#sincerely a transman who is tired
Unfriendly reminder that transphobia against transmen and sexism are very tightly intertwined, and I would love for more people to understand that.
They don't want transmen transitioning because it's "ruining a perfectly healthy body", this idea usually being connected to fertility as if it is unconsolably connected to the worth of female bodies.
They don't want transmen to identify as men because then they can't make transmen perfect little wives but also have a harder time feeding them toxic masculinity bullshit.
They don't want transmen to exist because our existence goes against the idea of a perfect gender binary/stereotype, and sexists want to be able to define women so they can put them into tight boxes (this goes for their hostility towards transwomen too).
It's not a coincidence that TERFS who claim to be for women often reveal themselves to only be for a specific type of women, mostly being women who, physically, fit feminine stereotypes. They want to be able to tell people in female bodies what to do with said bodies, and that's what it comes down to.
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butch-bakugo · 2 years
Honestly, part of my gender and sexuality journey has been accepting myself as a mlw transman(even though im bi and also transmascfem due to intersexuality) and trying not to take anything too personally. Masculinity and lgbtism are seen as opposites so masculine lgbt get left out of the convo or are forcibly feminized. Its this mindset within the community, tied to its progressivism(i dont blame them for this assumption but its not true), that feminity is progressive and masculinity is regressive. This mindset has hurt lots of masculine lgbt pple, most notably butch lesbians, masc trans men and bi men.
Femme lesbians are all thats ever shown while butch lesbians have their identities sanitized to fit a different narrative. Feminine cis men get center stage for "really sticking it to the patriarchy!!" Just for wearing nail polish or a skirt one time while butch women get tossed out and ignored and called ugly not only by cishet men but also those within the community. Feminized mlm trans men are perfered because their veiwed as cishet woman-lite and trans women are centered no matter if they are with a woman or a man but some people never even consider that masc mlw trans men exist. Bi men never end up with women and often their bisexuality is erased due to people never mentioning it, leading to them being called gay(mostly present in fandom characizations. See kirishima from mha, he has canon moments of liking women and men).
Theres this idea spread wide through out the community that any man in a relationship with a woman is shitty and abusive and automatically using his privilege over her. I can speak from experience on that. But whats never mentioned is that they only ever mean cis men. Cishet men are the enemy your eyeing, not transhet men or other mlw transmascs. They arent hurting women, they were women. But when none of you ever specify that you mean cis men, trans men arnt gonna know that they are excluded from your hateful shit. Same as trans women arnt gonna know that they arnt included in conversations about the shittyness some cis women enact.
Women loving men is empowered in bisexual spaces, why cant at least trans men loving women in trans context be empowered? We dont hurt the women were with. We are just as oppressed and disenfranchised as them. Theres no power dynamics in those relationships. Trans men loving cis women is equal, trans men loving trans women is equal, trans men loving other trans men is equal. The only inequality is when trans men are with cis men.
Please start specifying in your shit that you mean cis men. That or out yourself as a person who dosent actively consider trans men to be men or admit you sincerely thought trans men were just like cis men, we we fucking arnt. Im tired of looking for transandrophobes, be open about it already.
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jayjuno · 2 years
Why can’t transwomen handle jokes about themselves?
Ricky Gervais is hilarious. 
Dave Chappelle is hilarious, too.
Disclaimer: I’m a transman.
Transwomen need to learn to have a sense of humor. Gay men, too. Transwomen need to learn that they can’t bully and harass comedians into being politically correct. That’s not how comedy works.
Not being able to laugh at themselves is what’s making everyone uncomfortable around transwomen. It’s NOT their fragile “gender identity” that repulses everyone- it’s their inability to laugh at themselves. It’s their inability to allow ANYONE to mock them that makes everyone uncomfortable around them.
Jewish people suffered the holocaust. Yet, Jewish comedians have joked about that. Jewish comedians make fun of themselves and their community ALL THE TIME. If a group that has suffered as much as the Jewish community has can make fun of themselves, why can’t trans women? 
I’m a transman. I never see transmen get upset about comedians making fun of them, NOT unless there’s someone from the LGBT+ community pressuring/brainwashing them into it (which would usually be a transwoman or a gay man- lesbians/transmen don’t care about this stuff).
Do you think I give a damn whether comedians make jokes at my expense? Do you think I care if they mock me for being transgender? No. 
It’s COMEDY. It’s supposed to be FUNNY. You’re not supposed to take comedy seriously, transwomen/gay men. 
Learn to laugh, transwomen/gay men. You sexist, narcissistic XY imbeciles are ruining it for everyone, especially for the XX community. 
I hope these brave comedians continue to mock the transgender community. As a transman, I am sick and tired of this stupid brainwashed community full of fake smiles and phoney laughs; a community that behaves more like the church of scientology than a group full of “love”. I don’t see “love” when I look at the transgender community now- I see death threats against JK Rowling, I see Dave Chappelle being assaulted, and I see death threats against mostly people with XX chromosomes. 
When I look at the transgender community now, I mostly see misogyny.
The transgender community isn’t a community of “love”. At this point, it’s essentially a cult of mostly brainwashed people who feel the need to stalk/harass anyone they feel threatened by- just like scientologists. Instead of talking about “thetan levels” or “going clear”, the transgender cult is all about not being “cisgender”, calling out “terfs”, or “finding your authentic self”. All these stupid fake words and memorized slogans are an insult to intelligent life everywhere. I refuse to use them.
Can anyone explain to me the difference between the church of scientology and the transgender community? I don’t see much difference these days. 
Learn to laugh at yourselves, XY people... and allow others to mock you, too. 
-a transman
Ricky Gervais is right- women DO NOT have penises. Duh.
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jockpoetry · 4 years
supernatural sees women as a tool for development and strengthening of narratives/motivation and dean sees his body as a tool. is that anything?
When I saw this ask I really made the 🥴in real life. So, yeah anon, I do think there’s something to this.
Quick Disclaimer before I actually launch into my thoughts™: A lot of my read of Dean stems from my experience as both an oldest daughter and a transman. Being the oldest daughter was an experience I lived for many years, but I am also a man. I wasn’t raised as a man, I wasn’t socialized as a man, and even though once I came out upon reflection my masculinity was obviously there. Like I was a man™ before I knew I was a man. Even when I actively tied my identity to femininity for a long time! A lot of my prideful moments were based around statements like: “I was the only girl who (fill in the blank).” 
So I am just putting that out there before I launch into my spiel about Dean/Gender/Tool because they all interlock for me. 
I am also going to apologize in advance because I know this has fully gone off the rails and I’m not even done writing it yet. If this is incomprehensible ! Well, happens to the best of us.
First off, most importantly I guess before we discuss womanhood and Dean and the way both are utilized on the show I need to say that I personally don’t subscribe the whole Dean is female coded thing. 
It’s a read I can absolutely understand. But for me..he’s not. 
He’s a hypermasculine man to the point that when (and because he is written as a punchline, as the stupid™ brother, as the whore™, as the mother/father™, as daddy’s blunt instrument™, etc) Dean deviates from the pre-accepted definition of hypermasculine it’s Wrong. 
It’s Instantly Feminine. 
I think the internet has made the world very black and white, or blue and pink maybe. This point, I think, colors a lot of these discussions. Dean cooks, he cleans and so therefor he’s female coded. When that really just feeds back into the whole toxic masculinity loop. You can’t be masculine and cook and clean and cry. That’s for feminine people only. 
I get the argument! I do, I just think that Dean’s actions are not inherently feminine, it’s just in the vacuum of Female and in the Absence of Traditional Masculinity it makes sense to assign him female coded and move on.
IN FACT the way that Dean is the action hero of the show, the Masculine™ one on the show - but he cries, and he rages, and he cooks (Again and Again) and cleans (Again and Again). The fact he’s macho and confident but he has so little self esteem. Is frankly insane to me. You have this blaze of glory character who is so depressed that they have him kill himself. Twice. In explicitly “I hate myself, I hate hearing all the things I hate about myself, I want to destroy myself” ways. 
On just a regular ol’ network show that is just ungodly bad at times. They let their Male Hero cry - all the time (if I linked every example of this the essay would be...longer than it already is, but just take my word for it). Dean tears up and grieves and shows more than just Angry Horny Violent™ (he shows plenty of that, don’t get me wrong) but he’s Emotional (Again and Again and Again). In many different ways!
I mean, beyond even just tearing up, they make their Male Hero™ face sexual violence in pretty, uniquely horrifying - and queer! - ways.
Let’s make it clear, they did a lot of this unintentionally. 
Or they do it as a joke. 
Off of dean for a moment to say women are plot devices in this show. I could probably count on one hand female characters who have sincere depth to them that have roles outside of progressing plot, filling a filler episode, and who are still alive. Like even characters such as Charlie who are wholly developed, and interesting, are only remembered/mentioned/utilized to progress plots or fill an episode out - and then she dies. For pain™ for plot™ for no other reason than to traumatize a character. 
Which let’s also make it clear Dean’s trauma is also only used as a plot device (as is Sam’s but in a different way, and Cas’ trauma is a whole other barrel of fish we’re not gonna dive into right now). Like wholesale full stop they don’t actually care about what happened to him. Unless it’s relevant in an episode. 
Oh that boys home he was left at when he was 16 for months? Sure we’ll sprinkle that in in the back half of the series. Oh he was covered in bruises and said it was from a hunt (when it’s clear contextually they were from his father but saying the fantastical but true is easier than saying the uncomfortable but true). As Dean says though the story became the story, he was sixteen. He just went along with what John said.
We only see Dean ever truly rage at John, by the way, when either Dean is dead (when he’s between life and death and he rages at John, right before John “apologizes” for traumatizing him, for putting too much on Dean’s shoulders, and fucking dying) or John is dead (the Djinn episode where Dean is straight™ and John is dead™ and he goes to his grave and just yells and rages like he should have to his father in the real world).
Dean’s trauma from being both tortured and torturer in hell? Yeah, we don’t talk about that after it’s Relevant™. Even though it’s clear - especially in the demon!dean, mark of cain era, all those years later - Alastair still has his hooks inside of Dean. I stopped watching originally after s8 ended. I was fed up with the show, and with this whole renaissance I’ve been doing a rewatch and I’m into season twelve now and it really has never come up again. 
Even when he had the mark of cain and he was tasked with questioning and accused of torturing it was “the mark has changed you” and not “you were victim and victimizer in hell for forty years, which is longer than you’ve been alive on earth” (and, was about as long as he wound up living. Which is desperately sad.
Because we talk about Sam’s desire for a “normal” life but, Dean wanted out too. He was tired in the first few seasons of this show, he never had a chance to taste freedom (we don’t count the boys home, because that was a different kind of regimented life, and it was a false freedom) the way that Sam did in Flagstaff with Bones or at Stanford with Jessica. Love for Dean is sacrificing, it’s putting himself/his happiness/his well-being last.
Because Dean only knows love in the context of violence (like all of these fun examples, for starters) is a phrase that I’ve said a lot both in private chats and on here, and I absolutely think it goes to him being a tool (a blunt instrument, a plot device, so both textually and metatextually) instead of a person. Which Cas sees Dean’s shame/guilt and sees that side of Dean because he touched his soul, and saw more than just the Righteous™ man, more than just the tool, he saw A good man, not a machine. 
On the other side though you have how “bad guys” view Dean: Desperate, Sloppy, Needy, Dean’s hole (Again), which is again so wildly counterintuitive to the story of a Macho Man Hero™. You’re using vocabulary that is both queering him and feminizing (and I know this a meme format, but sincerely it is done in a derogatory way it is feminizing. It’s breaking him down to bare parts, to a sloppy hole). 
My whole rewatch I have been absolutely fascinated by how identity and free will is utilized/conceptualized on this show. Castiel has been my main focus, but Dean and how he is framed by himself and others is...fascinating - and frustrating. The writers inconsistency lends itself not only to this unintentionally queer character, but also one that again is incredibly easily read as a non-traditionally masculine character.
As a feminine character.
This show has so few female characters that of course it had to foist the roles/behaviors/plots that a female character might have onto a male character. Which I think is part of why reading Dean as trans (either transmasc, or transfemme) is so easily done like.   
Half of these are shit posts, but you can find trans allegories/textual evidence in this show again, again, again, again, and again. And this is unintentional, they don’t want you to look at Dean and see woman, former future or present. Like a lot of these I’m sure are punchlines for them, because women/queer folk are punchlines to them. 
Sometimes the only women in an episode are random witnesses who get two sentences of dialogue, and then the main guest character is a man. Who flirts with Dean, and Dean is receptive to it. 
They paint themselves into a corner, there are female Rabbi. So easily could Aaron have been a woman instead of a man, but they made the choice to play up the HaHa Dean & Men card. 
Because, again, Dean has filled the slot of Woman™ of Female Lead™ and the flirting would’ve been straight if Dean was a woman. It’s a plot device, they needed to have the guest character be disarming, be cute, make the main character flustered. 
It’s just the main character is a man, because they’re allergic to women. But they still need those female plots, tools of femininity, to move their show forward. I mean I am a big subscriber to transmasc Jo (no idea if anyone else is with me on this one, but let me explain). Jo is in love with Dean (concept) not Dean (actuality). Which, we’ve all had our eggs cracked by someone like that. We were in love with them until we realized we just wanted to be them.
He loved her like a little sister, she loved him like a lost idol. He’s a golden calf and she dies for him, because she believed in him, she was the original character dashed at the altar of the Winchesters. 
I fully believe if she had lived and if this show had a crumb of actual good writing Jo could have been a deeply compelling transmasc character. But I also think she’s a fascinating inversion of Dean. Dean is a Masculine Character who subverts Toxic Masculinity, Jo is a Tomboy™ she’s not your (if you take it straight, literally and metaphorically) average female love interest. She’s angry, she’s not soft at all, all edges and corners and thorns. She isn’t helpless, she’s stubborn but not in a “you’re going to get punished for this” way. She’s right when she’s stubborn. She’s helpful, she’s a martyr. 
I could do a whole other essay just on Jo (and Ellen, and Ash, what a fucking trio!) but needless to say Jo was one of the first...plot device feminine tools sacrificed to this show. She was a regular, she was unique, she was an engaging character, and she still died (to progress the plot? no. for man pain? yeah, for like three episodes maybe, and then it’s forgotten just like the rest of Dean’s trauma, as we mentioned above). 
Dean and Women and Love is a very interesting tool used too because. Boy they sure try to make Dean love women and it fails in small ways, and in big, meaningless, failed het domesticity (again) ways. Not to mention whatever Lust (in the form of a woman) having no effect upon him, when they could have used that moment to assert his Masculinity and Heterosexuality. He behaved normally? And...also...whatever the fuck the Adios thing was!
Like they have these opportunities to make him Traditionally (toxically) Masculine, but make the choice to...not? To soften him. Because it’s a tool. He’s their female lead, textually he had to take on the role of mother(/father) to Sam, but...I mean this is a million miles long already. I know, but we absolutely can’t not talk about his Paternal/Maternal behaviors. (Which appear again and again again and again, outside of his relationship with Sam even/especially). He’s the mother hen, sage, safety net, beacon, home to so many side characters they meet.
I mean in many ways Jody is also a Dean comparison. Lost her family. Found a new family. She is non-traditionally feminine, but easily flustered and Silly™ (let’s just drop the entire sex talk over family dinner scene with Alex and the boys and looking to them for help, even though she was already a mother, and she’s a cop, and a hunter and this confident no nonsense individual.... She’s not). We are meant to see her as this hard ass, but she makes extra food for the boys to take back to the bunker. She’s deadly in a fight, but also still easily overwhelmed and put into damsel mode, and she cares so much even in the face of adversity.
It’s also fun to see how Jo | Jody are reflections of Dean at different points of his life. Younger, cocky | Older, settled.
Even when the text tries to tell us that he’s not.
When it reminds us that he’s violent. That he is his father, even if he says that Sam is more like John (which was reflexive, which was angry because of Adam and how Sam was behaving like Dean in that episode, and yes there are parallels to be drawn between Sam and John, the show barely dives into them). Instead we’re told that Dean is John (Again and  Again and Again and Again). 
So intensely that a fanfictionalized version of the Winchester Gospels makes it an entire fucking musical number. 
And yet, despite the texts insistence to make Dean Macho Man Father Reborn™ We get this Dean who is silly (and directly compared/contrasted to the female character in this scene), soft, in heels, nagging, and... Sully (you know Sam’s imaginary friend who has the same Haircut Dean has, who is a softer, shorter, friendlier, campier, version of Dean who was a replacement For Dean until the real one let Sam back in? That? Sully?) it’s hard to take them seriously. 
Hell, even when he was A DEMON? What did they do? They had him sing off-key drunken karaoke, they had him doing this ! Like that’s your hero, unhinged, free to be as bad as he could be, and you put him in a cowboy hat in a romance with the king of hell. 
The Female Lead, everyone. Who’s biggest betrayal(s) comes at the hands of his love interest (again, a man even though it was an angel who could’ve taken any vessel! who could’ve been recast, who canonically dies admitting his love to Dean - that one), who he tries so hard to be loyal to. 
The contradictions of his character are laughable. He is so emotional, but if he is engaged about his emotions? He shuts down, or he’s exasperated about being asked about them. It really is Female Lead/Only Here For The Plot disease, because everything is more important than him. How’s he doing? Doesn’t matter outside of the context of how x character is doing or that y character is dead. Or his emotions only matter if they’re done in penance. 
They also really do frame him as Pretty Boy™ in a violent way, or in a derogatory manner. They’ll give us homoerotic shots like this or these and never really acknowledge how these are gay shots. Sorry the gun scene is a a straight up sex scene, the beer sip spilling out over his mouth is oral, the scene where Cas fills up Dean’s glass with whisky is also a sex scene, they do this shit on purpose but accidentally queer it up. If Dean was a woman these scenes wouldn’t even matter. They’d be passing moments, but because he is not just a man but A Man™ they’re insane to see.
Not to mention all of these scenes and all the ones I haven’t linked where Dean dresses up. He performs masculinity, but he performs femininity too. He’s a plot device that is slotted in to whatever role they need. He’s Super Straight Butch Man™ but coaches the lesbian on how to successfully flirt with a man. He’s Action Hero™ who sits through a montage with the same lesbian and yays and nays her outfits, and enjoys himself.
Fuck he loves dressing up, he feels better in these costumes because performing a character is easier than being himself. Because who is Dean? He’s a tool, both textually and metatextually. It is exactly how the women and because of the women on the show that Dean is the way that he is. If there was a more steady female presence Dean would not be half as much of a plot device or half as camp/gay/feminine/non-traditionally masculine/queer coded as he is. 
In conclusion....
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aquarianlights · 4 years
I am in a serious financial bind. 😥 If anyone is in a position to listen & help or signal boost, pls keep reading...
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This is from my apartment complex. I am in low-income housing. I called them & sent them proof I could pay on the 23rd. I told them I could (just barely) put 100 down now & they said that was too little.
They said they would file for eviction on the 16th, which adds $150 to my rent. They will cancel the court date and eviction on the 23rd when I pay.
But that doesn't cancel the $150 filing fee.
Idk where that $150 would come from. Idky they think it's fair that someone who cannot pay should be forced to pay even more??? That makes no sense. I can only just barely afford my rent every month as is.
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These are from my energy company. I apparently owe them over $600. I genuinely do not know how this happened. We were on the phone for a very long time trying to figure it out & I was in tears for the latter portion of it because I swear I paid.
I usually keep record of my payments via taking a picture of my receipt since they are electronic, but my dog chewed up my phone (which I have pics of if need be for evidence) and broke it, so I had to get a replacement phone sent to me from the insurance company & nothing transferred from the old phone, so all my pics were wiped.
I found no record in my emails, either.
The meds I am taking to try to go into remission and the autoimmune disease itself both cause brain fog and issues with time warping, so it is possible maybe I skipped a month or something, but I highly doubt I would have skipped up to 600+ dollars worth of payments.
I have tons of electronic and hard copy calendars & they are all synced and constantly updated so that I know when payments are due. I also have text and email reminders sent to me, but I could find no reminders in my email for MONTHS now until they were telling me they were going to shut my power off if I didn't pay this. Idk why I was not sent reminders for months???
In the end, I agreed to set up a payment plan. Paying, like... 50-60ish on top of whatever my electric bill is every month for 12 months. It was the lowest they could go.
I can barely afford my electric bill as it is, so idk how I will be able to do this? They did give me a list of charities in my area so I will be using what little energy I have to call around & see if any of them would be willing to help me pay this. Idk how those work (they're mostly churches???), so I'm just gonna try & see what happens. 🤔
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On top of all that, I *think* this is telling me my Medicaid has been cancelled but I'm not 100% sure?????
I'm going through treatment for a very serious, disabling problem that should last ~1 year and rn Medicaid is picking up what my Medicare doesn't cover and some of my doctors/specialists and treatments are medicaid only.
If I lose this, I'm basically done.
I know they'll do backpay if I get it back, but Idk if I *will* get it back. I'll be trying to get it back, but in the meantime, I guess I'll just have to pay out of pocket, idk??? Which I do not have.
I have lost almost ALL autonomy due to this autoimmune disease, which (in a very simplified form) is basically my immune cells "eating" my muscle tissue. I can barely get out of bed. Treatment should put me in remission & give me my life back. I am seeing a rheumatologist, neurologist, dermatologist, PCP, physical therapist, psychiatrist, psychologist, and going to a holistic pain treatment center that does a different kind of physical therapy to bring down pain levels (which I was put into that program by my rheum). All of these are in relation to & necessary for my disease. I am going through TONS of testing almost weekly now & trying out treatments like IVIG and chemo where I am in the hospital hooked up to an IV for 4-6+ hrs of that day and the cost of those things without Medicaid picking up what Medicare doesn't cover is astronomical. I have to sign waivers every time I get my blood drawn (which is almost weekly now), do tests, and do treatments saying I will pay if Medicaid does not pick up the extra.
I already have crippling medical debt; I don't need more. I'm scared they won't let me do any more tests or treatments if they see I am just letting it all go to collections & am not paying.
This could mean the difference between having a life worth living (to me) where I am happy & thriving & autonomous or being bed-bound & living a life of just existing from day to day & miserable & in pain & suffering & unable to do anything for myself. This is literally life and death for me because I wouldn't be able to handle continuing to live in the latter scenario. I cannot handle living like I am now. Knowing my treatments are progressing is what keeps me going. Knowing I can go into remission is what keeps me going. Knowing my future is one completely different from now is what keeps me going. But if I cannot have that and am destined to live in this current state, it's just not worth it. I don't know a person alive who would want to live like this.
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Finally, my anger noodle needs to get to the vet for MULTIPLE things. Nothing is, like... life threatening or super immediate like his cancer was last year, but they're things that need to be addressed in terms of preventative care & to make sure he isn't in pain.
He needs his trachea checked, possibly x-rays for that, maybe more...
He needs some medication updates, needs a physical, needs a full groom & nail clip under anesthesia (for those who are not familiar with Echo, he has extreme fear-based aggression & usually gets this done under anesthesia; since I worked with him so much, he had his first non-anesthesia nail clip at the beginning of quarantine, but he has gotten worse during quarantine & with my muscle eating disease, I can no longer restrain him & don't have the physical strength to run a brush through his thicker fur as his winter coat is in, so I can no longer groom certain areas of him at home, so his tummy & back legs are matted & I fear he may need to be shaved... which breaks my heart since you don't shave double coat dogs unless medically necessary.), he needs a full physical, & needs to be checked over for MCT's.
He may also need a fecal test or something else, as he has been having odd bowel movements. 😥 His tummy has been upset lately.
I have been crying myself to sleep every single night & often during the day because I cannot get him to the vet. No, it isn't urgent or life threatening. But he is reverse sneezing more than normal & I worry about tracheal collapse, which is a common small dog thing & even MORE common in pomeranians specifically. Every time he has a fit, I think "Oh god, this is it. This is the time I'm gonna have to rush him to the e-vet & get slammed with a huge bill & he is not gonna be okay..."
It breaks my heart to see his legs & belly matted. He is horrible about letting me groom him coz of his aggression so he only gets a full grooms at the vet, but I do short grooming sessions at home with him nightly. Takes about 2 hours just to do the majority of one side of him (not even all of it; just most) coz he needs breaks & lots of praise every few strokes or he will tear me to shreds & hurt himself snapping on the undercoat rake. 😥
But now that my autoimmune disease has atrophied my muscles to the point holding up my phone without something to prop it up feels like I am lifting weights & tires my arms out with a lactic acid burn & pain, I can no longer groom him with the patience he needs & can only groom in 20 minute intervals at the VERY longest. By the time I have gotten one leg done during the week, his entire other side is matted. 😞 Matting on dogs---especially double coat dogs---hurts them. It's like if someone were to wrap your hair around their fingers & then pull it taut. It's a constant pulling pressure on their skin... it's painful & irritates the epidermis. I feel miserable feeling the matting on his back legs & tummy & now feeling the mats beginning to form on the rest of him. He hates me working them out, even with the detangling spray. I know it must hurt so much...
So he may need to be shaved at this point & that will destroy me. I feel sick thinking about it. But anything to get him out of pain. Maybe it is what's best for him while I go through this year of treatment & get my muscles back. But in order to do that, I need to get him to the vet.
The stress of not being able to get him to a vet is tearing me apart & literally making me physically ill.
He is my world. My everything. My #1. My heart dog. My priority in life. My entire universe revolves around him. I would do anything for him. Not a single person, animal, thing, etc, comes before him. It is KILLING me that I cannot provide proper care for him right now. I always always always make sure to sacrifice for him if need be & his things ALWAYS come first, even if it means I'm not eating or not paying bills or whatever. As long as he is taken care of & his needs & wants are met, nothing else matters to me. And right now........ I feel he is suffering because of my finances & the fact my treatment with building my muscles up is not going fast enough.
I cannot control the latter one, but the first one is something I can at least ask for help for. So that is what I am doing.
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If anyone is in a place to help, these are my venmo & cashapp codes. I also have paypal.
💙 Venmo: @kqroswell
💚 Cashapp: $kqroswell
💜 Paypal: @kqroswell or [email protected]
If there is another form of payment you're thinking of, lemme know. I also have fb pay activated if you have me on FB (Killian Q Roswell).
Thank you to everyone who read through this & anyone who can help or reblog this. 💖
Your v scared, struggling transman who really wants his bills/rent paid & his dog to go to the vet,
Killian 💞
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roleplay-salt · 7 years
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“Here’s a fun tip: Having all of your muses be transgender isn’t fucking “inclusive”, especially if you do it because you think that cisgender people are gross or that being transgender makes a character “more interesting”. Not everyone is transgender. Writing a cisgender muse is no worse than writing a transgender muse. Sincerely, a transman who’s sick and tired of mine and others’ gender identities being treated like a fad, fetish, and/or accessory. Fucking stop it.“
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mostly-stimssssssss · 5 years
It's 100% if you take a while to get to this but may I please have some positivity um I'm Alex from Stardew Valley and I'm a Transman Dysphoria sucks and I hate it I'm almost a year on Testosterone and my birthday is in 3 4 ish days (on the 2nd) and I don't feel masculine or handsome at all and just I feel bad about my body in general on top of being sick and being in bed 24/7 I just feel really horrible about everything Please take your time with this There's no rush
Positivity takes priority, therefore in this case, you take priority Alex 💜
I'm working on starting my own transition myself since I want to be comfortable with my body and I really respect everyone who gets it done for their sake.
Sadly, testosterone takes a while, I'm not sure how long you're supposed to be on it for, but I'm sure you're close to how your body would be if you were born this way instead of that, if you get my drift.
Birthdays usually suck for many for a whole spectrum of reasons. I personally dont care too much about mine, I dont make too big of a deal out of them because of some reasons you say and others. I haven't come out to really any of my family as anything.
I should stop talking about myself haha but my point is you're sure as hell not alone Alex. If it helps, if you're that kind of person, look up some chat groups on whatever you use to meet people and get personal help from others going through/have gone through similar. A very common trait in humanity in general is Dysphoria and there are plenty of sweethearts out there who arent trans but will be more than happy to help out. Until I start T, I'm one of those people, haha...
I've been trying to get out and doing more and it helps a lot actually, but considering how social I am. If you know what makes you happy, go out and see those people, go out and eat those things, go to those places and tinker, toy and play with those things. Olympia is a great place for me to be because of how open and nice it feels. Find a place like that, if you enjoy that sort of stuff. Even if you're more interested in staying away from large groups, unlike me, then that's ok!! Go out on a walk around the block, or through lesser walked parts of town that are near the main road but arent the main road! Go say hi to people you enjoy! Make small talk or have a long conversation or even leave it at hi. It's all up to you. You know what you like a helluva lot better than I do, ahaha..
But if you're sick, take care of that all throughout. But dont trap/bury yourself into one place. It does not help. And what I mean by trap/bury is that you're too tired in some way to get up out of your bed or move out of your room. If you get up and walk to get even only food and a decent drink, that's fine! That's good! You're not doing what I'm saying here and that's important. Even if you live alone in a place, moving is important for daily tasks Alex.
Haha, you said take your time with it and I did, look at what you've done, you're making me show that I care too much about this stuff, how dare you be so sweet with your words. I know Craig hasn't developed {and Mivrosoft hasn't stolen} Sarcasm Text but to be sincere here as well, I do hope you haven't shut yourself in while you were sick of all times, but if you have, just ease yourself out day by day, if you prefer. You could go bursting out if youd like, but I'm saying you have a choice and that you know yourself better than most, certainly more than me, hahaha..
Hope you have good days ahead, Alex. Happy early birthday!! :- D
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Curtis, Keigo/Hawks shift
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