#so glad i have tomorrow off time to drown these kinds of thoughts
sugar-omi · 7 months
Hello ! I was mentally torturing myself and I thought that I could share my heart wrenching thoughts. (No I'm not utterly traumatized, in a good way I promise, by the cheating on Cove with Baxter fic.)
Buuut... in step 3, if we like Cove and didn't confess he does. It's an adorable moment however, Cliff's reaction about our new baby couple left me wondering. He says that MC and Cove's relationship will either end up with the breakup of a lifetime or a marriage. Even if, it is meant to be a lighearted comment, it says a lot. So don't you think that MC's could feel pressured (by their family) to date Cove, even if they like him ? MC could be in love while also being so confuse about their feelings for him and being unable to say if they're just trying to fulfill their families wishes.
That was a lot, so feel free to answer or not. Sorry for my English and have a good day ! :p
no bc i think about this a lot, but in the way of how would i act if this was actually my life? n i also think about loving cove so much, it feels like an obsession, loving him so much that it chokes you up.. i just get this so much n im really glad you brought this up bc i wasn't sure how to bring it up myself!!!
tags : Angst / Hurt/Comfort, ramble. a very big ramble.
synopsis : MC is very overwhelmed by their feelings for cove, and the expectations of others.
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your whole life has been this small town, this sleepy street out of an even sleepier town. the most excitement and life you get is from your neighbor, someone who has always been there since life began to matter.
and even if you have a bunch of friends from school, there's a big difference between them and someone you see every morning and before bed.
you have to find opportunities to see them, to see derek, to see lee, but seeing cove tomorrow is always guaranteed.
so it's obvious you'll catch feelings for him, and if those feelings turn to love, it's such a strong feeling for someone so young. it's a feeling that'll drown you, choke you up, it keeps you up at night and you feel like you could cry because everything about cove is so perfect, he's so lovely and kind and he turns what could be a nightmare into a dream.
but it's such a fragile feeling, and it takes something so small to break it.
even if it's obvious, so obvious that cove loves you back, especially when he asks you on a date. but just like he's worried about, what if this feeling between you is just because of how small this town is, and the even smaller distance between you and him.
and that your families are only so close because your parents have been conspiring on you two since before you even knew of each others existence.
and that you have only had this many opportunities to fall in love because his dad bribed you to be his son's friend, your parents urging you to be kind to the new neighbor, your sisters insistent teasing about your 'baby boyfriend', lee asking about the obvious tension between you when you're 13 and can't even breathe the same air without blushing.
even derek asking if you like anyone, and you can't forget baxter asking how long you and cove have been living together...
there's no way that the nosy neighbors and passerby's haven't made comments about you and cove. i won't even bring up your school mates, who are probably relentless about how close you are.
someone definitely tells you that cove likes you. and tells cove that you like him.
as if you didn't know, as if it wasn't so obvious there was something.
so many people dangling this tension in front of your face, teasing you, prodding you. so many people, especially the older folk, anticipating the obvious. or what they think is an obvious ending to the story of two neighbors.
it's scary. because what if this feeling is just anxiety? what if this feeling is just built off all the nights you fantasized about him? built off all the times your sister visualized your wedding to cove over dinner.
what if the heat in your cheeks is just because your classmates are yelling across the hall about you liking cove, or cove liking you.
what if it's just because the teacher is telling you two to "get a room" or "you can makeout later, get to class!"
and god the way cove looks at you. the way he acts around you, the things he does for you.. it just makes your heart flutter more. so much more
but it also scares you. what if you disappoint him? ruin what you have? it terrifies you. and your feelings terrify you even more.
you're so in love with him you feel like you could fly. you would give him the world, sun, moon, and stars. you'd hand it all over to him on a silver platter, and still give him more.
it's all scary.
such intense feelings, and so many expectations. all that combined with your overthinking, your fears that eat you up in the night.
you can't be at fault for not confessing, or rejecting cove. but why does it hurt so much?
it haunts you for a long time, the guilt, the look on cove's face, trying to avoid why there's awkward tension between you... but i hope you get over it. even if you don't, i hope you realize why you did it
it was easier to dissect your emotions from everything else once you've had a chance to grow and experience life outside sunset bird.
and your and cove's worries about your relationship and feelings only being true and sturdy because of all the adults around you urging you together, is easily found false (to an extent, everyone still brags about setting up certain events to get you two close) when you two are still a thick as thieves
so if you or cove confess in between step 3-4, or you or him confess in step 4, i hope you feel comfortable accepting it now that you don't feel as much pressure having a happy ending with cove
and even if you do, you're the only one cove will want, so take your time, and maybe this time, you can get through your fears with a little communication this time?...
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mrs-harkness · 2 years
The Teacher’s Assistant
Part 1
Larissa Weems x Fem Normie Reader
Word count- 1566
Hey guys. First time writing for Wednesday, and in a while really so hopefully it isn’t too bad. I fell in love with Larissa and as a teacher assistant myself, this fic just happened. Reader is a little unaware at first, so give her some time. She is innocent. Larissa is out to get that. Hope you enjoy!  
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The rain hit the conservatory windows with force, clouding any view you may have had of the students wandering around outside during classes. It was loud but calming, drowning out the world around you and even better, your thoughts. You sighed, content. It was hard being here sometimes. You were a "Normie" just like the teacher you worked with, Ms. Thornhill. You were the only ones in the school with no supernatural abilities. You were outcasts among the outcasts.
"Y/N, are you alright?" A voice from behind you came. "AHH!" You screamed, nearly jumping out of your skin. You turned around to see Ms. Thornhill, an amused look on her face. You swallowed and struggled to regain your composure, but you smiled anyway. "You okay?" Ms. Thornhill asked, gently placing a hand on your shoulder. You smile and nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. You just startled me. Didn't hear you come in," you said, chuckling. Ms. Thornhill laughed in response. "I would say." You smiled and blushed. You loved working under Ms. Thornhill. She was so kind and felt slightly like a mentor or mother figure. You just trusted her and could tell she was a good person. She smiled lovingly and then drew in a breath, huffing."Well, I didn't come here just to scare the pants off you. Weems is looking for you."
Immediately your face fell. Principal Weems frightened you in a peculiar way that you couldn't exactly put your finger on. You tried to stay out of her way and especially her office, but you had been called there more times lately than you preferred. "Again? Did she say why?" Ms. Thornhill shook her head, smiling weakly. She could see Weems's new interest in you too, and the discomfort that followed every time. "She just said she needed to speak with you." You nodded, sighing. You put down the sheers in your hand onto the flower box and headed to the door. "Hey, Y/N. Don't worry about it. It just means she likes you," you heard Thornhill say from over your shoulder. You looked and smiled half-heartedly, nodding. 
You pushed open the door, stepping out into the wind and rain. It soaked through your clothes quickly. You had a feeling someone was watching you and looked up through wet eyelashes towards your destination: Ms. Weems's office. You weren't sure if it was the rain clouding your vision but you thought you saw Ms. Weems in her window, staring in your direction. The breath in your chest caught, and you blinked away the rain from your eyes. The figure in the distance was gone if it was ever truly there. You tried not to freak yourself out by convincing yourself she was watching and waiting for you, but you had this nagging feeling that wouldn't go away that she had been in the window hoping to see you come out of the greenhouse.
 You made the trek up to her door and paused. Maybe you could just say you had some work to catch up on with Marilyn and if you didn't do it, the class would be behind tomorrow. You knew it wouldn't work though. You can't avoid the boss when she's looking for you. You slowly raise your hand to knock on the door when suddenly it opens for you. Once again you jump, but this time thankfully no audible response. Out pops Wednesday Addams. She stops in her tracks, looking at you with her famous glare. She stays there for a moment before nodding slightly and passing by you. You believe that is a sign of her wishing you luck, but you were just glad she didn't absolutely hate you. Wednesday was enjoyable to be around in her own way and you wanted her tolerance. 
Once Wednesday was no longer blocking your view, you could see the headmistress standing at her window, searching. You were almost certain she was looking for you once again. You lightly knocked on the door, making her jump. She turned around quickly and when her eyes met yours, a smile spread across her face. "Ms. Y/n, come in. And please, shut the door behind you," she said in her deep and intoxicating voice.  No, not intoxicating. That would be weird. You pushed the door closed and listened as the latch clicked. Now you were truly alone. Your heart began to beat wildly in your chest as the heat began to crawl up the back of your neck and onto your cheeks. You slowly turned around to face her and saw her seated at the corner of her desk. She sat regally, back straight, and her long legs crossed at the knees with an almost sly smile painted on her face. You gulped and hoped it wasn't noticeable. Weems gestured towards the chairs in her office and you slowly sat down. You never took your eyes off her as you lowered yourself into the chair. Your eyes wandered down her legs, but you suddenly caught yourself stopping at her thighs. You immediately turned your head to the left, focusing on the flames of the fireplace instead. You didn't see Larissa's smile widen at this. There was a moment of silence before it began to feel like you were being stared at. You cleared your throat and turned back to Larissa. You smiled weakly and cleared your throat. "Ms. Thornhill said you wanted to see me?" you said, forcing your tone of voice to be as even as possible. "Yes, I wanted to check in with you to see how you were adjusting."
You cocked your eyebrow. That's what the last meeting was about. You licked your lips and you saw Larissa bite her lip. It seemed like all the breath left your lungs. Why were you so afraid of this woman?
“Uh, you know. As good as the last time you asked me," you said with a chuckle. It was Larissa's turn to blush now. You felt the corner of your mouth turn into a smile, but you quickly shoved it down back inside of you. 
"Oh silly me, I must have forgotten that conversation," she said, trailing off. She stood up and sauntered over to the fireplace.  Now it was your turn to bite your lip. This woman did things to you that you couldn't describe and you could only sum up to being intimidation. She stared at you for a moment before looking into the cackling flames of the fireplace.
 "I am a very busy woman so sometimes I forget, so please forgive me. But I didn't just call you up to my office to ask you about that. I was actually wondering if you were available on Friday night around 7 PM?"
"For what?" you immediately spat out. It came out harsh and you wanted to smack yourself.
 "For a meeting to sit down and discuss your duties and what more you could be doing around Nevermore," she said, very flat this time. 
"Sorry, I didn't mean it to come out like that," you said. You don't know why you said it but you didn't want her to think you were rude. That is the last thing you wanted. You didn't know why, maybe because she was your boss, but you wanted her to like you. She turned to you and her face softened. She nodded and walked over to your chair. You had to look up, allowing your eyes to travel slowly up her form before falling to lock eyes with her. She loomed over you and you gulped. This time you knew she see it. You couldn't be sure, but you thought she looked down at your mouth. Did you have something on your face?
"It's okay darling. And don't worry about discussing what you could be doing, it's more just like a 90-day review. You are doing wonders here and we are happy to have you. Especially me," She said this with a wink and everything in your body felt like it melted into a puddle. You were frightened and intrigued. Maybe spending time with the boss wasn't so bad. With that, Larissa left your side and went back to sit behind her intimidating desk in the center of the room. "So I will see you here at 7 PM on Friday?" she almost purred.
"Yes Mistress," you replied. This time she didn't try to hide the smirk that crossed her face. She regained her composure though and motioned to the door. 
"You may go now, darling. That is all I needed. I will see you on Friday."
With that you stood up and hurried towards the door, only turning back when you reached the large wooden frame. She was still looking at you, but instead of turning and meeting her eyes, you saw she was looking down. She was looking at your butt. You quickly turned around to face her completely. She quickly looked up a blush on her face to match yours. You covered your backside with your hands, walking out of the door backward to ensure that whatever she had seen was out of sight. The rain must have soaked through your clothes and your skirt must have shown the lines to your underwear. You had really managed to embarrass yourself. You shut the door immediately and leaned against it sighing. Despite being an utter mess during that whole thing, a smile slowly crept on to your face. Maybe you weren't as afraid of her as you thought, because the more you thought about it, the more your heart warmed.
  Friday. 7 Pm. Larissa. Me.
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beefrobeefcal · 11 months
BB, you know who I am, but submitting as anon for my own privacy.
Prior to coming across your Catfish & Mouse, I thought I was incapable of having an orgasm. I'm a woman in my 30s and had assumed that kind of physical pleasure was off the table for me.
So if "fucked up fantasies" are what it takes to get me going, I will go to the gulag in their defense. The content you write litchurally hurts no one. There is no abuse, there is vocal and repeated consent, and there is fluffy sticky sweet love in abundance. What is so fucked up about that?
If my kink is not your kink, that's totally okay! But please don't do a drive-by call out on writers who produce content that you don't seek out.
All that free time could be used so much more productively...like getting off. It's how I use mine...
Love you, BB 💜🥩
To Nonnie, Love Beefro
I feel this deep in my bones. This sat in my drafts most of the day, but I think it's important that I have one final word on it. Tomorrow is a new day and we can move on from this as a community.
Nonnie, thank you for sharing your story. I am so glad that you found what made you 🍾🎆🧨🚀💣 and I'm proud of you!!!! You're a gem and I'm so fucking grateful that you're here and we can all call you Friendo. 💜💜💜
Before I throw my gloves off, I want to thank each and everyone of you for flying in and dropping the love in the THOT TANK, comments, posts and DM's. I am truly a blessed and lucky individual to be held in the care of this group and I'm genuinely moved by how kind each of you are. Thank you. This humble beef is grateful.
Mad Beefro is under the cut and you're not required to read if you're here for funzies and don't want to get deep. Take care and be gentle to yourselves; know that you're loved and appreciated here at the Bistro - you have a seat at the table.
Mmmbop-ba-do-ba-dop-ba-doo-bop regards,
Beefro 👌🥩💜
Now, it's one thing to spew hate at me - I wrote it, I can handle the nasties. Go ahead. Tell me I'm a fucking whack-job or I'm fucked up. I'll take it and make my peace. But knowing how deep that Blocked-Nonnie's ask cut the Friendos - my Friendos - makes me feel an intolerable rage.
I whole heartedly agree that instead of hate, the five knuckle shuffle is a far better use of time. I encourage anyone looking for a fight to take a breather and make yourself cum before dropping any kind of negativity here. Basically, go fuck yourself.
This is the one and final warning to anyone who wants to breach this blog with that hateful bullshit - fuck you and the horse you came into town on. You don't get to hurt my people. Any further bullshit like that will just be blocked on site and not brought to the surface to breathe. I'll let your hate suffocate and drown like it fucking deserves.
I hope you have the day you fucking deserve. 🥩
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It's not Christmas yet but what the heck
(Hallmark obikin au where we wonder what happens when the female protagonist dumps her fiance at the end of the movie to be with her childhood boyfriend)
The flight had been delayed. Because of course it had. Why wouldn't there be delays in a small ass town in the middle of bum fuck nowhere?
Anakin slumps in his seat. It's uncomfortable as shit and he needed to pee but God forbid he give it up. The lady across him has been eyeing him for the past hour and he'd die before letting her have it. All the other chairs and benches have been taken. He doesn't care how much she wants it, he deserves to sit in a stupid, horrible chair after the past few days.
Who dumps someone on Christmas eve? Who does that?? Anakin had only wanted to surprise Padme. He'd taken off work to fly out to her old hometown. Yet when he gets there she's apparently been hanging out with her ex and now she doesn't even want to get married?! His head is still spinning from it all.
He feels like he's been through the week from hell. At least he didn't have to work tomorrow. He could just focus on drowning all his sorrows away.
He shifts uncomfortably, his bladder pressing against him. He's not sure how much longer he can last without needing to relieve himself. He's read somewhere that holding it in too long was bad for you. Oh god, was he about to give himself a UTI? Wouldn't that be the fucking cherry on top?
Just as Anakin is about to get up and let the demon woman steal his seat, a gentleman walks by. He looks rather dejected. A forlorn look adorns his face. His coat was hanging off his shoulders and it looked like he'd missed a button or two on his shirt while getting dressed.
"Hey buddy?" Anakin calls out.
The man stops and looks up.
"Would you mind holding my seat? I gotta pee and I don't want anyone else taking it."
The man might just as well keep the chair for himself. But Anakin is willing to take his chances with this newcomer than the Karen over there. Fellow bros gotta stick together and all that. At least he hopes.
"Oh, uh, yes alright."
The British accent tingles delightfully through his ears. Anakin shakes the feeling off. Perhaps he was more lonely than he thought.
"Thanks! I'll only be a minute!"
He rushes off to the bathroom as the British man sits down. Or, more like he crumples into the seat. His shoulders slump even more than before. God he looked like someone had just died. Part of him feels horrible for thinking it, but Anakin was kind of glad he wasn't the only one having a bad day.
After he pees, Anakin checks himself in the bathroom mirror. He didn't look as bad as the British man, but he did look as irritable as he felt. His hair was uncombed and his mouth seemed to be in a perpetual scowl. He's sure the unbearable sadness will set in at any moment. But mostly he's still in shock. Still angry and confused.
He comes back out and thanks the man. The man makes to get up and leave but Anakin stops him with a hand.
"Actually–" he cannot believe he's about to do this. "You can have it. You look like you're having an even rougher go than me."
The airport was packed even if it was a small town. Or perhaps because of it. Either way it was every man for himself out there.
"Thank you. That's very kind."
Anakin shrugs. "Tis the season."
The man gives a half hearted smile. Anakin is about to grab his luggage and go find a bar when the man stops him.
"What did you mean before?" He asks. "You said I looked like I was having a tougher day than you."
The man is a total stranger. Anakin isn't normally in the business of airing out his laundry but it's not like there was much else to do right now. Plus the guy asked, so what was the harm? Still, Anakin hesitates.
"It's uh, it's a pretty crazy story actually."
"I've got time. My flight doesn't leave for another two hours."
Anakin nods. "Yeah good luck with that. They delayed mine twice already. I think they're just putting off the inevitable before announcing it's canceled."
The man winces. "Goodness, you think we might be here all night?"
"It's a possibility. The weather isn't looking too good right now. But that's what happens when you travel during December I guess."
The man hums. "Yes, quite right."
They grow quiet again.
"Sooo," Anakin starts, "How'd you end up here anyway?"
The man looks even sadder if that was even possible. Anakin is suddenly sorry he asked. He quickly backtracks. For some reason he didn't like seeing this stranger so upset. His face looked like one that was built for laughing.
"I came to surprise my fiance." Anakin blurts out. The man looks up. "I took a week off to come visit her. She's in town because she grew up here and she's visiting relatives."
"Oh, that sounds lovely."
"She dumped me this morning. Apparently she met up with her childhood crush and they hit it off."
The man pales. "Goodness that's…I'm so sorry."
Anakin rubs his face. "Yeah it's–well yeah."
The man waits a moment. The awkwardness stretches. Then a chuckle. It's so small Anakin almost doesn't catch it. He blinks. There it was again. Another little laugh.
That's what he got for pouring his heart out to a stranger.
"I apologize, I just," the man covers his mouth to smother his laughter. "I also came to surprise my fiance. She told me she wasn't in love with me anymore last night."
Anakin stares, floored to the spot.
"No shit?"
He winces. That didn't sound like a very appropriate response.
The man sighs and runs a hand through his auburn hair. It looked really thick. Like really nice hair.
"I'm sorry." Anakin tries again. Yes, much better response. "Guess this town is cursed, huh?"
The man laughs again and this time Anakin cannot help but join him. What a pair they made.
"Wait hold on, why was your fiance here? Did she grow up here too?"
God was <em>everyone</em> from this town?!
"No, she's not from here. Her Great Aunt recently died and she left Satine, my fiance, an old house in the will. Satine's always been charmed by small towns. She wanted to fix it up to be a Bed and Breakfast."
"Huh, that's…alright then."
Silence falls again. Anakin runs his foot over the airport carpet, not knowing what to say anymore.
"She actually, ah," the man clears his throat. "She was telling me about the local fudge shop her first day here. The owner there was charming. Too charming apparently."
Anakin's eyes widen. He'd seen that guy too. Losing his fiance to a childhood crush was one thing. Losing them to a complete stranger was another thing entirely.
"How long was she even in town for?"
"Five days," the man says.
Anakin inhales through his teeth. Damn that sucked.
"It wasn't actually as sudden as you'd believe." The man offers. "In truth our relationship has been in the rocks for months. We could never quite pick a date for the wedding. I suppose I was just in denial about it. I refused to see the signs."
Anakin feels like patting the man's shoulder but he's not sure how well the older man would take it. Brits were weird about contact. At least he thinks? He read that somewhere probably.
Anakin wonders what the signs had been in his own relationship. He can't recall any. Was he really that blind? Had Padme been unhappy and searching for a way to tell him?
The man sighs deeply. "This trip was supposed to bring us closer together. Not further apart."
"Cursed, I tell you," Anakin says. "I mean, my fiance was only here for like a week before I came to surprise her. Who falls in love in a week?"
"I know right?!"
Overhead there is an announcement of another delay. The man groans.
"Lemme guess, that one was yours?"
"Unfortunately." Then he mumbles to himself. "I didn't want to stay here a minute more."
Tell him about it. Anakin wants as far away from this place as possible. But it looked like they would need to find lodging after all.
"Don't think I can get my room back at the airbnb." Anakin muses aloud. "Tomorrow's Christmas. Everyone's booked."
The man hums. "I could probably call the hotel and get my room back." He looks up at Anakin. "If you're willing to spend Christmas with a sad old man, you're welcome to come with me."
Anakin's lips quirk up into a smile. "That doesn't sound so bad. Got any liquor?"
"We'll pick some up on the way."
Anakin is already grabbing his luggage. "Lead the way then. I'm Anakin by the way."
The man smiles. Damn, he really did look good like that. Blue eyes sparkling and shit.
"Obi-Wan," he says. "Pleased to meet you."
There was only one bed. In hindsight it made sense, it was supposed to be Obi-Wan and his fiance staying here. But the couch was a pull-out so they're fine as far as sleeping arrangements go.
They break out the alcohol the second they get through the door. Anakin turns on the TV to a bad Christmas movie and they take turns poking fun at it. Midnight rolls around sooner than either of them realize. They toast to an odd friendship.
"May we never, ever come back to this town!"
Their glasses clink together.
"I'll drink to that, my friend."
Anakin didn't get drunk very often, but he thinks he can make an exception. Obi-Wan seemed like the business upstanding type of guy that only indulged in red wine. Seemed they were both doing things they normally didn't do.
Slowly but surely Anakin feels himself getting drunker. His body buzzes pleasantly and his mouth goes numb. Sometime around 3 am he starts talking about Padme. Who better to unload upon than a fellow man in a similar situation?
"I just…just UGH! I hope she has a million children and they–they all end up staying here and never doing anything great with their lives and just living here in the middle of–the middle of nowhere and she's just trapped in a hell of her own making!" Anakin hiccups. "AND that she never gets to leave this town again ever! Not even to travel! She's just trapped forever!"
"Me too!" Obi-Wan slurs. "I hope Satine gets fat on fudge!"
He giggles then. It's pure and high pitched. It makes Anakin laugh too.
He'll regret trash talking Padme in the morning. But for now, he doesn't care.
"That's it. I'm swearing off women. Just dicks from now on."
Obi-Wan lets out a guffaw. Then he hiccups halfway through. It's cute as shit. Has anyone ever told him he was cute? Did Satine used to tell him? Someone needed to let this man know right now.
"I think you're onto something, my good man." Obi-Wan's accent lifts into a caricature of itself. He takes a sip of his empty glass. "No more women!"
The night blurs even more. The hours bleed into one another and soon all turns black.
Anakin blinks his eyes and raises his head. He's on the bed, Obi-Wan snoring beside him. Huh, they must have passed out at some point. Through the window blinds he can see daylight peeking in.
He looks over at the couch. He should probably move. Let Obi-Wan have the bed back. He looks back down. Their arms were entangled. At some point during the night Obi-Wan had reached out and threaded their hands together. Anakin's heart squeezes. He looked so adorable like this. Anakin lays back down and closes his eyes, breathing the other man in. The loss of Padme hurt less like this. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.
He wonders how long they would be stuck in town for. He wonders when the storm will pass. And whether or not the town's strange Christmas magic would work one last matchmaking miracle.
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lovesongbracket · 2 years
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Reminder: Vote based on the song, not the artist or specific recording! The tracks referenced are the original artist, aside from a few rare cases where a cover is the most widely known.
Lyrics, videos, info, and notable covers under the cut. (Spotify playlist available in pinned post)
No Children
Written By: John Darnielle
Artist: The Mountain Goats
Released: 2002
It should be noted that this song, and entire album, was written through the point of view of an imagined couple–known as the Alpha couple. In John’s own words, “The Alpha couple are these people who get together in California, and they fall in love, but they’re really broken people, and they’re very bad for each other – they’re both big liquor enthusiasts. They move to Las Vegas and live in a motel for a year, out of a sort of romanticized vision of how they’re supposed to live, and things just keep getting worse, so they just flee across the country in the hopes of starting a new life, but they haven’t really thought it through at all. So they get to Tallahassee, and that’s where I always envisioned them falling apart, in some tiny little house”. “No Children” is a staple of band’s live shows and certainly among their most well-known. The song further expands upon the notion that this couple cannot ever be content, and know only how to live in chaos and misery. The Alpha couple were put to rest by Darnielle after the release of Tallahassee in 2002–though John has said he could one day bring them back. Darnielle stated, “This is a song that I want you to know when it comes time for your divorce. You could be in a lawyer’s office somewhere off 15-501 in one of those little business parks you don’t normally go to saying, ‘Well, I must’ve driven past this place a thousand times. Now I’m going to get my divorce.’ Like some people wait for Christmas; it’s a different sort of Christmas. And as you prepare to sign the papers, you say, ‘I’m glad I’ve got that one tune.’ ”
[Verse 1] I hope that our few remaining friends Give up on trying to save us I hope we come up with a fail-safe plot To piss off the dumb few that forgave us I hope the fences we mended Fall down beneath their own weight And I hope we hang on past the last exit I hope it's already too late [Pre-Chorus 1] And I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here Someday burns down And I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away And I never come back to this town again [Chorus 1] In my life I hope I lie, and tell everyone you were a good wife And I hope you die I hope we both die [Verse 2] I hope I cut myself shaving tomorrow I hope it bleeds all day long Our friends say it's darkest before the sun rises We're pretty sure they're all wrong I hope it stays dark forever I hope the worst isn't over And I hope you blink before I do And I hope I never get sober [Pre-Chorus 2] And I hope when you think of me years down the line You can't find one good thing to say And I'd hope that if I found the strength to walk out You'd stay the hell out of my way [Chorus 2] I am drowning There is no sign of land You are coming down with me Hand in unlovable hand And I hope you die I hope we both die
I Was Born to Love You
Written By: Freddie Mercury
Artist: Freddie Mercury
Released: 1985
Cover included: Queen, 1995
“I Was Born to Love You” is a 1985 song by Freddie Mercury, and was released as a single and on the Mr. Bad Guy album. After Mercury’s death, Queen re-worked this song for their album Made in Heaven in 1995, by having the other members play their instrumental parts over the original track transforming the song from a disco song to a rock song. The Queen version from the Made in Heaven album also includes samples of Mercury’s ad-lib vocals taken from “A Kind of Magic” and from “Living On My Own”.
[Chorus Intro] An amazing feeling coming through I was born to love you With every single beat of my heart Yes, I was born to take care of you Every single day of my life [Verse 1] You are the one for me, I am the man for you You were made for me, you're my ecstasy If I was given every opportunity I'd kill for your love, hey So take a chance with me, let me romance with you I'm caught in a dream, and my dream's come true (It's) so hard to believe this is happening to me An amazing feeling coming through [Chorus] I was born to love you With every single beat of my heart, yeah I was born to take care of you, huh Every single day of my life [Verse 2] I wanna love you, I love every little thing about you I wanna love you, love you, love you (Born) to love you, (born) to love you, yes (born) I was born to love you (Born) to love you, (born) to love you every single day of my life I was born to take care of you every single day of my life [Instrumental Break] [Bridge] My life! Hey hey! Every single day of my life [Chorus] I was born to love you With every single beat of my heart Yeah, I was born to take care of you, honey Every single day of my life
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purplesurveys · 1 year
This time last year, what was happening in your life? Life was a little uneventful at the time. But if anything, I had a completely different set of clients – a more stressful roster at that, so in hindsight I’m glad that part of my life is over. It had also only been a month from Kimi’s passing so my mental health had been more tumultous; it was also the time I was coming to terms with the fact that I might be experiencing another bout of depression, so I would go out every weekend and have some quiet time to myself at coffee shops or at my favorite comfort places, like my university.
Did you/will you have coffee or some other form of caffeine today? I already have a mug of coffee next to me.
Who did you last have a text conversation with and what was it about? Just quick exchanges for work.
Are there regular trains in and out of your town/city? Yes.
Do you bathe your pets regularly? Just once every few months.
Do you have a mailbox or do you collect your mail from the post office? We have mail and packages sent directly to our house, but we don’t have a mailbox - not really common here. Instead, envelopes are squeezed into our door; then for larger packages, riders would directly ring the doorbell so we can receive them.
What was the last animal you saw, and was it a pet? Our two dogs. Yes, pets.
Have you ever had an ear infection? Kind of? It didn’t happen inside my ear, but on my earlobe. I got a nasty infection from my piercing (which I never took off since getting pierced as a baby) and the only way around it was to stop wearing earrings altogether. To this day I haven’t worn earrings since and stick with clip-ons.
If you could watch any TV series right now, what would it be? I’d love to get started on Ted Lasso. And get my ass back on Better Call Saul.
Would you have any clue when your best friend last got their hair cut? No idea...must be a few months ago.
Someone messages you just as you’re about to go to sleep. Do you reply? Depends on the person and the nature of their message. The only person I’d make an exception for is probably Angela, or my dad.
Do you grind your teeth, and if so, why do you do it? I don’t do it in my sleep if this is what you mean. My sister does and very aggressively, so to be honest I try not to fall asleep in the same room as her. The sound is very...it drives me mad, lol.
Have you ever been hospitalized due to dehydration? I haven’t been hospitalized but I’ve definitely fainted from it.
Is there anything you need to remember to do before the day ends? I technically have more work to do beyond the shit I already did yesterday, but I’m on the fence about doing it or just leaving it off for tomorrow. I already worked on a Saturday...the thought of working on a Sunday too is just raising my stress level through the roof lol. I WANT TO HAVE A WEEKEND TOO.
When you listen to music with headphones, do you keep the volume low enough to hear surrounding noise faintly, or do you blast it? Well, it depends where I am and how quiet it is. The sound seeps out-ish from my headphones if the volume is too loud, so I’ll only have it on max volume if I’m somewhere the sound can be drowned out, like in the office or at a busy coffee shop. But if I’m in a Grab where it’s just me and the driver, I’d tone it down.
What’s your favorite online radio site? Idk if it counts but I’ll occasionally use Stationhead to help boost song streams.
Do your parents have any authority over who you date? As much as possible, I wouldn’t let them. At the end of the day it’s my decision and even if I turned out wrong and stupid, it shouldn’t be their problem to fix because the only way it should be is a lesson for me to learn from.
How many different shades of nail polish do you have? Zero. I never apply nail polish because 100% I’ll have the urge to chip it off.
What did you have for breakfast this morning? I had a scrambled egg sandwich.
Are you lucky enough to have an ice maker in your refrigerator door? We don’t have one, but I don’t feel unlucky about it either lmao.
Are you the type to wake up before the sun has even risen? Not at all. As someone who works a 9-6, I value my sleep and would hate to be up earlier than the sun. 
Have you ever watched an anime series, start to finish? Nah. I’m not into anime.
Do you feel the need to rant about anything right now? If so, go for it. I’m desperate for 4-day work weeks to be a thing. I’ll experience it occasionally due to public holidays, and it’s truly fascinating to feel the difference between a 4-day work week and 5-day work week (even if they differ by only a day!). I tend to feel incredibly recharged with the former, while the latter brutally exhausts me beyond words. Anyway, it’s Sunday evening now and I’m dreading to start the cycle all over again, and I just can’t wait to reach Friday.
Do you have a favorite towel? What color is it? I don’t have a favorite towel. They all do the same thing.
Have you seen any films with Judy Garland in them?: I actually haven’t. Most of her well-known films are musicals which I’m not really into, so that’s a big reason why I haven’t checked her works out.
How did you feel when you woke up today? Why? Rattled. I woke up at around 9:20 AM today when we usually leave at around 9:45 to attend mass, so I had to prepare at 2x speed haha.
Who was the last person you messaged on Facebook? My group chat with Angela and Reena.
When was the last time you saw them? A month ago when we landed back from Bangkok.
Do you have a friend named Nick? What’s his favourite food? No, I don’t have a friend named Nick.
What are you listening to? I have a BTS vlog playing in the background. I usually have a string of these playing on Sunday nights; it helps calm my nerves before the week starts.
What year are you/did you graduate? I graduated high school in 2016, then college in 2020.
Are you obsessed with anything? BTS.
Do you prefer waffles or pancakes? Waffles.
Do you prefer non-diet or diet soda? No soda.
Do you like seafood? It’s the best thing in the world.
Are you craving anything right now? I’d love a cheeseburger from McDonald’s, but I’ll live.
Do you dress appropriately for your age? Uh, I guess. What exactly constitutes an appropriate outfit when you’re 25 years old anyway? Hahaha.
If McDonald’s sold hot dogs, would you buy them? No.
How long is your hair? It’s a bit past my shoulders, but not long enough that it reaches my waist.
Do you like your neighbors? They’re fine and don’t make a fuss and aren’t Karens. That’s all I’d ask for.
What’s your school motto? Honor and excellence.
Has a bird ever flown into your window? Nope.
Which word did you say first, mama or dada? No idea what my first word was and I don’t think my parents monitored it too.
How old were you when you learned to walk? I also have no clue. Thanks for the idea, I’ll go ahead and ask my parents this when I can :)
What was your first pet’s name? Goldy...because I had a goldfish...very creative...
How many kids were in your class in kindergarten? We were around 15 in Kinder 1. By the time I got to Kinder 2 and Prep, the classes grew to 30.
Who was your best friend in elementary? Angela.
Who was the best athlete in your freshman class? I won’t say their name anymore but it was someone from the basketball team. She wasn’t only good at the sport but was exceptionally tall too, so she definitely stood out.
What teacher did all the high school boys/girls have a crush on? I don’t think there was anyone we’d consider THE school crush. We had several male teachers and I observed that the students would just have little crushes depending on their own type.
Where do you see yourself in a year? I have no idea. I keep saying ‘maybe in a new job’ but it never fucking happens so I don’t wanna keep guessing anymore haha.
If you were able to change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I wish I was less uptight. Especially with work. Bea usually talks me down because I freak out over the smallest things that can be resolved easily if I just calm the fuck down and not see them as the end of the world.
Are you content just blending in with the crowd? For the most part, but I want to make some sort of impact too. I wouldn’t be okay with just going with the flow for the rest of my life.
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ga-yuu · 2 years
Yoritomo & Yoshitsune - Yoshitsune Normal Story
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I was alone with Yoshitsune-sama, whose powers were going out of control....
Yoshino: "Just lie down and relax."
I placed my palm on Yoshitsune-sama's back and push him softly.
Yoshitsune: "Mm....Yoshino."
As if in a moment of defiance, Yoshitsune-sama's hand touches me, but....
His body slowly collapsed with only slight effort.
(I wonder if he's still resistant to having anything done to him)
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Yoshino: "...I want to help you. Please believe me."
Yoshitsune: "I...I..."
When I put my hand on Yoshitsune-sama's chest, his eyes narrow painfully.
(The power of the nine-tail fox, please----)
Yoshitsune: "Wai...Ah..."
I focused and directed all my powers into my palm and absorbed his powers.
(Ah..what the)
A somewhat sweet shiver rumbles in the pit of my stomach.
Then I remember the words I exchanged with the eight-headed serpent....
Eight-headed serpent: "Worry not, you can stop the outburst by using the power of the nine-tail fox. That will also be the role of the priestess."
Eight-headed serpent: "Though it will have a different feeling to it than the usual exercise of fox powers."
Eight-headed serpent: "The connection between hero's might and the priestess is strong."
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Eight-headed serpent: "If you exchange powers with someone with whom you are deeply connected, you will experience the sweetness of intoxication."
(This feeling!?)
Yoshitsune-sama's face in close-up is frowning as if he is enduring it.
It looked awfully sexy and my heart started pounding.
(Because of my connection to the Hero's might..I feel much closer to Yoshitsune-sama....)
Yoshitsune: "Haa...."
Our gazes meet at a distance where our breaths almost touch, and our thoughts are sweetly hazy.
I almost drowned in the sensation that the boundary between myself and Yoshitsune-sama was melting away.
(This role....is more dangerous than I thought)
(But I can't stop here)
Yoshino: "....P-Please bear with me. A little longer."
Yoshitsune: "Are you okay? Don't force yourself."
(Even at times like this, he cares about me)
Yoshino: "Yoshitsune-sama...is so kind."
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Yoshitsune: "Hm....?"
I smiled softly to distract myself.
Yoshino: "....You knew this was coming, yet still...."
His attitude and the look in his eyes toward his vassals showed this.
Yoshitsune: ".....Yoshino"
Yoshino: "I'm glad that Yoshitsune-sama is on our side."
Yoshitsune: "----Why do you look like that?"
Yoshitsune-sama sighed and gently touched my cheek.
Yoshitsune: "It feels strange. Looking at you now, I feel like I can't stop."
Yoshino: "That's..."
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Yoshitsune: "Nn....."
Yoshitsune-sama exhaled to shake off the urge.
Yoshitsune: "----Forgive me."
Suddenly Yoshitsune-sama moves away from me.
Slowly, his eyes regain their calm.
Yoshitsune: "It seems I'm okay."
Yoshino: "----Really!?"
To be honest, now I feel alright.
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Yoshitsune: "I said strange things while you were helping me. Please let me apologize from the bottom of my heart" (Stop making that face! You make me guilty)
(My mind was messed up because of the heat....our both minds were)
Yoshino: "No no, don't worry about it."
Feeling embarrassed, I tried to change the topic.
Yoshino: "By the way, will you allow me to treat your injury?"
Yoshitsune: "....."
Yoshino: "Please. We have come this far..."
After hesitating for a while, Yoshitsune-sama nodded as if he had given up.
Yoshitsune: "Please."
I quicky brought the medcine box from my room and started the treatment.
By the time I finished, it was late afternoon.
Yoshino: "Done. I'll change the cloth tomorrow so that it doesn't get infected."
Yoshitsune: "You don't have to worry too much."
Yoshino: "....No. Your wounds are deeper than you think. I can't believe you didn't tell anyone about your injuries."
Yoshitsune: "I make sure I don't bleed a lot. Isn't that more than enough?"
Yoshitsune-sama looked at me straight.
Yoshitsune: "I thank you for your kindness to me, who used to be your enemy."
Yoshino: "Please don't thank me again."
Yoshino: "Like I said, we're on the same side now. So we;re basically friends."
Yoshitsune: "...Friends."
Yoshino: "Sorry! Was I being too comfortable?"
Yoshitsune: "No."
When I hesitated, Yoshitsune-sama's words interrupted me.
Yoshitsune: "You're so bright and lovely."
Yoshino: "There's no such thing."
(When he suddenly became straightforward, my heart tickled...)
Yoshitsune: "I appreciate your words, but..."
There was a hint of sadness when he casted his eyes down.
Yoshitsune: "You're different, unlike Yoritomo."
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Yoshitsune: "That man will never befriend me. Ever."
(I know a lot happened between Yoritomo-sama and Yoshitsune-sama)
By fighting with them, I learned a lot about their past.
So I secretly hoped that one day, they will be able to regain their bond.
Yoshino: "....We still don't know what will happen in the future."
Yoshitsune: "The future is decided based on the past."
Yoshino: "Then, what about Yoshitsune-sama?"
Yoshitsune: "Me?"
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Yoshino: "Don't you want to be friends with Yoritomo-sama?"
Yoshitsune: "---I don't think so."
Yoshitsune-sama's amethyst eyes lost its shine.
(What's this pressure)
The air around us suddenly felt cold.
Yoshitsune: "....I don't think so."
(I shouldn't have asked...)
Before I can apologize, Yoshitsune-sama opened his mouth.
Yoshitsune: "How did you feel when you saw Yoritomo transformed today?"
Yoshino: "I..."
Yoshitsune: "I was having an intense feeling of discomfort."
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Yoshitsune: "Because I subconsciously believed that no one, no matter who they were could dye that man's soul."
(----Ah, so at that time)
Yoritomo: "...Heh, you look quite handsome, Yoshitsune."
Yoshitsune: "...."
Yoshitsune: "You don't look good."
Yoritomo: "You insolent man."
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Yoshitsune: "His mastery of the art of winning people's hearts and his ironclad judgement that is unaffected by anything."
Yoshitsune: "It's the kind of thing that I was so desperate for and couldn't get to the end of."
(....Yoshitsune-sama doesn't just hate Yoritomo-sama)
The inextricable longing is surely still touching Yoshitsune-sama.
Yoshino: "I thought Yoshitsune-sama disliked Yoritomo-sama's methods."
Yoshitsune: "....I do."
My heart tightened by the loneliness of the split smile.
Yoshitsune: "I know that man would kill ten thousands to save one hundred thousand lives."
Yoshitsune: "No matter how much he sacrifice, he will never stop following that path."
Yoshitsune: "If I agree to follow the same path, who will seek justice for my friends who were killed?"
Yoshino: ".....I don't know what to say."
Yoshitsune: "There's no need to be concerned. I just can't back down in the fight ahead."
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Yoshitsune: "No matter what wounds I may have sustained."
Yoshitsune: "If Yoritomo presides like a merciless god, I will continue to stand in the most dangerous places."
I was speechless at his clear words.
Yoshitsune: "Then I will fight for those whom Yoritomo has seized."
Yoshitsune: "If you are talking about a hero who saves many, then that's Yoritomo."
(What are you...?)
(On the other hand, doesn't this mean that Yoritomo-sama's ability is recognized by Yoshitsune-sama more than anyone else?)
Yoshino: "I know....it's a selfish wish, but I want you both to feel as comfortable as possible. That's what I think."
Yoshino: "If only reconciliation would make that happen, then..."
Yoshitsune: "Isn't that a temporary relief?"
Yoshino: "Eh..."
Yoshitsune: "Fairness contradicts mercy."
Yoshitsune: "As long as we can't change the way we each live...."
Yoshitsune: "And if I stay close to Yoritomo, I might be killed again."
Yoshitsune: "When I think about that again, I...."
As if he had lost sight of the words he should have spoken Yoshitsune-sama stopped talking.
(Even though Yoshitsune-sama is so strong....)
(His heart is so pure and innocent that it will break easily)
At the same time, there was anger and burning conflict in his eyes/
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leothetraveler · 2 years
let us begin.
[WP] You were lonely, so lonely. So, you started having conversations in your head with a made up bartender, who always eases your troubles. One day while looking to drown yourself in alcohol, you happen upon a bar, and the very same bartender. “Ah! I was wondering when you’d come in person.
I looked the man up and down. He was exact in every detail. I thought I had only dreamed him up as I drank away my sorrows at home, and yet here he was before me. After a moment's pause, I took a seat at the bar. I couldn't care less if this was real, a dream, or something in between. So long as I could get a cold drink, I was happy.
The bartender, I think I called him Charles, smiled warmly at me. "Your regular, I presume?" He asked, already grabbing a bottle from below the counter. "Make it a double." I replied plainly.
While Charles got to work, I took a look behind me. I had intended to just visit a bar some coworkers told me about. But unless they were having a costume party nearby, this was not it. There was someone in bandages wearing a detective coat and fedora in the corner, though I couldn't make out his face from where I sat. There was some canine looking thing near the jukebox, seeming to be choosing a song. Didn't look feral enough for a werewolf costume. One of those furries I heard of, maybe? On the opposite side of the room was some kind of cyborg. Black Q shaped holes and a line where the eyes and mouth would be, with a half square of piping on top of their head. They were staring into the table. Rough night I guess. Maybe bummed about losing a contest? I would be too if I went so far as to put lights in the chest.
My attention snapped back to the bar as Charles set down my drink. A large Rum and Coke, on the rocks. I didn't hesitate to drink. Poisoning me would be a mercy compared to the company's treatment, and a roofie gives excuse for a sick day.
Charles looked expectantly at me for a bit before asking, "No questions? Most who walk in here tend to be suspicious at first. Yet you walk in as if nothing is amiss." As I finished my drink, I met his gaze. "Look, Charles, it's been one of the bad weeks. Three double shifts plus overtime, as previously mentioned. My only day off is tomorrow, and I don't plan to be conscious through most of it. So I don't care if this is real or if I already blacked out at home, just do me a solid and hit me again." I set the empty glass on his side of the bar. Charles chuckled. "Right away, my friend." He said, grabbing the bottle of rum back from under the counter.
I took another look behind me. The furry was gone. The noir guy int the corner was refilling a mug I overlooked earlier with coffee from a pot I assumed he had the whole time. And the cyborg had gone from burning a hole into the table to staring out into space. Looking at the doorway, I noticed there were no windows. There were a few pictures on the walls. Not all of them depicted something human, but they all seemed like photos. Were costumes a regular thing here?
Charles set my refill down, stealing my attention once again. I thanked him before taking a swig. Charles' face was a mix of a small friendly smile and expectant eyes. Setting my glass down, I returned the smile. "Alright, Charles, I'll bite. Is this real or not?" I asked. Charles's smile widened as he answered. "I'm SO glad you asked," he remarked, "this is indeed real, though it is not the bar you intended to go to"
"Obviously not." I said, managing to get a single chuckle out of Charles before he continued. "This," Charles gestured to the entire bar, "is The Bar at the End of Time. Mostly just a name, but it gets the point across. This is a bar outside of time, space, and even reality. Where anyone sufficiently down on their luck can come in, sit down, and forget their troubles for a while. You had found the correct bar your 'friends' told you of, but ended up here instead. Just as well though. I have been serving spirits to your spirit for...weeks? Months? I lose track sometimes. In any case, you may stay as long as you like, and return at your leisure."
As he finished his speech, Charles noticed my empty glass and did not wait for me to ask before getting me a refill. I thought about what he said for a moment, assuming that if what he said was true, then the others I had seen here were not in costume, but instead otherworldly. I shrugged, "Very well. So long as you listen to my complaints, is all fine by me." Charles set down the refilled glass with a smile. "So no further questions?"
"Just one," I said, swirling the fresh drink in my hand. "How did you know my coworkers sent me to that other bar?"
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ley-med · 2 years
I know one of my strengths is accepting when I made a mistake and accepting the blame for it without pointing fingers. I actually know some attendings appreciate it, but even if they didn't, I pride myself on this.
But maybe, just maybe, I shouldn't be so quick to accept all the blame.
Here's this patient. They are going to die. I forgot to do a Clotpro or any other POC clotting test, and according to protocol, I really should have. Logically, I'm profusely aware that it wouldn't have made such a difference. And that it wasn't my fault, I gave my best and actually gave the patient a second chance even if it was oh so slim.
The patient was high risk, for one. There was a massive surgical bleeding, which bloodloss by all means is causing the patient's death. I started treating them the right way. And there's also the fact that after it was evident that it's an "oh shit" moment there were and attending and an almost-attending right there in the OR with me, helping me with this patient and effectively taking over the case, and even they didn't think of ordering a clotpro.
I know it's not my fault. I've probably made worse mistakes than this before, without even noticing those.
But then someone asks, "Why didn't you order that test? Now it's too late for that." And I just nod and say "Sorry, I didn't think of it" and feel like crying for the rest of the night.
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demigodreading · 3 years
Saving Mini Benson Pt:1
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Request: From @youngjusticeimaginesus​:  Hi, I was wondering If maybe you'd be willing to do a oneshot where Olivia's daughter gets kidnapped by Lewis instead of Olivia?
Summary: That’s right my favorite peoples... This is going to be a two part mini series because there was no way everything that I needed to say could be done in a one-shot! I won’t go into much because I don’t want to give it away but please note THIS PART IS A DOOZY! The next one may be worse but still this arc made me cry in the show and I cried writing this
Characters: Olivia Benson, Fin Tutuola, Amanda Rollins, Nick Amaro, William Lewis, Donald Cragen, Reader
Relationships: Olivia Benson x Daughter! Reader
Warnings: MAJOR Violence, Guns, Cigarette Burns, Episode Spoilers, Alcohol, Smoking Weed, Mentions of Shootings, Death, William Lewis, Mentions of torture... (I Think that covers it but if it doesn’t please let me know)
Word Count: 2320 (Like I said.. there was no way this was gonna be just a oneshot.)
And with that all being said: Let’s jump into it.
Olivia and her daughter rarely fought but when they did neither one wanted to admit the other one was right. Olivia loved and hated her daughter for being so similar to her. Even now as she watched the miniature version of herself stalk the interview room the exact same way she would send her heart racing. Usually the similarities would result in a smile but not today. Today Olivia’s vision was a deep red as she confronted her daughter.
“Y/N you were caught smoking weed underneath the bleachers during class! So not only did you break one rule you broke two!” Olivia shouted, folding her arms.
“Wow glad that you know how to count,” Y/N mumbled looking out the window.
“What did you just say to me?”
“Look mom I just don’t get what the big deal is? It was one joint. One class!” Y/N retorted, throwing her hands up, “I am a straight A student who has a full ride scholarship to Harvard.”
“Yes, because Barba stuck his neck out on the line for you and put in a glowing recommendation,” Olivia spat, “What you did was careless. You could have ruined everything that was given to you.”
“You know for once in your life could you ever be fucking proud of me! I do everything that I can do to make you proud and yet at the end of the day I am never fucking good enough for you.”
“That’s not…” Olivia went to argue but was interrupted by Cragen opening the door.
“Olivia we got a problem. I need you right now,” He said, then shut the door without waiting for an answer.
“Just go save another poor unfortunate soul mom. Don’t worry about your daughter.  I’ll pick up my own pieces like I always do,” Y/N said, wiping tears from her face as she grabbed her coat.
Y/N stormed from the room before Olivia could stop her. She made her way through the precinct eyes trained to the floor as her mother’s voice rang out, “You better head straight home Y/N!  We are not done having this conversation and you are grounded!”
Choosing not to say anything, Y/N merely raised her hand in the air flipping her mother off before the doors shut with a loud slam behind her. Tears made dark spots on the concrete as Y/N made her way back to their apartment. Even the noises of the constant car honks and people screaming couldn’t drown out the voices in her head today. Failure. Waste of space. Stupid. No one. Unwanted. Unloved. 
It was the repeated song that kept her feet moving forward until she finally placed her key in the lock. She threw her bag by the kitchen island and threw her keys on the counter. She was about to turn on the living room light when a noise caught her attention. 
“Hello? Hello?”
As she turned the corner her vision was filled with the sight of a gun pointed right at her temple. A smirk crossed William Lewis’ face as he looked at Y/N, “Ah welcome home Little Benson. I was hoping that it would be your mother who was walking through the door but I guess you will have to do.”
Y/N went to scream but instead Lewis jammed the gun against her throat, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. One small slip of my finger and your mom will be left with a new kind of art all over her walls.”
Y/N let a single tear roll down her face before Lewis’ gun made contact with her skull and the whole world went black.
Olivia had already tried to call Y/N twice but it kept going straight to voicemail. The last known location had been their apartment so at least she had the sense to head straight home. The guilt in Olivia’s stomach was insurmountable. Watching her daughter explain that she never felt like she lived up to her standards. Olivia had promised herself when she had Y/N she would never end up like her mother. Yet there she was shaming her child for one mistake. Y/N was more than just a good kid, she was excellent. She was smart, beautiful, humorous, kind, and so much more. She was everything Olivia could have ever hoped for. Knowing that her daughter thought she wasn’t proud was the worst pain she could have.
After the third call Olivia finally decided to leave a voicemail, “Y/N I know you are mad but I need you to know something. I am proud of you and will always be proud of you. You are the best daughter and the most amazing human. I was rough on you early. Please let’s talk through this. I’ll be home soon with your favorite Chinese. Just don’t do anything stupid? I love you.”
When she hung up the phone she placed her head in her hands and let out a large sigh. Fin placed a reassuring hand on her back, “Liv, it is going to be okay. She is just being a teenager.”
“No Fin, you should have seen her. It was like I was physically taking her heart out and ripping it in front of her. I should have never said those things. I didn’t mean any of them… I was just upset.”
“She knows, they always know.”
Olivia merely shook her head and began to gather her things to head home. She walked out of the precinct without a goodbye and headed down the street to Y/N’s favorite Chinese place. They knew what she was going to order as soon as she walked in the door asking where Y/N was. Liv pushed off their question and scrolled through her phone as she waited for the food. Y/N’s phone was still off giving Olivia an eerie feeling as she finished the walk to the apartment. 
Once inside she noticed Y/N’s bag on the floor and her keys on the counter. There was a sudden rush of cold air that made her notice the window that was open to the fire escape. She shut it quickly and then moved to Y/N’s room. The door was still open with everything the way she had left it that morning. Once her calls were unanswered Olivia opened the window again crawling onto the fire escape. Sometimes Y/N would go to the roof to watch the sun slowly crawl behind the buildings.When she reached the top however she was met with an unsettling emptiness. 
Olivia reached for her phone to call the only person who was able to calm her anxiety lately, “Amaro, Y/N isn’t here. I can’t find her. What if something happened to her?”
“She probably just went to a friend’s house to get away,” Amaro replied stirring the contents of his drink, “She will be back in the morning just to relax. Sleep off the anger and come back with a clear head tomorrow.”
Liv pondered this suggestion over and over deciding what she should do. When the silence became too long Amaro interjected again, “Liv, I’m serious. You two had the biggest blow out that I have seen in awhile. Give her time to be mad at you and think. If you smother her she might only push further away from you.” She thanked her partner for the advice and then shoved her phone back in her pocket taking a sweep of the roof once again. Finally she slowly made her way back to the apartment shutting the window with a slam before locking it. Olivia wandered over to the kitchen moving the cereal that covered the top of the fridge to get to her secret cupboard. From the opening she pulled a large bottle of her favorite red wine. She popped the cork and decided to forgo a cup taking a long swig directly from the green glass. A large sigh escaped her lips as she plopped down on the couch going over the events of the day in her head.
As the contents of the bottle slowly drained till there was nothing else Olivia realized her fears were all coming true. She was becoming her mother. A woman she never once wanted to be. Three empty bottles later she finally curled under Y/N’s sheets crying into her pillow until she finally was able to fall asleep.
The next morning when Y/N did not return and her phone was still shut down all bets were off. Olivia was furious but more importantly she was terrified. Something was horribly wrong. Her morning was spent talking to Y/N’s two best friends and searching their houses for her. When that search was unsuccessful Olivia went to the school hoping Y/N had gone there. However, she had been absent all day and there hadn’t even been a call to excuse her from the day. 
When the morning bled into the afternoon Olivia was running around the city to all of Y/N’s usual hangout spots. The search of the library told her that Y/N hadn’t been there in over a week. The local bakery hadn’t seen her in three days. The coffee shop where Y/N always bought Olivia’s coffee when she came to see her at work had seen her two mornings ago but nothing since then. Even the old lady that had Y/N over twice a week to help her with errands and chores around the house hadn’t seen her. 
It was dark by the time that Olivia fell into her desk chair at the precinct. With her head in her hands she let the tears fall. A whole day was gone and there was still no sign of her daughter. If she had been kidnapped they were running out of time and losing it quickly. The longer she was out there the longer the person had to get away with whatever they wanted.
The squad huddled around in Cragen’s office looking at Olivia curled over her desk. Rollins was the first one to speak, “I bet you Lewis has something to do with this.”
“And what makes you think that?” Amaro asked, “There are plenty of people who could have a vendetta against Liv.”
“It’s just a feeling.”
“Yeah well have you ever considered the idea that maybe Y/N just ran away,” Amaro retorted.
Fin, Cragen, and Amanda all turned towards Amaro, shocked. Cragen was the first one to speak, “I know you haven’t been here long Amaro but this isn’t Y/N. Something is horribly wrong and we are going to figure out what is going on. Fin and Amanda go check out Lewis’ usual hiding spots. I’ll take Liv through her apartment once again to see if we missed anything.”
“And me cap?”
“Amaro… you stay here and set up a tip line,” Cragen responded curtly and then they all disappeared to find where Y/N had disappeared to.
Y/N woke with a jolt as she felt cold water splash her face. She was met with Lewis staring only a couple inches away from her face. He grinned and grabbed Y/N’s chin as she tried to look away, “Well well there. Looks like someone is finally awake. Feeling thirsty?”
Y/N nodded her head yes waiting to scream as he curled his fingers around the edge of the duct tape. As he was about to pull it away he jammed a gun against Y/N’s throat, “Make any noise and I will shove this gun straight down your throat.”
Finally when he pulled the tape away Y/N spit right in his face, “Just shoot me already if you are going to threaten me with it.”
“And miss out on all of our fun Mini Benson. I think not. There is plenty that I want to do to you before then.”
Y/N began to panic as Lewis lit another cigarette. She remembered the way the others had burned against her chest and sides. She had lost count after twenty perfect circle burns and after the second pistol whip to the face she had passed out a second time, She couldn’t go through all of that again.
“My mom knows I am missing and she will be out looking for me. Just let me go and she will never have to know that you did it. Please,” YN begged.
“What is she going to think about that bruise on your face? Or the marks on your skin? I can’t let you go… plus I know that you both fought before you came home. I bet you that she thinks you just ran away and are leaving her,” Lewis chuckled.
“How.. how did you know that we fought?
“This lovely voicemail your mother left you,” Lewis said, placing your phone against your ear.
Tears began to run down Y/N’s face as she heard the apology her mother had sent her. Damnit! Why did I have to fight with her? We could have avoided all of this. Is the mantra that ran through her head as Lewis slammed the phone against her head and threw it at the wall.
“She isn’t coming for you,” Lewis snickered.
“Please… just let me go. I will do anything.”
Lewis pulled his gun and placed it against Y/N’s scalp, “You are still bargaining with me? Really. We are way past that baby.”
“I am the daughter of an NYPD detective. A decorated well known detective. My mother, her partner, her squad, the entire department will hunt you down. You think that you’ve put people through hell. It will rain back down on you.”
“You know what… let it rain,” Lewis said and then hit Y/N once again making her world go black for a third time. 
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Hi Eve! Could you maybe write something like Sirius having a majorly stressful week and he's been on edge all day and he finally decides to go talk to Heather if only to just let it all out. By the time he comes home he's exhausted but Remus is all ready for him, and he's greeted with the sight of Remus in a nice little heap of blankets and pillows piled up on their sofa with a Disney movie ready to play and all his favourite snacks lined up on the coffee table. And Sirius of course just about dissolves into a puddle of affection and gratitude because Loops 🥰🥰🥰
It's honestly concerning how much fluff I write. Oh, well! This is such a cute idea and I'll never pass up an opportunity to write soft Coops <3 SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
“So, you’ve started baking?” Heather looked up as Sirius nodded, fidgeting with the hem of his hoodie. It still smelled a little like Remus from the last time he stole it, but not nearly enough to drown him in comfort. “That’s awesome. If you don’t mind, can I ask why you chose that as a hobby?”
“It’s—” Stupid. He bit the words back at the last second; Heather never liked self-deprecation, and they had been working on positive self-talk for…as long as Sirius could remember, really. “Uh, I helped Re’s mom make a pie over the holidays and I just have good memories associated with it, I guess.”
Heather jotted something down, her soft smile never faltering. She was wearing a sweater the same color as her name—it was distilled comfort, and Sirius felt some of the tension release from his back. “You said you do it when you’re stressed, right?”
“Does the rhythm help, or is it something else?”
He stared at his hands, rubbing his thumb over the callus from his favorite spatula that was beginning to form. “I think…” he trailed off and bit his lower lip. Honesty always wins. Why do you like it so much? “The rhythm helps quiet my head down, yeah. And it smells like home. And—and if I do it right, I can’t screw it up.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“If I follow the recipe, it works. Every time. I can read the instructions as many times as I need to, and I can focus on that until everything up here—” He gestured vaguely toward his head. “—shuts up for a bit.”
Heather nodded; the room was quiet for a moment while she wrote before she settled into her chair and let out a slow breath. “I’m really happy you started doing this, Sirius.”
“Yep. We’ve talked about finding healthy amounts of control and tethers in your daily life, and from what you’ve said, this makes you happy in addition to helping you calm down. What do you do with everything you make?”
He shrugged. “Give it away, mostly. It’s healthier than store-bought stuff, and the guys like it. Re and I can’t eat it all ourselves.”
“How often do you stress bake?”
“Oh, probably three or four times a week.”
Shit, shit, shit. Heather’s eyebrows crept upward. “Oh?”
“…yes.” Can’t take it back now.
“Okay.” She made a quick mark on her clipboard—for the hundredth time, Sirius wished he could snatch it and run. “Interesting. Why are you so stressed?”
“It’s not like that all the time,” he said quickly. “Just over the past couple weeks.”
“What’s been going on?”
“Everything?” he said. It sounded more like a question. Heather made another note. “It’s—well, Jules got the flu two months ago and Re wasn’t sleeping because he was worried, so I got nervous and started staying up later so I’d be tired, but then I got bored and worried about both of them so I texted Hope about her pie recipe—"
“Sirius,” Heather interrupted gently. He closed his mouth and tucked his hands into his sleeves, palms itching. “Deep breaths, then tell me what’s been going on these past couple weeks specifically that was stressing you out.”
He obliged, counting ten before speaking again as his brain stopped feeling like someone poured pop rocks into it. “Right. So, this whole habit thing started two months ago, and we’re getting closer to you-know-what—”
“The playoffs?”
He made a quiet noise of distress and tapped the wood of the chair. “Oui, that. There’s a lot of pressure from last year, and when my friends are stressed, I get stressed, and baking is easy and fun so I just…didn’t stop. A lot of things are happening right now, and this feels like the only one I can control.”
“There you go,” she said with a proud smile. “Thank you.”
“What did I do?”
“You’re being more open and honest with yourself. It’s good to see.” She crossed one leg over the other and leaned slightly forward. “You’re a really, really good captain, Sirius. You are so in-tune with the other people in your life, but you’ve got to remember to step back and do things for yourself sometimes. Right now, baking is your stress relief because you can’t control your friends’ lives or emotional states. Try to find more things like that.”
He stared at her for a moment. “Are you diagnosing me with ‘needs a hobby’?”
“In a sense, yes. You have done an incredible job over the past few months of letting your world revolve around things other than hockey. Branching out to baking was an excellent choice. Now it’s time to find other things that give you similar comfort, okay?”
“Fantastic. Let’s brainstorm.”
Sirius dropped his bag next to the shoe rack and immediately leaned back against the door, closing his eyes with a sigh. Therapy was always exhausting, but usually in a good way. Already, he could feel the weight of the last three weeks lifting off his shoulders. “I’m home!” he called.
Remus materialized from the living room and padded over in his fuzzy socks, planting a kiss on each of Sirius’ cheeks. “You look tired. Good or bad?”
“Good,” he assured him. “We worked on finding a hobby.”
“Apparently, baking every other day isn’t a great long-term coping mechanism.”
Remus kissed him lightly on the lips. “I can’t tell you how glad I am to hear that.”
Sirius pulled back with a frown. “I thought you liked my baking.”
“I do. I also worry about how much space we have in our kitchen, and how much you sleep.” He gave Sirius a squeeze around the waist and patted his hip. “Now c’mere, I have a surprise.”
“What kind of surprise?” Sirius asked warily as he allowed himself to be pulled toward the living room. “Do we have company?”
“Does Hattie count?”
The dog in question barked when they entered the room, though she was buried beneath a mountain of blankets and only her nose and tail stuck out. In the hour and a half Sirius had been gone, the living room had transformed into a massive fort—the couch cushions were propped up around a nest of pillows and blankets, and low amber light fell over everything from the side table lamp. It radiated coziness and warmth; he felt the last bits of his exhaustion settle into contentment. “Wow.”
Remus beamed at him. “Do you like it?”
“I love it.” He cupped his face in his hands and nudged their noses together. “And I love you. So much. I’m going to go rinse off and change, but can we cuddle afterward?”
“What do you think this is for?” Remus teased. “You took my sweatshirt.”
“It’s too big for you anyway.”
“How long until I find it in my laundry pile because it doesn’t smell like me anymore?”
Sirius pretended to think for a moment, though he couldn’t keep his smile down as happiness bubbled through every vein. “Tomorrow.”
“Go take your shower,” Remus laughed, then kissed him once again. “I’ll see if I have anything else that’ll fit you.”
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goldenraeofsun · 3 years
Day 17: Last Supper
Dean spends his last supper at his apartment staring down the mixtape propped up against a pile of unopened junk mail.
Dean’s Top 13 Zepp Traxx.
It mocks him, with its his stupid callback spelling (Sam might have received a Quick Flip Trixx Mix ‘96 for his middle school graduation) to Dean’s own name, proudly scrawled over the white strip.
Dean grabs the tape and his keys. Time to fucking man up. It’s his last goddamn night in this apartment building. If this all blows up in his face, he’s going to be across town tomorrow, enjoying a cold beer and his first-ever dishwasher.
Dean tries the floor below him first because why climb stairs when he can just walk down?
The hallway is, of course, eerily familiar with his floor, just with 4s in front of all the lettered doors instead of 5s. He figures the sound must be travelling down the apartment lines. He lives in 5J, so 4J is a good bet. He rings the doorbell and waits with bated breath.
No answer.
He frowns. The neighbor he’s looking for is not Deaf. Maybe tone deaf, with how he butchered Single Ladies singing in the shower all those months ago. (And every song since.)
Halo, though, Halo was inexcusable. Dean, in the middle of his own shower, hadn’t even realized the guy was attempting Beyonce until he got to the chorus. And even then the wailing, “I can feel your halo, halo, halo-o-o!” only barely keyed him in. The dude was even trying the runs and everything.
Dean chose this apartment partially based on the water pressure so he wasn’t about to let some faceless dude ruin his precious shower time. Already drenched, he couldn’t grab his phone with his wet hands and drown him out with studio recordings, so Dean worked with what he had.
One chorus of Heat of the Moment later, and Showerus Interruptus shut the hell up. Sure, Dean’s voice cracked on the high note in, “Telling me what my hea-rt meant!” but he clearly got the point across.
Until the next day.
“I came in like a wreeecking ball!”
Dean’s mouth fell open. Unbelievable.
Time for the big guns.
Dean geared himself up as his neighbor continued, “I never hit so hard in love! All I wanted was to break your walls, but all you did was, wre-e-e-eck me!”
Dean screeched back, “I’m back in black! I hit the sack!”
“I came in like a -”
Dean grabbed his shampoo bottle and bobbed his head as he sang into it, “I’ve been too long, I’m glad to be back!”
Showerus cut himself off.
After Back in Black, Dean couldn’t stop there. He went through Thunderstruck and You Shook Me All Night Long before he reluctantly left his steamy shower stall. His voice was tender the next day, but it was totally worth it.
It was about time Showerus listened to some real music for a change.
The door pulls part of the way open, jerking Dean out of his thoughts.
“Can I help you?” a young man asks, eyebrows rising. “Sorry - I was practicing the cello.”
The voice sounds wrong, but Dean has to be sure. He shifts his weight to his other foot, hitching a hopefully charming smile on his face. “You don’t by any chance like to sing in the shower, do you?”
The man takes a large step back. “No? What kind of question is that?”
“Never mind,” Dean says, face flaming, “Sorry to bother you.”
“You’re a very weird person,” the man says, eyeing him critically as he closes the door.
Dean tilts back on his heels, trying to ignore the disappointment and embarrassment flooding his veins. This is fine. Setbacks are all part of the game. Onto the next apartment.
Dean climbs the next two floors humming Eye of the Tiger.
The mixtape weighs a metric ton in his pocket, and the hallway smells like marinara sauce and Chinese food all covered by a barely-there tinge of weed. He rings 6J and tries not to fidget as he waits.
And waits.
Maybe this guy plays cello too.
Dean pulls out his phone to check the time. He makes his next move in his Words with Friends game with Mom. He replies to Sam’s request to meet for lunch at the diner down the block from Sandover.
Two weeks ago, Dean got passed over for a promotion. He left work early for the first time in weeks, lazed on his couch for a few hours catching up on all the Dr. Sexy he missed staying late at the office. In a stink of his own BO and misery, he slumped into the shower.
He kept quiet as the water heated up, waiting for Katy Perry or Kelly Clarkson or, hell, Justin Bieber.
Dean stepped into the shower. Maybe their schedules didn’t match up, for once.
He sang, softer at first before growing louder, “There is a house in New Orleans they call the Rising Sun. And it’s been the ruin of many a poor boy, and god, I know I’m one.”
He got through the whole song, and by the end, it might’ve been Dean’s magical water pressure or the power of good music, he actually felt marginally more human.
“What song was that?” came out of absolutely nowhere.
Dean nearly slipped and cracked his head open on the wet tub, yelping, “What the fuck?”
“The song you just sang,” Showerus Interruptus called, his voice echoing off the tile in the bathroom. “What was it?”
Dean narrowed his eyes at the sliver of air vent visible above the edge of his shower curtain. Showerus Interruptus had to be communicating through it. “You seriously don’t know House of the Rising Sun? It’s a classic!”
“No, but I like it.”
Dean snorted, shaking his head.
“Please don’t stop on my account.”
Dean grinned. Time to give this poor, deprived son of bitch an education. “Alright, buckle up. You ever heard of Kansas?”
“The state?”
Dean rubbed soap under his arms and sang, “Carry on my wayward so-o-on! There’ll be peace when you are done…”
Turned out, Showerus wasn’t too keen on Carry on Wayward Son, but he liked Night Moves, which Dean could respect. After his shower, Dean towelled himself dry to the sounds of a pitchy yet earnest cover of Lady Gaga’s Judas.
In the 6th floor hallway, Dean rings the doorbell again.
To his left, a door opens and a small redhead wearing jeans, chucks, and a hoodie steps out. She lets her door shut behind her, giving Dean a funny look. “I think you have the wrong address. That apartment’s been empty for a month.”
Dean exhales a slow breath. “Great, just great,” he mutters, glancing down the hallway for an excuse not to look at the one witness to his most recent let down.
Her eyes narrow, and whatever expression she finds on his face makes her ask, “Are you okay?”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Dean turns around, surprised. “Uh, not really.”
Dean runs a hand through his hair, completely at a loss. Before she can leave, he blurts, “I’m looking for a guy.”
Her eyebrows rise, but she doesn’t comment. She just zips up her hoodie and gives him an expectant look.
“He’s got a deep voice, can’t carry a tune to save his life, and, I dunno, likes female pop stars?”
“And you think he lives on this floor?” she asks, propping one hand on her hip.
Dean shrugs. “I thought he lived in this apartment,” he says, jerking his head behind him.
“The guy who used to live there was smarmy and British and ate a lot of baked beans, judging from the smell.”
Dean shakes his head. “My guy definitely isn’t British.”
“Do you have a name?” she asks, intrigued. “A picture?”
Stiffly, Dean shakes his head again. “I haven’t met him. Not really. We - we communicate in the shower - not the same shower,” he adds quickly. “I’m mine, and he’s in his, and the sound carries, I guess, between the floors.”
The redhead’s mouth falls open. “That is adorable.”
“So what’s your next plan?” she asks eagerly.
“Honestly?” Dean spent all day putting things in boxes, Adler has been breathing down his neck for the past week to get the Q2 reports in before Monday, and he’s got to buy a present for Eileen’s birthday next weekend. “I’m pretty wiped. I might call it in. I’ve got a big day of moving tomorrow.”
“You’re leaving?” the redhead demands, aghast.
“Yeah?” Dean says, nonplussed. “It’s a bust. I don’t have time to check every floor of this place.”
“Just one more,” she pleads. “Man, I code all day and read fantasy novels on the weekends. Nothing this exciting ever happens to me.”
“But it isn’t happening to-”
“Go!” she actually flaps her hands at him. “One more try won’t kill you. C’mon, you know you’ll regret it if you don’t try…”
Dean groans as he steps back towards the stairs.
“Slide a note under my door or something if it works out!” the redhead calls as she pushes the button for the elevator.
Dean drags his feet up every step. This is stupid. Some old lady with too many cats will live in 7J, and Dean will slink back to his apartment with his tail between his legs.
But the redhead has a point that sticks in Dean’s mind like an irritating burr.
Two days ago, Dean stepped in his bathroom, and Showerus was singing Taylor Swift.
Dean liked Taylor Swift. He liked her a lot. And he was prepared to take that secret to his grave, but Showerus had to go hit that pre-chorus like an oncoming, warbly, freight train, so Dean joined in with, “’Cause I keep cruising. Can’t stop, won’t stop moving. It’s like I got this music in my mind, saying it’s gonna be alright!”
Showerus seemed more focused on drowning Dean’s voice out than coming close to the right pitch.
Dean nearly busted his hip on the tile from a little too forceful shaking, and he wound up not being able to finish the last chorus, almost doubled up with laughter.
“It’s been a long time since I laughed that hard,” he gasped as Showerus’s echoes died out.
“I’m glad I could amuse,” Showerus said. “Are you feeling better?”
“I thought,” Showerus said, for the first time sounding a little sheepish, “these past few days, you seemed off. Stressed, maybe? I wasn’t sure. You sounded different.”
Dean stood, buck naked in his own bathtub, feeling more naked than he ever has in his life. He cleared his throat. “Yeah,” he said after a beat, “a lot’s been going on.”
He almost told Showerus about his upcoming move. Would Showerus miss him? It almost sounded like it. Or maybe, if Dean opened his big fat mouth, Showerus would just laugh and tell him thank god he was getting his shower time back. His uninterrupted shower time when he didn’t have to think about anyone else or anyone else’s problems - because he clearly did.
“I wasn’t sure you liked Taylor Swift,” Showerus continued.
“I do,” Dean said cautiously.
“Because if you still have unresolved issues that can only be resolved through song, I know only one woman who has the appropriate catalog.”
“Oh, no-”
“I think I did it again,” Showerus sang in a low rumble. “I made you believe we’re more than just friends.”
“Britney? Seriously?” Dean asked, smiling despite himself.
“Oh, baby, it might seem like a crush, but it doesn’t mean that I’m seri-ious…”
Dean caved by the chorus, and by the end of the song, he was belting right along, “I’m not that innocent!”
That night, Dean went to bed with a smile on his face for the first time in weeks.
In the 7th floor hallway, Dean stands outside 7J, his finger poised at the doorbell. He pauses, but he doesn’t have to strain his ears to catch the sound of Bob Seger coming from behind the door.
He can do this.
Heart in his throat and pulse racing in his veins, Dean rings.
The door opens before he’s ready, revealing a tall, dark-haired man with serious eyes. “Can I help you?” he asks, and Dean recognizes his voice even without all the weird echoes and vent-distortions.
“Hey,” Dean starts, shoving his hands in his pockets. The fingers of his left hand brush against the mixtape. “I’m Dean. I live in 5J.”
“Hello, Dean,” the man says, his face lighting up in recognition. “I’m Castiel.”
“I, uh, wanted to stop by and give you this,” he says, holding it out.
Cas takes it, bemused.
“I never got to do Led Zeppelin, my favorite band, so…” Dean drifts off.
“Never?” Cas repeats, his eyebrows rising. “I don’t understand.”
“I’m,” Dean swallows, forcing the words out, “moving tomorrow.”
“Oh,” Cas says quietly, staring down at the tape in his hands. “That’s… good. Hopefully somewhere nicer.”
“It’s downtown,” Dean says, “Closer to the job, my family, you get it.”
“Indeed,” Cas says, still not meeting his eyes. “Thank you for this.”
“You’re welcome,” Dean says automatically. He licks his lips. “Look, I couldn’t just take off without ever meeting you, so…” he drifts off, not really sure where he is going with that sentence. “Yeah.”
Cas swipes his thumb along the title Dean wrote out, his forehead furrowing. “Do you want to come inside?”
Cas raises his gaze, the corners of his mouth lifting into a sly smile. “Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy-”
Dean cuts him off with a kiss before Cas can get the rest of that stupid song stuck in their heads.
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 3 years
Camp North Star - September 3rd
AFAB!Reader x Jeon Wonwoo
Word Count: 3522
Contents: drinking and being tipsy, praise, oral (male receiving), fingering, protected sex, outdoor sex
It was late. The bus wasn’t coming too early tomorrow but still. One last bonfire and a few drinks as the summer came to a close. You spent the night with Wonwoo glued to your side, pressed close against you and getting cuddly when he got tipsy. You didn’t mind in the slightest though. The whole world felt like it was upright now. And you knew that you needed to go your separate ways getting set up for school so this was the last bit of carefree time you could spend with him.
So it wasn’t really a surprise that as the night wore down and people started to head to bed Wonwoo stole you away from the group. You found yourselves giggling and holding onto each other on your way closer to the lake finding a clear spot along the shore before Wonwoo dropped down into the soft grass, pulling you down with him.
You fell rather unceremoniously but were just tipsy enough to feel like it was romantic as you righted yourself and straddled his lap. He giggled as you cupped each of his cheeks and started to leave quick, soft pecks of kisses on his lips. Maybe the alcohol was making you a little sillier, or maybe you were just that high off being in love again.
Regardless, after some silly, light kisses Wonwoo tangled his fingers into your hair and held you close for a proper kiss. A truly deeply loving kiss that made your heart race a little more. A kiss that made the giggles stop as you pressed closer to him and he let a hand slip down to the small of your back, just holding you.
You got lost in the kisses, though you would hardly have been a good judge of time anyway. Your hands found his shoulders as the moments slipped past and your lips moved with his. In the woods crickets chirped their nightly song and owls occasionally swooped overhead but you paid them no mind.
You were lost in the kisses and eventually Wonwoo’s hands started to roam. They slid down your back and squeezed your ass before running along your thighs. You sighed into the kisses, fingertips running along his arms and over his shoulders as you thought about what you wanted to do. There were no bad options in your mind, other than stopping. But you wanted to make him feel good at least.
Gently, you pulled away from his lips, kissing at his neck. He let his head fall back easily, giving you access to press soft kisses over him. Your fingers played with the hem of his shirt until you lifted it up and he let you pull it off of him.
You pressed into him, kissing down his chest slowly. The way his breaths grew a little shaky as you kissed lower made you grin, glad he was already anticipating your touch. His fingers played with your hair as he shifted back to rest on his forearm.
“It feels like it’s been a long time.”
“It does,” you hummed, gazing up at him and pressing a kiss next to his navel. “Are you trying to tell me you’re nervous?”
Wonwoo shook his head with a chuckle. “I’m excited. I’m happy. I don’t think there’s anywhere I’d rather be.”
You couldn’t help the way that made you smile. “Me too.”
Your fingers found the waist of his jeans and you let your hand trail down, tracing the outline of his half hard cock and smirking up at him. You were sure he was blushing, even in the low light. He didn’t quite meet your gaze as he let out another shaky breath while you palmed him through his jeans.
“You are excited.”
“It’s truly just a compliment to you,” he said sweetly.
You felt your heart melting a little. “You’re all soft and mushy now. I won’t even be able to tease you.” You jested.
Wonwoo snorted, lifting his hips to let you pull off his jeans and boxers. “The honeymoon phase won’t last forever. Enjoy the gushiness while it lasts.”
You shrugged, a grin pulling at your lips as you wrapped a hand around his cock. “That’s true, but I still know how to make you whiny and needy, don’t forget that.”
Wonwoo’s voice was quieter when he spoke again. “Y-You’re not gonna- I think that would be a little-”
“Don’t worry.” you hummed, bringing your lips to kiss along his cock. “I just want to make love tonight.”
You were sure that made Wonwoo even more flustered, as the words left your own lips the drew heat to the surface of your skin along with them. But they were the truth. You wanted to be with him again. You wanted to feel him, and not purely in the horny sense. You wanted to be near him, you wanted to be intimate, to be close with him.
So you took it slow as you kissed along his cock, leaving licks along the most sensitive parts and hearing him exhale in shudders. He pressed his legs apart for you a little more as you fully settled between them and his hand stroked your hair gently and affectionately. You took in all of his little sighs and groans, enjoying the slow pace as you dragged it out until he was early fully hard.
Only then did you take him into your mouth. You gazed up at him, hoping he could tell how much you loved him through your gaze alone. You brought your mouth down around him at a steady pace, taking him in at a comfortable depth. Your hand moved around the base of his cock, pumping him slowly until he was fully hard between your lips.
Wonwoo started to let out moans, not caring tonight if anyone heard him. You weren’t quite so far away that no one could hear loud moaning, but not close enough for anyone to want to investigate, not when they could easily put two and two together about what you were up to out here so late when there were plans tomorrow.
But plans were for the morning, when the sun would rise over the lake, warming the dew that would soon be settling on the grass. When bright rays of sunshine would wake you whether you wanted to be awake or not. When mist rose off the surface of the lake, reaching up to the sky. You could worry about plans when all of that happened.
For now, you let each of Wonwoo’s moans run through your body. You felt each one as a rush of arousal that shot down your spine and through your stomach until it pooled in your heat, in the space between your legs, igniting a low burning fire of need that was keeping you warm on this cool night.
Well along with the beer.
Wonwoo, pressed his hips towards you as you moved a little faster, taking him a little deeper in your mouth. His fingers twisted tightly into your hair and each time you looked at him you found him with his eyes closed and mouth open in moans or puffs of breath.
“I missed this,” he said breathlessly.
You hummed around his cock, making him tremble just a little. 
“I love this f-feeling. I love being close to you, feeling you.” He managed. “I’ve b-been wanting, wanting you.”
You squeezed his cock a little more tightly in your hand, moving your hand a little faster. You couldn’t deny that you loved the way he spoke to you, the way he desired you. You wanted to hear more of it, you were wrapped up in it and you wanted to be drowning in his praise the more turned on you got.
You moaned, letting his head fall back as his hips gently bucked up towards your mouth. You held them down, keeping him as still as you could so he didn’t go too deep. But you moved yourself a little faster, knowing he was wanting more. You didn't mind if he came now. You wanted him to be satisfied, satiated, fulfilled.
Suddenly though, Wonwoo was pushing you back off his cock. You looked up at him, a little surprised but he just gave you a lazy smile.
“Your turn.”
You couldn’t help your grin as you let him pull your body closer. He kissed you again, though it was short lived as he broke away to pull off your shirt. His touch was still loving but a little move feverish as he undid your bra and pulled you close against him. Slowly, he shifted you to sit back in the grass before his fingers grazed over your chest, drawing a small gasp from you before he undid your shorts.
You lifted your hips to let him pull them off, along with your panties. Your hands landed in the grass behind you, bracing yourself as he kissed you again, pushed your knees up before spreading your legs and pressing closer between them.
Wonwoo pulled back, just enough that his lips were brushing yours as he started to trail a finger down your body.
“I’ve missed having you like this,” he murmured. “I keep thinking about you too, about being with you. I have been craving this touch, this attention from you.”
You smiled, feeling almost shy. “Yeah?”
“Of course,” he hummed, lazily running his fingertips over your nipples. “I got so wrapped up in you. And it started with sex but now I just want you. I want to spend time together. I want to go on dates. I want to cook together.” 
All the while as Wonwoo spoke his fingers travelled lower down your body. “I want to go to museums with you where you’re really just humouring me because it’s boring but I wanted to so you do it anyway.”
You giggled a little, feeling even more shy in the face of his sweet confessions, your own heart bursting and you thought about how much you wanted all of those things too.
Wonwoo leaned in, leaving a kiss along your jaw before his lips came next to your ear. His fingers slipped between your legs, dragging through your folds and starting to rub at your clit as he spoke, his voice a little lower.
“And I’ve missed feeling you. I’ve missed feeling you clench around my fingers, or feeling your legs shake. I can’t deny I like the way you’re affected from how I touch you.”
You let out a whimper as your legs trembled. Your clit was already sensitive and his words were only turning you on more. Maybe it was because you loved him, or because you had been thinking about him so much, or because you were so intoxicated with this kind of attention from him. You didn't have an answer, but you knew you were feeling each sensation strongly as he rubbed his fingers in smooth circles on your clit.
“I missed it, too,” you breathed.
“Is it bad that that makes me happy?” He murmured, pressing into your neck a little.
“I hope not,” you breathed. “Otherwise I’m bad too.”
Wonwoo smiled against your neck as his fingers moved lower. “At least that makes two of us.”
You responded with a high moan as he pressed two fingers into your heat, easily guessing that you were ready and able to take that. Your fingers curled into the grass a little as you steadied yourself. His fingers felt heavenly after all this time, after thinking about them so much, after you body reminding you how badly you wanted to feel them inside of you.
None of his knowledge of your body had wavered. He curled his fingers into just the right spot and already had you rocking your hips into his hand as pleasure shot through you from each movement. He pressed open mouthed kisses to your neck as he fell into just the pace you liked with his fingers.
“You’re so beautiful.” You could already feel your body warming at his first bit of praise but some part of you was so needy for it. 
“You’re so beautiful like this,” his voice was a murmur, nearly muffled by your skin. “The way you moan for me, the way I can see the pleasure on your face. I love that I know you’re feeling good and it only wants to make me give you more.”
You felt yourself clenching around his fingers as you soaked in his praise. You bit down on your lip, knowing it would do little to change your volume, and tried to press your legs out a little wider. Your hips were meeting his fingers as they curled and thrust into you. You felt  the pleasure coursing through you as tension started building in the pit of your stomach.
Wonwoo kissed down your chest a little as it rose and fell with quick breaths.
“I’ve missed seeing your body. My memory gets dull with images so quickly, it was so hard to picture you, to think of you clearly. Even,” he hid his face against your skin, seeming shy. “Even in my dreams, even when we were together, it was never the same. My imagination can’t replace you in the slightest.”
You brought one hand up, grabbing Wonwoo’s chin and pulling him up for a sudden kiss as your heart swelled from his sweet words and your body only grew more aroused. You kissed him deeply, tongue passing his lips quickly as you let more and more of your senses be taken over by him.
Wonwoo took the opportunity to press a third finger into your heat and you whimpered against his lips. He started out moving slowly, allowing you to get used to the stretch, before picking up to the pace he knew you would love. Your thighs trembled as you took in the sensation.
Each movement of his fingers sent pleasure careening through your body. The tension in you was building higher and your moans matched it. The kisses between you and Wonwoo grew messy as you started to gasp and moan between them, unable to keep quiet and knowing he didn’t want you to anyway.
“S-So good,” you moaned.
“Are you feeling good, love?” There was no teasing in his tone, only genuine fondness that made you feel warmer in every way.
“Mhm, really g-good.”
Wonwoo smiled against your lips. “Do you want me to make you cum, now?”
You did your best to think through your lust-addled brain but as soon as the words had left his lips you knew you would be whining out a yes at him. You liked feeling comfortable, feeling so taken care of with him. It had been a while since the last time you’d felt that and it was only adding to your pleasure now.
“I’ll make you feel wonderful,” he murmured.
You moved your hand to the back of his neck, holding yourself close to him. Your other hand stayed braced against the ground as he brought his other hand between your legs and started to rub your clit in quick circles.
You let out a series of high moans as he moved a little closer, wedging himself between your legs to keep you from closing them. He kissed against your lips, even if your responses were sloppy and punctuated with moans and whimpers as the coil inside of you wound itself tighter and tighter.
Wonwoo pressed his forehead to yours as you squeezed your eyes shut, legs shaking and hand gripping at him to keep him close. Quiet pleas with him to keep going fell off your lips, followed by reassurances that he wasn’t going to stop. He kept his fingers at the quick pace, urging you to cum until you finally fell over your edge.
You held him tightly as you let out a high pitched moan and your thighs squeezed around his body. Your hips rode through the wave of your orgasm as your hips ground down, trying to get more from his fingers. He kept moving them, bringing you more pleasure until your body relaxed and you started to whimper.
Wonwoo pulled his fingers away from your clit, bringing his lips to meet yours. Your body trembled as you came down from your high. He didn’t pull his fingers from your heat right away, instead moving them slowly and making your body jolt and twitch. It was late and you were feeling a little drowsy but you wanted a little more.
“Grab my shorts,” you hummed.
Wonwoo pulled away, finding your shorts. You took the opportunity to sit up, feeling the heat lick at your skin when you saw him sucking his wet fingers between his own lips, tasting you. It at once flustered you and fired you up again.
When he returned to you you took the shorts and searched your pockets until you found the condom sober you had been smart enough to bring. You kissed Wonwoo to stop him chuckling at you as you tore open the packet and rolled the condom onto him. Before you could do anything else though Wonwoo pushed you gently back into the grass.
He gazed down at you, lust and desire mixed in with love. You gazed up at his face, surrounded by the inky blackness of the sky and a smattering of stars. You wrapped your legs around him, grinning and biting your lip in anticipation. Wonwoo took his cock in his hand and gently guided himself inside of you with a smooth thrust.
You both let out moans at the feeling. Your own gaze felt a little unfocused as Wonwoo took both of your hands, lacing his fingers with yours as he started to roll his hips, thrusting into you slow and deep. His lips met yours in a kiss that held all of your passion for one another. You squeezed his hands and he squeezed back.
His hips found a steady pace, each thrust deep and each one sending a rush of pleasure through your whole body. Your thighs squeezed around him as you thrust into your already sensitive core. Your kisses quickly grew messy as you both moaned from the sensation and Wonwoo pressed down closer to you.
“I missed this s-so much.” he mumbled.
You gave him a quick kiss. “Me too. I’ve wanted you so bad.”
“Let’s never be s-stupid like that again,” he said.
You couldn’t help but laugh. “I agree,” you voice was breathy as you spoek and you tilted up to kiss him again. “This is so much better.”
Tension was building inside you again as he moved a little faster, starting to chase his own high. Wonwoo let his head fall into the crook of your neck as your head fell back, moans cascading off your lips. His own sounds were rushing through you and had you clenching around him.
“God I l-love the way you feel,” he murmured. “You’re a perfect f-fit.”
You let out a gasp as he slightly changed his angle. “You feel so good, god and you move so well.”
You felt him smile against your neck. One of his hands left yours and you took the opportunity to wrap it around him and scratch at his back, urging his hips to move just a little more roughly. Wonwoo had pants falling off his lips as he held onto your hip, sucking lightly at your neck.
“Mmm please,” you moaned, pressing you head back and wanting nothing more than for him to leave marks on you. The feeling of his lips sucking at your neck were only adding to the pleasure already curling through you. His every sound was bringing you closer to your edge, making the tension higher, winding you tighter.
“Wonwoo,” you moaned. He brought his lips up to press a sweet kiss to yours.
“I want to cum,” you breathed.
“So I do,” he replied, his hand moving from your hip in between your two bodies. He quickly found your clit and started rubbing quickly over the sensitive bud in a way that had you arching you back up, pressing your chest against him.
You fell over your edge first, cumming with a cry of his name. Your orgasm crashed over your whole body, releasing every inch of tension until the tips of your fingers were tingling and your legs were shaking. Wonwoo followed you over the edge, hips stuttering to a stop as he moaned out your name.
The world sat still for a moment as you both breathed, staying close and kissing until he pulled back to look down at you with a sweet dopey smile on his face.
“What?” you giggled.
“I love you,” he said before kissing your nose.
You giggled more. “I love you, too.” You leaned up and repeated his action.
“I didn’t officially ask you to be my partner yet.”
You felt your smile growing wider. “Are you going to?”
Wonwoo smiled. “Will you be my partner?”
You beamed back at him, feeling your heart fluttering. “Absolutely.”
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pure-kirarin · 3 years
Slow & Steady [P1] [Sabo x f!reader] (+18)
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Hey bishes. I snapped and decided to publish first chapter of my current project. This was inspired by @glitterfreezed​​ playlist . Honestly I am so thrilled for this story. It’s different from everything I have written so far and I am excited for how it will turn out.  Genre : Romance - Smut - Bestfriends to lovers  General warnings : Alcohol consumption - Dark themes - Swearing - S m u t - possessiveness - Mention of ex-relationships - jealousy
Synopsis : Isn’t love a matter of timing after all ?  That’s what Sabo has always thought. It was about finding the right tempo, making the right moves and hitting the right spot. Patience is a virtue after all, and he had a lot of it. It all started when your ex cheated on you. You were heartbroken, you needed someone and he was there. Was he always that hot ? You didn’t know. But after that night you have never seen him in the same way.  Part II -
Part I : 
“(Y/N)…You should really stop drinking. Said Nami as she took the cup off your hands.
-Leave me alone ! I wanna drink some more…Come on…Let me drink“ you said as you reached weakly for the cup in her hand but ended up stumbling and almost falling.
You were quick to feel an arm encircle your waist. Your intoxicated senses could still pick up his scent, a mixture of mint and cologne. His gloved hand held you a little tighter against him so you don't fall.
« Sabo ! Glad to see you here. I didn't know what to do with her...She's been drinking non-stop.
His hand tightened possessively around your waist. He only knew too well what happened, yet he still asked Nami for confirmation :
« -Hey Nami, What's wrong ? (Y/N) isn't used to drink this much. -Oh...I don't know if I'm technically supposed to tell you but... » she bit her lower lip « let's say that she broke up with (ex). »
You started hysterically laughing as you heard you now ex's name while trying to escape from Sabo's firm grip.
« Eeeeeeeh ? Saboooo~ ? Whatcha doin' here huh ? Oh gosh are you following me ? Why do I always see ya everywhere ? Come're...Let's dance together~ Saboo.. » you screamed so he could hear you over the music.
The nightclub was extremely crowded but you needed all these faces, all these bodies almost crushing you on the dance floor. You needed to drown your pain in alcohol, the pain of being used and discarded, of being betrayed.
You didn't talk about this to Sabo, your bestfriend. You didn't want him to see you in this pathetic state. Seeing you like this made the blood pump into his veins. His fist clenched, but he tried to keep his calm. He slid a hand in his blond locks, sighing and rocking his head back.
He had to keep it in, if he lost his temper, it was going to be the end for your ex.
« I'm going to take her home » He says to Nami as he holds you by your arm.
« 'kay ! Here, she gives him your purse. Take good care of her okay ? I'm counting on you. » She seemed really worried.
-What are you guyyyz on about ? I don't wanna go home ! I wanna drink some more...Come on Sabo, you're no fun. It's good to loosen up from time to time. You're always so uptight...Come on...Lemme go...
-There is no way that I am going to let you in this state, (Y/N)
-That's none of your business ! Let me go....It has nothing to do with you.
Your words hurt but he was used to them, his role as your « best friend » meant that you were always blunt with each other, and usually it amused him, but not tonight.
« You're coming with me. 
-Namiiiiiiii, you traitor! »
Sabo ignored your loud whines taking you to his car, eyebrows tied together, his blood on fire. He felt guilty ; he didn't prevent you from this hearbreak, he didn't protect you, his dear princess. He was too fooled by how happy you seemed, by the way you spoke so eagerly about that bastard, making him wish that it was him instead. But that was going to change. 
You fell asleep while on the backseats of the car. Your dress was slightly up, showing your beautiful legs. It was extremely painful for Sabo to concentrate on the road, his head fuming because of anger and because of seeing you so vulnerable at his side. As you were sleeping and he didn't want to leave you alone, he decided to bring you to his own appartement that he shared with Ace.
He held you like a princess as if you were as light as a feather. Once inside, he put you on the couch. You slowly opened your eyes ;
-Sabooo...Ohh...We're at your place...Where's Ace ?
-Ace is spending the night with Thatch. You can stay here till tomorrow. I can't leave you alone...Well...Like this.
You rubbed your eyes together,  sitting on the sofa. He found your flushed face extremely cute. 
-Ohhh...’kayy...Gosh I'm nauseous..you put your hand over your lips. You looked at the glass of water on the table and got up to reach for it, but you stumbled and dropped the glass on the floor.
-Oh goddamnit...I'm sorry...you bent over to collect the shattered glass but Sabo's hand held yours ;
-It's fine, I'll take care of it. Are you hurt ?
You look at your hand some blood was dripping from the fresh cut. You instinctively put your finger in your mouth while looking into his eyes :
-Uh-uh it's fine...I'm really sorryyy for the glass.
-It's okay. I'll bring you another one, you just wait here, and don't touch anything. He says as he collects the pieces of glass to throw them away. Then he disappears into the kitchen only to come back with a glass of water.
You were sitting there, on the couch, in your underwear ; a simple set of black bra and cotton panties. Your dress was on the floor and you reached for the remote control to turn the T.V. on. Sabo blinked many times. He knew that you were bestfriends, and that you probably only thought of him as a brother, yet, you have never stripped in his presence. He almost dropped the glass of water but thankfully he managed to keep his cool. You were drunk. He didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable, especially not tonight. 
« Here, drink up. » He sits next to you and you put your legs on his ;
-Thank you~ Ahh, I took off my dress because it was wet. You said as you gestured to the said black dress. I didn't want to get your couch wet...Also it's kinda hot. You don't mind huh ? It's not like you've never seen me in a swimsuit before...Duuh. Wait ? Are you looking at my chest ??? Eh Sabo, stop right there you're looking at my chest ! I'm sure you're doing it haha.
You said playfully. You had a point, you were to the beach together before, but something about seeing you in underwear was different, and he hated himself for looking at you that way while you were so vulnerable.
-I'm not looking. As you said, it's not like I've never seen you in a swimsuit before. You're going to get a cold though. I'll get you a shirt.
He moves your legs out of the way and gets up.
-Okayyy~ But don't make me wait blondie.
-Blondie ? He stops and looks at you with a raised eyebrow, which makes you laugh super hard. - You know what ? Nevermind.
He proceded to ignore you and comes back with a shirt and some shorts. He took advantage of the situation to change into a white shirt and gray sweatpants. He takes place next to you on the couch as you were too focused watching cartoons and laughing at every not-so-funny joke. 
You managed to put the black shirt on which was too big for you, reaching your thighs. You just threw the shorts away because the shirt was long enough to cover your panties.
-Thankyou~ Wha, your clothes really smell good. Kinda smells like you. You smell good.
He knew that your words were innocent, and that you were much more open because of the alcohol, however, he couldn't help but find you extremely adorable wearing his shirt. The thought of what your ex did made him extremely angry. How could he hurt you this way, you, almost an angel ? 
If only you let him love you, he would never hurt you that way, he would cherish and protect you. You’ll never need anyone but him.
An hour passed, with you laughing extremely loud and him trying to keep his calm as you teased him -unconsciously-, putting your head on his shoulder or messing with him. Then, as you were starting to get a bit sleepy at one in the morning, you let your head fall on his lap and said ;
« Thank you for taking care of me Sabo. You're always here for me...Youuu always help me, you really are an amazing guy. 
You were getting emotional so you put your hands on your face, a bit uncomfortable while talking about your feelings this way. Even though you were bestfriends, you weren't the kind to open up about her feelings so much. You hated being perceived as weak. He ruffled your hair lovingly, taking your hands slowly away from your face. His eyes were extremely gentle, it almost melt your pained heart. You couldn't help but think of your ex, and what he did.
-It's normal (Y/N), I wish I could've prevented all of this. I am sorry for what happened.
-Why are you sorry Sabo ? It's not your fault...It's just me, it's like I'm a fuckboy magnet or something...You said with a bitter laugh, trying to dedramatize the situation.
You sat down again on your knees on the couch, he turned  a bit so he was facing you. He didn't know what to say to ease your pain. He didn't know what to say without betraying his emotions, without giving himself away.
-It's like...Everyone I meet plays me and breaks my heart. I'm so done...I really...What did I do wrong huh ? Why did he have to cheat on me ? Am I not enough ? Am I not pretty enough ? Am I not good enough for him ? What's wrong with me... ? Tell me Sabo what's wrong with me...
You did your best at holding your tears. Sabo gently placed his hand on the back of your head, this gesture was even better than words for you. You just snapped and started crying, your mascara staining the white shirt.
-You are more than enough (Y/N). He is just a bastard. You are extremely pretty..You are kind...Every man dreams to have you by his side. Shh..Don’t cry...he gently caressed your hair
You jolted back, looking him in the eyes and sniffing. He hated to think that in this moment, you were adorable, like a little puppy that was only asking to be protected :
-You're so kind Sabo...Why can't I attract guys like you huh ?
His eyes darkened, he never expected you to say anything like this. He knew it was the alcohol, he knew you didn't mean it, yet, it lit something new inside of him : a hint of hope. And if this wasn't better, you kept going on :
-I mean, you're handsome...You're kind, you're smart...And you make me laugh...you laughed a bit, hell you've seen me at my worst haha ! You really are amazing~I’m so lucky to be your best friend.
you moved yourself a bit because you were getting uncomfortable sitting on your knees on the couch like that. You just slipped onto his lap, and it wasn't the first time you did that. Actually, you had to sit on his lap many times when you were teenagers and you didn't have enough place in the car. But this time was different, you were both adults, and you were drunk and heartbroken.
-I'm sure that a lot of girls are into you...
You look down at his shirt, it's true that you have seen Sabo many times before, but you have never noticed that he was this attractive. You run your hand in his hair as if you were discovering his face for the first time, and you felt some kind of electricity between both of you. He was letting you go too far, almost to the point of no return, but you kept going on and on without leaving him the time to even process one thing.
-Why don't you tell me about anyone huh ? Don't you like girls ? What about that girl, Koala, I'm sure she's into you ! She's pretty cute and...Ahh...Don't tell me you're gay Sabo ???!
You put a hand on your lips simulating a shocked reaction. You knew him for so long and you would be offended if your bestfriend was gay and never told you about it. He held your hand and took it away from your lips. Looking at you with eyes you've never seen before. A serious look, you could've sworn that it was the look of yearning :
-I am not.
His voice firm, just like his grip on your wrist. You could've sworn that you saw something mirrored in his black eyes, something that disappeared as fast as it first appeared. And this thing, that little flame that you almost saw thrilled you. You wanted to understand this change in  atmosphere, and why he wasn't laughing along with you. You felt a bit intimidated.
Did you go too far?
But you wanted to go too far.
You wanted to feel something, to forget the stinging pain, to do things that you would regret.
You wanted to sabotage yourself, as a form of punishment.
But for what? And what did he do to deserve this?
Those questions didn't even cross your mind, adrenaline rushing through your veins making your mind blank. You were defying him with your eyes.
« Oh » you said, a mischievous smile forming on your lips. He didn't like this at all. He didn't like how you took all of this as a game while he was serious. But he was that desperate to see your next move. 
The game has just started. It was the perfect timing.
«-Prove it.
-This is getting ridiculous. You should go to sleep as you are saying nonesense.
He knew that you were drunk, but pushing his buttons like this ? It was out of the question for him to take advantage of the situation. His feelings were sincere towards you. He didn't want to do something and betray your trust. He was better than your bastard ex. 
If something was meant to happen, he wanted more than a hookup, he didn't want to abuse of the girl that he has always knew and loved and that saw him as a brother, even if she was half naked on his lap.
It took every ounce of control he had. Every drop of patience in his system to not block you on the couch and kiss your glossy lips.
-You're such a coward...Really...You scared huh ? You're scared ! Say that you've never been with a girl~ Come on, admit it...Who would've known huh ? Sabo you're always so cool~ But in reality you're juuusttttt a virgiiin. I'm so gonna tell Ace ! It's over for you blondie~
You playfully said unaware of the effect of your words, and of how dangerous they were, awakening something almost feral inside of him, just for a few seconds he lost control, pinning you against the couch fist on the side of your face. His face was so close to yours, his hair caressing your cheek and almost making you giggle. 
You have never been this close to Sabo, physically speaking. You felt his leg between yours and you instinctively closed rubbed against it for friction. You just wanted to numb the feelings away. In that moment, you wanted to taunt him, you would've wanted anyone to fuck you. In fact, has he left you in that night club, you would've definitely ended in someone's bed.
But he took you here, so it was his fault, right ? So now it had to be him. He had to numb out the pain.
He was serious.
Sabo, your sweet blondie. Sabo the good friend. Sabo that was always here to pick you up everytime your heart was shattered in million pieces on the ground.
«-Don't try me. I think I'm really close to reaching my limit (Y/N) »
You felt thrilled to see him being serious. You wanted to push his buttons and make him mad. More mad. Because you were broken and you needed some intensity to forget. In that moment, you closed the gap between your lips and encircled his neck with your arms, leaning into a kiss: a desperate, sloppy, drunken kiss. Sabo's eyes opened wide as he felt your soft lips on his. He would have never expected this moment to happen. He never imagined his first kiss with you to be this way. You were so eager, so desperate, and the way you kissed him reflected your conflicted emotions. You kissed him like you needed him, not like you wanted him. 
And that made him full of tenderness. 
He sustained your back, bringing you a bit closer to his chest as you pulled down, eyelids heavy, eyes full of tears :
-Sabo...Kiss me back...Please...I need you. He wanted you, he wanted you so bad that it angered him, but the taste of alcohol on his lips reminded him of your state. His lack of reaction made you even more desperate ; -Sabo don't you want me ? Am I not pretty enough ?...Tell me Sabo...Am I not good enough ? You started nibbling on his ear, and he couldn't help but get hard, he was human after all, and he has loved you for so many years. You whispered into his ear ;
 « Saboo I want you to fuck me »
That was it. That was enough. He got up leaving you there on the couch. Trying so hard not to lose it. He wasn't that guy. If anything, he was mad at your ex, seeing you so hurt that you would initiate something with him, thinking that it was only because of the heart break and alcohol. He held you in his arms like a princess ;
«-Enough playing now, you're going to sleep.
-B-but ! This wasn't what I asked for....You're really a coward after all...You virgin... »
He carried you to his room, putting you on the bed and sitting next to you.
«-I'd love to prove you wrong. However, it would be better if you were in a state where you'd be able to recall how good I am. If you want me to fuck you this badly then maybe ask me when you're sober. »
- Please support me by leaving feedback <3 it motivates me to keep going ! I am tagging people who asked to be tagged or exepressed interest. If you wanna be tagged, ask me !  Enjoy~
 @vemuabhi​​ @glitterfreezed​​ @mwls-garden​​ @soanywaysistartedsimping @tsunderedoctor​
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comfortwriting · 3 years
Unexpected - R.L
Masterlist, Requesting Rules, Writing Prompts
Remus Lupin (Marauders Era) x Fem Reader 
62: He grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you into him, you could tell he was furious, jealous, and mortified. 
65: Your lips crashed against his whilst his hands fumbled with the zip on the back of your dress. 
Requested/About: Lupin and one of his good friends meet up a few times a month to have sex, one night at a party, Lupin sees her getting too close to his best friend and he hopes that their night of passion will change that. Unfortunately, their night of passion leads to something unexpected and only makes things worse. 
Warnings: Smut, unprotected sex, jealous Lupin, pregnancy, and swearing.
“So what’s going on with you and Mooney, then?” Sirius asked, leaning back in his chair, staring at your answers.
You looked over your shoulder, smiling at Remus, he looked up at you and smiled back shyly, his pale face and tired eyes more noticeable than usual.
You covered your answers with your hand, rolling your eyes at him “I don’t really know” you replied “we don’t really feel the need to put a label on things, y’know”
You and Remus considered many labels but none of them was able to justify how the both of you felt about one another without knowing each other's feelings. You’re both really really good friends that fuck, nothing more, nothing less - but outside the bedroom, his friends would always treat you as if what you had with Remus was so much more than the casual hook-ups.
“Have you fallen for our dear Mooney?”
“Now now, don’t get too excited, he doesn’t get any kinkier once he’s back to normal”
You were fine with being friends that fucked for the rest of your life, you never felt like you were in any hurry to make him your boyfriend or to put a spin on things, but not knowing how Remus felt - that sometimes bothered you, perhaps he wanted to be so much more than what you’re happy with.
Sirius stared at you, the corner of his mouth curling into a grin whilst Professor Flitwick collected in your mock papers.
James turned around in his seat, smirking with Sirius “will you be coming to the party tomorrow?” James asked.
You nodded your head and yawned, “yeah” you replied, stretching in your seat “It’ll be the last time I get to see him before the full moon”
Sirius wiggled his eyebrows up and down, causing James to smirk more, both of them breaking out into a laugh when you covered your face, your cheeks turning red.
“Look” you sighed, pointing at James “you try anything, and I mean anything at all, and you can kiss your second chance with Lily goodbye.”
James put his hands up in defence, pretending to be scared and murmuring “oh Y/N! please don’t set S-Snivellus on me, I’ll behave, I-I promise!”
Sirius couldn’t contain his laughter, shooting glares at Severus as he glared at you all from his desk. Peter looked a little afraid and cowered in his seat, you rolled your eyes at James, Remus blinked heavily to stay awake, smiling to himself at the sight of you.
You wound your hair around your wand, holding it for a moment and then letting go, watching your now springy curls twirl down and bounce, Lily walked around the room, applying the tiniest bit of blusher to her cheeks.
“You can get away with wearing such little makeup!” her friend commented as if she read your mind.
You applied your mascara and matte lipstick, looking at yourself once more in the mirror - you’d think you were going out for a meal, or to a dance, but you were only going down to the common room, you felt kind of silly for putting this much effort in, especially since Remus and you were friends; who did you have to impress?
Lily shook her head “I only wear it for special occasions, hopefully, this shade will keep that James Potter as far away from me as possible.”
“Hey” you called out, turning away from the mirror and walking towards Lily and her friend “I know you can’t stand him, and his ego is bigger than his shoe size, but James can be really nice once you get to know him” you defended your house teams seeker, walking towards the door “give him a chance.”
Bursting into the common room the smell of fire whiskey, smoke from the fireplace, and butterbeer overpowered the room, the chatter and laughter drowned out your thoughts whilst you searched for Remus.
You caught many eyes in the common room, none the beautiful shade of green you were so desperately interested in and searched for - you couldn’t find him anywhere.
“Bit lost, Y/N?” Sirius called out, nudging you in the arm playfully, another smirk creeping on his face.
You frowned, continuing to look for Remus on the spot, “I can’t find him anywhere, did he cancel?” you looked through the window at the night sky, searching for the moon.
“No, love” Sirius replied, taking a sip of fire whiskey “he’s a bit weaker tonight but he promised he’d be here.”
Part of you wanted to go into his dorm room and check, but you were friends - you couldn’t invade his privacy even if you were given permission to do so.
You nodded, feeling slightly better but also more worried about Remus, he hated the plague that was forced upon him and took over him once a month - you started to question whether or not he was already in the shrieking shack, all alone and falling apart.
Sirius noticed your sudden dip and put his arm around you, pulling you in closely “he’s going to be okay, Y/N” he said lowly into your ear “we’re all worried about him.”
Remus stood across the room, staring at you seemingly melting into Sirius’s embrace. Despite feeling sick, drained, and weak, he felt like transforming then and there, ripping Padfoots arm off his body.
“thank you” you smiled up at Sirius, part of your worries dissipating “I’m glad he has you lot to look after him”
Remus couldn’t bear it anymore, watching whilst his best friend got closer and closer to taking you away from him - he clenched his sweaty palms into fists, storming over to you with all of his strength, shivering against the cold despite the amount of heat engulfing you all in the room.
You looked over your shoulder, your eyes finally meeting those beautiful green ones you spent ages searching for. Pulling away from Sirius you hurried over to Remus and wrapped your arms around him as gently as you could, you nuzzled your face into his neck, his cool skin relieving you from overheating.
“I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” you breathed, now pulling away and smiling at him, then frowning “I thought you cancelled.”
“is that why you were so close to him?” Remus spat, his temper ticking like a time bomb casually jolting in his stomach.
You flinched away from him, staring into his eyes feeling taken aback.
“He’s my friend” you replied as softly as you could “are you alright?”
He grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you into him, you could tell he was furious, jealous, and mortified. Your lips crashed against his whilst his hands fumbled with the zip on the back of your dress.
You pulled away from the heated kiss “not here” you pulled his fingers away from your zip.
Remus licked his lips slowly, staring at you as if you were something to eat, he grabbed you by the wrist again and lead you to his empty dorm room, fighting against his paranoia.
James and Sirius watched the two of you leave the common room, muttering to one another about the status of your relationship, debating whether or not to make a bet with the little gold that sat in the bottom of their pockets.
“Potter!” Lily called out, walking over to the two troublemakers “your hair looks ridiculous”
The two of you got undressed and couldn’t keep your hands off one another, Remus pushed you down onto his warm bed, his cold hands tracing around your breasts whilst he planted kisses down your neck, your soft moans filling the dorm room and exciting him even more.
Remus sucked on your neck softly, leaving little love bites before pulling away and taking your breast into his mouth, sucking slowly as you took his length into your hand, pumping it. Moaning against your breast, Remus pulled away and reached for the lube in the drawers on his bedside table.
“are you sure you want to?” you asked nervously, staring into his lust-filled eyes.
He nodded and smiled softly, “of course” he replied, “do you?”
You mirrored his smile and nodded your head “of course I do, Remus.”
He applied the silky lube onto his length, and then more onto his fingers which he spread across your entrance, slipping two of his fingers inside of you, pumping in and out to get you warmed up.
His cock hardened and you watched him in awe, biting your lip and moaning at the feel of his touch, he held the base of his cock with his other hand and looked into your eyes for approval, you nodded and he lined himself up against your entrance, pushing himself inside of you slowly, filling you up as your walls tightened around him.
You moaned out softly, watching his perfect scarred body move whilst he thrust inside of you, Remus moved closer and wrapped his arms around you, pushing himself deeper inside of you. Your arms wrapped around him and pulled him closer, your lips hovering against his ear, each and every one of your moans you let out not going unheard.
His lips grazed against your collarbone, the sight of his lower back and bum making you blush with each thrust. Your hands travelled up higher, your fingers now tangled in his light brown hair, Remus pulled away from you and grabbed onto your legs, propping them up upon his shoulders, his cock travelling even deeper inside of you, the head brushing against your G-Spot.
“Remus, I can feel you against my-” you scrunched your eyes shut, unable to control your moans.
Remus felt his heart flutter as you moaned out his name, seeing you look so exquisite and blissful whilst he pleasured you - no one else, just him.
Bucking his hips, Remus groaned out and gripped onto your waist, keeping you in line whilst he fucked you deeper and faster, hitting your G-Spot over and over, sending you over the edge, your hands gripping onto his bedsheets so tight that your knuckles turned white.
“You feel so fucking good!” You moaned out again, your lip now red from all of the biting “I’m-” your legs began to jolt uncontrollably “I’m getting close!”
Each and every time you came undone onto Remus, it flicked switches inside of him, his cock started to throb inside of you, twitching with each and every thrust - he felt himself - like you - getting closer and closer to bursting.
The sight of your legs jolting, your back arching, your mouth wide open, the sound of you moaning his name, telling him how good he felt, your walls tightening around him, the thought of your cum spilling down his cock - he couldn’t take it anymore, and before he could control himself, he released his seed deep inside of you, being too dazed to realise what he had done.
Remus collapsed on top of you, chasing his feeling of bliss before his other feelings of shame and disgust crept upon him.
You laid there, Remus on top of you, your heart pounding in your chest, not knowing what Remus had done, your stroked his hair and felt yourself getting closer to drifting off to sleep.
After five minutes of cooling down, Remus’s body language made it pretty clear that he wanted to be left alone, guilt and hurt surged inside of you, a few meters behind the panic - you quickly scrambled to your feet, getting dressed and hurrying out of his dorm room.
James and Lily were having the smoothest conversation together than anyone had ever seen, not a single argument had broken out and Sirius watched, scanning the room for more fire whiskey with each cup he emptied.
Seeing tears run down your face as you scrambled towards your dorm, he tried to follow you but stopped in his tracks, realising there was no way he could get up there, instead he walked towards his own, bumping into a very poorly, annoyed, and irritable Remus.
Sitting on the tile floor of the shower, you pressed your eyes into your hands, seeing colourful stars appear in the darkness. Remus didn’t say a word to you since that night and he had been at the shrieking shack for over a week, refusing to return despite the begging and convincing of Padfoot, Prongs, and Wormtail. Your period was also late, your breasts swelling and constant nausea made you worry.
You wanted to sit under the flowing hot water for the rest of the day, but you knew you couldn’t, in a few minutes time your life could be changed forever. Your hand rested on top of your stomach, the thought of another life in there bringing you to tears.
Standing up, you turned off the water and grabbed your towel, drying yourself and wrapping it around you, trying to stay as warm as possible.
Getting changed into some comfortable clothing, you walked into your empty dorm room, opening your drawer and peering over at the pregnancy test two thick red lines peered back at you through their little windows; your now stomach doing flips, your heart sinking down into your flipping tummy, and your life-changing forever.
With your test stuffed into your tracksuit bottom pockets, you hurried across the Quidditch pitch, running over to James who was too busy waving at Lily up in the stands to notice you.
“Where is he!” you demanded.
James looked confused and slightly alarmed “who? Mooney? You know-”
“No!” you hissed under your breath, trying not to cause a scene “Sirius, I need him, where is he?”
“He’s catching up on homework by the lake-”
You took off and sprinted past James, too focused on finding your best friend to thank him or care about disrupting Quidditch practice.
Finally reaching Sirius you collapsed next to him on your knees, against the tree, tears running down your face and your lips going bright red and swelling.
Sirius dumped his books on the grass without a second thought, accidentally spilling his inkpot across the pages he had worked so hard on.
“I don’t know what to do” you cried, your head going back into your hands, rocking yourself forwards and backwards.
Sirius could feel his heart pound like yours, he put his arm around you and pulled you back into his arms.
“What’s the matter, Y/N?” he asked softly, rubbing your arm “please tell me.”
You dived into your pocket and pulled out the pregnancy test, handing it to him.
Sirius stared at the test, his heart dropping when he finally understood the results, knowing how Remus would react if he found out about being the reason an innocent baby would turn into a monster.
“I don’t know what to do” you cried “he’s just my friend, this was never meant to happen.”
Sirius debating many of the plans that swam around his head, but he picked the one he knew was best.
“We can’t hide this from him,” he said softly, lifting up your chin so you would finally look at him “he’s our friend, he deserves to know.”
Remus finally broke out of hiding, appearing and feeling much better than before, but unfortunately, he had walked over to you and his best friend at the wrong time - getting the wrong end of a very confusing stick.
“deserves to know what?” he called out, his voice shaking.
You jumped out of your skin and looked at Remus, more open wounds on his face slowly healing.
His eyes fell on the pregnancy test in his best friends hands “are you...” he sounded breathless.
You nodded your head slowly “yes” more tears formed in your eyes.
Remus shook his head and swallowed hard, clenching his fists, his eyes shooting daggers into Sirius.
“I trusted you, Padfoot!” you raised his voice.
Sirius got to his feet quickly, shaking his head “Remus, settle down, this isn’t what you think-”
“sure it is!” Remus flashed you a glare “you’ve always been close to her, you’ve always tried to push me out so you could have her!”
“Remus, please!” you begged, standing up and pulling on his arm “let me explain!”
“explain what exactly?” Remus croaked “that you’re carrying my best friend’s baby?”
You shook your head, hyperventilating whilst your hot tears ran down your red cheeks “no, the baby isn’t his you idiot!”
Remus paused, stopping himself from inching closer to Sirius, his eyes desperately searching yours.
“W-What do you mean?” Remus asked.
“The baby I’m carrying” you choked “it’s yours.”
Taglist: @amourtentiaa @reeophidian @inglourious-imagines @alwaysnforeverfangirl @impulse-anchor 
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seijorhi · 4 years
If you're taking Kuroo requests at the moment is it okay to ask for Gift Wrapped Part 3 👀👀👀👀
For you, bby, of course 💕
Kuroo Tetsurou x Female Reader
TW non-con/extreme dub-con, nsfw, smut, unreliable narrator
Gift Wrapped III
Part I • Part II
It’s not often that Kuroo cooks. He can cook, pretty well actually - growing up, his grandmother had made sure that he at least knew the basics - it’s just that most of the time, he really can’t be fucked. 
Takeout’s easier. Less stress. Less cleaning.  Failing that, there’s always two minute ramen. It’s not like Akaashi or Bo ever complained. 
It’s not like their own cooking habits were any better. 
But today - today he’s glad that he knows his way around a kitchen. It’s not a gourmet meal, not by any stretch of imagination, but he knows that simple is often better. More importantly, he knows that it tastes good and you’ll like it, and really, that’s all he cares about. Kuroo can’t help but smile, hum a little as he moves to grab two plates from the cupboard and set them on the kitchen counter. 
Last night had been… intense for lack of a better word, but there was just something about waking up with you tucked up against his side that made everything feel right. He’s never been much of a romantic, but having you fast asleep in his arms, so soft, so vulnerable, your delicate skin littered with his ardent devotion, it filled him with a kind of warm contentment, like coming home after a long, long time away.
You fit against him so perfectly. 
It was tempting, baby, so fucking tempting to waste the morning lying in bed with you. To bury his face back into the crook of your neck, shuffle closer, drown himself in the scent of you and let the hours slip away until your pretty eyes fluttered open. 
And maybe if he was a little more selfish, he might have. But Kuroo was raised with better manners than that. It might have been that most traditional of first dates, but he’s nothing if not a gentleman. He knows he wore you out yesterday, fucked you until you were a beautiful, babbling mess. After being such a good girl for him, you deserve to be spoiled - might as well start with breakfast in bed and work his way up from there.
And if eating his lovingly prepared food has the added effect of making you fall just a little bit more in love with him, well who’s he to complain?
Smirking to himself, he finishes plating, stacking both dishes onto a tray along with a steaming mug of coffee for you to carry back into the bedroom. 
Except when he cracks the door open with a quiet, “Babe?” called out, you’re not lying curled up in his rumpled sheets where he left you. 
As hazel eyes frantically scour the empty room, his heart skips a beat, blood running cold. 
You’re not where you’re supposed to be.
His attention snaps to the window. Shut, just as he’d left it. Their apartment’s on the fourth floor anyway, it’s not like you could slip out that way, not without hurting yourself. His stomach lurches at the very thought. He didn’t hear the bedroom door open, but the front door’s locked up tight from the inside. Deadbolted. There’s no possible chance that you-
And then he hears it, the soft spray of a shower running down the hall and Kuroo almost laughs as relief washes over him like a wave, easing the sudden tension in his muscles. Of course you wouldn't go anywhere. 
You wouldn’t leave him hanging high and dry, not after you said those precious words to him last night, your cheeks flushed, eyes wide and glistening, “I l-love you, too.”
But when had you slipped out? He hadn’t even heard you get up, but to get to the bathroom you would have had to have walked right past him. 
Sneaky little thing.
Momentary heart attack aside, Kuroo glances down at the breakfast he’d so painstakingly prepared for the both of you. He was planning on surprising you in bed with it and letting the morning play out from there, but with you in the shower clearly that’s not going to happen. 
A smirk tugs at his lips as he sets the tray down on the empty bed and tugs off the old tee he’d thrown on to cook.
Breakfast can wait, Kuroo has other ideas of how to make your morning. 
You let out an adorable squeak when he opens the bathroom door, backing up into the corner of the shower and trying in vain to cover your chest and privates from view as he waltzes in.
“D-don’t come in!” 
He grins, bending over to kick off his sweats, “Relax, kitten. It’s just me.”
Yet you make no move to uncover yourself, still curled up against the cold tile wall, watching him with wide, cautious eyes. It’s kinda cute actually, the way you look at him like he’s about to eat you right up. 
You’re not wrong, per se, but it’s nothing to be scared of. He’ll take excellent care of you. 
“Thought we might as well save some water,” he says with a cheesy smirk, pulling the glass shower door open so he can step inside. “Shower together. What do you think, kitten?”
You swallow, nibbling on your bottom lip as he closes the distance between you, stepping under the steamy spray of water. “Please,” you whisper, but Kuroo pays it no mind.
“Let me see,” his voice is low, rougher than he expected and you don’t fight him when his hands wrap around your wrists to pull them away. Such a good girl for him. A sharp breath hisses between his teeth, his heart thumping unsteadily in his chest at the sight of you, all naked, wet and tempting, rivulets of water cascading down the soft curves of your body.
You’re beautiful.
Every fucking inch of you.
Maroon and burgundy lovebites are scattered across your skin like blooming flowers, from your neck to your tits to your soft, supple thighs, and he doesn't miss the faint, finger shaped bruises that mar your hips from where he held you too tightly the night before. Perhaps he was slightly too overzealous - he knows he should feel a little guilty, but as he stares at you with simmering, hooded eyes, there’s only one thought running through his head.
He needs you.
You shudder when he reaches for you, tugging you back under the spray, into his arms. He should be gentle and sweet, ease you into it after the marathon sex last night, but the moment you fall against him, your wet, slick breasts and pebbled nipples pressing up against his chest, all rational thought flies right out the window. 
He silences you with a kiss, his tongue sweeping past your lips to taste you once more. He couldn’t stop this even if he wanted to. This - you - are perfect.
“I love you,” he pants, moans, as he guides your leg up over his hip, pushing you back up against the shower wall. “Love you so much, Y/N.”
You sob as his cock breaches your walls, clinging to him, burying your face in his shoulder. Even as he holds you closer, kissing at your neck while you whine and whimper, a twinge of guilt flickers through him. You’re probably still sore from yesterday. It’s hard to feel too bad though, when your warm, tight cunt squeezes and flutters around his aching cock, sucking him deeper even as he tries to draw his hips back.
Kuroo’s never been the religious type, but if there is a heaven, he’s pretty damn sure it exists between your thighs.
“Kuroo…” your voice is soft, hesitant, little more than a whisper over the quiet hum of the tv playing in the background - if you weren’t perched on his lap, he might not have heard you at all. 
He huffs out a laugh, “Don’t you think that’s a little formal, babe?” he teases, relishing the way you duck your head, trying to hide your pretty face from view by burying it in his chest. 
So easily flustered. You were riding his his cock like a fucking dream last night, but now you’re getting all shy over calling him by his first name? Kitten, you really are too fucking adorable. 
Okay, maybe he might enjoy teasing you just a little too much, but can you blame him?
Kuroo grins indulgently. “Mhm?”
Your fingers twist in your lap, your bottom lip caught between your teeth as you nibble on it. Kuroo doesn’t push you, doesn’t prod as you fidget and shift, you’ll speak when you’re ready. He doesn't mind waiting, not when he gets to hold you close like this.
“W-when can I, um… when can I go home?”
His lips trail across your bare shoulder and he hums noncommittally. You shiver when his teeth nip at your delicate skin, squirming so delightfully that he’s tempted to think you’re deliberately trying to rile him up. Of course, he knows better than that - doesn’t mean he can’t enjoy it when his tongue finds that sweet spot on your neck, just below your jaw, and you writhe and gasp so prettily, unintentionally grinding your ass against the swell of his cock. 
“Tomorrow,” he pants, his voice just a little thicker, rougher than usual. “We can swing by before class to pick some clothes and stuff up to bring back here.”
You stiffen in his lap, but whatever reply you’re trying to get out is swallowed by a shuddering squeak when his fingers dip below the waistband of the boxer shorts he’s lent you. “O-oh.”
There’s more that you want to say, he can see you struggling to find the words as his hand delves further into your underwear, rough fingertips teasing at your cunt. The little moan you try to stifle sends blood rushing straight to his cock and it twitches eagerly in his pants, and when you make the mistake of squirming again, the very last vestiges of his control snap. 
“C’mere kitten,” he growls, and before you can protest his arms are on your waist and he’s flipping you over onto your back, yanking down your shorts as he looms over you. “Fuck, I love you.” 
Kuroo’s hand’s already wrapped around his swollen length, stroking it, guiding the flushed, weeping cockhead along your slick cunt, and he has to bite back a grin when it nudges against your clit and you jerk.
You’re shivering beneath him, staring up at him with those wide, doe eyes that he loves so fucking much and he wonders, not for the first time, whether it’ll ever be enough. He loves you. Needs you like he needs air to breathe. The feeling of you wrapped around him, the way that you come undone under his touch, it’s intoxicating and addictive and he’s never going to get sick of it. You’re a drug, a craving he knows he’ll never satisfy completely but he doesn’t give a shit, not as long as you’re here with him. You’re perfect and you’re his and he’s never going to let you go.
“I’m gonna fuck this pretty little pussy till you’re screaming my name, gonna fill you up with my cum. You want that, baby? Want daddy to stuff you full of his cum?”
Kuroo doesn’t give you a chance to answer, leaning down to capture your reddened lips in a searing kiss. He knows that you probably need a little more prep, but he’s so hard, so desperate for the feeling of your tight, wet heat clenching around him that he just can’t wait. He’ll make it up to you, he thinks as he lines himself up-
A rough pounding on the front door shatters the atmosphere entirely.
You tense, flinching as he freezes, hovering over you, his lips still locked around yours. His heart thunders in his chest and narrowed, hazel eyes flick towards the door, but he makes no move to go and answer it, just watches and waits, until-
“Hey lovebirds, open up, would you? I’m tireeed,” a familiar voice whines, and Kuroo has to fight back a growl. Rationally, he knows he can’t be too mad, not when Bokuto’s the reason you’re here at all, but it’s hard to quell the faint flicker of resentment burning through him entirely, considering what it is that he’s interrupting. 
Of course the owlish bastard would choose now to reappear. He loves him like a brother, really he does, but Bokuto has the worst fucking timing on the planet. 
Reluctantly, Kuroo draws back, pressing another kiss - gentle this time - on your lips before falling back to sit on his thighs. “Impatient asshole,” he groans, but the wink he shoots you softens the edge of his words. 
Yet you’re still tense, your hands curled into fists at your side, an odd, fearful expression on your face as you stare at the door. He frowns for a split second before realisation hits him like a ton of bricks. He never asked Bo how he got you to come home with him. Kuroo had assumed that there were some kind of drugs involved because of your sleepy state, roofies probably but-
“Hey, look at me.” Long fingers grab at your chin and tilt your head back to focus on him. He smiles softly, reassuringly (he hopes), “It’s just Bokuto. He’s not gonna hurt you, sweetheart.”
You don’t say anything in return, but he doesn’t miss how your eyes flit back towards the door. 
“Give us a damn minute,” he calls out when Bo knocks again, louder this time, sighing and running a hand through the thick, dark mess that is his hair. “C’mon. Let’s get you dressed, hm? We can finish this,” he reaches down to press a less than innocent kiss to your breast, smirking when your back arches just a little and a soft whine leaves your lips, “later.”
He has all the time in the world.
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