#so we are well away from just vote around here
hiveswap · 5 months
Summary of The Cat of The Year poll atrocities of 2023/2024
I'm sure that most people on this side of tumblr have seen the Jellie vs. Nefarious Anglerfish poll going around with like 60k votes at this point, and I'd really like clear up some of what happened since I was around for the whole thing.
Url blocked out for op's privacy. They have already left but don't look for it if you haven't seen it/don't harrass them if you already have.
1. The previous round (preparation)
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I discovered the poll in its previous round, needless to say she beat Jort's ass severely. This was around the 3rd of january, meaning that this round finished before jellie's passing with only about 7k votes. Op did add their own piece of propaganda from their main:
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...which was FINE. (except for stuff we'll see later) Of course running a poll while biased isn't ideal but I for one didn't even know they were the op until much later. I also added my own piece in a separate thread, and they didn't interact with it at all. There was no drama.
2. The Finale
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Jellie unfortunately passed away right before the starting of this poll, which was the catalyst for what happened next. Op did exactly as last time and added a slightly more mean spirited encouragement to vote for the other contestant. This is the point where I believe that i fucked up personally.
I added this thinkpiece accusing op of associating all mcyters with Dream (who we all hate for the record) despite them not alluding to him at all. This is because tumblr has a history of disimissing all mcyters as... everything that dream was been accused of. Op did allude to not caring for mcyt. but they didn't say what i accused them of. This is important to point out because this reblog of mine is still being spread. Jellie was in the lead at the time, but not by the time i woke up next morning.
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I won't be including anyone else's additions because I don't want to put blame on any specific person. Just felt like clearing up mine.
3. The Fuckening
Some time later op made this post to their personal blog:
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which is insanely shitty because, as other people have pointed out, the "lame ass youtube cat" didn't die to inconvinience op or ruin their fun, and people would have probably voted for her anyway because jelly is universally beloved in the mcyt community. This isn't anti democratic. This post was added to the poll with a caption saying op should not be running this poll, and it took off. Op later went on to say that this was a joke:
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This apology was not taken well by people, (including me) because "you were not meant to see it" isn't an apology and they still very much made fun of someone's pet dying. Safe to say this did not make the drama stop and only added fuel to the flame. I believe this was the point where the conversation of mcyt fans being unjustly sent hate to was reignited.
We should discuss that! it's a real thing that happens often and is equal to childish bullying. However, in this case, OP was the only one getting sent hate to my knowledge. The notes were mostly saturated by mcyt fans, and even now i can only find one or two hateful stance towards us under the whole 20k notes post.
4. Conclusions
Op posted a second apology to the catoftheyear blog to try and calm people down (i believe this is comprehensive and a lot better than the previous one) The blog was deactivated shortly after, so i only have my phone screenshots of it that i also added to the poll itself at some point:
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(Edit) Here's proof that op did not write the justification they got criticised for, from the notes of the original poll:
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This apology didn't get seen, or get accepted by enough people, so op made this statement on their personal:
Needless to say I am deeply dissapointed (and guilty) that it's come to this. Yes, op said tasteless things that made us all angry, but telling a human being to commit suicide is worse than being insensitive about a stranger's pet dying. Even after I posted about the blog being decatived i had someone come into my notes to wish that "they never find happiness" i mean wtf. This isn't like shipping where we can do whatever without the content creator's input. this is fucking harrowing and i can't imagine how i'd feel if this was done in my/my pet's name especially after losing them as recently as a week ago.
I hope no one from hermitcraft who is on here (let alone scar holy shit) learns about this like they did with previous lighthearted tournaments. If you truly respect the creators you claim to be a fan of as people, you do not tell people to kill themselves over them. And finally, let Jellie fucking rest, guys. she had a long, good life. I hope op can come back and also avoids behaving like this if they ever wish to do so. I'm angrier at mcytblr, though.
1K notes · View notes
clxja16 · 10 months
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Charles Leclerc X Wolff!Reader
Genre: betrayal (?)
Warnings: I think there's some swearing, angst
Word Count: 5K+
Author's Note: Okay you guys voted for this one, and honestly I thought that the fake dating trope was going to win but I guess not. also I kind of need help with the genre, because its not really forbidden lovers. Like is there a genre of your parents betraying your trust in the name of protecting you??? but anyway lmk what you guys think. Actually please tell me what you think, because I'm scared I made this too dramatic. enjoy though <3
You lingered in one of the back halls before the start of qualifying.  It was the Austrian Grand Prix.  You looked around making sure that no one was in sight.  Charles started to giggle at your antics of keeping this under wraps.  You pulled at him, trying to push him right out the door. 
“Go back to your garage,” you say gently pushing Charles further out the back entry of the Mercedes garage. 
“After I get a good luck kiss?” Charles asks, as he holds his hands up in surrender.  
You shake your head at him, before saying, “quickly, before someone sees us,” pulling Charles into a kiss, by his race suit.  Charles grabs your face with both hands, pulling you closer, deepening the kiss further.  You pull away first, worried about who might catch you sneaking about the garage halls, “okay now go, I’ll see you tonight.” 
Charles doesn’t let go of your face, pulling you back in for a quick peck on the lips, “okay I’m going.”  Charles finally lets you go, and shoots you a quick wink before walking off.  
You turn back around to take your place in the garage next to your father, when you hear him calling out for you.  You look back to see Charles has walked just far enough away to be out of sight, as your father turns the corner to come face to face with you.  You let out a breath of relief that they missed each other.  “y/n,” your father calls to your attention, “let’s get settled, qualifying is about to start.” 
“Yes, daddy,” you answer, following after your father, to watch qualifying.  
You have just finished your degree, a Masters in Business Administration from HBS and a Masters of Science from Harvard John A. Paulson SEAS.  It took you nearly 5 and a half years to complete, but you did it regardless.  Now, you attend the races to better learn how to apply the knowledge learnt in school to running a formula one team.  This is all so that one day you will take over the formula one team from your father. 
As you watched George and Lewis set out to do their first few qualifying laps of the session, you longed for it to be you in those cars.  You really didn't dream of being behind the scenes, you dream of being up front and center, in the limelight, in the car.  You wanted to set the fastest lap, you wanted to be getting grand prix victories, you wanted to win championships.  However, you didn’t get a seat in formula 2, so your parents did the ‘reasonable’ thing and sent you off to school, instead of waiting around for the chance of a seat opening up.  
“Look here,” your father spoke to you, as he pointed at some data on one of the many monitors in front of him.  
“George is a tenth too early,” you say, trying your best to understand the data in front of you.  
“Yes, exactly, good,” your father praises, before speaking with a couple of the race engineers.  “Now we don’t want George to overly focus on what is going wrong, so we praise, advice and praise again.” You listen to the radio as the engineer, compliments George on his turn 3 and 4, critiques his turn 7, and compliments his turn 10 and 11.  “When you take over, you have to remember that you are going to have to manage the drivers' psyche as well as their driving.” 
“Father, I won’t be taking over for a long time, you’re gonna need to find someone in between you and me, to manage the team.” 
“No,” your father declares, like his decision is final, “I will retire late, and you will start early.” 
“Yes Father,” you say, no reason to start an argument now. 
“Congratulations on another podium,” you spoke sweetly to Charles at the end of the Austrian grand prix weekend. You and him were hiding out in his hotel room, trying your best to stay away from the cameras, from fans and most importantly from your father. 
“It’s only the second podium of the season,” Charles said as he dried his hair with the towel while walking out of the bathroom.  “We’re so far behind this season, it’s laughable.” 
“You could always make the move to Mercedes, Daddy would love to have you racing for him,” you say, as you wrap your arms around Charles, after he takes a seat on the edge of the bed.  
You can hear Charles chuckle a little, before turning around to face you. “Never,” he says with a smile, pushing you back down on the bed, kissing you deeply.  You can’t contain the laughter that spills from your lips.  
“We would make sure you win championships,” you argue, teasing Charles once again. 
“And who’s giving up a seat for me?” Charles asks, as he moves from your lips down your neck, spreading his kisses all around.  
“Lewis isn’t going to stay much longer,” you reveal.  
“What?” Charles asked, as he pulled away to look at you.  The seriousness setting in. 
“Don’t say anything to anyone,” you start off, as you sit up in the bed, looking at Charles deeply, “Daddy offered Lewis another four years, Lewis said he only wanted to sign on for two more right now.”  
“I don’t know,” you say honestly, “believe it or not, Lewis does not reveal his intentions to me like you do.”  
Charles cracks a smile hearing you tease, “well, maybe I could do Mercedes silver,” he says as he goes back to kissing you. 
You and Charles spend the night together, as the two of you have done many times before.  The next morning, you try to sneak out early enough where no one notices your empty hotel room.  Charles makes your heart feel full, being around him makes you feel at peace, he wears your worries like his own.  He’s everything you ever wanted and needed, and more.  You know that there was no plausible way you could keep this a secret any longer.  You love him too much to pretend nothing is going on.  Although, you also know that your father would not be the happiest, he always said drivers weren’t the type of people you bring home.  However Charles is different, you know he’s what you need, you know that you can bring him home. 
When you did make it back to your own hotel room, you don’t think anyone checked in on the empty room.  You made quick work of packing up your belongings, your father was flying out of Vienna this afternoon, to get a jumpstart on Silverstone.  It being a home grand prix for both of your drivers, the entire week was packed with events.  All events in which you had to attend.  
After arriving in Silverstone, did you finally take a breather.  George and Lewis both went to visit their families for the first day.  This allowed you and your father to spend some time away from the race track.  Father instead just went to the factory, and spent some time in the office.  You on the other hand went out with Mamma, before she had to head down to Monza for the F1 Academy race.  
“Mamma,” you called out to Susie,  “do you think Daddy is serious about me taking over the team one day?” 
Your question was enough to stop Susie in her tracks, “yes, I do think he’s serious about it.”  She gave you a perplexed look.  Your father has been talking about you taking over the team since you went off to college.  He is determined that with his recommendation the board will approve for the team principal position. 
“I don’t know if that’s what I want to do though,” you say truthfully.  “I don’t know if I can handle being so close, but not being able to race.” As much as your mind was focused on being a team principal, your heart wanted to drive. 
Susie came up to you, pushing your hair behind your ear, holding your face. She had a gentle smile on her face, but there was a sadness behind her eyes that you couldn’t place.  “You are racing, if you take over the team, you are still a part of the race, but if you walk away, you will only be a spectator.” 
You sigh, you know she’s right, “you’re right, like you always are.” 
Susie laughs at your joke, “tell your Father because he never seems convinced that I’m always right.”  
You laugh, as you and Susie enter the restaurant for lunch.  “Mamma, can I ask you another question?” 
“Of course sweetheart,” Susie answers worryingly, you are not normally this ominous.  
“Would you be upset if I started seeing a driver?”  
Susie doesn’t hide the shock on her face, after your question, “who is it?”  She smirks at you, you weren’t the best at hiding your feelings from Susie.  She was the first to know about your first boyfriend in High school.  She was the first to know about the guy who cheated on you.  She was the first to know about the college boy you wanted to bring home.  And she was the first to know that none of them were enough to match you.  
“It’s no one, it's just a hypothetical, Mamma.” 
“Who, sweetheart?” 
You debate for a second about how to answer, but you know you can’t lie.  You gave away too much, and Susie knows you only use ‘hypothetical’ when it's real.  “Charles.” 
“Leclerc?”  Susie doesn’t mask her shock for a single second.  
“Mamma,” you whine at her reaction.  
“Sweetheart, your father is gonna have an aneurysm when he hears this.” 
“Mamma,” you whine again, this time more seriously, as you feel the water works coming on.  
“Sweetheart?” Susie questions, her face going from shock to stone cold serious as she sees how upset you are.  “This is serious.” 
You sigh, “I really like him, Mamma.  He makes me very happy.”  You look at Susie, and you don’t like the look she has even more.  
She looks very seriously at you, while also having the ‘its not good’ look.  “Your father is not going to like this,” she says honestly, “but,” you watch Susie as she begins to smile, “if you’re happy, that is what's important.” 
You begin to smile as well, “Daddy will get over it right?” 
“I hope so,” Susie says truthfully.  You were Toto’s oldest, nothing would ever be good enough for you.  You were his pride and joy, you were the first, and as the first, you are everything to your father.  Susie knows this, and she knows that no matter how much Charles tries, Toto still won’t think he’s good enough for you.  
Susie reminds you that the best way to handle this, is to inform your father sooner rather than later. You agree, but you want to make sure that you and Charles are on the same page as well.  Thursday night, once again you are hiding out in Charles' hotel room, instead of staying in your own room.  The two of you cuddle together on the bed as a movie plays on the TV. 
“Charles,” you start off softly, afraid to disturb the delicate peace that’s settled across the room, “where do you see this going?” 
“What do you mean by that?” Charles asked, as he glanced at you.  
“Us, our relationship, where do you see it going?”  You stared at Charles, while listening to his steady heartbeat. 
“I don’t know,” Charles answers, his answer holds a brutal truth that you don’t like, you sit up to look at Charles, “but, I hope it goes far and long.”  Charles continues to lay in bed while you stare at him, “ I hope that it gets out of hotel rooms, and garage halls, and private phone calls.  I hope it gets you into some red Ferrari gear,” you smile at Charles’ preposterous hope, “I hope that it gets further than this. I love you y/n.”
“I love you too,” you reassure.   
“Why do you ask me that ma chère?” 
“I’m going to tell my father about us,” you say, “and your plans to move to Mercedes.”  You just have to tease him a little bit.  
Charles laughs at you, “you mean your plans to be a Ferrari fan from now on.”  And he always knew how to handle your teasing. 
You laugh going to kiss Charles, “that’s so much work,” you say with another kiss, “you should just switch teams.” 
Charles laughs sarcastically, he loves the banter.  “y/n,” he calls.  It stops you, he never uses your name, “I really do love you.”  He’s probably told you this same sentiment over a thousand times, but each time, it still feels like the first time.  
Your cheeks hurt from how hard you’re smiling, “I love you too.”  Somehow these ‘I love you's' are different, they’re more significant, more meaningful, more genuine, more heartfelt, more profound.  They’re more serious, because they’re not just ‘I love you,’ they’re a promise, a commitment, a lifetime, together.  
“Daddy, please can you be rational about this?” You ask as you follow your father about the Monaco home.  Trying to get him to stop complaining about your choices in men.  
“Why couldn’t you date George, at least you would still be supporting Mercedes,” your Father says as the two of you make your way into the kitchen to see Mamma and Jack. 
“Mamma do you hear him?” You ask, indicating your father as ‘him.’ “George is very much in a relationship, Father” 
“And what’s wrong with Lewis?” Your father clearly is not thinking about the age difference between you and Lewis.  
You looked to Mamma to see if your father was serious, and even she was shocked with the suggestion, “you would be okay with me dating someone that is 14 years my senior?” you ask with a brow raised to your father, “you’ve convinced me Daddy, I will stop seeing Charles and start seeing Lewis.” 
Your father sighs, “that is not what I…” 
“Daddy, I invited Charles over for dinner, tomorrow night, that way you can properly meet him as my partner, instead of as a driver.” You tell your father, hoping that you're just imagining the steaming coming out of his ears, “one dinner, Daddy, that’s all.  He makes me really happy.” 
“Okay,” your Father says.  You don’t miss the slight eye roll he gives though.  
“Thank you Daddy,” you say, giving him a hug, before running off to your room like a teenage girl to call Charles and let him know about dinner tomorrow night.  
After your father hears your bedroom door shut, does he turn to his wife.  “Susie,” he calls out, still listening for you, to see if you were coming back out. “A word, privately.” 
“Okay,” Susie answers a bit confused about the request, she turns to Jack, “why don’t you go play for right now.”  Jack nods along excitedly, before running out the room.  “Toto, what is it?” 
“She can’t date Charles.” Toto says, turning his full attention to his wife. 
“Susie, I have seen the drivers in relationships.  They have their girlfriend one weekend, then they have a club girl the next weekend, and then some lucky fan the following weekend.  Charles is no different.” Toto doesn’t hold back in his recounting of the drivers stepping out on their partners, “y/n is gonna get hurt, and her entire image will be tainted by being cheated on by Charles.” 
“Toto don’t you think you’re being a little unfair.” Susie tries her best to defend Charles, but she knows Toto is telling the truth.  She’s seen it too, from a number of drivers amongst the ranks throughout the years.  
“Charles is a hell of a driver, but I'm not gonna allow him to ruin my daughter.”  Toto declares as final, “we need to find a way to stop them from seeing each other before the public catches wind of their relationship.” 
“Toto,” Susie takes a breath, if they do this, they would have to tread very carefully, or they could end more than just your relationship with Charles.  “If she ever finds out that we are interfering in her life like this, she won’t forgive us, she's not a kid anymore.” 
“She wasn’t a kid when we pulled her from racing,” Toto drags up a long forgotten and regretted moment, “we do what we have to, to protect our children, regardless of how it may look.” 
“We’ll need to play this close to the vest.” 
To say the evening was filled with tension and awkwardness would be an understatement.  Your father continuously gave Charles dirty looks throughout the night, and you wanted to slap him for being so childish.  Susie was pleasant throughout the evening.  Jack was just being Jack.  He probably talked the most, asking Charles about what it was like to be a real race car driver. 
“This is a very lovely meal,” Charles says to Susie.  You appreciate him trying his best to not ruffle your father’s feathers. 
“Thank you Charles,” Susie appreciates the compliments.  She doesn’t know what is best, because Toto is determined to stop you and Charles from seeing each other.  
“Charles, did you ever pee in the car?” Jack asks, as he shovels another pile of food in his mother.  
“Jack,” you say in a scolding manner, while Charles just laughs at the question.  
Charles has to take a sip of water before answering, “I try my best to make sure I use the bathroom before I get into the car.”  
“Enough questions Jack,” you say to your little brother, getting irritated with how much he was talking.  
“I just wanted to ask the racecar driver,” Jack pouts.  He makes that face with an exaggerated frown, that almost makes you feel guilty.  
“Jack, we’re all race car drivers.  Me, Mamma and Daddy have all raced cars before and you never ask us.” you argue back, you almost feel stupid that you have to argue with a five year old.  
“But you didn’t make it to formula 1,” Jack points out, and now you don’t feel guilty, you just feel sad that Jack had to point out one of your biggest regrets in life.  
“Jack,” Susie says, scolding your brother.  
“I didn’t know you raced,” Charles says, turning to look at you.  
You smile, thinking back to the time, “Yeah, I did karting for years, then I did formula renault, F4 and F3.” 
“Why did you stop?” Charles asks, wondering how you could give it up. 
“I didn’t get a seat in Formula two, and the agreement was if I could get a seat I could race, but I wouldn’t pass up opportunities to race. I got into college, so I gave up racing and went back to school.”  You reveal to Charles, he can hear the regret in your voice, but he chooses not to point it out.  You don’t see that look Susie and Toto exchange when they hear your retelling of events. 
“I see,” Charles says, “It’s a shame, I think you would’ve been a hell of a driver.” 
You chuckle at Charles, “I would definitely have more wins than you by now,” you tease.  
“Oh?” Charles smirks at you, “you would?” 
“Of course I would, because I would be driving for Mercedes, for sure.” You chuckle at your own joke.  
Charles shakes his head at you, his smile spreading far and wide.  Susie watches you and Charles, she's been watching you throughout the night and she knows Charles is enough for you.  She knows that this is your person, that they will never be another that will be able to compete with Charles.  It's him or nothing.  
You skip the Hungarian grand prix, especially as the media releases pictures of you and Charles, going back to the Monaco Grand Prix.  Your father thought it best that you stay home, he wasn’t sure how people would react to the relationship news.  You spent a few days before your father left for Hungary, arguing with him that it was unfair to bench you, because of the possibility that fans won’t like the news. 
Clearly, your father won that argument as you sat at home in Monaco, watching the sessions through the TV, instead of being there in person.  What Toto doesn’t tell you, is that he wants you home, so that he can meet with Fred without you getting suspicious. 
After the qualifying session, Toto asked Fred, the team principal of Ferrari, to join him for dinner.  As the two men met away from the paddock, away from the cameras, from the drivers, from the team.  They sat in a private dining room, in an elite restaurant.  Only here did Toto feel comfortable asking what he was about to ask.  
“What are we doing here Toto?” Fred asks, as he sips the beer he ordered.  Fred wouldn’t say it, betraying his French roots, but he always preferred a bottle of beer over a glass of wine.  
“Fred, I have a favor to ask,” Toto requests, he ignores his gut feeling telling him that this is wrong, and continues on, “I want you to delay Charles' contract signing.” 
“Why would I do that?” Fred asks, delaying a contract signing seems like it’s not a big deal, but there's many implications to what that could mean.  
“You would do it, because then I will be in debt to you,” Toto says, he's thought about this, he knows his way through a negotiation. 
“Okay,” Fred says, he has a reason to do so, but what is Toto’s reason for asking? “Now why do you need me to do this?”  
Toto sighs, “y/n.” 
“Your daughter, I saw the news about her Charles,” Fred pauses, taking another sip of the beer, “well actually Charles told me about the relationship back in Miami.” 
“Miami?” Toto questions, “she didn’t tell me until after silverstone.” 
“Charles said he wanted me to know before the public knew, would like to know what else he said?” 
“What?” Toto sighs, once more. 
“Charles said he wants to do this right, that he is serious about her,” Fred offers. 
“We’ve both heard drivers say one thing and do another,” Toto fixes his posture, sitting up in the chair, “I won’t allow my daughter’s image to be run through by Charles.” 
“So you want me to delay a contract signing, to do what?  So you can scare Charles into picking a seat over your daughter? And what happens when he picks your daughter over his seat?”  Fred sits up in his chair as well, looking Toto square in the eyes.  
“If he picks my daughter over his seat, then I know he’s serious about her,” Toto stands upm buttoning his jacket, “but we both know he won’t do that.”  Toto sticks out his hand for Fred to shake.  
Fred stands to shake Toto’s hand, “this doesn’t mean I agreed to anything.”  
“You will agree,” Toto smiles, a little amused at the situation, “we both know me in debt to you is too valuable to pass up.” 
Since the news of your relationship has been made public, you and Charles are seen together around the paddock during the Belgian Grand Prix a lot more.  Although you guys did try to keep it as professional as possible, there weren't any public displays of affection between the two of you.  However, that went straight out the window after the race podium celebration.  
Instead of watching the podium you stayed in the garage with your father, since there wasn’t a Mercedes on the podium.  As soon as Charles was done with the podium celebration, he ran straight into the Mercedes garage to collect a celebratory kiss from you.  His, sweaty, champagne-covered, sticky self, pulling you into a tight hug with a deep kiss.   He had one arm wrapped around your waist, while his other hand held onto his trophy.  You were taken aback by the initial kiss, but soon you cupped his cheek and held him close.  
Charles would’ve kissed you longer, but he could feel the cameras on the two of you.  When he finally did pull away, you were a giggling mess that you didn’t even notice the cameras at first.  “Let’s go,” Charles whispers to you, “let’s get out of here.” 
You wanted desperately to leave right then and there with Charles, “I can’t,” you say.  You watch his smile drop just a little, “I have work to finish,” you say while giving the side eye to where your father sat in the Mercedes garage, watching you and Charles.  “And you have a press conference.” 
“Okay, after that then.” Charles says, kissing you on the cheek this time.  
“After that.” 
That night, while you and Charles celebrated his podium finish, the picture of you and him making out in the Mercedes garage after his podium celebrations, hit social media. That photo is more talked about than Max’s 8th grand prix win in a row.  That photo is in all the group chats around the paddock.  That photo makes it to the official formula 1 social media pages.  And the biggest take away is your father’s face in the background of the photo.  Everytime you look at it, you laugh knowing that your father most likely made that face subconsciously.  
Since summer break has begun, you spend more time with Charles than at home with your family.  Today, you just so happen to need a few things from your closet, that you stopped in the Monaco home.  That is when you could overhear your parents talking in your father’s office.  
“We need to be more discreet about this now,” your father says to Mamma. 
“Toto, I don’t think this is right.  It’s not fair to y/n or Charles,” Susie says.  Normally you wouldn’t eavesdrop on your parents, but the mention of you and Charles caught your attention.  
“I am trying to protect our daughter,” Toto says, and you can’t help but think. What is your father trying to protect you from? 
“This isn’t protecting her, this is your fear about what could happen,” Susie says.  You can hear in your mamma voice, she’s getting defensive.  
“Like how your fear pulled her from racing,” Toto says in a raised voice.  You’re completely confused as to what your father could mean with that statement.  
There’s a pause.  It goes silent for a second, and you listen closer.  “I was saving her life, we weren’t sure what the FIA would do after Jules.”  There’s a pain in Susie’s voice.  
“Safety measures were put in place,” Toto argues.  
“After you pushed back on them.” 
“I have changed my position on the halo, you know that,” Toto says.  Even though the wood doors separate you from seeing your parents, you can clearly imagine what this fight is looking like. 
“After Lewis almost dies!”  Mamma never shouts, is your singular thought after hearing that statement.  “What if you had gotten your way and the halo was never placed?  What if it was our daughter in that car?  I pulled her from racing to save her life, because you sure as hell wasn’t going to do it.”  Susie pulls open the office door to see you standing on the other side.  You watch her face drop from anger to sadness quickly.  “Sweetheart…” 
“Mamma… you pulled me from racing?” You question as the tears begin to well in your eyes. 
“Sweetheart…” Susie repeats, shes at a complete loss for words.  
“You told me that I wasn’t picked up for a seat.” you take a breath before you start crying, “was that the truth?” 
“Darling,” Toto calls out to you.  
“Was it the truth?” You ask again, this time you make the hurt evident in your voice, “you told me a team didn’t want to pick me for F2, was that the truth?” 
“You weren’t anybody’s first choice,” Susie pauses, “but you were on the list.”  You feel your break, as you start to cry.  “We worked a few negotiations to ensure that you didn’t get picked.  We worked to pull you from racing.”  
You were a hyperventilating mess, you couldn’t stop the tears, the sobs, the heartbreak from happening. “You told me…You told me, if I earned my seat without you or daddy interfering I could keep racing.  You promised that you would let me race.” 
“We wanted to protect you, we didn’t want what happened to Jules.” 
“Don’t you dare,” you snap at Susie, “don’t use what happened to Jules as an excuse.”  You walked away, racing up the stairs.  Towards your bedroom, you could hear your parents rushed footsteps as they followed after you.  You began to shove clothes into a bag, as you tried to violently wipe away the tears.  
“Where are you going?” Your father asks in a calm voice.  
“I’m gonna stay with Charles for a while.”  When you mention Charles, you remembered the beginning of the conversation.  You stopped packing your clothes.  Slowly you turned to face your parents.  “What did you do?” 
“Excuse me?” your father questions. 
“What did you do to Charles?  Mamma said it wasn’t right, it wasn’t fair, whatever you were doing.  What did you do to Charles daddy?” You’re out of breath, you fear whatever your father has to say.   
You watch as your father sighs, he hangs his head.  “I asked Fred to delay his contract signing.  Ferrari wants to keep Charles, they’re going to give him whatever he wants.  I asked for Fred to just hold off on signing the contract.” 
You scoff at the revelation.  “Just long enough to scare Charles into picking a seat over me.  This is rich from the both of you.”  
“Sweetheart…” Susie calls out to you as she reaches to hold you.  
“Don’t touch me,” you snap once again.  You couldn’t tell if you were really angry or sad or shocked, but you did know you were just hurt.  Your parents had taken away your dreams, and they were trying to take away your love.  “You took away racing,” you take a breath, you strip away all the excess, you let them hear the hurt in your voice, “I won’t let you take Charles away too.”  
When you do make it Charles’ place.  When he opens the door for you, he sees you silently crying and shaking.  Your voice is hoarse already, that it’s only a whisper when you ask, “can I stay with you for a few days?” 
“Of course,” Charles says as he welcomes you inside.  When he finally closes the door, you drop your bag to the floor, and just hold onto Charles tightly.  He wraps his arms around you, providing you with the comfort you longed for.
Part II
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pit-and-the-pen · 2 months
I Can Do It With a Broken Heart (Pt 2 to unrequited love)
A/n: HERE IT IS BESTIES!!! The official Pt 2 to unrequited love! I know the poll is still live but I’m impatient. So to make sure I’m still taking everyone’s votes into account there will be an alternate ending that should be posted right after this.
Read the Alt ending here, it's pretty similar in places
Read Pt 3 here
I'm still absolutely blown away by how well-received the first part was. This is going to be an ongoing series, all could be read individually but the "background" will be these two fics.
Warnings: Angst, Cursing, reader suffers from depressed thoughts
WC: ~3.4k
divder by @cafekitsune
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The next morning I was in Rhys office. He barely even looked up from the paper strewn over his desk before I spoke. 
“I’m going back home.” 
He sighed, leaning back into his chair. His eyes raked over me, “Does this have anything to do with why Azriel was so huffy this morning?” His eyebrow raised and I felt the anger I’d been trying to quell since last night rise its head up like a sleeping dragon.
“Fuck off. Let him be mad if he wants to be mad.” I snapped. 
“Mad isn’t exactly how I would put it,” He paused looking at me. “What happened?” The High Lord questioned. I sighed not having the strength to recount the events from last night. 
“Nothing but the inevitable.” he frowned at my non-answer but didn’t press any harder. 
“I’ll miss you. We all will.” He said finally. I nodded. 
“You all should visit.” Not an I’ll visit. No. If I could avoid it I would never step foot into this miserable court ever again. 
I was gone by mid-morning. Mor had helped me winnow the things I wanted to take with me. What they did with the rest wasn’t any of my concern. Rhys or Feyre had bought it all for me anyways, let them decide what to do with their money. 
Once I had gotten settled into my room, I hugged Mor goodbye and thanked her for her help. She just gave me a tighter hug and told me she would visit soon. 
It was two weeks before I could see Helion.Two weeks of settling back into my court that I loved so dearly.  He was visiting Dawn court for some trade agreement that needed to be signed. I came by every day, asking if he’d returned you. His second would just silently shake her head at me. And I would stomp back to my room like an angry babe. 
Two weeks of checking before I finally saw her nod her head and I had to stop myself from running into Helions office. I had the control to at least knock on the door but not much else. I quickly shut the door behind me as he called me in. 
“Sunbeam!” He called out when saw my face. “I had hoped the rumors of you moving back home were true.” He walked around the desk and gave me a brisk hug. Very out of character for him. 
“You’re not an easy man to schedule an appointment with, Helion.” I smiled warmly at the High Lord of my court. 
“If you wanted a piece of me, you only had to say the words and I would have come running darling.” There's the flirt I remember. I thought, rolling my eyes.
“But judging by your urgency in requesting a meeting that my second expressed to me, I’m going to assume that’s not what you wanted to see me for.”
My smile dropped as I braced myself for the question I needed to ask him.
“I need you to break a mating bond”
His mouth fell open. For once in my life, Helion was speechless. “I don’t know if I can even do that. Are you sure that’s what you want?” His eyes saw right through me. I threw my head back, a sad laugh bubbling past my lips. 
“Yes. No. Gods I don’t know. I just don’t want it to hurt like this forever.” I felt treacherous tears starting to fall down my face. Helion grabbed my arms gently before I could wipe them away. 
“I know you well enough to know that you don’t run away from hard things.” He held me against his chest as I really started to sob. 
“Helion. Every second that I’m away from him it kills me. I’m over here dying inside over some male who only ever saw me as a second option.” 
“Then he’s an idiot. But the mother still saw fit to make you two mates. Give it some more thought, you’re clearly still not fully decided. I’ll do some research to see if it’s even possible and if you still want to, I’ll be here to help.” I nodded my thanks into his shirt. He takes my head between his hands and uses his thumbs to wipe the tears still streaking down my face. He gives me a gentle kiss on the top of my head before I walk out of the room. 
I sat on the decision for a month. A month of volleying back and forth. Weighting the pros and cons of my choice. I had started doing my own research through the tomes in the library I had access to. My eyes widened as I finally found the information I needed. 
Picking up the book I all but sprinted to Helion’s office. I didn't bother knocking as I pushed past the door. Helion looked up from his desk and raised an eyebrow at me. 
Panting, I showed him the page in the book. “Are you sure?”
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my whole life.” I promised him. He still looked skeptical but walked around to where I stood anyway. 
“I can’t say this is going to be pleasant.” He said wearily as I laid down on the couch in his study. “I’ve never heard of anyone doing this. I’ve seen rejection but this is cutting off the magic at the source.”
I looked into the males eyes, eyes I had known my whole life.
“Please. Nothing can hurt more than this already does.” Sympathy washed over his face and he leaned over me, placing a hand to each of my temples. It felt like the worst headache I had ever had in my life. My head was being split open and I heard the whimper leave my mouth. The pressure of his hands lifted slightly and I fought to get out the words. “I’m okay. Keep going.” I couldn’t open my eyes to see his face but his hands didn’t move. The pounding broke to a burning heat. I could feel the moment it snapped, I could almost picture the scissors snipping that tight string that connected us. One last fleeting rush of pure pain pushed through the bond. And then it was gone. My head was still pounding, I opened my eyes and saw Helion panted above me. 
“How do you feel?” He asked, helping me into a sitting position. 
“Like I have one hell of a hangover.” I pressed a hand to the bridge of my nose. Like I could squeeze out the uncomfortable feeling. “But also lighter.” My free hand going to my chest. It would take some time to adjust to this new feeling. But I could not stop the smile that spread over my face. Before Helion could say anything else, I reached up to wrap my arms around his neck.
“I can’t thank you enough.” I said into his neck. He gave a tight laugh and hugged me back. 
“You should go sleep this off. Please tell me if any of the pain gets worse.” He held my face between his hands and I nodded as much as I could. I all but floated back to my room. 
I fell into a familiar routine back in the Day Court. I took up my old job as a researcher. My days were spent surrounded by the massive libraries of my home court. People would come to us with questions and it was our job to use the knowledge at our disposal to find them answers. It kept me busy at the very least, but I did have to admit that I love doing it. I felt more useful here than I ever had at the Night Court. Pangs of sadness would rip through me when someone snarked in a way that made me think of Cassian. When someone would smirk and I could only picture Rhysand standing in front of me as he beat me in chess. The art was so beautiful that I longed to show Feyre if only to see that twinkle in eye as she dissected the colors and shading used. 
I smiled as the pang in my chest at the thought of Azriel held no pain. It had taken me some time to get used to the emptiness in my chest, I had grown so used to the hollow feeling of the unreturned bond but this emptiness wasn’t pain but instead it was like a weight had been taken off my chest. 
Someone calling my name pulled me from my musing. One of the messengers, Dia, smiled brightly up at me. “Hey sunbeam. Helion asked me to deliver this to you.” I took the golden envelope from her. I thanked her and she turned around, leaving me back to my books. 
I slid my finger under the seal and pulled out the letter. He was flirty even in a letter. He had requested that I accompany him to the latest ball he was hosting. Helion, ever the charmer, even placed boxes for me to check yes or no. I giggled to myself at the juvenile nature of it, but checked yes with the quill sitting next to me. 
The ball was just a few days away and I was so excited as dress after dress were brought into my room for me to try on. The one that ended up catching my eye was a floor length glossimer dress, such a pale golden color it looked almost like sunlight itself. The bottom was dyed a light pink color that flowed into it seamlessly. It took my breath away as I smoothed out the light fabric. It fit like a glove and I knew instantly this was the dress I had to wear. 
My reflection looked like a stranger. My hair was pinned to one side, sweeping down over my shoulder and my back. A golden tiara was woven into loose curls. Long golden chandelier earrings studded with diamonds almost touched my shoulders. The sun had created a sultry blush on the high points of my cheeks. I looked happier than I had in years. I sensed Helion's presence in my room and caught his eyes in the floor length mirror. 
He let out a low whistle and I blushed, adjusting my tiara. I walked over to him and he held out his hand for me, twirling me around dramatically when I took it. “No one will be able to take their eyes off of you, Sunbeam.” His eyes hungirly raked over me, “If you ever reconsider my offer. I would take you to bed in a heartbeat. Just say the words.” I pushed his shoulder, I didn’t doubt his words. 
“Keep your pants on Helion. We have a ball to get to.” 
“I’m High Lord. I can be late.” His pupils had dilated and I rolled my eyes, pushing him out the door before I linked my arm into his. 
The ball was as lavish as I had expected. There was much to celebrate and this was mostly to welcome the new High Lord. Eris. Beron had finally died a few months back and Eris had officially stepped into the role with grace. The autumn court once known for its cruelty seemed to be taking a new direction and as I talked to nobility from the court, it was for the better. I had gotten to know him over the years, his frequent visits to the Night Court, plus a few flirty exchanges that I always brushed off, while he was helping us during the war softened me to him. Learning the true events of that night with Mor. 
I locked eyes with Eris across the room. He had been heartbreakingly handsome when he was just High Fae but as a High Lord? His hair had grown slightly longer, just touching his shoulders. Dressed in a deep maroon suit that showed off every single one of his muscles. The permanent scowl that had been etched into his face had been replaced with a smile that radiated comfort. My feet seemed to move without deciding to. Eris kept his eyes locked onto mine as I got closer. My cheeks heated up under his intense stare. 
“Hi little sunbeam,” Honeyed words wrapped around me. “Seems like you’re no longer hiding in the shadows.” He held out his hand, eyes flickering to the dance floor. I smiled up at him and gently placed my hand in his. 
His touch was firm and the warmth of his power radiated off of him. He clutched my waist, pulling me flush to his front. I felt every plane of his toned body pressed against me and goosebumps broke out across my skin having nothing to do with the temperature in the room. The two of us gilded across the floor. I could feel the eyes of the room on us but I only had eyes for the male in front of me. 
“If I had known you danced this good, I would have pulled you out of that miserable court a long time ago.” He spoke into the shell of my ear.  “I’ll never understand what the Shadowslinger was thinking, even I could smell the mating bond on you. Plus, one look at me with those beautiful doe eyes and I would have been putty in your hands.” He nipped at my earlobe and I felt it deep in my stomach. 
“Well good thing he’s not my mate anymore.” I whispered back to him, voice breathy. He responded with a kiss to my neck. All of a sudden I felt his warmth disappear. Before I could even process what had happened, I was standing half ways across the room. Eris just smirked, eyes twinkling with mischief. 
“Stand down, you overgrown bat.” The High Lord said and that’s when I heard the growl from my side, caught a glimpse of wings and sapphire blue. Before another word could leave my mouth, I was being pulled out of the ballroom and outside to the balcony. 
I thrashed against Azriel’s grip on my arm. His hand wrapped around my wrist tight enough to bruise. 
“What the hel was that?” He yelled at me, finally letting go of my wrist.
“You had no right!” I screeched at him. Anger seethed through me. I felt my palms heat up from the light trying to escape from them. He went to grab my arm and I ripped it back from his reach. “Don’t you fucking dare.” 
“Please.” Was all he said and suddenly it was like that night all over again. Me pouring my heart out and all he could say was please. 
“Please what, Azriel? Is that all you know how to do, beg and plead. For what? Was breaking my heart once not enough for you.” 
“Gods. What do you want me to say?” He ran his hands through his hair. He looked like he was about to lose it. Good. “Do you want to hear how I was fucking terrified. How any good thing that I had ever received had been taken away from me? That when I felt that twinge in my chest, that I knew what it meant but prayed to the gods that it wasn’t that.” I went to start in on him again. “Would hearing that I looked for you in every female I came across help us here?.” 
“Stop. Just stop. I’m sure you’ve rehearsed this all before but do you actually think I’m stupid enough to believe it?” I spit out between my teeth. 
“No. Gods this is coming out all wrong.” He ran a frantic hand through his hair. I clocked the shake in them “Why did you break the bond?”
I laughed at his audacity. “Why? You have the nerve to ask me why?” My voice dripped venom, “I did it because I couldn’t stand being tied to you like that. That night..” I started, he interrupted me.
“I said the most vile things I could think of. I panicked when you told me about the bond. If you could feel it too, I knew nothing good could have come from that so I pushed you away.” I shook my head, as if I could shake his words away from my ears. 
“You seemed so shocked when I told you.” 
His head sunk down, voice small “I was shocked because no part of me believed, believes, that I deserve you in that way.” When he stepped forward, I didn’t step away. Mind too busy catching up with his words. “Please say something. “ 
I turned my eyes up to look at him. Hazel eyes soft sparkling with unshed tears. I wanted to rip into him. I truly did. Some sick part of me wanted to make him hurt like he had hurt me but I know that wouldn’t fix anything here. What is done was done. 
“You don’t get to do this to me. You don’t get to say all the right things and just have me forgive you. You don’t get to say that you love me after everything you did.” He sighed. Leaning his head on top of mine. I frowned at the contact, but didn’t push him away, refusing to melt into him. “Whatever your reason. You said all those things that you knew would hurt me, you said them and some part of you had to believe them.” 
“I know. There isn’t a day that I don’t regret everything that I said, everything I had put you through over all those years. I took you for granted and I didn’t realize how much I loved you until you were gone. Until I felt that bond being snatched away from me” I wanted to push him back but something in me let his words sink into my bones. 
“I had dreamed for so long how it would feel when I finally heard you say those words, And do you know what I feel?” His eyes glimmered with hope as I took a step away from him, out of his grasp. “Nothing. I feel nothing for you. Not anger, not contempt.” Tears slipped out of his eyes at my harsh words. “Of course I remember what it felt like before. Maybe some part of me will always love you in my own way but I’m not tied to you anymore and I have never been so thankful for something in my entire life.” He flinched like I had hit him.
“Do you really mean that?” His voice was so small it almost made me feel bad for him. Almost.
“I do.” I sucked in a heavy breath. “Look, we’ll most likely still have to see each other so I don’t want to end on a bad note. You were still one of my best friends for over a century and this doesn’t undo all of that but this,” I gesture between the two of us, “Will never be anything else but that, a friendship.” He gave me a sad smile. 
“I’ll take whatever you are willing to give me.” I turned to walk away and he reached for my arm, I grabbed his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze before I walked back to the ball that was in full swing. 
I weaved in between bodies easily. Finding Eris with ease. Despite being in the middle of a conversation, he stepped away the moment he sensed my presence. Not sparing a glance to the fae surrounding him. 
“That’s all settled then?” He asked, giving me a once over. I nodded and took his hand again.
“I believe we were in the middle of a dance?” I pulled him against me, not realizing how much I missed the feeling of his heat against my skin. I placed my head on his chest. We didn’t so much as dance, more so swayed in place. Arms wrapped around each other. He tapped my chin with a gentle finger and I let him guide my mouth up to his. The kiss was soft and sweet, like holding your hands in front of a warm fire after a day in the cold. When I tried to deepen it, he laughed against my lips. I let out a shameless whine as he disconnected our lips. As I looked into his eyes, I felt the stirring of something familiar and for the first time, welcomed it as that hole in my chest was filled again.
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Tagging people that seemed excited about pt. 2
@cleverzonkwombatsludge @yearninglustfully @myromanempiree @starsandsins @melmo567 @saltedcoffeescotch
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libraford · 14 days
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(I have permission to share this.)
Text- from Walking Distance Brewing Company
Happy Pride month! We are here another year to celebrate Pride with you! Thank you for your love and support through a difficult year of slander and harassment. Your support has not just kept us afloat but has made us thrive! Our inclusive community isn’t here just for Pride - we’re here all year. It's not always easy being inclusive in town. The library, community organizations, and yes, even Walking Distance have been targets. In this post, we're going to discuss the attacks against the library and against us. Last June, the library had a pride book display [1]. On July 3rd, (now ex) city councilmember Deb Groat wrote an email to the library at the request of the Union Faith Family Coalition [2]. In this email, she wrote: “I am deeply offended by explicitly sexual material on display in the children’s section of our library. Shame on you and your staff for pandering to any social agenda in displaying reading material to children.” [3] Later on in the email she wrote: “The library may well want to pass a levy in the future, or have input in a community TIF.” [3] On November 27, 2023 - Deb Groat was joined by city councilmember Mark Reams in voting for a TIF that would divert money away from the library for 30 years. Luckily, the extension did not pass. [4] According to Union County Faith Family Coalition’s founder, Mark Reams is a member. [2] Deb Groat and Mark Reams vote together to divert money from the library. Let’s move on to us. In June 2023, we had a drag show. On July 8th, Mark Reams’ wife, Leslie Reams posted on Facebook calling Walking Distance “Little Epstein Island” [5] joining in the same rhetoric spread by the Union County Faith Family Coalition, who nicknamed us, “Walking Distance Grooming Co.” Additionally, on April 15th, 2024 - while on-shift at her job, Leslie Reams called us a “den of depravity bar [that] preys on children,” and called our bartenders and customers, “pedophiles” and “drunks.” Let’s be clear. Leslie Reams, the members of the Union County Faith Family Coalition, and their followers have never called law enforcement (to our knowledge) - something we would expect and want to happen if pedophilia was happening. Law enforcement has never been called, we suspect that even they know that it’s not true. We have heard many rumors, as bad as, “Walking Distance is full of pedophiles” to more innocuous rumors that hurt our reputation. Our guess is that the same people who don’t believe we’re pedophiles, but want to demonize queerness, also know their audience and are able to tone it back to do the damage they can. We saw sales dips directly following Leslie Reams’ statements. We have heard city council members echoing similar rumors. Last summer, we had around 10 citations against the owner’s house and the business from the city and council - none of these citations asked us to remedy anything (except for the one about mowing…oops), and in fact there were instances when the local officials said that we were doing everything right, but they are only reaching out to us because they had so many calls. The year prior, Walking Distance and the owner's house had 0 citations. We’ll never know exactly how much business we lost due to the slander against us. We do know, we lost a lot. Similarly, we’ll never know exactly how much the support of our community has meant. We do know, it meant a whole lot. The support has kept us afloat, and with time, it's made us thrive. We know that we have survived to see another June. And we are ready to celebrate it, in the face of the hate. There would be no pride with no hate. Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday for drag BINGO; Saturday for drag brunch; and also visit us on Saturday during Marysville Pride. We have more Pride events this week and month, keep your eyes peeled! And even if it's not a pride related event, we are always inclusive. Oh, and there's a city council meeting next Monday, June 10th at 7PM.
Here's some photos of the extremely offensive library display:
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They haven't given a call to action yet.
So anyways, that's what's happening in a nearby town. Marysville's pride event is this weekend and if you'd like to show up for local queers its going to be a very fun time.
I'm thinking of grabbing some of my local gays and giving them our patronage, of course. Its somewhat unrealistic to ask strangers on the internet to do take a hike all the way to Ohio for drag bingo.
So I think I would just like to call attention to it- if this is happening in our area, its probably happening in yours too. If you were thinking of attending a drag show but were on the fence about it, I think you should. They're a fun time.
Being involved in the queer community can be as simple as attending a drag show. Or going to a silly queer-focused event. Or supporting a queer-owned business. Every little bit of support for your queer community counts!
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writingwithciara · 4 months
For The Cameras ~Matt Sturniolo~
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summary: a kiss cam produces unexpected results
word count: 1.9k (not as long as normal but a decent length imo)
pairing: matt sturniolo x reader
note: got a sweet message from @lolasturniolo and i loved the prompt. hope you don’t mind that i made it a sorta friends-to-lovers fic 😊
“so who are we taking to the game tonight? we have 1 extra ticket and 3 options.” nick looked at his brothers.
"i vote to bring justin." matt said without looking up from his phone.
"really? i say nate." chris looked around the room.
"so you guys bring me back to boston and i'm not even an option for you?" y/n threw her hands up and shook her head.
"if it helps, i was going to pick you." nick smiled.
"if we each choose a different person, we're just right back where we started." matt set his phone down.
"we could always put their names in a hat and pick randomly." chris suggested.
"or, we think about this. both justin and nate have been to a hockey game and y/n has never been to one. plus, we did drag her all the way here. do we really want to be leaving her alone?"
"well, as good of a point as it is, i'm keeping my vote for justin. we don't spend a lot of time with him and i think it'd be nice to bring him to a game while we're here." matt smiled.
"i'm changing my vote to y/n. she deserves to have some fun on this trip." chris looked at his friend and smiled.
"that's two-to-one." nick looked at matt. "so you're overruled no matter what."
"okay fine. but justin gets to go with us to the next one." matt stood up and went to his room to get ready. chris did the same, leaving nick and y/n in nick's room.
"nick, i don't have anything to wear to represent the team."
"don't worry about it. we can buy you something when we get there. don't forget to dress warm. i'll wait for you to get changed then we can go."
"yes sir." y/n began to dig through her bag for something to wear. she pulled out her favorite ransom shirt and a hoodie she borrowed from chris nearly 3 years ago. after she changed into her favorite pair of jeans, nick came back into the room to change.
once everyone was changed, they met out at the car.
the drive to the arena was short and the car was filled with nothing but silence.
when they arrived, nick went to take y/n to get something to represent the team but matt pulled a boston jersey from the car and handed it to her.
"figured you wouldn't have anything to show your pride in the team so i grabbed an extra jersey."
"wow. you're so thoughtful for someone who didn't even want me to come to the game with you guys."
"i never said i didn't want you to come. i just said we barely spend time with justin and he would've loved it."
"i'm messing with you matt. i don't care that you didn't want me to be here."
"i didn't....whatever." matt walked away with nick. y/n pulled the jersey over her head and looked at chris.
"how do i look?"
"you look..really good." chris smiled and the two of them jogged to catch up to matt and nick.
the group looked at their tickets and went to their seats. matt was between y/n and nick, while chris was on the other side of y/n. he made eye contact with y/n as they sat down and he rolled his eyes.
he didn't hate her, nor did he dislike having her around. in fact, he loved having her around all the time.
to him, she was perfect. and his brothers knew it. they were always trying to push them together but y/n would never show interest in him & had only referred to him as a friend. and so born was his hatred towards her.
as the game went on, y/n cheered at the right moments and matt couldn't help but admire her every feature, hoping he wouldn't get caught.
unfortunately for him, chris and nick were in the bathroom when the kiss cam came around. he was still admiring y/n when the camera pointed at them. she noticed the stupid grin on his face and looked over at him.
"i think you should look at the screen, matt."
"huh?" he snapped out of his daze to glance at the screen. the large words KISS CAM flashed in red and his cheeks darkened. he knew he had been caught. he looked at the camera and shooed them away.
y/n stared at him with both shock and awe on her face. part of her wanted to kiss him but the other part of her didn't want to make him uncomfortable. so she just went back to watching the players skate around.
a few minutes later, the kiss cam returned to them and once again, matt declined. this time though, the fans around them booed. it nearly embarrassed matt but as he looked down at his feet, y/n grabbed his hand, almost immediately calming him down.
"thanks." he leaned closer and whispered in her ear.
"not a problem." she smiled sweetly at him and returned her attention back to the players. her hand didn't move from matt's grip but neither of them seemed to mind.
at the end of the 2nd period, the kiss cam returned. no matter how many times matt asked them to leave, they kept coming back. y/n felt matt's grip tighten on her hand so she placed a gentle kiss to his cheek, hoping it would satisfy everyone.
it did not.
the camera continued to point at the duo and all eyes, even the players, were on them.
"i'm sorry about this." y/n whispered to matt before turning his head and kissing him. the crowd finally cheered and the camera crew went away.
but y/n and matt were too wrapped up in each other to notice.
his hand detached from hers and he placed them on her cheeks. y/n smiled into the kiss.
when they both finally stopped kissing each other, the smile on their faces was permanent.
"i hope that wasn't too embarrassing or awkward for you." y/n smiled and went back o squeezing his hand. matt didn't say anything. his earlier focus on the game was long gone and replaced with y/n.
when the game was finally over, y/n stood up and stretched.
"oh my goodness. that was amazing."
"yeah it really was." nick smiled and began heading out.
"it was good but i think matt really enjoyed it." chris smirked, earning a punch to both of his arms by his brothers and best friend. "ouch."
"anyone have to use the bathroom before we head out?" nick stopped outside the bathroom and looked at everyone.
"yeah. i promise i'll be quick." y/n walked into the bathroom and matt felt his brothers staring at him.
"so, that kiss was certainly something, huh?"
"it didn't mean anything. it was just to get the kiss cam people off our backs."
"i don't think that was the only reason you guys kissed." chris raised an eyebrow.
"yeah. it looked pretty intense from an outside point of view."
"what do you mean?"
"you guys kissed for like 10 seconds after the camera crew left. you can't tell me that your feelings for her aren't returned."
"please can we change the topic?"
"what are you dorks talking about now?" y/n asked as she walked out of the bathroom.
"the hockey game." matt quickly covered up before the awkward tension got too high.
"it was so good. and oh my god. jeremy swayman is so hot. wow." y/n swooned and began to walk ahead of the boys.
when they got to the car, chris got in the back, allowing y/n to sit up front with matt. the drive home wasn't as quiet as the first drive but the air felt different. like there was something that needed to be said but nobody wanted to say it.
matt put the car in park and everyone got back.
"well, i'm beat. think im gonna go to bed. good night." chris yawned and headed up to his room. y/n followed nick to his room and flopped down on the bed.
"hey, do you have feelings for matt?"
"why do you ask?"
"that kiss tonight seemed very electric. the chemistry between you two was already really intense and if you don't have feelings for him, you need to let him know. because he's been crushing on you for years and the way you kissed him looked like you might have the same feelings."
"god, nick. of course i like matt. what's not to like? he's incredibly thoughtful and he's so cute. he doesn't judge me for my taste." she shot her best friend a look. "he's just perfect in every aspect of the word and...." she paused and sat up. 'are you sure he likes me?"
"when have i ever lied to you, sweetheart?"
"every day since you learned to talk."
"only when it saved your ass." he looked at her as she walked to the door. "but i promise you that i am not lying about this. matt really does have feelings for you."
"okay. if this is some sort of cruel joke, i will never speak to you again."
"and why would i risk that?"
"good point. wish me luck then." y/n took a deep breath and opened the door.
matt was leaning against the counter and when he heard the bedroom door close, he looked up.
"hi." y/n stood awkwardly just outside the bedroom. matt put his phone in his pocket and crossed his arms.
"can i ask you something?"
"of course, matt." y/n's composure returned to normal when she heard the worriedness lining matt's voice.
"why does this have to be weird between us?"
"what do you mean?"
"we kissed and now, the air around us has changed drastically. did you....did you not like it or something?"
"of course i liked it, matt. but it's not how i pictured our first kiss happening."
"really?" he finally looked at her face. "h-how did you picture it happening?"
"this is going to sound really cheesy and cliche. are you sure you want to hear it?"
"oh, absolutely." his interested piqued and he found himself moving closer.
"well, when i pictured kissing you for the first time, i always used to think it would happen after you stood up for me somehow. like a knight in shining armor. and then i would run up to you and kiss you. you would be shocked at first but you would kiss back and you would put so much emotions into it."
"how did the kiss cam kiss measure up to what you pictured?"
"it was incredible, sure. but it didn't meet my expectations." y/n smirked. matt took an extra second to understand what she was hinting at but when he got it, he returned the smirk.
"didn't meet your expectations, huh?" he inched closer. "maybe i should change that. i-if you want me to."
"just kiss me, please."
matt wasted no time at all. he quickly grabbed her face and kissed her. all the feelings they had both been building up for years was being poured out into the kiss.
matt pulled her closer and made sure she felt what he was feeling. and when they pulled away, they both couldn't stop smiling.
"how was that?"
"better than expected, for sure. and something i think i want to keep doing."
"i can totally deal with that." matt smiled before pulling her back in for another kiss.
taglist: @worldlxvlys @lolasturniolo @carolinalikesthings @ciarasturn1 @fearfam69691
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stars1997 · 1 month
Alone with you
Paring(s): Quinn Hughes x Fem! reader
Warnings: SMUT!!! (18+), car sex, unprotected sex, semi public sex, mild hair pulling, desperate Quinn.
(Not edited)
Summary: The lake house has been packed with friends and family. Y/n and Quinn have not been able to have any alone time. The guys ask you to go and pick up some food and drinks for them. When you get back Quinn helps you unload the car. This then leads to you and Quinn in the backseat.
Authors note: thank you guys so much for voting. I will be holding another one soon. but here is the story you guys voted on!
You have been staying at the lake house all summer. The whole summer the house has been packed with friends and family. You and Quinn have not been able to have any alone time together. Not even your room is free of people. Poor Luke has to sleep on an air mattress in your and Quinn’s room.
Every time that you do have some alone time together Quinn literally gets pulled away from you. Anytime that you have something planned the other guy’s somehow end up tagging along. You have a date planned, nope that has now become a group hang. Even if they don’t know they somehow find where you are.
You don’t really have a problem with it, the guys always include you in whatever they are pulling Quinn away for. You know that it’s been so long since the boys have gotten to hang out because of their schedules, so you always let them take Quinn away from you. sometimes it just gets frustrating.
“Guys I want to hang out with my girlfriend for a bit. Leave us alone.” Quinn says trying to push them away from us. The couch cushion next to you now occupied by Cole. You give him a smile and he’s quick to return it.
Jack grabs Quinn’s hand and try’s pulling him up off the couch.
“Don’t worry Quinn I’ll keep y/n company.” Trevor said as he sits down in between Cole and you.
“No, you won’t dick head. We need an even amount of people for the teams. Y/n can sit on the lounge chairs out there and she can watch you play.” Jack says giving his best puppy dog eyes.
“As long as he’s shirt less.” You say, giving him a smirk. He lets out a little laugh.
“I can be shirtless as well Y/n.” Trevor said, trying to remove his shirt but Luke was quick to pull it back down.
“Seriously dude you got to stop.” Quinn says. Luke gives him a pat on the back.
You guys were outside for three hours before the boys were done playing basketball and chose to go swimming instead. Quinn told them that he was going to go change into his bathing suit and that he would be right out.
“Y/n can you go to the store and get us some beers?” Trevor asked you as he takes off his shirts and tosses it onto one of the chairs next to the pool.
“Yeah, and some food too. like chips and dip.” Jack puts his hand on your shoulders.
“Why do I have to be the one that’s going?” You question them. They all look at each other and run and jump into the pool. You throw your hands up to protect yourself from the splash.
“Because we are all in the pool. We don’t want to get the car all wet.” Luke says. You shake your head at them and walk into the house to get your keys. You yell out the back door for them to text you what they want.
“Hey where are you going?” Quinn’s voice stopped you. You turn around to see him walking towards you.
“The Guys asked me to go and pick up some food and drinks for them.” He pulls you into him, his arms wrapping around you.
“Do you want me to come with you?” His thumbs make circles on your back.
“No, its ok. But will you help me unload the car when I get back?” He nods his head, leaning into kiss you.
“It’s been so long baby. I need you so bad. All the guys have been such a huge cockblock, especially Luke because he’s staying in our room.” He try’s pulling you closer to him if that’s even possible. You could feel his boner pressing into your thigh, his swim shorts not doing much to hide it.
His forehead rests on your chest as he continues to hug you. You give him a kiss on the top of his head before you start to pull yourself away from him.
When you got back to the house you were quick to text Quinn. It didn’t take him long to meet you outside. He was very quick to unload the car, that it felt like you didn’t even bring anything in. You were still outside at the car closing all the doors when a pair of arms wrapped around you.
Quinn kissed your neck, sucking and biting at it. He turned you around so now your chests are touching. His lips quick to find yours. He pushes you back against the car, his lips still on yours.
“Surprisingly the one thing that we still haven’t crossed off are list, car sex.” He says his lips now on your neck again.
“Yeah, but here? I was thinking more of doing it in the parking garage after winning a game” You can feel his lips move into a smile against your neck.
“Who says that we can’t still do that. But the guys have been driving me crazy, I haven’t gotten a chance to even hang out with you alone for like more than an hour. Its driving me nuts not being able to be alone with you.” His hands run up and down your sides. He pushes his waist into yours.
Your hand reaches for the handle of the door behind you. A smile forms on Quinn’s face again. He’s quick to pull you away from the door, opening it so your able to climb in.
He turns to close the door, turning back to see that you have taken off your shorts and shirt. Leaving you in nothing but the bathing suit you had on underneath.
“Turn around for me baby.” You did as he said. Grabbing your hips and pulling you back into him, his boner now poking your thigh.
He pulls the bathing suit bottoms to the side. One of your hands on the arm rest the other on the window. He takes his cock in his hand, slapping it on your ass a few times before lining himself up.
“Fuck. God baby I’ve missed this it’s been too long. I think I’m going to get us a hotel for the weekend and just fuck you till your dumb.” He thrusts his cock into you hard and slow. His hand reaches around you to play with your clit.
“God Quinn. Please go faster.” Your breath fogs up the glass. The car already starting to feel a lot hotter than when you first got in.
“You’re doing so good for me.” He leans forward kissing your back. His hand still working your clit.
His thrusts pick up speed, the sound of his skin hitting your mixed with heavy breathing are the only thing you can hear. He moves his hand from your clit to grab a handful of your hair, pulling so your back is touching his chest. One of your hands on the head rest the other now on Quinn’s thigh.
Thankfully the house has a long driveway surrounded by trees so no one will be able to see what is going on. The car now moving along with Quinn’s thrusts.
“I’m going to cum. Be a good girl and cum with me.” You nod your head. Your grip on his thigh tightens. You let out a loud moan as your orgasm builds up. He brings your head back to his lips can latch onto your neck. He leaves marks along your neck as he continues to thrust into you.
“Quinn. Yes, keep going. I’m going to cum.” It didn’t take long for you to cum. Quinn’s following right behind yours. He lets out a grunt as he bottoms out, shooting his cum into you. He turns your head and kisses you hard on the lips.
“That’s my good girl. The guys are probably getting suspicious so we should head back inside.” You nod your head.
You and Quinn walked inside to see the guys already eating and drinking what you bought them.
“Guys we were just looking for you. we were planning on going to the diner down the road. Do you want to come?” Cole asks. You nod your head sure.
They guys were quick with getting dressed. Everyone making their way into the car. Quinn and you in the front seats the rest of the guys in the back.
“Is it just me or is it sort of muggy in here… wait is that ha handprint on the window?” Trevor says. You let out a little laugh.
“eeeewwww.” They guys all say at the same time when they realized.
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dotster001 · 7 months
For Tuna; General End
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three
Choose another ending
A/N: as always, add your votes for the next end here. Also, this end is going to be...familiar at first, but that's just what happens when you jump dimensions.
"So, the end has arrived."
Grim pushed his lens-less glasses down his nose and stared at Silver and Lilia, both of whom were sitting on the other side of a desk.
"I'll be honest, neither of you two is the richest here. That title belongs to Malleus and Leona, respectively. But Malleus will prioritize his country over me, I mean Y/N, and Leona, well let's face it, it's only a matter of time before he disgraces himself and is off the kingdom's payroll."
Grim waved around a sheet of paper.
"Which puts both of you in third place. Oddly enough, your finance situation is nearly identical. So it comes down to who I think would be a better dad. I know this will come as a shock to you both, but Y/N isn't actually my henchhuman. They're my parent."
Lilia gasped in mock shock as Silver just stared.
Grim sighed heavily, leaning back in his seat. “An anonymous source has told me that Lilia is the type of dad to leave his son's alone in the woods to fend for themselves. So Silver, congratulations, I guess.”
Lilia jumped out of his seat, excitedly hugging Silver.
“My boy! Congratulations! We shall have a splendid wedding!”
“Father,” Silver said sternly, gently pushing Lilia away. “We don't have to do this anymore.”
Lilia quirked an eyebrow in confusion, as Grim just stared.
“I know I'll always be your little boy to you, but I'm not a child anymore. You don't have to always put me first.”
Lilia stiffened, but attempted to cover it up with a smile.
“I know, but-”
“Y/N and I don't love each other. Our relationship is purely platonic,” Silver said firmly. “I never wanted to do this, especially knowing how in love with them you are, but now that I've beaten you at something, I can tell you to man up, and confess your feelings.”
Lilia 's jaw dropped. Silver felt the urge to retreat, but stood his ground. He couldn't let his father live with regret. So he played one more card.
“It would be a nice way to complete our family. Y/N would be the perfect step parent for me. I just know it.”
Lilia 's expression softened. “Silver…”
“A true warrior doesn't hesitate in battle! Go!” Silver said with uncharacteristic firmness, making Lilia actually jump and begin to run to the door, before stopping himself with a laugh.
“I've raised the perfect little general,” he giggled.
“Go!” Silver shouted. And Lilia went.
“What the heck was that?” Grim shouted at Silver.
“I'm your big brother now, that's what that was,” Silver grinned, with a mischievous look that could have only come from his father.
There was a knock on the front door. Grim was out for the night, promising there would be no bill. So you were just enjoying a quiet night in. You had no doubt that if you opened that door right now, it would be someone who would cause chaos. Probably Ace. Definitely Ace.
One of the ghosts moved to open the door, but you pressed a finger to your lips. He gave a quiet snicker and a nod, and went back upstairs, ignoring the knock.
The knock stopped after a moment, and the room was silent again.
“Who are you hiding from?” A voice whispered right next to your ear, and you screamed.
You grabbed a pillow to defend yourself, and jumped off the couch, turning to face your attacker. Lilia was doing the equivalent of laying on his stomach, and kicking his legs up, except in midair. He was giggling excitedly, and you gave him a nasty glare.
“What the hell, Lilia!” You screamed. “How did you get in?”
He just giggled again, ignoring the question.
“I heard you were all alone tonight. I didn't want you to be lonely,” he hummed.
“I- I'm not lonely!” You shouted. “I have half a mind to kick you out!”
“You won't.”
“I most certainly will.”
“You won't.”
“And why, oh wise Lilia, won't I kick you out of my house?”
He grinned, and floated closer to you.
“Because you, radiant Y/N, are absolutely mad for me.”
You choked on your own spit, your face instantly growing hot.
“Egh ugh, nuh uh!”
“How eloquent!” He burst into laughter. “But a falsehood, I am certain.”
He slipped even closer to you. You took one step back, but after that froze. He gently wrapped his arms around your neck, looking into your eyes, his own burning passionately.
“Urgh, nuh uh,” you whispered.
“Nuh uh?” He smiled slyly.
“Nuh uh,” you said half heartedly.
“Hm,” he hummed. “Then prove it. Kiss me.”
You choked on your spit again.
“If you can kiss me, and then tell me you really don't love me, I'll believe you and never bring it up again.”
You couldn't do that. You absolutely couldn't kiss him. Because when he was proved right, you'd definitely want to punch the smug smile off his face.
“Time's up!” He shouted, before pressing his lips to yours. 
You hated how good he was at kissing. Even if you didn't love him, you wouldn't have been able to think straight after this, and would accidentally send him the wrong message. But you did love him, which meant you didn't want to stop kissing him.
But Lilia knew that. And he liked to play with his prey. He pulled away, licking his lips as he grinned.
“Well? Still ‘nuh uh’?”
“Nuh uh,” you whispered.
“Mhm. That's what I thought. Anything you want to say?”
You yanked him back in, threading your fingers through his hair, and kissing him as hard as you could. You could feel the vibrations of his triumphant giggle. 
You pulled your pillow holding arm slowly back to hit him, but he quickly separated, gently twisting your arm behind your back, and forcing you to drop the pillow. He giggled and pressed his mouth to your neck.
“I see we'll never get bored together,” he whispered. “You're absolutely amazing.”
“Ha ha,” you said snarkily. He grazed his canines against your neck, and you froze. You knew some of your classmates said he was a vampire but…
"You just smell so delicious," he purred.
“Kidding! Let's make out some more,” before you could glare at him again, and say something snarky, he yanked you to the couch and started kissing you again.
You could get back at him tomorrow. 
He was way too good at kissing.
Tag list-@shytastemakerthing @stygianoir @leonia0 @lleoll @eccedentesiast-sapphic @supertmntgirl @cxsmicdustdreams @aethermostbeloved @krystalkiller25 @asmallbean3 @theneurodivergentdummy @candlewitch-cryptic @smilingfox22-blog @phantomgaming1920 @the-dumber-scaramouche @noidonothavetimeforthis @bontensbabygirl @xxoomiii @somany-fandoms-solittle-time @bre99 @stupidsimp @sus0daddy @a-small-tyrant @imlost-sendhelp @mizukiblogs @itslucieen @nico707 @red-viewe @fucthisshitimout @kazumify @busycloudy @ny0000mw00m
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psychostxr · 8 months
𝐣𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐧 𝐥𝐢 | worth
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PAIRING. jordan li x female! reader
WARNINGS. angst, cursing, homphobia, insecurities, racism (some are very brief)
NOTES. inspired by @maraschino-ch3rry post about jordan not being marketable
KEYS. (y/n) - your name e.g. paige, sam, etc. (l/n) - last name e.g. cole, thomas, etc.
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Fairy lights and flowers decorate the foyer of Godolkin's Student Union as the night of Brink's Memorial Gala unfolds. Your satin dress flows elegantly, hugging and highlighting your figure with a refined slit. Champagne glasses twinkle as they float by on silver trays, a luxury you can't resist. Grabbing a glass of champagne, you take a small sip.
Your eyes wander, tracing the guests who have gathered for the occasion. The guests, staff members, trustees, benefactors, and a few students invited or could afford to buy tickets are here to 'support' Godolkin University. As for you, you're here to support your partner, Jordan, and find trustees willing to vote for them.
When you finally spot Jordan entering the foyer, your heart pounds against your ribcage at the sight of them. Jordan looks hot in their black suit, and the half-pearl half-chain necklace adds to their charm. However, Jordan's expression doesn't match the mood of the event. They're frowning.
You wonder why until you see their parents trailing right after them. Downing the rest of the champagne, you place the glass on a nearby waiter's tray and scurry over to Jordan, careful not to trip over your heels or dress.
"Jordan!" You grin, pulling them into a hug. Their arms wrap around your waist as your lips kiss their cheek before grazing their ear to whisper, "Stop frowning. You're too attractive in that suit to be sad."
Jordan chuckles, a smile cracking across their face. "Thank you," they murmur, kissing your cheek in return. 
Jordan takes a step back, revealing his parents behind them. You plaster on a fake smile towards Jordan's parents.
"(y/n), meet my parents, Paul, and Kayla Li. Dad, mom, this is (y/n)." Jordan pauses, gulping. "My girlfriend."
"Hi, it's so nice to meet you, Mr and Mrs Li," you say, offering your hand to shake.
Jordan's parents glance at each other, almost like they're communicating telepathically. Then, both of their lips quirked upwards. Paul chuckles, reaching out and eagerly shaking your hand.
"You have a girlfriend?" he questions, "Why didn't you tell us?"
Before Jordan can come up with an answer, you interrupt, "I'm sorry, that was my idea." You pull your hand away and rest it on your décolletage. "I didn't want Jordan to tell anyone. I'm a very private person."
"That's okay, dear," Kayla reassures. "We're just happy that Jordan's found someone is all."
"Well, it was nice meeting you both," you say, catching Jordan's parents' attention, "But Jordan and I have duties to attend to tonight." Like schmoozing trustees and securing votes for Jordan. "I hope to see you again soon."
Hooking an arm around Jordan's, you guide them away from their parents and towards the influential guests at tonight's gala.
"Private person, my ass," Jordan remarks once you both are far away from their parents. "One search of you on Instagram and pictures of me flood the app."
"You love it," you quip, unhooking your arm to hold Jordan's hand. "People know we're together, so they can't try shit when you're not around. Unless they want to get their ass kicked."
"You can't blame me. I don't like to share."
Rolling your eyes, you stop in your tracks, causing Jordan to halt.
"Earlier, before you arrived, I was scouring the guests, and I think a few people here would vote for you with enough persuasion. We just need to show them the marketable side of you." You gesture to a man nearby drinking champagne. "That's Daniel Travis, one of the trustees for Godolkin. We can start with him and work our way with the others."
Pulling Jordan, you walk towards Daniel Travis and put a smile on your face. "Mr Travis, I'm (y/n) (l/n), and this is my partner, Jordan Li. Could you spare a few minutes to talk with us?"
He lowers his glass. "Of course. What would you two like to talk about?"
"Well, as we know, trustees decide the rankings. And during the incident with Golden Boy, Jordan went down in rankings. We wondering if you'd like to vote for Jordan," you explain.
"I don't like to ring my own bell, but I am putting up the best stats of anyone here in forensics and combat," Jordan adds, "And to be honest, I'd love your vote."
"I've looked at your Q Rating, Name Recognition, and Social Trending, Jordan. They're down, and it's no secret," Daniel states bluntly, "Frankly, being bi-gender and Asian won't appeal to certain audiences in America, so, in terms of marketability, you're not in the best position."
Jordan's face falls at Daniel's harsh assessment. It's a tough pill to swallow. Daniel shifts his attention to you.
"But you (y/n)?" he says, "Your ratings are through the roof, and your control over your powers is remarkable! You're a marketable asset. But, you see, you could achieve even more if you broke up with Jordan."
The suggestion hangs in the air, a poisonous idea souring the elegance of the gala. Jordan feels a surge of anger and frustration at Daniel's audacity while you're shocked by his proposal.
You squeeze Jordan's hand, hoping to give them peace of mind while you resist the urge to use your powers and toss Daniel into a wall. Your eyes flash with a mix of anger and disgust.
"You must be out of your mind to think I'd ever let someone like you dictate my relationship," you retort sharply, "Now if you have nothing important to say, we're leaving."
With that, you lead Jordan away from the conversation, finding a quiet corner of the gala to catch your and Jordan's breath and collect your thoughts.
You knew that success could come at a cost, but compromising your relationship with Jordan wasn't a price you were willing to pay. Wrapping your arms around Jordan, you pull them into your embrace and kiss their temple. 
"Jordan, I'm so fucking sorry," you apologize softly, "I should've dug for more information on Godolkin's trustees before making any moves. I didn't expect that from Daniel."
Jordan sighs, resting their head on your shoulder. "It's not your fault, (y/n). But Daniel's got a point. My numbers are down. Nobody wants to see a bi-gender Asian Supe. Your numbers would be higher if we weren't together."
You shake your head, holding them tighter. "Jordan, don't listen to him. I love you with every fiber of my being. No marketing scheme or student ranking is worth more than my love for you. I don't care about the numbers. I care about you." You tilt their chin up, looking deeply into their eyes. "You are more than any label or statistic. I love you for who you are. Don't let anyone make you question your worth or our love. Because if anyone thinks otherwise, they can fuck off."
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© psychostxr — all rights reserved. please do not repost, copy, translate, or claim any of my works as your own.
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ikeuverse · 1 year
MARRIAGE RING — p.jongseong
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PAIRING: husband!jay x fem!reader GENRES: fluff, angst, slight suggestive WC: 4.3k+
WARNINGS: mention of alcohol, partying and arguing. some swearing and implied mentions of having sex, but nothing detailed.
SYNOPSIS: you and your sister-in-law decide to throw a party to remember the old university days when you two threw the best parties on campus. everything would be perfect if it weren't for the incident of forgetting your wedding ring, and a totally pissed-off husband when one of the ex-students – who used to be the gallant – notices the missing jewel on your finger.
NOTES: as the winner of the vote, our beloved husband jay is here. i had this idea on a random day at work, with an almost similar situation with a colleague that works with me. i readapted and thought especially for this scenario. i was so nervous about writing to jay that i tried this four times until this final story came out. so, please, give lots of love. and i hope you like it!
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Your eyes roamed the entire place before they landed on Jay. A playful smile painted the boy's lips as he slowly approached you. As soon as one of his hands touched your waist, automatically your hand wrapped around his neck and let him brush his lips against yours.
"Enjoying the party?" he whispered against your lips before kissing them slowly, pulling away soon after.
"I guess Jiwoo could pick a better theme, huh?" you commented with a laugh, receiving another kiss from Jay.
Truth be told, you knew that your best friend and sister-in-law had always owned the best parties since your university days. Not least because you helped her prepare everything, so you knew how it always worked. But after two years of graduation, it never crossed your mind that she would throw a university-themed party.
"To remember the old times" you remember her saying when she called you to her house, bombarding you with information and asking for your help with the preparations. Just like in the old days.
You just laughed, because it was impossible to deny Park Jiwoo anything. Especially if she asked her fiancé, Heeseung, for help. He was a talker when he wanted to be and you knew him well, so having two talkers ask you for help was even more impossible to deny.
"Why a better subject? I think she chose well" Jay shrugged, balancing the cup in one hand while the other remained on your waist "Reminds you of old times."
"And you like it?" you asked curiously, Jay shrugged and lightly squeezed the fingers against your skin.
"I love it" he emphasized, leaning toward you after taking a sip of his drink. His lips were cold from the freshly consumed liquid, and you fought the urge to whimper when he kissed you once more. The hot breath tasted of vodka and some citrus fruit that you couldn't even identify, only feel the warmth of Jay's tongue fighting for dominance against yours. Before your lungs could clamor for air, he broke away, letting his forehead rest against yours.
"And give me one good reason why" you whispered, even though you knew he would hear over all that loud music because of the closeness of the two of you.
"Hm, let me see" he pretended to think for a moment, you laughed at his theatrics and Jay looked deep into your bright eyes "Because I met the woman of my life, who I married. Can you believe it?"
Your cheeks slowly began to burn, and you knew it wasn't from the alcohol because your glass had run out minutes before Jay arrived. And it couldn't have been just from a shared kiss with your husband, so you knew you were getting flushed.
Jay had that effect on you even after years of relationship, and even now, married.
"What a lucky woman" you said a little louder, kissing him again. Before you felt Jay's body quickly separate from you.
"Sorry about that, y/n. We need Jay now" Heeseung hummed, under protests from Jay for having to pull away from you.
"It's our beer pong, y/n. Just like old times" Jungwon smiled in your direction as he explained why they had taken Jay away. You laughed at your husband's little desperation, even though you did not object to staying.
"Now, it's just the two of us" Jiwoo came in surprise, hugging you by the shoulders "Just like old times, and forever and ever."
"Forever and ever" you smiled at her, hugging her back as you looked at the party around you.
Everything did look so nostalgic. From the decorations you helped Jiwoo buy, to even some of the familiar faces at the party. Your best friend made sure to think of everything, posting it online on the alumni wall of the university you attended for so many years. No sane person who knew the two of you would not be able to attend a party planned by the duo. So practically everyone who has ever had the pleasure of enjoying something prepared by you and her was there.
People greeted you as if you were still the little celebrities on campus, even if you didn't feel that way in the first place. Jiwoo was the little celebrity. Because he was part of the university media and had a super-cute, hot brother that practically every girl wanted. This last part always bothered you, but you started to think this way after Jay met you.
The wave of memories hit you, remembering exactly the day Jiwoo told you about his older brother and how horrible it was to have so many girls approaching her with an interest in him. You felt bad for her, and at the same time, you didn't believe her. Who would be so crazy about a person that they would approach someone out of interest? But once you got to know Jay, maybe you understood girls at least a little bit. Not that you did, because you were friends with Jiwoo even before you met Jay.
And that was the reason why the coming together of the two of you was so natural and even more approved by your sister and best friend. Because she knew that you were the only one not to do what almost all the girls on that campus tried to do.
You fell in love with Jay little by little, just as he fell in love with you until everything became love. Until your relationship stretched on for years and soon you both stood in front of the altar whispering yes as you exchanged rings.
That small object symbolically united the love you had for each other since the first day you met. With that you sighed heavily, your eyes glittering as you stared at Jiwoo at the present moment and your friend glared back at you.
"What? Are you emotional?"
"Yes" your breathing became a little shaky, so you had to take a deep breath to keep from crying "I was remembering us from the time we met."
"Really?" Jiwoo whined, now thinking of the day she saw you in the library cursing the old computer that wouldn't turn on at all. She ran to you and offered to help, handing you her laptop to finish a paper in your first semester. And that never separated you again.
"Yes, I swear" you squeezed her gently.
"I love you so much, best friend and sister-in-law in the world" Jiwoo dramatically threw his arms up in the air, then brought them back down only to hug you tightly. You laughed, returning her hug before you felt your best friend's hands slide down to your hands "Thank you for staying."
"I thank you for staying here" the drink was helping the little statements and you both just enjoyed it.
But before you could say anything else, Jiwoo's eyes widened when she ran her fingers through yours, her hands still together with both of yours.
"What?" you were startled by her expression, staring at her.
"Where's your wedding ring? You and Jay—"
Your eyes ran down to your fingers to see that your marriage ring wasn't there. A crushing tightness took over your chest and you could swear your vision blurred for a few seconds before you looked at Jiwoo again.
"Shit, I left it at home" both you and her eyes widened. Something seemed so simple, forgetting a marriage ring. But not a marriage ring that you knew Jay had worked so hard to buy and almost walked down the aisle with as he said a few words and put the ring on your finger.
"Now what?" before you could answer Jiwoo, your eyes quickly found Jay walking towards the two of you with the other boys this time.
"I managed to find you, ladies" he said cheerfully, looking at you and then at his own sister.
"How was the game?" Jiwoo asked, feeling the weight of Jay's arms on her shoulders.
"I had some weird juice that Jungwon made before we played" he grimaced as he remembered the taste, being followed by Heeseung's laughter.
"It wasn't as bad as Sunghoon" he laughed at the memory, really laughed "He drank pure vinegar."
Ew, you and Jiwoo hissed as they laughed at the poor guy who should be recovering from what happened.
"And you ladies, don't you want anything to drink?" Heeseung asked.
"We…" your gaze sought Jiwoo's quickly, trying to recover from the small shock of minutes ago. The boys, although consuming alcohol throughout the night, could tell that the two of you were hiding something.
"Hey Jay, I think we got in the middle of some important business" Heeseung hummed.
"Yeah, how about you two share with us?" he feigned innocence in his question, causing Jiwoo to snort at her brother and then at her fiancé, rolling her eyes afterward.
"You two are such busybodies, you know that?" she walked past them until she reached you, entwining her arm in yours "Me and y/n are going to go out and walk around a bit. Have fun."
She pulled you along even though she heard the two of them calling your names, but you both ignored it. Maybe walking around the place and even playing small talk with some familiar faces might get one of the two to think of some excuse in case Jay and Heeseung ran into them again.
"We just need to keep this out of your brother's eyes" you commented after they reached the kitchen, making sure that neither of them would be walking by anytime soon.
"I think Jay would freak out if he saw you without a marriage ring" she laughed, but felt bad after she met your worried eyes "Ok, sorry. We'll figure something out or not even touch the subject until you two get home."
You thanked her with a small nod, looking around the counter and searching for a clean glass. That scene repeated itself at almost every party, you and Jiwoo standing in the kitchen looking for something to drink while she told you some shocking subject and your gaze dribbled between your friend and the glasses on the counter to grab one and fill it up with booze. The thought made you laugh and she laughed along with you, even though she didn't know why.
And at that, Jiwoo got two glasses to fill them with something a little stronger than your previous drink. You wanted the same, so you didn't even dare to look for something else, just letting her prepare it while your hands played with the marble of the countertop.
"Jiwoo? Y/n?" the voice called out with such surprise that you both turned your necks at the same instant to the door of the room.
Your jaw dropped slightly in surprise when you found Ryan there. He was a nice guy from university, flirted with you both all the time, and even teased Heeseung and Jay once, pretending not to know that you two were engaged.
This resulted in Jay swearing at the boy and Heeseung almost punching him in the face if not for Sunghoon and Jake having to hold him down in the middle of the soccer field. After that Ryan didn't come any closer, at Sunghoon's request because he didn't want a heavy look on his team and much less at some future party that always took place every two weeks.
Now the boy was standing there, right in front of the two of you with a playful smile on his lips.
"Hey, Ryan. Back to nostalgia?" Jiwoo asked nonchalantly, finishing filling her glass and then finally handing over your own.
"I guess so" he moved closer to the counter, standing on the opposite side from where you two were standing. Maybe that distance was a little safer "The party of you two always being amazing. Even after university."
You two decided to agree, getting into whatever subject it was. And talking with Ryan suddenly seemed nice. Because he hadn't flirted, much less made the atmosphere as uncomfortable as it used to be. You and Jiwoo had completely forgotten that your partners had once almost hit the boy who was talking animatedly right in front of you.
"So" Ryan said after a while talking about his trip to Europe and how his current job was going "How are you and Heeseung doing?" he looked at Jiwoo. The passionate smile she gave him already gave everything away.
"We're doing so well" she sighed softly "Being engaged is wonderful, I can't wait to do the same as my brother."
And then she looked at you. Eyes shining in admiration and you smiled, taking the glass with the drink to your lips and taking a sip. Trying not to look so embarrassed because quickly the subject had turned to you.
"Uh, are you and Jay okay? I mean… The wedding…" Ryan said.
"Yeah, we're perfect" you placed your glass on the countertop, he narrowed his eyes at your words and leaned in a little. But you hadn't whispered anything after that.
"Then why don't I see a marriage ring on your finger?"
A brief moment of silence was interrupted by a loud gasp. Your gaze traced the figure of Jay standing right in the kitchen doorway. He had his jaw locked and sharp, looking crookedly at Ryan as he entered the kitchen.
"Jay" the boy greeted, but got no response more than a nod at him.
"Am I getting in the way of something?" he asked, you could feel the fury in his tone.
"No, we…" Jiwoo looked at you, searching for help to continue speaking.
"We were just leaving. We just came to get a drink, come on" you took Jay's hand and quickly ran from there. Without managing to say goodbye to Ryan, much less lookback. You also didn't know if Jiwoo was following you, but you knew that Jay had incredible strength when he pulled your hand and made you stop walking right in the middle of the hallway where you two were going.
The meeting of your body with his made Jay's face close to yours. The hard look and serious countenance still lingered on his face.
"I—" you began, but he interrupted you in the process.
"He doesn't see a marriage ring on your finger" Jay began and you knew he had heard everything. You were screwed "Why, y/n? Where's the fucking ring we shared?"
"Jay… Love…" you wanted to explain as smoothly as possible, but you knew it wouldn't work at that moment. So you just tried to smile as the words slid from your lips slowly at that moment "I ended up leaving at home—"
"Oh, right" Jay didn't let you finish, letting go of your body and taking a few steps away from you. Your brow furrowed as he reached for his own marriage ring and pulled it off his finger, putting it away in his pocket soon after "I forgot it tonight too. Enjoy the party, y/n."
And just as quickly as Jay reached you, he hurried away. You didn't know what had gotten into your husband to make him do that, but it had certainly made your blood boil, and consequently, your vision was blurred by the angry tears that threatened to fall.
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You tried your best not to let the tears fall, but you faltered the moment you found Jiwoo at the party again. She knew something had happened as soon as she saw you stunned, seconds after seeing Jay walk through the door and out of the house without speaking to anyone.
"I don't want to hear it, just cry" she whispered as she hugged you, walking out with you from the crowd that didn't even seem to care about the two of you there. Too absorbed in dancing and drinking to pay attention to someone crying so late at night.
So you let her walk you to the bathroom, sobbing on your shoulder and telling you what had happened. Jiwoo cursed at Jay for what seemed like hours, but you knew it had only been a few minutes to get you to stop crying and listen to her carefully.
"I also fought with Heeseung because he saw Ryan at the party" she said after you had been quiet for a while, stroking your hair and encouraging you to look in the mirror to fix your newly smudged makeup.
"I don't know what made your brother do that" you gave a slight hiccup after washing your face a little, drying it, and trying to tidy your slightly messy hair.
Jiwoo sighed, giving a small smile at your rambling after you left the mirror. It was time for her to look and check that everything was presentable.
"So I guess I can take you home now" she spoke after you were done with everything and so was she, both came out of the bathroom to find Heeseung standing on the other side and leaning against the wall with his arms crossed "Damn, what a scare!"
He suppressed a smile, unbuckling himself from the wall to approach you and Jiwoo.
"I wanted to know if you two were okay" Heeseung tried not to comment on your crying appearance, and you thanked him for it "And I just called Jay, he's already home."
The couple's gaze hovered over you, and your uncontrollable urge to cry eventually returned. But it soon pulled away when you took a deep breath and looked back at them.
"I think I'll go too."
"Then we'll take you" Jiwoo looked at Heeseung, who smilingly agreed to his fiancée's request.
Without the strength or desire to refuse, because your ride was already at home, you accepted. And you let them drive you to your apartment in silence. Both of them respected your space while you fought back tears once again.
When the car stopped in front of your residence, you apologized so much to Jiwoo and Heeseung for leaving so this alone gave you the right to shed a few more tears before you entered the lobby of the building and ran to the elevator to your apartment. You didn't think about anything else, just wishing you a nice shower since it would be almost impossible to have any conversation with Jay that night.
And with that thought you opened the front door seeing that it was unlocked. Maybe he left it open because I don't have the keys, you thought and tried to make it happen without much ado.
Taking off your shoes in the hallway, you quickly ran into your room in silence, only to find Jay already lying on the bed. His attention, which had previously been on his cell phone, quickly ran to your figure standing in the bedroom doorway.
He didn't say anything, and neither did you. And that made you go straight to the shower without a conversation. Your mind wanders to how angry Jay's tone was when he spoke to you, then letting the water run down your body soaking your skin and hair. Thinking of the hurt look he had given you as soon as you arrived. Was he resentful? Was he hurt? You didn't know. And you couldn't know without a conversation, even if it didn't happen right now.
Washing your hair and body, after a long time, you turned off the shower and got ready for bed. It was the bare minimum. Your whole body was aching and only your bed would be able to ease that, even though your taste would be to have Jay's arms as well, you would settle for just your covers for one night.
When you came out of the bathroom, your eyes ran to the figure of your husband still sitting on the bed and leaning back against the headboard. It made you sigh, he didn't even move, you thought.
Trying to put the thought out of your mind, your steps went to your dressing table and that's when the vision hit you. Your marriage ring was right there. The small, shiny ring that you and Jay had equally, was right up there. And that reminded you of why.
Swallowing dryly with the lump forming in your throat, you took the ring and returned to your ring finger in moments, stroking it gently as you turned toward your bed. Walking slowly, you noticed that Jay was fighting the urge to look at you, but his eyes remained on his cell phone the entire time.
Would he give in? Was being alone having any effect on him at all? And like a still university feeling from the recent party, you made your way to the bed and went to your usual bedside. But before you could lie down or do anything, your body slid down and your legs steadied as you sat on Jay's lap.
"What…" he dropped the cell phone at the same second, looking up to meet your eyes.
A twinge in his chest hurt like a knife, looking up at the bright red orbs that stared back at him.
"What are you doing?" he managed to ask properly, his hands hovering beside his own body on the mattress still hesitant to touch you.
You lay still for a few minutes, staring at every point on Jay's face. His tight, well-defined jaw, his adam's apple rising and falling as he swallowed dry. Every little part of his tanned, well-washed skin, the damp hair against his forehead giving a final charm.
Your face tilted just enough so that your forehead brushed against Jay's, closing your eyes in the process as his breath grew heavy against your skin.
"The ring was left up there when I did my makeup earlier today" you began whispering, your hands slowly coming up until you held Jay's face between them "And from what I remember, I couldn't finish it because I was interrupted."
Jay could feel his cheeks burn this time, knowing that the culprit had been him. Arriving home early from work and excited because his sister was having a party, he knew that you would be getting ready much sooner than expected, especially since you would soon be leaving to help your sister-in-law with the preparations. He had to take a shower to get all the tension out of the day and also accompany you, staying there and not having to come back later.
But seeing you in that robe while applying makeup was too much for Jay's poor mind to think about. And the only thought was to untie the fabric from your body and take you for a second shower. This resulted in a delay, and you ran so fast to find Jiwoo that you hadn't even finished the second batch of makeup. All because your husband had taken too much time with you in the shower before they left.
"You acted like a dumb university student, Jongseong."
"Hey!" Jay felt a strange sensation when you called him by his real name, knowing that it was only used on extremely serious occasions. That one was, indeed.
His hands had reached your waist in the middle of the conversation, his fingers playing with the fabric of your pajamas shyly while he too had his eyes closed.
"I'm sorry" he said, making you open your eyes. When you uncrossed your forehead from his, Jay also opened his eyes to get a better look at you "I'm sorry that I got a fucking idiot jealous and it got out of control."
His words suddenly faded, lost in Jay's eyes as his caress on your waist ran one hand up your back, while the other went straight to your face. Holding your cheek gently.
"I didn't mean to do what I did and I regret it so much because, I swear, I lost my mind at that moment" Jay let his thumb trace the entire line of your jaw before fitting his hand perfectly between your neck and the back of your head "And I hurt the woman of my life. Seriously y/n, seeing you like this is the last thing I want in this world."
"Then believe me, Jay" you whispered as low as you could, fearing to cry again in front of him "Believe me I would never do that to you, because it's not my intention."
"I know, love" Jay pressed his lips to your chin, moving up to your mouth to slowly seal your lips against his "Forgive me for being a shit tonight, I didn't mean to ruin the night."
"You're forgiven for being a shit" you chuckled softly when he murmured in 'hey', and quickly your hands went to his shoulders, where you managed to steady yourself a little more on Jay's lap "Please promise me one thing."
"Whatever you want" he whispered against your lips as you leaned in close.
"Don't act on impulse when you're jealous" your mouth blew a warm breath against his, making Jay sigh next "I don't like that version of you."
He swallowed dryly once again, his chest crunching with regret as a nod was given in response. Even though no words could express how sorry Jay was about the whole situation.
"Now, I need something" he hugged you around the waist after a while, pressing your body against his in such a welcoming way that you didn't even notice the moment Jay reversed positions, placing you lying against the mattress to hover over your body.
"Sure. What do you need?" you said after a euphoric giggle at having been taken by surprise when you lay down and had Jay's body right above yours.
He then leaned in, connecting your lips in a quick kiss before pulling away just enough to whisper against your mouth.
"I need a second round to prove how sorry I am…"
"Park Jongseong!" your hysterical shout cheered him, making Jay laugh as he pressed you against him. This time the name hadn't left his lips for a bad reason.
He really wanted to redeem himself, to entwine your hands with his and join your wedding rings as he enjoyed the whole evening with you.
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© ikeuverse, 2023. do not copy, translate or steal my stories.
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taintandviolent · 3 months
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Stalked - Kai Anderson x Reader
summary & wordcount: 2.6K! After breaking up with Kai, he decides you need a little reminder of what once was. idea requested by @kaislittlelamb originally!
w a r n i n g s: smut with very little plot, implied stalking, toxic relationships, throat fucking, blowjobs, Kai being Kai, violence, aggression.
a/n: this was originally a drabble, but got longer - very quickly written, sorry if it's horrible! definitely not my best. thanks for reading it, if you did!!! no taglist this time because it's a pain in the bootay.
full fic under cut!↓ / ao3 link here! /
You'd met with Zack a few times now, but this was the first time you two had actually gotten to talk and get to know each other. He was cute, in a very boy next door sort of way; physically fit, a tousled mess of brown curls, bright green eyes, and bright, white teeth that probably got whitened bi-weekly.
"So, anyways, I moved here about three months ago after my mom moved here, and with her needing help, I figured I might as well stay." 
"Nice." You grinned. 
"Yeah, so I'm definitely still learning the best spots to eat..." 
You casually glanced around the restaurant, scanning the patrons next to you; you were an observer and enjoyed people watching, in all situations. Abruptly, several tables across from you, wavy, blue hair caught your attention. Your expression contorted into one of shock as your eyes trailed down the bridge of the nose, taking in the man's face. No fucking way. 
As though he felt that he was being watched, Kai turned mid-sentence, and immediately made eye contact with you. His brows rose slowly in surprise, and ultimately, delight. You blinked and turned away quickly, engulfing yourself back in the conversation. Or hoping to. But there was no escaping this. 
"Excuse me," you heard him say, before scooting his chair back. The legs scraped against the floor with an awkward sound, and Kai made his way over to you, navigating around the tables. 
Like a child trying to avoid being found, you almost considered sinking down in your seat, chest heaving with shallow breaths. Some luck you had. Some fucking luck. You rolled your eyes, shifting your shoulders. Zack watched you, studying your very apparent discomfort. You felt both men's eyes on you, and laughed nervously into your soda.
"Y/N..." Kai said. 
You said nothing in return, only smiled sarcastically and stirred your soda with the straw. 
"New boyfriend?" He asked, his tone dripping with faux-interest. You knew him. You knew him like the back of your hand, and he wasn't interested. He was waiting to incriminate you.
"No, actually." Zack interjected, bravely. "We're just getting to know each other. It's going well." 
You nodded, giving him a genuine smile. "It is." 
Kai tightened his smile further; the fakeness started to show through the cracks. "Good, good. Well, I just wanted to say hello. I'll leave you two lovebirds to finish your appetizers." 
"You know him?" 
"Unfortunately. Too well." 
"Ex-boyfriend?" Zack asked, popping another spinach-dip loaded chip into his mouth.
Sheepishly, you nodded.
"He looks familiar." 
"Yeah, you've probably seen him on TV. He's a councilman."
Zack snapped his fingers, pointing at you. "That's it! Anderson, right?" 
Again, you nodded. "Yep... that's the one." 
The waiter appeared, meals in hand. As you two ate, the conversation naturally melted away from Kai, which you were grateful for. Especially since it seemed like it was headed in the direction of Zack wanting to vote for him and agreeing with his campaign policies. Unfortunately, Zack fit the bill of one of the men that Kai would easily brainwash, and recruit to his noble cause.
Halfway through dessert, your phone buzzed. You knew who it was from without even looking. The message read: We should get together.
You quickly thumbed out a response. Why? 
Just to talk. 
Against better judgement, you agreed. The rest of the date was spent laughing about poorly written films in the last decade, but in the back of your mind, laughing was the last thing you wanted to be doing. The next hour was a blur. Zack had gone in for a kiss when he was leaving, which you returned, but only briefly. You were distracted. Painfully so. You went from the restaurant to Kai's, but you hardly remembered driving there. Your mind was on autopilot; a rotten, sour feeling bubbling in your stomach. Everything in you said that this was a bad idea, and yet, you gripped the steering wheel hard, looking at his front door.
You got out, locked your car and made your way up the pathway. You only knocked once before the door flew open. He stood tall. Proud. Unwavering. That overly confident, but calm smile plastered on his stupidly-handsome face. His hair hung at his cheeks, greasy as ever. He was pleased you'd shown up - you thought you saw a flicker of doubt that maybe, just maybe, you wouldn't have. But you were a woman of your word, and you weren't going to show him that he was something to fear.
"So, when are you going to break it off with what's-his-name?" Kai asked as he took the basement stairs quickly, trotting down them. You followed, wordlessly, revelling in the familiar sensations. Once you'd stopped at the final step, you glanced forward, eyes locking on the brown leather couch. Out of all the memories that you'd had in that basement, the ones that rushed back were the ones where Kai was fucking you on that couch. Ruthless, merciless fucking until your back hurt and your insides felt like they'd been obliterated twice over. You blinked the images away, swallowing hard. Your head turned before your eyes met his. 
"Zack is actually very nice, and he'd probably treat me very well if I decided to pursue a relationship with him. But since when do you care who I'm with?" 
"It's my business." 
"No, it fucking isn't. It hasn't been for weeks. Last time I checked... I was uhhh, what was it? A stupid bitch?" That had become a favorite alias of his. You plopped down on the sofa, cushions giving way to your weight.
Kai bristled. "You know, you really should be careful what you post on social media." 
"Excuse me?" 
"You never know who could be watching." 
The realisation hits you like a freight train. Him being at the restaurant wasn't a coincidence, it wasn't bad luck. Kai knew exactly where you were going to be and he made it a point to be there. You’d replied to a friend in the comments of a post, telling her that you were going to be at that particular restaurant in the afternoon. He’d seen that.
"You've been.... fucking stalking me!?" 
Kai filled his chest with air, somehow standing taller than he already did. "You sure like to show off your cute little life, don't you? Pathetic little coffee outings and Tapas date nights. But what I want to know..." Kai trailed off, circling you like the pathetic little lamb you were. "...is who you go home and think about. Is it Zack? Or maybe Edward?"  
You felt the muscles underneath your eye twitch. 
"Or is it.... me?" 
Kai finally moved in front of you, his broad chest obscuring your view from everything else. His legs touched your knees. 
"Answer me." 
"I don't have to tell you anything, Kai. You aren't my boyfriend anymore."
"I said answer me!" Kai pressed his thumb and forefinger into your cheeks, making your lips pucker out like a stupid, confused fish. He yanked your head forward, bringing it up towards his. The action strained the muscles in your neck, but you didn't dare say that. This dynamic was very familiar to you. You'd been here before. 
"Seems like you need a little reminder."
A chill ran down your spine.
"Open your mouth." Kai's thumb traced your pouty lips softly, sweeping back and forth. He waited a few seconds, his face tight with impatience and when you didn't concede to his request, Kai forced your mouth open, pressing his fingers into your cheek flesh until you winced and dropped your jaw. 
"Good girl. Now, you're going to keep your mouth open until I say to close it. You understand?" 
You nodded, your tongue resting delicately on your bottom teeth. 
"I have a very important job for you. You're going to stroke my cock until it's hard and then I'm going to throat fuck you."
You held back a cringe. He was always so... direct. Direct with his intentions, direct with his words, direct with his actions. You supposed that was the main vein of why he was doing so well as a councilman; people liked the truth -- and regardless of validity, if something is delivered with enough confidence and directness, it's believed. 
You reached forward tentatively, undoing the button of his dark jeans. The zipper came next, one tooth at a time. You felt the heat of his groin as soon as you leaned forward to pull the jeans over his buttocks, turning your face away so that you weren't met with a mouthful of fabric. With a strong hand, you gripped the elastic of his boxers, pulling them down over his balls - his dick flopped out, heavy and warm to the touch. You sucked a self-encouraging breath into your lungs and reached forward to grip his flaccid cock, inching your lips towards it.
"No." He bucked his hips backwards, furrowing his brows. "What did I say?"
You froze, backpedalled and began stroking, intentionally angling it towards your mouth. Kai let out a shallow breath, pressing his chin against his chest to watch you. You gave it a firm squeeze, and in response, his cock twitched in your grip; it didn't take long for it to swell and stiffen to capacity in your grasp. You paid some attention to the tip, spreading around the slithery pre-cum that had leaked from the slit.  
"I always liked that about you - your willing adherence to any and all demands. You know what I want." 
At least he was praiseful. He always had been, even in the late and toxic stages of your relationship. Still, you chalked it up to him enjoying the sound of his own voice and feeling like he was in control of the situation
Your free hand took hold of his balls, squeezing them softly. At that, Kai vocalized hungrily, grunting low in his throat. He was a very venous man; in any heightened state of emotion that got the blood flowing, his veins popped in his forehead, his neck, his hands... and his cock. Your tongue massaged the veins that swelled on his shaft, flattened out on the thickest one underneath and flicked at the tip.
You continued jerking it, finding a rhythm until Kai's large hand enveloped yours, forcing his cock out of your grasp to replace it with his own. Pumping his cock in and out of his hand a few times quickly, Kai hissed through his teeth, and took a fistful of your hair at the crown of your head. He immediately let go, and cupped the back of your head with his hand, stroking it softly. Tenderly -- like it meant something to him. It didn't. You were a stupid pawn in his story, another one of his dedicated cult members, and he regarded them all the same.
You closed your mouth to swallow, wetting the inside of it before returning to your previous, vulnerable position, tongue out, eyes lifted to meet his. Kai's pitch-dark eyes looked down at you with a roiling expectancy, one that spoke louder than words could. He slapped the tip of his cock against your waiting tongue, revelling in that first, startled flinch.
At first, he slid just the tip along the texture of your tongue, grinding against you, but it didn't take him long to penetrate. The tip of his cock bumped against the back of your throat, and you closed your lips, bowing your head slightly to allow him further down your throat.
“How does that feel?” 
You nodded your head. Kai let out another throaty moan and picked up his pace, thrusting his hips hard into your face as you relaxed your throat as best you could, fighting your gag reflex. His cock filled your throat - violated it - the salty taste of his precum overwhelming your senses. Your nose burned and your eyes watered. You guessed that your eye makeup had begun to stream down your cheeks in ebony ribbons. 
Kai's visual was ethereal. You were coming undone before him - below him - as women should. In such a submissive state, you looked your best. He took a fistful of your hair and yanked you forward, violently forcing you to deep throat his dick. He felt the slick, strong contraction of your reflex and grit his teeth; you were withholding it, but the pathetic, whimpering sounds of your gags drove him forward. He pictured them, remembering all the times that he had been in a similar position with you. 
"Gag," he said, finally. "I want to hear your pain." 
When you didn't, Kai forced his cock further into your throat, until your nose was pressed in the bush of his hair. That did it. With your eyes squeezed shut, your throat repeatedly rebelled. You coughed and gagged around his shaft, the tip still pressed against your tonsils. You finally opened your bleary eyes at him, straining them upwards to get a visual on him, to beg him wordlessly for relief. Kai flattened his hand on the back of your head and bunny humped your face, pulling more desperate gags from your throat.
"Who do you belong to?"
No response. Just a full-mouthed cough.
He took a fistful of your hair, pulling you hard off of his dick. THWACK! Kai's hand whipped across your face, leaving a welting streak of red in its wake. His cock bumped against the roof of your mouth as you nodded slowly, stunned from the sheer force. 
"I'll ask you one more time... who do you belong to?" 
Finally, you gave him another feeble nod and lifted your hand to press a single finger into his pectoral muscle.
"Good... that's what I like to hear. You remembered that it's rude to talk with your mouth full, too. I'm so proud of you."
Kai reinserted his cock into your waiting mouth, almost gently. That was everything but comforting, but this foreplay was familiar to you, and therefore, enjoyable. Sure, the way your throat burned as his dick hammered in and out might've teetered on the edge of discomfiting, but you'd been here before. You knew him, and at one point, you loved him.
You made an O around his cock as he dragged it out from the back of your throat, sucking gently. Kai began thrusting again, but less rhythmically than before. He was losing his steady pace, and that only meant one thing.
"Don't fucking stop," he breathed. "Keep going."
You closed your eyes again, two tears streaming down your blushing, caving cheeks. He was going to cum soon, you felt the tightness, the heat, the urgency behind his thrusts. Pumping his cock in and out of your swollen lips, Kai’s hand snapped to the back of your neck, holding you in place as he thrust remorselessly. 
A second later, he bottomed out again, and you felt his cock twitching, pulsing in your mouth as his orgasm washed down the back of your throat. You coughed a wet, sticky wet cough and Kai groaned, letting his head fall back into his shoulders. 
"Swallow. Fucking swallow it."
You did. You winced as your throat accepted the mouthful of blisteringly hot cum, salty and slightly unpleasant. Your mouth felt sticky and your throat was coated – you couldn't talk, not clearly. So, instead of telling Kai that you hated him, you just glared at him with fire in your gaze, baring your teeth at him like an angry dog.
“Aw, what? What, you hate me? Is that what you want to say?” 
You nodded.
“Go sit at the table. We’re going to talk about that.” 
286 notes · View notes
mythologyolympics · 7 months
Ancient World Dashboard Simulator
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🐢 aristotlestortoise Follow
I'm so sick of these philosophers waving dead chickens around to prove their point like that's not contributing to unnecessary food waste when children are starving in Gaul
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🦷 diogenessimp Follow
and who says they didn't eat the chicken afterwards you presumptuous garum sipper
besides how would that benefit a starving child in gaul diogenes did that in athens thats like 6000 stadia away from gaul
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🐢 aristotlestortoise Follow
As if donating a day-old chicken that had been used as a prop isn't a hazard for food poisoning or something geez
How about you bring in a live chicken and demonstrate your point with that and then donate it to a godsdamned farmer who can do something with it
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🦷 diogenessimp Follow
look neither of us understands diogenes whole school of thought as well as he does and if he thinks using poultry for props is the best choice then imma trust he knows what he's talking about
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🦣 giantwoolybones
do you guys know that you are arguing about a dead chicken
24,874 notes
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👨‍👦 corophilus
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not to be an art critic on main or anything but has this sculptor ever heard of a dynamic pose
#a boy this age would be moving!!
3 Notes
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✊ p-o-p-u-l-a-r-i-s Follow
The people just don't seem to care about how Caligula keeps beginning new construction projects with public funds. People are homeless and starving and he puts up a new theater in the middle of the city as if we need that.
Now he's claiming to be a god?? Plus there's rumors he has sex with his horse.
It's very important that you contact the members of the senate to let them know the people are ready to rise up if they don't depose Caligula. We should get organized and flood the streets.
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🎽 crixusstan
I see you not reblogging this. Come on, this should have 200k notes
14,381 Notes
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💸 achaemenid Follow
Dude, this invention of the coin is so iconic. Cyrus is gonna go down in history for this one. I mean that in a good way.
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🪙 lydianmetallurgy Follow
Sorry but Cyrus stole the entire concept of the coin from us and I'm sick of people acting like we didn't have contributions to make to advancements in science and culture just because we were conquered by your stupid empire. Cyrus is a tyrant and just wants to gather as much power as he can.
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🦁 daniyye
Cyrus let my people go back to our homeland, so he's all right by me
#by the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion #now we don't have to do that anymore!!
18 Notes
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🥇 gladiatorheadtohead Follow
Remember, you're voting for who you think would win the fight, not who you like the best.
24 Notes
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🐺 lyca
just left my den and there's just 2 human babies lying on the ground all alone
wtf do i do
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🐺 lyca
so i happen to already be lactating so i guess... i just have 2 more cubs now?
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🐺 lyca
guys these babies are so cute. i think they're going to do great things one day
#personal #do not reblog i mean it this time 6 Notes
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🍆 miletus-leather Follow
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The best sex toy shop in Miletus. Come see our selection!
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🦌 artemisbow Follow
I'm not one to harsh on a small business trying to make it but I've been to this shop and women are an afterthought here. You'd think the only people interested in dildos were men the way they act here.
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🍆 miletus-leather Follow
Women should be weaving and taking care of their children, not coming into our sex shop.
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😈 hermescock Follow
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🐐 blessedsatir
64 Notes
452 notes · View notes
barcaatthemoon · 2 months
home for christmas || claudia pina x reader ||
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you bring claudia home with you to norway for christmas.
claudia would never admit it, but you could tell from the grip she had on her hand that she was. the two of you had spent a season and a half in spain together, and this holiday break, you were excited to finally be going back home for christmas. the vacations spent partying at various resorts were nice, but you wanted something a little quieter and more wholesome.
"tu bien?" your spanish had never been good, and so, for the most part you refused to use it. now, though, you knew that claudia needed what little you had. she glanced over at you, obviously a little thrown off by the spanish. claudia's norweigan was nonexistent, so you had gotten your family to agree to english for the weekend you'd be staying with them.
"just nervous," claudia answered. her english was getting much better thanks to now fully living with you. your ability to speak spanish was atrocious, despite being able to keep up with what most people were saying. there were always exceptions, especially whenever someone threw in the a catalonian phrase. aitana and alexia were the worst about it, ona only really doing it to get on your nerves.
"you'll be fine, my parents will love you more than me by the end of the weekend," you told her. claudia doubted it, but she liked knowing that she had your vote of confidence. it didn't matter that claudia felt like she'd mess things up if she knew that she had your vote of confidence.
"right. i am a good girlfriend to you. we love each other very much, and even if they don't like me, they'll see that," claudia reasoned. you were glad to see her thinking rationally. it was amazing sometimes how sound of mind your girlfriend could be whenever she was away from the rest of her chaotic friend group.
meeting your parents had gone over extremely well for claudia. she knew that she was nothing like your exes, and that seemed to work well in her favor. your parents approved of the relationship a lot more than they had of your ones in the past. your father had openly told claudia this, and she had been almost insufferable for the rest of the night.
"are you sure that you don't want to stay a couple more days here? i mean, your parents did make up that room for us. it seems a bit like a waste," claudia said. you pinched the bridge of your nose as you got in the car with her. she shifted uncomfortably in the passenger's seat, thrown from her element since you weren't letting her drive you around.
"claudia, i love my parents, but i'd like to, at some point, have some privacy. they were well behaved because you were around, but once they get comfortable, it's all over," you warned her. claudia frowned a little, but understood.
family was very important to the both of you, and claudia had genuinely just wanted to spend some more time with yours. you were all for family time, but a lot of the things you wanted to do on this trip were just for you and claudia. you knew that she had been to a few ski resorts, but she hadn't gotten a good, proper, christmas experience in your books.
the drive to your little rental isn't too far from your parents' place. it's already decorated for christmas, and while it is nice, it feels less like home than where you had just come from. it's very organized, like how claudia had decorated her apartment as a compromise to you the year before.
"this is nice," claudia said as she walked around the little living room. the small house was nice, reminding you of the one you had went to look at in spain. your contract was up soon, and you were hoping to resign with barcelona. claudia was staying, promising you that she had absolutely no intentions of going anywhere else, and that she'd love for the two of you to get a place together whenever you resigned.
"i have a present for you," you said as you wrapped your arms around claudia's waist. she leaned into your embrace, allowing for you to kiss the side of her face several times. reluctantly, you pulled away to get the bag with the coat that you had asked your father to pick up whenever all of you had gone out to the big market.
"it's not christmas yet." claudia looked a little skeptical at the gift bag. you knew exactly what she wanted to be in the bag, and it definitely wasn't it. however, you weren't going to let your girlfriend run around looking like a tourist, nor would you let her stand there freezing because she wasn't properly bundled up.
"well, this is just to make our day trips easier on you," you told her. claudia cracked a small smile at the way you just constantly thought of her like that. you were definitely the caretaker in the relationship, always trying to make sure that claudia was safe, comfortable, and happy. "it looks thin, but i promise that it will keep you warm."
"you got me a coat in blaugrana?" claudia gripped the coat tightly in her hands as she held it up in front of her. you may have ordered the coat early, long before claudia had actually agreed to come with you. claudia smiled as she looked over the coat to take in the little details. you had gotten her number on the side, a little touch that you knew meant the world to her.
"it was supposed to come before we got here, but you have it now," you said nervously. you were twiddling your thumbs behind your back when claudia launched herself into your arms. you caught her, smiling and laughing as she tackled you back onto the couch. the two of you rolled onto the floor, lips connected in a deep kiss.
"i love it."
claudia couldn't believe that for the first time, she could go outside without being cold. the two of you had been out at the christmas market for nearly an hour already. you wanted to buy some things, but there were things to do first. claudia smiled as the two of you walked around, not complaining once as you continuously got distracted by different booths.
"thank god there's no line," you sighed in relief as you saw the rink. claudia's eyes followed yours, a slightly nervous look on her face as you tugged her toward the ice rink. "come on, we should take advantage of this, it won't be this empty for long."
"are you sure it's a good idea? i can't skate, and if i get injured, the others would probably kill you," claudia said.
"don't worry, i'll be right here the whole time holding your hand. i won't let you fall," you promised her. claudia hated that her trust in you dissolved any of the protests that had been building up inside of her.
once you both had your skates on, claudia took your hand and led you onto the ice. you moved slowly, allowing claudia to get a feel for it. she didn't really ever get too comfortable, so you only had her do a couple of laps. she took her skates back and sat on the side, content to watch you do your thing.
it was a little known fact, but you hadn't started out playing soccer. that had always been a bit of a side thing, even as you had gotten your youth team callups for your country. your first love had been figure skating, but there had always been someone better than you. it had destroyed you to always feel like you were second best, and so, your parents had steered you towards soccer, which had boosted your confidence as you grew into your teenage years.
being on the ice again after so long felt freeing. you danced along to the music, unaware of the way claudia watched you. she hadn't gotten to see you so unapologetically invested in something ever. you were completely lost in yourself, and claudia felt like she was falling even further in love with you. it should have scared her, but she had been feeling this way throughout the entire trip.
it was nearly an hour later whenever you finally got off of the ice. you'd be feeling it later, but for the time being, you were still buzzing. claudia seemed a little bit more clingy than normal as the two of you did a bit of shopping, but you didn't mind it. you loved it whenever claudia would hold onto your hand and lean into your side, randomly pressing little kisses to your cheek or jaw.
"wait! we have to get hot chocolate!" claudia chuckled as she watched you run off towards another booth. the two of you had spent most of your day out and about in town, and now both of you were more than ready to go home. claudia knew that you hated being out of the house for so long like this, so she was a bit surprised when you ended up being the one to make constant stops on the way out.
"why did you only get one cup?" claudia asked as you returned. you opened up the little mouth spot on the top and took a sip of it.
"because we're sharing it," you told her. claudia took the offered drink, eyes widening a bit in surprise. this wasn't her first time having hot chocolate, but this tasted different. "i used to get it every single year from the same booth because it's simply the best i've ever had."
"i want my own," claudia told you.
"tomorrow, we'll come back, i promise." you pressed a kiss to the top of her head as you dragged her towards the car. the two of you made your way out, not stopping anywhere else. you took a couple more drinks from the hot chocolate before you just gave the rest to claudia, who sipped on it happily from the passenger's seat.
"any more plans for the day?" claudia asked you.
"the christmas programs start soon, so we'll probably watch those and drink some wine. i'll warm up the leftovers my mom gave us for dinner, and then i say that we call it a night," you told her. claudia liked the sound of that, humming in approval as she shifted in her seat slightly. "all of this running around has made me very cuddle deprived, so you'll have to fix that."
"are you deprived of anything else?" claudia asked as she placed her hand on your thigh. the two of you shared a knowing look, one that claudia assumed meant she'd be getting lucky as soon as the two of you got back to the rental. however, much to her dismay, you did make her sit through all of the christmas specials that played that night before you even let her have more than a couple of very quick kisses.
271 notes · View notes
chronicallycouchbound · 11 months
Intelligence Doesn't Equal Morality
Intellect is rooted in ableist systems and stupidity and intelligence are pointless social constructs that don't relate to morals or character.
I try to be a pretty good person, I fight for human rights, I regularly engage in mutual aid, and I care for my community. I try to do the right thing and support causes I care about and make positive changes in the world.
But I also am not very smart. I have several neurodevelopmental disorders, as well as cognitive disabilities. I can’t do simple, basic math, it’s hard for me to remember facts or algorithms, I rely entirely on spellcheck and speech-to-text to write, I failed many classes in high school and I barely passed with a low GPA, I had low pSAT scores and I never took the SATs. I moved around a lot all through school starting in third grade, and I missed a lot of basic fundamentals in learning (like how to do division and multiplication) so when I went to a different school they had already passed it and expected me to know. After my TBI, I could barely read AFTER I was cleared from my “concussion” symptoms because letters and words would flip around and I’d get headaches. Which still happens sometimes.
A lot of people see me as smart because I've learned a lot of academic language and can formulate thoughts into cohesive posts. But I lack a lot of necessary skills and rely on my caretakers to assist me. Things like budgeting and planning are extremely difficult for me. If I need to do simple addition or subtraction, even with a calculator, I quickly get confused and struggle. I forget basic information about myself all the time, let alone other subjects. I'm talking, has to check my ID for my birthday type confused. Doesn't know my name or address or what year it is confused. It happens daily, sometimes multiple times a day. Being able to type out posts like this often takes weeks and many adaptive tools to get there. Focusing is extremely difficult on many fronts, severe chronic pain, ADHD, dissociation, fatigue, migraines, and TBI, are just some of the contributing factors. I struggle daily with many things because of my lack of intellect.
I’m also privileged in the fact that I had some access to education as a homeless youth, that I had some supports in place to help me (towards the end of school), that I was somewhat able-bodied at the time and could walk or bike to and from school when the school system didn’t provide transportation. I was fortunate to have a chance to succeed, and I’m proud that I graduated high school because it was a difficult task for me, and others often aren’t offered that chance or get accommodations. I almost didn’t and I dropped out many times before graduation. I passed on sheer luck and what little privileges I had. 
That all being said, me being stupid (reclaiming it here) doesn't make me a bad person. I don't hurt people because I can't do math. I may mess up things or get confused but it doesn't make me want to harm others.
We often (wrongfully) equate morals with intellect. Being ‘stupid’, ‘dumb’, or an ‘idiot’ doesn’t automatically make someone a bad person. Plenty of evil, awful, and abusive people are extremely intelligent. 
I see this most notably with people advocating for IQ tests to be able to vote. Often from left-leaning people, in hopes it'll make the right (that they view as unintelligent), unable to vote. The reality is, it just hurts some of our most vulnerable members of the community while not actively doing anything to restrict some of the most dangerous members of our community-- those who know what they're doing to harm others and deliberately doing so. My voice matters, and I speak up against injustice and participate in dismantling oppressive systems. Taking away my right to vote won't make the right stop oppressing minorities (which also puts a lot of faith into the two-party voting system, which is a post for another day).
Additionally, legislative measures that discriminate against intellectually disabled people such as IQ tests for voting are also rooted in racism and classism. 
Yes, education can be a vital tool when it comes to addressing discrimination and creating safer communities. But the kind of education that is measured with an IQ test (or any test) isn't the same. Building compassion and caring for others can (and should) happen at any IQ level. We can all practice this, we can all participate.
It harms our communities and stagnates our progress when we equate intelligence with high morals.
1K notes · View notes
Secret Lovers Pt. 2
Husband!Simon "Ghost" Riley X Wife!Reader
Now Simon was no stranger to flirting, having used every pickup line he could on you, however he sometimes wasn’t prepared when you would do the same to him. With that knowledge you would only do it to him when no one else was around, no one deserved to see him the way you did.
a/n:this was for everyone who voted in favor of an epilogue/part two to this fic i just want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who read and gave feedback! warnings:drinking, some slight swearing, mainly Simon being a huge simp for his wife
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After everyone had found out about your marriage with Simon all hell had broken loose, from Johnny begging for more information, to John practically running out of the room when all eyes were on him. He’d been the first person you’d told about the engagement, asking if he would stand by Simon’s side when you became one. John was honored, knowing that you’d want him to be there for your special day. You’d expected to feel nervous when you walked down the aisle, Simon’s eyes shining with tears as he tried, and failed, to suppress his smile. Knowing that the love of your life was waiting for you, well it meant more than anything else in the world.
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It had been Kyle’s idea to head out to the pub for some dinner and drinks, and who were you to tell any of them no? It’d been quite a while since you’d all been able to go out and let loose, and with everyone knowing about you and Simon it made things easier. So, after grabbing your purse and changing into more comfortable clothes you headed out with the boys. John downright refused to let Simon drive, saying he valued his life more than anything. You offered to drive everyone back home, saying you didn’t want to drink too much anyhow. John agreed, only after he’d gotten into the driver's seat with Kyle calling shotgun. Johnny whined as he crawled into the back, scooting towards the door to give you more space in the middle. Simon wouldn’t admit that he was a major manspreader, thighs wide open in the back seat. You offered to put your legs over one of his thighs if it meant giving Johnny more space to relax.
He simply waved you off, promising that he was doing perfectly fine in his own seat, even if he was definitely trying to seem smaller. You chuckled at his insistence, throwing your legs over Simon’s right thigh and cuddling into his side. It gave Johnny plenty of space to untense his body and relax. Once you reached the pub everyone would have ample space to spread out and relax, you just hoped Simon wouldn’t get too rowdy by the end of the night. He never tended to, too worried about making sure you were alright, but he deserved to enjoy a night out.
“Alright, we’re here, now remember that I’m not driving us back, Y/N will be, so when she says it’s time to go, it’s time to go.” John handed you the keys before getting out of the truck.
The rest of the men followed suit, Simon all but dragging you out and into his arms to keep any prying eyes away from you. Even though the mission you’d gone on was a success, Simon was still nervous that someone had seen you two leave together and word got to his enemies. You’d assured him more than a million times that if anyone had seen you, you had a great team to back you up.
“Thank you John! We’ll meet you inside.” You tucked the keys into your pocket, looking up at your husband.
“Mmm, you look gorgeous darling.” Simon cupped your cheek gently, pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
“As do you, dear husband.” You smiled into the kiss, pulling him closer to your body.
“What did I ever do to deserve you?” His hands wrapped around your waist, bodies pressed flush together.
“I do believe we ran into one another while getting coffee, and since you’d spilt your tea all over my blouse you wanted to apologize.” It was a day you would never truly forget.
The sky was cloudy, giving off the aura that it could possibly rain, something you’d grown accustomed to after living in Cardiff for so long. You’d been transferred by your superiors, having taken a new job and been given your orders. You were working as a medic for the army, a necessary surgeon for anyone that got injured on base. So far they were few and far between, something you’d become almost thankful for. 
When you’d turned to go into the coffee shop you ran straight into someone else, their tea spilling all over your brand new blouse. The hot liquid stung for a brief moment, cooling nearly instantly in the otherwise balmy air.
“Shit, ouch.” You tried to pull the fabric away from your skin as best you could, not wanting to cause any further damage.
“Oh my goodness, I am so sorry.” A hand cupped your shoulder, a guilty expression slowly spreading across his face.
“It’s okay, I don’t think it was able to do any damage.” You glanced at the, now empty, cup in his hands.
“I had been on a call, and wasn't paying attention to where I was going.” He frowned, tossing the cup into a nearby trash bin.
You shook your head, it had been an accident and there wasn’t much you could do, but unfortunately now you were soaked and smelled like earl gray tea. Granted it definitely could’ve been much, much worse, but you were more annoyed at being cold and wet.
“If it’s not too much, can I offer to pay for your things as an apology?” It seemed harmless, but who were you to deny such a handsome stranger?
“Yeah, that would be lovely.” You smiled as you followed him inside.
You’d spent the entire time talking while waiting in line, and then sitting down to eat your scone and drink your coffee. You learned his name was Simon, and that he was part of the SAS. However you didn’t have the heart to admit to him that you were actually going to be part of his team, it wasn’t until John had introduced you to everyone. Simon was floored, he’d made the worst first impression a person could, and yet, you still agreed to the first date.
“That may be true, I’m still upset that I ruined such a pretty blouse on you though.” Simon had offered to pay for a new one, claiming it was too pretty for you to simply throw away.
You didn’t tell him that you’d gotten it back home at a thrift store, a lucky find that you only ever wore to help cheer yourself up. In some part you were thankful he’d accidentally ruined your favorite blouse, had it not been for that fateful mistake, you wouldn’t be standing there with him. Sure you were on the same team when needed, but Simon wasn’t one to truly open up to someone right away, you’d been an exception, one in a million.
“I’m not, if losing that blouse meant I got to meet you? Well, let’s just say I’d ruin that blouse a thousand times.” You giggled as his cheeks flushed a light pink.
Now Simon was no stranger to flirting, having used every pickup line he could on you, however he sometimes wasn’t prepared when you would do the same to him. With that knowledge you would only do it to him when no one else was around, no one deserved to see him the way you did. Maybe his teammates, but that was more of a platonic type of love that they all had.
“Such a charmer you are, why don’t we head inside, I’m sure Price is gossiping with Kyle anyway.” You were not proud to admit that you snorted at Simon’s admission.
Kyle and John gossiped like two old women with nothing better to do, they knew everyone that were in relationships on base, who’d cheated on who, who was stealing MRE’s. You name it, they knew it. You wrapped your arm around his waist, heading into the pub to find where the boys had all perched themselves. It should’ve been obvious they would choose the largest booth considering how many people were in your group. You scooted into your seat, leaving enough space for Johnny to your left as Simon plopped down beside you.
“Two weren’t shagging outside were ya?” Johnny already had a pint in front of him, Simon narrowed his eyes at the dark lager.
“Really? Guinness?” Simon had never been a fan of the lager, saying it left an odd taste in his mouth.
“I’ve seen the shit you eat, just because Guinness has more flavor than you’ve ever had in your bland diet doesn’t mean you can shit on it.” Everyone’s jaw dropped, Kyle choking on the sip of his own lager he’d been trying to take.
John hid his wide grin behind his hand, struggling to contain the laughter that was trying so hard to slip through. Unfortunately you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing, it was absolutely true that Simon had quite a bland diet before you’d met. It had taken some time but he was actually eating food that didn’t look like it came out of the great depression.
“You’re really sitting there laughing at me?” Simon pinched your side, your squeal echoing across the table.
“He’s not wrong though! So, yes I’m going to laugh.” You grabbed Simon’s hand before he could pinch you again, pressing a kiss to his lips to help distract him.
“Lucky I love you little lady.” Simon pressed one more kiss to your lips and tip of your nose before relaxing in your hold.
John and Kyle had offered to get another round of drinks and food, pointedly ignoring the way Simon glared at Johnny’s now empty pint glass. It was simply a rivalry between friends, Johnny would order something knowing that Simon hated it and vice versa. They’d been doing it for years, both refusing to back down and admit it was silly. And now here you sat between the two, Simon wouldn’t do anything if he knew you’d get caught in the crossfire, he cared too much for your safety. A tray was laid out onto the table before Johnny, or Simon, could make any kind of retort, rendering them both speechless.
“Bartender gave us shots to go along with the drinks, so enjoy boys.” Kyle wouldn’t admit he’d totally flirted with her to get them for free, it was something about the Garrick charm.
Simon rolled his eyes, grabbing one of the glasses and tossing back the shot as if it was nothing more than water. God, something about that shouldn’t be so attractive but for some reason you wanted to climb him like a tree. 
Okay, you needed to cool down and enjoy the night before you could take him to bed and enjoy yourselves. Then again if he got too intoxicated he wouldn’t be able to do anything, you could always wait until tomorrow when he was sober. Yeah, you’d wait until he was sober and then you’d have your way with him.
“Didn’t forget about my favorite girl either.” John smiled as he placed a shirley temple in front of you.
“You’re the best!” You happily took the drink, taking a large sip before placing the glass back onto the table.
Kyle was handing out the food carefully, making sure not to give Simon Johnny’s buffalo wings lest there be an argument amongst everyone. You snuck the plate of mozz sticks, digging into your snack happily. John shook his head once he realized what you’d done, grabbing one off your plate and replacing it with a few of his fries. You’d most likely have Simon get you something else later, they tended to drink a lot when they could.
The conversation was lighthearted and comfortable as you leaned into your husband’s side, relishing in his warmth as he wrapped and arm around you. Kyle was talking about his plans for their next leave, how he was going to visit his parents and catch up with his sister. John didn’t want to admit he was most likely going to have to skip his next leave, Laswell had him booked and busy. You’d noticed that Johnny was a little more quiet than usual, having finished his plate of wings, and cleaning himself up, it was more obvious how he hadn’t even spoken in almost ten minutes.
“You alright?” You rested your hand overtop of his arm, waiting to see if he would acknowledge you.
“Mmm? Yeah, I’m alright lass.” He smiled at you, but something about it seemed off.
“What’re your plans for when you guys go on leave?” You wanted to include him in the conversation, seeing him look so glum broke your heart.
He cleared his throat uncomfortably, grabbing his pint and taking a large sip before turning his head to give you his full attention once more.
“I, umm, I’ll be on base the whole time, don’t really have a reason to go home right now.” That wasn’t what you were expecting, Johnny always left to go visit his family when on leave.
“Really? Well, if you’re not going home maybe you can stay with Simon and I?” It was a long shot, seeing each other on base was much different than staying at someone’s home.
Simon nearly choked on his own pint, setting down the glass to slap a hand against his chest to help clear his airways. Your head whipped around, hand raised to press against his shoulder before he shook his head.
“I’m alright hun, but what did you just say?” Simon was shocked, you were inviting Johnny into your shared home? The enemy?
“Oh, I asked Johnny if he wanted to come stay with us when we’re on leave, he’s not going home and since he won’t be working, unlike some, I figured he could stay with us.” It would be harmless, you had plenty of space to let one person visit.
Simon was hoping he’d heard wrong and that you weren’t extending an invite during the only time he actually got away from everyone. He didn’t want to tell you no though, you’d put up with so much already. How bad could it be? Maybe things would be fun and you’d spend the entire time showing off like you tended to do.
“If you really want, I don’t see why not.” This could either be the best decision he’s ever made, or blow up in his face entirely.
You clapped your hands excitedly, turning back to face Johnny who was currently grinning like an idiot.
“It’s settled, you’ll stay with us for your leave, and you boys are welcome too if you’d like to swing by.” You’d never refuse John, he was a frequent flier in your home.
It was mainly dinners, though you’d tried to convince him that he could visit on holiday if he was tempted. You hadn’t seen your parents since before you’d moved to England, they hadn’t known about your marriage either. You wanted to tell them, to tell all about the man that had stolen your heart within a single day. And yet you didn’t, choosing to pursue the relationship with Simon. It might have also been due to the fact your parents hadn’t wanted you to join the army at all. Your father had joined the army when he was eighteen, marrying your mom when they were barely twenty. He’d been adamant that you shouldn’t marry a military man, that they would only hurt you in the long run. Oh how wrong they were.
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The boys had gotten well and truly drunk, laughing at the silliest things and ordering even more drinks and food. You were slightly thankful for the food of course, snacking on anything when the boys weren’t looking. Simon’s face was flushed, eyes half lidded as he laughed at another one of John’s terrible jokes. That’s when you knew that the boys had truly passed their limit, when Simon was laughing at dad jokes? He was definitely drunk.
“Alright everyone, it’s time for us to go so I can get everyone into bed safely.” You turned to look up at Simon, noticing in that moment just how drunk he was.
“Awww do we have to?” Kyle was ready to beg, even if it meant staying out for a little while longer.
“Yes you do, I still have to drive home and I can’t do that without you guys.” You pushed into Simon’s side, eyes widening at the giggle he let out.
Everyone else was too preoccupied to notice the noise your husband had made and in some way you were almost thankful no one else had heard him. It was adorable, and getting to hear something like that when he’d let loose? It was a win in your book.
“C’mon big boy, we gotta get up too.” You pressed a kiss to his cheek, pushing him towards the edge of the booth once more.
“Okay, okay, ‘m getting up.” Simon slid out slowly, nearly falling onto his ass as the drinks caught up to him.
You scooted out quickly, grabbing onto his arm to help steady him so that he didn’t end up actually hitting the floor. John was more stable than anyone else, even when he was drunk beyond belief he still seemed sober. Kyle and Johnny were both leaning on one another, mumbling something about being too full to keep eating. You began to try and wrangle them all out to the car, listening to Johnny’s insane babbling.
Had they been a little bit more sober you might’ve found it adorable, but when you were trying to wrangle everyone into the car? It was going to take a while, especially if they continued to misbehave. You opened the back door before opening the passenger door and pushing everyone inside.
“I’d like to sleep tonight boys, so if you would be so kind.” You watched Johnny climb into the seat before nearly falling back out of the truck.
Kyle found it to be the funniest thing he’d ever seen, bent over in laughter as John righted the sergeant to make sure he wouldn’t hurt himself. You shook your head, waiting until both Kyle and John were in the backseat before staring at your husband. His brow was furrowed, an expression you’d never seen on his face before. The two of you stared one another down as if waiting for the other to break.
“Simon, please get in the car so we can leave.” He huffed before getting into the seat, shutting the door behind him a little harsher than usual.
Without giving anyone a chance to protest leaving for the night you got into the driver's seat, locking the doors the moment you were settled. Johnny was already snoring softly behind you. He must’ve been more tired than he’d realized, and with the amount that he’d had to drink you were surprised he hadn’t passed out sooner.
The drive back was quiet, nothing except for the sounds of the wind rushing by, and Johnny’s snores, could be heard. Simon had his arms crossed, muscles bulging even under the thick material of his hoodie. You hadn’t seen him this drunk before, it was starting to scare you a little at how annoyed he seemed. Bringing it up tonight seemed like a bad idea, he wouldn’t be able to have a proper conversation anyway. You were almost thankful when the base came into view, ready to get some sleep.
You’d parked the truck in John’s usual spot, slipping out of the car to help get Johnny and the rest of the boys inside quietly. John, while stumbling for a few steps, managed to make it into his room unharmed. Kyle was leaning against the wall, groaning at how everything was fuzzy and swirling around him at the moment. You were afraid he was going to get sick, but thankfully he made it into his room without any injury. Now all your focus was on Johnny who could barely keep himself upright, ready to pass out again.
“C’mon sweetheart, you need to lay down.” You did your best to keep him awake, nearly falling onto the floor with him.
“D’nt wanna.” Johnny collapsed onto the bed once you were in a safe distance, huffing quietly.
“Better stay, I have to get Simon into bed still.” You ran a hand down your face, if Simon was still acting weird this was surely going to be hectic.
Johnny began to snore almost immediately, snuggling with one of his extra pillows. Good, everyone except your husband was in bed. Time to wrestle a six foot four heaping of a man into bed and hope to god he didn’t give you shit. Quickly tucking Johnny in with his blanket to help keep the chill out you headed back out of his room. Simon was standing close enough that he would hear you when you walked out, but his shoulders still seemed to tense. 
“C’mon, it’s time for bed.” You nodded towards your shared room, no longer having to hide that you stayed together.
Simon grumbled something under his breath, too low for you to be able to hear him properly and give your own retort. You wanted nothing more than to change into some pj’s and crawl into bed, a shower could wait until you had more energy. Stepping into the room you threw off your jacket, making sure it at least landed in a chair before grabbing one of Simon’s shirts. The room was nearly silent as you began to get changed, the shuffling of feet echoing. You tore off your shirt and bra, groaning at how good it felt to take off. Simon huffed slightly, the sound catching your attention.
Your brow furrowed as you turned to face Simon, standing in front of the other man in nothing but your jeans. He had his back turned to you, something that hadn’t happened in years. 
“Si?” You reached over to grab his shoulder, startled when he suddenly pulled away.
“I’m sure you’re very nice miss, but I have an amazing wife and I’d rather sleep on the floor than beside you.” Your jaw dropped, Simon was so drunk he didn’t even recognize that you were his wife.
“I’ll give you a pillow and a blanket.” Pulling off your jeans and throwing on Simon’s shirt you giggled, grabbed one one of his pillows and an extra blanket for him to use.
He took them gratefully, laying down onto the hard ground as he did all he could to get comfortable. You knew he’d feel silly in the morning, having slept on the floor when he could’ve wrapped around you like an octopus. It was better than arguing though, Simon could be a mean drunk if it ever came down to it. Yawning slightly you curled up with Simon’s other pillow, breathing in his scent as you slowly drifted off to sleep.
Morning seemed to come too quickly for your liking, the sun seeping into your room from the crack in your curtains. Reaching down you pulled the blanket up and over your head, refusing to admit that it was time to get up.
“Love, why am I on the floor?” Simon’s voice was still thick with sleep, it was definitely doing things for you.
“You insisted on sleeping down there, said that you had a lovely wife and didn’t want to sleep next to me because of it.” You couldn’t stop the giggle that slipped through, pushing the blanket back down to roll over and face him.
“Jesus, how drunk was I?” Simon rubbed his head, face pale as the hangover took over.
“All of you guys were pretty drunk, Johnny passed out in the truck on the way back.” Shit, if he didn’t remember much of last night, he wasn’t going to remember you inviting Johnny to stay with you. You wondered if the Scot remembered your offer.
Simon pushed off the floor, crawling into the bed beside you and snuggling into your chest. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing a kiss to his head. The rest of the boys could worry about themselves for a few minutes, right now you were going to care for your husband. And ponder how you were going to admit that his friend would be staying with you for nearly a month.
tagging: @gaylemonshark
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onakomiyaki · 1 month
just a silly crush (not) pt.2
pairing : daniel ricciardo x childhood friend-brabham!reader
summary : your wall is starting to crumbling down, thanks to daniel. and the ice exterior you've been putting on for years started to melt, thanks to the daniel, the sunshine himself.
warning: unedited and rushed work, harsh words, slowburn.
a/n : we start to explore what's going on with y/n brabham. and honestly this is one of my favorite chapter to write so far!
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most of juniors that tried to befriended you have one same goals; to get you to help them to get close to some of your friends-your driver friends of course. or maybe that's just how you've been treated your whole life when you grow up, so you just assume that they want you for something–link to the drivers in this case.
if there is something you know best about f1 is that it is a hot topic amongst your juniors in modelling world and oh how they wish to be one of the wags of the f1 drivers.
many have tried, from buying you some expensive gift, trying to go on a lunch date with you, or just be your matchmaker–which let's be honest, sound kind of dumb when you surrounded by some of good looking-breath-taking drivers, not only in f1 but on some other motorsports as well–and the list is still counting.
and you, by natural, got a lot of heat from it. but you're fine. by the end of the day you're still the one who spend some holidays with those drivers, not them.
but not even once succeeded to even own your private phone number.
"(y/n) you really need to be nice to your colleagues, the media is onto you again." anna, your manager, watch your reflection with annoyed expression.
"what is it now?" you simply ask, eyes closing as you massage your temple.
"you were voted as the most cold-hearted models to work with." she exclaim, walking towards your direction with ipad in her hand.
you just stare at the pad with unamused expression. you read the headline with a frown on your face, then let out a scoff.
"i honestly adore (y/n) so much, she's an icon. but it is-it is hard to get close to her. to make friend with her outside the work talk. almost like she build this wall around us."
"i remember she's constantly sat alone in the dressing room-sometimes she just sat there with her headphone on. and when she's alone no one dare to talk to her-she's just that intimidating!"
and there's more articles and some interview snippets from your junior about how unapproachable you are.
"ice princess? what am i, elsa from frozen?" you said, scrolling away.
"i told you to be nice to those young models, (y/n)." anna said, snatching the ipad from your hand.
you finally turn your body, looking up at your manager. "they only want me because they want to get to know my friends." you stated.
"well maybe they want to be your friends? can't you just humor them for once? it won't kill you to gave them some of your friends' numbers..." she asked, sitting down on the sofa, just across you.
"anna, im not trying to gatekeep those men. they are welcome to get to know lewis, lando, carlos, charles, max, esteban, pierre-"
"and daniel."
"-nope. not daniel, not a chance." you finally turn your body, pointing at anna with frown on your face.
"why not? you know him the longest i'm sure you'll find a model that will fit him as a girlfriend." she asked, throwing a little smirk at you.
"that's the problem, i've known him almost all my life! what if i introduce him to a wrong person then shit went downhill? what if they only want his money? i can't risk that anna." you said, voice gone an octave higher.
"(y/n) you know that's not true. that's just you being scared of nothing-"
"anna you don't understand! he is the one constant in my life that i can count on–he keep me grounded okay? i am me with him and the thought of losing him-"
"‐point is im not gonna risk my friendship like that. especially with daniel. if they want to get to know those drivers, just attend the race, get a paddock pass or something. im sure if those drivers truly interested they will come." you finally stated, voice stern as you turn your back on your manager like a kid throwing small tantrum.
anna shakes her head in disbelief as she walk away from you, taking the ipad with her. "you're such a child sometimes."
"oh but you love me enough to stay with me for 10 years." you bite back.
"and i am amazed at myself for doing that. okay back to the topic, can just think about befriending your junior, please? that's all i ask from you, and you know i never asked anything from you." anna said as she walk out from your room, closing the door behind her.
you just sat there, pouting as you return your attention to your original task, watching the replay of british gp on your laptop.
it has been almost 2 months since your party and your meeting with daniel. and its also been 2 months since you call him. yes, texts were exchanged, but of course you miss his voice as well.
between your tight schedule and his race, you never find a time to call him. well you can but choose not to. you don't want to distract him.
as you saw the checkered flag being waved you take your phone, wanting to send daniel a congratulations text for his p5.
p5 bigman. congrats! podium next maybe? i miss watching your shoey thingy.
you stop, hovering at the send button. you want to call him. should you call him? you should probably call him instead. its his highest position of this season afterall.
but what if he's busy? he should be loaded with interviews by now right? ah there's also briefing right? you shouldn't call him. but, it won't hurt trying to call him. worst thing that can happen is the call never got answered anyway.
so you just sat there, phone in your hand as you chew the inside of your cheek, tasting a bit of iron when you accidentally bit too hard.
10 minutes have passed, and you're still staring at your phone. pretty sure by now daniel would've changed his outfit, already out of his race suit and maybe already headed back to his motorhome.
before you chickened out, you press the call button. the call is connected and you shriek, pushing the phone away as if the phone burn you.
"please don't answer, please don't answer! please-"
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"p5 mate, that's a good one." one of the engineers welcome him with a clap on his shoulder, but voice is not as excited as it should be.
"yeah, thanks. i can do better, i will do better next time." daniel said, voice a bit trembling from the adrenaline that still coursing through his body.
he pull the baclava off or his head, sweats dripping from his brown curls. his freckled face flushed, chest heave heavily as he wait for his water. if you look close enough, you can see steam seeping out from his racing suit.
he tear the velcro of his race suit, pulling the zipper down. "daniel! points for both of us!" lando, race suit sat snuggly on his hips, greeting the older man with a beaming smile.
"and you did amazing out there. keep up with the goodwork." daniel said, ruffling the younger's hair, smiling proudly at the young brit.
although daniel got points for mclaren, he knew that all eyes are on him. expecting something more from the ferocious honey badger, a win maybe. and truth be told he also expected more from himself.
the fact that p5 is his current highest position in this season really speak something. of course its not a bad thing, but he can't help it. he knew mclaren put a lot of faith on the 7 times champions to take home the first trophy for mclaren.
he silently walk back to his driver room, helmet sat snuggly on his waist beneath his arm. michael, his trainer, follow him while he ramble about their next training session.
but of course the only voices he heard right now is just some static buzz and noises. he is dissosiating, moving autopilot towards the sofa and plop down. his body instantely melts as he stare blankly at the ceiling.
"- and (y/n) will be there and all." michael said.
at the mention of your name, daniel's ears perk up and he only gave the other man a puzzled looks.
"sorry, you were saying?" he said.
"daniel this is getting ridiculous. i've spent 5 minutes explaining how we can improve your training and you just listen to me after i mention (y/n). just call her for godsake." michael said as he put some notes for daniel down on the table, throwing an acussing stare at him. daniel flustered under his gaze.
"sorry i was just– its not that! i–"
"i get it buddy, you're hopelessly in love with (y/n)" michael said, patting the aussie on the shoulder as he walk out from his room. "you really should call her man, stop playing the tough guy card, you're not fooling yourself or anyone."
daniel sigh in defeat, unable to come out with a comeback. to think that everyone but her knew about that–his feeling–is just sad at this point. michael was right, he is hopelessly, pathetically, desperately in love with you. for years now.
he knew he loved you eversince he saw your freckled face blushed under the australian heat, helmet in your hand 20 years ago as you listen to your father explaining how you can improve your turns and how you should control your kart well.
he loved you eversince you introduce yourself, voice cocky and proud after winning the carting session. "(y/n) brabham, and i will be an f1 driver." he remember what you said as you walk towards him and he was stunned, just silently watching as you walk away from him, your ponytail swaying left and right.
he loved you eversince you give him a can of cold soda, putting the can on his cheek. he jumped, flinching at the sudden cold sensation on his cheek. and that was the first time he heard your–oh so cute–cackles.
he loved you eversince he found you hiding away out of the karting field, sitting alone on the grass. he saw how your back was trembling, so he sat down with you. "i will never be a driver. i will never be enough." you said, wiping your tears as you lean into his left shoulder. and daniel listen to the voice of your soft sobs, letting his race suit wet from the tears.
he loved you. still love you. and will always love you. desperately so that it hurts him whenever you call him your bestbuddy ever or whenever he listen how you cry after unlucky relationship with some random man or when he went out on a date with some random girls, trying his best to burrow his feeling deep, which of course doesn't work.
just let me be your man, dammit.
so, daniel let out a deep shuddered breath as he sat down. his eyes landed on his phone that laying on the table, next to the report papers michael left for him.
should he call you?
he shakes his head, raising from his seat to walk towards his fridge. he took one of the bottled juice michael had prepared for him. he took the lid off as he empty the bottle in no time.
after throwing away the empty bottle, he shurg off his race suit, tossing it to the nearest chair.
he was halfway from taking his heat suit off of his body when his phone rang. its so embarassing how his head whipped quickly to his phone and how he struggle to just shrug his heat protector away.
"oh shit-"
he crashed, fall to the floor before quickly running for his phone. he accept the call, let out a wheezed air as he press the green button.
"hello?" he calmly said as he rub his elbow.
"hi danny, you busy?"
"no-no not at all. i was just chilling in my motor home. i have interview in 5 though. do you need something?" daniel finally sat down, this time on the floor.
he wait for your response as lay down, face facing the ceiling.
"oh. no, not at all. i just want to congratulate you on p5."
"you watch the race?"
"i always watch your race, maybe not in person, but i never missed your race."
and now daniel turn into 17 years old girl who got called by his crush, giggling and twirling his hairs. "really?" his voice squeak pathetically, so he clear his throat.
"yes, of course! i will always support my best buddy no matter what, even if it from afar."
yeah, bestfriend.
"aww, geez. thanks, brabham. i knew you're in love with me."
"hah! you wish, ricciardo! anyway-"
"you're doing great sweetheart. do not forget who you are and what you capable of. keep your chin up, bigman."
daniel smile slowly creeping back on his face. he can feel how flushed his face right now.
"thank you, (y/n)."
"you are most welcome, honeybadger. bite 'em okay?"
he turn his body so that he's laying on his side. he used his left arm as a pillow.
"can i bite you instead?"
silence. daniel held his breath, biting his bottom lips as he wait for your answer. and when he about to apologize, daniel heard you clearing your throat.
"alright pump the brake romeo. anyways, i will leave you be now. i'm gonna catch some sleep here. talk to you later, ricciardo."
"alrighty, cheers, brabham."
and the call end just like that. and daniel feel silly. he pull his phone closer to his face, gently hitting his forehead with it.
"you stupid boy..." he said to himself.
but he can't help it, he wished that you're here with him. god how he want to hug you right now. even better, kiss you right now.
"oi, danny! we need to go now!" one of the pr team shouted as he knocked the door.
"yeah! coming! just gimme a sec!"
meanwhile, you on the other side, had to stop and do a manual breathing after the call. you're slapping your face with both your hands as you watch your reflection on the mirror.
"bro pull yourself together! he is your bestfriend!"
"can i bite you instead?"
you let out a scream as you recall what he said to you. his deep voice haunted you–making you both dizzy and anxious (in a good way). no, definitely not. you can't! panicking, you get up from your seat as you pacing around the room.
"that bastard."
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beelmons · 1 year
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Mandatory team-building exercise
Pairing: BAU x Fem!BAU!Reader (becomes Hotch-centered) Genre: Smut (18+, minors are not encouraged to interact or read this story) CW: unprotected sex (i do not encourage), slight exhibitionism (not really, but ppl know stuff), jealous!hotch (a lil only), hoeing around, reader is bisexual Word count: 6,795 (very sorry about this) Summary: After a night of drinking, your boss proposes a bonding exercise so the team can get even closer: Everyone must make out with you, and you have to choose who kisses best. A/N: I got too carried away with this, no idea if i did any good, but here you go. Tag list (tagging everyone who reblogged and voted hotch): @ssamorganhotchner @montyfandomlove @hotchners-sweetheart @hey-dw @cassiemartzz &lt;;3
Best part of going to O’keefe’s was wrapping the night up at Rossi’s, slightly tipsy, laughing about everything, and generally enjoying the genuine personalities of your friends, no masks or guards up, which was something hard to do at work. David’s house was a place where you could bare your soul and still feel safe. 
“...and I swear, everyone just thought it was the most normal thing.” JJ said while swinging her glass of wine around, and the people around her let out a light laugh. 
“I bet Rossi could agree with that, couldn’t you?” Morgan directed the question to Dave “After all, it’s your fault that we don’t get to fraternize with other agents, ain’t that right?” his comment made everyone laugh once again. 
“No, no, never within the same department. I was in the bureau during the 70’s and 80’s, you didn’t get that many women out here, let alone in the BAU. By the end of my career, we only had two female agents in this unit and I had already been married thrice. So, do the math, if I had wanted to sleep with someone from the same unit, it would have had to be…” he made a pause for dramatic build-up “well, Gideon.” 
The entire team let out a disgusted yet amused grunt at the mere idea of seeing two of their former bosses interacting in such fashion. You watched Spencer’s face be particularly crumpled, he was possibly picturing it in vivid detail by accident, consequences of having such a bright mind, so you decided to grab the hand that was holding his long island tea and push it gently towards his lips. You giggled at how he automatically obeyed and swallowed down a rather big gulp of his beverage. 
“I’m just glad these are problems we don’t have to face in the BAU, you know, fraternization between agents.” Hotch said, taking a sip off his glass. 
The silence that took over the group was deafening. Accusatory looks were being exchanged between everyone, and they could notice how certain glances lasted longer than appropriate. Hotch didn’t usually stay long enough to see how the nights ended, when everyone was too hammered to call their own cabs, or too impaired to question themselves whether the person they were kissing was or was not part of the team. 
“Well, I think this is a conversation you kids should have without your parent present.” David, who was way faster at reading the situation compared to the unit chief, got up from his chair, leaving his glass by the table. Aaron sighed in what seemed like disappointment, and immediately followed Dave's actions. “No, no.” the older man quickly put a hand on his shoulder indicating him to sit down “I think it’s better if you stay; do some bonding. I’ll be in my room, sleeping, don’t be afraid to be noisy, the place is soundproof, just make sure to leave the alarm active once you leave.”
Incredulity washed over the unit chief as he watched his fellow team leader walk away from the situation. The eyes had turned to him instead, silently questioning about the decision he was going to take. It was a bit awkward to discuss your personal affairs with your boss present, sure, but it’s not like you didn’t have a relationship with him. Hotch, reserved and all, knew each member to a level of intimacy that few others could be able to reach, and had protected them in ways no other superior would approve of.  
“Whatever I hear today will come through the ears of your friend, not your superior, but there’s no discussing this back at the office, understood?” the boss clarified as he went back to his seat, his hand reaching for the scotch he had left on the table. There was a second of doubtful silence, people were unsure how safe it was to share such private, and risky, information. Hotch started to catch up, feeling slightly unwelcome and bothersome, so he let out another sigh.  
“Elle was Reid’s first time.” you spurted out of the blue, trying to ease the anxiety that was probably growing within your superior. 
“Hey!” your partner yelled out, being sat next to you on one of the couches, clearly offended that he was the scapegoat to the situation. 
“Greenaway?!” Morgan asked from across the living room. 
“Do you know any more Elles, Morgan?” you said, your eyes rolling. 
“How did you even land that, kid?” the dark-skinned man continued to ask. 
“I’m not really a fan of discussing my sex life out in the open, which is why this was told in confidence to my close and dear friend” the young doctor shot you a quick glare with a hint of anger on it. 
“Oh, so now it’s a sex life?” JJ teased. 
“Totally.” you said, taking a sip of your own drink before continuing “Because he told me this two minutes before he shoved his tongue in my mouth, and his fingers down my pants.” 
“No way!” Prentiss let out while everyone else laughed in surprise, Hotch’s eyebrows simply slightly raised at the confession. 
Reid was sinking on his seat, his ears reddened from the looks that he was receiving. You made sure to squeeze his thigh lightly and shoot him a smile, which deflated the uneasiness that he was feeling. You didn’t mean any harm, and there was no wrong in letting the secret out in front of your most cherished friends, they would have found out one way or another. 
“Morgan and I made out once.” Garcia interrupted the teasing in order to protect her favorite boy wonder from any further teasing, and Derek drew a smug smile on his face at her affirmation. 
“Somehow, that doesn’t surprise me.” Hotch contributed with an absolutely unphased expression, or so until another idea ran through his mind, his brows furrowing in concern “Hold on, was this on company time?” both suspects froze in their place and exchanged questioning, guilty looks. Regardless of the answer, their expressions had been enough to give them away “you know what? it’s better if I don’t know.” 
“That office is certainly cozy, don’t you think?” JJ said once again, her eyes traveling between you and Penelope. 
“Impossible.” Derek’s eyes spread wide open, his jaw basically dropping “Please don’t tell me the three made out in Garcia’s office and didn’t invite us to watch” he let out in a pleading, hurt tone. 
“Four.” Emily barged in. 
The men in the room seemed to melt at the revelation, the expression being quite literal for Morgan who slid down the chair in defeat, landing on his knees as if he had been shot in the cruelests of fashions. Spencer could only furrow his brows and let his mouth fall open, already trying to picture the situation. 
“Was it like, taking turns on each other? or the four of you putting your lips together in one single kiss?” the blond asked in order to assess the spatial situation better. 
“I’d say it was kind of a free-for-all sort of situation.” Prentiss answered him. 
“At some point, I’d close my eyes and whomever’s lips came to mine, I was fine with it.” JJ commented, earning a flirty giggle from the rest of the girls around her. 
“You women are killing me.” Morgan said once again, but a sudden epiphany seemed to come through his brain, and he turned in your direction with a pointed finger “Wait a second. That means you have been through everyone’s lips?!” he said in surprise. 
“You’ve made out with her too?!” Garcia said in an offended tone. 
“Christmas last year, got a little carried away with that mistletoe kiss.” he admitted “But nothing further than that.” 
Everyone’s eyes turned to you, the crowd had a mixture of accusation and admiration on their faces, depending on who you looked at, and their staring was making you a little uncomfortable, if you were being honest. 
“Have you all looked at yourselves? This is a ridiculously hot group of people. Being bisexual is very hard with a team like this.” you argued in your defense and decided to down whatever liquid was still inside your glass. Their faces seemed to light up with a hint of shyness. Everyone thought so, of course, but compliments on your physical appearances were not something you exchanged frequently. It was nice to hear once in a while. 
“Did you ever end up sleeping with someone?” Hotch’s question took everyone by surprise, yet they were intrigued enough to allow him to ask uninterrupted. 
Your eyebrows raised with slight offense “Come on, Hotch, I’m not a slut. The closest I have come to was Reid, and even so we stopped because I didn’t want to jeopardize our jobs.” you complained. 
“Sorry, that was not my intention-” he began, until Reid’s question cut him off. 
“Who’s the best?” he asked. 
“Spencer!” JJ yelled accusingly. 
“No, no, let the kid ask.” Morgan put a hand in front of JJ’s chest, trying to keep her opinions from coming out. Yet again, you were put as the center of attention, but you decided to shrug off the question. 
“It’s not like I keep track of each time!” you let out, pushing your friend by the shoulder playfully at his suggestion “Most of them were really far apart from each other, and it only happened once with each one of you.” you clarified, your eyes traveling to Aaron, as if you were trying to justify yourself to him. 
“So, what I hear is: if they were to happen one after the other, then we could find out?” Emily questioned in your direction. 
“There’s a pretty spacious coat closet by the entrance.” Reid pointed out. 
“Oh, we could make it into a competition, and whoever wins gets to sleep with her!” Garcia blurted with a little too much excitement. 
“Wha-” you tried to complain in confusion “Stop your horses, I don’t even get a say in this?!” 
“No.” Hotch stated. The way his eyes were stern, yet completely determined, caused a sensation in you that could only be described as lust. He was always commanding, but there was something about him instructing you to do the dirtiest things to your coworkers that had gotten you excited “This is now a mandatory team-bonding exercise.” his words came out almost like an order.  
There was yet another exchange of looks, this time excited ones, between the team members, and they decided to look at you for approval. “Okay, but sleeping with me is one hell of a prize, and I don’t seem to be getting anything out of this. So, how do I win, and what do I win?” 
“Seems fair that you have a reward as well if you achieve your desired result. How about, if no one is able to convince you to sleep with them, you get one of their vacation days each.” Hotch proposed. “Garcia and JJ, since the two of you are committed you don’t have to actively participate, but you will place a bet on the member you think she’ll most likely succumb to, if you win, you get the loser’s vacation day.”  
Your mouth crooked with pleasure, an expression that your partners mimicked. You were feeling exposed, in the good way, in the kinky way. You still took a second to consider, you knew there was no going back if you agreed to this, but yet again, these were the people you had trusted your entire life to, your job, your safety, your dignity. They would never do anything to undermine you, and their respect for you wouldn’t waver for something like this. 
“We have to set some rules, though.” Spencer weighed in “Only mouths and hands allowed in the erogenous zones.” 
“You worried that if we allow something else you’ll lose?” Morgan teased.
“Mhm, sure, we know what you’re trying to compensate for with those biceps, Morgan. I’m not afraid of you.” his friend teased back. There was a short moment of playful conflict between the two, when Derek pretended to jump menacingly towards Reid, yet he was stopped by Penelope’s hand on his chest. 
“Okay. I’m game.” you agreed along with a nod of your head “Who wants to give it a try first?” you asked, taking a look at the entire group. 
Bunch of eager hands raised at the cue. Morgan’s and Prentiss’s almost touching the ceiling as they competed to see who could raise it higher. JJ and Penelope, who were unfortunately not single at the moment, could only laugh at their little quarrel. Your finger moved rhythmically, pretending to select at random while humming a classic ‘choosing’ song. Ultimately, your digit landed on Prentiss and you wiggled it to indicate her to follow you; she stood up to reach for your hand, allowing you to lead her towards the closet by the entrance. 
She locked the door behind her and turned around with her hands extended towards you, trying to find your body in the pitch-dark small room; your eyesights finally adjusted to the lack of light and you could barely make out her shape. 
“You sure you’re good with this?” she double-checked once her limbs landed on your waist. 
“Em, I love the commitment to consent, but stop talking.” you ordered. 
Within seconds, your own arms wrapped around her neck urging her to come closer; she obliged, happily, and her own head bent forward to meet your lips. You could taste the faint flavor of her balm, which you identified as piña colada. 
Her lips moved slowly, yet sensually, the hands that were gripping your hips pulled them closer, and you could heart the rustling of your clothes rubbing together. After a couple of seconds, her tongue began to prod your bottom lip, ever so chivalrous asking for permission. You chuckled amusedly at the gesture, and she took advantage of the opening to slip in. 
Emily liked to take her time, not really taking control, more like exploring a place that always felt familiar and was revisiting just then. On your side, your fingers curled into the slightly messy hair, and your body rolled on its own to be feeling more of her against you. 
You could feel her hand dragging upwards over your clothes, she traced the side of your body and caused your shirt to come up a little bit, the cool air felt interesting against your now hot skin, and so a sound slipped past your lips. It was Emily’s turn to laugh, pulling away so she could make out your eyes. 
“Better than last time?” she asked, her face not leaving yours. 
“Mhm.” you could simply hum, still breathless from the session. 
“Do you have enough material to work with, judge?” she teased, her nose grazing yours in a playful manner. 
“You will be hard to top, Em.” you admitted to her as your body pulled away. 
“Not the first time I’ve been told that.” she joked “I’ll send in the next contestant, who do you want me to get?” 
“You know what? Just send in whoever you’d like, surprise me.” 
She smiled before sneaking out of the narrow room. You were left alone with a bunch of coats and purses, your idea building anticipation within yourself. Spencer or Morgan, who would come through that door? You were dying to know. Although, if you were being honest, there was only one other person you wanted in there with you. However, you weren’t sure if the team-bonding exercise applied to him as well, he was the sole pair of lips you were dying to taste, and still the only ones you hadn’t. 
Your train of thought was interrupted by the opening of the door; you jumped slightly in your place, and the man that was entering the room could notice. 
“Whoa, sweetheart, you that excited to see me?” Morgan chuckled at your startled reaction, and he swiftly closed the door behind you. 
“You’re a pleasant surprise, yes.” you said trying to ease your nervousness. Morgan made you particularly uneasy, not for anything bad, you were just sure that man had some sort of a psychic ability, he would always guess what you were thinking without even opening your mouth. 
“You were expecting someone different, weren’t you?” he stood before you, towering over your body. 
He took a couple of steps forward and you retracted until your back eventually hit the wall, he continued to pace forward until the gap between your bodies almost disappeared; being caged in by him, your hands traveled to your front, and they landed on his chest, almost as if you were trying to put some space in between you. 
He caught up to your actions, observant as he was, and so he raised his own hands to cup your cheeks. Your eyes had adjusted to the darkness once again, and you could see the natural glim of his as he looked into you. 
“We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to, alright? We can just pretend like we did until Hotch gets his turn.” he reassured, and your mouth dropped open. 
“Why would you-” you started to try and justify yourself, but he cut you off with a laugh. 
“I’ve got an eye for tragic lovers.” 
You sighed a little bit; Morgan had to be a mind reader, there was no other way. As if he was doing just that, his arms fell back to his sides and he stepped back to give you more space. Your hands desperately clung to the front of his t-shirt, not allowing him to escape any further from your grip. 
“Hold on.” you told him “There’s no need to pretend, he already thinks we’re going to do it, so what’s the harm?” 
The room was a bit too dark for you to make out his specific facial expression, but you were sure his eyebrows were raised in a startled surprise. 
“Damn, you’re good at convincing.” without further delay, his hands darted back to the position on your face, and he used them to pull you forward. 
You felt his lips on yours immediately, he was less gentle than Emily, but nonetheless chivalrous. You had to grant him access to your mouth, and he quickly obeyed your desires. His fingers moved back to the nape of your head, keeping you in place against his mouth as his tongue danced fervently around yours. 
Your hands had moved back to his chest, using them to stabilize yourself since his strength and mild roughness was making you lose your balance. You couldn’t help the slight squeeze that you gave his pecs, being that they felt firm under your fingers. Derek took your initiative with the touch as an invitation to do so as well. One of his arms fell down, and sensually slipped to your lower back, he was cautious, lowering inch by inch in search of any sign of complaint or rejection, but you didn’t provide  any, and his palm gently began to caress the area of your ass. 
Your hips rolled unconsciously against his, his breath hitched inside his throat as you did so to the point where he had to pull apart to catch it back. He didn’t want to leave you unattended, therefore his head tilted to the side to take a gentle nibble at your jaw before he moved down to your neck. The hand on your neck joined the other on your rear, adding much needed pressure to his front; you let out a pleased sound, and it was his sign to retract. 
He stole a quick, last peck from your lips before he pulled back. “I think I’ve done a good job.” he said with a cheeky tone.  
“Certainly, contestant” you went along with the joke and he answered with a laugh “Please send in the next test subject” he nodded at your instructions and calmly walked out. 
Thanks to Morgan’s comment, you realized that Aaron was probably game as well, and the mere thought of him appearing behind that door at any given second was making you nervous enough to begin pacing around the small room. You yet again reacted when the entrance was open again, and you must have made a movement or expression that indicated disappointment, because Reid pursed his lips at the sight of you. 
“Not who you were expecting?” he asked before he closed the door behind him, and you could notice the tint of sadness in his voice. 
“Come on, don’t be like that.” you reached out towards him in an attempt to find his hands, and when you finally did you pulled him closer to you “You know it’s always a delight to make out with you.” you tried to reassure him. 
“It’s mutual, you know?” he said, his hands still in yours. 
“I figured, I am an excellent kisser” you teased. 
“That’s not what I meant.” his voice seemed more stern than usual “You and Hotch.” 
You were thankful for the darkness that didn’t allow the blush of your face to be seen; after a couple of seconds, you cleared your throat, trying to avoid sounding too hopeful. 
“You don’t have to force yourself to kiss me” he added “Plus, I don’t know how comfortable I would be doing so while you think of another man.” 
Your eyebrows raised at his candor. Vulnerable Spencer could always sway you, mostly because you knew none of his words ever held an ill intention. He was honest to a fault, and you always felt compelled to soothe his anxieties. 
“Then be good enough to make me forget.” you almost let out as a whisper. 
You knew it would have to be up to you to take control with him, so you cupped his face and quickly dragged him down to your level to press a kiss to his lips and shut up whatever other excuse he was going to emit. Spencer was much more familiar with your lips compared to others, barely any foreplay before his tongue was already massaging yours sensually. His fingers gripped your hips in a similar fashion he had done before (that one time you were telling the rest of the team about). 
He pushed you backwards a bit, having you pressed against an already too familiar wall, and you could feel his knee slipping past your thighs, right in between them. His lips continued to work around yours, gently nonetheless, but you could feel the grip on your hips getting tighter, and you realized he was trying to move them, bringing friction to your front. 
A light moan slipped past your lips straight into his mouth, so his body moved forward to press against you a little tighter. “Isn’t that cheating?” you took the opportunity to say. 
“It’s not.” he answered before taking another kiss away from you “My mouth is where it’s supposed to be.” 
You giggled at his logic; Spencer was just that good when it came to loopholes. You were too focused on the pleasure that was taking over you as your clothed crotch continued to rub against his leg to actually care. Your hips started to take a rhythm on their own, and your kiss turned into a session of adjoining lips panting in unison. His fingers kept digging further into the skin that he had managed to expose due to the movement. 
At some point, your head dropped back to allow yourself to get lost in the moment, and you felt his lips attack its base with open-mouthed, yet non-invasive, kisses. Your legs began to shake and Spencer pressed against you to keep you up, your light orgasm running within every vein of your body. 
He let out a light chuckle as he pulled away from you, making sure you could keep your balance. “Bet Morgan didn’t do that” he said proudly. 
You hit him in the arm and pushed him towards the door with a smile, watching him smugly prance his way out. You laughed to yourself to disguise the anxiety that began to overwhelm you. You made sure to fix your clothes in a somewhat presentable manner, and you unconsciously pressed yourself back against the wall, as if you were too scared to meet him face first. 
Your heart felt like jumping straight up out of your chest when the knob finally twisted the damned piece of fine wood open. For the brief moment the hall light illuminated the insides, your eyes met, you could see the startle in his eyes once he noticed the way you stood there seemingly frozen by his appearance. He couldn’t bear the sight, his hands immediately darting to your face without having even shut the entrance. In a blink, his entire presence was right by yours, and his nose rubbed desperately against your own, almost as if it had taken all of his strength to stop himself from kissing you right away. 
“Can I?” he asked in a mutter. 
“Yes.” you barely let him finish his question when you answered. 
Your firm and resolute agreement was nothing but a turn on to him, and his lips pressed passionately against yours without a second thought. You struggled to catch your breath as he devoured every inch of your now plump skin. His hands were nowhere near quiet, either, they presumed permission to explore as well and traveled south to where your lower-back, and any work you had done to tidy your shirt was long gone, being that he was heavily bothered by the fact that you were clothed.
The tip of his fingers were carefully memorizing the areas where your skin curved, every so often gripping selfishly with the intention of leaving at least a faint mark. You wondered how he could keep going without taking a break, and as if he could read your mind he pulled away.
“That’s plenty to be able to judge your performance.” you joked, suddenly aware that this had all begun because of a silly game you had tipsily come up with. 
“I’m sorry.” he said, his hands fixing themselves on your face instead, keeping it still to have you at the same level as him. 
“What for?” your eyebrows furrowed questioningly, even if in the darkness he couldn’t quite see your expression. 
“It’s not enough for me.” his lips smashed onto yours once again with a similar force “Please tell me this urge isn’t one-sided.” he tried to reassure himself. 
“It’s not.” you hurried to clarify, and your hands tugged at his shirt to serve as guarantee. 
Aaron reached for the hem of your top and swiftly pulled it over your head, giving your aching lips a second of rest. Once your breasts were partially freed, you noticed him bend over, and one of his hands moved the remaining fabric away to expose your nipple; the way his mouth so hungrily latched to it made you shiver with pleasure, your right limb moving to his hair, and the left one covering your mouth to stop the loud moan from coming out. He didn’t take long to bring your other nub attention as well, and caged, throaty whines began to fill the room. 
You could feel his erection pressing against your hip; he would roll them from time to time just as a reminder of the effect you had on him. You couldn’t process all that, though, if you were being honest, his every move, kiss, and suck driving you further away from sanity. As if his mouth wasn’t already doing wonders around your chest, you bolted up when you realized one of Hotch’s hands had found its way inside your pants, toying with the elastic band of your underwear. 
“Aaron.” you removed the cover from your face to let out an aroused moan of his name. 
He finally let go of your upper body, his back straightening to be close to your face once again “Tell me,” he almost whispered “when he was doing this to you, were you thinking of me?” 
When you didn’t jerk away from his touch, he moved past the last restrictive garment, and one of his digits trailed up your entire slit, an experimental feeling to gather your reaction. To his pleasure, you melted into his touch, and the lack of light didn’t allow you to see the wide smile it generated on him. He took advantage of your approval to slip his finger inside your cunt. 
“Cat got your tongue?” he teased as the aforementioned began to painstakingly slowly twirl within you “Tell me, is there anyone else that can make you this agitated? So wet, so desperate to be touched?” 
“N-No” you tried to answer in one go, however, the way the tip of his finger caressed your walls in search of reactions was not allowing you to think straight. 
“I’ll ask you again.” he said, his tone ever commanding “While he was touching you like this, did you secretly wish it was me?” he kept pressing his initial line of questioning, that you were too gone to remember it was about your little anecdote with Reid. 
His wrist twisted in a way that allowed him to penetrate deeper, owning a moan that you tried to subtly suppress. 
“Yes!” you cried out in the lowest tone you were able to, still oddly aware that the rest of your coworkers were outside. 
“Let him know.” he basically growled against your ear, you lacked contact in your lower body for a second, only to let out a loud, uncontained whimper once he added a second finger to the formula. You grabbed for dear life onto his biceps, trying to keep your balance as he continued to thrust his fingers inside and out, your head also laid against the crook of his neck, unable to keep yourself facing him as he spilled dirty nothings in your ear. 
“Aaron, please.” you begged as your hips tried to get him even further within you “I need more.” 
The arm that was helping you keep still moved so his fingers could tangle in your hair, his grip allowed him to tilt your head back with a gentle tug, not quite enough to hurt you, but firm enough to force it a little. 
“I’ll fuck you so good you’ll forget every word but my name.” his mouth pressed against yours once again to give you a reaffirming, rough kiss.
He removed his hand from your downside, and it energetically began to search around for the top he had removed earlier. Unable to find it, between other pieces of clothing and the darkness of the room, Aaron decided to remove his own shirt and hurried to throw it over your shoulders. 
Your face reddened at his intentions, he was trying to cover you so the rest of the members wouldn’t see you literally half naked. Once he was comfortable with how many buttons he had hooked, he grabbed your hand to guide you outside the narrow closet. 
Unfortunately for the both of you, and his subordinates, the only path towards the guest rooms, that Dave had prepared earlier, was to follow the hallway that crossed the living room area on the side. You braced yourself mentally, your hand covering your face as you began to feel the confused sights of your coworkers during your little parade. 
“Last one out set the alarm.” you could hear Hotch command, but you didn’t dare to look back at your friends, or him for that matter. 
The rest of the group simply stared at how their shirtless superior was dragging a girl, their very best friend, who was wearing his shirt over what was obviously a barely clothed chest, to the rooms their other boss had prepared for a very specific purpose. They exchanged puzzled looks in complete silence until Emily spoke up. 
“Anyone know the alarm code?” she asked. 
Back to you and Aaron, he had chosen the closest door he could find open. As soon as you stepped in, he grabbed your hips once again to press them against his, his erection made itself known against them, and you couldn’t help but to curiously wander one hand down. Your foreheads met and so did your eyes as you palmed his front; he let out an airy quiet moan. 
Not able to take his frustration any longer, he twirled in his place along with you, making you stumble and fall on your back on to the bed. He landed right on top, his palms against the mattress cushioning the fall so he wouldn’t lay his entire weight on you. 
There was no exchange of words, only a quick glance at your covered bottom that you understood as a command. Your back arched upwards and he could steal a glance of your perked nipples rubbing against his lent shirt. Shortly, you began to wiggle underneath him to remove the pants that you were pushing down along with your underwear. Once you were exposed, garments missing somewhere around the area, Aaron sat on his knees to unbuckle his belt. 
The second his member became exposed, you let out a pleased gasp, which prompted him to smile in a rather shy way. Your legs subtly spread apart, revealing more of your intimate parts, and he understood that as an invitation to enter. His tip trailed slowly up and down your entrance, but before you could complain, he began to push in. He was as desperate as you were, and the way you let out a soft whine at his size. 
Once he had pushed all the way in, he reached for your hands, intertwining your fingers together and pushing them all the way over your head. He could get a clear view of your face and breasts, and once he made sure you had adjusted to him, his hips began to move. Another moan escaped your lips, so he leaned down to meet his mouth with yours, planting a passionate, deep kiss to it. 
You could feel yourself being filled by him, soft noises coming out of your mouth into his at the gentleness of his thrusts. Said gesture, however, wouldn’t seem to last long, and you noticed in the way the grip of your hands felt tighter with each one. 
“No one else can touch you like this.” he pulled away from the kiss to focus on the side of your neck, you felt his lips attach to the skin and roughly suck on it. Aaron pulled away to admire the redness that spread on the spot, proud of the mark that he knew it was going to leave. 
“No one else.” you reassured, your back arching a little at the pulsating pain on your neck. 
“Good girl.” he praised, his hips snapping with a particularly rough thrust that caused a low ‘fuck’ out of you. 
“Don’t hold back your voice.” 
He repeated his movement, and this time you squirmed trying to free your hands, a loud, throat-deep whimper resonating around the otherwise empty room. He smirked at the volume of the sound, yet his hips continued to pound in you, the initial slow movements gone from his rhythm. 
“Aaron…” you whispered in between moans “I want to cum.” you tried to beg. 
“Not yet, sweetheart.” his eyes glimmered with certain darkness
His hips changed angles even when his current speed wouldn’t give in, the way he was pushing now allowed your clit to rub slightly against his lower torso with every thrust, probably so he wouldn’t have to use his hands and set yours free. 
“I need to know I’m the only one who can fuck you like this.” he growled “I need you to say you’re mine.” 
“I’m-” you were about to start talking when he snapped his hips roughly, and you could feel him slide all the way in, his balls making a loud clapping sound when they hit the skin on your ass. The sound you made was loud, almost like a scream, and you were sure whoever was still outside certainly heard it. 
“What 's that? Couldn’t hear you.” his mouth had curled into a smug smirk. 
“I’m yours, Aaron. I’m all yours.” you cried out, your wrists once again twisting in an attempt to free themselves. 
He muttered another praise and let go of your hands, which could only fall flat to your sides and grip onto the sheets of the bed; he leaned back to be sitting on his knees once again, not allowing his member to slip out of you, and grabbed at your hips to slide them onto his lap. He held them in position as he continued to thrust, but one of his thumbs snuck to the upper part of your cunt, rapidly teasing the sensitive nerve bundle. 
You kept slightly gritting your teeth, your walls clenching around his shaft without mercy, and even if it was not obvious on his face, you could tell by the way his member throbbed inside of you that he was about to reach his limit as well. 
“Cum.” he suddenly commanded, and you didn’t need anything more. 
You allowed yourself to be engulfed by your climax, your body twisting itself and your hands pulling at the fabric beneath them, your legs also curled, basically pushing your partner in your direction, not even giving him the option to pull back. 
On his part, his head was thrown back, and you could see the way his adam’s apple bobbed with the loud groans he let out, his fingers gripping tighter on your skin, however this time the mark that his hold would leave was a complete accident. 
He didn’t pull out once he had spilled himself completely into you, instead, his body dropped forward, his arms slipping under your body to hold you close to him, head on your chest, eyes closed, just trying to take in the fact that he had just made love to you. 
“Aaron?” you said with a curious tone, your arms wrapping around his back and allowing one of your hands to tangle in his hair. He answered with a short hum, too tired to give you an actual answer “Does it bother you that I made out with the rest of the team tonight?” you asked, nervous that it would have hurt him in any way. 
“No.” he said matter-of-factly “As long as I only get to do it from now on.” 
You shared a light chuckle, and without noticing, the both of you drifted off to sleep. 
The next morning was a bit awkward for Rossi, being that he was not expecting to see the entire team, save for you and Hotch, curled on his living room furniture. JJ, Reid, and Emily had curled up together on the larger piece, while Morgan and Garcia cuddled on one of the individual seats. The clearing of his throat woke everyone up in a startle, and they looked around confusedly for the missing members of the group. 
“What the hell happened last night?” David asked no one in particular. 
“We were playing a game, and we must have fallen asleep waiting for it to end.” Garcia said with a slightly suggestive, yet groggy, voice, and Rossi decided it was better not to ask. 
“By the way, how do we interpret this?” Emily asked “Who won?” 
“Do you even have to ask?” Morgan scoffed, and Emily shrugged in defeat. 
“Then, who won between the two of you?” Reid asked, pointing at JJ and Garcia. 
“No one, really.” Jennifer replied. 
“What? You both failed? Who did you choose?” Morgan inquired. 
The blondes exchanged looks to see if they had had the same thought, and so they replied in unison once they had figured they were correct. 
“Spencer.” their tones were flat, almost as if the answer was obvious. Reid lit up in a smile, wiggling his eyebrows victoriously at Derek. 
“What?! No way you would just pick him!” he was baffled at the answer. 
“Girls talk, Derek” Penelope told him “Let’s just say Elle reviewed his service with five stars.” 
The group broke into a shared laugh, and Rossi only interrupted so he could inquire on the whereabouts of his friends. 
“Where’s Aaron?” he prompted. 
“One of the guest rooms.” Reid said. 
“And is he with…?” Dave continued. 
“Yup” the five members said in unison, referring to you. 
“Also, Rossi, if you don’t mind, I kind of have a design suggestion.” Spencer turned in the direction of his superior
The older man raised his eyebrows, curious about the words that were about to come out of the younger’s mouth. “Let’s hear it.” 
“Please make all the rooms soundproof.”
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