#sleeping with rizzlers
nerdchic · 2 months
Ms epic top 10 gigachad, wanna be part of my gigachad swagger pogger alpha big rizzler group, we all got beautiful gyatts? You got me all rizzed up
Ur energy is so baby gronk how can I say no !!!!
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nosleep83 · 10 months
Yall remember when I was talking abt that girl I thought I might have a crush on????? I’m getting her number in a couple days 😎😎😎😎😎
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merlucide · 1 month
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notes: no way… is merlucide actually doing smth other than shitposts and reblogging?! Tryna get back into the swing ig 🥲🙏
characters: Rin, Reo, Bachira, Oliver, Sendou, Kaiser, Otoya
warnings: none? // pls don’t take this seriously okay 💀
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HE LITERALLY IS “I’m not like other girls” 
In the summer he exclusively wears Flipflops
he scoffs at minor inconveniences
If someone mispronounces his name he quickly corrects them “Its actually-“
He swirls his drink around like its wine (it’s a school milk carton)
so oblivious to how he eats- like food all over his face. 
doesn’t wear socks with his slides
forgets to put on deodorant
he literally is “Ah noo don’t kill  yourself you’re too sexy aha”
Licks/bites his lips sm.
he’s kinda like those TikTok pick me boys
If a woman gets mad at him he’ll go “Jeez didn’t know you were on your period”
puts chapstick on in a circle 😭 
If there’s ever a dance circle he’s on the outside trying to get in but missing his chance every time
eats ice cream with a fork
when he bumps into walls he hits them ‘back’ (me too, me too)
sleeps with socks on
coughs into his fist
has one playlist
When only wears baseball hats backwards. You don’t look cool Otoya. 
Calls women females (same for Oliver)
Sleeps with only one pillow
Owns at least two “I love MILF’s” shirts
Refers to himself as “The Rizzler” 
Says “fire” and “cap”
He Justin Bieber poses.
Doesn’t know how to properly eat spaghetti (TWIST THE FRICKING FORK?!)
Reeks of Axe body spray
Identifies as a Top G.
Does 3 in 1 body shampoo/conditioner/body wash
Says “Yeet”
Chugs his water and releases the most overdramatic “AH”
Whenever a girl rejects him he says stuff like “You should be glad Im even considering dating you” or “You’re ugly anyway” 
Has a “Saturday is for the boys” flag in his room
Thinks women are hairless
Says “Gyatt” 
Doesn’t tip
He is those boys in school that swear they aren’t gay
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made May 17th 2024
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cyberdxll · 10 months
♡speak to me in your love language~ physical touch ♡
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✧ touch-starved!miles morales x reader
✧ warnings: fluff, cuteness, touchiness, slightly suggestive(?), grammar, not the best spanish
✧ summary: what it’s like to date a touch-starved miles
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✧ ok, first off, miles is clingy but not in an overbearing way
✧ he will always know when it's the right time to be "touchy"
✧ if you need space, he will always respect your boundaries
✧ he wants keep you safe and show you how much you're loved, and his way of doing that is through physical touch
✧ he'll be kinda reserved at the beginning of your relationship but as time passes, he will become more comfortable with physical affection
✧ if you're dating earth!42 miles, you may have to initiate some of the physical affection because he's become pretty closed off since his dad passed away
✧ poor boy needs some love, affection, and comfort
✧ he is always gently grabbing your waist and whenever you talk to him he lifts up your chin so you make eye contact with him (the rizzler?)
✧ when he's playing video games or working on a new suit design, he holds you in his lap
✧ he probably wouldn't be big on PDA, the most he would do is hold your hand but that's if you're in a super crowded place or in a pretty secluded area.
✧ this has probably been said a million times but he sneaks in to your room through your window
✧ if you're mad at him, he'll wrap his arms around softly apologize to you
“lo siento cariño, you know all I want to do is keep you safe."
"muñeca, no quiero que vayas a dormir enojada conmigo.” (I don’t want you going to sleep mad at me)
✧ lots and lots of forehead and cheek kisses
✧ loves kissing you in the corner of your mouth just to mess with you
✧ when he is nervous, he'll look stone-cold in the face
✧ but he when he grabs your hand, you feel it shaking TT
✧ overall miles would be a really loving boyfriend and you will never doubt his love for you <3
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thebestandrealestever · 11 months
~ e!42 miles hcs bc i’m going crazy rn .~
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black reader, mostly gn expect for two fem directed one warnings: n word, cursing, implied sexual content but not suggestive
u can’t tell me he don’t blowing u up when you forget the inside outside rule. “why are u on the outside of me?” he said while grabbing your arm and practically throwing u to the other side of him. “it will never ever be that serious please miles.” “it ain’t gon be that serious when u get hit by a car huh?” “we’re in a neighborhood 😭?!?”
he acts like he hates it when you make him do tiktok’s with you but he b rly getting into it . “damn nigga! u doing the dance better than me wtf” “that’s js cause u suck at everything ever.”
scares you in his prowler suit and think it’s the funniest thing in the world. “Boo.” miles said with his voice distorter turned on standing above you, waking u out of your sleep with a yell. “WTF IS WRONG W U??” he cackled for deadass 10 minutes. “u mr fucking funny guy now huh?” “yep, start locking your window.”
if u guys ever broke up, trust this nigga won’t leave you alone. with a big sigh as you see miles come in through the window “miles. why are you still coming in room. i told u it’s over” “lol anyways how was school today?”
has your period tracker on his phone 🤞🏽
u both are insanely in sync, every time you’re sitting next to eachother and someone says sum to y’all you both look at the same time
once you had a pregnancy scare, this nigga started ordering cribs and diapers 😭
u NEVER have to pay for anything by yourself, he be lowk getting upset when u buy urself something
thinks he’s the rizzler because his “hey” he learned from uncle aaron worked on u but really you had liked him for a while already
the only time he post on his story is when he’s posting you, he don’t really be on social media like that.
said something HEINOUS to you in spanish thinking u didn’t know what he was talking about but you asked rio and he got grounded for a month 😭
when you first said you loved him, after he got home he was kicking his feet twirling his little braids fr.
short this is short but i’m going CRAZY
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ms-potato · 9 months
Hindu gods as students in school ; a modern(ish) au (because I can)
starting with
> Vishnu
• rich guy™
• very calm, the main participant in conflict resolution ✌
• always treats his friends and pays for everything
• middle bencher, not fully interested in class but also not uninterested.
> Shiva
• he looks really intimidating at first but once you get to know him, he is goofy
• is usually chill until he is not 💀
• backbencher for sure
> Brahma
• topper of the class
• that respected, parent friend™
• the oldest in class
• he is rarely seen because he is always studying
• obviously a front bencher
> Rama
• class president ™
• literally the kindest, most calm guy ever seen
• helps everyone in the class with everything
• he is literally good at everything
• a front bencher
> Krishna
• troublemaker ™
• always interrupts the teacher to ask funny questions
• but really smart, always gets A+ grades
• he invented backbencher culture.
• the ultimate rizzler
> Venkateshwara
• Some guy™
• he's always there, but you probably will never notice him
• representative emoji: 🧍‍♂️
• he's probably just an introvert
Bonus -
> Ganesha
• he's that adorable junior everyone loves
• really loves food, so he always has snacks
• loves to sleep in class
• totally street smart 😎
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Optimus: gotta stay focused
looks too old compared to his bot form.
I find it impossible for Optimus to be more than a million years old in this canon. In the least, he's older than 1000 years and since we have mfs that are canonically over 70 million years old(fagatron iykyk) compared to that, he feels like a dude in his early-to-mid-30's being the group parent.
-I made him more youthful, gave him curly hair, and tailored his clothing to actually look like his bot form.
-on the cusp of barley being able to hold his liquor
-doesn't own a pair of pajamas until Sari gets some for him
-usually forgets to put them on, but appreciates the gesture
-stays active for like, 3 days until he can't fight off sleep with work brain anymore, and unceremoniously passes out on the couch to sleep for a full 24 hours
-ratchet sighs and puts a blanket over him as per routine
-frequently checks security feed
-elf on the shelf despiser
-early morning talks with jazz and ratchet over coffee (they all wake up at 6 am)
-half thrives on caffeine and a vigorous training protocol
-is a dog person, loves German shepherds to death
David sama, pls forgive me ily very much
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Ratchet: to old for this nonsense
doesn't match his body type in the slightest.
Ratchet is really old, he's got a sallow face and a gramp gut, how dare they square him. He's wayyy too angular and peachy looking.
-I gave him his luscious curves back, adding all the equipment id expect a field medic to have because he is a field medic, not a regular doctor. I changed his facial proportions, and also made his face gaunt, for that dead inside PTSD look.
-drinks his coffee black with brown sugar, literally drinks it piping hot
-is one of those old people who complains about noise
-confiscates bumblebee and Sari's toy cars, and puts them in a high up cabinet
-neither of them know how to bypass the child safety lock lmao
-casual clothes includes a lot- a l o t of plaid shirts, and 10 pairs of the same blue jeans
-tunes out bulkhead and prowls convos about birdwatching
-big fan of political satire dramas
-Sentinel doesn't approve
-Ratchet doesn't give a rats ass about what he thinks of course
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Bumblebee: professional smart-ass
doesn't match his body type/age.
Bumblebees holoform is presented as a 10-12 year old child specifically for the fact that he's short, and the comedic relief. Total ass
I set his human age as 19-20 years old, making him more of a big brother to sari because that og model is disappointingly lackluster
-Bumblebee is a scrappy wisecracking punk, like an adhd kid who just got roller skates for Christmas.
-since he doesn't have wheels, I feel like he'd wear skates instead to emulate the feeling
-terrible at watching where he's going cuz he's too busy trying to show off, so ratchet makes him wear all that padding + training wheels
-legit despises the padding and training wheels
-Jealous of Blurr for mastering roller blades lmao.
-his favorite games are choose your fighter and fps
-saw ONE ancient ass assassins creed playthrough and begged ratchet to install hidden tasers in his arm bands (was denied)
-Sari used her key to do it instead
-self appointed "rizzler"
-Optimus has zero idea of what that means and thinks it's code for something dubious
-Ratchet knows what it means and thinks it's silly
-"I' was something of a rizzler myself back in my day, kid"
-bumblebee cringes
-loves summer and swimming
-wants to be the fastest thing in the sea because y'know, it's bumblebee
-is spooked from the beach for awhile cuz he saw sharks in Prowls nature documentary
-there are infact, no sharks in lake Erie
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Bulkhead: big guy, bigger heart
doesn't match his body type/aspirations.
Jesus fuck he's so wide?? And his belly migrated to his shoulders?? I'm gonna be honest, I really hate this design. I feel like it contributed to the "brute strength = stupid" take that most in the fandom associates with him.
-Bulkhead is a SWEET. CARING. NERD YOU FOOLS. He's like the male version of a tall goth gf-
-a tall-nerdy-farm hand-physics bf, You got me fucked up.
-Its already shown that bulkhead really likes art in Addition to creating it. He hates being only seen as the "muscle" so it wouldn't make sense for him to lean into that.
-bunny slippers that him and sari made together(she provided the buttons)
-the slippers go missing sometimes (basically considered community property unless he's wearing them)
(ratchet and prowl are the main offenders)
-frequent art museum goer
-really likes watching cooking shows, but is too shy to make food himself
-Owns a ton of star maps
-Really wants a treehouse that he, bumblebee and sari can hang out in
-pillowfort enjoyer
-casually reads quantum physics at the beach
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Prowl: draft dodger
Doesn't look like him at all.
Prowls holoform being a mustachioed,white, police officer was an actual jumpscare for 7 y/o me, I kid you not
- I know this bitch would not wear a helmet (you can't force him to) que windswept hair
-Not as much as starscreams, for obvious reasons but yk
-prowl is like one of those "shoes are a prison for your feet"
-emo hipster
-has a pet cactus named "planty"
-bumblebee heckles him for it
-can and has brought his cactus with him on early evening motorcycle rides
-the helmet is reserved for his cactus, bring your own >:(
-salad consumer
-him and jazz share custody of the cactus
-repeat victim of the cat distribution system
-ratchet has probably spent hours telling him they can't keep any animals at base
-frequent midnight picnics with jazz
-and beachcombing
-and roaming around antique stores cuz jazz wants to know what vinyl records are
-got a mug with an attempted pink chibi cat with big round shiny eyes painted onto it, courtesy of bulkhead trying to find an artsyle
-cherishes this mug to death
-has a shrine dedicated to it
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mewmewpercy · 3 months
Everyone on tiktok calling Jing Yuan like a rizzler daddy or whatever meanwhile I'm here with my game open having to move for the 3rd effing time because he keeps quoting poetry
To anyone who thinks this man goes around flirting up a storm or whatever I'd like to point out the text messages he sends us saying not to book afternoons so that he can nap and the fact that he has birds in his hair that he cares for
I don't care what you think at the end of the day but the mischaracterisation of one of the sweetest but strongest characters dives me nuts
Like switch off your horniness for just a second and appreciate this sweetie of a man who has a garden and spoils his pet lion and adopted an orphan all while still being revered by the rest of the Cloud Knights
Like cmon this guy is one of the seven arbiter-generals and has a blessing from an aeon(he got the lightning lord because of Lan guys) and is known for his military strategy hence the nickname of Divine Foresight but still manages to just.....be nice and enjoy himself and lives out everyone's dream of sleeping through work
Sorry I just needed to get this one off my chest ilove him so much he's got such a sad story but he's still kind but everyone just calls him hot and speculates his penis size instead :(
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tinyidle · 10 days
Too Sweet - m!YN x HYJ
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rephrased dm ask: "... can u please do a huh yunjin x male reader smut where they have their weekly date day where he takes her on a picnic and they go site seeing then they go back home and take a shower together then have sex and cuddle thank u"
wc: 1.35k words
WARNING: fluff and smut, based on irl, slight voyeurism, foreplay, shower sex, slow to slightly rough, aftercare implied (cuddles), unprotected sex, fiance!yunjin, switchsub!yunjin, fiance!reader, softdom!reader, male reader (ikik this won't be a common thing), all fiction ofc
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yunjin and you had a wonderful couple life. ever since you took your girlfriend on her first date with you to a nearby picnic spot, she always asked to have at least one day in the week to that spot. you've tried to take her to other places, but she always begged you to take her to that same spot.
she loved the place for many reasons: it was quiet, peaceful, relaxing; there were trees all around the area, so you could get some shade during summer; there were even benches placed under some of the trees, so you two could sit and eat without worrying about any impending bugs or forest creatures indirectly scavenging for food. best of all, though, was how secluded the place was from everything else. it was the same place you proposed to her in.
five months in to the relationship, you're still having your weekly picnic date with you cherry-dyed fiancé. her laugh to you was as beautiful as her singing voice, and her talking vice would always lull you to sleep whenever you felt restless from stressful nights from work shifts.
with it being morning right now, however, you simply smiled and listened to her telling you about her own job life. she always seemed so bubbly and upbeat, an almost stark contrast to your realist point of view. sure, she had her reality points here and there, but for the most part she was the light to your usually dark room of a heart.
"you know, honey," you spoke out out of the blue as you both were in the middle of having your freshly-made fruit-and-vegetable salad, "you're like sugar to my iced americano, except that you make it sweet. too sweet sometimes."
she smiled and let out a small chuckle. "ooh, when did you become so poetic?"
you reciprocated the grin, "whenever i see your pretty face," you cleverly responded, successfully making her blush as she lets out one of her angelic laughs. she slightly throws her head back, hands grasping her lips to not show too much teeth, face turning a slight pink. god, you love this woman.
"i keep forgetting my future husband's a flirt. can't wait to become a mrs. to 'the rizzler'." she laughed even harder, and even though her laughter made you contagiously join in, you physically cringed at her last choice of words. how you couldn't wait to wed this cornball in the next few months. it was feeling like eons by now.
after eating and cleaning up the best you could, you took your yunjin to the nearest bird sanctuary nearby. it didn't feel like much to you, but your fiancé loved the small things, so this was amazing for her. you're sure she has visited these birds before sometime before you two met, but the walk there just showed off her usual joyfulness to the world.
with every bird she'd see, every leaf she'd touch, every step she'd take, her eyes were bright and wide with joy and pure admiration. seeing this, you couldn't help but smile and squeeze her hand. she looked down, letting out another joyful giggle, before looking back up to meet your gaze. you leaned over to give her a kiss, with her returning it with a warm smile.
the day ended, and you both went home. just like what happened every time, she thanked you for the lovely afternoon with a tight hug and kiss on the cheek, before heading upstairs to take a shower. this was something you loved doing, too; taking a bath with your lover beside you.
today was slightly different, since today she actually stripped down for you. yunjin was slowly pushed down her green, yellow and white sundress down to her ankles, pushing her dark green panties down as well, and unclasping her matching colored bra before lightly kicking them to the side. you were definitely enjoying the view from behind.
"now this is a sight i never thought id be seeing again," you teased while leaning your head against the doorframe, seeing how the woman's curves accentuated her body as she walked from the tub part of the bathroom to the shower stall part.
yunjin blushed before motioning you to undress and join in. happily obliging, you slipped off your breathe-y shorts and boxers before pulling off your polyester top. with a smirk on your face, you quickly rushed into the shower to press your lips against the shorter woman. she gladly reciprocated and ran her hands along your back, sending shivers down your spine. the hot water hitting you and the pleasant scents of love through the thin glass wall between the showerhead only added to the pleasure.
pulling off of her, you trailed kisses down her neck your hands following suit all over her body. your big hands found temporary purchase on her breasts, thumbs gently swiping across her quickly-hardening nipples. yunjin gasped from the action, a small moan releasing from her throat as your hand went down lower to her wet cunt.
she wasn't completely ready yet, but she wasn't complaining. the few light massaging motions brought forth a nice moan from her mouth, followed by a soft exhale. this caught you off guard. you looked up from where your hand was playing with your fiancé to the now red-faced woman. her hand was grasping your neck, lips searching for something to press on. her other hand decided to help you out by grabbing your thick length, immediately making you hard.
you hissed as you felt precum dribble from your length onto yunjin's fingers, as she could feel her own soak your own hand. she couldn't take it anymore. lifting her leg to rest on your hip, she leaning closed to you and whispered, "please, baby. show me how much you want to marry me. fuck your sweet honey, your pretty sight."
cursing, you took out your hand from her cunt and spread her juices on you before holding your cock in your hand and angling it, burying it inside of her. she sighed in content, arms wrapped around your torso as her second leg latched to your other hip. keeping her lifted up, you started to thrust deeply inside of her, eliciting a loud moan from her. it was as if your hips knew what button to push, what would elicit more moans.
a switched flipped inside you, causing you to push as deep into her as possible until your balls smacked against yunjin's ass. she was now gasping as she was indirectly being carried by your heavy thrusts, waves of pleasure crashing throughout your entire body as her cunt held your length for dear lie.
grunting as you gripped her hips tightly, you couldn't stop chanting "honey, i love you" and "you feel so good". her body was starting to glow from both sweat and the show rain that was starting to turn lukewarm.
it wasn't long before the woman came with a satisfied moan, her juices covering your cock as she squeezed you. that caused you to not hold back any longer, releasing deep inside her. both of you panted heavily, and after calming down you gave her one last post-sex kiss. "yunjin, you'll be the death of me," you half-joked.
chuckling, she pressed kisses to the side of your face, "at least you'll die with a smile." now it was your turn to laugh, as you let her down and gently cleaned her up, giving her a proper shower before she the same for you.
when you both put on your bed clothes and headed to sleep, yunjin cuddled close to you, with you being the big spoon to her little spoon. there were so many things you wanted to tell her, and you know that she probably had a million things in her mind that she would want to tell you. however you both wanted to stay there and just bask in the warmth and love an sweetness of each other. or at least, you wanted to stay in the comfort and sweetness of your honey, your future wife.
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so, i hope that the original asker likes this fic, especially since i did this all in one day after trying to wonder how i would go about this.
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ynsvnte · 10 months
Patched Hearts ♡ : Masterlist
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Synopsis: Yn gets heartbroken by her ex and can’t seem to move on and Niki makes it a mission to make her to move on, and possibly make her fall in love with him
Pairing: non-idolbsf!Niki x Fem!Reader
Featuring: Txt Huening Kai, Nwjns Haerin, Kep1er Hikaru, Xikers Jinsik, &Team Taki
Genre: Best friends to lovers, crack, fluff, angst
Status: completed
Started: Sept. 11th Ended: Oct. 31st
Taglist: closed
Warnings: swearing, kys/kms jokes, individual warnings will be added if needed
Notes: Another SMAU!! Yes this time for Niki! Let’s hope I don’t slack on this like I did somewhat with The Speckled diary. SOME CHAPTERS WILL ALSO BE WRITTEN SO EXCUSE THE TERRIBLE WRITING!
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Profiles: Fairy Godmothers 🧚‍♀️ , Mental asylum
1. Blank stare
2. No shade needed
3. Broken backs (and hearts)
4. Quack 🦆
5. Making moves
6. Zoomies
7. Oof (Roblox sound)
8. A-T-T-E-N-T-I-ON attention is what I want
9. Love.
10. Rizzler of Rizzers
11. Maybe next time?
12. Sideline
13. Jokes and tears
14. Sorry…
15. One chance please written: wc-300
16. Hehe 😜
17. Never mind then….
18. Oh not her again written: wc-407
19. Old sad people
20. Fix it or I will
22. Back to the beginning
24. Children calm down
25. Better sleep with one eye open
26. For realz
27. About damn time
28. Love story written: wc- 377
29. Bagged her
30. My one and only!
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© ynsvnte 2023
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bun-z-bakery · 2 months
(Repost from my abandoned account) these are just my personal head canons for dogday. this is a survivor au
(All characters are over 18 btw)
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-dogday sometimes has dog like tendencies, like growling, barking etc.
-he doesn't remember a lot about his life as a worker but will share stories he remembers of his human life once you two become close.
-man is like a love sick puppy. First you save him? Give him legs? AND a home?! And his friends are here too?! You really are his angel.
-he's very protective of his angel. He can't have anyone take them away or even hurt them. Plus all those years locked away, he can't loose you, you're his hope.
-this man will most certainly plan his confession, script and all. Maybe you're away at work and this is something he's been working on for a while. He's always bringing you little gifts on his hunting trips (depending on if you like to collect rocks and such) but this dude went out of his way to find the best of the best. Even somehow found flowers beautiful enough to almost rival your beauty, keyword: almost.
-he enjoys spending time with you, poppy and kissy, he enjoys playing outside with you three, even if you guys have been out of the factory for years already. They still enjoy the outside world.
-I know bro is huge, like dude is taller than an American door way (according to some measurements fans have made, hes 9'5) if you're a shorty (like me 5 feet even😭) he will most definitely pick you up and carry you like a dogtoy. He likes the feeling of carrying his angel, it gives him a sense of pride doing so. Even if you accidentally hit the ceiling or he needs to really get down so you don't hit the top of the doorframe, he will always apologize or joke about it.
-he's a cuddler, he LOVES cuddling! He has his own giant dog bed in your shared room, but he prefers to sleep on your shared bed. If you're away from work and he's eepy, he'll pass out on your bed because it smells like you. Your scent keeps him at bay until you come home. Poor guy will shoot up and push anyone out of his way to be the first to get to you! He sits there on the floor waiting for his mandatory headpats and kisses as soon as he hears your keys.
-it takes his brain a few minutes to properly turn on. After all those years he finally gets proper sleep, I can imagine you waking up first and getting ready for the day to prepare breakfast for the group and you poke him, trying to wake him. He'll mumble some random stuff about not letting rats do taxes then fall back asleep only to be woken again by your pokes still talking nonsense. I can also see him sometimes waking up confused, you know like when you wake up your parents and they're mad for no reason asking what's wrong while gasping for air? (Just me?) I can see him being THAT dead asleep bhahsha
-my take on the survivor au is more of a modern take (as in yes the factory closed years also but reader is possibly in early to late 20s sometime in 20xx / non specified year) so they weren't an employee but probably knew someone like a family member who worked there or was dared to enter the factory (we'll see if I ever post my fanfic haha as these hcs kinda tie into that story) so dogday being alive in the 80s or 90s he probably has like the old school idea of love and attempts to swoon you as such. The flowers, cheesy pick up lines.
-I can imagine because he's not up to date with the newer terms and he might be confused while trying to seem cool haha. "Angel what does rizzler mean?" (Poor peepaw)
- Personally I love the theory that DogDay is an ex worker aka Rich. Which is probably why he was the leader of the smiling critters. Because he was mature enough to make sure everyone was in line/well behaved, I also think some other workers were turned into the mascots too (obviously) but maybe they trusted Rich more so they just threw him into the dance circle and hope that he'd be a good leader.
- this one ties into the first one btw! I like the think that maybe he was one of the mascots when he worked there. Like a guy in the costume who worked with the kids (hence the zipper, how else would the workers get into the bigger body suits?)
- I like to think DogDay likes when Angel calls him by his old human name. Maybe once he opens up more about his human life (or at least bringing up some of the memories he still has) he just randomly brings up his name when talking about a memory and hearing Angel repeat his name back, he'd probably like hearing it. It might make him feel like less of a monster in a sense. Granted I think he wouldn't care about what Angel calls him but he would most definitely prefer for them to alternate. Like you know when someone makes you mad and you use their real name instead of their nickname? He'd hate for his Angel to get mad, especially at him. But when living with 3 other people it can get a bit hectic.
"DogDay! Did you bring mud into the house?!"
"N-No!... "
*footsteps are heard and DogDay bolts out the door*
- Now this head canon I have can go either one of two ways, right? Hear me out. Listen up, listen carefully, and listen closely. (Lmk if you got that reference) ok so back to the zipper! I think the zipper just opens to his organs tbh like the zipper was just left functional in case he needed to be "repaired internally". BUT another thought, I also can see there being some sort of barrier! You know those stuff animals who have their stuffing blocked by a barrier so it doesn't fall out but the zipper opens to a compartment where you can store items? I kinda think that's whats there tbh, I mean it makes sense. What if one of the kids opened the zipper by mistake? Surely there would be a barrier just in case.
- as I mentioned in the last hc post, I can see him trying to swoon Angel in the old romantic type of way. I can see him pinning after Angel hard, at first they wouldn't get the hint, they'd probably think he's thinks he's indebted to them for rescuing them and giving the 3 of them a better and new life. But quickly they realize bro is in love. Of course poppy teases him about it too at some point lol. He doesn't really try to hide it either. I can see poppy and kissy thinking it's sweet and first then they get annoyed once you're the only thing he talk about lol.
- You're married. That's all! No but I can see in his mind you two are basically married. He'd probably want to have new custom star collars made for both of you or maybe even a ring for you and a matching collar or something for him to wear and propose. Of course it will bother him a bit because he can't go out with you, take you on dates or show you off but he trusts you (even though he gets jealous when you smell like someone else) he basically tries his best with what you guys have (If only there was a holiday that came once a year where you guys could go out dressed in customs without looking like freaks).
- He looks like the type of guy who would love pasta. I'm not sure why or how this even came into mind but I just feel like that's what he often wants for dinner. Poppy would probably eat fruit for dinner, kissy isn't really picky, but Dogday would probably be asking for either pasta or meat. Also I think Angel would be hesitant to feed certain foods to Dogday because you know, he's a dog (not really but hear me out) but because he acts like one at times I could see Angel being like haha nope you can't eat this!
*Angel eating chocolate cookies*
"May I have some?" *cutely pouts*
"I don't want you dying, love."
"You know I'm not actually a dog...right?"
ok ok you got me there" (they just really didn't wanna share lol)
- tbh this is more of a general head canon for the toys but I seeing as they had to resort to c*nnibalism. They clearly need food and water to survive. I think catcap was probably keep Dogday alive as a "lol now look at you now, look at me" (yes that's a BP reference) moment but only feeds him when he felt like it, since food is basically scarce in that place. I think that their human organs were transferred over but little things like veins, teeth, tongue, blood vessels basically anything that's not a major organ was made artificially and connected in a sense to those major organs making them function as such.
Yeah that's kinda it lol, there might be some more parts to this if I can think of anything else! But yeahhh that's kinda my hc and rambles lol (I tend to ramble a lot especially when I have to give context, I apologize!)
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ijustthinkhesneat · 3 months
Respectfully speaking Dick Grayson is dragging a wagon.
Cut his head off because he is letting them eat cake.
I am tired of pretending that Dick being a 10 with a fatty has nothing to do with his appeal. If he had an up and down pole body y’all would not be simping so hard.
It’s like Jason Todd killing people because of his daddy issues. We love him because we all to some extent have those daddy issues. But we also love him because that man has the biggest tits in Gotham and thunder thighs that could pop melons and skulls alike.
Also put some respect on Duke and Steph’s names. They deserve some love from the untouched masses. A blonde baddie who works in retail and has a villain for a father statistically must be drowning in DMs that radiate a sticky aura.
Dukes parents basically got the Longbottom special and are crazy now. And guess what? Neville glowed up the hardest out of like the whole cast of the Harry Potter movies. Duke is serving Neville Longbottom, over looked and under appreciated but still carrying. He also essentially started a gang/cult and everyone knows only hot people can found a social movement.
Now Tim Drake has what I as a neurodivergent cockroach have dubbed; Autistic Rizz. Like yes he is intelligent and in good shape but the fundamentals of this man are lacking. He does not sleep, which is the same for all the above, he is mentally about an inch away from sending people anthrax in the mail and he likely dresses like a punk skater who got into flash dance and emerges from a dumpster every morning. This is all to say there is nothing conventionally appealing about this disaster, but he is still the rizzler. This is because his strangeness is endearing he’s an enigma and people want to know more. He’s a rude little goblin that you love to carry around.
Cassandra Cain is the Rizz Master for the opposite reason. She takes care of herself, knows how to dress and lives a mess free life. She also dresses like a ninja. Call her Rizzy McGuire.
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heartsoji · 1 year
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starring the bllk boys!
featuring kunigami rensuke, chigiri hyoma, and bachira meguru
a/n: sigh some easy headcanons bc i simply cannot write anymore
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acts of service!
pls acts of service just screams him
hes your hero, after all! hes at your service
you're hungry? here, have some of his food!
on your period? chocolate and midol for you!
cant go to sleep? he has a bottle of melatonin and huge, snuggly arms
he will literally do anything you ask
he's def an 'actions speak louder than words' typa guy so he feels that when he does something for you, its proof of his love
ALSO something that i was thinking ab was yk how kunigami is ripped
if ur feet were tired, he'd carry you on his back with ease
'are you sure im not too heavy?' *looks back at you with disappointment and betrayal* 'hell no."
hes a sweetie
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words of affirmation!
hes a rizzler, ok
he says cheesey things with the same composure he'd have if he was taking a nice stroll in the park
"the stars, the sun, the moon. they're supposed to shine bright, but they pale in comparison to you" with a calm, soothing smile
ok sorry
he also provides really good comfort!
if you're crying from a rough day, he's there with you, rubbing your back, whispering sweet things into your ear
"it's ok, love. i know it feels like the end of the world now, but it was etc etc" WITH HIS SILKY SMOOTH VOICE UGH
ok i hc that after he gives you those cheesy poetic compliments, he makes you look him in the eyes and just lets you melt into putty in his arms
hes just so
(can u tell i love chigiri)
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quality time + physical touch!
he love love loves spending time w/ you
he plans the most fun dates ever and he always makes sure you have a great time
picnic dates, arcade dates, amusement park dates, you get it
hes just so thoughtful and his laughter is literally contagious
hes one of the guys who will be happy just by being with you (and his happiness is contagious so youre happy too)
also hes super touchy
big fan of back hugs. you'll be standing there when you suddenly feel him ram into you, arms circling around your waist
a big cuddler also
i could def see him being either a little or big spoon tbh
he just loves being close to you
sometimes you'l be laying in bed when you hear a "YAHOOO" (like mario) and suddenly hes ramming down on top of you as you let out a loud, "OW"
he has the tightest hugs ever
just grabs you and squeezes you and spins you around
also loves dancing with you
he'll put on some fun music and he just spins you around and laughs and has fun
pls hes so cute i love him
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heartsoji 𑁍 please do not steal, plagiarize, or repost onto any platform. thank you!
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3dogbones · 14 days
You da chad fr fr fr fr fr
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I’m gonna print this out and frame it fr fr 💥💥💥💥 he is so ANITA MAX WIN YOU ARE RIGHT! NO CAP!!!
Sleep deprived doodles ✨ my brain feels so Ohio! (collapses)
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miasmaclockworks · 4 months
Inhale (killk me)
kinito pet au ideas (all mine now)
Pirate au, swap/opposite au, frenzy au, beach vally au, valentines au, broken computer virus (BCV) au, house care au, real virus au, mimic au, best friend au, candyland au, light's out au, time traveler au, steam punk au, ghost au, phasmophobia au, dragon barrier au, librarian au, magical forest au, fruit au, fruit au, furry au, sailor moon au, pride au, obsessed au, ice cream au, midnight starlight au, AHIT au, star collector au, broken heart au, rejected friend au, accepted friend au, Poppy Playtime au, Five Nights At Freddys au, Warrior cats au, Midnight driver, killer au, prince of the night au, pool swimmer, Magical boy au, Critical au, Escape room au, god au, AU god au, Au hunter AU, scream au, Mii au, plane crash au, pilot au, mc donalds worker au, driver au, smile tapes au, nightmare au, night gamer au, artist au, over eater au, roblox au, creator au, caseoh au, wii au, wand au, childhood friend au, possessed au, apple core au, string worm au, drunkie au, caretaker au, love maniac au, drier au, washing machine au, Im a pretty princess au, venting au, among us au, gentle man au, Youtuber au, Actual axolotl au, you are what you eat au, mince meat butcher au, butcher au, doxxed au, sally the witch au, autistic au, ADHD au, Autistic and ADHD au, Motherborn au, alien au, Mother Mother au, soul au, dragon born au, vampire au, vampire hunter au, it was all just a dream? au, sunshine au, digital circus au, clockwork au, gymnastics au, rainbow factory au, twisted and turned au, patchworks au, unseen au, joker au, minimum wage worker au, skinwalker au, kinito darling au, forever and ever, everlasting pain, story teller au, time teller au, zoo keeper au, smiling critter au, truth be told au, rizzler au, farmer au, anthro au, Digital pop up au, backfired au, chef au, cuphead au, BABQFTIM au, carnival au, internet explorer au, kidnapper au, robber au, parental figure au, parent au, father au, apple picker au, trans au, siren au, mermaid au, cloud critters, monster energy au, emo au, goth au, alt goth, prince au, princess au, priest au, reality au, Epic the musical au, bass voice au, prince of the sea au, stranger au, never used au, stranger things au, abandoned au, hazbin hotel au, lemon and lime au, softie au, grunge au, sugar crush au, rainbow friends au, block break friends au, sugar crush au, sweet tooth au, undertale au, heartless au, toxic au, waist au, epic au, error au, fresh au, reaper au, horror au, other sans aus, medical au, high school au, ruby and max au, little horrors au, planter au, plant au, crystal au, glass crystal au, rockstar au, ancient Greek au, mario au, shroomba au, sonic the hedgehog au, snowday au, cave monster au, dinosaur au, game show hoster au, lunar moon au, bloodmoon au, eclipse au, sundrop au, moondrop au, dignity au, angels gaurd au, demons gaurd au, king of hell, king of the sea au, mother nature au, king of the land, landlord au, your boyfriend au, planetary au, leopard gecko au, leopard au, train conductor au, mountain lion au, polar bear au, Mad Scientist au, don't die au, raindrops au, seraph au, always watching au, teacher au, birthday party au, husk au, royal au, gummy bear au, cannibal au, discord au, My little pony au, bumblebee au, cat au, animal au, sweet treat au, warzone au, warframe au, roblox au, unicorn au, factory worker au, you au, dihedra au, pee au, every au I forget, Deleted forever au (not really), sleep tight au, Fire borne, dragon au, mythical animals au, goodbye friend, rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles au, Replicate au, smartie pants au, femboy au, backrooms au, gurlie au, too silly au, silly au, TADC au, lovesick au, grand master au, crazy au, lab monster au, (insert every animal here) au, Monster under your bed au, sloozy au, nightmare monster au, aroace king au, your imagination au, salamander au, desktop pet au, ukagaka au, he knows what you are au, roller blades au, you can run but you can't hide au, poison rain au, dementia au, mr worldwide mr 305 au, anime au, welcome home au, Yume Nikki au, gacha life au, gacha club au, Battle blocks au,
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ask-dadpleasant · 8 days
I'M SO MAD..........
L + ratio + wrong + get a job + unfunny + you fell off + never liked you anyway + cope + ur allergic to gluten + don't care + cringe ur a kid + literally shut the fuck up + galileo did it better + your avi was made in MS Excel + ur bf is kinda ugly + i have more subscribers + owned + ur a toddler + reverse double take back + u sleep in a different bedroom from your wife + get rekt + i said it better + u smell + copy + who asked + dead game + seethe + ur a coward + stay mad + you main yuumi + aired + you drive a fiat 500 + the hood watches xqc now + yo mama + ok + currently listening to rizzle kicks without u. plus ur mind numbingly stupid plus ur voice is ronald mcdonald + dont care + didnt ask + cry about it + stay mad + get real + L + mald seethe cope harder + h0es mad + basic + skill issue + ratio + you fell off + the audacity + triggered + any askers + redpilled + get a life + ok and? + cringe + touch grass + donowalled + not based + your’re probably white + not funny didn’t laugh + you’re* + grammar issue + go outside + get good + reported + ad hominem + GG! + ur momdon’t care + didn’t ask + cry about it + stay mad + get real + L + mald seethe cope harder + hoes mad + basic + skill issue + ratio + you fell off + the audacity + triggered + any askers + redpilled + get a life + ok and? + cringe + touch grass + donowalled + not based + your’re a full time discordian + not funny didn’t laugh + you’re* + grammar issue + go outside + get good + your gay + reported + ad hominem + GG! + ur mom + unknown + random + biased + racially motivated + kys + ur unfunny +ratio don’t care + didn’t ask + cry about it + stay mad + get real + L + mald seethe copedon’t care + didn’t ask + cry about it + stay mad + get real + L + mald seethe cope harder + h0es mad + basic + skill issue + ratio + you fell off + the audacity + triggered + any askers + redpilled + get a life + ok and? + cringe + touch grass + donowalled + not based + your’re probably white + not funny didn’t laugh + you’re* + grammar issue + go outside + get good + reported + ad hominem + GG! + ur momdon’t care + didn’t ask + cry about it + stay mad + get real + L + mald seethe cope harder + hoes mad + basic + skill issue + ratio + you fell off + the audacity + triggered + any askers + redpilled + get a life + ok and? + cringe + touch grass + donowalled + not based + your’re a full time Discordian + not funny didn’t laugh + you’re* + grammar issue + go outside + get good + your gay + reported + ad hominem + GG! + ur mom + unknown + random + biased + racially motivated + kys + ur unfunny +ratio don’t care + didn’t ask + cry about it + stay mad + get real + so bad + so ass + fucking kill yourself loser + I did both of your parents + you're stupid + you are a rock + you lost your mewing streak + your parents don't love you at all + I fucked them again + you're like 5 bro get off the internet idiot. + you aren't sigma, or male, or a rizzler. You aren't even a LITTLE RIZZLER. + You don't main + level 0 gyatt + no bitches + no balls
(satire im so fucking sorry,...)
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