#soft tamino
ekmekarasidondurma · 1 year
tamam buldum azcik duygusal ben cok nadir dinlerim duygusal ama bu guzel anlamini seviyom alec benjamn match in the rain ins seversin ama sevmezsin gibi sende hic soft bi seyler dinleyen kisi vibei yok🤔🤔
alec benjamin dinliyorum🥳🥳 ama çok sık değil ve dediğin gibi soft şeyler dinlemiyorum öyle ya profilimden bakabilirsin müzik zevkime, şarkıyı da dinliyorum hemen
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hansoheei · 1 year
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tinycomet · 2 years
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If you haven’t listened to Sahar yet wyd
I’m so fucking serious
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lovelydrusilla · 2 years
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tamino at KOKO, london, uk. (25.11.22)
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I need more soft songs but not like classical music soft like it's a quiet summer night and I want sweet almost sad melodies but not sad songs but songs that are just calming and quiet but not like classical music.
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mexipoopy · 3 months
On Repeat - OC Tag Stuff
I was tagged by @acidheaddd to do this and AH thank you I've been mulling over this A LOT and it really made me think hard on my OCs and their stories. Credits to @elderwisp(a cool guy) for the idea.
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OK! Onto the LORE
Ai [FSU -BigKlit]
1 shot, 2 shot, 3 shot, 4 Fuck it up, I wanna see the bodies hit the floor 5 shot, 6 shot, 7 shot, 8 We don't give a fuck, we burning down the whole place Fuck shit up, I wanna fuck shit up, I wanna fuck shit up
Rage, rage, rage. That's definitely a word to describe this guy. Ai is very aggressive due to good old trauma~* but despite his violent tendencies he's full of highly energized spite and fun, so this song encapsulates his personality pretty accurately with its fast pace and aggressive lyrics. A fist with a bright shining smile to accompany it.
Marisol [Holy Weather -Civil Twilight]
It’s not too late to go home Passion is this weight on my shoulders So why did you follow me into this den When all the bluest stars paint your name In a sky of black You must go back
Are you lost little soul? Marisol is a bit of a wanderer, who lets her curiosity dictate her actions. But where that curiosity leads her is full of a darkness that beckons her soul to light her path. She is constantly told to turn back by many colorful characters, despite this, she persists. There is a particular entity who crosses paths with her soul and is unable to escape her tenacity. This song with its regretful lyrics and soft instrumentals, parallel the dynamic of her affect on those around her especially the one that holds her soul closest to theirs and the consequences that happen because of it.
Isaiah [Daydreaming -Radiohead]
Beyond the point Of no return Of no return Then it's too late The damage is done The damage is done This goes Beyond me Beyond you
Liminal. Inhuman. Existence. Isaiah, if that is his true identity, is an individual full of whimsical mysteries and questions. What happens when a person dies, and who will lead us into the afterlife? Will the reaper come to aid us in our desperate confusion upon our passing? Where will you go? This song, compels the listener to wander and be lured by its ethereal instrumentals and the darkness that looms around it, much like how the darkness and uncertainty of death lingers among the living.
Jasper [You Don't Own Me -Tamino]
You may keep me hеre You seem to know just how To pin me to the ground Each timе you come around Take away my home Obscuring what I am And plague me all night long And lay claim to freedom's song
What good is greed if you don't possess yourself? Even the strongest can fall folly to abusive, parasitic relationships. Jasper, even in his conception was never meant to enjoy the freedom of individuality. Being a prisoner inside his own body and shackled by family ties and a predatory lover that only wishes to possess him, his autonomy is never of his own volition. Still, his soul persists, fighting and gnashing at every opportunity to break free from those that hold him captive. This song is one of rebelling to that which wants to possess and control you, which bears a haunting resemblance to Jasper's own struggles.
Anabelle [Do You Feel Real -Sevdaliza]
I thought I'd heal from you Or you'd escaped from me Maybe I'm too scared to forget you I just can't remember how it feels like to function without Absorbed in total free fall It's a waste of time It's not that serious
My void is one that comforts and cures a loneliness that it causes. What do you do when the only thing that comforts you is the presence of evil? When that is all that you are used to? Anabelle was born spreading death and misery wherever she went. But why? Is it the shadow that follows her and protects her as everything else withers away? Accompanied by low and drawn out instrumentals, the lyrics of this song perpetuate a relationship that is parasitic and addictive in nature, one that you thought you overcame but it persists. Anabelle craves love from the living and dreads the darkness that lingers and keeps her isolated. Still, she is plagued by her need to have it close or else her loneliness will destroy her.
Ira [Daisy -Brand New]
I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say
I am nothing. I crave to become everything. Ira is an anomaly. He exists but in a plane that no living creature can exist, all he knows, he knows from a dream that connects to his. She is beautiful, living, while he is nothing. Envy feeds his hunger, but nothing ever happens. HE shouldn't exist, yet he does. A paradox, much like the message of this song. The dream persists and reminds him that he should exist. But why is he here and not there? Maybe she can help him become real, and not a dream.
AND that's it for that lol! I have way more characters that I have music for (but i don't have official finalized sim versions of them) so i just included these guys for now, I could include my Envidia story characters but i felt like this post is pretty long as it is sajkfa my bad. LOL all my song choices are existential/depressing save for Ai, because he's built different lol.
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cntloup · 6 months
Yesterday, he would walk into the cold, empty house, utterly exhausted out of his mind and he would spend the night with a bottle of whiskey in his hand and a cigarette between his fingers. 
Today, he walks into the home you both have created, the sweet smell of cookies and his favorite meal taking over his senses and he would spend the night in his lover’s arms, basking in your warmth and love. 
Yesterday, he would jump into a burning building without a care in the world, mind fully focused on the job, even to the point of sacrificing himself. 
Today, he doesn’t take any deployments that are even remotely risky, the image of you and your smile, the sound of your soft voice telling him to be safe replay in his mind the whole time he’s out there on the field. 
Yesterday, he felt as though he was eternally doomed and life had turned its back on him from the start, letting himself drown deeper and deeper into the darkness until there was nothing left but a tainted wicked soul. 
Today, your light shines brightly on his once darkened world, illuminating the path of salvation as you breathe a fresh life into his damaged soul and carefully, delicately caress each scar and slowly but surely heal his wounds. 
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in your sacred air i am full of light
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it seemed that the long awaited dawn, with its bright colors and warm rays that peeked through your window, marked your defeat every morning.
pairing: suguru geto x gn!reader
content: the reader has trouble sleeping, geto returns just in time to help; a bit of angst, hurt-ish/comfort, fluff
a/n: wrote it for my precious friend @shamelessperfectionhideout! the title is from tamino's song - persephone, hope you enjoy 💛
It was long past midnight when the eerie shadows flooded the entire space, merging into a frightening inky-black mass, lurking in every corner of the bedroom. You thought you could hear those weightless, almost ghostly silhouettes transforming, distorting and turning into the very monsters you fought every night – your own thoughts. You were almost certain that beneath the bed where your frail figure now lay was their lair, the place where they waited for the darkness to come, the place from which their long, bony hands reached for you, the place they wanted to drag you down with them without the possibility of returning. You could swear you felt their icy touch and their stinking breath tickling your face. With each of your anxious breaths, you heard them winced, crawling right under your skin, clawing at your flesh, forcing you into the endlessly dark abyss of your fears.
 It was like that almost every night. You barely slept a wink, tossing and turning, wrapping yourself deeper and deeper into the blanket, hoping that this thin material could be your lifeline for a little while. Attempting not to concentrate on the surrounding silence, you tried to immerse yourself in the music, making it unbearably loud to drown out the sound of their soon approaching footsteps. None of this worked. So you spent whole nights fighting a battle you had no chance of winning. And it seemed that the coming dawn, with its bright colors and warm rays that first peeked through your window every morning, marked your defeat, bringing no relief whatsoever.
 And so you lay there, under the warm, soft blanket that was supposed to bring comfort, not feeling the least bit of it. With your hands shaking and your heart thudding against your ribcage, unarmed, you were losing another fight, once again finding yourself one-on-one with an enemy too strong for you, who had an arsenal of weapons shooting to kill. You squeezed your eyes shut, feeling the blood run cold in your veins from the images your nemesis – your subconscious – was painting for you. You pressed yourself harder into the pillow, fingers clutching the sheet so tightly that your knuckles turned white, the traitorous trickles of tears streaming down your cheeks, leaving an unpleasant tingle in their wake, while trying to wash away this dreading apparition rather than being the sign of your weakness.
Overwhelmed by the deafening white noise that rang in your ears with an unfathomable force, you didn't notice the bedroom door crack open, letting a small ray of light inside. Finally back from yet another mission, Suguru knew he would find you in such a state. Poking his head through the small opening, he listened, somewhere in the back of his mind harboring vague hopes that you had managed to fall asleep without waiting for him. His heart felt as if it had shattered, jumping off a cliff when your quiet sobs reached his ears. Carefully, swinging the door open a little wider so as not to startle you, he made his way towards the bed. With each step he took, more and more of the lanterns' rays filled the room, racing in from the hallway, they did battle with the darkness, dissolving it in their hot embrace. The bravest of them threw themselves under the bed, defeating in hand-to-hand combat all the monsters you feared, driving them out of their lair and protecting your peace.
The bed sagged slightly beneath you as Suguru lay down gently beside, his arm immediately enveloping your smaller figure, pulling gently against him. Yet the lump shaping in your throat felt like someone's gaunt hand on your neck, slowly but surely tightening its grip, making you choke on your sobs. Icy waves of fear swept over you from your feet, slamming over your head, leaving you breathless. And when you realized someone's strong arm found its place around your waist, you shuddered in terror, but not a sound escaped your lips except for the heavy, labored breathing that cut through the silence of the bedroom.
"Shhhh," he whispered into your hair, "it's me, I'm back, I'm right beside you," small reassuring kiss on your shoulder, his fingers snaking under the fabric of your t-shirt, beginning to trace whimsical patterns on your skin. No subtext, nothing intimate, just soothing movements to help you even out your breathing. You felt his raven-wing colored hair tickle the back your neck, a relieved exhale came out of your lips, your small hand instinctively covering his large palm. With your back pressed close to his broad chest and the pleasant warmth emanating from his body, you finally began to feel yourself returning from the frightening realm of dark thoughts to the pleasant reality of his luminous presence.
You allowed yourself to open your eyes, turning gently to face him and exposing your tired, weeping eyes, "you're back," you whispered softly, your sweet voice like music to his ears, your hot breath touching his neck, as he nodded, smiling lovingly, his thumb gently wiping away the remnants of your tears, tucking the loose strands behind your ear, soft lips leaving countless kisses on your blushing cheeks. You wrapped your arms around his torso, legs tangling together at the same second, just to keep as little distance between you as possible. His nose found its place in your hair. The floral scent of your shampoo filling his nostrils, smelling like home to his shelter-seeking soul. You nuzzle into his neck, a bit of sandalwood and the subtle scent of cigarettes, the smell of home for your shelter-seeking soul.
Your eyes flickered around the room, noticing that the thick darkness was gone, replaced by sparkling rays of light bouncing joyfully off the mirrored surfaces. You saw the table lamp, left on by the far-sighted Suguru, blinking softly in the kitchen. And you felt the warmth spreading throughout your body, pleasant thoughts taking over horrendous nightmares, knocking away any monsters hunting you. You gently stroke Suguru's back, listening to his steady breathing and the quiet confessions he whispered into the crown of your head. You saw his hair beginning to shimmer with different colors, his skin slowly taking on a honey hue. It was the morning sun peeking through your window to herald the arrival of a new day and your victory. The victory of light over the darkness, of his love over your fears. You felt your eyelids getting heavy with sleep as Suguru’s fingers kept doing their magic on the bare skin of your back. Noticing you visibly relaxing in his arms, he hummed approvingly, whispering the most genuine I love you that our old wondrous world had ever heard.
And so you fell asleep, deep and sweet, safe and sound, knowing that you didn't need to confront those monsters yourself, his mere presence was enough to make them disappear, dissolve into a luminous flow and forget the way to you. He was there, promising for every night to be like this –  not fearsome but serene, for now you had your own source of light.
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thank you so much for reading 💛 comments and reblogs are always appreciated!
tags for my friends: @shamelessperfectionhideout @pastelle-rabbit @rossithepixie @sukunassuka @strawberrystepmom @jazminetoad @sugurusgetou
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stoportotouch · 2 days
hi copper! i consider you as both a hodgeposting + opera/classical music expert, so i was wondering: who do you think is george’s favourite composer and/or opera, and why?
ooh excellent question actually! i am. slightly tempted to say one of the scott adaptations just because. you know. (irving's dad was scott's childhood friend.) buuuuut that's kind of an easy answer tbh so i will Not go with it.
i feel like based on his personality in the book and the show he probably has kind of a soft spot for mozart though. and he probably identifies in a really uncomfortable way with Tamino My Dear Friend Tamino (the tenor from the magic flute)... but also with pamina (said tenor's love interest).
seeing that show hodgson is a bit fancier than his book counterpart those two meet Quite Nicely in the middle with mozart. who was capable of being lowbrow when he wanted to but also he did like a theme. (partly because book hodgson likes music hall music, which was generally quite bawdy.)
however. the opera ernani premiered in england very shortly before the expedition departed. and i am sure that i have shared my theory before that this was the last opera that both hodgson and little saw before they left (although they didn't yet know each other). and while little left thinking "well that was fucking silly wasn't it?" (only to realise later), uh, hodgson did not and instead was followed around by a sense of malaise and anxiety for weeks.
this is of course partly because he went to ernani very shortly after he got ghosted by irving, also its own thing. he probably therefore felt very :( about silva's aria where he's going on about how he wishes that his heart was frozen and he didn't have feelings because seeing his fiancée (who does NOT like him, i would point out) being catfought over by two men (!) is that upsetting for him. and he was very much Not casual about irving in spite of generally being like "no even if i am screwing the same person regularly it is never Uncasual".
howm ever. as well as the usual Bel Canto Sex Bullshit, central to ernani is a story about a guy who gives his Detested Rival a hunting horn that, if the rival blows into it, ernani will immediately drop everything and kill himself. and then he marries the woman that the Detested Rival is in love with, and so The Horn Is Blown. little doesn't realise for A Good While but hodgson is trans and a victorian enough to be familiar with figuratively carving bits off himself to see the end of the opera and go "hm. yep." and go home and cry for an evening.
(on a cheerier note, however, he does think that the leading lady is just like. conceptually hot. and how could he not when she goes about threatening men with a dagger like "if you don't behave. it's the Phallic Blade for you. don't test me!")
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areyoudreaminof · 1 year
Moon on a String: A Lucien Vanserra Playlist
Here it is! A playlist for our sly fox, courtier, and emissary. Apart from being one of the most interesting characters in ACOTAR, Lucien is one of the most emotionally well rounded ones. I wanted to explore his wit and charm, as well as his own grief and sorrow. As always, meet me behind the cut for a lyrical deep dive! Listen Along Here!
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Son My Son-Milo Greene
Son, my son The weight is unique One by one The words are complete Your testing is calling And we are still falling For keeps
Your waltz like repeating Continues your dreaming In threes You will bury that hatchet with an olive branch Tied to your knee
And as the full star tries his best to make the white pearl shine Glances of a new day have arrived And though he’s not alone, he fears to never love another And leave his heart forever with her smile
Something died within a soul Left the eyes to rust And every time it is recalled It covers all in dust
Bad Bad News-Leon Bridges
Ain’t got no riches, ain’t got no money that runs long But I got a heart that’s strong and a love that’s tall Ain’t got no name, ain’t got no fancy education But I can see right through, a powdered face on a painted fool
They tell me I was born to lose But I made a good good thing out of bad bad news
Young Man in America-Anais Mitchell
Like the wind I make my moan, I howl in the canyon There's a hollow in my bones, makin' me cry and carry on Make the foam fly from my tongue, make me want what I want Another wayward son waitin' on oblivion Waitin' on the kingdom come to meet me in my sin Waitin' to be born again, mother, kiss me cheek and chin Mmm, a little medicine, mmm, and I shed my skin Mmm, and lemme climb back in the bed you made me in
Old Friend-Sea Wolf
But now we're getting older and we're growing up So now less action in the water and we know enough Stood up on the rooftop on a night so clear That the lights from the city just disappeared
I know you don't believe me When I believe in you I know it could get much easier If you want it to
Late Night-Foals
Now I'm the last cowboy in this town Empty veins and my plastic broken crown They said I swam the seas then ran aground They said I once was lost but now I'm truly found And I know the place but not the way I feel, I feel no shame Oh now, Mama, do you hear my fear? It's coming after me
Beggin' for Thread-BANKS
So I got edges that scratch And sometimes, I don't got a filter But I'm so tired of eating All of my misspoken words I know my disposition gets confusing My disproportionate reactions fuse with my eager state That’s why you wanna come out and play with me, yeah
Turn Away-Beck
Turn Turn away From the weight of your own words It's a measure For the devil And betrays the lack of change Once you have spoken Turn away
Sun-Cat Power
Here it comes, here it comes, in all is burning Here it comes, here it comes, it’s splitting the bone Here it comes, here it comes, we’re all so tired of waiting Whose side, whose side are you on
I wanna hear every answer to every question It’s not that I never wanted, I just never knew If you can, if you could lend your hand This is the day people like we’ve been waiting for
Gold-Chet Faker
I might as well be in a garden I said, uh, a smell in the air is a dripping rose (You can be the one for me) Another soul to be my void then Of anything there that's made of gold
Call Me in the Afternoon-Half Moon Run
Take one if you need it but you really shouldn't be out this late Really wanna make you feel home Take one if you need it but you really shouldn't get this fucked up Really wanna get it to you Slide another shot by and wipe your dirty hands on me Swallow till you go blind and find a little company
Autumn Tree-Milo Greene
A man that resembles me Watching his young lady sleep Now I'm off to dream Comfort me
Is this my old shame? My mind is away How long have you been gone? The cold winter aged the soft of your face And I can't move on
Carry away my dead leaves Let me baptize my soul with the help of your waters Sink my pains and complains Let the river take them, river drown them My ego and my blame Let me baptize my soul with the help of your waters Those old mes, so ashamed Let the river take them, river drown them
You Wanna Freak Out-My Morning Jacket
Play it smart, soul intact How you react is what you get back 'Cause that's the way we really see I am "you're" and "you're" is me Come on, you know how we are First we're up, up, down, down One day we're in, the next one we're out You wanna freak out? Come on
Don't Carry It All-The Decemberists
And there a wreath of trillium and ivy Laid upon the body of a boy Lazy will the loam come from its hiding Return this quiet searcher to the soil
So raise a glass to turnings of the season And watch it as it arcs towards the sun And you must bear your neighbor's burden within reason And your labors will be borne when all is done
No One's Here to Sleep-Naughty Boy/Bastille
You were always faster than me I'll never catch up with you, with you Oh I can feel them coming for me And you were always faster than me I'll never catch up with you, with you Oh I can feel them coming for me
Here's the pride before the fall Oh, your eyes, they show it all I can see it coming I can see it coming As I rise up through each floor Shit gets dark and you lose it all I can hear it coming I can hear the drumming
taglist: @cursebrkr, @octobers-veryown, @melting-houses-of-gold, @velidewrites, @reverie-tales, @thesistersarcheron @ultadverb, @c-e-d-dreamer, @andrigyn, @foundress0fnothing, @vulpes-fennec ,@asnowfern,@mossytrashcan, @thelovelymadone, @the-lonelybarricade, @shadowriel, @separatist-apologist , @fieldofdaisiies, @stickyelectrons, @vanserrass, @panicatthenightcourt, @krem-does-stuff, @iftheshoef1tz, @damedechance, @ablogofbipanic
Up Next: Rhysand. Happy Weekend!
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themuse-if · 8 months
Faye Winters
The Manic Pixie Dream Girl
I really enjoyed designing and styling Faye! She is definitely one of my favorite characters.
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Faye Winters | 19 yrs old | she/they:
Faye embodies the essence of an ethereal being, a sophomore majoring in dance with a minor in studio arts. Their aura is as enchanting as it is flighty, reflecting in both their artistic pursuits and their charismatic presence. Faye possesses an effortless charm and beauty that seamlessly translates into their art, whether it be the grace of their contemporary dance or the finesse of their sculptures. Faye's preference for contemporary dance over ballet is a testament to their unique artistic expression, choosing to dance on the edges of tradition and embrace a more modern form of movement.
With albino features and icy blue eyes, Faye stands out even more, captivating those who encounter their otherworldly appearance. Their striking features draw attention naturally, and Faye is accustomed to being the center of focus, even though they don't actively seek extra attention. Amidst the allure, Faye faces challenges in romantic relationships. The abundance of admirers, constant stares, and occasional accusations of flirtation create hurdles in their personal life.
These challenges echo in their past relationship with Reyes, where issues arose from the external pressures surrounding Faye's captivating presence. Beneath the surface, Faye grapples with the struggle to discern genuine friendships from those who are drawn to them solely for their looks. Their journey unfolds as Faye navigates the delicate balance between the external perceptions of beauty and the desire for authentic connections in the realm of art and relationships.
Scroll all the way down for a mini Q&A with Faye!
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Top row left to right: Everyday, formal, activewear, sleepwear
Bottom row left to right: Party, swimwear, hot weather, cold weather
Faye Q&A
Q: What’s your sign?
A: Did you want my full birth chart? *gets excited* No? *face falls* Oh ok I'm a Pisces.
Q: How tall are you?
A: I'm 5'9.
Q: Name your top 5 artists your listening to?
A: My top 5 favorite artists are Ghostly Kisses, Mitski, Tamino, FKA twigs, and Alice Phoebe Lou. I really love whimsical sounds, they just have a way of moving through you.
Q: What’s your favorite food?
A: I always crave lavender-infused desserts; I like the delicate blend of sweet and earthy florals.
Q: What’s your ideal date?
A: A spontaneous adventure to a hidden botanical garden. We would wander through lush, exotic flora, discovering secret corners and relishing the tranquility. Then a cozy evening at a charming rooftop restaurant were we can enjoy the food and each others company. And if the night is going really well, then maybe we head back to my dorm to start a show together on Netflix. *soft smile, eyes literally twinkle*
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tinycomet · 2 years
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Gonna start posting my music favs here since y’all appreciate me 🥲
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airam1quhs · 2 months
✨Sleeping My Day Away✨ | (R.P.)
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GIF by taminoe
Notes: N/A, just fluff :)
She awoke to soft, golden rays of sunlight filtering through the thin curtains drawn in the hotel room. She clung to the warmth and comfort of sleep, even as it flew out of her grasp. However, she did not stay disappointed for long, the feeling of a strong, warm body spooning her from behind reminding her that she did not have to wake up alone. She shifted into a more comfortable position, and the arm pulled flush into her side tightened around her waist. She smiled slightly giddily. Even while sleeping, he was clingy.
Turning on her side to face him, she was greeted with the beautiful sight of his angelic face pulled into a look of contentment. His soft, level breathing was all that could be heard as she admired the light flowing over his golden curls, the rays caught perfectly in the strands and layers splayed across his perfectly sculpted face. She could not resist reaching up and pushing a lock off his forehead, planting a gentle kiss on it. He let out a comfortable sigh and smiled in his no-doubt thinning sleep.
Putting an arm of her own around him and reaching up to play softly with his hair, she surveyed the room, eyes landing on the clock. They had already slept far through breakfast. She used both her hands to massage his scalp, combing through his untamed locks with her fingers. “Rise and shine, golden boy.” She whispered softly into his ear. He let out a groan and slung another arm around her waist, pulling her closer to his body, “Do we have to?” he whined breathily, burying his head into the crook of her neck. “I’m tired from last night.”
“Yes babe. We’ve already slept through breakfast.” She blushed slightly. “Ten more minutes?” “Five.” “Eight?” “Six.” “Seven?” “Fine, seven more minutes.” She caved, knowing full well it wouldn’t be only seven more minutes before they got up. “I love you,” He mumbled, as if that was that. “What, because I let you sleep in?” She asked teasingly, leaving a trail of kisses up the exposed side of his neck. “No, you know what I mean!” He groaned, tightening his hold on her waist as if to prove a point. A few strands of his golden hair flew I her face, overwhelming her with the sweet scent of his shampoo, as if begging to be felt and ran through. “Okay, yes, I know what you mean. I love you too. Now make sure those seven minutes count.” She laughed, giving in and playing with his hair soothingly. “Yes ma’am,” he said, already only half awake.
She smiled. She wished that she could wake up like this every morning, in his warm embrace, legs entwined and hearts content. Her parting thought as she drifted back to sleep was that she never wanted to let this feeling slip away.
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literalite · 3 months
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omg ignore how dirty my bathroom mirror is 😭 but i dont usually flex bday gifts but uwhhwghhh 🥺 olli got me theeeee tamino hoodie ive been eyeing for Literally Months and its so soft and cosy and officially my newest fav item of clothing... and my irls got me these preserved praying mantises yippee
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sparrowmoth · 1 year
The Lips You Haven't Met • [AO3]
A/N: Flashfic prompt fill written for the Wesper Fic Club discord. Thissss one is a snack sized divine!Jesper/mortalWylan AU... <3
Prompt (from @waterloou): Write a fic inspired by Tamino's "The Longing." (I've noted the specific lyrics that inspired me on AO3.)
CW: Implied/referenced parental abuse
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Only ever in dreams, but Wylan has seen him. Has touched him. Has known him. He is not merely some ghost of a thought or a memory or desire—though Wylan does want him, does remember, does think… that maybe…
And it might be madness.
But he thinks, because the world is so vivid in his dreams of the young man—Jesper. Pretty name. He thinks if he could find it, that soft place in the woods, he might find Jesper also. He thinks if he could find it, find a place even so near enough to call out from a distance and see who would respond—
It might be real. Not just a dream.
It might be Jesper’s lips he’d meet, at last, and not some mercher boy afraid to love him—not so much they never touch. Their hands are cold compared to Jesper’s. Their hands, though real, though never doubted—physical and present on him—their hands aren’t warm and soft like Jesper’s.
Jesper, who he dreams of.
Jesper, who he wakes to find might never have existed.
And so, and so—because he must know—Wylan goes into the woods that night. He does not sleep. He wanders. He passes through the aspen, eyes downcast as not to meet theirs. He passes over leaves and roots and over deer trails cutting left and right. He doesn’t know where he is going. He knows exactly where he’s going.
One of these is true.
“Wylan!” someone calls out as he steps into a meadow, and he startles at the sound. Jesper’s name has almost left his lips when he sees the lantern, hears the crunching boots, realizes—that’s his father’s voice. That’s his name being called out in anger—
Wylan runs like a deer through the moon-drenched meadow, never sure as he is now that someone is calling and it isn’t his father. He just needs to run. He just needs to get there. Where? He doesn’t know.
But he finds it—collides—with a warm, open chest, and two arms wrap around him and a voice whispers, “Shhhh,” as he’s wrenched down to the ground and pinned like prey between the bushes—
He looks up into the face of who he thought so long a dream.
Now, he knows they are a god.
Jesper smiles at him, and it is radiant, despite the shadows thick around them. He is real and heavy and present, with Wylan light as air. He can feel his spirit rising—then, sinking like a rock as raging footsteps draw much nearer—and his name is all but snarled—
Jesper’s smile is no less radiant, but the edges have grown softer, like the end of summer daylight. He seems to sink down into Wylan, seems to push them both down, down… into a sky that shouldn’t be there—a dark sky full of stars, the air as buoyant as the water—
Wylan doesn’t want to wake from this.
Jesper promises he won’t.
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luvandmimo · 1 month
songs that reminds me of her
chet baker - you are mine, you!
''heart to heart, lips to lips; we're chained and bound together.''
2. jannabi - she
''she's everything to me'' <3
3. november ultra - soft & tender
''i feel better, better when we're together.''
4. frank sinatra - moon river
''we're after the same rainbow's end''
5. guns and roses - this i love
''i've searched the universe and found myself within her eyes.''
6. ritchie valens - we belong together
''you're mine and we belong together.''
7. the beatles - hey jude
''don't carry the world upon your shoulders.''
8. tamino, angele - sunflower
''so ready to lose everything, everything for your love.''
9. tamino - every pore
''and ill kiss every pore, if i could always have you around''
10. radiohead - you
''you are the sun and moon and stars are you''
11. the goo goo dolls - iris
''you're the closest to heaven that i'll ever be''
12. the black skirts - everything
''when I'm looking into your eyes, everything becomes ours''
13. the black skirts - ariel
''baby, you’ve got a strange gravitational force that pulls me towards you''
14. the smiths - there is a light that never goes out
''i love the smiths''
15. cigarettes after sex - you're all i want
''there is no other love, its only yours''
16. the police - every breath you take
''i dream at night, i can only see your face.''
17. chet baker - its always you
''funny, each time i fall in love, its always you.''
18. chet baker - tenderly
''you took my lips, you took my love so tenderly.''
19. frank sinatra - strangers in the night
''it turned out so right, for strangers in the night.''
20. gemini - know me
''this love will never change''
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but my favorite song to listen is your voice<3
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