#so while i was planning to do something with my buddies i don't complain
magniloquent-raven · 4 days
Day 4: Supportive Boyfriends
and for my next (LATE, SO LATE) @bucktommypositivityweek contribution. KITTEN FIC.
(read on ao3)
The 118 doesn't have a baby box.
In fact there aren't any in the state of California at all. Buck looked it up, after Maddie's postpartum episode. When half his family was missing and there wasn't much he could do besides wait and... think about things.
So he thought about safe haven laws. Read up on the training seminars for first responders who want to be better equipped to deal with hand-offs. Read a bunch of other stuff he sort of wishes he hadn't. Spent the next week haunted by articles about abandoned children.
He considered talking to Bobby about it. Only partly to ask him if they should get a box for the firehouse. Partly because Buck wasn't sure how he felt about the whole thing, and Bobby always seemed to have answers. But he never worked up the nerve to broach the subject.
And now. Bobby's not captain anymore, and Buck really can't imagine Gerrard giving a shit about any of this.
So, they don't have a box. But.
Well, this isn't a human baby. It's not like the same rules apply.
Buck has to wonder if wires got crossed somewhere, because. Someone left a kitten. Outside the firehouse.
Buck was just going to grab something—he can't remember what—from his Jeep, when he spotted an unlabelled cardboard box on the pavement, up against the side of the building. His first thought was bomb.
Until it meowed at him. A tiny, high-pitched peep of a meow.
Kind of scared the shit out of him, if he's being honest.
There's only one. All alone in the box. A poofy grey thing wriggling around half buried in an off-white towel. Like a very ambitious dust bunny with big round blue eyes and skinny legs. It wobbles slowly over a fold in the towel with all the effort of someone scaling a mountain.
Buck crouches next to the box, and pokes a finger inside.
"Hey, buddy," he murmurs, holding very still while the kitten inches towards his hand and squeaks. It's unclear whether there are teeth in that little maw. That means it's really young, right? Too young to be left alone for very long.
Shit, how is he going to explain this to Gerrard? He's still got, like, 12 hours left on his shift, but someone has to feed this thing. How long can kittens go without food?
Oh, it does have teeth. Really teeny ones. They're ineffectively poking his knuckle.
Buck fishes his phone out of his jacket—with the hand that isn't currently being drooled on—intending to go to Google for answers. How to figure out how old a kitten is. How often do kittens need to be fed. Do cats get separation anxiety. He has a million questions.
Only he doesn't pull up his browser. He calls Tommy.
It's a whim. Barely a seed of an idea. But when he unlocked his phone the first thing he saw was their text history (he'd been complaining about Gerrard off-and-on all morning, and Tommy had been sending random updates about all the chores he'd been getting done—his last message was a picture of a mop with no context) and he just thought... Tommy will know what to do. Not in so many words, more a feeling. Comfort and certainty, just from seeing Tommy's picture in a little bubble at the top of his screen.
"Evan?" Tommy answers almost immediately, and there's a subtle undercurrent of worry in his tone. Buck winces. Right, calling out of the blue while he's at work would look. Bad.
"I'm okay!" He says quickly, all in one breath. Then pauses. The kitten squints up at him, meowing again, long and loud. Its whole fluffy face scrunches with the effort.
"...What was that?"
"Uh. That would be why I called, actually."
Gerrard is less of an obstacle than Buck feared he'd be. Because he's holed up in his office doing paperwork when Buck sneaks in with the kitten, and Buck's decided he has no intention of letting him know the cat was ever here.
Tommy promised he'd come get her.
Buck didn't even really ask, and wasn't planning on asking. Didn't have any plan whatsoever, in fact. He just wanted to know if Tommy knew anything about taking care of kittens, and suddenly Tommy's voluntarily sacrificing the rest of his day off to scope out vets and pet supply stores and whatever else Buck's helpless little friend might need.
He hung up hours ago and his insides still feel warm and goopy about it. He can't stop thinking about the gentle fondness that softened Tommy's voice after Buck explained the situation. Buck would wrap himself up in it like a blanket if he could.
Tommy's getting so kissed when he shows up.
In the meantime, Buck's sitting upstairs, working his way through the dozen or so tabs he opened up after googling kitten care.
He thinks the one he found might be around three weeks old (ears not quite unfurled, can't sheathe claws yet, legs unsteady but mobile). And possibly a girl. She did not care for being picked up and turned over, and the indignant squirming made it difficult to tell what's going on down there. But he's almost certain he's right.
She was shrieking up a storm about it, and he was worried if he took any longer she'd alert Gerrard. (She didn't. She did, however, draw the attention of about half the firehouse.)
"You are disgustingly cute," Chimney coos, scratching under her chin with the tip of one finger. She's lifted her head as high as she can and her eyes are squinted happily. Buck can hear her purring from across the room. "Yes you are. Hen, can you get a picture of this?"
Hen pulls out her phone. "Sure... why?" She asks, leaning over his shoulder to snap a picture and eye him with mild suspicion.
"Jee. She'll wanna see when I tell her about my day."
Her expression softens to a smile. "I'll text it to you." She taps her screen a couple times. "Just had to make sure you weren't planning on calendar campaigning again."
Chimney grins. "Nah, my calendar days are behind me. The only person who gets shirtless pictures of me now is my wife."
"Gross," Buck says without conviction. He narrows his eyes at the site he's scrolling through, swiping away a Join Our Mailing List! popup. "You guys don't think she's cold do you? Are her ears warm? It's only, like, 70 today and we don't know how long she was out there."
Hen and Chim exchange glances, and then, disturbingly in sync, look from the cat to Buck. Chim gives her ear a perfunctory poke, which she does not appreciate as much as chin scritches, "She's fine, man."
Hen waves a hand at Buck when he opens his mouth again, "We're medical professionals. And in my medically professional opinion. She's fine."
"Okay, but—"
"Hey guys, look who stopped b—uhhh. Is that a cat?" Eddie slows to a stop at the top of the stairs, blinking at the kitten on the couch. "When did we get a cat?"
"Couple hours ago," Buck says, still frowning at Hen and Chimney. "Where have you been?"
"I found him polishing the engine."
Buck shoots out of his seat. "Tommy!"
He only half-hears Eddie muttering, "Favouritism," as he scuttles around the chair to meet Tommy halfway between the stairs and the sitting area. Tommy has just enough time to smile—and it warms Buck, like it always does, with a spark caught in his chest for safekeeping—and say hi before Buck's on him, palms clapped on either side of his face, smushing their lips together.
He makes a bit of a show of it, dramatically swooping in, because he knows the big smacking MWAH will make Tommy laugh, and he likes the way that feels rumbling against his chest.
Buck taps their noses together. "Hey," he says, savouring the mirth sparkling in Tommy's eyes for a second before kissing him again, properly this time.
His brain goes sort of fuzzy when Tommy's palm cups the back of his neck.
Someone in the distance wolf-whistles.
When they finally come up for air Tommy asks, "What was that for?" a little breathlessly, which is doing things to Buck.
"Mmn...y'know. For being you."
Tommy raises his eyebrows, kiss-reddened lips curling fondly. "Okay."
"Hey, Tommy. Good to see you," Chim calls in a very pointed way.
Right, public setting. Workplace. Friends watching. Buck exhales slowly, and tries to think about anything other than how much he wants to bite that bit of clavicle peeking out of the collar of Tommy's shirt. Like the fact that Tommy's hands are warm, and he's sort of rubbing his fingertips over the short stubbly bits of hair on the back of Buck's head, and Buck's lips are still tingling a little, and—no wait, not that either.
Tommy pulls away first, which is probably for the best, but also very sad. The corner of his mouth twitches like he can see Buck thinking it. He curls his index finger and gently taps Buck's chin with the knuckle before he turns to the group.
"Howie," he says, not even pretending to be contrite in the face of Chim's mock-judgement. "Hen."
"Tommy." Hen fails to contain her smirk.
Some time during all the kissing, Eddie moved over to the couch. He's sat next to the kitten, watching her attempt to groom her paw with all the grace of a toddler who's only a little bit sure they know how to hold a brush. She keeps starting and stopping at random intervals, sometimes licking the cushion beside her, sometimes sticking her tongue out at thin air.
She's so cute it makes Buck's chest hurt. It's a little much while he's still loopy from making out with his boyfriend.
Then Tommy goes and crouches next to the couch so he can get eye-level with the kitten while she sniffs his hand, talking to her all calm and soft with smile-lines crinkling his cheeks, and. Buck might need to lie down for a bit. Like, on top of Tommy, preferably.
The kitten seems to like him too, and he really can't blame her when she crawls up Tommy's sleeve to perch on his shoulder.
She looks so much smaller cuddled up on Tommy. He reaches up to steady her, and she's almost entirely obscured by his hand.
God, is it wrong that he's getting a little hot under the collar about that? He just looks so strong and competent and at the same time, like, gentle. Buck knows how it feels to be touched tenderly by those hands, and apparently just seeing it happen does not affect him any less. In fact it's only added dimensions to his desires.
"I should probably get going," Tommy says, bringing Buck back down to Earth with a resounding splat.
He opens his mouth to protest, then closes it. He's right. The last thing Buck wants is for Tommy to have another run-in with Gerrard, and they don't know how long the old bastard's gonna be occupied.
"Mhm, run while you still can," Chimney pipes up. "Before our dear old captain smells an opportunity to ruin someone's day."
"He does seem to have a sixth sense for that," Eddie adds sullenly. Buck makes a note to ask him what that was about. Later.
"I'll walk you out," Buck says, trying not to sound like a pouting child. He's fairly certain he fails, because Tommy laces their fingers together and gives his hand a comforting squeeze.
He says his goodbyes, the whole time being careful not to dislodge the kitten while she crawls across his shoulders.
Buck goes through the list of kitten care basics he memorized as they make their way to the parking lot. It's...more than he thought it was, honestly. It starts to feel overwhelming as he goes on, and on, and on. He's running out of time to get it all out, and he feels like it's just now sinking in his huge this responsibility that he's dumping in Tommy's lap is.
"You're sure you don't mind taking her?" The question bursts out of Buck before they make it to Tommy's car. "W-we didn't really, I mean. We talked about it over the phone, but..."
"Yeah, now that I've seen her she does seem like a real handful."
The kitten yawns, and curls up into a tiny grey ball in the crook of Tommy's neck.
Well. Alright.
"It's just, t-they need a lot of attention when they're that young, and I kinda just, just dropped this on you."
"Evan." Tommy gives him a look. "Are you worried that you baby-trapped me?"
Okay, when he puts it like that. Maybe a little bit. But also now he's having complicated yearning feelings that he really should not be having this early in the relationship.
Buck's pretty sure he looks like a deer in the headlights right now, because Tommy's doing his damnedest to pretend he isn't laughing at him.
He tugs Buck's hand, leading him the rest of the way to his car.
The backseat is full of cat stuff. Containers of milk-replacement powders, and a shiny plastic litter box, and toys, so many toys, baggies of fake mice and feathery things, just. So much stuff. Piles of it.
"I called up a friend who used to foster kittens. She had a lot of advice. And then I got a little carried away."
"I, uh. See that," Buck laughs breathlessly.
"Over the phone, you sounded like this meant a lot to you? And I think I got really attached to the idea of...this. Taking care of her for you. With you." He sounds hesitant, like he's trying not to say too much, and Buck can't stand it—
"I love you so much," he says in a rush.
"Well, good," Tommy purses his lips around a smile, eyes bright and crinkled at the corners. He reaches up to his shoulder, like he's absent-mindedly checking to see if the kitten's still there. "Wouldn't want her to grow up in a broken home."
Buck huffs a laugh.
"And I love you too."
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bluesest · 7 months
A Diarrhea Camp
In the "Orange Lake" camp there have always been adventures of all kinds, from wasp chases, to cases where for certain reasons, some campers used to have… stomach problems.
On this occasion a large group of campers arrived at the big green forest, where they will share great moments together. Jeremy was one of these campers, he was the rebel of the group, always looking for a way to get into trouble. On the third day, Jeremy insulted a fellow camper which was heard by the camp guides and as a punishment, he would have to serve the food dishes to the campers of the place.
That's how it all started, he hated having to work when he was supposed to be having fun with his buddies, in short, he was annoyed by the situation. On the first day, almost finishing his shift he overheard two of the campers complaining about the food:
"Wow…is this stuff even edible?"
"Is this supposed to be mashed potatoes?"
"The only thing pure here is how my stomach will end up after eating this."
"Rather, how your diarrhea will turn out after eating this attempt at food."
Hearing this, Jeremy couldn't help but get a feeling, one he had never felt before, it was a mixture of need and the obscene, like a great desire inside his heart that made him start sweating. He thought, "Just imagine how those unusable toilets would end up if any of these guys had an urge."
Night came and he was in his cabin with 5 of the other campers:
"Hey, I don't recommend you go to the bathrooms in this place, they're worse than last year, I'd choose a tree to mark my territory over that attempt at hygiene."
"And when it's your turn to do number two?"
"First of all, it's called shitting, second of all, I wouldn't have a choice to be honest."
Again that feeling came, piercing his chest and making certain parts of his body start to fill with blood. "Do I really like that kind of thing…? Naaahhh… but I should be able to do something to prove otherwise… I have an idea!"
While no one was looking, Jeremy grabbed his backpack and searched through his clothes, "I usually usually put all the medications on my shelf when I leave… Here it is!" Among several capsules he found a hand-sized bottle of a powerful laxative, and if you're wondering why a person would have a big bottle of laxative, well, let's just say our friend has had trouble with unclogging the pipe when he usually eats a lot of junk food.
The next day it was time to execute the plan, he waited for the cooks to be distracted to pour at least a small spoonful of the laxative to each of the dishes, the taste was not going to be a problem because the food itself was disgusting, Jeremy's conscience kicked in and almost caused him to stop his plan, but his desire was stronger, and that's how around 40 campers were intoxicated with laxative.
Once he finished his work, he grabbed a plate of food and sat down with his companions:
"This tastes a little weird than usual, but it's still gross."
"There are lots of activities at camp today: canoe paddling, swimming, a foot race, arts and crafts and among other things, what will you guys be doing?"
This just added more excitement to the matter, many of them would have to cut their activities short because their stomachs wouldn't hold out for long.
Twenty minutes passed and Jeremy was sitting on a log when he spotted a camper in the distance trying to hide the fact that he was carrying a roll of toilet paper in his hand, he was Jeremy's first victim, or at least the first one he could observe.
Slowly he approached him taking care that he didn't see him, surprisingly he got to the bathroom earlier which was because the camper could barely take small steps. When he arrived he saw that the bathroom had only two compartments, it was a typical wooden latrine with a large hole in the floor as a toilet, there are about 10 of these bathrooms around the camp, but even so they were not enough for the large wave of diarrheic young people, Jeremy hid in the second toilet and with a knife he had in his pocket he made a hole that allowed him to see everything that happened in the first latrine and that made it difficult to observe what was happening in the second one from the first toilet.
Finally he hears the first door creaking and being abruptly closed, he hears a small voice: "Oh God, Oh God, Oh God, Oh God!" followed by the sound of the boy's pants strap to then drop his pants, after that the boy was able to free himself:
The first blow was a devastating one, you could tell from afar how he'd been holding that in for a long time.
The second one violently hit the hole, liters of liquid was expelled from the small anus of the subject that was not enough to expel everything in one blow:
Sobs began to be heard which were confused by the drops of brown liquid coming out of the poor boy, Jeremy was able to fill his desire, but this is not where it ends. Suddenly a knock was heard at Jeremy's cubicle door:
"Hey buddy, excuse me, but have you cleared the bathroom yet? I just really need to go, and to be honest, the guy next door sounds like he's just getting started."
Jeremy took his eyes off the hole, opened the door and answered, "All yours", he was a tall young man with some muscle, his clothes were stuck to him due to sweat, and with a smile he thanked Jeremy obviously not knowing that he was the one who was to blame for his suffering.
The big guy closed the door, Jeremy almost left the place disappointed until he saw a small hole that would allow him to see what was also happening in the second cubicle: He saw how the tall guy started to undress, he was the type of person who undresses to go to the bathroom when it is something urgent, Jeremy managed to see part of the guy's penis before his ass fell into the toilet:
The first blow was weak compared to that of the previous person, who by the way was still expelling large amounts of poop in embarrassment as he knew a new person entered with the same problem:
The second hit was somewhat disappointing for Jeremy, apparently this guy was having a bad constipation, he was about to leave to find other campers until a big noise made him stay:
The smell hit him all at once, a mixture of bread and meat with a hint of pepper, the man managed to unclog his pipe and managed to release a third shocking wave as the first person had already finished and proceeded to clean himself up Tall: "Uffffffff I really did have to get rid of a couple of extra pounds…wait a minute…I FORGOT TO BRING PAPER…*KNOCK* *KNOCK* hey, I know you're in there, could you lend me some paper? I really need to clean up the mess I have on my butt."
Shy: "ummmm… Ok… but don't finish it all, I'm afraid this is a… diarrhea."
Tall: "Don't worry, I have more in my backpack, just let me know when you want to hit the porcelain again."
Shy: "That would be strange…"
Tall: "In another context yes, but come on, we both heard and smelled what was going on in each other's toilet, we're like bathroom bros!"
Shy: "Well… do you want to go paddling after this… with me?"
Tall: "Sure, why not, I don't have many friends around here either."
Those words reminded Jeremy of one of the other activities which would be interesting for his new hobby: canoe paddling, just the thought of a person having an emergency in a place surrounded by water and the only way out is using brute force which raises the risk of causing an anal leak, is something that fascinated Jeremy. As he left the area he saw that very few campers were around, that was a sign that most were already affected and that only those with strong stomachs were not affected, even so sooner or later they would all fall.
As he made his way to the lake he could see the start of the foot race that he heard in the cafeteria, there were 5 contestants, all of them were sweaty, but only one had a worried face, apparently 4 of them had already used the bathroom and the sweat remained as a souvenir. The camper was wearing a yellow sleeveless shirt with tight black shorts that exposed his well polished legs.
The guide started the race, the one in the yellow shirt that we will call as "Runner" was in first place, apparently his urgency gave him the strength to explode his legs and want to finish the race as soon as possible, not even Jeremy taking shortcuts could catch him, so he followed him with his eyes, after 5 minutes the runner reached the finish line but he did not stop there and kept running, in the distance Jeremy could distinguish something between the runner's legs, a big lump, Jeremy decided to chase him again, he could even see how liquid diarrhea began to drip out of the shorts: a big lump, Jeremy decided to chase it again, he could even see how liquid diarrhea started to drip out of the shorts.
The runner arrived at his destination and after 1 minute Jeremy arrived too, while the runner was making a huge effort to take off his tight shorts without causing a mess, Jeremy took advantage of his urgency and opened a hole with the razor to observe what was going on inside: he saw how an agitated camper with big legs was undressing and with the speed that made him win the race he made his ass reach his own finish line:
The first wave was brutal, the smell was starting to permeate Jeremy's eyes, but also permeating the great view of what of the biggest asses Jeremy has ever seen in his life.
The second wave did not disappoint, so strong was the smell that Jeremy's eyes began to water and in his mind he said, "someone ate a lot of garlic today, didn't he?"
By the third, things had calmed down, Jeremy pulled his face out of the hole, wiped his eyes with a handkerchief and set out to continue with his original plan: go to the lake.
There was only one person already in the lake, a brunette person wearing a swimsuit, he looked ridiculous wearing that knowing he wouldn't touch the water, but Jeremy was not one to judge as he was doing worse.He approached the dock and in the distance he saw how the "swimmer" started hugging his stomach, Jeremy imagined that sporty body squeezed by that blue suit and when he saw him heading towards a secluded shore, Jeremy set out to run just to reach to hide and get a better view of the swimmer's butt. It wasn't easy but he finally got there before him, he positioned himself in a small bush as the canoe was parked:
Swimmer "Oh my god, the toilets are too far away and… I don't think I can hold on… shit."
A machine gun of farts was coming out of that tight ass, with force and desperation the swimmer started to quickly take off that suit exposing that under that suit was hiding a nice ass, he barely managed to free his ass and started to shit without even squatting down:
They were wet farts coming out forcefully as they were inundated by waves of violent diarrhea, it had a dark color and stank pretty bad.
Followed the liquid, there was no trace of any solid material, the frequency of the farts was going down, but they were much louder, at this part the camper could barely squat:
An even more powerful jet made the swimmer tremble causing him to nearly lose his balance and fall into his own fecal material. Finally, the poor camper finished and wiped his butt with the lake water hoping no one had seen him.
Jeremy seeing that the swimmer left was ready to return to his cabin and rest from the marathon he ran all day, but something strange, in the mud of the forest he saw footsteps, a trace of someone walking through the forest and so far did not return, Jeremy exhausted did not miss the opportunity and also went into the forest.
5 minutes was the time Jeremy was walking among the big trees, he was about to return when he heard some moans, when he looked out he saw another camper sweating, walking and hugging his stomach, so Jeremy decided to deviate from the dirt road and hid in the trees following the lost camper.
He looked exhausted and dizzy, he stopped for a second and changed his route next to a tree, defeated, he slowly dropped his pants leaving his somewhat flat butt in the air:
*PPPPPPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTT*. It was just a dry fart, apparently yet another one who is constipated.
Slowly a monumental poop made its way out, it was so big that it couldn't easily pass through the poor boy's anus:
Finally, it fell leaving the way free for:
Shit was falling and exploding as it hit the ground, many flies around started to approach the boy which made the situation more uncomfortable:
Camper: "I think… I'll stay in camp…"
He slowly took several sheets and wiped his bottom, they were rough but worked well for the situation. After leaving, Jeremy walked over to the pile of shit and admired it by touching a certain part of his body.
Upon arriving back at camp, his friends told him the news that several campers had severe diarrhea.
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neoarchipelago · 1 year
Switching it up from the last ask, what if the 141 were gods and the reader was human?
Greek gods: Price: Zeus, Ghost: Hades/Ares, Soap: Posiden, Gaz: Hermes, Konig: Hephaestus, etc
Norse Gods: Price: Odin, Ghost: Thor, Soap: Loki of course lol, Gaz: Meili, Konig: Jotunn, etc
If you don't know a ton about these Gods it's okay, you don't have to do this one lol
This was such a good idea!!! (I chose the Greek gods even though I still suck at it, the thought of Ghost being Hades won me over.) Also I feel like i completely got carried away with the NSFW part... I hope you like this my love
Task 141!Greek gods x F!Reader
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The gods themselves. The pantheon. It has been a long while they had decided to walk down from their pearly little castle. They had decided to mingle amongst the humans, now free from having to look after them. Unfortunately, chaos and wars are something they were used to so of course taking part of military activities seemed to be the best thing to do.
Squad 141 had quickly become one of the best squads there could be. Of course, how could it not when gods themselves were part of it? Of course, they enjoyed themselves, being able to fulfill their cravings while living the normal 'human' life.
Until you arrived. It was unexpected. Not the first time of course, they had already added some humans to the squad for short periods of time but you. Oh sweet you. They had been confused by your sweet cheerfulness. The way you skipped through the dorms. Poseidon... Hum... Soap, above all, had found someone he enjoyed playing around the base with. Gaz himself enjoyed your company, and even Hades ... Usually so gloomy found himself almost smiling in your presence.
Of course, Price kept reminding everyone that this... This should not be happening. Not at all. Bringing you on missions with gods was an absolute awful idea. They had to cut ties and quick. They'd find something to complain about on the first mission, making sure you get removed from the force.
Unfortunately, nothing had gone as planned. You had found yourself in an extremely dangerous situation, to protect them. Fury had taken the gods, as blood and wails were the only things on the battlefield as they carried you to safety.
From that point onward, you never left their side again. They decided that you'd be their little pet, little adorable human they'd keep close to them.
Price enjoyed above all discussing with you. You were such a witty and smart person that he simply enjoyed siting with a cup of tea or coffee and talk with you about anything.
Soap had found a partner in crime to play pranks around the base, showing you his explosives.
Gaz him, often took you out to shop with him, you had become gossip and shopping buddies. Which you obviously enjoyed, merely to spend time with him.
Ghost... Ghost was a silent man. But he enjoyed listening to your read, even if you were completely unaware of it. He was the most protective of the group, always keeping an eye on you, keeping recruits or other high ranks away from you.
Konig always found a way to bring you little gifts. Little jewelry he made or even knifes. You beamed everytime, blushing and he enjoyed it. You always praised him on his amazing handcrafting, making proud.
Things changed a bit on one of the many missions. You were fighting off a soldier who had ran behind you, cornering you. It was a sticky situation and Ghost had found you pretty quickly. Unfortunately, a knife thrown your way had let it slip. A glimpse of his true self, your wide eyed stare only comforting him in the idea that yes, you did saw it.
The way home was silent, and he tried to avoid you. You didn't seem scared but mostly confused. It took a few days for the boys to sit you down and tell you the truth. You had been very curious much everyone's relief. You had felt like the safest human on earth.
NSFW poly!141 x f!Reader
It had started in a Blur. A pretty dress as you had announced you had a date to attend. The room had turned colder than it seemed. Rainy clouds in the sky. You had sighed, scolding the boys for being so over protective.
You had skipped your way out the door under the tension of the gods's gazes. Price and Ghost had remained home with Konig while soap and gaz walked ou to get some air. In reality they had followed you around, keeping a close eye on you and making sure to stop any attempt the recruit had towards you.
They wouldn't say it out loud. Any of them. But the thought of some random idiot having the privilege to own you... To kiss and lick that pretty little cunt was unbearable to them.
When you had walked back home, annoyed and irritated by the boy you had met, the gods could barely hide their happy moods.
During one of your movie nights, when you had cuddle a bit too close to price, head resting on his chest as you dozed off, short a bit too short on your thighs. Wandering eyes and huffed breaths. You had seemed to drift into some kind of curious dream, little moans and whines escaping you parted lips. Your body reacting to slight touches Price gave you, little trails of his fingers along your arms or your back, soft squeezes of your delicious thighs making you whimper.
They wouldn't dare to go further. Not without your consent. The gods looked at each other, way too aware of the reaction you were causing to them.
"We have to play nice. No wars my brothers." Price had reminded.
"There's no need for wars. We all want the same thing. Same goal." Gaz had answered.
"To take care of her." Konig added.
"Make her. Ours." Soap grinned.
After that night, you had felt them change around you. You could sometimes feel their hungry gaze but you weren't sure. Little touches and featherlight kisses on the cheek. You weren't sure of what you were feeling. The affection you had for them was obvious but the more they acted like this towards you the more your feelings grew into something twisted. Could it be love? It was surely lust...
A little booze had given that little push the group needed. A poker night, game night with gods. The burning liquor in your throat gave you too much determination. It untied tongues, held back too long. Soap was the first. The blush on your cheeks too irresistible. Of course always under the supervised gaze of the rest of the task force. He had carressed your cheek as you leaned into his touch, feeling the heat rise.
"So cute darling. You look hot" he had grinned, proud of his pun.
You had giggled, now their hungry looks were perfectly visible. Of course you were blushing. The room itself was too warm. You had discovered a new voice to yourself, as you had teased them.
"You all look like you want to pounce on me..."
The silence after that was deafening. Only their eyes burned into you.
"you... Do?" You questioned, bewildered.
Curses were heard under mumbled and hissed breaths.
"listen darling." Price had started getting closer to you. "We do not want to scare you. We mean no harm at all."
"we simply feel... Very... Attracted to you." Gaz whispered close to your ear. How did he get so close...?
"we... Want to worship you my dear..." Konig's lips on your ankle made you shiver.
"but only. If you wish for us to do so." A firm hand wrapped around your neck from behind, a strong chest pressing again your back the familiar scent of hades.
"me..? For... All of you? Isn't that... Odd?" You had questionned, the obvious wetness in between your legs betraying you.
"if one thing is sure, you are worth sharing. As we share mutual feelings towards you." Price explained.
"we want to make you ours, protect you, make you feel... Adored." Soap grinned against the skin of your shoulder.
"say no... And we'll stop..." Konig warned, teeth grazing at the soft skin of your leg.
"say stop. And we'll walk away and never try to have you again. It won't change a thing to us" Gaz explained, kissing your knuckles softly.
"Or give in. Be ours for eternity. And we'll make you burn for us..." Ghost whispered into the back of your neck.
You closed your eyes, their breaths and hands were overwhelming but oh so good. Did you? Would you? You wanted to.
One nod and it was all it took. All it took to lead to this situation. As you sat in Soap's lap, his cock buried inside you as the men watched closely, listening to your every moan. He had laid you down, as you felt the strong chest of Konig behind you, his arms wrapping around your waist, softly caressing their way to your chest.
Lips and kisses made the room feel like some secret sinful place. Each had marked a different place on your body, you'd be covered in hickeys by morning. They were sweet, careful.
"You alright little dove? Tell me, can you handle more?" Gaz whispered in your ear as the men stood to attention, waiting to hear your answered. You a mewled a little yes, the men thrilled to please you more. Price and Ghost had been the limit for you. Your first time with them had been crushed by the intensity of your orgasm as price pumped himself in and out, feeling you clench around him as sweet nothings pooled from his lips.
You had needed a second to breath, and the men gladly did so, kissing you softly one by one before kissing your body. Ghost did not seem annoyed or angry to see tired and probably not able to take more, he was willing to leave it at that, seeing you fucked out and hazed making him way too happy. He'd have you another time for sure.
But you had wanted to. You had given him puppy eyes, kissing him deeply, straddling his lap. He was big. Not as big as Konig, but he was thick. His cock might split you open. He had tangled his fingers in your hair making you look at him.
"We don't have to. You're exhausted. I can feel your nervousness darling... Do not force yourself."
"I'm not... I want this... I do... Will you walk me through it... Gently?" You had asked in a little whine.
He had cursed under his breath, helping you sink slowly unto his cock, the feeling bringing out a glimpse of something darker, belonging in the underworld.you had felt the boys step closer, praises and kisses to your back.
"You're taking him so well" Soap whispered.
"you're doing so good my love" Gaz cooed.
"Such a good girl" Price praised against your ear.
You bounced up and down on his lap, the overstimulation and sensitiveness making you loose focus and your ability to speak. Only your moans and whines filled the room alongside their words.
They had started storming themselves again, the sight of you, completely fucked out and dumbified by their cocks and the several orgasm you had gone through making it simply impossible not to get hard again.
You his your face in Ghost neck, tears filling your eyes, falling down your cheeks as you felt yourself completely crumble. He hushed you, helping you bounce faster on his length, feeling you clench around him.
"f-fuck..." He groaned.
You were so close, tipping off the edge when he kissed you, tongue battling to muffle something almost pornographic. You only separated when he felt you shiver, that tightness on your pretty pussy around him making aware of how close your were.
"go on my love. Cum for me... Cum again for us..." He praised, hitting a sweet post deep inside you.
You came, vision blurry, fading to black as your hearing left you as well, the sound of stranded moans and grunts, only telling you that they had found their own release.
The next morning your awoke in the middle of soft pillows and blankets, the men sleeping all around you as you blushed heavily at the memory of last night. But you felt happy and proud and God... Were you lucky.
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notafragilething · 15 days
Late Night Buck & Tommy Rambles: Surprise, Bitches. I'm Back!
It has been a very long, chaotic summer but I'm back. Now that we've gotten more than some CGI bees and mustache jokes I'm emerging from hiatus and ready for season eight of 911 to consume far to much of my time.
We have several new quotes from Tim, some stills from the season premiere and my predictions for this season. This is going to be a long one but I hope you'll read and comment. I've missed y'all and need to ramble because I have thoughts!
So let's start with the interviews. There are two that dropped that have caught my attention because they confirm that Tommy will be back and that Buck & Tommy are still together.
So What's New? These Articles! (They include stills from the episode as well)
There is the TVLine interview here from the 9th that gave us the following quote: "On the bright side, Buck’s relationship with Tommy is going strong (“They’re still getting to know each other a little better”), so at least he’ll have someone to complain to after a long day of putting up with his racist, sexist, homophobic boss."
Second, today we got an EW interview here by Patrick Gomez. I bring up the interviewer because you might recognize him as the same one who did an article on the Tommy deleted scene over the summer (which I swear, PR or marketing had to be involved with).
The important Buck & Tommy bit from the EW interview: Minear says not much time has passed between the events of the season 7 finale and the season 8 premiere, so there haven't been many developments in Buck and Tommy's relationship. "But we see that they're more comfortable together," he explains. "We'd definitely call them a couple. Obviously they're comfortable hanging out with Eddie, but when you couple with somebody, it takes up some of your time, so that also leaves Eddie a little bit out in the cold. Well, not out in the cold, but Buck doesn't have as much free time as he did before, let's put it that way."
So what do I think this means? Let's get into my predictions!
I'm going to start out by saying this is 100% speculation. I may be right, I might be wrong. I don't have some secret inside source that is sneaking me information. I'm just going off what we've gotten so far and vibes.
But...I've had the feeling for a while now that the show was going to commit to Buck and Tommy going into season eight. This started with the joint interview, the release of the deleted scene and the following articles about it (which did seem to possibly be influenced by PR/Marketing) and the lack of Buddie we've been getting so far in bts stuff.
Now, I know some buddie shippers have taken the Eddie mention in that EW quote as proof it's happening but truthfully? That seems like a very, very bad sign for them. To me, this seemed like a gentle way of preparing the fanbase that Buck and Eddie weren't going to be spending as much time together in season eight as in the past.
This lines up with what we saw at the end of season eight with Eddie really depending far to much on Buck to handle his issues (something Ryan himself commented on). We saw that didn't work out in the finale when Buck couldn't and wouldn't attempt to make Christopher stay for Eddie. I think this season is going to make Eddie face and handle his own issues without Buck. I predict they'll still be friends but I wouldn't be shocked if the "family" dynamic started to fade away.
The fact that they're also saying Buck and Tommy are comfortable and getting to know each other makes me think that they want to show us their relationship building and getting serious. Which would make narrative sense if you were planning this relationship to be long term.
I'm intrigued to see if this pattern continues with future interviews and promotions that will be dropping over the next two weeks.
I do have a theory of what might play out in the first three episodes but that includes some spoilers (and I like to keep these mostly spoiler-free outside of what is in articles and official promo) so I'll be posting that in a little bit as a separate post.
With all that said. I'm pretty excited for this season and Buck's storyline. How are you all feeling? You getting the same vibes as me?
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fountainpenguin · 2 months
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #8
"The Wellsington Hotellsington"
I'm glad Hazel's parents seem chill. They're not strict about "No sleepovers" or anything. They seem more involved than Timmy's (and holy cow, they're better at interactions with their daughter than Chloe's were with her).
Yeah, it's not like I ever doubted (because I loved Chloe's mental breakdown drama), but this and the dino episode are really cementing just how bad Clark and Connie were with parenting, sdkfj.
If Chloe tried to play with her parents at the museum, they'd totally shut down her giddiness and drag her into a lesson on naming or drawing dinosaurs. She'd seem hyped, but... Timmy would know. Timmy always knew.
I miss Timmy "will stay with you for an hour while you have a total breakdown" Turner... I miss the fairy step-siblings. Where's my boy?
... That is actually really interesting that I can't give Hazel a 50-years-of-frozen-time backstory. With Chloe, she blatantly raised herself on Fair Bears and I had a lot of other characters who got their lives screwed up by failing to emotionally mature or physically progress... but Hazel missed all that, so she's got Regular Childhood. And barring what I just said, I'm usually writing Fae in 'fics that span hundreds of thousands of years. Having such a limited timeframe to work with is... a new experience for me here.
Whyyyyy did Hazel and Jasmine not know who Wynn (sp?) is if they've been in the same class for weeks? (Hazel's over 100 wishes and mentioned weeks had passed during "Teacher's Pal"). Does this kid not talk to them? I thought they sat near Hazel, by the door? I'm pretty sure if I go back and look, this kid is 1 or 2 desks to her right.
Dev, don't you have better things to do than stalk Hazel and eavesdrop? This kid has issues. Tell me more.
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I'm really glad we have a Dimmadome bully and not a Buxaplenty bully. Fingers crossed that Remy broke the abuse cycle, and also... the Dimmadomes are 100% known for butting into everything. I complained that he shouldn't stalk, but... he's a Dimmadome. Of course he's wandering around waiting for his chance to jump in for a line and brag about stuff.
"Hazard" is a very funny nickname for Hazel. Dev should keep calling her that.
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This kid has insecurity issues about... his house? And/or being outclassed, but it's the house that seems to ruffle his feathers. The one thing Dimmadomes are known for is their big buildings. Hmm. Something's going on here...
I was going to make a joke about how Jasmine apparently didn't come over to Hazel's house despite their plans to play together, but Jasmine made it for me. Apparently she HAS been over and is sus. sdflkj.
Wynn is super nice. Hazel is being a creep sdkf.
Whoops, so much for the roof garden. Also, I like how the founder picture for the hotel is just Hazel in disguise.
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His parents aren't at his party, huh? I see where this is going...
Either this kid's got a fairy - but he doesn't have brightly colored items or pets we've seen - or something is keeping him riding the border without tipping into miserable. We never got a canon reason why Tootie didn't have a fairy, though it's implied she can't keep her mouth shut and would endanger Fairy World. I wonder if those recording devices following him around are getting in the way, although that's probably not likely.
OR he's lost a fairy (similar to Remy gambling Juandissimo away), which would be hilarious. Imagine him getting a fairy and he's like "I don't want this. I have money."
I'm thinking he's got enough of his heart set in his pride and his things that he's finding enough joy to keep afloat, but I'm keeping an eye on him. Now that I'm thinking about it, Kevin Crocker with a fairy would've been funny. Then again, I kind of gave him Foop as a buddy... and even though he's the deadest kid inside, he was still pretty cheery.
Dev, however, does NOT give me cheery vibes. I'm sus.
Actually, I do not trust Fairy World to be functioning the same way it did in the old days, considering that enough time has passed for Cosmo and Wanda to retire and Jorgen to notably age. There WAS a fairy shortage in Season 10 - and so few Fairies left by Season 7 that they couldn't even fill the stadium when Timmy summoned them - so... hmm. Is he getting Cookie, who was actively looking for a godkid a few episodes ago?
If Fairy World's still under the same protocol it used to be, Jorgen's the only Temporary Fairy on-call, and we HAVE seen him introduced. Hmm...
I'm wondering if this is gonna be a Juandissimo comeback? He's got experience with rich kids, he IS a notable fairy from the early seasons (all the seasons), and he even loves bratty kids who don't listen to him to the point that he couldn't hold a job after losing Remy (because he was crying too much) and ended up defying Da Rules to return Remy's memories. Now that Wanda and Cosmo are so friendly in this portrayal, it could be really interesting to throw him in the mix again.
I liked when Cosmo showed him the "guest room" in "Jerk of All Trades" and then threw him in the freezer. Give me more of that.
This would be very unlikely since it's literally a deleted part of an early script, but... do I dare dream we see the return of "Juandissimo is terrified of only one person and it's Cosmo, whom he refers to as Wanda's cunning and calculating warrior husband?" That would be great! My dream. :)
I like how Cosmo in the OG series tolerated Juandissimo, claiming that he would tell him to stop flirting with Wanda, but he won't because he likes eating Juandissimo's food too much. 10/10 dynamic. It's so underrated; Cosmo's hilarious.
I'm loving early-vibe Cosmo and Wanda... do I DARE dream of a return with early-vibe Juandissimo? My super kind and polite boy who gets invited to at least 4 parties at Timmy's house, makes a point of letting Wanda talk to Cosmo before she makes decisions involving them alone in a room, and runs away at top speed when he clocks Wanda as not being able to consent to hanging out with him (because Cupid's love arrow?) Seasons 1-7 Juandissimo, my beloved... :')
I miss him.
My vague understanding is that this show is ongoing, probably multiple seasons if it does well, so I don't think they're wrapping it up at the end of Season 1... but if they did, I could definitely see a "Hazel gives her blessing for Cosmo and Wanda to go to Dev" plot, which would be an interesting direction (since we never got that kind of closure with Timmy and I doubt they'd do a share program plot twice).
It's kind of a shame we didn't get a separate reboot with the share program- That might've been better received than Season 10. Sparky could've been a shared fairy. Alas.
Okay, the chandelier in the helicopter being an inconvenience is a nice touch.
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I'm dead (So are the animals).
Mmmm, the classmates are dunking on Dev for being "not cool." He's not even liked? Seriously, someone call Juandissimo- This kid is catnip for him.
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drealovesxenomorphs · 5 months
Guys do you think Dexter's significant to the plot of Spooky Month? And I'm not taking about the stuff we've seen, not the episodes dedicated to him. I'm saying a possible role he plays with the cult (or possibly lack of role with the cult.) Do you think in a future episode he'll be faced with a decision where he'll have to keep the kids safe from the cult? Because I do. I see it vividly. The little ones are captured, he manages to save and defend them. Otherwise why the hell does he keep showing up in the episodes.
I don't know it just bothers me that he's been so apparent in the show yet there's no connection to him and the show's underlying plot. Like, I know we've seen those QR code diary entries he's made where he's trying to keep himself from killing Skid and Pump, which is unique to the villains of the show and might offer a hint towards the future. He's the only one who hasn't tried anything against the children, because he does not target children. He had bloodlust, but not outwardly stated nor hinted that it primarily is targeted at children. Why is he special in this show? Maybe Pelo didn't have to much of a plan for Dexter when Unwanted Guest rolled around, but realized that he needed the character for a future subplot or necessary leverage for something and decided to use him. Maybe Dexter's just a plothole. But then he shouldn't keep showing up. Not have two episodes dedicated to him. Not an appearance in the two newest episodes.
And just to contribute to my griping, I want to mention Bob Velseb (I also have a bone to pick with him.) Look, he was around for Tender Treats, lightly mentioned in the previous episode, and never talked about again in the newest. Hell, Dexter was given a small cameo appearance in Tender Treats while they were showing the news. Bob was barely around in the show, and yet we've seen he has to do with the cult. He had the necklace. I was wholeheartedly expecting any mention of him in Hollow Sorrows. Nothing. I do want to point out, Moloch also has made multiple appearances. But you know what all of these have to do with each other? IT'S ALL A PART OF THE CULT.
Buddy. We've seen it time and time again, there are certain things you can expect in each episode, you have an idea as to what some characters will do, what will happen, what it will all connect to. In this show, bad things happen to children. But Dexter is an outlier. He was going to slaughter the boys because he was at his limit and they were the closest, but not because he had a perverse desire or allegiance towards the harm of kids. And it genuinely makes me wonder what the endgame will be with this guy. I refuse to believe we had all of this information and time about the guy for him to just end up remaining a sentient blob of melted plastic. Whether it was the original intent of Sr. Pelo to make him potential good guy when the show draws to an end, I honestly believe that will be the case.
And before I leave, I do actually love this character. He's great, in not complaining about seeing him too often, I'm GLAD, believe me, but from an analytical standpoint, it drives me insane.
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marvelfanfics1 · 2 years
hii can i please request a rainy day with daddy chris? watching cartoons and cuddling. hope your doing well btw and i love your fics sm! <33
Rainy Day
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Pairing: daddy!chris x little!reader
Warnings: Age Regression, fluff, don't like? Don't read!
You pout while looking out the window where it was pouring non-stop. The actual plan was to go to the dog park with Dodger today but it was already raining when you woke up.
You were in your playroom sitting and waiting with Dodger before the window after breakfast and desperately hoped for the sun to come out again.
"What are you two doing?" your Daddy asked while walking inside to stand behind you, leaning down to kiss your head and reaching to the side to scratch behind the pup's ear.
"Don't wike the rain" you pout again, leaning against Chris.
"Oh, Honey, I know you wanted to go to the park. I promise we go tomorrow if it's not raining again, yeah?" he said and you nod, you were still a little disappointed but it's not your daddy's fault that it's raining and you know that.
Chris tried to distract you by playing different kinds of games with you for a while when he saw you start to rub your eyes and yawned a few times.
"What do you think of cuddling and watching cartoons for a bit and later we can look through the coloring book that Seb gave you last week, how does that sound?" he asked and you stopped playing, making grabby hands for him.
"Yes pwease," you gave him a little smile. He picked you up and pecked your lips, making his way to the living room with Dodger trotting behind.
On the way there he stopped by the bedroom to get your stuffie and favorite blankie that he knows comforts you very much.
"What does the princess want to watch?" he asked while setting you down on the sofa, handing you your comfort items and you giggled.
"The Pwincess and the Frog!" you smiled, going with the nickname.
"A good decision, isn't that right buddy?" Chris asked and Dodger barked in agreement, jumping on the couch and laying down beside you.
Chris put on the movie and sat down on your other side, placing his arm around your shoulder and pulling you closer.
He grabbed your blankie and covered you with it and you took some of it to also cover your daddy with it.
During the movie Chris was rubbing either your back or your arm, that's something he does often when you're close to falling asleep.
Later that day, after you had taken your nap on the couch, you were sitting in the kitchen and coloring in your new Marvel-themed color book while your daddy was preparing dinner.
"Daddy, look! Is you!" you squealed when you showed him the page.
"That's right, such a smart girl I have" he praised and you started to color happily.
When Chris was done with cooking you put the book aside and he placed a plate with spaghetti before you.
"I wanna eat on my own today. M big girl!" you said and he was about to hand you the fork but hesitated, making you look up at him.
"You can eat on your own but only if you take a bath afterward," he said but quickly added. "Without complaining" you nod, taking the purple plastic fork and starting to eat.
Just like he thought, you ended up with sauce all over your face and clothes.
He was relieved when the bath went smoothly, only a few whines but got easily distracted by all the toys he let you put in. After he helped you put on your jammies he went with you through your bedtime routine which included doing your hair, brushing your teeth, and putting on body lotion.
Chris send you to the bedroom so he could get ready for bed as well and smiled when he heard you giggling and shuffling around on the bed, knowing that you were probably fooling around with Dodger.
He wasn't in the bathroom for long and soon joined you in bed with a story to read you to sleep. You got as close as you could to your daddy and wrapped yourself around him, feeling him kiss your head and listening to him reading the bedtime story.
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@marvelsguantletkeeper @my-river-lilly @pauntedblacknails @fanfictioniseverything @devilslilbabysblog @buckymydarlingangel @hallecarey1 @daybreakwinter @loveshineslikethesky @wandaslittlewhore @vase-of-lilies @white-wolf1940 @simpingbutch @mischiefsemimanaged @alina02 @teddybearsgrr @doozywoozy @angelbabydoll28 @st3rgirl @glxwingrxse @lilymurphy03 @veryvaughnny @lokigirlszendaya @youngstarfishdinosaur @little--baby--bear @minideathgoddess @rach2602 @aagn360 @gh0stgurl @flourishandblotts-inc
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I read your Mirage dad headcannon and I loved it!! Think you could do a one shot or headcannon on how Mirage would act with having a human girlfriend?? 👏🏼👏🏼
I'm glad you liked it! I decided to make this a little oneshot:
Mirage x human!female!reader
Warnings: None
Mirage never imagined one word would have so much power over him. He never expected to say one word in every sentence, resulting in him saying a single word over 50 times a day. Yet here he was.
"Mirage, where have you been?" Arcee asked. Mirage swaggered over to her, a large grin planted on his face.
"I was with my girlfriend!" He beamed. Girlfriend, it really rolled of the tongue. He loved it so much he couldn't stop saying it.
"I see. Have fun?" Arcee smiled. She was glad to see Mirage happy.
"Hell yeah! My girlfriend is the best. She's funny, beautiful, kind and smart. And the cutest human ever." Mirage expressed, his spark humming happily as he spoke of her.
"Well, you didn't miss much. Optimus says things look clear so we don't have patrol tonight."
"Great! Then I get to spend more time with my girlfriend." Mirage was going to take any free time he had to spend with her.
"Yes, you sure can." Arcee laughed.
"Oh, I have to do something. Something special, something she'll really love." Mirage pondered to himself, servo gently placed under his chin in thought. "I need Noah." He transformed and quickly drove off to his other human friend.
Noah sat in his garage, fixing a pet project he was working on. The garage door was open, allowing Mirage to drive in. Without looking Noah pressed a button beside him, the garage door closing behind Mirage. Noah had gotten used to the sound of Mirages engine so he knew it was him. Once the door was closed Mirage transformed.
"Noah, buddy. I need your help." Mirage took a seat on an old couch, making the springs screech and whine under his weight.
"What do you need?" Noah asked. He stopped what he was working on and faced the mech.
"I need to do something special for my girlfriend."
"Girlfriend?" Noah raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah bro, we made it official last night. It was kind of an on the fly asking and accepting, nothing fancy about it. So today I need to do something special for her!" Mirage explained.
"So what do you need me for?"
"Well, I need you to help me make it special. Y'know, get me flowers for her, or jewelry or stuff like that."
"Why me?" Noah laughed.
"I can't exactly walk into a shop and buy it can I?" Mirage pouted. He had thought Noah would be willing to help no questions asked. "C'mon man, help me out."
"Alright, I'll help. What exactly were you thinking, because you know what she likes. And jewelry and stuff doesn't help me."
The two spent an hour planning out a small event. Noah and Mirage then spent the next few hours driving around New York, Noah getting out and going into stores to purchase supplies.
"I hope you plan on paying me back for all this." Noah stated.
"Yeah I'll figure out a way." Mirage complained. He felt like time was running out and he still had to set up. While driving around Mirage radioed his girlfriend. During their dating period he had given her a radio so they could stay in contact. He stole the idea from Kris.
"Hey darling." Mirage cooed over the radio.
"Hey handsome." (Y/N) replied. Her voice filled Mirage with joy.
"I've got a free evening, and I'm setting something up. Can you be free tonight?"
"Tonight yeah, I have nothing planned. Or well, I guess my plan consists of whatever you're planning."
"You're so funny!" Mirage laughed. Noah rolled his eyes. Noah knew Mirage was smitten, but this was something else.
"I'll pick you up later tonight, wear something pretty. Well you are always pretty, but y'know where something really pretty."
"I will." (Y/N) laughed.
With that settled Mirage drove to an abandoned warehouse, the same one he took Noah to the first time they met, and on the third date he took (Y/N) to. Noah and Mirage set everything up, using all the supplies they had gotten throughout the day. Once completed, Mirage took Noah home, then drove to (Y/N)'s place.
He parked outside and honked his horn. A few minutes later she appeared, in a beautiful outfit that made Mirages engine rev. She smiled, a smile that sent shivers through his form. He opened his driver door and allowed her in.
"Ready?" He asked, strapping her in with his seatbelt.
"I am." Mirage drove off, playing a radio station that consisted of mainly love songs. He stated that his radio was broken and he couldn't change it.
"Hey, we are about 5 minutes away. Could you close your eyes?" Mirage asked.
"Sure." (Y/N) responded. She trusted Mirage completely, so she had no problem closing her eyes no questions asked. He drove into the warehouse and stopped then unbuckled the seatbelt.
"Trust me?"
Mirage very gently transformed around her. Shifting his body until he was standing and holding her in his servos. He placed her down, keeping a servo behind her back.
"You can open your eyes now." Mirage whispered.
(Y/N) opened her eyes. String lights were hung up around the the middle of the warehouse making a circle of light in the center. In the middle were a few blankets laid upon the floor and a number of pillows placed evenly on the blankets. Candles were also strategically placed a few feet away from the flammable blankets, but they were there to enhance the mood.
"Oh my, this is beautiful!" (Y/N) exclaimed. Her heart pounding in her chest.
"Shall we?" Mirage offered his servo. (Y/N) took it. They made themselves comfy among the cozy pillows. Mirage laid on his side, his helm propped up by one arm, so he could be on a similar level as (Y/N). "Oh, I also got you something."
"You didn't have to get me anything."
"Well I did." Mirage pulled out a small box, gently handing it to (Y/N). She opened it, revealing a necklace, on it was silver heart shaped pendant with a blue heart shaped jewel in the middle of it. (Y/N) gasped in surprise, and awe at its beauty.
"It's gorgeous."
"Turn it over." Turning the pendant over revealed 'Mirage' had been engraved on the back of it.
"Oh I love it so much." (Y/N) leapt up, she grabbed Mirages helm with both hands and plastered a million kisses all over his faceplates. "Thank you!"
Mirage placed his free servo behind her back, pulling her in closer. He caught her lips and the two kissed passionately. The kiss only being broken so (Y/N) could catch her breath.
"You really like it?" Mirage asked.
"I love it. And I love you so much." (Y/N) put the necklace on.
"I love you too. I wanted something special for my girlfriend."
"Well, you did amazing this is really special. I have the best boyfriend ever."
That word rang through his audio receivers like music. Boyfriend, the second best word. And as much as he said the word girlfriend, he also hoped to hear boyfriend just as much.
Bonus headcanons just because I want to:
-Will say girlfriend as much as he can.
-Gets so giddy and excited when his girlfriend is around. He does everything he can to try and impress her or make her laugh. Absolutely loves her laugh so will say so many jokes, even if they are terrible.
-Flirts all the time.
-Shows her off to everyone saying 'this is my girlfriend' even if they already know that.
-Likes PDA and wants to kiss and touch her all the time. He would make out with her in front of the others and not care at all.
-Loves to see her in cute outfits. He loves getting little fashion shows, and likes to help his girlfriend pick out outfits.
-Will carry her around, because it means he gets to hold her close.
-Late night chats. He talks with his girlfriend while she tries to sleep. And he feels so happy if she stays on the radio while she sleeps. He feels like it is a way for them to be together even if they can't be.
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lord-squiggletits · 7 months
NGL I think one of my least favorite "gotchas" that I see/get while critiquing stories is "so how would you fix it? oh so you don't have an idea of how to rewrite the story to make it better? oh so basically you're just complaining that you don't like it and don't have actual critique."
Sometimes the reason I don't have a "solution" to how the author should've rewritten their story to be better, is because I'm not privy to the author's thought process, what their alternate story ideas were, what they talked about with their editor, what they might've been forced to do by deadlines, or even what they might've thought they were writing towards at first but then later changed the trajectory of their story to be about something else.
It's all well and good for me to say something like, idk, "I think Character A should've gotten more narrative focus because their story could have helped fix XYZ Plot Hole," but it could very well be that the author never intended for Character A to be a prominent character (just a secondary or tertiary character). Maybe using Character A to solve one Plot Hole would've gone against the writer's plans because then it would open up a different plot hole for something else they had planned later in the story. If it's an ongoing story, maybe something I see as a "plot hole" is actually a deliberate mystery that the creator left open to write about later-- or maybe the plot hole is because there was a deadline crunch and the author had to drop a certain character/plot point/etc because they couldn't fit it into the story any more. Maybe having Character A be a more prominent part of the story is just based on MY personal tastes and what I would want to write in MY version of the story, but completely clashes with the characters/conflicts the author wanted to focus on.
Because yes, there are some story critiques that are as simple as "part A doesn't make sense, you could just fix it by doing B", but there are also some story critiques where suggesting a viable "solution" would require BEING the author or someone involved in the production of the story to understand what limitations or plans were involved in the selection of that flawed plot point. There are also some story critiques where even if there is a "problem" and my critique offers a "solution," there could be another "solution" or even dozens that do just as good of a job fixing the issue, but involve vastly different characters, plot ideas, so on and so forth.
Being a good critic isn't (just) about going "the story would've been better if X happened" because the story is ultimately in control of the author and their vision, and without knowing what the author's vision was (something that you almost exclusively know if you're 1. the author or 2. their beta reader), it's impossible to definitively say "this plot point should've been cut/[completely different thing] should've happened instead" because THAT is the point at which you're complaining, not critiquing. I would argue that in some cases, trying to "fix" a story yourself actually makes your critique worse, not better, because it ends up being a case of you simply imposing your artistic vision over the author's to say "I think it would've been better this way."
At least if you just say "this part of the story was flawed because XYZ" without saying "it should have been ABC instead", then you're stating your grievances with the story without being presumptuous enough to assume that YOUR version of the story would fit the author's original vision, or the constraints they were working under, or the other versions of the story that they were debating over at the time before ultimately settling on one version (even if flawed).
There's a point at which "this plot is flawed, that should've happened instead" is just fix-it fan fiction and not actual critique that could help the writer write their story in a way that fits their vision.
#squiggposting#discourse#i think the closest you can get to definitively saying 'the author should've done X instead'#would be something like JRO and the handbooks he recently released where he actually revealed alternate plot ideas#or like what the reasoning was behind different plot points. as well as what he did and didn't include and why#because THEN with a more clear understanding of the behind the scenes/what the author wanted to achieve#THEN you would have more information to be able to say 'this alternative storyline would've solved this plot hole'#or to even say 'actually those alternate ideas weren't as good and picking the canon flawed plot made a better story'#like for god's sake ppl apparently don't understand that art and storytelling and creativity are subjective#sometimes if i don't have a solution it's not bc my critique is invalid. it's bc there's multiple ways to fix it#and i'm not the author so idk which way of fixing the story would best suit their intentions/purposes/limitations#despite what snobs seem to think it's very possible for you to say 'this is flawed' and not know what the fix for it is#it's like how you can eat restaurant food and go 'something about this tastes bland'#w/o having to know what ingredients went into the recipe or how it's supposed to taste#and in that case unless you literally know the recipe or are a chef you would come off as a dick#if you tried to dictate to the kitchen what they did wrong and how to fix it#for some reason story critics are terrified of ambiguity and uncertainty and subjectivity and idk why#it is very easy and not intellectually wrong for a person to say 'this is flawed' and not have a solution for how to fix it
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final-girl96 · 4 months
Killer Geek Chapter Seven
Woodsboro High School
It wasn't a pleasant ride to school; Billy was pissy and complained about how he wasn't getting attention from his girlfriend. I was glad when he parked the Camaro in a parking spot. Because as soon as the car stopped I was opening my door, getting out, and shutting the door before he could say anything else. When I got inside, I walked up the stairs, and walked straight ahead towards my locker. I stopped half-way when I saw a figure standing beside it, head tilted towards the floor, a rose in their hand.
I was about to turn around to go back down the stairs but Parker lifted his head and looked eyes with me. “Yn!” I let out a ling sigh and refrained from rolling my eyes, then I walked the rest of the away down the hall to my locker. “This is for you as an apology for last night.” He handed me the rose and I gently took it. “Um…thanks.” Turning towards my locker, I out in my combination and opened it. “So, I was wondering if, maybe, you'd like to go on a date this weekend…with me?” He sounded so hopeful. I almost hadn't to have to decline his offer.…almost. “I would but I have plans this weekend. We're going up to our families cabin.”
That's not true. I don't have plans this weekend. Not unless you count sitting in my room room read and write. Maybe watch a movie. Ignore my brother at all costs so I don't need to listen to him bitch. I would hang out with Casey, but she'll be too busy with Stu, probably fucking like nasty little rabbits.
“Oh.” That's it. That's the only response I get. Now I am feeling bad. Fuck! I am going to regret the next words that come out of my mouth. “We could go tomorrow night. I don't have work.” I hate myself. Just kill me. Why the hell am I like this?! “Yeah?” A smile spreads across his face, eyes bright and full of hope. I just nodded and tried to smile. I have no interest in this guy what's-so-ever. “Yeah, pick me up at seven.” Now he has that cocky look. You know the one.
The one where they get a side smile, run their tongue along their bottom lip, and the bit it, all while rubbing their hands together. “Seven it is gorgeous!” Then he was running down the hall to his buddies. I just made a huge mistake. Now I am going to have to talk Billy and all our friends into going up to the cabin this weekend just so none of us are seen in town. Hopefully nobody has plans. I grabbed my stuff I would need for my first few classes and headed to Enligh.
When lunch rolled around I went outside to meet with everyone at the fountain. When I got there Billy was sitting with his elbows on his knees looking at the ground, hands balled into fists. Stu sat beside him with his arm around Casey. Casey never really fit into this group. Sidney was sitting with Tatum and Randy was in between Casey and Tatum. “Hey?” Billy looked up at me and his face was set in a hard look, jaw clenched, eyes full of hatred. Casey jumped up and came over to hug me. “Hey, you! Where were you this morning?”
“Um, I went straight to my locker then went to class early to look over my assignment. What's happening here?” I asked. “Nothing,” Billy snapped. “Okay, well, I have a little problem,” I said. “What's the problem?” Randy asked. I bit my bottom lip and took a deep breath. “Parker asked me out for this weekend.” I held up my hand before anyone could say anything. “I told him I couldn't because I had plans.” I looked over at Billy. “I told him we would be up at the cabin. So I was thinkinng…if nobody has any plans we could drive up after school Friday and stay until Sunday.”
“I don't have anything to do,” Randy said. I smiled at him and looked to Tatum and Sidney. “I don't have anything going on. Can I bring Eric?” Tatum asked. Eric was a guy she way currently seeing, that she swears shes not dating. Stu and Casey opted in saying they didn't have anything going on. Billy was looking over at Sidney. We were all looking at Sidney, waiting for her to say something. “Come on, Sid, it'll be good for you to get away from here for a couple days,” Tatum said. Sid sighed and nodded her head, “yeah, okay.”
I looked over at Billy and he rolled his eyes. “Fine. I'll talk to dad about it.” I smiled and felt a little relief. “Oh, I have one more problem.” They all looked at me, waiting for me to elaborate. “I told him I'd go on a date with him Thursday.” Casey elbowed Stu in the ribs when he went to laugh, Billy rolled his eyes, which is nothing new. But Randy's reaction caught my attention the most. His fingers curled in towards his palms, jaw ticked as he clenched his teeth together.
I sat down between Casey and Randy. “Wyo'd you agree to go out with that creep in The first place?” Randy asked. I looked at him and shrugged. “I don't know. I mean he's just goimg to keep asking me out. Maybe if I go out with him once and show him I'm not enjoying myself then he'll leave me alone.” He scoffed at that and shook his head. “Guys like him don't take no for an answer, yn. So what are you going to do when he tries to male a move on you and you refuse so he decides take what he wants anyway?”
I didn't know what to say to that. I've never seen Randy act or talk like that. He was normally calm and kind. He was the movie geek of the group, knows everything about moives, especially horror movies. “If he does he'll be fucking dead.” Everyone's heads snapped over to Billy. He wasn't looking at anyone. His head was down while he pulled a string from his shirt. “Once you find out where he's taking you, let me know and I'll follow along. If you get uncomfortable just give me a signal and I'll step in.” With that he got up and walked back towards the school.
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fanartalchemist · 1 year
Lucid decapitation
WARNING: body horror, mention of decapitation and gore.
what would happen if snorpy never went in to save their sibling? maybe it would work for the better... or worse.
also, spoilers for the game, especially Floofty's side quest.
P.S. this is my first time writing a story, so I like to hear how well I did or how I can do better.
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"I cant believe this is taking Me more than 24 hours to set up this contraption. Its literally the middle of the night by the time I got it set up." Floofty mumbled to themselves as they made some finishing touches to the recycled machine. " Why should I be complaining? At least the journalist is doing the difficult part of catching a Bugsnack for the experiment. Not only that, Snorpy decided to bring Chandlo along with checking out the disturbance up on frosted peak. At least my anxious sibling wouldn't sabotage my work again."
Deep down, Floofty was a little bothered that their brother wouldn't be there to see their success, or at least be there when something goes wrong. What were they talking about? If the journalist doesn't back out on their plan, they're the only help Floofty needs.
Speaking of which, Buddy came back with a Strabby in their paw. "Ah, you've got the perfect Bugsnax for the contraption. Excellent." Floofty spoke excitedly. "And in a perfect time too, because I happen to be done with setting the device up."
Buddy stared at the machine Floofty was in front of, with terror forming in their face. "What in the grump is that thing?" shouted the journalist. Its clear to floofty that they never saw snorpy's other prototype inventions, despite how close they were as friends.
"I borrowed one of my brothers patented 'Grumpinati traps' and made some modifications." Floofty informed as they stepped into the machine. Once on the device, the machine already strapped them in. "Once the device is activated, snacks will flow into my open mouth, thus triggering my regeneration."
Buddy stared at it for a few more seconds before they finally spoke "This is terrifying.".
"Yes, I surmise that is why I'm in inside the device and you are not." Floofty responded. They couldn't see the journalist while laying on the cold piece of metal they were strapped in, but could easily hear how distressed Buddy was from their shaky voice.
"How do you know this will work?" Buddy questioned once more. To be honest, Floofty a little distressed about it themselves. Why should they? They came so far, they shouldn't stop now. It should work, since they sucessfuly regrown their leg. They've researched Bugsnax for almost a year. Why would that journalist question what they do when they haven't been on the island for even a month yet?
"I don't. that is what the experiment is for!" they told the journalist. "I need you to load the funnel at the back and then we can begin.".
It was silent for a moment, with Cobhoppers chirping in the background and leaves rustling in the wind. Floofty hoped that the journalist isn't backing out on their project the second they could finally see the results. Finally, they hear Buddy' footsteps going toward where the funnel gets loaded. They heard the Strabby's cry before Buddy shut the door of the funnel device. Once they did so, the blade of the machine automatically started spinning.
There was no turning back. Floofty tried to remain calm as the blade came closer to their head. Thats when they realized how painfull the process is going to be. They never took anything to numb the pain, because they want to have a clear mind when they need to take notes. They started to regret not taking anything to help with the pain that they were about to face.
Before they could think further, the funnel loaded the strabby into their mouth. As much as Floofty wanted to savor the delectable creature, they had to swallow it before the blade came down on them. That was officially their one final meal.
The blade finally punctured into their flesh. Floofty screamed in agony as the blade dug further, only to be silenced when it cut through their vocal cord. Floofty could hardly breath as blood fills their lungs, only to no longer breath when it finally cut through their throat and their wind pipes. When it finally cut through the spine, the feeling of intense agony, along with the feeling of cold metal they were being restrained by, has disappeared from the chest down. Once the blade has completely cut through their body and quickly went back in place, some sort of unknown force pushed their decapitated head off of the device and onto the soft, grass-covered ground beneath them.
"I...I'm still alive?" floofty thought to themselves, no longer being able to speak. "I supose this is the result of lucid decapitation: when the head is still cautious even after being removed from the body." luckily for floofty, they landed facing Buddy and their body laying on the machine. They could easily see the journalist, finally removing their paws from their eyes to look at the final result. As for their own body, its difficult to see since its in the shadows of the huts. Once the restraints were removed, it took only a few seconds before they could see movement in their paws. Flooftys body has sat up, showing that their head has been replaced by another one. It looked like their head from the darkness, but without their goggles on their head.
It was a success. Floofty was right about the regeneration of bugsnax. As proud as they were, they soon realized that their body now has a conscience of that of a strabby. Floofty assumed that the only thing that creature would do was scamper and wonder around like simple creatures they are.
They looked at the journalist, seeing their shocked expression. " Wow, it really worked" Buddy said to the still alive head of floofty. The creature, now hosting floofty's body, face towards the journalist. That grabbed both of their attention. The creature hopped off of the restraint platform and started creeping towards buddy. The journalist's face towards the creature, with their expression changing from surprised to genuine fear.
"Wait a minute. Stop! What are y..." Buddy pleaded before they were interrupted by the creature pouncing onto them. The monstrosity went at them with their teeth in their throat, and tore it off from their neck. Blood dripped from the monsters maw as life disappeared from the journalist's body.
Flooftie's eyes started flooding with tears as they saw the corpse of their friend. They never expected the bugsnax to commit a murder this barbaric, not even a strabby. Was this the hidden nature of bugsnax this whole time? Was this the price they have to pay for messing with the forces of nature?
The creature quickly turned toward Flooftie's decapitated head from across the contraption. It slowly walked from the corpse next to the funnel to the severed head. It picked them up and held it to the point where Floofty could finally see the face of the monster. Its eyes were that of the bugsnax, with its head being that of a rotting strawberry. Its hair are made of leaves in the same style as flooftie's, and the teeth are that of stems of strawberries. looking deep into the monsters pupils, they see themselves in its reflection.
As the creature removed the goggles from floofty, it spoke. Its voice was that of flooftie's, but distorted. "You were very helpful, but we have no use for you anymore". Flooftie's vision started going dark as the creature brought its head towards its mouth, and gobbled it up.
"Wait. Stop!" Floofty shouted as they sit up from their bed, breathing heavily. They woke up with cold sweat soaking their bed of their brother's apartment. They looked at themselves, and felt their chest and head to see if its still attached. It was all a dream, or a nightmare in this case.
They gave themselves time to calm down and recall the current events. Floofty is still alive, everyone escaped snaktooth thanks to Lizbert and Eggabell (assuming they are the queen of bugsnax) as the volcano went off, and now they are seeking temporary refuge in an apartment with their brother snorpy, and his boyfriend chandlo, as the bugsnax wear off. That pretty sums up what happened. that, and the Bugsnax are parasites that use your insecurities to make you crave more. They were relieved that the danger is over.
Floofty leaned towards the nightstand on the side of the bed to drink some water. When they did, they studently feel something strange under the sheets. There was a red stain bleeding through the blanket, but the aroma wasnt that of blood, but a fruit. When they removed the covers, they saw what remains of their regenerated leg: nothing but decomposed snack matter. When the bugsnax wore off from where they removed their leg, it seemed to turn to mush instead of disappearing like the rest of the snakification. Now floofty only has one foot to stand on now.
Having one leg is not what bothered floofty, but the fact that they were also gonna decapitate their head after that. Floofty was filled with dread thinking of the aftermath. Even if the possibility of that nightmare becoming a real outcome, but the fact that they wouldn't be able to grow back their head after the bugsnax wear off, and the body was the first thing that would desnakify. The thought of it made them feel nauseous, making them fall to the floor to get to the trash can to hurl in when they do.
Snorpy came in with a wrench at hand as if there was an intruder, with half-awake chandlo by his side. "Floofty! are you okay?" questioned Snorpy in a concerned tone. "were you attacked? did the frumpinati..." He saw floofty on the floor next to the bed, holding on to the trach can. They looked pale and was trembling like they witnessed a Gruesome demise. Snoopy then darted his eyes to where their one leg use to be.
"Should I call someone to check if they are alright?" chandlo added.
"could you get some medicine for nausea my love?" Snorpy replied. Chandlo left the room to find what he requested, while Snorpy comforts their sibling.
"Don't fret Floofty. I already made a prosthetic for you. I just need to..."
"thats not whats bothering me!" Floofty interrupted. Snorpy realized it was bad to assume what was wrong.
"I apologize. what has been bothering you?"
Floofty let out a quick sigh. "its complicated to explain"
"Ill give you a moment then. Ill be here when your ready to talk to me."
Chandlo came back with the bottle of pills. "will this work?" he asked. Chandlo passed the bottle to Snorpy so he could examine it.
"This is good enough. could you give us a moment?"
Chandlo nodded, and left the room. Snorpy put the medication aside for later. Thats when floofy finally had the courage to answer.
"I regret trying to experimenting with Bugsnax. I should've known how harmful those parasites really are in the first place. I was blinded by my own pride experimenting with Bugsnax, when I should've had suspicion when lizbert was onto them. I should've listen to Shielda's warnings, even when they are speaking like some horoscope! I shouldn't have put Poor Eggabell so close to death!"
"Don't be so hard on yourself." Snorpy replied. "You were just trying to help the expedition, right?"
"I tried removing my own head snorpington! I was going to ruin my own life, and those I'm close to, just to help a billion!". Floofty pointed at what was left of their snakified limb on the bead, all nothing but mush. "Even if I successfully regenerate my own head, either the Bugsnax itself will have my body and use it for its sinister plot, or I have to live with the parasites for the rest of my life" floofty put their hands on their own throat, remembering the feeling of consuming those parasites. "even if I'm still myself after decapitation, I would have to keep eating them so the snakification won't wear off and kill me, and not eat too frequent so I don't become them. I may have to keep risking my own life just to find out. Its like if a rodent has eaten poison, not knowing when it will be its last day."
Snorpy sees that their sibling is trying to hold back their tears. He wanted to comfort them with words, but thought it would be better to hear more of what they have to say.
"If you haven't stopped that machine, I would end up living with that for the rest of the life I have left. You wouldn't have a sibling anymore, and I haven't realized how important it was to you until now. I'm sorry for everything I have done on that island, and before that".
That was the most sincere apology Floofty has given him. they looked into each others eyes, Floofties eyes glisten with tears. Snorpy gave them the least uncomfortable hug he can give with his short arms.
"thank you for telling me Floofty." their brother calmly responded.
They huged back, finally sheding a few tears they've been holding back. it took them a minute to finally relax, no longer queasy from fear.
"thank you for everything you've done for me Snorpy."
He was glad to finally hear that from their older sibling. He helped Floofty back into bed after Chandlo replaced the Strabby-stained sheets with fresh clean ones.
"You go ahead and get a bit more sleep while I put the finishing touches on your new prosthetic." Snorpy told their sibling. "After all, we wouldn't want to miss our chum Filbo getting elected as mayor."
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anon-sect · 2 years
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Picture Source: inanimatetffantasie
Gifted Revenge
Morning came, and Jace felt Tom's socked feet entered his sneaker formed bodies. There was a time he dreaded Jace wearing him, even felt like it was torture. Now after three years of being a pair of sneakers he grew to love his owner's feet and, longed for the time to worn and crushed under his feet.
THREE YEARS AGO...............................
Brad and Tom were great friends, but Brad had one issue. Tom had a supervisor that was always trying to make some kind of trouble for him. Brad often complained to Tom that he should do something about his supervisor Jace. Tom ordinarily refused beccause he really needed the job.
The harsh treatment went on for several weeks, but Tom endured it. Brad on the other hand did not like it one bit. If Tom wasn't going to do someting about, he would. Brad went to Tom's job requesting to speak with Jace on the matter of his best friend's treatment.
Jace only commented that it was none of his business on how he ran his shift, and to keep his nose out of his business. Brad did not like his answer, but also came with a plan to make Jace realize the mistake he made treating is best friend so badly.
After Jace told Brad to leave immediately, Brad pulled out the transformation device from his back pack. He pointed it at Jace. He began to plead for his life, thinking the device was a actual gun. Brad only laughed, and commented, "You will wish I had killed you once my good friend is done torturing you." Brad fired at Jace.
Jace immidately felt his body stiffened. He found that from the neck down he couldn't move a muscle. He looked up to see the world around him began to grow in size. Then realizing that he was shrinking. He tried to call out for help, only to find that no noise came out of his mouth. It was like he completely lost his voice. He saw Brad staning above him with a sadistic smile on his face.
"You tormented my buddy for a good while, I think it's time he returned the favor. You will become a pair of sneakers I will gift to him. He won't know it's you, so don't think he is going to rescue you. Who knows, you might become his favorite pair of snearkers to wear." Brad spoke and laughed as he watch the helpless Jace reform into a pair of black sneakers. jace wss trying to plea for mercy, but no sound came out of his mouth. He was powerless and helpless as he saw his body change and become sneakers. The worst part was that his face was now the inside insole of the sneakers. And also so the fact that the only one who know what happened to him was this guy name Brad.
Brad place the newly transformed sneakers into a shoe box he had in his back pack. The shoe box was put back into his backpack and he wslked out of Jace's office. He could not wait to give Tom his new pair of sneakers. The thought of Tom walking on the supervisor that tormented him put a smile on his face. He wondered if Tom would still wear him if he knew the truth. He would find out in about a week or two.
At home, Brad handed Tom the shoe box with the living sneakers in them. Tom immediately took them out and put them on his feet. The level of comfort was like he was stepping on clouds. The insole of the sneaker brought such comfort to his feet. Tom wiggled his toes on the insoles for a good measure of joy, fully unaware of who was literally under his feet.
Jace wanted to cry as he saw Tom's feet enter his sneaker body. He felt his socked feet press down on his face as the laces were tied up, securing Tom's feet inside his sneaker bodies. The employee he messed with nearly every day was now wearing him on his feet. Mentally he begged for Tom to know the truth of the very sneakers he had on his feet, but no one heard his thoughts. Things got considerably worse when Tom stood up and began to walk on him. Each step cause such pain that if he had a human body, hew would have passed out. Jace knew then this experience as sneakers was going to be a living hell. He thought about Tom's feet would be sweating and all that sweat all over his face. He thought of the fact that he would eventually smell like Tom"s feet the more he wore him. He regretted being so mean to him now. He only wanted to apoligize for his behavior at work, but as sneakers he was at the mercy of Tom's feet.
For a full week, Tom used Jace for working out, going on long runs, even at work, working all day. Tom work Jace every day for the full week. His new sneakers became his favorite pair after the third day. On that Friday evening, Brad wanted to know how much he like the new sneakers he got for him. "Like your new sneakers, buddy?" He asked. Tom quickly nodded yes. "Best pair I ever hed. In fact, they are my favorite pair. Got to take good care of them. I don't want them wearing out for years." Tom spoke.
Jace hated to hear that. He wanted to be human again so badly. He didn't want to be Tom's shoes for years, to suffer under his feet day in and day out. "Do you remember your supervisor Jace?" Brad asked Tom. Tom thought about it. He hadn't seen him all week when he realized that. "Yeah, he has been missing all week." Tom mentioned after some thought. "Actually, he isn't missing and has been close all week." Brad admitted. Tom looked confused as what he just said. Brad had to explain what he really meant. "I visisted your boss last weekend, and had a conversation with him. I didn't like what he said, so I turned him into a pair of sneakers and gave him to you as a gift." Brad ended with a smile of satisfaction on his face.
It took a moment for Tom to realize what Brad just told hm. "You're playing with me. For real?" Tom asked as he looked down at the sneakers he had been wearing all week. Brad nodded yes and showed him a video of Jace transforming into sneakers that look just like the ones Brad gave to him as a gift. "I can turn him back if you want. It's up to you." Brad added, going to get the transformation device.
Tom thought about his options. The mean supervisor had been suffering under his feet all week, and the didn't know it till now. He could let him be human again, but Jace might continue to torment him at work. Tom also thought that he really didn't want to lose his favorite pair of sneaker also. Tom remove one sneaker and spoke to it. "I just found out the truth, but honestly l like you better this way. Who knows, living footwear might last longer than regular sneakers. Sorry Jace, but you are a permanent member of my sneaker collection." Tom put the sneaker back on his feet just as Brad was approaching with the transformation device. "No need of it. I think I will be keeping the gift you gave me. He makes a good pair of sneakers, and I want to see how long living sneakers can survive." Tom told Brad.
Brad just laughed. "Are you kidding me. living clothing last for ages, buddy. I have a pair of socks that use to be a bully on the streets. He has been my favorite pair of socks for eight years now. Enjoy your living pair of sneakers." Both Brad and Tom laughed at Jace's plight, while Jace could only cry as his humanity was completely gone. His world was now Tom's feet and he was powerless to change it.
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stardustintheabyss · 2 years
MHA SingingSoulmate!au
Harmonies of the Heart series Part 1
Prohero!Kirishima x gn!reader
Your soulmate can hear you sing (and yes some of the boys & y/n are dumb & can't recognize talking voices from your singing voices)
Warnings ⚠️ curse words, they are a staple in my vocabulary idgaf
A/n: WOOOO HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE LOML, MY FAVORITE REDHEAD, THE BRIGHTEST SUNSHINE, MY #1 COMFORT CHARACTER. EIJIROU KIRISHIMA!! damn these 11th hr birthday posts are popping out of me. Is this my best? Probably not but it isss what it issss. I have at least 3 more planned for this series (hopefully I can get them done before an hour until their bds are over 🥲) Also this is my first gn!reader so sorry if they're are any mistakes! 😅
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It's been about 2 years since you found your gym buddies that turned into friends. You've heard them refer to themselves as the "Bakusquad", how you fell in with a group of pro heros as a workout buddy you'll never know. Not that you're complaining, you love their chaotic energy. Currently you were on the way to your gym to meet them. You were blasting your favorite playlist, Throne by  Bring Me the Horizon had just come on and you started to sing along.
Remember the moment you left me alone and
Broke every promise you ever made
I was an ocean, lost in the open
Nothin' could take the pain away
Suddenly a second voice could be heard in your head. The rough gravelly voice of your soulmate.
So you can throw me to the wolves
Tomorrow I will come back
Leader of the whole pack
Beat me black and blue
Every wound will shape me
Every scar will build my throne...
You smirked. It seemed your soulmate always sang along with you if he knew the song. Which to be fair is why you always played this playlist. He knew most of the songs. The duet came to an end as you pulled into the parking lot but one of your favorite songs came on next. So you did the logical thing and stayed in the car to sing your heart out.
Choke me like you hate me, but you love me
Lowkey wanna date me when you fuck me (uwu)
Touch me with the lights off and my chains on
Baby, I'm not the right one you should wait on...
After your solo you made your way into the gym to meet your friends. "Y/n! You're finally here! You missed it, Kiri nearly died!" Mina and Kami yelled.
"What?!" You shouted. "Is he ok?" Your panic had nothing to do with the teeny tiny crush you had on the red head. He WAS your friend after all.
"Yeah. Bro just choked on his protein drink out of nowhere is all." Sero filled in.
You calmed down and laughed scolding Mina & Kaminari. "Oh. Don't scare me like that jeez!"
Kirishima made his way to your line of sight, a heavy blush covering his cheeks. "Hey its not my fault my soulmate decided to sing something hot—" his rosy cheeks darkened," uh unexpected while I was taking a drink."
"Enough about your dumb love life. Are we going to work out or what." Bakugo grumble. That was all you guys needed to get your asses moving. For the next few hours you rotated on the equipment trying to one up eachother. Everyone had their own that they excelled in. Mina was queen of hip thrusts, Sero ruled anything that had to do with shoulders, Kami would put a wash board to shame with he abs he had, Bakugo was obviously #1 at arms (& everything else if you ask him) and Kiri you swore could damn near dead lift a car. And you apparently had "crush a watermelon thighs" or so Kami & Mina told you.
After the gruesome workout everyone piled into your car to go to your guys favorite post workout cafe. Yours was the only one that could fit all of you. Yes everybody could take their own ride but where's the fun in that. Bakugo always brought his motorcycle, Kirishima his truck, Mina's convertible and Sero and Kami rode skateboards. So you were the designated chauffeur.
Mina shouted, "SHOTGUN!" Seconds before Bakugo.
"Go cry about it." She stuck he tongue out at him as she slipped into the passenger seat. As you were pulling out onto the road Mina started to look for music on your phone. Usually whoever rides passenger uses their own phone but you had already plugged in yours while the group was bickering about who was sitting where. However Mina, your dear friend, liked to snoop through peoples playlists. "Ooh what's 'Favorites that we mostly duet ❤'  Y/n?" She said giving you knowing side eye look while scrolling.
Your face was warm and not just from the workout. "Um, songs I like to sing along to?" She wasn't buying it. "Ok fine. Its mostly songs my soulmate and I sing together." You pouted sheepishly.
"Hmm. Lotta punk/alternative rock & emo music in here. But also some hella good pop bangers. Kiri I see lots of the bands you listen to." Mina observed. She clicked on a song and you heard familiar vocals of Sam Tinnesz.
I've got that lightnin' inside me
Son of a God
I'm like a titan that's risin'
Oh, just you watch
I'm steppin' into fate
There is no time to waste
I've got that lightnin' inside me
This is how legends are made...
"Really? Cool, your soulmate has good taste then." You saw that gorgeous smile of his in your rearveiw mirror.
"Your taste in music is ass, Shitty Hair." Bakugo rolled his eyes.
"Hey don't rag on other peoples music tastes dude. We don't say nothin when we listen to your classic rock love ballads." Kami interjected.
Bakugo crossed his arms "Tch. Whatever."
As you made the final turn to your destination a new song played. One that always make you feel like a bad bitch. And Mina shared the sentiment. She screeched, "AH THIS IS MY JAM!"
"SAME BESTIE!" Mina squealed. Kami & Mina started to sing along.
...I said certified freak, seven days a week
Wet ass pussy, make that pullout game weak, woo! (Ah)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, you fucking with some wet ass pussy
Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet ass pussy
Give me everything you got for this wet ass pussy...
You giggled how into they were. Pretty soon Sero was singing also & they were trying to get you to sing as well. You shook your head. You didn't really sing in front of people but you couldn't say no. So you started when your favorite part came up.
...Your honor, I'm a freak bitch, handcuffs, leashes
Switch my wig, make him feel like he cheating
Put him on his knees, give him some' to believe in
Never lost a fight, but I'm looking for a beating
In the food chain, I'm the one that eat ya
If he ate my ass, he's a bottom feeder
Big D stand for big demeanor
I could make ya bust before I ever meet ya
If it don't hang, then he can't bang
You can't hurt my feelings, but I like pain
If he fuck me and ask, "Whose is it?"
When I ride the dick, I'ma spell my name, ah...
Finishing the song as you pulled up to the coffee shop you heard Bakugo & Kirishima talking in hushed tones. Kiri's face was flushed & Bakugo had an amused smirk on his face. Everyone got out of the car & as you were about to step into the shop Kiri grabbed your wrist, stirring up the butterflies in your stomach. "Um, hey Y/n can we talk for a sec?" He looked nervous.
"Hey you guys coming or what?" Kami asked.
Bakugo pulled him away by the ear & into the Cafe to me up with Sero & Mina. "Come on Pikachu, give Rock Head  & Y/n a minute."
"Sure, is everything okay?" You asked turned to Kirishima.
"Yeah, it's just," he licked his lips, "maybe it's better if I just show you. Do you mind if we go back in the car? I'm kinda self conscious about it..." You lifted your brow. "It's nothing pervy! I swear!"
You laid a hand hand on his chest and patted, "I know. Your not like that. I was just teasing you." Unlocking and getting in the car you turned to fully face him. "Okay what is it Red." His ears tinged scarlet at the nickname. They always did, you found it adorable.
He fiddled with his fingers."Uh, I hate to keep asking favors but could you close your eyes please?"
"Oh shush." You told him closing your eyes. "It's not a problem."
He released a shakey breath and soon you heard a familiar song. You cocked your head to the side wondering where this was going. Suddenly your favorite sound found your way to your ears. A sound you have only heard in your head previously. A rough gravelly voice that made your knees weak & your heart soar.
...Double bubble disco queen
Headed to the guillotine
Skin as cool as Steve McQueen
Let me be your killer king
It hurts until it stops
Your eyes snapped open. Eijirou Kirishima was your soulmate. You'd been around him for two fucking years & somehow neither of you had realized. You grabbed his clasped hands. His knuckles were white from gripping g them so hard. He wasn't looking at you. He was still singing.
We will love until it's not
I'm a killing spree in white
Eyes like broken Christmas lights
You ducked down a little while tilting his face up with your other hand. Tears were beginning to stream down you cheeks. His eyes widend in panic and he began to try and wipe your tears away. But you had a duet to sing. You smiled warmly at him.
My touch is black and poisonous
And nothing like my punch drunk kiss
I know you need it
Do you feel it
Drink the water
Drink the wine
Eijirou couldn't believe it. His gym crush. His friend. You were really his soulmate. So he did the only thing he knew what to do. He sang with his love.
Oh we gotta turn up the crazy
Livin' like a washed up celebrity
Shooting fireworks like it's the fourth of July
Until we feel all right
Until we feel all right...
By the time the song came to an end your cheeks hurt from smiling. You whispered, "Hey soulmate."
"Hi, soulmate." He whispered back before leaning in slightly. You met him the rest of the way. Your kiss was the softess kiss you've ever had. It was like he was afraid to break you. The grip he had on your waist was gentle but firm. As if you might disappear from him. Breaking the kiss he held his forehead against yours. "So I guess we should probably go in before the squad gets suspicious."
Sighing happily you agreed. "I mean we should go in, I'm starving." After getting out of the car for a second time you grabbed his had, lacing your fingers through his. "But I don't really care if they are suspicious or not." Your friends were looking at the both of you through the window.
"You know what? I don't either." Eijirou said before leaning down to kiss you again. You smiled into the kiss after hearing the outrageous shouting coming from your friends. Eijirou pulled away but barely. "So if I treat you to coffee or whatever you want does this count as a date?" He gave you that dazzling smile.
You chuckled. "If you want it too." You pecked him on the cheek. He grinned back at you all goofy.. "It's a date then!" You couldn't wait for all the duets to be sung together while being able to look into those sparkling ruby eyes. Side by side you made your way in together, your hearts in harmony with eachother.
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eternivex-a · 1 year
Let's Get Rambling... Or Some Shit Like That.
Fandoms: Payday (3), Hardcore Henry, Scarface
Characters: Dallas, Jimmy (HCH), Chains, Hoxton, Tony Montana, Locke
Warnings: Mentions of drug abuse, very very canon divergent, some stuff is referencing an rp I did with my Payday server, and I started this in JANUARY... Sorry it took so long.
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Years had passed since the Payday gangs reign of terror over DC and, in all honesty, the world. Their large number of criminals and their skills proved to be far too overwhelming for anything they came across, then they had been caught after trying to rob the white house. The clowns were gone for good.
That's what the world believed for years in their absence. But each one of the members had been living nothing short of their best lives since they disbanded, they were retired and done. At least, that's what they'd been hoping for- until they were dragged back into it.
Heists had proven to be much more difficult as technology evolved and adapted to the passage of time, the law becoming much more of a challenge, because that was somehow possible. Still, adapting to new situations was something they'd done a hundred times over.
Their contacts were limited, and Locke had become their main ally, and Jimmy had made a surprising return after seeing their first endeavor in New York, wanting to assist his old buddies after so long. But that was really all they had, which was why when Locke called and told them that someone wanted to hire them for a job, they became weary, it was lessened slightly with Locke explaining it was another old friend, but it could've been any number of criminals.
They'd been sent the heists information, a simple drug bust. A fair amount of coke was stolen from their contractor, and they wanted it back. It was money, and a friend, both of which they needed. The main thing that got them looking further into it was the demand that Jimmy be brought aboard for the job, they could pick whoever else came, but Jimmy had to be somewhere in their roster.
All of that led to where they were now, an abandoned office building off of a highway that the gang now used as a safehouse. Hoxton had been complaining about the state of it, after getting so used to the lavish safehouse in DC it was only natural that the Brit wouldn't like the place.
It didn't matter to the others though. The building gave the bare minimum, the only real important part was that they could all hide out, and also- plan. That being just what they were doing in the lounge on the first floor, their masks and firearms strewn about the area with a large blueprint of the building their target gang was hiding in.
"D'you think we can go in through the roof and get the jump on them?" Jimmy suggested, making Dallas shake his head. "We don't know exactly where they're holding the coke until they can sell the stuff, if they're too far below and they hear us then they'll just run." He grumbled, rubbing his forehead. This was a lot easier when they had the dentist around, not something that would be spoken aloud but the sentiment was nonetheless shared with the other members.
Everyone was silent in thought, scratching at their hair and drumming fingers against the old wooden table. "Maybe we c... Hold it." Chains stopped, listening closely as footsteps became audible to everyone else in the room. Panic spread as they realized that someone knew where they were, it wasn't like anyone would just come down here either- even Locke didn't know where the gang were holed up.
Eyes turned to meet one another before they rushed into action, staying as quiet as they could in the process. Chains went straight for his sawed off shotgun while Jimmy grabbed a hold of his akimbo Chimano pistols, Dallas and Hoxton rushed with their firearms to aim down the other side of the hallway in case of a possible ambush.
Chains moved up and went to the door, opposite of the side it would open so he could surprise whoever entered. Jimmy went to the staircase, stopping halfway up to keep aim at the door and being hidden by the dark at the same time. It creaked open ever so slowly, letting the moonlight shine inside. The first noticeable thing was the black suit jacket the intruder wore, a red cuff on the wrist.
They slowly stepped inside, seeming to be unarmed as they looked around, unable to see any of the heisters. The door behind them was closed shut by Chains, who kept his shotgun aimed steadily at their head. The other slowly turned to look him up and down, hands leaving their pockets.
Dark eyes stared down the barrel of Chains shotgun before raising to meet his gaze, "You better make sure you kill me with that, Chains." The man spat with a thick accent, accompanied by a devilish grin, seemingly unfazed by the fact that his entire life could be wiped out with a single pull of the trigger. Only one man that the gang had met spoke like that, with such confidence irradiating from each word, his balls of steel were still there after years. He certainly kept to his word.
"Took you long enough." Tony's grin turned into a genuine smile, "How you doin', mane?" He laughed, smacking Chains on the shoulder lovingly while he lowered the gun. "You scared the shit out of us, I was about to shoot y-"
"TONAYYY!" Jimmy hollered out, rushing down the stairs and jumping off the last 4 steps to crash into the kingpin, nearly sending him off of his feet. "It's been too fuckin' long man!" His smile was wide as he grabbed onto Tony's shoulders, shaking him a little as he spoke.
The enthusiastic shouting was enough to draw the attention of the other two heisters, who now made their way back. Hoxton stopped as soon as he saw who stood there, Dallas noticed quickly and looked back. Hoxton and Tony didn't have anything close to a good history, not after the traded blows and the knife Tony put through Hoxtons shoulder. But these were different times, and they seemed to had moved past that beforehand. It still wasn't enough to change the mix of fear and anger that came bubbling up with those memories, it was only enough to bring it down ever so slightly.
"Would you look at what the cat dragged in?" He piped up, trying to calm his own nerves as he approached the titular Scarface. Tonys gaze moved right past Dallas and focused onto Hoxton, as much as he would've killed to make a crack about the fact that this time Hox hadnt been replaced, he forced himself to hold it down. "It's good to see you too, Hoxton. Dallas." Tony nodded while he formally greeted the two, pulling himself away from Jimmy.
"How'd you find us? What're you even-.." Dallas went quiet as realization hit him, "You're the contractor?" He asked, Tony nodded with a grin. "That's me alright, wanted to see how you boys were doin'. I know you'll get my yeyo back from those fuckin' punks." Rage was evident in his tone as soon as he mentioned the job at hand, but it was clear who it was really directed at.
The kingpin started to push his way past the heisters, going over to the table with blueprints and other pictures scattered along it. "I don't miss this part." He mumbled with a soft chuckle, "You guys found a lot... Shit, the only thing we're missing is where his parents are buried." Jimmy quickly scooted over to Tony, "You want me to see what I can do for that?" He offered.
"...I'm good." Tony set a hand on the table, "You're thinkin' of goin' quiet with this?" He frowned at the sight, standing up a little straighter as he focused further on their written out plans. Hoxton gave a quick glance to Chains, who only shrugged in a silent response. "Something wrong with that, Tony?" Dallas spoke out, standing across the table from the drug lord. "Well, you can go quiet. But I'll pay you more if you make this go loud, real fuckin' loud."
Jimmy's eyes lit up at that, but Dallas squinted. "Excuse me?" He nearly scoffed, "I'll pay you more if you make this go public. I want people to know what happens when 'dey fuck, with Tony fucking Montana." Tony stood a little taller, pressing his palms into the table. "But... If you want to go quiet for it, I can't stop you. My products what I want, but two birds with one big fuckin' gun, right?"
Tony's soft chuckling was the only sound in the room for a few moments before it went quiet, "Well, you know when to go. I'll be on the comms... Or whatever the fuck they're called." Hoxton let out a snicker, "You on those? You know how to even use those?"
Tony rolled his eyes, "Lockes been showin' me how to use 'dat shit. Whatever, just get ready. I know you boys won't disappoint." With that, he went back around the table, giving Jimmy a small pat on the shoulder as he walked by him and back out of the building, shutting the door behind him. "So, I'm assuming stealth is out of the window." Hoxton commented, breaking the silence. "What? Why?" Chains questioned, turning to the other heister.
Hoxton simply jerked his head to the side, pointing directly at Jimmy. "You really think he's gonna let an offer like that go?" Chains hummed low in response, he was right. They could see the eagerly violent enthusiasm in the cokeheads eyes, so that decision was made nearly immediately.
The only decisions to be made afterwards were what weapons to bring, if Tony wanted it public, it was going to be real damn loud, bringing something to bring that volume was all that was left.
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flyingspicerack · 1 year
** rare Otome lore drop **
Okay so this is continuing off the 'first' meeting, Choro has approached the table with Oso, (who just witnessed Otome pull a con while being cute and bubbly, and then watched as she let that mask fall to talk with their buddies) and they're now being all bubbly cutey again toward the brothers.
So then theyre like doing their cute little shtick to them and even tho Oso knows its a scam to get money from otaku pervs, he almost finds himself falling for it, i genuinely think she gets the rest of Choros money that he had planned to use for other artists by paying Otome to give him these kisses (on the merch and on his cheeks), and afterwards he's like, shriveled and deflated. Otome looks to Oso and …… like i know what i WANT to be said here but, i don't know how Oso would reply, but i think... Otome asks him if he's interested as well and he turns them down either because he opens his wallet and a fly flies out OR like, i want him to maybe say something like that he KNOWS their shtick and that he was watching the whole time and Otome just responds with like the expression below being like "tee hee you got me"
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OKAY SO I think that ends with like Oso picking up the shriveled, lipstick mark covered Choro and he looks at Otome, he looks at her wares one more time, which has boobs plastered everywhere, and then looks at Otome again who is standing there with their hands on their hips cause since he knows the cute thing is a scam might as well just stand normally and he just smirks and says 'nice tits' and she pauses and smirks and she crosses her arms in a way that pushes up her boobs and is like 'mine or the art?' and i thiiiink he would respond with 'why not both?' and laughs and walks off with Choros corpse?? i think... yeah
So the next time they cross paths is a few weeks later actually and its late at night and Otome is chilling at night in the park, like same one where Nyaa 'fell in love with' Oso i think?? Otome is just on a bench, drinking some beer, relaxing, and Oso is cutting through the park to head home and sees them and i think he doesnt know/remember their name so i think he, because he is Oso and has no tact and doesnt care if there are people around (there are) and just yells 'hey pervert!' basically yelling 'hentai' at them, and they have a little spat like 'oh my god dont go around just yelling that!' and hes like 'whaaaat why not its what you are isnt it? whacha doin out here? ohh hey you got beer? any chance youd be willing to give me one????' and they look in their plastic bag with their beer and their snacks and are feeling generous so they actually do give him one and they kinda just shoot the shit? like they talk, they finally learn eachothers names… i want the exchange to be funny but im not sure how… but anyway he ends up asking about their work, like asking about different kinks theyve drawn and stuff, and theyre just being totally open about it and not being shy or anything about sex stuff and Osomatsu is like… not smitten but like… hes like enraptured with her? like 'hoooolllyyy shit shes just talking about blowjobs and tit fucks like its nothing' in his head and then its revealed that theyre out right now procrastinating working because, the scene from this piece, theyre on the bench complaining about their editor not liking armpits or whatever, so theyre procrastinating and theyre out drinking cause they cant get any good ideas and then they kinda falter and they get this look on their face that they just got an idea, but right then they get a call from their editor or something to figure out their gameplan and they have to leave and tell Oso that its been fun and give him the last beer to take And then timeskip to a few weeks later and Oso is reading hentai Choro picked up, and theres a story thats kinda vaguely familiar about two people meeting in the park, theyve met before at a book fair or something, then they have sex in the park or something like that, and Oso realizes that its Otome who drew it and basically assumes that they wanna have sex with him…. tee hee end episode/bit there
Ive had this rattling in my head and in my drafts for a bit. ... heh hehehe heh
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fundielicious-simblr · 8 months
(Kyleigh's POV)
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I'm pregnant! Baby number 12 will be joining our family at the end of next summer. I didn't particularly feel any of the symptoms, I just had the feeling that I should take a test and it was positive! I called my OB and went in for an ultrasound, and we have one healthy baby! My blood work hasn't come back yet, but with my history of preeclampsia there will be more monitoring done for this pregnancy and any subsequent ones that I'll have.
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You'd think that by my 9th pregnancy (and 12th baby) I'd be used to the rollercoaster of morning sickness, but it definitely is something that's a constant reminder of the new life that's growing inside me. Thankfully I cook in bulk and have a rotation of leftovers and fresh fruit and veggies, so I don't need to cook daily which definitely helps with my aversions to smells.
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The kids are doing great with their school, the triplets are in grade 4, the twins in grade 3, Daisy is in grade 2, and Marigold has started grade 1, the littles do skillbuilding work so that they don't feel left out. The big kids do their work after breakfast, i sit with each set and explain whatever concepts they dont understand, and afterwards they will finish their workbooks while I sit and explain more to those who don't understand. The littles are in their room having quiet time or napping whilst the oldest are doing their work.
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Barrett and the boys (AJ, Benji, Preston, and Jefferson) are enjoying little Jackson, no matter how many children we have we'll always have so much love and gratefulness for babies in our hearts. They're also happy to have another little brother to love on since they're currently outnumbered by the girls.
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Little Jackson is growing so fast it's so hard to imagine that he only joined the family earlier this year! He's been hitting milestones so quickly that soon we'll be celebrating his birthday and he'll be a walker!
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My belly definitely shows a lot faster the more pregnancies I have, but I'm not complaining since I love feeling my belly when I'm pregnant. The kids are constantly asking me to feel my belly and constantly asking to be the new baby's buddy, with little Olivia turning 5 next year the kids love being able to help their little siblings. Rose has especially been loving on my belly and talking to her little siblings, the kids sometimes repeat their scripture memory verses to my belly so that the baby will come out the womb having memorised it all!
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Chloe has started writing in a journal, she's shared with me that she wants to do a scrapbooking project so that she can journal her journey in her relationship with the Lord. They had mentioned the idea in sunday school and she couldn't wait to come home and let us know what she wanted to do, the other kids also knew about the project but wanted to wait a bit before they started their own.
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Chloe is doing so well with her knitting, we try and sit down 2 to 3 times a week for an hour so I can watch her knit and help her as she goes along. Her goal right now is to finish a jumper for one of her younger sisters, and to continue to make hats since we're in winter now. It's so great that the kids are now becoming older and can pick up skills, Violet expressed wanting to learn how to cross stitch, so we're working on that as well so by spring she'll have some nice pieces finished. Rose has been asking to learn how to cook, but since she's still quite young she helps me with meal planning and the easier prep items.
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