#shipp headcanons
enstarblwrite · 7 months
Badobarm x Kurode headcanons
Why? Because i like this shipp
Badobarm calls Kurode "my lady/queen" to be joking, Kurode initially felt shame and said badobarm things like "don't call me like that/shut up, you idiot" but now he is used to it
Kurode don't tell Merold about his relationship yet, honestly he would be okay if Merold never know. althought he's aware of how his annoying older brother will to know sooner or later
Badobarm carry Kurode like a bride in random moments
His lords are quite normal about their relationship :Bad Badtz Maru was like "whatever" (and he definitely teased badobarm) and Kuromi was happy of see Kurode content but even that not stopped her of menace Badobarm like "if you hurts Kurode..."
The rest of knight has no idea about Kurode is dating someone,he never said nothing (because they not asked) except Myunna due to all the time he spends with Kurode
Kurode has several playlist of songs that he and Badobarm often listening when they are together (i could make a playlists for them in a future)
Kurode gifted Badobarm headphones to match with him (are black,white and yellow)
Badobarm it's ready to act flirty, teasing and smut with Kurode for the day when Merold confronts him due to their relationship
Both of them are actually very actives in bed (you know what i'm talking about)
As a joke Badobarm once gifted to Kurode things like make up and female clothes. But he definitely didn't expect Kurode actually liked it and wear those stuff on their dates
Both of them has two mirror with a comunication spell to talk each other from their respective kingdoms
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daimadiamante · 7 months
Atsushi: I'm cold! Akutagawa: Do you want my jacket? Dazai: I'm cold too! Chuuya: Do you want me to set you on fire?
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yukaro353 · 4 months
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Kya is the real loser in this combo.
I like to think that she was an innate conqueror and had girlfriends in every nation... But deep down she always want her destined double like the other idiots.
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acquabubbles · 7 months
It's stressful talking about Cleon on Twitter, because Aeon shippers are unbearable, luckily here that doesn't happen and I can enjoy both ships in peace, it's really annoying to hear nonsense from stupid people who don't know the slightest bit of respect. I've already talked about this on Twitter, YouTube and I'm also talking about it here because I thought it was necessary. Not all ships need to be canon, for that there is the term headcanon which is about ships that in your opinion are canonical, valid. I could spend hours pointing out why Aeon is unhealthy, or how Capcom is gradually introducing the Cleon shipper into the franchise through other works, but you can continue shipping either of them, as long as you leave the Cleon shippers alone. And whenever I talk about it and defend myself about it, I come off as the exaggerated one, the wrong one, the provocative one, the crazy one, it's genuinely exhausting. I even made a thread defending my point and the most they did was mock, but did they refute what I presented? No, because they don't know how to argue, they don't even know how to act in a civilized way. If you don't act this way, know that this text is not for you, it's not about you and keep it that way.
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analligatorr · 19 hours
One headcanon I have for myself is that Graves hides his jealousy much better than T.F. (which isn't very difficult).
But let's not judge Tobias, Graves was the only person he loved in his life and feels comfortable letting his poker face fall, he is a bit insecure and wouldn't know how to deal with a possible loss (he really think that Graves would fall in love and run away with a supposed lover), which is why he feels jealous even of women, knowing about his partner's homosexuality.
So for sure Tobias was uncomfortable whenever Malcolm talks about someone he knew, be it Vayne, Nilah, Akshan, any sentinel or person, his brain will keep bothering him with questions like "a handsome shirtless guy? Do you like him? Don't you leave me for him, will you?" or "a girl tried to kill you and now you're her friend now? Who am I to judge, but do you like her like, REALLY LIKE her? Are you going to leave me for her??" He's kinda pathetic (i love him btw).
Graves' jealousy is more restrained despite anyone's first impression of him. Let's remember he's also a gambler after all. If there's something that Graves values, it is TRUST, his entire lore is around this word, and after TBaB, we noticed he's always the first to propose dialogue (he's grown so much, i love my baby). Unlike T.F., he tries not to internalizing so much of what is bothering him, he prefers to be direct and talk.
But look, Graves is still a destructive person... IF his trust was broken again, Bilgewater would suffer along with him xD
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akaneodo · 4 months
Pabux (shipchildren/fusion)
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This would be a fusion that i created between the two with their improved aspects and powers (yeah, Steven Universe affected me).
Now let's see how their parents react to this
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artcafecito · 3 months
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Izakoko my favorite 🫣
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mindpalaceofmyown · 1 year
fyozai hc
my headcannon is that fyodor would call dazai “zai” (just to annoy him or play around, romance not necessary) because “zai” (russian “зай”) means “bunny” in a pet name kind of way.
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sweetmariihs2 · 6 months
Cedric and Wormwood at Hexley Hall - Bullying (+Greylock's help)
I wish I could write this as an one-shot but I'm not feeling like it. Feel free to do it though. Just send me so that I can read it too hehehe
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Tw: bullying
Imagine Cedric as a child walking through Hexley Hall with his new familiar, Wormwood (a baby crow, on top of his head or his shoulder simply because he can't fly yet- while Cedric is reading or even studying during the day to day activities, minding his own business with his new crow) after a spell class, where they were studying self-defence spells (foreshadowing) and Cedric still needed a little bit more of practice after the class, as he couldn't do it during the time again.
When a group of bullies finds them and try to (clearly) bully them, or better saying, Cedric. They push him to the floor, say bad stuff about him being a bungler, being useless, good for nothing, destroying his sister's hair, being the worst future royal sorcerer that Enchancia has ever had and saying he must be an embarassment for his parents, which hurts him deeply, trying to answer them by saying "That's not true!", "What I did to my sister was an accident!", "I AM a good sorcerer!" and "I will be a great sorcerer in the future, I just need some practice!" but no one there even cares about him or his feelings, just making fun of each one of his lines.
Cedric tries to protect himself and Wormwood from these bullies, maybe they got Wormwood into their hands and threatened to do something to him, harassing both of them. Cedric tries to use his wand, but he's too nervous and he's still studying the self-defense spell, so he can't do it, and they grab his wand too. Maybe they got his books and supplies to destroy them or read what he was reading, making fun of his notes, tearing them, burning them with a fire spell while Cedric can't do anything about it. When suddently the bullies are hit by an attacking spell, looking behind to see the future royal sorcerer from the Rudistanistan kingdom, Greylock.
Greylock say some things to them, like "what do you think you are doing with my friend Kendrick? Didn't you hear that he told you to go away? Leave him alone!", or "Don't you have anything better to do, you cowards?" or in his sarcastic and unbothered personality saying "Bedkick! There you are, I've been looking for you in the whole school! Oh, hello to you too! Am I interrupting something?", or "I know you're all too busy now, but can I ask you to excuse my friend Kevik for a moment? We have potions to study! Ah, thank you, thank you, I'll return him to you as soon as we finish this" while grabbing Cedric's hands and getting him out of the floor, and his bullies sending him a dead look, Cedric swallowing, the tension still lingering in the air.
Greylock got the little Wormwood out of their grabbing hand "Now return this boy for now- lemme just- ugh- you're really strong aren't you? haha, I got it, thank you my friends, see you tomorrow class" and Wormwood giving a uncomfortable "caw" during the impact of getting out of their hand. Greylock immediately returned Wormwood to Cedric's cupped palms, dying out of worry for his little bird, with a saddened/worried expression, checking if he's alright or if he broke a bone, opening his wings with his fingers while Wormwood caws out of stress/because he's beeing too touched and he doesn't like it. Cedric holds him close to his face saying "I'm so glad that you're okay, Wormy" as they are already far from the bullies, walking away now.
Greylock advises him to stop walking so distracted, practicing spells in the corridors, because they can get him again and Greylock won't be there to help. Greylock offers his help to learn the self defense spell, maybe later in their dorms or in the library, maybe at tomorrow's class.
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arquivodeimagem · 2 years
Postando eles aqui tbm tomem
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literallyjusttoa · 1 year
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUNNY! now to go back to your to your roots, any polldona headcanons?
Lol also late to this ask, but you are right I need to return to my polldona roots, so here are some fun polldona facts.
Most people don't think Apollo and AoD are dating, bc all they do is insult each other lovingly in public. Artemis asks Apollo what he's doing that night and he's like "ugh, my stupid arrow wants to go the new production of Much Ado About Nothing, so I'm booked." And then eventually Artemis is like "Apollo why do you keep hanging out with this person if you hate them" and Apollo is like "Artemis don't talk about the love of my life like that."
Btw, "my stupid arrow" is a pet name.
They have nicer pet names for each other tho! Apollo calls AoD every name under the sun (In one notable incident, Apollo accidentally called AoD babydoll ... and AoD actually got flustered. They deny it to this day, but Apollo swears it's their favorite petname)
AoD calls Apollo "Starlight" and it makes him light up everytime.
When AoD is actually trying to woo Apollo, without any sarcasm or banter, they basically turn into every ghibli hearthrob you've ever seen. This is an extremely successful tactic.
AoD and Apollo work together to keep an eye on all the oracles, to make sure something like the trials never happens again. Everytime they pass through the Grove of Dodona, Apollo takes the time to loudly and obnoxiously brag on their partner.
There are notebooks full of songs Apollo has written for AoD, and a whole other set of notebooks full of prose AoD has written for Apollo. None of these notebooks will ever see the light of day, as they are so sappy they could probably give someone a heart attack.
And here's a little doodle of them because I love them.
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tomatitosub74 · 3 months
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♡◇° Headcanon de hydro x skarlet
Hello here with a new shipp. The truth this shipp was suggested by someone however she didn't talk to me beyond that , so I just took her as a random shipp . But I found myself in a dilemma of matching my version of Hydro , so here is the first one . After polling a few friends, they all suggested Skarlet, and remembering the person who suggested it to me I think I appreciate the comment. Now , I always like to have a "canon" idea of my shipps , something fundamental to achieve a story . and as I said , no one has helped me to give me ideas about why , only about the shipp. So I made this headcanon to justify this shipp , I tried to give the best answer. And I hope to give justice to those who love this shipp.
Hyalert's headcanon in my universe is as follows....
Skarlet is Nitara's sister , who being betrayed by Quan Chi tells Skarlet to flee to earth , Skarlet has the mission to find Nitara's old friend , Sareena. Who is in Lin kuei being Bi-han's fiancée. When Skarlet arrives with Sareena, she asks him to let her stay. Sareena to honor Nitara's friendship begs Bi-han to accept Skarlet as a member of the clan. So Skarlet stays in Lin kuei. However no one knows blood magic so Bi-han searches among his brothers for the one who comes closest to such magic, Hydro being the one who wields water. In the end, Hydro becomes Skarlet's partner and the two of them get to like each other.
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escespace · 26 days
I've never wanted to say this out loud but why do most fics have Merlin as the first to fall in love or if Arthur makes the first move, either way Merlin is already in love and had even been in love for a long time before.
I mean, that could clearly vary. There is so much depth to these characters. The duty, the trauma, the self-induced isolation that undoubtedly took its toll on one for being a prince without the same socialization capabilities as the average citizen, and on the other for his Unique condition even among those who should be his equals and are not, and for all his secrets.
Finding a different premise than the one I just mentioned is like looking for a mint candy in water.
And I've personally never felt like Merlin were more emotionally intelligent than Arthur. Perhaps to perceive emotions of others and to act on them, but when it comes to himself, as I said before, he atrophied since he arrived in Camelot and his life began to revolve around the Prophecy
My theory (personal and quite possibly fallible) is that if the boys had had the freedom and ability to acknowledge their feelings for each other as more than platonic, the first to recognize it would be Arthur, not Merlin. He would never have acted on it, let's be honest, duty and tradition always come first. That's why he would have preferred to enjoy the small details, dreaming about the what ifs, He has him by his side in a way that few (sometimes not even lovers) give themselves and that should be enough
On the other hand, Merlin lost himself in his faith like a fanatic in the face of tragedy. Taking refuge from the pain of loss and sacrifice before his only god. Keeping the hope that his actions would be more than just mistakes or heinous crimes, that are worth it in the end. Full of blood, full of scars and a trail of bodies behind.All for the supposed greater good, for Arthur. So that he may be the prophesied king. The savior of many, though never Merlin's himself. Then you will understand how difficult it is for me to believe that within that spiral Merlin has the tools or enough peace to identify a romantic love.Merlin loves Arthur, He truly believes in him, he knows him better than anyone because they have lived together what no one before them has lived. He knows it, but I don't see him being able to identify the kind of love so hyper-focused on it being a love of loyalty and faith (which I'm not saying isn't romantic love, just that he would not understand himself)
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yukaro353 · 6 hours
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Control yourself Mako, the chief just wanted to encourage you.
Lin knows what she's talking about, she has mastery in scars
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gabybyby99 · 1 month
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Body sketch...
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Don't ask me why, I don't know why either but I liked it lol
Also, I know Jaime's hair looks ridiculous and I'm going to improve on that and other things like trying a redering without the lineart (I'll probably leave it with lineart but we'll see in the future because I'm terrible at meeting deadlines)
Traci 13, Jaime and Bart who would have guessed? I didn't hehe
I want to paint soon but I'm very lazy 😭😭
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dzadezdta · 4 months
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