#social anxiey
amiaaa-official · 7 months
There's this one student named Yukio who might be able to help as well, I think? though I'm not sure associating with him would be the best for your ah... social standing.
... Why not?
Does he like. Kill people?
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six-of-ravens · 1 year
current battle: "I'm going to sit in the coffee shop for a bit and then head home once the parkade is open again" vs my anxiety being like "you can't sit in Public for Forty Minutes! Things might Happen!!"
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
yay yay-! i shall send one right now, and I do t mind waiting either… so feel free to decline this request if it’s to hard but may I request(platonically) Stolas with a Male! or GN! Teen! reader who has a Rui Kamishiro Personality from Project Sekai? Like stolas basically adopted the reader and they are like really good at inventing things and the reader even made a robot for his friend for their social anxiey and many people around them see them as a “werido” when their really not? hope that’s not to confusing… thank you again!
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also I hope this sends 😭😭
Ah okay, This is my first platonic x reader request if I recall correctly but I'm good trying it and all. Only one slight hiccup... This is the first time I've even heard of Rui or Project Sekai at all. So I looked up some clips of Rui to try to gauge his personallity so I'd get it a bit better for this, sorry if I'm still off but here goes nothing! XP
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Stolas with a Teen Reader with a Rui Kamishiro personalilty who's really good at inventing (Platonic)
Stolas doesn't exactly fit into the norm himself, so despite sometimes having a hard time understanding your eccentricities he loves you like his own child.
He's very fascinated by your inventing, he hardly understands it at all but he'll praise your work often.
The first time you tag along with him to a formal party you can tell he's miserable, so you offer to spice it up with some of your gadgets, while he thinks it might cause too much trouble he lets you, and whoo does he not regret it, you both have a good laugh and get off scot free, and he has half a mind to bring you next time.
When you made the robot, he was awestruck in all truth, not only that you managed such a feat but that you went to so much effort for him, he's seen robots before of course but that you made one from scratch just for him warms his heart.
He enjoys it very much, it being nice to have someone to ramble to about random stuff, not caring about their mechanical nature, it's another friend after all.
As for everyone else around you too, it's a varied experience to say the least XP
Octavia likes you quite a lot though, since essentially she's your adoptive sister, you have a lot in common. Out of the box interests, being lowkey smothered by affection by Stolas as well XP She also finds your... 'colorful' fashion sense very cool, she isn't the biggest fan of wearing it, but you've gotten her in some outfits, in exchange for trying out some darker looks yourself.
Your interests don't really compliment eachother that much, inventing and taxidermy but you both support eachother in them, and Stolas thinks it's so sweet how well you get along.
Blitz though? Oh he immediately loves your chaotic nature, kinda recruiting you for help with gifts and stuff, he thinks you could be a great weapon smith, but your happy with just wholesome inventions, which he likes a lot too, low key will borrow some gadgets to mess with people, Stolas also loving how well you get along with him.
And anyone who dares makes insults to you, or bout your eccentricites, well we all know what happened to agents don't we ;)
Stolas despite his unwavering support and love, finds himself panicking when you try something a bit risky looking, you have it all planned out to perfection of course but he can't help but freak out a bit.
Overall you love eachother very much, happy with not fitting in together and loving all parts of eachother, interests and quirks and all, plus everyone else you bond with after he takes you in, a very wholesome time.
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seasonallydefective · 5 years
I wish I didn’t come off so unapproachable ...
It’s the poor self awareness and anxiety I swear :c
I want to make friends but I just kinda freeze when I’m not familiar with a person (body language, speech, etc are harder for me to interpret when unfamiliar and it just takes more processing power to interact).
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tiocfaidharlulz · 6 years
the irrational shit about anxiety is feeling like every single micro-interaction you have is going to be used to determine your relationships with people, and that’s very ingrained. i could have nothing but positive interactions all day with people and then I say on thing that’s probably not even acknowledged by anyone and I’m like “well you fucked it, all that building up and you just went and showed yourself up as a total ball bag and people hate you, just stay quiet from here on out”.
the rational person inside mebeing smothered by the anxious one is like, “clearly this is not how human interaction works; you’re not being judged by friends for every single thing you say; not every off comment or awkward stutter is being compiled in a pros and cons list and you have to appreciate that people understand that you are a multifaceted person and not a collectible who always gives good sound bites but can’t be a proper, flawed person.
but like i said, the anxious person has a pillow over the rational one’s fucking face so, ya know...
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daechwitamv · 3 years
u ever miss friends u used to have on here bc
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purgawhatory · 3 years
You know when you're one of those people that wants to be quiet and small and un-perceived? But one day you're talking to someone and you get a little worked up and suddenly realize how loud you were? You think back to the previous few seconds - your voice seems sharp and painful to the ear. Immediate guilt. Immediate embarrassment. Because you aren't quiet and small and un-percievable. You're loud and big and... There. It's a horrible feeling, to feel guilty about existing. Such moments haunt me for days.
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soup-crime · 3 years
I hate 'How are you?'
I hate it so much. Like I get why people say it to open conversation
but I always feel like I have to respond to it with the truth
but that'll make things awkward
but I hate saying 'oh, I'm fine'
cause like it opens up nothing for the conversation
and then I'm expected to say the same directed to you?
just for you to say the same thing?
and like almost every time I've responded 'I'm good how are you' I just straight up didn't get an answer.
Like the conversation stopped
You have to respond with a short nothing-filled lie that tells the other person nothing and they do too
If I don't ask back I'm rude or whatever
I hate it
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fuckedupmiki · 5 years
I feel like this is a good representation of my life 😂
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susenasunka · 6 years
Me meeting somone :
In my head: *what should I say?? Hi?? No. Hello?? Oof wait should I hug them? Or shake hands? Okey..say something for god sake'. Ok smile. No that's too much, ok now u just look creepy. What is wrong with you?!*
me out loud:
* saying 6 words in 3 houres*
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halebaccari · 5 years
six question challenge
i was tagged by @scottstiles, my sunrise bedtime buddy <3
Rules: answer the questions, then tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
Q1: Relationship status:
I just had my fifth (!!!!) anniversary with the gf
Q2: Favorite color:
I like woodsy nature colors like blues and browns and greens but mossy soft greens are my favorite.
Q3: Top 3 ships:
this is my teen wolf blog so i’ll say: dallison, sciles, and.....scira? probably? it’s so hard please check my /tags I ship so much stuff
Q4: Lipstick or Chapstick:
I don’t wear makeup so definitely chapstick, I’m literally applying Nivea milk and honey as we speak. I do have what I call ‘writing lipstick’ where I somehow started a sort of luck ritual where I would put on a particular lipstick to write a certain character in another fandom to get In the Vibe and now lipstick and writing are associated in my head.
Q5: Last Song I Listened to:
bodyache ~ purity ring (one of my favorite songs just in general, but I was listening to an old mix I made and it was the final song)
Q6: Last Movie I watched:
caddyshack? my dad was watching it and I happened to be in the room. the gopher’s cute tbh. (i’m more of a show person. i’m literally watching hoarders at the moment which i watch entirely with the intention of trying to motivate myself to get better about MY terrible mess issue).
tagging! uhh. I honestly hate doing this!! but anyone can do this and say I tagged them tbh
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its literally so weird tht people without social anxiety can just go out and do stuff lmao like need me a freak like that
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wulg · 2 years
help i wanna chat but everyone i know is busy playing video games
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mylovewithyourlove · 2 years
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I am so tired of living like a shadow. I want to go out and live my life but I’m afraid it’s too late to do that.
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