#she's very smart in certain fields
cordeliawhohung · 10 months
a dad!simon scenario that @ghostslillady planted in my head awhile back that i can't stop thinking about and figured i'd share with you guys <3
dad!simon gives you twin boys and they are an utter handful. from the very moment they're born, they're getting into trouble, but it's nothing simon can't handle. it's not uncommon to see him holding both boys at once, as they fit perfectly in his arms. and god, you almost give him another child the first time you see him do this. the way he does it so effortlessly, how he quietly mumbles his thoughts to them as he goes about his day, turns you on in a way you don't think you could ever admit to him.
dad!simon insists on putting the boys into football the moment they're old enough. at first you were worried about them getting hurt, as they're toddlers after all, but when you see them running around on the field, their cleats slightly too big and their shin guards slipping with every step, you can't help but coo about how adorable they are.
dad!simon, on the other hand, doesn't coo at them. he's shouting, cheering, clapping his hands every time one of them scores a goal. you're certain he intimidates the other parents, but no one dares to tell him to quiet it down. every time they win a game, simon lifts both boys onto his shoulders and parades them around the field until their stomachs hurt from giggling so hard. no matter if they win or lose, he always treats the whole family to dinner or lunch after the games, because hard work should always be rewarded <3
dad!simon is a smart man, but the new methods of doing simple elementary level math dumbfounds this man. "why do all those fancy steps?" he asks, eyebrows furrowed. "it's how the teacher showed us," one of them responds. "goddamn waste of paper, that way," he curses. you make sure to have a talk with him about how often he uses "foul language" around the boys. you're honestly surprised their first words weren't "fuck" or "shit."
dad!simon gets you pregnant again by the time the boys turn four, and honestly you were surprised it didn't happen sooner. this pregnancy is much easier to deal with as it's not twins, and the two of you are pleased to find out its a girl. when she's born, simon holds her like she's the most precious thing in the world, and your boys are just as gentle with her. taking turns holding her with your supervision, placing kisses on top of her head just like they saw their daddy do.
dad!simon and you go to every single one of her dance recitals the moment she's old enough to be enrolled. she stumbles across the stage with the grace of a newborn fawn, and yet simon and the boys are clapping and whistling the loudest out of anyone in the crowd. he buys her flowers, which the boys end up stealing in order to give to her themselves.
dad!simon gave your boys his height, and they make sure to bring it up at any possible opportunity. always putting things too high up on the shelves, or leaning their elbows on top of your head. they've also picked up on simon's dry humor, and dinner time conversation is usually filled with a myriad of terrible puns and anti-jokes that leaves you rubbing your face and groaning. it only gets worse when your daughter joins in.
dad!simon and you worry a little bit about your kids as they get old enough to date. especially your daughter, who's too kind and sweet for her own good. so when the two of you get called to the school one day because the boys got into a fist fight with some other kid, neither of you were exactly surprised. figuring they had been fighting over some girl, you were taken aback to hear that they threw punches because of something someone said about their sister. "he called her a cunt because she wouldn't go out with him!" one of them exclaims, causing the teacher to gasp at such a vile word. "no one calls our sister that and gets away with it," the other one finishes. that was all simon needed to hear in order to excuse their behavior. he buys them the new video game they've been begging you get them as a prize. "good behavior should be rewarded," he says to you with a slight smirk.
dad!simon doesn't tone down his affection when you're around the kids. of course he's not doing anything grossly inappropriate, but he doesn't hide the quick kisses he gives you, and he's always surprising you with hugs from behind while you're chatting with the kids or making dinner. always giving you gifts, to his beautiful wife who gave him such an amazing family. and this rubs off on your children. the boys always treat their partners with the utmost respect, and your daughter knows not to take any shit from anyone who would make her feel smaller for being a girl.
dad!simon and you watch as your children grow up into amazing people, taking the world head on by themselves. he forever thanks you for giving him everything he could have ever asked for, something he thought would be forever out of his reach. and there's something a little bittersweet about the fact that they're no longer living at home with you, having become full grown adults with their own lives to live, but the cycle begins all over again by the time your first grandchild is born <3
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cupcakeslushie · 19 days
First || Prev || …
Here’s the next part of the Kendratello AU! I knew it was going to be very dialogue heavy, so I figured writing it out would be fast, but I’m so ready to be done with it that I’ve not really beta read it. So I apologize for any errors. But enjoy!
Splinter loves his sons, but these last few days have been eating away at his already shriveled and fraying nerves. Watching his children ambling around their home, for months, each in varying states of anxiety, fear, and distress, hasn’t been easy on his old heart.
They’ve been through so much, experienced more hardships than Splinter has ever wanted for them. But the latest crucible tearing his family apart was caused, not by some ancient demon, or world-ending threat—but a fiendishly smart, young woman.
One who’d kidnapped his son and replaced him with a stranger that Splinter hardly recognized.
The bitter tale is too familiar for the old movie star to painlessly swallow. It seems fate played such cruel tricks sometimes. Always seeming to strike harsher the second go around. With outcomes even more brutal and painful. His son was stolen by a hateful, sadistic woman, and kept locked away, until she was satisfied with the new toy that emerged from the shadows.
So it stands to reason how…relieved Splinter had been that one, early morning. When his three sons had pulled Purple into his bedroom, piling into his bed, nothing but wide eyes and panicked shouting; one over the other. Looking back now, he can recognize how short-sighted his quick relief had been. But in the moment, as a father, Splinter had only seen this new, strange development as a blessing.
Donatello might have been confused, and irritated with his brother’s manhandling, but Splinter could clearly see more life in those eyes than he’d witnessed in months. Splinter had shushed the rest, and spoken to Purple directly, finally getting a better grasp on what his sons were shouting about.
So, of course, relief. Because how could forgetting all those horrible, tortuous weeks in that woman’s grasp, possibly be a bad thing? By some miracle, Splinter’s boy had been returned to him. Nowhere near that frail ghost of Donatello, which Splinter would sometimes find curled up on the floor of his own lab, screaming Kendra’s name and sobbing to be returned to her care.
He had been spared all of that, like it never happened. Their family had been handed a gift, and Splinter truthfully wasn't interested in the whys of it all…
Until Michelangelo chose to contact Draxum, and words like “brain damage” and “tumor” were thrown into the mix.
An entire day of testing yielded…varying results. They were able to rule out the scariest of options. No dark shadows were seen in the X-rays of his son’s beautifully brilliant brain, and no concerning squiggles were pointed out by the Hidden City doctors who studied the fast moving waves appearing on the EEG. It was all a bunch of nonsense to Splinter, but Donatello nodded like he agreed, when he was handed the papers over to inspect himself.
Everything was normal, physically.
That left the most difficult part of the day. Getting his son to speak to a psychiatrist—seriously, and without snarking back at every possible question he would eventually be asked.
Draxum had thankfully picked a good one. Briefing her beforehand on…everything. She seemed prepared for Purple’s special brand of cynicism. The sheep yokai was apparently at the top of her field.
A tentative diagnosis of “dissociative amnesia” had been given, along with a small number of pamphlets and printouts. The doctor had informed Splinter that certain treatments might improve Donatello’s situation, but no cure had been discovered for something like this.
They would just have to take things one day at a time. And they’d been doing so well. Almost like everything was back to normal.
Splinter had become very good at ignoring that pending feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach. He smiled at his sons every day onward, like nothing was wrong. And all of them, in return, began falling back into a more comfortable ease around each other. The stress had just been starting to loosen in Red’s shoulders and jaw. Orange was giving real, honest smiles again. And Blue was no longer a shadow around corners, hiding from Purple like a bomb he was scared to set off.
But the other shoe that had been the root of Splinter’s dread, finally dropped, and the rug was pulled from under their feet once more, violently, with no warning.
Even after they’d managed to calm Donatello down. There was no negotiating the terms of his reality, and he was stubbornly convinced that the world around him was fabricated. Without caring about the consequences, he refused to be civil towards any of them, treating them all like jesters in a play, where no one had the script.
The family’s usual process for dealing with Purple’s anger–letting him cool off alone in his lab until he collected his thoughts–was unfeasible this time around.
Splinter didn’t think he could ever forget the image of his son, turning the knife he held in his hands inwards, and threatening to end his own life.
No; leaving him alone was not an option.
Which led back to Splinter’s previously mentioned frayed nerves.
Four days into this new, stressful change, and his genius son was still managing to find creative ways to sneak past their watchful eyes. Six attempts, in total. Each time, caught with seconds to spare, and just as traumatic for everyone involved.
Raphael and Michelangelo at the moment, were going through their home, removing every sharp implement they could find. Anything that could possibly be used to “put an end to the loop” that Donatello was convinced he was stuck in.
While the two performed their important task, Blue and Splinter had the harder of the two jobs; watching Purple.
Splinter was currently sitting comfortably in his chair, but it was far from his usual level of relaxation. Despite plenty of bean bags to occupy, the twins were locked in a shoving match. For some reason, they were fighting over the single, smallest one they must’ve owned.
“If you don’t get out of my personal space, I swear to Oppenheimer you will regret it, Leonardo!”
“And I swear to Ryan Renolds, that I’ll shred all of your softest hoodies if you kick me in the nuts one more time!”
“That Barbenheimer joke doesn’t even make sense, you idiot, that was Ryan Gosling!”
“Who mentioned Barbie? I’m talking about Deadpool and Wolverine!”
“What does that movie have to do with anything?!”
“Fuck dude, what did I just say about nut shots!”
“Then get out of my kicking radius, and your non-existent nuts will be safe!”
Both his sons quickly pause their arguing, giving their father their undivided attention.
“Leonardo, go help your brothers.” Splinter demands. “I will watch Purple. He has not had a moment of free time from any of you in days, and it is clearly wearing on all of us.” Blue gives his father one of his patented unimpressed stare downs.
“No offense, Pops, but how is you watching him, any different than me?”
“Because I will sit in my chair, and Purple will scroll on his phone, and there will be quiet.” Splinter can’t stand the bickering any longer. He knows both his sons will benefit from this time apart. It’s just convincing Blue of that.
Donatello’s gaze is boring holes into the back of Leonardo’s head while his second oldest son matches Splinter’s scrutiny. The rat can see the need for some fresh air battling against Blue’s desire to stay close. But Leonardo is his sharpest son, and even he can admit that his constant presence has become too grating for his brother.
“You need to watch him like a hawk, Dad,” Leo glares at his twin out of the corner of his gaze, “sometimes you can get a little…distracted.”
The new projector, playing Splinter’s same old programs, flashes against the curtain hung on the wall. The volume is set to low, but Blue still looks pointedly between his father and the screen. Splinter doesn’t blame him for his concern, so he tries to put all the gravity he can into his tone, enough that when he does promise to stay vigilant, it seems to convince Blue to place his trust in him.
Purple stays quiet through the exchange, only breathing a sigh of relief once his brother is long past the threshold of the den. He looks ready to lean back into his hard won pillows, but Splinter realizes that Blue had something of a point. Donatello is positioned quite far from him, and he’s suddenly nervous about catching something in time.
“Purple, how about you come sit with me.” Splinter suggests it kindly but firmly, and with a smile– so his son can’t refuse. He pats the bit of cushion next to his legs, “I will honor my promise to leave you alone, but I would be much more relaxed if you were within my reach.”
His boy merely blinks at him, blank faced, and staring at the very spot that Splinter has just created for him.
It isn’t as though his recliner is small, even if Splinter himself is. Donatello had custom made it for him, after one too many complaints about his old brown one hurting his back. It practically swallows Splinter, but remains just stiff enough to provide plenty of support for his lower back. He could even lay sideways and still have some space to stretch.
Splinter recalls very clear memories of all his sons fighting for a spot by his side when they were younger. But it has been some time since those days…perhaps Donatello thinks he’s far too old for such a thing as sitting by his aging father. Yoshi remembers himself at eighteen, and shudders. He’s forever thankful that no matter how lacking his parenting skills might have been, that his boys are kinder to him than he ever was to his Jiji.
Donatello pulls at some invisible thread of his black leggings. Since this new alteration of his memories, Purple has taken to wearing more layers. It’s nearing fall, but not nearly cold enough for the large sweatshirt, black leggings AND socks that his son is currently donning.
Splinter just barely hears Purple murmur a jumbled, “Huh?”
Splinter catches some sort of emotion actively being suppressed behind the bewildered shock at his offer, but it’s hard to tell what it is. Over the years Splinter is ashamed to say, he has grown very bad at reading his own children. Especially Purple, who, if he was being honest, has always been very hard to decipher.
Splinter starts to think the offer will be rejected, when Purple finally climbs to his feet and ambles slowly over. The unknown emotion skittering at the edge of Donatello’s expression morphs into something closer to suspicion. This one easy to identify, especially when it practically drips from his next words.
“Trying to endear yourself to me won’t sway me into falling for your tricks.”
The barb is said just as unkindly as everything else Purple has thrown at his family these last few days. Splinter lets it slide off him like water. He knows his son would (probably) never speak to him like that if he wasn’t stuck in such a painfully clear mode of survival and uncertainty.
“Yes, yes.” He says, untroubled. “Come sit and I can finally lean my chair back.”
Donatello watches him the entire time as he cautiously settles into his spot. He yelps when Splinter grabs his ankles and pulls his son’s long (thin, still much too thin) legs across his lap. For an instant, Splinter freezes, growing worried he’s overstepped. The act had been done without a thought. It’s the way Purple has always liked to sit, finding it more comfortable than any other way. Donatello preferred to keep his distance. A deviation from his siblings, for sure.
Michelangelo would press as close as possible, two sides smushed together like a hug, only without the constricting limbs (though, if Orange were ever to fall asleep in Splinter’s chair, those too would eventually find their way to catching him in their hold).
Leonardo preferred to sit on the arm of his chair, never staying still for long enough to find a comfortable position. But when he slumbered, after a long night of binge watching Novela’s with Splinter–he would curl up, head in his father’s lap, limbs held tight to his body. Like he was afraid even that was asking for too much.
Raphael, his poor, eldest son, hadn’t sat with him in so long. Splinter could still remember a little turtle tot in red, climbing up and splaying out onto his lap when he needed a good cry–or just a moment of peace from his much too loud siblings. Sadly, it wasn’t long before his Red was too big, and his father too small to provide such a refuge. The last time Raphael needed consoling; after the Krang, Splinter had been forced to climb up onto his own son’s knees in order to reach and wipe away his tears.
In the few rare instances of Purple seeking out physical touch, this was all he would allow. Legs stretched over his father’s lap, but his upper body was always off limits. Pulled just far enough away from the threat of any sort of long term contact.
Splinter used to wonder if Purple was scared to ask for anything more, like Leonardo, or if he thought depriving himself of a comforting hug would make him seem stronger, like Raphael, or even the rare times when Michelangelo wished to appear more mature and refused to be comforted. Eventually, Splinter caught on to the truth. His son was asking for comfort, in his own unique way. He was content with the minimal amount of closeness, as long as he felt like he was able to dictate the terms.
But one thing Purple would always allow his father to do, was loop his fingers around his ankles. Trusting the grip would hold his legs in place and keep him stable. He once said the pressure was small enough that it wasn’t overwhelming, but strong enough that it could ground him when everything became too much.
Even now, the act of reaching out to pull his son’s long legs up had been so instinctive. When Splinter looks over and sees the uncertainty still on Purple’s face, he knows he’s pushed too far too quickly.
It’s a risky move, but he’s already pushed, and it’s something that never fails, not once since he’s discovered it.
Purple has always been the most ticklish of all his brothers. Another thing that never really helped his sensory issues. But Splinter long ago discovered that there was a particular spot, which could always earn him a giggle and a brighter smile.
Splinter grips the meat of Donatello’s right knee and jiggles it back and forth. The silly action seems to do the trick and knocks something loose in his son’s overwrought head. His gamble pays off spectacularly, and Splinter is overjoyed to see a small smile erase most of the uncertainty clouding Donatello’s face. It isn’t a full peal of laughter, but the wariness makes way for something softer, and the huff of air from his nose is just as rewarding as a full body laugh.
His boy rests his shoulder and head onto the cushioned back of the chair and Splinter presses the button that will lift up the leg rest, and recline them both into a more restful position.
After a few moments of quiet, Donatello slowly pulls his phone from the pocket of his hoodie. Even without looking directly at him, Splinter can feel his son watching and waiting for the reprimand he thinks will come. Instead, Splinter raises the volume of his show just loud enough for him to hear, but not enough to completely shatter their peace. He wants to make Purple feel more at ease; like he’s not being constantly surveilled–not providing more overstimulation.
They sit like that for some time. Splinter rubs a thumb back and forth across the meatier part of Donatello's calves. He’s learned that repetitive touch is the best kind of grounding technique for Purple. The patterned motion always worked to calm his nerves.
Even still, after only so long Splinter catches Purple lowering his phone.
He keeps his own gaze forward, locked on his commercials. Splinter can see, without looking, that his son is studying him, trying to take apart something in his mind that he doesn’t understand. Splinter allows him all the time he needs to gather his thoughts.
Finally Purple speaks, “Dad…?” It’s so quiet, if Splinter hadn't been waiting for it, he might’ve missed it.
He pauses the repetitive kneading for just a moment, squeezing his hold, and humming in order to prompt his son to continue his thought.
“Can I tell you something?” The inquiry is whispered to him so delicately. It takes everything in him to keep his face open and soft and his movements steady. It’s clear that Donatello is trying his best to remain aloof, but his gaze is locked on his hands that are settled in his lap, the fingers of one pulling on the digits from his other.
At some point he must’ve put his phone completely away. Splinter feels the pressure of having Donatello's complete focus aimed at him.
The tugging intensifies. Splinter wonders if he should reach out, but he’s not sure how well that would be received. It doesn’t look painful just yet.
“I don't know what Kendra is accomplishing by showing me this.” Donatello growls, suddenly digging his palms into his eyes like he can still feel the weight of the screen blocking his vision. “Trying to make me happy, only to rip it all away from me? Or attempting to make me feel, even more like a useless burden than I was?”
It’s the first crack in his armor that Purple has shown in days. A clear sign that he was not as unaffected by Kendra’s lies as he’d been trying to project. Donatello sighs, but as it dies out Splinter thinks it sounds closer to a sob.
“You can’t tell the others…” Donatello looks at him with wet, desperate eyes, and it’s unclear if his son still doubts who he’s speaking to, but Splinter works to ease his fears all the same.
“I swear, whatever you tell me will remain between us, alone.”
Donatello nods faintly, eyes trailing downwards once more. Splinter may have had trouble before, but now the many emotions jumping across his son’s face—fear, shame, frustration, all are easy to catch.
With a shaking breath he whispers his secret. “I lied.” He’s crying now, real tears that he doesn’t even bother to wipe away. The pulling at his skin grows more violent, and Splinter finally interferes to carefully pry Donatello’s hands apart before damage is done. In place he cradles his son’s hands like delicate porcelain and runs a thumb over Donatello’s palm.
“I told everyone that I could tell. That I wasn’t being fooled, but that’s not exactly true. The last few loops have…it’s been getting harder, and harder to remember things— how they really happened. Too much is…plausible.”
Splinter keeps silent. This confession has clearly been weighing on Donatello. He deserves to get it all out, and hopefully feel lighter for it. Even if Purple suspects the family, something is letting Donatello open up enough for him to share his fears.
“There was one loop…Mikey broke…he broke the remote…When I said I didn’t have time to fix it. He threw the pieces at my head. He would never do that, though…right?”
“No, of course not,” Splinter answers immediately, quick to banish the doubt from his son’s mind. Donatello only blinks at him, like his thoughts are moving too slow, and cannot comprehend such a simple, stark contradiction to what he experienced.
“It felt so real…it all feels so real. But…I could feel how one of the sharp, broken corners had cut through my mask and how the wet fabric stuck to my skin with blood.”
Donatello raises a hand and touches the spot where the phantom wound must’ve sat. The pain now gone, but the memory of it haunts his eyes and rattles the tremors building in his hands.
“I thought…I thought I was handling this—maybe not well…But I’d hoped I would be strong enough to last until you all came for me…And now Raph is saying it’s already over.”
It’s a simplified form of the truth which they had tried to get Purple to believe, but even that much clearly doesn’t sit well with him. “If it is over, why does my body feel like one massive bruise? How did you all find me? How long did I last? Was I in there long enough to…?”
He’s clearly scared to ask Splinter any more questions, so he trails off, curling in on himself and pulling his hands up to his chest, pressing there, as if checking to make sure he feels something still beating.
Splinter decides he’s waited long enough and slowly pulls Donatello out of his hunched ball and guides his head to his own chest, making sure his ear is aligned against his own pulsing heartbeat.
Donatello resists slightly at first, but the moment he’s close enough to catch the sound, his breath catches and he glues himself to the spot.
“I don’t want to be there anymore,” Purple murmurs. It sounds like sleep is catching up with his son, the exhaustion pulling him down and slurring his words.
Splinter cups the back of Donatello’s head and carefully tug his fur lined blanket down from where it’s been sitting on the back of his chair. The blanket slots over the both of them and Donatello curls even closer to his father, tucking himself into his warmth.
“Go to sleep, when you wake up, you will be right here.” He’s sure to say it softly but with as much reassurance as possible, and Donatello seems too tired at this point to hold onto his doubts.
“Okay…,” Donatello mutters. Then, practically hanging on to the waking world for one final query hesitantly asks, “…Dad?…Do you love me?”
Splinter doesn’t even think. “Of course, my son.”
Donatello’s breathing finally evens out, and Splinter feels a few tears finally escape.
He’s not sure what next steps they should take, or what kind of state his son will be in when he wakes, but Splinter can only hope this is progress. He prays it won’t be undone…but regardless, Donatello is home. Any steps back or forward will be taken together, and that is the most important part.
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littlemissshoei · 2 months
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YOU WERE DOWNRIGHT PERFECT in his eyes. Everything about you was inexplicably captivating, to the point he was reminded of you through every single thing he did or saw. Be it the beautiful flowers with their sickeningly sweet aromas on a field, or the sunset that graced him each time he walked back home after practice. The first thing that popped into his mind was you, always had, ever since your very first meeting.
You two go way back, and with way back it means all the way to elementary school, where your brother — no one other than the infamous Eita Otoya — tried to hunt down any interested girl in the sandbox without success. Instead, he managed to hunt down a friend; Tabito Karasu.
While the white haired boy was slightly dissapointed with the lack of courted girls, he was happy enough to chitchat about something he enjoyed doing most, that being football. The two boys seemed to have similiar interest, and so, a rather peculiar friendship ended up blossoming on a beautiful summer day.
One of the first things the ravenette noticed as he played football with his newly acquired friend was this certain girl that would walk up to him every now and then, either handing him a water bottle, telling him off or bringing him a snack. It was surprising to see Otoya being able to conversate with a girl normally, hell, he even seemed annoyed by her at times! This obviously piqued Karasu's interest, leading to him asking the burning question:
"Who is that girl?"
"Who? [name]?" He replied, pointing in the [haircolor] haired girl's direction, who just so happened to see it, sticking her tongue out at the little boy. "My twin sister. She can be soo annoying.." Otoya copied his sister's move, sticking out his tongue before turning his gaze back to Karasu. "You wouldn't wanna be friends with her, trust me! I'm way cooler."
The ravenette simply nodded, yet his mind wandered back to her over and over again.
"You don't look like each other!" He blurted out in hopes of keeping the conversation running, even if it was just for a little longer. "Good! She's ugly. Now let's continue this!" Was the reply he was met with, a clear sign of the conversation reaching its end. It was fine though, he had more than enough time to get to know her anyway.
And he was right! His friendship with Eita grew with the day, and soon enough the two became closests friends, a benefit of that being visiting his home.
THE RAVENETTE'S FIRST "OFFICIAL" meeting with you was nothing out of the usual. His parents had dropped him off at your house, and the first person he saw in the livingroom was you.
"Hello. Are you Eita's twin sister?" he asked you oh so politely, smiling softly when he took notice of your soft, almost shy nod. "You're Karasu?" "Yes." Before the two could continue their conversation, Otoya showed up, swooping away his friend. Luckily, the older you grew, the better you got along with Otoya, and the closer you managed to get to Tabito.
You found him an interesting guy. He had a strange way of doing his hair, almost rooster like. But that didn't tarnish any of his beauty. He looked almost sculpted, straight out of a painting. Beauty marks adorning his face, sparkling blue eyes, a killer smile, tall. He was everything someone could wish for, and so much more.
Alongside the fact he looked good, he also had the personality that could swoon any girl off their feet. Calm and collected, good with his words, patient, and a smart guy. While he was annoying for his constant teasing, You couldn't deny your admiration, and the fact he managed to stick around your excuse of a brother for so long.
It wasn't like you HATED Eita, no. You loved him very much. It was just his constant habit of cheating on girls and changing relationships like socks that always managed to start an arguments. Aside from that, the two of you were like two peas in one pod.
While you enjoyed hanging around Eita, the evenings seemed to get more pleasant whenever his best friend was around. You couldn't understand it exactly, but you KNEW that there was something there. It was like a strange, bubbling sensation in your chest each time you looked into his eyes, accidental brushes against hand or bumping into each others causing butterflies in your stomach. Then there was also the fact that being around him simply felt right. You recalled the amount of times he sat down, listening to your endless rants about Eita's stupid behaviour without saying a single thing. And each time, he'd comfort you, reassure you, and most of all, side with you. It was something you never really understood, after all, you guys weren't that close, meanwhile he and Otoya had a tightly knit friendship, so why would he choose your comfort over defending your brother's pride?
Everything unfortunately finds it end, and so did your closeness with Tabito. You never knew why he decided to distance himself, and to be frank, it hurt you, very much so, but deep down you knew that it had something to do with a certain someone.
"You know.. I'm just glad you're not into my sister or some shit, you know. like in all those cliche romance movie." Eita snickered, combing a hand through his wet, messy hair. The two had taken a small break from practice to hydrate and catch their breath. "Oh? How come you find that cliche?" He asked innocently, eyebrows arching up and scrunching slightly as the white haired boy's lips formed a grin "Come on now, it's just so weird. Why would you even, I could hook you up with one of my girls, you know?" He replied, nudging the ravenette. "You know I'm not interested in dating right now." Karasu stated, shaking his head dissaprovingly. "Yes man, I know. I was just joking, can't take things these days now, can you?" "I know bro, I know. I was just teasing you." Otoya seemed satisfied with his reply, waiting for him to finish his drink before heading back onto the field, leaving the conversation long forgotten.
That didn't mean Karasu didn't notice the underlying tone Eita had been putting up, no. He understood that his best friend had created a wall, one that he in no way was allowed to climb. Maybe he noticed and didn't like how close the two of you were, or maybe he just didn't want any bad blood between you if something were to ever happen, but, the message was clear.
Stay away from [name] Otoya, his sister is off limits But there is just about a limit that a man can take.
FAST FORWARDS, THREE YEARS had passed since his unspoken promise to Eita. He had significantly distanced himself from you, struggling to keep it up each time you so desperately looked him in the eyes, hoping to restore what you guys had before, but soon, you stopped, and finally accepted that this wasn't going to go anywhere.
The ravenette couldn't deny his dissapointment, but he understood that it was for the better. Atleast, in his best friend's point of view.
Over the years you had become more and more beautiful. And your personality changed too. You went from preferring to shy away from people, to someone that enjoyed any types of interaction. Your brother definitely had part in that, but you certainly didn't seem to mind. You became slightly bolder, not caring about anyones words, but most importantly, you started dating. Something that felt like a knive in his back.
Yes, he had dated too, but not once did he feel that same, warm, fuzzy feeling like he did around you, but he couldn't back out of his promise.
Words reached his ears that you had gotten a new boyfriend, and he couldn't stop himself from asking Otoya all about the news.
"[name]? Oh yeah. She's got a real asshole now. Looks good but I can smell a cheater from miles away. They've been together for how long now? A month? She says he's a good guy but I cannot trust that man."
Once his name had rolled off his tongue, Karasu's eyebrows furrowed. The name was all too familiar, Aiku Oliver was a renowed playboy around. Why would she go for someone as low as that, someone that went against all her principles? Hell, even Otoya was against him!
Either way, it wasn't his business. As long as you were happy, then so was he. His best friend made him an appealing invitation of getting drinks, which he gladly took. He most certainly didn't expect everything to turn around that summer night.
EVEN WITH THE PARTY atmosphere, his mind kept wandering back to Eita's words. And almost as if on cue, a notification reached his phone
"I'm going to fucking cry.. that bastard cheated on me and left me out in the rain.. Toya please pick me up."
His eyes widened, feeling the anger boil inside him. Karasu's gut feeling was always right. And even if he knew the message wasn't mean for him, the ravenette knew it was time to act up.
Just as he put his jacket on, Otoya came back from the bathroom, confused to see his best friend on the brink of leaving.
"Where you going man?" He asked, a little caught off guard and tipsy "Got some urgent business. I'll see you around." He replied before hurrying off into the night. It was a convenient mistake that [name] sent him the location too before checking who the message went to. Before he knew it, his car arrived in front of a bench where a girl was sitting in the rain, drenched and crying. Her face slowly looked up, not understanding what was going on until Tabito rolled the window down.
"Get in [name]"
You didn't even question it, instead, nodded before slouching towards the other side of the car, taking seat in front and putting on her seatbelt.
"You sent me the message, not Otoya. I came here the moment I saw it."
You didn't reply, just nodded and kept your head down. The male sighed, stopping the car in front of an apartment building near college.
"I'm not letting you home in this state. Come on upstairs, you can take a shower and lend some of my clothes."
You understood that you couldn't deny his offer and silently followed behind him, doing everything mentioned before you found yourself sitting in the middle of his couch, wearing some of his older clothes, pillow cradled on your lap as you looked into the distance, deep in thoughts.
"[name]?" His voice managed to snap you back to reality. You blinked a few times before turning your head slightly, looking at the male that sat next to you. "Tell me, what happened?" Those were the only words you needed to hear before bursting into tears, pouring your heart and soul out to your brother's best friend. It was almost as if your sobbing intensified the moment he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer in the progress. He smelled so good, he felt like home, but you remembered how he distanced himself, causing you to push him away and refuse to meet his gaze.
"Hey now, what's wrong [nickname]?" He asked, his voice oh so sweet, like fresh honey. You murmured something under your breath, ignoring his questions until his fingers wrapped around your chin, lifting it up to make you forcefully look at him. Your eyes widened in surprise, unsure why he was so so persistent. "Drop it, Karasu." You whispered, a faint blush spreading across your cheeks.
His face backed away slightly. What was up with these formalities? "Why are you calling me Karasu, I thought we established it's Tabito ages ago." It was hard. With each sentence rolling off his tongue you wanted to scream and yell at him, to tell him how much he hurt you, how unfair it was for him to cast you aside. What happened to all the lingering eyecontact? The subtle hugs? The kind words? Nothing was left of them, they're nothing but a memory you clutched onto, desperately waiting for its return.
"Please.. don't do this to me, tell me what's wrong [nickname], please."
That just so happened to be her last straw.
"Why would I?! Why are you suddenly acting so caring and concerned after you casted me aside so easily all those years ago?" Your voice was laced with venom, tears intensifying with each accusation thrown his way. All he could do was bow his head down in embarrassment. You were right. He fucked up big time.
The ravenette knew that right now might not be the best time. You just got cheated on and broken up with. You were hurt, overwhelmed even. And he made a promise to his friend.
But he simply couldn't help it.
Before you knew it, his lips had crashed into yours, hands holding both of your cheeks as he pulled you closer. It wasn't an unpleasant surprise, and it didn't take long for you to melt into the kiss, gasping and giving his tongue access after he bit your lower lip.
It was a passionate kiss, one that left you breathless. The way his tongue swirled around yours, exploring every nook and cranny of your mouth while his thumbs lovingly caressed the skin under your eyes. After what seemed like an eternity, the two of you parted, only connected by a string of saliva, witness of your act. "Look at me."
You couldn't look away anymore, and finally met his gaze. The same, strange glisten in his eyes from all those years ago was still there.
"Do you think I wanted to distance myself..?" He asked, tone dropping as he inched closer towards her ear. "Do you know how much I regret it..?" His words sent shivers down your spine, and you shuddered, face flushed. "Then why did you...?" You asked, muttering up the courage for the much anticipated question. "Eita made it sure you were off limits. I was scared to cross the line.. what if I ended up hurting you?"
His voice was trembling slightly, and you couldn't stop your hand from cupping his cheek. Karasu was slighyly caught off guard by your action, but leaned into the touch.
"But why would you care about what Otoya said?" You continued, voice laced with a slight desperation.
"Because I love you."
You froze, eyes widened at his sudden confession. At first, it didn't make sense, but then every puzzle piece found its place on the table. And your feelings became clear too.
Who cared about Eita right now, the two of you could handle him later.
Instead of returning his words you pulled him into another heartfelt kiss, even more heated than the last one, and soon enough you found yourself laying on the couch, arms wrapped around his neck as you moaned into the kiss
WHEN YOU FINALLY PARTED you muttered up the courage to say it. "I love you too, Tabito." This time it was his turn to stare at you in disbelief, but that expression quickly got switched out for a warm, loving gaze. "Then would you give me the honour of being your boyfriend?" You nodded "There is nothing else that i've rather would've wanted."
You don't know how much time had passed since your confession. Within the blink of an eye he had lifted you up, and now you found yourself laying on his bed, with him hovering over you.
He muttered as he leaned down, hot breath ghosting over your skin as he started peppering open mouth kisses all over your neck, trailing down to your exposed collarbone, leaving hickeys in its wake.
"I'm much better than that asshole anyway, fuckin' hell. Look at the treasure he just lost."
You tried to cover up the string of moans rolling off your tongue, but the ravenette stopped you.
"Don't do that. You sound so good moaning out my name with those pretty lips of yours."
You understood what this could lead to, so before he had the chance to take things further, you stopped him.
"I uh.. I'm not really.. good with this stuff." You admitted embarrased. "Wait, you're a virgin?!" "Ah.. no. I just.. did it once. And never again since." "Bad experience?" He asked softly, a reassuring smile on his face. "You could say. Definitely not pleasurable." Karasu chuckled. "We don't have to do it. I want you to feel comfortable." "It's not that! I am. Very comfortable in fact.. I just don't wanna ruin it for you.."
The boy shook his head.
"You're not ruining anything for me. In fact, I'm glad I can be the one to change your experience for the better. If you'll allow me, that is."
You nodded with no hesitation. The last confirmation the boy needed before taking action.
Soon enough you found yourself back in his grasp, hands roaming all over her body, leaving no inch untouched. Moans and whimpers escaped your lips, only fueling his desire and the growing warmth he felt. You were stripped naked, a little nervous to reveal yourself to him. But any doubt quickly washed away once you noticed the bulge in his pants, and the flushed expression adorning his face.
The sound of rustling snapped you back to reality, and you were met by a sight so lewd, you had to squeeze your legs together. There he was in all his glory. It was like you JUST started noticing how well built he was. Those chiseled abs that look too unreal to be true, his somewhat muscular form, and the moles littered across his body. And obviously the hard, throbbing cock to was standing proudly, precum leaking from the tip. This whole situation was to die for.
You gulped nervously, wondering how this was gonna fit you, but Karasu already had the plan worked out. His hands pushed your legs open while he lowered his face, dangerously close to your core. You could feel his hot breath fanning across the skin of your inner thighs, instinctively wanting to close your legs again before his large hands took hold of them, keeping them pried open.
"Let me make you feel good baby, okay?"
"But you're hard too, what about you?"
A devilish little grin spread across his face as he lifted his head up.
"I might have just the solution for that?"
And with that you found yourself hovering on top of him minutes later, facing his hardened lenght while your dripping cunt dangeled in front of his face. You were nervous, and even a little embarrassed. This whole scene was so dirty, but you couldn't help but get turned on by it all.
"Come on. Lower yourself beautiful. Nothing's gonna happen."
Slowly, agonizingly slow, you started doing so. Karasu being the impatient man he is couldn't wait any longer, instead, his hands took hold of your waist, pulling you down within the blink of an eye. A muffled moan escaped your lips as his tongue started its attack on your hole, licking the folds clean like a madman.
Your hands found their way to his cock, face lowered a little more as you gave it a few kitten licks, feeling his nails digging into your skin with each contact. The sensation was overbearing, but you managed to finally wrap your lips around his cock, tongue swirling around it as you did whatever you could to make him feel good.
If it wasn't enough already, you suddenly felt his fingers grazing your skin, just before plunging two digits inside you. You were a moaning mess, trying to keep up as his tongue fucked you into a mess. Your head bobbed up and down, taking his lenght like your life depended on it.
You felt your orgasm nearing, and he knew it. The ravenette kept you in place, wanting to savour every last drop of your essence. He was close too, and moments later, the both of you reached your climax. Your throat got painted white, and you swallowed the salty substance, slowly taking his still hard cock out.
Karasu carefully lifted you off him, laying you back onto the bed. Your eyes widened when you noticed him licking his lips.
"Thank you for the meal."
"What?! Don't say that!"
"Why? Is my girl getting all shy? We're not done yet."
With one swift movement he got between your legs, positioning his member to be aligned with your aching hole. His gaze met yours, searching for any trace of doubt, any trace of unwant. But all he could find was a fiery passion burning in your eyes, desire glistening in the dimly lit room.
"Last chance to back out.." He whispered, tip grazing in between your wet folds. "Not in a thousand years."
The male smirked, hands gliding from your thighs to your knees, settling there.
"Your wish is my command."
His tip found its way to your entrace, pressing against it as he carefully started pushing it in.
"Deep breaths, [name] You can do this."
You nodded, hissing at the sharp pain that enveloped you as the ravenette pushed his lenght inside you. Little by little, you got filled up, letting out a stiffled moan when you felt him balls deep inside. The male let out a heavy breath as he leaned against you, pushing you deeper into the matress with all his weight. The skin on skin contact, the feeling of him buried deep inside you, his hot breath against your neck, it was deliciously overwhelming.
"Tell me when you're ready."
You nodded shortly after his words, and seconds later his hips started moving oh so carefully, pulling his lenght all the way out, just to move it back in. You were a moaning mess, fingers tangled in his hair as he bullied his throbbing cock into your tight, sopping cunt. Your brain felt like it could melt at any second, his words of praise only fueling the satisfaction.
"You're doing so well for me, look at that, you're such a pretty mess for me baby.."
The pace went on for a while, until you started whinining for him to go faster.
"Thought ya'd never ask.."
He replied, pressing a soft kiss to your temple before snaking his arms around your waist, slamming his length back in so deep, you felt it all the way in your stomach.
Karasu had never felt so good before. The way your walls clenched around his hard cock, squeezing it to the point it felt suffocating. The loud moans escaping your lips, your nails digging into his back. The way your cunt sucked him right back in, making it impossible to pull out, it was simply heavenly.
"Feels good, doesn't it?"
He cooed, watching you nod and moan. He was fucking you dumb, and enjoying every single second of it.
"T..tabito fuck! I'm gonna.."
"Me too.. fuck. Wanna feel you come around me.. can I?"
His pace intensified, mercilessly pumping in and out. He felt your orgasm nearing, and his too. Soon enough, you moaned out his name, legs wrapped around him as you rode out the pleasure, having made a mess on his cock.
"Good girl.. me next now."
He slurred, the words barely leaving his lips before he released inside you, filling you to the brim with his essence. With a few more deep, lazy thrusts he fucked his come into you, making sure it's as deep as it can be, before pulling out and laying next to you. He watched you as your chest heaved with each breath, still recovering from the wild ride.
"Are you alright? I didn't hurt you, did I?"
"No, no. It's fine. You didn't."
He smiled, his fingers pushing away strands of hair from your face.
"Let me go get you some water and a towel."
After helping you clean up and making sure you're alright, the two of you laid there in his bed, surrounded by a comfortable silence as he cradled you in his arms. This was how it was supposed to be, you were there, with him, exactly where you belonged. Eita was gonna have to suck this one up.
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maluceh · 3 months
Top Lily variants? I've seen so many "[random hp character #10] variants" online, with various degrees of accuracy, but I don't remember ever seeing one for lily. Your Jily ones were so accurate (the only pair I'm not super familiar with was peraltiago, and I know enough about them to know they fit), so I was curious if you had any just for her as a character. You basically wrote the Lily (& Jily) gospel so I trust your takes <3
*cracks knuckles*
I'm about to give you a full detailed dive into Lily's character and personality that you absolutely did not ask for. I’d have to say the ones I had already picked for Jily variants (since I always look for couples where they both have James/Lily’s personalities). I’ll try and make it to ten but there’s only so many characters that truly fit Lily for me. Mostly the characters that I see as Lily, are sarcastic, witty, overachievers, intelligent, charismatic, and snarky…
Amy Santiago (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
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I know you said you haven’t seen it, but TRUST ME. Amy is a control freak know it all, she finds comfort in order and structure. Although she’s a bit more uptight than I imagine Lily to be. Her constant need for reassurance and approval from figures of authority is something I can definitely see in Lily. Her relationship with Holt is kinda what I imagine Lily to be like with Minerva/Alastor. Also, the fact that she is deeply loyal (as most characters in this list).
Over the course of the show she loses up a bit, and learns to have more fun and I think this could be applied to Lily in her Hogwarts years. Lily being a muggleborn is a very VERY important part of her character, as well as her morals and political standing with blood purity.
We can draw certain parallels between her and Hermione (overachievers, Head Girls, prefects), you don’t get those badges by simply passing by through school. So from this we can deduce that Lily was an excellent student that focused on exceeding at school, because there’s an extra need to prove herself among not just her teachers but her peers as well. To make them see that she’s just as much magic as they are.
So, like Amy, she's constantly trying to prove that she is smart and qualified (Amy in a field mostly male, Lily in a world mostly pureblood).
Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson)
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Annabeth too is a smart character that wants approval —in this case, from her mother—. She is more arrogant and snarky, a little sharper around the edges, which is so Lily!!
Her upbringing has made her become more guarded with her feelings and who she puts her trust in, also her reluctance to accept Luke’s betrayal. These are things that I see in Lily’s canon descriptions and appearances. From growing up with a sister that does not accept her and being betrayed by her best friend. In canon, after SWM (Snape’s Worst Memory), when Snape camps outside her common room waiting for her to ask her for her forgiveness she says that she has been making excuses on his behalf for a while. A lot of people call Lily a hypocrite for only ending her friendship with Snape after she was personally affected by his views, but personally I think that’s part of what makes her such an interesting character.
She’s at war with herself, not really there or here, having to be in the middle of two worlds that do not fully accept her (Annabeth with her father and Camp Half Blood/ Lily with the muggle and wizarding world). And after losing one of the people connecting her to a place of security (Thalia/Petunia), she refuses to see that the last person connecting her to that safe place is also going to leave her to join a side of the war opposite to hers (Luke/Snape).
Kate Sharma/Sheffield (Bridgerton TV/Books)
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Kate is funny, closed off and witty. She rushes to judge people and decide for herself whether they are worthy of her time or not, sometimes without even bothering to actually know them. Sometimes (specifically in the books), she’s so ridiculous and funny, not really forcing herself to fit in societal norms, which is something I can definitely see in Lily.
Also, her on the show with Anthony in S3, is just how I imagine married Jily, just perfect.
Dana Scully (The X Files)
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In Dana I see Lily’s fierce loyalty and sense of right and wrong. The hiding of her emotions, and also how determined she is, that even though she wants to believe she doesn’t, not even after seeing hundreds of crazy things happen in front of her, she still clings to her own truth.
Tiana (The Princess and the Frog)/Cinderella (1950)
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Tiana and Cinderella remind me of Lily in the sense of a hardworking woman, also really headstrong and married to her own way of thinking. A shell hard to break, because of all the walls she’s put up in order to survive. Like Lily, Tiana doesn’t take kindly to outsiders and people who come off as standoffish (Naveen/James and Sirius), but eventually ends up getting to know them and treasuring them as life companions. And you might think me crazy for adding Cinderella, but her unwavering kindness and optimism in the face of hardship is undoubtedly Lily, she’s not all sunshine and rainbows tho —yes the 1950’s version—, she hates the situation that she’s in and wastes no time (alone with her friends) to complain about it, she bites back and only “behaves” out of survival, she’s nice and warm but also angry and headstrong.
Yoon Jin-myung (Hello, My Twenties)
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Here is another hard worker female character that I can’t help but see a little bit of Lily in. Although Jin-myung is much MUCH more shy and introverted than Lily, still, she has a complicated relationship with her family and tries really hard to do a million things at the time, forgetting to care for herself and diving into routines of work/school that are almost self destructive.
Honourable mentions.
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Chili (Bluey) Morticia Addams (The Addams Family Values)
Mostly how I imagine Lily as a mom/ her married life (along with Kate too). Morticia might seem like a stretch but aside from her dark interests and aesthetic, she's a loving mom and partner and she puts her family first, she’s also a bit of a freak, like Lily.
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Sloane (Ferris Buller’s Day Off) Pam Beesley (The Office)
Only on the prankster side of Lily, more chill and easy going, losing up a bit to have fun with Sirius and James.
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snixkers · 7 months
Wrinkles like Rivers
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Pairing: Alex Blake × Fem!Reader
For: @olderwomenaremyfavs
Content Warning: References to canon violence (drugs/crime), age gap (reader is in her 30s, Alex is in her 50s), very brief suggestive comment, insecurity over appearance
Summary: At a work function, Alex feels like the other agents have her beat, in more ways than one.
Author's Note: Omg! This is my first fic posted on this site, so I'm super excited! Hope this is what you were hoping for!
Feedback is always welcome!
Requests are OPEN
It was another Bureau function, and the atmosphere was relaxed and casual. Agents usually consumed with the worst of humanity were able to escape, just for a bit, and find comfort in a night out. You mingled with some people, recognizing names but not faces from your girlfriend's stories.
For some reason, these events seemed to have the opposite effect on Alex, who usually ended up silent and brooding in the corner. You could tell she was thinking about something, but she always brushed it off so confidently that you were certain you were imagining it. After all, she was the profiler, not you.
Tonight was a different story. You could see it in her tense shoulders, her narrowed eyes, and her half-smile. Her glass was still full, although that wasn't unusual for her. Even though it wasn't your profession, you were certainly a profiler when it came to her.
You excused yourself from an agent telling you stories about her escapades busting a drug ring, making your way back to the woman watching you with rapt attention. She blinked out of her stupor when she noticed you, quickly throwing on a smile and wrapping her arm around you. It was a nice attempt, but you couldn't be fooled.
"Alex," you began, "is something bothering you?"
She shook her head, although you anticipated that reaction. Alex always kept her emotions sealed away in a vault that you rarely were given the key to. You sighed, wrapping your hands around her wrist gently and leading her off to an empty hallway.
You decided to try again, within the comfort of your sole presence.
"Alex, I know something's bothering you. And I'd appreciate it if you'd let me help."
She let out a sigh, her smile fading slightly as she fiddled with the ends of her hair.
"It's not important."
You had to resist the urge to roll your eyes. Alex *was* important. She could tell you that the sky was green and you would agree.
"Alex, please. I want to know so I can fix the problem."
She sighed, avoiding your gaze and taking a small sip of the wine provided by a rather wealthy colleague of hers.
"Watching you talk to all of those other agents, it's just hard for me. They're young, they're good in the field. Their stories are more exciting."
Your heart melted in your chest, trying to soothe any insecurities she might have.
"I don't care. You've been in longer than they have. You're more smart logical and strategic. Plus, I like a woman with a little experience."
She held back a snort at your words, but her eyes still held traces of doubt.
"It's not just about the brains. Just look at me. I mean, you could date anyone you want. There must be someone out there who's younger and prettier."
You frowned, the warmth in your chest quickly evaporating. "Alex, no. I love you. I love everything about you. I love the way your eyes crease when you laugh. I love the wrinkles on your forehead. I love the gray hairs you're hiding. Do you know why? Because to me, that stuff makes you even more beautiful."
Her gaze softened, and you could practically see her trying to come up with another excuse for why she wasn't good enough. You shook your head, leaning in and pressing a gentle kiss to her lips.
"I'm always going to pick you, Alex."
She nods, taking a deep breath and kissing you back a little deeper, trying to convey the gratitude she felt. Luckily, another part of being such an expert on how she felt was that you already knew.
You smiled back, glancing over at the party.
"Should we head home?"
She nods in agreement, wrapping an arm around your waist and leading you back out to the party, the both of you clinging to each other the way you always would.
"Absolutely. Garcia told me about this game called 'Wordle', and I want to try it out."
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alisonfelixwrites · 6 months
Informed consent - chapter 1
Word count: 7,552
Mia Brown always thought she was a nice girl. She was polite, kept to herself yet was always keen on helping others if they gave her a little time to grow comfortable.
She grew up in a household where she never had the upper hand, where she was never considered the smart one. It was a feeling she got used to, waiting for instructions and then following them. Whenever she spoke a thought of her own, her parents were always quick in dismissing her and placing her back in line.
Mia Brown was raised to be perfect. 
Psychology wouldn’t have been her own first choice for a university degree, but it’s what her parents pushed her towards. They listed all the pros of a degree in that field and she found herself nodding. Before she knew it, her signature was on the enrolment form and her education was paid for.
Five years of university for a topic she had forced herself to grow excited about. Mia always assumed she’d go for something like… biology. The human body fascinated her, more specifically the brain. She sneakily watched Grey’s Anatomy for years, finally divulging in it fully now that she lived in a dorm and was no longer at her parents’ house, and for a long time saw herself as a neurosurgeon.
It was safe to say Cristina Yang was her example for a very long time. Her bossiness, her huge brain and her overall attitude was something Mia admired, she felt. That was until she suggested the idea to her parents, who rather quickly shushed her and shot her a disappointing look. Her father claimed surgery was a field for men, not women.
Mia remembered feeling disappointed, but forced a smile and had nodded at him either way.
According to him, she should choose a job where she could do regular office hours and be home at a nice time to care for her future husband. Someone her parents had apparently even already lined up for her. 
Daniel was nice enough, Mia thought. He was clever, polite and her father liked him. He was the son of a family friend and Mia saw him on certain occasions throughout the year. For the time being, both him and her were studying for their respective degrees at the colleges of their choice.
Mia didn’t particularly mind that they were on opposite sides of the country.
From a young age, she questioned her mother about the idea of love that she had seen in movies. Even though her parents never really allowed it, Mia did look at romantic films on the television and it was once more something she no longer deprived herself of now that she lived on her own.
The first time she asked her mother, was after watching Tarzan as a child. She liked how Jane fell for someone unconventional, someone who didn’t particularly fit the vibe of her own life. But she liked him for who he was and they ended up fitting their lives together.
Her mother hadn’t smiled gently at her question. She reprimanded Mia for it, for assuming that something like that could happen in real life. For her parents, love was a business deal. They had met in similar ways as Mia and Daniel had, and for them it was normal.
The first time Mia told her roommate and friend – Hazel – about it, Hazel’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. Her reaction actually made Mia laugh, because she felt like Hazel made a rather funny face and it caused a rather embarrassing snort to rise up Mia’s nose until she buckled over in laughter. Hazel stayed shocked for a few minutes before she questioned everything about this love-deal that Mia’s parents had made with Daniel’s parents.
She asked for a picture of Daniel, which Mia showed off of his Facebook-profile. Hazel had scrunched up her nose and pushed her thick-rimmed glasses further up her nose while also using both thumbs to zoom in on the picture. 
Mia had pressed her lips together, “He looks better in real life.” She defended him for some unknown reason.
The profile picture looked like him in the mediaeval centuries, posing for some kind of painter who’d make a portrait of him. It was stoic, very serious and the longer Mia stared at it, the funnier it became. Not long after, both her and Hazel were caught in a laughing fit while Hazel tried to impersonate Daniel’s picture.
It was hilarious, Mia thought. She couldn’t recollect a time she had laughed like that. So freely. 
She had been shy upon meeting Hazel at first, but she had given Mia time and space to open up and feel comfortable. She was still a little reserved, as she was around basically every human being. She was extremely polite and never did colour outside of the lines. It was quite the contrast from how Hazel lived. Sometimes, Mia thought, Hazel was a bit careless. She took inspiration from it, but in her own time.
Something that sadly enough didn’t move on her own time, was her education.
How she got through high school with flying colours, turned into a huge mystery for Mia. Upon starting university with all the hope in the world of liking psychology, it was a bit of a let down and a reality check when she struggled tremendously with the course materials.
It was a challenge she hadn’t faced in a while. All throughout high school, Mia had kept to herself and studied hard. The results proved worthy of how much time and effort she put into her assignments and tests. In university, she struggled.
Somehow her dyslexia didn’t bother her as much in high school. Mia’s teachers were aware of it and aided her for certain parts. In university, the professors weren’t as concerned and left the students to their own, and it made Mia anxious. 
While Hazel spent time with her friends – usually leaving the apartment to give Mia peace and quiet – Mia was huddled up at her desk with stacks of books and deadlines to achieve. It had surprised Mia, how hard of a time she had with the materials.
Mia did learn mechanisms, but it didn’t take away the added hardships of reading long texts or getting through thick books.
Especially when she was tired or anxious, the letters clouded together. The more frustrated Mia became, the harder it got to read the lines. It meant that she spent more time than ever between her books in order to pass her tests and get good grades. 
It meant the world to her parents to uphold her pristine reputation.
Even when Hazel tried to coax her out for a night, Mia most often refused. Not only did she suffer from social anxiety, she was far too preoccupied with her school work to let loose for even one night. 
“Good morning.” Mia softly spoke when she heard the closing of Hazel’s bedroom door. The next thing Mia heard was a loud yawn as Hazel dragged her feet over the hardwood floors of their shared apartment. 
Mia supposed it was the scent of coffee that woke Hazel up this Monday morning. Mia knew Hazel didn’t have classes for a few hours but that she had some texts to read. One thing that Mia’s psychology degree and Hazel’s philosophy degree had in common, was that they both had to read a lot. Thick books with different materials, yet the same amount of pages littered both their desks. 
Hazel was quite a bit more casual with it than Mia was, but that was alright. Hazel’s parents were nice people and upon meeting them for the first time, Mia sensed immediately where Hazel got her chaotic mind from. Mia’s parents did not assist in the furnishing-assembly party for their apartment while Hazel’s parents did. With bright smiles.
Mia made sure to thank them properly by cooking a nice meal for everyone that night. She declined the wine that Hazel offered and later on shared with her parents while Mia sipped on some water. 
The same table Hazel’s father had put together, now held two coffee mugs that Mia filled with black coffee. She glanced over her shoulder to see Hazel with a wild mess of curls on top of her head, run-down mascara and her pyjama top on backwards.
The sight made Mia giggle under her breath while Hazel joined her at the table, immediately holding her head with both hands to soothe the hangover Mia was sure she had. She never assumed Sundays could be for partying, but Hazel proved her otherwise. Apparently when in university, every night was for partying. And Hazel often used that excuse to leave for the night.
She softly slid the mug of coffee with the little pink unicorns on it towards Hazel while taking a sip of her own, poured in another one of Hazel’s funky mugs that Mia preferred. Hers had little daisies on it, and she found that it brightened her day.
“You’re an angel.” Hazel’s raspy voice was a clear indication from lack of sleep and one too many cigarettes, and Mia smiled at the sentiment, “I figured you might need it to wake up a little more. I think I heard you come home at around four.”
Hazel lifted her head, panda-eyes on full display as she stared at Mia, “Shit, did I wake you? I thought I was silent.”
Mia smiled softly – trying to hide her everlasting shock whenever Hazel blurted out a curse word just like that – and shook her head, “No, you didn’t. I never sleep all that amazing when I know you’re going out.”
“Mia,” Hazel groaned with a slight eye roll, “I told you to stop worrying about me.”
Mia looked down while taking another sip of coffee, “I know, but I can’t help it. I noticed you didn’t bring your coat and it was snowing right before I went to bed.” She defended herself for worrying about her friend.
Hazel chuckled, “That’s really sweet, but it’s about a thousand degrees in every nightclub.”
“But what about when you go outside?” Mia retorted curiously. Hazel shrugged, “I waited inside for the uber to come and get me, so it’s fine.”
Mia tilted her head to the side, “Right.”
Hazel took a large sip of her coffee and Mia looked at her with endeared eyes, “Did you have fun?”
“Really fun.” Hazel yawned, “You should really join us sometimes. I think you’d like my friends.”
Mia took it upon herself to plant a little polite smile on her face, nodding at Hazel’s proposition even though the idea made her stomach twist, “Yeah, sure.”
Hazel and Mia hadn’t met yesterday. They had lived together in this apartment for almost two months, so Hazel knew perfectly well that when Mia said ‘yeah, sure’, she actually meant no but she was too polite to say so.
Hazel was too tired and hungover to start any sort of discussion about it, and she also didn’t want to make Mia feel uncomfortable. Mia liked their dynamic so far. She had been nervous to live with anyone who wasn’t her parents and her older brother, who had gone off to university a few years prior and who she hardly kept in touch with. Hazel coaxed and urged her, but never pushed. She understood Mia, she felt. And it was something Mia was grateful for. Their dynamic of being roommates turned into a dynamic of being friends over the two months of living together.
“So what’s your day like? Are you home tonight?” Hazel questioned.
Mia sipped down more coffee while taking it upon herself to start packing her lunch. She shrugged her shoulders, “I have class in about thirty minutes. And then it’s just all through to the afternoon and then from three, I do some therapy.”
“Right. Lots of clients today?” Hazel asked and Mia puckered her lips, “I don’t know, honestly. I’m sure professor Dillon will tell me when I get to class.” She popped a piece of toast in her mouth while spreading some hummus on the rest of the bread she packed for lunch. 
Due to her struggling with her school assignments, her primary professor – professor Dillon – had offered her some work for extra credit. Her assignments and tests hadn’t been all that amazing, and in order to save herself, Mia was allowed to practise. She had never really learned many social skills, but found that giving therapy was something up her alley.
Maybe her parents were right after all when picking this degree for her. 
Mia found that listening to other people and exploring their minds was something she needed to be good at if she wanted to be a therapist. Due to Mia’s struggling grades, she was offered the opportunity to receive extra credit, along with a few other students. Mia stayed behind twice a week to give individual therapy to fellow other students. 
Some came to them voluntarily to just clear their minds and vent a little. Others had to come to therapy mandated from the school. Either they did something wrong at school – like they skipped too many classes or defiled the school property – and were given the choice to either pay a fine to the school or follow some therapy sessions with the psychology-students. 
Mia had questioned the ethics of it, along with Hazel. Of course Mia and her fellow students made referrals to actual therapists if they felt like the problems were too severe, but they had learned that the students that came in for therapy sometimes just wanted a chat. It was free, it was accessible and it was private.
And then there were those who had to follow it for mandatory reasons. It was a bit sneaky on the school’s end, but if students chose therapy rather than paying for defiled property or receiving detention, parents weren’t notified. It was a great way for the psychology students to get some practice in. 
It took Mia a little while to get on board with this plan, but the few students she had seen so far, had put her at ease and with each passing therapy session that she hosted, she felt like she got better at it.
One girl came to her because she had a minor drug problem but it was only an issue when she didn’t reach class on time in the mornings. Another came to her because they drunkenly broke into the school at night and broke a window. 
It was another thing Mia tried to let go of, the anxiety of trying to predict who she was going to have in front of her and what story they’d tell her. She had learned that it was something she couldn’t control and strangely, that put her at ease. She couldn’t prepare for some of the things she heard.
Obviously, she was a first year student who had hardly learned any actual theory about psychology, but her school believed in a practical approach and Mia decided to use it to her benefit and gain extra credit from it since studying wasn’t going to be her forte in university.
She finished packing her lunch while Hazel told some stories about her night out. Apparently, she had gone to a bar – which Mia wasn’t surprised by. Hazel told stories with her hands, Mia noticed. She liked listening to her. Her eyes enjoyed following the movements of her fingers, bringing strength to her words as she enthusiastically spoke about events that were completely foreign to Mia.
Drinking shots. Dancing on tables. Kissing strangers. Mia listened with perked ears and wide eyes of a world that was unfamiliar to her. It was a world she was curious for, but also scared of. For now, Mia felt alright just following along from the sidelines.
“I took extra bread out of the freezer so you can have lunch. And I cut up extra cucumbers too.” Mia spoke while closing her breadbox to put in her bag. Hazel’s eyes could’ve turned into hearts at Mia’s words and she smiled at her, “I have the best roommate ever.”
Mia blushed and giggled, floundering at the compliment which still felt uncommon to her to receive in the first place. She didn’t think she had ever been the best at anything, so she liked Hazel saying it like that even if it was a figure of speech. Mia was sure there were better roommates out there than her, but she didn’t get in that headspace because it was one she struggled to get out of.
With her brown hair in her signature braid behind her back, Mia worked her way on exiting the apartment. She wore black jeans, wool socks, boots and a few layers up top to keep warm. November had just begun and it was very cold in the UK to say the least. It’s why she had felt worried about Hazel going out in what Mia was sure was just another short dress, without a coat. 
With the first flakes of snow she saw drizzling from the sky from her opened curtain in the street lights, she felt a pang of worry shooting through her. Mia had learned that she enjoyed sleeping with her curtains open for the sheer fact that she could look outside. She enjoyed the business of their apartment, the sounds coming from the street, the distant chattering.
And at night, it was lovely silent. Mia loved the silence. 
She bundled up tightly and bid goodbye to Hazel before braving the cold and making her way to campus on foot. It was about a ten minute walk and only recently had she dared to start listening to music on her walks. Mia wasn’t superstitious or paranoid, but her parents had always warned her. Not about anything in specific, they just warned her. So she was careful and hesitant about everything, also the few same streets she always took to campus to get to her classes.
As expected, she got in early. Her first class today was child development. It wasn’t something Mia found herself very fascinated by. She wasn’t fascinated by most of her subjects and she had yet to find her passion in this field. Neuropsychology was the nail in her coffin, if she was honest. After class one she knew she’d struggle with that one.
Mia pulled out her laptop and took a seat by the window, giving her a view of the snowed-in campus. She found herself smiling at the comfortable view, feeling quite right at home on this campus. 
Moving away from home could’ve gone two ways. Part of Mia was very excited to do so, because her parents started to feel suffocating and she was keen on trying to figure out what life had to offer. She was ready to move on her own, spread her wings and figure it out. On the other hand, Mia realised she had always been very protected.
Her parents were set on her watching the news every night and she was confronted with the worldly horrors on a daily basis. It took her parents convincing to let her move to a big city as they called it. 
Mia wondered why they never gave her brother that hard of a time when he moved away.
Class moved by quickly as Mia paid attention and took notes, knowing she was messing up lots of the words she typed. It was another thing she lost time with, going over her notes and fixing them every night before she could actually study them. If she focussed on that in class, Mia knew she’d be lost after only a few minutes as the teacher moved too quickly. 
When the weather was still nice, Mia often chose to have lunch outside by herself. She’d sit at the campus grounds with a book or use the time to already go over her notes or study some more. But with the snow falling, she felt nerves seeping into her bones at the thought of having to eat at the cafeteria.
She spotted some of the people who had a few classes with her and they shot one another polite smiles. Mia was too shy to ask them if she could sit with them, so she chose a table in the back where a lot of people unfortunately dumped their trash after finishing their lunch.
Mia chose a spot at the far end of the table and used the back of her breadbox to push some of the empty wrappings to the side and give herself a little room to eat. She was grateful that during the course of her meal, no one threw anything on the table and they let her eat in peace.
After her afternoon class, she made her way over to professor Dillon’s office on the fourth floor of the North building. She had just snacked on some grapes and a cup of hot tea from the vending machine, her fingers coming down on professor Dillon’s office door which was slightly ajar.
He beckoned her in with a comforting grin, surrounded by stacks of papers on his desk.
His messiness resembled Hazel’s, Mia observed. 
“You only have one therapy talk today, Mia.” Professor Dillon handed her a small file and Mia took it without second thought, “Okay. Room two?”
He breathed out a small chuckle, “You don’t have to ask anymore, you can take room two.”
Mia smiled wider and nodded gratefully, “Thank you, professor.” Ever since beginning this volunteering work, Mia had preferred to give therapy sessions in room two. They could choose from five rooms since there were usually five students volunteering, Mia being one of them. She couldn’t pinpoint what it was about room two that she liked, but apparently professor Dillon didn’t need much confirming and just handed it to her.
With the file under her arm, Mia made her way to room two, opening it up comfortably only to be startled with a yelp when she realised she wasn’t alone.
A boy was in the room. Well, a man really.
His eyes flicked up at the sudden action of the door opening, his eyes landing on Mia from his seated position on the couch. He wore a dark blue beanie and an equally dark oversized jumper that covered part of his hands too. They were clasped together as his elbows leaned on his knees and he comfortably sat on the couch.
Mia caught her breath and tried to hide the pinking of her cheeks, forcing him a small smile even if the stranger nearly gave her a heart attack.
“Hi. You must be…” She casted her eyes down to the file that the professor handed her, squinting her eyes to read the name properly, “… Sinclair, Harry?”
He softly cleared his throat, “Yeah.”
Mia nodded and closed the door behind her, balancing her bag, the file and her cup of tea which she chose to set down first of all before making even more of a fool of herself. She shrugged off her coat and made the room a little comfortable, shooting Harry a small smile, “Sorry, I just got here.”
He didn’t answer her as she went around the room, turning on certain lights and also turning on the heating to get the space a little warmer. 
She had to admit she was a little startled to find the stranger here already. She liked getting in a little early to get the space ready and read through the file, to get a sense of at least the name of the person coming in for a chat. 
Harry stared at his feet as Mia moved through the space until eventually settling down into the couch opposite him, a small coffee table between them. Mia clamped both hands around her hot cup of coffee and left a bit of a silence, taking him in.
She noticed the little glob of snot in the corner of his left eye, the writing marks on his hands, the few chunky rings adorning his fingers and the way they tightly grasped one another, joining in his lap when he leaned back against the back of the couch.
“Aren’t you supposed to like… talk or something?” His voice broke the silence.
Mia snapped out of her admiring-state and flicked her eyes up, a flush rising up her chest that she tried to hide by taking a sip of her tea and burning her entire throat simultaneously – yet another thing she tried to play off.
“Do you want anything to drink?” She changed the subject.
More silence. She liked doing it like this at first, because it gave room for the other person to say whatever they were feeling like.
“Are you just gonna keep staring at me? I don’t think this is how therapy works.” Harry spoke again, a boring tone to his voice as his fingertips started playing with the armrest of the couch where there was a small rip in the sowing. His fingers picked on the stuffing in it as he had a more relaxed position.
Mia pressed her lips together, trying to think of some conversation techniques she had read through before starting any therapy sessions with anyone, “It’s not. I just like to leave room for some silence, is that okay?” She could tell her voice didn’t sound all that steady. Mia really struggled with these therapy sessions but knew she had to practise if she ever wanted to do this for a living. Her social anxiety just got in the way most often and she needed some time to get into it.
“Not when it’s awkward.” He mumbled, his eyes then going to the clock on the opposite wall, exhaling another bored sigh. Mia tilted her head to the side, “You don’t want to be here.”
Harry clacked his tongue and didn’t look at her, “Nice observation.”
Another small blush from sheer embarrassment and Mia blinked a few times before finally reaching for the folder on her lap. Mia softly cleared her throat and opened it up, “So… Harry. What do you study?”
Her ears perked and she fought the small smile on her lips, the immediate thought of Hazel popping into her brain. Mia was sure her loving roommate would have no issue striking up a conversation with this quick-witted young man in front of her. 
“That’s interesting.” She commented, earning her nothing more than a lazy shrug from Harry’s shoulders who seemed more occupied with destroying the stuffing of the couch than to speak to her. Mia nibbled her lip, unsure of where to go from here.
So she decided to ramble her memorised lines that she had to repeat all the time.
“So – “ She drew a breath, “you are in for eight sessions with me. The sessions are twice a week at first but about halfway we move onto once a week, so it’ll be a month and a half unless either of us falls sick or has to cancel due to class or an assignment.”
He didn’t react or respond so Mia felt like it was appropriate to continue, “We obviously don’t know one another, and I want you to know that nothing you say here will leave this room. I’m not here to judge. This is a… safe space.” She cringed while speaking the words but professor Dillon had urged her to speak them. 
Harry exhaled a soft huff but still didn’t look at her. 
“Oh, and I just need you to sign this. It’s an informed consent. You know, just that you agree with this and that I’m allowed to write some stuff down. It won’t go in an official file or anything, it just means I can keep some notes so I don’t forget everything by the time you come in next.” She spoke softly, pulling something out of her bag. Mia straightened out the sheet a little before leaning over the coffee table and placing it down with a pen on top.
Harry stared at it with little interest for a bit until he leaned forward too, took the small pen in his huge hand and lazily scribbled his signature without even taking a look at the words on it. He leaned back on the couch with a sigh so deep it seemed like putting his signature down was the hardest thing he’d ever had to do.
“So, I think we should start fresh.” Mia forced him a smile after she put the consent form away ,and got up, extending her hand, “I’m Mia.”
Harry arched up an eyebrow, unimpressed as she stood in front of him. His eyes dragged up her form once and Mia could feel herself shrinking while trying to keep her extended hand steady. He eventually shook it with little enthusiasm, “Harry.” He sighed.
Mia couldn’t help but smile brightly when he seemed to cooperate finally, but Harry’s eyes were cast down rather quickly. The cool metal of his rings contrasted with his warm skin when they shook hands, but he dropped his hand with little enthusiasm the second it was polite to do so.
“Okay.” She kept smiling while sitting back down on her couch, feeling as if they could move on from this awkward first greeting and finally get somewhere. She tucked a short loose strand of brown hair behind her ear that had come loose from the braid in the course of the day and nibbled her lip, staring down at the file on her lap.
"Are you comfortable here? Not too cold? I turned the heating on a little but let’s be honest, the weather has been less than a treat lately. I for sure didn’t expect to wake up to snow this morning. Although it was a nice surprise because it’s so pretty, it’s not that fun if you need to get places.” Mia started her small-talk, which was her usual way to get her clients to feel comfortable and open up.
Harry exhaled a bored breath and just nodded, more to himself than to her. Mia pressed her lips together when she realised this wasn’t really Harry’s cup of tea, her just chattering. Maybe he didn’t need it. 
“Have you ever gone to therapy before?”
She nodded, opening up her notebook and scribbling something down, “And – uh, philosophy, hm? What year are you in?”
He put his chin on his hand while resting his elbow on the armrest, staring at her with an unimpressed look yet it still made Mia squirm inside. His eyes were quite intense and a very beautiful shade of green. She didn’t think she had ever come across someone with such striking eyes, or who’s eyes just stood out to her like that.
Mia found herself hoping he’d start talking soon so she could take the time to really look at him. She could listen to his deep, slow voice without paying much attention and let her eyes curiously trail over him for a moment. Right now, Mia felt like she couldn’t because he was watching her like a hawk and she felt a little shy under his gaze.
“Mostly in my second.” He shortly answered and Mia nodded, writing again to keep herself occupied, “Mostly?”
He shrugged, “Fucked up a little last year, have to retake a few subjects.” He answered and Mia found herself tensing up at the curse word he let slip just as casually as Hazel did. 
“So you’re nineteen?” Mia had stopped writing and now simply drew shapes of eyes in the by-line of her notebook, subconsciously trying to mimic him. Harry exhaled again, “No, twenty.”
Mia curiously lifted her head, unable to keep the small frown from etching into her forehead. She parted her lips to ask the obvious follow-up question but Harry beat her to it with a small roll of those green eyes, as if he was already sick of hearing that same question, “I doubled a year in high school.”
“Oh.” She nodded, dropping her eyes again as Harry did the same. The room fell silent once more and Mia realised only six minutes had passed since she walked in. She mindlessly clicked her pen a few times until hearing a clearing of Harry’s throat. Mia’s eyes flicked to his, her cheeks pinking up a little as he shot her a slight glare. She put her pen down, “Sorry.”
Harry didn’t say anything but looked very much done with being in this room. His knee bobbed a little, sneaker-clad feet constantly shifting positions as he sat restless. 
Mia usually refrained from looking into the file too much. She found she rather heard from the people themselves what they were here for, telling their story. Most of them didn’t mind telling her as she apparently was someone to be trusted rather easily. She had never come across a student as hard to crack as the boy in front of her.
But now, in this silence, she noticed her fingers inching towards the folder and she eventually took it in her lap again and opened it up. She saw his global information, such as his name and his date of birth.
An Aquarius.
Mia’s eyes darted over the paper and she nodded to herself, until she tensed up and her eyes widened upon seeing what he was in for. She couldn’t stop herself when her mouth gaped and she gasped, before lifting her head with struck eyes.
Harry didn’t even notice, too occupied with the stuffing of the couch again as he lazed in the chair until the hour passed by.
“You…” Mia croaked out, still dumbstruck with the newly found information. Her eyes dropped to the paper again as if to read it once more to check if she was actually correct and that her eyes weren’t deceiving her, “You really did this?”
“So far for not judging.” Harry huffed and Mia swallowed, “No – but… seriously?”
Harry didn’t say anything but didn’t look amused with her reaction. Mia drew a breath, “You had… intercourse with someone in the library and broke a bookcase?”
“Mhm.” He mumbled.
Mia read over the words one more time until she glanced at him, “Why?”
Harry’s eyes snapped to her, “Why? What do you mean, why? Because I fucking felt like it, of course. I was horny and it was empty. Is it my fault those fucking book cases are ancient as fuck and can’t take some weight on them?!” He bit.
Mia felt a bit taken aback by the sudden volume of his voice, staring as his fingers now angrily picked at the rip in the armrest while grumbling something under his breath. After another moment of silence in which Mia felt like she simply had no idea how to even respond to that, Harry sighed out, “It’s not that weird, people do it all the time. As if you’ve never felt the urge and just did it wherever?” He continued.
Mia straightened up and pressed her lips together, feeling herself turn pink again. It was a common thing whenever a client turned a question around on her. She didn’t like answering questions during these sessions, she liked asking them. It was basically the only thing Mia felt like she enjoyed about being a therapist. Her entire life, she had never really been listened to, and she didn’t feel a particular need to talk now either. But she enjoyed listening.
She enjoyed finding out how people’s minds worked, how their brains were wired, and how they processed. 
She avoided Harry’s question specifically, because the fact that she was a virgin did not need to be discussed here, nor did she want him to find out. She just cast her eyes down, reading over the words just one more time to make sure she wasn’t dreaming.
But no. Harry did have intercourse in the school library during a quiet moment of the day, but in the act he and the person he was doing it with, knocked over a smaller bookcase that did have some value to it. The school board was furious and wanted him to pay for the book case that he broke.
Harry apparently opted for therapy instead.
It seemed to be a decision he now regretted as he hung in the couch with his breaths even and his face looking like he had just received the world’s most awful news. It was quite clear to Mia that he’d rather be anywhere but here.
Mia felt like she had to gather herself and keep the conversation going, “S-So does your girlfriend have to get therapy too?”
“Girlfriend?” Harry chuckled at that, but in quite a menacing way as he shook his head, “She’s not my girlfriend.” He rolled his eyes, “She fucking bolted the moment that book case fell and she was out before the guard caught me. ‘M not gonna rat her out, I’m not a complete dick.” 
Mia was absolutely baffled by the way he spoke so casually with so many bad words in his regular vocabulary. She shifted a little and nodded, as if the idea of casual sex wasn’t completely foreign to her. She resorted to writing down a bit more while racking her brain for the next question or something that could steer this conversation back to where she wanted it to go.
“How old are you anyway?” Harry broke the silence this time. Mia lifted her head with raised brows, immediately a tad bit intimidated by the attention being on her again. She fiddled with the sleeve of her sweater, “I’m eighteen.”
“Holy fuck.” Harry sighed desperately while dropping his head back into the couch, showing off his throat and all the veins running there – which Mia tried very hard to keep her eyes away from. “What the fuck am I doing here.” Harry whined more so to himself than to her.
Mia tried not to feel too hurt by his statement. She was aware that not all people truly enjoyed therapy or that they were made for it. But she had also learned that after a few minutes or at most after one session, she had swayed them and they actually looked forward to coming back.
Never had someone expressed such displeasure in spending one hour in a room with her. It made an uncomfortable tingly sensation run through her skin and her throat dried out just a little bit as she forced a small smile his way when he lifted his head again.
“S-So – uh, why don’t you just tell me the story of what happened?” Mia tried to shift it back to Harry, to have him speak a little more instead of just answering with ‘yes’, ‘no’ or a shrug of his shoulders. Harry rolled his eyes again, and Mia frowned to herself. Did he really think she couldn’t see it when he did that? Did he not realise how rude it was to just roll your eyes at someone like that?
“Look – Mia, was it, right?” He started in a breath and Mia softly nodded, “Yes.”
Harry cleared his throat, “You seem like a nice girl, but frankly – you look like you belong in church. I never meant for my fucking sex life to be a topic of discussion with a fellow student who’s younger than me. As if you’re supposed to give me advice or some shit?” He exclaimed, clearly frustrated. He chewed his lip, ready to spew more venom at Mia who shrunk just a little on the couch. She hoped professor Dillon was following along and was ready to intervene instead of letting her suffer like this.
“I can’t pay for that bookcase, it’s like four grand – so yes, I chose this therapy thing instead. Not all of us have the privilege of just doing some volunteer work without getting paid for it. Some of us actually do need money.” He bit. 
Mia straightened up, a tight lump in her throat that she hadn’t expected just settled there. Rock hard, not wanting to move no matter how hard she tried or swallowed. She looked down to her lap, eyes blurring ever so slightly as she tried to breathe properly and remember her anxiety exercises.
Now would be a really good time for professor Dillon to come save her. 
Professor Dillon didn’t come save her.
It was about forty minutes later and Mia had arrived home in the warmth of the apartment she shared with Hazel. She kicked the remainder of the snow off of her boots and then neatly put them next to the door to dry before padding her way into the space. Some lights were on and the door to Hazel’s room was on a small crack.
After nervously playing with the end of her braid for a bit, Mia thought she’d go in. She had contemplated it the entire way over, if she should bother Hazel with this.
Mia knew there was patient confidentiality, but she also knew the entire campus usually knew whenever someone had done something that earned them school mandated therapy. Mia was probably the only one who hadn’t heard about Harry’s library-escapades before today, because she didn’t speak to a lot of people and zoned out most of the time during the breaks.
Her knuckles gently came down on Hazel’s door and she could hear some music coming from inside.
“Come in!” Hazel called out and Mia nudged the door open, seeing Hazel up in her floral pink bedsheets and her laptop on her lap, a bag of chips next to her. She immediately frowned upon taking one look at Mia, “What happened?” She questioned urgently.
Mia’s shoulders deflated a bit and she let out a rugged sigh, that lump back in her throat, “I don’t – nothing.” She settled on, a sigh leaving her as she remembered how her and Harry had just been left in silence until he mumbled something under his breath and bolted out of the door.
She didn’t sign off on his session, so it didn’t even technically count as one. Afterwards, she had gotten scolded for it by professor Dillon. He hadn’t followed the session along so he had no idea what had been said, all he knew was that Harry left after about fifteen minutes instead of an hour, and that he had looked even angrier when leaving then when entering.
Mia stood small in front of professor Dillon, her arms protectively crossed in front of herself – even if it was a stance that her parents disapproved of because it was impolite – while he reprimanded her. It was quite familiar to Mia, she felt like she had been reprimanded her entire life.
Her parents had never been too liberal with their compliments, which is why praise from anyone – including Hazel – made her beam so much.
“Hey, Mia, come on.” Hazel frowned in worry and Mia shrugged, “Just – uh, a bad therapy session. Well, m-my first bad therapy session. I was just starting to think that I might be good at it but this… this guy showed up a-and I just didn’t get anywhere and I completely choked up.” Mia started rambling, her voice jumping a little as her words followed one another quickly. She looked anywhere but at Hazel as she was one big ball of worry now.
Her grades weren’t the best and that volunteer therapy thing she did was really just to get her a little extra credit. If she failed that too, Mia was sure she’d have to redo her year and the look on her parents face if she had to give them that news, was something she’d rather avoid.
Hazel shot her sympathetic eyes, “Babe, hey… Not all people open up as easily, you know that. And also, you’ve just started this thing! It doesn’t mean you’re a shit therapist or that you’ve chosen the wrong degree, you just need more experience. I’m sure it won’t be your last client behaving like that… some people are just not meant for therapy.”
“I know.” Mia murmured, keeping her eyes low until she sighed again, shifting from one foot to the other, “Can I just… climb in bed for a minute? And cry a little bit? I won’t make much noise.”
Hazel exhaled and nodded quicker than Mia had assumed. Her hand worked on opening up her blankets and Mia exhaled in relief when she slowly padded over, carefully climbing into Hazel’s pink bed. She snuggled a little into the free pillow, avoiding Hazel’s look on her as the first tears came running down.
She couldn’t believe she still had seven sessions left with Harry. Well – eight. Maybe he had changed his mind after all, rather digging into his savings to pay for the expensive book case he broke than spend more time with Mia.
A gentle stroke of Hazel’s fingers through her hair was what made Mia cry a little harder. The disappointment in herself was one thing, but the disappointment that her parents would feel when they found out about this – was another.
She had to turn this around, she couldn’t just fail this subject too. Mia couldn’t fail.
She just couldn’t. 
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sulfuric-deity · 5 months
Hermitcraft Pokemon AU thoughts!
(If using this as reference please tag as 'Hc poke au' so I can see, also feel free to tag me :))
This has been haunting me for a while so I figured I would throw them here for some people to enjoy
Basically this region would have a gym for each type, and the order is pre determined so each gym holds pokemon of a certain level. Once you get through all of them four are randomized to be your big trail at the end, with their real Pokemon.
The pokemon trial is a BIG DEAL needing to be signed up for and then selected as it is so intensive.
The main antagonist is an organization researching 'Sculk' who got infected :)
As well as an unusual myth that seems to be interested in a few of the members. The Watcher.
Now onto hermits and the rough order of gyms!
He is the host for the trails, the charming man who will guide you along your journey. However, somethings seems a little off about him...were his eyes always red? He is not infected with Sculk like the others think, instead The Watcher is using his eyes to gain information about its victims.
Head pokemon professor, oversees all other branches of research as well as the trail. Elusive to the public, who has never seen his face, but close with the gym leaders as he is the one who calculates pokemon level for that year. Absolutely distraught at the appearance of Sculk, and values the safety of his friends over himself.
An odd pokemon professor, researching the effects of pokemon moves on humans. He is considered odd, and many protest actually using people for his trails, but he is very careful and ensures consent. Was chosen to go and supervise the Sculk trials alongside the company to see if its harmful to people. (wink wink nudge nudge)
The youngest pokemon professor, he focuses mostly on the evolution of pokemon and how and when it occurs. He is likely the professor you would see the most, interacting with gym leaders and Ren. When Xisuma begins to evacuate things, and Cub goes missing he is forced to run everything himself. On top of that, his close friend Grian goes missing. Absolutely crumbling under the pressure of the many tasks.
The head of the organization researching the Sculk, he seems unaffected by the possession. (Until too late hehe) Cold on the outside, friendly on the inside he won favor of many gym leaders, even if the HEP and public are skeptical of his involvement. He is determined to get to the bottom of this mystery.
She is the head of HEP (Human, Environment, Pokemon) who focus on the human treatment of pokemon and the protection against pokemon rampages. They were tasked with monitoring the Sculk situation. With their 'no bs' attitude, you'd think they would have no friends with all the goofballs around, but its actually just a front for their pure sarcasm.
Joe Hills-
A member of HEP who came from distant lands, wont tell you exactly how or why but will spin fanciful tales of adventure. Actually under arrest for breaking pokemon out 'illegally' in his original region. Protected by HEP now, at least for a while.
A field expert HEP member, usually taking care of water based missions. He is close friends with Keralis and beef, often teasing that he could defeat their regular teams easy. During a mission to investigate Sculk along a beachfront, he goes MIA. He is eventually found stranded on an island with all his pokemon fainted, talking to a volleyball with Keralis's face on it. He is fearful of the man after being haunted by the small volleyball child.
The last member of HEP, hard to spot and even harder to understand in a conversation. Smart enough to be offered a spot as a professor but denied it as he 'doesn't want his creativity limited.' Takes care of the technical aspects.
Former Champion, held the title for many years before willingly giving it over to his apprentice. He is many peoples spark for wanting to be a trainer, and he is still incredibly talented. (Despite Gem's boasting.) Now he wanders across the land to revisit friends and watch the youngsters train.
Current Champion! Rumored to be Etho's sibling or otherwise related she takes great pride in her title. Known as GeminiSlay, her pokemon are ruthless, mostly tanks and quick attackers. She often worries about how the public compares her to Etho despite their obvious differences. She takes care of her gym leaders, but always looks for opportunities to drop in for surprise battles, especially with Pearl and Joel.
Very close with Pearl, former water gym leader but retired the position to her after she defeated him. Now he takes joy in annoying the other gyms and assisting Mumbo is his research. Still an expectedly powerful trainer. Snail, marine biologist man, surprisingly smart. Goes mysteriously missing during the Sculk breakout, and is found stolen by one of the legendaries of the region (the Watcher.)
BdoubleO- Grass
Disgruntled about being the first gym leader faced, but takes great pride in wowing the trail-goers and being a difficult first challenge. He takes excellent care of his gym, and enjoys his trail. He claims to be the only Gym leader who defeated Etho. One of the longest standing leaders. During the Sculk infection, he helps to maintain a safe area and contact Etho for help.
Pearl- Water
Takes excellent care of her pokemon and it shows, they are fiercely loyal and in tune with her. Sometimes seeming to move as one entity. Admires Gem for her determination and skill, the pair have a joking rivalry. Also very close with Tango, she likes having the upper hand in battling. She pushes Tango to train his pokemon better against water types. She leads the search for Grian when he goes missing, facing off against the legendary by herself.
Tango- Fire
A bit hot-headed, he can sometimes gain a one track mind when it comes to his projects and forget about his responsibility as a gym leader. He created his own trail, and ensured it was as far from the scorching flames the trail-goers would expect (Decked out themed.) Close to Zedaph, and often helps in HEP contraptions. When his dungeon starts to gain a consciousness of its own, he is surprisingly delighted, even if it costs him possession.
Impulse- Rock
Stubborn, vengeful, and critical he relies on his combined Gym to help even out his flaws. Despite what he considers fatal flaws, he is intelligent, loyal, and protective of his friends which compliment his other half. Like earthquakes he is a powerhouse with his pokemon, often intimidating trail-goers. Although they are very quickly shown otherwise with his welcoming personality.
Skizz- Ground
Overly trusting, friendly, and slack he relies on his combined Gym to help even out his flaws. Impulse pushes him to grow and match his level, as well as not immediately giving up on a grudge. While he calms and grounds Impulse's intense energy. The pair make a deadly duo and are the trial-goers first introduction to the concept of double battles. Warm and welcoming he surprises a lot of people with his demeanor.
Scar- Normal
While normal types seem boring, Scar would adamantly disagree. They have very few weaknesses, and have the potential to learn to many moves outside of their type! A lover of all pokemon trail-goer expect scar to be easy, but are very wrong. His Persian, Jellie, is not as friendly as her trainer. Distraught by the loss of Grian he is incredibly frustrated he cant go to look for his friend due to his wheelchair.
Keralis- Bug
Wide eyed and not that competitive Keralis aims to just have a good time. He showers any trainer who makes it to his gym with compliments luring them into a false security. Despite not being competitive, he is ranked higher than the rest for a reason. Bug types are underrated. Keralis was terrified when XB goes missing, he completely closes his gym to go looking for his beloved princess.
Ijevin- Poison
Goopy spooky guy, takes great joy in being so relaxed and still absolutely destroying people. Stock up on poison heals and hope he's having a good day! He is also one of the original leaders, and has fallen into a comfortable groove and gained mad skills. Overall reliable, and sturdy.
Beef- Fighting
His bulky figure leads most people to believe he is a ruthless fighter, and while this is true, he also has a heart of gold. During XB's disappearance he too closes his gym, strong arming any authorities away as he searches for his friend. He is the one to first find XB, who is fearful of Keralis after being haunted by the ball man.
Hypno- Psychic
A slinking, cheeky figure. No one has ever seen his eyes, and it is rumored that he can brainwash people with his gaze. It is of course not entirely true, but he continues it as it tons of fun watching trial-goers squirm as he watches them. Close with Wels and Ijevin, who takes great pride in making fun of being super effective against his pokemon. One of the older gym leaders.
Welsknight- Steel
What better category for a knight? With speed and tactic he tears down those who get in his way. He takes pokemon battling very seriously, but only because the competitiveness brings him joy. If he wins or loses, he had an amazing time. Although it can be hard to tell, the glare he gives while focusing would make anyone nervous. He plays heavily into the knight bit, people are unsure if je truly believes it (he doesnt.) But...recently he seems a tad more aggressive. And was he always so fascinated with the colour red? The watcher has taken a particular interest in the knight, and is attempting to use him in much the same way as Ren.
(Joel) Smallishbeans-Dark
His sarcastic ease makes most trainers doubt his skills, and he takes great pleasure in watching their faces fall as they realize it is NOT an easy fight. He is not what you'd expect for the Dark element, and he enjoys using contrast to highlight the shadows rather than just cast everything into night. One of the newer Gym leaders, he insists Etho would not get past him in a pokemon battle, and has spent most of his carrer jokingly threatening the man, and trailing after him to beg for a battle.
Iskall- Dragon
With a cackle he unleashes literal dragons upon trainers, likely named something ridiculous (such as The Sweed). He is very close to Stress, and the object of her terror via adoration tiny pokemon. He is also close with Mumbo, yet they drift apart as Mumbo takes on more responsibilities, due to the secrecy of projects he starts to feel resentment towards Mumbo for ignoring him in favor of Grian and Scar. However that quickly changes as the Sculk is revealed and Grian goes missing. Still reminds Mumbo that he wont judge him and wants to help when things get to be too much.
Stress- Fairy
She finds it absolutely hilarious that fairy types are stronger than dragon, and often terrorizes Iskall. Using the 'pretty but deadly' motif she dances circles around her opponents. Her pokemon are absolutely gorgeous! :) She cares deeply for the other leaders, and helps to calm and care for their mental health as the Sculk attacks happen.
False- Flying
The strongest of the gyms she is known as the 'Queen of hearts', as she often destroyed the dreams of those who dared to face her. She is the last hurdle before the final stretch, trainers often get sloppy now and she takes advantage of it. The longest reigning leader, she doesn't seem to want to retire anytime soon. Very close with Ren, but too busy to immediately notice his changes.... She is vital in helping drive off the Sculk, her powerful team helping to clear infected Pokemon and trainers.
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hxjikonn · 2 years
Could I request headcanons of Kalim, Vil, Ace, Idia and Rook with a fem!reader who's skilled in all fields of science and technology? Just imagine her using her skills in technology to upgrade Rook's bow and help in creating poisons for Vil.
I hope this wasn't too specific.
A/N: The moment I read, “science and technology” the immediate character that popped in my head is Honey-Lemon from big hero 6 😩♥︎ I’m not really a sci-tech person myself so bare with me, I’ll try my best to write this one! (P.s nothing is ever too specific when it comes to details ily for that) heads up this is gonna be a long one
Gear Head
☆Staring☆: Kalim Al asim, Vil schoenheit, Ace trappola, Idia Shroud, and Rook Hunt
Synopsis: Their headcannons with Fem!reader who’s skilled in science and technology (THINK GOGO or HONEY LEMON from big hero 6)
Warnings: Copy pasted french sentences in Rook’s part💀 Feel free to correct me in the comments I do not know a lick of french😭
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Kalim Al asim
You’d think he wouldn’t be interested in what you do or how you do it, but believe me he is.
It all started when he sat behind to you in a potionology class, and you were doing something out of the ordinary.
He looked over your shoulder to see that you were making a tiny little contraption that would project holographic images
He was so amazed and at awe but he didn’t get your name and that was the only class he ever shared with you, so he went to Jamil for help
Kalim: Jamil~! d’you know that girl I sat behind in potionology class?, y’know the one who’s really good in science-y tech-y stuff?
Jamil: Oh her, yeah she’s the prefect, y/n I think…
When he got your name the boy couldn’t stop thinking about you, he was curious, he was trying to put together things in his mind to solve his questions but he just couldn’t find out how you did it
The next day, he made it his goal to be friends with you, so instead of sitting behind you, he sat beside you.
He turned to say hi expecting you were probably doing your own thing, but you were already looking at him….
He thought you were really pretty so he was a bit nervous now.
“Umm, hello” you greeted him, bowing your head slightly, “Oh! Hi! Hi I’m Kalim” He also bowed his head slightly “I’m—“ “Y/n! Yeah I already know” he cut you off smiling, “How’d you know?” you asked and smiled back back at him. Her smile’s pretty too-he thought but then quickly realized you were asking him a question “Uh y-your the pretty- I mean prefect! You’re the prefect…right?” He stuttered, thoughts merging with his words, you laughed at his mistake, he wanted to be eaten by the floor at that point “Yeah I am, nice to meet you” you said to him.
He told you about what he saw you do yesterday and that he was impressed. He started asking you loads of questions about it and you explained and answered all of them
He doesn’t really get half the stuff you were saying but he thought you were really smart…he grew very fond of you…
He always looks forward to seeing you in that class, and always sat next to you. Whenever he had time he’d go looking for you so he can listen to you talk about your hobbies some more
Don’t get me wrong, he tries his best to understand what you’re explaining but most of the time he really just wants to hear your voice and listen to you gush about science and technology and why you love it
He finds it endearing, he just keeps smiling and staring while you talk and he gets embarrassed when you caught him doing that
Would always watch you mixing chemicals or tinker and make stuff in awe. And he loves it when you praise him for remembering what certain things do or mean when he chimes in while watching you work
Would gush about you to Jamil all day long
“aaaa how can someone be so pretty AND SMART?”
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Vil Schoenheit
I’m not gonna lie, this man would see you as competition tbh
You’d always answer Crewel correctly when he asks you a question in his class. It annoyed him
You’d always know which chemical to add next to complete a potion. He was irritated by it.
You could surpass him at any moment. That kept him on edge. He kept a keen eye on you.
He’d take note of every little thing you do to crack some sort of weakness
Little did he know that doing this would give HIM a weakness.
He noticed how you bounce your leg when you’re nervous, how you scrunch your nose when someone answers incorrectly, how you’d clap your hands quietly celebrating your small victors….it was annoying…it was infuriating…not you. But the feeling he felt in his chest.
He thought he inhaled too much toxic fumes in labs that he finally had gone insane, why did he feel this way? Is this a new form of hatred? He hates you…..right?
He thought the great 7 would have mercy on him, however that wasn’t the case when Crewel paired the two of you for a project. He kept belittling you to save his ego.
He toned down the insults when he noticed you weren’t doing the things you usually do in class though. But he was still very strict
He didn’t let you help out on the project, instead he made you a runner, making you do absolutely unnecessary things that doesn’t contribute to the project, he wants to do on his own.
However that all changed when he ran into a dilemma while making the project, he knew you could probably help him, but he doesn’t ask you, his ego got in the way. Instead he kept on trying, all turned out to be failed attempts.
You heard his frustrated groans and sighs, so you peeked over his shoulder and ask what’s wrong.
“Is something wrong?” You softly ask, “No, mind your business.” He snapped, you crossed your arms “That project is my business.” You protested. “We agreed on letting me take the lead, so you just focus on the task I gave you and let me do this project” he said sternly. “You asked me to iron your dorm uniform! What does that have to do with the project?” You were persistent. He sighed, it was time to admit defeat. He was upset by this, admitting defeat to a magicless human of all people.
He stood up from his seat, “Fine, do it then, I know you can solve this probably better and faster than I can since you’re such a clever little teacher’s pet” he walked away from the table arms crossed, turned away from you. “I can’t believe a magicless human is more capable than I am” he mumbled. Thinking only he heard it but then you chimed in “Yeah that’s me, magicless girl from nowhere, I didn’t mean to offend you in anyway, honest.” You confessed, he scoffed.
“it’s the only thing I can do here that makes me feel like I fit in, so I get excited when I make potions…I don’t wanna take over the project, I just wanna help…” you told him, he sighed and faced you again he wanted to apologize for being unnecessarily mean too but he bit his tongue “Well potato we aren’t going to solve anything with all this sappy talk, lets get back to work” he sat down with you, and you helped him find the missing chemical needed to finish the project. For the first time, he didn’t feel jealous of you. He was astonished by your intelligence.
He still hasn’t admit to himself that he likes you, however when Rook asked him if he hates you as much as he hated his other rival Niege leblanche. It dawned to him that you were different.
Ever since that day, he always sat next to you in class, he’d always wanna be paired up with you in projects, and he’d help you understand things you were having trouble with. He still doesn’t confess but his favoritism for you was evident to everyone.
“The only reason I’m doing this is because I see now more as a valuable ally rather than a rival. So that’s what you’re going to do, stand by me and never leave my side naïve little potato. That’s an order”
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Ace Trappola
Would think you’re cool, he’s literally your fanboy, you cant convince me otherwise.
He thought he’d only see them in video games or in sci-fi movies, but when he saw you make futuristic contraptions and devices he was in awe
In beginning he’d only watch you because he thought the gadgets you made were awesome. But overtime my boy developed a little crush on you. No scratch that, he was crushing hard.
He started finding it very attractive when you’re focused on what you’re doing. He’d catch himself simping for you at random times
“Phew it’s hot in here huh?” You wipe the sweat beading on your forehead with your sleeve “You’re hot- I mean! You’re hot??? Yeah me too! Let me open the window” he rushes to open the window trying to cover up the embarrassment he just put himself through
He was about to walk back to your table when he saw you taking your lab coat off, he turned his attention to the floor “Damn you’re right, it’s fucking hot in here, I’ll go get you some water okay?” He rushed out even before you could answer he was staring holes on to the floor, he was having palpitations okay? Give him a break.
He would internally fanboy every time he watched you work on another project of yours, just takes pictures of you when you don’t notice it.
Like Kalim, he doesn’t even understand half the stuff you’re explaining to you, he just likes hearing you talk and seeing you smile when you do…
He tried to impress you by building something on his own…but then it caught fire and burnt him. It was still a win for him since you scolded him while tending to his wounds after.
Would always ask if he could take a device you worked on, you’d say yes if it doesn’t explode, cause fires, and is a harmless device. And he’d take it home and put it in his bed side table admiring your work.
Would ask you to play video games with him or take to see a sci-fi movie and point at something asking you if you could build that next.
“No Ace, I cannot build optimus prime.” “yes you can! I believe in you!” “It’s not that easy”
Would brag about you 24/7 to his roommate a.k.a Deuce.
“She’s so pretty, and so cool dude, did you know she build a freaking laser beam yesterday??? Man I have the coolest crush ever” “Ace I’m on the phone with her” “YOU’RE WHAT?!” “He said he was on the phone with ‘the coolest crush ever’ Ace”
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Idia Shroud
He thought he was dreaming, he hoped he wasn’t though cuz he was already thanking what Deity made you.
We all know Idia choses NOT to physically meet people, he lets his tablet attend meetings, social events and classes for him.
His tablet was his savior from ever having to socialize in person ever again! But unfortunately some careless student accidentally hit it with a baseball making it crash and shut down. Destroying the device.
He didn’t wanna have to go out so he asked Ortho to look for the tablet instead. But Ortho didn’t find his tablet anywhere.
That’s because you found it. You found laying on the ground and it’s technology peeked you’re interest.
While Idia was sulking about his lost tablet, wondering if he had to go back to going outside, you were repairing his device…
When it turned on, Idia got a signal back, he was fuming with rage, he was gonna catch the person who stole his beloved tablet
He gasped and ran to his computer, “Ortho! My tablet! It’s restored it’s signal! I’m finally gonna catch the dirty little thief who took it!” He exclaimed waiting for the camera to turn on.
“Hello?” You tapped on the tablet, “Did I fix it yet or is something still wrong?” You asked yourself, completely unaware of the camera being back online. Idia’s jaw was left hanging when he saw you “Hang in there mr. Tablet I’m gonna fix you…” you said talking to yourself focusing on figuring out if there’s any further damage. “Oh that’s the prefect!” Ortho chimed in, breaking Idia’s tranced state. “Looks like she’s the one who found your tablet!” his little brother exclaims happily.
My dude had heart eyes for you, he’s looking at you like it’s impossible that you even breathe the same air as him.
He asked Ortho your name and when he found out there was just this echo in his head that kept repeating your name
He’s so impressed, by your skills, your knowledge is technology, your attention to details while you admire the tablet’s mechanisms and programming, he was praying you weren’t just a dream
When Ortho suggested he meets you in person, he was quick to oppose the idea and degrade himself telling Ortho that he should just go meet you instead since you were more familiar with him.
But after a little convincing and a pep talk from his younger brother, he actually went to see you in person, he was anxious and but he also wanted to meet you and befriend you
When he did he was expecting you to cringe or to think he’s a huge weirdo, but you didn’t and you actually complimented his skills in tech and programming as well, it made him crush on you harder
After that day he started going to classes he shared with you in person (only those classes though but still) people were shocked to see Ignihyde’s dorm leader outside
He’d also invite you in his room when you visit their dormitory which is very rare since he and Ortho are the only ones who can get in and out of his room
Is not afraid to act like himself and gush about stuff he likes with you. He’s comfortable around you.
Would ask your opinion on gadgets he’s working on cuz he knows you know this stuff as well as he does.
It is evident that he likes you more than just a friend and admire’s you more than just a technician/scientist. But he still thinks he’s way below you and that he doesn’t have a chance.
“There’s no way she’d go for a guy like me, I mean have you seen her? She’s way out of my league… she’s like a goddess right Ortho? Ortho? Oh you’re sleeping…”
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Rook Hunt
It all started when you two got paired up in capture the flag, back in your world you didn’t really hate P.E, but here, you loathed it cuz it’s accompanied by magic like every other class
Rook was observant and he knew you’re incapable to yield magic so he, offered for you to stay behind and protect the Flag while he goes out and infiltrates other team’s bases for their flags
You agreed but you still didn’t want to be useless, so you asked if you could “upgrade’ the arrows he used and give him more equipment.
Rook was curious with what you could offer so he let you, and he watched you mend the arrows, labeling each set of 3 with different colors
He came up with a new nickname for you “Mademoiselle l’inventrice” (Madam inventor) because of your skillful knowledge in inventing
He watched you work until you were finished, he admired your dedication on making his equipment more useful to him but of course he had questions.
“Mademoiselle l’inventrice, you seem to have labeled my arrows different colors, why is that?” Rook looked at his newly improved arrows with curiosity, “Oh yeah, well the red one explode upon impact, the blue ones release sleeping gas also upon impact, the yellow ones paralyze people TEMPORARILY and the green ones have poison, don’t worry they cant kill, They’re more of an allergen than a toxin” you explain to him, and gave him more gadgets and equipment you’ve made for him while explaining
he was dazzled by how much benefit you’ve provided him with “Magnifique, Merci! Mademoiselle l’ inventrice, I shall do my best at the hunt!” He tipped his hat to you as a form of thanks and went off to “hunt” and you guarded the flag, also using your technology as an advantage to protect your base.
He was impressed with his new equipment, smoke bombs, his cloak you customized so he could camouflage better, and the arrows you modified.
Hunting was so much fun but with his new upgrades it’s a lot more enjoyable, he felt adrenaline coursing through his veins due to how easy it was to take other bases down
Needless to say you both won the game, and following that momentous event he was always near you, whether that be by your side, or watching you from afar, simply observing the beauty in your intelligence. Admiring your work, admiring you.
You was more curious about what other things you are capable of, and he seemed more attracted to you personally. He wanted to get to know you better.
He compliments before, but now you notice he compliments you A LOT more, not just you but you’re work too. You don’t mind his attention to detail though you find it somewhat endearing that he notices even the littlest of things
“Vous avez fait un merveilleux travail Mademoiselle l’ inventrice! You never fail to impress and surprise me!”
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A/N: SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG😭 I HAD TO DELLAY IT AT TIMES I WAS A BIT BUSY! I HOPE YOU LIKE IT! Like always, I did not proofread 💀 bare with my mistakes
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I just randomly noticed u turned anon back on and I hope it wasn’t an accident because I am sending this ask 😅 I’ve been thinking a lot about my baby Lu’s journey post war and something I do wonder about is. You know how you were talking about how for her, a lot of her perception of men was shaped by the men of the 100th and then all that was turned upside down upon being shot down and then u know how she learns about sexual violence and even some of the aspects of sex in general DURING the war, battles shame because of it all and then post-war, struggles with having her relationship with Gale and Bucky painted a certain way and experiences a heightened awareness of everything? Given the fact that she is a woman in the field of engineering during this time period, I’d imagine all of her profs and most of her classmates are men. And then if you think about environmental engineering especially, a lot of the field work is sort of explored in rural areas and just. How do you think she copes with this? Being around men and only men ALL the time after all she’s gone through? I know you said that the guys she works with on her tornado project are cool and nice and respectful of how smart she is which I love! But that comes after she’s broken up with Spencer I believe and when she’s sort of starting to heal. I am thinking more of the early days of college.
Oh nonnie I’ve been thinking about this too, as I realized that’s what that would mean! Male dominated at the very least if not soley at times. And i don’t wanna pile on hurt for the poor baby but realistically all that you’ve mentioned is likely extremely rough sometimes.
In fact, is venture to say if anything made her ever contemplate quitting, it was how hard it was swim in that pool where discrimination was one of the least of her problems due to her trauma and all that carries with it.
I think that adds to why she would both try to bear with Spencer longer and bear with his intolerable friends- it’s better to be on the inside than the out, even though she knows full well this is no comparison to the devout insulation and protection the 100th offered her 😭 those are my thoughts for now but I am thinking about this a lot, too! Thanks for mentioning it!!!!
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asksythe · 1 month
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I want to write an LB6 Oberon x Gudako x PHH Vortigern story.
The other day, I told @erimies that I wanted to try my hand at writing a dark romance story.
I don't often write romance, and even when I do, I view it less as shipping and romance and more as the continuation of characterization. So, if I feel this is how this character would behave or potentially change in a certain direction, I would follow that logic to its conclusion no matter how I personally feel about it.
But the thing is... despite how Oberon Vortigern would like to portray himself, I don't personally think of him as a truly evil kind of character. You see it in the way he conducts himself in canon LB6. There was a lot of things he didn't have to do, but he did (like teaching young Castoria and giving her a short time of respite from her loneliness and ostracization).
There were also a lot of things he could have done were he truly evil, but he never did. I'm talking about his relationship with Riri during the early part of the Lostbelt. Almost every night in the early part of the story, they were alone with each other. Almost every night. Whether it was him climbing in through the window of her room in Mike's tavern, or when he sent Castoria away to gather woods or create a bounded field, leaving him to sit alone with Riri by the fireside. They didn't do anything. They just talked.
I don't think it's possible to overstate how emotionally vulnerable Riri was at that time before she met Mash again in Norwich. Someone as smart and socially savvy as Oberon should have been able to twist Riri's heart and mind like a pretzel in that situation. He might not have been able to pull the wools over her eyes for long, but he absolutely could have done devastating damage or primed her in a way that would benefit him more. I'm fairly sure there are some kinky hentai doujins out there that explored this very scenario. But the fact that Oberon never even tried spoke volume.
Then there's his wet sock of a fight at the end of LB6. Like, sir, can you be more half-assed in your big villain speech and fight?
Summer 2023 on JP server more or less cinched the deal. Oberon is just... a wet cat... and really really really (embarrassingly) down bad for Riri.
My point is, I don't think regular Oberon cuts it for a truly dark romance kind of story. Not against someone whose heart is so resilient like Riri. So I thought of exploring the Vortigern side.
As it so happened, I acquired the novella Garden of Avalon, in which PHH Vortigern is featured as the villain.
Having read it, I... have thoughts. PHH Vortigern seems to exhibit the same kind of put-upon, enforced evil as LB Oberon. Again, his actions gave him away. He usurped his brother Uther's throne via violence... and yet let Uther go with his life and limbs fully in tact. And that's how we arrived at the canon Artoria, who is a dragon in human form... because Uther took one look at Vortigern's dragon aspect and thought. I would like me a big freakin gun just like that and he went on to do really skeevy-sounding human experimentation (via way of Merlin), resulting in Arotia....
And people wonder why Artoria felt so inhuman as king... Well, if her purpose of existence was only to defeat Vortigern and never to succeed Uther as King, then it kinda makes sense, doesn't it?
Even when he was defeated, Vortigern still worried about the fate of the world and his own niece (in the usual tsundere snarky way).
Well, I guess Oberon really is an alternate version of PHH Vortigern. There's a good bit of similarities between them. Implied and not. In any case, that's where the PHH Vortigern x Riri comes in. Because I thought, there are things worth exploring here.
Nineveh 2461
... is the name I gave this story idea.
On the eve when the two brothers, splintered now in blood and heart, part from one another, the aggrieved people of Albion proclaim. 
We do not want to be fought over by either dragons or wyrms, for whichever one prevails, the little men will lose regardless. 
And so a plan is hatched alongside Uther’s dream to birth a dragon in human form. Is it not customary to proffer a greedy dragon with a virgin? A tribute shall be gifted to Vile King Vortigern, so that he would be sufficiently distracted and thus turn the worst of his evils from them. This shall be no ordinary virgin. Nothing that the Vile King himself could clutch from the populace. 
This one shall be crafted to specifications. A vessel shall be made. A ritual shall be enacted to call forth that which he desires but may not touch. 
One who can withstand his savagery. One whose burning hurt will endure even the Vile King’s frozen embrace. 
Ritsuka is summoned into a ‘vessel’ during the Arthurian cycle in PHH, singularity style!
Core story is a flip on the classical wicked dragon and imprisoned princess tale. 
An exploration of what book Vortigern means by a ‘dark paradise where humans cannot step foot on.’
It’s less that Ritsuka is imprisoned and more that she’s enjoying domestic life, taking care of cantankerous dragon man Vortigern.
This tragic, weirdly domestic romance is doomed because, regardless of how she feels, she has to resolve this singularity and return to Chaldea.
The climax is Ritsuka’s servants aiding the local Artoria and coming to her rescue. 
Oberon Vortigern is among the rescue team, spearheading it. 
Final battle involves Oberon Vortigern against himself. PHH Vortigern against a version of himself. 
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naraven · 4 months
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Dear Stray Dog Anon,
Your matchup has been complete! After some deliberation, Doctor, we think you would best have this person as your next assistant:
cw // she/her doctor (anon goes by she/her), slight yandere, drugging, slightly obsessive, slightly possessive
A most reliable operator and pharmacologist, I can see the two of you getting along well on the battlefield and in a lab together!
Thorns will be the first to tell you that he's not a very likeable person at first. Not that he cares, but you're... likeable in a way that he's never seen before.
You command him well. Almost every time you depart with him on the team, everything seems to be well timed and perfectly placed. You know how he works in combat to a T. You celebrate by giving him an awkward thumbs up, despite the confidence in your voice while coldly dropping him down into the fight not even half and hour ago.
And off the field, he notices more and more the oddity that you are. For some reason you despise any gifts you've been given. Any present or surprise gift has you smiling shakily, giving the impression that you're just a bit shy, yet reel back in what looks like fear the moment you think you're alone.
When Thorns met you for for the first time, he tested the waters. He offered you a drink, mixed in with his newest concoction, and found himself secretly pleased with the curt rejection.
"It's not for you. I want to see the effects of my creation."
And he's even more pleased when you bring it to your lips hesitantly, and then gulp it all down in three large swallows. Soon enough, he had you testing out his more... adventurous ideas under the guise of research.
On a rare moment where you have some free time, you go to see what he's up to in his lab. As usual, he's cooking up something that results in what he thinks is a rather mild explosion.
When he sees you running up to him, he mentally prepares himself for a scolding from the Doctor herself. Turning, he opens his mouth to defend himself, before-
"What was that? Are you okay- wow, you smell like a barbecue, haha!"
He pushes you away when you start smelling the soot in his hair. Tussling his hair to shake out the dust, he pushes you back when you get closer to him again.
As The Doctor of Rhodes Island, he gives and takes knowledge. Granted, he isn't an Infected, but hearing you give mini lectures between breaks in your office had him learning more about Originium that he had ever expected. The visuals on your tiny whiteboard served to further help him grasp certain topics.
Both of your favorite activities to do together is to wake up a bit early, go up to the roof of the landship, and feel the wind blowing back in silence. The clouds passing by, the cool breeze, and the nostalgia of it all. You only return back inside when the sun becomes too bright and work has to be finished.
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"Doctor? It's the Doctor!"
Thorns turns around when he hears a bright, high voice call your moniker. A group of young, Infected patients come running as the two of you were walking around the Rhodes Island landship for a quick break from paperwork and the droning of the radio.
"Doctor! I haven't seen you in so long!"
"Who's this, Doctor?"
"Doctor, that candy you gave me the other day got stolen by my sister, can I have another one?"
He sees you wobble as one of the kids tugs at your overcoat. Throwing up your hands in mock surrender, you get down on a knee to approach them at an equal level.
"Alright, one at a time. Sorry, I've been busy with a lot of work. This is Operator Thorns, say hi! He's super smart and cool, so be sure to treat him well! And here, a piece of candy for all of you."
The children cheer, only for a Medic operator to turn the corner and bring them all back to their rooms. They all complain and whine, all of them wailing to have you come back with them.
"Doctor? Sorry about them, they all just underwent a couple tests. I'll get them off your back."
She seems really tired. Thorns remains standing off to the side, combing through his choppy hair.
"Well, I would love to, guys, but Thorns and I have a lot to get done. Maybe if you kids are good, I can drop by later, okay?"
A chorus of "okay!" echo back, and they all burst into excited chatter, leaving you and Thorns to continue your little walk.
"I didn't know you had such high opinion about me."
"Haha, well, we've been working together for how long? Shouldn't some kind of mutual respect be forming between us?"
You elbow him playfully, and he fiddles around with some test potions.
"Here. Catch."
Carelessly, he tosses you a small vial. Instead of the usual yellow thick liquid, this one is purple and seems a lot thinner.
"And... this is?"
He straightens out his cuffed sleeve. Raising your brows, you throw your head back and belch at the taste.
"Ew. That might be the worst one you've given me yet."
Thorns is quiet. "Is it?"
"Yeah? Why, is it not... supposed to be?"
"No, I wouldn't know what it would taste like."
Scrunching your nose, you sniff the leftover content of the liquid inside. It smells... kind of burnt.
"Did you mess this one up? It stinks. Funky."
Thorns gestures for you to pass him the vial, and he takes a sniff himself.
"Hm. It was perfect."
"Then... What even is that?"
He pops the vial shut, and suddenly you feel a surge of vertigo.
"Thorns, what the f-"
You can't even finish your sentence before he opens his arms. You fill into the gaps between his body, and you panic when you feel your fingertips getting numb.
"Operator Thorns, what do you think you're doing."
He sets you down. Strangely, you stay fully conscious, and the dizzy spell a moment ago is gone. Only the numbing sensation spreads, and soon your entire arms lose feeling.
"Don't worry. This feeling won't last long. I suspect the numbness to be gone within three or four hours, and nothing else will happen."
You struggle to feel... anything.
"I... don't even know what to tell you."
"Then don't. You keep your words brief during operations."
"That's because it's necessary." You snap. "I'm losing my patience here. Get me back to my office or something."
"I can't do that."
Because... I need you for just a couple hours more, he wants to say. You've been busy doing work without engaging with him, and you sleep in more and more. I want to be with you for just a little longer, where you can't run, where we can just talk.
I need you away from other people. I need you to stay with me. I want you, I need you, I crave more of you.
"Because." He starts. "You need me."
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agent-calivide · 2 months
I think the most important part of breaking down Prism as a character honestly is those Robot Trophies we can find. Seeing where Prism starts is integral to who she by the time we see her in the game, flaws and all.
Robot trophy 1:
Morales: Welcome to the Agency, Dr Prism. I must admit, I was surprised a mind like yours wished to take part in the work of our Operatives Division. Prism: Thank you, Director Morales. I can't wait to get started! I really think I'm going to be most useful in the OD. I have some ideas to enhance the agents' capabilities that I think are really going to shake things up. Morales: I'm glad to hear it, my new friend. Just remember -- to shake the nest of the hornet creates a hornet with a shaken nest. Prism: Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. I'll… keep that in mind.
So, we see that Morales knew of Prism and is actually delighted that someone as smart as her wants to work at the OD. Not the EOD, the OD. It's not the Enhanced Operatives Division, just the Operatives Division. This is likely when Reginald was a field agent, before Telekinesis or computer hacking. Morales has been working as the Director of the agency since long before Phoenix, and he is more than happy to have people work where they want to if they feel they've got something to give.
But he also seems to have this air of having seen things. Prism says she wants to shake things up, and Morales immediately warns her "To shake the nest of the hornet creates a hornet with a shaken nest." Like I've said, this sounds redundant, but when you break down the metaphor, it's a word of warning about the dangers of change. To uproot what the OD has established is going to agitate everyone who's already been working there since before Prism.
We, as Phoenix, think it's really cool that we have TK, but imagine how that would feel for the other agents who were in the EOD before TK? "Hey, you have to get a life altering brain surgery to keep working here that we don't know the full ramifications of, if not you'll get demoted/transferred elsewhere." That would suck! That would be infuriating! Nobody likes experiencing change, but Prism is excited at the prospect of causing it, and that could cause a certain tension between Prism and the rest of the agency.
And that is what Morales seems to be warning Prism of.
Robot Trophy 2:
Prism: It's working! The telekinetic implant is working! Shut down power and get that agent to scanning to check for brain damage. Prism: I did it, Director. I knew it would work. Our agents minds just became a weapon. Morales: A weapon is most useful when the earthquake ceases its blustering. How soon can all our agents have these implants? Prism: Days, a week at most! They should be field ready as soon as the TK implant is attached! Morales: This is a very quick turnaround, Dr Prism… are you sure? Prism: Of course I'm sure, sir. This is just the beginning, and progress waits for no one.
This is clearly the origin of the TK implant, the original agent using the TK and getting examined for damages.
Morales' initial phrase kinda feels like he's telling Prism to stop talking and start moving at a glance? But after digging at it a bit more, I think "A weapon is most useful when the earthquake ceases its blustering" is supposed to mean that the TK, the weapon, will only be useful once everything has stabilized. The creation of TK alone will cause massive ramifications with how the now EOD works, and that's not even talking about how much work goes into giving everyone the implants. The surgery, the recovery time, the learning curve, it's going to be a massive shift that is going to take time, how much time is this shaking up, this "earthquake" going to take for the agents to adjust?
What I think is fascinating is that when Prism gives an estimate of a few days to a week, that is when Morales is apprehensive. He's more than happy to help her get the resources she needs to improve the agents' abilities and by proxy quality of life, but that turnaround time is short. To get the TK implant put in the agent needs to have their scalp cut open, a hole drilled in their skull if not a chunk straight up cut out, the membrane around their brain to be opened, and the chip to be inserted, then they need all of that to get stitched back up and put back in place. That's bigger than a burr hole they would do for patients who have a stroke, and even then they're kept in the hospital for a few days for monitoring purposes. The agent should not be field ready the second that chip is put on. Prism is not taking into account that the agents are people, they need to rest and recover, she's too caught up on the progress that her chips make.
It makes her misguided comment "progress waits for no one" rather disconcerting. Progress waits for no one, including the agents that have long term pain because their body didn't take to the surgery. The agents who struggled to get a grip on the new sense with the TK and died because their TK pulled an explosive too close. The agents who weren't comfortable with the thought of getting life altering surgery and had to resign from the EOD because they didn't want to take the risk. Hell, we don't know if this is one consecutive recording or two separate ones, Prism could very well be celebrating about her chip's success before even knowing if the chips cause brain damage.
And even then, things like brain damage don't necessarily show up on the first, second, or twentieth use. It shows after years of use. Just because that agent's brain didn't immediately melt doesn't necessarily mean the TK implants are harmless, but Prism doesn't seem to care about that. And that is what makes Morales apprehensive about Prism's future projects.
Robot Trophy 3:
Morales: I understand you wish to discuss agent efficiency with me. Prism: Yes, Director. Agent mortality rate is understandably high due to the nature of their work. I believe I can create an agent that does all the work with half the… deaths. Morales: I see. And is this work for the agents, or is it for you? Prism: What does that mean? Morales: The bear that eats the honey soon finds its belly capable of holding the hive. Prism: That doesn't help me. Morales: You have my approval to pursue this artificial agent, Dr Prism. Just remember why the wind blows.
This clearly is Prism's pitch for her working on her robots, and I think it's a strange one. Prism pitches her robots to Morales with the argument that she wants to lower the agents' mortality rate, but this doesn't actually align with her motives that we've seen thus far. Granted the Prism we see in the levels is one who's been working for Zoraxis long enough that her goals have probably shifted, but when looking at the recordings, it really feels like Prism's just saying the quiet part out loud by the time we get to her in IEYTD 3. In previous recordings she's prioritized progress over the agents' well being, be it recovery time or career stability. If we look at external sources, we see that Robutler had a previous model called Robart, and Prism decided to pitch the robots as agents after making it entirely for bar-tending. This all has questionable canonicity due to it being a puzzle game in the discord, but if it's true it shows that Prism didn't have a dramatic loss of a loved one or a moment where she looked at the numbers and felt bad for the agents. She just realized her robot could be an agent and chose to pitch it from the angle of it helping the agents.
And I think this is what happened because of what Morales asks. "Is this work for the agents, or is it for you?" I don't think he'd just ask this to insult Prism, especially when we see how much he admires her work. She's a damn good inventor, and he's more than happy that she's on the EOD, but this seems to be a pattern with her. She's more excited at the prospect of revolutionizing agents, she doesn't actually take time to care about the agents. And that is why Morales stops the conversation to ask what's this about? And he gets his answer in Prism's response. She gets defensive, and rightfully so, that's an insulting question to ask frankly, but it tells him what he needs to know, it's for her. So, he gives another warning.
"The bear that eats the honey soon finds its belly capable of holding the hive." Breaking this down, it's another word of caution. Too much of a good thing can turn bad, or maybe even discouraging her greed with her research. It starts with the good intention, the honey, of minimizing agency deaths, but it can turn sour if you don't know when to stop. It could even be him saying she got her honey, she's made a good legacy with her TK chips and she doesn't need to keep revolutionizing agents. Other fields could use her mind, hell, the TK implant probably could use some work too. Escalating to robot agents because that's where she things the next step of enhancing agents is her taking a bite out of the hive, and that's the start of a slippery slope.
But unfortunately, rather than just saying that, he chose to give a riddle. Honestly, I think these all could be good lessons that would have completely circumvented Prism's retirement, but then we wouldn't get IEYTD 3. Prism is rightfully agitated by these riddles, she wants to pursue her research and gets the equivalent of "what do a Raven and a Writing desk have in common", not everyone wants to have to write a thesis every time their boss gives a bit of advice trying to unravel what the hell he said.
But he doesn't want Prism to leave or give up on her work, she's done wonderful things for the EOD and maybe she's turning over a new leaf and actually cares for the agents' safety. What's the harm in letting her pursue this?
But he gives her one last cryptic word of wisdom. "Just remember why the wind blows." Just remember why we use human agents, and maybe even remember why people want to be agents. Yes, there's a high mortality rate, but that high turnout means there's a high number of people volunteering to be agents. Nobody is forcing them to be here, and while the deaths are tragic, they're something the agents are well aware of. If you're making an artificial agent, make sure that agent is being an agent for the right reasons.
We actually see this in the robots, why Phoenix wants to be an agent is up to the player, but the robots all talk about being an agent to use cool grappling hooks and be badass spies with cool names and driving sleek cars and all the superficial reasons. Phoenix choosing to die at the end of IEYTD 2 is for the sake of the world, for the sake of others. They have a care for humanity and will do the right thing for the sake of everyone. The robots being in that scenario? There's no risk, to value in their sacrifice, and while nobody should have to choose make that sacrifice, it makes their motives for being an agent shallow.
There's no driving "if I don't save the day, who will?" because the answer is… any other robot. They won't look at the people they're protecting as people, just numbers. And that is a risky game when you're talking about saving lives.
Robot Trophy 4:
Prism: Leaders of the Agency. I present to you today: the robot agent. A marvel of engineering, this robot has an estimated survival rate of -- Someone disengage primary power! Who adjusted these location parameters?! Morales: Doctor Prism, we can postpone your demonstration. Prism: No! I just need a minute. THESE NUMBERS ARE NOT BASED ON MY SHEETS! Director, this is not my fault. My robots are more than ready to replace our human agents. Morales: Let us end this demonstration for now, Dr. Prism. Discuss with your staff and we'll reconvene next quarter.
This is Prism presenting her robots to the heads of the agency and giving her pitch for fully ai agents. She's very sure that they've been perfected. But what we see is that half-way through her pitch, something goes wrong, likely something being done with the actual robot in front of the leaders based on how Prism responds when things go sideways. "Disengage primary power" sounds like Prism telling an assistant to shut down something that wouldn't just be a video simulation, something is going wrong with the physical robot, which could get dangerous fast.
What caused the robot to go off the deep end is implied to be the location parameters, aka the location the robot was programmed to handle. We don't know if the robot attacked the Leaders, went off the deep end and started spouting gibberish, or completely broke down, or what, but it caused clear panic in Prism.
And Morales can recognize that, intervening and telling Prism that it's okay, they can just try another test run later. But Prism doesn't listen, she says that the problems with the test run aren't her fault because the numbers they were running weren't the ones she approved in her former test runs.
The issue is she escalates the problem. She shouts that it wasn't her fault and that her robots are more than ready to replace agents. Not that they're ready for the field or ready to be used alongside agents, but that they're ready to take every single agent off the field. This is not the way to pitch something to a board of agency directors. It sounds selfish and inconsiderate of the agents that the agency has relied on for years and suggests extreme change that would make many people apprehensive.
And the thing is, the robots aren't ready. Regardless if it was accident or sabotage, the thing that was modified was the location parameters. I tried to look into location parameters and it was… confusing and statistics heavy and not what I think Schell was trying to imply, but the end point is: The robots couldn't handle modification to their simulation.
With agents, you have to be able to not only think on the fly, but know how to handle a wide array of situations. In IEYTD 3 alone, you go from a mine to driving to an underwater lab to snowy mountains to a volcano. That is a wide variety of pressures, humidity, elevation, and temperature. If the location parameters aren't the statistics ones that I barely grasped and were simply the robot wasn't programmed to handle the space it was in, then that's even worse. Because performing well in a vacuum doesn't actually mean anything. Really, the robots shouldn't go straight from testing to being on the field, they should be slowly integrated to ensure they can handle that sort of work.
And Prism saying the robots are ready to replace the agents really shot herself in the foot. Even if it was said poorly in a moment of panic, to the leaders she essentially just said "the quiet part out loud", that she wants to get rid of agents because she thinks robots are the future.
And that is bad, Morales knows it's bad, which is why he pushes Prism to just stop and try again later. He's not trying to shut her down, he's trying to help her save face.
Robot Trophy 5:
Morales: Thank you for meeting with me, Dr Prism. I regret to tell you your robot training initiative is being put on hold indefinitely. Prism: Okay, I know the demonstration was a disaster but I know what to do. I need kinesium. Our human agents have it in their TK implants, and if I can have access to it for my robots, they'd be unstoppable. Morales: I'm afraid that's out of the question, Doctor. Prism: Out of the question? How DARE you! You don't even KNOW the question! I have created the answer and you can't see it. You REFUSE to see it! Morales: All I see, Doctor, is the most intelligent and creative person I know succumbing to pride. We'd like you to continue your work with the TK implants. Come back to your true legacy. Prism: I won't go back to anything. The only way is forward. You'll see -- my legacy is yet to be created. Goodbye, Director Morales.
This is actually the most transparent we ever see Morales. No metaphors, no talking in riddles, just straight forward "we can't keep your initiative running. I'm sorry it's this way, but we still want you to work for us if at all possible."
His voice is also much more firm and flat as he speaks here, he's not talking to Prism as a friend, he's talking to her as her employer. I'm sure if he could have, he would have found a way to keep Prism's robot initiative running, but he's not some CEO like Zor is to Zoraxis, he isn't the singular head of the Agency, just the EOD, which isn't all of the agency. There are multiple leaders who have to approve of Prism's work to keep it running, Morales doesn't get final say.
He likely broke the news to her because he's her manager. Nothing more. And Prism is convinced that the issue with her robots is that… they need kinesium? This implies that the problem with the robots is their batteries, nothing to do with the pre-set parameters for the test run she was blaming earlier. This could explain what went wrong, the robots doing a test run in front of the heads of the agency, only for them to run out of power and start crashing, leading to catastrophe. But the problem is, Prism isn't listening to what Morales is saying, even when he's not talking in riddles. She's so used to disregarding him at this point because he never contributes anything seemingly of value, that she writes off his explanation without even listening to his words.
You can't be told that your program's getting shut down, then demand more expensive materials. That's not how trying to make an initiative works. Sometimes you can't push forward, you have to take a few steps back, start from square one, and try again from the beginning. If Prism accepted the fact that her initiative was shut down, she may have been able to request they re-try the initiative at a later date. Maybe she could have put more work into the TK implants to learn more about how Kinesium works, possibly even working towards finding an alternate material that works similarly to Kinesium or finding ways to utilize Kinesium in a fashion that would benefit her robots. But she refuses to back down, to circle back and try again later. She needs her robots to work, and refuses to be flexible in finding alternate ways of working on them without agency support.
As Morales says, she's too proud to accept that test went so poorly that the program got shut down. She says that the others refuse to see how she's making the answer to all their problems, but she's also refusing to listen to Morales, to the other heads of the EOD. She says that they don't even know what the question is, but the truth of the matter is they aren't asking it because it's not something they want answered. They would love to have less agent mortality, but not at the cost of the agents. They feel the agents have grown enough thanks to the TK implant, they don't need to keep pushing into animatronic agents. They're enhanced enough.
But to Prism, they're not acknowledging all the work she did. She managed to make working prototypes of robots that could functionally operate as agents! They had one bad test run that happened to have their worst trial be during their presentation to higher ups, how is that fair to her work?
However, she also refuses to believe that the problem is her robots in the first place. That the agency doesn't trust them due to their failed tests run when, really, the agency doesn't want trust them because the agency doesn't want robotic agents. They may solve a problem, but they also create problems that require the whole agency to make massive adjustments that they likely wouldn't like to do in the first place.
These two are having completely different conversations where they're not listening to each other. To Morales, Prism is being consumed by pride and needs to go back to her former projects before she destroys herself over this one failed project. To Prism, Morales is shutting down her research without giving it a fighting chance because she knows what went wrong and how to fix it, but they don't even have the decency to allow her to try again. And this is what drives the wedge that pushes Prism to leave.
Robot Trophy 6:
Zor: They didn't appreciate you. They didn't understand you. They didn't see your vision. I do. And I have access to all the kinesium you could want. Prism: Spare me, Zor. You and I both know you want access to my kinesium research. And you know what? I don't care. You get me kinesium, and I'll give you my research. Zor: That's all I ask. Prism: Then you have a deal. Kinesium is the last piece of the puzzle. With it, my robots will replace human agents, and the Agency will beg me for them. And I'll refuse them my true legacy. Zor: You and I are going to get along, Dr Prism.
This is truly Prism mask fully off. If it was questionable before, here it becomes very clear that Prism never really wanted to make these robots for the agents. I like to think she did, I've wrote fanfics on it before, but this sort of mentality isn't a major shift for Prism from where we've seen her before. She's gone from using the agents' safety as an excuse for why she wants to make robotic agents, to acknowledging that all she's ever wanted was for her legacy to be in her robots, supporting the agents has always just been a plus.
And we know this because when Zor goes after her "altruistic" angle, she immediately shuts it down. Not only does she tell Zor to stop, she immediately gives them what they want for her personal goal of making robots. Someone who's known for harming agents, but like Prism says, she doesn't care anymore. She doesn't have to pretend to care anymore.
Again, there's this focus on replacement. Not protecting agents or saving lives, just replacing the human agents because she feels they're inferior. Not only that, but she wants her robots to succeed so the agency has to grovel for her to let them use them. If this was about agents, she wouldn't be gloating about refusing to allow the EOD to have her true legacy. She'd be more than happy to, or even begrudgingly implement the robots into the EOD's spy divisions. Even if the EOD hurt her, made her angry, resentful, if the initial goal was ever at any point to save lives, she wouldn't romanticize this idea of people getting hurt out of petty vengeance.
Prism and Zor are a lot more alike than we like to think. They both have a mean streak and are willing to hurt people to get what they want, Prism just has the mask of working for the good guys first.
But I don't think Prism is a deplorable, irredeemable villain, I think that this is all so we can see where Prism started and how she grows over the course of the game. In the first level, we see Prism at her worst, where she's eager at the thought of her robots killing Phoenix to prove that they're superior. While it's an inconvenience that they failed, it just gives her a chance to re-calibrate and try again.
Then in the mines, she's disdainful towards the agent, fully believing that their misuse of Kinesium is foolish and reckless, ignoring the fact that it got the job done. The success rate isn't what she's looking at, it's the fact that Phoenix did it the wrong way. Her robots would never do something so against protocol! Then in the car level, we see her so sure that the robot was going to win because she's been preparing Right Robot the whole time for this confrontation. She knows her truck is state of the art, that it was going to take the stupid, human agent a while to get through all of the security measures. And all the while, Prism is priming her robot to take down the agent, the only reason Phoenix survives is they find her notes that they weren't supposed to have access to. They never would have been able to take down her invention otherwise!
When the agent goes to the underwater lab, they see the shortcomings of Prism's pride. That because she gave Zor her research for resources and vengeance, she doesn't get say in what Zor does with that research. Nor if Zor has to tell her what they're doing with it. On Operation Cold Shoulder, Prism is enraged that Phoenix was safe from that explosion thanks to Zor's tech, but really, that's the price of her giving Zor her research. Zor is allowed to experiment with Kinesium explosions and how to make a shield to protect themselves from it without having to disclose that to Prism. Just because she feels it's the wrong way to use Kinesium, that doesn't mean her enemies won't use it like that anyways. Phoenix and Zor have both used destabilized Kinesium functionally as a bomb, destroying a ton of her work both times. It is this rigid sense of the right way and wrong way to do things that make her robots so fragile in this system, and it's something we see her realize in Operation KBOOM.
She hates Phoenix at the start of that level, really holding disdain for the agent, and that only shifts after they save here from nearly dying. She specifically says "Why did you save me?! Saving me makes no sense, my robots would NEVER do that! I programmed them to… I programmed them to follow orders no matter what. They would have -- they would have let me die… Thank you, Phoenix."
And this is where we see a major shift. She gets along better with Phoenix, she sees their value as an agent, and even how the way they think outside the box could help like using the gear as a wrench. It is the agent's ability to see things that can't be programmed or taught that makes them useful, and that's when Prism accepts that agents, or at least Phoenix, is more helpful than a robot.
I don't think Prism should give up on her robots, she loves them and she shouldn't have to stop working on them just because they didn't work as agents. But getting to see her learning to value human agents for what they're worth, seeing her grow to see what the agency sees in them, that is her growth as a character.
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driftward · 3 months
Log Entries 113-140
Log Entry 113
She woke up late. She never wakes up late.
At least we still went for her morning run. Well, morning. Barely. It was lunch time when we got back. She washed up, changed outfit, went to the meeting room where the company usually has their lunch, and announced to everyone present that the courtship between her and the Chirurgeon had ended.
And then she retreated.
The Madam Commander is acting in paradox. Frantic, yet still. Bubbling full of emotion, silent as ice. Hands reaching for tasks, yet nothing accomplished.
I have seen her here before, and I am afraid. I cannot keep her safe this time.
I want her to take care of herself. I want to prepare. She is going to self isolate. We need food, water, books.
Stupid, stupid.
Log Entry 115
The Madam Commander’s brother is still at headquarters, which I did not fully appreciate. She went to him. The Leftenant was there as well, but whatever they were doing, they put it aside to let her stay.
Nothing happened. We’re well fed and there’s plenty of tea.
Log Entry 117
She sent the Mathye a fruit basket. I looked back through Lily and Foxglove’s notes. I’m pretty certain this is the wrong way to handle a break up. I referenced some stories from the archives.
They’re no help.
My own guidance recommends that, if opportunity presents itself, to send someone with relationship difficulties back from the field to sort it out so they are better able to focus on what’s right in front of them.
Guess we aren’t meant to be counselors.
Log Entry 118
I was so worried that I didn’t notice at first, but!
Something’s changed.
She wakes alone, but from that moment, she does not stay alone. If there is nobody where she intends to be, she seeks until she finds somebody.
Our friends accept us. She does not talk as much, but they seem happy to just have her there, and it’s a relief, I’m relieved, she’s not brooding, well she IS but she’s brooding with company, and most importantly, no running off to perform ill advised experiments with insufficient supervision.
I am not sufficient supervision. Noting that here should it come up again. She’s too big and too heavy for me to move by myself. That’s important to note. I’m noting it.
Log Entry 119
She could stand more variety in her diet.
Log Entry 124
She practically lives in the workshop, now. I think she’s determined that’s where her friends are likely to either be, or where they’ll look for her first. And she’s taken to machinery with enthusiasm.
Which is great! I can also access schematics! In theory. Fairies did lots of things back in ancient Nym. I am an Eos-class, so while I am specialized for helping my Scholar in field triage situations, fairies like me had other jobs, too!
And I am so much more than most fairies. I bet I could pick this up no sweat. Just me and her and her crew, working on these submersicraft and aerocraft.
Soon as I can interact with reality I’m going to bite everyone and everything. This is terrible has been terrible and continues to be terrible.
Log Entry 130
The Madam Commander is more worried about the Crystalficer as time goes on, and I think she’s right! Whatever has happened to the Crystalficer is eerily familiar to what happened to us. Everything was fine, right, until everything was very. Not fine.
The Marine seems to disagree. Where’s her fairy. Where’s Glitterdust. I want to talk to her instead.
A joke! I am hilarious. I still can’t talk to anyone.
Anyroad, worries about the Apple are on pause for now. It seems that someone else has recognized the Madam Commander’s excellence, and asked for her services.
An investigation. This is great, actually! It is well past time. The Madam Commander has recovered her strength well enough, if not her essence. She has been practicing with gunblade and chakram; so she is armed enough. She is smart, and clever, and even without me, she will be alright. The Marine and the Leftenant are never far from her side, and there are others she can call on.
And frankly this is better than her spending all her time in the workshop avoiding thinking about the Chirurgeon.
So, murder most grisly in the home of the land spirits! I wonder if they will be able to see me. We are off!
Log Entry 138
I have missed this.
Lily told me stories of their early adventures, and I have bits and pieces of Foxglove’s gestalt, to say nothing of my own memories.
Simply, my Scholar is an investigator.
And it is in an investigation that she is most in her element.
We’ve been directed to examine some bodies. I want to tell her what I can see! I want to help! I can see what’s wrong almost immediately. Their physical form may be whole, but their essence is depleted - further than even death would suggest, given how long they have been dead. If I was more here than not here, I could help perform the autopsy work.
But my Scholar is an investigator.
And while I have been helpful in the past, she doesn’t NEED need me for this.
Watching her work is a marvel. The way she notices every detail of a scene. The way she manages to see things nobody else does, not even me. The care with which she acts. The way she puts pieces of information together.
I thought I would try to help. And I think she managed to see the world I do, just for a moment, I’m… I’m not sure. But she saw the essence depletion, same as me.
A small puzzle piece! The Adept and the Marine are both here. She called on them both, and set them to work, and began to put the matter together.
It’s so good to be back in the field like this.
Log Entry 139
The Crystalficer was still on her mind, and so we went to their home. A small living craft, worthy of any proper Nymian. Her and the Marine disagreed on some matters, even as she examined the ship and noted it had been abandoned.
She wanted to go inside. The Marine disagreed.
It was a risk, but we took it. Just the slightest nudge, right? Just a brief touch, through, and I had her hand through the door and opening it from the other side.
I don’t think the Marine noticed. We examined the boat, and oh, my Scholar is so very very clever! I thought we were only working on the one case, but in fact, we were working on two! She determined that the Crystalficer was very probably the grisly murderer in the home of the land spirits!
Or… something infesting and controlling the Crystalficer.
A voidsent.
We are about to go investigate further.
Log Entry 139 addendum
Log Entry 140
The Crystalficer is back home, safe.
She had… summoned… a unique sort of egi. Now, I don’t know as much about egis as I would like. They are creatures of aether, like me. They are created via sophisticated geometry, like me. But while I tap into anima energies and am formed of symbolic logic, an egi… borrows… primal aether. Sort of like living aether, but elementally charged, and shaped by some kind of conceptual logic.
It was a terrible creature. I could call it a voidsent, I think, for it was full of the chaotic aether with which I am now all too familiar. It had many arms of dangerous blades. It was fast, and dangerous.
I was faster. I am still not sure how I did it, but at one point, I reached, and pulled myself and my Scholar through the in-between.
We avoided the worst of its strikes. We fought back.
It did not dissipate fully when defeated. A part of it is still part of the Apple. It will always be part of her, the Scholar opines.
I look upon it with a faint feeling of horror.
We may be different, but we are the same. Her egi… my Scholar’s fairy… me.
Our aether showing streaks of the strong mix of static and chaos. I know not where her egi got it from. I got the static from the Atelier, so long ago, pulled from the malfunctioning device, to protect my Scholar. And the chaos… again. That from the spaces we visited abyss. I took it to protect my Scholar.
But what if … I am the same as that thing?
A fairy is a symbolic construct that serves their Scholar.
But that thing defended the Crystalficer as viciously as I would defend my Scholar.
And I am clearly not a proper fairy anymore.
No. I won’t do it. And that’s that.
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leohttbriar · 1 year
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julian being this deeply compassionate and self-assured person who knows how good a doctor he is and then being put in a situation where he does in fact fail--however brief that failure is--and this failure is actually just one turn in the dialogue between the value of life and the value of pain so he's left no only with the medical facts of the case (he didn't cure anyone of the blight) but also this philosophical-question-come-life answered with a very simple but devastating "death is the cure" conclusion---
that context makes this moment a bursting kind of powerful to me because dax doesn't say "keep trying" or "you can't blame yourself" or anything else that might have induced the same plot-concluding actions on julian's part. she takes a soft swipe at julian's sometimes exaggerated self-perception and then takes a larger swipe at both his somewhat childish despair as well as the simple yet devastating "death is the cure" ethos that julian had been trying to prove wrong the whole episode.
it's not about whether julian is smart enough or whether a life of suffering is still worth living, but about the idea that there's no such thing as a false hope. the world (galaxy, universe, etc) is too big to conclude that any hope false through and through. there are countless imagined invisible planes where people and other beings have been populated as a matter of habit (heavens and places of spiritual origin and trees and turtles and so on) because there is no grasping at everything at once and it is this very rational truth that undercuts the battle of ethics in this episode. to be a living being means to be conscious of this enormity. so the people who think that after a certain stage of the illness there is nothing for them but pain have also performed a certain arrogance--this arrogance can be self-preserving and a good thing and also never rob someone of their own autonomy--but to call "death" the best treatment for an illness is arrogant all the same.
and then the fact that julian doesn't find a cure but a vaccine, which is nothing but a biological contract with the future which, like all futures, is fundamentally unknowable--it's an almost perfect ending and bolsters dax's moment above.
it's so fascinating to interrogate these questions of knowability through not just science but medicine because you just cannot escape the personal even as the personal is essentially narrow. like the whole point is to use that narrow field of vision for the benefit of everything beyond.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
can you write a fanfic about emily and R having a daughter?
A mini you
*Authors note~ I took a fair few creative liberties here. I wasn't sure what sides of this you wanted so I decided to try capture all points, I hope that's okay anon*
Trigger warnings~  fluff?
Prompt~ see ask^^^^^
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When you reach a certain age, it's only natural to think over your younger days. Remembering the good and the bad, reflecting on the years you'd lived. For you, that moment was happening now as you and your wife were getting ready to attend a wedding.
Emily and yourself were high school sweethearts, the kind that everyone just knew would stay together forever, if Emily was somewhere you weren't far behind. Even at the age of seventeen you knew you wanted her to be your wife. Emily was so unapologetically herself and that's what helped you come out to the world. Those times were some of the best, even when you were sneaking around to see one another. You even went to prom with her, you in this stunning maroon, floor length dress and her in this form fitting suit. That night she'd turned up at your house with a bunch of red roses for you. That night was certainly magical.
When you both finished school, Emily went through the FBI academy, you stood by her every step of the way while you went down a teaching route. You knew that work and home life would need to be kept separate as much as possible, if Emily had to go undercover then they couldn't recognise her as your partner. The day Emily got accepted into the BAU, she took you out to dinner and got down on one knee. You knew then this was your forever. Being her wife was a dream and you couldn't believe it was finally going to come true.
After your wedding things calmed down, you got to know the rest of the team, often coming in to see Garcia when the team were working a case, in your holidays you opted to work in Garcias office, the company was nice and if you got to hear your wife's voice then that was a bonus. Emily loved knowing you weren't alone while she was away so she would often come straight to Garcias office after arriving back to steal a quick hug and kiss from you.
Children were something you always knew you wanted, Emily too. And with her job it made offending IVF easy. The decision on who would carry your child was easy, Emily loved being in the field and being pregnant would make that rather difficult for her, you didn't mind carrying your child but you had one request. "Emi I want a mini you, those dimples, those eyes and that hair. Your kind heart and smart mouth" you murmured one night. So it was decided you'd use Emily's egg but you'd carry the baby. And that's how you were given your beautiful daughter Delilah Faye.
You'll never forget the day you went into labour, a slow day for the BAU, paperwork really and you were with Garcia getting a drink in the little kitchen. You'd ignored the niggly pains you'd been having putting them down to Braxton and hicks, but when your water broke, the squeal of Garcia alerted your wife and the rest of the team to what it really was. Your wife instantly hoping into protection mode, she and Garcia helped you to the car before she took you the hospital, thankfully all the bags had taken residence in her boot weeks ago.
Delilah's infant days were certainly an adjustment, Emily had two weeks off to help you but that flew by. You adored having your daughter to care for, a little piece of Emily while she was away. Realistically, she was a very easy baby, but completely a mamas girl. In her toddler years she showed just how much of her mothers fiery temper she had, if Emily had a case and Delilah wanted her mama you knew about it. It often upset you thinking she didn't love you the same way. Every time you felt such a way your wife was quick to remind you Delilah loves her momma just as much, it's just because Emily has to travel so often that she clings to her so much.
As Delilah aged, you began to see just what Emily was saying, Delilah was five the first time you had to leave for a teachers conference, you hadn't expected her to cry and cling on to you as you kissed them bye. She even had Emily FaceTime you before bedtime. She snuggled into your wife as you talked her about her day and how much you love and missed her. Only then did she fall asleep snuggled on your wife's chest. The sight truly making your heart ache, the two raven haired beauties so far away from you, you began to wonder if this is how Emily felt when she was away with work.
You and Emily were both present on the day she started high school, her teenage mindset not wanting to be embarrassed as you both dropped her off, "mommmm!" She whined seeing you crying slightly, "mama she's crying again." Your wife chuckled and they both said their goodbyes before driving away far enough to not be seen. She parked up and pulled you into her arms. "Angel, she'll be okay" she reassured as you sniffled into her shoulder, "she's all grown up em" you mumbled truly craving those baby days back, where she was so small and needed you both. "Come on angel let's get you to your work children."
The day Delilah left for college you both cried and laughed at how the moving process went. Your wife quick to remind you the perks of an empty house and your daughter quick to remind you she was more than ready for this step. Clearly you were the emotional one that day, you reminded her she can always come home and you and Emily were only a phone call away. That memory triggering the one where she was a scared twelve year old who just got her first period. She came in to your bedroom on a rare weekend that Emily was home thinking she was dying. She just needed the comfort and guidance of her mothers and you both gave her that, she would always have that ready and waiting should she need it.
Before her final year in college she brought home her first boyfriend. This time it was Emily who needed to be reminded that Delilah was smart and wouldn't choose anyone unworthy. She knew her self worth you'd both made sure of that. Emily couldn't help but profile the guy though, and she made sure to keep a protective eye on Delilah. Even going as far to warn him on all the things she could make happen if he ever hurt her in any way shape of form.
The same boyfriend was about to marry your daughter, he became just as much a child to you as your work children. He made your little girl happy and that was all that matters. After all they shared a love similar to you and Emily and that was truly the highlight of your life. Your daughter truly was a mini Emily, even opting for a similar style of clothing as your wife. It was clear she admired her, but she would adopt traits that were undeniably you. And that's what you'd always dreamed of, a mini Emily mixed with the better parts of you. Your perfect flower, only now she'd bloomed and now was going to be someone else's. That's okay though because she will always be yours and Emily's daughter, the miracle of your lives.
Word count~ 1314
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liannelara-dracula · 1 year
Hello! Lately I've been thinking so much about academic rivals to lovers scenarios with Reiji but I couldn't find anything similar to that to read :(
So, if you're comfortable with that, can I request some hcs for this trope?
Hi Love,
Oh, yes! This is a nice idea. It's a shame they haven't made it, in that case, leave it to me :). I've literally been wanting to do this so I'm happy you asked this!
Academic rivals to lovers scenarios w Reiji
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Requests are open
*certain words have been censored for Tumblr guidelines.
📘I think this girl was raised to believe that she had to succeed more than anyone and so she felt pressure from her parents who probably expected a lot from her so when she met Reiji, she met her match.
📘And she wanted to prove to her parents that she was better which was becoming difficult considering Reiji didn’t make mistakes.
📘So she was working harder and harder to be the top student.
📘Reiji had always been confident with himself and he never thought he'd have to worry about something like this.
📘He thought that his rival was only Ruki.
📘Which he was fine with because Reiji would never back down from succeeding in academics and showing off his skills.
📘However, Reiji never thought about having a female rival
📘I mean realistically speaking, he's sexist and will believe that a woman couldn't possibly surpass him in anything unless it was something feminine. 
📘So it's a shock to his system in a way but he is more so focused on the fact that he is being challenged by not only a human but a girl.
📘He will not stand for it, he must be above all else, especially a woman.
📘After all he’s Reiji, how could he miss something or not do something better than someone else?
📘I think it all started when she transferred to his school.
📘Teachers loved her, people tried to befriend her, and she joined the student council, which Reiji is not a part of.
📘She was doing so much in so little time and so she was admired.
📘Most of all she was very smart, especially with complex subjects such as math and science.
📘And she had some chemistry skills so this totally triggered him.
📘At first he thought nothing of it but the more she succeed he found himself being challenged and it was the same for her.
📘She’d miss a point and Reiji would get it or they were both right and it was a tie.
📘It got so bad that they would indirectly insult and get salty with each other and maybe even cheat a little.
📘In fact there were times when you two would argue with the teachers about which one of you had more precise answers.
📘And it would be a constant battle so much that teachers couldn’t even put up with it.
📘If the teacher tried to partner you two up in a lab it is nothing but constant bickering about how he thinks you burned the magnesium for too long or how you think he timed it wrong.
📘You both even argue about the process the whole time of how it should be done because you two have biased preferences.
📘“You’re always supposed to sand it down then roll it before burning it.” You’d point out.
📘“Not in this particular experiment.” He’d state.
📘“That’s your opinion, I feel that when I set the heat up first I get less percent error.” You’d argue.
📘“Perhaps it’s because of your inexperience.” Reiji would claim.
📘In P.E. you run for track and he feels the need to perform better than you there too. Even though you both probably hate P.E.
📘But because of his vamp speed and higher stamina, you can’t beat him. So in your case, you’d grow annoyed because he was better at it than you.
📘In fact he probably once stopped you during track just to taunt you, “it seems you do not perform as well as you’d like to on the field. How embarrassing it must be, though given your calves are short you are incapable of keeping up with someone taller. Did you not grow properly?”
📘Hearing this a pout grew on your lips which he loved seeing, “For your information height isn’t the only thing that contributes to someone’s speed. Of course, what would you know, you spent most of your childhood having growth spurts instead of knowledge expansion.”
📘If you were assigned a class presentation, he likes to be a dick and ask you complicated questions that may even reach out of the presentation's scope just to piss you off since they're complicated in nature.
📘“If you are not feel versed on the topic, perhaps you should inform yourself of it.” He’d answer smugly as your eye twitched at this before forcing a smile.
📘“Perhaps I will and then maybe you have to put your focus on Latin more.” You remarked, seeing he wasn’t as well versed in the language as you were.
📘You both ended up having a tie with Reiji at the science fair and this is where Reiji was shocked that his project and yours tied.
📘You had spent some many weeks talking smack to each other about your projects that even Ruki had to step in to make you both stop.
📘Although the judges had to come to a conclusion and so you probably one because your project was just more out of the box than Reiji’s. So you win the science fair and this is where Rei starts to be a bit nicer to her. After she wins, he probably goes over and shakes her hand, saying she won fair and square.
📘Rei's honestly not himself after this point because for her to beat him, he thinks she's something and definitely someone he's interested in.
📘This was really surprising to you, and he purposely made sure that you noticed this. Although Reiji was smart enough to know you’d be to taken back to say anything. So you instead stayed a little shocked and wouldn’t say anything because it just seemed so off to you.
📘Of course, little did you know that Reiji was intrigued by you now and would only be planning on getting your attention more often. And when possible get you to be shocked and display other facial expressions to which he found amusing.
📘So when he started to pursue, he started to do little things to get your attention, to which you were totally oblivious to.
📘He’d invite you to participate in the school's fair seeing you still hadn’t decided.
📘“As a student council member you should participate, however, if you are in need of company I suppose it cannot be helped.”
📘“Reiji?” You’d question, raising a brow in confusion.
📘“I will accompany you to the school’s festival.” He’d confirm, adjusting his glasses as he looked down at you, “Do you have any objections?”.
📘“Uhh, no. . . its just, well I--I never asked for help.” You’d stumble as you looked at him, a little confused as to why this was happening.
📘“I suppose it can atone for my prior behavior.” He’d reply, turning away to part ways with you, leaving you a little speechless again.
📘He once was able to get a coffee with you during break and talk about academic stuff too.
📘This is where he sensed your troubles and mostly about how nervous you were for one particular exam he mostly found this out by overhearing you with someone and because when he asked about it your heart raced a little faster in panic.
📘So finding the opportunity, Reiji offers to help you.
📘“If you feel uncertain of your knowledge you should be tested about the subject. Three o’clock, the library.” He’d say offering to help.
📘“Oh, no, it’s okay. I’m sure I’ll manage, Reiji.”
📘“Y/n, if I am not mistaken this is not the first time you have declined my offers in helping you. Continuing to do so makes you appear as though you have something to hide.” It’s true, you were avoiding these interactions with him because you didn’t feel right bothering someone.
📘“It’s not that I---well, if you’re alright with studying then I guess I will see you later then.” You’d say figuring it would be harmless.
📘“I will see you soon.” He’d smile, parting ways with you in the hall.
📘Which allows you two to study, it also means he gets to sit close to you in the library or at a table in a secluded area.
📘This is when he gets to adjust your grip on the pencil too and have the excuse to touch your hand and delicate fingers.
📘He also gets to hover over you as he’s pointing out things to you in the textbook.
📘This gives Rei the excuse to even lean in and be extra close to you with his chest brushing against your back and both of his arms on both sides of you blocking you from leaving.
📘And it's taking him everything in him to not steal a kiss from you.
📘He’ll get really close but make sure he doesn’t kiss you because he’s still waiting since it's not time yet.
📘In that study session and in a few other ones you two would exchange conversation about different things and he once got you to smile and giggle at one thing.
📘It was precious to him when you laughed that you covered your smile with your hand gingerly.
📘Studying with you became frequent between you both, even if you were in the library to return or search for a book and he was in the library casually minding his own business he’d find a way to get your attention.
📘He would do this by either clearing his throat and pretending like he doesn’t notice you or by walking by you to get another book and act like he doesn’t notice you until you bump into him.
📘When he gets you to interact more he will become more comfortable as well and try to keep you fascinated with things he knows.
📘He’ll share interesting things with you and this usually happens during study sessions.
📘Rei would show you one of his scientific journals and his discoveries. (and this is his way of flirting lmao)
📘He even shows you flowers and studies he’s done of them so you learn some interesting observations from him sometimes too.
📘“They are pretty, what is this flower called?” You’d ask, still looking at the plant in observation.
📘I know he plans most of his interactions but sometimes he just gets lucky and opens new doors and finds out more interesting things about his rival.
📘Some things of which he deems as “cute” or “worth tolerating”.
📘Like one time you got injured in P.E. and he took you to the nurses' office.
📘Another time you practically tripped and fell on him but he caught you.
📘At a school dance you stepped on his foot and he called you a clumsy dancer.
📘This kinda made you upset and get into a minimal argument.
📘“It is as if you were born with two left feet.” He’d say boldly.
📘You’d scoff as you both still continued to practice, “Do you ever have anything!--” you’d stop mid-sentence as Reiji twirled you around and dipped you, just to have you shut up.  “ . . . nice to say.” You’d say shocked and speechless, still being held in the same position, his hair falling into his face his arms still holding your waist.
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📘A blush crept onto your cheeks as you tried to get out of his grip, “Reiji, let go of me.”
📘He’d chuckle before letting you go, “It’s fascinating to see the top student turn red.”
📘You’d glare at him, “Excuse me.” You’d say before turning away to leave.
📘But of course, there was no way our bae Rei was going to have it end there.
📘Oh no, it was only the beginning.
📘Even if he isn’t asking you things or exchanging conversation with you, you are still in classes with him and he loves to have his burning gaze on you.
📘So you have constant stares, which you used to not notice. And once you did you grew a little cautious of how you moved or where you’d sit because you could feel he was watching.
📘And let’s just say, it got to the point to which to were nervous about coming to class early since it would mean he’d pick a seat where he could see you. 
📘Or sometimes he’d be really bold and sit next to you.
📘Of course you couldn’t fully say this was true as there was no actual proof, because every time you looked his way he either turned away or acted like he wasn’t doing anything. Although you had a gut feeling.
📘Because when you came in early and sat in the front rows he’d side further behind at an angle to which he could get a perfect view of you reading and taking notes.
📘Even if you’re crossing your legs, to which he won’t admit is his weakness.
📘He was amused by watching you, especially because you hardly turned around to look at him. But he knew you were just too nervous to look but also engrossed in your work.
📘Although there were times when he caught you staring and he’d caught you a few times looking back, only for you to look away.
📘Reiji also grew to enjoy how you tried to get out of class as soon as possible, instead of asking the teacher questions so that you wouldn’t have to face him.
📘He loved seeing a girl so calm and collected become all nervous and apprehensive.
📘Any chance there was a project to be done with partners he’d stage it to have the teacher put you both together.
📘Which he’ll probably use his mind control for that.
📘And it’s just getting harder for you to avoid him, he’s bugged you during presentations. Like when you’re explaining he will have questions for you.
📘He’d bump into you in the halls more frequently too and then try to have conversations with you.
📘The study sessions got more personal, sometimes it wasn’t even studying which was very unlike you.
📘I think he asked you out in one of two ways, either he kissed you in the school hallway after asking for your answer to date.
📘Or you two were in the school garden and a flower petal got in your hair and being the gentleman that he is Reiji moved it out of your hair 
📘 “You don’t need to--” you’d mumble out as his hand touched your hairline, he took the opportunity to steady your features and tuck a strand behind your ear before putting his palm against your cheek only to lean in forward and crash his lips on yours.
📘He’d pull away a little after, his hand still on your cheek as he admired the way your eyes had fluttered due to being kissed and how they now opened after he pulled away. “Reiji . . .” You’d whisper, unable to make a sentence.
📘“Please consider my offer, Y/n.”
📘Omg this man is so gentle with the woman he loves, I cannot. 😭😭🤧My lil Rei.
📘Once you accepted you two then established things at your own pace, and you came to know more about his playful nature.
📘And his constantly teasing and cruel humor, as well as him calling you dearest or my dear.
📘To know more about what school with him is like, you can see that here.
˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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