brewed-pangolin · 5 months
Soap Cuddling Headcanons
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This was an ask I received forever ago, then tumblr decided to eat it because I don't know. Apologies for this taking soooo long.
18+ MDNI Sexual Themes
SFW and NFSW below the cut because why the hell not.
Soap loves to cuddle for one reason and one reason only: touch
He's touch starved. He craves it. Begs for it. Yearns for it when he's half a world away with you always creeping around in the back of his mind
And when he's home, he can barely think of letting you out of arms reach
It was a bit overwhelming st first, to have him always so close and needing so much physical affection
You didn't push him away, but you did have to maintain some personal space at the beginnings of your relationship
But that all changed after his first lengthy deployment
On those long, lonely nights. Reaching out to him and feeling nothing but cold emptiness beside you in the bed
That's where you fell into his spell and began to yearn and ache for his touch just as desperately as he did
It doesn't matter what you're doing, if you're within arms reach, your going to be wrapped up by him
Cooking? Yup. He'll have his hands on your hips while comfortably resting his chin on your shoulder
He'll whisper soft, culinary praises into your ear while he watches intently, following your fingers as they diligently move across the cutting board
"Smellin' good, hen. Be a shame if ya had t'waste any, yeah?" And you fell for it. Every single time
Don't be surprised if those hands on your hips begin to wander. It's nearly impossible for them to stay in one place for too long
Loves to wrap his arms around you during the weekend late movie nights
Will intentionally put on horror or suspense movies just so you'll scoot closer, and he can hold you tightly against him while you tremble in his arms
But where this cuddle monster truly shines is in bed (and not just after a romp)
He'll cling to you in the morning, arms wrapped around your torso and his face nestled unto the curve of your shoulders
Big spoon. Little spoon. He doesn't care. As long as his skin is touching yours, he's happy
Will prolong mornings the first few days back home, willing to push aside responsibilities and spend the entire day in bed
Netflix and Chill Extraordinaire
But Cuddling isn't only sanctioned for the bedroom
Soap is a romantic at heart, and he'll whisk you away to his favorite outlook up in the mountains in his 4Runner
Just to build a fort of blankets and pillows in the back and watch the sunset like a true Casanova
And movie nights are best under the stars at your local drive-in
Nestled deep within in his arms as you leave the world behind to enjoy each other's comforting embrace (and loads of overly butterd popcorn)
Soap MacTavish is the absolute KING of aftercare, especially after your more vigorous and enthusiastic sessions
He'll keep you close, wrapped within his muscular arms, and pressed against his sweat drenched torso as you ride out the last waves of your climax
"So good f'me, lass. Ya did so good." He'll whisper, voice muffled as he buries his face into the crook of your neck
He's in no rush after a lengthy romp. You need 15 minutes? 30 minutes? Two hours? Soap's not going anywhere
Except to get the towels. He knows he makes a mess, and your legs are currently jelly after your umpteenth orgasm
But if you already planned on having an earth-shattering sexcapade, the towels are already on the nightstand because...
Soap can't help it. He loves being buried to the hilt deep inside you
Especially when he softens and your walls continually pulse and milk every last drop of him
And you pull the most beautifully pornographic whimpers from his lips
"Fuckin' hell, bonnie. You an' that greedy lil cunt a'yers.."
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And as previously stated, he's in no rush to pull out.
In fact, he may just fall asleep.
His arms caging you tightly against him as he drifts into a restful slumber with his cock sheathed snuggly within your silkened heat
@deadbranch @sofasoap @d3athtr4psworld @punishmepunisher @homicidal-slvt @glitterypirateduck @obligatoryghoststare @jynxmirage @mykneeshurt @shotmrmiller @astraluminaaa @writeforfandoms @thetrashpossum @simpingoverquestionablemen @kkaaaagt @designateddeadend
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dante-mightdie · 2 months
viking harem but it’s this pretty little princess with her FourBigGuys™️ soap who stole her from her home, price who insists they share (but is the worst at it) and ghost who’s her loyal Dog he literally follows her everywhere especially when she goes to see gaz who always has flowers for her (and then soap shows up out of nowhere to insist no flower is prettier than his their lady
please god this is all I want PLEASE
c/w: poly!141 x fem!reader, smut, cockwarming, public sex, marking
you would be treated like an absolute goddess and the best part about these 4 brutes is they’re customisable! you have one for every occasion!
simon is there for when you need a big scary man to keep you safe from any perverts who may watch you whilst you bathe in the lake :( this menacing warrior standing so he blocks anyone’s view of his pretty lovie in such a vulnerable state
just make sure you repay the favour by letting him put you on your knees and fucking you behind a tree, his cloak thrown on the ground so your skin doesn’t get all muddied and scratched by the elements :(
gaz is your loverboy. he’s there when you need someone to play with your hair and read you poetry. takes you for strolls in the local markets and prepares picnics in the forest
big fan of making love under the moonlight, his hips slowly grinding in to yours as he intertwines your fingers with his. soft gasps escaping your lips every time he hits that one spot inside you and makes you clamp around his cock
johnny is your wildcard. you never quite know what you’re gonna get with him. if you come to him, bored out of your mind, you could either end up absolutely hammered at a local tavern or going for a horse ride through a shallow stream
he’s a very tender lover. he can be very rowdy, grabby even. leaving dark bruises on your hips and waist as he manhandles you into the position he wants but once he’s got all that energy out of his system, he’ll trail soft kisses over each mark. resting his head on your tummy as you gently untangle his braid and play with his hair
and price. john’s lap holds a very special place in your heart as a safe space. a quiet sanctuary where you can unwind. he knows what you need when you pad over to him and climb onto his lap. a pleased grunt leaving his throat as you settle into a comfortable position
will spend hours with you, rubbing his warm hand up and down your back in front of the fireplace until you decide that’s not enough. your hand would trail down his hairy chest, slipping under his trousers to pull out his cock and slip him inside you
everyone knows not to disturb you both during this time, even the boys wait until your both settled before worming their way into the room for some together before bed <3
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redr0sewrites · 3 months
Ok i really liked your aftercare headcanon with Lucifer and i was wondered if could do same for Adam? cuz i pretty sure that this guy doesn't know that such thing exist lol
YESSSS!!!! i love putting adam in Situations™️ where he gets over his weird toxic masculinity bs for reader
🥀Cw: implied/mentioned sex, fluff, cleanup, soft adam
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the first few times you and adam are intimate he definitely struggles with aftercare
your probably his first relationship in a while, and he's not good at pillow talk or anything soft post-sex
however, adam does want to try for you, and while he will be a little awkward at first, over time he gets the hang of it
once you two are finished adam will collapse besides you, pressing a kiss to your temple and cuddling close. you both stay like this for at least a few minutes before you get up to start cleaning
the first few times you guys had sex, adam would always ask where you were going/what you were doing and basically learned by watching you
adam would totally be the type to run you both a bath, filling it with soaps and watching the bubbles form
he's also not the type to get icked out by stains or fluids or anything like that, so he can also handle cleanup duty
while adam can clean and get everything situated, he doesn't want to. adam definitely prefers to just cuddle you and keep you close after sex, and after especially long nights, he'll be too fucked out to do much and will just hover close to you while you cleanup
honestly you don't mind, you see that he's trying and learning about proper aftercare is a slow but steady process
you see, aftercare builds a lot of trust, and is a way to undo anything harsh done during sex. adam was quite literally created to have sex and populate the earth, and he doesn't usually associate sex with comfort. aftercare becomes very important to him once he sees how important it is to you, and he genuinely wants to treat you with respect
once you both have been thoroughly washed and the bed has been cleaned, adam is practicing attatched to you. he's clinging to you like theres no tomorrow, and most of the time he won't even give a reason (but deep down it's because he's a little afraid you'll just get up and leave)
adam loves when you praise him during aftercare and adores hearing you talk about all the things you enjoyed about the night. everything he did right, what makes you feel good, etc. he also wants input about what you may not have liked, adam wants to pleasure you as best as possible and during aftercare is when he's more willing to discuss your do's and don'ts of sex
you and adam definitely had a pre-sex conversation about kinks and safewords and all those important things, but during aftercare is when he's much more open about stuff that may be more embarrassing to admit outside of the soft, post-orgasmic haze that fills his mind during aftercare
adam adores admiring you and your body during aftercare. he loves seeing the marks he left on you, and will memorize every curve and crease of your body. adam actually enjoys nonsexual nudity during aftercare as it gives him an excuse to hold your bare body close to him
as previously mentioned, adam loves when you praise his performance during sex, but he also definitely enjoys it when you praise his body as well- it definitely raises his ego
adam also doles out his fair share of praise, and makes sure you know how much he enjoys being witb you intimately
ADAM LOVES WHEN YOU WEAR HIS CLOTHES DURING AFTERCARE TOO. you throw on one of his oversized band shirts because you're too tired to get into real pajamas? he's tackling you in a hug and engulfing you in cuddles on the spot
adam, surprisingly enough, gives pretty good massages. his hands are literally huge and very skilled (get ur mind out of the gutter ik what yall r thinking) which comes to use a lot during aftercare and massages.
his voice also gets a lot huskier after sex, kinda like morning voice, he's just much more tired and relaxed. if you ask him to, adam may be willing to sing to you as you drift to sleep, but don't you DARE mention it outside of the bedroom or he'll turn bright red and deny it
adam's chest heaved as he collapsed besides you on the bed, the mattress shifting you towards him as the cushion adjusted to the additional weight. "adam," you murmur, gently running your hand through his hair as he nuzzles into your chest. "you okay? was i too rough t'night?" adam chuckles, his voice low and raspy as he replies, "nah, you were fine. what about me, was i too hard on you? how d'you feel, doll?" adams voice slurs slightly as he presses a few kisses to your collarbone, his short beard tickling you and causing you to giggle. adam looked up at you, hearts practically forming in his eyes as he watched your face crinkle in amusement at his tussled hair and sleep mussed expression.
"im okay, maybe a little sore," you reply, and adam shoots you a cheesy wink. you give him a light slap on the shoulder before turning to wriggle out of his grasp, much to your lovers dismay. "where'r you headed?" adam pouts, looking up at you with furrowed brows. "i am going to go start cleaning," you reply, moving to get out of bed. adam grumbles, but follows suit, rolling out of bed and following you to the bathroom. you can't help but smile as you watch him nonchalantly begin to start setting up the bathtub, turning on the running water and getting out towels for the both of you. you quickly replace the bedding of your shared mattress and put the dirty sheets in the wash for you to deal with in the morning. once you returned to the bathroom, a pleasant steam had filled the room and adam was placing bath bombs into the tub. "i figured we could make it fancy", he mumbled, turning away as you smirked. "it's NOT like i like them or anything, its just stupid bubbles..." adam huffs and you giggle, pressing a kiss to his cheek before getting into the tub. adam sighs, grumbling as he joins you. "y'know i love you, right?" you whisper, moving to sit with your back to his chest. " 'course. i love ya too, toots,"
i love him i love him i love him i love him sm- i really love soft adam even if it's slightly ooc i feel like if he was with someone he really trusted enough to let his guard down with he could be a total sweetheart. it would take time ofc, but i genuinely don't think he's a horrible person at heart (im delulu :)
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eilidh-eternal · 3 months
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
Ohhhhhh I have SO MANY recommendations!
@yeyinde their entire masterlist. Absolutely transformative experience reading anything and everything Lev writes. I want to be her when I grow up
@groguspicklejar Chink In the Armor! Best medieval Ghoap AU I’ve ever read!!!! Mafia!141 is so deliciously angsty and she captures it soooo perfectly! Kelsi is absolutely my go to for any and all Kyle pretty boy Garrick reads!!!
@gemmahale Gemma my beloved🖤 everything she writes is literal treasure. Priceless. Deserving of a pretty glass case and soft leather bindings. There are worlds in her head I could not dream up in 100 lifetimes, and her OC’s are sooo complex and well rounded!
@peachesofteal once again, her entire masterlist. Everything she writes is guaranteed to leave me staring at the damn wall with the loading circle spinning on my forehead, wishing I could jump through my screen and live in the worlds she writes
@luminousbeings-crudematter Folie á Deux, Donner Party, and Land Softly are some of my favorites! I still need to work my way through the rest of Lumi’s masterlist😅 but the way she writes Simon 😳 my enclosure only has so many bars, I’m going to have to replace it soon
@391780 oh god too many to count! I looooove the way Early writes dark!141 and ALL of her stories highlight and praise big soft bodies🥰 she also does comic relief INSANELY well, and I just know anytime I sit down to read her fics I’m gonna have a good laugh (get wrecked König)
@moondirti I have just read the first part of Cabin fever and I am already IN LOVE with Dee and their writing style! Cannot wait to read more when I have the chance!
@ceilidho I was not a Price girly when I started getting into CoD, but Ceil’s take on him has irreversibly altered my brain chemistry🫠 and her characterization of a darker Simon?! Canon. She’s in charge now.
@auspicioustidings OH MY GOD!!!! Mhairi just started Ae Fond Kiss and I am so, so, sooooo in love with the concept for this fic! It’s already incredibly gut wrenching and I know I’m gonna be a sobbing mess throughout this series! Truly on the edge of my seat!!!
@pfhwrittes P has such a wrinkly brain! I’m absolutely in love with their Here Be Kink and Dealing Drugs and Feelings collections! Absolutely phenomenal writing! Everything they write is so dark, decadent and rich🤤
@kaadaaan Offer Me His Hunger is such a beautifully written descent into madness and obsession, and Vi does a truly immaculate job of portraying it! I chew on drywall thinking about this DAILY!!!!
@ohbo-ohno PUPPY! SOAP! Don’t Leave Me Locked In Your Heart was the beginning of a very transformative experience for me and with every new fic Bo writes I descend further into madness😵‍💫 I cannot unsee Soap with big puppy eyes and a pouty face and I think Bo should be on the writers team for his “surprise I’m not dead but guess what? I’m Very Fucked Up™️ now” story arc in MWIV bc that was not him in that tunnel
@glossysoap The go-to for any and all Captain related thoughts! Price and 09’ Soap can captain my ship anytime as long as it’s Glossy’s version🫡 Peppers is absolutely deserving of it’s namesake🥵
@charliemwrites never misses! All of her characterizations are spot-fucking-on and she has a wonderful selection of CoD characters that span multiple genres! I’m particularly in love with Woof Woof Johnny🥴 (nasty little freak🖤) and Fields of Elation
@vanderilnde RUGBY! PLAYER! SOAP! He’s dirty and nasty and pervy and pathetic!!!! What more could you want from a man like him? And the way Orion writes him…… CHEWING ON GLASS! I love when soap is a pathetic little whore and Orion NAILED IT!!!
@the-californicationist Oooohhhhh Guile and Guilt was one of the first CoD fics I ever read and it lives in my head 24/7, even when Johnny is whispering Nasty™️ ideas in my ear. The story, the poetry, the characterizations…. IT’S LITERAL PERFECTION!!!!
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mrkheartffmans · 7 months
part two of the last lil drabble i HAD to elaborate...
mdni 18+ fem!reader x kinda dark!adam stanheight
she's blk but feel free to read if you aren't tho &lt;3
content warning: somno!! dubious consent, perv!adam, masturbation, groping, oral, fingering, panty sniffing fuuuuck, half-dressed reader
adam feeling the reader up in her sleep after she let him the night before.
adam just couldn't get enough...
the feeling of squeezing your breasts had him on top of the world. your soft squishy mounds conforming perfectly under his grasp. that night he retreated back to his bedroom... his hands were wrapped around his cock stroking so feverishly thinking about your blushing face looking up at him. all the little whimpers that escaped your lips had him shooting thick ropes cum over his knuckles.
"fuck..." he thought to himself. he wanted more
you were sleeping so prettily a couple hours later in your bed. wearing your sleep shirt that now smells like him and you didn't mind one bit. adam cracked your door a little bit peeking in, eyeing your sleeping form. your shirt was slightly hiked up your soft tummy exposing your panty clad pussy to him. every part of you is so delicious to him and seeing you like this made it no better.
he quietly made his way over to you admiring your beauty it seemed to be even stronger as you slept. he could feel himself hardening in his sweats watching your chest rise and fall. he noticed that your nipples were hard now! while you sleep they're still the stiff little buds he remembers passing his thumbs over earlier.
inching closer to you he leans down to your face making sure you're sound asleep. soft breaths escaping your plump lips, his eyes scan your blushing face slightly damp from your moisturizer you applied before bed. adam smells your sweet strawberry soap you bathed with its scent infiltrates his thoughts replacing them with you and only you™️. he also takes in your natural scent. the warm oat and sweat from your room being a tiny bit too warm from the space heater nearby.
"just a little more won't hurt will it?" he convinces himself while looking at your cute pussy. it's so fat and juicy that your panties barely can hold your cunnie in them. he leans down and gently sniffs your cunt exhaling deeply when it hits the back of his throat. he almost gets the idea to lick you through your panties but he saves that for another time. he brings his hands to your soft chest again, this time feeling your ribcage covered by its layer of fat. slowly savoring your minor expressions shifting under his touch.
you gently stir in your sleep whimpering not yet fully awake. hands travelling north he lifts your shirt completely over your chest now, not able to take it anymore. he ogles at the sweet pillowy soft breasts before him. nipples immedoately hardening from the change in temperature. so cute and sensitive all for him !! that dumb draft near your bedroom window is to blame... or is it?
"she can't be this oblivious..." he whispers still kneading at your mounds. maybe you heard him because now your eyes are itching to be opened by the ticklish feeling you were dreaming about. but you quickly find out in reality you're not being tickled at all. your tired eyes find your roomate over you with a handful of you in his palms. "oh, adam? w-what'r you doin'?" you whimper in confusion. your heart hammered violently against your chest eyes stinging with tears threatening to fall.
you didn't want it to go THIS far. but the way he's touching you right now has your thighs pressing together. his cock was aching and throbbing in his sweatpants at this point. "adam please s-stop m'sleeping." your weak protests subtly changing into hushed whines. "there there princess you know this feels good, now doesn't it?" adam whispers to you. you couldn't deny it at all... how he's squeezing and touching all on your body.
adam raises your shirt above your breasts leaning in closer to you, nearly being able to feel your heart beat through your chest. "you're so soft cutie, you know i couldn't stop thinking about this since earlier?" with that he has one of your nipples between his teeth, biting firmly on the tender bud. kissing down your ribs, licking all over your tummy, he finds himself over your panties. teasing you by slapping the band against your skin.
his fingers trace patterns over your covered clit that's now swollen. cupping your entire pussy with his warm hand grinding his palm into you. your hips stutter against his touches chasing the pleasure. "i thought you said you were sleepy, peach?" he grins using his once innocent nickname as a descriptor for your wet cunt he's smushing around with his hands.
"please, a-adam do something." you pathetically whine to him. he hooks a finger inside your panties pulling them to the side exposing the wet mess youv'e been making. the cool air hitting your most sensitive place is making your head reel. "m'gonna jus-." is all you hear before his tongue is flicking back and forth against your clit. your hands immediately fly to his hair, holding him in place where you need him most.
"you're such a dirty little girl, letting your roomate eat your pussy like this." he moans pushing his index and middle fingers into you. twisting his knuckles at just the riiiiiight angle making you see stars and all that happy shit. he switches between rubbing circles into your clit with his thumb while tonguing your hole and licking broad strips upward.... then back down.
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mylarena · 1 year
kicks feet. wolf shifter au but its just soap whos a shifter and ghost is a regular human who does not know that the weird wolf who keeps showing up at his little cabin/cottage in the woods is actually john from the repair shop in the nearest village.
either that or soap just isnt present in the village at all and spends a lot of time in the fuckin woods
but like. ghost is tending to his vegetable garden one day and feels keen eyes watching him, so he observes the area around himself subtly and theres a rustle in the brush so he zeroes in on that while he goes through the motions of weeding and watering and such. and eventually he feels the eyes on him leave. so he finishes his work and goes inside (made sure to lock the door that night)
he goes out again the next day to do his tasks and eventually feels the same gaze on him. but he just pretends he doesnt know something (someone) is watching him and continues his work. eventually they leave again, and he continues on.
this happens a few more times, then one day he can actually see the eyes in the bushes. he makes eye contact, holds it until the other pair of eyes blink, then continues with his business (never turning his back to the creature)
and sllloooowly over time, the creature inches its way out of the cover of the bushes. and its the biggest fucking wolf ghost has ever seen in his damn life.
eventually the wolf just sits right outside the fence of his garden. and he starts talking to it. its not often he gets any kind of visitors out in the woods, and hes a bit of a Lone Wolf ™️ type so he doesnt really mind,,, but theres a fuckin wolf. right there. a huge ass wolf. and he starts making comments to it. which turns into full sentences, then one-sided conversations of whatever he thinks of.
then one day the wolf is inside the fence. with no evidence of how it got in. the gate is still latched, theres no holes in the fencing, no marks left from and kind of scrabble over the wood.
but the wolf is just There. Sitting. Waiting for him.
and hes apprehensive at first because theres nothing between him and this wild fucking wolf. but he goes about his day and the wolf just follows him around the garden, somehow managing to not trample a single plant (ghost sees how hes exceedingly careful to not even brush his tail against them. weird.)
by the time the sun is going down, he opens up the gate for the wolf to leave, and he just looks at him for a long moment, before ghost gestures his head for him to leave, and he does.
and the next day hes back in the fuckin garden
whats even weirder about the whole situation is the fact that the wolf engages in the conversations. not speaking words, but replying with barks and growls and whines and gestures, gestures that arent natural for a wolf, gestures that are human.
the wolf slowly inches his way closer and closer every day, eventually daring to sit right up against ghosts leg when hes taking a break. then he sets his head on his knee and looks up at him and pretty much fucking pouts until ghost hesitantly places a hand on his head. his fur is fucking soft. silky smooth, fluffy down his back, and soft as a fuckin cloud.
now that hes up close, ghost can see little scars and features that he couldnt from a distance. hes got nicks in his ears, a scar on his chin, one going over his eye, and one that looks fairly new down his chest.
some days the wolf (ghost just calls him "Wolf" in his head. he's not gonna name the fucker.) doesnt visit. ghost pretends it doesnt strike a bit of concern in him, forces himself to focus on his tasks instead of worrying about the animal.
hes a fucking wolf. he lives in the wild. he can handle himself.
what really concerns him, though, is when a harsh thunderstorm hits. its raining hard, the trees are thrashing violently in the wind, and the rumbling of thunder gets ever closer.
hes stuck inside, knowing better than to try and do jack shit outside when the wind is strong enough to take him off of his feet.
but for once he doesnt worry about his crops or the chair he keeps on his porch- he worries about Wolf.
again, wild fuckin wolf, can handle himself, but the weather is absolutely abysmal.
so ghost cant help but pace around, having forgone his usual reading after he couldnt focus on what the words on the pages were because his thoughts were consumed with worry.
the thunder is louder than ever, the lightning is absolutely blinding, and he can hear how the fence gate outside is swinging madly in the wind, having opened when the weather started growing worse. he cant hear his own breathing, the only thing he can hear is the torrent of rain and howling of the wind and his heart thumping in his chest. its a fucking wonder that he actually manages to catch the scratching at the door.
he freezes in his pacing, listening in silence for the noise to happen again, and when it does he all but rushes to the door and swings it open (the wind did most of the work, quite frankly.), and there. Wolf, soaked to the fucking bone, ears flat to his skull. ghost stares, Wolf stares back, and then theres a blinding flash of light and a deafening clap of thunder, and hes reaching out and dragging Wolf inside.
he struggles with the door for a moment, fighting against the wind, but gets it close and latched. he turns to the wild fucking wolf that stands in his actual fucking house, takes in the sight of his violent shivering and dripping pelt, and swears as he jolts into the motion of getting a towel or two to try and dry him off.
when he kneels in front of the dog, dropping a towel on his back and starting to ruffle his fur dry with it, he starts talking. talking about the shit weather, about the damage thats surely going to come to his garden, about his concern about Wolf himself, how worried he was. as he rambles, he takes note of the scratches and scrapes that hide under Wolf's thick pelt. theyre all small, likely from branches and other debris flying around while he made his way to the cabin.
theyre all small, except for a gash across the flank of his left hind leg. ghost can see the blood mixing with the rain water that pours off of him, but only realizes where the wound is when Wolf yelps when he tries to dry the spot.
he apologizes quietly, and quickly finishes drying him the best he can. he sits back on his haunches and takes in the sight of Wolf- his fur ruffled far more than usual, his blue eyes that are filled with exhaustion and lingering fear, the blood thats already starting to make its way down to the hardwood floor, and the way hes trembling like a leaf. he looks ready to fall down right there in his place. so ghost stands after giving the wolf a scratch behind the ear, and ushers him towards the crackling fire thats keeping the place warm. Wolf staggers over, managing to keep himself upright up until ghost finishes laying out a blanket on the floor for him, then practically collapses on it.
ghost heads to where he keeps his medical supplies, grabbing everything he thinks hes going to need to patch up Wolf (hes never treated an animals wounds before. hopefully it isnt too different from patching up his own). when he steps back into the room, he takes a moment to stare at the bizarre scene in front of him. a massive wolf collapsed right in front of his fireplace, eyes closed and chest nearly heaving, surrounded by ghosts neatly arranged living room furniture and bleeding onto one of his favorite blankets. shit, hes bleeding still.
spurred into action, ghost crosses the room in a few quick strides and kneels next to Wolf again. "hey," he whispers softly, watching Wolf open his eyes to look at him, "im gonna patch up your leg, yeah? might hurt a bit. ill be careful." Wolf simply whines softly, closing his eyes once more. ghost runs a hand down his side, then shifts to take a better look at his leg.
the wound isnt incredibly deep, but as he cleans it ghost can tell that itll need stitches. fuck, how is he meant to give a wolf stitches without getting his fucking face mauled off? Wolf had been docile and friendly ever since they met, but ghost also hadnt tried to poke him with a needle and thread before.
he cant just leave him without them, though. hes not keen on letting Wolf be injured and bleeding any longer than he needs to be.
"hey, Wolf," he reaches over and taps the side of Wolf's neck, "i need to stitch up your leg. are you alright with that?" ...as if a fucking wolf is going to know what that means. but Wolf lets out a whimper at his words and fucking nods at him, eyes still shut. alright then.
he prepares everything he needs, taking a look at Wolf's face and giving him a gentle scratch under his ear. "this is gonna hurt," he shifts back to look at the wound, "please dont maul me."
and Wolf doesnt. he whines and whimpers and growls a bit, baring his teeth and thrashing his head, but he never tries to attack ghost and he even keeps his leg fairly still. the whole process ghost whispers apologies, reassurances and praises. when he finishes, he wraps a bandage around the leg then sits back. "we're done now, its over." ghost looks over Wolf as he lets the tension in his body release, listening to his long, relieved whine as he goes limp. "you did good. thanks for not chewing my face off." Wolf simply huffs at him.
he stares a moment longer, but a loud hit of thunder breaks him out of it. he had fixated so intensely on Wolf that he had entirely tuned out the raging storm that was still going on.
he sighs and collects the leftover medical supplies, standing to put them away. instead of making his way back to Wolf's side, he decides that the wolf is probably hungry as all hell and heads towards his kitchen instead.
he prepares a quick, simple meal for himself and his visitor: reheated venison & vegetable stew, leftover from the night before. he carries two bowls back to his living room, crouching and placing one in front of Wolf. "here." ghost watches his nose twitch as he catches a whiff of the stew. the wolf doesnt open his eyes, though. "dinner, Wolf. i know youre hungry." Wolf opens his eyes and looks up at ghost pleadingly. "whats that look for? i cant exactly feed you myself. you need to sit up." Wolf whines at him imploringly. "no. i cannot feed you by hand, youre gonna have to sit up." Wolf downright groans, bracing himself before pulling himself up until hes propped on his front paws. ghost pushes the bowl closer to him. "eat up."
once Wolf sniffs at the stew, he practically lunges forward and starts devouring it. ghost stares with a raised eyebrow for a second, then turns to his own bowl and begins to eat.
they eat in silence- as silent as it can be with a hell-raising storm outside and the sound of a giant wolf gobbling down a bowl of stew. when Wolf finishes literally licking the bowl clean, he flops back down onto his uninjured side. ghost continues to eat, obviously not half as hungry as him. when he finishes, he picks up both bowls and takes them back to his kitchen. ghost takes a moment to place his hands on the counter and lean on it, running through the events of the past hour. theres a fucking wolf in his livingroom. an injured wolf. a wolf that befriended him over the past few months. a wolf he doesnt feel like he can kick out of his house without proper treatment.
he sighs and runs a hand over his face. hes too fucking tired for this shit. he feels unreasonably exhausted just from the excitement of this whole ordeal. he decides he can deal with the situation in the morning, after hes gotten proper sleep.
when he steps back into the living room, Wolf is asleep, chest rising and falling steadily as he breathes. ghost watches him for a moment before giving a heavy sigh. he grabs another blanket off of his couch and throws it over the wolf, hoping the fire doesnt go out overnight and cause Wolf to get cold. he makes his way to his bedroom, getting ready before throwing himself down onto his mattress and staring at the ceiling for a few moments before passing the fuck out.
he wakes in the morning to sunlight filtering through the window into his eyes. he groans and rolls out of bed, pulling a shirt on and stumbling out of his room. he only remembers that theres a fucking. wolf. in his living room when he steps into it. its a bit jarring to see that said wolf isnt there. its even more jarring to see a full fucking grown man asleep in the wolf's place, haphazardly spread out on the ground, nothing but the goddamn blanket to cover himself. ghost thinks he can see a peek of white bandages wrapped around his thigh. he takes a deep breath to center himself.
"what the fuck."
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spectres-n-soap · 3 months
All The Things I've Said PT2 - Ghost x Reader x Soap
Content Warnings - Ghosts past, tragic backstory™️, pregnancy, implied protective Ghost
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
A/N - 2/7 done.
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Ghost has found that the times when you are gone from the flat while attending therapy is suffocating. He normally does not mind being alone or the silence that comes with it but after spending the last weeks with you, he finds that he hates it.
He tries to keep busy now instead of sitting around like a dog left at home while the owner goes shopping. Which is what he did the first few times you told him that you would text him when the session was over. He had wandered from the couch, to the dining room chairs and back to the couch so many times in just a few hours that he was sure he was going mad.
It wasn’t until the fourth day of this that something had clicked and he started this routine. You were heavily pregnant now and after the reveal that you’d likely have to get a c-section, he had picked up more chores around the house. He cleans the dishes, takes out the trash, makes your bed and does the laundry. He buys food for the house and keeps everything stocked. Ghost looks at the little sage green onesie in his hands and wonders if the baby will even fit. He saw the size of them, they were going to be a big and fat baby.
Ghost folds the onesie with a skill that had made his hands shake when he first did it. Joseph had been a very fat and happy baby. All smiles and giggles, only crying when hungry or having soiled his nappy. He had big blue eyes that Ghost can still recall with clarity but not without it being soiled with the memory of how those eyes looked when he was dead. Maybe that's why he couldn’t visit Johnny before he was cremated. His and Joseph’s eyes were so similar. He didn’t want the memory of two sets of blue eyes glazed over with the gray of death.
Ghost rubs the soft fabric of the beige pants that went with the white shirt he had just folded. It was soft, non irritating for a baby’s soft and delicate skin. His mind is drawn back to the past, back to when Beth had just finished her own baby shower and there were so many gifts.
Despite Ghost’s family being rather small, Beth’s was not. It had been refreshing and a little overwhelming to have so many people over. But his mum had enjoyed it, she had made so much food that despite the twenty people in that house there were still leftovers.
Beth rested her head against Tommy’s shoulder, tired from all the fuss and talking while Simon gathered up the trash. “You okay love?” Tommy asked softly and cupped Beth’s cheek. Beth smiled up at Simon’s brother and nodded.
“Jus’ tired. That’s all.” Beth yawned and Tommy smiled before he suggested she take a nap while he and Simon cleaned up. Beth didn’t need any convincing and with their mum’s help, waddled up the stairs to their bedroom. Simon kept putting things into the trash bag as Tommy gathered up the collection of blue onesies and outfits. Simon had never imagined Tommy being a father.
He had never envisioned either of them being fathers because of the shit job their father had done. And yet, here was Tommy. Married to a wonderfully kind woman with a baby on the way, clean from drugs and their father left to die from whatever cancers ate away at his body. Good fuckin’ riddiance thought Simon.
“You’re gonna be a good father.” Simon said, not exactly sure where that came from. Tommy smiled at him, brown eyes mirrored each other.
“And you’re gonna be a good uncle.” Tommy said as he folded up another blue onesie. “You’re already a good brother.” Simon shook his head but didn’t argue. He had told the military to fuck off, that he was going on leave to fix up the mess that was his family. He didn’t know how much longer he would be able to stay on hardship leave. Hopefully long enough to see baby Joseph.
“I’m doing what I’m meant to do.” Simon said with a shrug as he stuffed one last pile of ripped apart wrapping paper. “I came back for my family.”
“Thank you Simon.” Tommy placed a hand on Simon’s shoulder. “For making me get better.”
Simon shrugged off his hand, “I only threw the rope, you’re the one who had to climb.”
Ghost rewashes the baby bottles, not interested in the baby drinking from unwashed bottles. He watches the droplets slowly drip from the bottle as he sets them on the drying rack, he swallows as the memories claw up from the depths. He wishes they were happy still and not fucked up with blood and a type of grief that didn’t let go.
He looked down at the baby in his arms. All swaddled in a soft blue blanket with a blue boonie on his head. Baby Joseph. His face was still wrinkled and his eyes were shut, his mouth slightly open as he slept. There were feelings stirring deep within him that he had never felt before. There was this tiny life being held in his hands, hands that had killed and shot off guns that would surely ruin Joseph's hearing. And yet he was the only one holding him as Tommy doted on Beth after some skin to skin contact earlier.
Simon held his breath as Joseph blinked, his little blue eyes unfocused as he stared up at Simon. Joseph squinted and a small toothless smile appeared. “Hi Joseph.” Simon whispered as he looked down at his nephew and he felt tears appear in his eyes. “It's your uncle Simon.” Simon licked his dry lips as Joseph looked up at him, “I’ll protect you. I’ll protect your entire family. Promise.” Simon murmured, so quietly he almost didn’t hear himself say it.
Simon wipes at his eyes as the memory fades and leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. He checks his phone just as your text message appears, “I’m ready to be picked up.” Simon wipes his sweaty palms on his jeans before he grabs his keys as he stuffs down the emotions those memories conjure. You are not Beth. Johnny was not Tommy. And he was not going to let anything happen to you or that baby.
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I totally love ur interpretation of alphas smelling kinda nasty it's not my thing but it's very cool and fun!!! (Pls share where you disagree with me I love hearing other opinions)
For some reason to me, omega! Price is fresh baked bread. Like it just seems correct to me idk why
Beta! Price is herbal. Maybe w some very slight powdery notes. But mostly like tea and old books. The smell is on the warmer side even tho I tend to see beta scents as more... cold? If that makes any sense
Alpha! Price is either a sharp, pine scent. Like a Christmas tree farm. OOOOOR this really yummy perfume I have called Jazz Club by replica. It's such a good scent and I feel like either price or ghost fit the vibe of it.
Interesting!!! Also Pine Price? Yes yes??!??! 🫵🫵🫵
(I will be highjacking this to post my own hcs!)
(UPDATED) The 141's Scents in an A/B/O AU: Depending on Presentation
Follow-up on these two posts:
As a reminder, these two posts follow a theory of mine that:
Alphas smell so strong and overpowering, bordering on just smelling Bad™️;
Betas smell natural and comforting (average, no major complaints);
Omegas smell sickly sweet and so overwhelming it could make someone ill.
Omega Johnny smells like the syrup that surrounds and preserves canned fruit. Canned peaches especially.
Beta Johnny smells like the sea. Salt water, seaweed… that kind of thing.
Alpha Johnny smells like shoe shiner, or another product like that. Maybe wet paint or varnish?
Omega Kyle smells like something warm and cosy and gooey that melts in your mouth. My brain is saying honey or honeycomb, caramel or toffee maybe?.
Beta Kyle smells like freshly cut grass, and ivy. Especially when the freshly cut grass is damp too.
Alpha Kyle smells like nearly vinegary and acidic. The best way I can say it is... strong wine that has just started fermenting.
Omega Simon smells like talc/baby powder. Makes you wanna bury your face in him and sniff like you do to a newborn baby.
Beta Simon smells like old books with yellowed pages. Not necessarily musty or bad.
Alpha Simon smells of black pepper.
Omega Ghost wears scent blockers. You'd never know what he smells like because he doesn't let you. (It's vanilla sugar)
Beta Ghost smells of freshly carved wood furniture, unfinished and unvarnished, still full of splinters and rough edges.
Alpha Ghost smells strongly of burning. Like a campfire, a forest fire, maybe gasoline or sulphur.
Omega John smells like lemon merengue. Sickly sweet and tangy at once, with a softness that melts in your mouth.
Beta John smells like a forest, maybe a rain forest, but I could also see him smell of pine and very obviously so. But the kind of pine that people sometimes mistake for mint?
Alpha John smells like rusted iron and dirt... Which a lot of people confuse with fresh blood. Especially when he's angry and his scent mutates.
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8-rae-rae-8 · 5 months
Tysm to feral anon for the side dish,,,, delicious 🙏🙏 ily (/p)
Back w unrelated hcs tho so strap in
I think tiny ghost would just call price “p’ice”- like I think the other boys would call him dada and papa or bubba, and stuff while small, but I think ghost would just call him price with a soft little lisp because he’s a silly who won’t brake his fingers out of his mouth to talk. Is there really a reason? Not sure, but I think he’d just be too traumatized for familial names tbh- like he’d also call the others SOOO many things other than just their names, like soap is “Johnny” but also “‘oap” and “bubble” and anything related to soap and maybe even a random little nickname like “strawberry” just bc he gave him strawberries Once™️ and little si thinks it funny-
And then gaz- gaz is a hard one for lil Si to say, so it sounds like “gas” a lot, but he does try, so there’s “gaz,” and “gazza,” and occasionally “gabbsss!” But also some silly ones like “bunny,” or “nibbly,” bc gaz reminds him of a bunny for some reason or another-
(Please take no offence to the contradictory hcs right after your post of hcs, I had thoughts bc of it and was just spinning bc I’ve always heard baba used like dada and papa and then immediately thought about Si’s family trauma-)
No offense taken!!
That's so fucking cute 😭
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brewed-pangolin · 5 months
4Runner wingman
A scene inspired by the car sex scene in Say Anything. The scene isn't graphic whatsoever but it's their first time and it's very sweet.
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Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish x Fem Reader
18+ MDNI Sexual Themes, Angst to start, fluffy smut to smooth it out (Tasteful smut. Not my usual filth)
Synopsis: Your first time being intimate with Soap is within the confines of his 4Runner and after a lengthy deployment. And he shows you exactly what kind of sessions you have to look forward to.
I decided to use this as a scene where Soap and reader become intimate for the first time. Because why the hell not. Nothing sexier than a good first romp in the back of a 4Runner to heal the wounds of heartache and yearning.
And this is another piece for @glitterypirateduck Soap It Up Challenge. I used prompts 16, 19, 25 and 26.. Let's steam up them windows a bit, shall we.
WC 1.6k (Oopsies)
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You could feel it. Feel it in the marrow of your bones and in the ever growing ache bellowing out deep within your chest. An ache that grew with every shallow breath, desperately trying to cage the sob in your throat and put on that calm and stoic demeanor for him while your mind branded every ounce of his being into your memories.
You were falling for him. And you were falling hard.
Like a dense boulder listlessly plunging further into the depths of his soul. Unable to find purchase on any parcel of reality as the world around you disappeared and all your focus turned solely onto him.
John MacTavish. The man who pulled you out of your own manufactured hell just as you were about to be shackled in a realm of unending misery.
"Ts'alright, bonnie. Only gonnae be gone a few months, yeah?"
His soothing voice abruptly snatched you out of your downward spiral. Batting your eyes with a quick shake of your head to rid the sorrowful thoughts leaching themselves into your weakened mind.
"Only a few months. Yeah," you replied.
Body silently trembling beside him in the passenger seat, fingers clawing at the denim of your jeans to take your mind off the loneliness you were about to endure in his absence.
And that debilitating ache burrowed itself deeper into your chest. Squashing out all notions of confidence, defeaning the electric cadence of your heart, and turning you into a hollowed husk of your former self as you slowly began to wither right in front of him.
"Eh. Look at me." His call yet again pulled you out of your tormented descent.
Gently placing his hand on your thigh to cement you back into the realm of unbearable reality.
Your eyes lingered on the calloused skin of his hand. Grit embedded underneath his nails, streaks of oil, and delicate scratch marks peppering over his knuckles.
In that moment, you cursed yourself for deciding to take it slow. Not giving him the chance to use those talented hands and work you over and over into a frenzied mess.
And you find your voice once more as the emotional toll ultimately breaks down the levee of your weathered composure.
"We haven't even had sex yet."
"So, what? What if you don't come back? What if I never get to see you again? Feel you again? Kiss you again?"
Mentally, you try to stop.
But the floodgates have burst. And your verbal torrent knows no bounds as the words of admitted misjudgment cascade like rapids over your quivering lips.
"I want to know what it feels like to have you, Johnny. To lose myself. To give in, let go. To feel you..."
You choke. Words trailing off into a breathless whimper as the lump in your throat threatens to swallow you whole.
Wrapping your fingers around his hand to feel his touch one last time in fear of him being pulled out of your crumbling reality.
"Aye. An' ya will," he replies in a promise that both soothes and breaks you entirely.
"It's not over, bonnie. This ain't no deep covert mission. More like, gettin groceries. Stoppin' at th'store, yeah."
You can tell he’s bluffing. Hear it in his voice. That same low rumbling hymn he uses to lull you to sleep now cradling your psyche within the verbal palm of his hand. 
And it works. Every time.
Eventually he forces you to pull your eyes from the aimless stare on your thigh to meet his gaze. Bringing your hand up to his mouth to gently caress your knuckles with his tender lips, muffling his words as they roll over your supple skin.
“Is now a bad time to tell ya I gotta go, lass?”
You're once again thrusted back into reality by the soft timbre of his voice. The world falling back into place, not realizing that within the walls of your own self pity you hadn't noticed that you had made it onto the base.
Your head moved on a swivel. Desperately focusing on any familiar piece of architecture while your mind raced to pick up with the pace of the sporadic beat of your heart.
“Johnny, I’m not ready-”
Your futile plea was quickly silenced by Soaps gaping maw as he swallows the whimperings of your despair. Cupping your cheeks within the palms of his hands, cradling your existence within his grasp as he breathes rejuvenating life into your lungs with a passionate kiss.
Time once again stops. Moments trickle by like slowly descending droplets off the rim of a rusted spigot.
You feel him steadily begin to pull away and greedily you lean forward for one last kiss. Searing the blazing fire of his soul on the tips of your lips to brand him into the deep recesses of your spiraling psyche.
“Stay n’th car til I get through th’door, yeah,” he mumbles quietly against your lips. “I cannae bare to see ya at the ‘elm of my Breagha.”
“You talk like you love her more than me, Johnny.”
“Shu’it, lass.”
With one final blissful connection, he pulls away and exits swiftly out the driver's side door. Your eyes watching his every move as he grabs at the duffel bag from the backseat.
“I’ll text as often as I can, yeah.���
It’s a statement more than a pull for more conversation as he shuts the door before giving you time to answer. Pushing the lump in your throat down into your chest to let in fester and seep through your veins over the coming months.
You do as he asks. As always.
Waiting. Watching him stride over the pavement and disappear from your existence beyond the doors that you are prohibited to enter.
And with all the strength he bestowed on you with his life giving kiss, you shift over into the driver seat and easily adjust it to your body’s specifications.
Pushing down the unfamiliarity of being behind the wheel of his precious ‘Breagha’ as you subconsciously begin counting the days to his return.
The next three months are tortuous. Calmed only by the sporadic texts from Soap when he has the briefest of moments on base. They're never more than a few words at length, generally referring to his mental status of him and his fellow squad mates than the actual status of their missions. 
You’ve grown fond of Gaz. He sounds like a true lad, one you’d like to share a pint with. And Price permeates the notion of a father figure to the team. A born leader not afraid to get his hands dirty when the line of duty calls for it. 
And Ghost is exactly that. A ghost. Hauntingly working his way into Johnny’s texts, barely perceivable yet you feel he lends himself to be a mentor in the field to your Scottish soldier. 
All these intermittent communications ease and soothe your weary soul until that final text jolts you out of bed at 2:30 in the morning. 
‘RTB, bonnie. Coming home.’
Soap Mactavish made a promise to you three months ago. A pact sealed with a kiss that gave you the strength to carry on in his extended absence. Finding meaning in solitude and letting your heart yearn for him in a way you had never imagined.
And as a true man of his word, he kept that promise.
By God, did he keep it.
The air within the confines of Soap’s 4Runner was heavy. Thick with the sweet scent of sweat and sex as it lifted and blanketed the tinted windows with a dense layer of condensation. Leaden and rounded droplets descended down the slick surface that mirrored the meandering motions of your hands down the curve of his sweat ridden back. Curling your fingers to claw at his flesh as he pulled yet another orgasm from deep within your pelvic core.
You had lost count at how many times he brought you to the peak of pleasured ecstasy. Time becoming a meaningless construct as you found solace in each others embrace and allowing the blazing bonds of intimacy to mold your souls into one conjoined entity.
Arching your back and tilting your hips to meet his stuttering thrusts as you gasped for air. The muscles of your abdomen spasming and denying the much needed life force in selfish desire of unending release.
“Breathe, bonnie. Jus’ breathe fer me,” Soap managed breathlessly through his own heavy panting. Holding himself up to hover and give your chest room for much needed expansion.
You take the moment in its entirety within your grasp. Lengthening your diaphragm to fill your lungs as the burn of multiple climaxes flows like flames through your trembling muscles. 
“Fucking hell, Johnny,” you exhale on a low, breathy moan. “Is it always gonna be like this?”
“Aye. It can be.”
“Jesus Christ. Only you would make me have to build an exercise routine around how you fuck me.”
His icy blue gaze bores into your exhausted and blissful expression with a smile that could electrify an entire city block.
“Nah, bonnie. This ain’t fuckin’ ya,” he mutters against your lips, leaning in for a passionate embrace as his muscular frame envelopes over you once more.
“I’d break th’suspension if I did that. Rather break th’bed. Easier ta replace.”
Your arms instinctually wrap around him to keep him firmly flushed against you. Fingers splayed out over the back of his skull to knead through his drench thickened hair.
An all too familiar lump forms within flesh of your throat, not out of anguish or loneliness. Something deeper. More meaningful. More affectionate. 
And without a thought to hold you back the words spill out of your lips by their own accord before your mind has a moment to register the immensity of their meaning.
“I love you, Johnny.”
Soap pulls back immediately. A sudden silence bridging a gap between you as his blank expression is intensified by his piercing blue stare.
You hesitate to breathe. To move. Fearing your unconscious admission has created a rift that will ultimately pull himself away from you.
“Say it again,” he demands. The air of authority around him sending a pulse of renewed arousal coursing through your veins as all fears disappear within his commanding presence.
“I love you.”
There’s a sudden an enigmatic shift that sets deep within him. Eyes blowing wide as he lunges with an almost animalistic growl against your lips.
“Ah love ya, bonnie. So fuckin’ much.”
You had uttered those three words twice while he spent the next thirty minutes declaring his love for you by showing you the true power held within his hips. 
He’d eat the bill. Take out a loan rather than deny the love of his life what she truly wanted.
Auto repairs be damned.
All you had to do was hold on and enjoy the ride. And focus on one word that he so patiently repeated.
4Runner Wingman Masterlist
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@deadbranch @sofasoap @d3athtr4psworld @ghosts-goldendoodle @homicidal-slvt @jynxmirage @kkaaaagt @mykneeshurt @shotmrmiller @obligatoryghoststare @astraluminaaa @punishmepunisher @writeforfandoms @thetrashpossum @luismickydees @simpingoverquestionablemen @queen-ilmaree @havoc973 @foxface013 @haurasha @designateddeadend
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pentechnics · 2 years
So you know how our darling tin can isn’t the best with words? He likes to speak more with this actions and he thinks he plays it pretty cool but I very much see him being the type to hover near you when he’s feeling needy. Like if he’s just needing some of that close contact he’ll almost be your shadow all day being right there but never actually touching you. And then when it’s time for bed, you will find yourself squished under one very broad mandalorian who has flopped himself right on top of you 🙈
This isn’t a request or anything I’m just feeling needy The Yearn™️ today and thought of this and wanted to share 😘
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AWWWW OMG you’re absolutely right, my dear. And I cannot thank you enough for sharing such a delightful thought with me! 
I know you said this wasn’t a request, but. What if. What if I wrote a teeny lil' something anyway 👀
Din Djarin x gn!reader, straight up fluff 100% G
You were no stranger to his behavior. 
Like plants knew leaves, like the galaxy knew stars, you knew Din. 
All day long, as the two of you went about performing your normal round of maintenance on the Crest, he never strayed very far from you. 
You’d go to organize the supply shelf, and he’d be right there, polishing his armor on a nearby crate. You’d start to clean the weapons and he’d appear beside you, grumbling something about it being a faster process with you both before returning his focus to the task at hand. 
Not that you minded. It was endearing; Din was a man of few words, and over the course of your relationship, you’d come to learn his body’s language. How to tell when he was frustrated, tired, elated, hungry, all from a single movement or stance. It was amazing to see. 
So you welcomed him. You brushed up against him whenever you walked past, or gave his arm a squeeze as you spoke with him – little answering gestures that you hoped reached him in a similar way. You let your hands linger in case he wanted more, but throughout the day, he continued to simply hover. 
While he launched the ship into hyperspace, you prepared for bed. The routine was second nature at this point: wash up in the ‘fresher, change into comfier clothing, crawl into the bunk, and turn out the lights. Din usually stripped off his armor in the hull, then joined you under the veil of darkness. 
You were teetering on the edge of unconsciousness when the hiss of the door pulled you back. You smiled and kept your eyes shut, listening to the sound of Din’s body climbing in beside you. 
Once the doors shut, a sudden weight all but dropped on top of you. 
You let out a huff as your lungs deflated. Din’s arm flopped around you, his leg swinging to rest on top of yours while his torso trapped you under its breadth. He laid his face on the back of your neck, each little exhale fanning over your skin. You tried to wiggle around him, but to no avail. You let out a chuckle.
“Need some cuddles?” 
He nodded against you. You giggled and tapped his arm to get him to move. 
You resituated yourself to face him, and let his arms encapsulate you. His head came to rest on your chest, and as if on instinct one of your hands threaded itself into his hair. You placed your head on it and breathed in his scent: metal, leather, and a hint of whatever soap he was currently using. 
Your free arm snaked around and squeezed him closer to you. You felt him smile as he returned the gesture.
“Goodnight, love,” you whispered. 
“‘Night,” he mumbled. 
He leaned deeper into you, effectively trapping you under him once more, before his breathing evened out. The pressure from his body was comforting, like a weighted, heated, snoring blanket. You listened to the soft rumble and weaved your fingers through his wavy locks until you drifted off, giving Din one last squeeze before falling into your dreams.
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konigsblog · 4 months
i need virgin!soap and pornstar!reader omg (love u orla 🩷)
so many thots™️ for this...
perhaps, pornstar-reader is allowing one fan to come have sex with her, to show them how good and warm you feel, to be featured on your channel.
johnny hesitated joining, feeling ashamed as he'd never had sex before, never lost his virginity. he didn't want to humiliate himself publicly by entering and being outed as a virgin, showing how inexpensive he was at having sex, but he began to think with his cock instead, held firmly by the musky base, deciding he'd enter.
i mean, what were the chances of winning?
to johnny's surprise, he'd won. johnny wasn't sure if this was a mistake as his heart pounded against his ribs, but regardless, he went over to the studio you film in, his cock aching the entire drive there. it was shameful for him to be on there, looking so pathetic, feeling like all eyes were on him – as if the camera men were judging him.
he laid back, sweat dripping down his bare, muscular body, his mohawk a mess and his eyes wandering over your figure. you straddled his large lap, running your hands up his muscles, complimenting them and watching as his cheeks began to burn a rosy red, flushed and embarrassed, breathing heavily as a response.
fuck, feeling his veiny dick throb and twitch against your soft hand caused him to roll his head backwards, stroking his shaft gently, your sharp and painted nails against his length causing him to let out a pained, desperate growl. the tight sensation of your walls clamping around his girth was pleasurable, his balls tight and heavy, sweat dripping from his chest as you caressed his stubbled jaw, giggling sweetly at his stunned reaction.
it seemed he had a little crush, and you couldn't help but giggle seeing him fawn over you.
you bounced on his hard shaft, watching him jerk and thrust his strong hips skywards against you, his already firm grasp on your waist tightening as you nestled your fingers in his deep, chestnut locks. his eyes became glassy and delirious, letting out deep, hoarse growls and groans, unable to hold himself back from cumming deep into your pussy, his sensitive tip pressed against your cervix as you let out a squeal at the sudden feeling of his hot load squirted into your hole.
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bigdumbbambieyes · 2 years
i haven’t written anything for my Trauma Blondes™️ in a while so here are some more besties Billy and Chrissy headcanons 🤍 plus their boyfriends obvi
• Chrissy loves going to the Farmer’s Market with Billy every Saturday morning. She’ll put on her favourite outfit and do her hair, looking so fresh-faced and sunny when Billy finally rolls up to her house at 9am. She says a rushed goodbye to her parents before running outside and settling into the passenger seat, smiling knowingly as she shuts the door and eyes Billy. He’s slumped in his seat, aviators on, and dressed in his usual blue jeans but he’s wearing what she called his ‘hangover shirt’, which is an old tour t-shirt for Led Zeppelin. He’s hungover as shit and she laughs at him, runs a manicured hand through his hair, which he scrunches his nose at and swats half-heartedly at her. When they get to the market, she buys him his breakfast as a ‘thank you’: black coffee and a pastry. He follows her around and holds her bags as she shops for fresh garden vegetables and hand-picked fruit, both of them taking turns smelling the homemade soaps and looking at jewelry. Billy may look disinterested or tired but it’s his favourite part of the weekend: to spend his Saturday mornings away from his dad and home and just be soft with his best friend. Chrissy loves it for exactly the same reasons.
• Chrissy’s first memory of Billy is when she and a few girls from the cheer squad were walking outside the school and a blue Camaro revved its engine loudly, on purpose. All the girls including Chrissy either jumped or screamed in surprise (or both). She remembers looking into the window and seeing a smug smile on the new boy’s face, like he was proud of himself for startling them. She and her friends had rushed away and she didn’t expect to see or talk to him ever again.
• Billy’s first memory of Chrissy is seeing her in the hallway during his first week in Hawkins. He thought she was pretty, for a hick, but way too skinny and quiet for his tastes. The day he remembers clearly is when they were walking towards each other in the hall and she glanced up from the floor, her face breaking out into a big smile with slightly crooked teeth that made Billy almost trip over his own feet. But, that smile wasn’t for him - it was for her friend, who had been walking behind him. He couldn’t get that bright smile out of his head for a long time and used to pretend it was for him.
• Chrissy is the first girl his age to respect Billy, in all ways. She is respectful of his physical space, actively listens to him when he speaks, gives advice when he asks, apologizing when she accidentally says something hurtful, looks him in the eye (that took a while but came eventually), she’s discreet when they talk in public, etc. She doesn’t want him for anything except for who he is and it’s refreshing because no one ever has.
• They tried to run away, once. Packed their bags and snuck out on a random night just before their senior year after talking about it for over a week, about how they could start over in California. They got beyond the city limits after midnight and drove and drove until they shared a look. They couldn’t do it. Not yet. They hugged in the Camaro for a very long time, muttering quiet promises to each other before Billy let Chrissy go and she snuck back into her room with her luggage. They didn’t try to run away again.
• Chrissy’s been a vegetarian ever since she went to a butcher shop as a child and accidentally witnessed a chicken’s head get cut off. She’d cried uncontrollably and couldn’t look at raw meat for months, which made her mom angry and her dad confused. But, once they realized that she wouldn’t eat any animal put in front of her, they let her be. Billy’s mom was a vegetarian and had been feeding Billy a similar diet for his whole life, which was something he’d been proud of because he was just like his mom in that sense. But once she left, driven away by Neil, his father had told him to ‘cut that shit out’ and fed Billy meat with every meal. It made him sick and he refused to eat it, which never went over well, so he’d often suffer from terrible stomach pains at school and at bedtime. It got easier after a few years, but when he and Chrissy become close and he finds out that she’s a vegetarian, he cries. She’s not sure why he gets emotional but she holds him tight and tells him that it’s okay. She makes double of her lunches and brings it to school for him every day, loving how touched he looks when he realizes what she’s doing.
• One of their favourite thing to do is sit around a fire in Steve’s backyard with their boyfriends in the summer and early fall. Billy brings the beer, Eddie brings the weed, Chrissy brings snacks and music, all while Steve makes the fire and ensures everyone is comfortable. They all sit around and talk, joke, gossip - whatever. Sometimes they invite others, like Robin or Heather or Tommy and Carol, but usually it’s just the four of them. Those nights always bleed away into the early morning, when the birds begin to sing and the sky turns a soft blue with the rising sun, and Billy squeezes onto one of the pool recliners with Steve and pulls a blanket over them as they cuddle. Chrissy is usually perched in Eddie’s lap by the fire, both of them covered in a blanket as they quietly talk and kiss. Once the fire begins to die, Steve ensures it’s completely out before the four of them go inside to sleep.
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solivagantingrebel · 8 months
Hello Tumblr-
Aspiring fanfic writer here! Haven't had a Tumblr in a while, thought I'd get back into things here since I'm writing fanfics again. Feel free to ask me anything or swing around for a chat. Me & my two braincells will gladly entertain you.
Daily clicks for Palestine.
AO3: Cam1942
Current fixation: Ghostsoap & COD stuff.
Currently working on:
carry me in your teeth (with jaws of tender sympathy): an Orca!Ghost x Seal!Soap shifter fic. It'll be shorter than my other works. (5/9)
Charred Bones: Post MWII canon compliant fic (until it's not) with dog-coded Soap and Ghost going through his multitudes of issues while falling for him. Will include puppy play and other,, not so safe for work aspects in the later chapters 😏. (3/9)
Bleeding Oath: a Vampire!Ghost x Werewolf!Soap fic that features angst, enemies to lovers and soulmate shenanigans. (1/?)
With The Softness Of Your Breath; a holiday centric domestic fluff fic for the boys! Retired Soap needs to figure out what to do with his life after a medical discharge, but thankfully there is a certain blond from his childhood waiting for him at his family's farm, right when he inherits the property.
Leaving Your Heart On Fire; omegaverse smut fic, featuring Ghoap. I'll probably add more chapters in the future because the setting helps me practice ™️.
Only Yours: part 2 of the omegaverse smut series, wall sex galore.
(MCD) a letter from a dead man (to another), to be known is to be remembered (is to be loved),
Beyond Life and Death; long fic, reincarnation and shifter tropes, a fix-it that addresses the mess that was mw3 canon. (Reworking & rewriting before I post another chapter).
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Hi, thanks for answering my ask, If it's not too hard can you tell me your race head canons for all the Mercs?
You're the best.
Engie: BLACK. He is not white. no. no don't look at the game. or the comics. or anything else related to engineer tf2. you cannot see that man at night. he's too much of a southern-black-mother-haver to be white. who cares about his dad, his MOM was BLACK. Polite, mildly violent when he needs to be, intelligent? His momma not white you can't change me.
Soldier: Native/Black. Mother Inuit and father African, OG last name Domoraud, got shortened to Doe through Immigration; OG first name was Amaqjuaq, but his parents had to choose a name on the spot. He has many identity issues, don't ask. Never takes off his helmet 'cause he doesn't like his monolids.Very touchy about the subject of race because where he lived was probably nearly as bad as Texas in terms of racism, feels he needs to devote every waking second to America or else he doesn't belong there. Yeah. He needs a bit of help. Has a weird accent but he hides it pretty well. Wow I rambled there...
Spy: Black/asian. Wow I really just dipped Tf2 into charcoal, didn't I? Didn't realize how many of them I Poc-ified until I put it down on paper. His mom was an asian woman, very stern, but she had a soft spot for her gender-weird kid. Dad was a black man, sweetheart, but he wasn't good at caring for people. Mother was a ballet star and taught him, he fucking mastered it. Broke his hip and disabled himself for life, but mastered it. Somehow he dramatizes it even more that it already was, and what actually happened was already halfway out a soap opera.
Sniper: Native. Māroi biological and Aboriginal Aussie Adoptive. He's Native on top of Native. Family spoke Antakarinya at home and he taught himself Māroi. Like Soldier, he has identity issues because languages and cultures get jumbled up in his head sometimes. Hates getting told he can't participate in Aboriginal activities because he isn't actually related to his parents. "BITCH? I WAS RAISED DOING THIS SHIT?" Is very passionate about his culture, especially his Antakarinya, because that is a language two breaths from death.
Scout: Black/white. LIGHTSKIN. CHEERIO-LOOKIN' MOTHERFUCKER. LITTLE E-FUCK-FEMBOY ASS. Soon as he pull out that fried chicken he's in a chick's panties. No explanation because you don't need one.
Pyro: Black. Heavy Nigerian accent, even when their speech isn't muffled people can barely understand them at times. Doesn't have the best english pronunciation, but their voice is jacked up anyways, so it doesn't matter. Fluent in American and British ASL despite this. Big person, bigger heart. 6'7'' 265 LB person with a voice deep enough to hit the Earth's core skipping around in Kidcore Aesthetic™️ and putting stickers on everything.
Demo: Black. we all know buddy. Although I feel like the Scottish are so on a different plane of being that they should be their own race. Black/Scottish. Very smart and has multiple degrees in chemistry and he drinks so much his blood has turned into pure alcohol. Scottish behavior. He wears kilts often, but sadly wears pants under his most times because they're. yknow. on a battle ground. But I think it's a shame. Can you tell I am getting tired.
Medic: I don't fuckin know. German. His race is Germany. The whole country. You ask him his race because his skin is very swarthy so you can't tell whether he's a really tan white guy or a weirdly light black guy. He's a pacific islander/white mix, but he actually barely knows. He'll remember his mother was Polynesian and go Oh. I forgor [Insert skull emoji and a facebook minion meme about mortality}.
Heavy: Black/white mix. He got his mother's beauty marks and his dad's bulkiness. Weird genes, very light but he has very pronounced black facial features. Big nose, big lips, high cheekbones. He gets asked if he's albino more than you would think. People actually don't expect him to have such a heavy Siberian accent because you expect white Vodka twink or white vodka dad that sneezes real fucking hard to have that much of a accent, not the guy that looks like he came out of a Nella Larsen book.
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bitofthisandthat · 3 months
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WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE : Minx-blonde (dyed), tall, curvaceaous--but trim and STRONG. She goes from supple flesh to actual diamond DNA in a heartbeat, so sometimes she looks like ice...but don't touch unless you want to get cut to shreds. She is scantily clad most of the time, but not one fiber of her minimalist gear is ever out of place. She is almost never seen in any other color but white and silver. The White Aesthetic™️ is to the MAX. Furs, leather, silks, and bio-engineered lycra designed to take hits and not tear or burn.
WHAT THEY SMELL LIKE : Emma only wears Chanel No. 5. She's all about expensive and classic cosmetics, even if her style can be a bit...skanky.
WHAT THEY TASTE LIKE : Sometimes coconut and musk from her lotions and soaps, sometimes she tastes like cold metal...or nothing at all. Her secondary mutation blocks a lot of scent properties, and if she has any smell, it comes off her clothes and hair.
WHAT THEY SOUND LIKE: Haughty, bored, rich, and measured...like a very spoiled show cat. Emma is brilliant and powerful as well as seductive, and she thinks most people are beneath her. And as a powerful mutant psychic, she already knows what's on your mind, so she's eternally bored with people. Nothing surprises her.
WHAT THEY FEEL LIKE : In her flesh form, soft and smooth like cotton or sateen, she has a very strict regime for skin care, even if she doesn't need to do much...but she is always cool to the touch unless she has been excited, angered, aroused, fighting/active, or using her psionic powers too harshly. If she is in diamond form, she is pointed and hard, dangerous on impact, and cold.
tagged by : @heedingcalls tagging : I'm too lazy. If you're reading this, take it!
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