#slenderman college au
nugget-of-terror · 11 months
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sister-lucifer · 2 years
Teacher’s Pet(s)
toby x male reader x tim
reader uses he/him and has a penis 
genre: smut, some fluff
content/warnings: college au, tim is a professor but everyone is adults, threesome, dub con if you squint but not really reader is just nervous and shy, they do it on the nasty school floor which i think should be a warning 
To avoid any confusion, in my headcanons Toby has a stutter as well as but separate from his tourette’s. I am not writing his tics, I am writing his stutter.
When you heard your professor was being replaced, you immediately became worried. What if the new professor was mean? What if he was lazy? What if he was always late? 
What if, what if, what if? 
But Timothy Wright was none of those things. He was always on time, he made sure that everyone understood the material no matter what, and he always went the extra mile. He was perfect, and you always made an effort to tell him how much you appreciate him. 
When Tim heard that he and Toby were going undercover at a college to collect data on one of the students, he groaned. What if he had to deal with noisy kids? What if there was needless drama that Toby would undoubtedly get caught up in? What if their target was some annoying bimbo with a hollow skull? 
But that certainly wasn't you. On the contrary, you were an absolute sweetheart; you wanted nothing more than to help, and you made Toby so happy. Ever since the first day they both showed up, you'd never questioned Toby's tics or odd little habits, and you'd always stay after class in case Mr. Wright needed any help. 
Toby wasn't particularly thrilled about the mission either. His only memories of school were bad ones. What if he got made fun of? What if he got angry and blew their cover? What if being around you was unbearable? 
But none of those things happened. Instead, the first time Toby walked into class, his eyes immediately locked onto your smiling face. When he was done awkwardly introducing himself, you stood up and waved.
 "There's an empty seat next to me, Toby!" And, of course, he took it. You never looked at him funny when he twitched, and you never laughed at him when he stuttered or struggled to express his thoughts. Instead, you'd gently grab his hand and say, "It's alright, take your time. The words will still be there when you're done." 
They both adored you. 
Luckily for both them and you, it wasn't looking like you were very interested in the slenderman myth, let alone urban legends. But, even though they were sure you didn't know anything, they were still supposed to see this mission to the end, so they were sticking around a little longer. 
"Woah, Toby, are those your drawings?" You half-whispered, trying not to talk over Tim's lecture. Toby nodded, wide-eyed. "They're amazing! I can't believe I've never seen them before. May I?" You gestured to his notebook. 
"Oh, uh, s-sure." 
After he handed you the book, he couldn't help but look down at the floor. You seemed genuinely amazed, whereas most people would be freaked out by his dark scribbles of ominous figures. It was a little embarrassing to have someone take such an interest in his work. 
"You've got a real talent, Toby." You said as you passed his book back to him.
 "Um–thanks." He responded quietly, lifting the collar of his turtleneck to cover up his reddening face. "Usually, people think my drawings are weird or scary," He muttered. 
"I think they're perfect." You replied, beaming. "Never stop drawing, Toby. You're gifted." 
He always thought you were beautiful, but he especially liked how you looked when you smiled at him. He couldn't remember the last time someone looked at him with as much admiration as you did. He couldn't describe the feeling it gave him, but it certainly wasn't a bad one. 
Despite how wholesome you were, even in such a sweet moment, his mind began to wander, as it always did when he looked at you for too long. Your perfect face was smiling at him now, but he was imagining it contorted in pleasure as he pounded into your–
The bell interrupted his thoughts.
"That's it for now, have a nice day, everyone," Tim said as he waved goodbye to all of the leaving students, immediately reaching for a stack of papers after. He had a lot to do, and he was already dreading it. Unfortunately, going undercover as a teacher meant he actually had to have something to show for it, or there would surely be suspicion. He sighed as he sat down in his chair, reminding himself that it would all be worth it once he and Toby's plan was set into motion, once they finally had you–
"Mr. Wright!" 
Your voice suddenly brought him out of his thoughts, and he looked up to see you approaching his desk, Toby trailing a few steps behind you. 
"Oh, hello, you two." He said, only giving you a glance before picking up one of the papers in the stack. He sighed again, this time loud enough for you to hear. 
"You seem stressed, Mr. Wright. I'm free the rest of the day. Is there anything I could do to help?" You asked him almost every day, and he almost always refused, aside from a few minor errands like grabbing papers from the copying machine or helping him retrieve a book. This time, though, he nodded.
 "Actually, that would be very nice. I've got a lot to do." 
He watched your face light up as he spoke. You were such a teacher's pet. His gaze slowly fell from your eyes to your lips, taking in every move they made. Just like the rest of you, they were beautiful. Their shine caught the light just perfectly, and he couldn't help but imagine what they'd look like wrapped around his–
"If a-all you're going to be doing is chores, I'm out!" Toby called over his shoulder as he headed towards the door, flashing Tim a knowing smirk. "Have fun!" 
"Bye, Toby!" You replied, waving him goodbye. Tim didn't bother waving. You would all see each other again soon enough. 
"So, Mr. Wright, what can I help you with?"  
A couple hours had passed since class ended, and both you and Tim agreed you'd been rather productive. Tasks that usually would've taken him days, although it would've only taken less than one if he wasn't such an awful procrastinator, were done in fifteen minutes, and getting to be alone with you was certainly a bonus. 
"There's only one more thing, then I'll let you go free." He joked. 
"Don't talk like that, Mr. Wright; I'm here because I wanna be." You insisted, sliding a book back into its place on the shelf. Your words instantly replayed in his mind. 
You're here because you want to be. 
You want to be here. 
You want to be here with him. 
"What else do we need to do?" You asked, turning around and looking up at him. 
"Oh, uh, I need to get some papers from the copying room. I have a lot more than usual, so I figured an extra pair of hands would be helpful." 
He had hardly finished his sentence before you headed to the door, pausing to hold it open for him before you were both making your way down the hallway. A very comfortable silence fell over you both as you walked, simply enjoying each other's presence. Forcing any small talk would make it awkward. 
"After you," Tim said, opening the door to the copying room and stepping to the side for you. You gave him a polite nod as you passed, watching as he took the paper he'd brought with him and copied it. The machine beeped and whirred in protest. 
"Damn this old thing." He muttered, but it seemed that one good hit was enough to get it going again. "There are two copies per person in every class, so there's gonna be a lot. I really should've split the load, but, y'know…" He trailed off.
You managed to keep a conversation going for a few minutes before the door creaked behind you. You turned around to see Toby standing awkwardly in the doorway, and he waved when he locked eyes with you. 
"Toby? What are you doing here?" You asked. 
"Oh, I-I uh, left something in the classroom, and I s-saw you guys when I was passing by since the door was half-open. I figured I'd s-say hi."  
You accepted this explanation and turned back towards the machine. You didn't notice when Toby shut and locked the door behind him, and you didn't see the nod he exchanged with Tim. 
They were both ready. 
"So, what's up?" Toby asked, putting his chin on your shoulder. He expected you to pull away or tell him to cut it out, but you gladly accepted the gesture. 
"I'm helping Mr. Wright take some papers back to the classroom." You looked back up at Tim, and he instantly averted his eyes and pretended to inspect the papers. 
"Is that all?" Toby questioned, turning his head toward you a bit. You could feel his breath on your neck now. 
"Um, yeah. We've been doing work for a while, so–" 
Suddenly his arms were around your waist, dragging you back a few steps. 
"Booooring!" Toby groaned dramatically, and you couldn't help but laugh. 
“Toby, cut it out!" Usually, you'd love to see him being so sweet, but you were embarrassed that he chose to do it in front of a teacher. You wanted Tim to see you as a respectable, proper student.  
Tim didn't seem to react, though. He only glanced up for a moment, not even long enough for you to notice, before he was back to looking down at the papers. 
Suddenly Toby stopped laughing. He tightened his arms around you, pulling you close.
 "Toby?" You whispered meekly. 
"You know," He began, putting his chin on your shoulder again, nuzzling into your neck. He took a deep breath, inhaling your scent before he continued. "We h-hardly ever see each other outside of class-s." 
You looked over at Tim again. You noticed him looking at you before he began messing with the machine. 
Why wasn't he stopping him? 
He should have been yelling at Toby about school-appropriate behavior, but he let him continue. 
You were brought away from your thoughts when Toby's lips just ghosted over your neck. You flinched, and his small chuckle told you that he noticed.
 "Toby, stop it." 
"What's the matter? I'm f-finally being nice for once. I figured you'd l-like it." 
"That's not the issue, it's just–not right now, I'm busy, and Mr. Wright is–" 
You trailed off when you looked up to see Tim staring directly at you like he was waiting for you to finish. You couldn't. 
Suddenly he was walking towards you, and now you were stuck between him and Toby. Tim put a finger under your chin and lifted your head to look at him. "Mr. Wright?" 
"You can call me Tim." He corrected, his face stern as ever. He was much more intimidating like this, which sparked unease in you. 
Unease and another feeling you couldn't quite understand yet. 
"What's going on?" You asked, your voice barely above a whisper, but neither answered. They were both too focused on you. Tim was entranced by how your lip quivered when you spoke, your voice laced with fear, and Toby began pressing firm kisses to your neck and shoulder that sent shivers down your spine. 
"Knees." Tim suddenly demanded. 
"Knees. Now." 
This time he put a hand on your shoulder and pushed you down. You didn't fight him; you couldn't make yourself. 
You didn't expect them to both follow you to the ground, Toby pushing you over onto all fours. Now your face was just inches away from Tim's, and you could feel his breath when he smirked and let a small chuckle slip past his lips. He grabbed your chin with a firm hand and looked into your eyes. 
"Just sit still, alright?" 
You didn't respond. You didn't even nod. You were still in shock. 
You'd hardly processed his words when you felt Toby's arms wrap around you once more, moving his hands to the zipper of your pants. You glanced down to see Tim's free hand fumbling with his belt, quickly sliding it out and tossing it to the side. His arousal was obvious already, and you could feel Toby's bulge against your backside as he leaned over you.
"I don't understand." You rasped out. You could feel your heartbeat in your chest; it was loud in your ears and made your breath heavy. 
When you felt Toby tugging your pants down, you panicked a bit, attempting to turn around, but Tim held you firmly in place. He didn't have to say anything; his stare was enough to make you freeze. You'd known him as a bit of a serious man, but this was completely new, and it lit a fire in you. 
He leaned in close, his lips so close to touching yours, and he paused for only a moment to see if you'd fight him. When you didn't, he kissed you, and when you still made no move to pull away, he kissed harder. 
It took a few moments before you realized what he'd done, and it took a few more for you to shyly attempt kissing back. Toby had your pants off now, and his hands were rubbing at your bulge, making you moan into the kiss. You heard him giggle behind you. Even in a moment like this, he was still a bit childish. You couldn't have expected anything else. 
Tim had unbuttoned his pants and was now hooking a thumb under the waistband of his boxers. He pulled away from the kiss as his erection finally sprang free, cursing under his breath. 
The hand on your chin moved to the back of your head.
 "Be a good little student and suck it."
"What?!" You yelped but got no response except for Tim pushing your head down. 
Toby scoffed as he watched you gawk at Tim's length. "I s-still can't believe you won the coin toss; I wanted his mouth," Toby whined, but he didn't complain anymore as he started tugging at your underwear. 
"C'mon," Tim urged, grabbing his cock and guiding it towards your mouth, keeping your head still with a grip on your hair. You hesitantly opened your mouth to wrap your lips around the tip. You looked up at him for approval, and when he nodded, you went further. He let you take your time; he could tell you'd never done this before. 
Toby, on the other hand, was not as keen on waiting. He had your underwear around your knees now. He popped two fingers into his mouth to get them wet before shoving them into you without warning. You yelped around Tim's cock, tears welling up in your eyes from the sudden intrusion. 
"H-Holy shit!" Toby muttered, quickly pumping his fingers in and out of you. "I can already feel how t-tight you are. It's gonna feel s-so good when I–"
"You're drooling, Rodgers." 
He looked up at Tim, ready to be mad about the interruption, before he realized that he was, in fact, drooling. He grumbled and wiped his face with his sleeve, immediately returning his attention to stretching you out. 
Tim's grip on your hair tightened, gently encouraging you to go further. You took the hint and went down as far as you could. "That's it," He praised quietly, biting his lip when you swirled your tongue around him. 
As much as you were trying to focus on Tim, Toby was making it difficult. He curled his fingers inside you, hitting as deep as he could. It wasn't long before he added a third finger, making scissoring motions and stretching you out. He was still searching for your sweet spot, and when he found it, you let him know by practically screaming around Tim's cock. Toby couldn't help but laugh at you. 
"Looks-s like I found something." 
He hit it again, harder this time, and you had to grip onto Tim's legs. 
Again, again, and again he curled his fingers to hit that perfect spot, loving the way you tensed around him when he did. Tim loved the way it made your eyes roll back in your head as you squealed and desperately gripped onto him for some sort of relief, though he provided none. 
Instead, he pushed your head down as hard as he could, forcing you to take him all the way. You choked, trying to protest, but there was no way to do so. Your legs were trembling now, your cock twitching every time Toby shoved his fingers back into you. 
As much as Toby loved watching you choke, he could only enjoy it for a minute before he remembered how impatient he was. 
"That's-s enough." He said, pulling his fingers out of you. Tim grumbled but nevertheless pulled you off his cock. You came off with a pop, dazed and out of breath. 
They only let you rest for a second before Tim pushed you back against Toby, bringing your legs up and over his shoulders. Then, Toby was back to devouring your neck from behind, ripping your shirt open and sending a couple of the buttons flying. Unfortunately, he didn't have the patience to take it off of you. 
"Toby!" You screamed, suddenly feeling the cold air hit your chest.
"I'll buy you a new one." 
The next moment Toby had his pants and boxers out of the way, and now they were both lining up at your entrance. 
"Wait, I'm not–! I'm not…" Your voice fizzled out when Tim leaned forward to kiss your forehead gently. His silent way of telling you everything would be okay, and you knew it. You sighed, reaching up to loosely wrap your arms around his neck. 
"Just relax," He whispered. You did relax as best you could, but it didn't last very long before they were both pushing into you. You almost screamed, but the sound got caught in your throat. Tim silenced you with another kiss, a surprisingly caring gesture compared to how they were forcing themselves into you. On the other hand, Toby loved watching you whimper and whine as you struggled to take them. It seriously inflated his ego. 
"Look at our p-pretty boy, he can hardly t-take it." He taunted before going back to marking you up. 
They only took a moment to rest once they had filled you completely.
"T-Tight–! so fuckin' tight!" Toby muttered against your skin. 
It didn't take long before they were both ready to go again, and before you knew it, they were pulling out, only to push back all the way. 
"It's too much!" You whined, but it did nothing to discourage them. At first, they were sloppy and uncoordinated but quickly found a steady pace. Just as one of them was pulling out, the other was slamming back into you. 
Toby couldn't keep his hands off any part of you. He was feeling around all over you, on your stomach, chest, legs, and anywhere his hands could reach. First, he would squeeze your thighs, then move to your chest, pinching your nipples, then his hands would be rubbing over your stomach, feeling the bulge his cock made inside you. 
"Aw, you're s-so tiny! I can feel it in your belly." He laughed, pressing softly on the bump. You let out a high-pitched moan, gripping Tim's shirt hard enough to tear.
While Toby was busy teasing you and spewing obscenities in your ear, Tim hadn't said a word. Instead, he'd kept a firm grip on you, only letting out a few low grunts here and there. 
You nearly lost your mind when he wrapped a hand around your cock. 
You threw your head back, moaning his name through heavy breaths. "Tim! Too much!" You whimpered, but it only made him pump your cock faster. 
Toby snickered at the way you squirmed, licking a long stripe up from your shoulder to your neck. 
"I-I can feel him tightening up," He panted. "Is o-our pretty boy gonna cum? Hm?" 
You nodded, unable to form words. Your mouth was wide open, tongue out as you panted. Toby drooled shamelessly over your shoulder, watching you fall apart. Neither you nor Tim cared enough to tell him to stop.
"C'mon, pretty boy, make a mess for us," Tim said, pressing his forehead against yours. You could only whine pathetically in response. 
You could feel your release building, your words garbled as you tried begging them not to stop. They understood, though. 
"Pretty pretty boy, p-pretty pretty boy!" Toby repeated over and over again before he suddenly bit down on your shoulder hard enough to draw blood. 
You came without warning except for one last scream, releasing all over Tim's hand. 
Neither of them slowed down, but you could feel their pace becoming erratic. 
"Goddamn, I'm not gonna last much longer," Tim growled, nuzzling into your neck. His hot, heavy breaths set your skin on fire in the best way. 
"M-Me either, holy fuck–!" 
Their hips stuttered, and you had no time to brace before they both filled you with everything they had. 
It was a wonderful, pleasurable feeling that you would never forget. 
"God, fuck!" 
They didn't slow down until they were both done, and for a moment making you wonder if they would ever stop. You felt full, warm, and exhausted now that you were coming down from your high. You fell back against Toby, who kissed your cheek lovingly. 
"You alright?" Tim asked breathlessly, and you nodded. Toby trailed his tongue over the bite mark he'd left as a sort of apology for hurting you, even though you didn't really mind. 
Tim moved your legs off his shoulders and rested them on the floor. All three of you stayed like that, catching your breaths and enjoying each other's warmth. 
Finally, Tim spoke. 
"We need to get going. We'll both help you."
After they'd pulled out and collected themselves, Toby ran back to the classroom to grab your stuff while Tim helped you stand and get dressed, letting you borrow his jacket since your shirt had been obliterated. 
"I've, uh, got a car outside," Tim suggested. "I know you usually catch a bus home, but I'd feel bad just leaving you." 
And with that, they both assisted you in limping out to the parking lot, where you laid down in the back seat of Tim's car, almost immediately falling asleep. 
"H-Hey, Tim?" Toby asked quietly as he got into the front passenger's seat. 
“Be honest w-with me. On a scale from 1 to 10, h-how mad do you think the boss is gonna be?"
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pierrotsmoon · 1 year
Heaven (Brian x Reader)
Chapter 3- Be My Baby 1 2
The date; the aftermath.
(warnings- fluff, cuteness, dates, frat bros Ben and Jeff, mentions of anxiety and dread near the end)
this is either my magnum opus, or the worst thing I've ever written
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Moonlight filtered through the antique Victorian windows;  the house was still, an hour before most of the young men would wake up. Brian swept his hands through his hair, his lavender button-down pristine against his pale skin. Flipping his hair over once more, he allowed the short locks to fall naturally over his forehead.
“You look about ready to explode.”
Brian jumped, and he glared back at the figure of Tim, already dressed and leaning against his door frame. The taller boy slowly walked towards his friend, holding up a pair of blue flared jeans.
“This, or the black, straight-legged ones?”
Tim smiled;  he had never seen his friend so anxious to meet a girl.
“The black ones, you're not David Bowie.”
Brian found himself smiling back, newly noticing his friend’s lack of pajamas.
“What are you all dressed up for?”
Tim rolled his eyes, clearly bored.
“I've gotta meet the old guy who owns the place, remember?”
Brian looked at Tim with pity in his eyes, leaning over to pat his back.
“Sorry about that man.”
Tim suddenly looked at the open window.
“So, you do realize you have five hours until this date, right?”
Brian fell back onto his bed.
Y/N waited by the inner seating of the cozy little coffee shop, her leg tapping nervously against the linoleum floor. She was excited to finally talk to that cute boy from her math class, and her roommates were excited that she’d finally shut up about him. 
“Brian! Hey, sit down!”
The blonde came up from behind her, and she beamed up at him from her chair, watching as he took the seat in front of her.
“Do you know what’s good here?”
Brian leaned in a little closer, grabbing Y/N ‘s hand and holding it between both of his, she broke out into a vibrant smile.
“Caramel macchiatos, I'll go order them, don't worry your pretty little head.”
Brian’s eyes went wider, pretty?
“Ready to order?”
The black haired boy in front of her looked focused on manning the register, he wore a burgundy shirt with a moss green apron, a badge on his shirt said ‘Helen’ in neat print.
“Could I get two caramel macchiatos, please.”
The young man smiled, looking toward Brian.
“Coming right up.”
The two young adults talked into the afternoon, getting to know one another closely. Y/N looked down at their finished coffees, and Brian went to throw them away.
“We should go to that park across town, it's a little far, but I think we can make it.”
Y/N nodded and smiled, getting up and brushing off her clothes. 
"So you've been living in that frat house for three years and you're still getting picked on by freshmen?"
Y/N laughed as Brian crossed his arms.
“Listen, those annoying kids just get on my nerves, that's all, I don’t have anything against them.”
Brian practically whined at her, the colder season brought on longer nights, and around four pm, the sun began to dip.
The two knew their time was soon to end, and Brian began to walk her home. His hands intertwined with hers; his eyes kept steady on her face, studying the lines, curves, and bumps—all of them beautiful.
Y/N shivers as the warm light of her dorm welcomes her. Brian had dropped her off minutes ago, but it felt like years already. She realized at that moment that she was head over heels. His perfect eyes, pretty smile, and friendly demeanor had completely wooed her. She sat on the stool beside the kitchen island, her elbows on the marble and her chin in her hands. She looked like a scene out of a rom-com.
“Thinking really hard, aren't you?”
Whipping around, Y/N met the eyes of one of her roommates, Jessica, leaning against the doorframe with a peaceful smile on her face, arms crossed against her wrinkled brown work uniform. Y/N opened her mouth to argue, but quickly broke into a grin, giggling to herself.
“Yeah, I am.”
The noise of their conversation must have been a little louder than they thought, because soon the sound of clamoring footsteps made the wooden floorboards creak. The two girls looked further into the eggshell hallway when suddenly a flash of black hair zoomed out of the farthest room.
Jane quickly enveloped her sitting roommate in a bear hug, her tall, lanky figure able to practically wrap her up. The excitement on her pale face was evident, thick eyeliner creasing from the sheer excitement, black lips held in a wobbly nervous smile.
“It went wonderfully! He’s such a sweetheart.”
Jessica playfully rolled her eyes, sauntering closer to the two girls near the kitchen island. 
“We got that the first twenty times you told us.”
Y/N beamed up at her, gently hitting her arm, before returning to her position with her hand on her chin, leaning against the kitchen table. Jane immediately leaned on it, turning towards the sitting girl.
“Maybe for your next date, I can do your makeup for you.”
Brian shook off his warm jacket, pale cheeks reddened from the cold, by the time he was home, all the way across campus, he was aching for the warmth of his bed. Looking down at his watch, he knew the night was still young, Tim’s meeting was over by now, and he looked forward to talking about his date with him. Before he could walk up the stairs, a familiar blond bedhead ran down.
Ben looked giddy, grabbing the taller boy by the arm and sitting him down. Brian didn’t have any room to think before Jeff came downstairs too, trapping him against the couch.
“Tell us everything.”
Jeff and Ben sat down on the opposite couch, the wooden table separating them couldn't put any balm on the invigorated stares of the younger boys. Brian leaned back, visibly annoyed. 
“I’m not telling you anything, where’s Tim, he should be home by now.”
Ben looked nervously at Jeff, who leaned forward.
“Tim isn’t here yet, he called about four hours ago and said he would be late.”
Brian leaned in to meet Jeff’s eyes, a slight fear swelling in his heart.
“That’s worrying, did he call after?”
Ben shook his head, silence filled the room, and Brian took a deep breath.
“I mean, while we’re here, I guess I can tell you a little.”
The freshmen broke into cheers, before finding their seats again and staring intently at Brian.
“She really is such a wonderful person, God, I fumbled around like an idiot during our date, but she ignored it. She just focused on me.”
The three guys looked like they were at a slumber party swapping gossip, but the giddiness and childish wonder really made Brian feel good about himself. The three talked on the couch for another hour, when they heard the rustling of the keys on the front door. 
“I’m back.”
Tim stood near the open doorway, he swayed slightly as he staggered forward. He looked like he was in a trance-like state, with dulled eyes that were red and puffy with dried tears.
He looked like a shell of a man.
Tim started his way slowly up the stairs, ignoring the murmurs of the freshmen on the couch. Brian immediately leapt off the couch, following Tim up the stairs at his pace.
“Are you okay man? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
As they reached the top of the polished oak staircase, Tim stopped.
“Let me talk to you alone, okay?”
The young men walked to the end of the furnished hall, walking into Tim’s bedroom. Brian guided him to sit down, taking the place next to him on the plaid sheets. 
As soon as Brian’s hand fell on Tim’s shoulder, Tim broke down, head in the crook of Brian’s neck as he held tightly on to the taller man, sobbing. 
Brian immediately wrapped his arm around his friend. He had seen this before, usually whenever Tim’s mother called. Tim often had difficulty breathing when he cried, sobbing so hard he sounded like he was choking. 
“Tim, Tim– hey! What’s going on?”
Tim stared up at Brian, with the same fear filled gaze as a scared dog, before taking a shuddering breath and breaking the hug.
“Brian, I-I did something, I did something really bad. He made me do something horrible.”
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fandomshifter · 6 months
Tim Wright & Brian Thomas in my AU
[ I know about Marble Hornets and both Tim and Brian are not proxies but in my AU + DR they are!! ]
Tim Wright!!
He owns a red truck that he stole from one of his victims when he first became a proxie
Him and Brian are dating and have been together for a few years
Tim has a strong accent when he gets angry and a lot of people can't take him seriously because of it
He has a CD collection from all different types of music but mainly what I would class as divorced dad music so; Linkin Park, Nickleback, AC/DC, Foo fighters Etc..
He can play a banjo and guitar and was in a band in college with a few of his old friends
Still has gaps in his memory from Marble Hornets and watching it is banned in the mansion, Both Brian and Tim are not allowed to access it
His room is the closest to “The Slendermans” office since he has been in contact with Slenderman for the longest out of anyone in the mansion.
Has a massive obsession with lip balm and has a stash inside one of his draws in his room
Was an Emo in his teen years and still sometimes endulges in some of the songs but not the fashion since he says ‘he's too old to dress like that’
Still has to take meds and regular mental check ups with EJ which made them have a close bond which not a lot of people know about
Brian Thomas!!
Is actually the head proxie, not Tim like a lot of people would think. He's more strategic with how he does thing such as stalking and killing victims.
Also wanted to be in a band in college so he learned how to play guitar aswell and can sing decently
Rides a motorbike and has a van that he both stole. He won't let anyone touch his motorbike and only Tim or a responsible Creep can use the van [ so not Jeff at all ].
Was the first person to be made a proxie, but has had a shorter connection with slenderman than Tim. He was made a proxie first because he was more compliant.
His music taste consists of metal and lots of it, like any genere of metal. [ I'm not much if a metal fan but you can say in the comments any specifics if you want ]
His bedroom is the cleanest in the house because he doesn't like mess in his room and many people come into his room for favours and doesn't want to seem like a messy, unkempt person. [ He cares about people view him ]
He has many scars on his face from old piercings he had in his youth, the only open piercings he has is his Lobe piercings, which he occasionally wears ear rings in.
Alot of people in the mansion look up to him and his leadership skills. He is very good at what he does and due to his reputation he always has to be better than everyone, it gave him an ego.
He loves cooking food and usually will be in the kitchen baking or cooking stress away, he never could because he was always on the move but now he found a love for it.
He was a pot head in his college days and occasionally still smokes it but usually late at night when everyone is asleep, he climbs up to the roof and looks at the stars while smoking.
I don't know enough information to represent DID realistically, and I still think after doing research I would still get it wrong and I don't want to upset anyone!!
So I decided Masky & Hoodie are parts of the operator, the mark [ ⦻ ] given to a proxie makes it easier for Slenderman to use your body for his biding, like a possession. He hates getting his hands dirty so he does it through his proxies bodies. However that's a last resort since it has very bad side effects for humans.
They use the names, Hoodie & Masky when doing missions because they want to separate themselves for what they are doing. So usually it's just Tim and Brian doing the missions but if they refuse, slenderman WILL make you do it.
[ Hope this all makes sense and you enjoyed reading them!! Don't forget to ask for the discord server link and Ask for me to write something!! ]
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theladyoracle · 1 month
I love love LOVE your hcs for the manor itself🩷🩷🩷
does everyone live at yhe manor?! if so would you be able to write about the creeps bedrooms? (jeff, nina, ej, toby specifically?)
Thank you so so much! I genuinely appreciate it! I love this idea so much. Content under the cut.
So yeah! Not all of the creeps do live in the manor in my au. The Proxies in particular are not allowed to stay at the mansion with the other Creeps (I like to think this is a manipulation tactic from the Slenderman) So I might include Toby and the other Proxies later, but their living conditions are drastically different from those that are allowed to live in the manor!
Creepypasta Bedroom Headcanons
(ft. Jeff the Killer, Nina the Killer, and Eyeless Jack)
The Collective AU by The Lady Oracle
- As you approach Jeff's bedroom, you will notice the preamble of discoloration on the carpet and woodwork on the floor
- His door is splintered with stab marks, scratches and nics. At any given time you can probably expect to see at least one knife embedded in the destroyed door
- You can usually hear that you're getting close to Jeff's room before you see it
- When Jeff is home, his obscene music shakes the walls, and he plays his shows and movies at full volume. He has a complete disregard for anyone else who lives at the manor, and so I also imagine him always screaming and laughing and throwing things around his room constantly
- Jeff's room is always dark, no matter the time of day. He never has his windows open, and so the only lighting is due to the limited LED strips and the forbidden big light on the ceiling
- The furniture in Jeff's room can be boiled down to his mattress, a broken dresser, and a small desk. Anything else can hardly be considered furniture as it's usually torn apart or stolen from his victims houses
- I also like to imagine that he has an old beat up punching bag that is just falling apart at the seams. Like he's really gone in on this thing
- He has a lot of older technology as far as entertainment goes - old cassettes, VHS tapes, an old box TV, that sort of thing
- And you already know this mans room is a mess
- Dirty, bloodstained clothes are spread out across the floor of his room. Old dishes and bottles and cans are strewn about
- He uses his desk for a variety of his 'hobbies' which could mean a number of things....
- No one is allowed in his room - for everyone's benefit
- Nina's room is amongst one of the better kept living spaces in the manor, but only because when it's time for her to clean she shoves virtually everything under her bed and in her closet
- It always smells like some sweet Bath and Body Works fragrance. Like vanilla or strawberries
- I like to think Nina maximizes comfort in her room. Tons of pillows, blankets, a couple of different seating options. She's of course got a TON of stuffies
-I also imagine she has her own vanity, the kind that has lights. Maybe she has a couple stickers that she's slapped on it to cover some nics or scratches
- She has a little corkboard filled with Polaroids or little things that she deems important. There are ticket stubs, receipts, small doodles from Clocky, and photos of everyone she loves
-There used to be a lot more photos of Jeff, but now she only has one or two...the rest she's shoved in a shoebox in the depths of her closet or the void beneath her bed
- She of course has a bookshelf filled with all her diaries and scrapbooks
-She's also got a ton of snacks in her room
- Sleepovers would go so hard in here. Nina would make sure you're completely taken care of
Eyeless Jack
- EJs room can be described in few words; sterile, tidy, vacant
- There are a few scattered artifacts from his past life...a graduation certificate from high school, honors tassels, perhaps a couple of ribbons or awards for excellence...
- He still has one hoodie from his old college, and it's beaten to shit. He keeps it in his closet and wears it occasionally when he wants to feel normal
- He keeps his room so clean just because he's so used to doing so in his practice. Since he's the only medic in the manor that actually cares about keeping a sterile environment, he's just used to minding clutter in his daily life
- Not that he owns many things....
- There are scratch marks on his walls and around the rug near his bed. If you ask him about this he will refuse to elaborate, but you can probably figure this is from the occasional hunger pains
- He also doesn't spend a lot of time in here. Many nights he actually ends up crashing in the designated medic section of the manor
-If you asked to spend the night in his room...well you probably wouldn't even need to ask. Since he's not there most of the time you could probably get away with sleeping in there for a couple of nights without him knowing
-The only way he'd find out is if your scent lingered in his sheets
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Is there any ways to get on good terms on any of the creepypasta or proxy in the prison au??
Toby: It’s gonna have to take a lot of gaslighting. Toby is absolutely obsessed with you, Luke, he will cause trouble just so you can pin him down and reprimand him. You'll have to tell him stuff like "Maybe if yiu did You'll have a chance," and so on and so forth. But Toby isn't dumb, he'll catch on pretty fast. At the end of the day, Toby just wanted your love, he wants you. You can also try understand him and actually listen to him during investigations because the officers are getting more and more charged on this man.
Masky it'll be hard. This man is crazy bipolar and is very sensitive. Despite the tough, violent, scary act he has, he's in reality a sad broken man who hates himself and his life. He hates the operator/slenderman with burning passion, and he says if if wasn’t for them he could be living a normal life, hell, maybe he could've finished college and possibly get married or something like that. You have the gain this man's 100% trust for you two to be on good terms. Keep in mind, he's also madly obsessed with you, so if it could be just a little bit dangerous. I'd say when you're working on his case, try getting Tim, not Masky, Tim, to talk about himself and he'll get emotional pretty fast, but if you keep your composure and listen to him, he'll start to like you more.
Hoodie. Hoodie barely has really deep emotional attachments to anyone, the deepest one he has is with Masky and the two fight a lot. It'll be hard to Crack this guy, really hard, and he can't be manipulated either. So I'd say you can't.
Ben. It's easier than it seems. Give this man your undivided attention, listen to him rant, let him touch you, let this man do mostly whatever to you and he and you are instantly on good terms. You'll just have to deal with some PTSD.
Jeff... Next one.
Jane! Jane isn't too hard. Listen to her story, let her attempt to kill Jeff a few times, let her send letters to her wife, ans you two are buddy buddy.
EJ, he's quiet, really quiet. Like, you rarely hear this guy talk. You don't even know of he hates you or if he's obsessed with you. I'd say you'll never know.
LJ! Become his assistant, become his main source of entertainment! Keep in mind, you're still a cop with a bright future. It wouldn't be smart to get on good terms with every inmate, and with LJ specifically because if he isn't getting something big from you he isn't keeping anything a secret.
Bloody Painter, become his model. He has a bunch of blood in his cell, don't ask how he got it. He's completely infatuated with your beauty and he says you'll make the perfect model. Don't question him when he asked you to do some, suggestive things, it's all for the painting!
I don't feel like doing the rest.
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corporatefrog · 1 year
╰┈➤ Welcome Back to the Channel part 29; like and subscribe
✧.* featuring yn setting up for their newest youtube video when a few unexpected guests arrive : ̗̀➛ notes - this is the last chapter! thank you guys so much for joining me during the journey of this story. I haven't finished a fic in years so it feels so good to write that final line. I left it pretty open ended to be ready for extra chapters in the future!! I could say a bunch more about how thankful I am for people reading this story and how much it's help me work through the past month but i'll let the chapter do that :) tags - college au, superhero au, smau
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Okay. Let’s do this. 
“Hey guys! We’ve got a really special video today!” I greeted with a beaming grin, micking a high five with the camera. So far so good. “We’re going to be doing an interview I’ve been waiting to make for a long time…” I paused for effect before moving to the side, revealing today’s special guest. 
“Say hello to Mysterion!” I exclaimed with applause. I’d add some cheering effects while editing but without it, it sounded a bit empty. 
Looking back at Kenny, a laugh burst from my mouth at the expression on his face. He’d twisted his mouth into some semblance of a smirk but with the mask he looked cool and suave and more like he’d just smelled a three day old diaper. 
“Dude, what is that face? You look fucking stupid.” I said between laughs. Kenny frowned, giving me a side eye. 
“I’ve got a reputation to uphold!” He whined, gesturing to the dark hooded costume, “You don’t get it because you just started using your persona-”
“KENNY! Just say my social security number too why don’t you-” The frame shook as I lunged forward to stop the recording before any more secrets were shared on camera.
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It had been about a few months since I’d started working with Butters and the guys would not let me forget they had seniority in the hero/villain world. Every chance Clyde had, he reminded me that he was there when they fought Cthulhu. Of course, Kyle was close behind to say that Clyde had done absolutely nothing during that fight. But that was followed by Kyle reminding me that he was sent to hell and was there during the eldritch battle.
I’d been worried when they found out that they’d stop talking to me altogether. I wasn’t quite sure why. They’ve known about Butters being Professor Chaos since they were children and I see him and Kenny hang out more than he hangs out with Kyle and Stan sometimes. He even hangs out with Craig and his group on the weekends. 
The only thing that’s been hurt by my employment at Chaos LLC is my intel source. Wendy stopped giving me insider details about hero movements if they related to Professor Chaos so I haven’t been able to cover as much of his antics but she was still queuing me into other run-ins with minor villains and typical South Park oddities. 
Last week, fucking Slenderman showed up. Like a tall faceless dude in a suit and tie Slenderman. Just standing in the park. He did kidnap Butters which led to an interesting rescue mission. And the video coverage was insane. Marble Hornets could never. 
I didn’t want to trust it at first. I’d spent a month waiting for things to suddenly change. For everyone to turn on me for being a minor inconvenience at best but Craig still asked me to help him with his stats homework at Tweek Bros and Stan still invited me to whatever random board game shop he was visiting that week. The only thing that changed was sometimes we ran around the city in (if I’m being honest) ridiculous costumes and blew off some of the steam that comes with being a college student at Garrison University. 
The entire college almost shut down last month due to Dean Garrison being convicted of tax fraud and publicly attempting to assassinate the President in order to avoid charges. Without anyone to lead the college and the name now permanently connected to an elementary school teacher turned assassin, the only option seemed to be shutting the place down. That was a rough month. The university was literally on the verge of closure and I still had to write a 10 page research paper. What kind of bullshit is that?
Yeah but it was a paper about The Bachelor so was it really work?
Anything that involves citing in APA is work. 
The routine of my new normal set in pretty quickly. Well, as ‘normal’ as things can be when you’re friends with superheroes in South Park. I went to my classes, made videos for my channel, then I’d meet up with Butters and ruin a few people’s day a few times a week. It was scary how easily I fell into the routine. I’d wake up and say good morning to Stan as though he weren’t shooting tranquilizer darts from a nail gun at me a few hours earlier. Certainly not a sentence I ever thought I’d say. 
Looking back on the past two years, I see all the chances I had to end up somewhere else. If I’d gone to a different university and never set foot in South Park or if I’d chosen a different apartment and never ran into Clyde on my first day there I could have led a completely different life. Even in the moments which dragged on my mind, they all led me here. And the feeling of comfort that comes along with that thought makes every struggle worthwhile. 
There’s nowhere I’d rather be and here. Attending a university with an idiot dean, living in an apartment building with my closest friends, and now helping someone I care about get the revenge he’s due. Oh, and making youtube videos about all the stupid shit that happens along the way.
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I restarted the recording, giving Kenny a warning glare before saying the intro again. This time, he kept a normal face which made it much easier to not think about how just a few months ago, I was freaking out at the idea of talking to THE Mysterion. 
Granted, now we’ve seen THE Mysterion vomiting in a toilet at 2 am after eating his taco bell too fast so the shimmer has faded. 
“So, Mysterion,” I started, glancing at my list of questions I’d prepared for the interview, “You’ve been the longest running hero in South Park history! How does it feel to be coming up on 10 years as South Park’s Guardian Angel?”
Kenny hummed as he mulled over the question, “It’s not an easy job-” A knock on the door cut off his answer. I looked over at Kenny with a confused expression. He mirrored my confusion but couldn’t offer an idea on who was interrupting our interview for the second time. 
I paused the video before heading over to the door, looking through the peephole. Toolshed’s signature belt gave him away instantly. He shifted from foot to foot as he waited, tapping his hands against his thighs. 
What the fuck?
I opened the door, leaning against the frame while I deadpanned at my neighbor. 
“What’re you doing?” I asked, looking at him from under my eyebrows. 
Stan flashed a sheepish smile, “Well, I heard that you were interviewing Ken-” He paused, glancing down the hall both ways before correcting himself, “Mysterion today and I was thinking I could join? I haven’t gotten an interview yet after all.” 
“You haven’t gotten an interview because all you’ve done the past three fights is stand in the back with a power drill looking lost.” I pulled up my phone and held it up for Stan to see the footage from the past three hero conflicts. While Kenny and Craig dove into the fray, Stan could be seen in the background, searching through his utility belt for the right tool for the battle. By the time he held up his weapon of choice, Craig would be throwing the final punch.
“Okay those videos are rigged. You got those from the Craig fan accounts.” Stan protested. 
“You’re really reaching now bud-” 
“Is there still time for the interview?” A voice shouted from down the hall. Kyle’s door flew open with him rushing out soon after. The kite strapped to his back caught on the door frame, sending him tripping and falling into the wall across the hall from his door. I sighed, rubbing a hand over my face while the sound of Kyle cursing and tripping over his own stupid fucking costume filled the hallway. 
“Dude what are you doing?” Stan asked, crossing his arms as though he were the one being put upon by the appearance of the Human Kite. Kyle righted himself, brushing imaginary dust off his costume. 
“You said you were going to try and get in on the interview and after my last one-” He gave me a pointed look as though I were the one who chose his stupid name in the first place, “turned into me being berated for an hour and a half.” 
“Yeah but you already had one. It’s my turn now.” Stan whined. 
“Actually, it’s my turn right now.” Kenny said, suddenly appearing behind me at the door. I jumped to the side, holding a hand over my chest to keep my heart from jumping out at the shock. 
“Jesus fuck man. I need to put a bell on you.” I muttered to myself before addressing the slowly growing group of complaining superheroes, “None of you guys get to decide whose turn it is to be on my channel. I set up this interview with Kenny a month ago and we’re finally getting to filming so if you want to have ‘your turn’ you need to fill out the form and join the queue like everyone else. I’ve got Craig and Tweek lined up for next month then Tolkien-”
“How the fuck does Tolkien get to go before me-”
“Because he filled out the fucking form Stan? I literally just told you.” 
“Okay, well I just think it would be more interesting to have Toolshed on before Tupperware.” Stan looped his thumbs through his utility belt, kicking a foot at the ground with a frown tugging at his lips. He looked up at me with pouting eyes, blinking rapidly as he tried to change my mind.
No way this 20 year old is pouting in the hallway right now. 
I blew a breath out of the corner of my mouth, averting my eyes from the pouting college student. I better not regret this. 
“Okay, fine.” I started. Stan’s posture immediately improved as he straightened up and began to walk towards the door. Kyle followed suit with a borderline giddy smile of his own. I held up a hand to stop them, “But this is a one time thing, okay? Don’t go telling the others you can just bug me into doing a video with them because I know Clyde can and will be the most annoying motherfucker to ever exist until I do an entire series about him.” 
Kyle and Stan nodded rapidly, heads moving in sync as they agreed to whatever would get them in the video. I was about to move aside and let them in when Kenny sucked in a breath. 
“We weren’t supposed to tell other people about this?” He asked. When I turned to stare at him, he plastered an awkwardly large grin on his face. 
“Who did you tell?” I asked, holding my breath out of fear for what he’d say next. Kenny paused, eyes moving across the ceiling as he thought over the question. That’s never a good sign. Then he began counting on his fingers, mouth moving in silent words as he continued to tick off different unknown names. 
Letting his hands fall with a shrug, he looked back at me with the still incredibly awkward smile, “Only like a few of the guys-” 
“MUAHAHAHA, THIS IS WHERE YOU FALL MYSTERION!” Butters came barreling in through my balcony doors, fists raised to the sky as he posed in the living room. The four of us turned to look at the villain. 
“False alarm, Butters. Apparently this was a lowkey thing.” Kenny said, pointing to me with his thumb as though I were the buzzkill in the situation. My jaw dropped as I turned to Kenny, appalled that he had the audacity to claim I was ruining our private interview I’d spent a month planning. 
Butters’ arms fell back to his sides, tinfoil of his gauntlets scraping slightly against his belt, “Awe geez, and here I was ready for a scuffle.” He said, scuffing the toe of his boot against the floor in a similar pout to Stan’s from moments before. 
Why am I friends with a bunch of toddlers? 
Before I could address Butters’ appearance, my apartment was flooded with the rest of my friends all clad in their hero costumes. Tolkien waddled behind Tweek and Craig, turning sideways to get through the door with Clyde following close behind. Soon my apartment was filled with arguing superheroes and one very boisterous villain, all trying to figure out how to fit themselves into the frame. 
I squeezed myself onto the couch between Kenny and Clyde, feeling like I should at least have the original planned video guest in the middle of the frame. Voices overlapped as Stan tried to shove Kyle over, pushing Tweek and Craig further to the side. The cacophony of sound bounced off the walls and made the air buzz with the rambunctious energy. 
Normally the noise would send me spiraling, overstimulated by the different sounds all pulling me in different directions, but the noise around me calmed the normally racing thoughts in my mind. I’d spent so long sitting in front of this camera, reading off new stories of the people who now shouted my name to grab my attention from opposite ends of the couch I’d gotten off Facebook Marketplace. The once deafening silence which filled the moments between takes was replaced by shouts to move over and accusations of stepping on their kite string. 
It was the best noise I’d ever heard. 
“I’m starting now! Everyone shut up and follow me lead!” I announced, stabilizing the camera before returning to my spot with a smile.
I smiled for the camera. I smiled at the thought of the views a video with all of South Park’s heroes would get. But I also smiled from the overwhelming happiness that came from being surrounded by my closest friends. 
“Hey guys!” I greeted, raising a hand to mimic a high five with the lens,
“Welcome back to the channel!”
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taglist [reply to be added]: @sula0kin @lacuna-at-dawn @anglettecolours @cocolena@sukisprettyface @feverish-dove @sweetadonisbutbetter @hand-writxen@mishstuff@sophtophie @triphovia  @lacunaanonymoused @inkedintothepaper @toodeepintofandoms@mmmaackerel @sillybilly-123@n0tangeliccc@sophtophie@inkedintothepaper 
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sins-slender-mansion · 2 months
Entry 2: Tim Wright, "Masky"
{This will be one of two characters I did not redesign, only tweaked his story a bit to match up with the rest of the au. His original design, voice, and face are from Marble Hornets, aka Tim Sutton.}
From far away it seems as if this man is much more reasonable than the other creatures and residents in this house. He is quiet and calm but I must warn anyone that if they encounter him, he WILL kill you, due to his position and morals.
Tim Wright Status: Alive Age: 28 Species: Human Danger: Lethal Appearance: A 5'7" man with dark, dark brown hair, side burns, and scruffy facial hair. He has dark, dusty brown eyes and dark circles from lack of sleep, thick eyebrows and always looks as though he watched you kill his puppy. He is a bit stout and chubby but this only adds to his surprising swiftness and strength. He has such an aura of sadness around him at almost all times. There's a sort of melancholy handsomeness to him. His face doesn't matter though because you will almost always see him wearing a white plastic mask with black lipstick and surprised eyebrows drawn on it, hence "Masky". Tim Wright is one of the first victims of Slenderman, who he knew as the Operator at the time of his manipulation. His friend, Alex, was killed in a series of incidents when they were in high school. Tim and Brian were the only ones to survive these events, a sort of 'initiation', as explained by Slenderman. Tim was sick. His parents and family thought it was schizophrenia, a mental illness that caused him to see images of the Operator when he was just moving from high school to college. Tim was growing more and more sick. He was coughing, bleeding, unable to sleep, in immense pain. Nothing seemed to cure it. Nothing anyone did could help. Slenderman offered him a way out. "These pills," he explained, "Will solve everything. You can get them from me. If you win." His friend group were pretty normal and all wanted to focus on film and writing, and during their first year they played a sick game that turned them all against each other. Alex died trying to win, trying to escape. Tim did not let him live. He needed to win, to have a cure to this sickness, a way to make it stop, even if it was just temporary. It was what was promised of he could win, if he could prove himself. It was sick, it was twisted, but he had no choice. After Alex died, the 'game ended', and Tim stuck with Slenderman due to the sickness, the need for pills, he was stuck. he was a husk of his former self. He didn't know who he was, what he had become. His parents didn't know. His friends were all gone. except Brian. It's all a blur now. Spending so much time around Slenderman seems to has rotted his memory of what actually happened. replaced it with false memories, maybe. But he knows he can never go back, he could never undo what was done. he can never apologize. He'll never see Alex again. Because wherever he goes when he dies, Alex will not be waiting for him.
Now he is a quiet, observant, obedient servant for the creature that stole his life away. He is usually calm and collected, and when he isn't he is smoking or drinking to drown out all the noise. He has never known a life without the static in his ears, scrambled images in his head. He is under constant pressure to perform well, to protect everyone, and to do whatever it takes to finish this war. And so he will.
"There's nothing I want more in the world than to be dead tomorrow."
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creepedverse · 3 months
so uh I know the tags say crp au but are there any creepypastas or is this just like a slenderverse sort of thing?
J: I'd say that while this takes places in a universe where Creepypasta exists it's much more similar to Slenderverse. Group of college aged (and Tommie) kids dealing with supernatural beings in the early 2000’s? If you need a better comparison I’d say it's similar to Marble Hornets in a sense but with some Dark Harvest mixed in with the extra antagonists other than Slenderman. But all in all just our own creation.
T: Its technically Slenderverse, but we're mostly all Creepypasta creators so I'd say its a mix cuz it has that Creepypasta feel to it yknow? There are no "canon" characters in this AU (like Ticci Toby or Jeff) besides our own version of Slenderman, but most of our OCs are just plain ol' Creepypasta OCs outside of this AU
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dailyjayferin · 5 months
Howdy there, Ferins! Mod Sam here! I’ve seen a few Ferins out there show interest in the little Riptide Slenderverse au! It’s an au done with me and mod Kian, and I’d like to provide context.
So I’ll be giving a short explanation of Jay and Kuba Kenta. If you want a full post detailing all three main characters characters with other little bits check here: https://www.tumblr.com/howdytheresam/739812674675867648/howdy-there-welcome-to-the-slenderverse-riptide
Onto the main two!
Jay Ferin:
Twenty-one year old mechanical engineer student. On the Riptide YouTube channel she’s the main cameraman, holding the camera with her steady hands so the other two don’t break the camera. While she is okay investigating the strange figure in the background of the videos she does start to become irritated with some of the things they record.
With a missing sister and a not exactly accepting family Jay just wants to finish college. She would like to make it to graduation. The YouTube content game however says otherwise.
Kuba Kenta:
The ‘slenderman’ operator of this au. The figure in the background of the videos that glitches the technology and affects the casts mind in ways that affect them deeply. Things like sickness take hold of the cast. The notable features the cast can see is he isn’t human and his hands are backwards. Yet, they can’t get closer.
Like most Slenderverse media Kuba is not the only thing that troubles the cast but rather starts a chain reaction.
And that’s the little snippets of context! Again if you want to know more in depth check out the post, however you can ask a couple of questions here and I will be happy to answer. I hope this helps add a little context! Take care, Daily Jays!
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hairscare · 2 years
Was there any inspiration for your takes on the other creeps? And do you have any fav versions of them from other aus or by other artists?
this is a long one sorry
ngl i really dont look at much creepypasta fan stuff i pretty much stick with my own interpretations. for a lot of them its really just taking these stories where this characters are op edgy crazy killers and being like okay how would these characters actually be as teenagers and then forming their personalities like that.
jeffs obviously a megalomaniac wannabe edgy boy who thinks he can do anything without effort and that leads to him embarrassing himself constantly. extremely comphet unaware gay
ninas story is also very over the top and shes able to like dodge bullets and stuff and is very harley quinn to jeffs joker except theyre both young in these stories so for her its manic pixie dream girl who romanticizes the edgy boy (basically what jeff fangirls were like) but then actually meets him and dates him for a week and is like wtf youre not who i thought you were??? anyways shes scene
janes character is nothing revolutionary really shes goth though i do think she really leans into fancy feminine gothness as both gender expression (shes trans) but also as escapism from the fact that shes just some girl who was thrown into a horribly traumatic situation so she compensates by making herself a character that she feels can overcome the situation and defeat her enemy.
ngl i really dont remember bens creepypasta i know hes supposed to be a hivemind but i also think that personality wise hes like if an imp was a 12 year old. like the demon whatever thing was like you know what i like this kid im gonna be a 12 year old link cosplayer and then he was. so yeah hes a gamer tween who wears those gamer shirts and plays fortnite.
my sally is arguably the most different compared to how shes usually portrayed as a sweet innocent kind young girl. my interpretation is that shes a no filter rambunctious bully bc shes stuck in an 8 year olds body and has severe trauma and doesnt know how to deal with it at such a young age so she puts up walls. shes mean but in a little kid way where its brutally honest and childish all at once. she calls jeff gay and he breaks down crying.
jack is mainly a semiserious tired guy, but he also can be a creature when he wants to. hes depressed mall goth and is team edward forever. he also really likes gardening and nature tho he has a bunch of cacti and likes walking through the woods
slenderman is like how hes normally portrayed except hes more gay and also enjoys gardening
habit is habit hope this helps
the rake is a dog but also a guy who sleeps at the end of slendy and habits bed but also will break into your room and whisper prophecies to you but also is a dog
smile is if a dog was a sassy gay man
the proxies are just vibing college students
the clown throuple visit sometimes and are. killer klowns
and zalgo is a silly dilf
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dax-enfinity · 2 years
Natalie watching Leo make fire in his hand the same way a cat watches birds from the window. Just, wide eyed and in awe.
Also, her watching Leo work on something metal and she just 🕑 👁. She is trying to look respectfully, but the gods will not allow it.
Leo scooping Natalie up in his arms (bc he is SURPRISINGLY strong from all his metal work) and just cooing at her blushing. "You loooove me!" "I will have my revenge!".
Also, Natalie showing off her knife skills and Leo is just "make out with me while you hold that to my throat" - but on the inside, because those are inside thoughts.
...he may ask her to do that to him once they're on their own, though... (/hj).
Tl;dr, them🧡💚🥺🤌👌
I love the idea that Leo and Natalie’s dynamic is just: (flirty x badass girlboss)
Also, I can imagine Leo being like “you know maybe we could do that later” and it’s just him wanting to be manhandled by Natalie or something lmao
Another thing, Leo helping Natalie repair / polish her knives and making sure her other eye that has a literal clock inside doesn’t get infected or damaged
(since he does repairs, and works with a lot of metal)
I can see them either hanging out in the spare bedroom Natalie has at the Mansion or in the cottage core-esc house she has in the forest near the Mansion
They would rarely be with each other while at Camp Half-Blood or at Camp Jupiter since they know that a bunch of teenage demigods and a literal serial killer that has ties to an eldritch god who’s probably seen as a monster by the gods won’t mix well
(They definitely don’t want to make the rest of the seven awkward / uncomfortable, well except Nico who’s dating Toby, Slenderman’s literal proxy so he’s the only one used to it.)
TLDR; Natleo is very cool and I have an AU for them ft. Nicoby that’s pretty much a College AU
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sister-lucifer · 2 months
full list of fic ideas + requests you've gotten + whatever else ?
this is the full list of things for me to write atm but this expands literally every day so ⬇️
guards x peasant x king mm4m4m
toby noncon stuckage 
marble hornets plushie fucking 
brian x reader w/ tim guiltily jacking off 
tim x brian w/ toby voyeur 
proxies x reader w/ brian lead 
monster in rut reader x proxies (cockwarming?)
caught smoking by tim
stab wound scissoring 
“i’m not supposed to be talking to you” w/ perv toby 
cock and ball torture/trampling w/ jeff
EJ hypnosis surgery 
reader doctoring up toby/ “can you please just kiss me?”
“how bout i shove you around like i used to?” w/ tim
impulse control w/ toby
toby x tutor reader w/ pining 
masky x reader t4t forcemasc 
toby x reader t4t w/ tim observing
toby solo fic w/ desperate erotic cannibalism 
masky x alex x hoodie revenge beating turned sexual w/ repressed alex 
toby x afab reader w/ titty sucking 
toby x reader hatchet fucking 
tim x siren 
masky x hoodie broken leg punishment
stealing laundry 
tim x reader w scent kink 
fucking toby’s face so hard his nose breaks 
jeff x criminal investigator reader
tim x puppyboy reader w/ reader in heat
fantasy au thief toby x royal reader (stealing a kiss)
college au toby and brian hazing ritual 
college au toby x reader w/ repressed christian reader + internalized homophobia 
demon EJ x priest reader 
toby x chubby trans masc reader 
vertical 69
tgirl clock work x reader force fem (req)
tate frost x chubby reader 
proxies w/ slenderman, tim getting punished 
masky x alex x hoodie at jays house 
alex mind break fic lost in the woods
masky x reader cnc break in role play 
masky x toby sparring match bet (two parter, everyone wins)
brian x tim cigarettes 
hoodie x reader “attaboy” (req) 
LJ x reader abandoned carnival 
masky x masochist reader, “you gettin’ off on this shit?” 
toby x reader w/ reader crushing + toby using it to embarrass them
do with this what you will
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pierrotsmoon · 1 year
Heaven (Brian x reader)
Chapter 2- Love My Way Chapter 1
Brian's happiest day yet.
(warnings- College AU, cuteness, exposition, frat boys Jeff and Ben, stress cleaning)
Tumblr media
“Ok, so you're telling me that the Vikings didn’t wear those horned helmets?”
     Brian looked at the girl in front of him, who was snickering to herself. Brian knew at that moment that they were the only two people in the world. She noticed his eyes on her, and her head tilted downward, looking at her lap. The two sat in silence for a couple minutes before he spoke up again.
“I think we might be done for the day; do you want me to walk you home?”
    The girl’s eyes crept to look at the open window; it was nearing eleven at night, and it was pitch black outside. She understood that it would probably be safer to go home with someone else; the fact that he was cute didn’t hurt either.
“I live in the dorms by the science building; it's really nearby.”
“-and that's how Tim and I got banned from our neighborhood pool.”
       As the two of them shared stories, Brian noticed her start to walk closer to him. As their shoulders almost touched, and her shoulders bobbed as she laughed, he felt a tight squeeze inside his chest. It was below freezing, but Brian couldn't feel warmer. He almost dreaded the fact that this moment would soon end; the dorms were only a 20-minute walk from the library, and he knew that his rambling extended it to over half an hour. The old clock tower by the brick laid old school dormitory struck twelve, and the two quickened their pace. He needed to go home too; the other fraternity brothers would get too curious if he didn’t. The girl was lucky enough to live alone, with no annoying roommates or eerie freshmen. 
“Thanks for dropping me off. I get really scared of the dark.”
She looked down again, hands clasped together to keep warm. He wanted so badly to hold her, to keep her warm and safe.
“It's no big deal; I mean, you were nice enough to help me too.”
His dirty blond hair started flying over his eyes; the wind clung to his cheeks, making them chapped and blush.
“Hey, Brian. You're always so sweet to me, you know that?”
His heart caught in his chest.
“Would you go on a little date with me to that cafe by Mountford? Next tuesday is cool with me.”
Brian felt like the biggest weight had been taken off of his chest.
“Yeah, that sounds wonderful.”
Brian couldn't help but break into a toothy grin, his hands shaking as he bounced on his heels.
    Brian opened the doors leading up to the fraternity. He kept himself as quiet as he could; the last thing he needed was for one of the guys to start asking questions. The door knob slightly jangled in his hand as it suddenly swung open from the other side.
“Brian! So glad you showed up! I really need help with this bio assignment, can you help a guy out?”
Oh no, the last thing Brian needed right now was Jeff. Why God when he was finally having a good day? The brown-haired boy stood proud and tall, wearing a Limp Bizkit shirt and shorts that went down to his knees; his regular emo hair was messed up even more than usual.
“I’m really tired right now, man. I'll get to you tomorrow, ok?”
The brown-haired boy signed, his lanky form dropping down dramatically. Jeff was a bit of an idiot, but he knew his friend was acting a little differently.
“What's with the look? Did you win the lottery or something?”
Brian looked down at the shorter boy, debating whether or not he should smack him upside the head.
“It’s nothing, go to bed.”
Jeff’s single brain cell dinged against his empty skull.
“Is it about a girl?”
Brian’s eyebrows furrowed.
“Leave me alone, Jeff.” 
Jeff giggled to himself.
“Ooooo, Brian’s got a girlfriend!”
Jeff spurted that a little too loudly, forcing Brian to shove his open palms over the brunette’s mouth. It was too late, though. The rest of the nearby rooms steadily began to open. Jeff wrangled his face out of Brian’s hands.
“Ben! Brian’s getting laid!”
Brian has never wanted to die more.
“No way! A girl wants Brian? When will it be my turn?”
“When you stop looking twelve, dude.”
As the two freshmen bickered amongst themselves, Brian turned around to dash up the stairs to his dorm. The house was a really old mansion, but it had been converted to a fraternity in the late 1800s due to its closeness to the university. The stairs creaked with Brian’s quick steps. He noticed tim out of the corner of his eye.
“Thank God, a reasonable person.”
Tim had only joined the fraternity because Brian did; he kept to himself in the house and tended to stress clean late at night, explaining why he was still awake. 
“If those two are pissing you off, I'll deal with them.”
Tim was flipping back his black hair, a wet mop clutched in his hands. Tim was sort of a burly guy, with broad shoulders and all that, and he could probably take on two scrawny freshmen.
“Nah, they're just idiots, you should be getting to bed, don’t you have to prepare for the meeting with the owner next Tuesday?”
Tim hummed and sauntered into his room. The owner of the mansion was really illusive; he only ever gave staticky phone calls or typed letters. Brian stayed out of the way when it came to that guy, and Tim handled most of the correspondence.
As Brian went to his own room, he immediately turned the lights off and fell onto his bed. His mind was flooded with thoughts of her . Brian thought about his schedule; he was scheduled to go meet a director friend tomorrow, but he knew he would be restless until Tuesday. 
Brian closed his blond lashes, a soft smile on his face.
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toxicruins101 · 2 years
"Oh god" dax Enfinitys college au x my dsmp ocs
'well today could have gone better' I think to myself as I let myself wonder among the giant halls of my castle
It's old but gracious
I pick up a few books and head down to the dance room, I'm called dancing death for a reason aren't I?
"Death! There you are! I've been looking for you everywhere!" laureen, half human half God, long story.
"yes? What is it?" I say a bit concerned, I've never seen her act like this before
"I think we may have a problem" soon enough we went into the meeting room everyone was already there,
By everyone she meant Noah: crazy scientist half demon, don't mess with him, a total physco
Tarot: a literal God very kind though
Night: the bringer of fire and chaos that has a soft spot for nature and animals
Laureen (duh): loves mythology and everything about it, possessed by a God (sometimes)
Alex: hunter of the shadows, normal human, distant relative, has anger issues.
I quickly got worried and say down the last time we had a meeting like this it didn't end well
"so, what happened?" I said looking at everyone
Noah stood up and pulled out a hologram
It looked like a portal, a active one
"we suspect that in less than an hour a portal like this will be appearing somewhere in the castle, it seems it will bring something strong or powerful so we need to be on lookout." said Alex explaining the floating image infront of them
"Ohhh~ imagine the data we could collect, it sounds amazing-" Noah was saying but got cut off by a loud BANG!
everyone stood up and headed towards the sound
I got my daggers out, Noah transformed in his demon self, tarot did some kind of spell, laureen let her godside take over and her eyes were now a bloody shining red with sharp teeth, night set fire on his hands and Alex got her bow and arrow out pointing it at the source of the sound
We all just stood there our guard still up as we all glared at the space where shadows took over, waiting.
"alright enough of this!" said the God side of laureen and launched herself at the shadows hitting something.
It looked like a boy, he has brown hair and a mask on his face, he had blocked laureens strike with an axe which was slowly bending at laureens hit since again she is a god right now.
There seemed to be more people behind him
Death quickly remembered one of the spells on her book and recited it under her breath her eyes turned a bright purple and she lookee straight at them
Name: Toby
Occupation: slendermans proxy
Power: enhanced senses
Name: Nico
Occupation: hades son
Powers: shadowtravel, communicating with the dead, earthquakes
Name: Leo
Occupation: son of haphasteus, mecanic
Power: fire
Name: Natalie
Occupation: Creepypasta/killer
Powers: none
Name: will
Occupation: Doctor
Powers: healing and music
Name: Dave
Her eyes turned to brown again and she looked at them then at her team who still had their guard up while laureen came back to the group after attacking one of them
She signaled them to stand down and everybody put their weapons down or turned into their normal selfs
"it's okay we won't hurt you, Toby I'm sorry about your axe, if you let us take a look at it I'm sure we can fix it" said death with a sturdy tone and voice to calm them down yet it only seemed to spike their anxiety even more
"How do you know who we are?!" spoke the stranger now known as nico.
"I have have a ability to know that but I can assure you if you do not harm us we will not harm you" I said but I was not quick enough as I though as I said that a blade was thrown at us by one of them I doged but Noah, who was behind me, didn't get so lucky.
He looked down at his now heeling stomach and pulled out the blade his blood a deep black color
He look at the group infront of him as his eyes turned red and a shadow consumed half his body
"NOAH! DON'T-" screamed Alex but she wasn't quick enough as the shadow completely covered Noah and in the split second she blinked Noah was in a fight with the killer Natalie.
The others plus me ran to get Noah off her but were stopped by the others
I signaled at tarot and felt their voice echo on my head after a second
'their weary and a but scared, they don't know where they are and who you guys are, they can be very hostile so proceed with caution especially after this.' tarots godly voice echoed around in their head and they nodded.
I have to break this up, now.
Quickly I made a shadow portal and stepped in the middle of the fight grabbing Noah by the waist pulling him off Natalie.
"I'm terribly sorry for his behavior, my names dancing death, pleasure to meet you" I said bowing a bit at the end of my sentence
"what's your real name?" said Leo
"Athena" I said, I know I have the name of a Greek goddess, yet we're nothing alike, people tend to make that assumption when I tell them my real name
Yet some of them looked shocked at that
People were suprised but never shocked
Hmm how curious.
"please lower your weapons, we know you don't mean any harm" said night extinguishing the flames he had.
"how could you know that?" said the killer Toby
"if you did" said Alex
"you'd be long gone" finished laureen
It's true, even though they probably couldn't kill them
They could certainly harm them
And we knew they could too
That's why it's better for all of us to calm down
They all seemed to calm down and we all just started at the other
As if we were slowly figuring out who the other was
"please follow me" I said as Noah led the way to the main common room
"so, who are you exactly?" I said as I sat down
"why should we tell you?" said will
"ok, I'll go first then" I already intreduced myself but for the formalities
"I'm the dancing death or death whichever is fine"
"the blonde guy who attacked one of you is called Noah, he's a scientist"
"the tall platinum haired person is called tarot their a god"
"the black haired boy is called night, he has the gift or fire and destruction"
"the light brown haired girl is called laureen, she's half God half human long story"
"and last but not least that's Alex a regular human that has an enchanted bow"
Signaling to the person I'm talking about whenever I start a new presentation
"are you willing to tell us your names now?"
They all stayed quiet and looked at the floor
"Alright then."
Well not the reaction I was expecting but I can't say I'm suprised
"well this has been lovely but sadly we can't just have you waltzing about in here,
Who know maybe you'll tell someone our location
Or our identities" said night standing his eyes a bright red
All of them looked shocked for a second
But only for one, they got to their feet and got on guard
"the quitest guests we've had in a while" said Noah
"I'm sorry it had to end like this" I said as I pulled out a giant scythe and my eyes turned purple as shadows surrounded me and then covered everything around us
Noah went ahead and attacked the guy named Will and the rest of us soon followed each targeting one of them
Me and nico
Toby and Noah
Night and Leo
Alex and Natalie
Tarot and Dave
Laureen and Will
They were powerful to say the least
They put up a good fight
All of them
Time passed and passed and all that could be hard was the sound of magic wooshing together and the sound of weapons being hit together
Soon a portal appeared behind them with a quick flashing light.
When we opened our eyes nothing was left but some ahshes in the air
I took down the shadows and started at everyone
"I really hope that won't come back to bite us in the ass" said Alex beside me
My mind suddenly flashed with all the opportunities that could happen now that we let MULTIPLE people go
"Oh god" I said outloud
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Fics Involving Fears (2) Masterlist
part one
Am I Old? (ao3) - kiwiihowell
Summary: Just a short little ditty I thought of and couldn't get out of my head. Basically Phil notices he's getting older and talks to Dan about it.
Arachnophone (ao3) - lilyxxxooo
Summary: One day, whilst babysitting his two children, Emily, 7, and Colby, 2, Dan encounters something that could ruin his day. Worst of all, he promised Phil he was going to be responsible this time.
Arthropods and Awkwardness (ao3) - phantasticworks
Summary: Dan Howell is terrified of spiders. So when he finds one in his bathtub, the only thing he can do is go to his very cute neighbor and hope that he will help him get rid of it. Cute banter ensues.
Between The Seams (ao3) - Tarredion
Summary: Bone-tired lovers meet thundering downpour, rediscovering the best way to confront fear in the meantime
Dream Walking (ao3) - QueenOfAllCorgis
Summary: Phil hadn’t left his home in three years but every night he would close his eyes and find himself in someone else’s dream. One night he walks into Dan’s dream which is different from any other one he had been in before.
Finding Love in Fear - beecookieart
Summary: Phil is hyped about watching a horror film with Dan, little does he know even though Dan seems up for it, he is in fact terrified of Horror Films. Who knew that fear could spark true emotions, and soon confessions. 
I’m Here Now (ao3) - phancuddleswithstyles
Summary: Everyone always talks about Dan being scared of the dark. But sometimes, Phil gets scared too. And in those moments, Phil’s mind starts racing, and he needs a little help from his (too) perfect boyfriend to feel better again.
In eternity, I choose you (ao3) - lovestillaround
Summary: Dan starts having unusual dreams, and they all seem to have a common denominator
Invasion (ao3) - TortiTabby
Summary: It’s the dead of the night when Phil hears someone enter their home.
I Will Keep the Storm Away  (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan is scared of storms. Phil helps. That's all.
jab of pain (ao3) - thesassykels66
Summary: Dan and Phil get quick flu jabs for their tour, and Phil doesn't have a good time.
Keep Me Safe From The Dark - soxophone
Summary: Phil is terrified of the dark, to the point of panic attacks and screaming. When there’s a horrible storm that knocks the power out, it’s Dan’s job to comfort him. And maybe.. let a few of his feelings be known.
Late Nights (ao3) - tol_but_smol
Summary: "Please help I'm scared of the dark and your store seems to be the only one open" AU
Make Me - phanlight
Summary: college au, d&p sharing a dorm room and at night dan is afraid of the dark so he talks and talks and phil is extremely annoyed until one day he tackles dan in bed “would you shut the fuck up already” “make me” and they kiss.
My Worst Nightmare Is Not Having You In My Life (ao3) - buttphan
Summary: Dan has a habit of venturing off into the spooky part of tumblr before he goes to bed at night. Feeling like he entered a horror subreddit himself, he learns that his greatest fear – more great than his fear of darkness, Slenderman, and aesthetically unappealing things – is living without Phil.
Scarier Things - jilliancares
Summary: Dan’s worst fear is being outed, and his boggart knows that. After being outed to his class, Phil shows him that there are scarier things than being gay (and maybe that wasn’t the smartest idea, but he’s a Hufflepuff, not a Ravenclaw).
Sleep (Don't Count On It) (ao3) - indistinct_echo
Summary: His heartbeat quickens as conversations turn into arguments, and he finds himself defending but then surrendering to the harsher methods his mind uses against him."In the middle of the night, Phil struggles through a panic attack.
Soaking up the thirst of the land (ao3) - TortiTabby
Summary: Phil reluctantly agrees to exploring a cave on the beach during their week off in Australia with Dan, Martyn and Cornelia. Sometimes "I told you so" just doesn't make anyone feel better.
Some Such Lesson (ao3) - yikesola
Summary: They needed movement, motion, momentum— they’d spent last year constantly going, no time at all to think. And now that they’ve stopped, well… Dan thinks maybe it’s best if they don’t stop. Not yet. He thinks it’s best if they get moving again, for a little while at least.
A fic about road trips and broken brains.
The Blair Witch Project - amazingdanielhowell
Summary: Phil makes Dan watch The Blair Witch Project to get over his fear.
The Human Requirement to Breathe - philsdrill
Summary:  It's a difficult life for Dan. Being famous and recognisable isn’t easy when you’re walking through a crowd of people... especially when you’re claustrophobic. Phil runs a coffee shop and an unusual customer ends up meaning more to him than he ever expected.
The Last Thunderstorm - insert-sugar-here
Summary: Phil is afraid of thunderstorms and wakes up in the middle of the night, he goes to Dan who comforts him.
Thunder and Lightning (ao3) - suchaweirdolol
Summary: Phil is scared of the thunder and goes to Dan's room seeking comfort
Thunderstorms - dxnhowell
Summary: Dan and Phil had plans to go out for a dinner date, because it's something that they don't get to do very often. It starts raining, and it rains harder throughout the night. Phil has a fear of thunderstorms and starts to freak out a little bit, but luckily he has there to calm him down. 
Two Faces, One Fear (ao3) - R3ad3r1
Summary: Phil collapses due to his head hurting, as the pain does not subside he has to go to the hospital. Let's have a look at Phil and Dan's emotional journey until they discover why Phil collapsed.
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