#sherbet’s theories
sherbet-shark · 1 year
|〘 ⋇W/C: 230〙|〘 ⋇ Format: Theory 〙|〘 ⋇Content: 〙 | I’m thinking about Leona and his family, plus the possible culture around childbirth. |
|〘 Trigger Warning: 〙| Brief Discussion of Animal Death. Below Cut, proceed with caution or don’t read if these topics upset you. |
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I watched a documentary on Netflix(?) and one section of the episodes are abt a lioness having her cubs but she’s away from her pride because her babies are so small and weak, plus the other members of the pride could possibly just unalive them either by playing too rough or another male Lion takes over the pride. The documentary says that all female lionesses have to do this and it’s seen in other apex predators behaviors too.
But what if this detail goes into a royal family tradition or the cultural aspect of apex beastmen? For example, Leona and Farena’s mother would have to “isolate” and be sole caretaker of her “cubs,” this already creates a slight shift in the relationship between father and cubs for an undisclosed amount of time, so mom comes back and presents her first child to her husband and he’s the one that does education etc but didn’t have that early chance to bond with the offspring.
“Female lions leave the pride to give birth to their young and do not return until the cubs are several weeks old. The adult females then join together to raise and defend the young”
Of course this idea can easily be shot down with evidence from the lion king, while not entirely accurate twst does seem to draw equal inspiration from the source material and irl things
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Map Problems: Part 1
So, I was looking at the canon map that was released for some of our theories and just... Just no. It hurts me to even look at as it is widely inaccurate and outdated. Some places don’t even exist anymore or they haven’t even been added, so enjoy the rant I am about to go on. 
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The problem with this map is, however, it makes no logical sense... 
First of all; we are told in the game that Beast Yeast is North-East of Dragon’s Valley (DV), no biggie, right? Well, actually, it’s also supposed to be connected. It is NE of DV and resides in/near the Licorice Sea as stated in the game, however, here it is just floating away near Crispia and the Jellyfish Ocean. The Licorice Sea does not exist and therefore, it cannot be in the right position regardless. 
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A secondary problem that occurred was that the Giant Icing Ridge is too close to a tropical climate to be considered to be what it is, meaning that, while the Cacao Kingdom would be cold, it would not get to the temperatures to become an icy wasteland where cookies cannot reside without help. It would be a cooler climate, yes, but it wouldn’t be considered an artic or even all year round snowy place. 
Realistically, the City of Wizards (CoW) is placed in a weird spot, it is coastal and by the sea, however, it would be much closer to Cacao’s Kingdom (CK) than Hollyberry’s (HBK) as it also holds the Tower of Frozen Waves, which shouldn’t exist anymore by the way. The CoW also has a much cooler climate compared to the tropical, Venice-like weather the HBK has. Not to mention, the CoW is told to be in the mountains, which is not here. 
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Another possible problem is that the Vanilla Kingdom (VK), is that it is close to the Lake of Truth. Now, this wouldn’t be a problem, but unfortunately it is as the VK is a barren wasteland. After the attack there has been no vegetation growth, there are only dead trees and they are in a severe drought to the point only raisin birds and old raisin residents could survive, the rest of the Vanillians high-tailed it out of there. (Also has anyone even heard of the Blood Jam mountains...?) If they live close to a lake, sure it would take over a hundred years to rehydrate, there would be vegetation growth. However, later in the game, during the Council episodes, it’s shown that the plants have nearly grown back. But that is a problem for another time because I’m not going into the map of tree growth right now. (Picture is to show the drought.)
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Even the Sugar Free Road makes no sense as it is shown that Vanilla goes through multiple mountain ranges to reach what is basically “enlightenment”, however, the map never goes through mountains. It is shown they go around through valleys. So this man is either a liar or a fake (/j). It is a possibility but could be the Judgement Ravine, however, this is shown to be nowhere near the mountain ranges. If we wanted it to make more sense climate-wise and just in general, move it more towards the Secret Fig Forest, as well as the Dessert Paradise. 
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While Golden Cheese hasn’t been released yet, the original positioning is not up to date and is a major issue with the map. We can assume Golden Cheese’s Kingdom is the one nestled between the Cream Cake Mountains, as originally her kingdom was to be in a Valley. Now that wouldn’t be a major issue because it’s in a valley, it is supposedly in a tropical climate, it’s sorted. 
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The map is too small to hold everything and if you want us to believe anything you say, there is either no desert or you’ve moved GC’s Kingdom into a place it cannot possibly be. 
Deserts are formed in mountain ranges in which rain clouds cannot reach, however, this is the secondary problem, they have slapped it smack bang next to... You guessed it... THE OCEAN. 
But anyway, this is going to have to wait for another day, Spiced is wanting to tell me about a lizard they found at the entrance. 
Till we meet again, reader. - Maple Pecan Cookie 
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quibbs126 · 2 years
Something I noticed about the Elemental’s Super Epics, at least with Sherbet and Stardust, is that they seem to have the same/similar origins to their Legendary counterpart (Sherbet and Frost Queen were both Frost Children, while Moonlight and Stardust were made from the same moonlight-infused dough)
Assuming that the other elemental Legendaries will be getting their own Super Epic, I imagine this trend of them sharing the same origins will continue
Granted we only have two examples, so that’s not a solid pattern, but it’s still 2/2, so you can’t deny the possibility
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lilmissnatcat24 · 6 months
for no other reason than i worked at an ice cream shop for eight years, here's what ice cream the mass effect characters would eat
shepard: neapolitan, strawberry for their paragon side, chocolate for their renegade, vanilla to balance
garrus: moose tracks, but will pick it apart just for the peanut butter cups and give shepard the leftovers
tali: literally any booze flavored ice cream
liara: mint chocolate chip because she secretly kind've fucks with the taste of toothpaste but will never admit it out loud
kaidan: butter pecan. it's not everyone's favorite, but it's his, and he's totally cool with it
ashley: whatever the 2183 equivalent to the tonight dough. cookie dough chunks, brownie chunks, butterscotch, chocolate chips, malt chunks, everything
wrex: this man is old as balls!!!!!! rum raisin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
joker: lemon sherbet. you cannot tell me that man is not lactose intolerant
miranda: cherries garcia, little bit sweet, little bit tart
jack: the most sickening sweet shit you can think of. cotton candy with marshmallow superman with a side of sugar
jacob: some sort of dark chocolate peanut butter ice cream that sounds good in theory but in reality you can only take like 3 bites of before you get a tummy ache
zaeed: banana splits that he likes to mash together with a spoon and eat like some deconstructed milkshake
kasumi: the weird avant gard shit you see in hipster vegan shops, like some bacon sweet potato rosebud ice cream
mordin: coffee ice cream, because he likes the taste of coffee but if he were to actually drink it he would spontaneously combust
grunt: those froyo shops that were everywhere in 2014 where you could make a bowl with like 5% froyo and 95% other toppings and it cost 14 dollars
thane: doesn't like ice cream because it reminds him of how he abandoned his child and how his wife is dead and he could never go back to the life he left behind, the life of stability, because his body is engineered for a deadly purpose and he can never atone for his sins rocky road
samara: this woman is old as balls!!!!!!!!!!!!! pistachio!!!!!!!!!!!
legion: tried vanilla ice cream. too sticky, got stuck in his wiring.
james: one of those brownie sundaes that weighs approximately 5 pounds and is majority whipped cream
steve: chocolate chip. classy, just like him ;)
traynor: something smooth and rich and velvety and inexplicably sexy, like raspberry chocolate chunk
edi: takes the idea of ice cream a little too literally and just has a bowl of heavy cream with ice cubes. is confused why everyone is disgusted.
javik: ice cream is for primitives (peaches and cream)
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itsbenedict · 3 days
From the beginning | Previously | Coin standings | 8/18 | 19/20
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You stay out of sight and observe the Rs for a little while. It seems like... they primarily hunt the weird little bat-monsters that are flying around. They spit lowercase rs as projectiles, then converge on the dazed bats and gobble them up. They're... kind of bad hunters, though, and seem to be in uneasy competition for prey with each other.
Adea knows what to do. She's cut down plenty of these pesky things- what's a few more? She tells Walter to hold down the fort while she goes out to BATTLE COLIC COLLECT BAIT.
...While he's waiting, he takes out the BILATERAL SIZINGS SIGNAL STABILIZER, and thinks back to earlier, when he first started feeling strangely hungry. There was something in the medieval village, but he can't quite bring it to mind. Maybe with this...
Adea returns to Walter's hiding spot just outside the tree chamber, a haul of neatly bisected BAT-LAMs slung over her shoulder in the spent plastic casing of a bulk juice pack. She returns and finds him on the floor, twitching, whispering something to himself with a thousand-yard stare plastered on his face. A spent SIGNAL STABILIZER lies on the ground next to him.
She wants to panic, but there's two large predators less than twenty feet away. Survival instincts keep her silent, but she kneels down and tries to shake him to his senses. After a moment, he makes eye contact with her, and his eyes well up with tears.
She's dead, he says. I saw her body, he says. They took her away.
Adea knows who he means, immediately, because there's no one else he could be talking about. But he's not making any sense- was she here? What happened?
...No, he's clearly talking nonsense. Obviously she's not dead. That can't be true. She won't let that be true. He's delirious- and on less than 10% Soul Integrity, so who knows what might've snapped in his head. He's prone to flights of fancy at the best of times- she needs to get some blood sugar in him.
She stands up and holds the bag of ba(i)t in the doorway, until the growling letters spot her. They turn, and begin galloping in her direction- until she flings the bag down the hallway before diving back behind cover. They chase after it, jostling each other for position. And if all goes according to plan, they'll catch the scent of their trail of bug-carnage and be led far away from here.
She forces Walter to his feet and ushers him into the chamber. The tree is full of fruit- enough for them to fill up both their stomachs and their pockets with heart-apples. He's shaking and doesn't want to eat, but she forces it down. The monsters aren't distracted for as long as she'd hoped- but these heart apples restore a pretty significant chunk of Soul Integrity nonetheless, putting them both up over 60% before they need to vamoose. And they can come back here, later, with more firepower or another distraction in hand. Worrying about survival seems like it's over, for the time being.
Now... there's been a few next priorities. They feel jumbled, but they present themselves dutifully, following you out of the tree chamber. Walter is still babbling incoherently, but it's at least more coherent than...
To be continued | 60/70 | 40/40
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reidsaurora · 1 year
You are invited to:
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reidsaurora's twentieth birthday bash! ☆
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The Orders:
🧁 Leo Baby Birthday Cake - send me a character + a prompt from this list and i'll write you a blurb!
🧁 Confetti Cupcakes - send me a character + concept/trope/au and i'll write you a blurb!
🧁 Birthday Batch Cookies - send me a character + concept/trope/au and i'll write you some headcanons!
🧁 Birthday Breakfast - send me a character + concept/trope/au and i'll make you a moodboard!
🧁 Ice Cream Sundae - send me a 💞 and i'll write you a handwritten note! (mutuals only)
🧁 Rainbow Sherbet - send me a 🎶 and a genre and i'll make you a playlist! (mutuals only)
🧁 Sparkling Strawberry Lemonade - send me a thing and i'll cast my mutuals as it!
🧁 Party Punch - send me ask games! fmk, would you rather, etc!
🧁 Cake Batter Martini - send me a character + kink and i'll write a you nsfw blurb!
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The Rules:
🧁 This event will run through leo season! - as a leo my baby myself, i love taking the opportunity to celebrate my fellow leos because i don't think we get the love we deserve! that being said, this event will run through leo season, meaning it will start July 23rd and end August 22nd! (give or take, depending on how many requests i get and how long it takes me to write them)
🧁 Send asks to designated blogs! - please check my pinned post for request rules! this account is exclusive to criminal minds and daisy jones & the six requests, but this doesn't mean i'm not taking requests for this event over on my stranger things blog, @honeysuckleharringtons!
🧁 NSFW asks are designated to my NSFW blog! - while there is an option in this event for nsfw blurbs, that does not mean to send them to this blog!!! any and all nsfw asks should be sent to my nsfw blog, @hornyhornyhimbos!
🧁 Please be respectful to the blogger and to others! - use your noggin when requesting things. if it sounds offensive, it probably is, so just keep it to yourself. treat people with kindness!!!
🧁 Please be understanding when putting in requests! - writing blurbs and headcanons and such can be time-consuming so please be gracious when leaving requests! i will try to answer everyone's asks in as timely of a manner as possible!
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🧁 tagging some mutuals to spread the word if they'd like! -> @dungeons-are-too-cold @reidsbookclub @reidselle @broken-stardust @nomajdetective @writer-in-theory @lcvingprentjss @serenity-lattes @writingquillsandpainpills @sadgirlml @rupsmorge @lukeclvez @foxy-eva @bejeweledmunson @gay-prentiss @orchidmunson @letarasstuff @milla984 @coldbrewreid @stevesmunsons
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wonderfull-star · 11 months
I’ve been wanting to raise this topic for a LONG time and it looks like the time has come. And this is about poor character development.
...or rather not really about that. Well, SERIOUSLY, to screw up your own characters like that, you still need to try. Admit it, who is now as interested in watching the release of new updates as it was 1-2 years ago? If we compare the updates with the last year and the year before, the characters seemed more interesting to me..?Like Strawberry Crepe, Dark Choco,Red Velvet, Licorice Cookie,Espresso Cookie, Madeleine Cookie, Cotton Cookie, Sherbet Cookie, Black Raisin Cookie, Black Pearl... It feels like the game is missing more morally gray characters. And all we end up getting or perfectly good characters who get along with absolutely everyone, or just crazy sociopathic villains who definitely won’t redeem. Of course, there are a lot more good (or rather blank) characters. Well, if I say in the end, there are very few characters who are actually remembered (and this problem, unfortunately, is not only in this fandom). And those characters whom we have known for a long time are already slowly wasting their potential. Or to be more precise, they were just stupidly neglected. Seriously, when was the last time we saw an update with Red Velvet, Licorice, Pomegranate and Dark Choco? After all, they are really very important characters for the plot, who are also the most beloved by the fandom.
I have nothing against new characters in the game, but it would be better if previous and older characters also participated in the new updates. I think this is the reason why I stopped following the game in general because I just became simply bored.
Well, what about the wasted potential of the character? Licorice’s stats. BRUH. I expected that in terms of strategy and solving puzzles he would be at least a little better. But THIS is too much lol. Devsisters ended up making him completely useless. Even in terms of strength, Licorice is not that good, although it is not clear where he got it from if he mainly deals with magic (you will of course say that this is due to the fact that he carries books a lot, but have you ever seen how he handles a pickaxe??). In theory, his statistics should have more of a strategy. Since all Licorice usually does is make various plans. So this is some kind of nonsense. In the end, from the “misunderstood genius” with whom everyone empathizes, we simply get an idiot. Congratulations 👏
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study-with-aura · 6 months
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Tuesday, March 19, 2024
My mom got me a bunny! I named her Sherbet because she sort of reminds me of sherbet. I went through several names however. At first it was Bun-Bun and then Hop-Hop and then BeBe and then Poppy, and then I think I finally settled on Sherbet. I will let you know if I change my mind again. Isn't she cute though?
The study day went by quickly. I didn't need my full four hours, so I added in a supplement for Biology since we're on the evolution unit right now. My curriculum is mostly a creationist perspective, although it touches on evolution and natural selection, so I found this docuseries called Life on Our Planet which dives deeper into evolution. I don't need my parents permission to watch the docuseries since they give me a lot of freedom around things like that, but I still let them know I was going to. Apparently my dad has already seen it, and he thought I would enjoy it. That was a surprise to me that he had watched it. The first episode was suspenseful, but I am looking forward to watching more. I will have to build it into my study day somehow. I think it has 10 episodes, all a little under an hour long.
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Learned to construct perpendicular bisectors and angle bisectors + practice + practice with proofs involving segments and angles + honors work
Lit and Comp II - Reviewed Unit 21 vocabulary + read chapter 39 of Emma by Jane Austen
Spanish 2 - Vocabulary test (100%)
Bible I - Read Judges 12-13
World History - Read second part of the introduction to the unit + read about Albert Einstein + read about Pablo Picasso + viewed some of Picasso's artwork
Biology with Lab - Read and watched videos on the functionality of life from a creationist perspective
Foundations - Read the definition of self-control + completed next quiz on Read Theory + read an article about propaganda in schools
Piano - 60-minute piano lesson + practiced for one hour
Khan Academy - None today
CLEP - None today
Streaming - Watched episode 1 of Life on Our Planet (evolutionist perspective)
Duolingo - Studied for 15 minutes (Spanish, French, Chinese) + completed daily quests
Reading - Read pages 177-226 of House of Salt and Sorrows by Erin A. Craig
Chores - Laundry
Activities of the Day:
Personal Bible Study (Colossians 3)
What I’m Grateful for Today:
I am grateful that my parents agree and encourage me to study the beginnings of life from creationist and evolutionist perspectives instead of only creationism.
Quote of the Day:
Every act of creation is first of all an act of destruction.
-Pablo Picasso
🎧Suite in B minor for piano, op. 58 - Charles-Marie Widor
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sammywolfgirl · 2 years
Okay so Stardust has been confirmed a super epic, so I’m gonna bring up a theory/headcanon I’m gonna use in my au
In the case of elementals, a super epic is just a legendary who hasn’t reached their full potential.
To use an oc as an example, Sunbeam would be a super epic while Sunlight is a legendary.
Stardust is a super epic and hasn’t reached his full potential yet, though frankly he’s going through some shit and figuring himself out, reaching his full power can wait and like valid man.
Sherbet is also in this bracket, he’s a super epic but has the potential to essentially become like frost queen in the future, like taking over her job if she retires or needs a second hand. Probably won’t happen for a while but again, the possibility is their.
Plus it means if in the future I’m feeling creative I can make legendary designs for those two which sounds fun.
Oh and this doesn’t apply to super epics who are just important people like oyster and clotted cream, sorry you’re just rich not demigods
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ashuribbon · 8 months
Ah okay! Someone made a theory on Twitter where Elder Faerie would die and White Lily would take over as the new Faerie Queen, due to her lines in the costume and that one scene in the trailer
I saw your tweet regarding the Google Translated Cookie Run Kingdom, when I saw Pure Vanilla say "... Another chance to protect you" I immediately thought about that one scene 😂
Oh, I have been seeing that theory go around on Twitter. If he does die, and White Lily takes over, I would be surprised that the theory was right (or just post the Apollo meme). It wasn't Devsisters' first time adding death in the game (-points at Sherbet, the Golden Cheese Kingdom residents, Abalone and all the pirates, etc.), and seeing Elder Faerie's ordeal and how the story is going to go, it can come true at any time.
Or they'll go all Disney style and make sure Elder Faerie survives, who knows?
And MAN I didn't think people would mention the CRK translation thing I was in with Syrupyy! Good to know the bit where Mole said "Ah, but I care for the earth" and I responded with "Yeah! So go kiss White Lily!" aged well with this update!
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gendy-endy · 2 years
theory: we might know much more than we think about this 'forbidden being'
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this line said at the end of the sherbet story has made my brain think about how the main story of crk will continue.
Like at this point we know next to nothing about beast yeast, besides its dangerous.
And we don't truly know why out of all the places in earthbread, why dark enchantress chose to hide out their.
But I have a theory of sorts.
This 'forbidden being' might be very similar to matcha and red velvet cookie
Let me start off with the fact crk and crob seem to have slightly different lores and backstories to major characters, like for example dark enchantress, but relatively keep cannon VERY similar
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if you didn't know this is matcha cookie, an epic Ovenbreak exclusive.
In the ovenbreak cannon she's directly stated to be 'family' with dark enchantress, their personal relationship isn't fully laid out, but most agree that they're possibly sisters
Now she was released with dark enchantress in the same update, which was way before kingdom was out, so you may ask how is matcha cookie going to work in kingdom.
Time to bring it in
Matcha will be part of the story as a 'attempt' but ultimately a failure, but a whole new character will be the 'ultimate creation'
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Now bringing up red velvet for a second because I can
Now he's one of the few cookies in cannon that have escaped the oven and lived.
So we can assume that this 'ultimate being' will maybe look very similar to Dark enchantress, red velvet, and matcha in a way?
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now there's some consistencies in design ideas (stripes, more muted pallet and pops of a bright versions of said colors)
But there's one other design that I think can give us the greatest picture on what this character could look like
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Dark enchantress's chaos incarnate, a legendary rarity costume.
This costume in my opinion gives us the greatest idea on how this character's design might look like if not exactly be like.
This character I think will be super epic (or higher) and matcha cookie will be the epic that releases with them.
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lgbtally4ever · 2 years
BL Series I’m Currently Watching
Only 2 episodes in, but I like it, already! (GagaOOLala)
My, absolute favorite series, at this time! (iQIYI)
My second favorite series, at the moment. (You Tube)
It’s getting better now! (iQIYI)
I like it. It’s cute and has 👻 ghosts! (GagaOOLala)
More “grown-up” than Akarakun to Amagikun. Cute, funny, fluffy, with some more serious drama undertones.
More BDSM! Mostly implied, so far. 👍 (iQIYI)
Cute and entertaining, so far, with a deeper story to come, it looks like. Taiwanese (Viki)
Landlord/tenant at home, employee/Boss at work—Korean series with the stars of Kissable Lips! ‘Nuff said! (Viki)
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THIS SOUNDS INCREDIBLY SAD AND TRAGIC, but I’m going to try to get through it, anyway! Even with the tragic circumstances, they’ve managed to keep it light. (Rakuten Viki)
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It IS what they advertise! “SEX”
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My Third favorite 😍 Koreans do BL so well! But, too short! (Viki, iQIYI)
Addendum: Finished this series. Loved it right up until the final episode, which could’ve made more sense and turned out better!
The Japanese do BL well, too, but too tame for my taste. Adorable leads, though! 😘 (Viki)
Very good story, great relationship. I really liked the fascism vs. progressive theme. (On YouTube, GMMTV)
Minato’s Laundromat-cute, very enjoyable, easy-to-watch.
My Secret Love-which got better toward the end. (you tube)
Coffee Melody-that I feel I could’ve missed and that would have been ok. (Viki, iQIYI)
180 Degree Longitude…-pretty excellent. Not BL, really an LGBT Drama. Adult, sad, dramatic. (GagaOOLala)
On Cloud Nine-Strange, but interesting! (you tube)
Unforgotten Night-It’s an acquired taste. (GagaOOLala)
Papa and Daddy 2-extremely lovable series! (GagaOOLala)
About Youth- Cute, easy to watch, quick. (GagaOOLala, Viki)
I’m a Fool For You 3-I like this series. Too damned short & quick, though. (You Tube)
21 Days Theory-It’s short, quick, easy-to-watch, fun & cute. I liked it. (You Tube)
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thethingything · 2 years
35, 34, 32, and 9?
35) Do you have a system role?
I'm the host but before that I alternated between being a co-host and being a caretaker. I also briefly had a role that was kind of like, not a gatekeeper but someone who specifically could look back and access memories of what we'd done that day, which was something we typically had one alter for per subsystem. I can't remember who took over the role after me but it's not been a thing in our subsystem for a while now - 🍬
I think I'm probably a co-host? I end up handling a bunch of different stuff that doesn't really fit a specific role but I front the 2nd most after 🍬 so co-host seems like the most accurate role. I've had the same role since 🍬 became the host and I might have been a co-host at some point before that too, but when I first showed up in the system I used to front a lot to handle specific stuff to do with the system's mum getting into a bunch of conspiracy theories - 🦋
34) What's your favorite thing about yourself?
this is always a difficult one to answer because I like a lot of things about myself but can never put them into words without feeling like it sounds really pretentious. I like that I put effort into things like learning healthier communication and coping mechanisms and stuff like that though. it's something I'm really proud of myself for - 🍬
I don't really know. there are things I like about myself but every time I'm asked to name one my mind goes blank. I like being me even if I can't pinpoint what I like about myself - 🦋
32) If your system has disorders or neurodivergencies, do your symptoms differ from the others'?
I tend to be affected more strongly by physical symptoms than other alters in the system. so like if we're fatigued and brain foggy, I'll typically reach the point of being incoherent from it way quicker than whoever might be co-fronting at the time. same goes for medication side effects and hanling pain a lot of the time. I actually used to have a relatively high pain tolerance compared to the rest of the system, but I think fronting all the time and having to deal with being in pain constantly kind of wrecked that. oh and 🦋 just reminded me that I'm more prone to hallucinations for some reason (usually stuff like spiders, little glowing orbs, weird smells, etc) - 🍬
I think I tend to have worse ADHD symptoms than a lot of other alters in the system. I'm pretty sure at one point we noticed that I had worse psychosis symptoms too (mostly in terms of stuff like paranoia) - 🦋
there are some other alters in the system with more unusual symptoms that are unique to them that stem from their innerworld traits. the main two that come to mind are Hypha and Mellea. Hypha can't focus his eyes while fronting and ends up just permanently having really blurred vision and his eyes get really watery, while Mellea mostly has vision problems in his left eye while fronting and can't move the left side of his face properly. both of them also tend to be really lethargic while fronting too.
9) Is there anyone in your system that you're extra close to?
I'm closest with 🦋, Lucy, and Sylvain, but there's also M, L, Mint, 🎂, Sherbet, Clove, Eclipse, and Melissa. I also kind of adopted a couple of littles but our littles don't tend to be very active so I don't see them much. I'm probably forgetting a bunch of people - 🍬
I'm definitely closest with 🍬, Lucy, and Sylvain, but also M, L, and a few of the other alters that were around when our subsystem first formed. I get along with a bunch of the doubles of my source, but most of us aren't particularly close. I'm also probably forgetting a bunch of people - 🦋
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gillianthecat · 2 years
I've gone back to watching Theory of Love and let me tell you, viewing it post-Fahlanruk is making Khai and the whole ThirdKhai dynamic a lot more interesting and appealing. They even have a bit of the Prince & Sherbet unhealthy codependency thing going on that is so intriguing in Fahlanruk, albeit in a different flavor.
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poshfind · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Talbots Girlfriend Cardigan in Pink & Orange Camellia Rose XS-S NWT.
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itsbenedict · 1 month
From the beginning | Previously | Coin standings | 20 | 14
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(A 2x solve multiplier has changed the poll outcome! I always thought that would happen more often.)
You unravel the STEALTH PLOYS on the blackboard into a real idea- why not try to PLAY THE SLOTS? You've noticed something strange inside the destroyed casino- the slot machines appear to still be functional. You carefully make your way around the lava flows, which are obligingly stagnant and somehow not superheating the air around you, and make your way into the casino lobby.
Experimentally, you test the arm of one of the slot machines, and the machine... spins to life, inevitably landing on some non-winning combo and exhorting you to play again. You're not going to do anything like that- you've got what you came for. You can tell the power is still on, despite the place seemingly being destroyed. That means there's got to be a working phone line, right?
You check the reception desk- and underneath a letter L (which you store in your inventory), you indeed find a landline telephone. But... something's wrong with it. It doesn't accept numbers- just coded messages of some sort. There's a few different phrases jotted down on a piece of paper:
You also realize that the WHOOPS! SHERBET! was some kinda hallucination representing the impulse to BROWSE THE SHOP, but you have no idea where you'd find a shop around here. Though, if someone else were to PORT POLYTHEISTS and purchase something on your behalf, they could conceivably purchase...
While you're trying to make sense of these weird telephone codes, you take a look at your letter inventory:
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If you just had an O from somewhere, this could spell "HO7 LOX OX ACCORD", but that doesn't make a lick of sense. It must be something else.
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