#solomon's secrets
pieground · 2 years
From the Meet & Greet
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
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Can we please take a moment to appreciate this latest chat photo?
I would make Solomon talk to every cat for me. Be my kitty translator I need to know all about that precious baby’s life.
Barbatos, darling, give me those books they look stupid heavy. He calls that paperwork in the chat.
I love them both so much it makes me silly.
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maleficent-deity · 1 year
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The "Don't tell Simeon, okay?" is killing me.
I interpreted it as: "Don't tell Simeon I love living with you or else he'll be jealous." Or "Don't tell our Angel friend we're being naughty since I let you watch me do 'things' in this room." 😉
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koolades-world · 2 months
Spellbound Secrets
prologue: calm before the storm
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synopsis: The House of Lamentation caught fire one night, and you were the only one they recovered from the wreckage. The brothers were in the house as well when you went to bed that night, but they were nowhere to be found. The pact marks are faded, and seem to be getting more and more indefinite by the day. You and Solomon get to investigating but oddly enough, nobody can seem to remember the missing brothers. It’s up to you, with the help of Solomon, to find your beloved demons, lest you never see them again.
navigation: playlist | prologue (you are here!) | chapter one (coming next saturday)
authors note: this was postponed because a roach haha, but! it’s finally here and I’m excited to share the product of my hard work with you all! what do we think of the banner? made it myself! i think it’s nice but I’ll probably hate it in a couple of years haha. please do check out the playlist i made too. more explanation will be made on the post about it :) special thanks to @aaliyahxxvi and @rcbsbb for beta reading each and every chapter for me, as well as being awesome friends <3
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While your several years of living in the Devildom came with its challenges, you wouldn't trade it for anything. It was hard to adjust to, and it felt like every day came with a new hurtle for you to overcome. From almost having your soul stolen, to almost failing several classes, to almost dying, you'd seen it all. But, every time, the key word was almost. You always made it out relatively unscathed, to the point where it was a running joke between you and the brothers, some more so than others. (Lucifer didn't find it very funny.)
You really couldn't ask for more. Despite how things seemed early on in your stay, you'd really begun to enjoy everything about the life you hadn't expected, no less asked for. There was so much about living you truly looked forward to now.
Every morning, you knew to expect Mammon either in your room already because he spent the night over, or barging in as soon as he was awake so you could get ready together. More often than not, in the middle of getting ready, Asmo would burst into the room and ask your opinion on what to wear that day. He and Mammon would bicker and if you didn't end the fighting, they'd disperse on their own once they realized you'd walked off. Lucifer wasn't a morning demon, which took you longer to learn that you'd thought, still took the time out of his morning to brew you a cup of coffee.
Every afternoon, you enjoyed a tea with Satan while you read or did some homework together. Sometimes, you didn't say a single word to each other, but just being together was comforting enough. Then, you'd spent a while with Levi, playing whatever game he'd selected for that day. If it was a game you couldn't play together, you'd happily talk about your day while the other played the game. Finally, once it started to get later in the day and the Devildom began to cool down, you accompanied Beel on his second workout of the day. After a long day, you snuggled with Belphie and unwound. As much as he protested about it, he made a great pillow.
You always had a movie night at least once a week which everyone was required to attend; the brothers didn't have it in them to say no. More often than not, the members of Purgatory Hall and the Demon Lord's Castle (if Barbatos permitted it) came over to join you. It was just a fun excuse to get together and enjoy each other's company.
The routine was comforting, to say the least. You'd all grown into it. You felt safe, and content.
That night had started and ended just like any other. It had been Asmo's turn to cook dinner, and as part of a deal the two of you had made together, he'd agreed to make your favorite. In exchange, he made you promise to reserve one evening just for him. Lingering in the kitchen while he cooked was one of your favorite pastimes.
That night, you were almost certain you feel asleep with three demons in your room. Mammon had claimed your right side, as he usually did, which left your other side up for grabs. Satan laid on your left with a book in hand, one you recognized as one you'd gotten together in the human world, and a little reading light. Levi was at the end of the bed, on his Devilswitch. You and Mammon had briefly argued over the remote, but in the end, you selected what you watched even though he had the remote. You chided Satan for having the light on, to which he apologized for and tried his best to keep it out of your eyes. He didn't move though, because he wasn't willing to give up his spot. Levi didn't cause too much of a disturbance, only the occasional exclamations about whatever he was playing.
It wasn't anything out of the ordinary: how things should be. You looked forward to tomorrow. You could already picture what the next day held. You had plans with Satan to head to a new bookstore at the edge of town, and Beel wanted to go on an evening hike and picnic in a nearby park, to which you weren't going to refuse.
If only things were to play out as you imagined.
You weren't sure exactly what time it was when you woke up, but it was blistering, and you couldn't identify a reason why. Your sheets were dangling off the bed, likely the doing of Mammon. You fan was at the highest speed, but it actually only seemed to be making the heat worse. Even stranger was the fact that not a single one of the demons you'd fallen asleep with at your side was present. Not Satan, not Levi, and even not Mammon. In your sleepy stupor, you peeled off the fluffy jacket you were wearing in an attempt to cool off, leaving you in a thinner undershirt. As you plodded around the room, you saw they were nowhere in sight. Their belongings were scattered about, as if they were only going to be gone for a short amount of time and might be back any minute.
Perhaps you might've gone back to bed if you didn't hear the sound of a voice you thought you recognized through the door, accompanied by a muffled roaring. The doorknob burned to the touch, waking you up fully. You wrung out your hand and hissed, cradling it close to your body. It would surely result in a burn later, but for now, that was the least of your concern. The smell of smoke flooded your senses. The was a fire happening in the House of Lamentation, and you were trapped in your room with no way out.
You retreated back to your bed, ripping it apart in search of your D.D.D. Once you found it, you struggled to dial the Devildom equivalent of 911. Thankfully, the call went through and if nobody else had already made a call, they would be on their way.
"666, what is the address of your emergency?" The operator on the other end of the line spoke calmly and clearly.
"The House of Lamentation. The big, haunted creepy house. On Hollow Avenue. I think my house is on fire. I'm trapped in my bedroom." You kept your voice as even as you could so she could understand you.
"The fire department is on their way, sweetie. Are there any other exits?" You could hear the sound of the operator typing.
"No. The only way out is my door, and I burnt my hand on the doorknob. I know you're not supposed to open the door." You weren't sure when you had begun to shake, and struggled to hold the phone up to your ear.
"Alright, put a towel underneath the door to block smoke. Stay low to the ground if you can. What floor are you on?" You could hear the information you were giving to the operator being relayed to others. Doing as she asked, you threw open your closet door and shoved as many towels as you could between the door and the floor.
"First. I'm on the first floor. First floor. I'm not the only one who lives here though. They might be trapped too. I heard someone else before." You thought you heard someone yelling when you'd first approached the door, but you became quickly preoccupied with your own matters. You wished you hadn't.
"Don't panic. Someone is coming to rescue you. I'll stay on the line with you, alright?" She reassured you.
"Thank you." There was a slight pause in your conversation, so you continued to speak. "What's going to happen if they can't get to me in time?" A sort of morbid curiosity crossed your mind. You didn't want to find out, but the thought lingered.
"You're all going to be alright. Talk to me. What's your name?" You didn't know much about the tactics of dispatchers, but maybe she was trying to keep you calm.
"Mc. I'm Mc. I'm one of the human exchange students." You stumbled over your own name. You had no clue what to do besides answer her questions. You felt useless just standing in one spot, but were rooted there.
"How many other people are in the house?" She remained calm, and you took a deep breath, so you could continue to answer her questions. You could feel the panic creeping in and begin envelop you, not unlike the smoke you were trying to block out.
"There should be seven others. A family. I don't know where they are. They were in my room, but they're gone." She probably already knew who the brothers were, and who you were, but you couldn't stop the words from tumbling out of your mouth.
"What are you wearing?" She asked you.
"It's really hot in here, miss." You were quickly growing lightheaded, and drenched in sweat.
"I know. I'm sorry. What are you wearing?" She repeated herself.
"Um, a white tank top and some blue checkered pajama pants." Neither article of clothing belonged to you. The pants were Lucifer's and the tank top you'd stolen from Mammon. It was the one thing about the situation that managed to get you to think a little more positively.
"What's the charge on your device, Mc?" Her using your name shocked you a little. It took you a second to realize you'd just given her your name, which is how she knew.
"It's getting low." Because of the brothers staying over in your room, you never had the chance to plug it in before you went to sleep. Mammon had told you he would do it, but it seems you'd both forgotten.
"What percent?" She asked.
"Twenty-nine." You hoped the battery would last long enough.
"Don't hang up. Help will be there shortly." You tried to respond, but it felt as if all the breath had been knocked out of you. You felt as if your legs were going to give way, so you took a seat on the edge of your bed.
"Miss, I don't feel good." Sweat rolled down your forehead and would've gone into your eyes if you didn't swipe it away, which was growing more and more difficult by the second. The heat was agonizing and you almost felt like you were melting.
"Keep talking to me. How old are you?" When you didn't respond, the operator prompted you again. "Mc? Are you still there?"
You tried to continue to speak to her, but you couldn't form the words you wanted to. Nothing came out correctly. She continued to speak to you, but you just wanted to lay down. She grew quieter the more time passed. The room had started spinning at some point. The urge to close your eyes grew stronger and stronger, so you told yourself just a moment wouldn't hurt.
The next thing you remembered was waking up in what had to be a hospital room. You didn't recognize anything in the room, and everything was unusually bright. Whoever had last been in your room had tucked you in carefully in your hospital bed. You could see from your chest down, but your arms were sitting on to of the covers. An IV drip was in your left arm, and from the elbow down, your right arm was wrapped in bandages. The TV in the room was on to your favorite Devildom cooking channel. It was an episode you'd seen before, so you didn't bother to focus on it. Besides the sound of the television you could hear hushed whispering and shuffling from the hallway, and the constant beeping of the machine connected to you.
As you were taking in your surroundings, the door just out of your line of sight opened. You expected it to be one of the brothers, or a nurse maybe, but it was Solomon. It was nice to see a familiar face regardless of who it belonged to.
"Mc! You're awake. I'll call the nurse." With a smile befitting of the gods, he moved to leave the room again.
"Wait, please." He paused with his hand on the doorknob. "What happened?" Solomon backtracked and pulled up a chair to sit beside your bed. You stared at him expectantly, as he thought about, presumably, what to say next.
"The House of Lamentation caught on fire, but thankfully, you were alright. You got some burns but the doctor says it could've been much worse. You've been out for about a day now. How much do you remember?" He flexed his fingers.
"Not much, but I think that's a good thing. How are the brothers? I hope they're doing well." You expected Solomon to just answer the question, but instead, he cocked an eyebrow.
"What are you talking about?" At first, you just assumed he was kidding, but this was an odd thing to be joking about.
"You know, the seven brothers? They're the avatars of sin? They should've been in the house. Are they fine or did they get hurt in the fire too?" When he only stared at you blankly, you didn't know how to react. "You're scaring me, Solomon. This isn't funny." You thought back over what you'd said. It all made sense in your head, but something just wasn't clicking for Solomon.
"Who are 'the brothers?'"
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sane-omblog · 13 days
Extended the AU! Raphael has joined the gang
Because I love purgatory hall as a whole and not gonna left Raph out. He's in middle school in this btw that's why his clothes isn't the same
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Don't worry they bonded rather shortly after this.
While I don't put Simeon nor Solomon in any club, I think Raphael would be in Chorus club(?) not sure about this in eng but it's 合唱.
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serpensortiamaxima · 6 months
I feel like MC and Sebastian would be dumb enough to make a blood pact or take an Unbreakable Vow. Obviously, the nature of the oath would depend on the specific relationship they have but given how they tend to enable each other, if not downright follow the same path, I can just envision it.
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celestialrealms · 3 months
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I've been clearing out my cards for any leftover chats I hadn't unlocked in OG... anyway Raphael and Solomon taking Luke trick or treating is so cute 🥺 (and so is them sending the extra candy to Michael 🥲🥲)
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journey-to-the-attic · 3 months
the divorcee chronicles: part 1 of ???
this was meant to be a comic but for some reason i decided I'm going to do this ace attorney style... and then the official localisation of aai got announced so?! i'm prophetic in one way or another, is all i'm saying
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luck-of-the-drawings · 8 months
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#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#jrwi suckening#jrwi suckening spoilers#RRAAHH IM IN LOVE WITH THIS SHOW SOOO GOODDAMN MUCH!! each o these characters has STOLEN my HEART!!!#LIKE EMIZEEELLL i love emizel so much.. runnin around announcing that HE isa PRINCE while shiloh FINALLY quietly clicks the pieces together#nathan hanover you MADMAN!!! that slow dramatic guitar riff as emizel makes that announcement was so fuckin COOL UGHHHH#MR HANOVER DOES IT AGAIN just creating tracks that absoultely WORM into my MIND and HHEAARRT UUGHHGHH#emizel is so cool and so funny and so adorable UUGHH ill gush abt him more when i finally post my emizel n soda doodle page#ARTHUR FUCKING BENNET. i totally get why grizz has a hard time playing him. hes cool and stoic n its not easy to play a man o little words#BUT BBOOOY DOES HE DO IT WELL!! arthur DOES come off as so stoic n cool & it just makes his lil misfortunes all the more charming#like falling into the red fear or confrontin edward twilight or accidentally doing lsd. I LOVE THATS HES THE BAD LUCK GUY.#okay uhhu uhh i have limited room here what else should i say uhh. THE NPCS. MY GOD THE NPCS. CHARLIE U WONDERFUL MADMAN#edward twilight is SUCH a funny fucking antagonist. and supposedly his magic stuff is super scary?? SO EXCITED TO SEE MORE OF THAT#ill ramble abt mr deacon keller later eheh i have a. uh. a doodle page in the works. so in the meantime DAYBRINGER SOLOMON!!#“HERE COMES THE SUN MOTHERFUCKER!” “ILL SEE YOU IN HELL. NOT. IM GOING TO HEAVEN. BITCH.” like come on now. oh my god. i need him#BIG POWERFUL BEAST AND EVERY WORD HE SAYS HAS ME CRACKING UP. THE MUFFLED VOICE IN THE DARK BROKEN BY “LIGHT!”#TRULY HILARIOUS AND YET TRULY HORRIFYING. I FUCKIN LOVE CHARLIE NPCS SO MUCH. I HOPE WE SEE HIM AGAIN OHH MY GOOOODDD#OKAYokay. im normal now. ill talk abt the piece. if u read my tags this far then u get special secret knowledge abt the artistic process#IM VERY HAPPY WITH MY COLORS! i know they were hallucinating on drugs so i just recalled the times i did drugs & used that as my influence#REMEMBER KIDS! acid is totally fine if ur safe and responsible about it. do acid and then stare at my art for a bit trrruuust me. IT MOVES!#anyway i think thats all my thoughts here. thank you for looking at my art n thanku if ur one o the ppl that says nice things in the tags#U are LITERLY my life blood i pick up each of u n kiss u so sweetly on the head. remember to try acid!!!!
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baambastic · 2 years
Justice League is trying to figure out who or what Captain Marvel actually is because every question they ask him gets a weirder answer than the last:
Bruce: *Analyzes DNA samples, pores over Fawcett news articles for CM’s history, cross-reference’s CM’s face with Fawcett’s citizen records, builds and analyzes a psychological profile, asks Zatanna*
Clark: *Continues trying to wheedle information out of CM whenever he can, keeps offering to help him out on monitor duty or in Fawcett, interviews Fawcett citizens as his civilian reporter identity*
Diana: *Just goes and asks Her Dad*
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beelzebuddy-catan · 1 year
Barbatos, after stealing MC's tail: MC's greatest strength is that they put total faith in others. But it is also their greatest weakness. MC, who definitely opened the 'grimoire' after pretending to go to the bathroom and finding out it was fake seconds after the game started:
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de1-os · 3 months
Watching Chinese whb players getting swimsuit Raphael bc of the cafe event and
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I'm not jealous I'm not jealous I'm not jealous I'm not jealous I'm not jealous I'm not jealous I'm not jealous T-T
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ace-hell · 7 months
Me, watching sonic and the secret rings: :)
Me, coming to the part of king solomon: >:(
Seriously, king solomon- or by his native name "Sh'lomo"- a hebrew jewish king of a jewish kingdoms ruling over the kingdom of israel is portrayed in the arabian nights, in an arabic stories with arabic ornaments and clothes and cultural signs. The worldwide claim over jewish characters(people) and stories is just so frustrating. Its ok that he is written in the christian bible and the quran but people and companies that adapt these characters and stories need to do it right and acknowledge the JEWISH part and culture in a JEWISH king, king solomon physically CAN'T have muslim-arabic culture bc it didn't exist yet nor did it was in ancient israel
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koolades-world · 2 months
Spellbound Secrets
chapter two: forgotten
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synopsis: The House of Lamentation caught fire one night, and you were the only one they recovered from the wreckage. The brothers were in the house as well when you went to bed that night, but they were nowhere to be found. The pact marks are faded, and seem to be getting more and more indefinite by the day. You and Solomon get to investigating but oddly enough, nobody can seem to remember the missing brothers. It’s up to you, with the help of Solomon, to find your beloved demons, lest you never see them again.
navigation: playlist | prologue | chapter one | chapter two (you are here!) | chapter three (coming next saturday)
authors note: it totally slipped my mind last chapter, but i'm doing a tags list for anyone who'd like to join <33 just let me know at any time if you'd like to be added or removed :) also sorry if this chapter reads a little weird. I kinda had to force myself through the ending haha
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"We're here!" Solomon patted your shoulder. You hissed slightly at the contact and he quickly removed it with an apology. Before you stood Purgatory Hall. You'd just been discharged from the hospital, and this would be your first time back at somewhere familiar.
"I don't know why, but I'm a little nervous." You absentmindedly messed with the bandages encasing your right hand.
"Do you need some more time before we head in? We could also head to the store. Simeon has a list of items we need for the next few meals, and I was planning to head back out after you got settled.
"No. It's alright. I'm not afraid or anything. Just…" You trailed off. Solomon looked at you expectantly. The feeling growing in the pit of your stomach was nearly impossible for you to place, but you weren't sure why. "Uneasy."
"It's alright. I'll be by your side. Do you want to hold my hand?" He extended it out to you. His fingers were long and slim, and his middle finger was a little crooked. Perhaps that had a story behind it you could ask about later if you needed a distraction. With your good hand, you took his. They were freezing, but in the heat of the Devildom, it was more than welcome.
"Thank you." You said. While the feeling didn't dispel, it was easier to quell it now that your hand was in his.
"Luke will be very happy to see you. You didn't hear this from me, but he made your favorite cookies as a welcome home gift." You could hear the smile in Solomon's voice. The two of you walked up the path to the front door of Purgatory Hall, and to unlock it, he fished around in his pockets for the keys. The bag he was holding of your things had to be temporarily set down. While you insisted you could've just carried it, he refused to let you anything.
Upon unlocking the door, Solomon announced that you were home. Like a hawk, Luke descended upon the two of you and attacked you with hugs. "Luke, settle down. Remember, they just got out of the hospital. We don't want to send them right back." Simeon wasn't far behind the younger angel. Despite what he said, he shuffled towards you to give you a hug of his own.
"Come with me, Mc! I have a surprise for you." Luke held your good leg and looked up at you with big, doe eyes. You glanced back at Solomon.
"You don't need my permission. This is just as much as your home as it is mine." He waved you off, and began conversing with Simeon. They were probably chatting about what the hospital staff had said to you when you'd been discharged. Since Solomon had already let you in on the secret, it was no shock when Luke pulled you into the kitchen and presented you with a plate of cookies. What you hadn't expected was the cute welcome home card that he proudly told you he made all on his own.
The two of you sat and talked for a while over the cookies. He caught you up on whatever he might not had told you on one of his many visits to you. At first, he was very against eating the cookies he'd made for you, but after you reassured him you'd never be able to finish them on your own, he caved. Simeon and Solomon walked in after a little bit, and the four of you sat together at the table. You got lost in the moment, fully enjoying it, just like you would have before the fire. It was like nothing had changed.
"I'd better get going. We still need groceries. Mc, would you like to come with?" Solomon stood up once the conversation lulled.
"I think you just gave Luke a heart attack." Simeon hid his laughter behind a hand. You turned your attention to Luke to see his eyes wide and mouth agape. He got up and stood between you and Solomon.
"They need to rest! They can't go shopping." He adamantly shouted.
"I'd like to go, if that's alright." You told the group. Luke whipped around to face you, an aghast expression etched on his face.
"Mc, no! Please! You can't be serious." Luke pleaded. You got up to stand beside him.
"Think about it, Luke. Imagine how awful it would be to be in the situation they were in. Would you want to be trapped in a hospital bed for a month? Besides, they're with Solomon. I wouldn't trust anymore more than the Demon Prince himself to look after them." Simeon explained to the little angel. As he processed the words, his expression began to change.
"Well, he does have a point. Do you promise to be safe?" Luke took your good hand.
"Yes, I promise." You told him.
"Do you promise to take it easy?" Luke inquired earnestly.
"I promise." You tried you best to suppress laughter as he leant in really close to look you in the eyes.
"Do you promise to come right back home if things go bad or if you get hurt?" Before you could answer, Solomon cut in.
"Alright, they get it. We're headed out now. We’ll be back with the ingredients for dinner!" Solomon took your arm, and pulled you back out the house. Luke watched carefully through the front window as you left.
"Thanks." You let of a sigh of relief. You were afraid Luke wasn't actually going to let you leave.
"It's no problem. I wholeheartedly agreed with everything Simeon said. You need to get out. Thanks to the power of magic, you have that luxury. I don't intend to coop you up if I don't have to." The two of you chatted all the way to and from the store. The trip itself was mostly uneventful, but you enjoyed the trip simply because it was time spent with Solomon.
He made sure to pick up lots of snacks for you, as well as various things the two of you had never tried before with the intention of trying it together. The two of you made the mundane task of regular shopping into something you'd actually enjoyed.
When you got back, Simeon had already begun prepping to start dinner. You gave him the last few ingredients he needed so he could continue. Once he was finished, the four of you sat down at the table together and ate the meal. The table was lively and you could tell the others were glad to have you back. You had a specific spot at the table where you sat as they left it open for you when you all initially sat down to eat. Soon enough, it was time for bed.
"Sleep well Mc. Just let us know if you need anything." Simeon went up the stairs to his own room. Luke had already gone up at that point, but he'd wished you a good night too. It was just you and Solomon left now.
"Where's my room? I was told I lived here, but I don't remember that." You turned to the sorcerer. His expression was unreadable, but you could tell he was thinking.
"Just follow me." He led you up the same staircase Simeon had just ascended and down a long hall. After one turn to the left, he stopped in front of a door you recognized. You tentatively placed your hands on the doorknob and cracked the door. You weren't sure what you were expecting, but it wasn't what you saw.
In front of you was an exact replica of your room back at the House of Lamentation, down to the plushies on your bed. You almost expected to see one of your missing demons to be seated somewhere in that room, waiting for you. It was incredibly eerie, and something about it creeped the hell out of you. You couldn’t place your finger on it, but it felt wrong. You took a giant step back and looked at Solomon. "I know you don't remember, but this is my room from the House of Lamentation." He kept his eyes trained on you. "I don’t like this. I can't sleep in here."
"Is it exactly the same? As far as I remember, it's always looked like this, but based off the information you've given me, this shouldn't exist." Solomon pushed the door open a little more and briefly scanned the room.
"It's identical." You closed the door, not wanting to look at the room anymore. Something that would normally bring you so much comfort was only making your situation more dire. "What exactly is happening here?" The implications of the existence of the room showed not only had the entire realm forgotten about the brothers, but there were also new, physical indicators of the implanted memories. This had to have been the work of someone, or something. It couldn't just be a case of a spell gone wrong. This plus the unusual circumstances of the fire and your injuries must’ve had to be intentional.
"You can sleep in my room tonight, if it comforts you. You don't have to enter that room again if you don't want to." Solomon offered.
"That sounds nice, yeah." You were tired, and while you could just sleep in one of the many spare rooms, sleeping in the same room as Solomon would put you at ease.
"I'll come up with an excuse." The two of you walked further down the hall to Solomon's room. It was cluttered, but there seemed to be a method to the madness. It was familiar and comfortable, in a way your room couldn't be. While you'd usually be awkward in a situation like this, you couldn't find it in you to be at that moment. "Make yourself at home. What’s mine is yours." He busied himself on the other side of the room with a little bit of tidying up. You settled into the farther side of his bed that seemed normally untouched, which happened to be up against the wall.
“Thank you. I’m sorry but I don’t really have an explanation.” You felt bad about invading on his personal space, but you knew he didn’t care.
“You don’t need to give me one. I understand. There’s a lot I don’t know.” He brought over a little lamp from his desk and set it beside his bed in the side table.
“Is there anything I can do to help you out or…?” You watched as he continued to do a little bit more picking up.
“No. Just sit there. I’ll be back with your antibiotics, salve for your burns, and some fresh bandages.” He left the room before you could respond. You’d totally forgotten about that. It wasn’t long before he returned with everything he said he’d bring along with a glass of water. You took the medication first with a shudder, then he started to help you unwrap your burns to treat them. He hadn’t actually seen them until now.
“They’re interesting, aren’t they?” You said softly.
“I did remember the professionals saying the coloration and pattern was unusual, but I didn’t realize this is what they meant.” He gently flipped over your forearm to study the burn.
“What are you thinking?” You could tell the gears were turning in his head.
“I haven’t gotten a chance yet because I was waiting for you, but after I get a chance to study the fire, I think I might have an explanation for this. I’m not certain though, so I want to do some research first.” He gingerly began to apply the salve over the burns. He worked quickly because he intended to repeat this for all of your burns. Your arm didn’t take too long and after he bandaged it up, he quickly moved onto your upper back.
“If I’m being honest, I hadn’t given the fire a second thought. I don’t really want to, actually.” It would be a lie to say you’d never thought about that night. Thinking about it was unpleasant and while you knew you’d have to revisit it in the further, you weren’t ready now.
“If you want, I could handle the brunt of this. It was my proposal, after all.” Solomon offered. His words were delivered with a thoughtfulness you’d never heard from him before.
“I don’t want you to go alone. We’re better as a team. As long as I have you, I feel like I’d be able to handle it.” You smiled at him.
“How does starting tomorrow sound?” He’d just finished with your back and had moved onto your leg. The burns on your leg covered more surface area than the burns on the rear of your body combined, so it was the most daunting task. Despite the fact that you could probably handle that alone, Solomon still insisted on doing it for you. It was a little odd to hear him so soft and gentle, but you could tell he really cared.
“Great. The sooner I have answers the better. More than likely, it has to be connected to the brothers, right?” You pondered out loud.
“Anything for you, my darling apprentice.” The playful Solomon that you usually saw was back. He’d just finished wrapping your leg back up.
“Thanks for the help with my bandages.” You’d never asked him to do it and the fact that he remembered really showed how much he cared.
“Don’t mention it.” He winked at you.
“You’re not going anywhere, right?” You were still a little on edge, and it’d been a long day. You’d be most at ease with him by your side.
“I wouldn’t for the world.” Solomon whispered. He pulled the covers over you and extinguished the lamp on his side table. It was pitch black, but you could feel Solomon shifting in the bed next to you. His presence was heartening. You felt less alone with him by your side.
“Good night. See you tomorrow.”
“Sweet dreams, Mc.”
tags list: @bagofmice
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littlestardescendants · 6 months
Yalls I KNOW Raphael's Secret Club is supposed to be sexy. But every time I see the "Lick Foot" option I think of that one Spongebob Episode.
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Same Energy Right??
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heywoodvirgin · 9 months
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Mr Agent
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