#so I am obligated to protect my dad’s friend
ornii · 8 months
Arcane Chapter 3
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Forgive me… Powder…
"Ever wonder what it's like to drown? Story of opposites. There's peace in water. Like it's holdin' you, whisperin' in low tones to let it in. And every problem in the world will fade away. But then there's this thing..in your head, and it's raging. Lighting every nerve with madness. To fight. To survive.
And all the while, this question lingers before you:
"Have you had enough?"
It's funny. You could pass a lifetime without ever facing a choice like that. But it changes you forever. For that, I thank you...old friend."
"What aren't you telling me?" (Y/n) and Vander walk along the road to Benzo's shop. "I already know you have a deal with Topside Dad..". Vander frowns and shakes his head.
"The Topsiders want their pound of flesh. And if I had to guess, Vi is going to.." Vander says and (Y/n) quickly puts two and two together.
"I'm not letting her give herself up! We have to get to Benzo's!" (Y/n) breaks off into a sprint. The two reach Benzo's shop who seemingly as reached his shop as well. The door was knocked off, The trio open the door to Vi sitting on a chair, pacing in anxiety. She stands up seeing them here.
"Vander? (Y/n). " she asks confused.
"We don't have much time." I'm proud of you. Always have been." Vander walks over, holding Vi. She looks down, somberly.
"I'm sorry, I... This is the only way to protect the others." She says, and (Y/n) steps up.
"You'd leave me like that, like us?" He says, he walks over to Vi, looking into her eyes. Vander comes over, seeing the hurt his his boys eyes.
"You've got a good heart. Don't ever lose it. No matter how the world tries to break you. Protect the family." He says, and Vander hugs Vi.
"What are you..." Vander shoves Vi into the closet, locking her in.
"No! (Y/n)! Vander! Let me out! This isn't right!" (Y/n) listens to her bang against the door, desperately trying to escape. (Y/n) bites his tongue, in dismay listening to VI's pleads of despair. He turns around to Vander.
"Are... you sure about this?" He says, and Vander nods, hugging his son.
"I am, I refuse to let any of you go... you've come so far, and I'm so proud of you...Vi can be hot headed and the others aren't as mature. So I'm leaving it to you, Take care of the family.." Vander says, a few tears pour down (Y/n)'s face as he rubs them away, just then, two enforcers enter the Building, Grayson and the egotistical Marcus.
"I'm guessing that's for me." Grayson says to the pounding on the door, (Y/n) walks over to the door to protect it.
"You gonna let us make the arrest or not?" Marcus says to (Y/n), who stares daggers at Marcus, and Vander lights up a smoke.
"You'll oblige a doomed man one last smoke. Won't you?" He asks, Grayson walks over to Vander, unamused.
"I'm not putting you away, Vander. Without you down here, it all falls apart." She says, Vander motions to (Y/n).
"(Y/n) will handle things. He's my son so he comes with m my devilish charm, and he runs a tight ship." He says. There's silence, (Y/n) forces himself to stay strong. Marcus cuffs Vander, and is lead outside, Vi watches from the green tinted glass in the basement of the figures exiting the Shop. She watches until something happens, she's unable to make it out from the tint but she hears Grayson's voice.
"Hey. Stop right there!" She yells and Vi tries to look closer. Until blood splatters the window in a flash, Vi flies back, mortified. Outside, Graysons stunned corpse lied on the ground, the sizzle of the fired gun rings in distance.
"What the devil..." Benzo says, afraid. The remaining men turn to the origins of footsteps, deep green mist fills the area, and a figure steps out from it, what distincts thus man was the scarring eye he has, sun red with a pupil that's pitch black with the iris like a Solar eclipse. Hiding the true malice and hatred under it. (Y/n) has no clue how he is but Vander does.
"Silco?" Vanders voice was shaky, almost.. afraid.
"You animal. Go crawl back into whatever hole you came out of." Benzo says, grabbing the baton of the dead Grayson and rushes to attack him.
"Benzo, stay back." Vander yells, as Silco calmly turns to him.
"You never did know when to walk away." He says, and In a flash, Benzo was torn into shreds. Blood splatters (Y/n)'s face, he looks around, confused by what happened. (Y/n) watches a malformed monster approach, it's body massive with sickening purple veins pulsating through its body. (Y/n) felt a sickening aura radiate from it. (Y/n) was terrified, afraid, he steps back, as Silco stares at Benzo's corpse.
"Hmm. Stubborn to the end." Silco utters, Marcus looks absolutely terrified.
"What the hell have you done? This wasn't the deal!" He yells.
"Deal's changed." Silco replies coldly, (Y/n) sees the monster close in on Vander, ge didn't know what to do, panicked his legs told him to run, run as fast as he can away... but he couldn't. he grabs the baton and rushes in full speed, he leaps into the air, cocking the Baton back, he was ready to fight to the bloody end, until the monster grabs him by the neck, squeezing tightly, Silco turns to (Y/n), who's gasping for air.
"A Child playing Hero... how.. trivial, it seems you rushed to his Side without any hesitation, you are definitely Vanders son.. but let me give you a word of advice, that nagging feeling in the back of your head, that was fear.. telling you to run and preserve yourself, you should habe listened to it.. because that wasn't bravery, that was foolishness.."
The Monster hurls (Y/n) like a baseball though the window of Benzo's shop, his body crashes through the window, slides along the counter and slams into the wall near the door, and slumps down, the pain shooting through his body was too much for it to take, and (Y/n)'s eyes lower and he collapses unconscious. Minutes, Seconds? Maybe hours have passed, he didn't know. But he simply awoke, pain shoots through his arm and ribs as he stands up, still a bit dazed from the tossing, he stumbles to the door, and opens it. He slowly steps downstairs, leaning on the wall as he turns to vi, sitting there. Her face moves up from her arms to see (Y/n) there, with a few bruises and cuts, she stands up, slowly approaching him.
"I saw everything. Be... Benzo. They..." he says, slowly begging to break down, and this time, Vi holds him, letting him fall apart in her arms.
"What about Vander?" Vi says, he looks at her, sniffling. She wipes the tears from his face.
"I don't know I think They took him." He says, Vi begins to worry even more.
"Where?" She asks, he looks down. Thinking.
"I don't know, there's only one place I can.. think of.." he says, the Fish Cannery, the old decrepit building houses all of Silco's plans. As the large monster was dragging Vander along, the Cannery is full of Sulcos goons, building weapons and producing an odd purple liquid.
"It's a little crude, I'll admit...The base violence necessary for change. But we both know topside won't listen to anything else." Silco explains, as Vander is tossed on a railing
"Even with your monsters, you won't win a war against Piltover." Vander was able to utter from his bated breath.
"I don't have to. I just need to scare them. They won't dare set foot in the underground again." He says, and Vander turns to him, his eye swollen and barely able to see from it.
"You'll get people killed. For what? Pride?" Vander spits blood on the ground, Silco looks at him, a bit bewildered.
"For respect. Opportunity. Everything they've denied us." He says, kneeling down to look Vander in the eye.
"You had my respect. The Lanes' respect, but that...
that was never enough for you." Vander snaps back, and Silco closes in.
"We shared a vision, Vander. A dream of freedom.
Not just for the Lanes, but the whole of the underground, united as one. The nation of Zaun.
Do you even remember? I trusted you. And you betrayed me." Silco's words were full of Venom, resentment and hatred building up. Vander looks regretful.
"What I did to you... I've never forgiven myself. You were my brother." Vander says, somberly, Silco stands up. Reliving that day, Being drowned in the Water.
"No, you still don't understand...Can you imagine what it's like? When your blood mixes with the filth
and the river toxins eat through your nerves. Oh, I hated you for what you'd done. But as time passed, so did my hate. And I was left with an understanding.
The only way to defeat a superior enemy is to stop at nothing. To become what they fear. I hated you, but you kept my respect. Until you made peace with them. Played lapdog after everything we suffered." Silco grumbles, feeling the small sting in his eye.
"..I had no choice." Vander somberly utters.
"Perhaps." Silco tilts his head a bit. "But now you do." Silco shows Vander a Vial of a glowing purple liquid.
"Shimmer. We have the power. We can finally realize our dream, brother." He says, trying to entice Vander, but he cannot agree with it.
"Look at what you've done. Benzo. These kids. My Son.. In fighting topside you'd sacrifice everything that we are. It's not the way. Can't you see that?
Kill me if you have to, but please spare the Lanes." He says, and Silco snaps.
"You'd die for the cause, but you won't fight for one?" He says back, and Vander simply looks down.
"I'm just... not that man anymore." He says, and Silco walks off, heading to a room across the walkway.
"I'll show you what you really are." He says, and has dire intentions for Vander.
Inside the Bar, Claggor, Mylo and Powder are waiting in the basement, probably arguing about something dumb. Before (Y/n) and Vi enter.
"Oh, you're back." Mylo says. The two notice the weaponry they've acquired, which is a Baseball bat and Vanders Cast Iron gauntlets. Vi grabs them and Mylo stops her.
"Hey. Those are Vander's. Slow down. What's going on?" He asks.
"Benzo's dead." (Y/n) says heading to a small hole to grab some gear.
"Dead?" Mylo says, shocked; the group look more hopeless than before.
"They took Vander." Vi adds in. " I need to help him."
"We're going with you." Claggor adds in, and Powder begins to pack. (Y/n) grabs from the hole a piece of steel with a few rivets on it, a makeshift Brass knuckle, and attaches it onto his arm. He turns to the group, as they father whatever they can, and head up, (Y/n) and Vi see powder coming too, but stop her.
"I need you to sit this one out, Powder." Vi says, and Powders determination turns to confusion.
"What?" She says.
"You're not coming." Vi reiterates.
"I'm not afraid." Powder says arguing back. "Families stick together. You said it yourself.—"
"No!" (Y/n)'s voice echoes, and scares powder, he looks shocked himself and sadly kneels down to face powder.
"I'm sorry Powder.. We can't lose you." He says, putting his hand on her shoulder, "Whatever he has is, a lot scarier than any of us can imagine. I promise it'll be okay, and I'll come back with Vander and everything will be okay.. I promise." He says. He gives Powder a small peck on the forehead as he turns to leave, Vi gives Powder what seems to be a flare.
"Here. If they come for you, take this and run.
Where ever you are, light it up, and I'll find you. I promise." Vi says, and the two leave powder. Alone. The group begin their journey to the Cannery, the four slowly maneuver towards the high ground, and slowly drop down into the cannery from a broken window on the roof, they reach the Walkway and into a small room with Vander, strapped to the chair. Vander looks up at the approaching children.
"Vi?" Vander says, "What are you doing here?". More of the group pour into the room.
"We're breakin' you out." (Y/n) says, seeing the locks on the arms and legs of Vander.
"Mylo." He says and he quickly comes in with his lock pick. (Y/n) turns to Claggor.
"Find us another way out of here, it's best if we—" (Y/n) says, until an echo cuts him off, the sound of clapping, it was Silco, with his goons in tow.
"Welcome. You have my congratulations.
But I'm afraid this will be a very short reunion. Have you heard the rumor? Vander the coward fled town with his children. And they were never seen again." Silco says, and the massive tattooed man begins to walks the walkway. (Y/n) steps back, until he turns to his side to see Vi putting on the Gauntlets, he walks over and tightens them for her. She and (Y/n) look at each other, and he smiles just slightly.
"You ready? There's no going back after this Vi.." he says and she nods, (Y/n) picks up the bat and puts it over his shoulder and they walk together to face the Monsters of Zaun. The Large man draws a knife and cracks his neck.
"He's gonna go for a stab, I counter and you land square on his jaw." He says. Vi raises her gauntlets.
"You wanna bet on that?" She says.
"I put your life on it, so I know I'd never be wrong." He says, the man growls and goes for a stab, (Y/n) throws his prosthetic arm in the way, it parries the knife and Vi goes in, and Rocks him with an uppercut the drops the man immediately, (Y/n) picks up his knife and puts it in his pocket. More goons begin to approach and Vi and (Y/n) fight, (Y/n) taking big swings with his bat and Iron clad knuckle, and Vi with her gauntlets. One attempts to go for Vi, (Y/n) slides in, swinging his bat and hitting the goons stomach and Vi coming in with the assist and right hook, A pair of teenagers begin to wipe the floor with grown men and women. One man with a mace attempts to crush (Y/n) he puts the bat up to block but it goes through the Wooden bat and hits him right in the collar bone, he collapses down in pain and Vi comes in with the rescue.
Vi begins to fight off two while (Y/n) writhes in pain, he sees Vi barely holding them off, seeing her in trouble he throws his pain to the side and tosses himself back into the fray. One Cocks back to swing but gets a fist fill of (y/n) iron clad prosthetic fist breaking his teeth, letting Vi dispatch the other.
Mylo looks over to see the two keeping them off, but are being worn down. Vander looks at him.
"Mylo. Take a breath. You can do this." He says, Mylo calms himself and begins again, picking the locks. (Y/n) and vi help each other up, (Y/n) turns to Silco.
"Cmon! That the best you got?!" He yells, Silco motions for Deckard, and he hands him a Vial of Shimmer and he drinks it. And he transforms into the monster (Y/n) saw outside Benzo's.
"...Shit.." (Y/n) says and he charges in, only to get a boot into his sternum. He hits the ground and Vi charges in.
"Mylo, hurry!" Vander yells, while Claggor slams into the wall, breaking it down piece by piece. Vi leaps into the air, only to get her face grabbed by the monstrous Deckard.
"Silco. Let her go! This is between you and me!" Vander screams from his chair, and Silco glares coldly.
"You had your chance." (Y/n) rushes in with his brass knuckle and cracks the monster in the rib with heavy punches, he drops Vi and grabs (Y/n) by the Prosthetic. He begins to crush it, and (Y/n) quickly takes the blade he took and rams it into the wrist of Deckard, who drops him as well, but the damage is done and part of the metal was crushed, he picks Vi up with now his only good arm, and limps away as Deckard removes the blade from his wrist. He fumbles into the room and rushes to the door, he yanks the latch and slams it shut before Deckard could reach them. He locks it and slumps down, exhausted.
"You did good." Vander says, (Y/n) looks relieved by the Door shakes with each punch from Deckard, Claggor picks up the speed, and Mylo has Vander almost free. (Y/n) shakes his head, fearing the end, until Vi pushes back as well, holding the door with him. They push together, desperate to hold him back, all seems to be going well...
"You have to work. For me. Okay?" A girl says, Powder, on the edge of the building, preparing something, a monkey bomb with three of those crystals inside. With spikes on the chimes. She winds it up and drops it into a window and watches it move forward, clanging the spikes into the crystal as it clamors closer and closer to the area, and near Deckard the energy builds up more and more ferocious until it reaches a boiling point. In one last clang, it erupts, the crystals explode in a massive form of blue light, which knocks powder off the building.
It blasts Deckard away, evaporates the arm of one of Silco's goons, one crystal blasts through the door and gets in, and another explosion happens, murdering Claggor, and the crystal touches (Y/n), the energy surges through his body, as he was hit with a wave of it, his arm gets arcs of lightning shot though his prosthetic and up his face, and right into his eye. It demolished the lower body of the building, setting the shimmer aflame. His scream is the last thing that's heard as his body seemingly is warped and disappears, the impact sends Mylo into the wall and a pipe right into his shoulder, pinning him to the wall, he looks over to the corpse of Claggor, barley able to understand what just happened, the roof begins to cave it, and it crushes them both. Vander can only begin to process what's going on, seeing Vi barely able to move and is in pain, tears flowing down her face, Silco recovers from it as well, and points to the door.
"Kill them!" He commands, and the remaining goons follow, and the side of Vander that he kept locked away, erupts, and the Hound of the Underground is prepared to bite once more. Breaking off pieces of the door, he creates makeshift knuckles and starts cracking Skulls, and tosses one man off the ledge and starts to deal with Deckard, until a blade catches him in the back. Silco, as he removes the blade from his back, Vander turns and grabs Silco with every bit of strength he hast left to choke the life out of him. But that strength wavers with the second the second stab enters his body, Vanders body, seemingly gives up, and Silco tosses him off the left.
"I knew you still had it in you." Silco says, and turns to the goons. "Find the girl and that boy.." he says, and continues to focus, Deckard slowly makes his way inside, but a figure yanks him and turns him around, wrapping its hand around its neck and snapping it with ease, the beast tosses his lifeless corpse away. It was Vander, who ingested the Shimmer himself and is a malformed shade of his former self, the mesmerized beast turn to Silco.
"Silco!" His voice roars like a lion in the darkness. But the building was reaching its crumbling point, and he had to make a choice, Silco or Vi, he grabbed Vi before the building could explode and leapt out, as it succumbed to powders bomb. Eventually Vi recovers in the alley to a dying Vander, and now she's about to lose everyone. She rushes to his side, As Vanders purple veins begin to lose their light.
"Vander! Vander..." she says, tears forming in her eyes, and his last words echoed deep within her.
"Take care of Powder." He utters, before the light in his eyes.. die. Vi's tears of pain were dubbed by the rain that began to pour, and a voice halts her mourning.
"Vi, it worked!" A voice says behind her, and Vi slowly turns around with her toy, and she looks, stunned.
"What?" Vi was only able to utter, the complete shock of everything is slowly reaching her, and powder couldn't be more proud of herself.
"Did you see me? My monkey bomb finally worked! I did the cogs just like (Y/n) said so! And it worked!" She says, so happy, Vi just simply turns to her, cold.
"You did this? Why? Why did you do this?" She asks, Powder looks confused, until she looks past Vi, the flames, the carnage, Vanders malformed corpse on the ground, Claggor's shatter goggles on the ground. and it all begins to click in her head, she did this, she killed Mylo, Claggor... (Y/n). And it all begins to set into the child's head, she begins to sniffle, tearing up.
"I... I didn't...I was saving you...I only wanted to help." Powder says, barely able to hold it all together, as tears begin to rush down the child's face, as she can only repeat. I only wanted to help.
I only wanted to help. only wanted to..." she says, her
" told you to stay away." Vi says, her emotions coming to a boil, and a hysterical powder cries even more.
"Please. Please. Please..." her voice shaking, shattering as she pleads with her sister.
"I told you to stay away!" Vi snaps, hitting powder as she falls on the ground, terrified.
"Why did you leave me?!" She screams, and Vi grabs the girl by the face, yanking her in close.
"Because you're a jinx. Do you hear me? Mylo was right." We're her final words to her sister before leaving. Powder falls back, watching the last family member she has left, abandon her.
"No. No. No. Violet, please! Violet, please!
Please come back! Please, Violet. I need you. Please!"
But her cries fall upon deaf ears, until a man she's never seen before, approaches the abandoned Powder, and he kneels down, bloody knife in hand.
"Hello, little girl...Where's your sister?" He asks, and Powder looks up to him, and leaps into his arms, crying harder.
"She left me...She is not my sister anymore." She says, Silco was stunned, not really knowing how to respond, and he simply.. Holds her.
"It's okay...We'll show them. We will show them all."
Darkness, a void of senseless and emptiness, the dark only adorned by stars from a cosmos long forgotten to humanity, (Y/n) opens his eyes, and he sees a forest green trees, grass, but no light.. as if he's.. not on earth, his body in tatters from the fight. He attempts to stand up, but is barely able to make it a few feet before collapsing to his knees, he crawls to what seems to be a cliff, as he peers over it, he see the world is nothing, darkenss. And small islands that seem to be floating in the dark, and he's on one of them, he looks around. He's on a floating island in, some void.
"Vi? Violet?! Powder?! POWDER! CLAGGOR! DAD, Mylo?.." he yells,
But no one can come to save him.. he realizes that he's not in Piltover, not the lanes, he's somewhere you can't get to by normal means. He rolls onto his back, and sees his Prostetic has been burned with arcs of blur electricity that seems to be not normal, he feels the pain along his face as well... whatever happened to him, was permanent. He extends his prosthetic arm to what he might think is the sky, and sees one of powders drawings on it. The tears begin to flow as he cries, having lost.. everyone.
"Powder I.. I..."
"I'm So Sorry.."
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lisascr3ature · 9 months
help me move out of my controlling parents' house
hi, everyone. i'm a 29 year old autistic woman and i need help moving out of my toxic parent's household in order to live a normal and healthy life. in no way am i intellectually impaired, my mother uses my neurodivergence to infantilize me. she has always been controlling, but her grip is tightening and the demands she's placing on me are unreasonable. not only that, but she's violating my boundaries by telling her customers at work my personal business and seeking their opinions on what i should and shouldn't be allowed to do. i'm having to lie about going on dates with my friend who's also a love interest because she doesn't want me to have a boyfriend. she literally sat down next to me and made me friendzone him over instagram DMs so she would be more comfortable about a day trip we were planning, even though that was a lie and i have romantic feelings.
she's forcing purity culture on me, an adult woman, and making it so that i have no choice but to maintain my virginity with threats and a bizarre obsession with it, telling me not to be "giving anything away" when i'm just going out for coffee or a picnic, i'm having to lie about where i am because she'll cause trouble even though i'm not doing anything wrong, she's accusing me of being "up to something" and it's uncomfortable around the house when she tells me i'm being too quiet and i've "changed". i haven't "changed", and i just think she's afraid of losing control over me, so she's treating me like a teenager. she keeps demanding info about my dates with the same person, where i'll be, what time, what i'm wearing and getting too involved, then proceeding to guilt me into not engaging in any kind of sexual activity when that's not even on the table and i'm terrified of losing my virginity because of the consequences should she find out (and she will in one way or another). i don't have agency over that and it's not a choice i "get" to make, and i'm scared that if that moment comes, it's not going to be about me or my partner. it's going to be about her and the guilt and fear i've been conditioned with, and paranoia. i'm not allowed to go to another adult man's house unless his mother is home. these rules are reasonable for an adolescent or a high schooler, but this is just ridiculous and she insists i need to be chaperoned on dates. i'm not allowed to go out at night, even though i'll be with an absolute sunshine of a guy who promised to protect me and i can trust. my mother is getting other people involved in my love life and i'm living on eggshells, finding that i have to hide parts of myself and my identity because she's blowing everything out of proportion and criticizing my fashion choices and what i can/can't wear.
earlier this summer, she had her coworker besties and familiar customers weigh in on whether or not i should be "allowed" to go to the beach with my friend and she put a tracker on my phone. at 29 years old. i became so ill with severe anxiety that i lost weight, fell into depression, felt nauseous and developed a habit of shaking when i'm nervous.
i don't have any other friends or family to live with (he lives with his parents too and is also ND) and she's holding money over my head to keep me indebted. i owe her $3500 for helping me fix my car because i accidentally dented it getting too close to our gate trying to make room in the driveway for my dad's car and she wouldn't let me park in the garage, aka what it's there for. she charges me $500 rent per month and on top of my phone and car insurance bill, i have nothing left to give her or save to pay her back.
i'll never be able to move out with this financial obligation or even save up, and i really need help because this is unhealthy and her imposed rules, spreading my personal business, disrespect and exertion of control and manipulation over me is escalating. i have a job and it's not enough, barely covers my bills and rent. please help me because i'm beginning to feel like there's no way out and i need to get free. if you have some extra money to spare and you're feeling kind enough to help me, my paypal is:
thank you so much, and please spread this so that others may see it and help me. <3
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“You’re Jeno’s roommate, Jeno’s my friend- I know we’ve just met, but I know things about you.” Hyuck explains. “When you were with your last girl, Jeno used to come to the bar and bitch about you never coming out- he’s been wanting you to meet the rest of the boys for a while, but never wanted to invite us over cuz your last girlfriend had some supernatural cootchie-grip hold on you or something- point is, I know you’re a serial monogamist. Two long-term girlfriends. You like the domestic shit, and I get that- but if you want domestic, it’s not our little Miss Sunshine expo girl. She can’t even sleep next to guys she’s fucked- wakes up at five am, and dips out without a word. Trust me on this, dude, you wanna stay far away from that man-eater.”
↳ some guy! by nnight-dances — ☁, ☼ | k
↳ sunday kind of love by smileysuh — ♕ | 35.8k
Mark is fine with having a crush on the girl in the library. He’s fine watching her from afar. And he’s fine with never speaking a word to the girl who he spends many nights chasing in his dreams. But fate, and a few nosey frat brothers, think Mark would be much better if he was forced to talk to the cute girl from the library that he can’t seem to get out of his head. 
↳ surviving no nut november (haechan, mark) by domejaehyun— ♕ | 28.8k
↳ two cups of sugar by sakuurae — ☼ | 12.2k
after visiting a new pastry shop down the street, mark lee becomes a regular for the sweet treats, but especially for the even sweeter girl that works the counter.
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↠ yuta
↳ on my own by yutaholic — ♕, ☁ | 16k
When your boyfriend dumps you for Yuta’s girlfriend, and vice versa, you’re left heartbroken and angry. Then, Yuta calls you out of the blue with a dangerous idea in mind - sweet, petty revenge.
↳ study sessions by sakuurae— ♕ | 16k
you never thought that yuta, of all people, would be willing to help you with your salient project. though, one study session turned into two, three, and that was enough for you to get down on your knees, ready to thank him in a special way
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↠ multi
↳ smashing the six by yutaholic — ♕ | k
there’s a notorious tradition at nct university - hookup with a player from each of the six athletic programs. bonus points awarded if you get any of them to fall in love with you. but don’t forget about neonet, nctu’s infamous social media app, where rumors get passed around like candy and no one is safe from having their business aired out for all to see.
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Poor Nanami. Hes got all problems rn (one kid uncondcious, two kids really really insisting they did the grand theft auto, one going throufh the most insane emotional journey possible)
I keep thinking about how in the same conversation Yuuta both asked Nanami to neglect him more (insanely concerning) and then also said hed kill himself in front of him (also insanely concerning) after like 5 hours ago going youre *not* my dad. Parenthood is tough.
Nanami, going onto r/Parenting for help with this shit:
I (27M) am the father of three. My eldest (16M) was recently introduced to my two younger children (15F & 14M) under less than ideal circumstances. They all seem to be getting along well—my eldest son and daughter already appear to be friends. My youngest son had to be hospitalized, and the eldest has developed a very protective bond with him. This is one of the issues—I’m harboring some concerns that he may kill the people who hurt my youngest in his defense.
I have a series of other problems that have arisen in the last twelve hour span:
First, my daughter recently stole a car to transport her brother to medical attention after discovering his injuries. My youngest now insists that he was the one who stole it, despite being blind and bleeding out at the time of the theft. How do I convince him that it was okay that the car was stolen and to stop distressing himself with trying to take the blame?
Second, my eldest went through a medical issue recently that destabilized his emotional control, likely contributing to his strong bond with my youngest and the homicidal thoughts. I'm attempting to get him to rest; however, this makes him feel like he's failing to protect my youngest. How do I convince him to rest and take care of his own needs?
Third, the same eldest told me that I’m not his father, asked me to neglect him more, and told me that he’d kill himself in front of me if I tried to discuss puberty with him. Our relationship is very new, and I believe he was being hyperbolic in many of his statements, but I want to communicate to him that he can safely come to me with any issues he may face. How can I best do this?
Fourth, I have recently uncovered reason to believe that my daughter is harboring an active fear that we may one day cut her off from her younger brother permanently. We are currently parenting them through a non-sexual, platonic polycule, and I decided that I was obligated to share this information with the others so that we may address it as a family. Now, however, she has been avoiding me, and I fear she may trust me less. How do I address both the breach in trust and the likely fears of abandonment? I only want her to be happy.
Fifth, my eldest appears to have a relationship of indeterminate nature with his four closest friends. They were all found sleeping in the same bed together, are rarely apart, and he spends most of his time with his best friend/possible romantic partner (15F), though they have gotten in several physical confrontations in the twelve hours I have known them. It is unclear whether their relationship is platonic, romantic, or queerplatonic in nature, though his best friend does appear to be making romantic overtures to my daughter. I obviously support whatever their nature may take (both due to my pre-existing personal opinions and the obviously unique nature of the relationship I have with my coparenting polycule), but I do believe that the answers may affect what topics should be covered in any discussion we may have on puberty and sexual wellbeing. Obviously, this talk is not happening any time soon, due to the aforementioned threat to kill himself in front of me if I attempted to discuss such topics, but I’d like to be prepared should the need arise. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to casually communicate that I support him in whatever form of relationship he finds himself in? Should I cover all of the bases when I give him the talk just in case?
I consider myself somewhat of a veteran parent (I have been raising children for more than a decade now), but these last twelve hours have surprised me with how taxing they've been. Has anyone encountered anything like this? Any advice will be appreciated.
Edit: My youngest had to be hospitalized because his extended family, who is not allowed any contact with him, kidnapped him and injured him to the point of hospitalization. This is not what I'm seeking advice on. We are more than capable of formulating our plans for revenge without the aid of strangers on the internet.
Second Edit: Please stop asking how I'm able to be the father of three teenagers at the age of 27. All of my children were adopted. No one needs to call the police.
Third Edit: My eldest had not yet met his younger siblings because he was only recently adopted under rather dire circumstances. The ex-boyfriend of a member of our coparenting group recently attempted to murder him (for reasons unrelated to the group), and then in the aftermath a different group attempted to force him into indentured servitude. We were looking to allow him time to adjust to his new circumstances before introducing him to his siblings.
Fourth Edit: Yes, I adopted my first two children when I was sixteen. This was not so much allowed as no one could stop us. I fail to see the relevance in this to the problem at hand; however, due to the influx of questions I have decided to provide the information anyway.
Fifth Edit: Yes, I was the poster who sought advice all those years ago regarding the young children that my upperclassman had somehow acquired. No, I still do not know where he got them from. It no longer matters, because we ended up keeping them and are raising them ourselves. Please direct all further comments to the actual questions asked.
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pawnshopbleus · 2 years
Ice Ice Baby
Robin Buckley x Fem!Sinclair!Reader 
summary - Erica walks in on you and your girlfriend. In order for her to stay quiet, she requests a simple treat.
authors note - Anon requested this like a million years ago and I am turning seventeen in two days so I wrote it as a little treat for myself. Sorry for going awol for so long and I hope you like it.   
warnings - lesbians kissing, Erica being Erica, cursing 
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YOU THOUGHT you were home alone once you entered your lovely home. The TV was off, the curtains were drawn, and most importantly there was no noise in the kitchen.
“The coast is clear,” you whispered.
“Why are you whispering if no ones here?” Robin whispered back.
“Oh sorry,” you took your coat off and hung it on the brown coat hook by the front door. Robin followed suit and took off her jean jacket.
“I will never understand why you wear that thing. It barely provides enough protection,” you commented.
Robin scoffed and wrapped her arms around you, “I wear it because I like it.”
Robin let you go and slumped on the couch. She grabbed one of the cheetah print throw pillows your mom bought last summer.  
“Where is everyone?” she asked.
“Mom, dad, and Lucas went to grandma's for the weekend, and Erica’s staying at her friend's house.”
“Why didn’t Erica go with them?” Robin mumbled into the fancy throw pillow your mom bought last spring.
“Because she’s Erica and always gets what she wants,” you sat on the floor right next to the couch and threaded your hands through Robin's hair.
“If you keep doing that I’m going to fall asleep,” she grumbled.
“Maybe I have something that’ll wake you up,” you smiled.
“What?” Robin looked up at you with eyes that would make even a puppy melt.
Your thumb caressed her bottom lip, begging for permission to enter. She obliged and opened her mouth just enough for your thumb to slide in. Her tongue circled your thumb as you pushed it further into her mouth. You retracted your thumb from her mouth and straddled her hips. Her hands found their way to your hips as you reached down to her level.
You kissed her cheek and you let your lips linger. You trailed kisses all around her face and stopped once you got to her chin.
“You're kissing me everywhere but my lips,” she whined.
You laughed, “If you are impatient I can go and do something else.”
She puckered her bottom lip, “Fine.”
Your lips finally pressed together and her hands squeezed your hips slightly. Your bodies pressed together as the kiss got heated. The kisses got longer with each passing moment. Both of you were only focusing on each other that you didn’t realize that your little sister, Erica, had come down the stairs.
“Oh my god,” Erica gasped as she covered her eye.
“Holy fuck,” you fell off of the couch as you were startled by your sister's presence.
“I didn’t know you were gay,” Erica tilted her head to the side, “you don’t look gay.”
“Why are you here? You’re supposed to be at a friend's house,” you asked Erica who was standing in the archway that separated the stairs and the living room.
“It got boring so I walked home. I got in through the back,” she shrugged.
“Mom is going to kill me,” you whispered “Please don’t tell anyone,” you pleaded.
“I won’t,” your shoulders dropped, “for a price.”
“Name it and it’s yours,” Robin promised.
“If I remember right, she,” Erica points to Robin, “still owes me ice cream.”
“We have ice cream in the freezer,” you sighed.
“I want new ice cream.”
“It’s fine. I’ll pay for it,” Robin put her arm around your shoulder.
“Come on,” you pushed yourself off of the floor and headed straight for the door.
The cold winter air hit your face as you shuffled into your car. Robin and Erica followed you into the car. It took a while for the car to heat up but eventually, you were on your way.
“Erica, why do you need ice cream in the middle of December?” you looked through your rearview mirror to see your little sister still buckling up her seat belt.
“Less questions, more driving,” she huffed.
The drive to the ice cream shop was long but you had your Fleetwood Mac CDs and your girlfriend to accompany you. You were so focused on driving and the feeling of Robin's hand on your thigh that you almost forgot Erica was in the back seat.
“Are we almost there yet?” Erica whined. You rolled your eyes as you pulled into the parking lot of the ice cream shop.
“We’re here your majesty,” you parked your car in the only empty parking space.
“It looks like it’s packed. Why is an ice cream shop so packed in the middle of December?” Robin asked as her eyes scanned the inside of the shop.
“You tell me,” you took your keys out of the ignition and took your seat belt off.
Erica jumped out of the car and ran into the shop, slamming the car door behind her. You and Robin walked in after her.
Once you enter the shop, you were met with the sound of children screaming and the scent of sugar cones being baked.
Erica pushed her way up to the counter while you and Robin stood behind her. Once Erica orders her ice cream, you and Robin decide to share a cup of vanilla with rainbow sprinkles. Erica then spots a group of friends from school and runs over to them, leaving you and Robin alone.
Robin and you sit in a booth in the corner of the shop, it’s not as secluded as you would like but it’ll do.
“Thank you for paying for that little brat's ice cream,” you took Robin's hands into yours. Her hands were cold from the condensation on the ice cream cup.
“It’s no problem. It was worth it because I got to spend time with you,” she kissed one of your hands with her soft lips.
Robin and you spent the rest of the day eating ice cream, telling stories, and laughing your asses off. Although the day didn’t go as planned, you still had a really nice time.  
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bellofthemeadow · 11 months
Summer of '03 | Joel Miller x Female Reader
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Series Masterlist // Prologue
Rating: M for Mature (18 + no minors allowed)
Word Count: 6.3K
Warning: All warnings on the Series Masterlists, will update if necessary (Re-iterating, no minors allowed! Thank you)
Chapter Summary: An unexpected meeting leads to a wonderful gals' only day. If only your new friend's dad was more amenable and less of a grouchy asshole.
Notes: Hey everyone! Look who's back, its me!!! Sorry abut the delay, everything has been crazy busy these past few weeks, but I am finally through!!! I hope you all really enjoy this new chapter, I had a lot of fun writing it :D I also tried to tag those who wanted to be tagged, if I missed you I really apologize!!! Also, if you want to be tagged for future chapters, just let me know.
Like always, thank you to everyone who shows interest in my writing, you guys mean the world to me!!! I love you all very very much <3
Taglist: @brittmb115 , @bitchwitch1981, @kittenlittle24
A Day by the Pool
After a week of living in Aunt Ruth’s house, the verdict was out: Texas was scorching hot! No, it was more than that. The humidity that permeated the air felt like it was adhering to the pores of your skin, leaving you feeling tired and grouchy on most days. The sun seared your skin, making "hot" seem like a complete understatement. Sweat poured from your every pore, even places you didn't know could sweat. You even had to resort to your grandma’s old trick to keep “fresh” and had started to carry a pack of wet wipes in your purse for those, now way too common, sweating emergencies. The mere thought of June and heaven forbid, July, was sending shivers down your spine. Maybe you'll have to hibernate inside the house for the rest of the summer, like a bear. Except, instead of sleeping the winter away, you would spend your Hot girl summer marinating on a flower-patterned couch while eating your weight in ice cream.
For now, however, you found respite from the blistering heat by plunging in the refreshing waters of Aunt Ruth's spacious backyard pool. It was a large rectangular pool, complete with a diving board and even a small waterslide! A child’s paradise and for you, literal heaven! You were pleasantly surprised when you first laid eyes on the pool, particularly its impeccable state. Considering Mrs. Ruth had passed away about two months ago, you expected signs of neglect like leaves lining the inside of the pool or dark murky waters. Yet, to your delight, it was in excellent condition. But the true highlight of the backyard was the four lounge chairs thoughtfully placed alongside the pool. Each equipped with its own individual parasols, they provided a perfect hiding place where you could bask in the cool shade, escaping the relentless sun's rays. You could spend hours lounging there after a delightful morning of swimming. It felt almost magical to realize that your only obligation now was to slather on enough sunscreen to protect your skin. No deadline to meet, no labs to complete, no research papers to write, no parents to please. Just living.
You had called Robbie that first night after giving yourself a thorough tour of the house. Robbie, as if he had been waiting right next to the phone, picked up after just two rings. "Gurl, tell me all! Do you like the house? Did you see the pool yet? Have you tried the bed? I don't know if I could sleep in it, you know I heard from my dad that Aunt Ruth died in her sleep!!! Maybe you should use one of the guest rooms, you know, in a ghost-free zone..." You chuckled at your friend's motormouth. Robbie could keep going for hours if you didn't stop him, and you loved him for it, as he had used that mouth of his to get you two out of trouble more than once. So you let yourself be swept away by his excitement, and the two of you chatted for hours. You told him about how hot Texas was and how thrilled you were that Aunt Ruth had a ready-to-use pool. Robbie shared in your excitement before adding, "Yeah, I know isn’t awesome!! Joel Miller took care of that when summer started." Well, that was enough to put a damper on your mood. You awkwardly chuckled before mentioning that you would thank the man when you saw him (If you never see Joel Miller again, it would be too soon).
You started lathering some more sunscreen on your upper arms and readjusted the top of your cute little two-piece swimsuit. You had gotten the bikini specifically for Texas, and you loved the adorable white two-piece set with tiny strawberries all over it. With your oversized cherry-red sunglasses, you felt like you were living your best 1960s rich housewife life! You let out a satisfied hum before allowing yourself to bask in the sunny weather. Your eyes started to droop, and you were ready to enjoy a post-swim nap when a tiny voice abruptly interrupted your moment.
"Sorry to bother you…" the unexpected voice chimed in. Abruptly startled, you let out a high-pitched scream, causing you to twist your body in a panic. In your haste, you ended up sprawled on the deck floor, with your red sunglasses barely hanging on the tip of your nose.
From your sprawled position, you peek at a small girl with a head of dark curly hair, wearing a bright purple t-shirt that seemed to match her vibrant energy. Her clever eyes widen with horror at the sight in front of her, and she rushes to your side.
"Oh my God, oh my God! I am so, so sorry! I didn't mean to startle you like that. Are you alright?" The unknown girl exclaims.
You manage to muster a half-hearted wave, or at least what you hope looks like one, as you try to regain your composure. "Don't worry, you didn't do anything wrong. I just wasn't expecting anyone." You offer a reassuring smile, hoping to ease her worries.
The girl's face lights up with a mixture of relief and amusement. She bites her lower lip, a habit that seems to indicate both nervousness and a mischievous spirit. You take a moment to study her before asking, "And how can I help you..." You let the sentence trail off. "Sarah! My name is Sarah," she blurts out, her words tumbling out in a rush. Realizing her impulsive interruption, she quickly closes her mouth, cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
"It's nice to meet you, Sarah," you reply warmly, extending a hand towards her. Before you can introduce yourself, she interjects confidently, "I know who you are." You raise an eyebrow, intrigued by her assertiveness which is rather rare for girls her age.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off. My dad always says I gotta be more polite with people, but I can't help it sometimes. Words just fly out before my brain can tell them not to," Sarah sheepishly explains.
A kind smile spreads across your face as you appreciate her candidness. "Don't worry about it. Anyway, you should never have to censor yourself for people's sake. You seem like a bright girl, so keep being yourself, and screw anyone who say otherwise!" Your words of encouragement seem to ignite a spark in her eyes, as her smile becomes positively radiant. She was lovely you thought with a smile that mirrored hers.
"But still, how can I help you, Sarah?" you inquire, genuinely curious about the reason behind her unexpected visit. You observe how Sarah's excitement transforms into nervous energy as she bounces on the balls of her feet. She lets out a sigh, twisting her fingers together. "I forgot my house keys... again."
Sympathy washes over you as you consider her situation. "Ohhh. Do you want to use my phone to call your parents? There is a house phone in the living ro..." you offer, hoping to be of assistance. However, Sarah's eyes widen with a mix of desperation and determination as she quickly interrupts your suggestion.
"No, please, no calling. It's the third time this week I forgot my key, and my dad will be pissed if I bother him again for his keys. He's working away from Austin today anyway, so I know he would just ask me to go to the Adlers' next door. But Mrs. Adler makes the worst cookies, and I don’t want to sound mean but they are so old and boring, and I really don't want to hang out there today. Especially since it’s Friday…" Sarah explains, her voice filled with a genuine sense of reluctance and distaste for the situation.
You nod in understanding, a smile tugs at your lips as you watch her giving herself what seems like a little mental pep-talk. "I saw you move in last week, and you seemed pretty cool, so I guess I was wondering if I could... if maybe you wouldn't mind..." Sarah's words trail off, uncertainty evident in her expression.
You meet her gaze with a reassuring smile. "If I wouldn't mind you staying with me this afternoon?"
"Yeah, pretty much," Sarah replies, her voice laced with nerves as she anxiously awaits your response.
Your smile widens, and you extend a hand toward her as you make an exaggerated flourish, "My dear Sarah, it would be my pleasure to have you as my guest. Consider my place your refuge from the dreadful cookie land of the Adlers. Come on in!"
Sarah lets out a loud laugh, warm and happy, the kind of laughter that tells you she is well-loved and has had a childhood surrounded by caring people. You don't remember ever laughing like that, so freely and happily. If you did, it had to be with Robbie. He was the closest thing you considered to a brother, and he was the only one who could make you genuinely laugh.
Guiding her inside, you grab a large glass adorned with printed daffodils, filling it with water and offering it to Sarah. "It's been so hot, you need to stay hydrated, especially if you were outside." Gratefully, Sarah accepts the glass and takes three big gulps before setting it back down on the counter. "Thanks, I just got home from school, and I know my dad won't be there until late tonight, so I really appreciate it.”
"It's no worries at all! I love having another girl around; it has been pretty lonely these past few days," you say warmly, feeling a genuine connection with this spirited young girl. Sarah looks at you with expectant eyes, and then she musters the courage to ask, "Maybe we could be friends?" Her words are tinged with a hint of vulnerability.
You can't help but smile back, genuinely touched by her request. "I think that's an amazing idea, and I think we should have a girls' day until your dad comes home," you suggest with a playful wink, eliciting another delighted giggle from Sarah.
As Sarah sits at the kitchen island, you make a quick trip upstairs to the guest room you now call your own. Robbie's ghost warnings had made you wary of Aunt Ruth's bedroom, so you decided to settle in the more comfortable guest room instead. In the wardrobe, you find the old sage green bikini you used to wear back in high school. It was the first item of clothing you had bought with your own money when you were a kid, it was everything your parents hated from its colour to the size of the triangles covering the breast area. You had loved that bikini and had kept it all these years for sentimental value. After leaving New York, you hadn't had the heart to leave it behind.
As you hold the bikini in your hands, you let out a satisfactory hum—it would be a perfect fit for Sarah, and the colour would beautifully complement her complexion. With a smile, you head back downstairs, eager to share your find with her.
"We can't let this weather go to waste. This is my old bikini, and you can wear it so we can keep on enjoying the pool!" you exclaim, presenting the sage green bikini to Sarah. Her eyes light up with excitement. "Really!!! I love that pool. Mrs. Ruth always let me use it during the summer, but since she passed, Dad said I wouldn't be able to use it anymore..."
You can't bear to see Sarah disappointed, so you quickly reassure her. "Well, since I live here now, I give you permission to always use the pool as long as your dad lets you. Now come on, put the bikini on! We should have time to get a good swim in."
Sarah's face breaks into a huge smile as she eagerly takes the bikini to change. Moments later, the two of you head out to the pool, and the rest of the afternoon is filled with laughter, splashing, and bonding. You make virgin mojitos for you and Sarah, using the good glasses and take out of the fridge a large watermelon that you cut and lay on the side of the pool. Between splashes and many attempts at dunking, you enjoy the company of the young girl that you find equal part lovely and spirited. A terrific combination in a young girl in your opinion.
"Really?! You're a doctor, but you look so young!!" Sarah exclaims with a bewildered look, you were both in the water enjoying the sun warming your shoulders as you were sharing tidbits of your lives to each other. You can't help but let out a laugh at her adorable reaction. "Well, I finished med school, but I would still have about 4 more years of residency before I can be a proper doctor. 26 is about the right age to start residency," you explain, finding amusement in her innocent curiosity.
As the sun begins to set, casting a breathtaking display of pink and orange hues across the sky, you both decide it's time to call it a day for swimming. As you are gathering all of the stuff from the patio to bring inside, Sarah continues asking more questions, and you happily oblige, engaging in conversations that flows way better than any fake ones you had back in New York. Sarah was especially entranced by your stories about New York, she wanted to know everything about the big Apple, from the museums, the park, the fashion, the people. Everything was of interest to the girl. You were more than happy to oblige her, although you did skip over some details that were definitely not appropriate for a 14-year-old girl. "So are you doing your residency in Austin? Is that why you came here?" she innocently inquires.
The question tugs at your emotions, but you don't want to dampen the mood. "Not really... I had a really good residency lined up back in New York, at the same hospital that everyone in my family did theirs. Most of them actually still work there.  But I guess I needed a break," you respond, quickly shifting gears to keep the atmosphere light and carefree. "Maybe we should order pizza and put on a movie?!”
Sarah agrees enthusiastically, her smile lighting up the room. You both head inside, deciding on a delicious pepperoni pizza with spicy pepper and a drizzle of honey—a perfect combination that you can’t wait to show Sarah. As for the movie, you settle on a cheesy rom-com, perfect to end a wonderful girls’ day at the pool.
Taking turns in the upstairs bathroom to wash off the dirt and sun from the afternoon's adventures, you pass Sarah one of your old, oversized science camp t-shirts and a pair of large basketball shorts that must belong to Robbie. You slip into an old NYU t-shirt from your undergrad days and a pair of tiny bikers shorts, feeling comfortable and at ease for the first time in a while.
Just as you both exit the bathroom, the doorbell rings, announcing the arrival of the pizza. You pay for it, bringing the steaming delight back inside, and your mouth waters at the aroma of the gooey mozzarella. As you both settle down in the living room, the pizza box opens, and you pass a slice to Sarah. She eyes it with uncertainty, voicing her skepticism about the honey on pizza. "Still not 100% convinced that honey belongs on a pizza. Is it something New Yorkers do a lot?"
You chuckle at her question, finding her curiosity endearing. "I can't speak for every New Yorker, but my friend Robbie and I love the combo of sweet from the honey, spicy from the peppers, and savoury from the pepperoni and cheese. It completely changed our lives when we first tried it, like, 4 years ago. To be honest, we were totally drunk at the time, so it was just a happy accident that it turned out that good. Uh, sorry, maybe I shouldn't talk about my drinking life with a minor. Is that weird?"
Sarah joins in the laughter, lightening the mood with her witty response, "Oh yeah, totally, that's a serious offence, probably like 10 years in jail or something."
You playfully swat at the air in front of her, pretending to fend off her teasing. "Smartass, all right, young lady, no more stalling. Are you trying that pizza or not?"
With determined eyes, Sarah takes a large bite, and you watch her intently, curious about her reaction. As she chews, her eyes open wide, and a moan of delight escapes her mouth. “AH!” you can't help but let out a triumphant shriek, "Told you it was amazing!"
"How the hell does that work? I've never had a better pizza in like ever!" she says, going back for a second bite, while you can't help but laugh with pride.
As you and Sarah nestle into the plush cushions to watch "10 Things I Hate About You,” you both spent the majority of the movie commenting and laughing together. Halfway through, you get up and head to the kitchen where you quickly whip up your famous ice cream extravaganza. A massive bowl filled to the brim with scoops of creamy ice cream is filled to the brim with rainbow-coloured sprinkles, while you carefully place maraschino cherries like bright jewels atop the ice cream peaks. And the pièce de résistance: a heaping drizzle of decadent chocolate sauce cascades down the ice cream mountain.
As you put the finishing touches on the ice cream, you think how time passed quickly today and you noticed it was already 9:15 pm. The realization dawns on you that Sarah has been with you for quite a while now, and a gentle concern niggles at your mind.
You head back to the living room with the bowl of ice cream that Sarah is eyeing like a hawk and ask, "Hey, not that you're intruding or anything like that, but it's getting quite late. Is it normal for your dad to leave you like that on your own?"
Sarah pauses the movie and takes the bowl of ice cream with greedy hands, "Thanks for that, it looks amazing! I guess it happens sometimes. My dad is a contractor, so sometimes his jobs run kinda late. That's why if I forget my keys, I'm kind of screwed, especially when the job is outside of Austin."
Your brain short-circuits as you realize you hadn't even asked Sarah who her dad was. You berate yourself for not thinking of such an important detail. "Wait, what's your dad's name?" you hurriedly ask, hoping to rectify your oversight.
As a series of loud knocks resonates from the front door, Sarah doesn't have time to answer, and you feel yourself grow pale. You manage a tight smile, making a wave toward Sarah's melting ice cream, and hesitantly head toward the door. Your heart pounds in your chest, and you can't shake the sinking feeling in your gut.
Feeling light-headed, almost drunk with anxiety, you can't help but pray that whoever is at the door is not the man you met when you first got to Austin. There has got to be more than one contractor in the area, right? This is suburbia, not some B-movie! You are totally making a mountain out of a molehill, the logical part of your mind trying its hardest to convince you that Sarah’s Dad and douche Miller are unlikely to be the same person.
Still, as you reach the door, the knocks are growing louder and more insistent, setting your nerves on edge. Taking a fortifying breath, you try to steady your trembling hands as you finally open the door, preparing yourself for whoever stands on the other side. To your horror, you are met with the now familiar furious gaze of none other than Joel Miller himself. His presence alone feels suffocating, and it sends shivers down your spine.
"Is m’daughter ‘re?" Joel demands, his voice carrying a gruff edge, making his thick southern accent even thicker and sending a shiver down your spine. Under the weight of his intense gaze, you find yourself growing warm, almost uncomfortably so. His eyes lock onto you, assessing you from head to toe, and suddenly, you feel acutely aware of your choice of attire - tiny shorts and an oversized shirt that now seem woefully inadequate in front of this imposing man.
The disapproval in his eyes is palpable as they linger on your exposed collarbones, making you feel strangely vulnerable. It's as if every inch of your skin is under scrutiny, and you can't help but wonder why your shoulder seems to provoke such vexation in him. His stare is cutting and contemptuous, unlike anything you've experienced before.
Yet, despite the disdainful aura surrounding him, you can't help but find yourself drawn to the sheer presence he commands in your doorway. He looms tall and broad, casting a shadow over the moon's light, and you can't deny the strange allure that emanates from this powerful figure. It's a confusing mix of fear and fascination, and you chide yourself internally for feeling this way.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" you silently berate yourself, recognizing the absurdity of finding any attraction in someone who clearly views you with such disdain. You can't afford to be captivated by him, not when his gaze feels like that of someone inspecting a revolting object beneath their shoe.
Summoning your strength, you gather your resolve to meet his gaze head-on. This time, you won't cower or falter; you won't let him see a trace of vulnerability. Squaring your shoulders, you lock eyes with him, a silent message passing between you – you won't be intimidated.
"Yes, she is," you answer, observing the man's face contort even further, as though he had bitten into a bitter lemon.
"Well, she shouldn't be here! SARAH, COME HERE RIGHT NOW!" His bellow reverberates through the room, but you stand your ground, unfazed by his attempt to intimidate you. What did he say last time? Rich princess from New York? You'll fucking show him!
Confidently placing your left hand on your hips, you subtly jut to the side, purposefully drawing his attention with the alluring curve of your body. Like a puppet on strings, his eyes obediently follow your every move, and a subtle sense of triumph courses through you. It's evident that this little battle isn't one-sided; he's undeniably affected by your presence too.
With an exaggerated eyeroll that could qualify for an Olympic medal, you let out an exasperated huff. You start to speak in slow motion as if dealing with a child, "Sarah told me she forgot her key, and she knew you'd be working outside of Austin. Can you really blame her for not wanting to disturb her oh-so-busy dad? But relax, we didn't go all wild and crazy—just a harmless girls' day by the pool, stuffing ourselves with pizza, and catching a movie. Seriously, take a chill pill; you can loosen that suffocating overprotective tie of yours. And for the record, I may not be Einstein, but handling a 14-year-old without triggering Armageddon is totally my expertise, no biggie.”
Joel’s eye twitch at the words “chill pill” and he further grits his teeth at your tone. "She. Shouldn't. Be. Here," he enunciates back, his disapproval evident.
"Oh, really?!" you scoff, your irritation bubbling over like a boiling cauldron. "Yeah, I must be the epitome of evil, right? I mean, looking after a kid, making sure she has a nice day, and God forbid, ensuring she's fed! I should be locked up for sure! You should totally dial 911 and report me to the authorities!" Your sarcasm drips like honey, leaving no room for doubt that you're not about to back down from this verbal showdown.
Your words hang tantalizingly in the air, a challenge thrown down before him, daring him to question your sincerity and genuine concern for Sarah. The tension between you two crackles like an electrifying storm, neither of you willing to yield an inch. But you stand tall and unyielding, resolute in defending your actions and your new blossoming affection for his daughter.
As the two of you lock eyes, a charged atmosphere envelopes the porch, but suddenly, a soft pitter-patter of feet breaks the tension. Sarah appears, still in the pajamas you lent her earlier, her face flushed with shame and on the brink of tears. For the first time since meeting Joel, his angry, prideful expression softens, replaced by genuine concern.
"Babygirl, you should've called to tell me you forgot your key. I would have arranged something for you," Joel's voice now carries a fatherly concern that tugs at your heartstrings. Despite the extreme reaction he displayed earlier, you can't help but understand his worry. If it were your daughter with a stranger, you'd probably be upset too.
Trying to ease the situation, you place a reassuring hand on Sarah's shoulder and conjure the warmest smile you can manage. "Your dad is right, Sarah. We should've called him as soon as you got here to let him know you'd be hanging out with me." Your gaze shifts to Joel, an apologetic expression etched on your face. "I'm really sorry, Mr. Miller. I didn't mean to cause any offence. I should have contacted you earlier to let you know Sarah was with me."
Joel's eyes remain fixated on your hand resting on Sarah's shoulder, the intensity palpable. But before you can react, he interrupts, his voice stern and unwavering, "You are goddamn right. You should've called me, and you did cause offence, girl." Your smile fades, and even Sarah seems taken aback, blurting out an indignant, squeaky "DAD!?"
But Joel Miller remains unfazed in his anger as he levels you with a look that makes you feel as small as when you were Sarah's age. "Come, Sarah, we are leaving. I don't want ya hanging 'round here again." Sarah tries to protest, but her dad remains unmoved by her pleas. "I don't care; I'll rent the movie for ya tomorrow. Now, come on." Sarah deflates and takes a step forward, but before she leaves, she turns her head toward you, offering a small, shy smile. "Thank you for today. It was the most fun I've had in a long time. I haven't had the chance to hang out with just a girl in a while," she adds softly.
You smile back warmly, touched by her words. "It was my pleasure, Sarah. I had a great time too. It was amazing to meet you." Sarah beams at you before following her dad, her posture sullen and unhappy. As you watch the two Millers retreating, you notice Mr. Miller trying to put his arm around Sarah in what you assume is a sweet, paternal gesture, but you cringe a bit when she furiously pushes him away and walks faster in front of him.
She reaches the door first, and when she finds it unlocked, she rips it open before slamming it in her father's face. Ouch, you think, laying your body across the door's side as you witness Mr. Miller rubbing his nose. You can't help but snort. Teenage girls are savage, you think.
As if your thoughts have magical powers, Joel turns around, and your gazes collide like a fierce clash of swords. The intensity in his eyes matches the fire in your own, and for a couple of seconds that feel like an eternity, you both lock onto each other, a charged silence enveloping the space between you.
You shake your head slowly, breaking eye contact first, but the tension lingers in the air like an invisible web, pulling you both towards each other even as you walk away. It's infuriating how he can get under your skin so effortlessly, how he manages to ignite a mix of intrigue and irritation deep within you.
You can't help but wonder what lies behind that impenetrable wall he's built around himself, what secrets and vulnerabilities he hides behind that tough exterior. But it doesn't matter; you know that, in his eyes, you are the enemy, the one he refuses to see beyond his preconceived judgments.
Yet, despite the anger that simmers beneath the surface, there's an undeniable pull, a magnetic force that draws you to this gruff man, like opposing poles of a magnet.
You can't deny the allure of this complex man, even as he remains an enigma wrapped in an armour of obstinacy. And he, too, seems unable to escape the intriguing power you hold over him, as much as he may resist it.
As you retreat indoors, the lingering tension leaves your heart pounding, the conflicting emotions swirling inside you like a tempest. There's a strange exhilaration in this cat-and-mouse game, a forbidden thrill that leaves you simultaneously infuriated and enticed.
With a heavy sigh, you take in the disarray of the living room—the movie still paused on the screen, a half-eaten bowl of ice cream slowly melting on the coffee table. The scene serves as a reminder of the day you spent with Sarah, and now that she's gone, the loneliness settles in like a heavy fog.
As you sit back in front of the TV and press play on the VCR, the room feels emptier than ever before. The laughter and chatter that once filled the space are now replaced with a haunting silence that amplifies the ache in your heart. Loneliness wraps around you like a suffocating shroud, and you can't help but feel adrift in the complexities of human relationships. The bittersweet memories of the day play in your mind like a broken record, and you can't escape the feeling of being lost in a sea of emotions.
The room crackles with tension as Sarah and Joel face off, their emotions raw and unyielding. Sarah's defiance clashes with Joel's anger, and their words slice through the air like knives.
"I don't care what you think, Sarah! I am still your dad, and you can't just disappear without telling me where you are like that! I come home, and you are not here, and the Adlers don't know where you are!! What was I supposed to do?" Joel's frustration spills over, his voice raised.
Sarah's voice trembles with remorse, but her resolve remains firm. "I know I should've told you, and I am sorry for that! But you didn't need to be such an asshole to her either! She was nice to me, and she took care of me even if she didn't have to!"
"Watch your mouth, Sarah!"
"YOU WATCH YOUR MOUTH!" Sarah's scream startles Joel, and he flinches. She continues, her emotions pouring out. "That was so uncalled for! I don't know what the hell is wrong with you, but you just cost me the chance to have a real girlfriend! Someone who is smart and listened to me." Tears well up in Sarah's eyes, and Joel's heart breaks at the sight.
"Babygirl, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."
"No, but you meant to upset her," Sarah retorts, her anger unyielding. Joel's silence speaks volumes, and she pushes on, her voice filled with frustration. "That was so not cool, Dad, and if you took five minutes to talk with her without looking at her like she killed someone, you'd realize how nice she was."
Joel, however, remains unyielding. "What she is, is irresponsible. She should've called me; that's what any adult would have done in this scenario."
Rolling her eyes, Sarah dismisses his argument, clearly hurt by his stubbornness. "Whatever, Dad, I'm going to sleep."
"This conversation isn't over, Sarah! SARAH!" But all he gets in response is the sound of Sarah's door being slammed hard, shaking the whole house.
Joel let out a heavy sigh as he made his way to the fridge, his hand hesitating for a moment before grabbing the last beer. Tomorrow, he'd have to make a trip to the supermarket, but right now, his mind was preoccupied with something else entirely. As he settled down on the sofa, he closed his eyes, and there you were, the first thing that invaded his thoughts. The truth was, he couldn't help but wonder why you had such an intense and inexplicable hold on him.
From the moment he saw you in those tiny shorts and ridiculous Disney shirt, something within him shifted. It felt like the wind had been knocked out of his lungs, and his heart was racing like a stampede of wild horses. Your sweaty face and matted hair, so natural and real, along with your shy and sweet composure, had captivated him entirely. It was as if every fiber of his being was magnetically drawn to you, yet he couldn't fathom why.
He couldn't remember the last time he had been so nervously captivated by a girl. Because you were a girl. You must be at least 15 years younger than him. He felt dirty and old looking at how long your legs looked in those shorts you seem to always have on, like the dirty neighbourhood pervert who had nothing better to do than lust after the babysitter.
It was unnerving, and he struggled to understand the depths of these emotions he kept tucked away, hidden from the world. The memories of your first encounter replayed in his mind like a broken record. He knew he had been harsh with you that day, but what was he supposed to do? Each word he used against you felt like a weapon, and the image of your doe eyes brimming with unshed tears haunted him.
When you offered your thanks, showing kindness even after his callousness, it pierced his heart like a dagger of regret. He wanted nothing more than to slam his head against the wall, punishing himself for his thoughtless behavior. The truth was, he was utterly conflicted – torn between wanting to run after you and apologize, saying, "Please don't go. I'm the one who's sorry. I apologize. You look like sunshine, and I don't know what to do with myself. Please forgive me.”
You seemed to have done your best to avoid him in the following week, but he would spot you sometimes early in the morning or late at night hanging around the pool. The backyard wasn’t fenced so he always had a front-row seat of you going for a swim when he was leaving for work in the morning or coming back from work late at night. The sight of you walking around the pool, skin glistening with water wearing nothing but that cute strawberry bikini was tattooed forever behind his eyelid. The shape of your breast and the curve of your ass tantalizing him, he knows he shouldn’t look, but he couldn’t help himself. If he had known that opening the pool 1 month ago would lead to the biggest sexual torture of his life, he wouldn’t have touched Ruth’s pool after her death.
And after today, everything felt like a fucking mess. Joel had been overwhelmed with worry for Sarah, and when he found her with you, it was like a tidal wave of emotions crashing over him. The sight of you both together after he had torn down the neighbourhood left him unable to contain his anger. He couldn't help but lash out, and now, looking back, he felt like the world's biggest asshole.
Joel had stood there, a silent observer, as he watched his little girl's face light up with joy in your presence. The genuine and tender care you showed her warmed his heart, and he couldn't help but marvel at how quickly you had formed a bond with her, just within a day! The way you supported and cared for her filled him with a longing so intense that it bordered on painful.
As he observed from the sidelines when Sarah said goodbye to you, he couldn't help but drift into daydreams where he played an integral part in your life. In these fantasies, he imagined coming home after a grueling day, feeling exhausted and worn down, only to be greeted by your calm and soothing presence. You'd be standing there, wearing those alluring, tiny shorts that seemed to have been made to captivate his attention, and his heart would skip a beat.
In his daydream, he'd step into your embrace, and you'd hold him close, comforting him with your tender touch and understanding words. Sarah, ever the playful one, would pretend to gag theatrically on the sofa, teasingly pretending to be grossed out by your affectionate display.
A wave of desire surged through him, mingled with guilt and self-reproach. How could he dare to entertain such fantasies when he knew he had been a complete jerk to you in the past? He berated himself for his weakness, feeling utterly pathetic for allowing his heart to yearn for something he believed he didn't deserve.
Joel sat back in the worn sofa, his fingers wrapped around the cool, frosted beer. With one last sip, he let the refreshing liquid slide down his parched throat, providing a momentary relief to the weariness that enveloped him after the long and demanding day.
Exhaustion weighed heavily on his eyelids as he yearned for a chance to escape into the elusive realm of dreams. Slowly, he closed his eyes, seeking solace from the relentless demands of the world. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he surrendered to the allure of slumber.
In the stillness of the moment, thoughts of dreams danced through his mind. Would he find you there, your comforting presence holding him close with a gentle smile? The image brought a faint spark of hope and longing. Joel felt himself grow numb, hoping for a peaceful night, where you might appear, making his slumber all the more enchanting.
Next chapter
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swisssadge · 8 months
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Shingen x OC/reader fluff
(although oriented more on the official route of Shingen's; with family and friends remaining in the present, I doubt that anyone would go without missing them)
I sit in the kitchen of my parent's house. A place with countless childhood memories. A place I don't get to visit as often as I'd like anymore. My mother stands with her back to me, cutting vegetables fort he lunch she's cooking. Dad's probably in the living room, reading his newspaper as usual.
I rest my head on my hand and gaze out the window. Seems to be one of those lazy and peaceful weekend days. Not that I'd complain. It's quite exhausting at work right now, so I enjoy doing simply nothing for once. If it were for me, it could stay this way forever.
The word is so quiet that it takes a moment to register. Confused, I look up.
"Did you say something?"
Alarms start blaring in my mind. I stare at my mother's back. Something feels wrong.
"Why what?"
Mother turns toward me, and to my utter horror, tears are streaming down her face. Never in my life have I seen her this upset. Not my calm and composed, yet also humorous mom.
"Why did you leave like that?"
"Leave? What are you talking about? I'm right here."
"Are we not good enough? Have we not taken good care of you? Why did you go to a place we can't follow? And all for a man from the past?"
Upon those words, the memories come crashing down on me. Shingen! Of course! The wormhole to the Sengoku era! How could I have possibly forgotten about all of this? Yet, somehow I am back home right now. However, seeing my mother like that leaves me even more shaken. As do her words. Each one is like a dagger to my heart.
"Mother, I…"
"What does a man who's long dead have that we don't? Does family mean nothing to you?"
"No! Mom, please listen! You met Shingen. You even quite liked him. And it's not that I willingly was sucked up by a wormhole. It was an accident. Nor did I chose to find love in the past. But… I did find it. And I love him with all my heart. As he does me."
Despite my desperate plea, mother rambles on as though she hadn't even heard me.
"Just leaving us behind like that… it broke your father's and mine heart."
She still doesn't seem to hear me. Instead, her face contorts into a mask of anguish, and she lifts her arms towards me.
"Why did you leave, my little girl?"
My eyes fly open. It takes a while to orient myself in the faint moonlight. But then I recognize the ceiling as the one from our bedroom in Ttsutsujigasaki castle. And I sense tears flowing down my cheeks.
What by all the kami had that been?
Suddenly, a warm and strong arm wraps itself protectively around me. A thumb catches one of the tears and wipes it away.
"What's the matter, my goddess? Kami, you are crying."
"Shhhh, it's alright. You're safe."
I take a few moments to recharge in his comfort, to calm my beating heart and wipe away the tears.
"That must have been a terrible nightmare you had", the head of the Takeda says. "You were squirming around in your sleep. Had you not awoken by yourself just now, I would have woken you to end it. And the tears… if I could, I'd slay that nightmare for having made you cry."
How good it does to hear it. Shingens reliability and support never fail to give me strength.
"Thank you", I answer him. "And yes, I did have an awful dream."
"You mind telling me?"
I don't, and so I oblige.
When I'm done, Shingen just holds me, silently pondering what he just heard. I can't see his expression well in the dim light, but he clearly isn't amused. Eventually, he pulls me into a proper embrace.
"Oh my angel… do you miss your home so much?"
"I… I guess I do."
How can I not miss it. As much as I love Shingen, the choice has been a cruel one. With how unreliable wormholes were, we couldn't just visit my home, my time, whenever we want. Without Sasuke, we can't even calculate when the next one is going to open. So, after the successful surgery on Shingen in the future, it had been either go back to the Sengoku with him or remain and return to my family.
He gently streaks my head. "I am so sorry you have to feel that way."
"Ah. No, Shingen, don't you dare start blaming yourself." I take his face into my hands and lock eyes with him, as well as possible in the darkness. "It's nobody's fault. Yeah, I hate that this decision was forced upon me. And I do miss my parents a lot. However… this is the choice I made. And despite the pain, I don't regret it one bit. Because I have you. It's just… I guess I hadn't expected it to hit so hard. Not after I've been here for over half a year."
He's silent for a few moments. Then he says: "You truly are a goddess descended into my life, you know that? Sometimes I wonder how I even deserve you."
That last sentence does sound flowery. But I hear every single word. Before I can reply, however, he pulls me close to him into a tight embrace.
"I never had the kind of family that you have. This era of wars seldom allows for close familial bonds to form."
I nod. Vividly, I remember when he told me that he had to usurp his own father in order to save Kai and make it prosper.
"That's why", he continues, "this gift of you giving up a family like yours for my sake is one I can never even hope to repay. Nor can I truly understand your pain. However, you said it yourself… I am here for you. If you need someone to talk to, or a shoulder to cry on, you know that you can always come to me."
"Yeah, I know…"
His warmth, his kind words, must have broken a dam again. The tears start flowing anew. And I let them. I let all the pain I didn't know I held back drain out of me. Hells, I thought I had come to terms with leaving my family. Apparently, I had not.
Shingen just holds me, pats me supportively on the back now and then. Finally, after an eternity, they do subside.
"Are you better now?", Shingen asks.
"Yeah… Thank you."
"Don't mention it, my angel." A gentle kiss on my forehead. "I'll do anything for you."
It's the truth of those words that in the end made me stay with him.
"I know."
"Now, please go back to sleep, my beautiful flower. And this time, allow me to guard your slumber, so that no bad dreams dare bother you again."
Despite the sadness, I can't help but smile.
"Oh, I am sure that they will flee at the mere glimpse of my mighty, fearsome tiger. My slumber shall be safe and sound with you guarding it."
"Hey now. I'm trying to be a gentleman here."
We grin at each other, then we share a brief, yet passionate kiss. Finally calm, I settle back down in his arms, cuddling against his broad, firm chest. I hadn't lied before… I never feel more safe than with his tall frame and strong arms around me. Heh, I wouldn't be surprised if he actually was able to keep the nightmares away with his sheer presence.
He is my family now. My one and all. The center of my life. As I told him, it is a choice I would make again and again, no matter how many times I would be given it. I will never regret it, despite the pain about what I had to leave behind. And while I will keep the memories of my loved ones in my heart, it is the life at Shingen's side that I will keep my gaze set on. Because that is the place I belong to.
Slowly, enveloped in his warmth, I drift back into sleep. And the nightmares indeed did not return. Because a certain big, strong tiger is guarding my slumber.
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raikkonens · 1 year
i need to know your trans kimi thoughts honestly i am so curious-
ok this is literally copied and pasted from my messages with bas from like 2 months ago. think sauber kimi or even kimi pre-f1. i'll put reference pics at the bottom
Got top surgery and is saving up for bottom surgery. Doesn’t know where bottom surgery/recovery fits into his f1 career or if it’s even possible; it’s not really a priority right now for him but if he can find time or take time off, he wants to do it.
His family was supportive - he’d always be their baby. He was into more dangerous, “masculine” things (sports, fishing, hunting with his dad) from a young age so his decision to officially transition didnt come as a surprise. maybe there wasn't even an "official" transition 
Kimi’s been considered a boy by his family and friends since he was about 9 or 10 (he/him pronouns, masculine clothes, etc.) 
Bc kimi passed from a young age, his dad managed to enter him into karting races as a boy (dont ask me how this works idc about logistics)
As for when he started t……idk. i was initially thinking 1999/2000 just before joining f1 but i did some research and now im thinking 16......and maybe he started taking hormone blockers earlier (which would contradict the first point and mean he didn't get top surgery, right? idk i think info from actual trans person could help me here)
A little confused about his sexuality, thinks he might be bisexual but hasn’t been with a girl for a really long time and also has never been with a boy..?? women kinda confuse him but he still finds them attractive.
He’s s bit insecure about how he looks without a hat on. he had longish hair until he was about 18/19/20 (ignore young kimi pics where he has short hair to keep this hc alive pls) but cut it short when he went pro. he likes how he looks with short hair but he’s still getting used to it, hence the hat.
Mika is the only one on the grid who knows he’s trans (idk…in this imaginary world, only the FIA, kimi’s TP, trainer, and manager need to know he’s trans). maybe michael too, and later...seb?
He’s done a lot of work to protect the fact that he was born female. he's not ashamed of it, but he knows what will happen if that info comes out. You can’t really find anything about young kimi – maybe a karting photo here or there but nothing about his personal life. no one finds this odd though bc kimi's very quiet and private in general
sorry this is way more than 5 hc's but here's bb kimi for reference
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mclaren kimi experimenting with the no hat look but the contractual obligation to represent the brand and sponsors blah blah blah means that he has to wear the hat a lot (which he's thankful for)
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and kimi tries growing out his hair in 2009 and actually kinda likes it?? he basically just stopped giving a fuck (not even an hc, just a fact) and kept it long during his non-f1 ventures in 2010 and 2012
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romanticizingmurder · 2 years
i know ur blog has more of a jason focus not a dick focus but since u posted NTT it unlocked a memory: at some point (i think batman year 3?) dick compares loving bruce to loving an alcoholic father, like directly compares bruce's dependency on crime/he can be a good dad sometimes but he just... gets wrong sometimes! it's a take that i personally am obsessed with but idk what ur thoughts on it are/were, maybe esp w/r/t say, jason's backstory? >:3c
I've seen that page!! I really like it. So I think this is one where I have to make the disclaimer that I think actual canon on Bruce as a parent is incredibly inconsistent. Especially wrt Jason, his post-crisis time unfortunately was just so short I don't think we had time to see how that dynamic might have played out. The Cult has some interesting stuff in it (and gorgeous art) with Jason having to be in charge at points while Bruce is unable to be but that's only a 4 issue series.
So! Headcanon central:
I tend towards the idea that Jason was the kid Bruce most acted like a parent towards as a child. I don't think the level of parentification that Dick had was nearly so present for Jason and I think that kind of reflects in how they think about Bruce! Dick has this fear of disappointing Bruce but also of his absence harming Bruce. He feels like he needs to be there to watch out for Bruce and be his support.
Otoh, Jason's major post-resurrection crisis is fueled by this belief that Bruce has failed him as a father by not avenging him. In some ways I think part of why Jason can hurt Bruce so badly is that Jason doesn't feel that obligation to protect Bruce or be in any way the bigger or more mature person - that's his Dad.
I think one of the tragedies of Jason and Bruce is that they can't go back. Some things change who you are so completely you can never turn the clock back. Jason is still Bruce's son, but they'll never be like that again. I actually desperately want canon to have them both acknowledge that - that they're both grieving the loss of each other, and the loss of the boy Jason was who will never return. And maybe they can't have that story back, but they can write a new one, figure out how to exist with each other in ways that don't hurt, how to fit their sharp edges together. Okay sorry that was a tangent I have a lot of thoughts on changing and mourning re: Them.
In terms of the alcoholic analogy I honestly think Jason could go either way with it? Something I was thinking about with this is I think out of the Gotham vigilantes, Jason, Cass, and Bruce are the least likely to put down the mask. I'm not going into Cass because I'm not qualified but! For Jason, his civilian life is...over. He's been removed from the non-cape world for years. I don't think he's ever going to build it back up in a meaningful way - even when I picture him retired, I can't really picture him with non-cape friends. That's just me, though. But Bruce... Bruce can't stop, because he can't. He has a life outside Batman, but the guilt and fear and shame and sense of duty won't let him leave the cowl behind. So I think on one hand Jason might agree with the alcoholic analogy because his situation is different to Bruce's, on the other hand he might kind of just view them all as dependants on this lifestyle. They're all going to die in their masks (some of them twice).
And just in general, my preferred Bruce is deeply flawed but trying Bruce. I think Bruce is at times a pretty terrible father, in canon. Not for lack of love, but because he's a man with severe mental health concerns who refuses to get help and spends his nights in an endless and largely futile quest fueled by survivor's guilt. That doesn't make the best formula for a stable father but, at least for my headcanons, I like to think that he tries so damn hard. He loves his children. The tragedy is never a lack of love.
Sorry I don't know if I really answered your question but I guess here's a long ramble on Bruce and Jason's family dynamics?
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platonic-f-o-things · 4 months
You saw my dad,Space Dad…now for my other dad…SHARK DAD!!!!!!
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CAPTAIN FISHOOK!!!! HI DAD!!!!!!!!! Sometimes you just need a shark who is also a pirate who is also a ghost who is also very lovely to be your dad,I needed that AND HE IS THERE FOR ME!!!!!!
I LOVE HIMS SO MUCH!!!! Honestly…I thinks I consider all The Boss Ghosts in LM3 to be like my family,but Fishook is special cuz he’s my DAD!!!! Everyone else is like older cousins or babysitters or aunts and uncles and stuff that I bonded with BUT FISHOOK IS MY DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!
I swear I wanna give him the biggest hug ever and get PARENTAL SNUMGLES by himb…SO BAD!!!! Everyday!!! EVERYDAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Also there’s this humanoid form that someone made for him and I AM SO SO ATTACHED TO IT AND HE’S PRETTY MUCH CANON TO ME!!!!! I dunno if I should show it because the creator doesn’t upload on tumblr anymore (Me hopes they okay now!!!!) And I wanna be respectful!! BUT STILL I ADORE HIM AND I ADORE HIM REGARDLESS OF HUMAN OR SHARK FORM!!!!!!!
Also something I noticed about Mario in general is that…ghosts are treated very poorly.I won’t go too in depth here,but THESE ARE SENTIENT BEINGS BEING CAPTURED AND ROBBED OF FREEDOM BY A VACUUM JUST BECAUSE THEY’RE SPECTRES!!!! It’s concerning and Nintendo never really mentioned it but OUGH I SEES IT!!!!!!
As much as Fishook wants to protect me!! I wanna keep him and every ghost safe from ghosthunting!!!!!! Which is why I made my self insert the ambassador of ghostkind!!!!! Much to the annoyance of King Boo…as in the LM one. That Dingus annoys me- (So ungrateful towards Hellen Gravely-!! SHE DID EVERYTHING FOR - )
I love him so much HE IS THE REASON I GOT A BLÅHAJ!!!!!!!!! I honestly thinks he started off my love for sharks as is!!!!!!!!!!!! I love him so much!!!!!!!!!!
(I might be at least able to send another ask for another f/o by…tomorrow hopefully!! I WILL COMMENSE!!!!!! SOON!!! I HOPE!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCHHHH!!!!! AGAINNNN!!!!!!)
Also…BLEH COMPILATION!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hi Mary!!! Your dad sounds absolutely amazing, and he couldn’t be prouder to have a kid like you!!!
It’s also very noble that you’re the ambassador of ghostkind! I have no doubt that you rule very benevolently, and that you’re a friend to every ghost!!!
Fishook LOVES giving you nuzzles with his snout and petting you with his fins! At night, he’ll tuck you in and retell tales of his olden swashbuckling adventures, and how at the end of every one of them, the idea of coming home to you kept him safe, every time. <3
He’ll always remind you that while he’s eternally grateful for your help and how much you care for him, you should never, ever feel obligated to protect him, cuz that’s a papa’s job!!! 🥺 But at the same time, he has utmost faith you can do anything you set your mind to (because you can! You’re resilient and lead with a big, wonderful heart)! And he’s very humbled you love sharks so much because of him!
I’d love to hear more about the adventures you go on together! 🥹💕 And I’d love to see your blåhaj!! Omgee!!! Is it a plush? Do you ever put an eyepatch on it? Thank you again so much for sharing!
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romanarose · 2 years
Sunshine, Starlight, Sweetheart, Brightside: Chaper 25
Steven Grant X OC X Marc Spector
Story Masterlist
Fic Summary: Steven meets Sam and they strike up a quick relationship, both kindhearted and loving, they fall fast. But both have a lot going on. Steven had Marc and Moon Knight, and Sam has mental health problems of her own. Slowly, Steven starts to put together pieces of her story as Sam starts to get to know Marc and Jake.
Chapter summary: Over the course of 2 months, Sam's relationships with Steven, Marc and Jake progress, as do the boys relationships with each other (primarily Jake and Marc) This is a collection of moments I wanted to incorporate but didn't know where. Figured this would be a good break from the tension of the last few chapters and what's to come. Enjoy!
Marc’s thoughts
Steven’s thoughts
Jake’s thoughts
Scenes from a marriage relationship
“Come on, just pick something” Sam groaned, sliding her hands down her face as she’s sitting on the couch, facing away from Jake who was in the kitchen.
Jake was pouring mixed drinks, cranberry vodka, for the two of them “You’re the one that wants us to be a big happy family, you pick what we’re watching.” The oven beeps; pizza rolls are ready.
“I don’t want to pick something you hate!” She sits up on her knees and faces Jake over the couch, pouting. “Or you’ll never hang out with me again!”
“Mija.” He leans over the counter, staring her down. “I’ve got a drink, I’ve got pizza rolls, and you. I promise you, I’m going to be just fine.”
Sam smiles, settling back into the couch. It was nice having Jake around, someone she could just be friends with. He called her mija, a Spanish term of endearment meaning ‘my daughter’. Marc didn’t really trust him, not yet. He’d get there. Marc for one, was nervous about Jake. He didn’t like that Jake was still with Khonshu. But Marc was also insecure. He was afraid Jake would come in and swoop Sam off her feet with his spanish speaking charm. But that was just it. Jake didn’t see her as someone to love or fuck, there was no dating, no obligations. He didn’t need honesty, but he saw through all her games. He was still protective, as evidenced by the holiday weekend, and he cared about her, and she very much cared about him. “Okay, how about the new Batma-”
“Nooooooope” Jake carries over the drinks and plate of pizza rolls. “Nice try, but I’m not Marc, you can’t trick me into watching Robert Pattinson. I am not an idiot, Carino”
Sam glared at him. “Can you and Marc just be nice?”
“No. Pick something else.”
Sam considered. Although he said he didn’t care what they watched, he cared very much. No Robert Pattinson, no Star Wars, no musicals or rom coms. “You ever watch Highlander?”
“The movies or the show?” He handed her the drink.
“The show.”
“So you’ve seen the movie?”
“Also no.”
She whipped toward him again. “Then why did you- ugh. Never mind. How about we start with the Highlander movies, then we can watch the shows? Get through the whole franchise.”
“Jesus, is everything you consume 30 years old?”
“Well, Marc is 35 so…yeah” Sam winks, and Jake cringes. Sam knew she won that one. She was glad Marc and Steven were out, Marc lose his mind and Steven would simply die.
“Fine, Highlander it is.”
Sam grinned, happy to trap Jake into a several movie and several season show long commitment. “Sick, We’ll start with the first highlander movie, then the third, then the show-”
“What happened to the second movie?” Jake sported a rare look of confusion.
“The order is confusing.’
“You seen it before?”
“I used to uh, watch this with my dad. He was showing Chris and Ben the show, and one episode had Joan Jett guest starring, who I loved, so I naturally watched it.”
Jake rolled his eyes, but was smiling, not surprised that she was listening to Joan Jett as a kid. “Naturally.”
“Anyway, I ended up liking the show but I was super confused and tried to watch the movies and the order is… confusing. It’s not like the DCU where they plan ahead, it was just…. It came out when it came out, no one was in charge of the canon. Dom is really into the series so he’ll have to direct us after we finish the show.”
Jake nodded. “Vamnos then, Carino. Pizza rolls are getting cold.”
Sam pressed play and took a sip of her drink. “Hey! Does this even have alcohol?”
“It does…” His stupid fucking smile spreading across his face. “Just not a lot”
Sam held out her drink to Jake, glaring.
Jake sighed, took her drink and gave her his.
Sam did her happy little wiggle and settled into the couch, propping her legs over Jake.
“Sam!” Steven woke up, half shouting, a sheen of cold sweat covering him.
Sam jolted awake, eyes wide and her hand quickly finding the one laying next to her, like she did every time she woke up in the night. Only this time, it wasn’t her having the nightmare. “Honey, what's wrong?” She turned over to him, finding him looking at her, terrified eyes searching over her body for any sign of injury.
Steven was confused and disoriented. “It must’ve been a dream… I’m sorry for waking you darling…”
Sam’s face furrowed in worry. “Do you have a lot of nightmares?”
Shaking his head, Steven drew her closer to him, needing to feel she was real and she was safe. “No, sometimes Marc does… but I don’t usually…” Steven didn’t tell her that he’s been having nightmares lately, that he’s had an impending sense of dread that something bad is going to happen, that he’s been on edge since the trip over christmas. “Are you… are doing okay?”When Sam looked confused, he clarified. “I mean, are the meds doing ok? Do you…” Are you going to kill yourself? Are you going to hurt yourself? Are you going to drink yourself to death?
Staying in his warm arms still, Sam pulled back to look at him. “I’m doing pretty good, I think… I like work, I’ve been seeing my friends, my family has been calm, less nightmares,  I’m happier with you three than I ever thought possible. Yeah, I’m doing good. Are you okay?”
“Yeah sweetheart, I’m great.” Steven smiled, lying through his teeth. “Can you lay with me love? I need you close.” Steven hated lying to her, especially after they promised no more secrets…
“Always, my darling Sunshine.” Sam laid her head on the white t-shirt over Steven’s chest, draping an arm over him and curling a leg over his lap. “Better?”
“Much better.” Steven wrapped both arms around her, and there Sam fell asleep, tangled up in each other. It took awhile before Steven could fall asleep, only willing himself to do so because he worried Sam would sense something was wrong and wake up again. But he was terrified of going back to sleep, both because he was afraid she’d disappear while he slept, or because he was afraid to see what he had seen in his dream. So he laid there for a while, feeling her to reassure himself she was safe, she was okay. She seemed so sincere with her answer, that she was happy… and yet, Steven couldn’t help but feel something was wrong. Maybe that's what happens when you dream of your girlfriend with slit wrists and a bruised face.
THWACK! Sam slams on the mat, knocking the breath out of her.
Jesus Marc, you don’t have to break her
“Thought you liked it rough, pretty girl?” Marc teased.
Sam groaned overly dramatically. “When you fuck me, Marcy Marc.” She stands up, catching Marc’s eyes lingering over your leggings and tank top. “Aht aht aht. None of that, we’re here to work” 
He smirks at her. “How am I supposed to concentrate when you look that good?”
She rolls her blue eyes. “Come on, let me try again.” Marc squared up and once Sam mirrors him, he comes at her. She deflects his initial attempt to grab her, and is able to land a few punches with her padded gloves, but when she tries to kick him she grabs her leg and yanks it out from under her.
She falls on her ass, flopping down on the mat and covered her face in frustration. When Sam opened her eyes, she saw Marc leaning over her, hands on his knees and looking exasperated. “That’s it, you’re never leaving my apartment.”
“Marc.” she glares at him from the floor. “I’m fine. Self defense lessons were my idea.”
“Yeah, because Steven’s been anxious about you.” he extends his hands to pull her up. “But now I see how bad you are at this.” He was smiling, teasing you, but his concern was genuine. “Your punches are pathetic.”
“‘Cause I don’t wanna hurt you!” Sam whined as Marc pulled her up. “You remember when we met, I can throw a punch!”
“Yeah, I remember you getting fucking decked.”
Sam thought back to that night. He wasn’t wrong, she had gotten her shit rocked.
“Babe” Marc gave a pointed look. “Your ass is bruised from last night. I think it’ll be okay if you punch me harder..” 
“That’s different.” Sam wouldn’t tell Marc this, but she was afraid she’d trigger him. On occasion, she topped Marc in bed, taking control, but even then she was pretty light. She never slapped him hard, not as hard as he’d like.
“No kicking. Kicking isn’t helpful unless your hands are being held, or unless you are going for their dick. Focus on that and the face. You can’t hit hard enough for anything on the torso to hurt, not unless you want to start on weights, which we can do. But for now, go for my face.”
Sam kissed him, “Like that?”
He couldn’t help but smile at her. “Not quite…” he knocked her, not very hard, in the side of her head with the padded gloves, making her give a cute little ‘oof’. “Like that”
“Hey! Cheap shot!”
Marc shrugs. “Anyone coming after you is gonna- AH!”
Sam punched him equally hard in the dick. “How do you like th-” Before she could finish, she was being tackled by a giggling Marc.
Feels weird, going to bed without her.
I know what you mean. Place seems so big.
Why don’t you guys just ask her to move in? Maybe Steven would have less nightmares.
You didn’t tell me you were having nightmares? You told Jake?
Jake has the uncanny ability to be where no one wants him. Steven was glaring in the headspace.
Not my fault your thoughts are so fucking loud, Ese.
What are you dreaming about?
I keep dreaming that Sam… well either someone hurt her or she hurt herself.
Do you think she’s hurting herself again?
No, she’ll get fully naked around us, there’s no where to hide it.
I’m just worried, is all. It’s been a month since christmas and we havn’t really talked about it.
Do you really need to talk about it?
Steven feels guilty for scaring her. He’s been overthinking everything ever since.
You didn’t scare her, Steven. Her dad scared her. What you did wouldn’t have scared a non traumatized girl.
I know, but that doesn’t stop me from worrying about her.
Maybe it would be good if she moved in then. You guys stay together almost every night anyway.
Her lease isn’t up until May, I want to ask her closer to then…
We could always have her move in slowly, she could start staying over and we could move somethings every weekend?
You think she really wants to move in?
Steven, I think you know the answer.
“You’re doing so good for me baby.” Sam was riding on top of a sweaty, writhing Steven. “You look so sexy under me, pretty boy.” She ran her hands up and down his perfect body, gliding easily with the layer of sweat.
Steven was drowning in the pleasure of her, soft blankets under him and soft skin on top. “Fuck darling, fuck, please…” He wines, pinching his eyes together.
“Not yet baby, open your eyes, I want to look at you…”
But Steven was unable to do as he was told, too enthralled in pleasure to listen.
“Steven, baby…” Sam warms, slowing her movement over him. “Open, you know I like to see your pretty eyes when you’re so deep inside me, fucking me so good, please? Please can I see them, my love?”
“Fuck” Steven’s sparkling, watery eyes look at her as he grips her hips, forcibly moving her along his length.
“Good boy” Sam coo’s, playing with his hair as she scanned his face, taking in all his features until she met his eyes. She could never doubt he loved her, not when he looked at her like that. “Shit” She muttered.
Steven frowned. “You alright, sweetheart?”
Sam flashed a smile at him. “Oh, I’m doing great, Steven.”
“Bloody hell” He writhes beneath her. “Say my name again, Sam.” 
“Oh Steven, my sweet, sweet Steven…” She pouted, watching him. “It’s almost unbearable how good you look, all a mess for me, your cock so deep inside me…”
Steven threw his head back, keeping his eyes on her. “Fuck darling, if you keep talking like, I’m not going to last much longer”
“Poor baby… one sec, give me your hand?” 
Steven was confused but did as she asked.
“Don’t drop me.” Holding onto Steven’s hand (and never stopping her movements on him), she leaned over to her nightstand, grabbing chapstick. Steven pulled her back up, and put a thick layer of Carmex on her lips.
Steven smiles, shaking his head. “You and your chapstick…” His hand went to her clit, making Sam pick up her movements. 
Sam giggles, Steven’s favorite sound on this earth. “I can’t concentrate if they're dry!”
“Well” Steven huffs out, focusing hard on not coming. “At least share.”
“Happy to oblige, pretty boy.” Sam leaned over him, kissing him deeply, spreading the chapstick all over his dry lips. She’d have to do this more often.  “You ready, pretty baby?” She asked him, damn-well knowing the answer, her hair hanging like curtains around his face, though her lips left him.
“Yes, yes please, Sam, please? I need to come in you, pleeeease…?” He begs for his release, rutting up against her. “You’re so beautiful darling, I can’t hardly take it sometimes.”
Sam cups his face, leaning close to those lips she loves so much. “Come for me, Sunshine?”
With a loud grunt, Steven grabbed her hair and pulled her to him, kissing her deeply Sam felt him spilling his warmth inside her. He wrapped her up closely, roll her over so he on top and continued fucking into her. “I love you, I love you so much sweetheart… I’m yours, you’re mine, yeah? Tell me you’re mine, please love?”
“I’m yours, all yours, my sweet baby… my sexy, pretty baby…” Sam mumbled into his mouth as Steven started slowing down. “Fucking me so good Steven, filling me up with your come, making me yours… claiming me…”
“Fuuuuck.” He drew it out and he thrust for the last time, collapsing onto her. As he softened, he began to pull out, but Sam stopped him.
“Stay with me, please? I need you close, Sunshine…” Sam nuzzled her face into his neck, leaving gentle kisses.
“Of course, darling.” Steven stayed on top of her in a loving embrace, inside her, as close as he could get. “Are you alright?”
Sam didn’t come, he knew that. Marc and Steven helped her as much as possible, they were givers to be sure. Sometimes the meds just won’t allow it. However, Marc and Steven always, always, tried their best to take care of you. She was perfectly content with their time together. “Yes baby, I always enjoy my time with you.” Sam kissed him reassuringly, and held him tight, never wanting him to leave her, ever.
You did w h a t?
Yeah, it was awesome.
While she was… on her period?
Yeah, and she liked it. A lot.
Like… your finger?
Yes, Steven, he put a finger in her butt, it’s what adults do.
Yeah, so you fucked her first, but I got her ass.
And I had her mouth first too, so who's really winning
Dios Mio… 
Sam and Steven were taking part in their favorite pastime, rewatching Doctor Who. As the episode ends, Steven’s phone lights up with a picture of Layla; she’s calling. Sam tries to not let her face drop. It’s not that she didn’t like Layla. She didn’t know Layla. It’s just the natural reaction to your boyfriend's ex-wife. She couldn’t even talk to Elena or Jessica about this, because Steven wasn’t married to her, and they didn’t know Marc existed… The thing was, Marc being married before was out in the open. Steven kissing Layla was not. Sam wondered if Marc told Steven he let the secret slip… but she doubted it. Steven probably would’ve told her, but also, Marc wouldn’t admit to Steven what he did without prompt. Marc never admitted to anything without prompt.
“Sorry love, lemme just answer and I’ll let her know I’ll call her back.”
“Oh no, it’s okay honey it’s just reruns, go ahead.” Sam wanted so desperately to be the cool girlfriend, wanted so badly to pretend she wasn’t nervous.
“You’re the best, Sweetheart.” Steven kisses her forehead. “Layla! Hello love!” 
Sam knew that ‘love’ was just how he talked, but she felt weird hearing him call Layla that instead of her. 
Steven walks out of the apartment to talk in the apartment lobby, a move that Sam knew was to not bother her. Steven didn’t want to leave Sam awkwardly listening when she could be watching tv or working on homework. And yet… she couldn’t help but wonder what they talked about. Not that she thought he was cheating, neither Marc nor Stever ever would. But Sam always thinks of worst case scenarios, and she couldn’t imagine, given the choice between Layla and her, the boys wouldn’t take Layla back.
Before Steven stepped out, he turns around. “Oh, Darling! Layla says hello!”
Sam put on her best smile. “Tell her I said hi!”
He grins, turning back to the door and returns his attention to the phone. “Sam says hi! Oh yes, she’s doing great, how lovely of you to ask. All A’s this semester, isn’t that amazing? Oh we would love that! I think you two would get along swimmingly.” He was out the door.
Great. Layla wanted to meet her. And Layla had asked how she was doing. This would be easier if she wasn’t so… nice. Steven always sounded so proud of her, bragging about her grades, showing her off at work. It made her feel even shittier to be wondering what they talked about. They had all been through something together, Sam understood that…
It wasn’t that they kissed. Well, it was a little about how they kissed. Steven had an entirely separate friendship with her, and probably talked to her more than Marc. Not because her and Marc didn’t have any sort of friendship, but Steven was more of the talker. Sam couldn’t blame him. Layla was beautiful. Before Sam knew they had kissed, it wasn’t as if Sam hadn’t still been… jealous? No, not jealous. Okay maybe jealous. She had been jealous before. But before, Sam could tell herself ‘no, you’re crazy. She’s Marc’s ex, not Steven’s. Don’t worry.’ But now she knows she was right, they did have something. And now she doesn’t know what it was. She didn’t know how far it went. She figured they didn’t sleep together because if they had, Marc would’ve thrown that in her face as well. Asshole.
That was the thing. Marc told her. Not Steven. She had almost felt bad about keeping a secret from Steven when they said no secrets. She almost felt bad. But the nature of the secret was Steven keeping a secret in the first place. How could he do that? She had done as promised, she had been honest. How many other secrets did he have? Did they date? Had he been in love? Did she love them? Did she want them back? Surely, there’d be no choice, they’d leave her. Hot, exciting, put together Layla or plain, boring, disaster human Sam.
She presses play on the TV, to play the next episode. The season 1 episode ‘Fathers Day’.
“Ugh.” She pressed skip.
“Fuck! Marc!” Sam was pressed up against the wall of the boys apartment, Marc’s face buried in her neck as his hands explored her body.
“I want you so bad, baby girl” Marc mumbles into her neck, slipping a hand up her skirt and cursing the tight that covered her butt, but still gave a bruising squeeze. “It’s been too long…” His mouth was all over her face, neck and lips
Sam giggled, cupping Marc’s perfect ass, enraptured in the feeling of him devouring her. “It’s been two days, baby”
“Too long,” he reiterated. One hand entangled into her auburn curls, the other to her covered cunt as his chest continued to press her into the wall. “I need you, Brightside, god I want you so fucking bad” Marc shoved the tights down with her underwear and began feeling up the warmth between her legs. “I want you so, bad baby, do you want me?” He asks, despite the evidence dripping down her legs.
Marc had moved in on her as soon as she walked into the door. She had a shitty day and it had started to rain on the way back. She felt sweaty, wet, and gross. And yet, Marc still wanted her. “P-please Marc-mmm- M-Marc” Sam whimpered, back arching off the cool wall. It was amazing how quickly his touch turned her into a babbling mess.
Marc gifted her with a tender kiss before turning Sam around and bending her over so that she had to brace herself against the wall with her hands. Hiking her skirt up, Marc slammed his length into her, making her cry out for him. “So fucking tight… this pretty little pussy was just made for us, isn’t it?”
All Sam could do was whimper in response as he slammed into her with a force. The hard and fast movements were hitting just right, getting the spot so deep inside her. Sam’s vision started to spot as her legs grew weak. Marc pulled her up, one strong arm around her torso, playing with her breasts and nipple, the other with it’s hand around her neck as he fucked into her.
“Marc-” Sam warms, afraid her body is going to give out.
“It’s okay, Brightside, I got you, let go.”
With that, Sam felt her orgasm rip through her, legs going to jelly. Marc, as promised, caught her, the firm arms wrapped around her holding her up as she pathetically attempted to stay upright. Her eyes were closed tight, barely registering that he pulled out of her until he scooped her practically limp body. She wrapped her arms around him, taking the smell of his skin. Marc turned on the water of the shower and gently stripped her of the clothes that were left, as well as his own and helped her into the shower.
“Feels nice” Sam muttered as Marc washed her body, his chest pressed to her back.
“I bet, it looked miserable out.” Marc pressed his face to the pillow of her hair.
“No, silly” Sam turned around to kiss him. “Not the water… well, maybe the water, but mostly you”
Marc returned the kiss before started to step out of the shower, Sam pouting at the loss of contact. “Stay in here and warm up, relax. I’ll start dinner.”
“I love you Marc.” She gave his bare ass a smack, and he smiled at her lovingly.
“I love you too, Brightside.”
As Marc began cooking dinner, he caught a glimpse of Steven smiling in the knife he was using to cut the onions. “What are you smirking about?”
Steven wasn’t smirking, he was smiling warmingly at his friend. “Nothing, mate.”
“You think I’ve gone soft, don’t you.”
“You’ve always been soft. You just didn’t want to admit it.”
“Steven!” Sam squealed, running up to him as she exited work. “What are you doing here?!” She crashed into him.
Steven held both her hands, grinning hard at the woman he loved. “I thought I’d surprise you!”
“Doesn’t Jake have the body this weekend?” Jake was supposed to go on a mission for Khonshu. No one but Jake was thrilled about it, but it was what it was.
Steven winced, but kept smiling. He couldn’t help but smile around Sam. “He’s leaving tonight, that’s why I wanted to see you. I know it sounds silly, but not seeing you for three days was just too much, so I had to come today…” Steven noticed Josh, the asshole who had walked Sam home a few months ago… okay maybe calling an asshole was a bit strong.
She touched his perfect face and kissed him. “Not silly at all, I’m gonna miss you baby…” Steven and Marc weren’t even going to be co-concious. They didn't want anything to do with Moon Knight or Khonshu, so they were taking the weekend to rest. Jake promised to text Sam at least twice a day to let her know they were okay. Sam was going out on Saturday with Jessika, and she was going to text Jake sporadically throughout the night to make sure she didn’t wander off again or have any trouble with men.
“Can we take the long way home? Through the park?” Steven was pleased that Sam hadn’t even seemed to notice Josh, she only had eyes for him.
It was their park. The park where the practically fucked outside, where he gave her first orgasm without taking off her clothes. 15 minutes later, they were feeding ducks with the oats Steven brought.
“How are you feeling about Jake going on the mission?”
Steven thought this out for a moment. “When we first learned about him… we all agreed to try and make it work. Well, I did. Marc was Marc about it. It’s not a lot, so we work with it.”
“Sunshine?” Sam took his hand. Fuck, she should’ve brought lotion.
“I asked how you felt, not how it works.” She gave him a squeeze. “Are you upset?”
“Well… I’m not thrilled.”
Sam smiled at him, “C’mon honey.”
“Fine, well I’m right upset about it. The nights he’s out helping people on the street, I can deal with him killing rapists and child molesters and stopping robberies. It’s when he goes out on these missions, with these big players…”
Sam leaned into him, warping her hands over his cold ones. “Why does that bother you so much?”
“Well… I don’t want to die. Bit selfish innit?” Steven chuckled nervously. “He can’t get hurt too bad by cowards on the street hurting women. I almost died… before… with Harrow. Actually, we did die…” His eyes were far away, looking across the pond. 
“You didn’t tell me that…” It wasn’t accusatory, but curious. There was so much about their time with Khonshu she didn’t know, not because they hide it, but because it was all just… so much.
He turns to Sam quickly. “I didn’t mean to lie! I promise. It just isn’t something I think about much…”
“It’s okay baby, we don’t talk about Moon Knight much, so it never would come up.”
“I love you.” He brings her hand to his mouth, kissing her fingers. “But I’m scared that if he is fucking about with these… avengers-level people, one day they are going to trace him back to you.”
Sam tries to hide the fear. She hadn’t thought of that. “Jake wouldn’t allow that, he wouldn’t let anyone hurt me, no matter what Marc thinks.”
“I know Sweetheart... I still worry.” Steven recognized how much Jake cared for Sam, but he knew in the end, his loyalties were with Khonshu above her. He didn’t think Sam needed to know that, however. “Are you going to be okay while we’re gone?” He was still plagued with bad dreams.
“I’ll be okay and please don’t worry. Jake will take care of everything. You and Marc have a good rest this weekend and come back to me safe, okay?” Steven took you in for a hug, warming you. “Can you stay for dinner?”
Steven shook his head. “Jake’s already irritated.”
Sam couldn’t help but giggle a bit. “Thank you for annoying Jake for me, Steven with a V.”
“To be fair, it’s not hard to do.”
“Oh! Before we go can I talk to Jake real quick?”
Sam was looking at Marc with such a wide, beaming smile, he couldn’t even find it in his heart to be annoyed at the sound of Jake’s name. “Of course.” A blink, a shift. “Que tal?”
Sam held up a finger and dug into her purse, pulling out a black scarf, with something sewn in white at the ends. “Ta-da!”
Jake knew she was making him a scarf, but somehow, holding a item in her hands that Sam took time out of her day to make for him… He couldn’t help but be touched. “You sewed cross-bones?”
She nodded vigorously, knowing the effect it was having.
“It’s um…It’s nice.” Jake tried to sound tough, he tried to keep his facade of always being 10 steps ahead, witty remarks, and murder… But Sam saw through it. He saw Sam smile. He had said last month when he went to Mass with her, that he wasn’t Marc. He didn’t need to be convinced he was worthy of love. But Sam didn’t think he’d had a friend before, he didn’t know what to do with the love he was given. “Thank you, Sam.”
Sam hugged him, and to her surprise, he warmly hugged her back. “You’re welcome Jake. I love you, I hope you know that.”
Weirdly, he believed her. “I…” he couldn’t finish it.
“I know.”
“God, baby you taste so good” Marc was eating Sam out like his life depended on it, his hands gripping and kneading at her thick thighs, touching her lower body everywhere he could reach. Sam grips his perfect curls, pulling him closer to her so she could grind her cunt on his face, illiciating loud, loud grunts from him. Few things turned Sam on more than feeling wanted and boy, Marc made her feel wanted. Before her boys, she didn’t think there was such a thing as a man eating pussy for his pleasure, but god… if Marc wasn’t actually into it, he was fucking good at acting. She lets go of his hair and spreads her body out, stretching and taking in the feeling of his warm mouth. 
His large (and perpetually dry) hands roamed her thighs and her calves, massing as he went. Marc ‘s fingertips grazed above her hips and Sam winced. Marc knew not to touch her upper body, it was pretty much the only rule she had for him. Okay, no biggie, hips are still lower, probably just slipped, it’s Marc. She’s safe. It’s fine. His hands run up her body: hips, stomach, breast.
She quickly grabs his hands “Red! Marc! Red!”
Marc scrambled back on his knees horrified. He knew what he did. “I’m sorry” He was panicking. “I’m so sorry Sam.” He was pulling at his hair, getting off the bed and backing away as he pulled up his boxers. “I got carried away and I forgot- I just- ” Marc stopped himself, not wanting to make excuses. He looked absolutely wretched. 
Sam was calming down, but started crying. No big panic attack this time, it wasn’t the worst trigger she’s ever experienced; just seeing Marc’s face calmed her down a measure. “Marc, honey, it’s okay, can you just-” Before she had a chance to finish her sentence, the unmistakable body language change, signaling Jake.
“Mierda!” Jake mutters, looking around for an impending threat. Seeing that the room is clear of danger, he notices Sam is naked and crying. He looked confused. Thinking quickly, he grabs the blanket and wraps it around her shoulders. “What do you need?” He asks, soft, but still panicked.
“Don’t worry about-”
“Sam.” He held her shaking shoulders to have her face him. “Tell me what you need, then we can talk”
Her lip quivers as she barely squeeks out. “Hold me?” 
Jake nods, leaning against the bedpost and pulling her into a hug, wrapped in the big, puffy, blanket. It wasn’t like Marc, where he held her tight  and encased her body in his. It wasn’t like Steven; soft, warm, reassuring. It was Jake, and he was trying his best. “What happened, mija?”
“Marc… they aren’t supposed to touch… uh… my upper body when they are going down on me, because of what happened.”
“Ya veo, and he touched you like that?” Jake spoke softly, the softness that usually accompanied Steven.
“Yeah. He didn’t mean to, he just…”
“Why… why did he make you take over?” Sam couldn’t help but feel a little abandoned.
“He didn’t, I got pulled to the front when he started having a panic attack, it’s involuntary sometimes. He’s not here, but don’t worry, I’ll stay with you.”
Sam closed her eyes. “Thank you, Jake… Is Marc okay?”
Marc, you need to get back out here
She doesn’t want to see me, Jake.
Yes she does, she wants you to take care of her.
I can’t! I can’t take care of her, I think I made that pretty fucking clear. I always manage to upset her, I always manage to hurt her
Stop, now is not the time for your self pity, not when she needs you.
Get Steven, then. This is his department.
SHE’S YOUR GIRLFRIEND, MARC! It’s all your department!
This is none of your fucking business!
Why can’t you accept that I care about her?
You don’t care about her! Stop pretending you do!
Yeah? I’m the one whose arms she’s in right now, because you are too much of a fucking pussy to take care of your girlfriend who you upset!
There was a pause in the headspace.
You get out there, you fx it, and you do better. She’s worried about you. She’s not mad at you, 
She should be.
I understand you don’t think you deserve her, I understand you think she’s better off with just Steven, but she loves you, and she wants you in her life. You need to do right by her and take care of her. Let her know she’s safe with you and you can take care of her. She doesn’t want me, she doesn’t want Steven, she wants you.
Sam felt the arms around her tighten, and she relaxed into the arms. “Hi starlight, you okay, my love?”
Marc couldn’t help shaking his head. Always thinking about him. “I didn’t mean to do that. It’s just how I’m used to going down on women, but I promise you, it won’t happen again.”
“It’s okay baby, it was an accident.” Sam reaches back to touch his face, which he leans into.
“I’m sorry” Marc’s voice chokes up. “I love you, I only ever want you to be safe with me.”
“I am safe, Starlight. Always safe with you.”
Marc held her, tight like she liked, “Always safe with me, Brightside. I promise. I’ll never let anyone hurt you again.”
@ahookedheroespureheart @kr-mlk @mt2sssss @cherryvalentine1 @tippycakes26 @missdictatorme @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
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😎 (Orchid) to (Apple/ all your OC's)
😎 if you would like to explore a FAMILIAL relationship between our muses! My Main OCs: (plus some sketches) Orchid and Apple: Apple is an only child so she doesn't know much about having siblings. But she would see Orchid as a younger cousin and take her around to teach her "her ways". Which usually means she will take her around on dangerous missions and let her pretty much fend for herself. She doesn't mean any harm by it, she's confident that Orchid can handle herself but if she has to step in she would.
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Orchid and Silver: Silver on the other hand, having grew up with 2 older brothers and a little sister, would instantly treat Orchid like his little sister. He would take her around on small gigs like delivering products or assisting in building stuff. Kind of like take your kid to work day.
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He would also be protective of her, but at the same time would take Orchid on the dangerous missions with Apple. Orchid and Enderous:
Enderous by herself takes on the motherly role with people she cares about (including her dad lol)
With Orchid she keeps an eye on her to make sure Apple and Silver don't take her on overly dangerous missions. And would also partake in activities with orchid like potion making and research. Orchid and Svart + BlueBell:
Svart grew up with 4 sisters, 5 if you add BB. And being the oldest of them he feels obligated to take on the authority role almost like Enderous. With Orchid, he would try to be a older brother to her but would quickly learn that she is much more mature and capable then him so he would respectfully stand by her side. BlueBell, would automatically look up to Orchid like a Aunt, she would always ask her questions about potions and artifacts she finds on her journeys. Orchid and Spring
Spring and Orchid would unintentionally act like twin sisters with each other. I don't know why but I just see it like that. I can imagine the two constantly saying things at the same time then look at each other and just giggle 😭
Spring would also see Orchid as a older sister, but she would also think that the two of them are the babies of the family in the friend group.
Other OCs (side characters and what not):
Scarlet would see Orchid as a distant cousin but would still get along with her the most. Alexa would act like the older sister constantly pulling pranks and picking on the younger sister who would be Orchid. They would mainly bond over potions, nothing else. Mark would be the soft brother who balances out Alexa's mean personality. He would constantly reassure Orchid that Alexa doesn't mean anything by it.
Earlaveen being a mother herself wouldn't see Orchid as her own child but more like a niece, she would totally trust Orchid to hold her baby or babysit 🥺
Skeith, they would automatically be the cool uncle everyone likes, and would give Orchid valuable trinkets they find around and say "Here you go kid :D"
Zoon and Marry would treat Orchid like a best friend who's been around for so long that she might as well be family.
May would especially admire Orchid as like an Aunt.
Maya and Lia the twins, would see her like a cousin, but would go out of their way to make her life difficult. (Don't mind the twins, adolescent creepers have a phase where they are just pure evil. They will grow out of it)
Chief Conroy (aka Svart's dad) isn't really social (Now we know where Svart gets it) For Orchid, he would recognize her maturity for her age but would regardless still see himself as the authority figure. (since he is physically and mentally older then her) He would be the emotionally unavailable dad. What am I saying, he IS the emotionally unavailable dad. 💀
Naia and the rest of her siblings would treat Orchid like a middle child sibling. They run their own family bar underground so unless Orchid doesn't own them anything she would instantly be working in the bar with them. Blueman (not his name but never gave him a name) is not a fan of Illagers, for personal reasons, so he would instantly avoid her. My main antagonist who hasn't made a appearance in this blog for more then a year now (and doesn't have a name either) , would also avoid Orchid but if he had to he would make some interactions with her.
Ordnance (Apple's ALT) Isn't the type to show her vulnerable feelings, she would treat Orchid like a annoying little sister that she has to bring along, but deep down she cares about her.
Stage Name Broadcaster (Silver's ALT) would see Orchid as a cousin, he would show her his studio and his equipment. Then would do Talk Shows with her.
DR. Chorous (Enderous ALT) Would see Orchid as a niece, but would give her jobs to keep her occupied while she works.
MOD: "I know for a fact thats not all of my OCs but these are all the ones I can think of right now. Hope you enjoy this long ass list." :D
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mahvaladara · 2 years
Syra: My little bear cut his hair and trimmed his bear just to take me on a date! I am flattered! But I like my hairy bear!
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So, @dandylion240​ asked for Syra too before. So, here goes.
How did they first meet?
Syra met Lysander as a teenager while she was out looking for herbs to do a potion. She accidently lured the ire of Greg and Lysander ended up protecting her. 
2. How did they get together?
Syra is stubborn and persistente. Despite Lysander pushing her away as he was an adult and she a teenager, she decided he would be her friend. 
One day, Lysander caught Syra being bullied by a couple of girls in the woods and he scared them off. He found her crying and after she coming clean about a lot of things, such as to why the girls were bullying her or why they called her ‘futa’.
Lysander told her she was beautiful woman and anyone would be lucky to love her. She asked if he would. He answered “maybe when you’re older”. One year later she knocked at his door and went “I’m older now.”
Things didn’t fall straight into the dating. Lysander had other issues besides his age about dating Syra. Problems and secrets he held that would be an issue. But it was difficult to not be lead by Syra’s bubbly nature. She was sunlight.
3. Who kissed who first?
Syra kissed him first. After she went to knock at his door to tell him she was now a young adult and wanted to date him, he asked to take her on a date first. He of course didn’t expect her to accept it, but she did.
And he went “fuck, I didn’t expect her to agree! Now I have to take her on a date!” 
Nonetheless he went all out. He even cut his hair and trimmed his beard to look younger and presentable for her. But she liked him hairy. At the end of the date, he left her home and she kissed him. Saying she would wait for a second date. 
4. What’s the relationship like? Smooth? Rocky?
Very smooth. Syra is a very confident and bubbly woman who knows well what she wants of her life. Lysander is very mellow and peaceful and is usually the one being pulled around by her whims that he’s more than happy to oblige.
At first they had some difficulties. Lysander was much older and had a bit of an issue that he had to come clean to her. But once he came clean to her, her first reaction: “That’s it?! Puppybear, my dad is a dragon and I have a penis! So you’re a little hairy. So? I like that!”
5. What do they like the most about each other?
Lys loves Syra’s infectious happyness. She’s a sunflower always seeking the sun even in the rainiest of days. It’s impossible not to find happyness and glee around Syra.
Syra loves Lys patience and maturity. She loves his warmth, how this big, burly man, is a big burly sack of love and kindness who all soft and warm and will cry watching sad movies with her and massage her feet and carry her piggyback style, and not care one bit that she dresses all girly and wears pigtails and buns. 
6. Who cleans the most? Contrary to that, who is the messiest?
Syra cleans more. Lys isn’t particularly messy, but he won’t put away his dishes. He will wash them, but not put them away. Same with clothes. Syra came to give a bit of an organization to their lives. But they’re both cluttered.
7. Who usually cooks?
Lys usually cooks. He also hunts their food most of the time. Though Syra gets upset that he hunts bunnies and chickens. They’ve come an understanding. He won’t hunt her chickens and she won’t bother him about the bunnies.
8 . Who tends to worry the most?
Lys usually worries well enough for the two of them. 
9. Who is more inclined to be jealous or possessive?
Syra is actually more jealous and possessive than Lys. Lys is very chill. He loves her and only her. But Syra will glare angrily at other women/men for just looking at her puppybear wrong. 
10. How do they resolve their arguments?
Usually Lys is the one who ends them but just not engaging. He let’s Syra get everything out of her chest and once she stops he makes her tea and then tries again. 
11. Who is the most physically affectionate?
They both are. These two are always touching, and hugging, and kissing, and tickling and just being all touchy feely with eachother.
12. Who has the most nightmares and how do they deal with them?
Syra usually has more nightmares than Lys. She often has dreams of loosing her big brother.
Lys only has nightmares during the crescent moon phase, then it ebbs down. And usually his nightmares are more ‘animalistic’. 
For either of the two, the nightmares are solved by spooning.
13 .Who steals the blankets?
Syra. She’s a blanket monster. 
14. Who gets cold the easiest?
Syra. That’s why she likes her hairy puppybear.
15. Who pays for the food the most, when they go out?
Lysander. He’s a good ol’ fashion gentleman.
16. Do they enjoy dancing?
They both have two left feet, but they will step on each others feet happily and laugh at how bad they are. 
17. Do they ever trade clothes?
So far Syra has managed to steal 5 shirts from Lys. Lyst does not complain. He keeps one of her jumpers for those colder nights.
18. Do they ever go swimming together?
These two skinny dip like animals. Living their lives to the fullest with nature.
19. Do they ever cook together?
All the time. When it’s good old grandma’s recipes Syra is the one in charge. When it’s grilled steak or red meats, it’s up for Lys. 
20. Do they give each other nicknames?
Lys calls Syra “Sunny”, and Sunflower due to hearing Arlo call her that. Syra likes to call Lys her hairy bear, her puppy and her puppybear. 
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cassurrjoybell-30 · 4 months
Howling Love - Chapter 10
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*Warning Adult Content*
Camryn Summer
"Stand down Camryn," my father growled as he had ruined a perfectly good moment for Amille and I.
There was something hostile about his manner and his gaze toward Amille that I couldn't help but want to stand in the way of.
He didn't shift in his way to get past me but it seemed he was willing to push through me if he had to.
I could just tell.
"Don't do this Camryn... stand down," he ordered again with a growl which made my wolf angrier.
"No... you stand down," I growled back with more ferocity as I held Amille behind me, there was an overwhelming need to protect him that came from my wolf and by instinct I just knew.
"Triss, the boy is right," Beta Kyra intervened luckily and I was grateful for it because I knew one way or the other I was definitely going to fight my father.
"Stay out of this Kyra. You knew he was here, you knew he was back and you said nothing," my father hissed back, his anger now driven toward his beta.
"He had no obligation to tell you," Calvin, Amille's dad argued causing everyone to look at him then my father.
I kept wondering why my father was so angry, why he seemed almost hurt in a way.
"I had every right to know, I am the Alpha of this pack, this is my land, my pack, he should've told me,and he knows it," my father protested as his eyes shifted back to me and past me to Amille which confused me.
"You're making a scene Alpha and you're scaring the children, Camryn go, take everyone inside," Dean's mother, who was one of the pack's midwives stated and I nodded toward her, taking Amille into my arms.
[Come on Maxine] Amille signed just before he had to hold on to my neck and I walked into the house with my friends in tow.
"That was intense, can anyone tell me what the hell just happened?" Teja exclaimed and none of us could reply him.
"As you can clearly see pint-size, none of us know," Maxine replied as we settled in the living room.
Somehow I couldn't help blame myself over what my father had done.
I was the one who had actually told him about Amille and his dad when I went to his office and his reaction did seem off when I did tell him.
A tap on my cheek made me turn to Amille who was still in my arms, right on my lap.
I couldn't help nervously chuckle, he fit so well there.
I had totally forgotten that he was there, only knowing that I was protectively holding him.
It felt natural, like I was holding a part of myself if I could say it like that.
[You can put me down now] he signed and I didn't want to yet I had to.
My wolf forced itself to the surface causing a growl to escape my lips unintentionally, it earned everyone's attention and Amille's shocked expression.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry duck-face, I can't control him right now. He's pushing and for some reason still feeling danger," I apologized and Amille nodded.
A knowing look on his face that made me relax when he got comfortable in my hold.
"Possessive much Alpha," Orlando teased making both Amille and I want to hide away or hit him, which Amille actually did with a couch pillow.
"Hey. Ouch. Sorry," he claimed with a shriek making all of us laugh.
[How about we let them discuss whatever it is they want to discuss and we get snacks from the kitchen, watch movies in the movie room. I finally got that big flat screen] Amille suggested and I was definitely on board with that.
"Now that's a great plan, Amille you go set up, Dean, Orlando go get some blankets, we'll get the food," Maxine immediately stated and I was glad she took the lead giving me and my duck faced curly headed moose some time alone.
We were in the movie room trying to pick out a movie, after my wolf finally released Amille.
I wondered why I was so possessive of him.
It was true that we had barely known each other but I knew more about Amille than I did about my friends or my ex-boyfriend.
It was the same for him, our conversations were easy, everything flowed, I knew how to rile him up or get him to blush, which was my favourite thing.
I knew his favourite music and his point of view in politics, he wasn't a republican but he liked some of their view.
He hated how transgender men or women were side-lined in some sports and he was jealous of the way wolves could see in the dark because he wanted to be naughty and not be seen, it was adorable.
[How about we watch Frozen or The Incredibles or maybe even Ice age] he suggested and I couldn't help chuckle at how innocent and childlike he seemed.
So full of energy that I could feel it and soak in its goodness.
[Camryn, stop daydreaming] he suddenly yelled with his phone whilst stomping his foot.
"How about all of them choco-swirl," I suggested and he nodded with a grin on his face.
"Come here," I ordered lightly and hugged him, it was addictive just holding him.
Feeling him in my arms and after what had happened outside.
I knew he was trying not to focus on it.
I was trying my best not to use my incredibly good hearing to hear whatever it was that had my father ruining an extremely good barbeque like this.
"You feeling better?" I asked and he shrugged.
[I'm okay, not better. I'm glad you were there] he replied in sign language and I was so glad to be taking lessons.
It made communicating so much easier and like I had wanted, he would spend less time typing on his phone.
"Well you're about to get better best friend," Maxine announced as she walked in with three trays of good and snacks.
Teja came in with actual baskets of food.
Goddess knows I'd never understand what it was with them two that made them love food so much.
"She's right, now come on, let's get to watching," Dean supported as he and Orlando handed each pair a blanket, the movie room had recliner seats, which meant each pair had their own double recliner seat they could bicker on.
Of course Amille naturally or unnaturally was in my arms glued to me by my arm, his head on my chest, it felt just right.
So we began watching Frozen and it was the perfect ending to a good day despite that bump that had occurred.
I had him in my arms and nothing mattered, I didn't want a reason for it to matter, I was just glad that it was.
As Elsa was flinging ice into her sister's chest, the door opened slightly, I scented out Calvin and Maxine's mom by the door.
"How is he?" I heard him whisper and I knew he was counting on my wolf hearing to hear him and respond, reminding me that Calvin was actually a wolf but that didn't matter.
"He's okay, he's dealing but he'll be alright, maybe just confused about everything but alright," I replied in a whisper as Amille was immersed in the movie not even knowing that I was talking to his dad.
"Good. How are the others?" Maxine's mother asked and I reassured her as well that they were okay, we were okay.
"Thank you Camryn, for everything, I'm glad he has you," Calvin whispered lastly and that tinge of pride swelled in me, at least I didn't have to worry so much about getting his blessing.
"Thank you, Mister Laurent," I replied just as the door closed again and I turned back to Amille who was near tears watching the movie, so was Maxine and Orlando.
"Short-stack, what's wrong?" I immediately asked.
[Anna turned into a popsicle] he signed with a sniffle and all I wanted was to groan.
Oh boy, my chocolate-moose was also emotional about everything, especially Disney animations but hey that's what made him special to me.
"She'll be okay won't she?" I asked and he nodded back still sniffling and wiping away his tears, so I held him to my chest as he calmed down.
"See? She gets all better because of love."
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If you ever wonder who your real friends and loved ones are, move away from home.
I've moved away from my hometown and so far, my friend with down syndrome from my old library messages me every day, every hour nearly. She calls me every week. The brother in law I was locked in a five year feud with visits twice a week sometimes, and when my partner has to take a nap because of their nighttime job, we hang out and talk and play videogames. Hell my mother in law with borderline agoraphobia and my workaholic father in law visited twice, and it was a blast. They all live two hours away. My online friends will message me with memes just to check in. My baby sister in college with three jobs, endless extracurriculars, and a 4.0 gpa will call when she can.
My mother has visited twice, once on move in, once to drop off the rest of my stuff. I have to call her and when I do, she's too busy with her work or there is a mini crisis. Even if I share my accomplishments in the "big bad city". When I missed visiting home one weekend and calling, she bombarded me with worry that it was a Dateline situation. .....I had pneumonia. All my old coworkers who loved me, haven't messaged me since my position was cut. And family and work were my only social circle back home.
The only ones I can pardon are my dad and my brother, because Everytime I've visited they've been the ones there, and they ask how life is and how we are. My father doesn't do well with calls and my baby brother has a fiance, a baby, and is saving for a real house.
If you ever wonder who actually cares, move away from home.
In the big bad city, I met a boomer veteran who is the most tolerant and protective man you've ever met. He is hard of hearing from time spent in the Marines, and has a hard time walking from an injury in his old correctional facility job. I never would have expected to be his friend ever. But we talk of music and fishing. We talk of flashbacks and disability.
In the big bad city I met a woman who lives with schizophrenia. She's an artist and a collector. Every week we meet up for tea and we talk about our different traumas and we share our revolutionary ideologies. We laugh at capitalism. We talk of witchy things and discuss how fucking boss Charlie Chaplin was. She collects art deco pieces in her apartment amongst thrones of throated items that she restores and resells. She doesn't turn away when I talk of how I was a whore to make ends meet in college, or that I am queer. She's doesn't get frustrated when I rant about the ways my brain is the worst some days. She smiles in understanding and says that I remind her of her at my age. Then we laugh at the normal people.
If you ever wonder who cares about you, leave. Then make friends with people with no obligation to care about you. I was so afraid of betraying my hometown small community life for the city, but so far, the city has shown me who cares more than that home town ever has.
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a-moment-captured · 1 year
To go off what I answered to the anon who asked if I had a boyfriend and the few more ask I won’t answer because they are very personal and Some advice from some who has lived thru the beginning stages of social media til now:
Protect your personal life! The world does not have to know it all! I did not shout it from the rooftops that I was having my son. My family knew and a few friends. I didn’t really show til I was almost 8 months. I had to deal with his dad being deployed and teaching first grade so my stress was high!
My sister did the same thing with her husband. The amount of people that made the comments on the first pictures we posted that said “wow y’all like to drop surprises” or “couldn’t let the world know about your bundle of joy?”
No! Why?! Because he is mine! I don’t have to share anything. I choose to share! I am not obligated to share my child with anyone. The rumors of wondering who his dad was because his father was not from my hometown and people only saw glimpses of us for 2 years before my son. Same for my sister.
You get decide what you share in life. With your personal relationships and with your children. You don’t have to share with anyone, family included, if you don’t want to.
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