#single parent draco malfoy
laxeros · 5 months
Draco and Scorpius 🌌 ☄️
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I just love the thought of Scorpius changing Malfoy (as Harry would call him) and making him show his soft side.
(Also it's funny how Scorpius having a dragon plushie is like an unspoken law in every fic ༄)
A lot of love goes to these Fanfictions and their writers, inspiring this art:
A big black sky by alexmeg
Broken Promises and Choices made by Tsuguru
How the Lights get in by flightinflame
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joonkorre · 2 months
likened to a deepsea diver
@drarrymicrofic prompt: travel
Harry spot Malfoy standing outside an H-E-B, watched him frown squinty-eyed and ruddy-cheeked under the mid-July sun as a little, equally-as-blond girl tried to climb into his shopping cart. That was 15 years after the war. But this isn't about that. This is about Willow City Loop. Or, a tentative love letter to Texas and the places there that I’ve never been. AO3
Draco sits with his feet up on the dashboard. It’s all kinds of dangerous and not something Lyra should see and learn from the backseat, but Harry only taps on the steering wheel, quiet. Just two years ago, Draco would never be caught dead like this, loose-limbed and soft in a cotton T-shirt. Harry’s cotton T-shirt. Lyra, too, would never let herself be in an enclosed space with another man who wasn’t her father. The both of them, pale and gaunt, were a sobering sight to witness. Unreachable in their posh accent and eccentric traditions and constellation names. But Lyra had let out a giddy “oooh” when Harry invited them to this weekend trip, and Draco had laid a gentle, callused hand on Harry’s shoulder, peeking at the worn map and the line of red marker to their destination. And so Harry signals right and merges into 87, hoping that the guidebook was right.
It was not.
“That’s a lot of people,” Draco says, craning his neck this way and that to look at the traffic ahead. “I thought we arrived early?”
“Guess everyone thinks so too,” Harry bites back a sigh. He’s not even holding the steering wheel at times, just tap-release-tap-releasing the brakes into a crawl.
“Do you reckon I can sit over there for a bit? By the big tree?” Lyra asks. Harry almost can’t hear her above the constant drone of engine and honking, but Draco does and whips around in his seat. In the back, she has rolled down the window and poked her head out.
“Sit down, Lyra, for Merlin’s sake,” he scolds. “You’re gonna get your head chopped off.”
Jesus, Harry thinks, a startled laugh almost escaping him as he watches them.
“That’d be fun, wouldn’t it?” the young girl says, now with her elbows on the window sill. “Like in that movie you didn’t let me watch.”
“Yeah, and you watched it anyway. No library trip for two weeks.”
“What the hell!” she shouts into the watercolour meadow. Probably because she can, and probably because it’s funny. Harry does laugh this time.
Draco’s head tilts toward him, light eyes almost transparent in the morning sun.
“Do you mind stopping the car? I have to go feed her to the bisons or—whatever it is that you raise in Texas.”
Harry shrugs. “The closest bison ranch I can think of is, like, 30 miles away. That’s a long walk.”
“Damn,” Draco frowns as though truly disappointed, then he shifts around again. “Lyra, sit back down. If you really get your head chopped off, I’m gonna sick up all over the dash and it’ll be disgusting. Save me from the indignity.”
One car honks, then another. Harry jolts, turning to see a swath of empty road in front of him. He lifts his foot off the brake, letting it move at a safe enough speed for a little girl with half her body hanging out of the window.
“Lyra,” he raises his voice. “Listen to your dad and get back inside. Now.”
A second of silence, then shuffling. Harry makes sure Lyra is pulling her torso back in using the rearview mirror, and she sits down with a thump. He lowers his gaze to the road, rolls up the window, and accelerates.
“The drivers are nicer today than usual,” he says after a minute or so. “They normally wouldn’t let people dawdle for that long.”
“I only listened ‘cause Dad likes you,” Lyra says at once, picking up her book. That’s Lyra Code for being done with her shenanigans for the day, and she’d like to sit daintily in her daydreams now, thank-you-very-much. A regular southern belle, her, and she was born in Ashford too.
Draco scoffs and looks out the window, face fully hidden from Harry’s angle. “Christ…”
It’s so childish, this ache in his chest. There’s an equally as intense ache on his face, stretched into a grin that feels instinctual, a base response etched in his genetics, like something he has to apologise for and stamp down. Harry reaches over and finds Draco’s hand, curled stiff into a fist on knobbly knees.
But at Harry’s touch, it unfurls. One blink, and Harry has already intertwined their fingers in the next. He keeps his eyes on the road, not really needing to look at the bluebonnet after all.
“I know, hon,” he says. The hand in his tightens for a brief moment, like a warning or a message or an agreement. The sun only gets brighter. When they get back home—their home (theirs, theirs, theirs) with an honest-to-God white picket fence that Lyra had too much fun painting and that the HOA detests, as well as a pie on the kitchen window, one of many culinary experiments Draco embarks upon—they’ll have a lot to discuss. “I know.”
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katie-krum · 8 months
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The Bookworm, Quidditch and Apples - Chapter 1 - katiekrum - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own]
Hermione had known for a long time that she no longer loved Ron Wealsey. However, he continued to try to get her attention. Meanwhile, she began to dream about a certain former Quidditch player. Marcus Flint turned out to be a far cry from the brutal Slytherin she had met in school. She fell in love with him quickly. Fortunately, mutually.
Her friends found it difficult to accept this relationship. What will happen when another Slytherin comes into her life? One who won't want to give it up, as he's been forced to do in the past?
Framione is my name for triad Marcus/Hermione/Draco.
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fanarthasmyheart · 2 years
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Life at Victoria Road five
Pairing: Drarry
Rating: T
Word count: 64k
With nowhere else to go, a washed-up Harry Potter crashes on Draco Malfoy’s couch, disrupting the domestic life at this fresh dad’s two-bedroom, Muggle walk-up. From his spot on the couch, Harry watches Draco navigate the wonders of fatherhood. Draco, meanwhile, struggles to understand his urge to take care of his former enemy (it must be the paternal instinct).
(Note: this is not an addiction recovery fic. There is an addiction recovery side plot, but I don't know enough to do it justice.)
Read on AO3
Excerpt under the cut :)
Excerpt (960 words):
As Malfoy had promised, the three of them went shopping after breakfast. Scorpius got tucked into Malfoy’s vintage, baby blue pram, and Harry had to shiver in his ragged denim jacket, hunched in the autumn chill, feeling fragile. His head and his muscles still hurt. These days, his head and his muscles always hurt. He squinted against the bright, October sunshine.
Malfoy was whistling to keep the baby entertained. It was a mystery how he'd survived each time they went out, as he only had eyes for the kid instead of their surroundings. It seemed like he intuitively sensed traffic lights and stopped for them without looking. It wasn’t possible, but Harry couldn’t see Malfoy looking up at any point.
‘Potter is an ugly fart,’ Malfoy sang softly to the kid. ‘He makes rock bottom look like art. Remember not to break his heart, or he will surely fall apart. That’s why we all sing: Potter’s an ugly fart.’
‘That makes no sense,’ Harry pointed out, pressing the button for the traffic lights a few more times.
‘Potter looks like he’s in pain,’ Malfoy sang on. ‘That’s because he is insane. Better put him on a train, or on a chain, or he will make us all feel pain.’
Harry sighed.
Malfoy sniggered. ‘You used to get angry.’ He draped himself over the pram to leer at Harry. ‘When I insulted you.’ He seemed entirely comfortable in his tight, woollen jacket, buttoned up over a thin, baby blue sweater that was clearly carefully selected to complement his skin tone and eyes, perhaps even the pram.
Malfoy smirked. Looking around at the blue sky and the orange tops of the trees, he simpered, ‘You missed me, didn’t you?’
The traffic lights turned green, so they walked. ‘Madly,’ grumbled Harry, shoving his hands deep into his pockets and kicking at a flattened coke can.
Malfoy laughed.
When they reached the other side of the road, Malfoy pushed the pram ahead of them. They strolled over to it and he pushed it again. ‘Such a bore, this pram... Imagine if it could fly. If Scorpius could fly around us at his own pace and look at everything around him, not just the stupid sky. Hello, baby!’ Malfoy had reached the pram again and bent over the side to press a kiss at Scorpius’ head. ‘Oh, aren’t you an ugly little fellow! You can’t do shit, can you? No! You can’t!’ Malfoy laughed and wearily pulled the pram behind him as if he were the teenager cleaning up the shopping carts at the local supermarket.
Harry decided to take over the pushing of the pram.
Malfoy immediately took his cue to walk ahead of them, straight-backed like a parade leader. ‘Potter shouldn’t be outside,’ he started chanting again. ‘The last time, all the babies cried. They cried and cried till past Yuletide.’ Malfoy jumped up to break off a branch of a tree and swung it around like it was a baton. ‘Tell the people far and wide, that Potter is out and ready to fight.’ At that last word, he unexpectedly lashed out at Harry with the stick. At least, he tried to, but Harry caught the stick and yanked it out of Malfoy’s hands, and Malfoy promptly covered his head, screaming.
It made Harry laugh.
Malfoy hipped over to Harry and grabbed the stick from him. Harry allowed it.
‘Have you breathed in properly, Potter?’ Malfoy demonstrated breathing deeply in and out a few times. ‘How nice it is – Oh Merlin!’ He froze in front of a shop window, voice high in panic.
‘What?’ Harry whirled around, flicking out his wand. ‘What?’
‘My hair is such a mess.’ As he checked himself in the reflection of the shop window, Malfoy pulled at strands of his white blonde hair, which had indeed grown to be quite long; Harry kept seeing him pushing and blowing it away from his face.
With a sigh, Malfoy resumed walking. Harry had trouble shifting gears and had only just come to a halt with the pram, but Malfoy didn’t care.
‘I really need a haircut, you know, but the last time I tried, that menace over there wouldn’t stop crying. I had to just go home after they had only just washed it. It was awful.’ He slowed down so he could tickle Scorpius’ belly. ‘Yes, I’m talking about you, you little loudmouth. You’re the reason daddy looks like Lady Diana, aren’t you?’
Harry couldn’t help but laugh at this. ‘That’s an awful thing to say! Princess Di was beautiful.’
Malfoy made an indignant sound as he straightened up to scowl at him, and sniffily took the pram back. Harry sniggered.
They passed a fruit and vegetable store that had most of the pavement covered in crates of fruit. On the corner, a small, green shop sold cigars; Harry didn’t even know that was still a thing. On the other side of the road, an all pink hairdresser – pink awning, pink sign, pink frames – had faded to blue-and-white pictures of hair models up in the windows. Nobody in the street seemed to be in a hurry. A few guys were sitting in plastic lawn chairs, watching the passersby, and further down the road two women were chatting on the corner of a street, one of them with a dog.
Harry liked it. The regularity of it all.
It had been a long time since he’d been shopping, sober and clean. Or that he'd been out and about before noon.
The morning sun worked hard to shine through the overcast sky. On the beech trees around them, the green-and-yellow leaves rustled in the breeze. The smell of autumn daybreak hung in the air and Harry felt like he was skipping school.
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I'm in such a drastoria mood right now and I feel even more starved than I do with scorbus oh my god
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drarryruinedme7 · 2 years
Hi, just dropped by to say I LOVE your fic 'And Draco Makes Four' so so so much!!
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And this definitely tops my favorite scene from the fic!!
Thank you SO much for sharing it!! ❤💚
omg!! Thank you so much ;_; It makes me so happy when someone comes over to Tumblr to tell me they liked one of my fics... I relaly appreciate this, you're precious!
If anyone’s curious this is the fic :) And Draco Makes Four (M; 10.4k; 2021)
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myers-meadow · 10 months
Lucius Malfoy x fem! reader: That which isn't taught in books
Title: That which isn't taught in books
Pairing: Lucius Malfoy x female librarian reader
Summary: Draco complains about you, the Hogwarts librarian, to his father. This results in the beautiful Lucius Malfoy paying you an unexpected visit. He is rather taken with you, and he shows you things you can't simply learn from books: your place.
Warnings: smut, blowjob, cum, spit, vaginal fingering, degradation, rough kissing, use of 'slut', praise, gloves, Lucius is Lucius and a that's a warning on it's own, consent isn't discussed but reader is into it, manhandling, (suspected) cheating, hair pulling (assumed reader has hair that can be pulled).
Wordcount: 3699
Dividers by by animated-glitter-graphics-n-more and delishlydelightfuldividers.
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“Miss __, you must to lend me this book. I need it for class.” Draco Malfoy ordered, pointing to the book on top of the stack on your right.  Third years aren’t typically allowed to borrow advanced books on dark magic, so it wasn’t on the shelves for him to take with a reason.
“No,” you simply replied, removing book from the stack and sending it to the topmost shelf with a wave of your wand. “That’s a restricted book and you need a permission slip from the headmaster before borrowing it.”
Draco scoffed. “I know you let Granger use the library outside the allowed hours.”
How could the damned kid know about that? What a menace.
“The book is still restricted.”
“Do you know who my family is?” Draco said, tapping the desk impatiently.
“Yes, I know your parents quite well. We are old friends, in fact,” you said, which was a lie. The Malfoys are well-known, and you’ve run into them before. Unpleasant was the best word for it, and you were glad the moment you didn’t have to deal with them anymore. Narcissa was alright, perfectly poised and therefore polite – but still raised rich and pureblood. Lucius, on the other hand, gave you nightmares that night. Even worse that you woke up wet between your thighs.
Draco scoffed, sending you a nasty look. “We will see about that, miss __.”
You sighed as he turned around and marched away.
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It was later that week that the Hogwarts library had a surprise visit from a tall, white-haired man that reminded you so very much of the pest that was Draco Malfoy.
“So this is where the students are expected to borrow their books from,” said the cold voice, heavy with poorly veiled contempt. “Hogwarts seems to spend their funds… otherwise.”
“Good evening, sir,” you started, tone flat. “Have you come here to take a look around? I assure you our collection is larger than it seems here at the front desk.”
He raised an eyebrow, only now looking at you. “Miss __,” and even that alone sounds like he chastised you, “I’ve come here because of what my son told me of your behaviour. You pick on him and single him out, while the rest of the students are allowed to break school rules at will.”
Your shoulders tensed. So he was really here because of that small ordeal. And above all, it pissed you off that he didn’t even feel the need to introduce himself properly. Of course you knew who he was, but that he expected you to still remember him was infuriating.
“I see. Then you should be pleased to know that I don’t allow any student to break the rules, which includes your son. I do not play favourites.”
An amused smile played at the corner of his lip. “Is that so?”
“Yes, sir.” Your tone remained flat. Despite that, it was difficult not to let your eyes wander. Gods, did he dress up this fancy just to give you a stern talking to? He was delicious. With the snake tie pin mirroring the glittering of his cold gaze, the full three piece suit that wouldn’t look out of place at a funeral, and the leather gloves he wore even though he had to cross half the castle to get here.
You continued, taking a deep breath to steel yourself – he noticed, his gaze flickering to your chest. “You may be under the impression, Mr. Malfoy, that professors of this school are easily pressured by empty threats, to give your son a leniency that I refuse to show him. This visit won’t change that, so I’d suggest you save yourself the time.”
He raised an eyebrow, looking down at you past his nose. You were glad for the library desk separating the two of you, or you’d back away from him like a scared animal.
“I do not appreciate your tone,” he said, each word perfectly measured, low and menacing. Your adrenaline spiked, and your knees trembled. He leaned forward, and you fought the urge to take a step back. Even just that thought, of backing of, of yielding to him, he must’ve seen it cross your face, and smirked in response, clearly enjoying the hold he had on you.
A group of Hufflepuffs entered the library, giggling to themselves, until they saw the standoff you were in. “Let’s just come again later,” one suggested, and they left quickly, whispering to each other. You nodded at them, and moved your gaze back to the imposing man in front of you. From this close, you could smell the perfume he wore. Something warm like sandalwood mixed with citrus. Fuck, he was insanely attractive. Touching him would feel like the most luxurious velvet.
“I suggest,” he leaned in even closer over the desk, you felt the warmth of his breath fan your face, “that from now on, you make sure you assist in Draco’s education and let him borrow whatever books he wants.”
“If he has the right permission slip from the headmaster, Draco can borrow any book he likes. Without it, he can’t.” You could barely focus on his words with how close he was. “If you knew the book in question, you’d agree with my approach and be glad that I didn’t have a conversation about Draco’s interest of late.”
“And what book may that be, miss?”
“Forbidden hexes and curses. And he’s practiced some too, already. One may think he’s… a bit too interested in the Dark Arts.” You clacked your tongue and pushed yourself off of the desk, trying to clear your head. “It wasn’t a beginner’s book either.”
Lucius quirked an eyebrow and looked you up and down. “Perhaps we should discuss this matter somewhere more… private.”
His velvety voice made your insides flip in nervous anticipation, which you attempted to calm with little success. So, that approached worked. The value purebloods place on image was such an easy win, but it felt good to hear his tone soften.
“My office is there.”
He moved around the desk and went first, waiting for you to move around him and open the door for him. Once inside, he shut and locked the door, and with a quick wave of his wand, the blinds shut themselves. His small smirk as he looked at you then was nothing short of predatory.
“Draco told me so much about you,” his voice was even more hypnotising than before, and he knew the effect he had on you as you breathed in sharply. He walked around you slowly, taking you in completely. Surely this was another intimidation technique of his, so you force yourself to stand your ground.
“He has?” you echo, not seeing the point of it, but wanting to delay the threats and the fight – and that deliciously wrong feeling of anticipation was building steadily inside your lower belly.
“The librarian,” his voice was smooth as silk, “who is so attractive that it keeps the students from their studies. A Slytherin, but surprisingly, you don’t know who or what is good for you.”
It sounds like he’s insulting you again. He stood still right in front of you, a finger coming to rest on your cheek. The contempt has returned to his expression, along with something else.
“You dress… well. Draco said you looked inappropriate, but he is just a boy. He gets silly ideas too quickly.” Lucius’ voice has softened considerably. The way you looked up at him made you feel like a deer caught in the headlights, not knowing whether to fight, flight or fawn – and the result is that you did nothing.
“Your concern for my appearance is noted, sir,” you managed to say. “Is that why you really came all this way? To make sure your son’s librarian dresses appropriately?”
A small chuckle broke the silence. “I must admit, you are more alluring than he said you were. Perhaps we can solve this disagreement in a more pleasurable manner. If you can learn your place, that is.”
You stared at him. The gloved finger tapping your cheek moved to your lips, slipping between them. The smell of the leather was strong and made your head swim.
“Or should I make it clearer for you? On your knees.” His condescending tone was unlike anything you’ve heard before: alluring, yet cruel. The velvet softness of his voice contrasted with the way he looked down at you past his nose. Such a regal face…
When you didn’t immediately obey, he pushed you down by your shoulders. The floor was cold even through the fabric of your skirt. The tip of his cane tapped your cheek lightly, but it was threat enough.
You gulped. Looking up at him from this angle was a sight to see, his amused expression, the smell of him, the texture of his glove in your hair were as intimidating as they were arousing.
“What’s the matter? I’m sure a big girl like you knows what to do.” His leather clad hand tugged open his belt and ripped open the buttons without a second of hesitation. His eyes glinted darkly with lust. Only when he tugged his cock free from his underwear, did you look away from his eyes. He was gorgeous, pulsing, rigid, the head flushed with blood, with just one teardrop of precum at the slit. Doubting your actions, you reached a hand up to grip him. Warm. Thick, too.
“Are you just going to sit there? Open.”
You obeyed, instinctively, and he groaned lowly as he slid his cock in your waiting mouth. Wetting the underside of his cock with your tongue, you teased the bit of skin just under the head, making it bounce against the roof of your mouth. His breaths came sharply, slowly turning to soft sounds of pleasure. He slid in and out as you sucked him, moving your lips along his shaft. Clearly he held back in showing just how good you made him feel – and your determination grew. You teased the head with vigour, and before you could settle on a rhythm, he forced himself in deep. Gagging and trying to swallow around him, he groaned, and the sound went straight to your core. Shifting your thighs together to relieve the throbbing ache wasn’t close to enough. Lucius set a punishing pace for himself, deep and fast. In and out, and his length grew wetter and wetter with saliva and precum.
“What a pretty girl you are,” praised Lucius, in between hissed breaths and stifled groans. He held your head back by the hair then, and pulled your lips from his cock.
“You were made for this. Know just how to please your superior.”
A cruel gleam shone in his eye as he looked down on you, and he rubbed his cock over your face, coating it in your spit. His words rang true in a way that made you whimper pathetically. The humiliation burned. You broke out in a heated sweat, but the terrible empty throbbing of your cunt was enough for you to stay put. He pulls your head back on his cock, immediately pushing into your throat again.
“Just like that, sweetheart,” he groans. The satisfied sadism in his expression has you dripping. “What great things even you can accomplish if you receive the right guidance.”
His ‘guidance’ came in the form of an insistent hand fisted in your hair as he fucked your face, without any care for your comfort. Now that his length was wet and slimy, it went in easier, but it still made you gag. You tried your best to hollow your cheeks, wanting to prove to him how good you could be. A small part of you, at the back of your mind, was disgusted by your actions and more so by how easily Lucius exploited your submissive streak. Yet, when you glanced up and saw the pleasure etched into his face, that voice quieted down. He looked sinfully good from this angle, and you enjoyed it through tearful eyes as he pushed at your gag reflex once again. In, out, slower, feeling the drag of your tongue on the underside of his cock, and moaning filth behind clenched teeth. Then, having enough of your tongue, his pace increased, pushing into your deeper and without mercy.
Eventually he let out a satisfied groan, and he pulled out from your mouth, drool spilling onto your blouse, and he stroked himself to completion, groaning harshly as he came. Hot, sticky ropes of cum painted your face. You gasped at how unexpected of and end it was, face burning at how degrading it was to sit there and take it, stunned at the audacity of this man. It may be true that you craved this from the moment you first met him, but that didn’t change that it made you feel both disgusting and desired like nothing else could.
“This is what you wanted, isn’t it, filthy girl?” His gloved hand twisted in your hair, angling your face so he could admire you. “You will leave this as it is. Merlin, you enjoy this, don’t you? Made such a mess of yourself. Filthy fucking slut.”
His words came through gritted teeth, and you feel the strength he’s holding back as he forced you to stand by your hair. You yelped. The cum left a nasty pulling sensation on the skin as it started to dry. You felt used, so used, and his disgust showed clearly on his face. Nevertheless, he pulled you close, forcing your head to his and he kissed you, with open mouth against your cum covered lips. Without a care that his cum smeared his face as well as yours, and the bitter aftertaste that it left in his mouth, he devoured you hungrily.
“Open your mouth,” he ordered, voice rough. You obeyed. The moan he let out as he pressed his lips to yours again was the most lewd sound you’d ever heard. Your tongues entwined, the taste of his seed mingling with saliva. It was gross, but in the best way. You made him like this, was the thought that shot through your mind, you made him gross and lose control. And you did all of that just by being you.
Teeth clashed and you winced, but he barely seemed to notice. He was so rough, so uncoordinated, yet it was the hottest thing you ever felt. Spirals and sparks of heat radiated in your belly. The hand in your hair let go, to great relief, and wrapped around your throat instead. The kiss grew fiercer still. He consumed you. All of you. His teeth tugged at your lips, nipping harshly enough for small stings of pain, but they were soothed over with the warmth of his tongue. His nose pressed against your face with how far he leant into you, how harshly he pulled your face against his.
This hunger was a world away from his earlier disgust.
When he let go, his pupils were blown wide, his cheeks flushed, passionate and heated. He wiped the cum from his nose and lips, and licked it from his gloved fingers. Your eyes fluttered just at the sight of him. And it was you who caused this, who brought out this side of him, all dishevelled, messy, stained… All for you.
“It seems you do know your place well, dear librarian. How about a reward, then? Do you think you deserve one?”
All you could do was nod.
He pushed you back until your ass hit your desk, and he lifted you up until you were seated. “Legs wide. Good girl.” He spread your thighs as he stood between them. His gloved fingers dragged over the sensitive skin of your innermost thigh. You were positively throbbing. Have you ever felt arousal this strong while completely untouched? You hated him for it.
“Please, Mr. Malfoy,” you whimpered, already growing impatient.
Tugging at the cotton of your panties, he said, not a question, but an order: “Why don’t you take those off for me.”
You stumbled to comply. Before you could say anything, he silenced you by sliding two fingers in your mouth, and you wet them without being prompted to. The leather tasted like his cum, bitter. The texture was pleasant on your tongue. He hummed, pleased, as he slid his fingers out.
“Who knew you’d be such a quick student? But then again, they do say librarians have a wide variety of knowledge.” And his finger found your clit. “How’s that?”
You whined sharply as he increased the pressure, but didn’t move his fingers, still depriving me of the friction I craved.
“Or rather here?” and he slid his fingers to your slit, dipping in, before moving back up, bringing the slick with them. “Aren’t you a wet little slut.”
His middle finger slid in to the knuckle, with embarrassing ease. You moaned softly, brow furrowing. It felt right. So right. So perfect. This is what you were made for, for such a feeling, of being filled, of being used by a man as beautiful as Lucius Malfoy. Your eyes locked and your heart skipped a beat at the intensity of his stare.
“What a sensitive young woman you are,” he said, voice soft, yet with a darkness to it. “No one’s touched you this good before. And no one will, after.”
He pulled his finger almost out, then pushed it back in, setting himself a slow and deep rhythm, curling it deep inside. Each time he hit that spot inside, your gasps and moans became a little higher, a little more desperate. You clung onto his shoulders, and he leaned so close your noses touched.
“You look quite beautiful like this… Who knew it would be this fun to put a librarian in her place?” it almost seemed he talked to himself moreso than to you. One finger became two, but his pace remained the same. Steady, in, out, in, curling, out. The drag of his gloves made it even better, and when you looked down, they were wet and creamy from how wet you were. You whimpered as he followed your line of sight, and slammed back in harder. And harder. Now that his pace was steadily increasing, so were the sensations, growing hotter quick. He tipped you over the edge and you nearly screeched – but he kept going, the orgasm prolonging itself until you reached a second high, so high it was painful - and he moaned along with you, slowing but not pulling out. When he finally stilled, both of your breaths were sharp, as though you’d just ran up five flights of stairs. He kissed you again, messily, as he pumped in and out just a few more times, enjoying the twitches of your aftershocks.
“What a good girl,” he purred, and he pulled out. The feeling of emptiness was jarring and you clenched around nothing. His fingers slipped past your lips, and you sucked them clean obediently. “What a good girl,” he repeated, with emphasis and a fond undertone. “Perhaps there’s hope for you yet.”
Even after coming down from the orgasm, the hazy feeling stayed, making your head swim as you looked at the man in front of you. He kissed you again, and it was borderline uncomfortable with the drying cum still on your face. He was softer, a wet kiss, he was savouring you.
“I dearly hope this isn’t the last I’ll see of you, my sweet librarian,” he said, and before he left, with a wave of his wand, he grabbed your panties and left with a last, lingering look over his shoulder. “Although I expect you to behave from now on.”
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Before you went to sleep that night, you replayed what happened over and over again, and despite the unsatisfiable desire, there was also anger. This man has a wife! You were livid. How could he do this? Not even the degradation – but that you let yourself be treated like that by a man who has a wife!
The next day, during your lunchbreak, the largest bouquet of roses you had ever seen was delivered to the library. There must’ve been more flowers in it than in the entire flower shop in Hogsmeade. The ridiculous arrangement sat on the desk, crowding over all the books. The delivery witch had you sign for them, but refused to tell you who they were from. You shook your head, as you sank down on your chair, staring at them. You didn’t have a vase big enough.
While you were preparing and cutting the stems, you found a note. ‘L. M.’ Was all it said and it filled you with annoyance.
Lucius. Your eyes shot fire at the mention of his name. How dare he play this off in this way. What a condescending gesture, to buy you roses just to stake some sort of claim on you. To remind you of what the two of you did the day before, to keep you in line. Resolutely, you throw the note in the paper bin. Perhaps you should send him a note too, and tell him to save those roses for his wife.
Now what? This many wouldn’t even fit in any garbage bin - not without attracting a horrible amount of attention. Perfectly pristine flowers thrown away would cause enough drama, more than keeping them would. So you, sigh, and continue trimming the stems, getting your anger out with each snip. There was enough to set a few flowers in small vases, or mugs, when those ran out, on each table in the library. The anger had faded by the time it was done, and you looked out over the suddenly very colourful library. Who will water them each morning? You’d never get around to your actual job like this.
What was left of the encounter, was that nagging feeling, of being special. Special enough to have watched such a powerful man as Lucius Malfoy become undone. You smiled softly as you stacked several returned books in your arms. Perhaps this wasn’t over yet.
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patrophthia · 1 year
fairy of shampoo | theodore nott
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pairing: theodore not × reader
genre: fluff, (maybe) miscommunications, crushes, confused feelings, we’re besties with draco (he’s annoying) (affectionate), not beta read
wc: 3.8k
this is a combination of this and this requests ! i hope you like it!! theo content for the win!!
taglist: @tr4ppola
If he really tried to think about it, he could recall the first time he'd ever saw you. He was eleven, standing on platform nine and three quarters with his father by his side. You were talking to someone sitting across you with a pout, he was blond, hair platinum as it could be. His father slips a bag into his pocket the same second you looked out the window.
Your eyes met and he could tell that his father had just given him this month's allowance. You smile at him and he distractedly bids his father goodbye. And if he were to remember it correctly, this was when you'd planted his heart in a rose-coloured fantasy.
He climbs on to the train, and the longer he spent trying to find you within the carriages he passed, the quicker he'd realised that he'd already forgotten your face. You, who he now childishly deem his one, and only fairy.
It wasn't long until he saw you again, not that he knew that it was you, his (and he cringes when he thinks of this now) fairy. You were now an acquaintance of his, and apparently a friend of his dorm-mate, the spoiled brat: Draco Malfoy.
He remembers it more clearly now, every single aspect of his life that has been affected by you. He blames it on Malfoy for always dragging you wherever he went. And he blames it on himself for thinking that you were too pretty for your own good.
Pretty enough to be in a shampoo commercial even. Maybe then you'd be an actual fairy; a fairy of shampoo.
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Sometimes you forget just how rich the Malfoy's were until Draco invites you to stay at his lake house with him and his Slytherin friends over the summer. And seeing as you've both known each other for so long that even your parents had grown annoyed with one another, you'd had your stuff packed and brought over before summer even started.
Draco was quick to take up the master bedroom, assigning you the room next to his just so he could easily come in and annoy you. You didn't really mind it, your room has a bathroom attached to it; it connects your room to another.
You'd shared this room with Draco before, a double sink in the bathroom being a great source of morning conversations. You always stayed at the other side though, just so he could be closer to his parents but still close enough to you for him to barge in and bother you whenever he liked.
Pansy took the one opposing yours, Blaise just down her hall leaving the one connected to yours for Nott to take up.
Day-one activities consisted of the five of you going to the local farmers market to shop for groceries. Draco —and the others for this matter, didn't like this idea much, but you were all grown up now, you should be able to handle this without the help of house elves.
"Strawberries?" Pansy says. "Have we gotten them yet? I really like them."
You nod. "Yeah, we got a few pounds of it. Is that okay or should we get more?"
"No it's fine," she answers. "We can always come again for more."
Draco groans at her words. And you roll eyes, reaching over to smack his arm. "Don't be a lazy brat."
"I'm not being a lazy brat," he says defensively, "it's hot and we could easily have someone else do this for us. We could be spending this time doing something else."
"Doing what exactly?" You retorted. "It's not like you're getting laid anytime soon."
Blaise snorts at your words as Malfoy mumbles under his breath. "Is your father going to hear about that?"
"Fuck off, Zabini."
The five of you continue on your trip around the market, stopping by for occasional snacks and you start to suspect that Draco enjoys this much more than he lets on whenever he spots a new shiny toy.
It didn't take long for you to finish up with your groceries, so to treat yourselves, you'd decided to head over for something refreshing. You'd settled on ice cream, approaching the closest parlour you could find.
"Hey, I'm about to go order," you say, standing a short distance away from Theodore who had yet to order unlike the other three. "Which flavour do you want?"
Theodore took a glance at you, then after a second he turned back the window that had him preoccupied just minutes before. Okay, that was rude.
But you chopped it up to him being the introvert that he is, so instead you went up to Draco and asked him about his friend. "Which one do you think he likes? I asked him and he straight up ignored me."
"Maybe he just didn't hear you," Draco suggested, then adding; "or that he didn't want anything."
"But then again, this is Theo we're talking about, who knows what he's thinking." Draco takes a bite out of his sorbet, pondering for a second. "Just get him vanilla, it's basic, everyone likes vanilla."
With two cones in hand, one for you and the other for Theodore, you cautiously approach the tall Slytherin. "Draco told me to get you vanilla," you said, smiling up at him. "Is that okay with you? I could get you anothe—"
"It's fine," Theo cuts you off, reaching for the cone you were about to offer him. If his tone had an affect on your attitude, you don't let him see it. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." Your voice drops barely above a whisper, clearly done with this conversation. "Should we head back then?"
Theo only nods. And you try your best to not let it get to you, he was reserved when it comes to new people; you know this. Then why does he still close himself off from you when you've known him for the last seven years of your life?
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Mornings at the country lake house were one of your favourite things, it's quiet and you always wake up feeling restful and content. You got up from your bed and made your way to the bathroom. A twist at the knob and turn had you entering it in no time.
You went up to your side of the sink and it's only when you reached for your tooth brush did you notice the blurry figure beside you. "Good morning," you greeted with a soft smile without much thought, beginning your morning routine by brushing your teeth. "How'd you sleep?"
"Fine," he says. He wants to say more but he can't think of a single thing to tell you. He wants to tell you how much he likes standing here with you right now. He wants to tell you how much he both loves and hates being around you because he always, without fail, ends up a frozen mess. "How did you?"
"It was good." At least he's making conversation. He finishes up brushing his teeth and you're more than just relieved. It's not easy talking to someone who clearly doesn't enjoy your company. "I'll see you in a bit then."
Theodore hums in acknowledgement and turns towards his room, shutting the bathroom door behind him. It's only when he's gone did you realise he'd only worn sweats to sleep.
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Blaise was kind enough to make breakfast for everyone, and Theodore was lucky enough to be the first to get a taste of it.
"Good morning," he greets the brunet, his back to him as he keeps eyes on his cooking pancakes. "Princess' not up yet?"
"No," Theo answers, going over to his side to help plate each person's portion. "And you know she hates it when you call her princess right?"
"Yeah," Blaise says with a slight chuckle. "But she always looks so mad when we call her that, it's funny."
"You say that as if she doesn't cuss us out whenever any of us calls her that," Theo retorts, him adding extra of the things he knew you liked on your plate not missed by Blaise.
Blaise only shrugs, "you get used to it after a while."
Theo only hums as a response. And after a second, he decides to tell Blaise about something that has been plaguing his mind since he woke up this morning. "She said good morning to me."
Blaise' brows furrows. "Okay?"
"I didn't say it back."
"Oh so she hates you know." Theo scowls at him and Blaise can't help but laugh at his crushing friend.
"You're supposed to make me feel better."
"Well it's not my fault you're an idiot," Blaise retorts, "it wouldn't be this difficult if you'd just ask her out."
"You know I can't do that."
Draco walks into the kitchen. "And why can't you?"
"I don't know how to explain it," he says first, now setting up the table with Draco's help. "I feel like I'm walking on clouds when I talk to her and yet I can't find the words to express how I feel and always end up making her upset with me."
Draco shares a glance with Blaise. This must've been the most they'd heard him speak in one morning. "Oh so you're whipped?"
"Who's whipped?"
Merlin was not on Theo's side this morning. Because why else would you be here while he's having this conversation out of everything else he could've been chatting about?
"Nott," Draco snickered.
"Oh." Your face falls and he hopes more than anything that you were disappointed, or maybe even jealous at the prospect of him being into someone other than you. "Good luck then."
Pansy who'd come into the kitchen with you, and stayed by your side as she listened in; only frowns at your word. "Why do you sound like that? Don't you want to know who it is?"
"I do," you murmured. "But it's not like he's going to tell us who it is anytime soon."
"And why not?"
"Are we talking about the same guy? It took me three months to get a word out of him," you retorted. "I doubt he's just going to tell us who he's dating."
"Not dating per se, just crushing," Blaise corrected.
"Theo has a crush?" Pansy gasps. "How exciting."
"Don't act surprised," Theodore scoffs, taking a seat at the table. And, as if he was pointing out that the skies were blue, he adds: "You're standing right next to her."
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"Are you sure, princess?"
If you didn't have as much on your mind as you did, you'd tell Blaise off. But there were bigger matters at hand, so instead you decided on a friendlier reply. "Just go on, I'll join you in a minute."
"Okay," he says with a slight frown, now that you're not telling him to go do something inappropriate with himself for just calling you princess. He's starting to wonder if you are okay, but he'll let you tell him all about it at your own time, so instead, he says: "If you say so."
He tosses you his towel and you put it to your side, watching him as headed towards Draco and Pansy who were on their second attempt at drowning one another. Yeah this is going to be a long day.
You tried to be logical, but every logical thought points towards one conclusion: Theodore Nott likes you.
Because who else could've he been talking about when he said his 'crush' was standing right next to Pansy. Unless he meant the air on the other side of her? But that's insane, he couldn't possibly mean that. And, in all honesty, you think that he couldn't have possibly meant you.
It could've been a joke but Theodore has a look on his face, one where you could always without fail tell that he was planning a joke, and you were sure that he hadn't worn that look when he'd said it. And even if it was a joke, this was a very cruel one for him to tell.
The sound of sand dipping a short distance away catches your attention; to your right Theodore sat on the sand as he looked straight ahead.
He must've felt you looking at him, there was no way he couldn't have but he was showing no signs that he knew whatsoever.
You clear your throat. "You're not going in?" He turns to you, his hair —now outgrown and floppy, flies in each and every direction. He then shakes his head. "Why not?"
He turns back to the other three in the water. "I didn't want to leave you here alone."
"So you're keeping me company?" A nod of his head tells you all you need to know. Plague with questions and questions and questions, all of which Theodore related, you can't help but ask him. "Why?"
"You know why."
"No," you say. "I think I know why, not that I actually know it."
"Does your thinking involve me having feelings for you?" A nod from you cues his next response. "Atta girl, that was right on the nose."
Feeling restless at his words, you got up onto your feet and made your way over to where he sat. "I don't get it," you say first, and as a response, Theo looks up at you. "I don't get you."
Theo's face showed no emotions. "What don't you get about me?"
"Just yesterday, you blatantly ignored me and then today you say that you have feelings for me out of nowhere?" You say frustratingly, and Theo feels bad, he really does, for finding you so cute that he could barely hide his smile. "How am I supposed to believe you?"
He only blinks at you. "You just do."
What. You squint your eyes at him, "are you serious right now?"
"I am," he says, frowning. "Is it that hard to believe?"
"Yes," you say exasperatedly. "If you have feelings for me then why do you always treat me like shit?"
He thinks for a second. He could either tell you the truth, which was that he's kind of in love with you and he was terrified of speaking to you because he didn't want you to find out or change the topic completely. "I'm going for a swim."
That's what you get? For asking him questions about his feelings for you? Were men always this complicated? "You're just going to ignore me?"
"I'm not." He slips his shirt off, heading into the lake where your three friends were trying to not be obvious about how they were listening in.
"You're not what?" You ask him, trailing after him.
"I'm not treating you like shit nor am I ignoring you," he says finally. "I just don't know what to say."
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Dinner is quiet. The tension can be felt by everyone and no one —not even Draco, dared to point it out. Something was going and as worried as they were about it, they were much more afraid of what their friend would do to them if they said something about it.
So instead, the three of them decided to be good and enjoy their meal without so much as a word. "Didn't know you could cook, Theo."
Theodore looks up from his plate and at Pansy. Her eyes suddenly went wide, feeling like a deer caught in headlight. So to ease herself out of the situation she adds. "This is delicious."
"Thanks," he murmurs lowly, turning back to his plate.
You watch as Blaise, Draco, and Pansy share a look. Blaise soundlessly ushering out a "what was that?"
Pansy, looking panicked, responded. "I don't know?! It was getting too quiet."
"You do know that you can just talk normally right?" All eyes turn on you. "No reason for hushed whispers, you know?"
Blaise looks at you bashfully, " 'course."
"Sorry," Pansy muttered. "We were thinking of having a Bonfire actually."
"That sounds fun," you nod, wordlessly waiting for Theo's response. "Do you want to join?"
Theodore looked up distractedly, and shook his head once he'd processed your offer. "No, I think I'll head to bed early."
The four of you accept his answer as is, tidying up the table before you bid him goodbye and went to the backyard. Pansy was quick to start a fire, especially with magic at her aid.
Once you've all sat down, Blaise passed each of you a bottle of butter beer and threw over some snacks. "It's really nice out tonight."
"It is," Pansy says in agreement, tearing open her bag of chips. "This is nice."
The conversation was strain, an invisible barrier clearly in the way of you and your friend. You look up at the stars, clocking in each star you spotted. Vega. Altair. Draco.
The blond yawns loudly, "Nott would love this."
Blaise snickers, "I thought we weren't going to mention him."
"And why not?" You ask. "Just because I'm here? He's still your friend, you can talk about him all you want."
"A friend who's been in love with you longer than you've known him," Draco murmurs, taking a sip of his butterbeer. And when the other turns to scold him, he rolls his eyes; clearly unbothered. "What? Princess here needs to know sooner or later."
"Don't call me princess," you say first, tone stern as it could be. "And what do you mean he's been in love with me longer than I've known him?"
Blaise shook his head. "You need to talk about this with him yourself."
"And how am I supposed to do that?" You countered. "The reason I'm in this mess in the first place is because of how he'd never speak to me. Now you want me to talk to him about his feelings? Do you hear yourself?"
"I know it's difficult," Pansy chimes in. "It's not exactly in his nature to talk much. But that doesn't mean you can't get anything out of him. You just need to go slowly about it."
"You want me to go slowly?" You don't really know how you feel. On one hand, you're upset with your friends that they've been hiding Theo's feelings for you from you for who knows how long. And on the other, you're mad at how they're telling you to go slow despite how fast everything has gone. "Just this morning I thought Theo hated me, and then out of nowhere I got told that he's been in love since before I even knew him. How am I supposed to go slowly with this when everything is going faster than I could think?"
The group falls silent, putting themselves in your shoes as they try to think of a way to help you out with your predicament.
Then finally, Pansy asks the question the others had been thinking about. "Do you think —that even for the slightest bit, that you could like him back?"
You frown. "I haven't really thought about it."
A part of you has, and Draco knows it, he was your best friend, you've told him everything you have ever thought of. And he knew that, despite you never actually having feelings for Theo, that if he ever were to ask you out, you'd give him a shot.
"Go talk to him," Draco says. "If you don't I'm telling your parents you're having unprotected premarital sex."
He's doing this for your own good, or at least he convinces himself that he was. And when you call out his bluff, he pulls out his wand; ready to send a patronus message any second.
"You can't make me do that."
"Oh yeah?" He says testingly. "Watch me, expecto—"
Wanting him to shut up, you got up from your spot and shot him a pointed look. "I will kill you the first thing next morning Draco Malfoy."
"Yeah yeah," he only waves you off with an amused smirk. "Just use protection."
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You stood outside your door. Wondering whether you should knock on his bedroom door or find him through the bathroom. Deciding that the latter was somewhat creepy, you nervously land a set of knocks on his door.
A second goes by before the door swings open. Theodore stood tall in plaid pyjamas pants and a forest green sweater, his hair a mess. His figure barely lit aside from the lamp on his bedside table, a book laying half open beside it.
Not really knowing what to say, you settled on a simple. "Hi."
"Hi." Theo shuffles to the side, inviting you in.
You stood in his room as he shut his door. He sits him on his bed and looks up at you. Your eyes met and just before you chicken out, you ask him. "Can we talk?"
"Aren't we already doing that?"
Since when did he get so snarky? "Okay," you murmur. "Well I wanted to talk to you about today."
Many things happened today, you'd have to be more specific is what he didn't say. Only keeping quiet as he waited for you to go on.
"I guess I'm just a little confused," you tell him. "Do you actually have feelings for me or are you messing with me?"
He stares at you for a minute before asking. "Don't you think it's a bit cruel to mess with you by saying so?"
"That's exactly what I thought," you let out frustrating. "But then again you're the one who's been ignoring me all these years and then you decide to drop that you have feelings for me out of nowhere. So I'm sorry if I think that this is a cruel joke."
"I would never joke about how I feel for you."
"Then please tell me how you feel," you say. "Because I'm driving myself mad trying to understand you."
Theodore pities you, pities how you don't understand just how desperately into you he is, pities how he had to explain to you just how much you mean to him and just how stupid he's been for not telling you all these years.
He thinks and thinks and thinks. Trying to find the right words to articulate how he feels. "I fell in love with you the moment I saw you."
He stands and walks over to you, and you hate how you have to crane your neck up to look at him. "Which was?"
"First year," he says, "platform nine and three-quarters."
Seeing as you can't recall ever meeting an eleven year old kid with dark hair and dark eyes. You decided that he was a liar. A cute one at that.
"I met you again when I became friends with Draco," he tells you. "And at first I hated you, not because there was anything wrong with you but because you were pretty and you were nice, and that you made me speechless every time I saw you."
"I only thought people like you existed in fairy tales," he says. And you have to fight back the urge to vomit at how cheesy he was. "When I do talk to you though, I always get a feeling I can't explain in words. But I'm willing to try my hardest if you’d give me a chance."
"A chance to?" You draw out.
"You know what I'm asking." He murmurs, a hand reaching for yourself. You let him take it, intertwining his fingers with yours in the process. "Don't make me say it princess."
"If you’re asking me on a date then your chances were ruined the moment you called me princess.”
He finds himself smiling at your words, eyes kept on you as he tries to memorise your face. He'd forgotten it once and he won't let it happen again.
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— from bee: i don’t really like this but oh well, feedbacks/notes/reblog are incredibly appreciated!!
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wordsarelife · 3 months
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pairing: draco malfoy x fem!reader
summary: draco malfoy wouldn’t have thought to come across you in a dark magic shop or how eager he would be to marry you
notes: i changed it up a bit, i hope that’s alright
warnings: mentions of grooming, loved ones dying || navigation
the dim light of the street lantern was falling into the window of the dark magic shop. the wind hit the bells behind the door when it got opened, making them chime a melodic melody.
“hello?” a voice asked.
you looked up from the paper on the counter and searched for the person that had just come through the door. it wasn’t long until draco malfoy entered your field of vision.
“l/n?” he asked surprised when his eyes fell on you.
“malfoy” you noted. his hair was as light as ever, but he looked a bit healthier since the last time you had seen him, which arguably wasn’t the best. it had been the final fight and you had watched him being walked away by his parents.
“what are you doing here?” he proceeded to ask “i wouldn’t have thought that someone like you would come anywhere near this shop”
you hadn’t been friends at hogwarts. quite the opposite really. you had always belonged to ron, hermione and harry, while draco had made it his mission to torture them.
although you had always been by their side, he had never once said anything about you. probably because even draco malfoy pitied you, like the rest of the school. your parents had been brutally killed by death eaters during your second year in hogwarts. even though you hated to see the pity in people's eyes, you had never noticed it when he looked at you. it was just silence, like he had not a single thought in his head whenever he would look at you, as if looking at you would silence the rest of the world.
you had always looked at bit smaller, a bit more fragile than your classmates. so fragile, not even draco malfoy dared to break you.
“my uncle bought the shop last year” you answered truthfully “and as i’m staying with him..” you trailed off, leaving the rest of the sentence hanging in the air.
“aha” malfoy nodded, and having decided that that was enough smalltalk either of you could endure, without growing uncomfortable, his hand went to the bag he was carrying and took something out.
he set the object down on the counter in front of you. it looked like a normal mirror, but it was black and you knew that it wouldn’t do you any good to search for your reflection.
“it’s my fathers” malfoy said after a few seconds of silence, before he cleared his throat “it was my fathers”
“oh” was all you could say.
“i’m trying to sell a few of his belongings.. that are on the darker side” his eyes found yours as he finally looked up “i don’t think anyone would be particularly happy about us still keeping those things”
“yeah, no” you agreed, gently taking the mirror into your hands.
“what does it do?” malfoy asked and you furrowed you eyebrows, surprised that he was asking you.
“nothing good” you said vaguely, watching his eyes darting over the object in your hands “it’s corruption” you concluded “every object of dark magic just corrupts the soul and in comparison, what they can do is just not worth it”
“i know” malfoy nodded quickly, his eyes returning to watch you instead of the mirror.
you wrapped it up in some paper and taped it shut, so no one was dared to look at it.
“that’s why i’m selling it” he said “that’s why i’m selling all of these things my father owned. it will just take me some time to find all of them”
“okay” you nodded, not sure what you could say instead.
“i just have the mirror with me today, i wanted it out of the house as soon as i found it” he added quickly. it seemed like not saying anything was motivation enough for him to talk.
or maybe, what you didn’t know was that he had so much to say, because he couldn’t tell it to anyone else. there were just him and his mother in that dark house and he wouldn’t try to talk to her about any of this. she had been through enough.
to his surprise he found a bit of comfort in your warm eyes, making it almost impossible for him not to tell you everything. and it was weird that you were harry potters best friend of all people. but you were friendly and you were here, so he didn’t care.
maybe he had never really cared that he should not be feeling about you this way.
you took out a book that seemed so old, that it almost fell apart when it hit the counter and turned the pages to find the price range for the dark magical object that was still laying next to you.
malfoy was watching you in complete silence and before he could question if the mood had shifted to become uncomfortable, a happy squeal broke out of your lips.
“i got it!” you smiled, pointing at the top of the page. malfoy tried to bend his head to look at it, before you were finally friendly enough to turn the book in his direction.
“huh” malfoy nodded “it's more than i thought it would be worth”
“that's quite common with these objects” you smiled happily and malfoy mirrored your expression. he was a bit surprised you were smiling at him, but it seemed like you didn’t harbour any hard feelings towards him.
he remembered you clearly, a few months ago at hogwarts, standing on the stairs, your braid ripped apart, lose strands of hair flowing in the wind. your face filled with dirt. there had been blood coming from a cut in your lip.
he wasn’t sure if he had just imagined it, but for a split second, your eyes fell on him. standing on opposite sides, tears brimming and flowing over your cheeks quickly.
maybe you had been the sole reason for him to throw his wand at harry potter. maybe he had done it because it had felt like you had asked him to.
how could he ever ignore the calling of a beautiful girl, standing in the middle of a war, crying for him to do something?
“thank you” he nodded when you passed him the galleons. he walked back to the door, feeling your eyes on him.
“draco” you called and he turned around quickly. he had never heard his first name coming out of your mouth. it sounded so beautiful when you said it. so soft and gentle, almost like it wasn’t a curse. “thank you”
no, he had not only imagined it.
draco smiled at you and nodded. he left the shop without another word.
it only took him about a day to come back. he spent more than just a few hours searching the house for more of his fathers artifacts, storing them away safely, so he could bring in one at a time. he wasn’t sure why, but the possibility of seeing you excited him. making his days bearable.
“draco” you greeted when he entered the shop. he was almost glad that you stuck to calling him by his first name.
“hello” draco nodded, he wasn’t daring enough to use your first name just yet.
“you came back quicker than i had thought”
just because of you, draco thought to himself, just nodding to you, as if that was answer enough.
just like the day before, his visit didn’t take long. with you inspecting the artifact, taking out the book and giving him his galleons before he could even ask you anything.
he made sure to bring more than just one object when he came in the next day.
“how have you been?” he asked as he watched you turn the pages of the book.
you shrugged, not quite sure what to answer “harry, ron and hermione went back to hogwarts, so it’s a bit lonely, but it’s alright”
it astonished him how often you spoke about your friends. you had even done that during your time in hogwarts, a bit like you were always dependent on them.
“why didn’t you?” he wasn’t sure if he was crossing a line.
“huh?” you looked up at him “went back to hogwarts?” you asked and his smile died down when you began to laugh. “no” you shook your head and he recognized the sadness quickly wandering over your face.
“and why—“ before he could finish his question, you had taken out the galleons and held them in his direction.
“here” you interrupted.
he left the shop with an uneasy feeling, scared he might’ve offended you. but everything was back to normal when he came in the next day and the few following after that.
it had been three weeks of him visiting the shop regularly, his mother already wondering what he was doing there so often, when for the first time it wasn’t you behind the counter, but an elderly man.
draco waited patiently at the door, as another costumer was standing at the counter.
“where is y/n, cornelius?” he could hear the man ask. he was well into his thirties, looking a bit too old to have any connection to you, but maybe you were just as friendly with him as you were with anyone else and draco really wanted to know the answer to his question.
“oh” the bearded man, probably cornelius, behind the counter shook his head “she went off to collect a few things that we need”
“that’s a pity” the costumer noted “i had hoped to see her beautiful face one of these days”
draco grimaced at that. he ignored the costumers greeting, before the man left the shop.
“hello” cornelius waved at draco to come forward.
“afternoon” draco greeted.
“draco malfoy, right?” the man asked “y/n told me about you coming in and selling your father’s artifacts”
“that’s right, sir” draco nodded.
“you two went to hogwarts together, didn't you?” cornelius smiled “i’m her uncle, cornelius barnes”
“it’s very nice to meet you, mr barnes” draco shook the man’s hand “is y/n alright?” somehow he could sense that barnes answer to the strange man’s question had been a lie.
“yes” barnes nodded “she’s just in the back. she’s not fond of hector” he pointed to the door.
“ah” draco nodded. he could understand that you’d rather hide away as soon as that man came into the shop, even draco found him uncomfortable.
“he’s been wanting to marry her” barnes continued and draco wondered if it was in the man’s nature to just tell private things to costumers or maybe, draco was the closest thing to a friend y/n had right now, considering the rest of them had went off to hogwarts.
“isn’t he at least ten years older than her?” draco wondered.
“twenty” barnes corrected and draco shivered. “sad enough that she’s actually considering it”
draco’s chin had almost hit the counter at that “what?” he asked outraged “why would she ever marry someone— like that” he finished quickly.
“i’ve been trying to talk her out of it, but she’s always been too selfless for her own good. she didn’t even go back to hogwarts”
“i had figured she didn’t want to”
barnes shook his head “she decided against it. i wish it wasn’t like that, but money is tight and y/n wants to do anything possible to save me” he pointed down to his leg “i’m not as fit as i was a few years ago”
draco nodded understandingly.
“she’s convinced that her marriage to a man like hector could help me” barnes shook his head sadly “i wish she wouldn’t feel as responsible for me and rather find a man she could have an equal relationship with, someone that could bring her comfort after my death, someone she could actually love”
“yeah” draco nodded and mirrored the man’s sad expression. he left the shop a few minutes later, the galleons clinking together in his pocket, which made him even sadder, feeling like he was robbing you and your uncle of your last money.
it took him more than just a few days to return back to the shop, carefully thinking about how he could help you best.
“draco” you smiled when he entered the shop and he could almost read the relief from your face. “it’s alright, uncle cornelius” you patted your uncles shoulder “you can sit down in the back, i will take care of it”
barnes greeted draco, before he limped into the back of the shop.
“he’s really nice” draco said as soon as the door to had closed.
“yeah” you smiled and draco noticed how much you admired the old man “sadly we all can’t stay young for forever”
draco nodded.
you looked at him expectingly “what?” you smiled “no dark magical object?”
“not quite, no” draco shook his head, before he took out the velvet box and set it down on the counter in front of you.
“what’s that?” you asked surprised. he looked at you and nodded when you went to open the box. a beautiful ring was shimmering so much it almost blended you. “a ring?” you wondered “okay, which curse was it hexed with?”
draco shook his head. “it’s my mothers. it’s not cursed..” he thought for a short second, before he added “or magical”
“draco?” you asked and he admired how his name slipped past your lips so effortlessly, so gentle it reminded him of his first visit to the shop and the shiver he had felt every time you had said it since.
“marry me” draco said a bit faster than anticipated.
“what?” you laughed, entirely astonished at his demand.
“your uncle told me about the money problems you had” he quickly explained “i get access to my father’s assets as soon as i’m twenty-five or sooner if i get married before that”
“my uncle told you that?” you repeated faintly.
“yeah, but it’s not a problem”
you looked up at him with big eyes. “you can’t just barge in here and ask me to marry you.. you can’t just come in here and save me.. that’s not how that works, draco” you shook your head and his heart sank.
“why not?” he wondered “i’d be ready to do that for you. you need money and i have it”
“draco” you touched his hand softly “i don’t want to get married out of convenience” you explained.
“but you're thinking about marrying hector?” he raised his voice.
“he really told you everything, huh?” you muttered, looking back at the door to the private area of the shop.
“y/n!” draco called and your eyes focused back on him.
“that’s different” you tried to escape his eyes.
“how is that any different? at least i’m not twenty years old than you!” draco argued “so you’d rather get married to that disgusting—“
“yes!” you interrupted and your voice was now matching the loudness of his. “you can’t just decide to marry me because it’d be the right thing to do!”
“but it is” he shook his head “i’m trying to help you. marrying me would benefit you”
“but i don’t want to get married to you like that” the sentence had left your mouth faster than you had been able to stop it, immediately making you close it and look down. right at the velvet box and the ring that was still sitting in the middle of you.
“what?” draco asked surprised.
you sighed “i don’t care about marrying hector out of convenience, but i would care if it was you”
the smile broke out quickly on draco’s face. “you would want to marry me?” he asked “but only for the right reasons?”
“i wasn’t talking about a marriage just yet” you raised your finger and corrected him “but i wouldn’t want to destroy that option just because i could profit from it. and if i would get married to you, it surely wouldn’t be because of your money”
draco almost recognized something in your eyes. something that you saw in him that no one ever did. and even though he had never seen it before, it felt familiar and safe. “do you think you could ever love me?” he asked unsurely. maybe he was just interpreting this conversation wrong.
“i think i have loved you longer than what was probably healthy for me” you whispered, leaning on the table and resting your chin on top of your hand. “do you think you could ever love me?” you repeated his question.
his smile grew impossibly bigger. “i don’t think i could even stop if i wanted to”
he was ready to jump over the counter, to hold you close and kiss you, to make all the bad years disappear.
but before he could do anything of that sort, you smiled and closed the box containing the ring, pushing it in his direction.
“so marriage is off the table?” he asked faintly.
“not completely” you smiled “but how about you take me on a date first?” you suggested.
“okay” he smiled, then he looked around the room. there was still your problem, the one that had provoked him to ask for your hand in marriage in the first place. “i think i know someone who would buy a few of these artifacts, for more than just their market price”
“you do?” you wondered and he nodded. it was like a weight had been lifted off you shoulders. or maybe for the first time in a long time, someone else knew what to do.
you went around the corner and hugged him. he held your head in his hands, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear before he finally kissed you. soft and gentle, making a shiver run down your spine.
after all, everything became better than you had hoped it to be. you returned to hogwarts, just having missed two months of classes that you had caught up to quicker than you had been able to worry about it.
draco had started finishing his education from afar, while helping your uncle to sell most of the magic items and finally deciding on new things to sell, completely updating the place until it was filled with costumers coming in all the time.
it took a few more years, but soon enough draco proposed to you again. and in the summer of the year 2002, y/n l/n married draco malfoy for only the right reasons.
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shanastoryteller · 3 months
Happy Valentine’s! SIAT Draco and his parents plz
inspired by this fanart
Harry wakes up alone in Draco's bed, the red tinged light of the year's first sunrise falling through the windows. He pushes himself up, glancing towards the bathroom, but it's quiet and the lights are off. The place beside him is still warm, so he couldn't have gotten too far. He could just go back to bed, it's not like anything happened to Draco in his own house, but they've only been asleep for a couple hours at best and he wants to know where his soulmate has gotten to.
He slides on a pair of Draco's silk sleeping pants before leaving the room, creeping softly down the hallway. He almost calls Winky, who could tell him where Draco is immediately, but he knows the elves were all working extra hard to prepare for the New Year's party. His is first guess is the kitchens, and then maybe the library.
He doesn't even make it that far. Instead he sees Draco sitting a couple stairs from the bottom, leaning forward to look into the entryway.
"Draco," he starts, but Draco jerks back twists to look at him, eyes wide a hand to his lips.
Harry frowns but nods, silently descending the stairs to sit next to him. It helps that nothing in the Malfoy Manor creaks. Draco presses their knees together, absently reaching out to tangle their hands together. He mirrors Draco's position, peaking around the edge of the wall.
The curtains all open, letting the weak light pour into the room and lighting it up in shades of soft red and orange.
There's music coming from somewhere and in the middle of the room is Draco's parents. They've both discarded their overrobes and Lucius has folded the arms of his shirt back to his elbows.
They're dancing, but not touching, their blank arms held behind their backs and their soulmarks on display as their hands and forearms are raised and so close it almost looks like their dragons are twined together as they circle each other across the room. They move so easily together, not only like they know each move their partner is going to make, but as if they've done this a thousand times and are planning to do it a thousand more.
"This is my favorite part," Draco whispers, leaning his head on Harry's shoulder.
There's a shift to the music and Narcissa steps an inch closer, clasping hands with Lucius as he reaches out to grab her hand at the small of her back, pulling her almost flush against him, neither of them missing a single step or stumbling even with the bottom of Narcissa's dress in the way.
They never look away from one another.
Harry rests his head against Draco's. "Mine too."
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k2padfoot · 10 months
Finding Her
Draco x Y/n
summary: The Malfoy’s forbid you of pursing their son after years of a relationship with him. When the war broke out they wanted him as far away as possible from you and your unborn child. Months later Draco learns the truth.
warnings: tad bit of angst, crappy parents, hurt/comfort, fluff.
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Rain was pouring down all around you as you raced towards your flat after a long day of work.
Your flat is on the second floor of the building so you made a run for it up the stairs and straight for your front door.
After rummaging through your work bag for your keys you finally unlocked the door and were startled to see Ginny Potter standing in your dimly lit living room.
It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary to see Ginny at your home, the Potter’s have been by your side through so much lately you truly have no idea where you’d be without them. Ginny had always been one of your best friends so when she found out you were about to be a single mother without a job she of course offered her help.
Harry and herself had set you up with an apartment 15 minutes from their home, Harry even got you a job at the Ministry to help with your bills. Ginny being an experienced mother already helped you in many ways to prepare for your child.
“Ginny? My God you almost gave me a heart attack.” you laughed as you sat your bags down and flipped on the kitchen lights.
“So what’s up?” you asked her as you rummaged through the fridge trying to find something to eat.
Ginny had already sat herself down at the breakfast bar across from where you stood, “I know we just saw each other this morning but I had to come quick because this couldn’t wait.”
Your head quickly spun around to face her, “What can’t wait?”
Ginny sighed roughly before continuing, “It’s Draco. He’s at our house—
“I’m sorry but did you just say Draco Malfoy is at your house?” you interrupted her.
“Well if you’d let me finish you would’ve heard the rest.” She said and you nodded at her to continue. “He came looking for you Y/n. He kept rambling about how he’s been back looking for you and that it’s driving him crazy not knowing where you’ve been.”
Your face went flush, “He’s been back?”
“I guess so, and he’s been spending all of his time looking for you. I won’t lie to you Y/n, he’s drunk right now and the only thing he keeps saying is how he needs you. I wouldn’t have came if it wasn’t necessary, he just doesn’t want anyone else but you and we can’t seem to help him no matter how hard we try.” Ginny did her best to explain.
You felt like you were going to break out in a cold sweat any second now, “I-I don’t where I’d start Ginny. He has zero clue about all of this.” you gestured to your pregnant belly, “And I haven’t seen him in over 5 months, what would I even say to him?”
“You don’t need to worry about that okay? Your showing just enough that we can still hide it with an oversized jumper and some sweatpants. All you need to focus on right now is speaking with Draco, I know you don’t want to but I think he needs you Y/n.” Ginny explained.
You exhaled sharply as you thought about the many possibilities of how this could go, “Alright, I’ll change and we’ll go.”
When you arrived at the Potter’s home your feet stayed planted to the ground before you. “Y/n are you coming?” Ginny asked as she opened her front door.
Feeling the bile crawl up your throat you hesitated for a moment, “Y-yeah, yeah of course.” You bit your lip to hold back the bile in your mouth as you stepped into their home.
“Here let me take your coat and I’ll start us some tea.” Ginny told you as she shook your coat off of you and hurried away to the kitchen.
“Y/n? Oh I was really hoping you’d come.” Harry said to you as he exited the living room.
“Y-yeah. So where um, where is Draco?”
“He’s upstairs at the moment. I took him to our guest room hoping he’d sleep it off but that was only an hour ago, I bet he’s still awake up there.” Harry let you know.
You nodded at him before looking up at the dim lit stairwell and hesitantly making your ascend up the steps.
You stopped in front of the guest bedroom, you closed your eyes for a moment trying to prepare yourself to go in. You took a deep breath and turned the door knob which to your dismay revealed an intoxicated Draco Malfoy tossed in the sheets.
“Draco?” you whispered, “Draco are you awake?”
A barley conscious Draco jolted up from the bed, “Huh? Y-yeah I’m up what’s wro— Oh my god Y/n is that you?” He was shocked to see you standing before him nonetheless.
“Hi Draco.” you replied.
“W-what are you doing here?”
You moved closer to the end of the bed he was still sat in, “I came to see you. Ginny was over at my place earlier and she said I was needed here.”
You could see he looked ashamed, “Oh God, I’m so sorry Y/n she shouldn’t have bothered you with this.” Draco tried apologizing as he ran his hands through his messy blonde locks.
You sighed softly, “She didn’t bother me at all. She said you needed me, so here I am.”
He raised an eyebrow at you, “And you actually came?”
“Well yeah, I’m standing right here aren’t I?” you said, crossing your arms in front of your chest.
“I guess you’re right.” he agreed.
Your eyes narrowed in on the man before you, it had been far too long since you’ve seen that beautiful face. “So what’s going on Draco? Why’d you come looking for me now?”
“My mother told me everything.” He explained as your stomach turned.
“Sh-she did?”
“Yeah, she told me how she basically threatened your life. How her and my father made sure you were out of the picture, made sure I wasn’t able to love you.. or to love our unborn child.” Draco told you at the same time he wiped few tears away with his sleeve.
Your eyes went wide at his words, “So you know everything?”
“I do. She told me the entirety of it about two weeks ago and I’ve been looking for you ever since.”
Your heart dropped, “Draco I’m so—
“Don’t. Just- just hold on.” He was saying as he got out of bed, “I’m sorry I’m such a mess.” He apologized while attempting to fix his messy hair and unbuttoned shirt.
He stood before you staring at you in astonishment, “It’s amazing to see you Y/n.”
You smiled faintly at him feeling your cheeks heat up, “You too Draco.”
He exhaled slowly, “God Y/n, I thought you wanted nothing to do with me. I thought you had moved away and started a whole new life.” Draco told you as his eyes began to water once more.
You gasped at the idea of Draco thinking you didn’t want him. “Draco, I’m so sorry. I-I thought I had no choice but to stay away from you, if I would’ve just realized your parents were lying then may—
“Stop, don’t do that.” He interrupted taking a few steps closer, you could see his fist clenched at his side in an effort to stop himself from reaching out for you. “Please don’t try to blame yourself. I should’ve looked harder for you, I just can’t believe you were still here the entire time.”
You let out a deep breath, “I know, but you couldn’t have known the truth.”
Draco nodded as he looked at you once again, but this time really looked at you. “Y/n, y-your belly it’s so, so—
“Pregnant?” you joked.
“Well yes but you are absolutely glowing. I just can’t believe that’s my baby in there.” Draco nervously said.
“Yes, yes he is.”
Draco’s mouth went wide, “Did you just say he?”
You could feel your heart flutter at his excitement. “I did.” you assured him.
“Oh. My. God. Wow, I-I have a son?” Tears brimmed at his eyes as he grinned ear to ear.
You nodded back at Draco, “I was thinking of naming him Scorpius.”
“Y-you remembered?” He could barley say between soft sniffles.
You smiled to yourself, “Of course I did. I just know he’s going to have your gorgeous blue eyes.”
Draco slowly approached you with caution until he saw that look in your eyes, the one that told him he never even had to ask your permission in the first place.
Gently he placed his hands on your belly softly caressing the womb that protected his son. “So perfect.” He whispered. “I can’t wait to meet you.” Draco told the little boy you were carrying.
Without warning his tender hands moved from your stomach to around your waist. Draco pulled you in close kissing you like it was yesterday. It was an intense kiss that made your entire body warm, his lips moved against yours like lightning and you were lost in him once again.
You both finally pulled away from each other to catch a breath when Draco gently cradled your face in his hands, “I love you, and before you say anything you don’t have to say it back. I just need you to know that okay? I need you to know that I love you and I’ve never stopped. I will never ever stop loving you and our son.”
You placed your hands on top of his own, “Well I do have something to say.” You told him as Draco could feel his palms turning clammy and his pulse race against time.
“I love you too.” you said with a beaming grin that Draco immediately reciprocated.
Without warning Draco had swooped you up into his arms and carried you to the bed, gently placing you on it.
You laid back against the sheets as Draco stared at you from above. “My beautiful, beautiful girl.” Draco kept repeating as he softly caressed your face. “My perfect girl carrying our perfect baby.” Draco cooed, his hands gently rubbing your belly now.
Watching Draco in awe of you and the baby you created together brought tears to your eyes that you just couldn’t help but let fall.
You smiled through soft sniffles and tears as you observed him only for Draco to notice you as well. “Y/n/n? Baby what’s wrong? Did I do something to upset you?”
“N-no, no of course not” you tried to tell him between soft cries. “I’m happy Draco, I promise these are just the happy tears.” you smiled through them.
Draco let out a soft giggle, “Good, because I am going to do everything in my power to keep you and our boy happy, to keep our beautiful family safe. I adore you Y/n and I am just so beyond grateful I finally found you.”
“Me too Dray, me too.” You smiled at him.
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marypaol · 4 months
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From the Start
Draco x Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader stop Draco from walking over to his parents when they call him over after the Battle of Hogwarts.
Warnings: Death Eaters, mention of past deaths, aftermath of war, You-Know-Who, strict parents, I think that’s all? :)
Note: I felt like all more stories are short, so I wote a little long one. I’m so proud of this one I how you guys like it!
Genre: Angst with happy ending :)
Thinking back on her years attending Hogwarts, there wasn’t a time when her heart wouldn’t be considered as something served to Draco Malfoy on a silver platter. Thinking about it now, she would give it to him in a heartbeat if that was what it took to make his heart beat better.
And she could tell when his was staggering, fighting to beat like everyone else’s, the wanting gaze landing on anyone with a regular blood bumper in their chest. If only his heart did that; cycled blood throughout his body like a never ending circle of life, giving him the liquid he needed to say alive, yet if he lost too much of it he would fade away. But to his misfortune his didn’t work that way. In fact, it seemed to be working for the purpose of suffocating him instead of helping him, flooding his lungs and wrapping invisible hands around his throat, daring him to try to at least take a breath.
So yes, she noticed every bit. Every single longing glance and curious looks of people laughing away, living their lives to the fullest while his was limited. Since when couldn’t he be free? Since when was it decided? Was it from the moment he entered the world, not even knowing his name or what his life was going to end up like? Or was it the second the envelope of acceptance into this magic school touched his finger tips, telling him the supplies he’d need to go to a place that would change his life forever as a Malfoy?
She wouldn’t know the answer, he wouldn’t know, nor would even his parents know even though they were the ones to decide. It didn’t affect the decision made in the first place, since he never did nor ever will have a say.
Years of Hogwarts go by, each one having a special memory that beholds their childhood in a tight grip. Not only did they have their ups and downs, but also magical knowledge that will forever be with them as guidance into their later years of life. Sadly those memories and countless lessons had to eventually come to an end, ending all the happiness that once was, fading into something that they wouldn’t ever be able to experience again but only remember.
But that didn’t mean that they didn’t have something big and effective before they left for good, leaving their magic school full of memories behind. Which led to the screams of loved ones, calling out to others and hopelessly waiting for a reply that will never come. The beautiful castle that once stood was no longer, just piles of rubble as if their childhoods were nothing. The past couldn’t be changed, not when curses were flying left and right and green light blaring everywhere imaginable. Nothing could erase the scars of people who survived, fighting for what’s right and used what they learned to the best of their ability. Nothing could change the fact that evil is about to win over good.
“Son, come.”
The whisper was soft yet demanding in the silence of the courtyard. It broke the ever lasting quiet, blasting through every ear as if they had to go through the peer pressure too.
Draco’s face was sad and lonesome, a deep frown on his lips that once held a snarl. Her empathy towards the boy was great, wanting nothing more than to stop him from going to the other side that represented darkness and evil. He wasn’t good enough for them, they didn’t deserve him. He was just a boy, just a kid that was still discovering the world day by day. His life shouldn’t have been changed this way, changed so greatly much so that his viewpoint on life’s purpose was forever impacted.
It was only then did his dear mother join in with the begging, desperately asking him to join the Dark Lord’s side.
“Draco, come here.”
Everyone was staring at him, the intense stares coming from every angle. His back, his head, the side of his face; he could feel them everywhere. The heat from their gazes set his chest on fire, craving for the normality of his peers. Why did their looks affect him so much? Why did he care? Most importantly, why was he so aware about his peers’ reaction to even notice? Shouldn’t he be focused on his parents, begging him to go to them and join their evil doings?
The Dark Lord spoke this time, breaking Draco out of the endless questions running in his mind, the evil-doer waving his hands that looked like claws at the boy as a way to call him over.
Draco looked at the students around him, silently asking them to stop staring but sadly they didn’t get the massage, their eyes still yet fixed on the side of his face for his reaction.
The Malfoy saw no point in staying with the people around him; like anyone enjoyed his presence at the school anyway. If he left they wouldn’t be surprised at his behavior, since his parents are Death Eaters mine as well make their son one too.
But that they didn’t know was that he didn’t want to, he didn’t want to join them in whatever hurtful and evil actions they were doing. They ruined his school, his home away from home (even though he would never admit it.)
Just thinking back on Bellartrix waving her wand with a wide satisfactory smile on her face, watching in admiration as the once was Great Hall destroyed into pieces. It was the place where Potter refused to shake his hand, where the leather hat barely touched his hair strands before shouting the house he destined to be in. Where the golden plates served the first feast of his Hogwarts years, one to remember for a lifetime.
But of course it was all gone, and for what. Just so the Dark side could carelessly kill students? If their purpose of arriving was to do so, why destroy the one place he called his safe haven?
Did they just want to make the situation worse? Like salt to the wound?
He couldn’t know, nor would he know. He would be once again left with the questions of his own left unanswered, still lingering in his mind for years to come. He could see it now, him as an old man staring longingly into the flames of his fireplace, empty tea cup in hand while the wonderings cycled in his brain once again, curiosity flooding his scenes, longing for the answers.
In fact, thinking about it now, he wanted that. He wanted to grow up and have a fireplace to star into at night. He wanted maybe a beautiful wife in the kitchen, humming to herself as she cleaned dishes from the previous home cooked meal they ate together. He longed for it, and the longer he stood there, staring at the ground, he only wanted it more.
But his desires weren’t going to be preformed, for the peer pressure in the back of his mind was too much, too much so that it covered his mind with persuasion, almost forcing him to follow his parents’ will. His foot stepped out, with great pain and a heavy heart he made his way to his parents, ready to do their evil doings unwillingly.
But lo and behold a soft grip stopped him, light against his fingertips as the touch silently begged him to stay. He stiffened, straightening his slumped shoulders as he dared to face the person who reset his thought process, his brain already second thinking the decision he previously made.
It was her, the girl that sat in the back of the class, softly mumbling answers that were always correct but she was too shy to actually say aloud. It was her, the one who would steal glances at him when she thought he wasn’t looking. It was her, the one who would whisper the things she was doing softly on the test so he could follow along, since she silently knew he wasn’t studying because of what he was going through. It was her, the one who was mentally there from the start.
Draco stared into the eyes of the girl who was dealing with his hard burdens, his hardships, and the rough edges of his life. She was sandpaper and he was the splintered wood, her sanding him down as she comforted him silently in the breeze. He found himself stepping back, watching as his father’s face twisted in disappointment, a snarl forming on his lips. Draco ignored it for the better, his fingers being held by his boat the kept him above the surface, preventing him from drowning.
At the end of those long years he did have that wife, watching her now as she softly swayed her hips to the quiet music playing, lips forming in a comforting smile he always liked to see as she cleaned a stain on a pan, her sleeves rolled up to her elbows. He then turned back taking a sip of his peppermint tea. His eyes found the fireplace, staring into the flames of his wants, watching as a piece of paper holding his father’s writing burned into ashes, the words of disapproval and disbelief fading into nothingness.
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mischiefm4n4ged · 2 years
400 celebration!
(This post is entirely 18+, no minors allowed!!)
Thank you for 400 followers <33 Here are some p*rn links 👉🏻👈🏻Um… yeah I’m a hore and I wanna peg every single one of these men
Edit: some links might not work anymore
Harry Potter
Pegging Power bottom!Harry
Sub!harry making his mommy feel good (I DIED FOR THE GLASSES PART)
Riding Harry for the first time
Punishing sub!Harry
Spending Christmas at the Potters and having to stay quiet in Harry’s room
Sitting on dilf!Harry’s face
Fucking you under the fairy lights
Draco Malfoy
Tying up and overstimulating sub!draco (bdsm)
Best fwb!draco in your bedroom
The way he is insulting her 😳
Fingering you
pegging him as a reward
He has a daddy kink, surprise surprise
Picnic at Malfoy manor
Remus Lupin
Sub!Remus has an attitude
Make out session with young Remus lupin
Professor!remus sneaks you into his private bathroom to blow of some steam
Pegging Remus for the first time
Making sure you look like this before every full moon
Takes his anger out by fucking you hard
James Potter
Edging sub!James and then ruining his orgasm
James using you to get off
Spanking sub!james because he tried to get off without you
James teasing your pussy
Pegging loud sub!James
Um…wonder why the door is banging
Sirius Black
Sirius sneaking you into his bedroom at grimmauld place and you need to be quiet to his parents don’t hear you
Making out with Sirius (the way he is licking her is giving padfoot behavior lmaoo)
Dbf!Sirius fucking you after teasing him at a party
Just…dbf!sirius pt.2
First time with bf Sirius
Sirius punishing you
Bottom!sirius (bdsm)
Lily evans
Lily fucks you good
Eating sub!lily out
dbf!remus and dbf!sirius using you
Dilfs Remus and James sneak into your bedroom
Jamesxremusxlilyxyou lol
Sirius fucking you while James watches bc that’s what bsf do
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hp-hcs · 1 month
phantasm (remember?) — mattheo riddle x gn! hella manipulative! reader
phantasm noun noun: phantasm; plural noun: phantasms
LITERARY a figment of the imagination; an illusion or apparition.
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warnings: minor character death, murder, severe manipulation, gaslighting, blink-and-you-miss-it reference to self harm,❗️stand-alone/no part two❗️
is he schizophrenic, high, or haunted? you decide!
❕it’s supposed to be confusing!!! you should finish reading this and be like “what the fuck did i just read”, alr?❕
Mattheo Riddle had always been odd. Everyone knew that.
Maybe it had something to do with his parents. One Crucio from his father too many, perhaps. 
Maybe he hit his head when he was younger. That wasn’t too much of a stretch. He’d always been quite reckless. 
But either way, no one could pinpoint what event caused Mattheo to see things that weren’t really there. 
It first came to light when Mattheo, staying the night at his cousin’s house for a sleepover at the tender age of five, stomped over to his Aunt Narcissa to tattle.
“They pushed me down th’ stairs, Aunt Cissy!” he whined, sticking out his lower lip in a pout. “See? I even skinned my knee!”
“Who did? Draco?”
“No, Y/n!”
Mattheo couldn’t remember much about the Janus Thickey ward. 
He’d spent a month there when he was six, but didn’t have a single memory of his time there. Just vague flashes that haunted his nightmares, but ones that he could never remember once he woke. 
Narcissa remembered though. And so did Draco. 
The Malfoys both remember visiting Mattheo in the hospital, Draco clutching Mattheo’s stuffed dragon under one arm and holding onto the string of a “Get Well Soon!” mylar balloon in his other hand, only for the pair to find Mattheo hiding under his bed and mumbling to himself, furiously scratching at his arms and crying. 
The Malfoys remember. 
Mattheo couldn’t remember if you had always been there, or if you just showed up one day. 
There were a lot of things Mattheo couldn’t remember. 
“Who can tell me what a boggart is?” Professor Moody asked, pacing the front of the room with his odd, uneven gait. An old antique armoire stood near the front of the room, a large area around it cleared of the usual clutter that filled every inch of the classroom. 
Surprising absolutely nobody, Granger’s hand shot up. 
Mattheo shot a look over to his cousin, rolling his eyes, while Draco smothered a laugh in response.
“A boggart is a creature that takes on the form of one’s greatest fear, sir,” Granger said in that obnoxious know-it-all tone of hers. “No one knows what their true forms are.”
“One’s greatest fear, sir,” Mattheo mocked under his breath to Draco in a purposefully bad imitation of Granger. 
“Ah, Riddle. How nice of you to volunteer. Step on up, boy.” Moody’s hand came down on Mattheo’s shoulder from behind him, gripping it firmly. “Go on. Grab your wand.”
Mattheo’s face drained of color. Surely Moody wouldn’t…?
No, it’s Mad-Eye Moody. Of course he’d do something like this. 
Mattheo stood on shaking legs, gulping as he approached the ominously placed armoire. 
Everyone watched with rapt attention. 
What was Mattheo Riddle afraid of?
The Dark Lord? Dumbledore?
Or something more benign, like spiders or small spaces?
Whatever it was, Mattheo’s fellow students were not expecting a teenager to step out of the armoire. 
Maybe fourteen at the most, unassuming, wearing…Riddle’s quidditch jersey?
They weren’t a student, that was for sure. Nobody in the room recognized them.
(Except for the one poor bastard whose boggart it was.)
Professor Moody narrowed his eyes at the boggart, his gaze quickly shifting between the harmless-looking teen and the literal son of the Dark Lord, the latter of which was frozen stiff with fear, his wand threatening to slip from his quivering fingers at any moment.
The boggart tilted its head and smiled.
Is this how Potter feels, when Father’s inside his head?
Mattheo sat uncomfortably across from Professor Moody, the professor’s desk being the only thing separating them.
The professor said nothing, merely observing Mattheo. A bizarre enchanted cuckoo clock on the wall trumpeted like an elephant, signaling the hour, then returned to its steady tick tick tick.
“Mr. Riddle, do you ever hear…voices? Voices that maybe…encourage you to do bad things?”
Mattheo was sweating. How did he know about you? How?
“He’s just trying to get in your head, Mattheo,” you murmured, sitting next to him in the other armchair. “That’s all.”
Was it? Mattheo wondered. 
“Y’know, I’m starting to think you’re the one that’s in my head,” he said softly. “Nobody else thinks you’re real.”
Your face soured. “You think I’m not real? That I don’t exist? Huh? He’s lying to you! He’s a liar and a manipulator!”
“Just get out of my head!” Mattheo pleaded quietly. “Please!”
You fumed, jumping up to sit on the edge of Moody’s desk. You swung your legs back and forth, an angry expression marring your features. “Matty-”
“Stop calling me that!” he snapped. “Just go away! Leave me alone!”
“But you’re my best friend, Matty,” you insisted innocently. 
“We are not friends!”
You sighed dramatically as you laid down on the desk, putting the back of your hand up to your forehead—as if pretending to faint—as you did so. “Then what are we, Matty? Paramours? Estranged lovers?”
“Enemies,” he hissed, his knuckles white with how tightly he was clenching his fists. 
“Well, I have always loved the enemies to lovers trope,” you said breezily, smirking at him. “Besides, you haven’t got anyone else. Admit it. I’m all you have.”
Moody watched Mattheo have his one-sided conversation with wide eyes, unsure of what was happening. “Mr. Riddle? Are you alright? Wh-who are you talking to?”
“See?” You clicked your tongue, shaking your head slowly. “He thinks you’re crazy.”
“There are many talented healers that I could contact–”
Mattheo’s gaze kept darting between you and Moody as his breathing picked up. 
“Bet he wants to send you back to Janus Thickey,” you whispered, purposefully turning your voice soft and fearful, blinking back fake tears. “I don’t want to disappear again, Mattheo, please.”
“I–” Mattheo stammered, dread creeping up his spine at the thought of being alone again. 
“Please?” you begged. “You know what to do. It’s not like he doesn’t deserve it.”
“He– what? No!”
“But he wronged you,” you whisper softly, your tone manipulative and gentle. “He deserves to suffer.”
“Stop it!” Mattheo pleaded again, reflexively drawing his wand and pointing it at you. 
“He wronged you,” you repeated, eyes narrowing. 
“He deserves to suffer.”
“Shut up!”
“He wronged you.”
“He deserves–”
“Avada Kedavra!”
You both fell silent, your argument abruptly cut off with the resounding thunk of Moody’s body hitting the floor. 
“Oh my Merlin– y-you killed someone!” Mattheo panicked, dropping his wand and grabbing fistfuls of his hair. 
“Oh, no no no, Matty. I didn’t kill anyone,” you said sweetly, examining your nails apathetically. “You did.”
“I’ll tell everyone,” Mattheo threatened through his quivering lower lip. “I will. I’ll tell them it was you.”
“Who’s going to believe you?” you cooed, your voice dripping in saccharine sweetness as you leaned forward to tousle his hair. 
Mattheo flinched back. 
You laughed, patting his cheek as you hopped off the desk. “Come find me when you’re ready to help me with my next…project.”
“Y-you planned this?”
“Duh.” You rolled your eyes. “Catch up, love. You’re not stupid.”
With that, you stand up on tiptoe, plant a fat kiss on his cheek, and disappear out the door without another word. 
Mattheo swore he could see bloody footprints marking your trail down the hall. 
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The sweetest dream
Summary: When you fall asleep on Draco´s lap, it leads to some unexpected confession.
Draco and you had been best friends ever since you could remember. When you were younger, you almost lived in the Malfoy Manor, since your parents were really close friends. That´s why you couldn’t think of a life without Draco. And if you were honest, you also didn’t want to. He had always been there, and he always would be. That´s what he had promised you, even before you attended Hogwarts when you turned eleven. Back then you had been scared that you might fall apart when you would start to go to school and meet new people. But Draco had assured you, that it would always be the two of you. And he kept his promise. Because since the two of you were sorted into Slytherin all those years ago, you grew even closer, even though you thought this would be impossible. Not only did you spend every second of your free time together, but you also studied together, and he sat next to you in nearly every class. And when it had been time to go home in the holidays, it didn’t even take you one day to appear at the door of the other one, not able to be separated from another for longer.
But these holidays had been different. You had been away with your parents for nearly the entire summer, visiting some distant relatives in another country. Draco and you had implored that he would be able to accompany you, but since his family needed him at home, this had been impossible. And when you had suggested you could stay home as well, your parents showed you once more, that they had a heart of stone, neither allowing you to stay home alone -even though you were already old enough to do so-, nor allowing you to stay at Draco´s home like you had done it so many times before, and Narcissa had assured your parents that she would have been glad to welcome you. But since your parents were the monsters they were, they forced you to spend nearly two months somewhere nearly on the other side of the world, where the sun was shining and you could lay on the beach all day with a drink in your hand and many friendly relatives who had already been dying to meet you. But none of those things had mattered since Draco hadn’t been with you. Even though you owled every single day, even sending some photographs, you missed him deeply and counted the days until you would finally be able to escape this paradise that was hell for you and finally get back home. And by home, you didn’t mean your house or school. You meant Draco. Because that´s what he was for you. Wherever you were, if he was with you, you felt at home.
And today you would finally get home again. It was the first day of the school year and you were already waiting at King´s cross. Usually, you arrived only a minute before the train would leave, always making Draco worry you may not make it, but today you were nearly half an hour earlier, not able to wait until you would see your best friend again.
But for now, you didn’t see him yet. You had just met Pansy who was a nearly as good friend as Draco. The two of you shared a dorm at Hogwarts and together with Draco and Blaise, the four of you were the absolute best friends Hogwarts had ever seen. In your opinion even better than Potter and his friends.
While normally you loved to chat with Pansy who was telling you about her vacation, you were now way too nervous to concentrate on what she was saying. Your gaze was restless and your leg bounced in anticipation.
“(Y/n), are you even listening to me?”, Pansy asked as she saw you nodding and forcing a smile at something in her eyes unacceptable, she had experienced in the last weeks.
“Mhh? Oh yeah of course. That´s nice.”, you answered absent-minded, not even caring to ask what she was even talking about.
“I don’t think there is any use for you before you haven’t seen Draco, is there?”
You shrugged your shoulders and looked at your friend guiltily.
“I´m sorry Pansy. But I haven’t seen him in ages. We´ve never been apart for so long.”
Pansy laughed.
“Well, it´s good then that you´ll meet again soon before you actually go mad.”
“It´s just all this waiting drives me crazy.”, you sighted dramatically.
“If you would look over there you would be done waiting. Just saying.”, Pansy smiled and nodded in the direction of the entrance.
Your gaze shot up. There he stood. Hands in his pockets and with a board grin on his face. It only grew wider when he saw your face lightning up at his sight.
“Draco!”, you yelled, leaving Pansy behind, who just shook her head, smiling to herself, as she saw you running up to the boy you had missed so much over the last weeks.
Draco took a few steps forward, opening his arm to welcome the girl he had missed just as much as she had missed him. When you reached him, you wrapped your arms around his neck, while his sneaked around your waist, lifting you from your feet and spinning you around.
“I missed you so much.”, you mumbled, burying your face in the crook of his neck, inhaling his intoxicating scent.
“I missed you too love.”, he smiled as he nuzzled his head into your hair.
When he finally let go of you, you stepped back, eying him from head to toe.
“Looking good Malfoy.”, you smiled.
And that wasn’t even a lie. You had always been aware of the fact that he was very pretty, knowing many girls knew that too, which you always teased him about, but you had forgotten how beautiful he was. Draco had grown at least a few centimetres over the holidays. His hair was now a bit longer and slightly messy, maybe also due to your tempestuous greeting. It made him look older and, even though this thought caught you completely off guard, really attractive.
“You don’t look too bad yourself (Y/l/n).”
He mirrored your smile, his grey eyes lingering on you as well as yours on him. You could feel the blush creeping on your cheeks under his intense gaze. You cleared your throat.
“So how were your holidays?”
“As if you didn’t know. I sent you at least a hundred letters.”, he laughed.
“Yeah, but I want to hear it from you. In-person. From eye to eye. And if it´s just to hear your voice. So what happened? Tell me everything.”
“Actually, they were really awful.” He smiled down at you as he brushed a strand of your hair behind your ear. “I couldn’t enjoy anything. I was thinking about you the entire time.”
His confession made your heart for some reason beat faster.
“Me too.”, you admitted, returning his smile. “Just promise me we´ll never be apart for that long again. Don’t think I´ll survive this another time.”
Draco laughed at your staginess but became serious again within a second.
“The next time we´ll spent our holidays together. And if our parents have different plans, I don’t care. I´ll run away with you if I need to. Two roamers roaming through the country, staying at dive bars, living on the streets.”
Now it was on you to laugh.
“You wouldn’t survive two days.”
“As if you would.” “Longer than you definitely. A week at least.”
“I could do it too. As long as you are with me, I would sleep in a tent under a bridge if I need to. It´s still better than not being with you.”
You felt the blush darkening your cheeks once more. To hide it, you pulled Draco in a tight embrace once more.
“I know. Any place with you is home.”
“Indeed love.”
“Would you two lovebirds stop snuggling? We still have a train to catch.”
You turned around, seeing Pansy and Blaise waiting for you, both for some reason grinning knowingly.
“Shut it, Pansy.”, you mumbled, before greeting Blaise.
This year would be great. You just knew it.
And you were absolutely right. Even though your classes were harder than ever and you spent much time studying, you enjoyed every single moment of it. Because learning magic amazed you even after all these years, your grades were great and you and your friends spent much time with each other, growing only more and more close.
After you hadn’t seen him for such a long time, Draco and you had to catch up much time and you didn’t waste any second of it. You spent much time learning, laughing, talking and also cuddling, probably more than ever. That led to some teasing from the other Slytherins, especially Pansy and Blaise. Draco, who had always stated that he had a reputation to lose, why he never liked to commit any kind of physical or emotional closeness, seemed to be clingier since the beginning of this year. And all those comments that he always used to hate, he now just laughed off. When someone made a comment about the two of you laughing in the corridors between class, he just grabbed your hand, telling them that it wasn’t his fault they hadn’t such amazing friends and if someone mentioned how the two of you laid on the couch in the common room together, he just grumbled something incomprehensible and pulled you only closer, making you sight comfortably. You didn’t mind his new behaviour at all. Salazar, you even loved it. You enjoyed every second with Draco and that he was now able to show he felt the same, made you even happier.
But still, the comments of your friends, especially Pansy, annoyed you. They always said that the two of you would make such a cute couple or how the two of you should get a room when you got close once more. You mostly just rolled your eyes in response, trying to hide the fact that your face heated up, every time someone brought up the special bond between Draco and you.
Because if you were completely honest, the one thing that changed the most since the last school year, was your feelings for your best friend. Before the holidays, you had never seen more in him than your friend. An amazing one, but still, only a friend. Whenever you had heard Draco´s and your mother talking about how they were sure that the two of you would get married one day, you scrunched your face at the thought of marrying Draco out of all the boys.
But since that day at the train station, you couldn’t help but sometimes catch yourself daydreaming about what could happen if the two of you would ever be more than friends. Because if you were honest, Draco was everything you were looking for in a boy. Not only that he was good looking and his family was rich and pure blood. You couldn’t mind less. But he was the one person in this world who truly knew you. He knew all your secrets, all your fears, your hopes and dreams and you knew his.
The only thing he didn’t know was the way your heartbeat sped up whenever someone only mentioned his name, not saying when you saw him. He didn’t know about the shivers that ran down your spine when you heard him calling your name or when his skin unintentionally brushed over yours. He didn’t know how you got lost in his eyes, whenever you looked at him or how you wondered how his lips would feel on yours whenever you watched him talking. He didn’t know any of these things and you were glad about it. Because you didn’t want to ruin your friendship for a stupid little crush. That´s what you told yourself it was. Only a crush. Even though after nearly half a year, you slowly started to realize that it might be more than this. You knew you wanted more, but you were also scared that you might end up with nothing if you would confess it to him. And you rather were just friends with Draco, than lose this as well.
You told no one about these feelings, not even Pansy. But your friend seemed to notice. She had always told you that Draco and you would one day be more than just friends. You had always laughed at her for this, telling her that this was absolutely impossible.
But by now, you couldn’t laugh about it anymore, just forcing yourself to smile whenever she brought this topic up. Obviously, she noticed the change of your behaviour and also suspected the reason for it. And as usual, she was right.
“(Y/n), you can´t tell me you don’t love him.”, she told you one evening.
Pansy and you were sitting in the common room, waiting for Draco and Blaise to get back from their Quidditch training. It was late in the evening and it was already dark outside.
“I never said I don’t love him. He is my friend. Of course I love him. But so I love you and Blaise.”
“You know that´s not what I mean.”, Pansy said, rolling her eyes impatiently. “I´m not talking about loving someone as a friend. I´m talking not only about loving but about being in love. And you clearly are in love with Draco.”
“Great Pansy, shout it out of the window, maybe the students from the other houses haven’t heard you yet.”, you hissed, when her voice got louder and some other students looked in your direction curiously.
“So you admit that you are.” She sounded triumphal.
“Never said I am.”, you mumbled.
“But you also never said you are not.”
You shrugged your shoulders.
“It doesn’t matter anyway, does it? I mean Draco and I are best friends. It would be awkward if I… I don’t want to ruin what we have. I don’t want to lose him.”
To the end your voice became quieter.
“But if you won´t do anything, you ruin what could be.” Pansy´s voice sounded much softer now.
“Draco doesn’t feel the same as I feel for him. I mean if I would… you know… be in love with him. Which I´m not saying I am.”, you added quickly.
Pansy giggled.
“Of course not. But seriously (Y/n). I don’t get it. Everyone can see how much you love each other. I mean how much in love you are. Salazar, you always steal those glances, blushing and smiling stupidly whenever someone just mentions the others name. And you are so close. Closer than with anyone else. Have you never noticed that Draco had never even looked at another girl?”
Now that Pansy mentioned it, you realized that this was right indeed. Even though you knew many girls were interested in Draco, he had never shown any interest in someone. Sometimes you had talked about it. But Draco had always said that he didn’t want to settle for something if he wasn’t absolutely sure that he loved her. That didn’t mean that he hadn’t made his experiences, but it had never been more than this. It had never been something serious. And for some reason, you were really glad about it.
“I´m just scared to lose him Pansy.”, you sighted, kicking your feet up on the couch as well, now laying down.
“Your connection is something special (Y/n). Even if he wouldn’t feel the same, and I highly doubt that this wouldn’t be the end.” “But I probably couldn’t even look him in the eyes anymore after this. And by the way, how am I even supposed to tell him? ´Hey Draco, I know we´ve been best friends ever since I can remember, but I think I might be in love with you so let´s get this to the next level?´”
“Maybe not that direct.”, Pansy laughed and you joined.
That´s when the door opened, and two tall boys entered the room. When they saw you still sitting there, they headed towards you.
“Lovely Draco, isn’t it? Our girls have been waiting for us.”, Blaise chuckled, while Pansy and you just rolled your eyes.
You always acted as if you hated when the boys referred to you like this, but you secretly enjoyed it and, even though Pansy would never admit it, you suspected, that she enjoyed it just as much.
Blaise fell into the chair next to Pansy, while you lifted your head from the sofa cushion, making some space for Draco. When he had sat down, you placed your head on his lap instead. His hands immediately found their way to your hair, softly stroking it. You sighted comfortably.
Draco and Blaise told you about their training. When at some point the topic changed to some different tactics they wanted to try at the next game, your felt your eyelids getting heavy. You didn’t really try to fight it. Draco´s hands were still in your hair, drawing small circles on your scalp. You inhaled the scent of the body wash he always used after the training and the unique scent of his jersey. Listening to Draco´s and Blaise´s soft voices, you slowly drifted off into sleep.
“Did she really fall asleep?”, Blaise asked.
“Shh, don’t wake her up again.”, Draco hushed him, looking down at you on his lap.
You had actually fallen asleep, now lost in the world of your dreams, unaware of your surroundings and the conversation of your friends.
“This looks so adorable, don’t you think Blaise?”, Pansy purred as she looked at Draco and you.
You were still snuggled up on his lap, eyes closed, lips slightly parted. Your breath was slow and steady. Draco on the other hand looked down at you in admiration. He wanted to take this moment in, every second of it. He didn’t dare to move, too scared he might wake you up, except for his hands. They slowly wandered from your scalp to your face, brushing away a loose strand that had fallen into your face, then gently caressing your cheeks.
“Lovely.”, Blaise chuckled. “But careful Draco, you´re drooling already.”
Draco quickly brought up a hand to his mouth, before rolling his eyes and burying it in your hair again. The movement made Pansy and Blaise laugh quietly.
“If you´ll ever tell me again you aren’t in love with her I´ll remind you of this moment.”
Draco tensed under you.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”, he grumbled.
“But why? You two are made for each other. Everyone can see. Everyone except for you two.”
“It doesn’t matter if I love her or…”
“You do.”, Blaise interrupted him.
“Well, maybe…”
“No, for sure.”, Pansy said.
Draco sighted.
“Okay. I am. I am totally crazy about her. As if you didn’t know. But this doesn’t matter. I mean, she doesn’t love me. Not the way that I love her. And I can´t lose her. I just can´t”
Draco looked down at you, smiling softly in your sleep. Hell yes, he loved you. He loved you so much it hurt. He did so ever since he could remember. But unfortunately, you had never seen anything more in him than your friend. It killed him to play pretend, but anything was better than losing you.
Then he heard Pansy chuckling. He looked up, shooting her a deadly glance.
“You don’t actually think it´s funny, do you?”
Pansy was quick to shake her head.
“No. Not at all. It´s just… (Y/n) has told me literally the same thing not even an hour ago.”
“Pansy, that´s nothing to joke about.”
“I´m serious Draco. She had told me just before you came in here. Told me that she is too scared to tell you how she feels because she is too scared to lose you.”
Draco looked down at you, still sleeping, completely unaware of the fact that Pansy had just exposed you. The fact that you might feel the same for him as he did for you, was unimaginable for him. You were such a good person, so pure, everyone loved you. And he was… him.
“You probably misheard her. Or misunderstood. She doesn’t love me. Not like this. And she shouldn’t. She deserves so much better.”
His friends looked at him with pity, fully aware that you were the only thing in Draco´s life he was actually insecure about because of how much he cared about you, but also wondering if their friend could actually be that stupid. In fact, both of you. Normally, the two of you were pretty intelligent people. But when it came to your feelings for each other, you were completely clueless. It might have been funny to watch the two of you secretly admiring each other if it wouldn’t have been that sad.
“But what if she doesn’t want something better, Draco? What if she just wants you?”, Pansy asked, not expecting him to answer.
“Just think about it mate.”, Blaise said, before standing up. “I´ll go to bed now. I´m done for today.”
Pansy was quick to get up too.
“I´ll go too.” She looked at Draco. “What about you?”
But Draco just shook his head, his gaze still lingering on you.
“I can´t wake her up now. I´ll stay.”
Blaise shook his head in incomprehension.
“And you really want to tell us that there´s someone better for her?”, he chuckled, before leaving the room.
Pansy followed shortly after, leaving the two of you alone, closing the door of the common room behind her.
Draco looked down at you again. Your eyes were still closed, your head still rested on his legs.
“What are you only doing to me (Y/n)?”, he whispered, before he continued playing with your hair.
You woke up to the sound of a door slamming. It took you a moment to realize where you were. You were still in the common room, laying on the couch, your head placed on Draco´s lap. You could still feel his warm presence and heard his steady breath. You must have fallen asleep over all the talking of the boys. You weren’t sure how much time had passed, but according to the sounds around you, it was only Draco and you who were left in the common room.
You were just about to open your eyes, wanting to ask Draco why he didn’t wake you up, when you heard his voice.
“What are you only doing to me (Y/n)?”, he whispered.
His voice sounded different than usual, much softer and much more vulnerable. From the way, he was careful not to move too much and his low voice, he probably assumed you were still asleep. His hands found their way into your hair once more this evening and you had to suppress a comfortable sight. But you couldn’t help the small smile that crept on your lips and the goosebump all over your body when you felt his hands touching you. You could have fallen asleep again right away, but then, Draco started to talk to you again.
“Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?”
You felt your cheeks burning at his words and were thankful that the light in the room was dimmed, so Draco wouldn’t be able to notice.
“Of course, I haven’t told you.”, he continued. “There are so many things I have never told you. Even if I wanted to. But I´m way too scared. Now, look at me. I´m such a coward, only able to talk to you when you are asleep.” At this point, you should probably tell Draco you were already awake or at least acting as if you would wake up, but something held you back. You felt as if your eyes were glued, you were not able to open them or give him any other sign you were anything but asleep. You knew it was wrong to listen to him when he thought you couldn’t, but you were way too curious not to do so.
“I really want to tell you. Everything I feel for you. I always intend to do so. I swear to Salazar I do. But as soon as I see you, as soon as you look at me, I forget whatever I wanted to say. Because you take my breath away. And then I´m just staring at you like some idiot. And you don’t even notice. You still think I´m nothing but your best friend. I am (Y/n). We are best friends and we always will be. But you just don’t understand that I want more.”
Your heart was beating so fast in your chest that you thought Draco would notice. But he didn’t.
“You are so smart (Y/n), but when it comes to my feelings for you, you are so clueless. Do you remember at the end of our first year, when you mentioned how amazing Terence Higgs is? He was the seeker back then. Why did you think I wanted to play in this position? Of course, it was great to play against Potter. But the real reason was that I wanted to impress you. And it worked, you were so proud of me. But never anything more. Or back in our third year. You had told me you had a crush on Graham Montague. Why do you think I hexed him that nasty rash into his stupid face?”
Draco chuckled.
“He was in the hospital wing for nearly two weeks. You were so worried about him and I already regretted it, thinking I might have only gotten the two of you closer, but then he screwed it up himself. I have always been so scared of the day you would actually fall in love. The day you would get a man who loves you just as you love him. And I still am. Because I knew that this is everything you deserve but I know that it will break my heart (Y/n). To see you with some other guy who is not me. I have always told myself that this is because we know each other for so long. That you are like a sister to me and I just want to protect you. But that´s not true. You´re nothing like a sister to me. The real reason I´m scared is that I won´t be able to stand it seeing you being in love with someone who isn’t me. I know you deserve this. You really do. And I wish you nothing but to be happy. But why can´t this be with me? You know, sometimes when I look at you, I think you might feel the same. When I see you smile at me, I feel like it is different from the way you smile at all the other boys. Sometimes I still have some hope left that you might want me one day the way I want you. I know you love me (Y/n). But not in the way I love you. You understand? You´re all I´m thinking about, when I wake up and when I go to sleep. When you are with me and when you aren’t. I´m so in love with you (Y/n). I love you so much, it hurts. And you still have no clue about it. You have no idea how much I love you.”
But you did. Now you couldn’t hold back the uncontrollable smile on your face anymore. You opened your eyes flutteringly, blinking up to the boy above you.
“I love you too Draco.”, you whispered.
The poor boy jumped up when he heard your voice, nearly making you fall from the couch. In the last second, some strong hand grabbed you, preventing you from doing so.
“By Salazar (Y/n), you scared me to death.”, Draco breathed out as you sat up again, smiling at him from the side.
You laughed.
Draco smiled too, but as he thought about what he had just told you, his heart dropped into his stomach.
“How much have you heard?”, he mumbled, as he felt his cheeks redden.
“Enough I guess.”, you smiled.
Draco cleared his throat and scratched his neck.
“Listen, I really didn’t want you to hear this. I really thought you were still asleep. So if you want to we can just forget everything that happened and continue being friends. I mean, I totally understand if you don’t want to. Because that was really awkward and all, but…”
“Draco.”, you interrupted him.
“If you´ll give me one more chance…”
“Draco!”, you said, now a little bit louder.
The boy stopped and looked at you worriedly.
“Did you even hear what I have told you?”, you chuckled.
“That you heard enough?”, Draco asked.
You laughed.
“Before this.”
“That you are sorry or that you…”
Draco stopped and looked at you with widened eyes.
“You… you love me too?”, he asked in disbelief.
You nodded.
“I love you too, you idiot. Or more precisely,”, you corrected, “I am in love with you too.”
As if in slow motion, a grin started to spread across Draco´s face.
“You love me too.”
“I love you too.”
“And I love you.”
“You love me.”
You both grinned at each other stupidly.
“Can I uhm… can I kiss you(Y/n)?”, Draco asked shyly.
You didn’t even care to respond and just crashed your lips onto his.
It was a messy kiss. Even though you had both known each other’s bodies for so long, it felt strange to feel his lips pressed on yours. But in the best way possible.
And slowly, the two of you started to relax, becoming more and more familiar with this new sensation. Draco´s hands found their way to your face to cup your cheeks. You could feel his rings, which you loved to play with whenever you were bored, cold against your heated skin. You placed your hands on his chest, drawing small circles on it, before they wandered to his collar, pulling him even closer.
One of his hands travelled down your back, helping you stabilise as you swung one leg over his lap, now sitting on top of him, as Draco tried to pull you even closer.
At some point, both of you were finally out of breath. You cupped his face, your thumb brushed over his swollen lips, while his hands wandered restlessly over your back. You pressed your forehead against his, feeling his hot breath hitting your skin. When Draco finally opened his eyes, he looked at you in admiration. You looked at him just the same. Not getting enough on the way of his grey eyes, scanning every centimetre of your face, trying to remember the way your cheeks had reddened and your breath was so much faster than usual. He wanted to remember this moment for the rest of his life, every single detail of it, and so did you.
“I love you.”, he whispered.
His lips brushed slightly against yours as he spoke.
“I love you too.”, you smiled.
“And I hate the both of you.”, you heard a voice behind you.
You spun around, seeing Blaise and Pansy standing in the door frame, looking at you. Both of them were grinning, even though Pansy looked not as happy as Blaise.
“Now I owe him five galleons.”, she sighted.
“You betted on this?”, you asked in disbelieve.
Pansy shrugged her shoulders.
“Everyone did. We knew this would happen, it was only a matter of time. I was so close to winning, but Blaise was even better.”
“I know my friends.”, Blaise simply said with a smug grin on his face.
“If you know me so well you know you should better start running if you won´t get out of here in the next five seconds.”, Draco growled, shooting deadly glances at your friends.
“Sorry, we didn’t mean to disturb you.”, Pansy laughed and raised her hands in defence. “Let´s go, Blaise.”
“I can sleep somewhere else tonight if you need some privacy.”, Blaise chuckled and ducked quickly as Draco threw a pillow at him.
“Out. Now!”
“Whatever. Have fun you two.”
Blaise winked at you and quickly disappeared before Draco could get up.
You groaned and hid your face in the crook of Draco´s neck.
“That was so embarrassing.”, you mumbled.
Draco just laughed and kissed your temple.
“I don’t care.”
“But now everyone is going to talk about this.”, you sighted.
“Let them talk love. I regret nothing.”
Slowly, you dived up again, looking into his smiling face.
“Neither do I.”, you admitted and his smile only grew wider.
“Well in that case,” Draco placed a small kiss on the tip of your nose, making you giggle. “We might as well take advantage of Blaise´s offer.”
“What offer?”
“Get him out of my room. I would love to spend some more time with my beautiful girlfriend tonight. You know, somewhere we won´t be disturbed.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“Girlfriend?”, you asked, the grinning in your voice clearly visible.
Draco looked down, slightly embarrassed.
“Only if you want to be, of course.”
You smiled and pecked his lips.
“I would love to.”
Draco mirrored your smile and pulled you in a deeper kiss once more.
After you parted again, you looked at him playfully.
“Now you have told me something about a more private place?”
Taglist: @xodracomalfoyxo @marigold-morelli @writingwitch007
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thefiery-phoenix · 2 months
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You weren't one to fall for the 'Chosen one' like everyone else. You were a simple person who kept to yourself, no wonder you were sorted into Hufflepuff. But despite your sweet and shy nature you weren't one to take shit from anyone, not even from the so called Slytherin prince Draco Malfoy and his gang of brainless oafs
You'd seen Harry Potter stare at you a couple of times but you didn't really think that much about it. What you soon noticed was that he started showing up everywhere like those moles from those whack a mole game thingies (Muggles you'll know what I'm referring to lol) and you started growing worried. Why was he always showing up everywhere you went? Yet you didn't tell anyone since they'd just call you crazy
But Harry had feelings for you. But those were much deeper and darker than the usual feelings of love people have for each other, he had an obsession, a sick and twisted one too for you. Oh, how his blood boiled whenever he'd see you smiling at someone ESPECIALLY DIGGORY of all people. He just hates it when you smile and talk to Cedric so much. Thank goodness he's dead during the Triwizard Tournament and Harry had to put on an act so he wouldn't appear like a heartless jerk. Maybe you'll fall in love with his sensitive side
His friends Ron and Hermione didn't really want to say anything even when they noticed that most of the time Harry would be using the Marauder's map to stalk you or look at you with a such a lovestruck look on his face like Cupid itself shot an arrow straight through his heart or gritting his teeth and gripping his knuckles so hard till they became white and refraining from hexing someone he didn't like for talking to you, even that git Malfoy too. When he started plotting ways to frame Malfoy for something that's when Hermione drew the line and came clean and told you all about Harry. She also asked you not to mention her name and you agreed
A few days later you received a letter from him asking you to meet him at the Three Broomsticks and your stomach churned with unpleasantness. What could he possibly want from you now? But nevertheless you decided to confront him about his unhealthy behavior and now was the perfect time to do so. You saw him at the Three Broomsticks where he'd ordered Butterbeers for the both of you. You took a sip of yours and didn't say anything yet, wondering what he wanted to tell you. When you heard his love confession pour out for you and he told you stuff like how you completed him ever since his parents were killed and grew up without a family and was neglected by the Dursleys, his relatives.... stuff to make you feel bad
Well it did work but you still ended up rejecting him gently and you ran away. Harry was miserable and furious but he couldn't blame you. He blamed his own stupidity for being too reckless. He should have first eliminated the people close to you THEN he should've offered you a shoulder to cry on. He started following it and you noticed it immediately. That's when you understood that you weren't safe at Hogwarts anymore as long as Harry was there and so you decided to leave for good to another country
Harry was even MORE furious and his heart ached for you. How could you do this to him? He loved you so much! He screamed, yelled, cried in private and heck, even Malfoy these days didn't really feel like messing with him anymore. He was irritated with every single thing, get annoyed at simple things and he vowed that when he'd become an Auror he was going to find you and make you his again for good even if meant he had to use force. But that wasn't really necessary since after the war with Voldemort was over, he needed to get his mind off things for a while and came back into the Muggle world. And that's when he strolled into a mall and saw you with boy around the age of 10 years and a girl who was 9 years old. You referred to them as your nephew and niece to the cashier after you purchased your items from the store you were in and Harry was relieved that you still weren't married yet
Your eye caught his and you attempted to scurry away, feeling uneasy. His heart broke to pieces again, his love was scared of him!? No... he was here now and fate was lucky to give him another chance. This was his chance to amend things and make it right with you. Your nephew and nieces could sense that you were feeling uneasy for some reason and they tried their best to drag you out of the place telling you that they were hungry and didn't really like the food there and they could eat somewhere outside. You were glad for that excuse and you made an attempt to bolt but Harry wasn't having it
He was now allowed to use magic, he was over 17 years old and he could use any type of magic as he pleased. He uttered a spell and the mall suddenly lost all forms of light. You clutched your nephew and niece fearfully telling them to be careful and stay near you. You didn't even have time to grab your wand properly from your pocket since within seconds, someone grabbed your arm, pulled you away from your little niece and nephew and they apparated with you to Merlin knows where. The last thing you remembered before losing consciousness was someone with glasses kissing your forehead gently and saying "Sleep well love, now we have all the time in the world to catch up~"
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