#she would punch me in the face LMAO and i would deserve it
ishikawayukis · 2 years
now what we're not going to do is mourn someone's features that they decided to change for whichever reason because it's their body and they can (looking at you twitter)
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genericpuff · 1 month
Are there any characters from LO that you actually like/don’t mind
I have a lot more appreciation for Minthe now with all the hindsight that Hades and Persephone are often way worse than she is. She still had a lot of issues on her own end that she didn't deal with well, and while I would have liked to see her actually develop properly beyond her struggles both internal and with Hades, I think the best thing we could have asked for was Minthe being written out of the story the way she was. At least then Rachel couldn't continue to use her as a punching bag (she just tagged in Leuce for that, sigh)
Helios is great, zero issue with him. This scene is a lot funnier and more relatable to read in hindsight:
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like ofc Helios is gonna rat on her, he's the fucking sun who's been around for thousands of years, why would he put any more of his limited freedom on the line for macaroni art LMAO (and yes, Rachel herself confirmed that Persephone made macaroni art cards for Helios, it's like... yeah okay it's cute but Persephone and Demeter still hid a crime from Zeus, the sentimental value of the birthday cards have no bearing on that LOL)
Thanatos is also in the camp of "characters I appreciate more in hindsight and wish got better character development". Adding in the 'twist' that he was Hades' adoptive son after we just spent nearly two seasons watching Hades treat him like just a lowly employee who didn't deserve his respect was certainly... a choice. And I don't think I should have to explain why it was a very very BAD one LOL
Hephaestus is also great, I know he's an extremely minor character whose only real role was to delete the blackmail photos from Apollo's phone but, like. look at him???
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amazing. precious. sweet boy. and it has absolutely nothing to do with my absent older brother issues why would you say that- (。•́︿•̀。) that said, there are still flaws in his design (his prosthetics especially because he's constantly wearing running blades for every occasion which I feel like Rachel only chose because they "looked cool" and were "easier to draw" but like. his poor hips and back, that's gotta be uncomfortable 😭) but even just his face on its own is ironically one of the most unique character designs across the entire cast, not for any sort of outstanding or creative reasons, you just can't possibly mistake or color swap him with anyone else LMAO and though I can't feasibly give credit to Rachel for writing a neurodivergent character - because I have no clue if that was her intention here, afaik she's never really talked about it - I can wholly relate to him being the introverted computer guy who just wants to be left alone with his work and his airpods, like that's literally just me LOL
And of course nothing Rachel could ever do would make me hate Demeter, I think it's so ironic and tone deaf that Rachel claimed she "didn't get" why Demeter was so hated by the fans and didn't "agree" with the comparisons to Mother Gothel, but like... Rachel literally wrote her that way. And while she did "resolve" it, it wasn't with any actual empathy towards Demeter's own side of things, it was just bandaids on top of bandaids and then going "yep! She's all better now! That's character development!" Out of all the characters who deserved better, she was the one who deserved the most 😔💓
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ieatstarsforaliving · 11 months
The Set-Up for Chapter 4 (3)
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Summary: Hazel is really bad at lying. Especially to you.
Pairing: Spider-Woman!Hazel Callahan x Classmate!Reader
Warnings: Mature language, use of (Y/N), mentions of violence and death, I don't know what else honestly it's like 2 AM
Word Count: 4244
Note: I know it's been a while, my bad- turns out this whole university thing actually needs my time and effort to pass or something idk. Anyways, this chapter is lowkey kind of boring cause it's the set-up for the fun upcoming action-filled bloody chapters so just bear with me. But since I was gone for a while this is extra long... at least for me. Next fic is chapter 2 of The Grief We're Given so enjoy the lighthearted fic for now... also am lazy so this is unedited LMAO so it might be bad idc - Bia <3
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“(Y/N), I know this may come off as a shock, but I love you too much to hide it from you anymore. I’m actually… the Spider-Woman!” 
PJ dramatically pulled off the red mask from her face, striking a pose, earning a laugh from Hazel. 
The trio were putting away the equipment they used for the Fight club after all the other members had left the gym— and by that it meant Josie and Hazel were putting away equipments while PJ thought it was a fun idea to dig through Hazel’s backpack to pull out her Spider-Woman mask, put it on, and start doing cartwheels and other nonsense around the gym floor. 
“Okay, why don’t you actually help us clean up, PJ,” Josie complained, folding up the floor mats, “Instead of blowing Hazel’s cover?” 
“Fine,” PJ rolled her eyes before throwing the mask back to Hazel, who caught it reflexively just as it was about to hit her face. “But even if anyone saw me with the mask, it’s not like they would believe any of us losers could possibly be the amazing Spider-Woman.”
PJ threw a playful grin at Hazel who folded the mask and hid it in her backpack. PJ had been begging her to reveal her superhero identity for a while, saying that it would raise all of their social levels right to the top. Josie, in reverse, begged Hazel not to reveal her identity, especially given the risks involved. 
“But what if you just told (Y/N)? Then, she’ll fall in love with you, then automatically she’ll hang out with us more, and by association she’ll bring Isabel and Brittany with her!” PJ argued, still unwilling to drop the topic. 
“Yeah, and then the next villain that wants to kill Hazel will take the people she loves as hostage,” Josie warned. “In fact– I know we’ve been doing the self-defense club for a while and it’s been going pretty well so far, but Hazel has exposed herself way too much.” 
PJ groaned, indicating her impatience with Josie’s cautious approach. “Okay what part of this is too much? All Hazel’s doing is lightly punching and kicking a bunch of girls.” 
“Was it the backflip?” Hazel chimed in. 
“Yes, it was the backflip!” Josie blurted. “And we can’t keep saying ‘there’s all sorts of people who teach you stuff in juvie’ as an excuse anymore.” 
“But the club is working!” PJ insisted, flailing her arms towards the gym. “Girls are actually acknowledging us in the hallways, I’ve gotten 3 high fives just this afternoon, and girls– the hot ones know our names. And also Female solidarity and whatever. The club is working!”
“I know. I feel like if we keep it up, you guys might actually be able to take down some crime in the area.” 
“No, if we keep it up we can put our fingers inside of each other, grow up, Hazel.” 
Josie crossed her arms. “Whatever. It’s your call.” 
“I do feel like people are liking more than just the hitting and the tackling part of the club.”
The club had moved onto catfights on the gym floor, and it was no secret to Hazel that she always looked forward to these training sessions, particularly when it came to her interactions with you. All the punching, kicking, and rolling around the floor was more than what Hazel believed she deserved, but she couldn’t help but crave a deeper connection with you. And the weekly lunch meetings to make the ‘women murdered in history’ project weren’t exactly enough to get to know each other. 
PJ shrugged. “Yeah, I know, we’re empowering them. Duh.”
“No, I mean, seriously, to have a safe space like this, it means a lot to people, and I think if we took some time to spend a meeting and actually get to know these girls, like, it would be really important instead of just…” Hazel pictured the time you were on top of her, pinning her down with your feeble strength, bodies pressed close– so close– as you grappled each other on the floor, listening to the chants and cheers of the girls circling around. Her voice trailed off. “...sweating on them.”
PJ and Josie paused, then looked at each other with an incredulous smile. 
“Hazel, that is… genuinely a brilliant idea.” 
“I love talking about my trauma.”
Hazel squinted. “That’s not really–”
“-I literally jack off after every single therapy session. It just makes girls weirdly horny.”
Josie shook her head. “Don’t say ‘girls’. It’s just you.” 
“Okay!” Hazel interrupted, fearing someone walking in midst of the conversation that turned weird thanks to PJ, as always. “I’ll just email the group about our next meeting.” 
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You walked into the gym with an excited grin. Fight club was the one thing you looked forward to in school nowadays— it was the only place you felt truly safe and comfortable, with only girl members (minus Mr. G, but he was an ally) who cheered you on with every weak punch that you threw. 
Hazel noticed you walking in and waved to you, and you noticed that the format of the club had changed today. Everyone was sitting in a circle, like one of those sharing sessions in kindergarten times. You joined the circle in between Krystal and Hazel, who grinned like an idiot when you sat beside her. 
“What’s going on?” You whispered to her, but Josie answered your question.
“So, we know that this club has been a place where we can feel empowered physically, but we also thought it could be a safe space and a place where we can open up and talk about our feelings.” 
You nodded along as the girls began to talk about themselves— Sylvie with her stepdad, Stella with her stalker, and Brittany with her jewelry business— and you realized that although you had been fighting each other for a while, you never knew that much about the girls. You listened tentatively to each of their stories, but to your honesty, you were quite distracted by your project partner, who kept opening her mouth, then closed them continuously. She seemed to be contemplating whether or not to open up. Your curiosity piqued, and when your eyes met with her’s, you encouraged her with a supportive look. 
Hazel smiled at your aid. She didn’t really know how to talk about the biggest secret that she held about her superpower, but your expression was so supporting– too supporting, that she found herself speaking out. 
“Well, ever since…” Hazel began, her mind racing to find the right words.
I’ve been bitten by a radioactive spider, 
“...My parent’s divorce,” 
I’ve been doing this, like, superhero stuff after school. I don’t even know if I’m doing this right, you know?
“My mom’s been doing this, like, mid-life crisis. I don’t know how that’s sitting with me, you know?”
And it’s just me swinging through buildings and beating criminals up and handing them over to the police who hate me because I’m a faceless vigilante but the entire neighborhood depends on me because some of these criminals are genuinely insane. I’ve broken bones, I’ve fallen through roofs, I got impaled once, that was fun— and it just feels so incredibly amazing but so burdening, all the same time. 
“And it's been really really dark.”
She took a glance at you, who was nodding through her words, returning her gaze with tender understanding. 
“This has just been really meaningful to me to, like, get to know some new people-”
“-Who actually wants to, like, get to know me.”
You felt a surge of empathy for Hazel. You could hear the vulnerability shining through her words— it must have been hard to find good friends after experiencing such hardship. You couldn’t help but come to admire her even more. 
You raised your hand. “And I just wanted to say that I think it’s very hard to find a good and safe community in school for girls, and I’m really grateful to Hazel for founding this club,” You gushed. “It's really brave of you— and your friends— to take your past and turn it into something so amazing for us. So, thank you.” 
Hazel grinned like an idiot, fidgeting with her hair as her face burned up.
“Get a room, you two,” PJ intervened with a smirk. “But seriously, I just want to circle back to what Brittany was saying–”
“-I would like to go next, if that’s okay.” Josie raised her hand. 
PJ was obviously discontented, but Josie started anyway. 
“I don’t really like talking about juvie and everything that happened over the summer, um, you know, we get a lot of props or whatever cause people think it's so badass, But, really wasn’t. I mean, unless you consider getting hazed horrifically every single night, like, badass. I mean, obviously, you know, we had to survive the tributes, and you know, I did have to, like, fight people basically every single night. People were betting on us and we were given shivs and rusty pocket knives and splintered wood and, um, pipes as well.”
Hazel furrowed her eyebrows. No one’s going to believe this, She thought, turning to look at Isabel— 
–Who had the most distressed look on her face? 
Oh, Hazel blinked, shocked that Josie’s improvised monologue is working. There were almost tears glistening in Isabel’s eyes. She assumed Isabel to be the only one, then she turned to look at you— and your hand was on your mouth, eyes filled with woe. 
“And we had to just like, fight people, sometimes to the death,” Josie added.
Hazel frowned. This wasn’t good.
Josie continued.
“And I still hear their screams at night and that guilt probably will, like, always shackle me forever. And sometimes people still try to attack us in the streets for revenge, or try to blackmail us into doing bad things with them, but I realize now, I don’t have to be that person anymore. We don’t have to be like that anymore. We don’t have to just let things happen to us. Because of you guys. And I am just really grateful for what the club has become and… just especially, you know, from where we started and, uh…” 
Hazel’s eyes were leaping out of her face as she gestured to Josie to tone it down. She frantically shook her head, indicating that Josie’s speech had much more effect than she thought it would.
“Yeah, sorry,” Josie caught on, ending her facade quickly. “I feel like I kinda killed the vibe. I’ve never really, I guess, said that to anyone before, sorry.”
There was a silence that Hazel felt the need to break. This was bad– she knew Josie liked talking about her trauma, but she didn't expect Josie to make up the most devastating, hunger-games type of trauma in front of you. 
“But juvie also wasn’t that bad,” Hazel blurted. “I mean it’s probably way less scary than adult prison, and it really builds character–” 
You turned to look at Hazel who was rambling about the positive effects of juvie. Your heart broke at the sight of panic on her face– how harsh were the conditions of juvie that Hazel felt the need to protect her trauma? 
Josie cut in. “Yeah, okay, people wanna wrap up maybe or…” 
“I’m going through a divorce.” 
Everyone turned to Mr. G. 
“Whoo! That shit felt good to say.” Mr. G beamed, his leg stretched out as a free spirit. “Whoo, I tell y’all. Men… men need therapy.” 
Josie stood up. “Yeah… I think that’s a good place to maybe wrap up.” 
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“What was that?” Hazel asked. 
Josie shrugged, putting on her jacket. “I don’t… I don’t really–”
“-I mean, you were just bullshitting from A to Z with no breaks in between. I didn’t know you were such an actress, Josie.” PJ laughed, playfully shoving Josie’s shoulder. “You should think about that, for your future career.” 
Hazel did not laugh. “Josie, you were the one who told me not to be ‘too much.’” 
“I don’t think it was too much. I think it was the exact amount of oomph we needed as a group.” PJ grabbed her shoes from the floor. “It made us look vulnerable but also tough.” 
“I don’t think (Y/N) was thinking that.” 
“Okay, How do you know what (Y/N) was thinking?” 
“I don’t, but I could see her–” 
“-Maybe she’ll tell you herself,” PJ said, pointing behind Hazel. 
Hazel spun around to see you walking towards her. She immediately straightened herself, touching up her hair as you waved to her. 
Hazel gulped in response. 
“So, I was wondering if you wanted to finish the project today?” You asked, giving a shrug. “If you’re not busy. I know you’re always kind of busy and that’s why we just always did our project during lunch, but–” 
“-I’m not busy!” Hazel exclaimed, before mentally slapping herself for being too eager. “I mean, today sounds good. Today is perfect.” 
“Okay!” It was your turn to be eager, giving a nod before pointing to the girls locker room. “I’ll just get my bag, and I’ll be right back.”
As you slipped into the locker room, PJ and Josie slid towards Hazel with a curious look. 
“It didn’t look like she was angry,” PJ commented with a grin. “So, in conclusion, today was a huge success. Do you guys want to get chicken on a stick to celebrate?”
“I… I think I’m hanging out with (Y/N).” Hazel gaped, as if she couldn’t believe that this was actually happening. She was going to hang out with you. Today. Outside of school. 
“Right now?” 
“Right now!” Hazel gasped. “Oh my god, I don’t know why I said yes, I have to go and patrol the neighborhood–”
“-Ugh, Hazel!” PJ groaned, grabbing Hazel by the shoulders. “That’s literally all you do. You go to school, you come to the fight club, then you patrol the neighborhood. That’s all you do.”
“But—” Hazel sputtered. “-Crime–”
“-Hazel, Crime has been pretty low recently. The world isn’t going to burn down just because you miss patrol for a single day,” PJ countered, as if speaking to a child. “Do you trust me? It’s all about faith. That’s all it is. Leap of faith, Hazel. Leap of faith. Trust me when I say the police can deal with all the petty crimes. Go and enjoy yourself, finish your project, and remember to use protection.” 
Hazel’s cheeks grew hot as she opened her mouth to counter PJ— just as you approached the trio with your bag. 
“Hey, Hazel. Ready to go?” 
Hazel buffered, her mind still on the sexual innuendo. She couldn’t help but think about certain activities when you stood there with your signature smile, earning a cackle from PJ. 
“Sorry, we were just talking about juvie trauma and shit. She’s all yours.” PJ earnestly pushed Hazel towards you. “See you guys tomorrow!” 
PJ skipped out of the gym, followed by Josie who gave Hazel a thumbs-up. Hazel responded to Josie with a nod. PJ was right– it was just for a day. Just one day off to hang out with you– which was the dream– and tomorrow, she would patrol twice as hard to make it up. 
“Sorry, I just was thinking about-” Hazel faltered. “-things.” 
Hazel felt the room get hotter. “It’s fine. Not really important.”  
“Alright. So, where do you want to go?” You asked. 
Hazel thought about what PJ had said. 
Leap of faith, was it?
And she took the leap. 
“Do you want to come over to my place?” 
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By 8PM, the two of you found yourself in Hazel’s room, caught in a fit of laughter. Pizza and snacks were strewn across her bed, and music played out from her laptop as you wrapped up the project— a lego diorama with a bunch of famous murdered women. It was quite inappropriate but also incredibly creative, and the ridiculousness of it all had you two in stitches. 
“I bet you 5 dollars that Mr. G doesn’t even have an actual degree,” You joked, adding a lego version of Casey Becker to the diorama. “He just showed up one day, and Principal Meyers desperately needed more teachers.” 
“And ever since the club, he’s just been handing out As to every single girl,” Hazel laughed, causing you to fall into a fit of giggles as well. She lived for your laughter, thanking PJ and Josie in her head for convincing her to skip patrol for the day. 
“Okay, I think we’re almost done. Just have to add the blood.” You grabbed the bottle of red paint and dropped some on your fingertip, then dabbed it around the lego characters’ bodies to create the ‘murder’ effect. 
In the process, you somehow managed to smudge some on your cheek, which didn’t go unnoticed by Hazel who had made a habit of staring at you all the time. 
“Oh, you got some on your…” Hazel tried, pointing to your face. 
You blinked, eyes focusing on her face as you registered her words. You chuckled in embarrassment, trying to find the paint on your cheeks and obviously failing. 
“Can I…?” Hazel breathed, and you tilted your head, allowing her to wipe away the streak of paint with her thumb. Her fingers moved delicately across your cheek, her eyes locked onto your’s. You could feel the warmth of her hand on your skin, and you melted against it. Hazel’s touch lingered on your cheek for a moment longer than necessary, and Hazel realized only after she had savored the view for a while.
She pulled away, breaking your gaze with a sheepish smile. Your cheeks were tinted with a soft blush, and you muttered a word of thanks before finishing off the project with distractingly loud heartbeats. 
The two of you stared at the finalized diorama in proud silence, taking in the project in its glory. It was messy and odd, but it was still illustrious. 
“Well, I guess we’re finished!” You clapped your hands to commemorate the ending of you and Hazel’s homework. 
“It’s been fun working with you,” Hazel replied, a little disappointed that this was the end of the project. What excuse did she have to hang out with you now?
You cocked your head. “Oh, don’t act like this is the last time we’re ever going to hang out together.”
“Of course!” You grinned. “With Mr. G’s class, lunch, and the self-defense club, I’m going to be with you all the time. You might even get sick of me at some point.” 
I’m not sure that’s possible, Hazel thought to herself, really pleased that she had secured friendship with you. 
“Speaking of the self-defense club, I’m really glad that you invited me,” You continued, wiping your red hands with a nearby paper towel. “I was being honest during the sharing circle. I’m really grateful for you.” 
Hazel softened at your words. 
“And I hope your mom gets better with her mid-life crisis,” You added.
“Thank you.” Although you had complimented her, Hazel couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty about the sharing circle. She was lying to you– continuously. Was that a good base for a relationship? Not that you two had a relationship. Not that she didn’t want one. “Listen– what Josie said about juvie today, I think I have to clarify some things.” 
You shook your head. You had purposefully left out that subject not to trigger her– and you didn’t want to make it feel like she owed you her history. “Oh, Hazel, you don’t need to explain anything to me. I get that it’s a hard subject to talk about, and I just want you to know that I’m here if you need anything.” 
Hazel hesitated. She supposed if you didn’t really want to hear the explanation, she could keep her secret—
“-I mean what you went through was brutal and inhumane,” You continued.
Hazel’s guilt suffocated her. 
“But you endured through it. You’re so brave. And so strong and just… honest. Like I can tell that everything that you do is genuine. You make me feel like I can be strong too—”
“-Okay, I need to tell you something,” Hazel interrupted. She couldn’t handle it anymore— but she knew she couldn’t tell you the whole truth. She took a deep breath before continuing. “There are some things happening in my life right now that I can’t really… talk about. But I want to. But I can’t. It’s for your safety and I shouldn’t even be mentioning that but… you really matter to me.” 
Oh my god, I can’t believe I said that. 
Hazel swallowed hard and gazed at you for a reaction. 
“I do?” You peered back at Hazel’s reddened face. She nodded in response and it was your turn to be flustered, not knowing what to say. 
“And I… I want to be honest with you,” Hazel pressed on. “I can’t tell you the whole truth. But I—” 
“-Dispatch, we have a 10-90 in progress at the bank downtown. Requesting immediate backup and EMT support.”
Shit shit shit. 
Hazel quickly grabbed her laptop, which she had rigged to eavesdrop on police communications. She forgot that it automatically turned on after school. Why did it have to be now, of all fucking times?
“Was that the police?” You asked, confused. 
Hazel shook her head frantically. “No, I just– it’s just another, uhm, project that I’m working on, it’s fine–”
“-Copy that. Units en route. Proceed with caution.” 
“We have eyes on the suspects, attempting to establish a perimeter.” 
“10-4, be advised, we’ve informed EMTs, and SWAT is en route. Keep us updated.”
Hazel hastily began typing, searching up the latest updates on the current news of the town. She managed to find the location of the bank robbery— which had everything Hazel feared for. Armed robbers, high-tech weaponry, and injured police officers.  
“Fuck, I knew I shouldn’t have skipped today,” Hazel muttered under her breath. 
You paused. “Skip what?”
“I—” Hazel swallowed, inner conflict evident as she spoke. “-I think I have to go.”
“Go?” You paused. “Hazel, what is going on?”
Hazel didn’t answer. Instead, she stood up and grabbed her phone and her backpack, briskly heading towards the door. But you were faster, quickly running and positioning yourself in the path to block her way. 
“I think I know what’s going on,” you claimed, your voice low and heavy. 
Hazel froze. Oh no. You knew. You knew? How did you know? Had she been so obvious? Was it the back flip?
“(Y/N), I can explain–”
“-This is related to juvie, isn’t it?” 
Hazel blinked.
She stared at you, who looked incredibly serious, with lips pursed tight in worry. Hazel shook her head frantically. She wanted to kick PJ for even coming up with that excuse– now it was getting all tangled up with you and her hero work. 
“No! It has nothing to do with juvie,” Hazel assured, trying to get past you.
“You don’t have to lie to me, Hazel.” 
Hazel furrowed her eyebrows. 
I kind of do. 
You understood her expression as guilt. “And obviously I don’t understand fully what’s going on but if what Josie said was true and some things are happening with the people you messed with from juvie, then, I want to help you.”
You stepped closer and took her hand, holding it tight with genuinity. 
“Hazel, I care about you.”
Hazel released her breath. 
If you had said that in any other context, Hazel would have kissed you right there and then. Your hands felt so warm, so gentle– a bit shaky, as if you were afraid of what she would do if you let go. And your unwavering eyes– upset eyes that made it seem like her worries belonged to you too— And it took everything in Hazel to swallow back her words, gently guiding you to her bed and sitting you down. 
For a moment, you thought she would stay. 
But Hazel pulled away from you.. 
“I’ll be back soon, okay? Just please, stay here, and I’ll be back,” Hazel whispered. “I promise.” 
And after a regretful look, she was gone. 
“Hazel—” You called after her. “Hazel!” 
Your mind began to race– where was she going? All you remembered from the police transmissions was something about the bank and the SWAT team. You reached for your phone, searching up the local news. It wasn’t hard to find articles related to the current conflict— 
Masked Robbers Employ High-Tech Arsenal in Bank Heist, Defying Police Response
Bank Heist Nightmare Unfolds; Thieves Utilize Cutting-Edge Tech
Bank Robbery in Progress: Impossible to Arrest, Police Say
Police Overwhelmed in Ongoing Standoff at 1st Street National Trust Bank
This was bad. Bank robbery? High-Tech Arsenal? It sounded dangerous– more than whatever Hazel could handle, no matter how strong she was during the self-defense club. What was she going to do with these criminals? Did she owe them something? She was always writing stuff in her notebook— did it have anything to do with this? 
You ignored the questions stemming from your fear– you didn’t have time to think. Hazel was out there— and she was very clearly heading to an angry, dangerous scene. 
But Hazel was just a girl. 
And you had to protect her.
You had to save Hazel Callahan.
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whyse7vn · 1 year
[ ot7 x reader ]
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8 participants - 8 online
jimin: just won rock paper scissors against jungkook!!
jk: you punched me in the face
namjoon: ??
jin: deserved
y/n: LMAO
hobi: i’m sorry that happened to you
yoongi: hope it hurt
tae: did you hit him back?
jk: y/n told me to stop hitting people
y/n: i did say that
i think
tae: okay is she ur mother??
jk: i wish
jin: what???
namjoon: you were hitting people?
y/n: biting too
jimin: he’s into incest
y/n: never say that again
jk: i’m sorry
namjoon: i’m tired already
hobi: i think it’s time i got my wings guys🕊️💔
jin: honey bbq sounds great rn 😋
jimin: he’s talking about dying fatass…
jk: don’t die hobi!!!!!!
jin: oh
hobi: spread spread my wings
y/n: lalalalalala
hobi: she gets it
tae: yoongi
yoongi: what
tae: was just checking you were still alive
yoongi: don’t do it again
jimin: tae be honest is love me again about jennie
tae: SHUT UP??????
jin: you guys broke up?
jk: again??
yoongi: yikes
hobi: cheer up baby 💗
namjoon: hope ur ok
y/n: if i was her i would leave you too
tae: she never left me wtf
no one would ever leave ME
like come on
jimin: so you guys were together is what i’m hearing??
tae: NO
i’m just saying
yoongi: i like when you say nothing
tae: you like me🥺????
yoongi omg 💗💗💓💓💓💞💞💞💞
jk: did she leave you because you like yoongi?
yoongi: i just threw up
y/n: first stage is deniallll
tae: pls stop taking
yoongi: u first
tae: guys i think yoongi wants me really bad
yoongi: just threw up for the second time
hobi: proof??
namjoon: why would you want proof of that?
hobi: maybe i’m severely mentally unwell namjoon
y/n: right back off namjoon
namjoon: sighs
jimin: we all have our demons
namjoon: u guys are mine
jin: that’s kinda sexual if you think about it
jk: no??
jin: stfu??
jk: 😰😰😰
pls don’t say that to me i’ll cry
jin: BITCH
jk: 😭 this is me rn
y/n : do you think jennie left tae cuz she finally found out he’s broke??
jin: bet he couldn’t pay for his flight back home when they went paris
she knew she had to end things there and then
jk: idk bro…
namjoon: are you sure??
we wouldn’t judge you if it was
yoongi: i would
y/n: me 2
jin: and me
hobi: me 4
jimin: 5
jk: 6…
hobi: she could do so much better
jin: her type is ugly
wasn’t she with g-dragon 💀💀
that’s saying ALOT gdragon to tae THATS CRAZZZZY
ur ugly bro
tae: okay wtf
never call me bro again
we are not bros we kiss eachother on the lips occasionally
jimin: there is no way you weren’t with her
why do you know so much about her dating history??
jin: sounds like a jealous ex to me
hobi: obsessed and sad
jk: you would love to fuck me
yoongi: ???
y/n: woah
namjoon: oh
jk: sorry
jimin: HE SAID YES GUYS 🎉🎉🎉
hobi: who??
jk: what was the question?
jimin: will you marry me
jk: ?? no
hobi: WHO???
jin: not taemin that’s for sure
tae: hobi sound like and owl rn 😂😂
y/n: ur not funny
namjoon: didn’t laugh
yoongi: at all
tae: the way yoongi dick rides is insane
think for urself for once
jk: no cuz yoongi creaming on that shit fr 😭
y/n: jungkook….
jk: sorry
jimin: lmao why wouldn’t it be taemin for sure??
nothing is sure in this life
jin: trust me taemin does NOT want you
like at all
jimin: how would you know?
hobi: who are you marrying??
jin: just trust me
jimin: you don’t know SHIT bitch
jin: whatever
jimin: i lied
just wanted to spice it up in here
hobi: lord give me coke
jk: i think it’s strength??
not coke
hobi: i said what i said
y/n: tae can get you coke
tae: no i can’t
namjoon: at this point i need coke to put up with all ur shit
hobi: namjoon the only real one i’m telling you
jimin: been telling you joon on that stuff
no one believed me
now look
cracked out in-front of us all
y/n: yikes
namjoon: it’s rough being friends with you all
hobi: i was lying about the coke
i think he really on the stuff guys
tae: should i call the police
jin: are you not the dealer??
they’ll lock you up with him
namjoon: stop
hobi: druggie
yoongi: what a sad life
y/n: dealer dealer dealerrrrrr
namjoon: stop.
jimin: crack baby
jk: tae this isn’t a good life choice
namjoon: i quit
jin: i’m hungry
jimin: tell us something we don’t know
y/n: be a man eat pussy or go hunt
[ yoongi liked this message ]
jin: is that u inviting me over 🙈
jk: NO
tae: if jungkook was a dog he would be one of those skinny racer dogs
y/n: you would be a chiwawa
jimin: truth
tae: yoongi would be a pug
jin: they look like their existence hurts
yoongi: kinda real
namjoon: why are you indulging tae’s furry habbits??
hobi: right i could throw up rn
tae: see this is the norm nowadays
y/n: no it’s not
jimin: never
jin: ew
tae: THE SWITCH UP???????
can i breathe like wow
jk: woof
jin: stop
jk: my fault 😔
hobi: should we take jungkook to see someone?
jk: NO???
tae: ur not in a relationship
jk: OK?????
y/n: cute
hobi: i’m talking medically
jimin: he’s past medical help
yoongi: should of done that at 16
jin: i’m begging actually
fix him!!!
namjoon: you all need medical help
as soon as possible tbh
tae: some more than others
y/n: tae you are broke and deal drugs
like how is that even possible
you are BROKE and deal DRUGS
the maths isn’t there
jimin: someone save him
jin is literally big as hell
hobi: this is why jennie left
tae: hobi u look 12
yoongi: weak as hell
hobi: also not true at all
jk: 12 out of 10!!!!!
hobi: i’m blushingg😊☺️
jk: stop
hobi: oh
tae: namjoon is a shit leader
namjoon: ???? okay
if ur unhappy here you are free to leave taehyung
he said ur full name
that’s crazy
yoongi: leave
tae: ummmm wtf
take that back rn
joon what the hell 😢😢😢😢😢😢
i’m so upset
wtf is wrong with you
wow he’s really mad at me
after all i’ve done
i feel so worthless
im just an idiot
everyone hates me
namjoon: ???
tae: do you not love me??
jimin: no
namjoon: i’m confused…
tae: u just slapped me across the face
namjoom: i’m sorry?
tae: it’s okay i forgive you i guess 😕
just say u take it back
namjoon: i take it back??
hobi: a typical gaslighter at work
y/n: namjoon ur too soft
namjoon: what just happened
jimin: ur weak
hobi: smh smh
jin: i hope layover flops
namjoon: jin why did you say that
jin: i stand by it
he called me big
jennie is NEVER loving you again
jk: guys don’t shout yoongi gets headaches
yoongi: i do
jimin: old as hell
yoongi: what?
jimin: nothing
y/n: idk if you guys know this but ur strange
hobi: and ur not??
y/n: do you want to fight rn?
hobi: with our tongues?
y/n: strange
tae: stranger things
jimin: u the strangest thing ong 💀🙏🏼
tae: ong?
jimin: the one and only
tae: Oh my god this New album called layover is so Good?
jimin: he’s delusional oh my god
jk: hobi why haven’t you been singing today i miss it
hobi: i’m a changed man
jk: change back pls im upset
hobi: i’m a lover i’m a loser
jk: thank u
hobi: 🙏🏼
namjoon: we have a meeting in 10
jin: don’t care
y/n: hours?? minutes? seconds? DAYS???
yoongi: vague as hell
jimin: give us more than that namjoon
namjoon: sorry forgot u guys lacked common sense
jk: OMG???
that’s not nice at all is it?
tae: meeting???
i’m not even in the country rn wtf
tae: I AM NOt
that was AGES ago get a grip
jin: where are you then
tae: don’t worry
jin: trust me i’m not
tae: kys
namjoon: wydm ur not in the country???
tae: lmao?
namjoon: i give up
hobi: you said that already
namjoon: i mean it this time
jimin: damn
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evelynpr · 29 days
For the character ask game can I pick toga :)
I'm gonna be very honest in these, and I might disappoint, but here it is-
My first impression - I started watching BNHA around 5 years ago? It's hard for me to remember what exactly was my first impression of Toga, but back then I really didn't care for her much. Honestly, I just found it quite problematic that the only main female villain in BNHA is an overly cute school girl who fits the "cute yandere" trop to a t when the rest of the male villains look a lot more serious and scary.
My impression now - Perfectly honest- I really only started paying attention to her because of Ochako. I was, and still am, a massive Ochako fan, and when I heard that she suddenly had a massive romantic and tragic battle and narrative with Toga after leaving the fandom for 3-4 years, I was immediately deadly curious. - Even with how much I resonate with her story and character, I generally have a big ick for blood as a whole (surprising for a very loud tgck fan I know). Right now, she's my poor desperate little baby who really really needs love and therapy (affectionate). I wish we got to see more of her regular girly side, like caring for the LOV especially Magne and Twice.
Favorite thing about that character - That her entire story is a mentally ill and queer narrative. Like I said earlier, I actually have a big ick for blood and the cutesy yandere trope. But the thing that gets me about Toga is that she is the most openly bisexual/pansexual character in the series, very clearly mentally struggling, and both thrives and suffers because of her choices and circumstances. - She's such a tragic and hopeful character that represents so many weird people like me that I can't help but be attached. She makes me want to embrace my more girly and selfish side, and screams at me that I should live my life how I want to. - I can't leave out Ochako from this part. Holy shit the themes and story about their relationship makes my heart both break and soar so bad it genuinely hurts. Save people by understanding them, helping them, listening to them. Show someone you can be selfish, that they deserve love, that she deserve a chance. It's so much it punches me to a million sobbing pieces.
Least favorite thing - For the 3rd time now...not into blood. I don't like its taste, look, and the mere thought of bleeding genuinely grosses me out. - You probably think "How in the world are you attached to her then?" well its because I understand that Toga's "blood" is also a representation of her violent tendencies and love. I see it much more as a narrative device for her character and themes.
Favorite line/scene - Shocking, but I actually have not read the manga. I can't say what my favorite scene is just yet because I want to truly witness it animated, when the time comes. - If you want an answer well, from the anime so far, it probably is when she gets her quirk awakening in MVA, or when she confesses to Izuku in the final war (mostly because that scene is so damn hilarious, tragic, and important).
Favorite interaction that character has with another - ...I mean obviously it's Ochako lmao? Every interaction is a fight of ideals and love- which suddenly morphs into a way of challenging each other- then growing into understanding and loving each other. That is. Just insane. How the fuck did BNHA's writers come up with this.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more - For the sake of my Tgck Bkdk square, I really wished for her to have interacted with Bakugou at least once. Just see how one person's violence and power was praised, while the other was abandoned and shamed. How they both have a strong squishy-faced freak they're obsessed with, and also obsessed with them, even if they don't feel like they deserve it. - Oh and, definitely more LOV random shenanigans and bonding time. I wish I was able to get more into them ngl, but I never really felt that sadly. Man...
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character - UHHH??? I genuinely have no idea. I am drawing at a blank I am so sorry T__T This is the firsts time I have ever been interested in this kind of character??? Really sorry-
A headcanon about that character - This is kind dark so be warned - I got this idea from a fic and now I can't stop thinking about it. Toga always wanted her love to be reciprocated or understood by someone. Anyone. I feel that she was taken advantage of and abused by horrible people in her earlier days of running away...especially since she's a young teenage girl in a cute school uniform. I am so sorry...
A song that reminds of that character - I am working on a Togachako playlist! It's about both of their characters respectively and also their story and relationship, but here's the ones about Toga specifically! - Hayloft II (THIS ANIMATIC), The Red Means I Love You (obviously lol), Butcher Vanity, Hero (Charlie Puth, mostly tgck), Pink Pony Club (Chappell Roan, early Toga)
An unpopular opinion about that character - She's not the possessive type, and she's really very open to people she loves loving other people at the same time, polymarous kind. This is probably a pretty common hc already tho since she says this repeatedly? - Her most common form of love is a very impulsive/sexual/admiration/attracted kind. You could even relate this to hypersexuality (something I struggle with) where the moment you find something you're into on someone, you body and brain genuinely go kinda out of control. I project onto her my own inability to hold and control these kinds of feelings at times, but Toga is quite the manifestation of my fears.
Favorite picture - I love it when a character's mask peels off. Toga genuinely angry, upset, and just not smiling is so fascinating and beautiful to me in a "It's okay my dear, show all of you, stop hiding" (Ochako might disagree with me on this tho, since she loves her smile lmao-)
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cumulo-stratus · 1 year
“There’s nothing wrong with being different.”
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Pairing: Dad!Spencer reid x Dad!reader
Description: Spencer and his husband talk to their daughter when she gets in trouble for punching someone (daughter is 10)
Warnings: Little bit of homophobia, lemme know if there's anything else!
Flufftober day 8: Kidfic/Petfic
A/N: I feel so bad cus I'm like a week behind on flufftober but I'm trying guys I swear 😭 anyways proof read by the lovely @ssaspenceswife!! (Totally check out her works it's way better than mine lmao)
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Y/n sighed as he stepped into the drivers seat of the car, spencer sliding in next to him. They had been enjoying their day off of work together, lounging while their daughter was at school for the day. That was of course until Spencers phone rang…
Spencer lounged on top of Y/n, practically flopped on top of him, the tv played some show quietly in the back round, but the couple were much too focused on each other to quite care. They had been discussing Poes works until spencers phone starts buzzing on the coffee table, alearting him of an incoming call.
Y/n looked at spencer curiously, silently asking him to pick it up, and find out what was going on. But when the familiar crease between spencers brow became apparent his husband frowned at the discontentment of his lover. Spencer gave Y/n the universal signal to wait and answered the phone.
(hello are you doctor reid?)
“yes thats me, is there something wrong?”
(we apologize for interrupting your busy works schedule but you need to come pick up your daughter, shes been suspended.)
This finally caught Y/ns attention as he looked at his husband confused. Spencer stared back equally puzzled and continued the conversation.
(She physically assulted another student, and is suspended until the end of the week. One guardian registered with he school may come pick your daughter up.)
"okay, thank you someone will be there to pick her up soon. Buh bye-"
spencer seemed to want the conversation over with as soon as possible when he said his goodbyes to the receptionist.
"Spence- what happened, was it the school? Is Esther okay?"
"she punched a kid.."
Y/ns face fell in disappointment- and then it turned to anger
"we taught her to never resort to violence?! What happened?"
Spencer just sighed and raised himself from his previous sitting position to start making his way to the door. "I'll go pick her up, we'll talk about it when we get back.
Needless to say the car ride home was silent. Spencer was angry but he knew better than to take it out on his daughter. It would only end in a fight, and that got them nowhere
finally they arrived at thé family's apartment- Esther's other father stood in the attached living room with his arms crossed over his chest. Esther only looked down shamefully, gripping the straps of her beloved astronaut backpack. Y/n sighed in resignation and invited his daughter to sit on couch; sandwiched in between her dads. Y/n started;
"Esther- I thought we taught you to be better this, you know better than that- better than violence."
"I know dad I'm sorry- but he deserved it!
this time it's Spencer's turn to speak, "no one deserves to be punched Esther- and you know that"
both Esther and her fathers attention are pulled away from eachother when they hear a snort/giggle from y/n after Spencer said no one deserves to be punched. Spencer gives his husband a warning glare and that in combination with the aforementioned husbands antics, lightened the mood enough to release a small giggle from the child. After Spencer pulled his eyes away from his husband and put the attention back on his daughter she started to explain herself ; " well this one deserved it- he always mean to you guys- I was just standing up for you!” the couple looked up from their daughter and at each other with confusion. Y/n was the first to shake off the confusion and ask Esther what she ment.
“How would he be mean to us, we dont know this boy?”
“he always says that having 2 dads is weird and un natural. and i always tell him its not and its normal but he wont listen! and then he kept saying means and untrue s stuff and i- i, i couldnt stop myself! he was just being such a dick!”
spencer sent esther a stern warning glare at her language before his and his husbands face softened. Y/n reached out and pulled esther in for a hug asking “bug, why didnt you tell us- we could’ve done something?”
Esther just sighs and hugs back before answering “i told the teachers, and they didn‘t do anything..” Esther voice was deflated and when she told her fathers about the schools lack of response to her cries for help, the men shared a look that said they’d talk about it later.
spencer joined the hug forming one big ball of reid family on the couch. When spencer and Y/n finally released their daughter from the binding hug spencer put one hand on each of esther’s shoulders and looked her straight in the eyes saying “having two dads, never a bad thing, and i dont ever want you to think anything different. Understand?” before Esther could respond Y/n cut in and said, “and theres nothing wrong with being different either- just look at your dad, he’s different and a hottie” Y/n winked at his husband and Esther just exclaimed “ewwww!!” loudly, making both spencer and Y/n laugh out loud. Hoping to lighten the mood spencer responded to his husbands comment with a “save it for later- handsome” and a mischievous smile.
After a family dinner, (with lots of subtle encouragement and affirmations) Esther was feeling better, but tired. So she climbed into bed, received a kiss from both her fathers, and promptly fell asleep before her dad could even turn on the night light. Y/n and spencer were thankful for her almost immediate restful state, needing a moment alone to finally process the events of the day.
when the couple retreated back to their shared master bedroom Y/n took the opportunity of his husband just standing there to engulf him in a big hug, needing the familiar comfort of his husband. And there they stood, for who knows how long. At least 5 minutes. maybe 10 if were being realistic. But hey what can I say, they hadn’t had a moment alone since their daughter to home and lets just d say they needed it.
Spencer was the first to break the comfortable silence, saying “i still cant believe the school didn’t do anything about it- remind me to call them tomorrow before we leave for work.” Y/n just nodded and gave spencer a chaste kiss on the lips- leading him over to the bed and pulling him down on top of him. spencer chuckled and reminded Y/n that they were still wearing their day clothes, and that dental health was extremely important yet they hadn’t brushed their teeth yet. Y/n chuckled and hummed all smiley at his husbands antics.
After brushing their teeth together and y/n (jokingly) trying to get spencer to sleep with no clothes- despite the not very well insulted apartment and the blistering cold just outside the apartment walls. Y/n’s defense was that he could keep spencer warm. needles to say Y/n didn’t win that argument. but the couple still went to bed smiling, curled up in each others arms, leaving the issues of the day for tomorrow.
The End
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anti-spop · 7 months
tumblr keeps recommending me c//a and pro Catra posts, it's both entertaining and irritating. anyway, i'd like to know your thoughts on this post!
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personally, i feel like c//a stans misunderstand our point. we keep saying that Catra does deserve a redemption but she doesn't deserve forgiveness, or at least, instantaneous forgiveness when she has put no effort into trying to change. but they take it as "CATRA IS AN IRREDEEMABLE MONSTER WHO DESERVES TO ROT IN HELL" (which, ironically, is what they say about characters like shadow weaver).
also Adora "wanted" Catra in the finale season because that's how the authors wrote her. it made no sense for her character to suddenly want Catra back after it took her so long to finally cut Catra out of her life.
Do not go after the person who wrote the original post. (this is mostly for my other followers)
Tumblr has been doing the same thing to me, too. It showed me a post that said that as similar as Catra was to Shadow Weaver, she improved to be better. Which is a lie, lmao.
I hate that people think redemption and forgiveness are the same thing. You are allowed to improve as an individual, but the people you hurt don't owe you forgiveness. Sadly, SPOP doesn't have a single character that chooses not to forgive Catra. Even though Frosta punched her in the face, she was more accepting of Catra than Entrapta. Same counts for Perfuma and the other princesses. Though I'm pretty sure anyone would be demonized for not believing that "Catra got better!!!". S5 already does this when Adora vents about Catra being a stubborn brat, she just looks pathetic and Glimmer doesn't take her seriously.
And indeed, most stans think characters like Shadow Weaver or Hordak are not allowed to be redeemed, that's really because they're older and physically disabled.
Finally, yeah, Adora in s4 completely gave up on Catra, she didn't hesitate to nearly kill her without any remorse. Adora's priority was her friends, but especially Glimmer. "I want to be the hero she deserves". But you never see C//A stans talking about that, lol. They only bring up Glimmer and Adora's conflict or Glimmadora at all so they can shit on Glimmer and prove that Catra is a better girlfriend. Which is also bullshit.
Adora is allowed to want things, yes, but s5 pretty much sums it up as her wanting Catra of all people. Not her friends, not a family, or knowing more about her origins, idk. Just Catra. It's literally always about her. Adora is not a character that exists outside of Catra anymore. S5 definitely reinforced this, and the fandom only repeats this. It's annoying.
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nijigasakilove · 4 months
Letterbox effect just hits so different in episodes like this. Masterful use of direction and cinematography. One of the most gut wrenching episodes I’ve seen recently.
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Finally got Kano backstory and the world doesn’t deserve her. The way she idolised her mother and just wanted her acceptance while her mom couldn’t even be bothered to show up to her class on presentation day just broke my heart.. most parents would kill for a kid as pure and obedient as Kano, and her mom only cared about using her to further her career, gross.
Mahiru rep took a major hit in this one for me. She’s gonna have to redeem herself. Came off very snakey. Mfs are upset about me saying it, but planning all this stuff with Yukine when you know she and Kano aren’t on good terms and Kano has had some family issues in the past is very snakey to me! Yes, I get that she wants to advance her own career and grow to love her art and herself, that’s very valid, but I’m not working with my best friend’s mom who I know she has beef with or at least aren’t on good terms. It’s just messy.
And even during Mahiru and Yukine meeting you can already see signs. Like when Mahiru brought up Kano and she’s like “oh you mean Nonoka” she don’t even see her daughter as a person just as a commodity or product. Just like she sees Mahiru’s art the same. Calling Mahiru “sensei” and gassing her shit up.. she’s not slick man 💀 she’ll turn on you just like she did Kano when it’s no longer convenient.
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The other thing for me is if you really feel like you doing nothing wrong, you wouldn’t even feel the need to call Kano and get her blessing. The fact Mahiru did that tells me she knew this was something that she probably shouldn’t be doing. Kano was clearly skeptical otp about it too 🤷🏾‍♂️ do I think Mahiru is a horrible person? No, but she did some snake shit. But again, respect to Yaku sensei for creating a situation that could very much happen irl because girlfriends can be messy as hell.
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Talked about all that and ain’t even get into Mero running the YouTube expose page. That’s so fucking gross and Kano was very justified for punching her in the face. I’d rather lose the right way than win the wrong way and kano clearly felt the same.
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Now Kano did say some nasty shit at the end to Mahiru but you know, Mahiru deserved it 🤷🏾‍♂️ and Kano was just desperate to not lose the only friends she’s had. After seemingly finally escaping her loner past and developing relationships now she sees her closest friend potentially drifting away from her with her MOTHER of all people, the same mother who when told her daughter’s concerns about not having friends or fitting in just brought up her dream of selling out Tōkyō dome. ofc she’d snap.
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Could go on and on about it but it was amazing, didn’t even touch on everything I want to but I’m on vacation and need to go to the beach lmao. This episode fucked me up though. 10/10 as usual from my goat Yaku sensei. If there’s ever a Tomozaki s3 and 4 it’ll have stuff like this too.
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captainwans · 1 year
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Liked by macerlyofficial, amandampn and others
yourinstagram name another plant enthusiast, i’ll wait. 🙋🏽‍♀️🪴
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katrinefogtfriis plantemor! 🌾🩶 ( plant mother )
yourinstagram min smuk! 🌸 ( my prettiest )
user if she doesn’t get any cuter
user thats so cute 🥹
sophiaamelia i love this! 😍
yourinstagram and i love you 😙
joaofelix79 i like plants too just saying…
yourbestfriend and your flirting attempts needs an update just saying…
cmpulisic i knew you would say smth like that 😭😭
user lmao she’s back
user smh he can never get a break
user this is so funny
masonmount benchilwell mate your house is a freaking jungle those leaves slapped my face so hard i’m not even kidding 😭
kaihavertz29 now i’m picturing you getting slapped and i can’t stop laughing
user no bc same i’m literally shaking
benchilwell bro i face planted into a 3 feet tall plant don’t complain 😒
user poor things 😭😂
yourbestfriend benchilwell you deserved it
benchilwell yourbestfriend 😐
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Liked by benchilwell, yourfriend and others
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benchilwell 😍🥵🔥
yourinstagram liked this comment!
user holy mama im gay
sasha__rebecca gorgeous!! 🤩🤍
yourinstagram love u sash! 💞
user 😍😍
helenespilling fineste dama jeg vet om! 🔥😩 ( prettiest woman i know )
yourinstagram fineste danseren jeg vet om 😉 ( prettiest dancer i know )
odegaard.98 yourinstagram enig! 🤩 ( agreed )
vegardharm nei nå må du slutte 🔥😍 ( now you have to stop )
yourinstagram slutt jeg rødmer 🫣💞 ( stop i’m blushing )
laurennjjames beautiful as always! 🩷
yourinstagram got it from you 🫶🏼
user lauren is so smol i love their friendship!!
user y/n is collecting celebs like infinity stones
yourinstagram i’m gonna pin this comment 🤭
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Liked by alexchilwell, sophiaamelia and others
yourinstagram some unhinged moments
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user christian has me dying
user they’re all so unserious i love them
masonmount without me 🥺
yourinstagram if you didn’t leave chelsea then maybe you could’ve gotten the invite 😊
masonmount ouch 😣
chelseafc 🫣
manchesterunited pls don’t get us involved
3,173 liked this comment!
user how did you managed to get chelseafc manchesterunited to get here pls-
yourinstagram user i have no idea 😭 now i’m gonna have 12 year old football fans coming at me
user a punch in the throat— same
user poor mase shshs
yourbestfriend ok but why does the smashed wine bottle look so aesthetic? 🫢😩
marcusrashford and what’s wrong with man utd
yourinstagram i just don’t like your team don’t take it personally
yoursister what did that wine do to you?
yourfriend a lot… 🫣
benchilwell she was so drunk that she thought that the wine bottle was thor’s hammer and smashed it on the floor 💀
sophiaamelia she cried so much after that thinking that she “destroyed” thor’s hammer 😭
reecejames poor wine 😞
yourinstagram *poor me 🖕🏻 reecejames
kaihavertz29 so much happened last night i don’t even remember half of it rip
cmpulisic it went so far that we all crashed at a fancy party and bought 16 bottles of wine
rlc lmaoo now i remember 😭 memorable
user what is going on with this comment section
user i’m so confused
user pls how did we get from man utd to thor’s hammer?
user idk but i’m cackling my ass off this is so funny
user don’t act surprised y/n’s comment section is always a mess and we’re here for it
user it’s like watching a comedy show fr
user can someone get me updated of y/n and mason’s friendship my heart aches just thinking about it pls why am i so invested
user pls- me too the comment was too far
user right? like why would she say that
user he already got too much on his plate rn
user she’s so annoying
yourbestfriend you guys are taking this too far pls it’s not even that serious 😭
yourinstagram user mase is doing just fine he’s sitting behind me giggling at the comments
masonmount no bad blood guys! ❤️
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thestobingirlie · 11 months
Just wanted to drop in and say thanks for always having some of the best Steve takes in the Stranger Things fandom. It makes me a little crazy when people in the fandom try to make Steve the “Mom”. He only does mom friend things, not actual Mom things. And more specifically he does more exasperated older brother things!
Especially when the fandom takes away the actual good parents in the show to force Steve into that role. Like we don’t see much of the Sinclairs, but I guarantee they’re more emotionally available than an 18 year old kid who probably hasn’t hung out with younger people until he was almost done with high school! Erica would treat Steve like she treats Lucas; she would bully Steve a little and she definitely wouldn’t put him on the same level (or higher!) as her parents. A parent would not have punched Billy in the face for threatening Lucas, imo, they would have probably gotten the cops involved or called Neil
Let Steve be the annoyed older brother who will always step up if you’re in trouble, but would absolutely sell you out for his favorite snack :( he deserves it
he’s literally 18!!! don’t make that teenage boy parent a bunch of 15 year olds that already have parents
he’s a big brother!!! he calls the kids shitheads! he’d only tell them to watch their language if he was trying to be a cunt and annoy them lmao
i think it makes it all the more interesting that the kids do have parents that love them, and care for them, but they still want steve in their lives. he saves them, they can rely on him. none of the kids’ parents know anything about the upside down, but steve does, and he’ll be there for them. not to take a parents role. but just to protect them, and be their brother.
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thefirstradiant · 29 days
Okay? Did I get y’all’s attention? I heard this song in the car a few day ago and immediately had a million thoughts. I also immediately began crying, thanks. This song cuts deep to Dean’s core (some Sam thrown in there too) and I think you all should give it a listen. If you care to read my line by line thoughts, they’re under the break because it got LONG lmao.
I made a home here in unsteady things
It was hard to think that I could ever leave
For me I see most of this song through Dean’s perspective, but that could also just be because I’m so Dean-coded that it’s also just my perspective. I’m picturing the constant moving around as kids with John and trying to make a home in the hundreds of motels. I’m picturing the Impala, adult Dean’s first real home, and how he brought Sam back into it. I don’t think Dean thought he could ever leave this life and at times he didn’t want to, even if it was unsteady.
So I gave my breath each time she couldn't breathe on her own
This is both of them, but from my Dean perspective of the song and the earliest time we see it in the series, this is Dean trading his soul for Sam. It’s also Dean as a kid giving Sam all his food and treats and energy and his everything so he could breathe just a little easier and contentedly.
I felt her scars and asked her nervously
Who was the thief that stole your certainty?
Demon-blood Sam to me. This is Dean scared of his brother and his powers and realizing that he may be more messed up by their childhood than he thought. This is Dean cursing himself for not doing a good enough job of protecting Sammy so that nothing could ever hurt him. Dean can see all the scars that that addiction left on Sam and it kills him and confuses him at the same time.
She didn't know, she lost it some time long ago
Oh Sammy. This part is just sad. No matter how hard Dean tried as a kid and young adult, Sam was already damaged. He was bound to fall into the demon blood addiction.
I've fought so long, it's what I do
My fists are fine, it's just my soul's a little bruised
Daddy’s blunt instrument. Soldier of Heaven. Ultimate Killer. Need I say more? This is Dean hearing everyone else tell him that fighting is what he does. He comes back every time so he must be fine right? Wrong. Some wounds aren’t visible.
But I'll stay on my feet until I lose
But I never learn to lose
My favorite lines. They give me shivers. This is what we know Dean for. The man who absolutely never gives up. Who would get back on his feet a million times over again for Sam. And then the “learn to lose” part. Throughout the show we see this in Dean. He doesn’t know how to process his loved ones leaving him or dying or their plans failing. He just needs that next “big win”. This is my favorite unfinished (thanks finale) exploration of Dean.
It's hard to know me
At least you tried
It's hard to love in the cold
And it's gotten so cold outside
Ah the chorus. Really punches home how Dean feels. He loves that Sam tried to know him and stay with him, even if he still can’t see that he ever deserved it. The cold gives me such amazing imagery here of desolation, of emptiness. It is HARD to love in the face of such emptiness that we see time and time again during the apocalypse events and times when the brothers get separated. But they’re still trying. They’re shivering in the cold, but trying.
My younger years went by so urgently
And left me grief that I'm still servicing
Quite obviously Dean. Just want to point out I love the word choices of urgently and servicing. I think Dean will always be servicing his trauma from John and his upbringing, but I just so wish we could have seen some conclusion to his attitude of not caring about himself at all. Stupid finale with the “it was always about you, Sam”. Dean deserved to love himself.
If good times change, why do the bad days stick around?
No thoughts just me crying over Dean sitting in the bunker, happy, maybe cooking and smiling with Jack. Sam’s reading the paper and drinking coffee. Sometime in the later seasons when they think they’ve won. And then Dean just feels this crushing weight and wonders why, when everything around him points to being happy, he just can’t feel it.
She said, I'll just keep going to be kind
To that same little girl who wondered why her parents cried
Ah back to Sammy. I could write a lot about Sam watching John abuse Dean as a child, but I won’t because it would go on forever. These lines feel to me like Sam as an adult trying to understand how different his childhood experience was from Dean’s and coming to terms with, yes, Dean may have seemed to have it worse, but that doesn’t mean Sam was unscathed. Sam realizes this and has to change his thoughts toward himself. Also Sam comforting Dean.
Cause she grew up and learned to lie like them
Dean watching Sammy grow up a hunter and fight and kill and all the things he really never wanted for his baby brother that he swore to protect.
I've tried to lie to you
But boy you listen to me with your eyes as well
In the song, this is still from Sam’s perspective and it’s really interesting to me with the closeness and codependency these brothers have. They don’t lie to each other well at all. It’s a forced closeness from their childhood and lifestyle where all they have is each other. This is Sam trying to persuade Dean to let him go his own way etc. Dean doesn’t listen well and sees Sam instead and how much he needs him, both because he wants to help him and because Dean is very codependent as well.
And it's hard to see me
At least you tried
It's hard to love in the cold
And it's gotten so cold outside
Beautiful chorus again. Makes me cry. This time saying “it’s hard to SEE me”. Dean almost never feels seen, even when people try to, because he just can’t accept their love unless he loves himself first.
Farewell my uncle
And farewell his son
I mean, this is the Winchester farewell to all the family that they’ve lost along the journey. The bitter cold outside takes its toll not just on Sam and Dean but everyone around them. Uncle of course makes me sad about Bobby again. And son could be a lot of different people. I read it a lot as Dean’s feelings about his “kids”. Claire, Alex, Jack, Ben… Just a very full circle moment to Dean saying goodbye to his childhood and trying to make a difference in some other kid’s experiences.
Farewell the pieces
Cause they're all I was
This is older Dean looking back on his years of hunting and watching all the pieces and fractures he was at the times. When he felt like he was only half there or had to put aside his grief because the world was ending, like it always was. I like to think Dean is trying to say goodbye to that. He wants to be whole, he wants to be happy but he doesn’t really know how. He never learned how.
Will you stay with me,
As I turn to dust?
Like I said, he never really learned how to “carry on”. In a part of his mind, he would just be turning to dust. Once the world is saved, once Sammy is saved, what then? He reaches out, clutching to whatever he knows, just wanting to not be alone. He finds Sam and Cas and family and thinks, maybe I can just stay like this. I still think he thinks he’s in some limbo, just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
When you tell their story
Tell them I was loved
Cries. Just,, Dean doesn’t even think of himself as the one to tell the story. He just passes himself by. Sam can tell the story. Sam can carry on. Also he doesn’t want to be this tragic story he’s been playing out for years. When he’s gone, just tell a happy story, tell about his favorite foods, his Impala, how much he loved cowboy hats. He doesn’t want to be a heavy burden even when he’s dead. Maybe in a bedtime story, he can be a firefighter in small yeehaw town without depression or a traumatic childhood. And maybe he can just Be.
So now you see me
For the first time
This song is Dean laid bare. His grief, his purpose, his pain, his love, his family, his fear, his determination, his strength, his Sam. He WANTS people to SEE him, but at the same time, he can’t put that heavy burden on anyone. Except he learns a little about how to place it on Sam towards the end. If anyone really Sees Dean, it’s Sam. And it took him a long time to see him “for the first time”.
It's hard to love in the cold
But boy, it's time I tried
And there we have the core of Dean. His love. His love in the face of everything. The fact that he TRIES. And TRIES. And TRIES AGAIN. He may not ever have thought he was good enough, but to so many, he was. He was more than good enough. He was the best. And they all loved him so much. Especially Sam.
*sighs* time to go listen to the song a few more times and cry about how Dean never got the chance to finish his story and his growth. We could have had Dean loving HIMSELF. That’s his ending. His real one.
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the-cult-of-russo · 2 years
Head Like A Hole
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader 
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Warnings: cursing, smut, knife play, blood play. All the good stuff lmao
A/N: The name of this one is from the Nine Inch Nails song by the same name. I was listening to it and this just came to me so…. Enjoy I guess lololol
Bow down before the one you serve
You're going to get what you deserve
Bow down before the one you serve
You're going to get what you deserve
Head Like A Hole blared through the speakers of the club and you felt the beat down to your bones. You had a pleased smile on your face as you twirled expertly around the pole, letting your body feel the rhythm and going with it. You hadn't been a natural at the pole like some of the girls here. It had taken some getting used to, you hadn't expected your muscles to have protested to it so much. But you’d always been in tune with music and you soon found your feet. You’d been here now for years and you loved it. You weren't like some of the others. You weren't here out of necessity. You weren't here to pay off college or because you would be out on the streets if you didn't. You weren't here so you could pay for your next fix. You were here because you wanted to be. You’d never been ashamed of your body or scared of sexuality. Previous to this, you’d worked retail and lived a boring life like a good little worker ant. You could barely make rent and you’d been stuck in a monotonous cycle as you daydreamed of being free and being able to be yourself. And now, here you were and you loved every moment of it. You had a fancy ass apartment, a great car. You made more in one night than you did one month at your old job and you never looked back. It wasn't just a strip club though. Extra services were offered but the girls were never forced to do it if they didn't feel like it. And for that, you were grateful for Jerry, the owner. You always had a choice here. Nothing was forced on you. And you knew those extras would pay ridiculously well so you rarely turned them down. 
You swayed your hips to the music as you danced, only clad in lacy black panties. There were a number of small podiums around the place, each girl having their own. Some guys would come in and choose a different girl each time, but most of them found they had a favorite and would go to their podium. You had a lot of regulars and you’d admit you were one of the highest-paid girls here. Your eyes locked with dark orbs sitting across from your podium and you felt a thrill run through you. This regular was a little different to all of the others. He’d started coming in a month ago. He never spoke to you like some of them would. Everyone was different. You had guys that loved to tell you all the dirty things as you danced or spoke to them, ones who would always bother to ask how you were doing and some wouldn't speak at all. And this one was the latter. He stood out with the scars all over his face but it didn't detract from his handsomeness at all. His eyes were so dark they looked almost black and they were so intense, they made your heart stutter every time you’d seen him. He’d sit there just watching you intently, like you were the most amazing thing he’d ever witnessed and you fed off it. He intrigued you. Another girl here, one of the more stuck-up ones, had made a comment once about how she'd be ‘scared’ to have him watching her. Said he looked deranged with his messed-up face. You’d punched her in the nose for it. You weren't quite sure why you'd felt the need but you'd done it anyway and she hadn't made a comment since. You’d never even really interacted with him before but there was a pull to him, he was alluring. You'd admit there was a darkness that surrounded him. But you weren't put off by it. It called to you and made you burn for him. He came in to watch you three times a week and every time, you hoped he’d request you after, but he never did. 
You closed your eyes as you let your body feel the music. You loved this song, it was one of yours. Jerry had asked all the girls to pick songs to dance to and they’d play the playlist for you all. It was to keep it fair to everyone. All different types of music and each girl got some songs she liked to dance to. You twirled the pole before standing in front of it, your arms above your head as you arched your back against it and pushed your breasts out. Your eyes locked eyes on the mystery man once more. You tried to avoid it, favoritism wouldn’t pay your rent after all, but you often found yourself watching him and him alone when he was here. You sent him a wry smirk, swaying your hips, and his lips quirked up in a predatory grin that sent a jolt of desire right through you. He’d never done that before. Never done anything other than watch you. His face impassive. His eyes though… well they told you how much he wanted you. You bit your lower lip before forcing yourself to drag your eyes off him and pay some of the other customers attention. The eye contact always got you more tips. When the song ended, you gave him one last lingering look before walking off your podium, putting on a silk black robe and making your way to ‘your’ room. Each girl had a room in the back here that came with a bed. It could be used for resting or extra activities if the girl wanted to. You always kept it neat and tidy, the bed sheets a deep purple color. You took pride in your room, always making it welcoming. You were on your way there when Ellisa came over to you. She was one of the servers. They were different to the dancers and guys weren't allowed to touch them at all, even if they were all prancing around in their underwear. Anyone that dared to break the rule was shown the door and not allowed back. Jerry only wanted trusted customers here and it weeded out the assholes. He ran a good business. 
“Someone’s requested you,” she smirked, toying with an envelope in her hand.
“How much?” you asked curiously. The minimum to pay was $500 for the extras but some guys liked to pay more, especially if they were into some kinky shit. Ellisa smirked even more as she handed you the envelope. You got the money out, counting it quickly and your eyes widened.
“$5000?” you whispered, looking at her incredulously. She grinned at you and shrugged.
“He must really want some of that pussy,” she murmured ruefully, making you snort. 
“Do you know who?” you asked. None of your regulars would offer this much. Ellisa made a slicing motion to her face and you got it instantly. It made your stomach clench with anticipation and excitement and she rolled her eyes goodnaturedly at you at our obvious interest. 
“He’s already in there. I knew you wouldn't be turning him down,” she grinned before rushing off to do her job. 
Your heart hammered away, your body thrumming as you made your way to your room, stuffing the envelope into the pocket of your robe. You took a deep breath before you opened the door. And sure enough, mystery man was perched on the edge of your bed looking antsy. You came in and his deep, dark eyes snapped to you. You didn't break eye contact as you shut the door behind you and leaned against it.
“I wondered when you’d ask for me,” you purred, biting your lip with a coy smile. His lips ticked up into a smirk at your words.
“Is that so?” he asked. His voice felt like honey poured all over you. You’d often wondered what he’d sound like but the real thing was better than anything you could have conjured up. 
“Mhmm. I’m a little put out it took this long,” you shrugged teasingly. He chuckled as he stood and you inhaled a breath. He was so fucking tall and his scars stood out in the dimly lit room, making him look imposing. You loved it. He was wearing a black hoodie and what looked to be a black tee under it. Some jeans and boots. He looked good enough to eat.
“What's your name, handsome?” you asked as you leisurely approached him. He raked his teeth over his lower lip, his eyes sweeping you like he knew what was under your robe. He did for the most part, but he’d be seeing parts of you tonight he’d never been privy to. 
“Billy. What's yours?” he asked curiously as his eyes finally landed back on your face. You’d be a liar if you tried to deny how his gaze affected you. He looked at you like you were different. Special.
“Y/N,” you supplied, stopping just in front of him. You untied your silk robe and let it pool to the floor, now once again only in your black lacy panties. He made no move to touch you as he stared you down.
“Y/N,” he repeated, like he was testing it out. You loved how your name sounded rolling off his tongue.
“So… you paid a pretty penny for this. I presume you had something in mind?” you asked, smoothing your hands up his clothed chest. His eyes darted to your hands, his breathing becoming shallower before he looked back at you.
“Some things. Wanted to bring my knife but they wouldn’t let me bring it in,” he muttered with a dark smirk. He looked almost like he wanted to scare you, but all that happened was your eyes lit up and a pleased smile overtook your face, he looked mildly confused before you moved away, opening your drawer off to the side. When you turned back to face him, you were holding your knife. He let out a delighted and surprised laugh but it quickly turned into a groan when you expertly twirled the knife in your hands.
“You know your way around a knife, sweetheart?” he rasped, his voice low and full of need. It made you ache. 
“I do,” you replied with a smirk. You looked at him, your eyes reflecting how much you wanted him as you trailed the knife down your chest between your breasts. You didn't miss how his Adams apple bobbed or how he seemed to have a sudden issue breathing normally. 
Without warning, he lunged at you, grabbing the knife and spinning you around. Your back was to his chest and he was holding the knife to your throat, the other pinning you against him by your stomach. You let out a sinful moan that made him chuckle.
“I could slit your throat right now,” he growled down your ear, but it did little to scare you. 
“You won't,” you grinned, chest heaving at the excitement. You lay your hand over his, the one on your stomach, and pushed it down and down until his fingers were sliding into your panties. You guided his fingers until he could feel just how much you were enjoying this. You were soaked. He moaned sinfully down your ear and you rubbed your body against him like a cat, uncaring about the cold metal kissing your skin. He toyed with your clit for a small moment and you moaned, reveling in the feeling. But then he was pulling his hand away from you and turning you around, no longer holding the knife to your throat. You felt the loss immediately. He was staring you down with a feral glint in his eyes that made you feel like you'd drown if you didn't have him soon. And without breaking eye contact, he threw the knife across the room and it embedded into the wooden headboard with a thunk. 
“Fuck,” you murmured breathlessly, a delighted smile toying on your lips. 
Then he was on you. The kiss was all tongue and teeth, ferocious as he consumed you from the inside out. Your hands rushed to rid him of his clothes. He’d already made quick work of your panties, literally ripping them off, and you felt like you were playing catch-up to get him as naked as you were. Once you were both undressed, he backed you up and pushed you onto the bed. He crawled on after you, a wicked glint in his eye as he settled between your open thighs. He pulled the knife back out from where it was in the headboard, it caught the light and your heart was thumping away so hard you could hear it in your ears. He bit his lower lip hard as he trailed the knife across your chest, much like you had to yourself. Then it danced along the skin of the swell of your breast. Your hand came up without much thought, staring at him as you pressed it, pushing the knife into your skin a little. It wasn’t enough for a medical emergency but it was enough to slice it and draw blood. It elicited a mix between a moan and a gasp from Billy and you soaked in his reaction as he stared at you. He had a strange look on his face. Like he couldn't quite work out what was going on or who you were. He swallowed thickly, eyes darting to the slightly oozing cut on your breast, but then he leaned down and licked it up. You gasped, eyes falling shut as you arched up to him. 
“Do it again,” you whispered needily. He was lapping at your cut as his eyes looked up to you.
“Please,” you added with a coy smile. He lifted his head a little, a sly smirk painting his lips before he obliged, making another cut below the previous one. You moaned at the pain, writhing under him as he eagerly started licking at it again. He kept at it, leaving teasing little cuts he’d lavish with his tongue as he moved further and further down your body and you felt like you were on your way to nirvana. The knife then kissed the skin of your inner thigh and the thrill increased. It was a dangerous game and you knew that. Your femoral artery was right there and you knew what would happen if he nicked it. You weren't scared though and he locked eyes with you for a moment before cutting your thigh. It was less deep than the others, the blood only pin-pricking on some spots where the skin had broken. He groaned as he leaned down, sucking on it. The knife was then laying on the bed next to him as he left a flurry of marks all over your thighs and you loved every second of it. There was no warning as he started licking vigorously at your clit and you gasped, back arching as your hands flew to his short-cropped hair. He sucked on your clit and you moaned, pressing his head closer to you as you squirmed under him and made him groan. 
You felt a fire burning inside of you as he used his mouth to make you moan, his hands gripping your thighs to keep you in place as you couldn't keep still. You threw your head back, moans getting higher in frequency and pitch as you felt yourself getting closer to release. Not long later, you were crying out, back bowing as you fell over the ledge he had you dangling off. He moved away, mouth slick with your juices as he licked his lips. His eyes were wild and you wanted him to ruin you. He left sloppy wet kisses up your body until he was hovering over your mouth but not kissing you.
“My turn, sweetheart,” he purred, voice sounding raw with need. The knife was then pressed into your hand and you knew just what he wanted. It made your eyes sparkle with delight as you moved to sit up and he lay down. You straddled him, trapping his hard and wanting cock with your slick heat and making him moan softly. You smirked down at him, twirling the knife around again. His eyes flared dangerously at you and you loved it. You stared right at him as you brought the knife to your mouth, licking your blood off the flat part of it. The noise he made had your head spinning. You moved the knife to his smooth skin then, slicing the skin above his nipple like he had with you. He let out a dirty moan as you did and you leaned down, licking it up with a mewl. You strategically cut him in the same places he had you, loving every little noise or reaction he made as you did. You mimicked him perfectly, right up to the marks on the thighs when you were done with the knife. By this point, he was breathing erratically and you loved knowing you had this effect on him. You licked a stripe up his large, hard cock and he groaned, arching up as his hand went to your hair. You grabbed him, giving him no warning before you took him into your mouth all the way until he hit the back of your throat and your nose was pressed against him. The noise he made was filthy and you wondered if you might cum again without even being touched. You worked him over with your mouth, enjoying every noise you drew from him as he arched up, making sure you took him all the way in each time. Every time he hit the back of your throat, he made sure to hold you there for a moment as your throat spasmed around him. The grip on your hair was wonderfully tight and you allowed him to fuck your mouth for a moment before you let your mouth slide off him with a pop. You knew some guys could have multiple orgasms although it was rare and needed some recovery time. But you didn't know if he was one of them and you weren't ready for this to be over yet. 
You moved to straddle him again, lifting up a little before lining him up. You slid down onto him with ease with how wet you were and the pair of you moaned at the relief. You started bouncing on his cock and his hands slid up your body, touching anywhere he could. Your cuts had bled again and his hands were smearing it all over you. Painting you with it. His hands then moved to your hips, seemingly finding you weren't going hard or fast enough as he started guiding you up and down even faster. The sound of skin hitting skin floated to your ears as he used your body to bring him pleasure and you couldn't stop any of your desperate moans. Your nails bit into the skin of his chest and he let out a dirty groan, giving you a hard thrust as you did. He sat up quickly, one hand gripping the back of your neck and the other your ass as his lips claimed yours once more. It was brutal and demanding and you gave into it willingly. The angle made your clit rub against him with each thrust and your head fell back in pleasure. He sunk his teeth into the delicate flesh of your neck and you hoped you'd be full of marks when he was done with you. You rapidly felt yourself coming undone around him once more, squirming on top of him with a keening moan. You felt dazed but very aware that he'd stilled and that he hadn't cum yet.  You blinked at him curiously and the grin he gave you was menacing.
"I'm not done with you yet," he smirked devilishly. Suddenly, he was moving you off him and positioning you on your hands and knees. You felt a hard stinging sensation on your right ass cheek and gasped in delight, pressing your forehead into the purple sheets.
"Harder," you begged helplessly, moaning as he obliged. The burning pleased something inside of you. He pushed into you once more and you moaned desperately as he set a punishing rhythm with you. Each thrust felt like it was forcing the air out of your lungs. 
He gripped your hair and tugged on it, chuckling through his moans at the noise you made. He used your hair to pull you to sit up, still fucking you relentlessly.
"Like it rough, sweetheart?" He growled into your ear.
"Yes, yes, yes!" You chanted hopelessly, your head spinning in the best way. You whined when he suddenly pulled out of you and let your hair go but then you were being roughly shoved onto your back. He gave your brain no time to understand what was going on before he slammed right back into you and you gasped. You felt on the edge of delirium as he started rutting into you like an animal, making the headboard slam against the wall. The wild look in his eyes and the noises he was making made you think he felt the same.
"Billy… I… I need…" you gasped brokenly between your moans. He leaned one arm near your head for leverage as the other gripped your jaw so hard you really hoped he left bruises. 
"I got you, baby. I know what you need," he moaned, his hand trailing down from your jaw to your throat. He applied enough pressure to cut your air supply off and you bucked wildly under him, pleasure ramping up even more. He'd squeeze until you were light-headed, feeling like you were teetering on the edge of passing out, before he eased his grip and let you greedily suck in air. When he was squeezing your throat, your moans were strangled, but when you could breathe, they were broken and keening. The noises he was making as he watched you were pornographic.
“That’s it, sweetheart. Such a good girl for me,” he moaned sinfully, fully shoving you over the edge. Your lips parted with a raw moan as you exploded, feeling like you had nothing left to give him after this as your body seemed to give out. Thankfully, he let out a few guttural moans, ferally thrusting into you a few more times before he filled you up deliciously.
He let you breathe, his forehead resting on yours for a moment as your heaving breaths mingled together. He pulled out of you and collapsed beside you and you felt like you'd gone to heaven. You idly wondered if he had slit your throat and all of this hadn't really happened. You were waiting for him to get up and leave. It's how it usually went. It didn't matter how rough it usually was, although it had never been like this, they never stuck around after. Aftercare didn't exist here and you didn't mind it anymore. You were used to it. So you were surprised when he turned you on your side, him also on his side as he looked at you. His dark eyes seemed calmer now as he watched you carefully. His fingers delicately trailed the cuts on your breasts that had started to scab. You watched him curiously, your body spent in the best way. He leaned over, capturing your lips in a kiss. It wasn't as hard as the others. This one was slow but no less sensual as his tongue explored what felt like every inch of your mouth. You melted into him, humming into the kiss. When he pulled away, he shot you a smirk like he was admiring his handiwork. 
Without a word, he got up and started dressing. You knew you needed to get up. After blowing your mind the way he did, it would be rude to not at least walk him to the door.  You stood on shaky legs and grabbed your robe, tying it around yourself. You felt ready to collapse into a heap at a moment's notice. When he was fully dressed, he walked over to where you were at the door. You'd started to wonder if he'd leave without saying anything as he opened the door, but then he turned back to you, watching you with those expressive eyes for a second.
"I'll see you real soon, Y/N," he smirked darkly, his voice holding all kinds of sinful promises you wanted him to keep.
"I'm counting on it," you replied, your voice a little scratchy from the choking. His grin widened in a predatory manner and you felt breathless. He grabbed the knot of your robe and tugged you the small distance to him. You almost fell into him with how tired you felt and your hands came to his chest. His hand gripped your jaw possessively as he kissed you hard on the lips and you mewled softly. He moved away, quirking an amused brow at your pathetic state before he slipped out of the door. You blinked at it for a moment before wandering back to your bed and flopping onto it. Your hands absentmindedly stroked one of the cuts he'd left you, a dopey smile on your face. You wondered if it would scar. You hoped it would. Would he have matching scars with you? You drifted to sleep, wondering how long you had to wait before you saw him again.
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bluiex · 1 year
i put it in google docs to check the word count it’s a bit over 1000 words so that’s fun, but without further ado, i present:
funny things i have read in smut:
“Then he hit the bundle of nerves that fanfic readers are all too familiar with.”
“Luckily he is also a slippery motherfucker.”
“inexperienced in the art of giving giant people hand jobs.”
“Getting cock blocked my a church!”
“I’m not a food (name)”
“unsure why (name) was treating him like he was at the dentist”
“Also when they arrived (name) threw a plushie at them, hitting (name) square in the face.”
“I-uh I wh-uhm I”
“Breed! Breed! Breed! Mate! Mate! Mate!”
“(name) smiled “sure just don’t kill me””
“(name) would probably just scold them and then offer some advice and (name) would probably just laugh and offer to punch (name)’s stomach or some bullshit. “
“She then sauntered her way back to the over-eager man laying in an idiotic position on the bed, probably trying to be mock-seductive.”
“"What? Don't you like what you see?"”
“he let out a shaky breath and stood up straight(gay)”
“(name) finds out where all the missing orphans went, and no, it’s not Technoblade.”
“(very unimaginative for a nonhuman, what were his parents thinking?)”
“it was at that moment that (name) had internally asked himself three questions: am I really considering sex with a dragon? Is this really what my life has come to? Dragon fucking?”
“" Sorry gang I have to take the fattest piss in the whole year."”
“"I just don't think you are gonna be screaming pickles in the middle of fucking-"”
“Angry at (name) for even having the audacity to be alive and breathing.”
““Look, I’m your chambermaid not your chambertherapist,””
““I saw a man purchasing cocaine from another man.” He mentioned offhandedly.”
“"Fuck you" he responded, lowering himself to lay on the monsters chest and stomach.
'That's what your doing'”
“Author: Am eating cucumber”
“(name” smirked with delight, reaching down to poke at his cloaca”
“he got so many new experiences (yes, even beans on toast)”
“”did you just.. call me dude in a romantic way?”
““Were you expecting me to say ‘it’s dishonourable to attack when not ready!’?””
“(names) hands are shaking so much that he might actually shoot one of them in the foot. Which would seriously kill the mood.”
“Is he not also deserving of being a sexy pirate with huge tits?”
“He doesn’t know what he’ll do if (name) pulls away and starts talking again. Cry, probably.”
“sorry i was possessed by an evil spirit called homosexuality writing this”
“im normal *paces around my cage*”
“i need to fuck this himbo.”
“am I saying that gay sex is the solution to relationship problems? Absolutel- *dies*”
“and precisely nothing changes between Pearl and Scott.”
“the real fantasy here is having a shower that's big enough for more than one person lmao”
“not like he was thinking of boneing (name) or (name) anytime soon.”
“(name) has eaten (name) out (wow that's really a sentence I just typed)”
“Tea anon *shakes you like a maraca*”
“because holy hell (name) has got to have some absolutely incredible thighs”
“I know that we all universally agree that (name) has the biggest dick on the server”
“I just think they should fuck and it would solve all their problems. Or make them worse, but at least they’d have fucked <3”
““tiddies plz? May I have a face full of them?””
“(especially after he's been fucked into the next century by her-)”
“When he is satisfyied and (name) is a right mess and a little hard- (name) just leaves lmao”
“You have my utmost respect and love person who suggested it I will give you a handshake”
“Hi I have a headache the size of Texas but that doesn’t stop the Headcanons from plaguing me like visions.”
“(name) just walkin around butt ass naked, dick out :sobs: /pos”
“getting the fucked and bred into the next century-“
“"he's a fucking dumbass jesus christ i want to bear his children"”
“(name) lingered, because he was a simple man, and couldn’t turn down a chance to look at (name)’s ass. In his defence, it was not a bad choice. Man.”
“Not that burying his face in (name)’s tits was a bad time,”
“(name) slurred out a grumbling complaint, so far from any word that (name) was almost impressed.”
“(name), I am going to set you on fire, please.”
“(name) raised his eyebrows at (name)’ choice to not wear underwear. The man was truly feral sometimes.”
“This goes even harder (hehe)”
“Why do school work when imaginary men can fuck in our heads *gets run over*”
“Unfortunately, it covered all of (name)’s actual ass,”
“his eyes relaxing and focusing in on the much nicer view of (name)’s chest.”
““Are you saying that to me, or my boobs?””
“little panting sounds as he tried to remember how to breathe.”
“He needed to scream into a pillow, like, now. And then do other things with that pillow”
“She could talk to him however the fuck she wanted after riding him like that.”
“And my god if anyone saw his back they'd think he got attacked by a bear or something “
“(name)’s sense of time is a little – hah! – fucked right now.”
“resisted that dang mouth”
“(name) has two tits!”
“a worker is giving him a weird look for clearly having boner while staring at some bell peppers.”
“He really was a friend shaped nugget”
““If it's not a booty call I'm not interested,” “
“(name) bussy canonically has the power to unlock peoples closeted inner fruit”
“the glass was so fragile that gay sex was enough to shatter it”
“just waiting for (name) to calm down. (name) also waits for (name) to calm down.”
“and enjoy the ride””
“nor does (name) actually get off on being commanded to fuck. (well, he might. i've never asked.)”
““I’m at a vulnerable time in my species transition and you’re making sex slave jokes?””
““Well, stop being horny for five seconds and let me finish explaining.””
“Gotta have a weird gay thing going with at least one of your friends at all times.””
““Oh no, your dick is broken! I’m prescribing you blow jobs~””
“trying to look calm and collected. like a cucumber.”
“giving it the sloppiest toppy he could in his state.”
“Breed! Breed! Breed! Mate! Mate! Mate!” I felt that. LOL
““Are you saying that to me, or my boobs?”” FAVE FAVE FAVE
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mysticstarlightduck · 7 months
OC In 15 Tag!
I was tagged by @tabswrites, here!
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
I'll do this one for my character Arammys from Of Starlight and Beasts, our beloved Sunshine Boi Tm! (Because he's been living in my brain rent-free ever since I started this new project lmao)
[Upon being asked "Who are you?" by Corah, when they first met. Genuinely.] "Honestly, I'm not sure."
"I may not know a lot about this kingdom, or how it works, but I can't be the only one who thinks it isn't fair for them to treat you guys like this ... this city doesn't even belong to them anyways! Or does it? I'm not sure anymore."
"Ow, that smarts, ow!" He clutched his hand to his chest, still glowing with magic as he jumped up and down slightly. At his feet, the highwayman had fallen to the floor like a rag doll. "No one told me punching someone would hurt me this much! His face was like a freaking rock, ow. Are you guys alright?"
"You're good - you almost had me falling for it there." He chuckled, but his smile promptly dropped as he noticed her lifted eyebrow and confident smirk - a look he'd come to recognize as the forebearer of terrible ideas and a lot of trouble. "Oh no. You were being serious, weren't you?"
"We spent months fighting the worst this kingdom has to offer and now in a literal festival in an enchanted forest. I, for one, am going to dance and enjoy the night until I pass out, and this is my invitation for you to do the same!"
"Why don't you get it?! You have a lifetime of memories, and you'll always have, for better or for worse! I don't have that. And I'll probably never have - someone took my past from me."
"... Did that guy just steal your bag?"
"I'm not afraid of loving you. Love, our love, is not a weakness, and it'll never be. That "Queen" is a fool if she wants you to believe that."
"We're not jumping out of this tower! No, nuh-uh, I refuse. Don't even consider it!"
"Well, not to be rude but I think you're overcompensating. Throwing us like that was a bit of a low blow."
"Whoa. That's such a funny-looking rat. Why- why does it have three tails?" He giggles, words endearingly slurred as he pointed to a discarded napkin on the floor. [Corah furrowed her brows, blinking, flabbergasted, then looked between him and the single, barely finished glass of wine he must've bought a few minutes ago, after his little moment in the spotlight. It dawned on her that he'd likely never drunk before. "Alright, that's it. Your resistance to alcohol is absolutely nonexistent. Let's go home."]
"You think being a tyrant will make you respected, Meira, and you believe hunting down those who think differently than you will prove your strength. It won't. It just makes you a monster."
"I'm sure I'm going to regret this, but alright."
"If I learned anything in this adventure is that politicians and nobles almost always want something when they summon us to their palaces. And that something is never just a nice tea party, unfortunately."
"Everyone deserves second chances - even him."
Tagging (gently, with absolutely no pressure): @lassiesandiego, @unstablewifiaccess, @hrmkingizzy, @elshells, @illarian-rambling, @meerawrites, @tabswrites, @rickie-the-storyteller, @jay-avian, @crowandmoonwriting, @writernopal, @elshells, @thetruearchmagos, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams, @clairelsonao3, @apolline-lucy, @little-peril-stories @kaylinalexanderbooks and @oh-no-another-idea
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rui-drawsbox · 2 years
I’ve got so much work recently that the brain ain’t filled up yet but I have a couple ideas for the magical girl au :):):):) back on my usual bullshit lmao ✨✨✨
K so these mfers (Knights + Mika + Shu(eventually, give him time, a season two breakdown and a redemption arc) ) should go song karaoke together. They deserve it after all the horrors tbh. The little doll man should get to experience the epic highs and lows of awful greasy pizza at an establishment that isn’t a restaurant. Tsukasa, Izumi, and Shu should also be subjected to it tbh. Tsukasa might like it <3 Izumi and Shu however… malding, screaming and dying even.
Anyways it would be funny as hell if Shu also went to school with the knights. Cuz he’s the same age as Izumi and Leo anyways. Bruh, Arashi could just think that Shu is Mika’s crush 💀💀💀. On god that could make for some top tier comedic interactions. Mostly Arashi teasing Mika about his crush, and Mika frantically trying to assure her that it isn’t a crush cuz he wouldn’t be caught dead catching feelings for his boss. Meanwhile the idea that he could have a crush on his boss has been planted in the back of his mind and it’s only gonna keep growing. I feel like this would be funny for two reasons, one: hijinks, two: bigger emotional payoff when Mika does decide to leave him <<<333 break both of their hearts in one foul swoop.
also Leo being a menace to Shu. They should be in the same class. It would be funny.
Back on my fighting bullshit. I feel like Shu would never fight with his hands or with blades tbh. I feel like he would use a bunch of smaller dolls after losing Mika. Ones that he considers imperfect or something, idk man, something symbolic. + the dolls could almost look like they’re already falling apart and they deteriorate more and more as his mental state deteriorates (not as an in universe thing, just as a visual symbol for the audience to emphasize that Shu is breaking down lmao)
Also Shu and Mika should kiss. Arashi is the #1 wing woman tbh. I love her so much. She deserves to wear a pretty dress like in those super magical girl forms. Like madoka’s at the end of madoka magica when she does the thing, or any of the really powerful forms in precure.
also arashi should punch Shu in the face at one point. I’m thinking about him getting her sword away from her with dolls and being like “Hah! It seems as if you weren’t prepared for this eventuality girl! Kakakakaka! Now that I’ve disarmed you it’s impossible for you to defeat me! Now then, if you’ll excuse me I have more important matters to-” “AGHH!? You, you ignorant girl! You, you imbecile! Why I can’t believe you would-“ she raised her fist again so he finally shut the fuck up. He’s learning 🥰🥰🥰. Mika is probably upset about Shu getting punch tbh. Like he knows why Shu deserved it but he’s still a bit upset. He ain’t mad tho. Shu needed to have some sense beaten into him for once ✨✨✨.
I’m done for now ✨🥰✨🥰✨😎😎😎😎
I kind of want to write out a whole anime plot tbh. If I actually get around to finishing my current fic I might write an outline for this sometime tbh. If I get it done I’ll probably come drop it in your ask box unannounced. Or I’ll make a post and @you in it cuz that might be easier if it’s a whole ass outline.
I love ur ideas even though i forgot answer this ngl JSBDKS Drawings to compensate! It's the only i can do haha!
Anyways, this scene is definitely in the ending of the second season or an OVA about the 7 having daily adolescence adventures like they should had since the start lol
I feel like Leo would be an usual costumer in the karaoke, actually, this would be the group's hideout jsbfjs
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Now, I love the idea of Mika staring too long to Shu in the corridors of the school and then Arashi notices and starts teasing him
Mika: no way i could possibly like my boss! He's just so cool and composed and smart and-
Shu, in his classroom:
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And yes i think Shu and Mika should kiss, but i also think that Arashi and Mika should kiss, so my offer is:
Arashi: this is my boyfriend, Mika. And this Mika's boyfriend, Shu.
Basically, shumika=second chance trope, aramika=friends to lovers trope. And i love it
You know that i was thinking exactly the same about Shu's powers? He could never fight someone by himself, he would break before a finger lands on him jabfjsj
So yeah, i belive that he would have a dolls/mannequin army. In the first episodes he only uses Mika because he's the strongest, but when he loses him he would starts using unfinished dolls to fight, and with the pasta of episodes there would be more and more dolls but with a worse quality! Like Mika>Metal dolls>Wood dolls>Ceramic/industrial mannequins?. They would start being extremely fragile, like his mental stability😊!
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You know Santa Clous from Chainsaw Man? Yeah i see Shu with a similar power but less OP ofc. Like he can control the movements/minds(?) of his artificial dolls but not people, Mika is the exception! Because Mika considered himself like Shu's doll! Once he starts making choices by himself he couldnt be controlled anymore!
Back to Arashi, im 100% sure that her powerup/god form has longer hair, following the more hair=more power formula. I also want to give the nerf or smth that have so much power she has to lose a lot of her humanity sense! She would become this "Justice God" or smth without emotions and the rest of her friends would have to fight/convince her back into normal!
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Now. Yes. Arashi should punch people. Arashi should beat the shit out of people. Arashi should beat the shit out of Shu. I didn't gave her armor gloves for nothing.
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Yes. Queen. Be scary. Be intimidating. Be your enemy's worst nightmare.
And you want to write the plot while i want to anímate the fucking fight scenes oUT OF MY HEAD I SWEAR IT WOULD LOOK SO COOL IF I KNEW HOW TO ANIMATE UGHH
I would love to read whatever you write about this au too! I'll read every ask you drop here even if i take forever to answer haha;;
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neteyamsilly · 2 years
Let me just say that your writing is absolutely immaculate and it should be praised 24/7. You're amazing!!! The way you've managed to write the characters to the point where I'm like "damn this could be canon" and it makes everything so much more easier to picture too.
I honestly feel so sorry for her (the reader) especially when she achieved something so great, in record time, and was at an all time high only for her to be hit by a wave of reality when she realised she was all alone and no one was there to see her do it. It was very realistic, I'm sure many of us have experienced that feeling before, of doing something we finally deem as amazing only to have no one there to celebrate such an achievement and it really had me hurting for her 😭.
Now let's talk about how she did not want her father to see her injury, not because she didn't want to worry him but because she didn't want him to get angry at her which is so telling of how jake has been treating her 😢 honestly her bleeding out in front of him is the cruel punch in the face that Jake 🖕🏻🤠🖕🏻 deserves. The fact that she thought he was mad when he told her to be quiet but really it would've been to just save her energy so she could stay awake and that being the last thing she heard???? yeah im crying from the pain!
I absolutely love her relationship with her mum, it's so heartwarming to think about but also so harsh on Neytiri, not only was her child dying out in her arms but she missed out on a rite of passage the whole family should've been there for. Considering we know Neytiri is very traditional that must hurt really bad to have missed out on such a big ceremony. (AND I JUST READ YOUR RECENT POST HER SPREADING THE BLOOD LIKE THE PAINT IS SO MORBID I LOVE IT)
Now the relationships between the siblings....honestly i have mixed feelings but it's like good mixed feelings ✌🏽😭 neteyam is a sweetheart and it makes so much sense that they understand one another, being the oldest. The way he panicked when he couldn't find his sister 😔 there's so much pressure on him too and it just feels good knowing they have each other. I'm honestly really interested in the relationship between the siblings, especially lo'ak and the reader. Because they are literally the same, other than the fact that lo'ak knows when to go quiet 😶‍🌫️ you'd think they'd bond over that but instead he was just taking the piss out of her and excited for whatever punishment was heading her way. And she did get punished to the point where she's dying. Idk I'm just so interested in the sibling dynamics, I think you did mention a few times that she usually cuts in whenever her siblings are getting scolded at (probably lo'ak lmao) which is so sweet to think about. How she doesn't want her siblings going through what she has to. The difference in treatment especially for her, compared to Kiri and Tuk, I'd be seething 🥊🤡 because that is so shady. Even if she had a small amount of resentment towards them I honestly couldn't fault her because you can't help it when you see that difference.
Honestly I love this family that you've built. And I'm so interested in seeing how/if this conflict will resolve. Please don't let it be resolved within a paragraph 😧 the daddy issues are too strong to be resolved with something simple.
IM AWAITING THE EVENTUAL "I SEE YOU" THATS GONNA HURT IK IT BUT ITS WHAT SHE DESERVES!!!! Imagine him being like "I see you, sweetheart" (cue my immediate sobs)
Also I am so sorry idk how this went on for so long but like whewww sorry if this got boring. Thank you for this amazing fic!!! I can't wait for pt.4!!
- Nini ✌🏽🤡
So you think the characters are close to canon? you can picture them actually acting this way? I have passed the trial of "my blorbo would never say this [clicks out of page]" ?
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thank you..... thank you.............. never a bigger compliment than that.... ah.....
AND I GET BROWNIE POINTS FOR THE IKNIMAYA SCENE BEING REALISTIC? Damn ur spoiling me today!!!! It's such a heart-sinking sensation, really. to be alone in a moment you've looked so forward to all your life, expecting the pride of your family and finally having your moment - but in the end you're on your own, and you've chosen it to be that way because you want to prove yourself & are trying to achieve that high you've always imagined knowing it won't be like that. Idk i have a lot of feelings about that 🤸🏻‍♀️🕳
AND YEAH!!!!! Jake totally told her to be quiet to conserve her energy but he couldn't relay it to her . in his head he's focused on how much she's bleeding and if it's the liver or the spleen and no na'vi biology is different and how long has she been bleeding and it's all a chaos cluster that he cant hang on to any solid thought. its gonna sink in later for him, god. you guys might get bored from the thought process parts but i love writing them 😭
also nini, are you british or anywhere related by any chance? "mum" 🤨🤨
BUT, ABOUT NEYTIRI....... she has me in my feels,, like, this is happening because reader went out for her iknimaya BEING TAUNTED BY JAKE . she bled out BECAUSE SHE DIDNT WANT TO TELL JAKE. She told him to fix this every single time and he didnt, thinking it wasnt urgent and physically protecting his family had to come first, to him, he has to keep them alive first and they can handle whatever come their way together. and now this incident has proven how wrong that mindset was. as her mother, neytiri is beyond wrathful, but as his mate, she is disappointed and miserable. not only has she missed her child's most important moment she wanted to put in her songcord she may lose her for it. she has had enough 😭 and the blood paint is going to be so OOF....
NOW ONTO THE SIBLING DYNAMICS! ABt lo'ak and reader,, like, lo'ak can be a cheeky bitch because they're so close, you know? they havent emotionally bonded as neteyam and reader did because lo'ak would play it off whenever feelings are involved at that stage in life but he likes his sister bc she knowingly wants to take all the fire directed towards him bc she wants to throw hands with her father 😭 he's like ur generic younger brother you fight over your belongings a lot, but he's also like jake, he'll do something in the fic that im looking forward to see you guys react to! 🤠
and dont worry, in this house we like angst, you know i'm not gonna let you guys off easy LMAOOOOOO THAT I SEE YOU SCENE IS GOING TO BE 😙🤏🏻
AND NO, THANK YOU FOR THE ASK, have an amazing day!
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