#so the time is limited for me to write that fic and its probably both good and bad if i dont lmaoooo
isaacathom · 2 years
i think the more time that passes between now and my friends and i watching hb duty increases the likelihood that i do, in fact, write that au fic for the end of retribution
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kyunzin · 7 months
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the t/w gets longer the more I write tf
and also there’s a tag limit😭
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these are all the people I was able to tag within the limit
if you asked to be tagged after my msg I will make a separate post and add you to it so u know when its posted, however if you asked before and you aren’t in the tl then it’s probably because I wasn’t able to tag you because your blog wouldn’t come up as I mentioned
it’s not much longer guys just hold on. thanks for waiting for me, have to make sure it’s top tier for you guys. I do try to make time to write but I can only do a little at a time especially for a long fic like this since I have both school and work to focus on at the same time so bare with me yall
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chaoticallyfluffy · 4 months
"What are you, a cop?" and "Now you see me now you don't" both sound interesting
For "What are you, a cop?"
Billy is deaged (actually deaged. He goes from 15 to 10 or something and doesnt remeber the league) during a mission. He suddenly woke up in the middle of a battle so he's freaked out. the Justice League take down the threat then try to calm the boy down, explaining that theyre heros and here to help.
Billy takes a moment to take that in... then bolts.
It takes a bit to catch the kid, he's surprisingly agile for his concerningly small size, but they manage to get him into the jet and hes pouting in the corner looking angrier than the league has ever seen him.
They try to ask questions. Are you okay? Are you hurt? Why are you so thin? Is there anyone we should call? But Billy stays silent and his glares stay intense until he finally speaks.
"I don't talk to pigs." he spits out, giving them the nastiest look as if his glare alone could poison and kill them.
They stare at him for a moment, processing that.
"We're not cops???" Clark says, unconvincingly. Hes never been more confused in his life and has definitely never been confused for a cop.
"Whats wrong with being a cop?" Barry, the forensic scientist, pouts.
They knew that Marvel had a bit of a weird relationship with cops but they didn't realize he hated them, and especially not with such a passion!
The league spends the whole jet ride back to the tower trying to convince Billy that not only are they not cops, but that cops shouldn't be something to be afraid of anyway.
Billy spends the whole trip explaining ACAB to them and that yes, they are in fact cops, and here's all the things that the police system has done wrong that the league have probably also done or been complicit in..
I just want to write Billy radicalizing the Justice League and the league helping to reform the police system.
For "Now you see me, now you dont"
In the original comics Billy can and will transform in front of anyone at anytime and they wont realize that it was a transformation. Why?because plot armor. They will just think that the boy ran away right as Captain Marvel appeared or something, and when Billy reappears they don't question it either.
In the fic, its a magic perk that came with the whole Champion of Magic package and its a perk he uses often and irresponsibly. He takes it to the extremes by transforming in front of large crowds (no one questions it), while being recorded (The camera shorts out and stops working completely), and even in front of villains (they curse when the captains escapes yet again, completely ignoring the little boy standing in the middle of their secret base)
The last one is how he figured out that even if he is very much Not supposed to be somewhere, he wont be questioned as long as the only people who see him there also saw Marvel transform in that area. If someone who didn't witness the transformation were to see him, they would realize he wasn't meant to be there and call him out which would cause the witnesses to notice it as well. Leaving the room and then returning would also snap them out of it and he would be questioned.
Its a pretty overpowered ability for a child to have access to and when your a street kid without any video games to play who gets chased out of public parks for being too 'dirty' and can't afford any toys, you have to get creative with your entertainment.
Billy wants to see just how far he can take this power, and decides to transform in front of as many people in one day as possible while on the most highly secure facility in earths orbit- the Watchtower.
Follow Billy as he stretches his powers to their limits by transforming in front of the Justice League while praying he doesn't get caught and see what pranks he's able to pull off in that time!
I really like both of these ideas and I definitely want to write them someday. I already have lots of ideas for ways Billy can abuse that particular power! For now I am focusing on a few other fics but these ones are somewhere in the queue.
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writing-for-life · 4 months
Ok, I’m not going to get involved in a certain thread because I don’t want any drama and the line of argumentation leans too much to one side already (the views of the vocal majority in this fandom) for it to make much sense to contribute, but I had a few thoughts today:
In a fandom where people write AUs full of cows and merpeople and other shenanigans that have nothing to do with canon (or the actual characters, to be frank), they can’t do that for Calliope (or any other female character, for that matter)?
She doesn’t get to play in the sandbox?
We don’t have the imagination to turn her into one of the two dolls that kiss?
We have to keep her in character while everyone else can be turned into… whatever person (certainly neither the one of the comics nor the show)?
We constantly have to remember her strife and trauma and can’t invent (!, that’s what writing is about!) a different or new side to her? Or a better future? One in which she gets to be happy?
Or we can’t turn her into someone she canonically isn’t?
While all of this always, always works for Dream? Or the hairy guy?
And speaking of said guy: Do we have any reason to think Dream would treat him better than Nada? We’re automatically assuming he’d do the same thing to Calliope, but not to him? Or: Why do we assume he would do what he did to Nada to any other love interest, because canonically, there’s no evidence for that (we wrote about this on here before)? So no, that line of argument just doesn’t fly in my view.
If Calliope and Dream have chemistry and people are able to acknowledge it (which most do), that on its own is enough to ship them. The chemistry argument works with every M/M ship. Why doesn’t it work with her?
Oh, she is allowed in gen fics (and I am a fan of those btw, but that’s past the point), or as a character with very little agency, or any personal or sexual desires. Even better if she serves the ship. That’s okay of course, I forgot. Reminds me of most of the women of the Sandman—I wonder why.
I just wish people would give the honest reason without going through all the mental gymnastics of why Dreamuse is not an interesting (or even bad or problematic) ship, and the other one is the best invention since sliced bread:
They want to see/imagine two guys together.
There, I said it, it wasn’t hard. It’s really as simple as that in fandom, it’s a predictable fantasy, and it’s the same in every fandom. The Sandman isn’t any different.
M/F ships are frowned upon because they’re “heteronormative”, and yet, (mostly) women proceed to project (mostly) heteronormative relationship dynamics on two guys of which they fancy at least one and use the other to project themselves on. Sometimes, they fancy both of them and get more of what they have the hots for. Good for them, there’s nothing wrong with it. We have oodles of research by now why some women prefer M/M porn; it’s not earth-shattering, groundbreaking or “queer-positive” (it sometimes fetishises homosexuality though, but that’s a different topic). It’s been like that since at least the times of Spirk, and probably longer. It’s actually a fairly (dare I utter the word on here?) straight female sexual fantasy. The queer-positivity everyone is so enamoured with is more than, and not singularly limited to, shipping M/M—as a bisexual woman, I personally can’t identify with that line of thinking at all, but other people’s mileage might vary…
If people are into smutty/explicit fanfic , that’s just how it works: Some women project on a female body while imagining to get railed by a guy, others prefer to imagine two guys because they fancy men. Again: Nothing wrong with it, but it’s also not as deep as people often pretend it is.
Yes, I wrote about that one before as well. That’s why I can do it again—“once your reputation is ruined” and all that 🤣
It’s ok to be horny for two guys without turning it into a brain-contorting statement every time.
It’s also okay to reflect on the wider implications of completely erasing women from EVERY fandom, especially if you identify as one.
Edited on May 27 since it’s obviously necessary:
If people’s main takeaway from this post is that it’s about criticising fetishising homosexuality, they clearly have a reading comprehension problem and should read it again. “Sometimes” doesn’t mean “always”, plus it wasn’t even a main point. I even said that fancying m/m is a fairly middle-of-the-road-fantasy, and that there’s nothing wrong with it. The internalised misogyny that shows in people who think they are “saving women from men” by completely erasing them from the narrative and only centering men is a different topic, but these two things aren’t the same.
If people’s main response to this post is, “Then write your own stuff,” they also have a reading comprehension problem and did not get at all what this is about. It’s also the slightly old getting standard response to anything that invites critical thinking, but that one isn’t all that surprising anymore. The assumption people aren’t writing their own stuff is also a bit… silly? But I imagine that misconception is down to the fact that those people never check any tags beyond one or two, and certainly never any that involve female characters. [And to say it quite frankly: That some people wrote verbatim, “If you want Dream and Calliope to fuck so badly, write it yourself,” just shows me that they’re incapable of viewing anything but through a sex/smut lens. Good for you, kids, your world sounds so exciting *slow clap*. But maybe don’t project your thirst on everyone else.]
Some people in the OP this was about even made good points, and I didn’t criticise any of those because they are true.
This post is about the double standards people apply when they say why one ship (m/m) is more successful than the other (m/f):
Trauma? Never a problem when it’s Dream.
Relationship that somehow “shouldn’t work”? Never a problem in tropes like enemies to lovers and many others that are totally used for thee ship. Or with two people (read: men) they really want to see together.
Bending a character beyond recognition or giving them a totally different backstory, because that would solve the “relationship has run its course”-issue? Never a problem with the two guys who can be anything from a cow to a mafia boss. But the women? Nope, we have to remember their trauma and strife, keep them exactly as in the source material and protect their sacredness by completely ignoring them.
Still don’t get that this is not about a ship per se but the erasure of all women from stories bar being cheerleaders for thee m/m ship in some way? Okay, then that one’s really beyond anything I can explain, although I think some people just like to consciously misrepresent stuff or really don’t do anything but skim-read. That’s not on me I guess…
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wolfchankki · 5 months
Hii I saw you said you asking for requests 👉👈 if you don’t mind could you do a needy sub!Yeonjun fic with petplay and dumbification/degrading involved :3 or same scenario just with bratty sub!Gyu, whichever you would prefer!
Hi sweet thing, hyd? This time I choose bratty Gyu because even knowing my writing is horrendous, I have a thing for bratty Gyu lol. For this one, I included a bit of aftercare, something that is really important for mental and physical care of both parts, hope you don’t mind it.
Hope you like it, angel! (but sorry for any error, I made this listening to my Everglow playlist so-)
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Bratty pet!Beomgyu x GN!Master/Tamer reader
pet play (bear gyu, don’t ask), use of “it” instead of “he/him” sometimes, dumbification with bits of degradation, cursing, fingering, aftercare, kinda fluff at the very end
Some typos are on purpose to represent Gyu’s state in the moment
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“Animal Impulses”
“You’re so stupid it hurts” you groan in annoyance each time your slightly curled fingers abused the pet’s already sore and loose hole. The brown bear tail plug did its damage earlier.
Obviously, the dumb thing couldn’t shut his mouth to save his life.
“You fu-fucking bitch- oh! Fucking he-hell!” it says, trying to crawl away from your tight grip on its hips, inevitably pressuring its cock with your forearm under the pet. Of course, you press harder. Who this thing thinks it is?
“Shut you damn mouth before you really get me pissed, little bear” cooed you with a smirk, even knowing your pet couldn’t see you.
On all fours, Beomgyu, the said pet, keens and whines every time you miss its spot purposely, poor thing really considers it torture.
Earlier that day, Beomgyu pushed every limits you could imagine, but the breaking point was when he made you trip on his foot, falling on all fours. You didn’t even mind, you two do it all the time, but he caught you when he said in front of all your friend that “that’s the position I fuck them every night”. Oh boy, he went too far.
“Isn’t that the way you told them you fuck me, Beomgyu? Isn’t it? But who’s getting fucked out of senses right now, uh? Who’s the only bitch here?”
“You-you!” it managed to answer under heavy breaths and cries, making you laugh.
“Am I? Let’s see.”
Pushing its head on the mattress, of course taking care to not take off the fluffy bear ears from the hair, you made your poor pet loose balance on its front paws. It buried its face and chest in a pillow, arms falling weak over his head, ass in the air with your fingers still curled inside. Stuffing him further, Beomgyu shrieks when you finally slammed against the bundle of nerves inside him.
Well, the two of you probably will receive stares from the neighbors; who cares?
“Please, please, ple-ase!” he said between sobs, his limp body rocking back and forth with the amount of strength you’re using to bury three of yours fingers deeper inside of him.
“Please what, stupid hoe?” you know very well that he wants to cum, yet, take advantage of his state is very pleasurable since he just says “please” when hes finally breaking, finally submitting, finally desperate.
As expected, the boy just keens, trying to rock his hips against your hand, way too weak and lost in his own moans and whines.
“Uh? Too stupid to speak properly to your master, Beomgyu? You’re just a dumb hoe, aren’t you? Thought I’ve heard you say earlier that I was the bitch here…” said with a fake pout, you pretend to really thinks about it.
Mouth hanging open, drooling against the pillow, Beomgyu tries to say something, but he could only moan. Taking pity on him, you slow down just a little bit, letting the pet breath heavily, gasping.
“No… No bitch, you not ‘itch, mas’er”
“I’m not? So, who’s then?” slamming hard against him again, his desperate sobs and crying were music to your ears.
“Me! Me, me, me! Gyu is a-ah! Gyu is a bitch!” that finally managed to make you smile.
“You can cum now, little bear, you did good.”
Feeling his walls spasming and twitching and squeezing your fingers, there was no need to even see his dick to know that he came the moment you allowed with a loud cry, all his body spasming against the sheets.
Stopping when the pet nearly screamed in overstimulation, you took your fingers out slowly, whine after whine, Beomgyu only could say muffled and broken “sorry”.
“It’s okay, love, you did well. My pretty boy…”
Brushing his hair with your clean fingers, after you take off the fluffy ears, you start to put his mind back into place, letting him know that everything is okay, that he’s a good boy.
“You’re no whore, no slut, you´re just my pretty boy, that I love so, so much.”
Kissing his forehead ever so tenderly, you noticed that he’s still not really focusing on something, his thoughts hanging on cloud nine.
Cautiously, you helped him to stand out of the bed, gripping on his waist so he doesn’t fall on the ground, you bring him to the bathroom, running a warm bath for him.
Already in the bathtub, you let him alone for just a minute to change all the mattress of your bed. When done, you were welcomed back in the bathroom with a teary eyed Beomgyu, looking up at you.
“ ‘m sorry for making you trip and… And for say what I’ve said, and for calling you a bitch…”
The guilt in his voice crashed your heart a bit, but now, you smile.
“You’re forgiven, my boy. Thank you for recognizing what you did wrong, and for apologizing. I love you, little bear.”
Helping him to wash his hair, you remembered him that he was really forgiven, that he was good.
The night proceeded with the two of you cuddled on the bed, just covered with a blanket, no clothes. Just skin to skin contact, the way he likes.
Okay, you almost couldn’t breathe with Beomgyu body all above yours, but you could survive the bear like hug this night.
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londonfoginacup · 2 years
A New Larrie’s Guide to Tumblr
A probably incomprehensible, certainly incomplete list of what you need to know; whether you’re coming from a different platform or discovering Larry for the first time. 
My credentials
Hello! I’m Emmu. I’ve had tumblr since… 2008? Maybe 2009. I moved over from deviantArt and used Tumblr as a personal art blog for many years. I joined the One Direction fandom in 2014, so my 1D blog has 8+ years at this point. That being said, I will get on my soapbox a bit during this. Please excuse me, I’m quite passionate about cultivating a happy and healthy fandom.
What makes Tumblr different
The biggest thing that makes Tumblr, as a site, different from Twitter or Instagram is the rejection of algorithms. The “following” tab on your dashboard is in chronological order (and if it isn’t, you can – and should – change that), and the “for you” tab is both a recent feature and rarely used. Tumblr has very little algorithm, and the algorithm they have isn’t very good. It means that you’ll get the most god awful ads you’ve ever seen on this site, because they don’t utilize your data well. And that’s to your advantage.
Tumblr is a great place because you can curate what you see more than other social media. The people that you choose to follow are the only people that you see on your dash (unless you choose to follow tags, which I guess is an option? @lululawrence says “it is and it used to not do anything unless you went to the search page and then it would like autofill your followed tags options, but NOW they take those followed tags and plop them on your dash... SOMETIMES. usually only on mobile. but if there's only one new post in the tag, it shows you that post OVER. AND OVER. AND OVER AGAIN. IT'S SUPER ANNOYING ACTUALLY. SO I STOPPED FOLLOWING TAGS. lol anyway”).
So, the site is in chronological order. This is its biggest selling point.
There is also the opportunity for long posts. Masterposts. Things that are searchable without having to read through pages of screenshots or condensed twitter threads. You can write a whole lot more without worrying about character limit. People publish whole fics on here (I suggest ao3 for that, but tumblr is technically an option!).
Another important thing to know about tumblr is that the archives on tumblr run deep. There are newer larries here, and a lot of them, but you can also find older larries. People whose 1D blogs go back to 2010 or 2011. You can dive into the archives and read firsthand accounts of what was happening with One Direction or larry at that very time. Doing a bit of research means you find cute fetus pictures of the boys, but also you’re able to figure out for yourself whether something actually happened. Rumors always seem to spread quite easily and fandom memory always seems impossibly short, but here on tumblr you’re able to find out for yourself. That means the next time you hear about how xyz thing happened a long time ago, check out some of those archives and see what you can find.
Also, my personal favorite part of tumblr is that old posts are just as valid as new posts. Find a masterpost about RBB and SBB from 2015? Go ahead and reblog that; bring it back to the circulating dash. People will love that. Find a fanartist that you really like? Search through their tags, reblog anything you want. It’s not considered stalking or weird in any way. We love bringing back old posts here. Tumblr is a website where you’re not meant to just talk about the present. 
The cultural difference between Tumblr and Twitter
Speaking of the ways that tumblr and twitter are different, let’s talk for a moment about the 1D fandom in particular.
I’ve held this theory for a while that the twitter (and instagram) algorithm is fracturing the fandom. Because twitter is so dependent on the algorithm, people are more likely to split apart and join smaller and smaller communities based on smaller, more specific opinions. Tumblr, being a place where you don’t just get a post on your dash because someone else liked it, doesn’t have those smaller cliques. There are larries, and there are antis.
(if you get really in the weeds, there are also larry shippers [who don’t believe they’re together but like to read it in fic], and houis [who think they were together but broke up], but I just don’t hear about them as much).
While I do occasionally hear about blouies on my dash, for the most part this is a culture that exists primarily on other sites. 
On another note, because tumblr doesn’t have that handy algorithm, we have to work to make it a more active space. Likes don’t do anything here for anyone other than you, and it doesn’t really change anything about what you’ll see on your dash. Think of them more like the bookmark setting on twitter or instagram. Reblogs are necessary to get anything spread. Anything that you enjoy, or that looks interesting for any reason? Reblog it! That’s the only way other people will see it! And leave a happy comment in the tags if you’ve got one (more on that later). 
And, while lurkers do exist in this fandom (and we love them), it’s important to get an icon and blog header that make you look like a real person. People on tumblr have long been in the habit of blocking shady blogs, mostly because of a bot problem, so if you want to lurk, you have to look like a lurker. Maybe reblog a post or two to establish yourself, and make sure you don’t accidentally look like an icon-less bot posing as a sugar daddy. 
How to set up your account
Okay, so you’ve got a tumblr. Let’s take a minute to fix up the settings so that you’re not getting, well, the worst version of the site. 
My advice is to start by going into your dashboard preferences and:
Turn off the best stuff first (it’ll just show you things you’ve already seen)
Turn off “include stuff in your orbit” (you’ll see terrible posts that are mostly NOT in your orbit)
Turn off “Included based on your likes” (again, you’ll see posts you hate)
Turn off “shorten long posts”. It’s a ridiculous setting that, like many things on tumblr, had potential but was rolled out in an incredibly unhelpful and user unfriendly way.
Once you’ve got that squared away, go into filtering and block any tags and content you don’t like, as that is always proper fandom etiquette. Not seeing things you don’t like is your responsibility, not the responsibility of the person posting them. I personally suggest adding the topics you don’t want to see to both the content list and the filtered tags list, as that gives a much better likelihood of posts that are particularly unsavory for you getting caught by the filters. Please also note this might need to be done on both desktop and the app separately as, depending on where tumblr is at the moment, these filters do not always carry over from one application to the other.
Now scroll down to tumblr labs. These are their experimental things. Some are good! Some are very bad. They do change, though, so this might get out of date pretty fast.
Personally, I enabled fast queue
And disabled everything else
ALSO, an important note, if you are using the apple app, you need to go in and turn off the adult content filter. No idea offhand where that is, but it means posts that include tags like “mine” and “girl” are blocked. It’s ridiculous. 
Who to follow and how to find them
So, you’ve got a new tumblr and need people to follow. This makes sense! To really fill up your dash, I’d suggest the following
Find one person you like. There’s a good chance you know at least someone from twitter who also has a tumblr, so you can start there. If you’re not from twitter, or are looking to start fresh, you can dive into the search function (I’ve never tried finding someone this way myself, but searching larry stylinson or something similar would probably get you started)
Find the people they reblog from and check out each of their blogs! Follow people that make you happy
Follow some update accounts! Thinking of some off the top of my head, there’s @HLUpdate, @Stylesnews, @dailytomlinson, @HLDailyUpdate, or @neilswaterbottles (there’s definitely more though). 
Follow some fanart or fic rec accounts! 
I’d always suggest @1d-fanart or @hlcreators for art. 
For fic, you could check out @hlficlibrary, @ficsyoumayhavemissed, or @thelarriefics. 
Or, recurring fic fests! @onedirectionbigbang or @wordplayfics, which happen every year.
And if you end up not enjoying someone you’ve followed? Unfollow them! It’ll make you happier.
How to interact with posts
Tumblr is all about tags. Do you have a comment or thought? Reblog a post and say your thought in the tags. That way anyone you follow will see it, and the person who made the post will see it. This way a post doesn’t end up with a lot of cluttery additions that don’t mean a lot to the average person reblogging it, but if you browse the tags of posts you’ll find lots of interesting things. Tags can be used to keep track of things, too, of course — some people tag all pictures with who’s in them, or tag art or fic with tags that mean they can find them again. Tags are versatile! But reblog, don’t just like, and tag! The more you interact, the happier content creators are!
What not to do
Don’t repost. If you see something you like on tumblr, reblog it. Even if it’s a really old piece of fanart (like circa 2011). Reblog that old post! Reposting means people don’t get credit, and it doesn’t link back to them. That’s not cool, and in the long term makes fandom less happy.
How to cultivate a happy and healthy fandom
Send happy anons! Ask how people are doing, do question memes, say how much you loved fic/art/edits, etc.
Reblog art. Reblog fic. Reblog what makes you laugh. The more you reblog, the more other people see, the more the fandom moves! Content creators just want their things seen; every time you reblog, their phone gets that little notification and you’ve given someone a bit of happiness.
Unfollow people who annoy you. Follow people who make you happy!
If someone has a take about 1D that you don’t agree with, don’t tell them or send them argumentative anons. Find people who will agree with you, and complain to them privately. Or make your own post, not shading anyone, just presenting your own opinion and theories!
Remember that everyone is a real person. Cut them some slack when you find them being annoying. But also, unfollow. Curate your dash.
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greenerteacups · 1 month
Hey GT, glad to see you're back! I'm still halfway thru Lionheart (just read the world cup chapter, what a delight) and your notes got me wondering.
I'm sure you've probably answered this before but how do you manage to make the world feel so rich? I'm not that into the fandom so I don't know If there are some things fanon agreed upon or if it is your own musings about the magic world. Like Draco explaining to Hermione about portkeys or how many languages Krum speaks.
How do you decide what's important enough to get a mention? Where do you go when you need answers and Canon is not enough to provide it?
Thanks for the kind words, and for the question! It's a matter of personal taste, like anything. Some writers prefer an athletic, streamlined plot, with only as much worldbuilding as you absolutely need (how does Panem run a command economy of 4.5 million people primarily on fossil fuels when its coal district has a population of less than 10,000? fuck off! who cares! they're Y/A dystopias about a TV show where teens beat each other to death!). Some writers, on the other hand, won't bother to start the story until they know the pH of the soil in every region of the world they're writing about. I'm somewhere on the second half of the scale, in that I'll give details that aren't strictly necessary to the plot, just because I like to feel like I'm writing about a world where real, extraneous things can happen. Some details are foreshadowing; some details are Special Mouseketools that will Help Us Later; and sometimes, you just get to know a cool fact about portkeys.
I guess part of the fun of building out a world is getting to think about Everything, which is what my brain normally does. I have a pretty broad body of literature as a starting gate, so there's plenty of room to play. E.g., when I started writing Krum, I thought about how he's not super fluent in English in canon, and that naturally made me ask why, because he clearly has taken English, so either he only started lessons recently or it hasn't been a priority for him; and then I went "wait, what's his first language? Bulgarian, right? But Durmstrang isn't — hang on—" and then I pulled up an actual map of Europe, which led me to realize that he wouldn't likely be speaking his first language at Durmstrang, which means he already had to become bilingual just to start his wizarding education, and that explains part of why he doesn't have a ton of time/effort to spare for a third language, plus he'd probably have a translator available whenever he traveled with a team because he's a B.F.D. — etc., etc. And then you keep thinking about that until you remember that you're supposed to be writing a fic, and you scramble to get back to doing that. Only now, you have worldbuilding! Congrats.
To try for an even halfway useful answer to your question: worldbuilding becomes most important when it creates limitations, because limitations define your characters and give them chances to develop/reveal themselves. So the details of portkeys become important because they explain the limitations of magical travel, which is a big nebulous ??? in the original series, since the introduction of teleportation via Apparating means that all other forms of transportation become inefficient by comparison. It also means the limitations introduced by travel — that is, not all characters can be in all places at once — also go away, because anyone can be anywhere immediately. From a narrative perspective, this sucks massive horse ass. Hence: I dumped a shit ton of limitations on Apparation (i.e., (1) it requires a ton of energy, (2) it's really fucking hard, (3) it's really fucking dangerous, (4) it's more of both the farther away you're going, (5) it's more of both the more people you take with you, (6) you can't Apparate without a clear destination in mind which means (7) you need to have been there already, and so (8) some people prefer not to do it). Hence, I also put limitations on portkeys (i.e., they have to be set up well in advance, you need to identify out both destinations precisely beforehand, and the calculations are difficult to do). Those limitations, and the Watsonian explanations you create for them, are your worldbuilding. They're what make the world feel real, because they give it grit and character. They give you a more complete sense of what you can and cannot do.
The rest of it is taste and preference, really; it's what interests you, and what parts of the world you want to explore. That's going to be unique to every author, and that's the beauty of worldbuilding — it reflects the parts of the world that you like to think about.
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nervoushottee · 1 year
A Solemn Promise Ch. 4 | Joel Miller Series
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Summary: A blast from the past.
Warnings: Cursing, blood, death, guns, like I said previously: just regular the last of us shit.
NOTE PLEASE READ: From this chapter on out, I will be turning reader into more of an OC character. I will keep it in second pov so it still reads how its been (using you, instead of she while reading/writing). However reader will have a name that she will be called throughout the series. You can see a bit of it in this chapter but it will pop up more withthin the rest of the series. Doing this truly helps me get more into the character and into writing this fic.
Thank you for reading that big ass note. Also, Thank you SO MUCH for all the love I've been getting for this fic. It means so much to me truly...Enjoy!
(limited editing)
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Joel wasn’t surprised to see the dead bodies in the hallway when he did.
When Tess told him earlier that Robert had fucked up with the battery, his hope for it slowly disappeared with each waking hour. He barely had any hope to begin with. But what made him keep pushing was to find his younger brother. 
To find Tommy. Help him, protect him and/or get him out of any trouble he probably put himself in. Because that’s what being an older sibling is. To protect the ones that are younger than you like a parent would. No matter if you were told to or not. And no matter how many years went by, or how old they got, that is what Joel was and always would be. 
So when Tess revealed that the battery the two of them had been putting all their marbles on was simply a piece of junk in the middle of the hallway,  Joel didn’t react. He knew Tess was angry, hell so was he internally, but who wouldn’t blame her from what she had gone through the night before. Joel simply just knew it was back to square one. 
He perked up at the sound of someone else being in the hallway. With the bullet wounds in all the dead bodies that littered the hallway, he already assumed there would be more danger ahead. Joel walked ahead of Tess with his gun raised as he followed the sound. 
Slowly with each step, the sounds grew louder. And just from listening, Joel didn’t think it was anything dangerous, but still proceeded with caution. He peaked out from the corner of the hallway to see two women injured. 
One woman tried to stand and walk away from what looked like a battlefield. Blood on both of them showing that although they survived, they still took damage. Joel slowly walked toward them, aiming his gun at the ready. The question was, would he shoot first ask questions later? Or vice versa. 
He didn’t have time to answer when a door to his right swung open to a young girl charging at him with a knife. He didn’t waste anytime to throw her to the ground with his gun aimed at her face.“Fuck.” the girl muttered, winded from the sudden shove to the wall. 
“Joel?”, he turned his head to see that one of the injured women he almost shot was no other than someone he really didn’t feel like seeing. 
Marlene doesn’t say anything else to him. Instead she brings her attention to the young girl Joel had just pushed. Asking her if she was alright, in which the girl responded with a nod of her head. Her eyes were still staring at Joel. Full of bravery and fear all tied together as she reached to collect her switchblade. Joel doesn’t hesitate to press his foot firm into the weapon to keep her from getting it back. 
What the hell was a young girl doing in the middle of this mess? Let alone with Marlene and the Fireflies.
“Ellie.” Marlene says to calm the girl down.‘So that was the girl's name’. Joel thought to himself. Ellie's attention didn’t move away from him until Marlene called her name a second time. Finally, Ellie turned her head to Marlene, her eyes widened to see the two older women bloodied and injured. “Oh shit!” she exclaims as she stares at Marlene’s side. 
The older woman dismissed her worries, “You can’t be stupid like this.” she says to Ellie with exhaustion in her voice. Both her and Kim lowered their weapons. 
Joel hears Tess walking into the hallway with the rest of them and she isn’t pleased from what he  could tell. “So this is who Robert screwed us over with? The Che Guevara of Boston? I mean, war must be pretty bad for you to be buying from scum like him.” she taunts.
“Yeah it kinda has been. The merch was bad and he obviously didn’t take fuck off for answer.” 
Marlene says.
Typical Robert. Joel didn’t trust that man to give him a drink of water if he was simply thirsty. Let alone keep his end of the bargain for something as big as a car battery. But when you’re desperate, you’re desperate. And he was, hell, even the Fireflies were from he could see.
“What do you need a car battery for?” he asked her, ignoring the plead from Ellie, asking him to let go of her knife. 
The girl didn’t take him ignoring her as an actual answer. Reaching out to grab the weapon still sitting under Joel’s shoe. He turns his gun back on her, honestly not having the patience with the kid in the first place. “Don’t.”
Not even a split second after he aims his gun at the young girl, two more guns are aimed back at him. He hears the sound of Tess aiming her gun at Marlene and the other woman he didn’t know. 
“Not at her…Point it at me.” Marlene says to him quickly. 
Suddenly, there was a faint sound of footsteps coming from behind the two women. Both of them not moving, guns still aimed at Joel almost if they knew who was approaching them. 
“Ellie?!?” he heard a woman exclaim. Her voice grows louder and louder as she rounds the corner and finally comes into view. 
It felt as if Joel’s heart had almost stopped. He could’ve thought he was dead right then and there as he locked eyes with you. There you were, twenty years later. Stuck in this mess of what the world was, just like him.
Twenty years older than what you both were all those years ago. You were here and you were alive. 
How were you even alive? 
He mourned you, he remembers finding out that you were no longer here. It was like the final piece to the puzzle of losing the rest of his humanity. The warm feeling of love and hope went away when his girls left him. When you left him.
 How the fuck weren’t you dead? Where was your kid? Their kid? Joel couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
Still stuck in a daze of disbelief, the grip on his gun loosened. His aim towards the young girl started to falter, dropping slowly. You hadn’t said a word. You too had been taken back from the sudden blast from the past. Joel could tell as much when he saw your feet falter as if you were taking steps to run back in the way you came in.  He watched your eyes trail down at him from his head, to his chest to his hands that were still gripping the gun he was aiming loosely at Ellie. 
And almost if a switch flipped, the sudden shock you had on your face was quickly wiped away with anger. You didn’t hesitate to raise your gun at him. “You’d lower that if you know what’s good for you.” you snapped. 
Joel still didn’t move. Still shocked to see you alive and standing there. “Do I need to shoot you for you to understand? What I’m saying is not a request.” you speak to him again. The anger is still in your voice. “Woods enough.” Marlene says to you, her eyes not leaving the situation in front of her. “Joel, point it at me.” 
Woods. He didn’t think he’d hear that last name in so long. He didn’t know if that brought him anxiety or comfort. 
 Joel turns his head back at the young girl, whose eyes hadn’t left the barrel of the gun. Her hands are raised in surrender when Joel sees her. The bravery he could tell was just oozing out of her the moment she came out that door had gone.  Her breath was heavy as she waited on his next move. Slowly, Joel moves his gun away from her and aims it at Marlene. He can hear her sigh of relief as he does. 
Marlene and Kim both lower their guns. You keep it straight forward for a few seconds, before lowering it also. “To answer your question, I need it for a better reason than you do. No offense, but Tommy is just one man.
Joel eyebrows furrowed and he looked back up at you, you had done the same reaction. He doubted it was for the same reason. He quickly looks back at Tess who was just as confused as he was because how the fuck did Marlene know?
 “It’s our job to know things.” Marlene states, knowing the reason for Joel's confusion. 
He scoffs, “To know things? You’re the cause of it. You turned my own brother against me.” 
Marlene rolls her eyes, adjusting her stance and applying more pressure against her wound. 
“That was a lot of gunfire. FEDRA’s going to be on the way.” Kim says to her. He sees you get closer to Marlene. Coming closer into the light he can get a better glimpse of you. You were bleeding. You knuckles bloody,  a cut on your lower lip and the side of your neck had what looked like a cut from a knife. 
“Kim’s right. We gotta go Marlene.” you add, staring at the woman. And Marlene knew, she said as much. But Joel didn’t see she was in a hurry to move. “We were going to move Ellie out of the zone tonight, but we won’t make it anywhere like this. Not for a while anyway.” 
“So now I’m thinking…you’re gonna do it.” 
Joel didn’t like the sound of that fucking statement. No way in hell him or Tess was going to waste their time on some girl. “The hell we are.”
You and Ellie had the same sentiments as you both exclaimed with the same attitude. 
“I’m not going with them!”
“Marlene what the fuck?!?” You exclaim. Kim takes a step closer to her as she speaks. “Let me and Woods take her. That was the plan anyway, we’re just a few people short.”
Joel didn’t want to entertain this any fucking longer. His night was waisted, his battery was gone, and he’d have to go home and start back over again at square fucking one. To try and find a way to get to Tommy. “Tess, we don't have time for this.” He insisted. But from the looks of it, Tess was intrigued. “Who is she?”
“To you? She’s cargo.” Marlene replied quickly back to her. 
Joel still wasn’t having it, pushing the statement that it wasn’t going to happen. “We don’t smuggle people.” He could tell his statement was ignored as you, Marlene and Kim both converse among yourselves. 
“Let us take her Marlene, I can do it.” Kim pushed. Marlene didn’t waste any time to lay it down on her. “Kim, you don’t have a fuckin’ ear on your fuckin’ head!” And she was right, the woman’s right ear was gone, leaving just blood and scar tissue in its wake. 
“And what’s your excuse for me?” you demand from Marlene. Taking a step closer to her, “We both know that I’m not going anywhere without here and I won’t fuck this up.” 
Marlene sighs, nodding her head softly. “You're right.”
“Woods you go with them.” she says loudly for both him and Tess to hear. 
It was like Marlene loaded the gun and pulled the trigger all at the same time. Joel didn’t want to do this. Despite knowing you were alive, it wouldn’t be good for him. Or you. It would bring up things about himself, about his past that he spent years pushing away to stay alive. “Are you even listening to me?” Joel questions.
He sees you shake your head, “That wasn’t the plan Marlene.” you say bitterly. 
And as if Marlene was through with the back and forth she turns around quickly but regrets it with a groan from her chest. Her injury is still causing pain from being left untreated. “The plan was to send you and Ellie out there with a group of us, not just you. What if you die? What then?” 
You try to protest at the question but Marlene doesn’t give you time to do it. 
“There’s a team of Fireflies waiting for her at the old State House.” Joel shook his head as he scoffed at what Marlene was telling them. “So why don’t you let Woods take her like she wants. No use needing us.” Joel snaps, putting emphasis on what they’d been calling you. 
“I can get her there faster, those two would just slow me down.” You say to Marlene but your eyes never leave Joel’s. Slow you down? How the hell would you even know if him and Tess would “slow you down”? 
“Is that right?” Joel question. 
“Damn right.” you say without hesitation. 
Joel didn’t know why he was upset at your assumption. He should just leave it alone, he didn’t want to be around you in the first place. 
“Both of you enough.” Marlene sighs, “I know what’s out there. We were going with an entire squadron for that very reason. But now, I don’t have a truck, I don’t have a squadron and for the last time Woods, you going out there by yourself is too risky of a chance for me to take. You know that.” she states. You sigh, shaking your head. In a way, Joel could tell that you knew she was right. 
For whatever reason why this girl needed to get out of the city, it seemed important enough that the three of you were willing to get shot for her when Joel raised his gun
“FEDRA is five minutes away, and what I do know is that I have you. And I know what you both are capable of. For better or worse.” Marlene finishes. “What are they capable of?”, the young girl's eyes widened in intrigue at the woman’s statement.
“Ellie, not now.” you say to her quietly. 
Joel had noticed that Tess hadn’t said much of anything since she asked who Ellie was to them. Still listening to Marlene’s proposal and letting him do all the talking.
“You get her there safely with Woods and they’ll give you what you need. Not just a battery. The whole thing. Fueled-up truck, guns, supplies, all of it. I swear.” 
Now that was something that perked his interest. He turns to Tess to she what she thinks,  the woman tilting her head in the other direction so the two of them could talk about it privately. He walked over to her but not before sliding Ellie’s knife further away from her. “Asshole!” the girl exclaims. 
Joel doesn’t react to her insult as he walks over to Tess. But he hears the sound of footsteps coming towards him and turns briefly to see you walking over to Ellie. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” your questions full of concern as you place a gentle hand against the back of her head. 
Ellie quickly shakes her head, “No but you are. What happened?”
Joel turns away quickly. An old, yet painful memory creeps up his skin that makes him think of what could have been. Years before all of this happens. He forces it away before walking back to Tess, who had seen the whole thing.“You trust her? Marlene?” Joel gives her a look that clearly indicates he doesn’t. “Me either, but she seems desperate.”
“Firefly vehicle usually means repurposed FEDRA stuff. So, better than a decent chance of making it to Tommy in one of those.” Joel tells her. He hated to admit it and truly didn’t want to do it in the first place, but it was the best chance they could get. It was either this or going home and starting all over again.
Tess nodded, agreeing with Joel’s statements. The woman still stood there, giving him a look that he could tell she wasn’t satisfied. Like she wanted to say something else. “What?” Joel pushes.
“Who is she to you?” Tess questions. 
Joel knew who Tess was referring to. You. The woman he mourned, the woman that haunts his dreams from time to time still after all these years. You who makes him think of his past self that is no longer a part of him.
He could play dumb and ask her who she meant. He could act like he didn’t have a clue who you were. But he knew better, Tess knew better.
 “Nobody important.” he dismisses
Joel can tell that’s not the answer Tess wanted from him, and didn’t doubt for a second that she would press on it more later. He tries to change the subject, “The second we hand that kid over-” 
“Y’all can talk this through but please remember I’m bleeding out.” Marlene says loudly with desperation. Reluctantly, he and Tess make the decision quicker than they would like.
“Okay. Here’s the deal.” Tess begins as she walks back over to the group of women. You were still crouching down at Ellie’s level. Your hand resting on her shoulder. “We’ll get her to your crew at the State House. But before we hand her over, they give us everything we want. If not we kill her. There and then.” 
“Not with me there you won’t.” You say, standing quickly in defense against the young girl.
‘Who was she to you?’ Joel thought. A small brief thought lingered in his brain, bringing up something, or better yet, someone, who he could’ve thought she was to you. But from the looks of it, the girl was pretty young. And who Joel didn’t want to think too hard about would’ve been way older by now. 
“Deal.” Marlene agrees.
Ellie scoffs, “Really? That fast?” the girl looks between you and Marlene. 
Marlene sighs, “You are all that matters. My team won’t jeopardize that. Woods knows that.” she tilts her head up to acknowledge you. You look down at Ellie before speaking to her, “I’m not gonna let anything happen to you.”
“Remember what I told you…go get your backpack.” The injured woman instructs. Ellie doesn’t move, still upset about  the decision.
“Ellie, go.” you say to her, the young girl looks at you. Almost pleading for this exchange not to happen. In the end she sighs, reluctantly getting up to get her things. Stomping in her wake. 
Ellie comes back out with her things, heading to stand towards you. Joel watches as she stares at Marlene. “Let’s go.” Tess tells them as she walks back the way they came. Ellie stares at Marlene a little longer as do you. 
Both Marlene and Kim nod their head at you as a goodbye. You reciprocate the gesture and softly pull Ellie’s arm for her to start walking. You don’t look at Joel as you pass him. Your eyes straight forward as you head the same way Tess goes. Ellie shoves Joel’s shoulder with her body as she walks past him, causing him to turn in annoyance. Watching as she grabs the knife he had kicked away from her. 
He sees you stand and wait for her to catch up to you. Your arm extended toward her, you fingers wiggling softly for the young girl to take. 
“Joel…” Marlene calls for him, causing Joel to turn away from the gesture he just watched between you and Ellie. “Don’t fuck this up…Please.”  If this didn’t finalize how desperate Marlene and the Fireflies were then he didn’t know what would. Without a word, Joel turns and leaves. Leaving the two women alone once again. 
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AHHH THANK YOU FOR READING IT MEANS SO MUCH *comments and reblogs are SO appreciated <3, thank you for your support!*
taglist: @givemeth @lost-inside-my-mind23 @marantha @lunxramour @silas-222 @drewharrisonwriter @violinchick @l3laze @n7cje @duckybird101 @anavatazes @hoemadegrace
(comment if you want to be added to the taglist and I will add you!)
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vodika-vibes · 5 months
hiiii, so i was deep down the rabbit hole a couple days ago and i saw a post of yours talking about which of the clones would mesh well with an ace reader. the two i remember were tup and alpha-17. i was wondering if you could write something where reader is kinda hesitant to tell their new partner because the troopers are kinda intense but they’re super reassuring and it’s very fluffy.
Summary: You’ve recently started dating Tup, and you know you need to have a conversation with him. You’re just a little anxious about it.
Pairing: Clone Trooper Tup x Reader
Word Count: 1030
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: I wasn't sure if you wanted short little drabbles for both Alpha and Tup, or a longer fic with one or the other, so I decided to go with a longer fic with Tup. I hope you don't mind. Also, I hope this is soft and fluffy like you wanted!
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“So this is where you live?” Tup asks as he peers around your apartment, taking in the family photos of you with your parents and siblings, the variety of random paintings that you’ve acquired over the years, and the old and unmatched furniture that gives your home a kind of eclectic vibe.
You like it, though you know that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.
“Yeah,” You say with a nervous smile, “This is me. I’m the youngest in my family, so when I moved out my siblings and parents and grandparents dumped all of their old furniture on me-”
“I like it. It suits you.” Tup interrupts with a grin.
You narrow your eyes at him, “I’m going to take that as a compliment.”
“It was meant to be one, don’t worry.” Tup wanders over to the corner, where there’s a basket full of toddler toys, “You babysit a lot?”
“My older brother works a lot, and since his wife walked out on them-” You shrug and stoop to grab a stuffed tooka that didn’t make its way into the toybox after the last time you watched the twins, “I offered to help every so often. Mom had a doctors appointment last week, so I got the twins for a couple of hours.”
“It’s nice that you’re willing to help your family.” Tup replies easily.
You shrug awkwardly, “Well, he’s my brother. And the twins are pretty cool, you know, for toddlers.”
He laughs softly, and favors you with a smile that’s so warm and soft that you feel momentarily guilty for what you’re about to say to him. And then you’re annoyed at yourself for feeling guilty.
“You said that there’s something that you needed to tell me?” Tup prompts as he kneels down to pick up some more toys that had fallen out of the chest. “Do you need to reschedule our date for this weekend to watch the twins?”
“No, no. It’s nothing like that.” You reassure, “I’m looking forward to our date this weekend. But there’s something you need to know about me before we do that. And I probably should have told you before hand but-” You trail off with a shrug, “I was worried that you’d run off.”
Tup stares at you, “Alright,” He says slowly, “You have my attention.”
You press your fingers together, and take a deep breath. “I’m asexual.” You blurt out, rather than spewing into the speech that you prepared and obsessed over for the last several days.
Tup blinks at you.
“Um, so, that means that I don’t really feel-”
“I know what it means, cyare.” Tup interrupts gently, absolutely no heat in his voice, and when you chance a glance at him, he’s still watching you with that soft and sweet expression on his face.
“Oh. Right. Of course.”
Tup stands and walks over to you, “Am I allowed to touch you, cyare?”
“Yeah, of course.”
He smiles and his hand comes up to press against your cheek, his calloused fingers rough against your skin, though there was something almost soothing about it too. “Thank you for telling me.” Tup says quietly.
“Yeah, well...it is an important thing for you to know.” You reply.
“It is.” He agrees, “We’ll have to sit down and talk about what hard limits you have at some point-”
“Wait! You’re not breaking up with me?” You blurt.
“...do you want me to?” Tup asks, bewildered.
“No! Of course not! I just...I...normally people-” You trail off, unable to finish your statement, “It’s either a hard breaking point or they think that I’m broken.” You finish lamely, and more than a little bitterly.
“Right...so. First off, I’m a full grown man and I’m more than capable of taking care of my needs on my own,” Tup says dryly, “Second of all, you’re not broken. That’s a disgusting way for anyone to talk about you. It’s not like you picked your sexuality.”
You laugh softly, “You’d be surprised at how often people think differently.”
“Well, I don’t. I’m not going to break up with you over something so easily navigated.” Tup says, “I’m not going to break up with you unless you want to break up. So, I’m afraid you’re stuck with me.”
“I’m glad for it.” You admit quietly.
Tup lightly tugs you into a hug, his arms tight and comforting around you. “I have an idea.”
“Since I’m already here, how about we have a date night?”
You shift your head on his shoulder to look at him curiously, “Date night?”
“Mm, we can order in and watch a holo.” Tup offers temptingly.
“That does sound very enjoyable,” You murmur thoughtfully, “There’s a place near here that’s really good.”
“I’m filled with good ideas,” Tup brags with a small grin.
“Hm, is that right? Would your brothers agree if I asked them?” You tease.
“No, but that’s because they have horrible taste.” Tup replies.
“Do they?”
“Yep. Have you seen some of their tattoos?”
“Tup...you have a teardrop tattooed on your face.”
“And I look amazing, yes, I know.”
You press your face against his shoulder and dissolve into giggles, “I’m going to go get my datapad so we can order food, you absolutely ridiculous man.”
He grins at you and presses a light kiss to your forehead, “Feeling better, cyare?”
You grin right back at him, “I do. I don’t know why I was so nervous.”
“Because I’m intimidating.” Tup says solemnly, though there’s laughter written on his face.
“Oh, naturally.” You press a quick kiss to his cheek, “If you’re not careful, I’m going to fall in love with you, Tup.”
“Oh good, my evil plan is working.”
You dissolve into laughter again, “If you keep this up I’m not going to be able to order us dinner.” You warn.
“Well, we can’t have that.” Tup cups your face with both of his hands, “Can I kiss you?”
“I’d like that,”
His leans in and brushes his lips across your lips in a ghost of a kiss, and then he laughs into the kiss as you pull him down into a proper kiss. “Impatient.” He chides.
“Yes, I am.”
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roseverdict · 10 months
Writing Commissions Open!
Hey howdy hey, guess who's broke and whose brain has latched on to the idea of getting a bike or a trike to get places other than the one (1) coffee shop in walking distance!
YEP. I need to open commissions.
However, I do have at least one thing going for me- I'm told I'm fairly good at writing things! Fanfic things, at least. While I'm not dumb enough to outright go "hey, pay me to write fanfiction," I figure I can at least point out some fanfics I've written that seem to have gone over well as examples of my work, since that's most of what I've got for proof of my skills.
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I'd show more, but Tumblr won't let me add more images, and even these fought me Tooth And Nail when I was trying to format them properly. Truly a functioning website.
Hopefully these kind of give an idea of the vibes I'm strongest with, too. Pricing and rules will be under the cut. I do have a target I'm trying to reach here, but depending on how well this goes, I might end up keeping commissions open indefinitely. We'll see. :D
DM me if you're interested!
Things I'm Comfortable Writing:
Original Storylines (Brief primer on the world/characters I'll be writing with will be required)
Things like the pieces shown on my AO3 account
Y/N-style pieces (both with and without the actual usage of "Y/N")
Mild Romance
Gore/Severe Injury
Body Horror
Look, if it's in the Danny Phantom phandom and basically nowhere else, I'm probably just fine writing it, despite its intensity xD
Things I Will Not Write:
Smut. There's no shame in enjoying it, I just. Don't.
Incest. Absolutely NONE. Even leaving aside the whole debate about whether or not people should ship incest ships, I would not be able to enjoy writing it, which would make the resulting work of low quality, which would be a huge waste of time for everyone involved.
Pedophilia- specifically, ships with a minor and an adult multiple years their senior. See above. 17yo x 18yo is pushing it, but depending on the circumstances, I might allow it. They aren't exactly in completely different phases of life there. However, I'm in my 20s and don't particularly want to think about or write about kids the age of my youngest brother dating people my age or older, you feel me?
Bigotry presented to the reader as a positive thing. I'm not gonna write your favorite heroic character declaring OOC that minorities are terrible people. If you want something from the POV of a character meant to be terrible, such as someone like Fire Lord Ozai in AtLA, however, I may be willing to write it.
I reserve the right to refuse any commission and not have to explain why. Person-to-person, though, this will likely only come up if someone tries to commission something that crosses these lines and refuses to acknowledge such.
Payment: 5¢ USD per word. This works out to…
$12.50 for 250 words
$25 for 500 words
$50 for 1K words
and so on.
I'll need half the payment up front as a deposit, then the rest upon completion. If, for whatever reason, I fail to write the commission, you will be refunded in full.
If you pay me for a given number of words, I will do my best to stick to it. I will make sure you at least get your money's worth, but if I just can't quite fit the writing into the given limit, I won't charge you for the extra words. Call it 100 words or so of wiggle room.
A commission for a fic 1K or larger that runs 100 words or less over the intended length will not cost extra
A commission for a fic between 500 and 999 words that runs 50 words or less over will not cost extra
A commission for a fic 499 words or below that runs 25 words or less over will not cost extra
A commission for a fic that has enough going on to run over that limit will result in me contacting you to ask for either a scaled-down plot or payment for the extra writing.
I will not consider calling a commission complete until I can hit the target wordcount at minimum.
If it should happen that I just can't make a scene stretch to the full wordcount, but you still want to keep what is written, the words that were not written will be refunded.
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chellestrash · 1 year
Work-life balance
Matt Rayburn x Reader
Summary: Matt needs some help with the beard care he's trying out, luckily for him, you're right there.
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: None, it's just short and sweet.
A/N: I'm posting this at 2 a.m. my time, this was also the first fic i wrote for the @bernthirst-events BeardthalBash after a long time of not writing so...if you feel like this one is a bit rusty...that's probably because it is.
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Laying on Matt’s bed, you stare at the ceiling of the trailer for a moment, trying to figure out some creative ways to pass the time as you wait for him to join you. With the limited space of the narrow bathroom at his place, both you and your boyfriend quickly realized that sharing your nighttime routines wasn't really an option most of the time. You'd find ways around it, of course, with the bathroom door staying open most of the time, one person in and the other right outside, you managed to make the space feel shared.
You sigh, stretching on top of the covers. The soft double bed mattress dips slightly under the weight of your body. With the quiet sound of the running water coming from the other side of the trailer, a white noise of sorts, you begin to feel your eyelids getting heavier. A quiet grunt slips past your lips and you turn to lay on your side. Now facing the bathroom, the heavily streamed mirror is visible from your position through the slightly cracked open bathroom door.
A soft smile pulls at the corner of your lips when you watch Matt for some reason frown at his reflection, and you feel the need to be close to him, to feel his body once again. It's a familiar feeling, one that rarely leaves you these days. You don't mind it, and you know he doesn’t either, he knows how to show it.
After slipping out of bed, you make your way over to the bathroom and knock on the door before stepping inside.
“Hey honey!”
Matt grins, acting like he just saw you now for the first time, despite the fact you two spent almost the whole day together already. You smile back almost immediately before he leans down to peck at your lips softly. 
"Hi, Matty."
You answer before something catches your attention.
"What's that?” 
You ask, pointing at a small glass bottle in the middle of the counter right by the sink.
“Oh umm…”
Matt pauses, frowning at the small object before turning his head back to look at you.
“Just beard oil?”
He shrugs, a quick and simple explanation that only really raises more questions for you.
“Since when do you-”
You reach your hand out to pick up the bottle and bring it closer to your eyes, trying to decipher the ingredients as he attempts to explain how exactly this found its way into his bathroom.
“Well…listen, some guy at the store talked me into buying it. There was a stand and samples and flyers and I know you keep saying you like the beard, so I...think I panicked when he started asking questions...”
You chuckle at the short story and he takes the oil back from you.
“He said it’ll make it look nice? Healthy and shit.”
“Really? So you got it because of that...aaaand because I said I like the beard?"
You ask, brushing your finger down his cheek, feeling the hairs prickle softly at your skin. 
He shrugs, not really sure if you think it’s stupid or not, and you feel your heart melting at the gesture.
“And I panicked.”
He explains.
“Oh, yes, of course.”
You tease, smiling as he attempts to think of a response.
“Okay, so how are we doing it?”
You ask, glancing around his face for a moment before grabbing the beard oil to check the label one more time, successfully distracting him from the tease.
Matt asks just to make sure and you nod enthusiastically.
“Yeah! Or did you want me to-”
You point your thumb back over your shoulder, indicating that you could leave him to it if that's what he wanted.
“Oh, OH!”
He denies quickly, shaking his head. His eyes open wide, almost as if he's afraid you'll actually leave.
“No, no, don't go! 'Be fair I don't…really know how to-”
“Oh, I do!”
You unscrew the cap with a small pipette and smile as you lift it up to his face.
“See? It's easy, I've seen guys do it before.”
"You sure honey?”
“Matt, you know how much my skin care takes, I can handle beard oil.”
He scoffs quietly, turning his face away only to look back at your face right away, smiling so hard he squints his eyes and bites down on his lower lip.
“Aright, honey, if you say so.”
“If I mess it up, we'll just shave it.”
You joke, squeezing past to stand between him and the small bathroom counter and catch his frightened stare in the reflection.
You turn back to face him, jumping onto the counter before you reach out to grab at his hips and pull him closer.
“Oh, okay.”
He stands between your legs now, hand rubbing softly at the exposed skin on your thigh, watching as you get everything ready. Lifting your chin with his finger, he makes you face him again. His eyes fix on yours for a moment before he glances down at your mouth, moving in closer to push his lips against yours softly. Then again, and again, and one more time.
You hum into the kiss when he tilts your head to the side and brushes his tongue against your lips, deepening the kiss. You feel the small, familiar bolts of pleasure travel down and right back up your body, and it takes you a good while to finally react. Pushing your hand against his chest, you make him step away, breaking the kiss before wiping your lips with the back of your palm.
“Okay, sir? That's inappropriate.”
He frowns, confused, but still smiles at your words.
“You're at the barber? Hello?”
He snorts, shaking his head softly before squinting again.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yes, sir.”
“So you'll be helping me tonight?”
“That's my job!”
You reassure him, playing your part, finally ready to actually apply the oil.
“So...first time?”
You attempt some hairdresser small talk as you drip a couple of drops onto your boyfriend’s beard. Rubbing it in with your fingers, you glance up, letting him know you're expecting a response.
“Oh, oh yeah, yes. Never done this before.”
He plays along and you continue, amused that you managed to get him to do this.
“Really? I don't know, sir, your beard looks very well maintained.”
“Shit, really?”
You nod, and watch the way his lips curl up into that sweet smile you love so much.
“Yes, sir.”
You nod again, slowly massaging the oil throughout the length of his beard, mustache and at the sides of his face, almost up to his actually hair. Shutting them close after a moment, Matt lets his eyes rests before he leans into your soothing touch, humming quietly at the pleasant feeling. The steam from his hot shower, the smell of the supplement you're using on his hair, the sweet sensation of your touch, he loves it all.
“You got a girlfriend, Sir?”
You continue with the stupid little roleplay thing, making him chuckle.
His chest rumbles with the deep sound.
“She pretty?”
His eyes flutter open and scan your face from your forehead, your eyes down your nose and over your lips, taking in the details. He allows the moment to last longer, holding back his answer for a couple seconds.
“The prettiest.”
He mumbles the answer out, and he swears he could see your eyes sparkle when you took in his words. His body is so close to yours now, his arm wrapped around your back, holding you close. Closer than before, obviously closer than necessary. 
You start after finding your way out of those gentle, brown eyes.
“I think she's lucky to have you.”
“You think?”
You hum quietly, nodding gently with a soft blink as you brush your fingers over the side of his face, the sideburns scratching over the tips of your fingers.
“I know.”
You whisper softly, a small smile on your face as you brush over his cheek with your thumb, eyes fixed on his. You watch as he parts his lips, breathing in quietly as the cogs in his head turn slowly.
“Um…honey? Can…could we stop the roleplay thing now, I…really need to kiss you and I don’t wanna do it if you’re not…you?”
Nodding your head quickly, you grin from ear to ear, pulling him closer to you.
“Yeah, yeah okay I’m back now.”
He rests his big hands on top of your hips, brushing over your skin with his thumbs.
“Missed you.”
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ironunderstands · 6 months
help I have been afflicted by Boothill brainrot time to share some shitty angst bulletpoints with the class (that I’ll probably turn into a fic later)
I don’t think I have to tag anything specific but be warned there’s probably something bad in here so if you understandably don’t wanna read that then scroll. Expect cyborg related angst (and minor spoilers)
Also I hc Boothill as nonbinary (using he/they and occasionally she) so if you’re wondering about the use of multiple pronouns that’s why, it’s not related to the angst, I just don’t want people to be confused.
-has a sensation of touch on the metal parts of his body, but it’s visibly muted compared to his skin and it drives them nuts
-despises hot/cold temperatures due to how they interact with the metal parts of their body, on especially hot days
-very vulnerable to hacking and it scares the shit out of him (thanks past obsession with Genji for giving me this one, the amount of “Sombra hacks Genji and he has a bad time” stuff I have read is unhealthy, even if she would only do it for the shits and giggles or a mission, a character losing control of their body is unfortunately very compelling please don’t cancel me)
-can’t remember their past life or how he died but still has nightmares of it
-phantom pain is a bitch and her name is Boothill
-won’t be seen as human by most people (even actual people write him this way which is a little weird to me, like I know the Robot/Human tag w Boothill serving as a Robot is probably just for reach, but like, he’s still human, he’s not a robot, he’s a cyborg, idk it’s just a pet peeve of mine)
-has to go to the scientist who made him to get “upgrades” (aka whatever they feel like fucking with this week) against their will
-he can’t remember his old life, but they can remember how their body felt back then and the cyborg one distinctly Doesn’t Feel The Same
-Boothill’s synesthesia beacon doesn’t just prevent Boothill from cursing, it prevents her from saying certain things entirely which makes it very hard for him to express his feelings
-charging induces sleep for them, something which Boothill tries to hide as it could be used against him
-debating between making Boothill unreasonable heavy (because metal) or unreasonably light (because high tech) both scenarios cause problems for him, feel free to torture yourself for as to why
-animals (especially dogs) don’t like them as Boothill doesn’t have as strong a scent nor the flesh of other humans which is why it’s hard for them to trust him, which sucks for Boothill because he loves animals
-doesn’t even know the planet they were originally from or how old he was when he died, Boothill doesn’t even know their birthday, so it ended up becoming the day he was brought back to life against his will
-gets called “it” by people who don’t like cyborgs or people that are non-organic/have nonorganic parts of their body/existence, I also share this for the trailblazer because of their dubious origins, I’d like to believe transphobia isn’t a thing in Star rail because it’s already tiring enough irl and there’s no proof for it unlike other real world problems, so the misgendering happens for other horrible reasons! Horrible reasons that are close to canon considering the whole organic/inorganic war thing depicted by the Sim Uni, I’d imagine a lot of people are still bitter about that (honestly I don’t know the details I was there for the jades) and/or ignorant enough to believe that only fleshy beings have a monopoly on personhood (it/its pronouns are cool but not on people who don’t want to use them!)
-constantly pushes the limits of their body (aka self destructive behavior), I doubt Boothill would be trying to hurt herself but it’s more of a “it will get fixed anyway” kinda thing, any injuries sustained still hurt like a bitch but Boothill forces himself to not care because well “it’s his job and he will get healed anyways” (also it’s implied from their LC that he’s a Galaxy ranger against his will from the whole “never living for themself again” thing, so Boothill probably has to get injured for the job and is just forced to grin and bear it
alright that’s all the angst my sleep deprived brain could cook up for now if I did something wrong or missed a tag pls tell me
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pochapal · 1 year
32! Do you like HS^2?
i...genuinely do! i think sometimes there's a half-conception that based on the mere premise of my fics that i don't like postcanon all that much (omelette route was misconstrued as an epilogues fix-it fic in certain circles and pickle route is still sometimes seen as a "better version" of hs^2) even though everything i write is in direct conversation with and comes from a place of admiration for hs^2/the epilogues.
with hs^2 in particular i think it had some really electric ideas that we only got to see the very first brushstrokes of (thinking most pertinently here about whatever was going to go down on deltritus that we never saw) that, if they'd been able to get off the ground, probably would have eclipsed the epilogues as the most interesting part of homestuck. from the bits we saw the meat timeline stuff was definitely the weakest. outside of the jade/altcallie possession chapter a lot of that half of the story was fairly unsurprising character-driven extrapolation of the same angst we departed the epilogues with - and i largely agree with @hms-no-fun that some kind of timeskip here would have helped it feel a little less repetitive (although arguably there might have been? three years definitely passed with dirk et al but it was very up in the air as to how long it had been for the pursuit spaceship crew). i get why that never happened - both meat and candy were being told in tandem and candy ended on a buildup to an immediate conflict that needed to be followed in real time versus meat's meandering slingshot towards something more nebulous, so for the sake of structural symmetry that limited things a little.
i think i'm more amenable to a lot of hs^2's storytelling decisions because i wholly and entirely loved the epilogues from the getgo and it was so good to see that theme/tone be carried through to a more "traditional" mspa space, even if i wonder if the comic form damaged the story more than it helped it. i remember a lot of people getting weirdly mad whenever we'd get an extended prose scene instead of visual panels despite hs^2 being a continuation of the text-based epilogues. then again, the mainstream hs fandom as a whole fucking sucked when it came to postcanon and that's even more evident in how they've collectively memoryholed the whole thing so talking about audience reception is maybe not the most useful thing to talk about here lmao. idk i think people forget that homestuck is largely a story about people who suck and then who get better from sucking. it's just that nobody really likes it when that lens is turned inward onto the alphas/betas who outside of a small handful of exceptions in canon never really had any ethical issues that caused problems for them and others so i personally think it was very interesting and refreshing to explore how the kids' complacency wrt their baggage and trauma allowed them and their world to backslide so disastrously! roxy lalonde enabling jane's fascist ascension is fascinating storytelling actually! (side note: read through shadowed eyes)
hs^2's original characterwork is probably where the story shines the most. the fucked up dynamics between the theseus crew was super fun to read because there's honestly nothing more enjoyable than Supremely Divorced people deciding that makes them irredeemably evil now. the egbert gender stuff was really nice! i particularly enjoyed how, even though it came after the june egbert renaissance, it still managed to be its own unique take on egbert's gender arc that i think really encapsulated the originality driving the project. also forever shoutout to the candy kids my beloved candy kids my children who i will die for - for me in particular hs^2 was a fun time because i was developing my own versions of harry/vrissy/tav for pickle route in parallel to hs^2 and it was so enjoyable seeing all the overlaps and divergences with each upd8. also yiffy fucking rules on every level and even though she never got to be more than a promise she sure was one hell of a promise.
that said i do not think it's that surprising that hs^2 ultimately died before its time. the conditions of the story paired with the most demoralising and vicious iteration of the fandom meant the odds were stacked against it in a big way. you can particularly see the strain of that starting to manifest in the final ~6 months worth of upd8s where people were leaving/being pushed out of the project and every part of hs^2 was a completely hostile environment and the quality of the art and storytelling began to get a little shaky - which i can't really blame them for all things considered! it's hard to want to make the best version of a story possible when the overwhelming reception is a bunch of sanctimonious redditbrained weirdos screaming that you're evil and foul for making characters in a piece of fiction do unexpected and surprising things and also being sympathetic to trans women. there were of course issues with the production conditions of hs^2 that would have probably led to some sort of reckoning at some point, but it's very obvious that the traumatic pressure cooker of a fanbase that wanted nothing more than the death of this project and the ruination of everyone that worked on it threw this whole thing off the rails much faster. despite that, you still have to infinitely admire the team for daring to make something challenging and original in a sphere dominated by people who are content to regurgitate the same babybrained 2013 content ad infinitum - for just a brief moment, homestuck was truly allowed to be the literary masterpiece it's been all along. now people just treat it as more fandomslop to consume and that's perhaps the biggest shame of all.
in the end i think hs^2's legacy is best felt in the places haunted by its premature absence. i'm talking about the comic itself of course but also other spaces and people and projects. stuff that really engaged with the meaty thematic frameworks being thrown up in postcanon that now no longer have a mirror to talk back to - stuff like pesterquest and godfeels and the aforementioned through shadowed eyes that all massively are in conversation with the deeper artistic and philosophical principles underpinning this era of homestuck. if anything else hs^2 will continue to serve as a useful prerequisite for getting into some of the best stuff homestuck fans have ever made. we might never see what could have been, but at least the torch is still being carried by people who care.
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libraryofneith · 8 months
Out of Mind - Chapter 9 (Joel Miller x Female Reader)
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@hiroikegawa @evyiione @orcasoul @taz-97
*mrs weasley voice* Where HAVE you been?!!!! I know I know I'm sorry for my prolonged absence. I'm in my last year of uni, applying for post grads when all I really wanna do is write about our fav baby girl Joel Miller. If ever this happens again, which it probably will, worst luck I promise I've not abandoned you! I'm loving writing this fic and have big plans for new ones. Huge thank you to everyone who has liked and messaged me, assuring me that I have not been forgotten.
If anyone else wants to be the first to know when this fic is updated let me know and I'll add you to the taglist.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
Summary: As you and Joel make the trade, your trust in him is stretched to its limits.
Warnings: [whole fic is 18+ minors DNI], it puts its age in the bio or it gets the block button, cursing, graphic descriptions of violence, attempted sexual assault, i'm going to put *** at the beginning and ending of any descriptions of sexual violence so you can avoid if necessary, Joel is still a dick, not me getting mad at him for things I made him do.
"you know I'd never let them hurt you."
"Do I?"
An icy wind startled you awake. The tip of your nose and cheeks had frozen where they'd been poking out of your sleeping bag in the night. You blew into your hands and tried to rub some warmth back into them, careful not to move the rest of your body or you'd wake Joel who was pressed up behind you.
You'd split the first few nights out of Boston, one of you resting while the other kept watch, but soon exposure to the elements had rendered caution impossible and you'd been forced to sleep at the same time, swaddled under both of your sleeping bags, desperate bodies clinging onto each other for warmth. Most nights you could feel Joel fighting to stay awake, body tensing up every time you started to relax until you hissed at him to quit it. Whether it was for fear of being attacked or refusal to accept any comfort from you was hard to tell.
Your body stilled as Joel shifted against you and you felt a familiar poke in your lower back. It had become something of a wake-up call recently, gently poking you awake on the rare occasions that Joel slept longer than you. It was a sensation with which you were familiar and you kept reminding yourself that it happened to a lot of people in your current situation and it didn't mean anything. Still, as a long, low moan rumbled in your ear you couldn't help but wonder which mystery woman was plaguing Joel's dreams currently. Tess? A ghostly apparition from his past? Or maybe, just maybe, you'd managed to worm your way into his sub-conscious. But you quickly scoffed at the thought. If Joel had any dreams involving you they probably involved wringing your neck.
She was in his dreams. Again. He always clutched her to him as if he already knew how she would slip away when he woke up. That was the worst part - spending his dreams coiled around her, nose in her hair, arms wrapped around her body, thrusting his hips, searching desperately for release - then waking up still embracing her but having to tear himself away, thanking whatever heartless God existed that she was such a heavy sleeper.
He pried himself away from her warmth, trying not to notice the way she immediately started shivering without him, prodding her until she woke.
"Time to get up."
"Mfff" was all the response he got.
"C'mon move your lazy ass."
"Go away."
"God, you would sleep all day if I let you. Gotta be the worst smuggler I ever seen." That got her up.
"How much further?"
"Not long, we should be able to reach em before sundown. Now remember when we're in negotiations…"
"You do the talking, I decorate the background."
"I know, Tess told me." Joel grimaced.
"What you do is try to be invisible. These folk don't play nice."
He would've much rather done this on his own but Tess insisted he needed back-up. He'd told her before that Ciara was her responsibility, not his, that she would be the only person to blame if she got hurt, but they both knew that was bullshit.
"You ready?" If she was rattled, she didn't show it, just nodded.
Unfortunately for them, Joel's estimations were exact: it was barely afternoon by the time they got to Marcus's camp. Guards frisked them at the perimeter, he noticed that one of them lingered a little longer than was necessary over her and he had to resist the urge to punch him.
"Let's go."
As you made your way through the camp, you had a distinct feeling of de ja vu. You hadn't encountered a group like this since before you came to Boston, after which you swore you'd never put your fate in someone else's hands again, fat lot of good that did. Now you felt like a fish swimming into a net.
This Marcus reminded you too much of Robert, except while Robert needed to hire bruisers to do his punching, this guy looked more than capable of striking his own blows. He gave a curt nod to Joel then his eyes turned to you and there was a cruel glint.
"See you've traded Tess in for a younger model." Joel cast you a furtive glance, but said nothing.
"You got what's ours?"
"We have what we promised" Joel responded, producing the collection of guns and ammo you and Tess had filched from the FEDRA base. At the time you'd been pleased to put your skills in climbing and creeping to use but now you didn't like the idea of giving this guy weapons. When you'd asked Tess what he was going to do with it, she rolled her eyes and said "Some light gardening. What do you think?"
"It's still mine till I decide otherwise." But he opened the trunk at his feet revealing a treasure trove of tea, coffee and batteries. You struggled to keep the greed off your face and you could see that Joel was doing the same.
You'd told yourself that everyone needed tools to survive and it was up to him what he used them for, not you. But now, as you looked at Marcus, you could see the faces of everyone you'd ever lost flashing before your eyes.
"It's all there" Joel said as Marcus rifled through the assortment of weaponry.
"Sure seems that way, but now I'm wondering if this is an entirely fair trade."
"It's not. We're giving you FEDRA level weapons in return for batteries n bullshit. You know as well as I do Marcus, that you're robbin' us blind."
"Might seem that way to you, all tucked away in that cosy QZ, but what's the feeling of a gun at your side compared to the feeling of a woman underneath?" Suddenly, you could feel the eyes of every man in the camp on you.
"What're you suggesting?"
"Give me n' my boys a turn with your slice and we'll walk away happy customers."
"C'mon Miller, don't be greedy. We ain't seen a woman in months."
There was a horrible silence. You couldn't hear anything but the ringing in your ears. Finally, Joel replied: "I don't share."
"Probably cos you scared em all away."
"Listen, I promise we'll give her back the same way we found her, more or less. I'll even throw in a few packs of cigarettes we got off a trespasser a while back. Been saving them for a special occasion."
The men were closing in on all sides now, like walls sealing themselves.
"How many packs?" Your stomach dropped.
"Show me." Marcus produced the cigarettes with a flourish.
"J-Joel" you managed to stammer out.
"Shut up" Joel glared at you. "Unless you want a repeat of what happened in Austin."
Austin. That was his signal. Loosely translated, it meant trust me, even though things seem shit at the moment, I've got a plan. You have to trust me. And you did. At least, you thought you did.
Joel turned back to Marcus as you cowered behind him.
"At least lemme look at the merchandise."
Marcus beckoned him forward as you could feel his men shepherding you to their side of the camp. You felt a brush on the small of your back and you flinched, looking behind you, but all you could see was a sea of smirking faces.
You watched carefully as Joel went through the trunk. In a flash, you could see a glint of metal. Bullets. Joel must've stashed some in his coat pocket or sleeve. You glanced around, waiting for shouts of alarm or gunfire, but none came. Then Joel was looking at you, just for a second then back at Marcus, and you could see what he saw: under his jacket, a knife strapped to his belt, and a pretty hefty one. Could tear you a new one, or him.
Joel shut the trunk and stood.
"It's all here. I'll be back for her at midnight?"
"You two boys escort our friend out of camp, I get first go."
"Right well, enjoy."
You cast one last glance over your shoulder as two huge men prodded Joel with their guns, leading him away from you, as Marcus placed a beefy hand on your shoulder and led you away from him.
*** You swallowed your tears, refusing to give this man the credit of seeing you cry, repeating to yourself, please help me to be brave, please help me to be brave.
"Alright sweetcheeks that's far enough." Bile rose in your throat as his hand forced your head down, pushing you onto your knees. You didn't want to look at him but he grabbed your chin, tilting your head up.
"This'll go a lot easier for you if you don't fight back. I'd hate to return you broken to my associate. That's just bad business."
His shout was cut off by you sticking your fist in his mouth. Teeth pierced your skin but you didn't flinch. You just grinned and said
You said nothing, just nodded and started to unbuckle his belt. You ignored his hand stroking your hair in a disgusting display of tenderness and focused on your task until it came loose. You met his eyes one last time, smiled, then stuck his knife into his groin.
Marcus groaned pitifully and collapsed. Before you could finish the job, you heard the rattling of gunfire and you took off back towards the camp where you could see Joel, having grabbed one of the men's guns, shooting his way through Marcus's men. Unfortunately one man he hadn't accounted for was sneaking up on his left side. Not his left side.
"this'll go a lot easier for you if you don't fight back", sticking the knife into his side.***
The man barrelled into him and had his hands around his throat.
"Let go asshole!" You screamed, plunging the knife into his throat before he had a chance to obey your order.
Joel stared up at you with bulging eyes as you pulled him up, then you both dove behind a crate as shots rang out all around.
"You go left, I go right."
"Real smart thinking giving these douchebags guns" you quipped, but Joel ignored you, responding:
*** You nodded, then edged to your left as Joel drew their gunfire away. It was criminally easy to put your knife through the first two guys but as you grabbed the third one and slit the blade across his throat, you felt a fist closing in your hair and yanking you back. You tried to scream for Joel but another hand clamped over your mouth. You thrashed wildly but to no avail, whoever it was had you in a complete grip. Then you were going flying, hitting the ground with a grunt and feeling your arms and legs pinned as you stared, in horror, at the face of Marcus, covered in blood but still very much alive.
"Guess you shoulda finished me when you had the chance instead of running to help your boyfriend."
"Get off me!" You yelled, turning your face away, the only part of your body you could still move.
Then a single shot tore through the air and Marcus let out a gut wrenching roar above you. Two hands appeared on his arms, ripping him off of you. You remained on the ground, gazing up at the tree tops until a familiar face came into view, tufts of grey and black beard matted with blood.
"I'm gonna enjoy this so much more." You looked around wildly. The sound of gunfire had stopped but you couldn't see Joel, just trees above you.***
"Joel." He helped you up, keeping a firm but not ungentle grip as you swayed in the breeze. The sound of a groan brought you back to reality. Marcus was squirming on the ground like a fish on dry land. A gun was pressed into your hand.
"He's all yours." Marcus whined as you approached.
"No wait, please I didn't mean it, take what you want, let me go, I'm sorry, I won't ever do it again, please…"
You steadied your hand and aimed for his forehead.
"This'll go a lot easier for you if you don't fight back" and you pulled the trigger.
"Are you hurt?" You gazed at Joel who was looking at you with concern. You threw your head back and laughed.
"Am I HURT?!" With a scream that you didn't even realise you were capable of making, you launched yourself at Joel, punching and kicking blindly, shouting "are you hurt? Are you hurt? ARE YOU HURT?"
Joel caught your fists.
"I'm sorry, it was the only thing I could think of." You kept kicking him. "I had to get their guard down and get them separated from their leader." You kicked him doubly hard in the shin. "Ow, stop, you know I'd never let them hurt you."
"Do I?" You screamed, "DO I KNOW THAT?"
Joel held your gaze as your voice echoed throughout the forest. You were suddenly, painfully aware of the death that surrounded you.
"We need to get out of here." You tore yourself away from him and started searching blindly for your pack."
Joel jumped, then followed you as you ran out of the camp.
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alpinelogy · 2 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love 💞
Thank you for giving me an excuse to talk about my silly little fanfics <3. This is like... half of my fics but whatever my house my rules
now entering a world (from which you will never return) Timeloop chalex you will forever be famous!! There is just something that hits all the right spots for me about now entering a world, I adore the time travel aspect more than I'm willing to admit. Possibly my best work, definitely up there at least. One of these days all my ramblings about it will get out of jail. Yes that includes you anon from a few days back
we found wonderland (you and i got lost in it) TP!Alex my beloved, I still regularly think about this AU but I gotta let it go, got no more to tell with TP!Alex and George. But both George and Alex taking on mentorship/leadership roles in their own way while simultaneously finding their way back to each other is important to me. May or may not have overly cheesy future thought up for them lmao
maybe we got lost (in translation) Okay this will be a year old soon and it shows how not used to writing I was but in terms of ideas its still one of my favorite fics :))). I like talking about language, I've spent the past few years operating in my second language, I will spend the foreseeable future operating in it, I think I get to have opinion on language and communication
galaxy collapse (somebody scream)  Close tie with few other fics but I limited myself to one Logan one and this one wins lmao. Its sort of chaotic but that is the point, really wanted to go for an idiots in love, fluffy rom-com and I think I hit all the bits perfectly. Ngl I regularly reread the second half
+ honorary mentions home is only a town (you're just a guest) & kicked out the stage lights (you’re still performing)  To me these two are a duology despite not existing in the same universe. home is only a town aka lolex soulmate AU is my take on a proper soulmate AU that hits all the tropes meanwhile stage lights is a good old exes to lovers which I am weak for. Second chances my beloved
+ bonus ringed genesis Honestly the only kinkmeme fic that I would be ever willing to deanon lmao. I categorically refuse to fess up to my smut writing cause my confidence is very wobbly at best of times but I like this one months down the line so maybe haha... anyway fumbly rookie norrussell is probably my favorite flavor of them enough said about that o7
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andreafmn · 1 year
Collision | Chapter 18
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Word Count: 3.2K Story Description: (Y/N) Uley is back home after being away for four years. Her life is at its first standstill and she is taking this time to find out who she is without school. But she never thought that coming back to the reservation would turn her whole life around. In the midst of secrets and mystery, a man crashes into (Y/N)’s and her life will never be the same. Chapter: 18/? Warnings: steamy scenes and foul language A/N: One day I'll manage both Twilight fics in a day, but today is not the day 😬😬 but hey, this is my longest story as of now, so hopefully if my creativity sparks I can consistently publish chapters like this story My content will always be free, but if you’re feeling particularly generous, you can leave a tip on any of my posts  or buy me a coffee to support me and my love of writing Follow 😊 -> TikTok • Instagram • BusinessIf you’d like to be tagged in this or any other story: click hereMake sure you have my notifications on so you know every time I post! Please check if you're tagged in the story, I've reached the limit of tags on Twilight again it seems. 😅
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“Paul,” (Y/N)’s voice broke him out of his trance. She had started to slip on one of Paul’s many forgotten T-shirts, stretching her limbs after their latest encounter.  “You’re staring.”
“Oh, sorry,” he chuckled softly. “I didn’t mean to.”
“It’s fine,” she smiled. “I sometimes forget they’re there.”
It had been five months since she had been hurt, four months since they had left, three since she had decided to dig herself out of the hole she had fallen into and put her life back on track. And she couldn’t look back –at least not without feeling her heart wrench inside her chest.
(Y/N) had made the decision to move forward in her life, to allow herself to release her past and unbind herself from the Cullens. She had allowed herself to be her first priority –even if meant that she had to release some people she thought the world of. But she had to push forward. Staying stuck in the mud was the last thing she wanted.
Instead, she had spent the past two months and a half investing her time between med school, her entanglement with Paul, the people at the rez, and her work at the hospital. And it had been just the shift (Y/N) had needed.
“I can’t believe I was the one that did this,” Paul whispered as he joined her side. His fingers traced the rough skin of her scars, an electric shiver running through his veins. A few months before, the three ragged lines that ran down her arm had not been there. And in a split second, he’d changed her for life. “I’m so sorry, (Y/N). I wish I could take that night back.”
“I don’t blame you, Paul,” she breathed. Shudders ran through her body as he kissed her shoulder, his warmth still something she had yet gotten used to. “I should have listened to my brother and step away.”
“But if I had been able to control myself I wouldn’t have scratched you,” he said, his hand running up and down her arm. “I should have been able to protect you. Protect you from myself.”
 “It was no one’s fault, Paul,” she sighed at his touch, a teasing smile spreading across her face after. “And I’ve heard scars make people hot.”
“You were already hot,” he grinned. “Scars just added to it.”
“Okay, cool it, Casanova,” she chuckled. “I can’t go for a round three. I’ve got studying to do.”
“You and I both know that studying for you is a formality,” he groaned. “You’ve been axing all your tests. You already passed Step 1, and in a couple of weeks you’ll be in your clinical rotations.”
“I still need to study, Paul. I’ve gotta make sure all the information is fresh in my brain,” she explained. “And, still, it’s almost time for your patrol shift. So, you don’t have time for anything else either.”
“The bloodsuckers are gone,” he said before kissing her neck. “What is there to patrol?”
“Probably the people of this reservation,” she breathed, trying her hardest to suppress the moan that wanted to escape. But it was as futile as denying him. “But, maybe we can go for one more round.”
Paul could simply laugh in response and take her lips on his. His hands snaked to the small of her back, pulling her body until his legs reached her bed. (Y/N) grinned at him as he buckled against the mattress and used his surprise to push him onto the bed. He forcefully sat down, spreading his legs to allow (Y/N) a space between them. But she seemed to have another idea.
The Uley girl closed his legs together before placing her knees at either side of his thighs, straddling his lap. She placed her hands on his cheeks before kissing him again, telling him she was just as hungry for him as he was for her. (Y/N) would have never admitted it out loud, but Paul knew his way around a woman’s body —not that she had mi b to compare it to. Still, she would never say it to him, afraid that he would think it would lead to something else.
Almost every week she would check in with Paul to make sure they were still on the same page regarding their relationship, or rather lack thereof. The last thing she wanted was to lead him on and she had told him so over and over again. But every single time he would tell her that he understood what they were and what they would never be. That he could separate his feelings from his urges, and that at some point she would have to believe him.
Even with her doubts, she pushed on. She couldn’t deny that she loved the convenience of having him just a couple of houses down and the fact that he was all for their… benefits. Things just seemed to be working out perfectly for her, and she continually overthought her way into thinking that the universe would mess everything up.
Still, instead of dwelling on what could happen in the future, she had started to enjoy things as they happened in the moment. And at that very instant, (Y/N) had started to deepen the kiss between her and Paul. Her hands ran through his short hair, gripping and pulling softly at the dark brown strands. At the same time and unconsciously, her lower half started grinding onto his lap, searching for that much-wanted friction.
Paul’s hand had made a home on her backside, cupping the soft skin that peeked out of her underwear and moving with her motions. Even if he loved being the one to lead in the bedroom, he couldn’t say that was the dynamic with (Y/N). She held all the power in her hands, there and in their personal life. And for the time being, he seemed to enjoy it. Mostly because it was (Y/N).
As the man’s hands finally decided to move and try to remove the shirt that dangled from (Y/N)’s neck, a knock resounded through the house. At first, they ignored it, continuing their exploration of each other’s bodies. But whoever was at the door did not relent, knocking once more and harder the second time.
“Just ignore them,” he groaned against her neck. “They’ll get the hint soon enough.”
“It’ll only take a second,” she chuckled, pushing him away from her body. “I’ll see who it is, okay? You can go eat something in the meantime.”
“Ugh, fine.”
(Y/N) lowered the shirt onto her body, the massive size drowning her inside, and slipped on a pair of sweatpants. In the meantime, Paul did the same, adjusting the ignored hard-on that would tent his pants. It made the girl laugh as she noted the discomfort on his face that was quite evidently laced with annoyance.
“Don’t worry, Paul. It’ll go down soon enough.”
“That’s not funny, (Y/N),” he grumbled. “I was promised something else.”
“I promised nothing,” she laughed, coming down the last steps of her staircase. “And you’ll be fine in a couple of minutes. It’s not like you haven’t gone months without sex.”
“You think you’re funny, huh?”
“Oh, I know I am,” she smiled. “Now go away.”
(Y/N) opened the door and was surprised by the person standing on the other side. The Forks sheriff was nervously pacing back and forth on her porch. She could see the darkened bags under his eyes and his hair was slightly disheveled. Instantly she knew why he was there.
“Sheriff Swan, what can I help you with?”
“Oh, hello, (Y/N),” Charlie breathed out. “How are you?”
“I’m good, thank you,” she offered him a smile. “How have you been?”
“Well, I’ll be honest, I’m feeling a bit defeated at the moment,” he sighed. “That’s actually the reason why I’m here. It’s Bella.”
“Is she okay?”
“Physically, sure. But ever since her boyfriend and his family moved away she’s been the living dead,”  the man explained. She could tell how tired he was, tired of being the only one that cared for her well-being —to care for the both of them. “I’m not one to gossip but I know you also went through something a few months back when the Cullens left. Yet, you were able to move on, and look at you now.”
“I can’t say it was easy, but I was lucky enough to have a lot of people rally behind me,” she chuckled slightly. “Still, I’m not sure how I could help you with her.”
“I was wondering if you could talk to her. Something tells me you’re the one who will understand what she’s going through the most and you’re honestly my last resort before I send her back to Florida with her mom.”
“Well then, thankfully I have a free day tomorrow and I can come over,” (Y/N) offered. “I’ll do what I can, Sheriff. I honestly didn’t know she was that bad.”
“I’ve tried my best to help her these past few months, but I don’t know what else to do.”
“No worries, Sheriff. We’ll get her out of this rut soon enough.”
“Thank you, (Y/N). I truly hope there’s something we can do,” he smiled weakly. “And, come on, what’s this sheriff business? You know you can call me Charlie.”
“Alright then, Charlie,” she chuckled. “I’ll see you tomorrow then?”
“Tomorrow,” he offered her another smile, this time a slight hint of hope painting across his lips. “I can’t thank you enough.”
“Thank me once I’ve done something, Charlie,” (Y/N) said with a laugh. “But I promise to try my best.”
“Alright then, I’ll see you tomorrow. Have a good rest of your day, (Y/N).”
“You too, Charlie.”
The girl waited until the cruiser disappeared down her road before she closed the door, a rush of guilt washing over her. She knew she hadn’t been alone in her heartbreak, that there was someone else that had tasted the Cullen drug and had been ripped away from the supply in the blink of an eye. (Y/N) had somehow forgotten that Bella had also had her heart ripped from her chest, and it seemed like she had been taking it harder than she ever had.
“What did the sheriff want?” Paul called from the kitchen, holding a plate with a sandwich.
“As if you couldn’t hear,” she chuckled. “Did you know it was that bad with Bella?”
“I’d heard whispers that she wasn’t doing good,” he shrugged. “But, honestly, my focus was on someone else. If I have to pick between one leech lover or another, I’m always picking you.”
“That’s not funny, Paul,” (Y/N) sighed, reprimanding her friend with her gaze. “It looks like she’s taking this really hard. Has Sam not gone over to check up on her? I mean, he is the one that found her that night.”
“(Y/N), we were more worried about you,” he responded sternly. “You took this hard as well. Need I remind you of your brief visit into alcoholism? Bella Swan has other people to worry about her. We needed you to be okay.”
(Y/N) remained quiet for a second. She knew if it hadn’t been for Paul and Sam, she would probably still be stuck in the overconsuming darkness of her loneliness. She had done things that she never thought she would do, she said things she never thought she would say, and she had felt the most gut-wrenching pain she had ever believed she would feel.
“I’m sorry,” she whimpered. “I know I sent you guys through hell with how I was acting a few months back.”
“Hey, hey,” he called her attention, placing a hand under her chin before wiping away a few stray tears. Paul wrapped his arms around her, letting her head rest on his chest. “You were heartbroken, (Y/N). It’d be weird if you had been fine with it.”
“Still, you guys had to witness me at my absolute worst. You more than others. I wasn’t a good person during that time.”
“Sadness and loneliness make you do crazy things, (Y/N). None of us blames you for how you were acting during that time,” he told her. His voice rumbled through her chest and sent her calming vibrations. “We will always be by your side, no matter what. We love you and care about you. And we’re just glad you’re better now.”
“I’m glad I’m better now too,” she smiled against his chest. “And I wanna help Bella get better too. If the way she’s feeling is even an ounce of the way I felt, she shouldn’t go through this by herself.”
“Want me to drive you tomorrow?”
“No,” she sighed. “I think this is something I should do by myself. Bringing someone that is so against her ex might not be the best thing.”
“She doesn’t know what I am though. At least she shouldn’t know.”
“Because of the pact.”
“Yeah,” he responded. “We can’t say what the Cullens are and they can’t say what we are. So Bella shouldn’t know why I hate them so much. She probably thinks I’m just like every other person of the rez that dislikes the Cullen because of our ancestors.”
“Still, I think I should go by myself for now,” she smiled up at him. “The last thing she needs is to meet someone new.”
“Fine,” he smiled back before it morphed into the Cheshire Cat grin. “What’re you doing the rest of the afternoon then?”
“I still need to study, and Emily invited me over for dinner tonight.”
“What you’re saying is that you have like an hour to spare?”
“I don’t think that’s what I said, Paul,” she chuckled. “But I guess I do have some time to spare —more like thirty minutes though.”
“More than enough,” he smirked.
He placed his hands under her thighs, prompting her to jump onto his waist and wrap her legs around him. She kissed his lips softly, running her hands through his hair. (Y/N) held on tight as Paul moved them back upstairs and to her bedroom. 
Once back inside the now white walls of her room, he lay her softly onto her bed, his lips never leaving hers. He kissed her hungrily, not wanting to waste a single moment he was with her. He kissed her cheek, he kissed her temple, he kissed her chin, and he kissed her neck. It was one of his favorite things. To taste every inch of her skin for as long as she allowed him to.
“What are you doing for Valentine's?” Paul asked abruptly, the question coming out of nowhere. “There’s gonna be a bonfire that night. It’s mostly for couples but we can go as friends.”
“Great timing for that question, Paul,” she panted. “And I don’t know. That’s over a month from now. The only thing I’m sure of is that I’m gonna be studying.”
“So do you wanna go if you’re free?”
(Y/N) wasn’t sure. Thanksgiving had passed, so had Christmas and New Year. She had gone through three big holidays that she had pictured spending with him, and there were still so many more that she would have to experience with other people when she only wanted to spend it with him. As much as she had chosen to move on and try her hardest to forget him, it still hurt.
Every day that passed hurt. Every second that passed hurt. It didn’t matter how much time had passed, her heart still wanted him and only him. But it was something she could not admit. Not to her mother, to her brother, much less to Paul. She said she was okay, she looked like she was okay, and she needed herself to be okay.
“I don’t wanna make a compromise like that when I don’t know what my schedule is gonna look like,” she sighed. “But ask me again on the seventh and I’ll let you know.”
“Fine,” he groaned jokingly.
“Now, can we talk about comparing schedules later and go back to kissing?”
“You don’t have to ask me twice,” he smirked before going back to attack her lips.
As they were getting back into the game of bodies, ripping away their clothes and reveling in the other’s body, a shout from outside interrupted them. At first, they chose to ignore it, thinking it was teenagers having fun in the street. But the clear mention of Paul’s name startled them apart. It was a voice that was usually very quiet and had just recently joined the pack.
“Yo, Paul!” Embry Call yelled from (Y/N)’s backyard. “We’re supposed to be on patrol right now!”
“Gods, what fucking timing!” Paul groaned. “I hate how eager he is to follow the rules. Like, does he not know there’s no active threat right now?”
“He’s just trying to make sense of all of this the best way he knows how,” (Y/N) explained. “He’s keeping his head down and doing what he’s told. Just being able to shift is a big shock, but finding out that your father is someone from the reservation is world-shattering. The poor kid is also getting smoke at home from his mom, and he can’t ask questions because he would have no proof of where he got them.”
“You’re actually making me feel bad for him.”
“You should. Right now, he’s not only lost his friends but he’s had his whole life turned upside down. What he needs more than anything is someone to guide him and be by his side.” 
“Don’t look at me,” Paul scoffed. “That’s the alpha’s job.”
“I’m just asking that you don’t make his life harder than it already is,” she smiled at him. “He needs a friend, not someone to kick him when he’s already down.”
“Fine,” he conceded. “That kid is lucky you’re on his side.”
“Shut up and get dressed,” she laughed. “Don’t leave Embry waiting.”
Paul grumbled under his breath as he slipped on every piece of clothing he needed to get dressed in. As he complained and groaned, (Y/N) moved to the window, wanting to give Embry at least a heads up that Paul would take his time with going downstairs.
“Hey, Embry,” she called out. “Paul will be down in a sec, he’s too busy complaining at the moment.”
“Oh, hi, (Y/N),” he said as he blushed. “That’s okay. Sorry I showed up like this. Jared said that if Paul wasn’t at Sam’s that he was most likely here.”
“He is correct about that.”
“And don’t worry, I’ve been practicing suppressing my thoughts so that Sam doesn’t find out.”
“No worries, Embry,” she chuckled. “I know that Sam will eventually find out. So, it’s fine.”
“Oh, but still. It’s good practice.”
“I’m leaving now,” Paul interrupted, a definite scowl on his face. “As much as I don’t want to.”
“Well, I was saved by the bell,” she grinned teasingly. “Now I have more time to study. So, you can go.”
“Ugh, twist my arm why don’t you.”
“Go, Paul,” she chuckled.
“Fine,” he said before kissing her lips softly. “But I’ll see you later for dinner, right?” 
“Yes, Paul. You’ll see me later.”
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