#so some of this advice is very much based on individual strengths
Colin's build isn't as flashy as some of the others in the party, but he does have one that is interesting to me in terms of mechanical character. Just to take stock what he's working with first:
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16 (+3) Constitution, highest in the party. Mathematically, i.e. on paper since we don't know actual hit points at this time, he easily paces with Delissandro on hit points.
16 (+3) Strength and 17 (+3) Dexterity, second highest in the party. His longsword uses Strength, and his dagger uses Dexterity (because it's higher).
15 (+2) Intelligence, second highest in the party as Karna, Raphaniel, and Amangeaux all tie for first with 16 (+3).
AC 17, second highest in the party. Very respectable AC for this level.
Rogue 2. Because rogue is listed first on his card, I presume he is a base rogue; this is notable because it grants him four starting skills (as opposed to two plus one from a rogue multiclass) and proficiency in Dexterity saves. He has Expertise in Insight, as he made a check that was natural 4 but 11 total. Rogue 2 also means Cunning Action.
Fighter 3. Fighting Style (which could be interesting depending on what his choice is), Second Wind, and one use of Action Surge.
Battle Master. He knows three maneuvers.
Feat: Mobile. Brings his speed up to 40 feet, and difficult terrain does not reduce it while he is dashing. Combined with Cunning Action, he can run 120 feet with a double dash: greater than the next fastest Amangeaux (30 base, 90 at double dash) and twice the speed of the rest the party at their greatest full dash (assuming no items modifying speed are in the mix). Mobile also allows him to neutralize attacks of opportunity: someone he makes a melee attack against, hit or miss, they cannot make an attack of opportunity against him for the rest of the turn.
Colin has a very physical stats forward build, in that Colin's best stats are all physical and all are at least +3, moreso than even Delissandro who has a higher Charisma than Constitution and Dexterity. (You can check all the stat cards from the first episode here.) The combination of Cunning Action and Mobile makes him incredibly difficult to pin down or corner and moves very fast with an ability to close on a target. A respectable AC and proficiency in Dexterity saves also makes him pretty dodgy at this level, and a good Constitution makes him hardy; he is a tank.
I find his build very interesting because it tells a story of someone who is very comfortable on the battlefield and is used to combat scenarios. It corroborates what he tells Delissandro ("Any other battle advice or anything you want from me, 'cause that's kinda my gear.") and is in line with him planning combat strategies when anxious or uncomfortable. An individual player can always take or leave the flavor of a subclass, but the narrative of the Battle Master leans heavily on someone who has been trained in military arts or has learned very well through experience in the field.
Base rogue with the Mobile feat very much tells a story. His respectable Intelligence paired with Battle Master does too. Altogether, his mechanics communicate to me that he is well suited to his job as a sellsword, and he is one of skill and experience.
A lot of this can also be augmented by class choices, particularly Maneuver Choices. I won't speculate too much on choices because there's so many good ones, but Evasive Footwork, Ambush, Bait and Switch, Disarming Attack, Riposte, Quick Toss would add to this sense of someone who is difficult to pin down, moves easily through combat, and has a good grasp of the rhythm of battle.
Colin's entire set of mechanics together give me personally a sense of someone who is very much a survivor and of someone who knows how to move through combat, both in the intellectual skill to calculate and the physical skill to execute.
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starjxsung · 5 months
hi~ big sis, Star! Haha, you do give the big sis energy bc you have such charisma ✨
Is it too much if I ask you for career advice here? bc you're such an amazing writer, I'm sure you're great at making an effective email to attract employers :3
I'm applying for internships, but haven't gotten any interview calls from companies I'm applying to, not even one! So I want to write a follow-up email to persuade them like–pleaasee give me a chance!! I am capable I promise lmao. How should I structure my email? And what else should I take a closer look at?
Thankiee~ I LOVE YOU 💗
I LUV YOU THIS IS SO SWEET…… I am actually a middle child if anyone is wondering but like BARELY bc I have an older sister who’s 3 years older than me AND a twin sister but I am older by exactly 1 minute 😭 so like…… middle child by just 1 minute. I’ll take the big sister label though I have always wanted to be a big sister
NO I AM OPENNNNN FOR CAREER ADVICE I don’t have too much experience bc I work at the place I interned at in college but I did GET the internship after getting rejected and sending a fancy email demanding to meet with them so I could elevator pitch why I wanted to work for them. And now I hold a senior title at our company so I will always advocate for good emails that get employers’ attention !!
My email following up on my internship was very pathos-inducing, so I made sure to write about why specifically the company interested me, and I detailed what I think set me apart from the other candidates they were looking at. I also didn’t format it as a follow-up email, I expressed my disappointment that they “couldn’t see my potential” and I demanded a 15 minute with the hiring manager to chat about why I felt I could bring something unique to their company. I also LITERALLY began my email with something along the lines of “I know you guys get hundreds of corporate emails a day so I’m going to keep this very informal, but I wanted to let you know that I think you would be making a mistake by not hiring me and I am requesting a brief chat to discuss this in further detail.”
My best advice is to make sure the emails capture YOU in them. Don’t go online searching for follow up templates and don’t try to sound so formal like you already hold some corporate position. Let yourself sound like an entry-level candidate, or even just a student if you are one! Communicate your strengths, why you’re interested and don’t be afraid to get pushy and request a meeting or ask to just talk about the position in a meeting. These employers get a trillion emails from students all trying to sound formal, but at the end of the day you need to be memorable. They need to know that you’re not somebody who gives up easily and that you’re serious about the position. Get pushy! Let your emails sound a little amateur but make sure they sound like YOU and not a Google email template.
I would also emphasize the importance of a cover letter that encapsulates this same thing. Make sure the letter relays why this position is unique to you and exactly what your personality and skills can bring to the table. Don’t send in just a resumé and assume they’re going to read that and match your skills themselves, there’s usually like a 99% chance they’ll move on to something with a little more substance.
I hope this helps a little bit !! I can also provide some templates of what my resumé is roughly based on, but I always make sure that my cover letters are always very unique to the company and the position, and of course to myself! Good luck angel, don’t give up!!!!! At the end of the day, your individuality and willingness to learn will be your best assets.
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"Daryl Homer on the Secret to Consistently Strong Fencing"
Our guest is Daryl Homer, three-time Olympian (2012, 2016 and 2020) who earned a silver medal at the 2016 games in Rio, becoming the first U.S. men's saber fencer to win an individual silver at the Olympics since 1904. We talked about his fencing origin story, the secret to his consistency and how he's changed in the 13 years since he made his first senior team.
In this episode of First to 15, we're joined by Daryl Homer, three-time Olympian and 2016 Summer Olympics silver medalist in men's saber. 
Follow Daryl Homer on Instagram
Read a transcript for this episode"
So while this podcast is obviously geared directly towards olympic fencers there's still some elements that historical fencers may find useful. Even if your personal focus is medals it's still unlikely you'll have the same context as an olympic fencer, however the types of situation you have to deal with have a lot of overlap. Even if you're not interested in medals fighting in tournaments and competitions of various sorts, high intensity sparring etc. can all be very good practice for checking our interpretations, stress testing our skill and so on. And in that regard whether you're swinging around a foil or a federschwert doesnt matter nearly as much to your internal feelings in the moment.
But that aside, more importantly, the sources are filled with various bits of advice on seeking out other competent people to fence with, learn from, on regular play etc. and many other things this episode touches on.
For anyone who hasn’t yet seen the following links:
Some advice on how to start studying the sources generally can be found in these older posts
Remember to check out  A Guide to Starting a Liberation Martial Arts Gym as it may help with your own club/gym/dojo/school culture and approach.Check out their curriculum too.
Fear is the Mind Killer: How to Build a Training Culture that Fosters Strength and Resilience by   Kajetan Sadowski   may be relevant as well.
“How We Learn to Move: A Revolution in the Way We Coach & Practice Sports Skills”  by Rob Gray  as well as this post that goes over the basics of his constraints lead, ecological approach.
Another useful book to check out is  The Theory and Practice of Historical European Martial Arts (while about HEMA, a lot of it is applicable to other historical martial arts clubs dealing with research and recreation of old fighting systems).
Trauma informed coaching and why it matters
Look at the previous posts in relation to running and cardio to learn how that relates to historical fencing.
Why having a systematic approach to training can be beneficial
Why we may not want one attack 10 000 times, nor 10 000 attacks done once, but a third option.
How consent and opting in function and why it matters.
More on tactics in fencing
Open vs closed skills
The three primary factors to safety within historical fencing
Worth checking out are this blogs tags on pedagogy and teaching for other related useful posts.
And if you train any weapon based form of historical fencing check out the ‘HEMA game archive’ where you can find a plethora of different drills, focused sparring and game options to use for effective, useful and fun training.
Check out the cool hemabookshelf facsimile project.
For more on how to use youtube content for learning historical fencing I suggest checking out these older posts on the concept of video study of sparring and tournament footage.
Consider getting some patches of this sort or these cool rashguards to show support for good causes or a t-shirt like to send a good message while at training.
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lgcmanager · 2 years
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SCHEDULE TYPE: TRIMESTER ( PART 1 OUT OF 1 ) SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: cannot be paired with another trimester schedule, unless stated otherwise. for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE.
on JANUARY 16, all of the VERSUS members were gathered together and in comparison to the past, the person that they see inside the meeting room is just their manager, LEE KYUHWAN.
“good morning to all of you! i hope you aren’t too disappointed that it’s just me that is going to be telling you all of your schedules for the next few months.” KYUHWAN jokes, even though it’s evident to see how the atmosphere is different without the V&A managers together. “LEE ISEUL and the rest of the higher-ups have briefed me with their plan for V&A and our unit and it looks like they wanted to get a better insight of the two units. this means that your schedule will be slightly different from AGITO, but they made sure to keep all of us busy!” he called each of the members and gave them the important files that they would need for both their meeting and future opportunities.
V&A will be promoting their songs for three weeks and attending all of the music shows. any NOTORIETY TIER gigs that the boys have will still be going on, but all of the activities mentioned below will be happening during their free time ( in short, it’ll be a very busy period for V&A )! furthermore, V&A will not be able to participate in the NOTORIETY TIERS for the JANUARY cycle but will resume doing them around MARCH.
starting from now all of WOOKJIN and TEE’s monthly sns posts will be posted on the V&A instagram account rather than the LGCENT account. WOOKJIN and TEE will not be eligible to do OPEN EVENT 006 ( FANSITES ) until FEBRUARY.
“as of late, all of the coaches have been watching your group and individual activities and during this time, they’ve realized that there are some areas to work on. with the addition of WOOKJIN and TEE, this means that everyone has a lot more catching up to do so that on stage everyone will complement each others’ strengths and weaknesses well. for WOOKJIN and TEE specifically, the coaches based their evaluation during your time at the debut bootcamp so they are well aware of areas that needs to improve on and preferably before the comeback promotions. this is an advice the coaches and i can agree on, but do take this month to work on your skills as much as possible. as legacy forms and promotes more groups for this generation, that means that the competition becomes tougher. if one of you starts loafing around, that can be the perfect chance for another group to potentially steal your first win.” KYUHWAN advised the group before eyeing JAESUN as a reminder for the leader to continue his job taking care of both the unit and the group.
KYUHWAN then tells the boys the specific skills that they should be working on during this term ( it’s optional whether they follow the suggested skills, but for optimal results it’s best to follow it ):
KYUHWAN began explaining in-depth the show’s concept, “legacy has planned a new series for all of you that will be posted on V&A’s youtube channel and it’s called ‘V&A Room’. each of you will be paired up into groups of two or three and be filming in a cozy room with a couch at the center. during this time, everyone in the room will be discussing anything that has happened to their day to day life, recent happenings, past trainee memories, and struggles or concerns that they may have about being a V&A member. it’s supposed to be a casual talk show that allows you to not only get to know your members even more, but gives some insight to etervals about what has been happening with all of you.”
the arrangement for this is as follows ( along with the airing of the episodes ):
if you want a general idea of how these videos go, you can click over HERE ( which was the inspiration behind this show’s concept ). filming wise, they take up about 2 hours but each episode is condensed to around 15 minutes! the V&A members will start to film this sometime around end of JANUARY and early FEBRUARY, before their comeback promotions start.
“while AGITO is busy with their collaboration project, legacy suggested on giving you a different task. I know the subsidiary has been keeping this a secret, but they’re planning on releasing another webdrama — a thriller, in fact! while it does seem fun to be a part of the drama, sadly i hate to break it to all of you and say that you will not be making a guest appearance there. although i’d like to see some of you in a drama like that.” KYUHWAN glanced at one of the members as he thought back about legacy’s halloween party. clearing his throat, he returned back to the main topic, “if any of you thought about asking me if this was for their ost soundtrack, then you are correct! i was curious and listened to a snippet of the guide and to be honest, i think it fits versus perfectly.” KYUHWAN smiled happily, almost as if he was excited to show the VERSUS members the song.
more information about the ost can be found in the BULLET INQUIRY OST post.
“since we have some multilingual idols in this unit,” KYUHWAN paused with a smirk on his face. as to what is expected to come, one can guess that it is language related. “all of you will be making an appearance on the HELLO82 channel. for those of you who might not be familiar with it, idol groups will appear on the show to help promote both their group, music, and languages! so as part of VERSUS’ promotions for this comeback, legacy thought about inviting you to film a few episodes that will be aired around MARCH. while legacy seems to be encouraging many people to work on their languages, they felt that this would be a great opportunity to put your language skills to the test.”
sometime around FEBRUARY ( whenever all of the boys are free from their schedules ), they will be filming three videos for HELLO82.
ENGLISH WORKOUT QUIZ: in this video, one member will be assigned the task to give hints about the keyword to another VERSUS member… but the twist is that they’ll have to do it in ENGLISH. in order to win the challenge, the pair have to get at least 5 correct answers within 82 seconds. the group only has 3 chances to complete this challenge, but for every failed attempt, the treadmill will increase in speed. for this particular segment, since VERSUS has three members with over 80 ENGLISH, WOOKJIN and TEE will be required to take on the role as the person giving the clues ( TEE for attempt #1, WOOKJIN for attempt #2, and then TEE again for attempt #3 ). the one who will be answering them can be ALEX ( attempt #1 ), JAESUN ( attempt #2 ), and YEONWOO ( attempt #3 ). for all attempts, the theme will be ANIMALS. for a general idea of how this segment goes, you can click over HERE.
TRY-LINGUAL LIVE: the VERSUS members will be singing their title track, ‘TRAUMA’ in a different language! there will be some parts sung or rapped in the original language, but then every so often it will switch to another language ( in this case, JAPANESE ). the group only has 3 tries to pass the challenge, but after the second attempt the group will be given a bit of help from the staff members with the pronunciation of the words. if the staff believes that the member has pronounced a line of their incorrectly, they will be notified by them. for a general idea of how this segment goes, you can click over HERE.
GUESS THE MANDARIN WORDS: the group will be split into pairs ( one of the members will be asked to do the task twice ). the two members will try to guess what the mandarin word means and if they get at least 4 answers correctly, they win a box of international snacks! this segment is a game where the members will be competing against each other rather than be teamed up together. for a general idea of how this segment goes, you can click over HERE.
V&A ROOM: write a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with the V&A member(s) that you are paired up with about the show. do note that what is written in the thread is what will be AIRED in the actual episode. for the EPISODE 4 group, you can do a 3 way thread (6 replies in total; 2 replies per mun). completing this will earn you +6 POINTS TO MCING/HOSTING and +6 NOTORIETY !
HELLO82: write a 300+ word solo or a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with another VERSUS member about anything related to the videos for HELLO82 (ex. behind the scenes, playing the games, etc.). completing this will earn you +10 IN ENGLISH, JAPANESE, or MANDARIN and +5 NOTORIETY !
BONUS: if you continue an existing thread from the writing challenge, that will be accepted for the bonus as long as 4 additional replies for each thread ( 2 posts per mun ) must be made between now and the deadline. this one in particular has to be with a partner outside of your group ( so it cannot be a v&a member ). if you DO NOT have enough existing threads that fall under this category, you can use older threads ( that weren’t submitted for the writing challenge ) for this prompt as long as 2 new replies were written from now and the deadline and the partner is someone outside of the group. completing this will earn you +10 POINTS IN THE SKILL LISTED FOR YOUR MUSE (UNDER ADDITIONAL TRAINING) ! ** can be done up to two times as long as it’s with different partners/threads **
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:vnaroom for the V&A room task and lgc:versusmission for everything else. you have until MARCH 18, 2023 at 11:59PM EDT to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
- V&A ROOM: +6 ( mcing/hosting ), +6 notoriety [ LINK ] - HELLO82: +10 ( english, japanese, or mandarin ), +5 notoriety [ LINK ] - BONUS: +10 ( skill listed for the muse ) [ LINK ] ** can be done up to two times **
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viking-blood · 2 years
Crystal Floor Lamp Purchasing Manual
Regardless of whether there are loads of types and plans of crystal floor lamps accessible to you by your neighborhood sales reps, the choice which to purchase ought not be excessively troublesome. In the event that you have not purchased the crystal floor lamp so far because you are attempting to forestall purchasing a low visit site here quality product or, more than likely a product that probably won't give you that fulfillment you long for, this discussion must guide you as it were.
Considering that we comprehend that there are different sides to a coin, any place we have fine products, the unfortunate ones will likewise be most certainly shown as well. Their similarity is wonderful and you may very well always be unable to see the variety. A lot of the users are not as expected instructed about the materials that ought to be used for this kind of products and they much of the time purchase unsuitable merchandise. Try not to get tricked by various forceful deals lists. Search on Google and find what individuals are referring to your most needed floor lamp on discussions and web journals.
I'm certain that assuming you look at and accept my advices while purchasing any furnishings (not only floor lamps), you would be considerably more sure in your decision. Shop shrewd must develop to be your witticism. Try not to beat yourself assuming you are an ''personal purchaser''. It can happen to anyone however tragically it happened to you. In the event that you can not make levelheaded decisions once it comes to getting you should find support from your accomplice or some other relative to control your cash utilization.
The crystals are the most sensitive piece of crystal floor lamp and are also the essential thing you must check. The crystals are important for the extras that make this lamp novel. Those stunning crystals can likewise be extremely illusory. Be sure of the nature of the crystals and don't rush to make a hurried judgment call you may be sorry later. It can happen that the crystals are not all around appended. Make certain to search exhaustively for any absent or harmed ones.
Remember to actually take a look at the stand of your lamp. Investigate the paint. Is it will strip at the slightest cut or does the stand appear as though it could surrender under the weight of the shade?
The base is an extra locale you really want to offer your consideration. An unshakable and robust base commitments the last crystal floor lamp standing. The robust base will guarantee you strength. The outside tone should be in comparative shades given that the shade of your kitchen, room or any further room where you hope to use the crystal lamp.
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devvaani · 3 months
Download Dev Vaani App
Dev Vaani is an App designed to provide guidance and advice from spiritual gurus to help people make important life decisions and achieve success. It focuses on education, profession, life partner selection, and understanding one’s circumstances. If you have any specific questions or need more information about yourself please feel free to contact Dev Vaani.
What is Astrology
Astrology is the ancient science dealing with the analysis of the in-born personality traits of the native, strengths and weaknesses, and prediction of what lies in store for him in life based on the placement of various planets in different houses of his birth chart, which is commonly referred to as his Horoscope or janm-kundali. Though the science of astrology was invented in various parts of the world during human civilization, it attained its highest glory in India in the hands of such legends as Maharishi Bhrigu, Maharishi Parashar, Maharishi Jamini, and others. The most widely practiced system of astrology in north India is the Vedic astrology. A slightly modified version of north Indian Vedic astrology is in vogue in the Southern part of the country, whereas the Western system is practiced in Western countries.
Dev Vaani Astrology, a centuries-old practice rooted in ancient civilizations, continues to captivate the hearts and minds of many in India. As the celestial bodies dance in the cosmic ballet, Devvaani astrologers interpret their movements to provide insights into various aspects of life. In India, the tradition of astrology runs deep, and many seek guidance from astrologers to navigate the intricacies of their destiny. One avenue through which individuals can explore this mystical world is through free astrology readings.
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Astrology can aid in our understanding of past occurrences. Astrology not only assists in avoiding conflicts in marriage relationships, and commercial, and professional matters, but it also supports excellent health, wealth, and spiritual growth.
Importance of Astrology
In today’s modern and materialistic world, with so much technical advancement, we human beings feel trapped in a rat race to achieve material success. All of us at one point in time, face the following question: -
How to live life? How to face life? and finally, How to conquer life?
Astrology is a ray of light, for those who are groping in the dark, struggling to find answers to their own questions about life. Very few individuals struggle to achieve higher goals in life like [nirvana] or inner peace. And yet a few mortals still struggle with basic problems like family, unemployment, debt, disease, relationships, etc. For some individuals, to whom God has been kind, their basic needs fulfilled, the question of name, fame, power, and position become more important
Astrology is useful in innumerable ways. Some of them are listed below:-
1) It can be used to predict mundane events.
2) An astrologer can give guidance and to counseling to young students regarding which vocation to choose and also bring harmony in what one loves to do and what one is actually doing.
3) Astrologers guide parents in the upbringing of children in the complexities of the present world.
4) Astrologers can give guidance to professionals, in choosing a correct line of work, pointing out periods of rise and fall, and also pinpoint when an individual will receive his or her first salary.
5) Astrologers can time a marriage correctly for a happy life ahead and also for parents to plan the marriage ahead.
(6) An Astrologer can guide an individual, who is a seeker of spiritual life, when the time is suitable so that one has enough savings, for the times that are unfavorable.
It is true, that an honest astrologer can be of immense value to the changing society of our times. Most of the astrologers who study this great science of Jyotisha have only limited knowledge due to the vastness and great depth of this sacred knowledge. One reason can be that it was revealed by lord “Brahma” himself to the great Seers. And from there descends this divine knowledge to us.
Dev Vaani Astrolgers helps people in solving many problems in life.
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genresads · 8 months
Best event Management Company in Bhubaneswar- Genres Ad
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This article will list some of the most useful information about Best event Management Company in Bhubaneswar, Odisha and another thing to bring business online.
There are countless excellent resources on best event Management Company in Odisha and it can be a little overwhelming to know where to start from event planning experts to complete newbies. The leading event management company trends, this is an excellent resource for seasoned event planners.
Best event Management Company in Bhubaneswar
In addition to offering advice and learning resources, this list of best event Management Company in Bhubaneswar is also full of websites to keep informed about current news, trends, and opinions from professionals. Genres Ad is entire focussed at strategic brand-side marketers and event agencies across the spectrum of experiential marketing.
People often come with a query that why should we hire a top event management company in Bhubaneswar or how much does it cost to hire an event planner? And the answer is there are many reasons why to hire a leading event management company for your next event to saving you stress or saving your event budget.
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You can promote one’s the brand/product/individual only by knowing the correct platform for the promotion through best advertising agency in odisha and One should know the target audience and which platform will have the maximum number of that audience so that advertisements could be cheaper as much it can.
Leading advertising agency in Bhubaneswar attached with Facebook, which has all types of audiences; it was used for textual content initially, then for images, and now for video-based content, Instagram is majorly used for posting images and it also has mixed audiences, but buying and selling of products are easier on this platform as promoting images is easy here.
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ironorrfitness44 · 8 months
Why Use a Personal Trainer and How Do You Choose the Best One?
Visit ten commercial gyms or fitness centres and ask them why you should use a Personal Trainer and you will get ten different answers, based around why you should use a Personal Trainer from their facility. The problem with the advice you are receiving from these professional sales people, is that the advice is driven by sales targets and is designed to help build the businesses of the resident Personal Trainers.
Now don’t get me wrong, I am a Personal Trainer San Diego working out of a large commercial gym and I also want to build by business. Gaining access to gym members who have been sold on the virtues and values of personal training certainly makes that job so much easier. But, I would much rather have my clients decide to use a Personal Trainer (preferably me) for valid reasons and with a realistic view of what they can expect to receive in return for their hard-earned dollars.
Let’s start at the beginning; why is it best to workout with a Personal Trainer? Essentially, there are ten reasons why most people choose to engage a Personal Trainer and they are:
1. You are not seeing results. Many people will begin an exercise regime with a general goal in mind, usually weight loss, and work like crazy for weeks, months and even years without getting any discernible results. A good Personal Trainer will begin your journey with a comprehensive Pre-Exercise Screening questionnaire and will have an in depth discussion with you about your goals, motivation and previous exercise history. Only then, after gaining an understanding of where you currently are and where you want to get to, will they begin formulating an exercise and nutrition plan specifically for you. Included in the pre-exercise screening, will be body weight assessment, girth measurements and possibly even skinfold measurements taken to establish a baseline against which your future progress will be measure.
2. You don’t know where to start. No Personal Trainer worth spending your money on will assume that you have any prior knowledge of anatomy & physiology, nutrition or exercise science. The reason is that if we assume that every client is a blank canvas and develop the workouts based on the principles of sound technique and progression, every client has the opportunity to learn the safest, most effective way in which to build their strength, cardio vascular fitness and insure against unnecessary injuries. Most people who join gym don’t know how to exercise effectively or safely and there is no-one better to teach you how to do that than your Personal Trainer. A large number of people will download a templated workout from their favourite website or get advice from their “fit” friends. The problem with this approach is that you may not know how to use the equipment safely and the workout has not been tailored to suit your individual needs and/or limitations.
3. You are bored with the same old workouts. I know from personal experience that if you do not change your workout on a regular basis, or add interesting cross-training options into the mix, you become very bored with the workout and are less likely to even attempt to do it. Bang, there goes your motivation. A good Personal Trainer will be continually reviewing your progress, how your body is adapting to the exercise and, assessing your motivation. If any, or all, of these indicators show signs of plateauing or you are less motivated, he will change your routine and add some variety into your workout to keep it interesting and to continually challenge your body.
4. You need to be challenged. If you are like the majority of the exercising population, there will be days when you simply don’t feel like pushing yourself to your limits or, you just feel like slacking off. A Personal Trainer will not allow you to bring out the BS excuses to not workout. He will push you to complete that last two reps and encourage you through the set when the weight seems far too heavy. He will be your conscience, your mentor and your cheer squad, but he will not be your Mother.
5. You want to learn how to exercise on your own. Even if you want to exercise on your own, it is a great idea to engage a Personal Trainer for a few sessions to learn the right way to exercise. This is especially true if you want to learn about the muscles in your body, how to target those muscles and how to complete the exercises with good technique. Just a few sessions can teach you about your body, how it works and what you can do the get the best out of it through exercise.
6. You need accountability and motivation. Personal Trainers come with built-in motivation. You are investing both money and time in your health and fitness and there is nothing like a standing appointment to get you off your butt and moving. A good Personal Trainer will also provide accountability; so if you don’t turn up for an appointment, they will be straight on to you to find out if you did the missed training in your own time. They will regularly quiz you on your eating and sleeping habits to make sure you are staying on track.
7. You have a specific illness, injury or condition. If you have specific conditions like, Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease, arthritis or old injuries, working with a Personal Trainer, who can work with your Doctor, Physiotherapist or Chiropractor, can help you find a program that suits your particular circumstances, help heal injuries and, avoid further problems. Keep in mind that you want to find a trainer who has experience with your issues and make sure that trainer works closely with your doctor and/or physical therapist for the best experience.
8. You are training for a sport or event. If you’re training for a marathon, the football season or some other type of sport or event, an experienced Personal Trainer can help you decide what you need to do to stay strong without detracting from your other training. He can also help create a training program and map out a periodisation plan for the coming event. Just make sure he’s experienced in the sport you’re training for since not all trainers do sport-specific training.
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immortal-lov3r · 9 months
a beginners guide to different workout styles.
this is your personalised guide to different workout styles! please remember i am not a personal trainer or a fitness coach! this is just a beginners guide to workouts!
personally, i like to switch my workout routine from a basic ab workout to Pilates to yoga, or do all.
first off.
Pilates is becoming very popular lately so lets break down the basics. originally called “contrology”, this exercise was created in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates. Pilates is a form of strength training, although it may not look it. It benefits people of all ages and skill levels because it’s a low impact exercise method that aligns the body, creating strength through muscular balance. practising Pilates has countless benefits, which includes: improved flexibility, better posture, improved coordination and balance, increased lung capacity and much more. Pilates practice improves muscle strength and tones in the core muscles, as well as shoulders, arms, legs, and feet.
The six Core Principles of Pilates include: Breathing, Concentration, Centering, Control, Precision, and Flow.
Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle science, which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body. yoga originated in ancient India, the word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root yuj, meaning “to yoke,” or “to unite”. the practice aims to create union between body, mind and spirit, as well as between the individuals self.
the four traditional paths of yoga are:
Bhakti (devotion)
Karma (action/selfless service)
Jnana (knowledge/self-study)
Raja (self discipline/practice)
HIIT exercises involve short bursts of intense movements followed by brief periods of rest or low-intensity activity. HIIT is a type of interval training exercise. HIIT fitness are designed to burn fat and build muscle fast. Because of the high-intensity, HIIT workouts aren't meant to be done every day. your body cannot sustain the high intensity physically and mentally everyday
cardio is shorthand for cardiovascular training, and it includes any exercise such as running, cycling, or dancing. anything that elevates your heart rate. cardio is jumping rope, running stairs, walking , rowing, cycling, and HIIT. some benefits of cardio are it burns fat and calories making it easier to lose weight ,enhances sleep quality, lowers stress levels, promotes feeling good, reduces risk of heart attack, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes.
i will hopefully be posting more posts on the health and workout side rather than advice and self care!
once again please send through requests for posts if you would like!
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toughgirlchallenges · 9 months
Meaghan Hackinen - Bikepacker and writer sharing more about her new book - Shifting Gears: Coast to Coast on the Trans Am Bike Race
Meaghan Hackinen is a Kelowna-based bikepacker and writer whose two-wheeled adventures have taken her from Haida Gwaii to Mexico’s high plateaus, across Canada and the United States, and from North Cape to Tarifa along some of Europe’s highest paved roads. 
She is a 4X Everester as well as a Transcontinental Race, Trans Am Bike Race, and Paris-Brest-Paris brevet finisher. Meaghan holds the women’s course record for the World 24-Hour Time Trial Championships, among others. 
In 2023, Meaghan took the overall solo win in all but one of the endurance races she competed in, including the Buckshot and Lost Elephant in British Columbia, Silver State 508 in Nevada, and an Individual Time Trial of the Log Driver’s Waltz in Canada’s Capitol region. 
Her debut travel memoir, "South Away: The Pacific Coast on Two Wheels" (NeWest Press, 2019) was shortlisted for two Canadian book awards and her follow up, "Shifting Gears: Coast to Coast on the Trans Am Bike Race" was just released to critical acclaim.
The Tough Girl Podcast is being sponsored throughout January by ZOLEO. #ChallengeWithZOLEO
ZOLEO connects with your phone to provide seamless global messaging that follows you in and out of mobile network coverage — plus added safety features you can count on worldwide including industry-leading SOS alerting features. 24/7 monitoring and 24/7 access to non-emergency medical advice, check-in and weather forecasts. ZOLEO offers unmatched peace of mind for you and for everyone waiting at home. 
Stay connected and safe while doing what you love.
 Hit the subscribe button to stay updated on the incredible journeys and stories of tough women. New episodes LIVE every Tuesday and Thursday at 7am UK time.
  Show notes
Who is Meaghan
Her 2023 cycling plans and how she structures her training in the winter
Letting things fall into place and being opportunistic
Having a dislocated finger and getting COVID
Working with a coach in the past
Using TrainerRoad as her cycle training platform
Using the Dynamic Cyclist app for strength, stretching and mobility work
Writing the races down on her calendar
Preparing herself and her bikes
Choosing races with the goal of competing at her best level
Setting a new women's FKT
the importance of nutrition and recovery
Prioritising route prep using a combination of Strava, ride with GPS, and Google 
Creating a cue sheet with resupply points, elevation high points, and challenging features
Having a to-do list and a checklist
Journaling and giving yourself space
Meditating and feeling much better afterwards
Practicing visualization
Transitioning from road cycling to off-road gravel adventures
Enjoying the challenge and discovering unexpected places
Carrying a bike through obstacles like water crossings and steep hills
Not training very much on the TT bike this year
Having a friendly and supportive cycling community
Finding rivalries motivating
Finishing the Dark Divide race alongside her partner
Describing the Dark Divide and what it's like
Writing and releasing her new book, Shifting Gears: Coast to Coast on the Trans Am Bike Race
Having a transformative experience in 2017 that made her write a book
Lessons and realizations that made her grow
Reflecting on solo mountain biking experience
Her plans for 2024
Quick-fire questions
Final words of advice
  Social Media
Website: meaghanhackinen.com
Instagram @meaghanhackinen
Facebook @meaghanhackinen Book: Shifting Gears: Coast to Coast on the Trans Am Bike Race
  Check out this episode!
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lunaamorris · 1 year
How To Hire An Accountant Who Is Right For Your Business
Hiring the right accountant can make or break your business. 
It may sound dramatic but think of your finances. You would not swipe your debit card on a main purchase without knowing how much was in your bank account or agree to lend a friend money without asking some questions about why they need it. So why would you make similar financial decisions for your business without similar details?
To be successful, businesses must keep tabs on their finances and enroll in expert advice when managing the business’s money starts becoming complex. If business owners do not know where they are on a monthly or annual basis, their possibilities of staying during cut-throat competition decrease exponentially.
The importance of financial management in a business, only 3% of business owners can read their financial statements. The task of ensuring that everything is definitely in order usually falls on the business’s accountant. 
This is why hiring the right accountant to meet your business’s individual needs is very crucial. Here is the outline of the role of a good accountant and provides tips and methods to help you hire an accountant for your business.
The Role Of An Accountant
Why hire an accountant? Before you hire an accountant for your business, you need to understand their three roles:
Advisory services
The role of an accountant is to be well-versed in your financial statements and handle your tax situation. If your accountant does not prepare the exact taxes they will be the intermediary with the tax CPA.
It allows the accountant to help you make knowledgeable decisions about your business and finances. Accountants are also uniquely capable of offering advice on insurance, business growth, and spending. In short, insights help business owners and leaders make the right decisions.
Record keeping
CPA services in Casper Wyoming help you make forecasts, estimate profitability, and select reasonable prices. Tracking budgets, forecasting trends, selecting the breakeven, and monitoring costs and expenses are all tasks that accountants can help you organize.
Auditing services
Auditing services that have made your business’s financial statements from scratch, or executing an audit for loan goals are all taken care of by accountants. Usually, auditors are thought of as outside accountants considering the quality and accuracy of financial statements. These auditors often leave the public sector of accounting and are great next accountants for your business based on the strength training they received in the public accounting sector.
Hiring The Right Accountant
Now that you know what an accountant is considered to do, how do you hire a good accountant for the job? What to look for in an accountant? 
Key Qualifications
It is vital to know what qualifications to look for before you hire an accountant.
Most accountants can manage basic tasks like financial statements and bookkeeping. For more technical details like tax advice and audit, owners and hiring managers should keep an outlook for certified and licensed accountants.
Industry expertise
Not all accountants have the same kind of industry expertise and since no two businesses work in the same way, it is crucial to decide what type of expertise and experience you need your accountant to have. Choosing the right accountant for your firm, therefore, needs to ask the right questions during the interview procedure.
Businesses also need to think about the responsibilities that the accountant will perform. This needs some review of your own business needs.
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wabashmfginc · 2 years
Flat Cart H-2667 30" X 60" Metal Flat Deck Platform Truck Cart W Removable Handle2k Lbs Cap
CM Stake Bodies ship heavy-duty strength, comfort and flexibility, with detachable sides to securely haul cargo and equipment. Our wiring harness are designed to withstand the light flat deck for a truck or harsh circumstances they are placed beneath. Our Modular Sealed Wiring Harness is designed to scale back corrosion, pulling aside, or deterioration.
We also offer cross-border towing choices on the port of Blaine, WA, and Surrey, BC. Online portal to track your automobile every step of the best way. Outsource the dirty work and allow us to handle the hauling and clean-up – you probably can relaxation straightforward figuring out the consultants are on it. Common lowboy lengths run between 24 to 29 toes, eight.5 feet extensive, with a nicely peak of between 18 and 24 inches. Because they are so low, they've a authorized freight height of as much as 12 ft.
We are able to sheering, forming and welding chrome steel, gentle metal, galvanized and aluminum up to and including half" thickness. Employing certified trades folks affiliated with Sheet Metal Workers Local 280. Financing terms are merely an estimate and are on no account a commitment to a particular rate of interest or term, and do not imply financing is out flat deck for a truck there on specific unit. M&G Trailers isn't responsible for any typos, errors, or misprints found in our advertisements. Owner-operators can pull company-owned trailers or convey their very own trailer. Gooseneck hitch rated at 30,000lbs, a turnover ball rated at 30,000lbs, and a receiver hitch rated at 18,000lbs. For help with other Penske companies, please use the numbers beneath.
In Western Canada, DeckX Transport provides extra regionalized services for many of North America's largest manufacturers and suppliers. DeckX offers open deck service for the metal, agricultural, oil and fuel, building equipment, construction materials, aerospace, and mining industries, as properly as many different specialty manufacturing sectors. We handle individual heavy haul shipments or entire project movements including rail heavy haul element and truck road service. These side rails come commonplace with 4 adjustable airline monitor tie-downs full with a bull ring rated at 5,000 lbs per monitor. Our fleet contains one hundred sixty power models and 200 trailers consisting of 48-foot light-weight step decks and flatbeds, 48 and 53-foot extendible flatbeds, and 32/28 foot super-b train mixture flatbeds.
Each dealer supplies skilled service and educated advice. Enter your postal code or city and region to find a PJ Trailers Dealer close to your you. See why you’ll have to get in touch with one of our sellers to obtain correct pricing and present stock availability.
I misplaced endurance in a short time and decided to chop the mattress off with a oxy acetylene torch. You could also use the reciprocating saw to cut the mattress free from the body. My Dodge1500 had a rusted bed so I determined it was time to switch it. In trying to find a replacement I found it would be cheaper and simpler to convert my truck to a simple flat bed.
It might hold up for some time since you truck is only a 1500, however any software that may see heavy hundreds (1000lbs+) ought to completely contemplate a lot heavier steel and stronger base supports. Those wanting to pull 5th wheel trailers ought to keep away from this "publish" style base design as they'll in a brief time bend and/or shear off. I actually have used the bed a quantity of times to choose up massive a nice deal of lumber and it has accomplished nice. I plan to build a headache rack and probably some removable sidewalls sooner or later however for now the truck is in a position to go for the summer.
Our non-skirted flatbed with robust diamond plate design and quality craftsmanship that includes limitless bed options and accessories. All BEDROCK truck beds are backed by a 3-Year, 36,000-Mile complete warranty. Grimshaw trucking has a carrier fleet to move your cargo on a controlled heated trailer that maintains a selected temperature during transportation. Built to Last.Tough enough to haul the large flat deck for a truck loads, the popular RD models are expertly designed, professional-grade workhorses that are sized to suit almost any unit. Superjumbo Trucks are typically used for large merchandise or odd-shaped supplies. Their distinctive bed design permits for straightforward loading when utilizing forklifts and other like types of tools.
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devvaani · 3 months
Online Astrology Consultant In India
Dev Vaani is an App designed to provide guidance and advice from spiritual gurus to help people make important life decisions and achieve success. It focuses on education, profession, life partner selection, and understanding one’s circumstances. If you have any specific questions or need more information about yourself please feel free to contact Dev Vaani.
What is Astrology
Astrology is the ancient science dealing with the analysis of the in-born personality traits of the native, strengths and weaknesses, and prediction of what lies in store for him in life based on the placement of various planets in different houses of his birth chart, which is commonly referred to as his Horoscope or janm-kundali. Though the science of astrology was invented in various parts of the world during human civilization, it attained its highest glory in India in the hands of such legends as Maharishi Bhrigu, Maharishi Parashar, Maharishi Jamini, and others. The most widely practiced system of astrology in north India is the Vedic astrology. A slightly modified version of north Indian Vedic astrology is in vogue in the Southern part of the country, whereas the Western system is practiced in Western countries.
Dev vaani Online Astrology Consultant in India provides personalized guidance and insights based on celestial positions to individuals seeking answers to various aspects of their lives. Through virtual platforms, these consultants analyze birth charts, offer horoscopes, and provide advice on matters such as relationships, career, and personal growth. The convenience of online consultations allows people to connect with experienced astrologers from anywhere in the world, fostering broader accessibility to astrological services.
Importance of Astrology
In today’s modern and materialistic world, with so much technical advancement, we human beings feel trapped in a rat race to achieve material success. All of us at one point in time, face the following question: -
How to live life? How to face life? and finally, How to conquer life?
Astrology is a ray of light, for those who are groping in the dark, struggling to find answers to their own questions about life. Very few individuals struggle to achieve higher goals in life like [nirvana] or inner peace. And yet a few mortals still struggle with basic problems like family, unemployment, debt, disease, relationships, etc. For some individuals, to whom God has been kind, their basic needs fulfilled, the question of name, fame, power, and position become more important
Astrology is useful in innumerable ways. Some of them are listed below:-
1) It can be used to predict mundane events.
2) An astrologer can give guidance and to counseling to young students regarding which vocation to choose and also bring harmony in what one loves to do and what one is actually doing.
3) Astrologers guide parents in the upbringing of children in the complexities of the present world.
4) Astrologers can give guidance to professionals, in choosing a correct line of work, pointing out periods of rise and fall, and also pinpoint when an individual will receive his or her first salary.
5) Astrologers can time a marriage correctly for a happy life ahead and also for parents to plan the marriage ahead.
(6) An Astrologer can guide an individual, who is a seeker of spiritual life, when the time is suitable so that one has enough savings, for the times that are unfavorable.
It is true, that an honest astrologer can be of immense value to the changing society of our times. Most of the astrologers who study this great science of Jyotisha have only limited knowledge due to the vastness and great depth of this sacred knowledge. One reason can be that it was revealed by lord “Brahma” himself to the great Seers. And from there descends this divine knowledge to us.
Dev Vaani Astrolgers helps people in solving many problems in life.
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zombiesun · 2 years
hey vin, i’ve been kinda saving this question for a time when i think i really need the answer, but i’m about to receive a lot of change soon and i guess i was wondering how you go about making so many connections with people and places. like how do you cope with the change that comes with that? and how do you stay so grounded in urself? it’s cool if you don’t have an answer, you just seemed like a good person to ask
this is a really good question and also something that is uniquely relevant to a lot of thoughts I've been having about my own past and eventual future. this will be a long answer because I have a lot of thoughts on this.
in part, it's because I purposefully place myself in the temporary. all of my jobs last about three to six months tops. I move three times a year, I refuse to stay anywhere that makes me unhappy and since happiness is temporary, inevitably I will be driven to leave. people are drawn to the temporary and they fiercely love what is no longer part of their life. you can maintain a lot of connections by no longer being there. you have to learn to not only be comfortable with endings, but to crave them because you know that there is relief in resolution. my most treasured memories are usually of the last time I see a group of people I have become deeply attached to and the place that brought us together. there is no greater birthplace of love than a goodbye.
you have to treat every place and person like the most important place you'll ever be and a place that you'll never be again. your love has to be nomadic. when I meet someone and they interest me I try to learn as much as I can about them and and if they try to learn about me in return I develop a relationship even if it's temporary. a relationship can be one night talking to a stranger, or it can be three months crying into the arms of someone who sees your soul. everyone is a chance to grow and you are a chance to grow everyone. relationships are transactional that way, you have to be willing to changed by someone in a formative way, to change them, and then to let them go.
you also have to have something to offer. I think that's important. in connections, you have to know what you bring to the table and you have to know what you want brought to yours. that confidence will take you far and draw people to you. it will also keep you from depending on a place or a people to feel love. the biggest trap I see when traveling is when people find love in a place or a person for the first time and like a moth to a flame they stay, paralyzed in the fear of losing something they've never had before. but things are only beautiful because they end, I really believe that. and if you never leave, then what you have may lose it's beauty. (this isn't true for everyone, but it has never not been true for me.)
the way that I deal with that is that I know that it's a necessary sacrifice for the life I want to live and for the person I want to become. it's not easy, in fact - change scares me more than anything. the unpredictability, the trust, the vulnerability, the open-ended nature - it all preys on my greatest fears. however, it also the only thing that truly grounds me. knowing that it's all temporary. there is always a new place to be, a new person to love and to become. it's the only consistently dependable aspect of my life. it's also something that I can control - not the outcome but the leap. there's very few things you can really control in your life, but leaving and arriving are both wholly dependent on you.
finally, I stay grounded in myself because there's nothing else to ground to. when you arrive somewhere new, and you sit on the place that you will sleep surrounded by strangers you realize pretty quickly that all you really have in this world is yourself. and when you leave, after those strangers have become friends and the unfamiliar becomes home all you have is yourself again. I intentionally cultivate an intimate relationship with my aloneness. there's no one whose company I enjoy more than myself - if you can feel that way anywhere in the world then you always have someone you can trust. I have the sigil of hestia, goddess of the hearth tattooed in the center of my collarbones because I am my own home and I am a home for others and because of that I never feel out of place in myself.
you also have to be a little cutthroat. endings are difficult to initiate because there will always be places that want to keep you, people that you love in profound ways, an identity that you have finally grown into. you have to sever it mercilessly and trust that there is something greater ahead and that the place that has grown you has grown you as much as it can.
the way I do it isn't universal but I think it's a fair beginning. walk into your new experience with the confidence that you will changed irreparably by it. that you will be love and be loved by people you cannot even imagine. don't try to control your future too much with your dreams and try to live in the present as often as possible. what you want and what you will experience are often very different things but that doesn't mean that the unpredictable will disappoint you. I hope that answered your questions. be brave and enjoy the journey.
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scarletarosa · 4 years
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The Demons
These entities which have been constantly claimed to be evil by Abrahamic religions are much more than what they have been portrayed to be. This is an account based off my many years of working with these beings and speaking to them about their history, mindsets, and values.  
Origin: As the demons and deities have told, Jehovah is not actually the supreme deity, but rather an imposter for the Source (whose counterpart is the Queen of Heaven). The first demons to exist were once angels (agents of the Source/Queen) and many of them were deities (since “angels” is an umbrella-term for all sorts of spirits tasked with directly serving the supreme God and Goddess). When Jehovah had arrived to seize control over the Universe and Earth, Lucifer, the first-born deity from the Source, had led a war against him; yet this traumatic battle ended horribly. Jehovah’s power as an Aeonic god (a deity who creates the physical and metaphysical Universes) outmatched the power of the Universal gods, yet he had been crippled. He defeated them and banished the divine beings who rebelled against his tyranny into the land of torment, Hell, and destroyed their original homeland in the heavens.
Upon arriving in Hell, the fallen angels became demons due to the dark energies of Hell; this caused them to lose their divine glow and become more dark and intimidating in appearance. Their wings blackened, they grew horns, and some even developed spikes on their bodies, claws, or red eyes. Yet they remained beautiful in some darker way, but their hearts were broken. The most powerful of the demons were Lucifer, Satan, and Leviathan; they became the High Kings and sought out to build their own kingdoms in Hell, each kingdom following their own values. From this time on, they became primarily focused on war and revenge. Their new realm began being used by the divine Judges of the Underworld who send evil souls there, allowing the three High Kings to determine torments for them (all evil people are sent to Hell, whether they follow Jehovah or not).  
With the rise of Abrahamic religions, the demons and even some polytheistic deities were labeled as “evil” and were taught to represent the very things which they opposed. Where they teach Lucifer to represent lies, he is instead truth/knowledge, Mammon as greed when he is generosity, Lilith as infertility when she is life/motherhood, Asmodeus as lust when he is love. Yet it is as they say, that the “victors get to write history” and the rebels who fought against a tyrant are portrayed as the ones who are evil. Additionally, not all demons began as fallen angels, as some were gods whose people had been slaughtered and the deities had lost themselves to grief. But instead of allowing them to suffer, many had been recruited by Lucifer into his own kingdom.  
The Three Kingdoms:
The kingdom ruled by Lucifer and his wife, Lilith, is set in a desert wasteland of eternal twilight, but some demons managed to develop oases here. The land looks extremely ancient and mysterious, with some smoldering ruins in the distance. Queen Lilith is viewed as the demons’ Mother Goddess due to her many children and her motherly nature. This kingdom has many areas which are filled with tormented corrupt souls, even gruesome scenes of them being torn apart over and over or having unspeakable things done to them. The values of this kingdom primarily include the seeking of knowledge, wisdom, justice, and developing strength through hardships. Overall, Lucifer is the Initiator towards Illumination, the prime light, and the beam which shatters ignorance.  
The kingdom ruled by Satan and his wife, Ashtoreth, is a dark volcanic land. The landscape reflects strongly Satan’s personality of being easily angered, rebellious, fearless, and destructive. He has many people being burned alive in pits of lava and many other torments within his domain. Satan’s kingdom primarily values military might, aggressive revolutions, and strength of character. Satan is the fiery rebel who incites civil unrest and causes revolutions. Without him, there is apathy and submission to dictatorships. 
The kingdom ruled by Leviathan is a desolate place of steep canyons and emptiness; the energy of this place can fill a human with crushing loneliness beyond imagining, only the demons can withstand it. This kingdom is the most well-defended one since Leviathan focuses primarily on defense whereas the other two are moreso offensive. King Leviathan is a draconic deity who rules over loneliness, desolation, solitude, and deep feelings of despair. He was once one of the Watchers who dwelt in the sea of Earth, but after the War, he greatly changed. Overall, Leviathan destroys everything that is redundant, whether it be places, people, or ideas; he tears through them all. He tends to be cold, calculating, serious, and very withdrawn.
Values: Overall, demons are wise beings who seek to darkly illuminate individuals of Truth, no matter how upsetting it often is. They also teach people how to be strong by putting us through hardships that we must overcome, yet will offer advice if asked. The demons are therefore pedagogues who urge us towards overcoming our weaknesses and seeking spiritual evolution so we may become stronger than ordinary humans. Due to their painful pasts of great loss, the demons are one of the spirit races who best know what it means to overcome suffering and instead allow it to transform you. They often teach this when asked, otherwise, they usually target evil people during their lives by inflicting bad situations upon them or causing them to have cancers or other health issues.  
The demons value wisdom and strength that is gained through walking the solitary path through Hell. It is a path that tears a person apart until they are finally reborn as something far more capable and knowledgeable of who they truly are. It is the demons who know that wisdom is paid for through blood and the sacrifice of one’s current self, and they seek to teach humans how to walk this path. Typically, the demons do not hold the majority of humans in high regard; both for the obvious reasons and because they have watched humans allow themselves to grow weaker over the ages. They seek humans who are willing to step into the abyssal darkness in order to find the light, and those who are willing to forego all that they were taught so they can learn the truth. They teach that once a person removes all of their chains of emotional burden and false beliefs, it is only then that they will they be free and find illumination.
Hierarchy: The highest-ranking demons in Hell are the High Kings and the Queens. These rulers are the ones who appoint promising and trustworthy demons of their courts to certain military ranks of nobility. These (in order of highest to lowest) are as such: kings, dukes, princes, marquises, earls, knights, and presidents. There is also a War Master for each kingdom, whose authority is second-in-command to their High King and Queen. The Goetic demons (the nobility of Hell) are all deities whereas the non-nobles can be either deities or semi-divine demons (as offspring of other demons). Among the nobility of Hell are also the children of the Kings and Queens, since they through blood hold a significant title.  
Demons are also capable of being exiled from Hell if they turn traitor. Although exile for demons means that they will be tortured to death. Upon the death of a spirit, their manifestation is torn apart and it takes many years (sometimes hundreds) to reform. Once they reform, they cannot return to Hell. There have been plenty of traitorous demons in Hell, as not all of them remain loyal and every race of beings has their fair share of corruption. For demons, some begin seeking more power or destruction and so often secretly pledge themselves to the snake-god of evil, Apep. This causes the rogue demons to begin trying to assassinate their own kind, but are quickly discovered and sentenced to a horrific death. Due to these, it is important to remember that not all demons are safe to work with and that it is best to go through their rulers when asking for who best to trust. However, the majority of the Goetia have remained faithful as only a few have ever been exiled; so they are typically safe to work with. A few examples of demons who are very unsafe to work with are Pazuzu, Moloch, and Amy.
Working with Demons: When working with the demonic race, it is best to keep an open-mind and be honest with them. They strongly value those who seek to learn more about who demons truly are and who also seek to better themselves through hardships. Remember to be respectful of these beings and to not treat them in belittling ways (such as calling them nicknames). It is also wise to dress appropriately when calling upon them to manifest in your area; do not dress in sleepwear (especially for the Goetia or other royalty). Additionally, make certain that you do not use any ritualistic summonings to call upon them, as they will be offended by this and leave (no evocation triangles or anything of that sort). One can however feel free to use their enns to either call upon them, meditate upon them, or chant the enns to bless things in a demon’s honour. Make certain that you treat them just as you would any honoured mentor and do not mock them or make lustful moves towards them since there are many demons who do not hesitate to punish humans for doing this.  
One thing that everyone going into demonolatry should always keep in mind is that you should never offer a demon your blood unless you completely understand what you are doing and who you are offering it to, When a person offers their blood to a demon, it is essentially you making a binding contract of devotion to them. If this demon turns out to be a harmful one, they now have the power to do to you whatever they please and you basically belong to them. So this action is overall something unwise. Something else to keep in mind is that the idea of “selling one’s soul” is not only impossible (since the soul is the higher self and is not ours to sell) but it also invites the malevolent tar spirits to you. Once a tar spirit gets ahold of a person wishing to sell themself, the person is now at risk of being possessed by them.
Overall, remember to be polite when working with demons (no need to be overly polite but be respectful at least) and take time to give them offerings when they do something to help you. As for the race of spirits called “tar spirits”, they at times like to pretend to be demons. So if a demon is acting strange towards you or is being harmful, there is a strong chance that it’s actually a tar spirit in disguise; although they can be banished by using an astral attack.
Links: The Angels, Tar Spirits, The Source, Lucifer, Lilith, Satan, Ashtoreth, Leviathan
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kelasparmak · 2 years
hey I'm trying to get into podcasts and I'm intrigued by your posts. what are your recs?
THANK YOU FOR ASKING! So like, knowing nothing about your personal taste, I’ve given you a long list of shows I like, separated by vibe more so than genre. I’ve bolded my faves and put an asterisk by the ones I’d recommend starting out with if you like the sound of the premise, and I’ve also flagged which ones are Queer Podcasts and which ones have fandoms, given that we’re on the queer fandom website. Also there are SO MANY of these and I know there are some huge ones I’ve forgotten to include lmao. It’s very much intended as a menu depending on what you personally enjoy in media! Feel free to follow up with more info and I can put together a more tailored list.
Good ones to start off with, not too intense (incl some comedies) -
*Mockery Manor: The production values on this are INSANE. It’s sort of an 80s teen horror movie, based around a bunch of 18 year olds working in a theme park for their summer job, but Something Is Afoot! It’s incredibly fun, the voice acting and sound design are amazing, and it’s made me crack up laughing on the tube. There are 2 seasons so far and I really really rate it. There’s at least one queer character.
*Wooden Overcoats: Comedy drama about two rival undertakers trying to do business on an extremely small island in the English Channel. A good one to start out with as it’s not too long, but it’s exceptionally funny – the writing is excellent but the actors’ comedic timing and tone really sells it. Starts out very silly but there are lots of heartwarming moments and some genuine drama. Several queer characters and there’s a very fun little fandom.
*Girl in Space: Scifi drama about a scientist living on an increasingly dysfunctional spaceship. Starts out as just her diary, and develops into an ensemble cast ft ACTION, REVOLUTION and THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP. It’s well-produced and quite short (~13 episodes). The main character is very likeable and it’s fun to listen to. It’s a good intro to the format if the premise is your cup of tea.
The Ballad of Anne & Mary: Not a typical podcast so I guess perhaps not the best intro to the medium, but it’s extremely good and I think it’s a great example of what can be done with the audio medium when you create a show with its strengths in mind, rather than when people just have a thing they want to do and figured a podcast would be the cheapest and easiest way. It’s very short (like 5 30-minute episodes) and it’s a musical! It’s a take on the story of Anne Bonny and Mary Read, and it blew my tits clean off the first time I listened to it. It’s one of my favourite musicals, I immediately bought the MP3 soundtrack and pretty sure I know it word for word, and it’s an impressive cast – the male lead is played by the London actor for Alexander Hamilton, for example. The songs, sound design, acting and writing are all beautiful and it’s so well-put-together. I really can’t recommend this enough. It’s also v queer. Gay pirates, getchyour lovely gay pirates here, fresh out the oven! Same creators as Mockery Manor.
*Monstrous Agonies: Performed as a late-night ‘agony aunt’ style radio show for the supernatural community. Very funny and well thought-out, with some genuinely good advice, and the presenter has probably the world’s most calming and beautiful voice.  Develops a plot but I don’t want to spoil it for you! Queer, I think there’s a fandom but I’m actually not entirely up to date so I haven’t looked into it yet.
More serious / horror:
*The Magnus Archives: Starts off as a horror anthology with the connecting thread being that the individual stories are being read by a narrator who works in Spooky Research (TM), and then develops a plot around the individual stories and the Spooky Researchers (TM) over the course of 5 seasons. Many of the individual stories are extremely well-written and the sheer amount of them is really impressive, and because the bulk of each episode is largely a stand-alone story, it’s a good one to start off with if you’re new to podcasts despite the length of the series. It’s a lot queerer than you would expect from the first season, and there was an enormous fandom which has produced some stunning work (and some equally stunning discourse); since the ending of the show it’s quietened down a lot which is the way I like it personally. MY BLORBO GOES HERE. 
I Am In Eskew: Starts off single-narrator and then drawing in other characters and a plot. The narrator describes his experience in a sort of alternate universe where Things Are Not Right, and again, it gradually introduces a plot. This one’s more focused on the horror element really, and it’s very good at creating an immersive listening experience.
Mabel: Dark fantasy drama. Really poetic, well-acted, really good at suspense. A cool take on changeling/fae mythology. Very intense and maybe not one to de-stress to, but definitely worth a listen. It’s very queer, there’s some neat fan content for it but less of a fandom.
In Strange Woods: Another musical! This one’s about grief, trauma, and how small and powerless humans are compared to nature. Really, really good. You’ll cry. It’s  a quick listen – 5 episodes, all less than an hour long. When I listened to it, there was some kind of glitch with the audio that meant sometimes bits of scenes were missing or played twice? I think that was just my podcast app though. Hades from Hadestown is in this one!
The Silt Verses: Horror drama. Starts off following two members of a cult dedicated to an outlawed god, in a world where gods and the power of belief play sort of a similar role to corporations/the economy in our society. People get sacrificed to them a lot and it’s just how the world works, there are agencies dedicated to inventing new gods, etc. I’m really impressed by how they’ve built that worldbuilding and lore, as narrated by characters who have never known any other world, without ever losing the horror element. Really well-performed. Queer but it’s not a primary element of the show. I think there is a fandom but people in the tag kept massively missing the entire point of the show so I actively disengaged from it lol.
Alice Isn’t Dead: Really well-written, acted and produced. Follows a lorry driver searching for her wife, who she thought was dead, and encountering various spooky situations along the way. It’s very immersive and does creepy very well.
Harlem Queen: Drama set in the Harlem Renaissance. Another serious one, and deals explicitly with heavy issues including racism and violence, without much reprieve in the form of soft moments or humour. But it’s very well-made and worth a listen, and there’s not a lot of it.  
Fun listens, often a bit surreal (similar genre to the first section but for various reasons I might be less inclined to recommend them as your intro to the medium)
Welcome to Night Vale: You’ll almost definitely have heard of this. It’s a radio show from a very surreal desert community, which again, slowly develops a plot. It’s good and it’s very fun to listen to, but at this stage there are so many episodes, I maybe wouldn’t recommend planning to listen all the way through in one go lol, but you also can’t really start it massively out of order. I’d say this is one to start from the start, but take your time listening. Iconic queer podcast, used to have a huge fandom, I think a lot of people have sort of moved on from it, but there’s still a lot of great content and a lot of affection for it.
Victoriocity: Drama/comedy set in an alternate universe London. Feels very Discworld – really inventive worldbuilding, fun twisty plot, political intrigue, hilarious deadpan narrator, great acting. There’s some cast crossover with Wooden Overcoats so if you enjoy that you’ll like this one too.
Caravan: Western/fantasy which I wouldn’t classify as a comedy per se, but it’s still frequently very funny. Great acting, very fun and relatable protagonist who just keeps on choosing compassion over violence. Thoughtful coverage of mental illness, being brown and queer, and sexy vampires. 18+ but not super smutty and has content warnings.
Oblivity: Sci-fi drama comedy, very funny, very found family. You’ll be surprised how much you care about the characters given how stupid it is. The primary viewpoint character epitomises bisexual disaster.
The Prickwillow Papers: Fantasy drama about a young half-elf who’s just graduated from Wizard School, moved back in with her parents while she tries to find a job, and ends up taking care of the most cantankerous fae you’ve ever encountered (I love her). Lots of fun and incredible voice acting. Deals with the difficulty of letting yourself be helped, coping with guilt, and not being ‘special’. I think the show is abandoned unfortunately but still very worth listening to.
Love And Luck: Queer Australian slice-of-life audio drama comprised of a series of voice mails between two guys, following them through when they first start dating to becoming a hub for their local community. It’s very sweet and all about the importance of community and taking care of each other. Also magic brain powers.
Unseen: A series of urban fantasy stories, some connected and some not, most with a single narrator, and varying in tone. The premise is that magic is real and exists in ‘our’ world, but just below the surface and invisible to people who don’t have magic. Really well-written and well-performed. There’s one that’s based on Jeeves & Wooster but make it gayer and also magic, and I think about it a lot.
Greater Boston: Drama more than comedy but also deeply funny. Lots of apparently separate stories converging, clever writing (really good at giving a massive cast of characters distinct personalities), really emotionally impactful coverage of topics like grief, racial inequality, addiction, classism and more, doesn’t try to give easy answers but is also very focused on community power and optimism. Also there are cheese robots. Lots of queer characters. Really good but because of the complexity and the massive size of the cast, I wouldn’t necessarily recommend starting out with this one.
Doctor Who Redacted: An official BBC-produced Doctor Who spinoff podcast! Primarily recommending this to Doctor Who fans, you don’t need to be super familiar (I’m not a big Doctor Who fan personally) but a baseline understanding would help lol. The premise is that everyone who has interacted with The Doctor is being erased from history, The Doctor is trapped elsewhere and unable to help, and three queer women who do a terrible conspiracy theory podcast about ‘The Blue Box’ are quickly becoming the universe’s only hope because anyone better-equipped to help is being systematically deleted. It’s fun, very queer and feels very real, and has a lot of really touching moments.
We Fix Space Junk: Sci-fi drama comedy, very anticapitalist, queer, big found family feelings. Lots of fun, job-of-the-week episodic format makes it a relatively low-focus thing, even when the stakes are high it feels very safe to listen to, and the characters are v likeable (even the ones you really wouldn’t have expected).
Midnight Burger: Surreal sci-fi drama comedy, set in a time-travelling multidimensional roadside diner staffed by a set of lovable weirdos. Two of the weirdos live in a radio. Also the show is now about revolution. There are a few things I’m a bit :/ about it on, but it’s a very fun listen and the cast of characters are incredibly likeable.
Death By Dying: Dark surreal drama about an obituary writer and the bizarre town he lives in, with the initial plot being moved along by him meeting the niece of one of his writing subjects and her quest to find out the truth about her aunt’s death. I don’t know if I’d call it a comedy per se but it’s very funny. Deals with grief and mental illness pretty prominently, but in a very reassuring way.
Gather The Suspects: Murder mystery set in a slightly alternative universe version of Wales where they’ve seceded from the UK and also possibly the apocalypse is happening? It’s very funny, and follows two roommates and their neighbour trying to solve the murder of another neighbour from their apartment complex. It’s in English but it’s still very Welsh.
The Amelia Project: Drama/comedy about an agency that helps people fake their deaths. Great voice acting, very fun, and I really enjoy how international it is. Uses the episodic ‘client of the week’ format in combination with big picture plot in a really engaging way. Feels a bit Leverage-y especially because of how clever/absurd the plans are.
Actual play podcasts (i.e. Critical Role style, people play a collaborative storytelling game together - I don’t listen to a ton of actual plays because I don’t have the attention span, I know there are others not on this list which are very popular)
Campaign Podcast: Improv comedians play a TTRPG and chaos predictably ensues. There’s two campaigns, Star Wars (which is Star Wars) and Skyjacks (set in an invented world focusing on skyship pirates and heavily influenced by The Decemberists). The two campaigns have very different vibes, the first is mostly just goofy (though occasionally gets very real), the second is a lot more expansive, more heavily edited, and more drama-oriented I would say. I love both, they’re very funny and in particular a couple of the players are amazing. Lots of queer characters in both and a very fun fandom.
*Chapter and Multiverse: this is a very new show, but it’s GMed by Maddy Searle (who wrote and performed The Prickwillow Papers mentioned above) so I can wholeheartedly recommend it. It includes a ‘main’ arc, currently following a group of young superheroes, interspersed with one-off games (typically sillier) which feature a broader rotating cast of players, many of whom you will recognise from other shows on this list. Because it’s so new it’s a great place to start, and there’s already a very productive fan community since so many people involved have already developed a following from other shows.
Rogue Runners: based on the Hades game and set in that universe. Features a cast of shades including a teenage girl, Alexander the Great, a very horny assassin, and an elderly Scandinavian bartender not sure what he’s doing in the Greek afterlife, all trying to escape the underworld and return to the mortal realm. Very funny, extremely queer, and I was really impressed by how the GM (Tau Zaman, who also created the Caravan podcast rec’d above) adapted the typical D20 system to really replicate the feel of Hades.
Realms of Peril and Glory: like Chapter and Multiverse, it’s an assortment of RPGs played by a rotating cast of people within the (primarily UK-based) podcasting/audio drama community – Maddy and Pip are big fixtures in both podcasts. I haven’t listened to all of it, but the main campaign, Vael, is very funny and full of heart, and the comedic timing on some of these guys is absolutely impeccable. I also really enjoyed their Nibiru and high school horror games, and they’ve got one coming out using Thirsty Sword Lesbians very soon, which I’m personally looking forward to a lot.
The Adventure Zone: to be honest I’m not still listening to this, but I reckon it has to be included just for the influence it’s had on the genre of audio-format actual-plays. If you’ve somehow not come across it, the idea is that a set of brothers who have a popular comedy talk podcast play D&D with their dad, and their first campaign starts out as a very standard D&D plot arc and is quickly derailed by them goofing off and the very patient GM brother weaving it into a narrative which will punch you in the heart. I really enjoyed the Balance and Amnesty arcs; the Balance arc in particular was incredibly popular. It has a lot of queer characters and I’m confident there’s still a fandom, though it’s not as dominant as it was for a while.
Non-fiction (i.e. what 90% of the people you meet off Tumblr think ‘podcasts’ means – I don’t listen to a ton of non-fiction but figured worth including)
*No Such Thing As A Fish: A bunch of researchers from the show QI get together, each share their favourite bizarre fact of the week, and discuss. Informative and very fun. One of the UK’s most-listened podcasts so don’t just take my word for it.
Bad Gays: Discussion podcast about ‘evil and complicated’ queer historical figures. Ft nuanced discussion and some very cool Facts.
Hey Riddle Riddle: Improv comedians (one of whom is in Campaign Podcast, mentioned above) plus occasional guests attempt to solve riddles, mostly do improv scenes.
Bill Buds: Improv comedians (both in Campaign Podcast) discuss a different pop album each week, going through song-by-song with a quick clip from each. They don’t really know anything about pop music. This is one I listen to when I want something on in the background while working/getting to sleep. I enjoy the enthusiasm and the total lack of knowledge, and given that I’m not a big pop music fan, it’s also a good way of finding music I’d like to listen to. However, I probably mostly like it because I enjoy the hosts on their RPG podcast, I don’t know if it has any appeal to people who aren’t familiar with them from that.
Cautionary Tales: Narrator tells you about fuckups from history, and explains the psychological factors that made each of them possible and what we can learn from them.
Ipsos Views: I’m sorry to end on a corporate podcast rec, but if you’re at all into psychology/sociology this (and Ipsos’ various other podcasts) are an interesting listen. Ipsos if you’re not familiar do a lot of polling and market research in the UK, which they’re commissioned to do by other organisations, so they have an enormous amount of insight into trends in what people are thinking, saying, and doing (which don’t all necessarily overlap). I haven’t listened to every episode, I just scroll through and pick out the ones that interest me or are relevant to my work, but so far they’ve all been pretty good. Because it’s corporate though, I would just say, y’know, take it with a pinch of salt lol.
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