#since we know he likes listening to music on missions lol
slayerofsovereign · 6 months
idk if it's a glitch, but going to the citadel tower for the first time in ME made it start blasting battle music. it's so loud i can't hear garrus 😂
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a-bucket-of-trash · 2 years
Kelvin “military analysis” - Sons of the Forest
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First rant: Everyone talk about how sad is that Kelvin is not entering to a cave with us, but dude... there is a good reason. He is DEAF, right? So his main way to avoid dangers is by SIGHT. Hell, he point the damn mutants way easier than us.
How in hell he will do anything inside a cave if WE BARELY CAN SEE SHIT? Half of the times inside caves, we have to HEAR the mutants because is dark af. Now, if the main Kelvin’s sense is his eyes, he, in a cave, will be not only full useless but also dangerous for him and to us.
Kelvin inside a cave is like he being deaf AND blind. Go and play in a cave with mutants, deaf and blind, without weapons, and see how long you will last.
He stay outside because is the logic action. He is not enough braindead to enter in a cave.
But now, what matters: what kind of soldier is Kelvin?
Someone point that in the opening, Fisheye and us are looking the info in the pc as Kelvin is chilling listening to music.
My theory is: Squads tend to have different “specialities” with different skills, which come extremely handy in a situation like in the game.  
Fisheye have part of his face covered. Usually, members of the Infantry would cover their faces to protect their identity in front of strangers. He is covered inside the helicopter can maybe be a hint of he being a “stranger” with any other member of the team (just like others members are covered too).
We don’t know if we are covered or not, but our skills on combat and weapons could be a hint that we are also Infantry. Plus, that both, as Infantry, be learning about the mission in the flight, at minutes to “deploy” is just a way to say “We are just muscles and guns, as soon we know how the subjects look, the rest don’t matter. We are here to shoot, kill and leave to our respective previous squads”. We are basic fight dogs.
Also, very high chances their (and our) names (Fisheye and Kelvin) are not real names, but codenames (Military call signs) based in the NATO phonetic alphabet (Each codename of each member start with a different letter to make it easier. F is Fisher, K is Kelvin, which it can be used in the trackers, so we can spot more easily the different members of the squad in the island).
Interesting fact, in some places, like the United Kingdom military, these letters also can tell what specialities they have. Fisheye use the F of Foxtrot/ Foxhound, this last one used to sign Infantry.
As also internet says about Kelvin: “His true name is speculated to be Robert, as he often appears in the game files as Rob or Robbie and in the game console as Robby.”
But our boy “Kelvin” is uncovered and chilling. That mean 2 basic things:
1 - Uncovered units are the ones who had to interact face to face with civilians. High chances he is one in charge of mediate with the Pufftons.
2 - He is not paying attention to the info in the pc, neither to the audible orders. The only reason to him to don’t pay attention is the fact that HE KNOWS the info. We are a militar squad rescuing a rich family, they will get the best of the best, so they will not get a lazy random Kelvin in the team. He is useful to the mision. He chills because he know the Pufftons already, knows the map (since he is not looking at it), and he knows the orders. Is not a civilian, or he wouldn’t have militar clothes, neither the previous info, neither will using the K Tag.
Now let’s add the fact that he doesn’t fight in the game, at all. He aims, run, hide, but don’t fight. But he do gather a lot, run fast, fish where is no fishes (lol) and find sticks in the nowhere.  
Putting his highly possible brain injury a little aside (which not only made him temporarily deaf and mute, but also could reduce a lot his capabilities), we can now speculate that his specialty is not in combat, is not from the Infantry because he don’t fight (not even as a instinct, many soldiers keep their fight reflex even after years out the field).
His skills in gather and build, carring logs for hours, even with his brain damage, can be a hint that his basic training was as Quartermaster. Hear this definition: The Quartermaster Corps officer plans and directs the activities of Army units and organizations engaged in the acquisition, receipt, storage, preservation, and issue of equipment, repair parts, fortification/construction material, subsistence, petroleum products, water, and other general supplies.
And his “chilling instead watch the info” can be a hint that he is now from some branch related to Intelligence or Logistics.
So, my theory is: Robert ak Kelvin - Logistics Quartermaster Officer with a Degree in Brain Injury.
And I love him.
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sees-text-shenans · 1 year
Minato and Kotone Lore 👁️👁️
Both born on January 8th, 1992
Parents names were Mei and Kaito Arisato
Moved from relative to relative after their parent’s deaths, but stuck with their Grandma in Yasoinaba when they moved with her in 2005
Mei was a dancer, Kaito was a music producer, so naturally they both ended up loving music
Were given their MP3’s the day that the accident happened
Only Minato went to Iwatodai, Kotone wasn’t interested and told him to go himself. It took a LOT of convincing but he left. Ko instead stayed with their grandma and has been studying to go into nursing school so she can be a care assistant for the elderly cus of it!! Kotone does visit Iwatodai occasionally and stays at the dorm (and since she is a Persona user, they let her come with to Tarty expeditions.
Since Minato came back to Iwatodai, he has not stepped on the Moonlight Bridge once (until the last shadow happened) Kotone just so happened to be there visiting when the mission happened and had tagged along to join the fight. Minato had a breakdown when they got there and Kotone had stepped up to be the leader (Fuuka stayed with Minato!)
They’re total opposites, but they complete each other in the things they lack
They share a favorite Sanrio character: Little Twin Stars, Kiki and Lala. Their mom always called them her Little Stars because of LTS and the twins came to really like them!!! They have matching phone LTS charms, Minato has Kiki and Kotone has Lala!!!
He was born first by 5 and a half minutes and teased Kotone relentlessly about it (not so much anymore)
He is really shy with new people, so much so he’ll go completely mute, but once he warms up to someone, he’ll be more expressive and open.
Kotone is the only person who’s seen his true self (before SEES came along at least)
He’s always been at Kotone’s side, so when he left for Iwatodai alone, he felt empty, and wouldn’t really interact with any of SEES outside of missions until after the Priestess mission.
He likes to collect CDs and manga
In track and photography club
insanely socially awkward someone save this man
tends to speak before he thinks, so he unintentionally upsets people and doesn’t realize
Gets embarrassed easily lol
Owns a guitar but sucks at playing it
He also writes lyrics!!!!
His second favorite Sanrio character is Kuromi fight me on that
He bought his first keyboard after getting a lot of money from Tartarus. He’s been getting into making music just like his dad did !!!
Listens to a little bit of everything, but really likes metal and late 90’s-early 00’s rap
He listens to his dad’s CDs and his mom’s VHS tapes of her dancing all the time just see her face and hear his voice…He’s scared that he’ll burn them out lol Kotone can’t stand to watch and lister to them because she’ll start to cry and she hates crying
He’s really good at dancing thanks to his mom, and even took ballet when he was younger.
He’s in love with Fuuka!!!!!!( sorry not sorry!!! lmao)
He’s dated both a guy and a woman in the past. He’s biromantic and demisexual.
She gets hyper easily and it made it hard for her to get friends early on, but she always had Minato so she was okay with it.
While she loves music, she’s never really wanted to compose or dance, she just loves listening to music.
Took a couple ballet lessons with Minato, but she didn’t like it so she quit. She did go watch him though!! Instead she started martial arts classes. she graduated with a black belt~
She uses a Naginata in battle, but she also uses her martial arts skills to beat shadow ass!!!! (Minato is so proud of his sister!!!!!)
Is a force to be reckoned with in Tartarus.. Minato was scared to let her join during her first trip to Tartarus, but after watching her stagger the Reaper in one punch (haha get it), he decided she’s just fine
She LOVES horror movies, much to Minato’s dismay (he…. doesn’t prefer them he‘ll but we all know he’s scared of them)
Always was the one to stand up for Minato since he never talked to anyone but his family. He would just sit there and take the bullying and Kotone was not having it!!!
When Kotone is home in Yasoinaba, she attends Yasogami high and works part-time as a tutor and at the Amagi Inn. She tends to spend time with the owner’s daughter and help her in her studys!!!!
She takes care of all the Inaba cats and updates Minato on the additions to their family everyday. (“Minty!! say hello to your new niece!” “My 17th niece.. Ko, you need to bring them here.” “Oh my god YES!!!”)
Kotone’s in drama club, but no sports clubs.
Ropes Minato into helping her practice lines cus secretly, he’s a really good actor too
Her second favorite Sanrio character is Tuxedo Sam, has a huge collection of Sam plushies (Minato won her a HUGE plush at a festival when they were 15)
also has a lot of plushies and squishmellows
pansexual club!!
Kotone falls in love too easily, and her crush changes like every week, but she never acts out on it cus she’s super nervous. (“OH MY GOD MINTY GUESS WHO I LIKE” “Who is it this time? Kanjiro-San, Chiko-Chan.. Ohh, or maybe do you like Karina-chan again?” “NO!!! ….It’s Tomo-kun…” “Oh, good luck.”) She’s never gone out with anyone cus of her shyness, but she’s also scared that she’ll fall in love with someone else during a relationship. She has gone on dates, but never made anything official.
On that note, Ko is a super flirty person! Max level rizz for sure
She loves hanging out with Ken!!! They learned that they both love Neo Featherman and talk about it all the time!!! She feels like she has a little brother and is happy she can be a big sister for once!!
She also loves her Junjun!!! They became super fast best friends, and she even helps Junpei with planning dates for him and Chidori!! Best wingwoman!!
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captain-mj · 2 years
Ooh ooh so Price tried to find the address on Selkie!Soap's file... What about Ghost? Maybe he wants to spend time on leave and lacking all social skills he just creeps on his file to find an address?
This is so funny because Ghost is a changeling in that au. He still has a home, but this is just... I like it.
Realized after writing part of this you meant Ghost creeps on Soap’s file. Thought you meant Price showing up to Ghost’s apartment to hangout. Disagreed with the idea of him having no social skills, but I was going to roll with it lol.  My apologies, hope you like the result despite it not quite fitting the ask.
Price rechecked Soap's file. Yep. That was the address. He hated that kid sometimes. Sure enough, he was 
Oh well, time to go to Ghost's apartment.
Price knocked on Ghost’s door and waited. He didn’t hear him inside but that didn’t mean anything. 
“Ghost, its your captain.”
The door almost instantaneously opened. “Captain, new mission?” Ghost had his ski mask on.
“Thought you took it off on leave?”
“Put it back on when you knocked. What’s happening? New mission? Need something?”
“No. Just wanted to check on you.” Price smiled at him. “You doing okay?”
“Terrible. Bored.”
“Okay, do you want to do something with me?”
Ghost hesitated, eyes narrowing. “What?”
“Soap’s address on file doesn’t exist. Need help finding where he lives.”
Ghost was already pulling on a jacket. “Hell yeah. Let’s go.” He started pulling on his shoes. 
Price looked inside, noticing the tons of plants and things everywhere. “How do you keep them alive?”
“I don’t. They’re fake.” Ghost stepped out. “So what do we know?”
“On file, he’s from Glasgow, but his plane dropped him off in Edinburgh. The address on file leads to an abandoned home that hasn’t been safe to live in since before Johnny was even born. It’s a roughly 5 hour drive.”
“You have your car?”
“Course. We’ll have a road trip.” 
Ghost, after two hours of them driving while listening to songs from the 80′s, the only music both of them listened to, got the idea to call Soap. Straight to voicemail the first time. The second time, a lady answered. Ghost put it on speakerphone.
“Hello?” The lady asked. “Who is this?”
They looked at each other. “Uh... Yeah. This is his Captain. From work.”
“Oh! Yes, he mentioned if you called to tell him. Is something wrong?”
“We’re coming to see him. Urgently.” Ghost spoke instead of Price.
“Ah.” She sounded the tiniest bit panicked. “What city are you two in?”
“We’re two hours from Edinburgh.” Price thought that would cut some time.
“Yes. Well, I’m his Máthair and he’s staying with me for the time being. I haven’t been feeling too well. I’ll send you our address.” 
“Thank you.” Price heard the dial tone before he finished. “Weird.”
“Something is definitely wrong.” Ghost said immediately. “How fast can you drive?”
Price turned off his cruise control and slammed on the gas.
Soap’s hair was wet when they got there. “Sorry, just got out the water guys.” He smiled, looking completely normal. 
Price stared at him. “You... alright?”
“Yeah, was just at the beach and didn’t want to deal with my phone. You guys good?”
Ghost stared at his chest and Price realized Soap was shirtless. He hit Ghost to make him stop staring and nodded. 
“yeah, we’re fine. Your address is wrong.”
“Oh? That it? Yeah, I’m going to be staying here on my leaves for a while. Just to help my Mam out.” Soap smiled. “Could’ve just texted me.”
Price shrugged. “Oh... You know...” Look, maybe he was just bored out of his mind like Ghost. “Thought I’d drop by?”
Soap looked at him oddly before turning to Ghost, seeing he wasn’t there. He had wandered over to where Soap’s mom was and she already had baby pictures out.
“I hate both of you so much.”
“Sorry, kid.”
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Ooh, Juke podcasters AU?
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Alright, I went back and forth on this for literal ages, but it is high time I actually post something so, I hope you like it! Happy Juke Jeudi! Also lol RIP me trying to write a summary, failing spectacularly and instead ending up with over 700 words of a relatively solid outline for a fic I'll probably never find time to write 🙃
A kinda-sorta-enemies-to-lovers with a classic misunderstanding and of course a HEA (that isn't really well thought out, but couldn't sit in my drafts any longer!)
Julie Molina doesn't really play music anymore since her mom died, but she does listen to it and talk about it at great length on her very popular podcast she started back in her junior year of college after a very interesting elective on the topic
Now, she's a bit of a celebrity in her own right, as episodes of her show, "The Studio" (where she reviews listener-submitted songs from up-and-coming bands in college towns all across America) reach thousands of listeners every week
Luke Patterson listens to music, talks about music and, of course, plays music in his band, Sunset Curve, with his two best friends Alex Mercer and Reggie Peters (they did have a fourth band member, Bobby Shaw, but that ended rather abruptly when Bobby decided he'd rather have a solo career with Sunset Curve's most popular songs)
Now, Sunset Curve is on the edge of celebrity - a rather stressful recon mission ensured Bobby no longer had access to their music (and no, they won't be telling that story anytime soon) - and they're calling in all of their favours to get a showcase slot at the famed venue, The Orpheum
(click to continue reading my rambling below the cut)
Luke has been working on the booking manager, Caleb, for weeks and he's finally agreed to book them a slot in two week's time...assuming they can sell half of the tickets for the show themselves by the time the doors open the night of the show [Alex has anxiously done the math on that and it works out to about 1300 tickets if Caleb expects them to sell the place out (he immediately had to do his breathing exercises after having that realization)]
Luckily, the two optimists in the band have a plan - submit their best song (along with a little plug about their show) to "The Studio", get a rave review, profit (read: sell a thousand tickets in less than 14 days)
Unbeknownst to the current members of the band, there is a reason why Sunset Curve has never been featured on "The Studio" before, despite being submitted a handful of times by local listeners
Back in freshman year, Julie went on an ill-fated blind date set up by her well-meaning but ultimately misguided roommate, with her cousin, one Bobby Shaw (it wasn't that Bobby wasn't a nice guy, but he talked mostly about his music with his band and when they passed a street piano on the way to the theatre, she accidentally let slip that she used to play music and he was like a dog with a bone and when she refused to show him what she could do, he got a little too bold - she had stormed away soon after, walking the 12 blocks back to campus blinking back tears) - hence her distaste towards the band
Now, Luke is nothing if not determined, so here we insert a chapter or two of him weaselling his way into "accidental" run-ins with Julie (maybe he figures out a mutual connection? - Willie knows Flynn knows Julie) who doesn't realize immediately who he is, but they obviously vibe
Once Julie figures out the connection there is a smidgen of hurt feelings and explanations and apologies, but eventually she is persuaded to feature them on her next episode (and even goes so far as to have the band in the studio to plead their case)
Lo' and behold! They sell the allotted tickets and the show goes off without a hitch - Julie is in attendance, only slightly begrudgingly having been dragged along by Flynn and Willie
She is obviously immediately smitten (more than she already was) by Luke's stage presence and also the way he winks at her during the bridge to Now or Never (listen, she's only human okay??)
Their set wraps up and there are congratulations all around and an invitation for post-show pizza and there are more vibes and some not-so-subtle suggestions from both Flynn and Reggie about chemistry and oozing that Julie and Luke are both trying very hard to ignore while they enjoy their pizza
Luke volunteers to walk Julie home since she lives a couple blocks over (there is jeering and a few not-so-subtle nudges from Reggie, a very serious stare-down along with a threatening "text me as soon as you're home safe" from Flynn)
The walk home is relatively quiet, when they get to her door Luke confesses he hopes he didn't mess this whole thing up by trying to get the band on her show, he'd really like to see her again, etc.. Julie assures him that he didn't..and he can see her again. There is a cute Juke kiss and ta da! The End.
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moonshinemusings · 2 years
General John "Soap" MacTavish headcanons (Pt.1)
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Warnings: slight mentions of canon typical violence, mentions of PTSD, anxiety and sensory issues
A/N: My head is full with so many dumb ideas but I kept it mostly serious here lol
• He flirts with everyone when he's drunk, and yes, that includes his teammates (once Price wanted to count how many times he hit on Ghost during the night, but eventually gave up)
• His favorite color is green
• Would totally own a motorcycle that he takes good care of. He has a knack for mechanical stuff and often repairs vehicles they use on missions
• Has a sweet tooth and others often tease him about it. If they let him, he could probably eat a whole cake by himself (and whine how bad his stomach hurts afterwards)
• Most of the time he's dealing well and he keeps himself together, but sometimes his emotions break through the surface. He rarely cries, but when a wave of PTSD or lethargy hits him, the tears flow without resistance. He powers through his emotions though, and he knows his teammates are always there to support him if he needs them
• His anxiety isn't as bad as some others, but from time to time he struggles with staying calm and rational. These incidents usually happen when he overthinks missions or panics when someone gets injured, but someone is always there to help him calm down
• Most likely he has some sensory issues too, but only with very specific things that he fortunately doesn't often counter every day
• Often takes pictures while working out. Mirror selfies are his go-to, but videos of him doing push ups or lifting weights is also in order
• He was never that good at school, that's partly why he chose to serve in the military
• His music taste is really inconsistent. He listens to rock most of the time, but then he suddenly switches to pop songs and country out of nowhere. The worst part? He knows a bunch of country songs and will sing along loudly. Ghost thinks it's atrocious, especially with his accent
• Hug lover, an enthusiast if you will. He's a touchy-feely guy to begin with, but he loves hugs more than any other kind of touching (bet he has the warmest and most comfy ones)
• He's afraid of spiders. He likes to say he's not afraid of mundane things like animals, but spiders send shivers down his spine (once Price had to take one out from his bag because he was too afraid to touch it. No, they don't talk about it.)
• In his younger years he experimented with different hairstyles and colors. For a while he rocked a mullet, then came the idea of the mohawk that stayed ever since. He's had green, red and blue hair once, but never kept them longer than a few weeks
• As much as he acts like it annoys him, he likes dad jokes and those really bad ones Ghost usually comes up with
• No musical talent whatsoever, but that won't stop him from singing when he's drunk or when his favourite songs come up
• Has thought about getting more tattoos, but couldn't decide what to ask for so he never got them
• His favourite meal of the day is breakfast. Don't know why, don't ask, I just feel like he would be a breakfast "I stuff my face with calories in the morning" type of guy
• A morning bird, which used to annoy the shit out of Ghost because he was too cheery for someone who was awake at like 5 AM
• He's a deep sleeper, once he's safe and asleep even a bomb won't wake him up. He can fall asleep anywhere too. Once he conked out on the plane on the way to a checkpoint and Ghost has never let him live it down ever since
• We know that he used to play football, but he was also good at every other sport (except maybe gymnastics). He loved basketball, but he was always teased about being too short to reach the nets. That didn't stop him from scoring though
• He used to go to a lot of concerts with his friends. He's totally the type of guy to have a girl on his shoulders so she can see better
• He's not a womanizer by any means; he's only ever had one serious relationship and that didn't last too long either. He had a few one night stands, but he doesn't really seek any relations outside of his work related ones
• As a kid he used to have those sticky glow in the dark stars on his ceiling/wall
• He can't keep plants alive for the life of him
• His favourite season is spring because he's not too cold but not too hot either. The weather is perfect for his morning jogs
• He might seem egotistical sometimes, but in reality he just loves basking in the attention he gets. And he knows he looks good, so why wouldn't he talk about it
• It's not easy to rile him up and he's good at keeping his cool, but when he's frustrated or downright angry you better hope he doesn't attempt to fix the situation with fists instead of words
• Others might tease him for being stupid sometimes, but he's actually smart. Not academically smart, but street-smart if you know what I'm talking about
• In the future, he wants to have children of his own. In the present he focuses on his job and takes it very seriously, since it's the most important in his life next to his family. But he doesn't shy away from the thoughts of retiring and settling down with his children and a wife
• He enjoys cartoons in some situations. He knows they are dumb and not even funny, but after difficult missions he likes to have them as a background noise or something that can take his mind off the things that happened
• He has two older sisters, so has a lot of experience living with women. Once they waxed his arms as a joke, but he kind of liked it. They settled on an agreement after that: whenever they were all home and had the time, they would do it for him again if he wanted
• Also, because of that his room is also one of the cleanest out of everyone. He keeps everything organized and tidy, and doesn't like when his stuff is out of order
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letters-to-rosie · 11 months
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talk revolution to me: arcane fanfiction playlist
there are few moments more exciting as a fanfic author than when someone makes something inspired by your work. in this case, we have a playlist made by @arrowdite, and in this post, because there were rationales for every song picked, I wanted to respond! the playlist is a work in progress, and this post is, too! thanks again, friend! 💖💖💖
check out the fic here!
1. Black Sheep - this is pulled from my regular Timebomb playlist. I think it fits the state we find Ekko and Powder in, regardless of the universe. Now that the truth is just a rule that you can bend / You crack the whip, shape-shift, and trick the past again
I really like the lines you pulled out on the past for this one. The vibe of the song, like sonically, is very Powder I feel, and the lines about the past really fit with how I just kind of drop the reader into the story, into Powder and Ekko's relationship in the main timeline, before I bothered to explain how they got like that in the first place lol. Their own lack of understanding about what really happened between them and the other's motivations when they were kids is such a big part of their arc, so these lyrics really fit, not just the ship in general but this... articulation, I guess lol, of them.
2. Run Wild - I imagine Powder listening to this song to hype herself up as she heads to The Last Drop in chapter 2. I think some of the lyrics in the chorus fit her when we first meet her, too: determined, but aimless. I’m on a mission and I won’t stop / No destination but it’s worth a shot
For two, she wasn’t going to go. She wasn’t. But then she got back to her apartment, dumped her bag out on the floor, and saw that stupid green eye staring back up at her. She has nightmares about green eyes, sometimes waking, sometimes sleeping. Her worst ones are the what-ifs—if she had just done something different that day, or any of the days preceding it, what kind of life would she be living? Some of the what-ifs hurt for their immateriality, while others make her happy for what she’s got. And with Viktor, the human manifestation of her meager impulse control, gone for the weekend, Powder put on some music, dolled herself up, and got on the move.
She'd be playing this while getting ready haha, dancing in her apartment and feeling angry in a way she can't express right. She really is wild in that chapter. And that aimless state is so important, because Ekko is kinda right when he says she's not offering any alternative, but that's not even what she's trying to do at that point. Plus, this song is just fun, and I feel like Powder would like it lol. I also really enjoy the Thutmose reference, bringing it back to Ekko!
3. Pathetic - Powder’s opinion of Ekko at this point in the story, revealed when he makes his first appearance in chapter 2. …It's been / 1460 days since we were alright / You're having trouble sleeping and I think I know why / 1460 days since we were alright / But now you're just pathetic, I said it
Okay, I just really like this one hahahahaha like?? I can't even describe what exactly it is about it, but after a couple listens, it just stuck in my head. But considering "pathetic" is a word Powder uses in their fight at the end of chapter 2, it gets that other layer of meaning. The irony here is that Powder doesn't know why Ekko has trouble sleeping—and in Ekko's POV, we see how different that night plays out to him. In her head, he's just this posturing villain, and he is like that a little bit, but she has no idea the cognitive dissonance she's about to inflict on this man. Until later, hehehe. It's also fun to imagine Powder dancing to this one with a hairbrush as a mic. I'm sure y'all get the vision.
4. Pieces Of The People We Love - A character song for Powder. She has lost a lot of people and carries their memories with her, across distance (Vi), change (Ekko), and even death (Vander, Tovan, Mylo, Claggor, her parents…). As much as it can pain her, she keeps those people close to her heart. I think this is one of her strengths. She may not know how to express it, but she has a lot of love to give. Like when her empathy is on display at the hospital; though she doesn’t know the people there, they get to her. She takes them with her. Decides to stop looking away. Start her club. In short, the pieces of the people she loves are what drive her to build a better future. And all our time together is tearing me apart / I can't hold you tomorrow but I hold you in my heart
I remember I was actually really nervous about writing Jinx as a main character, just because I tend to relate more to Vi in canon, but working on this fic led me to appreciating things that hadn't stood out to me before. Jinx literally keeps versions of the people she lost near her because of how heavily the trauma weighs on her. I wanted revolution!Powder to have some of that same energy. The song has this kind of anxious energy, and I feel like that connects well with how Powder feels throughout the chapter. She's really knocked off-kilter in chapter 3, and she has to decide how she's going to deal with not only what Ekko said but what she's going to do with these "pieces of people she loves," and that really is what motivates her. She takes off the blinders and decides to empathize with others. I'm like a proud mom lol I love her!
5. Memories - Chapter 5, Ekko and Powder’s reunion at the community center. How Powder remembers Ekko and how he appears to her now juxtapose each other in her mind’s eye. And it’s reciprocated: Ekko is baffled to see her. I imagine they’re both confused about how to rectify the discrepancy in their minds. My memories came back in the form of someone else / …Why won’t you love me now? Why won't you love me now? / …You shouldn’t be on your high horse, we’re not so stable anymore
Yeah, they were both very confused lmao. They both have very preconceived notions of who the other is, and they don't really take well to the disruption to that. I alluded to it in the notes, and he says it outright in chapter 20, but Ekko really thought Powder was following him lol. And Powder accuses him of stalking her, even though she's able to put together that he went to school in that neighborhood way back in the day and would probably have some connections in that part of the city. She's also very much on a project to knock Ekko off his high horse after he retaliates with that threat. But as the creator of this playlist pointed out in a comment on this chapter, Ekko's not the only one being self-righteous! Plus more Thutmose! Yayyyyyy (for those who might not know, he's one of the people who provides Ekko's voice for True Damage!)
6. Hard Times - Chapter 6, but applies to Powder’s whole situation. “Vi huffs. ‘You gotta stop being so hard on yourself, Pow.’ ‘Tell life to be softer on me.’”
Is this the time to admit that I fully fit into that stereotype that black people love Paramore? I have a friend who's black and Brazilian and apparently the stereotype travels lmao. But I actually hadn't heard this particular song before, and I really enjoy it! Another one for Powder to dance and have a crisis to. But the funny thing about the particular quote from chapter 6 that was pulled here is it was actually inspired by another song with kind of similar enegry? "Softer to Me" by Relient K, because I grew up during a time when "Sadie Hawkins Dance" and "Be My Escape" were big hits, and that band was pretty formative for my teen years. I used to listen to them and Paramore on playlists I made in the late 2000s, so the connection was really fun for me!
7. Same Soul - Another song pulled from my Timebomb playlist. This one is kinda meta. They’re in a different universe, literally, since this is an AU, so it’s like they’re meeting again in different bodies. But it also works in-universe, since they’re meeting again after so much has happened and they don’t recognize who they were to each other. Figuratively—but also, Ekko’s eyes are green now. Would your heart know if I met you in a brand-new set of bones? / …I’m just somebody that you used to know
Also just really love this one, particularly the chorus, and especially the one after the bridge. I also thought of it in connection to Powder's feelings about Vi and meeting her after her years in prison. There are places where I make it explicit that Powder's feelings about Ekko and Vi are interlinked in some ways (particularly the poem at the end of chapter 17). This also fits well with Powder's gradual realization of how different Ekko's life is and how he has different people in it, which comes out strongly in chapter 12.
8. Starboy - This song makes me think of Revolution-verse Ekko. He’s under so much pressure and has to present a particular image to be effective in a lonely, high-stakes role he doesn’t like to play. And from Powder’s perspective, he does certain things just to hurt [her]. Look what you’ve done / I’m a motherfuckin’ starboy
Ekko definitely plays mind games. It's one of the traits I pulled out of his Arcane portrayal and turned up to eleven to make an "antihero" version of him. The first verse of this song I feel like connects to that part of him, and the second connects to the part that is tired of the games that are part and parcel of the shimmer business and take up so much of his time to push back against, even if he dismisses them as uncreative (and even if that comes back to haunt him). Everything he does is pretty much calculated to keep that inner universe steady and keep his head on amongst all Silco's allies as he comes into that more... administrative role. And Powder does see him as having particular tools to hurt her because of their history, as well.
The mac and cheese is baked as it should be. It is Powder’s sole consolation in this stupid, awful world. She ought to be able to enjoy the scene in front of her, but she can’t. Every time she interacts with Ekko, she comes away feeling like trash. Their history gives him a unique ability to make her miserable, and she knows, somewhere deep in her bones, that Ekko isn’t going to let this lie. Their little peace is over, and as long as she keeps coming to the community center, she’ll likely have to prepare for battle on a regular basis.
9. Undo - Chapter 8, the argument on the bridge from Powder’s perspective. You've been pouring gasoline in your living room / Light a cigarette while you complain about the fumes / Who are you to talk? / …Oh, come on, just say something / No, go ahead, tell me, what do I need?
Some of these lyrics kind of parallel a song I am trying to advance as a timebomb song, "Percogesic" by Gallant. But I think the lyrics here— You're so shook when I look right past you So surprised you don't get an answer Guess no one told you, now I told you We're not living in the forties Ain't it weird to feel small 'n stuff? —connect very nicely to Powder not answering Ekko's question at the end of chapter 8, even though it doesn't surprise him. He will get an answer, just not directly, and that's the surprise! But the lyrics in general remind me of them, how Powder is unwilling to give him that power over her; even though Ekko's presence does make her upset, he's far from the only problem she has. As she says at the end of chapter 9, "...she will handle Ekko. But first, she has to handle herself."
10. < Coping Mechanism > - Powder lost a lot the night of the explosion, including Ekko—from her perspective, willingly—to Silco. She sees Ekko as an adversary, but it’s because she feels betrayed. Now that he’s back in her life, she’s forced to look at some ill-timed big feelings in chapter 9. I've wasted so much time / Hating myself for trying / ...Had your eyes locked on someone else / No, you couldn't help it / Or could you?
Somehow this playlist beat me to announcing my headcanon that revolution!Powder would be a Willow fan, haha. Their energies match in my head. Plus, bi solidarity! But anyway lol, the song mentions voices in her head, which is very relevant for chapter 9, and there's this sense that the lyrics are questioning whether the situation in the song is predestined or not. I also like these lyrics for them: Fun fact, I really wanna fuckin' make you cry It just isn't right, so enticing just like you Mastermindin' every fight Rivers flowin' from my eyes No emotion from your side Fun fact, I'm the worst, it's true Fun fact, I learned it all from you I need a coping mechanism now, every night
11. An Honest Mistake - Chapter 9. Powder’s Anniversary feelings catch up to her. My old friend / I swear I never meant for this / I never meant— / Don’t look at me that way / It was an honest mistake
Powder really does see the accident as an honest mistake (because it was!!!), and I haven't written it yet, but there's a reason Powder doesn't see Ekko's expression in the scene where he finds her mid-breakdown. She's assuming he's looking at her a certain way, and she doesn't even know. I love drama lmao
12. Our Own House - Chapter 12, the porch scene. Powder’s group becomes official. It’s the culmination of and launching pad for so many things in Powder’s life, and for Powder as a character. We built our own house, own house / With our hands over our hearts / And we swore on that day / That it’ll never fall apart
The porch scene!! It really solidifies Powder's friendships with her club, and it so much of the politics I've been trying to explore is about that "own house" building. There are a lot of things we can't change, but building solidarity with people around us and working to build something that will take better care of us than the current system does is certainly a place to start. This gets a nice theoretical resonance in a book I recently read for class, Olúfẹ́mi Táíwò's Elite Capture: How the Powerful Took Over Identity Politics (And Everything Else). The theory is doing a lot lol, but he advances it in the hopes of putting forward this idea he calls "constructive politics," which is about building new rooms and houses, as he puts it, where we can create more equal ways of relating to each other and the world. A tall order, but I like to dream big. He also talks about how Pedagogy of the Oppressed was used in the liberation struggles of Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau, and that is just super fucking cool haha.
13. Zanies and Fools - Chapter 12. The porch scene is such a pivotal moment for Powder, it deserves two songs. It may sound corny, but together, anything really is possible. (This song is a real-life reminder of that truth for me and I get emotional nearly every time I listen to it.) This song also recounts how Chance the Rapper met his future wife and I’m not saying that’s Ekko and Powder but I’m not not saying it 👀 I'm so powerful every time I look at you / No  memory of anything I couldn't do / …Everything will go right as it can / It's possible
It's true! If it weren't, there wouldn't be so much effort put into preventing solidarity on the part of the powers that be. If y'all will allow me a theoretical moment, there's this part in the Bible that says the wisdom of God runs contrary to people's wisdom, and I think that's interesting if we think of that in terms of how often we're told that humans are rationally selfish and human nature is greedy and violent and everything else. Acknowledging this is considered common sense, but we also know from practical experience that people are also often kind and generous, and we can choose to lean into that and cultivate it. Believing anything is possible is considered foolish, but how else do we change things, you know? Outside of the connection this could have to the porch scene itself, there's also a link to the way that Ekko sees Powder as constantly pushing what he thinks is possible, which is why she inspires him so much. They're so cute. Help lol
14. Montage - Chapter 13. Powder reminisces about the childhood she shared with Ekko. Tears soaked, we still make each other laugh / Fabricating a montage of our love / All the things we were gonna do fade away / We grew up and apart and we’re not the same
This one is a little funny to me just because it's so different from the song I chose to quote at the start. But it's a nice little flip side, because where I had a more... I almost wanna say cynical approach to that chapter, not necessarily in the content, but because I was the only person who knew where that moment would lead, it was almost like I was poking fun at it, but that's not how it is for Powder and Ekko. And she does make him laugh! That's how she gets through to him. The idea of the montage pairs really nicely with the play and the curtains that frame Powder's reminiscing in the chapter.
15. Let Me Down Easy - A song from Ekko’s perspective of chapter 13. Ekko expects Powder to tell him to fuck off forever when he offers, but it’s not what he wants. Despite how awful they’ve been to each other, despite expecting rejection, his care for her comes through. He holds her in higher esteem than she believes. I also like that the song mentions lemonade, a callback to the porch scene. It’s not a, a bad time, time spent with you / There’s cool lights and songs with good lyrics / We never have to talk again, whatever, up to you
Lol the lemonade needs to come back to tie things together in the plot. But this is a pretty good summary of where they are at this point. Ekko certainly doesn't think they'll be friends again, and he's willing to give Powder peace even if it means closing the door on the possibility that they could become close later. His care comes through, and he really doesn't expect the slightest bit of reciprocation, but Powder surprises him again (and gets ice cream for her troubles, lol).
16. Get Free - Another character song for Powder. I feel like this one could be Powder’s/this fic’s thesis statement: Not trying to get by / I’m trying to get free
I need Mereba to drop a new album because she keeps clowning us on instagram, and I have complained about this with a friend before lol. That said, I really think the title of the project this song (and "Black Truck," which gets quoted in chapter 25) comes from is really apt as well: The Jungle Is the Only Way Out. That phrase really sums up Powder's journey very well, and she really is trying to free herself from the structures that come more and more sharply into view as she applies herself to helping others and working towards change. And while this can be discouraging, she keeps pushing because she wants to be free. Very relatable feeling. Side note, I feel like "Sandstorm," another one of her songs featuring JID is a good timebomb song.
17. RICKY - An Ekko song. Particularly obvious in Chapter 16, at the hospital. “‘Catch more flies with honey than vinegar.’ Ekko scratches at his scalp. ‘But jealousy makes people do crazy things.’” His success doesn’t secure his safety. He has to deal with people he’d rather avoid or, at worst, would see him killed. But he’s successful because he takes wisdom from multiple—even contradicting—places, uses it the best he can, learns quickly, and doesn’t forget who he is. First they mockin', now they hoppin' / All on the wave 'cause they see me poppin' / Big-big-big large pockets, they start flockin' / Here's what I say when they ass keep knockin'
This is so funny to me lol. For reference, I quoted the title song from the ZUU album in chapter 6, and this is the track that follows it. There are a lot of themes (and I have a lot of feelings about Denzel's music, but this is not the time because otherwise we'll be here all day) about family and parenthood in Ekko's side of the story, so I think this is a good fit, even though it never occurred to me! He keeps things that belonged to his parents close and thinks about them often. Advice they've given him features in his inner monologue as well. But it's also true that people are trying to get things from him, and it's all catching up. (Chapter 16 also has a Denzel Curry song quoted in it, "Chrome Hearts" ft. Zacari and the Cold Blooded Soul Band; extra fun fact, I can rap this whole song lmao).
18. Dancing in a Daydream - Chapter 18. Ekko and Powder see each other at the club, on the balcony and dance floor respectively. This is, admittedly, the more angsty of the song options I had for this moment. I chose it because the lyrics describe a moment as temporary as the one they share. We've reached the palace but I'm betting that it won't last / Bright lights and mirror ball / We might be hurting but I'm ready for the free fall
It's fine if this is an angsty choice, because Powder's pretty angsty by the end of the chapter as she develops her plan to set things straight with Ekko, lol. The dream imagery of the chapter pairs nicely here. The song I picked for it is a pretty different vibe, and so is the song I could have picked but didn't think of in time, Kehlani's "Hate the Club," which is also a nice match. Between the three songs, you can choose your fighter lol. I like the name of this band, though. Fits the vibe, and me lol
19. Ego - Chapter 20. Ekko and Powder have a difficult conversation in Ekko’s hotel room. They’ve both been working on their egos, going by their ability to have one at all. (Thank you for recommending me this song forever ago, btw, it’s lovely.) Easy for me to care and you want me there / …I’m working on my ego
Y'ALL. This is my current favorite song. It has been since I first heard it. You gotta get like almost 4 minutes in before that switch comes in, but the strings and the bass... like it's truly magical. If you have headphones, I recommend using them. Done advertising lol. But that part at the end has nice lyrics for them too, as well as the beginning: Is that you, baby? Check when you're makin' no sense In this hotel bed Feels like, "What are we doin'?" Which is pretty on the nose lol, but I like it, and then toward the end: Don't wanna run Every time I get that feelin', I just rather be stuck Putting my favorite song at the most pivotal chapter, I'm emotional haha. The instrumental catharsis it provides matches the way the chapter is designed to build, too.
20. My Friend - By the end of chapter 20, Ekko and Powder clear the air. They reach a new understanding of each other. You’ve seen me from every side / Still down for the ride
These lyrics also capture part of why they work well as a couple; they work on most of their major issues before they even date, haha. On a more serious note, Powder really does get a real picture of what Ekko's dealing with, and to his surprise, she decides to stick by him and extend kindness. Just like in other situations throughout the story, Powder changes things by choosing to be understanding and kind. Perhaps it is cliche, but Powder/Jinx is a character who feels very deeply. I think it works.
21. Same Heart - You know I had to pick a song by Reed Shannon. This one has themes of reconnection while there’s action out in the streets. The moment Ekko and Powder part in chapter 21 feels like the start of something new, so I thought it fit. Baby, maybe we can do it again / Let’s restart, I’m your friend
In case you didn't know, Reed Shannon is Ekko's voice actor in the game AND in Arcane. As far as I know, he's the only voice actor from the game who reprised his role in Arcane. I love the 2000s r&b vibes on this one, very me. The fun thing is that Ekko realizes his feelings for Powder when he wakes up after the whole... hotel thing, and so there are a couple layers of meaning here. And it was just the night before that Scar was doing the stuff, so there was very much action in the streets! Really fun easter egg-type song to include.
22. Dirty - Caitlyn’s reveal in chapter 22 absolutely gets a song on this playlist. Full disclosure, I’m not convinced this is the one. But I like that it asks the question, “Do you love your neighbor?” because it has multiple meanings here: Piltover and Zaun are neighbor cities, and the rent strike is about helping your literal neighbors. And I like that some lyrics sound like they’re written by a schemer, like Caitlyn. I got a skeleton under the floorboard / I got a secret I need you to keep / …Aren't you fed up yet? / Do you have enough love in your heart / To go and get your hands dirty?
Caitlyn still has stuff up her sleeve in the plot! But she is very much a schemer, both in canon and the fic. Caitlyn's arc is very much about learning how the systems of exploitation that keep Piltover and Zaun in their places operate and using her influence to mess with that. Even if she doesn't get everything from the outset, she's determined to learn from Powder, and she's motivated by love, primarily for Vi, but also for the fellow people who are suffering under the name of the City of Progress.
23. Choose Me - Chapter 27, Powder and Vi’s fight. Powder is working hard to build a life she and Vi can be proud of, but they need different things. Vi doesn’t see what Powder does for Zaun and why, so Powder wonders how Vi can see her for who she is. How can Vi want her? I know there are places that I can't go with you / …I'd rather you choose me every day
OH BOY, there's a reason chapter 27's title has "tragedy" in it. Powder does want to be chosen by Vi, all of her, and not just the parts Vi understands. Vi's own trauma really does prevent her from seeing things from Powder's perspective. There are places she can't go because of how much pain they cause her, and while Powder's working on reaching out more, she wants the same from Vi. At the same time, Vi feels like Powder is choosing Zaun over her in a sense, so it works on both levels.
24. Call You Mine - Chapter 30. “Yeah, she decides later, lying in bed and looking up at the ceiling. She’s going to tell him.” Baby, can I call you mine, mine? / ‘Cause you're always in my mind, mind
This one is so hopeful! It's a big shift after the content of chapter 30, but Powder really is at that point where Ekko represents a bright spot in her life. They've been working to know each other better, and Powder's friends are cheering her on to go after something that would make her happy. It speaks to how sweet these two turned out to be in the fic, which was probably a surprise to everyone (including me lol, since it grew out of things I came up with as I was writing).
25. Hummingbird - Ekko and Powder steal moments when they can, resulting in long text convos and late-night phone calls. Pen pal on the night shift / She’s who I get away with / …And hummingbird, I know that’s our time / But stay on / Stay on, stay on with me / And hummingbird, I can never unsee / What you've shown me
The OG interlude! Even if it makes them both tired, they prioritize each other in those long convos and calls. You could almost imagine this playing in the background while the two of them are shown split-screen talking on the phone, lying in their beds.
26. Like 90s R&B - Ekko spends the night at Powder’s place and already she can’t wait to see him again. Feel like I was only seeking you, already got me feening for more / I spend all my time daydreaming, got me living for the weekend, oh no
I am an r&b girlie, what can I say. This one was a lot of fun! Powder really is in too deep, like the lyrics say. But so is Ekko, haha. I think the song will only fit more as they keep getting closer, getting frustrated with the things that make it so they can't be as open with their relationship as they'd want.
27. Offense - End of chapter 33. Powder announces herself to the wealthy of Piltover with her excellent award acceptance speech. Figured I should say some', but you don't wanna hear me vent / You can talk bad all day long, I will never be impressed / Dunno what I did to make you feel that you be earnin' my respect / …I said it with my chest and I don’t care who I offend, uh huh
Simz always has so much confidence in her music, haha. This song goes really nicely with the title of chapter 33, "polemics in free verse," which implies that Powder is attacking someone else's ideas through poetry. It really fits perfectly; Powder refuses to be taken in by the glitz and glamor, choosing instead to point out the people who make it all possible. All Power to the People indeed.
gif was sourced from here
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sushisocks · 1 year
hi i just finished rdr2, really love your stuff (FINALLY a blog that properly info dumps!! keep them coming please!!). i don't know if this is your thing, but the song I Gave You All by Mumford & Sons makes me think of arthur so much because each lyric corresponds so perfectly to his ending. obviously it's in the song title (arthur's "i gave you all i had"), but the lines "how can you say that your truth is better than ours?" and "you rip out all i had just to say that you've have won" makes me wonder what arthur's last thoughts really were?? the song has a very bitter tone, which is opposite of the game, but i can't actually tell what arthur's last words are supposed to mean, especially with him repeating "i tried...i did." were the "i dids" meant to be a plead for mercy (to remind dutch of his lifelong loyalty in hopes that he's spared from a violent death) or was it meant to be sympathetic (to indicate that they were both doomed men who were only trying their best)? or was it an apology, like "i did all i could, but it wasn't enough"? knowing his level of self esteem/guilt i think arthur would feel a very heavy obligation and responsibility, so it makes sense for him to say "i did all i could, but it still wasn't enough because i was not good enough," but he seemed to be very accepting of his death. sorry if this was rambly/late to the party, i would love to hear your thoughts about it!!!
Oh, Anon, this is the sort of thing I LOVE seeing in my askbox, I am kissing you on the lips rn for giving me the permission to talk about this so lets TALK about it!! (Sorry it took me a minute to get to it, I had to rotate ur questions in my mind for a bit so I could best formulate my thoughts, you know how it is)
First off, I Gave You All by Mumford & Sons is SUCH a good RDR2/Arthur song, I agree hugely on this, and it makes a LOT of sense for the ending notes, especially on a High Honor/Save John run. I've been listening to it on repeat since I saw ur ask, all while typing this up, and I got a lil emotional at times man. I love music recs and while I know some Mumford & Sons songs this was a recontextualization I very much needed in my life thank u <3
The rest of this is LONG so putting in a read more to save my mutuals lol
Okay, so, I now have a LOT of thoughts about what's going through Arthur's mind and what he might've meant at the end of his last mission, so lets get into it. To begin with I want to list out the lines that are said in this scene, so we're all on the same page. (Helpfully and lovingly pulled from the gamescripts wiki blog, which my life has revolved around for the past year and a half)
Dutch van der Linde: It is over now… Arthur. It’s over. Arthur Morgan: Oh, Dutch… he’s a rat. You know it and I know it. Micah Bell: He’s sick… he’s dying… he’s talking crazy. Pinkerton: There! Up there on the ridge! Arthur Morgan: (to Dutch) I gave you all I had… I did. Dutch van der Linde: I… Micah Bell: Come on. Dutch… let’s go, buddy. We made it. We won. Come on. Arthur Morgan: John made it. He’s the only one. Rest of us… no. But… I tried. In the end… I did. Micah Bell: (to Dutch) Come on… let's go. We can make it. Come on, Dutch… come on!
So WHAT is going on here? Surface level, this is the last appeal to Dutch. The last battle of wills between Micah and Arthur, where Arthur is STILL trying to make Dutch see sense. I think it's an important part of Arthur's character to understand that he believes, until the very bitter end, that there's a chance for him to reach through to Dutch. It's the main reason he heads back to camp, after saving Abigail. Milton has told him Micah is the rat, and Arthur believes that if he can just get back to camp and tell Dutch the truth, that will be it. He, erroneously, believes his word alone will be enough.
But the thing is, in my opinion, in a way Arthur is RIGHT! He DOES reach through to Dutch, but he has to die for it. That is what the "I gave you all I had" line is for.
It is Dutch, unsure who to believe. It is Micah, screaming for Dutch to listen to him. And it is Arthur, gently reminding Dutch: I devoted my entire life to you, all that I know has been with you, all that I am has come from you.
Arthur would have gone to the ends of the Earth for Dutch -- he would be grumbling and complaining the entire time, but he'd still do it if Dutch asked. He is, in this moment, telling Dutch, I gave you all I had and you took it, there is nothing left but my death, what reason do I have to lie?
It is the crack in the wall, a small moment of clarity for Dutch, which has him leave them both on that cliff, which has him turn up again 8 years later and kill Micah. Not enough to turn on Micah right away, but enough to truly have Dutch stop and reconsider. Because with those words Arthur is not only speaking on his own behalf, whether or not he knows it. He is reminding Dutch of everyone else who has died for him; Grimshaw, Molly, and Hosea, as the most notable ones, I think. Arthur slots neatly in with those three as people who truly devoted their everything to Dutch, gave him all they had, of life and time and energy, and were served nothing but death, destruction, and heartache in return.
It stuns Dutch; for once he is truly speechless, having to reckon with Arthur's words and what they mean, what they imply. Micah knows Arthur's words are more impactful, and keeps trying to sway him to his side, for ends we can only really guess at. But we already know there's no chance Dutch will go with Micah at this point. But he also wont stay with Arthur.
Then: "John made it. He’s the only one. Rest of us… no. But… I tried. In the end… I did."
One of Arthur's main objectives in Chapter 6 is saving as many people of the gang as possible. The Pinkertons are closing in and, while Arthur believes that it's just bad luck until Milton tells him otherwise, he still hopes for the best outcome possible, for the women and children, as he says.
Which is why he says John made it. Because to Arthur, John's making it, means the women and children making it. It means Abigail, Tilly, Sadie, and Jack, all waiting at Copperhead Landing, are not waiting in vain. It is the reassurance that they will be fine, and the idea that John might finally actually step up and be the father Arthur has so desperately wanted him to be for Jack. To Arthur, John making it is the best outcome.
But he still wanted to save as many people as possible. Dutch, Javier, and Bill included. They were still Arthur's friends and family. They still mattered to him. But I think Arthur realizes, dying upon that cliff, that there's no way out for them anymore. They'll get off this mountain and continue their way of living, and the government will keep hunting them. He is essentially saying the rest of them are just as doomed as Arthur is, even if Arthur is the one currently dying. And he tried.
I want to say that Arthur saying he tried, is both about saving the gang, and about being better. There are SO many interactions you can have in chapter 6 alone that's about being better than you were. Edith Downes, Sister Calderòn, Charles, Rains Fall, and Mary-Beth are just SOME that I can think of, at the top of my head. I think in this moment, Arthur is reaffirming to himself that at the very least he tried. He did everything he could, in the time that he had. He doesn't know if that's enough, or if it means more than what it is, but he tried, and that, to him, HAS to mean something.
It is him accepting that this is the end, and that he doesn't know!! He genuinely doesn't!! If he has done enough to actually change the course of events!! But God do I love the message of Arthur finding peace in having tried. In having done what he could, and seeing what changes he could, and knowing in that last breath, watching that rising sun, that he did make a difference.
Do I think Arthur is angry or bitter when he passes? Not in a High Honor/Save John run, no. I think he is disappointed and sad with Dutch. But I also think he has found a place within himself where he can accept that this is it, for him. And he is hopeful for those whom he has saved, who got out of there and live to see another day.
He gave his all, and he really really tried, and he finds peace in the end. How simultaneously heartbreaking and heartening isn't that?
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: "Hera's Heroes"
*whispers* Is our favorite blue bastard back? Oh you betcha.
The episode title seems to be a reference to Hogan's Heroes, an old boomer-era TV show dark comedy sitcom about a P.O.W. camp in Nazi Germany.
...No listen, the charm is, I'm told, that the German officers are portrayed as bumbling idiots and the P.O.W.s basically run an entire clandestine resistance campaign right under their noses. So there are all kinds of shenanigans involved and a lot of taking the piss out of the Axis Powers and honestly some of it seems right in line with what kind of mischief the Rebels have been known to get into so the shoutout makes sense to me.
Cham and Numa return!
"The Empire is getting better at anticipating our moves!" Ha ha yeah he... he has a tendency to do that. It's a little scary sometimes.
Now taking bets on whether or not Thrawn showing up on Ryloth was premeditated in order to draw the Spectres out.
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"My daughter is always serious." Lol, love how this joke comes back later.
This music cue is great, I love it. Lot of rapid build-up to the serious horn variation of "Shenanigans".
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"You didn't think this through did you?" LOL love that awkward little noise the Scout Trooper makes, he's just like, "Oh..."
Zeb being a perfect big brother asking Ezra if he has the Scout Trooper set yet and knocking out the trooper awww.
Hugs! Lovely to see that Cham and Hera have repaired their relationship.
Yeeeeeeah I don't think it was Slavin that you underestimated, Cham. I think it's pretty heavily suggested it was actually Thrawn who ousted y'all from the house there.
Hera is a bit reluctant to include everyone in what's arguably a very personal and selfish mission but they're all for it, so into the fray we go.
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I think I may have had a little mourning moment the first time I watched this, upon the realization that Ezra doesn't fit in his cadet uniform anymore.
Zeb nudging Kanan in the arm to let him know it's time to charge out. <333 And Sabine grabbing his wrist and keeping hold of it until they're both on the blurrg. See, little touches like this are great, just a nice subtle way of showing Kanan's blindness without calling direct attention to it.
Some really nice Hera and Ezra interaction this episode, I really liked that, they don't get to be on missions together much so this is refreshing.
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Do we know if this is a reused asset from TCW? Looks almost too nice to be one lol.
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Droids can have PTSD apparently, Chopper is unusually sad about this crashed Y-wing, grieving his former pilot maybe?
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*strains ears* This soft music-box like cue almost sounds like Leia's theme. It's too short and buried under the dialogue for me to tell and even Clone Gunner Commander Jedi doesn't have it extracted.
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The man can jumpscare me just walking into a room, gah.
"The Rebel activity is far from here." As Ezra and Hera are literally sneaking past them lol told you the reference to Hogan's Heroes was deliberate.
Oooh the harp in this cue, nice!
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Chopper's finally over his drama in order to assist.
We return to Hera and co. after a brief setpiece back in the canyon and Chopper readily plays "malfunctioning droid" again for a distraction.
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Hera smoothly slipping back into her Ryloth accent to try and deflect suspicion. <3
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Ezra trying to at least stay next to her even if he can't break cover.
Thrawn already totally knows it's Hera.
Ohhhhh boy it's time for creepy Cultural Appropriation!Thrawn, with him analyzing the details of his opponents' culture and traditions in order to find ways to hurt and oppress them more effectively for the Empire.
Since he studied up on Twi'lek culture he knows what a kalikori is, and its significance. Therefore he knew immediately that someone trying to smuggle one out of the compound would have to have some kind of personal emotional connection to it. This kalikori was found in Cham Syndulla's office, ergo, family of Cham Syndulla. Ergo, obviously, Hera Syndulla, noted Rebel insurgent.
See I kind of like this method of showing Thrawn's "strategic art analysis", which was practically magic bullshit in the original Heir To The Empire trilogy. Thrawn comes across as brilliant but not OP here, instead.
By the way, "Thrawn's Web" is the perfect musical leitmotif for him. Creepy plinky music box notes giving way to slowly building cathedral organs, ominous and refined.
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I almost feel like I need to take a shower after this exchange it's so freaking creepy. Thrawn almost exotifies Hera here, breathlessly gushing and envious about how she was "forged" by war, while he merely studies it from the outside.
Making Hera the primary rival/foil to Thrawn was a really inspired decision for Rebels, contrasting her passion to his apathy, her warmth to his cold sterility. The villainous respect he has for her makes their interactions cordial with a hostile edge.
Plus, with all his focus on Hera, identifying her as the primary threat, he completely misses all the Force Bullshit that Kanan and Ezra are capable of throwing at him lol.
After all, he repeats the idea, "To defeat an enemy you must know them." and as he later confesses to Ezra in the finale he doesn't know the Force.
(It's almost impossible for him to know, Palpatine has spent so much effort destroying and hoarding other Force disciplines. Way to screw yourself Palps.)
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Worried spacemom when Thrawn stuns Ezra. <33333
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Thrawn's picky insistence on using the "correct" pronunciation of Hera's name is also creepy.
Thrawn: "Really too bad you're probably gonna be executed immediately. Anyway I'm taking your family heirloom for my art collection, definitely not as some kind of sick trophy of my besting you noooooo not at all." Hera: "Kriff you, bastard!"
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Thanking Hera for her "hospitality" when the Empire literally invaded and occupied her house, he's such an asshole. It's great. I love him.
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Ngl, not gonna lie, really dig Feral!Thrawn. I have a thing about seeing normally calm, stoic characters just completely lose their shit and go berserk. ('s'why I took Thrawn through a slow Villainous Breakdown in my "Mirrorverse" series.) Even this brief loss of control is just *mwah*.
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"What'd I miss?" He's so cute.
"And my daughter is not important?!" Awww, see, character growth!
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Love this conversation, Ezra reassuring Hera that he doesn't regret coming along to support her on this.
Chopper running full tilt into Ezra lol.
Hera gave the murderbot permission to find and plant explosives, uh-oh, ha ha.
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Caps that could easily be watercolor paintings number 337.
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Slavin seems very confident and snooty. Something that becomes a pattern on the show is that Thrawn will let more incompetent underlings fail so he can learn more about the Rebels, will set them up to fail sometimes.
Also something I noticed before but this little moment reminded me, the Stormtroopers tend to be pretty rough with Ezra, they're always shoving at him or manhandling him for absolutely no reason, they're just petty.
Chopper laughing maniacally as he plants the detonators. <3
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"You were serious?!" You're the one who said she was always serious my dude, lol.
Impressive move from Kanan, redirecting that rocket at the AT-DP.
You know I think maybe Thrawn likes the cat and mouse thrill, obviously he sacrifices smaller victories for eventual much larger ones but I also think he's just really into having a worthy opponent.
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Hera talking about how her mother's memory is kept alive via the love that Hera's Found Family shares, while Zeb is giving Ezra noogies in the background aaaaah I love it.
I think I remember wanting this episode to have been a little longer??? Not quite sure why I thought that now, maybe I just really wanted more of it at the time.
Thrawn gets his first personal up-close encounter with the Spectres and even if he's hands off about actually closing the trap on them this episode we can tell he's got major plans coming, and is factoring what he learned about Hera specifically into them for later. This did annoy certain fanbros who forgot that this was Thrawn's whole thing and decided it was Plot Armor because kids show but frankly I ignore those types of people and my fandom experience is better for it.
As I already said, love the Hera-Ezra interaction, love the music, this episode is honestly a bit laid-back and unassuming compared to the tense premiere and dramatic previous episodes. Lulls you into a false sense of security. Just like Thrawn. XD
I'll be talking more about him later, trust me, I have Opinions™.
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fatuismooches · 1 year
oh! may i ask about how musically inclined you think the harbingers are? we all know that columbina loves singing, but what about the others (especially scara, because of his codename and all the kabuki references in his lore)?
First, I LOVE your pfp, so cute 🥺 For Scara, I do think he's musically inclined! The sword dance he performed must have been quite beautiful and rhythmic. Not to mention I believe Niwa, Katsuragi and the others taught him many things, such as how humans had fun which included singing and dancing, making music out of the simplest things! I hc that he sometimes hums the songs they taught him unconsciously. Edit: After further research I found out people believe he can play an instrument called the shamisen and I 100% approve.
Childe I see as the kind of guy to be able to just be able to make a good beat. Like, clapping, stomping, hitting surfaces in a rhythmic manner lol. He likes to do with a crowd and stuff, to liven up the event or whatever because he's a fun guy you know? And I just found out he can canonically dance too soo... 😍And I personally see Columbina as being able to play the harp as well as sing. It just feels so elegant and just what she'd do. (Definitely not me imagining her wings spreading out as she plays.)
As for Dottore... hmm. It may be possible. But maybe not for the Prime or Omega. Since he has so many clones he sends them out all over the place for missions and such. And since they all have very different experiences they may have picked up on some musicalness for the sake of the mission. I don't know what though, I can't see much here 😭 La Signora I'm saying yes since I'm biased lol. She is from Mondstadt which I feel is quite a musical nation. She can sing but I think when she does it's super melancholic, sad, and low. As for instruments, maybe the lyre...? Hc that she played it with her lover before he left her.
I don't think Sandrone would feel the need for learning anything related to music. She has robots ready to play her songs, dance for her amusement, and play any kind of instrument possible. Never took the time to learn herself and doesn't really care. Again, same for Pantalone. He has people he can pay for all of that... he's too busy for that himself lol. But i hc he has a pretty singing voice... it's quite beautiful and smooth but he never uses it (because why would he??)
Arlecchino... once again she doesn't see the need for it so she doesn't really know much. Though she is able to hum a few good tunes for when the children can't sleep. Pulcinella I see as the musical arts enjoyer. He can't do much himself but he 100% knows a bunch of history and cool facts about anything related to it.
And good old Capitano can't do anything either. He'd break the instrument by accident, can't dance, and would never sing no matter what. He'd prefer to watch the Fatui soldiers instead. Pierro isn't the best, but also isn't the worst. He knew how to play some ancient Khaenri'ahn instruments and tunes, but well... the instruments are long gone now, and humming the tunes makes him sad.
This went on along than I expected it to. 🚶‍♀️
Though I was listening to the Harbinger's boss themes and I just remembered... I hc them as the ones singing in their own theme lol
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jikanet-tanaka · 1 year
Ideas for stories and such...
I'm a bit overwhelmed with plot bunnies right now, and I think writing them all out is the best way to get 'em all straight. So... here are a few ideas for future fics I'd want to write. I dunno which one(s) I should focus on first...
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
A Saga Most Ordinary : I have ideas for two more chapters, one about Eivor playing Dungeons and Dragons with the three Good Boys, along with Hytham, Randvi and Tewdwr, and another about her and Valka Staging An Intervention because she thinks Sigurd went and joined some cult because of his new girlfriend (ie Fulke).
Untitled/maybe it’ll just be chapter two of an existing fic, I dunno: A new companion piece/sequel of sorts to ‘Nornir's Curse, Nótt's Counsel’ about Randvi and Valdis just hanging out (on the beach while their respective spouses watch over the young ‘uns) and talking about their (rather similar, really) lives.
Take Your Silver Spoon (Dig Your Grave) : A two-shot about two bastard-born princesses of the Kaldwin line. Part of it is already written, I just need to get off my ass and do something about it lol
You and Me and The Leviathan Makes Three : An AU where Daud survives the events of DoTO, and Billie is stuck trying to find new purpose in her life while teaching a god-turned-boy how to Human and a suicidal old man how to… not be a total wreck of a person . Oh, and the Abbey of the Everyman is falling apart all around them (which makes the Boysider happy, since his two newfound biggest goals in life are 1) to destroy organized religion and 2) to save the whales. Every chapter would be set in a different isle, with titles based on sea shanties.
Untitled : A little one-shot about how Drac might have gotten to Mina on the night of October 3rd. Because the details are kinda hazy on that, right?
Final Fantasy XVI
The Tale of the Telamonides : Before the mission to Drake’s Head, Mid shows up to the Hideout to Bring Chaos and Shenanigans to everyone’s live. Because I was sad that we never did see her interact with Cid.
Gravity Falls
Dungeons and Dummies : …I need to finish this you guys, I already have it all planned out. I feel weirdly anxious about this story, mostly because I don’t happen to have the whole of the rules of D&D stamped in my brain (shocking, I know). It’s like I’m afraid I’ll have someone go, ‘hey, that’s not how it goes in the Player Handbook, page so-and-so blah blah blah ’ so I don’t even try, you know?? It’s a weird thing.
The Awesome Mixtape of the Apocalypse: A story where Dipper and Mabel’s parents join both sets of twins on a roadtrip to Gravity Falls. The concept would be that Mabel made a mixtape with songs for everyone in her family (so for example Ford definitely gets weird prog rock like this, listen my dad was a happier, most well-adjusted Ford, and that was his shit, car trips in my family were trippy), with each character represented by a particular musical style (the Pines mom’s got punk ska like Reel Big Fish and Streetlight Manifesto lol…) and each chapter corresponding to one song. I got every big story beat and character moment planned out, I just… need to get off my ass and write, I guess.
Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West
Untitled : Aka Aloy watches Varl and Zo together, gets confused/frustrated, and shares a convo with Erend that helps her figure out she’s asexual. Sweet!
Untitled Rost and Ersa fic : Rost and Ersa, as ghosts, hang around Aloy and Erend for the events of the first game (and have a mini ship war about the merits of Ereloy as a couple). Also known as ‘Rost Gets Another Grumpy Daughter Because These Are Sure Fun To Collect Or Something’.
Mass Effect
Untitled : Just a little Shakarian ficlet about Shepard listening to Thane’s story about how he met his wife after the events in Garrus’ loyalty mission and her being like, oh, oh boy, oh no.
Radiant Historia
Will You Learn to Love (Without Consuming): A little one-shot set in the Apocrypha ‘verse which is not compliant with the canon shown in Perfect Chronology. Basically my take on who became the big Mana Monster causing the desertification (and why he’s a foil to both Heiss and the Conuts Guy).
Déjà Vécu : A one-short about Ernst and Heinrich (and, by association, Stocke and Heiss) because I guess that’s what I always write about in this damn fandom.
This Sweet Corrupting Reality : Basically the only parallel history I would have liked to see in Perfect Chronology, that is, Stocke wakes up and realizes he is now King Ernst of Granorg.
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salsakiyoomi · 1 year
Hiyo! congrats on the 1k followers!!
I'm usually a lurker and more active on twt but Ive been easing back into tumblr again to post fandom stuff, theres a niche corner on tumblr where I got comfy in and I happens to find/followed you there! I hope I'll be seeing ur posts around! I want to throw a hat in this event for fun! Thanks for the oppertunity!!
Fandom: Spiderverse/JJK Name: Gato ヾ(•ω•`) About myself: I'm a 5'2/ 160cm, Taurus/Capricorn rising, 24yo bi INTJ-T I'm 88% introverted and I work from home so I don't usually see the sun unless it breaks into my house. I love natural documentary videos and random analyzes videos on yt if they last more than 2 hours (play in bg while I'm working) My taste in music is whatever yt auto play next, I'll listen to J-Rock, Kpop, indie to folk but I will also work in complete silence for 8 hours straight if i forgot to put on anything. ( the grind dont stop )
I'm pretty easy going and I definitely know what I'm doing @ work, I love to show people the rope if needed. Anything kind of socialize outside my job, I'll run out of wits. I've never flirt my entire life and I won't start now ( I might be aroace but its debatable lol)
Ideal type: My type of guy and gal is definitely the no-nonsense one who tell me straight up what they want. I can't say I'll give them the same treatment tho I'm not always honest with myself :))) but I'm deeply devoted and I don't do anything half way.
It's very difficult for me not to challenge any kind of authority figure on sign, I'm allergic to condescending people. Still I find assertive people very……..hot!! (please pair me up with one, itll be so funny)
Season: whenever it rain! Summer, late autumn Favorite trope: Shared room! team up! Hurt/Comfort, maybe a truce? or 'we both stuck between a rock and each other and we might not get out alive'
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— honeymoon :
– miguel was an asshole, a certified one at that — your first day at hq wasn't very thrilling with him throwing you nasty looks left and right, the worst part is, he didn't actually say anything rude or mean to you, but he wasn't all that friendly either, so when you came up to him with a scowl on your face and demanding that he tells you why he keeps looking at you like you just spilled the milk over, he simply looked you up and down and said something along the lines of 'just get back to work' not really offering much context or explanation before leaving you to head back to his 'office' and from that day on, you were sworn enemies — you couldn't stand his authority figure persona and he couldn't stand your stubborn self because you never abided by his rules, so everyday was to you was a back and forth argument with him, and it didn't help that you'd get paired up with him for alot of missions — talk about bad luck.
– slowly but surely, the two of you eased up to eachother, yeah it took like nine months but it worked out — your arguments started to turn from actual heated conversations to more of a fun back and forth bickering — miguel would deny it any moment you or anyone would ask him about it, say something about how he thinks it's annoying but the small grin on his face when he talks to you doesn't go unnoticed, no matter how much he tries to hide it — yeah, he's a tough shell, closed off and repulsive but he isn't all that bad after all, at least that how you were starting to see him — like hey, he brought you empanadas from the cafeteria with him, he doesn't do that with anybody else.
– soon enough, it's been a year and a half since miguel has known you — you still don't really know him that much but you settled for a truce and you warmed up to eachother. the day came where your walls were broken down and the rain was pouring over your head, seemingly amplifying your bad mood because it felt like such a cliche for it to heavy pour on the day you felt at your worst — but you were soon shielded from the icy cold droplets when an umbrella came over your head, and surely enough it was miguel who was holding it, he threw you a glance, his face the usual blank expression he worse but his eyes were soft, he mumbled something about 'don't want you catching a cold, you have a mission tomorrow' and the rest of the walk to your place was in silence, not the heavy kind, miguel wasn't a talker after all, but you appreciated his presence — no matter how silent it was, it was still comforting.
what's on the radio : art deco, lana del rey
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a/n : had to pair your up with miguel after you said you didn't like authority figures 😭 i like a good enemies to lovers — although it's more like office drama but whatever — THE NAME GATO IS SO CUTE I LOVE IT SHSJWJSK, and yes so true the grind don't stop 💪💪 must keep going no matter what's the circumstances are ✊✊ i love miguel sm too also look at the way he's lowkey pouting in the second pic he literally looks >:c ahhhwhee i wanna play with his cheeks 😭 tysm for the request gato, hope this did you justice i also really love your blog <33
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pansypossum · 11 months
Get to know 9 people ask game
Tagged by: @xenonhw Thanks for tagging me!!!
Last Song Listened To: Bat Country by Avenged Sevenfold bc a part it was stuck in Darla's head and we had to remember it all.
Currently Watching: Well Darla and I jammed through all the early Halloween franchise movies. Halloween is my favorite slasher movie and I never saw any of those sequels so it was fun to experience and discuss all the themes and motifs etc. We aren't gonna watch the Rob Zombie ones together and I'm unsure if we'll watch the recent reboots? So I'm kinda in a what to watch limbo. But oh yeah if you mean what youtube tab I have opened it's Secret Sleepover playing observation duty.
Currently Reading: I have a library book that I don't like the writing style of so I'm avoiding reading everything else, at the moment! Oops!! But I am also part way through It Came From The Closet (Queer Reflections on Horror) which I'm enjoying a lot, I just need to pick up again!
I've only semi recently getting back into books, its been a bit since I've had the time and motivation! Being brave!
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: sweet!!!! I love desserts I love vanilla scented candles 🍭🍪🎂
Current Obsession: OCs as always! Current OC obsessions are Gabriel and Felipe. (we think they'll probably be an end game couple but its fun to explore the fact that they aren't there yet teehee!)
One of my obsessions that I just never mention ... collecting animal jpegs on silly old pet websites like chicken smoothie and neopets (not as into neopets but I got a Halloween gelert named pretty boi the first day I got back into playing that. I was on a mission!!! 😭) (and I've been constantly adopting pets on chicken smoothie since I joined in February lol. It scratches an itch in my brain of collecting and they're cute silly thangs)
Also Halloween and Horror things in general bc... (I get sad in the cold dreary months and as soon as Halloween is over I usually don't have much else to look forward to for a while so I'm holding on tight! It's October 31st somewhere!)
Relationship Status: dating and living with @duck-n-clover 💕💞💖💓💘💗 Ideal relationship bc they are always warm when I'm always cold. :) *thermoregulating you beam*
We met on deviantArt in like 7th/8th grade, later we started shipping our OCs, then met in person at a music festival I had extra tickets for and then a few months later they asked me out which is INSane to me how things happen and I'm so glad things have worked out how they did! Still sharing OCs together yay yayy wahoo!! (((Gabriel (oc I'm obsessed with) was Darla's OC and he was in the 1st drawing I liked from them on dA and now they gave him to me he's my own special OC now wah!!!))))
Last Thing I Googled: Bat Country lyrics 👍 (wondering if bat or country was in the lyrics at all) (no)
Currently Working On: ough I haven't started a drawing since finishing my 13 days of Halloween drawings. I am planning to hopefully keep working on ref sheets for two old OCs I brought back and their (new!) kids.
I tag: Um I'm usually bad at doing these things in a timely manner so I'm just gonna "tag" anyone who sees this and wants to do this now! Or soon or whenever.
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Hi, congrats on 1.5k!! If it’s not too much trouble, can I request a Grishaverse (Your choice of SoC or SaB) romance for option 2? My pronouns are he/they/she, and any gender/character is okay! As for info about myself, i constantly dye my hair, I like to read romance and fantasy books, I’m about 5’5, I definitely spend too much time daydreaming about random things, I’m really into musical theatre, I’m not very organized, and I’m pretty much living proof of honors burnout lol. Thanks so much and Congrats again!!
thanks for participating :)
i ship you with jesper!
jesper knows all about that honors burnout. he made it through like a semester of university and decided it wasn’t for him, and ran off to the barrel. he’s an incredibly talented and smart person, he just doesn’t having the patience for academics. still, the transition from that kind of life into the life of the barrel must have been a hard adjustment. what motivated him then is a lot different than what motivates him now, and he certainly has different interests. when you’d go through that transition, he’d be there too. he’d understand and support whatever path you decided to take. it wouldn’t matter where you ended up, he’d be proud of you either way.
jesper is definitely a chaotic person. he thrives on spontaneity and adventure. he’s never organized, and he’s fine with it. i do think he would enjoy the arts. i think he’s definitely a lot more artsy and performance talented than academically talented, so he’d be happy to indulge your musical theater hobby. i don’t think he’s much of a reader, but i do think fantasy would really fascinate him. and he’d take any excuse to talk to you really, so hearing about your books you were reading would be one of his favorite conversations starters. after a long day, he’d want to sit with you while you read to him to unwind.
on a mission, jesper would drive the group absolutely nuts with his humming and singing. kaz would be ready to take him out by the third time around he was singing the same song while you were waiting around for inej to scout out the area.
his tone was deadly serious, but you couldn’t help but chuckle anyway. you’d quickly straighten up as kaz looked over at you, his face sour.
“you had to take him to the theater last week?”
you’d give him a sheepish smile, shrugging. “i wanted to see the play. i didn’t know he’d be able to recite the whole thing back to front by the end of it.”
“it’s called taste, darling,” jesper would interrupt, grinning as he threw an arm around your shoulder and rested against you. “it’s art. pure talent—a jesper talent. you’re just jealous, boss.”
kaz would give you both a less than impressed looked before griping underneath his breath, walking around the corner to put some distance between you until inej got back. you’d turn to jesper once kaz was gone, chuckling as he grinned at you.
“it was a good play, wasn’t it?”
“it was,” jesper agreed, smiling down at you. “i don’t remember most of it to be honest, though. i was too busy looking at you.”
you’d roll your eyes, fighting the heat you could feel creeping up to your cheeks. “if that’s true, why have i heard that song come out of your mouth at least ten times a day since?”
“i don’t need to be watching to listen.”
you’d exhasperatedly sigh, leaning into his side. “that’s a shame. it really was a good play.”
he’d smile, reaching a hand down to play with a strand of your hair.
“if this goes well and we get paid, i’ll take you again to see it. i’ll even pay attention this time. hard to do when you’re sitting right next to me looking like that, but i’ll endure it just for you.”
he’d chuckle, making you laugh too. “how touching.”
“how disgusting,” you’d hear from around the corner—inej coming back with kaz at her side, a look of genuine annoyance on his face and a fake one of disgust on hers.
it only made you and jesper laugh harder.
thanks again for participating! i hope you liked this :)
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vexmilkers · 2 years
Howdy moon :D
Soooo I’ve never got my own matchup so I’m veeeery excited to read who u gonna match me up with x3
Somehow I wrote much more than I expected to write and I’m so so sorry for that!
About my look, I’m 5'8 I have long dirty blond hair and blue/green eyes and I’m chubby but I also have muscles but you can’t see them cause I always wear baggy clothes + people always assume I’m underage (I’m not lol)
But back to the important informations.
I’m an introvert but warm up to people pretty quick, well, like at least I can talk to them but there’s still this uneasy feeling running trough every single fiber of my body.
I don’t really mind crowds but if I can avoid them I do + I always keep an eye of my surrounding no matter where, because I’m better be safe than sorry.
I’m very loyal and protective over my friends and family and I would do anything for them.
I also never use the term “goodbye” and only “we see us later” cause I’ve lost someone really important to me and since then I’m terrified of losing another person.
I always make plans for my plans just to be safe that if Plan A,B,C and D doesn’t work that I still have a plan E, F, G- and following …
I only trust my best friend to 100% and even though people always say I trust to easily and that I’m naive don’t know that they are terrible wrong cause in reality I always keep in mind that everyone could betray me.
Most of the time I also try to hide my “bad” feelings like sadness or when I’m scared, especially when I have an anxiety attack because I don’t want people to see me as weak, stupid I know.
I also used to hate myself a lot because of bullying when I was younger but eventually I’ve got over it and found peace with the old me.
Normally I’m pretty calm but tend to get a bit over excited/ hyper active when I’m with my best friend (he’s my safe place)
I also like to mother my friends, because just to care for them makes me happy but on the same side I love to get cared for, and if I feel protected and safe I can let my guard down.
I also can be pretty stupid from time to time, for example I don’t realize if someone’s flirting with me and somehow they always say I flirt with them too, I do not ;-; xD
My love languages are quality time, physical touch, words of affirmation and acts of services. I’m also quite touchy, I like to touch and get touched by people I like and I LOVE cuddles.
(Idk if it’s relevant but I only feel attached to men that seem strong, not in the body way but in their personality, I need someone who’s able to let me feel safe and protected.)
To my hobbies
I love to cook, to listen to music (my fav song is safe and sound by Taylor swift), to swim (I really love the sea 0-0) and play to video games.
Again I’m really really sorry and thank you so much for reading ;-; <33
Hello friend !! I’m super excited to write this for you, especially since you’ve never gotten one before!!! Anyways, I hope you enjoy :D
I match you with….
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John “Soap” MacTavish
Let me start out by saying.. This man would absolutely adore you the second he gets to see your true personality! You’d definitely catch him with your looks first, he’d be the one to walk up and start talking to you.. But once he sees how amazing you are personality wise, you’d have the man trapped. Honestly, the first time you make a joke with him, he’d give you the biggest, most idiotic grin.
Soap would catch onto you not being the biggest fan of crowds fairly quick. He’d secretly test it out first by bringing you on missions to large areas, once he notices how “extra aware” you get, he’d make sure avoid them with you <3 Or, if you really have to, he’d offer you his hand or arm to hold with a gentle, playful even, smile. (He’d give you a playful little nickname like Guard Dog or something since you’re always aware of your surroundings.)
Just know that whenever you’re on missions with MacTavish, he’s never letting you out of his sight. He’d constantly ask if you’re alright or if theres anything you need, immediately stopping to help you if you do need something. Soap is always thankful to have you with him though, if something goes wrong he knows you have a backup plan! But… He’d much rather keep you safe and away from missions whenever he possibly can. So once he comes back, expect him to shower you with affection and cuddles >:D
Your loyalty goes both ways, since you’re always there for Soap, he’s always going to be there for you ! He’s your golden retriever bf, by your side whenever he possibly can be and will do whatever he possibly needs to in order to keep you safe <3 Since he knows that you have trust issues, he’d work his hardest to prove himself worthy. The man has lots of determination (and might also be a bit stubborn) so, if he has to, he’ll spend months just getting close enough with you to trust him <3
Soap might not be the best with comforting people, but whenever he notices something off, he’ll be the first to ask if theres anything he can do to help. MacTavish would bring you to a quieter or more serene spot before sitting down with you and making sure you’re alright, cuddling and talking to you in order to take your mind off of whatever had been bugging you or calm you down. Although his jokes are quite bad, he’ll tell them to you just to give you some sort of distraction. Soap would make sure you know he doesn’t see your negative emotions as stupid. He’d actually encourage you to tell him when you’re feeling scared or anxious, immediately comforting you after.
THIS MAN WOULD ADORE YOUR SILLY SIDE!!! The first time he sees you hyper he might be a little shocked, he’s not used to it since you’re usually quite calm.. His eyes would get wide before he breaks into the biggest idiotic grin you’ve ever seen. MacTavish would join in with you by telling terrible jokes or teasing you with playful little comments or winks. Soap is quite oblivious sometimes too, if you really are trying to flirt with him it may go over his head the first time :,)
The fact that you have a motherly side would make this man absolutely melt. Seeing you help others and smile just because you know you were able to do something good makes Soap weak in the knees. If you look over your shoulder you’ll see him practically staring into your soul, a gentle little loving smile on his face. Once you get back to him, he will not hesitate to shower you in affection and mumble sweet little things about how caring you are <3 Like I said, since you’re there for him, he’ll always be there to protect you and provide you even just a little comfort.
I said it before but I’ll say it again, Soap adores cuddling you !!! Your love languages go hand in hand, he loves giving you affection and he loves getting affection <3 With quality time?? He’d spend every free second he has by your side ! He wants to make sure his favourite person is safe and happy ofc ! Acts of service goes both ways for you two too, if theres anything you need, he’ll do it without hesitation.
MacTavish would be ecstatic if he had the opportunity to cook with you ! He’d of course be there to help, but don’t blame him if he takes a few seconds just to step back and admire you as you work. He’d be so excited to taste whatever you two had made once its finished, giving you a twinkly eyed grin and some sort of sappy compliment. Oh, and don’t worry about the dishes, he’s got you covered >:D
With music, Soap will gladly listen to whatever song has you in a chokehold for the week. He’ll give you a thumbs up as he listens to it and proceeds to hurriedly add it onto a playlist (yes he has a playlist of songs you like). Hes also the type to sit there and expectantly stare at you as you listen to one of his favourite songs, immediately asking what you think of it once its over.
Pool date?? Absolutely?? Just as a warning, this man will show off his dives (even if they aren’t exactly the most stunning). He’s very confident that he’s actually a pro diver. If you show off something?? Soap would make everyone turn and look because of how loud hes cheering you on. Of course, besides the swimming and most likely some sort of water gun fight, Soap would adore just sitting beside the water with you <3 (If you’re at the beach he’s definitely planning some sort of picnic for the two of you)
AAA VIDEO GAME DATES- He’d absolutely set up two consoles or pcs next to each other so you can sit together and completely destroy other teams in fps’. I hate to say this.. but when this man isn’t being silly with you on some game, he’s extremely competitive- Instead of getting mad and leaving, he’ll start cackling like a madman and throw lighthearted insults (full insults when someone makes you mad at the game). Of course when you’re not being competitive, he’s always up to play some Stardew Valley with you and build an adorable little farm <3
Other Possibilities: Alejandro, Gaz
There you go friend!! I really hope you enjoy :D!!
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theangryjikooker · 1 year
Hey, TAJ!
How have you been?
I know the past several months have been crazy in all spaces (might be crazier now, if I'm being honest, and I'm talking about everyone), but I'm glad you're back to sharing your thoughts.
Have you had the chance to listen to Face and D-Day? May I know your thoughts about them?
Also, are you anticipating the release of JK's album? I'm wondering what kind of direction he's decided on.
I've been feeling that the timing for the release of the members' albums to be very tight, though, I understand that they have a timeline.
Thank you!
Hi! Everything is great with me, I can’t complain (outside of the Internet anyway lol). Hope all is the same for you. :)
So, disclaimer, my feelings are based on my musical preferences. I just know some people are going to take this personally because they’ve made it their mission that music is not a subjective art form at all.
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For some background, my listening pattern tends to be that I loop things for an indeterminate amount of time upon initial release. Eventually, I no longer have the interest to loop things and start getting selective about tracks I really like and shove them into my shuffled BTS playlist. If I really love something, I also add it to my like tracks, which is more extensive and spans different genres. I often switch between my specific and liked playlists because my listening style makes it very easy to get bored.
“Just change it,” one might say.
If I could, I would, but I also don’t want to. I’ve been like this since I was a kid. It’s also very rare that I listen to whole albums and like every single song. I cannot stress this enough, though I can confirm that this has been achieved by several OT7 albums. Prior to these, however, I was raised on classical vinyl records, and I don’t quite count them as “albums” in the way we understand them today. Make of that what you will.
Anyway, point being, my listening style and ultimately how I organize songs after the initial novelty has worn off is definitely a reflection of my long-term interest.
And I should hope that many of you are adult enough to understand that not liking everything an artist puts out does not make someone any less of a fan. Purists are not invited in this house; if you have an issue with it, go to someone who’ll pander to you.
All this said, I’ve listened to both albums.
When FACE and D-Day were released, both followed the aforementioned pattern. I agreed with the sentiment that FACE didn’t sound like your typical Kpop genre. Jimin has always defied expectations in that regard. Visually and conceptually, FACE was excellent, but knowing what Jimin is capable of, I was also expecting something a bit more, musically. I’m not saying the album was bad, but it was different. I think, for that reason, I’ve mostly been undecided, even though I did add the majority of the album to my BTS playlist. Except for “Letter”—shipping aside, it’s very beautiful. It’s a shame it wasn’t released as a stand-alone because I probably would have given it near infinite plays, and it would’ve found a spot in my liked playlist as well.
If I were to take anything away from this, it’s that I’m more interested in what his sophomore album will look and sound like, now that he has a taste of the process and has the experience.
D-Day is a very strong album, but keep in mind that Yoongi (like the hyung line) has a lot of experience under his belt. That’s natural. But for a while, with the exception of “Daechwita” and “People” off D-2, I had a hard time connecting to the tracks released under Agust D. FOR SHAME, I know. It wasn’t until D-Day that I was able to listen to D-2 and the self-titled album with a different mindset, which also affected my renewed appreciation for them. D-Day, however, is the superior installment of the trilogy. Maybe it’s cheating, but I think it also helped immensely that I was given free passes for the Agust D tour, which I hadn’t anticipated on attending. But free is free, what can I say. There’s a reason why music and live performances are crucial to an artist and their art. Sometime ago, a lot of people here assumed Yoongi was my bias, despite how rarely I talked about him. He wasn’t, and over time I gradually accepted that I didn’t really have one. Now? I can say that statement probably resonates with me a lot more these days.
And of course I’m interested in what Jungkook’s cooking up. I maintain that his voice is appealing to big western production, so I’m thinking we might see something that fits that particular palate? But the thing with Jungkook is that he’s been exploring sound and allegedly having a hand in the instrumentals, which only serves to expand his range, so my previous assumptions on his album might already be outdated.
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