#soccer harry
daisiesonafield-blog · 7 months
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Feb 19 2024. Select excerpts. Full article here
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daintyys · 10 months
Situationship with James? would love to see reader wearing a jersey that isn’t james’ cause they had an argument about wanting to be together or not, so she does that to tease him and see if he gets jealous (you can make it magical or non magical)
fem!reader x james potter, 1k words, angst and swearing
a/n: JUMPING at this ask because it gives me the opportunity to write james as a footballer ehehe. tysm to @gravelyordinary for helping me w this 😭😭
"Come on, James..." You mumbled to yourself, clenching your fists nervously. The game was becoming intense, both teams completely stuck in, aggressive and ready to win. You watched as James weaved in and out between other players. Unsurprisingly, he was refusing to pass the ball. Classic show-off James Potter. It was nearing the end of the second half, and James' team had to get this last goal in order to win.
James looked determined to be the reason for the victory. He knew you were there, and even though your last interaction had been a fight, he still wanted to look cool for you. He was approaching the goal. You saw him flash a grin at the opposing team's goalie- his best friend's brother. "JUST FUCKING SHOOT IT, POTTER!" Someone screamed behind you. You laughed, and your hands flew over your mouth as you watched James raise his leg to kick the ball. "Yes, yes, YES!" You screeched as the ball flew into the net, much to the dismay of the goalie.
You cheered, your ears ringing from the sheer amount of screaming surrounding you. You couldn't wait to see the expression on James' face when he saw you. You grabbed your purse and left the stands, heading towards the private lounge where the players and their families hung out after games.
You had free admission to the lounge, and everybody knew better than to question it. You had been going out with James for almost a year now, but had still yet to put a label on your relationship. James was convinced you two should be dating by now, because of course "you could end up pregnant". Sure, that could be true, but in your opinion that was no reason to be in a committed relationship.
You pulled open the door to the lounge, and James' teammates cheered when they saw you. They loved you, but admittedly also thought you were insane for not being James' girlfriend. You smiled, but quickly asked them to please "ignore the shirt". Setting down your purse at the bar, you took your jacket off. The silence in response was unbearable.
The last name "Black" was written across the back of the shirt you were wearing. Yes, Regulus Black was James' best friend's brother, but it was still disappointing to the boys for you to wear the opposing goalie's jersey. "Don't take it personal, guys." You laughed, turning to them. You were instead met by one set of eyes you weren't exactly excited to see. James was staring at you, ears practically shooting steam, as his mates stared at his reaction.
He scoffed, sipping his drink and turning toward the lounge. He walked away, raking his fingers through his unruly hair. You turned quickly to the bartender. "Passionfruit Martini, please." You sighed.
Drink in-hand, you made your way over to James. He was sitting alone, looking almost sickly. He looked up at you, rolling his eyes. You sat next to him, putting your hand on his knee. "Was embarrassing me like that worth it?" He asked, staring at the ground. You stayed silent, regretting your decision. "I- I wanted to see if you really cared all that much..." You stuttered, taking a sip of your drink.
James grinned sarcastically, facing you. "Of course I fucking care that much. Are you mad?" It was hard to believe it, but you could see tears in his eyes. "Shit. I'm so sorry, James. I didn't think you were actually serious about that!" He shrugged, downing the rest of his drink. "Why did you think I fought so hard with you the other night then? Just for the sake of it?"
You looked down at the floor, guilt taking over your body. "I'll take off the jersey if you'd like." You mumbled. "Well I can't make you do anything, Y/N. I'm not your boyfriend, afterall." James huffed. Your mouth opened in disbelief. "Don't be like that! It's not that I don't want to date you, it's just that I'm not sure I'm ready! It would be hard for me dating a footballer, you know!" James nodded, adjusting his glasses.
"I get that. You could have just said that, sweetheart." He placed his hand on your shoulder, rubbing it lightly. You sat up again and rested your head on him. "I like you. I really do. I just need time." You whispered. You felt James sigh. "Please just tell me. I don't want to lose you." You smiled at him, softening. "I promise."
"Can we get out of here?" James asked quietly, resting his hand on top of yours. "I actually really hate seeing you wear that, would rather you wear nothing at all than be in that shirt..." He trailed off, reaching out to feel the fabric on your body. You gasped, smacking his hand away. "We're in public!" You exclaimed. James laughed, putting his hand back on your waist. "Exactly why I'm suggesting we leave, Y/N."
Agreeing, you were soon in the back of a cab, James with his arm tightly around your shoulder. "I'm so so sorry." You repeated over and over. James laughed, assuring you it was okay. You peppered his face with kisses, much to the dismay of your driver.
Arriving at James' flat, the two of you dashed upstairs, fingers interlaced. "James!" You giggled as he pulled you onto his bed. He wasted no time in getting the jersey off of you, and he threw it to the floor. "Gotta give that back to him." He laughed. "I actually stole it from Sirius when he came to visit." You grinned, straddling James' hips.
Waking up the next morning, you smiled at the feeling of James' heartbeat under your head. You kissed his neck gently, trying to wake him up. He groaned and shifted under you, sitting up. "Good morning my handsome boyfriend." You giggled, moving his hair from in front of his eyes. James' eyes shot open, shocked. "Boyfriend?!" He gasped, a grin forming on his lips. "Yes, James. Boyfriend."
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tracksuitlesbian · 3 months
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mysunshinetemptress · 8 months
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Ever Since New York
Part 2 of Meet Me in the Hallway
Leah Williamson x Styles!Reader
Warnings:Angst hidden relationships, lots of sighing
You hummed into Leah’s chest as she brushed her hand through your hair the two of you wrapped up on her couch watching The Arsenal boys against Southampton, you loved these moments the mundane couple things where you were able to forget that you lived four hours away and rarely saw each other unless it was through a phone or you had a free day to drive down to her for a few hours. You smiled hearing Leah whisper a quite yes as the boys took the offence “if they don’t win this one Le they will prove themselves to be absolutely shite.” Leah squeezed you slightly “hey United are just as bad “you shook your head “yeah but we have a trophy in our collection that’s younger then 20 years old.” Leah laughed squeezing you again huffing as Arsenal lost the ball. This was the few times in the last few months where it had been just the two of you, both being called up to the Olympic squad didn’t mean you got to spend time with your blonde lover instead you both kept your interactions to a minimum so this right here was bliss until it wasn’t.
You groaned lifting your head from Leah’s chest as you answered the phone “hi Harry.” Leah watched concerned as you sat up abruptly “how did you know I’m in London.” You looked at Leah panicked “just a friend H from the national team.” Leah sat up before getting off the couch and standing in front of you. “Yeah I can call around in an hour.” You looked at Leah “stay the night.” You felt your heart sink as you watched Leah nod her head, you didn’t want to stay at your brothers you wanted to stay at hers this was the only break you where getting for the next few weeks and you wanted to spend as much of it with her as possible. Sighing you agreed “yeah H I’d love to I’ll see you soon alright.” Hanging up the phone you began getting your shoes on as Leah looked at you confused “hey where are you going you told him an hour love.” You looked at Leah “I am not in the mood for this conversation right now I’ll see you in a few weeks ok.” Leah looked at you confused “but Y/n..” you shook your head “I’ll text you when I get there, I love you.” You kissed her goodbye before jumping in the car to head to Harry.
Harry to his kindness never asked which national team mate you where visiting simply talking about his up coming shows in New York titled “Harryween.” Before you both decided to watch a movie and just relax, we’ll try to relax you instead sat picking at your fingers thinking about your girlfriend who lived less than an hour away.
You hadn’t seen Leah in since you left her that night to stay at Harry’s but you had been talking daily trying to organise your schedules so you could drive down to London to spend time together only something always came up “sorry can’t do this weekend Arsenal girls are going out.” Or “sorry love not this weekend family thing, event I have to go to with Al, family night with the Arsenal.” The list went on and you felt yourself hating your hidden relationship more than before.
You where sat in your Mums house for a small family dinner, it was one of the rare occasions you all seemed to be in the same place as Harry was home, Gemma wasn’t working and you didn’t have a match. Harry cleared his throat before looking at you excitedly “so you know how my team and I came up with the plan to do HarryWeen.” You hummed in acknowledgment focused on cutting your roast potatoes “well my team checked your schedule for October and you’re free to fly out for it so.” You looked up at Harry “so what H.” Harry rolled his eyes “so will you come over to New York.” You looked at him eyebrows raised in surprise “I don’t know Harry I don’t know what the plans are for Halloween yet with the girls.” Truth was you had been hinting at Leah that you wanted to spend it with her “Invite them.” You nearly chocked on your dinner “what.” Harry nodded “invite the girls, even your national squad if you want.” You looked to your mum then Gemma “oh that would be lovely Ella, Alessia, Chloe and Alex. I agree darling invite them.” You sighed dropping your fork to rub your head, they would love to go you knew that but it was Leah you wanted to see not them. “Yeah I’ll ask.” As if on cue your phone rang as you flipped it over to see the photo of you and Leah staring back at you “sorry I have to take this I’ll be back in a minute.”
“Hey Le.” Leah sighed happily down the phone “god I miss you.” You smiled sitting on the stairs “I miss you too, what’s up are you ok.” Leah began talking about the match she had just finished playing a match you had recorded back in your apartment to watch later but nevertheless you sat happily listening to her talk about it. You began picking at the carpet as you worked up the nerve to ask “Hey Le.” Leah hummed softly telling you she was listening “Harry was just talking about his show in New York next month and eh well he said our schedules are free and asked if I wanted to invite some of the eh the girls over like you know El, Less, Chloe and Al and I was..well I was wondering if you wanted to maybe come over too you know to see him perform.” “Y/n.” Leah tried to speak but you couldn’t let her to scared of what she would say “I could introduce you this time like you wanted and you I mean you could even invite Kiera and Georgia that way it’s not just you so it’s less suspicious with the girls and all.” “Y/n” you hummed this time halting your speech “I would love to, I’ll text the girls now ok, Halloween with my girl in New York sounds cool.” You smiled happily “yeah.” Leah laughed “yeah.” You let out a breath you didn’t know you where holding “ok cool, ehm listen I have to get back to the table but I love you and I’ll text you later.” Leah laughed at how excited you sound “ok go on I’ll text the girls now and ask, I love you pretty girl.” You stood up on the stairs and squealed happily at the thought of Leah coming to New York with you as you went and sat back with your family. Harry laughed looking at you “what’s got you so happy.” You shrugged “New York.”
You had excitedly texted the girls that night asking if they all wanted to come to New York for the concert as well as a small shopping trip before texting them back when Harry said he was going to give you his jet for it before excitedly texting Leah “oh my god Le Harry said we can use his jet for New York.” Leah sighed looking at the text “cool.” You texted back immediately “maybe we could sit together, only if you’re comfortable with it.” Leah’s head shot up as her mum spoke “who’s texting you that you can’t listen to a word I’m saying.” Leah rolled her eyes “just one of the girls asking if I wanted to go to New York, I have to check.” Amanda hummed “which girl.” Leah shook her head “one of them god mum stop snooping.”
As the days grew closer to your departure date your family couldn’t help but smile at your excitement, it’s the first time they had seen you this excited in a while. The plan had been set weeks ago you, Ella, Less, Chloe, and Alex would all stay at your house and leave for the airport together and meet your Mum and Sister in New York, you had texted Leah the plan but she simply said she would stay at Kiera’s and that Georgia was going to stay with them.
You had all gotten up at 4 am happily getting yourselves ready for the airport texting Leah updates before squeezing into the car Harry had sent to get you. You shot one last text to Leah telling her you were leaving and that you would see her shortly. After arriving at the airport you all got on the plane and sat waiting patiently for the last three girls, it was a surprise for the rest of the girls who were coming. An hour later Ella groaned “Y/n we have been waiting for ages come on your other friends aren’t coming.” You looked down at your phone again, all your texts had been left on delivered since you got up and you had tried calling her 15 times but to no avail, finally it was when the captain came out that you agreed to leave.
Landing in New York you turned on your phone to see a text from Leah stating her and the girls had slept through their alarms and where so sorry but they arranged to get a flight that would land 6pm New York time. Sighing you got in the car to drive to the Hotel before leaving to meet up with your Mum and Sister at a restaurant. “Come on Y/n cheer up we made it and your friends are on the next flight out.” You nodded along to Chloe’s words “right ok yeah let’s go.” Sitting in the restaurant with your mum you couldn’t help but keep checking the time on your phone. “Hey im going to head to the airport to meet the girls arriving in I’ll meet you all back at the hotel ok.” The girls all wished you goodbye as you hoped back into the black Cadillac to the airport. You texted Leah “hey you never sent your flight details, I’m guessing T1 I’ll see you soon, I don’t think I’ve said it yet, but thank you for doing this I love you Le.”
You stood excitedly at the welcome gate ready to wrap your girlfriend in a hug before your other friends. You sighed checking your phone as it read 6:45 before googling flights arriving into JFK only to see that the 6pm flight had in fact landed already and they should have been out ages ago, shaking your head you decided to text Leah again “hey love, did you girls get lost??.” You decided this time to also text Kiera “hey Kie, did you guys get lost on the way out, where are u??.” You looked up as more strangers emerged from the airport but still couldn’t see the trio before looking back at your phone as it buzzed “Y/n wtf are you talking about get lost where.” You frowned in confusion before typing Keira back “Getting lost in JFK in New York, Leah said your guys flight landed at 6pm.” You watched as the bubbles appeared on screen “eh wtf why would I be in New York, Y/n are you sure you’re texting the right girl.” Your breath hitched as you stared at your phone “Keira where are you.” You felt tears begin to prick your eyes “I’m in Manchester, with Lucy, Leah hasn’t texted me in a few days.” You shook your head, deciding to call Leah but of course it went straight to voice mail, you let out a huff as you began to speak “Le, darling I’m..I’m not mad I promise I just…what’s going on..please Le..Keira said you never said anything to her about New York…I just..Le please call me..I’m sorry if I pushed you to fast just let me know your ok…. We can organise to see each other when I get back…I love you…Le god do I love you.” You hung up the phone before turning to head back to the driver.
You couldn’t wait for New York but now all you wanted was for this trip to end.
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a-lexia11 · 2 months
Well,well,well looks like as a nation England STILL has not win anything…and won’t be winning anything for a long long time.
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And obviously let’s not forget that England has been trophyless for 58 years. (The Lionesses winning the Euros in 2022 does not count ok??!!)
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I actually can’t anymore… this is so frustrating…
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pixiesfz · 9 months
why did nobody tell me that there was an Arsenal womens x sidemen video
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“hi my names Caitlin Foord I should score but…we’ll see”
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pernillecfcw · 2 months
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A perfect night in Dortmund 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿❤️
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taylorvaughnsaidso · 11 months
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THERE IT IS - tik tok sleuths for the win
edit: just gonna link this here
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lopeirce · 11 months
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Everyone being Team Ali. 💀💀💀 I’m here for it.
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blueironywrites · 1 month
Title: Green
Rating: PG
Prompt: World from @wolfstarmicrofic
Word count: 297
Summary: Remus is not fond of Sirius’s new teammate.
I am writing a fic for each of the prompts this month. You can read all of them here.
On behalf of my fellow Australians, let me tell you where it’s really at: It’s not football. It has always been and will always be soccer.
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Sirius watched in amusement as his boyfriend paced the floor of their small apartment, while he ate something his coach had said was called ‘acai’. He had no idea how to pronounce the word but he wasn’t going to complain if he was allowed to eat bananas and peanut butter.
As Sirius chewed on a blueberry, Remus continued his ranting that had not stopped since he had picked Sirius up from practice that morning. “And another thing,” said Remus, fuming. “He calls it 'soccer',” his voice mimicking the Australian accent of Sirius’s new teammate. “I mean, what the fuck? Who says that?” he asked, his eyes wild as he looked at Sirius, who was hiding a smile.
Remus’s eyes narrowed. “Are you laughing at me?” he demanded.
Sirius bit back a grin. “I’m not, no, wait,” he said, as Remus rolled his eyes, “I’m not,” he continued. “It’s just…”
“…what?” asked Remus.
Sirius paused, carefully considering his words. “Fabian is actually a really good defender,” he said, hesitantly.
Remus rolled his eyes for the second time before crossing his arms and glaring at Sirius. “He wants to fuck you, you know,” he bit out.
“What?” Sirius said, laughing. That’s what this was about? Jealousy was an absolutely adorable look for Remus, particularly while Remus let out a noise that was halfway between a grunt and a yell.
“Okay, okay, you need to calm down, love,” he said, placing an arm on Remus and forcing him into the chair next to Sirius.
After a few moments while Sirius could feel Remus still stewing in his anger, Sirius held out his fork. “Banana?” he asked, faltering at the glowering look on his boyfriend’s face. “Suit yourself,” he said, shrugging, and ignoring Remus rolling his eyes for the third time.
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speedybeta · 4 months
The pitch invasion has me so pissed and disappointed like bro how the hell r u gonna invade a charity match game
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lovemomhatepolice · 5 months
masterlist (of masterlists)
navigation taglist requests
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soon I will add everything one by one!
formula 1
harry potter
outer banks
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A/N: under each link there are still expansions! so that everyone can easily find something for themselves <3
please do not copy and translate my works! in case of any issues related to this - I invite you to discuss privately :)
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Next projects - Anyone down? [UP TO DATE]
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Currently writing:
Best friends to lovers trope featuring Regulus
Next projects (not in order, will be updated if needed):
Harry Potter:
Best friends to lovers trope featuring Theo, Mattheo (separately)
Mattheo or Theo falling in love at first sight with a stranger
Barty helping you get over an ex-boyfriend or someone who doesn't love you back
Seeing Tom again after he became Voldemort and made several horcruxes
Cheating on your boyfriend with Theo
Seeing Mattheo/Theo again after they joined the Death Eaters
Leaving Theo/Mattheo after discovering they're Death Eaters
Finding Mattheo/Theo/Draco after the battle of Hogwarts
Mattheo/Theo/Lorenzo/Tom having a secret crush on you but he sees you kiss/dating someone else
Mattheo/Theo falling asleep on your lap/in your arms (drabble)
Spending Christmas with husband!Tom and your child, and he remembers you were the first one to give him a gift during your first year in Hogwarts
Falling asleep in Mattheo/Theo's arms/on his laps
Mattheo/Theo leaving reader a letter saying he won't go back to Hogwarts, as he leaves to find a way to defeat Voldemort (drabble)
You not coming back to Hogwarts as you leave with Harry to find the Horcruxes and Mattheo begs you to stay (drabble; might includes a bonus end)
Theo or Mattheo trying hard to stay friends with you (despite you not wanting to) after the break up because he can't let you go (might be a drabble)
Mattheo or Theo finding you after you've been kidnapped and tortured by Death Eaters but you don't remember him
Comforting Draco during his sixth year (drabble)
Being here for Harry during his fifth year (might be headcanons)
France NT:
Dating Adrien Rabiot and Antoine Griezmann at the same time (headcanons)
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Want to be tagged? Just use my Askbox to ask and I'll gladly add you to the tag list! ^^
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depressedpanda69 · 1 year
Ted Lasso s03e09
I’m glad the writers decided to shutdown the notion that “we don’t care” is an acceptable response to someone coming out!!!!
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sonsationals · 7 months
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crimsonlovebartylus · 6 months
regulus is currently preparing for the copa america, trying to compromise with Barty to make him use a Chilean Jersey to go watch the Chile vs Peru game in Texas.
barty: absolutely not, i'm not wearing trash *puts on his messi jersey*
regulus: you already are.
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