#so literally everyone but lunar can probably just pick him up
snowe-zolynn-rogers · 9 months
Ruin is shorter than Solar.
I can fully imagine Solar would just toss Ruin over his shoulder and run if there was the slightest possibility of danger.
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llamaisllama777 · 2 months
TSAMS EPISODE analyzation: Solar is back
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Hey, this is a new thing I'm gonna do on here where I analyze and theorize on things that happen in TSBSCU (The Security Breach Show Cinematic Universe). Today's episode: Solar is back.
🎶Guess who's ba... you get it. Solar's back.
Our favorite techie is back and...
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He looks just like how he does in thumbnails! 😲 I'm so stinkin' happy! He looks so good! I thought this would translate well in vrchat, BUT I DIDN'T EXPECT IT TO LOOK THIS GOOD! Like dang! Props to the modelers and @ayyy-imma-ninja this looks so good! I always did love her designs for Solar. So, Solar wakes up and is obviously confused. One minute, he's home with Sun and Moon getting Thanos-ed by Ruin, and now he's in some strange lab he's never seen before. Thankfully, Solar is a smart guy and decides to try the computer and calls Moon. Now, if I was in Solar's place, I wouldn't be so smart, and I probably would panic and do something dumb like walk out onto the surface of the sun 🙃 Moon comes and picks up Solar and tells him "Oh ya the Moon you knew turned evil and tried to kill our sister also I'm not the Moon you knew, I'm the Moon you use to know."
Moon, give him a minute! He was literally only alive for 2:39 seconds. Moon give him a breather first! Anyways, Solar obviously doesn't believe him cause. Why would anyone believe that someone they've known for so long just went nuts and tried to kill his sister and has been replaced by his oldself.
Moon takes Solar home. Solar reunites with Sun and Jack. Jack yells the loudest, "FATHER!" He can and then runs to him like a golden retriever, and that is so STINKIN' CUTE!
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Okay, anyways past how cute this is.
Sun breaks it to Solar that...ya.. Moon went bonkers and now goes by Nexus and to kill Earth, and of course Solar doesn't take it well. The Moon he knew. The Moon, who was his friend. The Moon, who was his brother. Turned evil and tried to kill Solar's sister... ya. He's gonna need a few days to recover from that.
Lunar and Earth are gonna be SO HAPPY when they find out Solar's back.
Now, before I get to the theorizing, let's take a look at Solar's new design and some clever design decisions in Solar's design.
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Face is now more expressive, and he isn't stuck with a permanent grin, which I didn't have a problem with, but I like how expressive his face is now.
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He's got some SKINNY ARMS! Eclipse made him so skinny and I find that hilarious.
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There is now a metal plate over where the wires are on the back of Solar's head. Clever! Now, if Solar ever gets into a fight, no one can pull any of the wires on the back of his head for an advantage, which is a major design flaw in Sun and Moon, the robots meant to be around literal children who like to poke and pull everything they touch. Seriously, what stops someone from yanking the wires on the back of their heads and defeating them instantly. Moon pulled one of the plugs on Ruin's head to turn off Ruin's vision, so this was a smart design choice by Eclipse and the modelers and @ayyy-imma-ninja
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I guess Eclipse sewed Solar some new pants and ran out of felt. I don't care if that's not what happened. This is what I think happened. THIS IS MY HEADCANON NOW!
Lastly, Eclipse gave him socks, and we all know why AS A FORM OF TORTURE cause everyone knows wet socks are a form of torture. That is my headcanon on why he gave him socks. (That does sound like something he would do just to spite Solar)
And lastly
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He sit. I love the body movements on Solar, like the little point he does at his feet is just wonderful I don't know why but I love the little movements they do in this show like Earth's little 👉👈 she does. I love it. It's tiny details like this that makes the show feel more real. You know?
And now on to the theorizing.
Here's what I think will happen next on with Solar's character on TSAMS.
We will inevitably get a Solar confronts Nexus in vrchat episode.
So, I have three ideas on what will happen next
Idea #1 Solar decides to see for himself despite everyones warning and finds away to meet uo Nexus either physically or with holograms of something point is Solar will confront Nexus, and they get it to an argument about what Moon did and Solar will be desperately trying to reason with his brother, asking him to come back and maybe they can fix this whole mess but Nexus will refuse and Solar will leave heartbroken and will tell Nexus as he leaves. "I'm so disappointed in you." To which Nexus will probably have a mental breakdown and may start to regret what he did.
Idea #2 Solar confronts Nexus they get into a whole argument about what Nexus did they fight and as Solar is about to leave Nexus captures Solar and is gonna keep him captive and either use him as bait for Sun and Moon or keep him hostage until he sees things Nexus' way.
Idea #3 they get into a fight, and Nexus, in a fit of rage, kills Solar. <- This is the least likely idea.
Idea #4 Solar decides to stay with Nexus. Not to help him with anything, no. But to keep an eye on him. Make sure Nexus won't hurt the family in any way and maybe to save Nexus from himself. Basically, solar becomes Nexus' Jiminy Cricket, trying to sway Nexus from the side of evil and it may lead to a similar thing to idea #1 or #3
Now, onto the biggest question we still have...
How does Solar being back benefit Dark Sun?
I thought Solar wouldn't actually come back, that the machine would malfunction and release a ton of negative starpower into the world, which would make the Astrals come to earth faster. But instead it actually worked! Solar is back but now how does this help Dark Sun?
Theory #1 Solar coming back will force Nexus deeper into this dark life cause Solar will reject what his brother has become and abandon him and that will cause Nexus to become even worse and go full villain if he wasn't already before.
Theory #2 Solar being back will force Sun out of the family spotlight. Allow me to explain. Solar will have everyone's attention for a while and Sun will probably feel left out cause Earth and Lunar will be spending all their time with him, Jack will want to spend time with Solar now too and he may take Dazzle with him so she can properly meet Solar and Sun will start to feel like he's losing everyone and that all he will have is Moon cause eventually they will all move on. Lunar may die or become a god and have to leave them all, Earth has her own life and stuff she probably wants to do. Maybe she'll start her own daycare away from Fazbear or something, and Dazzle may even "move on" one day leaving just Sun and Moon and I think Solar being back will cause Sun to start having those fears that one day everyone will leave him. Now, I'm not saying Sun doesn't want to be with his brother, but we all know Sun is still dealing with all the trauma Moon inflicted on him and we know one day something or someone will cause Moon to slip and do something that hurts Sun physically or emotionally and this may push Sun into the grasp of Dark Sun. I think whatever Dark Sun is planning involves pushing Sun away from his family and maybe turning Sun into second Dark Sun. Solar may be the catalyst for Sun abandoning his family, like how his death led to Nexus abandoning the family. Hopefully, though, this part of the plan will fail, but seeing as how Dark Sun's plan has been working pretty well so far, I think this part might actually happen.
I hope you all liked this and the theories I came up with. Let me know what you all think.
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ikosburneraccount · 2 years
if you had to pick a fav chapter out of any of the books, which would it be? (you can do one per book and/or multiple chapters lol just curious)
im answering this on mobile so if the formatting is fucked im sooooooooo sorry 😭 OK one per book here i go!!
cinder: the chapter where kai gifts her the silk gloves! mostly because during my reread i COMPLETELY FORGOT that this chapter happened and omfg the KAIDER in this scene was so intense. like kai’s thoughtfulness of the gift…like he never pushes her to take off her gloves but instead gifts her gloves that make her feel not only safe, but beautiful. literally on the verge of tears thinking about that scene because it was so tender and beautiful and like a testament of how much he thinks and CARES about cinder…also its his way of showing how much it matters to him that she attends the ball. like that scene makes me wanna SCREAM AND CRY AND CURL UP INTO A BALL!!! especially because of its cruel bittersweetness like kaider angst hits like nothing else…like i love kaider fluff but their angst…theres something in the sauce with them
scarlet: one chapter is so cruel for this one like the plot development in this book is probably the best bc of its pacing IMO like there are so many moments across the book that really make it SHINE BUT if its only one chapter it has to be the opening chapter where scarlet (bad bitch) gets up on the tavern bar and defends cinder!!! she is the ONLY character that takes into consideration and expresses empathy for cinder and her AGE and NEVER holds her cyborg or lunar status against her!!!! also the shirt comment in front of wolf is LMFAOOOOOOO LIKE NOBODY SAID THAT!!!!! but that is my favorite chapter. marissa meyer put her wrussy (writer pussy) into that one
cress: during my original read this was my FAVORITE but on reread this is now my least favorite book! too much cresswell not enough scarlet/winter or scarlet/wolf content. like marissa meyer did a great job giving us kaider angst and mutual pining but absolutely FLOPPED on the wolflet front like cmon girl. FAVORITE CHAPTER HMMMMMMMM its the one where cinder tortures thaumaturge sybil! its a testament to her growth and mastery of her glamour like she really is so powerful! i wished she used it more in winter TBH but yeah her torturing sybil was soooo satisfying and i wish she did it more. like she really is the GOAT
winter: okay this is gonna sound crazy but its tie between cinder throwing herself off the ledge into artemesia lake and cinder getting stabbed in the heart. I CAN EXPLAIN 😭 I AM NOT CRAZY!!! cinder herself off the ledge is absolutely FUCKING insane i won’t lie it makes me giggle cause like GIRL I GET IT BUT THROWING YOURSELF OFF A 5+ STORY BUILDING WAS NOT THE ANSWER!!!!! IT REALLY KILLED ME READING THAT LIKE CAN YOU IMAGINE WITNESSING YOUR GF THROW HERSELF INTO DEATH LIKE THAT….OKAY FOR THE OTHER SCENE i loved the cinder being stabbed in the heart scene which sounds SO fucked up but i liked it because marissa meyer did a phenomenal job carrying cinder’s voice and depicting the absolute exhaustion that cinder felt during that moment. like cinder was TIRED like she’s BEEN THRU IT!!! her getting stabbed in the heart was really a culmination of this pattern where cinder expresses kindness and forgiveness to those who’ve deeply harmed her and her showing levana empathy even after levana tried to MURDER her and everyone cinder loved is so…cinder is so selfless and loving and her getting stabbed was peak heartbreak (which i realize is a pattern. i loveeeee suffering) but also i desperately want to know how/why kai left behind the earthen leaders and how he FUCKING FOUND HER SO QUICKLY! also the fact that her last sight is of the boy she loved but she felt could never have just really makes me burst into tears like cinder baby girl if only knew how much YOU (not your princess or queen or fugitive status) were worth it to kai and everyone in the rampion crew GAH IM CRYING I JUST LOVE HER SO MUCH!!
I SOUND SOOOOO UNHINGED BUT THESE ARE MY FAVORITE CHAPTERS <3 CINDER BABY GIRL I LOVE YOU. i just love so crazy quickly deteriorating from wholesome kaider/wolflet to cinder just…suffering LMFAO
thank you for the ask!! <3
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twillightteaparty · 3 years
Thanks for accept my request :0 can I get fiance headcanon for lilia, deuce and yuu with female reader who have the same height or short than the boys.
Do you play genshin impact :/?
I hope this is good enough I tried to make it soft and fluffy but I also had no idea what to write apsgfdj. So I hope this is at least enjoyable to read.
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Fiancé Headcanons With Fem!S/o!
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Affection levels are over 9000. but so are the teasing, taunting, and playful Prank levels. I hope this means you are never ever getting rid of him now right? not that it's a bad thing to have him around, after all, he's a whimsical and lovable Fairy, nothing to hate here.
I think for wedding idea's Lilia would suggest a lot of more traditional Fairy weddings but would force any of it. it's just there as an option. He'll be as involved with the wedding process as you want him to be, just know that Mal, silver, and sebek have to be at least attending the wedding. if not the groom's men.
c o n g r a t s, you now have like three sons. don't worry none of them will be calling you mom or anything of the sort. but they do accept you as family now (maybe sebek somewhat reluctantly). lilia will always be arranging family get-togethers for the rest of time, please don't let him cook, silver is literally begging you to not let him cook for these get-togethers.
Just "A Thousand Years lyrics - Christina Perri" here. I think that explains everything you need to know and I hope you feel all the overwhelming emotions I do. T~T
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Let. This. Dude. Pick. You. Up. And. Spin. You. PLEASE. go give him hugs, run right at him, so he can just swoop you up and spin you around. you guys will laugh and be so in love, it will be cute, oh so happy!
Like he couldn't be happier in his life? He's made his mom proud, he's got his life together, he's found the love of his life, I'd imagine you get along with his mom as well, and like - he really couldn't ask for anything more in his life. he's happy, and he finds himself so lucky every time he sees you or the engagement ring and like he's so soft about everything.
I think he would be very involved with any wedding planning whenever that happens. Though he doesn't have really any preference for anything he is more so to help narrow things down and just wants you to be happy with everything because he's just happy to marry you. like if you want to just go down and get the legal documentation and that's it? that's cool by him. you want to plan the wedding of your dreams? anything for you.
if you haven't met his mom before this, you absolutely will be now. she's probably the sweetest lady you'll ever meet <3 She will be happy to have you as a Child-in-Law will often invite the two of you over to have a Family get together where you play board games or something <3
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Yuu literally cried when you said yes. probably gets teary-eyed out of pure happiness anytime they see the engagement ring. absolute soft Bastard around and for you. Does everything in their power to show and shower you in their love, every day.
As far as weddings go, I think they'd probably want a smaller wedding but Yuu isn't sure how well that will go with seeing as they make friends out of a lot of people no matter where they go, so the guest list might be long anyway. Might suggest an outdoor wedding, but will leave it up to you in the end.
Make. yuu. your. house. spouse. coward. Yuu will try their best to make the best meals, their Not trey but they're also not Lilia when it comes to cooking so that's a win in their book. also, the fact that there able to repair, clean, and DIY their whole dorm suggests that they're the perfect house spouse. also they deserver the break after having to deal with everyone's emotional baggage all the time.
Yuu thinks they're the luckiest person in the god damn world to be engaged to someone like you. Yuu just wants to do whatever they can to make you the happiest person on the planet, like you have done for them.
Yes, Both myself and Mod Lunar Play Genshin Impact. I Haven't gotten into the new update myself yet tho even though i've been meaning to, so no spoilers or anything, alright?
Anyways I hope you enjoyed, I think I was a little stumped at what to write especially for Yuu, but I hope this is to everyones liking
Signed, Admin Tea.
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Since you said about disembodied reader.
I like to thought of how player just mocking them and talk badly of how bad they're (those who hurt Nikki) whilst the player compliment the others but still saying "I still don't trust you tho" and Nikki having hard time to ignore her "ghost-friend" since they're talking so loudly (as if they're in the loud party) but no one can see them.
Little did the player know, they(characters) heard it.
I imagine that once they see her and even can interact with her, then they add "You know I know of how you thought to us" then other things she said, and made the player shock about that...
Prayed that Nikki will come and find them since they left without notice.
hi hi °u°!
ooh this actually probably would've happened, especially with the ones who have betrayed/hurt nikki and those who have helped her. but since our input as the player about any of the characters in pretty limited in general, we actually have no idea what they think or how they talk about said characters, other than what we talk about in nikki's home. but yes, i do like to think of this ghost that follows nikki around that smack talks literally everyone and curses them out and roasts them and poor nikki is trying to keep a straight face bc we're practically cursing up a storm and very loudly might i add.
just the mental image of ghost player ready to throw hands is so fucking funny man,,,
lil scenario up ahead !
you've always been the type to be a bit more abrasive when it comes to how you speak and think, regardless of your appearance. that's the difference between you and nikki; she's far sweeter and trusting around others, and she always tries to see the good in everything. so of course she couldn't even say anything bad about anyone, especially cursing them out. you, on the other hand, couldn't really care less and you tend to be blunt about nearly everything. poor nikki had always panicked when you would bluntly say the words she couldn't say and would tryーkey word is tryーto wave it off.
so it's no real surprise that you become much looser once you've come to the realization that no one can see nor hear you. only nikki can hear the words you sayーnot that you mind. but it makes everything interesting, because you can say the words you could never say, and no one can do anything. it's practically paradise for you. of course, you give nikki any of your advice should the situation call for it, such as trying to pick out certain outfits from helz's store, picking out the best discounts at the store, and which new anime to cry over, but you digress.
but your status as nikki's "companion ghost," as you kindly put it, also let you practically say anything about the many diverse people that nikki had met in her travels. of course, many themselves were good people whom had aided nikki in her journey, such as the ever cute helz ( who you really want to smother by the way ), the mysterious yexiao, who had been the first other than nikki to finally see you, the charming lover boy loen ( you debated on insulting or complimenting him, so you chose both ), and the bold and fierce zoey ( whom you would very much like to step on you ).
but there's an invisible boundary between you since you know that truly involving yourselves with them could bring potential harm, and after seeing what your precious nikki had gone through, you didn't need to see it once more. they had helped you - nikki - but they still held brewing emotions and secrets and motivations underneath those faces that you couldn't even begin to say, much less get yourself involved in. it stings, especially knowing that both you and nikki do want to befriend others, but then you remind her of kimi, of orlando, of bobo, and tearfully, of lunar, and she agrees, a sad smile across her thin lips.
" think of them nikki, we'll see them again, okay?" you whisper, embracing her tightly though she cannot feel it too much, she still brings a hand where your forearm should be. " i know, i know," she whispers back, voice cracking as she holds back the emotions from remembering her times with said companions. you smile gently, but she can't see it. so you settle for combing your fingers through her pink locks, and she sighs, before taking a breath, having her resolve firmed out.
and then, there are those whom you hold with utter disgust and hatred in your heart, such as mercury, qin yi, and nightbane themselves. you can feel your blood utterly boil each time someone even so much as mentions them. you hate them, very much so. if it weren't for your current situation with you being invisible and all, you'd have strangled them long ago.
you hate them for the pain they put nikki through, you hate them for how utterly despicable they are, and you hate them for just existing in the first place. a part of you almost feels sorry for them, for the pain they went through and what it shaped them into. but as you had stared down at nikki's tear-stained face as she felt the utter guilt for something that wasn't even her fault, the burning hatred rises up again and whatever pity - sympathy you suppose, has rotted and crumbled away.
" he's a weirdo nikki," you nonchalantly say like you've just told her the weather," he looks like a playboy that didn't get lucky," you snicker at that last part. said girl looks ready to curl up on the spot, although she's doing her best to not look bothered by your words. you don't mind loen too much, but he reeks of lover boy vibes-
and he seems fun to bully.
" i've seen frat boys cuter than him nikki," you lean on the tavern counter as you stare right at the blonde who's busy staring down poor nikki. you snicker once more, before your smile fades and you lean close to her ear. " don't trust him too much, he could betray us y'know," you wrap your arms around her neck and hold her close, staring down loen.
before you speak once more -
" if he tries to flirt with you, i'll kick him in the dick." her grip on her dress tightens as the profanity is said right into her ear.
his grin falters and he blinks.
qin yi.
you hate him. you fucking hate him with every fiber in your being. his very presence gives you chills and makes you want to throw up. something felt so inherently wrong about him, and it near claws at you from the inside, eating you away -
" you disgusting son of a bitch-!!" you hiss at him from behind nikki, unintentionally digging your nails into her shoulder but she doesn't even feel it. she slightly flinches at your words, face grimacing as she tries to keep a straight face.
" nikki, don't trust him, please..." you plead, something akin to dread crawling about in the pit of your stomach. she only gives you an apologetic look, as if wanting you to stop being so crude and trust someone for once.
but you can't.
just the very sight of qin yi makes you recoil and want to claw at your own eyes to remove the image of him from your vision.
just hearing his silky smooth voice makes you gag and want to stab away at your eardrums until you can hear nothing but the stinging ringing within your head.
" please-"
but she turns away, only giving you one last lookover trying to soothe your growing unease. you sigh, silently standing as she follows qin yi alongside joy. you grit your teeth, before jumping to the pinkette's side-
and turning your head to face the two-faced bastard.
" i'll fucking kill you."
his silver hues shift, until they bore into you - nikki is right next to you. he's observing.
but it didn't change your words one bit.
" i hate you."
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nikki lets out hiccuped sobs, once lively amber eyes now puffy and reddened with hours of wails and sobs wracking her body. she looks damn ready to scream, but it can only come out forced and choked while the tears continue to fall. her thin arms are wrapped around her chest, her desperate attempt to comfort herself through the pain. she does not give the usual "you were right" cry, she only drowns in her guilt for poor joy and her stupid and blind trust in something so disgusting.
but you do not blame her, you do not begrudge her for being so naïve, you do not smugly hold it over her.
you gently hush her, embracing her as tightly as you could, although she couldn't feel it. but you stroke her pink locks, patting her shuddering head and whispering sweet nothings.
" it's not your fault nikki," you say, voice soft and somber as you continue to hold her close to you. you don't stop her sobs, since you know she needs to get the sorrow and tears out of her system before she can be talked down again.
that fucking bastard-
you can feel your gaze sharpen as pure rage fills your every vein, and you pull one hand away - she doesn't notice - to dig your nails into the skin of your palm. your teeth grit so hard you can almost feel your jaw lock in place.
qin yi.
the name feels like poison on your tongue. you near gag, but hold it in for nikki's sake. but you know that if given the chance-
you'd fucking kill him.
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you were rather intimidated by her, but then again, who wouldn't be? her gaze was sharp, she was the type of beauty that could whip a knife at your neck with only a smirk and you'd be dead. you gulp, feeling the nervousness for nikki arise to a near tenfold, and you whisper many " good luck" to her each time she is to approach zoey.
but she isn't that bad, far from it. she seems to see nikki in just as a precious way as you do, and you are ever so grateful she can also see that herself. but neither does she coddle her or try to sugarcoat anything that is expected of her. you can at least appreciate that of zoey.
but you still cannot trust her. she is involved with the shady underbelly. her very work itself put nikki in hot water and in a life or death situation where she near gave into desire itself. that in itself painted a target on nikki's back and you had to deal with the aftereffects and panics of nikki thereafter. so you cannot help but warn her to keep her distance and to stay safe around the sharp-eyed zoey. this time, she agrees, maintaining a friendly smile while still remaining distant.
" she's pretty but-"
you pause, taking a glance at zoey who calmly sits, sipping away at a drink whose name you've forgotten. your nose scrunches up at the stench of alcohol - you've never really liked it. it burned your throat.
and it didn't have a good place in your memories.
" stay away from her."
zoey pauses, her eyes shifting until they land on nikki. a smile - it looks odd on someone as stoic and sharp as her - is spread on her deep-red lips. you shudder, almost feeling her gaze burn over you, but she goes back to sipping at the glistening glass, burning alcohol swishing inside.
you lean your head on nikki's shoulder and sigh. you want to go home already.
" i'd let her step on me thou-"
nikki chokes, coughing as her face heats up. zoey looks over, concern splashed across her features as the pinkette tries to deflect any worry from her. you snicker; teasing her is much too fun.
but you weren't lying about the whole thing.
the man behind it all. the one who was the criminal mastermind. the one who had it all.
you hated him. you nearly hated him just as much as you did qin yi. you wished to pulverize him and grind up what was left of him and scatter it all over.
that way he'd never hurt nikki or anyone again.
" nikki...c'mon...let's go-" you shakily say, trying to reach her with your voice, anything. she doesn't budge, her amber eyes locked onto his. you whimper, wanting to leave as soon as possible.
she has a gun.
' shit shit shit shit shit shit '
you mentally panic, trying to find any way to get nikki to snap out of it before shit really hits the fan. you can feel your breath growing faster, fear and panic spreading through your body. but you try and grip yourself down, desperate to have the nikki you love by your side.
not this cold-hearted woman whose gaze turns your blood to ice.
you turn your head to meet his gaze. he's still staring at nikki, eyes unblinking and face as solid as stone. you grit your teeth, eyes glaring as hard as they can. " you fucking son of a bitch," you hiss through clenched teeth. " i hope you fucking die," you swear you can feel a vein burst somewhere, but you're too full of exhausting and mixed emotions to even truly care.
when nikki collapses, you whirl around, rushing to her side and calling out her name. your gut horribly twists from panic. she looks scared, uncertain, and-
she looks ready to cry.
when the police invade the area with their presence, you lose nikki in their swarm. you can feel her, but you can't see her. you can only see a familiar shade of dirty blonde hair and-
the disgusting shade of silvery hair the stirs in the air. you damn near snarl, so close to mercury you're practically gagging. " if anything happens to her-"
he blinks, gaze shifting off to the side - where you stand.
" i'll fucking kill you."
you can see a disgusting smile spread across his thin lips. it was an attractive smile, but it made you sick and pissed.
you see the familiar smile of loen, and your mood almost instantaneously brightens. you sigh a breath of relief, happy to see the goober of a mercenary. you can at least tolerate his presence. he leads nikki out the engraved doors, into the city, and away from the prison-like building. you follow, before turning back to where mercury stands, still watching like a sick predator.
" this isn't over you bastard," you spit, before running after where loen and nikki stand.
he smiles.
your lips tremble as you stare into their eyes, your body seizing up as panic ensues. they either don't notice or they simply find it amusing. you feel horrible all over, this can't be happening right? this is just a dream. yeah, it's a dream. they can't see you, it's impossibl-
" so did you mean it?"
" huh...?" your voice cracks - you feel so many emotions all at once.
" did you mean all those you said about me before?" they question, not loosening their grip on your arm one bit.
now you remember what you said.
every. single. word.
and every. single. emotion.
" i-i...you.." you want to punch yourself for losing your composure and sounding like a weak child. but who could blame you? you'd had no one but nikki and momo to rely upon and converse with all this time. now suddenly they could see, touch and hear you.
nikki...where's nikki?
you glance around the corners out of your eyes, trying to find that familiar shade of pink through everything. you pray to whatever for nikki to come for you, to come and find the voice of her companion before this can escalate any further.
" she's not here," they simply say, nonchalantly like you had just asked them for the weather. you can feel your heart shrivel up and die. nononono, she should be here right now, you really need her for fuck's sake!
" you didn't answer my question y'know," they hum, gently smiling like they'd just received a compliment. they continue," i didn't know you thought of me in such a way," they chuckle," and who knew you had such a," they pause, eyes drifting up as they try to come up with their next words. "...colorful mouth. haha, who knew."
you tug at your arm, now at least having the sense to try and run away, but they only merely smile, pulling back as a silent warning - or threat, you can't tell anymore with them.
"...let go..." your murmur, looking down at your feet - anywhere other than them. they go silent, before answering. " now why would i do that? this is such an occasion," they let out a breath," and you said many wonderful things about me."
you feel like screaming.
they stand up straight, before gesturing behind them.
" let us discuss this over some food, shall we?"
you can feel your sanity break right there and then.
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Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Dark [Prologue]
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ー The scene starts in the Demon World
Yui: Haah, haah, haah...
( Just look at how red the moon is...The lunar eclipse is really still ongoing here in Demon World. ) 
( It still doesn’t quite click with me how the door in the manor’s basement connects to another world but... )
( For now, I’m just glad I made it here safely. )
ー The scene shifts to the forest
Yui: ( Now I just need to make it to the manor where everyone is. )
( But...Which way should I go? )
( I assumed I would just figure things out as I go but... )
???: This way, Yui-san.
Yui: Kanato-kun...!?
Kanato: Haah...I told you to wait...So why are you here?
Yui: ...W-Well...I got scared after all...I’m sorry...
Kanato: No need to apologize, really. 
I was just on my way to return to your side myself.
Yui: Eh...?
Kanato: While I did tell you to wait for me...
It would be foolish to assume a clumsy, slowpoke such as yourself can actually survive by themselves.
Therefore I was just about to be so kind to come and pick you up.
Yui: Kanato-kun...
Kanato: For one...You belong to me, so it only makes sense for you to be by my side.
You understand, don’t you?
Yui: Yeah...
( To think he was on his way to me as well... )
( It might be strange to feel happy at a time like this but...I truly am. )
Kanato: ...Fufu.
You look rather joyful now, considering you had a nearly lifeless expression on your face before I called out to you.
Did you miss me that much?
Yui: T-That’s, well...Yeah. I missed you, Kanato-kun.
Kanato: You are quite the handful. (1) ...Oh well, I guess it’s fine.
ー He steps back
Kanato: More importantly, let’s get going.
Yui: Yeah!
( I should be able to safely make it to the castle together with Kanato-kun. Aah...Thank god... )
Say, Kanato-kun. Is the castle far from here?
Kanato: Well, it’s decently far. I’m sure it’d feel like quite the trip with those weak, human feet of yours.
However, that doesn’t matter. We won’t be returning to the castle after all.
Yui: Eh...?
Kanato: The place shouldn’t matter to you as long as the two of us are together, right?
Besides, the castle is crawling with people who will only get in our way. Hence why we won’t go back there.
Right, how about we hold a picnic together? Yes, let’s do that.
Yui: ( I guess I should have expected this much from Kanato-kun... )
Sure, Kanato-kun. Let’s have a picnic together.
Kanato: Yes. Although that was already settled the moment I decided it, regardless of whether you’d agree or not.
Right, there’s lunar eclipse flowers blooming just ahead ofーー
???: ...Hehe...A leisurely picnic at a time like this...
ー Shin shows up
Shin: Guess you guys really have no idea what kind of situation you’re in, do you?
Yui: ( Ah, that transfer student...!? Shin-kun, was it...? Why is he here...? )
Shin: Kanato...was it? In what kind of way did Karlheinz raise you?
Kanato: ...Shut up...
Hmph...I thought you were suspicious from the first time I laid my eyes upon you...
So you are one of us ーー A creature from the Demon World after all, aren’t you?
Shin: Yeah, exactly. Or rather, I thought you figured that one out ages ago, but maybe I was wrong?
But you know...I’d rather not have you mistakenly believe we’re the same as you guys.
Yui: W-What do you mean...?
Shin: We are Founders. Those who stand above the Vampire race...No, above all other species in the Demon World.
ーー If I put it clearly like that, I’m sure even you two will be able to comprehend, right?
Kanato: ...Ugh.
Yui: ( Founders...? The ones Reiji-san mentioned...!? )
Kanato: I will admit...You smell different from us Vampires.
Let’s say I give you the benefit of the doubt and take your word for it...
So? What does that mean exactly then? 
Shin: ...
Kanato: What’s so funny?
Shin: What do you mean? ...Haha...Seems like you’re still a kid both on the inside and the outside.
Kanato: Wha...!? 
Shin: Whatever, they say that when dealing with children, you have to explain it to them in a way even they can understandーー
ー Wolves start surrounding them
Yui: ( T-There’s so many of them...! )
( Then the ones who attacked Ayato-kun must have been Shin-kun’s as well... )
Shin: Kanato. If you hand over that woman without putting up a fight, I don’t mind letting you go unscathed? 
Yui: ( M-Me...!? )
Shin: What will you do?
Kanato: ーー No. I don’t know what your plans are, but she belongs to me.
Shin: Nnー ...That means you’ll meet your end here, but I guess you’re okay with that?
Kanato: Hah? Of course not.
I’ve heard enough. Let’s go already.
ー Kanato grabs hold of Yui’s hand
Yui: Ah...!
ー The two of them run off
Shin: Oh...? I guess you want me to play hide-and-seek with you?
Sure! Go ahead and show me your best hiding attempt!
I’ll make sure to find you before you get lonely and start crying! Ahahaha...!
ー The scene shifts to a cave
Yui: Haah, haah, haah...
I guess we should be okay after coming this far...?
Kanato: ...Yes...I can no longer sense those Wolves’ presence.
What was his problem...? He kept on talking as if he knows it all...
Yui: ( Kanato-kun’s upset... )
Say, Kanato-kun? You shouldn’t take his words to heaーー
( Ah, my foot...hurts...Seems like I badly twisted it somewhere. The second I eased up, the pain suddenly hit... )
Kanato: What’s the matter? Why did you suddenly go quiet?
Yui: Well...
( Kanato-kun seems really agitated right now, so I should probably keep quiet about my foot. )
It’s nothing. Don’t worry.
Kanato: ...Really? Your complexion seems rather pale though.
Yui: That’s...Um, I guess it’s from running so much. It’s fine, so don’t woーー Uu...
Kanato: ...You really are hiding something from me, aren’t you?
Yui: I-I’m no...Ow...
( I can’t...The pain keeps on getting worse... )
Kanato: ...Your foot...? Your foot hurts, doesn’t it? I’m sure it does. If you won’t tell me the truth, I’ll get mad.
Yui: ...Yeah...Seems like I twisted it at some point...
Kanato: I knew it...
Why didn’t you tell me it hurts?
Yui: I didn’t want to bother you with trivial matters...
Kanato: Trivial?
The fact you can barely move because your foot hurts is ‘trivial’?
For one, I’m long aware that you’re a hopeless, slow-witted klutz. 
Yet I’m willing to keep you by my side like this...
...Or maybe...
You look down on me as well?
Yui: Eh...?
Kanato: Do you think of me as an unreliable child!? Just like Shin does!
Yui: I-I don’t...
Kanato: Then why didn’t you tell me!?
Yui: Kanato-kun...
Kanato: Whatever...It’s fine. I don’t want to hear another word from you.
You are forbidden from speaking until I give you permission to talk again.
Yui: ( I guess right now, I have no other choice but to obey rather than to try and reason with him... )
Kanato: I said not another word, didn’t I!?
Yui: ( R-Right...I’ll just quietly nod instead... )
Kanato: Hmph...
Yui: ( Ah...! A wolf’s howling...They’re already this close...!? )
( O-Oh no...We have to make a run for it... )
Kanato: ...Those pests...Just how annoying are they?
If I recall correctly...Wolves are afraid of flames. If only we could light a fire somehow...
Yui: ( Can we even do that without the right tools...? )
( I was told not to speak but... )
Y-You know, Kanato-kun. We should probably think about making our escape insteaーー
Kanato: Why do you keep on opening that mouth of yours?
Yui: ...Ugh.
Kanato: For one...I’m well aware.
However...In your current condition, even just walking would be difficult, no?
Are you telling me to run away by myself? Don’t make fun of me.
Yui: ( Right. Kanato-kun’s trying to look out for me... )
( Yet I went and ran my mouth again. )
Kanato: ...Ugh.
ー He steps closer
Kanato: If we stay here, they’ll find us.
So we’ll run as I carry you in my arms. Now, come here.
Yui: ( K-Kanato-kun will? But... )
Kanato: ...What’s the matter? Do you think of me as an unreliable weakling?
ーー Come here already. I shall give you permission to say ‘okay’ at least.
Yui: ( Kanato-kun... )
I’ll be counting on you, Kanato-kun...Ah, sorry, I just ran my mouth again...
Kanato: ...Well, I suppose it’s fine. You’ve been forgiven.
All you need to do is rely on and depend on me, without ever leaving my side.
Kanato: ...Oh.
Let’s go.
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ( Wah...! )
ー The scene shifts to the forest
Shin: Fufu...Look at them frantically running away...Two lovers eloping together? Bullshit.
Good grief...But you know, Nii-san. Are you sure we should leave things like this?
Wouldn’t it be much easier to just capture them right here, right now?
Carla: ...It is fine. We can leave them be for now.
Shin: Hm...I mean, I’ll listen.
It’s kinda hilarious to see a little kid trying his best to be big and strong. (2)
Kanato, you better put your best foot forward for her sake. Fufu...!
ー The scene shifts to the living room in the Sakamaki manor
Yui: ( We’ve made it back to the manor in the human world, but it’s a complete mess... )
Kanato: Phew...Now that we’ve made it this far, we should be fine for a bit.
Yui: Yeah...
Kanato: What’s the matter? You look rather glum. Does your foot still hurt perhaps?
Yui: T-That’s not it. It has gotten a lot better already. It’s just, well...
Kanato: What? Speak up already.
Yui: ...I was just wondering if it’s fine for just us to return to the manor like this...
Kanato: Oh, so that’s it...
ーー There’s no issue.
For one...Everyone is way too cautious. I would never mess up the same way Ayato did.
Above all, we can enjoy some private time together here, can’t we?
You’ve got complaints regardless?
Yui: N-No. I’m not complaining.
Kanato: I thought so.
In that case, let us treat your injury at once.
Yui: Yeah...
( It’ll be okay. I’ll be fine as long as we’re together like this... )
( I’m sure everything will be just fine...Right? )
Kanato: ...
...Why do you make that face...?
Yui: Eh...?
Kanato: ...It’s nothing.
Yui: ( Kanato-kun...? )
( I wonder what’s wrong...? )
Translation notes
(1) More specifically, he calls her his ‘belonging’ or ‘possession’ right now, using the term 所有物 or ‘shoyuubutsu’. 
(2) Literally he says that it’s funny to see a kid stand on their toes and stretch to make themselves taller.
<- [ Sakamaki Prologue ] [ Dark 01 ] ->
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hajimewhore · 4 years
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Amusement Park Date🎢 (Ushijima Wakatoshi/Reader) ➸sfw, gn!Reader, 1.3k+ words  ➷fluff, established relationship, lil kisses, really just a cute drabble that got too long, introspection into your relationship with Ushiwaka   ➷Ushiwaka mini playlist:  Airplane Mode♫  Daft Pretty Boys♫  Rings♫  I LOVE YOU 3000 II♫
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You snort, trying to stifle your laugh with the back of a hand when your eyes catch the display screen showcasing images of the park’s guests. Some coasters have a hidden camera installed to catch you when you least expect it, at the steepest drop during the ride, the collection of photographs are then displayed at the rollercoaster’s exit for purchase (or in your case, a quick snap of your phone’s camera). 
The slideshow took it’s sweet time to shuffle through the images, but once it landed on your coaster’s photo, you couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled up.
Ushijima is stone faced in the image, a severe juxtaposition to your animated features. Upon any normal person’s inspection, they’d see the image at face value, thinking ‘that man must be seriously unbothered!’ 
Though after dating Ushijima for a few years, you’ve learned to pick up on the most minute details. 
He’s got a death grip on the rails, hands tightened around the seat bars as if the 190 pound guy could fly out the top. His perfectly cut jaw is tightened, teeth probably gnashing as he bites back a scream. His eyebrows are raised ever so slightly, similar to his widened eyes. All nearly imperceptible signs that show just how wildly uncomfortable Ushijima felt during the ride, and you’re changing your lockscreen to it.
It seems he isn’t familiar with the jarring spins, jerks, and dips that amusement park rides entail—you start to recall he may have mentioned he’d never been on one before, and that he was looking forward to experiencing new things on your date.
A sentiment he is surely taking back at the moment, though it does please you with a chest-encompassing warmth that he still followed along, toughing out the rollercoasters on your checklist.
You’re surprised he lasted through all the rides you completed without making his discomfort apparent, the sun’s already started setting and you’ve explored a majority of the park. You mentally scold and punch yourself for failing to recognize Ushijima’s unease sooner, you probably should’ve stopped at the fourth or fifth ride.
When you notice his brows are furrowed tighter than usual, a pang of sympathy envelops you. Before you can ask if he wants to grab water, or rest somewhere, his deep voice fills your ears,
“Can we...” Ushijima pauses, deliberating for a second, “Grab something to eat?” he blinks, expression neutral as ever.
You sense he’s actually asking for a break from the rollercoasters rather than craving for something, but he’s asking in a roundabout and not so subtle way. You’d already eaten fairly recently, after all. 
The method surprises you, considering he’s usually straightforward to a fault.
“Of course Wakatoshi,” you have to lean up to his height to wrap your arms around his neck, coaxing him into a soft kiss. 
He presses his lips to yours without hesitation, accepting the gesture. You take it in stride with a bright smile, corners of your lips turning up into the kiss. You almost giggle when you feel his long lashes brush against your delicate skin.
You suspect Ushijima didn’t want to hold you back from having a good time, which is probably the same reason he suffered through 6 rollercoasters with you, and as a result suggested an alternative for you to enjoy instead. Spinning death traps are not for everyone, you suppose, and you aren’t opposed to trying one of the myriad of dessert places you spotted earlier.
“I’m craving something sweet, actually. You can pick where we go!”
“Doesn’t matter to me.”
Ushijima pulls back from your kiss, serious countenance making its comeback. 
From an outsider’s perspective, Ushijima probably seems like an aloof or indifferent boyfriend, but you knew better. It was his acts of service that enabled that sunny smile to cross your features, the way he wholeheartedly steps out of his comfort zone for you, how he’s learned to stray from his reserved habits in order to make things work. 
Ushijima links his hand with yours, and you feel as thrilled as the first time he did it. Initially, he never bothered with hand holding. It took a while for Ushijima to understand the domesticity of something simple, like holding hands, and how special it could be for you. When he figured it out, he made sure to interlock your hands more often, fingers laced together and held steadily at his side.
“Alright, this way then!”
You usher him along, tugging his palm gently to make way for the ice cream shop you had in mind. Ushijima accepts the change of direction as he walks in step with you (a difficult task for someone so tall, and you appreciate the sweet yet silent gesture). 
Walking along, weaving between couples and groups, Ushijima’s hand remains linked with yours. When you peek at him, your heart almost fully stops in your chest. 
He looks stunning. Every neon sign and coaster you pace by paints Ushijima’s features with the vivid shades of every color on the spectrum. 
The brilliant purples suit him best, but you think the crisp evergreens and hazy red glows are equally striking, illuminating his features so well. You didn’t think you could fall in love with him again and again so easily, but something as simple as the lighting in the area proves that theory wrong.
You whisk him away to your go-to dessert spot before he can catch you staring, eager to continue your amusement park date. On the other hand, Ushijima is just content to be close to you and away from the dizzying, literal head spinning rides.
 “Let’s share a sundae! This one has a lot of treats and candies that go on top... tons of whipped cream, edible sparkles, not to mention it’s huge too!” 
You gush, eyeballing the lurid stock photo picturing the absolute monstrosity of an ice cream sundae.
Ushijima looks to be impartial to your request, relaying the order to your server. But his gaze is soft, at a complete loss for the harsh edges he naturally maintains. The subtle shift in his expression clues you in to his endearment for your ice cream enthusiasm, and you preen to yourself upon the realization.
 You know Ushijima is subject to being labeled as that indifferent, aloof, and stone faced boyfriend.
But to you, he doesn’t need a smile that’s a mile wide. You can clearly see the soft glow in his hazel eyes, the kind that usually accompanies a grin anyways.
He doesn’t have to be experienced at showing public displays of affection, when he practices the underrated gestures–always carrying your stuff, opening doors, walking closest to the road, matching your pace–which are equally as special. 
“I love you, Wakatoshi.”
And when you tell him you love him, you’re absolutely enamored as you’re caught up analyzing the little details his expression might give away. Your eyes flick across his features, as if you don’t already have every attribute and imperfection committed to memory and stamped onto your heart.
He doesn’t need to feel obligated to say it back immediately.
“I take it the sundae was good then?”
And he doesn’t, but you can see the beginnings of a smile tugging at his lips.
He doesn’t need to say I love you all the time, because you know he will when it counts. Late night haze, wrapped up in his arms in a safe space, smothered warmly by too many blankets. The moon’s glow dipping in passed the curtains and painting your cheeks with a lunar highlight, three words are whispered against the nape of your neck in spite of the comfortable silence.
 “I love you ‘toshi, and I love this sundae.”
But that won’t stop you from reminding him whenever you can, if only to see the faint cherry pink play at the apples of his cheeks, eyes pretending to find something of fake interest in the distance. And without fail, Ushijima Wakatoshi will smile handsomely at every declaration of love you make to him.
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A/N: I wanted to play with more introspection and imagery, I hope it turned out alright! This is probably the first Ushijima fic I’ve written kadlg i hope you enjoyed iiiit
[masterlist] taglist: @thatoneoddgirl8​​
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feralnumberfive · 4 years
The Rewatch Academy: Episode 1 of Season 1
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"We Only See Each Other At Weddings and Funerals”
I am in no way a good analyst so my little analysis and speculations probably sound a bit goofy or pretty wild and probably mean nothing at all. Everything I put into this post about each episode is purely what I noticed or thought, whether it's funny or serious. I will be making jokes, so please just leave it at that (in no way am I trying to make fun of an actor and or character!) I am also in no way saying I noticed this stuff first. This is just what I noticed while rewatching these episodes
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1x01 | 1x02 | 1x03 | 1x04 |
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☂️ In the Pilot script, it has a woman giving birth to a baby boy in Poland in 1984 (potentially Five or maybe even Luther??) 
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☂️ “Picture Book” is an absolute bop and no one can tell me otherwise
☂️ What if someone saw this parade of carriages and noticed that there were seven? Later Reginald announces that he adopted 6 kids, so I wonder if anyone saw the carriages earlier and heard Reginald's announcement and became confused
☂️ The concert hall in the Pilot script is in New York, which I assume is safe to assume in NYC. The script also mentions later that Diego drops the monocle in the Hudson River
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☂️ The Pilot script originally had Allison in LA, and Klaus in Amsterdam (which he was supposed to be levitating in that scene)
☂️ Diego was originally supposed to be pretty brutal and violent
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☂️ I am a huge POTO fan so having a medley of the songs from the musical is so awesome to hear. The first time I watched this episode and heard the violin starting to play, I was like “Huh, this really sounds like POTO” and then I realized it was! It gave me chills and still does to this day overtime I watch this scene
☂️ The dark and mysterious tones of POTO really matches the vibes of TUA well. It’s just so good, especially as a way to introduce Vanya. The first song Vanya plays is “Phantom of the Opera” which is a nice symbolism when introducing the Hargreeves Siblings. The song itself is Christine discovering who her true Angel of Music is, a strange masked man that everyone knows well but they truly don’t know who he really is, like with the Umbrellas and their separate personalities and struggles as actual human beings and not just as the superheroes the public knows them as. It also plays while showing Diego, who is a mysterious masked figure at that point. 
☂️ “Angel of Music” is basically Christine asking her angel to guide her, which is ironic that it plays while Klaus is getting out of a place that guides him down the right path, knowing that he’s immediately going to go do drugs again and to go down the “wrong” path
☂️ I wonder if the voice in Luther’s spacesuit as he receives his message is an automated voice or his robot named “Ben” like in the comics. I doubt it’s the latter, but who knows
☂️ Okay, here’s another POTO thing. Diego picks up his knife and wipes the blood off of it and tells the family “Your family is safe now” right as the start of “Think of Me” plays. The first lyrics of the song are “Think of me, think of me fondly” which can be seen as Diego wants the family to truly view him as a hero that saved them
☂️ Aaaand here’s another! Again, while “Think of Me” is playing, one of the parts in the song where Raoul sings “Long ago, it seems so long ago, how young and innocent we were” plays while the paparazzi begins questioning Allison about her father and siblings
☂️ Okay okay, last POTO thing. I especially love that "Music of the Night" plays when Klaus wakes up in the ambulance at night. It's so awesome! Especially since the song is basically about giving into your darkest desires, which Klaus clearly did
 ☂️ Goddamn is the music in the show amazing, and I’m not just talking about all of the fun lyrical songs! Jeff Russo you get a thumbs up from me
☂️ Ta-da! Here’s some portraits that are shown of the siblings with Reginald when they were young that are shown in the show
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☂️ Even the first person Vanya sees when she arrives home doesn’t greet her/welcome her back 
☂️ Emmy and Elliot really played that awkward hug and greeting between Allison and Vanya well. You can feel the awkward tension (hey sisters)
☂️ According to the pilot script, Diego wears his mask practically all the time like in the comics
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☂️ Luther was literally supposed to have a gorilla body in the pilot script
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☂️ “Oh, YoU gOt BiG, lUtHeR”
☂️ Godddd the song playing while Vanya looks at the books on the shelf in including her own is 👌
☂️ Ah, there’s a book called “Lunar Living”
☂️ It might just be me, but it seems like the light shining onto Five’s portrait is ever so slightly askew
☂️ Vanya leaving the lights on and sandwiches for Five reminds me of someone leaving food outside for a stray cat
☂️ Five was originally supposed to be gone for over 22 years in the pilot script
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☂️ I wonder at what point in each of the siblings’ lives did they realize, or at least they thought, their brother wouldn’t be coming home 
☂️ Babies 
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☂️ There’s so many ape and monkey pictures and diagrams around Reginald’s office. Foreshadowing for Luther?
☂️ I love Klaus’s theme. It’s heard in almost every episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJa9H8SY4wQ&list=OLAK5uy_k2NJivpu0PIwxrOmPVrqN4umBZaahOGWI&index=6
☂️ Why does Reginald have two pictures of himself featuring aircraft? In one of them he’s outside a private jet and the other is him inside a cockpit
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☂️ I must say that the dialogue in the pilot script definitely closely mirrors the dialogue of the comics 
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☂️ “Told me I should be careful who to trust” 👀
☂️ Something behind Elliot is moving
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☂️ I was hoping for this to be a gazelle of some sort above Five’s portrait, but It’s an Gemsbok. However, the Gemsbok is an antelope and all gazelles are antelopes
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☂️ “The Walker” playing during the bank robbery scene is 👌👌
☂️ Luther is ready to throw hands
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☂️ These robbers really decided to rob a bank at 10:05 am?
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☂️ I just love Five popping out of nowhere criss-cross applesauce 
☂️ Something that hasn’t been explained/fully shown is Five’s ability to teleport objects. He teleported the gun out of the guy’s hand and replaced it with a stapler
☂️ Five’s teleportation noise reminds me of something going really fast, like an aircraft breaking the sound barrier. It’s almost like a mini sonic boom, but not as loud
☂️ Okay so I’ve noticed this in most of the episodes, but I don’t think when Five teleports he makes an actual noise. I’ll point this out more as we continue through the episodes. At the bank scene when Five is on the counter, it appears that the first time he teleports the bank robber whips around when Five speaks. The second time the robber turns to Five simply because he doesn’t know where he went and he’s searching for the threat
☂️ “That’s one badass stApler”
☂️ When Ben asks if he has to go into the Vault, he looks at Klaus for reassurance even though Luther is the one speaking to him
☂️ Five was still pretty cocky back in his youth. They, or more like Ben, have more bad guys to take care of and he’s just chilling with his hands in his pockets and leaning back/slouching like he’s bored. His tone with the robber also proves that and the way he just happily bounds out of the bank
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☂️ Sir, why are you looking at the camera
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☂️ Luther’s little wave to the reporters when the Umbrellas come out of the bank is cute
☂️ The pilot script didn’t include a flashback of a bank robbery, but instead to the Umbrellas training when they were younger. There’s too much to screenshot to I’ll summarize it.
-Luther bench-presses over 500 lbs
-Diego has been holding his breath for about six hours and he flips Reginald off
-Klaus levitates stuff
-Allison is slacking off and when Reginald tells her to continue her training she simply rumors him that she doesn’t have to
-Ben is fighting guards and Reginald calls him “Number Six” to which Vanya, who isn’t supposed to be down there, corrects him that his name is Ben and reminds Reginald that they have names
- Five very quickly and quite brutally rips off the heads and limbs of training dummies, snaps their necks, and stabs them. He is referred to as “A ruthless little war machine.” Reginald calls him “Perfect”
☂️ The pilot script implies that Reginald had alien life mounted on the walls of his office
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☂️ There wasn’t a dance scene in the pilot script
☂️ Not to get super into detail about this, but Luther’s room is filled with a lots of models and paintings of aircraft, mainly from WWII. Almost all of them are of Allied aircraft, and more specifially Commonwealth aircraft, like the RCAF. So this could be more of a clue to the Umbrellas living in Canada
☂️ Diego giving that Wildebeest head the stink eye aways makes me laugh
☂️ Klaus is dancing with Reggie’s urn in a Waltz fashion, so maybe he’s just doing that or it’s the ballroom dancing lessons they received as children peeing through
☂️ I love Diego’s dancing skills
☂️ Fuck you Five for ruining their dance party
☂️ Honestly Five’s portal is pretty powerful. Here’s a description of it from the pilot script
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☂️ I like that when Luther tells everyone to get behind him and Diego copies him with “Yeah, get behind us” Luther lets his brother use himself as a shield instead be pulling the “I’m the leader, I’m the strongest” card
☂️ When Luther and Diego are shielding their siblings, Diego has his arm stretched out to guard Vanya
☂️ In the pilot script Five’s body is smoking when he comes out of the portal
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☂️ What if when Five fell out of the portal he got knocked out so he just laid face down on the ground unconscious aksdhfjsafhd
☂️ “So are we gonna talk about what just happened?” No bitch, let him make his sammie first
☂️ Diego and Klaus had some sort of bet on Five’s time traveling in the pilot script
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☂️ Here’s another example of Five’s teleportation possibly not making noise. When he teleports around while his siblings are questioning him, it looks like they only look at him when he appears and not when they hear a noise
☂️ Five in the pilot script is actually 62
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☂️ “What part of the future do you not understand?”
☂️ I like that Five styled his hair to the exact style it was when he was actually young, but eventually gets looser throughout the season
☂️ Five is so oddly calm when talking to Vanya in front of his portrait
☂️ “Well, there are worse things that can happen.” “You mean like what happened to Ben?” Yeah there’s also an apocalypse on the way lol
☂️ Five actually got a hug in the pilot script! 
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☂️ An ironic moment from the pilot script considering that Five is an assassin and has killed tons of people but this siblings don’t know that
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☂️ When Diego is talking about their names and numbers in the courtyard, Five sighs, which I’m sure he’s just bored/has better places to be and is annoyed, but I’d like to view it as “Shit, I don’t even have a name”
☂️ Funny tidbit from the pilot script during the funeral scene “Whatever the hell you are”
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☂️ Diego talks about how he assumed Reginald sent Luther to the moon because he couldn’t stand the sight of him, so he must be talking about Luther being like a “failed” leader or something? Like he couldn’t keep the team/his siblings together? Diego doesn’t know about his ape-like body so he’s not thinking about that.....
☂️ I love that Klaus reaches his arm out to guard Five, and that Five simply glares at him and bats his arm away
☂️ When Luther broke Ben’s statue, I can just imagine Ben yelling at Klaus “Seriously? Klaus, why didn’t you stop them?”
☂️ So I’m sure this is just a continuation error, but you can’t see Five walking away in the shot of Ben’s statue hitting the ground. Considering that he had just left, he should still be visible in the background. Again, probably a continuation error or maybe he even teleported inside
☂️ A detail I love about Luther is that his fingernails are dark due to the gorilla DNA
☂️ The bank robbery scene in the pilot script is after the funeral. Not much was changed for the actual first episode, just a few different scenes. Also the Umbrellas were described as gods
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☂️ Vanya drawing the tattoo on her wrist hurts my heart
☂️ “Together, you will stand against the reign of evil” gives me chills 
☂️ “This is your home and always will be” is great foreshadowing to S3, and hurts my heart when I think about how it is in fact no longer their home
☂️ When I first watched this episode and saw Pogo watching Vanya I knew something was pretty sus
☂️ Just some gold dialogue from the pilot script during the scene of Five, Allison, and Klaus in the kid area and Five is complaining about coffee (but in the pilot script everyone but Vanya is there)
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☂️ “An entire square block. Forty-two bedrooms, 19 bathrooms” goddamn the Academy is HUGE. Also 42 is just one away from being 43 👀
☂️ “I know how to do everything.” Yeah, like survive an apocalypse and professionally kill people :]
☂️ I’ve pointed this out before, but the license plate on the car that Five takes to Griddy’s says HERMES, which is the license plate of his car in the comics
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☂️ The exit sign in the background is only half lit up to where it says EX and if my memory serves me correctly that’s the door Vanya and Leonard enter the Academy through in episode 6
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☂️ Diego telling Klaus to lean back is like “Ugh I don’t want him with me, but safety first”
☂️ I love that they added his feral chimpanzee smile from the pilot script into he show
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☂️ “You won’t be going home.” Cocky smartass strikes again. Not to mention he smiles when he says that. He also says this to the men before he kills them in the pilot script
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☂️ Before I even knew about TUA, I had heard of the “Istanbul (Not Constantinople)” scene and looked it up. I remember thinking “Wow, that kid is scary.” Now I think “Wow, that old man is scary.”
☂️ I love the little salute he does before he blinks away, and the way his basically just plays with these men like a cat playing with its prey. He knows he’s going to kill them, but he wants to have fun doing so
☂️ Five had some fancy moves in the pilot script
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☂️ Five teleporting his tie around the man’s neck is another example of him teleporting an object. Can we see more of this actually happen in S3 please?? I also love the fact that he takes it off the man’s body and puts it back on
☂️ The way he calmly, or tiredly, snaps the man’s neck is chilling to see from a child’s body. This was also included in the pilot script *chanting* Feral Five, Feral Five, Feral Fi-
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☂️ It’s honestly such a cool and iconic scene on the show. It truly shows that Five is fully capable of handling himself, and is/was great at his job
☂️ Having the city at night in the background of Diego dropping the monocle is really pretty
☂️ I really like the way they revealed Ben. Having watched both season and now watching this scene again is a bit awkward when Ben doesn’t talk. He’s probably just tired of Klaus 
☂️ “The world ends in eight days, and I have no idea how to stop it.” This line combined with the music and the previous scene of Five in the apocalypse is powerful and chilling and I love it
☂️ I love that they have The Umbrella Academy theme playing during the credits in both seasons
Feel free to comment or reblog with things you have noticed too!
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imaginarypeteel · 4 years
Trust The Cat: Theo Raeken x reader
Requested by anonymous
Warnings: curse words, angst, fluff, bad plot
Word count: 3k
A/n: First of all, I am soooo sorry that this isn't very good. I will probably make a part 2 for this so maybe that'll be better.
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Unlike most supernaturals in Beacon Hills, you weren't very close with the McCall Pack. Well to be fair you weren't that much of a nonhuman anyway, having 10% of yourself being witch and the other pure human. But still, you knew rituals that had to be done for certain things and plants bloomed longer around you. The rituals would maybe be useful for the pack but your parents strictly forbid you from talking to any supernatural other than your family's black familiar cat Diablerie, your father and your grandmother. Your grandmother being half-witch and father being quarter of a witch...or whatever you'd like to call it for men.
But still, at school, Scott had noticed that the almost dead anthuriums on the window had come back to life when you had sat beside them. So safe to say, right after school you were questioned by Scott and Stiles. Knowing full well who they were, you knew better than to run off. Scott would catch you anyway. So, you decided to stay and talk to them.
That had gotten you into being a secret informant if they were dealing with something. You were an absolute mythical creatures nerd so only by hearing few details about something abnormal happening, you already had a list of creatures who could do it.
So when dread doctors came around and you couldn't figure out at first who it was, Scott constantly checked in with you. That of course got Theo's attention.
And so, him seducing you and giving you all sorts of attention started. Your naive nerd self didn't think twice about it. Stiles warned you, he told you he was suspicious, he told you not to get involved with him, he told you something was very off with him. But his warnings were overrun by Theo's good looks and sweet words.
Little did you know, all he wanted was information from you. You had the bad habit of blabbing out secrets of all kind once you got talking. Could've been anything from something minor you did in kindergarten to pack secrets you were trusted with.
But when you finally saw his true colors, you were wrecked.
Why didn't you listen to Stiles? Why didn't you think everything over before rushing into the relationship like you usually do? Why would someone as good looking as Theo even want to be with you? You were a nerd for fuck's sake! Didn't even really have any friends. Yes, you were part of a nature club but that really wasn't something to stand out with.
Why didn't you listen to Diablerie when she attacked him? Every single person in your family knows to always listen to a familiar's intuition. In this case Diablerie knowing that Theo is not to be trusted.
After finding out about Theo's betrayal - and after his sister had dragged him away - you distanced yourself from the pack, afraid you'd blab out more secrets.
Other than Stiles, none of them could even come into your garden. Your grandmother and father had set all sorts of traps and spells over your living quarters. If anyone who didn't have the blood of your great-grandmother but was a supernatural even dared to put their pinky toe over the invisible border, they'd quite literally fall six feet into the ground.
You had just gotten back from your long trip to Monaco with your family.
With great hesitation, you had sneaked off to Scott's house. Telling your nosy mother that you were going to the library. Wouldn't say you were lying since that was your plan after.
Now you were here, wanting to get this over with before Diablerie would somehow send a signal to your mom that in fact no, you weren't at the library like you told her. The damn cat was very cute and huge help very often but was also too loyal to your parents for your good. Her being able to know everything about everyone in your family didn't help at all.
"Let's get this over with, I don't have much time until Diablerie-" you cut off as your e/c eyes connected with certain blue ones. Mouth still open, eyes growing wide, you slowly turned your body towards Stiles before grabbing him by the ear and dragging him to another room, muttering, "Let's have a word."
You shut the door after letting his ear go. Seething, you turned towards the brunette boy who was rubbing his ear. "What the actual FUCK STILES?!" you hissed like a snake.
"Look, I know I was the one to say he is dangerous and off and all that and he was. I was right, nobody wants to listen to me though," he gave you an accusing look but your angry expression didn't waver, if anything, it got even more furious. "Okay, okay. So, Liam and Hayden might have released Theo because, well, ask them." You blinked. What the hell? What were they thinking?!
"Stiles what the hell were you dealing with here?" You asked. "The Wild Hunt," he simply answered. Your mythology nerd self got switched on by those three words. "The Wild Hunt? Like the English type? Or the Norse like? Or some else type?" your curiosity made you forget your lying bitch of an ex for sometime. Stiles was at loss of an answer, "Uuuuuummm, I dunno, just Wild Hunt?" You rolled your eyes, reason for this conversation coming back to you. "Alright, well why is he still here?" You asked furiously. You were scared actually, scared of Theo because after you had gotten to know everything he could do, everything he had done, anyone in their right mind would be scared.
"Because he has changed?" Stiles replied as if it was an obvious thing. "HOW CAN YOU KNOW THAT?" you yelled. Actually yelled. You didn't need to be a were-something to be able to here that from outside of the bedroom the two of you 'hid' in.
"Listen Y/n, I know it may be hard to believe but he took away Gabe's pain before he passed. And you know a bond needs to be created for that. And he-he sacrificed himself basically and-" Stiles sighed when he saw your wide eyes staring back at him, they were getting glossy. Did he really do all that? Had he changed? Was it a game again? Was it a lie? But if he really took away Gabe's - whoever that is but seems like a good guy - pain then it can't be a lie. Right?
You were skeptical. Your trust had been broken, your heart had been broken, your soul had been broken. All by Theo Raeken. Were you really up for trusting him to be near the others and yourself? To be free?
"I... I should go," you mumbled. Silently, you opened the door and walked out. Every single person in the living room was looking at you, as you rushed through it. Grabbing your backpack. For a moment, your eyes met with Theo's. He looks cute with his new hair. Wait, what the fuck am I thinking? He smiled at you, making you frown. You looked away and walked out of the house, muttering a 'bye' in the process.
At home, you were reading "The Lunar Chronicles: Cinder." If staring at a book with a troubled face, thinking about a certain someone else and not memorizing any words from the pages counts as reading.
Giving up on trying to read, you grabbed your phone from beside you. You went on instagram, curious on why you have a notification there because you had no viral life either. You were horrible at taking selfies, so no basic girl posts from you, not a big meme maker nor artist who posts their stuff. You just followed your friends and some tags.
Turns out the notification was a follow request.
From Theo.
Your thumb stood over the Accept button. Your breath hitching when you realized that his profile picture was of you two making silly faces. You took your finger away and pressed the back button.
Sighing you picked up the book again. "Diablerie, what do I do?" The black feline rose her head. "Meow?" As you were petting the she-cat's head, you let out another sigh.
"You remember Theo right?"
"Well he is back."
"Meow," Diablerie nodded. What, she knew?
"And he apparently is different."
"Mow?" The familiar stood up and cocked her head to the side, as if asking either 'if you believed that?' or 'is that true?'
"I- I don't know. I mean Stiles believes that and you know he was right the last time."
Diablerie was quiet for sometime, staring at your blanket but not really because her gaze was unfocused. She was standing still on the blanket, tail twitching, ears facing different directions and tail tip twitching but not in an aggressive way. You realized that she was thinking.
You gazed at the queen for sometime before she finally returned her gaze back to you. "Meow!" she sounded determined but you had no idea what she just said. "Um..."
Diablerie gave you an unimpressed look when after 5minutes, you still hadn't realized what she told you.
The feline hopped down from your bed and headed towards your closet, tail high. You were confused on what the heck she was doing. With some difficulties, the she-cat climbed to where you kept your shirts. One of Theo's old shirts is there. Your e/c eyes widened as you remembered that. That shirt had been something that you lived your hate and betrayal because of a certain blue-eyed boy out on when he was dragged away by his sister. It was torn, absolutely ragged, had burn marks and looked very ugly with the stains of uncountable different things on it.
Once you realized what Diablerie was looking for, you got off the bed and went to help the familiar.
You pulled the drawer back and stuck your hand down to try and find the ragged piece of clothing. You didn't even know why you kept it, with your own clean shirts nevertheless.
The miniature panther like animal balanced herself on the side of the drawer as you pulled it and hopped down when you were pushing it back in and walking back to the bed.
Placing it on the bed, you gave the cat a face full of unanswered questions. With no difficulty whatsoever, Diablerie hopped back on the bed
She set her paw gently on the shirt. Still not getting it, you stared at your cat cluelessly.
Diablerie had a scowl on her raven black face at your response.
She placed her paw yet again on the ragged piece of fabric and then did a spin.
"Spin Theo?"
The cat shook her head.
Diablerie hopped down from the bed again and walked out of your room. Dumbfoundedly, you just stared after her in confusion.
As you were waiting for Diablerie to come back, your phone buzzed. Looking down, you saw a notification pop up, saying that you had a message.
Unknown: «Hey!»
The message was from an unknown number which freaked you out. Was this a scam? Had you accidentally deleted someone's contact? Was there a proje- no you weren't in school anymore.
As you were debating on if you should answer or not, another text came through.
Unknown: «It's Theo»
You froze. No, no way. No way in hell that he is texting you now.
Unknown: «Just wanted to let you know that this is my new number»
Unknown: «You can message and call me anytime you want»
Unknown: «I'm sorry»
You gulped, staring at the last message as your eyesight blurred, tears fighting to break free. Finally, few trailed down your cheeks. Who were you kidding? You weren't over it.
You wanted to believe that he really was sorry but how could you know that he wasn't using you this time?
Soft fur being rubbed against your arm broke you out of your thoughts. "Meow."
Diablerie placed something on your lap. You rubbed your eyes to see what the familiar brought. It was a picture of her and you. It was of your 12th birthday, when your grandmother had brought Diablerie to your family after the raven Sombra had passed. Diablerie had been only 8 months old then but was already wiser than you.
"You?" It took you few moments before it clicked. "You want to meet him?" Diablerie purred happily as a confirmation to your words.
You gulped, e/c eyes returning to the picture in hand.
The feline was staring at your phone screen that was darkening, about to close, texts from Theo open.
"I-Okay, okay, I'll do it."
Hands shaking, you grabbed your phone and quickly tapped on the screen so it wouldn't turn off.
The nessage you were about to send had to be deleted many times because you just couldn't touch the right keys. Heart hammering, you pressed send.
You: «Meet me tomorrow at 6pm, you know where»
Saving his number, you finally let yourself breath.
Theo: «Okay! Sounds great😁»
"And where are you going?" your little sister asked suspiciously just as you were about to run out the door.
"Out. Didn't know you were blind. Sis, tell mom to get you glasses," you rushed out. Your sister threw a glare your way. "So you of all people are going out looking all fancy just because? As if."
Smiling innocently, you flipped her off before shutting the door.
Diablerie was napping on the gate but rose her head when you neared. "Okay, let's go."
You didn't even know why you had put on the best clothes you could find and put on makeup. You weren't trying to impress Theo, right? You were just checking if he was trustworthy. I hope he is.
It was 5:55pm when you stepped into the small clearing in the forest. You could see Theo there, he had flowers in his hands and was dressed in a pretty casual way. Now you felt embarrassed that you had put in so much effort to look nice. You thought about backing out and going away but a certain someone was already trotting towards the man, whip like tail held high.
Theo heard the feather like steps Diablerie took in the grass and his eyes widened. He straightened his back. His last encounter with the cat hadn't been positive and truth be told, he feared the cat.
You could see the nervousness in your ex's face and were now convinced that he was out for no good and planning something again. But then, then you saw the tiger lilies in his hands and your heart warmed up. They were your favorites and he remembered it.
Now a bit more confident, you walked up to him. Still eyeing the cat with one eye, he gazed at you with the other.
"Y/n! Hi, you look great!" He smiled widely. "Here, these are your favorites, right?" he stepped closer to you and stretched out the hand that was gripping the flowers. "Yeah... Thanks," you accepted the tiger lilies, keeping your eyes on Diablerie. The cat did few circles around Theo, padded a bit closer and then sniffed him. "Uhm..." the blue-eyed man was confused and gave you a questioning look. The only response he got was an awkward smile from you. Deep down, you knew that you hoped that Diablerie would approve of him.
As the cat took more and more time to give her approval, you were beginning to think that Theo hadn't changed and was still untrustworthy and evil. But just as you wanted to turn around and run away, Diablerie let out a pleased purr and rubbed her body against Theo's legs. He was confused and surprised while a genuine smile stretched onto your face. The warm feeling of happiness spread throughout your body. He had changed, for real.
"You really have changed," you mumbled and - surprising both yourself and Theo - threw yourself onto him, arms wrapped around his built torso and face buried into his chest, squeezing the life out of him. Slowly, the man wrapped his arms around you and buried his face into your hair. "I have no idea what just happened but I'm not complaining," he laughed.
You grinned.
"Now, Theo, you better tell me what the hell happened while I was tanning in Monaco?" you demanded curiously as you pulled away to look up at him. The blue-eyed man laughed, "Well..."
"Theo, you are not sleeping in your truck," you told him sternly. "Well I can't go anywhere else, babe," he shrugged. "Surely you have friends here now who you can stay with." Theo tongued his cheek, "But I can't stay with them forever Y/n. I missed school so much that I can't graduate, I can't go to college and literally no one will hire me." You stared at him while chewing on your cheek, "Then... Go back to school?"
"One word, broke."
"Then, we will find a way to get you a job but you will not sleep in your truck for the rest of your life Theo!"
Theo sighed but smiled at you, "Okay." He ran his hand through your hair before it froze on your cheek, he pulled you towards him a bit and kissed your forehead. "But you, you will go to sleep."
You chuckled, "Fine," you giggled, dragging out the i.
As you pulled away, you stared at him with your sparkling e/c eyes for sometime. "Theo, I like your new hair, you better keep it," you said all of a sudden. When you realized that you had said it out loud, you blushed while Theo laughed. "Well I'm glad to hear me not having enough money to get a haircut is up to your liking." He shut up when you kissed his cheeks and ran back towards your house.
He stood there until the door to your house closed behind Diablerie and you. Once again, a sigh left the blue-eyed boy.
He will try to get a job again tomorrow.
He will try to be up to your parents liking because he knew they absolutely despised him right now.
He will try but he can't promise anything.
It was 8 months later when Theo finally got a job. You had moved to New York to study Archaeology.
You had a job there to support yourself as a delivery driver for Domino's. The two of you kept a long distance relationship since neither of you had enough money to fly Theo over to the Big Apple.
A Spanish restaurant decided to give him a chance and you were both ecstatic when you got the news. "I'm so proud of you, baby," you cheered over Skype. "The people there seemed very nice, though I have to admit, I accidentally bumped into the Chef there already. A fiery Latina, so I better keep up my best behavior." The both of you laughed.
"How are the other doing?" You asked with a warm smile. "Well other than Stiles, I have no idea. You know almost everyone left to chase their dreams. Not that the supernaturals care, pretty sure Scott will return soon. Shit will go crazy soon." Your boyfriend's turned chalk white as he realized that he let it slip.
Worry clouded your face, "Theo... What's going on?"
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darkestwolfx · 5 years
Relic - Re-Review #15
“Leonids again? I figured they’d be back one of theses days.”
Here we go again!
I adore this opening image of a family looking to the skies.It fits them so well for there are no reasons why they wouldn’t be watching a meteor shower considering their background.
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“A full on meteor shower and here you are starring at the moon. Not that I’m surprised. Your Father was the same way before he became an astronaut.”
“Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like for Neil Armstrong to land there a hundred years ago.”
“Don’t look at me, I’m not that old.”
I think I remember having a continuity/timeline debate when I first reviewed this - which I’m not going to do for now - you can re-read the original if you’re looking for it.
Grandma trying to serve the cookies haha!
And everyone else in the background just to prove that they exist still because they will not be the main focus of the episode.
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Does Scott actually have an ear piece? This question has been bugging me for a while...
“Base to Thunderbird Five. Everything alright up there, John?”
“I’m fine, but we may have a situation developing. According to my readings, this meteor shower is about to become a perfect storm. I’m showing multiple debris fields projected to hit the far side of the moon, right on top of Shadow Alpha One.”
“Dad’s old moon base?”
“Captain Taylor is still up there. If we don’t get up there soon, Dad’s best friend is history.”
Can I just ask, again... where has EOS disappeared to? Writers, please remember when you add in characters.
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“Thunderbirds are go! Sorry did you want to say that?”
“Forget it.”
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So much to say about this episode, there really is, what with all the backstory dynamics and the character interactions! We’ll get there at some point, I’m certain, even if I do have to mostly quote the episode.
Lee staying there even after the base was decommissioned makes perfect sense to me. It seems like exactly the sort of thing his character would be inclined to do - even before we knew retirement wasn’t really for him. He was Jeff’s best friend after all, has to be a certain level of madness there.
“What’s this guys story?”
“He and Dad were part of the original team that built the base. You may be too young to remember, Alan, but Captain Taylor used to assist International Rescue when we were first starting out.”
“And the stories he could tell about life in space were pretty wild! Even by dad’s standards. Taylor literally wrote the book on lunar survival.”
“Problem is, that book was written a long time ago.”
It makes perfect sense that Lee would have assisted IR in the beginning too - you couldn’t keep a secret like that from your best friend. Not to mention the boys would have been a little too young to jump straight into the business without some help.
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“Tell me again how simple the landing will be?”
“Urr, I miss Earth!”
That whole sequence was hilarious!
For some reason, the music was a surprise to me. I wouldn’t have had Captain Taylor down as a classics guy.
“You must have grown two feet since I last saw you.”
Scott’s six foot two, so he was probably just over four feet tall last time Lee saw him, so probably around 7-14 (according to children’s clothes manufacturers).
“And what do you make of our chances, Captain?”
“Hmm... 70-30.”
“Oh, 70-30... Which way?”
Um, Scott, really? Do you really need to ask that...
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It’s like playing a video game! They should have had Alan down there to help out! No seriously, Alan would have loved to be in Scott’s seat.
“I just can’t give up on it.”
“Look around you, Captain. Don’t you think Alfie’s given up on you? Why are you trying to keep it running.”
“Because it’s my home, Scott. This base is a part of me and I’m not ready to say goodbye just yet.”
It would be hypocritical to not understand that.
John working on an algorithm like that is awesome, although once again, EOS could have helped with that, no? Still, he’s very smart to be able to make something like that up so quickly.
“What did I tell you? There’s nothing this base can’t handle- no, no-”
Maybe Scott picked up that speaking too soon trait from Lee as opposed to Jeff, because he definitely doesn’t seem like the sort of man to rush ahead. Lee on the other hand. And it does seem that Scott and John remember him best, so...
Lee helping Scott! That is the sort of parental interaction we’ve been missing with Jeff gone - I mean we see Scott helping everyone else, but there are few people he’ll turn to so that was just a lovely moment to add in in my opinion.
He got John’s name on a second attempt! Well done, Lee!
But didn’t anyone ever teach Scott to leave things behind in an emergency? A jet pack of all things is not worth dying for. John made your chances of that very clear too.
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”Lose something?”
”Thanks Captain.”
“Don’t mention it. Your Father did the same for me once. Nice jet pack by the way. You know I designed that model.”
“Does it come in blue?”
I’m guessing not Scott if you have it in grey, but hey, good on him for asking.
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“Your dad always thought the flames were a little too much.”
“I like them. I like them a lot.”
Trust Scott to like them.
“I’ll drive.”
I love the way Lee just folded his arms and waited, like he knew.
“Let’s see... huh... uh, I don’t know what any of this does... You know what, on second thoughts, it’s your ride, Captain.”
And trust Captain Taylor to put a turbo onto lunar transport. it reminded me of Jeremiah Tuttle’s truck in ‘The Imposters’ (pictured right).
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“Get ready to turn left.”
“A Tracy boy back in command. It’s just like old times.”
“Turn right. Turn left.”
“Make up your mind, kid.”
“What does that stand for again?”
Take a guess, Taylor, you can’t go too far wrong!
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Nice way to pull off a rescue, with ejector seats.
“So long, Alfie. Thanks for all the memories.”
Rescue count: 20
Little story to finish off with. I love Captain Taylor’s stories;
“So, there we were: Lee Taylor and eff Tracy, facing down a solar flare two hundred metres wide! When all of a sudden your father got the idea to head for a nearby asteroid belt. I said, ‘Jeff what are you crazy? You’re nuts!’”
Well now we know where Alan got it from. Jeff really shouldn’t have been surprised that the kid could fly.
Let’s do a little name count as well. I think I did this before, but hey, it’s fun;
Spencer, Cecile, Jim,
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havingphung · 4 years
Young Adult Fantasy/Dystopia
This is probably the most successful genre of YA fiction. If there’s a dark-haired, brooding asshole male love interest, you know everyone’s gonna be all over it. There won’t be any Sarah J. Maas, Leigh Bardugo, or Cassandra Clare on here but maybe one day I’ll commit myself to their books (but it likely won’t happen anytime soon).
**Personal Favorites
Penryn & the End of Days Trilogy** by Susan Ee: This is my all time favorite Dystopian Fantasy trilogy ever. It is so underrated and I literally love it so much. Like if there’s one series on this list I want everyone to read it’s this one. Post apocalyptic world where angels descended to demolish the world and the main character makes a deal with a wingless fallen angel to go on a journey to save her sister and get back his wings. The yearning is A1 in this, and also Penryn is Asian and can kick ass. 
The Blood of Stars Series** by Elizabeth Lim: Project Runway meets Mulan was the tagline and that convinced me so fast. It’s one of the more promising new series and it does a good job building a fictional Asian country. The author used to write Sailor Moon fanfic and that’s how I knew this was my type of book. 
To Kill a Kingdom** by Alexandra Christo: Probably one of the best fantasy standalone books I’ve read (because almost all fantasy books are series). She’s a siren. He’s a siren killer. That’s a recipe for disaster and also one of the best enemies to lovers stories. It’s basically a better and more elevated Little Mermaid. 
The Poppy War Trilogy by R.F. Kuang: I’ll admit that I haven’t actually read this yet but I KNOW it’s good. It’s just a big commitment with the length and the heartache that I know will come because this is not a happy story. It’s about war and politics and scheming and betrayal and it’s really dark. I need to read it, but I keep putting it off because I know it’ll take an emotional toll. This is not for the faint of heart, and it’s on this list cause it does have some fantastical elements like magic and dragons. 
The Folk of the Air Trilogy** by Holly Black: Okay everyone that reads YA Fantasy has probably read this, so I won’t say too much. It’s one of the best enemies to lovers series I’ve read and it’s fascinating to read about an anti-heroine on the quest for power taking advantage of a useless prince. Both characters are hella compelling and I love how no one is truly good in this series because everyone has their own agenda. 
The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer: Futuristic retellings of classic fairy tales with badass diverse characters taking the stage with amazing world building. If you haven’t read it yet, check it out. 
Flame in the Mist Duology by Renee Ahdieh: Set in feudal Japan with Japanese mythology, samurai, crossdressing female warriors, secrets, lies AND just the right amount of sexiness. The sexual tension was to die for and for something that could be done so tackily, it really did portray the Japanese elements in a tasteful way that made sense to the story and weren’t just used for plot devices.
Warcross Duology by Marie Lu: Okay the male lead is hella morally gray and you definitely feel conflicted about him (without saying too much) but damn he’s hot. People complained about that big old plot twist but to be honest, I wasn’t that mad. Anyways the whole world basically plays this one AR video game and the female lead is a genius hacker that’s hired to find the glitch in the code of the game by competing in the big tournament. Super cool premise and diverse representation. 
Red Queen Series by Victoria Aveyard: Regardless of what other people say, I really did enjoy this series. I liked Cal and Maven but Maven’s hella fucked up and Cal may be a little bratty but I was team Cal all the way. Maven is a fascinating character though. Mare’s pretty cool, too. Anyways, I would pick this over the Hunger Games (partly because Mockingjay was the biggest let down ever) if you like dystopia. People might think it’s overrated but I love flawed characters that gotta choose between love and power and obsession and peace. 
Caraval Trilogy by Stephanie Garber: This one’s pretty decent if you’re looking for a carnival/circusy-y/magic themed fantasy book. It wasn’t a waste of time and while a lot of the characters did get annoying, I got so intrigued by the Prince of Hearts (Jacks) that I had to finish it. Jacks deserved so much better, and he could have had the greatest arc but the author butchered it. Definitely a what could have been series. There are better books on this list but I just wanted to shoutout Jacks. 
Serpent & Dove by Shelby Mahurin: There’s A LOT of controversy around this book because of 1) the explicit sex scene that’s basically smut and 2) the characterizations and world building. I’m okay with the sex but I did agree that the dialogue was kinda ridiculous and there were a lot of problematic viewpoints. ANYWAYS, that won’t stop me from reading the second book probably. It’s not good but also I wanna know what happens. There are better books on this list.
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Always the Hero - Roger x Reader (angsty fluffy one shot)
Summary: He was your first everything, and your best friend, until he wasn’t. You left to pursue your dream and left him at home, only it didn’t quite work out that way.
Concept given & requested by @deacyloverogerinalove. Here you go, sweetie. Sorry I took forever.
Word Count: ~6.1k
Warnings: drug use, mentions of abuse, angst, language
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He was your best friend, literally since the day you were born. Seriously. You were born on the same day at the same hospital, he two hours before you, something he never failed to remind you of. Your mothers’ rooms were right next door to each other. They didn’t know each other before that day, but they became fast friends – good friends – so the two of you grew up doing everything together. You played together. You started school together, even had the same classes. When you were 8 his family even moved in next door.
Your first heartbreak? He was there to help you through it. It was when you were 9 and the boy you had a crush on told you he thought you were ugly. Roger punched him in the nose. “She’s the prettiest girl in the world!” he yelled after laying that jerk Dexter Cooper out on the ground, before he grabbed your hand and walked you home. He got in a lot of trouble for that, but he wore it like a badge of honor. “I’m the only guy who punched someone for you,” he’d joke as you got older.
Your first kiss? Yep. When you were 10. He was in your room and you were being dramatic, as always, complaining because no one had ever kissed you yet. “I’ll kiss you, Y/N!” he chirped up, always wanting to be your hero. And he did – just one of those sweet, innocent kiddie kisses. It felt funny, but after the two of you giggled uncontrollably for 5 minutes after, you moved on to something else.
Your first date? Him, of course, although you still don’t know if it would be considered an actual date, per se, but he was the first boy your parents ever let you leave the house with at night. He took you to the park down the street from your house when you were 13 because he knew you wanted to watch the lunar eclipse. You were punished, but he managed to convince your mom to let you go.
Your first sexual experience? Of course it was with Roger. It was awkward and terrible and you absolutely hated it, but you were thankful that he was the one you did it with, because it didn’t mortify you too much. It was done more out of curiosity than anything, really. At least on your part.
He was your first everything. He was also your last everything. He was the last person you ever trusted. He was the last person you ever loved. He was also the last person you ever wanted to see again.
“You can’t just leave, Y/N!” he yelled at you that night in July. “You can’t just leave me here!”
Tears were flowing down your cheeks and you couldn’t stop them. “So come with me, Roger! I don’t want to go alone!”
“I can’t leave,” he told you. “I need to finish school.” He walked up to you, his face angered. “And you’re an idiot if you don’t.”
“This opportunity won’t always be around!” you yell. “Auditions are next week. I can’t pass this up!” Always the actress, you fell to your knees in front of him and latched on to his legs. “I need you with me. Please.”
“So I can fail, too?” He was still yelling and he moved himself away from you, leaving you there on the floor. “Get up, Y/N. Save it for the director.”
“You don’t believe in me?” you sniffled. “You don’t think I can make it?”
“It’s not that,” he tried to explain with a lower tone. “I just think you should wait. Give it some time. Finish school. And I promise we’ll go to London together, like we should.”
“You don’t believe I can do this,” you sneered. “You think I’m going to fail.” He tried to reason with you, but you didn’t want to hear it. “You want to hold me back. You want to keep me in this town so I can be an obedient little lady.”
“Where is this coming from?” he asked, shocked by your words. “I don’t want to stay in this town either!”
“You will though. Just like everyone else who swears they’re getting out of here but they never do.” You were still sneering and your anger had hit a boiling point. “You think you’re gonna be some big rock star? You won’t. Because you’ll be here just like the rest of them.” You grab your purse and walk to his bedroom door. “You’ll see, Roger. You’ll see that I’m gonna make it. And you? You’re just gonna be wishing you made something of yourself.” You made a dramatic exit and left, never seeing or talking to him since.
It wasn’t because you made it like you told him you would. It was because you were a massive failure, just like you told him he would be. Funny how things work out sometimes. You were the failure and he was the one who made it.
You saw his band that cold January night in 1971 at The Marquee Club before they had perfected themselves. They weren’t even on the bill. Not that it mattered, because you didn’t even know he was in London, let alone in a band. When you saw him walk on that stage and sit behind those drums, you ran to the back of the room so as to not risk him seeing you. That’s where you would see all of the Queen shows you’d go to – from the back of the room. You were incredibly happy for him but you’d never find him to tell him so. Your pride wouldn’t let you, not to mention the fact that you thought you were probably the last person he’d want to see. You saw them every chance you could, but you never moved from the back of the room.
You think Roger noticed you one time way up in Manchester when they were touring after the release of their first album. Your boyfriend took you there to visit his family, and you begged him to take you to the show. After it was over, you were standing outside and Roger walked by you. He gave you a quick glance, almost like he recognized you, but he just smiled and kept walking. Maybe, you thought, the hair color is what threw him off. From that day on, you always made sure you colored your hair. Just in case.
There was that time the next year outside of the Rainbow back in London, only that time he saw you from a distance. He wasn’t smiling that time, perhaps because he realized it was you. You weren’t sure and you didn’t want to stick around to find out.
By 1975 you had given up on ever becoming the actress you wanted to be. Any auditions you ever went on were for stage shows and they only ever resulted in you being picked for some background extra or some bit part where you’d have maybe three lines. As for any movie or TV auditions? Well, they didn’t want anyone whose biggest role was playing background singer in “Fiddler on the Roof.”
You could have just gone back home and settled into the boring life you now felt you were destined to live, but there was no way you were going to do that. Not now that Roger made something of himself. You didn’t want to hear people gushing about that, asking why you two weren’t together anymore, and you definitely didn’t want word getting back to him that you were the nobody you told him he was going to be.
Instead, you stayed in London and got a job as a waitress in some pub, serving drunkards who liked to grope you every time you’d pass them late into the night. The only way you could handle it was by snorting lines in the bathroom with the cocaine your loving boyfriend provided you. Loving… right. He was useless, but his little drug dealing business paid the rent and put food in your stomach, so you stayed. Not like you felt you were worth more than that anyway. You stayed and dreamt of the life you could have been living if you wouldn’t have been such a bitch all those years ago.
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Roger’s band had 5 nights at the Odeon during their tour for their latest album. You wanted to go. The album was great – possibly even the best you had heard. But you didn’t go. Not that you could have – you had to work, and the pub was right across the street, so it was going to be busy after the shows. You needed that stupid job more than you needed to see Roger basking in his glory.
Tonight is busier than the others – show number 4 of 5 had just finished and it felt like the entire venue poured in afterwards. When you walk out after enjoying your first line of the night, Janet, your fellow waitress, yells out to you. “Hey! Y/N! Can you bring this tray to number 6?” You walk to her and pick up the tray of filled pint glasses and look over to table 6 before quickly putting it back down.
“I’ll take this one,” you tell her, grabbing the tray she’s holding in her hand. “Where’s this one go?”
She sees the nerves in your face and starts to laugh. “Yeah, they’re pretty, but they’re really nice. They don’t have that cocky rockstar aura around them at all.” You plead with her and she finally gives in. “This one goes to 14.” You quickly walk away and do everything you can to avoid looking in the direction of table 6, because you don’t want Roger to see you. You do so the entire night, wishing they would just leave, but they stay there for hours. Even past closing time. The manager wasn’t about to kick them or the group they were with out. You managed to convince them to let you stay in the kitchen and help clean. Anything to avoid going out there again. But your panic is still growing and bottling up inside. You can’t even describe the feeling with words and you don’t know how to deal with it except to sneak off to the bathroom again and have another line. You were proud of yourself that this is only the second one of the night, considering.
It takes every ounce of confidence you can muster to walk out of the bathroom. The cocaine did give you confidence so it made strutting out there fairly easy. You fix your hair, straighten your shirt, and walk out the door. “So it really is you,” you hear a familiar voice say. A voice you haven’t heard in years, but you know exactly who it belongs to. You freeze. “I tried to find you, to see how you were doing, but you’re quite elusive.” You gain a false strength and slowly turn around. “Fuck’s sake, Y/N!” Roger yells at you and hurries to wipe underneath your nose with his sleeve. “You missed a spot.” You can’t talk. You know if you do, all you’re going to do is cry.
The only thing you can think to do is push his hand from your face and run away. And that’s what you do. You run straight out the door. You have no idea what to do next, so you stand there for a second and do the only thing you can do – scream. And he runs out behind you, and this time he’s the one who can’t talk. You don’t turn around to see him, but you know he’s there. “Just… go, Roger. Please.” You start to walk, but you’re being followed. You quickly turn around and yell at him. “Leave me alone!”
“No!” he yells back. “This is the first time I see you in 7 years and you look like that’s the last time you slept, not to even mention the fact that you have blow on your face and you want me to leave you alone? No!”
You start to chuckle and roll your eyes. “Well go on then. Tell me all about it. Gloat your ass off and let’s just get this done with. You were right. I was wrong.” You start to cry, although you were putting up a good fight against the tears. “You’re doing everything you ever wanted and I’m nothing but a failure.”
“Why do you think I want to gloat?” he asks, truly concerned about you. “I want to know that you’re okay.” He draws you into a hug and holds you tight. “I’m sure you’re not a failure.”
“They don’t even have a word to describe the level of my failure, Rog,” you cry. “I’ve accomplished nothing but this shit job, a shit boyfriend who I live with in a shit flat.” You pull away from him and back yourself up. “I have to go,” you say quietly. “I’m already later than I told him I would be.” You hurry to turn around and leave, but he grabs your arm. “Don’t touch me,” you grumble as you yank your hand away. “Just leave me alone.”
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The next afternoon, when you finally wake up, you jump in the shower and clean off the funk of the night before. Your boyfriend is already gone. He left a note telling you he’s on his way to Manchester and that he’ll be gone for a week. He always tells you it’s to visit his family, but you know he’s really going up there to stock up on his supply. You don’t care. You never care. In fact, any time away from him is a relief. No obligation to spread your legs or suck his dick, after all.
First thing you do is call down to the pub and let them know you won’t make it in tonight. Not after last night. You can’t risk it again. It, being seeing Roger again. But now he knows where you work, so now you’re considering getting a new job, maybe dying your hair a different color, maybe changing your name entirely instead of just your surname. Maybe running off to Paris or something. Anything to not see him again. You light a partially-smoked cigarette that’s sitting in the ashtray and look around the room. It’s a catastrophe – empty beer bottles, empty pizza boxes, overflowing ashtrays, clothes and shoes thrown about… And the only thing you want is another line of your powder. So you clear a spot on the coffee table, knocking everything on the floor that doesn’t have a spot, and get it ready. There’s a loud knock on the door, but you ignore it. “Open the fucking door, Y/N,” you hear, followed by more pounding. “I know you’re home.” It’s Roger.
You get up and go to the door, only opening it a crack. “What?” you ask, annoyed that he’s there. “How did you…”
He pushes the door open and walks past you, standing in your flat and looking around. “I asked that bird at the pub and she told me you’re here.” He looks at you, face full of concern. “What… I’m not the greatest at cleaning, but this isn’t normal, Y/N.”
“Are you here to lecture me?” you snip. “If so, you can leave.” You walk back over to the sofa and bend down to the mirror that is holding the perfect line of cocaine that you were about to enjoy before you were rudely interrupted.
He pulls you back by your shirt and forces your back on the sofa. He steps over your legs and sits next to you. “Your mum doesn’t even know where you were or if you’re even alive, Y/N.” You glare angrily at him. If you could shoot daggers with your eyes, he would be bleeding to death right now. “I’m sitting here looking at you and I don’t even know if you’re alive.”
“I’m breathing, aren’t I?” you angrily snark at him. “Why are you here?”
“Because believe it or not, I care about you.” You chuff and roll your eyes and start to stand up, but he pulls you back down. “Judging by the state of things, and of you, I’m probably the only person who does, so you’re going to sit here and listen to me.”
“Oh, so what am I? Your charity case? Big time rock star needs to use all of his power to help the less fortunate?”
“You think I’ve been living some illustrious life?” He starts to laugh, and it’s annoying you. “I was eating nothing but cheap canned food for 6 years, if I could afford it. I was finally able to buy a new pair of shoes 8 months ago.” You start to cry, just like you were crying yesterday, and you hate the fact that you’re crying. “Stop being angry with me, Y/N. I know it’s your defense mechanism and you…”
“You think you know me, Roger? You don’t…”
“I know you better than you know yourself.”
“You haven’t seen me in 7 years. Things have changed. I’ve changed.”
“I know you changed your last name,” he giggles. “What was so wrong with Y/L/N?” He rubs on your arm and smiles. “You may have changed on the surface, but I know you’re still the same person underneath it all.”
“Why, Roger? Why do you still care? How do you still care? I was terrible to you.”
“I don’t know why. I haven’t gotten you out of my head. You know what the best part is? As soon as the band started getting things right, it’s like you were haunting me. Like a ghost.” You start to giggle. You know he wasn’t seeing a ghost. It was you. “I saw you all the time. Isn’t that silly? At our shows. I swore I even saw you in Manchester once.”
“You did see me in Manchester. You looked right at me and walked by.”
“You ripped my heart out, Y/N. It took me a long time to forgive that.”
“I’ve never forgiven myself for that,” you whisper. “I’m so sorry…” You clear your throat. “But as you can see, karma has caught up with me.” You try to smile through the pain, but the only thing you can do is look absolutely pathetic. “I’ve been paying the price for 7 years.” He knows that no matter what he says, it’s not going to undo the pain you’re clearly feeling, so he stays silent, looking into your eyes with a sympathetic smile. Those eyes of his always calmed you down. “I’m proud of you. I want you to know that.”
“So that makes my mum and you who are proud of me,” he chuckles.
“At least you have two people in your corner,” you mumble, realizing for the first time how alone you really are.
“Hey. I’m in your corner,” he says as he pulls you into a hug, your head on his shoulder. “I’ve always been there. Even when I didn’t think I was.” He pulls back and smiles at you before getting up to walk to the kitchen. “Do you have garbage bags in there?”
“It would be easier to just set everything on fire.”
“Or maybe easier for you to come stay with me for a few days? I figure we can clean you up in a few days. I have to leave…” He sees the confused, amused and distraught look on your face and slows down. “I have to leave in 4 days, and I’ll be gone for a week, but then I’ll be back. When will he be back?”
“Next week, supposedly.” He waves for you to stand up, so you do, and start walking to your bedroom to pack a bag. There’s no use trying to argue with him. You’ve never won an argument with him in your life, and you know there’s no way it’s going to happen now.
“Alright. Then we’ll get your things and you’re coming with me. We’ll have you back…” He grabs your arm and you flinch. “I barely even touched you,” he giggles, but he stops immediately, noticing the wince of pain on your face. He lifts up the sleeve of your shirt and noticed a huge bruise on your upper arm. “What happened?” he asks, furious. “Don’t tell me you knocked it on something. Mum would get these on her arms, too, and she would always lie and tell me she knocked herself on something.”
You stand up and start to walk away, but he rushes behind you and lifts up the back of your shirt. “Stop that!” you yell, but it’s too late.
“Jesus Christ, Y/N,” he whispers, seeing the bruises on your back. “Jesus…” You turn and face him and see tears in his eyes. “When?”
“Those? Last night,” you whisper back. “I was late…”
“Get your things. Now. You’re coming with me.”
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The next three days were pure hell. Pure hell that you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy. Of course, you were your own worst enemy, but that goes without saying. Thankfully your body wasn’t completely dependent on the coke, so your detox wasn’t long, but the three days you went through it? Terrible. You wanted to die. You even asked Roger to just let you die because it would be less painful, not just to you but to him, too. You’d yell at him for every little thing. Everything about him was annoying you, especially the way he’d pick food out of his teeth after eating. Eating? Yeah, you couldn’t get enough food, and you even yelled at him for letting you eat because you just knew you were going to gain 20 pounds. The nightmares were the worst, though, and that’s why you didn’t sleep much. But he was right there with you through every single second, even if it was just to let you lay your head on his lap so he could play with your hair to help you fall asleep.
By the fourth day, the day he was leaving, you felt normal. Alive. Back to your old self, even. You helped him pack and reminisced about old times, feeling like those seven years you were apart never even happened. “Remember how we used to sneak out on the roof at night and throw rocks at the cars that would drive by?” you laughed.
“Yeah, and how I took the blame when you broke the window on Mr. Louis’s car,” he grinned. “Or when I took the blame for when you sheered Mrs. Ward’s cat.”
“Don’t forget the time I painted on the school wall,” you laugh. “Headmaster Evans is a cunt,” you both say at the same time with huge laughter. “You always looked out for me,” you smile, soft and adoringly.
“No reason to stop now.” He sees the worry that’s starting to take over your face and he rushes over to give you a hug. “Hey, you’ll be alright,” he tells you. “I’ll call you every night to lecture you.” You start to giggle and pull back, looking at him with a small smile. “I didn’t just go through all of the agony of these last few days to have to do it all over again, Y/N,” he jokes. “You’re a terrible person.”
“I’m not the one who has to make all of that noise when I have something stuck in my teeth,” you playfully fuss as you push yourself out of his hug. “And don’t even get me started on how you made me eat junk food and wouldn’t let me have a beer.”
“You make it through this next week unscathed and I promise you beer and a nice steak for dinner. I’ll even bring toothpicks so I don’t annoy you.”
Before you can retort, you hear a female’s voice coming from the living room and give him a curious grin. “Rog? Are you ready?”
“That’s Lottie,” he sighs. “She’s…”
“Your girlfriend?” you giggle.
“At least until next week,” he winks, and you slap his shoulder. “What? It’s nice to have…” He stops before he finishes and acknowledges her standing in the doorway of his bedroom. “Lottie! This is Y/N. We…”
“I’ve heard a lot about you. You grew up with Rog, yeah?” she says as she walks over to you. “He’s told me some pretty interesting stories.” She holds out her hand and smiles, as do you, and you shake hands. “Did you really shave your neighbor’s Persian cat and blame him for it?” she giggles.
“Hey, he took the blame,” you laugh. “And I made sure he had his candy when he was locked in his room for a week because of it.”
He moves over and puts a hand on Lottie’s back. “I’ll be down in a minute,” he says. “Just give me a moment, alright?” He gives her a quick peck on the cheek and she leaves. When he hears the front door close, he finishes what he wanted to tell you before she came in. “All she is is a distraction. Company. A…”
“Groupie?” you giggle. “Look at you. You really hit the big time now. Got yourself a groupie who has a key to the flat.”
“Well it’s convenient,” he mumbles with an unamused smirk, reaching in his pocket. “Here’s the key. And here’s some money for food.”
“Rog, I don’t need money…” You tried to push it back, but he insisted.
“What time will you be home?”
You start to laugh. “Well, if I still have a job, around midnight. If I don’t, then I’ll be here all day and night.”
“I’m calling at midnight. And I’ll call when I get to the hotel in a few hours, just in case they did fire you. And I’ll call in the morning…”
“Roger,” you giggle. “Go. Don’t leave the missus waiting.” You get behind him and push him to the door.
“Then I guess I’ll see you when you get home.” He turns and smiles at you with that same smile he’s always had. “Goodnight, sweetheart.” He kisses you on the cheek and heads down to the waiting car. You can’t stop the childish giggle. He used to sing that song to you all the time, even as kids, and it always made your heart flutter.
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He was only gone for four days, but they were the longest days of your life. Funny how you went 7 years without him, but now that he’s back in your life, you could hardly stand being away from him for a few days. Yes, he called every day, sometimes twice or three times, but it wasn’t the same as having him there with you. So when he got home, you didn’t want to do anything but enjoy his presence, doing nothing special. Just sitting on the sofa and talking.
“I was talking to Brian’s friend yesterday. Her brother is an aspiring playwright, and he’s getting a cast together to put on his new play…” You glare at him, wondering why he’s even telling you this. “Auditions will be on Wednesday at…”
“I hope it works out for him,” you say, cutting him off, not wanting to hear what comes next.
“I told her you may be interested…”
“No,” you say, cutting him off again. “Not interested at all.”
“Oh come on, Y/N,” he says, trying to encourage you, give you your spark and passion for acting back. “You were always so good…”
“I don’t want to, okay? I tried and it didn’t work out,” you snip, annoyed, but trying not to be too annoyed with him. He’s trying to help, and his intentions are good. “I do, however, have an interview tomorrow at Biba.”
He groans and shakes his head. “You don’t want to work there.”
“Why not?” you laugh. “I like clothes.”
“And you’ll be gawked at all day and no. You can get something better than that.” You were taken aback by his overprotective tone, something you had seen the whole time growing up, but you didn’t know why working at a clothes store would get him so worked up. “If you need a job I can give you a job.”
“Right,” you chuckle. “As what? Your housekeeper?”
“My assistant.” He’s got that big, mischievous smile on his face and you roll your eyes.
“Because you’re so important you need an assistant.”
“Fred has one!” he says, somewhat offended that you didn’t think he was important enough to have one of his own. “And my assistant would get to travel with me.” He playfully nudges your arm. “And I’m going buy a house. Get out of this flat. So I’ll need help with…”
“I appreciate the offer, but as you have seen, I can barely take care of myself, let alone some rockstar.”
“Hey,” he says, taking your face in his hands and turning you to look at him. He wasn’t joking. “When we were 12, we swore we were gonna see the world, and that we were gonna see it together.”
“We swore a lot of things when we were kids, Rog,” you sigh.
“And I promised when I was 10 that I would always take care of you.” You shake your head no. “Come on, Y/N. It’ll be fun.” His mischievous smile comes back and he starts poking you with his finger. “New York. You’ve always wanted to go there.” You start to giggle. “And Japan? We’re going back. You’d love Japan.”
“Can I think about it?”
“Alright. Alright I’ll be your assistant. Don’t get a big head, though. I remember when you were 8 and had to get stripped down and hosed off because you stepped in an ant pile.”
“You’ve seen me naked,” he chuckles. “Big deal. You’re not the only one.”
“But I’ve seen you naked, soaking wet and crying,” you laugh. “I have stories, Peanut.”
He starts to groan and laugh. “Don’t ever call me that in front of other people.”
“Then don’t make me be the one to wash your underwear,” you grin.
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“I’m a washed up never-has-been who struck gold with pretty boy Roger Taylor of Queen,” you giggle, your feet propped up on an equipment box as you lay on the floor reading the latest copy of News of the World. John hurries and moves to lay next to you so he can see the latest tabloid writeup.
“But they had that picture of you and Brian last week. I think they called you the Mystery Madam or something,” he chuckles. “I’m a bit jealous that I’m not ever a part of the tabloid fodder.”
You look over to him and smile, playfully wagging your eyebrows. “We can always fix that.” Just then, Roger walks by and you hear him groan. “Hey Rog?” you yell out. “Did you read this?”
“Yeah, I saw it,” he mumbles.
“Clearly I’m quite talented since I’ve managed to fool you into thinking my feelings are real.” You quickly jump up and hug him from behind, and he finally starts to laugh too. “And lets not forget: it all happened at a supersonic speed since I supposedly just met you three weeks ago.”
He turns around, completely amazed by you and how well you’re taking all of this. “This doesn’t bother you?”
“Hey, I said I was going to be a somebody,” you joke. “If I can’t get my face in the tabloids on my own, I’ll just have to use you to do it.” You tap the tip of his finger on your nose and walk away.
His eyes follow you as you walk outside, only to be startled by John, who walks next to him and throws an arm around his shoulder. “So what’s going on with the two of you?” he asks John. “You’ve been spending a lot of time together.”
“She’s fun,” John grins. “Nothing wrong with a fun friend.” He immediately regrets using those words once he sees the angered reaction on Roger’s face. Roger knows what “fun friends” he’s had in the past, and he was livid thinking for a fleeting moment that you were that kind of girl to John. “I didn’t mean that, Rog!” John shouts. “She’s fun! And she’s just a friend! Not…” Roger walks away in a huff, hurrying to find you.
You’re standing outside, leaning against the wall, enjoying a cigarette, sunglasses on and the breeze blowing in your hair. You see Roger walk out, almost in a panic, but you don’t alert him to your presence. You’re quite amused and are enjoying the show. “Fuck,” you hear him groan. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”
“Hey, pretty boy,” you call out. “You seem bothered.” He looks over to you and his face lights up. “Wanna talk?” You walk over and sit next to him, resting your head on his shoulder.
He clears his throat and takes a deep breath, as if he’s about to ask you something he really doesn’t want to know the answer to. “What’s going on with you and Deaky?”
“He’s fun!” you giggle.
“Funny. He said the same about you.” His tone is completely unimpressed, but you don’t pick up on that right away.
“Last night when we were at the pub, he…” You can tell by the look on his face that he really doesn’t care. “He’s a friend, Rog. That’s all.”
You look up at him and smile, and he smiles back. “Like, you and me friend or…?”
“No one is a you and me type of friend, silly.” You giggle and kiss him on the cheek. “You’ve always been my favorite guy and you always will be.”
“Yeah, until some bloke comes along and takes you away,” he says with a smirk and an eye roll.
“Never!” you yell dramatically, before giving him your own smirk. “Unless it’s Dexter Cooper.”
“I’ll punch him again if I ever see him,” he says with a laugh, flashing that same boyish smile he’s always had.
You put your head back on his shoulder and lace your arms into his. “You ever wonder if there’s some cosmic alignment that creates the perfect circumstances for two people to just be completely connected to each other?”
“That went way over my head.”
“I just mean… You and me. Since birth. We’ve always been together. Attached at the hip, practically. We’ve done everything together. Any memory I have of being a kid you’re right there. And we were apart for so long but it’s almost like those 7 years never happened and we picked up right where we left off.” You look up at him and smile. “Minus me being a complete cunt to you, which I don’t think I’ll ever be able to apologize enough for.”
“My only regret in life is that I didn’t leave with you,” he says, not smiling, but with a face full of regret. “I shouldn’t have let you leave alone.”
“I shouldn’t have left…” You voice trails off before you clear your throat, not wanting to rehash the only bad spot of your past. “But none of that matters now.” You rest your chin on his shoulder and look at him. “Flanders and Swann together again.”
“I hated when they called us that,” he chuckles. “I always wished it would be less comedic duo and more Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy.” You sit up and move back a little, quite surprised by what he just said. “Did I just make everything awkward?” He looks away, trying to move but you don’t let him. “When I punched Dexter Cooper I said you were the prettiest girl in the whole world. You always have been and you always will be.” He turns his head back to you and smiles nervously. “And I know I’m breaking every single rule of friendship right now, but dammit, Y/N. I’ve loved you my whole life. I know it’s so cliché and this is only the type of stuff that goes into those cheesy romance books you read, but…”
You start to giggle at his awkwardness, and he stops talking, not sure if he’s supposed to laugh or be worried that you think he’s an idiot. “I happen to love cheesy, Roger. And I’ve never played by the rules.” You take your arms out of his and hold your palm to his cheek, reassuring him that this is all okay. “And if you don’t fucking kiss me right now I’m leaving,” you say with a giggle.
He didn’t want you to leave. You left him once and he wasn’t going to let you leave again.
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I know y’all came for the smut 😂 but you’re all on my permatag list, so...
@clogwearingspacepoodle @briansfatbottomgirl @culturefiendtrashqueen @jennyggggrrr @shutup-sorry @dontstopmemeow @letmelivetaylor @tommyleeownsme @ziggymay @drowseoftaylor @mariekuuuuuh @biscuit-barrel @givemequeen @luvborhap @quirkydeaky @capsparrowtara @vousmemanqueez @vanitysfairr @langdonzvoid @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming @thigh-your-mother-down
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alphawave-writes · 5 years
Evil actions and good intentions chapter 12: Earthshine
Synopsis: The newly reformed Overwatch and its new recruits, Harold Winston and Sigma, 
Read it here on find it on AO3. You guys can find me on twitter or in my Sigma/Harold discord server. If you want to support me, buy me a ko-fi or commission a work from me
Harold never thought he’d be back here, but here he is, staring at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center again. It hasn’t changed all that much since the last time he saw it, back when he was to board Chang’e 50 to get back up to the moon. It gives him a strange sense of nostalgia as he watches this new, smaller spacecraft, aglow with a million lights, engineers and technicians preparing it for its flight. News crews are all here with their cameras pointing at the spacecraft, waiting on bated breath for the moment it launches up into the sky and disappears from sight. Everywhere Harold looks, everybody is talking about it. The world’s first lunar rescue mission. A race against time. A historic moment in the making.
And he has to go up there and literally steal the spacecraft for himself, the very man they think is trapped on the moon.
As people watch Hou Yi 1 get prepared, Harold sneaks in through the engineer side. He taps at his temple, briefly getting an x-ray glimpse at everybody else’s position. Genji and Symmetra are making their preparations at the side of the building while Tracer and Lucio are in the crowd, hiding in plain sight. Brigitte and Reinhardt and Lucio are waiting on the airship with Winston, ready to help in the charge if needed. That just leaves him and Siebren to find a way onto the spacecraft.
Harold tugs uncomfortably at the cap on his head. “I hate hats,” he grumbles.
“I know you don’t like hats, but you have to keep it together. We cannot afford to blow our cover now.”
For the purposes of infiltration, Siebren and Harold had to get disguises. For Harold, all it took was a change in his hairstyle, but for Siebren they had to go one step further. Apparently, Mei had a lot of fun putting make-up on Siebren, hiding his wrinkles and making him look younger. A cheap wig was considered, but it was ultimately decided that he looked less like himself with his bald head. Siebren, of course, had no idea how to respond to such a comment.
“Sigma, are you there?” Harold hears Winston’s voice crackle from his ear piece.
“Sigma, present and in position.”
“Good. Charon?”
Harold can’t help but smile a little. The codename is probably unnecessary, but he has to admit, he can see why Siebren’s so attached to his own. It’s another life to breathe beneath his skin. Another little mask to hide behind. “Charon here, with Sigma,” he said.
“Everybody is in position,” Winston says.” If all goes absolutely well, you might be able to get into the spacecraft without any trouble, but the chances of that are unlikely at best. Most likely, you will have to fight some guards off. We still don’t know what Talon has in store.”
“Talon has resources, but even they have difficulty in acquiring resources when it comes to space travel,” Siebren says. “I only rescued Har—Charon on their behalf because they managed to scrounge up the necessary parts for an abandoned spacecraft and secure a private air yard, and apparently that took well over a year’s worth of effort. I very much doubt they have the resources to get up to the moon by themselves. They need this mission to go smoothly.”
Winston hums in thought. “Symmetra, do you think Lucheng might have connections to Vishkar or Talon?”
“I cannot speak for Talon, but I can assure you that we have petitioned to collaborate with Lucheng Interstellar on numerous occasions, and each time we have been turned down. They have been unwilling to see the true potential of hard light in space colonization.”
“So the answer is no,” Winston says.
Satya lets out a quiet sigh before saying, “Correct. There are currently no ties between Lucheng and Vishkar. None that I am aware of.”
“Ladies and Gents, the show is starting,” Tracer announces. “Everybody ready? We gotta time this distraction perfectly, and then the show is on!”
All around him, men and women and omnics in identical uniforms do their final checks on Hou Yi 1. Each person is designated one specific thing on the spacecraft to double-check. Nobody seemed to glance twice at Harold or Siebren, to his relief. Disguising themselves as Vishkar guards was definitely a stroke of genius on his part, even if he has to force himself to wear a hat throughout the ordeal.
Harold’s eyes catch on the walkway above him, where the astronauts will enter. Through the ear pieces, Harold can hear a smattering of polite clapping. In the reflection of the glass, he can see Lucheng Interstellar’s presentation for himself, projecting through the news cameras. Within seconds he sees a projected portrait of his younger self. The CEO was speaking now, making some grand speech. Unlike last time, neither Moira nor Sanjay Korpal could be seen behind him. Instead, it was the small crew of astronauts chosen to pilot the space craft.
His eyesight still wasn’t that good even with the nanobots partially correcting his vision, but he could vaguely make out the astronauts’ faces. They were all young, wide-eyed Chinese men and women who looked like they’d rather be anywhere but at the press conference. It wasn’t too different from his own first mission up to the moon, nervous as hell, just waiting for everything to hurry up.
By Harold’s side, Siebren frowns deeply.
“What’s wrong?” Harold asks.
“I don’t have a good feeling about this,” he murmured. “Something is wrong.”
Harold is about to open his mouth to ask how, but then he heard a terrifying sound. It isthe noise of the universe, the gaping maw before the black hole threatening to swallow the world whole, the calm piano arpeggios before the storm. He stares at Siebren wide-eyed, lips tight in morbid understanding.
And then he hears the screams.
Behind him, he sees the omnic workers jolt and jitter, their eyes shining red in warning. They grab the workers and beat them up or throw them away. Siebren begins to float up, toeing away his shoes, hyperspheres forming in his hands before he flings them at the nearest omnic. Almost immediately, the omnics all turn not to Siebren but to Harold himself, red lights sparkling with resolution.
“Jade Hare…” they say in unison.
Harold takes the jet injector out from its hiding place, switches it on, and pulls the trigger. Bolts of lightning flash and flicker, zapping at all the omnics who dare come close, making them fall down one by one. With a grunt, Harold tosses his hat away and runs away before the cameras can pick up his face.
“Change of plans,” Harold calls into the communicator. “Omnics are on us. We have to break for the ship now.”
“We’re on our way,” Winston cries. “Everyone, they’re on the attack. Change to plan B: we have to hijack the spacecraft.”
“I should be able to hack into the computer systems from here, but I’ll need help,” Symmetra says.
“I will watch her back,” Genji says.
“People haven’t noticed yet, but the omnics are acting real fishy. Me and Lucio’ll cause a distraction, Tracer style,” Tracer says.
Harold almost doesn’t see the omnic rushing straight at him, but it explodes before his eyes with a well-placed volley by Siebren. His lips curl into a frown. “Pay attention,” Siebren says.
“I will, don’t worry,” Harold says.
As he runs, he shrugs the Vishkar uniform off to reveal the Overwatch uniform underneath. With a grunt, Harold connected the jet injector to his backpack, sighing when he felt the nanobots begin to activate, flowing out of his veins, into the backpack and filling the vial of the jet injector. Siebren shrugged his own uniform out, the heavier plates of his armour floating over his shoulders.
There’s a smaller contingent of omnic guards in front of them. They outnumber them, but Siebren summons a barrier in front of them to block the bullets. Harold runs forward, letting the lightning rip through their systems while Siebren launches volleys of hyperspheres as cover fire. When a bullet grazes Siebren’s armour and draws blood, Harold switches the mode of the jet injector and points the trigger at Siebren, a stream of nanobots healing Siebren’s wound in an instant.
When the final omnic guard falls to its knees, Harold’s earpiece crackles again. “We’re on-route to your position,” Winston cries.
“The press sure is loving us,” Tracer cries. The sounds of gunfire and more screams can faintly be heard. Some up-tempo nu-techno song is playing faintly in the background.
“The spotlight loves us as well,” Lucio laughs.
“Where do we go, champ?” Harold asks Winston.
“You’ll have to go to the main hall and backstage. The stairs up to the spacecraft is there.” The comms crackles off.
“Let’s hope this distraction goes as planned,” Siebren grumbles to himself. “This mission is ruined if people realise who you are.”
“They won’t,” Harold says as his eyes begin to glow gold. “I’m not the man I used to be.”
“No,” Siebren laughs. “You’ve got just the right amount of him.”
They enter the building and go through the winding hallways of the staff areas. It’s fortunately empty, apart from the few fleeing staff members, but they are too busy escaping to give them any heed. When they get to the end, Siebren uses his powers to shove the doors open. Harold stops in his tracks at the sight before him. Everybody has already fled, leaving only Tracer, Lucio, and their attackers. Reaper and Moira are here with an army of omnics supporting them, launching their own offensive. The giant screen that used to show Harold’s younger face now displays a very familiar sugar skull icon.
It’s a nightmare come true. Talon is here.
Tracer and Lucio are fast, trying their hardest to fight, but no matter how many hits they can dish out, it all gets healed up in an instance by Moira’s biotic orb or by Reaper’s abnormal healing. But Reaper and Moira are too slow in trying to fight them. It’s literally a battle of speed versus attrition.
“We have to help them,” Harold says.
“We can’t. We don’t have much time.”
Above their heads is a few smaller screens, each connected to a different news channel. On the corner of each of the screens is a countdown for the spacecraft’s imminent launch. One by one, the countdown decreases dramatically from one hour to ten minutes. On screen, the astronauts are hurriedly putting on their spacesuits, making their hasty final checks.
In front of him, Tracer and Lucio are slowing down, losing their speed. Reaper and Moira also look tired, but not nearly tired enough. Moira’s blackened hand reaches out for Lucio, sapping the life away from him. They’re distracted. He can slip past, get to the spacecraft, and finish the mission. This will all be for nothing if Harold doesn’t get on the spacecraft. But he also wants to help them. He sees Siebren’s jaw clench, the same thought going through his head.
“I’ll see you in hell,” Reaper growls, pointing a shotgun square at Lucio’s face.
The blast goes off but Lucio is still standing and alive. Siebren is in front of him, absorbing the energy round and dispersing them into dust. Harold quickly moves to join him, a small stream of nanobots healing Lucio before he flicks the gun back to attack mode as Tracer escorts Lucio out. In the corner of his eye he sees Siebren give a fleeting little smile before staring down his new foes. Harold does his best not to smile too wide.
“You two have been a real pain on my backside,” Reaper growls.
“Dr. Winston,” Moira sneers. “I shouldn’t be surprised you have picked an organization such as Overwatch to protect you, but I am surprised with you, Sigma. I thought you were more intelligent than that.”
“The purpose of my work was always to build a better future,” Siebren declares. “Giving myself up to this cause is not injudicious.”
“And you think you did not have a purpose with Talon? We saw who you really are, that is why we set you free. We’ve cultivated your mind, your abilities. Overwatch has undermined brilliance in the past, and they will do it again. It’s a place of stagnation, where great minds go to die. Do you honestly think a change of leaders will not bring up the same issues?”
Siebren doesn’t speak, the hyperspheres flickering slightly, growing darker. His lips dip for just a second.
“You don’t belong with them. You belong in a different environment, where you can grow without restriction, where no one can judge you for the way that you think.” She glances coldly at Harold. “Where you are not led astray by those who don’t know what your best interests truly are.”
Harold can hear the hitch in Siebren’s throat, quiet but unmistakable. He feels those ocean blue eyes upon his body, breaking down his body molecule by molecule, trying to find the nonexistent needle in the haystack. He doesn’t dare turn his head and give Siebren the benefit of the doubt. He can’t hesitate now. All he can do is keep his weapon trained on Reaper and Moira.
“Dr. Winston doesn’t speak because he knows it’s the truth,” Moira continues. “He’s using you. You just don’t realise it.”
“And you didn’t use me?” Siebren spits.
“Perhaps, but we never mislead you. We’ve always wanted to help you develop your research and your abilities.” Moira turns to Harold. “Can you say the same, Dr. Winston?”
“All you care about is what he can do, not the person himself. You don’t care about his well-being. You don’t care about how he feels about this violence.”
“You’re not answering the question,” Moira smirks. “Might as well be an admission of your guilt.”
“And let you twist my words even more?” Harold asks.
Harold turns his head just a bit only to find Siebren stare blankly in front of him. He’s glancing between Moira and Harold, eyes wide, a myriad of emotions flickering and scintillating. Then, they narrow, and those ocean blue eyes turn cold as ice. With a wave of his hand, he lowers the barrier and floats forward.
He does not react as he joins Reaper and Moira’s side, his head ducked in submission. Moira’s smile is wide, a curious mix between glee and cruelty. Siebren only spares a single knowing glance in Harold’s direction. Harold’s eyes widen.
“Perhaps we should restart your mental conditioning. For now, I’ll let you decide if you want to fight or not.”
“I think I will fight,” Siebren utters, his expression growing cruel, “but not for you!”
Siebren raises his hand and breaks the shackles of gravity, taking him and Reaper and Moira high in the air. He’s floating above them, the universe’s song playing for deaf ears, the back of his head glowing as he summons the hyperspheres into fruition. One hits Reaper in the side while the other barely misses Moira. Siebren grits his teeth as he slams their bodies down, but they both turn into mist just before they land. Siebren floats down to the ground beside Harold, summoning the barrier once again as a volley of shotgun pellets flies.
Moira tries to go forward, but electricity crackles from Harold’s jet injector, making her keep her distance. Reaper rushes forward, looking for an angle, but Siebren flickers the barrier in and out, tilting gravity to keep them away.
From the main entrance Harold hears the heavy thud of Reinhardt’s armoured footsteps approaching. Reaper turns to Moira, his voice tinged with annoyance. “We can’t stay.”
“Very well,” Moira huffs, and the two of them disappear in a cloud of smoke. Siebren tries to chase after them, but it’s far too late. They are gone without a trace. There’s no way they can catch them now.
Harold glances up at the countdown. Five minutes left. “We have to get to the spacecraft quick!”
Siebren grumbles to himself but nods sharply. He has stopped floating now, bare feet running on the floor as they head backstage and up the staircase. When they get to the top floor, the elevator next to them chimes. Winston, Genji, and Symmetra are there, rushing out behind them. There’s a new wave of Horizon guards in front of them, but together they cut them down to size easily.
“What’s the situation?” Harold asks.
“Reinhardt and Brigitte are at the front, distracting everybody,” Winston says. “Echo tried to hack into the spacecraft but she couldn’t. Athena tried as well and failed. We’ll have to launch it manually.”
“You know that’s impossible for Gen IV Lunar spacecrafts. I can’t fly it with Siebren alone.”
“That’s why I am coming along,” Winston says. “We’ll need all hands on deck.”
“You will require my assistance as well,” Symmetra adds. “I will not allow any more chaos or disruptions to this plan.”
“I’ll make sure no one gets into the spacecraft,” Genji says.
“But we need to get into the spacecraft ourselves and make sure they don’t activate the emergency kill switch from the control tower,” Harold says.
“Then we’ll just have to make sure we’re quick enough that they can’t activate it,” Siebren says.
They run through the hallway and into a giant room lined with glass windows. The astronauts are there, waving to the cameras but they stop in their tracks when they see them. They shout their orders in Mandarin, but Siebren curls his fingers and suspends them in the air like they’re ragdolls. They can’t do anything but speak, a litany of foul words escaping their mouths. “Bàoqiàn,” Harold smiles nervously as he rushes forward.
From the room he walks down the small runway to the spacecraft. In front of him he can see the interior of the spacecraft, which should lead up to the payload, where he can pilot with Siebren. For a moment, time is in slow motion as the lights of a thousand cameras flash onto him. As he turns his head to the glass walls, he sees his reflection staring back at him. Except it’s not really his reflection. There’s a trace of the man the public know as Harold Winston, but it’s overshadowed by someone else. A man he knows has been residing in his bones for decades. It is this man that is control, this hero that lives and breathes strength. The real Harold Winston.
He heads inside and makes his way to the payload area, getting into the front seat. The buttons and dials and switches are second nature to him, his hands moving fluidly as he gets everything prepared.
Outside he hears the sounds of a fight erupting, of bullets and blades dancing in a deadly ballet. Winston comes in soon, then Symmetra, taking their positions near the rear. Faintly, Harold hears Reinhardt’s sharp laugh of joy, and the unmistakable sound of a mace hitting a metal body.
“Where’s Sigma?” Winston asks.
Harold’s about to ask the same question when suddenly the controls all turn red. “Get him in here now! They’re already starting the emergency kill switch.”
“The guards have him trapped!” Symmetra calls. “We have to go now.”
“I literally can’t survive the trip without him. The G-force will kill me! We need him here!” Harold taps at his communicator. “Sig, you need to get yourself over here.”
“I’m…trying!” There’s a loud huff, as Siebren scrambles in, shutting the door behind him. There are rhythmic thumps as people try to hit and shoot at the door, but it remains stable. He quickly flies over to the seat next to Harold, strapping himself in. His fingers dance over the dashboard, his expression stoic in thought. “Engine temperatures?”
“We don’t have time,” Harold says. “We have to launch now before the emergency kill switch grounds us for good.”
Siebren begins to go through the motions, but is repeatedly stopped by a klaxon alarm. “It’s too late,” Siebren grumbles. “There’s nothing here that can stop it. We’ve failed.”
Just as Siebren says this, the red screen suddenly flickers in and out. In its place, a purple sugar skull appears. From Harold’s communicator, Harold hears a nasally, abrasive laugh. From the way Siebren jumps in his seat, it seems he’s the only one who can hear it.
“Ground Control to Major Tom. You really made the grade here.”
“Sombra?” Harold gasps.
“What? You thought I wouldn’t help you out? Shame, Dr. Winston, shame. Hey, can I call you Harold? Harry? I like the ring of Harry.”
The sugar skull symbol fades and the controls are back to normal. The roar of the engines is almost deafening. A computerized voice is counting down from twenty. Amidst the noise Harold laughs shrilly in relief.
“I’ll let you call me whatever you want if you can get us to the moon and back. I assume you want a favour after this?”
“Perhaps,” Sombra says, in a voice that made it very clear what her true intentions are, “but way later. You wanna pay me back now? Get back down alive and take some photos for me. Oh, and keep Sigma alive too.”
Harold turns to Siebren and smirks confidently. From his vantage point he can see everybody watches the spacecraft in morbid fascination. The countdown is ticking down. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven.
“Ready to head back to the stars?” Siebren asks.
Five. Four. Three.
“You know what?” Harold says.
Two. One.
“I think I finally am.”
The spacecraft rattles and bobs. The engine gushes as it propels them upwards towards the sky. As they break through the atmosphere, the gravity engines kick in, the outer shell breaking away. As they get higher, the G-force gets almost overwhelming for Harold but he sees the plate behind Siebren’s head glow as he keeps the gravitational forces at bay. But even with Siebren’s help, it’s still a bit too much for his fragile body. He gets a glimpse of the Earth, wide and blue and glorious, and is able to give a weak smile before he falls unconscious.
When Harold finally wakes up, the spacecraft is already docking itself in Sector 06, right next to the Observatory. By his side, everybody else are preparing for their departure. He’s groggy, but it quickly fades away when he sees the Earth, once so near, now far away. Winston approaches him, nervous but trying his best not to appear it.
“We’re here,” he says.
Harold lets out a small smile as he grasps him tenderly on the shoulder. “No,” Harold replies. “We’re back home.”
They go through the standard decontamination process—Harold first, followed by Siebren, Symmetra, and finally Winston, who took the time to explain the process to her. The rooms are fortunately still sealed properly, as intel suggested. The number pad for many of the doors are malfunctioning and damaged, but the one to the Observatory still works. Harold places his hand on the scanner, and it opens with an audible swish.
Harold can’t help but gasp as he takes in the sight. It’s almost pristine, like it hasn’t changed at all. The Observatory doors are slightly open, the telescope facing directly at the Earth. While Winston shows Symmetra the telescope, Harold moves further ahead. Far on the other side, Harold’s office sits untouched, fake plants still green as ever, files in the same place he left them all these years ago. He walks over to his desk, his fingers catching on the framed photograph of himself and a baby Winston. His thumb trails over his younger face. He looked so innocent and naïve back then.
“I can’t even recognize myself,” he whispers.
“Harold?” Siebren asks.
He shakes his head lightly and places the photograph down. “Sorry. It’s just…it’s a lot. Being back here.”
“In a good way, or a bad way?”
“In a lot of different ways,” Harold utters. “This place was my home away from home, the stepping stone paving the way for the future of space travel. It’s tragic, seeing it all in ruins like this.”
“You are not the only one. I always thought this place was beautiful, and it still is, but it’s now so cold and empty. A husk of its former self.”
It’s more than that, Harold thinks, but if he says that out loud, Siebren will expect clarification, and Harold doesn’t think he can give Siebren clarification. He takes his old files and tucks them under his arm. The four of them meet up and they head out of the Observatory.
As they walk through the empty hallways, Harold can hear the faint noises of the apes and chimps, muttering behind closed doors. Outside the Observatory, he sees the extent of the rebellion’s destruction. Appliances in the Commissary are broken and rifled through, the peanut butter jars empty and smashed onto the ground. Furniture blocks many of the doors to the other sectors, while most of the personal rooms for the scientists have had their number pads smashed beyond repair.
He doesn’t know how to feel about seeing all this. He thought he was prepared, but it’s another thing altogether to see the gorilla paw prints on the door to Hammond’s room, schematics lying haphazardly on the floor. If he was any weaker than he was, he might cry, but he’s got a mission to complete and loved ones to support him. His hand reaches for Winston’s, squeezing softly.
“Where do we need to go?” Symmetra asks.
“The Hangar,” Harold says. “We need to shut down all the data and monitoring systems, so we need to get to the servers. From the Hangar, we can get there easily enough.”
“A little bit too late for that,” a voice says.
In the Training Facility, smiling cruelly, is a man that looks almost identical to Harold himself, but with some differences. Their clothes are the typical Horizon uniform with a lab coat on top, the sleeves rolled above their elbows—a complete contrast to Harold’s own Overwatch uniform. Their hair is in a similar haircut but slightly darker, giving a salt and pepper look. A rectangular pair of glasses framed the imposter’s face, no cybernetic implants or scars or tubes to wreak havoc over his skin. Even the eye colour was wrong, a dark blue rather than Harold's dark brown eyes. It’s like someone has used an age filter on a younger picture of Harold. This imposter is too clean, too perfect, but it's not an omnic or a robot. Only a human could ever smile like that, condescending and innocent all at the same time.
Harold doesn’t even hesitate raising his jet injector at the imposter, who immediately throws their hands up. He’s confused as to their weird actions, until he sees it. A camera, hidden in the corner of the room, red light blinking on and recording.
No, not just recording. Broadcasting. Thousands, if not millions, are probably watching this right now.
“Who are you?” Harold seethes.
The imposter smiles. “I’m Dr. Harold Winston,” he says, “and I believe you have been trying to steal my work, you imposter.”
Wide eyes fall on Harold's body but he ignores them all. He stares at his mirror image, an unspeakable rage clamming his throat shut, golden eyes staring down fake blue eyes.
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kdthecactuswizard · 5 years
My First Pokemon Nuzlocke!
Now Pokemon is something pretty much everyone has heard of, and knows the basic concept of. Anyone can pick it up and play it. But a Nuzlocke is a series of self imposed rules in a Pokemon playthrough.
The first big rule is that you can only catch one pokemon per area, the first one you find in that area. No other pokemon are aloud to be caught.
The second is that if a pokemon faints, that pokemon is 'dead' and you can't use it anymore. This means it's actually possible to lose a pokemon game.
The third and smallest rule is that you must name each of your pokemon. Specifically so it can rip your heart out later if they die.
Now the game I'm playing is Pokemon Moon for the 3DS. I've played this game once before, so I'm allowing myself to look up the pokemon for major battles, and for some inparticular items.
First we start in a little house, and honesly KD does not want to get up. But Meowth forces her up.
Our cousin, a pokemon professor, named Kukui is there. My mom and him decide I need to go outside. Ew.
But just like real life, I get dressed with my hat and bag, before Kukui drags me up to a small town, named Iki. In this town lives the Kahuna, a leader of the island, and to get my first pokemon.
What if I don't want to be a pokemon master, MOM.
Either way into Iki I go. I see a nice looking blonde girl in a white dress, talking to her bag. That's weird, but she looks cute. She runs into a cave or something.
I decide to follow both because the game made me, and I might be a bit bi-curious.
After catching up with her, a small lunar like pokemon runs onto a bridge and gets attacked by a herd of spearo. Goddamnit. The cute girl begs for me to save it. And like the knight in shining armor, I of course decided to say these words to her in comfort.
But the game made me, so I ran in and protected my future girlfriends pokemon. Then the bridge collasped. Goddamnit.
But then WHOOSH, in came this cool lightning pokemon type thing. The island guardian thing saves me and the pokemon, thank god. I may be thirsty but I'm not about to die for love.
Me, the hero, gives back the pokemon to the blonde girl, and the lunar pokemon was lovingly nicknamed Nebby. Nebby finds a Sparkeling Stone, and I get it. Why? Because I'm the main character damnit.
Back in Iki, I learn the girl is my cousins assistant, named Lillie. Pretty weird to have a preteen girl living in a college age dudes loft, but whatever floats Kukuis boat.
Finally the Kahuna comes out, and gives me my first pokemon. I decide to get Litten, a cat like fire pokemon. Now, to name them.
Litten shall be named Catniss, because fire. And their a cat. The problem? I didn't realize until after I named them that Catniss is a boy. Well fuck it I guess, I'm not changing it.
Now to show off to my mom that I have the better and cooler cat, but then Hau pulls up, a fellow new trainer. He has Rowlet as his starter, an owl like grass type.
Little burns Rowlet alive. Guess we having roasted owl tonight boys.
After making that new friend, I head home to mom to show off Catniss. Just kidding, I'm going to sleep.
I wake up the next day, and apparently theres a festival in Iki. Dope. But turns out I have to go through tall grass for some reason to get there. Not dope.
Kukui teaches me to catch pokemon and gives me some balls and some potions. Time to catch Catniss a buddy.
The pokemon to pop up is Pikipek, a normal flying type pokemon. Not the best, but I can work with it.
Without down right murdering another bird, I carefully lower its health then use a pokeball. Then BOOM! Catniss got himself a new bro.
I name him Ari, after a pokemon from the first Nuzlocke I ever watched. Thanks Jaiden.
With my boys in toe, we work our way back to Iki without any real issue. When I arrive, so does the party. Literally.
Apparently me and Hau are duking it out again. Okay, stomping on his dreams again it seems. It's not my fault, Hau, the game developers made me do it.
I thought he'd be a pushover like last time, but now he has Pichu. Pichu isn't a strong hitter, but does have a lot of defense and attack lowering moves. Uh oh.
I send in Catniss first, to take all the lowering of stats and take out his Pichu quicker. But even though Ari is a lower level, he's still stronger than Catniss at the moment.
Ari is thrown out in front, and ends Rowlet by pecking its eyes out. Poor Rowlet.
Upon winning, I got a Z-Ring. Nice. Then back home to sleep.
The next day, Lillies at my door. Hey baby, how's it goin'?
Lillie wants to take me to Kukuis lab, to the south. And theres a new area to explore, so a new pokemon bro.
First pokemon to show up? A Yungoos. Greaaaat.
I capture the boy, and I shall name him Slimy, and he shall be mine and he small be my Slimy. I shall protect him with my life.
Nothing much else happens, except I explore my cousins basement, and off to Hau'oli city I go! And guess where I'm going. School.
I hate everything.
But there's also a Pokemon Center. I buy some potions, among other things with my pokemoney I stole from preschoolers after killing their pets right before their eyes. It's fun.
I take on a trainer at the school, with a level 8 Pikipek. Which is the name level as my boys.
I decide to go grind a bit to get to level 10. Don't want to risk any of my boys dying a painfully dramatic death.
After leveling up my boys, we beat some six year olds Metapod, steal his money, and find a potion. I heal up just in case, then head inside to find some 4 year old I'm supposed to fight.
I beat up the 4 year old easily, steal a quick claw from one of the teachers, then give to Slimy because he's slow as heck.
Then I go beat up some hotshot out front. Slimy almost died and got posioned, but I switched to Ari to win the battle. Then I'm called to the office. Oh shit. Did I make that four year old cry? Probably, lol.
Lillie is lecturing me, but hey that's part of the game. I heal up, and head to the office. Where she wanted to battle me. Wow, it's almost like I knew this was coming.
First she sent out Magnemite, and as someone who's had a magnemite, I knew this battle might be a bit scary. I tried to roast it alive with Catniss, but I couldn't get by without getting paralysis.
I then sent out Ari to deal with Meowth. It was going pretty good, as Ari had a move strong against it. But he kept flinching at way to low a health. I could've risked it, but with the moves low accuracy I didn't want to.
I sent out Slimy, who finished off her Meowth. Everyone was at pretty low health, but we made it. I got 5 great balls, and then I was set off to go to the world.
I went off with Lillie so she could show off the city. Finally, a date.
Then a Tauros is blocking the path. After dealing with that, Hau decided to tag alone. Fucking third wheeler.
But insteed of exploring that good quality city, I decided to save. This is the end of this part, so soon I'll be back.
Next time with Pokemon Moon Nuzlocke, we'll explore the city, go on a date while being third wheeled, and most importantly we'll find a new addition to the team.
It better not be fucking Abra.
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fae-fucker · 6 years
Review: Cinder
by Marissa Meyer
A forbidden romance.
A deadly plague.
Earth’s fate hinges on one girl . . .
CINDER, a gifted mechanic in New Beijing, is also a cyborg. She’s reviled by her stepmother and blamed for her stepsister’s sudden illness. But when her life becomes entwined with the handsome Prince Kai’s, she finds herself at the centre of a violent struggle between the desires of an evil queen – and a dangerous temptation.
Cinder is caught between duty and freedom, loyalty and betrayal. Now she must uncover secrets about her mysterious past in order to protect Earth’s future.
This is not the fairytale you remember. But it’s one you won’t forget.
I DNF’d this book several years ago, probably soon after it came out. I thought the intro was super boring and ended up forgetting this book for literal years.
But, through peer pressure and hype, I decided to give it another shot.
And I’m glad I did! Once I got past the very dull first chapters, I was quickly pulled into the plot and found myself staying up late to finish the book.
A positive review? From ME? I know: wild:
The Writing
I’ve always been open about the fact that I don’t enjoy “pretty” prose. I find it very distracting and unimportant, personally. Which means that I, for the most part, enjoyed Meyer’s writing! It wasn’t usually in the way, and didn’t distract from the plot while still being well-crafted enough to convey the characters’ personalities.
I did find myself skimming a lot of the longer descriptions and action sequences, however. They often felt a bit confusing and sometimes unecessary as I knew the outcome of each, and in the case of descriptions, didn’t feel like I needed more than I picked up from the context clues within the scene.
Overall, I can’t remember a single gorgeous nor a single terrible quote, which is, like, pretty neat, I think.
The Characters
I honestly don’t have much to say in this department, I think the main cast were all well-written and developed for their respective roles.
Cinder was by far my favorite, with Dr. Erland a close second. Cinder was spunky and strong while still feeling like a person with insecurities and weaknesses, instead of being a 24/7 snark-machine. I found myself especially charmed by her massive crush on Kai, usually I think that shit is obnoxious in YA, but here it felt innocent and sweet, and the fact that Cinder herself acknowledged it and accepted it was refreshing.
Iko and Peony and the rest of the family all serve their purposes well. Even Adri, whom I found to be comically evil at times, still showed some depth every now and then. Pearl was probably the most boring of all the family members, I definitely think she could’ve used some more depth, but oh well, this is just the first book in a series and she’s a minor character, so I’m not too disappointed.
My biggest disappointment is probably Kai himself. I found him to be … very generic. I do like how kind and sweet and obvious he is with his feelings for Cinder, it’s so unheard of in YA where everyone’s brooding and obtuse at all times, so that was defo a plus, but other than that, I think he could’ve used more flaws. Or more good qualities. Or … any qualities, really. Even now I can’t really pinpoint any particular personality trait that guy has.
The Story
So, first things first: this isn’t really a Cinderella retelling. Which is fine! But I was expecting something more faithful, and that’s not what I got.
Cinder makes use of the iconic imagery of Cinderella, but it’s so awkward and inconsequential that it sticks out like a sore thumb. They’re introduced as subtly as shining a spotlight on a nuclear explosion (one character directly compares Cinder’s orange car to a pumpkin) and then discarded in one final scene, and after that the book has nothing to do with the fairytale at all. I get that it doesn’t have to be 100% faithful, but the marketing suggested more than what amounted to a bunch of shallow references.
But, despite that, I still think the story is probably this book’s strongest asset. It introduces new complications and escalates the conflict smoothly while skillfully juggling Cinder’s inner struggles as well as her blooming romance with Kai. Honestly, the best thing I can say about the romance is how restrained it was. There wasn’t any pretense about the depth of their LUURV, they were just two sweet teenagers with crushes, and I loved reading their interactions. One thing I would’ve liked to see is Kai’s POV when he interacted with Cinder, because I never really got why he’s into her. I mean, I can guess, because she’s pretty neat, but it would’ve been nice to see her from his eyes.
(I know usually seeing the protag from the love interest’s perspective means lots of worthless wank, but I’d trust Meyer to do it right.)
I don’t really want to spoil any more of the plot, so I’ll end it there, but I will say that if you’re older than 15, you’ll probably see the twist coming the moment the first hint is dropped, which I suppose it comes with the genre. There was a minor twist that did surprise me, mostly because it was also an organic part of the previous worldbuilding and had a natural explanation outside of the twist, so clearly Meyer is capable of writing decent twists, which makes me wonder why the main twist wasn’t hidden better.
The Worldbuilding
This book suffers from Selectionitis, aka All Countries On Earth Have Glooped Together In The Future For Some Reason. Except here it’s worse as now the continents ??? have Glooped Together??? Luckily it’s not as relevant here than it was in The Selection, so it’s not dwelled on long enough to get Uncomfortable beyond the initial implications. I’m not wholly comfy with this choice, but other people with more knowledge have talked about it already, so I’ll just leave it at that.
(Diversireads has a breakdown of all the racist and orientalist issues in the worldbuilding of Cinder.)
There’s also a new race of people introduced called Lunars, who have Space Magic, and the book sort of jokes that it’s space magic but also tries to explain it using mumbo jumbo science-y terms that does it no favors.
Tbh, I’m perplexed as to why Meyer decided to set this on earth in the first place. There are few references to the real world outside of place names, and it’s far enough into the future that there’s been more world wars (but Cinder’s car is still somehow functional, alright), and the aforementioned Glooping, I wonder why she didn’t just make up a planet. I suppose it’s easier for a younger YA audience to absorb familiar concepts instead of having to introduce a completely new world.
BUT, whatever. It serves its purpose and has an internal consistency, and I didn’t find myself questioning everything as I read, so tbh, it could’ve been much, much worse.
The Conclusion
Cinder is a breath of fresh air and a total surprise! I can see now why it’s as popular as it is. It definitely has flaws, as does any book, but I think I can recommend this to people with a good conscience. It’s a fun read that you don’t have to turn your brain off to enjoy but doesn’t require too much effort to get through. The writing is breezy, the characters are charming, the plot is intense (once you get past the first 5 chapters), and the worldbuilding is solid, if problematic.
I look forward to Scarlet, so do let me know if you want me to review that one as well once I’ve read it.
Also, do send in suggestions for what you want me to review next!
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kimabutch · 6 years
WARNING: this post contains huge goddamn TAZ: Balance spoilers. It’s also 1800 words long and I’m literally begging for someone to actually read it cause I put 3 hours of work into it.
In my opinion, one of the biggest unanswered questions at the end of TAZ: Balance is whether Lucretia knew that Lup was in the umbrella. It's a compelling question, in my opinion, and I’ve seen a few fic authors explore it. But today, I figured I’d pull an Angus McDonald and lay out all the facts, and see what we get from them. For this analysis, I’m going to be running on the assumption that Griffin knew what he was doing the whole time (even though that’s clearly false) because it’s no fun if you just handwave everything away like that. Also, I’m super grateful to @tazscripts, which was an amazing resource for me while writing this. 
To start, let’s go over motivations. Now, there’s lots of reasons to believe that Lucretia wouldn’t want to keep Lup trapped in an umbrella. Apparently, after wiping everyone’s memories, Lucretia “looked everywhere” for Lup and “could hardly bear Lup's absence” (Stolen Century, 7). She clearly feels horribly guilty for not finding her. She says as much to Barry and Taako, explaining that her barrier will protect them all “save for Lup,” because “there was nothing [she] could do” (Lunar Interlude V, 2). And when Lup does emerge from the umbrella, she apologizes and says that “she looked for so long” and that she’s “so happy [Lup’s] back” (Story and Song, 1). It seems very possible that if Lucretia had suspected that Lup was in the umbrella, she would have gotten her out of there as soon as possible, or at the very least tried to confirm whether or not she could be in there.
On the other hand, if Lucretia knew, she might have also felt that, as far as her plans were concerned, Lup being in the umbrella in lich form was safest. Lucretia was already terrified of lich-Barry remembering what she had done to them, and had “to take measures to keep him at arm's length, just in case” (Stolen Century, 7). She was worried, rightly, that Barry would try to stop her, especially if he knew what she did to the others. But she had good reason to suspect that Lup would be even more angry after being trapped in her own umbrella for years, separated from both her love and her brother. Instead of keeping Lup at arm’s length, like Barry, why not just keep her in the umbrella, where she couldn’t interfere with her plans?
So while Lucretia has a good defence — that she loved Lup and wouldn’t have kept her in the umbrella if she had the chance — she also had a very good motivation to keep her in there. The big question then becomes: could she have reasonably known that Lup was in there?
And this is where it gets complicated.
Now, it’s indisputable that Lucretia knew what the umbrella was. She claims, in Moonlighting, that she doesn’t know (Moonlighting, 2), but given that the Starblaster crew spent an entire year working together to make their magical items in the 92nd cycle (Stolen Century, 7), she’d have to be the worst chronicler in the world not to write down what everyone made. Presumably, she feeds some information to Leon the Artificer, since he tells them the obviously fake story of the “Umbra Wizards” who supposedly crafted the item (Moonlighting, 3). Importantly, he calls it the “Umbra Staff,” which is exactly what Lup calls it when she makes the item, and knows exactly what the umbrella does, even though no one but the Starblaster crew would probably have known (Stolen Century, 7). Lucretia clearly recognized that Taako had the “Umbra Staff,” and either told Leon to make up an origin story for this “Umbra Staff,” or actually lied to Leon about its origins.
(This is a little off-topic, but I also think there’s a very real possibility that Lucretia told Leon to ply Taako for information about how he acquired the umbrella, to avoid raising suspicions herself. She herself never asks where Taako got the umbrella (Moonlighting, 2), but Leon does (Moonlighting, 3). I don’t think this actually factors into whether Lucretia is guilty or not, but it’s interesting to think about.)
So, yes, Lucretia knew about the umbrella’s abilities, and she knew that it used to belong to Lup. I’m not sure that this alone could have reasonably allowed Lucretia to even suspect that Lup was inside the umbrella. But let’s look at other information that Lucretia had at her disposable to help her connect the dots.
Firstly — she may have known how Taako acquired the umbrella. I think it’s possible that Leon told her that Taako got it off a “dead guy” “in a cave or something” (Moonlighting, 3), or even that Killian noticed that Taako picked it up in a room with a skeleton in a red robe, and told Lucretia that, although Killian wasn’t in the room when Taako picked it up (Here There Be Gerblins, 5).
Secondly — she may have known that when Lup left the Starblaster, she had her umbrella. I feel like this is something that the Starblaster crew would have noted as they searched for her.
Thirdly — she almost certainly knew a little about how liches work, given that two of her best friends were liches and she lived with them for almost twenty years (Barry and Lup become liches in cycle 82 — Stolen Century, 6). Lucretia is super sharp, and almost definitely knew that liches are basically made up of magical energy, which is exactly what the umbrella sucks up. This is the point that I see lots of fanfiction writers bring up, that these are the dots that she could have easily connected, had she really thought about it. I think there are some problems with people saying this. To begin, I don’t think Lup herself knew that the umbrella posed a danger to her, given that she made the umbrella while she’d already done the whole lich thing (Stolen Century, 7). And then, there’s Barry, who sees Taako holding the umbrella in Crystal Kingdom, hears that Taako “took it off this dead thug with a red robe,” realizes that “dead thug” is Lup, but still doesn’t consider that Lup might be in the umbrella, even though he’s a lich himself (Crystal Kingdom, 7). Shit, Barry literally sees the umbrella suck up Edward in Wonderland and doesn’t begin to consider that the umbrella might have done the same to Lup, even though he knows she died with her umbrella in her hands (Suffering Game, 7). And this is Barry goddamn Bluejeans we’re talking about, the same guy who offers to blow himself up just to hold Lup in her lich form (Story and Song, 1) — you really don’t think that Barry would break the umbrella the second that he suspected Lup was in there?
So in this point, I think it’s fair to say that Lucretia might have connected these dots, but she can’t really be held responsible for not doing so anymore than Barry, in my opinion. They all kinda fucked up on that front.
Lucretia does, however, learn even more information than Barry over the course of the story — extra clues that might have helped her piece everything together.
For one thing, she definitely sees the Test of Initiation, in which Taako inexplicably pulls out the umbrella from his bag and fires a spell that is beyond his capabilities (Moonlighting, 2). I think there’s a reasonable chance that she could recognize Lup’s magic, or at very least have used it as a clue. More importantly, though — she must hear, during Lunar Interlude III, about the giant L-U-P burned into the walls of the cafeteria. She must hear about that and immediately inquire into who was using the cafeteria — I can’t think of why she wouldn’t. And hell, she might even be able to get a first-hand account of what happened from the “kitchen staff cleaning up in the backroom,” who are close enough that Taako “can hear them clinkin’ and clankin’ around back there” (Lunar Interlude III). So she see Lup’s name burned into the walls, knowing that Lup is a goddamn arsonist, almost certainly knowing that this was done by Taako who she knows doesn’t have his memories back, possibly even knowing that his umbrella did this… and she still doesn’t get it? Or else, she does get it, but by now, it really, really is safest just to keep Lup in that umbrella.
I think this might be the single most damning point for her, where it seems like Lucretia either knew, or should have known. There’s only one thing that might save Lucretia here, and that’s this: she set up a pretty powerful anti-lich ward on the Bureau (Lunar Interlude V, 1). She has every reason to think that no lich can get on her moon, at least not in lich form. No reason to think that Lup could have gotten past her protection.
So, in summary: there are a lot of clues that Lup was in the umbrella, many of which Lucretia probably could have noticed, although she is definitely not the only character who didn’t. There’s at least one reason that Lucretia might have ruled out Lup being in the umbrella, but several more reasons for, at the very least, investigating what was going on. Given that Barry also failed to put many of the same pieces together, it seems odd to say that Lucretia must have done so and kept it a secret just because she had a motivation for that. But at the same time, she did have more pieces than him, and more time to put them together (given that he spent most of his year regrowing his body and frantically trying to protect/warn the THB).
To get back to our original question — did Lucretia know that Lup was in the umbrella? I’m don’t think we have an obvious, concrete answer. I think there are still signs pointing all ways, and that all interpretations of it are pretty valid. It’s interesting to think of Lucretia keeping Lup in the umbrella for the same reason that she erases everyone’s memories and sends the THB on near-deadly mission — not because she wants to, but because she feels she has to. It’s also interesting to think of her missing the forest for the trees, of being so caught up with her own personal mission that she doesn’t think to ponder the clues she has right in front of her face. Personally, I think it’s most likely that after Lunar Interlude III, Lucretia has some suspicions or maybe even just subconscious doubts, but doesn’t really indulge them because she was too afraid of knowing how badly she’s fucked Lup over, or of trying to get Lup out of the umbrella with the Hunger looming overhead. I think all of these interpretations both fit within her established character and add to it, in their own ways. All of them, as shown above, fit well within the plot.
But I want to end this post by recalling Lup’s own interpretation of events — that Lucretia absolutely didn’t know she was in the umbrella. That Lup somehow, after everything, “can’t fault” Lucretia “for not looking in [the umbrella]” (Story and Song, 1).
And I think that’s important too.
Thank you so much if you read this far! Please feel free to add to it, I have so many feelings.
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