#should i set goals? should i try to make a vision board? should i make hobby trackers (to make sure I allow myself to have fun sometimes)?
battywitch · 9 months
I'm in flares, which is making thinking much more difficult, and am frozen with indecision about my first half of 2024 journal setup and I just want someone to tell me what to do with it lmao 😭
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oceane4loveu · 10 months
can you make a guide on it girl christmas
Dream girl winter
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External glow
drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration, use products rich in ingredients such as hyalurinic acid, glycerin and ceramides which strengthen your skin's natural moisture barrier. In winter give priority to the product which gives priority hydration and nutrition of the skin. Don't forget to moisturize your lips and protect your skin with a broad-spectrum sunscreen offering at least SPF 30.
shower routine
Your shower routine literally determines how you smell throughout the day. Find a signature scent and find suitable products. I love the products from Sol de Janeiro, Dove and Philosophy. You can also use the ordinary glycolic acid as a deodorant personally I only use it twice a week and I use a deodorant from Dove. Do a body scrub every week to get rid of dead skin. I recommend the one from Tree Hut which is good too. Use a body lotion and also a scented mist.
take care of yourself
take a day to take care of your nails, your hairstyle to do your eyelashes etc. you can also go to a spa to have a massage or something else. really take advantage of this day to have fun, rest and make yourself beautiful.
you don't need to spend hours at the gym, invest 20 to 30 minutes of your day to move your body every day. you can find workout videos on YouTube of 30 min,I also recommend the 5000 step workout.
start by applying your moisturizer before putting on makeup, then use a foundation with a dewy finish, put on concealer, brow tint or clear brow gel, mascara, For the blush, opt for a creamy blush Because the creamy finish will give you glow,Don't forget the nourishing lip gloss or lip oil to make lips shiny and vibrant.
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use the 80/20 rule this rule suggests focusing on a healthy and balanced diet 80% of the time and treating yourself the remaining 20% ​​example
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Internal glow
inner self care
journals and practices meditation. Take a moment for yourself every day to write down your thoughts, relax and chase away negative thoughts.
7+ hour of sleep
give your body the rest it needs, give yourself at least 7 hours of restful sleep each night to allow your skin to repair and regenerate.
read books
Read books that entertain you, inspire you, and help you become better. you can also listen to podcasts or audiobooks.
social media detox
take a step back, limit your time on social media and focus on what really matters. put your phone on do not disturb mode and try doing an activity like cooking, knitting or something you enjoy.
Romantizing life
winter vision board
use Pinterest to find images that match your aesthetic, winter looks, fun activities, anything that makes you happy. Then create a vision board that you can put as your wallpaper.
Winter bucket list
now make your bucket list. write down all the activities and experiences you want to have during this winter. check off each activity as you accomplish them to feel proud.
create your playlist
create a playlist with songs that make you feel good, happy and that match your aesthetic.
romantizing life technique
enjoy cups of hot chocolate while watching your favorite series or movie, listen to your playlist while you walk, take photos of the landscape or make a mini blog of your days, spend time with your family, cook with your friends or alone, organize cozy evenings, take care of yourself and create good memories.
New year
set yourself goals
Take your time to write down all your goals for the new year. These should be achievable goals that you know you can actually achieve. Visualize yourself achieving all of your goals and working towards them throughout the year.
Life vision board
create a vision board for the new year. use images, quotes and words to represent what you want to accomplish and how you want to feel throughout the year. look at the board every day to stay motivated and focused on your goals.
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honeytonedhottie · 9 months
trusting and betting on urself⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🫧
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keep promises that u make to urself : just like how if u know someone who continuously makes promises to do something, yet they never act upon it, you won't trust that person or believe them if they promise u something else. this is also the same with urself. ur new years resolutions? ur goals that you've had for a while but never ever did? all those promises that you've made to yourself and the ones that you haven't followed up on will lessen trust with urself. do what u say you'll do. "stand on business" and if u know that u won't be able to deliver or do what u say you would, dont say it. dont tell urself promises that u won't be able to keep. once u start keeping ur own promises, you'll start to build trust within urself.
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hold yourself accountable : just a quick disclaimer but when i say holding urself accountable i do NOT mean punishing urself!! when u find urself falling into old and fruitless patterns you need to hold urself accountable and make sure that u straighten up. the thing about our relationship with self is that a relationship needs BOUNDARIES. you need to set boundaries with urself. what will u or what will u not do? ur non-negotiables?
and when u find urself crossing boundaries within yourself take the BIGGEST step back. the key to forming a healthy relationship with urself is to balance being strict and gentle with urself. strict in the sense that ur the only one that can get u to where u wanna be, and gentle in the sense that ur best won't look the same every single day and u should also listen to urself and what u want, without having to compromise on ur boundaries. kind of finding that middle line is important, bcuz when we're too lenient with ourselves, we get too comfortable and that leads me into my next point...
where growth begins : u cannot expect to grow if ur too comfortable and honestly, this is why most people stay stagnant. its bcuz being comfortable FEELS GOOD. but growth will almost never happen when ur comfortable, on the contrary growth can only happen outside of ur comfort zone. if u want better things for urself, ur simply gonna have to DO BETTER.
the importance of ur self concept : even if ur not familiar with or u dont practice conscious manifesting/law of assumption, i think that working on ur self concept can still be such a fruitful thing to do. i say this because self concept is the way that u view urself in relation to ur desires/goals. its seeing urself as worthy and powerful, and truly grasping ur potential to do great things. a way to start with ur self concept is with affirmations! start telling urself about urself in a positive connotation. you're unstoppable <3
putting it into practice : start small, challenge urself a little bit every day. do one hard thing a day, doing so will build ur confidence bcuz u won't be so daunted by ur big goals when you've already done so many hard things. when u see something challenging instead of thinking "oh i can't do this" you'll have confidence in urself and what u are capable of. oftentimes when we have goals, we kick ourselves out of rooms before we've even tried to get in them bcuz we think "im not good enough" or "im not worthy" which isnt true at ALL. dont shoot urself in the foot. thats self sabotage. and thats not hot.
motivating urself : if u remind urself of your "why" then you'll have reason to stay consistent and truly try. i recommend asking urself the tougher questions, like "what do i want out of my life?" or "am i truly happy and if not what can i do to get there?" once you've decided what u want out of life make a VISION BOARD and actively pursue your dreams. u can't actively pursue something if u dont know what it is. so i advise u to remind urself whenever u feel that u need it of your "why", your driving cause. having that motivation, and actively pursuing and keeping the promises that u make to urself -> will then build ur confidence in yourself to the point where your betting on urself bcuz u know that no matter what cards you are dealt, you'll prosper.
so just to wrap things up, an overview ; start keeping ur promises -> be strict -> get comfy being uncomfy -> say ur self concept affirmations -> apply -> remind
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eunjiahn · 3 months
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studying methods ˖ ⊹ ࣪ ౨ৎ˚
"the kpop method"
You're going to pretend that your school is a kpop company, and each class represents a different kpop group, and each student is a member of that group. The best student in each class is the most biased member, and the worst student is the least biased member. work until you are the most biased member. By working hard and putting in your effort, you can become the most biased member of your class and achieve your academic goals.
BONUS - If you want to become the best version of yourself while still using the kpop method, i have a little tip for you! You're going to make a list of requirements for yourself, this can include how you want to dress, how you want to act, make a routine for yourself, etc. Then you can pretend it's your "company" telling these things, as if you were a real kpop idol ˖ ᡣ𐭩 ⊹ ࣪
(this method is not mine, credits to the original owner of this method)
" The Rory Gilmore method"
this method is not very complex, but it has a lot of steps.
1. create a schedule - Rory is well-known for her strict schedule and commitment to sticking to it. To study like Rory, you should first make a timetable outlining your study time, your reading time, and free time. Include breaks in your schedule and try to follow it as much as you can.
2. lots of reading - Rory is an avid reader who always carries a book with her. Pick books that interest you and make reading a daily habit ( i recommend reading before bed because it helps me to calm down and helps me with falling asleep). Reading books will help you develop your vocabulary and critical thinking skills.
3. Take notes - Rory is well-known for her detailed notes and ability to retain new information. Take notes in class and annotate your books. Make your notes more structured by using highlithers and different colors, and review them daily. (goodnotes - ios, notion - ios and android are great for digital notes)
4. Make use of flashcards - Rory memorises stuff through flashcards. Flashcards can be used for vocabulary terms, key concepts, and other relevant information. Use them to test yourself and review regularly.
5. Define your goals - Rory has a set goal, what are you working for? Make a vision board, write down your goals, visualize. This will help you stay motivated and not loose focus!
6. stay organized - Rory is well-organized, and her study space is always neat and tidy. Keep your study area nice and free from distractions. Use folders, binders, and other tools to keep your notes and supplies organized, make sure your work space is clean and clutter-free.
7. seek help when needed - Rory is not afraid to ask for help when she needs it. Don't hesitate to ask for help from your teachers, tutors, or classmates if you need it. To enhance your learning, ask questions, and seek out extra resources such as textbooks, youtube videos, and study guides.
8. atmosphere - Don't forget to make the atmosphere cozy, light a candle, prepare yourself a cup of tea or coffee, and wear a comfy sweater. Create an environment in which you can stay focused for hours! ˖ ᡣ𐭩 ⊹ ࣪
(this method is not mine, credits to the original owner of this method)
Yujin is logging off...
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femmefatalevibe · 10 months
Hi! I recently found your account, and I'm obsessed! I am pretty young, and have always struggled with self-image and am always trying to re-invent myself. I'm sure you have answered this a million times, but how do you start embracing your dark femininity? Thanks so much!!
Hi love! Thank you so much<3 Please see below:
Hope this helps xx
Cultivate your sense of self: Let go of your people-pleasing tendencies. Discover your values, likes, dislikes, goals, and dreams. What are your most genuine desires? What gives you energy? Who and what ignites a fire inside you? Write down your list of core values and 'rules for life.' You deserve a personal manifesto.
Build your cult of personality: How do you want your authentic self portrayed to the masses, your inner circle, partners in business, or pleasure? Which aspects of your personality do you want to be associated with your personal brand? How do you dress, smell, and carry yourself? How do you do your hair, nails, and makeup – what's your 'signature' look? What industry, professional, and social circles/activities do you want to be associated with? What hobbies, favorite meals, music, and destinations, should be synonymous with your name? Over time, these aspects of other people's lives with be synonymous with you. Elevate yourself with this allure of living through association. It encourages others to perceive you as equally relatable and unattainable.
Refine your wardrobe, speech, and habits: Streamline the external and internal aspects of your personal brand. This attention to detail demonstrates that you value yourself, your appearance, and your presence with others.
Set goals: Professional, financial, health, relationships, self-development, creativity, and pleasure. How do you want these areas of your life to look? What activities can you engage in to feel fulfilled, successful, and desirable in each category?
Construct routines, habits, and systems that serve you: Cultivate a ritual for every aspect of your life and time of day. Set a morning routine, night routine, diet and workout plan, workflow and schedule, budget and investment plan, relationship and sexual expectations to help you achieve your goals.
Indulge daily: Drink your favorite coffee in the morning, invest in high-quality skincare and pajamas, have that glass of wine after work, listen to music that speaks to your soul, draw, sing, dance, write, create a vision board – find ways to make your soul feel alive every day.
Set Boundaries: Protect your peace at all costs. Your life is for you. Decide what behaviors, people, and circumstances you will accept. Know when to compromise and when to walk away. Your life is for you.
Seduce yourself daily: Write and say affirmations, admire yourself in the mirror, and engage in activities that make you feel more confident (in your body and mind). The perception of an alluring personality starts with the habits you practice alone.
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pearlsofthec · 10 months
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’Tis the season to be jolly! But it doesn’t really stop there for many of us. If you study in the southern hemisphere, you knpw that December doesn’t mean solely fairy lights, hot cocoa and ice skating dates, it also means spending hours in your local cafe trying to make an Americano last six hours (honestly, why study in a silent library surrounded by stressed out students when you could be sitting in a warm coffee shop, stimulated by the barista’s never-ending jazz playlist and the flux of people coming and going?) and dodging questions such as “How are your preparations for the session going?”, or my favourite “Have you started reading the syllabus yet?”.
Honestly, depending on how you take things in life, December can be as fun as it can be depressing. I’m a Libra, and throughout my whole life I’ve learned that a bit of compromise goes a long way, and this is the month where I can really put my theories to the test. that’s why my first essential of the month is…
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1. Advent Calendar
It might sound silly, but having a Christmas Advent not only is an excuse to treat yourself every day, as it also is a form of keeping track of your control over yourself. Sure, watching influencers open a christmas advent a day can be fun, the sadistic pleasure in finding out that the person who payed over €500 for a Chanel calendar is only getting a bunch of stickers and products which are barely worth being displayed in a duty free store is hard to beat, but stick with me on this one!
It’s easy to purposely forget to study, drink one too many festive cocktails, and let all the holiday discounts be a reason for you to splurge on things you wouldn’t otherwise have bought just as it’s easy to eat all the 24 chocolate truffles in one go… But not doing it is just as easy, and, I guess, a good reminder that balance is the best treat on the long run.
I genuinely HATE mini products, so I won’t be reccomending any beauty advents, sorry. I know it may feel too late to get your own, but it’s NEVER too late.
1. Venchi Prestige Calendar
2. Marchesi Calendario Dell’Avvento
3. Cailler 200g Calendar
4. Bonne Maman Jam Advent Calendar
5. Vosges haut chocolaterie Calendar
6. Torroneria Cioccolateria D. Barbero
7. Antico Caffè Novecento
8. Any of the Lindt ones… classics for a reason
2. Movie Marathon
Maybe it’s the cold, maybe it’s the desire to procrastinate, BUT my will to watch movies skyrockets during this time of the year. There is a ridiculous amount of awful films sets in this time of the year, but if you look you can find some amazing classics that are just UNSKIPPABLE. From the jolly to the perverse, here’s my official Twelve Films of Christmas
1. Eloise at Christmastime
2. The apartment
3. Holiday
4. Eyes wide Shut
5. The shop around the corner
6. White Christmas
7. Black Christmas
8. Meet me in St. Louis
9. Fanny & alexander
10. The Thin Man
11. Metropolitan
12. Spencer
3. Go all out
Whether you want to go out or simply go all out even when you’re staying in is up to you, BUT a crucial thing to my is ending the year with a BANG. Now, I’m not exactly a clubber, but I’m a big enjoyer of fun wherever and whenever, and I can’t go more than a day without having fun with my friends this time of the year. This means random aperitivo nights after leaving six hour lectures, day trips to random cities, and lotsa dinner parties. I know I’ve probably exausted everyojne with lists, but I’m gonna write yet another one, hopefully short this time, of a few activities sprinkle through your weeks, hopefully to inspire some strenght and to end the year on a sweet note.
1. Moodboard night: With the New Year right around the corner, it’s crucial to set your goals straight… and what better way than doing it with friends? Look, I personally don’t think someone should set their vision board on stone, you don’t need to stick to the things you decided to do on a random night for the rest of the year, I personally end up taking a month to write down things to help me understand my own goals and objectives, both personal and professional/ academic… But it’s so nice to talk about all of your prospectives with your friends and loved ones, wonder about the potential that the new year can bring does no harm. If you really feel like this type of thing is too personal, then I’d say you could organize an “Unrealistic Wishlist” board day, when owning a Himalaya Hermes Kelly is a totally achiavable thing! Granted, I’m a tad materialistic, but I just adore learning more about my friends through their materialistic goals, with the right outlook it can be really revealing. Plus, I’m a huge fan of arts and crafts, and I’ll take any excuse I have to do it.
2. Charcuterie dinner: One of my biggest no-nos is showing up empty handed to any dinner, maybe it’s a Brazilian thing, but I’ve never done it and don’t plan on ever doing it. With a charcuterie dinner, I have an excuse to do it! I love charcuterie dinners more than anything in the world, cheese, wine, fruits and salami… no better combination. Not to mention that it’s practically like a live personality quiz for you and your friends, as nothing is more telling of a person’s character than their cheese preference.
3. Christmas shopping afternoon: Preferably to be done with a guy to use as your own bag carrier. Whenever I need to go somewhere or do something, I like to call other people up just in case, and although I love some peace of mind to think clearly when I need to buy presents for myself, when my consumerism is altruistic I love to have someone around to give me second opinions and spare my shoulders of all the extra weight!
4. Homemade decoration and dinner: I currently don’t have an apartment of my own to decorate, but other people’s serve me just as well. One of my favorite activities has been going to my friends’ homes to arrange garlands, make dried orange slices decor and even help to carefully distribute tinsel on the christmas tree. What is a chore to some is fun to others, with the right playlist and conversation specially. Afterwards it’s crucial to have a dinner party as a treat, no decoration shall be wasted!
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To Discover
I feel like my consumerism is reaching an all time high right now, and I feel like I might as well share some of my current favourite discoveries with you guys. There’s nothing better than giving (and getting!) gifts from one of a kind stores, and so, I’ve made a little list of places that are definitely worth checking out:
1. Nesines: It’s a brand from barcelona that sells just the coolest shirts. I’ve just gotten one from them and I’m obsessed with the fit, the colors and the model. The quality is amaxzing, and I love that fact that their products have amazing compositions, no polyester around here! If you want a top that can elevate any pair of jeans, look nowhere else!
2. Maria de la Orden: I have to give credit where it’s due… this brand wasn’t on my radar before my mom showed it to me . Colorful velvet can definitely brighten up even the dullest winter days, especially when it’s presented in such unique shapes. Honestly their jackets are to die for, as are their headbands.
3. The obedient Daughter: came across this brand thanks to a kind destiny and now I’m absolutely OBSESSED with their curation of books and clothing. A gorgeous presentation of products that are unique but timeless… I simply NEED their Diana skirt.
4. MC2 Saint Barth: Okay not really a discovery, but THE place we should all be looking at for a perfect tongue in cheek aprés ski sweater. Ngl, I’m giving each of my siblings a sweater this christmas, and although I KNOW it might be an overdone gift, it’s a classic for a reason. And I myself know my sister would never not appreciate the opportunity to walk around Cervinia with a hot pink sweater that says “FAVOLOSA”
5. Bella Freud: Again, not a discovery, but worth a mention just because this was the month when I truly explored the brand’s full potential. Everyone knows their gorgeous sweaters with the best quotes (Godard IS GOD!), but I’m currently obsessed with their candles, ceramics and overall home accessories. Can someone please give me their Cunty mug? Please?)
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To be worn
Sunglasses: I’m a guilty “occhiali da nebbia” wearer, much to my friends’ dismay. Though some may think it can be a bit bizzarre to wear sunglasses out on days when the sun doesn’t seem to get any high, I don’t have any shame in looking (or at least feeling) cool no matter the weather … My current go tos are the Dior Palladium (if you get it to wear in Venice it’s even better, that way, if anyone asks, you can say you’re paying your respects for Andre Palladio’s influential architecture)
Fur trimmed everything: Okay maybe i’ve been watching one too many episodes of friends, and letting the 90s influence a bit too much over my style, but recently I’ve been obsessed with fur trimmed coats. Long or short, black or camel, it doesn’t matter. I didn’t bite when everyone was going crazy over that green trench back in 2020, but now it’s different! A classic cut with a bit of fun fur will never go out of style in my eyes.
Barretes: Okay I think barretes are not an addition to my blog, I’ve probably been proudly posting about being a proud barrette wearer since 2020, but now I’ve actually been converted, and went from being a strictly tortoiseshell hair accessories wearer to a the brighter the better one. The one thing to blame is none other than the city of Copenhagen, where I discovered Maanesten and Pico, and FEASTED.
Herbag: Taking to “To Be” oof this section a bit too literally, and even a bit too hopefully. Not only do I absolutely love the fact that it reminds me a bit of the Kelly, I also love its overall practicality, everyone I know that has it rages on and on about its endless perks. While the fact that its body is made out of canvas rather than the famous traditional Hermes leather might be a turn off to some but to me it’s just perfect, principally because I’ve been planning on getting it to use it as a school bag and I’ve had the misfortune to have once tried to carry a leather bag around all day just to practically destroy it in one day.
Scarves and Pashminas: Winter is the season when I really can’t seem to escape all black outfits, but wearing a beautifully textured pashmina ALWAYS is a game changer for me. I feel like every city in the world has a Tibet store packed with the most varied options of material, print and density, I know Milan has an incredible one (although the Paris Tibet Forever on Le Marais will always take the cake).
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capricornsaura777 · 10 months
How to Make "The New Year, New You" a Reality
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Let me start this off first by saying waiting till January 1st to become "that girl" is overrated. You do not need to wait till a specific day or time to decide to reinvent yourself. Like Nike, Just Do It. While January 1st does signal a new year, a new time and the possibility of new unknown things the key to actually achieving your goals is discipline. It takes discipline to start, discipline to continue and discipline to keep progressing. None of your goals will ever come true if you aren't discipline.
Now that that's out the way here's the best, most realistic ways I've learned to becoming "The New Year, New You"
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Set specific and realistic goals: It's easy to get overzealous and shoot for the stars when coming up with goals to become your new self. The key however, is to be realistic and precise. To know exactly what you want to achieve and then find out how. You want to clearly define what you want to achieve in the upcoming year (or any time period). Make your goals specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) to increase your chances of success.
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2.  Break down your goals into actionable steps: Break down your goals into smaller, more measurable steps. If your goal is to lose 50 pounds in 1 year break that goal down into steps that will lead you to the goal. I think of it as working backwards. So instead of having this big, intimidating goal of losing 50 pounds in a year you will have smaller goals like:
Working out 2-3x a week or for at least 15 days a month
Drinking 1 galloon of water a day
Get 8 hours of sleep
Cut out certain foods
This will make the goal less overwhelming and easier to tackle. Create a plan or a timeline to guide your progress throughout the year.
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3. Track your progress: Regularly monitor your progress towards your goals. I like to keep a journal both online and a physical one that way there is a visual guide I can reference when measuring progress. Other ways to do this are with goal-tracking apps, or create a vision board to visually represent your goals and track your achievements. In addition to tracking your progress you should celebrate any made along the way. No matter how big or small progress is still progress and worth celebrating. Give yourself your props! This is a long game not a sprint. Its ok to reward yourself.
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4. Stay adaptable and flexible:  Be open to adjusting your goals or strategies if needed. Life circumstances may change, things may not always work out as we planned and it's important to adapt and find alternative solutions if necessary versus giving up completely. Be flexible in your approach while staying committed to the essence of your goals. If you need to take a break and regroup, do that. Like I said before this is a long game and that often includes hiccups and bumps along the road, the important thing is to never stop trying to make your goals your reality.
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1yyyyyy1 · 5 months
How do you act like you already have the appearance you want? Would you purchase things (ie clothes) that would fit the body type you want, or is it purely mental?
Sorry if this is intrusive. LOA has been on my mind for a while.
Personally, it was a purely mental thing for me at first, mainly because the only thing I knew at the time was that I simply disliked my appearance, I didn't know what I wanted it to be and what changes I wanted to make to be at peace with it. What I knew was that these changes had to be major, like dyeing my hair and completely changing my wardrobe, and that I was not ready to take these steps in the real world because I didn't want to be spending money on something I was unlikely to wear again or ruining my hair. Another thing I noticed about myself back then was that I had been gravitating towards a specific look for a while, that was the clue I needed to figure out the direction I wanted to take my style to and how I started to piece it together by working out color palettes and saving pictures that were similar to the vision I had for myself. I did end up buying some accessories to make it easier for myself, but this process was for the most part mental for me because my goal was mental as well.
If you are anything like myself, you are still in the process of figuring out which features you like and dislike about yourself and it can be difficult for you to understand your own preferences or feel like you are embodying attractiveness by being yourself, and I have resolved this by projecting my personality on the women I find attractive and "complete" fashion-wise to try and see what it would be like for me to embody their appearance. It has actually taken me just a few minutes to realize that I was right about my unwillingness to be around men and that it was not coming from a place of insecurity; if anything, I was even more protective of the image of my preferred self... I would continue to imagine myself in different social settings that way to understand which features I was being drawn the most to and to make it clear to myself that my aversion towards male company was about my boundaries and not some kind of self-hatred because, as I always mention, imaginary scenarios are an authentic experience to your brain even if it does not seem that way and is a safe way to figure out your priorities. At some point, your sense of self will take over and you will start implementing the traits that have resonated the most with you into your own appearance!
My overall advice would be to worry about your body features less and to focus on your personal style instead, for the simple reason that you might end up liking some of the features you find unsavory through a change in clothing or hairstyle — a fitting haircut can make for a shocking change and absolve you of the negative perceptions you have about your face, which is miles better than wondering about whether or not you should be going for a cosmetic procedure. A similar thing goes for clothes and you might end up finding out that you do not dislike your body as much as you think you do, you could simply be invested in shapes and proportions that do not suit you. I should say that creating an image board is the best and the fastest way to visualize your preferred look, it is likely that you will be drawn to a specific style and set of features even if you are overall undecided and you can take your decision from there.
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daviahrose · 1 year
How I’m slowly becoming my ideal self and achieving goals
Dare to read mes chéries…?
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Hi and thank you for reading my fashion blog mes chéries. These are just a few tips on how I became my ideal self and achieved my goals. I hope it’s helpful and feel free to leave suggestions on content my loves. 💋
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1.Listening to podcasts
I already was confident before listening to my favorite podcasts but after listening from their words and point of view it made me more determined to go after my goals and change my mindset. My favorites to listen to are TheWizardLiz and The Wellness Cafe. I also just want to mention just because I like these podcasts doesn’t mean you will. It took me a long time to find ones I like such as these so be sure you find something that interests you.
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2.Vision your goals
When you vision your goals you know what you are working for. Personally I like doing mood board collages and setting them as my wallpaper so I don’t forget. Ask your self what you really want and what you want to add into your life and vision these things. Why…? Because if you just think in your head saying “I want to be rich” then good for you but how? What are all the things what you want in that goal? How do you imagine your life? Picture it so you can put it into action.
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This really goes without saying so I’ll keep it short and sweet and say that have you ever really got anything without trying multiple times…? You can’t just say “oh I want to be a millionaire” without working for it and staying consistent. Put in effort to your goal and align yourself in the path to get it. It won’t be easy with whatever goal you have but if you stick to it you should see results.
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4.Watching it come to life and continuing your motivation
Watching everything you worked hard for come to life is the best part. But just because it came together doesn’t mean you stop working. If you pedal a bike and then stop, does it keep going..? No it slowly stops. Not staying consistent even when you already achieved your goals does not work in your favor. Keep going and pushing yourself to be the best and then more things will happen for you.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ Thank you for reading and maybe you can add these into your life too. Make sure you follow me for more tips, guides, and aesthetic posts about fashion and more. ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Until next time. From yours truly, daviahrose
Bisous mes chéries
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principlecosmosis · 1 month
Thousand thoughts.
I want to put all of these out. 1 by 1, maybe parallel, sequential, I don't know and frankly, I don't care how they are out, I just want to look at them, as if they are the ideas for my vision board (I don't have one, should I buy? What is it, will it help me? I don't know).
I want to travel - I want to begin small, set normal monthly goals for places that I want to visit, economically (with CC/ without CC - I don't know - need to read some financial advice on that). I want to be smart about my travel, don't want to spend crazily on travel.
I want to build an emergency fund as soon as I can and put that as a fixed deposit and just plainly keep it as part of the mayday plan. Then I want to have my SIPs started back again.
I want to learn new technologies - AI, Cloud, Security, JavaScript, Design Patterns, ReactJS, ML, I want to do patents, I want to travel outside of India because of work, even if it is for a 3-day trip, I am fine with that. I am confident on my skillset, and I want to do good in my field.
I want to be knowledgeable about health, people, money, technology, history, space, relationships, parenting. I want to read ten thousand books in my lifetime, and I want to create a library.
I want to do a set of exercises consistently daily for the next decade, I want to eat less oily food, more healthy food. I want to feel energetic and I want to trust the process in getting healthy, want to play tennis, want to go for a run in the morning, want to sleep for 8 hours (deep). I see myself doing pushups, lifting weights and mobility exercises.
I want to sit with my partner and deeply understand her desires in order to better get a sense of her roadmap of her life, and then slowly and steadily doing things that make sense to both of us and enjoying our wins. I want to build a world around us, with our own set of mischiefs and quirks and rules and successes and failures. Which are okay by us.
I want us to build wealth together, really sitting and understanding the power of communication and compounding together, wealth is not only money, your wealth is also your relationship and your network. I want us to be positive and be amazing together.
I want to be religious - develop a spiritual connection to god, where me and god - we sit for my discussion and I develop faith in his plan - I want to become calm knowing that he has a better plan for me, and that I am trying my best (I actually want to try my best to every situation - own it, win it).
Maybe someday - one by one - by the power of consistency - I will say -
What's next?
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Photo by NEOM on Unsplash
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iammiracl3 · 2 months
How To Set, Manifestation Goals When You Don't Know What To Manifest
There comes a time  when we want to manifest something but we miss the clarity and we anticipate that “What if I manifest something which I don't like in future?” ,”What should I manifest? ” ,“Can I choose ‘two goals’ because I need them both?” Sometimes this becomes really tough .Everyone in this world doesn't know if they are on the right path ,and what to do  to attract that abundance or  goal which is missing?There is always a chance that you seek an answer from within but you don't get it.In this blog we are going to explain how you can start to manifest your goals when you don't know what to manifest.
Understanding manifestation -
Manifestation is a technique that involves focusing your thoughts on your goals and outcomes. There are several ways and techniques through which you can manifest anything. Some of them include making a vision board, journaling, visualizing your dreams before sleep, surrounding yourself with positivity and embracing your present situation.
Self-Discovery and Clarity-
We have heard people manifesting money, luxury, success, growth and what not. But as a novice person if you find it unbelievable and beyond your capacities, it's very normal. So what needs to be done? Before manifesting anything massive you need to prepare yourself and for that the basic step is to start  with your emotions. Once you manifest and achieve the right emotional state of your mind you discover your ultimate aim. Getting into a stable emotional state gives you a clarity of thoughts and a vision as well .So don't rush , first focus on your emotions and identify them.
List down goals-
Once you are clear on your emotions now you can take a step further. Most of the time when we start a manifestationjourney we find it difficult to understand what should I manifest first? Don't think about any particular area of your life, instead imagine a bigger picture as if how you want to feel in your future life. If you want to get a good relationship feel the happiness and ease that you are experiencing with your future partner. For money you can feel and visualize the comfort you have attained after getting your manifested sum or finances.
What areas of your life do you feel are out of alignment?
Now look around your life and observe what is lacking? Are you unable to attain mental peace? Are you feeling a lack of abundance in terms of money? What aspect of your present life you are feeling out of alignment? Does people closer to are not aligned with you? Look closer to areas of your life where an energy shift is required and plan your manifestation accordingly. Make a list of everything you find missing in your life and sort them in different categories to get more clarity.
Don't be scared to change your mind, we only learn by doing -
Let say you started to visualise to attract a romantic relationship and you are consistently practicing it ,you are positive ,you are patient and you are trying everything but their comes a time when you think ,No let me first get a good job then I will focus on my relationship. It's completely fine .You can change your orientation towards your career and shift your focus. it's not a big deal and it won't harm you because universe never punishes us it only aligns with true emotions. You can reconsider your MANIFESTATION because there is no rigid rules for the process of manifestation. You practice it and you gradually learn it by doing.
Finding the perfect intention you were meant to grow -
We evolve through a journey because each and every day we get exposed to some new realities of life. When you are ready to go through your manifestation journey and you have a bigger picture of your attainable dreams, you now have to find your perfect and undeniable intentions which will lead you to growth and achievements.
Settings perfect intention at the right time is the milestone step for your manifestation. But make sure whatever intention you set should always aligns with you values because only then it can shift your energy positively towards abundance and endless happiness. This is the foundation stone of your life and by setting ‘perfect’ intentions you become accountable to your personal choices and decisions that you make. Lets have a look towards some positive intentions ‘ Today I am going to eat clean’, ‘From afternoon I will start meditation’, ‘I am going to follow my timetable from now to save time’ these are some examples of setting your intentions. Make simple, positive and clear intentions ,with practice you will be able to make perfect intentions which will make you grow.
Take tiny steps -
For some people it seems really unrealistic to manifest big dreams in a go and they become impractical Which is natural, So don't take stress just start your manifestation journey with the dreams which you think are attainable for you.  Concentrate on that one thing which you find most attracted to and start with it. Manifestation is a collective process in which you need to work on small small areas of your thoughts and your physical world as well ,it needs patience and continuous efforts. It becomes difficult as well but it's okay to restart and change your intentions and goals during your journey because if you will be flexible and take small steps it will collectively come as a good outcome .There is no specific path ,you can choose your desired way. Only mantra that works is small steps everyday. This means that if you can't practice meditation regularly practice it atleast 3 days a week,if sometime you miss gratitude journaling just speak your manifestation.  But never miss it ,Take tiny steps and do at least something, Universe watches your faithfulness no matter how less or more you do.So these were some foundational and basic steps to know how to set goals when you don't know what to manifest.
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jdgo51 · 9 months
New Year Vibes!! Do You Have Them?!
Today's inspiration comes from:
New Marriage, Same Couple
by Josh Walters and Katie Walters
"'My wife, Katie, spends a significant amount of time in preparation for every new year by looking back at the last year. She prints photobooks of her Insta posts of the prior year to help recall the moments and memories that were worth posting. She evaluates the core areas of her life and our family, making an honest assessment of where she is and how we are doing. After sitting in what is she starts dreaming about what could be. She gives language to her dreams of what could be, upon which she breaks them down over 12 months establishing key priorities for each month and measurable actions that will get her there. At some point before New Year’s Eve she will write January’s weekly goals on the white board in our hallway to give some accountability for what she plans to accomplish.
Now, you may be thinking, “Wow. They must be a very productive couple.” Can you imagine two people giving that much time, intentionality, reflection, and preparation heading into a new year!? It should come as no surprise that I on the other hand, cheer her on in her pursuits and do none of the above. Katie is a visionary and her actions today are 1/365th of a much bigger plan she is executing based on what she feels like God has called her to. Me on the other hand, I simply believe that tomorrow is going to be better than today and hope that God is helping me get better and closer to where He wants me to be day by day. It has always been challenging for me to cultivate vision for my life a year from now, so I tend to show up and try to bring my best each day.
I don’t know that It’s possible to have two people who approach the New Year or tomorrow for that matter more differently than Katie and me. We are different. Chances are, you and your spouse have some areas of your personalities, preferences and behaviors that are different too. Different in marriage is a good thing. After all, it was God who said,
It is not good for [‘Josh’] to be alone, I will make a helper suitable for him. — Genesis 2:18
In His kindness, God crafted a woman who would spur me on to think bigger, plan better and become (alongside her) all He created me to be. We are different. I’m not sure if I am an over achiever or if I cause her to be an underachiever, either way, together we tend to accomplish more than we could have asked or imagined.
Joining the 8-9% of people who get what they desire each year can be possible when it comes to your marriage.
Depending on the source, most studies say that only 8-9% of people accomplish their goals any given year. Whether it’s because they approach the process of goal setting, their plans for the year or mindset on tomorrow differently, who knows. That said,
the one thing that over 90% of Americans have in common is the tendency to quit. Have you ever heard the saying, ‘When the going gets tough, the tough get going.’ Growing up I understood that to mean when things get hard you lean in, work harder and ‘get going’ through the pain. These days, 90% of Americans seem to think when the going gets tough, I’m going to get going… out of here. It’s one thing to bail on the gym, your job, or your momentary passion for paleo. There are countless ways to stay fit, provide and eat healthy. But, what happens when our willingness to throw in the towel, to call it quits has a generational impact?
In John 16:33 Jesus assures us that,
In this world you will have trouble.
Meaning there are going to be times when the going gets tough. We expect that in our jobs, finances, health, parenting, the list goes on and on. But one of the areas we’re often surprised to find trouble and all to willing to call it quits is in our marriage. Its no coincidence that Ephesians 5:25 calls husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church. Meaning when your wife rejects you, denies you or mocks you - continue to lay your life down for her. Aren’t you thankful Jesus didn’t call it quits? His willingness to persevere, His willingness to S.T.A.Y. on the cross paid the price for you and I to have new, full and abundant life. 2 Corinthians 5:17, John 10:10
Has it been a tough season in your marriage? Does fun and flirty seem far gone? Do you want to feel something new? Something better? You don’t have to call it quits to experience the satisfaction you desire. What if the marriage you’ve always wanted was on the other side of the challenges, complacency, and fatigue you now face? Joining the 8-9% of people who get what they desire each year can be possible when it comes to your marriage, all you have to do is S.T.A.Y.
Start with me
Take quitting off the table
Allow others to be a part of your story
Yield to vision
We’ve seen these principles bear fruit in our marriage in the darkest and hardest days. As you kick off a New Year, if you will commit to applying these principles, we are confident you can see them bring about breakthrough in yours. New Year. New Marriage, Same Couple. It’s yours for the taking!
Written for Devotionals Daily by Josh Walters, co-author with Katie Walters of New Marriage, Same Couple.
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dailyaudiobible · 10 months
11/22/2023 DAB Transcript pt6
And like I said, just all of the different experiences. Just all of the different ways to encounter an episode of the Daily Audio Bible. So, we went back to the drawing board and started looking at like, how do we, how do we get there from here. What can we bring with us when we go, what should we bring with us when we go, what have we learned and what should we rebuild, knowing what we know, and knowing that we can’t get there from here. And so, a lot of discussions happened back then and a lot of really strategic decisions were made back then. And we began a new development project back then for essentially Daily Audio Bible 2.0, baking into the new technology from the ground up, everything that we knew we wanted to do the Daily Audio Bible had always been on the edge of technology, but we were bolting things on as we went because it was just growing up around us. The community was just growing up around us and we were just adapting. But with this decision back at the end of COVID, it was strategic decision to look with vision into the future of what we are trying to make. And the desire is that the Daily Audio Bible is a point of connection to other brothers and sisters, centered around God's word and the rhythm of God's word, and what the Scriptures are saying we should be living like. And so that we can display that for one another and connect to one another as we take this journey. Because being alone is a killer. Isolation is a killer. Loneliness is a killer. Depression is killing us. Anxiety is destroying us. And with all of these tools of connection, we are being pushed further and further into isolation, because with all these tools of connection we see more and more and more just how vile humanity can be to each other. And the Scriptures are telling us there’s a better way. We could focus on how you are taking care of each other. That's what we’ve been trying to model. And that’s what we’ve been trying to live. And that's what we’ve been trying to do. And that's what we’ve been pouring resources into developing technologies that can support this have been, and we have, we have bet the farm on this. We have invested so heavily over the last couple of years that we are finally reaching a point where I believe we have a foundation and a technology that is, that the Daily Audio Bible owns and controls and can set the course for, and can build onto, without having to, without having to rewire everything. We’re finally in a position, after all these years of growing up together, to be much more stably connected and buildout community using the Daily Audio Bible app. And so, I’m telling you that as we go into the new year, this technology is going to begin to come online. None of it is online, like for any public use right now but in the next few months, we will be getting to a place where we’ll start beta testing some things and rolling out this new technology in the year 2024. So, I'm telling you all of that now, to say that's what, that that's what's been going on. There's been a massive, massive, massive development project going on behind the scenes to actually host the Global Campfire, to be the Daily Audio Bible and it's been a huge risk, a huge investment, a huge, a huge obedience in a specific direction with specific goals of creating connection around God's word in our lives. So, that's coming in the new year. And we’ve been working on it really, really hard.
Christmas is coming and normally we do a Christmas box each year full of resources from the Daily Audio Bible and the annual Christmas ornament that we pack in there. We’re not doing a Christmas box as it were this year. We’re doing something centered around what I’ve just told you. We’re, we’re centering our holiday this year around the Global Campfire and resourcing this development project as we move toward its conclusion. So, we don’t have a box this year, but we do have is all of the music of the Daily Audio Bible. All of the music that we've produced over these years. We’ve pressed each of these projects on vinyl to make them beautiful, to have beautiful packaging, to have something tangible to actually hold in our hands. And so, we’ve pressed up the Sleep album that came out last year, on vinyl. We've pressed the Heart album, and that had been previously on vinyl. But we completely repackaged it. New packaging, we pressed Heart on vinyl. We have Max's Christmas Time album, that came out a couple years ago. We pressed that on vinyl for the first time. Our Family Christmas album has been pressed onto vinyl for the first time. And the music from the Promised Land films, the soundtrack that is part of the Global Bible Campfire soundtrack, called Promised Land has been pressed onto vinyl for the first time. So, we have five different projects that we've pressed up on vinyl. And that's kind of gonna be our Christmas box this year. All of the resources that come in from the purchase of these resources, will go into this development project that we are trying to bring to the finish line. So, there are five different projects available. Any one of them that you purchase or any number of them that you purchase, we’ll put the Christmas ornament with our word “expand” this year on it. We’ll put that and send that and put that in the box and send that your way with each order. An ornament for each order. You can order one, you can order them all. There is a donation of, a minimum donation of $25 for each one of these that's the price of vinyl albums these days. So, we wanted everybody to be able to participate. But you can give as much as you want. You can name your own price and contribute in any way that you can or any way that you want to. And we would like to send these to you as a gift of thanks for investing in the future of what we've been building together. I’m just sitting here now going wow, we are, we are at Thanksgiving and it's going to be black Friday, and it's all on. Like this, I get here and I feel like the years practically over because it just goes into warp speed until…until after Christmas. So, it feels like the last moments of the real year. And I'm sitting here going, wow, we are almost done with 18 years of this, seven days a week. And I have in my heart for 18 more. I hope that can happen. I want that to happen. And I want these next years to use technology in a way that is safe and brings connection to God, to God's people in a way that is helpful to our lives, so that we know we’re not alone. We know we are in this together. And so, there's the story. There’s where we’re going. That's what's been going on behind the scenes. A lot of massive work has been happening, especially this year, behind the scenes. And I'm telling you about it. We’re moving forward together and everything that we’re looking at is looking at ways to be connected together as brothers and sisters in Christ, centered around God's word, each and every day. So, you can participate in that, you can find these resources in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. Look for them, you will find them and thank you, thank you, humbly. Thank you, humbly for your partnership at this time. We could really use your help now, as we’re moving forward into some really, really big steps forward. And we can all pray into this, as we move forward together into the new year and into moving into our new home together. And so, thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your partnership.
If you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today, I'm Brian, I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Prayer and Encouragements:
Hello my DAB family. This is Jamie in New Jersey, Standing on the Word of God. I humbly ask you to please pray. Dear Father in Heaven, we come before You with gratitude for all that You are, for all that You have given us, for Your mercy and grace. For Your presence and Your faithfulness. You created us to reflect Your image, and in doing so, to bring You glory. Your word says that a _ Spirit is of great value to You. Lord Jesus, You have modeled gentleness and humility, while You lived here on earth. You have dealt gently with us in our sin and rebellion. Help us to learn from You and follow Your example. I know _ gentle and bright spirit, so that we are able to walk as we have walked. Right those areas of our lives that are not pleasing in Your sight. Helping us to check our hearts, that we may not be hard towards others. So many people need a kind word, an act of compassion, a quite voice of reason, a softly spoken encouragement, a tender touch. Help us Father, to be peace makers. Help us to be mild mannered. Help us to be careful with our responses and interactions with others. Help us to be those who bring calm to storms raging in this world. We pray in Jesus name. Amen. Thank you for praying along with me, my brothers and sisters. I love each and every one of you. Have a good night.
Hi family, Prisoner of Hope here. I want to give a shout out to His Little Warrior from Alabama. You said you talk about smiling in public and this game you play, and you give yourself points. I love that. I’m gonna adopt that game myself. I do smile at people a lot, but I could, I could smile more. So, thank you for that. Made By Thee for Me, you’re really struggling to listen to DAB. You feel the Lord has abandoned you and you just don’t feel Him at all. But you don’t want to give up. We don’t want you to give up, sweet sister. We’re gonna pray for you. Kathy from Kentucky, you get depressed in the winter. You said the time change really affects you. We’re praying for you and also your friend Larry, who is two months sober. That he will maintain that. Also praying for Sabina. You’re a mom and wife, you’re not sleeping well, you’re struggling, you’re having some depressed thoughts. And you said everyone has bigger problems but everyone’s problem, big or small are relevant to them. And we invite anybody to call in with their problems, big or small, because we want to lift you up. Refined by His Love in Arizona, you said you would like encouragement and His will to be done in the trial, in this trial of your life. So, we are praying for you. People on the Water, you and your girlfriend are overwhelmed. You just said you have a lot going on. So, we’re praying for you. And also, the people that you are caring for, that you are taking to church and out for ice cream. And so, lifting you up, sweet brother and your friends. Heavenly Father, we come to You. We are asking for Your blessings, that they will reach the deepest part of these people’s hearts and souls, each one of them that I have mentioned. Save them and strengthen them so that they may be able to go through all the troubles that come their way. All the fiery darts of the evil one. Become their ultimate support as they find themselves struggling and can no longer bear all the burdens of this life. Crush the plans of the enemy who wants to lead them into despair. Instead, sew Your seed of hope that they so desperately need. We ask this in the beautiful precious name of Jesus. Amen.
Hi, everyone. This is Angie from New Devin in the UK. And I’m calling in for Serene Ghost. But first of all, I wanted to just thank everybody for their prayers. I’m sorry it’s so long overdue, calling in and thanking you guys. I just felt so much love when you prayed over me about my adoption. I’m still stuck and in limbo. But the Lord is sustaining me. So, thank you for all your prayers. And for your love. And Serene Ghost, I just wanted to say to you, hang in there. Hang in there. I went through a similar thing, and I was the person like your wife. And I think that she’s looking for love in all the wrong places, like I was. I just wanted to say that yeah, hang in there. And just love her through it. I just think you’re amazing for just loving her. And for hanging in there. So, just keep on and pray for her. And thank you for calling in because you’ve done the right thing. You have thousands of people praying for you now. And I just pray Lord Jesus, that You will break through into this lady’s life. Lord, I just pray that You will break every chain that binds her Lord. That she is looking for love in that wrong place. Lord, I pray that she will find that in You. You break through and show her, like You showed me that You are the only love that she needs. In Jesus name. Lots of love. Bye.
Hello, fellow DABers. This is Kristen, aka Christ in Me. And I’m calling in concerning Junk to Treasure’s request for her granddaughter Genesis. And Genesis has been on my heart, ever since Junk to Treasure told us about the loss of her daughter-in-law, Genesis’ mother. This particularly hit me hard because I know how Genesis feels. When I was 14, I lost my beautiful mother to Leukemia. And I was going through a really, really hard time. I developed an eating disorder. And I was really struggling. But the Lord gave me a Scripture. I opened up my mothers Bible to, and I went to Lamentations 3:22-24. And I found one of the few positive Scriptures, well, uplifting Scriptures in Lamentation. And it is, the Lord’s unfailing love and mercies still continue. Fresh is the morning, as sure as the sun rise. The Lord is all I have and so I can put my hope. I would like to, just lift up Genesis and Junk to Treasure’s whole family, while they’re grieving the loss of their daughter-in-law, their mother, their wife, and the other family members that are grieving as well. And I just lift them up. I just pray for your comfort. I just pray that You will wrap Your arms around them. And give them peace that surpasses all understanding. In Jesus mighty name. Amen.
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strategy-realized · 1 year
The Business Hierarchy Of Needs®: Facts And Points You Should Know
Jim Gitney the CEO of Group50® Consulting realized that poor technology and business processes, along with a lack of strategic alignment and agreement across businesses, were the primary causes of unsuccessful plans. Because of this, Jim developed the Business Hierarchy of Needs®, a framework he has utilized to great effect in the creation and execution of plans. Each level of the Business Hierarchy of Needs® is broken down into sub-levels and elaborated upon in detail.
Level 1 is primarily under the supervision of the board of directors and the senior leadership team. It lays the groundwork for analysis, planning, and strategy. Level 2, "Knowledge and Chart Management," connects strategic planning with action. It calls for complete participation from all relevant parties, including consensus, expertise, and team optimization. The bulk of this responsibility falls on middle-ranking leaders. Level 3, "implementation," is mostly the responsibility of project teams, individuals, vendors, and process owners. Tools, technology, and the re-engineering of business processes are all part of this.
About the Book
Strategy Realized book illustrates the interdependencies and interconnections between the various levels. If you want to avoid anti-strategy, you shouldn't skip Level 1 or jump in the middle. Unfinished work on Level 2 often leads to inefficient management of change and weak leadership, both of which hinder progress towards goals. Talent optimization, strategic planning, and effective hiring procedures are all discussed in the book. It also stresses the value of having a well-defined purpose, a compelling vision, and unwavering principles. Setting your most important goal (MIG), performing a gap analysis, and delving into the three tiers are all topics covered in this book. The book also delves further into the ways in which technology influences each level of the Business Hierarchy of Needs®.
You will also learn about the applications of The Business Hierarchy of Needs® in Strategy Realized book. Business Life Cycle, Bankruptcy, Inflection Points, Mergers and Acquisitions, Carve-Outs, Digital Transformation, Restructuring, Entrepreneurs, and Exit Planning are all applications of The Business Hierarchy of Needs®. You will learn how the Business Hierarchy of Needs® will help these applications and businesses in terms of growth.
Some Reviews of People About This Book
1st Review: This person says that "The book "Strategy Realized - The Business Hierarchy of Needs®: Turning Strategy Into Results" provides an invaluable framework that will be of use to leaders, managers, and professionals involved in the process of strategy implementation. Because of Gitney's extensive knowledge of the subject matter as well as the book's all-encompassing character, it is an invaluable resource for businesses that are working to close the gap that exists between strategic planning and effective implementation".
2nd Review: This person says, "If you have a strategic plan that needs some life put into it, if you are just starting one, or if you are simply thinking about organizational growth, this book should be your Bible. It is so easy to follow and adaptable for every organization: big, small, for-profit, nonprofit, local, and international. If there is just one thing that you remember after reading this book, let it be the most important goal!
3rd Review: Strategy Realized is a book that I have just finished reading, and I have to say that it is a game-changer for any firm that is trying to raise its strategy game. I've read more than my fair share of strategy books, thanks to the fact that I've worked in the publishing sector for more than ten years. But Jim stands out because of the practical and concrete advice that it provides, which any organization may put into practice.
Strategy Realized Book Contains the Solutions to the Following Questions:
Which four factors make up strategy?
Why is it hard to implement a strategy?
What makes a three-level strategy crucial?
Why is strategy implementation in business necessary?
Which three implementation strategy tiers are there?
Therefore, you should most certainly purchase Strategy Realized book because it will assist you in locating the solutions that you are looking for, and after putting the strategies described in the book into action in your company, you will notice an increase in the profitability of your company.
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How To Stay Motivated!
In the hustle and bustle of life we can get easily side tracked and distracted from the things we wish to accomplish.
Here are some tips on how to stay motivated:
Write down and visualize your goals: One of the most effective ways to foster a sense of accountability is having a visual reminder of what we are striving for. This can be done either by writing it down as a list, writing a detailed plan in a journal, or creating a vision board if you have a hard time just picturing things in your mind. This helps create a sense of something to do and check off. We will be constantly reminded to take action to make this happen. Almost like posting a sticky on your refrigerator to remind you to call a specific location to handle that important thing. Even if it skips your mind during the day, when you walk by the fridge, your more likely to say "oh yeah, I have to do that". 
Work towards specific achievable goals: This is what we consider S.M.A.R.T goals. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Bound. We can do this by breaking down a bigger goal, into smaller, easier to achieve goals, that lead you to your overall goal. This will also keep you accountable to complete goals within a timely manner and not leave it open-ended so it could be ignored. Be specific about what you want to accomplish. For example,  buying a new car. Well what are the steps to getting that car. First you need a steady supply of income unless you are buying outright, so if you are currently unemployed, the first step would be getting a job to make money. Then it would be set a realistic budget for the car you want to purchase, what can you comfortably afford that can also allow for you to cover all of your expenses associated with the car, and other living expenses. Know what your credit score is, so you know what dealership options you have, as credit scores contribute to the Interest rate you'll pay on the car monthly payments. The last stage of your plan, would be the purchasing of the car. 
Have a friend keep you accountable:  We are more likely to do something if we are being held accountable. Having someone know of your goals, and checking in to make sure you are staying on track, or to provide words of encouragement along the way makes all the difference. Especially in those moments where we might not feel like it, having someone remind you how far you've come and how much closer you are to getting it done, can be just the motivation you need to keep going. 
Reward yourself for your milestones: Everything you accomplish should be celebrated. No matter how big or how small. When we reward ourselves it releases positive hormones in the brain that makes us feel good, and in turn your body will want to keep doing the thing that gives you that rewarding feeling. So if you reward yourself every time you accomplish a goal, you will start to notice that you will start to look forward to the next time you accomplish something because of how good it feels. 
Get a personal mentor that inspires you: We all could use some sound advice, encouraging and motivational speeches, even guidance from people who are where would like to be in life. These mentors can provide insight on the challenges and lessons they learned along their journey to where they are today, to give hope and inspiration. They can tell you what moves, changes and adjustments they had to make to go in the direction they were heading. They can teach the importance of not being scared to try and fail, and learning for the next time. 
Plan out activities in advance: Having a solid plan of what you would like to do, allows for you to have a plan in place, rather than waiting last minute, and things not going through. It provides ample time for preparation and adjustment if needed. This is also another form of accountability. By setting something up in advance, it can help make sure you get out of the house, make time for the things you want to do and enjoy, refill that self-care cup.
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anythingisfilm · 1 year
Serenity Is Key - Film Narrative 2
Film linked HERE The film I worked on was Serenity is Key, I was in group D2. I was the prop, costume and set designer, on-set props and editor of the film.
At the start of production, our writer was dealing with something important outside of university, so I made sure to pass on information from the scriptwriting feedback sessions to her. Once we had a closer to finalised vision for the film, I asked the writer what her ideal bigfoot character would look like. She put together a pinterest board showing what she was looking for, and I started to look for stuff to make that happen.
Our group worked very well together and helped each other out frequently. We didn't need to hold meetings very often as communication was frequent and effective, and we all understood the vision of the film and trusted each other to make independent decisions to get to that goal. I think after shooting I struggled a bit to get people to come help view the edit and give criticism, but I think that's understandable and not something that could be helped given most of my group have jobs outside of uni and were working on their essay and documentary assignments at the time. We wanted to go for a more ambiguous costume, I wanted it to be difficult to tell if he was literally a monster, or only figuratively based off of his appearance. I think based on the crit session after the screening that this was an effective decision, and had a really positive effect on the film's tension and characterisation. I think the feedback given in the script criticism sessions before we shot were assuming that we were looking to use a costume like Chewbacca or the bigfoot seen in the infamous Patterson-Gimlin bigfoot film. This was never the intention, we always wanted a human character with monstrous characteristics, and I think that characterisation and the way it's made clear visually is a very strong part of the film. I was working to a fairly tight budget, so I tried to thrift, find and handmake as many parts of the production design as possible. For all the notes and folders on set, I had gotten them for free from clear-outs at the uni library. I made the bigfoot sightings photo sheet from photos I printed in the university, and then used teabags and black clothing dye to give them an aged, singed look. I also folded and ripped these images to add natural looking aging and wear. I also designed the poster for the background using royalty and copyright free stock images, and framed it in a frame I had from a prior shoot. Based off of the feedback at the crit session I believe my set and prop design looked effective and genuine, I think I did a good job with this, and I know in future how to make prop elements look more realistic and thematic.
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I thrifted a faux fur jacket, cut it onto strips and dyed it brown. The rest like the wig and the prison outfit, I bought. I used the dyed fur to create the bigfoot feet, using prop feet I bought on amazon as a base. These didn't end up in the final film. I also used the fur to try and create the effect of fur poking out at the wrists and on the back of the hands, which did end up in the film but didn't look good on camera. Which was confirmed in the critical feedback. I understand what went wrong with them, and I know how to create a better effect in future. I think in terms of my work, this was the weakest area, and I totally agree with the feedback that this was one of the weaker parts of the film overall as it takes away from the shots where it's visible.
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The psychologists costume was all provided by Monica, who was our actor. We had another actress lined up, but she dropped out last minute and so we had to find another actor. Which meant I didn't have time to organise a costume for her. However, I did give guidance on what she should wear, and Monica was able to bring costume that matched what I'd been envisioning for the character anyway, so it all worked out. Monica's performance was one of the strongest parts of the whole film, and her being able to come and work on such short notice was incredibly helpful.
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I think overall my production design work was effective, and the feedback I was given reflects that. I definitely have room to improve, and I gained a lot of information in the crit session on how I can do that and things to be aware of in future shoots.
In the editing process, I followed the director's storyboard as closely as possible. I kept in frequent contact with the rest of my group, and even if they couldn't physically come to see and comment I made sure they saw enough of the process that they could give informed feedback on the process so far. When I went to the editing sessions where support was available, it was really helpful and the advice was really useful and allowed me to improve my edit significantly. One piece of advice specifically that I think was useful, was the advice to not show the psychologists face till she's sitting down. This set the tone for the whole short and kept a feeling of detachment and clinically impersonality. I do think it was a bad choice for me to keep the shot of the door closing at the very beginning, if I could re-edit I would take that out. Towards the end of production, we found out that our sound designer had less availability than he thought, and so I offered to help with the sound design. As I'm not particularly experienced in sound design we decided to split it between dialogue and all other sound design. I took on cleaning up the dialogue and giving bigfoot a slightly more monstrous voice. I think I did a pretty good job of this, although I was only doing basic clean-up tasks. I think this definitely could have been done better, as it's not my specialism, but I think it turned out well and I'm happy with it. As was pointed out in the screening, the sound is desynced to the image, which I think happened at some point in the export as it's fine on the timeline. I'm unsure how to fix this, but it will be something I know to be careful of next time. Overall, I'm very happy with my work on the film and I'm very proud of our end product. I think my team worked really well together, and everybody helped each other out and pulled their weight. I think the feedback I got through the editing process was very useful, and the crit I got on my work overall was very helpful and will be applied in my future work. I think a couple of my props and costumes decisions weren't the strongest and I could've done better with. I'm going to practice my craft and design skills in my own time to help improve this. Unfortunately I had to leave the shoot early, and so someone else had to collect the props and I haven't been able to get them back yet. So I don't have good photos for all of the things I made.
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