maybe? Why?”
“One, you’d look good. Two, I’ve been wanting to go redhead but I don’t want to come for your brand!”
Gigi laughed heartily, wiping a bit of drink off her lip. “I’ll have to think about it!”
“If you do it, do it before the show!”
“And do it at a hairdresser,” a voice said at the other end of the table. It was quiet and barely audible over the chatter of the other women, but Gigi realized Raven had been listening to their conversation. She made eye contact with the older woman and grew hot, her gaze making Gigi anxious and want to look away. She nodded at Raven and turned back to Crystal, cringing.
“What’s her deal?”
“Raven’s?” Crystal bit her lip, not entirely comfortable with the makeup artist’s presence either. “The higher ups said she needed to work with us since everyone was new, and she is the best makeup artist in the city, really,” she shrugged. “I couldn’t say no.”
Gigi nodded in understanding. “She keeps looking at us.”
“I know,” Crystal chuckled. “But I mean, who wouldn’t want to look at you?”
The model turned bright red, rubbing the back of her neck. “Thank you, Crystal. It… means a lot coming from you.”
It was the designer’s turn to blush, and for a few moments the two sat in awkward silence before they were interrupted by the waiter taking their orders. Gigi hadn’t even looked at the menu— she was too busy talking, so she just ordered whatever Crystal got. 
Gigi knew, even from the short time she’d spent with her new friends, that she was in for a wild ride. And she knew something was up with Raven, Aquaria, Valentina, Naomi, and Adore, and she was going to get to the bottom of it before Fashion Week was over.
It was 11:58 PM when Raven opened the great wooden doors to the study, shutting them gently behind herself. She spotted Violet Chachki perched on the desk as usual, smoking a cigarette from a holder ring. Violet shot the makeup artist a look before clearing her throat.
“Darling, Raven’s here.”
In a movie-like scene, the huge velvet chair behind the oak desk spun around, revealing a disinterested Miss Fame. She too, was smoking a cigarette, but in a much less dramatic fashion than her assistant. 
“So?” She pressed.
“You definitely want that Gigi girl. And you want Methyd, too.”
“Right. And?”
“You’re in luck, because apparently they’re a package deal.”
Violet grinned, glancing to her lover who seemed to share the same sentiment. The designer and the model. The CEO and the burlesque dancer.
Fame looked back to Raven, stubbing out her cigarette with her own finger.
 “History repeats itself, it seems.”
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indigosandviolets · 4 years
Heyyy if you are still doing inglorious basterds requests could you write something about like how the basterds proposed/why they decided to propose? Love your writing btw!!!
softtt shittt ohhh my god
Aldo Raine
i feel like Aldo, the southern charmer that he is, would probably go for the classic multiple location proposal
like he takes you out to all of your favorite places throughout the day
he decided to propose because you two have been together for about three years and he knew he couldn’t be happier with anyone else
and all of the places you go to are like super significant or where silly events happened
like the restaurant where you had your first date after the war, the beach where you two got chased by a seagull, even the bar where you two got piss drunk and had a very interesting conversation with a cab driver
and at the end he takes you home, makes you wait in the living room for the last surprise, and he comes back holding a picture
it’s of you and the rest of the Basterds, and there you two are in the middle, with his arm wrapped around your shoulders and your head tilted towards his
“Aldo, where’d you get-“
at this time you realize he’s on one knee
and you drop the picture and you almost cry
of course you nod yes and he gets up, puts the ring on your finger, and holds you while you try to stop crying even though he doesn’t mind
knowing that he’s gonna be the man who gets to marry you? he’d be more than willing to let you cry on him for as long as you need to
Donny Donowitz
for all intents and purposes, let’s pretend that the Sox won the World Series in 1946 alright?
you two went to the last game. it was right after you two got back from Europe and it was super intense — it was tied all the way up until the last inning where Teddy Williams knocked it out the park
there’s screaming everywhere, and you two are so excited and happy that he picks you up, spins you, and the holds you there for a second with your legs wrapped around his waist
and you looked so beautiful and happy in that moment, over the screaming, he knows he has to ask
“Do you want to get married?”
“Do I — yes, you crazy bitch, yes!”
“Yes! Two fuckin’ home runs in one day!”
you guys got casual shut the fuck up looks from everyone around you but you didn’t care
cause now you’re getting married
you ended up getting a ring after the game, and it was very simple. the more intricate thing was Donny getting a baseball from Fenway Park with the date on it
he wrote your names in sharpie underneath because he’s not the classiest of guys but it’s still incredibly heart felt
Hugo Stiglitz
so you and Stiglitz were together for about a year before you got engaged
this is because it took your parents a little while to get used to Stiglitz being...Stiglitz
they were eventually comfortable around him and started to like him when he asked about the prospects of marriage
because you two had been thinking about it
instead of doing the traditional thing and asking the father for your hand, he asked your mother because she knows you the best
instead of a ring, she gave Stiglitz her necklace that had been given to her by your father on their first anniversary
her entire thing was you better treat my daughter right or i’ll fuck you up
he ends up getting down on one knee while you’re on a walk the next day
and you were a little surprised by the necklace until you recognized it
“Hugo, is that—“
“Your mother’s? Yes.”
“Oh my god. Oh my g o d. Yes, yes, of course.”
Wilhelm Wicki
so you guys weren’t initially planning on getting married married lmao
like you were going to spend your lives together and you both knew that, so a legal marriage wasn’t really what you were worried about
until you got pregnant
you two had been together for almost seven years at this point so you weren’t surprised
but your parents were PISSED because you weren’t married and that was a whole issue
so one day while you were asleep he got up very early in the morning and went and got you a ring
but when he tried to get back in bed without waking you up, he woke you up
“Wicki? What are you doing up?”
“Go back to sleep, it’s alright.”
Instead of doing that, you role over and look at him
“You’ve been out for an hour. What’s wrong?”
He looks at you, thinks for a moment, and then pulls out the ring. “Everything except you. Since everyone is already thinking about it, let’s do it on our own accord. Will you marry me?”
“Wicki, I love you. I love you so much. Holy shit.”
“Is that a yes?”
“Yeah, Wicki, that’s a yes.”
Smithson Utivich
you and Utivich were together for two years when he proposed
he did it right after Operation Kino
well not right after but as soon as you two were over American lines and riding in the douche and a half
“How the hell did we make it out of this?”
“I don’t know. But I’m glad we did.”
you two are holding hands the whole time
and Aldo is driving and he sees how nervous Uti is and this guy says, “Jesus, Utivich, just ask her.”
so he does
“Do you want to get married?”
“Yeah, I do.”
“To me?”
“That’s implied, Utivich.”
he doesn’t have a ring on him, but of course Aldo had a brilliant idea. he had a bottle cap and (WHILE DRIVING) and cut out a hole to serve as a makeshift ring until you two got back to England
and why is Aldo a part of this, you may ask? well, Aldo has been rooting for the two you since the day you guys met. those are just the facts.
Gerold Hirschberg
you two got engaged about six months after the end of the war
Hirschberg sent you on a scavenger hunt type deal with sticky notes around your house and in your work
it started in the kitchen with a note on the coffee pot to your car to the typewriter in your office to the inside of your lunch box, each with notes about how much he really loves you
and then the last one was on the front door and it told you to go to the back porch for your final sticky
and low and behold Hirschberg is there with a fancy dinner all set up
so you two eat and you ask about the final sticky note cause you’re curious damnit
and he hands it over, and it’s a little crumpled, but it reads, ‘Will you marry me?’
and you look up and you see that he’s not in his seat anymore but he’s on his knee, with a ring
“Gerry, you — yes, I’ll marry you.”
and after he puts the ring on you tell him, “You could’ve asked me without the whole note thing, you know.”
“But it got you curious, and now we’re engaged.”
“That we are.”
Omar Ulmer
okay so you and Omar didn’t really have a proper proposal?
you had been together for four years after his confession of love right before Operation Kino and you were already planning a future together
and one day you two are cuddling on the couch in the morning and he just asks about it nonchalantly
“Hey, Y/N?”
“You wanna get married?”
“Sure. When?”
“Hmm. What dates work for you?”
“June 6th is free.”
“I think my schedule fits with that.”
“Great. What time works for you?”
“Anytime you want.”
very casual but very loving and i think that’s the kind of guy Omar is
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sungchan-luvr · 4 years
𝑹𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒏 - 𝑳𝒆𝒆 𝑯𝒂𝒆𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏
"'𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒎𝒐𝒐𝒏 𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒆𝒔, 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒔𝒖𝒏 𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒔 𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝒔𝒌𝒚 ♡"
Tumblr media
If it wasn't for the flickering light in the distance, I would have sworn that I had been attacked with a sudden rush of insomnia. My bed sheets were twisted around my body from my tossing and turning so often. All I really wanted was to get some rest. But with that light, it seemed almost impossible. I sighed. This was hopeless. I opened my eyes and saw the light once again flickering outside my window. The light was too distracting, making me unable to close my eyes and drift off to a dream-filled sleep. On, off, on, off. It was starting to get really annoying.
I turn towards my side table to look at my phone. The light of my phone slightly hurts my eye due to the sudden brightness. It was 2 am and I still couldn't sleep. While looking through my phone my stomach starts rumbling. "Ramen won't hurt right now" I thought to myself. I get out of bed, struggling cause of the blankets being wrapped around me. I throw on an oversized hoodie and walk out of my shared apartment. I was passed the flickering light silently cursing at it, hoping someone would fix it soon. I walk into the convenience store greeting the tired looking cashier, I grab a few chip packets for me and my roommate knowing that if i didn't get anything for her she would probably kill me. I walked to the ramen section, my favourite ramen caught my eye and there was only one left.
I was about to get the last pack of ramen when someone grabbed it at the same time. I didn't notice that there was another person in the store. I look beside me to see a boy with beautiful tan skin. He reminded me of the sun, golden and just beautiful. "Hey, I was going to take it...." I stuttered for some unknown reason. "I took it first" he said bluntly while walking away. I sigh, could this night get any worse. I walk up to the counter with just the packet of chips and a drink, I was about to leave the store when i heard someone call me. "Hey, you" said the same voice before but this time more friendly. "Im sorry bout how I acted before, you wanna share?". I was shocked by the sudden question, well was i going to say yes and eat my favourite ramen with a complete stranger who i didn't even know, or go back home wishing i could have had some ramen. "Uh..sure" i say hesitantly. "Its fine im not going to poison you, im good at making ramen." he said chuckling.  
I sat down across from him, it was kinda awkward at first. "Are you new around here, i haven't seen u around before" he lied. "Uh...nah me and my friend have been living here for 5 months now" i replied. "Oh thats a bummer, i could have showed u around" he mumbled softly not loud enough for me to hear. "Sorry what was that" i asked. "Oh nothing.. I'm Dong-hyuck but my friends call me Haechan, Full sun or God of Visuals (I mean that aint wrong bahah)" he replied joking bout the last part. "Hahah, that's nice, Im y/n y/l , just y/n l/n".  
"So why are u here eating ramen in the middle of night with a random stranger you dont know?", he questioned. "Well technically we aren't strangers anymore we are acquaintances", I replied back smartly as a joke. " Haha true,but really why, is everything okay?". "Yeh yeh its just im kinda stressed out lately, i recently just moved out with my friend, and we both are looking for part time jobs". "And not to mention that fucking light that wont stop blinking outside my window" I said answering his question. ".... haha whoops that might be my fault, me and my friends were walking down the street drunk on my birthday and I might have accidentally thrown something at the light" he replied laughing nervously.  I gave him a death glare. "Jk im not mad, anyway what bout u"? " Oh well i usually sleep late, my sleep cycle (whatever u call it) is kinda messed up when I don't have any sched- i mean when i dont have Uni. Plus Doyoung was being annoying as usual, he refused to make me something to eat and we ran out of ramen, so here i am. "D-doyoung?" I repeated slightly confused . "Ohhh....one of my roommates". I nodded slowly listening to the rest of what he was saying. But that name started lingering in my head. I swear to god the name Doyoung and Haechan sound so familiar. But where have i heard it before?
We continued talking for a long time, laughing and getting to know each other. We had plenty of things in common, he was really chill and was pretty nice. Unlike what I first thought when we "first met". Our conversation about how annoying our roommates were got interrupted when i got plenty of texts from my roommate herself. "y/n where tf r u. I got up to get a glass of water and you were gone. It fucking 4 in the morning" it read. Holy shit 4am already, i look at the top of my phone to see 4:09 displayed. "Omg im sooo sorry i have to go, i didn't realise the time, you should go to, im soo sorry" i apologised once again. "Hey its fine, again my sleep scheduled is pretty messed up im used to sleeping at this time". "Im not really that tired, do u mind if i walk u home, I dont wanna head back just yet" he replied kinda nervous. "Oh sure" i said smiling. I was glad I had company walking back.
We laughed along the way back to my apartment. I scolded him for being too loud, afraid we might disturb the people around at this time. "Shhh" i laughed while playfully hitting him . We arrived at my apartment and as i was about to head in...."Well then I hope to see u around, and hopefully next time I don't have to break the light to get your attention" he said quickly while quickly running away. And entering the apartment diagonally across the street. That's when it clicked.  
"Hey Haechan dude, look the girl you like just moved in across the street ", doyoung yelled loudly at Haechan as a joke trying to embarrass him. "Omg Doyoung you so fuckin annoying". "Im sorry bout him, he is joking, welcome to the neighbourhood btw" he yelled to me before pushing doyoung back inside. " Taeyong hyung Doyoung's being a little bitch again" haechan yelled inside the house. I just started laughing confused about what had just happened. Something inside  told me that moving here was one of the best decisions of my life but i dont know.
<<< Reality>>>
I laughed to myself quietly realising that i was right about how i had felt that day.I walked into my apartment, welcomed by my VERY confused roommate."Hey" i simply said. "Dont HEY me, Yah where were u, i thought u got kidnapped or something..." she kept rambling on. I started walking into my room. "Bro are u even listening to me, whats gotten into u" she asked while shaking her head going into her room. I laid in bed hugging my pillow while smiling like an idiot. I can finally fall asleep now, cause maybe I could "run into him" the next day.
- 𝑾𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒏 𝒃𝒚 𝑮
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septic-skele · 4 years
UT - Touch and Go
Summary:  Today is just like any other day. Papyrus intends to go about his business as usual—never mind his strange fatigue, or his terrible headache, or his voice giving out when he coughs. He'll deny anything is wrong until he can't anymore.
Papyrus awoke feeling strangely…slow-motion. His eye sockets felt gluey as they pried open, bones sluggish as he shifted with a raspy sigh. The first big stretch was a relief, untangling his legs from the blankets and cracking a long row of joints, but the next step was to muster himself and leap up for the day.
Which he did not do, to his own groggy surprise. Within seconds of waking up, his brilliant mind ought to be brimming with notions of chores, puzzles, friendship-making conversation topics. Due to all of this mental activity, he had never gotten much sleep; he was used to catching only fitful snatches of it, but he must have caught a few…fewer last night. Should that bother him?
His bed was so welcoming, so warm—warm enough that his magic was slightly sticky, in fact, radiating under the covers. It held a pleading invitation: snuggle down, stay cozy for just a little while longer.
The fleeting time he spent to consider it would have to suffice. It was sure to be a beautiful day outside and the great Papyrus was not one to waste it! No more wallowing about! Thus decided, he flung the blankets back, sparing just a second to give his bedframe a fond pat as thanks for its offer of comfort and support.
His legs creaked as he rose, still resistant, so he stretched again, popping his ankles and toes for good measure before shoving them into his boots. He would need to put a little more backbone into his morning run. Only because Sans wasn’t there to see, he chuckled at the thought, swallowing a dry tickle that surfaced with it.
Gloves, firmly tugged! Scarf, expertly wrapped! (It was oddly chilly in here. Not something Papyrus was prone to notice, yet he noticed today.) His battle body was heavy on his shoulders and spine, heavy with the weight of responsibility. He had to be ready for anything.
The household chores were simple enough, though Papyrus could feel those minutes he’d spent lollygagging now pressing at his back. Today of all days, when a human finally arrived and he found glory and honor in their capture, he couldn’t afford to be late! If he only started one load of laundry and skimped ever so slightly on brushing crumbs from Sans’ side of the couch, no one would notice.
He had no lungs to be out of breath as he set up the pot for breakfast. The illusion of his gasping was probably just nervous energy from his reserves to keep him alert. While useful for a potential battle later, it did prove distracting. The steam fogging his battle body made him fidget, abruptly aware of the damp heat and the ill-fit places it pinched.
Patrol would offer him plenty of time in the nice, cool weather, he reminded himself patiently. And perhaps if all went well, King Asgore would soon award him a splendorous suit of armor like Undyne’s.
The spaghetti hissed and spat irritably, breaking him out of his thoughts. As he hurriedly stirred, he found himself coming to a sinking realization. These noodles didn’t…sit right, somehow. They didn’t create that pleasant curl of satisfaction in his nonexistent stomach. Was it right to say that he felt not hungry at the sight of them?
Well, it was only because the standards he set for his breakfast were so high! He could make an even better batch later. For now, he could safely assume Sans, compliant as he was, would eat this anyway. It was about time he got up.
“Broth—!” Papyrus began, startled as a few sharp coughs broke him off. With a slight wince he cleared his tight throat and turned down the stovetop. The steam must have grown too thick. “Brother! Rise and shine, you lazybones! I, Papyrus, have concocted a delicious breakfast as a great start to your day! I won’t see you missing out!”
As much as he loved the sound of his own voice, its reverb stirred an unfamiliar song in his head—a plodding set of drums that tromped just behind his eye sockets. He didn’t care much for the beat, but he could rationalize that it was better than Sans’ trombone.
The song continued its pace as he rolled his brother out of bed and spooned up a plateful for him. Because it was more polite to dine in company, he relented and took a bite or two himself.
It was…an experience! he decided, his smile wrenching. One he might have lived his life bereft of, if he hadn’t taken a brave step to try new things! Sans was less adventurous, sucking a single noodle through his teeth.
“Wow, Pap. That’s really something,” he admitted, and for once Papyrus could see that Sans was doing him a kindness by saying so little.
It was something. A pulpy, slimy something that seemed to get tangled up in Papyrus’ mouth the more he chewed. To the rhythm of the drums his jaw twinged for mercy, but nothing bested Papyrus, certainly not something of his own creation.
“Well,” he mustered as he finally got it down, gripping the edge of the table to help himself to his feet. “A sampler is more than enough for me to savor this unique taste. Humans wait for no scheduled meals. I need to get an early start.”
One of the noodles must have tickled the right bone; he muffled another cough against his glove, trying to dislodge the new little ball of pressure sitting behind his breastbone.
Surprisingly Sans perked up at the noise. “You okay?”
“Nyeheh. I’m more than ‘okay’; you of all people know that I am great.” It was a common response; even if he didn't give it his usual gusto, the familiarity would ease his brother’s mind.
Idly twirling his fork around his plate, Sans watched Papyrus shove the pot of leftovers into the fridge with the rest. He didn’t inquire again, which must mean he was properly reassured. There was no reason to fear in the first place. Papyrus would be great regardless of any challenges!
The frigid air seeping from the refrigerator felt lovely, even if it made him shudder. He lingered there, letting it wash over his sore joints until he recalled: Creaky. Exercise to shake it off.
“Finish your plate, Sans,” he urged distractedly, rubbing down his stiff forearms as he left. (How Sans finished the plate—perhaps with the assistance of the sink disposal—he left intentionally vague.)
The jog through town took longer than Papyrus cared to admit. He was pacing himself. It had nothing to do with the battle body slamming against his collarbone or the drumbeat matching his every step, and it certainly had nothing to do with an almighty slipping and crashing as snow shifted to ice underneath him.
A singular wave of pain had rippled through his body, paralyzing him where he lay sprawled on his back. Had he landed somewhere more discreet, he would have been perfectly content to stay there until the throbbing subsided. It was only the snickering of the nearby teenagers that urged him frantically back to his feet.
“It was deliberate!” he blustered, voice cracking. “It was…” He might have come up with some cover story about wanting to see them laugh, using a pratfall as lowbrow humor to cheer them, but without any warning the snowflakes were dotted with dizzying grays and blacks. Swaying, he trailed off and focused instead on regaining his posture.
“You alright, dear? That looked like quite a tumble!” the shopkeeper remarked as she passed.
“Yes, yes, I’m fine!” he stammered, so loud, teeth clacking in some attempt at a grin. “Nothing brings the great Papyrus down for long! A-As for my tumbling, I must give it 110% of my effort, as I give everything else!”
With that he soldiered on, slush making itself at home in his boots. It wasn’t miserable, just uncomfortable enough. He wasn’t used to temperature having such an effect on him; skeletons weren’t meant to notice it. How could his magic be buzzing with the chill when his ribs and spine felt so trapped and clammy in his chest plate? Just as quickly as the thought occurred to take it off, it was smacked away. Ridiculous. He was on the job! He couldn’t be seen as anything less than professional!
That fall had disoriented him. He shot down the muffled voice of Sans in the back of his head giving rise to a pun about being “rattled.” It was far overused but it would have been a good descriptor nonetheless. His footing wobbled now with the unsteady rise and fall of the snowdrifts around him, but he didn’t let it stop him. By the time he reached his puzzle, his equilibrium had settled to a low seesawing.
Gaze sweeping the work ahead of him, he let out a low, hoarse breath. Perhaps with peace and quiet to address his passion project, he could settle his jittery nerves.
“Ohhh, it’s you. Took you long enough to get here and help me!”
Ah. Jerry.
“I have, like, no idea how this puzzle works,” the lumpy monster complained before Papyrus could even think of a greeting. “I don’t have fifty hands! What, are you supposed to bring fifty more people along to activate all those switches at once? As if!”
The wormy gesticulating of his arms was already reminding Papyrus of that bad mouthful at breakfast. Swallowing a sour essence, he decided to take Jerry’s words as backhanded praise and hiked his wan smile up a little. “Yes, it is quite a conundrum, isn’t it? A human will surely be flummoxed by my ingenuity.”
“I don’t care about that! It’s totally in the way.”
“Yes, that…that hasn’t escaped my notice either. That is the intention: to ensure a human may go no further so I, the great Papyrus, can capt—”
“Psh, why even bother, though? A human’s probably never gonna fall down here anyway; basically all your loser puzzles are doing is making life harder for the rest of us! I’m just trying to get from point A to point B. The wi-fi’s better over there! If you were actually good at these things, you’d pass around, like, solution guides for monsters or set up some kind of invisible trap so it wouldn’t be such an eyesore…”
Never one to turn down feedback, Papyrus nodded along, trying to make mental notes of his critique, but as the comments went on and on, Jerry’s grating voice turned the drumbeat in his skull into a full marching band.
“I shall take stock of such things the moment I get the chance!” he spoke out over the din at last, eye sockets twitching in the effort not to grimace. “You said before that you required my aid?”
“Well, duh! You built the thing, didn’t you? Solve it for me so I can get by!”
Papyrus didn’t overlook how the other Snowdin residents reacted to Jerry’s presence—negatively, by all measures. Even Sans did more than a fair share of muttering and eye-rolling at Jerry’s antics, but Papyrus was a gracious and tolerant monster. More than that, he felt a sort of kinship with him. Being an outcast was a lonely affair and Papyrus was certain that he and Jerry both had unseen potential that recognition, kindness and friendship could reveal in time.
That being said, Papyrus was distinctly not at peak friendship ability today.
“You know how to solve your own puzzle, don’t you?” Jerry sneered.
“Obviously! As you said yourself, I am the mastermind behind it!” he shot back with just a flash of indignation. “Come, come, witness the mystifying genius that I’ve laid befo—” He coughed. “Before—” He coughed again, twice, thrice. As that one caught, it wrenched the next out before its time, which triggered the one after that. Before he quite realized what was happening, he was almost doubled over, hacking into his gloves. Jerry, for his part, recoiled in disgust.
“Eww, dude! Wash your hands!” he spat hypocritically, scurrying back the way he had come.
For the first time Papyrus wished that he was a monsterkind equipped with lungs. If he had been, perhaps he could have made better use of the broken wheezes he snatched. Drawing too much air too soon only scratched at his throat and he gagged again. It was a relentless loop of gasping, then gagging, and his eye sockets were on fire. Come to think of it, every bone in his body was burning.
“S—” he croaked. He wasn’t sure if he stumbled toward or away from Sans’ voice; the gray and black snowflakes had returned, blotting out his vision.
Perhaps he was already falling and hadn’t noticed or Sans was taking preventative measures, but a blue tug on his soul caught fast and helped him down to the ground without another rough impact. For that he was grateful. Next nimble fingers were on the seams of his battle body, collapsing it away from his shoulders, but even that relief didn’t help him settle the fit.
“Shh, shh, shh. Don’t try to talk,” Sans ordered, torn between patting or rubbing circles into his back. “Geez, you’re burning up. In through the nasal bone…In, in…And hold it, as long as you can. Cover your mouth if that helps you keep that breath, okay? And…out. Let it out slow.”
Papyrus’ shoulders lurched violently as he struggled to choke back the next cough laced into his exhale. In a blurry panic he shook his head, water stinging his eyes.
“I know, Pap, I know. Slowly. In…and hold. Long as you can. The cough’ll calm down as soon as you do. Freaking out makes it worse. In…Hold it.” His hand went still against Papyrus’ spine, bracing him as he trembled. “I’ve gotcha.”
It would be comforting if it weren’t so humiliating! Wild thoughts scattered through his thundering skull. What if other monsters came along and saw him like this, unable to wrest back control? What if the teenagers laughed? What if he just couldn’t make it stop?
Forget the humiliation. Sans’ palm was comforting. It stayed right there with him as he dragged in a real breath and strangled it into submission. His soul was racing.
“…And out,” his brother coaxed. He obeyed, slowly, slowly, like a balloon deflating from a tiny pinprick. It took three more attempts, almost four, before the raging fire in his ribs surrendered, dying down into bitter crackling.
Blinking stars from his vision, Papyrus sat in an exhausted, shivering haze. Sans was staring at him expectantly, perhaps wondering if he needed to put any more effort into this.
“You’ve done enough. I’m okay now,” Papyrus wanted to say, but only the faintest trickle of noise petered out.
Furthermore, if he had to be honest…he wasn’t okay.
About time he surrendered too.
He slumped, tiredly hoping, and Sans blessedly obliged, shuffling sideways to support Papyrus’ head against his shoulder. His jacket smelled less than terrific, but the fluff and padding were nice against his flushed cheekbone. The cool fingers scratching gently at the back of his neck helped too, soothing its whiplashed sensation.
“I’ve gotcha,” Sans repeated, softer.
He was in capable hands.
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atths--twice · 4 years
The next few chapters are longer and this just feels like it needs to be posted today. It’s a happy bit of fluff and love and something I wish we had seen. Hell, I wish we had seen ALL of this, but hey.. that’s what fic is for, right? 
Chapter Forty 
Coming Home 
Mulder and Scully have some things to tend to, and things to tell one another, before they begin their journey back home together. 
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March 2018
Mulder drove the car with Scully beside him, unable to keep the grin off his face. He had been indescribably happy for the past two days, and he did not see that changing anytime soon.
“You could at least attempt to stop grinning like a fool,” Scully said, looking at him with a smile of her own.
“No can do there, Scully,” he said with a shake of his head. “Not a chance I could rein this in.” She laughed and shook her head, while he grinned wider.
“You know that feeling you got the first time you kissed someone? And you thought about it for days after, as if nothing could top it?” he asked and she nodded, raising her eyebrows. “And then you do it again and it’s even better, and you think nothing could top that. But then you have sex for the first time and … whoa.” He shook his head, spreading his hands for emphasis, and she laughed. “But then, you have sex again, and it’s even better? You know that feeling?” He glanced at her and she nodded, a huge smile on her face. “Well, all of that doesn’t even begin to measure how I feel right now. So, no, I cannot attempt to stop my smile.”
She laughed and shook her head again. “Wow. You’re really working at trying to get laid, aren't you?” she teased, and he waved a dismissive hand at her.
“Psssh, that’s in the bag. I’m not concerned about that, it’s a done deal,” he shrugged and grinned.
“Oh, really? You know that for a fact, huh?” she asked, grinning at him.
“Oh yeah. No worries there. I mean, have you seen this?” He pulled at the dark grey t-shirt he wore and wiggled his eyebrows at her. Her eyes roamed over him, and she raised her eyebrows at him.
“Mm-hmm, I’ve definitely seen it,” she said with a wink.
“Then you know, and I know. So, yeah, it’s in the bag.” He let go of the shirt, winked, and took her hand in his, once more grinning like a fool.
“Well played, Agent Mulder.”
“Why, thank you, Agent Scully.” He nodded, and she laughed, squeezing his hand.
They were on their way to Alan’s house. The work had finished while they were recently in New York and now they had to inspect it and Scully needed to sign all the remaining paperwork. A delivery truck was scheduled to meet them there, bringing the items Scully needed to replace, and then they were packing up any of her remaining items. After the house, they were headed to the hotel to pick up her things, before heading home.
Home. Finally.
Mulder looked over at her again and shook his head, happy and feeling incredibly lucky to have her in his life. To have this second, God no, more like his millionth chance to be with her. This time was going to be better.
When they pulled up to the house, he let go of her hand and turned off the car. They both got out and walked to the front door, finding Gary just inside the house, on the phone. He waved to them and motioned for them to head down the hall. Mulder followed her down to the bedroom where she stood and sighed as she looked around. The room looked great, everything was repaired and ready for the items that would soon be delivered.
“Hey there. Good afternoon,” Gary said as he walked into the room. “Looks better than the last time you saw it, eh?” Scully turned to him and nodded with a smile. “We had to rewire the room and repair the alarm system. The carpets, walls, window. It’s been a big job, but it looks good.”
“You did a great job,” Scully agreed and looked around again. “Hard to tell there was any damage at all.” She sighed and looked back at Gary. “Okay, let’s go see what this damage will cost me.”
“Us,” Mulder said, and Scully turned to look at him. “What it will cost us.” She stared at him and sighed as Gary wisely gave them some space. “This was mostly my fault, so I should be the one paying.”
She shook her head and turned toward the door. “Really seeing just how much that t-shirt will get you, huh?” She raised her eyebrows at him, and he grinned as she walked out of the room. As she did, through the new bedroom window, he saw the delivery truck pull up and he went outside to meet them.
The next few hours were spent unloading and arranging furniture, cleaning out closets, packing and loading up their car, and cleaning the house. The delivery guys and Gary left sometime before Scully was ready to leave. She wanted to be sure everything was in perfect condition.Alan was coming home in two days, and she was nervous over the appearance of the house. 
“Scully, it looks nearly identical to how it was before, stop worrying,” Mulder said as she walked the house once more, tweaking the position of a chair or moving a bowl on the coffee table. “Besides, considering how angry he could have been, Alan was incredibly understanding.”
“I know, Mulder,” she sighed and shrugged her shoulders. “Of all the responses he could have given, hearing his gleeful laughter was not one I was expecting.” She shook her head, and Mulder smiled, remembering her look of astonishment when Alan had called back and she explained what happened. He could hear Alan laughing through the phone, and Scully looked at Mulder with wide eyes.
“I’m looking forward to meeting him soon.” Mulder laughed as she began to shut off the lights, seemingly satisfied with everything, finally.
“Yeah, that will be an interesting day,” she said with a grin and then paused, an odd look crossing her face.
“You okay?” he asked, frowning at her, as he stepped closer. She closed her eyes and put her hand to her mouth, shaking her head and taking a deep breath.
“Ohhh … yeah I’m okay. Probably just doing too much, and I haven’t really eaten today. Think I’ll grab some of those rosemary crackers from the box in the car when we leave, then we could grab some food on the way to the hotel?” she asked with a small smile as he searched her face for any other signs of discomfort. “I’m okay. I just need to eat.” He nodded slowly, and they looked around once more before she set the alarm and closed the door.
“One down, one to go,” she said quietly as she reached for his hand. He squeezed it and grinned at her.
They grabbed a bite to eat from a taco place she liked, before heading to the hotel, Scully seeming to feel better after she had eaten. Packing up the hotel room was much faster, the majority of her things repacked into suitcases and travel bags. The items she brought from her mother’s house, were put back in a box and set by the door. Once everything was ready, they loaded up a luggage trolley and Mulder pushed it down the hall.
Scully sighed beside him and he glanced over at her, asking her questions with his eyes. She smiled softly and touched his back. “Two down. Now we go home.” He pulled her to him as they waited for the elevator to do just that; begin their journey home.  
The drive to the house was quiet, but her hand on his knee and head on his shoulder was not. Her fingers circled slowly around and around his knee, not overtly sexual, but it was definitely arousing him.
“Are you happy, Mulder?” she asked softly when they were almost home.
“Am I happy?” he echoed back in surprise. “After all I said this morning? First kiss, first sexual experience, all that?” She exhaled a small laugh and then sighed. “Are … are you happy, Scully?” His worries suddenly sky high.
“Mmm,” she hummed, her hand holding his thigh, her thumb rubbing softly. “Christmas morning, first and last day of school, first time having good sex, and first time really falling in love. Real love that can’t be stopped or denied. Does that answer your question?” He smiled and covered her hand, holding her fingers tight.
“Show off,” he said, bringing her fingers to his lips and kissing them as she chuckled.
They pulled up the driveway a few minutes later, and he stopped the car, turning off the engine. She lifted her head from his shoulder and turned to look at him. Staring at each other, they both took a deep breath. She squeezed his hand, and he kissed her lightly on the lips.
“I love you,” he whispered.
“I am very much aware,” she answered and he pulled back to look at her. She moved her hands to hold his face and smiled. “I love you, Mulder. Your stubbornness and relentlessness makes you who you are, and it’s why I fell in love with you-”
“Scully …” he said softly, wanting to apologize and fix the things that happened as a result of those specific traits.
“Mulder, I know. Things will be different, they already are. It is who you are and those traits can, have, and will continue to be used for good. It’s how I like my Mulder,” she whispered with a smile. He stared at her and sighed as her thumbs stroked his lips, and he closed his eyes.
“This is the beginning, Mulder,” she whispered. “When we cross that threshold, it’s a new beginning, and I welcome it. It’s the reparation we need and deserve. Four years to get back here … we’ve figured it out and come out on the other side, better than we were before.” He took a deep shaky breath and nodded, opening his eyes to look into hers. She smiled, and he kissed her softly, her thumbs stroking his face.
He pulled back and smiled at her, kissing her once more before taking the keys from the ignition and getting out of the car. Scully started to walk to the back of the car and begin unloading it, but he stopped her, taking her hand and leading her up the stairs.
“Mulder, the car-”
“It’ll keep,” he said, locking their fingers together and stopping at the door. He looked at her and sighed, reaching for her other hand. She smiled and gripped tightly to him.
“This spot, right here,” he said quietly, looking down and she followed his eyes, before looking up again. “I fell to my knees as I watched you leave. I don’t know how long I stayed here, but … when I stood up, it felt like my heart was gone and prepared to stay here, waiting for yours to return. I swear to God, I could hear it mocking me constantly. Some fucked up version of Poe that I both hated and welcomed. I needed it, needed the reminder any time I left the house, that something was missing and yet remained.” He let go of her hands to wipe her eyes and hold her face in his hands. “Today, Scully, today I welcome it back, as we take this step forward together.” She took a deep breath and nodded, holding his wrists.
Moving his hands and pulling her to him, he held her before they opened the door  and entered their home together. It was almost as though he could feel his heart coming back to him as they stood close together. A spot that was once a source of sadness, now would bring happiness. She pulled him closer, her arms tight around his waist, and he held her tightly.
Everything in the car could wait, the only thing he needed was right there in his arms. The contents of the car could, in fact, disappear for all it mattered to him. So long as she was there, their hearts healing together and finding their way home at last, nothing else was of importance.
Thinking of them packing up, going home, and reconnecting the past to the present makes me incredibly happy. I love them finally in the place they need to be.
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universal-kitty · 5 years
Commission for @robotarmjokes!! Based on prompt 12 from this ask meme.    “Look into my eyes, what do you see?”
Commissions are still open! Check my prices [Here].
   On one hand, the lighter workload was nice. Things had mostly calmed down for Atlas and whether it would be a false sense of security or a true moment of peace didn’t matter to Rhys much...or DL, honestly. A break was a break and they needed it more than anything else right now. Even if it was just a short time, some time to get her head back together would be much appreciated.
   If she was gonna be honest with herself... The work she’d gotten buried in recently? Well, without a proper break, the anxiety of recent times had skyrocketed. Should she be taking breaks? Probably! But what was a little more paperwork? A little more keystrokes to finish up the most recent report... It always didn’t seem to be like such a bad thing until D found herself waking up in the morning still feeling like she’d been working overnight, anyways. That should’ve been a sign of a breakdown to come, but... Well.
   D was a notoriously hard worker, after all. Even her husband would find himself hard pressed to get her to lay off... Though what else would he be doing with his free time?
   When he met her for lunch, it was a pleasant day on Pandora. A rare occasion, indeed; it wasn’t considered the “murder planet” for no reason, after all! To find a day where it was quiet, the sun warm instead of blistering, and only the sound of wind? No gunshots? Lucky day! At least, Rhys was sure of the feeling, even if D seemed a little spacey, hand in hand as they walked over to a different part of Atlas that... Well, it MIGHT look like shopping mall, but-! That was totally not his intent! Don’t look at him like that!!
   “...but that’s when I realized how balmy the weather was! I didn’t know Pandora could have decent temperatures,” he prattled on, completely unfazed by D’s quiet nature today. He was a rambler by nature, she liked it, and until she said otherwise, he’d keep this train a’going. “I mean, maybe I would’ve if I checked in with R&D more, but why? Aren’t they the ones who are supposed to be giving me papers? Why should I have to go down there...?” A pause. “Well, suppose it might because I have a stack of papers on my desk, but maybe emails would be better, right? What else is the ECHOnet for?!”
   “Hmm,” D hummed, assuring her rambling husband he was being listened to. It wasn’t a full listen, but there was this report of a notable gang leader who’d moved into the system a few weeks ago, so if she could fill out two more sections when she got back and then have a personal recon mission to get in the loop, then perhaps--
   “...though I think the craziest thing I’ve heard all day- heh- was that one of my accountants, right? Apparently, he’d been trying to siphon money from me to his own personal bank! Which... He didn’t get far, obviously. The coding nerds- that’s what I call ‘em now; we’re all friends, really- upgraded my stuff, so after a certain point, I was notified of it. Got the money back, he’s fired...but man. I don’t wanna know what’s gonna become of that guy! He’s just lucky he got fired this morning... Afternoon’s nice, so maybe he’ll get lucky? Ah, who knows... I just know we’re gonna have a delicious treat and I’ll get to see how gorgeous you’re looking today~!”
   It was only when he looked over- happy, oblivious smile on his face- did Rhys realize the full extent of how out of it DL was. It was an uncommon sight to be sure...but not the first time he’d seen that blank, distantly-focused gaze of his overworked baby. Usually something was wrong elsewhere for her to work so hard... Guilt gut-punched him; did he miss something? Was she okay???
   “D? DL? Baaaby??” A small noise sounded in her throat, blinking a few times before looking up at him curiously, obviously refocusing to reality. “You okay? You’re...really spaced out. Things okay? You need some time off?” That brought some light into her eyes, shaking her head quickly.
   “Oh, nah! I’m alright, but... I ‘unno. Too many papers, I guess.” She shrugged rather sheepishly, prompting Rhys to give a short, soft laugh. Hey, as long as she was okay... That eased his heart a little.
   “Sounds like you needed this break, then! Let me schedule a break for us both then, alright? Give you a little more time to kick back.”
   “But the new bloke-!”
   “-Can wait,” Rhys interrupted, looking down at D with a patient, warm smile. An attempt to comfort and assure her that the work really could wait. “You need the break, sweetheart. Let me spoil my wife a little, alright?”
   ...Somehow, she wanted to believe him, but had a terribly bad feeling in her gut.
   Surprisingly, he picked the place well. Decent menu selection for something both light, yet filling, and with takeout cups so when it came time to leave, they could just waltz out with their drinks and continue the idle chatter. D had started to join in a bit more, talking about the recent resident currently being pried open for secrets...and some shenanigans with friends around the company.
   “Sounds like you’ve been busy,” he hummed, pride evident in his voice. D flushed a gentle pink, shrugging.
   “Ya think? I still feel like I’ve been doing a whole load of nothing... Paperwork gets done an’ all that, but I feel like I haven’t done enough. Ya know?”
   “I think I do.” Rhys nodded, staring out at the walkway ahead before his gaze shifted down to his wife. “But that’s not true at all! We’ve both been doing a lot of work this past month. A break to prevent burnout is something we both need.”
   “Oh, I don’t-” D’s arm lurched out, all too late remembering her cup was in hand...and it crashed to the floor, remains of her drink spilling out across the pristine white floors. Shock had her staring at the splash of color, mouth slightly open as her brain tried to catch up to the image...
   “Whoops! Guess we’ll need to get someone to clean that up, huh? You want to go back and get another cup or are...you.....” Rhys turned to look at D, forgetting his voice the second he saw tears. Tears?!? What happened??? “Baby? Why are you crying? Did you get hurt?”
   “Huh?” It suddenly occurred to her that, yes, her vision blurred heavily and tears were slipping down her face. The straw that broke the back of the broker...was dropping her stupid cup on the ground and spilling it. A wave of burning shame overcame her, sniffling harshly as she lowered her head and began to cry in embarrassment and stress; a bundle from the overwork she’d been going through from the past month.
   “Ohhh, baby...” His voice was a soft, desperate croon, shuffling quietly for a moment before a loud thwack sound was heard, arms gently wrapping around her body seconds after. “It’s okay... It’s tough right now, I know... Cry it out, okay?” Honestly the last thing DL would’ve liked to do, but it was kinda hard to stop crying once she started. Especially after the strain all this had been...
   Rhys was ever-patient, though, standing there with her and even swaying side to side comfortingly. What sounded like footsteps passed by sometimes, but they said nothing, so D pretended they weren’t there. Better to think she might have some audio issues than face the reality of actual people baring witness to this hot mess.
   “Feeling a little better?” A question only asked when she was down to sniffles and rubbing the heel of her palm against her eyes instead of using his jacket. She could only really shrug, though; kinda sorta? Not entirely? Definitely felt tired, but... Better was questionable, for now. 
   “It’s a start,” he reassured her. “Now can we get another step done...? Can I see your pretty face~?” A shake of the head and a soft, surprised gasp. (He was being dramatic to get her to smile. Despite herself, her heart skipped a beat in hope.) “No?? But... But my pretty wife... My gorgeous baby, love of my life, light of a million stars-!” D snorted, face warming when his hand moved up, trying to slip his fingers under her chin to tilt her head up.
   “Babe, c’mon... Look at me... Look into my eyes, what do you see?” DL slowly looked up at him, hesitant, but curious. Meeting those eyes... It was still hard not to blush like he was her first crush in some cheesy romance novel. How was she supposed to resist, though?! Soft brown and radiant yellow... He just was super enchanting all the time and a handsome cheat to boot because of it. (How many times did that glow of his yellow ECHO eye steal her breath away??? Too many times to count, really.)
   “Um... A really intent stare?” Not her wisest answer, but all she really had with her husband being so dang distracting!! Got him to laugh, at least, face blushing a little brighter at the warm, bubbly sound.
   “Well, that and lots of affection for you, D. You’re an amazing person, a hard worker, and my beloved wife. You gave so much to me and give so much to my company to boot... Just... Don’t overwork yourself for this place, okay? You help me reign back when I get too invested in stuff, so... Let me do the same for you?”
   His eyes were so soft and sincere, now. Almost pleading- no, wait, definitely pleading- and even though D wanted to pull out every excuse from her book of why she should keep working ‘til her hands fell off... She sighed, instead. “Alright, ya got me... I can’t say no to that pout!”
   “Yes~! I depend on it’s success and I’m glad it still works.” He laughed joyously at his little victory, giving D a quick kiss before standing back up to full height. Such a dork...but D was long used to it. Long accepted it, too! Though turning to face her earlier accident, the one that triggered this breakdown in the first spot...
   “Did you really throw your cup on the ground with mine?” On the ground, two cups...the bigger of the two spills from Rhys’ cup, still clearly labeled on the side. He was silent for a moment, staring at it, then shrugged helplessly.
   “I didn’t know what to do! I didn’t want to leave you to find a trash can, so I just...figured I’d do what you did. It was out of my hands and now...you’re not the only one who spilled their drink! So-!!” He was trying so hard to justify himself...and it made D laugh a little. Not feeling up to par yet, but definitely on the track to feeling better. By the way Rhys perked up, he noticed it, too.
   “You’re so weird,” she mused, taking his hand.
   “And yet, you married this weirdo,” he replied, beaming as they carefully stepped through the spilled drink chaos on the floor. “The weirdo who’s totally about to hear it from janitorial, but hey, worth it.” Another laugh from D, watching as he used his arm to call up said department for cleanup...and didn’t let go of her hand as they went up to the offices and towards the CEO office.
   “Wait, but work-”
   “No more for you today! You can finish tomorrow...or something. CEO says you get naptime on my cushy couch and then- once I do a paper or two of my own- we’ll do something nice... Think you could trust me with your stovetop?”
   “Not after that incident with the fish,” D grumbled, unable to stay so grumpy when he laughed so brightly.
   “You got me there! Ordering out it is, then. Put on a nice movie...” He shrugged. “I think we’re gonna get the perfect off day.” D watched him a moment longer, admiring the curve of his jaw and the tattoo on his neck. She wanted to say something like “every day with you is the perfect day off,” but maybe that was too cheesy... She’d sure think about it for the rest of the week, though.
   Cause ever since she’d taken this job, it’d been nothing but worth it. Even at times like these...and all because of her dorky, CEO-of-Atlas husband.
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allthingskiszka · 6 years
My Favorite Asshole Pt.1
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Okay, so I had this idea the other day. This is a Jake Kiszka x reader story but will involve the others. This will be a multiple part story and pretty lengthy, I also may be slow to upload because my work schedule is pretty crazy. with that being said here we go!!! (p.s sorry about any errors I will proof-read but may miss something)
*You're new to Frankenmuth and your not looking forward to starting as a new student your junior year of high school.*
Word Count:
Walking up the stairs you were really nervous about starting at a new school. you clutched your backpack strap and with your head down you entered the school. You could feel eyes on you as you walked to the office. The lady at the front desk handed you your schedule and introduced you to a very pretty girl that walked into the office
“Hey, Ronnie this is y/n she is new here.”
“Nice to meet you, I like your shirt” Ronnie said with a sweet smile
“Thank’s I love The Doors they’re the best”
“Ronnie, can you show y/n to here first-period class?”
“Of course, follow me” as you walked out the door you were super nervous.
“So are you excited to start here?” Ronnie asked
“If I’m being honestly kinda nervous,” you said with a slight laugh
“Here let me see your schedule?” Ronnie looked at the piece of paper and smile at you “We have 3rd, Lunch and 8th period together, and you have 7th with my brothers you'll be fine. You can sit with us at lunch!”
You smiled “That would be awesome”
“No problem, A girl that’s a fan of The Doors and has a rad style like you, your cool in my book. Right through this door is your first period” 
“Okay, Thanks Ronnie see you in 3rd”
~Flash Forward to 3rd~
You walked into the class and noticed Ronnie waving at you to sit by her.
“How has it been so far?”
“Not too bad”
“Yeah, this class is super chill the teacher is cool”
As the teacher walked in the class grew silent. 
“Good morning everyone, We have a new student today, y/n please stand up, and tell us your favorite movie” the class laughed at the random question
you stood up slowly and the eyes shifted to you “ Hey everyone I’m y/n, My favorite movie is probably The Perks Of Being A Wallflower or Good Will Hunting”
“Ohhh those are good choices and your shirt is really cool, half of the FOOLS in here probably don’t even know who The Doors are beside our resident rocker Ronnie who it looks like you have found” the class got a kick out of the fool comment and you sat back down with a small giggle you felt the pressure start to fade Mr.Thomas told us to grab a book from the front of the room you looked at the title “Of Mice Of Men” He then started to read it out loud stopping to ask questions or banter back and forth with some students. Soon the bell rang and Ronnie helped you find 4th period she was right across the hall so she told you to meet her after class so you could walk to lunch together. it felt like 4th period took forever you were so hungry you were too nervous to eat this morning. As the bell rang you walked out of the class and to meet Ronnie. As you walked to lunch she started to tell you about her brothers to prepare you for who you were about to meet.
“So I eat lunch with my three brothers; Jake, Josh, and Sam. As well as Danny, Amy, and McKenzie. They can all be a hand full but I wouldn’t trade them for the world, They are gonna love you!”
“I hope so, So Ronnie what is there to do around here?”
“Um, not much. We normally hike, hang out in nature, go to the movies, or watch my brothers and Danny’s band play”
“Oh, there in a band. What kinda music?”
“Rock & Roll Baby”
“That's super rad”
“Yeah, you should come to hang out at my place after school today they will be practicing in the garage”
“That sounds awesome, I’m down”
“Yaaaay, I so needed a new friend” she said with a laugh as we approached a group of people you immediately knew it was Ronnie’s friends and family based solely on how they were dressed. you looked around with a shy smile on your face.
“Hey all, This is y/n she is new to town so I snatched her up to be a part of our group”
“Ronnie That was a very strange way to put that” said a long hair very lanky and tall boy with a laugh
Ronnie just flipped the boy off “Y/n this pain in my ass is Sam, then you have  Josh, Danny, Mckenzie, Amy, and Jake”
“Nice to meet you, y/n” said Josh really loudly with a bright smile
“Nice to meet you guys too!’ you said with a smile
“I really dig the shirt” Said Danny “We love rock!”
You here jake whisper something it sounds like “and roll” and Danny just rolled his eyes and laughs
“Well y/n, tell us about your self” Sam says, you begin to tell them about yourself and you are vibing with the whole group besides Jake who didn’t seem to be that interested in anything you have to say. You found out that you all love the same music, movie, and books. you share a couple laughs and jokes. You find yourself in awe of this group of people who are just like you. You begin to think this move wasn’t the worst thing that has ever happened to you. The bell rang and Sam walked with you because your classes were closed to each other.
~Flash Foward to 7th period~
Finally, it was time for choir you always loved to sing, music was always your escape you walked in to see Sam, Jake and Josh sitting in the tenor section Josh was the first to notice you and he smiled and waved, as the choir teacher walked in she saw you and smile lightly she ask what section you were at your previous school and you were an alto. she nodded and asked if you were comfortable to sing a solo at the end of the class once you got the songs down so she could make sure you were in the right section you smile and nodded she than sat you by Jake, you were sharing music with a girl next to you named Becky. She was super sweet and helpful the first song we sang was Stand By Me by Ben E. King she had written really great notes so you knew when to come in at one point of the song there was a solo that’s when you heard Josh singing you then noticed a very tight harmony when Jake started to sing as well you were stunned by how good they were it took you so off guard that you came in late. The next song was Summer Nights from Grease which caught you off guard it was one of your favorite musicals. You noticed there were solo sections and they had yet to assign the girl to the solo you whispered to Becky
“why isn’t there a solo section for a girl yet?”
“Mrs.Jones hasn’t picked anybody yet, she is usually pretty serious about her solos” she said with a slight laugh
“oh, that's interesting why are we sing grease”
“It’s our school play this year, you have a pretty voice. Tryouts are tomorrow after school you should give it a shot, this school needs a new female lead”
“Hmmm, I may take you up on that”
Before Mrs.Jones begin to play the opening notes to the song she asked if anybody wanted to fill in as Sandy for practice you found your self raising your hand she smiled and pointed in your direction. Jake looked in your direction and gave you a small smile that is when you realized Jake was the Danny solo. He whisper low so only I could hear “You got balls y/l/n, let’s see what you got” Mrs.Jones played the pitches for you and jake and the rest of the choir. You were a little scared but as soon as it was your turn to come in you went for it.  not caring what anybody thought you gave it your all. As the last note came out your mouth you felt a smile form on your face knowing you just crushed it. The class looked like they were in awe of the performance Mrs.Jones smiled and was like we may have just found our soloist. As everyone flipped to the next song Becky looked at you and said softly.
“You just fucking killed that”
“Now you have to try out, for sure”
You whispered softly only to Jake “How about that for balls, Jacob?” you said with a laugh, he looked at you and just rolled his eyes. Mrs.Jones spoke
“Alright, class we have time for one more song before class is over so if you guys could turn to Don’t Stop Me Now since we had a hard time with that one yesterday I would like to run through it with the remainder of the time.”
You were stoked about these songs Mrs.Jones had picked. As you guys ran through the song you zoned out before you know the bell rang. as you were leaving Mrs.Jones asked you to stay behind. you noticed the Kiszka boys were hanging around helping Mrs.Jones pick up the music stands
“Hey, y/n would you like to have the solo in Summer Nights, you gave the Kiszka boys a run for there money” she said with a slight laugh.
“Ha ha ha very funny Mrs.Jones, but y/n you were great you totally should and try out for the play tomorrow, too.” Josh Said
“Of course Mrs.Jones that would be great, What do I need to prepare for the tryouts tomorrow?”
“One scene and a song, Hopelessly Devoted for the role of Sandy”
“Okay yeah I can do that, also can someone help me find study hall?”
“Jake will help you” Josh stated his class is right across the hall
“Let me write you two a hall pass because your gonna be late.” said Mrs.Jones she then hands me and jake a late slip as we walk out of the room jake looks at me
“So you're going to try out for Sandy?”
“Yeah that’s the plan”
“Hmm you have some guts, you do know it is only your first day, right?”
“No way is that what today is, I totally forgot.” 
“You super funny, you know that?” he said really sarcastically 
“Do you only ask questions Jacob?” you say in a smartass manner
“One, don’t call me that, it’s Jake and two, it was rhetorical”
“No shit” you said bluntly and rolled your eyes
“Well as much fun as this has been your class is the last door on the left”
you walked to the last door and made your way up to the desk to hand the monitor you last slip. You then looked over the room finding Ronnie with an open seat right next to her she smiled as you made your way to her.
“How was choir?”
“It was good, your bothers are great singers, and Mrs.Jones wants me to have a solo”
“What no way, That’s awesome. I didn’t know you could sing. Josh says she is super picky about her soloist, music in general too”
“I dabble, I love me some music, I also think I’m trying out for the play tomorrow”
“Josh and Jake are too, I think they are both going for Danny, so that should be interesting. Who are you trying out for?”
“Sandy, will you help me run lines”
“That's awesome, of course, if not me I'm sure my brothers will help out I told you today would be fine”
“You were so right”
“You’re still coming over right.”
“Yeah I will just have to call my mom”
“Cool I’ll text Josh and let him know your riding with us”
You were stoked to hang out with your new friends and practice for the play tomorrow. Today had been awesome and you were stoked to see what tomorrow would bring.
Part Two
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forkanna · 5 years
NOTE: HAPPY NANOWRIMO! Sorry if my updates are more sporadic right now; I'm trying to focus on writing this month. That includes (minor spoiler) another Persona fic! I promise in December I will try to resume a more regular posting schedule. 
Also: if you're enjoying this fic or any of my others, and you have disposable income, you can drop a few dollars in my tip jar! Every little bit helps! Anyway, happy reading!
                                                   ~ x The Priestess x ~
Things settled down until Monday afternoon. Mostly, I hung out with my friends and tried to focus on my studies. And everything had been fine. There were other girls around the school I kept glancing at, trying to figure out my feelings, and I didn't feel any "lesbian stirrings" - if that's even a thing. Just looked like regular people. So I started to convince myself that it had been a fluke, and I only felt those urges because Miss Kawakami had been so sensual with me in the hotel room. Everything was going to be fine.
Then I saw her in the hallway again and it shot all of my hopes to hell.
"Good afternoon, Niijima-san," she said with a smile as she waved. And I felt my knees go weak, my heart speed up in my chest. She was completely back to her usual self: longsleeve yellow scoopneck, denim skirt, sensible white low-heels, fluffy brown hair. Armload of books and lesson plans. Tired-but-cheerful expression.
Just Miss Kawakami, being Miss Kawakami… but she still made me want to do things I had never done before. And wouldn't know how. Experiment with her.
"G-good morning," I managed to stutter.
"It's not morning," she chuckled. But she peered at my face for a moment. "You… should request me again."
"Huh?!" But when she held a finger to her lips, I quickly said, "Right. Sorry."
"You should. Because it looks like… you need to talk. But not here." Her eyes flicked from side to side, indicating the throng of students surrounding us.
"Of course. I'm sorry, I really… yes. I'll ask you about that homework later."
Her gorgeous mocha eyes did roll toward the ceiling at my poor attempt at covering, but at least she was still smiling. I wished she would always smile…
"Of course. Friday."
"Or Saturday. I'll let you know if another time works equally well."
"OH!" She was trying to tell me her schedule. "Y-yes, I'll hand it in by then, if I don't have any questions sooner. Thank you."
When I bowed slightly, she patted my shoulder. "Good, good, Run along to class." Then she walked away…
And I did something I have never, ever done. For anybody, no matter who they were, or how attractive I might have found them - though I almost never notice that kind of thing. I turned to watch her leave. Not because I liked her and missed her, or because she was a decent role model. Those things were also true… but for some reason, I wanted to see her calves moving below the hem of that skirt.
The bell for class rang and I was still standing there, staring at the spot where her calves had last been. At least that finally prompted me to move again.
                                                  ~ o ~
The rest of the week turned out to be my own personal Hell. Every time I saw Miss Kawakami, she looked better and better, and my thoughts were less pure. Maybe it was because I had never thought about anyone in this way that I fell so headlong into lust. Or maybe she was just exactly my type and I didn't know it before Hotel Juliet revealed all.
Dreams of her cleavage in that maid outfit when she crawled across the floor toward me, her stockings recently discarded, filled my nights. Or of her shapely thighs disappearing up her frilly French Victorian dress. Worse - disappearing up the hem of her robe as she writhed under my touch, panting my name with her eyes closed…
Recalling that also gave me another new experience: trying to focus in class while being aroused. I'm not kidding when I say that not once in my entire academic career had that been a stumbling block for me. Now, my thighs twitched, my face flushed, until a neighbouring student asked if I was feeling under the weather. That only made my blush worse.
When Thursday rolled around, I was at the end of my rope. I had basically called Ann in complete distress about six times in three days. She was great at talking me down, but had no real advice to give - which was okay. It would be kind of an insane convenience if she somehow knew exactly what to do about developing a lesbian crush on a teacher, wouldn't it?
"Look," she sighed into the phone as she did her nails, and I slowly tried to finish formatting a report. "She said you can request her tomorrow night, right? So just… don't worry about it until then. Forget about her totally. Like, since you can't do anything."
"That doesn't work. Believe me, I try."
"God, you're so cute. I know, I know - not helping."
"It isn't cute that I'm so smitten with a woman out of my reach that I can't eat, or sleep, or study. Those are basically the only things I do, Ann."
A little laugh floated over the phone lines. "Yeah. I mean, until you started hanging out with us, I'd believe it. Except maybe kissing Principal Kobayakawa's-"
"Don't even finish that sentence," I warned her, and she laughed more.
"Fiiiiine. And I'm gonna offer again; I know you don't wanna reveal her secret. But if you need me there, to mediate or whatever, like, call me. Swear I won't show up without you asking, but all you gotta do is call."
"And you'll be here. I know, and thank you. But this is something I should be able to do on my own."
"Why? You've got friends; use 'em."
I had been about to protest and tell her I didn't want to 'use' my friends… when I realised that I could. Not Ann; she was already being enough help as it was. But there was someone else I should be going to about this matter.
"Thanks, Ann," I said suddenly, sitting up and closing my textbook. "I think I have an idea. I'll call you back when I have put it into practice."
"Huh? O-oh, okay, bye. Good luck!"
"Thank you. I'm gonna need it."
                                                  ~ o ~
Cafe Leblanc was basically closing up by the time I got there. Futaba Sakura was lingering at the counter, and the proprietor, Sojiro Sakura, was wiping down the counter. Ren was doing the dishes; sometimes the old man roped him into that, considering he was letting him stay in the attic rent-free.
"Hey," I greeted Futaba first. Not that I could see much of a reaction. Her huge glasses and orange hair covered most of her face and head, as if they were a protective shield from the rest of the world. Which was likely true; she's the biggest introvert I've ever known.
"Guten abend."
"German." Pushing up her glasses, she peered up at me with those oddly mauve-tinted eyes. "You are here to see Ren."
"How do you know that?"
"Keep glancing at him. Not exactly rocket science - though rocket science is actually fairly simple and straightforward. Just gotta know the formulas."
Chuckling softly as I slid onto a stool at the bar, I said, "Uhhh, I'm going to have to take your word for it, I guess. But you're correct."
"He'll be free in a few minutes," her adoptive father said as he tossed the rag under the counter, then perched a cigarette just above his goatee. As he flicked the lighter, he said, "Can I get you anything, Niijima-san?"
"Oh, no thank you," I said with a slight bow. The cigarette smoke bothered me, but I would never dream of mentioning that. "You're already closing up; it would be rude."
"Nonsense. I've got some leftover curry ingredients in the fridge; you kids could go upstairs while I whip some up."
"You do not wanna miss his recipe," Futaba confided as she typed on her phone at lightspeed. The screen was flashing so fast I couldn't even keep up with what she was doing. "Mom's recipe. Their recipe."
"Don't worry about it," her surrogate father chuckled good-naturedly as he puffed, turning back toward the kitchen. "Amamiya-kun. Take five and see your friend; I'm going to make you something."
"And I'll help," Futaba volunteered with a smile, pocketing her phone.
Ren nodded at him, barely glancing at me before drying off his hands and abandoning the dishes for now. Then he nodded toward the stairs and we went up together. Futaba made no move to abandon her place at Sojiro's side - proving that she really did accurately guess I wanted to talk to Ren alone. What a little genius.
Once upstairs in his cozy little loft, I dropped onto the old couch and wasted no time telling him everything. Ren eventually sank down beside me, expression slightly pained but mostly resigned. As if he knew this day would come, but couldn't be sure which friend - or maybe stranger - would approach him about it.
"So I know you've been having her run errands," I wrapped up with. "But she insisted that you aren't hurting her, and she isn't hurting you. I guess… I feel like I believe you, but I need to hear it. What is the nature of the relationship with Miss Kawakami?"
Guess I really do sound like you sometimes, Sae.
"We don't have one," he answered after a pause to mull over his words. "She's my homeroom teacher."
"And the maid stuff? You really do request her just to… what, give her free money?"
Another pause. "She does jobs for me. Makes curry, cleans up, does laundry. I pay her for the work. But I request her more often because I understand she needs the money; it's the only official way I can help her without…"
"Without?" I prompted.
"Without it being charity."
"Ohhh…" My eyes turned sad as I looked down at the floor. "Miss Kawakami wouldn't accept any handouts, probably. That makes sense." He nodded. "You're sure you've never… a 'health massage' or-"
"Would you want to?" At that, he looked a little uncomfortable. "Ren?"
"Maybe. But not that way; not because I paid her. It would feel like forcing her into it. And though Miss Kawakami is beautiful, I don't have strong feelings like that for her."
"All of that's very fair," I sighed, staring down at my plain black shoes. "That's how I felt, too; the 'forcing her' part, I mean." He made no reply, so I looked up at him. "You don't even care about… that part of this. That I might be attracted to her, even though I'm a girl." He shook his head. "Why not?"
His shoulders rose and fell. "That's your business."
"So simple for you," I chuckled softly, eyes sad. "But I feel like… a freak. A circus freak for seeing a woman old enough to be my mother in the hallway - well, almost old enough - and wanting to do things with her I've never even dreamed about before."
Ren's only response was to sit back a little, folding his arms and crossing one leg so the ankle rested on his knee. I watched him for a moment, squinting at his passive, thoughtful expression.
"What? What is it?"
"I may have somewhere you should visit. Come with me."
"Now? But it's so late - and we'll miss Sojiro's curry."
His smile was small and coy. "Very well. Curry and then come with me. It's important."
That word could not be ignored. He didn't just think this was a good idea, he thought it was "important"? And Ren was a fairly serious guy; he didn't just spout off things like that for no reason. I trusted him. Therefore, I nodded.
"Curry, and then I'll go with you. It's a promise." And we shook on it, like we were making a business deal.
                                                  ~ o ~
Once our bellies were full of delicious curry, my taste buds still singing at the spices and mingling flavours, I hopped the train with him up to Shinjuku. That was a surprise; I didn't even know Ren knew anyone up that way, or ever went there. Maybe I didn't know him as well as I thought, but I opted to put my faith in him for the time being.
Within minutes, we were walking into a bar called "Crossroads". The place was pretty empty, except for a young woman with a pink fanny pack slumped over at the bar, and an older woman with an ornate kimono behind it cleaning glasses.
"You spend way too much time here, young man," she said - and my eyebrows shot up. That was a pretty deep voice. Was she… a he? A cross-dresser?
"Lala-san, this is my friend, Makoto Niijima. Makoto, this is Lala Escargot."
I bowed slightly, trying to hide my surprise from before. "It's a p-pleasure to meet you, Lala. Escargot… is French, right?"
"Sure, honey," she chuckled with a big grin. "French is so fancy. Why do you think I picked it?"
"Picked…?" I swallowed hard, then moved to sit at the bar in front of her. "Forgive me for asking something very forward. But are you… transgender, or a drag queen? I don't want to assume."
While Ren looked a little surprised, Lala grinned. "Just a queen, girl. When I ain't on the clock, this all comes off and I'm a regular run-of-the-mill man. Well… maybe not run-of-the-mill."
"No, I am sure you're very unique." Luckily, 'she' seemed to take that as a compliment. "Should I keep using female pronouns while you're Lala, then?"
"Yes, please." A little bow to show her gratitude, and I bowed back. "What brings ya taggin' along with this no-good louse?" Then she chuckled and hid her face behind an elegant white fan. "Just kidding, Amamiya-chan. You know me."
"Of course," he laughed with an easy smile. Not at all flustered or annoyed by her teasing.
"Well… I actually don't know." After a few seconds to consider, I just blurted out, "I think I might be gay."
"Oh yeah? Good for you, honey!"
"Thanks?" I laughed self-consciously. "But I have a feeling Ren thought it might be a good idea to talk to you about it. And maybe he's right; I really don't know what I'm doing, or feeling, or thinking, and… this isn't exactly my first contact with, um, 'the community', but none of my friends are gay. So I'm a little unsure of where to turn."
Her smirk was playful. "That you know of. I mean, just saying, Ren does hang out with a drag queen an awful lot for a straight boy."
"I work here, Lala," he sighed with a roll of his eyes. But she only laughed in response.
"But why here? Hmmmmm? So many after-school jobs, and here you are in Shinjuku. Just saying…"
Interrupting her further teasing, I asked, "So what do I do? How do I know? Especially because I have a crush on a teacher, not another student, so it's…"
"Ooooh, damn," she intonated, heavily-shaded eyes widening. "That is a pickle, sister. How old are ya?"
"Huh? Oh… eighteen."
"Awww, you're almost outta there. Just hang on and then ask her out when you're in college."
Drawing my knees together and folding my hands on the bartop, I whispered, "That's what Ann said. You make it sound so simple. I don't even know if what I'm feeling is real, or-"
"It's real."
Stunned by the firmness in her voice, I asked, "How can you be so sure?"
"If you're worried enough about it to follow your friend to some dive bar in Shinjuku, you're feeling real things, baby," she pressed with a sympathetic sigh. "Maybe you get a few years further along in life, and it turns out you ain't a lesbian, or maybe you are. But right now, for you, in this moment, you wanna be with a woman. Don't second-guess yourself or waste a lot of time thinking you're 'crazy'. Take Ohya there."
With a start, the other woman shot upright, eyes unfocused and sunglasses askew. "Huh? Wh-wha…? I'll pay my tab next week…"
"Poor thing was in love with this old colleague of hers," Lala went on as Ohya slumped back downward, clearly not even listening. "Completely oblivious until it was too late; she's still in denial about it. Now Kaya's out of her life and she ain't got nobody. Think she still likes men, but when's the last time I saw her on a serious date with any of 'em?"
My eyes widened. "Oh. She's a lesbian, too?"
"Bisexual," Lala corrected. "Probably, anyway."
"Right, right; like you said, she still dates men." I watched her snore for a few seconds, then cleared my throat. "I guess… it's different, meeting a woman who likes women in person. Not that I doubted their existence."
The drag queen shrugged as she poured me a tonic with lemon; something light and non-alcoholic, but still being courteous. "We get a lot of people like you wandering in. Girls or boys who ain't sure what they want outta life, or outta relationships. Some of these places around Shinjuku will really turn your brain upside-down if you let 'em, but… most of us just wanna help family."
"Family?" After a second of flashbacks to dead parents and my stubborn sister, I got it. "Right. That's me; I'm 'family' now. But what if I try dating a woman and decide I like men? Isn't that… wrong, somehow?"
"What's wrong with experimenting and figuring out what you like?"
"Well, when you put it that way… I feel stupid," I ended up saying, and she chuckled.
"Don't, honey. Nothin' stupid about not knowing where you wanna end up in life. Just take your time, figure it out. Come back here if you got questions; maybe Ichiko'll be sober enough to answer 'em next time."
"Hey, I'm not that drunk," the woman muttered without lifting her head or opening her eyes. "Sober enough to see Ren-kun brought another cutie with him. You're the drunk one, Lala-chan… not me."
Another cutie? Did she mean me?!
"You're the horizontal one," Lala mocked back, and Ohya did smile slightly. But she still didn't get up.
And now I found myself really looking at her. If I'm being brutally honest, I don't know why I had such a strong image in my mind that a woman who likes women would be some kind of freak. Probably had something to do with societal brainwashing. But here was this Ichiko, very normal other than the fact that she was drunk. Bobbed black hair, blue jeans and sneakers. Very pretty in the same way Miss Kawakami was pretty: a little older but taking good care of herself, other than the drinking which probably had the same amount of detrimental effect on her as the lack of sleep did on my teacher.
"Maybe," I breathed quietly to myself before taking a sip of the tonic water. It was actually pretty refreshing.
"What's that, honey?"
"Nothing, nevermind. Just thinking to myself."
For some reason, she was smirking at me again. I had the feeling her comment meant more to her than it did to me, but I decided not to ask about it. "Anyway, your friend looks like she's not getting up anytime soon, so maybe I should go. Thanks for this, Lala - and you, too, Ren. Helped me a lot more than I can be sure of just yet, I'm sure."
Ren nodded with a small smile as he took his place behind the bar. Lala came over to stand next to him. "Ohhhh, you're up for a shift, huh? Good, good. And let me know if you ever change your mind about me dressing you up."
Feeling second-hand embarrassment for Ren felt like reason enough to quickly and quietly take my leave. Besides, now I had an awful lot to think about.
                                                  To Be Continued…
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parkersharthook · 6 years
Girl Meets Descendants
(Lucas Friar x Maya Hart) (Riley Matthews x Farkle Minkus) (Mal Bertha x Ben Florian)
Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, child abuse, neglect, mentions of sex
3.3k+ words
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The characters of Girl Meets World thrown into the Descendants Universe. So what happens when Maya (maleficient’s daughter) and Farkle (dr. facilier’s son) are stuggling between their feelings for certain Auradonian kids and the mission they were sent to accomplish. [descendants 1 storyline with more characters]
Character Descriptions/Background
Her alarm went off with a loud sharp noise. Maya was already half-awake due to the many early mornings she experienced on the isle. But the noise still came unwelcomed and she quickly slapped the clock to turn it off. She sat up and rubbed her eyes sleepily, blowing some loose strands out of her face. The messy bun she threw her hair up into the night before was falling out in almost all directions.
“I thought you would never wake up.” Farkle said as he came out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist.
Maya just stretched and shrugged, “guess the bed was comfortable enough for me to never wake up. What time is it?”
Farkle glanced to the clock, “Little after 8. The classes start at 9:30 apparently. Do you know where my schedule is?”
Maya pushed herself out of bed and looked around the bed, “I sent it towards your bed yesterday. Check underneath.” Farkle rolled his eyes and walked over to the bed, checking underneath and standing back up with a piece of paper in his hand.
Maya finally got a good look at his chest and noticed the numerous red spots. “What happened to your chest?”
Farkle glanced down and frowned, “My father wanted to test some potions on me before I left so he would know what I needed to get him.”
Maya glanced away, “At least you can cover your chest.”
Farkle nodded, “yeah but it’s not the only thing I need to cover.” He lifted his arm up to show a large burn mark on the side of his abdomen. Maya could hold back the grimace as she looked at the blistering mark. “I didn’t notice your face yesterday.”
Maya gasped and rushed to the mirror to examine her bruised eye, busted lip, and cut eyebrow. “Shit.”
He snickered, “did you not know you had those? They’re pretty hard to miss.”
Maya shook her head and walked over to her bag, “No I knew that I had them, just forgot. I wore a lot of makeup yesterday so I didn’t realize they were that bad.” She pulled her makeup bag from the duffel and walked over to her desk. She sat down and began to pull out her makeup as she leaned towards the mirror to examine her face closer.
“Are you going to get a shower this morning?” Maya glanced at Farkle through the mirror and then to the bathroom door.
“Yeah I probably should.” She moved to get up but her attention was drawn back to Farkle when he cursed loudly. “You okay?”
He clutched his side, “No. I just hit this and it hurts like a motherfucker.”
Maya rushed over and carefully peeled his hand away to look at the nasty burn. She winced, “okay I’m going to get a towel and clean this. Put on some pants so I won’t accidently see your junk.” Farkle wanted to laugh but the pain was too bad to do anything but nod and grimace. Maya rushed to the bathroom and grabbed a small towel and ran it under the cool water. She let it soak for a minute as she searched the cabinets. Luckily for them, there was a small first aid kit underneath the sink. She grabbed the kit and called out to Farkle, “you decent?”
“Yeah.” Maya grabbed the wet towel and the small container and rushed back into the bedroom. She ushered Farkle to the small couch and knelt down beside him. He lifted his arm slowly so she could look at it. She pressed the cloth to the wound gently and he winced heavily.
She pressed again and he groaned, “Maya Maya Maya Maya.”
She shushed him, “shut up. People are going to think we’re having sex. Man up.”
He groaned again as Maya applied more pressure, “it hurts.”
A knock came at the door and Maya shot a glare towards Farkle, “I swear if this person is coming to say we can’t have sex, I’m going to kill you.”
Maya instructed Farkle to hold a bandage to his side as she went to the door. She opened it and put herself between the door and the view of Farkle. She was surprised to see Lucas on the other side.
“Uhh can I help you?”
Lucas nodded, “yeah Ben wanted me to check in on you to make sure you were ready for today.” How he didn’t realize it before they’re not sure but suddenly his eyebrows furrowed in concern as he motioned to her face, “What happened to your eye? And your lip? And your forhead?”
Maya quickly glanced back into the room and dismissed him, “nothing don’t worry about. Yep, we’re all good here.”
A deep groan caught both of their attention and Lucas tried to look into the room, “Maya! It’s oozing.”
Maya shook her head at how that sounded and looked to Lucas, “Uh… that’s not what he meant.”
Lucas rolled his eyes, “Yeah okay. Don’t worry about it. If I was rooming with a girl as beautiful as you, I wouldn’t behave myself either.”
Maya didn’t have time to register him flirting as a thud forced her to check on Farkle. She gasped and ran to him, not caring that she left the door open for Lucas to see the whole thing. Farkle was on the floor heaving.
Maya was knelt by him in an instant as fought back the urge to gag as Farkle began to throw up. She turned away and saw Lucas looking on in disgust.
He hesitantly stepped into the room, “uh… is he okay?” Maya furrowed her brows and nodded with an unsure expression. She shuddered when Farkle gagged loudly. She quickly moved away from him, “you think he got food poisoning?”
Maya scoffed as she ushered them out of the room, “You have that here? Even with Auradon food?”
Lucas rose an eyebrow in confusion and nodded, “yeah of course.” then it clicked for Maya.
She shook her head, a regretful look on her face, “it’s not food poisoning. We… we don’t have the best food on the isle so his stomach probably wasn’t used to the food here.”
Lucas nodded in understanding but frowned, “Is there anything I can do?”
Maya glanced towards the door that was cracked open and caught Farkle moving to the door, his burn looking worse from being irritated by his stomach skin stretching. “Um actually yeah. As long as you promise you won’t tell anyone.”
Lucas rolled his eyes, “Relax.”
Maya narrowed her eyes and pointed a sharp nail his way, “I mean it. Promise you won’t tell anyone.” He just nodded and raised his hand as if he was giving an oath. “Could you get us some burn medicine or something?”
“Yeah sure. How bad is the burn?” Maya hesitated and Lucas caught her unease, “I’ll just get you the strongest one I can find. I’ll also send a housecleaner this way while you guys are in class.”
“Thanks but I don’t know if Farkle will be going to class.”
“I’ll still send one your way.” With the dull in conversation Lucas examined her a little more closely, “So what happened to your face?” Maya gave him a deep scowl and turned back towards her room.
“Don’t worry about it. You didn’t see anything.” And with that she slammed the door in his face and tried to get ready for the day without gagging at the sight of puke on her floor.
Maya scowled at the pink backpack gifted to her. She held with her forefinger and thumb like it carried some nasty disease. She looked towards the bubbly girl. “Are there any other options?”
The girl, still with a smile on her face, shook her head. “Nope. But isn’t pink such a pretty color? It’s my favorite, next to yellow and purple of course.”
Maya pursed her lips, “of course. So you’re telling me that you give a pink backpack to all the new students that don’t have a backpack. Even the boys?”
She giggled, “The boys? Of course not. They have a different selection.”
Maya rolled her eyes and tossed the backpack onto the counter, “Can I see them?”
The girl look appalled but quickly relented and walked into the storage room of the school store. She came back with two backpacks, a blue and a black. She sighed, much better.
“Can I get 4 black ones and a blue one?”  The still smiling girl nodded and handed her the two in her hand before getting some more.
“I’m Riley by the way.” She greeted with a small wave and bright eyes. Maya just nodded. Riley continued, “And you’re Maya.”
“Yes. Thank you, I didn’t know that.” Her voice dripped with sarcasm
Riley giggled again, “You’re funny. I just meant that I already knew who you were.”
Maya rolled her eyes again, “Most people do.”
“That makes sense. New kid. From the Isle.” Maya nodded, “Daughter of Maleficent.”
Maya huffed, “What do I owe for the backpacks.” She had no intention of paying for them, she was just trying to move this conversation along.
“Nothing! We all at Auradon just want your transition to be as smooth as possible.”
Maya snorted, “Yeah right.”
This caused Riley to frown, “I don’t know about the other kids but I’m really happy you guys are here. I think I can relate to you guys.” This caused Maya to actually be genuinely surprised. This girl? Relate to her and her group? No way.
Riley shrugged and leaned on the counter, “My dad was a thief after all.” Maya’s interest piqued and she rose a sculpted brow.
“Eugene Fitzherbert.” Maya had to physically hold back a laugh. Yeah he may have been a good thief once, but that was still when he went by Flynn Rider. Now, he was just a domesticated prince with a magical wife and a bubbly daughter.
“Yeah… okay. Your dad is as much a thief as you are.”
Riley tilted her head, confused. “But I’m not a thief? Ohhh…. yeah I guess. But he’s a great dad so I can’t really be mad at him.”
The daughter of Maleficent felt her heart pulse uncomfortably. She looked to the ground, “I’ve got to go give these to my friends before class starts.”
“Of course! I’ll see you around Maya.” Maya didn’t answer as she strutted out the door, her heeled boots clicking with every step. She walked out into the courtyard and tossed the backpacks onto the table.
“Black?” Evie asked, with sadness in her voice. Maya pulled the blue one from the bottom. “Yay.”
“They tried to give me pink.” Maya snorted as she plopped down next to Carlos, “As if.”
“Where’s Farkle?” Jay asked suddenly as he looked around.
Maya took a large bite of Carlos’s bagel and waved it off, “he’s sick in the room. Probably from all the candy in the limo.”
Carlos motioned between him and Jay, “but we’re not sick.”
Maya shrugged, “You know he doesn’t have the best immune system. He’s just gonna stay in the dorm today and sleep it off.”
“Soo….” Jay trailed causing all of them to look at him, “Are we really going to go to first period?”
Maya laughed as she stole another bite and watched Evie roll her eyes. Mal looked at her schedule and sighed, “Unfortunately yes. It’s remedial goodness and Fairy Godmother is the teacher. There’s no way around it.” everyone let out a collective groan.
“Aww come on guys. School is fun.” The new voice interrupted the group. Mal turned her head and squinted from the bright sky to see Ben standing by their table with a large smile on his face.
Mal smiled, “What a kingly thing to say.” he gave a half bow to her with a small laugh. Maya just narrowed her eyes as the prince flirted with her sister. She leaned forward and rested her head on her hand.
“Say Ben.” Maya began slowly, “I heard something about a coronation in the halls? I just waved it off as rumors but then I saw posters?”
Ben rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, “yeah I actually wanted to talk to you guys about that. The whole school is invited. It’s in two weeks.”
Mal grinned evilly, “Is there any way we can sit up front so we can just… soak up all that goodness?”
He frowned, “I’m sorry but only me, my family, fairy godmother, and my girlfriend will be in the front row.”
“Fairy godmother?” Carlos asked, “Why is she up there?”
“She’s the one who makes the coronation ‘official’. With her magic wand.” Maya’s breath caught in her throat, Jay’s arm muscles tensed, Evie stopped sipping her drink, Carlos looked up from his lap, and Mal just smiled largely. All of them very interested.
Mal smiled her sweetest smile at him, “I’m really excited I get to go.”
Maya spoke up, “we all are.”
Ben smiled at them and checked his watch, “Well we better get going because first period is about to start. Remedial goodness, right? That’s in the library. I’m headed that way too so I’ll walk with you.” Maya (and everyone else) watched as Mal and Ben walked quite close to each other and practically forgot a whole crowd of villain kids was behind them.
“You all did exceptionally well today, especially you Mal.” Fairy godmother said with a flourish of her hand, “but there are a few key points that I want to point out.”
“One: We don’t lounge around in classes like we would at home.” She looked towards Maya who had her feet propped on her desk. She begrudgingly took them off. “Thank you. Two: We have a uniform that we wear on Mondays. I believe you all have them and if by chance they got ruined in the move we do have extra. Three: on the other days you are free to dress as you please but inappropriate attire will not be permitted.”
Maya half raised her hand, not bothering to wait to talk. “So we are not allowed to dress as we feel?”
Godmother pursed her lips, “of course we do have limitations.”
Maya pressed further, “Like what?”
“Well, heels above four inches are not permitted, shoulder straps must be at least 3 inches wide, nothing below the collar bone is allowed to show, and no midriffs will be exposed. Your skirt or shorts must reach your knees and none of your clothing can have any profanity on it.”
Maya scoffed, “Did you expect us to come with fully stocked wardrobes? The only clothing we got were thrown away pieces from Auradon or scraps of fabric that we made do.”
Godmother sighed, “I understand that. We do have shops in Auradon Prep and in the city of Auradon which you are allowed to visit during the weekends.”
Jay decided to defend Maya, “But we don’t have any money. We came from an island made of garbage.”
“We understand your predicament is different so the school and I personally are willing to spot you some money for new clothes or anything else you might need until you settle in.”
“You mean until we get a job.” Maya responded harshly, “And what Auradonian in their right mind would ever want to hire a villain kid?” She stood up now, her hands pressed against the desk. “Your system literally only sets us up for failure and the one thing we have that expresses who we truly are, our clothes, aren’t allowed. This is ridiculous.”
“Maya, please settle down…” Godmother begged but it didn’t do much.
Maya walked to the front of the class to face Godmother, “Please tell me everything that is wrong with my outfit.”
“I don’t think that is necessary, it’s only your first day.” Maya didn’t budge but rather just crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes. Godmother sighed, “Go to my office right now, I will in there to deal with you soon enough!”
“What did I do wrong?” Maya spat
“I understand that this is a difficult transition for you all but here in Auradon we have standards and rules, and we respect authority. Now, go!”
Maya whipped around, grabbed her nearly empty backpack, and stormed out of the library pushing any poor soul who dared to step in front of her. God, she hated Auradon. The other VKs just watched Maya leave with a sort of pride in their faces.
Fairy Godmother spoke up, more sternly this time. “I know things were different on the Isle but you are in Auradon now. I want you to succeed very much and I hate to give you an ultimatum but if you can’t behave properly then you will be sent back to the Isle.” Evie’s breath caught in her throat and she looked with scared(?) eyes. “Now, does anyone else have anything to add?”
Mal was about to stand up for her sister but Evie laid a calming hand on her arm. She gracefully stood up, “You’ll have to excuse Maya... she’s a bit of a firecracker. We are sorry for her behavior and we’ll personally work with her so she can succeed here with the best of us.” The lies rolled of her tongue seamlessly and Jay had to hold back a laugh.
Fairy Godmother look impressed. “Very well.” The bell rang for second period, “you must be on your way then, don’t want to be late.”
Evie shook her head with a sickeningly sweet smile on it, “No… don’t want to be late.” She pulled Mal up by the arm and led the group out of the library.
“Good lying.” Carlos whispered to her.
“Thanks… it made me want to puke.” They all snickered as they walked down the hallway.
“Can I leave?” Maya asked sharply
Ben sighed, “Not yet. Fairy Godmother is on her way, she’ll be here any minute and we just want to have a conversation.”
“Why? I can tell you what happened.”
Ben looked at the clock, he had missed two periods for this meeting. He just nodded, “I suppose that’s fine.”
“Do you enjoy oversexualizing girls?” Ben’s eyes widened at Maya’s question.
“Excuse me?”
“The dress code for girls is much more extensive for boys… it’s unfair. I know the Isle was awful but at least we treated girls and boys the same.”
Ben nodded, “I actually agree with you. It mostly comes from Fair Godmother’s protectiveness over her daughter. I was talking to my father to try to change the rules, not completely but some, but it’s a long process.” Maya was shocked. Maybe Ben wasn’t so bad after all.
She bit her lip, “can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“Why did you give us this opportunity?”
Ben paused and then shrugged, “Well I know I hate being compared to my father, both his failures and success. And I know your situation is different but I imagine you don’t enjoy it either. Plus, no one is inherently evil… just a product of their environment.”
Maya fought the smile that was pulling at her lips, “Thank you Ben. For listening to me and everything.”
“Of course. Well, I don’t where Fairy Godmother is but I think we took care of everything we needed to.” She nodded, “Oh, I heard about Farkle. Is he feeling better?”
Maya shrugged and fiddled with her rings, “I’m not sure. I haven’t gone back to check on him but he’s tough.” she let out a humorless laugh, “he’s been through much worse so I’m sure he’ll be fine.”
Ben’s brows furrowed but he quickly adjusted his composure. He stood up and escorted her to the door, “if you need anything, any of you guys, just let me know.” Maya smirked, she knew who he was really referring to but she kept quiet.
“And don’t forget, it’s not bad to ask for help.” Maya nodded softly and walked out of the door. She heard the wooden door close gently behind her and she let the smile through.
She mumble to herself, “yeah… I don’t think it is that bad.”
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