#sibling conflict
lets-try-some-writing · 4 months
The trio (not the kids) arguing over wherever Pluto is a planet or not because i can see that
Earth: Of course Pluto is a planet! He's in my solar system and far bigger than the asteroids!
Unicron: Some of the asteroids. Not all of them.
Moon: HA! You hear that Pluto! The Unmaker says you are pint sized!
Unicron: Do not speak on my behalf you malformed pile of protomatter!
Mars: *sending the message to Pluto* This is gonna be fragging funny.
Earth: Please, let's calm down. Even if Pluto is not conventionally planet sized, he's a planet in spirit!
Moon: Oh there he is.
Unicron: The pebble is here to babble.
Moon: Should I flick him or something?
Unicron: I do not believe that is required. It is a waste of energy to kill an insect when it stands before a god.
Pluto: *shaking in rage* You have thirty seconds to apologize or I will go get Mars.
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Do any of the malto siblings have any sibling rivalry? And who can they get along with the least?
They generally all get along fairly well, however, they do sometimes rub off on each other the wrong ways.
Ex: Thrash and Nightshade both lean towards Decepticon alignment. They disagree on each other’s reasoning: Thrash is all for the authority bashing, and tearing down bad systems, meanwhile Nightshade is there for the empathy, and kindness.
“That’s not why they started it, Nightshade! It was always anti-authoritarianism!”
“Yes, but it was based on kindness and empathy for each other, not wanting to kill those above them!”
Thrash and Nightshade is quite possibly the worst amount of argument about something the others find more trivial, and Bumblebee and Dot & Alex outright find silly and pointless to be arguing about.
There’s also, Nightshade doesn’t like to be touched very much. If the others ever try to forcibly drag them into a cuddle pile, and won’t let them go, that usually results in an attack to get free and then they’re quite annoyed with all of them for a while. And people messing with their nest is an easy street ticket to lots of pettiness.
Twitch doesn’t like it when things she puts places are moved suddenly while she’s got her back turned because she struggles to find it again. She also doesn’t like it when her loft set up is messed with.
Those are some examples on conflicts they’ve gotten into, but most of the time they get along pretty well.
Sorry this isn’t from them, but I couldn’t quite think of a way to answer from their perspective, and they’re probably not quite self-aware enough to fully understand.
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farshootergotme · 3 months
Game-night in the batfamily has got to be crazy. You're putting a bunch of geniuses against each other and that's asking for chaos to happen.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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persephryne · 2 months
Making Aegon a rapist was straight up bad and lazy writing.
Let me elaborate.
In the show, the first thing we learn about Aegon as an adult is that he is a rapist. We haven’t seen him yet but still we already know that he is an horrible despicable rapist, especially since Dyana is so young, which pretty much makes him a pedophile too. How could anyone root for a man like that ? And that’s where the problem begins.
Rhaenyra had already been established many times as the rightful heir to the throne in season 1. It has been made obvious that she would make a decent Queen too. In the meantime, it had already been shown that Aegon is not even a good person. He’s selfish, inconsiderate, a bully, and does not act like a prince at all. To put it plainly, he sucks big time and we as viewers already know it. Add what we saw in season 2, how reckless he gets, how he’s an alcoholic immature asshole, how he obviously knows nothing about strategics nor how to rule efficiently, or even how bad he is at high valyrian, and you can’t have anyone tell you in good faith that he would’ve been a better ruler than Rhaenyra.
However, had Aegon not been made a rapist, you would still feel for him even though he is not cut out to rule. Because he knows it too and tried to escape it and he was forced to attend his own coronation . Because this crown that he did not want does not fit him, even though he really tries to show that he is not as worthless as everyone seems to think and he just keeps failing. You would feel for him because the war ,that he has started when he was made an usurper by the people around him, has cost him his son’s life. Because the brother, who is partially responsible for his son’s death has now betrayed him and tried to kill him with dragonfire. Because the injuries he suffered make him look more and more like his father who never cared for him, never loved him and that he definitely hates. Which also probably why he tries so hard to make his mother proud of him and love him but he can’t and his main attempt has left him half-dead, half-burn. Not only that but his dragon, with whom he has the strongest bond known in Targaryen’s, history probably died during this futile attempt to prove himself. The only thing about his Targaryen’s heritage that he seems to care about has been destroyed all because he wanted to prove himself. Because he truly resents his Targaryen’s, his father’s heritage, it’s obvious, just as it is obvious that he didn’t want to marry his own sister but was forced to. It’s completely legitimate of him to want to distance himself as much as possible from everything that is Targaryen related. He is indeed more of an Hightower than a Targaryen, but can you really blame him for that ? Would you not try to fit somewhere else too, if you were in his place ? It’s all absolutely and undeniably tragic.
I wholeheartdely believe that, even if you would’ve root for Rheanyra to be Queen, you woud’ve probably still thought that Aegon, as bad as he is, did not deserves this much pain.
But because he is a rapist, well, he honestly does.
By not trusting the audience to see that Aegon is not a good person, nor a good a king, without having him comitting a literal crime, by making Aegon a rapist, the writers have annihilated any possibilities for an internal conflict regarding Aegon and Rhaenyra. The whole concept of « teams » just goes down the drain because of this lazy, manichaean, writing. And that, my friends, is bad writing at its peak.
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shiftywing · 7 months
but what if i enjoy the concept of qibli being jealous/resentful of sunny...
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scarlet-herring · 2 months
love brainstorming reverse robin aus. like how do i replicate early batfam’s wild dynamics but in reverse. jason, cass, and dick generally have good relationships with the older group, while duke, damian, and bruce cannot be in the same room together without exploding at least one head through sheer willpower, and tim rotates between hellishly controlling and completely unattached
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daisyachain · 2 months
I’ve made this post before but I can’t be bothered to find it. In what we commonly consider a ‘traditional’/patriarchal European society, the paths in life are: marriage with children (acceptable), bachelorhood (frowned upon, locked out of certain professions/roles), spinsterhood in servitude to parents (probably suffering), religious servitude. An unmarried person is a servant either of the local lord, the Lord, or the parents. The parental relationship has a built-in hierarchy of the senior parents and the underling child. All pressures push down and toward marriage as a form of (highly limited for women) freedom.
One of the few ways around this system is the sibling relationship. Sticking with a sibling can provide an avenue to independence from hierarchy via a peer relationship, a person who moves in with a married sibling is protected under the auspices of that marriage (though somewhat dependent on the sibling) and is not automatically subordinate as with aristocracy/religious orders/parents. I’m interested in the sibling relationship as a kind of lifeline or shield against the buffets of social expectation specially in a world where there is some kind of censure against unmarriage and in which marriage is seen as the final step in growing up. Siblings are the playmates of childhood, they are biological family, to remain part of s biological family unit is acceptable, to remain unmarried is not, the sibling is the last line of defense against a spouse without submitting to hierarchy and/or could be read as the last line of defense against growing up.
This isn’t coherent. I like the idea of two siblings choosing to remain close into adulthood not because they necessarily like each other that much, but because they understand the consequences of abandoning someone to social forces. Siblings as a kind of delayed maturation, a sign that something is wrong, a failed evolution, a vestigial relationship, you’re supposed to be close growing up and then split into different clans, but they have failed to do so and have closed the loop to return to childhood.
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allieinarden · 10 months
I also love the whole ship of Candace “trying to get her brothers in trouble for being young inventors, philanthropists and humanitarians” Flynn with Jeremy “has never considered that his baby sister might be evil” Johnson.
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scrimblyscrorblo · 22 days
Had an idea for a Poe drawing, since he’s canonically a military grade sniper I wondered when he would’ve entered the military.
Its implied his Guild arc is mostly spent writing his book, and his early twenties were spent with detective work as seen in the flashback to the detective competition.
Thus, he was in the army presumably in his teen years, 15 and up.
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And ofc my doodle of it as a little Polaroid with a Kate Bush reference. He couldn’t have his eyes covered and therefore had shorter bangs
Also, bsd takes place 2013 esk and Poe is 28, he would’ve been 15 in the year 2000 and born 1985.
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knight-of-skyloft · 1 year
"Navani is a traitor for working with the enemy" this "Raboniel used her" that THAT'S NOT THE POINT THAT WAS NEVER THE POINT!!! It's the realization that they can accomplish more together than apart! They never could have made the Rhythm of War alone. They had to be in tandem, not fighting or trying to come out on top. That's what they taught each other! Raboniel was like "oh I'm totally not playing you, we can accomplish more together, wink wink" and the whole time she was playing herself, because she slowly came to realize that they could accomplish more together, that they were equals, that they could coexist, that the war can end.
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thenixkat · 6 months
but also wild that Kabru 'murder is ok' of Utaya thought that Laios and Falin were bad people b/c they [checks notes] are disinterested in people and didn't notice that they were getting conned by an ex-coworker they thought had become disabled and needed help
(and also b/c Laios wouldn't give him the time of day every time Kabru tried to initiate a conversation with him on the surface)
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khaosrealms · 11 months
using syzoth x princess!reader's magnificent request; could you write a scenario where reader ends up arguing with her sisters, who were worried about her getting closer to the zaterran? — they are just wanting the best for their little sister.
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a/n: now how did you know that i just absolutely adore family dynamics? of course i’ll write a scenario for this! it would be my pleasure 💙
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“I forbid it.” Those are the first words that leave Mileena’s lips when you tell her of your newfound companion. Of Syzoth, the Zaterran you’d begun to make quick friends with. And, the same as many, many centuries of petty arguments and squabbles, you cannot say you are surprised. The only thing you can say you are, with certainty, is annoyed. Annoyed that you could already feel a headache stirring at your temples for what was to come. Annoyed that this was, without doubt, another lesson of Mileena’s you remember quite well from when you were younger.
“You— forbid it?” “I forbid it.” “And for what reason is that?” You can see the trepidation in Mileena’s features. Risen to Empress, she restrains better than she had before; but you know your sister, and you know Kitana, stood beside you, can see the very same thing. Musing with her hands, the same she often would her own fans. You three are alone here, no other company but the walls, but Mileena falls to a hush. Clutching your wrist; speaking beneath her chin. “He is a Zaterran, sister. Do you know what things the court would say if they were to discover who you make company of?” The court? The court which now fell beneath Mileena’s rule? The court that she, with a flick of her palm, could bend to her every will?
You despised the days in which fighting felt like the only way you could get through to your sister. Her problem. She started it first.
“And what will your court say? When they find their Empress has been infected with Tarkat?” “Excuse me?” The expression on Kitana’s face is all you need to know you’ve pushed the discussion down a route of no return. Her scrunched features hidden behind her hand; shielding her eyes from the sight of you both bickering. So you continue. If arguing is the only way forth— then that’s your choice. One step forward is all you need to cross the distance between you and Mileena, in all her seething, withheld rage. “Or are you perhaps the only one worth defending amongst your court? Mother knows you’ve thought only of yourself!”
“Myself? Only of myself?” The royal fabric on your chest strains against your sister’s nails as she grabs hold. Forcing you to remain in place. Forced to look up at her. “The only reason why you have not endured the savagery of the court is because I protect you! All your dismissed suitors, all those soldiers of Shao— did you think you alone suppressed those whispers?!” Even Kitana’s intervention is not enough to halt Mileena’s barrage. The hand on her wrist nothing more but an assurance that she should continue; spitting her words in your face. “It was mine and mother’s burden, always. Tending to your whispers! Tending to your desires!” “Mileena, please, it’s enough.” “No Kitana, it is not enough! You indulge her, same as I have!” How easy it was for your elder sister to get a rise out of you. The bitter sting that forms tears at the corners of your eyes; gritting your teeth to push them down. But she continues. Mileena continues, because at the very sight of her, you can tell she’s scared. Just as scared as you. “A daughter of Sindel making close company of a Zaterran will ruin you, sister. Ridding yourself of what little favor you hold in the court— do you want that?” “Mileena.” The sound of Mileena’s bracers creaking beneath Kitana’s palm is warning enough. When you are pulled away, it’s Kitana’s hand that urges you to stay firm; set on the small of your back.
“We worry about you, sister.” Kitana’s even words melted out from between her lips. Coated in earnest worry, there, even in the crease of her brow. And though you almost bite back, retaliating against her kindness— you blink past your tears, clearing your throat. She’s a mirror; the words she speaks are a reflection of Mileena’s own. Only easier to swallow, sweeter. As needed as the bitterness of your Empress’ sister. “We know his intentions are well, but the court will make their assumptions of a Zaterran. Harsher ones, when a princess is involved.”
“His name is Syzoth.” You feel Mileena’s eyes flicker to your face. Watch as you direct your words to Kitana, who absorbs your words as they leave you. “And he helped in the battle against Shang Tsung. He was there— saving the people of Outworld. Fighting alongside us.” When you turn and lock eyes with Mileena, you know then that she is listening. “If the court you rule is one that won’t defend one of its own protectors, then I want no place in such a court with you.”
For a moment, there is silence.
Filled only by the wind and inhaled breathes your sisters and yourself take. Kitana surveying your reactions, Mileena scanning your eyes, and your own, staring right back at her’s. The first to break the quiet— softening her eyes at your refusal to let go. “You know I can’t lose you too.” And it breaks Mileena’s heart, as it does your own. “Do you believe he has a place here, in my court?”
“Of course I do.” With utter certainty. So much so, it almost embarrasses you how quickly it escapes; a gesture not so easily ignored by Kitana. That peculiar smile of her’s filling her lips— the same one she gifts Mileena when she speaks to Tanya. You ignore it, as best you can. “A Zaterran might just be what you need, in your new era, Empress Mileena.” She would never just used to it, no matter how much Kitana and you said it, but it’s enough to make Mileena smile. Clearing the air of its sharpness and melting it down into exhaustion. Mileena’s gentle hand fitting into your own, gifting it a small squeeze. “Syzoth is a good man, I promise, sister.” You squeeze back and Mileena’s exhaustion warms to acceptance.
“Only as your confidant, I hope?” “Surely, it couldn’t possibly be anything more, could it, Sister?” Elder Gods, maybe you should died during the battle. Spare you from your sisters and their smirks as your cheeks redden under their questioning. Impossible to hide, as they corner you with their frames. Kitana poking at your side, Mileena tugging at your cheek as you squirmed. “A hug from a Princess of Outworld could surely be considered more, could it not, Sister?” “A Zaterran winning the affection of Sindel’s daughter— what gasping rumor to be heard in the court!” “You two keep talking and you’ll be joining mother and father in the afterlife!”
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storgicdealer · 4 months
ok guys. guys. guys hear me out right now. orange learning about c!alans horrendous torture on tdl & tco & victim that surpasses what he had experienced with him. how would he react oh my god
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zuko-always-lies · 5 months
I swear people who don't have siblings are the biggest Azula haters.
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tornado1992 · 6 months
Miles’ tails are way bigger than the rest of his body. That allows him to fly, and even though it makes him look way tinier than he is (and he is already too little for his age) he doesn’t mind.
He will never outgrow his tails, it doesn’t matter how many vitamins he takes or how much physical therapy he gets, spending the first four years of his life living off garbage scraps and eating less than once a day stunted his growth forever.
Good news is that he’ll always be able to fly, bad news is that he’ll never achieve the younger sibling goal of being taller than your older brother.
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