#so excited for new interior decor though
dnphobic · 11 months
rest in peace owl slide 2014-2023 🪦💔
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notmuchtofind · 11 months
unexpected pt1 | d.s
word count: 2k
fluff & angst
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tw: mentions of car accidents, injury, fatalities and abortion
synopsis: you and drew can’t wait to start your little family in your brand new home. However, things take a turn for the worst…
"Good morning babe!”
The raspy voice seeps through the small speakers in your phone as you lift your finger from the slightly smudged screen. You rub the palm of your hand over your eye before turning over in your bed, bringing your phone with you and engulfing yourself in the duvet that appears 10x larger when you're alone.
"Morning" you whispered slightly in a somnolent voice "what time is your flight again?" you question, whilst glaring at the blue eyes of the boy you're so madly in love with through the phone screen.
"My flights at 2pm for me but..9am for you?" Drew says, slightly second guessing himself.
Drew has been away filming for a few weeks at a time whilst you've been staying home. The new house you and Drew have just bought was in need of some new interior and seen as though you both consider yourselves to be quite the creative pairing, you've decided to renovate and decorate by yourselfs. However, it seems to be proving more difficult than anticipated, and with Drew being away a little more than you also anticipated, it appears it's getting a little stressful.
You sigh, the thought of having to wait an extra 12 hours from now for your boyfriend to be home aches your heart. A conflicting feeling of sadness and excitement take turns filling the pit in your stomach, as being reunited is so close, yet so far away
You wonder if the stress of decorating the house and being alone for weeks at a time is also heightened by the hormonal imbalances your body is experiencing over these past 3 1/2 months.
Finding out you were pregnant was frightening to say the least. You hadn't planned it, you may have discussed it from time to time with Drew but you had it in your mind that that phase of your life was to come a little bit later down the line. So when you found out you were pregnant, the initial thought was to terminate the pregnancy...However, after a few weeks of discussions, and seeing how amazing Drew was being an uncle to his sister's son, you became very open to the idea of keeping it. And Drew agreed, even though he expressed that he would've been supportive with any decision you chose to make, he seemed the most happiest when he thought about hearing the little pitter patters of feet on the floor boards, or the sound of giggles so pure that are simultaneously shared with yours.
"Okayyyy" you nod whilst dragging out your syllables as you shuffle around in bed.
"How are you, baby?" Drew questions with a beaming grin and a slight spring in his voice. Drew quickly follows up his question with another "and baby?"
You glance at your beaming boyfriend through the screen and giggle to yourself. "were missing you" you wine, pouting your lips slightly, trying to make him feel sorry for you. "I miss you" he coos "but i'll be home soon, to look after you both! And also finish renovating this house before she arrives'' he gushed
Seen as the pregnancy was not planned, neither of you was prepared beforehand. You and Drew had owned separate apartments prior to buying this house. Even though you practically lived together whenever you could rustle up the chance, it always would go back to being only your space. or only his space. with only your belongings that subside or, vice versa. Even though You and Drew could've lived in your own little bubble forever, responsibilities and chores needed to be carried out to determine that your individual lives ran smoothly. Meaning time apart was necessary. But when you decided to keep the baby and start this little family, you both agreed it was necessary to look at buying a house.
You both agreed you wanted to know the gender of your baby, so you could customise the nursery and pick out the cutest, tiniest baby growths and hats, ready for your baby girl's arrival. Watching Drew hold up tiny shoes and fluffy teddies whilst shopping for your daughter melted your heart. You'd giggle whilst rolling your eyes and taunt him about already having basically the same product in the basket, but he'd wine and ensure the product was different, most of the time only in colour or size, and you was unable to argue with him as he was already determined that he was purchasing that item. He already couldn't say no to spoiling her, and she hadn't even arrived yet.
The house is large, a 5 bed 3 bathroom colonial stately home. Open plan kitchen and dining area, with multiple lounges and a couple studies. a pool and 2 acres of land. it’s been a joint dream for you and drew to own a home just like this one. so when you came across it on the market, you had a feeling this was going to be yours. your forever home. at least one of them! However, The catch? It needed renovation, and a lot of it. But you guys are determined to get the main rooms completely ready before the baby comes. However, you've got 6 months until she arrives and not even the nursery is finished. Did you guys bite off more than you can chew?
Drew was now just over an hour away from landing at the airport and you can feel you heart begin to fill with joy. Even though it takes you half an hour to drive to the airport, you decided to grab your bag and car keys and set off now. an attempt to miss the evening traffic.
Driving down the motorway, you hear your phone start to chime, "fuck" you mumble to yourself, Knowing your phone resides deep in your bag. The ringing is your ever so familiar alarm that you set to ensure you remember to take medication you've been on for your morning sickness. You let the chime ring out for a few seconds before it starts to test your patience.
"ugghhh" you moan... You reach your hand over to your bag whilst your other hand rests on the steering wheel, keeping your eyes on the road. you wiggling your fingers trying to locate the phone inside. You glance over to the bag, still reaching whilst trying to keep control of the car.
Your hand finally grasps your phone and you pull it out of your bag, setting it aside so you can switch off the echoing alarm. As you glance down, making sure you’re hovering your finger over the correct button, screeching tears through your ears.
Before you could react, your vision went black.
Smoke fills your lungs and your body is limp. you began to gasp for air as you can feel your heart pounding at a rate you've never seemed to experience before. you reach around trying to find something to grasp onto but your vision is blurry.
Blood floods the fabric of your clothes, taking up almost every inch. You realise the only way out of your vehicle is the already broken window that appears the opposite way round. Glass still resides on the edges of the window, but you don't contemplate your exit, you begin to crawl out of the opening. As you do so you notice your legs unresponsive, but the pain you feel is little to none, as the adrenaline rushing through your veins is enough to numb your body and thoughts. The only thought you have is to make your way out of this situation alive.
The sound of sirens replaced the sound of your heart beat. As you lay at the side of the road with one elbow propping your body up. you notice the impact your body has taken. your leg looked to be disoriented and your flesh was not attached to your bones. The pain started to seep through your body and you whimpered in pain whilst screaming for help. The truck that had hit you was on its side and your car was upside down. People began to gather and surround you as the sirens grew closer. After fighting the energy to stay awake you find yourself crippled with exhaustion, your eyes start to flutter shut...the sounds start to fade away.
Your eyes flutter, resisting the bright light that your met by and the smell of chemical aromas that are ever so strong. “baby…? that’s it. it’s drew” the muffled voice echoes through your ears, a voice that sounds uncertain, but a voice that grants you comfort.
"cmon baby, i'm here with you...you're gonna be okay y/n/n"
You begin to try to lift your head but a shooting pain descends down your back, you wince in pain as you drop your head back down to the white pillow.
"hey, hey! stop y/n/n, just rest okay. You're okay now. you're safe" Drew ensures whilst squeezing your hand in the palm of his.
You dart your eyes over to your puffy eyed boyfriend sat in the hospital chair. the anaesthesia and medication your body is under makes it hard to think straight, but you manage to give a slight reassuring smile to your boyfriend, just to tell him that you're hearing what he's saying and that you're relieved that he's the one by your bedside.
You notice Drew's eyes are glazed over and his pupils swell with joy. He gives you an identical smile. "Hey baby" he whispers whilst still squeezing your palm.
"I'm just going to get the doctors okay? Just to tell them you're awake" He explains. He stands carefully and begins to make his way out the hospital room.
The doctor enters the room as Drew grabs your hand and sits back by your side. you glance around, unsure of how to feel. your heart races as your consciousness starts to come back. You're slightly unsure of the intensity and trauma your body has just been through, but something feels incredibly off.
Your eyes dart to the doctor as he begins.
"Hello miss y/l/n, i'm doctor Edward's" he pauses "You've been in a severe car accident involving 1 other person" the doctor states...
"now there's a few things i'd like to go over if that's okay with you miss y/l/n and mr Starkey'' Drew nods eagerly as you widen your eyes, unable to move your neck.
"It looks as if you've broken your right leg miss y/l/n, as well as fracturing your collar bone, elbow and neck" he states. “you’ve experienced extremely deep tissue wounds to the calf’s and back muscles and a light head injury” he adds whilst ensuring he's making eye contact with yourself and drew.
"with the severity of the car crash, i'm extremely glad you're alive miss y/l/n, as your body has undergone quite the trauma" he states whilst looking down at his noteboard.
Your hearing what the doctors saying, yet none of it is settling in, you're heart is still racing and the pit in your stomach is growing larger and larger, all your mind resides on is your baby girl that's growing inside your stomach, the deep pain in your heart aches to know if your baby is okay.
You manage to muster the strength to ask the question that's been spinning round your head "is-is our baby okay?" you ask. You glance over at Drew, trying to gain an answer, However, he doesn't seem to meet your eyes, he's looking down at the floor, and you can see his breaths start to become unsteady. You quickly look over to the doctor and the look he gave you was a sympathetic one
"I’m terribly sorry miss y/l/n...umm...i'm afraid you suffered a miscarriage whilst being involved in the car crash"
You're taken back by his words and your hearing begins to muffle, you're unsure of how to react, you're unsure if the information has even hit you yet. You look over to drew and lock eyes as he's already staring at you with a look so heart wrenching. he Engulfed you in a hug. Drew kisses your forehead as he whispers
“Everything’s going to be okay”
a/n : i’m planning on doing 2 more parts to this story, one in drew’s POV and one about the impact of the miscarriage… i could possibly do a 4th part of how drew and the reader eventually try for another baby and start a family? lmk what you think <33
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clerifik · 9 months
the outsiders headcanons !
(christmas edition)
- christmas always reminded him of his parents because it was their favourite holiday, but it was also his favourite holiday, so it was bittersweet.
- he started hauling out the christmas decorations a day after thanksgiving.
- both soda and ponyboy were as excited as fleas on a dogs arse when they started decorating
- EGGNOG WHORE. he drinks it by the litre.
- he insisted that he didn’t need any help when getting their tree, and nearly killed himself in the process
- “hey son, do you need any he-” “IM FINE!”
- unironically walks around in a santa hat during the entire month of december.
- even though money is tight, he makes sure to buy the gang gifts. besides his brothers, he especially focused on johnny because he knew that chances of his folks forgetting about him were pretty high.
- wakes everyone up at 6am to christmas carols. (darry nearly chucked a pillow at his head once)
- again. insanely excited to decorate.
- he’s literally 5 years old. he’d throw on his snow pants when it began to snow & he’d spend hours out there building snow forts, making snow angels, etc etc.
- once built a full force snow fortress in his front yard & the gang was like “????” because who the hell has that kind of time.
- only thing he hates ab christmas is that he gets sick INSANELY easily during the colder months…and he’s a total whiner, so you’ll hear about his minor cold (that he’ll talk about like its cancer) for WEEKS.
- makes stockings for everyone because he’s just so cutesy like that
- pretty lights make his brain go brrrr
- the first christmas they had together without their parents, darry made the mistake of not-so-hiding the presents marked with “santa” out in the open of his room, so pony just had to stand there and stare with his jaw dropped because WHAT DO YOU MEAN SANTA ISN’T REAL????
- it actually put him through quite a bit of distress.
- ugly christmas sweater LOVERRR
- they had a tradition since they were really young, that the youngest puts the star on top of the tree, so to carry out the tradition darry just casually throws pony on his back so he can put the tree topper on.
- ALSO drinks eggnog by the litre… he just manages to make himself sick
- will spend HOURS decorating a tree, its his favourite part about christmas.
- he’s also a whore for tinsel. he loves how it shines.
- soda thinks its really funny to put bows in his hair with the left-over gift wrap supplies. pony just stares at him with the 😠 face.
- lowkey kind of hates christmas.
- before the gang, he’d be forced to sleep in his house a lot because it was far too cold in the lot, and that never ended well.
- they’d also hardly ever celebrate christmas, so he’d see his classmates talk about everything they got, and see all their new clothes, while he was just thankful his dad didn’t hit him that day.
- the gang definitely made up for it though, they helped him get into the spirit.
- darry & dally always buy him stuff for christmas, and he can’t help but feel insanely guilty. that adds to his disliking towards christmas.
- johnny does like looking at decorations, though. sometimes dally would walk around the neighborhood with him & just look at christmas lights together.
- dally was a big christmas fan… but he’d never let the gang know that. because HEAVEN FORBID dallas winston ever enjoys something in his life
- he thinks he’s the ultimate edgelord clearly.
- much like johnny, he didn’t grow up with a proper family to show him what christmas looks like, so he tried to stay around the curtis’ place as much as possible.
- sat there on the couch watching them decorate the house and it took every bone in his body not to take over the decorating and do it himself because GOD were they unorganized & uncoordinated.
- our little interior design queen 😋
- but REMEMBER… nobody’s allowed to know he actually enjoys christmas.
- eat sleep breathe candy cane hot chocolate (same dally dw)
- everyone thinks he takes johnny to see the lights just for him.. but little do they know dally absolutely loves them too.
- the first year darry bought dallas a gift he just sat there like “…? me? for me?” then had to excuse himself to the bathroom so he didn’t have a breakdown.
- proposed that they made a cigarette garland instead of popcorn.
- randomly appears with the weirdest decorations possible.
- he just casually brought a 12 foot train set to the curtis house and sat there for 2 hours assembling it on their livingroom floor.
- picks up every individual present and starts shaking it, listening like he can determine exactly what it is by the sound.
- “hey johnny! i think you’ve got a gold bar in here…. dallas. sounds like a big ole lump of coal for you pal.”
*cue angry dally noises*
- dressed up as santa & decided it’d be a fabulous idea to go door-to-door for a little meet and greet.
- a family called the fuzz on him & he’s never ditched a costume so fast in his life.
- walked around the streets whistling, and when the cops approached him & asked if he saw a guy that fit the description, he just pointed down the road & walked in the opposite direction.
- comes over to the curtis house on christmas just to eat their food & then leave
- raccoon core
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bonny-kookoo · 10 months
drabbles open?? 🥺 because imagine how cute they look baking together for Christmas like newlyweds couple in their new home at jungkook’s house because jungkook also doesn’t know where things are 🥺🥹😔🫶🏻🫶🏻
Of course its open for drabbles!
He can't help but laugh to himself how you try and contain your excitement, all the different colored Christmas lights reflecting in your eyes as you look around, constantly checking in with him to see if he's interested in something.
Your hand is around his biceps, as he pushes the cart around the store, nothing in it yet. "You don't have to hold yourself back." He tells you, as you look after a particularly interesting set of decoration.
"I just.. I don't know what you like?" You worry. "Like.. what if I overwhelm you? Or I want something you don't?"
"Then I'll tell you, and we find a compromise." He says, one of his hands gently running over yours on his arm. "I won't hate you just because your thoughts differ from mine. How about we choose a little tree first." He decides, realizing that giving you full choice might be too much right from the start. You're not used to that, after all.
So with the small fake tree in the cart, you're now putting different lights and decorations in as well, Jungkook's cheeks hurting from the way you so caringly place everything in the cart, telling him with everything where you'd like to place it, and how you invision his home to look like. How warm the fake candle lights will make it feel like, bringing some color into his otherwise rather monochrome interior design.
It's then that he spots her.
"Oh, Jungkook?" Evelyn questions, a few things in her arm as she walks up to him, her attempt at a hug however denied by both his warning gaze, and his hand on yours that's resting on his arm holding it there.
As if to tell you to stay- because he'll keep you safe from her.
"Are you helping your friend with her Christmas party?" She smiles, and you feel oddly intimidated- but Jungkook stands his ground.
"No, we're simply preparing for Christmas at home." He politely tells her. "If you'll excuse us-"
"Jungkookie, we have to talk about our apartment though." She says. "But I'll text you sometime later when you're not.. occupied. By the way!" She excitedly says, heels clicking on the floor as she walks over to you, making you press a but closer into Jungkook's side. "I'd love to make use of your.. services as well, in the near future. I have someone who really needs someone like you." She purrs, before she leaves.
Leaving you stunned, and Jungkook questioning.
It's quiet as you pay for your things, and drive to his house- before you speak up.
"Its not.. it sounded like she was-"
"I'm so sorry." He grits out, angry. "She keeps..!" He sighs, parking in front of his house in the designated spot, turning the engine off to run his hands over his face. "She keeps digging, and digging, and scratching at me like some rabid animal-!" He huffs out, when your hands pull his from his face, gentle.
"Then I'll.. I don't know what I'll do, but I'll do something to make it better." You say. "Maybe it's best to try and cut her out?" You wonder, and he sighs, throwing his head back.
"I'm trying!" He whines. "I'm trying." He sighs defeated, while you hold his hand.
"The.. service she was talking about." You say, catching his attention. "I help clean out.. homes. Like, hoarder situations and such." You tell him. "I do it for free. Mostly for friends, or their friends. I do it because I like helping people do what I personally wished I could've."
"..and that's.?" He asks quietly.
"Getting away from who they've been." You confess. "Getting a chance at a new start."
"The apartment she mentioned.. it's sold. Technically- the new family hasn't signed yet, but there's a lot of people interested." He explains. "Evelyn hated the house. She wanted a skyline apartment, high up, in the middle of the city." He shrugs. "So I bought it for her."
"Jungkook.." you say kindly. "You loved her. It's normal you did what you could to make it work." You say, moving his hand to your cheek, where his palm instantly moves to hold it. "But I think it's.. maybe time to disconnect yourself from her." You tell him, averting your eyes. "To.. make room for something new. Someone new."
"Have to bring out the trash, huh." He chuckles, leaning over the middle to kiss your lips, before you both get out the car to unpack everything- but instead, he pulls you close, snow falling down onto the both of you, breaths visible in the cold of the late evening, as he holds your cheeks in his palms, and leans in.
"I love you." He says.
And you whisper it back, over and over again, between every kiss you give him in return for his confession-
Well aware that no Christmas gift he'd get you could ever compare to this.
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her-favorite · 1 year
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WARNINGS: SMUT - this is rushed and boring, but cam posted that pic (yesterday, when i made this) and it’s so hot so i needed to write something even though nothing correlates 😭 pwp!! also, obvi you need a condom or be on the pill but this is a fic so.. go with the flow!!
WC: 4212
A/N: i am SO excited for halloween, so it’s (sort of?) set up during October!! - the pic im talking about is the middle one btw!!
SUMMARY: A sweet movie night with Cameron ended in something more
The smell of cinnamon wafted through the small apartment.
The candle was brand new as the flame on top was slowly burning down farther. The scent was relaxing as it overtook the room inside your living space, adding a nice aura to the interior.
Plastic pumpkins were spaced out on different tables, fake spiders were hung up on the walls, and small lights were hung up on the table that supported the tv. Decorating for halloween was always fun since you could go any direction you wanted to. Staying up late and watching horror movies or buying candy and using the excuse that you had trick or treaters at the door.
Tonight, you and your friend Cameron were planning a movie night. Whenever he was free, you both would message back and forth, trying to figure out plans to see each other. Last week, you both came to the agreement to binge scary movies and stay inside. You had been the one to suggest the idea and Cameron immediately accepted, saying that it would be nice to relax because of his work situation.
The both of you had known each other for years. It started as a school friendship when you two were little, occasionally having playdates or hanging out on the playground. Once you both started middle school, you both would hangout at each other’s houses and would walk around the neighborhood to buy some ice cream. Eventually, as more time passed, the both of you grew even closer and kept in touch frequently. Even with his busy schedule for his acting, he managed to sort out his plans and always made sure he had time for you.
You always tried to tell yourself that it was true and it was just a thought in the back of your head that just wanted attention. But as you matured, you dreadfully came to the conclusion that you had feelings for your best friend. You were in denial for so long, that only recently you realized. It was hard to push those thoughts away when you were with him, but he never seemed to notice. At least that’s what you told yourself.
Your phone vibrated against the coffee table as you rushed over to grab it. A smile graces your lips as you see the notification laying on top. Speak of the devil…
Omw! It’s my turn to pick the movie this time Y/N! Don’t think you can persuade me again.. ;)
A laugh bubbles up from your throat as you reread his text. The last time you both had a movie night, it was his turn to pick a movie he liked. When he ended up picking one you weren’t particularly a fan of, you managed to make him switch his decision in promise of you making his favorite food. It was quite easy to make him bend to your will, but you always told yourself that it’s just what friends do for each other. You would’ve done the same thing for him.
As you turn on the tv, it sits on the main menu, waiting for instructions. Setting down the remote, you make your way over towards the candy you had bought earlier that day and poured it into a bowl; resting it on the coffee table so you both could share the snacks while the movie played.
As soon as you reached out to grab your phone, there were two knocks at your door before hearing it open. Your lips curled up automatically at the sound. A glimpse of ginger hair was seen before he walks away from the door, towards you.
“Hey, Y/N.” Cameron smiles wide as he walks to you. He quickly wraps his arms around your shoulders and brings you close to him. The close proximity makes your face feel hot, but you put your arms around his torso in response.
“Hey, Cam.” The smile on your face was heard through your words. You pull away and look up at him as you both take away your arms. His eyes scan around your apartment, taking in all of the decorations.
“Wow, you really went all out this year.” He chuckles, picking up a plastic pumpkin that sat on the small table in front of the couch. It looked almost miniature in his palm, his fingers engulfing the object.
“You know how much I love Halloween, Cam.” You smile and walk around him and towards the couch. Your hands wrapped around the small remote and you hold it out. “It’s your turn.” You hand it to him as you watch his pale digits put down the pumpkin and grab the remote from you.
He gives you a smirk before sitting down on the couch and spreading out his legs. He looked at your apartment like it was his. That was just one thing you liked about him; how comfortable he was with you. It made you feel fuzzy inside; a safe feeling.
Walking over towards the light switch you flick it down as the only light source is the tv and the small orange lights that hung on the small table that was supporting the electronic. Cameron was still scrolling through Netflix, listing off the pro’s and con’s of each one that he didn’t choose. An occasional laugh sounded from your mouth when he would say something bad about one every now and then.
You took a seat next to him on the cushion as your eyes swept across his face. His side profile was just as beautiful as the front; his perfectly shaped nose, his pink lips and his green eyes staring forward. Before he could catch you, your eyes averted away from him and towards the screen.
“This is why I never let you pick. You take forever, Cam.” You tease him, laughing softly. Your back rested on the pillow that was against the arm on the couch, facing the man that sat a couple feet from you. You nudge his thigh with your foot as you smile, holding back a laugh that wanted to leave your throat.
Suddenly, he grabs your foot and moves it away from him. “Watch where you’re putting that thing.” He teases with a smile. He sends you a wink before looking back at the screen, the bright light illuminating his features.
A light stubble graced his jaw and wrapped around his chin, trailing up above his top lip. His sharp jawline was still visible, even with the lights off. As your eyes trailed down his arm, they met with his hand that gripped the remote. Two rings held a finger each, the silver band grasping them tight.
The sound of a movie starting harshly ripped you out of your daydream. He leans forward and sets down the remote on the coffee table and then leans back on the couch, stretching his arm out on the back of it.
“What is this?” You says begrudgingly, but the smile on your face told otherwise. He looks over at you with a smirk.
“Scream, duh.” Before you could open your mouth, he puts a finger up. “C’mon, Y/N. It’s a classic. You can’t not watch Scream when it’s Halloween time.” Cameron teases and pokes your leg. He laughs when you swat at him, retreating his arm to rest on the back of the couch again. It didn’t take much convincing for you to agree, letting the title screen show.
Minutes into the movie, your position grows uncomfortable. Your side started to ache as you lie on it and your legs are started to cramp up as they’re pressed against you. Without your knowledge, Cameron notices your predicament. Startling you, a hand pats your leg gently. “You can stretch out your legs, Y/N.” He assures you, giving you that perfect smile of his. You swore that smile alone could make you melt.
You quickly accept his offer and move onto your back, leaning against the pillow. You straighten out your legs fully, before moving them back into the spot they were before. You were close with Cameron, but you didn’t want to push anything. Especially with the thought in the back of your mind that kept reminding you about your undeniable crush on him.
You hear a quiet sigh before hands grab your legs and stretch them across his lap. It catches you off guard at first, looking away from the tv to see what your friend was doing. You were leaning back on the pillow that rested against the arm of the couch as your body was facing Cameron, your legs now straight and laying on his lap. You couldn’t say you were upset about it.
He doesn’t say anything as he stares forward, watching Stu, Billy, Sydney and Tatum have a conversation. You try and swallow down a smile, looking away from him and back to the screen. A warm hand rested on your shin, a hot feeling running through your body.
Seconds to minutes pass by, his finger slowly starting to move back and forth, rubbing against the fabric of your pants. Maybe it was a subconscious thing, maybe not, but either way, it made you feel giddy. Other movie nights consisted of hugs, talking, sharing food, some times cuddling, but tonight felt different. The mood wasn’t the same, and the intentions didn’t feel familiar.
His other hand came down and rested on the same leg, starting to get higher. It sat on your knee, drawing small circles into the soft fabric with his thumb. Cameron still hasn’t taken one look away from the movie, whether that was on purpose, to add to the teasing, or just because he was too afraid to see your reaction.
The room started to feel warmer as the cinnamon smell of the candle still traveled through the tense air. As Ghostface talked to Sydney on the phone, the sounds of the movie started to get quieter. It felt like everything was changing. You weren’t sure if you were making up this whole situation and Cameron was just making a sweet gesture towards you, but you made it out to be the opposite; that he had the same feelings for you and that he wanted to act on them. At least that’s what you were hoping for.
The warm sensation of his hand gradually moved up, now landing on your thigh. Your eyes never left his face as he finally looked away from the tv and met your gaze. His eyes were as soft as ever, showing no hostility or aggression. He was being sweet, just as you thought earlier.
“Can I?” It came out as a whisper, his pink lips barely moving. Over time, his body grew closer to yours. Responding to him without words, you moved up from your leaning position and became just inches away from his face. You nodded your head fast as your hand gently held his jaw.
“Can I?” You whisper back, staring down at his lips. He nods softly, quickly leaning forward and meeting your lips together. His were soft, a little chapped as you suspected that he was biting them earlier. The pressure of your top lip in between his sent chills down your spine as you maneuvered your body to straddle him. He groaned into the kiss at your new position, resting his hands on the outside of your thighs gently.
Breaking away from the kiss, you both kept yourselves just inches away from each other. Your lips were hot with his breath as you stared into his eyes and vice versa. His pupils were dilated as he looked at you, never once taking his eyes off of yours. The eye contact wasn’t filled with lust, more so a hunger for each other. It was sweet and loving, something that you craved from him.
“Fuck, Y/N..” Cameron’s voice was deeper as he whispered, squeezing his hands on your skin. That was all you needed to pull him in for another kiss. It was heated and messy, tongues meeting and teeth clashing. Your hand traveled to the back of his head, clutching his bright orange hair into your hand. The groan that escaped his mouth could’ve made you cum on the spot.
His hands drifted up and rested on your hips and squeezed. The unexpected pressure made your hips roll forwards against his lap, moans escaping the both of your lips. Both of your hands cupped the sides of his face as you broke apart, keeping close to each other. Silent words were exchanged to the other, wondering what was happening. Neither of you tried to stop it.
“Can I take care of you?” Cameron’s voice was quiet, but you heard it perfectly. The room was quiet to you, the sound of the tv only becoming background noise. It was just the both of you, sitting together, kissing. It felt like a dream.
“Yes. Please.” Your words left your mouth immediately. Giving in to him was an automatic response, something that you would agreed to in an instant. It was like second nature to you.
A soft smile takes over his lips, leaning forward to press them against yours. The kiss was gentle this time, telling you how much he enjoyed this; that he wasn’t taking advantage of it. It was reassuring in a sense that you felt like you could trust him to do anything in that moment. You wouldn’t have to be on cloud nine for that though.
Feeling a hand wound up your back and applying enough pressure against you, he starts to lean forward and moves you onto your back. The kiss never breaks as your positioned back onto the couch with Cameron hovering over you now. Your hand moved up to cup his cheek as you deepen it, gently nipping at his bottom lip before sliding your tongue across it. Almost immediately, he accepts your offer. Your free hand traveled down his side and clutched his shirt tightly, signaling that you wanted it off.
You’ve seen Cameron without a shirt numerous times, whether it was going for a swim, on a show, coming out of the shower, but his perfect stature never failed to leave you staring.
He leaves your lips to bring his hands behind his back and throws his shirt off, absentmindedly tossing it somewhere neither of you cared for at the moment. Your hands raked down his toned torso, a small patch of ginger hair leading into his pants. His v-line was impressive, the sharp edges quickly catching your attention. His abs were flexed as he hovered over you, making sure not to put any of his weight on top of you.
His warm palms glided under your shirt, teetering at the edge of your pants. You lift up your arms, inviting him to take the fabric off of you. He follows through quickly as he takes it off and throws it in the same direction as his. He leans down and scatters kisses on your neck, traveling to your jawline and down. His lips kept getting lower, kissing down your collarbone and sucking on the skin. A soft moan was taken from your throat at the sudden pleasure, your hand returning to his hair and tugging gently. His lips vibrated against your skin, sending a new sensation through your body.
Moving down the valley between your breasts, he kissed over one before taking it in his mouth and sucking. A louder noise than before left your lips, your mouth agape. Your breathing got faster as seconds went by, silently hoping he couldn’t feel it. Though you were sure he could.
Giving the same treatment to your other breast, he eventually kissed down your body, reaching the top of your pants. With a look up at you, he accepted your nod of approval and slipped his fingers inside the waistband. Slowly dragging it down your legs, he tossed the fabric on the floor. His hands rested on your shins, patiently gliding up your legs until they landed on your thighs. He leaned back down and kissed above your panties. They weren’t anything special, normal underwear you’d get from the store for cheap.
“Cute.” He teases and hooks his finger in the top of them with a quiet laugh. Heat raises on your face as you smack his shoulder lightly, causing a chuckle to leave him. He was still your Cameron, the goofy boy you’ve known since pre-school. The realization that you were about to have sex with your best friend suddenly hit you as he squeezed your thighs once more. Your mind was telling you that this was everything you wanted and more, that he wanted this too. And you quickly followed that thought, living off of the thrill that your best friend, and crush, liked you the same way you liked him.
“Can I?” His soft voice cut you out of your thoughts. You looked down at him from his position between your legs as he asked for permission to take off your panties. You nodded in response. Hooking his fingers under the fabric, he pulls them down and throws them in the same pile as your pants. Without hesitation, he leans down and spreads your legs. One of his hands squeezes itself under your thigh and puts it on his shoulder. His free hand reaches forward and spreads you out before he leans in and licks a stripe up your slit. An involuntary moan leaves your mouth at the feeling, sensing his smirk against you.
“Y’taste so fucking good.” He groans before leaning down again and wrapping his lips around your clit. His freckle-covered hand stays put as his finger slides through your slit. You could practically feel your wetness slide down onto the couch. It was almost embarrassing how quickly you were aroused by the man, but he didn’t seem to care. And the large tent in his pants didn’t seem to mind either.
The hand that steadied your thigh dug his nails into your skin, leaving harsh crescent moon shapes in them. You were caught off guard, too focused on the feeling of his lips on you, when you felt his finger inside you. Your hand instinctively reached down to his hair and gripped it, trying to ground yourself. The groan he let out vibrated against you, stimulating your pleasure even more.
“Cam, I..” Your words were cut off as the knot inside you grew tighter. Another finger joins the one inside you, his pace getting faster as seconds pass. The cool sensation of his rings would tease you as they barely touched you. The sound of your wetness hitting his fingers filled the room as the tv grew quieter. His eyes never left your body as they altered between looking at where you and his fingers met to your eyes. He felt the strong grip you had on him as he leaned back down and took your clit back in his mouth.
“C’mon, baby. Cum for me, wanna taste you.” His voice was quiet as he doesn’t even think about moving away from you. That was all you needed as one final suck and the feeling of his long fingers curling inside you brought you to your edge. Your back arched and your fingers tugged his hair harshly. Your thighs shook as you came down from your high, soft moans of his name leaving your lips like a prayer. Your breathing was fast and heavy, trying to gain it back.
Looking back down at him, you’re met with sight of him pulling his pale digits out of you and bringing them up to his lips. All of the air you just gained back left you as your eyes followed the way his lips looked around his fingers, slowly pulling them out of his mouth.
“So fucking good.” He groaned before moving back over you and pressing his lips against yours passionately. You quickly followed his lead and kissed back with fervor. Your hand moved down his body and rested on his belt. As your hand got lower, you cupped the bulge in his pants, feeling the groan he let out into the kiss. Your hands fumbled with his belt quickly, wanting it gone. He broke away with a chuckle, noticing your urgency. He takes your hands in his to stop you and lets them go before undoing his belt and fly, throwing his pants somewhere across the room.
Catching him off guard this time, you push him back against the couch and move down on the floor. You were kneeling in front of him as your hands met with the soft waistband of his boxer briefs. Cameron’s hand reached forward and rested on the back of your head gently, letting you take your time. You leaned forward and scattered light kisses on the print through the fabric, teasing him when you kiss his tip. His jaw clenched at the feeling and his hand grew tighter in your hair.
As you reached forward to move your hands into his boxers, he lifted up his hips so you could take them off. Setting them off to the side, you took in his naked body before you. It was better than your dreams and imagination. You were convinced he was sculpted by a god.
Wrapping your hand around him, he inhaled sharply at the quick action. Stroking up and down slowly to tease him, you keep eye contact with him. A whisper of a smirk graces the corner of his lips when he realizes what you were doing. You lean forward suddenly and take the tip in your mouth, moving your tongue around him. A guttural moan escapes him, sending a certain kind of heat straight to your core.
You started to move your head up and down, taking as much of him as you could. The hand on the back of your head encouraged you as you took him deeper, stroking what you couldn’t handle. Quiet curses and stutters were said from under his breath, just barely catching your ears. The thought of you causing him this much pleasure was exhilarating, a sense of pride overtaking you.
As you feel his hand get tighter and his body starting to stiffen, it was obvious to you that he was getting close. He pushes you back as his chest heaves up and down. A light string of saliva attaches from your lips to his tip, reaching his thumb forward to wipe it away. It only seemed to spur him on more.
“When I cum, I wanna be inside you.” His words made you moan, a sound that was unwillingly taken from you. His smirk grew wider at the noise, extending his arms to bring you back up on the couch with him. Back in the position you were before with you lying down on the cushions and him hovering over you, he grasps your thigh and throws it over his waist. “You sure you want this, Y/N?” His voice was hot as he talked, keeping eye contact with you. You nodded.
“Yes.” That was all he needed as he thrusted forward, seating himself fully inside of you. A loud moan was ripped from both of your throats, filling the apartment. Giving you time to adjust, he catches your signal and starts to move backwards. As the tip just barely stays inside you, he teases you before thrusting forward again and moving completely inside. More sounds were filling the air as he started a rhythm, hitting you perfectly.
It wasn’t entirely lust driven, it felt intimate and nice to have him so close to you. It was a safe kind of feeling, something you hoped to feel more of.
The sound of skin slapping skin started to get louder as time passed, his short nails digging into the same spot they were earlier. Cameron leans down quickly, smashing your lips together in a desperate kiss. Tongues battle and teeth fight, the both of you chasing your release. Your body started to tighten, the knot inside of you beginning to snap.
“Fuck, you’re squeezing me so tight.” His words were mumbled, so caught up with the pleasure he was feeling. He could tell you were close at the feeling of your walls wrapping tightly around him. It drove him closer to the edge, getting enough energy to thrust harder inside you, hitting that perfect spot that made you cry out.
As soon as your body shook with pleasure and mouth opened, he joined you, his nails piercing your skin and your name leaving his lips like a song. Once the both of you relaxed, his body slumped down on yours, his muscles tense and his body tired. A soft laugh left you and your arms enveloped around his shoulders, one of your hands coming up to brush through his hair softly.
The both of you lied there as seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours until you both ended up falling asleep. You guess tomorrow will be the day you guys figure everything out, but you have a feeling that everything’s gonna be okay.
Your best friend, and your crush, was laying in your arms. And that was all you ever needed.
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jerzwriter · 23 days
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This series tells the story of how Tobias and Casey's second child, Brooke Vivian Carrick, came to be. In this third part, the first trimester is behind them, and the happy couple spreads the news—first to their two-year-old daughter, Samantha, and then to their friends.
Book: Open Heart (Post Series) Pairing: Tobias x Casey Carrick (F!MC) Characters: Samantha Carrick (F!OC), Ethan Ramsey, Jackie Varma, Sienna Trinh, Aurora Emery, Bryce Lahella, Jordan Carrick (M!OC) Rating: Teen Words: Part 1: 685 / Part 2: 1,009 Summary: See above. A/N: I have artwork for this series, and I hoped to have it posted by yesterday (August 30th is Brooke Vivian Carrick's birthday in my little world). But my real life world interfered, so it's coming, but a little later. lol Participating in @choicesaugustchallenge Day 7 (Sunshine) and Day 11 Barbeque.
Series Masterlist Tobias x Casey Masterlist Full Masterlist
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“We’ve got to tell her,” Casey insisted. Her second pregnancy was not at all like her first. The first time, she couldn't wait for her 'bump' to show, and it seemed to take forever. This time, she swore it appeared just after the two little lines formed on the pregnancy test. Her two-year-old daughter, Samantha, had already announced, “Mommy is big now,” to everyone they knew.
“Yeah, I suppose you’re right,” Tobias agreed. “I think my Mom has been trying to hold back her excitement a little since Sammy doesn’t know yet."
Casey’s eyes went wide. “Wait a second. You think that your Mom... your over the top Mom... your I’m sending an interior decorator over to design the new nursery, even though you just ended your first trimester, and the party planner wants to talk to you about the baby’s first birthday party Mom... has been holding back?  If that’s the case, we may want to reconsider telling Sammy... ever."
“Come on,” Tobias smiled. “You know she’s only going to get worse regardless. Let’s let Sammy in on the news. Then we have six months to help her prepare for her little sister coming home.”
“Sister or brother,” Casey reminded.
But Tobias just shrugged. “Yeah, whatever." He had no doubt they were having another little girl.
It was a quiet afternoon at home, sunshine pouring in their living room window when they decided to share the news with Samantha. All of Sammy’s favorite stuffed toys were arranged on the living room floor, and the toddler’s curls bounced as she played and danced with them. Her contagious giggle echoed throughout the house when Daddy made her teddy bear break dance.
Casey’s heart warmed at the sight of them. Their lives had changed drastically over the past few years, but they wouldn’t have had it any other way. She looked at Tobias, and he nodded. It was time.
"Sammy," she said gently. "Mommy and Daddy have something exciting to tell you."
Sammy looked up with wide eyes, her little hands clutching her teddy bear. "What, Mommy?"
Tobias reached out and took the little one’s hand. "You're going to be a big sister, sweetheart.”
“Yep,” Casey smiled, cuddling close to Tobias. “Mommy’s growing a new baby in her belly.”
Sammy blinked, her expression pensive as she took in the news. She looked between her parents, then pointed to Casey’s belly. “In there?” she asked.
“Yep. That’s why Mommy's getting bigger,” Casey smiled. “It’s the baby growing in me.”
“Oh,” Sammy said, turning back to her teddy bear. "That's nice.”
Tobias and Casey shot each other an amused look. Sammy was more excited than this when they told her they were ordering pizza.  
“Sammy,” Casey chuckled softly. "Do you know what this means, sweetie?"
Sammy looked up again, her big brown eyes curious. "More toys?"
Tobias laughed, pulling her into his lap. "It means you'll have a little sister to play with all the time."
Casey playfully elbowed Tobias. “A brother or a sister!” She corrected. “We don’t know yet.”
Casey held back a laugh as Tobias once again muttered, “Whatever,” under his breath.
"Does Pietro know?" Sammy asked.
Tobias pulled the precocious child onto his lap and smiled. "We'll tell him as soon as he's done with his nap," he said.
"Okay. We play now, Daddy?”
Casey leaned in to kiss Tobias on the cheek, both amused with their daughter’s nonchalant reaction.
"Of course we can, sweetheart," Tobias replied. “And what do you think about ordering pizza to celebrate?”
“PIZZA!” Sammy screeched, jumping to her feet. Her little body began dancing to music no one else could hear. “Yes! Yes! Pizza! Daddy, we order pizza now!"
“Right now," Casey laughed, pulling out her phone to order. As she waited for them to answer, she turned to Tobias with a smile. "Well, now we know what to do when we bring the baby home."
“What's that? Order pizza,” he smiled.
“Nope, dress her up as a slice of pepperoni.” Casey grinned.
Tobias's eyes crinkled as his grin widened; all the joy he was feeling sparkled in his eyes. “You said her,” he whispered with a satisfied grin.
Casey placed a hand on her little bump, “Well, see," she chuckled. "But for now, let’s order the pizza!”
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Telling their friends:
The following Saturday found Tobias in his happy place, telling stories and holding court as he worked the grill in their cozy Boston backyard. Tobias and Casey’s barbeques had become a staple in their friends’ lives, but they hadn’t hosted many in the past couple of months, making this one feel even more special.  
Casey sat at the table with her friends, Jackie, Sienna, and Aurora, pouring each of them a glass of delicious virgin Sangria, but Jackie appeared to take offense.
“Virgin? In this house?” she teased.
Tobias glanced at Casey over his shoulder with a grin. “I told you," he winked at his wife. "Jackie! There's wine in the cellar; feel free to spice it up."
With a playful huff, Jackie fetched a bottle of Pinot Noir and liberally topped off everyone’s glasses. When she reached Casey, however, Casey placed a hand over her glass.
“I’m good,” Casey smiled as her friends exchanged curious glances.
Tobias turned the last steak over, pleased with how perfectly they were coming along. He loved having the grill to himself today. The mere mention of Ethan's goddaughter, Sammy, bonding more with her uncles Jordan and Bryce had Ethan scurrying over to join the trio on a blanket on the lawn. It was a rare victory for Tobias in their ongoing rivalry over who was the true king of the grill.
After the food had been served and everyone’s bellies were full. Bryce mentioned something about dessert, which was met with groans and a napkin tossed his way.
“I think we should let the food settle before we move on to that,” Casey smiled. “I need to make some room to properly enjoy Sienna’s brownies.”
Tobias caught Casey’s eye, and they shared a conspiratorial smile. Taking her hand, he cleared his throat to capture their friend's attention. “Casey and I actually have a way to pass the time. We have an announcement to make."
“I’m pregnant,” Casey beamed. “We’re having another baby.”
Jackie smirked, recalling a conversation from a few months back. “Well, it didn’t take you long, did it, Carrick?”
Tobias turned to her with a grin. “Was there ever any doubt?”
As the guys shook Tobias’s hand and bro-hugs were had, Casey could barely peel Sienna off of her while Aurora rolled her eyes and shooed Sienna away to give everyone a turn.
“So, baby number two,” Aurora giggled. “Looks like you’re well on your way.”
“On my way?” Casey asked, laughing. “On my way to what?”
“Oh, don’t pretend you don’t remember,” Aurora said with a grin. “That day when we first met Tobias at the deli. You don’t remember what you said on the walk home?”
Casey blushed, hiding her face as Tobias jumped in. “Oh, she remembers.”
“Do we really have to revisit that?” Casey pleaded.
“Sure do!” Aurora grinned, turning to face the others. “If you think trying to save a man from dying was enough to keep these two from falling into lust at first sight, you’d be wrong! They were all but salivating over each other. It was just so... them! Then, on the walk home, Casey's going on and on about how hot he was and how she was going to have his first six children - or something like that."
“Casey!” Sienna chuckled.
“What?” Casey blushed. “He’s hot. But to make things worse, I said that just as Mr. Big Ego over here rolled up in his Jaguar. I prayed he didn’t hear, but on one of our first dates, I told him I always wondered if he had…”
“And I was all too happy to let her know I did,” Tobias finished, chuckling. “I just wasn’t sure who the lucky bastard was. I'm sure I don't need to tell you that I was more than pleased to know it was me.”
Ethan groaned, dragging a hand over his face as everyone laughed. “A classic Carrick beginning.”
“So, apparently, Casey was prophetic,” Jordan laughed.
“Not quite,” she corrected. “Because, as Aurora said on that day, there’s no way I’m having anyone’s six kids. Two will be just fine."
“Honey,” Tobias whined playfully. “Come on, you know I always said we should make our own softball team.”
“Keep dreaming, babe.”
“Yeah,” Jordan winked. “Practice makes perfect, big bro, but maybe stick to the practice part.”
“Please, I think he knows that," Jackie teased. "If not, the world would have already been overrun with little Carrick spawns before Casey even came along."
“Yeah, and then these two would be adding dozens more,” Sienna chuckled.
“Guys!” Ethan said, exasperated. “They just announced they’re having a baby. Do we really have to go there?”
“What’s wrong, Ramsey?” Bryce laughed. “Does the world-renowned doctor need a refresher on where babies come from?”
Ethan pulled a twenty-dollar bill out from his pocket and threw it on the table with a sigh.
Tobias raised an eyebrow. “What’s that for?”
“Baby Carrick #2’s therapy fund. I’ve already put a decent amount in Sammy’s account, but with you two as parents, this little one is going to need it, too.”
The yard was filled with the hum of friends laughing in agreement, reaching for their wallets and purses to add to the growing pile.
“You guys are too much,” Casey laughed. “Our little ones are very lucky to have us as parents – and all of you as their family, too.”
“You got that right,” Bryce said, giving Casey a congratulatory kiss on the cheek. “Everyone, raise your glasses! To Tobias and Casey - congratulations on your first planned pregnancy. We wish you all the best.”
“Bryce!” Casey laughed, giving him a playful shove.
As night fell and the fairy lights flickered on, casting a warm glow over their little urban oasis, the backyard buzzed with well wishes and joy. Sammy had dozed off in her playpen, with her protective cat Pietro by her side. For now, the little one had no idea what all the excitement was about, but for everyone else, it was the perfect end to a perfect day.
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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thekitsunesiren · 2 years
Alfred has been going to the Fenton family reunion for years even after the friend who initially invited him passed away.
Danny brings a new friend to the family reunion This friend is a new halfa named Jason.
Alfred enjoyed these days. While he enjoyed working for the Wayne family and treated Master Bruce and his children like his own, it was nice to simply get away from all of the madness once and a while. Even he didn't have that much patience.
So when he was mailed an invitation to the Fenton family reunion, he was shocked yet pleasantly surprised. The first person to invite him to the Fenton family reunion was Charles Fenton, an old friend of his and one of the older cousins of the Fenton family. The kind gesture ensured their friendship as they got to know the family he grew up with in the countryside.
Now, years later after his dear friend has passed and he was surely forgotten by the Fenton family, Alfred was surprised that an invitation was delivered to him at Wayne Manor. Well, why should he not go? Of course, Master Bruce and some of the young ones had some worries about the ordeal, but there was no need. Really, Master Bruce? A background check on the family won't be necessary. And no, Master Damian, he won't be need an escort. He doubted there was going to be any trouble in an simple outing.
It took some convincing, but Alfred was soon on his way to Amity Park, with the promise of contacting the family if anything were to happen. The arrival and travel to Amity was simple, as expected. And while he was surprised that the Fenton family had moved to a small town instead of the family cabin he remembered all those years ago. But things can change over the years, so he didn't think much of it.
Arriving to the Fenton house was easy as well. Though, he did find its interior design to be a bit.....interesting to say the least. The UFO on top of the build truly was a hazard. But the thought of it made him think that perhaps Master Tim or Master Damian would enjoy the decor, even for a little bit.
Alfred didn't even have to knock on the door before it was thrown open by a large man with a seemingly even larger grin on his face.
"Alfred! Good to see ya! It's so good that you came!" The man said excitedly, giving an equally excited handshake that left Alfred wondering if this man had some super strength or not. "It was nice to be invited, Jack." Alfred said once he gained his bearings, adjusting himself to look up at the tall male that he had only met once as a small infant. to think that this was the same man all those years ago was truly shocking. "Nonsense!" Jack laughed off, lifting a heavy hand and hitting Alfred on the back of it. "Uncle Charles was a great man," he said, demeanor changing completely as he spoke. "and if he saw you as a friend, then that means he saw you as family, and that's good enough for me." The words were enough to make Alfred smile, a familiar warm feeling flooding his chest at the openness of the man before him. It has been a while since he had heard such words from someone out of the Wayne family and it was greatly appreciated it.
But just like it was there, Jack's somber attitude was replaced with his seemingly normal happy go lucky one. "Well, come on in! We're just waiting on Danny boy and his friend and we can get started!" And just like that, Alfred was welcomed inside and was able to meet the rest of those who were there.
Jack's wife Maddie was a nice woman. Smart, kind and a protective streak to boot. She began to ask about Gotham and possible ghost sightings in the city, but Alfred assured her that while Gotham had many things, they didn't have ghosts. He thinks.
Next was their oldest child Jasmine. Jazz, as she said that she goes by. She seemed to be like a carbon copy of Maddie, though seemed to be more academic than her mother. Was it bad that he began to see a bit of the the younger Wayne family members in them the more he spent time with them?
Then two of the youngest friends were with them. Sam and Tucker. The girl sitting on the couch idly while scrolling on her phone while the boy tinkered with a device that he was unfamiliar with. The way it was shaped, Alfred doubted that it was a phone. A gaming system perhaps? Time went on as Alfred found himself waiting for the last family member while listening to the Fentons speak. They mostly spoke about their interest in hunting ghosts and the type of inventions they made, but it was the reaction of the conversations that made it interesting.
While Jack and Maddie went on about ghosts, Alfred couldn't help but notice the reactions of the three young ones that made him curious.
He watched as Jazz unconsciously grip the book she was reading as her parents talk about how ghosts were basically emotionless menaces to pray on those of the living. The way her eyes narrowed at the pages, Alfred doubted she was reading the book since the conversation started.
Sam and Tucker both reacted in similar ways as the conversation went on. Sam squeezed the phone so tight that her knuckles were turning white, and whatever device Tucker was messing with seemed to become a punching bag with the way he aggressively poked and stabbed at it the longer the conversation went on.
A part of Alfred knew that they were keeping to themselves for Alfred's sake, otherwise they probably would've left from the conversation. But another part of him believed that there was a more personal reason for the three to act in such a way. Perhaps spending all the time with paranoid detectives were rubbing off on him.
As the conversation went on, Alfred was sure the children were about the jump up and argue back, the door opened and announced possibly the missing guest of this reunion.
"There you are, Danny! What took you so long young man?" Maddie asked as she turned her focus to the boy who entered the house, causing Alfred to turn around and take a look as well.
If Alfred was being honest, he looked like a child Master Bruce would scoop up and adopt without a second thought. With black hair that was just short of above the young man's ears, blue eyes that seemed to spark with an unknown drive that made him even more curious. The clothes he wore seemed to just be a bit too big, but the butler was sure he caught sight of some muscle in the movement of the young man's arms as he moved to scratch the back of his neck.
"Yeah, sorry about that," Danny apologized weakly. "it's just a friend of mine didn't have a place to go and I decided to invite him too."
Stepping forward, he looked back and gave a look that Alfred was supposed to be encouraging to whoever was hesitant to coming inside.
The sound of heavy footsteps filled the house and Alfred found himself still with shock at who entered the house. It had been so long that he believed that he was dreaming. It couldn't be who he thought it was, could it?
"Master Jason?"
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agiftfrombelow · 9 months
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Its a new dawn, its a new day, its a new DLC Trailer! And man, there is so much happening in this one, its exciting!!
So my egg theory definitely fell short, but its cute that we can couple up our followers now -all those New Lover pop ups and romance sidequests will not be for naught 🥺
Now, here are some things that I couldn't help but pause and look closely at. To save all our feeds, more under the cut! Because I have a lot of thoughts.
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Frist, Temple Upgrade! Which is such a breath of fresh air, look at those lamb statues and arches. It seems that this interior may also adapt to rituals too, unless it's completely customizable. Shown with the skulls and decor of this moment of a new...cannibalization ritual? (also hi Sozo)
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Though speaking of Rituals! This curious second in the trailer, is rather similar to how the Bishops garner power before we fight them, don't you think? Looking at the eyes of the "sacrifice", and the stabbing animations of the followers. A very costly ritual with at least 5-6 sacrifices.
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Can we make our followers akin to Witnesses? Champions, upgraded demons, or companion characters while we crusade? It would be a useful feature for us, but...it doesn't seem to be a long term asset. Perhaps there's a limit if we do this to the same follower, over, and over, and over again?
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But how do we gain access to such rituals I wonder? Well, it would probably have to do with this nifty triple spiked crown tablet that we find! Likely at a cost of our own HP (or a followers?). Which I imagine may come hand in hand with upgrading our temple building! And that snake ritual we see in the beginning.
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Overall, very interesting content to be had in our next update! I hope that the team has also written a possible narrative for upgrading our temple, getting new tablets, and getting our boy Sozo back.
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terras-domain · 11 months
Trick or Be Tricked
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Characters: Hwang Yeji, Yoo Jimin (Karina)
Tags: Halloween, shrinking, trick or treat, Dungeons & Dragons (DnD) kinda style (?), game master, lowkey story driven, somewhat bi
Note from writer: (HIYAAA ALL! I'm trying a bit of a new format for my smuts so it looks more organized. Plus, I'll be trying to finish this Halloween story before the end of this week, 5th of November 2023. Cheers all and happy Halloween <33)
(just a lil fyi to readers, DnD heavily relies on the dices results, the higher the number, the higher the damage. how much? depends on the one that controls the game aka me :3)
Halloween, that time of year again. Where the self-proclaimed 'spooky' seasons are at. Children running around in costumes, even adults too to celebrate with a well known tradition, trick or treating. Both JYP and SM Ent have proposed a collaboration of the festive season by making a 'trick or treat' event, where two leaders from their respective companies; Yeji and Karina will knocking door to door to greet fans on the occasions. At first it was kind of a fun event, meeting people excited to see them, gifting nice presents and candy, not to mention the children's heart melting wishes for them, making both Yeji and Karina enjoy the day, until they reached the last house in their little event.
For some reason, the production crew was nowhere to be seen when they reached the area of the house, a deserted terrace, well decorated for Halloween. 30 mins goes by and still, nobody there, not to mention the bad reception there. "Maybe they're waiting for us inside?" Yeji suggested, the two leaders both shrugging and though maybe they are already in there. So they walked up to the front door, two knocks on the door from Karina's knuckle as they called out. "Trick or treat~" the two girls were in sync, hoping for a response. The wooden door creaks open as an old man peeks through, checking out who was knocking on his door. "Oh my, visitors!" He exclaimed, shocked to see the both Karina and Yeji stood in front of his front door, not because they're idols but rather because he has nobody knocking on his door, which clearly left the two girls with question marks.
"I thought the crew told the neighborhood about us coming." Karina whispered to Yeji, only for her to just nod in confusion. The old man guided them in, walking into the large interior of the terrace while the oldie kept on going about and talking until they reached the living room; where it was decorated too well for only that man to be living alone. A bonfire well lit and beautiful scenery of beauty and ominous vibe, a coffee table that is filled with jars and boxes of sweets and chocolates. But the thing that caught the eyes of Karina and Yeji weren't the mouthwatering sweets, it's the board game in the center of the table. "Are you a DnD player sir?" Karina asked, which the old man happily nodded and chuckled. "I used to be a game master for my friends back in the day, before they all moved away..." he kept a big smile, but something about him just makes everything so horrific, worse than any other horror movie they've seen.
Both Karina and Yeji sat together at the coffee table, facing the old man as they made some small talk. Eventually they grabbed some of the chocolates from the boxes and jars, and not gonna lie, it was good, until a sudden blurriness covers their eyesight. Yeji smacks the table, coughing as she faced difficulties to breath, and so did Karina. "Nghhh-! What's in that thing?" Yeji asked, looking up to the old man who was silent, smirking as the two girls were looking like they were on the verge of death itself, as if their lungs are shrinking. "Yeji....I can't...breathe" Karina voiced for help, but what can Yeji do? She's in the same boat as her. "Fuuuck....help..." Yeji's defeated voice fades as both her and Karina collapsed, soon everything turns black.
"Huh???" A confused Yeji shook her head, looking around. Karina just got up herself it seems, shaking her head as they looked around. "Where are we?" Karina asked, but the deep stare they gave each other just amplifies their confusion. "Well good morning girls~ welcome- to my WORLD" the old man's voice echoes, introducing himself as The Game Master. "Game Master....board game...DnD! Yeji! We're in a DnD game!" Karina yelped out as a staff suddenly appears in her hands. And so did her appearance change from her usual wear to one that a mage would wear in the medieval shows. And so did Yeji, transforming into what seems to be a knight, with a sword and shield on each hand and a shining silver armor. "Much better! Now, your mission girls...is to amuse me!" The Game Master exclaimed, clapping his hands once as he announced. "I summon, 20 bandits!" His orders turns to a reality, 20 bandits equipped with knives surrounding them.
"Hnggh- guess there's no running here." Yeji grabbed her sword and slashes one of the bandits, no effects happened. "What...?" Yeji, looks puzzled, she was sure to have killed that thing. Yeji's clueless face just made Karina sigh. "I cast fire spell on the 20 bandits" She casted, and with her wand, a gigantic 20-sided dice is shown. as it bounces around it shows the number 17, making Karina smirk. "Bingo." As the dice disappears into thin air fire ignites as 17 of the bandits reduces to ashes, leaving them only to deal with 3 more of those mobs. "OHHHHH~ so that's how you do it" Yeji nodded, starting to understand the game a bit more, it just made Karina shook her head, hiding her laughter despite the dangerous game they're playing.
"I slash the bandit with my sword!" Yeji's commands reappears the dice, rolling it but only casting a 4. It made Yeji's sword didn't make much damage on the bandit, only 2/5 of it's hit points (HP) down. Now, it's the bandits turn. "The bandits will target Yeji, attack her!" Again, the dice reappears, this time rolling 11. Thanks to her outstanding armor, Yeji managed to tank the damages, only losing 4 out of her 15 HP. "Yeji!!" Karina screamed, trying to help her, but she can't. It's Yeji's turn and the only thing she can do is wait and hope Yeji can save herself out of the situation. Yeji's chest moved up and down as she looks at the three bandits surrounding her. Fear in her eyes, scared for own life but as soon as she realized the lustful eyes from the bandits, she find a solution to get her out of this situation.
"Can I attract or seduce the bandits?" the question wasn't answered, instead the dice shows up, rolling. And oh boy, the 20-sided dice shows a 19. Yeji's cat like eyes widen as she stood up, her body starting to move on her own, loosening her armor to show her tight body to the three men. Swaying her body left and right she winked at them. And seems like her seduction is working, looking from the bulges in their pants. Karina's turn got skipped due to the effectiveness of Yeji's seduction. With their pants now off, the 3 bandits now crowd Yeji, grabbing and groping around her soft skin. Yeji couldn't fight back, instead she just moaned in pleasure, getting in the center of attention and all these bandits touching her, she just gave in and kneeled before them, ready to please.
Karina watches how well Yeji controls the situation, both hands getting to work to stroke the bandits and her mouth to pleasure the remaining bandit. "Fuuuuck....", moaned the Game Master from above, looking at how the game he set now changes it's trajectory. Yeji using her pretty and curvy body to weaken her enemies while they take turns using her perfect body features, hands, mouth and even pussy to pleasure themselves. Yeji getting penetrated by two bandits while the other occupies her mouth made her loud moans muffled, turning on an immobile Karina who stood there and watch, using her magic wand to rub the cloth that shields her golden pyramid, as she watches the group of bandits play around with unarmored knight, Yeji. Using her in any way possible, which turns Yeji on more, they started to reach their climax and eventually shooting their seed all over her pretty face, covering her face with their sticky gooey cum. That made the bandits weaker, tired. "NOW, KARINA!"
"Good thinking with there Yeji", Karina giggled, walking with Yeji away from the group of bandits they wiped out with a single blow from Karina's wand. Yeji got back into her armor as they marched forward into the game. The Game Master gave us a mission to find the princess hidden in a tower to beat his game, and beat it they will. Once they reached the gates of the castle, a huge buff man, with an axe, standing 7 feet tall awaits them. "You shall not pass." He claimed, bending his knees ready for battle. The two girls mirrored the giant man's actions as Yeji lunges, screaming her attack. "I slash the Gatekeeper with my blade!" And as usual, the dice roles, this time landing a solid 9. Wasn't enough to take down the brute, but enough to break his axe which was probably gonna cause trouble for them.
Without the axe, the gigantic man was basically defenseless, leaving Karina an easy blow to finish it quick, or so she hoped. "I cast thunder spell" she casted, the dice roles, and my god what luck is it to role a 1 at this time. The lightning bolt struck Yeji, not just taking out half of her HP, but also her paralyzing her for one turn. The giant man now has a chance to strike Karina, who defensively isn't as strong as Yeji. "The Gatekeeper, take her down." The Game Master ordered, the same routine. Dice role, 15, effective. The ogre physique like man manages to plunge Karina on to the wall of the castle entrance. A few quick stares on Karina's tight mage dress made the Gatekeeper smirk, looking up and down. A deep, growling voice then follows as he opens his mouth. "Forget fighting, I have a better plan for you, little one."
With ease, Karina's leggings were ripped by the Gatekeeper's strong hands. Karina's cute squeaks of moans only excite the guard even more, pitching a huge tent underneath her torn pants. With his hands pulling down her top, now revealing Karina's round chest, it made the monstrous human more lustful. One hand groping her soft left chest while the other held her in position so the smaller Karina couldn't run away. "Ngghhhh fuck off you monster" Karina struggled, trying to break free despite her lewd mind from the incident with the bandits and Yeji was still fresh, her wet pussy dripping on the floor. "I don't think you're being honest, sweet mage~" His voice continues to sounds full of lust, enjoying his time moving his fingers to feel the softness of Karina's boobs, which made her so wet and horny, eventually letting out moans of satisfaction. The paralyzed Yeji is suffering the same thing as Karina before, stuck in place, a mere spectator of the scene.
As The Gatekeeper's boner is fully erect, he couldn't contain it any longer. He stopped his pleasuring time of groping and kissing Karina's voluptuous breast, he wants her pussy now. Tearing off his own garment sprung out his large 7 incher, already poking on Karina's tight tummy. Starting slow by rubbing on her belly, The Gatekeeper slowly moves his crotch lower to align it with the gates of Karina's insides. "Admit it. You wanted this, didn't you?" The brute smirked, pausing when he pushed half the tip in, only to tease Karina more. "Y-yes~ I needed this. Please~~ fuck me~!" Karina submissively plead, her horny mind taking over as she voluntarily grind on his cock with hope it can force his meat deeper inside her, and that is exactly what she'll get.
The Gatekeeper now plunges his cock inside, penetrating Karina's tight vagina with all 7 inches inside, making Karina yelp and scream. "Aaaaah~!" A loud sweet moan came out of her mouth, her lungs screaming out both pain and pleasure. Feeling his thick cock ramming in and out of her hole really made it feel like heaven despite the situation they're put in, a death game as the Game Master suggests. Karina didn't care; she's enjoying this, and she won't let this chance go. Having a huge dick ramming her insides so good as she held tight to him, The Gatekeeper can now carry her while thrusting, his hips moving like pistons in her tight hole, precum lubing her insides. "Fuuck cutie~ you sure are tight. I love it" He grunted, more liquids coming out of his penis as his hips thrusts faster, pumping in and out of the now entranced Karina who forgot about her paralyzed colleague, only dick is in her mind, The Gatekeeper's cock as he sucked on her breasts making it more arousing for Karina. It didn't take too long for him to get close though, he wanted to cum quick. "Ngghhhh you slutty mage I wanna cum!" He growled. "Then cum in me you brute. Fucking fill me up!" Karina's words were barely audible from the moans she was making. With a few last thrusts, The Gatekeeper finally shot out his load, finishing himself inside of Karina's tight pussy, filling it with warm cum.
The Gatekeeper cumming too much, he couldn't think much and immediately fainted on the spot, letting Karina and now cured Yeji a free walk into the castle, straight to the princess' room. They knocked on the door, no answer. "Hello? Princess, we're here to rescue you." Yeji asked. Again, no answer. "Well, fuck it we tried Sleeping Beauty." Yeji sighed as he lift her leg up. "I want to kick the door open." Dice rolls as Yeji orders. And lucky enough, an 18 pops out, smashing the door open only to find no princess there. "What the fuck?" Karina and Yeji were in sync as they were filled with question marks. "Muahahahaha you've been tricked you whores!" The Game Master exclaimed, laughing at them. "There was never any princess to begin with. Your actual mission is; please me. Give me a show worthy of your freedom."
"Fucking pervert." Yeji scoffed spiting on the floor as she looked at Karina, already loosening her clothes already, which made Yeji gulp. "W-wait, Rina! We're really following this creep's orders." Yeji's cat-eyes widened, not that she didn't want a taste of Karina's smooth and sweet body, just not for the reason of being watched by the creepy old man. "It's okay Yeji...besides, let's not pretend we didn't want to do this in the first place~" Karina giggled, pulling Yeji by her armor as she threw each piece of one by one before they were soon naked, without a sting attached to them, falling on the bed that is the only furniture in the room.
With Yeji on top, she took the lead by going in for a kiss, striking her tongue inside Karina's mouth. Both leaders were now into it, hugging each other tight as their bodies clash and rubs against one another. "Fuck~ Yeji you have no idea how horny I was watching you getting fucked back there." A moment for air was used to let those words out, making Yeji smirk and want her more. she started biting on Karina's left boob, making Karina squeal in pleasure. Sucking on her boobs while fingering her pussy, Yeji just looked to see the entranced Karina, having the time of her life from having her body pleasured at both of her sensitive points, making her scream louder every moment.
Yeji wanted some pleasure too. So she pulled away and stopped, immediately catching the weak Karina off guard. "Ngh- why'd you stop, Yeji?" She asked, clearly unsatisfied. "It's my turn to feel good baby~" Yeji smirked as she spreads her legs wide, taunting Karina to come to her. Karina, still in heat, followed the Itzy leader's commands and crawled towards her pussy, kissing and sticking her tongue out to lick it, savoring the taste of her wet pussy in her mouth while looking up to her. "Does this feel good Yeji?" She asked, holding on both of Yeji's thighs to put her in place so she can have an easy time eating Yeji while looking up to the cat-eyed girl. "Fuckk~ just like that Rina yes please...more please" Yeji's loud moans fills the room as Karina's mouth worked her magic on Yeji, no wonder she's a mage. A few minutes later, Yeji couldn't hold on any longer. "Baby, I wanna cum with you."
The words that came out of Yeji's pretty mouth never made Karina happier. She understood it immediately as she climbed up, aligning their wet pussies together as they started to grind against each other, making their moans out together, making the empty room supposedly for the princess, now for two princesses of K-pop to scissor each other with their soaking pussies. "Fuuuck Karina you're so wet shiiiit" Yeji exclaimed, a hand grabbing Karina's thigh, both for balance support and to grope her thick thighs. Karina's moaning mess gave no direct reaction, instead she moved her face to Yeji's smooching her as she started to make out with her, slowly they started kissing deeply, suppressing their moans as their wet body fluids from their vaginas squish between each other as they edge closer to their climax. "Yes....yes...yes....MORE! I WANT MORE!" The perverted Game Master sounded like he was enjoying himself, touching himself while watching. "Karina...cum with me~" Yeji plead, her voice being breathy from the tiredness of their adventure, which puts a smile on the thick aespa leader. "Fuck...yeah cum with me Yeji" They went back to loud moans, going faster and rougher on their griding, reaching their climax as they went faster and faster. "Cu-c-CUMMIIIIIING!" The two girls screamed out simultaneously, as a bright light shined the room, blinding the scene.
"Nghhh- Wha?" Yeji opened her eyes, Karina beside her, both back to the clothes they wore for Halloween, THEY'RE BACK! "Yeji, we're back!" The two leaders cheered as they hugged tight, celebrating their liberty from the pervert's game. "Hehehee, that was soooo entertaining." A familiar annoying voice was let out. The 'Game Master', now on his couch with tissues around him and white liquids splattered around him while he's half unconscious. "This fucker." Both Karina and Yeji cracked their knuckles, looking down at the smirking pervert, passed out.
A few bruises and bumps on his face, the police came by to arrest him, guilty of possession of dangerous substances which most likely is responsible for putting Yeji and Karina in that 'game'. "Well, glad that's over." Karina sighed, relieved they got out of the life and death game with no casualties. But a pair of hands were holding her hips, making Karina look back. "Who said we're done? We clearly just got started~" Yeji smirked, her lips travelling to Karina's neck to give it a kiss followed with a soft giggle to her ears. "Oh right...silly me~" Karina snickered, smiling.
"Happy Halloween."
(3150 words)
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moon-alight · 1 year
Hi can I request a K (&team) headcanon when you guys move into youre own appartment and how Would Living with him be like thank you So much ♤♡
Hey! I'll only do the Hyung Line for this one since I cannot imagine the maknae line moving in with someone lol
&Team Hyung-Line moving in with their s/o
Warnings: one mention of sexual intercourse (only slightly), fluff
Word Count: 706
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-Moving in meant some organizing and he did not count on that many clothes coming from you
-Honestly, he was prepared to give you half his closet space but it was clear you needed more so he bought a new closet to store your stuff in
-He often comes home from work at unholy hours like 3 AM or 4 AM and if he sees you on the couch, he both melts as well as gets incredibly annoyed at you
-When you wake up he would say things like "You know the couch isn't comfortable enough to sleep on" or "don't stay up for me, it is not good for you."
-Cares about you a lot but this also means you argue sometimes about the stupidest things
-He just wants you to be safe and happy and you're fed up because he always tries to tell you how you should do things
-You work it out quickly though
-He likes to order food to the house whenever he is not home just so you know he thinks about you
-Will die whenever you cook for him (this man already bought a ring lol)
-Enjoys being able to hold you every night and tell you about his day even though you're already asleep because he came home at 5 AM
-On one hand he is very happy about you moving in with him, on the other hand he is afraid that he's rushing things (so assure him a lot)
-I am a sole believer Fuma is the cleanest from all the &Team members which is why he has organized e-very-thing!
-He even made space on the bed for your stuffed animals (which he finds oh so adorable) and even gave you a welcome home present
-Loves shopping with you for small things to add to your home like plants or plates that are pretty or maybe even a random duck which you put on the fireplace
-He is the one that constantly back-hugs you everywhere around the house.
-Also the one to have fucked you on every surface in the damn house
-Enjoys cleaning days because you're both just annoying one another with bubbles (which is also why he loves doing the dishes together)
-Definetely has one of those doormats outside which says 'home sweet home'
-If ya'll had a dog it would say 'bone sweet bone'
-Just the cutest lol
-The menace of the &Team hyung line members
-Would love to watch horror movies together now that you live in the same house and purposely make you scared so you cuddle up to him more.
-Loves it when he wakes up in your shared bed knowing he can wake up like that forever.
-He was also the one to suggest you two live together in the first place.
-Whenever something breaks and need fixing he tells you not to call the plumber/mechanic/electrician but he can do it himself instead
-Cue to him getting electrocuted and you calling the electrician anyway
-He's very sulky after that but just ignore him
-He would also suggest drinking nights or game nights which involve drinking just so you can spend the next day together hungover
-It is never boring with him but please prevent him from doing shit himself because he will get hurt
-So, so, so excited to finally be able to live with you together
-Takes you to IKEA to buy new furniture and makes you choose whatever you want because he trusts your taste in interior design
-You build the furniture together and absolutely get into countless arguments because of it
-You always make up though and whenever the furniture is done and completely put together, you celebrate with your favorite food.
-Also has a doormat but his one says 'Enter the Upside Down'
-Loves to decorate for halloween or christmas and definitely scares children when it's trick or treat
-He is the second cleanest on my list so expect him to always make sure the sheets on the bed, the dishes and the floor are clean
-Enjoys buying small things for the house with you and has an entire fridge filled with magnets from places he has visited on tour
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plussizefantasia · 11 months
Flufftober Day 27: Decoration
Tony Stark x reader
Word Count: 0.9k
AN: Thank you to @unholyhuntress for letting me know that my post hadn't gone out today. Tumblr deleted my qued posts, I uploaded this as soon as I could.
I can't believe we have less than a week left. As always, Reblogs and Feedback is really appreciated. See y'all tomorrow.
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divider credit @royallaesthetics
On October 1st, you decided that you’d try to play a fun little prank on Tony. You had moved in together a few months before and Halloween was going to be one of the first major holidays that you’d celebrate while living together. It was also the first one that you could decorate for.
Tony was not the one who decorated his suite, he had hired an interior designer to design pretty much the whole compound. And while it looked very nice, it wasn’t very personal. Everything was modern and sleek. Blacks and whites and the same shade of blue ran throughout the entire space. It looked straight out of a magazine, but it didn’t look like a home.
So for Halloween, you decided that you would decorate. Without Tony. But you figured it would be too obvious if you did all the decorating at once. That is why, once a day since the first of the month you’ve taken a piece of decor and replaced it. At first, it was small things, you swapped out a random bowl of rocks that was sitting on the bookshelf with a little foam pumpkin. You swapped the towel hanging in the kitchen and even took down one of the paintings in the living room and swapped it with a framed Friday the 13th movie poster. You swapped out boring white candles for ones in pumpkin jars that smelled like cinnamon apples. 
You figured that Tony would’ve said something by now. At first, it was fun sneaking around and swapping decor, hoping that when Tony noticed it would be a fun laugh, and then the two of you could decorate the rest of the house together. But he hadn’t said anything, he hadn’t even looked at any of the new decor when you two were spending time together.
You didn’t know what to think. Was he just really oblivious? Did he not care? Was he annoyed that you had swapped things but just didn’t want to say anything? You decided that you would pull out the big guns today and hopefully, he would finally say something.
Tony drank a lot of coffee, but he always drank it from the same mug. It was an Iron Man-branded mug that he was given by a little boy when he visited the children’s hospital for a charity event. He cherishes it, he gets grumpy when it's not clean. And you stole it. You replaced it with a mug that looks like a jack-o-lantern. It even lights up.
You camped out by the island counter, perched on one of the stools that surrounded the side sipped from your own ghost-shaped mug, and waited for Tony to emerge from your room and come to the kitchen.
He walked out in a pair of sweatpants and a Black AC/DC tee shirt that had seen better years. A pair of slippers adorned his feet and his hair was still a little wet in front of the shower. He walked past you, placing a kiss in greeting on the side of your head and running his hand across your lower back as he turned the counter of the floating counter and towards the coffee machine. 
You were practically buzzing with excitement as you watched him open the cabinet that held your cups and mugs. He blindly grabbed for the mug that was in the same spot it always was and placed it under the spout that the coffee would come from as soon as the machine finished warming the water. 
As he placed it down though you watched him do a double-take. He shot his head back up to the cabinet and turned his head left and right, scanning all the drinkware inside. He searched for his mug for about a minute before he turned towards you.
“Very funny sweetheart. Where is my mug.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You took another sip out of your own mug.
‘You think I haven't noticed what you’ve been doing?” He asked, walking back around the counter and stopping right in front of you, he took a step forward, forcing your legs apart and sliding in between them. “You think I didn’t notice on day one, that there was a bright orange pumpkin on my bookshelf? You think I haven’t noticed you sneaking around and spookifying my place?” As he questioned you, he pushed his face even closer to yours. You couldn’t really think not when he was so close to you, crowding you being. Filling all of your senses with just him.
“Our place.” was the only response you could come up with.
“Where. Is. My. Mug?” Tony asked, pacing kisses on your lips in between each word. Eventually, he pulled back and you could see the soft smile on his face. Now that he wasn’t the only thing you could see or smell, the rest of your brain started to come back online.
“Wait. You noticed? You noticed and you didn’t say anything? Tones I was seriously beginning to doubt your observational skills.” You were incredulous. He had known the whole time? “Why didn’t you say anything?” You asked him.
“Because you were having so much fun. Sneaking around, thinking you were getting away with it. Sweetheart, you were so happy, I didn’t want to burst your bubble.”
“That is sweet. But I’m not going to lie I’m still a little upset.”
“Well we can’t have that, can we?” He adopted a stupidly handsome pout and looked into your eyes, “What can I do, sweetheart I don’t want you upset.”
You smiled widely. “Well Halloween isn’t for a few more days, and I have a lot more decorations hidden in my office. Help me put them up?” And he did. The two of you spent the rest of the day decorating the suite, watching spooky movies in the background, and laughing together. 
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coquettluvr · 4 months
ajax : heaven and back
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"y/n, come to my party tomorrow evening 8 pm, please cutie?"
- ajax
"im busy tomorrow ajax...."
i lied
i lied because, ajax had a crush on me. but i never really felt the same for him and so i had to decline the invite to his party.
i didn't want him to get his hopes high, because breaking a guy's heart, is the last thing i would want to do.....
but just after a while of me declining his invite, i started getting too many messages.....all at once.
"y/n, why would u decline?" - diluc.
"y/n, don't be so stubborn pls. im sure we'd have fun" - dehya.
"y/n? parties are fun no? i'll pick you up and drop you okay?" - kaeya.
"y/n, ajax is rich. we'd have so much fun, now come on, reschedule your plans" - alhaitham.
ugh. this is why i hate popular guys. they get away with everything. ajax must have asked them to convince me and now everyone is asking me to come to the party.....but i know for a fact that ajax will roam around me and irritate me there by asking me questions.....
i didn't want to go but so many of my friends were requesting me to the point that i couldn't deny.....
and i did feel like i needed a moment to relax myself from the work stress ive been dealing with. maybe going to the party isn't so much of a bad idea i guess?
i take my phone to text ajax even though my heart denied.
"hey ajax....im coming to your party" - me
"sure cutie" - ajax
time skip, tomorrow 5:30 pm
"y/n, what are you wearing tonight? - ajax
"ummm i was thinking of maybe wearing a black slip dress?"
"oh? then i would wear a black suit for you so that we could match eachother, cutie" - ajax.
after about half an hour, kaeya rings up my door bell and allows me in his car to go to ajax's venue and we arrive there together
"heyyyy y/nnie!!!" ajax exclaimed in an excited tone and allowed me to follow him to take a look around his new house.
after a while of me praising his house interior and room decor, i heard Jean calling us around to play a game of truth and dare.
And honestly, i enjoyed that game a lot but.....i knew that ajax was here as well and i would probably get teased by his name constantly. but honestly, i let that slide because i needed to relax myself by this party and not ruin anyone's mood....
but who knew this party could get wayyyy tooooo relaxing?
"21! oh me? awh okay i choose dare" i said....knowing that this dare would not be easy at all, but....i liked to take risks soooo why not ?
"okay y/n, if u could choose one boy from this room to fuck with, who would you choose?" kaeya asks
but as soon as he asked this, alhaitham was quick to correct him "hey kaeya, she chose dare, not truth"
and that's when i knew that i messed up by choosing dare.
and then, amber moves forward and says
"okay, y/n i dare you to have
seven minutes of heaven with ajax
"its a dareee, you have to do it" "comeonnn y/n u gotta do this" "ajax is prob hard rn by thinking of it haha" "it's a dare, u have to follow the rules" "u can't back off now y/n"
everyone starts chanting the same words with the repeated meaning
i think to myself, can they all shut up?
i refused to have those "seven minutes" with ajax, but honestly....rules are rules right? i had to follow them considering the fact that others accepted their dares too.....
ajax holds my hand and we both go into his room together and we could feel the tension building up between us....
"y/n uh i don't know what to say- honestly if you are uncomfortable with the dare, then we can just refuse........orrr if you would like to atleast try being with me? please y/n? ive had a crush on you for so long and i just wish we could get together one day.
if my love is true, then we will"
i could feel ajax sliding his hands around my waist and holding my neck with his other hand.
he pins me up against the wall and starts leaning in closer towards me. i could feel the adrenaline rushing as i wanted to feel his lips on mine so badly....i never thought i could feel this way for ajax but maybe.....maybe his love was true and i could feel it between us, just like he said.
and then. our lips intertwined
his soft lips with his rough kisses really turned me on, too much. and maybe. maybe. in this moment, all i wanted was ajax. and it did feel like "heaven" right now.
the kissing gets more intense as our tongues play with eachother by intertwining and sucking eachother's lips.....
and as our time was running out, his kisses were getting deeper and deeper, and so, my moans were getting louder.
ajax goes lower, towards my neck and starts giving his love bites
"agh- ngh ajax- ah" i moan.
"i can't stop now, y/n...not because i have to complete the dare, but because i can't let go of you and im not in the state to ever let go of you. i love you and these loves bites are a sign of me being yours"
and that's when i realised that ajax is kind of just like my type......dominative and rough actions....but with soft words. i love such men.
and i couldn't deny that i was catching feelings for ajax right now at this moment....
he starts to move his lips towards my chest, and then, he slips my dress's strap and my boobs which were covered with my black lace bra were clearly visible to him.
i could see ajax's erection down there...
he places my one hand on my boobs and starts to kiss and suck it. he then starts to suck my nipples which made me moan because he was getting even more rough and more intense.
ajax couldn't control it anymore and so, he starts to take off his belt and unbutton his pants.....
his dick...i loved his light brown creamy base with lightish pink tip so much. i wanted leave my kiss marks imprint on it.
"get down on your knees y/n" he said in a deep breathy but in a needy voice.
and so. i did.
i lick his tip and kiss it at first which makes him moan loudly in pleasure.
"agh- y/n....i missed you so much."
"aghhh uhmmm mmm y/n, uhh mmh continue it"
i move his dick back and forth before taking it in my mouth and then, after that, i start to suck it.
i take it in my mouth and he lets out soft deep moans...
his moans are so good it's turning me on so badly.
i lick, suck and kiss his dick continuously until our "seven minutes" were over.
he moans loudy "aghh y/n stop omg this agh- uh- mgh- ngh"
his hot cummage was in my mouth and he forced me to swallow it whole
before putting his pants back up, he slid his hands inside my skirt and he kept moving it further upward until he could feel my pussy. he starts to rub on my clit while i moan and enjoy the feeling of it, a little too much.
he continues rubbing it and satisfying me until i reach my limit....i moan and beg for him to stop
"ngh mmh ajax ah-"
these past seven minutes really felt like heaven for both of us
and then. we share one more kiss after it.
"i love you so much y/n. can i be yours now?"
"i love you more ajax, im all yours now"
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chouettecrivaine · 11 months
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yes i paid attention to the poll results this fic is just becoming an absolute UNIT so it took a while. anyway here is the preview for the current wip, as promised!
genshin impact // lyney x reader // gender neutral reader // Capucine is a fic-specific OC think of her as a mentor figure or something to your character milf alert
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The audience's cheers suddenly died down, excited whispers taking their place. Everybody seemed to know what was going on, so Lyney didn't bother to explain as he fiddled with the machine for a moment. In the lull, you leaned over to ask Capucine what was going on.
"I think that's a number generator," She answered, sounding thrilled and nervous all at once. "He's going to pick a volunteer!"
Lyney straightened his posture and struck a practiced pose, gesturing to the machine with one hand. He began to rouse the crowd, teasingly dropping a few hints of what might make him inclined to pick a standout individual himself. After a brief moment, Lynette pressed the button without his permission, allowing him to make a good-spirited remark about how straightforward she was. 
The three numbers spun in a blur, eventually rolling to a stop at different times. The first slot stopped first, showing a large zero.
"Oh! A volunteer from the ground floor it is, then!" People up in the balconies groaned in disappointment. Lyney offered comforting words as the last number rolled to a stop, showing a nine. An aisle seat.
By the time Lyney finally looked back at the machine, the entire number was displayed. He laughed and pointed out into the crowd, drawing imaginary swirls in the air before finally resting his hand while pointing right at you.
If he could see your face in the crowd, he didn't appear phased at all that it was you - but he also didn't look like he planned it. You were too busy shrinking under the stares of everybody else to observe him under much scrutiny. A part of you wanted to decline, but the moment you opened your mouth to do so, the entire auditorium burst into cheers, encouraging you to make your way to the stage. If you tried to say no, your voice would be drowned out for sure.
With no other option, you sighed and stood out of your seat. Capucine gave you two encouraging thumbs up when you looked back, which made you feel a little more confident. Squaring your shoulders, you made your way down the carpeted aisle. Lyney beckoned you ever closer, his smiling widening when you reached the stairs leading up to him.
As soon as you were up the final step, Lynette stepped behind you and ushered you to the middle of the stage without truly touching you. Removing his hat, Lyney bowed deeply and grinned playfully at you. He looked like he was about to say something to you, but a sudden movement in your peripheral vision drew your attention from him as a large box was lowered to the stage. The gilded frame held sparkling maroon panels on each side, catching the light as it came lower and lower before finally resting just above the stage.
“With such a lovely volunteer, this next trick should be a piece of cake.” Lynette breezed behind you as Lyney talked, opening the front panel and revealing a cozy interior with stars dangling from the ceiling and metallic paper decorations in the back. You stared at the swaying decorations from over your shoulder, wary, almost like you expected something to jump out at you.
Lynette placed a hand on your shoulder blade, startling you enough to make you jolt. Her lips barely moved as she whispered to you, “Don’t worry, we’ve recently maxed out security on our audience-centered acts.”
From the corner of your eye, you gave her your most pointed yet subtle glare. Was there something you should have been worried about? You supposed Capucine hadn’t been far off when she accused you of living under a rock. Keeping up with the news wasn’t your highest priority, yet you could tell you were missing something. Lynette kept her cool front, though, and gave an imperceptible nod towards the audience, signaling you to look ahead. The stage lights washed out most of the crowd, save for the faded images of the very front row. Their cheers hadn’t relented, the noise so overpowering you could barely focus on the fact that they were all staring straight at you. 
“Now-” Lyney announced, taking a step to flank your other side. You hadn’t realized he was walking around the box and showing the audience that the box was solid on all sides. “Our newest assistant will step into this box and, at your word, disappear!”
A noise of awe brushed over the crowd. Lyney turned a cheeky smile your way, offering a hand and asking, “Shall we?”
Not knowing what else to do, you turned and grabbed his hand, allowing him to lead you to the box and keep it steady while assisting your step up. All the while, he murmured his instructions softly.
“Don’t be surprised if you feel a little jostling. The box will be lifted off the ground - but not by much! I won’t let anything happen to you,” He explained, leaning his top half into the box after you. “The door will open once when you’re in the air. Once you close it, just make sure your whole body is behind the tape line on the ground. Okay?”
Taking a deep, steadying breath, you glanced around the box without moving your head so the crowd wouldn’t get suspicious. The hardest part would be closing the door, but you’d been assured twice that they wouldn’t let you get injured. You could take being lifted a few feet off the ground with ease. 
When you nodded, Lyney grinned widely. “I knew you were a star. Oh, and we’re trusting you to keep our secret. I’m sure you’ll help us out, right?”
He winked and twirled around before you could answer, addressing the crowd once again with a lengthy preamble. While he kept their attention, Lynette closed the door of the box, sealing you into the darkness with a firm click. Immediately, the noise from outside became muffled, blocked by the solid door. The soundproofing alone boosted your trust in the stability of the contraption. A few moments passed and you stood absolutely still, not wanting to shake the box and distract from Lyney’s crowd work. You heard him call something out and the answering roar of the audience, then the box shook for a moment before you began your ascent.
Unsure, you braced yourself with your palms flat against the sides of the box, focusing on your even breathing. While you weren’t panicked yet, you knew how easy it would be for your threads to unravel if anything went wrong. The rising motion of the box was smooth, safe for the initial jostling, and you had a surprising amount of room with which to orient yourself. Though you had been told that you wouldn’t be held too high, the slow progress made the ride feel eternal. Eventually, you were shaken slightly once more when the box halted. You could feel yourself gently swaying above the stage and took a cautious step back, just in case.
Then, as you were warned, the door swung open wide. You lifted an arm to shield yourself from the bright lights, giving yourself a moment to adjust. One step forward proved that the box was more stable than you thought. Gaining a little more confidence, you took two more steps to the edge of the opening, gripped the side of the frame, and reached for the door handle. The audience was clapping politely for your ‘bravery,’ and you swore for a moment that you hear Capucine above everybody else. As you swung the door shut, you paused for a brief second when you locked eyes with Lyney. He gave you a thumbs up, and you nodded back before shutting the door.
Once again in the secluded darkness, you stepped back until you were pressed against the wall. With the dim light filtering in through the cracks of the door, you saw the strip of tape that you were supposed to stand behind. As the crowd began counting down, you were left to wait.
From the top of the box, a thin panel began slowly falling, the lowering controlled by some gears you could barely hear turning in the wall beside you. The walls were double layered, you realized, to hold the mechanisms - that explained how well they filtered out the noise. The panel landed softly on the floor, and you knew then that the same metallic stars were pasted to the other side, blocking you from view…and giving you the illusion that you’d disappeared.
The only indication that the door had opened was the sudden increase in volume from outside, filled with what you imagined were shocked gasps and conspiratorial whispers. The moment simmered for as long as Lyney held it, allowing their disbelief to be cleared and their astonishment to grow. The audience was eating everything he was feeding them - you didn’t even have to see them to tell. You could hear it in their voices, feel it in the air as plainly as you could feel the clothes on your body. When the spotlight was on him, Lyney was in complete control, from the shows to his image to the people watching on.
Finally, the box was lowered once again and the panel lifted itself up. You stepped into the middle of the box, right where you were before the trick truly started. When the door opened again, the world was flooded in a prickling white light while the crowd shrieked and applauded. The noise washed over you like a wave, all at once before fading into the background. You had preemptively covered your eyes to shield them from the light until a shadow blocked most of it for you. Blinking, you lowered your arm when realized it was Lyney standing in the doorway, haloed in the golden spotlight and holding his hand out to you.
“See? Told you I wouldn’t let anything happen to you,” He said, smiling softly. You felt something lurch in your chest and wished you could blame it on the box settling. Hesitantly, you placed your hand in his, certain that the careful way he curled his fingers around yours was deliberate and soft. Magic and excitement may not have been your usual scene, but you let Lyney pull you into the spotlight anyway for all the theater to see.
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lilacmingi · 7 months
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT interact with me or any of my works
Word count: 1,480
Pairing: White rabbit!Jungkook x fem reader
Note: There’s no taglist for the separate endings. If you haven’t read the series yet, you can find the intro here or find it on my masterlist which is linked at the end of the imagine
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Every single one of them were amazing and beyond perfect, but your heart seemed to be pulled towards one of them in particular.
You thought back to when you saw Jungkook and how he was the first one you met even before falling down the rabbit hole and into Wonderland. Images of him ravishing your neck with kisses brought an intense heat to your cheeks as your eyes drifted over to him.
"You're all certain that you won't get angry?" You inquired before revealing your answer.
"We're sure." Taehyung smiled warmly. "Your happiness is all that matters to us."
"Go ahead. Pick one." Yoongi urged gently.
"I can see you already have someone in mind." Namjoon said. "So just say it."
You nodded and took in a deep breath. "I choose Jungkook."
Jungkook's face lit up and his bunny ears perked as soon as his name left your lips. Unable to contain his excitement, he ran up and embraced you in a night hug, momentarily lifting you off the ground.
"I love you, Y/n. I love you so much." He murmured while rocking the both of you back and forth.
"I love you too."
Lifting his head, he locked eyes with you, tugging your body closer to his.
"We're gonna be so happy together." He whispered as he inched closer to your lips.
As much as you wanted to kiss him, you knew there were six other people standing nearby.
Before you could stop Jungkook on your own, someone cleared their throat, causing him to pull away.
"Save that for the bunny cottage." It was Yoongi that spoke.
"Sorry." The tips of Jungkook's ears turned pink from embarrassment. "I got carried away."
"Well that settles it." Jin smiled warmly. "I suppose we should all go our separate ways."
"We all need to keep in touch." Jimin mentioned.
"I'm having a tea party tomorrow! You all should join." Taehyung piped up.
"You have a tea party every day. What's new?" Yoongi remarked.
"We can always find something else to do together. I promise we won't lose touch. I'll make sure of it." Hoseok assured.
"Me too." Jimin agreed.
"Alright. We should probably let these two get on down the road and stop holding them up." Namjoon said.
The boys pulled both you and Jungkook into an embrace, everyone saying their goodbyes and promising to meet up and stay in contact on a regular basis.
Giving a final wave to the group, you left Jin's castle and started making your way to your new home. Jungkook intertwined his fingers with yours, your feet shuffling along the cracked stone pathway that led away from the towering castle and out into the vast valley of Wonderland.
"You okay?" Jungkook tilted his head cutely.
"Yeah. Just nervous. This is a big change."
"You're happy though, right?"
"Yes. Very happy." You smiled. "It's a big change, but it's one that I'm looking forward to."
"Good. It shouldn't take us very long to get there."
"I'm so excited."
"Me too. I think you'll like it a lot."
A few minutes passed before you came upon a quaint cottage with blue bellflowers planted on either side of the front entrance and small clumps of moss growing on the roof making it look like a fairy cottage from a fantasy book. What you were seeing was nothing like what you had pictured.
Jungkook stepped forward and took it upon himself to open the door for you.
"After you, sweetheart."
The nickname made your heart thump as you kept your composure and stepped inside.
What you saw almost took your breath away. The interior was decorated cozily, setting a warm and comfortable atmosphere that made you feel right at home.
"Did you decorate this place yourself?" You asked, looking around at the small plants scattered about the living room area.
"I did." He grinned proudly.
"It's so beautiful."
"Not as beautiful as you." Jungkook's voice sounded from right beside your ear, his fingers brushing your hair back so he could trail kisses up your neck.
Your eyelids slid closed and you leaned back against him while simultaneously presenting more of your neck so he had more room to ravish you with his soft lips.
"I'm so lucky." He hummed as his hands slid around your waist.
Two weeks later
You stood at the stove flipping the last batch of pancakes, the warm scent wafting into the air and filling the small kitchen. A fond smile colored your features while you pulled cups and plates from the cabinets. You absolutely adored Jungkook's little cottage. It was cute, cozy, and the perfect size for the both of you to live in. The kitchen, though small, was equipped with all the necessities while taking up a minimal amount of space.
You rolled up the sleeves on Jungkook's shirt which you currently donned and plated the pancakes. The white dress shirt you wore fit him perfectly, though it was a little tight around the sleeves due to his massive biceps. However, the garment looked huge on you, the hem of it reaching your mid to upper thigh.
The faint sound of bare feet padding against the hardwood floors reached your ears moments before a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around your waist.
"Good morning." A groggy Jungkook murmured, his morning voice sending a not-so-subtle shiver down your spine.
"Good morning, bun." You reached back to tousle his long hair which was no doubt a mess.
"You made pancakes? That's so sweet of you." He placed a kiss to your cheek.
"It's nothing." You fought back a smile, turning your head just enough to where Jungkook couldn't see you getting flustered.
His strong hands gripped your waist and spun you around to face him. It was then that you took notice of the fact that he didn't have a shirt on, leaving nothing to the imagination.
In the two weeks you had been living with Jungkook, seeing him shirtless wasn't an uncommon sight, but you still managed to get flustered every time you saw his exposed torso. It drove you crazy. His broad chest and tiny waist were always capturing your attention, drawing you in like a magnet.
When your eyes met Jungkook's, he smirked at you. It was then that you realized you were (very obviously) staring at his physique and you had been caught.
"Something catch your eye?" He inquired, quirking a sharp brow.
Your eyes avoided his which made him take your chin between his fingers, turning your gaze back to him. A mixture of desire and adoration swirled behind his darkening eyes.
"What are you staring at, beautiful?" He asked.
You responded with a meek, "Nothing."
"C'mon, darling. You can tell me. I am your boyfriend, after all." He spoke lowly, leaning in so close that you could feel his breath tickling your neck.
"You know what I was staring at." You responded.
He feigned innocence. "No I don't."
You swallowed.
"Why don't you show me?"
That cheeky little comment lit a fire in the pit of your stomach.
Two can play at that game.
Bringing your hand to his upper chest, you placed your palm onto his skin before slowly sliding it down the valley of his chest, one of his bunny ears twitching lightly in response. Your hand moved lower to his stomach, your fingertips trailing over his abs, causing his eyelids to flutter.
"I was staring at all this, big boy." You responded in a sultry tone.
That was all it took to make him snap.
He closed the gap between your faces and attacked your lips with his own, biting harshly at them before taking your bottom lip between his. Your hands flew up to his hair, grabbing handfuls of the long, inky strands, tugging on his locks every once in a while, eliciting small sighs and grunts from him.
Kisses with Jungkook were always dizzying and left you in a haze of bliss. The man was full of passion and never failed to remind you of that.
The tips of your fingers brushed against the base of his bunny ears, causing him to release a sigh into your mouth. Unable to keep them in one place for too long, your hands traveled down along his broad chest and across his torso, feeling every dip and curve of his toned body. In turn, he pressed you against the cabinets, caging your smaller form with his much larger one.
"Jungkook." You sighed out when your lips parted ways, your breaths coming out in shallow huffs.
"Mmm what?" He hummed, kissing you again.
"The pancakes are going to get cold."
"Why have pancakes when I have something sweeter right in front of me?" He murmured, latching his lips to yours once again.
You eventually got around to eating breakfast, just after a long and heated make out session.
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Masterlist ᝰ
DO NOT steal, plagiarize, copy, repost, alter, or translate my works in any way
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awhhhflush · 2 years
The Beginning
Mob!Bucky x Reader, Steve Rogers
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I'd recommend listening to this for this chapter!
Warnings (apply to the whole series): drugging, mafia/gang activity, criminal activity, age gap (reader is over the age of 18), arson, death, murder, coercion/peer pressure (non-sexual), manipulation/brainwashing, parental issues (a.k.a daddy issues), abuse of power.
Summary: When you're forced to move to a new town due to your father's "business trouble," you're likely to be left to fend for yourself, alone, and bored. You should probably try to make some friends.
Your head rests against the window pane of your father's leather adorned S-Class Mercedes Benz, thumping every now and again as he practically raced into the estate. You would have thought he'd take a more secluded approach, perhaps swaying away from using his shiniest car at 75 mph and buying the largest house on the street full in cash. You weren't complaining though. As the car slowed to a halt before the house, your eyes narrowed. This house was smaller than the previous ones - your father must be in serious "business trouble."
Your door opened with a click as you were met with the offer of Matthew's assistance. He was one of your father's favoured men when it came to your protection, but you both know he' hardly get through a staring contest, let alone a fight for your life. You stood, stretching after the 4 hour car drive from Leesville. Exhaustion from being cooped up in the back of the car for so long washed over you like a wave as Matthew lifted your luggage from the boot - one of the many benefits of having burly men working for your father was that you never had to put much effort into doing things for yourself, another being that they could arrange for the house to be fully furnished and cleaned before your arrival.
Your heels clicked against the polished white steps as you reached the front porch, stopping behind your father one of his men unlocked the door for you all. Your parents remained silent as the door was pushed open to reveal the interior of the house. Throughout the entirety of the car journey, your parents hardly spoke a word to one another too, let alone to you. Their love had a soft and strange unspoken nature, one in which many usually mistook for coldness, but your father had always been distant with you anyway. He had wanted a son, an heir to his throne, and as a woman, you could never be such a thing. By the time your mother had healed from your birth, she had grown too old to bear another child safely. Your father didn't detest you, but you knew you'd never live up to what he wanted, and the effect of that knowledge was just as harsh as the former.
As you peered over your parents' shoulders, your eyes widened. Despite the decrease in size compared to your last home, the house was actually gorgeous. The walls were painted a dusted cream, almost sun kissed in a way. The floors were light wood panelling, and the stair case twisted and curved to reach the second floor, which had walls painted a shade ever so slightly darker and warmer in tone than the walls down stairs. The pure and bright interior design was almost curious, considering your father's usual dark and sharp decoration requests. Catching a glimpse of your mother's faint smile told you that this time, the decorating was not per your father's desires, but hers instead. You father's eyes warmed in a way that did so only for his wife as he looked at her. See: unspoken. She needed not to thank him, because the quirk in her lip said enough. You smiled fondly as your eyes looked between your parents, a stab of jealousy rushing through your chest as you wondered where love like that could be found.
When your parents entered the house, you followed behind them eagerly, excited to see what your room would be like. Admittedly, it was a bit embarrassing for a girl of your age and wealth to be living with her parents still, but given your father's work situation, it would be too dangerous for you to live alone, unprotected. Turning to close the door behind you, you momentarily locked eyes with one of the most attractive men you had ever seen. Although he was relatively far away, his features were perfectly defined. His jaw was brushed with the faintest of stubble, his jawline sharp enough to cut open your finger if you dared to touch it. His eyes were a piercing shade of blue, stopping you in your tracks as your grip on the door handle faltered. As your mother called your name, you were snapped back to reality, turning once more to look at the man, leaning against his door frame, hands in his pockets and knitted sweater clinging to his muscles, before closing the door and making your way upstairs.
You hadn't noticed, in your flustered panic, the smirk that fell upon his lips and the darkness that settled in his eyes as he watched you retreat into the house.
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androgynousblackbox · 7 months
Welcome to Hazbin Vale. 3 [Appleradio, Radioapple]
"Good morning to all our dear listeners. Alastor is here to give you the warmest welcome to your favorite radio station. I know you all have great fun around here, I do too! It's nothing but laughter and joy on these parts.
But as part of this valuable medium that we all appreciate even today, on this age of fasting moving and gaudy technology, we must also remember to stay informed! The right kind of informed, where we seek to the truth of the matter without any biases or red tinted sunglasses.
In order to honor that, I bring you a bunch of exciting news. One of them is so important that I have it all on a little envelope with the words "Here. Happy now?" scribbled on top with… just about one of the most hideous handwriting I have ever seen.
I haven't looked at it's interior yet, but it's sitting right at my desk as we speak and I plan to share with all of you. That is the power of journalism in action, dear listener.
Before any of that, though, I would be remiss if I didn't relay to you something that our dear resident Rosie just told me when we were having our weekly breakfast together.
You all remember Rosie, don't you? The lovely, charismatic and oh so charming owner of the chocolate boutique not that far away from our station. It's a beautiful place, but it has always been dragged down by one small issue, one irritating factor that unfortunately ruined the perfect picture.
Unrelated to that, tonight the co-owner of the Chocolate Boutique has passed away. If you ever paid attention to the name on top of the establishment, then you will know who I am talking about. I never did so I don't. I think Rosie call them Claire, I want to say? That is probably close enough.
It was so gruesome too, isn't that funny? Whatever raccoon must have slipped inside of her house at night was truly having a creative mood because they spared no section to decorate it with the insides of Clara. Just not lungs anywhere. I guess that one must have been too tempting to let it go to waste. I can't say that I blame them, good lungs are hard to come by, especially for women that age.
Such a tragedy, listener. Clarissa for years has been the business partner of Rosie. They started it out ten whole years ago, after Rosie was coming out from a particularly bad divorc that later turned out in a rather joyful funeral. Rosie was so focused in trying to get her things sorted out properly that she didn't realize that the term of their contract was giving Clarinette a portion of their earnings that was far bigger she would have liked. But there was nothing to do about it because Clady was the one with the connections, the one who knew the right people and the right numbers to supply for their wonderful treats.
Oh, if only Rosie had found the notebook that she had hiding under her pillow before. It could have save her so many headaches and frustrating nights! Oh, she will insist that they were the best of friends, but you don't do business with friends. You get screwed by them and they expect you to tolerate it with a smiling face. Which Rosie had to do, as the lady that she is, until that raccoon slipped in through the open window in library of the second floor.
Not that me or her would know anything about that though!
In any case, don't bother picking up all the pieces you find. There is no point for her. Claennis already made her bed, so it's only time for her to lay on it. A devastated Rosie informed me that she will be having a party service this afternoon in order to celebrate the life of her death friend, Clarine, and of course everyone is invited to come in. It will also be a sort of re-opening with a new sign outside that contains just her name.
Come enjoy a discount of the 5% on their macaroons, they are absolutely to die for. I recommend the strawberry ones, those are my favorites.
Oh, well. Farewell, Clarisse. We will manage to find the will to keep going with your absense, I am sure of it. Rosie is already taking care of everything you left behind.
She told me that last night when we were having dinner at my house. That was at 20:30, for anyone who cares, around the same time that ravenous raccoon was satisfying it's hunger. Sinking it's teeth on those meaty lungs. Rosie was just telling me how much she loved and respected her friend. Isn't that a espectacular lady, dear listener?
You all know I am not much for parties. I prefer a nice evening with a book and some jazz at my side if I get to choose. But I might make an exception for this one ocassion in order to support a friend. It could be fun! So if any of my dear listener goes, we might shake hands there.
Rosie, dear, if you are hearing, the best of lucks as always.
Meanwhile, I did promised you more than one news today. Here it is. Just let me get that enveloped. I am going to be honest, it's lighter than what I expected, but I am sure that doesn't mean that is any less interesting.
This source of mine is shy, he doesn't like the attention, so he has kindly ask me to keep his name away from crediting for these foundings. He also told me there is nothing too interesting here, but let us be the judges of that.
As many of you would know, on our last transmission I had very valid and justified concerns regarding the identity of our newest resident. In my humble opinion, anyone with two braincells capable of rubbing together would have them too. A rich inventor of toys coming to a small humble little town? Having a daughter? With that stupid perfect hair and that pretentious name? To revive an old and abandoned toy store nobody cared about?
All very suspicious behavior, indeed. I could almost have shivers running down my spine just thinking about it. What could be behind that white smile of his? Drugs? Trafficking? Dog fights?
Maybe trafficked drugged dogs? Oh, listener, I just couldn't dream of letting such a potential dangerous criminal running around in our precious little town. Causing power outages and unwanted static. Not on my watch, no, sir!
So I had someone do a little research. Just to be safe, of course, I would never use it for anything else. That is for the police to care about it. Although why they haven't take care of it now is a valid point of criticism that we aren't indulging in right now. Waste of tax money if I ever saw one.
Wait, shoot, I forgot my glasses. Oh, yes, they there are. Alrighty, let's see.
Name… still the same. Still that joke of a awful name. I guess that makes sense, considering people can just change it. Fine, I will allow it, but what else?
He is a inventor that made a pool able to detect if a kid is drowning and from there is that his fortune started.
Well! There you have it, first strike! What a spoilsport! If parents are not paying attention to their children while they are on the pool, maybe they don't deserve an alarm at all! And with such obviously neglectful parent, those poor children are clearly only going to suffer more in the future! This is doing nothing but prolongue the inevitable. How evil is that?
But wait! He used to have his own toy store back where he comes from. HA! THERE IT IS, I KNEW IT! What happened there, mmm? Did it mysteriously go up in flammes? Did the ensurance company was immediately called, one hand on the phone and the other on the gasoline tank? Was the business not going that hot so you had to turn it up?
It says here that he closed it himself after his wife died. Mmm? Did you now? What happened there, dear old pal? A mysterious disease no doctor could verify? A stabbing on a cold case no one could solve? Did you do it yourself or you paid someone to do it?
Of… pancreatic cancer.
Curious. The same thing that took my mother.
God bless her heart, that was 12 years ago. Has it really been that long already? Yes, 12 years.
I still remember how quickly the disease consumed her like it happened just yesterday.
Well, that… is tragic. It says here that after his wife died, he locked himself up on his mansion… did you had to write mansion, couldn't you just say house, who puts mansion in a report… for five months. According to friends of the family, Lucifer just wanted to get out of there as fast as he could before he could do something that he would regret. Maybe getting back to making the toys they both loved would help, he would say to people.
So he picked this town because when pointing at it with eyes closed in a map. It was a complete coincidence that there was a toy store waiting for him at all.
His daughter is named Charlie, is 3 years old and she likes duckies. There is clipping of a picture in which she posed with her dad for an article about some invention of his. I haven't seen her myself yet, but I can see the resemblance. At least we know that we won't ever need a DNA test to prove their relationship.
She has the same big blue eyes. Poor thing.
There is nothing more about her here. I would hope so, with just 3 years on this earth. Not even I would have made a thick report at that age.
There is a picture of the man in front of his new house during moving day. There are surrounded by a bunch of workers moving furniture and boxes. He doesn't look so tiny holding his daughter and smiling to her.
His hair is still so stupid. It's a little messy, some strands are out of place, but still looks… stupidly, ridiculously perfect. I don't trust a man with a hair that can do that.
Not that damn static again. What even is that? Fine, fine! I will put it down now, okay? It's back on the envelope, along with all the completely useless bunch of information. Is it fine now?
Is it?
But wait, that can't be really it, does it? Just some guy with a tragic backstory? That is it?
Not even a speeding ticket? Some accidental manslaughter? I could even take stealing candy from a baby!
Well, that is no fun! That is just so boring! And here I thought, dear listener, that I was about to make a break through that would be the talk for months to come. But this is so mundane and pathetically sad that now I just feel gross. It's weird, it makes me wish I haven't opened it up at all.
I am so terribly sorry for making you waste your time like this, dear listener. Some gossip has never harmed a fly, but this was maybe a little bit much. I just don't understand why I feel like I want to vomit when seeing this guy. Is my gut wrong? That would be a first.
I guess that goes to show, dear listener: do not trust the media with everything and don't believe everything you hear. Stuff can be a lot more complicated than what they seem at a first glance. Like windows that are opened up at night during pleasant dinners with friends in another house. Or impossibly disgusting shiny hair that doesn't want to keep on place.
My source was the Chief Officer Husk, by the way.
Now, the weather…"
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