#so it’ll just be up to his friend and assistants to be able to translate what was left behind to paper and to fill in the gaps since they’ve
tariah23 · 2 years
Oh… So Berserk is going to still continue after Miura’s death anyway?
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hikari-kaitou · 3 years
Capcom's Official AA Fanclub Surveys - DGS Edition
Many Western fans may be familiar with the Turnabout 4koma comics that get posted on the official AA fanclub site that Capcom runs, thanks to some lovely fans on tumblr and elsewhere who have shared their translations. What fewer people seem to know about is the character surveys.
Back in the old days, they used to hold a survey on Capcom's official AA fansite every few months where they'd write about the seasonal activities of a handful of characters and ask fans to vote for the funniest/most pleasant/strangest/etc answer.
They stopped doing them in like... 2016? 2017? The original text is lost for good as far as I can tell. Even the wayback machine couldn't help because the content was password locked and you can't get past the password wall while remaining in the archived version.
Fortunately, I saved some of my translations of them so I thought I’d share them.
Cut for length...
"February has begun, and the DGS cast is nearing the end of their journey aboard the RFS Alacrei. Which of them acted the most strangely?"
Ryuunosuke ~ Exhausted from his intensive study session, he decided to try some katana swinging practice as a change of pace and to combat his recent lack of exercise. But because he wasn't used to handling the katana, he swung it too hard and it went flying out of his hands and got stuck in the wall right next to Sherlock, who had just entered the room. Sherlock asked him, "aren't you supposed to be studying right now, Mr. Naruhodo?" and handcuffed him to his desk.
Susato- worked on developing a curriculum for Ryuunosuke. 'If we keep going at this pace, he won't be able to learn it all in time... It'll be hard on Naruhodo-sama, but we'll have to work hard through a couple of nights together.' With that thought, she created a harsh study schedule, and almost seemed to be looking forward to it for some reason.
Sherlock- Driven by excitement over the thought of returning to England after a long absence, he went up on deck to stare at the ocean. Being February, it was very cold out there and he ended up being chilled all the way to the tips of his fingers. He returned to the ship cabins and amused himself by putting his frozen hands on Ryuunosuke, who was stuck in his room studying.
Van Zieks- Upon hearing from Vortex that there was a Japanese exchange student coming to England to study law, he smashed a Lord's Bottle. He apparently also didn't care for the fact that that Japanese student wouldn't be alone, because he proceeded to shatter his chalice, too.
Hosonaga- in order to provide a respite from studying, he provided some hot chocolate. They enjoyed a pleasant tea time, marveling over how sweet and delicious the drink was until Sherlock piped up with some unnecessary trivia: 'Actually folks, chocolate has long been used in Europe as an aphrodisiac!' Everyone promptly spat it out."
"The long winter is nearly over and spring is on it's way, putting the DGS cast members in a celebratory mood. Who found the best way of enjoying spring?"
Ryuunosuke: the Yuumei University faculty members were holding a flower viewing event, and he joined the assistance committee. He exhausted himself keeping the blankets clean so the intense shower of flower petals wouldn't pile up too high on them, delivering sake and snacks, and mediating whatever pointless fights arose. To top it all off, for some reason his compensation was only a single piece of leftover candy. Talk about a sad result!
Susato- her father and the others living in his dormitory were  holding the flower viewing event, so she got up early to prepare the bentos. But her father carelessly forgot to tell her that they wanted tea cakes, so she had to go around the house and neighborhood collecting sweets. For some reason, she ended up being able to gather caramels, biscuits, candy sticks, basically everything but tea cakes, for the tea ceremony.
Sherlock- he disguised himself as a beat officer and infiltrated Scotland Yard to have some fun. There was a real beat officer napping on his feet in the spring sunshine, and while observing him, Sherlock ended up falling asleep too. Detective Gregson gave them a good scolding when he found them, but then Sherlock revealed his true identity with a "hey, it's me, folks!" "What the blazes do you think you're doing?!" Gregson shouted, his rage growing even more, and Sherlock ended up making a run for it.
Van Zieks- went to the vineyard to oversee the production of the contents of his Lord's Bottle. As he viewed the still unopened grape blossom buds, he thought about how they would someday grow up to fill his Lord's Bottle, and ended up going around to look at each one. But the farm hands couldn't stop wondering whether the bottle itself or its owner's heel might come flying at them and were quite uneasy.
Asougi: exhausted himself running around since early morning helping with the professors' flower viewing event. When it was over, he took a break, sharing his reward candy stick [the name of the candy literally translates to 1,000 year candy] with Ryuunosuke, who had also been helping out. 
"I wonder if the candy's effect is halved if you share it with someone."
"That still gives us 500 years."
They laughed and enjoyed looking at the flowers until dark. Then they parted ways with a handshake and a "see you later, best friend."
(This one was something about celebrating New Years. For some reason I didn't save the original question)
"Ryuunosuke ~ To celebrate New Years, he planned to pound mochi with everyone at the office. He somehow managed to get his hands on some mochi rice and he and Sherlock started pounding. Iris was having such fun watching them that she steamed a whole bunch more mochi rice so they could have some to share, and he and Sherlock spent the whole evening pounding mochi like crazy.
Asougi~ Because it's New Years, he went around to a bunch of shrines. When he drew his new year's fortune, he got a "horrible luck" result. "I'm not worried about it," he claimed, and headed up to the mountains early on New Years morning and work hard on a full training course of purification by water, meditation under a waterfall and wooden sword practice. It seems that he was working really hard to clear his mind of all earthly thoughts
Sherlock- Agreed to help Ryuunosuke pound mochi. As Ryuunosuke was flipping the mochi over, he carelessly dropped his badge into the bowl and Sherlock mixed it in without noticing, so they had to crack open both the hard and soft mochi to look for it. Fortunately they found it in the 4th one they checked, but apparently Sherlock got his hands and face covered in sticky white mochi in the process.
Susato- Wore a furisode and went with her father to do the first shrine visit of the year. The shrine was incredibly crowded and they had to wait in line for a long time, but she brought the Encyclopaedia of British Law and a copy of the Strand Magazine in her sleeves to secretly read as they waited so she actually ended up enjoying the wait.
Van Zieks- Ryuunosuke cheerfully gave him some mochi as a New Year’s (which at that time was celebrated at the same time as the Chinese New Year) gift, which he accepted confusedly, wondering “...Can the Japanese not even keep track of when the New Year is?” Because Ryuunosuke referred to it as a rice cake, he tried to eat it like a regular cake without softening it with heat first. It was so hard that he couldn’t imagine how it could possibly be food, and ended up misunderstanding the Japanese even more!
"Autumn has arrived, and the weather is starting to cool off, which means that everyone is becoming more active. Which character chose the most pleasant autumn activity to keep busy with?"
Iris was making bread but her hands are small and it’s difficult for her to knead the dough, so she asked for Ryuunosuke’s help. She wanted to make enough to hand out to Gina and all the other homeless children in the East End, so she made a massive amount and Ryuunosuke was stuck kneading this massive mountain of bread dough all day. Apparently he became such a expert at kneading that he could be a baker now.
Asougi was practicing with his sword, slicing autumn-colored ginko leaves as they fell from the tree. He cut so many leaves, though, that he ended up making a big mess on the ground, the number of fallen leaves now having increased, and it took him a long time to clean it all up.    
Sherlock: Ryuunosuke told him that he was making anpan (bread filled with sweet red bean paste, the bane of my Asian-dwelling existance) and asked Sherlock to help by being in charge of getting the poppy seeds they’d need to sprinkle on top, so Sherlock went out and gathered a ton of poppy seeds. In fact, he got so many of them that no one knew what to do with them all cuz they had a huge amount of leftovers. Sherlock said, “Well, they’re only the size of poppy seeds! Surely you two can deal with them somehow! Ahahaha!” and Iris scolded him.   
(I couldn’t capture it in English, but Sherlock’s line contained a pun, and a pretty stupid one at that, so that’s part of why he got scolded)
It’s grape harvesting season, so Van Zieks commutes to the winery regularly to direct the production of the contents for his “Lord’s Bottle.” He demands perfection in everything from the selection of the grapes to the way they’re squeezed, and the winery staff is terrified by the “grim reaper’s” gaze and heel swinging (i.e. the leg thing he does in court) so they grumble as they work. 
"Hearing that there’s a holiday in the West called Halloween, the people involved with the court in Japan decided to try it out themselves. Naturally Halloween is a big deal in England as well. So, which member of the DGS cast had the best celebration?"
Team Ryuunosuke and Asougi- Asougi got Naruhodo up on his shoulders and they draped a white sheet over themselves to make a ghost costume. They went out like that, but Naruhodo had such exaggerated reactions to the fear of the people who saw them and to bumping his head on tree branches that they ended up losing their balance and falling on top of each other?!   
Sherlock Holmes- went wearing a horse’s head mask. Iris used her skills to make it a fancy horse covered in stars, but the eye holes weren’t well made and he had to wander around blindly. Because of that he tripped hard over a pile of coal! He ended up getting so dirty that the stars on his costume were covered up!
Van Zieks- took inspiration from his nickname and dressed up as the grim reaper. He covered himself up with a skeleton mask and hood figuring no one would know it was him. Unfortunately he got angry when he saw Megundal (McGilded) pass by and started throwing bottles and glasses and ended up giving himself away.
"November has arrived, and autumn is nearing its end. However, the DGS cast is still keeping busy, even on their days off. Which character chose the most interesting way to spend their late autumn day?"
Ryuunosuke- Thinking that he’d better learn more about British culture if he was going to be a defense attorney in Britain, he went down to the East End with Gina for a little observation. However, because an Asian like him stood out so much, he got mobbed by the other children. On top of it all, his arm band got stolen from him and he had to send a replacement request to Yumei University on the other side of the ocean.
Asougi- He went for a meal at La Quantas. The customer at a nearby table got a persimmon for dessert and scarfed it down, saying “Mm! This is it! This sweetness makes it worthy of being called a treasure among foods!” Asougi tried to comment on this by saying, “The customer at that table sure is enjoying his pershim--gak!” but he may or may not have accidentally bitten his tongue in the process and been unable to finish his sentence.
Iris- She accepted Ryuunosuke’s request to learn more about British culture and prepared a bagpipe and kilt costume for him. “This outfit sure is breezy,” Ryuunosuke said shyly upon trying it on. With Ryuunosuke now dressed, he, Iris, and the others from their office headed over to Gregson’s place to get him to treat them to some fish and chips.   
Sherlock- He accepted Ryuunosuke’s request to learn more about British culture and cooked up some European style curry for dinner. Thanks to the fact that his secret ingredient was a large amount of Chinese herbal medicine style spice, it caused some strange side effects and Ryuunosuke, who’d eaten it, ended up passing out and falling over.
“Another taxing trial for Ryuunosuke has finished and now it’s December. As the year draws to a close, which character acts the strangest?”
Ryuunosuke- he was recruited to help with snow removal around Yumei University and the courthouse and he enthusiastically began his task with the help of a large shovel. He got a little carried away, though, and ended up accidentally burying his umbrella, which he’d left propped up against the side of the building, in the snow he’d just finished shoveling.  He had no choice but to share Asougi’s umbrella on the way home.
Asougi- On the way home, he nods silently to Ryuunosuke’s question of whether he’d finished his travel preparations and changes the subject: “...Come to think of it, it seems that tomorrow is celebrated in the West as God’s birthday.” “I’ve heard that they eat chicken as part of the traditional celebration. Wanna try it?” Ryuunosuke asks invitingly. Asougi is strongly opposed to that particular menu item, however, and they end up going out for their usual beef stew that night instead.           
Susato- in addition to her year-end travel preparations, she also was busy with straightening up the book room in her home. She managed to get the law books in order when she suddenly stumbled upon some old issues of Strand Magazine! She hurried through the rest of her cleaning, then began flipping through the magazines she’d found, trying to decide which to take with her on her trip. She accidentally lost herself in her reading and didn’t realize it until it was already the middle of the night.
Sherlock- he was in the middle of a long ship voyage when Christmas night came. His mind on his partner in a far-off country, he made a toast alone on deck, when suddenly the crew began shooting off fireworks with a cry of “Merry Christmas!” Sherlock had to dart back and forth across the deck to prevent the fireworks from hitting him and setting off the explosive chemicals he carries with him.
Main series edition
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jewwyfeesh · 2 years
Sakura & Rose - Endeavours of the Heart 3
Writer: Mitsuki
Characters: Kagehira Mika, Kiryu Kuro
Translated by: jewwyfeesh
Mika: As long as I can be of help ta Oshi-san, I’ll be real happy, and my worth’ll be realized.
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Season: Spring
Location: Yumenosaki Academy Rooftop
Mika: Sob sob sob… I was chased out by Oshi-san… on top of that, Oshi-san ain’t lookin’ like he enjoys Ritsu-kun’s creations very much…
Just like Oshi-san said, I still lack design sense…
If I were ta increase my design sense, maybe I’ll be of help to Oshi-san.
Oshi-san’s said this before–an artist must have a pair of eyes that are good at observin’ things. Would it be better if I were ta start from this step?
Is there anythin’ around me that can increase my design sense…?
(Eh? Is that Kiryu-senpai o’er there? It seems like he’s lookin’ over here, too.)
Kuro: Hey, Kagehira. Saw you starin’ blankly at this strange lookin’ thing just now. Did somethin’ happen? Has it gotta do with Itsuki?
Mika: Uwah! Kiryu-senpai, how did’cha know?
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Kuro: Haha. After all, you do spend most of your time together with Itsuki.
If you’re willin’, could’ya tell me what happened? It’s Itsuki after all… it’s not very reassurin’ if that guy’s left alone to entertain himself. So it’s better to reconcile, and fast.
Mika: Reconcile? Ah, ah… Kiryu-senpai, yer mistaken, I hadn’t fought with Oshi-san…
Actually, the situation’s like this…
Kuro: Oh, so that’s how it is. You’re feelin’ guilty for unintentionally givin’ Itsuki a scare. On top of that, ya also wanna increase your own perception of design. Am I right?
Mika: Mhm. As long as I can increase my perception of design, Oshi-san’ll be saved some trouble. And I might be able ta help out a li’l bit whenever Oshi-san’s outta inspiration…
As long as I can be of help ta Oshi-san, I’ll be real happy, and my worth’ll be realized.
Kuro: Looks like Itsuki’s the most important person in your heart.
Mika: Mm, Oshi-san’s the most important person ta me… even though sayin’ this is rather immature[1], I do hope that Oshi-san’ll regard me as his most important person…
Kuro: Haha. In this case, I’ve thought of an idea. How ‘bout makin’ some clothes for Mademoiselle[2]?
Mika: Make clothes for Mado-nee?! No no no, I hadn’t got Oshi-san’s permission. How am I ta make clothes for Mado-nee without his permission?
But also, if Mado-nee were ta wear the clothes I make with my current sewin’ skills, it would only serve ta bring shame upon her…
‘Tis outta the question, Kiryu-senpai… I ain’t able ta do this…
Kuro: Don’t be in a hurry to refuse, Kagehira. Let me finish.
First of all, I’ll help ya sew up the wrong side[3] of the outfit, so ya don’t hafta worry ‘bout that.
Moreover, if the clothes are approved by Itsuki and subsequently worn by Mademoiselle, that’ll mean that he commends your design. Who knows, maybe in the future he’ll let ya help him out.
Not only that, but, if Itsuki were to travel far from home in the future, whenever he sees Mademoiselle wearin’ this outfit, he’ll think “ah, this outfit was made by that guy Kagehira. Speakin’ of which, he is pretty competent.” or somethin’ along those lines.
Although I can’t help ya become the most important person in Itsuki’s heart, I think that if you’re able to convey your intentions to Itsuki, it’ll definitely increase your level of importance in his eyes.
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Mika: I understand! By makin’ clothes for Mado-nee, it’s to say that my feelin’s will always be with Oshi-san, as if I’m still by Oshi-san’s side. Is that right, Kiryu-senpai?
Kuro: All of that is correct.
Mika: After listenin’ to senpai’s words, I do wanna make an outfit for Mado-nee… but to request for senpai’s assistance, will it cause trouble for ya?
If it causes trouble for senpai, I can go look for other ideas. Thinkin’ about makin’ an outfit for Mado-nee… even though I wanna do it, I’m also kinda worried…
Kuro: ‘Tis all good. I’m also pretty free nowadays, so helpin’ you ain’t gonna be a problem for me.
I’m also Itsuki’s friend, and you spend lotsa time by his side… so I’m confident we’ll be able to create an outfit that’s in accordance to Itsuki’s tastes.
The decision’s yours to make, Kagehira. If you wanna do it, come find me in the dojo.
Mika: Mm! Thank ya kindly, Kiryu-senpai. Still, I think it’ll be better to ask Oshi-san for permission first.
Kuro: Mm. Though, I’ve been meanin’ to ask, what’s that strange lookin’ thing you’re holdin’ in your hands?
Mika: They’re treats[4] Ritsu-kun gave me. There’s are few more in this bag here. I’m currently wonderin’ how am I gonna deal with all of them…
How ‘bout I give some of ‘em to you, Kiryu-senpai.
Kuro: Uh, this appearance… are these really snacks[4]…?
But since they’re of my kouhai’s sincerity, I’ll accept them.
Mika: Mhm, then I’mma go ask Oshi-san now. Bye, Kiryu-senpai!
Kuro: Mm. Goodbye, Kagehira.
The term used here is an idiom "不知天高的厚", which literally translates to "not knowing the height of the heavens nor the depth of the earth". It means to have an exaggerated opinion of one's own abilities, to be ignorant, or to think that one knows everything.
There is no appellation on the wiki as to what Kuro calls Mademoiselle, but since the original text used her full CN name (玛朵莫塞尔) I assumed Kuro calls her "Mademoiselle".
The 'wrong side' refers to the back of the fabric, or 'the side that isn't pretty' (lol). Usually, the pattern on the 'wrong side' of fabric is lighter, and the colors more faded. A little more on it here.
Light refreshments, pastries, snacks, desserts… all of them can be used interchangeably here (head in hands). It's another of Ritsu's creations, let's leave it as that www
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decoolz · 3 years
A Piece of my WIP
This is part of my Work in Progress The John Laurens Alexander Hamilton Kissing book--working title (TJLAHKB) I am extremely nervous about sharing this, but I would like to see what people think about it. This is just under 3000 works so most of it will be under the cut. A new beginning. The mistakes of London and teenage fantasy were gone now, he was sure of it. All he had to do was take this meeting and the next few years of his life would be set. John stepped out of the coach and smoothed out his waistcoat. If he did this right, he’d be able to recover his reputation. No one would be talking about the rumors if he achieved glory on the battlefield. All he had to do was find General Washington’s command tent.
The camp smelled like twelve thousand people had been camping here for weeks. The sweet stench of rotting food nearly overpowered the unwashed smell of thousands of people gathered in quarters much too small. John searched the faces of passersby for someone to help, but not a single soul gave him a glance. No wonder the British had the upper hand. This was the encampment housing the head of the whole continental army and not a single person gave John a once over. He could be a spy wandering about. All this was going in his first letter to his father when he got situated.
“Excuse me!” John shouted at a boy who couldn’t possibly be old enough to enlist yet was running around the place as if he knew every inch of it. “I’m looking for General Washington’s tent. I have an appointment.”
“Good luck with that,” the boy chuckled. He turned and pointed toward the middle of camp. “See the big round one. That’s where you’ll wanna go. Hope you really got that appointment.”
“I’m Henry Laurens son. I don’t need an appointment,” John clarified rolling his eyes. “My father arranged for introductions.”
“Good on you,” the boy nodded, then ran off the way he was heading.
John continued to drag his footlocker across the dirt and dying grass up the path to the “big round tent,” silently judging every single one of the people who walked by him without offering to help or ask what he was doing wandering around this camp. From the looks of everyone’s dirty and mismatched attire, this wasn’t the kind of place where people took much care to observe anything.
He entered Washington’s tent without once being stopped. Setting his footlocker out of the way, he straightened his waistcoat again before approaching the desk in the middle of the space. The man bent over the desk didn’t bother to acknowledge him when he entered. John cleared his throat thrice before the young redheaded man looked up for his work.
“How may I be of assistance?” he asked with an unrecognizable accent. “I’m assuming you’re not the Frenchman. Are you one of his staff?”
“I am French but I’m from South Carolina,” John replied. He pulled his letter of introduction from his inside pocket as he stepped closer to the desk. The man behind it appeared altogether uninterested. “I’m Henry Laurens’s son, I’m here to have a meeting with General Washington to join this regiment.”
“He’s not taking meetings today,” the clerk replied. “I can schedule you for later this week if you’d like. What is your business with the General?” He licked the end of his quill and met John’s eyes.
“No, you misunderstand me,” John said, shaking his head. “Henry Laurens is my father. He wrote to General Washington and told him to expect me this week. I don’t need an appointment, he’s expecting me.”
The clerk clicked his tongue. “Right. You still need an appointment. The General is a busy man. He isn’t going to stop running the army because some self-important rich man’s son is going to show up at some point this week. I can write you in for an appointment tomorrow if you like. Should I write in Henry’s son or do you have a name of your own I can use?”
“No,” John shook his head. “I should be able to see him today. He’s expecting me. He told my father he’s looking for a French translator to help with correspondence and the like. He made it pretty clear the post had to be filled post haste.”
“Right … but you see, that’s not how it works,” the clerk explained, speaking slowly as if John was a simpleton. “In order to get into see General Washington, you need an appointment. I make the appointments. I would highly recommend you stop being a jackass and give me your Christian name so I can put it in the ledger for tomorrow.”
John took a deep breath. Clearly, this man didn’t understand who he was speaking to or he wouldn’t continue to be so obstructive. He’d be sure to put this in his letter to his father as well, he’ll have this scrawny boy’s job by the end of the week.
“Listen, Mister…”
“Lieutenant Colonel,” the redhead gentleman corrected.
“Fine then,” John scoffed. “Lieutenant Colonel, I don’t think you understand what’s happening here. I have a letter of introduction from my father with the understanding that I am to meet with his excellency when I arrive at camp. I am here. So, if you please, announce my arrival.”
“You seem to have poor comprehension skills, which honestly looks bad if you’re trying to get a job as a translator. There must be a meeting set up and penciled into this ledger before you can see him.” He held up the ledger for John to look at. “As you see here, today he is booked solid since he’s in the city meeting with a Frenchman who will be joining the ranks. So even if I wanted to let you in to see him—which don’t misunderstand I do not—I can’t because he’s not even in there. But if you give me your name, and not refer to yourself as your father’s son, I can write you in for tomorrow.”
“But I have a letter of introduction,” John extended his hand with the papers toward the boy.
“Go for you,” the Lieutenant Colonel nodded. “What is your name? I can set up an appointment for tomorrow at one in the afternoon right after luncheon.”
“My father said--”
“Listen,” the other man pulled a hand down his face and sighed loudly. “We seem to be at an impasse here. You need an appointment. I honestly don’t give a shit what your father said, because he’s not here. I am. I control the ledger book with the appointments. I already informed you against my better judgment that General Washington isn’t even in camp at present. I’m not sure what it is you think you’re going to accomplish by arguing with me about it. Give me your name I’ll write you in for tomorrow right after luncheon and you can go relax at the inn up the road for the rest of the day and stop bothering me.”
“This won’t do,” John shook his head. “I was promised a meeting when I arrived.”
The other man blinked slowly, shook his head, picked up his quill, and continued whatever it was he was working in when John walked in. After several tense moments of silence, John cleared his throat again for attention.
“Oh, you’re still here. Again, your meeting is tomorrow at one. I wrote down ‘Henry’s son’ so they’ll be no confusion as to how important you are. If you insist on staying in my office to wait for your scheduled time, you are more than welcome to sit in one of the terribly uncomfortable wooden chairs on the side there. Is there anything else I can help you with?”
John sunk his teeth into his bottom lip to keep from yelling and let several short quick breaths out through his nose.
“What is your name?” John demanded. “I would like to make sure Congress knows exactly the kind of riff-raff General Washington has in his employment.”
“And yet here you are trying to join our ranks,” the redheaded man met John’s gaze with a sickeningly sweet fake smile.
“Hamilton!” A head poked around the entrance of the tent. An older man with the same green pin on his hat as the clerk. “Are you set to take a break for luncheon or is Lucy bringing you a tray?”
“No, I’ll come with you,” the redheaded man, Hamilton evidently, said. He straightened his desk and stood. “It’s Wednesday.”
As he came around the desk, John got his first good look at this Hamilton. He couldn’t be taller than five and a half feet. John could probably put his hands around the man’s waist and his fingers would touch. He looked far more like a boy than someone in charge of something as important as General Washington’s ledger.
“Are you going to invite your friend?” the other man asked, gesturing to John.
“Not my friend,” Hamilton grumbled. “You can join us for a meal if you want. Or wait until we leave and look to see that no one is in Washington’s office and pout about it. Just don’t touch my desk.” He didn’t bother turning toward John as he said it.
“Will my footlocker be safe here?” John asked, stepping toward the other men.
“Sure,” Hamilton shrugged. He pushed passed the other man out into the sweltering camp.
“Is he always so delightful?” John asked.
“You must have got him on a good day,” the other man joked. “He’s usually much worse. Richard Meade, Virginia.” He extended his hand to John.
This was more of the kind of welcome he was expecting. “John Laurens, South Carolina.”
“Son of the senator,” Meade smiled. “Rumor has it he’s a lock for the presidency when Hancock retires.”
“That’s what he tells me,” John nodded.
Hamilton waited; arms crossed over his chest for the others then led the way to the mess tent walking a quick clip about twenty paces ahead of them.
“Personally, I think it’ll be great for the union to finally have some southern influence at the helm of Congress. I think we’ve heard enough from Boston and New York for a bit.”
“Those men are the catalyst for the revolution,” John countered. “However, I do agree, if we are to be our own country it makes sense to listen to men from all parts of it.”
John let Meade lead him through the buffet line and tried not to gawk as Hamilton shamelessly flirted with a young brunette woman serving the warm rolls until she slipped an extra one to him.
“Is that the reason he was so eager to come to luncheon on Wednesday?”
“No,” Meade replied as they walked toward their table. “That would be Lucy. She’s around here somewhere. On Wednesdays, she helps with the dishes.”
“Hamilton is that man then?” John sighed, taking a seat across the table from Meade. Hamilton sat a little way down the table, toward the end on Meade’s side. John knew plenty of men just like that back in London. Men who shamelessly debased themselves in front of women for tiniest scrap of attention. Hamilton didn’t quite fit the usual formula for such a man, but John had to admit there was something about him that made it hard to pull his eyes away from the scrawny redhead.
Across the table, Meade rested his hat on the bench beside him. He was slightly older than John, maybe about thirty. This was the type of man John expected to find working for General Washington, a learned Southern Gentleman from a prominent family who knew the order of things. If Meade had been behind the desk when John walked in, everything would be taken care of by now.
“Forgive me for prying,” John said between bites of a watery but rather flavorful stew. “But since I will be joining this merry group of soldiers, may I ask about the dynamic of the inner circle?”
Meade laughed, his green eyes brightening as a crooked smile crossed his face. “I take it your father arranged for you to be the French interpreter we’re looking for. If that’s the case you’ll be working closely with your new best friend, Mister Hamilton. He handles most of the correspondence and does quite a bit of the planning and strategy for small missions. He’s the brains of it.”
“French interpreter was the plan, yeah, apparently a letter of introduction and a promise from my father isn’t enough to have an audience with His Excellency. I also need an arbitrary appointment and to dance for a five-foot-tall boy who thinks too much of himself.”
“Hamilton will be the first to tell you, he’s five foot seven,” Meade smiled. “General Washington is in Philadelphia today meeting with a French General who’s come to help us. He’ll be back tomorrow.”
This was supposed to be the easy part. The last couple of years had been an awful pile of hardship and stupid mistakes. Joining the army was supposed to be the first step in the right direction. All he had to do was show up and the rest would take care of itself. He wouldn’t have to deal with people looking at him sideways or whispers behind hands at society events. As he learned more about camp John did his best to remember that he wasn’t another setback, but a pause. Tomorrow would be different.
He turned toward the end of the table where Hamilton was batting his eyes at an enraptured blonde woman in a light blue gown. Something familiar started to bubble inside John, somewhere between jealousy and contempt. When the woman was called away, Hamilton slid over to join John and Meade for the rest of the meal.
“What do you think, Ricky? Will this son of Henry will fit in our merry band of aides-de-camp?”
Meade nodded as he wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin. “It’ll be fine Hamilton. The two of you should figure out how to get along. If Mister Laurens will be working French translations, you’ll most likely be sharing a desk.”
Hamilton groaned, and let his head fall back, just as enthused about the prospect as John was.
“You’re at least learned in French though?” Hamilton asked. “Fluent? We have a remarkable number of Frenchmen coming to take up this cause”
John nodded. He’d been taught by his mother as a boy and then in some of the finest schools he could be sent to in Europe. Hamilton continued to eye him suspiciously.
“I gotta head back,” Hamilton wiped his mouth his sleeve and stood quickly walking off with his dishes, handing them to the servant whose job it was to clear plates from the tables when they were finished eating. John’s eyes never left him as he smiled and laughed his way into taking an extra pear from the young woman who gave him the extra bread.
 “An acquired taste, but I assure you he’d a good egg,” Meade said, pulling John’s attention back to the last of his meal. “He’s probably the smartest person in the army, including General Washington.”
 John caught Hamilton walking backward out of the mess tent with a wink to the women at the serving stations and doubted very much that a man like that could surprise him.
“Come on, I’ll walk you out to the inn, make sure you’re settled.” Meade stood and placed his hat atop his head. “It’s decent accommodation over there. Savor it, my friend, you’ll be living on a straw mattress on the bottom bunk until we move for winter camp.”
Once settled in the single room of the inn, John dug through his belongings for his stationary to write the promised letter to his father. So far, this journey wasn’t what he was hoping for, but tomorrow looked promising with the appointment scheduled to accept him into service. He was sure his education and experience would be just what General Washington needed. If he did end up working alongside that Hamilton fellow as Meade said, he’d be able to teach that man a little bit of tack. Show him how a man from Southern Society—like General Washington himself—should act.
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Main Story Chapter 2-15: 时间针脚 The Patchwork of Time Translation
“Come on then, Miss Direction Blind. I'll be the one to give you the directions now.”
*Light and Night Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Join the Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *Main story tag will be #For Light and Night
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After a week of working at Warson, I’d technically adapted to how things went about here. Zheng Lin had also arranged my first solo gig.
Zheng Lin: The design hub has a mentor system set in place.
Zheng Lin: So, all Assistants and Junior Designers will have a mentor assigned to them.
Zheng Lin: Of course, it is not up to you to choose, but your future mentor.
Zheng Lin: Every Senior Designer, including Director Qi, will participate in this program as a mentor.
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MC: Director Qi too?
Zheng Lin: Correct. The selection criteria will be the results of your first independent work.
Zheng Lin: It might be solo work, but you can always approach me if you run into something you don't understand.
Zheng Lin: And also, I'll get Brother Mao to help you out, considering how you've only just arrived here and have yet to familiarize yourself with this place.
Zheng Lin: Of course, his aid doesn't include helping you out with your design.
Zheng Lin: In any case, just make sure to do this job well because the results of this will determine who your future mentor will be. Understand?
I understood what she was getting at. Mentors would greatly influence and affect the growth of a rookie. One will be able to learn much more when paired with an experienced mentor who shares the same aesthetic sense.
Although the deadline is still a long time from now, I want to become the best mentee choice to ever face Sariel.
The job this time was to create a dress for Lin Yao, the new up and coming actress, for her award ceremony.
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She was a child actress who'd recently risen to fame when the popularity of the young idol teen drama she starred in half a year ago exploded. Due to her cold countenance, she was dubbed by the media as the "Nation's Fairy Nymph" 
This time, the local crime movie she'd starred as the lead for had received a double harvest at the word-of-mouth box office. It has also been nominated as one of the most popular movies and the movie with the best female lead among many others.
This movie was about a talented dancing genius who secretly plotted the murder of her abusive stepmother for many, many years. This caused the creation of a second personality within her; the murder happened then. At the end of the film, she danced in the pure white snow beside the dead body of her stepmother. Something that she'd only ever dreamt about. And there, etched upon her face, was the first smile of her life.
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MC: Her performance is way too good! I can't even tell that it's an act...
After watching some of her award-winning works interviews, I finally managed to get some semblance of understanding about Lin Yao.
She was someone of few words, a polite and obedient kid who never once had a single bad article to her name. She was forever smiling in front of the cameras. She was hardworking and responsible when it came to her work, and has had a smooth journey ever since her debut. It was the very epitome of what a perfect life was; one that everybody admired.
MC: A traditional fairy dress would be too conservative. Although that'd be very in line with her image, it'll merely be the same thing all over again. That wouldn't make her stand out on the red carpet.
MC: I can't help but feel like she's not all as inwardly peaceful as she appears on the outside. Perhaps she's fiercer or more sensitive deep down...
I didn't know how I could express this mismatch in her persona.
Perhaps it was those eyes of hatred of hers that shot daggers in the movie, or maybe that one sliver of vulnerability that she let slip in her interviews every once in a while. Those factors made it hard for me to decide just what kind of style I should go with her dress.
MC: And I also feel like digging deeper to uncover the other more charming side of her that no one knows...
The genius young maiden of the nation. A turbulent era of change. Self-redemption and self-destruction. All of these factors were only impactful when combined together with the era it was set in. It was only then, that everything felt fated to be.
MC: What if I added these elements to the dress?
I closed my eyes and imagined it in my head. A black feather dress inspired by the nation slowly formed in my mind's eye.
MC: I know!
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Brother Mao: Heavens! You gave me a scare right there!
That was when I realized that I'd quite literally leapt out of my seat in my excitement. I gave an embarrassed laugh.
MC: Brother Mao, I'm going to go out and do some fieldwork to get some inspiration!
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If I were to find things related to the nation, then the museum would be the most appropriate choice.
Back when I was little, I'd always be left in the care of my mother's ex-partner when neither she nor my grandmother had the time to take care of me. He was responsible for managing this museum that could be called my second home of sorts.
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MC: But, why does it look different from how I remember…?
The place had been renovated during the long period of time I hadn't been to it. All the exhibition halls had changed locations.
I followed the signs towards the hall where all the local things were displayed, only for my attention to be caught by a familiar figure.
Dressed entirely in black, said person had his arm behind his back as he stood motionless in front of the collections before him.
His straight posture made him look like a tall, yet silent, statue from afar. Under the lights of the spotlight, a faint silvery-white halo surrounded him. I could even see the small particles of dust floating in the air amidst the light. It made him look stand-offish and sharp.
I couldn't stop myself from raising my camera and snapping a shot. 
The man noticed; immediately whipping his head around.
MC: ...Osborn!?
Surprised, I retreated a step; only to realize that my hands were now empty. Osborn had snatched my camera from me.
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Osborn: Watcha hiding?
He cocked his head to look at the camera, the corners of his mouth upturning into an arc.
Osborn: You're sneakily taking shots of me? Let's see how they turned out.
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MC: Return it back to me first!
Osborn purposely lifted the camera higher out of my reach.
Osborn: Why are you so frantic? It's not like I mind or anything.
MC: I still have things to do! Hurry and give it back already!
Osborn: What did you come here for?
MC: Photos. I came here looking for inspiration.
Osborn nodded, turning and walking away with my camera in hand.
Osborn: Weren't you here for pictures? Come on, let's go.
Does he want to accompany me?
I hurriedly chased after him and held out the guidebook for him to take. However, he'd only waved his hand in dismissal and signalled for me to follow behind him.
He led me around the museum as if he knew the place like the back of his hand. All I had to do was to name the exhibit and he'd be able to find it immediately.
His sense of direction is incredible. What is he? A human-sized GPS?
MC: Do you come here often, Osborn?
Osborn: It's my first time here.
MC: …..
Osborn let out two short laughs as he crooked his head and contemplated me.
Osborn: And how many times have you been here?
MC: I've come here a couple of times in the past, I guess. I'm not very familiar with this place. Ahem...
??: (Y/n)! Is it really you? You've come back to the country?
The curator uncle that I'd not seen in a long time suddenly comes round from a corner. He looked astonished to see me here.
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Mr. Curator: You've grown into a splendid young woman in the years I've not seen you. It's great to see you back! Come by my place for dinner when you're free!
Mr. Curator: Oh, yes. Should I get you a guide? I remember that you got lost here once.
MC: No need! My friend here has a superb sense of direction!
My face heated up as I hurriedly pointed to Osborn. He didn't say anything more, only laughing as he nodded to Osborn before leaving.
Brilliant. I originally intended to keep the fact that I was directionally challenged under wraps when around Osborn, but now… He's gonna make fun of me again.
MC: Right, but I'm still pretty good at reading maps…
In the end, Osborn couldn't hold back his laughter and ended up laughing till his shoulders were shaking. He took hold of my arm in one swift motion and started walking forward.
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Osborn: Come on then, Miss Direction Blind.
Osborn: I'll be the one to give you the directions now.
Somehow, I vaguely felt my heart skip a beat at that.
MC: I want to go to the national exhibit…
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The national exhibit had now been renovated and refurbished retro-style. All the new collections exhibited here now turned out to be clothing and accessories. 
Looks like I made the right choice in coming here.
Osborn: Want do you wanna snap?
MC: That one. The brown layered cheongsam patterned through burn-out printing.
MC: The blueish-grey female damask lined jacket!
MC: And that short-sleeved georgette velvet cheongsam that's also patterned through burn-out printing!
I'd virtually snapped a picture of every outfit on display here. The tentative image I originally had in mind seemed to become clearer now.
MC: Okay, that's all.
Osborn kept the camera and glanced at the time.
Osborn: Let's go then.
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Dusk had already fallen by the time we walked out of the museum. The smell of sundown envelopes us in its serenity, as the breeze carries the fragrance of hyacinths.
Osborn walks up to a black motorcycle and leans on its back seat.
MC: Thank you for today. I didn’t cause you any trouble by hogging you and making you take pictures for me, did I?
Osborn: Sure you did.
MC: …Ah. What are you going to do about it?
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Osborn: Then, how about you do a little something to repay me? The bracelet I was looking at earlier; have you seen anything like it before?
The image of Osborn staring seriously at the white-coloured jade cong earlier flashed through my mind.
MC: That’s not a bracelet. It’s a jade cong. They’re used as ritual artefacts in ancient witchcraft or religious sacrifices.
MC: The one you saw earlier was a typical one belonging to the Liangzhu Culture. It’s speculated that it’s used to communicate with gods or the souls trapped in this realm.
Osborn: You know quite a lot.
MC: I used to come here a lot as a kid, and I’d just tail the big sister, the guide, back then when I had nothing better to do. That’s why I remember so many things.
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Osborn: Hu? You don't look like an expert at all.
MC: I’m still learning, but they do say that the better your memory, the smoother the sail of your learning curve.
Osborn: Let’s see… Wasn’t there an expert earlier who couldn’t even tell left from right?
MC: I was born with a poor sense of direction! I told you that my map reading skills were still passable!
Osborn: Okay, okay. What’s with the glare? I’m only poking fun at you.
Osborn: My sense of direction is brilliant, so just follow me next time.
MC: ……
MC: Right, but that jade cong earlier was a little odd.
Osborn: Man, the way you change topics needs a little working on.
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MC: Do you want to listen, or not?
Osborn: Spill.
MC: I’ve never seen a jade cong from the Liangzhu Culture with the double-headed snake motif carved onto it before.
MC: There exists a sacred double-headed snake motif in Sumerian Culture. It represents Ningishzida, the Lord of the Good Woods.
MC: And in the mythology Ningishzida hails from, the gods used clay to create humans and make the beginnings of the first civilization.
MC: Just like the Fuxi Nuwa from our ancient mythology.
MC: Funny thing is that, coincidentally, the Sumernarian two-headed snake is also very similar to the Fuxi Nuwa.
Osborn unknowingly furrows his brow whilst muttering about something under his breath. However, he quickly returns to his usual playful self.
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Osborn: Okay. I've got it.
MC: Why are you interested in something like this?
MC: I remember that the bracelet you showed me up on the roof that day had the same motif.
Osborn: Ever heard of this saying?
Osborn made a come hither motion, signalling for me to get closer to him.
Osborn: The more secrets you know, the more you'll be...
He did a cutthroat gesture whilst smirking at me.
MC: Do I look like I care?
Osborn: It has something to do with someone I'm looking for. I'll tell you next time if I get the chance.
MC: Hmm…
Osborn: But, no telling anyone about what happened today.
MC: Okay. Now gimme the camera.
Osborn: I helped you and yet not even a single "thank you" from you?
Osborn leaned further backwards, purposefully dodging my hand that went straight for the camera, a devilish look on his face.
MC: Thank you!
Osborn: Now stick your hand out.
A small lemon candy was placed into my outstretched palm alongside the camera.
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Osborn: Where are you headed? I'll send you.
He flipped himself onto his bike, surveying the congested road up ahead.
MC: I can't possibly bother you like that...
I waved my hand and turned his offer down out of habit, yet inwardly, I was silently pondering about just how I was to get onto that tall bike of his.
However, just as I was about to step onto it and swing myself onto the seat, the engine gave a resounding roar as said motorbike speeded away from me.
Only a single line hung in the air in his wake: "Bye!"
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MC: Hey! I was just being nice! It wouldn't hurt to have asked me again...
❖☆————— ⊹ For Light & Night⊹ —————★❖
Previous Part: (Chapter 2-13) | Next Part: (Chapter 2-18)
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beewolfwrites · 3 years
An Iron Box - Perfect Portrait
On the off-chance anyone’s still reading this series, I hope you enjoy this update. 
It may be shorter, but it’s a scene between Chishiya and MC/Reader that was in my mind but I never put it into the original fic :) 
You can also find it here on AO3.
If you haven’t read the original, you can find it either pinned to my Tumblr or on AO3 here. 
Thanks so much for reading. It means the world <3
People were so predictable. Even in a world where you can’t trust anyone, they still look for someone to connect with.
It seemed that saving (name) from that awkward situation at the bar did the trick, as afterwards, she clung to Kuina’s side – and by extension, my own. However, there was a slyness in her eyes whenever she looked at me. A calculating curiosity that revealed her distrust for me.
And yet, it didn’t keep her from seeking me out.  
One morning, several days later, I headed downstairs earlier than usual, hoping to enjoy the rare quiet as I ate breakfast.
While the bread from supermarkets was inedible, flour and yeast were perfectly intact, and with the Beach’s over-abundance of electricity, making bread was a favourite pastime for the former-chefs and bakers living here. And so, grabbing two slices of toast from the kitchen, I took a seat at a table in the far corner of what would have been the hotel’s restaurant.
Soon enough, people would filter down from their rooms and the usual circus would begin. But for now, it was silent. Peaceful. I lifted a piece of toast.
‘一緒に朝ご飯食をべないか.’ Do you want to eat breakfast together?
I put the toast down. ‘You’re leaving too big a gap between words. It sounds unnatural.’
Something brushed against my hood as she hovered behind my chair. ‘Teach me to sound natural then.’
‘どうして.’ How come?
Perhaps she would leave soon. If I waited until she disappeared, I might actually be able to enjoy my breakfast in peace.
It’ll be cold by then.
Weighing up the options, I gave in and took a bite of my toast. ‘Because you’ll only learn by speaking it more,’ I said, swallowing. ‘And also because I don’t want to. You should practise on Kuina instead.’
She circled around the table, holding a small bowl of dried fruit in one hand. There was a screech as she pulled out the chair opposite and sat down. I turned away, looking out of the window instead, but in the corner of my eye I could see her watching me, fingers playing with the bowl of fruit. She was still wearing my hoodie.
‘Kuina doesn’t speak English as well as you do.’ She huffed. ‘And if I make a mistake, she doesn’t tell me what’s wrong. I think it’s a Japanese thing. Everyone here is so polite, and nobody wants to correct you if you have bad grammar.’ She paused. ‘But you will.’
So I’m rude enough to correct her, hm?
She wasn’t wrong. But this still wasn’t enough of a reason to make me want to waste my time teaching her a language that she would pick up eventually.
‘You do have terrible grammar,’ I said. ‘You sound like a textbook.’
When she shifted her chair closer, I instinctively leaned away. ‘I know. I probably have a foreigner’s accent too. But I need you to tell me how I can get better.’
She did have an accent, strong yet not unpleasant. And surprisingly, I didn’t mind it. I knew I had an accent whenever I spoke English, but it was only normal. As for not sounding like a cardboard character in a language textbook? Well... she was clever enough to figure it out by herself.
Picking up my second piece of toast, I began to take a bite when a set of fingers wrapped around my forearm.  
And there it was again.
That warmth
It was just like in the pharmacy when her knee had touched mine. That same warmth seeped into my skin, humming under the surface. A shiver ran through my body, and I yanked my wrist away, severing all contact.
For the first time this morning, I looked at her fully, seeing the briefest flicker of astonishment in her expression before it relaxed into idle curiosity. If she was surprised by my reaction, she didn’t comment on it.
Instead, she shifted in her seat, chewing uncomfortably on her dried fruit. ‘By the way, you never told me how you learned English? Did you study abroad?’
The question took me back a few years, to those nights spent in my bedroom as a child, pouring over language textbooks. The one-sided conversations with myself, the books I had spent hours picking apart and translating until the early hours of the morning.  
‘I was bored as a child, so I taught myself a language.’
Her eyes widened. ‘When you say you were a child...’
‘I was seven when I started learning.’
I was seven when I gave the housekeeper some of my pocket money and asked her to buy me an English language dictionary. And even when she asked my father if it was alright, he didn’t once turn to look.
(Name) shook her head in disbelief, and muttered under her breath, ‘that’s insane.’
By now, we were no longer alone. People were filtering in regularly, filling the tables as they chatted with friends about their recent games. I put my headphones in, hoping that she would take a hint and find someone else to have breakfast with. Only, she remained seated, munching on a dried apricot.
‘Perhaps,’ I said, ‘but if a seven-year-old can do better than you, maybe I made a mistake in bringing you here.’
She pulled a face and boldly took one of my headphones out. ‘Maybe you should convince Hatter to let me leave.’
I glanced down at my earbud twirled between her fingers, before meeting that wide-eyed stare. ‘Maybe I don’t want to.’
Maybe you’re too valuable to let go.
There was a moment of quiet where neither of us looked away. She was close enough that I could see the variation of colours in her eyes, and the slight hint of pink washing over her cheeks. So that’s what she was thinking of. How very amusing.
If she had feelings for me, it would certainly be easier to convince her to go into the royal suite. But then again, she would cling to me in that annoying way.
And I don’t have the patience for that.
Breaking eye contact, I retrieved my headphone from her fingers. ‘Don’t get the wrong idea. You’re useful to have here at the Beach. It would be a shame to let you go.’
‘I’d be more useful if you helped me learn Japanese.’
At this, she turned away. For a long moment, neither of us spoke and I was just starting to enjoy the silence when she mumbled, ‘has it occurred to you that you’re the only one I can actually talk to?’
Ch... that’s a lie.
She had Kuina. The two of them got along rather nicely, and (name) was still blissfully unaware that none of it was real.  
Ignoring her comment, I left to take my plate back to the kitchen, but when I re-entered the restaurant area, I noticed that every table was full. That was, except ours. Elbow on the tablecloth, (name’s) hand rested over her mouth, the smallest hint of a frown tugging at the corners. She was staring vacantly at the tiny bowl of half-eaten dried fruit.
‘Has it occurred to you that you’re the only one I can actually talk to?’
Understanding dawned on me. She stuck out like a sore thumb, alone on a table for four.
The other Beach members were avoiding her, probably because they knew only high school English and assumed she wouldn’t be able to speak Japanese. Even when talking to Kuina, I had seen her mixing up the two languages, sometimes struggling to understand small miscommunications.
Her expression reminded me of the Mona Lisa, those trips to the Louvre where I was made to tag along on my parents’ business trips, only to be left in the hands of his uninterested assistant. (Name) wasn’t smiling, but there was something hiding beneath the slight pull of her lips that echoed DaVinci’s painting. It was something uniquely human that I couldn’t seem to read.
It was enigmatic.
But it was also a perfect portrait of isolation. Everyone wants someone to understand them, to be seen for who they really are. And she was no exception.
The thought pulled at me, persistent, but I pushed it well away. If she was isolated, it would come in handy later on. So long as Kuina and I were the only people she could comfortably talk to, she would be more easily swayed into relying on us.
And when I do send her into the Royal Suite, she’ll have no reason not to trust me.
With that thought, I left her there alone in the hotel restaurant.
Later that night, it wasn’t until the clock ticked into the early hours of the morning that the hotel finally fell into a slumber. And it was then that I slipped out into the empty hallways.
The meeting room was lit only by the faint yellow glow of the patio’s outdoor lights. It wasn’t much against the darkness of an empty Tokyo, but it was enough to illuminate the pinboard propped up against the far wall. Names and numbers had been tacked on, all split into groups of four or five in preparation for tomorrow’s games.
My eyes scanned over the board, narrowing down on the one name that stood out in katakana, Niragi’s kanji right beside it.
But it was only when I switched Niragi’s name with my own, that her enigmatic frown appeared behind my eyes once more. That same portrait of isolation that haunted the back of my mind.  
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How is Leon the most and least humble person at the same time? Learn more about it in this very lengthy and very much not really requested translated transcript of the newest NHL interview starring Leon Draisaitl, Tim Stütze and Marco Sturm. Please don't be mean I tried best.
Christian Rupp: Servus [sorry but it’s just a form of greeting I don’t want to translate] to our German NHL call today with three first round picks who have all been drafted in the first round [I know this is repetitive but I thought it was funny]. I am excited for this great group! Leon Draisaitl of the Edmonton Oilers, Tim Stützle of the Ottawa Senators and Marco Sturm, Assistant Coach of the LA Kings. Thank you for agreeing to this format and thank you for being here. First question, of course, Leon: You broke Marco Sturm’s record and are now sole German top scorer in the NHL. Since this has been a few days ago now did you get the chance to fully realize/internalize this fact?
Leon Draisaitl: Yeah, I think that the media and you are maybe making a bigger deal out of it than I myself to be honest. No question, of course this means a lot to me but as I have said enough times already I have way too much respect for Sturmi and all the other outstanding German hockey players we’ve had in the NHL. So I don’t want to make a thing out of it that it isn’t.
C. R.: It’s always „Dream Big“ – have big plans as a young player and dream big. Is that something you can even dream of, being the best German player in the NHL?
L.D.: Yes, I mean dreaming of something like that is always nice, that was probably no different for Sturmi and now for Timmi as well. We all dream of something that big playing in the streets as small kids. Coming out on top is of course super special to me, that is out of question. But as I said, there’s always something to work on and to improve and that is what I am trying to do here.
C.R.: Marco, your record had been standing for a long time. Leon now broke it at the young age of 25. Is he a worthy successor?
M.S.: By all means, yes! It took me 15 years to reach that point and Leon did it in only four. That beats everything! But [I didn’t catch what he said here but I guess something along the lines of an elaborate form of „that“] was only a matter of time. Leon won’t be the first and last one. Tim will be the next one, also only a matter of time. I am happy about this and am gladly passing on that title to Leon. He is completely different and plays in an entirely different league than I did. It’s only the beginning for him, I am sure there are many more points to come.
C.P.: And with Tim Stützle, the next one is already on his way. He’s diligently collecting points in his rookie year. Regardless, Tim, for you. What’s it like for you seeing the/your count written out especially now that you got to know how hard it is to score and collect points in the NHL. How bis is this number for you?
Tim Stützle: Yes, I will have to be honest and say I noticed that every time we played Leon. Especially in the defensive zone it isn’t the easiest thing but mostly it was incredibly fun playing against the best players in the world every day. And again, especially in our league [I think he’s talking about the Canadian division here], playing against Edmonton with Leon and Connor who, which is no secret, belong to the two best players in the league and the world and particularly with Marco, who has collected many, many points. It’s supercool seeing German hockey getting better and better.
C.P.: I’ll throw this question back at Leon. You played against him a few times now this season. What did you notice about Tim Stützle’s game, what did you like about it?
L.D.: Everything! I mean, playing in the league already at his age and so to say helping your team win or playing a big role on the power play right away, that isn’t quite that easy. I think we all know this. Timmi is probably experiencing that himself right now, that the league can be hard [on you] and is quick to bring you back down to earth. Plainly, because it is the best league there is with the best players there are but I’m gonna say, playing this continuously good in his first year as an 18 year old is an impressive achievement.
T.S.: *laughs* Thank you!
L.D.: *grinning* Of course!
C.P.: I can spot a shelf in the background. Leon, did you already receive your trophies? You did win a few in the pre-season, did they arrive already? Do they have a spot already?
L.D.: Nah, I don’t have the real ones here yet. I haven’t even seen them yet to be honest. I got smaller ones, how do you call them in German, replica trophies. Yeah, it is pretty cool. They are downstairs and I guess are functioning as chewing toys for my dog right now. But the real ones, as I said, I haven’t even seen yet.
C.P.: Marco! Of course we want to talk a bit about you as well. You are assistant coach of the LA Kings. How are you looking back on the season?
M.S.: Yeah well, as everyone knows we are in the midst of a rebuild right now. We are right at the start which is never easy. Patience is the most important feat in this phase. Many older players are now gone, a few still remain. The youngest players aren’t quite there yet, that’s why we still need to exercise patience and work hard. Particularly with the younger players. Then, hopefully, we’ll be able to take the next step next season or in the summer and maybe we’ll receive some new players. A player or maybe multiple players who will help us.
C.P.: We have all been anxiously watching/awaiting the 2020 Draft. LA Kings with Marco Sturm, I am sure Tim Stützle would have been a good fit there as well. Now, to be frank, with Tim in the room. How often did you regret not selecting Tim Stützle?
M.S.: I don’t have any influence on this process but I had my hopes, of course. Regrettably, nobody heard me, that’s how it goes and I only learned we were picking Byfield the day of the draft. But Byfield, I’ll have to say, he played the last 5 games up here and he will, too, become an outstanding player in the league. Maybe a bit different to Tim but personally I had hopes Tim would end up playing for/with us.
C.P.: Tim, it keeps getting better for your team, you are on a streak right now. Are you sad the season will be over already for you?
T.S.: In the beginning, of course, we weren’t quite that good. But we are in the middle of a rebuild as well and we have a lot of young players. But the last games it clicked for us and I think we won seven out of nine games. We feel comfortable and have a lot of fun playing together and as a young team we savor every day.
C.P.: What are the plans for the upcoming weeks? Has Toni Söderholm called?
T.S.: Yeah, I will have to see. There will be talks with trainers and management about what is best for me. There are still some remaining problems with my hand and I will have to get another surgery. That’s why we will have to wait and see.
C.P.: Marco you lay the foundation for players wanting and enjoying to play for Team Germany, at worlds for example, again. What is your stance on [I again did not catch what he was saying] of German hockey?
M.S.: Generally I think we caught up nicely in the past years. As you mentioned already, if you want players, especially the ones playing in the NHL to [here probably something along the line of „to come play for Team Germany“] you it has to be fun. It is a long season for the boys and if they then go on and play another tournament on top of that, that is not easy and because of that it has to be fun and that was what I had been trying to achieve back in my days. German hockey needs the [NHL] boys to get ahead. And as I said, back in my day, the boys always liked playing here [Team Germany] and we always were successful.
C.P.: The list of German NHL players speaks for itself here, it is quite long and with Leon at the head, how do you rank the German national team, especially if all NHL players were to join. Particularly with the Olympics on the table as well. What are Germany’s chances of keeping up with the top nations?
L.D.: Yes, I think we do have a pretty decent team. Of course it’s always important to stay realistic if it’ll be enough going up against the USA or Canada. That is something we will have to see but I believe we have a lot of players that have the ability to compete on that level and that a few NHL players will be present as well, hopefully all of them. I think we have a very very good team.
C.P.: Sadly, we have almost reached the end of our Zoom call today. I will making my rounds one last time. Tim, what are your summer plans?
T.S.: I think I will most definitely spend my summer in Mannheim. I will practice with the [„Fitnesstrainer“ so I guess just coaches/trainers] and some Adler players. I think it will be a good summer for me because I want to work on a lot of things and grow stronger [generally, just improve is meant here I think]. I think it will be best for me to be there [Mannheim].
C.P.: And you Marco? Will you stay in Landshut and then later, will you be returning to the LA Kings?
M.S.: After the first few meetings it is, I think, clear that I will stay here for the upcoming years. I like it here and working together with [the bosses], it is fun. But then for me it is the same as it is for Tim and Leon. I will most probably stay with family and friends in Landshut for a few months before it is time to get back to business again.
C.P.: I don’t think I have to ask about your goal, Leon. I would describe it as a quite big and silver thing [I don’t have a good translation here, the expression was „etwas größerer Silberling“].
L.D.: Yeah of course! I hope we’ll remain in the game for as long as possible and come out at the very top in the end. That is the dream and the goal of course. Then, as the other two have already said, I  will spend the summer mainly in Europe and will prepare for the next season there.
C.P.: So for you this, so to say, means Köln is calling in the summer even if it is a shortened one?
L.D.: [In my opinion this was said hesitantly] Yeah, mostly in Köln.
C.P.: I wish you all the best for your athletic projects, stay healthy  and thank you for joining this exclusive NHL.com.de [he said that so I dunno] Zoom call.
*Everyone says their goodbyes*
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xiyao-feels · 3 years
I'm so confused. can jgy reincarnate or be resurrected? I know fanfic can take liberties but I've read conflicting things. plus the untamed didn't show his body or explain anything and I believe the novel says something else entirely? 😔🥺😕
So "can JGY reincarnate or be resurrected" is not a question I can really properly answer. My understanding is that the answer is yes if he's not stuck in the coffin (and a friend of mine has read a bunch of Chinese fic, albeit through Google translate, where stuff like that does in fact happen), but I'm not confident I'd know it if the answer were no! So I'm afraid I can't really help you there, I'm sorry. This is normally where I'd link you stuff from people who know more than I do but while I know I've seen stuff on the subject apparently I didn't save it, and I couldn't find anything relevant searching, either. That'll teach me not to save my links...
But I can show you what happened to JGY in MDZS, and then contrast with CQL! Let's go.
So, end of ch. 108, JGY pushes LXC away from the coffin and NMJ (not, note, out of the temple, which isn't crumbling!) and then NMJ immediately drags him into the coffin and kills him:
Yet, just as the hand was an instant from grasping Lan XiChen’s neck, Jin GuangYao used the only hand he had left to strike Lan XiChen’s chest, pushing Lan XiChen away.
He, himself, on the other hand, was dragged into the coffin by Nie MingJue, then held up like holding a puppet. The scene was beyond frightening. Jin GuangYao used his one hand to peel away at Nie MingJue’s steel-like palm. He struggled ceaselessly from the pain, hair tangled, as heavy malice shot from his eyes. He cursed with all the energy he had left, “Fuck you, Nie MingJue! You think I’m really scared of you?! I…”
With much difficulty, he coughed up some blood. Everyone present heard a crack that was abnormally clear and brutal.
A whimper of a last breath left Jin GuangYao’s throat.
There's a last short couple of sentences about JL's reaction, and then at the beginning of 109 you immediately have:
Lan XiChen staggered a few steps back from the push. He hadn’t realized what happened yet. Meanwhile, Lan WangJi struck the back of the fair-featured Guanyin statue at the center of the temple. The statue vibrated as it flew towards the coffin. Nie MingJue was still inspecting the corpse in his hand, the head had already dipped. As the heavy statue hit him, he fell right back where he’d been.
Wei WuXian leaped over and stepped onto the Guanyin’s chest. The coffin lid had broken already. They could only use the Guanyin statue as a lid to seal away Nie MingJue and his rampage. Down below, Nie MingJue struck the statue again and again in attempt to break free, while Wei WuXian also shook again and again, reeling so much he was almost thrown off.
And then LWJ lifts the coffin up, seals it with seven quqin strings and lets it fall again to the ground.
Then for the rest of chapter 109 and the beginning of 110, LXC and then WWX ask NHS some questions, after which:
After a while of silence, Wei WuXian spoke, “Let’s stop standing around for nothing. Get a few people to go find assistance. Save a few to stand by here and watch the thing. The coffin and the guqin strings won’t be able to seal ChiFeng-Zun for long.”
As though to verify his judgement, loud noises echoed within the coffin again, along with a nameless fury. Nie HuaiSang shivered. Wei WuXian glanced at him, “You see? You have to switch to a firmer coffin right now, dig a deep ditch, and bury it once more. You won’t be able to open it in at least a hundred years. If you do, it’s guaranteed it’ll continue to haunt, resulting in endless consequences…”
Right after this, the crowd comes pouring in. Some of them do indeed work on strengthening the seal; we're also told that it requires careful handling (which is why it's a few of the sect leaders who volunteer to handle it), and WWX anticipates the near future of the coffin:
Soon, this coffin would be sealed within a larger, firmer coffin. It’d be secured with seventy-two mahogany nails and buried deep underground, sealed under some mountain with stone tablets of warning.
Then we see some sect leaders carrying it outside the temple, and later LQR watches it be hauled onto a cart.
The next we hear of it is in overheard rumour in ch 113, three months later:
Someone switched the subject, “Enough, enough. Why talk about these things? Eat up, eat up No matter how powerful that Jin GuangYao used to be, right now he could be stuck in a coffin brawling with Nie MingJue.”
“I don’t think so. They loathe each other to the core, after all. I bet his bones have already been torn apart by Nie MingJue.”
“Indeed! I went to the sealing ceremony. The resentful energy in that coffin was so strong that no life grew within five hundred feet of it. I’m doubting it, really—could the coffin really seal them for a hundred years?”
Overheard rumour is not the most reliable of things, especially in MDZS—for example, I would not be surprised if it wasn't really five hundred feet. But it gives any sense, and certainly—as WWX indicated above—the coffin is /meant/ to seal them for a hundred years. (Though I have my doubts on this actually working; see here.)
Now let's look at CQL:
After JGY breaks the seal on the coffin, the blood drops onto the Tiger Seal, and resentful energy emerges and the temple starts to crumple; pretty much everyone but wangxian and xiyao flee the temple. LXC lifts his hand to push JGY away, but can't bring himself to do it; JGY asks him to stay and die with him, and he agrees. JGY then pushed him away to save his life, and wangxian catch him and LWJ brings him out of the temple to make sure he actually leaves insead of e.g. running right back in to die with JGY. WWX stays and watches a little; we see JGY turn and confront the resentful energy: "Nie Mingjue. Do you think I will be afraid of you?" The temple continues to collapse, WWX flees, and JGY runs towards the coffin.
(I'm having a hard time with the blocking on this one, I watched it a few times and it looks like they are a) immediately over the coffin when JGY bleeds on it and then immediately after they're...not? Despite not moving??? But the above is what I think is supposed to be going on.)
They're then sitting around in the courtyard outside. They seem to have been sitting around for a while even before WWX's wound heals (not a feature in MDZS, because in MDZS MXY's revenge didn't include JGY); it seems likely that JGY died before that, I think, but that's at least an end point. After this the cultivators rush into the courtyard. Now we finally get people going into the temple again, but there doesn't seem to be any sign or mention of sealing. I thought I remembered mention if a ceremony of some sort, but I can't find it in the rest of the episode and a friend doesn't remember it at all so I think it's pretty likely I was just misremembering/crossing it with MDZS.
But basically: in MDZS, they seal them together /immediately/ after JGY dies, and they proceed very quickly to a stronger, more permanent seal. In CQL, there's no sign of any of this at all! It seems quite plausible that they're not buried together, never mind sealed together. And regardless, it couldn't have happened nearly as immediately; JGY's spirit could have time to flee the coop.
It's also worth remembering that in MDZS when they seal the coffin at the end, it's to immediately deal with /fierce corpse NMJ/, who otherwise would be an extremely powerful, extraordinarily dangerous fierce corpse, made even worse—as WWX notes in ch 107—by having killed JGY.* In CQL it looks like the problem is more the Tiger Seal, I think? And it's not like they need to immediately seal it into the coffin which JGY is also in? It's not even clear that JGY's body actually ends up in the coffin, from what I can see. As far as I can tell there's not really any reason to believe they're buried together. If I had to guess (though I didn't rewatch all relevant scenes, or even all the temple scenes, and I could easily be missing something) I'd say NMJ might be going back to Honourable Burial Nie Land, and JGY's corpse....
Hmmm. That's kind of interesting, come to think of it. If it hasn't mysteriously vanished I'm not sure what would happen to it; I'm inclined to say it wouldn't be treated well except LXC is right there and he might like. Stab someone, honestly. If it /has/ mysteriously vanished—I just might change my mind about CQL LXC killing himself.** In Which a Twin Jade obsessively searches the world for their loved one because there's the possibility they might not be dead, huh.
*"After he killed Jin GuangYao, his killing intent would definitely become stronger, and he’d be more difficult to subdue!"
**I don't think this is the impression CQL as a whole is trying to give us, to be clear, it's just what I think happened.
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shining-red-diamond · 3 years
Ch. 26: Goat Island
Cast of Characters//Ch. 1//Ch. 2//Ch. 3//Ch. 4//Ch. 5//Ch. 6//Ch. 7//Ch. 8//Ch. 9//Ch. 10//Ch. 11//Ch. 12//Ch. 13//Ch. 14//Ch. 15//Ch. 16//Ch. 17//Ch. 18//Ch. 19//Ch. 20//Ch. 21//Ch. 22//Ch. 23//Ch. 24//Ch. 25//Ch. 26//Ch. 27//Ch. 28 (coming soon)
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Words: 1.5k
Genre: Fluff, some angst
Pairing: ATEEZ OT8 x OCs
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: plans of sabotage, labor pains, mentions of injury and illness
A/N: I thought I’d treat y’all and post a day early.
“I overheard the professor talking on the phone with someone,” Dalia explained her story in the boardroom, “he’s been following you ever since you left London. When he went to bed that night, that’s when I sneaked into his desk to find out what was happening, and that’s when I found all of the maps and notes in the envelope.”
“I knew it!” Taeran shouted. “I knew we shouldn’t have trusted him.”
“What exactly is he wanting to do with us?” Hongjoong asked.
“I’m not sure,” Dalia shrugged. “But I know for a fact that he wants Celestia’s necklace. He believes it’s the last missing piece of the diamond.”
“From the way he was staring at her neck at lunch that day,” San’s remembered, hints of anger in his voice, “I don’t doubt it.”
Dinah put a hand on his shoulder to try to calm him, and he gave her a nod in acknowledgement.
“He’s also been following you,” Dalia continued. “He was planning on more ways to stop you, but his ship got stuck in Rome. A part of his ship was damaged from the explosion.”
Everything began to make sense now. The bombs and arrows in Italy confirmed the captain’s suspicions of someone following them. Hongjoong felt trust in a family friend get thrown out the window. The articles Jongho found began to tie together as well. Steinbeck had murdered his colleagues and figured out how to get away with it. How could Steinbeck do this? Status? Money? Fame? He had most of it. It didn’t make sense.
“Is he still there?” he asked.
“No,” Dalia shook her head. “He would call me and keep me up to date of where he was. Last I heard from him was when he got his ship fixed, so I don’t know if he’s following you or not.”
“I checked the radar,” San said, “and no other ship was detected.”
“Well, I would stay alert,” Dalia warned.
“We will,” the captain promised. “For now, let’s find a place for you to sleep while you’re with us.”
After some discussion, it was decided that Dalia would bunk with Yunho for the time being, and of course the mechanic couldn’t stop blushing. The crew then reviewed their findings and what they needed to prepare for Niagara Falls and how to stay wary if the professor followed them there. Taeran acted as the translator for Dalia as she was now possibly taking Celestia’s role as the archaeologist and historian.
“There’s a park nearby called Goat Island,” Hongjoong concluded. “We’ll land and shield the ship in the center. There might be cars or pedestrians walking by, but it’ll be early in the morning when we land.”
“And there’s a hospital nearby,” Yeosang piped up. “Climbing the rocks will be tricky, so if we need medical attention too big for the medical wing, we can go there.”
WIth one last note to be cautious, the meeting was adjourned. Yunho didn’t hesitate to take Dalia by the hand and lead her to his bedchambers, but not without a “Don’t get crazy” warning from Seonghwa. Hongjoong went back to try to rest some more as his illness was still going away, Dinah and Wooyoung went with Yeosang and Phoebe to the dining area for a few rounds of Poker, and everyone else headed to their rooms for the night. Mingi and San were the last two to leave as they had to set the course for Niagara Falls, New York.
“San,” Dahae pulled the navigator aside. “Where was your wife? Is she okay?”
“She isn’t feeling well,” he replied. “So I let her stay in the room. I think she’s just tired, and her pregnancy mixed with the stress of this quest hasn't been good on her.”
“I see. Well, I’m next to watch her when we land next. I’ll make sure she’s getting plenty of rest.”
Celestia sat up straight at the edge of the bed, facing the window. Moonlight beamed in and illuminated the room in a pale blue glow. Byeol was sitting on Celestia’s pillow, and the mom-to-be was listening to Baby Choi’s heartbeats with the doppler. Earlier, she felt that she was having contractions, however, she wasn’t crying out in pain. She still preferred to monitor her body and how the unborn infant was doing.
The bedroom door opened, and San had returned from the meeting.
“You okay, angel?” he asked once he had circled the bed to her side. “How’s our little princess?”
“Which one?” Celestia giggled slightly as she put the doppler away in the nightstand. “The cat? Or the one you made with me? But, they’re fine.”
San chuckled at his wife’s sense of humor. His hand went to her watermelon belly and gently rubbed it.
“As for me,” she continued, “I think I’m just having Braxton Hicks.”
“Braxton what?” San’s brow furrowed. He had heard the term before, but he never really knew what it meant.
“Hicks. I’m having contractions; I’m just not in labor. They’re painful, but I’m able to talk through them.”
“Do we need to get Dahae or have Mingi land somewhere? We left Egypt hours ago, and we won’t be in New York until morning.”
Celestia shook her head. “I’m okay.”
“You sure?”
San sighed and combed his fingers through her voluminous curls. “Okay, but if anything changes, you tell me, yeah?”
“You know I will, honey,” Celestia promised. She cupped his face into her hands and gave him a loving kiss on his lips.
San then excused himself to go change into his boxers before sliding into bed with his wife and kissing her good night. Byeol jumped off the bed and trotted back to her little stack of towels to sleep.
Throughout the night, Celestia kept having contractions on and off. She would sleep a few hours, but sharp pains would wake her up. Her knowledge from online birthing classes allowed her to stay calm and breathe through each one before falling back asleep again. The more this continued, the less she thought it was contractions. Each one was more intense and sharp than the last.
Around three-thirty in the morning, she couldn’t take it anymore.
“San,” she whispered, her voice shaking.
Her husband’s eyes opened at the sound of her voice. “What is it?” he groggily answered.
“Please, get Dahae. I think it’s time.”
San’s ears picked up on her labored breathing and the pleading in her voice. He sat up and turned on the lamp.
“Will you be okay?” he asked, his heart racing.
She quickly nodded. She now knew it was real labor as this new contraction constricted her from speaking.
With a quick kiss and a promise to return, San grabbed a shirt and raced out of the room. Once he had his torso covered, he rapidly knocked on the door to the captain’s quarters.
“Dahae!” he half-yelled. “Please, wake up. I think the baby’s coming!”
Quick little footsteps approached the door, and the captain’s fiancée opened it. Dahae’s black hair was tied in a messy bun, and a thick robe covered her small frame. Although she was half-asleep, the concern on her face was ever present.
“Is she okay?” she asked, even though it was probably a dumb question.
“I don’t know,” San panicked. “But she thinks it’s time. She’s been having contractions, but she thought it was Braxton Hicks at first. Now, she can’t even speak.”
Dahae didn’t hesitate to sprint to the Choi’s bedchambers where Celestia was now leaning over the bed and trying to steady her breathing.
“I’m here, Celestia,” Dahae reassured her. “It’s going to be okay. Just keep breathing.”
San was then instructed to fill the tub with warm water to help ease his wife’s pain as Dahae got whatever supplies she needed: doppler, gloves, all of it. Celestia eased herself into the water and sat against the bath cushion as her husband stayed right by her. Over the next four hours, Dahae would check her dilations and time each contraction. Dahae kept one light on to try to keep the sleep horse active. Celestia tried to sleep some, but only dozed as the pain kept her awake.
San hated seeing his wife in such horrible pain. He would never know what pregnancy, labor, childbirth, or even periods would feel like. He wished he could take away her pain somehow. He wanted the baby’s delivery to not be so stressful, but he knew that wouldn't happen. However, he trusted that Celestia’s body knew what it was doing in order to bring Baby Choi into the world. All he could do was be comfort for her and encourage her whenever it would be time for her to deliver.
“San,” Dahae whispered to him. “Hongjoong is calling for the crew to have the morning meeting.”
Glancing over at his wife, he saw that she was snoozing a little. He didn’t want to leave her if anything happened, but the captain needed him as well.
“I’ll stay with her,” Dahae promised. “Grace-Anne is coming to assist.”
“Okay,” he nodded.
Kissing his wife’s forehead, San rose to his feet, his joints stiff from sitting in the bathroom all night. He quickly changed into something for the day ahead and left the room, his mind filled with worry about his wife.
Tagging: @ateezlovenet​ @treasure-hwa​ (Let me know if you’d like to be added or removed)
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laverrie · 4 years
(Translation) (Rook Lab Uniform SR) My Hunter's Blood is Ablaze 2
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Translated for a friend and decided to share! You can read part 1 here.
Please do not repost or reuse this translation anywhere.
[ Location - Alchemy Lab ] Rook: Oh? He should be taking this elective as well, and yet... I don't see him anywhere. Vil: Rook, what do you keep looking around for? That's very much unlike you. Rook: Oh, it's just that I can't find Roi du Leon anywhere. I thought I'd at least see him when he showed up to class, but... Vil: Well, it's Leona, so I'm certain he's skipping. I've never once seen him actually do his alchemy experiments the way he should. Rook: I see... What a shame. I truly wanted to compare how he holds a flask and beaker versus how he holds a fork and knife. Vil: I have no clue what you're going on about, but... I see you're sticking your nose into the business of people from other dorms, as usual. Rook: It sounds terrible when you phrase it that way. I'd prefer if you called it me doing fieldwork. Vil: It doesn't matter what you call it; it doesn't change the fact that your have terrible taste. Rook: Oh, my! Could you perhaps be jealous, Roi du Poison? You are the fairest of anyone here in the academy; you have nothing to worry about. Vil: Quit joking; it's not funny in the least. Rook: You're as harsh as ever. I simply don't tire of gazing at Roi du Leon all day, no matter what he's doing— especially when he's outside while the weather is wonderful. It makes me think of my homeland, the vast Savannah. ... Hm? Vil: What's wrong? Is there something out the window? Rook: Speak of the devil— it's Roi du Leon. He's dozing off at the edge of the sports field, beneath the shade of a tree. Vil: My, you're right. He's too far away for me to see, but distance isn't a problem for you, is it? Rook: Oui. My eyesight has been excellent since I was young, so I'm quite proud of it. [CG] Rook: Fufu. Ahh, he truly is the very image of a lion sprawled out on the Savannah. Vil: Just what is there to enjoy looking at? That man has no positive qualities besides his face. Please knock it off and return to our experiment at once. Rook: The king who rules the Savannah, Roi du Leon. Though he appears defenseless, his ears stand upright; proof he doesn't fail to remain cautious of his surroundings. However, his current position puts him at a disadvantage. Should he need to escape from a hunter on his tail, it'll only delay his initial reaction. Ahh, how I regret that I don't have my bow and arrow on hand. [/CG] Leona: ... Rook: Oh? It seems as if he noticed me. The senses of a feral animal are, as expected, quite sharp. Rook: ... Ah, it's made him leave. Fufu, I'll leave it be, then. Vil: You say that, and yet your hands still aren't moving. We are in the middle of an experiment, Rook. Rook: Yes, I'll focus on the lesson. Even a lion sleeping away the afternoon was able to notice me, after all. Vil: (Sighs)... You're our vice dorm leader, so I'll give you some advice; Leona is smart, but that man is nothing but a deadbeat... He's simply a burden and headache. Please take care not to get too deeply involved with him. Rook: Is that an order as dorm leader to your vice dorm leader? Vil: I don't mind if you take it that way; I'd prefer to avoid any disputes with other dorms. I don't remember appointing a fool who harasses herds of wild animals just to satisfy his trite curiosity as my vice dorm leader. Rook: Why, of course— I would never do anything to disappoint you. But no matter what I do, he sets my hunter's blood ablaze the instant I see him. It cries, "He's always so calm and collected... I want so badly to drive into a corner as my prey— I want to see him bear his fangs at me. I wonder when that day will come?"... like so. Vil: (Sighs)... So what you're telling me is that even people like you, who always look so calm, are actually brutal and ferocious in nature? If that's how you feel, then why don't you join the Magift club? He's the club leader, so I'm sure you'd get to hunt him as much as you want. Rook: That's an extraordinarily attractive idea, however... If I were to join the Magift club, I wouldn't be able to assist you with the film studies club you run, so my hands are tied. Vil: Oh, my. That's quite a decent thing to say all of a sudden. Rook: They're my genuine feelings. I've told you why I joined the science club, haven't I? Whether you desire smoke or fabric dyes, I'm here so I can fulfill your every wish in your pursuit of creating beauty perfect to the eye. For me, there's nothing more important than showering love and support unto all beautiful things. Vil: It's true that there's no one more fair than I in this academy. Being the vice dorm leader means you have the front row seat to your raison d'être, hm? So do take care not to do anything that would cause you to lose that position. If you cause pointless problems, I won't waste any time replacing you. Rook: I'll take care with my conduct so that you won't dismiss me. I'm much fonder of this vice dorm leader position than I am anything else. Because it is from here that I can view you, the fairest in all the school, from the best vantage point! Vil: Oh, is that so. Then cease running your mouth and actually work on this experiment. I absolutely will not tolerate the vice dorm head of Pomefiore's grades dropping. Rook: Oui!
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inkribbon796 · 3 years
The Marvelous Misadventures of One: S. Marvin Argentum Ch. 2: The Desert Sucks, So Says Marvin
Summary: Marvin comes with a plan, and trips over an adventure along the way.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4
Marvin and Ghostbur went into Marvin’s childhood home and spent longer than he wanted to talking to his mom and promising to come back after the whole mess was over because he was already tired and just wanted a nap but it looked like he wasn’t going to get one.
She did insist Ghostbur come back with him because he’d already endeared himself and Friend to her.
With those promises and some tea, Marvin left the house with Ghostbur and they got back into the car and Marvin took it out of the driveway and about a mile away so he could pull over onto the road and the trio could plan.
“If I can win a duel against the Guildmaster, then I could take over and pull the Guild out of the alliance. If I time it right it will catch them off guard,” Taylor told him.
“Well that’s all good, but are the other hunters gonna[1] just let yeh[2] do that?” Marvin asked.
“No, unfortunately,” the hunter hummed in thought.
“Didn’t think so,” Marvin scoffed. “So we’ve got a group ‘a[3] mages that have had months ta[4] lick their wounds from the beat down Spade an’[5] Clubs gave ‘em[6]. We’re what? Two on several dozen?”
“Two? There’s three of us?” The hunter was clearly getting frustrated.
“Nah, he’s not gettin’ anywhere near ‘em,”[7] Marvin told them before Ghost could say a world, but he noticed that Ghostbur looked relieved. “Yeh[2] move the base yet?”
“No,” the hunter told him.
“Good, it’ll make ‘em[6] easier ta[4] find” Marvin grumbled in frustration, his messages weren’t getting through because when you live in the middle of nowhere cell service doesn’t exist. “I’ll try an’[5] get in contact with Chase when we pass through Egoton ta[4] get ta[4] Arizona. Maybe we can get back in time.”
“Why Egoton specifically?” The hunter demanded.
“Cause it’s a magical fookin’ town. We can wait until Egoton’s position shifts inta California an’ cut the drive in half.”[8] Marvin brought up a map of Egoton on his phone to show them.
“Yeah,” Taylor agreed. “When would that be?”
“Anywhere from right now ta[4] next month,” Marvin sighed.
“That’s too long,” Taylor told him.
“Would Marvin and his allies like to take a shortcut?”
Marvin actually jumped and Taylor was whipping out a staff to attack the Host but the Seer used his narrations to knock it to the side.
Ghostbur flickered back into visibility, smiling as he recognized the Host. “Oh, hello Host.”
“Fook, kid, are yeh tryin’ ta kill me?”[9] Marvin grabbed at his chest.
“The Host sensed that he was needed,” the seer grinned, Taylor was unsettled by the sharp smile but they didn’t say anything. “Would Marvin and his company like assistance? The Host could open up a portal right into Arizona.”
“Really?” Marvin looked back at him. “That’d be great actually.”
“If Marvin and his companions will get into their car, the Host will open up a portal for them,” the Host said and was already opening up a huge Void portal that visibly showed the “Entering Page” sign that was the trio’s destination.
Marvin sighed as he got into the car. “An’[5] here I wanted a break.”
The car started and Marvin drove them through the portal, the portal swirling shut in an instant as Marvin was racing towards the unfamiliar city. Ghostbur let out a delighted gasp, materializing halfway outside the roof of the car. “Shermy lives here.”
“Who’s that?” Marvin demanded
“Shermy! He can help us!” Ghostbur peeked back into the car. “He’s plenty strong.”
“Okay, neat, where does he live?” Marvin demanded.
“Let me—” Ghost said and possessed the car, taking it off in a terrifying way. With little regard for speed or other cars on the road.
“Ghostbur! Yer gonna kill us!”[10]
Marvin was able to get control of the car and Ghost helped with shouting directions and the blinker to warn Marvin when to turn. They stopped outside of a police station, Ghostbur an excited, jittery mess. While Marvin and Taylor were trying to calm their racing hearts.
“So, who are we here fer[11]?” Marvin groaned. “Not sure some police precinct I’ve ne’er[12] worked with are gonna[13] work with us.”
“Sherman,” Ghostbur smiled. “He’s Techno’s big brother.”
“Techno,” Marvin repeated. “The big pig brute has a big brother?”
Ghostbur nodded, still smiling. “I don’t remember him that well because I met him when I was Wilbur and younger. But I think he was nice.”
“You sure he’s not going to instantly attack us?” Taylor asked.
“I could go in and ask him?” Ghostbur offered.
“I don’t like the idea ‘a yeh walkin’ in there alone,”[14] Marvin protested.
Ghostbur frowned, but looked over and brightened up, “I don’t have to, he’s right there.”
And before Marvin could determine who Ghostbur was talking about, the young ghost demon shot out of the car and flew over to someone who had just stepped out of the police station. He was tall and built like a brick wall. And Marvin knew that was who Ghostbur had been looking for. He looked like Techno but had a nasty looking scar over his left eye and huge tusks jutting out of his mouth.
“Fook![15] Fook!” Marvin raced to get out of his car.
“Sherman!” Ghostbur smiled.
“Wilbur! Fuckin’[16] hell kid!” Sherman shouted. “Where the hell did yah[2] come from?”
“Oh, I’m with my friends,” Ghostbur smiled as Marvin raced over.
“You too, huh?” Sherman crossed his arms in front of himself.
“Hey, Shermy,” Ghostbur floated up a little bit.
“Nah, don’t think so,” the huge demon scoffed and pushed Ghostbur away. “It’s still Sheriff Thompson to you. An’[5] who the Sam-hell are you?”
Sheriff Thompson turned to glare at Marvin and the hunter.
“We’re with Ghostbur,” Marvin jabbed his thumb at Ghostbur.
“Ghost—” Sheriff Thompson scoffed. “Ain’t that hilarious. So I’m guessin’ yer join’ the Ol’ Man?”[17]
Ghostbur’s excitement seemed to, impossibly, go through the roof. “Phil’s here? He can help too.”
“Oh great,” Marvin hissed under his breath.
“Yeah, come on, junior, the Ol’[18] Man’s over at Church’s,” Thompson grabbed Ghostbur, seemingly, by the scruff of his jumper and dropped him away from him.
Thompson began walking away, his uniform changing into one that was a simple button-up and suspenders outfit.
“Where yeh goin’?”[19] Marvin asked.
“Over at Church’s there’s a club of sorts that may or may not be participatin’[20] in less than legal dealin’s.” Sheriff Thompson told them. “Tech an’[5] Philza are always there whenever they’re in town.”
“Aren’tcha[21] a cop?” Marvin glared at him.
“All the books check out,” Thompson shrugged. “Besides, humans aren’t allowed into the basement. USA loopholes only include humans. Besides, Techno needs an outlet when he comes to town. So we have the pit an’[5] any demon that wants a shot at his crown can get discorporated tryin’[22] to take it.”
“Laws about demons are always fooked,” Marvin hissed.
“Well that’s what happens when demons get to write state laws,” Thompson dismissed.
“So yer[23] Techno’s brother, how does that work?” Marvin asked.
“Look, normally Techno doesn’t talk ‘bout[24] his past, but I like ta[4] embarrass him so it’s fair game,” Thompson shrugged, Ghostbur floating next to him. The spectral demon was a good couple feet off the ground so he was at Thompson’s head height, almost scrunched up in a ball. “Tech an[5] I are a good fifty years apart. We come from another demon I killed a couple decades back ‘cause[25] he was causin’[26] too much trouble.”
“He had a name?” Taylor asked.
“Billiam,” Thompson answered. “He was obsessed with legates, you two know what those demons are?”
“I do,” Marvin said, the hunter giving them both odd looks.
“Right, so,” Sheriff Thompson. “I don’t quite know if he met one, or read about one, but he was obsessed with power and figured if he could get a legate reliant on him, then he could rule the world. At first he was experimenting on people lower class than him, but then he started working with his own when that failed. He only made two spawnlings by the time I got rid of him an’[5] his accomplice. The instant he realized I was just a normal demon he tossed me out on the street an[5] started trying to make a second one. Which was his mistake ‘cause[25] that was Techno.”
“So what type ‘a[3] demon is Techno?” Marvin asked.
“Don’t know, don’t really care,” Thompson shrugged as they reached a building that looked like some kind of library or a bar. There were people milling about.
All the patrons gave the Sheriff a quick nod or a brisk hello as Thompson led the trio down to a metal stairwell. Marvin could already hear the shouts and the loud cheers.
What Marvin saw as he came out to a spectator’s platform was a massive two-story hole in the ground where Techno was in there, fighting five other demons with an axe. All of them had various weapons.
With a slice of his axe one of the demons exploded into a puff of magic and the crowd screamed. The other four demons were discorporated just as quickly.
Marvin looked up to see a VIP stage where a young girl with long pink hair and a pink mask, standing next to the glass, pressing her face close to the glass as she bounced on her tiptoes. Philza was sitting in a huge armchair, watching the fight like a king watching knights in a jousting match. His fingers swirling and bobbing with some music in the room that he was listening to.
Marvin felt his magic coil around himself protectively, and that maybe stepping into this place was a mistake.
Accessibility Translations:
1. going to
2. you
3. of
4. to
5. and
6. them
7. Nah, he’s not getting anywhere near them
8. Because it’s a magical fucking town. We can wait until Egoton’s position shifts into California and cut the drive in half.
9. Fuck, kid, are you trying to kill me?
10. Ghostbur! You’re going to kill us!
11. for
12. never
13. gonna
14. I don’t like the idea of you walking in there alone
15. Fuck!
16. fucking
17. Isn’t that hilarious. So I’m guessing you’re joining the Old Man?
18. Old
19. Where are you going?
20. participating
21. Aren’t you
22. trying
23. you’re
24. about
25. Because
26. causing
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Eiji and Ankh, M (Ever Ever After by Carrie Underwood)
M is for music, and “Ever Ever After,” by Carrie Underwood, is a blast from the past for me and can be found on YouTube. (That version isn’t on Spotify, but if you want to listen to the song there, they do have a version by Jordan Pruitt.) After you read this, it may be worthwhile to go back and read this previous prompt.
Ankh is not, for the most part, familiar with the stories that humans tell each other for comfort. He couldn't care less about human comfort, honestly. But he does know one thing: fairy tale monsters don't get happy endings. If they're lucky they get to eat whatever sickening ingenue is the supposed hero of the story. Some run with their tails between their legs. Mostly, though, they die, killed by knights and heroes and the stupid sons of farmers.
He doesn't bother with the tales, but he's seen some of the art made to go with them. He knows what he is in this story. Consigned once more to a dull and colorless world in which Hino Eiji is the one inexplicable spot of color is probably the best ending he could have hoped for.
Even so, it’s getting harder to focus.
Initially, in the first few years after his...death, his loss, his shattering, he remains aware at all times. During the day he floats behind Eiji, silent and unseen, disgusted by the grayness of the world after a year of light and color. At night, he stands a useless guard, hovering over the one and only object of his desires as if he would be able to do anything to help should danger come. He sees adventures, triumphs, failures, so much gained and so much loss, many and many another hero coming and going and none of them ever as good.
And once, a single, glorious hour of new life, and the feeling of Eiji’s hand in his again.
It’s after that, really, that he finds things becoming difficult. Being able to manifest physically once more had been a gift, but it took so much energy. He continues to follow Eiji, because what else can he do? What else is there for him? But as time stretches on, he finds himself--blacking out, he supposes he might say, the way he sometimes sees Eiji grow tired and succumb to ever-longer blinks before finally falling asleep. At first the black-outs last for minutes, then hours, then days, eventually stretching out to weeks, or maybe months, or maybe longer. He’s only vaguely aware of the passage of time as it is.
And then, after the longest one yet--he wakes up. And he’s cold.
That’s what gets his attention first, that he’s cold, that he feels cold. It’s all he can think about for a minute or two, and then he shifts slightly and realizes that he has multiple limbs, that his hair is in his eyes, that he is stark naked except for a red silk he’d almost forgotten he once had and he seems to be sitting on the floor in someone’s living room.
The first thing Ankh says, having been resurrected, is, “What the fuck just happened?”
His head whips around. “Eiji? You, I, you’d better not be dead, I swear to fucking--what’s wrong, you’re extremely pale, what’s happened.”
Eiji grins at him, looking dizzy and, yes, pale, and raises his hand despite the quiet scolding of the old man currently wrapping it in bandages. “Well, it took kind of. A lot of blood.” An unsteady shift forward. “Actually, I think I need to take a nap.”
And he passes out, leaving Ankh to turn to the next person he sees--an elderly woman who’s looking very pleased with herself--and saying, “Ok, what the fucking hell just happened here, and what did you do to Eiji?”
Eiji regains consciousness to the sound of Ankh and Dr. Zhakiyanova arguing loudly in German, and Dr. Zhakiyanova‘s husband Dr. Caspari saying, in French, “Here, young man, sit up, you fainted, you need to eat something.”
This is easier said than done, but he does manage to struggle upright after a moment. “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me until you’ve eaten, young man. Here, there’s tea, and you should eat at least two cookies, it’ll take a bit to get your strength back up.”
Eiji considers pointing out that he’s hardly a young man, he’s nearly fifty, but then he takes a bite of the cookie Dr. Caspari hands him and decides that it really doesn’t matter.
For a few minutes he just sits there, drinking amazingly good tea and eating what might be the best cookies he’s ever had in his life and watching in joyful disbelief as Ankh continues to yell in German. Dr. Zhakiyanova stands there patiently, waiting until there’s a gap in his tirade, and then says, very clearly even to Eiji’s mostly-incomprehending ear, “Young man, perhaps you should put some clothes on.”
Ankh sputters out something about being older than her and then sits down heavily on the couch next to Eiji with his red silk wrapped around him like a robe of state. “Where the hell am I?”
Eiji swallows his mouthful of tea and says, “Northern Kazakhstan. Cookie?”
More outraged sputtering. “You gave your blood to some witch just to bring me back?”
“Hey, Dr. Zhakiyanova’s not just a witch, she has a PhD. She’s a highly respected academic.”
“Eiji. How much blood did it take?”
“About five hundred milliliters,” Dr. Caspari says cheerfully, pouring a cup of tea for Ankh. “No more than the average blood donation. As long as you eat well and take in plenty of fluids you’ll be fine.”
“He says--”
“I know French, Eiji, I know most human languages, I understood what he said perfectly well.“ Ankh takes a sip of tea, blinks several times, shudders, and then looks up at Dr. Caspari and says, in perfect French, “I haven’t eaten or drunk anything in an extremely long time.”
Dr. Caspari just says, drily, “We had gathered that, yes.”
Dr. Zhakiyanova, meanwhile, is puttering around on the other side of the living room, checking on her instruments and cleaning up the circle she’d drawn on the floor and making notes. She looks enormously pleased with herself, and after a moment says something in Kazakh to her husband, who translates: “My wife says, thank your priest friend, his notes regarding the nature of the soul were very helpful.”
Eiji nods. “I’ll let Takeru know, he’ll be very happy.”
“Good, good. I’ll go get your friend some clothes, we have some of our grandson’s old things that might fit.”
Dr. Caspari bustles off. Ankh fumes into his teacup for a moment before saying, “Takeru? Is that the dead man?”
“Well, he’s not dead anymore, but he was dead. And yeah.” Eiji eats another cookie, probably too fast. “He gave me some helpful information, and Haruto--Wizard--got me some details about the stone that the Core Medals are made of, and Kouta let me have a bottle of sap from Helheim in exchange for some plant cuttings? It’s an amazing adhesive. And I paid Kougami about fifty thousand yen for a hundred Cell Medals, because I wasn’t about to agree to do him any favors.” More tea. “Dr. Zhakiyanova’s the one who figured out how to put it all together, though, she’s been working on it for seven years now.”
Ankh nods slowly and says, “I met Kouta too, didn’t I. He’s the...god.”
“Yeah, that’s him.”
Dr. Caspari comes back with an armful of clothes that he hands to Ankh. “You get dressed, young man.” A long pause to speak to his wife in Kazakh again, and then, “My wife says, your friend is very lucky, he’s like a rat.”
Ankh freezes in the middle of pulling on a t-shirt, nostrils flaring. “Excuse me.”
“No, no!” Dr. Caspari beams at him. “A rat’s a good animal. Resourceful. Rats grow to the size of their enclosures. When you were first created, you were a rat in a small cage. You were constricted. But a human body is no small cage. You should thank the human who once lent you his, it gave you room to grow. She wouldn’t have been able to do this if you hadn’t already grown from what you originally were.” Another comment from Dr. Zhakiyanova. “She also says, please excuse her for not addressing you directly, she’s had a long day and it’s easier for her to think in Kazakh right now.“
“Oh, of course, that’s completely understandable.” Eiji grins at him. “I appreciate her assistance.”
“She’s going to write a paper.” Dr. Caspari looks delighted. “I look forward to proofreading it for her.”
After Eiji’s lunatic alchemist friends give them more cookies, and dinner, and another armload of old clothes that are far too big for Ankh, they’re finally allowed to go home. Or not home, they’re still far from home, but to the hotel in which Eiji is staying because after all this time his back hurts too much to sleep rough.
As soon as the door is locked behind them, Ankh strips off the too-large clothes and stares at himself in the full-length mirror. He is whole again, and more than whole. No longer a parasite on a human body, but a creature in and of himself, and alive. He has blood, he has breath, he can taste and smell and feel and the world is full of colors.
He turns slightly, and a flash of light catches his eye. He leans in closer to inspect it, and sees--a crack, zig-zagging crazily down the center of his in a whisper-thin gleam of gold. Shattered no longer, but he will never again be the creature he was before he was broken.
He’s something new now.
He turns and stalks over to where Eiji is sitting on the bed, knocks him backwards, sits on top of him, and looks for the gleam of gold in his reflection in Eiji’s eyes. And Eiji looks up at him and is real, real, real, and he is, truly, the only object of Ankh’s desires.
Once, the world would not have been enough.
Perhaps he is no longer a fairy tale monster.
Ankh says, slowly, “Eiji, smile for me.”
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nyxdelanuit · 4 years
For Kanna <3
These drabbles are for Kanna, who drew my amazing pfp <3 go check her out!
Aoyama, Iida, and Ochako x reader, fluffy <3
When Aoyama had come to you asking for help, you weren’t quite expecting… this.
He had led you out of the dorms after delicately threading your arm through his. For a few moments you struggled to keep up, but Aoyama was quick to adjust his pace for you. From this distance you could hear him humming a little tune. He was, like always, blinding. Almost too bright to look at, and not just his outfit. He seemed to glow from the inside out today.
He had led you across campus to a less-used training room. The floors were shiny hardwood, the mats having been pushed to the walls. A single other person stood in the room, their posture sick-straight. You looked between the newcomer and Aoyama, confusion written all over your face. Aoyama released your arm and walked up to the other person, speaking in what you guessed to be French.
After a short conversation, he gestured you to his side. “This is Madam, she will be instructing us in the art of ballroom dancing. We’re starting with the waltz today.” You put your hands up between the two of you, shocked.
“I-I’m not sure I’m the best person to help with this! Wouldn’t Yaomomo be a better option?” Aoyama wasted no time in grabbing your hands and placing one on his shoulder.
“But she is not the one I asked, is she?” He smiled and gave you once of his trademark winks. “Oui, I’ve picked the one person I would like to dance with moi.” He spoke simply, but with determination. Under that kind of pressure, you couldn’t resist.
“I can’t dance…” You countered weakly.
“All you have to do is follow moi.”
His hand fell to your hip and its warmth radiated through your shirt. You fought back a blush as Madam started a simple song. Aoyama led you through the four simple steps, translating Madam’s instruction when needed. He didn’t even flinch when you stepped on his feet one or two… dozen times.
You eventually found the rhythm of the dance and Aoyama started turning the two of you in circles. If you closed your eyes, you could almost imagine the two of you in a grand ballroom, dressed in clothes that cost more money than you’d ever had. When the music stopped, Aoyama released your waist. You watched in stunned silence as he bowed at the waist, his back leg sweeping elegantly behind him. He placed a chaste kiss on your knuckles.
“You did so well, cherie!” He beamed up at you before straightening. Once he did, he looked away with a delicate flush on his cheeks. “I will need your help for a few weeks more… and perhaps after all our practice, you would accompany me to a dance?”
You took what one-on-one time with Iida you could get. Like usual, this time was in a private study room in the UA library. Iida was currently trying to tutor you for the upcoming exams, but you could hardly focus when he was so close.
“I see you’re having trouble concentrating today. Is there anything that I could do to assist you?” Although he usually sounded stern in group study sessions, alone with you his voice took on a soft tone. You weren’t sure you had ever heard him speak like that to anyone else. That along with the abundance of your favorite snacks and drinks surrounding you- all provided by Iida of course- made you feel hopeful that maybe the feelings you had hidden from him were reciprocated.
“Perhaps you would do well with a rewards system?” His voice pulled you from your thoughts, but your blush remained firmly in place. Iida moved his chair closer to yours, your arms brushing. He started reviewing the questions on the page in front of you, explaining each part in a way easy for you to understand even with being regularly distracted by his closeness.
Iida was not blind despite his glasses. Neither was he dumb. He had pieced together your affections after weeks of you asking for personal tutoring despite your good grades, the shades of red that would stain your face when he praised you, and how you couldn’t meet his eye at close distances. So when you answered the latest question correctly, Iida took a steadying breath.
You felt his breath tickle your face before the warmth of his lips met your cheek. You felt as if you were melting and freezing all at once. You didn’t dare move, but you couldn’t help but look over at him as he pulled back.
“Good job, let’s continue.” He cleared his throat, continuing on as if nothing had happened. It must have been your imagination… but when you answered the next question, he repeated his kiss. The lingering heat on your cheek had sparks bursting through your chest.
This continued on for the next few questions until you were stuck on a particularly difficult question. Iida walked you through it step-by-step, correcting you when you went astray. You finally wrote down the answer on your page and grinned at Iida. He smiled softly back at you.
“That was a hard one, I’m quite proud you got it.” Before you were able to turn away to hide your blush, he hooked a finger under your chin. Your breath hitched as he slowly approached. His nose brushed against yours just before your lips met his, feather-light.
You chuckled nervously as he pulled back. “Iida, isn’t PDA against the rules?” You asked softly. He simply grinned mischievously back at you.  
“We’re quite alone right now, and I do believe being in public is a requirement of PDA.” He leaned in to kiss you again and you felt him chuckle against your lips. You were definitely going to be top of the class in grades if this kept up.
You stifled a giggle as you stared at Ochako across the table from you. She had begged you all week to accompany her to a new cafe. While cat cafes had been popular for awhile, this cafe took it another step. You were led to a private room, and the small animals you requested were rotated in as long as you ordered from the cafe. Ochako currently had a large white and black bunny sniffing at her collar as she ran her hands through its silken fur. Her barely contained delight shone on her face, and you couldn’t help but grin back at her.
“Thank you so much for coming with me!” She cheered as the bunny started to nibble at the collar of her shirt. She quickly shooed its face from her clothes and grinned back at you. You nodded back at her, still not used to the entirety of her attention on you. The two of you pondered over the menu for a bit before Ochako’s eyes lit up. “Let me order for us! I promise it’ll be good!” You couldn’t say no to the look in her eyes, so you merely handed over your menu. She cheered softly, nearly unseating the rabbit in her lap.
The server came soon after Ochako had decided, and Ochako pointed at one of the options on the menu. She handed back both the menus and the rabbit, not wanting to deal with a rabbit munching on her clothes as the two of you tried to enjoy your sweets.
As the two of you waited, you and Ochako talked about the gossip running through the dorms, your families, and any other thing that ran through your mind. It made the time fly by before the server knocked on the door to your private room. They entered, carrying a giant sundae bowl. Multiple flavors of ice cream littered the bottom of the bowl, topped off with whipped cream, macarons, mochi, and sticks of pocky. Two delicate spoons sat in the ice cream, tipping as the ice cream started to melt. Another cafe worker followed after, two chinchillas with small harnesses and leashes sitting on their shoulders. The worker set one chinchilla on Ochako’s shoulder and the other on yours. The cashmere like fur tickled your face, and you could see Ochako giggling at the texture against her cheek.
“Come sit next to me quick, before all the ice cream melts!” You giggled alongside her as you shuffled your chair next to hers. The chinchillas ran around your shoulders, nuzzling into your hair and rubbing against Ochako’s chin as she tried to fish out a macaron. You were content munching on the chewy mochi that sat easily at the side of the bowl.
Once Ochako finished her macaron, she dipped her spoon into the ice cream and whipped cream, getting a large dollop of both. Before she could reach her mouth, the chinchilla on her shoulder nudged her arm looking for pets. You suppressed a laugh as she smeared the whipped cream halfway across her face. Luckily she joined in, sating the chinchilla’s need for affection before shoving the remaining ice cream in her mouth.
The two of you sat in sugary bliss for the next fifteen minutes, deftly dodging the chinchillas while you quickly ate away at the monstrous concoction before it became an ice cream soup. You weren’t sure if you could eat another bite, and Ochako seemed to be the same way. You could see how she still looked longingly at the remnants of the bowl.
As you watched her, you noticed a bit of ice cream she hadn’t managed to wipe off before, and almost subconsciously lifted your napkin to wipe it from her face. Her natural blush burned darker under your ministrations, and you felt the heat on your own face as well.
Before you could pull away, the chinchillas on your shoulder caught sight of its partner. It raced after its friend, and you had forgotten about the leash hanging from its harness. You found yourself quite stuck and face to face with a blushing Ochako.
“W-well, this was not the way I saw getting myself getting this close to you.” You laughed nervously. Ochako giggled at you, pressing her cheek even closer to yours. It took a few minutes and a bit of dexterity to get the two of you untangled, but with Ochako, you were able to laugh the whole way through.
And as the two of you walked back to the dorms, maybe your hands brushed a few times. And maybe you finally gave in, wrapping your pinky against hers.
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tiramisiyu · 3 years
【未定事件簿】 Tears of Themis: “Romantic Rail Getaway” Zuo Ran Route, Day 5
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Translation Masterlist | Themis Event Masterlist
Zuo Ran Route: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5
Videos, where applicable, are hyperlinked on the headings in the post.
See under cut!
Part 1 – Forenlo Commerce Street – “Trailing Forenlo Palace”
A warm late-spring wind blew over from the lake surfaces of Forenlo Palace’s banks, brushing over the tips of my hair and bringing a fresh and clear breeze.
The deep green trees shaded the groups of classic buildings, like a romantic picture scroll, making it impossible to look away.
MC: Forenlo Palace is so beautiful… it’s over, I kind of don’t know what I should take a picture of.
Zuo Ran: We can look for a staff member to ask what places nearby are suitable for picture-taking.
MC: Mhmm, I was thinking this too!
Tourist Inquiry Booth
Staff: Hello, how may I be of service?
MC: Could you please introduce us to sceneries nearby that are suitable for picture-taking?
Staff: There are lots of gorgeous scenery locations near Forenlo Palace.
Staff: Are you interested in cultural attractions, or natural sceneries?
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Cultural Attractions
MC: Hm… could you recommend some cultural attractions?
Staff: For cultural building attractions, I recommend you go visit the Noblewoman’s Embankment and Cari Temple.
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Noblewoman’s Embankment
MC: Where is the Noblewoman’s Embankment?
Staff: The Noblewoman’s Embankment is on the left side of Forenlo Palace. You can head straight there after walking out the inquiry booth and boarding a tour bus.
Staff: This embankment was built at the time of Rumbaliya’s old nobility and is an example of the combination of classic and artistic design amid the group of Forenlo buildings.
Staff: You could say that it’s an embankment that’s witnessed the historical development of Rumbaliya.
MC: (Hm, taking a picture of buildings with history in their structures… would be an excellent choice.)
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Cari Temple
MC: Hm… is Cari Temple the place on the right side of Forenlo Palace that looks a little like an art gallery?
Staff: Yes, that was a Gothic-style palace built by old aristocracy. Now, it’s been converted into an art gallery.
Staff: Cari Temple’s external wall is very particular – it’s one of the popular trip photo targets.
Staff: Right, they often host some art exhibition and cultural exchange events there, and it’s very popular with tourists.
Staff: You might as well go see – I’m sure you’ll get something out of it.
MC: I feel like I’ll be able to take great pictures in Cari Temple.
Zuo Ran: Then let’s go see Cari Temple first in a moment.
MC: Sure, so it’s decided.
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Natural Sceneries
MC: I’m somewhat interested in natural scenery.
Staff: Then I think… Angel Garden and St. Nove Flower Garden are the best choices for you.
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St. Nove Flower Garden
Zuo Ran: I remember that St. Nove Flower Garden… was originally a private garden that wasn’t open to the general public. Is it now open to the public?
Staff: Yes, it was once the private garden of a duke.
Staff: Before the duke passed, he donated the garden, and after renovation, St. Nove Flower Garden was officially opened to the public.
Staff: There are lots of rare flowers planted in the garden. I’m sure it’ll be a feast for your eyes.
MC: (A romantic flower garden theme… hm, I’ll definitely be able to take lots of beautiful pictures!)
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Angel Garden
MC: Angel Garden?
Staff: Though Angel Garden is called a garden, it’s actually the largest arboretum in Forenlo City.
Staff: The most well-known within the park is the tulip sea and the flower tree waterfall attractions within the arboretum area.
Staff: Right now, it just happens to be tulip blooming season. I’m sure that if you go see it, you’ll definitely be shocked by the gorgeousness of the fresh flowers.
MC: (A tulip sea… it sounds really dreamy…)
MC: Lawyer Zuo, I want to take photos at the Angel Garden!
Zuo Ran: Okay, I’ll look up the route.
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Staff: Esteemed guests, are there any other things you’d like to ask?
MC: No need, I’ve pretty much got my targets set. Thank you.
Staff: No problem, I am very pleased to be of service for you. Then, I hope you have fun.
 Part 2 – Noblewoman’s Embankment
Part 3 – Bridge of Angels
 Part 4 – Cari Temple
 Part 5 – St. Nove Plaza
 Part 6 – The Most Beautiful Scenery
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Forenlo Palace Cultural Street
On the last day of the trip, Zuo Ran and I checked out all the popular attractions near Forenlo Palace.
The gorgeous Forenlo Palace, the old-style art corridor, the elegant sculpture park… I recorded each view with my camera lens.
MC: Lawyer Zuo, help me see – which set of photos should I pick?
It may be easy taking pictures, but it’s very hard to pick them. After struggling back and forth on the camera preview screen…
I decided to directly seek external assistance from Zuo Ran to help pick photos that I would be sending to Yao Yu soon.
Zuo Ran: Hm…
Zuo Ran tapped at the camera touchscreen and pointed towards a set of scenic photos of Forenlo Palace taken with a wide-angle lens.
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Zuo Ran: The view of these photos gives an open feeling.
MC: Our aesthetics really are similar. I actually really like this set too!
MC: Only…
I personally also liked this set of pictures, but I simultaneously had some concerns.
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MC: Lawyer Zuo, do you feel like this photoset isn’t all that different from the ones from before?
Zuo Ran: Why do you say so?
MC: Because when we were touring Rumba City, I’ve taken photos from similar angles… but Yao Yu…
Zuo Ran: You’re worried that after sending this set of scenic photos, your friend will still be dissatisfied?
MC: Mhmm…
Zuo Ran: I feel like you don’t have to worry too much. What your friend wants is “the most beautiful scenery that you experience during your trip”.
Zuo Ran: If you see this group to be the most beautiful sceneries, then it is the most beautiful.
MC: (My experience?)
I unconsciously flapped my hand beside my cheeks, trying to calm down and think.
Zuo Ran: MC, let’s find a place to sit and relax.
Zuo Ran: If you can’t decide right now, you might as well let yourself relax. Perhaps you’ll have new ideas later.
MC: Mhmm, sure.
Zuo Ran was right. Struggling the whole time was not a good method. I might as well do something else first and enjoy the vacation.
We found a long bench on the roadside and sat down to rest.
The cool, gentle wind increased the feeling of contentment slightly as it delivered a sweet scent into my nose.
Following the sweet scent, I saw an ice cream truck on the other side of the road, with “Only Hand-made Ice Cream for a Hundred Years” written on its billboard.
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MC: Ice cream that’s been handmade for a hundred years? What would that taste like?
Zuo Ran: Want to taste it?
MC: Yes!
That billboard really did catch my interest, making me want to see exactly what ice cream with a hundred years of handmaking history would taste like.
Zuo Ran: You can stay seated, I’ll go buy it.
After speaking, Zuo Ran got up and stepped over the road, walking towards that ice cream truck.
I watched Zuo Ran from far away…
Watching him interact politely with the truck booth owner, watching him take the cone, watching him heading back with an ice cream cone in each hand.
The retro-style camel-coloured windbreaker on Zuo Ran’s body cut straight lines, clean and neat, adding a few more touches of outstanding handsomeness to him.
MC: (This piece of clothing really makes Lawyer Zuo look handsome. Weird… how come I didn’t notice a few days ago?)
While I faced him in a trance, Zuo Ran had already walked up to me…
The retro buildings on the two sides of the road served as a background for him, reflecting a peaceful moment.
That was a landscape painting, frozen before me.
MC: (What your friend wants is “the most beautiful scenery that you experience during your trip”.)
Thinking back on what Zuo Ran had said, something murky in my mind became clear, with a distinct silhouette.
I held up my camera and waved at him.
MC: Zuo Ran, look here!
Zuo Ran: Hm?
Through the camera lens, his line of sight collided with mine, the faint smile on his thin lips frozen in this moment.
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Zuo Ran: Why did you… suddenly…
MC: Because this shot is excellent. I’ve decided – I’m sending this photo to Yao Yu!
I held up the camera with both hands for him to see. He glanced at the photo, then looked at me.
Zuo Ran: You…
MC: What each person sees and thinks is different. I feel like a happy me should be courageously shown for others to see.
The “most beautiful” was a matter of individual opinion. The sceneries seen by each person are different, so what they see as beautiful will be different.
So, the answer is very obvious.
What Yao Yu wanted was my appreciation in the trip, and what I got during this trip was the bit of happiness with Zuo Ran.
MC: I think the most beautiful scenery…
MC: Is you.
Zuo Ran smiled, looking at me, serious and sincere.
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Zuo Ran: In my eyes, you’ve always been that.
His calm voice created ripples in my heart, complicated and surging.
Warmth emerged on my cheeks, and the air right then seemed to become somewhat sweet, intoxicating me…
Zuo Ran: Alright, how about putting away the camera for now – the ice cream is going to melt.
MC: Ah! My ice cream!
I’d only been focusing on taking pictures, and the ice cream Zuo Ran had bought was already starting to melt. A few droplets were dripping down from the softened edges…
I rushed to put away the camera and take the ice cream cone.
MC: Delicious – as expected, a hundred-years’ worth of craftsmanship is superior.
Zuo Ran: It’s very sweet.
Though it was slightly embarrassing to eat the melting ice cream, the rich taste of milkiness brought a wonderful feeling between the lips.
Just like this moment, with the gentleness and warmth flowing between his and my eyes.
That was an indescribable yet true feeling that saturated the depths of the heart.
I was very convinced that that was the most beautiful scenery I had found in this journey…
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Event! 海街/昨日寄: Sent yesterday on Sea Street Translation (Chapter 4)
“The best thing I like about it is the incredulous look on the faces of the audience during the magic show!”
*Light and Night Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Join the Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *Event story tag will be #For Light and Memories
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Seeing the scene before us, Jesse and I understood just what happened here.
It was obvious that Yuan Bao had chewed through the power cable, effectively rendering it useless.
Gao Xuan: What's gotten into you, Yuan Bao? You've never behaved like this before!
Yuan Bao: *Whines*...
MC: Okay, Gao Xuan. Give it up. There's no point in blaming Yuan Bao for it now that what's done has already been done.
Jesse suddenly sighed from where he stood off to the side, dejectedly scratching his head.
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Jesse: Ahh… Is it because I played a jerky-disappearing magic trick on Yuan Bao and made it mad…?
MC: Don't let your thoughts go wild. The most important thing right now is solving the issue at hand.
MC: Gao Xuan, do you still have a spare power cord?
Gao Xuan: No. I’ve just ordered another one online, but it’ll only arrive in another hour.
I looked out the window. The students were all seated, but what greeted them was nought but a black screen. They were conversing in hushed tones and looked a tad restless.
Gao Xuan: What should we do? We should do something first to keep everyone occupied.
Gao Xuan and I glanced at each other when a calm voice rang out.
Jesse: Leave it to me.
Gao Xuan looked dumbfounded, but I could faintly guess what Jesse was planning.
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MC: You want to perform magic for them?
Jesse: You know me best! So, how about it? Think that's okay for you, Gao Xuan?
Gao Xuan: Ooh yeah! I nearly forgot that you could do magic! That's brilliant!
Jesse nodded. He pondered over it for a while before taking out his phone and typing away.
Jesse: I'm sending you a message now. Could you help me get the items on the list?
Gao Xuan: A table, a plastic bag, a pair of scissors, and… a large coat?
Gao Xuan's had a slightly doubtful tone, however, she was soon persuaded once her eyes met Jesse's confident ones.
Gao Xuan: Gotcha. I'll get all of these prepared right away!
Jesse: I still need an assistant. Are you willing to be one, (Y/n)?
MC: Sure!
Jesse: I'll explain to you how this magic trick works, and then we'll have 10 minutes to prepare before we take the stage.
Jesse's presence reassured me that everything was going to be alright. Suddenly, I recalled that Jesse WAS a veteran actor and that a small accident like this would do nothing to faze him.
However, I found myself hesitating after he'd explained what went on behind all the magic.
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MC: ...Why do I feel like we're tricking everyone?
Jesse: But everyone's joy is the real deal, no?
Recalling the magic he'd shown me earlier, I nodded in assent.
MC:  You're absolutely right. Although I know that you're basically tricking me in the end…
MC: I still can't help but feel as if I've witnessed a miracle every time you pull a magic trick. It's just so surprising when it happens!
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Jesse: Haha. I know, right? That's why I like magic.
Jesse: The best thing I like about it is the incredulous look on the faces of the audience during the magic show!
His eyes gleamed with an innocent smile, as if gleeful at the joy of being capable of surprising others, as well as the gratification of being able to help out a friend in need.
However, the soft light in his eyes suddenly gathers when his gaze turns to me, morphing into a bright and scorching star that sends my heart into a slight frenzy.
Jesse: Though I like the reaction of how realization suddenly dawns on others as well!
Jesse: Uncovering the trick behind the magic didn’t make you disappointed in it now, did it?
MC: Of course not! I’m as excited as you to surprise the others with it now!
The task that Jesse had entrusted to me was simple enough, However, practice makes perfect; so, he ended up guiding me along as we practised the magic trick a few times.
Not long later, Gao Xuan returned, pushing the door open.
Gao Xuan: The audience is anticipating your performance! Time to take the stage, oh great magician!
❖☆————— ⊹ For Light & Memories⊹ —————★❖
Previous Part: (Chapter 3) | Next Part: (Chapter 5)
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
A Legacy Begun (6)
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Chapter 6: A Hopeful Beginning | Cal Kestis x Reader
Summary: After a long time of running and fighting, you and Cal decided to finally settle down after all these years to raise a family. However, it was never a life of peace whilst the shadow of the Empire looms over your heads.
Prompt/s in play: Anon prompt (in Chapter 1 link) & fic idea
Also posted in AO3
Tags: Scruffy! Cal Kestis, Daddy! Cal Kestis, Adult! Cal Kestis, Jedi Family, Jedi Offspring, Force-Sensitive Offspring, Settling Down, Rebel Alliance
Chapters: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 | Previous: Part 5 | Next: Part 7 | Masterlist
6 of ?
You were given a few more days to recover after giving birth. The whole crew remained in Polis Massa while you regained your strength. The nurses were very meticulous when it comes to your diet and general post-partum health.
A day later you can already sit up, Cal remained with you in the ward with little Cassidy nestled in the little crib by your bedside—with the toy Binog that you’ve sewn yesterday lying right next to her. The medical droids suggested skin-to-skin contact must be done as often as possible—adding that it is crucial for the overall health of the baby.
The medical droids were strict about visitors, Cal was the only one who can go inside and out of the ward as he pleases. He eventually showed his baby to the Mantis crew with the glass wall dividing them, everyone absolutely loved the little Kestis girl swaddled and nestled in her father’s arms.
From your bed, you watched Cere, Merrin, and Greez smiled and wiggle their fingers in front of Cassidy to get her attention. The sight of them melting at the presence of a baby was new, it warranted a giggle from you. The crew looked over Cal’s shoulder and waved excitedly at you, your husband turned around and smiled back at you too.
“I’m not used to seeing all of them worked up at the same time,”
“Yeah, it’s my first time seeing that too,” you joked.
Cal surely took his time in holding his daughter: nuzzling the tip of his nose against her forehead, his lips parting as he mimicked her yawning and then smiling once her mouth has closed.
“Mind her head,”
“She’s so tiny,” Cal sighed, not getting enough of feeling the weight of his daughter in his arms.
He gently adjusted his hold of her, letting the baby’s head rest on his shoulder, he held his breath so he could feel hers—warm, sweet, and small. He was careful not to disturb her with his stubble.
“I just wanna squish her so bad,” he cracked.
BD-1 peeked over Cal’s shoulder, chirping and trilling at the sight of little Cassidy. Cal softly shushed the droid as the baby continued to sleep, staring at the small face as he kept cradling her in his arms.
Eventually, Cal transferred her to your arms, the baby gurgled and squirmed when she felt she was being moved. When she pressed her cheek against your bosom, she yawned and her eyelids slightly flicked up, showing a little bit of her eyes before she dozed off again. Your heartstrings twisted in the best way possible.
“She’s so beautiful,” you sighed, smoothly stroking her head with your first two fingers.
Your heart felt light when your daughter’s tiny hand patted your chest and her fingers unfurled. Cassidy’s hand latched around your thumb when your hands met. You didn’t realize that the tiniest hand could hold so much of you.
It was your final checkup a week after you gave birth. The GH-7 medical droid hovered towards you and towed along a table of medical tools behind him.
“How are you feeling, miss?”
“I’m fine. No headaches or what, but still a bit exhausted,”
“Physical exhaustion is normal after childbirth, since your muscles have been most likely overworked,” the droid motioned to a handheld apparatus. “With enough rest, you may return to your normal activities in a week or so.”
“Good to know,”
“My readings indicate that your blood pressure is optimally normal and your vitals are in peak stability!” the droid trilled, green lights glowing in its lenses as they reported its diagnosis. “You are permitted for discharge whenever you’re ready.”
The droid politely replied and then dismissed itself to the computers. Your husband turned to you, already knowing what that face meant. You gestured a nod at him, to which he translated to “In a bit” and continued cuddling up Cassidy. The three of you were ready after an hour or two, upon returning to the Mantis, the baby was greeted with hushed swooning and baby-talk murmurs.
“Oh, look at her,” Cere fawned, beaming at the sight of the child up close and personal. Then she leveled her head to the Jedi couple. “So, where to now?”
“I think I should let [y/n] take the reins on that,”
You strode to the holotable and typed the coordinates of Ilaro. Everyone gathered round the map as the projection colored the room into the bright cyan.
“Ilaro,” Cere reads out loud.
“Ilaro is in the Outer Rim, it’s going to take a few parsecs away from here,”
You also added the same information that you told Cal about the planet—the range of the Empire’s hold in that system runs thin, so there will be little to no Imperial presence.
“Then we’re gonna have to make a cutting trip, I don’t want the Mantis running with a half-empty tank,” Greez grumbled. “If it’s in the Outer Rim, I know an outpost where I can fill ‘er up before heading to your planet.”
The whole crew concurred, Merrin accompanied the mother and child by the holotable couch while the three manned their stations in the cockpit. The Nightsister admired the infant, rubbing her index finger and thumb between Cassidy’s pudgy feet—both of you giggling whenever her toes would flinch because it tickled her.
“She’s such a sleepy bug,” Merrin hummed.
This was the first jump to lightspeed to the fueling outpost for Greez.
The slight turbulence of the outpost’s tractor beam jolted the infant but you snuggled her into your arms.
“This’ll take only a while,” Greez announced from the captain’s seat.
The Mantis was peaceful, but it was a new kind of peace, now that the ship has a new, tiny member with them. For the rest of the trip, Cassidy slept soundly, occasionally cooing and gasping with the little voice that tugged your heartstrings. While there’s nothing much to do in the middle of hyperspace, Cal sat next to you, his palm curled to cradle her head. He’d giggle back at the soft noises that Cassidy makes in the middle her sleep. The Mantis’s speed has slowed down, signaling your arrival in Ilaro’s orbit. Cal returned to the co-pilot seat and assisted Greez as the ship cuts through the atmosphere, the Jedi was able to navigate the land mass and found the hillside town that you once told him about.
“Over there, Greez, I see it,”
“Me too, kid,”
The captain flew the ship over to a clearing they found in the hillside, just a few meters away from the town’s border. You braced yourself for the landing until the rumbling came to a halt. Cal exited the cockpit and joined you.
“We’re here,”
He escorted you out of the ship and got a glimpse of the landscape. It was breathtaking. It was exactly the same as you and your master found it many years ago. The town that you referred to was more of a quaint village that clustered along the hilltop overlooking the ocean on the other side of the island.
“You’re right, [y/n], this is the perfect spot. A ship’s not the best place to raise a child—no offense to Greez there,”
“Yeah, I just hope it’ll remain that way,”
You and Cal stood at the hill, gazing at the deep blue sea that stretched to the far reaches of the horizon—illuminated by the twin suns that have begun to sink behind the coastline—looking forward to a future filled with hope, especially for your child.
At the age of three, Cassidy Kestis had grown plumper and cheerier; with hair—and perhaps a will—as fiery as her father’s, eyes as docile yet full of spark like her mother, she’s nothing but a waddling ball of light in the Kestis homestead. Her laughter, voice, and words would fill the entire house and the entire ship during your visits to the Mantis.
BD-1 had grown extra especially fond of the little one, and Cassidy had the exact same sentiments to him. The little droid and the little girl have become best friends ever since then. BD was there to entertain her with the flashing blue lights, even though she half-understood that they were hologram projections of all the data scans throughout her parents’ journey.
“You’re always showing her that Binog scan, buddy,” Cal chirped while watching over the kid and the droid play together.
“I think he wants us to teach her how to say Binog,” you suggested after popping out of the kitchen while waiting for your recipe to simmer.
You leaned against the door frame to watch BD-1 and Cal try to coax the word “Binog” from Cassidy. The toddler pointed at the blue projection and then she started surveying the living room for her toy of that creature—when she spotted it lying behind the droid, the child outstretched her arms but she remained on where she sat. The parents watched their daughter with great intrigue, their eyes shifting between the child and the toy until the object started to shudder, inching towards Cassidy’s general direction until the stuffed Binog toy sprang from the floor and lightly landed in Cassidy’s hands.
“Dad… Mommy…” Cassidy gurgled, waving the toy around in front of them.
Cal glanced over his shoulder to his wife, he found you just as dumbfounded as he is. The two of you traded puzzled stares at one another. The surprise didn’t come from the fact that she was Force-sensitive, both of you were more surprised that the Force has manifested within her in such a young age.
“Later,” you firmly established.
Cal nodded and repeated the word in agreement. You returned to the kitchen and stirred the soup one last time before serving it. You tapped the ladle against the rim of the pot, Cal promptly snatched up his daughter from the floor.
“Come on, Cassidy, it’s dinnertime!” he buried his chin against Cassidy’s cheek and arms.
“Daddy… no itchy!” Cassidy squeaked, trying to push away her dad’s scruffy jaw from her face.
“Oh no, you’re gonna fall!”
Cal continued to joke around on his way to the dining table with Cassidy in tow. He faked her falling by lowering her upper half close to the floor and the bottom half locked securely in his grasp. The little girl was exhilarated as her red hair draped and swerved as Cal strode, she bursts in laughter as she tried to kick her way out of her daddy’s grasp.
“Here comes the Sarlacc in the floor!”
He made a comedic impression of the Sarlacc’s grunting and hissing as he continued to dangle and rock the baby close to the floor.
“Daddy!” the little girl struggled to speak through her squealing giggles.
“Okay, okay, careful with the Sarlacc game or you might spill the pot,”
You come out of the kitchen and settled down the pot on the table. Cassidy looked to you for help, stretching out her arms at you, opening and then closing her palms as if to beckon you to come to her.
“Mommy, here!”
“I gotcha!” you swiped your baby girl away from her daddy, shielding her from Cal with your back but your husband’s height towered over yours.
Arms snaked around your waist, pulling you in from behind, Cal nuzzled his jaw against your neck—now you were his victim of his ticklish kisses thanks to his stubble. You bobbed your head to the side, denying him more entry to your weak spots.
“The food’s gonna grow cold, time to dig in,” you segued.
“You mind if I dig into your later?”
“I’d like to see you try,” you pecked him teasingly before settling Cassidy down on her chair.
The two of you helped yourselves with potful of boiled potatoes and tenderized Chorcap meat swimming in creamy, rich broth. Cal dug in, taking spoonful after spoonful of his serving.
“Slow down or you’ll choke on the chopped scallions,” you warned.
“Are you trying to compete with Greez? Because this is really good!”
You took that as a compliment. Meanwhile, you alternated between feeding Cassidy and bringing your own spoon to your mouth. She smiled away the soup dribbling at the edge of her mouth, leaving a butter-colored smeared mess across her chin as she continued fiddling with the legs and tail of her toy Binog.
The peace that lingered at the dining table changed.
The stern expressions in your faces focused on Cassidy, the little toddler was clueless as she sat and patted her toy in her seat, shifting her gaze between her mother and father. The exact same thought bridged your minds, it was the only conversation you had without speaking, but your eyes uttered so many questions and words.
Eventually, you were the one to break the silence.
“You do know the risks that come with it—the same risks that we had to face as children,”
“I know,” your husband hummed.
A pensive tone rung in your words, “In time.”
Cal’s head motioned to a nod. He reached for Cassidy’s hand, by instinct, she latched her stubby paw around Cal’s finger; the two of you continued to watch the baby unknowingly wield the Force by causing her toy to float inches above her lap and giggled as it plopped back down on her legs—doing so without a clue in the galaxy what she is capable of.
A few hours after dinner, you’ve bathed Cassidy to ready her for bed. Her fine red hair smoothly followed each sway and turn of the hairbrush. In your arms, you sang a wordless lullaby to her, the solemn melodies lulled the child to sleep until you could settle her down in her cradle.
“Sweet dreams, my little angel,” you cooed, smoothing her fringe across her forehead.
You sat by the window nook, having a full view of the sea—black at night but will return to azure in the day—beneath the twin platinum moons shining below the planet.
In the calming darkness of your bedroom, Cal sat behind you, joining you in listening to the sleepy tides crashing in the distance.
“Your mind keeps dwelling on the thought, love,”
“I only keep thinking how she’ll turn out,”
“Don’t worry about her,” he slid his knuckles across the smoothness of your shoulders, your skin recalled a familiar sensation not too long ago. “She’s got us.”
You shifted in your seat, the moonlight amplified the determination twinkling in your eyes. Cal caressed your cheeks and brushed away the hair that nearly concealed your face.
“I won’t let anything happen to my girls,” a steely yet gentle glint shone over the gloss of his eyes.
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