#so glad I don't associate myself with them anymore
h00d13d09 · 2 months
Now I understand why a lot of people (casual viewers and stuff) saw b*ddie shippers as obnoxious cuz since I stopped caring about the ship I am experiencing it firsthand 💀💀
My only question is...are they not embarrassed of themselves???
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factual-fantasy · 4 months
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@spiritflower-galaxy (Thank you! :DD)
I'm not getting into cookie run! I don't play the games or know any of the lore. Nor am I particularly motivated to really learn much about it on my own time..
I want to clarify that I just really liked the art style! <:D All the colors and themed characters,, it looked really fun! So I scraped together all the knowledge I needed to make some characters for it and then stopped there..
Now I'm not against people rambling in my ask box and doing all the lore research for me.. 👀💅.. just saying that I'm not going out of my way to learn the cookie run lore on my own time- <XDD
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(Post in question)
I didn't have a name in mind for him, no.. :(( though he might be named something moth related. If I could access my files- I would have shown you that he was meant to have moth wings! :00
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I haven't seen chapter 3 or any of the angst about it.. <:( sorry!
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@taizarack (Post in question)
XDD She really is a goblin. And because she is the most powerful member of the group, no one can really tell her no-
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Daww, thank you!! :DD
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I've thought about that! :0 I just never got around to drawing it <XDD 💔 Some kind of leather pads that they tie to his feet. Kind'a like cursed horseshoes <XDD
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Thank you so much!! 🥰🥰 I wish the same for you!! :}}
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.. well? Does she taste good? :0 I imagine a cookie with tomato and meat in it wouldn't taste the best-- XDD
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:DDD Thank you! :}}
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XD Everything is a 10/10 to her!
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:DD THANK YOU! I'm glad you like what you see! :}}}
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I love the art style! And wow, Bluey?? Bingo?? Who let you two into the radiation cabinet?-- XDD /pos
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Idk if they would necessarily.. bond.? Over their similar traumas?.. but perhaps there would be a level of understanding between them.
Like, if Papyrus has these strange specific fears or habits due to his trauma. No one would know how to handle it, or understand it better than Jevil could.
....Maybe that's exactly what you meant by bonding over their trauma and I'm just dumb-- <XDD
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And how easy it was to dispose of them. Thats haunting XD
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(Post in question)
Thank you! :D And aw, what a shame. I had a lot of fun with that movie :(
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XD Well I'm not into the games exactly-- but thank you! I'm very glad to hear that you like my OCs!! :DDD
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(Post in question)
Aw, I'm really sorry actually. I felt the same way in the end. I felt like having this really creepy and twisted story with Papyrus as the focus was interesting and fun!.. But not giving him any kind of salvation.? That made it not fun anymore. It was just plain sad. :(
And don't worry about the "possible" part. Its totally canon now XD Papyrus canonically gets yoinked from his sad AU and finds peace with his new friends. :)
As for Seam and Jevil, its.. complicated.
They kiiind'a keep him at arms length..? And its mostly due to the trauma they associate with him and the fact they feel so bad for having abandoned him. They just don't know what to say..
But of course, Papyrus has such a big heart. He fully understands that they're not super comfortable around him just yet. So he kindly gives them space and avoids the subject around them.
Not to worry though. Eventually the tension will dissolve and he will build true friendships with the both of them. :)
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Its nice to not have to do any of the research myself I tell you what! XDD
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XDD Ok so the story with that is-- in my Sister Location AU I'm thinking that William Afton is using his circus as a front to go from town to town murdering kids..
What I mean about Funtime Freddy being safe to hug "for now".. is that I haven't fully decided if I want William to murder kids by having the animatronics snatch them up.. Ooorr if he just uses them/the circus as one big lure and distraction and does all the murdering himself.
So far I kiiind'a like the idea that the animatronics are innocent and aren't used as tools to murder kids. But that could change. So Freddy is safe to hug!.. For now.. :)
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If they somehow ended up there they'd probably just hide in the shadows. If it seems safe and they can find food? They'll stay a while! :}
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(Post in question)
Same here! Ngl I was expecting a negative response to those drawings. Considering how insane the movie is- Glad I'm not the only one who had fun with the movie or at least saw its potential! :D
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:DDD THANK YOU!!! I'm so glad you like how I reimagined them!! :}}
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XD I remember that ask, I shall respond to this one with the same images!
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"But you haven’t seen my face before..
(WOW these drawings are old. Bibi isn't even there! <XD💔)
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I wish I actually had anything to tell you XD those 3 characters are a bit underdeveloped--
So far though I've planned that Urchin and Cuttlefish are besties. Think Bratty and Catty from Undertale..? I had plans for Cuttlefish to be an experienced pirate that came from another crew. She somehow became indebted to Seafoam and by the time she paid her debt.. she was really attached to the crew. So she stuck around.
Though with her personality being sly and crafty.. I would expect her to find a way to slip through the crew fingers and escape instead of paying her debt. Soooo that backstory might be given to another character or at least has to be altered in some way..
For Spider Crab I'm playing around with the idea that he is the crews medic. Also I think him, Louis and Octo would be friends. I can see Louis always dragging Spider into doing fun activities with the rest of the crew XD Also Him and Octo are close becuase they both understand/respect each others space... that and Octo isn't loud and obnoxious like Louis is XDD
That's unfortunately all the info those characters have atm.. thank you for taking interest in them though! :DD It makes me very smile :}}
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GASP!! :000 THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :}}} Right back at you!! :DD 👉👉✨✨✨
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imaginarylungfish · 12 days
i'm coming to terms with the fact that, as a child, I was not given a safe environment to be myself. so i learned how to be someone else in order to be loved. i learned how to repress. this showed up as repressing my physical needs because i was so used to repressing my emotional ones. to this day, i have a hard time figuring out when i'm hungry or what i emotions i'm experiencing (which is partly biological, but i can't imagine it all is). i also tend to ignore some pretty big red flags in relationships.
it's really easy to fall in the trap of blaming my parents, grandparents, and uncles for not providing me with the emotional support and guidance i needed as a child. or to hate everything that their religion (catholicism) touches. but i've done that, and while the anger was necessary to let out, it doesn't get me very far.
yes, i do recognize how my family's emotional immaturity, conservatism, and catholicism harmed me, but i now want (and need) to move past that. i can't be mad forever. at least i don't want to be. my parents and guardians did what they thought was right. they were wrong and heartless in some ways, but genuinely kind, accepting, and caring in others. i do think they think they love me, but most of them probably just love the idea of me. regardless if that's true or not, i've learned how to accept the love my family gives, realize it's not enough, and step away.
[a caveat: my mom loves me a whole lot, unconditionally she says. she has helped me through some really tough times while becoming chronically ill in my early twenties. for that, i will see her love for me. however, i have not come out as genderfluid to her for a reason. she's still inside my family's catholic conservative echo chamber. and i don't think i'll ever be able to fully feel her unconditional love for me unless she escapes.]
i used to be so enmeshed and codependent, thinking i needed to provide my family with the daughter, granddaughter, or niece they wanted. but i am not that person.
now, i can see my family as they are: a lost bunch who are so stuck in their ways that they're strangling themselves. growing into adulthood, i've associated love with obligation. i don't want to feel that way anymore. i want love to feel freeing, expansive, light.
i've made the mistake of not wanting to be like my family so much i disregarded the good and helpful traits i was brought up with. but i don't blame myself for that. i needed a time of full rebellion and rejection of them to get to the place i am today.
it's crazy to see queerness be as accepted by people as it is today, even if there is still a long way to go. i can't help but feel such grief when i see parents celebrating their children for being who they are. i wanted that. i didn't get it.
but i'm proud of myself for sticking it out with myself. for being brave. for finding friends and community who affirm and celebrate me. and while i still slip back into repression or self-hate, i know that isn't all that i can feel anymore. i, too, can spread happiness, acceptance, and strength to others. i can experience queer joy.
each year, i become more myself. i wish i could have been me sooner, but i'm glad i'm even able to meet myself in this lifetime at all//
thank you for reading.
and remember, you are beautiful just the way you are 🌈
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lotusarchon · 23 days
I'm gonna take a break from Tumblr for a bit to focus on my AO3, but I'm also gonna lay this all out because I've been in the Lego Monkie Kid fandom for a year and...
Y'all suck so fucking bad it's embarassing.
a huge ass rant down below and fyi, my account my posts smt if you don't like it 🎺
If it's not the disgusting mischaracterization of characters, it's ATTACKING people who don't agree with your 'headcanons', bullying and doxxing people who are actually trying to spread accurate information for shit just because it doesn't fit with YOUR headcanon and soooo much fucking more.
I swear to fucking god, I thought JJK had spoiled and selfish pieces of shit but LMK fandom is winning the award for being the most god awful fandom in existence. You guys are so awful there are times when even I, who usually mind my own fucking business, think about being mean and have to remind myself that I don't associate with you freaks.
Y'all are so disgusting and annoying. Like, don't get me wrong; I do have friends in the fandom who are nice and sweet. And I am glad I joined LMK because if I hadn't, I wouldn't have met them.
Keep in mind; I really do not associate with any fandom I'm in unless it's to read fics or catch up on what I miss. The only reason I actively became aware of the fandom was because some BITCH called me a proshipper for writing stuff for Nezha and Tang Sanzang. I won't deny though; I actually did write nsfw stuff for Bai He, the Bone Demon's host and I do actually regret it to the point I erased ANY fic I had with her because I felt disgusted with myself. Don't get me wrong, I was a piece of dog shit myself back then, but surprise! I learnt from it!
Sadly. The LMK fandom doesn't. At all. Half of you guys are getting offended for culture that's not even your own. Half of you guys are out here crying about the age of a decades old god when there's a literal genocide going on.
Dawg I shouldn't even be stressing myself out but it's come to the point I actively find myself hating this fandom more and more. You guys just SUCK.
It's so bad that I legit want nothing to do with making friends with anyone in this fandom anymore. I've met some people who are really, really sweet and obviously, I don't regret them at all and I'll stay their friend anyway, but the rest of you guys need to take some serious time of the internet and stop being fucking selfish, whiny little bitches.
"But then why are you still in the fandom-" because I like the characters. I like the show. I like the storytelling. I'll still love it regardless of how season 5 looks. I'm not a disgusting, selfish fan that wants to quit just because the animation has changed from a TRAILER VIEW ALONE. And at least I'm not going out of my way to send death threats to anyone, you fucking dipshits.
I've been in so many fandoms but god. God LMK makes me so mad. Thinking about you guys legit drives me insane because again; do any of y'all really give a fuck or do you just decide to watch the show because you sexualize the characters, have zero understanding of the story or the characters themselves, and decide that just because you're read Journey to the West, you're suddenly a HUGE expert in Chinese mythology.
Y'all cannot be serious. I've had people tell me, "W-well, you shouldn't write about the Monk that's disrespectful 😖". Okay then stop writing for Sun Wukong, you're being hella disrespectful too don't you think?? What about some of you who'll lose your shit because an OC, AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER is inspired/heavily references by an actual god because it's "disrespectful" my brother in Christ in what way is it disrespectful it's a reference and it's not the first time people have referenced deities for shows and other pieces of media. I get it if someone refers to the actual deities and figures of a religion and sexualize them, I can understand that. I grew up in a Hindu home and if someone told me Kali or Sita is sexy and doesn't refer to any piece of media but the actual deity themselves I'd be disgusted too (even if I'm atheist tbh).
But like. Duh. It's obvious people are separating the characters in the fucking show from the guys in the original. Shut the fuck up. If someone who's actually part of that culture isn't offended, then why the fuck are you?? What gives YOU the right to tell someone "well, you shouldn't reference this [god] for an oc it's not okay, and also it's not really accurate at all 😖" like. Dude. Let people have fun. Mind your fucking business and move on.
I'm not even gonna start on the Nezha age bullshit, nor even how everyone just sexualizes Wukong and especially Macaque and sees them (specifically Macaque) as these innocent uwu boys who did NOTHING wrong.
And don't even bring in the fact I write nsfw about them too, because news fucking flash; at least I try to understand their characters properly instead of fucking dumbing them down to basic sexy guy and nothing fucking else.
This fandom is so bad I feel like I've become toxic BEING around y'all. Dudes it wouldn't kill any of you to touch some fucking grass, eww.
I seriously cannot try to befriend anyone else on this fandom anymore because I know I'm going to run into someone who acts like this and I personally do not have the mindset to deal with them one bit. I actually have, in fact, run into people like this as a matter of fact which is why I genuinely got rid of some of them because; I'm gonna be honest. We will never see eye to eye, and I'm not that horrible I'd hate on you for your weird ass views. I'm blocking you and moving on, that's all there is to it.
At this point, I'm staying because the only good thing about this show IS the fucking show. The fandom is a bunch of sore losers probably over the age of 20 who need to actually do fact chects and understand media literacy before deciding they're suddenly fucking know it alls. I probably don't really care for anyone younger than that because I'm certain some of you just get influenced easily and well 🧍 not my responsibility, idc.
And I'm not really sorry when I say I really do hope there comes a point where you fucking freaks are the only ones left of humanity and an AI puts you all through hell and back out of the immense hatred for you because that's what you guys deserve.
FUCK you guys. All of you in this fandom. I don't like AM from IHNMAIMS but when I think of the LMK fandom I wonder if being a robot isn't such a bad idea after all.
I really tried giving this fandom a second chance. I really did. Inevitably. Y'all are horrible. God awful people that seriously should get off the internet and touch some grass smh
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blackbackedjackal · 1 year
I miss the more spiritual/solemn aspects of vulture culture. I understand that we all have different philosophies, but I wish more vultures saw animal remains as the individuals they were in life. I don't actively collect animal remains anymore, I only pick them up when I happen upon them, and I feel like it gives me a different kind of appreciation for the animals. I can take the time to get to know each pelt and skull.
I don't know if you remember, but I DM'ed you a few years ago to ask for some spiritual guidance regarding a cat pelt. Your considerate and serious reply stuck with me and it ended up changing the path I was on. I no longer think of myself as a collector, but more of a guardian of these animals. And I just want to thank you for that
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Here are a few of my charges - the aforementioned cat, Skjald, Vili the fox, Þrúðr the roe deer, Þjálfi the roe deer, Víðarr the fox, and Röskva the roe deer (featuring some of my late stick insects)
Though I definitely won't blame you for taking a step back, I just want you to know that your presence in the vulture culture community has mattered. Thank you :)
This just made me feel so incredibly happy ;A; !!!
Due to some uncomfortable questions I was getting in my inbox, I stopped talking about my spiritual practices online. It was something I came to independently and incorporated as part of my daily life, so I wasn't really keen on people asking really intrusive questions about my practices. I'm Kemetic, I work with Anpu/Yineput and Bastet and animal preservation is a big part of that. All the animals I work on are done to honor Anpu and that's something that brings me a lot of joy while working. I still bond with all the critters I bring into my home. Taking pictures and sharing their stories, restoring and cleaning them, and just spending time with each one to remember and honor that animal's life. Research became and extension of that. The more I learned about pathologies, genetics, anthropology, and human's relationships with various species, the more I wanted to find ways to utilize my collection for public education and to aid with conservation efforts. It just became very important for me to give back to the remains that taught me so much.
I do remember and I'm very glad to have helped! My taxidermy mentor when I got started was so kind and helpful and she taught me so much. She's still very much a role model to me and from the beginning and I wanted to share my love for the craft the way she shared her passion with me. I'm at the point where I know I want to move on into a professional role, and don't want to be associated with a community I feel has become far less caring about animals then it used to be. It's not everyone, just a loud minority from what I've seen. It's the disgusting actions and attitudes towards animals and animal remains that I can't stand to be associated with in any capacity, and the offenses are happening more frequently and without reprimand. I'm at my limit and I know it'll be better for me going forward to distance myself.
I really can see how much love has gone into your collection. I don't wanna get too sappy but looking at your photos just makes me fell very happy ;o;
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bluelolblue · 4 months
Happy birthday @evren-sadwrn ! I wrote this fanfic with Santino and Vincent for you! I'm really glad we became moots and I love yapping about JW characters with you (especially abt Santino) so I wanted to show you that I really appreciate you! This is my gift for you! 💖
The Roses
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I hope you'll like it! Sending hugs! <3
So many different flowers grew in the garden. Especially roses. The D'Antonio family is fond of flowers but the roses are among the favorites.
Santino watched those roses through the window of his bedroom, they're beautiful to him, they have a special place in his heart. He used to plant them with his mother when he was a little boy.
He heard a familiar voice behind him.
"Vincent." Santino smiled as he saw him. "How are you, mon chéri?" Vincent hugged him, gently going through his hair from behind. Santino was a bit suprised to see him since he always let's him know that he's gonna come over.
"I'm okay. Thank you." Santino murmured, finding the hug rather comforting.
After the hug, Vincent pressed a gentle kiss on top of Santino's head, murmuring something in French as they sat on the edge of the bed.
"Are you okay? I heard you got hurt, too." Santino said, glancing him but Vincent seemed just fine. "Ah, nothing serious. Couple of bruises that's all." Vincent said, looking down at the floor before looking back at him.
"I'm sorry that happened, Santi. I did told you not to do that, didn't I? I didn't want you to get hurt." Vincent had a talk with some of his potential new associates but things kinda didn't go as planned and it got worse when Santino tried to help.
He ended up being hurt. Beaten up, calling out Vincent's name for help. However, Vincent didn't show up to save him.
"I know...I'm sorry-" Santino apologized but Vincent caressed his cheek, making eye contact with him. "No, don't apologize. It was my fault. And I didn't hear you calling me...I'm so sorry, Santi. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." He said softly and pressed few kisses on his forhead while he held Santino's hands.
"You got hurt, too. I just..." Santino paused and sighed, looking to the side. "I didn't know who else to call out." He felt ashamed to admit to be this weak, but he had no reasons to feel ashamed in front of Vincent, right? They're dating after all.
"I should've been there for you, I'll never forgive myself that-" Vincent started to almost panic while saying all this, but Santino cupped his cheeks and pulled him into a kiss. A soft kiss on the lips. "I'm okay, I'm here, I survived it." Santino said softly, looking into Vincent's eyes.
Vincent nodded, taking a hold of Santino's hands and pulling them down as he held them. "I'm so glad you're okay." Vincent said and pressed a deep long kiss on Santino's lips.
Santino moaned softly into in the kiss, finding it difficult to even breathe when Vincent was kissing him like this. It got more passionate, with Vincent forcing his tongue into his mouth, eating him alive. And Santino was lost into the kiss just like always.
"I'll make it up to you, miel." Vincent whispered against his lips, wiping off saliva that was on the side of Santino's mouth. Santino sighed shakily and nodded, looking at him sympathetically. No. It was more in in a needy, admiring way. Just like he always looks at him when Vincent kisses him.
"Can I see your wounds, please?" Vincent asked after a minute. Santino blinked, snapping back to reality. "Yes...but they're just bruises." Santino said and started unbuttoning his shirt. Vincent helped him get it off, sliding it down his arms.
Santino's body had bruises of various colors. Some were more darker purple than the others. Over his torso, ribs and on his back. Vincent gently traced his fingers over each one, pressing gentle kisses on Santino's shoulders as he winced couple of times.
"They don't hurt as much anymore, they're healing already." Santino said, feeling Vincent's lips on the back of his neck. He was studying Santino's bruises on his back.
"I'm going to kill them, miel. I'll do it myself." Vincent said, actually sounding serious about it. Santino chuckled breathlessly, "I'd love to see that."
"I know you would." Vincent purred, smirking when Santino turned his head inviting him for another kiss. Hugging him from behind, kissing him deeply again, Vincent hummed before pulling from the kiss.
"Santi...if you need anything, let me know. Really, just tell me whatever you need." He said after the kiss and Santino put on his shirt again. "Well...I'd like to spend more time with you. You're here now so...would you stay a little longer?" Santino felt like he needed to stay closer to him. He needed some comfort.
"I'd love to...however I can stay only for half an hour. I have another business talk...is that okay?" Vincent offered. "More than okay." Santino smiled.
That half an hour went by quickly. They drank some coffee, talked a bit, cuddled, kissed...and that's it.
Santino wished Vincent had more time for him. Especially now. But he understands.
"I'm sorry, miel. I promise I'll make it up for you." Vincent said, fixing his suit, looking himself in the mirror. "Be good and drink painkillers, chéri." He said as he kissed him one last time. "I will." Santino smiled and nodded.
And Santino was left alone, again. Oh well, he at least got to see and be with him today.
As the week went by, Vincent would visit him sometimes, talk with him, how he's doing, just like he came the first time. But each time he would be more flirty, more touchy.
Until he offered something.
"How about..." Vincent paused, smirking as he fixed his tie and looked at Santino. "Tonight we spend time together? I have some free time then...what do you say?"
Ah, so he wanted that.
"Sure. I'm looking forward." Santino said, feeling himself blushing. Vincent chuckled quietly and leaned to whisper to him. "I hope you'll be in better shape by then. I don't want you to get even more hurt." That made Santino almost shiver.
"Don't worry about that." Santino said, feeling confident about it. Vincent nodded, "Good. See you in couple of hours, chéri."
Santino couldn't wait. He's gonna be with him again. He's gonna spend another night with him. No matter how much he got hurt he's willing to do this for Vincent.
Vincent's looking out for him. He cares. He loves him. He came to visit him to see how he's doing.
Waiting like for Vincent like a lost little puppy. Waiting for his attention. Hopelessly following him, his orders, desperately begging for love.
Santino went outside to look at the roses and to get some fresh air. It was evening, Vincent should be here any minute. The red roses bloomed beautifully, the right not too bring and not too dark red color.
Soon after, Vincent showed up. Finally. He's here again. For him. With him.
While Santino wanted this to be more romantic, he had some red wine prepared in the bedroom for them, Vincent just wanted to get to the point.
It seemed a little bit odd to Santino but he didn't want to question it, Vincent's here for him now and that's all that matters.
While taking Vincent's clothes off, he noticed that there were no bruises or anything on his pale skin. But it's impossible for bruises to fade that quickly.
"You alright, chéri?" Vincent asked as he noticed Santino kinda looking wordlessly at his body. Santino quickly looked up at him, chuckling softly before answering. "Yes. Sorry, I zoned out." Santino said, giving him a soft smile.
He didn't want to question anything now. He didn't want to ruin the mood.
"It's okay. Relax, miel." Vincent purred, kissing him and pulling him down with him. He let Santino have control tonight.
It was one of the best moments they shared. Santino on top of him, fucking him. He was rather gentle at first because he wanted to be...and because when he strained with few harder thrusts, his legs hurt.
But Vincent didn't really care about that. He just kept praising him, gripping his hair, moaning his name. Santino loved it. Loved every minute of it.
It seemed like hours, and they both wished it didn't end, this feeling.
Vincent gasped, gripping onto Santino's back, onto one of his worse bruises which made Santino whimper and cry out a moan. But fuck, it added to the excitement of this.
Vincent came first, moaning Santino's name and gripping tightly onto his hair and back. It hurt. That bruise hurt and Santino gasped a moan, feeling a weird feeling of pain and pleasure.
It didn't took him long to finish. To finish inside him, coming with a strangled moan, panting into Vincent's neck.
"Good boy, Santi. You did so good for me."
Vincent praised him, gently stroking his back, yet probably unaware of the pain he caused him. Or he was aware since he caressed that part.
Santino caught his breath enough to pull out and flop next to him. Groaning quietly in pain as the bruise just got more irritated. "Aw, did I hurt you?" Vincent asked, more in a teasing way rather than caring. "No..." Santino breathed out, closing his eyes to regain himself.
Vincent chuckled, he's proud of himself. Just like always.
After some time, Santino resting his head on Vincent's shoulders. "You don't have any bruises..." He muttered. "Hm? Ah, I suppose I have better immune system than you, miel." Vincent said and caressed his cheek. Santino hummed in response. Too tired to question anything more.
But it was strange. Maybe Vincent does have a better immune system.
"I think I strained myself too much..." Santino said and whimpered as he stretched a little. "Aww, you just need rest, chéri." Vincent chuckled.
He does need rest after this. His whole body ached even more.
After few days, Santino recovered quickly from the bruises and his body didn't ache as much anymore.
Yet, Vincent wasn't visiting him that often. He only came by twice in this week. But he enjoyed those two times.
So to suprise him and show him his appreciation for him, Santino cut three of the red roses from his garden and went to visit him himself.
Ah, Vincent was on the phone with someone when he came to visit.
"Santi?" Vincent asked once he finished his phone call, looking a bit puzzled at him. "I um, I hope I'm not interrupting anything...I just..." Santino got a bit nervous of course, thinking maybe it's not the best time.
"These are for you. I really appreciate everything you've done for me for the past two weeks...thank you, Vincent." Santino said, blushing and showing Vincent the roses. Vincent blinked, looking from the roses to him and then just kinda chuckled and took them.
"Thank you, chéri. They're very pretty." He said and leaned to kiss him. "Ah, you didn't have to. I was just worried about you so I had to see how you're doing." Vincent smiled at him.
Santino huffed a nervous small laugh before answering, "I still feel like I need to show you how much you mean to me. And...these roses are from my garden...three red roses." He just knew he looked absolutely flustered and it's something Vincent loves.
"You're so cute like this. Ah, my little Santi." Vincent purred and caressed his face. The way Santino was looking at him with admiration and love...it's cute. But almost pathetic to Vincent.
"I'll put them in the vase on my table so I can look at them every day and think of you."
Santino was never this much happy before. And Vincent could see that, see that spark in his eyes. He has him now.
"I'm glad you like them. Roses have beautiful meanings. Every color has. And...red means love." Santino said, tugging onto Vincent's tie once Vincent put the roses in the vase.
"I know, miel. Red ones are my favorite." He leaned to kiss him. A passionate kiss, getting Santino on his other desk and kissing him some more.
Three red roses. Love.
Another day passed. Santino was obsessively thinking about Vincent.
Then another day. Santino obsessively thinking about him again. And again. And again. And a week passed. Only texting each other.
A rainy day arrived. Santino returned from his meeting.
Going to his bedroom he was met with a letter and one single blue rose.
The letter said:
"I'm sorry for not seeing you this week, chéri. I'm really busy. However I do think about you every single day and wish you're next to me. Please take this blue rose that I send for you as my apology for not seeing you. I know you love the blue color and it was difficult to find a blue rose but you know me, I always manage everything. Hope to see you soon. Love you, miel."
It was written in Vincent's handwriting.
A blue rose? Santino has never seen a blue rose before.
"It's very pretty." He said to himself, smiling as he held the rose. A nice almost like royal blue color. "I wonder what it means."
One single blue rose.
Something's not right here. One part of Santino felt that.
Blue rose.
Mystery, they don't exist in the nature, they're hard to create.
Vincent didn't help Santino when he was calling him for help. He did heard him.
He heard him calling out for him.
He ignored him.
Vincent was fine. He wasn't hurt.
He doesn't have any bruises on his body.
Blue rose.
Unrequited love. If you love someone but you know that it can't be. A love that...can't be.
Three red roses compared to one blue rose.
True love and unrequited love.
It cannot be.
"I really love the blue rose, Vincent. Thank you. I love you."
"Always, Santi. Love you, too"
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xyl4-4444 · 3 months
Goodbye Mandela Catalogue community
I am writing this post in light of recent (now proven to be false, READ THE EDIT DIPSHIT) accusations against the creator of the series that I (as a once fanartist) have made the decision to fully abandon TMC fandom altogether, this means that there will be no new artworks, no reblogs of my older works, no slight interaction with fan content from other people, NOTHING.
Which yeah, as someone who has gotten fame from it on this site (and good memories for that matter) , it fucking sucks. It sucks that the creator of a certain thing that you once loved, turned out to be a rotten, piece-of-shit person, it just sucks.
If you're here to like my posts related to it, it's up to you if you wanna stay here longer (assuming you don't support him), but if you continue to support him and everything he stands for after the callout doc came out, then GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY BLOG!!! DON'T INTERACT WITH ME, AT ALL!!! Infact, you can feel free to block me if you want to.
At the end of the day, we have to accept that a big and pretty impactful creator, who we considered as an idol to us, is very likely to become a horrible person in one way or another. It's an inevitable fate, yeah.. We've seen this before, and it will happen again in the future and there's nothing we can do besides calling then out on their behaviour and listen to the victims...
Those 3 paragraphs above are now outdated as SHIT, DO NOT READ THESE... But alas.. It's time for me to move on from this..
EDIT (31/03/2024): Turns out, Alex Kister was proven innocent and the accusations in the doc are FALSE.... so I take back what I just wrote in paragraph 2-4 don't read these. They aged like an absolutely SPOILED MILK. Still I'm not gonna associate myself with this fandom anymore due to the life-ruining, yet fake accusations V3n threw onto Alex out of nowhere. They've ruined my enjoyment of this series and being in the fandom in general >:|.
I'm kinda glad I didn't delete my fanart works, but still I'm not reblogging them anyway I wanna move on.
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bonesandthebees · 4 months
You know, I'm actually in a really weird spot about the situation. I haven't had significant mcyt brainrot in a while although the life series took over my brain during secret life. I've been into Persona again because P3R dropped, so I was almost completely disconnected.
But I've watched Shubble for seven years. I adore her. I watched him for maybe four years now, and while he was entertaining, I don't have the same nostalgia associated with him beyond the dsmp storytelling and the SBI gang.
Then Techno's bit happened, and well, SBI became a bit of a relic of the past. I love them still. It's just not the same anymore.
And then since I haven't had significant brainrot in such a long time, my only source of his presence at all was through your fics. Which is so important to mention because you're writing the character, not the person. And that's why I'm not as affected. I consider myself lucky.
Abuse is a horrible, horrible thing and I would never wish that on anyone. I feel terrible that Shubble had to endure all that. I hope she is doing better now. That is all that matters, supporting her. The dude can screw himself, the details do not paint a pretty picture for him.
I'm honestly glad you're not that badly affected by it snowflake! it does mean a lot hearing my fics were your main source of sbi content and all that, I'm always so happy to know you're still around
and you're right, what matters more than anything rn is supporting shubble. they've said they're doing a lot better and I am so happy for her. I hope she can move on completely with all of this behind her.
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bluegekk0 · 8 months
bit of a ramble incoming, feel free to ignore. i'll put it under a read more thing in case it gets long
i think i've reached a point where i made such a specific image of the au characters in my head that i can't enjoy them outside of it anymore. like, it's really hard for me to separate the two, if i hear "grimm" i think of the au grimm, it's hard to think of him outside of the au context. idk if i'm making sense
but weirdly enough i'm kind of glad that's the case? i can definitely feel my interest in the game and especially fan content slipping away, and i would've likely moved on to something else by now. but i love the au, i love it so much, i still think about it daily and all of the lore and personalities i made for these characters keeps me going
i guess feeling uncomfortable with some ships or headcanons because of how strongly i associate the characters with my versions is something i just have to live with. usually it's not bad, it's quite easy to ignore it since i don't specifically go looking for hk fanart and fanfics these days. i guess what bothers me the most is when people leave that kinda stuff under my art. y'know the usual pk discourse and jokes kind of comments especially. it's unavoidable, and i can't blame people for not knowing all of the lore of my au, but i think that's the most irritating and upsetting part of all of this. it's the reason why i stopped posting as much art in some spaces, all the jokes about pk killing children real get old, and a bit upsetting whenever they're targeted at fpk (since the whole thing is so much more nuanced in the au)
in some ways i also feel like i alienated myself a little. i'm so deep in the grimm x fpk rabbit hole that i don't have much in common with people who stick to wyrmroot. hell, the way i wrote wl in the au kind of makes me dislike her (as a person, that is. i still think she's a cool character, i just made her a bit of a shitty person since i kinda like her as the more unpleasant of the two. the cold and uncaring tree being), and i feel like a lot of those people wouldn't like what i've done with it. same goes for hornet and all the headcanons and interpretations where she hates her father. i see where those come from, but i kind of feel like an outlier with how i portray her in the au. and of course there's fpk himself. i don't have to tell you how much he differs from your usual pk interpretations. but he means so much to me that i genuinely can't see him any other way
that being said, i love the au too much to stop because of any of this, and the fact that there are people who enjoy it gives me another reason to keep going. it's my comfort au, and i'm so, so glad i can share that feeling with you all, and reveal more about it as i write it. i've never been so invested in anything before, not to this extent, so it makes me so happy that there is an audience that supports it. i love you guys so much, you have no idea. i can't thank you enough
honestly i don't know what point i'm trying to make here. i just wanted to put it into words, i suppose. i may have already mentioned some of this before, but it's still constantly on my mind and i wanted to get it out of my system. but again, thank you guys for still being here. it means so much to me
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autistichalsin · 8 months
11 or 22 for Halsin/Your Personal TavDurge for the meme, maybe? But if an origin character slips in your head for this, I'd still love to read it!
I actually don't have a Tav or a Durge- I haven't gotten to play yet, and even when I do I find the Origins much more interesting than making an OC. (I do love seeing others' Tavs and Durges! I just don't think I'd like to make one). BUT, I think this prompt works best for a resisting Durge all the same, so I'm going to... sort of... write what I hope is the best approximation to everyone else's resisting!Durge?
Also, there be hurt/comfort here because I don't think I am capable of not whumping Halsin in my fics.
And Durge isn't named here. I have this headcanon that after the temple, a resisting Durge doesn't want to be known as their old name anymore, but hasn't chosen a new one yet (but they eventually pick one with help from their LI.)
I hope this is okay!
"You came back." Halsin stares in shock from his spot on the altar, still stuck in place by the lock and still very weak, but at least conscious- and able to talk. "... Thanks to our skeletal companion, no doubt..." He gives a little smile. "You came back to us..."
The Bhaalspawn stands, wiping the blood off their front as best they can. A few weeks ago, they might have relished being covered in another's blood, but that had been another lifetime.
"Yes," they whisper as they give up on removing the bloodstains. They approach Halsin, kneel down to remove the magic bindings. "I could hardly leave you alone with old Withers, could I?"
Halsin laughs, and then grimaces, breaking into a fit of coughs. The sound makes the Bhaalspawn's eyes narrow as he they approach Halsin. "What did Orin do to you?" they demand in a low hiss, concern and anger clear on their face now.
Freed at last, Halsin holds up his hands in a placating gesture. "Nothing a healing potion will not fix. I simply... this place... is making me unwell," he admits, coughing and rubbing his side.
"Then we will get you to camp, and when we arrive, you will take that potion at once," they reply, doing their best to help Halsin up. Halsin is significantly weakened, though, and he struggles to remain upright.
Halsin's eyes close in exhaustion before he opens them. "... You came back," he whispers again, like he can't believe it. "I watched the foul... that..." He inhales slowly. "I could not have imagined resurrection was possible after that."
"I was much more worried about you." The admission comes before they can stop it. "I thought at any moment, she'd fly into a rage and..."
"But she did not." Halsin closes his eyes again, leaning more of his body weight against them with every step. "We are both here."
"Yes," they say softly. "And I am glad for it. I could not do this without you." They stroke Halsin's back, their hand lingering so they can feel every inhalation.
"Nor could I. This... I cannot imagine being without your presence." Halsin smiles a little. "You reminded me... who I was."
"And you believed in me when few did, and helped me discover a version of myself I never could have been otherwise," they whisper in response. "You saved me from madness."
"And you saved me from darkness. Me, and Thaniel and Oliver." Halsin smiles again, despite the exhaustion.
They chuckle as they manage to finally guide Halsin from the sanctum. "I have no other choice but to use that cliche 'we saved each other' line now."
Halsin nods. "That would be appropriate here, yes," he whispers. He glances back, looks at Orin's body, and the associated puddles of blood on the altar, and watches as Withers finally follows after them. "I suppose we will be unable to complain about his comments on our love life either, after all he has just done for us..."
They smile a little. "Yes, that is true. As I said... I could not abandon you to him."
Halsin takes a breath, one hand holding his sore chest. "Most kind of you. It would be the most cruel fate of all, surviving being a sacrifice to Bhaal only to lose you..." A pause, like Halsin had forgotten the joke. "And to be left with those prying comments."
Understanding, they kiss Halsin's cheek. "I'm alright. And so are you," they whisper again, knowing that they will have a lot of reassuring to do over the next few days as they process what happened- and find their way forwards together.
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vaspider · 2 years
Had an experience last week that lines up with stuff I think I've seen you talk about before and stuff that definitely falls within your wheelhouse so to speak.
I just got back from gay summer camp (covid vaccine required, masks required indoors, everyone covid tested upon arrival before being allowed near other people.) And I really saw just how striking the difference in knowledge of recent queer history between age groups.
This camp is open for ages 11-24 and cabins are sorted by age rather then gender or anything. So the people you spend the most time with are around your age. I'm 24 so my cabin was everyone 22-24, and I remember at one point we were talking about dating/hookups/etc. and someone said something along the lines of 'just hope they don't gay panic and kill you'. Meanwhile a few hours later during a full camp event someone from the 18-21 year old cabin told me that I "caused gay panic" by wearing leather and jokingly calling myself daddy. I had a split second of 😬 before it fully processed.
It just seems so odd that the very next age bracket down doesn't have that same association. It just really made me wonder where that change happened, when most of the 22-24 year olds understand that as the legal defense, while most of the 18-21s understand it as "im gay and panicking".
Similarly I was in a workshop at camp that was a discussion on hiv prevention and treatment. As we went through the discussion, for the most part it was those of us on the older end of the group who knew what hiv is, how it's transmitted, what are the prevention options, what are treatment options. Meanwhile one of the 20 year olds was certain that prevention isn't that important because "its so treatable". Me and one of my cabin mates just looked at each other, then looked at the counselor leading the group, just in shock.
I guess it's my age group that falls into that middle ground between "lived through it" and "has no idea" but it's still so shocking to see people that close to my age who are just so unaware.
Overall I did have a very good time at camp but things like this were just mind-boggling.
This scares me, especially with *vague gestures,* but I'm really glad they had you to help start educating them. There's a lot going on in the world that I'm glad these younger kids haven't had to learn and understand yet, you know? I knew all of that stuff ... painfully so... at their age, you know? At that age for me, AIDS had just started to be manageable as opposed to a stone cold death sentence.
I'm glad for them that it isn't like that anymore.
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fcllxn-stcr · 3 months
//I have to say, out off all fandoms I've rp'd in so far, this is probably the most welcoming one. 🥹
All in all, you actually have my husband to thank for getting me into the game in the first place. Because I was super reluctant to begin with because I haven't done anything DnD related in years (my attention span is not what it used to be). After a few gentle nudges, I finally bit and went for it.
In the beginning, my husband was always like, 'Don't use Astarion, he's bad," which only made me want to even more. *insert evil laugh here*
And man, did I fall hard for him. Somehow my husband figured it out immediately and gives me a hard time about it. 'Have fun with your vampire boyfriend!' he says with the biggest shit eating grin. Also doesn't help that he points out that I turn red every time he does this.
I'll also say, this has helped me through some rather unsettled times stemming back beginning in November. (I'll detail under the cut because personal stuff and possible triggers. And it's long and I'm not gonna force anyone to read into it if they don't want)
But somehow, out of it stemmed my muse for Astarion. I had told myself that Kojiro would probably be my last muse, but clearly that wasn't the case and I'm glad! :3
First I lost one of my long time cats and friend, Padme. Despite all the pain, I was able to find comfort in that she was no longer suffering.
Then it's suddenly brought to my attention, almost nearly twenty years after I lost her, my mother has some sort of retirement plan that I was never informed of and it was bestowed upon me to handle it, of course (everything had to be probated because both her and my step dad passed at the same time. And my step dad and a son and daughter). Being as long as it has been, I had the absolute worst time getting things verified and trying to find a bank that would work with me. After three failed tries, I was only able to find one because of... her connections as a cop... That's all I'm gonna say. Bottom line is it's done and finally taken care of, for the most part...
Finally, I had a bombshell dropped on me that my grandmother on my dad's side (who is the only actual parent I have left) suddenly fell ill and was hospitalized. He called me to inform me the first time and then again the next day that she took a turn for the worse.
He handled this by traveling down from northeast Oklahoma down to far southern Texas to see her... With my step mom, step sister and her daughter in law. I found out about this offhandedly through Facebook, posted by the daughter in law and Tagging everyone. I was never personally informed they were doing this. Not only that, that same evening my grandmother passed.
I learned about that part the next day... On Facebook. My dad didn't even call me until about a couple hours after it was posted. And acted like nothing was wrong with it. Including the step sister and her daughter in law. (And its honestly not the first time they've all done something like this to me)
For two days throughout this ordeal, I had to leave work early twice. Once because I lost it and couldn't stop crying, the next because I was so angry that I almost felt feverish.
All of made me realize where I truly stood in my dad's life. He has his wife, my step sister, and has grandkids and even great grandkids through her. His ideal family. Anymore, I'm only an afterthought. I find out about all of their family functions on Facebook and only hear from him on some holidays and birthdays.
I don't know if it's because I had a different mother and am half indigenous and look too much like her. I'm married but don't want kids. My views are a complete 180 from when I associated more with them. Or my step mom's influence (which could be considered abusive to me at times, let alone racist)... I don't know, but only recently have I realized that I actually lost him a long time ago. He's also not in the best of health, but at least he has a family who's willing to give him what he wants, I guess.
I've tried. I really have, but I'm the only one putting forth the effort. And I just can't anymore.
My husband and our two good friends have been my family. And my only source of salvation throughout all this. Letting go is damned difficult for me because I'm still struggling with it. And I may never truly be able to do it, but I'm in no way alone. And for that I'm incredibly thankful.
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these-terrors · 5 months
3, 4, and 14 for the horrible asks:)
hey i only saw this now but i found the horrible asks thingie so i'll answer them rn. sorry for the delay!! 03: Do you regret anything? i tend to say i don't really have any regrets in general because i try to live in line with myself and to understand that the choices i once made were made in good faith in relation to myself and the way i wanted things to turn out back then. i do regret not setting boundaries from earlier in life and not talking back to a lot of people who would've deserved it but to whom i was way too nice at the time. ig this is what being a people pleaser well into your teens is like aough. also i genuinely truly sincerely regret not cheating on the ex that assaulted me, wish i could traumatize him back (for legal reasons this is a joke). and when things get bad in my head i also regret not becoming a better person sooner because the people i love deserve that, but they do remind me that progress matters a lot and that they weren't perfect either, which helps :) 04: Are you insecure? i think i am, yeah. i don't really think about it often, because i usually associate being insecure with being insecure about physical features, but i think i kinda got over most of those, at least when it comes to existing next to others. i still get insecure about my double chin when with a partner but i ask for reassurance and it's usually fine. moving on from the physical aspect, i am insecure about my personality. it got way better in the last 4 years, but god do i sometimes fear the mess that i am and how that reflects onto my relationships. gosh. 14: Do you miss someone?
thing is that i don't miss the actual people, but the people they could've been if they tried more and cared more. i think everyone that left my life did so for a reason and for the better. i'm usually better off without the people that had to leave and i pretty much always end up glad that they left. i miss the versions of them that they embodied back when we were going through the good times and the really tight times of our friendship, but not the actual real them. the cub who broke my heart wasn't even the way i saw him for example, i gave him way too much credit when he was just emotionally unavailable and pretty much a man child. learned my lesson, not missing him anymore, just missing the good times. but now, thankfully, i'm aware i can have even better times with people who are actually good people. gosh this got lengthy and personal. hope it was interesting to read thumbs up emoji
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khaleesiofalicante · 10 months
I don't know what to believe and I don't know if I am punishing myself and inadvertently hurting my family.
This might come off as a long rant and you've been having a wonderful time, so feel free to ignore this. Long story short idk what the fuck am I doing. I always believed in myself and my accomplishments, due to my hard work and determination. But since a couple of years, as I am/was giving competitive exams to further my career I have been unsuccessful in my attempts. But I keep attempting them and moving forward slowly, because I WANT IT.
But every now and then, my mother reminds me it is not because of me that I am where I am. It's because of my parents, their prayers and not something I have done. Nothing I have achieved so far is not because of me. And my current failures are due to my "satanic" aura surrounding me. She has always mentioned this whenever i try to go ahead in my life, whenever I fail, whenever I do not agree with their plans. "Satanic" energy & influences. I've heard this throughout my adult life, and inbred this fear in me whenever I try to achieve something for myself. That I am being punished for not accepting what my parents want of me. That, the repeated failures in my life are because of this. That, all that I have done (passing exams, getting a job, being healthy) was all because of their prayers and religious fasting. Truth be told, I have nothing against it. Prayers and religious aspects for health & well-being are good protection. It is their own choice to practice them. As someone who grew up in a Christian environment since childhood, I know & understand what it means.
But. Still. It fucking hurts when I hear this. Yes, I am super grateful for prayers. It means they mean something to you. But, my failures and success in life are not because of this. Please. I want to believe it. But it's so hard. Especially when your parent reminds you this constantly whenever you fail.
Because of this, I started to emotionally separate myself from my parents. We live in the same house, eat the same food and pray every evening. But I stopped sharing parts of my life with them. Because I am worried and no longer interested to know/hear their perspective, as it always hurts me and sometimes I even know what their response will be. I eventually started to reply in short phrases whenever we talk. Because if I continue the conversation, I'll become harsh and gritty (which has become involuntary, and I am only like this with my parents). I am usually not that person, who speaks in a defensive & cold manner. And I hate myself when I speak like that, so I became more and more quiet and reserved amongst my parents since two years.
But now I don't know if I am punishing myself and simultaneously hurting my parents. Once I finally navigated how to communicate with them, without hurting myself afterwards emotionally, now I feel like I am unintentionally giving pain to my parents. Idk. They keep mentioning, I'll only have my parents in my life and the rest of the people including your siblings, friends, colleagues, and other family will never be there for me. I dont know what to believe in anymore. The more sure I become of myself, the more I receive pain.
Hello love,
I'm very sorry to hear this. I can imagine how difficult it must be to have your failures (and even your accomplishments!) associated with something outside of your control. It can be incredibly hurtful and demotivating.
I'm glad you understand that your challenges are caused by perhaps personal shortcomings and other situational circumstances, and not by the forces your parents claim.
I don't think (personally at least) you are trying to be hurtful. You are protecting yourself from pain. It's a coping mechanism. No, it's not healthy. But remind yourself of the people who put you in this position. Instead of expecting yourself to be kinder and stronger, expect those around you (your parents) to be understanding and empathetic.
It's very difficult to change the perspective of someone who thinks that way - especially when it's their entire belief system. I hope you are able to communicate with your parents again and they will listen this time - about what you want, and not what you need.
Sometimes parents do harmful things thinking that they are helping us. Their intentions are honest, but their methods are hurtful. It's important to remind them about this. Tell them. Otherwise, they will never know. Don't tell them they're wrong, but tell them they're hurting you. It might, i hope, make them want to reconsider their approach.
It is not a great situation to be in. But Im proud of you for having the emotional intelligence and self-awareness to know this is wrong, and this is hurting you, and wanting it to stop.
Keep doing that. I hope it gets better x
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thetomcruiseblr · 10 months
I am weirdly feeling positive for the first time in a very long time right now.
I will be receiving a highly-anticipated Christmas gift (I'm so grateful to that friend for agreeing to take on my fucked-up prompt - I am so curious to see that concept written by them!), so this gives me something to concretely look forward to. I have offered to let another friend give me a challenge, but it remains to be seen whether that friend cares enough for Roosmav by then to even give me that prompt.
I think I now have such a strong vision for what I want to personally accomplish in my contributions to the Roosmav zeitgeist (lol I know they will all be ignored, but that's okay - I find what's most important is just to find a way to release my ideas into the universe somehow) that I suppose it doesn't matter how much support I have or don't have. The greatest lesson I have learned from my Roosmav experience is to just do things because you find them personally interesting/inspirational. Before Roosmav, I used to want to see that number go up, and while I was on the Roosmav server, I lived to see my friends' reactions to the things I did - but now, I'm pleased just re-reading my own garbage and admiring my own art for myself, and just being happy that I was able to bring to life a vision that I've had. (My own Roostergina vision, lol.)
It definitely is a massive weight off of my shoulders to not have to hide anything anymore. That may have been what was fucking killing me - having to be so indirect and wishy-washy about my circumstances. I'm glad I can reminisce about the past now, but I will try to put my main focus and energy into moving on to the future in as positive and fruitful of a way as I can.
@unrealwasteland Thank you so much for being supportive and excited for my AU ideas! And I WILL GET YOU DRUNK AGAIN ONE DAY, I PROMISE. You were such a baller for that kinkmeme fill so early on in the fandom, and I believe you can bring that same creative energy again one day. xDDD
@bog-beast Thank you for taking up my prompt! Gosh, you really are game for absolutely anything, and I really had needed someone like you in my life. Talking to you has really opened my brain up to many things. And thank you very much for considering me a good "guide" in Roosterfuck, lmao. I mean, it was always what had most piqued my interest to try to tackle myself. But I just never felt the need to do things until I was yeeted out of the fandom, lol. My bad for being such a lazy, complacent bitch before this year, I guess. :S
I have another friend whom I will be thanking in a different way, but I'm grateful to you for being willing to openly associate with me! I do understand why some others don't, but all I ever wanted was to be treated like a person, so thank you for that! <3
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Favorite Characters and why go. I am so sorry for the long list and the long reasonings:
Hikari from Octopath Traveler 2: I just see myself in that character a lot and I love him a lot. It's just the struggle is incredibly relatable and stuff. I have many feelings about him and *screams into pillow* Many feelings. No words.
Oboro from Octopath Traveler 2: Something's wrong with him and I'm fascinated by that. I would push him off the stairs but I am deeply fascinated by him.
Castti from Octopath Traveler 2: She's just- Also many feelings no words. I have many feelings and- I'm glad she chooses to help despite the pain it might cause. I'm glad and I love her.
Hunter and Amity from The Owl House: I also see myself in these characters and they're very much kids who were in real shitty situations and turned out okay in the end. They turned out okay and I like how they're handled in terms of the fact that they were antagonists for a while before becoming protagonists. They also shown that you don't need to love your blood family and I can't relate to that but it's comforting to know that you don't have any obligation to do that. Love is a two-way street and you aren't obligated to care for people who are fucking shitty to you and they chose not to associate themselves with their respective shitty guardians anymore. They could forgive them but they realized that's stupid and that those people won't change so. Yeah. Also the gender envy from Amity and the Unapologetic Dork vibes from Hunter those are very important.
Quirrel from Hollow Knight: He's just a Bean. A bean that goes and has an ambiguous end but a lovely little bean.
Joker from Persona: Sassy ass Thief who doesn't let his justifiable anger for society consume him. Clothes Envy. Many feelings. Very good. Very great.
Jonathan Sims and Martin Blackwood from The Magnus Archives: I...can not say why I love them without spoilers. I do say though Jon is a canon asexual character and Martin Blackwood is someone who is soft and proves that softness isn't a weakness. Oh and they're dating.
Joshua Gillespie from The Magnus Archives: Okay this one is technically just a one-off character but in The Magnus Archives he went and fucking escaped a cosmic horror entity by saying "No". He had a fucking spooky coffin in his house that tried to get him to open it and climb in, and he said "No", put the Key in water and in ice, and then just. Lived with it for a year or something. Then he just went on with his life after giving the Coffin away.
Evan Lukas from the Magnus Archives: I SWEAR I WILL STOP TALKING ABOUT THE PODCAST BUT THIS IS ANOTHER ONE-OFF CHARACTER AND- *screams into pillow* His family is shitty. It's shitty and he hated everything his family stood for and so he left. He left and married the love of his life and then he uh...died. That's tragic. What is done afterwards though is the fact that he went and met his wife through the fact that he realized that she was lonely and didn't want that to happen to her. And when his wife got caught up in a Fog that seems to prey on that Loneliness, he came from beyond the grave and guided her out. His family would have lead her further in and told her that she is lonely and she will die alone but he didn't do that to her. He loved her and he loved her beyond the grave. He loved her so much.
Hat Girl from A Hat In Time: I don't know why I love her but just. *shakes her a lot* I love her.
Toph from Avatar the Last Airbender: She's Toph and she's charming and I love her attitude and her character and the fact that she declares herself to be the greatest Earbender and is indeed the greatest Earthbender.
Eleanor Shellstrop from The Good Place: I can't say a lot about her without a fuck ton of spoilers but I am so happy that she was a bit of an asshole at first and slowly got better and that the show acknowledges she's an asshole. She gets better by the end of the show and it isn't at the cost of her personality. She's still Eleanor, it's just now the best version of herself.
The Honkai Star Rail MC: They're feral and they're a bit unhinged and they're a prankster and something is wrong with them but you know I would be more surprised if something wasn't wrong with them considering they have a bomb stuck inside them.
Character!Sam from Dream SMP: A man who cares a lot about his friends burdens himself with responsibilities and slowly gets more and more obsessed over them and loses his friends and morals due to his duties.
Character!Wilbur from Dream SMP: He's a guy who was idealistic at first and just. Slowly got worse with the pressure of being a leader and then dragged everyone down with him. He blew up his country. He needs help. He went and started a rivalry with his ex candidate rival. He cares about his family. He apparently married a fish. His mum is a Samsung Refrigerator. He's a bit unhinged. I love him and he needs so many hugs.
I can't comment on a few of these without getting irrationally angry but. Yeah Hikari and Hunter rock 👍
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