#shed give me anything i want while hugging me and holding my hand and saying we were always friends then i wld simply immediately fold
nyxi-pixie · 2 years
nvm am saved from netflix murdering merlin by getting iplayer🙏🙏🙏
rewatching the ep where morgana kidnaps gwen for some evil scheme only to be really gay for her the entire ep🤩
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m0nsterqzzz · 9 months
✦ The Little Things ✦
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pairing: kate bishop x gn!reader
summary: Kate loses the bracelet her loving partner made for her when they first started dating and panics maybe a bit more then she should
warnings: panic attacks, a little bit of cussing, mentions of killing ig?
a/n: so this is unimportant but i wanted to say that i really wanted to do this story as what happened when i got the inspo (my ex was panicking over losing the bracelet i made her when we were dating) but decided to go with the more fluffy version lol. enjoy kate being so adorable. also, i'm pretty sure i used they/them when i had to use pronouns so if theres anything other then that, let me know. and, I'm literally so terrible at writing endings so if you guys have any tips on how to end a fluff or angst oneshot, it would be greatly appreciated
When you wake up, you're wrapped in your girlfriend's arms. Kate just got home from spending the weekend with her mother, and apparently she got to the Compound while you were asleep last night. Your back is up against her front, and her hand is gently placed on an area of exposed skin on your hip.
You turn around on the bed, placing your head against Kate's chest. She stirs a bit, but seems to still be asleep as she moves a hand to cradle the back of your head.
Suddenly, the sound of harsh knocking on your bedroom door makes you both sit up, now very alert as you both look around. “Kate!” You hear Clint's voice from the other side of the door, and Kate smiles. You roll your eyes, laying back down and trying to pull her with you. She gets up off the bed, and you groan and hold her pillow close to you. She opens the door for Clint, and his eyes fall to you before going back to Kate. “We got a mission Bishop. Suit up.” That makes you sit up, and you glare at the bowman. “She just got back. Why do you hate me Barton?” He pretends to think about it for a moment before he shrugs and begins walking away. “I’ll go make you a list!” He calls over his shoulder, and you groan and let your face drop into the pillows again.
Clint Barton is your best friend. You met him through your father Tony, and he was instantly like an uncle to you the same way Natasha was like a mother to you. He was all you had when both your father and Natasha died, but that all changed when he introduced you to Kate.
You watch as she goes to the closet for her freshly clean suit, and then sheds her pajamas in order to get ready for the mission. She hums a tune as she does, and then goes to the bathroom to brush her teeth and hair. You get out of bed and follow, wrapping your arms around her waist from behind as she brushes her teeth, still humming. The brunette leans into your arms, and you notice the humming to be of “Let's Get Married” by the Bleachers. You shouldn’t be surprised. She sings it to you at any chance.
She puts on her shoes- the tennis shoes Clint bought her after a long talk about how she cannot wear her purple converse while fighting bad guys- and then presses a small kiss to your nose. “You missed.” You playfully complain, and she chuckles before kissing your lips. 
She's on her way to the door when she turns back around, and you're expecting a hug. Instead, she runs straight past you and to her nightstand. She grabs something off of it, and you notice it as the bracelet you made her a year ago. You had been nervous to give it to her, especially since it is something an eight year old could have made, but she just smiled brightly and put it around her right wrist. She never takes it off now, unless she's in the shower or sleeping. She says it is her good luck charm, and you feel happy that a bracelet with clay beads of different shades of purple that says, “My Katie” gives her good luck when she's out risking her life.
She gives you a small hug, and then kisses you on the lips before speeding out the door.
You sigh, an everlasting smile and blush on your face as you let your body fall backwards onto the bed. Todays your day off from missions, and it was supposed to be a you and Kate day so now that the Kate part of it is not here, you try to figure out what to do. You don’t know where the mission is, how long it’ll take, what the risks are, what time she’ll be back, hell you don’t even know what it’s for and you silently cuss out Clint in your head for not giving you details to settle your head.
As if on cue, you get a message.
bird brain 🏹:
Simple mission, take down a few guys and grab the intel from the lowest level of the building. 
It’s not too dangerous as long as she doesn’t decide to pull a Kate and not listen to me. 
We’ll be home in a few hours and you can take your lover girl back. 
She’s already driving me crazy and we’re on the jet ride there. 
Chill out and rest your mind kid.
I’ll keep her safe.
You smile. Even though Kate can sometimes forget to give you the details, Clint never fails to reassure you he’ll keep your girl safe.
With your mind now at slight peace, you get up and make your way down the hall to Wanda’s room. Today is her day off, also known as the perfect day to go bother her. After that, you go bother Fury, only leaving his office when he threatens to send you on a mission. By then it’s lunch, and you look to the clock, expecting to see that a few hours have passed. 
So, Kate left at 9am. 
And it is currently………11am.
You sigh, pulling out a pan and deciding to make the team breakfast. And by team, you mean you and Wanda.
Meanwhile, with Kate and Clint.
She fucking pulled a Kate.
Clint simply told her to keep guard by the doors while he grabbed the info and alert him if anyone showed. She did that for about 4 minutes. 
She then saw a bird, a blue bird, and it made her think of you so she did the only understandable thing. Left her post and followed the bird all the way outside of the building. It’s only when she hears her partner's voice coming over the ear piece in her ear yell, “Where the hell are you Kate?!” does she run back to the building, seeing the man being beaten by a few guards. She grimaces, pulling out an arrow and lining it up with her bow. She shots one in the arm, and suddenly all the attention is on her as she widens her eyes. “Sorry dude!” She says loudly, backing up with a nervous chuckle. “Maybe we can talk this out right? How about we make a deal? You let my partner go, and we’ll walk away from this peacefully. Alright?” 
Clint groans from the ground. “No! We will not!” He yells, sitting up and grabbing his own bow. 
The guards are large and strong looking, but even strength like theirs can’t go against an arrow flying into their skull. He does that to the rest of them, and then takes a deep breath and glares at Kate. She rubs the back of her neck with a nervous smile. “So, now that that’s over……wanna grab some lunch or something?”
He scoffs, groaning in pain as he stands up. She knows she’s going to be barated on the way home. They begin the walk back to the quinjet, and Kate is half listening to his rant as she reaches her hand to play with the bracelet on her arm.
The moment Kate realizes her bracelet is no longer on her right wrist, she drops the bow and arrow on the ground. 
Clint turns to look at her and hisses, “What the hell are you doing Bishop? Pick up your bow and let's go!” She barely hears him though, as she's too busy checking her pockets and then the pebbled floor underneath her. He seems to notice her panic, and his voice and face softens as he tries to ask her more calmly, “What's wrong Kate?” She mumbles something, shaking her head and then looking at the building they just left. “Did you leave something in there?” She isn’t listening anymore, but he gets his answer when she takes off towards the building. He sighs and follows.
She scans the floors of the halls, tears filling her eyes when she doesn’t see the purple beads anywhere. Her breathing is beginning to get faster, and Clint tries his best to get her to stop for a second and take a deep breath. She does stop, but it’s only because she realizes a sob and continues hyperventilating. 
“Kate. Kate, look at me.” She does, and he panics even more when he sees the tears. “Take a deep breath and tell me what’s wrong. I can’t fix it if you don’t tell me what needs fixing.” He attempts a chuckle. She tries her best to breathe, but between the sobbing and erratic breathing, she barely gets out a weak, “M-my bracelet.” 
His eyes widen. He knows how much the jewelry means to her, having almost been shot by an arrow when he teasingly took it one day. He looks on both wrists and then the floor around them, still trying to calm her down. It might seem childish, but that bracelet is everything to Kate. When she has to do stuff like missions, or visiting her mom and she can’t take you (her person), the bracelet is the next best thing. You’re her anchor, but there are times in life where you can’t be there. So the bracelet is there. For her to fidget with, or hold close to her heart as if it’s her holding you close to her. 
She leans up against the wall, letting her body slide down it as she hyperventilates. “I-I need it.” He nods, looking into her brown eyes and stating firmly, “I know katie. I know. And I know the bracelet is important but I need you to listen to me right now.” She looks up to his face, hand going to her chest to scratch at it as if it’s going to help her breath. He holds her hands in his own. “We’re gonna get on the quinjet, go home to see your partner, and you’re going to feel so much better. The bracelet is to remind you of them right?” She nods repeatedly. “Then we’ll take you to them. Just think about them Katie.” 
He lifts her off of the floor, one of her arms over his shoulder as her legs wobble and she lets him help her walk to the jet. “It’s alright Kate. I’m here. It’s all gonna be alright.”
Back home, you're eating ice cream in bed when your phone rings. It’s Clint, and you instantly perk up in excitement. “Hey birdman, are you guys on your way home?” 
He sighs, looking at Kate who's now curled up in the corner of the quinjet, knees to her chest and mumbling this to herself. “It’s Kate.” In retrospect, he probably should've been more detailed and not used the sentence that people only use when someone they care about is seriously hurt.
“какого черта? Ты сказал, что защитишь ее! ты глупый, глупый человек! если она не выживет, я доберусь до тебя раньше, чем это сделает карма!” His eyes widen at your yelling and he holds the phone a bit away to protect his eardrum. “Now calm down kid, she just had a panic attack. She seems to be doing alright now but I just wanted to let you know so you can keep an eye on her when we get home in…..4 minutes.” You sigh, but there's still panic in you when you wonder what could have brought on a panic attack. “What brought it on?”
Translation: what the fuck? You said you would protect her! you stupid, stupid man! if she doesn't make it, I'll get to you before karma ever will!
It sounds like he’s speaking to someone, probably Kate, before he says, “She lost her bracelet.” 
You take a minute to think about it before you begin to giggle. You're not laughing at her having a panic attack, it’s more of a “that’s adorable and sad at the same time” kind of giggle. “Okay. tell her I love her and I’ll see her soon.” You hang up and think for a minute before grabbing the clay beads from under your bed.
It doesn’t take that long to make, and by the time the quinjet is landing on the field outside of the compound, you have a bracelet that looks exactly like Kate’s old one.
You make your way outside, grinning at the sight of your girlfriend. She’s walking by herself now, her breathing has gone back to normal, and the only tears on her face are dry. You speed up, and you’re practically sprinting by the time you make it into her arms. She chuckles and holds you close, hiding her head in the crook of your neck. “I’m so sorry my love.”
You giggle. “What’s there to be sorry for Katie?” She sighs, pulling away from you to lift up her sleeve and show her bare wrist. “I lost my bracelet.” She looks ready to cry again, so you pull her into another hug and cradle her head. “I know honey. But apologies are for when you’ve done something wrong.” You assure, but she’s not having it. 
“But I lost the gift you gave me! One of my favorite gifts of all time! My lucky charm!” You sigh, flipping over the hand of hers that you’ve been holding so her palm is facing the sky and putting the new bracelet in it. “I made you a new one Katie. And this one can hold just as much love and luck if you want it to.” She grins, holding the bracelet close to her heart like she used to do with the other one as she asks, “You promise?” “Promise what?” “That it’s made with just as much love and luck as the first one?” You giggle and caress her face. “I promise Katie.”
Kate Bishop is a simple girl. Things like purple bracelets, pizza, dogs, and movie nights, will make the brunette happy for at least a week. So when you began dating, you made it your mission to involve at least one of those things in your guy’s daily lives so she could be the happiest she could be. Whether it’s replacing her favorite piece of jewelry, eating pizza three nights in a row, or having a movie night on your day off, watching whatever films she wants and stuffing yourselves full of candy. You’d do it all a million times over if it meant your girl would be happy. Because you know she’d do the same for you. 
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faithst · 1 year
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pairing zb1 (ot8) x gn!reader
genre fluff
notes hiiii, thank you sm for liking my works <3 i hope you enjoy !
also going back to bulletpoints, scenarios are so hard to do ☹️☹️
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— zhang hao
he doesn’t realise
he subconscious mind is telling him that you DID respond to his ‘ily’ but you didn’t !
as hao got under the covers, getting comfy
he turned to you and told you he loved you
and instantly fell asleep 😭
you nudge him a bit and he’s startled back awake
“huh? what happened?”
grinning as you found his demeanour a bit funny “i didn’t get to say i love you too.”
knitting his eyebrows together, he responds “yes you did.”
and goes back to sleep 😀
“you told me already, go to sleep.”
— sung hanbin
thought he lost his hearing for a sec
soooo worried
so when he told you he loved you and you just left him there
he instantly comes up to you, grabbing your hands to hold them
hanbin presses a soft kiss to your forehead 🫠
“i love you.” he says with a grin, feeling hopeful this time
but you just stared blankly at him trying your best not to burst into laughter
he frowns and gives you more kisses everywhere on your face until you almost suffocate 🫣
giggling because he was so cute “i love you too”
with a proud smile and a sense of relief “mission accomplished.”
— seok matthew
will not let you go until you say it back
doesn’t matter if he’s gonna be late 😗
he won’t go out without an ‘ilyt’
will annoy the heck out of you until you say it
if that doesn’t faze you
then he starts tickling you and you’re on the floor, suffering
“okay, okay! i’m sorry!”
“uhuh and?” 🤨
“i love you too” you manage to let out as he stops tickling you
“if hanbin scolds me for being late, i’m blaming it on you!”
— shen ricky
at first he thinks he did something
but then hes trying to retrace his steps on everything he did
but he didn’t do anything
so he stops you ✋
“hello? where’s my ‘i love you too?’”
you try to run away from him but he literally tackles you
well, not really but you’re now in a very tight embrace
pls you were almost suffocating from how tight he was hugging you 😃
wanting him to let go, you finally said ilyt
“see, that wasn’t hard at all!”
— park gunwook
so pouty
he looks so sad that it breaks your heart 💔
he might shed a tear
TRIES to give you the silent treatment
but fails everytime
cuz he wants to talk to you every chance he gets
“wook, i’m sorry for earlie-” gunwook cuts you off by shushing you
very obvious pout while crossing his arms
“come on, i’m really sorry. you know i love you.” and his eyes light up ❤️‍🩹
“really? i love you too!”
— kim taerae
real confused
you actually didn’t do this on purpose
so when taerae was quietly following you around
like a lost puppy
yeah, he was following you around for a good 20 minutes without saying anything 😭
you had to ask him what’s wrong
“you didn’t say i love you back”
your mouth forms into an o shape upon realisation 😯
and then you tell him that you love him and he’s finally going back to do his own stuff
“okay, thank you!”
— kim gyuvin
how dare you not say ‘ily’ back ‼️
unlike gunwook, he actually gives you the silent treatment
but you just treat him like normal and he gets annoyed that you’re sooo unfazed
gives up on the silent treatment and sits next to you
letting out a big huff while crossing his arms 😤
you think it’s kinda funny seeing gyuvin like this
and you kinda feel bad for doing him like this so you apologise and say you love him
“yeah, you better.”
— kim jiwoong
if it happens once, he won’t think of it that much
twice? he’d think you just didn’t realise
thrice? okay, that’s it 😤
“i love you.” jiwoong says, waiting for your ‘ilyt’
only for you to hum in response and leave him there
goes up to you and grabs your hands “did i do something?”
you weren’t gonna back down from your ‘little’ prank so easily
so you pretended to not know what he’s talking about 🤔
“you haven’t been answering my i love you’s. did i do something?” he repeated
you couldn’t help to laugh, breaking the serious tension in the air “took you long enough.”
“that wasn’t funny!” “neither are your jokes.”
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© keiwook | 2023
tag @bruhiamistake @trashhdez @chxrrymxxnlight @haesunflower @big-uwu-stan @gnwookie @yjhcloud
here to join the taglist !
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klausysworld · 1 year
could i request a
klaus mikaelson x fem hybrid reader
where reader use to be friends with the Scooby gang but she got in a fight and they all chose Elena’s side and Elena made it worse and rubbed it in so to get back at them she bit Elena.
and when they klaus doesn’t know he just knows she had a fight but then they come begging for his blood because she bit her and his like proud of his girlfriend or something like that
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I didn’t mean to
Being Klaus mikaelsons girlfriend is hard enough anyways. Constantly having to watch your own shadow to make sure nobody going to grab you and use you as leverage. Making sure to always give him your attention and affection while also balancing the blood shed and agony.
What made it harder was being one of his hybrids. Now yes i was sired but he didn’t use it against me. And i knew that he actually felt something for me. My friends however didn’t.
“You’re being pathetic y/n he will never love you! It’s that stupid creepy bond that you have for him, you’re just doing it to please him!” Elena yelled, her arms flinging about as though it would make her point better
“Then why hasn’t he made me do anything I don’t want to? I haven’t had to betray any of you or anything so if he was using me surely it would be more obvious!?” I questioned growing upset
“God it’s like you’re stupid, he’s smart y/n, he knows what to do to make you think you’re in the right, but you’re not, you’re just a joke to him, a toy” she sneered. I hadn’t been a hybrid long enough to gain complete control over my anger, any of my emotions really.
“You know she’s right y/n” Damon said in a singsong tone making me further agitated. I could see Caroline and Bonnie refusing to look at me as Stefan gave me a sympathy face.
“Fine. I don’t need any of you, clearly i never meant anything to any of you enough for you to trust me” i growled making my way to the front door
“Oh yeah? What you gonna run home to your master or something?” Elena asked with her arms crossed and her head cocked. I didn’t think as i lunged towards her, my canines digging into her skin before i pulled away, ripping a chunk of her neck out as i sped away. I could hear her pain filled cry echo through my head at the same time Stefan and Damon began yelled and Caroline screamed.
I went straight to Klaus’. I didn’t say a word just went straight into his arms hiding my face in his chest. His arms circled me instantly, a hand petting my hair as he dropped whatever he was doing
“Shh, it’s okay” he soothed as i cried into his henley, hiccuping as i tried to calm myself
“Sh sh, are you hurt sweetheart?” He asked gently holding my close against him. I shook my head and clung to him tighter
“Just my emotions” I uttered. He kissed the top of my head before picking me up and taking me to his room
“That’s okay, you’re going to get used to it love. You’re already much better at controlling them hm? You’ve done so well” he encouraged. I was put on his bed, duvet pulled up over me and blackout curtains closed
“Just sleep my love, a rest will make you feel better I assure you.” He muttered as he kissed my forehead lovingly “I’m just across form you in my art room okay? Do you want me to stay?” He asked softly but I shook my head. I knew i was lying saying it was my emotions and ill feel worse the longer he coddles me.
Once he was gone i continued to cry quietly. Knowing that the people i once considered my family now wanted nothing to do with me just because of what i am and who i love. Eventually to fell asleep with a tight grip on Klaus’ pillow trying to replicate the feel of hugging him.
I woke hours later. My eyes fluttered open to the feeling of someones fingers in my hair against my scalp. I hummed sleepily in content as they massaged my head gently. I found that i was laying on a body, face on a warm chest making me frown in confusion before looking up to see Klaus with a smile on his face.
“Hello” he whispered looking at me making me smile in amusement
“Hi” i replied looking at him with a tilt of my head.
“You know…a little birdy told me that you might’ve gotten into a bit of fight today?” He hummed and my heart pounded
“Umm it wasn’t really a fight” i mumbled laying back down so he couldn’t see my face.
“No, clearly they didn’t stand a chance hm?” He asked with a literal chuckle making me blush in embarrassment.
“I didn’t mean to” i whispered sniffling.
“Oh my love, I’m not upset with you” he cooed while lifting me to have me straddle him as he sat up
“No love, if anything I’m proud of you” he explained as his hands cupped my face
“Because you want me to be a monster” i whispered remembering Elenas words from the start of the argument. He frowned at me his hands bringing me closer as he lightly pressed his lips to mine. Softly moving them together before pulling back to look back at me
“Because you are strong enough to defend yourself” he corrected, his arms slipping down my body to pull me closer
“You’re the opposite to a monster sweetheart” he uttered kissing me tenderly, my eyed closing in appreciation
“You mean the world to me” he told me as he gently rocked my body like a parent would a child as the tears slipped down my face once more
“I bit her Klaus” i sobbed and he nodded
“I know sweetheart, i know but it’s okay. Ive given them my blood so you don’t need to feel bad anymore okay?” I shook my head
“They hate me”
“But i love you” he whispered “you just stay with me, I’ll keep you safe” and i found myself nodded, Klaus was all i had, all i could ever want.
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Dating Melissa Schemmenti Pt. I
Pairing: Melissa Schemmenti x reader
Summary: Just a few sweet scenarios outlining what it would be like to date Melissa.
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: Hello! This is my first time writing for Melissa. Hopefully you enjoy. Let me know if you'd like a part 2!
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Early Mornings
For Melissa, teaching at a school came with the joy of waking up bright and early. Some days she even had to be awake before the sun came up. How she dreaded those days. While she enjoyed the days she was able to sleep in, she had become accustomed to being an early riser, so it didn’t bother her too much.
You, on the other hand, were not an early bird. No one could pay you to be up and out before 10 AM. Well, someone could pay you, but the price had to be right. You only woke up early if you absolutely had to, or if it was beneficial for your well-being.
So, when Melissa's alarm goes off at 6 o’clock sharp every morning, Monday through Friday, you do not appreciate it. At all. As a result, you always tried to keep her in bed for as long as you possibly could.
Your mornings usually went a little something like this: 
She’d wake up and press little kisses to the back of your neck while wrapping her arms tight around your waist. This was her signal to you that she wasn’t fully awake, but she was getting there. Due to this, you knew you had at least a few more minutes left with her. Once her second alarm went off, or her third depending on the day, she’d attempt to untangle her limbs from yours. This would lead you to let out a groan of disapproval. You would muster the energy to hold onto her tighter, in hopes that she’d stay in bed just a little bit longer. “Mmm,” she’d hum at the feeling. “I gotta get up, hon.” She would say in her raspy morning voice. “I know, but you’re so warm.” You’d whine as you tried to nuzzle further into her. “I'm sorry,” she’d say before placing a couple of kisses on your cheek. “Can’t be late.”  She would give you one last squeeze which was followed by her getting out of bed.
You’d lay in bed for a few more minutes while listening to her move around the room as she got ready for the day. Eventually, you would get up by the time she made her way to the kitchen. You’d complete your morning routine while she made her coffee and you usually made it to the kitchen in time before she left. She’d greet you with a hug and a kiss and if you were lucky, you’d be able to sneak a couple sips of her coffee before she noticed (by the way, she definitely noticed, but she never said anything). You always gave each other another hug, a couple kisses, and an exchange of sweet words to get each other through the day before parting ways. Your little ritual always left you feeling overwhelmed with love — in the best way possible, of course. You’d wake up early for her any day of the week. She always made it worth your while.
Lots of Affection
When you first met Melissa, you didn’t suspect that she would be as affectionate as she was. Due to her tough exterior, she often came across as standoffish and impersonal to those who didn’t know her. However, if you took the time to get to know her, you’d see that she was pleasant to be around. She didn’t confide in just anyone, and you had to prove yourself if you wanted to gain her trust. If she trusted you, you were special. You considered yourself extra special because she trusted you enough to let you see her soft side. At first, you were only allowed to catch little glimpses into the sweeter side of her. You knew she wouldn’t shed the hard exterior all at once, but she could only hold out on you for so long. Absolutely nothing compared to her affection, and she surpassed every expectation that you had for her.
In the beginning, she only seemed comfortable with light touches. She would brush her hand against yours whenever you handed something to her, or she’d give you a pat on the back and let her hand rest there for a moment before retreating. To her, there was something special about the intimacy of feeling the weight of a lingering touch, even after it went away. Most of the time, she would catch you off-guard with these gestures. She enjoyed seeing the (not so) subtle ways in which you reacted. It amused her to watch your poor attempts at holding back a smile or pretending you weren’t slightly flustered.
Over time, light touches progressed to more grand gestures like hand-holding, kissing, and cuddling. Holding hands was such a simple form of affection, but you both loved it. She wasn’t a big fan of PDA, but holding hands was an exception. It was a silent way of saying “I’m here” or “I’ve got you”. If she ever got worked up over a situation, you’d reach for her hand because you knew it instantly calmed her. You would intertwine your fingers with hers and it was almost like an automatic reset would occur. She often said she felt like her hands were made to hold yours, and you thought that was the sweetest thing you’d ever heard. 
Cuddling was your personal favorite pastime. There was something truly satisfying about being wrapped up in Melissa’s arms. In your mind, nothing compared to the genuine safety you felt whenever she held you. You were known to snuggle up with her at any given moment, and she would always allow you to seek comfort from her. Initially, Melissa wasn’t too fond of cuddling. Even though she loved physical touch, she always complained that it made her way too hot. That was until she realized how much she enjoyed cuddling with you. She found that her favorite thing to do (especially after a rough day) was to come home and have you curl up in her arms. She loved having you sit with your back to her chest and her chin resting in the curve of your neck, so she could place kisses along your jawline. She would debrief you about the events of her day and no matter how good or bad things had gone, her only focus in those moments was you.
Kissing Melissa was an experience that you could only categorize, for lack of a better term, as magical. She was never hesitant to kiss you, and she didn’t have a preference. It didn’t matter to her if it was a kiss on the lips, your cheek, your neck, your nose, or your entire face. Either way, she was going to give you all the kisses. Your favorite types of kisses were the passionate ones that left you both breathless. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You’d ask with a nervous laugh as you glanced up at her. You could feel her intense gaze on you from all the way across the room. She’d steadily walk over to you and stand impossibly close. So close that you could feel the warmth from every breath she took. So close that you could see every line on her face and every eyelash on her eyes as she peered into yours. Your breath would catch in your throat as her hand came around to rest on the small of your back to close any gaps between the two of you. She’d lean in and brush her lips against yours, not quite touching them together. Just enough to leave you wanting more. “‘Cause I really wanna kiss you right now.” She’d say against your mouth before her lips widened into a smile. “Then kiss me.” You’d say, smiling back at her. Her pillow-soft lips would come into contact with yours, making your eyelids flutter closed. The kiss would be gentle, yet filled with so much passion that it almost made you want to cry.
Pet Names
Melissa was known for dropping the occasional “hon” in casual conversations. That word was naturally part of her dialect, but she used it a little differently when it came to you. You found that her tone was lighter and the look in her eyes was softer whenever she called you cute names. She knew what you liked to be called, and she always knew what to say, and do, to make you feel special.
“Hey, hon.” She’d say as she greeted you in the evenings after work. She would envelop you in a hug and speak the words softly into your ear.  “Thank you, sweetheart.” Was her reply when you complimented her hair and makeup or her outfit. Your words would leave her with a smile that reached her eyes and in return, she would cup her hand against your cheek and give you a kiss. “What’s the matter, gorgeous?” The question would hang in the air for a few moments as you tried to string an answer together. You’d look up to find her already gazing at you intently with her chin resting in her palms. Green eyes staring back at yours saying every emotion her mouth wasn’t. She’d bring one of her hands down and reach out to grab yours. You’d meet her halfway and once she grasped you, she would glide her thumb across the back of your hand and give you a light squeeze letting you know your feelings were safe with her.
Next Chapter
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rhodesrider · 6 months
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Gone (Pt.2)
Yandere!Cody R. x Black! Fem! Reader
Warning: Once again Minors DNI / 18+ Only, Murder, Unhealthy Obsessions, blood, weapons, psychological horror themes, mentions of cheating, mentions of sexual behavior
“Cody I’m ok you don’t have to give me your jacket.” Y/N sighed as she walked along the strip malls with Cody, who was smiling holding her shopping bags. “I have to, I don’t want you catching a cold princess.” He said warmly and kissed her forehead as they continued to walk along, it’s been months since the disappearance of her ex. No trace of where he could possibly be. The police were cold on the trail and he had no immediate family to contact to see if he ran off back to his home town. There was also another disappearance as well, a 24 year old women was missing for quite some time and her family was very worried. They were doing Search teams for months looking for anything but the trail went cold as well. But her mother, her mother didn’t wanna give up. Across the way of where Cody parked his car, an elderly woman around 58, was parked and watching. Drinking some water and just shedding tears. She knew that Cody was the last person to see her daughter. And she had a bad feeling about him just by his smile. “What are you hiding?…” she sighed and she saw Y/N getting kisses and love like nothing happened. “Isn’t that….” She got her phone pulling up a video of an old news episode from few months back, her pleading for people to help find her boyfriend. And her eyes widened in fear, seeing Cody right behind her holding her hand in support. Does that girl have something to do with her Daughter disappearing?
She saw that they drove off and she started her car fast following behind them having a low profile. “I don’t know who you were to my Stacy. But I will find out where she is…” she shed more tears remembering her daughter’s smile. And continued her stakeout.
Y/N and Cody pulled up to her home and she just smiled the whole time. Looking in Cody’s sweet eyes, “You’ve been nothing but so sweet and kind Cody. Thank you so much.” Y/N said holding Cody’s hands. “I’d do anything for you Y/N please remember that.” He said and brought her in for a hug. Taking in her sweet smell. “I’ll text you in the morning is that ok?” She nodded and she kissed him on the lips softly. Cody’s cheeks were red, his body shook in excitement, he wanted her so badly. But he had to be patient. He knows that she’s right where he wants her. She pulled away and smiled walking out the car and closing the door waving bye and getting her keys out. Cody was a reck, this is all he dreamed of ever since he saw her. Ever since he got rid of that obstacle, it’s all been heading into pure manifestations of what he wants his life to be. For Y/N to be his little wife. No matter the cost. He rolled off some time later making sure she got in the house and the car that Stacy’s mom was in parked and she went to her door knocking and looking around. Y/N heard the door and out of a robe as she was about to head to bed, walking to the door and opening it till the chain lock stopped the door. “Yes?” The mother was scared to speak but sighed getting out her phone and showing her Stacy. Shedding tears, sobbing some, “Please I know you don’t know me, and I don’t know who you are to that man, but he was last seen with my Stacy. She’s gone and I need help finding her.” Y/N paid attention to the picture seeing the woman. Her smile so sweet, just like hers. “…why have I seen her before…” Y/N swore that she’s seen Stacy in a snap before with her ex, saying they were only friends. “I don’t know her ma’am-“ “Please don’t lie to me. He knows her.” She was implying Cody. But Y/N thought she meant Mike, her ex that was still missing. “Ma’am please you look tired. Come in I have some coffee.” She hesitated but she wanted out the cool breeze and went in.
There was silence for a while and Y/N sighed irritated. “She was seeing mark for almost half a year…” The mother nodded. “I met him, he brought me flowers and he took her on a date. Rushed her some saying that he had work in the morning.” Y/N sucked her teeth, “He had an Afternoon job.” The silence was there again. “Look I’m sorry that he cheated on you, but I need to find my daughter. And that other man, with blonder hair you were with tonight he was with her as well.” “Ma’am Cody doesn’t know Stacy-“ “How do you know?” She said low. “Because he would have told me if he was…he was with someone…” she felt cold and stupid. A high chance that this girl messed with her ex and Cody were dangling in front of her. “I’m sorry your ex did that to you but I need to find my daughter. Do you have is phone or-“. “I don’t have anything. He just up and left one day. All I have from him is this stupid fucking note.” She said in anger throwing the neatly folded piece of paper on the counter. Y/N sighed and shed tears, was Cody lying as well? Hiding that he was with the same woman that was with her ex?
Cody stared at the screen, tapping his foot just watching the camera as it picked up the conversation of Stacy’s mother and Y/N. He was heated. Seeing in that kitchen, tears falling from Y/N, made him red. “Princess please don’t cry. I’m so sorry…” he muttered over and over again. As he continued to mutter he pulled out a gun from his drawer at the desk angry at himself of what he has done just to get info and get back at her ex mark. He gritted his teeth and pointed the gun at the corner, in that corner was a tired wounded but still alive Stacy. She could barely see from her swollen eyes that he was pointing a gun at her. All she did was cry. “Shut up!” He ceased his mumbling screaming at her getting up, “You did this. You started this shit. I’ve seen the text I’ve seen how evil you are towards her. You deserve everything that I’ve done to you!” He continued to yell. He was drowning in his own anger, he threw his chair in the corner with Stacy and she whined in pain. He glanced at the computer again, his eyes softened as he saw her mother comfort Y/N. “I’m so sorry baby. I won’t do it again. I promise. I just want you happy princess.” And with no warning. Two shots were fired. His anger subsided. He controlled her breathing and tears fell. “She’s gone. The woman who ruined your life baby is gone. I’m so sorry.” He said and looked at the lifeless body. “Baby imma go clean up. And I’ll text you in the morning like I promised.” It’s like he’s talking to himself but really he’s playing back her words in his head. Her sweet comments and replies help him relax and he needs to hear them. No matter what. He went to get rid of the body dragging it to the basement, a cold look in his eye and no words. Mark was still alive, looking up and seeing the lifeless body. He knew it was Stacy. “You shed a tear for this bitch and I will slit your throat and watch the blood seep out.” He hissed. Mark kept his head down terrified. “You had the most perfect woman in the world, and you fucked her? You don’t deserve to live.” Mark could feel cold steel on the back of his head, pissing himself. “Pathetic.” Cody said and pistol whipped him back into unconsciousness.
“She’s gonna be mine.”
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luchicm04 · 17 days
Sinking in the Metkayina - chapter 2
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Summary: Tonowari is obsessed. The atmosphere is completely opposite to the first chapter. For those who want to preserve the impressions from Chapter 1, I recommend not reading.
Pairing: Tonowari/Omatikaya!Fem Reader
Tag: #sinking in the metkayina fic
posted on ao3
Word count: +6k
All characters belong to Avatar, and all rights are reserved to the original work whose author allowed me to translate it.
Overall warnings: hurt/comfort, fluff, obsessive behavior⚠️
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“Hey!!! Excuse me, are you part of the Omatikaya?”
“No. I’m from the Tawkami clan.”
“Well, can you stop by the Omatikaya then?”
“It is on the way, but…”
“Thank goodness...! Please, tell the Olo’eyktan of the Omatikaya that (Y/n) is alive and is now living with the Metkayina!”
Because she was happily living with Tonowari, she hadn’t thought about Jake or the humans who probably considered her dead… When she first got to the island, the human knew she would be rejected if she asked to pass on the news, and after that, she was busy collecting research samples in the ocean that she loved, so she forgot about it…
‘How could I forget just like that?’
Back at the base, she’ll have access to the conveniences and familiarity of civilization and research equipment.
After living for so long in tribal society using only the things permitted, she was so happy thinking about going back… She could examine the things she had collected there under a microscope and run them through all sorts of testing machines!!
Of course, there was the issue of the relationship with Tonowari, but she thought that she could just give him communication devices and talk to him every day. She thought that she would stay at the base for a while, and then move the necessary things and go back and forth between the Omatikaya and Metkayina.
(Y/n) believed that Tonowari would understand all of that.
Because he was an understanding man.
The human helicopter arrived earlier than expected; the Tawkami Na’vi must have quickly delivered the message.
(Y/n) barely managed to stop the tribesmen from attacking it, agitated by the landing of an unfamiliar mechanism, and shouted in joy at the man who had gotten off of it.
“(Y/n)! You’re alive!”
“You’re not getting rid of me that easily. It’s been so long...”
As soon as Ralph stepped on the sand, he ran to hug his colleague who he thought had passed away and cried tears of happiness. (Y/n), who was hugging him back, also shed tears. After being shipwrecked and lost for months, only then did she realize she had made it. She had survived.
“Have you been here this whole time?”
“Yeah, I forgot to try and contact you… Sorry.”
“It’s okay, I’m just grateful that you did now. Come on, let’s go back.”
The girl felt as if she had been slapped back to reality. “Huh?”
“Everyone’s waiting. Is your drinking capacity still intact?”
“Of course! ...Um, but…”
She hadn’t finished organizing everything yet. She hadn’t even said goodbye yet… But before she could utter a single word, a hand roughly pulled (Y/n), who had stayed still hesitantly, away from Ralph.
Tonowari spoke with a severe face, holding (Y/n)’s arm so tightly she almost fell on her knees. “What do you mean go back?” he questioned, having managed to overhear their conversation and remembering the few English words he had learned through the girl.
“Oh, right… I see you. My name is Ralph. I’m (Y/n)’s workmate.”
“I asked what did you mean with ‘go back’.”
“We are currently on war against our enemies alongside the Omatikaya. Didn’t (Y/n) say that she came from there?” Ralph explained, a bit cautiously.
“It doesn’t matter. The Metkayina is with whom (Y/n) is staying right now, and she won’t be going back.”
(Y/n) looked up at him in surprise. “Tonowari, what are you talking about…! Ralph, I’m sorry, I haven’t talked to the Na’vis here yet...”
“If we talk about this, will anything change?” The man continued to gaze intently at her.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you in advance, but… all my foundations are in the forest; I have to go back.”
“Are you leaving me?”
Ralph, sensing something was wrong judging by Tonowari’s frighteningly hardened expression, looked at (Y/n) with a face that demanded an explanation.
“I think you’re too worked up, let’s go inside and talk. Ralph, I’m sorry, but I can’t go back today. Can you return in three days?”
“Don’t come. She won’t leave.”
“Tonowari…! I’ll explain properly, Ralph, just go!”
“(Y/n), are you alright?”
“Yes, just go now!”
The human male got back on the helicopter, seeing that something was seriously wrong with his friend but couldn’t do anything about it. All he could do was shout, “I’ll be back in three days!”
When (Y/n) saw the helicopter take off, she looked around. Even though they didn’t know the details of the what was discussed, the observing people could tell that the human girl had been about to leave, and the young Na’vis were looking at her with hurt eyes.
“Guys, I didn’t mean to leave just like th- Ow! Tonowari…!”
While normally his heart would tremble even when (Y/n) pretended to be sick, the chief gripper her arm, almost dragging her and headed towards their shared marui.
“You need to explain yourself.”
“It hurts…!”
As soon as they arrived, Tonowari threw her arm away and spoke.
“Now tell me, what did you plan on doing?”
“This is a misunderstanding, Tonowari… It wasn’t my intention to leave you all like that.”
“How can I believe you?” he asked more softly with a deep voice.
“I was just planning to go back and rest for a bit, then come back and spend some time going back and forth between the two locations.”
“Without saying a word to anyone?”
“Tonowari, listen. I was going to go and come back, really.”
“I already asked, how can I believe you?”
“...Believe it or not, I’m going. Ralph is coming back in three days.”
Tonowari’s face, devoid of a single smile, was eerily frozen. “You’re going with that man? Leaving me behind?”
(Y/n) was starting to get a little scared. However, she thought it was a process that they had to go through anyway, so she continued to speak firmly.
“Ralph is just a co-worker. He’s just like any of my collagues.”
“...Ha. There are other men too?”
“What the hell does that have to do with…?”
“Alright, that’s the end of the story. You will stay here, and tell your ‘colleagues’ the same thing.”
“Do not test my patience any longer.”
‘Well, what if I try it, huh?’
At this point, (Y/n) was pissed. She had explained it several times; why didn’t he listen? Didn’t she say she’d be coming back?? The girl sat down and started packing her things as if she was protesting.
“(Y/n),” he uttered her name in a chilling tone.
“I don’t want to talk right now.”
“(Y/n), I warned you.”
“Well then, what are you going to do?” she asked challengingly without turning back or stopping what she was doing.
Tonowari, who had been quietly looking down at (Y/n) with his mouth shut, roughly grabbed her arm and pulled her up… and threw her over his shoulder.
In an instant, her eye level rose to nearly 3 meters, and Tonowari headed towards the sea without even caring whether his hold was being harsh or not.
“Where are you going? Let go of me! Tonowari!”
As soon as he jumped into the sea with his head held high, (Y/n) froze when she saw his Skimwing approaching him as if it had been waiting for him. They were usually dangerous and she wasn’t even allowed to go near one, so it made no sense to put her in such a dangerous position. Regardless, Tonowari, who had gotten used to her trashing and made Tsaheylu with it, crossed through the water and headed somewhere unknown to her.
The place he took (Y/n), who was frightened and with no further intention of rebelling further, was… a small rocky island with rough waves crashing against it.
Tonowari reached the coastal cave there and laid (Y/n) down, exhausted from hear.
“This place has strong currents and brutal waves. You can’t possibly get close unless you have a Tsurak. Of course, you can’t get out of it either.”
“Are you out of your mind?!”
“There is a freshwater lake, so you will have a place to drink and wash. I will bring you food.”
“Tonowari! Are you hearing yourself right now?”
“I shall come twice a day.”
(Y/n), who was grasping for breath on the cave floor, suddenly got up and tried to fight against Tonowari, but she was easily subdued… The girl felt so wronged that she almost cried. She tried to escape from Tonowari’s hands and yelled almost in tears.
“W-why? Why are you doing this to me?”
“Because you are my mate.”
Tonowari’s eyes possessed an unreadable light as he said those words, and (Y/n) felt at a loss for words.
“I’ll be back in the evening, so cool your head and rest.”
The man let go of her arm and walked back to the beach, then rode off on his Skimwing without looking back.
Only a dazed (Y/n) remained on the rocky island.
(Y/n), who was crouching blankly in the cave, didn’t even know how much time had passed. All she could perceive was the wind blowing, the waves crashing, and the sky getting dark.
When Tonowari arrived, it was evening, as anticipated, with the sun setting.
He put down some fruits and other foods that (Y/n) liked and usually ate, and spoke, “I brought you something to eat.”
“I won’t.”
“You must in order to survive.”
“Then let me go.”
“That is not possible.”
(Y/n) chuckled.
“You won’t let me go back, you dragged me here and you confined me. What’s next?”
“Please, at least eat something.”
“And if I don’t? Will you force me?”
“No. I would never use violence on you.”
“You know, that’s really funny… I’m not eating, so take the food back. Or throw it away.”
After saying those words, Tonowari stared at (Y/n) with his mouth shot for a long time. He picked up a fruit, took a bite, and came closer. (Y/n) noticed what he was trying to do and struck his cheek with all her might, but his neck didn’t even turn… It looked like he was going to kiss her.
Blood was flowing from Tonowari’s mouth after their lips were glued together for a few seconds and then pulled away… The girl had bit his lip.
His finger touched his bruised lip and he looked at it with slight anger. “Nothing good will come from this.”
“If you know it won’t get any better, why are you doing this?”
“You don’t understand.”
“If it was going to be like this, why did you treat me so well?”
“Why did you make the people think you are a good mate, a good Na’vi?!”
Tears fell from (Y/n)’s eyes. Betrayal, sadness and resentment was all she could feel, but also a little bit of a desire to still believe… a faint hope that if she told him, he would listen.
“It’s not too late. Let me go.”
“...I love you.”
“Take me back, please...”
“I love you.”
“Please, don’t let me hate you…”
Tonowari just hugged her without even wiping the blood flowing from his mouth. (Y/n) was crying in hopelessness in his arms and beating his chest, asking how this could be called love… The hand that stroke (Y/n)’s back was as affectionate as ever, and that made (Y/n) fall into despair even more.
Tonowari came to see (Y/n) twice a day, as promised. Each time, the human didn’t open her mouth nor looked at him, but he paid no attention to it and continued to talk about the day’s events as if nothing had happened.
“Today I helped the children ride an Ilu for the first time. It made me happy… reminded me of my memories with you. I hope we get to do that soon.”
“The whole village is busy because it’s clam digging season.”
“The Tulkuns have created a new song and it’s so beautiful. I wish to listen to it together later...”
Every time the word ‘together’ came out, (Y/n) would snicker in amazement. It had been only a few days that they did everything together, but now it was a word that felt so distant.
On the sixth day that Tonowari came, the girl had a gut feeling that he had met Ralph again when she saw his mouth clenched even tighter than usual.
“That man came. I told him to go back because you wouldn’t be leaving.”
“...Are you satisfied now?”
“He said he’d be back again to keep looking for you. I can’t be at peace until then.”
“When will it be enough for you?”
“Until you become my mate completely.”
“Then, you’re screwed; you’ll never be satisfied in your life.”
“Don’t say that.”
“I used to be your mate, you know? You were the one who doubted me and ruined things.”
“That happened when you tried to leave without saying a word.”
“...Okay, talking any further will get us nowhere.”
Tonowari looked at (Y/n)’s back, who had turned around as if there was no point in arguing any longer, with eyes full of all kinds of emotions.
(Y/n) felt those gazes but ignored them and bit her lips tightly… She had no idea where it went wrong and whether they could turn this relationship around.
‘I wonder if I’ll ever get out of here…’
The girl didn’t bother to keep track of the number of days that passed from then on. She didn’t even count the amount of times Tonowari would visit her without fail, because she feared she’d go crazy if she realized she had been locked away alone that much time.
As always, the Na’vi got up, whispering his unanswered love and spoke caressing her face, which had become pale due to not eating properly (although much of what she ate, she had thrown up). “I’ll be leaving now for today. I shall be back tomorrow morning, so make sure you eat something before then.”
“I love you.”
(Y/n), as always, sat still without seeing him off. Soon, she heard the Skimwing’s wings flapping, meaning she had been left alone again.
‘How long has it been…’
As she stood blankly for a long time, (Y/n) realized that the sound could be heard once more, although faintly.
‘He said he’d come in the morning… Why is he back again?’
The human was not happy either way, so she sat there with her back to the sea.
“(Y/n), (Y/n)! Are you there?!”
Until she heard a woman’s voice.
It was the Tsahìk of the Maetkayina.
As soon as she heard that voice, (Y/n) jumped up and ran out.
‘Please, please…’
It was Maunan, who jumped down after her Skimwing landed. When she saw the taller woman’s face, (Y/n) burst into tears and cried loudly.
“Eywa… Have you been here the whole time?”
“Yes, here… c-continuously… ugh...”
“The people were very worried.”
Maunan, seeing her haggard complexion, wiped her tears and did her best to comfort her.
“How did it come to this…?”
“Y-you came to save me? Can I leave now?”
The Na’vi looked at her pitifully, imagining how strong her desire was to be back at her home in the jungle. “No, not yet. There’s a limit to how far you can go with a Skimwing. There is an Ikran rider who is leaving for the forest soon. I’ll tell him to spread the news about what happened, so hold on here for three days.”
“Three days...”
“I believe three days will be enough for the Sky People to hear about it and come back. Is that alright with you?”
“Yes, I can handle it… Thank you… Thank you…”
“No need for that. It’s my fault for not stopping the situation in time.”
After soothing (Y/n), who was sobbing in relief that she would finally escape, Maunan said that she would be going and advised her not let herself be caught by Tonowari. Only after seeing the human nodding with a tearful face did she take off on her mount.
(Y/n) was left alone on the rocky island again, but she was no longer distressed.
‘Three days… I must hold out until then.’
(Y/n) started putting into her mouth the food that Tonowari had left behind, which she had never even looked at unless she was really close to dying… Up until then, she had not experienced any flavor when she ate, but for the first time in weeks since she had been trapped there, she could taste the sweetness of the fruit. After gulping down the water, she felt much more energetic.
The next morning, Tonowari, who brought food as usual, saw for the first time that (Y/n) had emptied the food.
“Will you be eating now?”
“Good. I was worried about you…” Tonowari said caressing her cheek, whose complexion had improved. And, again, for the first time, (Y/n) did not slap his hand away.
How long had it been since (Y/n) accepted Tonowari’s touch instead of rejecting it…? The man felt as if the two of them had gone back to how it used to be in the past, even if it was only for a moment. At that time, everything was happiness. (Y/n) loved him as if she would stay by his side forever, and with that alone, Tonowari felt like he had the whole world.
And now… although it had gotten better, he could still see her gaunt face and listless appearance. Tonowari suddenly felt a surge of emotion… How had it ended up like this? ...He had been happier than anyone else, but the feeling of having ruined it with his own hands struck his hands.
“...I’ll be going now.”
In the end, Tonowari couldn’t stay long that day and ran away from the rocky island… (Y/n) still didn’t see him off, but she watched his back as he rode off on his Skimwing for a long time.
Two days left
The next day, (Y/n) ate all the food Tonowari had brought, and some color returned to her pale face. After finishing all the clams that she especially liked, he was once again caught up in that inexplicable feeling as he watched (Y/n) resting as if she was full.
The girl blushed and said, “If you grill the clams next time, let’s eat them together.”
He vividly remembered (Y/n)’s first day of class, when he had felt sorry for her and had tried so hard to help her out due to her not even being able to open the clams.
Now that he thought about it, Tonowari may have started paying special attention to (Y/n) since that moment. Did he know back then that this would happen? If he had known… would he still have opened that clam?
Tonowari was overcome with all sorts of emotions as he looked at (Y/n)’s body, which had always been small, but now it somehow seemed even smaller… He remembered the memory of him hugging her small frame, kissing her and smiling. He also remembered the face that pretended not to have anything going on with him and kissed him briefly when no one was looking, and the voice that whispered that she loved him.
He felt like he had ruined it all.
Looking at (Y/n)’s expressionless face, Tonowari asked impulsively, “Can I hug you just this once?”
The human turned her head at those words and stared at him for a while without saying anything before answering quietly.
As always, Tonowari lowered his body, met her gaze, and hugged her affectionately. (Y/n) did not avoid him.
One day left
Tonowari, who had left the rocky island as if he was running away that day, recalled the fond feelings and memories that had welled up the moment he hugged (Y/n). Those whirlwind emotions didn’t go away even after lying down on the floor of his marui, so he couldn’t fall asleep and kept tossing and turning. The nights he had spent with (Y/n) were not like that at all.
Her body would lie down and fit perfectly into his arms, whispering “Good night, Tonowari.” and she’d finally close her eyes. When he opened his eyes in the morning, (Y/n)’s round eyes and the mischievous voice that teased him for being sleepy would be the first thing he’d see.
It was Tonowari who ruined it all.
Not (Y/n).
Tonowari got up and washed his face dry, going over his mother’s words on his head.
“Tomorrow, bring (Y/n) back and… apologize.”
He couldn’t help it.
Because Tonowari loved (Y/n) too much to give up her affectionate whispers and touches.
The third day came and (Y/n) opened her eyes. Even though it was just dawn, the girl was biting her fingernails nervously… She sat down and swayed her legs, then jumped up and ran to the beach, narrowing her eyes and searching the distant sky.
He’d come… He said he would… He had to get her out of there.
Before Tonowari arrived…
How long did she wait like that…? Who knows, because soon enough, she started hearing the familiar sound of a propeller from afar.
It was a helicopter! It was there to pick her up!
(Y/n) was so happy that she jumped up and down in place, screaming “H-here! I’m over here!!”
“(Y/n)! Oh my god, are you okay?!”
“Ralph…! Oh, God, thank you…”
Her eyes welled up with tears as she heard the English words… Ralph’s expression of shock at her appearance, which seemed to have almost lost half its life, was vivid.
“Let’s go. Quickly, we have to leave before that crazy guy gets here!”
The island was too small and uneven for a helicopter to land on, so Ralph reached out from the cabin of the vehicle that was a short distance from the ground. Right when she was about to grab his hand, (Y/n) hesitated for a moment.
‘If I leave now… it will be the end of me with Tonowari. Our relationship will be over, just like that.’
Despite all that catastrophe, the thought of it made the blood drain from her fingertips.
“Ralph, I…”
The sound of a Skimwing’s wings flapping was heard along with that scream.
As soon as he had seen the Sky People’s machine that he had already witnessed once, Tonowari understood the situation flew towards them at a fast speed, his face turning pale.
“(Y/n), I was wrong! Please, please don’t leave!”
A desperate cry… Tonowari was pleading, yelling as if pouring out everything inside him.
“Shit, he’s already here… Get in, (Y/n)!”
“I… Wait, I...”
“If we wait any longer, it’ll be too late!”
The man grabbed (Y/n)’s hesitating hand and pulled with all his might, and (Y/n) was put on the chopper’s back. It would have been right to leave without even looking back, but the girl couldn’t take her eyes off Tonowari even after getting on the helicopter.
“(Y/n), please, please…!! I was wrong, please! Please, just stay…!!”
The pilot, after confirming that his companion was safely on board, took off straight upward. Their ride, which had risen to a point beyond the reach of the Skimwing, took off towards the forest at an incomparable speed.
Leaving behind Tonowari’s desperate cries.
Ralph looked anxiously at the strangely quiet (Y/n) behind him after having saved her in the nick of time while they headed back to the jungle.
“Are… are you alright?”
“...Yeah, I’m fine. Thank you for saving me.”
This was the right thing.
It was right to cut off that kind of relationship.
For Tonowari’s sake, and for hers.
(Y/n) kept looking back without saying a word… After flying like that for a few hours, when they arrived at the forest, the humans who had been waiting hugged her and welcomed her with tears in their eyes.
“(Y/n)! God, look at your face…! Are you okay?”
“We’re so sorry, we should have looked for you more...”
“Get in, quickly. You need to eat something warm and rest.”
She went inside and drank warm coca with marshmallows floating on top for an unknown amount of time, and then went through a health checkup just in case. Except for a slight malnutrition caused by skipping meals, everything was fine, so her colleagues breathed out a sigh of relief.
“The body is not the problem, it’s the mind...”
“Shh, be quiet.”
“Why? Did I say something wrong?”
“Just… pay attention…!”
It was already known by everyone that she had been in a relationship with Tonowari, as it had been declared by Maunan… and being imprisoned by such a lover was not an experience that could be easily overlooked. Since none of the remaining humans had majored in counseling or anything like that, they all just gave her their best wishes and let her rest in peace.
(Y/n) came into her room, saying she wanted to be alone, and swept the desk she had not seen in a long time with her hand. There was no dust, as if it had been cleaned in advance. She still didn’t feel like she was back.
The girl laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling. The mattress was soft, fluffy and comfortable; unrivalled to the hammock or floor of the open-plan marui. Suddenly, as she was just laying there, she felt that the bed was too cold. Was it because there was no large body that hugged her warmly? Although she had slept alone the whole time she had been on that island, the empty space felt alien, as if they he had been with her the day before.
‘No, Tonowari is a bad man who pressured me, trapped me on that island, and then shamelessly forced me not to leave.
Whether he was kind or not.
Whether he gave me a warm hug or not.
Whether he whispered that he loved me or not.’
(Y/n) knew it was nonsense, but… she wanted to see Tonowari.
She hated it so much, but was it because she realized she could never see him again? Memories of Tonowari continued to come to her mind without stopping. When he first gave her a ride, when he made her a necklace out of pretty conch shells, when he made her laugh with the kids and told her stories about shells… All her good memories were with Tonowari.
That night, the only thing that could be heard from (Y/n)’s room was the sound of sobbing and crying nonstop.
Meanwhile, the humans were not over their worries… because… Tonowari knew that (Y/n) was residing with the Omatikaya and even more so, he was the Olo’eyktan of a clan… Jake had to maintain the best possible relationship with the other tribes or, in the worst-case scenario, there would be an armed conflict.
Her friends asked Jake what he was going to do, and the former avatar decided to stick to his stance of protecting (Y/n).
“If it weren’t for (Y/n) during the war, half of us would have died. (Y/n) is like you, a member of my tribe. I survived and became the leader, but I won’t abandon my people like old shoes. Instead, we should avoid conflict as much as possible… and we should also prevent (Y/n) and Tonowari from seeing each other.”
He thought everything would be okay once the war was over, but he put his hand on his forehead, troubled by another matter.
“That Olo’eyktan… should be here by now?”
“It’s a matter of time.”
“...Even if he does something, don’t tell (Y/n).”
“Of course.”
Jake was half prepared for war, half prepared for diplomacy. He’d go with other Na’vis armed with weapons and try his best to avoid conflict, but if things went unexpectedly… While tension hung over the entire base, (Y/n) just cried in her room or slept like she was dead. She didn’t want to do anything else; she didn’t have the energy for it.
Unfortunately for the humans, time flew by… and finally, a radio message came from a tribesman who was scouting on an Ikran.
“A sea Na’vi has been spotted. He is believed to be the Olo’eyktan of the Metkayina, riding a Pa’li.”
“Hmm… How many people are with him?”
“That’s… the strange thing.”
“He is alone.”
Alone? The humans who heard the radio were muttering. So, that meant he didn’t plan on using force, right? That was good… Nevertheless, why come alone? What was he thinking?
“Ha… I’ll go over there and talk to him first; don’t let (Y/n) know. It’s best if you distract her so she can’t come out at all.”
“Should be easy enough. She just cries in her room and doesn’t go out anyway.”
“I see you, Tonowari.”
“I see you, JakeSully.”
Jake’s palms were slightly sweaty as he faced Tonowari. The Na’vi, who was nearly 3 meters tall and had a body that would make it difficult to predict the outcome if they fought, was looking down at him.
“I will not take much of your time. Allow me to talk to (Y/n).”
“That won’t be possible. You know why.”
“I’m not here to do any harm. I just want to talk, that’s all.”
“(Y/n) won’t want to see you.”
“...I know.”
“Then you know why I have no choice but to refuse your request.”
“Just let me talk to her. The consequences will be on me.”
“...Jane? What are you doing at the door?”
“Huh? Oh, I… I was just looking at something.”
“I’m going out. Can you please step aside?”
“E-eh? Ahaha… Shouldn’t you sleep a little more?”
“No, I already slept for some time… I wanted to go get some fresh air.”
“The weather outside is not that great today~ Just stay in your room!”
“…? It seemed okay when I looked through the window?”
“It’s hot and humid and not pleasant...!”
The girl stared oddly at her colleague.
“What’s wrong? It looks as if you’re trying to keep me from going out.”
“Huh? O-oh, uh… No~ No, it’s just that...”
“Is there any reason why I shouldn’t go out?”
“W-what? Of course not, why would there be? Ahaha~”
“Is Tonowari here?”
It was something like an intuition that even (Y/n) couldn’t explain. An instinctive inkling that Tonowari had come to see here.
“Eh? What… What are you talking about? Why would that Na’vi be here?”
“Tonowari is here, isn’t here?”
“That’s not it- (Y/n)! (Y/n), where are you going, (Y/n)!!”
She pushed past Jane and hurried down the hallway. While she was running, (Y/n) felt several hands trying to get a hold of her saying “Hey! Grab her! Don’t let her out!”. She didn’t know where the strength came from, but she shook the all off and pushed the door open with all her might and got out.
She squinted for a moment under the dazzling sunlight, then opened her eyes and looked at the spot where Tonowari was standing still. Jake made a face of defeat and gestured to his friends next to him.
“Take her back in, hurry!”
“No, let me talk to him.”
“It was me who got tied up in this mess, so it’s me who has to do it, not you.”
“...I’ll be watching from the side, just in case.”
“Thanks, Jake.”
And so, (Y/n) stood in front of Tonowari for the first time in a long time.
“Long time no see, Tonowari.”
“...I have a lot to say.”
“Try me.”
The man fell to his knees. Jake looked back and forth between them in confusion.
“...I’m sorry. It was all my fault, and I dare not ask for forgiveness. I… I apologize for everything.”
“What do you want?”
“Just let me stay by your side.”
“Are you asking me to go back?”
“No, I shall stay with you.”
“...You’re going to stay in the forest?”
“If you permit me.”
“You- you are Olo’eyktan.”
“I’ll leave everything behind. The sea has no meaning to em without you.”
(Y/n) bit her lip and looked at Tonowari.
“If that’s the case, why did you do it?”
“I’m sorry.”
“Do you know how brazen you’re being right now?”
“It’s all my fault.”
“After locking me up, you think you can fix everything with a few words?”
“The morning you left, I was going to give up everything and take you out.”
“Are you expecting me to believe that?”
“You don’t have to believe it, just… know that it’s the truth.”
“...What are you going to do from now on?”
“I will atone for my sins by your side. You don’t have to love me, and you can hit me if you wish.”
“You want me to stay by your side? Even in the end, you only think about your own good.”
“...I’m sorry.”
The human looked at the sky for a moment. It was as clear as the day (Y/n) escaped from the island, and there before her was her captor kneeling, waiting for his punishment.
What did she want to do? The woman shut her mouth and stared at Tonowari.
‘Kiss me. Give it a try first and then decide.’
“(Y/n), are you sure about this? Really sure?”
“I told you, I really am. And don’t you remember what my major is? It makes it more convenient to love by the sea.”
“If it was going to end up like this… why did we make such a fuss about it?”
“If anything happens, be sure to contact me, okay? Charge your communication equipment frequently, and hide it somewhere Tonowari doesn’t know about.”
“Ralph will come to see me anyway. It’s okay.”
(Y/n)’s colleagues were worried about her as she prepared to leave with a bundle of luggage loaded onto the helicopter. She tried to reassure them one by one, as she didn’t want them to be so concerned. However, a large, distracting sea Na’vi kept hovering around her, unable to sit still.
“Just come and hold my hand. Don’t worry about what others think.”
They all must have been glaring at Tonowari, who they didn’t and couldn’t trust. Ralph, who had decided to go to the Metkayina regularly to check on her while delivering goods, said “I’ll keep a close eye on her.”
“Don’t worry, I’m going to be fine.”
“Yeah, that didn’t turn out so well last time,” he said and then prepared for takeoff as soon as Tonowari got into the helicopter.
The Na’vi silently held (Y/n)’s hand, who was sitting next to him, and then carefully brought it to his mouth with anxious eyes, as if he was about to press his lips against it. (Y/n) just smiled while looking at him.
After taking them to the reef clan, unpacking her luggage and reassuring Ralph, who kept gazing at Tonowari with a distrustful look, he spoke one last time with her alone.
“Even if nothing happens, please contact me every day, okay?”
(Y/n) sat down comfortably, but Tonowari couldn’t help but fidget and look around.
“Sit down, this is your home.”
“...Our home.”
She looked around the marui… It felt strange, because nothing had really changed since then.
“I brought some decorations, so I’ll put it over there.”
“Do whatever you want.”
“I’ll keep the experimental equipment here. Don’t touch it.”
“I understand.”
While she unpacked, (Y/n) suddenly let out a deep breath. Tonowari seemed to hesitate before asking.
“Do you regret it?”
“I regret many things… but I don’t regret being by your side.”
“That’s fine, then.”
When she approached Tonowari and opened her arms as if asking for a hug, he wavered for a moment and then embraced her in a familiar way.
“Listen to me carefully. If you do something like that in the future, I really won’t ever forgive you.”
“That will never happen again.”
“And be sure to thank Maunan. She saved me.”
“Of course.”
Only then did (Y/n) actually hug Tonowari’s neck and gave him a light kiss.
“Now, let’s get back to bedecking our home.”
“...Yes, our home.”
(Y/n) acted awkward for a while and didn’t express their love as freely as before. The experience had clearly left scars, and (Y/n) sometimes woke up from her sleep and looked around to see if she was back on that rocky island. Each time, she was comforted by the warmth that embraced her and gave her solace.
(Y/n) thought that was enough.
Tumblr media
Normal – Na'vi
Italics – English
Vocabulary list: olo’eyktan (clan leader), marui (pods built in the giant mangrove-like trees alongside the shores and are protected from crashing waves by giant reef barriers), tsaheylu (bond, neural connection), tsurak (skimwing), tsahìk (head shaman, high priest, interpreter), ikran (mountain banshee), pa’li (direhorse)
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violetwitch12087 · 1 year
Could you do the evans reacting to finding out that your pregnant with their child 🤭🤭
The evans reaction to finding out you're pregnant and its theres
Evan Peters
*you tell him*
IMMEDIATE happiness
Hes shocked and then when you tell him fr a big smile comes across his face and he engulfs you into a hug
Would prob shed some tears or a lot
Kisses you so passionately
Holds you in his arms for HOURS
Tells his parents how happy he is
"evan uhm im pregnant" "wait youre serious?" *Nod* "OMG baby im so happy"
Tate Langdon
Straight panic
Scared he made the anti christ again
Sad because it killed you
You have to comfort him but he just cries and tells you how sorry he is
Honestly maybe would avoid you for a bit bc he hates himself and when he sees you he remembers what he did
After a while when you die and stuff he'll be there for you while you die holding your hand crying and kissing your knuckles
Yall would be fine after but until the apocalypse happens👍
"tate im- im pregnant" "w-what? I- im so sorry its all my fault"
Kit Walka (ik its walker i jst love the way he says it)
Would look down at the test and smile and hug you
"we're gonna have a third little baby here?"
Honestly really, really happy
Kisses you and hugs you swaying side to side
Later on would listen to his favorite music and dance with you before kissing you and putting his hands on your belly
"kit im pregnant" "what?" *Sees test* *big ole smile* "we're gonna have a third little one running around here?" *Nod*
Kyle Spencer (pre death)
Honestly a little concerned/considering it because hes in college and still lives with his mom
Would make it your choice if you want to keep it but if you do we would be there every single step and moment of the way
Honestly after a while of thinking would be so happy to have a little you guys running around
After thinking and accepting it and loving it he would apologize for even considering it and would kiss you and hold you
"kyle i know we're young but i- im pregnant" "wait really?" *Sees test* "i- i dont know what to say i mean i love you i really do and you know that but we're young but if you want to keep it ill be here no matter what baby"
*later on after thinking* "baby im so sorry for everything i said i wanna have a baby with you ive never been happier please forgive me, im so excited to have this journey with you"
How could you say no
Jimmy Darlin (yes ik its darling)
Very very happy
Then his smile starts to fade
Sad because he doesnt want your guy's kid to have his condition
Also sad because his kid is gonna grow up the way he did
You comfort him and tell him its all okay and that you guys wont let anything happen to the kid
Apologies for how he couldnt take you guys out of the freak show and all that jazz
You comfort him and lets jst say like at the end of freak show you and Jimmy live a normal life with your big ole belly and jimmy by your side all the steps of the way
"jimmy omg im pregnant" "really?" *His beautiful smile*
After a bit "im so sorry i couldnt give you and our only kid a normal life i really am" "jimmy i love you we will figure it out and you know we will"
James Patrick March
Genuinely shocked
Didnt even know you and him could have kids since well hes a ghost
But 'miracles' happen
Honestly surprisingly happy to have a little you guy's running around the hotel
"if you need anything i will have someone get it for you my love" he says that and also means that he will have someone that can go outside get you stuff as well
"james im pregnant" "i can procreate?" *Nods* "well, i could never be happier dear"
Kai Anderson
Honestly would probably be nice to you for once like with ally
Happy because there is now a 'messiah'
Wants the kid to lead the cult when he dies
Would be so happy i mean did you see him with ally and their damn kid?
He would start being more gently like he would look at your belly and smile putting his big hand on top of it
I mean he would probably even kiss your head and give you cuddles here and there
I mean how could he not? You're holding the next most precious and important thing in his life or probably the kid is his most precious and important thing
"kai dont get mad but im pregnant, and its yours" *a small smile would come across his face* "really? I honor you as the most loyal in this cult you're holding the next messiah"
Peter Maximoff (wanda vision age)
Honestly shocked
Would be so happy tbh
Would be happy because he would have another probably immature kid that was fast like him
Would probably pull you into a hug and kiss you and would hold you like forever while you guys slept every night
Would go into a frenzy about you needing rest and him stealing your favorite snacks a stuff just to make you happy i mean hes a kleptomaniac
"peter im pregnant" "YES omg were gonna have another speedster here"
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triplexdoublex · 7 months
Welcome Home
Pairing: Chase(Huddy) x Reader
Warnings/tags: Smut, almost getting caught by a family member, use of a vibrator, outta pocket grandma
A/N: 100% based on a dream I had, so some details may differ from real life.
It’s been six long months without Chase while he was gone on tour, but finally you’re about to see him again. You see him as you pull up at arrivals; a smile already on his face when he recognizes your car. The second the car is in park, you jump out and throw your arms around him, pulling him in for a big kiss, and then help him load his luggage into the trunk.
“God, I missed you so much, you have no idea,”he kisses you again as he settles into the passenger seat.
“I missed you so much too, babe. I’m glad to have you back,” you smile at him before pulling away from the airport and starting the journey back to the house you share with Chase.
You’re almost back home when Chase starts getting handsy. He runs a hand up your inner thigh and under your skirt. “Can’t believe it's been six months since I’ve touched you, six months since my cocks been in this sweet pussy,” he begins rubbing you through your panties while you drive. First order of business when we get in the house is burying this dick so deep inside you” He grasps his hardening length through his pants with his free hand while the other tries to slip into your panties.
“Yeah about that…” you push his hand away.
“Baby, I don’t even care if you're on your period! I need you!” he pleads.
“What? No, that was like two weeks ago, it’s not that.”
“Then what is it, baby? C’mon you know you can tell me anything,” Chase questions concerned.
“You’ll see.”
Not even two minutes later you pull up to the house: balloons, tents with food, a welcome home sign and every relative of his imaginable.
“Oh. My. God. What the hell?” Chase says in shock.
“I’m sorry, babe. Your family insisted on throwing you a Welcome Home party and I tried to get them to at least change it to tomorrow so we could have some time to ourselves and you could rest, but they weren’t having it, and I didn’t want any drama with them.”
“Oh, fuck me!” He whins in annoyance. I mean, they’re my family, of course I wanna see them but not right now, ugh. Right now, I only want you— I’m still fucking hard.”
You get out of the car, retrieve Chase’s luggage from the trunk , and hand it to him as he steps out of the car. “Here, cover yourself with this.”
“Heyyy,” he awkwardly greets various family members, giving them a one armed hug while still clutching his luggage close to his body. More family start to approach, but Chase can’t take it anymore,his craving for you is absolutely carnal and his family is going to have to wait. “Hey everyone,let me take a shower real quick to wash off all the tour bus and travel off of me, then I’ll get back to seeing everyone. Promise I'll be quick.” And he knows he will be, you’ll be lucky if he lasts five minutes after having been away so long.
The second you enter the house — which is thankfully empty— your ravenous mouths are on each other, and you’re shedding your outerwear; your cardigan and his leather jacket. With your mouths fused together in passion, and your hands tangled in each other's hair, you clumsily shuffle towards the bedroom, banging into things, and knocking stuff over in the kitchen along your way. You only make it as far as the connected living room before you fall back onto the sofa, pulling Chase down on top of you. He instantly grinds himself against you and you lift your hips returning the sensation—your longing bodies visceral reaction to touching after being apart so long.
With your fingers on his zipper and his tongue in your mouth you pause, hearing the outside door open into the kitchen.
“Oh my, I told myself that you were still young and you weren’t having sex yet, I guess I know the truth now.” Chase’s grandmother criticizes.
“Jesus Christ, Grandma I’m twenty one, really?” Chase replies holding himself up off your body. “And we were just kissing. What are you doing in the house anyways, the party is outside?”
“But I know what that kind of kissing leads to,” his grandmother informs.” I kissed your grandad like that when he came home from the war, and nine months later your mother was born,” she embarrasses Chase. “I just wanted to see my grandson, is that okay?” She guilt trips him in a way only a grandparent can.
“Thanks for the visual, Grandma,” he facepalms. “Yes, but I told everyone I would be right back after a shower, sooo let me go take a shower and I’ll be right out.” He tries his best to hide his annoyance with her but fails miserably.
“Ohh fine,” his grandmother sulks, walking towards the door.
“Yup, there you go, okay bye bye, see you later.” Chase rushes her out, locking the door behind her.
“Now where were we?” Chase smirks, cupping your face in his hands and pulling you in for a hungry kiss.
Again you begin the clumsy journey to the bedroom, undressing each other as you go — Chase pulling your shirt up and over your head and your fingers skillfully working down the placket of his white button up.
Before you even get the chance to remove it fully he’s shoving you against the wall. Your skin is set ablaze as his nimble fingers begin to travel up your thigh, disappearing under your skirt.
“Missed me, huh?” He teases with a smirk feeling how soaked you are through your panties.
“Mhmmmm, Fuck— you have no idea,” you moan grasping him through his pants.
He pushes your hand away in exchange for unzipping his pants, and pulls himself free. Then hurriedly, he hikes your left leg up around his waist, and pushes your wet panties to the side. You can’t help but let out a loud moan at the feeling of his sizable cock nudging your slick walls open to accommodate him.
“Fuck, I missed this.” His warm breath cascades over your flesh as he pivots his hips and mouths your neck, thumbing your bra strap out of the way to then kiss along your clavicle.
“Ohhh- fuck, Chase!” You cry out in pleasure, grabbing his ass to pull him in deeper. “Uhhhhmm, yeah —fuck right there!”
“Mmhhmmm, oh god yes, say my fucking name like that again baby! He grits through his teeth hungrily as fucks into you.
“Chase— Fuck , you feel so good inside me, want you to fill me,” you plead. Suddenly you swear you hear someone opening the front door. “Shit, Chase, I think someone’s —-“
“Shut up!” He covers your mouth with his hand “I’m not finished with you”
You’ve never seen or heard Chase like this before — the demeaning tone, his desire so primative. You can feel yourself getting wetter by second and you know he can feel it too—each thrust slicker than his last. It’s only a few more until you can feel the pulsating warmth of him cumming inside you.
“Chase?” You both hear a voice coming from the kitchen.
“Shit, it’s my sister!” Chase snatches up your other leg, and quickly wraps it around his waist with the other one, and carries you into your shared bedroom. He plops you down on the bed and then discreetly closes and locks the bedroom door.
“Chase, you say in a whisper. “What are you doing?”
“You didn’t cum yet and we don’t have much times,” he whispers back while opening the nightstand drawer.
You know exactly what he’s getting, he’s not one to shy away from toys in the bedroom, and he knows how quick you always cum whenever he uses the hitachi wand on you.
He switches it on and the humming buzz alone already has your lower abdomen clenching in anticipation. He presses the vibrating bulbous head of the wand firmly against your clit and in mere seconds you’re cumming hard. Quickly, before your open mouth can release a sound, his hand once again covers it.
“Chase?” There’s a knock on the bedroom door.
“Just a second,” Chase responds, letting your body ride out your orgasm before switching off the hitachi and hiding it under the covers for now.
You sprint to the attached master bathroom to clean yourself up, while Chase zips up and starts re-buttoning his shirt before opening the bedroom door.
“Sorry I just got out of the shower and was finishing up getting dressed” Chase says as he fastens the last button.
“Isn’t that the same outfit you just had on before you took a shower?” His sister asks with a quirked eyebrow and accusing tone.
“No, just similar,” he lies.
“Okay then, why is your hair still dry?”
“Uhh, I blow dried it.”
“Sure, ya did lil bro” she smacks him in the back of the head. “You know Y/N’s shirt is in the middle of the living room floor right?”
“Uh…Um” A rosy hue blooms on Chase’s cheeks. He’s fresh out of excuses.
“Don’t worry I won’t tell any of our guests you abandoned them for a quickie ….grandma already took care of that.”
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bbutterflies · 9 months
Happy holidays @grammar7wannabe!! I’m your gifter for @mlsecretsanta. I had so much fun writing some Adrinette fluff and family time, I hope you enjoy it! <3
“Thank you,” Adrien said to the server as he took the two mugs of hot chocolate. Marinette was waiting at a table for him. They’d just finished a walk through a market, enjoying a date on one of Adrien’s days off, and had decided to come into this cafe to warm up and sit for a while.
“Here you go,” Adrien said, handing one of the mugs to Marinette.
“Mm, thank you,” she said, holding it close to soak up the warmth. “I’m so excited.”
Adrien sat down across from her with his own mug, just as eager to warm himself up.
“What are you doing this weekend?” Marinette asked.
“I don’t think much of anything.”
“Oh, good! I mean, because my parents want you to come over.”
Adrien blinked back at her, a little confused. “They do?”
Marinette nodded. “We make Christmas cookies as a family every year. My dad insisted we couldn’t do it without you this year. He said we have to have the whole family there.”
“I’m part of the family?”
“Of course you are.” Marinette smiled at him. “I love you. And you know my parents love you, probably more than I do.”
Adrien loved the Dupain-Chengs. Marinette’s parents had welcomed him into their home long before he and Marinette had started dating, but once they were official it was like they never wanted him to leave. He didn’t, either. He much preferred Marinette’s house to his. Sabine made delicious food, and Tom gave him the greatest hugs, and, of course, Marinette was there. “Of course I’ll come over,” he said, grinning at Marinette. “I’m honored they’d include me.”
“They wouldn’t do it without you. They said they’d reschedule if they had to.”
“That’s an awful big claim for me when I’m terrible at decorating cookies.”
Marinette waved her hand in the air, ushering the thought away. “We can eat all the ugly ones right away. That just means more treats for us.”
“Oh, good. I’m excited to eat the cookies, too.”
“Duh. You think my mom would invite you over without feeding you?”
Adrien held a hand to his chest. “I’d be quite alarmed if she did.”
Marinette giggled (a delightful sound, if Adrien did say so himself) and held out her hand for Adrien to hold. He did, giving her a gentle squeeze. “It’ll be super fun. We close up the bakery early and just hang out for a few hours. It’s mostly just talking and stuff.”
“I can’t wait. It’ll be a blast, I’m sure.”
Adrien knocked on the door to the Dupain-Chengs’ home, wrapping his coat tight around him to try to stay warm. He was usually welcome to let himself in through the bakery, but it was already locked up for the day for their cookie baking night.
Family cookie baking night, that Adrien was part of. His heart still skipped a beat at the thought of knowing Marinette’s parents had made sure to include him.
The door opened to Sabine’s smiling face. “Adrien, come in!” she said, ushering him inside. “We’re so happy you could make it.”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I’m really excited you invited me.”
“Of course. We couldn’t do it without you.” Sabine patted his arm, and when Adrien had shed his coat and shoes, she led him down to the bakery and into the back where Marinette and Tom were waiting.
“Adrien!” Marinette said when she saw him, greeting him with an excited smile and a kiss on the cheek. “We were just getting ready.”
Adrien looked around to see ingredients and bowls and decorating materials all laid out and ready to go.
“There’s my favorite baking apprentice,” Tom said, wrapping Adrien up in a hug. “Are you ready to go?”
“Absolutely,” Adrien said, smiling up at Tom as he let him go. “Thank you so much for inviting me.”
“We had to have you. It wouldn’t be the family without you.”
Adrien felt his face getting warm and was grateful when Tom started delegating out tasks to be accomplished.
Adrien was assigned the more straightforward tasks – helping measure out ingredients and rolling out the dough.
“Oh, that’s perfect, Adrien,” Tom said after inspecting Adrien’s first go at rolling out a batch of cookie dough, clapping him on the shoulder. “The exact right thickness. Are you sure you’re not a baker?”
Adrien’s chest was warm from pride. “I have a great teacher. But if you ever knead any help, I’m always happy to lend a hand.”
Tom burst into laughter (Adrien was pretty sure he’d never find someone who appreciated his endless supply of puns as much as Tom did) and patted Adrien’s shoulder. “That’s a new one. I like it. Keep up the good work, Adrien.”
Adrien had every intention to – both with his baking, and the puns.
He helped cut out the cookies and place them on trays to bake, though the task of actually baking was left to the experts. After the cookies were in the oven, they set to work making icing in a plethora of colors. Everything they thought they might need, mixed in separate bowls and carefully portioned into piping bags. By the time that was all sorted, the cookies were baked and cooled and ready to be decorated.
Adrien had done this a couple of times with Marinette before with little success, though that wouldn’t stop him from trying or having fun. He picked a cookie and an icing color and set to work.
“Here, hold it like this,” Marinette said, putting her hand over Adrien’s to adjust his grip, “or you’ll spill icing out the top.”
“Oh, thank you. I could never spill any icing. That would be such a tragedy.”
“For your sweet tooth? Absolutely.” Marinette kissed his cheek and let him get back to work.
Adrien decorated a few more, but he’d come in with big plans for one of the people-shaped cookies. He’d decorated the face already, but… “I need pink icing,” he said, glancing at Marinette. “Do we have any?”
“I can make you some. What are you making?” She leaned a little closer.
Adrien guarded the cookie from her view. “It’s a surprise!”
Marinette rolled her eyes, but she was smiling as she turned to dye him some pink icing. She tried to sneak a peek again as she handed him the new piping bag, but he distracted her with a kiss before playfully bumping her away with his hip.
“Hey!” she laughed. “I just want to see!”
“You can in a minute,” Adrien said, leaning over the cookie to work. “I’m almost done.”
Marinette waited patiently, finishing a couple of her cookies before Adrien was ready to show off his masterpiece.
“It’s you!” he said, proudly showing her his (admittedly disastrous) cookie.
“Aw,” Marinette said, leaning in closer to study the details. “Are those… chocolate chips?”
“For your eyes.”
“I see. Very creative.” Marinette stretched up on her toes to kiss Adrien on the cheek. “Thank you. It’s a shame I have to eat her.”
Adrien feigned distress, holding the cookie away from her. “What? You’d eat my girlfriend?”
“She’s a cookie.”
“While she is very sweet, I like her to be not-eaten.”
“She’s a cookie,” Marinette repeated with a deadpan. “What else would you do?”
“Love her.” Adrien leaned in to kiss Marinette’s nose, earning him a delighted giggle. “Don’t go baking my heart, Marinette. I could never hurt my girlfriend.”
(Tom laughed from somewhere behind them at the pun. Of course.)
“I also have a surprise for you.” Marinette picked up one of her cookies and held it up to show Adrien. It was a much more artful rendition of Chat Noir, adorned with his bell and cat ears and even a wide smile.
“He’s perfect!” Adrien said in awe. “You’re so talented.”
“It’s really nothing,” Marinette said, a blush dusting her cheeks.
“My cookie is nothing. Yours is incredible.”
“Hey, cookie-me is nothing?”
“She’s as lovely and sweet as you, I’m sure, but I’m no artist like you. You really captured Chat Noir’s energy.”
“Did I get his dorky smile right?”
“Oh, you nailed it.”
Marinette reached up to muss up Adrien’s hair, and if Adrien was transformed he knew he’d be purring up a storm. “You’re very sweet. But you know we have to eat the cookies.”
“It’s a sad but inevitable fate,” Adrien said with a sigh. “If we must.”
Marinette nodded solemnly. “We must.”
They traded cookies, and Adrien wiped away a fake tear.
(Adrien wasn’t surprised to see Tom and Sabine standing to the side watching them with smiles on their faces.)
They did, finally, eat their cookies (with some more fake tears, of course, from the both of them as they mourned their losses) and a few others as they decorated. Adrien earned a few more delighted smiles and compliments from Tom and Sabine for his creativity.
He loved it here. He realy did.
The last cookie was decorated far too soon. Adrien was happy to help clean up, doing the dishes with Marinette and wiping down counters. Marinette even packed him a container of cookies to take home (Sabine had instructed him to sneak them in past his father) but Adrien wasn’t ready to leave the warmth of the Dupain-Chengs’ quite yet.
“Are you staying for dinner, Adrien?” Sabine asked when they’d finished cleaning.
“Yes, please,” Adrien said. There was nowhere else he’d rather be.
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yakuzacanons · 1 year
Hey so suggestion for some hcs if you feel up for it👀 Their s/o giving them like? The sweetest cutest handmade gift for their birthday like it's nobody's business?
And it's special because they're supposed to be like "big scary men rawrrr" or smthn and people never really associated them with more wholesome stuff
Like just imagine gifting Ryuji an adorable plushie you crocheted for him and he's just like?? Holy shit??? Nobody gave me anything that special before in my life???
OMG anon, your brain...your mind. This is such a good idea. I hope you're ready for the longest and fluffiest post cuz I'm about to rip and tear. Also, first submission ever, so thank you so much! Giving you the biggest hug, hope you enjoy this.
Kazuma Kiryu
Honestly will just be stunned upon receiving it. A gift? Made by hand? For HIM?? Unbelievable. He'll feel a mix of surprised and grateful. He might not manage more than just a polite but tender "thank you", but he will immediately envelop you in the biggest hug. Words simply couldn't express how much he loves this gift and how much he loves you, so he'll let the hug say those words for him.
Majima Goro
You can bet he is going to immediately show this gift off to everyone and anyone who is willing to let him in their vicinity. Lots of "Kiryu-chaaaan, look what I got!" or "Kyodai, check this out! Ain't my darlin' just the sweetest sweetheart ya ever did see?". You'll probably feel more flustered than him in the end. He'll also pick you and spin you around with glee upon receiving it. The fact you love him makes him already feel like he's on cloud 9, so a gift like this makes him feel like he's on the moon.
Saejima Taiga
As someone who also likes to make handmade crafts as gifts, he will be totally floored upon receiving it. Will compliment your craftsmanship, even if you feel like you didn't do a great job or made mistakes. Loves the gift so much that he's likely to place it somewhere special in his house. If it's clothes, he'll wear it in front of you as much as possible to show his appreciation. Will give you a big hug and kiss after and will promise to return the favor on your next birthday.
Akiyama Shun
As someone who is NOT at all good at handmade things, he's amazed by anything you make. Even if you consider yourself an amateur, Akiyama is your number 1 fan. If possible, he'll display your gift proudly in his office. Except a flurry of kisses when he sees your gift, he just wants to shower you with kisses because he feels so completely and totally loved by you.
Tanimura Masayoshi
He's super bad at seeing surprise gifts coming so it'll come as a total shock to him. He might think he doesn't deserve something so special, as he's someone who came from very little and doesn't have much. Even so, he'll be so happy that he won't be able to contain himself. He may even jump up and down excitedly while holding your hands. He'll say something like "For me? Really?? Wow!" before giving you a kiss on the cheek, smiling from ear to ear.
Ryuji Goda
It's only fitting that the scariest looking guy is actually the biggest softie when it comes to you. The first time you ever give him a handmade gift, he might be speechless at first. He's used to fancy gifts, things that cost a lot of money, things that are usually bought to impress him. Receiving something made by the person he loves most will make his heart skip a beat. He'll likely scoop you up into his arms and give you a kiss on the forehead. Ryuji is the type of guy who is usually sweeping others off of their feet, so it feels amazing to him to feel that way for once.
Daigo Dojima
He's in a similar boat with Ryuji in that he usually gets gifts that are meant to appear costly to impress him. Secretly, Daigo yearns for genuine connection and understanding, which is why you mean so much to him and why your gift might honestly make him shed a tear or two. Something so heartfelt and loving will stop him in his tracks. As someone with barely any time to really stop and take things in due to how busy he is, moments like this make him feel the most loved. He'll treasure this gift forever.
Niskiyama Akira
He'll try to play it cool by saying something like "Aw, you didn't have to do all that just for me" but inside his heart is beating wildly. Like Daigo, he plays it tough but secretly yearns for tenderness, but unlike Daigo, he will still try to play it cool even in a moment like this. He knows you totally see through him though, so he'll eventually follow his statement up with a a passionate kiss and holding you gently. Moments like this with you give him so much peace.
Mine Yoshitaka
He's so used to standing strong on his own that he won't react for a few moments upon receiving your gift. Mine honestly didn't think he was capable of loving, yet alone being loved. It's something he still isn't used to and may never be fully used to it, but that's never stopped you from giving him your all and it gets him every single time. He may not even speak at all, simply giving you a deep but tender kiss and holding you so very close to him, as if he were afraid you'd suddenly vanish from in front of him.
Tachibana Tetsu
His immediate reaction will be to want to treat you to something nice in return. However, if you make it clear that you did this because you wanted to and because you love him, he'll practically melt with tenderness. He's so caught up with business that everything feels like a transaction to him a lot of the time. Life hasn't dealt him the kindest of cards, and this reminds him that he's not only worthy of love but deserving of it. Things like this make him relish life for all that's good. He may not manage to say much more than a hushed "Thank you" and squeezing your hand in his, but trust me, this means more to him than he could ever express.
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random-writer-23 · 2 years
Sunshine (Ben Hargreeves x reader)
An: Hello my lovelies I apologize in advance for writing this, I shed a few tears while writing this so lmao if you cry, we're in the same boat. But I hope you enjoy this angst I'm throwing at you! Happy reading!
Warnings: angst, deals with death, and some cursing.
Words: 3579
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"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey, you'll never know dear how much I love you, so please don't take my sunshine away" I sang softly to myself, sitting on my bed in my room. I fiddled with the (random/object), in my hand, humming the tune to mine and Ben's special song. He had nicknamed me sunshine when we were younger and had called me that ever since he came up with the name. Since then, that has been our special song. The one we sang to Calm each other down when we were stressed, or couldn't sleep, or were scared, or just when we wanted something to do. I started humming the beginning again and sang the lyrics for a second time. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey, you'll never know dear how much I love you, so please don't take my sunshine away." I had stood up from my bed and started dancing around the room as I sang. As I finished the last lyric I heard a chuckle coming from my doorway. It was Ben, my best friend, (and sort of crush), within the Hargreeves family.
"You're singing our song without me," He said faking a pout as he leaned against the doorframe. I giggled
"I was indeed" I chuckled walking over to give him a hug, He pushed off the door and walked towards me meeting me halfway. I smiled as he wrapped his arms around me hugging me gently. "I'm sorry benny boo" I giggled, 'apologizing' for singing our song without him there to hear it.
"It's okay I forgive you, just never do it again" He answered jokingly, holding me at arm's length, and wagging his finger at me threateningly. I laughed, and he let go of my shoulder.
"So what's up Ben, why were you creepily watching me from my doorway," I asked moving back to sit on my bed, he followed and sat on the other end.
"what, I can't just come to visit my best friend anymore?" He asked appalled that I would even suggest him having some ulterior motive to come visit.
"Yes, but this is YOU we're talking about, so what do you want?" I asked chuckling.
"Alright, Alright, I was getting tired of being around Klaus so I came in here to escape him" Ben explained with another chuckle.
"oh so what, am I just your backup?" I said pretending to be angry with him, I folded my arms giving him a glare, successfully holding back my laughter.
"Of course not," He said gently "You know I prefer you to Klaus, but Klaus was just needier than you today" He explained laying across my bed looking up at the ceiling.
"whatever you say" I replied with a giggle, faking the disbelief evident in my voice. I continued to fiddle with the (random/object) in my hands as silence fell between the two of us, the silence wasn't suffocating or tense or anything, it was comfortable. And neither of us felt the need to fill it with mindless chatter.
"Sing it again for me, Sunshine?" Ben asked suddenly using my nickname against me, and shattering the calm silence I had been enjoying, I looked over at him, he hadn't moved from his spot staring up at my bedroom ceiling.
"Benny Boo? Why?" I whined at his request, using the awful nickname I had given him that just stuck.
"Because I like hearing you sing it" He replied snarkily finally turning his head to look at me. "So please??" He asked smiling widely
"You know I hate singing in front of people," I paused in my statement before continuing when I saw he was about to interject. " even if it's just you" I finished giving him a look.
"Oh come on," He frowned, "Pretty please?" He asked folding his hands together in a begging motion.
"No," I said bluntly, staring at him with a glare.
"Pretty please with a cherry on top?" He begged, sticking out his bottom lip, and giving me his best puppy dog face. 'well shit, how can I say no to that adorable face' I thought to myself, my glare softening.
"ok fine!" I announced, to him, and he stopped his begging immediately.
"Yay!" He smiled widely and clapped his hands like a little kid being promised a new toy, I just laughed at him. I watched him laugh with me before he crawled over to where I sat on my bed with my legs crossed and continued to lay down. This time with his head in my lap. I sighed as he looked up at me expectantly, waiting for me to start singing to him. I rolled my eyes as he got comfortable in my lap.
"are you comfortable yet Benny?" I asked with a small smile as I watched him squirm around trying to get comfy.
"Not yet" He mumbled grabbing a nearby pillow and stuffing it under his head, and on my lap, boosting his head up higher and closer to my face. I rolled my eyes again, as he fluffed the pillow quickly, before finally settling down. "now I'm ready" He declared after he finally became comfortable in my lap. I rolled my eyes for the millionth time since he entered my room, and against my will began to hum the opening tune to the song. I hummed the tune slower than the original song plays, turning it into a sort of lullaby. As I started humming Ben reached for my hand resting next to me on the bed. He grabbed my hand and moved it up to his head so I was running my fingers through his hair. Once he was sure that I wouldn't stop with the movement he released my hand and sighed contently, a very small smile etched onto his face. Then I began to sing.
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey, you'll never know dear, how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away" I stopped singing words and hummed the tune before the next lyric. "The other night dear, as I lay sleeping, I dreamed I held you in my arms when I awoke dear I was mistaken, and I hung my head and cried" I hummed the tune again before starting the final part to the song, "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey, you'll never know dear, how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away... Please don't take my sunshine away" I finished singing softly and I looked down at Ben fondly, he still had his eyes closed, and I swear I could hear a soft snore coming from him. I kept running my hands through his hair, knowing if I stopped I would wake him up. I didn't want to do that, he was already tired enough from all the missions and training our dear father forces him to do. He looked so peaceful and happy and content as he snored softly. judging from how he was right now, you would have never thought he had small monsters brewing inside his stomach. Man, I loved him, more than he would ever know. I would just die if he ever found out I loved him as more than a best friend. But I couldn't help but lean down and place a soft kiss on his forehead, as he slept... At least I thought he was asleep until a wide smile stretched across his face, and he opened his eyes. I frowned as he grinned up at me blinking innocently.
"I thought you were asleep" I groaned with slight embarrassment.
"I was about to fall asleep until you decided to leave a big smooch on my forehead," He said with the biggest grin I had ever seen. I scowled at him.
"Shut up" I mumbled shyly, pink dusting my cheeks, he sat up and rotated to face me. He smiled wistfully at me before raising his hand to my cheek stroking it with his thumb softly.
"it's ok Sunshine, I didn't mind, he said softly. As he leaned in closer to me, my breath got caught in my throat, until he finally pressed his lips against mine softly. My eyes fluttered shut, and I let out the breath I had been holding. The kiss didn't last long, only a few seconds at most, but it made butterflies erupt in my stomach like I was a little girl. He pulled away with small glow in his eyes, that wasn't there before. I smiled at him, giggling stupidly, and he rested his forehead on mine. "You know, I've been wanting to do that for a while now, He said unable to contain his grin.
"Have you now? I said with a smile that rivalled his.
"I have" He responded
"Well, then you should have done that a while ago" I replied sassily.
"Really?" He moved away from me, instead choosing to sit in front of me and play with my fingers.
"yep" I smiled, "cause let me let you in on a little secret, I wouldn't have minded" I copied his answer, from when I kissed his forehead. And he chuckled.
Time Skip (be warned the Angst is beyond this point, I also mention the word goons like 50 million times)
Another damn mission, this one getting a tad bit out of hand, the entire umbrella academy was overwhelmed, and if we didn't step up our game and fight harder we would soon be overrun, and one of us would get hurt. I was fighting multiple people at once, and so was everyone else. More goons appearing out of seemingly nowhere as soon as you finally knocked one goon out. Knock one down and Two more appear. I was getting tired, using my power for this long was draining me, and quickly at that. But I couldn't stop fighting, not unless I wanted to die. Which I didn't so I just took a deep breath to steady my dizzy head, turned to the group of goons slowly surrounding me. I looked at each of them in the eye and smiled. They cocked their guns nervously and the click echoed in my mind. I swirled my hands around in a small circle, the trail of a (favourite/colour) glow following after my hands, I threw my arms out to the side knocking the goons that were facing the palm of my hands across the room. One of them landed on one of the goons Allison was fighting on the other end of the room. The rest of the goons that surrounded me looked at each other fearfully then back at me. I smirked.
"What's wrong, you look a little scared boys," I remarked snarkily to the goons, before waving my hands again and sending them all directly into the nearest wall. Clearing the circle of goons around me. Before more goons filled their place. I scowled angrily. "Holy shit, How many of you guys are there?" I asked, the rhetorical question aimed towards the newest set of goons before I pushed my hands forward the (favourite/colour) glow following, and sending the circle sliding across the floor into the group of goons Diego was fighting, knocking out every single one of them. Diego threw me a grateful glance, before throwing a knife at me, my eyes widened as it came hurtling towards me, until it curved around me and hit a goon that was making a quiet approach behind me. "That was close, Thanks Diego," I said with a smile, as I wiped the sweat off my forehead. No more goons had approached me so I went to find Ben to help him out. Pushing my hands towards the ground, I pushed my self off the ground and flew around the room looking for him. But for some reason, I couldn't find him. I shrugged, not thinking much of it and looked around the room to see which of my 'siblings' needed help. I noticed Allison was struggling a little so I yelled out to her. "Allie!" I shouted down
"What (y/n)?" She yelled back blocking her opponent's punch and kicking the guy in the head.
"Rumor them!" I shouted, landing next to her when I saw someone approach her from the back, I flung my arm out once I landed launching a ball of (F/c) glowing energy towards them. "Make these guys fight each other," I said to her as I swirled my hands knocking them men off their feet, giving Allison time to Rumor them.
"I heard a rumour, that you all fought each other," She said, her words echoing towards the fallen goons. I watched with Interest as their eyes glazed over as they stood to comply with her orders. We giggled to each other and I raised my arms pushing myself off the ground and levitating Allison off the ground just before one goon threw a punch at another who was stood right behind her. The circle of bad guys turned into a mass of flailing arms as they fought one another, Allison and I floated above the commotion and looked around at who needed help.
"set me over by Luther," She said after giving a quick scan of the room, to see who needed the most help. I looked over to where she was looking and saw Luther struggling to keep up with the punches being thrown at him. I quickly moved Allison over to him to help him, and Lost control she wasn't too far from the ground, so she dropped down rolling and landing on her feet perfectly. I sighed in relief that she was okay and moved over to where Klaus was going one on one with an opponent, he was dancing around laughing hysterically at absolutely nothing, and making snarky and funny remarks, riling up his opponent, getting him angry. And the thing was the angrier his opponent was, the worse his punches were. Klaus got a few good punches in but I still figured I should help him out a little bit. I dropped down beside him and, said hello. Making him completely turn towards me.
"Well hello there 'Sunshine'" He said with a grin, putting emphasis on the word Sunshine, and raising his eyebrows suggestively. He was the only one who knew about mine and Ben's secret 'Relationship' and he took advantage of that, teasing us endlessly about it. But within that split second he looked away from his opponent, the goon he was fighting threw a hard punch hitting Klaus hard on the jaw, making Klaus spin and fall to the floor. I watched Klaus fall, catching him and gently lowering him to the floor before looking at the goon. I was enraged, how dare this fiend lay a hand on my innocent little boy. I looked after Klaus more than even Ben did, and Klaus came to me when he was drunk and crying, or scared. I looked after him like he was my younger brother even though he was the same age as me. I had a huge soft spot for Klaus and he knew this. So I was a bit protective of him, and seeing this villain, this piece of scum, even lay a finger on my little bean enraged me. My eyes glowed the same colour as my hands and I lifted the guy into the air effortlessly.
"Don't ever lay a hand on my little baby boy Klaus ever again" I with my jaw clenched tightly. "or any of my siblings for that matter" I added for good measure, I saw the man's eyes widen with surprise and fear. I kept him suspended in the air before letting out a growl and flinging my arm towards the nearest wall as hard as I could. He zoomed past as a blur and I could barely hear his scream before he crashed into the wall so hard I could hear his back cracking as it broke, and his limp body fell to the floor weakly. He didn't move after that, and the spot where his body had made contact with the wall, was a huge crack and hole. My rage died down and the glow in my eyes dimmed. I unclenched my fist and breathed in and out quickly to calm myself down.
"Woah," Klaus said from behind me, with complete awe, and a little bit of fear. "That was sick!!" He said jumping up and pumping his fist in the air. "Danke Sister," He said happily, skipping around me and giving me a huge hug. I hugged him back smiling, before letting go and looking around the room, all the fighting had died down, and all the thugs were either dead or knocked unconscious. Five was spacial jumping around the room freeing hostages, while the rest of the group ensured they were alright once they were freed. Klaus and I looked on as they made sure everyone was alright. Klaus and I took it upon ourselves to round up any of the unconscious thugs and tie them up, ensuring them no escape before the police got to them. We finished that job fairly quickly and high fived each other enthusiastically once we were finished. I giggled as Klaus ran jumping into the air and clicking his heels. My laughter faded as I heard a panicked shout from five.
"UMM YOU GUYS!!" He yelled and you could immediately tell something was wrong. "WE'VE GOT A PROBLEM" He continued to yell to the group. Klaus and I looked at each other warily, before sprinting to where Five was. We got there in record time.
"what is it" I panted out of breath from the sprint. With Klaus breathing heavier than I was.
"Uhh" Five's eyes darted to the other side of a counter he was standing in front of. I looked over the edge of the counter and saw Ben lying there lifelessly.
"Shit!" I exclaimed as I hopped over the table effortlessly, I dropped to my knees and lifted his head placing it gently on top of my knees. "no, no, nonononono, Hey, hey, c' mon" I whispered cradling his head on my lap. I sniffed, already feeling tears welling up in my eyes at the thought that he could have been dead. "Hey, c' mon Benny Boo, open your eyes" I ran my hands through his hair. "Please" my voice cracked and the tears spilt down.
"Hey, there sunshine" He whispered his voice cracking, as he struggled to keep his eyes open. He took a deep breath, and it sounded strained and raspy.
"Hey, Benny Boo" I sniffed, and let out a weak chuckle of relief that he wasn't dead. The rest of the team slowly gathered around Ben and me, as Allison looked over the counter she let out a sharp gasp. There was nothing visibly wrong with Ben, no blood, no stab wounds or bullet wounds, nothing out of the ordinary that you could see. But you could tell something had gone wrong, you could tell he was struggling to breathe. Klaus was behind me and was crying as well, as he looked at Ben's weak form, he could tell Ben was about to die, I could feel that he knew, and as a result, he hurriedly ushered the rest of the group away so I could spend this time alone with Ben. The others took the hint and gave us some space. I sniffed wiping away a tear as it ran down my cheek, before speaking. "What happened you, idiot," I said sadly trying to put some light in the situation.
"I'm not sure" He replied wheezing and struggling to speak. "Hey... Sing for me Sunshine" He said the corners of his mouth struggling to turn upwards in a smile. I smiled back nodding, more tears spilling down my cheek at his request. Knowing my voice might be the last thing he ever heard.
"You are my sunshine" I started singing, my voice worsened by my crying state. "My only sunshine, You make me happy when skies are grey, you'll never know dear how much I love you, so please don't take my sunshine away" I finished singing, and he lifted his hand to my cheek, rubbing it with his thumb, a soft grin on his face.
"Beautiful as always Sunshine," He said and I held his hand to my cheek, kissing his palm softly. He grinned puckering his lips for a kiss, I chuckled a broken chuckle and lean down to grant his silent request. "ahh, even when you're in tears you're a good kisser." He chuckled gravely, his voice getting weaker and weaker. "I Love you Sunshine" He declared proudly, as the rest of the group slowly gathered around to wordlessly say their last goodbyes.
"I love you too, Benny Boo," I said smiling brokenly.
"Sing it again, One more time, just for me" He begged cupping his hand on my cheek again, I held it there with my own hand.
"You are my sunshine, My only sunshine, you make me happy, when skies are grey, you'll never know dear how much I love you, so please don't take my sunshine away." He closed his eyes and smiled slightly right before I felt his arm go limp. I sobbed and barely whispered the last line of the song. "Please don't take my Sunshine away" I whispered, sobbing over his dead body. I never sang again.
Qotd: Who's your favorite Umbrella academy character?
A/n: I'm sorry, but even though it was sad I hope you enjoyed it anyway. And as usual, all likes, comments, reblogs, and follows are welcome, and super helpful and appreciated.
Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/9bwRmtXCuB
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hswriting · 21 days
The Moment I Knew - Part 6
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[Image Alt ID: a five picture collage with a light pink background. The first picture is of two princess barbie dolls. One is in a pink dress and has blonde hair. The other is in a blue dress and has brown hair. The second picture is a piece of paper with “I love you” typed onto it three times. The third picture is of Harry with his mom and sister. The fourth picture is of a dinner table with people eating off of the plates. The final picture is of a little girl having a tea party with a stuffed animal. End Alt ID]
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Masterlist Part 5 Part 7
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Millie and Harry run into a surprise after a lunch date
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“How did you even manage to laugh so hard that soda came out of your nose?” I laughed at Harry.
“It still burns Millie. I don’t even know how that happens!” He laughs back as we pull into the road to pull into his driveway. As we approach his house, I see an unusual car parked in his driveway. He sees it too as he pulls in and parks beside of it.
“Who is that?” I ask. “Do you know them?”
“Of course.” He says with a smile. “I didn’t know she was stopping by, but I’ve been wanting you to meet her.”
“Meet who?”
“My mom.” He says. “I may have told her all about you these past two weeks. That’s probably why she stopped by.”
“What did you tell her?”
“Just that you’re the most amazing person ever.” He says and kisses my hand. He hops out of the car and opens my door. We walk inside and close the door. We shed our jackets and shoes and walk in.
“Uncle Harry!” Yells a tiny voice. A little girl runs up to him and hugs his legs.
“Layla!” He says surprised. “Now how did you get here?” He plays. He picks her up snd carries her. He sits on the couch beside his mom and exchanges hellos.
“Mom, this is my girlfriend, Millie.”
“I’ve heard such great things.” She says. She goes on introducing herself and Layla. She stands and we give each other a hug. I sit down beside Harry and his niece.
“You’re very pretty.” Layla says to me. I feel myself get red in the face.
“Thank you.” I tell her. Harry leans over to me.
“She loves princesses. She also likes to run around, and she likes to build with legos. Don’t be so nervous. It’s okay.”
“I don’t want to do anything wrong or upset your mom. This is important.”
“It is, but she isn’t harsh or going to judge you like you are probably worrying about. Things are going good so far babe.” He says. The name surprises me. He has never called me babe before.
“Ms. Millie will you play with me? I have two princess dolls!”
“Of course.” I tell her. “I’d love to”. I see Harry smile. She takes my hand and pulls me to where her toys are on the floor. She hands me a doll in a blue dress. She explains to me who she is and what she wants to do and we play. Harry and Anne talk behind us but I can’t make out what they are saying.
Eventually our game has evolved into running around the house playing tag and racing. I sneak a glance at Harry and his mom. Harry’s face is red with blush. They are both smiling while talking. Then I hear a thud. I look back to Layla and see her on the floor. She begins to cry. I pick her up and hold her.
“Where does it hurt honey?” I ask her. She shows me her knee. It’s not busted open. There’s no cut or blood but I know it hurts. She fell pretty hard. “Do you want some ice for it?” I ask her and she nods. I carry her to the closet and grab a wash cloth. I then carry her to the freezer and wrap some cubes in the cloth and place it on her knee. I sit down and comfort her, and see Harry and his mom standing there to check on her. She is hugging me and talking to me about her princesses again as I hold the ice.
“Where is Mimi?” She asks.
“She’s behind you silly.” I tell her. She hops out of my lap and runs to her. She must be feeling better. I discard of the ice and put the cloth in the laundry. I walk back out and stand beside Harry.
“Can we mom? It feels like forever since I got to watch her.” He says to her.
“Let me call your sister and see what time she’s going to be back and talk to her.”
“Okay.” He says. His mom takes her phone and walks to a different room.
“What’s going on?” I ask.
“We might be able to keep Layla for a bit longer. Is that okay? I know we planned to watch a movie.”
“No that’s great. She’s a good little kid.” He smiles at me. He pulls me in and plants a kiss on my lips. I melt into the kiss. We have been dating for two weeks so far but it’s only ever been forehead kisses, hand kisses, and cheek kisses. I’ve been wanting this but too afraid to ask. He places and hand on my cheek and deepens the kiss. Our lips move together like they have always been doing this. Like it hasn’t been just years of friendship and recently best friendship into dating. It’s like we have been doing this forever. It was meant to be. My chest comes alive with fire for him.
His lips separate from mine. His face is flushed. I’m sure mine is too. His lips are slightly swollen.
His mom comes back in from being on the phone and gives us a smile.
“She said Layla can stay, and wants to know if when she comes to pick her up, you guys want to go out to dinner?” She says. Harry looks over at me.
“Would you like to meet my sister?” He asks me. I nod. “Okay. We will go.”
“Okay hon. I’ll see you both at dinner then.” She says. She gives Harry, Layla, and I a hug. She walks out of the door.
“Let’s have a tea party uncle Harry!” Layla yells.
“Alright little one. Go set it up and I’ll be there in a moment okay?”
“Okay!” She yells as she runs to her bag of toys.
“Can I kiss you again?” I ask him nervously. He doesn’t answer, but instead puts his hands on either side of my face and kisses me again. The fire reignites and it’s just as passionate and nice as the first one. We separate and both have a smile plastered on our faces.
“I don’t think you know how long I’ve wanted to do that for.” He tells me, somewhat breathless.
“How long is that?”
“It feels like forever.” He tells me.
Layla rushes back into the room and starts pushing Harry and I to the play tea set she has set out on the floor. She serves each of us our tea and then herself.
“What a polite princess. You’ll make a very nice queen someday.” He says which makes Layla giggle.
“Are you a princess or a queen Ms. Millie?”
“Oh she’s definitely a queen, princess Layla. She is ruler of all the lands.”
“All of them?”
“All of them.” He tells her seriously. “Maybe you can help her do her queen duties?”
“Yes!” She yells. Harry and I give her little goofy tasks to help me rule my lands. She’s running all over the house. After she has done all of the tasks Harry and I can think of, she sits back down in front of me.
“I think you did such a good job today, that I would like to make you the queen of my land. Only if you promise to be good to my people and treat the kindly.”
“I promise Queen Millie!”
“Okay. You are now Queen Layla.” I tell her and she gives me a hug. We then decided the queen should probably rest from doing all of those tasks. So we set her up with blankets and pillows. We turned on a movie and sat with her until she fell asleep on the couch. Harry and I sat on the floor in front of the couch. His arm wraps around me and brings me to lay my head on his chest.
This is the safest I have ever felt in my life. Just like this. I never want to move. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I love having him in my life. I think I may be falling in love with him but that was inevitable. We have been running in the same friends group for years. We’ve gotten closer since game nights and Kellen. Harry was always there. Wanting me. Waiting for me. I feel bad I didn’t see it from the start, but maybe there’s a reason for everything. A reason for the hurt. The heart break. It all lead me here to Harry.
“Love?” He says lowly.
“Yeah?” I whisper back.
“I know today has been a lot on you. It was unexpected that my mom show up with Layla. And I kind of didn’t help by asking her to babysit, but thank you.”
“Thank you?” I ask him.
“Yes. I know you were nervous, but you did great. I know my mom loves you to pieces and you do so great with Layla. So thank you for everything you did today. You don’t know how much it means to me that they love you.”
“You don’t have to thank me Harry. I’m just glad they like me too. I was so scared that your mom wouldn’t like me. I knew I was going to be okay with Layla. Growing up in a group home with a bunch of little kids helped. She’s just the cutest thing ever.” I tell him. “And I think even with being nervous and everything, that kiss made it worth it.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yes.” I giggle.
“Can I have another one?” He asks me and I nod. He softly grabs my face and pulls me in.
He separates for breath. He mumbles my name against my lips. “You were worth waiting for. I’m so glad you’re my girlfriend, Mil.” He kisses me again, his hand finding its way into my hair on my shoulders. “Can I ask you one more thing?”
“You can say no, especially with how overwhelming the day has been, plus meeting my sister is always fun. Would you like to stay the night with me?” He asks nervously.
“Of course. I’ve been wanting to. Just like I’ve been wanting to kiss you. I’ve just been too afraid to ask.”
“I didn’t want to do anything you didn’t want to do. I am scared I’m going to mess up.”
“You could never.” He comforts me. “I want to know what you want and what you don’t. I don’t want you to be afraid to tell me what you need. I’d tell you if you ever did something I didn’t want to. ”
“What if it’s too fast?” I ask him.
“Who’s to say what’s too fast except for us? It’s not about time. It’s about comfort. Whatever you and I are comfortable with.” He says making his point. “I’m not going anywhere Millie. Trust me.”
“Okay.” I say with relief. We just sit there holding each other as the children’s movie plays in the background. Harry hums a song I haven’t heard before.
“What song is that one?” I ask him.
“I’m still fine tuning it, but it’s mostly finished.” He says.
“Can I help?” I ask him. He nods. He lets go of me and grabs his bag. He pulls his journal out and some pens. He gives me a loose piece of paper to write down ideas.
He starts breaking the song down for me. Verse by verse. Singing, then explaining his uncertainties as well as things he doesn’t want to change.
“You know, if I ever get famous one day and actually get to record these, you’ll be listed as the only songwriter other than myself.” He tells me with a smile.
“I’d be honored to be put in the credits.” I smile at him. “And I don’t think it’s a matter of if you get famous. You’ll make it there.” I tell him.
“I hope so. The bar manager thinks I should book a gig at the local performance art center since I’m booking him out every weekend. He says his place isn’t big enough anymore.”
“Harry that’s great. Did you call them?”
“It’s in the process of being booked. Will probably be earlier in the day Saturday rather than the nights.”
“Well, whatever time it is, I’ll be there.”
“I’ll have a front row ticket for you.” He says and places a kiss on my cheek. We close up the journal and clean up our papers. We wake up Layla and get her ready to go just as Anne shows up to take us to dinner. Harry sits in the back with Layla and Anne and I up front.
We pull into the restaurant. Harry carries Layla and I walk beside. I look over at him with her and my heart swells. He really loves Layla and it’s written all over his face. His smile. The way he plays with her. The way she always wants to be with Harry. It’s adorable. And my mind wanders to a distant future. One I have always wanted. I would love to have kids someday. Having a little one running around would be amazing. I want to give them the love my family never gave me. My child won’t ever have to wonder who her parents are and why they gave her away.
I am brought back to reality when we walk through the door and a woman walks up to me and wraps her arms around me.
“My name is Gemma. I’m Harry’s sister and Layla’s mom.” She says with a bright smile.
“I’m Millie.” I tell her with a nervous smile. We are led to our table. Harry passes Layla off to Gemma and sits beside me at the table. He holds my hand as we look at the menu.
“So when did you two meet?” Gemma asks after our order is taken.
“We have been in the same friend group for years, but just recently became close.” I tell her.
“Well that’s good that you two knew each other. I feel like it would be awkward to meet a stranger.” She says.
“I’m sure it would be.” Harry says.
“We have heard great things about you Millie.” She tells me. “We are glad Harry has you.” She says. “We should really thank you for making him more bearable to be around. He can be pretty grumpy.”
“While I’m glad you guys like her, you don’t have to be like that Gem.
“Be like what?” She says, giving Harry a look.
“Here we go, Millie. You haven’t seen any siblings fight the way these two do.” Anne says laughing. Layla quietly colors her picture.
“I’m not that grumpy. Some people think I’m very cool.” He says motioning to me. I decide to keep the conversation going.
“I feel like very cool is reaching, Har.” I joke along and he give me a look and laughs.
“You two think you’re so funny.”
“See? Grumpy.” Gemma states with a laugh and I laugh along.
“So if I’m not very cool what am I?” He asks us with a chuckle.
“Mildly cool. You do have that music thing going for you.” Gemma says.
“Yeah. That gives you some cool points.”
“Only some? I’ll remember this.” He says jokingly.
“Layla, do you think uncle Harry is cool?” Anne asks.
“He is the coolest!” She says excitedly, her crayon falling onto the table.
“At least someone thinks so.” Anne teases.
“You guys better be nice to uncle Harry!” She says and we laugh.
“Thank you Layla.” Harry tells her as she goes back to her coloring. The food arrives shortly as we all continue to talk.
I look over at Harry as the night progresses and just can’t contain how much I have feelings for him. His family makes me feel like their own. He makes me feel loved and safe. He brings happiness and peace to my life. His laugh is adorable. His smile is sweet. The way his eyes light up when he talks about stuff he likes is magical. And when he looks at me, they basically turn into hearts.
I hope this lasts a long time. I don’t ever want to let this go.
I have to tell him. I don’t think I love him. I know I do. I want to be this happy.
We pay our bill and leave the table to head outside. We are walking to our cars to exchange goodbyes when Gemma pulls me aside.
“Hey. I just wanted to tell you without harry butting in, that we are really glad Harry has you. I know our family can be crazy sometimes but we are glad to have you around. We can tell you make him so happy. He smiles so much more when you’re around.” She says to me with a smile.
“I’m glad to be around. Harry is amazing. And I loved meeting everyone today.” I tell her.
“What were you two doing over there?” Harry asks as we approach the cars.
“None of your business, Nosey!” Gemma says as she goes in for a hug. I return it. She gives one to Harry as well. Layla makes her rounds. When she gets to me she says she can’t wait to play with me again. Harry and I get in the car and drive to my place. We go in and Harry helps me pack a bag. I put my makeup in there as well as some shower stuff. I pick out a shirt and pants. As I fold them to put in the bag, Harry stops me.
“What are you doing?” I ask as he gently takes them from my hands.
“I have perfectly good pajamas at my house.” He states with a smile.
“Oh really?” I say.
“Yes. I have a pair in mind that I think you would like.”
“Okay.” I say giving up. I pack my laptop and then we get back into the car. We make it back to Harry’s house.
“I’m going to take a shower. Can I have those pajamas and a towel?”
“Of course.” He says. He throws me a towel first, and then some black plaid pajama pants fly at me next. Then a shirt with some design I can’t make out comes hurling at me. I managed to catch all three and make my way to the bathroom. I bask in the warm water for a while after washing. I decided not to completely ruin Harry’s finances by raising his water bill and get out.
I put the pants on and they are so fuzzy and comfortable. I slip the shirt over my head and see it is one of his band shirts. I thought they would fit snug since I’m not exactly small, but they are perfectly sized and comfortable. I quickly dry and comb my hair.
I walk out to see Harry waiting in the hall.
“Just as I thought.” He states.
“What?” I ask.
“You look beautiful. Especially in my clothes.” He says.
“I don’t have any makeup on.” I tell him.
“You don’t need it. You’re beautiful just the way you are.”
“Nope. Not something you are gonna be stubborn about. You’re beautiful. End of story.” He says walking towards me. He picks me up and I shriek.
“Let me carry you to bed.” He says, placing kisses on my neck as he carries me down the hall. It leaves me feeling breathless. My neck is so sensitive and his kisses are so light.
He lays me down on the bed and covers me up to my shoulders. He goes around the bed and climbs in on the other side. He covers himself up the same and he scoots closer to me. His arms snake around me and I let out a sigh of relief. Safe again.
There is no anxiety when I say, “I love you Harry Styles.” His face turns red.
“I love you Millie. More than you know.” He tells me. There was no hesitation. No doubt. He loves me too.
With that, I lay on Harry’s chest as he turns on a movie. We cuddle until we fall asleep.
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Masterlist Part 5 Part 7
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alannybunnue · 1 year
Could you please do a fic about the meeting. After the whole reek ark theon running into the reader & her son. Can you include the stuff from the asks about it. Like theon hearing the kid call her mama, & the son looking just like theon. Plus that cute moment when theon cries; the son comforts him like his mother does for him & theon hugs him. The reader agreeing to go with theon for the sake of her son but saying that it doesn't mean she forgives him or is going to be his salt wife.
Let's see what i can do...
He was on his way to the Iron Islands, it seemed like his past was trying to hunt him even more.
Lady ... Mormont, one of his past lovers, one in which the heart he arrogantly broke, was right in front of him, she looked different, her body wasn't the same, but she still had that soft expression on her face.
That was because she wasn't looking at him.
And when she did, her expression went from worried to stoic, she was obviously mad, but refused to show it to him. The lady was ready to turn around before both heard an unexpected voice.
"Mama! Look what i found!" - Soon, a little boy appeared behind her, and it was like looking at himself in a mirror.
Except that the reflection showed a little boy, not older than 5 or 6 years, with a big smile and holding a weird rock in his hand.
Lady Mormont immediately blocked Theon's view on the boy, she looked distraught, not wanting Theon to get close or see the little one. Hiding something...
But Theon is not that much of an idiot.
"Mama" - said the little boy - "Who is that?"
She looked at her son without knowing what to answer, then the baby bear got closer to her once lover and she internally freak out.
"Hi Mister..." - said the smiling boy - "Are you ok?"
Now Theon remembers his current state, he looks miserable, i mean, he is miserable, but it was so much that a 6 year old was able to notice.
But that didn't mattered, his mind elsewhere, on the possibility, on the idea that this little boy right in front of him was...his son.
Something he never thought would happen.
He broke down and hugged the little one tightly, expecting him to try to get away, but he didn't, the boy stood there, tapping Theon's head.
"It's okay Mister, you can cry as much as you need, Mama and i will help you!"
It was already getting dark at that point, in which forced Lady Mormont to let Theon stay with them for the night.
The whole time, baby bear kept showing the things he would find in the forest to Theon, and telling him many things he wanted to do when he grew.
The man saw the life that his ex took since she left Winterfell, in poverty, avoiding her family in a small shed away from everyone.
Now the boy was in bed while his mother sat beside his sleeping form, without saying a word or acknowledging the man who she once loved deeply.
Theon knew he couldn't let them live that way anymore, but he was too nervous to say a word.
"You noticed already, didn't you?" - She said, giving him a chance to say something, still not looking at him - "Yes...does he know?"
"No" - She replied coldly - "He never bothered to ask"
Theon slowly walked close to her, trying to reach for her arm, but to no avail. She backed away from him.
"You shouldn't be living like this..." - He said very quietly, obviously nervous of her answer to anything he says.
"Maybe, but this is my life now...thanks to you" - She replied, her expression and tone remained cold and indifferent, but Theon needed to do the right thing, he already messed up a lot.
"I am going to the Iron Islands...y-you should come with me." - Theon proposed, trying to mentally prepare himself for any sort of reaction.
"Are you serious? After everything...you still have the audacity to ask me that?" - She was, with good reason, irritated, Theon's mind started to race to find a good answer, he wanted them to go with him, maybe out of guilt, maybe for other reasons.
"It's not- you shouldn't be living like this-"
"Stop" - She interrupted him immediately - "I know what you are doing...you think that after all this time, you can just come here and 'rescue' us, so then i can forgive and forget what you did-"
Now she was looking at him
Theon was visibly shaking, not even Lady could deny it, he was anxious and stressed over everything at once.
She began to worry - "Theon?"
"I don't deserve..., i am not doing this, because i want you to forgive me...i just, don't to leave you like this...not again"
Now she was very concerned, Theon fucking Greyjoy, the cocky asshole who she once love deeply, was doing something not for his own benefit?
Of course, a lot of time has passed, and she heard rumours, that Theon betrayed the Starks and took Winterfell, killing Bran and Rickon Stark, but she didn't knew what happened to him afterwards.
"What did they do to you, Theon?"
Maybe there was a chance for them.
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meikodenji · 2 months
i have this little headcanon/AU of Daryl.
A/N: small references of homoph0bi4, physical 4buse/Daryl’s back, implied suggestive (?) this is just my headcanon/AU. it’s actually all thought out but this is what i can scrape up for now. i’d like to write it one day ! IF YOU DON’T LIKE THIS, JUST SCROLL AWAY. DNI IF YOU’RE JUST GONNA BE NEGATIVE, HATEFUL, ETC.
in this hc, he’s a gay man but has it under wraps and doesn’t talk about it. many think of him as a lone wolf (which he is, don’t get me wrong) and has never been romantically involved before. what many don’t know is that Daryl very much had only one person reach his heart. the person was a man named Dallas who he met when they both were teenagers (16/17), way back before the apocalypse. during that time, it’s already been years since Merle left for the army and their sister Madelyn left for college (she was kicked out and forbidden to see/visit Daryl by their deadbeat father).
Daryl and Dallas’s relationship unfolded with time, years. they were friends and then they had a deep talk, which ended in Daryl risking everything to confide in Dallas about his sexuality. you know how things were back then. Dallas’s reaction was the first time in Daryl’s life that he wasn’t met with a cold sneer or a strike of a damn belt. Dallas accepted him for who he was and made it known that he never saw Daryl as a lesser person. this eventually led to them holding hands.
slowly, their relationship became more romantic. stolen glances both in public and private. in secret, they held one another, kissed each other’s cheek, and then on the lips. they’d talk about anything and nothing, Daryl mostly listened since he loved to hear Dallas. Dallas equally adored Daryl. he’d always help Daryl look after himself, he just couldn’t help it. Daryl would often grunt about it but never shook Dallas off. can you imagine Dallas’s reaction to Daryl’s back ? he hugs him tight and cries for him, Daryl was never much of a crier (due to his deadbeat father Will).
they loved each other. it took Dallas a while to gather the courage to say those three words to Daryl. Daryl wanted to say it back because he knew he loved Dallas—but he couldn’t bring himself to say it. Dallas understood perfectly why without Daryl even telling him, and he never held it against Daryl. Dallas can see how much Daryl cared for and loved him, and he was happy with that.
when Daryl was 19, he finally walked away from Will and the hell he had to live in for all his life. he and Dallas moved into a little apartment two towns away. they kept up appearances as roommates.
things were going great. when they first moved in, that was the first time they’ve done it in an actual bed. past times were on a worn out mattress in Dallas’s old shed (Dallas would tell to his folks that he and Daryl were gonna go hunting and excuse the long hunt with a white lie), on a blanket deep in the woods, or in Will’s beat up truck whenever Daryl took it. they held up quite a domestic life with each other, which ultimately contrasted what Daryl saw between his parents growing up.
they were happy.
and then Merle was discharged three years later. things changed for the couple the moment their telephone rang. Merle was able to reach them because Merle had talked to Dalls’s uncle who thought that Dallas must know about Daryl (they don’t know that Daryl was living with Dallas). Merle and the other man knew each other from drug dealing. Merle didn’t know who Dallas was, but thought he’d give it a try. a day or two later, Merle called again and Dallas gave the telephone to Daryl. after years of not talking due to circumstances, the brothers talk again. Merle wanted Daryl to accompany him like old times. Daryl said he’ll let him know.
things went from one to another, Daryl pondered for a long time. Merle wasn’t as open-minded about many things. Daryl remembers many times when Merle and some others would jump guys who they thought was gay and not “normal”. suddenly, Daryl remembers that Merle offered to drop by Dallas’s place to pick him up. Daryl looked around and it was undeniable that Daryl didn’t just crash here and there.
knowing how violent and ill thinking Merle could get, he never wanted to put Dallas in a terrible situation. Daryl loved him too much to let anything happen to him. but something else was clawing at the back his head, his loyalty to his older brother.
eventually, Daryl had to choose between his brother Merle and his beloved Dallas. Daryl knew that if he chose not to go back with Merle, Merle wouldn’t stop popping up again and there would be a constant danger for Dallas. he also knew that if he chose his brother, he wouldn’t be able to live knowing that the pursuit of his and Dallas’s dreams had gone one sided.
at age 22, Daryl leaves. he couldn’t even face Dallas when he said goodbye. he feared that he’d accidentally kiss Dallas dumb in front of Merle who waited in his old, stolen truck. Dallas watched the truck go down the road.
Daryl found himself pressing the heels of his palms against his eyes.
in the present time, Daryl and Carol sit next to each other near a makeshift fire. Daryl had confided in her about the love of his life.
for more than 20 years, Daryl lived without any real reason and even more regrets.
the biggest one: he never got to say “I love you” to Dallas.
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theseiwrite · 1 year
The only reason my body hasn’t perished.
So you wouldn’t ever feel like someone on this planet doesn’t love you wholefully and truly.
I never will ever wipe my tears shed in your name.
They’re proof that I love you, and have loved you.
The are enraptured in your memory,
I’m your embrace and truest kiss,
And if all my other memories fade I hope and pray that yours are the last.
So that at the moment I am forgotten I am still with you.
You know, the only reason I know God exists, is when I say your name.
It’s going to take me a forever to heal, but I know what we had was real.
We changed each others’ hearts and you left an imprint on my soul.
Despite all that lays between us now,
I hope you know,
That apart of me,
Will always and only forever,
Be holding you.
And if I had a flower,
For ever time I’ll think of you,
I could walk in a garden of your flowers forever.
I hope this deep splitting guilt stays with me,
Because it’ll remind me of you and your impact on my heart it’s the love I feel and felt for you manifesting in the only way it can.
And if you’re ever homesick for me, know I’ve left a key hidden under the back door pot.
Don’t hesitate to come back,
Walk right in and sit next to me on the couch as if nothing ever changed.
Pick a movie out for us to watch.
I’ll make popcorn and put out some veggies and kemchi for you to eat and pour our drinks.
I won’t ask you to explain.
I won’t ask about our absence or your sudden reappearance.
I’ll ask if you still prefer whiskey gingers or if you prefer something new and if you’d like to order food.
Don’t be afraid to come home,
I’ve waiting to hear the back door open since I closed the front.
Only forever still means something to me.
Goodbye doesn’t have to be forever.
I’ll dream of you, as I’ve done since that night. And if this is my life, I pray I will dream forever.
You were my easiest hello, and my unforgettable unforgivable hardest goodbye.
You have no idea, how badly I want your name to light up my phone again.
It was so much more than real for me.
You made me feel human again you were my lifeline to the world.
I truly don’t know what to say, except, that it tore my heart from my body saying goodbye to you.
None of this feels real, I feel like I’m awaiting to wake up, that you’ll shake me and tell me I was having a nightmare, I’ll get up and turn the closet light on for the night. I’d leave that light on indefinitely so I’ll never slip into this reality again.
I endlessly think about you. I have a million things to tell you, and most begin with I’m sorry and all end with please forgive me.
I will pronounce your name unlike every other, and I will never say another like yours.
We kinda are, and will always be, every time you feel the sun on your skin or the moonlight seeps into your eyes I’ll be with you and in someway, together, we kinda are.
At the end of your day and all is silent, know that I love you still, within the blood that’s moving through my heart there is a place for you, and that place is sorry and begs for your forgiveness.
I promised you things, and swore I’d never break them, and I didn’t.
I broke myself upon them, I shattered myself and You upon them.
And God, I am so sorry. My Sweet Jagiya, my dream girl. I am sorry, and destroyed.
My hand, my fingers will be separated and ache for yours for all eternity, for all time, for you.
If Loss, if grief, if this feeling means love, then I have loved more than anything and anyone, I have loved so much.
I will and do mean this last line in the totalness that I can.
My hand will never hold another’s, my mouth will never speak another’s name, my eyes will never give another’s gaze, my heart will never have another home. I swear. Only forever is only forever.
And, I’ll never let you go.
I weep for hazel, our Pup, to never know me to beat you home again, sitting on the edge of the couch while I take off my boots and hug her for a full minute and just feel each other breathe against ourselves protecting each other in a way, an eye contact knowing I’ll protect you and you’ll protect me. Please tell her, and I know she won’t understand, which hurts more but, hold her and tell her I’m sorry.
Years of love have been forgot, In the hatred of a minute.
I am so deathly afraid
The next time our eyes meet
You will find yourself staring at a stranger
And I will find myself watching somebody realize that I have become someone they no longer recognize.
Maybe, in another life we’ll sit across from each other at the table and go over the grocery list and what we want to do that day;
Until then I resign.
I hope you only, only remember all the fun we had Together.
Yes every rose has its thorns, I saw yours and my hands wanted to bleed and still do.
I just need you to know that no matter what happens, it was worth it to me. Being with you, loving you. It was all worth it.
“I Still Do” (Chapter 13, Jagiya) DKL
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