notsopersonalcharlie · 7 months
Ride Home
Snowboarder!Bucky x fem!skiier!reader
Note: I was watching my friend being taught to snowboard and thought of this. Gif is not mine
Warnings: none?
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Bucky plopped down into a snowbank unceremoniously and started to undo the strap attaching his back foot to his snowboard. Steve and Sam had gone off to run some black diamonds, but he never had quite felt confident on his other side after the incident that left him with a prosthetic arm. Not that he didn’t trust it, but he had swapped sides for everything, writing, punching, even shooting. He was snapped out of his own shame spiral by a man, wearing a set of rather expensive and new looking gear, swearing at the woman who appeared to be trying to teach him. 
“When you said skiing I didn’t think you meant full fucking mountain day. I thought we’d get some drinks, hang out. This is fucking rediculous and these skis and fucking trash.” 
“You said you knew how! I thought this was-“
“I said I had been before, I thought at least you’d fucking be nice about it. May-“
“Just go get a drink then!” You sounded exasperated and Bucky took a closer look, noting the well loved outfit and skis. Clearly they had been used and were being cared for as such. 
“Aren’t you at least going to come?” It sounded more like a command to Bucky than a suggestion. 
“No, I’m going to ski, which is what I paid for a pass to do. I’ll come meet you later.” 
“Yeah well… don’t drink. You’re going to have to drive us back to the city.” The man stumbled away and you sighed, rubbing your forehead before kicking into your own skis and heading for the lift. Bucky cursed to himself after you had started moving and pushed his way up right behind you in the singles line. There weren’t a whole load of people waiting for the lift, it was getting towards lunch time, and he managed to get up beside just you on the lift. 
You glanced over at the snowboarder who decided he had to get on that chair with you, despite the mostly empty line behind you. He had all black gear with a crisp white jacket that had clearly been mended and bleached a few places. He rode goofy and his board knocked up against the edge of your skis when the chair rejoined the cable. 
“I heard that guy being an asshole back there. Sorry you had to deal with the shitty part of the male species.” The somberness with which he said it made you laugh a little. 
“Thanks he was, uh, a set up kinda. I’m new to town, and my parents decided the best way for me to make friends was to go out with one of their college friends’ sons. This is technically our third date and… wow I am spilling info on a stranger. Sorry.”
“No no, he sounds like he sucks. I heard you say he said he knew how.” 
“Yeah! He did! And I even asked before we came out here. Clearly he bought that whole… whole getup to impress me. It was so stupid.” You were waving your hands emphatically and Bucky couldn’t help but smile.
“Well, all I will say is that guys like that don’t actually know how to do anything.” Silence lapsed as you started getting closer to the end of the lift. 
“Uh, how would you want to ride with me and my friends today? Or ski I guess. I’m getting my footing back after an accident, but they’re pretty good and I’m sure they would love to have more friends.” You shrugged, hoping the cold air disguised the blush on your cheeks. Bucky had pulled up his goggles and pushed down his mask on the ride under the pretense of speaking more clearly, but you could tell he was handsome and right now was not the time to blow it. 
“I’d love to ride with you for a while. It’s my first time out this season and I could use an easy day.” He smiled and you both made your way off the lift. Your first run down you could tell that he was good, but kept holding back when he turned to his toe side. It was strange to watch since he seemed to favor it otherwise when he moved before. You told him as much at the end of the run. 
“Yeah, I…” Your conversation was halted as you got back on the lift. 
“I, uh, lost my arm kind of recently and I have a fantastic prosthetic, but still just… cautious.” You couldn’t help but let the shock show on your face. His motions seemed entirely unbothered aside from his anxiety about falling. 
“You look like you’re doing great. I don’t know you all that well but based on that run I feel like you shouldn’t be doing the easiest trail on the hill.” He laughed and you began an amazing afternoon riding, and convincing him to go up to some blue slopes where you spotted some of his friends, who waved but quickly surpassed the slow loping runs you were taking.
“Fuck, I do not want to ruin this amazing day with a car ride home with Dan.” 
“Dan?” Bucky asked. It was getting late in the day and his legs were sore, but he was having too good of a time. During a short break at one of the stops on the mountain he’d finally gotten a look at your face aside from your nose and the strands that were collecting snow beside your goggles. He hadn’t been able to stop picturing your face at every other event in his life since then. 
“The guy I was with this morning. The asshole.” He’d basically forgotten about the existence of the other man after spending the day with you. 
“Well, if you’re not totally opposed to riding a few more hours with a no longer stranger, I would be okay driving you back.” He watched your gears turning, deciding. 
“It would kinda be a massive fuck you to him if he had to sober up and drive home down this mountain alone.” 
“Oh shit, do you think he woul-“
“No, I have the keys. He doesn’t seem bright enough to check the car for keys himself though. You sure you don’t mind?” Mind? Bucky thought to himself, he wanted nothing more than to spend more time with you. 
“Not at all.” You finished the next run, a harder one which Bucky took flawlessly, and dropped the keys off at a nice looking car, grabbing your bag, before you followed Bucky back to a slightly beat looking older SUV. 
“I told Steve and Sam I would drop them down at Sam’s car. They’ll be here in a few minutes. What’s your address?” You dictated it to him, omitting the exact number or unit so you weren’t completely risking yourself. To be totally fair he didn’t have your full name or know all that much about you, yet. 
“And maybe my phone number…in case I forget something? Or in case you want a riding buddy again?” A sweet smile crossed Bucky’s face, blue eyes shining. 
“Sure.” You exchanged numbers and by the time you’d taken a goofy picture of him as a contact photo, his friends arrived. They didn’t comment on your position in the passenger seat. 
“So, where do you live?” You told them where about in the city and Sam opened his mouth to commend, but received an icy blue look from Bucky. You couldn’t help but wonder what else that icy blue stare could be for, but tucked the thought away for another time by yourself. 
“That’s mine. Thanks Buck, have a good drive…” Steve cuffed him on the shoulder on the way out.
“What was that about?” 
“Nothing.” You ended up talking for nearly the entire ride, and it was easy conversation. He told you about the snowboarding accident that had resulted in his lost arm, his job, his dog, Alpine. You told him about your roommate, your hometown, and how excited you were to have a fresh start after the absolute shitshow of your old job and friends.
“Where do you live?” The question was entirely for your own benefit, so you could find out how realistic ‘accidentally’ running into him at a store could be.
“I uh…” Bucky’s cheeks turned red when he told you. 
“WHAT? Bucky, that’s like an hour and a half the other way! Are you insane?” You were near your place already, and there was no use arguing with him that you getting out now to try to get another ride made no sense. 
“I just wanted to spend some more time with you. It was such a great day.” You smiled, blushing as you gave him the final directions to your building. 
“It really was a great day.” He stopped in front of your place, idling as you sat in a few more moments of silence. 
“Maybe we could have another great day? Skiing or maybe dinner?” You felt a little forward asking. 
“Well given there’s no natural way for me to accidentally run into you at the corner store, I guess that sounds like a great plan.”
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Platonic yandere avengers x reader x romantic yandere peter parker
Idek how to begin this so beware unlucky readers
Summary: you are an idol ,you are an avenger. How can they not be slightly a little bit protective of you
Warnings: yandere themes , stalking, obsession, fighting, blood , I think this is it
Also this will include(I'm sorry I didn't exactly do the like main six or whatever) Tony , Steve , Bucky , Clint , Natasha , Wanda , Peter
This is longer than I expected and I kinda don't like it but here it is in its full glory<3
When you joined the team , they blamed their protectiveness over you to your personality
I mean you are so cute and look so innocent , how can they not want to protect you ?
Tony had totally not hacked into every single account that you own / have owned in your life and he absolutely hasn't researcher your dad's Facebook to find childhood pictures of you. And he surely didn't print those out and handed then around in the team. Also expect to be spoilt rotten. Complained once about a stain on your favorite jacket? Have three more of the exact same just in case
Steve claimed to need specifically your help to understand how to operate anything mechanical ad expect to have a lot of movie marathons. He will read you before you sleep even though you are not a child anymore because ' he just liked when he is reading out loud'
Bucky would be the type of person to dig in deep in your life. He wouldn't stalk you specifically. That is tasked to someone else. No . He would stalk Al your friends and all your exes and highschool teachers.ad if he had to he would accidentally make some of them he consider bad influences disappear
Clint along with Natasha are your stalkers
Clint will always be hidden close by in case you need help with something (like , idk someone dead?) and my man could literally enter your home , casually look around a bit , stare at your decorations , and be out without you even realizing he was never there
Natasha on the other hand isn't so subtle. You could easily spot her on the other end of the street wearing sunglasses and staring at you intensely. Once you were in a bookstore admiring some books and stationary that you did not buy and the next day they were at your door with a little note that said ' saw them and they reminded me of you - Natasha ' as if you hadn't seen her looking at you. It isn't even that she is stupid . She just doesn't care
Wanda practically lived at your head at this point knowing things about you , you were barely aware of. Like , what do you mean you can't remember that one time you went snowboarding and fell? What do you mean how she knows that story and that you never told her? Of course you did silly!
Peter now was clearly in live with you and the first to meet you and get obsessed over you. When after some time he went to Tony and told him about his feelings , Tony supported his feelings to the max since this could be beneficial for all of them. Peter would never leave , they trusted him and he could keep you close.
Now you seem like a soft baby that needs protection from everyone ands that's mainly due to the way you present yourself and act. You have the most bubbly soft personality and everyone loves that
Being an idol , and an avenger was a dream come true for you , so when you had a big show and gave to them tickets to come see you they of course came( Tony almost bought all tha tickets so it could be only you but Steve stopped him)
Heating a music so fitting to your aesthetic it was like they fell in love (platonically and romantically for Peter) all over again. You are just so sweet and cute
Then a day came where an attack happened in new York and all of you jumped to action. They had no time to stop you from going to battle or even think about doing it really. The only think they could do was act.
Now , your powers were so incredibly powerful that they never thought you would have to fight face to face with someone. But they were terrible wrong
Once the fight was over they all spotted you on the corner of a building with bloody fists and a small trail of blood staining your pretty pink costume. A fan of yours was there asking you to take a picture . You kindly smiled at the camera revealing a set of bloody teeth.
Your fan seemed super excited at that and almost yelled out in joy. You bid her goodbye and went towards the group of your shocked friends
They all just stared at you in an unusually bloody shape , that somehow seemed fitting (?)
Later on they were shown a video of you with a bunch of people , that you were brutally fighting with . They were all left to shreds when you left your head held high.( Peter was even more into you after that)
Asks are always open<3
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brotherwtf · 3 months
guys let me know which of my aus you all want to see as a full fic! I want to give the people what they want so please give me your opinion!
I will eventually get to writing all of these, but please let me know which one you guys want to see the most so I can get to work on it!
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neiled-it · 9 months
some info...
hey guys! just a lil bit ab me cause i'm bored:
call me Alex
Gender: Whatever my sleep paralysis demon deems me to be that day
Secktuality: Panromantic (ish)
Star sign: Virgo (but my spirit constellation is Orion)
Hobbies: Writing, reading, shredding on my guitar, skateboarding, snowboarding, thrifting watching a lot of tv, scrolling through Tumblr
Bucket list: Write a novel, get a degree in biochemistry, visit London
If you want to know me, get to know...:
Hunter Noceda (ToH)
Leo Valdez (HoO)
Ellie Williams (TLOU)
Dipper Pines (GF)
Dustin Henderson (ST)
Bucky Barnes (MCU)
Richie Tozier (IT)
Ken (Jacksons Diary)
Sejanus Plinth (BoSaS)
Penelope (Circe, SoA)
JD (Heathers)
Aidan (SBG)
Michael Holden (Solitaire)
Today's song: The Violinist by David Gardener The Wool by Flatland Calvary Paint by The Paper Kites Ryman by Jack Hartman Brain Stew by Green Day if u want by Keni Titus Miss Maine by Elias Hix
Currently working on: Writing Threads Embroidering ducks onto bags (again) Reading for my college classes Drawing my OCs Watching the snow Taking a nap graduating! Writing a fanfic
xtra useless info:
i have 12 chickens
going to concerts for artists i dont know is my fav thing ever
im writing a lot of books
i make a playlist for every mood im in
i can't stand slow walkers
the only time i start a kids cartoon is when im sick
people are most attractive when theyre funny
ao3: Luz_therin_telamon
check out my art/writing/hobby blog @alexsbrainspace
take my silly lil uquiz!
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billykaplan-666 · 3 years
Billy and Teddy’s Friday of Obscurity!
This week I wanted a break up from the back to back obscure comics so I wanted to look at incredibly random cameos! These are all going to solely be Billy and Teddy just because including characters like Kate would make this a very long post.
Avengers : No Road Home #10 -
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Starting off strong with a Billy cameo, interestingly alongside Mrs. Marvel and Bucky!
Marvel Heroes -
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Billy is included in the now defunct Marvel Heroes game that ran for a few years from 2013-2017. The site for this game, like most I talked about, was shut down after Disney decided to shut down servers (shocker). Billy basically served as an enhanced skin for Wanda in the game and introduced a little dialogue, blue magic, and some new movesets.
It’s Jeff! : Infinity Comic #4 -
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A little cute winter snowboarding action in the It’s Jeff infinity series! It’s really awesome to see them drawn by Gurihuru, again interesting to see them branded as being with the younger heroes.
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 -
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In the Doctor Strange ending scene Billy is sitting at a table with Wanda and a whole horde of other mystical beings.
Avengers : The Initiative #1-2 -
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This one’s a weird one but during the Civil War run when heroes had to register themselves Billy and Teddy’s Earth-721 selves appeared. The whole Alpha counterparts storyline seems very complicated but characters in the 721 universe (also known as Alpha counterparts) can travel to the 616 universe and take on their hero counterparts powers and costumes. These versions of Billy and Teddy served under their names for a little before being sent back to their own universe. Again, very convoluted storyline.
Hulk #7 (2014) -
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Teddy meets the Hulk and oddly Hulk is very flattered to be apart of Teddy’s hero name.
Spider-Woman (2015) #1 -
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A fun game of spot Billy & Teddy in this panel! Obviously another blink and you’ll miss it cameo but interestingly Teddy and Pietro seem to be chatting! Possibly talking about the one of the times he helped Wanda.
Please let me know if you know of any other cameos, it was a blast trying to find these ones. I’d love some more obscure BillyTeddy background cameo action!
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Overview ("Schedule")
Disclaimer, this is not an actual schedule of when a piece will be posted. This is a collection of prompts & the disciplines I want to write/could imagine writing about. It is meant to be somewhat of a summary for me and a prompt for you.
Feel free to send me requests for certain pairings, your own headcanons, or asks!
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possible pov's: coach/trainer, athlete (different disciplines, partners, colleagues, rivals), Olympic Volunteer, reporter/interviewer, fan
event prompts: training, competition day, interviews, accident, event/party
examples: hockey!steve x figureskater!reader, new figure skating partner!reader, biathlon!bucky
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(For simplicity I grouped all the disciplines in groups together, I contemplated to just have them in alphabetical order at first but that was way to confusing)
Acrobatic Gymnastics
Rhythmic Gymnastics
Artistic Gymnastics
Modern Pentathlon
Artistic swimming
Fighting sports I (with weaponry/"probs")
Fighting sports II
Ball sports
Beach + Volleyball
Table Tennis
Mountain Bike
Sport Climbing
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On the Ice
Ice Hockey
Figure Skating
Speed Skating
Everything with Ski
Alpine Skiing
Cross-Country Skiing
Nordic Combined
Freestyle Skiing
Ski Jumping
Bobs & Sleds
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angels-creative · 3 years
My Prompt Masterlist
A masterlist full of all the prompts I’ve created! Fandoms include Marvel, Teen Wolf, and Criminal Minds. Feel free to take whatever ya want, as long as you tag me and give credit for the original idea!
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Possessed - After Hydra fails at brainwashing Bucky, they decide to think outside the box and come up with a new idea; to use new revolutionary technology to bring a two thousand year old psychotic demon that infects Peter on a mission. (Irondad)
Sabotage - A parody of the Victorious episode “Tori Gets Stuck.” After learning Ned is in the hospital, Peter, seeing as he’s the only one that can give blood, volunteers to do so. However, things get tricky when they’re on a time limit to get to a decathlon competition and Brad also wants to take Peter’s place. (Irondad, Spideychelle)
Chronic - A fluffy hurt/comfort Irondad prompt where Peter suffers from a chronic migraine (due to all of his numerous concussions on patrol) while staying at the tower and Tony helps his spider-son out. (Irondad, maybe a hint of Spideychelle)
Memory Gone, Memory Lost - Takes place mid-FFH. Peter gets amnesia from hitting his head on the giant-ass bell in Far From Home and wakes up in a normal hospital. There, he learns he can’t remember anything since before earning his powers in Civil War, and must figure out how to remaster his powers while still dealing with Brad, Fury, and the danger of the Elementals. (Comedy, mainly focused on Peter/Ned/Michelle friendship, has mentions of Irondad)
Stained Scarlet - While on a snowboarding trip with the Stark family and his friends, Peter breaks his leg open-fracture style in an accident and seeks comfort from his Irondad and his girlfriend to calm him down and get him through it. (Irondad, Spideychelle)
Starstruck - a gender-switched role reversal of the classic Disney movie, Starstruck, featuring Spideychelle. (AU with no powers)
The Doctor is in the House - Peter gets minorly sick/injured at the lake house while no one else is around, so Morgan embraces her inner doctor and takes matters into her own hands and takes care of her brother until someone gets back. However, Morgan’s “treatment” mainly consists of watching Peter sleep and giving him juice pops and soup. (Brother-Sister fic, with hints of Irondad at the end)
Birthday Blues - a parody of the classic Disney short Frozen Fever, where Peter wants to show Michelle how much she means to him for her birthday, but ends up getting sick with the flu the day of instead. (Spideychelle)
Blizzarded In - In which Peter gets majorly sick/hurt and is trapped inside the lake house with Ned, MJ, and Morgan during a blizzard. When Peter starts to deteriorate, though, his friends have to get him help before the worst-case scenario takes place. (Peter/Ned/Michelle friendship, ft. them babysitting Morgan, hints of Tony/Irondad throughout)
Misery - A psychological thriller that focuses on Peter’s demons and him being locked up in The Raft, while awaiting the trial following Mysterio and his identity reveal to the world. (Post-FFH, Irondad, inspired by Frozen’s broadway song "Monster")
Envy - Peter gets particularly jealous after seeing Michelle and Brad together one day and ends up accidentally falling down the stairs on his way to class later on. Fortunately, he’s not hurt, but after remembering that Michelle and Brad are lab partners next class, which will give them more time to bond, he fakes a concussion in order to get her to stay with him a little longer. (Spideychelle, ft. Peter’s bad acting skills, pre-FFH but after Endgame)
Little Orphan Boy - an Annie parody in which Tony is running for mayor and takes Peter in, under the orders of Stane and with permission from Peter’s aunt May, after he saves the boy (or doesn’t and instead brings him to the hospital) from getting hit by a car to further his fanbase and reputation. Along the way, he learns to actually care for the boy, but things go south when Peter goes missing one fateful day after a field trip to Oscorp Industries. (AU, Irondad)
Phantom - Peter gets his limb(s) crushed after the warehouse battle with Toomes in Homecoming, and ends up having to have it amputated. (Irondad, ft. guilty Tony)
Who Are You (To Me?) - Peter’s parents got into a plane crash when he was three and were reported as presumed dead, since no remains of them or their bodies were ever found. Now, after 12-13 years later, they’re finally found! But Tony doesn’t completely trust them, and won’t until they prove that they love and know Peter as a son, just as much as Tony does. (AU, Irondad)
Honey, I Killed the Kid! - Peter dies on Titan at the hands of Thanos and, because he can’t just leave his body there, Tony brings him home and plans to coordinate with May so they can plan the funeral. However, upon his return, rumours spread and Tony is deemed insane and wrongly arrested for the murder of Peter Parker. (AU)
How To Befriend Your Enemy - A parody of the first HTTYD film in which Peter wishes to prove to his dad that he’s worthy and strong enough to go on Avenger missions, despite what him and the rest of his team thinks. (AU, Irondad)
Bounty - While on patrol, Peter learns the news that bounty hunters have been sent to kill him. Upon hearing this, Tony tries to keep his son safe, but it all goes awry when Peter escapes from the tower so he can’t endanger anyone else. (Irondad)
Who Did It? - Determined to make his mentor enjoy Halloween for once, Peter turns Tony’s Halloween party into a murder-mystery themed one and (lightly) poisons himself, forcing all the avengers who solve the mystery of “Who Killed Peter Parker?” (as hosted by Thor Odinson). (ft. light Irondad)
Poisoned Chalice - Having been reinstated as decathlon leader after The Blip, Michelle and Mr. Harrington take the team on a "bonding exercise," in which they are split up and forced to spend the night in the woods. Unfortunately, Peter and Ned get teamed up with Flash and/or Brad and things go from bad to worse when Peter deteriorates after getting bit by a snake.
Danger Lurks (At Every Corner) - After he is saved by Peter at school from a major injury, Flash dedicates his days to being Peter’s personal body guard, in order to protect him and stop anyone from messing with him. But things go too far when Flash doesn’t leave him alone and Peter has to find a way to get Flash off his back while keeping his superhero life a secret.
Tom Holland x Reader
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Wolves Among Us - After Tom has an “accident” on set of his latest movie and ends up lying on his deathbed, the Reader takes matters into their own hands after discovering the attack was pre-meditated and decides to crack the case themselves.
Teen Wolf
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The Aftermath - After Scott’s attempt in Motel California, the gang decides to sleep in the bus, but Stiles and Allison decide to pull an all-nighter to keep an eye on Scott. As a result, they end up talking about him and have a meaningful moment. (Stiles/Allison friendship)
Twistin’ the Night Away - A twist on the first episode where everything is the same, but Scott is too hurt after getting bit by the Alpha, so Stiles calls his dad and Sheriff Stilinski decides to be a responsible adult and takes them to a hospital. (Sciles friendship, minor AU)
I’ll Hate You (Long After You’re Gone) - Instead of going to Melissa, Rafael goes to Stiles and tells him to tell Scott that he needs to put more effort into their relationship, or else he’ll leave again. Stiles, though, is enraged by this, and tells him that Scott has never needed him, never missed him, doesn’t owe him anything, and will be fine if he leaves because he was never around anyway and Stiles has been more of a dad to him than his actual father ever will be anyway. (Sciles friendship)
The Boy Who Cried Werewolf - Because he’s still feeling guilty, Scott’s wound doesn’t heal, even after Allison stitches it up in Frayed, so Stiles is forced to tell Coach that there are werewolves in Beacon Hills, and that Scott is one of them, and that they need to get him to a hospital as soon as possible. (AU, Sciles friendship)
Let Me Be (This is the Most I’ve Felt Free) - After hitting his head, Scott wakes up with amnesia. He doesn’t remember he’s a werewolf, so everything is good for him and Stiles for a while, but Scott must figure out a way to remember again when his leadership is needed. (Sciles friendship, hint of comedy. Takes please in Season 4 and ft. a concerned Derek Hale)
Lost (and Found) - After an assassin attacks the McCalls outside their house, Melissa is left in critical condition. Still needing to identify who did it, Parrish questions Scott on the incident, but, when problems arise and it's revealed Scott has amnesia, Stiles, Malia, and Liam put their acting skills to the test and try to help Scott recover his memories by re-enacting scenes from his life and, ultimately, the attack.
Fate Finds a Way - After witnessing his best friend, Scott McCall, die because of a mountain lion mauling, Stiles Stilinski's life has crumbled all once. Not wanting to lose his son in a similar way of how he lost his wife, Stilinski admits his son to Eichen House, hoping it'll help him process Scott's death and get better. Once there, however, Stiles becomes withdrawn from friends and family and becomes a "famous" patient. Having learned from Peter Hale of an ancient ritual that can bring back the deceased for a week, and knowing he'll never recover unless he sees Scott again, Stiles follows through with the plan. However, everything goes awry when it's revealed the police know someone stole Scott's body and that Peter left out a key detail. (AU)
Criminal Minds
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The World is a Rainbow - In which Spencer is still addicted to dilaudid, but it doesn’t have much affect on him and doesn’t do anything besides make him see the world in difference colours. Unfortunately, the team still finds out, anyway. (Comedy treated seriously)
You Don’t Think I Can? (Let Me Show You Who I Am) - Upon taking on a case about murders that may have been committed by a Satanic cult in Costa Rica, the team travels there and Spencer ends up getting bitten by a spider that causes intense memory loss and transforms his entire personality into a brave, badass risk-taker who doesn’t listen or take “no” from anyone. Still able to keep working, he continues the case with the team, but things take a twisted turn when he and Morgan end up kidnapped by the cult and they have to work together to bring them down and get themselves out. (Semi-comedy treated seriously, Moreid friendship. Mid season three)
Searching - In which Spencer is literally dropped off at the BAU as a baby, so Hotch and Rossi decide to take in the kid and co-parent him together! Eventually, Spencer grows up surrounded by the BAU and, when he’s older, decides to go find his real, biological parents. (Hotch/Rossi/Spencer family-friendship. AU)
Hunted - After being targeted with death threats and “accidents” meant to kill him, Hotch forces Spencer into protective custody while he and the team work to figure out who placed a bounty upon the young agent’s head. (Hotch/Spencer father-son relationship, post Season 3)
The Good Neighbour - Spencer’s neighbour goes on vacation and he offers to take care of their cat until they get back. But, due to his unreliable schedule and having to leave at the most unlikely times, he decides to bring the cat with him when he and the team have to take on a case. (Spencer-centric)
More to be added!
Click here for a master list of my written works.
Tagging: @goldenavenger02 @spideyspeaches @spidernerdsblog @lostintranslaation @lunannex @queerintimeandspace @joyful-soul-collector @rejectofsociety @the-panwitch @hailing-stars @skylikesyou
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zae82 · 3 years
Ski Trip Part 2
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“Uh Doll… what are you doin?”
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Bucky is so sweet and tender with Wanda
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Time to hit the slopes
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Capwidow goes snowboarding
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Steve isn’t that confident.
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Nat and Wanda had a chat.
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Wanda went somewhere in the middle of the night when everyone is asleep. Forever the mysterious Scarlet Witch.
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allegxry · 3 years
Random: Do your characters watch the Olympics? If so, what are their favorite sports in the 2022 Winter Games?
ily friend and thanks for sending a question like this 💞
I honestly can see all of them watching to some degree, maybe just background noise but it’s on.
Bucky: Winter pentathlon - he’s probably not paying much attention to it but it’s on and he catches a glimpse of it but he doesn’t necessarily care about the medals.
Fezco: Freestyle skiing / Figure skating - if it’s on it’s because someone else turned it on or asked for it to be on and he probably gets sucked into it because ‘that shits crazy.’ I can see him finding all the sports to be entertaining to an extent though.
Hades: Winter pentathlon - my old men liking the same thing lol but it probably would be what he paid most attention to. Endurance and the switch to the next thing, all that. He’s probably gone to watch a lot of the Olympics though.
Jun-ho: All if it - he is rooting for his country and watching all the events when he can. He is definitely one of those people that get excited and proud when their country takes home a medal.
Jason: He’s not interested in one particular sport, he thinks they are all extremely skilled to make it in the Olympics so he watches but isn’t invested in one particular event. He just thinks it’s crazy how they’ve trained their bodies to do these things.
Sebastian: Not interested in them at all but he does think it’s cool when Japan takes a medal, he mostly reads about it on the internet though and isn’t actually going to sit and watch - any of it.
Seth: Snowboarding, skiing, hockey and honestly any Indigenous person competing he’s rooting for and watching intently and his pack is all doing the same thing. Their house is probably v loud when that persons country wins a medal.
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notsopersonalcharlie · 3 months
Marvel Masterlist
List of all my Marvel writing. Functions the same as all my masterlists: * indicates mentions of smut and ** indicates smut
Bucky Barnes
Mid-Game Rituals - Football Star!Bucky x reader
Ride Home - Snowboarder!Bucky x Skiier!reader
My Ranger - LOTR AU Ranger!Bucky x fem!reader
The Biker!Bucky Universe - My Belle, Honey Belle, Touch Me, Belle** , Don't Care Belle, Won't Let You Go, Belle**
Genuine - Stony (Steve Rogers x Tony Stark)
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Different Worlds (2)
Summary: You’re the youngest Winchester, a girl who needs to show her big brothers that she doesn’t need help. Then one day, on a totally normal vampire hunt that you had all under control, three meddling Avengers come barging in.
Warnings: language, violence, canon divergence, slow burn
Word Count: 2092
A/N: Part two is already here because I have no motivation to work on anything else!!
Chapter 2: Casper the Cannibalistic Spirit
It came to that.
The Feds were on your ass again. No thanks to Twiddle-Dee, Twiddle-Dum, and Twiddle-Dumber. Your brothers had left you in the bunker for a week while they went to Nebraska and Iowa for a couple of hunts.
Recently there were a couple of strange deaths over in Utah near the mountains. At least four bodies were found mutilated, cut open, and with bites missing. Sounds like your kind of fun so right now you were begging your brothers to let you go check it out.
“Please, please, please, please,” you repeated as you followed Sam around the bunker. Maybe you could annoy him enough that he’ll kick you out. “Pleeaasse! You know that you and Dean are being irrational. We’ve been wanted by the FBI before.”
“Yeah, but you’re also wanted by the Avengers. That’s new.”
“C’mon, Sammy.” You draped yourself dramatically over a table when Sam pulled a book off a shelf. “You of all people know how it feels to be put on the sidelines by a protective older brother.”
“What’s goin’ on in here?” the protective older brother in question asked when he walked in. 
“(Y/N)‘s trying to go on a hunt.”
“Please.” You sat up and gave your brothers your best puppy dog eyes. “We can all go together.”
Your oldest brother sighed and said, “What were you looking at?” You smiled mischievously at his question and ran to get your computer from the other room. “That doesn’t mean I’m letting you come!” you heard him shout at your retreating back. “I just wanna know what you’re looking at!”
You made it back to your brothers, computer in hands, and slightly out of breath. Your brothers watched over your shoulders as you dramatically revealed your research.
“So,” you began. “Park City, Utah. Pretty popular tourist place, ‘specially in the winter for skiing and snowboarding. Four people,” you pulled up the news clips of their demise, “all tourists, found dead. Their bodies were totally fucked up. You have your usual mutilation and incisions, but what really intrigued me were the bites taken out of the bodies.”
“What could be up there?” Sam tucked his hair behind his ears and leaned in closer to your screen.
“We can all check it out.” You waited for an answer with anticipation.
“Fine. We’ll go in Baby,” Dean finally answered.
“Great!” You ran off to pack your duffle bag. “I call shotgun, Sammy!”
It’s been a week since the strange woman decapitated over a dozen people, and Bucky, Sam, and Steve haven’t gotten any closer to finding her. Of course, F.R.I.D.A.Y. had pulled up a juicy cocktail of information on her, but there has been no sign of (Y/N) Winchester, born (Y/N) (Y/L/N) before legally changing her last name.
Her mother had died in a house fire twenty-four years ago in 2000 when she was six. She seemed to vanish for almost twelve years until she, along with her two older brothers, showed up on the FBI’s most wanted in 2012. Bucky did the math. She would have been… eighteen? What happened in twelve years to make an eighteen-year-old girl go on a killing spree with her brothers. Who also happened to have more murders under their belts.
Bucky sighed and the file on the Winchesters on to his bed. He rubbed his eyes with his regular hand and when he looked up, Steve was standing in the doorway. 
“Still looking for her?” The Captain nodded at the folder. 
“She’s dangerous,” Bucky defended. “Deaths all over the country and she and her brothers are always there. Die in a way that isn’t a natural death and she’ll be there.”
“I wasn’t reprimanding you. I was just here to tell you to take a break.”
“Do you think,” Bucky paused before shaking his head. “Maybe she—they’re…”
“Hydra?” Steve supplied and his friend nodded. “I don’t know. It’s not that much of a spectacle. It’s also not secretive enough.”
“There’s still something going on with—“
Bucky stopped talking when Sam appeared next to Steve, slightly out of breath. The dark-skinned man took a deep breath before speaking.
“Some cameras caught them. (Y/N) and her brothers. In Utah.”
Bucky shot out of bed. “Let’s go.”
You tapped your foot as the elderly lady slowly scanned your groceries. Your brothers had sent you to the little store next to the motel for a couple of six-packs, candy, chips, and of course, some pie.
The motel room was low lit, especially with the heavy curtains drawn. You walked into the boy’s room, thankfully you didn’t have to share. The only time you did was when Jack came along. Right now Lucifer’s son was being taught angel things by Cas. 
“I bring sustenance,” you shouted when you made your entrance.
“Hey, (Y/N),” Dean mumbled. Both of your brothers had their eyes completely focused on their computers. 
“Guys,” Sam grabbed your attention. “So get this, each victim was staying in a house that was previously owned by these guys.” He displayed his screen. A photo of a man and woman was surrounded by newspaper text. “The Walkers.”
“So what was their deal?” You placed the groceries on a bed. “I’m assuming they're dead.”
“Yep. Mrs. Walker was stoned to death by some teenagers in 1972.” Dean whistled and shook his head at Sam’s words. “Mr. Walker hanged himself after her death.”
“Poor Mrs. Walker,” Dean said. 
“Don’t pity her. The teens apparently killed her because the Walkers had kidnapped, tortured, killed, and ate one of their friends.”
“Guess that ‘splains the bites.” You began to prepare the salt bullets. “Think we have to deal with both of ‘em?”
“Where are they buried?”
“Uh, both in the field Mrs. Walker died in,” Sam read out loud. “The last property they owned and not killed in yet is close.”
“Here’s the plan,” Dean spoke. “Sam, you and I go salt and burn the bones. Need you to watch my back if Mrs. Cannibal decides to pay me a visit.” He turned to you and you straightened your back. “(Y/N), go to the house and see if anyone’s renting the place.”
You nodded and smiled. Back in the game.
“Hi there,” you greeted happily to the woman who opened the door to the Walker’s townhouse. “Can I ask you a few questions? What’s your name?” You heard the Impala drive away behind you. 
“S-sure,” the woman said softly. “I’m Miss. Powell.”
“Nice to meet you, Miss. Powell.” Enough pleasantries. “Has there been anything strange happening in the house?” You took in her appearance: bags under her eyes and unwashed hair. 
“You’ll think I’m crazy.”
“I’m here to help. I believe you’re in danger. Can I come in?”
You got to work right away and made a salt circle on the ground. Spirits always thought they were the shit and always blew away the perfect circles you would always lay down, but today you were going to one-up the bitch. Before you sprinkled down the salt barrier, you had some liquid glue in your pack so you used that first.
“And that will stop the ghost?”
You had explained the situation to poor Miss. Powell. She was much more open-minded than some other people you had ‘worked’ with before. She, along with her young son Brad, sat in the center of the salt. 
“If you stay inside the circle, the ghost can’t get to you.” You walked over to the fireplace and pointed at the poker. “Is that iron?”
“I-I think so.”
You grabbed it and handed it to her.
“If he gets too close for your liking, swing it at him. Should keep him at bay.”
“The ghost?”
“Or any man in general, I guess.”
Your remark got a small smirk out of the woman. Then, the lights started to flicker and the temperature in the room dropped low enough that you could see your breath. 
Bucky, Sam, and Steve, all in uniform, ran up to the townhouse. Through the windows, they could see the lights flickering rapidly. Muffled shouts and what sounded like a child crying came from inside. What was she doing?
Steve tried to open the door, but it wouldn’t open. It wasn’t locked, Bucky could see the handle turn. They tried to break down the door next. It took the supersoldiers a couple turns each to finally open the front door.
Steve went in first, shield at the ready. Sam and Bucky stood on either side of him. Bucky’s eyes were immediately drawn to (Y/N) standing above a woman and a young boy with a shotgun in her hand. Then he noticed how cold the house was and the circle of white the three people were standing in.
“Hurry the flip up!” (Y/N) shouted. Was she talking to them? Bucky and Sam glanced at each other. 
“I’m going as fast as I can!” The response came from a phone on the ground. It must be one of her brothers. “Mrs. Walker’s being a real pain in the ass!”
“Watch your language, Dean there’s a child present.” (Y/N) winked at the kid before she noticed she had company. “Uh, the three musketeers are here.”
Suddenly, a pale man with decaying flesh and a rope burn around his neck materialized in front of Steve. With practiced precision, (Y/N) fired her shotgun at the man. He disappeared and the round bounced off of Steve’s shield.
“What the—” before Bucky could swear, the man reappeared. 
This time, Steve was ready and sliced him away with his shield. (Y/N) looked at the shield with a look of awe and confusion. 
“What’s going on over there?” Her brother sounded winded and Bucky could make out gunshots from the other side of the call. 
“Captain America’s special metal dinner plate can be used against Casper.” Bucky understood only half of the sentence (Y/N) spoke. “What are you doing here?” Now she spoke to the superheroes. 
A strong wind blew through the house. (Y/N) smirked at shouted at the ceiling,
“Glue, fother mucker! Can’t get to us.”
The man appeared on the far end of the room, away from the Avengers. He raised his hands and the hardwood floor began to crack. (Y/N) fired her gun and the man disappeared once again. Unfortunately, the floor continued to pull away until the white circle was broken. 
The man appeared next to (Y/N) and the next second, she was thrown into the nearest wall. Sam tried to shoot him, but the bullets only landed in the wall past him. The pale man turned to the woman and kid who both screamed. Bucky stepped forward and grabbed at him with his vibranium hand. The man dissipated again.
“(Y/N)?” Her brother was shouting through the phone. “(Y/N), what’s going on there? You said the Avengers were there?”
(Y/N) ignored her brother’s questions and shouted at the woman, “The poker!”
The fireplace poker flew through the air and reached her hand as the man revealed himself in front of her. (Y/N) swung it skillfully and he was gone again. She continued to glare at the three Avengers. 
The man appeared in the middle of everyone right as (Y/N)’s brother’s voice shouted, “Got it!”
The pale man took one last lunge at the woman and her kid before he let out a scream and went up in flames. Everything in the house stood still as it warmed up and the lights settled. The only sounds were heavy breathing and soft cries from the boy. 
(Y/N) scrambled to her phone. The three men surrounded her, they weren’t going to let her go again. Not without answers. 
“Are you boys good?” She said into the phone. 
“Yeah. Mrs. Walker put up a good fight though. Threw Sammy into a tree.”
“Would have loved to see that.” (Y/N) looked at the three Avengers. “I’ll meet you at home.”
“Home? That’s—“
“Gotta deal with the musketeers.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yep, bye.” She quickly hung up before her brother could protest any longer. Next, she looked at the woman and her son. “You guys okay?” They both nodded. “Sorry ’bout your floor.” Finally (Y/N) turned her attention to Bucky who was standing closest to her. 
“You’re not going to leave,” Steve ordered behind her.
“Yeah, I got that,” she sighed. “I’m hungry. Wanna grab a burger?”
“Only if you’ll talk,” Sam requested. 
Tag List (strike though means tag didn’t work):
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TATDBIL (To All The Diaz Boys I’ve Loved)
Dear Christopher, 
Sometimes I wonder what your first thought was when you met me. I know what mine was: Your dad loves you so much. But what I’ve been thinking lately is how much I love you. You are make me proud. You make me happy to be alive. 
Love, Buck
Dear Christopher, 
The tsunami was one of the scariest things that had even happened to me. I almost lost you and destroyed my best friend, your dad. It still scares me shitless to think about how I felt holding your glasses and facing your dad. Your dad is an awesome guy, and he loves you more than anything else in the world. Don’t forget that. We’re both lucky to have him.
Love,  Buck
Dear Christopher, 
I made a mistake. I’m sorry I haven’t been around lately. I miss you a lot. Hopefully we can see each other soon. You’re still my Superman, always.
Dear Christopher,
Eddie told me you’ve been having nightmares. I hope you know you can talk to me whenever. I get nightmares sometimes too, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. They’re not fun, but sometimes they help us know our fears. I have nightmares about losing you, and your dad. Nightmares suck, but it helps to think about you. I love you Chris.
Dear Eddie,
I’ve been thinking about what I want to say to you after the whole thing with the lawsuit. I know I do this thing where I only think about me, and I’m sorry if I ever made you feel like I didn’t care about how I was affecting you. I can’t apologize enough for how callous I was. I dragged you through hell because I was mad at Bobby. I know you’d tell me to stop apologizing if you read these, so this is the last time I will, I guess. I never want to lose your friendship.
Dear Christopher,
Eddie tells me you are doing amazing in school. I’m so proud of you, kid. Keep it up and make sure to dedicate your bestseller to me. I also want an autographed copy. Love ya, kid!
Dear Christopher,
I hope you enjoyed skateboarding. That was awesome and I’m really proud of you. Maybe I can talk your dad into snowboarding. I could use your help convincing him though. He listens to you a lot more than me.
Dear Eddie,
I just wanted to thank you for letting me be a part of Christopher’s life. He’s a cool kid, and you did a great job raising him.
Bucks glad he’s never sent these. It would be terrifying to see Eddie’s reaction. Christopher would be overjoyed, but Eddie did not seem like the type to read letters, much less write back. So Buck was content to leave them in a box at the top his closet, that is, until the box fell to the floor when Buck reaches for another blanket.
He doesn’t realize he missed picking one up. Eddie, while putting the blanket back on the shelf, notices the piece of paper tucked next to the floorboards.
Dear Eddie,
I was thinking about Red the other day. Who am I kidding I think about him everyday. I also think about you saying that will never happen to us. That’s my worst fear, you know. Losing the 118, Christopher, you.
I don’t want you to be the one that got away. I love you. I can’t lose you.
Eddie stares at the paper and tucks it into his pocket before Buck comes out of the bathroom. Is there any stationary in the Diaz house? Does he even know how to write a letter?
Dear Buck,
I’m not going anywhere without you. You’re my best friend. I love you. I love the way you treat Christopher and love him like he’s your own. I love how much you love being a firefighter.
I’m not planning on leaving. I hope you aren’t either because I’m looking forward to many more graduation parties, and weddings and seeing Christopher grow up. I’m looking forward to being partners until we’re both old and grey.
Buck finds the letter on his doorstep a week later and smiles coyly while he reads it. Maybe he should get around to sending those letters. See what comes about.
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Road Trip - Vermont
Pairing: Bucky X tall!Reader X Valkyrie
A/N: Summaries will be provided for each state. Whether they’re full blown one-shot type things or closer to drabbles, I guess we’re gonna find out!
Summary: Bucky is good at many a thing, but it looks like this is one of those situations with Valkyrie is simply...better. But either way, Y/N’s camera is about to get some stunning photos.
Warnings: Fluff and cursing
Word Count: 1250
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Vermont - Stowe Mountain Resort
“Who’s idea was this?"
The unbridled laughter and charming smile of the woman next to him reminded Bucky that it was neither of their ideas. No, it was someone else’s. The pair looked over their shoulders at a beaming Y/N. She was bundled up far more than them with a beanie and scarf hiding most of her features. However, it did nothing to hide the sparkle in her eyes nor could it tuck away the flush in her cheeks and nose.
“You’re the one who wanted to see how different the world could be,” Valkyrie teased, looking at Bucky with that all knowing smirk.
“I thought…” He cleared his throat. How was the Winter soldier capable of developing a chill? “I thought that was what the internet was for.”
“Did you honestly think Y/N would let you resort to such a thing?”
They heard the click of her camera and Bucky knew that, unfortunately, she was right about their better half. Y/N loved traveling and seeing knew things. Her joy came from sharing it with everyone else. He should have known better than to assume that Y/N would do any less for him.
But really? A ski resort?
“You have to jump off eventually, Buck,” Y/N teased, taking another photo when Valkyrie kissed his cheek.
“Don’t tell me you’re afraid, James.”
Bucky rolled his eyes, looking at Valkyrie. Unlike Y/N’s navy ensemble, she had stuck to a maroon. It brightened her up, making her beautiful smile appear that much brighter. He held up a finger, wagging it as he told her, “Don’t help her. Or I’m not helping you when you’re a victim of her antics.”
“Fine,” she said, shifting closer to the edge. Where Bucky had been conned into trying a snowboard, she was wearing skis. Her eyes were fixated on the white powder, unable to contain the thrill of how this could go. Had she ever done this before? No. But she had flown a Pegasus. Could this really be so different? “Race you to the bottom?”
“I’ll consider it an achievement if I don’t fall over on the way down.”
Valkyrie rolled her eyes, gently rubbing his back. “Never would have guessed you’re so skittish, love.”
Y/N’s encouragement was enough for Valkyrie. She gave Bucky a not so gentle push and cackled at the sound of the screech that escaped him. “Babygirl,” he called out to Valkyrie. “You are dead!”
Valkyrie jumped off, catching up with him. “You’ll have to catch me first.”
Bucky growled as she sped off, ducking and weaving while he barely managed to maintain his balance. How was she so good at that? Y/N appeared beside him on her own snowboard, snapping photos of Valkyrie. “God, she’s elegant,” Y/N whispered, lowering her camera.
“Ain’t that right,” Bucky muttered. “Wait, she’s going to beat me down there.”
Y/N laughed. Her arm grasped his, helping him maintain his balance. “Better speed up.” She nudged him forward and off he went.
Unfortunately, he was not nearly so graceful.
Still, Y/N raised her camera and took photos of his ass falling in the snow. Blackmail could be such a beautiful thing.
Four hours later and Bucky was more soaked than he was dry. His clothes were hanging over the doors of their van in a poor attempt to dry. The snow had cut through his many layers, leaving him to change in boxers and sweatpants. Meanwhile, it had drenched the mess he called hair. Curled in the back of their van, another shiver ran down his spine as Y/N and Valkyrie tucked several blankets around him.
“I thought you’re the Winter Soldier. How can you not stand the cold?” Y/N looked up at him, raising a brow as his teeth chattered.
“I’m turning on the heater,” Valkyrie told them before climbing over the seat. She landed with a thud before putting it on full blast. “Seriously, James, do you want me to get some coffee or hot chocolate?”
He perked at the mention of something sweet and Y/N rolled her eyes. “Hot chocolate for all of us, babe?”
“You got it!”
Bucky fell back amongst the crazy pillows that they had brought along on this endeavor. “I expect…s-so m-m-many…” He groaned as she angled the vents towards him. A relieved moan slipped past his lips and she giggled, kissing his forehead. Finally, he felt like he might be able to get the chill out of his bones. “So many cuddles. From b-b-both of you.”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way, Buckaroo.” Y/N curled into his side, trying to provide some warmth.
“What ph-photos did you get?”
Y/N beamed and rolled over, grabbing her camera bag. She loved that Valkyrie and Bucky showed an interest in what she did. It was refreshing, something she craved and always missed out on from previous relationships. “Val has such a knack for this sort of thing,” she said, clicking through the random photos. There were some closeups and at one point around the three hour mark, their girlfriend had taken the more complicated slope. It provided Y/N a fantastic opportunity for some action shots.
“D-Dare I ask how mine turned out?”
“Please, share with the class, Y/N.”
She looked up at the sound of Valkyrie’s return. Standing in front of them, she held three hot chocolates and had managed to nab a new beanie with the ski-resort’s logo on it. “God, you’re fast, babe.”
“Only on missions.” Valkyrie winked before Y/N took two of the warm drinks, providing her the opportunity to join and cuddle into Bucky’s side. “Time to warm you up while Y/N shows us how utterly adorable you are at snowboarding.”
“I feel like I’m b-being ganged up on,” Bucky said, shaking his head as his hands took the warm cup. He took a sip, not caring how the scalding liquid burned his tongue. He was far too relieved by the feel of it warming his insides.
“Maybe a bit. Now! This photo is from Bucky’s first fall,” Y/N said, turning the camera to Valkyrie.
Bucky groaned. “This is so not fair.”
“Eh,” Y/N shrugged. “You love us anyway.”
A couple hours later and Bucky was fast asleep, buried under pillows and blankets. Y/N and Valkyrie were up front, cuddling and watching the sunset over the mountain. Squeezing her close, Y/N’s fingers started playing with her hair.
“Mm, you’re good at that,” Valkyrie said, nuzzling her shoulder.
Y/N smiled, kissing the top of her head before taking another sip of her coco. It wasn’t nearly as warm as it had been, but it still tasted good. “I think we might have to pick something nicer for Buck next time.”
Valkyrie snorted, nodding as her free hand wrapped around Y/N’s waist. “Fine. What state’s next? I can do some research when you start driving.”
“New Hampshire.”
Valkyrie closed her eyes, still smiling as she asked, “I’m sure I could find another resort….”
Y/N shook her head. “Don’t you dare. Something Bucky friendly.”
Valkyrie grumbled, nodding because she knew better than to make Bucky miserable. “Alright. Bucky friendly. That’s the new goal.”
“At least for now.”
Valkyrie grinned and kissed her shoulder. At least for now. “That’s my girl.”
“I can hear you both.”
Y/N and Valkyrie burst into a fit of giggles at the sound of Bucky’s sleepy voice. “Go back to sleep, Bucky!”
“I am asleep.”
The women rolled their eyes and Y/N leaned back, adjusting their blanket. “One state down…”
“Forty seven more to go.”
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soccerisincorrect · 4 years
clover, moonflower, bell flower, tulip
1. how would your friends describe you?
according to one of my friends all of my character traits contradict each other... take that for what it is 💀
2. what’s your favorite color?
orange? i think im not sure 💀. 
3. what is your biggest addiction?
i have no hobbies so nothing at the moment 💀
4. name 5 facts about yourself.
1. i used to play soccer until i got horribly injured 💀. im kidding but also not really. 2. since my injury i have stopped any activity that involves intense use of my ankle but i still snowboard so if any yall wanna send in asks about that pls do so 3. my favorite animal is a duck 4. my favorite mcu character is bucky 5. i’ve moved probably like 4 times now...5th upcoming for college 😳
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elisaphoenix13 · 5 years
Winter Vacation
Tibbs was making his weird chattering noise when Stephen left the master bedroom one morning, and that usually only meant one thing. Diana was feeding him treats, but not in the conventional way. Stepping into the living room after walking down the stairs and observing the small cat treat floating just out of the cat's reach was confirmation enough. Dia was cocooned in a couple of blankets on the couch and the cat was on the floor standing on his hind legs. Stephen watches quietly as his daughter levitates the treat closer to Tibbs and he chuckles when the feline bats it out of the air with his paw. Tibbs purrs loudly as he eats his well earned treat and the sorcerer moves over to Diana to gently brush her hair back with one of his hands.
"How long have you been up?"
"An hour." Diana replies with a happy chirp as she enjoys the shaking fingers in her hair.
"I take it you're excited about our trip?" Stephen asks softly and digs his daughter out of her cocoon and picks her up.
"Peter and Harley too!"
Diana clings onto the sorcerer, ever mindful of Stephen's hands, and he grabs the bag of cat treats on the coffee table to return to the cupboard through a small gateway. After that, he carries Diana back up to her room and sets her back on the floor and points to her dresser as he walks over to her closet.
"We need to pack your bag. Grab warm clothes." He tells her as he grabs her suitcase.
"Mommy?" Stephen hums in acknowledgement. "Will Peter be okay in the snow?"
"I have a special spell for him so he can enjoy it like we can. He'll still get cold but it won't be dangerous."
Diana was always worried about her brothers, especially Peter since she knew he was different because of his powers. They all of course fought like normal siblings but they also looked put for each other. Stephen smiles at the thought as he opens the suitcase, and Diana pulls out some clothes when Tony raps his knuckles against the door.
"I woke up our teenage trolls. They have requested breakfast from their favorite donut shop." The engineer announces.
"Sugar on a three hour road trip?" Stephen snorts and Tony waves his hand around.
"You're the one that wants us to drive instead of portaling us all there."
"It's a normal life experience and the kids agreed to it."
"Yeah, so did all twenty some of the rest of the kids." Tony says dryly and Stephen looks up in confusion. "Our family trip turned into a team trip."
Stephen sighs. "Of course it did. Did you call and make more reservations at the lodge?"
"Some of the rooms have to be shared but it's taken care of." Tony helps Diana pick out her clothes and throws them to Stephen who folds them and packs them away neatly. "We can always throw Quill outside if there's an issue."
"What? He's a walking furnace! I guarantee people will be gathered around him instead of the fire."
Stephen shakes his head in amusement and shuts the suitcase once they help Diana finish packing, and the little girl announces that she's going to go help Cassie before running out of the room. Tony takes Diana's suitcase down to the elevator when one of the boys yells for the sorcerer, and Stephen walks into Harley's room, immediately side stepping the pants tossed in his direction. He watches as their oldest son digs furiously through his dresser and sighs as he uses his magic to gather the discarded articles of clothing to fold and place on the bed.
"MOM-" Harley shouts and Stephen cringes a little at the volume.
"Vishanti's sake...I'm right here. What are you looking for?"
The teen whips his head around to look at the sorcerer with frantic eyes. "I can't find my green hoodie!"
"I told you last night I was washing it. It's probably still in the dryer."
Stephen barely finished his sentence before Harley was darting past him and giving him a mild heart attack when he vaulted himself over the railing to the living room below. It was one thing when Peter did it, but when Harley did it, Stephen was just waiting for the moment when he wouldn't land correctly and hurt himself. Harley wasn't enhanced, but he was still a teenage boy that had absolutely no regard for his personal well-being. Thankfully, today wasn't that day. Harley landed in a crouch and then darted over to the small walk in laundry room while leaving Stephen the pinch the bridge of his nose as he returns the folded clothes on the teens bed to their rightful place with a wave of his hand.
Tony was not being dramatic when he said the boys were going to give him a heart attack one day. Stephen was right there with him.
"Hey Mom! Will I be able to move or do I need to bundle up like Randy in A Christmas Story?" Peter yells from his bedroom door and Tony laughs loudly from somewhere downstairs.
"I'm honestly surprised you know that movie exists." Stephen says as he walks past Peter and his doorway and toward the stairs. "I will be casting the warmth spell on you again. Garage, twenty minutes."
Meaning, Peter and Harley had twenty minutes to finish packing, get ready, and be down in the garage. He told the kids to pack the night before, but he knew he was wasting his breath. They always waited until the last possible second to pack, but always managed to get it done in time so Stephen didn't complain. He already packed for himself and Tony last night while his husband confirmed their reservations and whatnot...and then added to those reservations because someone caught wind of the trip. Probably Clint. He had a weird obsession with crawling through the vents.
Twenty minutes later, Stephen, Tony, and the boys found themselves in the garage where they found the other team members backing their bags into cars and Diana skipping around...Bucky? She usually stuck to Cassie if she wasn't with her family, but that didn't mean she didn't love her assorted aunts and uncles. Diana was rambling about something Stephen couldn't make out as the winter soldier threw his bag in the trunk of the car he, Steve, Sam, and Natasha were taking, and then the man scoops her up with his metal arm.
"Alright princess, I'm pawning you off on Spacecase with the promise to let you use Uncle Steve's shield as a sled. I snuck it into the car." Bucky grins when the captain sighs, and makes true to his promise.
Diana giggles when Bucky holds her out toward Quill who had his back to them, and the space outlaw doesn't even acknowledge the little girl when she attaches herself to the Celestial's back. She didn't seem to care. He and Scott just continued throwing bags into their own car as Diana chattered even more about what she wanted to do when they got to the lodge. Stephen only knew that because she was closer than before so he could hear her now. The way Quill continued on while the little girl spoke endlessly, and riding piggyback told Stephen that this was somewhat of a regular occurrence.
After a few minutes and everyone was ready to leave, Tony finally relieved the god of Diana and took her over to the car the family would be taking.
"How about we quiet your mouth with donuts Little Miss?" Tony asks as he helps her buckle in.
"I want a maple bar!"
"Mama Bear, we have to stop and get a maple bar for the baby!" Tony says over the hood of the car and Stephen raises an eyebrow when Peter and Harley high five. "Nothing for the other two."
"Hey!" The teens shout simultaneously as they clamber into the car.
"We're getting donuts for all of the cubs, love." Stephen slips into the passenger seat and Tony into the driver's side.
"Then you can deal with them while I focus on driving."
They were barely checking in at the front desk before the kids all ran back outside to play in the snow. The three sets of parents weren't worried though. The kids would stay together until the adults came out and they also knew to stay close by. The first thing Stephen saw when he and Tony left the lodge after putting their things into their rooms was a trail of decapitated snowmen and murder scenes, and he sighed heavily. Some of the adults follow the trail while others leave to do their own thing, and Natasha looks down at Harley, Peter, Cooper, and Nate when they find them posed among the biggest murder scene. They were of course the victims of killer snowmen and it had Clint bent over laughing his ass off, and Stephen was glad to see the girls a little further off making snow angels. It looked like this murder scene was Harley's idea.
"Is this ketchup?" Tony asks as he closely inspects the closest snowman.
"We had to improvise." Harley says from the ground and Stephen shakes his head.
"Destroy these before you move on to your next activity. I don't want to get complaints from other parents because this gave their kids nightmares."
Peter looks up from cleverly placed snow that made his body look split in half. "Is it really that good?!"
Laura shakes her head from beside Stephen. "Our children might need therapists."
"I'm afraid their therapists will need therapists after they finish with them." The sorcerer says dully, making Clint laugh even harder.
"Good point."
Tony and Clint took a few pictures of the scene after the archer settled down, and the boys destroyed the nightmare fuel before moving on to other snow activities. Peter and Harley eventually moved on to snowboarding (something their parents weren't aware they could do), and the rest of the kids stuck to sledding. Bucky did actually come by to give Diana a chance to sled with Steve's shield, and as she flew down the hill giggling madly, the captain stood to the side...facepalming. Tony and Bucky found it hilarious, and Stephen kept a spell handy in case his daughter went too fast or too far. Steve looked prepared to step in if needed too. The shield was made of metal after all.
When it got dark, everyone went back inside for hot chocolate and sat on the many couches near the fireplace and the indoor fire pit. There was also the living furnace for those that couldn't get close enough to the fires. Quill got a little grumbly about being used as a heat source for someone other than Scott, Cassie, or Diana, but he didn't argue since it didn't last long. Board games that the lodge provided were played, dinner was had, and they all returned to the couches to talk about anything funny or good that happened that day.
The murderous snowmen was well liked by everyone, especially since Tony and Clint showed the pictures.
"...and then BAM! Right into the tree!" Sam exclaims and Bucky immediately points at Scott to direct the attention away from his embarrassing moment.
"Scott knocked over a rack of snowboards and then tripped over them!"
"Oh come on!"
Harley cackles. "Peter faceplanted into the snow once he buckled himself into his snowboard."
"Yeah?! Well you slid right into a family trying to take a picture!"
"This family is a disaster." Stephen groans quietly and Wanda smiles and gently pats his back.
"But we're still a family." She says. "You're a big part of that. If you didn't tell Tony to give us another chance...we wouldn't be here. Tony wouldn't be friends with us again, Scott and Quill might have never met, Bucky and Steve wouldn't have been permanently reunited…" Wanda looks at Stephen. "Peter may have given you the role of a mother, but you gave it meaning."
Stephen chuckles quietly. "I guess I really am the matriarch."
"Yes you are. Without a doubt." She kisses his cheek and then gets up to herd the girls to the stairs with the promise of a makeshift slumber party.
Cassie, Diana, Lila, Laura, and even Natasha follow Wanda upstairs to one of their rooms for their girls night, and some of the guys elect to stay downstairs to tell more stories. Stephen was content to sit back quietly and listen after telling the remaining kids to go upstairs and watch a movie. The boys didn't even argue. The sorcerer knew they were tired and being allowed to rent a movie on pay-per-view was enough for them. They were even tired enough that there was a low chance of them getting rowdy. Once they disappeared upstairs, Tony and Rhodey took a spot on the couch on either side of Stephen, and the sorcerer lays his head on the engineer's shoulder. Tony wraps his arm around Stephen, gently rubbing his thumb across his shoulder, and grabs the sorcerer's hands.
"Your hands okay?"
"Yes. Just enjoying time with this disaster we call family."
Rhodey snorts. "Disaster doesn't seem like the right word. What's a step up from that?"
"An apocalypse." Tony says dryly.
"Yeah...that sounds better."
Stephen hides a smirk. "I was going to say Quill but apocalypse works."
Tony and Rhodey burst into laughter, and the others give them a weird look until Stephen motions for them to ignore them. If they knew what the three were talking about, he wouldn't put it past them to start a friendly argument over it.
...that did sound like a fun idea now that Stephen thought about it. Maybe he would file that away for a day he wanted to sit back and watch the chaos unfold. Chaos he caused for once.
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nerdy-bookworm-1998 · 5 years
Snowy Slopes and Broken Bones
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes Summary: Day 17 of my 25 Days of Christmas Celebration Calendar. Y/N, Steve and Bucky go on vacation and Steve wants to go snowboarding. Words: 663 Warnings: Fluff, broken bones A/N: If you liked this please leave feedback/reblogs and consider donating to my Ko-Fi and/or Patreon, links are in my bio. If you want to be tagged in future works please send me an ask. Merry Christmas! 😘🎄🎅🤶
For the first time since y/n, Bucky, and Steve had gotten together, there were no missions that required their skills for two weeks before Christmas. So the three of them decided that this would be the perfect time to take a vacation. Tony had a stone lodge in Vermont that he offered to loan them for the time they were there.
Six packed bags and one quinjet ride later they stood outside a beautiful lodge with large floor to ceiling windows, frosted french doors, and a wrap-around porch and balcony. Once they had unpacked and settled in Steve decided that it would be an excellent time to break in his new snowboard. Even though y/n and Bucky wanted nothing more than to curl up in front of the fireplace with steaming mugs of hot chocolate, whipped cream, and mini marshmallows, they ultimately agreed to go skiing.
They bundled up in thick jackets, snow pants, and boots before shouldering their chosen methods of snow-travel and hiking up to the closest ski-lift. After going as high as they could go, the three of them jumped off, landing perfectly on the snowy peak and starting their journey back down.
Everything was going great until Steve misjudged himself on a jump and landed badly in the snow, an audible crack sounding through the suddenly still air. The other two stopped next to him, seeing Steve curled up in the snow, a look of intense pain on his face.
Bucky quickly crouched down and inspected Steve's leg, but the moment he tried to move it the blond cried out. "It looks like it's broken, but we'll have to get it x-rayed to be sure," he murmured. "Do you think you can stand? Just until you can get on my back," he asks to which Steve nods.
Ten minutes and enough swearing to make a sailor blush later Steve is clinging to Bucky's back while Y/N carries his snowboard as they make their way down the slope. Once they're back at the bottom they manage to get one of the slope attendants to help get Steve to the closest hospital.
Y/N and Bucky sit in the waiting room while the doctors wheel Steve off to be x-rayed. Once the results come back they are led to where Steve is sitting on a hospital bed, talking with a middle-aged woman in a white coat. "Hello, I'm Doctor Barbera. It seems that Mr. Rogers has broken his leg, fortunately, it was a clean break, so there are no splinters to be concerned about. Unfortunately, with the serum accelerating his healing, the bone has already started setting again. Which means that we'll have to break it again to get it to set correctly. Now, Mr. Rogers has already agreed to this, but he would like it if one or both of you stayed with him during the process," the doctor explains and both of them immediately agree.
"I'm so sorry you two. This was supposed to be a vacation and now you're stuck taking care of me," Steve says apologetically later that evening as he sits on the couch in front of the fire, his leg elevated on the table and a warm mug of hot chocolate in hand.
"Don't worry about it, Stevie. It reminds me of before when you used to get sick and had to stay in bed," Bucky says with a fond smile and a kiss to Steve's forehead.
"Yeah, babe, we like taking care of you. It's a nice change of pace from you always taking care of us, so just sit back, relax and enjoy it," Y/N coos as she gently runs her fingers through his hair and kisses his temple.
"Alright," he concedes with a sigh, "but as soon as we're back in New York I'm taking you two out to dinner to make up for it," he grins.
Bucky and Y/N share a mischievous smile over his head before saying in a chorus, "Deal."
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