#soaking in the vibes
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Mike and FNAF into the pit Jeff are the same guy…
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We rode the Hogwarts Express from Hogsmeade Station the other day with a couple from Arkansas.
They were thirty-ish (I'm guessing) and we talked places to go and definitely places to not go in the Seattle/Pacific Northwest area.
We'd been down here a few days already and they were just getting started and it came up quickly they'd done more than we had in the time they were in the parks. Interestingly, they were not of the same mind about theme park strategy: one preferred getting as many rides in as possible during the full course of each day; the other would've preferred a much slower pace.
We were on a hotel elevator the other day with a gentleman from Great Britain who led our conversation with "I'm absolutely shattered. I need a few days off to recover from my vacation."
We were in line for Hagrid's Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure, a fifty minute wait to actually get on the ride. We saw a number of people who looked pretty wiped out already and at least one person who looked, dare I say...
There are exhausted families returning to the hotel each end of day. Families with small children. Families pushing strollers and carriages. There are all ages of kids here who are fully exhausted and overstimulated. There are non-verbal little ones who are throwing massive wing dings.
We talked to a number of parents so far, all of whom (of the ones with whom we spoke) are especially sensitive to crafting breaks from the walking and overstimulation for their kids.
It's the same thing we wrestled with over the years on our own family vacations. I think the first time we took Linzy to Disney World she was three years old. And yeah. Breaks were a huge, non-negotiable deal. And then later when she was a teenager, one of her friends came with her and one afternoon started to shut down. Kimmer figured out the remedy for recharging pretty quickly and we were all able to enjoy the rest of our day.
There's no doubt there's this feeling you've gotta do it all. Ride all the rides. See all the shows. Go to the next park. Ride all the rides. See all the shows.
It's a vicious cycle, one at which we've been able to succeed far more than we failed.
Thank God.
I've gotta say, this trip we're on right now to celebrate our 31st wedding anniversary... we've been especially effective at maintaining our theme park/life balance. We are not driving ourselves crazy. We are not maxxing out the number of hours we spend in the park against the number of hours we're actually, you know, up.
There's a lot of walking and discovery this time around, not just waiting in line. There's a lot of appreciating where we are, what it looks like, how it sounds, how it feels, rather than a relentless moving from line to line to line. We're enjoying the food and drinks, not looking to dash from the table as soon as we're done. We're taking lots of pictures...
Of course.
And we're seeing new things while managing not to race from ride to ride, place to place, and park to park.
There's a degree of relaxation we're tapping into this time, I guess is what I'm saying. It's not frenetic. And we're having more peaceful moments beyond all the bustle than ever before. We're getting more chances to just talk to people along the way.
So yeah.
Gotta say this is a lovely way to experience our vacation.
Note to self:
Do this again.
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femmedepravity · 3 months
If I don't get held down and eaten out soon, I will perish
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ruinme-please · 5 months
~ Ivy just feeling it ~
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ahappydnp · 4 months
dan truly is the embodiment of a comfort person like that man is a weighted plushie come to life
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liones-s · 2 years
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10/05/22: today’s study mood: the weather getting colder, shades of warm brown, finding a new line in your favourite book of poems
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mysticalflyte · 8 months
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Morning coffee ☕️
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bogkeep · 2 months
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TODAY i got my swimmies in a beautiful sunset
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saikkunen · 3 months
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So uh... photo mode, huh... 💦
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nudibutch · 4 months
like fr. just try getting some hot (not boiling, but hot) water and putting your favorite dildo in it for about 10 or 15 minutes. then take it out, quickly pat it dry, and hold it. itll feel like its at human body temp or a little warmer. dont knock it till you try it - sometimes you have to use science to get the results you want!!
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What about your Human AU, when does Eddie get into the lake?!
uhhhh *rolls dice* the group gets Shitfaced™️ and Eddie wakes up on a partially flooded raft in the middle of yeah, the lake <3 no idea how he got there <3
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psalmsofpsychosis · 6 months
"#Alfred basically catches a lamb and goes
#''you're a beautiful wolf; i know you are; now you're gonna bite my hand until you draw blood so we both believe it;
#because that's the way we know how to be men.''
#and then 10 years down the line he looks at Bruce and he whispers in horror; ''that's a wolf''
Your tags are so- Idk I don't have the words. No wait I DO-
The way Bruce wasn't born with sharp teeth and claws to defend himself against the world. The place he was born into removed any need to grow them, but at the same time the place he was born into was the catalyst for him to turn into stone. Hard, unyielding to pressure and with its own jagged edges that you can hit until your knuckels bleed.
But the thing about stone is that you can chip away at it until it looks like what you want.
So Bruce was a lamb at the beginning, possessing talc for a heart, easy to rub to dust, but after the murders, he was molded into something different. He grew teeth and claws so big and strong it became difficult to be gentle, his heart was rubbed to dust and reformed and compressed and rubbed to dust and reformed and compressed until it turned into a diamond.
Alfred taught him how to be a wolf but didn't account on what would happen once Bruce's claws were bigger than his own.
CAN YOU TALK MORE ABOUT BRUCE AND ALFRED'S DYNAMIC PLEASE? You're literally rearranging my brain chemistry as I'm typing, wow. This feels so freaking strange. Thank you so so SO much
I wish you an AMAZING day
GOOD MAD MONDAY NOON TO YOU ANON YOU'RE KILLING ME. Like i'm over here lying face flat on the ground, head fucking full 99 thoughts per second this ride is going straight to hell—
You actually made them sound a lot like the Pygmalion myth, which is so right and true and also a very delicately apt interpretation of the way Bruce and Alfred's dynamic unfolds, particularly in Bruce's childhood, and particularly as portrayed in the Gotham series (which is my all time favourite Bruce&Alfred dynamic anyway, so excuse me for being annoying and immediately nosedive down that rabbithole)
See, to me the thing is, i dont think Bruce and Alfred understand each other at all. They're cut from very different clothes, and Alfred doesn't understand what Bruce /is/, but he understands what Bruce /can become/, maybe even what he's supposed to become, Bruce is the fifth element to him. Combine that lack of understanding and all the love and affection Alfred holds for Bruce and of course he makes a project of perfection out of him; Alfred molds and makes Bruce. Batman as a persona and as a purpose precisely exists *because of the way Alfred raises Bruce*, this is something that Gotham TV puts extra emphasis on. In many ways Alfred does carve Bruce into an idea of perfection, *his* idea of perfection, and Bruce lets him too. This is where stuff get a bit complicated though; Alfred is someone who struggles with his own humanity and darker side. He's so loving and loyal, but he's also bitter and mean with a vicious bite and he handles Bruce with such cold hands sometimes, and he hates every second of it, he hates his own humanity. So he pushes Bruce to get rid of his too, and they have this constant push and pull because Bruce has those exact traits. they're similar not in what they own about themselves, but in their shadows, when the sun shines on them their flawed humanity has the exact same shape and they both don't want a shadow; eventually the way they resolve this is by standing back to back and protecting each other and now they share their shadows and it's not so scary anymore. The Pygmalion myth as a parallel interpretation of their narrative fits so darn well because you are right, Bruce is made into stone and Alfred sculpts him to something beautiful and almost horrifying, almost inhuman, he sometimes forgets that Bruce is a person and not an idea, and it shows. But Bruce breaks mold, he always does, he forces Alfred to live with his own humanity and Bruce's, and this brings up a lot of grief for Alfred, but he loves Bruce so he finds a way to live with it and he does.
The Lamb/wolf metaphor is a different face to this same transformation process; in the early years Alfred has little space for Bruce's terrifying softness, but neither does Bruce. Bruce is scared of his own vulnurability and tenderness, this lamb *wants* to become something else, something less weak and helpless, something that could've saved his parents. He doesn't want to become a wolf persay, but the thing is, he has the makings. This is the reason Alfred can bring it out of him; he very much has the makings of a wolf. to juxtapose it with the pygmalion allegory; you cannot carve out of the stone what is not already in it. (this does bring up the question wether Bruce was ever a lamb at all, but that's a different topic for another day✨️)
anyway yep, i love your mind Anon, and thank you for the question! Hope you have an absolutely wonderful day too ❤️❤️
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marta-my-dear · 5 months
Coming out of my silence on the new libs album to say Be Young is a Banger capital B and I would have screamed about it for hours if I had been in that insta interview
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materialboiiii · 9 days
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husshow · 11 months
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happy wet beast wednesday
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ca-d · 4 months
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Sleep Token // 5.24.24 ✨
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