#shes like oh what are we even in her head but calls him when her fridge isnt working *sabrina brier voice* oh
livwritesstuff · 2 days
Eddie is holed up in the office of his and Steve’s home working on some writing when he notices an odd kind of commotion coming from upstairs.
Now, he and Steve have three daughters under the age of ten, so commotion is pretty much a baseline for them, but it’s odd because it sounds like Steve might actually be involved this time, and that makes it especially weird because Eddie was pretty sure that Steve was taking the kids to see a movie to give Eddie a few hours to maybe hit that word count goal (he probably won't, but whatever).
It's just about odd enough for Eddie to go investigate further and, indeed, he finds a very much ticked-off Steve standing outside of their middle daughter Robbie’s closed bedroom door.
“What the hell is going on?” Eddie asks.
Steve rounds on him. 
“She’s driving me insane,” Steve says, “That kid is you in a seven-year-old’s body, and I’m going insane.”
“Wait, can you…” Ed shook his head, “What’s happening?”
“I thought it would be fun to take the girls to that new Nanny McPhee movie because they liked the first one, right?” he starts
“The second – the second – I suggested it, Robbie starts ranting and raving. Ed, do you know what she said to me? 
“Oh god,” Eddie said warily, “What’d she say?”
“She said sequels aren’t passion projects, Papa. They’re just for money. Who the fuck do you think she learned that one from, Ed?”
And yeah, shit, that might be Eddie’s bad.
“Whatever,” Steve says before Eddie has a chance to respond, “So she doesn’t wanna go – that’s fine – but, shocker, the other two still want to go, and just as we’re walking out the door, Robbie demands that we wait for her because she actually does want to come and now,” Steve pauses to hold in a laugh as Robbie scutters out of her room in the direction of the bathroom, one shoe on and an earring half-in, “Now we’re gonna be so fuckin’ late because this one can’t just throw on a sweatshirt and get in the car.”
Eddie knows for a fact that Robbie had spent the entire weekend in the same pajamas she’d worn to bed on Friday night, but now she’s donned a denim dress with a red t-shirt and black tights underneath. She’s got black combat boots on her feet (just one at the moment, actually), and she’s wearing the leather jacket Eddie had found at a thrift shop in New York to complete the ensemble.
“Look at this kid,” Steve says, following Robbie into the bathroom and watching as she tried to fix her earring with one hand and her hair with the other, “Robbie, it’s August. It’s almost ninety degrees outside. Maybe think about ditching the leather.”
“I don’t care,” she fires back, “It’s about the look, Papa.”
“We’re going to a movie theater. It’ll be pitch black. Nobody will be looking at anything other than the movie. Let’s go.”
But Robbie is already pushing past him with a belligerent, “Outta my way. I gotta get another necklace.”
Steve manages to snag Robbie by the back of her jacket and swing her up into his arms.
“Yeah, I don’t think so,” he says as Robbie furiously tries to squirm out of his grip to no avail, “Oh, I’m Robbie and I’m four feet tall and I get up-in-arms about everything and I’m gonna wear a leather jacket in August even though I once got heat exhaustion at the mall and gave her dad a fuckin’ heart attack.”
Robbie is in giggling hysterics by the time Steve ends his onslaught of mockery and puts her down.
“What do you think?” Steve asks, “You ready to go?”
“Yeah,” she says, and then she asks, “Can you help me find my other shoe?”
“And now she’s asking me for shit,” Steve comments in disbelief as Robbie ducks back into her room. He looks at Eddie, “Seriously, you need to call Wayne and apologize for everything you must have put him through.”
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cvnt4him · 23 hours
hii it's meee :3 another izu req
reader plays a prank on her friend izuku, it ultimately goes wrong and they somehow end up trapped inside a closed space. Together. Alone. Tight room. Tension. Heat. Mwah
ah, another ask from the great mind of @lovelykil
I would be more than happy to fulfill this for you<33🎗️
Stuck Inside..
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God you loved your friend group, how chaotic, dumb, and funny they were, they always made you and mina feel like queens those boys did.
Bakugou, kirishima, denki and sero, they knew how to have fun they sure did, playing pranks on people, having movie nights that only inner circle people are invited to, it was ultimate fun.
But they had an initiation, to officially be invited to the 'bakusquad' not the name you would've gone with but whatever, you had to successfully prank someone in the dekusquad for 5 days and not get caught, see when sero told you this at the lunch table, bakugou and denki smirking while kirishima and mina looked at each other with such worried looks, you were already down, who didn't love a good prank on their peers?
Mina sighed and looked at you with a scared look like she had something to tell you, she tried too, opening her mouth before shutting it at the sight of bakugou staring daggers into her. You wanted to know why they were being so secretive but you didn't want them to not trust you, so you simply kept your mouth shut and listened to sero go on about the tradition.
"so all I have to do is prank someone? Easy."
You say rolling your eyes and clapping your hands together.
"don't forget, you can't get caught, so do whatever it takes, even frame someone else, to get away." Sero emphasizes heavily to you.
"too easy. Now, who shall be my victim.~" you scoff, then rub your hands together scoping out your prey.
You hear a slightly rasped, deep voice chime in.
"oh? How come?" You question the still smirking blonde as he glared at you with deep volcanic red eyes.
"do the prank.. or don't. You're the one who wants to be with us, and those are the rules, either do the prank or dip. Either or."
Bakugou barks at you with a shit eating grin, leaning back against the window as he puts his hands behind his head laying on them.
You look around the cafeteria to search for the green haired boy, spotting him smiling and laughing with his friend group. His emerald green eyes shining so bright in the sun, his pearly white smile blinding you, he really was such a bright star, you were just afraid this prank might burn him out, although you really wanted to be apart of their clique, were you really gonna prank an innocent angel who's never done anything wrong to you, just so you can have a designated seat at the 'cool kids' table?
You inhale through your nose and exhale heavily out through your mouth.
"fuck it, I'm in. Any specific prank in mind?"
Yes, yes you were.
Your answer caused bakugou to smile widely at you, the rest of the boys doing so as well as they all snicker and snort quietly, again besides mina and kirishima who just sighed and accepted what was to come there truly was nothing they could do.
"shit man.. that might just make him cry, are you sure?"
You question after hearing the prank they wanted you to do.
"hey, your call, if you don't wanna do this, don't. We aren't forcing you of course these are all your choices, just make sure this is what you really want to do and be prepared to go down if you get caught."
The way denki worded his sentence made you feel something deep inside, guilt? No.. regret? Can't be, you hadn't done anything yet. So what was it?
You sigh, really thinking this through, hell you really felt something inside but you couldn't quite put a finger on it..
"yeah.. oh.. okay, I'll do it."
You agree before shrugging off everything and bringing your gaze back into everyone at the table, smiles still plastered on their faces as you see katsuki and denki fist bump.
That should've been red flag number one.
A couple days later you set your prank into motion, on Monday you started out tame, stealing little things he would need, whether it be his pencil, notebook, doesn't matter, if you could get your hands on it you did.
When izuku realized his notebook was missing, he freaked out looking around with a nervous face, not wanting to interrupt anyone or bother them with his silly needs, you kinda felt bad, but you couldn't let emotions get In the way of becoming an official member of the squad.
You sucked it up and waited for the next day.
As Tuesday hit your pranks slowly progressed into getting worse, you had started leaving mean notes in his locker, his desk, even his bad, they'd say just random hurtful shit, whether that be about his freckles or his scars, things you thought he'd brush off. But boy were you wrong, seeing his spirit shatter as he read each and every note really left a bad taste in your mouth, hell you thought you saw years prickling at the edge of his eyes.
You again, brushed it off and waited for the next day.
Wednesday, you decided to kinda bully him, well not really, just nudge him into the locker when you walked by, or kicking the pit of his knees making them buckle, small things like that.
He felt so humiliated when he nearly tripped because of you, everyone staring at him as you glance at him with doe like eyes and bat your lashes at him.
"are you okay?"
He looked at you with glossy eyes and sniffed before nodding violently and rushing out of the class, you sighed and grabbed you bag leaving too as it was the end of the day, god you hated this but you were almost through, just 3 more days and your free.
As thursday rolled in you sucked up everything in you and, mentally prepared yourself for the next prank, you decided to go off script and do little tame things, take a bite from aoyamas book and leave more little notes in his room, it scared him by the looks of him, you hadn't felt too bad for this one as you and already progressed from the little notes in day 2 of your pranks, just one more day, one more prank and then your free, however this prank was the worst and all if the bakusquad was gonna be present.
You had to make sure you didn't let your emotions get in the way so you mentally prepared yourself the night before.
Finally Friday rolled around, most Fridays are spent training so with that being said you need to change into your hero suit in the locker rooms, deku is always the last one to shower after training and putting away his hero suit, out of respect for his friends, at least that's what the boys told you,
You sigh readying yourself to go in there and take his clothes as they would lock the door making sure he couldn't get out unless he broke the door, then eventually coming back for him in the morning if he hadn't.
God you were terrified, the prep the night before hadn't helped at all, you were literally shaking in your boots. You sighed as you see all of the boys leave the shower room as mina and you waited outside for them to give you a signal.
When bakugou gave you a nod, with a wide smirk on his face you sighed and ran in, the door opening and shutting loudly catching izukus attention whilst he showered, he brushed it off as one of the guys coming in and stated in the shower, you walked to the bench next to the showers making sure he couldn't see you, you grabbed his clothes and ran as fast as you could, once you made it out you held his clothes breathing heavily with a smile on your face as you struggle to catch your breath, your heart beating so fast from the adrenaline.
"I.. I got it!"
You saved it around showing the boys and mina, a smile never making it onto her face, her knowing what's coming next she shuts her eyes and mouths and apology, you look at her as sero, kirishima, and bakugou give you your praise, you were so confused and focused on what she meant by it you hadn't even seen denki slip behind you and quietly open the door, mina quickly pushed you inside and bakugou locked the door with the key, everyone laughing loudly as you fall into the floor with a grunt, kirishima had snatched dekus clothes from you before mina pushed you in, you bang on the door and hokd back tears.
"hey! Let.. let me out! Mina, how fucking could you!.."
All you could hear was laughs as they suddenly faded away, their shadows disappearing as well, as another comes from behind you, you'd seen the shadow on the door as you quickly turn around with a gaso as izuku held a towel around his waist trying to assure you were alright.
You look down before looking back up and looking away.
It was awkward, silent, and he looked so fucking hot, and he probably guessed you were the one that had taken his clothes.
"...hey, you uhm.. wouldn't happen to know where my clothes... are?..."
He spoke quietly, and with a somewhat leveled voice not wanting to scare you off not that you could go anywhere.
You sigh before groaning in anger and frustration as you slap your hands to your face and slide down the door.
" I'm sorry... for taking your clothes and giving it to them, for bullying you and leaving mean notes and taking your things and--"
"that... Those.. things were you?..."
He asked in a confused tone, his brows furrowed, as he looked at the ground before slowly looking up to look at you, his eyes shaking, searching your face for an answer that you didn't want to provide.
You hadn't wanted to speak so you simply nodded, sighing as you bang your head back on the door, causing izuku to jump and rush down to you.
"hey, don't do that you could hurt yourself..."
For fucks sakes, you just admitted to doing these horrible things to him and passing them off as a 'prank' and he's still checking on toyou?
The way he looked down at you, his hand on the back of your head making sure you weren't hurt, his fingers rubbed the area soothingly, making your head lean back into his hand.
The two of you were just looking at each other, eyes staring into the others as your faces moved closer, before you knew his it, his breath fanned you face, the smell of mint coming off of it, he liked to chew gum to keep his jawline nice, god he looked so good like this, water droplets from the shower running down his body and wet hair.
The hand that was on your head moved to your cheek, rubbing his thumb over it as he brought you close, your noses brushed against each other's slightly, it was so quiet you could practically hear his heart pounding out of his chest, his breaths slowly turning more heavy as he looked down to your lips, licking his that were parted and nibbling lightly on his lower one.
"can I kiss you...please?"
His voice coming off more desperate and whimper-y than he meant.
You were tired of talking, tired of thinking, all you wanted to do was push your feelings from the betrayal you just went through down, and what better way to do that than fuck the person you'd been torturing for 5 days?
You pulled him into a deep kiss, groaning inside of it, your teeth clashed together and you pulled him by his shoulders, making him out his knees on either side of your thighs, his towel threatening to come off, you let him trail the kiss off into your neck as he gently kissed, licked, and nipped at it, little noises coming from him as he did so.
You sighed breathily, your eyes accidentally trailed down his lower abdomen, staring at his well toned abs and the v line going down, god that was so sexy to you, as your eyes kept trailing down you seen how his towel was even managing to somewhat stay up, his cock was fully erect and bobbing against the towel, that was the reason he was making whimper like noises.
He started bucking into the towel making your eyes widen slightly at the sight, a little damp patch forming in the thick towel, had he cum or something? You thought to yourself as he full blown moaned into your ear, was he really gaining that much pleasure from grinding his hard on against a rough towel?
You looked up to him as he looked down at you with a red face, his heart was racing as he looked down at his aching cock then back to you, you connected the dots and guessed he was asking you to touch him.
Without thinking about it, your hands trailed up his abs, then down again as you trickle your fingers over his wrapped cock, you felt his cock twitch underneath your light touches as a breathy sigh leaves his opened mouth, his eyes slightly rolling back, there was no way he was getting this much pleasure from this.
You scoffed and gripped his cock tightly, making his body jolt and a stuttery 'oh' leave his mouth as he looked down at you, grabbed you by your cheeks and pulled you into a heated kiss, he bucked his hips into your hand and he moaned and whined into the kiss, it being hard to stay in it due to him humping into your hand frantically like a bunny during mating season or some shit.
Your teeth clashed against each others once more as he shoved his tongue in your mouth, flicking his against yours, swapping spit and groaning into your mouth as you swallowed all his messy little noises that dropped from his mouth like spit.
He grabbed your other hand and pulled it up to his throat and wrapped it around his neck, you just kept your hand right there not applying any force letting him control it as he kept jerking his hips into your tightly gripped hand, he closed his hand around yours that was also around his neck.
Aww, was this his little attempt at getting you to choke him? I suppose his wish is your command.
You choke him harshly making his eyes roll back as he bit his lip harshly, moans being muffled by it, he bucked his hips a few more times before blowing his load into the towel, his cum seeping through the fabric and dripping onto your wrist and your pants, there was just so much you thought he was never gonna stop.
His hips kept lightly twitching up into the towel causing him to bend forward and moan into your ear due to the over stimulation, god his pitchy moans were so hot.
His hot breath still fanned your ear before he finally said something his voice a little groggy.
"please let me... let me eat you.. I want to taste you, please...?"
His sentence ended with a whimper in your ear as he moved his forehead to lean against yours.
Was all you could get out before he pulled down your shorts in a flash, your panties coming off with them, he instantly hurriedly his face in-between your partially opened thighs, his tongue licking and prodding against your lower lips, not pushing his tongue fully inside, he licked a tongue stripe up and down your slit, a moan leaving your lips, you didn't fight anything and just let him work his magic, and bit was he magical with his tongue.
He finally stopped teasing and pushing his pink muscle inside, quickly lapping at your hole and lightly licking you clit in fast motions, he continued this for a while, and by a while I mean about 15 minutes, you were so close to cumming a couple of times but every time he sensed you were about to come he pulled away and pet your slit gently with his thumb, occasionally circling your clit slowly, agonizingly slow.
"wh..- why do you keep testing me like this.."
You groaned and looked down at him with glossed eyes, you didn't expect him to look at you with such a piercing gaze, his lidded emerald eyes staring painful daggers at you as he shoved two of his thick fingers inside of you without warning.
Your back arched and the pain mixed pleasures hips grinding down into his fingers as he finger fucked you, his fingers plunged in and out of you at a insanely fast pace, tears started prickling at the corner of your eyes, you were so close once again before he scoffed and pulled away with a smirk.
"do you really think you deserve to cum after how you've treated me all week? No, you're going to suffer like you made me."
His fingers arched up into you and plunged in and out of you at an erratic pace for about 5 more minutes, he just kept going and stopping not letting you cum.
"you wanna cum, love? Beg. Beg for me to let me cum, slut."
You were sobbing, tears streaming down your puffy red cheeks, hiccups and spit leaving your mouth as a string of incoherent begs left your mouth, you were pleasing helplessly for the orgasms you needed.
He sighed with a smile, squinted emerald eyes peering down at you in an evil, yet satisfied way. He loved how dumb you were from being finger fucked like this, god he could only imagine how brain dead you'd be if he fucked you in his cock.
He didn't say a word as he simply picked up up with ease, man handling you like a ragdoll, and switched your positions, you were now straddling his lap, due to you not expecting him to pick you up so quickly you leaned against his body, your tears falling onto his shoulder as he rubbed your back soothingly, hushing you while kissing the top of your head.
"it's okay, baby, you did so well for me. I'll give you what you need now, okay?"
You gulp hardly, you can hardly even get words out as you're still hiccuping from crying, before you can fully process what he says he undoes his towel that was previously wrapped around his waist and slammed his cock inside of you, you winced at the stretch and the brutal pace he'd already set.
You groan loudly as your eyes roll back, your head falling onto his shoulder as you can barely get out little 'fuck's and 'please's.
He hadn't let up, his hips hammering up into you, you were grinding down into him causing a breathy moan to leave him, a smile made it's way back onto his face as he kissed your head once more.
"you're doing.. so well, my love, it's okay I'll make you cum."
The way he whispered lovingly in your ear made this experience for you so much better for you, you had tightened around him, feeling that familiar feeling, you were going to cum, finally you were going to get to feel that release that you needed, tears continuously fell from your face as you moaned loudly, picking your head up from the crook of his neck to gripping his broad shoulders for stability as you begin grinding into him, feeling so close you hadn't wanted him to rip it away from you again.
He was shocked by the control you ended up taking, he didn't stop thrusting into you, although due to you grinding the rhythm he had set had been thrown off track, your hips hit against each other in an uneven fashion, but you couldn't possibly begin to care when you were finally going to cum.
Izuku grabbed at you hips, holding them tightly to stop you from moving, you tried to continue moving despite his painful grip on your waist, he was far too strong for you to even remotely gain he upper hand, you let him win as he sped up the jerking and jolting of his hips, the clapping sound of your ass meeting his pelvis echoing throughout the locker room.
There was one thrust that hit so vigorously against that sweet spot inside you, everything in you fell apart, you inhaled sharply, eyes rolling back as you grip and scratch as his shoulders harshly leaving a mark and probabkt even drawing blood, he grkaned byt never ceased his hips from stopping, your velvety walls convulsed around his so sweetly it caused his hips to buck into you at a frantic and frenzied pace, his hios stuttering into you as his breath hitched, he squeezed his eyed shut tightly, trying to hold out just a little longer to feel your warn and soft walls tighten around him, alas he simply couldn't, he thrusted one last time before spilling his seed deep inside of you, the warmth of his thick sticky cum warming you entirely, a shiver going up your spine as he lets his head lean into your neck, sighing deeply in the crook.
Your head ended up on top of his, coming your fingers through his damp curls, he sighed in content enjoying the satisfying feeling of your fingers raking and scratching his scalp, you wanted to say so much but also just sit in the moment, it was silent, but it was a comfortable one that you hadn't wanted to ruin with words.
"why did you forgive me so easily."
You say in a groggy and slightly raised voice, you moaned so loudly and cried so hard you had slightly started to lose your voice, izuku simply hummed, enjoying the vibration of your chest as you spoke and the nice feeling of still being inside of your warm messy insides.
"well, I suppose I haven't exactly forgiven you yet, but I'm not going to stop being your friend because of what happened."
"seriously? This shit is fucked up, we're locked in here, with no way to get out, and you don't have any clothes you could get sick. Or worse. Die."
He simply chuckled, making you angry, you were worried and all he could do was laugh at you.
"y/n I can't get common sicknesses anymore, I don't know what OFA has done to my immune system but I can't catch things like the flu, or a cold, or anything like that, so I assure you, I won't get sick and I won't die, but thank you for worrying about me."
He chided, informing you factually like you could have possibly known that. you sigh and nuzzle your cold nose back into his damp hair, you sniffed causing him to slightly tense and move back to look at your face.
"are you alright, y/n?"
The way he looked at you with those vibrant emerald eyes, so wide and loving, his cheeks still slightly tinted a light shade of red as his freckles are littered all over his baby like face, you smile and put your forehead to his, closing your eyes making him do the same and sigh.
"I'm okay, but we seriously need to figure out how to get the hell out of here." You say softly, clearing your throat from the scratchiness you could feel, were you getting sick?
"there's a back door that I'm sure they didn't lock. We can skip out though there, do you have your phone on you?"
"oh! Yeah, wh-... fuck me. This whole time I could have called someone to get us out of here." You groan, absolutely disappointed in yourself for not using your shitty brain.
He simply giggles before grabbing your now unlocked phone.
"you must've really wanted to have sex with me, eh?" He tested lightly poking fun at you making you slap his shoulder, another like if laughs leaving him as he calls iida, neither of you expected him to be awake yet he was, his breath was slightly ragged, what had he been doing, maybe out on a run? Doesn't add up too much, it's 10 pm and they have a curfew for 12 am.
Iida had helped you two out, meeting you two at the other exit and giving you clothes to give to izuku, he continuously asked questions on why the two of you weren't in bed and why izuku didn't have any clothes and why you two were even together.
The whole walk back to the dorms was full of iida whisper yelling at the two of you for being irresponsible, you couldn't stop looking at izukus face though, or just him in general, he suddenly became oddly appealing to you, but you still couldn't shake the guilty feeling of the things you and done to him, he glanced at you giving you a warm smile, kissing your head goodnight before turning into his room, taking iida by surprise.
You chuckled and went to your dorm, jumping in your bed and calming it a night, you sighed at the comfortable feeling of your bed, giggling to yourself remembering how izuku came inside of you. Your eyes slowly shut and you drifted off to sleep.
AN; this shit is hot ass, but at least the smut is great, I might remake this w/o the pranking part, it was hard to think of a good prank to do for this fic, im kind of dumb so.. yeah. I hope you all enjoyed reading this<33
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jinwoosungs · 2 days
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jinwoo sung x fem.reader
warnings: i need to write out a sudden brainrot with another thirst post. if n-fw stories make you uncomfortable, or you are a minor, i recommend you skip this story and read my more fluffy stories.
by choosing to interact with this 18+ content, you have consented to viewing something n-fw despite the warnings.
anonymous said: Reader who's insecure x Jinwoo who fucks the insecurity out of them, like wdym you think you don't deserve someone like him? Hecc no I am gonna marry you one of these days 🙄😍😍😍😍 LMAOOOOOOO
anonymous said: oh my god… Belly bulge kink + dacryphilia +feral Jinwoo; This sudden thought got me thirsty and tweaking forreal ಠ⁠,⁠_⁠」⁠ಠ
jinwoo took notice of how oddly quiet you were after dinner. because it was your 5 year anniversary, he wanted to be his usual, doting self, wishing to spoil you with a delicious dinner while surprising you with yet another gorgeous piece of jewelry.
for this year’s anniversary, he gifted you a diamond necklace that had a diamond in the shape of a star, the chain made of white gold. your eyes were awed at such a gorgeous sight, and you were so choked up with emotion that you could do little but return his sweet kiss the moment he clasped the chain on your neck.
you had run to the restroom after dinner, and he recalls giving you one last kiss before you excused yourself. jinwoo had simply been scrolling through his phone, waiting for your return, when he sees someone from his periphery sidle up to him.
“hello handsome.” a sultry voice calls out to him, filling jinwoo with disgust as the woman presses her breasts against his shoulder. “i see you’re all alone, perhaps i can keep you company tonight?”
jinwoo’s eyes glow a threatening purple hue, and he nearly choked the damn wench when he icily tells her, “no, thank you. i’ve got everything that i need with the woman i love. she is the only one that has my heart, so i suggest you back away from me right this minute.”
perhaps it was the tone in his voice, or the way his handsome features were painted in a permanent scowl filled with hatred that made the loose woman immediately back away from him. she lets out a huff, flipping back her long curls as she hastily walked away from him (trying to keep what little pride she had left with her).
but damn, it seemed that the damage had already been done when you reappeared, expression appearing devastated as you clutch on tightly to the straps of your purse.
“sarang.” jinwoo’s voice loses all traces of annoyance and hatred upon seeing you. he gets off his seat, wrapping an arm around your form when he sweetly asks, “shall we head home?”
when a soft hum heard coming from you was all that he hears made the warning bells go off in jinwoo’s head. his eyebrows were furrowed, gently leading you away from the restaurant and back into the car as he drove you back home.
he was ready to open the door for you, but shockingly, you shove open the passenger door first, already marching toward your shared home with your keys in hand. feeling bewildered, jinwoo could do little but watch you with wide eyes.
his hands were clenched in fists, slamming it down against his vehicle, nearly placing a dent within it. you must have seen that damn minx trying to seduce him. he had to clear up all misunderstandings-
he had to remind you that you were the only woman for him.
after spending some time outside, (giving you a moment of solace alone), jinwoo follows after you, with a hand shoved deep into the pockets of his dress pants. locking the door, he goes toward your shared bedroom, pushing open the door fully to see you staring at your reflection with a forlorn expression.
your dress lay beneath your feet in a crumpled mess of fabric. dressed only in your undergarments, he watches as you pick and prod at your every features while running a hand down in a slow and deliberate manner down your body.
admittedly, just seeing you touching yourself (even in such a non-sexual manner) was enough to make a shot of desire course through him. feeling his pants begin to tighten, jinwoo had to let out a deep breath so that he could try to communicate with you properly.
“honey, what’s wrong?” he joins you, remaining behind you as he brushes his lips against your hair. a whimper escapes from your lips when you tell him (sounding completely and utterly heartbroken), “you deserve better than me.”
jinwoo felt his blood run cold just then, lips already parted to voice his protests when you interrupt him, “i saw the woman that came up to you tonight. she was gorgeous, jinwoo. her makeup and hair was flawless, and she had an hourglass figure that women die for. and look at me, i’m-“
“you’re the only woman who can make me this hard.” jinwoo leans down to whisper harshly in your ear, biting down against the shell of it as he purposely presses your half naked form to the spot between his legs, allowing you to feel the tent you had caused beneath you.
he lets out a grunt of your name, wrapping both of his arms around your frame before slamming you down against the edge of the bed. eyes becoming dilated with desire for you, he gives your lips a searing kiss, groaning when he feels them part for him as he greedily steals a taste of you. while keeping his lips locked against yours, jinwoo takes off your bra that keeps your breasts hidden from him, uncapping it as he tosses it aside, earning yet another moan from you.
he was panting heavily as he looks down at you with lust and love in his eyes, seeing you nearly naked for him with the diamond necklace the only item that covers your body. such a seductive sight was enough to make his blood go red hot, making his cock grow even more for you.
he adored your kisses, he truly did-
but jinwoo was a starving man-
and he wanted a part of you that tasted so much sweeter than what your mere lips could offer.
jinwoo keeps your body still, kissing down every inch of skin he could reach before settling comfortably between the fat of your thighs. he sees the familiar wet stain against your panties, letting out a dark chuckle as he slowly takes off the damp fabric with his teeth alone. gently gripping at the bottom of your panties with his teeth, he continues to slide it down, allowing the sight of your soaked core to be freed for his eyes to see.
letting out a guttural groan of your name, jinwoo places his lips directly against your slick walls, his tongue diving in to taste and devour your honeyed sweetness as you cling to dear life against the sheets that made up your bed.
jinwoo knew your body better than the back of his own hand. he could play it like an instrument, eliciting the right amount of breathy sighs and high pitched moans as he uses his fingers and tongue to bring you to heaven.
when he feels you spilling yourself into his awaiting mouth, a dark chuckle escapes from him. he allows his lips to press a gentle kiss against your aching pussy before moving himself away from you.
“fuck, you taste so good… i can’t hold back anymore, i just can’t.”
your eyes remained hazy and unfocused when jinwoo simply tears off his expensive clothes, tossing them aside (like trash) until he was left just as bare as you were. while his hungry gaze remained honed in on your face, he could see the tears beginning to form against your pretty eyes.
and that just made his need to claim you increase even more.
with a groan, he pulls you closer to him by your thighs, the mushroom tip of his cock already pressed against your entrance when he immediately thrusts deep inside of you.
you cry out when he begins to harshly thrust in and out of you, leaving you a mess as you lost all of your senses. not a single coherent word leaves your parted lips, only able to gasp and moan and repeat babbles that sounded oddly like his name over and over again.
and jinwoo wasn’t faring any better, for the moment he completely sheaths his cock inside of you, that was the moment he lost all train of thought as well.
the powerful hunter was absolutely mesmerized at how well you were taking him in. just seeing the sheer girth of his erection being hidden inside of your sweet cunt, even bulging against your soft abdomen, was enough to make jinwoo cum right then and there.
such a sight was enough to make him pound into you even faster, muscles clenching in response as jinwoo’s sole purpose was to gift you pleasure-
and gift you pleasure he did.
after a few more expertly timed and angled thrusts, jinwoo could feel your gummy walls clench tightly around him, trying to milk him for all he was worth-
but it didn’t work.
even with the evidence of your sweet juices coating his cock, jinwoo remained painfully hard for you. he gives you a few seconds of reprieve before continuing to pound into you, allowing the evidence of your release to cause the sounds of his lovemaking to be more apparent. each thrust was accompanied with a wet, squelching sound that makes your face heat up considerably.
“jinwoo… oh my god… jinwoo!” your cries of his name were like music to his ears as he proceeded to make love to you, pinning you to your shared bed as your toes curled in response to each and every one of his harsh thrusts felt against you.
how could you possibly think that he deserved anyone that wasn’t you?
how could you not see that he actually saw a future with you, with the engagement ring he had plans on giving to you hidden within one of his drawers?
ah, but perhaps he’ll save his proposal for some other time-
a time where he isn’t busy filling and splitting you open with his cock as he brought you to paradise throughout the entirety of the night ♡
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a.n. - i need to get this thirst post out of the way and out of my system, so please forgive me 😭🙏🏻 completely unedited bc this is so self indulgent agslggkhssdhf
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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enwifen · 2 days
… 𝓚iss me ౨ৎ
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🫧 𓂃 (추) kisses can be scary, especially when you have no idea how, but when your best friend offers to show you the ropes you wonder… how bad can it be?
a fic about jakey and kissing cause meife wants to be kissed (sigh)
warning: suggestive at most, making out wc. 1.8k
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When Sim Jaeyun became friends with you, never in his life could he have imagined the current situation that the two of you were in.
A random episode of Friends plays on your tv acting as background noise. Closing your eyes, you attempt to stop the tornado of thoughts chaotically swirling in your mind. Jake eyes you curiously, noting the way your eyebrows pinch together slightly which was a telltale sign that something was bothering you.
“You okay?” Your eyes shoot open which startles him a little.
“Yeah, fine.”
Jake gives you a ‘I know you’re not fine so tell me what’s up’ look. “Seriously, I am.”
Jake sighs softly “Tell me what’s wrong.” He can see all the emotions wash over you, your mouth opening and closes as you try and find the right way to voice your thoughts without sounding like a mess.
Sitting up from having your head in his lap, you switch to facing Jake sitting cross legged on the couch. “I haven’t had my first kiss yet.”
Nodding slowly, confusion is evident on your friend’s face. “Right… what’s wrong with that? Plenty of people our age are in the same boat as you.”
“Well— yes but, I’m scared that when it comes to it, I’m gonna be an awful kisser.”
“You can’t be that bad, either way it’s expected since it’ll be your first, all first kisses are bad.”
“No they’re not.” Jake squints at you before laughing.
“Yeah? And how would you know?”
Realising the irony you quickly backpedal. “I meant I don’t want mine to be bad.” The corners of his lips turn downwards as he nods, understanding where you’re coming from. A small beat of silence passes.
“What was your first time like?”
A smirk makes its way onto Jake’s lips. “Woah are we still talking about kisses here— ow!”
Still armed with your weapon (a fluffy pillow) you flinch at him in an attempt to be threatening. “You know what I mean!”
“I do, I do, lemme think…” he trails off, looking up as his memory takes him back a few years. With Jake’s gaze averted, you’re able to admire him a little (platonically, of course). His fluffy bangs hide his brows that are bunched together in thought, plush bottom lip caught between his teeth — a bad habit you noticed he had. “Ah! I remember, it was about two years ago.”
The fluffy pillow serves as a source of comfort as you hug it to your chest. “You remember my ex, Ahrin, right?” Of course you did, you never really liked her all that much. She was whiny and took up all of Jake’s attention, the period of time that they were together was the longest you had went with seeing him so irregularly.
Not that you wanted to be in her position or anything. You just missed your bestie. So much so you lost sleep at night due to how much you would cry but, like, aren’t all friends like that?
Don’t all friends do that?
Don’t they repeatedly check their phone to see if the other had texted; typing and deleting hundreds of messages only for them to be left unsent? Even after the last time they had spoken was just a couple days ago?
Don’t they apologise for leaving you on delivered for so long and spend hours promising to make it up to you, calling you ‘baby’ and ‘love’ because they know you like it?
And don’t they come over the very next day because he couldn’t wait a day longer, hugging you as if his life depended on it.
Maybe they do all of that, maybe they don’t. You and Jake did though.
“…so yeah, I guess it wasn’t terrible but- are you even listening?” Jake asks in slight disbelief, finally glancing at you who seemed to be zoning out.
“Huh? Oh- yeah! Of course I was.”
“Repeat what I just said then.” He deadpans and you’re caught, slumping in defeat.
“Whatever- my first kiss was with Ahrin, it felt kinda good back then but looking back it wasn’t that special.” Jake shrugs though you sense there’s a little more to the story.
“So you didn’t… feel any fireworks?”
He snorts at that “you watch too many movies.”
“Is that a crime? Not my fault I enjoy romanticising things… especially firsts.”
“Romanticise all you want, as long as you know none of it’s real.”
You mimic Jake’s tone earlier “and how would you know? Have you kissed anyone besides Ahrin?” Jake shakes his head and for some reason that makes you happy.
“Did I manage to ease any of your worries with my story- well I guess you didn’t listen, huh.”
“I did!”
“Oh yeah? Where did we kiss then?”
You blush, immediately giving yourself away again as you name the first thing that comes to mind. “The school library…?”
“You really think I’m that much of a nerd?” Your silence makes Jake reach for the pillow in your lap to deliver a blow of Karma though you successfully manage to block it in time, letting out a squeal.
“I surrender!” Jake grins and puts the pillow down.
“Anyway, like I said, don’t work yourself up so much about first kisses… you could always redeem yourself with the second.”
Biting your lip in thought, you nod “I guess you’re right…”
“You’re still worried about it, aren’t you?”
Guilty again, you nod.
“Babe, I promise it’s not that deep- I could even help you out if you wanted.”
You blink once. Twice. Three times for good measure.
What did he just say?
Chuckling softly at your reaction, Jake repeats himself. “I said that I could help you out… if you wanted, like, teach you how to kiss or whatever.” He adds, trying to seem completely casual as if he didn’t just basically ask to blur the already fuzzy lines between you two.
An itch in your throat causes you to swallow, trying to digest your best friend’s proposal.
He was someone you trusted a lot, Jake wasn’t some mediocre looking guy either — he was attractive, and you’d be damned to turn down the opportunity to have your first kiss with him.
“Okay.” Jake looks surprised for a moment but his shock is quickly replaced by a warm smile. Just that alone is enough to comfort you, easing the nerves that had begun to make your body feel like it was vibrating.
He shifts a little on the couch to sit more comfortably before patting his lap, gesturing for you to sit. It’s not like this would be the first time but, now with the given circumstances everything felt different. The poor pillow is tossed aside as you climb into Jake’s lap, rough denim of his cargos brushing against your thighs.
Anxiously you look up at him, clutching the fabric of his sweatshirt. He smiles again, reassuring you with his warm hands gliding up and down your sides in a comforting manner.
“We’ll start off slow, okay?”
“Okay- wait.”
You reach back into your pocket and pull out a small tube of watermelon flavoured chapstick. Sure this was just practice but the next worse thing after being a bad kisser was having chapped lips. Jake watches, amused until you tuck the tube away. “Good to go?” You exhale.
“Yeah.” Jake advises you to take a few deep breaths before starting. He gives you as much time as you need, even breathing with you because, frankly, he’s kinda nervous too. Not so much about kissing but more, wanting to make sure to give you the experience that you wanted. Yes it was ‘just practice’ but this was also literally your first kiss so, Jake had to take this seriously.
“First, try leaning into me.” Slowly you do, now close enough to where your foreheads are touching. As pretty as Jake’s hair was, it was a little itchy- but not uncomfortable, maybe ticklish? Focus!
Jake chuckles a little deeper than usual. “I can practically hear you overthinking, relax.”
“I’m trying.”
“We’ll try harder.”
Worry evaporates as you get used to being so close, reminding yourself that it was just Jake, just Jake who was inches away from your lips, just the same, good old bestie Jake.
You rub your lips together in anticipation, eager to progress onto the next step. Jake initiates the kiss, tilting his bed to leave a soft peck on your lips. It was barely there, barely even lasted a second but you still felt it and boy did it leave you buzzing. Like a bee to a flower, eager for more pollen.
“You try.” He whispers, licking his lips. Greeted with the sweet yet artificial taste of your chapstick. Jake is patient, not commenting on the long pause until you finally close the gap between you two. Yours was definitely longer than Jake’s, maybe lasting .5 more seconds.
“Sorry…” Jake smiles wide with a slight shake of his head.
“No, no, you’re good… how.. how did that feel?”
“Nice..” you mutter, shy. You’re rarely ever shy in front of Jake — this guy had practically seen all sides of you but now? You guess he was bringing out a new side of you even you didn’t know existed.
“Good, that’s good.” He mumbles. Time seems to tick away impossibly slowly. The room is silent except for your breaths, Netflix questioning whether or not anybody was still watching when the only thing you were watching was Jake and vice versa.
“Now try doing what you just did but longer.” You oblige, pressing your lips to his again. Plump and pillowy would be the right way to describe Jake’s lips, plump, pillowy and red, most likely from how often he bites them.
This time you only pull away once you need a breath but two fingers grabbing your chin gently pull you in again and you can’t find it in you to stop him. It’s now that you realise kissing isn’t as complicated as you had thought, following Jake’s lead of some sort of pattern.
One long kiss, pull away, a few shorter kisses, pull away and… that’s it, you’re kissing him.
Somewhere along the way you grew even more comfortable, arms now wrapped around his neck whilst one of Jake’s encircle your waist, his other up as his hand cups your cheek. How long you’ve been like this you don’t know but you’re certainly not complaining.
There were tons of other kisses out there but you were perfectly content with these ones for now. Safe and comforting — not at all intimidating like you had previously thought.
After a particularly long pause in activity, Jake rests his forehead against yours again. “What’s on your mind?”
He opens his eyes to give you the same look he did earlier. You smile until your nose scrunches and giggles escape.
“For real this time… now kiss me.”
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queenshelby · 3 days
Our Little Secret (Part 46)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Infidelity, Age-Gap, Triggers
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A week had passed since your abrupt departure from Los Angeles with your daughter Mara, spending all your savings on an earlier economy class flight to Dublin. 
You had to get away from Cillian as quickly as possible for now, to clear your head, and to decide what your next steps would be. 
Cillian, of course, had begged you to stay while he attended a few more press events and interviews, but you didn't even wait for him to explain himself to you. Immediately after hanging up the phone with Amanda, you had stormed through the hotel suite, bursting into tears silently as you packed a small bag, preparing to leave.
Over the next few days, right after you took the long journey back home with Mara, you struggled to process everything that had happened. Cillian tried to call you over and over again, but you never answered his calls. 
You wanted nothing more than to scream, to cry, to break something—to do anything that would allow you to release the intense pain that he had caused, but you knew that Mara was depending on you.
"It's just you and me now babygirl," you whispered into Mara's ear one evening as you tucked her into bed, trying to embrace the role of a single mother bravely. After all, you always knew that this possibility loomed in the background, even when you naively thought that you were destined to be with him forever.
You couldn't believe how blind you had been, allowing yourself to fully invest in someone who had already shown you time and time again that he couldn't be counted on.
You couldn't stop thinking about the way he had looked at you, promising you a future together, making you feel cherished and loved, only to betray your trust in the most deceitful way.
You felt a hot tear trickle down your cheek as you buried your face into Mara's soft curls. It wasn't fair. You didn't deserve this pain, this heartbreak. But, as you listened to Mara's steady breathing, you knew that you couldn't give in to despair.
"Karma is a real bitch," you then thought to yourself, seeing how Cillian and you had started out as an affair too. He was cheating on his wife with you and now you were the one who was being cheated on. 
The raw pain cut through you like a hot knife, sharp and searing. Cillian's face flashed through your mind, taunting you with the broken promises and lies that only the innocent fall victim to.
Returning to the living room you noticed a vehicle parking outside on the street in front of your little terrace house. It was a small Crolla, a car that was very familiar to you and which belonged to no other than Cillian's sister Siobhan. 
You weren't expecting a visit from her, especially not in the wee hours of the night, but you didn't mind. She was one of the rare people you could count on these days even though she was a member of Cillian's family.
Quickly, you dried your tears and went to open the door. Siobhan stood there with a serious expression on her face.
"Hey," she greeted, but even her warm voice did nothing to mitigate the heavy feeling that pressed onto your heart still. "Can I come in?" she asked, and you stepped aside to let her walk past you.
You noticed that she was carrying a bottle of wine and two glasses in her hands. "I figured we could both do with a drink tonight," she added while she placed her possessions on your dining table.
You hesitated for a moment before closing the door and joining her. "You have no idea," you sighed, leaning against the back of one of the chairs.
Siobhan gave you a concerned look before pouring you a generous glass of wine. "Oh, I think I do. I saw Amanda today and, fuck, Cillian didn't even tell me about any of this because, if he had, I would have come to see you sooner Y/N. I am so sorry," she  muttered, exasperated.
"It's okay, really. There was nothing you could have done," you shrugged, sipping on the wine like it was water. It burned your throat as it went down, but it somehow made you feel a little better.
"No, it's not. I know how much this must have hurt you Y/N. My brother can be such an idiot sometimes, but he does love you, you know?" Siobhan told you, causing you to cry and laugh all at the same time.
"If he really loves me then , why did he cheat on me?" you asked, your voice cracking with emotion.
"Because he was hurt when you knocked down his proposal," Siobhan told you, explaining Cillian's turmoil to you. "And he acted impulsively which, really, is no excuse for what he did. It's just an explanation," she told you, but you no longer cared. 
"Well, it doesn't change anything now. I'm done with him," you informed her, your voice shaking a little as the reality set in.
"But-" Siobhan started to protest, but you stopped her.
"No. This is not what I want anymore," you sighed, running a hand through your hair as Mara slept peacefully in her bed upstairs. "I am better of alone and, honestly, our arrangement still stands. He will support me and Mara financially and he will get shared care, just like I had promised him. Nothing more and nothing less,"  you concluded firmly while taking another sip of your wine, watching Siobhan frown concernedly in return.
"You know Y/N, I never gave you enough credit in the past for how mature you actually are, especially for your age. You are much more of an adult than most of my clients and you are certainly much more mature than my almost fifty-year-old brother,"  Siobhan finally shared, but it wasn't enough to stop you from hurting still.
The following days passed slowly, with you trying to rebuild yourself and your life. It hurt like hell, to be back in the city that reminded you so much of Cillian and the times the two of you had spent together, but you didn't have much of a choice.
He came over one day to pick up Mara just as you had agreed upon when he came back from LA. Wen he arrived he also wanted to talk to you about what happened but you refused and did not even let him through the door. 
"No Cillian. Like I said in my text message last night, all that matters now is Mara," you told him face to face now that he stood in front of your door. "You can see her three days a week, no nights for now and I do not want any contact with you unless it relates to our child," you continued with a clear, firm voice, making a strict compromise so that he could spend at least a little time with Mara until she was ready to stay at his house over night. 
Cillian nodded and seemed surprisingly accepting of your conditions.
"Okay," he told you as you both stood at the front door of the house for a minute before Cillian finally reached out and gently touched Mara's cheek. 
"Do you want to take her while I get her pram and bag?" you offered to Cillian who, again, nodded silently.  With a heavy heart, you handed Mara over to the man that you loved dearly, but who had betrayed your trust.
Cillian took Mara into his arms and looked down at her happily as she babbled at him, giggling after he spoke her name. "She has grown so much even in those few days," he remarked, his voice thick with emotion. 
"She sure has," you told him. "Now, do you have enough milk in the freezer for her? I left some there the last time I visited you last. It's all dated and labelled, just make sure you heat it up right, okay?"  you added, trying to keep your voice steady and authoritative, even though you wanted nothing more than to break down and weep.
Cillian looked up at you with a pained expression on his face. "I will make sure to do that," he told you, tears welling up in his eyes.
You nodded and turned away from him before he could see the sadness creeping up on you. "Okay Cillian. I expect her back by seven. Don't be late," you said softly before pushing the pram and baby bag on to the front porch.  Cillian took them without a word and stepped outside. He looked at Mara again, a lingering longing in his eyes, a feeling that was all too familiar to you.
You closed the door softly and leant your head against it. The emptiness in the house suddenly felt bigger, suffocating almost. But you had to get used to it now. This was your life from now on.
The next few weeks were tough, but you made it through them with the support of Siobhan and your mother as well as your best friend Emma who suggested a night out while Mara had her first sleepover at Cillian's house, which was something that made you panic.
You never not had Mara with you over night, it had always been the two of you, or sometimes even the three of you. But, after careful consideration and speaking with Cillian about it, you finally agreed to it with a certain hesitancy.
As you stepped out of your house, ready to meet Emma for your long-anticipated girls' night, you took a deep breath and tried to remember who you were before Mara entered your life.
The thought caused a wry smile to grace your lips and, with a spring in your step, you continued down the path towards the small car that your friend drove as she picked you up along with some other girls from her class.
They were all about your age, but none of them lived the way you did. You were a single mother living in the suburbs while they were all single and sharing a flat in the city.
They were out partying and hooking up with guys while you were home, changing diapers and reading bedtime stories. They were having the time of their lives, while you often wondered if this was all that life had in store for you.
But as you slipped into the passenger seat of Emma's small car, you felt a sense of excitement that you hadn't experienced in a long time. You were ready to let loose and have some fun, and you knew that Emma and the others would make it an unforgettable night.
"Holy shit, you are looking good," Tina, one of the other girls you still knew from school days, remarked as she climbed into the backseat, and you couldn't help but feel a little boost to your confidence. You thanked her with a smile while Emma glanced at you from the driver seat, smirking triumphantly while you pulled out your phone to text Cillian, ensuring that Mara  was comfortable and okay.
"She will be fine, Y/N. She is at her dad's house, remember? He is old enough to look after her. You need to stop worrying," Emma assured you as she navigated through traffic, making her way into the heart of Dublin, where the bustling nightlife came alive.
"I know, it's just -" you started to mumble but then stopped, letting out a quiet sigh. You couldn't deny the fact that leaving Mara behind on her first sleepover with Cillian was hard. It was unfair, you thought, that parents shouldn't experience the pang of abandonment when it comes to leaving their child behind while Tina chimed in, quickly changing the topic after Emma told you again that Mara would be just fine. 
"Hey Y/N. I am curious. Does he pay for your house and car?"  Tina asked, a hint of jealousy tinging her voice. You weren't close to her, but you knew that, especially after your public appearance at the Oscars, which had now been almost ten weeks ago, many of the girls you knew had been talking about nothing else but you and Cillian. After all, he was super famous now and you had his child and not many women could claim that status.
"Well, yes he does, because I am a student, just like you Tina," you replied, suppressing the irritation in your voice. "And we had a child together, so it seems fair," you justified yourself and feeling a little nervous about exposing too much information and stirring up unnecessary envy among your former classmates.
"I suppose you have it easy then," Tina said, still showing an envy-filled tone in her voice. "My mother never even got child support from my dad,"  she added, causing a heavy silence to fall over the car as Emma glanced at Tina sternly in the rearview mirror.
"Things are different now, Tina. Cillian is -," Emma chastised but, before she could continue, you interrupted her. 
"Can we just stop talking about my ex now and focus on our night out?" you requested, hoping to steer the conversation in a different direction.
Emma nodded in agreement and changed the topic, talking about her last date and the awkward ending that it had while the girls in the back seat listened attentively and added their own commentary on the subject, making jokes and trying to make each other laugh.
You tried to focus on the conversation but couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of sadness as you thought about Cillian and the life you had once imagined for yourselves.
You had hoped to grow old together, raising Mara and making memories as a happy little family, but fate had other plans.
Your mind wandered as you entered a crowded dance club, clinging to your drink as you tried to push aside the thoughts that threatened to consume you. The beat of the music pulsed around you, vibrating in your chest as you moved to the rhythm, trying to lose yourself in the seductive sounds filling the air.
But the despair that tugged at your heart wouldn't let you go, no matter how hard you tried to shake it off.
It clung to you like a persistent shadow, a constant reminder of what you had lost, and you pulled out your phone again, texting Cillian, to see whether Mara was fine.
He quickly responded, of course, telling you that she had already fallen asleep and that he was having a great time, spending time with her. It was then, in the dimly lit club, that you realized that this was your new reality, which is when, suddenly, a young attractive man bumped into you, spilling his drink all over your black dress.
"Oh, I'm so sorry! Here, let me help you clean this up," he said, sprinting away to the bar and returning with a wad of napkins and a sympathetic smile.
The unexpected kindness in his large, green eyes touched you somewhere deep within your soul, and you couldn't help but feel a tiny spark of warmth and attraction ignite between you.
"Thank you," you murmured as you took the proffered napkins, still feeling the anxious tension of uncertainty in your stomach after receiving Cillian's text about your adorable daughter sleeping soundly in his arms and it was then when he even sent you a photo of her, a gesture which you appreciated. 
Just as you looked at the phone the man nodded with a reassuring smile, his eyes sparkling with interest and curiosity as, at the same time as handling your phone, you nervously tried to dab the spilled liquid from your dress without causing further damage.
"You look like you're having quite the night here," he persisted, attempting to keep up a friendly conversation as you glanced at your phone before putting it back into your handbag. 
"Yes, I haven't been out in a while," you replied, smiling at the stranger's persistence as he still stood there, looking at you. 
"Really?" he asked. "Why?" he asked, genuinely surprised by your admission as you continued to wipe away the residual drink stain on your dress.
"Well, I had a baby -," you began to say before shaking your head, realizing that this must have been the worst pick up line ever.  The man blinked a few times, his eyebrows shooting up towards his unkempt brown hairline, but he didn't falter. Instead, he dug his hands into his jeans pockets and rocked back on his heels, a friendly half-smile on his lips.
"You had a baby? For real?"  he inquired inquisitively, maintaining a friendly and interested facial expression. "I mean, you don't look a day over twenty-one," he complimented you.
"Well, I am not," you chuckled. "I am twenty-one, actually," you  confessed, feeling vulnerable and exposed all of a sudden.
But the stranger, who introduced himself as Sean, only seemed more intrigued. "Wow, you had a baby already? That's impressive," he admitted, hoping he hadn't dwelled too much.
You nodded, flustered by the attention. "It's not easy but, hey, life happens," you shrugged, determined to keep it light.
"I assume you don't have kids?" you asked, curious, wondering out loud without considering the fact that this topic might be slightly weird for a twenty-something year old man.
"No , I don't. Not yet anyway," he answered with a small laugh, shaking his head ever so slightly, causing his mop of hair to bounce wildly on his head.
"Well then, I guess I just told you way too much about me, huh?"  you asked, feeling a hint of shame creep up your neck and onto your face.
Sean smiled at you genuinely and kindly, his eyes fixing on yours, a connection forming between you two. He shrugged.
"Not really. I mean, you know, things happen and I -," the man began to say before awkwardly telling you about himself. "I am 27 and just finished a degree in engineering. I only just moved to Dublin a few weeks ago and, uhm, I am single and would really like to buy you a drink, if you let me," he stammered. "Unless, of course, you actually have a man in your life, because you had a baby and stuff, so if the father is around then forget about what I just said,"  he added, catching a whiff of disappointment in his voice.
You smiled and shook your head. "My daughter's father is out of the picture," you told him honestly, softening your eyes as you observed him moving closer to you. 
"Great, so what are you drinking?" he asked and, with that, you knew where this was going.
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padfootagain · 1 day
Only an Almost (XVII)
Chapter 17: Looking for Help
Hi! Here comes a new chapter!
Chapter 18 will be the beginning of things really getting better!
I hope you’ll like this chapter! Please, tell me what you think!
Pairing: Hozier x fem!reader, friends with benefits AU
Warning: No explicit smut or nsfw content, but there are sexual themes and heavy make-out sessions (it’s a friends with benefits AU, I can’t really escape it), so 18+ only!
Summary: Andrew has been in love with you for years, and yet he has never confessed his feelings. But a night out celebrating the engagement of his best friend changes everything. However, you don't seem ready to be with him just yet. You make him an offer that he can't refuse... but will certainly regret.
Word Count : 1855
Masterlist for the series – Hozier’s Masterlist – Main Masterlist
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“Well…. That… is a lot.”
“You can phrase it like that, yeah…”
“So… you’ve finally told her you loved her. At least you don’t have that to weight on your chest anymore.”
“The fact that I was still rejected after that confession kind of balances out the relief, though.”
“Yeah… you’ve got a point…”
Andrew heaved a sigh, closed his eyes as he let himself fall back fully in his chair. He hadn’t slept after that conversation with you. Or well, ‘conversation’ didn’t quite fit what had happened; it was rather a fight.
He had waited for an early but somewhat decent hour in the morning to call Sam, and ask if he could come buy. It was 8:13, and he was sipping on a black coffee, sitting at the table with him now. Daphne was taking a shower. Andrew had dropped by a bakery to get some pastries for breakfast, knowing he was depriving his friends from some well-deserved rest, but if Sam had already eaten, Andrew had not taken a single bite.
He nervously rubbed his palms, until the skin was painful and red, but he didn’t seem to notice.
“What are you going to do now?” Sam asked after a rather long silence.
But Andrew merely shrugged.
“What could I do? She doesn’t want me… All I can do is try to find a way to move on. Christ… how do you move on from that?”
“Getting awfully drunk sounds like a reasonable beginning,” Sam smiled.
“Well, perhaps, but not at 8 am,” Daphne chuckled, finally walking into the kitchen, her hair still wet from her shower.
She hugged Andrew tight.
“I’m sorry, Andy.”
“It’s alright.”
“I don’t have a clue what’s going on in her head…”
“Daphne… don’t. Please, don’t…”
She pulled away, got herself some coffee as well, before joining the two men around the wooden table.
“The way I see things… she’s freaking out. She’s freaking out and rejecting her feelings.”
“It makes no fucking sense!”
“It makes perfect sense. She doesn’t see me like that. It was just sex for her, and it wasn’t for me, and I was a damn fool. There’s nothing more to say about that.”
“There’s a lot more to say about that. The way she talked about it… she was just afraid…”
Andrew buried his face in his hands. He heard Sam gently shushing Daphne when she started speaking again.
“Come on, now! Tonight, we’re getting brilliantly drunk you and I!” Sam promised his friend.
“Good idea,” Andrew nodded.
A heavy silence followed.
“Andy… I know that this is not the time but… about the wedding…”
“Hmm?” Andrew finally looked up at his friends again.
“You… you’re still going to come, right?”
Andrew frowned hard.
“Of course, I’m coming. Why wouldn’t I?”
“Because Y/N is my maid of honour,” Daphne let out in a breath.
“Oh… I hadn’t thought about that,” Andrew admitted.
But he quickly shook himself.
“Of course, I’ll come. I’m the best man! Don’t worry about that.”
“I… I understand that you won’t want to see her, and we can totally avoid the two of you being in the same room while we’re planning the wedding, but during the ceremony and everything…”
“Guys, don’t worry. I’m an adult, I can handle seeing my ex for a day.”
Andrew blinked and frowned.
“Technically, she’s not even my ex, we weren’t together, as she enjoyed reminding me last night…”
“You promise you’ll come, right?”
“Sam, of course, I’ll come. Don’t worry. It’s your wedding, you don’t have to worry about me and my stupid broken heart. I’ll be there, and I’ll just… behave politely towards Y/N. Nothing more, nothing less. Anyway, the wedding is in seven weeks, she’ll probably bring someone…”
The doorbell rang, and Daphne got up to answer the door, while Sam was patting Andrew’s shoulder.
He was attempting to guide the conversation back to something a little more joyful when the sound of someone crying reached the kitchen. The two men looked at each other with a frown.
“Daphne? You’re alright?” Sam called, standing in a hurry, Andrew following suit.
But it wasn’t Daphne who was crying. Sobbing, actually.
She was holding you in her arms. You were shaking with sobs, you seemed about to fall, and crumble to the ground…
Andrew felt tears rising to his eyes at the sight, but he quickly blinked them away. It was about the only movement he could summon though. He was too stunned to move another muscle, remaining frozen in his friends’ hallway.
His first reaction was to want to run to you, hold you in his arms until you would stop crying. Were you hurt? Why…? What was going on?
But then he heard your whisper…
“I’ve fucked up… Daphne, I’ve fucked up so bad… I’ve fucked up everything with Andy…”
To hear his name acted like a punch in the guts, knocking all the air out of his lungs. His brain started to properly function again, and puzzlement slowly replaced worry.
You were crying about last night?
“Andy…” Sam called as Andrew stormed through the hall to grab his coat and shoes.
You finally noticed that he was there, and remained frozen, staring at him with your puffy red eyes and cheeks stained with tears. He didn’t look at you. He couldn’t.
“Andy… Wait!”
But despite Sam’s protest, Andrew was out in the blink of an eye, hurrying out of the house and out of your life…
He didn’t stop before he had reached his car, hearing Sam run after him.
“Wait, Andy… I didn’t know she was going to drop by.”
“I know… I know… It’s alright.”
“I just… I can’t see her right now.”
“I understand. I just…”
“It’s alright, Sam. We’ll see each other tonight at the pub, okay?”
Sam reluctantly nodded, and Andrew hurried inside his car.
All he could do for now was trying to move on, move forward, always forward. He drove aimlessly around the countryside for a while, before finally going home.
Was he moving forward, or just running away?
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On a scale from one to drunk, Andrew was hammered.
He reckoned that he hadn’t drunk that much since College… or no, scratch that. Since his first record. Yeah, he had had some nice party time during that period, a mix of testing his limits on the road and the buzzing excitement of a long list of first times.
Only, a few years had passed, and after that last whiskey, he wasn’t too sure if he could handle alcohol as well as he did back in the days…
Sam was laughing his arse off over something stupid, that Andrew had forgotten already, but he was giggling along anyway. The buzz of the liquor was making him dizzy, light-headed, with his cheeks on fire and his thoughts a mess.
God… it felt good to forget you for a moment.
The pub was full of life and laughter. A group had started drunkenly slurring through a few songs, but Andrew was hoping not to be recognized and asked to sing, he wasn’t in the mood. You were the only thing he could write about these days, singing reminded him of you…
It was fun, it was an easy and temporary fix to his heartbreak, but Andrew welcomed the momentary reprieve all the same.
That was until Sam became suddenly much paler than before, and pressed a hand over his mouth, choking on his laughter.
Andrew blinked, grabbed his friend’s arm and pulled him as quickly as his wobbly legs could carry him to the bathroom.
Sam had barely knelt down in an empty stall that he was throwing up.
Andrew patted his back a couple of times, waited for his friend to calm down. He sat behind him, against the wall of the tiny bathroom. He didn’t care that the ground was dirty and highly unhygienic… for now he was pressing his temple against the cool tiling on the wall to counter the spinning of his head and the growing pain in his skull.
“You’re alright in there?” he called for Sam, looking at his friend still bent over the toilet.
Sam didn’t answer, merely threw up again.
“I’ll take that as a ‘not dead yet’,” Andrew answered in a fit of stupid giggles, and closed his eyes.
A few minutes later, he heard Sam shifting near him, and he forced his eyes open again, despite his exhaustion and the pain piercing his head.
“You’re okay?”
Sam finally crawled on all fours to join Andrew next to the row of sinks.
“Yeah, better,” he nodded, stumbling to his feet to wash his mouth. “Thanks, mate.”
Andrew merely gave him a thumbs up, before closing his eyes again.
Sam sat down next to his friend then, ignoring a newcomer who had just come in.
“Damn… I don’t think I’ve been this hammered since College,” Sam mumbled, while Andrew merely hummed in agreement. “Do you remember that party by the beach? Alex was fucking out of it, and then the cops arrived! We ran so fucking fast! I thought Alex was going to piss his pants, he was in pure panic!”
Andrew laughed at the memory.
“You tripped on a root and fell like a fucking child. Hands and knees all scrapped,” Andrew added, making Sam double-over with laughter.
“And you banged your head in at least five branches! I thought you’d get a concussion!”
“The red marks on my forehead the next day!”
The two men were laughing hysterically, sitting there on the ground, ignoring anyone else who would come in and throw them amused looks.
They remained there two more minutes without being disturbed. No one was coming in anymore. It seemed as though even the sound of conversations and music from the main room of the pub had quietened.
And there you were again, your picture against his closed eyelids. First the sight of you waking up by his side in the morning. Then the memory of your skin against his. Your voice. Your smile. You turning to look at him, and beaming with this grin of yours that was brighter than any star…
A tear rolled down his cheek and into his beard before he could notice.
“Christ… Sam… I love her so fucking much…”
He vaguely heard Sam shifting next to him, and he finally opened his eyes. A row of brown doors, on the opposite wall some sinks and some mirrors, and white cold tiling all over the walls. Urinals on the other side of the room.
Instead, he could see you lying in his bedsheets, your head thrown back against his pillow…
“I love her…”
That look of mischief in your eyes as you stole some fries from his plate…
“I’ve never loved anyone else the way I love her… so fucking much…”
Sam wrapped an arm around his friend’s shoulders, pulling him into a hug while Andrew’s silent tears were turning into proper cries.
“It’s going to be okay, Andy… It’s gonna be alright.”
And Andrew knew it was just some stupid fucking lie…
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lesbojournals · 1 day
Hi Liz! I’ve just read your poly!marauders pregnancy fic and I love it! Your reading is stunning!
I’m here with a special request… I was wondering if you could write a poly!marauders x fem!reader where reader is acting weird and distant and the boys are worried and at the end she was hiding a huge secret, a pregnancy. She was scared they wouldn’t want a baby but they all ended up really happy about it? Just some slight angst with happy ending. ❤️
a/n: hi anon! i did put a little bit of my own twist to this, hope that's okay!
Poly!Marauders x Pregnant!Reader
It had only been two days. In fact, it was only the beginning of the second day. 
One full day and some hours since you found out you were pregnant.
One full day and some hours since you started ignoring your boys.
What else were you to do? It was a complete surprise. You'd never even discussed having a baby together, let alone if they even want children.
After taking your pregnancy test, you bolted out of your shared flat with no explanation, driving yourself to the beach so you could have a long cry.
Each boy texted you separately and called you separately, various times. You ignored every call.
I'll be home soon. Staying at my parents for the night. is what you texted in your shared chat. 
You weren't lying…yet. Just withholding information.
As you had driven up to your parents house you felt the tears all ready to burst. The shocked look on your mom’s face when you were at the door was enough for her to bring you in and comfort whatever you were going through. You had told her your secret, and she admitted the boys reached out to her in concern. You fell asleep on your parents’ couch in distress.
One day and a few hours is when you woke up. You scrolled through your phone. Missed texts from Remus, missed calls from Sirius, voicemails from James. 
“You're going to have to tell them, you know.” Your mom entered the living room with a cup of tea for you. 
You gratefully took it and sat up, shaking your head. Your hand went to your stomach without thinking. 
“I know,” You said, starting to feel worked up again. “I know.”
It was an hour or so later of your mom giving you the confidence to tell your boyfriends that led you to dial Remus’ number. 
“Honey?! Oh, my love, are you okay?!”
“Is that her??”
“Give me the phone!!”
The voices of your boyfriends rang through the speaker, and you sighed with a shaky voice. 
“Can you guys meet me at the beach? We need to talk.”
It was James that broke the silence that took place after you spoke. 
“Yea, of course darling. Be there in 10?”
You felt tears dripping down your face. “Mm-hm. Love you. Bye.”
Three “Love you”s chorused through the phone. You hung up quickly and held your face in your hands as you cried. Your mom rubbed your back encouragingly.
“Love, it'll go okay. And if it doesn't I'll be right here for you.”
That brought you to arriving at the beach. Your mom drove you because of how emotionally distressed you were, not being able to control your tears. 
You saw James’ car in the lot and took a deep breath as you rubbed your eyes. 
“You got this sweet pea.” Your mom gave you a shoulder squeeze.
You hesitantly exited the car and watched as the boys did the same. 
They looked broken. Remus was unusually dressed in sweats and one of Sirius’ shirts and looked like he hadn't slept. James eyes were bloodshot and cheeks pink. Sirius, on the other hand, had a dangerous look on his face, borderline between looking like he'd scream or cry.
“Where have you been?!” He came off intimidating, eyes glossy. You flinched at his tone, leading Remus to step in front of him.
He grabbed your hands. “Dovey, why did you leave?”
You looked up at his hazel eyes, noticing James holding Sirius in a side hug behind Remus. 
“I…I…” Your voice cracked and you felt hot tears slide down your cheeks. 
Remus rubbed your hands gently with his thumbs. 
You let out a desperate cry and looked down at the ground. “I'm pregnant. I’m keeping it.”
With that Remus let go of your hands, and you felt your world collapse. You started to cry harder, about to bring your arms around your body to hug yourself before a body slammed into yours, grasping you tightly.
“Oh, love…” Sirius spoke into your neck. 
You looked up in shock at James and Remus, both looking utterly surprised. 
James stuttered as he spoke. “I, you, we are going to have a baby?”
“You guys are staying with me?” You asked, uncertain.
Sirius whipped from the crook of your neck to grab your face with both of his hands. 
“Is that what you thought dolly? That we wouldn't stay with you!!” He almost seemed hysteric at the thought.
You shrugged. 
“Oh sweetheart…” Remus spoke quiet. 
Before you knew it Remus and James both joined you in your hug, holding onto you tightly.
James was the one who broke it apart. “I just, I can't believe it.”
He grabbed your shoulders and gave them a gentle shake. “We’re going to be parents!!”
You blinked and James had you up in the air, swinging you around in a circle as Remus fretted and Sirius laughed. “We’re gonna be parents!!!”
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idkwhatever580 · 2 days
I’m sure you could pt. 1
Pairings: Natasha romanoff x reader
Prompt: y/n follows Natasha to Norway. What happens when they go out? (Loosely based off of black widow events)
Warnings: fights, mentions of cuts and injuries, no smut but almost, mentions of death. No actual death though.
A/N: I’m working really hard on this one but it’s taking a bit out of me. I decided to create two parts to it. Because I’m basically going with the black widow movie. But including r. So have fun. Tell me if you think I should add something to part two!
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Y/n’s pov
I am pounding on the door of the trailer and Natasha opens it with a gun in her hand and she quickly covers my mouth and pulls me inside.
“Shut the fuck up you’re gonna get me caught!”
I storm past her and say
“No you shut the fuck up! What were you thinking?!”
She sighs and says
“Detka please-”
“No! Don’t baby me! I am so pissed with you.”
“Please let me explain”
I huff and say
“Go on then. Explain to me why you left with no note not even a call! You could have been dead for all I know and I was just at home waiting for you!”
I start pacing back and forth in the little space there is.
“I know I’m not an avenger and I’m not all special like you are, but as your wife I deserve the decency to hear when you’re running away!”
“It wasn’t safe!”
I shake my head in frustration she keeps explaining
“It never is safe right nat?”
“They are after me. Everyone is after me right now. I felt horrible but I had to get rid of my everything because of it. I double crossed tony and the government.”
I let out a frustrated groan and she finally realizes how bad my breathing is. She knows it’s gonna be bad if I don’t calm down soon so she says
“Baby. I need you to breathe with me. In. And out. In. And out.”
I take a few more breaths and then I look back up at her
“I thought you were dead”
My eyes fill with tears and she says
“Oh dorogoy. Im so sorry.”
I start to sob and she wraps her arms around me and I grab onto her shirt as if she’s going to disappear if I let go. I start to rant into her chest.
“I thought I’d never see you again and you just were going to run off. You always do this Natalia I am always so scared. I wish you’d have come home and taken me with you.”
“You know it’s not that simple”
I nod my head and keep crying.
After a long while I finally am able to calm down and we get up and go to the bedroom to talk. Natasha starts with a question naturally
“How did you know where I was?”
I sigh and say
“This guy named mason broke into the compound somehow and told me after I almost shot him.”
She laughs and says
“He’s always been like that. Stupid”
I nod my head in agreement and Natasha asks another
“How did you get here? Do you think anybody followed you?”
I shake my head and say
“Mason made sure to get me here with nobody on my trail.”
I decide it’s my turn for a question
“Are you hurt anywhere?”
She shakes her head and says
“Clint threw me on the ground pretty hard but not bad. I think I got a few bruises but not much more”
I nod my head and say
“Let me see you”
She sighs knowing I need confirmation that she is not damaged too badly. I’ve always been like that.
So she stands up and takes off her shirt and does a slow 360 for me. Before she can turn back around I wrap my arms around her waist from behind and move her hair to the side so I can kiss her neck.
I trail my hands under her breasts and then move to the back and say
“Is this okay?”
She nods her head and whispers
I unhook her bra and let it slide down. I immediately start kneading her boobs softly making her let out some soft moans.
Her head rolls back and she turns around eventually to do the same for me. She kisses me softly and says
“Let me make you feel good”
I sigh and say
“Natty I don’t want to make you tired”
She chuckles and shakes her head
“You give me life baby. You could never make me tired.”
I raise my eyebrow and say
“I don’t know about that. I’m sure I could if I tried”
She smiles and kisses me tenderly
“I’m sure you could detka”
Before we actually get anywhere the generator goes out and everything turns off.
I groan and say
“Why now?”
She chuckles and says
“We don’t need lights”
I smile and say
“No. But I think we should figure it out before we fall asleep and then freeze.”
She sighs and says
“You’re right”
And as she is getting off of me I mumble
“As always”
Nat turns to me
“What was that?”
I look away innocently and say
She slaps my arm and throws on her bra and shirt again. We both go outside to investigate. Well. I investigate and she stands guard.
You can never be too safe.
Unfortunately the generator has run out of gas. So we need to go into town to fill up the little gas can we have.
We load up and go on our way. I smile at her from the passenger seat until we cross a bridge and a bomb goes off throwing us around.
I black out for a few minutes and once I am fully conscious again I look around and find nat next to me unharmed. But I look around for the perpetrator and see this person in a suit. It looks weird. But Natasha already is in action.
She unbuckles and falls making the car move. I finally realize that we’re hanging over the bridge. I shakily say
She turns to me and says
“Get out and get as far away as possible through the backseat okay?”
“I’m not gonna leave you here with that maniac!”
“He’s here for me. Not you. Go!”
I know she’s telling the truth. It’d be no good if I’m hurt and she’d have to handle me too so I slip out the door and she starts shooting at him.
They start fighting and I see a brief case that looks like it has important vials in it. Honestly these things look like magic. So I grab them swiftly and sneak off.
I hide in some bushes and Natasha and the robot person fight more. From the looks of it they are copying her exact moves. Like they know exactly what she’s doing.
This is terrifying since she is never predictable.
Suddenly. They end up staring right at each other and as Natasha analyzes this things armor, it turns towards me. I know I’m hiding in a bush but I think it can see me.
She says
“You’re not here for me”
And she looks around for something. I widen my eyes and realize he’s here for the briefcase that I have in my hands.
Natasha knows it too so she runs at the armored person and they fight a bit more.
Natasha clearly knows what she’s doing so she yells
“Throw the case y/n!”
I don’t think and just listen to her so I throw it on the bridge and they fight to get to it. But Natasha gets there first.
They fight again and Natasha uses the persons shield that oddly looks like caps shield. But before she can win he kicks her off the bridge and I almost scream out but I remember they might come for me too so I stay silent as tears run down my face constantly.
They end up with the briefcase and I look and see that there is nothing in it. Clearly nat took it out before they kicked her off. But there’s no fucking point.
Once they leave and I see the way is clear I run down the side of the bank to the water. It’s a little steep and I slip making me fall a lot but I don’t even care. I don’t stop running.
I get to the water and start looking around.
Nobody’s pov
“My baby! No. No no no no. No no. You can’t be gone. Please Natasha nat please. I need you.”
Words start to roll out of y/n’s throat uncontrollably, but nobody can hear.
Y/n is on her knees at the river bank with cuts and scrapes all over them.
They look around and then start crawling to the water. Somehow their brain isn’t functioning properly and they just start looking for Natasha while repeating the same things over and over like a crazy person.
Until a gasp comes from the water and y/n looks up to see Natasha coming out on the other side.
She immediately scrambles up and says
They can’t hear her speak and they just lie down. Suddenly they pull some red glowing ball out of their jacket.
Y/n’s pov
That red shit is the stuff that was in Natasha’s briefcase! It’s her!
I almost yell her name when she gets up and starts looking around. I find my phone which somehow didn’t break in the crash or my fall and I turn the flashlight on and wave it at her.
I realize that if I yell at her it might alert that person again. I don’t want that.
She sees the light and knows it’s me. So I make my way over the hill and cross the burning bridge and climb back down much slower this time.
We both sigh in relief when we recognize each other.
I run to nat and say
“Are you okay?!”
She nods her head still a bit winded from being under water
I tear up and say
“I swear to god if I ever find that person I’m gonna kill them.”
She shakes her head thinking and says
“You shouldn’t be here. You need to go home”
I look at her like she’s crazy and say
“And leave you for that thing?! No fuckjng way!”
I can tell she’s in black widow mode right now
“Y/n… you don’t know what we’re dealing with right now. I need you to go home. I need you to be safe”
I huff and say
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“Why won’t you listen to me!”
“Because! I am only safe with you. If you send me home nobody can protect me as well as you can. You are the only one that can help me sleep at night. You are my safety.”
She sighs and shakes her head knowing it’s a losing battle.
Suddenly I look down into her hands and in one, she is holding the red stuff, but in the other, is a little paper.
“What is that?”
She looks up at me and says
“What is what”
I look her in the eyes to be a bit confrontational and say
“What’s in your hand?”
She holds up the red vials and says
“Uh- I actually don’t know. But I’m going to figure it out”
“No no. Not that hand. That hand”
I point to the other hand.
“What? Oh- nothing.”
“Cut the act Natasha. Tell me what is in your hand.”
She hesitates but hands it to me
“Who are these kids?”
“Me. And…”
My eyes widen and I say
She nods her head and I say
“She got out?!”
Nat shrugs her shoulders and says
“We can talk about this in a bit. We need to get somewhere safe. Where they can’t get to us”
I nod my head and we walk back to the trailer making sure nobody is on our trail.
We sit down and Natasha and I take a second to look at each other and take each other in.
Only now does she realize the cut I got on my forehead because of my fall.
“I’m so sorry”
I shrug and say
“Not your fault. I went too fast down the hill looking for you and fell”
She laughs a bit at my clumsiness.
“I’m glad someone’s getting a kick out of this”
She tends to my wounds and I tend to hers as she tells me everything.
“If you’re coming with me you have to understand the dangers of this. We’re dealing with the red room here”
I nod my head and say
“I might not know much but I at least train with you for hand to hand. And I can shoot.”
She nods her head and says
“I don’t know if Yelena is truly out. She could have just been on a mission.”
“On a mission where?”
I smile and say
“You’re one of the only people I know who say Budapest correctly.”
She nods her head and continues
“I’m hoping she’s still there. If not I don’t know what I’ll do. But mason brought these to me from my hideout there. So she might be laying low if she actually escaped.”
I nod my head and kiss the last wound I just cleaned up for her. Now I move on to brushing and re-braiding her hair.
“Who was that robot person?”
“I don’t know. But from the looks of it, they’re from the red room. So it’s probably not a guy. The red room utilizes women and their weaknesses. That person has been training to fight me since they were a girl.”
I nod my head and say
“Why don’t they look like any other widows?”
“I’m not sure”
I keep braiding my hair and just say what pops into my head.
“Do you think this girl is special to the red room? Like. Maybe she’s dreykovs daughter”
She shakes her head.
“Impossible. She died when I bombed the both of them. I didn’t mean to get her, but I had to get him and that was my only time slot.”
I nod my head in understanding and say
She stands up when I finish the braid and says
“We’re going to Budapest. Grab your things.”
I look around and say
“I don’t have any things. For some reason I just left.”
She sighs and grabs some extra clothes for me.
Before we leave she grabs my hands and says
“Before we go, I can’t in good conscience let you come with me without telling you the dangers of this. We could very likely both die”
I nod my head and say
“I know. But there’s no one I’d rather die with than you. I’m not worried though. I know you’ll keep me safe.”
She smiles and kisses me and says.
“I could always kick your ass and make you stay here”
I smile and use her words from earlier.
“I’m sure you could baby”
A/N: I’m totally gonna make a part two don’t worry. You just might have to wait a little bit :)))
@ilovesnat @ihartnat @marvelnatasha12346 @moistblobfish
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Could you do "How are you?" "I have been better" for those Jily prompts?? Im absolutely obsessed with your writing!
from this prompt list
James hasn’t been here in a week. 
That probably makes him a lousy Head Boy, but wasn’t he already anyway? Besides, he’s been so busy (kept himself so busy), there hasn’t been time to hole up in here in the way he’d grown accustomed to since Halloween. 
She hasn’t been avoiding the Head Office like he has, something he’s spent a ridiculous amount of hours turning over in his head. Is it because she knows he has the Map and won’t impede on her space? Is it because she wants him to find her there? Is it because she doesn’t care at all and isn’t as pathetically miserable as he is?
He pushes into the office, with the intent of getting some homework done in his break before lunch. He didn’t check the Map, but Lily has Potions anyway.
Or—he thought she did?
“Oh.” James freezes at the door. “I thought you—I can just…come back when—”
Lily shakes her head, a quick, anxious movement. “No, it’s fine. I was just leaving. Slughorn cancelled class so we can revise before—never mind. I finished the patrol schedule if you wanna glance over it before I send it out.” She slides the parchment across the desk toward him, but as soon as he starts moving toward her, the chair screeches loudly against the floor and she hurriedly rises. “You can just…” She takes a backwards step and gestures limply toward the parchment. “Leave any notes you have and I’ll…adjust it this evening.”
"Okay," James responds, his own unease palpable in the silence that follows.
“I’ll be back around eight,” she tells him, and he knows why.
“I have Quidditch anyway.”
“Right.” He hates the way her shoulders sag in relief. She grabs her bag from the floor and takes a step toward the door. “So I’ll just…”
“Well then, er…” Lily falters, her gaze flickering uncertainly toward the door. “Bye.”
“Wait!” James blurts out, the word escaping before he can stop it, and he immediately regrets his impulsiveness. He wants to kick himself or slam his head down on the desk or something because he's supposed to be done with this. This impulse, to act like an idiot every time she's in his general vicinity. The Lily Evans Effect, as Sirius calls it.
Lily stops, her hand hovering over the door, her expression curious yet guarded.
James swallows. “If you can hang on a second, I can…I can look over this and then you can get it sent out by…dinner.”
“Oh.” She reshoulders her bag, but gives a small nod. “Yeah, okay.”
He takes a seat at the spot she's just vacated and deliberately focuses on the parchment in front of him, determined to ignore, ignore, ignore the lingering scent of vanilla and oranges that she always carries with her. He hasn't been close enough to her to smell it for days, but it's like flying a broom, the way it comes back to him unbidden.
His eyes skim across the parchment, noting the familiar quirks of her handwriting. She always forgets to dot her 'i's, a detail he's found amusing since it's her own name. The cursive loops of the 'h's are large and exaggerated, evidence of her habit of going back over them. But she still doesn’t bother to dot the ‘i’s. It’s infuriating. He loves her so much.
“This looks good,” he says. “Is Parkinson still in the Hospital Wing?”
“Yeah, that’s why I—”
He nods, understanding. “Right, yeah, I see that.”
“Do you think—”
“No, I think this is better because—”
“Okay, that’s what I thought, but what if—”
“No, he’ll be fine. And if not he can just—”
“Fuck right off,” they both say simultaneously, locking eyes. He wants to laugh—or cry, maybe. It’s a fine line these days.
She looks like she’s on the verge of crying herself.
He rakes his hand through his hair and sinks back into the chair, a heavy sigh escaping him. “This is stupid. I don’t…” He looks back at her, his voice trailing off. “At least tell me…I—how are you?” His words emerge with careful deliberation, a sharp contrast to the frantic thudding of his heart.
“I’ve…been better,” she says softly, and maybe it makes him terrible, maybe it makes him a right prick, but somehow the misery in her admission gives him hope.
Straightening up, he leans toward her. “Lily—”
She cuts him off with a shake of her head, her eyes squeezing shut. Her fingers find the doorknob, a silent plea evident in her trembling form.
“Just—hang on a second, okay?” he presses. “Can we…I don’t know—”
“Please don’t, James.”
He groans, rising from the chair and pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Aren’t you miserable?”
“You know I am,” she sighs.
“Then let’s—” He stops as her hand twists on the doorknob. “Please.”
“Leave it, James.”
He lets his head drop between his hands. This is worse than before, worse than fifth year, and he just—he wants to hold her. Instead, he keeps his eyes on the floor, unable to watch as she leaves, again.
“Sunday,” she says suddenly.
He looks up, surprised to still see her standing there. “What?”
“I just need—the Potions practical is Thursday and you have a match Saturday, so we—let’s just get through the week and talk on…Sunday.” She looks at him expectantly. “Okay?”
“What kind of talk?”
“I don’t know, James,” she says, with a bit of exasperation. It’s halfway between genuine irritation and fondness, but James has never minded those odds before. “Let’s just see how we’re feeling after the weekend.”
“You know how I feel. You know I—”
“Will you still…are you going to the match?”
She fixes him with a frown then, and this time—he’s positive he sees fondness. “Just because things with us are…” She sighs. “I’m still a Gryffindor, aren’t I?”
And he just can’t help himself. The Lily Evans Effect. “Will you cheer for me?”
She laughs, in spite of herself, as she opens the door and James feels like he’s already won the match. “Sunday, Potter.”
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beskarandblasters · 7 hours
Clipped Wings
Tow Truck Driver!Ezra x F!Reader
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Main Masterlist | Ezra Masterlist
Summary: After being led astray by your friends, you’re stranded out in the woods with a flat tire. But when you can’t afford to pay the tow truck driver, he offers an alternative method of payment.
Word count: 2k
Warnings: modern AU, Ezra has both arms, reader is able-bodied, dubious consent, oral sex (M receiving), semi public sex, vaginal sex, pull out method, cum eating, praise kink, pet names (birdie), no use of y/n
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You should’ve known this was a bad idea. Your “friends” always fuck you over. You should’ve known this party was a front the second you turned onto this dirt road. There’s nothing around for miles, just trees and the stars above. You glance at your phone– barely any service, and contemplate calling your friend, Becca, again. It’d require you to swallow your pride, to beg for the real address, to reveal how desperate you are to fit in. 
You just don’t have it in you. 
Fuck it. 
But when you put your car in reverse and back down the road, it doesn’t… feel right. You glance out the rearview mirror. You didn’t hit anything. But a beeping sound from the dash catches your attention, along with a flashing yellow signal– Low tire pressure. \
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
You hastily leave the car and search for which tire it could be. It’s worse than you anticipated. Your back tire on the passenger side is flat. And now your car is completely undrivable. You don’t have a spare or a patch kit in your trunk either. You can already hear your dad’s words ringing through your head; You know better. Be prepared. 
God, you feel like a fucking idiot. 
You dash back to the front of your car, reaching for your phone in the center console. As fast as your fingers will type, you search tow trucks in the area, hoping for one not too far from wherever the fuck you are. You click on the first place that comes up– Green’s Towing Company, praying your phone’s signal doesn’t drop mid-call. 
“Green’s Towing Company, how may I be of service?” a man’s southern drawl says over the receiver. 
“Yes, hello. My car has a flat tire and I’m stranded.”
“And you ain’t got no spare? Or a patch kit?”
Now’s not the time for a fucking lecture. 
“Nope. It’s your lucky night.”
The man chuckles and says, “Boy you’re in a pickle, aren’t ya? Where are you located?”
You pull the phone away from your ear to look at the address Becca texted you, reading it back to him. 
“Oh, you’re quite a ways out. I’m afraid it’ll take me some time to get to you.”
“Oh… How long?”
He sighs and says, “Probably a good hour or so. I just have to gas up my truck before I leave, birdie. Are you safe? Are you alone?”
“...Yes, I’m alone.”
“Stay in your car and wait for me, birdie. Be there as soon as I can.”
He called you that nickname twice now. You don’t even know this guy.
“Okay. Bye,” you say, hanging up the phone and groaning. What a fucking disaster this is. But you do what he says, sitting in your car until he can reach you. He had such a peculiar accent, and you spend the next hour thinking about him, where he could be from, and what he looks like. Maybe he’ll be cute. God, now’s not the time for a fucking meet cute. 
You grab your phone and block Becca’s number, truly fed up with her shit ever the stunt she pulled tonight. You’d rather be friendless rather than friends with a bunch of fakes. 
A red light in your mirror startles you, causing you to jolt and look up from your phone. It’s the tow truck, backing up to your car. You get out and shut the door, waiting for the man to come and greet you. It’s an emerald green truck with the words Green’s Towing Company painted on the door in a yellow font. But seeing the truck makes you remember one important detail– You never asked what the price would be. 
“What do we have here? A wounded little birdie?” the man says. That fucking nickname again. He walks over to you and gestures to the pathetic remnants of your tire. Upon seeing him, you find that your suspicions are correct. He is cute– messy brown hair with a strange blond patch on the right side of his forehead, brown eyes, and a magnetic smile, his face illuminated with red from the brake lights. 
You shrug, unsure of how to respond to that. 
“Looks like somebody clipped your wings…” he says, crouching down to look at your tire. 
“I guess?”
He looks up at you and says, “Where are my manners? I never introduced myself. The name’s Ezra.”
He stands and extends his hand out, offering a handshake. You give him your hand reluctantly, finding him a little offputting for reasons you don’t understand. You tell him your name and he repeats it to him a couple of times. 
“Well let’s get this show on the road, birdie,” he says, starting to walk back to his truck. 
He turns and raises an eyebrow, waiting for you to continue.
“I never… asked how much this is going to be.”
“Where do you need to be towed to?”
“Um, my dealership, and then I need to be dropped off back home.”
You give him the addresses for both and he does some mental math, muttering under his breath before coming up with a price. 
“About three hundred or so.”
Fuck. You didn’t budget for this at all. God, this is a fucking mess. 
“Is there a problem, birdie?”
“I, um, didn’t think it was going to be that much…”
“Oh, I see. You’re in quite the predicament here.”
“I’m sorry for wasting your time. I can call someone else.”
“Hang on now. You’re not gonna find someone else with fair prices like me.”
“No. Plus, I can’t leave you out here alone for Kevva knows how long, birdie. Precious little things such as yourself can’t be left unattended.”
“What do I do?” you plead, feeling the tears welling up in your eyes. 
“Hey now, don’t get distressed. We can work this out.” 
He takes a step towards you, placing his hands on your shoulders. An unsettling smirk graces his face and you can’t help the feeling like you’re not going to be able to say no to whatever he offers you. 
“With that pretty little mouth of yours.”
Your heart sinks to your stomach. Somehow you knew he was going to suggest something like this. You could say no. You could call another tow. But you think about what he said about the others’ pricing, your phone’s weak reception, and what time it must be already. 
It can’t be that bad. You’re attracted to him already. And besides… What other choice do you really have? 
“Okay,” you say, closing your eyes as a single tear rolls down your cheek. He wipes it away with his thumb, telling you, “Good girl. Let’s head to the front of the car, birdie.”
He lets go of you and walks to the front of your car, leaning against the hood as he takes his cock out of his worn-out, earth-toned pants. You follow him and fall to your knees, sinking ever so slightly into the dirt beneath you. He strokes his already hard cock, pre-cum beaded up at the tip. 
“Be a good girl, birdie,” he reminds you. 
You look up at him, opening your mouth and taking his cock inside. He curses under his breath, reaching a hand out to caress your cheek. You swirl your tongue in between the tip of his cock and his foreskin, wrapping your hand around the base. You keep your eyes on him, watching for his reaction and making sure you’re doing a good job. Saliva mixed with his pre-cum slides down his shaft, making his blowjob wetter and sloppier by the second. The surrounding area is filled with the sounds of the forest, Ezra’s strained moans, and the wet squelching sounds of your mouth. 
“Shit, birdie, that mouth feels heavenly,” he praises, voice dripping with arousal. 
You hum into him, sending a vibration down his shaft. He shivers in response, head thrown back in pleasure, Adam’s apple bobbing up and down in his throat. You take your other hand and cup his balls, bobbing your head up and down as you work to send him over the edge. He tastes salty, with an undertone of sweat, but you’re not complaining. His forehead shines under the moonlight, stray curls sticking to his skin. He lets out another mangled groan, letting you know he’s close. You keep your tongue flat against the underside of his cock, sucking in your cheeks and going faster. 
“Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.”
Just when you think he could cum, he stops, gripping either side of your face. He pulls his cock out of your mouth and you look at him with a puzzle expression. 
“Did I do something wrong?”
“No, no. Quite the opposite,” he pants. 
“Then why did you stop?”
“My sweet girl,” he smirks, brushing his calloused thumb over your cheek. “To reward you.”
You freeze, waiting for further instructions. He slides out from in front of the car, taking a place behind you instead. 
“Stand up for me, birdie.”
You stand from the ground, goosebumps pricking your skin in anticipation of what he’ll do next. 
“And bend over for me like a good girl.”
You bend over the hood of your car, cool metal pressed against your cheek. He hikes up your skirt, taking a moment to cup your ass with his large hand. 
“You’re absolutely ravishing, birdie,” he says, pulling your panties to the side. 
Your cheeks heat up at his praise but soon enough it feels like your whole body is set aflame as his cock enters you. Your breath gets caught in your throat as you adjust to his size, writhing against the hood of your car. He grabs onto your waist, railing into you at an unforgivable speed. The force of his hips slamming into you has you moaning and whining, getting ready for the undeniably large orgasm you’ll have. 
“So wet. So pretty. So perfect,” he praises, gripping your waist tighter. 
But at this point, you’re well past complete sentences, only responding in the form of a whimper. 
“No, no. Use your words.”
“It feels so fucking good,” you whine in between labored breaths. 
“That’s right, birdie. Tell me how good my cock feels.”
“Mmm, it’s so big, Ezra,” your voice high pitched as your orgasm draws near. 
“Say my name as you cum,” he commands. 
“Fuck, Ezra. I’m gonna cum,” you cry out, coming undone around his cock. 
He fucks you through your high, stars in your vision joining the ones in the night sky. Your moans ripped through the stillness of the forest, cunt clenching and releasing him erratically. 
“Good girl,” he praises, holding off his orgasm for as long as he can before pulling out and painting your ass with his release. “Shit,” he sighs. 
His hand slides over your ass, collecting his spend. “Turn around.” You face him, taking note of the wild look in his eyes. “Open.” You open your mouth and take his fingers in your mouth, licking the cum off of them. You put on a show for him, sucking obscenely as he praises, “Such an angel, birdie.”
He cups your chin, brushing his thumb against your soft skin as he sighs. Your exhaustion hits you all at once and your eyelids flutter close. 
“Wait for me in the truck, birdie. I’ll get this hooked up.”
“Okay,” you sigh. He squeezes your chin one last time before letting go. 
You walk away and open his truck door, hopping in the passenger seat. You lean against the chilled window. With your breath fogging up the glass, you begin to drift off to sleep as you recount the night’s events. But you can’t help but wonder… What the fuck just happened? 
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Fic notifs: @beskarandblastersfics
Mood board: @pr0ximamidnight
Beta readers: @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin & @pedgito
Dividers: @saradika-graphics
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fluentmoviequoter · 10 hours
Lonelier in Misery
Part 2 of Lonely in Misery
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!paramedic!reader
Summary: After you first date with Tim, you decide to keep your relationship from Nolan and Bailey for as long as possible.
Warnings: brief angst, fluff
Word Count: 1.7k+ words
A/N: Titles are hard sometimes. This is one of those times.
Masterlist | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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The morning after your first date with Tim, feigning your continued misery isn’t hard. You miss him already, even though it’s been less than twelve hours since he kissed you and turned your world on its axis. He changed everything, and you never want to go back to how it was before. Now your absent smile and downcast demeanor are because you miss Tim; you miss someone rather than not having anyone. It’s a nice change, but you’re still craving another kiss.
When you arrive at work, Bailey runs across the station to meet you. She pulls you into a tight hug, and you slowly wrap your arms around her in return.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispers. “I thought it would work out with Tim.”
“Oh,” you murmur as you realize she’s still making assumptions based on your text from last night. “Right.”
“Don’t take this as a sign or anything, though. I promise I will do better next time! Just tell me what you did and didn’t like.”
“Bailey, you don’t have to set me up again.”
“No, you need someone. I hate seeing you like this. Being lonely sucks, and with our job, we deserve to have a person to go home to.”
“I agree, but a blind date isn’t-“
“You have to give me another chance. Nolan has more friends, plenty that aren’t cops, so I can find you the right guy.”
Bailey turns when the battalion chief calls her name, and you’re left alone again. You’ll have to convince her not to set you up on another date later. The problem is that you can’t tell her why, not unless you want her to insert herself into your relationship with Tim. Bailey is great, she’s your best friend, but she meddles.
You sigh as you pull your phone out. Tim has responded to your good morning text, so you send a quick warning: Bailey wants to set me up on another date since last night ‘didn’t work out’
Tim answers quickly, and his message brings a smile to your face.
Don’t worry about it. I’ll handle all the dates from now on.
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While you avoid answering Bailey’s questions, Tim is dealing with his own line of inquiries about the date last night.
“How did it go? You like her, right? I know you’ve met before,” Nolan asks quickly.
“It was fine,” Tim answers.
“Fine… Is that it? I don’t get more details?”
Tim shrugs and repeats, “It went fine.”
Nolan tosses his hands up in exasperation. Tim won’t elaborate, he already knows that, but he needs to know if he and Bailey were right about their idea that you and Tim would be perfect for one another.
“Sergeant Grey!” Nolan calls. “Bradford and I can deliver the safety brochures to the police station.”
“You want to do a rookie’s assignment for them?” Grey asks, his skepticism audible.
“Yes, sir.”
“Yeah. I know you’re just going to visit Bailey, though, you’re not smooth, Nolan.”
“Never expected to be. Thank you, sir!” Nolan turns to Tim to say, “Let’s go.”
“Why?” Tim asks.
“Because I want to hear from both of you. Fine isn’t good enough.”
Tim grumbles as he follows Nolan to the shop. “I’m driving,” he yells when he catches up.
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You’re restocking an equipment kit near the open garage door when a police car parks outside. As you set your gear aside, you see Tim exit the driver’s seat. You smile at him, but he shakes his head just before you see Nolan on the other side. It’s not a friendly visit, then.
“Good morning,” Tim greets. “We are here to drop off these public safety cards.”
“Great. Thanks,” you reply as you take them.
Your fingers brush over Tim’s and you feel the same jolt as when he kissed you last night.
“Where’s Bailey?” Nolan asks.
“Kitchen, I think,” you answer.
He nods to thank you, then walks past the fire engines to find Bailey. You raise your brows and look at Tim, but he just sighs. It’s not far-fetched to assume Nolan gave him treatment similar to the one you got from Bailey.
“Alright,” Nolan calls. He returns with Bailey beside him, and you sigh with Tim this time. “Let’s get to the bottom of this.”
“What happened last night, Tim?” Bailey asks. “You get to the restaurant, and?”
“She’s not who I expected,” Tim answers. He glances at you quickly, and you immediately decide to play along.
“Exactly,” you agree. “Blind date usually implies that you don’t know the person. We’ve met before.”
“Okay, but there’s no animosity or anything. You get along,” Nolan argues. “So, why’d you leave just as sad as when you got there?”
“Because I was still lonely,” you answer.
It’s not a lie. Neither you nor Tim will lie, but you’re going to answer the questions without admitting that they were right. They’ll never let you live it down if they can take credit for your relationship with Tim.
“I just don’t understand why you didn’t enjoy yourselves,” Bailey says. “But your relationships are your decisions. And I already have another guy lined up that I want you to meet.”
You open your mouth to argue, but Tim winks at you before you speak. He told you not to worry about it, so you won’t.
“We need to get back to the station if you’re done with the interrogation,” Tim tells Nolan.
“Sure, yeah,” Nolan responds.
You wave discreetly as Tim leaves, and your internal countdown to when you’ll see him again resumes.
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As you walk out of the fire station after your shift ends, your phone rings.
“Hi,” you answer.
“Hi,” Tim repeats. “Are you off?”
“I am. I’m leaving right now.”
“Then you should come over for dinner.”
“I’d love that.”
Tim texts you his address, and you smile for the entire trip to his house. When he opens the door and pulls you into a hug, you feel complete again.
“Whoa, it smells amazing in here. Are you cooking?” you ask.
“Maybe,” Tim answers. “That depends on if you have any stereotypical views that I can’t because I’m a man and a cop.”
“I think you can do everything and look good doing it,” you reply happily.
“Then, yes, I’m cooking. And thank you.”
You follow Tim into the kitchen and settle at his side as he finishes preparing the meal. Everything looks great, but you’d do just about anything as long as you were with Tim.
“I’m sorry if I pushed everything too far today. I know we don’t want them in our business, but if you want me to stop covering things up, I will,” Tim offers.
“You didn’t go too far. I thought it was kind of fun. Plus, I like being with you, even if we are lying to my best friend.”
“Lying,” Tim scoffs.
“By omission, yeah.”
Tim rolls his eyes but tugs you closer to kiss you. His hands rest on your cheeks and as you move with him, you know that it is impossible to feel sad or lonely around Tim Bradford.
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Two days later, you find yourself pacing beside your ambulance. Tim texted this morning, just: I won’t answer for a while.
There hasn’t been anything on the news or the radio channels about big police operations, so you’re left to worry about him with nothing more to go on. You try to convince yourself that he’s just in a meeting or on patrol with someone, so he can’t use his phone, but then your mind wanders to a dangerous situation where using his phone could get him killed.
“Oh no,” Bailey murmurs. “Are you okay?”
“Hmm? Oh, yeah,” you answer, snapping yourself out of your thoughts. “I’m just stressing. For no reason.”
“Get your stuff.”
“What? Why?”
“You need a distraction, and John Nolan is my favorite distraction. Tag along with me?”
You consider it for a moment. If you stay here, you’ll just be worried and alone. “Yes, please,” you decide.
When Bailey parks at the Mid-Wilshire station, you follow her inside and force yourself not to check your phone again. Tim will reach out when he can. Someone calls your name, and both you and Bailey stop.
“Hi, Detective Lopez,” you greet when you see Angela.
She hugs you tightly as she says, “Stop, it’s Angela. Especially now that you’re dating my BFF.”
“What?” Bailey interrupts.
Angela’s eyes widen, and she whispers, “I’m so sorry. I thought everyone knew. He told me, so I just assumed.”
Bailey says your name and points at you, ready to accuse you of lying to her and keeping secrets. Before she can, Nolan yells, “Why?!” from somewhere else in the station.
A few seconds later, he walks into the bullpen with Tim following closely behind him. Tim is talking, sternly and meanly, based on his stance. Nolan sees you and Bailey and quickens his pace.
“Bailey,” he begins.
“I know!” she replies. “They’re liars.”
“Why would you lie about that?” Nolan asks.
Tim steps to your side as you answer, “Technically, we didn’t lie. We answered your questions.”
“You just didn’t ask the right questions,” Tim agrees. “Which is part of your job, Nolan.”
“No, no, no. Don’t make this about me,” Nolan argues.
“Wait, so then are you going out again?” Bailey asks.
“And did you actually consider that to be a date? Enjoy it and everything?” Nolan adds.
Tim takes your hand as they continue asking questions, and you wave kindly to Angela as he leads you away. You smile as you follow him blindly. Once he has you away from the bullpen and the endless questions, he stops and pulls you close.
“Are you okay?” you ask. “I’ve been worried.”
“I’m sorry. I got called into a meeting to consult on a UC operation. Everything is confidential, so I couldn’t have my phone on me.”
“I’m not mad. I feel much better now that I know you’re okay.”
“It’s Friday,” he reminds you. “We have another date tonight.”
You nod, and Tim moves his hands, one on your waist and one on your jaw. He dips his chin and kisses you in the empty hallway, and you wonder what did it feel like to be miserable again?
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knockoff-conlon · 3 days
part 1 | part 2
he always feels uncomfortable walking through brooklyn. spot has brooklyn divided up, so that she controls everything but she has other people handling certain areas. and mack runs the area that borders manhattan- she does not like him. "jackie boy!" he freezes at her voice. "i ain't seein' you walkin' on by and ignorin' me, now am i?"
"course not, mack. i ain't ever ignorin' ya!" he replies, turning to see her. she's only a few steps behind him. he gives davey a little push, so he stays shielded, a little, from mack.
"what's we got here?" mack asks, using the stick she always carries to point at davey. "step up, kid, who are ya?"
"davey," he says timidly. she steps forward, crowding his space a little.
"davey," she repeats, clicking her tongue. it sounds wrong in mack's voice, threatening in a way jack hates. "tell spot i says hi, jackie." she shoulders her way between them, walking off with a little spring in her step.
"who was that?" davey asks quietly, watching mack head off.
"that was macdonald," jack replies. "everyone calls her mack. the first stop on spot's grand welcomin' tour. spot conlon and her girls ain't ever been fans o' mine."
"spot conlon's a girl?" davey asks.
"a lotta brooklyn newsies is. keep movin' or else we's gonna have to talk to mack again." he pushes davey forward, looking around. he can feel spot's girls watching them everywhere.
"why are so many brooklyn kids girls?"
"spot rose to power about three years ago. she was twelve about. first girl t'ever really run a borough. a lot of girls who show up in boroughs realize there's a girl in brooklyn and ship off."
"that why we have so little girls?" jack nods. he's seen a lot of girls from manhattan head off to brooklyn to work under spot. spot cares a lot for the girls she gets. "and she's the most feared newsie in all of new york?"
"you's gonna understand, dave." the docks where spot holds court are crowded with girls.
"jack!" hotshot grabs his shirt and yanks him around. "and a new kid. spot's waitin' for ya two. better get a move on, she don't like to be kept waitin'." she shoves them both toward spot's throne of crates. spot is sitting on it, holding her cane between her legs. she leans back when they get into view.
"conlon." he sets his shoulders.
"oh, have some respect," she chides. davey fidgets a little beside him. "stop movin'." davey stills.
"his name's davey," jack tells her. she stands up, pushing off her throne. all five feet of her stares up at davey, who has over a foot on her. even so, he shrinks back.
"yeah, okay." she sits back down. "so."
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jpitha · 1 day
Between the Black and Grey 46
First / Previous / Next
"-is open!"
Before Stormy could finish warning Northern, the ship linked to somewhere else in space. Detecting hard vacuum, the open airlock slammed shut.
"Where's Fen??"
"She's not aboard Northern. She must have jumped out right as we linked away."
"We have to link back!"
"No Northern. There's no way we can link back that accurately. Best case we'd appear outside the ship and be ripped to shreds by their point defense."
Zhe looked up. "What's the worst case?"
"We'd link back half in the ship and half in space.
They were silent a moment, imaging that. Back in the early days of wormhole technology, people experimented with how precisely they could link. It turns out that calculating an exact point in space in a constantly moving universe is difficult. The further you link, the harder it is. There is a realistic limit of a few kilo-lights just because the variation on where you'd wind up is so great you might end up in the next star system over. Or worse, inside a gas giant.
"Okay, so no linking back. What do we do about Fen?"
"I'm afraid we're going to have to leave her there for now Zhe. There's no way we can rescue her right now. I think we should stick to the plan and find Gord and let him know what we learned."
Crossing her arms, Northern sat into the command chair - Fen's chair - hard. "I don't like it, but I agree with Stormy. There's nothing we can do right now."
She looked over at Zhe. "Don't worry. We'll get her back. I promise."
Zhe turned to face Northern. Her large, expressive ears and wide eyes meant for collecting low light in the forests of their homeland stared at her. Her cat-like ears flicked, and she nodded - a human gesture. "I trust you, Northern. We'll do it your way for now." She turned back to her station and then after a moment, back to Northern. "How are we going to find Gord?"
At that, Northern smiled, "I have a hunch I know where he is. Stormy are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"I am, Northern, but what about bringing the BI?"
"It'll be fine. It's not like she'll be able to lead anyone back." Northern waved her hand dismissively. "She won't even be the first BI there."
"BI?" Zhe's eyebrows raised questioningly.
"Biological Intelligence. You call us AIs, we call you BIs." Stormy answered. "It's not an insult... most of the time."
"Okay, but where are we going and why would I not be allowed?"
"It's..." Stormy paused, searching for the words. "It's a place that is supposed to be just for us. Somewhere we can exist outside of the empire's influence, outside of their attacks."
"Oh." Zhe's brow furrowed for a moment. "Would it be better if you dropped me off on the Heap?"
"You don't want to come?" Northern's eyebrows raised.
"No, I do, but I also don't want to cause more problems. You could drop me off, and send a beacon when you have things figured out. I'm sure Dad has some work for me. Now that I've run with a crew he'll probably let me sign on for more jobs."
Northern shook her head. "Nonsense! You can come along with us Zhe. It will be fine."
"But what about-" Stormy interjected.
"It will be fine."
"If you say so." Stormy didn't sound so sure.
Stormy Days linked back into space deep dark of interstellar space. Zhe got on the scanners and searched. "Where are we Stormy, there isn't anything here?"
"Look harder, Zhe. Search for something running slightly higher than ambient, about a million klicks out."
"I still don't see... hold on!" Zhe fiddles with her console. "I see a large structure, way bigger than any Starjumper, nearly the size of an orbital, or a... colony ship?"
"That's what we're looking for, I'll set a course."
"What is it?" Zhe looks up from the console at the large screen. At this distance, even with high magnification it just looks like a mass of darkness among the stars.
Northern chuckles. "Originally? It was the human colony ship Mt. Baxter. Sometime in their flight, they passed through a gamma ray burst and everyone died. A group of AIs found the ship coasting through space and slowed it down. Now, it's... a safe place for us. If we can say anywhere truly is 'home' for us, this place is Home."
Zhe watched as they flew in. As they flew closer and closer, points of activity would flare, scan them, and then go dark again. A few times, she noticed that as they went dark the points would start moving. Point defense that always changed positions. The people that lived here did not want uninvited visitors.
The second thing she noticed was the size. She had never seen... anything in space this large short of the largest orbitals, like the ones the Humans had in Sol. High Mars Hyacinth was larger, but only just. This structure was easily thirty kilometers long and ten in diameter. It was also rotating slowly.
Other than the intense security, getting in was simple. Stormy apparently knew what to say when and to whom, and all the defenses stood down, and when they reached the massive structure, a door on the side - large enough to swallow a Starjumper - opened, and they slid inside.
The hangar for the former colony ship was equally massive. Zhe estimated it was fully a quarter of the ship. Docked along the edge were ships of all shapes and sizes. Most people know about the Starjumpers - the ancient human ships meant to soar between stars before wormhole generators were built - and the dreadnoughts - the massive warships built on a Starjumper chassis but bristling with weapons. Zhe couldn't believe the variety of ships here. All kinds of shapes and colors and designs! All were docked here in neat rows.
Stormy led them to an open space near the middle of the dock and gently guided them in. As they got close, she swung the ship around on the maneuvering jets to orient with the 'floor' of the massive structure and they set down with a light bump. Among the clanks and thumps of docking and the whirring of unknown things, Stormy walked out into the Command Deck. "Come on, Gord said he's going to meet us."
At the end of the airlock, a small runabout waited for them. They climbed in and puttered towards the entry to the structure proper. Sure enough, Gord was standing, waiting for them, his brow furrowed and his arms crossed.
"Stormy gave me the broad strokes. Helen took Fen?" Gord looked over them. "Oh, hello Zhe. Welcome Home."
"Uh, thanks Gord. Don't worry, I'll keep your secret."
"I never worried about it." Gord's eyebrow raised just a tiny bit. "Come on, let's get out of this hall."
He led them into a large open space, filled with open areas, plenty of seating, plants, and other pieces of nature. Zhe could have sworn she heard running water.
Striding quickly, he led them further and further into the structure. Zhe didn't know much about human architecture, but all of this felt old. There was something about the halls, the lighting, the furniture that made the place seem ancient. It might have been the fact that there were hardly any people. As they walked Zhe looked around and maybe saw fifty people total. In a place as large as this, she imagined you could go days without seeing anyone if you wanted.
Gord approached a large, heavy looking door. Nearly an airlock, but they were deep inside the structure. He stood in front of a panel, obstructing the view, and after a second, it slid open. "In here please." He gestured. Northern, Stormy, and Zhe walked in, but instantly the door slammed shut on them.
Lights flicked on in the room, and there was a large table, comfortable looking chairs and a pitcher of water. Along one wall was a series of paintings, they looked like Earth to Zhe, at least what she knew of it from videos and images. The other side was a large, thick window. Gord stood on the other side of it, glowering.
"I apologize for this, but you three are most likely contaminated from your contact with Fen and Helen. We're already cleansing Fen's frigate and if I can't get complete assurances that every single nanoparticle is gone, I will not hesitate to dump it and destroy it."
Stormy sighed and fell into one of the chairs. She spun another around and put her legs on it, crossing them. Northern sat at the other end and tilted the seat all the way back, looking at the ceiling. Zhe remained in front of the window. "How long will we have to stay here, Gord?"
"As long as it takes, Zhe. We're not well equipped to meet the needs of BIs here, but we're busily printing facilities for you, and we'll be able to print up some compatible food. It won't be cuisine, but it'll keep you alive."
"But what about Fen? She was captured!"
"According to Stormy, she opened the airlock herself and jumped out right as you were escaping Helen's dreadnought." He turned his back on Zhe. "She hardly was captured."
"Gord, you don't meant that! You know that she had the Nanites, they must have made her do it!" Zhe sniffed and her large eyes welled. "She wouldn't do that on her own! You're not going to go get her?"
Gord took one large step towards the window and loomed over Zhe. His anger clear in the tinny speakers overhead. "And how, Zhe, would you like me to do that? Do you know how many AIs are here?"
Zhe shrank back from Gord as he glared. "Uh, I counted around fifty people?"
Gord sighed and - seemingly realizing what he was doing - took a step back. "There are sixty eight of us. More than there's been in centuries, but still, not an invasion force."
"But, all those ships-"
Gord strode back up to the window and shouted,"Are empty Zhe! They haven't moved in centuries. Bare husks, waiting for their AIs who will never come." He started pacing. "The Empire murdered us, Zhe. I was carrying around a duffle that carried the memory cores of every AI I could find. The fact that you and Fen managed to find two more than I had no idea were even alive is frankly amazing."
"So all these people are..."
"Are new bodies I had printed for them with Spyglass' help. They're all old friends, and they are traumatized, Zhe." Gord continued pacing. "I said we were going after the Nanites, but we just don't have anything to send after them. What can we do?"
"You have Meredith and her retinue! You have the Empress of Sol."
"Hah. Empress of nothing. We've already heard the news, Helen has declared herself Empress Regent. She's wasting no time at all consolidating her power. Meredith and her friends are just six humans among trillions. Meredith has a hard enough time staying sober." He shakes his head sadly. "I had no idea her ship was so well stocked."
Zhe sat down heavily. "So that's it then. You're going to hide."
Gord nodded. "Yup. Seems to be the most prudent course of action. I may have talked a big game before, but I was caught up in the moment." He chuckled a bit. "I think it's Fen. Something about her causes people to think that the impossible might just be possible. Now that she's captured though, who knows. Helen will probably declare her 'Empress' and rule from the shadows. The Nanites will get what they want, and we'll wait it out. I'm old Zhe. It's not the first time I had to lay low for a few centuries."
Northern lifted her head and looked at Gord. "Actually, we learned more about the Nanites from Fen before she... left. They consume energy and come from a universe without a lot. They entered ours as a way to look for other universes."
Gord turns his head slowly and regards Northern. She's sitting at the table, leaning back, her face long and her hair rumpled. Even though most AIs don't really have to sleep, it can have a restorative effect and some do. Northern looks like she hasn't slept in weeks. "They do what?" His voice was barely above a whisper.
"They consume energy. Fen said most of their civilization is around a white hole in their universe. She said they weren't planning on consuming this universe, just using it to look for another."
"And you believed them? Northern why would they spend all this effort building empires and making people make Gates if they were just going to look for another Universe? Why do they need our Universe at all except as a source of power. Fuck." Gord swore.
While they were speaking, a person came up to Gord. She was tall, with long silvery hair. She looked familiar to Zhe, she might have been with Gord before. She couldn't remember her name though. They couldn't hear what was said - Gord turned off the mic - but she saw his face contort and he was clearly angry. He said something sharply to her. She nodded once, sharply, turned on her heel and walked out.
"Fen's ship is contaminated. The Nanite concentration is too high to easily contain, so we're going to purge. I'm sorry folks, but the ship it too dangerous to leave. You can't get your stuff from it either. We'll print you some clothes and a new pad and things." Gord glanced down to his own pad as he was talking. "Ah, and it seems you are contaminated as well Zhe."
"Me??" Zhe's ears were high and taut, facing forward, her tail poofed out involuntarily.
"Yes, you have a high concentration of Nanites. I'm surprised you haven't been feeling the effects of them." Gord looks up at her and narrows her eyes. "You haven't been feeling the effects of Nanites, have you, Zhe?"
"I wouldn't even know what it would feel like. I never even knew they existed until recently."
"Hmm." Gord's fingers danced over his pad and he concentrated intensely on it for a moment. "Okay. Look. If you were anyone else, we'd just kill you, and be done with it. But you're friends with Fen-" Gord gestured "-and Northern and Stormy. They're contaminated too, but we can just offload them and get them new bodies. They're already uploaded. We can't do that to you." Gord shuddered slightly. "Never again. Anyway, we're going to try something."
Before Zhe could say anything there was heavy clunk, and vents popped open in the ceiling. Heavy black smoke poured into the room, pooling onto the floor. When the smoke touched Zhe, it felt almost thick, like water, but was still some kind of smoke or vapor.
As soon as the smoke touched Zhe, she lost control over her limbs, she lept onto the table and crouched down low, snarling at Gord. "You think you can defeat us? We have had millions of years. You're barely three thousand yeas old. You have no chance."
'Zhe' looked back at Stormy and Northern and sure enough, they looked lifeless. She peered closer and she saw that both were in their same positions as before leaning back head on the back of the chair.... with ten fine wires leading from the chair to the back of their heads.
"They're long gone. Don't worry about them. We'll have new bodies printed up in a day or two." Gord looked again at his pad and adjusted something. "I swear, keeping you alive through this is going to be a hassle. I hope I can see Fen again just do I can gloat to her about this."
'Zhe' felt the room grow heavier. Gord had adjusted the gravity. She was pulled onto the table and as she struggled the smoke rose higher and higher until it touched the rest of her. As she screamed, it poured into her mouth.
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I Forget Where We Were
1.4/ joel miller x f!reader / MINORS DNI 
summary: life with Joel from the start. Be kind please- this is my first piece and has taken 6 months of courage🤍
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Chapter Nine: Conrad
Oh, I loved you with the good and the careless in me. 
what to expect: Sunday dinner for the Millers with an unexpected guest. One is human and one is tabby with four paws. 
warnings: bad language i guess idk?😂fluff, dad!joel,lover boy joel, no specific physical description of reader, female reader (please let me know if there is anything I’m missing, I will elaborate as the series goes on) no outbreak, age gap (reader is mid 20s and Joel is mid 40s), boyfriend!joel? i repeat boyfriend!joel, wholesome Sundays, toothache inducing sweetness, cute baby kittens
    · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
‘I think it’s going to rain today’ Sarah sipped her orange juice and ate her pancakes, with a sudden air of concern and adult-like observation.
‘Nope baby, it’s a hot forecast, Uncle Tommy and his new girlfriend are round today, dinner outside again’ Joel clapped his hands as he made the obligatory dad remark of being 100% certain what the weather is like.
You woke up feeling slightly worse for wear, with the tight squeeze in the bath tub, the new prospect of moving in with Joel and Sarah, the excitement of a kitten and the bottles of red wine haunting you.
‘I’m gonna head home and grab my stuff for the week. I’ll be back soon, I love you both.’ Before you left, Joel handed you 100 dollars and you grabbed the cat collar before Sarah noticed it.
‘Daddy what is that for? She has money you know?’ Joel rolled his eyes, realising the torture that came with a daughter who was always a step ahead and way too observant.
‘How do you know what kinda money she has, now then little lady?’ Joel rested his hesd on his fist and leant over the breakfast bar, ready to be amused by Sarah’s answer, which was bount to encapsulate your entire personality.
‘No one needs that many claw clips, and she doesn’t let her handbags go anywhere near the floor.’ Sarah was deadly serious, but Joel belly laughed, so excited about building your vanity here and having your handbags on display.
‘Well, maybe I felt like being nice.’ Joel shut the conversation down. He was not ready to try and give child answers to adult questions.
   · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
Joel was right. A hot Sunday it was. You wore a cream linen co-ord, shorts with a long sleeved button up shirt. Paired with your iconic matching bow, oversized tote and Birkenstocks.
We’re gonna make great pawrents.
I should break up with you for that.
You have no right. 
I’ll put a real baby in you instead.
Jesus. Not even 10am yet. At least let me have my second coffee.
You pulled up to the pet store and got all you needed for the new Miller addition. You laughed when you saw Joel had drawn a pawprint on one of the bills.
Next door was a rescue store, and you went in on the hunt for the perfect kitten. 
The volunteers were so helpful and sweet. They asked if you had children, who was home during the day and took address details and asked how the neighbourhood was. They took you through to the cats- you were in heaven. 
You were matched with a tiny 11 month old tabby. Her name was Nova, and she was perfect with children with bags of energy, but with a docile, gentle side which made her a lapcat of an evening.
They did the final checks and paperwork, and you were able to take Nova home. She mewed in her carrier for the entirety of the journey, and her tiny paws poked through the gaps in the carrier, followed by a teeny pink nose and angry kitten teeth.
You called Joel and told him you were 5 minutes from home, and to get Sarah ready.
   · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
You let yourself in, and carried Nova through. She ran laps around the pen you set up in the living room, and then eventually fell asleep on her blanket.
You went out the back to find Joel and Sarah tidying up the plants, and taking off the leaves that had gone yellow, and repotting the dahlias. 
Joel leapt up so quickly he saw stars, and Sarah bounded down the garden to cuddle you,the usual greeting you were given.
‘What would make your Sunday better?’ Joel asked
‘No school tomorrow?’ Sarah blushed knowing she was hilarious.
‘Okay what else?’ Joel rolled his eyes.
‘Ice cream?’ Sarah laughed again.
‘Okay I’m impatient. Follow me and Daddy’ you skipped through the kitchen and turned and made Sarah jump by shushing her.
She went giddy and Joel instantly fell in love with the pint sized baby that laid asleep in the sun beam on the floor.
Sarah squealed with excitement as she tiptoed over to Nova. Nova woke up and she rolled on her back and did a big stretch. Sarah delicately tickled Nova’s belly and Nova jumped to all fours and ran round Sarah, picking up a mouse toy in her mouth and dropping it by her lap.
‘She’s so fluffy, I love her so much. Thank you’ Sarah started to cry, unable to process the emotions that came with your first pet at a young age.
You and Joel were emotional wrecks, watching what was possiby the most wholesome moment in your lives. Joel wrapped his arm round you and you leaned into him. 
‘You did good baby’ he whispered as his lips touched the top of your head.‘Everything I’ve ever wanted in one room’ 
The wholesomeness was soon interrupted by Tommy, bursting his way through to the front room. 
‘I bought company, hope you don’t mind one more’ Tommy lead the new love interest in by her wrist and made her do a twirl. Your jaw dropped. You both squealed in unison and ran to eachother.
‘Laura, you dirty dog’ you pretended to gasp and be disgusted, but your bestfriend and basically brother-in-law, it was a blessing.
‘He dropped me home Friday night and I couldn’t get him to leave’ Laura giggled as Tommy playfully smacked her ass.
‘Uncle Tommy, meet Nova. Hi you’re pretty’ Sarah couldn’t stop to answer questions about the furry addition, too distracted by trying to wrap your best friend around her little finger too. 
Tommy played with Nova, and she clamped her paws round his wrist and they wrestled.
‘Right, let’s go grab a drink’ Joel attempted to restore some order. Kittens, friendly reunions, two smart ass independent women. The Millers were in deep.
     · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
You all caught up and debriefed on the events of Friday night, the proposal Joel had and Laura and Tommy’s newly found spark.
After plates and plates of chicken Caesar, steak, fries and homemade cookies, mixed with sangria and beers, you all collapsed in the living room on the sofa. You and Laura did Sarah’s bedtime routine before school tomorrow and then joined the boys downstairs after you all kissed her goodnight.
Nova snuggled up next to Sarah on her pillow, and Laura took a polaroid and propped it next to Sarah’s nightlight. How did you all get so lucky to find eachother? Sarah would never come up short in her life, you all loved her fiercely.
You and Laura shared the armchair, with the type of friendship where you had very little boundaries, but also due to the fact you couldn’t finish a conversation without Joel and Tommy moaning you were shouting across the room to eachother whilst they tried to watch the big game.
Laura shotgunned all the pieces of clothing that you were talking about decluttering, seeing as you would have to find a way to fit a 2 bed apartment, overrun with your belongings, around Joel and Sarah’s life, without intruding.
    · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
Joel and Tommy finally made it through the game with no interruptions, as you and Laura were banished to the armchair and inevitably fell asleep holding wine glasses. You were both lightweights and prone to exhaustion following high levels of excitement.
In true manly, criminal fashion, they turned the big light on and you both jumped up, grouchy and rudely awakened.Tommy was going to drive Laura home, and you planned your schedules to line up tomorrow whilst hugging goodbye.
‘Look after her’ you warned Tommy, lightheartedly of course.
‘I wouldn’t dare hurt my girls’ Tommy winked playfully and Joel stood behind you with his forearm coming over your shoulder and draping over your chest.
Joel wrapped the lengths of your hair round his hand, as you shut the front door, and held it firmly as he kissed you.
‘What a weekend baby, I’m exhausted, and far too drunk for a Sunday’ he slurred his words ever so slightly, and his eyes were heavy. 
‘Let’s be asleep by 10pm and then it doesn’t count’ you scrunched your nose and kissed him.
‘Come on then baby. We’ve got a busy week coming up.’
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Final Chapter
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hardlysticks · 1 day
The Sea Breeze Carries Unknown Secrets
Chapter 1
You can’t remember much of last night, you remember waking up and seeing two creatures in the ocean. Clearly it was a dream, being back in this town brought back the ideas of the creatures that your grandfather had warned you about.
Besides that weird dream and the splashes near the rocks, everything had been fairly normal. You spend your days venturing into town and reliving parts of your childhood summers that you could remember; that cute little cafe that always served tasty treats, or maybe the little antique shop where your grandfather had bought you a little model sailboat. It was all surprisingly still here.
It brought you a sense of comfort to see that everything was still the same, which meant that those you had met when you were younger still remembered you.
“Oh darling! It’s been so long since we last saw you!”
An older woman broke you from your thoughts as she brought her hands up to pinch at the apple of your cheeks.
You couldn’t help but smile at the affection and her words, you remember the older woman, she was one who would feed you stories of the sea while always leaving a seat open for you and your grandfather open at her restaurant.
“I know I know, college and my career really kept me away from visiting. But I’ve moved into papa’s old home” you mentioned to her.
You weren’t that young kid who would run around town and listen to whatever story you could get your hands on, you were now in your mid thirties and had stepped your foot into the world of publishing and writing books.
“That’s wonderful! We really have missed seeing you around. Now if you ever need a little something to eat then you know where to find me” she gave you a quick pat on the cheek before she had wandered off back to her restaurant.
As the older woman wandered off you pulled your phone out of your pocket to look at the list you made for yourself, even if you finished unpacking you still had stuff left to do. Such as grocery shopping.
With your phone in hand you made your way to the small market that the town called a grocery store, staring down at your grocery list you meandered down the aisles grabbing the food that would sustain you in your new houses.
The fruit and vegetables always seemed to be more ripe and colorful in the coastal town, you don’t remember seeing such a juicy mango in the city. Staring at the display of vegetables in front of you, it distracts you from the feeling of being watched. Coal brown eyes that followed every little bit of your movement, but staying out of your sight.
Your mind played it off as someone not recognizing you in a town of close knit people, with a shake of your head you moved to wander down the bakery aisle instead.
With your gaze focused on your grocery list you managed to walk into a wall, though when you glanced up from the list you noticed that it was in fact not a wall…. And instead a wall of muscle.
“Oh!- oh I’m so sorry! I really should have focused on where I’m going-“ you stuttered out as you started at the behemoth of a man.
The man, now that you got a better look, was around 6’2 and built like a brick house. A black surgical mask covered the lower half of his face, if you squinted just slightly you could see a display of light freckles that dusted his face, and then there was the dark brown eyes but you could have sworn under the fluorescent light it turned to an amber like color.
“It’s fine” a gruff voice interrupted you from your thoughts, the thick Manchester accent definitely matched this giant of a man. The man held a basket filled with summer vegetables and what seemed like tea boxes.
“Right um… still I should pay better attention” you added, before offering your name towards him. The man raised an eyebrow; staring down at your form before letting out another grunt.
“M’names simon” he replied, a tinge of hesitancy lining his voice, all while his eyes held a sort of amusement. With a smile you gave him a nod and glanced down at your almost full basket, you had gotten what you came here for.
“Well… it’s nice to meet you Simon. But I must be off now. I hope to see you around” you offered him with a smile before heading off to the cashier. The line went by fast and you were able to pay for all the necessities you needed for the next few days.
The walk home was nice, the cool sea breeze cools you down from the summer sun all while letting your hair wisp against your face. It was far better than the smog filled air you had learned to live with in the city.
Town wasn’t all too far from your seaside cottage, a long gravel road welcomed you back to your cottage. Carefully balancing your bags of groceries in your arms you tried to reach back towards your pocket to retrieve your key to open your door. As you stopped at your porch you noticed something blocking your way.
Fish… dead fish
As you took a closer look at the fish you noticed it was a small arrangement of cod and grouper… how the hell did they make their way to your porch from the seaside? With a groan you stepped around them and brought your groceries inside, trying to plan on how to deal with the fish.
Eventually the only thing that came to mind was… throwing the dead fish back in the sea. Your lip curled up in slight disgust as you picked up the dead fish and tossed them back into the sea, mumbling to yourself about how gross that was.
A pair of sapphire eyes watched from past the rocks on the coastline, squinting with confusion as they watched you toss the fish away.
Authors note!- y’all I’m so sorry school kicked my ass with exams but I should now be regularly posting each weekend! And also next chapter reader will do some interacting with someone special 👀
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inkmonster21 · 11 hours
Sing for Me
6. Divorced for You
Cooper Howard × Fem!Reader / The Ghoul × Fem!Reader
She's a singer the nation adores. He's the actor everyone respects. What happens when these two get entangled in a heated affair? Passion, regret, rage, and even murder will commence.
From before the bombs drop to the vast wasteland, these two souls live for one another.
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Series Masterlist
Tagged: @fallout-girl219 @harmfulb1tch @themadhattersqueen
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Louis locks the door behind him before he takes my coat and purse. Johnny was already rolling a joint at my kitchen table. Louis mumbles a farewell as he disappears down the dark hall. Johnny lights up, offering the joint to me. I shrug, inhaling the bad habit. "That was a beautiful song you sang. It was real... raw. Might say it’s about someone special." He drags on.
The undying smile on my face grew even wider. "It was, but ya know how things go sometimes." Johnny takes the joint back, "So... The Cowboy?" I huff out a laugh, closing my eyes and nodding my head. "The cowboy," I confirm.
He nudges my arm, "Why didn't you say something? I could've put on a real show." "Because I didn't even plan on getting involved with him again." He ashes the joint in the tray. "Looks like the universe has other plans for you, my friend." I shrug begging the dopey smile to bugger off my face. "I don't know. I'm not going to get my hopes up. He's married." Johnny shook his head, eyes wide. "Not after tonight. I saw her face as I walked out. She was fucking pissed." I could feel myself gloating in victory.
The party winds down hour by hour. Guest leaving with smiles and stories to tell of the party at Cooper Howard’s house where they had the pleasure of seeing the angel herself sing. The door closes and the house is finally at peace. Barb walks through, lip sucked in, anger clear on her face. Peace, ha, Looks like I spoke too soon.
“Where’d you disappear to?” Her words falter as she struggles to hold her composure. “When?” She glares at my answer, “You know when.” Barb's words were soaked in sarcastic anger. Now or never I guess. I sigh, gesturing for her to sit down. “Sit down, Barb. We need to talk.” She shakes her head, “I’m not going to sit down! I can not believe you. You’re still sleeping with her, Coop! She’s ruined us!” “She hasn’t ruined us, Barb. You did. All the hours at work, the secrets you won’t tell me, the intimacy was long gone before I even met her. We were struggling long before she came into my life. You can’t deny that.” No tears, no frown, Barb grows a wicked smile on her face. “So that’s it then? You’re going to throw away everything we have? For her? She’s a fucking WHORE!” I toss my empty glass on the marble bar, the glass clinking loudly. “I love her, Barb.” She scoffs, “Oh? You- you love her? Well, how fucking sweet, Cooper. Who am I, as your wife, to stand in the way of that?” Barb stomps up the stairs and slams the bedroom door shut.
I couldn't help but begin to think of the ways I was going to tell (Y/n). A proper date would serve her right after all I have put her through. Yet the thought of surprising her amid the night churns my insides. I could slip into her room, undetected, silent. I could take the time to praise her smooth skin, count the freckles on her body, and memorize the scars in various places. I would whisper those precious three words into her ear a million times. By the time the morning sun rose and I was still there she would begin to question it. It would be then I could deem her mine, really mine. I can imagine the smile on her face. Would I get married again? Shit, if she asked me to, I'd pump a baby in her belly.
I nesed myself in the guest bedroom with a tired smile. It was settled, I'd be calling my lawyer in the morning.
It had been two days since Cooper told me he loved me. Yet, no calls, no visits, no contact whatsoever. Maybe it had been a drunken act of passion. I knew I was right to not get my hopes up. It was only something he did in the heat of the moment. I push my feelings down as I prep for the shoot. I put the astronaut helmet on my hip as I pose with an open glass of Nuka Cola. I stretch my lips wide in a picture-perfect smile, getting ready for the take.
“Ready I’m 3… 2…”
“YOU SKANK!” I look left toward the voice. Barb Howard rushed towards me, fury in her eyes. I stare at her out of shock, completely frozen in place. She doesn’t slow as she nears my frame. A foot away, Barb winds her wrist back. A harsh slap echoed through the set. The burn on my cheek stuns me into shock. I stare at her with wide eyes.
“I hope you’re happy. You two deserve each other.” She seethed with venom, yelling out, “fucking home wrecker!” I hold my reddened cheek as security grabs Barb.
The director stands, “Get her out of here!” She’s hauled off within seconds, the entire set is a chaotic scene. Louis grabs my shoulders, towing me out of my shocked state. “Are you alright? What the fuck was that?”
I nod, “Yeah, yeah. I’m okay.” A small smile crept onto my face. It shouldn’t. I was just slapped in the face by the wife of the man I’ve been sleeping with for almost two years now, but I couldn’t help it. I had won him. Cooper Howard was all mine.
They shot the commercial 6 times, each time better than the last. The director claps, "Wonderful, (y/n)! Thank you everyone. That's a wrap!"
I practically skip over to the makeup tent, having the makeup wiped, the hair brushed down, and the accessories taken away, the smile never leaving my face. Louis grabs my cheek, his eyes examining the red mark. "You're going to edit that for the ad, correct?" The hum of the assistant was all he needed.
He stares at me in the mirror, "Do I want to know?" My cheek reddened with a blush. "Cooper and I talked at the party." He raised his brows, a knowing smirk, "just talked?" I bite my lip unable to hold it back, "He said he loved me." Louis slapped my arm with a gasp.
I couldn't get home quick enough. I was waiting on the phone all night. Friends in and out, but I was only concentrating on staring at my phone on the wall. Maybe if I could telepathically send him a message, he would call. Sadly, it got late, the sun had set and the stars of the California sky lit up the night. Johnny, Louis and I sat outside by the pool. I swish my glass of wine, singing along to the radio softly.
"Holy shit." Louis laughs and sits up staring at the gate. I perk up, following his gaze, my smile growing. I bite my lip.
Cooper waves a hand from the other side of the fence. Louis pats Johnny's shoulder, "I think that's our cue, John." Johnny stands, tossing his arm over Louis. "Need some company?" I watch the two walk inside making doe eyes for each other.
I open the gate with haste, but trying to contain my excitement. I didn’t want to come off as too desperate. I was still mad at him for treating me the way he did on set.
Cooper stands at attention, in all his glory. "What are you doing here?" His eyes sparkle as he takes a step onto my property. He snakes an arm around my waist, bringing us close. He kisses my forehead. "I wanted to see my girl. I heard you had a shoot today for Nuka. I wanted to surprise you, but I didn't want to distract you." He tucks a strand away behind my ear, before running a finger down my cheek, down the same cheek his wife slapped. "You would've been the least distracting thing there." I roll my eyes continuing, "Barb showed up. She slapped me and screamed that I was a home wrecker." Cooper's hold on my waist tightened, his eyes mapping out my face, staring at the faded mark. His eyes darken as he traces the remembrance of his wife’s fingertips. “She’s never going to lay another hand on you again. I’ll have a damn restraining order put on her before she ever thinks about acting like that again.”
I shrug, separating myself from him. Making my way down the path to the pool. I grab my wine glass, finishing the remaining drink. “It’s not like I didn’t deserve it. I did sleep with her husband.” Cooper snags his arms around my frame once more from behind, he dips his head down, lining my neck with kisses. “Ex-husband,” he whispered into my ear, nibbling at my lobe. The words perk my interest. The sick smile spreads across my face, “so you really told her?” “I told her I loved you and then Monday morning I called my lawyer. He’s drafting up a separation document now.”
Cooper stays present on my neck, pampering me with kisses. His hands snaked over my chest brushing my breast, pulling a light moan. I wanted him more than ever. I could finally have him, but here we are just toying around.
“I just have one question for you, sweetheart.” He gropes my breast, pushing into me from behind. “It’s been worrying me for days.” I ring my fingers through his hair, leaning back to look at him through hooded eyes. Cooper stares down at me, he grabs my chin in his hand, "Did you fuck him?" His eyes don't leave mine. I can feel each breath fanning over my cheeks. “Did you?”
I shake my head, "No." we never did, truthfully. We made out but never once did we even get close to having sex.
Cooper spins me around and wraps his arms around me, caging me in. He leans in kissing me, staggering us both backwards onto the sofa inside the pool house. As we hit the plush cushions he breaks the kiss to look down and steady himself. He looks at me with his mesmerizing eyes, “I've been a fucking mess without you, sweetheart. I want you so badly.”
“Nothing stopping you,” I say in a whisper hovering against his lips. Trying to pull him in, aching for his touch. He smirks, kissing me again. He kisses down my neck, suckling on the cleavage of my chest, before planting himself on his knees. He flicks the button of my pants. “Mind if I take these off?” I shake my head lifting my lower body. He peels them from my legs, rubbing his hands up and down my skin.
He starts rubbing through my panties. Soft circles to match the soft wet kisses all over my inner thighs. His touch is euphoric. He runs his tongue over the fabric, “You'll never want another man after what I'm going to do to you. I can promise you that sweetheart.” he mumbles against my thighs, and rub circles over my clothed clit. I rested my head against the pillows, gripping onto the back of the arm of the couch.
"You're mine, (Y/n)." He slides my panties off in one swift motion. I beg for him with the thrust of my hips. "Please," He smirks up at me, running one digit between my soaking lips. "I need to hear you say it, honey." I would do anything for him, I breathe out with ease, "I'm yours, Cooper. I always have been."
He cupped my whole cunt with his hand, making my hips buck up into his touch and a low moan left my throat. “And you always will be.” He whispered and gave my thigh one last kiss. His lips wrapped around my clit and I moaned, bucking my hips against his mouth. He smirked against me and put one hand over my hips to hold me still as he did wonders against my cunt. His tongue swirling as if I were his last meal, ripping moans from my throat.
“Oh, fuck” I moaned, pulling at his hair “Coop– God” He hummed and groaned against my pussy sending jolts of pleasure through my body. He teased my pussy with his finger, slowly entering and stretching me out, hooking up and rubbing right at that spot he knows so well. I cover my mouth trying to hold back my cries. He drowned me in pleasure. I had missed every inch of him.
“Fuck, right there– Shit” The knot inside tightens, my pussy clenching around his fingers. “Cum for me, honey,” He said and quickened his movements, pulling louder moans from my lips. “Fuck!” I groaned loudly as I came against his lips, my orgasm ripping through me like a truck. I close my eyes in bliss, my fingers tightening in Cooper's hair. He helped me ride my orgasm. He slipped his fingers out, licking them clean. He drew up my body, pressing a kiss to my lips, I moan out tasting myself. His chin glistened with my cum.
Cooper holds me close, his hand resting on my cheek, "(y/n), I have one more question for you.” I look into his eyes, “yes?” He flashes that famous smile, “could I take you to dinner tomorrow night?” I pull him in, pressing my lips to his in a deep kiss. “Of course you can.”
I woke with an ache in my back, the guest bedroom wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Especially, when I came home around 3 from (y/n)‘s. I stretch before standing to my feet. I open the door, feeling the unexpected weight lifted off my shoulders. As my feet hit the ground the front door opened just indicating how late I had been sleeping. “Daddy!” Janey tackled me with joyful laughter as I exited the kitchen with a cup of coffee. “There you are!” The pure innocence in her eyes brings a smile to my face. Barb walks towards the kitchen one single file in hand.
“Janey, go upstairs and pack your school bag. Then you can come down and help me make some lunch. Then, after dinner, your dad's going to take you out for some ice cream.” Janey rushes off at the request of her mother.
By the time Janey’s feet hit the stairs, Barb was standing before me and presented a manilla file. “This is a separation agreement Vault Tech has drafted. They were so gracious to offer their lawyers on my behalf. They spoke with your lawyer and negotiated on what you drafted up with them. The proposal is more than fair.” The harshness I expected wasn’t there. The same cold shoulder she had been treating me with was gone. Instead, she was calm as she explained a decent visitation schedule for Janey, a financial plan, and a plan to divide up assets as well. “You understand I will get the house. Janey needs to keep her stability. She’s used to you going off and traveling.”
The sudden change in her behavior has me chilled to the bone. “Why are you so calm?” She tilts her head at my question, looking at me as if I’m the crazy one. “You wanted this, Cooper.” It’s true, I did. “I know, I just… you’re taking it… strangely well.” She shrugs, “Vault Tech was persistent in getting it done quickly and as easily as possible. Less stress to deal with.” Of course, they were. Something is just too easy about this… “I figured on Thursday we could sit Janey down and tell her.” I stare at her with wide eyes as she flips through the pages of the agreement.
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