#she was basically the little old lady who lived in the shoe
foulbearobservation · 2 years
buddy i see you're into rwby too and v9 being out, i went back to watch the end of v8 and came to the realization that winter schnee and our dearest sister lilith are adjacent genres of blorbo for me. massive traumatized eldest child vibes with brief villain arcs (i am a lilith redemption truther) following dodgy authority figure/cult leader. and finally, i truly believe that what they both need is a wholesome gal to put 'em on their knees for a while 😂
and you're SO RIGHT they're similarly blorbo-coded. the sense of duty. the eldest sibling-isms of it all. the way they're manipulated. the way they're both severely injured but still go fight the big bad because If Not Them, Then Who.
Also yeah. one of my bigger ships is still winter/robyn so like. yeah. "local mentally ill blorbo gets put on their knees by communist dork" describes a good amount of my ships tbh 😭😭
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writinghotchner · 8 months
i need more girl dad aaron before i lose it.
you and me both, babeyyy.
hotch x fem!reader sfw, no explicit material
you come home from work to see aaron and your 4 year old daughter having a tea party :')
you step inside your house, shrugging off your coat and toeing off your shoes. your immediately hit with your little girls infectious giggles and your husbands low voice. without even knowing what's going on in the playroom, you huff out a laugh to yourself as you make your way through the living room and down the hall to where your family is. you lean against the door frame watching their shenanigans.
aaron his basically crouched down on a toddler sized pink chair with an equally as small toddler table in between the two. he has a pink and purple tiara sitting on top of his head and your daughter has somehow wrangled a pink tutu around his waist. she is opposite him, sitting comfortably in a chair fit for her size.
"is this how i drink it?" aaron asks the little girl, holding his tea cup upside down trying to sip from the solid bottom of the cup. she is absolutely in fits over this gig. "no daddy!" she tells him through gasps of laughter. "like this!" she holds her cup right side up and takes a sip of imaginary tea - with her pink out, of course - to show him how its supposed to be held.
"oh, right, how silly of me." he turns the cup over. "so like this?" he asks, but this time he has the handle to his lips and his big fingers holding the cup by its side. the little girl erupts into breathless laughter again, nearly falling out of her chair.
"daddy!" she yells incredulously, trying to be stern through her laughter. she gets up and walks over to him and takes the cup out of his hand, turning it around the right way and puts it back into his hands. "like this!"
"okay, thank you so much for showing me how to hold it correctly." he smiles, taking a sip of air.
"you're very welcome." the little girl says back, both of them using their serious voices.
"should we be using fancy british voices for our fancy tea party?" he asks her using a vaguely bad british accent.
she tries to answer him back, copying the way he sounds but she can't and it makes her fall into a fit of giggles all over again.
"i can't do it!" she yells in hysterics.
"well why not!" aaron asks her, still using the accent.
"because i'm four!"
"oh well goodness me!" aaron says back in mock surprise. "this whole time i thought you were an old lady."
the little girl's mouth drops. "I'M NOT OLD! I'M 4!"
"4 could be considered old to some people." he tells her, back in his normal voice, and very seriously.
"2 year olds, probably."
"DADDY!" the little girl shrieks, her fits of giggles once again taking over her body.
"what...is going on in here!" you finally announce your presence and both of them look over at you startled - giving the same expression which makes you laugh out loud.
"mommy!" your daughter yells, flying off the chair and into your open arms.
"hi, baby. are you having a good tea time with daddy?"
she nods her head furiously and then leaves your arms to clamor into aaron's lap. you laugh again and follow her, leaning over to kiss your husband on the lips and then take a seat in the extra chair next to him.
your daughter hands you a little tea cup and you hold it upside down and raise it to your lips. "like this right?"
both of them erupt in laughter so infectious it makes you join in right along with them.
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slashtakemylife · 9 months
Peggy lives under the shadow of Steve, even when she's the main lead
With the release of What If and Peggy Carter taking on the role of Captain America, Marvel is very likely patting their back on their "feminism" and how they've given us a badass female leader that can have her own spotlight however it's very easy to see how we are still seeing this story through a males eyes and male focus only.
1. The curse of being Cap's girl, she can only be his
Honestly the misogyny on Peggy's character actually begins since the first movie but we'll get into the little details later, the first glaring ones to me begins ever since the Cap 2 movie, when they show Peggy as old she has pictures of her kids but none of her husband, why? We are even told she's had a good life, a full life, so where is her husband?
Because in the patriarchal way, Peggy Carter, even as an old lady who has lived her full life and is basically allowed to... is still Steve's. It's more likely they didn't want to show who "filled his shoes", so to speak, this imaginary man, this husband who got to have Peggy, "bested" Captain America and you can't have that can you? I know it may sound stupid but we are dealing with a male's worldview.
It even shows when in her interview you can see how she still hasn't quite gotten over Steve, she even seems to reluctantly say, "That's where I met my husband", in that interview you can see she is still affected, aka she hasn't gotten over him but then you got to remember, she's married now, she's supposed to be over him, why is she still so affected? Why does she speak of her husband like an after thought? Why did she even marry a man when clearly she wasn't over her last? Peggy isn't the kind of woman to marry just because she had to, you know she would only marry a man she fully loved, not just to not be a spinster.
The answer is that in the male worldview, no one can supplant Steve Rogers but not because Steve Rogers is someone you can't forget but because in the male eye, Peggy is Steve's property, for someone else to have her it means they "won" over Steve and you can't win the representation of maleness. Peggy at best got second scraps, yes you heard it, Peggy's husband is just supposed to be a "second best" beside Captain America, I'm sure he was a lovely husband and father but no man can ever "best" America's representative of maleness, remember this is the worldview from a male perspective.
The only time Peggy ever gets some agency is in her show and there's a beautiful scene at the end of season 1 where we literally see her tell Steve good bye, she gets over him, by season 2 she is well over Steve, she's still affected, mind you, of course she misses him but he is no longer her world, in fact she can now flirt and get into the idea of finding new love and she does in Sousa.
It's really unfortunate when the Cap's girl curse gets landed on them because Steve was never supposed to come back into her life but then he did and of course this means crashing all her progress, they didn't just made them break up, they killed Daniel Sousa, there had to be no trace of competition so Steve could very joyfully land in the past and fit into her life as if he never left
Steve Rogers never gets over Peggy but Peggy did but since Steve wants Peggy, the writers took that progress back and made her love him again no questions asked.
2. On Captain Carter
Wow Marvel is sure patting their back thinking they nailed "feminism" when they grabbed Peggy Carter and turned her into Captain America.
In the first episode, they do get it mostly, she is bigger, she's strong and she leads the Howling Commandoes but there's one little trick that lets you remember, this is still a man's world.
Steve's Hydra Stomper.
In the original format, aka the movie, they sell Peggy to us as a top agent, and she is, we get some badass moves from her at the beginning but once Steve finally gets into his role as Captain America, she gets placed behind the scenes, it's the classical "woman in a high position" but really the real high position is Philips, Peggy at best is only seen removing little flags from maps but we never actually see her in combat until the end but of course she had to be there, otherwise how will we get to the final kiss scene amairight?
We should've expected the same treatment right? Especially since there's a very telling excuse for Steve to stay behind lines and be the master behind it, he's skinny now, he isn't fit for battle at all but he can still help coordinate the Commandoes right?
You can't leave Captain America, even in his skinny form, out the battle, what is he? A woman? Those double standards are what hit me, no one cared if Peggy Carter joined the fights, she doesn't have to, she's not supposed to, we all know she's Cap's girl, she's not a soldier so no one bats an eye but when the roles are reversed, it's inconceivable that Steve takes his assigned role as a love interest.
How interesting it is that when male characters are placed in the love interest role they just have to fight to be interesting right? It's almost offensive to put a man as just a love interest that does nothing but be there right?
I am also glaring at you Gwen Stacy, Gwen Stacy as Peter Parker's girlfriend is literally just a girl that got caught by the baddie and Spiderman accidentally killed but when they reversed the story and now it was Gwen as spiderwoman and Peter the boyfriend... He turned into a lizard, yeah the boy couldn't just be the boyfriend and I'm not even sure if he was the boyfriend or just the friend which also, red flags! Peter can have girlfriends but Gwen can't.
Back to Peggy, if they had only shown that first episode, it would've been good, some minor double standards with Steve's Stomper but meh, I'll live.
The real treat is the sequel, I'll also make an honorary mention on how also in other episodes they still grind Steve hard and show you she is very much in love, not a fancy, she hard loves him, not even Steve showed that much fanatism, but hey, back to topic.
My biggest glare to this episode starts with the Watcher himself, he says he never does sequels and honestly he's right, he shouldn't because the result is honestly shit, from a Peggy character pov
They copy the plot of Steve Rogers story instead of making a new one for her.
Yup, you heard me and fine she wasn't going to deviate much I know but they seriously stuck way too much into Steve's story up to the point where it doesn't work and yes I'm glaring at you Winter Soldier arc.
The Winter Soldier arc works so well because Steve and Bucky have history together, Steve and Peggy have just feelings, the relationship between Steve and Bucky and Steve and Peggy are severely different, in both cases.
For Peggy it is because she is a strong willed woman, she's had to fight her way everywhere, Steve sees her as an equal and both understand what it is to constantly be fighting to prove to others who you are because by being a woman/weak man, everyone looks past you, they undermine you, that is the Steggy dynamic.
Bucky is very different, he's exactly the opposite, he's a man of his time, he's charming, healthy, strong and noble but he isn't too moved to act the way Steve is, he isn't as strong headed as Steve is, he's been blanketed by society but thanks to Steve he gets inspired to stand up for others, remember that while Steve tried to enlist, they had to draft Bucky. One of the things about their relationship is that Bucky treats Steve as an equal too but not an equality of same struggle like he and Peggy, Bucky merely treats him as a friend, he pushes Steve out of his comfort zone, I mean he put him on the Cyclone, they rode on the back of a freezer truck, Bucky drags Steve into his adventures and treats Steve like a friend, not a sickly kid and then later on its Steve the one that has to repay the favor when it's Bucky the one's that the Winter Soldier. It's loyalty to their years of friendship and Steve knowing Bucky's character the best.
So no you can't just exchange roles and honestly the fact that if you see every single episode of What If, you quickly realize that while they may all start from a slight deviation, it leads to completely different scenarios totally outside of any MCU story.
Yondu not keeping Quill doesn't form a slightly different Guardian of the Galaxy, it generates an entire new Avengers team, they even get rid of Jotunheim and Asgard as an after thought, there's absolutely no step to step plot in any MCU movie, it's a brand new story
Same as Iron Man after the New York battle not going through the hole, it launches him into a crazy Space Race in Skaandar and while yes we get a repeat of characters and themes and places, it gets rebranded and adjusted to the characters it has, that being Tony Stark and even delves with other character's themes such as Gamora and Tony striking a friendship and both getting rid of Thanos.
This doesn't happen with Peggy, they reuse Steve's storyline, again and even pull other movies move by move, the episode is an interesting take but too close from the plot of the movies while every single one of them has deviated and found new interpretations of the characters under different scenarios, with Peggy this doesn't happen and they are trying to fit her neatly in Steve's story with slight changes but NEVER does she ever get out of the mold of being intently focused on Steve.
Even Natasha points on her dating like "what if he's named Steve?", Peggy also will never look at another man, it being her own version of "Sharon Carter", which we must remember Steve shared a kiss with, we won't ever get a whiff of a "Sousa", maybe a grandkid or something, nope you bet we never will because while Steve can, Peggy must certainly can never, she's is solely and only Captain America's girl, Steve Roger's love interest.
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princesssarisa · 6 months
In Cinderella Tales From Around the World, I've now reached the versions from the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia: Iran, Palestine, Nigeria, Angola, Sri Lanka, India, and Kashmir.
*The Iranian variant, The Story of Little Fatima, starts out much like the Italian La Gatta Cenerentola, but then turns into a "mother as animal helper" variant, with a middle section like the Portuguese The Hearth Cat. At the beginning, Little Fatima's female teacher tricks her into murdering her mother (!!!) so she can marry her father, then abuses her. But the mother's spirit comes back as a cow and shows her daughter unconditional love by magically aiding her chores. One day the cotton she's supposed to spin falls down a well, and the cow-mother advises her to go down after it, where she'll meet a div who will urge her to do bad deeds, but to only do good deeds instead. She obeys, and the div gives her a glowing moon on her forehead and star on her chin. The stepmother wants the same for her own daughter, so she sends her into the well, but Little Fatima lies to her stepsister that she should do all the bad deeds the div orders. As a result, the div gives the stepsister donkey ears and a tail. From then on, the story becomes a standard Cinderella, with the cow providing Little Fatima's finery, except instead of a ball, festival, or religious service, the special event is the wedding of a princess, the sister of the prince who falls in love with Little Fatima.
*The Palestinian variant, Thaljiyeh ("Snow-Maiden"), starts out like Snow White, with the heroine named for her skin white as snow, and her mother dying in childbirth. As Thaljiyeh is abused by her stepmother, a kindly jinniyah (female jinn) in a well takes pity on her and fills her bucket with jewelry, but when her two stepsisters draw water from the same well, the jinniyah fills their buckets with mud, stones, and insects. So they take Thaljiyeh's jewels and finally throw her out of the house. Fortunately, she comes to the home of a poor old woman who turns out to be her maternal grandmother and who takes her in; but unfortunately (so it seems), on the way she loses a red leather shoe that was a gift from her dead father. But of course a prince finds the shoe, and we all know what happens.
*The Tender-Hearted Maiden and the Fish from Nigeria is much like the Portuguese Maiden and the Fish – the heroine gets her finery from a fish that was meant to be cooked but which she set free. But in this version, unlike the Portuguese version, there is a wicked stepmother, and the fish really is a fish, not an enchanted prince. The heroine's love interest is a king, and the festival where he falls for her is a celebration of Eid al-Fitr. After her marriage, the stepmother and stepsister sneak into the heroine's bedroom at night and cut off her hands (!), but the fishes magically restore then. When the stepmother and stepsister try to publicly mock the new queen for having no hands, they only make fools of themselves.
*The Angolan variant, Fenda Maria and Her Elder Brother Nga Nzua, is very unusual. The heroine is an orphan who lives with her older brother, but when he marries the Lord Governor's daughter, his wife turns her into a slave. But in a forest she meets an old woman with leprosy and nurses her, and as reward, the old woman gives her boxes full of riches and dresses. The ending is unusual too: the heroine doesn't marry. Instead, when the Lord Governor discovers that the elegant lady who came to church is his son-in-law's sister, he punishes the couple (at the heroine's request) by dissolving their marriage and giving his cruel daughter to another man. From then on, the heroine and her repentant brother live together in prosperity, thanks to her magically-given wealth.
*As for the Indian versions, they vary widely:
**One is basically Finette Cendron without the ogres – a poor man abandons his daughters, they find a deserted wealthy house and take up residence there, and the oppressed youngest finds finery to wear to church in the house – but with a post-marriage ending. The sisters' steal the heroines babies and make her husband think she gave birth to inanimate objects, which drives him to lock her in a dungeon, but years later her children come back as beggars, and milk miraculously flies from their mother's breasts to their mouths, revealing the truth and leading to a happy ending.
**In another, the heroine is a princess who lives happily with her father and younger brother, until a seemingly-kind widow neighbor persuades her to persuade her father to marry her. The king resists a long time, but finally gives in, yet he warns his daughter that if her stepmother mistreats her, he'll do nothing about it. Sure enough, the new stepmother sends the prince away to boarding school and treats the princess like a slave. But the princess is helped both by a cow, who secretly feeds her, and by her dead godmother's spirit, who brings her finery for a dance at another king's palace. After the princess marries and gives birth to a son, her stepsister drowns her in a well and takes her place, but as in the Grimms' Brother and Sister, the princess's spirit comes back every night to nurse her baby, and when her husband finally sees her and catches her by the hands, she comes back to life. The stepsister is brutally executed and the stepmother driven away.
**The Kashmir variant follows the "mother turns into an animal" formula, but with a few differences from the norm. The mother turns into a goat when she thoughtlessly breaks a magical taboo against eating when her husband isn't home, the Cinderella character is just one of several siblings who are all mistreated by their stepmother, and instead of losing a shoe at a special event, she loses a nose ring while washing herself in a river. The ring is swallowed by a fish, which is caught and cut open by the king's cook. The king searches for the ring's owner and marries the girl, which lets her support her siblings and free them from the stepmother.
*@faintingheroine – I think Nihal would like some of these variants. Especially the Indian one where the heroine is neglected by her father and her little brother is sent away to school, since it parallels her own situation, and the Angolan one where the heroine doesn't marry in the end but gets her brother all to herself again.
*It seems strange that this book includes so few Cinderella stories from Africa. There must be more that exist!
Coming up next: tales from East Asia, beginning with what may be the very first complete Cinderella story, Ye Xian.
@ariel-seagull-wings, @adarkrainbow, @themousefromfantasyland
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brucenorris007 · 1 year
Everything You Know
"Transcription will show interviewer as agent Roque. Time is 0832 hours, interview room 01. Conducting interview of agent Rouge on subject of Mobians and relevant threat assessment per the interests of new administration. Also present is G.U.N. Commander"
"How much longer are you going to keep a lady waiting?"
"Proceed, agent Roque."
"Yes sir."
"I'm all yours, hon."
"Right. Agent Rouge; you stated before that you have intel on active Mobians that G.U.N. might find useful."
"I'm the best there is."
"Various teams have already performed thorough research"
"Oh, I'm sure you have a file for everyone. Even little old me, don't you?"
". . ."
"That's our thing. But those files are still works in progress, and I think you've stalled out for a while."
". . ."
"What information do you have?"
"First, the Chaotix."
"That's an agency consisting of one Vector the crocodile, Espio the chameleon and Charmy bee."
"Frankly, the three of them together are nearly as adept at gathering intel as G.U.N.'s whole intelligence branch."
"What sort of resources do they have access to?"
"Ours make theirs look almost analog; which just speaks to how skilled they are."
". . ."
"Don't frown, Commander; I said nearly. They're not as good as me."
"And individually?"
"Vector's deceptively organized. No one would think it by looking at him, but his attention to detail is second to none. Espio can fully control his camouflage at will and claims he's a trained ninja. I've never seen him kill before, but then, most people don't see me, either."
". . ."
"And Charmy?"
"He's six."
"He's six. What more do you want? I'm not doing a detailed report on any children."
"Does that include"
"My cutoff is seven years old."
". . .Does that include Cream the Rabbit?"
"Nauseatingly sweet. Jot that on a post-it for your files."
"All right; let's move on, then."
". . . those kids can fly carrying upwards of 400 pounds. . ."
"Excuse me?"
"Never mind, big boy. You were saying?"
"Right. Let's see. Amy Rose; her name has appeared on an impressive number of reports."
"Ha! I'm not surprised. That girl basically fears nothing, or at least no authority of any kind. She's got an odd kind of charisma that somehow draws others into helping her. Nothing like mine, of course, but I'm a bit more selective about who I work with."
"I'm seeing several counts of criminal activity here."
"All null and void per the last administration, hon. She's been good as far as the law's concerned since then. No telling how long that'll last."
"And how would you assess her through the lens of being a possible threat?"
"Hard to know; like I said, there's no telling what she might pursue next. If any of her goals brought her in contention with G.U.N. though, I doubt that would stop her trying."
"What about this friend of hers, a Big the Cat?"
"Seriously? We've got one for him? He's a teddy bear. Literally only cares about his pet frog and good fishing. He's nil as a threat to anyone except tuna."
"Okay. Just a few more"
"Let me guess. Knuckles the Echidna."
"Do you have anything on him?"
"Amateur treasure hunter. Militant, dedicated to his job; which keeps him out of most of the business we're interested in anyway, since he lives on a floating island. By my estimate, he's the strongest thing alive."
". . . !"
"Not that he can't be handled. Insofar as we'd ever need to handle a recluse."
"Is he really an echidna?"
"He seems to think so."
"Thank you. That just leaves"
"Little fox boy for last, hm?"
"Tails, birth name Miles Prower. The reason my cutoff age is seven; he's at least as smart as Eggman, if not more so. Kid works with less of a budget than the Chaotix and he can still build better aircraft, mechanical units and weaponry than the Doctor. If he wasn't such a goody-two-shoes, I might want to teach him a few things myself."
"That's quite a statement."
"And not a word of exaggeration."
". . ."
"That's everyone, huh, stud?"
"Thanks for this little date, Roque; would've been more fun with some wine and sans chaperone."
"Agent Rouge, I have to ask"
"That's me clocked out for the day, boys; you know where to find me."
"Sonic the Hedgehog."
". . ."
". . ."
"Of all active Mobians, any information on him is the highest priority. What have you got on him?"
"Agent Rouge."
"I believe it would be in G.U.N.'s best interest for me to keep hold of my intel on subject Sonic the Hedgehog."
". . ."
". . ."
"Very well. That will be all."
"She's right, agent Roque; she is among our best. That's why we have a file on her in the first place."
- - - - -
Rouge sighed, rolling out her neck and flexing her wings once the door shut behind her. G.U.N. used exactly the same chairs in their interview rooms as in their interrogation cells, and they left her stiff if she sat too long.
No doubt the nerds working on a contingency plan for Sonic would be crying again tonight, but it wasn't her problem. There really wasn't much to learn about him anyway.
She could have told them that his friends-particularly the girl and his pocket genius-were the nearest he had to any kind of vulnerability or weak point, but at best it was a moot point. At worst, G.U.N. would do far more harm than good with the information.
She'd pieced together herself what Eggman must've figured out years ago:
The consequences for going after Sonic's so-called "weak points" weren't worth any prize.
Rouge tucked in her wings and made her way down the hall. All told, it hadn't been the way she wanted to spend her morning, but it'd been necessary. The new administration had been acting a little shifty toward Mobians compared to the previous.
Volunteering for a verbal report would put her-and if only by proxy, Shadow and Omega-into G.U.N.'s good-or at least neutral-books.
It'd also serve as a reminder of just how skilled she was; and how much damage she could cause on the way out if need be.
Best of all, doing so had cost her next to nothing save a few shiny tidbits.
She might've given G.U.N. all they knew about Mobians.
But she'd hardly given them all she knew.
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soap-lady · 10 months
Being productive? Not when there's fanfic to write
@angelqueen13art @idreamtofmanderleyagain @tenebrare
Well, here you go. It's a little rough but I hope you guys like it.
Hot Dad Shopping
“I don’t understand,” Elliot said as he allowed Kirsty and Tiffany to pull him closer to the assemblage of department stores known as a “Mall”. My wardrobe is perfectly adequate. I don’t need much and your father’s clothes are in good condition-”
“We need a new wardrobe for Tiffany anyway,” Kirsty reminded him as she nodded at her new little sister. “Sure, it’s a private school and she’ll have to wear a uniform but she’ll need clothes for after school and weekends. Cute stuff.”
The blonde girl could get away with wearing the few pieces they’d managed to scrounge for her during the summer but with school about to start she’d need better clothes. It was a posh school and Kirsty didn’t want her made fun of by her classmates.
“It’ll be fun!” Tiffany was looking forward to some cute new clothes for herself, especially those she could pick out on her own. She was equally looking forward to seeing how Elliot would look in new clothes.
“I love my dad,” Kirsty couldn’t stop herself from referring to him in the present tense. “But he had little to no sense of style. He tends to wear the same clothes he bought ten years ago unless I or…his wife bought him something.” Her smile turned a little awkward. “They’re old fashioned and don’t fit you quite right.”
Elliot was taller and leaner than Larry Cotton and so the dead man’s clothes were ill-fitting. Still he hated to complain or spend money on something he already had. “Really, Kirsty. I can see buying Tiffany school clothing but it’s perfectly all right for me to wear your father’s clothing-”
“It really isn’t,” she interrupted with a polite but troubled smile and turned away from him, still leading the charge to an upscale department store that started with an “N”.
Elliot understood. To wear Larry’s clothing must be a constant reminder to his daughter that the man wasn’t here to wear them himself. Plus, to Kirsty’s mind it must be as if he were wearing the man’s skin and she didn’t need a reminder of that. He mumbled “sorry” and Tiffany changed the subject. “So, who are we shopping for first? Me or Elliot?”
He was grateful to her. “Ladies first, naturally. I’m sure I won’t need much anyway.”
Both young women looked at him and gave him a “aw, he’s cute when he’s naive” look and continued into the “Juniors” section.
Tiffany oohed over some dresses but Kirsty brought her over to a circular display of trousers. “Dresses are great and we’ll get to them but it’s good to start with some basics.” Clothes shopping was one of the few things her former stepmother had bothered to teach her and the woman even relaxed a bit the few times they’d gone out together. “You want some separates that you can build into a lot of different outfits. Start with pants, jeans and skirts if you like them and add blouses, tees and sweaters, maybe a jacket or two. Then we can move on to shoes and accessories and um,” she bit her lip, knowing Elliot was listening. “New undergarments. We’ll get you measured for a proper fit.”
“I’ll excuse myself during that part of the trip, if neither of you ladies mind,” he was sure under clothing had changed since his day, Cenobites never bothered to wear any, and he’d rather not watch his underaged ward pick them out. He found himself wondering what men wore these days.
Tiffany nodded and together she and Kirsty picked out a few trousers in neutral shades and a few others in bright colors. Elliot found himself being used as a living clothing rack as they moved on to blouses and other tops and located a sales representative to lead them to a dressing room. To her credit, the woman didn’t so much as raise an eyebrow at the strange little family but unlocked a door for Tiffany. She hung an “in use” sign above the door and gave them all a professional smile (lingering a bit on Elliot) and gave them some privacy.
The next hour was spent approving or rejecting certain outfits. Elliot found it strange to see a young girl in trousers but Kirsty teased him about “wearing the same thing for nearly a century” and he gave up. He was glad to see that their faux arguments made Tiffany giggle and he loved hearing it. The poor child had had little joy in the past year or so and he was glad to see her enjoy herself. Even if it was at his expense.
“Just you wait until it’s your turn,” he told Kirsty. “I will give you the exact amount of grief you’ve given me.”
“Bring it on, Captain”, she taunted and Tiffany laughed again.
The salesperson occasionally brought in suggestions, like a sleeveless dress and a turtleneck to be worn underneath it. She also brought a jumpsuit and a coordinating cardigan, a few knee length pleated skirts, and a belted pea coat. She also brought in some leggings and a big puffy jacket with a hood. After selecting nearly everything Tiffany tried on and liked they moved on to shoes. She would need some flats and loafers for school, sneakers for PE, and some low-heeled dress shoes. Then came belts and purses.
The last item Tiffany would need is the aforementioned undergarments and Elliot wandered over to the men’s department to select his own.
A young man wearing a nametag that read “Arthur” nearly pounced on him as soon as he’d crossed over. “Hello, sir? Are you shopping for yourself or someone else today?”
“Myself,” Elliot was feeling a little flustered at the man’s overly friendly behavior. He hadn’t been to a tailor’s in decades and those were usually private discrete appointments either at home or at the shop, not as part of a crowd. He lowered his voice and said, “I’m looking for…undergarments.”
The man’s eyes lit up and he looked Elliot over. “So! What kind? Boxers? Briefs? Maybe some boxer briefs?” The young man’s grin turned sly. “Bikinis?”
“Er…boxers I think,” Elliot decided. “Perhaps some boxer briefs as well, please.”
The salesperson looked slightly disappointed but still smiled. “Of course, sir. Just step into the dressing room and I’ll measure you for size.”
“Yes, thank you,” Elliot smiled politely and followed the younger man.
After some careful (and exact) measuring, especially in his inseam, the salesperson determined that Elliot was a “medium” and brought him several different styles that would “flatter that lean, swimmer’s body you have”. He also brought over some undershirts and socks. Elliot paid for everything with the credit card Kirsty had given him. She told him cash was impractical and carrying around large bills was ill-advised.
The salesperson rang up all his purchases and slipped his business card into one of the bags in case Elliot ever needed some style consulting. He’d just taken his bags when Kirsty and Tiffany came over with a few rolling suitcases.
“This place doesn’t have silly things like shopping carts so we bought something to take everything home in.” She handed him a large case that nearly came up to his hip. “We got one for you too.”
The salesperson gave Tiffany a polite smile, his eyes roaming over Kirsty just as they had over Elliot. “Aw, family shopping day?”
“In a way,” Kirsty answered before Elliot could think of something. She pointed between Tiffany and Elliot. “They’re cousins. I’m just their friend turned landlord.”
“Ah,” the other man nodded in understanding. “I should have guessed they were related. They have the same beautiful blue eyes.”
“Blue eyes do run in my family,” Elliot agreed. It wasn’t a lie, just misdirection.
“And now my dear platonic friend Elliot,” Kirsty told the salesperson with a wink, “needs a new wardrobe. Any suggestions?”
She had clearly made the man’s Christmas. “Tons!” She couldn’t tell if the man was more excited for his possible commission, or the fact that Elliot was currently single. “Why don’t you go back to the dressing room, sir? The ladies and I will bring you some pieces you’re sure to love!”
“C’mon, cousin,” Tiffany smiled at him. “Let us pick out some outfits for you. It’ll be fun!”
He grumbled under his breath about torture but complied.
His three personal shoppers threw clothing over the top of the dressing room door at him; trousers in every color they could find, denim trousers called “jeans”, lightweight khaki pants called chinos, turtlenecks, jumpers, button downs in every color, an olive jacket with large buttons down the front, a navy jacket with a zip up the front and a leather black jacket with a faux fur collar that reminded him of the kind of jackets pilots used to wear.
The young man also fitted him with three different suits; one gray, one black, and another in navy. They then moved on to shoes; casual shoes, trainers, and dress shoes. He also allowed Kirsty to talk him into buying a watch. She’d bought all of them mobile phones so the watch was just for effect and he liked it all the same. The salesperson also recommended belts and ties, even a wallet or two..
Somehow the clothes he’d had on when he came in disappeared so he exited the dressing room in a navy button down with the first two buttons undone and a pair of khaki chinos. He also decided to match the outfit with some casual loafers. He adjusted the cuffs of the shirt sleeves, feeling a bit out of his element. “So, how do I look?”
“Hot!” Tiffany blurted out before she could stop herself. “You look like a hot dad.”
Kirsty nodded. “A really young, hot dad. Like, unbelievably young to have a teenager type of dad.”
The salesperson agreed. “Oh yes, it’s totally you. And very on-trend. Think of John Legend or Ryan Reynolds. They both have the Hot Dad look down pat.” He sighed. “You’ll turn heads and break hearts. Trust me.”
Elliot thought he was much too old and too experienced to be able to blush but the idea of drawing attention to himself as plain old Elliot Spencer, the man he hadn’t been in decades was a bit of an adjustment. A flattering one.
The salesperson wrapped up his purchases and accepted payment. His smile was very eager and not altogether professional. “Anything else I can help you with today, Mister…” he glanced at the name on the card. “…Spencer?”
He thought they’d all had quite enough fun at his expense. “For myself, no,” he clapped an all too friendly hand on Kirsty’s shoulder. “But my dear Miss Cotton has yet to have bought anything for herself, sans the luggage of course. Can you direct us to some lovely clothing for her?”
Kirsty glared at him but he pretended not to see. Her altruism was commendable but he wouldn’t allow her to neglect herself. Nor would he miss the opportunity to tease her as well.
The young man sighed. “Women’s clothing isn’t my area and my coworkers can be a little…territorial.” He seemed disappointed he couldn’t pick out clothes for Kirsty as well. Then he brightened. “Amy is working today and she’s a sweetheart. I trained her myself so you know she’s good. Follow me.”
They made their way over to the women’s department and their salesperson introduced them to a young redhead, the aforementioned Amy. After he’d walked back to his own department she gave Kirsty a look of dismay. “Oh, sweetie. Who hurt you?”
“Lost most of my clothes in a house fire,” she told the saleswoman bluntly. Elliot blinked at her response but Tiffany just nodded in agreement. He mentally shrugged. It was better and easier than the truth.
The saleswoman looked horrified. “I’m so sorry! Well, I’m glad you’re alright. Let’s put together a replacement wardrobe. What would you like to start with?”
Kirsty shot Elliot a mocking glance. If he thought she’d take his teasing without a fight he clearly didn’t know her. “Lingerie.”
His eyebrows rose as he briefly imagined her…in things…they’d passed rows of women’s underclothing, skimpier than he remembered and he told himself he was being judgemental. “Yes, well. In the meantime Tiffany and I will pick out some outer clothing for you to try, if that’s all right.”
“Oh, great idea. That’ll save time.” Amy answered for Kirsty and took out her measuring tape. Let’s just go in the dressing room and I’ll get your size.”
Tiffany and Elliot went to the sales floor to pick clothes for Kirsty. He initially grabbed a paisley blouse as a joke but Tiffany grabbed it out of his hands and put it back on the rack. “She didn’t pick anything ugly for you. Don’t pick ugly shit for her,” she admonished and he felt ashamed for being petty.
Once she saw his understanding she gave him a grin and a conspiratorial wink. “Let’s pick pretty things but let’s pick a lot.” *****
And a lot they did pick out. First a camel colored trench coat for the upcoming chillier weather, then some button up blouses in colors they knew Kirsty liked. Tiffany found some pretty patterned skirts and maxi skirts she thought would look nice with solid tops and Elliot added them to their pile. Next were a few cardigans and turtlenecks that could be layered, plus some tailored trousers. Tiffany threw in a blazer and some denim jeans and a jacket or two. Neither of them knew what size shoe Kirsty wore but they did find some socks, belts and bags they thought she’d like.
Amy popped out of the dressing room, took their selections, and added a casual dress and some t-shirts and camisoles as well. Elliot also thought she’d look nice in a boatneck shirt with horizontal stripes, like some of the French girls he’d met in the past. Last came some sweaters and they decided Kirsty could pick her own shoes.
Kirsty finally came out of the dressing room wearing something Tiffany and Elliot had selected for her; a plain t-shirt with wide-legged trousers and an aviator jacket similar to the one she picked out for Elliot. Her clothes were also mysteriously gone. She looked at both of them. “Well?”
“It suits you,” Elliot managed after a few tries.
Tiffany did a few slow circles around Kirsty and rubbed her face. “Not Hot Dad style but I think the Cool Big Sis look is perfect for you.”
Everyone agreed and after Kirsty had picked out some sneakers, loafers, and dress heels for herself Amy had rung her up and they put all her purchases in the rolling suitcases. Kirsty sighed and looked at her friends.
“Shopping’s done. Who wants lunch and ice cream?”
Tiffany raised hers and Elliot’s hands while Kirsty told Elliot all about the joys of Haagen-Dazs.
11 notes · View notes
thepringlesofblood · 2 years
Dimension 20′s Neverafter FPE (Fairytales Per Episode)
im going out of my fuckin gourd on this neverafter shit, and i have decided to make a list of what and how many fairytales/nursery rhymes are introduced in each episode. will update as time goes on but i make no promises as to how frequently. theories are not included in totals. allusions/references are.
disclaimer: i am coming at this from a primarily american, english-speaking, culturally christian background, though I have studied a lot of ancient mediterranean myth and religion, a little bit of norse myth and religion, and a little bit of arthurian legend.
please let me know if there’s a reference to something I missed or if you know shit I don’t. i’ve decided that for our purposes, whether a reference/allusion is intentional or not doesn’t factor into our final count - unintentional/ambiguously intentional allusions/references count too, not just obvious ones.
(especially about mythical middle eastern spiders. I only know anansi & arachne, and have a passing familiarity with jorogumo & ye xian, and none of those are middle eastern or fit the situation.)
update: the show is finished! I won’t be taking my various theories off, i think it adds flavor. just remember as you’re going down that I was updating this weekly-ish. I’m going to do another post in the future that is Just The Numbers, but for now, enjoy my rambling! [updatier update: here’s the Just The Numbers post]
Ep. 1
The PCs (and their backstories)
 Mother Goose (+1)
Hubbard (old mother Hubbard who lived in a cupboard) (+1)
jumped over the Candlestick (+1)
(implied) and the Beanstalk (bc of the giants everywhere) (+1)
theory: Sprat? (the rhyme goes “Jack sprat could eat no fat his wife could eat no lean/and so between them both, you see they licked the platter clean.” not directly mentioned but that was my first thought upon the whole turning to bones thing that like all the fat was removed from his body or smthin)
Ylfa (Little Red Riding Hood) (+1)
there are 2 wolves inside you. you are 12.
the big bad wolf is mentioned in the context of 2 stories, the 3 little pigs and little red riding hood, so (+1) for the pigs
Pib (Puss in Boots) (+1)
Pinocchio (+1)
Cinderella (stepmother’s official art says “Cinderella...” at the bottom) (+1)
theory: “The second fairy you have met in your life” so also a character in smthin else probably since cindy’s stepmom isnt usually magical
update: maybe the whole cannibalism thing made her magical? who’s to say
updatier update (post ep 7): so it turns out that the evil fairy =/= the stepmother, but is the evil fairy from sleeping beauty. i was right about the stepmother being in multiple different stories but boy howdy do i wish I wasn’t. 
Rosamund (sleeping beauty/briar rose) (+1)
Gerard (the princess and the frog) (+1)
Snow queen (mentioned by Elody) (+1)
the rest of the episode
the little red hen (+1)
i fuckin love this one.
the story’s basic but good - she’s makin some bread and at every step asks for help from the other barnyard creatures and they’re all like hmm nahhhhh and then when it comes time to eat the bread they’re all like yes please lemme help w that and she’s like uh no, where was this energy when i was making the damn thing? and eats it ‘without any help at all’
so brennan doing her as like ‘u gotta help or you don’t eat’ is fantastic. 10/10
Ol king Cole (+1)
The little old lady who lived in a shoe (+1)
(alluded to) Alice n Wonderland (rabbit and teapot) (+1)
theory: “the chandling caravan” sounds like it should be something, but I don’t know what it is, and google has not been helpful. same w boffit, lord bandlebridge, and cressida lumley.
total tale count: 16
Ep. 2
The nutcracker (+1) (herr drosselmeyer is the weird uncle who gives clara the nutcracker. also in every ballet his drip is consistently immaculate)
Snow White (+1) (mirror mirror…..leaned up against the wall)
(alluded to) Beauty n the beast (furniture coming alive) (+1)
theory: Eidelgrin means something, but I don’t know what it is.
total tale count: 3
Ep. 3
.........nothing new to report
Ep 4
the fairy with the turquoise hair (aka the blue fairy) is actually not exclusive to Pinocchio - she has her own book n everything. (+1)
(alluded to) the little mermaid (+1)
“a dancing princess who either cannot or will not speak near a beach.”
the little mermaid trades her voice for legs and in the OG grimm story it feels like stepping on swords whenever she walks so she kind of “dances” (rip)
there’s. So many rabbit and fox tricksters. And other clever cats. I don’t think any were directly mentioned (except that Pinocchio has some in his many adventures, which isn’t a new tale) so I’m gonna say (+1) for rabbit and (+1) for fox.
Update: a reply to this post mentioned a character named Reynard the Fox from medieval French literature that might be the reason that the Fox speaks with a French accent. I found more support for this theory below!
this is the name of the daggers Pib gets. Rabbit mentions that it’s a name that Fox called the Wolf.
In fact, there’s a tale called Ysengrimus from 1152 CE where Reynard the Fox tricks the titular character, a wolf! So, there’s one Fox story confirmed. No additional points since Fox already had 1 point, this is more confirming the specific story he was inspired by.
theory: also, if we know the accents Mean Something, then Rabbit having a British accent might point to Peter Rabbit.
update: i have noticed several posts calling Rabbit’s accent Australian. it can be hard for me to tell the difference and idk if the general European bent of these tales means that brennan’s British just sounds kind of Australian or if it Means Something. I’m sure there’s Australian trickster rabbits too i just don’t know them
no fuckin clue where the ring came from tho :/
the golden goose (another Jack/Mother Goose tale not specifically mentioned before) (+1)
plus the beanstalk thing is talked about more (not new info though)
total tale count: 5
Ep. 5
hey diddle diddle (+1) (the dish ran away with the spoon + the cow jumping over the moon are from this same rhyme)
also anyone catch brennan mentioning fiddle music as tim was healing pib? ik it was king cole related music, but also...hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle.
itsy bitsy spider (+1)
(alluded to) little miss muffet (+1) (tuffeton)
(alluded to) goldilocks (+1) (”just enough” oats)
1001 nights (+1) (scheherazade is the author of these tales, as well as a myth in her own right. I have not read 1001 nights. please tell me things if you know them)
“spider queen” (+1) idk what it is but its fuckin something
identifying information: guardian of a cave/maze. supposedly has a throne. 1001 nights-adjacent.
“the spider and the wind” tale 909 of 1001, spider isn’t in this one that much actually
not all folktales in the neverafter are in mother goose’ book, so it stands to reason that not all folktales in the Endless Nights are in 1001 nights.
however, all the folktales in the neverafter are European in origin (mostly medieval), so it would make sense that the folktales in the endless nights would be middle eastern or adjacent
ye xian - chinese folktale where there’s a spider queen
“that’s east asia not arabia” fair but consider: in the older translations, aladdin is a chinese peasant. the world of 1001 nights is already bigger than arabia, and stories travel much more easily than the goods being traded across asia and the mediterranean on the silk road at the time the stories were written.
jorogumo - japanese yokai. a spider that turns into a woman. again, extremely far away from arabia, but girl i am looking.
cave of thawr - islamic oral tradition of muhammed hiding in a cave and a spider protects him. there’s a similar jewish tale w david hiding in a cave.
unlikely, but if there’s beautiful tapestries and the mother of all spiders i have to mention my girl Arachne (greek myth)
all time famous mythical spider anansi (west africa) still doesn’t really fit the bill, and is farther away from arabia than arachne (greece, which had colonies in the middle east (along the mediterranean shore but still. water = trade = exchange of goods = exchange of ideas/stories)) but still possible
yes i got a degree in ancient mediterranean studies and am using it to ruthlessly analyze a comedy show instead of sleeping, what about it?
sinbad (+1) “Sinbad the Sailor” (the roc is part of this as far as i can tell)
magical palace w the tapestries of starlight (+1) there’s a fuckload of magic palaces in 1001 nights. idk which one this refers to but it’s Something. am currently combing the stories more closely to specify at least one.
the bartender with the icy wound is definitely someone. my gut says someone from the snow queen - people get icy mirrors in their eyes n shit in there and oftentimes straight up don’t get better
the peddler of wares in the corner has to be someone
the name of the tavern being “the cock and toad” has to mean something. i did some googling. there’s lots of fairytales w toads and lots of fairytales w cocks (lol) but none I could find where it’s just the two of them together. it’s weird, w a lot of fairytales/fables/nursery rhymes its like rolling 2d8 on a table of 8 animals and then just making the title out of the two animals you get. statistically its likely that there’s a story out there called that but I can’t find it.
the fucking spidersilk ring. i will solve this riddle one day.
they say the name “Aesop” as in “Aesop’s fables” (like the tortoise and the hare) but no tales mentioned yet. worth looking into if you’re the curious sort tho. Pib is going to fuck this guy up, his stories are very animal-centric and definitely have some trickster cats.
total tale count: 8
Ep. 6
No new tales - expands on ones already mentioned.
It’s just Muffet and whoever Scheherazade’s spider is
at least we find out that the “spider queen” referred to the monstrous form of muffet and Scheherazade’s spider combined, and not some new wholly separate myth.
Scheherazade’s spider seemed a little...riddly? for lack of a better term? like the whole “something that does not breathe” thing was weird, and if it’s supposed to be a guardian or guide of some sort, riddles make sense.
honorable mention: In the adventuring party episode, brennan tells the fable of the scorpion and the frog.
total tale count: 0
Ep 7
many theories with little knowledge.
In the adventuring party, brennan straight up says that the sword of truth is a general archetype, not from any specific tale. didn’t know that was an option! so no points for the sword of truth, dope as it is.
p.s. anyone else get flashbacks to fhsy with the whole truth mirror thing? it’s a good concept I’m glad brennan’s bringing it back
I am assuming each artifact found in the spider’s lair either comes from a separate tale, or is an archetype. I’m only counting it if I can pin down a specific tale that it is from.
the gillesuit/haystack cloak (+1)
update: As of Ep. 9, we now know that this is called “the cloak of rushes” and grants advantage on stealth checks. it is almost certainly from the English fairy tale “Cap-o’-Rushes” which, confusingly, features not just a cap but a whole outfit made of rushes!
my first thought was little boy blue, which does come from the tales of mother goose. this makes more sense tho lol
the golden bridle (+1)
some cursory googling indicates that this is from the celtic tale of Guleesh. one night, upon hearing the Fair Folk partying in some ruins (had to look up what a “rath” was lol) and saying “My horse, my bridle, my saddle!”, he repeats what they’re saying and is suddenly on a horse with a golden bridle. the story isn’t about the bridle itself, but the horses feature prominently, and can fly and stuff. When Guleesh kind of breaks the magic, the horse turns into a wooden beam, so maybe putting the bridle on a wooden beam summons a horse?
update: in ep 13 & 14 (& the adventuring parties) they mention that a. it does not summon a steed - you need to already have a steed there, and b. it would only work on a beast, not a monstrosity.
so.......maybe it’s not the one from the tale of Guleesh. I remain optimistic.
the golden chair (+1)
an obscure one, to be sure. from a grimm fairytale with a weirdly christian bent, where a tailor convinces st peter to let him into heaven but then sits in a big golden chair which as it turns out is the chair god sits in, and fucks up by throwing the footstool at some lady on earth washing veils (?) and gets kicked out again.
it is very possible that this was not an intentional allusion, but rather meant to evoke a fairytale-like atmosphere. either way, mission accomplished!
honorable mention: mayor harold hopps, while not a fairytale character himself, looks exactly like and was apparently inspired by the guy on the Pringles can, who is 100% a modern-day folkloric character.
the black velvet cloak with stars on it
idk where this is from. the only story I could find w a cursory google that had star clothing was Allerleirauh aka Thousandfurs, about a princess whose dad who wants to marry her (gross) so she asks for a bunch of impossible stuff to be made before the wedding can happen to try and stop it, including a dress made of stars (and one made of every kind of fur in the world hence the title). but it’s not a cloak so no points.
i s2g i have heard of something called ‘the cloak of stars’ before but I can’t fucking find it. pls lmk if you can think of something
update: ep 9 - they ALMOST told us what it was fuck, they mentioned wearing it to escape from the stepmother but we have no name. also the ‘cap-o’-rushes’ tale is extremely similar to thousandfurs minus the incest, so I don’t think it’s from that.
the stick skeletons w/ flesh on them were minions of the evil fairy from sleeping beauty - not a new tale
total tale count: 3
Ep 8
correction: brennan mentioned in the adventuring party for this one that aesop himself may also be fictional, and that many fables contain him telling the fable as part of it, so we’ll officially count him as his own fable like we did with Scheherazade (+1)
the lion and the mouse (+1)
the boy who cried wolf (+1)
they did finally mention the scorpion and the frog (+1)
alphonse is there but “the mule” isn’t actually referenced as being part of any of aesop’s fables in the show (like, there’s plenty of mules in aesop’s fables but no specific one was referenced in the show)
total tale count: 4
Ep 9
i love her so much. i truly understood emily’s excitement this episode. 
(alluded to) the princess and the pea (+1)
first time around I didn’t hear siobhan ask if anyone sees any stacks of mattresses without peas under them to sleep on lol
(alluded to) this little piggy went to market (+1)
idk if that’s the name of the rhyme or not, or if it has a name
it’s not in the captions but emily axford saying ‘well there has to be a market, right? cause this little piggy went to market’ is iconic
some sources say this rhyme is from Mother Goose lol
total tale count: 3
Ep 10
(alluded to) peter and the wolf (+1)
the baron’s named peter and there’s a wolf. that cant be a coincidence, the 3 little pigs don’t have set names
mostly retreading 3 little pigs territory. awesome battle set!
the soup could be an allusion to something but i think its just playing into this season’s theme of consumption and the end of the 3 little pigs
the council of kings might be from something
total tale count: 1
Ep 11
we get 5 kings from 5 tales on the Council of Kings (which seems diegetic and not a reference to anything), 3 of which we already knew, 2 which are new.
the little mermaid (the mer-king)
the snow queen (the tsar of snowhold)
the nutcracker (the mouse king)
the emperor’s new clothes (the naked emperor) (+1)
rumpelstiltskin (FINALLY) (the king of apogee) (+1)
Koschei the deathless (+1)
i had no fucking clue who this guy was until emily axford recognized him, thank you emily
at first I was scared the sealskin would be a selkie thing. it may still be, but that doesn’t appear to be the case in this specific situation
(alluded to) the binding of Fenrir, the wolf at the end of the world (+1)
there’s a norse myth where tyr (a god) puts his hand in fenrir’s mouth to show good faith. the gods want to put this magical leash/collar on fenrir, and since he’s not an idiot he says that he’ll consent to it only if tyr puts a hand in his mouth while they do it, to show that what they’re doing will not hurt or bind him in any way. the gods agree, but oops they lied, the chains are very much to bind him, and tyr loses his hand but the wolf is still bound.
but ylfa and mother goose are telling the truth! happy ending (for once lol) ^v^
I didn’t catch this one at first - thank you to the many posts about it in the #neverafter tag!
honorable mention
sheldon from ‘garfield and friends’
the tavern-keeper (Natalia) doesn’t stand out to me as anyone specific so far, though her daughter is the second “snow-touched” person we’ve met (the bartender at the cock and toad had an icy wound over one eye) so im thinkin snow queen
there’s dwarves in other stories than snow white I’m sure, but these ones specifically say “snow white” on their intro card.
also, their names, Mürrisch, Schläfrig, & Arzt, mean grumpy, sleepy, and doctor in German. Grumpy, Sleepy, and Doc are all disney snow white dwarf names. nice.
another infuriating mention of the cloak of stars without any indication of what it does. I’m going to spontaneously combust.
one thing i do appreciate is the amount of taverns they run into. this is the third and i am very pro
total tale count: 4
Ep. 12
so many princesses!!!!! most of them already counted but still!!!
Rapunzel!!!!! (+1)
The North Wind (+1)
my classics major ass immediately assumed they were talking about Boreas, the Greek god of the northern wind lol
from what I can tell, this is from "East of the Sun and West of the Moon"
i’m sure The North Wind is from other things too, everybody loves personifying the wind
honorable mentions
Beast!!!!! i already counted the tale early on as a reference but it’s here fr now!!!!
Finally meeting the little mermaid!!! Also counted early on but this is her first appearance!
“the beast beyond no name” that Mira mentions in combination w the taut string that Pinocchio feels that means part of his story is happening soon whether he likes it or not makes me think it’s Terrible Dogfish time. But. I also think that it could be the literal Kraken.
there’s so many monsters in folklore that are just “really big scary fish thing that lives at the bottom of the ocean yet somehow also wrecks ships on the surface” i just don’t know which one brennan’s going for. my money’s on either Pinocchio’s Dogfish or The Kraken
Candlewick! jesus fucking christ! every time a bit of Pinocchio lore shows up, it’s already horrifying just from the whole story of Pinocchio being horrifying, but then Brennan leans into it in just the right way for it to be so much worse!
in the adventuring party, they mention several other tales, including the tortoise and the hare and the little matchgirl. they also (rightfully) dunk on Hans Christian Andersen for writing ludicrously depressing children’s stories.
total tale count: 2
Ep. 13
no new tales, dogfish, mer-king, & sea witch are from existing tales, but
also MANY tantalizing mentions of the golden bridle with 0 hints as to its capabilities.
total tale count: 0
Ep. 14
the sea witch is named Alba Mac Lír
several allusions here!
thank you @twoeelsforsupper for this observation!
“there is a legend called "the children of Lír" where a witch/stepmother turns King Lír's children into swans but does not take their voices, which ends up getting her found out. like the threads about voices and witches and stepmothers and transformations???”
“Alba” can mean several things
it’s the Scottish Gaelic name for Scotland (this is probably what was being referenced)
in Latin, it’s the feminine nominative singular of the adjective albus, meaning “white”
in Spanish and Italian, it means “sunrise”
In Scottish Gaelic, “Mac” means “son of” so we have “Scotland, son of Lír”
good for her
also, if she’s one of the children of Lír, does that mean she’s one of the ones that got turned into swans?? much to consider.
so, plus one for the legend of the children of Lír! (+1)
FINALLY (finally) we get full cloak of stars lore.
its a fucking dnd 5e item. all this time and it’s legit just a reskin of Robe of Stars
it can take them to the lines between and shoot magic missile
i don’t know why i’m mad
total: 1
Ep. 15
no new tales, unless you count Clara The Horse Princess (she is not from anything as far as I can tell but I love her. also like Clara is the name of the nutcracker main character but we already counted the nutcracker so it wouldn’t be anything either)
total: 0
Ep. 16
thumbelina! (+1)
tom thumb! (+1)
I thought they were from the same thing but it turns out they have different origins, though there was a 2002 movie that had them be in the same movie.
tom thumb - English folklore, there was a 1621 book called The History of Tom Thumb
thumbelina - hans christian anderson tale from 1835, in the second volume of his Fairy Tales Told For Children series.
turns out he was actually inspired by Tom Thumb a bit, so it’s not convergent evolution or anything.
ngl - I mostly know the story of thumbelina from hearing julia from drawfee rant about how shitty of a movie it is in various streams/videos lol
all the jack stuff is stuff we’ve seen before - golden goose, giantslayer, nimble
UPDATE: in ep 17 adventuring party, brennan talks a bit about the multiplicity of jacks, and clarifies that there are TWO separate giantslayer myths.
Jack the Giant Killer - a Welsh fairytale about a warrior named Jack who fights a bunch of giants with a huge club and wins
Jack and the Beanstalk - an English fairytale about a young boy who accidentally grows a beanstalk to the Giant World and only “kills” the giant at the end by cutting the beanstalk down, leaving the giant to fall to his (their?) death.
So, while we’ve already counted Jack and the Beanstalk, this episode does introduce a new variation on Jack - Jack the Giant Killer. (+1)
henry hubbard is BACK!!!!! yes!!!!!
and tomás!!! and A L P H O N S E
I am v psyched for what comes next.
honorable mentions:
these aren’t explicitly Liliputians, but they do talk about gulliver in the adventuring party. I don’t think they talk about him in the actual show though.
total: 3
Ep. 17
holy shit. so many right off the bat, with brennan and siobhan going through a list of c-list folktales!
Fear Not (+1)
another grimm fairytale - not their finest work i see why this guy would be c-list lol
the brave little tailor (+1)
aka “the guy who kills a bunch of flies with his belt”
this is a for-real grimm fairytale about a guy who kills 7 flies at once, is very proud of it, makes a belt that says “Seven at One Blow” on it, and then goes out into the world and has his shit wrecked from various people misinterpreting what “Seven at One Blow” means
it’s hilarious
another jack tale!! Jack and Jill! (+1)
three blind mice (+1)
honorable mentions:
Henry talks about reuniting a clockwork man with a man in an eyepatch
this is all consistent with the Herr Drosselmeyer lore from all the way back in the first episodes of the show! We already counted him, so no new points, but still very cool!
also cool how brennan combined shoeberg w giant-slaying bc i mean how did they get all those ludicrously big shoes?
the golden goose shows Timothy all the versions of his story where they are one and the same. I’m not counting this as her showing him a new, separate fairytale, since it just overlaps two tales that we already have counted. also, I cried, that was a really intense part of the episode.
in the adventuring party they talk a lot about Narnia and “The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.”
ik those aren’t exactly ye olde english fairytales, since they came out in 1950, but if Aslan wandered into the neverafter I’d count him for sure
we learn what the harp does!
the harp’s power is consistent with the jack and the beanstalk myth, but it also reminded me of several other myths about lulling beasts to sleep
e.g. Hermes of Greek mythology fame (and supposedly the inventor of the lyre) also killed the giant Argus after lulling half of his eyes to sleep with the lyre and boring the other half to sleep with various tales of his exploits. (Argus’ big thing was having a bunch of eyes all over his body)
lulling a beast to sleep is a common theme across cultures, makes sense that it’s the kind of archetype useful for the gang.
it’s very possible that some aspect of how baba yaga’s cottage was described alludes to some other Slavic folklore that I didn’t pick up on
total: 4
Ep 18
“The Wishing Star” (+1)
fuck disney for making it impossible to find real fairytales about wishing stars on google
there are many tales/nursery rhymes about wishing on stars. “star light, star bright” is the first that comes to mind, but I’m sure there’s others. we’ll count this as a multi-tale figure and give it +1
honorable mentions
so. The Trials of Baba Yaga could refer to several things.
The Tale about Baba-Yaga is a 18th c. folk story where Baba Yaga has one normal human son (???) who marries a normal human woman, who then has to prove herself by doing seemingly normal chores (milk the cows, shear the sheep) that she then finds out from her husband are secretly meant to kill her (the cows are bears, the sheep are wolves).
(aka a fucked up slavic version of the tale of eros and psyche.)
(not that eros and psyche isn’t fucked up, just in a different way)
There is a 2017 book called “Winston and Baum and the Trials of the Baba Yaga” I do not think this is what was being referenced, and as it is modern and not a folk story, I’m not counting it.
other stuff I can find about Baba Yaga also includes stepdaughters having to do chores with secret meanings - it’s a part of her Thing
I’m including this under the general Baba Yaga mythos, not as its own thing, but still cool stuff to know about.
Prince Johnathan of Apogee (that’s how the subtitles spell it)
so. wayyyy back in episode 11 we find out that the kingdom of apogee is where Rumplestiltskin happened.
I think that’s all the Apogee info we have, and with a name as vague as Johnathan I don’t think we can call it a reference to anything.
We got Mother Goose’s OG rhyme!!!
not a new story but very cool!!!
there’s more but I think they stopped at a good place
fun fact: I found an extra verse that isn’t in the one linked above
“Then old Mother Goose/that instant came in/and turned her son Jack/into famed Harlequin/She then with her wand/touched the lady so fine/and turned her at once/into sweet Columbine”
and then they go on with the rest of the book like that bit never happened
other fun mother goose shit
i thought that littlefinger and “chaos is a ladder” were fairytale quotes but they’re from game of thrones it turns out. ._.
total: 1
Ep 19
no new tales (it’s the finale pt 1) but several honorable mentions
“As you wish”
cinderella girl you are KILLING ME
for those not in the know, this is an allusion to The Princess Bride
in the context of the book & movie, it means “I love you”
could be unintentional but i highly doubt it.
the book is too recent to count as fairytale for our purposes (1973) but it is very much in that genre. god damn.
la bête saying “be our guest” alludes to the disney beauty and the beast movie obvs
“Something wicked this way comes”
quote from Macbeth, by Shakespeare
I don’t think Shakespeare counts as fairytales. idk the vibes are just off. ik it’s an Old Story but it isn’t a fairytale.
total: 0
Ep 20
this is it gang!
The Fairies
so in the 1880s, Andrew Lang wrote a series of fairytale books named after fairies of various colors. I’m counting each fairy who has a book named after them as a new tale.
EXCEPT: the Blue Fairy
ok look i fucked up yall. The Fairy With Turquoise Hair is re-named “The Blue Fairy” in a lot of adaptations, so when I previously counted her separately from Pinocchio bc she had her own book, I was referring to “The Blue Fairy Book”
so we’re not counting it here bc that would be counting it twice. apologies to the actual Blue Fairy.
The Red Fairy Book (+1)
The Green Fairy Book (+1)
The Orange Fairy Book (+1)
The Yellow Fairy Book (+1)
this is by no means all of Lang’s color fairy books. he’s got crimson, violet, grey, pink, you name it.
honorable mentions
Calvin & Hobbes is modern day folklore
I looked up to see if there’s any actual Aesop fables with a shark in em, closest I could find was a dolphin. Rip.
Beaky’s stint in the TAA lines up with Pinocchio’s story, so not a new tale. thank you for your service beaky o7
total: 4
total series tale count: 62
alas, the only mystery remaining is Scheherazade’s spider. someday I may come back to this post with new information about her, but today is not that day. If you know any middle eastern myths/fairytales/folklore/nursery rhymes that prominently feature a spider that guards a maze or guides people through caves, please feel free to reply/reblog with your knowledge.
this show has been a fun and wild ride. Here’s a shortened version of this post with just the numbers
thank you for coming on this journey with me - see you in the stories!
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trash-monkey · 2 years
Ran's Little Dragon
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The lady puts me into the playpen that's sits in front of the tv once we arrived at home before walking to her room and locking the door to drink her happy juice in peace, this isn't the first time this happened ever since I had waken in this body. After waking up to this new chance at life I did panic at first until I could finally wrapped my mind around what's happening and embrace it, then I realized that my 'mom' is a alcoholic and doesn't really take care of her child which is probably why I'm here instead of the boy. With my stomach getting hungry I pull the hinges of the playpen apart to allow me to escape from it and walk to the kitchen, where I pull a chair up to the counter so I can climb to it and grab a jar of peanut butter from a cabinet along with the crackers. Knowing the risks of doing this but I rather not starve to death and with my mission complete, I sit at the edge of the counter to eat my 'meal' of the day. Once done I wash my hands before refilling my bento box with snacks for daycare the next day and replace it back into my backpack with a name tag that had Dragen written on it.
'At least my new name is cool.'
With the bento box I put my flip flops at the bottom of the bag since they're basically my everyday shoes since 'mom' doesn't ever bother to grab any of my shoes before taking me to daycare, not that I have many in the first place. Leaving the backpack on the dinning table so she can see it to grab in the morning before quietly walking pass her room to mine so I could get my PJs and go to the bathroom to take a bath, once done I return to my room to get out my clothes for tomorrow before remembering to put a pair into my backpack in case I wake up late and already at daycare in my PJs. Since I want to bed early I woke up two hours before my 'mom' usually does for work and change into my clothes before sneaking into the kitchen for breakfast which is a peanut butter and banana sandwich with a cup of milk. I cleaned up any mess I had made before moving into the living to watch TV on a low volume to pass time for 'mom' to wake up, I'm so invested into the tv show I'm watching that I didn't hear 'mom' moving around after waking up until she turned the TV off.
I can see she has a hangover after seeing the painful look on her face when she picked me up off the couch to place me on her hip after getting everything together and luckily she got my backpack from the dinning table before leaving the house but not lucky enough for her to grab me some shoes, at least I got my flip flops in my backpack. Most of the day after arriving at the daycare I spend it staying away from the loud kids and teaching myself how to read kanji since I never learned how to in my last life, when the usual time for 'mom' to pick me up comes she never turned up but instead a dude appeared an hour later.
"Hey little man." He squats down to my level after he talked to a worker and they called me over to them, the look on his face isn't good.
"I'm sorry but your mommy got into accident and....." He trails off not knowing how to say any of this to a three year old.
"Sweetheart, your mommy is gone." The daycare worker continues on where the dude left off and even though I didn't know her to well or long I can feel sadness in my heart, a child should never lose their parents.
"Now I'm going to take you to a friend of mine that can look after you until I can inform your dad, is that ok?"
"Da? Me have da?" I asked since I don't know anything about my father and this makes the man realize about my home situation.
"Of course, everyone has a dad." After that I let the man take me to the friend he talked about which I stayed with for three days until they bring me to a tall building and put me into a room with loud messy kids.
'Nope with a capital N.'
When no one is looking I slip out the door and into the hallway not wanting to be anywhere near the loud messy kids, I walk down until I hit a waiting room.
'Is that who I think it is?'
My eyes landed on a figure sitting in one of the hard chairs wearing a expensive looking suit with a mullet hair style colored black and light purple, he looks up from his phone when he feels eyes on him only to see me stand before him.
'IT'S RINDOU HAITAN! Wait, that means I'm might be on Bonten timeline in Tokyo Revengers! But that also means I can't do anything to change the story except live my life.'
I give Rindou a smile around the pacifier in my mouth before slowly approaching him until I'm standing between his knees, Rindou's eyebrows frown together in confusion at seeing me. We continue to stare at each other while he waits for me to say or do something but I just stare at him like he's the best thing in the world, which he is to me.
"Wha yo do?" I said after taking out my pacifier and point at his phone while climbing up the chair next to him to seat on the arm of his chair to get a better look at his phone, with quickly fingers Rindou hits the home button and open a random game he has on his phone. I give him a look knowing that he wasn't on that before I looked but let it slide and lean down to watch him play it and a few minutes later I somehow got us watching CSI.
"He and him me favorite." I pointed to Greg and David when they show up on the screen, I was going to ask about his favorite but got interrupted by two figures appearing in front of us.
"I see you already meet your nephew." My eyes widen at the piece of new information along with Rindous.
I climbed down to the floor and sit behind one of Rindou's legs feeling nervous and shy all a sudden, at this Rindou rises a eyebrow at my act to hide before Ran crouches down.
"There's no need to hide." He's voice although deep is kind with a smile on his lips as he slowly reach out to gently take my hand off of Rindous pant leg but stopped and frown when I flinched back hiding my face while tightening my grab on the pant leg.
"He was just fine a moment ago?" Rindou voiced his concern at my behavior.
"You'll have to be patient with him, with the evidence we got suggest that he's mother is an alcoholic for sometime which resulted her accident and that she didn't really take care of him with the way the apartment they lived in looked. He's been taking care of himself for who knows how long." I can tell this information angered Ran by his fists tightening with his knuckles turning white but he quickly loosen them when he noticed my gaze on them, now that I know who my father is I can see the resemblance of the blond hair and droopy shaped eyes but are a blue color from my mother instead of my father's lavender color.
'Hell, if you dye my hair a light purple and give me lavender contacts I'm a exact copy of him. I think my brain had noticed the first time I looked into a mirror but blanked it out in denial and now I can't be in denial with the fact staring at me in the face.'
"Hey, there's no need to be afraid when your Papa and Uncle are here. We'll protect you from every bad thing." Pushing the instincts to hide away I let him gently take my hand off the pant leg and lead out from under the chair to stand in front of him.
'He's my dad...MY DAD!?!'
With that thought and a cry of Papa I rushed to into his arms which he gladly wrap around my small body to hold me close and giving my head a kiss before stand to his full height causing me to let out squeak and tightness my grip on his suit coat, he's a tall man but wait until I see Hanma.
'Oh lord, I hope not.'
Rindou leads us out of the building and into the parking lot after being handed a large box which I guess are my things, we approach a expensive car a few spots over where I'm handed to Rindou after he puts the box into the cars truck and we get in.
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RWBY Cordovin’s Allusion
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Today we will be going over Caroline Cordovin’s Allusion. The title of the episode she fought our heroes in (“The Lady in the Shoe”) basically gave it away, but I will be going further in detail about other nods to her allusion that many have missed.
*most of these notes can be found on Cordovin’s page on the RWBY website, because it was ME who found these facts and edited them onto her page*
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The tale goes like this: “There was an old woman who lived in a shoe. She had so many children, she didn’t know what to do.”
So boom. Cordovin is based on the Lady in the Shoe. She fights in a giant mech (that she enters via a door on it’s foot) and fights a bunch of kids because “she doesn’t know what to do”. Pretty simple right? Well, there’s a little more to it.
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Let’s start with her name. Cordovan is a type of leather used for certain types shoes, often formal. This is also reinforced by Nora calling Cordovin’s face a big dumb boot, because of her old appearance, having wrinkly skin like leather. So what about her first name?
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This is Queen Caroline of Great Britain. Why is she brought up here? Well, it it rumored that she was the inspiration for the fairy tale of the Lady in the Shoe, which is why Cordovin’s first name is Caroline. This Queen had 8 children, and how many people was Cordovin fighting?
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Ruby, Weiss, Jaune, Nora, Ren, Oscar, Qrow, & Maria count for 8 people Cordovin was fighting. Also, there are coincidentally 8 “children” in Ruby’s Party (including Blake & Yang).
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Even the Nubuck guards help fuel this allusion. Nubuck is a type of leather also used for shoes, more specifically, boots. Their design makes them look sturdy and durable, with their hats resembling the tongues of a shoe. Also, the fact that there are two of them can relate to shoes coming in two.
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ohtumbly · 8 months
My Gacha OCs so far (part 1)
This post is incomplete.
I'll begin with some of the characters I made. I'll introduce myself at the end of the post.
My characters in Gacha Club as of now:
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First appearance: No. She does not have a character made in any Gacha game.
Character gender: Female
Character element: Water
Rating in the character gacha: ☆☆☆
Age: 13
Location in the real world: London, England
Favourite food/drink: Vanilla soft serve
Occupation: Student
She is a fairy magician, with long black hair in two low twintails tied with pink ribbon, and a pink hairclip bonds the side of her fringe. Her eyes are light blue. She wears a deep blue top hat with a pink stripe and a white lily flower, a sparkly light blue dress with white stars around, short puffy white sleeves from the dress, a deep blue vest over the dress, pink bow-tie, a pair of white gloves, white full-length stockings and a pair of shiny black mary-janes. Her fairy wings are pink and blue with a little yellow. She also holds a simple black magic wand with white ends.
- An alternative outfit with a blazer instead of a vest can be obtained from the costume gacha.
Isabel is a charming, lively girl who can help people with her magic, but they don't always work.
Despite living in London, she does not have a Cockney accent, but Somerset instead. She would sound something like Penny from Open Source Objects.
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First appearance: Gacha Life
Character gender: Female
Character element: Fire
Rating in the character gacha: ☆☆☆
Age: 9
Location in the real world: Tokyo, Japan
Favourite food/drink: Rice Cake
Occupation: Student
Honaka is a normal-looking human. Both her real self and virtual avatar has reddish-brown hair.
Her hair is styled into a long ponytail. Her eyes are crimson. She wears a large pink bow over her ponytail, white long-sleeved shirt with a white collar pink ribbon tied in front of the collar, blue skirted overalls, long white socks cut to half her thigh, and deep blue shoes.
Honaka is a dog enthusiast who likes dogs of any breed. She can treat any dog like it's hers.
She has a basic voice.
Mabel / Girl Scout Mabel
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First appearance: Gacha Studio
Character gender: Female
Character element: Wind
Rating in the character gacha: ☆☆☆☆
Age: 14 (15 in the real world)
Location in the real world: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Favourite food/drink: Spaghetti Pomodoro
Occupation: Student
In both her real self and virtual avatar, she has blonde hair in two low, short twintails, tied with a black bow on each one. Her eyes are sky blue. In the virutal world, she wears a dark green beret, a light green button-up top with a darker green collar, red neckerchief, and a dark green sash with badges pinned on it, a dark green skirt, white socks with a ring of black around them, and protective brown shoes. This is the same outfit Mabel wears in the real world when she's out to the camp. When she's at her bedroom in her real home she would wear wear any minimalist outfit such as a T-shirt or singlet and shorts, along with a pair of round glasses.
- Her old Gacha Life outfit back in 2018 was a yellow short-sleeved top, green sash over her shoulders, beige skirt, and a yellow and green cap on her head.
Mabel is an American girl scout. She could be clumsy helping and mess things up, but she's trying her very best. She's the oldest in the Dokitown Daycare (she's the only 14-year-old), and one of many human people without any inhuman appendages.
She has a regular American accent in Gachaverse, but her real self keeps the Upper Midwest accent.
Camilla / Miss Lady Luck Camilla
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I made this character first in: Gacha Studio
Character gender: Female
Character element: Fire
Rating in the character gacha: ☆☆☆☆
Age: 19
Location in the real world: Atlanta, Georgia
Favourite food/drink: Parfait
Occupation: Vlogger
Camilla is a very lucky girl who can win a lottery or get the best in gachas. She has long brown hair with short sidelocks, striking emerald-green eyes, eyeshadow, and nails polished pink. Her default outfit has a pink hairband with a large bow on it, heart-shaped sunglasses worn over her head, a fuchsia patterned dress, a dark coloured belt and tall boots.
- She has the most outfits in the costume Gacha.
Camilla is a sweet and lovely girl who enjoys shopping.
She has a soothing Southern accent.
I made this character first in: Gacha Life
Character gender: Female
Character element: Water
Rating in the character gacha: ☆☆☆
Age: 10
Location in the real world: Stuttgart, Germany
Favourite food/drink: Cheesecake
Occupation: Student (real world), Artist (GV)
Jodie is a little girl who takes up upright painting on a canvas sitting perfectly on an steady easel. Her father (who does not have a Gachaverse character) is a mural artist who makes magnificent murals on walls with spray paint. She has blonde hair in two drill pigtails, blue eyes, wears a white beret with a small bow, a blue dress with long sleeves, long white socks and blue wellies. A new default outfit for Gacha Club was given to her in the middle of 2020 that changes to a white blouse with a collar and long sleeves, a deep blue knee-length skirt, long white socks and polished black shoes with a single buckle each.
Diagnosed with autism, Jodie was given a different mindset. One that makes her not very hardworking and would tend to lose focus. But that wouldn't stop her from being looked down upon by others. She usually acts normal and speaks smoothly. In the virtual world, she is one of some homeless children that stays in the Dokitown Daycare. There in her room, is where she keeps her paintings, and her canvas when she wants to paint something again. She looks around town for anything she would like to paint a picture of.
Her voice is a childish voice in a light German accent instead of a strong one.
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First appearance: Gacha Club
Character gender: Female
Character element: Dark
Rating in the character gacha: ☆☆☆☆
Age: 24
Location in the real world: Nashville, Tennessee
Favourite food/drink: Soup & Salad
Occupation: Owner of So-Cheap Sara's
Sara was the first new character I've made when I began Gacha Club. Sara owns a diner called So-Cheap Sara's in Gachaverse, where a mean can get under 10 gachabucks. She has long brown hair with short sidelocks in front of her ears. Her eyes are violet with doll lashes. Her outfit is a 50s waitress uniform made up of a white headpiece, purple button-up dress, short puffy sleeves, small white gloves, white apron, short white socks and roller skates.
Sara likes to sing along to classic 50s tunes. She goes around her diner giving out milkshakes, iced tea, lemonade, sliders, waffle fries, hot soup, toasty sandwiches, and fresh crunchy salad, to her mellow customers every luncthime. The creator (me) would usually go there if he's looking to get a milkshake.
She has a light Southern accent.
Character gender: Male
Character element: Wind
Rating in the character gacha: ☆☆☆☆
Age: 12
Location in the real world: London, England
Favourite food/drink: Steak Dinner
Occupation: Student
Ben is a small boy with big ambition. In real life, he has neat brown hair a black sweater, long blue pants and platform shoes. He in Gacha Club however looks different. His brown hair isn't as neat, and his eyes are blue. He has a leather flight cap with avaiator's goggles, a beige scarf, a black jacket with long sleeves over a loose white t-shirt, a belt with a buckle, blue jeans, leather kneepads and leather boots.
Ben keeps his calm, even in the toughest of situations. He likes steam locomotives, steam tugboats and old airplanes. In the virtual world, he is one of some homeless children that stays in the Dokitown Daycare. In his room, his table is occupied with a fully-detailed model railway set, his shelves full of trains and boats, and a collection of classic biplanes. The shelf also keeps a remote-controlled seaplane which he takes it to the beach.
He has a Cockney accent, that similar to Ten Cents from Tugs.
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First appearance: Gacha Club
Character gender: Female
Character element: Water
Rating in the character gacha: ☆☆☆☆☆
Location in the real world: Osaka, Japan
Favourite food/drink: Shortcake
Occupation: Student
Her name means (the month of) June, the rainiest month in Japan. She is an elf-like person with pointy ears, with long, light blue hair in two low twintails. Her eyes are light blue with shy-looking eyelashes. Her default outfit is a white lotus flower on her head, a necklace with a blue gemstone, a white off-shoulder toe-length dress with short sleeves, yellow wellies, and usually carries a polka-dotted umbrella. Alternatively, she might wear a yellow raincoat and rain hat over her dress and head respectively, but that's a different outfit obtained from the costume gacha.
She's a wise girl who separates the wrongs from right.
Minazuki has a soothing, silvery voice.
Jake & Jane
First appearance: Gacha Life
Character element: Light
Rating in the character gacha: ☆☆☆☆☆
Age: 7 (both)
Location in the real world: Des Moines, Iowa
Favourite food/drink: Chicken sandwich (Jake), garden salad (Jane)
Occupation: Farmer's son (Jake), farmer's daughter (Jane)
Jake & Jane are farmhouse twins who work and play together and would never be seen apart. Both have brown hair, hazel eyes, and wear the same red polo shirt with short sleeves. Jake has short hair, puffy yellow knee-length shorts with suspenders, white socks and brown shoes. Jane has her hair tied into a ponytail, a denim skirt with suspenders, long socks and black shoes with a single buckle.
Both Jake and Jane have been helping their father carrying wheelbarrows of melons and pumpkins, and feeding the animals. It was a lot of fun for them and they wouldn't give in.
Jake and Jane both have a generic American accent, something like Tommy and Tallulah from Tickety Toc (US dub)
Belle / Lifesaver Belle
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Character gender: Female
Character element: Water
Rating in the character gacha: ☆☆☆☆
Age: 21
Location in the real world: Miami, Florida
Favourite food/drink: Mocktail
Occupation: Lifeguard
Belle is a former swim instructor and current lifeguard. She has reddish-brown hair in a ponytail. Her eye color is blue. Belle's outfit is a red two-piece lifeguard outfit that consists of a sports-bra-like top, red hi-cut briefs and no footwear. She also sports a red and white visor cap with a white circular rubber attachment with a red cross on it. The red cross represents the medical red cross.
Belle is a brave lifeguard and is always ready to jump in to the scene to save lives, but when she's on the watchtower, she keeps all her focus on the sky, the sea and the sand and nowhere else, so she might lose focus on other things. Her real self does regular routines and behavior.
She has a generic American accent, but her courage would make it sound a bit harsh.
And here is me, myself. My real name isn't used here.
The Creator / Creator
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First appearance: Gacha Life
Character gender: Male
Character element: Water
Rating in the character gacha: ☆☆☆☆☆
Age: (follows my age)
Favourite food/drink: Milkshake
Occupation: Creator
The Creator who made Dokitown with his tablet and pen. And with these two tools, he can create anything and bring them to Gachaverse. His outfit in Gacha Life has blue hair, one white pupil, one black pupil, a jacket, belt, long pants and a pair of shoes. In Gacha Club, he is called DJ Creator, and has dark bluish-grey hair, a black t-shirt, track pants and chuck taylors.
He's mostly chill, and sometimes jokes getting through hard times.
He has a light Australian accent with a bit of Asian essence, so he would sound something like Jeff of the Wiggles, but younger
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japan-korea · 8 months
Thought this story was worth repeating...(post-trauma processing?!..😵‍💫 Lol?)
New experience - in custody (technically, I was "asked for my cooperation" at some point) at the Sapporo airport in Japan. I thought there was fairly good chance I was going to be arrested there.
This long airport story starts with being turned back from the Immigration counter, after the long line, because the QR Code I got from the official Visit Japan website was "the old version." (Huh?) - Had to go a counter to fill out a form (with the information I had already input into the Visit Japan website), go back to Immigration, and worry about meeting my ride.
As I got to baggage claim, I saw one of my bags (my 2 were the only ones left) had a sign attached to it, and was being taken off the carousel. At the same moment I was being told it had to be inspected. I was starting to fray around the edges, being delayed even more, and after 22 hours traveling, 18 of them on airplanes, and worried about the driver who was supposed to be waiting for me.
A girl in a uniform went through it on a table near the carousel. Yet even after that, when I went to go through Customs (after filling out a form, because I knew THAT QR code I had must be the "old version," too), a sweet girl in a Customs uniform went through that bag again, as well as my other 2 bags. She called over other agents, asked about various medications, Splenda packets, etc etc etc.
Next, she said she wanted to wipe things with a towlette/cloth to see if illegal substances...
Now I'm even feeling like maybe I was chosen as some kind of easy mark (foreign old lady alone?) as everybody else seems to be going through without incident. (Slightly recklessly) I commented about driver was waiting for me, and the cost, and I was hoping he was still there, and thinking I may have lost my ride.
The young guy agent talks to an older one. Soon after, the young guy pulls out another paper, basically the same questions as the form I'd already filled out and submitted, asking if anything changed, now that they went through my bags and tested. Really fraying a bit more, when It occurred to me it was possible I was being tricked - that if there was something I accidentally missed, and I did not change an answer, that I would be charged with something like giving a false statement - or, if I kept the answers the same, even after they tested, that I could still be charged with some underlying crime. (I could not see any reason to ask me sign a paper regarding what I'd already attested to in the first Customs form, so I became suspicious....and a little paranoid..?). I started asking if there was a problem, and the young guy basically said I could not be told yet, but he asked if I remembered they wiped some things with the detection towelettes, and he also pointed to a paragraph about illegal drugs (!!)
They then wanted to take my bags and me away (move to a back room). As I walked, I sensed an agent was right behind me, as others led from the front and side (hence, in custody). I tried to move to the side, but the one behind me stuck to me like glue. In the back room, one agent took out a folding chair, while one spread a blue tarp on the floor. One told me to take off my shoes, patted me down, and joined others taking everything out of all my bags and putting it on the tarp, while questioning me about my medications, how long I was planning to stay in Japan, if I was going anywhere besides Sapporo, etc. They asked about the tiny screwdriver eyeglasses kit, and searched inside the liner of my suitcase. I was getting concerned that maybe I uniwittingly violated some Customs regulation (!?).... The senior-looking guy came in, and asked if it was my first time in Japan, and I slipped in that I'd lived in Okinawa when I worked for the American military. I also commented I'm an old person, and so have a lot of medications, vitamins, etc. - and had in what may have looked like a more-than-average quantity because I would be away 7 weeks. They wanted to know why I had so much Splenda (after I'd tried to explain it's a sugar substitute, more than once). I explained I brought it because you can't buy it here... And I said I like coffee, and I drink a lot of it. And like it sweet. Oy vey.
Anyway, they finally said I could go, thanked me for my cooperation, and I said again that I hope the driver didn't leave me (my version of a mild complaint, and kind-of-explanation for my hopefully-well-hidden frustration).
What an ordeal. And story. Or should I say, saga.
The driver turned out to be the nicest man - about my age. I'm really glad he waited - it was a long way into the city, and we talked a lot. And the guy who checked me in at the hotel was also more than nice, and helpful. And my SIM card was delivered to the hotel - so it was there when I checked in.
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areolae · 1 year
I fell asleep at 8PM and woke up 15 minutes ago and now I naturally can’t fall back to sleep. Ward started work this week as a family therapist so I have been trying to wake up a little earlier than her to make her breakfast and clean up. While I was asleep, she made herself some food and watched tv and did some of her work. When she came to bed, she said she really felt like she was home, existing by herself for a few hours in our shared home while I slept. Then she curled up next to me and fell asleep. I’m sitting on the couch now while her and my cat cuddle up in bed. I’m thinking about how excited I am to get married one day. I’m looking at our silly little non-traditional venue we picked out psychotically after we spent three months straight together. I’m thinking about how lucky we were to have gotten to spend five straight uninterrupted months together before work got in the way of our schedules and I’m thinking about how we will likely never have that much free time together again until we are old ladies. I’m thinking about how getting laid off and living through crisis while falling in love is so confusing. I’m thinking about how grateful I am that we maintained our individuality and aren’t heavily codependent even though we basically have been living together since May and have both been getting pelted in the face with nonsense. I’m thinking about how I judged my friends who felt similarly about their partners and always preached “when you know, you know” and I’m feeling silly for ever doubting their logic. We put up a hanging lamp and a bunch of art. All of our books are blended together on our shelves. Her clothes, tiny shoes, and soccer gear are all here. She really is home. So am I.
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phawareglobal · 1 year
Uli Campbell - phaware® interview 415
In this episode, newly diagnosed pulmonary arterial hypertension patient, Uli Cambell, discuss her rollercoaster of emotions and how educating herself about PH has given her hope in navigating and advocating for her rare disease.
My name is Uli Campbell. I currently reside in Maricopa, Arizona. I am originally from Thailand. I moved to the United States when I was about five years old, and I am living with pulmonary arterial hypertension. So it was about October of 2021 and I was helping a friend move from Arizona to Tennessee that I first noticed my symptoms. I was having shortness of breath. I didn't realize that that was what was going on. I realized that I couldn't do anything physically that I was able to do previously, like a month ago. It came on really quickly, so I would just rest. I might have to rest, even take a little nap anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. Sometimes I would just really have to just go to sleep and then reset and try again the following day. I'd feel a tightness in my chest area, and so I would just remove my bra and it would subside a little bit. As it's hot in Arizona, I would just take a cool shower and that would seem to alleviate some of my symptoms, but I was struggling for breath and not even knowing it. Just around October of 2021, I was driving and I fell asleep at the wheel. Woke up and I was in the other lane. I was able to come to. I swerved back. I was concerned. I got home, but I just thought I was just extremely tired as well as having very bad seasonal asthma allergies, which I've suffered from for many years. Then about December of 2021, I was dragged by my dog when he was chasing another dog. I fell while he was on a leash, cut my right leg. I was treating that just antibiotic and first aid care at home, and it kept swelling. That wasn't healing. Then my right leg was starting to get swollen and there was another little cut that I had that was swollen up and it was leaking fluid. I called for telehealth and the lady said, "No, honey, I can't treat you. You have to go to the urgent care." When they did my vitals and stuff, the doctor came in and said, "Just please put on your shoes and you need to go to the emergency immediately." When I was in the emergency room, they tested me for COVID. They just took my vitals. My blood pressure was about 195/177 when I got in there. They ran some tests and they told me that I had pulmonary hypertension. I had no clue what was going on. I stayed there where they just stabilized me. I started getting a little bit better. My blood pressure was going down, but I was on oxygen and doing breathing treatments. Then they said they're going to have to move me to the larger hospital in Mesa, Arizona, basically where they could do the right heart catheterization on me. That's where they confirmed that I had pulmonary arterial hypertension. After receiving my diagnosis I had pulmonary arterial hypertension, it just came together for me; my shortness of breath, my lack of energy, falling asleep at the wheel. After I was diagnosed, I still didn't have any idea what was going on with my body. It was explained that it's not curable and all that stuff did not mean anything to me as far as what the condition is, survival rate, how it's treated, et cetera, and so forth. I didn't understand anything until I just started researching on my own. I took that as I wasn't going to live very long. Part of how I learned about pulmonary arterial hypertension is through my cousin who's a nurse. She said, "You can survive this, but I'm sorry you have this." Because she actually works in the cardiology department, she was able to see me a little bit through this, and then I did a little research on the side when I was in the hospital. I'm still very confused at that time about it and about pathways of how this happens. I was concerned about drug toxins due to that. So one of the drugs that could have caused my pulmonary arterial hypertension, which hasn't been proven or anything like that, was that I used to take phentermine as a diet pill, and that is one of the substance that could lead to this. I've taken that about maybe 10, 12 years ago for a minute. They're now researching that this could have something to do with my PH because I don't have it through genetics or through other causes. But now research shows that that could be a link to pulmonary arterial hypertension. The last year has been a rollercoaster of emotions, a lot of depression and anxiety. So I checked into a wellness center because I just couldn't cope anymore. I have been getting better. Things have been looking up for me, and then I was diagnosed with this, so it just threw me back. It hit me really hard and I'm now in therapy. I'm going to say it's isolating for me because I have to do oxygen at night. My family, my two sons are about an hour to an hour and a half away from where I live. It's a three-hour round trip and I'm just not able to spur of the moment, "Yeah, I stay the night somewhere." I require my oxygen. I have rough days where I just isolate and I just completely shut down from the world just to protect myself. I'm very conscious of people coughing around me and being sick because I did catch COVID. I made it through that. A lot of things I'm just not able to do anymore, which has just caused a different drive in me. Now I feel like I want to be a voice for pulmonary arterial hypertension because I've learned a lot about it, but there's more to be learned by everybody in this community. This is my first year of fully having pulmonary hypertension, so it's new to me how cold and hot has affected me and what affects me more. I'm really actually a social butterfly, so this is off where I have always lived. I've always gone out shopping. I don't want to do any of that stuff anymore. I don't prefer crowds anymore because I don't want to catch anything. I'm so immune compromised right now. It is isolating. It's a very lonely disease. I feel better about my disorder as far as my chance of survival and how my life can be and live to the fullest with this disorder. So I'm trying to live my best life with that because I was really didn't think I would be here, that I would be alive when I was first diagnosed. It was just like, "Ah, you've got this. Sorry girl," blah, blah, blah. It's been challenging to just get my medications and stuff through insurance and all the requirements. But yes, I feel better about it. Educating myself about pulmonary hypertension has helped me in the fact that there is hope. I've spent a lot of time on the internet talking to other people that have pulmonary hypertension through social groups and forums. Or just really any articles about it. Getting all that knowledge and putting it to how it's going to help me. I feel much better about my prognosis than I did at the beginning. I mean, I didn't really think that I would be here. I'm my own advocate. I can't ask anyone else to do this for me. I have to advocate for myself. I've researched how I can deal with this and at the end of the day, every day I live like I'm doing everything I want to. I'm living like I'm dying each day and I just want to make sure that it's the most enjoyable day for myself, which could be selfish, but I don't believe it is. Got to take care of yourself. My name is Uli Campbell and I'm aware that I'm rare.
Learn more about pulmonary hypertension trials at www.phaware.global/clinicaltrials. Follow us on social @phaware Engage for a cure: www.phaware.global/donate  #phaware Share your story: [email protected]
Listen and View more on the official phaware™ podcast site
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LGBTQ People As Kids Pictures
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LGBTQ People As Kids Pictures
In honor of National Coming Out Day, we asked BuzzFeed Community members to share with us pictures of themselves as kids. Basically, we wanted to see their "Mom, how did you not know?!" pictures. You'll get it when you see it. Enjoy.
2. "Whenever Mom or Dad said, 'Say cheese!' the foot *popped*." —adammtrevino
3. "Over it." —Eric Dimitratos, Facebook
5. "America wasn’t the only beautiful one on the 4th of July!" —johnjpotter
6. "Blue satin shorts and my homemade Easter bonnet for school...'nuff said, LOL." —michaelchadfrazier
7. "I have always been such a little lesbian. Look at those keys dangling from my jeans!" —brittanyw13
8. "I tried so hard to be girly, to fit into the right mold. I wanted so badly to do everything by the book, to make my mom proud…but who I was was always painfully obvious." —alishan4d273bd20
9. "Me, on the right, PISSED about being in a dress." —zingabing8484
12. "I still have a version of that fit." —mallyshak
13. "Even at 3, I knew I had a bright future ahead of me as a Tina Turner impersonator." —whatamidoinghere
14. "Mom's heels were always my favorites, to be fair. The thigh-high boots were better, but no one ever photographed them. Sob." —Jamie Mountain, Facebook
15. "#Fashion." —Evan Palmer, Facebook
16. "Age 12, dressed as Christina Aguilera for a remake of the 'Lady Marmalade' music video from the Moulin Rouge soundtrack, filmed by my sister." —Ross Oviatt, Facebook
17. "I'm at a Revolutionary War fort hanging off the arm of a shirtless man mannequin giving serious face. Iconic." —Matt Stopera, BuzzFeed
18. "Striking a pose while our house was being built. My parents were supposedly surprised when I came out..." —Jeffrey Glitt, Facebook
19. "Age 3, stomping around in my dad's boots because #fashion." —Roux Patterson, Facebook
20. "When I was in preschool, I was a huge fan of the dress-up box. When asked what I want to be when I grow up, I would reply, 'A lady.'" —Jordan Horsefeathers, Facebook
21. "Homemade drag 1984 'cause I wasn't allowed to wear women's clothing. I made it from an apron and tablecloth." —Luke Frew, Facebook
22. "Nobody seemed too surprised when I said, 'Hey, by the way, I like girls and always have.' I’ve always been a tomboy." —AliSpivey
23. "The flannel, the sunglasses, my brother’s shoes, and my dad’s hat." —valb4d3667845
24. "I'll just leave this fashion moment right here." —Mikey Qi, Facebook
25. "One-year-old. #BabyButch #forever." —kiaraj92
26. "Strike a pose, there's nothing to it." —Andres Zapata, Facebook
27. "Yep, pretty much an early member of the FLA (Future Lesbians of America)." —Dbesson
28. "I wanted to be a cowboy who saved people, and I refused to wear my dress. I’ve been with my girlfriend for almost a year, and she still laughs at this picture." —calliewhatever
29. "My dad was the coach, my brother was first in line. I was the one-man cheerleading team." —tavilla
30. "I wanted that Barbie camper so bad! My dad spent two hours putting all the stickers on." —coryg4124532c6
31. "My mini lezzie self was all business in the front and party in the back! And no butch would be complete without a workout panda shirt!" —fitch803
33. "I lived in England for a summer when I was 5, and I would insist on dressing as Robin Hood EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. In the end, no one was shocked that I’d rather rescue and marry the beautiful princess than BE the beautiful princess." —amandabreich
34. "*Note* that there is no middle child. It’s just my older sister and me!" —devinaidanhair
35. "A few short years before I would endlessly get in trouble for dancing on the coffee table to Shania Twain’s 'Man! I Feel Like a Woman!'" —bentripp
36. "This one from the late '90s is my favorite to share, from the doll cakes to the plastic choker to the Osh Kosh bucket hat." —Padawan Ryan
37. "Really? It was a shock?" —mkmcrevy
38. "This was taken when I was about 10, and somehow my family was still surprised when I came out at 21." —peytona3
40. "Striking a pose since I was 2." —alonsierra
41. "Every young girl was dressed as a princess, and I wanted to be Zorro." —eattherude24
42. "I didn’t realize that me saying, 'It’s not a phase, Mom, god!' was about more than my punk rock era 😅." —Amanda Dittus
45. "The cutest baby lesbian you ever did see!" —breedanna92
46. "Boxing gloves absolutely untouched. Disco station used for spinning Kylie Minogue records until it fell apart." —Wilson Kelvin McQuade
47. "I loved my 'baseball outfit' and insisted on wearing my bangs down because I didn’t like them to get sweaty and flat beneath my cap." —mattitude
48. "My Halloween costume when I was in the fifth grade! I wanted to be a girl that year so bad. I was 10...and somehow, my family didn't catch on! LOL." —e4fd78b80d
49. "And I somehow didn’t figure it out for 14 years." —bubblyzo
50. "Had to wear my pumps to the construction site." —Ryan Montez
51. "Very embarrassed I wasn't wearing Andrew Christian briefs." —Jon-Michael Poff
52. "Walking and already fabulous." —Chris
53. "I was 10 and on holiday at Clearwater Beach in Florida. I felt like the Little Mermaid." —sandrov42bc1bee6
54. "Looking really Cuban with the outfit, and really gay with the background!" —davidfernandof
55. "My older brother and I back in '97. Gay then, gay now." —geoffreyg4
56. "When I was a little boy, I was allowed to play with dolls. After I came out to my family, I asked my mom why she let me. She simply said, 'You wanted them so bad, and I wanted to make you happy.' Clearly from my face, you can tell I was happy." —jonathanm416a87015
57. "Had to have my hair on point at 2 years old." —kyry5
58. "Safety orange, mullet bangs...clamming. This photo always makes me chuckle; look at that little lezzie." —nikkir4254850db
59. "Serving Grey Gardens' Little Edie realness! As I recall, I was putting on a show in the chicken coop...because that's normal." —whitneydubsr
60. "In 1992, I used to build shelves with my dad, but only while wearing my Mickey construction shirt, and with stamps on my arms to represent tattoos. Grew up to be very gay." —Britt
61. "I look so fucking stoked. Trans guy who still now wears a leather jacket and killer glasses." —ollieow
62. "My camp counselor took this pic of me dancing to "Oops!... I Did It Again" when I was 8. I was OBSESSED with Britney Spears at the time, and I still love the song to this day. I came out when I was 18, and it's nice to know that I was just as fabulous at 8 as I am now." —jordanj13
63. "I used to play Pretty Pretty Princess with my sister and cousins. Then we would tango to 'Tango: Maureen' from Rent." —jakew4cc132ea6
64. "Here's my baby lesbian picture circa 1999. I was really hoping my parents would use this as a headshot; I still don't know why they didn't?" —strobertson9
65. "What can I say? I have a flair for the dramatic." —ANDY
You can share your own pictures by using the drop box below for your chance to be in a future BuzzFeed Community post!
Join BuzzFeed as we celebrate National Coming Out Day from Oct. 10 to Oct. 16. You can explore more coming-out and queer content over on our LGBTQ page.
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For pokemon role play purposes I'm going to pin this post
My family lives in Hau'oil city
My dad is a member of the International please and I don't see him very often but my family usually moves to live closer to his work.
My mom is an ex plasma member who quit not long after she got pregnant and never rejoined after realizing what Hippocrates they were. She currently works in a shoe store.
My little brothers are 7 and 5, and we're both born and raised in alola
I work at a grocery store and frequently "borrow" goods to give to various people who I think are in need. [ooc The store I work at is basically the pokemon equivalent Walmart and they don't miss the items that I steal]
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1st picture is my team
Snowball the alolan sandshrew. My best friend and the only pokemon I've ever caught.
Spike the reolu. A birthday present from my dad after one of the pokemon from his work had a litter.
Soot stain the littin. My official starter And a little menace to society, I love him dearly
Precious the mainland vulpix. Saved from an illegal eggmill. Cannot be used in battle or league standard competitions because of birth defects due to inbreeding.
2nd picture is all of my family's pokemon
My dad's pokemon stay than his bravery I don't meet them.
My mom's pokemon.
Lacrisha is the lovely old lady of an evee. Never evolve because she wants to be a dragon type, and we don't know how to do that.
Helen the mainland richu. He is a male but we still call him Helen because it's funny. If he is bothered by it at all he has never showed any opinion on the matter.
My little brother's pokemon
George is 7 years old and has 2 pokemon.
Pecha the charmander. It's official starter that was given to us by my aunt who lives in another region.
Peewee the ice and grass type bellsprowt. The official title for this breed is Snow Bell. Pee wee and her sister snowy were Purchased from a grass type nursery.
Fluffy the evee Is Lucretia's son that we decided to keep and give to my babyist brother Gabe as his starter pokemon.
Snowy the bell sprout is also Gabe's pokemon.
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seventeensbabye · 2 years
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《ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏɴᴇ》
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◆ sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: ʏᴏᴜ’ʀᴇ ɴᴇᴡ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴊᴏʙ ᴀɴᴅ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴅɪᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴋɴᴏᴡ, ʏᴏᴜ’ᴅ ʙᴇ ᴀ ғɪɴᴇ ᴍᴀɴs ᴀssɪsᴛᴀɴᴛ.
◆ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1.7ᴋ
◆ ɢᴇʀɴᴇ: ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ, ᴊᴏʙ/ᴡᴏʀᴋ/ʙᴜsɪɴᴇss ᴀᴜ!
◆ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: sɪᴍ ᴊᴀᴇʏᴜɴ x ʏ/ɴ (ꜰᴇᴍ)
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it was my first day on the job, the only person i know there is my not so close friend yuki. she was the reason why i was working here in the first place. she basically forced me to apply here. a very very busy office was the only job she suggested that i worked in. little did i know i was gonna be someones assistant. i had no idea of who the boss was because i got this job because of yuki, literally. she was the manager of the office. i sat in her office and filled out the papers while she gave me the job on the spot. It was monday, january 20th, 6:30 am, my first day working here. a desk was dedicated to me, a piece of paper taped on the computer already sat there. “ over here! ” yuki yelled waving her hand. I walked over to my desk and bowed to her. “ you don't have to bow to me, im not a old lady. plus we’re friends. ” she ran to her desk and grabbed a cup of coffee and a donut. “ here, get settled in, you wont really see the boss so you don't have anything to worry about if you make mistakes, he does come stop by every month one the first or the second, so just prepare for that. if you have any questions, dont be afraid to ask me. ” he handed me the coffee and the donut and i sat it on my desk. “ okay, thank you. ” i put my stuff down and started to settle in. fixing my desk and setting it up the way i’d like. the day went by like a breeze, i had little to no work, i didnt mess anything up, i actually enjoyed the job.
It was now 5pm, i worked a full 11 hours and didnt notice. when i got home i was honestly drained though. it was hot and i was starving. i walked in taking off my shoes and after walking to the kitchen. i grabbed a bowl of ramen, filled it with water and threw it in the microwave. i took off my jacket and walked to the living room throwing myself on the couch. i pulled out my phone from my back pocket. it was a text, a text from yuki.
“ yn. our boss is coming on the 31st so be ready, he said he’ll be staying in the office from here on out. ”
“ why so suddenly? ”
“ i dont know but dont be worried, he can be really mean but i dont believe he’ll be mean to you. also dont stare at him to much, he might stare at you but look this man is extremely good looking so be honored when he looks at you, unless you did something wrong.. ”
“ extremely good-looking huh? okay, we’ll see. ”
i put down my phone as i heard the microwave go off. i got up to walk to the kitchen. taking out the noodles and prepping them before i ate. ending off the night after a nice shower and a good t.v series, falling asleep by 9:30. waking up at 5:30 am, giving me just enough time to get ready and head to work. it was cloudy, lightly sprinkling when i woke. i got up and got in the shower, after doing my morning routine before heading out. it was 6 now, i got in my car and drove to work making it there by 6:25. luckily it was raining so i didnt have to wear a skirt. i had on a not-so tight black long sleeve, khakis, a tan long coat on, and black boots. allowing myself to be comfortable. i walked into the building and headed to my office space. sitting down, yuki, the super-energetic early bird comes to my desk to again, drop off some coffee and a bagel. as the week went on it was the same as always. until it was january 31st, 6:25 am, completely forgetting about our boss coming in. as i walked into the building it was a little more hectic. everyone was actually working. i sat at my desk and yuki came over with just a coffee in her hand sitting it on my desk. “ i see everyones working today, what so important? ” i was honestly clueless and she continued to let me be clueless. “ nothing, dont worry about it, i have some files you need to sort out and put into the system. ” i did so thinking nothing of it. i made a few mistakes which nobody noticed. about 4 hours in everyone when quiet. someone walked in as the loud doors behind them slammed shut. it was him, my boss. everyone trying to keep their eyes off of him. pretending to be focused on work but in reality they were focused on him. he walked slowly past
everyone eyeing them down as they “worked”. later walking past me, stopping directly next to my desk. i looked up at him, a little worried but that worried feeling went away while i was focused on his face. he pointed at me making me worry once more. “ oh yeah, thats kim y/n. she’s new here. ” yuki stated. he raised his brow and walked into his office. after i watched the door close i got up and walked over to yuki. “ what was that about? did i do something wrong? ” she shook her head. “ no not at all, he just knows everyone in the office since we’ve all worked here for a while and he just wanted to know who you were. ” nodding awkwardly i walked back to my desk and sat down to continue doing work. the day ended off well, he never came out of his office the whole time he was there so i had nothing to worry about. its february 12th now and i’ve been working here for a couple of weeks. i enjoy the job even though these tight skirts and 5 inch heels are killing me. i haven’t personally spoken to the boss at all since he’s been here, i want to though like this man is insanely handsome. it was 4:30 pm and i have been working the whole day without problems.
“ y/n, mr. sim wants the talk to you. ” oh fuck. i slowly got up from my desk and started to walk over to his room, all i could think of was what i could’ve possibly done wrong. when i made it to the door i knocked gently before opening it and walking in. i was shaking. i didn’t know what to say. i looked around avoiding eye contact. “ you called sir? ” he nodded, pointing at the chair in front of his desk. i walked over to the chair and sat down. he grabbed a pen from the white small mug on his desk and a tiny notebook from inside his bag, handing both the pen and notebook to me. “ may i ask.. what is this for? ” he looked up at me. “ you’re my assistant now so i need you to know everything i need you to do, plus if i ask you to do something or take note of something you’ll use the pen and notebook. ” his voice was so stern and scary. “ do you understand? ” again stern and scary. “ y-yes.. ” he sighed. “ well i need you to write something down for me. ” i nodded, opening the notebook. “ i like a quick and simple breakfast so a glazed donut and a medium ice vanilla coffee would be nice, also as you can see i’ve been earlier than usual so you’ll have to beat me here. 5:45 is when you should be here with both my donut and coffee, okay? ”
i took note of everything. “ okay. ” it got quiet for a second. “ is that all sir? ” i said quietly. “ should i ask for more? yes, thats all you can go now. ” why was he so strict? it was horrifying. i got up out of the seat, walking over to the door. “ its y/n, right? ” he said projecting his voice just a little. i put my hand on the doorknob before responding. “ yea-, i mean, yes sir. ”
no more than 10 seconds later, he was focused on his work as if we never spoke. i walked out of his office and softly closed the door behind me. walking back to my desk all eyes were on me. “ nobody wants to speak up so i’ll ask. what did he say? ” yuki asked. “ im his assistant. ” everyone looked bothered. “ no offense but why you? you’re new here. ” a unknown voice came from behind me. i shugged because I dont have a answer. “ i dont know.. ” the person with the unknown voice walked up to me. it was a girl, her name was jennifer, jennifer huh to be exact. i’ve always seen her around but looking at her made me think she was the supervisor or something. “ i just dont know what he sees in you, he’s known all of us for years and i was his assistant last so im confused on why he chose you and you’re new. ” yuki stepped behind me. “ i knew it was a good thing hiring her, maybe he just wants to make sure she’s the dedicated to the job jen. ” crossing her arms, she sighed and walked away. “ dont mind her she’s just always been his assistant more or less so she feels some kind of way. but you should get ready to clock out before you get in trouble. ” nodding, i walked to my desk and started to pack up. i finished packing up and clocked out. it was 5:00 pm. i was done with work for today.
i was heading to my car before i was stopped by a voice, a womans voice. again jennifer's voice. “ y/n! ” it stopped walking as she stormed over to me. “ keep your hands off of jaeyun, okay? ” i was confused. “ im shocked that you came out here to tell me that but i had no intentions on touching him. ” she rolled her eyes. “ mhm, whatever. just dont touch him. seriously. ” she stormed off and headed back into the building. i got into my car and drove home.
this has been one of the most weird days of my life.
ᴇɴᴅ. @seventeensbabye
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