#so you stay quiet about them in order to not scare or hurt anyone else -> extreme jealously beam
the ONLY reason i have not written a william wisp fic yet is because he activates such a specific emotion within me that i cannot accurately put into words without exposing all of my own mental health issues
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polakina · 7 months
how they react to you getting hurt on a mission
call of duty headcanons #3
hc masterlist // masterlist
anyone else feel like there's not enough alex keller fics about? if you've got recommendations, send them my way pls <3
rating: explicit
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heard it over comms while the 141 were raiding an enemy safehouse
you had confirmed intel that they were hiding out after an attack on the local town, so moved in to take them out
you were making your way through the upper sections of the building, whispering into comms as you cleared each room
but as you moved further down the corridor, one of the terrorists barged out of the last door on the left, firing all bullets in your direction
you managed to dodge out of the way for most of them, sending bullets through his skin and taking him down, but not before a bullet lodged itself in your shoulder
price was practically shouting in your ear as he heard the gunshots from above and through his earpiece
he made it to you first, checking over you with worried glances, pulling the collar of your shirt aside to assess the damage
cursed out of sheer panic, grabbing you by the waist and hoisting you up, calling in for evac and medics
did not leave your side the whole flight back to base, constantly asking if you were okay
reaching the medic tent at base, he kept a stern eye on the medics, barking orders to be careful with you
but he was scared
scared he could have lost you
his fear always turned to anger, it was an emotional side of him you'd noticed since working together
he stayed with you the whole time
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so fucking angry
not at you, of course
but at literally everyone else
saw you get knocked up against the wall, pinned by your throat with a knife pointing into your stomach, hearing your cry of pain
he saw red
momentarily blacked out as he shot the guy hurting you at least 6 times
a little overkill but deemed it necessary
was immediately by your side. knocked your hand out of the way when you tried to cover it, and shushed you fiercely when you tried to tell him you were okay
did not leave any room for negotiation before picking you up bridal style and hauling ass out of there
didn't trust any medic to patch you up
did everything himself
turned super super quiet as he saw the wound fully, the blood pooling out of the gash. his face turned almost white
wouldn't speak as he cleaned and stitched the wound
it was only when he finally met your eye that his gaze softened. the apologies started uncontrollably spilling out
he apologised for literally an hour; about how he could have stopped the guy, how he could have gotten there sooner
you had to calm him down the whole night
never let you lift a finger until you were fully healed, and even after that he was hesitant to let you do anything strenuous
you caught him looking at your bandages every so often, even during training
one you even caught him in the act while he thought you were sleeping. he lifted your shirt to check you hadn't pulled any stitches, and you scared the shit out of him when you asked what he was doing
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the two of you were climbing to reach a higher vantage point as appointed snipers
your rope snapped and you fell to the rocks below
he damn near snapped his neck trying to repel back down to you
saw your dislocated shoulder and couldn't hide his disgust until you pointed it out
nobody was able to reach you, the two of you were alone
said it'd click back into place on its own, and you weren't sure if he was trying to reassure you or convince himself
but when you explained he needed to knock it back into its socket, he shook his head
flat out just said no
the man can deal with blood and bullets and knives. broken bones or dislocations were not his strong suit
his stomach did that weird flip thing when he saw body parts out of place
you scolded him for being a baby and he pouted at you
had to psych himself up to do it
"its just a stupid shoulder, get it together" "don't be a baby, it'll take two seconds" "god that's so disgusting, why does it look that gross"
your eyes nearly rolled out of your head and the initial pain had basically subsided by the time he actually did it
nearly threw up when he felt your shoulder pop back into its socket
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was riding alongside you in the truck when it flipped over from an enemy missile
the whole vehicle launched topside and rolled upside down
his first port of call was to turn and check on you, rushing to panic when he saw the blood on your face
after pulling himself out of the vehicle, he ran around and yanked over the driver side door, unclipping your belt and pulling you onto the pavement
saw your broken leg and almost passed out
literally forgot all his medic training in that one moment and only ended up calling for an evac when you told him to
was at your every beck and call while you recovered
you had to be wheelchair bound during your recovery, and as the base trainer, you were able to do your job from your chair
made jokes about you now having to be on wheels
did anything to lift your spirits
helped you with absolutely anything you needed, and secretly kind of liked that he had to take care of you
fell into the male housewife role really quick. scarily quickly
wheels you around base, and more often than not rolls over somebody's toes when he passes them. doesn't have the best spatial awareness capacity
always there to change your bandages, check your wounds
whenever your leg hurts, he's like a professional masseuse
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skbeaumont · 5 months
"I Remember Everything" | Joel x Reader
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Part 2 of Play it Again, a new series where each story is a oneshot, but all are shaped around country songs.
Song: I Remember Everything, Zach Bryan ft. Kacey Musgraves Summary: Ten years after outbreak day, you and Joel try to find a way to forget. In the process he finds things to remember, too Tags/Warnings: Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff if you squint, references to sex, alcohol and drugs, sex but not explicit, trauma, grief, just expect emotional damage basically Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: This ended up being both very angsty and quite sweet. Once again it was written with lyrics from the song pulled into the prose, so do listen as you read. If you've got any song recommendations for this series, let me know!
You were begging me to stay 'til the sun rose Strange words come on out Of a grown man's mouth when his mind's broke Pictures and passin' time You only smile like that when you're drinking I wish I didn't, but I do Remember every moment on the nights with you You're drinkin' everything to ease your mind But when the hell are you gonna ease mine?
The bar is crowded when you enter. Heaving with writhing bodies, hot in a way that has your shirt sticking to your back within moments of entering, a hazy, sharp tang in the back of your nose, a mix of moonshine and sweat.
Ten years today since outbreak day, and it seems everyone in the QZ is in here to forget.
Technically, there aren’t supposed to be any bars in the QZ, but as you squeeze between the crowds you spot two women you know to be FEDRA officers. It’s amazing what they’ll turn a blind eye to when it benefits them. One of the women looks pretty far gone already, leaning against the other with a placid, washed out grin on her face. The moonshine here is cheap, strong, and a poor imitation of anything that would have been served in a bar ten years ago.
You order two double whiskeys, watch the skinny youth behind the bar pour it out into a chipped mug, take it from him and hand over a creased, dog-eared ration card. A small price to pay for an evening of forgetting. You down the first double at the bar, then turn and push yourself on tiptoes to find an empty table, or a quiet corner to hole up in where you won’t be disturbed.
Instead, you find your gaze passing over a familiar figure at the back of the room. Joel’s recognisable even from behind – broader than anyone else in the room, the sloping lines of his shoulders pressing against the frayed seams of the denim shirt he’s wearing. It’s been a few months since you last saw him. You’re not sure where he’s been, maybe off on his smuggling runs; the two of you have never really kept a consistent line of conversation, your meetings generally consisting of a quick catch up and then a long, slow evening using each other to try to forget the hell of life in the QZ and your respective pasts. Unhealthy, probably, but it works for a few hours.
Joel turns where he’s stood and the dim lights in the bar illuminate the side of his face, the strong line of his jaw. He’s wearing a lopsided half-smile, leaning against a shelving unit filled with bottles, talking to a woman with dark hair. He’s clearly drunk: he only smiles like that when he’s drunk. It’s an impressive feat, considering how much you know he drinks on any normal day.
You’re still watching him, sipping your own drink, when he turns his head, eyes locking with yours. You don’t look away. The buzz of the whiskey is starting to sink through you, warm and familiar, and Joel’s eyes are just as intoxicating.
It’s always the same. There’s something about him that has you gravitating to him. It’s attraction, certainly, but it’s deeper than that. There’s so much about Joel you don’t know, so many unanswered questions and unexplained mysteries. But you know he’s like you. You know he’s lost people. You know he’s broken, and lonely, and so fucking angry that it scares him sometimes.
Joel watches you down the rest of your whiskey, eyes flicking to your lips as you lick a stray drop. He’s drunk, far drunker than he should be considering he has to be up at the crack of dawn in the morning for sewer duty.
He only got back into the QZ early this morning, spent rest of the day trying as best he could to get some sleep without resorting to rotgut whiskey to ease his mind. A lost cause, of course. He hasn’t slept without some kind of pill or booze in ten years. Eight hours in and he’d given it up as a bad job, downed a few bottles of home-brewed cider and headed to this hot, loud bar, hoping to distract himself from the date and all that its memory brings.
He hadn’t expected you to be here, and something uncomfortably like gladness settles in his chest as he watches you make your way towards him. All day he’s been on edge, wound up so tight he’s felt like something in him is going to snap, but the sight of you has it retreating, loosening his shoulders more than the piss-poor whiskey has.
He wonders for a moment what this thing you have – this relationship that isn’t a relationship, this love story that definitely isn’t a love story, just a way to forget for a while – would be like if the outbreak hadn’t happened. Would he sing you love songs, buy you flowers, take you to the beach and let your sand-covered hair blow into his face on the drive home?
Ten years since outbreak day, and he’s mostly wondering if you’ll help him forget in a way that the booze and pills he’s been knocking back since this afternoon haven’t managed to yet. Two whiskeys in, and you’re wondering if he’ll ease your mind like the liquor’s eased your tight muscles.
It’s this that carries you both out into the alley behind the bar, has him pressing you into the rough brick wall, hands roaming your body like you’re a route he’s trying to memorise so he can sneak back when the curfew falls. His mouth is hot on yours, his breath tinged with booze and counterfeit cigarettes.
It’s easy where it shouldn’t be; easy to let him lead you through the back streets to his apartment, easy to let yourself fall inside, easy to ignore the empty cider bottles that litter the apartment, the pill bags and loose cigarettes.
The sex is unrushed – it could be called romantic, if you were both other people, if it you weren’t both doing it to forget. The memories of ten years ago retreat for a while as he undresses you; the pain eases as he lays you back, slots himself between your legs and presses himself into you.
The movement of it is calming, familiar. Joel’s strong back under your hands, his muscles shifting and tensing as he thrusts into you, the harshness of his breath at your ear. He’s quiet, usually, hardly lets himself make a sound when he’s inside you, and then leaves before you’ve had chance say goodbye. Tonight, though, he doesn’t. When you’ve finished he rolls himself off of you and pulls you to his chest, wraps a strong arm around your waist and lets you rest your head on his shoulder.
“I missed you,” he whispers into your hair, and the words are so strange that you freeze beneath him, twist back so that you can look at him, see the truth of it on his face.
His eyes are dark in the half-light of the apartment, hazy with alcohol and something else, but they’re serious, his eyebrows furrowed, the creases that have started to deepen over the time you’ve known him lining his forehead.
Because the thing is, you make him forget. But when he’s with you he remembers, too. He remembers what happiness can feel like, the way that joy can take root in your chest and spread into something ethereal, something that Joel Miller doesn’t deserve to feel, hasn’t felt since the world ended ten years ago. He remembers every moment on the nights with you.
He wishes he didn't, but he does.
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solarwoniii · 1 year
na kamden as your boyfriend - boys planet
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hcs + ranking ehehe
sleeping beside kamden - 6/10
i just know he sleeps good. like so good that when you see him sleeping you want to sleep as well bc he looks so peaceful.
HE CUDDLES GOOD TOO >< his hugs are warm and comforting and just rly nice to be in.
he looses the other 4 marks bc i just feel like he would be the most ANNOYING SHIT to wake up when it's time to get ready for work or errands or whatnot because no matter how much he sleeps he always wants more 🙄 like he'll keep asking for another ten minutes in bed AND BEG for u to stay with him for that time
literally will not wake up unless you smack him over the head with a pillow. and then he'll be all whiny n shit BOY SHUT THE FUCK UP.
going on dates with kamden - 10/10
idk i feel like overall dates w/ him wld be so nice T^T he wld treat u like a princess JSJSJSJJJSJJS I WANT HIM
will have set times every two weeks when he will drop everything to go out with u bc he hates the idea of being too busy to spend time with u
ok quick random things i think he wld do for u in public ; ORDER FOR U EFJIDNJIED (AND HAVE UR ORDER MEMORISED DONT EXPECT TO HAVE TO TELL HIM TWICE WHAT U LIKE), tie ur shoelaces (dead rn), hold your hand when he walks with you, give u head pats, let u choose where u want to go, share his food with you (psst even if he complains with that 'but you said you didn't want anything!!' shit just know he absolutely loves it when u eat his food SO DONT LISTEN TO A WORD HE SAYS), buy u cute gifts that he thinks resembles you.
kamden comforting you when you're sad - 10000000/10
idk if this man has implanted y/n senses or something BUT HE JUST KNOWS WHEN YOURE UPSET AND HE KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED TO FEEL BETTER
lots of hugs :(((( like i said hes an amazing hugger, that alone will cure your sadness at least temporarily.
will talk to you about if thats what you want to do,, hes the best listener and hes so supportive and attentive to you. he will find any way possible to help you fix the situation bcs he doesnt want you to feel like you're alone in anything T^T
then he cooks you your comfort food and eats with you and then puts on your favourite movie while he gives you even more cuddles on the couch, this time wrapped in fluffy blankets.
kamden apologising to you after/during a fight - 1000/10
he is the type to get upset and possibly start to cry when you're angry at him because he loves you so so so much and he would never ever ever hurt you intentionally :( he would definitely hug you while youre in the middle of yelling and say he'd sorry once he notices you starting to get upset as well.
but if you guys manage a whole fight without him apologising then expect it soon, because this man cannot live without you 😭
he will apologise with a gift or a hug or movie tickets for the both of you or your favourite food or something to compensate for what he did. i feel like his apologies aren't that verbal bc hes lwk scared of u and a lot more physical HELP but even so you can tell that he's sincerely sorry and that he regrets what he did.
kamden getting jealous - 9/10
ehehhehehe he would be so cute
bc he struggles with talking to people he doesn't know he will be just quiet and observing the whole thing
but as soon as the person leaves he will be the whiniest big baby 😭😭bro will not allow you to leave his side for the rest of the day and for the rest of the week he will be doing whatever he can to make sure he proves to you that hes way better than anyone else (WHICH HE IS‼️)
will be the happiest boy alive when you tell him that you love no one but him <333
kamden overall - 10372023586492392892732927328/10
kamden is the sweetest boyfriend ever and will love you more than himself <33 you are his world and he will make sure you know that because he doesn't want to have you any other way.
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theblackhate · 6 months
Omg i need capther 4😭😭😭
you ask and you receive!
Knowledge pt.4
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check the other parts here!
The story begins the same for everyone, on the day of the ceremony, one of the most important for all the kids who take part in it every year, and Michelle will not miss the opportunity to leave behind a faction that she did not feel belonged to her.
On her journey, however, she will encounter someone who will make her initiation feel like hell.
Ppairing: Eric Coulter x Reader
Word count: 6k
"You've got quite a nasty bruise," remarked Sunny as she sat down beside her on the bed, later that evening after their first training session. "You're lucky it's not broken."
"It hurts," Michelle said, still holding the ice pack against her cheekbone. The icy sensation kept her awake. She had just woken up from a long nap after returning from training.
"Did you go to the infirmary?"
"No, Four checked it," Michelle recalled Four; he had stayed back to assess the damage, having seen the hard hit she took. He commended her agility and speed in dodging blows, encouraging her to continue improving those aspects of her technique.
But she lacked strength. If she had attacked Eric, she would have lost immediately.
"Hmm..." Sunny got up to climb onto her own bed, bidding her goodnight.
Michelle lay awake in bed, staring at the cot above hers, listening to the snores of some of her comrades. She wasn't sleepy at all.
She remained lying in bed for what felt like an eternity, waiting for her comrades to fall completely asleep. She didn't want any of them to rat her out for leaving the dormitory at night.
When she felt like everyone was asleep, she waited another five minutes to be sure; then, from under her pillow, she took out the photo of her and Anne, tracing her best friend's face with her fingertip.
It had only been a day since they parted ways, yet it felt like an eternity.
She quickly got up and grabbed her boots, not putting them on right away to avoid making noise. She opened the metal door very slowly and slipped out, donning her boots and covering herself against the cold with a leather jacket.
The corridors were completely empty that night, like the days to come. It had become Michelle's routine to sleep after training and then spend the entire night training on her own.
She found it easier to train when no one was there to bother her, and she was lucky not to find anyone else training at night, or she would have gotten into trouble in no time.
And she didn't want to be face to face with Eric again, who, after their sparring on the first day of initiation, had finally left her alone. It was as if she didn't exist anymore, and she was grateful for that. His attention was the last thing she wanted.
She didn't know why Eric had decided to stop tormenting her, making snide remarks about her incapability and weakness, and maybe it was better that way. Eric himself wasn't pleased with such an order, received from higher-ups.
He had to leave her alone, let her follow her path.
During that first week, Michelle found herself spending more and more time with Sunny, a ray of sunshine in that cold, dark place. Having a friend had helped her a lot, especially with her little aiming problem.
She had improved at shooting, finally managing to make critical hits on the target. Nothing extraordinary, but it was better than how she had started a week earlier.
However, that night someone joined her in the gym, scaring her to death when they spoke.
"Isn't it a bit late?" Lauren's voice made her jump, causing the Dauntless leader to chuckle. "You're always so lost in thought that you never notice me."
"You're quiet, it's different," Michelle replied, watching her approach, dressed in heavier clothes.
She didn't know whether to go back to training or grab her things and leave; she was just waiting for Lauren's reaction to know what to do. But when the woman started taking off the extra clothes, she was almost surprised.
Lauren approached her, now wearing only leggings and a long-sleeved shirt. "You're weak."
Michelle rolled her eyes, returning to hitting the punching bag. "I hadn't figured that out," she replied sarcastically, annoyed at how obvious it was.
She trained every afternoon and every night, yet she couldn't put on muscle; all her comrades were starting to get stronger, more defined, while she remained stagnant.
Lauren smiled before moving closer to the punching bag to look her in the face. "The fact is, you don't eat enough. For breakfast, you just have a cup of coffee, for lunch, you stay light because you're afraid of feeling sick in the afternoon, and often you skip dinner in the evening."
She kept hitting the bag, her knuckles and arms throbbing with pain, but she gritted her teeth and kept going. She thought about Lauren's words and had to admit she was right.
She slowed down her punches, eventually stopping to look at her, expecting some advice or something of the sort. Lauren immediately realized she had her full attention and smiled.
"You need to eat more, have more substantial meals, otherwise you burn more than you eat. You should gorge on meat, in short, eat as much as you can, and for breakfast, go for eggs maybe."
Michelle was used to eating little even when she was in her old faction; she and Anne preferred to grab food and move to a less crowded place, so they could carry less food with them.
She nodded, turning back to look at the punching bag and then at her knuckles, bleeding. The only reason the bag wasn't stained with blood was because of its black color.
"Come on, I'll show you how to wrap them properly," Lauren took her by the arm, dragging her towards one of the benches scattered around the gym.
As the woman got up to fetch the wraps, Michelle turned her head to gaze at the sky outside the windows, still as black as pitch. It must have been around four in the morning.
Lauren returned shortly after with a small white box and knelt in front of her; she took out a white bottle, cotton, and the wraps from it.
"It's going to sting," she warned before dipping the cotton into the bottle and dabbing it on Michelle's knuckles. Michelle gritted her teeth and closed her eyes; she felt her hands catch fire, but fortunately, the sensation didn't last long.
With great care, Lauren cleaned her knuckles with the disinfectant before taking the wraps and, showing her the most effective way to do it, wrapped them around her knuckles. As she handled the wraps, she glanced at her stealthily, wondering why they wanted her to be kept under observation.
She would never disobey orders, but she wondered why she, of all people, was important. Unlike her, Eric was anything but pleased with the orders, annoyed by the obligation to leave her alone.
She couldn't understand Eric's behavior; he hadn't always been like this, yet now his greatest pleasure was to make people around him miserable, showing off his superiority at every opportunity.
"There, all done," she whispered when she secured the wraps to ensure they wouldn't come loose during the day. Lauren stood up, dusting off her knees, and took a seat beside the girl, giving her a light shove. "Listen to my advice, eat more."
Michelle nodded again without taking her eyes off her wrapped knuckles.
She was grateful that the fights hadn't started yet; she wouldn't stand a chance against anyone. She was fast, able to avoid getting hit, but that wouldn't earn her any points.
Remembering something Lauren had said to her one of the first times they spoke, she turned to her, catching the woman a bit off guard with her ice-blue eyes. She had never noticed it before.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Of course, I'm here for that."
"Will you help me become stronger?" Lauren was confused by that question, and Michelle clarified, "I can't win if I'm just on the defensive."
The woman smiled at her more than before and got up from the bench, heading towards the mat. "Come?"
Michelle followed her onto the mat, standing in front of her, waiting for instructions, but Lauren had something else in mind.
"Let's pretend we're fighting. I won't hit you. I just want to see what tactics you have and how you move." Lauren took a fighting stance, and Michelle immediately copied, bringing her hands up in front of her face.
They started circling the mat just as she had done with Eric, waiting for an attack, and soon after, Lauren lunged at her. Michelle noticed the slight lunge she made before actually throwing herself at her and dodged it.
They went on like this for a good ten minutes, with Lauren attacking and Michelle staying on the defensive until the leader called off the fight.
This time, Michelle didn't feel out of breath. Sure, she had gone easier than with Eric, but she was pleased to notice that at least her stamina had increased.
"You're good, but you're right. If you only stay on the defense, you won't win." Lauren observed her for a moment before creating a plan in her head. "Try this: you're quick, use it to your advantage to hit critical points like the throat or temple."
Lauren approached her. "Now I'll show you how to do it, and you have to try it on me, okay?"
Michelle nodded and watched Lauren's movements, trying to copy them immediately afterward. Unsuccessfully, however.
They continued to train, but she began to get frustrated finding herself on the ground over and over again. She huffed, getting up for the hundredth time and getting into position.
"Think of something that pisses you off or someone you want to smash in the face," the leader tried to encourage her.
Michelle closed her eyes and thought of something that annoyed her, so much so that she hated it. It didn't take long for Eric's image to appear in her mind, telling her she couldn't do it, that she was a liability and a waste of resources.
She opened her eyes and nodded to Lauren to start, the woman in front of her glad to see something different in her eyes.
Lauren lunged at her, and with speed, Michelle dodged the blow, attempting to strike back at her temple, almost succeeding. "Better, keep it up!" Lauren encouraged her.
This time, Michelle took the initiative, attacking Lauren's defense, trying to hit her throat, but only managed to strike her stomach, causing her to step back.
They circled on the mat for a bit before Lauren returned to the attack, landing blow after blow and only managing to hit Michelle's shoulder once. However, Michelle didn't give up and countered, hitting her abdomen and blocking her blows.
In a moment of distraction, though, Lauren managed to sweep her feet out from under her, tripping her.
Michelle stood there, tired and sweaty, trying to catch her breath.
"That's better. Once you eat more and build muscle, you could really become one of the best among the transfers," Lauren said, sitting down on the mat, exhausted from the workout.
It had been a while since she sparred with someone so fast. It was hard to block her blows, let alone land one unless she was distracted.
"Pay attention to your feet too, otherwise you'll end up on your ass," both girls laughed.
“Why could I be one of the best?” It was a legitimate question that had come to mind as soon as Lauren mentioned it, and Michelle straightened up to look her in the face, her muscles sore.
Lauren sighed, pushing her hair away from her face. “The guys I train with assume that just because they're Dauntless-born, they have a guaranteed spot here. But you have good technique, you're a natural force.”
Michelle blushed at the compliment and looked down, fiddling with her fingers.
“How are you doing in the rankings?” Lauren asked her.
"Tenth," Michelle said, turning to look at the board on the wall. Thankfully, her name wasn't below the red line; for now, they were only based on results from pistol training.
But it made her anxious to be so close to the red line, it was the last safety net, and one mistake would be enough to drop her below.
"Not bad, especially considering you started from scratch," Michelle shot her a glare; she knew those weren't good results, she didn't want to hear nonsense. Lauren raised her eyebrows.
They remained silent for a while, and when Michelle turned her head, she noticed the sky beginning to lighten. She got up from the mat to grab her things and head back to the dormitory for a well-deserved shower.
"It's been a pleasure. If you ever need to train again, you know who to ask," Lauren grabbed her belongings too and left before Michelle, closing the doors behind her. Michelle wondered what she was doing out at that hour dressed like that.
It wasn't her business, and as she had come to understand during that week, it was better not to pry into other people's affairs. She decided to take all the time in the world to return to the dormitory, not wanting to face everyone else just yet.
She decided to take a different route and found herself in one of the corridors overlooking the Pit. The shops were all still closed, naturally, but she noticed the tattoo parlor was already open, its lights on.
Deciding to pass by, she walked past the staircase that would lead her down to the Pit and then back to the dormitory. She stopped in front of it and saw movement inside, the same man who had helped her find the gym on the first day of initiation.
Michelle paused to look at the designs on display. She didn't realize the man was approaching the entrance until she saw him standing beside her out of the corner of her eye.
They silently observed the drawings for a while. "Do you like them?" he asked without shifting his gaze from the window.
"They're not my style, but they're nice," Michelle replied.
"Do you want to take a look inside?" the man moved towards the entrance, glancing back to see if she would follow. He smiled when she joined him after a second of hesitation. "I'm Tyson, by the way. We never properly introduced ourselves."
"I know, I've heard about you," his tone was amused as he glanced at her, but Michelle seemed not to appreciate it. "Don't worry, only good things. Except for the punch you took from Eric on the first day."
Tyson laughed, and Michelle ignored him, moving away to approach one of the many columns where several designs were hung. They were beautiful; she got lost in observing them one by one, but only a few were to her liking.
She wasn't particularly fond of the designs themselves; she preferred geometric shapes, interweaving lines, or similar things.
Tyson joined her. "Do you want one? It's early, but I could make an exception for you."
Michelle looked at him, raising an eyebrow. "Lauren and Tori weren't kidding; you're not much of a talker, huh?"
He started to walk away, somewhat disappointed that he couldn't seem to have a conversation with the girl, but her voice stopped him. "If I draw something for you, would you tattoo it?"
Her question was unusual; he had never had anyone want to tattoo something they had drawn before, but he nodded. "Do you have something in mind?"
It was her turn to nod. "I'll be back in a few days."
When she reached the dormitory, it was probably around seven in the morning. Most of her companions were already up and having breakfast, but when she went to take a shower, she encountered Tina trying to dry her tears in front of the mirror.
Michelle hesitated, contemplating if sneaking away before Tina noticed her would be a good idea, but the girl turned towards her, looking at her. 
Tina had red and swollen eyes, her face twisted in a sad expression, and she sniffled occasionally. Saying that Michelle felt uncomfortable would be an understatement.
It was embarrassing, and she decided to move towards the showers, hoping to avoid the impending conversation, but she didn't have time to undress and turn on the water before Tina's voice distracted her.
"What am I doing wrong?" her voice was interrupted by sobs and crying. Michelle leaned her head against the shower door before turning towards her, trying to figure out what she wanted her to do.
"I do, I do everything for him! And he treats me like this!" she started crying again, and feeling guilty, Michelle approached. Tina quickly hugged her and cried on her shoulder.
Michelle stood still for several minutes before someone else entered the bathroom, luckily, it was Chloe. The girl always had the need to show off and help anyone in trouble to improve her image, and things hadn't changed at all.
When she saw Tina in tears, she reached her, forcefully pushing Michelle aside. "What did you do?" she accused, turning towards her and stroking Tina's hair.
"It's not her fault," Tina managed to say through tears.
Michelle didn't stay to watch the scene unfold and immediately stepped under the hot water jet, cursing as she remembered the wraps. She removed them and winced as the sensation of the water droplets hit the open wounds. It wasn't pleasant.
Fortunately, Michelle heard Tina's complaints fade away from the bathroom, indicating she would have the chance to get ready in peace.
She wished she could stay under the hot water jet for hours, but she remembered Lauren's advice to have a good breakfast, so she forced herself to step out and get ready. She put on simple black sweatpants, comfortable shoes, and a hoodie, knowing that today they would start hand-to-hand combat.
She braided her hair into two loose braids and hurried out of the dormitory, reaching the cafeteria in a few minutes. Every muscle in her body was on fire as she tried not to bump into anyone while wrapping her knuckles in motion. They were still bleeding, and she didn't want to mess around, especially not while eating with the smell of blood in the air.
When she arrived at the cafeteria, she scanned the room for Sunny and soon spotted her, sitting with Four, Max, and another initiate she had never talked to before. She joined them and took a seat next to her friend, who greeted her with a big hug.
"There you are! I was wondering where you were; you weren't anywhere when I woke up," her cheerful tone made Michelle smile as she grabbed scrambled eggs and, of course, her usual cup of coffee.
Four looked up upon hearing Sunny and glanced at her friend next to her, confused, wondering where she was, and especially why she was out of the dormitory when it wasn't allowed. He shrugged it off, maybe he had misunderstood.
He didn't stay long to listen to the guys' conversation and grabbed his things to head to the training quarters, finding Eric already there. He was standing in front of the whiteboard, engrossed in something.
Eric slightly turned his head upon earing Four entering, then returned his gaze to the whiteboard. "They're odd, one won't be fighting today," Eric said simply when Four joined him, maintaining a certain distance.
That made Eric smile.
Four glanced over the pairs Eric had created, and when he reached the end, he saw Michelle's name alone. He furrowed his brows and turned to Eric. "Why Michelle? There are initiates worse than her."
"Because she's not capable, she lacks strength, and the sooner she fights, the sooner she'll end up below the red line, which the higher-ups don't want, and you know that well, Four," his tone was serious as he spoke without looking at him, standing straight, still irritated by the orders that had been strictly given to the two of them, Lauren, and Max.
"No, I don't know. I've seen less capable people than her, and we both have seen how capable she is," he insisted.
Eric turned towards him, a displeased smirk on his face as he took a step closer. He was slightly taller, just enough to assert dominance. "Because I've decided so, don't contradict me, Four."
When Michelle and Sunny reached the quarters, they were surprised to see some of their companions already there, positioned in front of the blackboard near the mats.
"They must be the pairs, come on!" Sunny grabbed her by the wrist, pulling her in front of the blackboard, and indeed, she was right; there were the pairs for the day.
Arlo - Connor Patrick - Thomas Bowie - Andy Chloe - Max Tina - Sunny Michelle -
Furrowing her brows, Michelle turned to find Four, ignoring Tina's arrival; she walked away from the group to join him on one of the benches, but before he even looked up, he responded.
"It wasn't my choice," he said.
"It was mine," Eric's icy voice sent shivers down Michelle's spine, and she immediately stiffened. "Consider it a favor. Now, join the other initiates."
Turning to look at him, she clenched her fists, imagining punching him in the nose. Still tense, she nodded and walked towards her companions, trying to ignore the anger his presence alone stirred within her.
He was insolent, arrogant, and above all, he was a jerk.
She was relieved to know it wasn't just her perception; Tyson had told her some stories about the young leader when he was an initiate as she spent the morning in his shop. Tyson's company was one she was starting to appreciate more and more as the days passed.
"So? You're not fighting?" Max asked when she took a seat among them, arms crossed over his chest and a smirk on his face.
She shook her head.
"How come?" Max smiled, and Michelle wished she could wipe that smirk off his face; his inability to be serious for five minutes straight was exhausting.
"I fight tomorrow, we're odd," Michelle simply replied, taking a seat on the floor, ready to endure hours of combat without being able to participate.
On one hand, she was grateful; she had the opportunity to study the fighting style of all her companions, which would help her a lot when it was her turn. But the fact that she, of all people, had been chosen to sit out among them gnawed at her.
It hadn't been Four's decision, but Eric's.
Was it another way of telling her she was incapable? Did she really suck that much? Didn't she deserve to be there with them? Was she not up to their standards?
The more she thought about it, the more she felt tears welling up at the corners of her eyes, threatening to spill at any moment. But she couldn't wallow in self-pity, not with Chloe staring at her from across the mat with an air of superiority.
She would prove to everyone that that was her place. Not theirs.
"Arlo and Connor! On the mat!" Eric shouted, grabbing the attention of the two boys.
They took their places on the mat facing each other, and Arlo seemed much more prepared than Connor; he had a confident air and a stance ready to attack. Although his muscles weren't well-defined, Michelle could see them as he brought his hands up to his face.
Connor, on the other hand, seemed almost awkward in front of him, his cocky and impertinent demeanor from when he was with his little group of friends nowhere to be seen. Michelle smiled at seeing him struggle.
"Begin!" Four signaled the start of the match, and the two boys began circling the mat, waiting for one of them to strike first.
They went on for a good five minutes, and Eric's expression became increasingly bored and frustrated, playing with the piercing on his lip as if to entertain himself somehow.
Michelle had to admit that small action was quite attractive.
When she refocused her attention on her companions after Sunny nudge her with her elbow, she saw Arlo take the first step, closing the distance between them. This caused Connor to retreat and go on the defensive.
"We're not at the playground, let's go!" Eric huffed, and the two boys glanced at him for a split second before turning their attention back to each other.
Arlo closed his eyes for a fraction of a second before reopening them and landing a blow to Connor's face, which he barely parried by bringing his arms up to shield himself. They began grappling, with Arlo on the offensive and Connor on the defensive.
Arlo lunged at him, trying to bring him down, but Connor managed to grab him around the waist and, despite being shorter, he managed to hurl him across the mat.
"Go, Connor!" Chloe cheered, clapping her hands.
"Keep it up!" Patrik chimed in.
Michelle watched them, still somewhat envious that she had never been able to be friends with them when they were kids. But that didn't matter now; she would prove herself to be better than them.
"You'll regret this," Arlo gritted his teeth, getting back up and charging at Connor.
They resumed exchanging punches, occasionally attempting to take each other down without success. Arlo was stronger and taller, but Connor seemed to have better balance and was thinking more with his head than with his fists.
They remained on the mat for half an hour, and just when everyone thought the match would go on indefinitely, Arlo began ruthlessly attacking his opponent after taking a nasty right hook to the face.
He grabbed Connor's head from behind his neck, forcefully bringing it down to bash against his knee. Connor's nose immediately started bleeding, and he brought his hands to his face to try to stem the flow of blood, but Arlo showed no mercy.
He continued to strike wherever he could, targeting the protected face, stomach, and sides. Anywhere he could land a blow.
"Enough! I surrender!" Connor exclaimed, falling awkwardly to the ground after a vicious punch to his left temple.
Michelle observed his fragile figure curled up on the mat, staining it with blood from his undoubtedly broken nose; then, she shifted her gaze to Arlo, standing next to him, looking down at Connor with empty eyes. He was panting, his face flushed as he watched drops of sweat fall onto the mat.
"What a mess," Michelle whispered, and Sunny turned to look at her, tearing her eyes away from the battered boy in front of her.
"Yeah, I didn't think they'd make us fight to this extent."
"No, I mean the mat," Michelle emphasized, realizing that her friend had interpreted her statement differently.
"Do we have to fight like that too?" Tina, who had sat down next to Michelle, leaned forward to look at Sunny, waiting for an answer. The brunette shrugged.
Michelle thought about how stupid Tina had been to fill herself with earrings and get two piercings at that stage, the only physical one among the three. She would find herself receiving punches from Sunny in a couple of hours, and the girl wasn't stupid; it was obvious that she would target those sensitive areas.
Two Dauntless boys carried Connor to the infirmary. He hadn't lost consciousness, but the blow to his temple had been strong enough to rob him of his balance for a while.
The next two fighters got on the mat without waiting for someone to call them, and only now did Michelle realize what her friend was talking about. Patrik was really big.
In that short week, he had managed to put on an impressive amount of muscle, and Thomas swallowed nervously. Despite this, he showed confidence.
"Begin!" Eric exclaimed, starting to walk around the mat.
Michelle thought that this fight would also last half an hour like the previous one, but Patrik wasted no time and attacked Thomas without giving him a chance to react. He was fast and strong.
Thomas took blows to the throat, making him gasp for breath and stagger. Patrik grabbed him by the arm to pull him closer, elbowing him in the nose, causing more blood to drip onto the mat.
With his left foot, he made him fall and got on top of him, blocking every attempt at defense. Patrik started hitting him in the face, punch after punch, until Thomas stopped trying to defend himself, leaving everyone with a lump in their throats.
"Why doesn't he stop it?" Tina whispered, and Michelle turned to look for Four, but when she didn't see him, she looked for Eric.
What she saw didn't sit well with her at all. Eric was enjoying himself.
"Now that's enough," his voice was almost cheerful, light, very different from before when Connor had withdrawn from the fight.
Four arrived from behind them and bent down to help Thomas, his face disfigured due to swelling and blood, but surprisingly the boy refused assistance and, staggering a bit, got up and headed towards the infirmary on his own.
"Try not to fall into the abyss!" Eric teased, observing Thomas's unstable figure as he moved away from the scene.
"What a jerk," someone whispered in her ear.
"Indeed," Michelle replied to the unfamiliar voice and saw the boy who had sat with them at breakfast. She couldn't remember his name, it was something like Brownie though.
The aforementioned boy got up and got on the mat, soon joined by another boy whom she had never spoken to.
"Who's that?" Michelle asked Sunny.
Sunny turned to her friend, then back to the two boys. "Oh, I think it's Andy? If I'm not mistaken, he was an Erudite with me."
"You don't remember if he was with you?" Tina chimed in.
Sunny shrugged. "I think so, but he was always with the Dauntless. He always hung out with them at school, and if you notice, during meals he's always sitting with them."
"When you're ready," Four initiated yet another fight, and this time Andy wasted no time. They were both lean but with some muscle, the only physical difference being that Bowie perhaps had about twenty centimeters more than his opponent.
Andy was skilled, but one thing Michelle noticed was that he looked at the point he wanted to hit before striking. However, Bowie seemed unable to grasp his strategy and showed great clumsiness in trying to block the attacks.
She noticed the difference between the first two fights, especially the second one, and this one; here, they seemed like two boys training, fighting against each other without exaggeration, whereas before it seemed like if Eric hadn't ended the fight, one of them would have ended up dead.
Bowie managed to block some blows and even land one himself, but with a quick move, Andy managed to make him lose balance, and when he fell, he hit his head hard on the ground.
"Ow," the boys standing still watching the fight exclaimed.
Bowie grabbed his head with his hands, rolling onto his side. He cursed in pain, and Andy, still standing, turned to look at Eric behind him; the blond nodded at him.
Andy turned back and with a kick to the temple, he knocked out his opponent, celebrating his victory as some of his Erudite friends applauded for him.
Two more Dauntless carried away his limp body. Michelle watched the boy's body being taken away, realizing only now that she would end up below the red line by force, probably becoming the twenty-second with zero points.
Her hands began to tremble at the thought of having to really give her all to make it to the top; initially, she didn't think it would be too difficult, she could easily win by following Lauren and Four's advice, but her fellow initiates were brutal.
She feared the moment when she would have to face Patrik or Arlo, who seemed the most brutal.
She was fast, but their strength was too much to ignore.
"Max, Chloe, on the mat!"
Chloe arrived confident, chest out and head held high, and Michelle hoped with all her might that she would get her ass kicked, and so it was. She managed to put up a good fight against Max, knowing where to strike while the boy acted on instinct, blindly.
But when Max managed to grab her, it was her end.
Chloe got up unsteadily, covering her face, crying. Max's punches had been strong, too strong against her delicate face, and Michelle couldn't hide a satisfied smirk seeing the girl's disfigured face.
It was time for the final showdown, almost three hours after the training began, and it was Sunny's turn to take her place on the mat.
"Good luck," Michelle said, watching her friend rise, who turned to smile at her.
Tina's smile, however, vanished when she realized she would actually have to fight against a friend. "Ready?" she asked.
Sunny didn't answer, waiting for the start of the match. Eric ordered them to begin, and Sunny started circling.
Tina looked worried, her movements uncertain. With each move Sunny made, Tina went on the defensive, ready to block any blow. Sunny struck first, and her opponent covered her face, leaving her abdomen exposed.
And Sunny struck right there.
Tina doubled over, screaming, and soon the gray shirt she was wearing began to darken around the belly button area; she lifted the shirt, exposing the belly button piercing, which was bleeding.
She looked at Sunny with a hurt expression. "What the hell!"
"Stop playing around!" Eric grumbled, annoyed, watching the two girls. Sunny briefly turned to look at the young leader, and Tina took the opportunity to throw a punch.
Sunny recoiled immediately and began hitting Tina, who was too weak to defend herself. She had no defense technique, just raising her hands in front of her face, leaving all other areas exposed, and Sunny repeatedly hit her left ear.
The girl fell to the ground, screaming in pain. Sunny stepped back, continuing to hop around to stay ready in case the girl got back up, but Tina seemed to show no signs of getting up.
Sunny relaxed, lowering her fists and looking at Four, who had moved to her side. "What should I do?" she asked him.
Four sighed and indicated to Max, who was watching the scene angrily, to help him lift Tina up.
"The fight isn't over," Eric said, remaining where he was, his arms as usual crossed over his chest.
Michelle hated to agree with him, but what had just happened couldn't be considered a fight; a couple of punches, and it was over?
"Don't you think it's time to end it?" Four said through clenched teeth as he gently lifted the girl.
"If she can't get up on her own, she can consider herself out of the initiation."
"It's not fair!" Max exclaimed loudly, receiving a deadly glare from Eric, who laughed in his face.
"Not fair?" he laughed. "Your little friend can't make sensible choices, and you think it's fair to let her win?"
"No, but-"
"No buts!" When Eric shouted, everyone fell silent, even the other initiates on the other side stopped to watch the scene from afar. "Either she gets up, or she's out. Her choice."
Eric remained impassive.
Four let go of Tina's arm, making sure she didn't fall to the ground badly, and walked away from the scene. Even Max, with much reluctance, stepped away from the mat.
Tina, still on the ground, sobbed. She tried to pull herself up, very slowly, and Sunny watched, waiting to see what to do.
When she got back on her feet, she wiped away her tears with her sleeve and got back into an attacking position. She lunged at Sunny, but Sunny blocked her, hitting her again on the ear where she had already made her earrings bleed.
Tina fell onto the mat, bringing an end to the fight.
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ananiel · 3 months
Hi I was wondering if you could could do something with Yandere MTP if that’s alright, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.
I was wondering if you could do something with Yandere Mycroft, William, and Albert (separately) with a darling who is kinda like a wallflower in society, like they are super shy and don’t stand out much at all but like because of that they pick up on the things people say, secrets that she shouldn’t know that could even potentially put her in danger making her even more scared.
Of course you don’t have to do this, any way I live your work and I hope you have a wonderful day!!
Yes. If course, i Will do this in between my other works! Hope that it ends up to your liking!
Yander!Mtp x reader
Yandere William james moriarty x reader
Yandere! Albert james moriarty x reader
Yandere Mycroft holmes x reader
Tw : yandere themes, stalking, manipulating, kiddnapping. Read at your own risk!
Oh You, such a pretty and unseen being by the eyes of many.
Yes, not many know anything about You, but You, You know almost everything about everyone.
You are the always quiet, always shy individual that people don't seem to notice, don't seem to think You matter enough to hide from you, You are practically invisible, but this invisibility brought You to this Point.
You didn't want to, You never planned to, but somehow, You heard a very big guvernamental secret that You were not supposed to.
And when You were about to go, the eyes were turned to You. You imediatly started running and hid as they continued to Chase You.
From then on, Your shyness could be only described as paranoia, one that makes You not want to be seen, by anyone. Of course, staring to dress very covered would draw more attention. So You made just little changes, some that could just make You regonisble for The people You are close with but not to those people
He saw You, he saw everything, he's been seeing this invisible You for a while, and oh, how infatiuated he was with You
His little wallflower, trying your hardest to stay away from all of the world
But not away from him.
You noticed a man seemingly always being there, and thinking he was an assasin, You tried to avoid those places.
For a while he stopped
Or so You thought.
Mycroft Holmes
He knew about You, always did, to be fair he is the guvernement, he knows everything about everyone, so it would be only fair that he knows everything.
But to be fair... You are the only one that he takes the files of at home, the only one that he studies every step off...
You were so shy and cute... He couldn't imagine anyone else as a better lover for You than him. He just can't, it is almost like it hurts him.
Of course, he doesn't directly stalk You,he sends someone else to.
Your panicked face is just so cute...
Can You blame him for manipulating the situation so that You come to him, crying?
Can You blame him for telling You to come to his home to "protect" You from the stalker?
Can You blame him for putting something in your Tea so that You don't leave?
Albert james moriarty
He was the one to stalk You at the order of Mycroft, who was afraid that You would spill important secrets of Englad.
He was, at first, skeptical, because not only did You look like You wouldn't hurt a fly, You looked like You would be hurt by one.
IT started slow, entering only a little, learning where You shop, looking over your file... Yes, he won't lie, that little scared expresion of being followed..
Ha... You were so cute... He followed You everywhere...
He inserted himself in your group, of the people that You talk.
One of them got killed...
The other is sick...
Another one doesn't talk and was later sent to jail.
You were left alone, with no one in the world... So he can Just... Wisk You away...
William james moriarty
He saw You at the noahtic, shining in the corner, like a hidden gem, hiding from the eyes of many.
You met his eyes, and turned away, unsure of what to think of him, unsure if he was going to hurt You because of what You just heard
He was about to go to You, but You dissapeared in the crowd.
He couldn't see You, and that angered him for some reason...
Later, when Albert came home, he learned your name, and as much as he can
But it wasn't enough, no, not for him, he wanted more, he wanted You... For information purposes, of course.
That's why he follows You, because You are good for his plans
No other reason, no, of course not
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atlantis-just-drowned · 5 months
HI OH MY GOD. i love your writing style for pluto sm, can i get headcanons for a reader like Eulalie ??? i love her sm <3 ty !!
A/N: Omg thank you so much Anon that's adorable!! I made this a gn!reader haha sorry if that wasn't what was intended-
Pluto x reader who's like Eulalie headcanons
Please reblog this post to show support! Reblogs are what keep me going!
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Oh gosh you're his literal ray of sunshine
You don't even imagine, like
You're the optimist to his pessimistic side
Every time he sees you or hear you he can't help but feel like this world is suddenly a bit warmer and easier to live in
You make him smile
On a daily basis
He basically can't look at you without smiling
Even is he's in a bad mood his heart will melt a bit at your mere presence
I feel like he would be extremely protective of you too
Because you seem so oblivious he gets scared someone might trick you and hurt you :0
So as far as he's concerned, he's right by your side/behind you shooting death stares to any stranger who talks to you
Some will say he's creepy but to you this is the cutest thing in the world
He's your social support catboy
If you want some privacy tho he'll totally respect that and walk away
(but not without glancing at you with worried eyes for as long as he can see you)
But if he doesn't trust the person you're talking to, he'll stay close enough to be able to hear you if you scream or call for him
You know? Just in case anything happens
When he has a bad day he likes to hug you tight and hide his face in you chest or neck
Hug him back and he'll be in heaven
If you ask him what's going on he'll probably just mumble something unintelligible and hug you a little tighter
He likes your positivity and energy
But what he loves the most is to see you in a peaceful state
I'm talking, cuddling him or him cuddling you and you just
Close your eyes
And lay there
With his arms around you
Oh fuck oh shit oh damn he's so screwed his heart is melting inside
He would rather die on the spot than disturb you
He'll never say it out loud but in these moments he just hold you a little tighter and swear to himself that he'll protect you of harm and do everything to make sure you're happy
Even if your happiness doesn't include him, he wouldn't care as long as you stay as peaceful as you look right now for the rest of your life
He will. Literally. Never. Question. Anything that you say.
If you're in the middle of a dangerous situation and you ask him to bring you something
He won't say a word
He'll just do it
Even if it's absolutely useless
You have your reasons
And you must be granted what you asked for
I'm literally not kidding he would do anything you'd ask for, this little guy has an incredible determination
Even if he doesn't understand why you're asking something, he knows your mind functions a little differently from anyone else and he'll support you on that, no question asked
His only limit is that he won't harm himself or harm you in any way, shape or form. If you ask for something dangerous and one of you might get hurt because of it, he'll refuse
Also if you mess up with anything while getting focused on whatever you're doing, he'll make sure to clean up after you
You might not even notice it
But the next time you walk in the same hallway all of the knots you did with the curtains have been untied
Books are in alphabetical order again, no matter how many times you disorganize them
If you like to craft handmade things like necklaces or accessories he'll stay by your side and keep your materials organised
He likes to watch you while you're creating things, you look so sweet and relaxed
Sometime he'll chat with you while you're at it, but if you prefer to stay quiet he'll comply, silence doesn't bother him anyway
He'll remind you to pay attention to things too
Or if you forget you have something important to do
He'll be here to make sure you remember about it
Tho he'll feel a little sad if you forget about one of your dates but he'll understand really
On the other hand he finds it cute if you keep asking him just how long before your next date or hangout
The thought of you being somewhat impatient to spend time with him melts his heart inside <3
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madammidnightsblog · 2 years
All characters are part of it. Suggestive themes but nothing sexual
Also my first time doing this so sorry if its too long or messy
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Convenience store dates
Very affectionate and touchy, both innocent and sexual no matter where you two are
The type of boyfriend that orders for you if you're shy or trying to get a salad when he knows damn well you want a burger
Play fighting all the time
Puts everything on high shelves to tease you
Playfully blows cigarette smoke in your face when you get serious on him suddenly
Protective boyfriend! Will fight a bitch if they talk shit about you
Unpopular belief, he doesn't get jealous easily. He knowe no one could pull you away from him
Loves to cuddle with you if it involves having his face between your breasts
Involves you in pranks on Kisaki
Makes sure you're not too close when he's fighting so you don't get hurt
Many bakery dates
Unlimited dorayaki supply along with sweet candy in your room for him
Cuddles that leads to 4 hour naps with him and don't plan on getting up anytime soon, he has a death grip on your waist
Constantly trying to impress you with his fighting skills
Clingy and whiny around you
Unfazed by the teasing his friends do since he loves you so much no one's input matter to him
Scared that one day you'll disappear or leave him
Super jealous! Hates how affectionate you are with anyone else and if you have siblings, he will fight them for your attention while whining
Has Draken take you two everywhere, even if it's sometimes for a date
Very attentive and caring towards you
He is quiet and kinda distant but he always does small things to show he does love and care about you
Listens to every word you say, even if it's something he doesn't know or cares about
Makes time for you and buys you your favorite snack and drinks
Remembers small things about you from favorite color to all your habits you may or may not know of
Still wears his mask around you because he still feels insecure of his scars despite you telling him how you love them
Loves back hugs, giving and receiving
Will watch the romantic movies you love even though he hates them
Shy and insecure baby that you must protect at all times
Clingy and cuddly
A kissing bug!
Constantly worries you that you'll find someone better and leave him
Jealous baby. Please reassure him that you love him and only him
Tries to cook you food but burns it
3am rides on his bike
Staying up late to talk about your future cats you two will own together
Will throw hands with anyone who even looks at you
Easily flustered and shy around you no matter how long you dated
Hold hands with him when you two walk together please! He is too shy to do it on his own
Help him study only to give up halfway on the math part, he won't understand even if you explain it a 100 times
Wants to hug and cuddly but is scared to initiate
A little dumb when it comes to flirting so please don't laugh at him, he will cry
Cry baby when you tell him you love him
Finds everything you do is cute
Believe it or not but he is not manipulative with you
Shy but is the one to initiate hand holding, hugs, kisses, and cuddles
Study dates
Loves to take you to book stores and gift each other books from your favorite genres as a date
Remember all the important dates and things about you
Loves listening to you rant about anything even though he pretends to be annoyed
Makes sure to keep you away from any and all gang activity
Gets jealous easily and will cling to you when no one is noticing
Makes you clothes that is inspired by the things you like
Takes you to the park with hie sisters to play games with them
Cuddles during movies
Always reminds you to take care of yourself
Buys you flowers for every date or makes you something handmade that may or may not been made with his sisters
Will nurse you back to health when sick
Isn't the jealous type because he trusts you completely
Listens to you and helps you think things through if you need help
Picnic dates are a must
Randomly cooks for you
Naps together are a must no matter how if he just woke up before you came over
Home dates when Rindou is out
Loves kissing and holding you which may get sexual after a while
Loves taking walks around Roppongi to show you off
Definitely beat the shit out of someone for flirting with you with his baton
Buys you expensive gifts and takes you out to nice restaurants every other week
Has movie nights with you and Rindou
Pulls pranks on you because he finds your reactions cute
Pulls you into his lap if you're standing near him
Vert flustered from every 'i love you' and physical contact
Goes to Izana for relationship advice and gets teased by him from how clueless he is
Plays with your hands a lot and gives you knuckle kisses
Café dates
Bakes and cooks everything you like or want to try
Teaches you a few moves for self defense purpose
Gives you forehead kisses as a good morning and goodbye after picking and dropping you off at home
Baking together every weekend
Gives you little cute notes on drinks or snacks he buys you
Cheek and nose kisses are a must!
Is the big spoon because he loves holding you
Plays with your hair and tries to style it
Asks Baji tips on doing hair and Baji shows him by using you as a practice dummy
Manga café dates every Wednesdays
Uses his mangas as dating advice and date ideas
Geta flustered when his mom teases him about how cute you two are togther
Lets you braid his hair
Refuses to bring you home due to all the sexual activity you would witness or hear
Piggyback rides when you can't keep up with him in crowded areas
Secretly loves when you cling to him
Forehead kisses
Calls you princess or babe
Helps you study but quickly gets annoyed when you don't pay attention or asks dumb questions
Barely ever gets jealous but does get pissed at Mikey when he gets too touchy and clingy to you
Protective as hell
Finds it cute when you wear his jackets since they are huge on you
Wins you plushies from claw machines
Big spoon all the way
Likes when you get flustered by his flirts and soft touches
Behind closed doors, he is very cute with you
Very touchy, he can't keep his hands to himself
Teases you a lot and tickles you when you two are alone
Tells you about his fish and lets you feed it
Softly plays his guitar while you two are chilling in his apartment
Constantly needs your attention, he gets jealous over everything and forces your attention back onto him
Gets you matching custom made earrings like his since you told him how much you liked his
Gets bossy and calls you servant when he is in a horny mood
No one but Kakucho from Tenjiku is allowed to be alone with you
Chaos constantly
He is a menace and nothing will change that so expect a loy of out of pocket plans and comments
Lots of ramen dates
Movie marathons with him and Souya
He pranks you and Souya constantly
Lets you play with his hair if you ask
Midnight bike rides
Likes to do random braids in your hair
Physical contact is his love language so expect it
Plays on his phone while you sleep on his chest
Play fights and tickle fights
Definitely talks to his mom and peke j about you a lot
Do each other hair and gets competitive over who did better
Feed alley cats as a date
Video game nights
He talked you into setting a car on fire with him once
Back hugs and innocent shoulder kisses
Lays in your lap for naps
Tells you interesting facts about cats and his plans on opening a pet shop once day
Protective as hell and definitely sent someone to the hospital for cat calling you
Convenience store dates
Part two will come.
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writingsbychlo · 1 year
I kind of hope Elain and Lucien have kind of a platonic love yk? Instead of the relationship be forced by a bond neither wanted.
I see Elain with Tamlin, as a way to help him have a redemption arc and she IS Spring. And Lucien with someone of his choice. Elain hasn't showed any interest in Lucien. Lucien deserves someone of his picking no someone who may or may not return his affection
honestly, I see such a fantastic romantic arc for lucien and elain. like, picture this:
getting sent on some kind of assignment in the human lands. elain is thrilled to be going back, especially if she can be glamoured and fit in. less thrilled to be going with lucien, but he is the emissary, and he's vowed to look after her, from a distance, respectfully.
the first few days go well. they talk politely, the order food, they stay in rooms with two beds and lucien gives her every single ounce of privacy he can. they actually start to become friends. elain learns about lucien, and lucien about elain. she sees a new side of him. she calls him 'sassy-fox' and 'sneaky-fox' and lots of cute nicknames that make him huff and roll his eyes but smile. he calls her 'petal'.
they actually find a really happy, comfortable common ground. they laugh and tease and have inside jokes. until elain realises she's getting feelings. feelings completely independent of the mate bond, and it scares her. so she completely retreats on herself. lucien is hurt, he doesn't understand what he did, they argue.
they have a very quiet dinner in the tavern. lucien is still mad, elain is still confused and scared, but they're not gonna split up? elain is happy to sit at the table while lucien goes to get another round for them. she watches him go. he gets flirted with. he very politely turns the girl down but it bothers elain anyway. she can't stop herself from making a "oh, you're new girl didn't pay for them? shocking." kind of comment.
lucien gets it, because he's a smart-cookie. "so that's what this is about? elain, petal, why didn't you just say that?" they take it back to the room and only use that one bed. lucien assumes its all lust, and elain doesn't lead onto anything else, she lets him believe her jealousy is lust-fuelled.
they keep travelling and hooking up as they go, and elain treasures the small moments of intimacy. when asked now, their cover is no longer friends or maiden and her guardian, but husband and wife, but she never admits that to him. only when he's not within hearing range. one day, there's only one bed. they cuddle while asleep.
elain decides this isn't enough for her anymore. she wants all of him, in all the moments, not just the ones between the sheets. she wants all his kisses, the sweet ones and the soft ones and the loving ones, not just the passionate ones.
she confesses this to him, and instead of happy, he looks agonised. he's hurt. his heart broke for jesminda, his heart broke for her, and he moved on. why now? why, after he had to sit at family dinners with azriel and watch elain moon over him? why, after he couldn't sleep with anyone else without picturing her? why, when it has been so long? why now?
in the end they work it out, obviously. and then they go home with all the lil clues towards whatever big disaster is happening idk and they save the day like everyone else and yay happy ending.
imagine that.
(each to their own, of course, but this is just me 😅)
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alluraaaa · 1 year
46. For everyone
46. the person they most admire
this question is so fucking hard, but i mean that in the best possible way. this team clearly has so much affection for one another, but admiration is a specific word and hard to work with, in a way. no lie, my process was staring at my phone, typing something out without thinking, and then realizing what the answer is
shiro: hunk. as team leader, he makes it his responsibility to look after the team’s mental health and let them use him like a therapist. once he makes that known, hunk is very open about how anxious and scared he is, how he’s kinda always been like that. hunk wasn’t studying to be a pilot, doesn’t have anyone in his family who are pilots. he’s young, and he has no idea what he’s doing! he wants to go home!! but he keeps going, not because there’s no other choice, but because he wants to help people more than he wants to see earth. for shiro, who only survived the pits because it was either kill or die, hunk is endlessly inspiring.
keith: shiro. not a lot of explanation is needed here, it’s the obvious answer. while the garrison trio also look up to shiro as a teacher and pilot, keith looks up to shiro for everything. without shiro, keith would be in some juvy on earth instead of getting to save the world. keith owes everything to his brother, who won’t give up on him, no matter how many times it takes.
pidge: lance. she spent the first months knowing him trying desperately to push him away, because it hurt to look at him. he’s just like matt, and she doesn’t wanna just replace him even if it is nice to have someone who shares his jacket and ruffles her hair and cleans her glasses without her asking. but when she spat vitriol at him, he retorted with something just as piercing, not letting her get away with it. and he stayed. despite the war, despite her, he’s still here, blowing raspberries at her and wading through fountains to collect change. so when their barbs got more and more affectionate, she wanted to be mad at how he wormed his way into her heart. but she’s not replacing her big brother, she’s gaining another.
lance: keith. the infamous rivalry was born from admiration, after all, even if he didn’t know it. he was hoping one day he’d be the better pilot, the better paladin, but once he actually was keith’s equal, he found he actually liked it. them butting heads worked in a way nothing else did. it wasn’t hunk’s hugs or pidge’s snark or coran’s stories, it was difficult. there’s pushing and shoving and hair pulling and wet willies and it’s so fun. in a nearly empty castle with only six others, you get bored. having someone who doesn’t look down on you as a person while wrestling over the remote is really nice. not to mention, keith isn’t nearly as perfect and lance thought. to learn that someone he put on a pedestal has flaws and weaknesses that lance compliments? kind of life changing, to say the least.
hunk: pidge. she’s so little and he’s so big but she keeps up with him easily, and sometimes he’s the one who has to keep up. absolutely nothing stops her once she puts her mind to it, and has a way of thinking through things that just eliminates any possibility of anxiety. if there’s a pidge, there’s a way. there are also times, though, when she’s sad or scared or small, but trusts him to not hurt her, despite him being big. she knows he won’t judge her for not understanding a formula, or needing help with a line of code, or crying on his shoulder when she misses her family. he realizes, one quiet night, that she trusts him not despite his size but because of it. she finds comfort in big brothers.
allura: coran. she turns to him for anything and everything, gives orders and trusts he’ll follow them, and he’s the only parent she has left. she knows that he’s suffering just as much as her, but he doesn’t let it stop him the way it stops her sometimes. when it stops her, he’s the only one who can get her going again. she doesn’t know how he does it. and she offers to help, she’s not stupid, she knows he’s keeping the hard parts to himself while also helping her, and she says it’s not fair. she wants to help him too, what can she do to help? but he just brushes the hair away from her face, kisses her forehead, and tells her all he wants is for her to get a full night’s rest. and… she can’t say no to that. when they’re in her bed and he’s serenely narrating his way through a story of his past, she can curl up to his side, close her eyes, and know that no matter what, he’s the constant in her life.
coran: allura. she used to be so happy, and she’s so young, and so hurt, and so tired. but despite it all, or maybe because of it all, she works so hard to fight a man who betrayed them so harshly. if anyone deserves to shirk the responsibility of voltron and live out their days on a peaceful remote planet, it’s the two of them. but she refuses to give up, so neither does he. he does all he can, despite the weariness in his bones, to help her. he’ll polish her helmet visor, braid her hair, wipe away her tears. he’ll polish the ship’s controls, groom his mustache, wipe away his own tears. he’ll do it all, so she doesn’t have to. and when they find out that they weren’t the only alteans left, when they found a new altea, she doesn’t want anyone else officiating her coronation, and he doesn’t want anyone else as queen. they both cry during the ceremony, and he hugs his daughter, holding her close.
(send a character + a number)
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mybelovedwoo · 2 years
Long Journey - Chapter 1: Shadows of the Past
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Life hurts a lot, that's just how it is. At least that is what Destiny thought, living a life where living hurts more than dying. But one day everything changes when an unexpected guest appears. What does this long journey hide behind? Will it be worth it to be alive again?
"Sailors tell stories, Pirates make legends!"
ateez pirate au, fluff, angst, smut
??? x named reader
word count: 2.4k
warnings: violence, fighting, guns and weaponry, blood injuries, trauma, smut, sa, pa, abuse specific to this chapter: physical abuse, strong language, injurie, blood
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The next day I woke up thinking about if what happened yesterday was real or just a really bad dream. I would rather wish for the first option to be true, but the burning feeling on my right cheek reminds me of last night's happenings.
The rest of the dinner was spent with boring business discussions between my father and the Captain, they talked about hiding something, but I didn't really catch the whole point of it, my mind was still everywhere else but there. The captain and the rest of his crew will come here early tomorrow morning, and for this night the two men will return to their ship, which is in the main port of Albagon. 
My father ordered me to escort our guests, which I did without any words. At the door, they politely bowed for me once more. When they were enough far away, I finally exhaled, it felt like as I was holding my breath back the whole time. And as if he heard my wondering thoughts, the taller man turned around for one last time, and he looked at me again, the first time since the awkward conversation at the dining table. He just stole a glance and carried on his way, but he didn't hide the fact, as if he wanted me to know about it.
After they left I ran straight up to my room, to hide from my father. I don't want to find out if he's mad at me or not, plus he's been drinking wine the whole night, so he's more aggressive than usual.
It's common for me to wake up this early, even before the sun comes up. I like to go for a ride all the way to the stream, past the glade at these times, it helps to clear my head a little. I try to be as quiet as possible, I don't want anyone to catch me sneaking out.
On my way to the stables all I was thinking about why are these men so important to my father. Why is he letting them into his house? And what dirty business can be between them?
The cool air hits my face, and I can feel my cheek burn again, so I start rubbing it as if it helps with it, and all I can see are the frames of the night in front of me.
"Destiny, where are you?" I can hear my father shout from my room, his footsteps are coming closer to my door. Anxiety rushes over me, I've already seen this happening many times, but still, I can't get used to it, I'm still as scared as I was when I was just a little girl.
He bursts into my room, the door almost fell out of its place. My whole body starts to shake unintentionally. But I stay strong as always, if not me, then who else stays strong for me? I get up from my bed and stand straight in front of my father. 
"You ungrateful little bitch. What do you think you can embarrass me in front of others like that? Didn't I tell you to get that crap off your arm?" And the next thing I realized was that he swung his hand towards me and a strong slap hits my face. It stings as hell.
And here I am standing in front of the stable, holding my cheek in my hand. It still hurts a lot, but not as much as my heart. I hesitate to go inside, I don't know why, but the shakes haven't stopped since yesterday, I usually take this better, I've had it worst before. I take a big breath in and out to calm myself and open the heavy door and step inside the slightly warmer place.
"Good morning Percy, how are you today?" I walk up to my beloved horse, pat his side a little and make a hm sound as if I'm expecting him to answer me, but unfortunately, he never does.
"You often talk to animals?" A voice comes from right behind me, and it scares me so much I almost fall over as I turn around to find out where it comes from. Across from me a deep brown-haired boy leans against the wall and looks at me strangely like I'm crazy or something.
"Who are you and what are you doing here creeping behind me?" Should I be concerned about him? I'm here alone with a stranger, even if I try to ask for help it's likely that no one will hear it, everybody is still asleep. That's why Joanne always says to tell at least her where I'm going, what if he tries to murder me. 
"I mean I was here long before you, but if you would have an intimate conversation with your horse I could leave you alone." I don't know if he's joking or not, his face has no emotions written on it.
"Very funny. And you often stalk on girls early in the morning?" I hit back, copying him, trying not to show my emotions either. I can finally see on his face that he got a little embarrassed. I got him.
"A-as I said, I was here way before you. I haven't stalked on you, I only heard you by accident." He stuttered on his words. 
"And what were you doing here if I may ask you?" Now I'm a little more confident, I feel like the advantage is at me.
"I'm Choi Jongho, a crewmember of Captain Kim Hongjoong. The other night, there was a very big storm, and I didn't really want to sleep on the cold, rocking ship, so I figured I would spend the night here." He explains to me. So the Captain's crew is already occupying our house. Although I haven't seen the others yet, I don't know how many there could be, but I doubt that I will be able to avoid so many people.
"Great, it was really nice to meet you Choi Jongho, but I want to be alone for as long as I have the chance before the rest of your crew arrives, so I'm afraid I have to take your bedfellow away." I'm not saying anymore, and don't even give him room to breathe, I'm just leading my horse out there. I gallop away from my house so fast as if I'm not coming back ever again, and I even consider this thought, but quickly pushed it away, it will never happen anyway. 
It's around noon when I come back from my little runaway, and the first thing I do is curry Percy, he must be just as tired as I am, if not more. I'm almost done when Joanne comes in quietly to the stable.
"Nini, you really have to stop doing this." She says with a calm voice, almost whispering. To be honest, I kinda hate this nickname, but she's the only one who's calling me that, it sticked with me ever since I was little. "Your father has been looking for you everywhere, I told him I sent you to the market this morning. He wants you to meet with the Captain's crew instantly and lead them around." She's coming closer to me and places her hands on my shoulders.
"Jo, I don't know how much longer I can take this," I confess. I never said this aloud to anyone, but I can't keep it in me any longer. If I do I might break into pieces.
She doesn't say anything, just embraces me in her arms and we stand there for a good five minutes. We don't have much time before my father sends someone else after me.
Walking up to the front of the house, where it all ended yesterday, it's exactly where it starts today. I can see a group of young men standing there, it seems as if they're bickering about something. They look very young, the Captain is also young, but not as much as them, they must be the same age as me. I'm very surprised, I thought there would be more people on a ship, to be honest. And much older and more experienced people.
When I reach them, I clear my throat loudly to be noticed. Now all their eyes are on me, I wasn't fully prepared for this. The shade of the trees helps to block the midday sun, but I still can't look up properly. Despite the big storm last night, today's weather is the complete opposite, but it's quite normal around here.
"Good afternoon gentlemen! My name is Destiny Dempsey, the daughter of Randall Dempsey. I'm here to show you around today." These seven men are standing in front of me, I scan all the new, unfamiliar faces, but I spot one in the back that I've already seen and he searches my gaze inquisitively. The Captain's right hand.
"Oh hi there, animal whisperer." I hear someone say from the side of the group. It's the guy from this morning, what was his name again, I totally forgot it. I hope he didn't tell anyone he met me earlier, if my father finds out that I wasn't in the the town, I'm not the only one in trouble this time.
"You know her?" Seonghwa asks him curiously, stepping closer to us. I'm praying he won't tell the truth.
"In the sta-"  I panicked, so without even thinking, I quickly cut into his words and didn't let him finish, what he wanted to say.
"It's kinda funny that you let one of your crew member stalk on girls. I wonder if the Captain knows about it." All the eyes landed on the young man in question. He tries to explain himself, I can see how embarrassed he got, and I just hope that I got away with it this time.
"So that's where you disappeared this morning, Choi Jongho." A very tall guy, with black hair and with perfect silky skin spoke. That's right, he reminded me of his name once again, Jongho. My name memory is really bad, I can recognize people by their faces better.
"I swear it wasn't intentional." He put his hands up out of frustration, and I admit I felt a little sorry for him. I know what it's like when no one believes you. But it rather be him than me.
"I promise I will talk to him." Seonghwa came up to me and tried to put his hands on my shoulders, it only was supposed to be an empathetic move, but I took a step back. I didn't really mean to, but I have this thing, that I can't accept any physical touch from anyone, except from only one person, and that's Joanne.
It seemed like he acknowledged it because he took a step back too. "Well, I hoped you could take the boys to the town till the Captain finishes his discussion with your father. Maybe, show them around for a bit, in the meantime, they could get a thing or two we need."
"As you wish, Sir." I bowed to him. "Please follow me!" I turned to the others and they more or less listened to me.
I took them to the market as they had to buy some things, it was the most convenient because everything can be found in there. The bustle of the place and all the different smells made it difficult to pay attention to the boy next to me, who hadn't shut his mouth once since we left. He was acting as if we were good old friends. The guy on my other side, he talks less but is more hyperactive. From time to time, I can see his gaze wandering here and there, and it's as if he's not even with us, his attention is completely elsewhere. Park Seonghwa hasn't come with us, he had to stay there if the Captain urgently needed him. But he reassured me that I can trust the navigator, Yunho, the very tall guy if anything happens. But what could possibly happen?
We were walking on the busy street of the town square when an old lady came up to us. And the black-haired boy beside me finally stopped talking.
"Oh, my dear. You grew so much, I haven't seen you since your mother tragically passed." I froze. My legs were literally shaking, we don't ever talk about my mother, like ever. I wasn't able to mention her name for years, if I ever tried to I always broke down. But when I was finally ready, my father forbade me to even mention her, along with everyone in the house.
When the lady noticed that I'm not gonna say anything, she continued. "She was the best healer in town, we all miss her so much. Maybe you will follow in her footsteps?" 
"No Miss, I don't do anything like that." I take the courage and answer her.
"Hm, what a shame..." And she is already walking past us, while she's shaking her head. I'm starting to feel like that, not a word that came out of her mouth was genuine, she just wanted to kick me where it hurts the most. I don't even know who this lady was, I've never seen her in my life, at least I don't remember.
"How rude of her!" Says the talkative one next to me. I look at him, and I can see his deep brown eyes staring judgingly up and down at the woman whos disappearing in the distance.
"Wooyoung, you don't have to say everything you think out loud, you know?" Warned him the other one, San, sensing the sudden mood change.
When I regained my consciousness, I look around and noticed that the other boys were simply absorbed, I could not see them anywhere. So far they have been a couple of steps ahead of us. They must not have noticed when we stopped. Luckily Yunho is with them so nothing bad can happen, right?
The next moment was a complete blur. A pistol shot was heard very loudly. All three of us fell to the ground from the sudden noise, and people around us started screaming and panicking. I can taste the dust in my mouth, it's not something pleasant.
"Thief! Thief! Someone get him!" Someone yelled. 
San tried to help me get up from the dirt, but I didn't accept his outstretched hands. I stood up on my own and dusted off my dress.
"What the hell happened to them?" We looked to the way Wooyoung pointed at, and all we can see is all four boys rushing towards us, holding up Jongho, who can hardly stay on his feet. As I see the panic on their faces, my gaze wanders down. It's red, everything is covered in red.
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© belongs to mybelovedwoo
note: i'm really excited for the next chapters, oh god. it's gonna get crazy. also, we are slowly meeting new characters.
i'm soo grateful for the comments i got from the previous chapter, you are all so sweet, and you keep me motivated. i love to read all your thoughts, so don't forget to share them this time too.
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eg2henchmen · 2 years
Red Ivan
- Atomic Olga
Right hand, her gun is her baby, has thrown herself into her work with vigor, scared that Ivan knows her secret weakness and therefore tries to put her 110% into her new job, was originally very curt with her fellow henchmen but has since loosened up, gives big bear hugs to the fellow henchmen, she's like the fun aunt who will throw down with anyone who hurts her fellow henchmen, still visits her figure skater brother for competitions and holidays, it's the one thing she'll fight Ivan on
- Full Metal Jackie
Left hand only due to the fact that Olga goes above and beyond in her attacks, doesn't mind it really, leaves her more time to develop weaponry and make sure everything is in working order, if she likes you she gives you the experimental weapons, because she's including you in the process of making weapons and that's special, it can be mistaken for dislike as many early versions of weapons tend to blow up, enjoys talking about dangerous animal encounters with Sir Daniel
- Sir Daniel
Will sometimes just hide away in a potted plant and people watch, enjoys talking about hunting and animals, actually has a zoology degree, versed in a wide range of combat and weapons, if he compares how you tackle problems to a type of hunting (endurance, ambush, pack, etc) that means he enjoys your company, if he goes into Bush mode anytime you're near, he's avoiding you or hunting you, you gotta guess which
- Pyro
Quiet but emotive, speaks through mumbles, keeps in contact with most of the other tf2 members, protective of fellow henchmen, thinks Olga and Heavy should meet, red team Pyro, the first to get Olga to loosen up, gives matches and lighters as gifts, carries a fire axe as a melee weapon, will sometimes have a tf2 member over even though he's not supposed to, he gets away with it because they help defend the base if there's an attack while they're over
- Clara Jones
Always hunting for something new to steal, the only person here who can be in the casino and not disturb the patrons, recruited because she impressed Jackie who convinced Ivan not to kill her, gets along with Sir Daniel as they talk about their travels, feels cooped up from staying in one place for so long and would kill to get off the island for one day, instead she and Sir Daniel has this game where he hides and she tries to find him as fast as possible and if she doesn't find him within a certain amount he comes out of hiding, when he's found or when he comes out of hiding the two go into a full on brawl (neither use their guns in this part), it's fun for both of them but nobody else knows it's a game so they just see Clara and Daniel routinely get into fights, there is definitely a betting pool
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pred1059 · 2 years
Runaway Wind Chapter Twenty Four
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Cid let out a sigh as he saw his ship touch down outside and began to put away his tools. Knowing how fast Yuffie could run, he didn’t want to be holding anything sharp when she came barging in. Still, this was mostly touch up work for the main castle hall, turning it from evil lair to semi-respectable base and disabling some of Maleficent’s locks. Sure enough, a few seconds later a loud bang was heard as the front doors were kicked open.  “So my ship is still in one piece.”
Yuffie gave a thumbs up. “Yep. And we did good. Mirror’s in pieces and Maleficent’s on the run!” Her cheer faltered slightly as she looked back to the entrance. “Though…”
“Naminé’s been having some trouble lately,” Ventus answered with Naminé leaning against him as they walked in. He looked over to her as she winced. “Her head’s been hurting, bad.”
“I...I don’t know...I’m seeing things I don’t know…” Slowly, Naminé sat down in one of the rebuilt benches, eyes screwed shut.
Cid paused. Seeing things. If her story was right, there was something else Naminé could see…
And change.
He asked tersely, “Is it like seeing Sora’s memories?”
Because despite the girl being as kind as she was, that power scared him more than anything.
Slowly, Naminé nodded. “It’s...the closest thing I can think of. But it’s all a jumble.”
Cid crossed his arms. “Maybe part of you is playing catchup with what Sora’s been doing recently?” If that was all it was, then there wasn’t much to worry about. But if it was something else?
She sighed and shook her head. “Nothing I’m seeing leads to him. It’s so hard to put it together even though it seems familiar.”
Yuffie scratched the back of her head in puzzlement. “Didn’t you have this problem before? After we finished in the Enchanted Dominion?” Naminé gave her a nod and at that Yuffie relaxed. “Then it’s probably just him and you just needed time to sort it out.”
Naminé seemed unconsoled by the advice. “But I can hardly recognize anyone there.”
Ventus sat next to her on the bench and looked to her in concern. “Could you draw them?”
Naminé considered for a moment, but then sighed. “If my head wasn’t hurting.”
“Early rest after dinner then. That way you’ll be ready in the morning.” Cid put the lock on his tools and led the trio down the hall. Fixing the castle was a big concern alright. But the kid’s memory powers going haywire would be a whole lot worse. Might be worth talking to Merlin about it so the old windbag could have something to do.
But for now, he was in the mood for food. 
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Erxart couldn’t quite shake the unease that had come over him after meeting with Xemnas. Granted, only Larxene had to stay and explain why she ran off with Naminé and ignored Xemnas’ orders. But ever since then, Roxas had become quiet. Still, as they arrived in Twilight Town for some downtime, Axel attempted to lift his spirits with a smile. “So, ice cream?” The man rubbed his hands together in anticipation, though some part of it seemed strained.
“No.” And at Roxas’ refusal, Axel deflated with a sigh.
Erxart looked to him and Roxas with concern. “What happened?”
Axel floundered hands fidgeting as he tried to find the right words, “It’s…Well...”
“Ventus, Naminé, and Yuffie told me things about what the organization did,” Roxas snapped, his hands balled into fists at his side as he continued, “Naminé was tortured. And they were going to try and brainwash someone.”
Erxart’s eyes narrowed. Larxene didn’t deny the accusations of torture during the mission, in fact she almost seemed to take pride in her work. But brainwashing? “What purpose would brainwashing someone serve?”
“Well…I...” Axel stammered for a moment, before he went silent and turned away.
Roxas stepped forward, pleading, “Axel, please, I just want to know the truth.”
Axel turned back, his brow furrowed. “It’s a bit hard for me to talk since I was just assigned to guard detail while Larxene and Marluxia were the brains behind it.” Roxas tersely nodded as he continued, “Basically, after finding Naminé and learning about her powers, they wanted to have them change a particular someone’s memories so that they’d work for us a bit more easily.”
“And Xemnas signed off on this plan?” Erxart asked tensely. He already had his suspicions, but if the superior was willing to let this plan continue? That would give grounding to his fears. “Who would they want so badly?”
Axel looked around for a moment before answering, “A kid with a keyblade. As far as we knew back then, the only one out there. But here’s the thing.”  He held up a finger as he explained, “All they told Xemnas is that they’d convince him to join us. They didn’t mention a thing about changing his memories, or what they would do to Naminé to make her co-operate.”
Roxas was incredulous. “And they weren’t suspicious of them? At all?”
“Of course they were, which is why they sent me.” Axel flashed a grin as he explained, “I was going to keep an eye on them and make sure they weren’t doing anything to compromise the Organization.”
Erxart raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. “Why didn’t you say anything? Why not tell us?”
“You’ve got to be careful with this sort of espionage. Give away too much, and they’d do something drastic.” Axel walked forward and put a hand on both of their shoulders. “I couldn’t say much to you guys cause I wasn’t sure where you both stand. But seeing as you both understand how badly this goes against the Organization, I think it’s time I start filling you in.”
Roxas relaxed. “That’s why you couldn’t say anything. You weren’t sure if Larxene was watching.”
“So what do you need us to do?” Erxart asked, “Did you want us to watch her, or do recon at Castle Oblivion?”
Axel let them go and stepped back. “Right now, just pretend like everything is normal. We don’t want her or Marluxia to realize we’re onto them. I’ll let you know when I need your help.” 
“And we’ll bring her to justice.” Erxart gave a nod. After Larxene’s words on Naminé’s treatment, he had some misgivings. Fortunately, it seemed there were enough good people in the Organization looking to do the right thing.
In time he might be able to talk about what Ventus had brought up. How he had called him a name Erxart only heard in his dreams.
But for now...
“So? In a better mood for ice cream?”
Roxas gave a small smile. “Yeah. I think so.”
For now the boy needed a bit of time to rest.
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Yuffie leaned on Leon’s shoulder, munching away at her dinner. “Any luck finding what might have gone on with Ansem?”
He shook his head. “Nothing. Absolutely nothing.”
She rolled her eyes and groaned. “Oh come on! There’s gotta be something! Even just a team photo!"
Aerith shook her head and looked at the charred remnants of old books they had in a pile. “That’s just it. The entire lower archive was burned. Even the researcher rosters were destroyed.” She stirred her food with a sigh and looked to Merlin, “Any luck finding what might have happened to Xehanort?”
He shut the tome in his hand and set it to his side as he took another sip of tea. “Just myths and legends. The most I could find is that he once fought alongside an Eraqus.”
Leon scoffed, “And from Ven’s story, we all know how that ended.”
Cid turned to Merlin, “Well, while we’re on the topic of history, about Naminé…”
Yuffie had a good idea of what was next. A whole lot of magical theory that she didn’t care too much about. She was a bit more interested in how Naminé herself was doing. Yuffie got up and moved over to where Ven sat with her. But even though he still looked at Naminé’s condition with concern, there was something else. Yuffie could see it in how he sometimes stared into the distance.
“You’re worried about them.” He looked up at Yuffie’s statement, confusion still clear on his face. “Erxart and Roxas?”
He looked beside him sadly. “And Naminé.” At her name, the girl gave a small smile before trying to resume slowly eating her food.
“Did you want to talk about it?” Yuffie sat beside the two. “From what I could tell, you seemed pretty convinced he was your friend.”
“They practically look the same except the cloak.” Ven sighed and set down his fork. “I...I promised I’d save him. That if Terra fell to darkness that I’d bring him back.” He shook his head slowly. “Now I’m not sure there’s anything left. It’s like he’s completely gone.”
Naminé looked up from her food. “Maybe his mind has forgotten, but the heart never forgets.” She placed a hand on his own. “I know you’ll find a way to bring him back.”
At Naminé’s words, Ven was able to perk up a bit. Honestly, Yuffie just wanted to leave the conversation with that and him happy. Unfortunately, there was the other member of the Organization they had met and made an impression on. “And then there’s Roxas.” 
And of course, Ven deflated at having his doppleganger brought up. “He seems like a nice enough guy, just mixed up in something bad.” And after a moment, he scrunched his eyes closed. “I really don't want him to end up like Vanitas.”
The dark keyblade wielder Xehanort had molded into a weapon was definitely something Yuffie hoped she would never have to see. That kind of power in the wrong hands, as well as the Unversed Ven talked about just sounded like a recipe for disaster. 
Though it seemed like there was one advantage Roxas had that Vanitas didn’t. As Naminé pointed out, “He has friends he wants to help. I don’t think they’ll turn out quite the same.”
Though there was a bit of a fly in that ointment. “Shame he wants to stick with the shady Organization to be with them though,” Yuffie grumbled.
Ventus held his head in his hands. “I just..I don’t know what I have to do.”
Yuffie couldn’t tell if Naminé was frowning from pain, or from seeing her friend so lost. But even so, she managed to talk, “You won’t be doing it alone. We’re here for you”
“At the very least you probably shouldn’t be doing it after what we went through today. And while Naminé needs to recover.” Yuffie clapped him on the back gently. “Take it one day at a time, okay?”
Ventus took a breath to steady himself before letting go of his head. “Yeah, you’re right. I think we need some rest. Just some time to straighten things out before we go and take care of that Heartless in the Castle of Dreams. And after that...”
“What happens happens.” Naminé finished. And Yuffie could get behind the sentiment.
In any case, she was sure they’d all sleep soundly tonight.
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There it was again. 
A chilling cold that smothered him.
Darkness all around. A mangled landscape.
Ventus had hoped after a week free from those nightmares that it was just a dream. But this was too familiar. Too real. 
“Where...?”  He looked around, hoping that somewhere in this dark world he could find Aqua. It might be the only way he could find her. Yet he couldn’t find anyone or anything. 
He looked up to the voice. It was the light. That same light which had been with him since that first nightmare. Which guided and protected him. As it reached the ground, he stepped forward with a raised hand and a simple question. 
“Who are you?”
“Well, well well.” 
At Vanitas’ voice, Ventus summoned his keyblade and looked around frantically. Desperate to find the source. “I was wondering if your heart might become darkened enough to bring you back here again.”
Ventus tried to hold onto the light next to him, and sure enough he felt a hand in his own. But even though it glowed a little bit brighter, it did little to stop a mass of Unversed from appearing from the shadows around him. Bruisers began to advance on him and the light, and Ventus held up his key to protect himself. “This...this is a nightmare! You’re…!” 
“Dead? Ventus, Ventus, Ventus. You already know the truth.” Ventus looked up to where he could finally see the masked boy perched on a twisted crag of rock. “I was always there with you in Sora. Not as well off as you, but enough to survive.” As he scowled the last word, the bruisers swung their fists. Ventus pinned down as he tried to hold off their barrage. “And when your heart left that prison, the keyblade caused some of your will to be scraped off. A husk that could move with a will of its own.”
And Ventus knew exactly what he was talking about. “A Nobody.”
Vanitas chuckled, “Whatever you want to call it, an empty body was right there, so why let it go to waste?” He snapped his fingers, and the bruisers raised their arms. Ventus just had enough time to roll away with the light. He raised his keyblade in an attempt to fire a spell. 
He looked up at the voice. A familiar voice. And that’s when he saw the unversed knocked back. 
By a figment.
And as he realized who his light was, her image snapped into focus.
Looking down on them, Vanitas began to laugh. “Is this weak little girl your new light, Ventus? How long till I crush her too!?” He leapt forward towards the two of them, keyblade ready to strike them down.
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applepi00 · 2 years
Self Indulgent Explanations of Perfect Disaster’s Playlists
,,So I mentioned doing this list months ago but today I have enough nothing going on to actually do it! So, here’s the youtube version and here’s the spotify version, they’re mostly the same save for a few songs that are exclusive to the youtube version. I’ll do all the common songs in order as they are in the playlist and then do the odd ones out at the end!
1. Ever After by Marianas Trench, this song is the source for the title (I could be your perfect disaster, you could be my ever after) but generally the whole pre-chorus through to the second verse were what put this on the list!
2.  The Bones of You by Elbow, this was poached from another playlist, but was included for the hook (and I’m five years ago and three thousand miles away) as well as the bit about “I love the bones of you that I will never escape” and the bridge!! “I can’t move my arm for fear that you will wake” just hit the vibe exactly!
3. Clair by Have Mercy, also poached from the same playlist Bones of You, but was included for the lines “You’ll always be someone if anyone says you’re not” and the entire repeated chorus of needing love, of still having that hole in your chest, it felt so right for the situation in the fic.
4. I Don’t Like Who I was Then by The Wonder Years, again poached, but this song just fit so well with the ideas when I was starting the fic, in fact a bunch of Dazai’s dialogue lines are actually almost exactly lines from the song! Such as the bit’s about trying put his past self in the ground, or when about being eighteen and afraid and how that wasn’t an excuse, just ugh the chorus and bridge espcially are so good for this fic.
5. I Just Want to Sell Out My Funeral by The Wonder Years, in the playlists for the lines: “I’m scared shitless of failure and I’m staring out at where I wanna be” and “I just wanna be enough for everyone” and “I used to have such steady hands but now I can’t keep them from shaking” and “I was kinda hoping you’d stay/I need you to stay” and “Cuz I’m sick of seeing ghosts and I know how it’s all gonna end”
6. Move Along by The All-American Rejects, mostly here for the chorus, that “keep trying” vibe felt integral considering this is the “fix yourselves” fic compared to the rest of the series.
7. Pressure by Paramore, here for “tell me where our time went and if it was time well spent, just don’t let me fall asleep feeling empty again” and “cuz I fear I might break and I fear I can’t take it”
8. Emergency by Paramore, here for the vibes mostly, not even specific lines really but the chorus fits and the instrumental and vocal style fit the tone I had in mind
9. Say Anything by Marianas Trench, god this song fit so well with some of the self-punishing behaviours that both Chuuya and Dazai indulge in, so: “I could take it if you need to take this out on someone” and the chorus and  “hurts the same when nobody knows guess that’s just how it goes and I won’t say anything at all” and just ugh that whole self-hating vibe ended up influencing how Chuuya’s spiralling out now that there are no immediate crises to jump to.
10. Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner by Fall Out Boy, here for “and if you say this makes you happy then I’m not the only one lying” and “keep quiet nothing comes as easy as you, can I lay in your bed all day?” and “wear me like a locket around your throat, I’ll weigh you down I’ll watch you choke, you look so good in blue”
11. Easier by The Crane Wives, this was the vibe for Dazai through Masterpiece as well and it just kinda expanded to both of them, that whole “if I was someone else, if I weren’t myself would this be easier” thing digs so so well into the insecurities and neuroses in this fic
12. Masterpiece Theatre II by Marianas Trench, another carry over from this masterpiece will (tear you apart), here for “this broken beautiful mess that I've made” and “this is just a part I portray... can I hide in you and stay here?” and just that whole thing about finding comfort from your demons in another.
13. Apple Pie by Lizzy McAlpine, suggested to me by my good friend Bailey ages ago, the soft domestic feel fit right in particularly “I found you under an April sky, and you feel like city-life, apple pie baked just right, home is wherever you are tonight” and “I’ll be fine with that goodbye as long as I don’t have to say goodbye to you as well”
14. How Do I tell You? by Lizzy McAlpine, here for “I’m a little scared you’ll leave, even though you tell me you won’t” and “I’m a little scared to be someone you’re scared to love” and “I’m a little scared to speak, cuz I can’t find the words to say, I don’t want to make this about me I just can’t hold it in today” and “How do I tell you that I don’t know what it means to be happy with somebody, don’t know anything bout that” and “I  feel like I found my place”
15. Love Run (Intro) by The Amazing Devil, here for “run to show that love’s worth running to”
16. Little Miss Why So by The Amazing Devil, the vibe of trying to care for a depressed loved one that won’t take your help was heavily influential for the fic with Chuuya’s parts turning out the way they did, “it’s daylight again and you look like I’ve failed you” and “I don’t know how to reach you when you get like this, I’ve been waiting for you to come home” and “Stop making up death wishes and take my lifeline” and “If I’m good will you come back?” 
17. Wild Blue Yonder by The Amazing Devil, here for the chorus: “so hold me, lover, like you used to, so tight I’d bruise you” and “try please try for me”
18. Farewell Wanderlust by The Amazing Devil, the diaogue with the inner demons personified was interesting to me, but also: “I promise you I’ll be better, I promise you I’ll try, but like rubbing wine stains into rugs it’s my curse to try to make things right but by trying make them worse”
19. That Unwanted Animal by The Amazing Devil, here for “You try so loud to love me, I cannot seem to hear” and just generally most of Madeleine’s sharp passionate lines through the last few verses are just so good, so fitting vibe wise.
20. Dead on Arrival by Fall Out Boy, here for “this conversations been dead on arrival” and “a rivalry goes so deep between me and this loss of sleep over you.” Literally neither of these boys actually fucking sleep even half decently through this fucking fic, why did I do this to them?
21. The Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes by Fall Out Boy, here for “when it all goes to hell will you be able to tell me ‘sorry’ with a straight face?”
22. Our Lady of Sorrows by My Chemical Romance, holy fuck this song gave me so many little lines I bit into in my head, like “we could be perfect one last night and die like star-crossed lovers when we fight” and  “shed your yellow take my hand” and “stand up fucking tall don’t let them see your back and take my fucking hand and never be afraid again” and “I’ll make you understand and you can trade me for an apparition” and “just because my hand’s around your throat (doesn’t mean I don’t love you)”
23. Demolition Lovers by My Chemical Romance, god this song is the vibe for most of my iterations of SKK, just generally speaking, but it’s here for: “I’m trying, I’m trying to let you know how much you mean to me, and after all the things we put each other through” and “I feel like there’s nothing left to do but prove myself to you”
24. To The End by My Chemical Romance, here for “If you marry me, would you bury me? Would you carry me to the end?”
25. It’s Not a Fashion Statement It’s a Deathwish by My Chemical Romance, here for “the damage you’ve inflicted temporary wounds I’m coming back from the dead, I’ll take you home with me, I’m taking back the life you stole” and “just you and I, your starless eyes remain” and “I lost my fear of falling, I will be with you”
26. House of Wolves by My Chemical Romance, here for “well I know a thing about contrition, cuz I got enough to spare” and “tell  me I’m an agenl, take this to my grave, tell me I’m a bad man, kick me like a stray”
27. Bulletproof Heart by My Chemical Romance, absolutely one of my top picks for SKK songs, but it hits right from the first line: “gravity don’t mean too much to me, I’m who I’ve got to be” and “I got a bulletproof heart, you’ve got a hollow-point smile” (tell me that isn’t soukoku, it fits them so well!!) and “so get me out of my head, cuz it’s getting kinda cramped you know” just, the vibes in this song are perfect
28. The Only Hope For Me Is You by My Chemical Romance, again mostly the chorus: “can I be the only hope for you? Cuz you’re the only hope for me”
29. Summertime by My Chemical Romance, here for “when the lights go down will you take me with you?” and “if you stay, I could even wait all night, or until my heart explodes, how long until we find our way in the dark and out of harm? You can run away with me anytime you want” and “turn my headphones up real loud, don’t thinkI need them now, cuz you stop the noise”
30. All I Wanted by Paramore, here for “think of me when you’re out there,I’ll beg you nice from my knees” and “all I wanted was you” and “I could follow you to the beginning just to relive the start, maybe then we’d remember to slow down at all of our favourite parts”
31. Of All the Gin Joints in the World by Fall Out Boy, here for “sometimes I just want to know what it’s like to be you” and “I used to waste my time dreaming of being alive (now I waste it dreaming of you)” and “I’ve got headaches and bad luck but they couldn’t touch you”
32. 7 Minutes in Heaven (Atavan Halen) by Fall Out Boy, here for “I’ll be stuck fixated on one star when the world is crashing down” and “I’m not going home along, cuz I don’t do too well on my own” and “I’m having another episode, I just need a stronger dose”
33. I Slept With Someone In Fall Out Boy and All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me by Fall Out Boy, here for “I found the cure to getting older, and you’re the only place that feels like home” and “some secrets weren’t meant to be told” and “douse yourself in cheap perfume it’s so fitting of the way you are, you can’t cover it up” and “find a safe place, brace yourself, bite your lip” and “brace yourself, they call kids like us vicious and carved out of stone, but for what we’ve become, we just feel more alone” and “Always weigh what I’ve got against what I left, so progress report: I am missing you to death”
34. My Heart by Paramore, here for “I’m finding out that maybe I was wrong, that I’ve fallen down and I can’t do this alone" and “stay with me, this is what I need please” and “I am nothing now and it’s been so long since I’ve heard a sound, the sound of my only hope” and “my heart it beats for only you/my heart is yours”
35. Early Sunsets over Monroeville by My Chemical Romance, another song I keep drawing from, in particular it a good chunk of the inspo for my skk week fic and for the vampire fic I’m muddling on! But it’s here for “running away and hiding with you, I never thought they’d get me here... I fought them all off just to hold you close and tight” and “and in saying you loved me, made things harder at best” but just the whole soft melancholic feel, and the refrain of ending things if necessary, it fits the fic well
36. Old Friends Like Lost Teeth by The Wonder Years, here for “we lost you last week but you walked into the room again” and “I know it’s a bad dream” and that whole chorus, and “a song about death in my head, and I can’t help but hum along”
37. Local Man Ruins Everything by The Wonder Years, here for “I’m trying to hold it together but irony’s found cracks in the foundation” and “I’m not a self-help book I’m just a fucked up kid” and “it’s not about forcing happiness, it’s about not letting sadness win”
38. There,There by The Wonder Years, here for “you’re just trying to read but I’m always standing in your light, you’re just trying to sleep but I’m always waking you up just to apologize” and “I’m lost in my head again”
39. Porcelain by Marianas Trench, here for “it’s alright if you don’t know what you need” and “I’m right here if you need someone to see, it’s speak or forever hold your peace, it’s alright to take time and find where you’ve been”
40. Careful by Paramore, here for “I settled down a twisted up frown disguised as a smile” and “hope for me was a place uncharted” and “the truth never set me free so I did it myself” and “open your eyes like I opened mine, it’s only the real world” and “shifting your weight to throw off the pain, you can ignore it but only for so long” and “it hurts remembering how it felt to shut down”
41. Cosmos (Outer Space) by t.A.T.U., here for “feel no more feel no less” and “stars we don’t wanna reach, scars we don’t wanna stitch” and just, home as space (zero gravity) is a consistent theme in my head for these two
42. Jackie and Wilson by Hozier, here for the fun vibes and “we’ll steal a Lexus be detectives driving ‘round picking up clues” and “no better version of me I could pretend to be tonight” and “with my mid-youth crisis all said and done, I need to be youthfully felt cuz god I’ve never felt young” and just the chorus guys, it tickles at me for this fic
43. Famous Last Words by My Chemical Romance, another song I keep going back to! It was actually the principle song that inspired When the Sun Goes Black! It’s in this list for “but where’s you heart? And I know there’s nothing I can say to change this part” and “a love that’s so demanding I can’t speak” and “I am not afraid to keep on living, I am not afraid to walk this  world alone, honey if you stay you’ll be forgiven, nothing you can say can stop me going home” and “these bright lights have always blinded me” and god the whole bridge has inspired so many fics and chapters for me, it’s so good
44. Clarity by Zedd ft. Foxes, a song I wasn’t expecting but it came on the radio and hit me like a sack of bricks. “Or clocks tick ‘till it breaks your glass and I drown in you again” and “you are the piece of me I wish I didn’t need” and “if our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy? If our love is insanity, why are you my clarity” and “refuse to make amends, it cuts deep through our ground and makes us forget all common sense
BONUS Youtube Only: 1/6 -out of gravity- by Vocaliod-P (translation by SirHamnet/Lily Chen), here for “someday I promise I’ll surely take you with me high up above the satellites and out of this gravity” and “when I finally found you I saw that your eyes were heavy, I asked you what was wrong but ‘I’m okay’ is what you told me” and ahhh most of this song really since it’s all about reducing gravity to make a loved one’s troubles feel lighter and that hits exactly right for this fic and this series and this iteration of my boys, please listen to it
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magic taking its toll on the demigods
sam: shapeshifting + charm-speak
(note: sam uses they/he pronouns)
sam looks like everyone you’ve ever loved and everyone who’ll never love you. sometimes, when they look in the mirror, he doesn’t register that their face is his. sam never tells anyone about this; he doesn’t really remember what they look like anyways. he wouldn’t recognize the voice they use if it didn’t come out of his mouth. you can catch sam pressing their fingers to his throat as they talk, in order to make sure that he’s still who they thinks he is.
clark: creature-speak
clark forgets that gio (his dog) isn’t human sometimes, and that the other demigods aren’t animals. he gets distracted by the chirping of birds outside his window and the chittering of bugs in the cracks of the floorboards. everything gets too loud and overwhelming and he can’t separate the animals whispering others’ secrets to him from the shit he hears from the others.
liam: teleportation
liam feels like his heart is about to claw its way out of his throat whenever he teleports. his head spins for a few minutes after, and he needs to sit down in order to make sure all his atoms are aligned and that he hasn’t accidentally ended up in the afterlife. every time he teleports, liam feels an ache where his leg used to be, the pain sometimes near searing, making him scream at levels almost as close as when he lost it in the first place.
wren: needlework + prophetic dreams
wren wakes up shaking from her nightmares. she can’t tell what is a figment of her imagination and what’s an omen of the future. she sews her visions into her embroidery, staying up to ungodly hours so that all she can see is the needle moving in and out of the fabric and infusing with as much magic as she can pull from her fears. wren’s scared of sleeping; she’s scared that she’ll see things she’s not ready to handle. that nobody’s ready to handle.
layla monet: accuracy
layla’s memorized all your weak spots- mental, physical, and emotional- before you say a word to her. she knows the way you tilt your head is the perfect angle to shoot you at. she knows the exact words to say to her fellow demigods to hurt them, to ruin them, to make them feel things that they never wanted to relive. she lives every day with the words heavy on her tongue and the bullets fully loaded in her gun, knowing that she’ll one day slip up and there will be someone elses’ blood on her hands.
eileen mcallen: plant-whispering
eileen spends more time in nature than she does with others. she doesn’t know how to control the volume of her voice, sometimes speaking as quiet as the dandelions and other times as loud as the old redwood trees. when she walks the grass pulls at her feet and whispers to her to return to the nature, to her roots and to become the roots. the more time she spends in the woods the less she understands the other demigods and their outdated mortal languages.
morgan: binary code
morgan couldn’t touch anyone for the first few years of her life, for fear of ruining the code of her loved ones. she prefers machines to humans, because their binary is at least decodable and not constantly changing (it hurts her head every time liam teleports to her. it looks like his code is reloading, every number of his life being downloaded all at once). there’s a constant ringing in her ears from one too many explosions.
molly: emotional projection
molly can never truly know what others feel towards her, or if it’s her powers making them feel that way. she can’t help but feel worse when she sees the toll her feelings has on those around her, even though her family’s brought her up to know that it’s not her fault and that she shouldn’t blame herself. molly feels responsible for every tear her friends shed, believing that it’s because of all the hatred in her heart that she holds against herself and her supposed “power”.
callum: reading secrets
callum refuses to interact with anyone. he’s never believed in second chances, because he sees the things they’ve tried to hide from him and the world marked across their faces in bleeding black. callum sees the mistakes he’s made and all the memories he’s tried to bury every time he looks himself in the mirror. he holds every secret he reads in his hands, thumbing through them as he people-watches for more.
mio: illusions
(note: mio uses she/he pronouns)
mio’s eyes hurt from trying to see through her own castings. he wears thick glasses riddled with charms to slow the after effects of her magic that feel too heavy on his nose. every second sentence that comes out of her mouth is an illusion to cover up a lie that he told. mio’s hands hurt from tracing runes over and over along her skin to upkeep his façade that she does belong among the demigods.
archan: thievery
archan has boxes full of trinkets that aren’t his. he can never go into a room without leaving it missing a few items. archan forces himself not to look people in the eye, for fear that he’ll steal their free will. sometimes he’ll stay awake to review what he’s taken, from necklaces to pens to hearts of some poor sap that made a double take at him. he’s tried to return items he’s taken, but he can never bring himself to part with his stolen treasures.
aster: bone-mending, scrying
aster feels part of their body give out whenever they fix someone elses’ bones. they share the splintering pain of the injury for a split second, the force of the fresh wound occasionally distracting them and making them restart the process. aster’s fingers burn whenever they scry for too long, the metal bowls leaving blisters on their palms and scars on their forearms. occasionally the elixir they uses for scrying falls into their eyes, letting them temporarily see from the perspective of whoever they was spying on; at least, before the elixir starts to erode their skull.
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Ooh, ask game! :D *checks tags 5+ times to make sure* *because lessons were learned* Yup, it's an ask game. I'll do 2 and 44 for Jyn-Si, 15 and 30 for Elmer, 8 and 46 for Blanket, 57 and 58 for Fiddle, 24 and 56 for Alaber! Feel free to pick a few for my OCs as well if you'd like and I'll gladly answer! 😁 ~Pinestripe
Awww, no worries XD
How loosely or strictly do they use the word ‘friend’?
Very loosely, but she means it every time! She makes friends almost instantly with pretty much everyone, even if she’s only known them for a few minutes 😊
What language would be easiest for them to learn? Why?
I’m not an expert on different languages, so I’m pretty limited in my response to this, but I’d say French. She’d enjoy the eloquent-but-fun-ness of it, and she’d be great at pronunciation! She’d also learn quickly, and would love to randomly speak French to Elmer and watch him try to figure out what she’s saying XD
What’s the most obvious difference between their behavior at home, at work, at school, with friends, and when they’re alone?
Around everyone, Elmer puts on an act—he has to, or else he runs the risk of being found out as a spy. He appears to be enjoying himself, but inside, he’s nervous and stressed and scared.
When he’s alone, he can let that act go. He feels less nervous, but he’s often still stressed out.
I guess the biggest difference is that when he’s alone, he allows his brokenness to show; he can cry, or scream into a pillow, or curl up in his bed, or stare at his reflection in the mirror and pay attention to the bags under his eyes and the few hairs on his head that have turned grey because of the stress of everything and the tiny scars that remind him of dark times in the past and his dry lips that are chapped and his eyes may be filling with tears because he hates this and he wants it to end.
But of course, when he’s with people, he puts on an act. He doesn’t let anyone see how miserable he is. And it’s hard.
When they make a mistake and feel bad, does the guilt differ when it’s personal versus when it’s professional?
When it’s a professional mistake (that sounds weird lol) he mostly feels scared. He’s scared that his boss will react badly, because she has reacted badly before.
When it’s a personal mistake, he’s scared that he’s hurt people, and that they’ll get mad at him too.
So in short: when it’s professional, he’s worried about himself. When it’s personal, he’s worried about others.
Blanket (oh my gosh I'm so happy you asked about him bhshabjdvasvj)
How loose is their use of the phrase ‘I love you’?
Not loose at all—if he says those words to someone, he absolutely, 100%, perfectly and completely means it.
He also doesn’t say it to just anyone, even people he cares about. In order for him to truly mean those words, he needs lots of time to bond with someone; it definitely doesn’t happen overnight.
Are they a listener or a talker? If they’re a listener, what makes them talk? If they’re a talker, what makes them listen?
Listener. He’s naturally quiet, and hardly ever speaks around people he doesn’t know.
He’ll talk if he’s…
A) In a private setting with people he’s close to. He feels very comfortable around his friends/brothers.
B) Very uncomfortable/uneasy/unsure of something. If he doesn’t want to do something, he’ll make that known, describing why with easy to understand terms.
What’s a simple daily activity / motion that they mess up often?
Not sure if this counts, but getting into a healthy sleep schedule. He loves to wake up early and play his violin, and he often stays up late to… play his violin lol. He loves the instrument so much that he’ll gladly forgo sleep in order to play it XD
How many hobbies have they attempted to have over their lifetime? Is there a common theme?
He hasn’t attempted too many, mostly because as a kid, he was unsure of what he truly was passionate about/enjoyed.
And then of course, he discovered music, and that’s been a constant ever since.
Did they take a cookie from the cookie jar? What kind of cookie was it?
C’mon, this is an easy one.
*stares at Alaber, who’s plucking cookie crumbs out of his feathers*
He quite enjoys cookies with nuts in them, but he’ll eat just about any type. Looks like he got into the Oreos this time :0
If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear?
ELMER!!! He consistently goes to Elmer, no matter what the fear is :’)
As for your OCs, I’ll do… Light, with any questions you want!
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