#skylar; head canons
lolhex12 · 1 year
LitC brainrot
disclaimer: i'm not trying to romanticize this fucked up situation. it's just that a scenario popped into my head and i thought i'd share since there's very little LitC content on this platform and the hiatus is killing me.
end of chap 82, cirrus starts crying and apologizing after basically assaulting skylar. he realizes how fucked up what he's doing is and mentions how dirty he feels.
cirrus gets off him and curls up in the corner of the couch, apologizing repeatedly and profusely, tears pouring out like waterfalls, his breathing becoming more and more erratic by the second bc how could he do sth like that to anyone? especially skylar? so dirty and disgusting and he doesn't like to be like his old teacher. and he doesn't want skylar to leave him like everyone else but he keeps fucking everything up.
skylar, after his initial shock and distress, sobers up quickly when he realizes cirrus' spiral is serious. he'd rather run to his room and lock the door bc 'wtf was this guy doing', but he can't leave cirrus alone in the middle of an oncoming panic attack.
sitting up and getting closer to cirrus, who's still murmuring apologies, skylar reaches out for the hands covering cirrus' face. "hey. hey. breathe." the come more apologies and mentions of how 'he didn't mean to do that'. "stop. we'll talk abt that later. right now i need you to breathe"
cirrus gets pulled in and he's so glad he gets that much after what he'd done. that he gets pulled closer instead of pushed away despite his mistake(s). he goes to grab at skylar's torso, to hold onto the person he doesn't want to disappear, but the hands that pulled him in by the back of his head quickly move to his shoulders the second cirrus' hands brush the skylar's t-shirt.
"stop." cirrus freezes, hands in the air, less than an inch away from contact. skylar's hands on his shoulders push him away but never leave where they're touching him.
for a second, cirrus is confused. then emotion bubbles up when he realizes that he has been pushed away. the apologies and tears start anew as if a new dam broke.
skylar, brows pinched in concern: "no, don't do that. calm down." a pause where skylar's hands move from cirrus' shoulders to his airborne hands, grabs and crosses them together in cirrus' lap, where cirrus can hold on to himself if he needs to. "just stay like that and don't touch me"
as such, cirrus is not touching skylar, rather skylar is touching him.
skylar's hands then resume their initial route and pull cirrus back in by the back of his head. his forehead is touching skylar's collarbone, where he can hide his tears and muffle his apologies and cries. his fingernails are digging into his arms, holding on for dear life bc he can't afford to fuck up again by touching skylar without permission.
"breathe. i don't know what's gotten into you but you need to calm down and breathe." skylar says as one hand brushes through cirrus' hair and the other rubs circles into his back. his breath tickles cirrus' scalp where he his nose buried itself in his hair.
cirrus can't remember the last time someone held him like that. so close and firm. (<- skylar was actually lowkey trying/hoping to suffocate him here, and get rid of his biggest problem (=cirrus) lol)
after a while cirrus calmed down and passed out from exhaustion in skylar's arms.
(notice how skylar never said "it's ok" or "i forgive u" while comforting cirrus? bc it's not ok and it's not sth to be easily forgiven. that's why they'll "talk abt it later". also, i thought it was important for skylar to set the boundary of cirrus not touching him after what happened. idk, i tried to make a very fucked up and toxic situation a tad less toxic)
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mushed-kid · 1 year
saw a tiktok and wanted to this myself, so…
my mighty med/lab rats/elite force lgbt+ headcanons
(including all the roles i wanted to add, not just the mains)
- Bisexual, very open and casual about it, (Often refers to himself as gay because it comes naturally and the difference isn’t that important to him)
- Cis guy, but he also doesn’t care that much (as in he would wear a skirt or dress, he just doesn’t)
- Doesn’t come out, he just lets people figure it out (“If you don’t know I’m gay yet, that’s on you”)
- Not afraid of getting into yelling matches or fights with homophobes for himself or his friends
- Trans ftm (come on, you guys also watched Oliver Hatches The Eggs, right? They were trying to send us a message!)
- His mom had refused to believe him at first, but when he didn’t stop claiming he was a boy no matter how many specialists and doctors she brought him to, she just accepted it
- She went full ‘you’re a boy’ mode, and he wasn’t allowed to do anything she considered slightly girly at all, (he was just glad she didn’t hate him, but now he’s very afraid of seeming feminine because he thinks people won’t see him as a guy anymore)
- Sits the Elite Force down to come out, but he works himself up about it and is so filled with nerves that he starts crying (the others panic thinking something is seriously wrong)
- Kaz is the only one that knew from before because they’re best friends
- Bonds with Chase about being trans
- Gay with comphet (because of his mother making him believe that was his only choice)
- Because of that, he hasn’t come out as gay (because he doesn’t know he’s gay yet), and sometimes he comes off as slightly homophobic (also due to the fact that he has very fragile masculinity and thinks guys can’t be feminine)
- The others get mad at him, but he doesn’t mean anything bad, his mom just kinda sucked (and it’s hard to shake some of the things she’s told him)
- Very afraid of homophobic and transphobic people, which is why he takes so long to come out to his friends
- Bisexual with a preference for women or lesbian with comphet
- I like her and Oliver so I hc her as ‘Doesn’t really care because it’s not a thing on Caldera’
- Cis girl
- Cishet
- Idk what more to say about him
- Gender fluid
- Pan maybe? I imagine him swinging every way because he really doesn’t care about gender
- Cishet
- Supportive, but very confused about everything (he always uses the wrong labels when talking about someone)
- Cis
- Aromantic (She thinks it’s gross)
- Cishet (Though she does kind off have a weird thing for Gus so I’m not so sure)
- Will hang out with gay people just because they’re gay so she can seem like a good person
Tecton & Megahertz:
- They’re gay and dating (I think this ship is kinda funny so… it’s canon)
- They’re both cis
Captain Atomic:
- Cishet
- Slightly homophobic
- Also very misogynistic
- Trans ftm (the constant joking about his height and how girly he is in lab rats? A Sign.)
- Came out when he was very young, he always knew
- Raised in a basement so you’d think he didn’t know about transphobia for a very long time, but he did, (Mr.Davenport talked to him about it and he researched it thoroughly)
- Bisexual
- Tries to avoid homophobic and transphobic people, and just ignores them, but it doesn’t always work. Sometimes he’ll just take it because he doesn’t want to fight, and it makes the other worry about him a lot
- Other times, Spike comes out and he goes crazy on them, and people leave him alone for a while after that
- Lesbian with comp het (she thought she was straight because that’s all she knew, and then she thought she was bi because she liked girls, but then she realized she didn’t like guys)
- Cis girl
- Will verbally kill a homophobe
- Everyone assumes he’s straight, because he never came out as anything else (he just doesn’t really care about coming out at all)
- He mentions something about a guy he likes/dated back in high school and everyone is super shocked
- “I thought you guys knew”, - “We thought you were straight!?” - “I never said that either” - “fair enough”
- Cis guy
- He’s not transphobic, and only makes those jokes about chase because he genuinely forgets chase wasn’t born a boy. (Chase thinks that makes him his biggest supporter even if the jokes sting)
- Will beat up anyone that says or does anything mean to his siblings about it
- Straight
- He/They (idk if that counts as non binary?)
- Would start fights with homophobes and then realize he’s fucked and needs help
- Got bullied for being gay even if he isn’t, definitely came home after being picked on and trying to hide his injuries from tasha (who notices and calls the school right away)
- Will still start fights with homophobes, now knowing that he can take them
- He’s an android so technically not cis, but he’s a guy (he fucking hates it/its pronouns because he’s not just a machine)
- Aromantic & Asexual (he’s very indifferent to both relationships and sex)
- Doesn’t really do relationships, but if he did, it would be more like his partner in crime (real crime not pranks)
- If he did get an evil sidekick of sorts, he’d probably be gay
- Will claim to have any gender of sexuality if it’ll help him out of anything, no matter how small
- Will also accuse anyone of being homophobic if it helps him in any way (Douglas hates both of these)
- Outing someone is the one thing that he doesn’t do (Douglas is so proud of that one)
- Will start a fight with anyone at any time, and realizes beating someone up for being homophobic won’t get him in trouble sends him on a mission to find every bully at school
- He claims it’s just because he won’t get in trouble, but Douglas knows that deep down he cares (because he does get in trouble at school, just not at home)
- I want to say cishet, but trans ftm is calling my name from afar
- Straight and borderline homophobic (he supports the people he knows and cares about, but in itself he thinks homosexuality is wrong)
- Will use his kids sexualities to look even better in media, with no regards for what they feel about it (They hate it)
- Outs people, but also tells his kids he’s proud of them no matter what and supports them, so they’re not very sure what he really thinks
- He’s just weird about it
- Will pretend he didn’t hear the homophobic or transphobic comment toward his kids if it means avoiding a conflict
- Cishet
- Very supportive of everyone
- Calls out homophobes and tries to inform everyone she knows about how important it is to be an ally
- Starts a group with some other moms to show support (the others think it’s a bit much, but she’s just being nice so they let her)
- Bisexual, but evil about it
- Strictly dated other bad guys/villains that he worked with, so most of his relationships sucked and ended badly (see; Krane and Giselle)
- Trans ftm
- Has a lot of kids, but honestly doesn’t know who any of their dads are
- I want Adam, Bree, and Chase to have the same dad, but I also kinda wanna say Adam has a different one, and that Bree and Chase are twins
- Daniel has another dad again, and Douglas realized he couldn’t raise the kid alone, so he had him adopted to keep him safe
- Will piss off a transphobe and run away from the fight
- She/They
- Will rip a homophobe to pieces without breaking a sweat (she also knows a guy, so getting rid of any evidence is easy)
and that’s everyone i could think of!
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crayonverse · 2 years
okay now i kinda want to write a hypothetical mm s3 in script form . hmm. i already have far too many writing projects for this.
*already thinking of episode ideas*
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musemuseum · 1 year
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@ghostsxagain asked for | five times kissed | between Milo Blackwood and Skylar Montgomery
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One: After a football game win (their first real kiss); they had won. It had been so close; down to the last second but Milo had run his ass off to get the final touchdown. He hadn't been sure at first, but when the loud cheering had finally reached his ears, he knew. His teammates rushed him, lifting him up as the crowd cheered. But he was only interested in one person. His gaze scanned the crowd, searching for Skylar and when he found her, he instructed his friends to put him down. He immediately ran over to her, not hesitating to press his lips to hers in a passionate celebratory kiss.
Two: At a party; he couldn't remember what party this was for - it could have been a birthday party, or perhaps one of those random weekend parties that were common in the movies. Either way, it didn't matter. A party was a party, and everyone seemed to be having a good time. The music was loud, the living room filled with teenagers dancing wildly to the beat. He was watching her from the doorway to the dining room, red solo cup in his hand. It was filled with soda which would probably get him some grief from the others on the team if they found out, but he didn't care. He wanted to remember everything about tonight. Emptying the cup in one gulp, he set it down and made his way between the other party-goers until he reached her and pulled her into his arms. He didn't hesitate to press his lips to hers; not concerned in the slightest that others could see them.
Three: On their first date; he had been anticipating this moment the entire night. Dinner had gone well in his opinion, and the rest of the evening had gone to plan. So why was he so nervous now? He walked her up to her front door like the gentleman he was, wondering if her parents were watching out the window. He really didn't want to screw this up at the very end of the night. "I had a great time, Sky," which was followed by a soft peck on her cheek. He was too damn nervous to actually go in for a proper kiss - and now he worried that this would kill any chance he had with her.
Four: On a moonlit stroll; he had been slightly surprised when she'd agreed to go for a late night walk with him - but only slightly. They'd been walking for some time by this point, and the air had cooled off quite a bit. Shrugging off his jacket, he offered it up to her, adding a soft, "take my jacket, Sky". As he put the jacket over her shoulders, he leaned down to press a soft kiss to her lips.
Five: At a family holiday party; he wasn't the biggest follower of holiday traditions -- especially the stereotypical hanging mistletoe tradition. And yet, here he was; standing under the mistletoe with Skylar. He could feel the eyes of others one them, waiting with bated breath to see what he would do. In an attempt to satisfy the tradition, and still maintain his respect for Skylar, he press a quick kiss to her lips after gaining her permission.
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Hi I just learned Kinktober is a thing
So here's my four favorite boys and their kinks.
Or is it five this time? *dramatic sound effect*
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And yes, I'm still working on ABCs of Kink, I've got the next one about halfway done and it may be posted today, and I'm still working through the ask requests, and still
But headcanons shiny need more
Ooooh...Kinky ;D
Very obviously NSFW.
LA!Zoro X AFAB!Reader, LA!Sanji X AFAB!Reader, LA!Shanks X AFAB!Reader, LA!Mihawk X AFAB!Reader, LA!Buggy X AFAB!Reader (I'm on my second watch of OPLA and he's kinda grown on me).
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"I hope you like it rough, baby."
Zoro's not super kinky, but he definitely likes it rough, which goes hand in hand with the couple kinks he does have.
You're going to want to have a safeword/signal if you're giving him a blowjob—he's thick and he loves seeing you gag and choke on his cock. Literally the biggest turn-on.
Holding tight onto your hair the whole time.
The sight of your make-up trailing down your flushed face while he's fucking your mouth and throat makes his knees weak.
Pulling your head all the way down to come down your throat, shaking, groaning, swearing.
He's a little cautious about outright choking you during sex—he doesn't want to get too wound up and unintentionally hurt you—but if you ask him to, he's going to, because it's still an enormous turn-on.
"God, I fucking love it when you gag on it...."
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"If I make you dinner, do I get to have you for dessert?"
Like, do I even have to say it?
Food play.
Chocolate sauce, whipped cream, caramel, it's going to get messy. Any reason to trail his lips and his tongue over your beautiful body is a very, very good reason.
(BTW I recently learned Taz Skylar has a tongue ring so it's now canon that Sanji has one and do not argue with me I will die on this hill.)
He's never going to do or say anything to degrade you...but if you want to do so to him? By all means, be his guest.
You're his queen and he's your loyal subject, the man has no qualms about you doing anything you want to him.
Shove him into a wall, call him names, tie him to the bed, step on him, whip him, spit in his face—he will thank you for it. If it brings you pleasure, it brings him pleasure.
Literally everything you do turns him on, and he's beyond happy to be your personal toy.
"You, my love, are the sweetest thing that has ever touched my lips."
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"Oh, come on, sweetheart. Where's the fun in life without a little risk?"
Honestly the kinkiest of the four (but not the five). Super playful, and one hundred percent open to absolutely anything you suggest trying.
I mean anything. If you tell him you want to dress him up in frilly lingerie and call him your wench, he's totally game.
But he reserves the right to crack stupid jokes about it the whole time.
His own biggest kink is public sex. The riskier the better.
Reaching under the table at a tavern and creeping his hand up your thigh and under your skirt to rub you through your panties...or just flat out pulling you onto him to straddle his lap, make out with you, grind against you with absolutely no concern of anyone seeing.
Pulling you right into the mouth of an alley, barely concealed in the shadows and just having you right there against the wall, where any passersby might catch a glimpse of what you're doing.
He doesn't care—it's not like anyone's even going to attempt to stop one of the most notorious pirates on the Grand Line.
He enjoys a little role-play as well. You're the little marine cadet he took prisoner and decided to keep as his personal playing. The enchanting stranger from a tavern he's seduced.
Call him "captain." It drives him wild.
"Oh, what a good little wench you are, love."
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"You seem to have forgotten who's in charge here, little one."
One hundred percent certified professional Brat Tamer™.
He's not going to let on that your pestering and testing his patience is anything but a casual annoyance—but the whole time he'll be thinking about how he's going to punish you later for being such an endearing little pest.
You're getting tied up. Cuffed to the bed. Clothes torn off of you. Spanked. You're getting teased beyond the point of sanity, within an inch of your life.
There's a fair chance he won't let you come for literal hours.
That he'll leave you tied up while he sits back and has a glass of wine and just revels in your pleading for more, revels in being in total control of your agony and pleasure.
You're going to have to beg, to promise you'll be a good girl for your master (even though you both know that's not true) before you get anything more out of him.
Big kink for lace and nylon as well.
He's constantly having to buy you new tights, new underwear and lingerie, because seeing you in them sets him on fire to the point that he's very likely to literally rip them off of you in a fit of desire and fuck you absolutely senseless.
"For the last damned time, no, your safe-word cannot be Yoru."
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"You know you're my favorite freak, babe."
Couldn't not include Buggy this time because it's pretty obvious that he's the kinkiest motherfucker at this party.
The guy has removable body parts, for gods' sake, of course he's going to utilize them in the most creative ways possible. He could be on the other side of the ship and still have his hand down your panties.
Degradation, cuckhold, ropes, whips, chains, knife play, you name it and he's probably into it. It would be a miracle for you to come up with something he hasn't tried at least twice.
He's going to call you every degrading name he can think of. Spank you and slap you. Choke you until you nearly pass out. And he's fully open to and expects you to do the same to him.
Dom or sub, doesn't matter, he's just having a good old-fashioned filthy time either way.
Totally open to threesomes, he's bi as fuck.
Also totally open to chaining you up and letting the entire crew run a train on you while he watches.
If you can imagine it, he's done it, wrote the book on it, and you're going to be doing it with him.
"Don't even pretend you don't like being my slut."
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thegurlwhoisntthere · 2 months
Can we as a fandom talk about how we characterize Damian Wayne? Please?
Let’s start with what I’ve noticed from fanfiction: most people think of Damian as an antisocial, kind of asshole kid who’s only friend is Jon Kent. He is usually very serious and emotionally illiterate but loves his brothers, he just doesn’t show it. He never cries and is usually very stoic unless he’s angry.
Then there are some of the basic facts about his character like he’s vegetarian, he like animals and he likes art.
These are just the main points that I see consistent across most characterizations of him in fanfic, and honestly? I don’t think they’re completely wrong when they’re writing about earlier versions of his character, ones where he first was introduced or the dcau movies like Batman vs Robin. When he’s first introduced I think this is what he comes off as, but it’s not the full story of his character and I think a lot of this becomes less and less true as he grow up, especially now that he’s 14 in the comics
First of all, I don’t think Damian’s emotionally illiterate in the way that a lot of fanfic portrays him as. Sure, he’s not an expert, but he is capable of understanding his emotions and expressing them, as well as reading others. Secondly, tying to expressing his emotions, he is so far from completely stoic, it’s not even funny. Most comic panels I’ve seen of him have him either scowling or smirking in an “I’m better than you/know more than you” kind of way. I’ve seen panels of him crying, of him showing and talking about his emotions. I’m not going to claim to be an expert in the comics, but I really feel like we’re not giving him enough credit for being expressive!
Third, his only friend is not Jon Kent. Not in a landslide is Jon Kent his only friend. Damian actually has a lot of friends, including Colin Wilkes, Maya Ducard, Mia “maps” Mizoguchi, Rose Wilson, Connor Hawke, Skylar (who’s new from wfa) and Nika (Flatline). These are literally just ones I know off the top of my head, I’m pretty sure there’s more. This boy is not anti social, he wants friends and he wants to be around people he just finds it difficult to relate to normal people! Most of his friends are either former assassins or superheroes, sometimes both, but damn it he has them! Let’s talk about them more!!!
Basically, I think the fandom latched on too hard to one version of Damian that ignores a lot of his character now and I think we should explore more of canonical friends and attributes because they honestly make a more interesting and dynamic character.
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pbnbucks · 3 months
Smut prompts Fluff prompts Angst prompts
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𐐂 Las Vegas Aces
Kate Martin
・Strangers, Friends, Lovers, Strangers Again. / SAD
・Knee Deep In Love / FLUFF
Kelsey Plum
$ no works yet…
Aja Wilson
$ no works yet…
𐐂 Indiana fever
Caitlin Clark
・Christmas Morning / FLUFF
・What Happens In Bora Bora Stays In Bora Bora / SUGGESTIVE
・Jealousy Head Cannons / NSFW
・Are You Serious / NSFW
・Sweet Heart / FLUFF
・Girl Kisser / FLUFF
・Short Head Canons / NSFW
・Melting / FLUFF
・Only For Tonight / ANGST
・Needed You / SMUT
Nalyssa Smith
・Head Cannons / FLUFF
𐐂 Seattle Storm
Nika Muhl
・The Storm / FLUFF
・Whats Your Problem? / NSFW
・Good Intentions / NSFW
・The Transfer Student / NSFW
・We Could Be Better / NSFW
・Cause Where Toxic Baby / NSFW
・Im Sorry / NSFW
・Lovers Day / FLUFF
・Love You / FLUFF
・Parking Lot / NSFW
・Injured / FLUFF
・Short Head Canons / NSFW
Sue Bird
$ no works yet…
Skylar Diggins-Smith
$ no works yet…
Gabby Williams
・Head Canons / NSFW
𐐂 New York Liberty
Breanna Stewart
・Jealous / NSFW
・Cheering For Me? / NSFW
・Only You / NSFW
・Bad Game / NSFW
Sabrina Ionescu
$ no works yet…
𐐂 Chicago Sky
Chennedy Carter
$ no works yet…
Angel Reese
・Only / FLUFF
𐐂 Phoenix Mercury
Diana Taurasi
・High On You / NSFW
・Drunk In Love / NSFW
・Head Cannons / NSFW
・Baby Fever / FLUFF
Brittney Griner
・Headcannons / NSFW
・Can You Move? / FLUFF
・I Love You / FLUFF
・Nasty / NSFW
・Short Head Cannons / NSFW
・Ginuwine / NSFW
𐐂 Washington Mystics
Aaliyah Edwards
・Head Cannons / FLUFF
request are always open!
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lolahauri · 8 months
✎ Introduction ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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Requests are always open, and you can send as many as you want, as detailed as you want! I just get to them whenever i can/feel like it.
Anon's: 🌹-🕯️-🍁-❤️-
Other Accounts: @lolas-favfics @lolamultifandom @lolahaurisfw
AO3: Here
DNI: MAP, ZOO, Pro-Para, Pro-Ana, TERF, Zionist, Bigots, Minors!!!, Discourse Blogs. ❤️🖤🤍💚
Things I Won't Write:
Sex Crimes of ANY KIND, Super Violent/Xtreme Kinks, Inflation, Feederism, Abuse, Puke, Shit, DDLG, Age Play, Raceplay, Wound Fucking, Gore, Vore, Misgendering, Lesbian x Male, Gay Man x Female, Stepcest etc... no exceptions!
Fluff, Angst, Platonic. (Go to my other fanfic blog for that.)
Things I Will Write:
Genderbent Characters, Mild Yandere, Daddy/Mommy Kink, Cheating, Mild BDSM, CNC, Dubcon, Monsters, Hybrids, Sex Pollen, Legal Age Gap, Power Imbalance (Prof/Student, Boss/Employee), Feet, Armpits, Piss, Breeding, Mild Bloodplay & Knifeplay, Cock Warming, Dry Humping, Voyeur, Public Sex, Orgy, 3somes, Sex Toys, Overstim, Edging, etc... etc... :P
Trans Reader, Chubby/Tall/Short/Curvy/Fat/Buff Reader, Other Specific Characteristics.✔️
*if you aren't sure, just ask!* :)
HC's, One Shots, Multi-Chapter, Drabbles, F/O Imagines.
Canon-friendly, AU's, Canon Divergence, Out of Character.
Ch x Ch / Ch x Reader / Ch x OC / OC x Reader / Poly Ships of any kind.
F/F, M/M, F/M, GN/F, GN/M, Poly Ships of any kind.
Now that that's out of the way, here's the list of fandoms and characters i'm familiar with and will happily take requests on! (you can request other characters from these fandoms, but it might take me longer!)
Adventure Time/Fiona & Cake: PB, Marceline, Marshall Lee, Winter King, Candy Queen, Simon, Ice King, Fiona.
Attack On Titan: Armin, Eren, Mikasa, Sasha, Levi, Hanji, Annie, Historia, Reiner, Erwin, Ymir. 
Avatar: Jake, Neytiri.
Batman Begins Triology: Batman, Catwoman, Bane, Joker, Scarecrow.
Bee & Puppycat: Bee, Deckard, Cass, Toast.
BigBang Theory: Raj, Leonard, Penny, Amy.
Black Dynamite: Honeybee, Black Dynamite.
BNA: Michiru, Shirou.
Bob’s Burgers: Bob, Linda.
Breaking Bad: Jesse, Skylar.
Call of Duty: Konig, Ghost, Mace, Keegan, Krueger, Valeria, Farah.
Creepypasta: Jeff, Jane, Ben, Toby, EJ, LJ, Slenderman, Splendorman, Clockwork, Kate, Masky, Hoodie,
Desperate Housewives: Bree, Gabi, Edie, Lynette, Carlos, John.
Dirty Dancing: Johnny, Baby.
Earth Girls Are Easy: Mac, Zeebo, Wiploc, Valerie.
Elemental: Wade, Ember.
Encanto: Isabela, Bruno, Dolores, Julieta.
FNAF Movie: Vanessa, Mike, William/Steve.
Frozen: Elsa, Anna, Kristoff.
Futurama: Leela, Fry, Amy, Bender.
Gravity Falls: Ford, Stan, Soos, Melody, Giffany, Bill.
Jane The Virgin: Jane, Michael, Petra, Luisa, Rose, Rogelio, Xiomara.
Jurassic Park (1993): Ian Malcolm, Ellie Sattler.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo, Choso, Nanami, Sukuna.
King of the Hill: Hank, Peggy, Luane, Nancy, Dale, Khan, Min, John Redcorn.
Lisa Frankenstein: Lisa, Creature, Taffy.
Little Mermaid (2022): Ariel, Eric.
MHA: Dabi, Hawks, Aizawa.
Moon Knight: Moon System, Layla, Khonshu.
National Treasure: Benjamin, Riley.
Nintendo: Link, Zelda, Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, Luigi, Bowser, Waluigi.
Norbit: Rasputia, Norbit.
Princess & The Frog: Tiana, Lottie, Naveen, Shadow Man.
Ratatouille: Colette, Linguini. 
Regular Show: Mordecai, Margret, Eileen, CJ, Benson.
Resident Evil: Karl Heisenberg, Carlos Oiliveria, Lady Dimitrescu.
Rick and Morty: Rick, Jerry, Beth, Doofus Rick.
Riverdale: FP Jones, Hiram.
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: Kim, Ramona, Gideon, Wallace.
Serial Mom: Chip, Beverly.
Silverado: Slick, Rae, Mal, Paden.
Shallow Hal: Rosemary, Hal.
Shameless: Lip, Fiona, Kev, V.
SheRa (2018): All Adults.
Sherlock (2010): Sherlock, John Watson.
Slashers & DBD: Brahms, Ghostface, Michael Myers, Jason Vorhees, Pyramid Head, The Spirit, Huntress, Trapper, Wraith, Trickster, Pearl, Jennifer Check, Stu Matcher, Billy Loomis, Tiffany Valentine, Patrick Bateman, Thomas Hewitt, Vincent Sinclair, Eric Draven, The Artist, Amanda Young.
Spiderverse: Miguel, Jessica Drew.
Spongebob: Dennis, Man Ray.
Squid Games: Gi-Hun, Sae-Byeok, Ali, Sang Woo.
Steven Universe: Garnet, Amethyst, Peridot, Lapis, Jasper, Blue Diamond, Rose, Greg.
Stranger Things: Robin, Billy Eddie, Chrissy, Hopper.
Supernatural: Sam, Dean, Castiel.
Super Store: Amy, Jonah, Dina, Garrett, Cheyenne.
Tangled: Flynn, Rapunzel, Mother Gothell.
The Batman (2022): Batman, Riddler.
The Breakfast Club: John Bender, Allison Reynolds.
The Nanny: C.C, Fran, Maxwell.
Total Drama Island: S1 Contestants, Chris, Chef, Blainley.
Triple Frontier: Frankie, Santiago.
Turning Red: Ming Lee, Jin Lee.
Twilight: Edward, Carlisle, Alice, Charlie.
WWE: Rhea Ripley, Roman Reigns.
YOU: Beck, Joe, Peach, Love.
Young Sheldon: Mary, Connie.
Abel Morales (A Most Violent Year)
Astarion (Baulder’s Gate 3)
Babbo Natale (Violent Night)
Barbie (Barbie 2023)
Basil Stitt (Lightning Face)
Beverly Goldberg (The Goldbergs)
Bruce (Beyond Therapy)
Charles Ingalls (Little House on the Praire)
Charlie Dompler (Smiling Friends)
Chel (Road to El Dorado)
Dale Kobble (Longlegs)
Dan Conner (Rosanne)
David Levinson (Independence Day)
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
Doug Remer (Baseketball)
Duke Leto Atreides (Dune)
Fezzik (Princess Bride)
Francine (American Dad)
Fujimoto (Ponyo)
Georgia Miller (Ginny & Georgia)
Jack Harrison (Translyvania 6-5000)
Jackson Rippner (Red Eye)
Jon Arbuckle (Garfield 2024)
John Doe (John Doe Game)
Jonathan Levy (Scenes from a Marriage)
John Wick (John Wick 4)
King Baldwin (Kingdom of Heaven)
Kitten (Breakfast on Pluto)
Laurent LeClaire (In Secret)
Linda Gunderson (Rio)
Llewyn Davis (Inside Lleywn Davis)
Master Chief (Halo)
Mike (5lbs of Pressure)
Moe Doodle (Doodle Bops)
Nani Palekai (Lilo & Stitch)
Nathan Bateman (Ex Machina)
Outcome-3 (The Bourne Legacy)
Orestes (Agora)
Paul Blart (Paul Blart: Mall Cop)
Paul Cable (Last Stand at Saber River)
Peggy Bundy (Married With Children)
Peter Mitchell (3 Men & A Baby)
Poe Dameron (Star Wars)
Prince John (Robin Hood 2010)
Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd (Top Gun: Maverick)
Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Shiv (Pu-239)
Stanley Ipkiss (The Mask)
Star-Lord (Gaurdians of the Galaxy)
Tate Langdon (AHS: Murder House)
The Janitor (Willy’s Wonderland)
Thomas Magnum (Magnum, P.I 1980)
William Tell (The Card Counter)
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blacklegsanjiii · 8 months
Hello and welcome to my blog!
Here is my AO3!
North Blue Language - Mihawk x Sora raising Sanji - Complete!
Golden - Single Dad Mihawk raising Sanji and Mihawk - Under Rewrite
General AUs: Soulmate AU, Love Mark AU
A full list of head canons and associated head canons under the cut!
Shirohige!Sanji, Shirohige+Traf!Sanji, Shirohige!Sora
Trafalgar!Sanji, Heterochromia!Sanji, Vitiligo!Law, Nico/Trafalgar!Sanji, Nico!Sanji
Charlotte!Sora, Charlotte!Sanji,
Siblings Nami and Sanji
Clown!Sanji, Rayleigh!Sanji, Redhair!Sanji
Single Dad!Mihawk, Oisin!Sanji
Mihawk x Sora
All Blue!Sanji
Hancock!Sanji, Fishman!Sanji, Croc!Sanji, Donquixote!Sanji, Warlord!Sanji
Demon Slayer!Sanji,
Nephew!Sanji, Friend!Sanji
Zeff x Garp, HanHawk!Sanji,
Good!124ji, Swapped!Sanji, Loved!Sanji, Skylar D!Sora + Sanji
Skypeian!Sanji, Lunarian!Sanji,
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l0t4n · 8 months
a/n I have many wips and I am struggling to finish any of them so you get this for now. Also keep in mind I never actually finished the show and I didn't like it anyways I just think the idea is funny. Posting as a buffer for everyone who did not follow for nsfw bc I'm posting it 2nite regardless watch out
Contains TW drugs, references to violence. What it says. Would they do the shit Walter White did in Breaking Bad? The brothers + dateables. Gn mc mentioned once
-He would do absolutely all of it step by step, word for word
-Maybe he would not be as mean as Walter is, but he would absolutely give that “I AM. The danger, Skylar” speech
-Just to MC instead
-And Mammon is Jesse
-I think in his head he would like to think he would/could
-Definitely fucking can't though
-Doesn't understand the chemistry even if someone guided him, would definitely fuck up really bad
-Would be in it for the money, would brag about how he'd make an excellent drug kingpin, is lying
-The moment he needs to shoot someone he's running away
-Not a chance bro
-The closest he would get would be filling in the role of Gale
-Even then, that's a stretch
-It's too scary :(( what if all the drug mules think he's cringe
-Yeah sure he did all those illegal things but the police probably wouldn't care so much if he was cooler
-Absolutely not suited for the meth-making lifestyle
-Wouldn't do it if it was his life on the line. Would only do it to get back at someone else
-Ruining Lucifer’s reputation by selling illicit substances out of the HoL
-Probably the most suitable for drug manufacturing. Not anything else though
-Would be the most likely to be despised by everyone else in the distribution chain
-It's a high-stress environment and he takes out his anger on all of them
-Personal protective equipment is ugly and the meth business is a thankless one. There is no possibility for him to gain fame and attention doing that unless he also wants to go to prison
-Probably finds it kind of gross and messy too
-There are a number of illegal activities that are far better suited for a demon like him and he knows it
-Eats the meth
-The end
-Perhaps unsurprisingly, would likely have both the intelligence and personality to make it work
-But the meth-making process takes forever, and there are so many points where you can accidentally die, so I think he knows better
-Would accidentally fall asleep and melt his skin off his body
-Also has virtually no reason to do it in the first place; isn't hurting for cash like Mammon and doesn't really care about his reputation like Lucifer
-Would have trouble grasping the severity of drug manufacturing and dealing
-Might only get into the scheme if coaxed by the promise of friendship
-I do not put it above him to realize that it is also illegal, however
-Albeit he has had his moments of considering himself above the law, which, if anyone is, it's him, so maybe not
-Will bail the moment someone yells at him or pulls a gun on him, whatever happens first
-His moral alignment and motivations are too vague. Either his moral compass is too strong or he would be the best drug kingpin the devildom has ever seen. Maybe both at the same time
-Would get suitably angry if anyone else got involved though
-Money laundering pro. If nothing else is true I know this is canon
-Oh good heavens
-Deary me
-Maybe with his skills in baking he would do well, but you'd need to lie to him about what you're making
-Shocked and appalled when he finds out
-Most everyone else is nice to him though
-Probably makes illicit substances for his funny evil wizard experiments
-Since it's a form of cooking though the batches always end up terrible
-Meth that makes all your bones turn to jelly and kills you in five days
-Since he is far removed from human matters of mortality and injury, he probably thinks it's funny
-Evil ass
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bvtbxtch · 10 months
Stephen | Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader TEASER
I have been a little obsessed with mid 2000s trash pop, so when Stephen by Kesha came on my phone, I got inspired. Here is my delve into my very first Steve Harrington fanfic! I don't have a timeline for it now, since I am in a bunch of shows, but thought I would give a little sneak peek!
“You’re my object of affection, my drug of choice, my sick obsession.”
5 years since graduation, 5 years since you ran your way through Hawkins High, leaving boys in your wake…. Except one. Steve Harrington, apparent untouchable due to his infatuation with Nancy Wheeler. What happens when you see a worn out, former heartthrob with his fizzled highschool flame stuck to him? Unhappy, feeling unloved and in a bind, you thought Steve could be the conquest of the night… or so you thought.
Pairings: Steve Harrington x Toxic!Fem! Reader
Content warnings: smut, angst, fluff. Non canon au. Steve and Nancy are together from Steve’s senior year to the time of the story. Cheating, p in v sex, oral (m and f receiving), Reader defs isn’t a girls girl but I couldn’t help it.
The pounding in your head mirrored that in your heart as you remembered the burn of alcohol down your throat from last night. Your makeup had been smudged off onto your pillow, some still remaining on your swollen, hungover face. The day after drinking anxiety had reared its head, but a wave of nerves hit you like a ton of bricks when a vision of you writing your phone number on Steve Harrington’s hand - more or less in front of his girlfriend. 
You cupped your hands over your face and your shoulders shook. You couldn’t help but giggle at the picture of her porcelain face twisted into a bout of jealous rage. You could fully admit to yourself that you lived on the side of delusion, but there was a piece of you that wholeheartedly believed that your former king of Hawkins High would call you. 
And yet, you sat and stared at the phone perched silently on your nightstand while you nursed your hangover all day. The bright afternoon light evolved into an evening glow and still you hadn’t heard the shrill ring. You put on records and VCRs. You flicked through magazines and tried to pick up the new Danielle Steele book you had pocketed from the bookstore on main street. But the soundtrack of your thoughts was the hope that the telephone would ring and that you would hear a smooth baritone voice calling you. You fought to keep your eyes open while the blue light of your TV laughed back at you. You finally surrendered to the sleep your body had been pleading for, the blur of the night previous finally making itself clear in your dreams…
More to come sooooooon!
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lab-trash · 1 year
A Few Hot Takes About Elite Force
Bree did not deserve to go to Centium City, nor does it make sense plot-wise
In season four it's jokingly established that Bree is becoming sort of a mom-friend, mom-mentor sort of figure. There is no way in hell that she would've allowed fucking Adam and Leo to run the bionic island. She knows those two knuckle-heads would get into trouble. Don't get me wrong, I love when Adam takes control of the situation and when he takes responsibility for Bob in that one episode, but let's face it: he is not ready for such a large role when it comes to that many kids. Dude is not equipped to be a babysitter. When it comes to Leo, while he is more equipped for the situation, he is very well established to make shit go wrong on fucking accident. We see it time and time and time again, not only in season one, but in season four (read: the whole business card fiasco). She would've known that they would've be able to handle it alone, especially when taking into account that their chaperones would've been fucking Terry Cherry Perry and goddamn Douglas Davenport! Excuse me???? No! She would have not allowed that.
Edit- Also, she just got a sister! I know that she said that the excitement was gone after having to change diapers, but you're telling me that Bree wouldn't want to be a part of her life????
Leo did deserve to go to Centium City, and it would've made more sense plot-wise (especially if they kept it mostly the same story-wise)
Leo, as we all know, gets along great with Kaz. Not only that, but he's a superhero nerd. I guarantee that if Leo just knew wtf the 'secret project' was, he would've been on board faster than the train to Downtown Welkerville. It would've been epic to see him interact with not just Kaz, but Oliver too? Skylar probably would've felt like she fit in more too, because she's definitely one of the boys (not in a pick-me way, in a nonbinary way). It would've been really fun seeing Chase trying to battle Kaz, Oliver and Leo down from playing Topple Tower and whatever other various games. Such as, for example, Leo jumping off the building for Kaz and/or Oliver to catch him before he fucking dies. I know this was more of an Adam and Chase thing, but I still think we should've gotten a prank wars episode, and since it's decidedly canon that Bree is, at best, mid when it comes to pranks, it could've gotten real fucking intense. I love the idea of Oliver and Kaz warning Chase and Leo about Skylar being really amazing at pranks, and then when they don't really notice her being weird or suspicious, they just think it was to mess with their heads (which does or does not work, depending on if you want a Sicillian situation on your hands or not) so they brush it off, only to be bested by the prank master. But I'm getting off topic. The biggest reason that I think that Leo should've gone to Centium City instead of Bree is because of Episode 9 and Episode 10. In episode 9, The Intruder,we are introduced to a character named AJ, who finds Chase and Douglas in the Mission Command (aka, the basement) by mistake. And I know that they often draw comparisons from AJ to Chase, but I think that it would work way better with Leo— Better yet, Leo and Chase. Like Chase, AJ is autistic coded, socially inept, and a tech nerd. But like Leo, he means well. He wants to be a part of the team, even though objectively that maybe shouldn't be allowed. He snuck his way into this family by running into them when he didn't mean to, when he was just exploring where he lived. AJ should've gotten bonding time with Leo. Maybe then, the common headcannon that AJ will/would become Mission Specialist like Leo once was, would be cannon. Next is Episode 10, The Rock. In The Rock, AJ makes a list ranking the most useful/gifted in the Elite Force, to the least. This causes Bree to become insecure when she's placed in the middle, leading her to attempt getting more powers by touching the Arcturian. I will always stand by the fact that this was a fucking stupid idea. But when it's Leo? This idea becomes nearly fucking genius. Leo would likely be placed in a similar place, if not lower, given that only part of him has powers. He is not bionic, he has bionics. And, y'know, he's a superhero nerd; why would he not want superpowers. He also is reckless, which would make sense why he would touch the Arcturian without really thinking about it as much as he probably should. And best of all, this could be a personal secret, instead of a secret between him and someone else, like it was with Bree and Skylar. After all, Leo already has a buffer. His arm. Leo wouldn't need to be endangered to get these powers, he already paid that tax years ago. Leo would finally have powers. Not just partial powers; real, true powers. It makes sense that he would be the first bionic superhero. Leo deserves to be the first bionic superhero.
Edit cont.- I do think that Leo would want to be in Naomi's life too, I understand that. Especially with his dad having been absent in his life, he might want Naomi to grow up with her family around. But at the same time, I really like the idea of him letting Bree have that honour. Like a bit of an emotional moment as they debate who goes to Centium City and who stays on the island/in Mission Creek, and in the end, Leo knows how much Bree's always wanted a sister and decides that she should be allowed to have that.
I have way more, but I can't remember, so this is probably the last one. Ka-Kai-Ra-Ta-Hee-Haw-Mwak-Floopie-Pazoing should've been in Elite Force
They couldn't have invited Auggie Issac back for one episode just to make it feel more like Caldera? Seriously? She is definitely one of the highlights that we get when we visit Caldera in Mighty Med, and without her, it feels disingenuous. Hell, start the episode with a quick video chat with Gus talking about how things are going in Philly and with The Domain, make the universe feel more coherent and put together. And then, if Chase and Leo/Bree see the call, they could later mention how she looks like Gus. And, not only that, but she could help save Skylar. Like, instead of Scarlett just being like 'hey muthafuckas, lemme bring you to ya girl,' it could've had this semi-dramatic, semi-emotional moment with Ka-Kai-Ra-Ta-Hee-Haw-Mwak-Floopie-Pazoing where she explains that she saw Scarlett taking Skylar away. She could've explained the whole rebellion thing to Oliver and his accompaniment. They could've had one of those cross cut scenes where it cuts between Ka-Kai-Ra-Ta-Hee-Haw-Mwak-Floopie-Pazoing and Scarlett explaining what's going on, instead of getting weird feeling, one dimensional exposition from just Scarlett talking to Skylar through an oddly shaped TV. I would've loved to see her and Skylar reunite, even for a little bit. Hell, y'know what, Ka-Kai-Ra-Ta-Hee-Haw-Mwak-Floopie-Pazoing is basically not a pet, which is implied through the numerous jokes of her not responding to things that a normal pet do, and the fact that she speaks english. It would've been epic as fuck if she was like... leading a rebellion army. That would've been so fucking awesome. But that would've been far more difficult to do, and I understand that. But the first part? Cmon, she is the heart and soul of Caldera. She should've been there.
Sorry for the super long post that was basically about nothing, but I was ranting to my friend who knows nothing about the lref universe and I wanted to share these. They're definitely the ones I'm most passionate about— not including how I think that Douglas definitely should've been indited more as their father instead of Donald, especially in Elite Force where Douglas showed up more than Donald did. And that Tasha deserves someone better (and I wouldn't exactly mind if that person were Douglas, but I've been over how I think that Douglas deserves a nice twunk)
Let me know if I should make a part two, and I might rant about a few more things they could've done to make Elite Force better.
Anyway, all in all, thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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masterjarthub · 6 days
Chuggington Headcanon: Rosa
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Tonight, we'll be talking about Rosa, the Spanish crane chugger introduced in the 6th season episode "Not From Around Here" where she moves to Chuggington from her home of San Locomota, to try and find jobs that utilize her to her full potential, and in the end, she is recruited by Zack as part of the Chuggineers.
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In my headcanon, Rosa never joined the Chuggineers.
The reasons for this is because with how many characters and locations were written off and Herschend's rather mixed writing quality and their overall depiction of the world of Chuggington, (I'm not normally much of the reviewer type, but that elephant in the room shall be covered some other time) It really feels like they were hastily scraping the bottom of the barrel with the choice of having Rosa join the Chuggineers...
Another thing to note:
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Notice how the Chuggineers all match each other, Zack, Fletch and Tyne all have matching stripes and certain parts. Even Brewster has the Chuggineer attire to some degree, but Rosa does not. She still wears that brightly colored Carribean styled paint job.
Some of you fellow Chuggington fans who have been around a hot minute on the internet may remember user TranquilSkies, or on here, @chuggingtonfanatic , who is no longer active in the Chuggington fanbase as far as I'm aware, but around the time of S6, she used to write some headcanons for Chuggington herself, and I was greatly inspired.
In her headcanons for the Chuggineers, she mentions that Rosa turns down the Chuggineer livery in favor of her own, due to her still being very attached to her homeland. I very much see this being canon and while I agree that Rosa would have good character dynamics with the Chuggineers, having her part of this team just felt kinda forced and doesn't exactly sit right with me, especially since Fletch and Tyne were two of the characters cut from S6 and Rosa pretty much replaces them...
Now, I DO NOT mean to say this out of bias in any kind of offense, but I'm sorry- I... I just can't get over how trippy this feels... They did Fletch and Tyne dirty...
So now, this begs the question: If I am not having Rosa become part of The Chuggineers, what is her new job in Chuggington? Where will she go?
Well recently, I finally found the answer: An underused character, and an EXTREMELY underused location, both of which were ALSO absent from S6...
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...Yeah, I think it's already safe to say I'm gonna have to post a re-write of "Not From Around Here" someday, as well as the other misfires from S6, but anyway, here's what happens:
In this re-write, the episode plays out mostly the same, albiet with more characters of course.
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After caring passengers with Koko, Wilson, on his way to deliver extra safety barriers, shows Rosa the quarry of Rocky Ridge where Speedy is working, and she helps him with his work. After deciding hauling heavy stone is not for her, Brewster meets up with Rosa and asks for her help; The Chuggineers are repairing a wooden bridge in the countryside and need some timber, so Rosa offers to pick some up from The Timber Yard while Brewster is busy collecting ballast.
Little did she know, she would not only encounter a familiar face on the way, but a VERY close call as well...
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As Rosa heads down from the quarry after getting directions to the Timber Yard from Brewster, she comes across Rocky Ridge Rickety Bridge, which is just before the quarry.
Speedy was coming out of the mine and crossing the old bridge with loaded hopper cars. Then there was trouble...
The weight of Speedy and his heavy stone cars made the old bridge sag and creak, and only after he made it safely across, a chunk of the bridge snapped off with a CRACK, about to crash down on another chugger!
Rosa rushed in and caught the falling wooden beams just in time. But when she saw who exactly the chugger she saved was, she could not believe her eyes...
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The chugger was none other than Skylar, whose model was reused for Rosa. Although we've known him since the 3rd season, he unfortunately did not get much focus due to the advanced training update in S4-S5 before he was written out. Regardless, he and Rosa are indeed siblings.
Thankfully, Skylar was not hurt, and he and Rosa were very happy to be reunited after so many years. Skylar did live in San Locomota with Rosa for a period of time before going of to The Training Academy in Tootington, to pursue his career of becoming a trainer.
By this point in the show, the trainees of Chuggington would become less dependent of both Dunbar and Skylar as their trainers.
As we know, Wilson, Brewster and Koko have well already joined Chug Patrol, The Chuggineers, and Speed Fleet, respectively, and Hoot and Toot are recently promoted to advanced training as shunting engines in The Depot, giving Dunbar the extra set of wheels he needed. Even little Piper would have completed the basics of training and find her own role in Chuggington becoming a frequent helper for Mtambo at The Safari Park.
With the younger trainees needing less and less lessons from Dunbar and Skylar, Their time would go completely into their work. Skylar became The Timber Yard's designated chugger, which would explain his semi-regular usage after S3, since The Timber Yard has not been seen at all since the first season.
Rosa and Skylar head off together to The Timber Yard and load up the timber to take to The Chuggineers. It is then Rosa finds that she really enjoys working there - loading and pulling logs was the perfect job for a crane chugger, and even better, she had her own long lost brother to share it with; she had found just the right job for her in Chuggington at last!
The two set of with the timber for not one, but now two bridges in need of repair, catching up and Rosa getting to know The Chuggineers for the rest of the day, which raps up the episode.
To this day, Rosa and Skylar work happily together at The Timber Yard, and while neither of them are part of The Chuggineers, they do help them out with certain construction jobs around Chuggington from time to time, and become very close friends indeed.
Although Rosa can be a little shy around those she's not too familiar with, it doesn't stop her from proudly sharing her heritage of San Locomota with all her fellow chuggers who welcomed her with open arms, and her experience and knowledge from navigating complicated routes to keeping loads even does wonders.
She wasn't sure at first, but while she is indeed still attached to San Locomota, she can now safely say that she is proud to call Chuggington her new home.
(Oh, and before we close off, I should also mention that Rosa and Skylar's close call with the bridge was also based one of TranquilSkies's headcanons, so credit to her)
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vendetta-if · 2 years
Since my alter ego name is Fenrir and my guns are called Sköll and Hati, I have a very serious head canon that my MC believes they'll go to Valhalla once they die in battle.
How would the ROs and Luka/Grandpa/Takashi/Jackal react to the MC finally killing their nemesis with a fatal wound and their last words ends up being "I'll see my father at the gates of Valhalla"
Only three moods in this blog: Fluff, Horny, and Angst 😔 A few days ago, when I released the Halloween Interactive Side Story, it’s fluff time, yesterday’s ask is the horny time, and finally, it’s time for some angst with this ask 😆
I’ve answered a similar ask about MC dying in RO’s arms with short drabbles a long time ago, and for those who haven’t read it, please check it out here for an extra dose of angst 🥲
“Save me a place, MC… I’ll be seeing you and Uncle Viktor there soon,” they sob before wailing in anger and pain.
Tears blur their vision as they sob pathetically as sorrow and guilt rack through their body. “No, no. This is not supposed to happen. It shouldn’t have gone this way… Please, don’t go, MC. Don’t leave me…”
“It’s over, MC… You can finally be at peace. Please, tell your dad I said ‘hi’. And maybe one day, I’ll meet you there,” they choke through their tears as they smooth your hair out of your face.
“No, no! Don’t go, yet. We’ll go there together one day, but not today, please… I can still save you,” they mutter over and over again as they carry you in their arms, flying over the city, desperately trying to reach the nearest hospital quick enough.
This must be another nightmare. He refuses to believe that this is happening. That he is going to lose another loved one. In his arms. Again.
But yet, the stickiness and warmth of his nephew’s/niece’s/nibling’s blood on his hands are very real. Taking them in his arms, he whispers hoarsely and urgently, “No, no, MC. Stay with me, please. Hang on just a little longer. I’ll save you. This time, I will save you…”
He closes his eyes and forces himself to focus on picturing his destination. Sterile white floor, the smell of the antiseptic, the click-clack of shoes on the linoleum floor and the faint beeping of machines, and the air of sombreness surrounding the waiting room.
He feels a pull and when he opens his eyes, he’s in the middle of the floor, still cradling his nephew/niece/nibling in his arms. A few shocked gasps and shrieks before the nurses quickly rush towards them. He should be relieved that it works, but he can’t ignore the growing pit in his stomach that says that he’s too late. That his nephew/niece/nibling is already gone and that he has failed. Again.
Is this what Hell is? To constantly relive your greatest pain and failure over and over again until you snap.
He tried. God knows he tried to save Luka’s nephew/niece/nibling… But he can see that it’s too late; there’s nothing he can do even with his haemokinesis.
“You did good, kid. It’s done. You can rest easy now. And don’t worry about your uncle… I’ll make sure to take care of him, alright?” he whispers hoarsely, heart sinking as he sees the light leaves their eyes. He gently closes the eyelids, sighing as he braces himself to deliver the bad news to his boyfriend. It won’t be pretty. He can only hope that his support would be enough for Luka.
Death. Once again. A familiar face. A curse. A plague that plucks his family away from him one by one until it’s only the husk of what it once was. First, they came for his oldest son. Then, his wife. And now, even his grandchild is not spared from their cruel indifference.
Patting their head one last time, he whispers hoarsely, “You’ll be one of the greatest Einherjar that have ever graced the halls of Valhalla, my grandchild. Please, tell your father that I’m sorry and that I love him…”
Even though tears trail down his face, he can only feel the numb pain and bone-deep tiredness as he lose yet another family member. Still so young too… He would’ve gladly died in place of his grandchild. But Death is a sadist bastard.
He wonders how long it would be until his other—and only—son is taken from him? Until he’s the only one left wandering this earth all by himself. Is it then and only then that Death will finally show him some mercy and decide to take him too?
Pavel Ivanovich Morozov has never been a religious man, unlike his father before him. But if Hell is real, then surely, this will be it.
Takashi’s heart sinks as he kneels down and grabs the young Morozov’s hand comfortingly. “It’s done, MC, you have avenged your father’s murder. I pray you find peace now. And if you meet your father, tell him… tell him that I said ‘hi’… You can rest now,” he says softly, words choked.
As he sees the light leaves those familiar eyes, he couldn’t help but feel that the last trace of Viktor has also left the world. He lets out a bitter laugh. He’s truly pathetic, isn’t he? He couldn’t even do anything to save the child of the man that he loved-and still does to this day.
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Daryl x Reader - Changed
Title: Changed
Words: 2,508
Warnings: Swearing, pregnancy and birth(not explicit and not reader), canon-typical violence, death(no one important)
A/N: This takes place during the wolves and the herd in Alexandria. Daryl and reader have an established relationship but it's not really the focus of this fic. I have another fic in the works with Daryl's POV to this and can't wait to share it with you. Hope you enjoy!
You never thought that you'd ever see any of your family again. They were in your home state, Virginia, and you had gone to Georgia State university. But everything happened, you were luckily with your best friend Glenn and the rest was history. So when you had gotten to Alexandria, you were shocked to see your entire family still alive.
"Mom? Dad?" You said in shock. They said your name and you ran towards them. The three of you hugged until you heard your big brother's voice.
"Max?!" Your brother caught you when you leapt into his arms. You were full on sobbing now, Max rubbing your back soothingly.
"I thought I'd never see you again," you said when Max set you down.
"I'm so happy you're safe, darling," your mom said. She patted your cheek and you smiled at her.
"Have you been here this whole time?" You asked them.
"For the most part, yeah," Max said.
"We have to put up the walls," your dad said. "It's safe and now I have you home."
A lot happened in the next few weeks. 
You met your brother's wife, Skylar, who was visibly pregnant. She was nice and a good addition to the family. The job Deanna had given you was fantastic and right up your field. You were Alexandria's resident mechanic. The one they had was working out of a manual and had died two months before your group had arrived. It was the perfect job for you. 
Then Rick found the quarry and the wolves attacked.
You were in your garage, fixing one of the cars that the runners used when you heard screaming. Immediately, you rolled out from under the car and grabbed the biggest wrench you saw. You were worried that walkers had somehow gotten inside when you saw a person you never seen before brutally kill a resident of Alexandria. Then he saw you. 
"Fuck," you muttered to yourself.
The man started running towards you and you readied the wrench in your hands. He swung his axe at you and you ducked, hitting his kidneys when he passed you. He fell to the floor in pain and you whacked him in the head, hitting him over and over until he was a bloody mess. You only stopped when you knew he was dead. 
You're about to grab his axe when you heard your name said. You turned to see Max standing there in shock.
"Where's mom and dad?" You asked him. He just stared at you as you grabbed your knife and gun out of one of your tool boxes and strapped them to your thighs.
"Max! Where are mom and dad?!"
"They're-They're at home," he managed to say.
"Come on. We have to get to them."
Max looked at you and you grabbed his hand, dragging him with you. You stuck to the sides of the houses, not wanting these people to see you. When one of them came towards you, you shot them in the head with deadly accuracy. You saw Max jump at the noise and a strange sound came from his mouth. You ignored it and took his hand again, leading him away. 
"Where are we going? The house is that way," Max said.
"I'm dropping you off somewhere," you said. Max protested but you shut him up with a look. "I'm not taking you with me. You can't defend yourself and I move faster without you."
When you got to one of the houses Deanna had given your group, you signaled Max to be quiet. Taking a breath you whistled and desperately waited to get one back. When you heard it, you were relieved. Enid opened the door and you saw Carl standing in the middle of the room.
"Oh thank God you're okay," you said to him. "Is Judith okay? Where's Carol?"
"Judith's fine. Carol's out there," Carl said.
"I'm going to get my parents. Watch Max for me. I love you both." With that, you ran out the door. 
Max called out for you and tried to leave but Carl stopped him.
"She knows what she's doing. She'll be okay, trust me." Carl handed Max his knife. "You need to stay here and help us protect Judith."
Max took the knife with shaky fingers and sat down on the floor.
You ran into two more people on the way to your parents house. They were swiftly dealt with but when you got to their house, the door was wide open. 
"No," you muttered to yourself.
You put your gun away and took out your knife. The lower level was clear and when you started climbing the stairs, you heard a thump. You quickened your pace and called out softly. 
"Mom? Dad?"
Your mom said your name and you rushed into their bedroom.
"What's going on?" Your mom said.
"People got inside and are killing others," you said. "Max is safe, don't worry. Where's Skyler?"
"She's with Denise having a check up." Your dad looked at you. "Honey, you're covered in blood."
"It's not mine, don't worry." You missed the look your parents gave you, an air horn going off. "We have to leave. Now."
"Behind you!" Your mom cried.
You turned and saw a woman running full speed towards you, a knife in her hands. You drew your gun and shot at her. She moved at the last second and you hit her in the shoulder instead of the head. 
"Fuck!" She yelled, stumbling back. She hit the wall and barely had time to look at you before you shot her right between the eyes. 
"Fuck off," you said. 
"You-You killed her," your dad said.
"It was her or us. Now, come on." 
You checked your gun before leading your parents to safety. The three of you had just gotten to the infirmary when the air horn shut off. 
"Skylar!" You yelled.
"In here!"
Skylar was in the back room and you were relieved to see her okay.
"Max is safe. I need to get back out there," you said.
"No. You can't leave," your mom said. "It's too dangerous."
"I need to help other people. You'll be safe here, I'll be back soon."
"I got them," Tara said.
"Thank you." With that, you left the infirmary.
You got back to the house in time to see Ron being chased. Carl shot the man in the leg and when he tried to take the gun from Carl, you shot him in the chest.
"Are you two alright?" You asked them.
"Yeah," Carl said. He turned to Ron. "Come inside. We can keep you safe."
"No," Ron said before running off. You called after him, but he ignored you.
"Shit," you said. Enid called for you and Carl and the two of you went inside, locking the door behind you.
"Where are mom and dad?" Max asked you.
"They're safe. Skylar too."
Max let out a relieved laugh and gave you a hug. You squeezed him back before letting go.
"I need to go help our people," you said.
"What? But you're safe here."
"We are, but others aren't. I need to go get others to safety. You stay here with Carl and Enid. I'll be back when this is over."
Sitting down, you took a deep breath. The wolves were gone but there was now a giant herd outside the walls. Rick had barely made it inside and while you were happy to see him alive and well, some of the others hadn't made it back yet. Glenn, Abraham, Sasha. Daryl. You were worried about them being stuck outside and about the walkers. You also had a feeling that your family was going to talk to you about what had happened today.
Your suspicions were confirmed when your mom asked you to come by the house for dinner.
"Sweetie, your father and I are worried about you," your mom said when you sat down at the table.
"Well," she said. She glanced at you. "You killed people today."
"I know." You took a bite of your food, not looking at anyone.
"Why are you so dismissive of it?" Max asked you. "You took lives today!"
"I gave them clean deaths, unlike what they were doing to our people. Or what walkers would have done to them."
"You've changed," Max said sadly. "The little sister I knew wouldn't ever think of taking a life."
You slammed your fork down onto the table and everyone jumped.
"Do you know what I have seen? What I've gone through? No!" You got up, chair scraping the floor. "I've seen children die in front of me. I've seen people that I love and care for die in horrible ways because of other groups. My best friend and boyfriend were almost killed and eaten by cannibals! One of us actually was eaten by them! I have lost home after home, person after person and I will do anything to make sure that never happens again!"
You took a deep breath and looked at the shocked faces of your family.
"The girl you knew is gone. I'm not the same person from before and she's never coming back. I'd be dead right now if she was."
Your mom started saying your name, but you had your hand up.
"Don't. I've killed people to keep my family alive. You don't have to kill anyone or be happy about it. I'm not. But you have to accept that sometimes it's the only way." You looked around the table. "Thank you for the food, but I have to go. Guard duty starts in ten."
You left the house and walked to the front gate. After relieving the person on duty, you sat down on the chair with a huff, gun on your lap. You sat in silence for a few minutes until you heard someone climbing the ladder. Looking down, you saw your dad.
"Hey," he said.
"Hi. What're you doing here?"
"I haven't seen it yet." Your dad looked out at the dead. "It smells terrible."
"You get used to it. I can't even really smell them anymore unless they're particularly ripe."
Your dad laughed and you cracked a half smile. The two of you were quiet for a moment before your dad broke it.
"I'm sorry you've been through so much. Can you tell me about it? You haven't really said anything about what had happened."
You told him everything. The Atlanta camp, the farm, and the prison. The people you had lost and the people you had killed. Terminus, the hospital. Beth. You sniffed and looked at your dad.
"I remember every life I've ever taken, even if I don't know their names. Their faces are seared in my head. That's how I live with it."
"How many does today make?"
"I want you to know that you're still my little girl. You may think that she's gone, but she isn't. She's only grown stronger and I couldn't be prouder."
"Thank you." Your dad hugged you and you wiped a tear from your face.
"I love you, sweetheart. Don't you forget it."
When the walls came down you were with your sister-in-law in the infirmary. She was having her baby and you were worried about her. You were helping with the delivery of the baby, Hershel having taught you some things to help with Lori. Denise was nowhere to be found so you were on your own.
Max and your parents were worried for Skylar and the situation outside wasn't helping. Aaron and Heath were making sure nothing got inside while Max was by Skylar's side. There was nothing to worry about, however. Skylar gave birth to a perfectly healthy baby boy and both of them were going to be okay. You just finished cleaning the baby when Denise came through the door. 
"How're my patients?" She asked.
"They're doing well. We moved them upstairs just in case," Heath said.
"Skylar just had her baby," Aaron said. "She's fine. Baby too."
"Who helped her?"
"I did," you said, coming down the stairs.
"Have you ever done that before?" Denise asked you.
"No, but I was taught what to do. Maggie's dad taught me for when Judith came."
"There's people coming," Aaron said as he looked out the window.
"It's the kid. Is he bit?"
"Carl?" You moved the curtains and your eyes widened when you saw Rick carrying a lifeless Carl, Michonne clearing their way to the infirmary. 
Rick brought Carl in and you covered your mouth in shock. He had been shot in the eye and there was a lot of blood.
"Oh my god," you said.
"Please save him," Rick said after he said Carl down on the gurney. Michonne took the blood-soaked sheet off of Rick and when you saw the look in his eyes, you knew that he wasn't okay. When he drew his hatchet, it clicked.
"No, Rick. You need to stay here," you said. He didn't listen to you or Michelle as he flung open the door and walked outside.
"Shit," you said. You grabbed your knife and immediately followed Rick. You heard your dad call out to you, but you ignored him. Keeping Rick alive was your priority.
The other joined you quickly, Aaron taking down a walker right behind you. You all fought, more and more people joining you. A lot of walkers were taken down, but you were starting to be backed into the corner. You were also starting to get tired. So when the lake was suddenly engulfed in flames and the walkers started to make their way towards it, you felt yourself get a surge of energy.
No one knew for sure who started the fire, but you were hoping it was Daryl. You had been constantly worried about the people who were stuck outside the walls. Pushing those thoughts aside, you focused on the task at hand. Kill the walkers and take back your home.
When all the walkers were dead, you allowed yourself to breathe. Leaning against the side of a house, Aaron patted your shoulder. You gave him a smile and squeezed his arm. Then you heard your name be called. Turning, you saw Daryl running towards you.
"Oh my god," you said. Pushing off of the house, you leapt into his arms.
"Are you okay? You bit?" Daryl said, frantically searching you for injuries.
"I'm fine. I promise." You notice the blood dripping down his arm. "You're not. Come on, let's get you all fixed up."
You stay with Daryl as Denise stitched up his shoulder, telling him what had happened while they were gone. He also told you what had happened to them and you set your head on his good shoulder, squeezing his hand.
"We're okay. Carl's going to live and Skylar's okay," you whispered. "You've come back and that's all that matters."
You looked at Daryl. "I love you."
He kissed you softly and pressed his forehead to yours. "I love you too."
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chromatic-lamina · 1 year
Episodes 5 & 6 of OPLA! I think that anyone who comes to the manga or anime after watching OPLA might be disappointed. I mean, it's kinda genius for Arlong to have Buggy's head, and then for Luffy to steal Buggy's head when the Arlong Pirates attack the Baratie, but, like, none of it happened in canon. The one piece wiki is gonna need a separate wiki for OPLA, I guess.
I liked, nay loved, that they kept the fact that Zeff ate his leg in OPLA, to save Sanji. Love that Sanji is foul-mouthed from the beginning and that the love-hate relationship is there from the beginning. The oregano thing is fun, but, really, Sanji? I doubt a chef or cook anywhere would hold that opinion, so I want Sanji's backstory on it. Maybe it was Judge's favourite spice!
The Sanji and Zeff story packed a lot more weight than Kuina and Zoro, although it shouldn't have. Maybe it's just that adult actors have a much better handle on their craft than child actors (although child Sanji, and child Kuina were pretty good,
but child Zoro was a bit lacking). Or they should have maybe started Zoro's story a little bit earlier, with him being a child and coming across Koushiro Shimotsuki's dojo.
When the fishmen appeared at the Baratie, and when Nami didn't secure passage with the guy she'd organised to go away with, I thought they were going to water down her story somewhat. But the way they did it still smacked of betrayal for those who don't know her story, and it was a nice touch to have her read the North Blue stories to Zoro. Nice way to plant future arcs and chances to expand. Also good to also seed viewer sympathy when she kinda explains her actions to the supposedly unconscious Zoro.
Luffy seems a little too self-aware, maybe, but it was the first season without guarantee of season two, so I guess the Zoro and Luffy bond needs to be laid on a bit thick at this point. I kinda remember from the manga that Zoro was badly hurt, of course, but I can't remember the angst. I'm sure parts of it are there. It'll be interesting to see how that kinda thing contrasts with Ace's death in the future (if the series gets that far), cos' that's when Luffy canonically and importantly really goes deep.
Mihawk was camp and wonderful as fuck. Those golden eyes pretty freaky, but definitely hawk-like. Really leaning into that whole thing. Our boy's pretty pasty, but that's fine. I also would've liked to have seen Zeff fight a bit more. He did a good job of that in the manga, as I recall, and I understand missing out on the Luffy and Zeff conversation about Sanji, but I liked that in canon too.
Also, I'm glad that Gin appeared, considering Mihawk took out Don Krieg off screen-ish. Series shoring up against possible future inclusion, although we're still waiting. Very cool to have Zeff help Zoro too, and the way it was done with the fish skin (and that Sanji cooked that yellowtail soon after, I think!).
I think Zoro was shown plastered in bandages, right, and that was the extent of his recovery process in the manga? Again, could be wrong. He was in pain, and took on more, up to Thriller Bark and Sabaody.
Also, practically, I understand why Sanji needs to strip in a live action to save Luffy in the water, and I'm not complaining, but just a difference. I did like Taz Skylar! (I love all of the actors). Love Usopp's stories, that he has his slingshot with him, but is also cowardly (at the start) as in keeping with his canon character. It's funny that Luffy seems to understand that they're stories, but it's true, I think he only believes some of Usopp's stories in canon (like Sogeking)
I'm wondering if Jinbei will sound like Arlong if we get that far. It was probably very pointed, but the Arlong exchange with the fishman waiter carried a punch.
RIP Johnny and Yosaku! The live action is doing a good job of condensing the arc. They really would've had to have done their homework.
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