#so maybe i am just a misandrist idk
Tl;dr: Not like other girls/guys is misogynist and misandrist respectively. For a good example of not like other girls actually being healthy, check out Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.
“Not like other girls/guys” will always be my least favorite trope. It is so disgusting. It’s kinda sexist. In most cases it’s straight up misogynistic/misandristic. It’s just….. ugh. Because often times it’s about putting down women and men instead of celebrating the differences that make all people, regardless of gender, unique and beautiful. It also is interesting that the “not like other girls trope” is mostly used by women…. Actually i think both are mostly used by women… or maybe i just mostly read women, idk. And it’s the worst when they try to brand this as “feminism”. Like…. ew. No. It’s not feminism.
And then the other thing is that some people actually make it work! The one instance i can think of this working is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, where Mr. Darcy falls in love with Elizabeth Bennet because she’s not like the other women. Pride and Prejudice is one of my favorite books and I consider Jane Austen to be a literary genius. But this isn’t about women and the nature of women (honestly it’s about humans and human nature but also); it’s about men and women in Regency England and how they are expected to behave. Elizabeth doesn’t behave like that, she is her own person and that is Mr. Darcy loves her. Also, women different from Elizabeth aren’t put down on. Jane, for example, is the sugar to her spice; eternally optimistic and full of a candid desire for the best in and for all people. Very different from Elizabeth’s “the more I see of the world the more i am dissatisfied with it”. And yet, both women are 1. Celebrated for being who they are. 2. Called out on their respective faults and 3. Not humiliated by the story, simply challenged and nurtured into maturity.
Charlotte would be an exception, however it is Elizabeth that puts down Charlotte, not the narrative. Charlotte is praised for her ingenuity, even though Austen (and thus Elizabeth) are still upset about her mercenary tendencies. She understands that “mercenary” was (and still is) sometimes a very much needed aspect of society.
The only time women are put down they are legit awful: Mrs. Bennet, Mary, Kitty, Lydia, Caroline, Louisa, Cathrine (she doesn’t deserve the title of Lady). All of whom are just awful. However, they are not put down as women and Lizzy isn’t “different from these women”. She and the other good characters in the books are different from the other foolish characters. Not foolish women. Not even foolish men (of which there are plenty!). Simple foolish people. Because, as Jane Austen was well aware, people have a great propensity to act foolishly.
It’s not about men or women. It is about gender: the culturally and socially constructed differences between males and females. And about how those constructs affect people and there relationships. The point is: Elizabeth isn’t “not like other women” she’s “different and better than what Regency England allows people (male and female) to be.”
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oh. wait. i think i figured it out
so ive had this conundrum for a while, where for whatever reason i feel like i'm strictly he/him in English but in Spanish i would rather use el/elle. but i feel personally a bit averse to they/them in English.
and i think this is probably partially due to not really being in contact with any Spanish-speaking queer communities so I'm basically just trying to figure out my identity on my own. i heard about "elle" basically only once on tumblr but it really stuck because gender neutral is so much more purposeful in a romance language. and it does feel a smidge feminine for my taste (cause of the double L similar to "ella") but i really like how much it feels like i'm forging my own path through it. they/them in Spanish kind of has to be a neopronoun bc everything is gendered. and i think i need neopronouns for enrichment.
like... the common perception of English they/them to me feels like it's kind of been colored by tirfs and misogynists and misandrists (and i believe these groups have a Lot of overlap) to the point that it's like.... i dunno. i think that i, personally, would need to be a lot more interesting than i am in order to "reclaim" they/them in English and feel like it's "my" pronoun, you know?
to be clear i'm not saying they/them pronouns "belong" to tirfs or any bullshit like that. and people who use they/them are poggers cool. it just feels a bit like when people generally picture someone who uses they/them pronouns, they're picturing that woman-lite picture tirfs have painted where they basically see you as not actually non-binary; they just reduce you to your agab again but "special" this time. if you're amab they're still uncomfortable for no good reason and if you're afab they just see you as the modern version of "skinny white tomboy". if you're intersex regardless of agab they just. roll some dice to decide, i guess. and as a thin half-white pre-T afab non-binary man who enjoys masc and fem clothes...... i just come too close to that picture of "neo-tomboy" for comfort. so they/them in English feels like i'm just.... matching that picture, so it feels like it can't be for me. i would need something else in my presentation so distinct that i couldn't possibly be read that way. like maybe a mustache. idk.
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(TW for s*xual abuse, child abuse, discussions of possible neglect, misogyny, misandry, etc.)
Hey. No hate, but why do you hate on women so much? I know you had a very traumatic childhood but I could understand it more if you had a disliking or even a hatred of men since both of your abusers were awful men.. I’m not sure what your mom did or did not do or if she knew or didn’t know about your abuse but I can also understand it more if you’re mom just didn’t do anything and also abused you… I’m sorry if I’m hitting a nerve and coming off as judgmental here but I just want to understand. This is coming from a woman with past abuse and trauma and my abusers were mainly men and even though I am afraid of men and hate misogynistic men I don’t go around saying misandrist stuff about them. I just don’t think it’s ok to hate a whole gender because they don’t want to do something. These views are undated and hurtful. You can still want to be married and have kids, but it’s important to allow choices and respect people’s freedoms. I know it’s hard and I’m trying to have empathy for what you’ve been through and you deserved better. It’s not an excuse to what you did to all those people but it at least explains your actions. I just wished you were given more compassion in that asylum and that your parents and uncle raised you like a parent and uncle actually should. (I know you’re role playing, I just want to see how you’d think Gluskin would respond. Would he get defensive? Would he actually own up? Would he try to understand others POV? Could he even be reasoned with? Maybe not in canon. I’m not sure. I feel like if he was shown more compassion before the whole walrider experiment… it might be easier to get through to him but the second time you meet him maybe not so much… my own personal headcanon is that I’d like for him to at least try to be better. since I’m a woman and if I were in that Asylum I think at first, he’d may try to be sweet and maybe as long as I am very nice to him I can try to get through to him… I’d just have to be patient and maybe open up with my own traumas. Try to see where he’s coming from and be a source of comfort to him. Don’t get me wrong he has done horrible things and is a monster but to me I think I can try to listen to him. His whole life must had been terrible so I’ll try to teach him ways he can cope with his traumas in a healthy way and be the voice of reason if hope. And his treatment at mount massive was supposed to help him so maybe if he was given the proper help or encouragement maybe it’s help save him, he’s still a hanger but I feel like people deserves chances to get the right help to hopefully change their ways and have a semblance of being in a healthy state of mind and I’d encourage and support him. Sure there’s people who deserve to rot in jail or be kept in an institution, but I feel like in some cases people can be rehabilitated in the right circumstances. My headcanon is that all Eddie ever wanted was to be just that, loved, wanted, and safe. I just know canon Eddie post walrider incident might just kill me on the spot because of that one note stating ‘he’s making men into women just so he can kill them’ but idk how true it really is… so hopefully he isn’t too far gone… but who knows.. he’s known to get mad at even the slightest things… so what do you think? I kinda went on a tangent there but I really feel this way. I think early intervention might have helped him and he and his victims were failed for sure.)
Don’t be ridiculous. I’ve no idea what it is you’re talking about… I’m not a monster. I don’t hate women. Quite the opposite, in fact. I adored my mother just as I adored… everyone else in my family. They were nothing but loving to me.
The others, however - those who promised me love when all they thought about was leaving the first chance they got; those who pretended to be my soulmate, only to turn cold on me when they had had their fill. I gave them every ounce of my soul and the ungrateful little sluts made a fool out of me.
*Hm, I actually don’t know about this one. Definitely in over my head here regarding the intricacies of a traumatized/tortured mind. In my non-expert view, based on what we know, I don’t think he’d be able to acknowledge what he’s actually doing. There may be some conscience there, if we assume his denying his actions is a way of coping with the reality of being a murderer. Wouldn't make him a good person, and that was pre-Walrider, but maybe there was some chance of improvement.
I figure though that after the Walrider incident, whatever was left just snapped. He went from charming psychopath/could blend in with society to over-the-top gorefest slasher villain. Maybe not a complete lost cause, though? I mean even people irl who are “insane”/not mentally capable can be treated.
Again, not at all an expert. Just what I took from the game. Thanks for the thoughtful ask. As fun as this blog is, it’s good to reflect on the real-life, not at all fun topics involved.
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mitziholder · 11 months
hi its catholic school anon i just saw the Woman Writing and. omg omg omg. its so descriptive!! it really puts u in Anna’s shoes. i already relate to Thinking About Things Most People Don’t Think About so that probably helps. also is Anna the woman with the bun and glasses and Eckman the short haired one that u usually draw with her? idk their names #fakefan 💔 in all seriousness tho i love it 
also on the topic of writing, did u look at any videos/courses/books/etc to learn how to write stories? im just asking bc i want to figure out how to improve my own stuff. i kind of wish there was a feminist writing community i could join but my story’s premise is way too misandrist for that x_x But stuff like your comic, balkanradfem’s Thornwood and Lease Bound remind me that its not impossible to make those kinds of stories. anyway i hope ur doing well :)
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thank you I am glad you enjoyed + could relate :) yes Anna is the glasses woman and Eckman is her insane [redacted] they are both mega freaks and I’m pretty sure I had never even posted anything about their names until now despite the fact that they are the main characters in the work whose name I also have not posted
honestly I have no formal experience in writing. my main advice is simply to read a lot, write things, finish them, and edit them (or exchange with others to edit collaboratively). I don’t know about a feminist writing Community but I do have a friend who is much more well-versed in the formal/structural aspects of writing and storytelling than I am. maybe we could start a little server to share books/advice and to edit and that sort of thing? it could be the kick in the ass that I need to make more progress. writing is fun, but it is also hard, and I am very lazy </3
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thegagfantasy · 2 years
My best guess is that reblog/comment of that "you have misandrist vibes" ask
Since like, a lot of terf rhetoric stems from or revolves around that, plus being British, I could see someone maybe thinking that?? Idk, a stretch but all I can think of lol
(To clarify, don't think you're a terf, just trying to figure it out bc I was confused too lol)
How, though? How does someone saying that @angelicbabydolll has "misandrist vibes" and me stating a factual observation that men do kill women at an astronomical level have anything to do with transphobia? Those are completely different topics. Even if I was a misandrist, which I'm not I am happily in love with a man, that doesn't have anything to do with transgender people (especially not trans women). The rethroic of transphobia doesn't originate from man-hating. The two are not connected at all, so the ask is completely random (or the person asking it doesn't actually understand what they're talking about).
Plus, "being British"? Acknowledgments of the historical pain my country has imposed upon others aside, assuming that all or a higher majority of people (emphasis on people) in that country hold horrific views is just... Yeah, not it sis.
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homosexuhauls · 1 year
Hey, idk maybe that’s a strange question, but since I’m new to the whole “I officially identify as a misandrist” thing and wanna find blogs that talk/post about it and similar topics, that aren’t terfs … am I in the rights place here? And if so do u have any other blogs that u can recommend?
Sorry anon, I didn't see this. Not quite sure what you mean though? Are you looking for non-feminist misandry blogs? If that's the case I don't have any recs, I would just suggest you take an occasional scroll through the misandry tag.
If anyone can recommend any relevant blogs/avenues for misandrist discussions, let me know!
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imsugarphilia · 2 years
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! 🥢 𓂅 𝗺𝘂𝗹𝘁𝗶𝗳𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗺 ,, 𝗻𝗼 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘀𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗱𝘂𝗹𝗲 ◞
╭ hi ! I'm super happy you've across my tumblr ! I'm a beginner so kindly bear with me lol this space is just for fun so please make sure to be a kind visitor and respectful to each other . My best wish I ask of you is that I hope you will enjoy what I do here <3 ╯
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ᥫ᭡ 𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗡𝗧 ?? 𓏧
⤿ mostly icons & layouts .
⦅ but maybe , possibly often ⦂ gifs ,
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headers , banners , borders and bios ⦆
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ᥫ᭡ 𝗗𝗡𝗜❜𝗦 !! 𓏧
⤿ anything problematic , toxic or weird tbh but a few specifics would have to be : racists ( obviously ) , toxic feminists , misogynists , misandrists , p*dophilia , incest[+]self-cest , couples with two year age gaps ( basically I mean if someone is 17 and below and you/they or your ship/fav character is two years older or even , especially , higher than the significant other , that is so disturbing and gross to me . ) , people who justify age ups in their stories/fav book/fav author just to s*xualize , fantasize , fetishize and or romanticize minors/minor characters , ship wars , nsfw/smutty ( just the odd kind , like underage smut/smut written by minors ) kinky stuff ( like bestiality/age play/mommy or daddy rp/ddlg/little space/breeding/r*pe/nonconsenual s*x/p*ssing junk . DIS.GUS.TANG🤢 ) and much more . these are just the main concerns to me .
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ᥫ᭡ 𝗥𝗘𝗤𝗨𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗦 ?? 𓏧
⤿ requests are definitely open for now ! and yes I do accept anon/anonymous requests ! all I ask is that if you request anonymously to at least give me a letter and number or emoji to address you by so I don't get confused (。>‿‿<。 )
example : ❝ hi ! I'm 2B and
I just wanted to request ( thing ) ! ❞
⤿ credit me . do re-upload my things , do not claim my creations as your own , do not steal from me , do not ask for my stuff if you do not intend to use it correctly , do not request if you aren't going to use the material for at least one day or one full week .
do not ghost spam request . I work hard on my stuff so please don't request something from me if you're just gonna turn around and ask another person for something similar/different and didn't even use what I gave to you for at least an hour . do not recreate/copy my things either . you may use my things on other platforms as long as you give me credit .
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ᥫ᭡ 𝗔𝗕𝗢𝗨𝗧 𝗠𝗘 !? 𓏧
⤿ I am twenty years old , my birthday is March/12th , my birth year is 2002 , sensitive/emotional , can be very awkward/nervous , I'm a person of color , I'm quite chubby , kinda super shy irl , a bit of an introvert but I've been told I talk a lot so idk 😂 , I absolutely adore girly/cutesy/soft/comfy/colorful things <33
and last but not least ; I love reading , writing and editing so much ! but anywho , that's about it folks . I thank you for stopping by and actually reading this the whole way through and I wish you a wonderful start and end to all your days , mwah ! ଘ(੭ ᐛ )੭♡
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sl33py-g4m3r · 5 months
idk where the other post is; but I suppose I'll make a new one for whatever this personal post is.
Been batting around the idea of "maybe I'm trans" quite a while; so much so that it's driving me nuts.....
Apparently I may not actually be trans; but instead just disillusioned and upset with the way women are still treated in society so to speak.
I thought that maybe it would be safer if i were male; that I'd be safer if I were male, that people would take me more seriously (especially if i got into fields of tech and the like) if I were male, that people would judge me less for what I wore, that men have more freedom than women do in society.l
My therapist helped me to come to the conclusion that I was just a girl who has been through a lot of stuff and doesn't see the world as safe.
especially since it still seems that it's a mans world anyway for the most part. male seems to still be default.
please take women more seriously, please make walking at night safer for women, please don't judge women for what they wear or think "they're asking for it wearing stuff like that" referring to revealing clothing..... Please don't be creepy...... Please don't assume that someone automatically wants you in "that" way just for being nice to you, or demand it of them when their answer was no....
I'm just a girl who's been through quite a bit; and I hoped that if i were thought of as a man that maybe I'd be safer and taken more seriously. but alas, no. It's obvious I'm female anyway...
I don't like being vulnerable but I am... I'm emotional, I'm small at a whopping 150 cm.... I'm blind legally speaking, and I hate it...... I feel it makes me more vulnerable than I need to be..... or want to be....
Hopefully I'll get to a point where I'm content and happy being female... Some day.....
I'm not a misandrist or someone who hate men.... I just don't like what men can do to women and get away with scot free for the most part. cause in some cases if there isn't any evidence for something like SA, it's the mans word over hers and the man is more than likely going to be the one that's believed. Or in cases of the hard R word; if those kits take a year or more to go over, and he knows there's a case open about the hard R word, he can harass and stalk the victim until she drops the case out of fear, leaving no repercussions to his actions.
So, no I don't hate men, I'm just upset that they can do more to women, and do actually do more to women that's negative than the other way around. Not saying that it doesn't happen in reverse; because it probably does. But more often than not, it's the man doing the things to the woman and (usually) getting away with it...
I wanted to be seen as male to hopefully get a piece of that power that I thought men had/have in society, that women don't. To be taken more seriously, to feel safer and less vulnerable.....
Maybe there isn't disparity between men and women still, but then maybe there is... I believe it's still there however.... despite how far society has come...
although I might be totally wrong; that's how i feel about things and about my "trans" journey so far. Maybe I'm not actually transgender, but just don't want to be female because I feel it's not safe and people won't take me seriously if I were...
Lest the small disabled woman know more than a man..... >_<
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meeda · 8 months
long ramble about idk.. politics?
re: that last post, it got me thinking about the evolution of my own beliefs overtime, starting from maybe 2012 ish when I was a teenager and a pretty stereotypical left liberal sjw type. I mean most of it is still the same shit I believe today, if not a little more naive and annoying about it. I was also a raging “feminazi”, as it was called back in the day, and as many a teenage boy on the internet would label me as because I had the radical notion that women are people
I think the turning point in 2014 (if you know you know) happened as a result of overcorrecting my sjw-ness. Thinking that I was somehow “cringe” for believing in the things I did, in the manner of which I did. Thinking hey, maybe social justice and feminism has gone too far actually. Thinking hmm, maybe men have it rough too actually, and it’s all feminism’s fault. then discovering other people that thought the way I did.
Despite being knee deep in anti sjw, anti feminism, mra nonsense, I still retained most of my core beliefs. I never actually called myself anti feminist because I knew that in my heart I still supported “real feminism” (which ironically enough included men’s issues). I didn’t fall for the alt right pipeline because i have always supported lgbtq rights and racial equality. I’ve always been religiously agnostic, and I never cared for religious extremism.
Turning point #2 happened shortly after the blm movement started gaining traction. It kinda snapped me out of everything and brought me back to reality, and it also showed me the true colors of many of the anti sjw bloggers i followed. because now the mask was off, and they started becoming full on racist. It was embarrassing and I started to become ashamed that I ever associated myself with people like that.
enter the trump era. by this point i was already out of the anti sjw echo chamber and boy oh boy was i glad because this mask off moment just became a whole face transplant. no emotion could compare to what i felt seeing the beliefs I once entertained suddenly morph into the alt right movement and qanon. It felt like i dodged a bullet.
my relationship with feminism was and is complicated. I was born, raised, and socialized as female. i think it’s only natural that i feel very strongly about female centered issues. Like I mentioned before i was a naive but staunch feminist as a teenager. I remember the teacher asking a show of hands who here identifies as a feminist. I was only one of three people, in a class of majority females, that raised their hand. I remember telling my friend at the time (who, in retrospect, was probably a closeted transwoman) that they’re a fool for wishing they were born female because why on earth would you ever want to be a woman in a violently patriarchal society.
to me, the allure of anti feminism was the chance to redeem myself for harboring misandrist beliefs and not seeing things from a male perspective. but it was also the opportunity to question my own beliefs instead of blindly believing what i, as an afab, am “supposed” to believe. This overcorrection, years later, swung to the other end of the horseshoe when i rediscovered radical feminism in 2021. Prior to that moment I’ve always looked at rad feminism with disdain, even when i was still a so called “feminazi”. They were too extreme for me. It didn’t help when things like gender critical and trans exclusionary feminism were on the rise as well, which contradict not only my core beliefs but my existence. but there was something about it, something that reminded me of the same feeling i had when i discovered anti feminism. Like i was discovering forbidden knowledge. It was time to dip my toes in.
I orbited radfem circles for awhile to try to enlighten myself but it didn’t take long for me to realize that something felt wrong. It felt less like I was trying to “see other perspectives” and more like I was doomscrolling. Bad news after bad news after bad news. It almost felt like they were having a competition for who could share the worst injustices towards women. I did learn some actually useful things, like the detriments of the adult entertainment and sex industry. How “choice feminism” only benefits the patriarchy. The evolution of contraceptives. But the bitterness, the lack of empathy, the tone deafness. The last straw for me was when i saw a terf gleefully express their joy about the murder of brianna ghey, and said they wished it happened more often. It was time to get out of there.
This decade has been a roller coaster for my personal beliefs, but I think for the most part, my core beliefs have stayed the same. I still care about humanity deeply. As juvenile as it feels to say, I do just want things to be better for everyone. None of us asked to be born. Not one of us. Literally we’re all here against our will and we had 0 say on the circumstances of our birth. But we’re here, and we’re here together. The least we can do is help one another.
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psychewritesbs · 1 year
What were your thoughts on Kira and Flay's sex scene?
HOLA! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... 🤔
Man... let's see. So I've written before about how I'm not a fan of Flay, not because I can't sympathize with her character, but rather because she could have been a far more interesting character given her plight.
In a nutshell, my problem with Flay is (and will always be) that she's written like a tacky Mexican telenovela villainess...
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There's literally a scene with Flay doing the same tacky and cliché, maniacal evil laughter but I was too lazy to find it.
So her scene with Kira feels just as tacky as the trope.
A bit more word vomit under the cut, but since you're asking about a s3x scene, be warned that it's not necessarily pg13 under the cut...
So a few things to keep in mind about my answer:
I am all for s3x positivity which is ironically exactly why I am censoring the damn word so I don't necessarily think the scene was "bad" or inappropriate in and of itself because of the "mature" content given the intended audience.
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Also I'm going to censor the word s3x because Tumblr will censor the post otherwise and it's not like I'm necessarily going to show you any of the explicit pics of Kira and Flay I accidentally found to answer your ask.
Ok but back to my thoughts.
First. Literally, Mexican telenovela villainesses are notorious for sleeping with the mc in order to manipulate him because the trope reduces men to mindless pigs who can be easily manipulated because they only care about s3x.
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Omg look at him struggle LOL. Bonus points if she "accidentally" gets pregnant so that she can ensnare the dude into her machiuvelical plans.
So that's my biggest bone to pick with the scene. It reduces both Kira and Flay to cheap tropes, and it's misandrist and misogynistic to boot.
Oddly enough, this is not to say that it isn't realistic to think that Flay would use s3x to manipulate Kira, but rather that the writers are so lazy in their writing that I don't feel like I had a reason to care.
By lazy I mean that the writers only ever scratch the surface of the tropes and never really bother to subvert expectations.
Second, I strongly dislike Chad Kira Yamato and I have no qualms being openly critical about how much I dislike how his character is written. The writers attempt to portray Kira as a sensitive and highly competent dude, except he comes across as a cry-baby with God-like abilities. He's so op that he's incredibly unrelatable as a character.
Yes, Athrun is my fave but I'll be the first to admit he isn't exactly superbly written. But Kira? I find him insufferable. Please forgive me if you're a fan of his.
All that to say that I like to think that there's a girl out there who was banged rather poorly because some teenage boy saw Gundam Seed and bought into the lie that all he has to do is idk hammer a girl like a jackrabbit with his dick and she'll have the time of her life.
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In all seriousness, what I'm trying to say here is that the scene is an unrealistic portrayal of teenage s3x or s3x in general because the Gundam Seed writers romanticize Kira as a God in bed. I guess being a coordinator gives your dick magic powers idk.
Also, I understand the scene isn't so explicit in the original anime that aired on TV and that it only got expanded upon in the remastered version. Not sure of how true this is, but consider the camera angles in the scene...
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Talk about a self-insert fantasy: Sensitive guy gets to bang the hot girl.
So this makes the scene feel gratuitous at best. Again, I can see how it contributes to the plot in the sense that Flay was scared and wanted to manipulate Kira and maybe she also needed someone to hold (which, she conveniently ignored her actual fiancé)... but idk, it feels more like self-insert fanservice than actual commentary.
Third, I personally did not find the scene hot. Like at all.
There's no physical or emotional chemistry between the characters, and therefore no impetus for me to care.
Why is that? Because the writers only ever scratch the surface of the tropes they're relying on.
Would I think otherwise if it was Athrun and Cagalli instead? Probably since I am emotionally invested in their ship. So, yes, I am biased.
But that's kind of my point. Athrun and Cagalli had an arc as a pairing where we got to see them come together in the middle. But we don't really get that with Kira and Flay.
So the writers trying to portray tenderness in the scene feels disingenuous because of the lack of chemistry between the characters.
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I know that these are different dynamics, but the s3x scenes in Tokyo Ghoul:re, Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai, and x/1999 are what I would consider hot.
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But that's because the authors went out of their way to flesh out the dynamics not just beautifully, but in such a way that I am invested as an audience in the chemistry between the characters and how their relationship evolves.
I think Tokyo Ghoul:re specifically does a really good job portraying both how awkward s3x can be and how intense it can feel when there is an emotional connection present.
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Gundam Seed could never portray this because it never explores anything in depth... at all... pun not intended.
What's more... I highly doubt Gundam Seed can portray s3xual tension in all of its glory because at the core of s3xual tension is emotion and emotional resonance.
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But Gundam Seed never takes the time to go deep enough into the character dynamic between Flay and Kira because it spends 3/4s of the series rehashing the same plot--ZAFT chasing after and attacking the Archangel.
What is disappointing is that, in a ship that had so much potential for toxic yumminess, Kira x Flay fell flat on its face.
Bah. Honestly, there's a character in Jujutsu Kaisen who shares the same trope as Flay (girl who gets dragged into circumstances beyond her control and acts accordingly) who is also not explored in full earnest, but is still written a thousand times better than Flay.
So all in all, the only one who suffers for Gundam Seed's lazy writing is Flay and all of the potential her character had. Instead, she got reduced to a girl who enjoys getting banged by magic coordinator dick.
RIP Flay.
Thanks for reaching out! Again, please forgive me if you like this pairing. I try to be respectful of what other people like, but I have a hard time not expressing how much I dislike the way Gundam Seed handled its cast.
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bisluthq · 3 years
There’s plenty of regular dudes who have the wife fantasy about her too who don’t want her locked in a basement. There was a lot of half sad/half joking tweets from just normie dudes when the engagement rumor was running wild.
I mean sure I am being a bit of a misandrist with that but also like those guys do exist. That said, I feel like Joe is like perfect for most people with polite fantasies about her because he’s VERY easy to self insert into like especially if you do less research on him and are a man yk coz you can just imagine yourself as him and he’s not a perfect 10 and he’s like a bit dorky and he treats her very nicely so like idk the impetus to try cuck him like irl. Like maybe that’s because I’m a gay girl and a lot of fantasies just feel unrealistic and I lack the konfidence but like idk man I don’t get actually imagining yourself like with a celeb especially like if the person they’re with lends themselves to like easy fantasies. Like if she was with You Know Who I’d get get fantasizing yourself in there like “I can’t relate to him” but like you probs can relate to Joe so idk it’s weird for me.
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scalpelsister · 3 years
listen i promise i will be fine and I am probably being over dramatic rn but holy fuck I am Going Through It. (about my fucking. qpp break up). like she literally said she doesn’t use proper pronouns for me because I “changed them too often”... as if I have not gone by she/they for many years :( I am not the thought police mind u its not like “ugh she misgendered me one time” its like. I brought it up because she so clearly does not respect my identity or pronouns or sexuality for that matter (as she also has accused me of ‘pushing lesbians on her’ for idk, openly being a lesbian in an all queer group chat??). I just. really dislike that she basically said my gender identity / pronoun asks where too demanding for her. U don’t want to accuse her of transphobia or anything but. it feels a bit that way to just... ignore your qpps dysphoria bc its “““inconvenient”“““ :(
and its not like she did not know. again I have been out for seven years? and the only pronoun changes I have really had have been trying out just they/them (she never ever used they/them for me), and then trying out fae/faer (which she dislikes neopronouns so I did not even tell her about that). So my Confusing Pronouns was to go from she/her to they/them to she/they as far as she knew....
idk im hurt about a lot more than that though. like she said a lot of ableist things about me. she literally went on a rant about how I was burden because I don’t work?? and how it stresses her out when like. she is not my caregiver. I live with my dad? my dad pays for my expenses? I do not get it. She has also taken to making fun of my memory loss?? in a passive aggressive way. because I said memory loss is a symptom and so if I DID forget something important, I was very sorry, but I can’t control it. :(
and like... there is more!! but like in just thinking these things out I just. am not sure I even want to resolve this friendship yanno? like she broke off being a qpp + made it very clear she never wants to live with me / have me be a major part of her life (side bar, but she also said she didn’t want me around her future kids, sighting that she was worried my schizophrenia made me unsafe to be around, and that I was a misandrist). But in typing everything out I’m like. I don’t know if I even want to be friends beyond like, maybe still playing dnd with her? but even then, why would I dm for someone who misgenders me, bullies me for my disability, and is rude to my other players?? like... nah.
and that hurts SO MUCH. I have known her since I was SENTIENT. I can literally not even imagine a life without her and I have no idea what the fuck I am going to do.
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deathvsthemaiden · 3 years
Prince Harry, Prince William, Waver Velvet, Diluc Ragnvindr, Jeremy Fragrence, and Childe (Ajax)....uwa I spelled Diluc's name right on the first go!
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Yikes full stop. Yikes. || I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? || I Do Not Deserve How Could You Do This? Hmm? Et tu, Brutus? 😐
Ok listen being royalty esp modern royalty immediately cancels out any beauty god gave you in my eyes. All the poetry I wax about how there is something to appreciate in every face and body is null and void here. If we take the Some Guy approach and look at him objectively (impossible but I’ll humor you in the name of love and not being a spoilsport).... nothing I feel nothing. Maybe a whisper of contempt and a little voice in my head going “we should avoid him he’s not going to add to our life.” But that’s. IT.
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him. II I’m Far Too Sane And Pretty For This?
*by this point I am shaking and crying from psychic damage* see above 👆🏽😐
Waver Velvet:
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But. I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty (I Suppose) Like If He Floats Your Boat Epic But I Might Not Attend The Wedding || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him.
his younger self awakens big sister instincts in me meaning he would be SO fun to tease and annoy + root for + naively hope he grows into a fine young man. At that young age he is not yet broken so there is no fixing to be done, but I certainly could help set him straight! Like a bonsai 💚 he’s more sinless and (unintentionally) funny and full of promise than his other selves.
His adult self however awakens the misandrist in me. I wanna come up to him unprovoked and tell him to smile or else bc that’s the only time he’s handsome imo.... also when he has vulnerable moments like being sad the shoes he bought with his first ever paycheck got ruined 🥺 or when he gets all triumphant and carefree ever so once in a while, like in the first ep of Case Files... what I mean is sometimes his prickly hard cranky veneer cracks and I catch a dazzling shimmer of handsome but... not often enough for my liking 😑 for my favored pixelated men I get a genuine kick out of their being disgruntled (sign of true love) but his grumbling just makes me want to file for divorce and we’re not even married 😐 like can you imagine road tripping with this man? I can’t I couldn’t I will not! And omg I don’t think you could make him say stuff like I love you without feeling like you’re pulling teeth... I don’t have the patience to reach that point with him. We’d be so bad for each other and not even in the fun way... his sharp way of dress and penchant for red and long hair and passion for certain subjects are just not enough to salvage him for me, if I want to be subjected to a short tempered man all day I have a father 😩 also he has the kind of sense of responsibility that would doom you if you married him I feel. Like admirable but also what the fuck dude. Taking on all of Kayneth’s debt w/o batting an eye? Mr Velvet what about your hypothetical wife and children.... like I can’t imagine him stopping to think about them in such a scenario... he’d have to marry someone like Melvin (or Melvin himself) who would get a kick out of that brash decision and support him and I’m the wrong dame! He feels like if he had a family and he grew into old age, he would end up one of those foreboding slightly frigid patriarchs w/ short fuses who have hearts of gold but you have to dig so long and hard that by the time you have reached it you’re youth has passed you by and your fingers are worn to the bone and you’re tired... so tired..... you should’ve listened to your mother and married that nice doctor within your ethnic group instead... he’s been a widower for a few years now, hasn’t he? Has a summer home in Vienna and a very nice curly beard? Last time you stalked his FB anyway....
Also his little friend Melvin is hilarious but I could never allow him into my home on the reg. I refuse. Reines is on thin ice and reminds me too much of my sister in some ways... Literally the only person he is oft surrounded by that I would not only be chill with but delighted to have over is Flatt Escardos. Love that wild little man, he’s a brilliant riot. But also a bit of a danger to himself and others I think? Idk I barely read FSF bc the niqabi character design pissed me off to hell and back and then some 😔💔
Diluc Ragnvindr:
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him. II You Absolutely Deserve Him, Bestie 🥺🤲🏽 (heartfelt + sincere)
Oh he’s pretty enough.... like def not an ugly man! But as you yourself often correctly say he’s just Some Guy! When you tell me why you love him I absolutely understand how he captivated you 🥺 but I personally am too wild of heart to be ensnared by so sober (ahaha get it? Bc he owns a tave— whatever nvm v_v)/ and stable a man.
Jeremy Fragrance:
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I Could See The Objective Appeal If He Never Opened His Mouth But I’m Too Smart To Be Taken In By Some Conventionally Pretty Features And Some Muscle™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him.
I scroll past his vids fairly fast the same way I often scroll past spider pics that make it on to my dash despite my best efforts.... when I decide to watch his videos I regret it so much and can barely finish. The way he talks and acts and the things he Just Says sans hesitation make me so uncomfy... so performative and out of touch in the unfun way and aggressive... why isn’t he an actor why couldn’t he be named Jeremy Drama... then I could lie to myself and go it’s okayyy Hiba it isn’t real I’m sure he’s sane behind closed doors 😖 anyway I couldn’t willingly stay in the same room with him for 5 min I COULDNT! I’m v confident our priorities and moral compasses are polar opposites and have you heard the way he talks about women? 🤨 I would honestly. Prefer Patrick Bateman. Not even kidding bc at least that man isn’t real and has successfully made me laugh and gets Big Mad over the dumbest stuff so I can mock him before he kills me. Also I think I could outsmart Bateman but... what does one do with JF other than... keep ur distance. Like I’d never trust either BUT. Yeah.
Childe (Ajax):
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him.
HES ERRATIC.... IM ERRATIC.... CAN I MAKE IT ANY MORE OBVIOUSSSS<3 no but rlly I love a lively straightforward man and he’s got red in his character design + is often pictured with whales? And his galactic themed suit of armor is nice 😳 he’d be fun to hang out with and divorce on grounds so outrageous and absurd we both find it hilarious ✅ like I don’t think I’ll ever love love him esp since all my knowledge of him is second hand but he sounds like a blast 💥
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sooyeonjungs · 4 years
So I had to interview a girl in my communications class and like we were generally talking about activism and accountability so I mentioned the PH1 racism issue (idk if you’re following it, it’s about m*n so I don’t recommend) and she’s like omg I cannot stand m*n (JUST LIKE YOU PREDICTED)
duuuuude, maybe i am an alien after all. but cute! we love a misandrist icon
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sobdasha · 5 years
not to discourse, but thinking about Ritsu pronouns again
you know, as you do, because you can't exactly ask a fictional character what they would prefer and whether their creator might have been slightly mistaken/confused by societal pressures. And everyone's got such good arguments for why Ritsu might deep down consider himself truly a he, or herself a woman, or themself a nonbinary who-gives-a-crap, or even some kind of combo. Especially given that in the anime reboot Ritsu isn't a joke this time around and isn’t forced to change clothes.
And also, y'know, being a very cis gal I have no stakes in this game, I have nothing to identify with here, so it's not like I can confidently make a forever headcanon.
Anyway in the back of my mind was lingering that thing people have been saying about how, what Takaya really intended, it's some Japanese cultural thing we lack in The West where men who are perfectly content to identify as men and have no desire to identify as anything else will dress in Women's Clothes to get the benefits of not having to act Manly, Assertive, etc. (or at least that was how I understood it, I didn't save any of these posts and I don't think I stumbled upon the right keywords while googling, though I did find some interesting history on genderless kei that was, belatedly, relevant to my thoughts)
And I was just thinking, you know, it's sad that I was kind of side-eying that explanation for why Ritsu would use he/him because that's actually basically the inversion of my favorite thing?
If you have not noticed by now I am, deep down in my soul, a pure misandrist. I am pretty sure I was born disliking and distrusting men, and they have not done anything since in my several decades of life to not reinforce that. (There are plenty of people I happen to not dislike who also happen to be male, but I definitely hate Men.) The point is, everything is better if it's women.
In fact, men would be better if they were just women.
So my favorite anime/manga characters are the bishounen, soft and pretty and effeminate and get mistaken for women and have ~feelings~ like women and maybe even get voiced by women. I'm so here for Mulan and Monstrous Regiment, where girls dress as boys and join the army, and get all the perks of agency that come with being men, and can flirt with the idea of being men, but really deep down underneath are women the entire time and keep this little genderqueer-but-feminine space in themselves afterwards.
My ideal princess is modeled off Eilonwy (and probably some vague conflation of "the game's called Zelda but involves a hero with a sword adventuring in dungeons") with pretty long hair and pretty lovely dresses and okay how fast can I cut this skirt off and bring me a pair of pants and also I need a sword to hack at people with and if you don't let me be one of the boys I'll shoot you with this bow I'm packing.
I first heard the word "lesbian" in some movie and went and looked it up in the dictionary and I recall that I literally asked myself "how do I feel about this?" and I replied "eh doesn't bother me, in fact actually I'm pretty sure these ladies have the right idea here". Elizabeth Swann in Pirates 3? where she gets upgraded to Pirate King with a really cool outfit with pants and those adorable little mary jane shoes, yes. Girls dressing androgynously as men and then flirting with other women dressing as women, me well aware they are both women: god yes.
Ohhhh remember that time I was looking up songs for Guys and Dolls and came across the Takarazuka Revue performing Luck Be A Lady in gorgeous alto, and also just the concept of the Takarazuka Revue, now was that a formative experience or what. Also thank god for Ogata Megumi.
And remember that time I saw a little bit of Sailor Moon and the immediate and only thing I latched onto was the ~cousins~, because somewhere deep down my little heart must have known they were truly lesbians, and I loved the tragic storyline (god it's such a shame I didn't see any farther into the arc because that would have been even more, wow, I would have eaten that up with a spoon), and they were such a perfect pair of androgynous short hair and boys clothes and motorcycle and presumably smooth alto voice, and feminine longer hair and skirts and pretty poised princess. The best of both worlds.
Most recently I had an awkward realization when I found everyone tweeting Queer Book Lists! and people were saying "you know how you read books about women dressing as men for Plot and you wish they had stayed men at the end well congrats, in these books they do" and I was like "oh. oh. Well that's very good and that's great for the characters and I do want to read this but I. Actually don't want that personally? I just want women? I want all the benefits of women taking on men's roles with none of the actual men?? Oh. I feel like a bit of a jerk now."
Any. Anyway. I might have gotten off topic a little there discussing my exact aesthetic tastes but. The point I'm trying to get at is, I like girls. I like androgyny because it tends to read as feminine to me. I like girls that are very traditionally feminine, and I also like girls that are tomboys, and to me when a girl does boyish things that does not make her less of a girl. In fact, a girl who indulges in something that is more ~masculine~ like swords and climbing trees and liking cars and wearing pants and so on, is actually being a girl as hard as she can be.
Anything a girl does that can be construed as masculine makes her more feminine to me. In fact anything a girl does is basically by nature feminine because it is done by a girl? Like I know I'm a cis girl because of all the girly stereotypes I fulfill, but also because of all the girly stereotypes I defy.
Idk if this is just me, if this is the misandry, if this is some weird cis thing, if this is a product of my childhood of Girl Power, what. But it just, if you stop and thing about it, is really truly sad that guys don't have the same thing. That first of all we don't let guys wear skirts, and second of all if a guy did wear a skirt I would not translate it to "a guy being a guy as hard as he possibly can be." Women get to be ~both~ (though not necessarily without people being jerks about it). Men are only allowed to be one (and that one sucks tbh).
So what I'm saying is that if I think about it logically, I should be perfectly capable of accepting that Ritsu can and should present as feminine as much as possible without it contradicting--and in fact with it reinforcing--that Ritsu considers himself to be a boy. That Ritsu is Ritsuing as hard as possible. In fact this is the headcanon I should probably prefer. And also it's sad that I had to have an actual revelation about this just now????
anyway all Ritsu pronouns are valid so long as they are a product of thoughtful consideration of Ritsu
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misscrawfords · 5 years
I finished watching Sabrina Part 2 and... I have thoughts.
Firstly, Part Two is a lot more interesting than Part One. Secondly, I cannot believe that this show is made by the same people that make Riverdale. I mean, CAOS is an aesthetically cool exploration of religion, feminism and mythology with a coherent plot and characterisation. Riverdale is... none of those things.
In Part 1, I felt a bit uncomfortable with the brand of feminism the show appeared to be displaying. It’s actually ages since I watched it so I can’t say anything very meaningful about it at present, but IIRC Miss Wardwell was taking a very misandrist approach to feminism which personally I don’t think is helpful or particularly pleasant.
Anyway, I thought Part 2 was rooted in much clearer systematic dismantling of patriarchal institutions rather than just hating all men. It’s also interesting and refreshing in many ways to see a fantasy series where the heroes are heavily biased towards women and girls and the Big Bad is basically the patriarchy. I’m not saying that the show doesn’t have its flaws but we shouldn’t hold this one to higher standards than any other teen fantasy series just because it’s explicitly feminist. It’s just refreshing. I wonder what boys make of it. In an ideal world we’d have fantasy series with an equal number of male and female characters and they’d model a world without sexist values but considering the number of fantasies that play directly in a men’s world, where the male:female ratio is heavily skewed and where female characters are routinely fridged, it’s so refreshing to see one where the ratio is skewed the other way, where the “good” male characters admire the women in their lives and where women are allowed to be ambitious, powerful, bull-headed, dominating and so on without being punished for it by the narrative. Sabrina is wrong a lot of the time, but no more than your average hot-headed Chosen One boy hero trying to save the world and messing it up pretty much all the time.
Another way in which Part 2 is better than Part 1 IMO is that Nick is just a thousand times better than Harvey as Sabrina’s love interest. It’s making me try to work out just what is so... dull about Harvey. In theory, the star-crossed romance between a witch and a mortal should be engaging, but all through Part 1 it was just so tedious. Partly because Harvey kept dragging Sabrina back to the mortal world and its much less interesting concerns - I want to see Sabrina using her powers and being badass, not constantly having to tiptoe round Harvey’s feelings. Nick loves her powers, admires her and is part of the world she is entering into. He represents moving forwards into something new, Harvey represents falling backwards into a mundane life. I suppose shows that have a character with half a foot in the fantasy world and half a foot in the “normal” world have to deal with how to make the original, non-magic friends/family interesting to the viewer/reader. I think CAOS does an okay job of it in Part 2, mainly because they aren’t in it so much and they aren’t struggling with their identities so much and just getting on with it. I loved Theo and, once again, it’s really refreshing to see a Trans narrative in the show. I’m not Trans so I can’t speak to what watching CAOS is like from that perspective but it seemed to me to be pretty decently executed and explicit in the narrative, which strikes me as a good thing.
Mythology-wise, it’s also interesting. I mean, if I was really into the show, I’d probably be writing essays trying to make sense of it on a theological perspective which I am... not going to do. But the mythology of Christianity (I mean not just the Bible but all the surrounding literature and texts and interpretations) is so ripe for exploration and turning into fantasy whether in a profound or frivolous way, so all power to CAOS. If Milton can have a sexy Satan, why can’t Netflix?!
Speaking of Satan, eh... I think Lucifer could have been done better. His reappearance in the last episode was the most disappointing part of the series, I think. Maybe he would appeal more to teenagers, IDK. But there was so little development. He was a very cardboard villain. Hot shirtless (yet strangely sexless) man wants to take over the world and can’t imagine why anyone wouldn’t go along with that and is repeatedly blind to insubordination in the ranks. I mean, he’s kind of... stupid? And could be any video game boss. Faustus made a much more compelling, dangerous and believable antagonist. And, much as I love Nick, if he had actually been Satan all along, would have been a much more compelling twist than just having him work for Lucifer - but it’s okay because he really did fall for Sabrina. Let Lucifer be genuinely sexy and tempting and manipulative! Let Nick be genuinely conflicted and morally grey! Because, damn, at the moment, it’s a wasted opportunity.
So yeah, overall I enjoyed it (and the masquerade was so extra - I loved it) but still not as good as it could be! Bring on Sabrina’s journey to hell in Part 3! I do love a good katabasis.
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