#so. protip i guess
nostalgia-tblr · 1 year
The immense satisfaction that comes from saying "wait, how old is this book?" when Amazon tries to sell me a very old-fashioned-looking work for 'just £1.99' and then finding it on Project Gutenberg for free instead.
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
Lmk tumblr is really such an extreme. Either way too close or too far on jttw.
There's someone who i see that is so pissed off that the baby monkeys love macaque, how dare the show does this, when macaque ate a monkey. Such a betrayal, so horrid, when obviously lmk macaque is not a cannibal. Just like jttw macaque wasn't wukong friend (might just be them hating macaque, which they do, but they've posted about the baby monkeys thing at least twice)
jttw!Macky is such a Wukong hater lmaoooooooo that guy did not give two shits about him besides wanting his place on the journey (i mean, unless they wanna do analysis of cannibalism and intimacy with jttw versions of swk and Macky lol)
like the fact that Macky is liked by the little suns is super sweet 🥺 please he barely has friends (and even the ppl who are his friends (MK) he’s not 100% ready to call them that yet bc he has intimacy issues) let him have this 💀
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itstimeforstarwars · 9 months
I am afraid of the dark but I also yearn for it. Catch me outside stargazing in December with a death grip on my flashlight.
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lurkiestvoid · 4 months
If you're like me and struggle with pain and spoons, and the dishes keep piling up to an unholy level, may I recommend: Throw Those Fuckers In The Tub.
I get to sit down while doing the dishes (we don't have a stool tall enough for the kitchen sink) and I can soak all of them at once in very hot water, reducing the number of batches it takes to one (1). I can lean back/adjust as needed and I'm not stuck in the One Half-Bent Position that causes me extreme back pain just to be able to reach the sink, and I can lean my weight on the edge of the tub to let it do most the work of holding me up.
I just put all the dishes in an empty tote and dragged it into the bathroom, took like three trips but they're all soaking now. I cleaned the kitchen counter and sink, and already feel so much better just having that grossness out of the kitchen.
And later I'm going to drastically downsize the amount of dishes by either giving them away/donating or tossing them, it's just easier to do that (for me) when they're clean. fewer dishes might mean quicker pileups but those piles will be SO much smaller and less overwhelming to deal with.
I do also recommend countertop dishwashers that hook to the sink, they're fairly cheap and do work well. We have one, just haven't been able to use it bc the kitchen tap leaks quite a lot, and fixing that too extremely low priority to be budgeted. So we're stuck handwashing for now.
Anyways just a periodic reminder that there are no rules, and to do things in whatever way is easiest for you and your situation
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ahappydnp · 2 years
Did you hear about the YouTube convincing his audience to put a weird copy paste waffle house comment on tons of YouTube videos to "gaslight the internet"
Smh imagine having to tell your audience to do it instead of having your out of control audience do it all on their own /s
Sorry waffle house bro. Dan and Phil's "protip" and "don't cry, craft" chokehold over YouTube comments will always be more powerful than anything you can manufacture
okay i just looked it up and wtf adfsgsgslk locals trying to orchestrate 2015 phandom on youtube vibes
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club-prideguin · 2 years
Sorry im not on as much recently yall ive been having a Time(tm) recently.. Fighting through potential burnout, the usual fatigue, and also today specifically i woke up this morning with pain in like 6 different parts of my body for no discernible reason :/
Im sure itll all pass and ill be fine(relatively) but atm thats whats going on. My bodys beating my ass rn. Just thought id let yall know whats up.
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spikebit · 2 months
the other night i spotted my friend standing at the bar and excitedly ran up and started (gently) pummeling him in the arm and then IT WAS NOT MY FRIEND :') CASUALLY ASSAULTED A RANDOM STRANGER!!! he was very cool about it though and now he is also my friend!! social anxiety who...
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snugphy · 3 months
ohhhhhhh return of the scary
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microfeelings · 3 months
Protip to myself, dont jump from working with 2 colors to working with 8 in tapestry crochet
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gizdathemxel · 1 year
maybe it’s just me or smth (also im not a gay man so i could js be wrong) but i feel like a little life isn’t exactly the “great gay novel” we’re looking for (also i recently heard abt that term so i hope we find it) bc even though it features a lot of gay rep, a lot of it is just very questionable. iirc the 1st gay relationship that we encounter between Jude and c*leb almost immediately becomes abusive and very very ableist (as c*leb finds jude’s disability disgusting which is just…weird).
there’s also jb and jackson who have some queer context (though it might have been explicit been a while since i read it) it’s still extremely unhealthy and manipulative (seeing as jackson is the person who gets jb addicted). the only healthy gay relationship we ever see is between willem and jude, which, tbh, is fun, refreshing and ultimately heartwarming. except for the fact that this is a little life and nothing good lasts forever so willem, ofc, fucking dies.
like maybe idk the standards for the “great gay novel”, or if im misreading something, but a little life kinda just focuses on the suffering of queer men (which the whole point is that it’s a tragedy and nobody heals), esp in the contexts of relationships. to me, a little life reads as more punishing it’s characters for daring to enter queer relationships/sexuality no matter what that looks like. and i feel like we have wayyy too much queer rep that focuses rather on the suffering of its queer characters rather than all the ways that queer people can exist. and honestly, i’d much rather read about that than anything else.
but to re-iterate, i am not a gay man, so if im totally wrong and talking out of my ass, feel free to correct me
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hazyshadeofwintyr · 1 year
Spongebob Narrator: Months ago, but not many... Me: Okay so maybe the séance fic is going to be a little more than a oneshot, but that's okay! I can figure stuff out as I go along. Me: What if the situation meant they had to go to an Oracle witch. What if I made an OC. And that OC was the Oracle witch they consult. Me: Yes, excellent. Me: What if they're also a snake and use xey/xem pronouns? Oh *NOW* we're cookin' with portals! Me: Okay, so I jotted down some ideas about how xey interact with C, and some ideas for the heartscape stuff at this point, but I'm not sure how to bridge it with the epilogue stuff. Me: That's okay, I can figure it out later! I'll probably know what happens by the time I get to this chapter. Spongebob Narrator: Three Months Later Me: [finishes writing chapters 1-5] Me: Okay, so, what do I have of chapter 6? Some dialogue, a couple of exchanges, H and J stuff that needs to go in the cuts doc because I completely changed the trajectory of the heartscape subplot, okay, okay... Me: Hm, not a lot. Alright, let me just check my mental notes... Me: [looks at mental notes, grabs the one with "séance fic chapter 6 ideas" written on it] Me: [unfolding the note] So what do we have here?... The note: idk figure it out u've written the first five chapters u should know what happens next lmfao Me: [shaking fist at sky] Damn you, past me!!!
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fuck-customers · 8 months
Just a protip: if you placed an online order and it hasn't been completed yet, and you are in the store (why?? Just fucking grab your shit yourself. Don't clog the online order system for unnecessary orders) and see an employee working on online orders, JUST FUCKING LEAVE THEM ALONE! YOUR ORDER WILL BE READY WHEN IT'S READY!
Was doing bopis on a particularly busy bopis day. It was about an hour before the store closed and I had 30+ online orders to do and I was working on them alone at the time. (My store is a medium sized store and we don't sell food, medicine, or essential items, so having unfinished orders at closing is not the end of the world, as long as we're actively working on them- customersabsolutely can live without them)
This woman noticed that I was walking around with bags for items and figured out that I was doing online orders. (But of course did not consider that I was doing them ALONE)
The first thing she did was honestly perfectly fine. She asked if I was doing online orders and asked if her order was in the pile + how long it might take to be completed. So I told her I had around 30 and her order was lower in the list, so I most likely wouldn't be able to complete it before closing. She then asked if I could just skip to her order. I said no, I was not allowed to (literally-I got in trouble with my boss for skipping around and not doing bopis in the order that we received them....who the actual fuck cares, but whatever) but if she didn't want to wait, she was more than welcome to grab her items and pay at the register and just make sure to give one of us employees her order number and we'll cancel it so she doesn't get double-charged. We'll even honor any online coupons or prices, so she doesn't have to pay more than she would've online.
These seem like perfectly reasonable options, no? Pop quiz time! What do you think she did? A. Left the store with the intention to pick up her order when it was ready the following day? Or B. Grabbed her items herself and went to the register like I suggested?
Time's up! What did everyone guess?
No matter what you guessed, you were wrong! Because the real answer is more unhinged that either of those.
Joke's on her, though. She pissed me off, so I purposely stalled and delayed getting to her order as long as possible. I took an unneeded bathroom break, answered every call for backup from my coworkers, even though the manager was available, took extra long to answer other customers' questions when they interrupted me, whatever I could to stall. I managed to perfectly time it so that I finished the order before hers at closing time, then I finished her order 15 minutes after closing time, so she'd have to come back tomorrow no matter what. Dick move? Yes. Do I care? No.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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mothmanmademedoit · 1 month
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Well, I guess this is my thing now.
(Please ignore my kitchen, it's the room with the best lighting)
and when broken bodies are washed ashore (who am i to ask for more) by wardo_wedidit is absolutely delightful, a bit painful and so so good. I really love this sad Paul, and how strangely patient John is at times. Also, non-linear writing is always a win for me.
I used three different art pieces because i just couldn't decide on just one and this fic deserved all of them:
Cloud Study: Stormy Sunset by John Constable
The Artist's Garden in Argenteuil by Claude Monet
The White Horse by John Constable
As usual, the cover was designed on Canva and the fic can be read for free on ao3. Protip for binders: the National Gallery of Art website is your friend! There's a ton of art pieces and so many filters to find what you need.
Last but not least, a big thanks to @whenyourbirdisbroken because it was one of their rec posts that led me to this fic.
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rainiishowers · 10 months
Obey Me Incorrect Quotes
A/N: Haha sleep deprivation go brrrrr
MC: So I can either do something dumb that could very well get me injured or I can listen to Simeon and not do the thing,
MC: Well there’s a clear right answer here.
MC: *proceeds to throw five packs of mentos into a barrel full of diet coke*
Barbatos’, at Solomon’s “funeral”: I need a moment with them.
Everyone else at the funeral: Of course. *leaves*
Barbatos, leaning over Solomon’s coffin: Okay, listen here you little shit. I know you’re not dead.
Solomon, sitting up in the coffin: Yeah, no shit.
Asmodeus: If I'm extra sarcastic with you it probably means I'm flirting with you or you really annoy me and I can't handle your crap... have fun figuring out which one.
Satan: ARE YOU-
MC: Fucking.
MC: Fucking.
Satan: IDIOT!
Beelzebub: …What was that?
MC: Lucifer banned Satan from swearing, so I’m helping him out.
Simeon: The odds of this happening by coincidence are vanishingly small.
Satan: I would say infinitesimally.
Mammon: And I'd say teenily-weenily. We all know words
Leviathan: I lost my fish.. :(
Beelzebub, cooking the fish: …Uhm…
Solomon: Protip is you do not feel good about yourself after eating tomato sauce on iceberg lettuce.
Luke: Are you okay???
Solomon: I literally JUST said I ate tomato sauce on iceberg lettuce. Pay attention.
Simeon: No, they mean other than that.
Solomon: Ohhhhhh.
Solomon: I haven't slept in 4 days.
Belphegor: Why were you up yesterday until 3am?
Mammon: How did you know I was up until 3am?
Lucifer: We could hear you clapping to the FRIENDS intro every 25 minutes.
Mammon: If we don’t get out of this alive… If we’re both about to die… I love you, MC!
*Neither of them die*
MC: …
Mammon: …
MC: So do you wanna talk about somethi-
Mammon: No thank you.
MC: How long do you reckon it’ll be until Simeon finally snaps and commits murder?
Solomon: I’ve been going through life assuming it’s already happened at some point and it’s just that no one was ever able to trace it back to them.
MC: We’re going to defeat you with the power of friendship!
Mephisto: We’re not friends.
MC, holding an axe: We’re going to defeat you with the power of incredible violence.
Asmodeus: Don't break someone's heart, they only have one.
Satan: Break one of their bones instead, they have 206 of them
Beelzebub: I’m so jetlagged I can’t even regrender my chorf.
*Everyone stares at Beel*
Beelzebub: …I don’t even know what I was trying to say.
Asmodeus: What's worse than a heartbreak?
Satan: Stepping on a cat's tail and not being able to explain that you're sorry.
Luke: You know guys, sometimes I feel like Lucifer doesn't take me seriously enough.
Mammon: "Sometimes"?
Solomon: "Enough"?
Luke: …
Lucifer: Lord Diavolo? What are you doing here?
Diavolo, wearing a hawaiian shirt, sunglasses and holding a gatorade: My best.
Mammn: *is throwing stones at MC’s window*
MC: You have a phone for a reason, Mammon!
Solomon: Guess who just found out the difference between wax paper and parchment paper the hard way?
Asmodeus: Wait, what’s the difference?
Solomon: One you can use in the oven safely, and the other you can also use in the oven... if the thing you are trying to make happens to be fire.
Solomon: Wow, they really hate us.
Asmodeus: Yea, perhaps they’re homophobic.
Solomon: But we’re not gay, Asmo.
Asmodeus: We’re not?
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 10 months
So you know how I figured out that a dinosaur's favorite treats in Paleo Pines all had the same flavor combo? Like how Lucky's is always Juicy + Earthy, etc.?
Well, I think I've figured out another one: what combo is a dino's favorite may be determined by its color + pattern
IE, I keep going for Circle Variant Sytracosauruses; and the Turquoise one keeps having Juicy-Earthy as its favorite; meanwhile the Sky Blue keeps picking Juicy-Fragrant... across save files
sooooo... protip, I guess?
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bucephaly · 4 months
Wasn't expecting to stumble upon your blog, but it's nice to find someone and something native related! But as I was scrolling and reblogging, I couldn't help to feel that I know I'm part native on both sides of the family, my mom is adopted but a DNA test and a few family members contacting her she's partially 30 something percent Kickapoo, however on my dad's side all I was told is that my great grandmother was full Choctaw- I do remember my grandpa being very dark skinned so I guess he was half, grandma was Hispanic, but my dad, uncle, and aunt are all white appearing, then there's me- sorta Hispanic looking but someone in the past pointed out I have a "native" nose and chin. Until I get a DNA test, how much native do I have in me???
Protip: don't do this
Random native people online aren't ndn Google. Please do some of your own research.
DNA tests are useless for determining tribal connections [except in cases of adoption where they can connect people to birth family.], and blood quantum [the measure of how much 'native one has in them'] is a colonial concept used to invalidate natives to avoid giving them land, resources, and reparations, and to slowly drive native people 'extinct' by saying you have to have a certain BQ to be native. It's usually considered rude to ask what someone's BQ is, at least among a lot of cherokees, seeing as CNO does not have a BQ requirement for enrollment.
Just. Please educate yourself even a little bit before making natives online see this kind of shit in our inboxes. If you're interested, do your own genealogy and research into those tribes or just native issues at all please
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