#smoking roy is my headcanon
gelatosushix · 1 year
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Just one more snapshot of post Promised Day FMA characters for my Royai fic. Fingers crossed for me posting the second chapter soon.
By the way, you can jump in on the first chapter here ^^
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mysterycitrus · 6 months
for the 4 hc ask: roy harper 🤲
Headcanon A:  realistic
he takes a lot of pride in his body. part of it is practical - to draw the bow, he needs to maintain the muscle in his arms and torso, keep his wrists flexible, his posture straight. part of it is shallow - he likes sex, he knows he looks good, he wants to be taken seriously when people realise he's a single father. but part of it is also - he wants to prove people wrong. look at me! he wants to say. there's an after! there's an after and i came out the other side better and more loved than i was before that first needle!
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
roy and wally have kissed exactly once. it was during spin the bottle, it was awful, karen made fun of them for weeks, and they couldn't properly look at each other for over a month.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
he dreams of fire. he dreams of choking smoke. he dreams of lian entombed in stone and dirt. he wakes. he checks on her - still sleeping deeply - and checks every lock, every alarm, in an endless circle until his heart rate lowers and he can finally breathe without gagging.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
quietly, when they're still young, he and kory and vic and wally come together and make a plan to kill bruce wayne. it's not a realistic plan, obviously - they're drunk, it's late, and they're driven by desperation, not cunning. it's years of watching dick drown himself, smother his own light, draw himself away from them, that just feels too much. they know he'll never be able to extricate himself. they know with each new robin it's another weight pulling him under the water, they know that fine line he balances on over the pit will one day snap, and they can't trust that bruce will be there to catch him. they speak of it once, then never again. sometimes, once he joins the league, he'll catch vic's eye, wally's frown as bruce speaks, and thinks about it, just for a moment.
the truth is that he never even tells donna, because there's always a chance dick would find out, and never forgive them for considering him worth saving.
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duckytree · 1 year
I love the idea that Dick is/was addict to drugs (your art made me love it)
Do you have more specific headcanon about it?
Fic that deals with that?
Angsty art ?
white christmas on ao3 is a good fic for this concept. as for headcannons, i’ve briefly covered them in some other posts and it’s hinted to in my fanfic “dear jason” but never properly laid out
dick got into the drug scene after roy did since they were friends and went to the same parties. roy never forgave himself for leaving a teenager downstairs at the house party.
he got clean for a while but relapsed hard when jason died. it was made worse when he isolated himself, only getting his act together for tim who still is unaware of the whole thing.
one of scarecrows toxins contains some chemicals that trigger the same neurological pathways that his old party cocktails did, so he ended up seizuring once during a run with the titans after getting hit and had to sober up AGAIN. kori and wally were there and lied through their teeth to the younger members as to why it happened (not because they were ashamed of dick but because dick NEVER wants anyone to know)
a fear of his is arresting an old party friend and having them recognize him
he likes to joke to cope with his trauma so a lot of people who don’t know thinks he’s insensitive to addicts and sa survivors. he never makes these jokes to jason, tim, and damian because they know him well enough to realize what happened to him if he did
jason secretly knows. when he came back from the dead and he and dick were beefing it out, he overheard the drugged hallucinations outside dick’s apartment window (made a comic about that) but he never said anything because dick doesn’t want him to know
he still smokes pot sometimes after patrol and would get burgers with one of his redheads after (roy wally kori babs, and i don’t care what u say: jay)
there’s more but i can’t keep going or this post is gonna be like 10 pages so i’ll just leave this here
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issdisgrace · 5 months
Hello everyone, I've come to you all to look back at some of my posts from this year. I will go over which fics and/or headcanons currently have the most upvotes by the month that I posted them in. I will also be sharing some fics/headcanons I think deserve more love and fics/headcanons of my mine are my personal favorites. Then I will shout out a couple of people before giving my final thoughts. Hope you all enjoy this and have a good new year.
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Starting in January, I posted 3 fics and 3 headcanons. But there can only be top three and those are 141 & Los Vaqueros getting saved after shit fell on them winning with 1061 upvotes, Lingerie cod men would wear on their honeymoon with 951 upvotes, and Racoon look alike with 639 upvotes.
Now on to Febuary. I posted 6 fics and 4 headcanons. And the top three are Cod men with a s/o that age regresses with 576 upvotes, For your fucking information with 552 upvotes, and Good boy at 503 upvotes.
Next up is March. I posted 2 fics and 2 headcanons in this month. The top three being 141 meeting Price's heavily tattooed & piericed s/o with 844 upvotes. Young dumb and in love with 372 upvotes, and Jason Vorhees with a tall dom s/o with 304 upvotes.
In April I only posted 1 fic and 1 headcanon. Meaning there is only top two those being 141 & Los Vaqueros reactions to you giving them a random gift with 872 upvotes and Rock and roll legend with 706 upvotes.
Similair to May I only posted 1 headcanon in May. So we only have a top one which is Diego Hargreeves NSFW headcanons with 124 upvotes.
Then in June I posted 3 fics and 1 headcanon. And our top three are Bite with 835 upvotes, Sexy army uniform with 555 upvotes, and Laundry day at 305 upvotes.
Next in the month of July, I posted 1 fic and 3 headcanons. The top three being Fucking Wesker, Leo, and Carlos in their office at 211 upvotes, Sleep aid with 76 upvotes, and Lingerie I think Jamie Tartt would wear at 20 upvotes.
Now in August I posted 1 fic and 4 headcanons. But our top three are Random SFW & NSFW Slasher hcs with 509 upvotes, 4 times Mr. Handsy struck with 303 upvotes, and 141 & Los Vaqueros with a chubby bf with 223 upvotes.
Then in September I posted 3 fics and 1 headcanon. But out of these 4 the top three are 141's Hitman "friend" with 330 upvotes, 141 with a s/o that smokes Mary Jane with 324 upvotes, and After a long day with 113 upvotes.
Next in October I posted 7 fics and 5 headcanons. However the top three are, Slashers with a s/o that uses humor to cope with 273 upvotes, Stress relief with 262 upvotes, and You sure about this with 250 upvotes.
Now coming close to the end of the year in November I posted 4 fics and 8 headcanons. The top three out of these being, Cod men with a s/o that is a good cook with 578 upvotes, The bar with 323 upvotes, and The lovey couple with 76 upvotes.
But now last but not least in December I posted 4 fics and 4 headcanons. But our top three are Love languages Matt Murdock and Frank Castle like giving and receiving with 127 upvotes, The start of Billy and his metal head bf relationship with 116, and Ghost comforting his trans bf with 109 upvotes.
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I posted a total of 35 fics and 37 headcanonst this year which is crazy now to put in perspective. Thank you guys for all the love and support that kept me going and posting.
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Here's some fics and headcanons I think deserve more love; Lingeire I think Kayce, Jamie, and Rip would wear, MJF with a non binary s/o, Lingerie I think Darby Allin, Jon Moxley, and The Young Bucks would wear, Jey Uso kinks, Being enemies to lovers with Carmy Berzatto, Lingerie I think Roy Kent would wear,
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Now we are onto my favorite fics and headcanons that I wrote this year.
For fics I would have to say my favorites are Good boy, You sure about this, Alleyway blowjob, Duality, and Stress Relief.
And for my favorite headcanons I have to say 141 & Los Vaqueros reactions to you giving them a random gift, Random SFW & NSFW Slasher hcs, 4 times Mr Handsy struck, and Matt and Nick Jackson age regressing hcs.
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We are now at shoutout portion and almost at the very end of this recap thing of mine. It is now time to give roses to some very lovely people that I can’t recommend enough. So starting off I want to shoutout some of my mutals, @yourfaveprettyboy, @marksbear, @b0g-b0y, @guardkeywolf, @electricsunshine, @yanderestarangel, @miguel-owhora, @bonesnmore, @gazmialmagemela and @transi1vanianhunger. And I also want to shoutout @rodolfoparras, @lieutnt, and @gatorbites-imagines. Please go check all these guys out and show them tons of love and support as they all deserve it. Also please be respectful and follow their blog rules.
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Now we are at the bottom of this recap thing. I can’t say thank you enough to all you guys for continuing to read and interact with my work. I appreciate all of you and like I have said in the past when I started writing here on tumblr I never thought I would get this far and look now I have a over 2,000 followers and a whole slew of mutuals. So from the bottom of my heart thank you guys. I hope you will all join me in 2024.
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teafourbirds · 2 months
Please take a moment to admire Tiny Baby Roy Harper who is Trying So Hard to organize his notes and finish his book report while Ollie cheerfully smokes a pipe and distracts him with random facts.
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It is my firm headcanon that Ollie goes on to derail the writing of the book report by reading Connecticut Yankee out loud, substituting himself and Roy for Hank Morgan, and that the whole of the following comic (later described as "maybe a dream????") is actually his retelling (Chitty-chitty Bang Bang-esque, for anyone old enough to have grown up on that movie). Because really, what else is Ollie's dream (especially this clean-shaven young Ollie) but to be an old-fashioned hero saving villagers from wild boars and emptying slaves from the dungeons of evil queens?
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Adventure Comics #268
There will just never be enough early Ollie-tiny Roy content on this earth to suit me, and one of my favorite games to play is building out their golden/silver age stuff in my head to fit with the later comics. I still haven't read very much past the early 2000s (and almost nothing post-Flashpoint) but one of the major exceptions is the 2022 "Earn It Back" story, which is the loveliest Roy-Ollie relationship, where Ollie is Trying So Hard to be a good parent for Roy but also is clearly uncertain about what a good parent looks like, vacillating between being overly permissive and overly strict.
(Ollie's lack of parental figures growing up is another of those astonishingly under-explored stories, IMO. The few interactions we see involve him begging to be allowed to travel with his parents, and his father telling him to "toughen up" when he doesn't want to go hunting. This followed almost immediately by his parents getting mauled by lions in front of him, and then getting shipped off to boarding school by an unnamed uncle. Of course Ollie doesn't know what he's doing. Bruce, the famous orphan, had Alfred from the beginning - who did Ollie have? What does he know about being a parent? I think he goes in with a lot of love and no game plan, except maybe for his firm conviction that Roy is strong and capable and resilient. That he'll be okay no matter what Ollie does. That he probably doesn't really need Ollie at all except as a partner in crime.)
So I'm eternally fascinated by going through the old World's Finest/Adventure Comics (which is nearly all we have of young Roy-Ollie) and imagining how those dynamics fit together. Little Roy, who collects stamps and stands up to bullies and is the secretary of the school's Green Arrow Fan Club (lmao) and is saving up to buy a sailboat and tries SO HARD to prove himself. Ollie, who trusts Roy to pull himself up but still follows him to make sure he's safe when he’s been gone to long, who whisks Roy away from school and homework to save the world, who doesn't realize the extent of his influence over Roy, who trusts that Roy has everything under control because of course he does, because Roy is just that great.
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Adventure Comics 262 // Green Lantern (1960) #85
Anyway, all that is to say, enjoy a bit of Ollie trying to be helpful by distracting Roy from his homework with stories of heroism and bravery. They are everything to me.
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Adventure Comics 264
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roseworth · 3 months
hi tumblr user roseworth im desperately trying to figure out how old rose and eddie were by the end of their tenures in tt03 / how long they knew each other and it is... difficult especially because sooo much happened dc-event-wise during tt03. do you have any canon sources or noncanon thoughts on their ages beyond eddie being 17 in part of tt03 and rose being 14(?) when lilli dies ^_^
hiiiiii <3 unfortunately i dont have a great answer for this bc. comic timelines. but ill do my very best
so for rose the only time we get anything about her age in tt03 is in issue #0.5 (when she gets taken by slade) when it says that lili and slade met 18 years ago
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so i assume that makes rose ~17 when she join slade (since lili would've been pregnant for 9 months after this)
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we also get this panel saying that lili died 18 months before rose joins slade, putting her at around 15 or 16 when lili dies. iirc she was 14 when wintergreen sees her for the first time, so we can assume a year went by between wintergreen meeting lili and lili's death (if tt03 is to be believed! but deathstroke 1991 (annual #4) mentions that shes 14 when her mom dies)
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anyways this also means that roy hired her as a live-in nanny when she was 16 years old which is really funny to me. but none of that matters; point is she was 17ish at the start of tt03
this is just my personal headcanon but i assume that the time between titans/yj graduation day -> infinite crisis is around a year, and if rose joins up with slade a little after graduation day then shes with him for just under a year
HOWEVER if we go by what slade says in nightwing #112, rose has only been with him for a few months
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so based on that, rose is 17 (probably closer to 18) when she leaves slade
then infinite crisis happens and we skip to a year later! so shes 18/19 now. we dont get any specifics on her age but just for funsies we can assume that shes at least 18 since shes smoking and cyborg doesnt have a problem with it (he confiscates her alcohol but not her cigarettes), and the tobacco age in california in 2006 was 18
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THEN it gets complicated. i dont have a source for this but i think theres supposed to be a year between oyl -> final crisis, making rose 19/20 by fresh hell (the secret reason she got kicked off the teen titans was because she wasnt a teen #adulthood)
also in fresh hell, she orders alcohol at a bar in canada (in the northwest territories where the drinking age is 19) so theoretically that makes her at least 19. though she never actually gets the drinks because she gets in a fight 2 seconds after this so she doesnt get carded so who knows!
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from there. i dont have much. i assume that a full year doesnt go by from fresh hell to the end of the universe (if anyone knows how long bart & kon were dead for that might change things, but i assume we're not given any exact info on how long it was), so i would put rose at ~20 right before the new 52 happens!!
as for eddie, ill use the same tt03 timeline that i used for rose
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like you mentioned, hes 17 in tt03 #42 (for reference rose is 18/19 at this time)
he didnt join the teen titans that long before this, we see him asking to join in 52 #51, which is like a week or two before tt03 #34 (the first tt issue after oyl) so its safe to assume that eddie is 17 when he joins the team
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anyways after #42, i dont think we get any mention of his age? which is honestly kinda weird since his age is Very Important given that hes selling his soul to neron at 20. we should have an eddie's age tracker at all times
if we assume that hes 17 when he joins the teen titans and oyl -> final crisis is 1 year, then hes right around 18 or 19 when he dies
when he loses his powers then tries to make another contract to get them back in tt03 #68, kid eternity mentions that he'd have "a few years of superheroing," so him being 18 around this time makes sense
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then he dies in #74 </3 no mention of his age anywhere but id say hes right around 18 when he dies
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take all of this with a grain of salt bc a lot of this is just me making up timelines. but i personally think rose is 15 when her mom dies, 17 when slade takes her, 18 when she leaves slade, and 19 as of tt03 #34 (oyl). and eddie is 17 when he joins the team and 18 when he dies!
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mrmeowziii · 3 months
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Digital art I made, it’s my interpretation or Rodney’s family. Seven brothers and a dad are mentioned in the show, as is his mom being dead in bonus stuff. Scott being his cousin is my headcanon though.
Personalities because why not?
Daryl: Has been a single father for 16 years now, wife got into her tractor-molasses accident and passed away a year after having the twins. He’s very stoic on the outside, but actually very emotional. He’s got eight boys. He’s trying his best, lol. Often not available due to how busy he is at his job. Leaves the farm to his sons for the most part.
Richard: Lax, smokes weed, probably was part of a Portland polycule for a while, maybe still is. Not very responsible, he’s the only child to have left the family farm. Sometimes comes to crash at the farmhouse with one of his partners- everyone’s just gotten used to it at this point.
Ryan: The ‘mom’. Took up a bunch of household responsibilities after his mom died, including cooking and helping to raise some of his younger brothers. He’s very patient and responsible, and dislikes his older brother’s lazy attitude. More focused on the family than any kind of relationship, though he’d like to get married and have kids of his own some day.
Rodney: Helps his brother Ryan with managing the farm. Not as much with the house though, more with the actual farm itself. Similar to how he was on Pahkitew, just more mature with relationships. Pansexual, but he still can’t talk to his crushes without getting extremely flustered.
Robert ‘Robbie’: The rebellious one. Drinks and smokes with Richard, which upsets Ryan to no end. Robbie doesn’t care though. Shortest brother and he hates it. All of the tallness went to his number neighbor brothers. Kind of a bully, but nothing too serious. Has had a crush on this girl who works at the library, Connie, for the longest time. Unfortunately he inherited Rodney’s way with words when it comes to crushes, and hasn’t made much progress with her.
Roy: Quiet and Stoic, Roy is Dawn-ish. His speech is very formal, though he’s often just staring into space. Attracts animals by doing nothing. Not interested in romance at all. Aro/Ace. Robbie used to try to pick on him but gave up after Roy never reacted. Refuses to wear jeans.
Rowan: The smart one, he’s just graduated High school and wants to go to a really nice college. Has a bad habit of looking down on his brothers because of their low intelligence or weird mannerisms. Into a lot of nerdy things, he doesn’t have a lot of people to share his interests with that’ll know what he’s talking about. He’s hoping to find a girlfriend in college that shares his interests.
Ryder: The older of the two twins, Ryder gets along well with Ryan and Rodney, who he spends a lot of time with. He’s introverted and quiet, but not like Roy is. Very kind, but can be a little self-sacrificing. Raphie tries to include him when him and his friends do things, but he just doesn’t quite connect. Undecided when it comes to attraction, he’s got other things on his mind too often. Artsy.
Ralph ‘Ralphie’: Sporty and outgoing, he’s the younger twin and youngest child. Kind of a Himbo, he knows he’s not the smartest, but he’s got a big heart. Looks out for Ryder, who he’s constantly worried about. Gay, He and his boyfriend Archie have been dating for two years now. Comes into conflict with Rowan and Robbie often, especially when Robbie tries to pick on Ryder.
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luwritesomething · 2 years
love of my life!!!! he deserves so much love so here i am, ready to provide.  these are my headcanons and i will admit NO hate towards them. also if you have any headcanon of your own for jason then comment because i might like it and add it to mines. 
requests are open! hit that anon button and tell me your idea!
warnings: probably swearing, and slight mentions of his death. also this hasn’t been proof-read so yeah, read at your own risk.
i’ve always headcanoned jason todd as italian american, although i can see him as latino too (i just don’t like the negative connotations that follow because he’s usuallt headcanoned as latino because anger)
definitely not because of harmful stereotypes but because i can see jason’s grandparents being part of that italian population that migrated to usa to follow the american dream and ended up living the american nightmare.
not the godfather-like with the mafia, but with italians barely surviving in the misery of america (which feats jason’s backstory).
also i headcanon his grandmother as a great cook and comfort-person to him.
jason learned to cook thanks to his grandmother and alfred, but his best dish is a lasagna recipe he learned from his grandmother.
this is my subtle way of telling you jason is a great cook. that’s canon, though. 
he doesn’t think too much about his sexual orientation a lot. jason doesn’t want to tie himself to an etiquette, that would bother him.
jason has had a polyamorus relationship with kori and roy. it was pretty healthy, tbh, but it’s over now.
he doesn’t really ‘do dating’. occasionally, one night stands are alright, but jason isn’t really into those either. he’s sure that whenever he meets someone that is meant to be and falls in love, he’ll handle it well.
he won’t because he self-sabotages and doesn’t leet people in, but if it’s really really meant to be he will eventually overcome it.
curses a lot. probably also in front of kids, and gets nervous when the kids repeat those words.
however, jason actually is very good with kids. he’s the babysitter of his shitty neighborhood, and kids love him.
jason doesn’t drink alcohol like ever. he has seen (bc of his parents) what addiction looks like and feels like and he prefers to leave himself out of it.
Child Protector™.
raging feminist and all for equality and fairness.
he smokes a big amount. just becayse, he has no real reason to do so. (he doesn’t consider smoking an addiction. anyways)
jason is the Best Neighbor™.
he loves his siblings equally, he just has a different relationship with each one. dick is his bro, tim is his smartass, damian is his little monster brother, duke is his buddy, steph is his fun sister and cass is his chill sister.
i’m kidding, his favorite is cass.
bookworm. (CANON)
loves classic. his favorite is... lolz he doesn’t even know himself, how would i know?
secretely enjoys ballet and keeps all the tickets of the ballets he has gone to.
damian found out about this (^^) and jason bribed him with a stray cat that kept coming around his apartment for his silence.
now damian has a play date every thursday at five at jason’s with the stray cat, because damian and jason know better than just snatch a stray cat.
sleeps either butt-naked or with sweatpants, no boxers. 
claims he hates rom-coms.
actually loves them, they give him comfort and fuzzy feelings.
jason congratulates alfred every year on father’s day (and it always brings alfred to tears when he’s alone).
listen to me !! jason has READING GLASSES !!!!!!!!!!
doesn’t wear same color socks.
lack of self-care. dick or stephanie will randomely swing by his place from month to month to do face masks and drink water. 
sometimes jason forgets to shave and doesn’t notice unless someone tells him.
probably wanted to own a water bed as a kid.
he looks even hotter with his reading glasses.
i’m obssesed okay !!!
his favorite justice league member is wonder woman and has merchandising to prove it.
jason has gone to two lady gaga’s concerts. one dragged by dick, other by himself. 
he loves blankets. being under a blanket, no matter the reason, will always be comforting for him.
hates finger guns.
jason doesn’t handle the heat well. which means he handles it horribly and gets stupidly annoying.
cheesy and cocky, but actually an introvert. what can i say, he’s complicated.
clowns creep him out. speaks for itself.
does great impressions of the batfam.
he doesn’t do alfred or cass, though.
likes animals. not as much as damian, but still.
doesn’t use crowbars. no, like, i refuse. nope.
swears he doesn’t smoke.
three seconds rule apologist. i mean, he lived in the streets, guys.
steph did his nails once. he enjoyed it, 7/10, would do it again.
his favorite sibling to tease is damian, closely followed by tim.
has called the fucking bat-cow ‘meat’.
damian punched him for it.
works out too much for his own good, but calls it self-care.
tea >>> coffee. fight him on this, he’ll chew on your bones.
has read the silmarillion, acts like he understood it. 
actually likes galas. 
in those he only has two types of conversations: hypothetical ‘what if’ moral questions to see if someone has the same concept as justice as him and/or recommending books (mostly classics)
bruce has to drag him away from people when he gets annoying with those two types of conversations (CANON, see batman: wayne family adventures.)
big wuthering heights apologist & enjoyer.
damian actually listens to jason’s book recs and gives him feedback about them. it’s their bonding activity. 
jason has a bonding activity with everyone from the batfam.
only writes with red pen.
would make a great team with deadpool, fight me on this.
makes a lot of ‘your mom’ jokes because it infuriates tim.
types text with no caps, emojis and no abbreviations. he uses emojis a lot, he’s a menace.
has been kicked out of the wayne family chat numerous times for innaporpiate behavior aka spamming, cursing, spamming with emojis and other little shenanigans.
he barely listens to music, but if he did, it would be rock, alternative... you know, all the jazzy stuff.
he needs love, he told me himself.
also his love language is cooking and physical contact because he’s touch starved (he also told me himself)
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straykittenidk · 3 months
do you have hcs of human amber taking care of human roy when hes sick? (and him still telling her hes fine despite having a whole fever)
•When Roy gets sick he always tries to hide it from his friends, and especially from Amber because he knows that she will worry about him the most. However, Amber is a doctor, so she immediately notices that something's wrong with him.
•At first Roy could hide it well from her (for at least a day until he got worse) but the more Amber spent time with him, the faster she learned to notice the signs of illness in him.
•Sometimes Roy ends up pushing and overworking himself, to the point where he faints or gets really weak. Seeing him like this made Amber really upset, and she ended up scolding him for not taking care of himself properly, because seeing him hurt himself like that hurt her as well.
•After that, Roy gained the confidence to call Amber and tell her when he wasn't feeling well right away, instead of just hiding it from her like he used to, because he cares about her and doesn't want to make her upset again. (he's still working on being honest with the others though, and even with Amber he still doesn't always tell the truth about his wellbeing).
•Sometimes Roy ends up feeling sick while at work. His job as a firefighter is dangerous, and sometimes he accidentally inhales dangerous things like smoke and other chemicals in the air when he has to deal with burning buildings, so he might feel too nauseous or weak. However Amber is always ready to help him if he needs her to drive him home, and she even helps him get inside his house and change his clothes if he's feeling really unwell.
•If he's injured, Amber is always the first one to know. She always comes straight away to the hospital, to his house, wherever he is, and always makes sure that Roy is okay and that his wound was taken care of properly. If she sees that the bandages, the stitches or the dressing wasn't done well, she will just fix everything herself, because she wants Roy to be 100% safe and healthy.
•When he's sick with flu, a cold or if he simply has a fever, Amber always takes a day off from work, stays at his house the whole time and just acts like a concerned mother who has a sick child.
•Roy always tries to reassure her, saying that he's fine and that she shouldn't stay with him for so long, because he feels like he's burdening her and making her waste her time, but deep down he also likes being treated like this by her, even if sometimes she overreacts a little.
•When Roy has a bad fever (like 39-40°C) his mind becomes a little foggy and he starts to get a bit delirious. At that point he starts to say random nonsense and even randomly flirts with Amber without understanding what he's saying. In that state, Roy can also make weird but also innocent requests. Like asking Amber to read him a story, or ask her to pet his head and hold his hand as if he's a small child.
•Roy becomes vulnerable when he's really feverish.
•When his health improves and he regains his consciousness he feels incredibly embarrassed about the things he said while sick, (especially the flirting part) but Amber reassures him saying that she didn't mind and that his words were actually really cute and sweet.
These are just my headcanons though, everyone can see it differently.
Also I don't know if you ship them or not, but you can see this either as romantic or platonic. Whatever you prefer:3
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dearreader · 3 months
hi it's me again (gift exchange anon), so sorry for the delay I kept meaning to follow up but you know how it is 😭
I'm lowkey invested in royai now, you're telling me that they never went canon? also what musicians other than taylor and fob do you like 👀
omg hi! it’s okay i’m so bad at responding lol.
but so royai, they’re not explicitly canon. but arakawa. the author, put a lot of details in that implies more is going on and their relationship is very deep. there’s a detail that rizas grandfather is general grumman, a mentor to roy in the military (also note rizas dad was roy’s alchemy mentor when they were growing up), and at one point before roy is transferred to central along with the rest of team mustang, general grumman asks roy to repay him by making his GRANDDAUGHTER the future first lady of amestris since roy’s plan is to become the fuhrer. roy says not to jump the gun. there’s details of roy ahd riza have a secret way of communicating that we do see when riza is transferred to work with fuhrer king bradley, cause roy was being to nosy so bradley said BACK OFF and relocated his entire team but kept riza as a hostage to get him to play nice (royai assigned divorce by the fuhrer) and roy responded by staging a coup on the government (he did this for multiple reasons. i’m making a joke), at one point roy calls riza after he buys a shit ton of flowers (don’t ask it’s a joke/plot relevant) and he hears something in her tone that makes him ask “WHATS WRONG?” (riza was just threatened by pride, again these two aren’t the main characters and there’s so much explanation im glossing over) and she responds with nothing but mentions to her dog that “he always knows what to say when i’m down” (or something along those lines, my manga is upstairs and i’m not walking up to grab it now so bare with me), during a bonus chapter that’s canon we see roy go on one of his “dates” with his informant (he has a womanizer facade and goes on dates with woman that gather intel and they’re implied to work for roy’s paternal aunt/foster mother who runs a brothel/informant buisness WHO HERSELF HAS CONNECTIONS TO GENERAL GRUMMAN, AGAIN RIZAS GRANDFATHER) and in this chapter he’s noted as being lazy (also apart of his facade but i like to headcanon him as having adhd like me anc this chapter is something i like to use) but he is notoriously known for not doing or finishing work but he finishes EVERYTHING in time to leave on time to go on his date BUT THEN RIZA WALTZ IN with a huge ass stack of papers that would take him hours to get through and says he needs to finish it all before leaving MEANING HE’D MISS HIS DATE but roy (in true adhd fashion) powers through it in like 15 minutes and goes on the date then riza goes down to the rifle range and instead of taking her training rifle takes her actual one and shoots the targets (implying she’s taking her frustrations out, i didn’t know how to phrase that. bare with me im tired), riza says she’ll shoot roy in the back if he ever starts from his goal of restoring peace and democracy (this is where the ICONIC “i’d follow you into hell if you ask me to” comes in) to the country and during a confrontation where she THREATENS HIM WITH DOING IT he asks what SHE’D do if she shot him (basically trying to call her bluff) but she then flat out says that if she shoots him she’ll kill herself after the smoke had settled on that day (it’s the promised day) and he comes down from his fucking insanity DISARMS himself by taking off his gloves and lowers her gun and apologizes to her, then like thirty minutes later the bad guys are like “hey roy, you need to do human transmutation to be a sacrifice. so do it.” and he’s like “no.” SO THEY SLICE RIZAS THROAT and say “okay, do it or she fucking dies” AND THIS GUY US SERIOUSLY CONSIDERING IT BUT DOESNT CAUSE RIZA GLARES AT HIM WHILE BLEEDING OUT AND LATER HE SAYS LIKE “i’ve known you long enough to know that look. ‘if you do human transmution, i’ll shoot you’” (riza also says to the doctor who’s saying she’ll die that “i won’t die, im under strict orders not to die.” BECAYSE EARLIER ROY SAID THEIR ORDERS WERENT TO DIE!),
but yeah, they don’t end up together canonically because when someone asked arakawa if they’d get married, or something like that, she says “i can’t have them be married because then they couldn’t be surpior/subordinate.” which is insane if her to say cause she’s never not phrased them in a way like “they’re not together” but like “they can’t be together officially”. so they’re not canon but they’re heavily implied as canon and are, i think, the most popular ship for the show on ao3 (actively going out of my way to help but am being stopped by my depression/constanly being fucking tired)
but for artists it’s mainly just what everyone else here listens to! maisie, olivia, gracie, sabrina, grace enger, also have been getting into chappell roan and muna recently!!!!
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 9 months
For the niche questions! Ivy Knight 😁 . . . I honestly can’t remember if I’ve asked after her for this particular ask, yet lol
a song that reminds me of them: The Archer, Taylor Swift ( I wake in the night, I pace like a ghost / The room is on fire, invisible smoke / And all of my heroes die all alone / Help me hold onto you )
what they smell like: designer perfume, coffee
an otp: Ivy & Oliver, naturally
a notp: Ivy x Malcolm
favorite platonic/familial relationships: You know that I love all of Ivy's friendships but Tommy & Laurel, Thea, and Roy are always at the top of that list!!
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: n/a (I will be entirely honest, I'm not exactly active in the Arrow fandom so idek what headcanons are popular!)
the position they sleep in: she usually sleeps on her back, if she’s sharing a bed with Oliver then she sleeps with her head on his chest and curled against his side
a crossover au i’d love to see them in: I am always here for Ivy & Oliver, in terms of fandom crossovers I would love to see Ivy be friends with Titans!Dick Grayson
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn: I love Ivy's outfits so much, but her outfit when she first sees Oliver again is always a fave!
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Niche OC Questions
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emergency-51 · 1 year
Emergency! Fandom Intro
A/N: Not really an “intro” per se because I’ve been here for a while, but I found this, and I thought I’d answer a few formal introduction questions! 
OP: @johnnys-green-pen  ... an amazing blog that you should totally check out!
1. How’d you find this show and the fandom? How long have you been here?
My mom grew up in the 70s and Emergency! was her favorite show growing up. It inspired her so much that she’s been a paramedic pretty much all my life! I started watching Emergency! when I was like six. As far as the fandom, I just kind went searching through the tags on here and found the community!
2. What made you stick around?
I just love the people in this fandom! It’s a small community, but I love it. 
3. Who’s your favorite character?
Johnny. Has been since day one.
4. Are you a shipping kind of person? If yes, what are your favorite ships?
Ehhhh. Not particularly a shipper. Platonically, though, Roy and John.
5. Favorite moment/scene/quote? Yes, you can pick more than one.
• One scene that stands out to me is when Dr. Morton is talking to the singer who overdosed on tranquilizers and she’s talking about how her career is finished and he tells her that he doesn’t believe that it is — it always touched me idk.
• Another is the episode with the big brushfire (Season 3) and Roy is talking to the wife of the fireman who got badly hurt and she says to Roy: “What’s worse than a complaining wife?” And Roy says, “A wife that doesn’t care.” — that one always makes me tear up.
• In season 2, the episode called “Seance” has a scene where they repeatedly report to a house of this couple where the wife thinks her dead sister is haunting them (I won’t get into it) but during one call, the husband asks Johnny and Roy to scope out the house and it’s always been funny to me because they’re actually scared they’ll find a ghost.
6. Do you have a favorite episode? Feel free to pick one per season if you can’t decide. 
• Season 1: “Botulism”
• Season 2: “Virus”
• Season 3: “Snakebite”
• Season 4: “Smoke Eater”
• Season 5: “Involvement” and “The Nuisance” -- I couldn’t pick just one.
• Season 6: “Loose Ends”
7. Most underrated character, either among the fandom or one of the writers never utilized to their full potential?
I would say either Stoker or Morton. I know Stoker wasn’t really intended to be a main character but I just always liked him and his occasional lines/appearances. Morton I feel like had a few episodes where he really shined but I think they totally could’ve done more with him.
8. One thing you’d have liked to see more (or less) of in the show?
ROY’S PERSONAL LIFE!!!! We hear about Joanne and the kids ALL THE TIME and I think we see her like once. I would’ve loved an episode where Joanne or one of the kids are a main plot point.
9. Do you have a fanwork recommendation for us? Fic, art, video, whatever?
I wish. I hardly can find any fan work :(
10. Any fanworks you’d like to see?
Literally all of it. I’m also involved in the Harry Potter fandom and I’ve been spoiled with the endless amount of content there. 
11. Any favorite headcanons you’d like to tell us about?
Brackett has a pet turtle. 
12. Free space! Anything else you’d like to mention!
This was fun, and I love this fandom <3
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musing-and-music · 1 year
For the ask game:
5, 6 and 11 - Roy
Thank you for the ask!! I almost replied to your ask with headcanons for Riza, but I reread it and realized I was making a mistake 😅
5. Guilty pleasures
Bets! Whether it's with his sisters, Riza, his colleagues, Roy often tries to bet about possibilities for events, or about knowledge. And dear, he loves winning his bets! Since he knows that Riza loves chocolate, he always bet against her with chocolate as a reward (and when he wins, half of it returns to Riza anyway)
(nah, I didn't take my mom's behavior about bets at all)
6. Their vices (physical or emotional)
Even if he hides it well, Roy is really sensible when his loved ones are affected by something (especially when he thinks it's because of him), and when it's apparent, it's easy for his rivals/enemies to use it against him
11. Bad or petty habits
When he's feeling particularly down, Roy smokes. He used to smoke when he was younger (he "borrowed" a few cigarettes from Chris' stock) even though he didn't while being with the Hawkeyes, and he took this habit again after the war
Headcanon ask!
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anonanimal · 1 year
ok fine i'm starting on suck session s4. cumulative liveblog under the readmore
love love loveeee how we start with a meeting with the slightly more normal people presenting the branding options and roman does not care. the siblings arrive and the laptop lid gets shut and we're fully back in Their World
"here's what you have to understand. i've smoked horse"
logan's birthday party and he does not care. has all joy really fled from him? incredible
"i'm a cousin i get a plus-one i'm an honorary kid" shut the fuucckkk uupppp he's WHINING greg immediately on my shitlist
"marcia's in milan, shopping. forever" lines of dialogue to make people post 'god i wish that were me' and also make me wish marcia were here.
is tom really asking logan if he'll still be his special boy if he and shiv get divorced? hard to tell because he's having mouth diarrhea but he IS. ok he finally got to the point.
logan walking out of his own birthday party with our favorite somewhat scary goon to go to a restaurant. contemplating mortality. tells colin he's his best pal but logan roy doesn't know what a pal is anymore, colin gives short noncommittal answers because he knows better than to say anything else. volunteers one bit of personal info and logan steamrolls along. logan doesn't really want a pal. or can't be a pal even if he wants to. turned completely inward. he's going to die. even if they don't actually kill him during season four my headcanon is that his days are numbered. sorry for saying fandom terminology such as headcanon but i mean it's the word for what i mean isn't it
the way tom says "oh greg" mattmac did not have to let his voice go that deep. or maybe he did.
"karl do you have any jokes?" "frank, start. be funny." SCREAM
"who wants to smell greg's finger?" SCREAM
"congratulations on saying the biggest number you fucking morons" SCREAM this can't possibly work out for them. i love the three of them together as always though. like when they delay their meeting to ask shiv if she's ok. in their sibling relationship there's genuine love that hasn't yet been eroded.
i don't even know what to say about the shiv and tom scene i'd just be quoting the whole thing. they're so ridiculous. and sad.
aaand logan last scene. watching atn and calls a subordinate to yell at them. sad old man.
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thecreativeforge · 25 days
Here are some random Roy Harper headcanons that apply to my interpretation of him and have been living rent-free in my head up until now:
* By default, I play Roy Harper as a single dad. Yes, Lian is very much alive and present in his life and is aware of (to the safest extent a girl her age can be aware of) his vigilante work. She has been brought into his life at a very young age and got to see him during his Titans days, Outsiders days, and so on. Jade, her mother, is absent from her life for the most part. In their rare encounters, when Roy and Jade fight each other, she is asked about, but Jade is not present in her life or Roy's at all. That is not to say I will not do verses where Lian didn't exist or died, but unless asked or plotted otherwise, she is a big part of Roy's life and his anchor.
* Roy is a recovering addict. It is something that shaped his life, for the better or for the worse, tremendously. It affects his work, his relationships, his mental health, his physical health... But part of what makes Roy the amazing character that he is is that persistence and determination to stick to that impossibly difficult path of remission and recovery and come out the other end. He does drink sometimes, and on the rare occasion he may smoke, but he doesn't do hard drugs anymore and watches his health routine and pain med intake very carefully with a doctor he trusts. Lian is a big part of why he holds strong, but people around him who support him are also an important support network for him to hold onto.
* Roy is bisexual. I wrote a post about his coming out, which I will link later, but the gist is that he came out as bi quite late in his life as he was confused and unsure of it himself for many years. He came out to Dinah and Ollie first before anyone else.
* Roy can't cook. Well, he can cook basic stuff like fry an egg, make a sandwich, or boil pasta, but he's not a wiz in the kitchen. He either makes very basic stuff or orders deliveries, but he does his best to vary for both his and Lian's nutrition.
* Roy has a big sweet tooth. Lian doesn't. Guess who gets to eat all the candies in Halloween? :3
* Roy has a beauty routine. Yes, he loves to be in his workshop and work with grease, oils, and metals all day and get dirty, but he takes care of himself. It's a very basic routine of facial cleaning and hair treatment, with the occasional mask, but he does try and maintain healthy skin and hair the best he can in his hectic, messy life.
* Roy is a switch. Details will happily be given to those interested 😏
* Roy is proud of his Indigenous heritage. He sports the band tattoo you often see on his bicep in the comics, and he respects the traditions and his upbringing. Although he was born to Caucasian parents, he was raised by the Navajo people from a very young age, and it is imprinted in his life and personality; he owes the basic training of his impeccable archery skills to them.
* Roy is open to most kinds of romances and sexual relationships. Casual sex, situationships, one night stands, and all that - it's something he's open to and probably done in his life. He's open to threesomes. He's open to both monogamy and polyamory. He pretty much doesn't knock anything until he tries it 🤷‍♂️ His relationships do require a lot of trust.
That's all I can think about for now. Might add stuff later.
Cheers 🍻
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nerdhappenings · 8 months
The Emergency! Fandom Intro Meme
Rules: Not much to say here! Copy-paste this into a new post and answer the questions as you see fit if you’d like to tell the rest of the fandom a bit more about yourself. This meme is generally tag-free and open to everyone who wants to do it (but feel free to informally tag people you’d like to know more about). You can tag your reply as “#E! intro meme” if you’d like.
How’d you find this show and the fandom? How long have you been here? I found this show through my mother, who watched it when she was younger. I don't remember when I first watched the show, but me, my mom and my younger sister, @phoenix-feathered, just recently got back into it.
What made you stick around? Since I'm older than I was last time I watched it, I have a better appreciation and understanding for the characters, situations, humor, etc.
Who’s your favorite character? Roy. As much as I love the whole cast, Kevin Tighe brings such a sincerity to the character. Roy is very kind and understanding, but he's firm when he needs to be.
Are you a shipping kind of person? If yes, what are your favorite ships? I'm a shipper, but I didn't really have any ships in the show. I'm still uncertain what I think of Brackett and Dixie.
Favorite moment/scene/quote? Yes, you can pick more than one. Oh my goodness- there are so many excellent ones. This show's writing is honestly amazing. My favorite quote has to be Roy saying "I must be getting old. I don't like pop art; rock music; I don't smoke pot; I keep my hair cut too short; I take a shower everyday." My favorite moments are soft ones between the crew. Roy worrying about Johnny every time he's hurt, Johnny being concerned about Roy getting a promotion but trying to be supportive and toughen through it, etc.
Do you have a favorite episode? Feel free to pick one per season if you can’t decide. Ah, man. I really like them all. I don't know if there's one that stands out above the rest.
Most underrated character, either among the fandom or one the writers never utilized to their full potential? It upsets me some how little the rest of the firemen are used. Mike, Marco and Captain Stanley (less so) are criminally underused, especially Mike. I wish Dr. Morton got more, too.
One thing you’d have liked to see more (or less) of in the show? Hmmm. Toughie. Maybe more of each characters' daily lives.
Do you have a fanwork recommendation for us? Fic, art, video, whatever? Sadly, I don't see much of this fandom, so no.
Any fanworks you’d like to see? I'd take anything. 😁
Any favorite headcanons you’d like to tell us about? I've seen some stuff about Captain Stanley being a Christian. I thought that was neat.
Free space! Anything else you’d like to mention?
This show is amazing, and if you haven't seen it, you should.
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