#some of us still have never used the tiktok app even for a single second
alotofpockets · 1 year
Backup vocals | Reneé Rapp
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Pairing: Reneé Rapp x Reader
Summary: You play guitar in Reneé's band on tour and help her out with backup vocals when the backing track stops working.
Masterlist | Reneé Rapp Masterlist | Words: 1.3K
Reneé had first noticed you on tiktok, when her fans had tagged her in a cover that you did of her song Too Well. You had posted your fair share of covers on the app, never thinking it would reach many people, but as your audience kept growing, you continued by covering more and more songs. Reneé reached out to you and now after months of rehearsal you were joining her on tour, as the guitarist in her band. It was an exciting experience as you had never done anything like this. 
The first night of the show went incredible, the crowd loved it and Reneé was a natural at connecting with her fans. It was a great first experience for you as well, with such a big crowd singing the lyrics back to you. The celebration of a great start of the tour was done in the tour bus on the way to the next show. You, the rest of the band, Alyah, and of course Reneé herself, raised a glass and talked about your favorite moments from the show.
The next day you wake up in a different city, and you all head to the concert hall, to get ready for sound check. It wasn't long until you figured out something was wrong. The backing track wasn't playing, the crew tried everything they could, but wasn't able to get it to work. You saw that Reneé was getting stressed about the situation. Of course, Reneé sang everything live, but the backup vocals were all on the backing track. "We can do it live. I'm sure we have another mic, I can do the backup vocals. If you're okay with that, of course." Reneé thought it was a good idea and after some more rehearsing to get it all right, the stress she was feeling was no longer there. 
“Amsterdam, how is everyone doing tonight?” Reneé asks the crowd as she walks up the stage. The crowd erupts in cheer as she appears and the band starts playing the first notes to Colorado. Reneé turns her head your way at the first lyric you’ll be singing and smiles your way when it goes perfectly. It was the first time doing it infront of a crowd and you’d only practiced for a little bit this morning, so there were still some nerves about the live show but it was going great. The crowd sang every word with Reneé as she interacted with her fans. When the song came to an end, Reneé talked to the crowd again. “Thank you so much for coming out tonight!” The crowd went wild again, you weren’t entirely used to people just screaming back at every single sentence but it was amazing to see how much passion these people had for Reneé. “This show is going to be a little bit different, due to some technical difficulties. But don’t worry, that only means we have a live backup vocalist today. Give it up for y/n on the guitar!” This time the crowd was cheering purely for you, and it felt even more surreal. You wave at the crowd and speak into the microphone. “Also give it up for Reneé, changing everything at the last second isn’t easy.” The sound of clapping, cheering and whistling fills the room.
You continue to play Moon and Everything to Everyone, and everything goes great. However as you start playing the first verse of Too Well, you realize that your mic isn’t working. You signal to the crew to the side, hoping for it to not cost too much distraction, while you keep playing the guitar. A crew member walks up and takes your mic since he can’t fix it on the spot. Reneé looks over and notices what’s happening, knowing that this is the song that has the most backup vocals. She moves your way, while continuing to sing the lyrics. 
It's easier holdin' a grudge
I'd rather be angry than crushed
You missed your first two cues of the song, but Reneé is now standing by your side. You communicate with your eyes only, not interrupting the song. She sings her next line.
I'm doin' too much
And holds the mic up to you to sing your part.
I do too much
You sing the rest of the song like that until your mic gets replaced. And the rest of the set goes on without a hitch. That evening when you’re all back in the tour bus, Alyah wants to show something on her phone to you and Reneé. You sit down together and Alyah plays the TikTok’s that she saw from the show tonight. It’s the moment you and Reneé were singing together during Too Well. “They absolutely loved it. It’s all over my fyp.” She shares. Reneé looks at the phone smiling, an idea is already forming in her head. “Y/n, how would you feel about singing with me on the front of the stage during that song for the next few shows? The crowd clearly loved it, and I thought it was a lot of fun too.” You smile with her, “Yeah, it was really fun. Let's do it!”
Luckily the next day at rehearsals the backing track works just fine, it was probably just the last venue that couldn’t handle it or something. Still for Too Well you decide to cut the backing track and as you play the first note of the song, you move toward Reneé at the front of the stage. The crowd goes crazy, as if they know exactly what is about to happen. You walk up to Reneé and sing the backup vocals in the mic with her. Performing at the front of the stage was a completely different experience, but it was so much fun entertaining the crowd with Reneé. Again the videos were all over TikTok only motivating you to continue, which you did. Every show you got more and more comfortable with each other, which made it easier to sing so close together. Getting to know her better and being so close together made you realize just how much you actually liked her. 
Another show goes by and you’re near the end of the song. You were standing next to Reneé, strumming your guitar, as she moves towards you and puts her arm around your shoulder while she sings.
Can't stop reminiscin'
I heard you're happy somewhere elseAnd you join in on the next line.
But I don't forget too well
For the outro the band stops playing and it’s just you playing the guitar. Reneé lays her head on your shoulder and she sings the last lines.
I get so sick of myself
Can't stop overthinkin'
I heard you're happy somewhere else
But I don't forget too well
Reneé kisses your cheek and says “Thanks babe.” Before she continues the show. With red cheeks you walk back to your spot on the stage. Sure Reneé had a habit of calling people babe, you knew that, still it felt flirty with the kiss. You decided to set it aside for now and focus on playing the right cords. 
When the last song on the setlist has been played, Reneé asks the band to come forward like every night and bow with her. Something about everyone getting the recognition and applause that they deserve was so dear to her from her musical career, that she wanted to continue that at her concerts. You all take the hand of the person next to you and bow together, when everyone lets go of their hands, Reneé keeps holding yours. You walk off stage together and she walks you over to her dressing room. Once inside she turns to you, “Okay, so I don’t want to make anything weird between us, so please tell me if I am crossing a line here, but I really want to kiss you.” She looks at your face for a reaction, making sure to not do anything you’re not comfortable with. “You’re good, I want to kiss you too.” Reneé wastes no time and pulls you in for a kiss.
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mariacallous · 10 months
(JTA) — It was a slow trickle, each long press of the finger and ensuing quick tap was days and sometimes weeks apart (it’s hard to comprehend that a whole month has passed since Oct. 7), but I am here to tell you that I — a former social media manager — have removed each and every social media app from my phone.
In fact, as I was writing this very esssay, I realized I still had Threads downloaded, opened it for a minute, saw a Thread that said “Zionism is antisemitism,” and promptly deleted that, too.
I have zero desire to restore a single one of them.
What happened to me has probably happened to you, too. I saw a Tweet, a TikTok, an Instagram Story that filled me with such fury and indignation that I spent hours — sometimes days — formulating and reformulating an epic, fact-based, emotionally charged, imagined response. Imagined, of course, because I knew I’d never post it. I’ve seen so many celebrities and random acquaintances do such utterly embarrassing and harmful and reputation-destroying things in the last weeks to even dare to try.
And to be clear: I would try if I thought I could change someone’s mind and force them to see my humanity, but beyond the small, intimate, personal conversations that I can have off the apps, I feel like these enraged indignant responses only seem to silo people further.
I’ve worked in social media since 2014 — in the Jewish realm of social media, specifically. That means I’ve seen a lot of awfulness, gas chamber memes, overt antisemitism and Islamophobia. I’ve personally been told many times to go back where I came from (which, yes, is Israel, and that feels grimly funny now). Yet I’ve also believed in its power to heal, to make people feel seen, to energize activism, to educate.
I still believe that — kind of? But I’ve also never seen it this awful, this polarizing, this … honestly, unhinged. An unscientific poll of people I know seems to indicate the same thing: Social media is the worst it’s ever been, maybe because the Israel/Palestine conversation has always been so impossibly polarizing.
People are so stuck in their “side” and binary that they’re willing to share anything — without fact-checking, without making sure they’re not getting in bed with people whose worldview is dangerous, without asking themselves for a small second, wait, is this Islamophobic? Antisemitic? Completely detached from reality? Without wondering if they sound like a conspiracy theorist, or if they’re just being cruel for cruelty’s sake.
And the amount of words wasted on misinformation and meanness doesn’t even compare to the number of words some people insist on putting into other people’s mouths (or keyboards, rather) when their statement doesn’t 100% pass whatever standards they’ve arbitrarily decided it must. Beyond Israel and Palestine, we’ve been tearing ourselves apart inside our Jewish community, and that also breaks my heart.
I understand the deep grief and rage behind most posts. I’ve been enraged and grieving myself. I’ve been scared too: Of the growing antisemitism. Of the people who tell me that I and my family, because we were born in Israel, can’t be innocent civilians, that we all deserve the horrors of Oct. 7 to befall on us.
I’ve also been scared for the life of every innocent person lost and about to be lost. Around 1,200 Israelis killed, 300 kidnapped, over 10,000 Palestinian lives believed to have been taken, all unfathomable numbers. And I’ve been scared about the cycle of rage and violence and siloed indignation that removes the humanity of a whole swath of people. Because I do believe that that’s part of what got us here. And I keep seeing it evinced, over and over again, on social media.
I am — unlike many “experts” newly minted by numbers of followers or magnitude of chutzpah — not an expert of Middle Eastern politics, despite being Israeli and working in Jewish media for almost a decade. I know a lot, but I am not a politician or historian. And yet, to the extent I believe that there is a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I believe that it has to be one that takes into account the inherent humanity of all those involved. I believe that it will be human and imperfect.
I’m awed by the people who are still managing to use social media for good right now, the little spots of light — people who parse through history and reality with wisdom and empathy, well-educated veteran observers of Israel and Palestine, academics, journalists, fierce activists, who, through immense pain, still manage to retain their humanity.
Yet for me, I’ve realized being on social media is doing more harm than good. It’s keeping me further away from solutions and useful action, and closer to rage and fear. So for now, I can’t stay there.
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the-lunar-warrior · 1 year
just wrote a Very Salty feedback ticket and idk, i feel like posting the whole thing here too. enjoy, or something
I usually refrain from being this crass when writing feedback, but the direction tumblr seems to be heading is directly detrimental to theplatform. And the new mobile lightbox frankly ssuck, among other things.
I have been using tumblr for close to 10 years. For much of it, I did not use the mobile app — nowadays I've been using it a lot more, and while sometimes annoying and buggy, it was an okay experience. Some of the recent changes, and the much more open communication has been very nice, but some are honestly making me question whether I shouldn't just quit.
I'm on tumblr to use tumblr. If I wanted to use tiktok, I'd open the tiktok app.
The new lightbox, and the way it takes you to a random freaking post if you swipe wrong is atrocious. Sometimes it happens when I'm trying to zoom in. Sometimes when im swiping to the side and I guess it wasn't to the side enough. It's infuriating. It would be infuriating if it only took you to a random post once there is no more photos in the current one, but no — if you swipe wrong at any point bye bye whatever you were viewing, please look at this unrelated post you don't want to see! And don't tell me they are related. I don't care. They are by a random person I don't follow. I don't want an algorithm showing things in my face. Stop it.
In the light of the recent changes, if I was not already a user, I would not become one. And I don't mean it in a "oh changes bad" way, I mean that the way I discovered tumblr has been actively cut off. Back when I first discovered tumblr, sometime in 2012/13, one could view the http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/tag even without account — I scrolled on it for hours by accident. I didn't know what tumblr was, I barely spoke english. I ended up doing that a second time, just to find a specific post — it was an upload of Phoenix by Fall Out Boys, sped up by 10%. I don't know if was uploaded directly to tumblr, but I know it did not force me to go and open spotify, or soundcloud, or any third party website to actually listen to the song. It stayed on tumblr.
Then I found some blogs I liked. I stalked them for months without an account, had them bookmarked. Today tumblr automatically tries to take you to the tumblr.com/username instead of url.tumblr.com, and when it does, it obscures the page and tries to force you to sign up. I would have never gotten invested in tumblr, in the community, if that was the case. If I couldn't freely browse peoples blogs, see their pages — remember pages? Remember that functionality that is becoming obscure instead of you promoting it? People now have a single pinned post where they often have a link to something like linktree or other third party website that lets them to what *tumblr was originally for*. To have a separate about page, or a page with their ships, or interests, their fic they are hosting here, that's *not a post that you have to link* but a url.tumblr.com/about or url.tumblr.com/fic or anything they desire bc it was a BLOG they are hosting on tumblr, not just an account on a social media site.
Remember webcomics hosted on tumblr? People used to do that. As a teen I wanted to do that. But tumblr is silently moving away from that functionality. Is making it harder and harder to use it as I thought intended.
I made an account after months of using tumblr. I sent asks without an account — and after I made one, an irl friend sent me some too, before she got her account. I browsed and read and learned english *without an account*. And when I made one, I made silly pages on my blog, like "people you should follow", or info pages about my ocs, or one that still exists but cannot be accessed from mobile app at all — my about page.
I understand many of the changes. I understand the monetization, and frankly think most of it is very fun and well done. But overall? You're shooting yourself in the foot. You're alienating existing, often long time users, and making it impossible to get into tumblr for possible new ones.
I know one bitter feedback ticket probably won't to anything. But I feel like I need to say all this somewhere. I loved tumblr for so so long, I recommended it to other people — the only way right now for you to get new users other than forcing people — but I don't anymore. I'm considering getting rid of the app from my phone — going back to using tumblr once every couple weeks when I open it on desktop, because... I'm tired. I'm so so tired of seeing things I lovef about tumblr disintegrate in front of me.
Thanks to whoever has gotten this far reading this. Have a nice day.
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leelee120000 · 9 months
Interview with TikTok Star, Caoimhe Morris
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February 25, 2020
TikTok is a rapidly growing social media app, created when ByteDance, a Beijing-based company, spent $1 billion to purchase Musical.ly and merged their own app Douyin (Chinese: 抖音) with it. The new app was launched in 2017. Rising in popularity each year since. In 2019, CNET announced TikTok was the 7th most downloaded mobile app of the decade, from 2010 to 2019. 
It is a micro-video app, one where users create and share videos from 15 to 60 seconds. The editing features are leagues above the standard social media apps, more comparable to that of professional editing software. 1,000 of features, from instant eye recoloring to flaming backgrounds, all with a single click. The app has videos for anyone and everyone ranging from cooking, vlogging, comedy, music, politics, and cosplay.
I asked a TikToker I’ve been following if I could interview her, she said yes. She is Caoimhe Morris, @caoimhemorris on TikTok, who has 910.7 K followers and 23.9 million likes. She is a cosplayer, famous for creating and acting as her own characters.
* 3/21/20 Update, due to user scandals Caoimhe is no longer friends with @clapdaddie (Colton) or @infernumasylum (Ian). She is distancing her account from them both and no longer working with either.
McPherson: What would you like our readers to know about you?
Morris: I am a geeky girl that likes to dress up and act like other people. 
McPherson: How has your life changed because of this app?
Morris: I didn’t really notice how much this app had changed my life until I realized I only hang out with TikTokers now and not even on purpose. I literally have made so many amazing friends on this app and have had so many unforgettable experiences like traveling or getting to work with brands I never thought I would, overall I’m just so grateful for getting this far. 
McPherson: Is there anything you’d change if you were given a second chance?
Morris: I try not to live with regrets because they make you into the person you are.
McPherson: How do you edit so well?
Morris: I loved the creative field even when I was younger, I wanted to act, make films, draw basically do anything under the sun but I didn’t have the people to really put it together so I taught myself how to edit, film etc so I could just do it myself. 
McPherson: What has been the best moment you’ve had so far on the app?
Morris: The best moment I’ve had on this app is probably anytime in Aruba. Gil, Jayden, Colton, the twins, Ian, Gilean and everyone else in this little familia is amazing and to know that I didn’t know them a couple months ago is crazy because I feel like I’ve known them for so long at this point and memories we have created are unforgettable. 
McPherson: What has been the worst moment you’ve had so far on the app?
Morris: Probably when I put a lot of hard work into a video and no one sees it, that’s a little disheartening but it’s ok next video will be better.  McPherson: Do you think the friendships you’ve made with other creators will last?
Morris: I hope so! I know some of us will drift apart but there are some that I am pretty sure will last a long time.  McPherson: Are there any new original characters secrets you could share? Backstories, new characters?
Morris: I have a new character I’m working on where her band and her are cursed and anytime they play their music they turn into these “creatures” but apart from that new characters are still in the works. Secrets wise the only secret I can think of is a lot of people don’t know that Frenchie kisses her victims on the cheek after she kills them. [Frenchie is Caoimhe’s mafia character.]
McPherson: Do you see yourself moving into more social media apps anytime soon?
Morris: Probably I would love to do more YouTube stuff but I think right now TikTok is good enough for me!
LeAnne McPherson
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shinydixon · 2 years
about the spotify thing and how people found it: there's a user there named joseph quinn and he has a couple of singles out. for a very long time people thought that was joe himself. i thought it was him for a second there but when i listened to the song and the lyrics and heard his voice, i just knew it wasn't. that was confirmed by joe himself during his interviews in brazil and jamie mocked him so much for it lmao said they should go on tour and it was pretty obvious they must have checked the account out in between breaks cause the entire thing was way too hilarious. well that entire thing sort of started this game of searching his name up and seeing what came up on spotify and it was all actually in good fun, nobody was actually hoping to find him there especially after he said he didn't have a spotify (and like, why would he, right? it's not like he was about to share his account with the world), but there was this account with this certain username and the playlists on that account were just suspiciously close to what we knew about joe at the time and it also had a playlist dedicated to Make Up which premiered in 2019 i think but the playlist had been created in 2018. then there was the infamous eddie playlist, then the joe keery, maya, gaten and other very cool ones with fun titles that sent the more...prudish side of his fanbase into a frenzy because in their eyes 'joseph would never!!!'. so everything sort of matched and people figured out it was him, later cemented by the fact that he changed his username and privated most of his playlists. i'm still pretty bummed about that because that info was never meant to get out from this very small part of the fandom. it was very genuine how no one was actually hoping to find him there and then they did by stumbling upon one of the many thousands accounts of similar name. then some asshole had to go and post it on tiktok and that poor man probably woke up to i don't even know how many new followers. and let me tell you, given the amount of songs and playlists he has, he takes his music very seriously and it's obviously a huge part of his life so to see him become overwhelmed like that was upsetting. kinda glad he's more used to his fame now than he was back then so he's being a bit more carefree about his spotify again. hope it lasts and no one drives him out of the app.
@/anon who asked🌟 here's your answer
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playerpurpleusa · 2 years
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After all the talk about how Instagram and TikTok can be critical to the success of your personal travel & education brand, you should never underestimate the reach of the Social Media GOLIATH, Facebook. 💪
As a young person from Western Europe or the United States, one could think that Facebook is on the decline. In fact, one could bet that most people under 20, in these two areas, don't know a single one of their peers, who uses the platform regularly.😵‍💫
Here, Facebook is the platform of the old and conservative, whereas TikTok and Instagram are for the youth. 👴 This could lead to the assumption, that overall active users are declining. 📉 If you look at the overall numbers from all over the world though, Facebook has been gaining more active users than they are losing, every year. 📈 EVERY YEAR, except for 2022, shaping the first negative trend in the company's history.📉📉📉
The median age of all Facebook users is still in the 30's. 👨 Another problem is, that all those numbers from around the world don't matter that much, since not everybody understands the language you are speaking in your videos. 🗣️ For PlayerPurpleUSA, this is especially critical, since all of the brand's videos are in German, not English. 🇩🇪 
Why is Facebook still worth the consideration then? 🤔
Simply because of average watch times and audiences, with a lot of time and interest in education. 🧐 People above the age of 21, making up most of Facebook's users, are also way more likely to have the financial means to either travel or immigrate to the Unites States.💸🇺🇸
On Facebook, videos of 1 minute perform the best. 🌟 This is a huge upgrade in watch time, compared to TikTok's numbers of 10-15 seconds. Also, most videos that go over this mark, are also way more likely to go viral, than on most fast-paced video apps. 🏎️🏎️🏎️
Education also has it way harder to engage viewers than pure entertainment. Now, the median age comes into play. 👵 Think about your own experiences: Who is more likely to read a book, research information just for fun and to watch documentaries? 📚 The teenager, scrolling his feed after school 🏫 or an adult in the middle of his life? 👨
So how are people using this to their advantage? 🔥
A good example for this, is the German Manuela Reimann. 👩 She and her husband immigrated to the United States and started documenting their journey on Facebook. 📽️ This is done in the form of short Reels or full on blog posts. ✍️ Ultimately, she sparked interest in the German TV broadcaster "Kabel Eins" and got her own show on primetime television. 📺 This elevated her stardom even more, letting her reach 292.117 Followers. 🌟🌟🌟
An example of a new and fresh account, starting in this niche on Facebook, is "Sissi die Auswanderin". 👩 She is also documenting and talking about her life as a German Immigrant in the USA. 🇩🇪 Yet again, she is using small Reels and some extensive blog posts to gain followers, of which she currently has 1.050. 🌟 She also uses Facebook to push her Youtube Channel, which she uses for her longer videos. 📽️
Last but not least, there is "Auswandern in die USA". 👨 This brand also talks about immigration to the States, using Reels and longer blog posts. ✍️ What makes them unique, is their podcast they just started with OliDayTours on Spotify. 🎙️They are rather successful in their niche with over ten thousand followers. 🌟🌟
What does all this tell us? 🤔
First and foremost, Facebook is not DEAD. 💀
It has a big potential to reach financially stable, information hungry people, mostly in their 30's, with a willingness to read and watch longer content. 🧐 Another observation is, that in PlayerPurpleUSA's niche, content on Facebook resolves rather on actual immigration rather than just travel. 🧳
Personally, I won't start a Facebook account, because I'm directing my content towards younger people and am not into the immigration side of my niche. 🧳📽️ I want to go with trends, not with what worked in the past and is still the same. 🙏
What about you? 🤔
How would you approach this? 🔥
Would a Facebook account make sense for you brand, or do you want to completely debunk all of what I said? 🙏
Let me know in the comments! ✍️
Thanks for reading! 💜 
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if your video doesn't have captions but whatever is said in/heard from the video is necessary for its understanding, i will not watch it. i will not unmute. it doesn't matter how many reblogs there are that tell me it's worth it. i will turn up the sound on my phone over my dead body only
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annabethy · 3 years
Prompt: “This is a bad idea.” and I'm in the mood to read pregnancy fic?
in which annabeth is pregnant and bored, and percy is left to deal with her terrible, bone-breaking ideas,, percabeth
Annabeth must admit that being pregnant is rather boring. Especially when she’s stuck at home alone for a week while her husband’s busy at work.
She tries her best to occupy herself, but there’s only so much she can do when she’s in her third trimester, so it only takes forty-eight hours for the insanity to set in.
She lays in bed for hours on end, just scrolling through every form of social media she can find. There are a lot of them so it’s not difficult to find things that pique her interest. That includes finding very thorough videos on medical procedures she is less than qualified to be performing.
Annabeth comes to find that there’s a lot of videos of people cracking their backs and every other joint in their body, and it makes her laugh every single time she sees one. It’s probably the hormones if she’s being honest, but it doesn’t make her any less amused and desperate to try it out for herself.
Percy finds her like that, stuffed under piles of blankets that hides her stomach with her phone planted in front of her face. He stands in the doorway for a few moments, and she doesn’t notice him at first until he coos at her.
“It’s about time you got home,” Annabeth says, rolling over so that she’s facing him. She keeps the blankets wrapped around her shoulders as Percy sits in front of her.
“Hm.” Percy leans and presses a soft kiss to her forehead as he lets his thumb brush her cheek. “How are my girls?”
“Your girls are bored and want to try something with you.”
Percy groans, but the sparkle in his eyes gives him away. “Should I be worried?”
“Not at all,” she says. “I’ll be perfectly safe.”
Percy looks at her doubtfully. He squeezes her foot beneath the blanket in warning. “You notice how I never mentioned safety yet that’s the first thing you bring up? Makes me a little more worried if I’m being honest.”
“I saw it all over tiktok. It’ll be fine.”
Percy cracks a grin. “Oh? Because it’s on tiktok, you think it’s safe? Because I recall us almost burning the apartment down thanks to that app.”
Annabeth pouts, and he just laughs in her face. “Please?”
“Baby, you haven’t even told me what you wanted to do.”
“Okay, so there are these videos where someone lays on the floor and the other person gets on top of them—”
“—and cracks their back.”
A beat passes between them. For a moment, she can’t read his face. He just stares at her for a good few second, and then…
“Absolutely not.”
“What? Why not?”
“I’m not a doctor! Do you want me to paralyze you?”
Annabeth whines. “But I’m pregnant and my back hurts.”
“You’re pregnant, and I’d rather not paralyze my wife.” Percy rolls his eyes fondly as she scowls at his refusal. He doesn’t even look the least bit guilty. “I can give you a massage?”
“I don’t want a massage, and it’s not like you can go more than five minutes before you end up giving me a…not massage.”
“How would you even lay on the floor with your belly that big?”
“What are you trying to say? I feel like you’re trying to say something mean.”
“I’m saying you’re pregnant,” he chastises. “Let’s do anything else. Just not that.”
Annabeth is about to argue, but then a new idea pops into her mind, and a devious grin morphs onto her face.
“Anything else?”
It seems that Percy realizes his dire mistake then.
That’s exactly how Percy ends up laying on the floor with Annabeth straddling his back. He’s too sweet for his own good, she thinks, having been willing to paralyze himself just so that she doesn’t have to.
Not that she’s going to paralyze him. She knows what she’s doing.
She hopes, anyways.
“Are you ready?”
“This is a bad idea.”
“This is a great idea,” she says. “Think about how much better you’re going to feel soon.”
“I’m more worried that I won’t be able to feel anything soon because my vision is going to turn black.”
“Better you than me, right?”
“You’re lucky I love you,” he breathes out. He reaches a hand behind him, his face still pressed against the ground, so he can grab her hand and squeeze. “Show me mercy, please?”
“I’m actually pretty mad at you right now, so I think I won’t. Thank you for the suggestion, though.”
Percy mutters something under his breath that she chooses to ignore as she lets go of his hand. Her hands begin running up and down the curve of his back while he tries to steady his breathing.
“I think I’m supposed to press here?” she questions out loud, pressing gently against the small of his back to show him. Her touch his gentle, but he jumps at it anyways.
Percy chokes. “Oh my god.”
“Should I count to three?”
“No, I’d rather not know when I’m going to lose all feeling,” he pleads.
And so she rubs his back a little bit more, contemplating whether this is actually a good idea. She decides to live vicariously through Percy, so she gives in and ends up pressing against his spine sharply.
A loud crack resounds throughout the room, and she can practically see the breath leave Percy’s body.
Annabeth tries to ask him if he’s okay, but she’s too busy laughing to the point that tears are welling in her eyes.
“I can’t breathe,” he chokes out, but his back his shaking in laughter of his own.
“Are–are you okay?” she manages, wiping at her eyes.
“I think I just saw god.”
“How did it feel?”
“It’s concerning when you can’t inhale,” he says, turning over so that his back is against the ground and, of course, out of her reach. “I thought I died for a second.”
“I think you should try it to me.”
Percy snorts and lets his hands reach up to grasp at her waist. “After that? Not a chance. I’m never listening to you again.”
“Not even if I say please?”
“When it comes to your tiktok chiropractic medical school? No.”
“But I thought you loved me,” she says, flicking his nose. He squirms a bit to get her hands away from his face but gives up when she just cups both his cheeks and leans down as much as she can so she can press a kiss to his lips.
“It’s because I love you and I want you to be safe,” he says against her. “Also because if I do it to you, you’ll want to do it to me again, and that’s something I never want to experience again.”
“Would you let me crack your neck instead?”
“Do you want to kill me? Have I been a bad husband? Is this just some big plot of revenge?”
“It’s revenge for leaving me home alone for the week while you work.”
“It’s supposed to be your vacation,” he says. “You’re supposed to rest.”
“Resting is for the weak.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he says. “How about we make a deal?”
“Hm. Depends on what it is.”
“I’ll stay home with you, and we can do whatever you want as long as it doesn’t involve trying to break your back.”
Annabeth’s lips twitch. “Break my back or break my back?”
Percy taps her lightly on the cheek. “You’re being mean, so both.”
“Well, I did have a lot of time to look at other things we can do,” she relents, tilting her head innocently. He knows her well enough to know that it’s anything but innocent.
Percy pushes his way onto his elbows now, holding himself up like that. Her hands move to his stomach, and she can feel the muscles beneath his button-up that makes her bite her lip.
“You’ll really stay with me tomorrow?”
He holds his weight on one arm so the other hand can move beneath her chin. “If you’re going as crazy as you say you are, it’s probably for the best.”
“I’m going to show you crazy tomorrow, then.”
Percy laughs and kisses her once. “I look forward to it.”
True to her word, she does just that. The day is filled with disaster after disaster, but it’s also more than she’s laughed in a long time.
Who knew bad ideas could be so great?
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amive2567 · 3 years
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Characters: Tamaki Amjiki x GNReader; Izuku Midoryia x FemReader; Shouto Todoroki x GNReader; Hitoshi Shinsou x GNReader; Katsuki Bakugou x GNReader
Warnings: mention of period, pranks, fluff, swearing, OOC characters (maybe?), suggestive themes in Bakugous part,
Summary: As a famous Herowatcher(Youtuber), you wanted to film a video about how your boyfriend's reaction to your prank.
Words: Tamaki:366 Izuku:532 Shouto:590 Hitoshi:416 Katsuki:528
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In the last few weeks, you saw a lot of videos about partners pranking each other. There were different pranks they did, and you decided to pull the fainting prank on your boyfriend.
You both planned to train outside today. To record your prank, you set up a camera in a bush so that Tamaki wouldn't notice it. You felt a bit guilty about that what you were going to do. But still, you wanted to execute your plan. The sun was pretty warm, which gave you the perfect conditions to do this. You were doing jumping jacks but suddenly stopped.
Your prank is starting now. "Are you ok?" asked Tamaki, who noticed your behavior change. You nodded but stumbled to your water bottle. Before you could reach it, you "passed out". "Sunshine?" he froze in his tracks and was paralyzed as you tried not to react to his anxious cry for you. He kneeled beside you. His thumb caressed your cheek, and you felt that his hand was shaking. "Are you ok? Oh, I had to watch out better. If I only had reacted immediately, I am so sorry." his voice was breaking. He took your legs and held them high. He tried to stabilize your circulation. "Please wake up," mumbled Tamaki anxiously.
Now you decided to clear things off. "Darling, it's a prank," you said. "What? Why would you do that?" he asked, confused. "I saw it on the internet and wanted to try it, but I didn't want to scare you." You sat up and hugged him tightly.
After a couple of minutes, you broke away from him. "See, there is the camera." You pointed to the bush. Embarrassed, he hid his face in the crook of your neck.
After the two of you finished the actual training, you edited the video and posted it on Herowatch. In the next few days, the video had a couple of thousands of likes, views, and comments:
SuneaterfanNo.1: God, he was so worried about them. I wish I had such a boyfriend.
User219: I am feeling like a single pringle right now. :(
FanfictionAdict: Because of your videos, my expectations of getting a partner are way too high.
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Precisely you tried to adjust the camera on a shelf between a bunch of All Might figures. You hoped he wouldn't notice the camera you put there. Izuku was still working, but he had to be home soon. That was the perfect moment to prepare your prank. You switched patiently between the different apps on your phone until a message popped up.
I am only changing and showering at the agency. After that, I will come home.
Alright, see you soon, love. Oh, could you please bring some chocolate on your way home?
Sure, see you, honey.
See you too.
You laid your phone on the nightstand, patiently waiting for your husband to come home. You feel bad pranking Izuku after his stressful day, saving the lives of probably many children and adults, but special situations needed special measures. It was probably totally worth it to see his reaction to your "horrible cramps". He was such a sweetheart. It would probably give him a heart attack. Well, now, with this thought, you felt a bit worse.
After some time passed, the door opened, and your boyfriend entered your decent flat. Now was your time to show the world that you didn't suck at acting. "I am home." shouted the green-haired pro hero through your flat. "In the living room." You tried to sound like you would be in pain.
Apparently, it was convincing in less than a second Izuku was next to you. "What happened? Where does it hurt?" Sometimes he was too observant for his own good. "My stomach hurts so much." "Oh, can you think of a reason? Did you eat something bad? I will get you a hot water bottle." He rushed to the open kitchen to prepare the hot-water bottle. "I am probably getting my period." You grabbed a pillow and hugged it tightly. "Ahhh." you groaned extra dramatically. "Do you want to take some painkillers?" "Yes, please." He took the hot water bottle out of the microwave. With quick steps, he got back to your side. Gently, he took away the pillow and replaced it with the water bottle. "I get you the painkillers." With those words, he rushed to the bathroom.
"We don't have any painkillers." Shouted Izuku apologetically. "That's fine." "I can buy you some. You shouldn't have to be in pain, honey." He came back to you. "There is no need to." A mischievous smile spread across your face. "How can you smile when you're in pain?" "Because I am not." If you got asked who best embodied a question mark, it would be your husband. "What?" "It was a prank." you laughed. "See, there is the camera." You pointed toward the pile of All Might figures. His shoulders lost the tension, and he hugged you tightly. "I am glad you are alright."
On the same evening, you edited the video and uploaded it on Herowatch. Since you were the wife of the number one hero of Japan, the video went viral.
ASinglePerson: The poor man was so worried. He is such a cutie.
Deku'sgreatestfan: Ahhh, Deku is so great. I love him.
SomeoneYouWillNeverMeet: We need more Y/N x Deku videos. You guys are so cute.
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Balancing on a ladder, you tried to mount the camera on the high bookshelf. You hoped Shouto wouldn't notice the camera you put on there. Since he was still working, you could prepare perfectly for your prank, or rather reaction video. The number of times you had already pranked him wasn't high, but every seldom time it was funny to see his reaction.
While waiting for Shouto to come home, you filmed your intro and arranged your new sleeping place on the couch. You waited patiently for him, and when the key in the door turned, you knew it was time to pull out your acting skills. Habitually you would greet him with a hug and a kiss, but today everything had to be like you planned it. "I am home." You needed to pull yourself together that you didn't answer. The silent treatment was the best thing you could think of at the moment. If you started to talk, you would probably tell him the truth. "Y/N?" asked the heterochromatic man again. You heard his tranquil steps coming closer to the living room.
As he entered the room, his eyes immediately locked with yours. His eyes were filled with confusion, seeing you on the couch covered in your blanket that you usually use to sleep. "Are you ok?" You nodded. Now it was getting serious. "Everything is fine. I merely want to sleep on the couch today." "Why?" "I think you can answer that yourself." The poor man had no clue what you were talking about. He knew he did the laundry, helped you with your documents at the agency, and made your food. What had he forgotten?
You pulled the blanket over your body to signal to him that this conversation is over. Without a word, he took out a book from the shelf, and you worried that he saw the camera. He sat down in the armchair next to the couch. The only sound you could hear was the flipping of the pages. At that moment, you loved him even more. He respected your privacy and decisions more than every other person in your life ever did. "I am going to sleep now, have a blessed night." He put a bookmark in the book and put it back on the shelf. You felt strange not to go with him to bed.
As he said, he went to bed, and the flat the two of you lived in was unusually quiet. It was strange laying alone in the dark. You were so used to his presence that you couldn't sleep. Now you regretted not clearing the prank. A ruffling sound in the darkness caught your attention. "Shouto?" you asked into the dark. "Y/N, I am so sorry. Whatever I did, I did it unintentionally. I never wanted to hurt your feelings. I can't sleep without you. Can I sleep next to you?" Quietly Shouto came closer to your unusual sleeping place. "Of course you can. I am so sorry. It was just a prank." You swung the covers aside and ran into his arms. Gladly, the moon lit up the living room so didn't walk into the furniture. "Let us go to bed," you suggested.
The next day, you edited the video and uploaded it. Since you were the lover of the number two hero in Japan, your video blew up.
randomperson: Where can you get a bf like this?
NoName: He is such a sweetheart. I wish I had such a boyfriend.
SingleLikeAPringle: I feel so single with your videos.
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It was finally your day off of hero work, so you decided to drag Shinsou to a cat café. That was one of your two intentions. Your second intention was to prank him a bit. Your Foryoupage on TikTok particularly exploded with "What would you do if I go back to my ex." - Pranks. Since you developed a big community on Herowatch, you wanted to make a short video about it too.
Secretly you recorded the two of you entering the cat café. You know how much Hitoshi hated the attention, so you often recorded your videos alone. But not today. Today was the day the whole world can see that Y/N L/N has a boyfriend. Well, not today exactly, because you had to edit the video so that Hitoshi can't be seen properly. Besides, you didn't want him to make him feel uncomfortable. This was just a way to get rid of the creepy people of the internet.
You ordered your drinks, and Hitoshi was already occupied with stroking the first cat. You placed the camera inconspicuously on the floor, so only Hitoshi's legs could be seen. "You know if we broke up, I would go back to my ex." you suddenly said and waited for his reaction. He casually looked up from the cat and nodded. "That's fine. I would also like to go back to my ex." "What..?" you stuttered, trying not to choke on your saliva. A mischievous grin spread across his face. "You heard right. I would go back to my ex." "You're joking." "Maybe. Maybe not." Now he couldn't hold back small laughter.
"Alright, jokes aside. You're practically binge-watching all those "What would you do if I go back to my ex." - Pranks. I know what you were trying to do. We are both aware that we are the exes with whom we get back together." He said calmly. "You retrolled me," you exclaimed loudly. "That's what you get when you mess with me, kitty cat." he winked at you. "Yeah, whatever." you scoffed and petted the cat in your lap.
The next morning, you edited the video, and looking back on yesterday, it was a bit funny.
InternetAdict: He is a smart guy. You are a lucky person.
VoiceKink: His voice is so soothing. Can I get his voice somewhere?
LoveYou: Your videos are so great. We need more of your secret boyfriend. We don't even need to see his face. His voice is enough to make someone go weee.
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It was a rare occasion that your boyfriend Katsuki was at home, but today was the day. Because of that, you had to take your chance. Since your boyfriend is the most observant person on this planet. There was no way to hid a camera, so you used your phone instead.
He was currently next to you in the kitchen and cooked dinner for both of you. You often volunteered to help him, but he said your cooking skills were worse than Todorokis, which was something you had never thought. The Bakusquad, and you still believe that he watched too many shows with Gordon Ramsay as a child. He definitely adopted his behavior in the kitchen. Only today, you tried to ignore him, only for the sake of seeing his reaction. You sat on the barstool in front of your kitchen counter and pretended to do something on your cell phone. Even if you were actually only filming. Let the fun begin.
"Oi, babe, pass me the curry." Usually, you would have corrected him about the way he demands things, but now you just ignored him. He turned around and watched you. "Alright, I am getting it myself." You looked so concentrated on your phone that he didn't want to distract you. It went on like this for what felt like hours until Katsuki was done with cooking your food. He put the steaming plate in front of you, then he sat down next to you. You were still on your phone, so Katsuki snatched it out of your hands. "Hey." You exclaimed and immediately covered your mouth with your hands. Great, now the prank was ruined. "Why are you covering your mouth like that. Are you finally gonna talk to me now?" Still, you wanted to last a bit longer, so you kept quiet. "Fine, then not."
The two of you ate in silence till Katsuki had enough. "Alright, dumbass, what's wrong? You usually never shut up, and now your all quiet and stuff. Did somebody hurt you? I'll beat their ass. They're gonna die." he growled. You had to suppress a chuckle. Sometimes he could be so caring. Well, at least in his own individual way. "Then don't talk to me. I didn't want to know it anyway." Now you couldn't stand it any longer. "Why are you laughing, dumbass?" he asked bewildered. "I was just kidding. Everything is fine. Never thought you'd care so much about me." "Yeah, I care about your stupid ass. Now I want an apology. A good one with physical effort, if you know what I mean." He winked, and you got it. The video you wanted to film was long forgotten as you dragged him closer to the bedroom.
In the evening, you found your phone on the counter. Immediately you started to edit this whole thing. You finished late at night and finally got to upload the video on Herowatch.
Tsunderefan123: He is such a tsundere, but a lovely one.
SingleMom: Every time I watch your videos where he is involved, I feel so single.
Adviceseeker: Tell me a secret, how can you get a guy like him?
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I’ve seen this done before but here are my modern!rdr2 social media headcanons for the Van der Linde gang.
some of these are LONG and then some are shorter. doesn’t mean I love any of them any less however. I just did my best with all of them. 
* I treat the gang as family especially for my modern au 
frequently uses Facebook and has dozens of friends he doesn’t even know. like if he gets a friend request he’ll accept it. John tells him he might as well just make his page public and Arthur pleads with him to make a facebook PAGE so that his random friends will stop liking posts that Arthur tags Dutch in. 
Dutch has no idea how to make a facebook page. 
he also has a Twitter and a massive following at that. He’s VERIFIED. 
all of his twitter posts are vague though
are they a joke? are they political? is it what he’s eating for lunch that day? literally no one knows.
also has facebook but doesn’t use it because why does he need to look at pictures of events he was at. he only uses it to see things he didn’t partake in
also has snapchat but just to keep up with the kids 
because life360 was too much to deal with for everyone
and snapchat is cool
also he can and will spam you with bitmojis 
used to use facebook a lot but stopped because he was tired of his posts getting likes from people he didn’t know and friend requests from people Dutch was friends with. 
he has a private facebook for a reason, he doesn’t want other people to know his business. 
he also has an instagram but anything he posts on facebook also goes on there. it’s not aesthetic or pretty or anything and he doesn’t even caption over half his pictures. 
he literally only uses social media so that his friends and family know he’s alive
has snapchat because of Hosea but barely knows how to use it 
doesn’t get why everyone wants to use snapchat when teXTING AND CALLING ARE RIGHT THERE
the question is what doesn’t he have.
john has been trying to make it big on social media since youtube came out.
his youtube used to have videos on it but he deleted them because they were cringy and arthur liked to send them to the group text. 
plays twitch games on the weekends and sometimes with Jack but he thinks most of the subscribers are there for his kid since most of his solo streams don’t do as well
has a twitter, doesn’t follow Dutch, literally envies that he’s verified. 
he’s tried everything but no matter what he does nothing pans out
uses tiktok to promote twitch streams
instagram feed is mostly selfies of him but 99.9% of the time he’s wearing sunglasses and the caption is some random quote 
also has facebook but only to appease Arthur and Dutch, he doesn’t even have a profile picture. Claims only boomers use it. 
an avid reddit user. if he’s got problems he’ll go to reddit. claims reddit saved his life. everyone’s tired of the story so they stopped asking. 
also uses snapchat more than he should and the only social platform he has more than 100 followers on. 
same as arthur and has both facebook and instagram and posts the same on both except his are pleasing to look at. 
they’re unintentionally aesthetic 
he uses a psd on all his pictures and won’t share what it is
has monthly life updates that start with some inspirational or deep quote and then text that pushes the instagram word limit
also has a deviantart , has shared psds there before , constantly tries to convince Arthur to get it. 
used to use tumblr but he forgot about it
the definition of a facebook mom. 80% of her facebook posts are about Jack or parenting. 
Instagram is similar but also different, she’s actually a relatively successful influencer with over 1,000 followers. 
all of her friends and family (who have instagram) follow her
has snapchat solely for the cute bitmojis and to send John adorable snaps of Jack playing with all the fun filters. 
she also won’t take a selfie unless it’s with snapchat because she no longer trusts her own camera. 
also uses pinterest and has a collaborative board with all the ladies. 
but in general, on her own, she has too many boards. she uses pinterest for EVERYTHING 
bold of you to assume she uses social media. 
she does just not a whole lot. 
checks it once in the morning and once at night. 
except pinterest because how dare Abigail get her into it. but even pinterest she only uses in downtime. 
has facebook and instagram but there’s maybe only five posts.
if anything she’ll post on her story
will only snap Abigail and Arthur otherwise she doesn’t use snapchat
all of the social apps are mostly offloaded on her phone anyways
if she needs to know anything she just checks the group text which she has on do not disturb because they text way too much. 
she’s verified on instagram 
it’s also the only social platform she’ll use, which frustrates Dutch because he wants to be friends with her on facebook
but she’s happy with just instagram 
she keeps it simple 
and the main theme to her posts are fun outfits in her ever expanding closet
the other posts are usually of plants that she’s managed to grow. she’s not the best at being a plant mom but she’s still a good one to the ones she’s managed to keep alive. 
the only thing she contributes to the pinterest board are her own pictures of her plants which are overly aesthetic. 
started out with a normal instagram account then made a spam account which she ended up using way more often.
all of her posts are extremely chaotic
and usually reposts from her snapchat
has a reddit just to troll John
reposted his cringy youtube videos to reddit and got hundreds of upvotes
if you wanna see the most raw and chaotic videos of Arthur and John then she’s the one to follow. 
also if you wanna see Abigail when she’s not all put together. 
is the reason there’s so many memes in the collaborative pinterest board
has a instagram but also has a second instagram for art and book reviews
or basically anything she’d post on her tumblr
which is her second most used social
also uses facebook but only because she is an admin for one of those multifandom blogs. 
also begs Arthur to get a deviantart. 
uses pinterest most but only second to Abigail
literally the queen of pinterest DIYs
has twitter
as far as anyone else knows that’s all he has
maybe he has snapchat?
maybe they saw him on snapmaps once? 
all he ever does with twitter though is retweet anything Dutch posts.
yet somehow he has so many followers. 
anyone who has snapchat has streaks with Lenny
even Hosea who doesn’t understand why it’s a thing
he also posts a lot on facebook but it’s mostly travel or vacation photos everyone is just a tad jealous of. 
Lenny always seems to be busy but still has time for streaks with his friends. 
he’s also an up and coming youtube vlogger
also has reddit to troll john
but he also legitimately uses it too. 
he’s also really popular in the minecraft subreddit , don’t ask
also has twitch and also has way more subsribers than John
and a youtube which he’ll upload (overly edited) twitch streams to
everyone subscribes to him but they don’t tell John that.
also has a tiktok and is up to date on all the trends because of course he is
got facebook when he was 10 and just never left.
literally doesn’t use any other social media
he’s not in the group text either so he has to facebook message Arthur to know what’s going on. 
but he shares a lot of memes and cute pictures of animals
he used to follow Dutch but unfriended him when he was the only thing he ever had on his activity feed. 
has facebook but claims she doesn’t have time to use it
Arthur knows this to not be true because she will like a lot of his posts. 
she’s also guilty of liking every single picture in one post or album. 
Arthur has also caught her looking at memes and using recipes she finds on there. 
also part of the pinterest board but never contributes. 
he has an account for everything
even whatsapp and linked in and kik
even tinder
the only one anyone knows about are his facebook, twitter, and instagam
but there’s no posts on any of them except twitter
he’s also verified
but for unknown reasons
any posts on his facebook are ones he’s tagged in
he’s also in a lot of facebook groups
runs a subreddit
a paid facebook admin of several pages
the only person who actually knows this is Dutch because Strauss has told him about it
he has no online presence whatsoever out side of those.
spotify king
has over 500,000 subscribers on youtube
uses instagram but as another platform for his music
edits his own album covers
top tier playlists too
aesthetic queen
the most put together and pleasing to look at instagram feed next to Charles. 
uses pinterest a lot as inspiration and for making moodboards.
also uses tumblr to share moodboards
part of the sims global community facebook group
she keeps saying she’s going to start a youtube vlog but hasn’t yet
keeps trying to convince John to let her help him with his youtube.
she also uses twitch to play minecraft and sims
oh and she set up a minecraft server for everyone
facebook boomer
that’s it
I don’t know how else to put it
probably shares heavily republican posts
didn’t use social media until tiktok.
he doesn’t do dances or anything but he does post weirdly obscure and chaotic videos that end up trending on more than one occasion
it’s usually drunk ramblings in his car that end up being hilarious
or videos of the others almost dying or ending up in the ER
facebook boomer but make it cool.
also shares conservative posts but less offensive ones compared to Bill’s
likes almost every post any of his friends share
also comments on them too
does he have social media? no one knows for sure. 
yet somehow he knows what’s going on
even if nobody can find any of his social accounts or have ever seen him using one before let alone doing anything on his phone other than playing cheesy mobile games.
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jostepherjoestar · 4 years
Ah I was sitting on this idea while waiting for requests to open! I loved your ask that had La Squadra meeting Risottos daughter from the future that got me thinking what if La Squadra had a memey s/o from present time? Would they ask lotta questions about the future and get confused when they speak in vine or tiktok references? 😆
La Squadra with a meme-y s/o from the future
gn reader // sfw
ahh that was such a cute ask and glad it made you think of this idea! thank your for requesting this and omg so so so so sorry it took so long, hope you’ll still enjoy it none the less! 💖✨ (you and your LS bf have a good comprehension of each other’s timelines and are used to traveling back and forth a bit :D)
He knows the complications are endless and at times it all seems incomprehensible- having an s/o who can literally time travel; but your sheer knowledge of memes and the way you seem to effortlessly drop them into everyday conversation is astounding to him.
He doesn’t understand them that well, no amount of context or explaining will help. It’s simply a language he does not understand that well. And the memes or slang he kind of does understand, he just doesn’t find that funny. 
However, he will never actually find it a bother when you drop a few weird jokes. The way they make you laugh and sometimes even dry-heave from the hilarity makes him love you even more. 
In moments like that he’ll dryly let out a few slang words he remembers. You will never forget the time he let out a serious and deep “yeet” when you were already hysterically laughing, his addition might have made you stop breathing for a minute. It still makes you grin when you remember him shaking your shoulders and telling you to “breathe dammit!!”
Overall this man does not really get it or find it that entertaining himself, but he’ll gladly tease you and make you smile with the stuff he picks up. Risotto just can’t stop staring at your beaming grin.
Although he doesn’t truly grasp the layers of certain jokes or memes, Formaggio is your man! He’ll start using jokes and memes he learned from you and is so pleased when he makes you laugh with them. 
Formaggio is great at continuing a bit but once he loses interest he just...stops. Which is kind of perfect since your knowledge of vines is a lot bigger than those of tiktoks so those quick six seconds are easy to get the point across. 
He’ll still get some stuff wrong but he gets the gist of them. He loves annoying his teammates with his newfound references and they all can’t stand him. The second he opens his mouth with that smug look in his eyes, they all sigh in unison and prepare for the incomprehensible babbling that’s about to commence. 
The rest of the gang likes you but when you and Formaggio are hanging out at headquarters together, they tend to keep conversations quick because they know once you two team up, the suffering will never end. 
“Babe, wake up! New meme just dropped!” 
You two are a menace to deal with but god if it isn’t sickeningly cute and funny when he calls you his baby, his cinnamon apple!
Don’t get Illuso wrong, he loves you but dear heavens you are on thin ice with him. He isn’t the most joke-y type, he likes a good chuckle but please do not oversaturate him with references he does not get. 
He has little to no interest in the videos you wish to show him and even less interest in remembering the ones he begrudgingly watched. 
At this point you’re allowed a couple jokes a day, he doesn’t count or literally prevent you from saying them, but you know each other well enough to see when he’s actually getting annoyed. 
To shut you up he’ll try and fluster you! He’ll look into your eyes so intensely as you continue talking about a meme, one eyebrow cocked and one side of his beautiful lips curled up into a smug grin. 
He’ll place a single hand on your cheek, his thumb gently swiping across it while the rest of his large hand and fingers rest on your scalp. As he hears you stumble over your words and can feel your cheeks heating up he’ll get in nice and close to your lips. Ghosting his over yours and placing a single kiss that you wish would last longer. That’ll keep you quiet for a bit 😌
He accidentally (re-)invents “that’s cringe” without your help. (he’s referring to you, sorry bestie)
Why are you saying these weird words AT him? Why must you crease his brows even further?
Prosciutto’s patience is getting tested with you and your innate need for adding incomprehensible colourful commentary to everyday things and situations. He truly doesn’t get it and there is no amount of explaining you can do to change his mind. Even after the memes make even a little sense, he won’t find them funny.
He does love you, so much in fact, that he knows asking you to stop isn’t going to work and it wouldn’t be a fair thing to do. He sees how your smirk feeds into the satisfaction of landing a joke in your present time where most of your friends know what you’re talking about. 
However when you come around his part of the space time continuum, playtime is over. Well mostly. He does enjoy being a bit goofy around you, his snarky comments get a sarcastic edge that parallels your need for adding a fun flair to mundane things. 
The only time you made him laugh with a meme was when you kept repeating “i can’t believe you’ve done this” over and over while poking his cheeks during a playful mood. After a final poke, Prosciutto’s resolve finally breaking, he couldn’t help but snicker. With one final addition of the line, ever surprised by the wonderful sound he makes when he finally breaks, you stop and stare. Enamoured by your wonderful boyfriend and his gorgeous smile. 
He’s the most supportive partner out there! Anything that makes you laugh and giggle, like the memes you keep showing him, fills his mushy heart with joy. 
Pesci will kind of get them? They all make sense in a way, but some of them just go above his head because of the layers of internet knowledge he does not possess. Although he really loves it when you show him stuff that reminded you of him.
🥺🥺🥺🥺 <-- his face the entire day after you show him cute pictures of animals and said they made you think of him. He’s just so in sickeningly smitten with you.
He’ll try out a couple of internet slang terms and blush really badly when they make you laugh. If Pesci could, he’d play your laughter on loop 24/7. Him baby, ok?
When the whole internet was debating their existence and that of every object because everything is cake, you quizzed Pesci on his cake-recognizing skills. He failed horribly, they all looked way too realistic and he might have had a small existential crisis. 
You playfully bit his wrist to show he wasn’t made of cake, planting some kisses along the sensitive spot. He shivered at your tickling pecks, relieved he wasn’t just a tasty confection and even happier that you’d love him regardless. 
Your meme comrade. 
The first mistake was showing him what the internet was like in your future timeline. He got so invested in its machinations and the entire culture surrounding it. He studied every single social media outlet. Every niche he could find only fuelling his curiosity. 
Pandora’s box has been opened and there is no turning back now. Not only does he get all the memes and vines you show him, he memorized them too. Melone will artfully display his knowledge in daily life when you’re around and show off.
Do you regret showing him? Maybe...but is it hilarious to hear him quote terribly long copy/pastas? Yes. Yes it is.
He will steal your phone so he can feed into his meme needs, saving the most fried up images that barely make any sense, to your gallery. You sorted the ones he saves into a special folder so you wouldn’t have to strain your eyes so much. 
It’s all fun and games until he starts referencing stuff during more intimate times. At first they made you laugh but as time went on you had to ask him to stop. 
Hearing Melone whisper “eeby deeby” while kissing his way down your neck might not be the mood you’d preferred. (hearing him sigh and say “so, no head?” was pretty hilarious tho)
To your surprise, once he understands the memes and gets the references, he becomes quite good at using them as well. Steering clear of the misspelled ones, of course. (one bad gloop might actually kill him)
Ghiaccio is such a big softie once he’s alone with you, letting his guard down and finally calm, not irked or stressed by his surroundings. 
He loves it when you show him new weird pictures you saved because they made you think of him. You don’t allow him to have a smartphone no matter how much he wants it (it’ll mess up sensitive time stuff) so when you’re scrolling through your preferred meme gathering app with Ghiaccio alongside you, he’ll point out ones and snicker a “that’s you”. 
It makes your heart melt how cute he can be with the stuff he picks out. Once he actually said “you’re baby” and you felt your soul leave your precious body as his cheeks turned redder than plush tomatoes in summertime. 
When he’s around the rest of the squad or in a more public setting, the usual stressors return. But with you around to offer quick witty jokes, things tend to become less focused on irritation. 
You are 100% sure you’ve heard him yell the famous words “AM I WRONG?!” during a heated argument with Melone. You had to leave the room to prevent worsening things, holding in your laughter and silently dying as you heard him rave on. 
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revoleotion · 3 years
Servamp characters & their tiktok accounts
because what the hell, I might as well do this. No specific orders, I might add other characters as I go.
(Thank you, Fiona, for help with Mahiru's and Kuro's accounts!! <3)
Mikuni (and Jeje)
For some reason, they keep going viral, no matter what they do. Maybe people are into this, perhaps it's the "oh! cute snake!" effect or the pure randomness of their videos? Whatever it is, people love it. Mikuni forces Jeje to do cute snake tricks. Jeje threatens to shoot Mikuni on camera. Mikuni consents to this. They interrupt a cooking video to make out in the middle of their kitchen. They either abuse the 3 minute function or upload videos that are 3-and-a-half seconds long. No consistent schedule what-so-ever.
Sometimes people ask if they are okay but they never really get an answer.
Their bio is the following:
stop looking for pronouns, don't refer to us
Snow Lily
We all know that he'd be extremely popular on Tiktok. He only got it to look at cute animal videos at first but quickly understood how the app works. He does a lot of outfit-of-the-day videos or cooking stuff or whatever he thinks is fun. He doesn't actively try to go viral either but there's something about him that attracts a lot of people. He makes sure to caption every single one of his videos, no matter how long it takes, and he makes sure his account is kid-friendly.
Because he has his name (Lily) and pronouns (he/him) in his bio, he gets a lot of transphobic hate, from either direction, really.
At some point he decides to address this by saying that while most of that transphobia might not apply to him, it says a lot about the kind of people sending him hate and that he is very disappointed.
After successfully vibe-checking the internet and causing a lot of daddy issues on accident, the hate stops.
He downloaded the app after Lily got all that hate and he wanted to defend his Servamp. The first video that popped up on his for-you-page was a viral video from Mikuni. Misono deleted the app after that and did not return. (He doesn't fully understand the hype anyway but he will look at any cute pet videos Lily shows him.)
He downloaded Tiktok because he thought it might be fun. His first (and for a long time only) video immediately went viral. He has no idea how to go from there, so he doesn't do anything with it. Now he only keeps the app to look at Tiktoks Lily sent him and to support his brothers.
After a while, he posts another video of Mahiru baking some cookies with the caption "I wanted McDonald's instead". The video gets three views.
His bio and account settings are still set to default.
He didn't want to get Tiktok but he didn't know how to figure out how to open the links of pet videos that Lily and Kuro kept sending him, so he finally caved in. He doesn't really use the app but he supports all of his friends and comments on every single one of their videos, even the really weird one from Jeje and Mikuni.
Krantz set up a business account for him because everyone does that nowadays. It's not as cringy as you might think it is. A lot of it is just trending audios with clips from Licht's concerts or announcements with his next tour dates. Sometimes there's also fun facts about Vienna or vlog-style stuff to make Licht seem more approachable.
Licht also has the log-in details but he finds it hard to use the app. He never makes eye contact with the camera and he doesn't understand most trends. And because Krantz seems to do an amazing job, Licht doesn't care what happens on there.
Krantz put in Licht's pronouns in all languages he speaks, so naturally some people sent him hate now because they assume he uses neopronouns. Licht has no idea what that's supposed to be but after a lot of research, he adds "angel" to the list of pronouns.
Bonus: Licht has an old account with his deadname on it. He doesn't have the log-in details anymore, so in a team effort with Mahiru, he mass-reports the account until it gets taken down. After this, he promotes Mahiru to a "full time angel". Mahiru is very honored.
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he’ll never see this ~ noen eubanks
word count: 1994
request?: yes!
“Hi can you do one imagine of Noen Eubanks, like, the reader is a tik toker or influencer something like that and they have a crush on each other,and they Fans are Shipping them.
description: in which she admits her feelings for a fellow creator during a stream thinking he’ll never see it
pairing: noen eubanks x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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The sound of a new donation message coming in pulled you away from your game for a split second. The automated voice read the message out to you: “are there any influencers that you are totally crushing on right now?”
You chuckle to yourself as you turn back to your game. “You guys really wanna start something, huh? You realize this will be trending within an hour if I say anything.”
You glanced over at your chat to see they were begging you to tell them who your influencer crush was. You had mentioned a few times that there was a fellow influencer that you had a crush on, but you refused to admit who it was (for obvious reasons). Your viewers, however, were determined to find out who this mystery man you liked was.
“We promise we’ll keep it a secret,” you read, managing to catch one message before it disappeared into the void of never ending messages. “I don’t believe you guys at all.”
You laughed as you watched the chat blow up again. You finally paused your game and made your face cam bigger for the audience. “Okay, you know what? Fuck it, there’s no way he’ll ever see this and I’m not big enough of a content creator to have articles written about me. My influencer crush is Noen Eubanks. If you don’t know who he is, look him up on TikTok and you’ll totally understand why I have such a crush on him.”
Your chat went absolutely wild at this. You went back to playing your game, smiling to yourself as you did so. It felt nice to get that off of your chest, and you knew you were about to get a kick out of your fan’s reactions to this.
Like you said, you had no fear of Noen actually finding out what you said. You had a bit of a following, but it was nothing too big. Just enough that you could be classified as “Internet famous”, but not enough that admitting you had a crush on someone else who had a much bigger following than you would be a big deal.
Or so you thought.
After your stream, you decided to go right to bed. You were feeling tired and had to get up early to edit the video you were planning on uploading. You weren’t awake to witness the internet absolutely explode over your comment, but lucky for you it was still happening when you woke up the next morning.
When you checked your phone for the first time that day, you noticed that your notifications had blown up over night. You figured it was just your fans teasing you over your crush on Noen, which it partly was, but you noticed that it was also YouTube news Twitter accounts and internet tabloid accounts tagging you in their articles about your crush on Noen.
“Oh no,” you said, your eyes widening as you read through article after article, tweet after tweet.
Before you knew it, you had spent nearly two hours sat on the floor, reading through everything that mentioned both you and Noen. All the articles were the same: an brief introduction to you and your small Twitch/YouTube following, talking about you admitting to having a crush on Noen the night before, and asking whether the reading audience believed that you and Noen would make a good couple or not.
The reactions from fans were as entertaining as you figured - with many of your fans trying to come up with ship names for you and Noen and tagging him in clips from your stream - but then there were the less than entertaining reactions. Many people, whether they were Noen’s fans or just people who wanted to hate on you you weren’t sure, were saying you had mentioned Noen’s name just for clout, or that your “crush” was nothing more than an infatuation over his looks.
It wasn’t until your phone rang that you were finally pulled out of your trance and back to the real world. Your friend’s name lit up on your screen, and it took you a moment to collect yourself before you answered.
“(Y/N), have you been online yet today?” she asked.
You sighed and nodded, then remembered she couldn’t actually see you. “Yeah, I’ve been scrolling for the past two hours on Twitter.”
“You haven’t checked your Twitch page, or YouTube account yet?”
Your eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. “No? Should I?”
“You definitely should.”
You put her on speaker and switched to your Twitch app. You were shocked to see that you had skyrocketed in subs overnight, same with your YouTube page. You had gained a solid ten thousand subscribers on both platforms, and it was still rising by the second.
“So this situation has gained me more subscribers, who cares? That’s not why I talked about Noen on stream,” you said.
“Oh no, honey. It isn’t just the situation that has given you new subscribers. Go check Noen’s Twitter.”
You knew what she was implying, but you had to see it for your own eyes. You immediately opened the Twitter app again and typed in Noen’s name. You were brought to his Twitter page, where his most recent tweet was a link to the clip from your stream along with a caption that read, “When your internet crush calls you *their* internet crush”.
You covered your mouth in shock. You were sure you were about to start screaming, but you were so speechless that you couldn’t force any sounds from your mouth.
“I’m assuming by the silence that you’ve seen it,” your friend said after a prolonged moment of silence.
“D-Did he just c-call me his...?” you trailed off, unable to finish your sentence.
“He did,” your friend confirmed. “And both of your fans are going wild. They’ve already come up with a ship name for you, which isn’t the most clever name but I admire their spirit.”
You could barley hear what your friend was saying. You were still staring at the tweet in disbelief. Your mind could barley comprehend anything else besides the fact that your online crush thought the same as you. You were trying to tell yourself not to get too worked up, as it was most likely that nothing was going to come from this besides some gossip for a week or more, but your heart was still racing with excitement.
You gasped as a notification popped up on the top of your screen: “@/eubanks_noen is requesting to message you”.
“He’s trying to DM me,” you whisper, so silently that you could barley hear yourself.”
“He’s trying to DM me! On Twitter!”
“What are you doing talking to me?! Go answer his DM!”
You were too focused to laugh as you hung up the phone and went into your DMs. The familiar profile picture that you saw almost every day on your timeline was the first thing you saw in your message requests. Your whole body was shaking so much that you could barley see the screen as you pressed to open it.
“hi :)”
It was a very simple message, but it was enough to make your heart race even more.
You were debating on messaging back, wondering if maybe this was a fake account or something. But you knew there was only one way to find out for sure, so you took a deep breath and responded.
“hi! :)”
His response came near seconds later: “so...we’re the internet’s hottest power couple, huh?”
You chuckled to yourself. “i guess we are. sorry if i ruined your mentions last night. i didn’t think it would blow up the way it has. i’m not all that famous online.”
“are you kidding me? you’re like one of the best twitch streamers. i’ve watched every single one of your streams, including last night’s”
You felt your face heating up, but a slight groan of embarrassment came from your lips. You were thinking of all the embarrassing things you had said and done on stream, and now wished you could just melt into the floor or erase the entire internet.
“oh that’s embarrassing. i’d say i’m not that awkward and dumb in real life, but i’m actually more so”
“i wouldn’t say you’re awkward or dumb at all. i think you’re adorable”
“Oh my God!” you exclaimed to no one in particular. If your face got any hotter, it would be on fire.
“you really know how to talk to a girl”
“i really don’t, but i’m glad you’re enjoying my attempts to flirt”
“so you’re flirting? never would’ve known”
“i know, it’s hard to tell. i’m trying to be subtle”
You continued to message Noen for a while. It felt so natural, as if you weren’t talking to someone you had been crushing on for about a year now. You were extremely glad you weren’t coming off as awkward as you normally felt.
Finally, after having been sat on the floor for a good three hours, your back began to ache and your stomach was growling so loudly in attempts to get your attention. You realized then that you had put getting breakfast on hold in order to fall deep into the hole of internet gossip that had surrounded you overnight.
“love talking to you and all, but i’m gonna have to go for a little bit. i’ve been sat on the floor basically since i woke up and i haven’t eaten yet today so my stomach is very upset with me”
“why are you on the floor? 😂”
“when i’m stressed i tend to sit down no matter where i am, and i was very stressed to see my name plastered all over social media this morning”
“why were you stressed over that?”
“it’s not something i’m exactly used to. like i said, i’m not overly famous online. i just have a small following. i’m not someone who has an article written about every little thing she says. also like i said, i didn’t expect you to see me admit that i have a crush on you last night, so i was so worried about what your reaction was going to be”
“i guess i can understand that. i haven’t had a lot written about me. i’m not a big tiktoker like some of my friends are, but i guess that’s a blessing”
You started to type another message, but paused when you saw the three dots from Noen indicating that he was typing something else.
“for what it’s worth, i’ve had a internet crush on you since you first started streaming”
Your jaw dropped at this. You had started streaming months before you even knew about Noen, which meant he had known about you before you knew about him. Just when you thought this day couldn’t get any better.
“wow! that’s quite a while. you must be one of my first subscribers then”
“i’m up there i think. i’ll wear that badge with pride”
The three dots again. You waited anxiously to see what he was about to say.
“i liked getting to talk to you today, though. maybe we could talk offline sometime, like through text or phone call. maybe meet in person eventually”
Your smile was so wide that it hurt your cheeks. “yeah, i’d really like that”
You exchanged phone numbers and added his to your contacts. You finally pulled yourself off the floor and started making a super late breakfast while also starting to edit your next video since you had also gotten such a late start on that.
You were putting your food on a plate when your phone chimed, indicating a new text message.
“btw, it’s nice to finally get to meet you internet crush :)”
“it’s nice to get to meet you, too, internet crush”
You sat at the table, your heart feeling warm. And to think, it all came true thanks to one nosy donation.
Not sure how much I like this imagine, but I hope you enjoyed anyways!
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Thunder’s Getting Louder | Edmund Pevensie x Reader
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Warnings: Fluffy
Time/Era: Modern/High School AU
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: Y/N and Edmund are best friends until he comes over to help her with college applications. 
Request: Hello!! Im was wondering if you could write and Edmund x reader where they are best friends and one of them has tiktok and then they make the "kiss your best friend" 👉👈 I don't know if I explain it well hehe but if you need and example I can send it to you or if you really don't know what it is do as you please 😅
A/N: Thank you for the request :D I hope you enjoyed! Lmk what you think :)
masterlist | narnia playlist | read on ao3
Being in your last year of school before University is a storm; the whirlwind of applications and tests, the rain of sadness when it comes to leaving your friends, and the thundering excitement of your heart. Y/N’s mind was constantly a hurricane of teenage emotion. 
While she may be the hurricane, her best friend, Edmund Pevensie, was the eye of the storm. No matter what Edmund was faced with, his mind seemed to always be clear and his actions were well thought out. Not only that, but he got early acceptance to his dream college and a weighty scholarship to aid his studies. Early acceptance meant very little stress on his mind and more time to enjoy his final year to it’s fullest. 
“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” Edmund asked, shoving a forkful of salad into his mouth. His long legs stretched under the lunch table and crossed at the ankles lazily. 
“Nothing, I’m just trying to read the text on this Tik Tok, it overlaps with the caption,” Y/N twiddled her thumb over the screen, trying to make out the message. Edmund laughs carelessly and snatches the phone out of his friend’s hand. He presses the power button with his thumb before places the iPhone facedown on the table. 
“Tik Tok is going to melt your brain, you know. Then there won’t be anything going on in there.” Y/N rolls her eyes and takes a bite from her sandwich. 
“Don’t look at me with that judge mental look in your eye, Pevensie! Maybe you should get addicted to the app like the rest of us!”
“I would but I’d like to keep my brain un-melted.” Edmund took another bite of his salad and a big gulp of his water. “I might need it for next year.” 
Y/N huffed playfully and rolled her eyes. “Ah, right, my bad. I forgot you’re some sort of super genius. Silly me!” Edmund leaned his elbows on the table and shot an amused look at Y/N. “A genius who has eaten a salad for lunch every day since he was 12.” 
“Hey! They’re good, thank you very much!” 
“Live a little, Ed. Eat some ice cream for a change! Download Tik Tok! Run around town naked! I don’t know!” Y/N threw her hands into the air 
Edmund choked on his lettuce, “I am NOT running around town naked!” 
“You’re missing the point!” 
“I don’t think there is a point, Y/N.” 
“Come on, people would eat you up! You have a cute face and girls love cute faces!” Edmund’s cheeks reddened considerably and he reached for his water again. 
“I don’t want them to eat me up, Y/N.” His voice came out as a squeak. 
“Why not? I’d personally love to watch your videos. I’d be your number one fan,” 
“You already are my number one fan,” Edmund smiled shyly towards Y/N. “Anyway, how’s the applications going?” 
Y/N groaned and piled up her trash. “Ugh, don’t even remind me. I have no idea what I’m supposed to write.” 
“I could come by yours after school to help if you want? Maybe that could help ease the storm inside your mind a little.” Edmund took Y/N’s trash and placed it with his own. A large smile graced her face and she nodded enthusiastically. 
“You always know exactly what to do to help, Ed. Thank you.”
Edmund beamed as the bell rang. 
You received a message 
You received a message
It was Y/N’s study hall period, so she was trying to get a jump start on her college essays. Y/N glanced at her phone before opening her notifications. One of her friends had sent her a video on Tik Tok.  
this reminds me of you and edmund. 
The video was of a pair of teens, probably a year or so younger than Y/N. The girl in the video was trying to teach the boy a dance while the song Electric Love was playing in the background. When the chorus starts, the girl cupped the boy’s cheek and pulled him in for a kiss. Y/N scrunched her eyebrows as she read over the caption: decided to try the kissing my best friend trend. now were dating #fyp 
Y/N watched the video for a second time. 
why is this me and edmund?
Y/N watched the video for a third time. 
you know why, Y/N. 
By this point, Y/N had watched the video so many times she practically had it memorized; she envied the girl in the video. How did she have so much courage to kiss her best friend? How would Edmund react if she did that? 
Y/N’s thumbed hovered over the sound icon; she needed to see more of these videos. As she clicked the sound, Y/N realized there were hundreds of videos of girls kissing their boy best friends. Y/N chewed the inside of her cheek and scrolled, the hurricane in her head growing more intense. 
Horror stories of Edmund rejecting her or laughing in her face played through her mind. But, still, Y/N couldn’t stop scrolling until the final bell rang. 
“My brain is fried, Ed. Can we take a break?” Y/N looked up from her laptop and groaned. They had been working on her applications for nearly two hours and her eyes were beginning to sting from the harsh screen light. 
“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. We’ve made a lot of progress,” Edmund smiled and sat next to Y/N on her bed. She glanced at his side profile and admired the curve of his jaw. It was so sharp and defined, Y/N couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to trail kisses up and down it. “What? Is there something on my face?” 
Y/N’s eyes widened ever so slightly. “No, I was just wondering what my chances of you saying yes to making a Tik Tok with me were.” 
“Slim to zero,” He responded, deadpanned. 
“Oh, so there’s a slim chance?” Y/N could feel her heart thumping in her chest. The thunder in her mind storm was so loud, she could have sworn Edmund could hear it. 
“Will it make you stop bugging me about that stupid app?” 
Edmund sighed, “Fine, just one. What do I have to do?” 
Y/N stood from her bed and gestured to the open floor space. “Just stand here. I’m, uh, gonna teach you a dance.” Y/N took a deep breath as she set up her phone, clicked the sound, and pressed play. 
Electric Love started playing through the speakers as Y/N began to dance lamely. Edmund, oblivious, started to copy her movements. Y/N’s heart was going a mile a minute and her legs shook under the harsh vibrations of the thunder. She still had a few seconds to chicken out if she wanted. 
Y/N turned towards Edmund and he had the cutest focused expression on his face. His eyebrows were scrunched in thought and his lips were pierced as he tried his best to mimic Y/N’s movements. She took a step closer to him, which he copied, and scanned his facial features. His pink lips were plump and slightly parted, his cheeks held a slight blush and his skin was smooth and perfect. 
Y/N took a final deep breath and pressed her lips to his. 
The music faded out of existence and the world grew blurry; the only sensation she could feel was Edmund’s chapped lips pressed against hers. The kiss was soft and contained, like a gentle rain shower, until his hands found her waist and everything accelerated. Lighting bolts of electricity flowed through their veins, making a single shiver travel down their spines. 
Y/N’s senses were flooded with nothing but Edmund; the familiar taste of coffee on his lips, the smell of mint, the soft material of his shirt, and way his hair ticked her forehead. No one but her and the boy she loved existed at that moment.
Edmund pulled away and looked down at her with his chocolate brown eyes. Y/N had never experienced that look in his eyes, and something about it made her want to experience it over and over. 
“It’s about time,” Edmund mutters, his thumb stroking the skin of Y/N’s waist. He dipped his head down again, catching her lips in another electric kiss. 
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yelenasdog · 4 years
something like “i know” (ben hardy x fem reader)
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summary: sometimes making tiktoks with ben doesn’t always turn out the way you plan, but by no means is that a negative.
words: 1.4k
warnings: age gap (not dramatic, reader is like, idk, 23 maybe?), kissing, i think that’s it but lmk!
a/n: hi! so i’ve had this idea for ages and wanted to write it so here it is! the end of it is far sappier than i planned but meh whatevs. also ty to cici and eva for helping me pick the moodbard hehe. k enjoy!
Having an age gap was never something that put a large damper on their relationship. The conflicting personalities of the two balanced out quite nicely, and the similarities that drew the two of them together in the first place (apart from the aforementioned) made sure they never had a lack of interesting things to talk about that weren’t generational.
Until TikTok, that was.
Now of course, there were some other millennials on the application, but Ben just for some reason couldn’t get it.
“Yes, I know that, babe, but why do they do dances?”
“They lip sync too!”
“But what is the point?”
And that’s how the conversation would end. Every single time. So Ben would sit on the sofa, watching as she danced about in front of the small screen, occasionally playing some cruel (ok, that’s a large exaggeration, they’re somewhat mean, at best) joke on him, claiming it was a trend on TikTok? That just did not sit right with him.
He didn’t remember hearing “mean pranks” in the initial description of the app when she had described it to him all of those times.
Ben tried to tune it out, he really did. He would wear his headphones, blasting Zeppelin as loud as he could while reading scripts or a book. But somehow, those catchy little tunes always managed to worm their way into his ear, being stuck in there for days and days on end.
He would waltz around the house humming Megan Thee Stallion, the occasional Flo Milli or underground indie artist also making an appearance often.
He was pouring a cup of coffee for himself one Tuesday morning in the kitchen before going on a run, Y/n watching fondly from afar. Rain was softly rolling down the windows, barely coming to a cease. The air was chilly, and fog floated through the early morning sky, a sense of calm washing over their shared South London home.
The room was kept somewhat warm, though, from the fireplace that she had insisted the house had to have, which Ben ended up being grateful for on more than one occasion. He looked over his shoulder briefly, smiling at the sight of his beloved wrapped up in his seafoam jumper, watching him move about contently.
As he turned back to where he was working on filling the two mugs in front of him, he began to oh so quietly sing the lyrics to what sounded like a familiar tune off of the app. Watermelon Sugar, maybe?
“Ben? Baby?”
He turned, his eyes growing wide and his hands flying to his hips as he leaned against the countertop behind him.
“Mhhm, yeah, w-what’s up, babe?”
She couldn’t hold in her giggle at the sight of her boyfriend’s red face and disgruntled appearance, one of his hands now scratching casually at his gold locks.
“What’re you singin’, pretty boy?”
His blush only increased at the nickname, eliciting another laugh from his girl.
“Y’know, just somethin’ I heard on the radio the other day.”
She immediately recognized his lie, he refused to listen to the radio, only using either Bluetooth or the aux cord, his music taste too pretentious for mainstream stations. She didn’t mind, though, always finding it quite funny how much of a music snob he was.  
But rather than call him out, she only nodded and smirked, standing up and bringing her phone with her over to the windowsill where she usually filmed her TikToks, pulling Ben along with her.
He sipped from his mug, eyes slanted as she scrolled through something on her phone, various sounds emitting from the speaker.
A little smile showed up on her face when she (apparently) found what she was looking for, leaving her to set the phone down, allowing a video under the sound to play on repeat.
“Sweetheart, what’s going on?” He asked, ever so cautiously, taking a step towards her. She walked towards him, engulfing him in a hug which he (yet again) cautiously reciprocated.
“I am going to teach you a TikTok dance.”
He had to do a double take.
“Come again?”
She pulled on the elastic waistband of her sweats, grabbing Ben by the arm.
“Come on, I know you wanna. And if nothing else you’ll do it to make me happy.”
He rolled his eyes, slightly irritated at her confidence and that she was so incredibly correct, he would do mostly anything to put a smile on her face.
“Yeah, you’re right.” He grumbled, moving to stand next to her.
She clapped once in excitement, joy flooding her entire body. The music started up again, but this time, she began to dance along to it.
“Ok, so just try to do what I’m doing, alright?”
“No! Not alright, can I just stand here, I think I should just stand here-“
“Ben, it's literally not that hard, 8 year olds can do it!”
“Well, I’m an extremely confused 29 year old man, thank you very much!”
And that’s basically how the next 15 minutes went until she finally gave in, allowing Ben to stand behind her, occasionally doing a little move of sorts. The two were in a fit of giggles now, struggling to keep enough composure for long enough to get even one successful video.
“Benjamin Jones! This is the last one, okay?”
He put a hand on his stomach, both of the pair attempting to catch their breath.
“Yes, yes, right okay, got it, last one.”
The little timer button counted down, the sound echoing throughout the property. 
The music then started, and she could barely keep a straight face for the 15 seconds. Bored of the routine, but never of her, Ben decided he would grab her and throw her onto the sofa, as payback for all the “TikTok pranks” she would pull on him. He waited for the perfect time to strike (one where she wouldn’t hopefully be too infuriated), restlessly shifting from foot to foot.
Nearing the last few seconds, he made his move. He swooped forward, a high pitched shriek falling from her lips as he wrapped his strong arms around her waist, running and jumping onto the couch, crushing her. He rolled off quickly, and she moved to be on top of him, her hair wildly astray. She sat up, straddling his thighs with a bright smile plastered on her face.
“You little jerk.”
He only smiled boyishly in response, a lovesick gaze set in his eyes.
The song was still playing on repeat as she leaned down, positioning her hands on either side of his head in order to place her lips gently upon his.
“That’s your reward for putting up with me today, Jones.”
He scoffed, taking her by the shoulders and bringing her to his chest. She looked up from where she was now comfortably lying, meeting his homey emerald gaze, his eyes like sea glass that had washed up on white sands, waiting to be rediscovered.
“I feel as if I deserve something more for all of that.”
“Oh, do you?”
He hummed and nodded, closing his eyes. She reached up, placing another peck on his plump lips, before scurrying away to retrieve the phone. He sat up rather quickly at the sudden loss of her body weight, smiling at the sound of her laughter coming towards him.
“Ben, look, it turned out so well.” She managed to slip out before basically throwing him the phone. A grin erupted on his own face soon after, along with the hearty chuckles to match. 
He made some commentary on how wonderful it was, before handing her back the device. She moved so she was once more essentially laying on top of Ben, the screen in both of their views. 
After sharing a few more laughs over the video, she captioned it and posted it, throwing her phone to get lost in the couch cushions as the likes and comments began to roll in.
She looked up at him once more, and he met her gaze, as he always would, bringing a hand up to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear. 
It didn’t leave her cheek, resting there and lightly caressing her skin. The two were most serene then, almost appearing as two felines that had decided to nap during the morning showers, most comforted by each other and the steady sound of the droplets as they pattered.
He was whispering now, the rambunctious energy of the room fading into a much more tranquil and stolid vibe, wrapping the two up like a warm embrace.
“Y’know I really would do anything to make you happy, my love.”
She closed her eyes, taking hold of one of his hands.
He then heard her mutter something like “I know”, and all was well.
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it was fitting for the theme. but anyway i hope u enjoyed, pls reblog and like if u did :) go drink some water, eat some protein, and take an electronics break!
love you bunches! xx hj
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ambivalent-anarchy · 4 years
You've Got Moves (Part 2)
Part 1
Gender: Female
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Warning: None
A/N: Better late than never, right?😂😂 (wow 2 fics in one week that's crazyyy) Also I put one of my favorite comedy tiktoks in the dialogue soooooo oops? Also Harry and Ned are wingmen who share one brain cell and I like it that way
I might make one more part to this but idk
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It took 7 months for Peter to ask you out.
It took the time for MJ and Asher to become a couple, homecoming to go by, MJ and Asher to break up, winter formal, midterm exams, MJ and Asher to get back together, and Christmas to go before Peter Parker gathered the guts to even consider thinking about asking you out.
Scared wasn't even the word for it.
Harry Osborn, the new transfer student, laughed at how nervous Peter was at lunch. "Asking girls out is easy, Peter. I do it all the time!"
"You say it like it's the simplest thing on earth," Peter dreaded, to which Harry shrugged.
"Because it is! You just ask. How is it that I've only been at this school for 2 months and I've had more chicks than both you and Ned combined?"
"Hooking up is not a hobby of mine. That's why," Peter retorted with a pitifully unintimidating glare.
Harry shrugged with his shit-eating grin. "It's not my fault the girls and gays can't resist these lips."
Ned chimed in as he threw a french fry into his mouth. "Peter, this isn't like Liz last year. You and [Y/N] are already really close, dude. I'm sure you can just ask her. Who knows? She might say yes!"
"But what if she says no?," Peter groaned. "Then I'll just be one of those people she avoids and barely talks to out of awkwardness." He shifted in his seat nervously. "I don't want that."
"But if you don't say anything then you'll always regret it," Ned pointed out.
Harry sighed and rolled his eyes. "Peter, pull out your phone."
Peter raised his eyebrows in confusion, but followed Harry's instructions.
"Go to her in messages and say 'hey let's get dinner'." He smiled. "See? Simple."
Peter opened your messages in his phone and stared at your profile picture.
'You can do this, Peter. You can do this.'
He bit his lip. "Okay but should I say, 'let's get dinner' or 'do you want to get dinner'?" Seeing Harry's impatient face, he explained himself. "I just feel like those two sentences have completely different vibes, y'know?"
Harry glared at him. "Are you really about to have us telling you what to tell your crush like a bunch of girls?"
Peter didn't know how to answer that question seriously. "Uh...yes?"
Harry pondered the question for a small bit before simply shrugging and answering. "Hmm, go with 'let's get dinner', so you'll sound all confident and assertive."
Before Peter could press send without thinking twice, Ned stopped him. "Well, actually now you sound a little aggressive, man."
"Really?," Peter asked with a wince, immediately erasing the message.
"Yeah, I mean the last thing you wanna be like is the guy that's all like 'let's get dinner' like you're some kind of caveman."
Peter groaned. "Oh no, definitely not."
Ned ate another fry. "You want to ask her to dinner, not tell her to dinner."
"I'll go with 'do you want to get dinner' then," Peter said with a nod.
That one didn't sit well with Harry. "No Pete. Cuz now you sound like a pussy."
Peter slammed his phone onto the lunch table. "This stuff is tough!"
Ned turned towards Harry. "No but listen. The last thing Peter wants to do is come off as the overly masculine type that's all like 'let's get dinner cuz I'm the breadwinner, bitch', y'know?"
Harry shook his head. "Yeah but women also love assertiveness. You have to know what you want."
Peter stared at the table, desperately wanting the conversation to be over. Why would he even go to these two for relationship advice? Harry was the king of hookups and Ned's relationships never lasted longer than a few weeks. What was he thinking? For a guy with a 4.5 GPA, he sure did feel stupid.
"I got it!," Ned exclaimed. "Okay. Text her this. 'Dinner would be something that I would enjoy taking you on, but only if YOU were also interested in attending the meal'." He held his hands up for praise.
Harry nodded. "Mhm. Perfect balance. And the more words the better."
Peter just stared back at them, wondering where he'd gone wrong in life. "...no.... I'm not gonna send her that."
Harry shrugged. "Welp,' he sighed. "I guess some people just don't want to be helped."
So close to slamming his head into the table in front of him, Peter felt a tsunami of relief hit when he saw Asher walk into the cafeteria.
Asher was your best friend. If anyone knew the proper way you'd want to be asked out, it'd be him.
The second Asher noticed Peter looking at him, he made his way over. "Hey Peter. What's up?," he asked as he found an empty seat.
Harry spoke up before Peter had the chance. "Hey Ash. Pick one. 'Let's get dinner' or 'do you want to get dinner'."
Asher thought for a second. "Depends on the girl," he said before taking a bite into his apple. "-but 'do you want to get dinner' is nicer. Why?"
Harry slammed his fist on the table. "Damn it!"
"Yes!," Ned cheered.
Asher looked around the table. "Okay, by why?"
Harry and Ned went quiet and looked to Peter, who was staring anywhere to avoid eye contact. He began to mumble pitifully."I....I-i wanna.. I wanna-"
Harry and Ned spoke up, already tired of the conversation not getting anywhere. "He wants to ask-"
"-I wanna ask [Y/N] out!," he blurted, feeling his cheeks start to burn when Asher's smirk turned into a wide grin.
"Well it's about time!," he exclaimed. "She's been crazy about you since you met."
"Really? She has?," Peter asked. That wasn't even in the realm of possibility in his mind.
Asher nodded. "She's always going off to me about how-" he mocked your higher pitched voice. "I've been dropping him hints since, like, foreverrrr!"
"Seriously?! She has?"
Ned laughed. "Well Peter. She has been calling you cute since the day she met you..."
"But I just always thought it was the friendly kind of cute, y'know?," he rambled. "Not the boyfriend type cute!"
"How many girls are out here calling you cute for you to make that assumption, dude?," Harry asked.
Asher sighed. "So this is what it's like to have low confidence." He shook his head and gave Peter a disappointed look. "I can't say I like witnessing this, Pete."
"Just-" Peter groaned and squeezed his eyes shut. "Just tell me what will work, okay? I need to ask her out perfectly."
Asher tilted his head in confusion. "She's a simple girl. You just have to straight up ask her out. What's the confusion there?"
"That's what I said!," Harry yelled.
"You know he's got to make it difficult for himself for no reason," Ned pointed out.
"Okay can we all talk about how terrible I am at this after you help me?," Peter begged.
"Ugh, fine."
Peter sighed. "Alright. So?"
"What are you going for?," Asher asked. "Like a gift or something?"
"I just want whatever's the absolute best way to ask her out."
Asher pinched the bridge of his nose. If he was gonna set you up with your crush, he wanted it to happen right.
"Okay," he said, staring Peter in the eyes with a new sort of intensity. "Think about your best moments with her. Now pick something special from all those moments and voila! You'll have it!"
Peter nodded and stared at the ground as he thought for a while about everything he'd done with you since the beginning of school. You were truly the most extraordinary, most confident girl he'd ever met.
Every time he'd thought you couldn't get more perfect, you'd just show him another side of you that was better than the rest. He always stayed endlessly impressed and most of all, he felt as if he didn't have to try too hard with you. He could be himself and mess up as many times as he could manage and you still stuck around, showing him that there needn't be any worries.
And your style? Fuck, you could make anything work for him. You were the only one who could get him out of his comfort zone and in front of a camera, for something as frivolous as a TikTok. But he'd always do it, and even find the fun in it, because it made you happy.
"Remember how we freaked out that first time when she called you cute, Pete?," Ned said. "She said that you were cute and that you only had to put it use!"
Harry laughed. "This girl is literally giving you the instructions, Peter. Take them."
"Hmm." Peter looked up with a smile and snapped his fingers. "I got it."
You tossed popcorn into your mouth and snuggled yourself further into the blanket. "Ash, how can you even say that? 'It' is a horror movie!"
"Yeah, technically," he retorted. "But there's literally not a single part of the movie that's scary. It's more of a drama than anything else."
"You realize the clown phobia rate skyrocketed when the movie came out right?"
Asher scoffed. "Uh, your point? It's not my fault some pussies couldn't sit through it. Still a drama. The story definitely played with your emotions more than your fears."
"Whateverrrr," you laughed. "I can't deal with you."
"Pennywise literally got up and did this," he said before breaking out into Pennywise's dance. He laughed as he kicked his legs out. "What kind of horror movie has this crap in it?" He stopped when he felt the full force of you throwing a pillow on his face. "Ugh!"
"Sit down and get under the covers, idiot," you hissed. "I wanna keep watching these HORROR films."
"Whateverrrr," he drawled out, mocking you. He sighed and plopped down next to you, grabbing a handful of popcorn after.
When school was getting suffocating, marathoning horror movies with Asher were a must. He had an endless repertoire and all the time in the world for his best friend.
Halfway through 'It: Chapter 2' though, the movie was the least of your focus and instead was TikTok.
What could you say? The app was addictive.
It was a big, entertaining, completely useless collage of everything every no-name had to offer, from stupid debates to cringey POV's to fun dance routines.
You tried to hook every friend you could on it. Asher, of course, already knew about it since it first came out and he, of course, had thousands of followers because most of what he posted was random thirsts traps whenever he was feeling hot, which was always. And thirsts traps are always in high demand for the people on TikTok.
You tried to hook MJ on it, but she'd already decided that she didn't like it before even giving it a chance. Even the messy, political side didn't reel her in.
Of course then there was Peter, who didn't know was TikTok even was before he met you. You made it your sole mission to get him hooked, but you'd since given up on that. It was a lost cause. The only time he probably ever saw TikTok nowadays was when he was doing dances with you before gym started. He let you put the app on his phone but he never used it. You wouldn't even put it past him to have deleted it, but it was whatever. TikTok had started his friendship with you, so needless to say, it'd done an amazing job in your life.
Plus your followers were always asking about him. All of the "omg couple goalssss" and "you guys look so cute together" served as massive confidence boosters. A girl can dream, right?
You shifted over a bit when you felt Ash getting closer and closer to you.
When he moved over again, you scooted away, only for him to get closer again. "Ash, what is your deal?"
"Easy there," he chuckled, backing up a little. "I'm looking at the phone, not you."
"You've been all up in my phone all day, what's up?"
"I can't tell you," he shrugged, a sly smirk stretching across his face. "But," he pointed to your tiny screen. "Some idiot is taking wayyyy too long to shoot his shot."
"Shoot his shot?" You gasped. "Who?"
"I'm not at liberty to say," he said with a smirk.
"Nooooo," you whined. "If someone has a crush on me you gotta spill! C'mon, please?"
He laughed and repeated himself. "I'm sorry, but I am not at liberty to say!"
"Bullshit! Who is it? C'mon! C'monnnnnn!"
He shrugged and this time you knew that he was dead set on not giving up the mystery guy.
"Ugh," you pouted. "Fine. Let's just finish the stupid movie."
"Kids next door, battle stations!!!!"
And now it was sometime after midnight. The popcorn was all gone. The movie was done and now you were watching old cartoons so that the horror movie wouldn't be the last thing on your mind before bed.
Looking over, you saw that Asher didn't need any cartoons like you did. He was already passed out, snoring as loud as ever.
Grumbling in boredom, you stared at the wall, trying to connect the tiny dots in the designs. It was like something was officially keeping you from being able to fall asleep.
At the sound of your phone receiving a text, you sat up curiously. Who was texting you at this hour?
You smiled when you saw that it was Peter.
Pete: hey y/n
You were about to send him a quick,"why are you up this late" text, but he kept typing.
Pete: pls dont judge me too hard for this
With that completely vague warning, you furrowed your eyebrows, concerned.
Y/n: whats up r u okay
He sent you a link next, which confused you, but not as much as when you actually pressed it.
It led you to TikTok, and the video was waiting to be pressed to start. Peter was standing in the middle of the screen with one of his typical corny sweatshirts on. The caption at the top read: "For [Y/N] Only". Smiling already, you quickly pressed play.
You slapped your hand over your mouth. "Oh my God."
"So he finally got the guts, huh?," Asher mumbled, having woken up from the loud music on your phone but was still half-asleep.
"Oh I'm sorry, did I wake you?," you asked. You turned down your phone.
"Don't worry about me, you just got a boyfriend," he chuckled, moving to lay down so he could get to sleep again. "Text him back for god's sake."
Y/n: its been almost a whole year and youre still so cute when you make those
Pete: haha thanks
Pete: uh
Pete: i really like you y/n
Pete: do u think you'd wanna go out with me or get dinner sometime?
"He asked me out," you gasped. "Ash, he asked me out!"
Asher rolled over and groaned. "I thought that was already established? Jesus, you two couldn't possibly be moving any slower."
You rolled your eyes. "Fuck you."
"Nah, you're with Peter now," he laughed. "You're gonna have to fuck him instead!" That comment earned him another pillow to the face.
You looked back at the messages and sent a tiny cute one. You smirked at the new idea of what was about to happen and turned it off before going to sleep.
Y/n: kiss me at school tomorrow and find out
Didn't do a third edit cuz I got lazy but I'm pretty happy with the turnout anyway. Thanks for reading!
Tagging: @allegra-writes, @allegra-soleil, @yumings, @hey-its-grey, @spideyyeet, @sunkissedspidey, @tommyunderoos, @chaoticpete, @snarky--starky, @sovereignparker, @thesherlockianavenger, @bubblebucky, @kelieah, @eridanuswave, @ithoughtthiswastwitterbutfr, @kidney9-9, @gwenvrse
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