#so I did some sloppy editing to hide that
athalantan · 1 month
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The closest to El I am ever gonna get in this game 🙏
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st-eve-barnes · 5 months
Leverage (Michael Gavey x fem Reader)
Chapter 6 (the final one)
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Summary: When your ex threatens to release some very personal videos you are left with no choice but to do what he asks: seduce the biggest nerd on campus, Michael Gavey. Will you rock his world or will he fundamentally change yours?
This chapter: Basically angst central, confrontations all around, things get worse before they get better. And smut of course ;)
Word count: +5000
Warning for the entire fic: 18+ for explicit content and language. Kissing, oral sex (male & fem receiving), dry humping, hand job, fingering, p in v sex. First kiss and loss of virginity. Experienced reader. Enemies to lovers vibes.
Fluff, smut and of course angst (my favorite combination! lol)
This is the last chapter and I want to thank everyone for all the love on this fic! I really did not expect this little nerd to be so popular but I guess he owns us all❤️ I hope you guys like the ending, I feel like I edited too much but I really needed to send it into the world now so I can move onto another muse ;)
Read the first chapters Here
All my fics are also on AO3
The rain was pouring down hard over Oxford that week, it was barely three in the afternoon yet it was almost completely dark outside.
Inside the Bodleian library the lights were cozy and warm. It was quiet except for a handful of students sitting at the tables to read and study.
You and Michael were doing neither of those. Instead you were hiding in the back between two book shelves, his hand tangled into your hair while his lips trailed a path down your neck, leaving sloppy wet kisses all over your skin.
He had your back pressed up against his chest, trapping you between him and the books.
“Fuck,” he breathed into your ear,”I just wanna push that skirt up and shove my cock into you right here.”
To accentuate his words he moved his hips, pushing his rock hard erection against your ass.
“You wouldn’t,” you finally managed to speak, your words contradicting your actions because you were grinding back against him just as desperately.
Michael used your hair to pull you back against him, his lips grazing the shell of your ear as he whispered,”I will if you beg me.”
His hand moved from your hip down to your thighs and in between your legs, cupping your pussy over your panties, his fingers pushing just hard enough to let you feel him. He smirked at the wetness pooling through the fabric.
“Wet means you want me, right?” he teased, kissing your neck again,”Come on, sweetheart.”
“I am not going to beg, Michael, we’re in the fucking library,” you objected in a heavy whisper.
You wanted him to stop, but you also didn’t. You never should have followed him back here. You were a bad influence on him, you were both a bad influence on each other.
“Oh, so you don’t want my cock?” Michael asked with a little teasing chuckle.
He started kissing the spot right below your ear while his hand slipped inside your panties.
And again you were not stopping him, your brain was yelling at you to quit it right now and step back but your body clearly wasn’t on board with that plan.
“Michael…not in here,” you protested but then you moaned when his fingers found your clit. He circled it slowly and so skillfully you had to bite your lip to keep from moaning out loud.
He was laughing into your ear now,”Sweetheart, stop pretending, you are fucking soaked.”
You moaned again,”God, Michael, please.” 
Were you begging him to stop or to keep going? You couldn’t tell anymore, you were completely at his mercy at this point.
The nerd you had sex with for the first time less than two months ago was no longer, this Michael was a whole new man and he was the one in control now. 
You had created a monster. A monster you wanted to fuck every hour of every day.
“Michael,” you whimpered,”We shouldn’t do this in here…”
Your protest was weak and you both knew it. There was nobody around in the area of the library where you two were but you could hear voices of other students and staff way too close for comfort. If anyone caught you two the consequences could be severe, you could both lose your scholarship and get kicked out of the university.
Yet Michael didn’t seem to care at all, making no attempts to stop or slow down as he pushed a finger inside of you and made you grab the bookshelves in front of you for support.
“Fuck,” you moaned,”Why do you feel so fucking good?”
He grabbed your neck with his free hand and started kissing your shoulders while he slowly pumped his finger in and out of you, thumb teasing your clit. 
“I learned from the best,” he whispered into your ear.
“We could get kicked out,” you tried to object again but Michael just added another finger and ignored your plea, his warm mouth sucking bruises into your skin.
“Please,” you tried again,”Michael…please, we have to stop, it’s not worth….fuck…”
“I don’t care,” he moaned softly against your neck,”I’m going to fuck you right here…if we get caught we get caught…fuck it.”
You’re not sure why exactly those words made you come back down to reality but you were quick to grab his hand and finally really stop him this time.
“No. Stop,” you insisted and this time Michael obeyed instantly, sensing the urgency in your tone.
He pulled back, letting you turn around to face him. “What’s wrong?” he asked, confused.
“You do care,” you pointed out, looking into his eyes,”You could lose your scholarship, how can you say you don’t care?”
Michael just shrugged and your only reaction was to hit him on the chest.“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“It’s your fault!” he defended himself,”I want you so bad it makes me stupid.”
You knew he didn’t mean it the way it came out but the words still cut right through you. Michael knew he fucked up. He moved his hand through his hair and sighed,”I said the wrong thing again, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, you did.”
He placed his hands on your waist and pulled you closer,”Come here, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that, I’m sorry.”
His lips found yours in a soft kiss and your irritation melted away immediately.
“You’re right,” he then whispered,”I wasn’t thinking, and that isn’t your fault at all, I just…I’ll be more careful around campus, I promise. Are we good? Please tell me we’re good?”
You pressed your forehead against his, smiling softly when he kissed your lips again. ”Yeah, we’re good.”
“I don’t have classes for another two hours. Want to come up to my room and finish this?”
Your lips curled up into an eager smile and you nodded. Michael grabbed your hand and pulled you with him through the library and out into the rain. You stopped a few times on the way to Michael’s apartment to make out in the middle of the street, rain falling down heavily over the both of you but neither of you cared, having only eyes for each other.
As soon as you entered Michael’s room he made good on his promise. Pulling you into his arms and fucking you right there against the wall, his cargo pants down to his ankles and your panties pushed to the side. It was rushed and quick and absolutely perfect.
He made you come three more times that afternoon. Afterwards you both fell asleep on his bed, forgetting all about the studying you both had planned that day.
You were having coffee near the university later that week when Michael slipped into the seat opposite you, his blue eyes glowing with mischief.
He didn’t wait for you to greet him before he started rambling,“Okay, so I have this friend of a classmate who’s into IT and some other, less official, computer stuff and I told him about…your issue and he’s convinced he can help us out.’
You looked up at him over your coffee cup.”Define less official? Do you mean illegal?”
“Well,…if he can get into Ben’s computer he can delete every single file on there.”
“You mean hacking. Michael, that’s illegal,” you sighed.
“He’s done it before, it’s no big deal.”
“No big deal?” you asked, shocked,”It’s a literal crime. You’re friends with a criminal now?”
Michael gave you an annoyed glare,”He’s not my friend, and he is not a criminal, he only does this to help people out. What’s wrong? Do you not want my help now?”
“Not if it’s going to get you in trouble.”
“I won’t get in trouble.”
“Okay, I don’t want your acquaintance, the criminal, to get in trouble.”
He couldn’t help but grin at your sassy words but then he was quickly shaking his head,”We won’t get caught, and if we do…it’ll be worth it. I’m not letting that prick ruin your life.”
“What does your not-friend want in return?” you asked.
“Just some tutoring lessons,” he explained.
You sighed deeply, looking up at him.”Michael…”
“Come on, we can fix this, let me fix this for you, baby,” he begged.
“It’s illegal, Michael,” you reminded him.
“I don’t care,” he insisted.
You looked at him, at his honest eyes and the nervous yet excited smile on his lips. His cheeks blushed under your gaze and the cozy nerdy sweater he was wearing made you want to crawl into his lap and cuddle with him. 
He was so eager to help you and play the knight in shining armor. It was the library all over again, he would put all his morals and beliefs aside for you without even thinking twice about it. You knew you should feel flattered but another feeling was rapidly taking over.
The feeling that Michael was undeniably too good for you, and that you could ruin everything he’s ever wanted and worked for. 
And that it had already taken you way too long to put a stop to it.
“I can’t let you do that for me,” you then spoke softly and Michael’s face fell.
“But I want to do this for you,” he reassured you, reaching across the table to grab your hand but you didn’t take his.
“No,” you insisted,”I want you to stop.”
“Stop what? Looking out for you? Trying to protect you against that twat?”
“All of it, Michael,” you sighed,”I want to stop all of it.”
He stared at you, panic now settling in his pretty blue eyes,”All of it?”
You hadn’t even realized it until you heard yourself say the words just now but you knew it was the only way.
“That test is tomorrow, right?” you asked.
Michael nodded, still confused by your words.
“You should take the rest of the day and study.”
“I don’t need to study,” Michael interrupted you,”You know that. I'm a..."
"Genius," you interrupted him right back,"Yes I know. Then take the day to rest and get into focus. I don’t think we should hang out today.”
“Just today or…?” he asked carefully.
“You should focus on what you’re here for, Michael,” you sighed,”We both know that isn’t me.”
“You’ve changed,” you continued,”I can see it every day, you’re more and more distracted, you’re taking risks that could impact the rest of your life and…it’s all because of me.”
Michael stayed quiet for a moment.
“Of course it’s all because of you,” he then spoke softly,”And of course I’ve changed, how can I not be? How can I spend all these weeks with you and not have it change me?”
This time you were the one who stayed silent.
“Do you think you haven’t changed?” he asked,”Because if you really haven’t then…what’s the point of all of this? What have we been doing all this time? And don’t say fucking because we both know it was more than that!”
“But it wasn’t,” you lied,”Not to me, Michael.”
You could see the exact moment his heart broke at your words.
“You’re lying,” he whispered.
“No, I’m not,” you shook your head, sounding a lot more convincing than you felt,”I used you, right from the start, and you knew that. You knew what this was."
He was fighting back tears but you couldn't stop now that you'd started.
"I liked how I felt when I was with you but that’s all it was," you added,"And I feel guilty about it now because…I realize it was cruel. And you don’t deserve that. So I’m letting you off the hook.”
“But…I…I don’t want off the hook…I…I really fucking like you…and…fuck,” Michael was struggling to find his words, shaking his head and doing his best to hide his tears from you.
“I don’t like you that way, Michael,” you whispered, as if that would somehow make your words less harsh,”I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong idea. I should have never gotten you involved in this. I’m so sorry, I really am.”
Michael was too stunned to say or do anything else but watch you leave. 
You held it together well until the door of the coffee shop closed behind you. For once you were grateful for the rain, for at least now nobody could see your tears.
Weeks passed after that, without Michael. And without Ben, you kept waiting for the bomb to drop, for him to share that video and ruin your last year in Oxford. 
But it didn’t come.
You started going out with your friends again from time to time, and focussed on studying and graduating. For whatever reason Ben had kept his distance from you and as the weeks passed you were starting to forget about the whole thing. Maybe he had been all bark and no bite after all, maybe he never even intended to do anything to begin with and it was all just scare tactics. You felt bad for ever believing him but more than anything you felt relief. It was all over now.
You didn’t see Ben for an entire month, nor did you see Michael.
But without your knowledge they did see each other, once. The day after Michael’s friend of a friend hacked into Ben’s computer.
Michael was sitting in his usual spot in the library when Ben aggressively grabbed a chair and sat right next to him.
Michael kept his calm and didn’t look up to acknowledge him at first.“What do you want?” he then asked, annoyed.
“I fucking know it was you!” Ben hissed.
“You know more than I do then,” Michael stated calmly, still not looking at him.
“I know it was one of those IT computer nerds and all you fucking nerds stick together, it’s fucking obvious.”
Michael finally laid down his pen to look at him, a smug calm smile on his face,”Prove it.”
“If I could I’d have you kicked out already,” Ben sighed annoyed.
Michael just nodded,”Then why are you here?”
Ben moved his chair closer to his and looked into his eyes, his anger replaced by a smug grin,”Because…you overlooked one small thing, genius…I would have thought you computer nerds would follow your own advice but…”
“What…advice?” Michael asked, trying not to show the sudden panic caused by Ben’s words.
“Always have a back up,” Ben stated, making Michael’s stomach twist.
“You have another copy?” he realized.
“I do, yeah,” Ben smiled,”It’s on a hard drive that you guys will never get your hands on.”
“Fuck,” Michael breathed.
Ben leaned back in his chair to look at him, his grin so smug Michael wanted to punch him in the face right there.”So, I just came by to say nice try, loser.”
He got up from the chair and wanted to walk away but Michael was quick to follow him.
“Wait! Is that…is that the only other copy you have?” he asked.
Ben laughed,”It is for now, but as soon as I get my computer up and running again I guess I should make some back ups of my back up. You never know when it could come in handy.”
Michael had to stop himself from punching him in the face but Ben just walked away, not even paying Michael any more attention.
This couldn’t be how it ended, the rich kid does not get to win.
Michael was balling his fists and biting his tongue but he soon realized there was only one other thing he could do, and it played right into Ben’s hand. But it was the only way to destroy the last evidence of that video and have you be free of him.
“I can get you in!” Michael yelled after him, making Ben turn around.
“In where?” Ben asked with a laugh.
“Charter Inc.”
Ben stopped in his tracks to look at him.”You got the job,” he realized.
Michael nodded,”I got the letter last week and I had the interview on Monday.”
“Fuck, I knew I should have heard something by now,” Ben sighed,”Damned!”
“They told me in the interview they’re always on the lookout for new people, asked me if I could recommend anyone.”
“Are you serious right now? Are you making this shit up?”
”I’m serious. And I’ll be happy to recommend you.”
“You would?” Ben laughed.
“No of course not, I’d rather fucking die,” Michael confessed,”But…I’ll do it, if you do two things for me.”
 “Name it.”
“You take me up to your room right now and we destroy that copy.”
“Alright,” Ben sighed,” And the other thing?”
“You leave her alone from now on,” Michael stated firmly,“I promise to do my utter best to get you in if you do these two things for me. You have my word on that. Do we have a deal?”
Ben looked at him and then caved, nodding his head,”Fine, sure, whatever, man. If there’s a chance you can get me the job I always wanted I don’t give a fuck about some stupid sex video. But you’d better not be lying to me, Gavey, or I’m coming for you.”
Michael followed Ben out of the library and into the hallway.“That’s fine, you can come after me all you want, just…leave her alone.”
“Look at you playing the knight in shining armor,” Ben teased,”Why are you doing all this? Didn’t she dump you?”
“Yeah, she did,” Michael whispered.
“Aww, you think she’s gonna come running back into your arms when you tell her how you saved her? That’s pathetic, man.”
“No, I don’t,” he sighed.
“Then why go through all this trouble, dude? You love her or something?”
Michael shook his head and blushed,”You would’t get it.”
He didn’t tell Ben anything else.
And he didn’t tell you anything either. Not then or during the weeks after.
It was the day of graduation when you ran into Ben, literally, on your way out of the courtyard. The both of you dressed up to the nines to celebrate. Ben didn’t have the usual smug smile or big mouth on him this time, he just congratulated you and reassured you everything else was in the past, which was of course very easy for him to say as he hadn’t been the one on the receiving end of his empty threats.
But you couldn’t be bothered wasting any more time or thoughts on him so you just congratulated him back and then walked away.
“Hey, how’s Gavey?” he asked before you could turn your back on him.
“I wouldn’t know, I haven’t seen him,” you confessed.
You didn’t want to talk to Ben to begin with and you definitely didn’t want to talk to him about Michael.
“Huh,” Ben looked at you confused for a moment and then smiled,”Oh wait, he never told you, didn’t he?”
“Told me what, Ben?” you asked impatiently,”I swear to god if this is another one of your tricks…”
“It’s not, I don’t…I don’t do that shit anymore, it was stupid and childish.”
“No shit, Sherlock,” you sighed annoyed,”What then?”
“You might want to thank the nerd. You dumped him and he still saved your ass, I guess I underestimated the power of your pussy, I should apologize to her.”
You wanted to punch him in the face again and this time there was nothing or nobody stopping you so you did. Your fist hit him right on the nose and he jumped back with a painful yelp.
“Apology accepted,” you nodded and turned your back on him for the very last time.
You searched for over an hour to find Michael, making your way through the partying crowd outside. People were cheering and drinking everywhere and you were about to give up when you suddenly noticed him standing by himself, a proud happy smile on his face as he watched the people around him.
You took a moment to just look at him from a distance. He looked just as awkward and out of place as you remembered, fiddling with his glasses and not getting too close to other people. It reminded you of that first night you’d met with him in the pub.
But despite his awkwardness he also looked genuinely happy and for a moment you contemplated just walking away and letting things be. Clearly he was doing fine without you now. Did you really have the right to put yourself into his life again after months of nothing?
But the choice was taken from you when Michael noticed you. At first he just stared with a blank expression on his face, then his hand lifted in a little hesitant wave. When you waved back he broke into a smile and walked up to you.
“Hey,” his voice was soft and so kind it made your heart soar.
“Hey,” you smiled back, and then without thinking you wrapped your arms around his neck to give him a quick hug.
Michael didn’t freeze this time. Much to your surprise he grabbed your waist to pull you close to him and hug you back, his face buried into your hair. When you pulled him even closer he followed your lead, fully enveloping you into his arms, hands caressing your back and your hair.
You could hear him sigh deeply, holding you tight while he breathed you in.
“How have you been?” he asked eventually, breaking the spell and the hug.
You leaned back to look at him,“I’m okay. You?”
He nodded shyly,”Yeah, I’m okay too.”
“Ben told me what you did.”
“Oh…that was nothing, everyone would have done it.”
You shook your head with a sad smile,”No, they wouldn’t have, Michael, especially not after what I did…I don’t deserve any of it. I was horrible to you.”
He just gave you another smile and shrugged, finally taking his hands off you and it took everything in you not to grab them tight and hold onto him.
”You were just trying to get yourself out of a difficult situation,” Michael spoke,”I’m not mad, I never was. What happened…happened.”
His kindness only made you feel even more sad.
“And it all turned out for the best, I guess?” he then added,”Ben’s gone, you’re free of him. And of me…and I’m no longer a virgin. We all won in the end, didn’t we?”
“Did we?” you sighed quietly.
Michael’s eyes rested on yours, genuinely confused by your words,”Are you sure you’re okay? You don’t…seem okay.”
You bit your lip but it was too late, tears had started falling from your eyes and you couldn’t stop them. You did your best to wipe them away quickly.
Michael stepped closer to you, looking deeper into your eyes while hesitantly placing a hand back on your waist,”What’s wrong? You can tell me.”
You bit your lip and shook your head, looking down to avoid his eyes but Michael placed a hand in your neck and forced you to look at him.
“Tell me,” he insisted, softer.
You nodded but then shook your head,”Not here.”
“Okay,” Michael agreed,”Your place or mine?”
“Yours,” you whispered.
Michael’s room was as immaculately clean as ever, some things clearly never changed. His suitcase was packed next to the bed, ready to leave Oxford, and you, behind.
“I’d offer you some tea but I already packed everything, I’m sorry,” Michael apologized,”Was going to head on home right after graduation.”
“You weren’t going to stay and celebrate?”
“With who?” he laughed bitterly and sat down on the sofa, eyes avoiding yours. You followed his lead and sat down next to him.
“I’m glad you got the job,” you said to break the silence between you two.
Michael nodded. “I’m not sure if it’s what I want yet.”
“Why not?” you asked surprised.
He shrugged.”It’s a big corporate firm, biggest of the country, I’d be settled for life if I do well there but…I don’t know, been thinking a lot about life and what I want lately.”
You looked at him and he didn’t hesitate to look back this time,”Being with you changed me, Y/N,” he then confessed,”I know that’s not what you want to hear but…it's a good thing. Even if it didn't end the way I'd hoped. The change is still good, and I'll never be sorry.”
“Being with you changed me too,” you confessed, shutting him up,”I’ve been trying to deny it for so long because...it's scary as fuck. But you were right, being with the right person should change you.”
Michael held your gaze, his lips curling up into the tiniest of smiles.”I was the right person for you?” he then whispered.
You nodded, unable to deny it any longer.”I think you still might be,” you sighed.
Michael didn’t speak, he only stared at you for the longest time with a serious expression on his face.
“I miss you,” you added in a whisper, tears forming in your eyes but they didn’t get a chance to fall this time because Michael caught them. His hand gently cupped your cheek, thumb brushing your skin and then he pressed his lips to yours in a soft lingering kiss.
“I miss you too,” he breathed,”Missed you every day since you left.”
He kissed you again, deeper this time, his tongue searching for yours and when you moaned into the kiss his hands moved down to your waist, pulling you close to him.
Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him down on top of you on the couch and he followed eagerly, lips never leaving yours as he took his rightful spot in between your legs, where he belonged.
You kissed for several minutes, making up for lost time. Michael’s weight on you felt so perfect, his hands were soft as they made their way underneath your dress, pulling your panties down, just enough so he could slip his fingers underneath the thin fabric. 
You moaned his name when he started circling your clit, hips bucking up against his hand immediately, seeking his touch.
“Please,” you whimpered,”Please, I need you.”
“Hmm, I can tell,” Michael smirked,”My fingers are soaking wet and I’ve barely touched you, you missed me that much, sweetheart?”
You couldn’t help but smile in relief at the use of his pet name and the sudden confidence in him,”Yes,” you confessed,”I’ve missed you that much.”
The big grin on Michael’s face made you smile even more and just before he was about to slip a finger inside of you, you grabbed his hand to stop him, eyes locking with his.”No, not your hand this time,” you breathed and leaned in to whisper into his ear,”I need your cock.”
Michael whimpered at your words. You could have cried with how good it felt to hear those sounds coming out of his mouth again. You kissed him and your hands moved down over his ass, pushing his pants down and freeing his erection. You didn’t want to waste any more time so your hand wrapped around his length to stroke him, slow but firm, making him moan and whimper some more.
“Fuck, you’re killing me,” Michael whined,”I need…I need to be inside of you, please.”
You bit your lip and smiled, pressing your forehead to his.”I forgot how pretty you are when you beg,” you teased him, aligning the head of his cock with your entrance. 
For a long moment neither of you moved, Michael just looked at you, his eyes filled with so much longing. His thumb brushed your chin and then he placed a featherlight kiss to your lips.
“Open up to me,” he whispered and you obeyed, opening your mouth to allow him to kiss you deeper. He pushed his tongue inside of you at the same time his cock slipped into your welcoming walls.
He didn’t fuck you right away, instead he took his time just kissing you, slow and deep while he bottomed out, filling you up to the hilt. You tried to move your hips but Michael’s hand kept you in place. You wouldn’t be able to stand it for much longer, you needed friction, needed to feel him.
“Shhh,” he shook his head,”Stop fighting me.”
You whimpered in protest but nodded your head.
“Why did you come looking for me today?” he then asked.
“Michael,” you whined,”Seriously, you wanna talk now?”
“Answer the question,” he insisted.
“Fuck,” you breathed,”You know why.”
He gently cupped your cheek, taking the time to control his own breathing. You knew he was struggling just as much as you were but he seemed determined to see this through.
“Want to hear you say it,” he whispered.
“I missed you,” you confessed.
“Me? Or my cock?”
He couldn’t stop himself from smiling at your answer.“So, what? You want one last good fuck before we both go our separate ways and you tell me to fuck off again?” he then asked and with that question his confidence crumbled. 
And suddenly it was all you could see, not the confident man but that shy insecure boy who’d never been kissed, who turned your world upside down just by being his weird, amazing self. The boy who always said the absolute wrong thing at the wrong time. He was still right there.
The boy who fundamentally changed you. Your lips curled up into a smile and you shook your head.
“No,” you cupped his face with both hands,”I don’t want one good fuck. I want all of them, every single day, from now on, with you. If you still want me.”
Michael’s eyes closed in a heavy, relieved sigh as he leaned into you, letting you pull him into your arms.
“I still want you,” he breathed. 
It didn’t take long after that for him to finally start moving, bucking his hips against yours, slowly but with an undeniable desperation to it. The both of you were clinging to each other, breathing in each other’s moans and then Michael took up the pace, fucking you deeper and faster.
It didn’t take long for you to fall apart and Michael followed suit quickly, spilling himself deep inside of you with another delicious whine before he collapsed in your arms.
The room was quiet after that, nothing but your heavy breaths mingling and Michael’s heartbeat fast against yours. He kissed your jaw and your neck, lazy and soft until he could feel you smile against his cheek. He took off his fogged up glasses to look at you properly, the happiest of smiles on his face, warming your heart.
“So, got any plans for the summer?” you asked.
“Yeah, I do now,” he smirked before placing another lingering kiss in your neck,”You.”
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Love, oh love
Written for the @steddiemicrofic challenge, September 2023 edition. Third time IS the charm, I guess.
Prompt: charm, 548 words
Rated: M
CW: some sexual innuendo, excessive use of British English
Notes: Bitches be like "OMG, you can't make Steve use British slang, it ruins the viiibe!!!" - Me: Watch me! 😘
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The first time it happens, they're on the sofa at Harrington Manor - Robin cuddled into Steve’s left side, Eddie not-quite tucked into his right. Some action flick from Family Video is running, not that Eddie is watching. Too preoccupied with how the lights bounce off that handsome face.
Steve gets up, pauses the movie. Robin glares as she slips off his shoulder. 
"Sorry," Steve mumbles. "Need to go to the loo." 
And then he's gone and Eddie … stares. 
"Did he … just say loo?"
Robin catches some popcorn with her mouth.
"Oh yeah, it's something he does. His nanny was British. Just ignore it, he's kind of self-conscious about it." 
Eddie gulps, ears prickling with heat. 
"He's fucking adorable is what he is." 
Robin gags and slaps him, and none of them loses another word about it. 
Eddie tries to ignore it, it's just ... not that easy. 
The closer they get, the more he notices. How Steve will sometimes … slip. 
Tell Eddie to keep his hands off the dough while they're wrapped around each other in the kitchen, it's for the biscuits.
Stir while half asleep in Eddie’s arms, mumbling about popping by the store tomorrow, because they're out of chips. 
It always happens when Steve's guard is down, when he feels safe. Safe with him. The thought makes warmth bloom in Eddie’s chest. 
And then he can't ignore it anymore. 
They're at the quarry, just the two of them. Spread out in the grass, gazing up at the dusk-streaked sky, sun dipping behind the trees.
"Hey," Steve murmurs against Eddie's shoulder, breath tickling his skin. "Can you get my jumper from the boot? It's getting cold." 
Eddie swallows around the beat of his own heart in his throat. "Yeah, sure." 
As he makes to get up, Steve turns his head and presses a sloppy kiss to the edge of his mouth. 
"Thanks, love." 
Eddie freezes. Not only because of the way the word comes out - all soft and long on the v-sound, the vowel more u than o. Also because it's the first time. 
Steve sees his expression - and his face morphs from lazy bliss to horror. 
"Oh shit," He shoots upright, hides his face between hunched knees. "This is so embarrassing." 
"Hey," Eddie is next to him in an instant, disentangles his hands from his hair. "Stevie, what is it?" 
Steve groans, looks up at him, face flushed all the way down to the moles on his neck. 
"I slipped. Didn’t want you to know." 
Eddie can't help it, he snorts a laugh. "Yeah well, you've been doing it for a while." 
Steve's eyes go wide with disbelief. "And you … you don't think it's stupid or-" 
"I think," Eddie grins, and grabs Steve’s face in both hands so that he can kiss the bridge of his nose. "It's completely and utterly charming. In fact, I want you to say it again." 
"... Jumper?" 
"No, baby. The other one." 
Eddie nips at a pink bottom lip and the word rushes out on a breathy moan. 
"L- love?" 
"Exactly." He pushes Steve to the ground, kissing down his jaw and neck. "Now … how about you take off these trousers … and I make you say it some more?"
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sgiandubh · 7 months
Gleberman's podcast, take 2: the video edition
I volunteered to take one for the team, again, this time watching (or trying to, at least) the video version of Gleberman's infamous podcast on Youtube (if you are a masochist, like me, feel free: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_md73Ws2O4&t=303s). You see, I was so intrigued by the OTT praise that I wanted to see the live reactions. To do so, I even watched it at a 0,25 reduced speed ratio, just to catch up those pesky, spontaneous facial expressions he couldn't possibly hide.
Let's start with what we all know: in 10 years, S is much, much better at hiding his game and almost proficient at mastering the poker face. But if you really pay attention (and I did), you might still notice some interesting things: after all, we aren't robots and we can't calibrate or control everything. So, here's my take on what I saw, with screencaps, and covering only the bits I quoted in my first post (https://www.tumblr.com/sgiandubh/733285180488450048/and-kia-ora-to-new-zealand-like-youve )- the rest was really beyond my patience and goodwill abilities, to be honest.
A word and a question on the staging of this podcast, before anything else. I am always paying great attention to the outfits of the people who participate, because I believe they are an integral part of the show itself. While Gleberman's was, to be honest, unacceptably sloppy, S was right on point the message he wanted to convey, with the short-sleeved (?) khaki shirt that spelled three things: Bachelor. Traveler/Explorer. Tropical Chic. As a side note, I wish he'd been dressed like that in the Nevis resort suite snippet: not the usual Peter Panesque/Marty McFly/boyz in da hood outfit. But hey, that's just me, what do I know, after all, maybe the boy really feels more relaxed in those. Brand-wise, however, I will never cease to drum up the urgent need to step up the outfit game and start aligning it with the real age.
The other thing that intrigued me is common to S and C: their love of cupboards and hallways when it comes to playing the show/not show game on podcasts 'from home'. Because they know we watch and because they know, by now, we are probably worse than the MI-6, we're left with... eh... nothing. He apparently found the perfect solution with that sort of a connecting space he is always showing us, lately. Seriously, though, who the hell places himself in front of an opening (sliding door?) to a bigger room, except when wanting to block both the view and any other interpretation? Heh. Things that make one go 🤔.
Anyways. Let's have a look at some reactions I have screencapped:
Gleberman: 'same sweetest person and like an amazing human being'.
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Translation: I am pursing my lips and bracing myself for the rest of the #silly compliment. I can't possibly express how much this annoys and embarrasses the bejesus out of me. But hey, Monica, have at it and let's be done already with this circus.
Gleberman: '...and friend to talk to and I just love you.'
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Translation: I close my eyes because I don't want to hear the OTT crap this woman is shamelessly peddling around. I cross my arms defensively, because this is the best I can do. I really pray internally she'd immediately stop it, somehow (though I am fully aware she won't and this is just the beginning). She definitely overstepped a red line and I don't want to be a part of it.
S: '.I think there's...there's a lot of smoke and mirrors, this is ALL fake.'
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Translation: I am talking with my hands to make a point (and also to show off the damn rings - oh, Lord, let them talk about these to oblivion, on socials). I am also covering my face with a gesture evocative of a smoke curtain, because ultimately I feel the need to protect myself from the smiling entity on the other side of my screen and because, at the same time, I know exactly what I did here. Oops, I just unleashed another half-in-jest zeppelin, that people could pretzel exactly how they see fit. However, it's true: my public persona is a carefully curated lie. Peekaboo, underneath I know very well what my committed truth is.
S: ' I am the double'.
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Translation: I am opening my arms and I am puffing out my chest. There, I've said it. Ha! I am in full defiant mode, now. I meant every single word I just said and damn the consequences.
I wish I'd had the patience to watch it all. But I think I've managed to analyze the most interesting part of it. Overall, there was quite a bit of stress involved on S's side (lots of chin grabbing, etc), the only one I was interested in. She was simply not worth my attention and I doubt she, unlike many other people in the media, 'knows stuff'. If anything, that only served to validate my first impressions.
And yes, always look for the presence of the teeny-tiny abnormal detail. Sometimes (not always) it can prove rewarding.
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I’ve been thinking about tommy and Oliver’s friendship a LOT lately (probably because I just posted an edit to Instagram about Tommy’s death and started writing a half baked thought in my drafts.) and I was wondering if you had any headcanons about their friendship?
sorry this took a while, i was in horror mode! ik i have proudly cultivated arrowverse freaks but if anyone wants to send me horror asks too,,,,,,, yknow 👀 
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i think i've said in the past that i didn't really fuck w toliver but i meant it as an exclusively romantic ship, they r so important as a brotp
oliver vowed to never kill again after tommy died, that's canon. but we know he had to break that rule. so, the first time oliver took another life after he couldn't save tommy's? he practically drowned himself in what used to be tommy's favorite wine.
ik tommy told oliver that he was better off not knowing what twilight is. but they totally watched the movies sometime after that.
i think it would be sweet if they measured each other's heights as they grew up in ink on the wall, but did everything they could to hide that part of the wall from moira and robert so it wouldn't be cleaned off, so they just have these sloppy little notes in sharpie hidden behind a painting in the queen house. their boyhood friendship is forever ingrained within oliver's house and no one will ever know. it's a secret they took to the grave  
i just love how casually affectionate they are. we know oliver has issues with touch, but he always hugs tommy. they just grew up so close that i don't think touching tommy would even really register as something oliver could be averse to. it just feels like the most normal, natural thing, he's already so conditioned to it
listen okay listen. i don't ship them romo style but i do not see oliver as straight and i do know that if ollie was struggling with his sexuality and getting bicurious with it as a young adult pre-gambit, tommy is the only guy he would trust enough to do anything with 
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we KNOWW that tommy wanted a pup as a wee boy and i think oliver would've been one second away from buying it for him at all times but the queens wouldn't allow it bc of how often tommy was over, the dog would've just became their responsibility instead of that of the merlyns
oliver has had to watch a tommy die three different times. earth-1, earth-x and earth-2. not even counting hallucination tommy. do you think about that? i think about that. 
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"3 - the unity between two extremes" i cant even like communicate what the fuck that means to me but LISTEN OKAY LISTEN. jewish people are instructed to ask for forgiveness thrice; even if they're not forgiven, the one in the wrongdoing is believed to be atoned. DO YOU GET IT. MAYBE ISAIAH 6:1-6:3 WILL HELP
"In the year that king Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up, and His train filled the temple. Above Him stood the seraphim; each one had six wings: with twain he covered his face and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly. And one called unto another, and said: Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory." the angels said holy three times and the word twain is a term for two, like a duo, and tommy's rotting into the ground six feet under and oliver watched his oldest friend die three separate times. DO YOU UNDERSTAND MY VISIONS.
tommy and oliver might be christmas enjoyers but that doesn't mean i can't get them w jewish imagery and symbolism okay, felicity's jewish and a talker so i think it's plausible she would've laid this all out for ollie too
during oliver's lost years, do you think tommy ever looked out at the beaches of their home port city and couldn't help but wonder if his best friend was truly down there. do you think he smelled sea salt and thought of running through the queen halls with oliver behind him. that he saw oliver's blue eyes in sea shells along the sand, that he saw the sand itself and thought of oliver's hair. do you think he ever reached into the coldness of the water and it felt almost like home bc those waters and that coldness was supposed to be oliver's home now. sniffles
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sublieu · 2 years
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𝙎𝙢𝙪𝙩𝙩𝙮 𝙁𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙮
✖ -Hi its me! I'm here to both Send all my love To you (Hope my gf doesn't see this-) and ask for an Redson smut, it can be what ever you like bc youre good as hell at this shit! And sorry if i did some miss spelling- my first language isn't english - @zmzsnakes
wc - 900 words
cw - dubcon/noncon, hypnotism, interspecies [bull+snake], Fellatio [aka blowjob], little asphyxiation.
ref - ⚉ ⚆ ⚇
music - so high/Doja cat
copyright - "All quotes, wording and editing belong to ©sublieu 2022; do not attempt to claim, steal or copy this post as your own"
Redson was good with his hands; He created most if not every single tech that his parents owned. And he made good profit doing so by using his work to fix complicated machinery.
And today he would be visiting a new client of his, fixing the generator used to create items that he himself buys; Cogs, nails and the occasional helper bot or two, he's seen the work you've made and he couldn't be all the more impressed.
As he slows into your garage, he notices that you weren't there to greet him. A bit odd for sure but he ignores this as he wanted to hurry to his next appointment. Entering your living room through the door and going to the attic, where you worked.
Redson looks around in awe as he walks into the room, the room didn't smell of metal and rust. It smelt sweet, like baked cookies and toasted bread. Another red flag, he thought and hurries to look for your generator.
He struggles to find your generator through the dimly lit attic, unaware that you were right behind him, your tail making a slow rattling noise to mess with him whilst he peers around the room before flicking his finger to make a small light; Bouncing into your frame and falling on his back before sitting up.
"Mind telling me why the place is so dark?" He gruffs and stands up to brush off his clothes, staring right into your eyes as you hummed a rhythmic tune; Lulling him into a trance as you wrapped your tail around his waist, cooing him like a siren and leading him into your nest.
His mind was nowhere in sight, giggling like a child from a recent sugar rush as he rests on your chest. Making motions to kiss you by kissy face motions, which you eagerly obliged to. Gifting him sloppy kisses all the way to his collarbone and chest, most of them shaped into hearts by your [f/c] lipstick. Redson already getting a hard on from the constricted feeling of your tail wrapping around him.
He was so desperate for another taste, whining like a lonely pup as you coo and lie him down on your nest of pillows. Laying beside him and pulling down his pants and touching his boner as you litter his face with more kisses, your tail loosening to make him more comfortable.
His sweet whimpers rung as you stroke his cock, the slick sound of pre the only sound in the room alongside his moans. His shakey fingers clinging to your t-shirt to hide away from his pleasure, which you were not having; Slithering down to his pants and kissing the tip and wrapping your tongue around the base of his cock, causing his toes clenching in on themselves from the sensitivity.
Your mouth was so warm, drool seeping at the corners of your mouth as you sucked him down, squeezing and slightly biting to tease him even further as his hands tangled in your hair and tears running down his face the more he tries to resist and wake up.
But he didn't want to, if anything he wanted more. He wanted to be suffocated in pleasure but he had a job to do, but he just couldn't say no. Only broken moans and heavy gasps escaped his lips.
Your claws groped and handled his balls whilst your tongue worked in motion to give off the feeling he's thrusting and giggling when he starts begging for you to stop, only to run behind closed ears as your moans vibrated against his dick.
And he tries so hard not to cum, to not give you the pleasure and ego boost you wanted. But how can he not when your tongue worked magic on him. His hands having a mind of their own and holding down your head to limit your movements. Only slowing down just to ease his tension before overworking himself again.
Poor Redson, his cock throbbing and sore from denying his orgasm. His face red with blush and his eyelids heavy as he finally relaxed, letting his body ease up so he can cum; His hands still entangled in your hair however as he needs something to hold onto for balance.
Until he snaps, forcing his cock down your throat and almost choking you on his cum as his legs bucked and fidgeted. His whole body curling up around your face as you swallowed down *most* of his cum, some seeping through your mouth and onto his stomach before letting go with a pleasurable pop. Kissing the tip of his cock and slithering off for a washcloth and some water, giving him just enough time to run away and jump through your attic window; Checking his phone to see nearly 28 missed calls and 300 texts, most of them from Mk and Mei.
"They're not gonna believe me after this" He groans and starts his car before driving off. He may have to come over sometime.... Probably every other day.
©sublieu 2022; All rights Reserved
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*part 2?*
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asa-do-your-thing · 1 year
Asa’s Shuffle pt. 2 - NSFW edition
5 Songs - 5 Scenarios
(I listen too much Frenchcore and Techno, urgh i had to skip so much)
Can I Kick it? - A Tribe called Quest / Aegon II
Morning Sex.
Morning Sex was always a privilege that you had to earn the night before, preferrably with hard deepthroat
You had to have given him such pleasure, such comfort that he let you sleep next to him
You’d usually wake up before him so you began cudlling and caressing him gently you he could stir gently
He’d absolutely have morning wood and made sure that he pressed it into your stomach or between your asscheeks 
He’s insist that he’d only start ‘fucking’ after lunch. You were privileged enough to enjoy... sex. Especially the more intimate positions like Missionary. 
He’d order his maids not only to clean him up, but also you, especially you.
You had to shine like a pure snowflake for him
Parading you out of his chambers down to breakfast would almost make him horny again
Don’t Be So Shy - Imany, Filatov & Karas / Rhaenyra
Remember the times you kissed your best friend in the club? 
And maybe went back to her apartment afterwards? 
Yeah that’s the vibe. 
Rhaenyra liked to overindulge as well and you were always there with her, the ever so trusting and discreet lady-in-waiting
Harwin wasn’t around and both of you knew she’d get absolutly horny when she drank more than she should 
So one thing led to another
And you ended up sprawled, naked, on her bed
You never experienced something like that before, so it felt almost twice as intense as with any other man
It was sloppy as hell, but who cared? It felt absolutely amazing 
Pleasuring her was easy, it was almost like she was already positively disposed to you
She came more than ever before, your hungry mouth never letting go of her throbbing pearl
So when both of you had absolutely run out of energy, you collapsed next to each other and pretended nothing had happened the next morning
although Rhaenyra seemed to overindulge more often as of late 
leichter//kälter - Edwin Rosen / Aemond
Nothing stung as badly as knowing he didn’t love you
You knew that that’d be wishful thinking, it was an arranged marriage after all
His visits to your chambers were once each month, just enough so he could get you pregnant without having to ... fuck you more than necessary 
He'd never hurt you, he's way too polite for that
But he always tells you he 'has to do it out of duty' until you get pregnant
Usually Doggy style or Snake style so he didn’t have to look into your cold, emotionless face 
absolutely no aftercare whatsoever. 
Maybe a courteous kiss on the forehead, that was all
Leaving you bare and crying on your bed
Although sometimes, when you did manage to get in his good graces he'd kiss you and embrace you
Maybe even use some fingers
But that usually just ended up hurting you even more when he would return to his normal state
Cruel Summer / Bananarama - Jacaerys
He knows he shouldn't see you
You haven't been wed, after all and you're both so young
But who would find out?
He'd be extra careful with you, trying his hardest not to leave any hickeys and making sure that you're as quiet as a church mouse
That would be so hot for him, the forbiddenness of it all
You told him to wait with his cock so you would still technically be a virgin
But one hot summer night as you were both hiding in the gardens he couldn't take it anymore and claimed you as his
He savored your sweet cunny
Pushed your wetness back inside you with his fingers, grinning up at you as you bit into your fist trying your hardest not to mewl for him
Finally, not being able to resist anymore, he pulled his breeched down and carefully entered you
He would kiss you, hoping nobody heard you
... until a guard found you.
But that's okay, Jace will always stand up for you and take the blame, especially if the punishment might be to marry you.
Maggot Brain - Funkadelic / Helaena
You were her safe haven
She was your angel
It never really mattered to the both of you if you would cuddle yourselves to sleep
Or if you would let your orgasms tire you out
What mattered most was that you were both there for each other
The Ying to the others Yang
You never felt the need to fuck her, neither did she
It was all pure love
Every kiss, every moan, every orgasm
Pure perfection
Of course there was nothing you wouldn't do for her
Especially after Aegon had summoned her to his bedchambers
You made sure she wasn't hurt and massaged her, trying to alleviate her discomfort
It was the only time she felt in control of her life, being able to spend time with you and pleasing you
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: "The Future of the Force"
Adventures in babysitting, Rebels edition!
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You already know what I'm going to say, I never get tired of the pretty planets in this show.
This baby is named Alora, a bit of a Shout Out to Lucasfilm's underground cult classic Willow. No I have not watched the new show I have... not heard good things.
That it's Alora's grandmother that's the one traveling with her brings up some ah... disturbing Fridge Horror regarding her parents.
My theory: They 100% dead, Inquisitors already shanked them.
Ohhhhh you can tell from the horror in grandma's eyes she knows exactly why they want the baby.
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Well nice to know Seventh Sister is equal opportunity Bad Touch.
Aaaaaaand there goes Fifth, murdering all the witnesses.
Zero fanfare, just to punctuate the horror of that moment.
After five episodes of doing other stuff offscreen, Ahsoka finally decides to pay the main narrative a visit. I did and do still appreciate that the writers kept Ahsoka to a minimum, like Vader, knowing full well her presence would overshadow and overpower the others. Despite how easy it would have been to fanservice TCW carryover watchers by giving her tons of screentime, she stays mostly as a tertiary character throughout.
Which is why cramming what is essentially the Rebels sequel material into a show where she's the headliner annoys me.
Ahsoka and Kanan quipping about how neither of them are technically real Jedi is both cute and sad.
Ahsoka still deeply in denial about what she sensed when scanning Vader.
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Lol this whole moment. Love Ahsoka's fond little headshake.
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Love this city design, got a very St. Basil's Cathedral in Russia aesthetic to it.
Some of that influence in the music here too.
Oh wow, Zeb jumps out of the Phantom before it's even finished landing, lolol what a drama queen.
Bit sloppy to leave the transport hanging in that planet's airspace, unless the Empire plans to blow it up later.
Even without showing any of the bodies you know everyone on that transport is pretty much dead. It's really only the limits of the rating that prevent us from actually seeing them.
Grandma looks a lot paler here, I don't think she survives much longer past this point.
I talked about it before in "Always Two There Are" but I love subtle little bits of continuity like this, Zeb learning binary in order to understand Chopper, since he had such a hard time before.
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All I'm thinking is, "How long have they left that poor baby there?! Oh gosh she must be so hungry. Is there AC in there? Did they change her? I bet they didn't even change her, the bastards."
This whole episode reminds me SO strongly of the arc in TCW when Sidious contracted Cad Bane to steal Force Sensitive children for him. Would not be surprised if they were being used for the exact same purpose.
Is it me or do a LOT of Force Sensitive children seem to be born to impoverished single mothers? I wonder if it's a deliberate narrative choice sometimes, to lean into the adoption metaphor that being given up to and raised by the Jedi Order often is.
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He's so empathetic Imma cry.
Chopper's actually doing a decent job of keeping Alora happy lol.
Lol, Zeb being grossed out by the Ithorian baby.
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I think he's adorable, personally.
Maybe it's the mom in me but Zeb holding Pypey is just... super cute.
He's actually holding him mostly right, giving him plenty of support.
Pypey is just sensitive enough to recognize the danger the Inquisitors pose to him. :(((((((((
A very fragmented "Shenanigans" cue here, barely more than a few notes. Almost as if the danger is stifling the fun and whimsy that leitmotif usually signifies.
It's Ezra that recognizes the ID9 Seeker and makes Kanan stop, and they move in a very nice synchronized way to hide from it here.
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Underrated Papa Wolf Kanan moment: Kanan yanking Ezra back from the hallway junction just before the Inquisitors get within eyeline.
I shouldn't laugh but this whole scene with Zeb and Kanan and Ezra having no clue how to calm Pypey is so relatable.
(Babies be temperamental and sometimes you just gotta hold 'em.)
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There are so many little cute background moments of Ezra snuggling Pypey or making faces at Pypey aaaah they're so cute.
The detonator Zeb dropped gets flung back at them, Fifth's doing no doubt.
Kanan keeps putting his hand on Ezra's back on the stairs, it's sweet.
Fifth and Seventh sniping at each other lol.
Here's one of the moments of background Ezra being adorable with the baby.
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Ezra gets agitated when Kanan suggests he's going to be luring the Inquisitors away, ouch, poor boy's still not over the thing in "Call To Action".
Friiiiiick Ezra sensing Pypey's fear and Pypey sensing Ezra's and them stuck in a cyclical loop. :((((((
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I too ramble at my infants like this. Lol.
Ezra unlocks the secret to calming babies: Being calm yourself. <3
Obligatory "Seventh's voice actress is married to Kanan's voice actor" mention.
The smoke effects on this show continue to be excellent.
Someone, I think it was @pep-no, theorized that Pypey's special ability in the Force might be compelling honesty. That or connecting with Pypey made Ezra more emotionally open, because he normally would be smarter than to blurt out where the Rebellion is hiding in a spot where he suspects Seventh's seekers might be listening.
(Then again, Ezra tends not to have any kind of filter around people he trusts.)
I definitely think there's room for that interpretation, given Ezra's floating, distracted gaze.
Kanan does really well in his brief clash with Seventh.
Zeb hauling him like a piece of luggage is still funny tho.
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I love this environment. Feels very downtown LA.
A very heroic muted trumpet version of Ezra's theme as he steps forward bravely here.
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Protective little badass.
Also love Pypey being entranced with the lightsaber and trying to touch it. Baby no.
I love this cue. I haven't watched enough Clone Wars to discern if it's a carryover theme but it's awesome.
Ezra's confidence in Aunt Ahsoka. <333
*grumbles* Stupid auto anti-epilepsy features, it makes it so hard to see properly here.
I do like how effortlessly Ahsoka deals with the Inquisitors here.
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Chopper spinning the babies, awww.
Love how the ID9 comes to perch on Seventh's palm, it's so weird and animal-like. Like she's holding a jellyfish.
Ciffhanger reveal DUN DUN DUN.
This episode is so cute. It doesn't really effect much, besides emphasizing how dangerous a world it is that new Force Senstives are being born into (even moreseo than when there was a Jedi Order to take them in and shelter and protect them) and leading into the next episode's plot but it's a fun little romp with our characters and I just find it sweet and heartwarming.
Which we needed before the next episode's plot-heavy-ness.
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brickcentral · 1 year
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Hi team,@archiminibricks here 
Did you hear that BrickCentral is 10 years old?? Quite a while isn't it? 
Time for a little reminder of that, this month's theme is about candles.
Great to have them with you when you take a “good” shortcut, just down the left, behind the trash bins, now just half an hour that way, turn right near that sauer and after reaching big rusty pipes, you know that you are officially lost.
Ideas for lighting the candles? 
I used batteries chains of Christmas lights which are really, really small and cheap. One light is stuffed into the candle and the other one is behind the flame. LED panel was at the top to give small back-top lighting on minifigures but 90% of light was from these small lights. Long 2sec exposure did the trick to provide good candle light…light
I used Photoshop originally to hide LED wires and it is a really simple edit. But there is also Photopea, free online editing software. I redo that photo again here to show you how easy it is. Tool is called a clone stamp and you clone part of the image near the subject you want to hide and you paint with a cloned texture on it - easy peasy. It took 5 min total in my picture and to be honest my wire hiding was really sloppy.
Spending more time on wire hiding reduces your time in digital hiding and otherwise.
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So candles, up !! Let's take some photos !!
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▫️ Take a NEW photo of LEGO with a lit brick-built candle in it
▫️ Include "My entry to #bc_tenyearsofbc photo contest on @brickcentral" in your caption
IMPORTANT! We don't always see your photos in the hashtag so the safest way to get your entry seen is by posting it on our Discord.
Multiple entries are always allowed.
🗓️ CLOSING DATE: Apr 27 22:00 CET
🥇 Contest Winners:
One (1) Cozy House 31139 set
▫️ Must be 18+ to be eligible to win (no proxies allowed)
▫️ Shipping from LEGO is available to your country
▫️ Prizes are subject to availability and can be changed
▫️ Winners must respond within 48 hours 
▫️ Customs are the winner's responsibility
- @archiminibricks
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twilightangel83 · 3 months
Finally getting around to posting my linked universe gift exchange fits here. For @wispywinds
There’s also related art below the cut. (I made an edit to the pic with the clothes, Windy. Cause I’d forgotten to add her paldrons.
The sound of swords clashing together usually wasn’t a good thing. In fact it would usually have Twilight on his feet and rushing to get involved, but that wasn’t the case at the moment. Twilight allowed himself to relax back against the fallen tree behind him, eyes following the two moving blades as they flashed through the air in a way that was somehow both chaos and poetry in one. The people wielding the swords had been going at it for a couple of minutes now, but Twilight was pretty sure that the match was coming to an end. Especially since the taller of the two was getting visibly frustrated.
Another clang, followed by a thud signaled the end of the fight as one sword was knocked flying from its wielder's grip to land on the nearby ground.
“How do you do that?!” the disarmed man groaned, glaring down at the blade that was pointed just above the bright blue cloth of his scarf. “Your form is a mess and your footwork is sloppy, yet you always seem to get the upper hand over me!”
His opponent huffed a laugh at his expense and stepped back, sheathing his borrowed sword (the golden blade he usually wielded rested in its own sheath, propped up against the fallen tree off to Twilight’s right. Tucked away from even friendly bouts against the other heroes, much like Sky did with the Master Sword).
“You’re a knight, Captain .” He said it like that explained things, but the look he got in return clearly indicated that it did not, so the victorious hero sighed and continued. “Look. All you soldiers fight the same. Soldiers. Knights. Guards. You’re all trained to fight in the same way. So once I figured out how to beat one of you it was pretty easy to use that against the rest of you. I had to adjust it slightly for you, since it looked like your training differs slightly from my time, but it’s not different enough for it to be much of a change to how I fight you.”
“You expect me to believe that you trained specifically to fight soldiers?” Wars gave the other boy a disbelieving look, but his opponent didn’t bother to respond beyond a deadpan look and a raised eyebrow. The disbelief quickly faded to “What the heck, Vet! Why?!”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Legend mocked, rolling his eyes. Off to the side, Twilight couldn’t help but frown. It wasn’t much, but Legend had tensed ever so slightly at that question. It had made him uncomfortable, but he was trying to hide it. And it didn’t look like the captain had noticed. Twilight shoved himself to his feet, cutting off anything Warriors might have been planning to say.
“Mind if I borrow a spear, Cub?” he asked, looking over at the champion who had been sitting next to him. Wild paused and looked up from examining the Shadow Crystal that Twilight had finally given in and allowed them to pass around (under strict instructions not to grab the pendant itself).
“A spear?” Wild repeated in confusion.
“Yeah,” Twilight agreed, quicking a smile at the younger hero. “I think our veteran needs some variety in his opponents. He’s getting cocky.”
“I know how to fight against spears!”
“You know how to use a spear?”
Legend and Warrior’s voices overlapped, and Twilight allowed his smile to twitch a bit larger as he raised an eyebrow at his cub.
“Alright then.” Curiosity was burning bright in the champion’s gaze, but he visibly bit back his questions before passing the Shadow Crystal over to the next person in the circle, Sky. Hands now free, he proceeded to pick up his slate to pull out what Twilight had requested. It didn’t take long.
“Thanks Cub,” Twilight grinned as he took the offered spear. He had to bite back a laugh at the obvious Gerudo design to the spear. It was perfect.
Turning back towards the center of the clearing revealed that Wars had moved off to the side, leaving Legend standing alone in the empty space, watching him with undisguised interest.
“I didn’t know you knew how to use a spear, Pup,” Time’s voice rolled easily across the clearing as Twilight stepped into the sparring area. There was a question in those words.
“The spear is actually the first weapon I learned to fight with,” Twilight informed them. Dismissive. Like it didn’t matter. Like that wasn’t a confession in and of itself. “I haven’t had an instructor for it in years, but I made sure to work at it so I wouldn’t lose the skill.” Hours of work every week, hidden deep in the forest, far from prying eyes. Far from any questions he didn’t want to have to answer. Questions people not from his era would never think to ask.
“Ready to get your pride handed to you?” Legend asked him, redrawing the sword and falling back into the stance he always used.
“Only if you are,” Twilight agreed, baring his teeth ever so slightly in playful challenge as he slowly sank into his own stance.
“If you think I’m not experienced fighting against spear users then you’re going to be sorely disappointed,” Legend warned him, but the confidence from earlier was fading as he took in Twilight’s stance. If Twilight understood what he’d learned about the other hero’s adventures, it probably wasn’t a stance he’d ever gotten the chance to see before. Not with how things were in his era. Behind him, Twilight caught the sound of Time’s soft gasp, but he put it out of his mind for the time being.
“Are you both ready?” Wars prompted them, having taken the position of referee. Twilight nodded, watching as Legend did the same across the way.
“Then begin!” Wars stepped back further as the match began.
Legend started to circle, clearly deciding to start off with a watch and see sort of method, leaving Twilight to make the first move. He was fine with that. Twilight darted in, flashing another show of teeth play-challenge-play and they were off!
The match went about as Twilight had expected. Legend was good, with more real-world experience than any of them, but he was unfamiliar with the style Twilight was using. Twilight used that, along with his superior reach and more aggressive fighting-style, to keep the more experienced hero on the back-foot for the majority of the spar. This led to him eventually managing to sweep Legend’s feet out from underneath him entirely before lunging forward to step on the other boy’s blade, pinning it to the ground before he could bring it up to defend himself. Then, while Legend was still processing the fact he couldn’t free his sword, Twilight brought the tip of his spear to the dip of the other boy’s collarbone. Legend froze then, tense, not yet willing to concede.
One beat passed.
“Fuck.” The veteran relaxed, falling back more fully onto the ground beneath him, releasing his grip on the sword he’d been using.
“You good?” Twilight shifted back, stepping off of the blade and removing his spear from where it had been resting.
“What the fuck, Twilight?” Legend in lieu of answer, glaring up at him. “What is up with your fighting style?”
“What do you mean?” Twilight asked, offering the other boy his hand. Dismissive. Cool. There was nothing dangerous in that question. It was fine.
Read the rest Here
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cherienymphe · 2 years
While we're on this topic I wanna talk about how I've seen a lot of tweets from people praising the other Try Guys for immediately firing Ned and siding with Ariel when his cheating was revealed. But the thing is I feel like the other Try Guys had to know about it for a long time. Like Ned and Alex weren't exactly hiding their affair very well and they all work at the same place. I would just find it hard to believe that they somehow didn't know what their friend was up to. I think they only fired him not because it was the right thing to do but because it caused a big controversy online and they didn't want to get backlash so they dropped him.
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There's speculation that not only have they known but so has Ariel. There are actually 2 theories going right now.
The first is that the guys knew and didn't tell Ariel but were already in the process of handling it internally and phasing him out (hence quietly editing him out of videos). Someone on Reddit claims that her friend was creepily hit on by him and when asked was he always that sloppy "the one with glasses" (could be Keith or Zach) replied yes like it was a regular thing. This is iffy since that Reddit account was proven to be sus and I personally don't want to believe they'd just cover for him all these years but it is possible.
The next theory is that they all found out near the beginning of September when they were spotted at Harry's concert. It's speculated that they gave Ariel the time and consideration to come to terms with everything while they quietly phased him out and handled it. I'm more inclined to believe this one because it really does seem like they acknowledged it publicly because those two idiots couldn't be discreet and word spread and so...damage control. If Ariel knew, it would make sense that she'd keep up pretenses (i.e keeping "wife" in her bios) so as to not arouse suspicion and her statement didn't give me the vibes of someone who is just discovering all of this. However, that brings up another problematic situation with Alex's fiancé being the only one in the dark because he very clearly was unaware 😬
It is possible however that they have known about his behavior and only did something about it when it affected the company. At the end of the day, he was Alex's boss and that's grounds for so many legal problems they'd rather not even deal with. Not to mention that Ariel is also part of the company and it makes the whole thing even messier. From a business pov, letting him go was the only option here.
I'd like to think that they haven't known about his behavior this whole time and it wasn't some known secret but who knows. If they did, I'm not sure why they wouldn't at least tell Ariel considering she's their friend too or maybe they tried and she didn't want to hear it? Until she didn't have a choice when proof showed up ? Either way, this whole situation went down the way it did because a boss (a boss who has made his entire brand and marketed off of being the "wife" guy and family man btw) fucking his employee makes the whole company look very bad.
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stephaniebrownslover · 7 months
Updates about my fics!!
Here, my AO3 account;
Ongoing Fics;
Stray Souls||Ticciwork-centric Creepypasta Fanfiction
Well, I got my phone back from service so I can keep continue to translate it. Wait for an update soon!!
Purple Dreams(For Purple Hearts)
Well mother look what the war did to my legs and to my tongue
Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
I'm truly sorry for people who waiting an update for mu Steph fics, I'm sorry but I just can't bring myself to write anything Batman related after Gotham War. What they did in that arc was purely awful and I can't get over my hate for it since months.
So this is why I can't write anything about Stephanie even though I love her so much, but I swear I'll try my best to do something about it.
Also I don't like how I characterize some of the characters and I can't feel like they're in-character.
So yeah, hoping for motivation.
Fight or Flight
No one seemed to like it including myself so this will probably be discontinued.
Plus, I started to lose my interest in Scriddler ship.
Meaningless Azula Drabbles And Oneshots
I do have an angsty oneshot inspired by Azula In The Spirit Temple comic but I need the motivation to translate it.
I don't like this oneshot much either.
Upcoming Fics(sometime);
Boy with Red Arrows[Roy Harper]
I need to learn more about Arrowfam for starting chapter 2 but I don't have much time so it's less likely to come soon.
My Creepypasta AU Fanfic And Character Files
Still working on Clockwork character file and it's so damn boring to do, I can't stay motivated on this topic. Here, have a sneak peak.
Oh, did I mentioned that this work is Clockwork-centric?
Birth date: 13.10.1994
Place of birth: America/New Jersey
Key family members:
Mary Beth Ouellette (Mother; Deceased)
David Ouellette (Father; Deceased)
Lucas Ouellette (Brother
Notable events/milestones: Won an art competition for kids, sadly she never got praised for it
Tried to drink beer once, hated it but now she can stand its taste so we can say that she learned to like it
Wanted to start her little rock band with Toby, they even tried to find some other members, but that dream never came true as you can see
Met with Toby in high school, while stealing coffee from cafeteria but she doesn't recalls that
Killed her family and put a clock on her left eye, then burned her house down to the ground, she is an well-known and scarred killer ever since that day
One time, when her mother was really drunk and Natalie was acting like she is sleeping, her mother said "I'm so sorry my baby, I'm sorry." and after leaving the room, Natalie bursted into tears
Criminal record: Has so many records since she's really sloppy about hiding evidence, still police can't catch her- maybe because she kills all the police officers who catch her
Trapped In A Maze//Stephanie Brown
A weird Stephanie work because I love her so much that I want her to suffer.
If I Die Tonight, Would I Be a Hero Like You?「Azula & Zuko」
Basically a Vampire AU which continues on where the show left.
I want to start writing this thing as soon as possible but I'm not sure whether I can keep updating or not
Fire siblings centric.
ChesRoy(Cheshire x Roy Harper) Oneshots
I love this ship so much and I already have 2 oneshots which need editing and translation.
Creepypasta Humans Vs. Vampires AU
I have a simple post about it but I would really love to keep working on this AU, if you guys want to learn more about it.
Heart Of The Christmas[Batfamily Oneshot]
Just a classic, fluffy Oneshot where Bruce is not an asshole. But I can't stand writing him anymore, sorry.
Stephanie Brown Angst Oneshot-Part 2
Yeah, a oneshot where she gets her revenge from her father.
So...What Happened To Our Money?[Batfamily Coffee Shop Au Fanfic]
They open a coffee shop; that's it, that's the plot.
The Annual Of Purple Alien's Homecoming[Stephanie Brown+Batfamily Oneshot]
Again, a fluffy angsty, Steph centric oneshot.
Christmas Brings Chaos||Creepypasta Oneshot
Let's just say if I ever have time to write this, it'll be very chaotic
Happy Deadly Halloweens||Creepypasta Oneshot
A fluffy creepypasta Halloween oneshot.
Nurse Ann's Origin Story
You guys know that Nurse Ann doesn't have a origin story, right?
So I really want to write a 2010's styled oneshot origin for her. This will be not canon but it would be still fun to do. I hope I can do this soon.
Hunter[Jane The Killer]
A Jane centric fic where she lives her life with Mary and hunts Jeff.
Rainy Days In Summer Months||Batfamily Oneshot
Batkids would be locked in manor in a rainy day for some reason and they'll try to have some fun.
A Maze Full Of Killers[Creepypasta]
A fic with a similar plot to Hunger Games but also different than it. I don't know, it's confusing and I haven't decided who's the main character.
Babysitting Show[Crack Batfamily Minific]
Yup, there's a show where hero's babysit a literal baby and it's centered around Batfamily. Maybe I can keep going with other heroes as the story develops but I don't think this will last long.
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claire-starsword · 11 months
Landstalkers JP manual - Characters, Monsters and Items
Prologue here
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Nigel - Protagonist Being a treasure hunter, a sort of thief aiming for treasures and gold, he is burning with enthusiasm when it comes to the treasures of King Nole. He is skilled with the sword and light on his feet. Nigel was born in a small elf village in the mainland, and has dreamed of adventure since he was a child. He's a forest elf, and 88 years old. Friday A kinda mean succubus (little devil) girl. She's 120 years old, and born in Mercator. She can heal others upon eating her favorite food, the EkeEke. Stays on Nigel's bag.
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Kayla The boss lady of the trio of stooges who bother Nigel and Friday through their adventure. She has a harsh personality, and punishes Ink and Wally with her whip. No one knows what they want. Duke Mercator The lord dispatched to this island by the emperor of Gamul in the mainland. He lives at Mercator Palace. Being a pleasant guy, he is respected by the islanders, but due to his noble origins, he's not satisfied with life in the island, and holds greater ambitions. Something seems fishy about him.
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Princess Lara Princess of the region of Shurel in the country of Maple. She was raised in a strict manner due to being of the royal family, and is thus not used to being in the real world. She speaks nonsense at times. It seems she came to Mercator to study music, but… Wizard Mir A great wizard said to have great magic power. He creeps around the underground of Mercator Palace. Zak A mysterious man who calls himself a bounty hunter, despite being of the noble race of dragonewts. The handsome and playful type. King Nole The tyrant who ruled the continent many centuries ago. Did he hide his vast treasures in this island?
Notes for characters:
Mir isn't underground in game, he lives in a tower away from the actual town.
Let's talk names. Nigel's original name can be read as Ryle or Lyle. I do'nt know why they changed it but I appreciate not having a repeat name with the Shining Force guy, so I stick to it.
Kayla and Lara are Kara and Loria in the original, this is a very meaningless change just to make the names flow better I suppose.
Kayla's goons are not important enough to even have their own profiles here, but I wanna talk about them anyway. Their original names are Goose and Zuwham. Goose is a pretty on the nose name for a bird guy. Zuwham on the other hand is a weird one but after cracking my head about for a while I think it might come from some japanese onomatopoeia for sliding or thumping, and "wham". That because this guy is heavily based on the bouncing ball enemies from Shining in the Darkness, while Goose is based on a treasure chest enemy from there as well.
[Edit: I've since realized that Kayla herself is based on the item shopkeeper of SitD as well. Gang's all here.]
Zak is Zed in the original version.
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Monsters Mercator Island is home to people of many different species, but once you take a step out of towns and villages, you find lots of monsters crawling around. Slime An organism born spontaneously due to magical elements drifting in the atmosphere. Its body is mostly liquid, and it envelops opponents with it. It can also move by jumping. Orc Soldier A kind of monster race found anywhere in the world. They movements look sloppy, but they have strong muscles, and crush enemies swinging their axes from above their own head. They fight in groups. Rough Lips A giant carnivorous plant more than one meter tall. They're shaped like mushrooms, and the caps release strange spores. They usually hide underground, and pop up suddenly when an enemy approaches. They're slow, but relentless in their chase, frightening adventurers.
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Skeleton Immortal monsters summoned from the world of the dead. Being dead spirits, they don't know fatigue and don't fear death, attacking with sharp sword skills. It might be impossible to dodge they swift stabbing? They can also avoid attacks, blocking the enemy's blade with their shield. Larva An earthworm monster with a human face. They can be larger than two meters, and move underground looking for corpse flesh. Monoeye The strongest hunter race who lives in Mercator since ancient times. Their culture is not very developed. They attack with no mercy those who come into the island. Being more than three meters tall, a swing of their clubs has massive power. They're more violent than other races.
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Lizardmen A humanoid race close to reptiles, who live in marshlands and such. They look like dragonewts, but are not a dragon race. They are not very smart, but their skin is incredibly thick so their defense is high. Guard Knight Sword wielding soldiers who are the main force of the personal troops commanded by the lord of Mercator. It's unknown what species is within the armor. The thick armor gives them high defense, but their movement is slow. Unicorn Trooper A humanoid race with unicorn heads, who can be found in big amounts on the Mountain Region. They're known as a warrior race, and many work as mercenaries. They're prodigious fighters, quick and skilled at melee combat. Growl Ghost A by-product of King Nole's evil magic experiments. Swarms endlessly on enemies due to their deep grudges.
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Silent Commando The most different monster race out of all summoned by King Nole. They're the dead spirits of those killed in combat during wars with the eastern countries, called by King Nole's strong magical powers. They terrify opponents attacking with absurd jumps and teleportation.
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Chaos Visitor As their name says, they're visitors from Chaos, the land of the dead. These monsters too were created by King Nole's magic experiments. Besides gathering treasures, King Nole is said to have also devoted himself to arts such as alchemy and raising the dead. Maneater Monsters that look just like the chests within dungeons. They bite on people who happily approach to grab treasure. Most believe they come from the grudges of old treasures hunters lost during their hunts. Hangman Immortal monsters said to bring others to their death. To protect King Nole's throne, they were turned into their current evil forms. Many monsters were born due to King Nole in this way.
Notes on monsters: I used the japanese names here since the english one are barely used anyway, and these are more interesting. Not totally sure about the ghost one, but others should be okay.
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Equipment and Items for Nigel Swords Broad Sword A regular sword made of reinforced iron. Not easy for regular humans or elves to use, though. Nigel's standard equipment. Ifrit Sword A sword engraved with enchantments of fire spirits. Incredibly rare in Mercator, only a single one is recorded to have been imported to the island. Sword of Ice A sword filled with the condensed energy of ice spirits said to reside in the northernmost point of the continent. Anything cut by this sword becomes completely frozen. Armor Leather Breast Armor made of flexible leather. Since it's light it makes movement easy, but it's not made for battle. Nigel's standard equipment. Steel Breast Chest armor made of steel treated to still have flexibility. It's strong, but its height still slows the user down. Chrome Breast Armor made with chrome, an alloy of steel and other metals. The sturdiness of the materials weakens enemy attacks pretty well.
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Boots Leather Boots Like the Leather Breast, these too are made of leather. Light and easy to move in, but not trustworthy for battle. Nigel's standard equipment. Aqua Guard One size fits all boots made of a semi transparent and heat insulating gelatinous material. They're nice and cold and soft, and protect your feet.
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Rings Mars Stone A ring made with polished minerals that some wizard acquired from another planet with magic. Wearing it protects your body from blood and paralyzing poisons.
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EkeEke Fruit A perennial plant that looks a lot like mulberries. It is the specialty of Mercator Island and known as a energetic. They can be eaten raw, but are far more delicious when put on alcohol. Super high valued, only nobles can get their hands on them in the mainland. They're the favorite food of Friday, inhabitant of this island, and eating them gives her a boost on magic power, making her capable of healing Nigel. He hates this fruit. Antidote A weed used since ancient times as antidote to poisons. Poison from the monsters of Mercator Island can be nullified with it. Mind Repair There are monsters whose attacks cause hallucinations as well. When stricken by those, you won't be able to move in the direction you think you are. But using this medicine, you'll be free of the hallucinations and return to normal. Anti-Paralyze When struck by monsters, you may suffer strong muscular paralysis, and become unable to move for some time. This medicine restores you back to normal. It is a precious item extracted from the liver of deep-sea fish, so its price is high.
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Ticket Entry ticket for the amusement center in the town of Mercator. It's not sold anywhere so it's hard to get your hands in one, but lots of people say the casino sounds super fun, so you definitely want one. Golden Goddess Statue In Mercator Island, there are many mysterious goddess statues, and the villagers make copies of them to sell as souvenirs. They boost the power used by Nigel's magic swords for a certain amount of time. They disappear after a single use. Gaia Statue A wooden statue made in the image of Gaia, guardian goddess of the earth. It is said that by holding it up you can borrow the power of earth spirits, causing a massive earthquake, but the details are unknown. They disappear after a single use. Jewels Five jewels said to be in somewhere in the island since ancient times. But no one knows their significance. Perhaps they have some relation to the treasures of King Nole…???
Notes on items: again just used the japanese names as there isn't much difference and also as someone who likes special weapon names, changing Ifrit Sword to Magic Sword is some sort of war crime. Also, the "Aqua Guard" is a peculiar name in the manual only, they're called Flame Boots in game.
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miredinmiddleearth · 2 years
Rings of Power, Ep. 4 Review - *mega rant ahead*
*spoiler warning, though I don’t know the point of warning about spoilers in a show where nothing happens*
Thoughts on episode four:
1. Do I spy a sloppy mistake? Miriel’s outfits make no sense. Early in the episode, after waking from a dream, Miriel is seen wearing a heavily-ornamented green dress with giant pins on the shoulder. It’s stated that it’s first thing in the morning, and it is implied she fell asleep in her chair, not her bed. The next scene shows her back in that blue monstrosity of a dress that she wore the day before. Later, in the evening, she’s back in the green dress. This implies:
A. She sleeps in a nightgown that both features uncomfortable jewels and that she’s comfortable wearing in front of strangers. Unlikely.
B. Miriel re-wears an outfit two days in a row. A QUEEN? Just as unlikely.
C. Sloppy editing is sloppy. The scene back in the blue dress was supposed to take place the day before. 
2. Pharazon’s line about “cleverness is for men of small ambition.” Another attempt at depth that fall flat. 
3. Pharazon has a son now?! Just add it to the pile of discarded lore in the corner, I guess.
4. They did NOT! PLEASE tell me they did not just compare a visiting elf to illegal immigrants. Please tell me they are not making this fear of elves taking human jobs a real thing in Numenor. (Spoiler alert: they are). This is some of the sloppiest, most shoe-horned nonsense I’ve seen in an age. 
Let me explain: Men of Numenor eventually fall because they are jealous of elf immortality and prosperity. It drives them to be the best, but that only takes you so far. At the end, they’re still mortal. So they seek that which they can’t have, and it leads to destruction.
They are NOT afraid of elves moving to their island and taking their jobs. Real-world discussions can show up in fantasy, but they take subtlety and talent. These showrunners have about as much subtlety as the Witch King’s mace shoved up a human backside. This particular real-world debate has nothing to do with realistic motivations that would make sense in the world you’re stealing from Tolkien. Your pitiful little minds only look the more miniscule next to the genius whose work you’re appropriating for your own greedy desires, you slobbering little worm-brained sacks of meat. 
*deep breath to steady myself* Okay, back to reviewing
5. “Tempest in me line” literally gets Galadriel sent to jail, lol. More of Galadriel acting and therefore getting treated like an angsty teen/toddler. Literally sent to time-out. Also, more Halbrand teaching Gal how to have two brain cells. Make it stop!
6. That scene where Isildur is ousted from the ship. Let’s set the stage: Isildur lets go of a rope. Friends try to grab rope and fail. No one gets hurt. No problems with boat arise from this. Commander says he’s never seen Isildur mess up. Must have been on purpose. Immediately dismisses Isildur and his two friends. 
SO much wrong with this. 1. You don’t ask Isildur WHY he did that? 2. Absolutely nothing bad happened! He let go of a rope! There is zero reason for repercussions! 3. You purposely punish innocents, even though you know exactly who is to blame? Who writes this garbage?!
7. Intrigued by Adar. Would love him to be an elf mid-orcish transformation, but that would be far too interesting an idea for these writers.
8. One thousand percent positive that Theo has elf ears hidden up under that hair.
9. Rules of sound only apply when director needs them to apply (see scene where Theo hides in the well)
10. Is anyone else distracted by Disa’s struggles with the accent, or is it just me?
11. FINALLY we see an elf using elf-like abilities like incredible hearing. Place your bets on how quickly the writers forget elves can do this.
12. Yeah, I really don’t care about the romance between two made-up characters who have zero impact on the story. If you can’t tell if I’m talking about the two Numenoreans or the elf and the healer...yeah, me neither.
13. Conveniently cut away from Galadriel incapacitating a bunch of guards. Would take way too much work to make it look believable, and honestly, the one shot of her shoving a guard into the cell is already too ridiculous-looking.
14. Miriel states the other six palantiri are lost or hidden. Good grief. Okay, fine, ignore the lore that Elendil and his sons take the stones to safety. Ignore that this lore is upheld in the movies and now you look incompetent. But don’t have Galadriel reply that she has used a palantir before! How, if they are lost or hidden?
15. This show is incapable of SHOWING us anything. Cave collapses? We don’t see it. Dwarves trapped? We don’t see it. Durin risks his life? We don’t see it. Durin has a strained relationship with his dad? We don’t see it.
What do we get to see? Durin returning, everything’s fine, and he has a reconciling with his dad. I. Don’t. Care. Because. You. Have. Done. Nothing. To. Make. Me. Care.
16. Miriel is taking her people to help the Southlands. How the heck do they know the Southlands need help? Pretty elf guy and healer girl are only just now figuring it out. We’ve seen no communication with Galadriel about this. No pigeon letter. No vision. No beacons. We’re going to war without proof there’s a threat that exists? A vague Mordor drawing and a plan on a rag are apparently all you need.
Final thoughts: I’m back to being bored. Totally just remembered there were no Harfoots! Yay! And finally, whyyyyyyyyyyy.
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nagisadelune · 1 year
Promise Rings Chapter 4
(Definitely not edited)
Previous: Promise Rings Chapter 3
Alright, I'm back with another chapter of Promise Rings! Sorry for posting this a bit later than expected, but I really hope you enjoy this chapter!
(Note: I think this chapter does have spoilers regarding Kageyama's family? I'm pretty sure there are no spoilers regarding the actual plot, so hopefully that's okay.)
Age: 10
Tobio gave me the signal after his practice match, but I had a feeling that this post-game meeting would be a little different. I quickly notified our parents about our meeting, and they waved me off as I grabbed my jacket. I approached the entrance and waited by the door. From the other side of the door, I heard the voices from Tobio’s teammates.
“Really?” one of the boys exclaimed in shock.
“What do you mean she isn’t your girlfriend, Kageyama-san?” another boy asked between chews. I felt my cheeks heat up as I realized the topic of their conversation. My cheeks are just red from the cold. Yeah, just the cold. I heard Tobio stutter a little bit as he attempted to explain everything.
“W-We’ve been friends since preschool. She’s just my f-friend,” Tobio explained. That’s right; we have been friends ever since I talked to him back in preschool four years ago, but why do I feel like there is something else he is hiding? Before the team could continue the conversation, Tobio cut it off, “I need to go meet up with Karin. See you guys.” A broken chorus of farewells echoed for a second before Tobio emerged from the gym. “Hey, did I keep you waiting long?” he asked, worry laced into his voice.
“Nope, I just got here like a minute ago,” I replied happily. He gave me a small smile as I noticed his red cheeks. It’s probably just from all the running. The coach did decide that Tobio would play the entire time. “So what’s up?” I questioned.
“We both know that I could have been better,” he answered sadly with a sigh. Rolling my eyes, I huffed at him before I expressed myself.
“Oi,” I called him from his sadness. “You did amazing. It was just the endurance that caused you to have a sloppy game today. That improves over time,” I scolded him. “Now, stop sulking. We need to go refuel,” I quickly changed the topic, turning to walk out the door. Before I could even take a step, Tobio grabbed my wrist, catching my attention. I felt my heart beating fast against my ribcage. My heart must be pumping blood in order to circulate the nutrients of that energy bar I had halfway through the game.
“I have something to give you,” Tobio bluntly stated. Confused, I turned towards him again as his hand rummaged through his pocket. I watched his hand stop before he took a deep breath. From his pocket, he pulled out a small box that fit in his palm. Tilting my head to the side, I switch my vision between him and the box. “Do you remember those rings you wanted a few years ago?” he questioned, trying to spark my memory.
Nodding, I answered, “Yeah, I do. So what?” He hands me the box and tells me to open it. Inside, two rings sit in the velvet. One ring was a simple coil with nothing special on it while the other was an open-ended ring with a moon and star at the ends. With more confusion, I looked at him to see him nervously biting his lip. “What are these?” I asked him; I have never seen something like this before.
“I saved a lot of money from birthdays and stuff, and I was able to buy both of them,” he answered, not really answering my question. “They’re supposed to be promise rings,” he stated as I looked at him for the answer to my question.
“How come they look kind of different than normal rings?” I questioned as I stared at the rings.
“Because they’re meant to be adjustable,” Tobio stated again. Shifting my attention to him again, I noticed him scratching the back of his head. Understanding, I stared at the rings again. They seemed pretty basic: just some silver shaped to look nice. “Yours is the moon one by the way,” Tobio quickly added right before I was going to ask, “I know how much you like astrology.” We have known each other long enough to the point where he could practically read my thoughts. For a moment, we sat there in silence before Tobio broke it, “Do you like them?”
“Do I like them?” I questioned. “I love them!” I emphasized each syllable as I threw my arms around Tobio’s neck, giving him a big hug. He stumbled for a second before he caught his balance and hugged me back. His arm wrapped tightly against my body as he squeezed me. We hugged for a few moments longer before I released the hug.
Taking my ring out of the box, I handed the box back to Tobio before declaring, “If they’re promise rings, we should use them for a promise!” Tobio took out the other ring before closing the box and tucking it into his pocket. We both thought for a moment before I had an idea. “Let’s promise to be best friends forever!” I proposed. “We can always change it later if we want,” I added in case he was hesitant to take me up on the promise. Tobio slowly nods before looking at me. With a smile on my face, we slide the rings onto our right ring finger. For the first time, I saw Tobio genuinely smile with his teeth, and I smiled back.
“Okay, but we need to eat now,” Tobio stated, killing the moment. “My stomach is going to kill me, and I could honestly eat a horse,” he exaggerated. Scoffing, we begin walking towards the door.
“Where did you even get the idea to get rings?” I suddenly wondered as we were walking towards the car.
“Miwa,” Tobio simply answered. “She told me that you would like it,” he elaborated as we continued our way through the parking lot. Of course he couldn’t think of this idea by himself. Clueless.
Age: 11
I was sitting by the window when the girl’s volleyball team approached me during break. I could hear them giggling and talking from a mile away, and when I turned around towards them, I noticed that they were pretty happy.
“So Care Bear,” Megumi started, “Who gave you the ring?” After all this time, I never bothered to tell them who gave me the ring since they would always bother me about my relationship with Tobio.
Sighing, I answered my typical answer, “I’m not going to tell you.” I watched all of their faces fall from smiles into a flat line. Every day for the past year, they have been asking the same question, but they have received no answers from me.
“Try all you want, Karin,” Rei started in her serious voice, “but we know that Kageyama-san gave you the ring.” Looking at them shocked, I scanned their faces as they stared back at me. “So it really was him,” Rei muttered as her face turned shocked.
“W-What?” the tone of my voice suddenly raised up. “What are you walking about?”
Megumi glared at me before answering, “We know that Kageyama-san gave you the ring. We confirmed it with him a couple days ago.” With the heat rising in my face, my cheeks reddened as I contemplated how to respond. How did Tobio say anything before I did? “Oh my god I was right,” Megumi gasped as she watched my expression and reaction. “You owe me Pocky, Rei-chan.” I heard Rei sigh before slapping an unopened box into Megumi’s palm.
“W-Wait, you guys DIDN’T know before?” I panicked, my cheeks probably red from smiling too much earlier. The ace and other wing spikers snickered a little bit before bursting out into laughter. I looked at each of them, feeling panic rising in my chest.
“We kind of knew ever since you got it, and we would’ve knew even if you didn’t tell us, Karin-san,” Usagi-chan, one of our younger wing spikers, giggled out. I covered my face away to look out the window. From the window, I spotted Tobio buying some milk from the vending machine, and the voices of the girls slowly faded away until Megumi slapped my back.
“Ow! What was that for?” I snapped at them, rubbing my back from where Megumi slapped my back. I always forgot that Megumi was so strong.
“You have to stop daydreaming, Karin,” Megumi stated, annoyed. I could tell she was serious; she never called anyone by their real names unless she needed to get her point across. “You might as well confess to him,” Megumi continued as she rested her chin on the palm of her hand.
“Seriously,” Rei added, “I don’t know how much longer I can deal with you two acting like a couple and then denying it.” Usagi-chan nodded in agreement. “By the way, we’re doing this for the sake of our captain,” Rei stated, winking at me.
“But I don’t like him?” I questioned them confused, denying their assumptions. The instant I finished my statement, our ace, Sakura, hit her head against the table. “Sakura!” I yelled out of concern. Her head rested on the desk for a moment before she suddenly looked up to glare at me.
“I swear to God,” Sakura growled, “if you two don’t end up together, I will lose it.” All the other members shared small glances with each other, afraid of the threat that she just presented. “We have seen the way that you and him interact, look at each other, and talk, captain,” Sakura muttered as she laid her head back against the desk. “There’s already so much tension. Just date already.”
“And while you’re at it, get married and have kids,” Rei quickly added as she started cleaning her nails a bit. I felt my heart suddenly skip a beat as I processed her words. I controlled my facial expressions and my heart before I responded.
Scoffing, I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, stating, “We’re just friends with a deeper connection. There’s no way that he likes me or that I like him. I think I know how I feel after being close to him for like seven years now.” I watched all of their reactions shift from annoyed to the edge of insanity as they tried to comprehend my words.
“I give up, you guys,” Usagi-chan stated sadly, her hand pinching her nose bridge. The other members shared glances with each other before we heard the warning bell ring. “We should get going now though. See you at practice, captain,” she stated, giving me a slight bow. The rest of the group trudged to the door before walking back to their classes. Chuckling at them, I began grabbing my materials for next period: math. Placing my workbook into the table, I looked up to see one of my classmates placing a carton of milk onto my desk.
Before I could ask anything, she stated, “It’s from Kageyama-san, and he told you to meet up with him at your usual spot to eat.” Nodding, I thanked her before opening the carton of milk and taking a sip. He couldn’t even be bothered to come by the classroom and hand it to me himself? I found myself smiling as I took the sip. Maybe the team was right. Maybe I did like him more than a best friend. Idiot.
My eyes widened when I heard the news from my mom. I could only stare and blink for a few seconds before I returned back to reality.
“Tobio-kun’s grandpa?” I questioned in shock as I tilted my head. My mom could only sigh and nod as she made me understand the situation.
“Yesterday night, he passed away,” she repeated herself for what seemed like the hundredth time today. I looked down at the floor, feeling the tug of sadness in my heart from the news. While he was never my grandpa, he always took care of me like one, and he was the one that taught me, Miwa-san, and Tobio to play volleyball. Without noticing, I felt the tears about to drip down my cheeks.
“Can I go stop by Tobio-kun’s house?” I asked quietly, fully knowing the answer without her response. She nodded as her hand patted my head. I immediately dashed to my room to go grab my jacket. As soon as I got my shoes onto my feet, I was already sprinting to his house, not letting myself catch a breath. When I arrived a couple minutes later, I knocked on the door. On the other side of the door, I heard small footsteps behind the door before the door carefully opened.
“Karin-chan? What are you doing here?” Tobio questioned as one eye peeked at me from behind the door. I noticed the redness in his eyes from crying. He opened the door as he rubbed his swollen eyes. When I noticed how upset he was, I could feel myself starting to sympathize with him.
“I heard,” I simply answered as he let me into the house. He closed the door with a sniffle before he turned towards me, clearly wanting to cry again. “Tobio-kun, do you want a hug?” I questioned when I watched the tears well up in his eyes.
“No, I’m fine,” he answered with a shaky breath as he wiped away his tears. I stared at him, knowing well enough that he just needed some comfort. I held out my arms, and he took a step before wrapping his arms around me. We sat on the floor as we started crying together.
“Everything will be fine,” I whispered as I tried to calm the both of us down, knowing that we would not get over it for a long time.
“He didn’t deserve to die, Karin-chan,” he sniffled, refusing the truth. He choked back another sob as his tone of voice raised, “He doesn’t deserve to die because of a stupid cold.” I nodded on his shoulder, agreeing with him. I sniffled as I began controlling my emotions.
“I know, but we can’t do anything now,” I muttered as I tightened my hug. I bit the inside of my lip as I started to feel myself wanting to cry again. I didn’t notice, but Mrs. Kageyama scooped the two of us into her arms and sat on the couch, cradling the two of us.
“It’s going to be okay, you two,” she muttered as she stroked our backs, comforting us. “You know that he is never going to leave your hearts, right?” I nodded slowly as I sniffled again. For the rest of the afternoon, Mrs. Kageyama comforted Tobio and I until we fell asleep. At some point, my mom came by to pick me up, but I had apparently clung onto Tobio tightly which made it difficult to separate us, ending up with me spending the night at the house with a heavy heart.
⭐⭐⭐ Let's stop here for this chapter. I really hope that you really liked this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! I'll see you in the next one!
Next: Promise Rings Chapter 5
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Ok ok ok I didn't really know who to send this ask to, but after reading your content. I knew it it had to be you.
What would the OM brothers do if they found out MC actually worshiped them back before they were brought to the devildom and before they ever got close?
Ooh this iz nice, but i was having a hard time coming up with their reactions, so i added a bit of assumption from MC's perspective as a leeway, hope that's ok
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Before you became a part of the exchange program*
You had a knack for watching anime and reading manga, you're the typical closeted otaku and you somehow developed an obsession that involves the 7 deadly sins
You weren't entirely sure when it started but your guess is that your undying obsession started when you watched the seven mortal sins followed by the seven deadly sins
Posters, banners, figurines voice recordings of the actors who played the sins, doujins, body pillows, and even fanfics. Yes, you collected them all
So imagine the thrill when you dropped down to the devildom and came face to face with the actual avatars
You were reasonable enough to ask the basics, what happened , who are those people and what's the reason they brought you there but that didn't change the giddiness that you are feeling inside when you came to realize who are the people in front of you
8 months have passed and your obsession isn't dying anytime soon. You kept this to yourself but sometimes Luck can be so cruel who suddenly decided to screw you up today
He went to the human realm for some business Diavolo asked him to do
He suddenly remembered how one time you said, you missed your old room
He suddenly got the idea to visit your old home and take some stuff and surprise you with it
But it seems he was the one who was given a surprise
Cause the moment he stepped into your old room, walls full of posters and stickers and the cherry on top was the big lettering of his name above your beds headboard
The more he took a step inside, the more he saw
Should he be amused or frightened
When he went back to the devildom, and to the HOL, you were at the door, ready to welcome him back with a hug
But was stopped when lucifer held out a keychain that has his name and symbol on it
You were quick to realize he already know about everything
You quickly burst out an explanation
Lucifer just listened to you babble that was obviously laced with desperation
"Mc, that's enough" he said, completely cutting you off
"but luci pls, listen to me, i really love you, i didn't date you because i fangirled about the avatar of pride back in the human realm"
You jumped into the conclusion that lucifer was mad because he might think you just dated him because he was the avatar of pride in which you worshipped back at home
You couldn't be anymore wrong
He actually was quite flattered of how high your perspective of him was, it just gives him more pride
"Mc, i never said anything like that"
"but, isn't that why your angry"
"who said i was angry"
"your brows"
He just shut you up with a kiss, saying i miss you
He also explained his part that he was nowhere near angry, the total opposite really
Well, now that you didn't have to hide this part of you, your affection towards the demon just grew tenfold and you just shamelessly stopped being discreet about it
More stress for your boyfriend
He did not expect for any kind of surprise today
But tadah
He is now face to face with your phone, scrolling through your gallery finding shit about your obsession with the avatar of greed, heck he even found edits that was undeniably sloppy
He just wanted to take pictures using your phone, with your permission of course, completely forgeting the possibility of him finding your secret stash
"Yeah?" you answer to his call and stared at his direction
When you came face to face, you were quick to realize why he was having such an unreadable expression on his face
You dashed towards his side, cupping his face, making him look at you
"Mams, it's not what you think, i really love you" you blurted as fast as you could
"You love me?" he said, still dazed
"Yeah, even though your a tsundere who doesn't want to hold my hand in public and never gives me a kiss if your brothers are present, seriously why do you never kiss m-"
"Why did you start complaining"
".... Oh right.... anyways i love you, i really do, and yes i may have a little obsession about the avatar of greed but i really love you cause you're you"
"i-i luv y-you too" he stuttered, tomato faced, his face still in your hands "and i don't mind if you obsess about me, i mean I'm the great mammon after all of course you can't h-"
You cut him off by toppling him in a hug having the most stupidest grin that just screams "no take backs ok"
The avatar of greed was given a truckload worth of affection from that day forth.
The demon can't help but melt when your affection level become just as tall as dia's d*ck
Mammon thought that your affection would last for only a few days but boy he was so wrong
This was your chance to openly worship the actual avatar and you were certainly not dumb as to not take the opportunity
"We're in public"
"Yeah so"
"Could you stop throwing flowers like a flower girl in a wedding to me" he said wanting to hide his whole being
It was a dumb mistake on your part
Levi was kicked out from the seven brothers group chat by lucifer because he decided to spam it with messages asking mammon to pay him back
The oldest kicked him out of the gc and asked him to calm down
After a good 30 mins, levi was calm and asked you to add him back to the gc
Your dumb ass accidentally added him to the wrong gc
You were rushing to add him not noticing your mistake since you were in a hurry to race beel in eating the burgers
While you were busy eating, leviathan is now face to face with a gc that is highly suspicious just by it's group name
" All Hail Leviathan, step on me ugh"
Whoever decided on that group name needs therapy
Levi was scared and curious, curiosity wins, so he opened the chat, scrolled up and saw every bit of your obsession
The chat had more than a hundred members, grouped together for one objective :Worshipping the avatar of envy
With a lot of scrolling, he came to know that you were already obsessed with the avatar of envy even before you came to the devildom
He was glancing between you who were struggling to take another bite and his phone, making a face that is borderline unreadable
You felt your boyfriend's stare, so you decided to ask him what's up though your full mouth
Levi not really able to come up with anything to say just opted to raise his phone and display his screen in front of you
Your eyes scanned what was on his screen and was quick to spit out the food when you red the group name
His phone was covered in chewed burgers and you were ready to babble an explanation when one of those pieces of burgers decided to choke you
Still choking, you were babbling an explanation, though you just sounded like a dying chicken
Beel and Levi quickly came to your rescue, making you cough out the burger piece and offered you a glass of water
After that ordeal, you dragged levi somewhere and started explaining
"MC, slow down"
"but levi, i really love you, it's fine if you find it weird and creepy but pls don't doubt my love for you"
"LEVIATHAN, I REALLY REALLY LOVE YOU" you shouted, shaking the avatar vigorously
"MC calm down for a second" levi halted your actions and quickly said that he was just shocked, he also has an obsession with ruri chan so he understands
You quickly calmed down knowing your boyfriend was not gonna leave you anytime soon
"Also, whoever chose that group name needs therapy" levi stated
" Really? Then wanna go with me?"
"where to?"
"to therapy, hehe" you beamed
A/N: I need therapy😩, @irlswampy here's your request sorry this took way too long since exams just ended yesterday. I only did the older ones this time but I'll do the rest and I'll tag you.. Thank u for requesting mwahhh❤️
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