#so many new people got hired to work on the next game too
megafreeman · 1 year
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Volition was shut down by Embracer.
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
ERROR 410: GONE (Yandere Faceless!Kamisato Ayato/Reader)
A/n: thank you for the 5 dollar tip, "anonymous"! I asked them for what they want in exchange and they asked for a fac█le██ ayato fic... Alright then... You did ask for it...
Unreliable synopsis: Your new coworker doesn't seem to be from around here...
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It was a cramped night at the bus stop. Except for the elderly, many people had their phones out since it was nearly midnight and nobody had the stamina to engage in conversation. You recently got promoted as a district manager for an international company, and oh, the work is just too exhausting to drone about. However, in this station, it didn't matter if you were an energetic student or an employee. The bus is abnormally later than their usual "lateness", and such a redundant statement elucidates just how shoddy their schedule is. Everyone was simultaneously stressed and drained and each of their war faces screamed that they would selfishly fight for the seat ride home.
All except for one man.
From the moment he arrived, you were peering at him. He had a similar appearance to the character you were "maining" in the video game you were enamored with for approximately two years. Though you seriously doubt he was in cosplay, he and that favorite of yours look eerily identical. His long-sleeved black coat and simple white turtleneck blend in with modern fashion fairly, save for his elaborate light blue hair, which was organically unkempt and not at all synthetic. His keen eyes led you to believe that he is from an Eastern lineage, most likely Japanese, but you didn't want to make any unfounded assumptions. Because it's simply impossible for someone to cosplay at this time, you were left silently marveling at the incredible coincidence.
He muttered something to himself, but you did not hear it.
“11:56 PM.”
You had a smidgen of knowledge regarding the bus schedule enough to give yourself a pep talk in the hopes that it would motivate you to give him directions. But no amount of psyching yourself up could have prepared you for when another person walked up to him. She asked the question you had been meaning to ask for the past three minutes, assuming she was a college student. He grinned at the worried girl. 
He was stunningly gorgeous when he smiled.
Wholly unfair how he exudes an aura of elegance whilst wearing normal clothes while you look like a sloppy burrito wrapped by a beige shawl this dead of night.
“Oh, no, no. I am not at all lost. I’m simply looking for someone.”
Everyone was fairly sure that person would never arrive, but he stayed roving around the room, pacing back and forth as if the person he was looking for will arrive the next minute. Whoever it was, you were starting to get angry on his behalf. Who would leave such an attractive man waiting? It was improper. 
But to be honest, you have already admitted to yourself that your life is quite dull— so you’re aware that this nonsensical drama you had over this imaginary person stemmed from boredom.
Out of the blue, he fixed his gaze on you.
The stranger’s eyes softened. The simmering panic in his expression vanished in an instant the moment he saw your face, and his mouth gaped open for a short while before he sauntered forward, ignoring the student who awkwardly shuffled back to her waiting spot.
You immediately felt small, upright, and astoundingly nervous. Not ready to be accosted by anyone at all.
“There you are…” He gave you that smile again. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you, Mx. (Y/n).”
You scanned the area before jabbing your finger at your chest. He nodded as if you were being ridiculous to consider that it may be someone else.
Ah, so the lookalike was waiting for you. 
You were mentally fighting yourself.
“I’m ███████ █████,” he said in a gentle tone— not at all reflecting the stressed out look he sported a moment before. “— The new product manager. I’m an incredibly recent hire, so please do not feel bad for not recognizing my face.”
That wasn’t the reason why your eyebrows were knitted, though. It’s because you DO recognize his face, but you doubt he’d take you for a reasonable person should you start pointing out his physical similarities with a fictional character.
███████ █████, huh? His full name is a bit average-sounding. Sounds like something you may have read on an early 2000s Weaboo forum on "What would your Japanese name be?" which lists down dates, birth months, and the first letter of a person's first name. However, it wasn’t entirely unbelievable— you just chalked him up as an unfortunate kid whose parents were eager to give their son the name "John Doe" when given the chance.
“It’s nice to meet you, Mister █████.”
“P-Please,” he shook his head. “Let’s drop the formalities. We shall work alongside together officially tomorrow. I would like for us to talk more casually if you would not mind.”
His vocabulary was painfully filled with constrictive pleasantries for someone who seemed to be eager to have a casually cordial relationship with you. Since a product manager and a district manager have roughly equal levels of authority in your company, his desire for friendship isn't too shocking.
Yet, you can’t help but stare… It’s still so strange how he also has a mole right underneath his lip.
He looks just like Kamisato Ayato from Genshin Impact, but not for long.
At first, you envied █████’s youthful glow and wanted it for yourself, but upon learning that he will replace Mister Blaiddyd, you mentally prayed that he wouldn’t lose his mind from stress like his predecessor. That’s how stressful being a product manager is. Give him two months and he’d probably start ruining his coiffed hair during crunch times.
“Understood,” your eyes darted back to the bus station, which remained regrettably devoid of any vehicle. You were starting to consider taking a taxi to avoid this awkward conversation but there’s not a single one in sight. “Since you’ve mentioned that you were trying to find me, might I ask why that is, exactly?”
“Ah, yes,” he instinctively adjusted his collar. His sharp and sophisticated face never averted away from you. “You see— Miss Goneril had informed me that I should approach you if I had any concerns about work.”
Ahh… Hilda…
His future plight still doesn’t change how annoying this situation is. Can’t believe you’re already assigned to helping a newbie out as soon as you got your promotion. She’s planning to milk your kindness dry this month, isn’t she? Despite being your best work friend, Hilda doesn’t have to be unkind to someone to exploit them. But you suppose you wouldn’t mind too much, given how he doesn’t look half-bad. Call it vain, call it a “coping mechanism”, but there wouldn’t be any shame on your end to teach a new attractive coworker the ropes of your job. 
You'll treat him nicely. As the good Samaritan you are, maybe you'll also ask him to give up while he's ahead for good measure.
“Sure, I wouldn’t mind helping you out—”
“I'm most grateful!”
“—but it is VERY late.”
You took a quick look at your phone. 11:53 PM—and there were three messages from Miss Goneril confirming that █████ is the new hire. Since Hilda never filtered her remarks when it came to... aesthetically pleasing people, you instantly pocketed your phone. It was a grave oversight on your end that Hilda found out earlier that you weren't paying attention to her babbling earlier. You wouldn't get such a long message on how "hot" █████'s mole was if you were a better pretender. Her thirst was kind of unsettling.
Ah, whatever. You’ll just delete it later.
You held back a yawn, “where’s your stop?”
“███ ███████.”
“Ah, that’s where I drop off too.”
Additionally, it is the bus's final stop, so you would have to spend a lot more time with him. Great. You hoped he wouldn't try to strike up a conversation with some small talk.
He placed his hand on his chin. Now that he’s up close, you realized just how long his sleeves were. The silhouette nearly reminded you of Kamisato Ayato once more. █████ nodded with a half-teasing smile.
“Oh, not to worry, I know.”
Hilda must have told him right away. You secretly hoped that the main reason she paired you two up was because of your shared destination so you could applaud her wise decision-making skills, but you knew better. Once more, Hilda is attempting to match you with someone.
You cleared your throat, “well then, you better prepare yourself with some sleepless nights because the buses around here don’t come around plenty. You’d have to stand most of the time—”
He muttered something again, “three minutes left.”
“Ah, no, it’s nothing. I’ve recently moved here so please do continue explaining.”
“… Right.” You sighed, “do you live in ██████████?”
“Then we’d go in opposite directions. I live in █████ so this is the only bus we share.”
That almost made you snort. Unfortunately? It's not at all unfortunate, though. During these hours, you rarely feel socially motivated to communicate, and you just know deep down that once he starts working, you'll find a method to board buses separately from him.
“If it’s alright for me to quickly digress— may I trouble you with something, (Y/n)?”
“May I take a picture with you?” █████ asked. “I want to upload it in my Instagram Story to show my friends and family that I’m faring well. They’ve been insistent that I should make friends on my first day of work— even when based on technicalities, this doesn’t qualify as my first day.”
He must be the eldest and the breadwinner of the ████████ family. That's admirable. Working with someone like him is not a problem for you. They constantly know how to get the job done.
“I don’t mind,” you said, slightly nervous. “But can you not add any weird stuff?”
“Weird stuff?”
“Like, maybe a “my new coworker is ugly” or something like that.”
“W-What?!” █████ jolted. “I would never do such a thing! Especially towards you, my bel—”
“R-Relax, that was just a joke.” Not really. “Is it okay if I don’t take my face mask off?”
“… Of course, I wouldn’t mind.”
█████ scooted closer to you, placing his phone up and angling it in the direction that mostly showed your face. It’s as if he didn’t want his face to be seen, but with a handsome face like that? You’re highly doubtful that is the case. His hands were trembling. The poor man must’ve been incredibly sleep deprived and running on coffee like you.
Unwittingly, you placed your hand above his to steady his phone and you heard him gasp softly. You quickly withdrew your hand away as though you touched a hot kettle when its anything but warm.
His hands were cold, it almost didn’t feel human.
“Oh— sorry!” You shrugged, cringing. “I didn’t mean to—”
“N-No, it’s fine!” He chuckled nervously. “If anything, I should be the one apologizing. I have been told that I am terrible at using a Kamera.”
Why does he say “camera” with a hard “K”? You’ve never heard anyone else pronounce it in that way. Possibly a local accent. It was tempting to ask where he’s from but perhaps that topic would be better brought up some other time. Asking that question might just make him miss his family more, and his parents might be wide-awake right now anticipating any form of reassurance that their child is doing fine.
“Then allow me to take the pic for us.”
He smiled eagerly, “I would greatly appreciate that.”
█████ handed you his phone. You set it up at the same angle he had originally intended, although this time his phone's screen displayed both your faces more clearly. Although you made an effort to contain your emotions, you couldn't help but be overwhelmed by how much he resembles Kamisato Ayato. You mentally readied yourself for the possibility that you would feel his breath on your neck, but you didn't feel him breathe. That doesn’t make you feel untouched, however, since he rested his hand on your shoulder to pull you close enough for the picture.
Is he holding his breath?
“Stay still,” he commanded.
You clenched your fist, trying hard NOT to think about how close his voice is to Chris Hackney’s.
After you pressed the shutter button at least three times, you opened the pictures you’ve taken.
He really does have a beautiful smile.
“Is there something wrong with my face…?”
“Hmm? N-No,” you sputtered out. “I just thought it was a good pic.”
“I’m glad,” he laughed heartily. “I’m still getting used to this face after all.”
… Huh.
Maybe you lack sleep, but the photos remind you of those AI-generated photos on social media— the stolen ones that artists rightfully plead credit for. Maybe you just find him excessively gorgeous because he reminded you of a fictional character you were familiar with, but his appearance somehow seems otherworldly…
“11:55, one minute left.” He muttered again as he crooned above your neck, gazing at his phone.
“For what?”
█████ laughed heartily. 
“For the bus, of course!”
You raised an eyebrow. The station was incredibly empty. You genuinely can’t tell who would lie to him about that.
“Sorry, █████, I don’t know who told you that but there’s genuinely no pattern as to when the bus arrives here. That’s fake news—”
“██████████!!! ██████████!!!”
You immediately snap your neck at the sound of the bus conductor.
“H-Huh?” Your eyes widened.
█████ wore a smug smile on his face as he watched you stare at his phone in disbelief. He was correct; the time was 11:56 pm. But before he had time to gloat and act “mysterious”, you snatched his cold hand and sprinted for the seats— apologizing to the college student you bumped into along the way.
No way in hell you’re going to wait for the next bus.
“We need to go! Now!!!”
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You woke up the next day feeling more tired than the previous morning.
Tuesday means that you will inevitably have to work today. You woke up before your alarm, but instead of being a responsible adult and opening up a parcel of bread with hot coffee on the side, you rolled on your bed to whisk your charged phone from the nightstand. You received notifications from several social media apps and a work email from Mister Gautier, but you'd prefer not to startle yourself by hearing one of your subordinate's absurd justifications for being absent. Instead, you launched the Instagram app that you reluctantly installed because of Hilda.
The picture you took together with █████ is still up on his Story.
The image is just as you recall it. You might even say that your opinion of his appearance significantly increased after a good night's sleep. How did you manage to converse with your new coworker last night without turning into a stammering wreck when he is THIS drop-dead gorgeous? You're confident the picture wasn't edited in any way. After all, you saw him upload it directly to his phone's social media account because you wanted to make sure he wouldn't add any odd captions. Congrats to █████ for being incredibly photogenic. He genuinely looks like an AI-generated person with how flawless he appeared. You would have told Hilda straight away that whatever she was swooning over had to be some kind of catfish if you hadn't met him—
You squinted.
“Wait a second.”
You looked closely at his hand which rested on top of your shoulder.
“… Are those six fingers?”
That can’t be right.
Sure, he does look like an AI-generated person in the flesh but six fingers? Absurd. It’s probably due to the horrible lighting.
You can’t zoom in on a story, so you took a screenshot but—
You had no time to spare. Hastily, you rolled out, tossed your phone on the bed, and staggered to the restroom. You had to go as soon as possible since you have a meeting this morning. At this rate, soldiers who lived ration by ration likely had a healthier diet than you– but your boss is the embodiment of evil.
You’ll just have to look at the image later.
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“Bad morning?”
“Oh, nice to see you here, █████.”
█████ grinned, pointing at the chair beside you, “would you mind if I sit?”
You smiled politely, “I don’t own this place, you know?”
He chuckled, “fair enough.”
It's 4:07 PM. Even though one of your team members arrived later than expected, you eventually built momentum and finished the presentation on a high note. Working with Mr. Gautier is such a headache. Thankfully, district managers have to go out in the field, so before you know it, you've excused yourself to eat lunch at your preferred café. The barely-melted coffee powder you had at home wasn't going to help you get through the day like your favorite cup here. Your cup was no longer a "morning joe", but better late than never.
█████ sank on the cafe’s chair, inhaling the aroma of the rich coffee you ordered. You assumed yet again that it was Miss Goneril’s atrocious wingman skills that led him to this place. His shoulders relaxed a bit afterward as he eyed your cup.
“I do wonder what real coffee tastes like…” █████ mumbled.
You'd give it to him, but you're stressed out—probably more so than he is, given that your supervisor basically holds his hand around the office like a newborn child. The gravity of the problems you carry as a District Manager is nothing to laugh at, either. It’s just a matter of getting used to it.
“Looking already stressed on your official first day, hmm?” You teased before you sipped your cup, pretending you don’t feel his jealous eyes. “Is being a Project Manager not what you had expected?”
█████ shook his head, scoffing with a lopsided grin.
“Oh no, I used to have bigger workloads. I’m only behaving this way since I’m not used to moving this face often.”
This face, huh? What a unique yet expected phrasing. After all, he is so attractive that it wouldn't surprise you if he thought of his face as a separate entity that must be maintained. █████ must be the type of person who cares an awful lot for skin care and self-love. Good for him, good for him.
“Never worked in retail before?” You tilted your head. “Never practiced your customer service smile?”
“In a way, yes,” he chuckled. “I am more accustomed to working behind the scenes since my younger sister takes most of the spotlight in the commi— our family business.”
█████ sure laughs a lot.
“Ah, is she something of an entertainer?” You teased. Knowing a thing or two about other people’s younger siblings, you anticipated some messy anecdotes which served to amplify your opinions on how chaotic having siblings is.
“No. On the contrary, she’s incredibly reserved and poised.”
“Then I bet there’s just something charismatic about her— is she the artistic type?”
“She is. Our family’s beloved princess is quite skilled in the art of dancing and calligraphy. You ought to watch her perform someday.”
You made an effort not to grin foolishly as humiliating thoughts ran rampant inside your head. His sister sounds like Ayaka already. How surreal would it be if you opened up your phone and did your Daily Commissions in front of him—
Oh, right! Your phone— that screenshot!
You ferreted your phone out of your bag, side-eyeing him each time you failed to find it inside its mini-pockets. █████ kept smiling as you busied yourself in hopes you’d locate your phone sooner. To fill in the dead air (and to avoid getting uncomfortable knowing that a man was keeping a close eye on you), you got right onto the meat of the subject by asking questions.
“Hey— I know this is weird, but can I see your hands?”
█████ didn’t respond for a while, lost in a trance before you lightly waved at his face. His soft gaze broke as he blinked fast multiple times.
“My… hands? Alright.”
He pulled his long sleeves— which iconically trailed longer than any other coat in the company— to smoothly show off his slender fingers. █████ glanced at his wristwatch in the process. 4:09 PM. Just one minute more.
Meanwhile, you flinched. He clearly had five fingers in each hand. The normal amount. You didn’t know what exactly you were expecting.
“Hah, I’m definitely sleep deprived,” you spoke humorously. “When I checked our picture this morning I swear I saw six fingers.”
He didn’t laugh. Slowly, he closed his eyes, unamused.
“You’re wrong.” 
█████’s voice dipped low.
You never realized how warm his servile gazes were until he starts looking at you with a cold glare.
You felt your spine tremble as you took note of how he crossed his arms. What’s with this sudden shift in atmosphere? Shouldn’t he laugh at how strange your question was instead?
Why did he sound so offended?
Due to the nature of his tone, you sputtered out an excuse to bring back the light conversation you had before, “must’ve been because its dark— here hold on I took a screenshot of it.”
You opened your gallery, not bothering to scroll deep into it since it should be a recent photo. Yet, you paused, and frantically swiped up and down. You expected that screenshot to be the first image that greets you upon opening the app, but you only saw an entirely black PNG file. Why on earth did that screenshot turn void? You tried searching but you only found recent scans from the last week’s meetings and some “candid” selfies Hilda most likely snapped for herself. 
This makes no sense whatsoever! You swore you took the screenshot earlier and there was no notification that it failed to save it.
“█████” smirked.
11:56 PM M: (Y/n) waits at the bus station.
02:33 AM T: (Y/n) arrives home.
8:01 AM T: (Y/n) has a meeting.
4:10 PM T: (Y/n) looks at their phone at Cafe █████.
4:10 PM. GONE.
You’re so adorable when you have your phone close to your face with your eyebrows knitted like that… Oh, his dear beloved, you nearly got him…
It’s such a shame that he knows your phone like the back of his palm.
“Is something the matter, (Y/n)?”
Kamisato Ayato chuckled behind his sleeve.
You wouldn’t meet his eye, “I was pretty certain I took a screenshot of it this morning, this is so strange…”
Quickly, you opened Instagram to check “█████”’s Story, but the image was missing as well. Since Stories only expire after 24 hours, and it has only been a little over half that time since it was posted, it shouldn't have disappeared. Your eyes remained glued to your phone, unbeknownst to the sinister smile your coworker wore amidst your defeated state.
“Say, did you remove your Stor—”
“█████” slid his phone onto the table.
You picked it up. It’s the picture you two had at the station. You zoomed in on his hand.
Five fingers.
“… Yeah, it’s definitely five,” you whimpered almost inaudibly. “Here I thought I could show you something funny. Damn. I’m really sleep-deprived.”
“I know, you sleep at around 2:30 after all.”
You took a breath and then shook your head. There is no need to be skeptical about that statement; it's simple arithmetic. He reportedly knows a lot about accounting, thus he most likely estimated the length of your ride home as if it were a no-brainer. You gave him a wary smile. He's a lot more calculating than you first thought; he even picked up that you were looking for the photo you took the night before without your having to tell him.
Doing what needed to be done without being asked…
“█████” swiftly took his phone back.
“Now then, would you care to enlighten me as to what tastes good on this cafe’s menu?”
You smiled.
Yeah. You think you’ll get along with the new Project Manager just fine.
“Why, it’ll be my pleasure! First off, the frappe here is not that bad…”
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thebisexualdogdad · 7 months
Club owner fuckboy Mihawk x GN!reader
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● Mihawk owns the hottest club in town with Shanks, Ace and Buggy working there as bartenders and Smoker and crocodile as security
● and he is the biggest fuckboy around
● he has a reputation for hooking with customers
● he lives in the penthouse above the club so it's easy for him to bring someone upstairs for sex
● you and your friends became regulars at the club after Sanji gets hired as the new chef and you immediately caught Mihawk's attention
● after hearing about his reputation from Sanji you decide to play the long game, letting him buy you drinks over the course of a few weeks but nothing more
● until he wants you so bad he's desperate and practically begging to get you into his bed
● Nami tells you to not make him wait too long or he'll find someone else to get his fix from and that means me no more free drinks for any of you
● so you give him a taste by making out with him in his own personal booth in the vip section of the club
● and a week later you finally spend the night with him
● and it is the best night of your life
● the rumors about what Mihawk is packing turn out to be very true
● he's absolutely massive (he has a variety of lube on hand for everybody's safety)
● and he knows exactly how to use it
● the next morning your friends are blowing up your phone asking how it was
● you respond with a picture of a sleeping Mihawk on his stomach displaying all the scratch marks you left down his back
● and sure both of you are still hooking up with other people on the side because of his inability to settle down with just one person
● but he clearly favors you making time for you 3-4 times a week while he usually only sleeps with someone once and is done with them
● sexting is frequent with Mihawk
● like every single day frequent
● he sends you so many shirtless pics
● which leads to pics of him with his hands down his pants
● and then videos of him playing with himself while moaning your name
● he's a total dom in the bedroom
● he's in control of every second and makes sure you know it
● he's got an entire closet full of very expensive sex toys for you to play with
● you also sometimes bring a third in when you meet someone you are both attracted to at the club
● Mihawk loves having you watch him fuck someone else
● making eye contact with you the entire time
● and waking up in the middle of both of you the next morning (which usually leads to him fucking you in the shower after they leave)
● your friends greatly enjoy the benefits that come with you hooking up with Mihawk
● for Luffy that is the unlimited amount of food that he gets for free (despite Sanji being his roommate but Luffy would never turn down free food)
● Buggy doesn't quite enjoy you being around as much as mihawk because he usually ends up playing babysitter when your friends have a little too much to drink after the drinking games they play with Ace
● especially Usopp who's a bit of a lightweight and Buggy has had to accompany him many times whilst he's puking in the alley behind the club
● Shanks on the other hand enjoys having Robin and Zoro there to taste test new drinks he's experimenting with
● all the while Mihawk's full attention is on you, getting handsy in his booth to get you worked up before taking you upstairs to fuck you senseless
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Based on the ask Yuuri was given about Bittersweet being an anime I wanna imagine the other stories too!
Let's see there's Bittersweet for the two boys, lost and found for Charlie, Escape for Auron, Hell's kitchen for Lucien , star crossed for Faust, Talk Floral for Finn and Jack, the boy next door.
The intros would be SO cute to imagine!
THE LONG STORY SHORT: I yapped SO much on this-
The screen is black at first then it turns red showing that the camera is inside a oven. Then it opens and Boo is grabbing the pan smelling what they made. Then turning as the music starts, we see Alphonse leaning on the kitchen counter eating a candy.
Boo then goes and kisses him as they placed the pastures to cool down. It shows different memories of the couple, then it cuts to a scene where we see Seth riding in on his motorcycle. This is for season 1! Bc we don't know who Seth is yet and don't know if we like him!
Season 2 changes to where Seth is going through the fridge helping Boo with frosting the pastries. We then see Alphonse beside him joking around, after when they made up. It all good then we get a scene where someone is putting hair into a present.
Season 3 the intro is a bit darker to where Boo isn't opening the oven it pans to the three of them in a car. Hugging each other being riding off past the train tracks. We see Derek talking to someone, Charlie looking anxious, and finally what we think is Jessie.
Sadly no season 4 idea </3
Lost and Found:
Season 1's intro has Charlie waking up looking around his room and getting ready for work. Grabbing a skate board and riding to Pete's place, he passes many places before getting there. Where we see Pete yelling and Charlie just clocks in, grabbing a sign he sighs before putting on a bug smile and walking outside.
We see Casper in the corner of his eyes, Charlie gets a flashback to when they were younger and he freezes. We see a younger version of Casper holding out their hands for him to grab. But he shakes his head and sees older Casper, then opening his mouth to greet them.
Anime 1: I'd like to belive its like a short anime that got a spin off bc the og one couldn't go dark. SO, the first anime intro shows the ground where Rook is standing. Looking up and then the camera shoots up to Auron's office where he's looking down. Sighing and then turning away buzzing to Trish to call in the new hire.
It goes back to Rook who is rushing to get to his office, we see people who will become their friends. The workers are rushing past them like a well balanced machine and in the back ground can see Mark gathering his things. Then at the end Rook is looking at Auron's doors to his office, Trish gives them a kind smile and nods to them to go in.
Rook then opens the door and sees Auron, both eyes flash seeing each other. Auron breaks the eye contact and grabs papers, the intro flashes to what they will become and even hints how something will happen, something bad.
Sadly don't have anything on Shattered to give yall a intro idea </3
Hell's kitchen:
At first you think it's a demonic show but no, it shows Lucien sitting in he'll before being summoned for something. As he turns you can see Angel sitting on their couch blinking at him. They scream and it cuts to the intro music, the intro shows Lucien looking up cooking tutorials and Angel smiling at him.
We see him cooking different foods as Angel stuffs their face. Slowly they become closer to the point Angel wraps their arms around him and kisses him. Lucien looks down and smiles before lifting a piece of cake and feeding Angel again.
Star Crossed:
It shows Faust streaming and playing a game, then there's a notification. Ending the stream he clicks it and sees Star texting him about a collab. Looking scared he then shakes it off and agrees, then when he turns his phone off the camera flips to Star being happy at the acceptance.
Slowly as it goes on it shows Faust and Star playing games, meeting up and generally getting closer. Then at the end it shows Star holding Faust's hands in front of a camera in the background says 'just got together!'
Talk Floral:
It shows Finn humming as he walks in the back of his shop. Putting bouquets together then he hears the front door chime. Smiling widely he rushes out and we see Sunflower slowly coming in. Finn flushes at how attractive they are and opens his mouth to talk.
It then pans over to Finn showing off different flowers and orders he has to do. Sunflower is seen in all scenes but gradually getting closer. That represents how much Finn's crush is growing before they're right in front of him asking him out. It ends with Finn with a loving smile as he nods to them asking him out.
Jack, the Boy Next Door:
It pans to the campus at how big it is, then to Jack who's walking onto the campus. It's a big crowd of people finding their classes to not be late. Then he's bumping into someone, turning to say something he sees Buddy confused. With a gentle smile he opens his mouth to talk.
He guides them to their class, but jt seems as if the seasons are changing as they do. Showing different outfits and stages of how close they are, gradually they walk arm and arm to the class Buddy needs to go to. As their about to kiss, it switches back to Jack getting them to the building they need, with a shy smile Buddy waves him goodbye.
Jack is standing there in a daze before smiling and walking away to his class. The camera pans back to Buddy who's blushing and holding their heart, indicating they might have a crush.
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girlboss-enthusiast · 6 months
Please tell us how to get into IT without a degree! I have an interview for a small tech company this week and I’m going in as admin but as things expand I can bootstrap into a better role and I’d really appreciate knowing what skills are likely to be crucial for making that pivot.
Absolutely!! You'd be in a great position to switch to IT, since as an admin, you'd already have some familiarity with the systems and with the workplace in general. Moving between roles is easier in a smaller workplace, too.
So, this is a semi-brief guide to getting an entry-level position, for someone with zero IT experience. That position is almost always going to be help desk. You've probably heard a lot of shit about help desk, but I've always enjoyed it.
So, here we go! How to get into IT for beginners!
The most important thing on your resume will be
Studying for certs can teach you a lot, especially if you're entirely new to the field. But they're also really important for getting interviews. Lots of jobs will require a cert or degree, and even if you have 5 years of experience doing exactly what the job description is, without one of those the ATS will shunt your resume into a black hole and neither HR or the IT manager will see it.
First, I recommend getting the CompTIA A+. This will teach you the basics of how the parts of a computer work together - hardware, software, how networking works, how operating systems work, troubleshooting skills, etc. If you don't have a specific area of IT you're interested in, this is REQUIRED. Even if you do, I suggest you get this cert just to get your foot in the door.
I recommend the CompTIA certs in general. They'll give you a good baseline and look good on your resume. I only got the A+ and the Network+, so can't speak for the other exams, but they weren't too tough.
If you're more into development or cybersecurity, check out these roadmaps. You'll still benefit from working help desk while pursuing one of those career paths.
The next most important thing is
🔥🔥Customer service & soft skills🔥🔥
Sorry about that.
I was hired for my first ever IT role on the strength of my interview. I definitely wasn't the only candidate with an A+, but I was the only one who knew how to handle customers (aka end-users). Which is, basically, be polite, make the end-user feel listened to, and don't make them feel stupid. It is ASTOUNDING how many IT people can't do that. I've worked with so many IT people who couldn't hide their scorn or impatience when dealing with non-tech-savvy coworkers.
Please note that you don't need to be a social butterfly or even that socially adept. I'm autistic and learned all my social skills by rote (I literally have flowcharts for social interactions), and I was still exceptional by IT standards.
Third thing, which is more for you than for your resume (although it helps):
🎇Do your own projects🎇
This is both the most and least important thing you can do for your IT career. Least important because this will have the smallest impact on your resume. Most important because this will help you learn (and figure out if IT is actually what you want to do).
The certs and interview might get you a job, but when it comes to doing your job well, hands-on experience is absolutely essential. Here are a few ideas for the complete beginner. Resources linked at the bottom.
Start using the command line. This is called Terminal on Mac and Linux. Use it for things as simple as navigating through file directories, opening apps, testing your connection, that kind of thing. The goal is to get used to using the command line, because you will use it professionally.
Build your own PC. This may sound really intimidating, but I swear it's easy! This is going to be cheaper than buying a prebuilt tower or gaming PC, and you'll learn a ton in the bargain.
Repair old PCs. If you don't want to or can't afford to build your own PC, look for cheap computers on Craiglist, secondhand stores, or elsewhere. I know a lot of universities will sell old technology for cheap. Try to buy a few and make a functioning computer out of parts, or just get one so you can feel comfortable working in the guts of a PC.
Learn Powershell or shell scripting. If you're comfortable with the command line already or just want to jump in the deep end, use scripts to automate tasks on your PC. I found this harder to do for myself than for work, because I mostly use my computer for web browsing. However, there are tons of projects out there for you to try!
Play around with a Raspberry Pi. These are mini-computers ranging from $15-$150+ and are great to experiment with. I've made a media server and a Pi hole (network-wide ad blocking) which were both fun and not too tough. If you're into torrenting, try making a seedbox!
Install Linux on your primary computer. I know, I know - I'm one of those people. But seriously, nothing will teach you more quickly than having to compile drivers through the command line so your Bluetooth headphones will work. Warning: this gets really annoying if you just want your computer to work. Dual-booting is advised.
If this sounds intimidating, that's totally normal. It is intimidating! You're going to have to do a ton of troubleshooting and things will almost never work properly on your first few projects. That is part of the fun!
Resources I've tried and liked are marked with an asterisk*
Professor Messor's Free A+ Training Course*
PC Building Simulator 2 (video game)
How to build a PC (video)
PC Part Picker (website)*
CompTIA A+ courses on Udemy
50 Basic Windows Commands with Examples*
Mac Terminal Commands Cheat Sheet
Powershell in a Month of Lunches (video series)
Getting Started with Linux (tutorial)* Note: this site is my favorite Linux resource, I highly recommend it.
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi Projects for Beginners
Ask A Manager (advice blog on workplace etiquette and more)*
Reddit is helpful for tech questions in general. I have some other resources that involve sailing the seas; feel free to DM me or send an ask I can answer privately.
DO NOT work at an MSP. That stands for Managed Service Provider, and it's basically an IT department which companies contract to provide tech services. I recommend staying away from them. It's way better to work in an IT department where the end users are your coworkers, not your customers.
DO NOT trust remote entry-level IT jobs. At entry level, part of your job is schlepping around hardware and fixing PCs. A fully-remote position will almost definitely be a call center.
DO write a cover letter. YMMV on this, but every employer I've had has mentioned my cover letter as a reason to hire me.
DO ask your employer to pay for your certs. This applies only to people who either plan to move into IT in the same company, or are already in IT but want more certs.
DO NOT work anywhere without at least one woman in the department. My litmus test is two women, actually, but YMMV. If there is no woman in the department in 2024, and the department is more than 5 people, there is a reason why no women work there.
DO have patience with yourself and keep an open mind! Maybe this is just me, but if I can't do something right the first time, or if I don't love it right away, I get very discouraged. Remember that making mistakes is part of the process, and that IT is a huge field which ranges from UX design to hardware repair. There are tons of directions to go once you've got a little experience!
Disclaimer: this is based on my experience in my area of the US. Things may be different elsewhere, esp. outside of the US.
I hope this is helpful! Let me know if you have more questions!
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enden-k · 4 months
Just wanted to hear other people opinion about what they thought of the new storyline for wuwa.
(If you are unfamiliar with the old/cbt1 storyline drama here's a reddit post that explains the whole thing: https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/YBEuZ7jhC5)
Long story short I have been hearing people saying they prefer the old storyline when in reality the old story wasn't perfect. Sure it had good moments but it doesn't make up the fact the Rover was still being disrespected even after all the quests they have done for the people.
Considering the fact that Kuro games had 6 months to rework the whole story before their release date it make sense why the story is rushed both in the main story and Yinlin story. There were things that felt like they could've explained better and revise here and there but there were moments where I didn't enjoy the mainstream (Scar, Jiyan and the Battle of Jinzhou were my favorite parts).
My biggest issue about this whole conversation is that people keep bringing up Genshin and HSR storyline. Now there is nothing against these two stories as they are quite in their own way but what I hate about this comparison is that Hoyoverse has a total of 8 games (one of them being a dating sim) so they have alot of experience in making lore meanwhile Kuro Games only has a total of 3 games. This is unfair comparison if you ask me.
Another issue that I have is that most of the lore that Genshin and HSR that you want to know about isn't main story but from the side quests. These sides are so long and info dumping that many players just skip through everything or don't play the quest (Aranana quest is a prime example)
Now I don't know how true this is but as of right now Kuro Games are still working on all the bugs and issues that players are facing but they are still hiring writers to help with the story. If this is true we might have to wait for awhile for the story to be more clearer and better.
But that just my opinion I love the game I think the story could use some work but the game just got released two weeks ago so it hard to decide what will happen next and how the story goes.
i dont have anything to add bc i share the same thoughts as you. the story is a little weak but all the things considered you just mentioned, i have patience and hopes it gets better (since some ppl just looooove comparing hoyo and kuro; gnshn wasnt perfect either, inazuma was a mess before they had better writing for sumeru and i dont even wanna start with what the fuck ever was the luofu story but they COOKED w penacony and belobog). some sections like scar and the final battle was pretty cool
anw im tired of ppl comparing gnshn/hsr w wuwa too thats why i just dont bother reading those comments or replying
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felassan · 1 year
Article: 'If Anthem is the "anti-BioWare game", then James Ohlen is correcting the balance'
Text [quote]:
"The hugely influential design director talks Baldur’s Gate, his next RPG, and the abandonment of the BioWare model.
“Baldur’s Gate II set the model, and I obviously loved that model,” says James Ohlen. “But there were a ton of people at BioWare who didn’t like it.” During leadership meetings over the course of the Canadian designer’s 22 years at the RPG studio, he’d sometimes feel totally outnumbered when talking about the importance of story. “Game developers don’t get into the industry to create stories, they get into the industry to create games,” he says. “And so there’s this conflict between game developers and story - my entire career it's been a constant fight.”
Ohlen picked his side early. He was telling BioWare stories even before he joined the company. The meeting of Minsc and Boo, one of the most enduring partnerships in PC gaming, came about in a tabletop Dungeons & Dragons game he ran as a teenager. Then a comic book store manager, he took advantage of his premises to guide no fewer than three concurrent D&D groups through their campaigns. “I didn’t really have much of a life outside of Dungeons & Dragons,” he says.
BioWare programmer Cam Tofer played Minsc in one of those campaigns, “as a guy who’s basically been knocked on the head too many times in fights”. A merchant NPC of Ohlen’s invention sold him Boo, the miniature giant space hamster, in an apparent scam. Tofer ran with it, declaring that Boo would be Minsc’s animal companion, and holding one-sided conversations with the confidant that lived in his pocket. “In my campaign he was just a hamster,” Ohlen says. “I always thought of him as just a hamster.”
Back then, in the early 90s, there were no game design degrees, but Ohlen had dedicated himself to the next best thing. DMing proved to be an intensive training course in giving players agency and immersing them in another world - and his local reputation as a story wrangler landed him a job working on Baldur’s Gate. It’s a similar origin story to that of David Gaider, another D&D head who was plucked from the hotel industry to tell tales about vampires and druid groves.
“Have you ever read Malcolm Gladwell on the 10,000 hour rule? I think by the time I got hired by BioWare, I had done 20,000 hours of dungeon mastering,” Ohlen says. “It was ridiculous. I owe a lot to D&D. My friendships, my career, my mental stability.”
BioWare co-founder Ray Muzyka encouraged Ohlen to dig into the huge binders that contained the details of all the player characters and NPCs in his campaigns, and to let them spill out into the world of Baldur’s Gate. “I hadn’t intended to do that,” Ohlen says. “It seemed narcissistic. But he was right. Once I started using them, I started getting things done real fast. All the characters had personalities that I already knew.”
Those tabletop campaigns turned out to be accidental writers’ rooms - producing distinct personalities that reflected the voices of their individual players. From the binders came some of Baldur’s Gate’s most beloved companions, like Minsc and the egotistical conjurer Edwin, as well as its villains - leading all the way up to the sequel’s Hannibal Lector-esque antagonist, Jon Irenicus.
That said, inspiration for Baldur’s Gate II’s much deeper companion stories came from an unlikely source. During a freezing winter smoke break in Edmonton, an Interplay producer named Dermot Clarke mentioned that Baldur’s Gate’s characters weren’t nearly as developed as those in Final Fantasy VII.
“I’m very competitive,” Ohlen says. “I went and played Final Fantasy VII and was like, ‘Oh my good god, these characters make ours look like a bunch of cardboard cutouts. This is terrible.’” The disparity convinced BioWare to up their game, leading to the complex journeys of companions like Jaheira - the grieving wife and activist, whose sense of duty has been shaken by so much loss. Despite Ohlen’s distaste for the way SquareSoft’s RPGs played, he continued to be influenced by their character work - all the way up to Knights Of The Old Republic, which was partly inspired by the twist-laden Chrono Cross. That and Star Wars, of course.
“I actually totally, entirely ripped off The Empire Strikes Back in such blatant fashion,” Ohlen says. “You basically go to face the dark lord by yourself, and then you get into a lightsaber fight with him, and he kicks your ass. And then, after kicking your ass, he does the big twist. Then you don’t die because you’re rescued by your friends on the Millennium Falcon - I mean, the Ebon Hawk. It’s beat by beat the same thing.”
Of course, KOTOR’s plot twist didn’t feel familiar to players because it impacted not Luke Skywalker but them personally. For those who don’t know - and spoiler warning, if so - it revealed that your character was in fact a former Sith Lord, their memory wiped by the Jedi Council. In an RPG genre rooted by knowing your avatar down to their last stat, having your identity ripped out from under you felt genuinely radical. BioWare had succeeded in making its biggest setpiece not a battle, but a revelation. And in the process, it proved that BioWare storytelling was packed with the kind of explosive potential a publisher could bank on.
After the sale of the company to EA in 2007, Ohlen was put in charge of creative development on a Star Wars MMO, The Old Republic. It was BioWare’s next great hope, and an enormous undertaking - involving the founding of a brand new studio in Austin, Texas. At launch, it featured eight story campaigns which unfolded across 19 planets. In 2011, executive producer Rich Vogel told Fast Company that The Old Republic hosted “the most content in a video game ever”. Looking back, Ohlen views that as a fundamental problem.
“If open-world is the enemy of storytelling, multiplayer is the arch-villain,” Ohlen says. “If I was to go back in time to give my 2006 self some advice it would be, ‘Don’t try to make the game so long that you can fill up 200 hours. Instead, keep it shorter.’” With less ground to cover, the Austin team could have committed more resources to its Flashpoints - story-heavy missions which forefronted the difficult decision-making and tight encounter design that had elevated previous BioWare games. “Everyone wanted Knights of the Old Republic Online, and it felt more like World Of Warcraft with Star Wars spray-painted on it and some BioWare juice thrown in,” Ohlen says. “Even though the Metacritic was pretty good, it wasn’t new enough to really take off.”
At this point, a Knights Of The Old Republic 3 directed by Ohlen would be “not great”, he says. “Because I’m all Star Wars’d out. I have nothing else to say about Star Wars. But if a whole new studio does KOTOR 3 that loved KOTOR, that could be an amazing game. So hopefully Disney makes that happen. But probably not, because executives around there are all probably going, ‘It’s too hardcore.’” Ohlen still remembers the efforts he made to convince EA boss John Riccitiello that fantasy was a genre that could sell. “I had this whole PowerPoint presentation,” he says. “We have Lord Of The Rings! We have World Of Warcraft! We have Diablo!”
The year after The Old Republic’s launch, with the arch-villain of multiplayer still undefeated, development of Anthem began - and BioWare fought that increasingly costly battle for the better part of a decade. Those at the studio tired of the Baldur’s Gate model had the backing of EA, since a live service looter-shooter in the mode of Destiny could unlock years of long-term revenue beyond the reach of a single-player RPG. Or so the theory went. “It was always chasing the gigantic successes instead of leaning into what BioWare was good at,” Ohlen says. “It wasn’t just EA leaning on BioWare - there were lots of people in BioWare who wanted to do something different.”
Ohlen understood why others at the company would want to get away from a formula that empowered old hands like him and Gaider, and embrace one that empowered them instead. And he knew first-hand that freedom to experiment was what had set BioWare on the path to success decades before. Yet this new direction felt like an abandonment of the studio’s strengths. “Anthem was the ultimate expression of that,” Ohlen says. “It got away from everything. It’s kind of like the anti-BioWare game.”
Ohlen left in 2018, intending to retire from videogames altogether. “The big games have a formula and they don’t adjust it too much,” he says. “It’s very production driven, and I was like, ‘I’m not gonna get to make a game that I want to make at EA.’” He returned to the tabletop, putting together a new Baldur’s Gate adventure book featuring Minsc and the gang. But then Wizards Of The Coast called and flew him up to Seattle to discuss starting a new studio. Ohlen didn’t need or necessarily want a videogame development team under his wing - and that proved to be a perfect negotiating position.
“My demands were, ‘I only do this if I get to start my own studio in Austin, I get to choose who I hire, I get to choose exactly the kind of IP I want to make, no one’s gonna tell me anything about how to make the game.” At this point, Ohlen adopts a megalomaniacal tone, as if he were Baldur’s Gate baddy Sarevok, ascending to the throne of the dead god Bhaal. “I want control over absolutely everything! I want all the power!”
To his surprise, Wizards said yes, and Ohlen has been happily presiding over Archetype Entertainment ever since, building a new sci-fi RPG world without interference. “If you’ve seen the games I like to build, it’s that style of game,” he says. “But then it leans into the people and technology that I have available.” Ohlen won’t elaborate on what’s in his toybox, for fear of spilling secrets - but it’s worth noting that Mass Effect legend Drew Karpyshyn joined Archetype in 2020 as lead writer. “The feel in the studio reminds me of my early days at BioWare,” wrote Karpyshyn on his blog at the time. “I can feel the magic in the air.”
Magic and Wizards and science fiction - it’s the kind of atmosphere in which you could believe a hamster isn’t just a hamster, but something altogether sillier and more exciting. An act of collective imagination is happening, the binders are filled to bursting, and all we have to do is wait."
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chipped-chimera · 2 months
I enter the cyberpunk 2077 tag. I see a post about the game not being 'punk' because of all the triple A gaming company typical shit 'means it's not punk'. I roll my eyes so hard I exit the tag.
Points, context, rebuttal, whatever beloooow (I am not reblogging post because I don't want to attract hate to OP, but I am writing this cause I'm sick of seeing it).
Yeah triple A dev treatment fucking sucks. It sucks CDPR vowed to do different and didn't but that is missing a bunch of context. Here comes the context -
I've been following CDPR since about 2010-ish. They've always held onto older era gaming attitudes and respect their consumers. I guess in a way they were still made for an older era around the Cyberpunk release for the following reasons.
They shot themselves in the foot with their own marketing. Hiring a big name may have done that. If you look at the teaser trailer for Cyberpunk 2077 on announcement it basically says release date wise 'its done when it's done'. Being part of that older era they want to put out a COMPLETE game. Well tested. They came from a time where game updates were a LUXURY and that's why I trusted them to release a good product.
Marketing however got so big that it exited the realm of core fans and into the general public (derogatory). When they announced another delay, I was chill. I trusted them. Shit takes time man, whatever it takes to make it good AND treat your employees well bro. General public however was out for blood, sending death threats, pulling preorders.
There's this fine line you have to tread in marketing. Too little hype, no one knows about your product. Too much hype, you skyrocket expectations. Hype at the wrong time - you end up peaking at the wrong moment and end up losing momentum for release. You can see the conundrum here. They were arguably in the skyrocketed expectations and the losing momentum risk region.
So they did crunch time for release. In a way they had to. I mean sure they could have been 'punk' like OP suggested and said fuck you to the non-core fanbase but unfortunately punk doesn't pay bills. It doesn't keep the lights on. It doesn't keep your employees employed. It doesn't stop them from getting sent death threats for a delay.
So they rushed it out, it bombed. That sucked BUT it brought them peace. Because while everyone was making fun of them and quickly forgetting about it to go laugh at the next bomb of the month - it meant they could actually get onto fixing/finishing their game because people like ME knew them. It wouldn't be left as is. Also let them work at a less insane pace.
I started playing it (I finally had a PC that could handle it) right before the Edgerunners release and the public reboot. It was a fucking. Solid. Game. I studied game design and if I didn't get sick and had to stop this game would have been my goddamn final paper. There are so many good choices narratively and mechanically to the point you can't separate the two. It was everything I expected.
They worked hard to get there. We currently live in an era where entertainment is treated like fast food and people can be fucking incoherent when they're told to have patience. Why do you think so many games release in a scuffed state? Why do you think this new 'redemption arc' story in the game industry has become increasingly common? Because Devs keep getting sent DEATH THREATS just for doing work. That's fucking insane. No wonder they're working overtime and sleeping at the office because the general public has turned gamedev into an industry that basically uses psychological torture as a whip to get your game out 'on time'.
Yes there are absolutely horrible triple A gamedev companies, usually under the stable of a larger company (EA, Activision etc. take your pick) but CDPR ain't that. In my eyes their hand was forced.
You know what is punk? Going with a little, 'unpopular' (basically not DnD) ttrpg written by a black man and building a new IP and experience from it - AND having him on board and getting his active input during development. Because dear lord current media in general seems to be allergic to taking risks and new IPs.
You know what else is punk? Releasing free DLC updates that would be a micro transaction otherwise (no I am not talking about Phantom Liberty and I argue that's an 'expansion' though I guess no one uses that word now) and putting the goddamn pdf of the ttrpg handbook they based it off with the game download. Putting stickers in physical releases (going by my witcher experience), giving you goddamn HIGH RESOLUTION IMAGES of in game posters to print for yourself FOR. FREE. No one DOES THAT anymore.
Also arguably putting out Cyberpunk is punk just in the narrative it tells in the goddamn first place - especially in the current climate, but I think I've made my point here.
Also my last point, in big letters because it's driving me fucking insane:
Anyway I'm sick of seeing CDPR being thrown under the bus and being treated in ways that will actively end up affecting future development. I really, really hope they haven't been too affected but if they end up feeling forced into modern day gamedev cycles and all the bullshit that goes with it ... well I know why.
And it starts with people who spout shit like this.
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soyouareandrewdobson · 11 months
Nintendo-vember Level 2: Howard and Nester: How you are not supposed to pay tribute to a comic
Ahhhh, Nintendo Power. Published by Nintendo of America from 1988 till August of 2012, this magazine was part of the childhood of many Nintendo fans. A magazine that functioned as a gaming guide, advertisement for new games and just fun overall for people enthusiastic for Nintendo.
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While we did not have Nintendo Power like that where I am from, we had a similar magazine called “Club Nintendo”, which ran from the 90s up till the early 2000s (2002 to be precise), after which it unfortunately got unceremoniously canceled. I had access to these issues thanks to relatives who enjoyed them a lot and honestly, I enjoyed them too. Very informative, highlighting many games and filled with some really fun comic stories here and there.
Now, Club Nintendo wasn’t entirely like Nintendo Power though. For example, among our comics in the magazine we did not have the subject of today’s post: Howard and Nester.
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Now for those unaware who they are, a short explanation: Howard and Nester were the characters of a short series of comic strips from the very early days of Nintendo Power. Howard was an adult business man with a bow tie that Matt Smith may like, while Nester was a ten to eleven year old redhead NES player. In other words, he was a little shit.
Howard himself btw was based on Howard Phillips, initially a warehouse manager for Nintendo of America, who at a very young age (he was only in his 20s when he started working for Nintendo) joined the company and would play a major role in the marketing of the NES launch in America. He was also an avid videogamer of the “olden times” so to speak and was Nintendo of America’s spokesperson number uno. Liked by many within the industry, he did however eventually leave Nintendo in 1991 (at only 32 years old), to pursue careers in other companies. Which did not work out quite as well, according to Wikipedia. Though he is still hanging around, kicking, playing and working in the industry, for some german firm no one really knows about.
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Man, he even looks kinda like the eleventh Doctor.
Anyway, back to the comic itself: The comic strips were essentially just meant as short, two page fillers ad would feature the caricature of Howard Phillips and Nester, the later supposed to represent Nintendo fanboys, finding themselves in environments related to a current videogame and dealing with whatever situation. Most of the time just ending in some comedic pratfall for a rather impatient Nester to suffer.
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Then, after 25 strips, Howard, in relation to Howard Phillips leaving Nintendo, also left the comic, resulting in the thing ending and Nester going on some mini adventures on his own.
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Now honestly, reading those strips I don’t think they are really bad. Howard as a character is rather supportive, there are small hints to games they thematically integrate in the comics here and there and some of the scenarios are kinda fun. Plus even the linework is okay for this sort of comic.
However, I genuinely think that Nester is a little bit of a shit. Especially in his first two strips.
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He just comes off as smug and a bit of a know it all. Believing he is better than Howard, not grateful for any advice and trying to come off like he is an expert in the eyes of younger, impressionable kids.
Oh god, he is Dobson!
Though that may be what adds to the pratfalls he suffers then. In addition, I am a bit baffled by what games they supposedly star in or how some of the games they talk about are executed in comic.
I mean, the Ducktales comic for example has nothing to do with Ducktales really aside of the moon duck enemy thing kinda being in it (though that may have been related to Disney telling them not to use Scrooge)…
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And then there is the fact, that a comic based on the Golgo 13 game was made.
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You know, THE Golgo 13? The game based on the famous manga about an assassin for hire?
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I mean, what next? A comic based on them in the setting of Home Sweet Home? Though that may have been cool.
It is just, I can see how the duo left some impression on early readers, but I can’t see how they could get quite the appeal, that back in 2008 Nintendo Power would release THIS comic, featuring a now adult Nester talking to his son about the good old days. A little manga-esque like tribute, some people enjoyed.
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Not so much You know who though, who decided to draw instead THIS comic in order to “honor” the two and the style of the comic. And in doing so just ended up showing that he kinda never understood the character of Nester, nor the concept behind the original tribute in the first place.
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So, why does the comic suck? Because it is just an excuse for Dobson to project his own shitty opinion about how Nintendo “dishonored” the origins of the characters he claims to love onto Nester. All while making also both characters accidentally come off as losers and creepy. Particularly Howard comes off as horrible in the comic. After all, based on the set up established via the first two panels, I can only assume that the guy kidnapped a ten year old boy against his will and put him into cryostasis. Separating him from his family and friends, only to thaw him up again twenty years later. And for what? To show him how far games have come since then?
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I get that the comic is supposed to be a joke (though I see nothing in it that makes me laugh), but… well..
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For that set up is rather unfortunate and feels more like it should be part of some existential horror story about someone finding themselves completely displaced in time and seeing, how their disappearance tore apart their loved ones. I for one rather ask myself, what happened to Nester’s parents? Were they accused of killing their son and send to prison? Did they commit suicide? Did Howard just kill them to get to Nester in the first place?
And the “motivation” to freeze him -I want to show you how games are played in the future- is just… that doesn’t even feel like a plan. I am genuinely at loss for words to explain the “logic” that Howard must have had and how none of that helps “the joke”.
Like look, the idea that Howard would e.g. pull out some magic item or machine to show Nester how in the future games are played and giving him a bit of a cultural shock only to return back to the present, feels like a set up that could have worked. But this is not the set up of this comic. This comic has Howard use an extreme measurement to achieve his goal, that comes just off as psychotic.
But hey, why bother elaborating on the ramifications of Howard having tortured a child like that (which feels like a great disservice to the real Howard Phillips), when there are games to play.
Or rather, complain about, because that is the only thing Nester does, starting from his shock at seeing Link now having blond hair.
Which is stupid as shit. I am sorry, but considering the kid had been on ice since the late 80s according to this comic, I think his first reaction to seeing game graphics from around 2008 would be “holy shit” as a result of a cultural shock. Not the fact that Link now has blond hair.
Also, way to prove how Nester is only a phony Nintendo fanboy, because he calls Pit by the name of Kid Icarus
See, little trivia bit here: The tendency of calling little Pit (btw, one of my favorite characters in the Nintendo canon ever since I played Uprising. I love that little shota) Kid Icarus, came mostly because of the awful Captain N: The Game Master cartoon from 1989, which named him by his game title. All while the game was a stable of the NES library since 1987 and Pit’s name was a stable in its freaking manual
Look for yourself: Page 7.
Also, getting riled up over Mario not being from Brooklyn when that was NEVER a point in the actual games anyway or Link’s hair color?
Hm, doesn’t that sound familiar…
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Look, I am not much a fan of Nester based on the strips I saw, but it would be obvious even to Helen Keller, that Nester here is not himself. He is a stand in for Dobson and his shitty opinions on how Nintendo “betrayed” the old NES fans by making Mario and Co more marketable and ignore their “true and honest” origins. The “real” Nester based on the strips comes off to me more like someone who would freaking geek out at seeing his favorite game characters being these detailed, cartoony badasses fighting equally great villains.
After all, playing as Link who can ride on a horse and fights a giant sized pig demon? Mario throwing planets at Bowser? Mario and Link duking it out with other heroes? Seeing Pit and Palutena in Smash Bros Brawl? Which btw came out in January of 2008, so Nester complaining about not seeing Pit- oh I am sorry “Kid Icarus” would be inaccurate too.
The point I am trying to make is, that if you grew up with the bare minimum presentation some NES games had, you would be gushing over anything “modern”
Heck, considering the sort of stuff Nester played or was into in the comics, he would likely drop the Wii once he learnt about stuff like God of War, Ratchet and Clank and other “badass” and “cool” games other consoles can offer.
But no. Nester is simply overwhelmed with the concept of 3D and “realism”. Though lets be real here, I think realism in videogames is an oxymoron, independent of what console we talk about. I mean, what is e.g. “realistic” about Mario, Sonic, God of War, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil etc? I know at least half a class of biologists who cry each time a new Resident Evil scientist comes off with a new variant of the virus.
Anyway, he is so overwhelmed, he simply just wants to go back to the old days and the game he used (or rather “use”. Btw, great job at even failing at simple past tense) to play.
Only loving the Nintendo Wii once Nester tells him about the online shop and that he can play on it the same shlock he already likely has memorized before Howard put him into cryostasis and as such deprived him of a proper childhood.
Meaning that Howards “plan” to show Nester the future of gaming failed, because instead of embracing the new while also loving the old, he simply rejects the former and embraces the later even more tightly, putting it on a pedestal the same way Dobson does.
Which frankly, is one of the aspects I find the most annoying about Dobson in general when it comes to Nintendo. I get it. He grew up with the NES and I admit, the console had some really great games that build the corner stones of many franchises and the Nintendo empire.
But, and you can crucify me for saying that, by modern day standards (or heck, even standards set up by the follow up console, the SNES) the NES era was kinda bad and many games, even a lot of the classics, can’t stand the test of time as much anymore than they once did.
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Before you burn me on the stake, let me explain: I myself grew up with the SNES and GameBoy as my first consoles, so I never played the NES games, even though I was aware of them through Club Nintendo. Only in recent years, thanks to the NES mini and some game collections I downloaded on the PS4, I got to play some of the classic games. And frankly, I think a lot of them suck in some regard. Like the technical limitations of the time, the at times unfair programming to make certain games extra hard and how quick you can actually get through the game once you know what to do, make some games a bit of an underwhelming experience.
Granted, unlike Dobson I will admit, that my opinion is very biased. Coming from my own love of the SNES, as well as decades of playing other games too, including sequels to many of these starter games that managed to polish up things in term of gameplay and presentation. And there is no denying, that there have still been many great games on the console by Nintendo itself, but also third party publishers such as Capcom, Squaresoft, Enix or Konami.
Kirby, Mario Bros 3, Megaman 3 up to 6, Ducktales, Castlevania 3, Contra, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and Earthbound are at least some titles that come to my mind.
But it was also the console that gave us stuff like the LJN published videogames, got a shit ton of unnecessary equipment like the Power Glove, established the term “Nintendo Hard” and frankly, I find myself unable to genuinely play the NES Zelda games or Kid Icarus without feeling them quite underwhelming and a bit flawed. So bottom line, I think it was important, I think good stuff came out of it, but it was only the first steps into the right direction. The NES learnt how to walk, so the Switch could run.
Dobson meanwhile worships the era like it was the greatest thing ever, never topped and shoves his opinion into Nester’s mouth. Resulting in the strip’s entire message boiling down essentially to the following:
The past was greater than what we have now and is the only thing I love. Oh, and fuck you for making me try new things.
Which is ironic, coming from the person who among other things would claim that such a behavior is toxic years later. Going onto rants how Kylo Ren is such a nostalgic nerd and criticism of “toxic fans” when he ranted about Star Wars – The Last Jedi and that critics of it are all Nazis. Even though Kylo is the one saying “let the past die”.
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There is also just the fact, that the comic obviously misses the idea behind the original Howard and Nester tribute comic from Nintendo Power.
Like sure, the comic in the magazine was flawed. The manga inspired art work wasn’t that great and Nester felt like he grew up into the sort of young adult who made videos on youtube in the late 2008s, trying to emulate the AVGN by reviewing old NES games and acting like he is hardcore for enjoying “The Wizard”. All while being in reality more of a dork, especially in the eyes of a son that actually comes off as way older than he likely should be if Nester is only in his late twenties or early thirties.
But I think that was kind of the point. Making Nester more a caricature of the “gaming nerd” of the time period, while also indirectly playing a decent tribute to the old days and showing Nester having gotten older, though not necessarily wiser. But considering his kid seems to be doing okay, I doubt he is that terrible of a dad.
Which begs the question though, what is it about the comic that pissed Dobson off that much? The “manga” style? Granted, I think they could have gone more with a style akin to what the original comics had, which is the only thing Dobson has going for his page, that I can actually appreciate. But it could have been worse.
Is it the idea of Nester actually changing as a person, growing up? I mean, considering how allergic Dobson was often times to the idea of change (except when it was related to dumb reboots that may piss off republican strawmen in his head), I could actually believe that.
But if that was what pissed him off and his idea was to make a comic doing a tribute to these two the “right way”, Dobson failed miserably. Because all he did was make Howard come off like a psychopath for freezing up a kid to show him some games and Nester like a moron who can’t appreciate positive change in the media he consumes. All because Dobson was rather focused to vent his own frustration about Nintendo through their mouths, rather than respectfully draw a story with them. Something he even admitted
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The artwork may be decent here, but the writing is a failed assignment.
The most ridiculous thing about that being, that either some time later or before, Dobson made a way better comic starring NEster, that actually gets the vibe of the original
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And before someone claims I can only complain and not bring some alternative to the table how to execute the comic, here is what I may have done:
Start the comic as Howard and Nester in the Back to The Future NES game, supposedly having just finished it. Only for Nester to end up playing with the controls of the DeLorean and in doing so transporting him and Howard into the future. Materializing in 2008, they then learn about the actual positive things happening to videogames ever since , though Howard may also learn to some degree about the bad stuff whe he reads up an article titled “Rise and Fall of videogames” or something related to Jack Thompson). Have Nester for example geek out about Smash Bros, question what a Pikachu is, hitting himself in the head accidentally with a Wii Remote, but overall try to also give a positive message to it all.
Like Nester befriending  bunch of kids via Wii playing. The comic then ending with the two travelling back to 1988, Nester all pumped up about the prospect how great videogames will turn out in the future -perhaps also being a bit impatient at the prospect to wait 20 years to play Smash Bros Brawl again- while Howard muses about the things yet to come. The final panel perhaps being set in 2008 with an older Nester looking over a little brother who befriended by accident his younger self, challenging the younger one to a rematch he had “lost” in the past.
I know, sounds corny as fuck, but it at least would nullify the entire “I kidnapped you and froze you up” implications of the original comic by Dobson.
Now, unlike Dobson, I do not intend to leave a bitter taste in the mouth of the readers, so I want to end this post on a sweeter note by informing you about the following:
When Nintendo Power eventually ended on issue 285 in December of 2012, someone at the editorial team must have remembered Howard and Nester, because they decided to have this little two page comic in it.
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Nester, drawn in the classic style, as a way more well adjusted adult than in the 2008 comic, reminiscing about the magazine that he owes his existence and had brought him many hours of joy. His son helping him accept that it may be over for the magazine, but that the enjoyment will never 100% go away. Even adding a little framed bow tie in the background of the last panel, symbolizing that in hindsight Nester likely came to appreciate Howard as more than just an annoying mentor sort of figure. All before heading out to play a new Mario game with his son. Leaving the past behind but close, while embracing the future.
A comic, that in my opinion hits on the sweet “bittersweet” spot of such things as Fullmetal Alchemist or Amphibia. Giving the “story” a proper wrap up and assuring people that it is over, but that the characters themselves in a way are -unlike Dobbear- never gone.
And if you want to read all the strips of Howard and NEster, here is a link to the archive I found for this post.
Level 2 is done. Time for some bonus round and then the next level soon. Cause now we are really going deep into his whinning over the superiority of the old Nintendo canon
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koorinokujira · 10 months
Yakuza 0 is a SPECTACULAR game and I'll shove my love for it in everyone's faces now
Alright, I'll take a bit of a break from regularly scheduled Basara-posting (don't worry, the next batch of imagines is getting worked on), because boy, am I full of emotions right now. This will most likely turn into a mini-series of posts, I don't know yet.
TLDR: Background of me getting into it all and me gushing about my appreciation for the game since I finally finished it. Some (at least vague) spoilers will definitely be involved, so if you haven't played the game yet, here's your warning! Also, I ramble a lot, sorry.
So, I am still fairly new to the Yakuza fandom, all things considered. While I first discovered the Yakuza/Like a Dragon series a few years ago (through a Majima meme, lol), I wasn't that into it at the start. I had other hyperfixations at the time, and it was just sort of at the background. I watched some gameplays, saw some memes, and after watching a full playthrough of Yakuza Kiwami (and a bit of Y0), I eventually decided to get Y0 and play it myself. Bought it and played for a few chapters, but then it got buried again beneath other games, even if I liked it a lot. But this year, it all just came back to me, and I decided to throw myself into it fully this time, restarting my Y0 playthrough (and engaging with the fandom a bit more).
And I'm incredibly glad I did.
At the time of writing this, I finished the game like 30 minutes ago, give or take, and I feel like I'm feeling everything right now. There aren't many games that hit me so hard. Every single second of this game just kept my eyes glued to the screen, and even when I was not playing, the feelings from the story lingered.
You know, I've been sort of living through other people's experiences with the series lately, especially here on Tumblr. Even if I don't know half of the characters everyone talks about yet, I still appreciate the funky stuff everyone here creates. I love the ridiculous memes, the sweet Minedai and Kazumaji fanarts, the kick-ass cosplays, and all the other stuff! You guys made me love it even more and keep going, so I could enjoy it even more! But I have to say, experiencing at least Yakuza 0 for myself hits so much harder than just watching a gameplay.
I got to play as a buff, scary looking man that races toy cars with kids as if his life depends on it, and constantly gets tangled up in ridiculous situations and helps people around town, all the while he's putting his life on the line to protect those he loves the most. I got to hire a chicken as a real estate manager, enjoy some karaoke with my best pal Nishiki, and save some poor ladies from terrible guys who harassed them on the street. And there was also so, so many heart-wrenching things that made me stop what I was doing, because I just hated to see Kiryu's kind, gentle heart get torn apart by the world he willingly stepped into.
I also got to play as a man that went through hell and clinged onto life through sheer determination. A man that was lost, but slowly found what was important to him through the course of the story. But even with him, I got to experience a ton of hilarious weirdness, which may or may not include things like pretending to be a desperate girl's boyfriend, beating up a cult leader or accidentally raising the taxes for all of Japan. Majima, I love you too, you crazy bastard!
All the characters are written so well, and felt very real to me the whole time. Nothing was really black and white, and even the simpler looking characters ended up being very complex most of the time. Honestly, I could ramble on and on about how it broke me to see Tachibana cry, or how much I adore Kashiwagi, even with the limited screentime. I will probably make a few more in-depth posts about certain characters and how I view their themes in the future.
But all this is to say, I'm glad that I finally took the plunge, and I am looking forward to what I have yet to experience! I even have a few OCs that I may share in the future (if I finally learn how to draw properly, that is), and maybe some fanfics, too!
After I finally 100% Ghost of Tsushima, I am definitely buying Kiwami, too! Glad to finally count myself a "proper" member of the RGG fandom \( ̄▽ ̄)/
Thank you for reading my excited ramblings, and as I always say...
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Have an amazing day!
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pocketramblr · 2 years
Dont know if the ask game is still open but if it is: AU where manual the normal hero unintentionally becomes the number 1 pro hero.
Look. Look, at the rate we're going? All the heroes dropping? Manual was #222 before the great quitting and then so many heroes dropping dead. I will be genuinely surprised if at this point in canon he's ranked any lower than top 50. This ask is just going to be canon by the time the arc is finally over and Manual is the highest ranking hero still left. BUT let's take the light hearted route and not the "everyone dies" route to get him that spot a lil earlier
1- So Manual just kinda keeps... Getting invited to parties? Somehow? So often when he's working with another hero or even just passing them on patrol, the topic of parties comes up, and no really wanted to invite him but then realized halfway through that he was there, and it would be awkward at that point to say "not you though" so he also gets an invite, and Manual doesn't really want to go to all of them, though some are quite nice, but he kinda feels like he has to. So he kinda just keeps showing up and more and more "high ranking" parties, and people keep assuming he's important since he's at so many, so he gets more invitations and accidentally networks himself higher.
2- The same happens with cases, and he keeps getting asked to way more than he signs up for, he really just meant to be more rescue and patrol focus, but he does have a knack for piecing together people's motives and actions, and he practices more with each case he gets invited to, and then suddenly it becomes "well, we can't assign this unimportant case to Endeavor but like... I saw Manual on a case meeting with Endeavor last month so maybe he can handle it?" And he works very hard and has little social life outside of heroics, so he can handle it, and so that part of his ranking goes up.
3- and with higher ranking and being seen more, he becomes more lucrative for sponsors- but Manual doesn't really want to be a mascot, so he only takes a very few select ones he actually cares about or thinks are too cool to turn down, so he's more exclusive, so more people want him, and now he's hired another person at the agency just to deal with sorting those and sending polite rejections.
4- this continues on until Tenya accepts an offer from Manual for an internship, trying to track down Stain. Hosu is attacked, but Manual is seen as a impromptu leader of sort of many other heroes they come across, calling directions for evacuation, putting out fires, and corralling Nomu. Tenya slips away, and Manual orders others to find him- just in time to see Tenya, Shoto, and Izuku beat up Stain. Manual and Endeavor both run to the scene at the same time, and later in the police, the Chief suggests they take credit for taking down Stain in order to say the kids had permission. Enji gets very upset at the suggestion that he take credit for something he didn't do as Shoto did have his permission- kinda- and doesn't care about the other two, but Manual quickly agrees, for their sake, and buries the guilt about lying because he knows this would not be an opportunity he got it he was a lower ranked hero.
With the news that Manual was responsible for taking in Stain, having organized the group that got him while minimizing casualties, he makes the top ten heroes.
5- in such a role, of course he's involved in Kamino- there's a lot of water in a nomu's body, and that's a sort of weakness that's much better for the Doctor to work around like great resistance or regeneration. With Jeanist injured, the commission decides to announce Endeavor as #1, Manual as #2, and Hawks still as #3. (Hawks is a useful tool to the commission, high up, at the same time, he can't be too high for their next plans for him.)
Manual gets to enjoy one week there, crying in his agency away from any windows because how did his life get so out of control, before someone drops a huge amount of information on Endeavor online, absolutely tanking his reputation. By the time the official billboard is announced, Manual knows he's going to be stuck as the number one hero. He's resigned to it, and blocks the hero commission president's phone number.
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ravenstargames · 1 year
✦ Lost in Limbo Devlog #3 | 03.31.23
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Almost April already, huh? Time does really fly when you are busy. If February promised to be a stressful month for me and the team, March has been hell let loose. Our second trimester has ended as of today and our plan of action is to do as many things as we can during April, as we will hopefully have less workload from our master.
Without further ado—let's see what we managed to do this month!
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Fixing sprites has still been one of our priorities. Truth is our master is doing a good job at teaching us how to do things better, and the eyes that once did those sprites are not the same watching them now. One of our bigger struggles is the lack of personal—we are literally four people doing our best with our daily lives while also being in charge of whole departments, and that is a bit crazy sometimes because there's a lot to do. I hope we can hire some help for the full game, because I don't want us all to crunch forever :').
Following the character art train of thought, this month we will also be giving priority to finishing at least one of our key art / promotional art pieces. Raquel is already working on polishing the sketch and we hope we can finish it soon to really start having a solid package of key art to represent us and our game.
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Final piece will include bodies attached to heads, mind you. Unless...
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Ahá! Remember last month when we said Raquel and I were working on some LiL backgrounds for a master assignment? Well, they are looking pretty good! We got rid of one forest background during the prologue outline process to alleviate some workload, but we seized the opportunity to bring it back! We won't be showing that one yet as we want to finish it and make an individual post for it, but you can have a look at this one instead!
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Taking a stroll through Limbo's woods seems like a good idea...
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Not too many news from the writing department this month. I'm going full speed with the fixes and editing the demo script like I planned, and I hope to have everything ready next month, but we'll see how things go. The changes to the script are being very beneficial to the general pace of the prologue. We want to get to the juicy part as soon as possible and have as much content of the LIs as we can, right?
The main lore document is still on the works too, but, dare I say it, I'm very happy with it! I'm secretly hoping we can offer the lore book as a physical reward for our future kickstarter, but that's still far away in the future. The artbook is our main priority!
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This month we have also focused on something really special and important that sadly we won't be revealing until it's done because, well, it's in the making, and no one wants to see it all ugly and in progress, right? But we are working very hard and are very excited to be able to show it soon! Agh!
Also, our GUI is almost, almost completely finished! Only the title screen is left, so we are leaving you a preview of another screen right below. Our designer is once again doing an impeccable job.
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Yep, you'll have a compendium with all the important bits and lore pieces you discover. Only in the full game, though.
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It has been an okay-ish month for us. Very stressful because of our master; there's definitely a lot of excitement we have been bottling up as we found ourselves unable to work on LiL like we wanted to. I hope that April, or at least the beginning of it (before the last trimester of our degree starts getting serious and unhinged, which I'm afraid will happen) proves to be productive and enough to at least tie up some loose ends. The team needs a couple of days to rest, but we are ready to get back on track and do as much as we can this next month.
Thank you all so much for your unending support and for your patience, it means the world to us :') 💜 We hope you all are doing alright!
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I had a rough week last week. Tuesday my dog gets sick, so I look up her symptoms. And bc I'm a crazy person, my mind automatically latched onto the worst possibility. So I spent three hours crying hysterically and having panic attacks bc I was so scared she would die. Then Wednesday I had to take my dog to vet and was still super stressed out. Thursday and Friday I have to deal with medicaid and disability paperwork. Saturday I had a panic attack so bad that I couldn't stop it and had to text my brother to come help me (he lives with me. we're too poor to live without a roommate, and we've basically lived together our whole lives, so it was whatever). Sunday morning I have a panic attack and can't leave my house to play my weekly dnd game bc the thought of spending hours with other people away from home was...bad. Sunday night, I got completely (and irrationally) terrified of being alone. I was so afraid that I called my mom, and of course she offers to come over. And I'm freaking out so bad I let her, even though it was late and I know she has to get up early for work. (She only stayed until my brother got back around 10:30)
BUT, today is a new day. I managed to get my blood work done today, and talk on the phone to my case worker, and pick up a pair of contacts from my eye doctor to wear until my order comes in. And I didn't have a panic attack. I mean, I still had to have my dad take me, bc leaving home alone isn't something I can do right now. (Mentally or physically. My brother's car broke down, and since he's the one who has a job, he's been using mine. i stg it's like a fucking family curse; every time someone is already in a financial bind, their car will break down.)
So I have decided to take the next few days to just relax. My two besties that I've been friends with since middle school both have kids with autism and they said I'm probably going through autistic burn-out. I'm pretty sure I'm autistic and my doctor thinks I'm somewhere on the spectrum, though on the lower support side. I'm gonna play bg3, and unwind. And try to work on some fic. (bc I have the next chapter of 16 Days damn near finished, and it's the last chapter that ties up the current plot, then there's an epilogue that takes place later that played out like a movie in my head, so writing it will be a breeze.)
Side note, did y'all know that some school systems still use 'high/low functioning'. I've had to say to my coworkers that autistic people would prefer not to use those terms. But it isn't surprising; one of my cousin's kids was literally diagnosed with Asperger's. Which has fallen under the autism spectrum disorder since like, forever ago. And also there was a TA in the autism classroom I worked in once who literally told me that autism was caused by demonic possession. I'm so glad I left the school system. Bc I eventually was going to fucking explode with rage after the way my kids were treated. (My students, not my actual kids. I don't have or want any)
Working in EC has really shown me how little the school system actually cares about helping the disabled; they will cut corners and do shit that 'technically' meets a kid's IEP, but doesn't do a damn thing to help them. And if you say something like, 'i don't think that counts' your coworkers will not be happy. But to a certain degree you can't be too mad, bc there is literally not enough time or resources to meet every child's needs, bc they cram as many kids in one EC classroom as possible, hire the minimum amount of TAs required by law and expect one teacher to be able to magically meet all their needs. My last job had 3 kids in wheelchairs in those tiny ass mobile units schools started using, that literally did not have room to move around, unless the other students stood up to let them get by, and sometimes even move their desk. We had multiple kids with autism. One of them stimmed by screaming, another was triggered by loud noises.
This post kinda went off on a tangent. Anyway, heads up to any parents who have kids starting school, make sure you get a copy of your child's IEP. If you think they aren't being serviced, contact your local Board of Education, and tell them that you have a child with an IEP who isn't receiving adequate services. Then threaten to sue them if they don't start providing your kid their services. It does not matter if you can actually afford to sue them or not, an IEP is a legally binding document. You have the right to sue, and most of the time the threat alone is enough to kick their ass into gear.
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yeeshastone · 2 years
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A minor artic fox NPC from a oneshot I wrote for my Animalia game.
bellow the cut is his full backstory if you are interested. (warning its a lot of text)
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Alopex didn't have too complicated of life growing up. He has always had a good heart and helps out those that struggled if he can. Because of this trait, growing up he had many friends and was constantly encouraged by them to follow his dreams.
What were his dreams? Well, they were to cook food for others. This dream was born due to the fact that when people were full they always were more happy to him. A meal brought Animalian together and for a moment, when bellies were full and a good taste sat in the mouth, things felt right. He wanted to share this feeling with others so that for a moment, they could feel true peace.
Growing up he would constantly try to find new recipes and learn new skills from any cook he could find in his small, snow-covered town. However when he started to reach adulthood he found he had learned all he could in his town and with a bit of a friendly shove from his friends and family, he decided it was time to head out and push his skill farther by finding others to learn from. He traveled around for a few years learning under different chiefs until he eventually found himself in Windwall.
He had heard there were some very fancy restaurants at Windwall and wanting to finally put his skills to the test he attempted to get a full-time job at one of their many high-end restaurants. After a few rejections, he eventually got hired and excitedly wrote back to his family to tell them the great news. At first, everything was great, he was learning new things and the job paid well. However, he started to notice that more and more Animalian that were visiting Windwall were being turned away from the restaurant due to its high prices.
Shrugging it off he figured that they could just go somewhere else, after all, they were tourists and should have some kind of funds right? There was bound to be somewhere they could afford to eat around town. That is what he chose to believe until one day there was a commotion in the main lobby.
Some servers were attempting to pull a Foristeri guest out who was refusing to leave. They were kicking and screaming shouting that they needed something to eat and to please let them have something. They would take table scraps or help out in the kitchen, whatever they needed to get something to eat as everywhere else had turned them away as well. The servers beckoned Alopex to lend them a hand and he did so.
However, as everyone returned to the restaurant after throwing the loud guest out Alopex simply stood there looking at the Foristeri who was weeping on the ground as he tried to comprehend what had just happened. This was the exact opposite of what he had wanted to do when he had decided to become a cook. He wanted to bring joy and peace to others, not sorrow. He sat down next to Foristeri and after a peace offering that was Alopex's lunch they two Animalian talked.
He learned that the Foristeri had saved up her whole life to visit Windwall and be able to connect with their ancestors as, like all other Foristeri, they had origonated from this city. However having arrived at the city she found that what they had considered to be a small fortune of money was almost nothing here. Unable to make it back home on her rations she had tried to find anywhere that they would be able to afford something to eat but had been unable to. As Alopex's boss came out to tell him to get back to his job, Alopex knew what he had to do.
He quit right then and there and used all his savings to start his own restaurant. It wasn't easy, but with some help from his friends back home he managed to get the Frozen Fish up and running with the goal of never turning down anyone.
To this day his meals are relatively affordable and if someone comes in who doesn't have the funds for a meal he allows them to work for their food be it cleaning, cooking, or entertaining guests. His favorite saying is: A meal given for free isn't as tasty as a meal that one has worked for.
His life isn't without strife thought. It's hard for him to afford to keep the place running with such the high costs in Windwall and if that weren't enough sometimes some of his co-workers and boss from his old high-end job will wander into the frozen fish and laugh at his cooking, berating him for using cheep ingredients and having cheep looking restaurant. He will defend the frozen fish every time they come, but sometimes once they leave the words will start to get to him. When he gets like this his server and good friend Neve seems to always find a way to cheer him back up.
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allisonirish · 1 year
Just William
Chapter 2
Warnings: Angst, Mentions of Child Murder, Grief, Incarcerated Parent
Word Count: 1,444
Disclaimer: This story does not follow Scott Cawthon's FNAF games or books. However many of the characters and events are the same or have been adapted. These characters do not belong to me, but the rearrangement of events and character adaptations are my own works.
I hid in my room for the next couple of hours, hoping to stay unnoticed by my family...and William. Sitting on my fuzzy purple beanbag at my wooden desk, I tried to bury myself in a piece of artwork I was finishing. Drawing and painting had become my way of "coping" and it turns out, I'm not too bad at it. I'd even started doing commissions, starting with illustrating children's books and more recently doing posters and murals for businesses.
Despite my numerous complaints, when I turned sixteen, mom told me it was time to get a job. So I interviewed and started my brand new job waitressing at Applebee's. I lasted two months before my manager got sick of my "hopeless negativism". Whatever that means. I didn't really care though, I hated being around all those people who despise me and I told mom so. If I'm being honest, I was too hard on mom last year. She deserves better than me. Tired of fighting with me, frustrated at Michael's poor grades at the time, and exhausted from working three jobs, she gave up. Told me to stay home and be lazy if that's what I wanted. I felt good about winning that battle for about twenty-four hours, that's when the guilt really set in. After apologizing to my mother and with the help of a friend, I began to submit my artwork to publishing companies and after just two weeks, got hired to illustrate a children's book called Bigfoot Loves Pizza. Goofy, I know, but it was a moneymaker and it made mom happy. I was also offered a job as part time waitress and full time graphic designer at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza 2.0. This was shocking to my entire family since the restaurant was owned by...Charlie's dad. And Charlie's dad shouldn't want anything to do with me.
My sweet solitude, sadly, didn't last long enough. A soft knock echoed from my door and I saw Michael slowly peek around it.
"Hi, Lizzie," He walked into my room, dragging his feet. "Mom says it's time for supper."
I inwardly groaned. Mom had been planning 'our first family dinner in nine years' all week. She even dragged me into mashing the potatoes for one of William's old favorites. Cottage Pie. I personally don't like the stuff, less because William likes it and more because I'm not a fan of ground meat. It looks too much like cat food for my taste.
"Tell her I'm busy." I went back to my drawing. It was a large, purple robotic rabbit with a red bow tie and electric guitar. Bonnie the bunny was an animatronic that William made for his first restaurant, Fredbear's Family Diner before I was born. Except now he was one of the main mascots for the restaurant I worked for and I was drawing Bonnie with large, red, star-shaped sunglasses, playing the electric guitar, and surfing a gnarly wave on a red and purple surfboard. Behind Bonnie were the emboldened words
Catch the Last Wave of Summer Fun at Freddy's!
"That's cool." Michael stared over my shoulder. "Is Bonnie your favorite?"
"Yeah, I like Bonnie okay." Bonnie had been Charlie's favorite. I focused on some dark shadowing under Bonnie's sunglasses. Suddenly, I heard a crash behind me and nearly jumped out of my seat. Whipping around, I saw Michael trying to pick up my violin case and music stand he had knocked over.
"Okay, buddy," I helped him put everything back into place. "Maybe we should go down to dinner."
Michael grinned and dashed out of my room, sprinting down the stairs in front of me. As I followed him my thoughts stayed with my violin. Music had become my other way of dealing with my emotions. Music was something I could get lost in, let every single drop of hate, anger, and shame pour out into a song before they can stream down my face. Art is more about control. It's the precise bits of emotion that are patiently and deliberately depicted on a page.
My mother sat at her usual spot on the left side of our large, oaken kitchen table, beaming over the steaming casserole dish in the center. At the head of the table, sporting a barely noticeable smile, only detectable by the slight dimples forming in his cheeks, was William. Michael had taken his spot next to mother and I wanted to kick myself when I realized my normal seat was right beside William. I slunk over and sat down, making sure to scoot my chair a good twelve more inches away from him. I pretended not to hear the sigh I got from my mother and ignored the conversation between her and William about how she hoped he would like dinner, and how he was sure he would and oh how delicious it looked. Michael mentioned how I helped make it and I gave myself a headache trying not to roll my eyes. 
Throughout the rest of dinner I tried to soothe my headache by drinking several large glasses of iced tea and water, and basically ignored everything that came out of William's mouth. He acted nice...too nice. He asked mom about how the house was holding up, if there was anything he could fix, how Michael liked school, how his summer break was going, and what he'd been up to lately. I had just finished my food and was looking for a chance to escape, when William turned to me. 
"How was your school year, Elizabeth?"  
My gaze cut sharply to him, startled. His eyes were shifting, flowing in waves of blue softness and aquamarine steel. 
I shrugged, "I don't go to school."
"Why doesn't she go to school?" William's face bore a hilarious appalled look. 
"Elizabeth is homeschooled," My mother cut in, "and she does mostly college classes online." 
"Because I don't want to spend my time around imbeciles." I mumble, earning a glare from my mother. 
"We just didn't see it as the best option at the moment." Mom gave me a 'don't you dare say another word look'. 
"But Michael goes to school?" William was obviously confused.
My mother was fumbling for words. "Michael does better...socially than Elizabeth. It's just easier for him to...be around so many people."
"You got that right." I mumbled again. 
"Elizabeth Annette," My mother's face threatened corporal punishment if I opened my mouth one more time.  
I bit the inside of my cheek, lifted my chin in defiance, and dared to speak anyway. "Well it's not like it's my fault I can't go to school. In fact maybe I should go to school like Michael!" 
My voice was mockingly cheery and I hoped William caught every hint of sarcasm.
"I'm sure being the daughter of a child murderer will make me immensely popular in school. Who knows maybe I'll even be the homecoming queen and for my speech I can tell the story of how my father stabbed my best friend in her sleep! Wouldn't that be lovely!" 
My voice tipped into a British accent  when I said lovely and I knew my degradation of William had gone too far. My mother's face was a mixture of shock and rage, her fingers gripped hard onto the table, turning whiter than I thought possible. Michael cowered beside her looking as if he was about to cry, and William...WAS SMILING AT ME?!? His pearly white teeth flashed at me, although the grin did not meet his eyes and I could see the indention where his teeth were pulling at the inside of his cheek. 
"Yes, I can see why you wouldn't want to go to school, Elizabeth." He stood slowly, purposefully, but i caught the slight quiver in his hands. "Now if you'll all excuse me I believe I need to go out for a quick fag." 
Mother stood and retrieved the cigarettes and lighter I didn't know William had from the kitchen counter. He had never smoked when I was a child. 
"Thank you dear. Dinner was lovely..err...delicious." He walked out the front door without another word and through the window I saw a small flame glowing. 
I almost sighed in relief until I saw my mother glaring at me. 
"Young lady," If looks could kill I'm sure she would've burned a hole through my head. "We need to have a talk."
With a strength I didn't know she had, being several inches shorter and leaner than I, my mother held my wrist with a pressure that I was sure would leave indentations on my very bones, and towed me to her room. I was in trouble now.
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monster-noises · 2 years
1, 11, 19, 25 (another character :3) !!
Song of the Year: hmm.. I listened to a lot of new music this year but also this year was.. significantly un-moored in terms of like.. really Being Into a mood with music so it's kinda wibbly but of the songs that were able to hit me this year it's a strong tie between Spillways by Ghost ( one of the top favourite songs from their new album and just gets right to the core of me every time) and Suckers Prayer by the Decemberists (discovered in a friend's character playlist it's one of those songs that I heard and just went "oh. Hm. Well. That's perhaps Too accurate to how I feel, Uh Oh.")
11. Something I want to do again next year Go back to my dad's cottage up north without a doubt, but spend more time there this time. See my best friend again if I can, go back to toronto with my other friend.. just.. spend time with people I guess. It's nice to spend time with people I love n' care about. 19.what are you excited about for next year?
Oh gosh.. the actual possible chance I may be entering some long-term stability? I have a full time job with health coverage, and my external stressors are rapidly disappearing (world events aside.....) like it might... it might be a good time finally? I might be able to sit back and pace myself a bit? actually think about things and enjoy myself????? please 2023 be kind... 25. Another character skdjfhsiduhfgsdg alright alright!!!! I'll tell ya'll about Frederich..
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Freidrich is an NPC in the ttrpg game I DM, it's called Andromadis (we're using the PBtA game The Sprawl, but as I'm kinda only using it as a baseline for rules I prefer to call the game by the name of the city/comet/independent state it takes place on) He was the like.. main person of interest in my players I think,.. third? mission? An Boy Howdy did that mission take a Turn, and Frederich as a result became a lot more of a Character than I think I really planned on him being skdhfskdfg Frederich is an investment and accounts management banker at one of the biggest credit firms in the United Cosmos, he's got a good eye for numbers that has paid off for him in the long run. Outside of work he's an absolute gym rat adrenaline junkie type, he likes rock climbing and lifting, and a lot of extreme outdoor activities. He speaks with the same tone of voice as the surfer from that one news interview (you know the one) to put it succinctly: the mans a big beefy amphibious Himbo.
He's a Himbo trapped on a densely populated rock in the middle of nowhere space, and while his elite gym features many advanced ways to get a good heart-pounding work out, he long misses the thrill of doing something dangerous and exciting. So he does the most logical thing a man on Andromadis can think of, and he hires a team of near-do-wells (my players <3) to .. kidnap him. just get a little action going you know? get the heart pounding. Then make it even more exciting by Also hiring a squad from what is (unknown to poor rich-boy Frederich who's never meddled in this stuff) the most dangerous gang/illicit organization on the comet to.. protect you from said kidnappers.... get kidnapped, get rescued, covertly pay both teams without either finding out and badda bing badda boom you've made yourself a day of high-intensity action so strong it'll last you Months. but when the team you hired to kidnap you asks perhaps a few more questions than you were anticipating and lets you know how Dangerous of a position you have actually put yourself in you may have to escape from your expensive locked-down condo narrowly escaping with your life and in order to rid yourself of the whole situation having to fake your own death and become a part of the (much more.. professional) illegal smuggling organization your kidnappers work for as a book keeper. Which I guess does kinda solve your adrenaline seeking issues long term.... He's my sweet sweet idiot boy and The mission he was a part of has been my favourite to play through so far and i'm So happy where it ended up from my original intent. Now my team has a Friend!! (and perhaps.... More than a friend? ehy? Ehy there monty?? >:3c )
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