#somebody has to step up to the plate and I guess the only way to make that happen is to somehow develop the ability for that to be me
elainemorisi · 2 years
perhaps, for my thirties, it is time to harness my powers of not giving a solitary shit what people think of me and Learn Conversation by brute force and repetition, because hoo boy, my generation, the skill, she is lost
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nburkhardt · 1 year
Somebody Loves You, You Got a Friend (part 7)
Other parts: one, two, three, four, five, six
We’re back again! The start takes place immediately after the last part & more time jumping lol. I guess trigger warning for breast feeding? Tho it’s not that detailed really 🤷‍♀️ better to be safe ✌️ (quick reminder: this is a slice of life, nearly no plot type of fic)
Any sort of tension he got was wiped away simply by pulling into the driveway. As he opens the front door he’s met with Eleanor crying, following the sound he finds Steve making a beeline for Eleanor.
“You good?” He steps closer to the omega, “Ellie good?”
Steve whips his head around and grins before pulling Eleanor up to him, “just a little tired. She’s just upset I had to use the bathroom”
He laughs, “you eat today?”
Steve turns red in a second and that’s all Eddie needs to know. He pulls the omega close and leads him to the kitchen, “Stevie, we gotta work on this!”
Instead of his original plan of cuddling up to Steve and Eleanor in bed, he pulls out all the stuff to make grilled cheese. He hears the omega start to hum, turning he sees Steve in the chair with his shirt pushed up enough to guide Eleanor to his chest and her immediately latching on to drink.
He manages to not burn the shit out of the two sandwiches, placing one in front of Steve and dumping a bag of chips on both their plates. They eat in a comfortable silence, that’s only filled with Steve’s soft hum.
They hear the front door open and Steve pulls his shirt down and over Eleanor, only losing tension when he hears his mom, “Boys!”
They smile at her, and she placed a kiss on both their heads, “Stevie, you don’t have to keep ruining your shirts like this” she doesn’t bother waiting, just pulls the shirt back up and rubs a hand against Eleanor’s head. They continue to chat while she makes herself something to eat.
Weeks go by and Eddie swears the kids he picked up are more nerdy than him and something entirely different. He’ll catch them talking about weird shit and immediately shut up when someone else passes them.
He unfortunately sees Nancy way too often, she being the kids’ ride more times than not. She attempted to talk to him all of once and he shot it down almost immediately with, “I’ll be honest, Wheeler. I don’t really care much for you, we can tolerate each other for your brother. But we don’t need to be friends, okay?”
She only nods and he doesn’t smell her frustration, just sees it on her face.
It’s three months into school and Eleanor’s going to be four months, when he and Steve decide to bring in their other friends into the know. It’s not just that, but also Steve’s getting restless with staying home.
He said once Eleanor is no longer nursing, he’d look for a job.
(“I just don’t feel like going back and forth, I know mom can watch her but-“
Eddie smiles and nods, looking down at Eleanor sleeping in his arms. “You don’t have to explain it to me, Stevie.” )
So, that brings them to today. They’re out at Gareth’s house, his parents out for the weekend and closest to their home. Steve has Eleanor in her car seat still, and Eddie has a backpack on his shoulder as he knocks on the door.
It’s Gareth that opens the door and smiles, “hey guys,” he spies the car seat, “come on, bet she doesn’t want to stay in there”
Once inside, Steve makes quick work at getting Eleanor out and into his arms. “The guys here already?”
Gareth just nods, “I told them that you were coming and that you both had something to tell them, I think they’ve been listening to the dumb rumors and think you really did mate with each other” he rolls his eyes, “but I mean,”
He points at Eleanor and then raises an eyebrow at Eddie’s arm pulling Steve closer, “this doesn’t help”
Steve rolls his eyes, “we can’t, my mom and Wayne told us that when we’re eighteen and both out of high school, then we can” he pouted and felt Eddie press a kiss to his temple, “let’s go, before Ellie gets fussy”
They follow Gareth, who laughed at the couple. It’s not a long walk and right before they get into the room, the rest of the guys are laughing and right as they’re spotted the laughter stops.
“Dude, am I high or is Steve holding a baby?” - Jeff
“If you’re high, then I’m high because holy fuck that’s a baby!” - Grant
Gareth rolls his eyes, Eddie and Steve are laughing. The others are still staring dumbfounded. Then, Eleanor makes it all too real and lets out a whine.
“Dumbasses, you aren’t high. That is a baby” Gareth finally says, then turns a raised eyebrow at the couple, “better start talking, lovebirds”
They roll their eyes, Steve rocking Eleanor gently before they head to the empty couch, “This is Eleanor” he says and stares at all of them, “She’s the reason I left Hawkins high early”
They nod, clearly listening and Grant points between them with a clear question of “your’s?” Without saying it.
Eddie nods, “She wasn’t planned- I went to Stevie’s house one day when he skipped and well, we spent his heat together”
“Is- is she why you’re together?” Jeff frowns at them, “or were you already together?”
They shake their heads, Eddie slipped his hand into Steve’s and brings it up to his lips, pressing a kiss to his hand. It makes their friends to roll their eyes and smile, “we were dancing around each other for a while. But we got together after we spent his heat together- before we knew about Eleanor”
“I felt like shit for a month, my mom made me take a test.” Steve took over, squeezing Eddie’s hand, “had a doctor really confirm it, I told Eddie a few weeks later”
After that, Eleanor got wiggly and Steve finally let her down on a blanket and all the boys were on the floor with her, holding toys for her to play with or wiggling their fingers for her to grab. Steve laughed and Eddie was smiling, it worked out and they’re so glad their friends are loyal and happy for them.
Eleanor already has all of them wrapped around her finger.
——— A Week Later ———
Eddie groaned as he dropped at their lunch table, he was exhausted. Eleanor being fussier than normal for the last two days. Steve is just as exhausted, if not more. The only one not exhausted was Eleanor somehow.
“Dude. What’s wrong with you?”
Eddie groaned again before shifting to look at who spoke, finding the little freshmen he picked up. “I’m tired”
Dustin raises his eyebrow, dropping next to him and he hopes the kid really doesn’t poke him. He’s saved a little by Grant, “You good Eddie?”
He shrugged, “just tired, think we can move Friday’s session? I think she’s sick”
The freshmen look confused, while Grant nods, “I hope it’s not from any of us, I swear we only just met her and I’m sure one of us would die for her”
Eddie grins, “she’s like that”
Before the freshmen can ask who they’re talking about, Gareth sits next to him with a smile, “who’s like what? What are we talking about?”
“Gotta move the session this week, Ellie’s sick”
That’s said right as Jeff sits down with the other freshman, “don’t tell me it was us!”
Eddie shrugs, “we’re not sure- Janet thinks we’re overreacting.” He lays his head back on the table pillowed on his arms, “wake me before the bell”
In the back of his head he knows the freshmen are confused and he might’ve spilled too much.
We’re gonna stop there for now, even though I’m using the read more option again I still don’t want to make the parts too long, ya know? Anyway, again this is more slice of life, no plot. I mean I still add it in a litttttle but it’s nearly nothing. Next time we do a quick pov change (it’ll be Gareth’s!) and it’ll take place directly after this (with a day skip too)
If you have any ideas for this, you’re welcome to share them!! I can add it in or write more!! (This is in general btw, you can always send me prompts!!)
Taglist: @spectrum-spectre @itsfreakingbats @mysticcrownshipper @artiststarme @thereindeerlady @justforthedead89 @ronniescontinuum @freyaforestafay @littlewildflowerkitten @zerokrox-blog @callme-keys @maya-custodios-dionach @rajumat @yellowdevilkitten @munsonfamilyband @steddierthings @tartarusfairy @mx-jinxous @zombiethingy @lunaticmarunatic @carlyv @thelittleclare @estrellami-1 @epiclazershark @bookworm0690 @forest-fogg @flustratedcas @p0lybl4nkk @tiny-enthusiast @a-gae-af-racoon @blackpanzy
(If you wanna be added to this and/or the permanent one, let me know)
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porchlightfairy · 1 year
𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℕ𝕖𝕨 𝔽𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕
summary: Eddie gets jealous of your new friend from college.
New Life Fresh Start masterlist
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆──
Midterms were taking a toll on you. You were spending more and more time studying at school and less and less time at home. The only time you were home was when you needed to change clothes and shower or eat something.
You’ve barely had time to spend with Eddie, only able to call him late at night saying you were at the library and would be sleeping at a friend’s on campus or something. Eddie felt bad like he couldn’t do anything to help you. Just watch as you zoom through the apartment barely giving a kiss goodbye before going back to school.
“I don’t know what I should do. I want to support her but she’s barely home enough.” Eddie says as he shuffles through the records in the store.
“She’s busy, man. College midterms are tough. You just need to be patient.” Joey claims, “Once they’re over I am sure she will be back in your arms in no time.”
“I sure hope so,” Eddie mutters still unsatisfied with the answer Joey gave.
After work, as Eddie is walking home he sees you outside of a coffee shop. He was about to approach you excitedly when he stopped. A man steps out in front of you with two coffees and then hands one to you. Who was that guy? And why did you smile like that when he gave you the cup? That smile Eddie knew all too well. His heart started to sink. He turns in another direction and decides to take a long way home.
Back at home, Eddie stays up waiting, hoping, you come home tonight. And as if god was listening to his prayers, you arrive a short while later. “Hey, Eddie baby.” You smile and drop all of your stuff at the door before jumping onto the couch and snuggling up to him. “I missed you.” You kiss his cheek.
He smiles “I missed you too. How was your day?”
“It was okay,” You mumble, “But, it’s better now that I am home with you.”
Eddie smiles then grabs your chin, kissing you, “You know, I saw you today.”
“You did? Why didn’t you come say hi?” You pout.
“Oh, I saw you with somebody. I didn’t want to bother you.”
“You must have seen me with Dave, he’s my study friend.”
Study friend. Study friend? Study Friend?! Was this the same person you were spending the night with? Some guy? Not just some guy, a guy with sophisticated clothes, a clean haircut, and intellect. How could you not want to spend more time with Dave instead of Eddie.
He purses his lips, “I’m glad you’re making friends at school.”
“Yeah, he’s been a really big help with exams and stuff. I think you would like him if you met.” Probably not.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆──
Eddie couldn’t help but get paranoid about you and your new friend Dave. How long would it be before you realize how much butter Dave was and dump Eddie? He sits on the rug in the living room, his head swimming with thoughts. You were off to school that day and he was all by himself riddled with anxiety.
Just then there’s a knock on the door, and he swings the door open to see Asya again. “My momma made cookies, want some?” She holds up a plate.
Eddie takes the plate, “Thanks kiddo.”
“You look worried.” She points out before skipping into the apartment.
Eddie takes a bite of a cookie, “Pretty lady has a new friend. A guy friend.”
“Okay? What’s the issue?” She cocks an eyebrow.
“He’s smart and sophisticated.” Eddie sighs, “He goes to school with her and takes her to coffee. Helps her with her homework and is all around better than me.”
“Sounds like it.” She mutters, “But she still comes home to you doesn’t she? Isn’t that what matters?”
“I guess you're right.” Eddie sighs, but one day maybe she won’t.
“Although I love to stay and make you feel better I’m gonna go back home. See ya.” She gets up and takes the plate before leaving.
Eddie chuckles, “See you around kid.”
You return home a few hours later and leap into Eddie’s arms, “I’m free!” You shout before peppering his face in kisses, “Midterms are over and we can spend more time together!”
Eddie smiles in relief, “No more late-night study groups?”
“No more late studying. I’m all yours.” You kiss him again. He smiles into the kiss and lifts you off your feet and takes you to the bedroom.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆──
The next morning, Eddie wakes up to the sight of you fast asleep next to him. He smiles at the sight and caresses your face. You begin to stir before pulling closer into him, “What time is it?” You mumble.
He checks the clock, “Just half past eight.”
“Oh shit,” You get up, “I told Dave, I would grab a coffee with him at ten.” You quickly stumble out of bed to get ready, Eddie’s heart sinks. He thought he had heard the last of Dave.
“Can’t you ditch? Stay in bed with me?”
“No, Eddie,” you laugh, “Dave got me through exams. I owe him big time.”
“Big time? What about me?”
“Would you like to come?” Not really, is what Eddie wanted to say but instead, he responds; “Yes”
“Perfect! I can’t wait for you to meet Dave. You’re going to like him.” You scurry to the bathroom to get ready.
Eddie grimaces when you are out of sight. While you were in the bathroom, he gets ready. Once you’re both finished you head to the local coffee shop. You hook your arm around Eddie’s as you sit and wait for Dave.
You look over to see Eddie’s deflated expression. “Hey, what’s the matter?” You nudge him.
“Nothing, don’t worry about it.” He waves it off.
“No, but you look upset.” You tug at him, “What’s the matter?”
“Nothing, I promise… I just—” Before Eddie could truly answer Dave arrived at your table.
“Sorry I’m late, study buddy.” Dave smiles at you.
You stand up and give him a hug. Eddie feels a twang in his stomach. Once you let go Dave looks at Eddie. Eddie doesn’t stand and just sticks out his hand for Dave to shake, “Eddie.”
Dave takes his hand, “Dave.”
You sit back down and glare at Eddie. Dave sits across from you and starts small talk. Eddie couldn’t help but feel left out as you talk about school. Eddie was taking night school for his GED so this college jargon was flying over his head. But he notices the way Dave looks at you. He started to feel uncomfortable and his knee started to bounce rapidly.
As you talk, you notice Eddie’s composure. He is digging his nails into the table and he doesn’t appear to be listening . You’re saddened but you don’t let it show on you face. After the coffee shop you, Dave leaves and you head home.
Back in the apartment you read on the couch as Eddie silently makes lunch. He still has that sullen look on his face. “Did you like Dave?” You ask.
“He’s alright.” He shrugs
“Just alright?”
“He helped you with your tests.” He says, “I’m grateful.”
“But is that all?”
“Yes? What else is there?”
“Well, I don’t think you actually like him.”
“What’s not to like? He’s smart, rich, and attractive. You spend all your time with him.” He looks at you like he’s in love. He’s the whole package.”
You look at him taken aback, “Are you… Are you jealous?”
Eddie grumbles, “Maybe I am.”
You stand up and walk over to him, “Oh baby, you don’t have to be jealous. Dave is nothing like you and —”
“That’s what I’m worried about. You’ll find someone who's not like me. Not a wanted fugitive, not a high school dropout struggling to get a GED, somebody who is smart, getting a college degree, dammit!” His voice cracks, “We can’t go out in public too long or else I might get recognized. I feel like deadweight here. I’m holding you back and I am afraid you’ll come to the same conclusion and leave.” Instantly, you grab Eddie and hug him tightly. You feel pricks of water trickle onto your shoulder. He mumbles, “I don’t know what I’d do if you left me.”
“I would never,” You pet his head, “I’m not leaving. Never leaving.”
“I love you so much.” He whimpers.
“I love you always and forever baby.” You move your hands to his cheeks so he can look at you, “I’m not going anywhere.”
You continue to soothe Eddie into the late night. You lay in bed rubbing his bare back. Your hands gently graze over the scars that decorated his body. He is completely relaxed in your lap, “I promised you to keep you safe. To stay with you through all of this. I love you too much to break that promise.” You kiss the top of his head before turning before turning off the light.
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starjane312 · 2 years
Kit Tanthalos x OC
Big Masterlist
Chapter 23
W: The shattered sea. Where the Maps end and our Final test begins.
E: What’s the test ?
W: We have to walk across it.
J: Ah, a quick stroll I see.
B: Do we Though ? Cause no one who's gone out there has actually ever come back. 
W: Crossing the sea is the Only way to reach the Immemorial City.
K: So let’s go.
I look at her and she's dead pale.
J: No. You need to rest first.
K: I’m Good. 
She takes about five steps forward and falls down. I catch her before she can touch the Ground. And pick her up
J: You ‘re good my ass. You need to rest not only for your sake. That was a High risk for the Baby. 
She looks at me and nods. With her in my Arms we find a Hut. We slowly walk in. It doesn't look like somebody’s here but the Fire is Burning.
G: Hello ? Anybody home ? Hello ? Anyone here ?
I sit kit down on a chair by the Fire and put the Blanket from the Chair on her Lap. She takes my Hand.
K: Thanks.
J: Always.
I take a seat next to her. I look back to the others and see Elora walking towards a Man.
J: Oh great, a dead body.
E: I guess there are worse ways to go.
Suddenly the man opens his eyes.
?: What ?
J: And he’s alive.
E: Oh god.
?: I am dreaming and you are figments of my Imagination.
B: Afraid not.
?: Prove it.
Ja: Proof that we’re real ?
Kit lays her head back on the Chair and gives my Hand a soft squeeze. The man laughs.
?: You can’t, can you ? Or perhaps I’m a figment of your Imagination. Or we're all phantoms in the Dream of some vindictive god suffering from a spot of indigestion.
I look at kit. She still doesn’t look better.
K: I can feel you worrying.
She opens one eye.
K: I’ll be fine.
?: Ah. Liberating isn’t it ?
B: What ?
?: That it doesn’t matter. Nothing matters. You have coin ?
W: I have gold, some Gems, diamonds, sapphires, rubies.
I look at him astonished.
J: Are you kidding me ?
G: And we’ve never once stayed at a decent inn.
J: No, we were sleeping on the Floor.
He shrugs.  Out of the Blue a thud and a screech rings out. You can hear chains rattling. I look at Graydon. He is standing closest to it. He goes and checks on it.
?: Don’t get many customers outside of colossus crab season … and even that isn’t what it used to be.
G: What is that?
?: It’s a Mudmander. 
J: Doesn’t sound too happy.
The man turns some leaver and Something like a carriage lights up.
?: Zeb’s silt sleigh. Available for excursions if you fancy a tour around the many scenic coves and islets of the Eastern Coast.
B: And, uh, what if we wanted to take it a bit further ?
J: Yea turns out Willow‘s loaded so that won’t be a problem.
E: Yeah, how much to buy it.
Z: Let’s discuss this after supper.
Food sounds good especially for Kit. 
Z: You all look as if you could do with a hot meal. And lucky for you, I’m an excellent cook.
After half an hour it turns out he is not. I look at the plate and see alive Worms in a white substance. Kit tries to suppress a Gag. I lay my hand on her Thigh. Boorman digs in.
W: Uh, Do you have any salt ?
Z: Salt ?
The man gets up. We dump the food on the floor. I look inside the satchel on my Belt. I still have some berries in there. That’ll have to do.
W: You from Cashmere ?
Z: Aye. You’ve been ?
W: Long time ago.
Z: You ever meet a bloke there named Phil ?
W: Uh … Not that I recall.
Z: Good. He’s a right jackass.
K: What are you doing out here all alone ?
Z: Uh, well, I was a Warrior. Paladin of Cashmere. One of three sent to rescue the Princess, who was taken by servants of a dark power and whom I loved.
Kit grabs my Hand that is still on my Thigh.
Z: Tho she was betrothed to … 
E: To who ?
I see the look she gives me. I roll my eyes. 
Z: No, no hang on a minute. That’s a different quest. 
I furrow my Eyebrows and look at him. 
Z: This one was to find an enchanted pool that granted whomsoever drank of it’s water … No, That’s not the right one either. 
G: You don’t know what Quest you were on ?
I give a side look to Graydon. Obviously that man is out of his mind. I mean who wouldn’t after living out here alone for god knows how long. 
Z: Well all these quests and battles and aspirants vying for the throne, they sometimes sorta all get blended together.
Ja: Well what do you remember?
Kit lays her head on my shoulder. I take a breath. She is exhausted and this is really not helping.
Z: Years wandering the shattered Sea. Our Boots rotting, our swords rusting in their scabbards. Till we forgot who we were, what we were searching for. And in the end, we turned on eachother. Murdered each other.
Hm, that's great. Very promising for the future of our Baby. All of a sudden a Thunderclaps. I Flinch and Kit’s grip on my Hand tightens.
K: What’s beyond the shattered sea ?
Z: Some say that, uh, eventually you reach the edge of the World and get swept off. Others speak of a leviathan so monstrous that even to see it is to lose your mind. But the truth, I know there’s nothing beyond. The sea goes on forever. 
I sigh and lay my Head on Kit’s.
E: Just because you didn’t find anything. Doesn’t mean it isn’t there. It is.
She looks at us.
K: Guess we’ll find out. 
E: Yeah. We will.
For a moment there is nothing but Quietness then Kit sits up.
K: When I was drowing, I saw Aryk and the Crone was reaching out for him. I think he’s running out of time.
I look down at the reminder that I almost lost her. We all get coats from Zeb. Slowly we all retreat and find a palace to Sleep. Me and Kit sit down in a Corner, her back resting against my Chest. Eating the few Berries.
J: I don’t want you to go out there.
She looks at me almost angry.
K: What ?
J: The man said they were out there for years. What if they really were ? I don’t want you to give birth out there with absolutely no one around.
K: Yeah that won’t happen.
J: You don’t know that.
K: You don’t either. Let’s just sleep. I’m exhausted.
She leans back against me. I lay my Arms around her and close my Eyes.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Hi, Eve
Rose here from yesterday, thank you very much for the Birthday message, I wasn't expecting you to read it let alone reply but I was looking for Coops kids Birthday fluff specifically. It doesn't matter if you don't have time however as I don't want to be a bother.
Hello Rose, and happy (belated) 20th birthday! Sorry for the wait--I really wanted to get this one right to celebrate such an important number. I hope your day was absolutely fantastic! SW credit goes to @lumosinlove, but Stella is an OC
Combined with asks for Sirius lightly making fun of Remus' accent and Remus yelling at a game show (@nazar4114)
“Medusa!” Stella shouted with all the force in her thirteen-year-old lungs. Remus leaned forward on the couch. “Medusa!”
The front door opened with a creak. “I’m h—”
“Yes!” they cheered in unison as Nicole answered correctly. Remus turned and gave Stella a double high-five, feeling his heart squeeze at the vivid joy on her round face. “Good guess.”
“I knew she was gonna get it,” Stella said with a pump of her fist as she turned back to the show and folded her legs underneath her.
“Gonna,” a familiar deep voice mimicked from the doorway. Paper bags rustled before footsteps stopped behind the couch; Remus tilted his chin up without sparing a glance, and Sirius pressed a laugh-laced kiss to his cheek before dropping one on Stella’s head as well. “You sound too much like your dad.”
“Love you, too,” Remus said wryly.
“I’ll take ‘Myths and Moths’ for 400, please.” Nicole’s voice snapped his attention back to the screen, and Stella narrowed her eyes.
“Daily Double!” the automated voice announced. Stella gasped; Remus bit his lower lip. “This mythical shield was wielded by Athena, and is sometimes said to be made of goat skin.”
“Aegis,” Stella whispered, then raised her voice. “It’s the Aegis, Nicole. You know this.”
“We know you do,” Remus said, scooting forward. “You just guessed whose head is on it.”
Nicole’s buzzer went off with two seconds to spare. “What is the Aegis?”
“Hell yeah!” Stella whooped.
Remus turned to her and raised his eyebrows. “Excuse you.”
“Are you two going to do this the whole afternoon?” Sirius asked from the kitchen, obviously amused. “We might need to get the neighbors some noise-cancelling headphones.”
Stella blew a dark lock of hair out of her eyes as she flopped her head back. “It’s almost final Jeopardy, papa. We have, like, ten minutes.”
Sirius blinked at her, then shook his head. “I swear you two share genes.”
“Ope, you caught me,” Remus said over the noise of the commercial break. “When I was 20 and had literally never left Wisconsin, I went and had a secret kid in Maine who looks terribly like you just so that someone would watch Jeopardy reruns with me thirteen years later. Oops.”
“It’s the truth,” Stella said with great gravity. “I remember.”
“Mon dieu,” Sirius muttered, though he couldn’t keep a smile down. He had never been able to hide around Stella, not once in the three years since they had adopted her. It was one of the things Remus loved most about him. “By the way, nobody under the age of fourteen is allowed in the kitchen for the next…hour. Ish.”
Stella squirmed around until she could rest her arms on the back of the couch. “What if I get thirsty?”
“I’m sure you can invoke birthday privileges and ask your dad to get something for you.”
“Birthday privileges?” Remus scoffed. “Nobody in this house has a birthday today. Yours was last month, and mine’s in March.”
“It’s my birthday,” Stella said.
“What? No, it’s not.”
“Your birthday is in June.”
“It’s today.”
“Or maybe July?”
“It’s today, in December, when there’s snow,” she insisted, throwing herself back against the pillows. “Come on, dad, that’s not funny anymore.”
Remus raised his eyebrows. “Is somebody too old to find their poor old dad amusing now? Can you go back to being twelve so somebody will laugh at my jokes again? I know, I know, we're super lame compared to all your friends’ parents—”
“So lame,” Sirius agreed from the kitchen.
“—but I like to think we get one more year of pre-teen cuteness before the teen angst takes over.”
Stella sat up again with a groan. Looking at her, Remus saw a mix of himself and Sirius that had always baffled him, considering they had adopted her comparatively late in her life; beneath it was something uniquely Stella. Maybe it was her double-jointed elbows, or the board-straightness of her hair next to their curls, but there was no mistaking that she was her own person through and through. He loved that about her. “I’m not going to be a terrible teenager.”
Sirius poked his head around the edge of the kitchen—his nose was adorned with a smudge of flour. “Can I record that for future use?”
“Ooo, using the French,” Remus hissed. “That transformation is already beginning.”
“It’s not like you were bad teenagers, right?” She settled upside-down on the couch with her flamingo-patterned socks high in the air.
“I almost convinced Grandma to let me dye my hair blue, but otherwise I was pretty good.”
“I was terrible,” Sirius laughed. “I didn’t talk to anybody for a solid three years.”
Stella frowned. “How? I think I’d die if I did that.”
“He’s stubborn,” Remus stage-whispered.
“I heard that.”
Stella suppressed her laughter as best she could, but she was about as good at hiding her emotions around them as Sirius was. She didn’t really giggle—the amount her voice had deepened over the past three years always gave Remus whiplash—but her laugh had the same cadence as it did the first day they heard it. While Stella had been quiet at first, it only took love and time to bring her out of her shell. Within a year she settled into their lives like she was always meant to be there.
A thoughtful look crossed her face. “This is my last year before high school.”
“Does it feel different?”
“Not really.” She paused, then shrugged. “And a little. I don’t feel older. It just feels like there’s stuff I won’t get to do anymore.”
“And a lot more you will get to do.” Sirius left his dishtowel on the counter before joining them on Stella’s other side. “You can drive soon, you’ll get a longer curfew, you get more freedom…”
“I guess.”
“What are you going to miss?” Remus asked as she toyed with the hem of her shirt. It was a basic Lions FAN jersey; he was fairly sure she bought it to be ironic. That, and she only wore one of theirs if she was upset with the other, or if one needed a boost at a game.
“I dunno.” A few beats of silence passed. “My classmates. My team. It feels like everything’s going to turn upside down.”
“You can still keep in touch with your friends, and I bet your team won’t be too different,” Sirius said quietly. “Even if it does, that doesn’t mean you have to give all of them up. People change in different ways. They come and go on their own time.”
“There’s going to be a lot of upside-downs over the next couple years, kid.” Remus offered her a smile. “But you’re going to be just fine.”
“You two sound like such dads right now.”
“This might shock you, but that’s because we are.”
The corner of her mouth tugged up and she lolled her head to the side to look at Sirius. “Is the cake done?”
“Fifteen more minutes.”
“Will you watch final Jeopardy with us?”
“What’s the category?”
“US Presidents.”
Sirius exhaled through his nose, but nodded. She grinned and turned herself upright to snuggle against his arm. “You just enjoy watching me lose.”
“Alright, is everyone ready?” Sirius called from the kitchen.
“On three,” Remus said, raising his phone camera. “One, two, three!”
“Happy birthday to you,” over a dozen voices sang. They were off-tempo and so out of key the composer was probably spinning in his grave, but Stella’s clear joy didn’t waver for a millisecond even as her cheeks reddened. “Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Stella, happy birthday to you!”
Finn, of course, dragged out the last note. So did Leo, Logan, Kasey, James, Lily, and Talker in varying degrees of awful harmony attempts. It was terrible, and beautiful. “Make a wish,” Sirius said softly as he set the cake down and stepped back. His eyes were the brightest quicksilver Remus had seen in many moons.
Stella closed her eyes, took a breath, and blew as hard as she could—the entire room erupted into cheers when all the candles went out. She was laughing and blushing at the same time when Remus turned the lights back on, though the humor won out in the end and she helped pass plates of cake to her many aunts and uncles. Like every year prior, Regulus managed to smear a bit of frosting on her chin, only to immediately deny it with great offense when she noticed. It was becoming a bit of a tradition—one that Remus never grew tired of.
I know what I would wish for, Remus thought as he looked around the table at their patchwork family. Celeste, Dumo, and his own parents had no doubt spoiled their first grandchild with ‘cusp of adulthood’ gifts, and Natalie and Lily would certainly steal her away after cake for some girl time. Finn and Logan would remain the fun uncles while Leo and Regulus kept their thrones as the cool uncles; Stella would interrogate Jules on the intricacies of high school for at least an hour before they destroyed everyone in a snowball fight. The world they built together had a place for everyone.
I would wish for this. This, for us, forever. It wasn’t a bad eternity to imagine.
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dreamwritesimagines · 4 years
Twisted 20 - The Compass [Spencer Reid x Reader]
A.N.: Thank you so much for your wonderful support my loves! Here’s the next chapter, I hope you will like it as well, and please let me know what you think of it! ❤❤ Ily, kisses! ❤❤❤
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Murder, serial killers, violence, manipulation, mentions of sex, drinking, smoking, blood.
Word Count: 4000
Summary: Coming home can be unpleasant.
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After getting a phone call from the FBI, you were now sure of one thing:
Karma really needed another hobby other than messing with you, and this break up was definitely not going the way it was supposed to go.
For starters, people who broke up with each other were not supposed to see each other this much. You had different lives, different social circles, different jobs and somehow universe kept pushing you two in each other’s space.
To make things worse, the last time you talked to Garcia she had offhandedly mentioned Luke dragging Spencer to a nightclub much to his displeasure and introducing him to a friend of his. Naturally, your mind was full of images of Spencer in a happy relationship, eventually moving to a house in the suburbs with her and having kids and all that.  
“I don’t know what Luke is thinking,” Garcia said, “But I’m two seconds away from pulling him aside and giving him a piece of my mind. Reid is obviously still not over you, ambushing him to introduce him to a girl won’t change that.”
Needless to say, you had been in a terrible mood for the last couple of days.
“What’s taking her so long?” you checked your wristwatch and Nolan looked at you over his newspaper.
“Oh she’s talking to the board of the charity auction,” he said, “There are some last minute changes, apparently.”
You heaved a sigh and checked the time again, “I can’t stay for long,” you murmured and Nolan raised his brows.
“Oh? In a hurry?”
“Me and Spencer and…well, some of his team will go by the woods,” you said, “They found some bones near dad’s cabin close to the weekend house and they think it might help me remember where the rest is buried.”
He made a face, “That’s disturbing.”
“Nah, I thought going on a dead body remains hunt with my ex in the woods near one of my childhood trauma places would be romantic,” you deadpanned, “You don’t do that with your exes?”
“Not really?”
“Oh man you’re missing out.”
He let out a chuckle and shook his head, “I take it things haven’t improved on the heartbreak front?”
“I wouldn’t know, apparently his friend is setting him up with someone.”
“Mm, let me guess,” he mused, “Your plan is to do nothing about it?”
“No, I’m actually following your example,” you smiled at him sweetly, “I’ll just wait for decades and hope the girl turns out to be a serial killer.”
He tilted his head. “Touché.”
“Aw thank you,” you pushed at the food in your plate, “No seriously, what can I do? I can’t just go to him and tell him not to date other people. We broke up— I broke up with him.”
“You could explain the reason behind that.”
“I can’t do that.”
He clicked his tongue, “Well then, I suggest you get ready just in case he happens to ask for your help planning his wedding.”
“You’ve been absolutely no help at all Nolan, I appreciate that.”
“I’m offering you my wisdom and you’re not taking it,” he held up his hands, gesturing surrender, “I also suggested to get his superiors to fix a meeting with him to talk to him about certain boundaries and mistakes but…”
“Get his superiors— I’m sorry, what?”
“I play poker with the head of the department he works under.”
“Of course you do.” You sipped your coffee, “When did you suggest that exactly?”
“Oh not to you, to your mother,” he nodded to himself as he saw the look on your face, “Yeah. But then I saw how it could not only damage some professional relationships, but also it’s better to let young people solve their own problems, no matter how easy it is to solve them with an outsider’s influence.”
You pulled your brows together.
“Try again.”
“I asked your mother and she said no.”
“Oh thank God.” You pinched the bridge of your nose, “Yeah no, don’t do that. We’re not in high school, you know?”
“Could’ve fooled me,” he smiled slightly at the scandalized look on your face.
“Whatever,” you waved a hand in the air, “It’s strange that mom said no though. She doesn’t really like him nowadays, and she keeps listing all his….disadvantages whenever I talk about him.”
“Mm hm. The other day she said it was maybe for the best in the long run, because he’s an FBI agent so considering his paychecks, we would eventually fight about our future children’s tuition fees.”
Nolan thought for a moment, “She does have a point, considering what FBI pays their agents…”
You blinked a couple of times, “Right,” you said, “That’s exactly why I broke up with him. Because who would be paying for our hypothetical future children’s future tuition fees, yeah. Deal breaker, that one.”
“It could be a contributing factor though—“ he started but you heard your mother’s heels approaching and soon enough she walked into the living room and pressed a kiss on your cheek.
“Darling, I’m so sorry to have kept you waiting,” she told you before pecking Nolan on the lips, making him smile, “This whole charity auction, honestly…”
“Do I have to come to that thing?” you looked between them, your brows pulled together in an attempt to make them take pity on you but your mother tilted her head.
“Yes you do.”
“It’s just that…” you heaved a dramatic sigh, “You know, I’m going through a break up—“
“You’ve been going through a break up for more than a month now, you’re not allowed to use that as an excuse.”
“My heart is broken!”
“Good, focus on charity then.”
You rolled your eyes and turned to Nolan, “What’s the real reason she’s dragging me to this?”
“Oh no, I’m not getting caught in this crossfire.”
She cleared her throat and sipped her coffee, “The other day when I visited Nolan at work, he happened to introduce me to this very handsome Chief Marketing Officer who’s handling—“
“Oh no.”
“Keep in mind that we pay him more than what FBI pays his agents.” Nolan stated, laughing up his sleeve as if he found it hilarious and you scrunched up your nose.
“Nolan, I know you were born in the eighteenth century but that’s actually not a problem we have these days.”
“He’s single,” your mother said as if she wasn’t even listening and you threw your head back, letting out a whine, “He loves dogs and squash—“
“Jesus Christ.”
“Don’t worry, he’s not sitting at our table,” your mother said, “I fixed another surprise for you at our table, and I figured you’d want to keep your options open.”
“Besides, if your ex boyfriend is moving on…” Nolan trailed off and your mother raised her brows.
“Oh, Spencer has a girlfriend now?”
“No!” you said way too loudly and then cleared your throat, “I mean—I don’t care. But I don’t think so, I would’ve heard it.”
“See? More reason for you to meet other people.”
You pouted, “I hate this so much. I can’t believe I’m being dragged into this nonsense only because you guys are making me, this is seriously bullshit…”
“Y/N, do you want some cookies?” Nolan interrupted your grumbling, “One of my assistants brought them from France the other day.”
You scoffed, “How old do you think I—” you paused for a moment, then shrugged your shoulders, “Actually yeah, I’d love some cookies right now.”
Unfortunately, when you left your mother’s house you had overestimated the traffic and how long it would take you to get there so by the time you had pulled over by the road leading into the woods, you could only see one FBI car. You didn’t have to wonder who was in it when your eyes caught the sight of Spencer leaning against it and your heart skipped a beat.
“Fuck…” you murmured to yourself and considered for a short second to drive away until others got there, but it was too late. Spencer turned his head, saw your car and stopped dead on his tracks so you heaved a sigh and pushed open the door to step outside. You looked around before you pulled yourself up to sit on the hood before you fished your cigarette pack out of your purse.
“You’re early.” Spencer said and you raised your glances to look at him for a second before lighting your cigarette.
“So are you,” you put the lighter back into your purse, “Came by yourself?”
“Luke is talking with the police.”
“Lovely,” you exhaled the smoke and he crossed his arms, looking up at the sky for a moment before stealing a look at you.
You had no idea what to say to him. After that one day of truce, it was like you were back to being enemies and ignoring each other. The fact that he might have been ready to date another person made you feel even worse if it was possible, especially after that phone call between you. He had said that he was a mess just like you were, he had said you had taken a part of him when you left him, and—
You didn’t even know what you hoped for. You knew it wouldn’t change anything, and yet the thought of him being with someone else was more than enough to make you feel like you were falling off a cliff.
Maybe it was just the truce talking. Maybe he didn’t mean any of that.
Your phone vibrating in your purse made you snap out of your thoughts and you looked at the caller I.D., then frowned and answered.
“Hey, I’m a little busy at the moment.”
“On a Sunday?” Lincoln’s voice reached you, “Who’s the workaholic now?”
“Still you Linc,” you said and Spencer’s head shot up, “What’s up?”
“I just called to let you know that they just moved me to your table.”
You pulled your brows, “I’m sorry, what?”
“At the charity auction. My table was 3, they just e-mailed me to say I’ve been moved to 1.”
“Jesus Christ, you’re the surprise?” you asked, pinching the bridge of your nose, “Somebody needs to stop my mother.”
“Nothing,” you said, “I…That’s great, we’ll sit together then. If you like sulking the whole night, we’ll be just fine.”
“Come on, it could be fun.”
“I doubt that.”
“Hey, at least you’re not alone.”
“I’ll drink throughout that night, you sure you can keep up?”
“Do you even know who you’re talking to, you amateur?”
“Oh it’s on.” You smiled slightly and he chuckled.
“I’ll see you at our table then. With drinks.”
“Yeah, I’ll be there,” you said before you hung up, and put the phone back into your purse before you felt Spencer’s burning gaze on you, so you looked up at him.
“What?” you asked and he scoffed a bitter laugh, shaking his head.
“I didn’t say anything,” he said, his gaze fixed on the woods and you tilted your head.
He sucked a breath through his clenched teeth, as if trying to decide whether to say anything or not before you could ask again, Luke approached you two, another car pulling over by your car.
“Hey there.” You greeted Luke as you jumped off the hood and he tilted his head.
“Why are you shorter?”
You motioned at your sneakers, “I figured since we’re going into the woods, heels would be a bad idea.”
“Is this the first time I’m seeing you without heels?”
“Should we get going?”
JJ stole a look at Spencer and you, then turned to Luke, “Actually, do you mind coming with me to the car for a moment? There’s this file I want to get your opinion on.” She nodded at you, “You guys go ahead if you want.”
You pulled your brows together for a second, trying to understand what was happening but then decided you wouldn’t question it and stepped into the woods, a shiver running down your spine.
It looked way too familiar.
You gritted your teeth and started walking, and it didn’t take long for Spencer to catch up with you.
“So I never got to ask you,” you managed to say after almost ten minutes of complete silence, “That…that blood vial in that petal bowl, whose blood was it?”
“Right,” you murmured as you kept walking, “Was it….was it something my dad did back then?”
“No.” Spencer said curtly and you looked over your shoulder.
“So then what does it—“
“Are you dating other people?” the words left his lips in a hurry as if he didn’t know how to stop them and you stopped dead on your tracks.
“I beg your pardon?”
He opened his mouth for a moment like he was trying to find the right words but then he closed it and shrugged his shoulders.
“Never mind,” he murmured, walking past you and you gawked after him for a while before you rushed after him.
“No, what was that?”
Maybe your whole theory about Spencer being a genius therefore not being able to be jealous wasn’t exactly the truth.
“I’m not— is this about Lincoln?” you held up the phone in your hand before you sped up to catch up with his long strides, “There’s this stupid charity auction bullshit and we’re both attending it, that’s it.”
“Alright,” he murmured, still walking and you let out a breath.
“What?” he turned around to look at you, that fire burning in his eyes again, “I said never mind, okay?”
“I’m not dating Lincoln!” you exclaimed “And I— even if I were, at least he’s not someone I met at a nightclub my friends forced me to go, unlike some of us.”
“What does that-” he started but it hit him in a second, “Garcia told you.”
“It came up.”
He raised his brows, “Yeah? How?”
“It just did.” You managed to say even if your cheeks were burning, “So what? You’re going to stand there and ask me that when you’re moving on already?”
“I’m not moving on!” he said as if you had just insulted him, “Besides, you broke up with me remember?”
“Yeah and you wasted no time Spencer, congratulations.” You murmured as you walked past him but as soon as your eyes caught the sight of the huge cabin by the small hill, your breath got caught in your throat and you took a step back, the memory flashing through your mind so fast that the headache hit you out of nowhere.
Your father tugged you by your hand through the woods as you yawned, rubbing at your eyes.
“Are you sleepy honey?”
You nodded, looking up at him, 
“Daddy I thought we were going to come here tomorrow, with mom and Mina.” you said as you hugged the huge teddy bear you had brought with you when your father had woken you up and told you that you would be taking a small trip to the cabin.
“We are,” he said, “We will go back home after our hunt is done here.”
“Yeah but mom says Mina and I can’t be outside the cabin at night,” you murmured, “The lake is too close, remember? We might fall in, she says.”
“She’s right, no leaving the cabin by yourself when it’s dark outside,” he said, “Or else no chocolate for a week, you know the rules.”
“Okay, okay…” you yawned again, and your father knelt down so that you could look him in the eye.
“Petal honey, I want you to pay attention,” he said, “Look around. Let’s say you’re in the woods by yourself and you’re hunting. You know how we hunt, right?”
You took a deep breath, “Stab the prey, twist the knife, pull it back and watch them bleed.”
“Very good,” he said, “When you’re hunting in the woods, what’s the first thing you do?”
“Look up at the sky,” you said, “That’s how I know where I am.”
“Good start. How about if your prey is running to get away from you? How do you chase them?”
“People aren’t calm when they’re being hunted,” you repeated what he had told you, “They make noises. I follow that, and wait for them to tire themselves out.”
He nodded, then you both climbed the stairs to the front door of the cabin.
“And what’s the one thing you remember?”
“To stay calm and patient.”
He smiled at you and opened the door to the cabin so that you could see the bloodied person tied to a chair, screaming through the gag.
“Good,” he said, “Let’s go over what we do with the prey, shall we?”
“Y/N!” Spencer’s voice cut through the memory, almost grabbing you and pulling you back to the reality and it was only when you realized you weren’t standing anymore, instead you were on the ground on your knees, gasping for breath.
“I can’t—“ you choked out, pressing a hand over your chest “I—I can’t breathe—“
“Yes you can,” he helped you sit and lean your back to the tree trunk, “You just need to focus on me, alright? Can you breathe with me?”
You sniffled, trying to match your breathing with his and he nodded,
“There you go,” he said with a smile, “You’re doing great. Is it okay if I touch you?”
You nodded your head, still desperate to cling to anything that would protect you from that memory and he entwined his fingers with you.
“Keep your focus on me,” he said as he wiped the teardrop off your cheek with his free hand,  awakening a fire right beneath your cheekbone, “Here’s what we’re going to do, you will inhale when I squeeze your hand, exhale when I stop. Can we do that together?”
You inhaled when you felt his grip tightening around your hand, then exhaled when it became loose again.
You let out a shaky breath, “Hm?”
“Why are public proposals so bad?”
A teary laugh escaped from your lips, “Professor…”
“No, I want you to tell me,” he said as you inhaled again when he squeezed your hand, “Why are they so bad?”
“Because they—“ you exhaled, “They’re not private.”
“They could be romantic.”
“But they’re not,” you protested, “They’re not romantic. They’re pretentious.”
“Pretentious?” he squeezed your hand once more and you took another breath.
“If you need an audience for something like that, you’re pretentious yeah.” You said as the nausea slowly retreated and he pushed your hair behind your ear before his knuckles brushed over your neck, it lasted only a moment but it was enough for you.
“Thanks,” you mumbled and he offered you a small smile.
“Brings back the memories, huh?” you leaned your head back to the tree trunk and he nodded.
“Yeah,” he murmured, “Yeah it really does.”
You pressed your lips together, “Spencer, why are you helping me?” you asked him, taking him by surprise, “With….all this. I thought you hated me.”
He swallowed thickly,
“I can’t hate you,” his voice was almost a murmur, “I wish I could. Trust me, I tried.”
“Guys?” you heard Luke’s voice and you turned your head to see them approaching, “What’re you—what happened?”
“We’ll meet you there in a second,” Spencer said, shooting JJ a look and she nodded.
“Okay,” she said, “Come on Luke.”
They walked past you to the cabin and you looked up at the sky for a couple of seconds before willing yourself to focus on him again.
“You remembered something,” he said and you nodded.
“A memory,” you managed to say, “I…Spencer, there are dead bodies in there.”
“I know, we found bones in the backyard—“
“No,” you cut him off, “You don’t understand. There are dead bodies in the cabin.”
He pulled his brows together and you pulled your hand out of his before standing up on shaky legs, still holding onto the tree for support.
“Y/N, we can wait-” he said but you shook your head and made your way to the cabin until you reached the stairs. Every cell in your body was screaming at you to run away, but you managed to force yourself to climb the stone stairs and stopped for a moment at the door as Spencer stepped to stand next to you. Everything looked exactly the same as you had left them all those years ago right before your father was arrested.
A shudder went down your spine, the same as the one you had gotten when you woke up in your apartment after being drugged. Something in here was way too dangerous for you and it wouldn’t rest until you were at its mercy so you had to get away before it could dig its claws under your skin, but-
You had to do this. You could do this.
You had been through much worse than this before.
You had survived your father, you had survived his copycats, you had survived everything thrown your way so far, you could survive this as well.
You rolled your shoulders back and stepped into the huge living room, the memory pushing at your mind but you shook your head, forcing yourself to focus.
“We can leave if you want,” Spencer murmured and you dug your fingernails into your palms hard enough to hurt.
There was a reason why police couldn’t find anything in this goddamn place when they first checked. You had repressed the memory just like you had repressed the rest, and now that you were here…
The memories about the cabin were swirling in your head, each more terrifying than other.
Luke turned his head, “Yeah?”
“Do you mind stepping aside for a moment?” you asked, “Actually, if no one could—if no one could stand on the rug that’d be ideal. Thanks.”
JJ shot you a look but nodded at the two other agents walking around the living room and you slowly approached the magnetic chess board by the coffee table, holding out your hand over the pieces for a second. Panic roared through you but you gritted your teeth and moved the pawn, then put the bishop where your father taught you to put it way back then.
“It’ll be like a treasure hunt, but you need to keep it a secret,” he had told you, “Pinky swear?”
You turned the queen in hand your for a moment, then put it right next to the bishop and the small basement trapdoor which was impossible to see even if someone was looking for it clicked under the rug. Spencer froze for a moment before he and Luke pulled the rug off the floor and pulled open the hatch but the smell coming from downstairs made you cover your mouth.
“Stay here,” Luke told the agents as he went downstairs and Spencer followed him right before JJ did. You stalled there for a moment, trying to repress the fear pinning you to your spot before you stepped closer to the stairs leading down to the secret basement.
“Miss—“ the agent said but you ignored him and made your way down. JJ and Spencer already had their flashlights on as Luke held his gun, ready to pull the trigger at any unexpected movement.
“You can’t be here.” Spencer told you but you weren’t even mood to snap back at him. You dragged your fingertips on the wall until you found the switch and turned the light on, the smell getting worse and worse.
There were three huge boxes by the wall, all tightly shut and you had a feeling—
No, not a feeling. What you had was a memory and you knew exactly what was in them.
Spencer turned to you, apparently ready to tell you to go upstairs again but as soon as his eyes caught something over your shoulder, he froze, his jaw clenching. You could feel your heartbeat getting faster and faster as Luke stopped dead on his tracks.
“Y/N, go upstairs.” Spencer said, his tone way too controlled until you turned your head, “No wait, don’t look—“
But it was too late. The bloodied message on the wall made you gasp as you took a step back, unable to look away as that familiar dread filled you once more, the simple line causing goosebumps to rise on your skin;
Welcome home Petal.
                                 Chapter 21 
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fruitydiaz-archived · 3 years
for the prompts: #70?
70 — “After everything we’ve been through, you still don’t think that I love you?”
buddie fluff!
from this prompt list
“Do you think you’ll ever find love again?”
They’re in Buck’s kitchen, Chris sitting on the couch catching the end of their movie, while Buck and Eddie wash and dry their dishes, when Buck blurts the question out suddenly. Eddie pauses mid-wiping down a plate, and raises his eyebrow, turning slowly to give Buck an amused look.
“That’s a question,” He says after a moment. Buck flushes a little and rolls his eyes.
They’d been talking about a call they had this morning. It was one of those old married couples that always hit Buck right in the gut. He had sat to the side on the curb with the wife, while they carried her husband to the ambulance, and listened to her tell him their love story.
He didn’t even try to hide his tears as he climbed back into the truck with the rest of the team.
“I’m sure I will. I’m not interested in looking for it right now, though,” Eddie says, smiling over at Buck. “I’ve got everything I need right here, you know?”
Buck turns to look over at Christopher, smiling at the look of his face, transfixed on the movie.
“Yeah, I know,” Buck nods, turning off the sink and grabbing an extra towel to help Eddie dry.
“It just — don’t you get lonely sometimes? It’s been so long since I lived with somebody else. Sometimes I just think...it’d be nice to have someone to come home to.”
Buck’s starting to think maybe he shouldn’t have gone ahead and had that extra beer. He’s not sure what’s gotten him thinking like this. He and Taylor decided they were better as friends a long time ago — and since Eddie had broken up with Ana around the same time — they just filled the space for each other. He hasn’t really felt lonely in a while. He doesn’t really want someone else to be here...he wants Eddie to stay.
Eddie looks at him for a moment before he grabs the last plate from his hand and puts it away. He sighs and leans against the counter, reaching for his beer.
“You could always move in with me. Then you can come home to us,” Eddie says, like a joke. Except it’s not; he’s mentioned moving in to Buck at least a dozen times over the last couple of months, since they both got out of relationships and started spending almost every non-working moment in each other’s homes. Buck never seems to think he’s serious though.
“Right,” Buck chuckles, ducking his head. When he looks back up at Eddie, he’s a little shyer and quieter. It’s the look he gets when he starts to doubt himself, and it always makes Eddie want to reach out and shake some sense into him.
“It’s just different I guess. I want to come home to someone who loves me.”
That hits Eddie like a punch.
His body tenses up and he feels a wave of emotions building up in his chest. He’s hurt, for one, and angry.
“Buck,” He starts, running a hand over his face. He crosses his arms and sets his bottle back against the edge of the counter, glancing out the window. The city lights calm him a little bit.
“Why do you think I keep asking you to move in?” He asks eventually, his voice soft. Buck tilts his head to the side and shrugs.
“To save money?”
Eddie looks at him, unimpressed. It makes Buck shrink in on himself a bit.
“You don’t think it’s maybe because I want you there?” Buck blinks at him.
“No, listen to me, Buck. I don’t think — I don’t think you understand.”
Eddie looks down again and brings a hand up to his face, pressing his fingers into the bridge of his nose as he thinks. His head’s spinning a little bit — not drunk, just overwhelmed and dizzy — because of Buck. Because of all of these feelings he has about Buck that have been building up inside of him for years. Because it’s getting harder for him to pretend that he just wants to be friends with him.
These last months have been nice, the way they’ve slid perfectly into the empty spaces in each other’s lives. But any time they have a conversation like this, Eddie feels that fear spike up in him, the fear that he’s about to lose one of the best things that have ever happened to him. Sometimes he thinks he should just tell him, just rip the band-aid off and finally expose the softest, most vulnerable part of himself that he’s been guarding all these years. He knows Buck would never leave him — especially not over the fact that Eddie loves him. But things would change, they’d have to. And that’s the part that holds him back most of the time.
But tonight feels different. He knows Buck wants this as much as he does — he has to. But Buck will never be the one to make the first move, because he’s weighed down by his past: by the abandonment, the neglect, the fear that he’s too much for anyone to stick around for.
Eddie’s not sure how he doesn’t get it at this point.
“After everything we've gone through together, you still don’t think I love you?”
“I know you love me, Eddie—“
“No, Buck,” Eddie says again, and his voice is worn and exasperated. “No, you don’t. I love you. Christopher and I are here with you almost every night we have available. You keep the cereal we like stocked in your pantry just in case we’re here for breakfast. I keep those weird vegan protein bars you like. You have a drawer in my room with sweatpants and t-shirts and a spare uniform just in case. I broke up with Ana and haven’t even thought about another person in months because...I don’t want anyone else.”
Buck swallows hard.
“I don’t understand…”
“I’m in love with you, Evan.”
“I mean it. And you don’t — you don’t have to say anything back or...or try to let me down gently, or whatever. I just...I need you to know. You always say you’re alone and that no one ever really wants you. I need you to know you’re wrong.”
Neither of them says anything for a moment, and Eddie busies himself with his beer, trying desperately not to let the panic take over him, trying desperately not to feel like he has to pack up his stuff and grab Christopher and get out of there immediately. He’ll give Buck space if he needs it, but only if he asks.
God, he hopes he doesn’t ask.
“I love you, too,” Buck says eventually, quietly. Eddie looks up at him. “I’ve just...I really like you, you know? This thing we have with each other. It’s special...and it’s different. And I’ve always known that, so I just...I never wanted to risk losing it. I’m so used to people I love leaving, Eddie.”
“I’m never leaving you,” Eddie says instantly, confidently. Buck stares at him wide-eyed, before the softest smile Eddie’s ever seen spreads on his face.
“I know.”
Eddie’s pretty sure that they should kiss, pretty sure that that’s the thing that they’re supposed to do next, but he can’t move. He’s fixed to his spot against the counter and Buck seems fixed to his spot in front of the sink, because all they can do is stare at each other, grinning like two fools in love — because that’s what they are, aren’t they?
Eventually, Christopher’s movie ends, and he calls out for Buck and Eddie.
“Dad, Buck, can we watch another one?” He calls, a hint of mischief in his voice. He knows he’s usually only allowed one movie and then he and Eddie have to head home after dinner. Buck grins.
“How about I pack a bag and we head back to yours and we can start another one there. Maybe I can even...stay a couple of days?”
“You moving in already?” Eddie teases and Buck rolls his eyes.
“Well, you’ve only been begging me to for months now.”
“Yeah, yeah. Sure. Go pack a bag and I’ll get Chris ready.”
Buck nods and then turns to run up the stairs to grab his bag — but he stops. He turns around and looks at Eddie, a small smile on his lips and a glint in his eyes, cheeks a little red.
“Um,” He mumbles, taking two large steps to close the gap between them and ducking to the side. He leans in quickly and presses a shy kiss to Eddie’s cheek and then steps away.
Eddie stares at him, a little stunned. He’s never known Buck to be shy with physical affection, especially not with someone he likes, but it’s endearing and sweet and breaking Eddie’s brain a little with the realization that they’re actually doing it. They’re crossing this line.
Buck spins around and disappears up the stairs into his loft before Eddie can say anything, leaving his mind speeding a thousand miles a second into the future, imagining all of their future kisses, their future dinners, Buck moving in officially, no longer having to travel 20 minutes to see each other, no longer spending the night alone in his bed wishing Buck was there with him, waking up to his face in the morning, kissing him goodnight.
Maybe they’ll even get married. Eddie would like that. He’s pretty sure Buck would too.
Not that he’s in any kind of rush.
He’s got everything he could ever want right here, right now.
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hargrove-mayfields · 3 years
Everyone likes to pretend Billy was never even there. Life goes on, people change, the past gets forgotten.
A year isn’t enough time for Max though. Right now it feels like the rest of her life wouldn’t be enough time, but Neil and Susan, they were doing just fine.
It’s almost like they like not having him around, that extra burden they couldn’t shake. The plan only Max knew was that Billy was going to stay at home until she was old enough to go with him so she’d be safe.
She knew he was fed up and looking at some local apartments within walking distance of Cherry Lane anyways, but then July happened, and Billy died.
Now it’s July again, and her hair is in twin braids of red with pure white ribbons on the end, and her and her mother are wearing matching blouses. There’s bruises under the bangle on her mothers wrist and one under Max’s own sleeve, and she just wants her brother back.
It’s a holiday they told her, her father (he’s not her fucking father, they never made her call him that when Billy was around) is a veteran, they have to celebrate. Better just dry her eyes and get over it.
Her mother invites all the family they have in the area over to their house for a little get together picnic, and they do their little happy family routine for a while, but Max can only handle so much of it.
Billy should be here by her side, flicking watermelon seeds at her face and putting ice cubes from the cooler down the back of her shirt, being an asshole to distract her from the reality of her family.
And that was that she didn’t really have one, a family. It was always just her and Billy.
Even at these events made for bonding with family, they were off to the side, messing around while the adults talked like they weren’t even there, and she knew she was a little naive then, but it stung more than ever, knowing that even after she’d lost her brother, nobody even stopped to say hi or check up on her, it was just straight into gossiping about the neighbors and those disrespectful bastards across the street who weren’t flying a flag for the holiday and family members who couldn’t be there.
But Max never heard Billy’s name come up even once, and not even in a respect to the dead boy and his grieving sister type of way, but rather, in the way that they just didn’t want to acknowledge his existence. None of these people had come to his graduation in May of last year, or his funeral two months later.
Billy was a taboo that the Hargrove-Mayfields didn’t dare taint their celebrations of freedom and justice with. The irony made Max sick to her stomach.
Or that was at least, until Neil couldn’t help himself.
His words are slurring already, with an excuse to party he’s on what Max would guess to be his fifth or sixth beer that afternoon, and someone just made the mistake of mentioning their own son, Billy and Max’s third cousin or something, and it spurs Neil off on a tangent about his.
“That boy was always good for nothing anyways. It’s almost the same now that he’s dead, ‘Cept maybe now I get some more quiet around the house.”
Nobody knows what to do when he says that, there’s a couple awkward laughs and one shocked gasp, that one was probably from her mother, but Max knows exactly what she wants to do.
What she wants is to watch Neil choking on his blood instead of her brother, his body being lowered into the ground instead of Billy’s, and in the moment she feels like she could be the one to make that a reality, but instead she just stands abruptly, a plate of the food her mother worked so hard to prepare for them she’d been too queasy to eat falling off her knees to the grass, and she says everything she’d bottled up for the past year.
“Don’t talk about Billy that way!
“Now, Maxine-“ Neil starts, but Max is livid, can’t hold back all the things she wished she had said before Billy died, when she got grounded after the funeral, when Neil started beating her, “No! I’m not going to let you do to me what you did to my brother! You don’t get to control me like you did him, it’s your fault that he’s dead!”
It’s her mother’s turn to try to stop her, slender hand covering her mouth painted red, “Maxine..”
“Stop trying to reason with me! I’m sick of pretending to be a family when I had to watch my own brother die! And I’m sick of being treated like I’m crazy for being the only one that cares about Billy!”
More than one person chimes in on that one, offended by the notion they don’t care about family, though it’s Neil that insists, in that faux calm, close to snapping voice of his, “We do care, Maxine. We’re all grieving in our own ways.”
She fires back, “Grieving what? The loss of your punching bag? You hated Billy! You don’t care that he’s dead, all that matters to you is having someone to hurt, and you no trouble adjusting to beating up on your wife and step-daughter instead!”
She catches a backhand to the face for that, and all the background chatter comes to a halt, Neil gritting out through his teeth, “Inside. Now.”
There are tears in her eyes that sting almost as much as the knuckle marks on her cheek, but Max feels like she won, getting her step dad all riled up in front of their family, she feels almost invincible, and she sneers all smug like and bitter, “I can’t go inside yet. I’m celebrating your service to our country, dad. You know, as a family.”
But when Neil's face turns as red as the blood that dripped from his wife’s nose the night before and he stands from his chair and drags her inside by the wrist himself, she realizes that it wasn’t exactly a win.
And when her brain goes numb trying to focus on both the repeated slaps and punches that explode like firecrackers across her skin and the way Neil is yelling and lecturing her until his voice is raw, giving her the same lessons her brother had burned into the back of his mind, she feels like she’s lost everything instead.
When she has to choke back her tears and apologize for embarrassing Neil and for making him hit her as punishment, she realizes, this isn’t a game that can be won or lost at all.
Max isn’t allowed to go back outside to the party. That rule goes unspoken, but words aren't necessary with the way Neil storms off without another word, slamming the back door behind himself. She’s slowly starting to figure out what the things her step father does instead of says mean.
She misses being allowed to be clueless, having someone to protect her or take what punishment she had earned. She wishes she wouldn’t have asked so much of Billy though.
Her own room isn’t safe anymore, what once had been the place she’d be ushered off to when Neil got bad had become more like a trap, the place Neil went to first when he was angry. Everything that had been hers felt wrong, so she goes to Billy’s room and doesn’t come out for the rest of the night. Even now that he’s gone, he still kept her safe.
There’s a welt on her face and fresh bruises forming everywhere, hot tears wetting her sunburnt cheeks and the pillows that smell like Billy, or at least used to before Susan decided his room needed cleaned and washed away every trace of her brother.
All night long there are fireworks going off, a big show put on by the city downtown has her shaking, unable to close her eyes for fear those distant explosions would take her back to the mall, bring back memories she’d never forget, and covering her ear with her hands.
The cracks and booms that shake her windows and her entire life, a headache and a heart break even stronger.
She tries her hardest not to think about Starcourt though, so instead she thinks about how Billy would’ve been proud of her for standing up to Neil. He would’ve called her an idiot, but he would’ve cleaned up her scrapes and held her through the panic attack after, and he probably would’ve liked to see the person Max was becoming too.
That makes Max’s heart hurt, the fact that he won’t get to. She cries harder, and she feels so alone without Billy.
Some part of her knows that she isn’t though. She isn’t the only one that lost somebody last July.
Hawkins’ cemetery was alive with flowers and wreaths and decoration, and more than anything the grieving. All of the victims had families, or in the case of the Holloway’s where their whole family was killed, they had friends and neighbors in the tight knit community who remembered them. El was still grieving Hopper, and Max knew Billy had people like that too.
Billy was popular, his death had a huge impact on the younger population of the town, but not only that, he had his closest friends, Steve and Tommy and Carol and Nicole and Adam from the pool, and of course Heather couldn’t be there, but those people were all keeping her brother alive.
As much as it felt like everyone was trying to forget him, they weren’t, and that brought Max a little bit of hope.
Hope that Billy would be remembered for the things he did right, and who he was behind the boy he had to be to keep them safe.
Hope that with his memory kept in the hearts of so many, the burden of grief wouldn’t fall solely on Max forever and make things a little easier.
Hope that the wound would someday heal, and she could look back on the time she did have with Billy, those seven too short years, with a smile on her face.
For now, she wraps herself in Billy’s jacket and comforter, listening to his music to drown out the distant fireworks, and dreams of the day when things won’t be like this, when she can leave Hawkins and all it’s bad memories and the “family” holding her back to live a life her brother would be proud of, a life that would honor his.
Max decides then with determination, flinching when a bright flash lights up her window, a loud echo through the quaint neighborhood, that she was going to do what Billy hadn’t been able to and break the cycle.
Tomorrow, she’d tell the school counselor she’d been assigned when her depression was at its worst all about Neil Hargrove.
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consumeconstantly · 4 years
A Discowing at the Wayne Gala
Summary: Getting Jason to go to the Wayne Gala each year was more difficult than putting the Joker away in Arkham; he insisted the part was full of pretentious, rich social climbers who were horribly boring. As it turned out, all he really needed to persuade him was an upset, drunk girl rambling about how much she was going to deck her highschool enemies there to convince himself that he’d be in for a great show. (AKA the extremely chaotic and nonsensical salt/crack fic)
“I, Mar--” she hiccupped, “Marinette Dupain-Cheng solemnly swear to rip Lila a new one with Discowing’s godawful costume.”
“You say it girl!” called some random person from across the bar. 
“I will--” another hiccup “--use Batman’s Batmobile to run over Kim. And slam Red Hood’s ugly ass helmet onto Adrien’s stupid face.”
“Better yet,” Marinette pounded the table, “I will use their stupid utility belts to dismantle Gabriel’s empire. Somebody give me a yeah!”
All in all, the sight wasn’t that atypical for a bar in Gotham, if it weren’t for the fact that Marinette Dupain-Cheng was barely five feet, wore pigtails, and knocked five men on their asses when they tried to approach her. 
“Take that, Hawkass,” she hissed. “Think you can pull a fast one on me when I’m drunk, do you? Well I’ve got news for you!”
Her words slurred together, and she leaned on the bar for support. “When I get my way, you’re going to be tied up into a pretzel and dumped into a volcano, then the tundra and then we’ll see how you like your stupid little jewlery touched.”
“Dupain-Cheng,” her blonde companion hissed. “Get yourself together. We don’t need another one of your breakdowns now. You know we’re going to be busy tomorrow night, and I don’t want to deal with you completely hung over all throughout the gala.”
“Aww,” Marinette squished her cheek onto Chloe’s “You know you love me.”
“Yes, yes, but I’m not going to tolerate this bullshit. If you want to make good on your plans, you need to be in tip top shape.”
“Ughhhh, why are they even invited to the stupid gala? It’s not even like they’re rich! Oh wait, I guess they are…” Marinette pressed her face to the bar, which was undoubtedly dirty. She reveled in it’s coolness, brushing her bangs out of her face. “And why do you have to be right? I guess I have to stop drinking if I want to make any of my plans work.”
“Your plans will work, hungover or not. It’s just a question of how much you’ll be able to enjoy them. I don’t want you complaining for months after the fact that you don’t remember half of what happened.”
“I guess you’re right. Revenge is a dish best served cold, and I'm feeling a little too warm to ice them out.” Staggering, Marinette got to her feet. “Call an Uber?”
“It’s already here.”
“What made you change your mind?” Tim frowned at Jason, doubtful that he wasn’t going to cop out at the last second. He was sure that he was only putting on his suit as some sort of deliberate ploy to get out of the Gala. Truthfully, it wasn’t required that all of them attend the Gala, but it was one of the few events that brought together most of the Wayne family.
Jason ran a hand through his hair and smirked. “Let’s just say I’m expecting quite the show.”
Jason kept a hawkish gaze on the entrance, waiting for the appearance of one short, pigtailed girl, and a taller blonde. They arrived almost forty five minutes into the Gala, which was good timing; not late enough to be considered rude, but most people have already arrived and have made their rounds.
Marinette looked different out of the dim lighting of the bar, and even though she definitely looks like she’s nursing a light hangover, she still managed to look stunning. With a matte-black floor length dress that attracted all light in the vicinity towards it, it’s hard not to look her way; Tim, for one, stared at the outfits that Marinette and her companion are wearing with stars in his eyes. Any moment now, he’s going to approach them. Or he would if he weren’t on Jason-sitting duty.
“I’ll play nice,” Jason promised.
“You? Nice?” Tim sounded incredulous, and it’s not like he can fault him. Whenever Jason did successfully get roped into coming to the Gala, it’s a sure thing that he gets at least one fist fight started, if not an everyone for themselves sort of situation. 
“They’re the reason I decided to come. It’s not me you have to be worried about.”
Tim groaned. “Really? They’re trouble makers? But they’re wearing MDC!”
Jason chuckled, slipping a hand into his pants pocket. Tim was weirdly obsessed with the highly secretive French designer. Nobody ever saw them in person. “Wearing your fashion icon doesn’t mean they can’t kick ass.”
Tim rocked back on his heels, looking at the two girls calculatively. “That’s right. If anything, they’re more likely to kick ass, because that’s the kind of confidence that MDC inspires in their designs. Well, if you’re not going to fight them, I’m going to introduce myself.”
“And I can’t leave my little brother alone.” Jason said, watching the blonde girl point in the direction of, if he wasn’t mistaken, Gabriel Agreste’s son and his plus one.
Who knew that doing a preliminary reading of the guests would be so informative? He could only guess what kind of beef Marinette had with Agreste Jr.--Bruce had enough problems with Gabriel; even though Wayne Enterprises only dabbled in fashion, Gabriel was a ruthless man when it came to his competitors, and tried to edge them out of the market multiple times. Foolish on his part, not taking into consideration that both Bruce and Tim were very, very stubborn people who only get more difficult to face when dealing with a challenge.
Wayne Enterprise might primarily be considered with R&D and technology companies, but underestimating the amount of influence Tim could gather when someone pissed him off was just a bad idea.
“Hi, I’m Tim--”
“--and it’s lovely to meet you, but we’re on a mission right now,” finished the blonde girl, who Jason was now 98% sure is Chloe Bourgeois, daughter of Paris’ mayor and Style Queen Audrey Bourgeois. “Dupain-Cheng, it’s your time to shine.”
“God,” Marinette muttered underneath her breath, ducking her head. “I can’t believe you’re holding me to what I said while drunk last night.”
“It’s not just what you said drunk last night, it’s the most effective way of dealing with that liar. She’ll be so embarrassed she’ll hide away forever. Maybe get some plastic surgery and change her name. Daddy will make sure she can never step foot in Paris again.” 
“Chloe,” Marinette groaned. “We all know how that panned out last time. Do you want a repeat performance?”
“By that time Hawkmoth will already be taken down. No need to worry about evil butterflies.”
“Evil butterflies?” Tim frowned. 
“We can fill you in later, Marinette has a car to steal.”
“Oh stuff it, Dupain-Cheng, you’re no goody two shoes, even though you pretend to be one.”
Marinette whispers into Chloe’s ear, eyeing Jason and Tim. “Do you have to discuss that with other people around?”
“Well,” Chloe crossed her arms. “You boys aren’t going to rat us out, are you? They’re part of the infamous Wayne family. They’ll definitely be in.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me. You know they already reached out-- I can’t risk--” Marinette kept cutting herself off. “Fine, but if you-know-what falls through, I’m putting it all on you.”
“Like they’re going to pass you up just because of what’s going to go down at this gala. If anything, they’ll be glad to know that you’re as vicious as you are creative,” Chloe checked her nails and touched her hair, making sure it was in place.
“Sorry, what? I’m a little bit lost.”
“Keep up, Drake. I’m beginning to doubt your title as child-genius.You have the unique opportunity to watch history in the making.”
“Wait,” Tim’s jaw almost dropped at the display in front of him. “How did you even--”
“Trade secret. Marinette doesn’t kiss and tell.”
“But that’s the Batmobile.”
“Yeah, and?”
Jason laughed. He stole the hubcaps off the Batmobile, Marinette stole the whole thing. What a sight.
Here’s how the rest of the night went: Chloe plied Marinette with copious amounts of water, trying to get rid of her headache. Marinette hopped into the driver’s seat of the Batmobile (to which Chloe cackled, “And she doesn’t even have a driver’s license yet,” and Tim paled to the shade of freshly fired ceramic plate.) They ran over Kim, who, somehow managed to get into the event as a server of sorts, at which point Tim swore that the background checks would have to be upped again. Marinette landed the Batmobile in the middle of the gala, barely managing to avoid several innocents who were in her path. She reached into the convenient storage compartment that Jason was previously unaware of and pulled out the Discowing outfit and his helmet-- seriously, how did she get those?-- and slammed the car door.
Security, of course, was waiting for them. How couldn’t they, with that big of a disturbance? Half of the guests were up in a tizzy-- mostly the ones who were experiencing their first Wayne Gala-- and the other half were looking on, amused. Tim waved the guards off as Marinette made her way to Lila and Adrien, like a vengeful Valkyrie.
“You,” Marinette grimaced. “Chloe, say the words, I forgot them.”
“We decided that words were useless, remember?”
“Oh, that’s right,” Marinette said, before promptly slamming Red Hood’s helmet onto Adrien’s head hard enough for him to fall to the ground, likely concussed. Lila, who started screeching and running away made for a surprisingly difficult target. Well, difficult in the fact that she was using other people as shields, but once she came across a group of Experienced Wayne Gala Goers, she got pushed out of her comfort zone.
In eight inch heels and with her hair down, Marinette stalked towards her prey. 
“Lila Rossi,” Marinette intoned. “Your sins will be judged.”
“What are you going to do, Marinette? You have no power here. We’re in America now. No Ladybug to back you up. No public opinion in your favor.”
Marinette shuddered. “Ugh, your voice makes me want to vomit. In any case, I sentence you to life in Discowing’s costume.”
“You can’t make me wear anything!”
Famous last words, Lila.
“I’m still so confused. What just happened?”
“Don’t worry,” Chloe gave Tim a pat on the back. “You’ll get used to this kind of thing if you end up hanging around Marinette more often.”
“I think I’m in love,” said Jason.
“Get in the back of the line. The only thing Marinette has time for now are her plans to take down Hawkmoth.”
“I’m not opposed to joining you. I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve.” Jason paused. “By the way, has she already stolen the utility belts to take down Gabriel or does she need more? I’ve got contacts.”
 "Fair warning, everything in Paris is at least twenty times crazier than what you’ve seen here today.” Chloe swiped through a few notifications on her phone. “And please, do you think someone who hotwired the Batmobile needs your help getting her hands on a couple utility belts? If she really put her mind to it, she could get the Lasso of Truth from Wonder Woman.”
“Yeah, Jason, I’m definitely not going to join you on that trip.” Tim turned his attention towards Marinette, who was currently passed out on the hotel couch. “Anyways, You two are wearing MDC, right? I have a meeting with them tomorrow!”
Chloe looked at the poor boy with pity. “Good luck. You’re going to need it.”
i’m really churning out these jasonette prompts like butter (god butter is so freaking good you ever eat butter straight? i do. heart attack city & the next paula dean) even tho i only thought about joining in right when july was ending but here we are 
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jaesqueso · 3 years
Chef’s kiss (m)
Tumblr media
pairing: chef!xiaojun x fem!reader
summary: a food tasting turns into a steamy session
word count: 1,861
warnings: quite a few terrible food puns, fingering, oral sex (receiving), unprotected sex (when in doubt don’t go without!)
a/n: this is terrible so I apologise in advance, I was just incredibly turned on by The Lonely Master Chef Xiao... anyway, do give me some feedback please! ❤︎
☽ ・・・・・ ☾
“So sorry I’m late, I-”
You stumble inside the room but stop as you come face to face with probably the most handsome man you’ve ever seen in your life.
“Y/N!” Your coworker calls as she walks towards you. “It’s ok, we barely even started. This is chef Xiaojun.” 
“Hi…” You mutter not being able to take your eyes off him.
“Hello, nice to meet you.” He extends his hand to you and you quickly shake it before he’s able to tell how he’s making you feel.
“Come, let’s sit.” Your coworker takes your arm and leads you to two chairs next to a table with a few utensils on it. “He’s cute right?” She whispers as the chef places himself on the other side. You throw her a death glare and then look back at the gorgeous man.
Your company was having a fancy dinner with some new investors so they appointed you and your coworker to try out the menu to guarantee the food would captivate them into closing the business.
The chef starts by presenting you the appetisers: prosciutto-wrapped avocado with goat cheese and arugula, sausage stuffed mushrooms and some oysters Rockefeller. You each taste the three dishes as he explained the components. You were melting at the way he talked about each ingredient as if they were meant to be put together to create a feast in your mouth.
Next were the main courses: bourbon pecan chicken, crab-stuffed lobster tail and Scandinavian roasted venison tenderloin. Again you two tried a little bit of each and you couldn’t believe the burst of flavours in your mouth. You both giggle at his food related puns, he’s not only incredibly skilled in the kitchen but he also has a quirky sense of humour. Joining that with his beautiful features and you almost melt in your seat.
“Excuse me, I gotta take this call.” Your coworker left the room as the chef set up the deserts. 
You admire the way Xiaojun carefully plates the food with his delicate hands making your mind wander at the thoughts of what other amazing things his hands might be capable of… You shake the hot imagery away as your coworker comes back inside.
“I’m so sorry but I have to go, I just got a call from the kindergarten and I really need to pick up my daughter.” She apologetically says as she picks up her things.
“Oh is she ok?” You ask in concern.
“She will be.” She walks to you grabbing your hand. “Y/N are you ok to finish up on your own?”
“Y-Yeah, sure.” You stutter as you realise that will leave you alone with the chef.
“You are a life saver!” She hugs you and then turns to the man. “If the desserts are as good as what we’ve tried so far this will be a very successful dinner! Thank you so much and see you tomorrow!”
He smiles and bows as she leaves the door. You take a deep breath and look back at him.
“Shall we continue?” You nod and match his smile trying to hide your sudden nervousness.
The desserts were then presented in front of you: rum raisin crème brulee, coffee caramel panna cotta and lemon merengue pie with sorbet.
“Crème brulee is one of my favourites desserts to serve,” Xiaojun lights up the torch and moves it closer to the container melting the sugar on top, “it’s a beautiful dish with an amazing flavour, best served when heated up on the spot.” He looks up at you and winks.
You gulp trying not to make it obvious that the dessert was not the only thing heating up. You take a spoon and damn if it wasn’t one of the best crème brulees you’ve ever tasted in your life. He smiles at the pleasant look in your face moving on the next dish.
“This panna cotta is perfect for coffee lovers, adding a sweet twist with the caramel.” He explains moving the plate in your direction.
You taste it and are amazed with the perfect combination of the flavours. You look at him and he seems to be staring at your lips. You widen your eyes as he leans over the table brushing his thumb in the corner of your mouth. So he did not have the same burning desire of kissing you, you just made a fool of yourself getting dirty like a child. What you were not expecting was that he would take his thumb to his mouth sucking it clean. That vision went straight to your core.
“Last but not least,” he continues as if he did not just made your legs weak, “the merengue can be served with a lime sorbet to increase the sour flavour or a simple vanilla sorbet to smooth it out.”
“Why not both?” He raises an eyebrow at your sudden teasing tone as you decided to test the waters. “I like to try new things… In my desserts.” He chuckles as he walks around the table to come stand next to you.
“Do you know why I became a chef?” He asks as he leans against the surface.
“Why?” You stand up so you are at his level.
“Food can be very intimate, but also very intense.” He licks his lips.
“Are you sure you’re still talking about food?” You smirk.
“Sure. Food can be sweet,” he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, ”or spicy.” He turns your bodies around, your butt now hitting the rim of the table as Xiaojun stands in front of you. “It can be warm,” he comes closer, hips against yours, “or cold.” He reaches behind you taking a bit of sorbet and bringing it to your lips. “If you mix it just right,” you open your mouth taking in the dessert, “and you’ll have the perfect level of intensity.”
Oh you’re definitely not thinking about food anymore. You feel a drop of sorbet falling from your mouth to your chest as he removes the spoon placing it back on the table. You look down and next thing you know he’s licking it clean looking up at you.
“That’s a very good sorbet, it would be a shame to let even a drop go to waste.” He lifts up his head to stand inches away from yours.
“Do they teach you to be this smooth in culinary school?” You tease.
“Well,” his hands smooth the sides of your body, “they do teach us to prep the ingredients before we get cooking.”
And with that the distance between you two fades in a delicious kiss. Your lips are cold from the sorbet while his are warm from all the smooth talk. He was right, if you mix it just right you get the perfect level of intensity.
Your arms wrap around his neck as the kiss develops. You moan softly when his mouth moves to your neck knowing exactly where to kiss and suck. His hands start to unbutton your blouse and you run your fingers through his hair. His mouth keeps moving down to the mounds of your breasts as his hands cup them over your bra.
He lifts his head back to take your mouth and his hands busy themselves hiking up your skirt and pushing down your panties. You yelp as he lifts you up to sit you over the table. One of his arms wraps around your waist as his other hand caresses your thigh until it reaches your folds.
You moan into his mouth as he circles your clit. You were right, his hands are capable of much more than cooking.
“You know,” he breaks the kiss and kneels down between your legs, “a great chef always tastes the food he prepares and you seem quite ready, mind if I do?”
“You’re the chef.” You smirk as he leans closer to your throbbing core.
He takes a long lick through your wetness and you lean back supporting yourself with your hands on the table. He takes his time eating you out like he’s savouring his favourite meal.
The heat builds up inside you and you bite your lip to prevent your moans from getting louder. His fingers are pumping in and out of you and within minutes you cum all over them. He licks off your juices and stands up again.
“Finger licking good.” He winks licking his digits.
“What can I say,” you chuckle, “you are a great chef.”
He kisses you again grinding his still clothed crotch against you naked cunt. You lower your hands and start unbuttoning his pants. He helps you out by pulling them down to his ankles along with his underwear. You take his dick in your hand and almost gasp at how hard he already is. You move your hand up and down his length and he breaks the kiss to let out a low moan.
“Ready for another meal?” He asks rubbing his tip on your wetness.
“I’ve never been so hungry.” You bite your lip.
Xiaojun aligns himself with your hole and you moan in unison as he penetrates you slowly. You hold his face and bring your mouths back together as he grabs your waist to steadies you while he starts moving inside you.
Muffled moans and skin slapping sounds fill the air. Sweat forms on your bodies like somebody turned up the heat to more than what human beings were made to withstand.
He takes his cock out only to turn you around, your back against his chest. He thrusts back in from behind and you lean your head back to rest on his shoulder. He kisses your neck massaging your clothed breasts as he thrusts into you harder and faster.
You clench around his length when he takes his hand back to your clit. You know you two won’t take long to give into the pleasure. And in no time your juices mix inside you like your moans mix in the air.
“So,” he breaths out as he removes himself from inside you, grabbing some napkins from the table to clean you two up, “You think your boss will like my menu?”
“Well,” your turn around to him as you two get dressed, “I wouldn’t recommend this last dish, I’d like to keep that one for myself.” You wink and Xiaojun leans closer kissing you one more time.
“Good job you two, this night definitely made their minds, they’re ready to sign the deal.” Your boss raises his champagne glass to you and your coworker as you toast.
“I don’t know why but it felt like the food tasted even better today!” She nudges you as the older man steps away to mingle with the guests.
“I guess sometimes you have to keep tasting it to get the full experience.” You say with a smile as you glance at the food preparation area earning a wink from the chef.
“W-what was that?” She widens her eyes to you.
“What was what?” You take a sip from your champagne to hide your smile.
“Y/N, what happened after I left!?”
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rowansparrow · 3 years
By Any Other Name: Chapter Three
Summary: Rex follows you to the back room of the bar to check on you, and you trade stories about what used to be.
Chapter Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: mild drinking and cursing, a bit of gambling? 
Ships: Rex x Female!Reader, Fives x Female!Reader, Clone OC x Female!Reader, other ships tbd.
Tags: #ByAnyOtherName, #BAON
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: It’s going to get much spicier after this chapter. Once again, bless @fat-zygerrian for being my beta reader!
Comment if you want to be tagged! Reblogs are SO appreciated!
Chapter One Chapter Two
You had not expected to see him again.
Of course, a part of you had been hoping you would run into him at 79’s again. But what were the chances he would be there? Stars, what were the odds he’d have even remembered your name?
You entered the bar with measured caution knowing you didn’t have your girlfriends with you this time around. Although they didn’t really offer you much in the way of moral support the last time you’d been here for a night out, it still felt so strange to come alone. You hesitated, looking around for Rose, wrapping your arms around yourself and suddenly feeling incredibly anxious when he didn’t immediately appear. 
This had been a stupid idea. 
You shook your head. If you were already second guessing yourself maybe it was best to just leave and save yourself the embarrassment. You turned back towards the exit quickly, ready to get out. Whatever little gods out there must have been watching over you that night, because just before you stepped through the doors, somebody crashed into you.
“Ah, kriff, sorry ma’am!” The clone chirped, careful to steady the multiple glasses in his hands as he shifted quickly around you. You recognized the handprint on the trooper’s armor. He had been one of the two men who pulled Rose away from you the night you had met.
You stood on your tiptoes, eyes trailing him to a round table pushed into the back corner of the cantina. The trooper hurried over and slid into his seat, distributing drinks and then passing one of the amber drinks to the man on his right. You recognized him too. Even from a distance, the goatee and numeric tattoo on his temple were hard to miss.
The troopers appeared to have been waiting for the replenished drinks, because as soon as the soldier with the handprint on his armor took his seat, the tattooed one immediately began dealing out cards. 
You inched closer, trying to catch a glimpse of the other players while not being too obvious about it. Maybe coming here was a good idea after all...
“No, no, you dealt last hand, di’kut.” A trooper with a Republic cog tattooed on his face swatted at the other man’s hands. “It’s my turn.”
“Did not!” He protested. “Echo had the last one. Then he got drinks so now it’s my turn!”
“The entire point of me getting drinks was so you could deal while I was gone.” The one named Echo drawled.
“Quit bickering and just deal the damn cards.” Another clone griped. “Force knows I’ve already lost enough hands to Rose. Let’s get this over with!”
Your heart skipped a beat. Rose. You tried to look inconspicuous as you shifted even closer to see the rest of the table.
“Ah, don’t be such a sore loser, ‘Case. You’d have better luck with your cards if you’d stop flashing them at me half the time.”
“That’s cheating!”
“Then hold your kriffin’ cards up, vod.”
Rose’s laugh was what finally made you turn fully to face the table. He was not in full armor this time. Instead he wore armor below the belt, but the upper half of his body was just the black bodysuit the clones wore beneath the plates. The top of the suit had been unzipped slightly, showing off a triangle of Rose’s chest and what appeared to be tattoos adorning the bronze skin. Something about the tease of flesh was enough to make your mouth go dry, a more tantalizing intimacy than if he had been naked to the waist.
You suspected Rose must have sensed your staring. As the trooper's gaze shifted from his cards, those beautiful eyes of his darted directly to you. Then for a moment you froze, jaw opening and closing in a panic as you tried to think of something to say, an explanation for why you had been lurking in the shadows, just watching them.
But Rose beamed at you.
“Hey! I know you!”
The men at the table turned and you felt heat creep up into your cheeks.
“I was just – I’m sorry, I-I didn’t mean to intrude -.”
“Nah, come here! We’ve got room.” He reached over his shoulder, grabbing an empty chair from a nearby table and swinging it over effortlessly. He placed it right at his side. “Y/N, right?”
You nodded in response; your voice gone for now. He remembered your name?
“Boys, this is Y/N,” Rose waved at the men around the table. “Over there, that’s Fives and Echo.”
Echo gave you a little wave and Fives smiled, offering a small, two fingered salute.
“This is Jesse, Kix, and -.”
“Hardcase,” The trooper immediately to your right introduced himself then offered you his hand. You took it and he shook it with vigor. “You know how to play Sabacc?”
“Er.. no.”
“You’ll pick it up fast. Rose can coach you! He’s a natural.”
“That’s because he’s a strategist and cheats at cards.” Jesse mumbled, taking a long swig of his drink. Rose scrunched up his nose and flashed Jesse a little smirk. Fives then dealt the cards out to everyone and when each man had a full desk, Rose handed his cards to you. 
“This here is the hand pot,” Rose explained, gesturing to a little pile of what looked like junk in front of him. “And that bigger one is the Sabacc pot. Hand winners get the hand pot and whoever wins the game overall gets the Sabacc pot. Make sense?”
You nodded, trying to follow along. “What’re you betting?” You asked, picking up a small canvas bag off the pile closest to you. You risked a glance inside and were surprised to find two hard candies.
“Contraband.” Hardcase replied conspiratorially. “Or whatever else we’ve got. Not like we’ve got credits to bet.”
“Cards up, darlin’.” Rose told you, reaching around to the back of your hand to tilt your cards back up towards your chest. Even through his glove, you could feel the heat of his palm against your knuckles. You glanced up at him and he gave you a charming little smile.
“Alright, Fives dealt.. so Jesse should lead, yeah?” Kix nodded towards the table. Rose shifted so that he was sitting slightly behind you. His arm settled around the back of your chair and he looked at the cards over your shoulder. He moved his head low, his lips just barely brushing against your ear as he spoke.
“Your goal..” Rose murmured in a voice meant only for you. “Is to not break twenty-three. Each card has a different value.”
You felt a shiver run up your spine and tried to focus on the game as Rose coached you quietly from behind. Hardcase was the first to bomb out, theatrically tossing his cards on the table in a huff. Jesse, Kix, and Echo were eliminated when none of them broke twenty. Then it came down between you and Fives.
Fives studied you from across the table, cocking one eyebrow up. He drew a card and smirked, holding his deck close to his chest.
“You’re at twenty.” Rose whispered in your ear. “If you draw anything higher than a three, you’ll bomb out. You can choose to stand and hope your hand is higher than Fives’...or you can draw.”
“What do you think?” Fives grinned while tilting his head at you. “Do you feel lucky?”
You glanced up at Rose again for guidance but he just shrugged his shoulders. You smiled, turning back to Fives.
You drew a card.
You pushed your way into the back storage room, bracing your palms against the shelves while trying to steady your breathing. You simply couldn't catch your breath; your chest squeezing tighter with every raspy inhale you attempted.
You sank down to your knees, hands steepled behind your head and curled in on yourself as you fought for air.
You briefly registered the door opening and closing again behind you. The sound of rustling of armor properly caught your attention as Captain Rex knelt down in front of you. He gently guided your hands off the back of your head.
“Breathe.” He murmured. “C’mon. In with me, out with me.”
You tried to match his breathing, tears streaking your cheeks and ruining your makeup.
“In… out.” Rex repeated, reaching up with one hand to brush your tears away.
“Don’t!” You snapped, jerking away from his hands. Rex held them up in surrender, sitting back on his heels.
“Y/N, I need you to breathe or I’m going to have to find Kix.”
You closed your eyes, trying to ground yourself. Blood pounded in your ears, and you sucked in another sharp breath.
“In… out… in… out… that’s it.”
Slowly, your breathing relaxed and you leaned back against the wall, head thunking against the durasteel.
Rex sighed and sat cross-legged opposite you. “I’m sorry. I… I shouldn’t have come.” He said softly. “I never wanted to upset you.”
“It’s not your fault.” You said finally while rubbing your hands down your face in exhaustion. “It’s just…” You took a deep breath. “Hard.”
You sat in silence together for a long time. The distant thrum of the music and shouting from the cantina was the only sound around you until Rex finally spoke.
“He was one of the few I could stand.”
You let your head loll over towards him and raised an eyebrow.
“Rose, I mean.” Rex said, looking at his hands. “I love all my brothers. But the boys in Torrent… they can be insufferable.”
You chuckled. “I can’t imagine. Fives is bad enough when he’s planet side and comes to bother me. You’re stuck with him all the time.”
“You have no idea.” Rex cracked a small smile and picked at the fabric of his glove. “Rose… he’d act like the others, sometimes. Get into mischief with Fives and Echo. Do something stupid on the field and wind up with Kix, sure. The usual stuff. But Rose…” Rex shook his head fondly, as if he was recalling some far-away memory. “Rose was kind.”
You pulled your knees up to your chest and closed your eyes. A wave of relaxation calming you as you listened to the clone Captain.
“He was the kind of soldier who the shinies would always flock to.” Rex’s voice carried through the little room and you hummed softly, picturing Rose talking to the younger bright-eyed vode fresh off Kamino.
“He’d take ‘em under his wing. Show ‘em the open bunks.. tell ‘em where to stash their gear. After their first battles, he’d be the one to sit up and talk until they fell asleep.”
You cracked an eye open upon hearing a dull thunk. Rex had shifted to lean against the wall beside you, his eyes closed too, his face relaxed as he spoke.
“He was a good kid.” Rex mumbled. “And stars... did he love you.”
“Don’t.” You whispered while shaking your head, giving him a small, sad smile. “Not… not right now.”
Rex understood and put his hand over yours in an affectionate gesture. He gave it a small, reassuring squeeze. Then he seemed to suddenly remember who he was talking to and quickly pulled his hand back. Rex cleared his throat and rose to his feet.
“So,” He grabbed his helmet off the floor then began awkwardly inching towards the door. “I’ll ah – I’ll leave you alone. Congratulations on the opening. You did good.”
He quickly left after that and you lingered in the back, staring up at the ceiling and thinking of the past.  
TAG LIST: @fat-zygerrian @ladydiomede @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @threevie @cheesemachine44 @bubblyace @fivedicksinatrenchcoat @loverofclones @starwarsgarbage @crazygirlwithasword
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august-bleeds-red · 4 years
Texas Heat (Part Two)
Alpha!Tommy x omega!Reader (AFAB). When you find yourself trapped within the Hewitt family’s web of murder, violence and pain, the last thing you expect to do is fall in love.
Warnings: implied non-con, gore. NSFW in later chapters.
Part One / Part Two / Part Three
Dinner that night is stew.
 You help Luda cut the vegetables, but the meat is already simmering in the pot by the time you come down. Thomas is nowhere to be seen, and when you ask where he is, as casually as possible, Luda answers with a sly grin.
 “Oh, he’s probably workin’ down in the basement. Often doesn’t eat ‘til later, ‘specially when we have guests. He’s awful shy, you see.”
 You don’t mention the way he’d stared at you upstairs – more domineering and intense than anyone else you’d have described as “shy”.
 “I hope you don’t mind me asking—” you begin to say, but she’s already nodding, clearly anticipating your next words.
 “His face?”
 You nod. Setting down the knife she’s using to slice the carrots, she adjusts her spectacles and glances towards the door you presume leads to the basement.
 “He’s awful sensitive about it. We don’t usually talk about it, but I don’t want you to be makin’ any nasty judgements ‘bout him.”
 “Of course not, I wouldn’t.”
 She pats your arm and continues chopping the carrots. “I found him when he was just born. Some cruel no-goods had left him to die in a trash can. Lord knows what filthy things he was exposed to in there before I took him home. He started gettin’ skin complaints when he was a boy. Real bad. The other kids used to tease him for it, call him ‘diseased’. Got too much for him so he took a knife and . . .” She presses the tips of her fingers to her mouth and shakes her head. “Sorry, still gets to me.”
 “I understand,” you say, your heart aching empathetically. “I’m sorry.”
 She pats your arm again and sighs, “You’re a good girl, Y/N.”
 For some reason, she says this with a note of sadness which makes you uneasy again. You don’t have long to dwell on it, though, before Hoyt enters the room.
 “How’s that stew comin’ on, Momma?” he asks jovially.
 You help set the table and bow your head respectfully while Hoyt says Grace, accepting your bowl of stew with a grateful smile. The meat is tender, with an unusual flavour you can’t quite place. You figure it must be some kind of game animal you’ve not tasted before, or herbs mixed in with the broth. It’s good, whatever it is. You help yourself to the cornbread Luda offers you and try not to be disconcerted by the way Monty is staring at you.
 He’s just a dirty old man, you try and convince yourself. Ignore him.
 Though it’s not that late by the time your plate is cleared, you claim tiredness and go upstairs to your tiny room. Closing the door behind you, you wish there was some kind of furniture you could prop against it; the chest of drawers is far too heavy for you to move inconspicuously. You don’t feel quite comfortable enough to change into the camisole you usually wear for sleeping, so decide to remain in your shorts and T-shirt. One night won’t hurt. You brush your teeth in the tiny sink, making a mental note to rinse your toothbrush with clean water before using it again, and curl up on top of the blanket. The air is thick and humid, and you’re soon wishing you could just sleep naked. Your own scent hangs heavy in the air and you curse your time of the month. Even with the precautions prescribed to you, your heat was always strong, but it never has this much of a toll on you. You remember your first – you were ten, an early bloomer, and it had hit you at summer camp. It was the height of August, and the counsellors had found you whimpering in a corner of the dorm, hugging a pillow and grinding frantically against it.
 That was the last time you went to camp.
 Could it be because of Thomas? Is that why your body is reacting so strongly?
 Growling in frustration, you reach for your bag and grope inside for your pills. The doctors only advise taking three pills in a single day under extreme circumstances, but being under the same roof as an alpha as intimidating as Thomas Hewitt strikes you as pretty damn extreme. It takes you almost three whole minutes to realise the awful truth – the pills aren’t there. You know you put them back in the inside pocket earlier, the same place you always do. They’re definitely gone.
 Your heart starts pounding and you feel that prickling sense of danger creep over you again. It would have been easy for Hoyt, Monty, or even Thomas to come in here and take the pills while you were downstairs helping Luda. Which means they know. Perhaps you were kidding yourself that you could lie to them.
 You decide not to take any chances. Even without your car, there was no way you could stay here. Your parents would understand. Perhaps you could even call the cops when you got to the next town and ask them to fetch it for you. Gathering your belongings as quietly as possible, you open the door just a crack and peer out down the darkened hallway. All is still. You manage to make no sound all the way to the top of the stairs, taking care not to step in the centre of each step as you tiptoe down.
 You’re almost at the door when you hear it – a low, keening moan.
 You turn glacially slowly to look at the basement door. You could kid yourself that it was a dog, but you know in your bones that’s not the case.
 “Please . . .” the voice calls plaintively. A girl. “Help me . . .”
 Fear washes over you like a bucket of ice water. You should go – you know you should go. The door is right in front of you.
 “Pleeeeease . . .” the voice sobs.
 Your parents’ faces swim before your eyes. You think of what they’d suffer were you to never come home. You brother, your sister, your friends . . .
 “Oh God, help me . . .”
 “God damn it,” you whisper through gritted teeth. With a quick glance upstairs, you tread as light as a spider down the corridor towards the basement. The girl’s voice gets louder – it’s definitely coming from down there. The door is unlocked when you twist the handle, pulling it towards you just enough to slip inside and down the rickety steps beyond. A large pool of water is gathered at the foot of the stairs, too large for you to avoid. You wince as the damp soaks through your sneakers and socks.
 Two large hunks of meat are hanging from hooks along the wall. You think they may have once been pigs, though the head and limbs are all hacked away. You find the girl – a petite blonde in a short blue dress – on a filthy mattress, roped to a pipe in one corner of the room. She looks as though she’s been there for days, weeks, even. Her skin is bruised, and you can tell by her frightened scent that she’s a beta. You can also smell Hoyt’s potent musk on her – in her hair, in the smears of congealed fluid between her legs.
 She smells you before she sees you, eyes searching disbelievingly in the half-dark. You quickly stifle her mouth with your hand before she cries out.
 “Keep quiet, okay?” you hiss. You pick at the tightly-knotted rope, breaking a fingernail in your attempt to untie it. “Fuck.”
 “Oh God,” she gasps.
 “Shh, it’s okay, I’m gonna—”
 “NO!” she screams, her body falling into a fit of panicked flailing. Her eyes are big and brimming with fear, staring over your shoulder.
 The scent reaches you just before Thomas’s fingers do.
 You duck and back away from the captured girl, who continues screaming like she’s being sliced apart. Every nerve in your body is yelling at you to flee, to fight, to do anything besides what you are doing – which is staring like a deer in headlights up at Thomas approaching you. His scent is almost overpowering, and despite the terror seizing you, you feel a warm stream of slick trickling down the inside of your thigh.
 He gives a sharp intake of breath and rumbles deep in his chest. Your knees tremble, and you unconsciously breathe in the heady aroma surrounding the enormous man. Your breath shudders as it leaves you. Your instincts are commanding you to stay, to submit, to give yourself to this alpha; you can already feel your body leaning into him.
 The basement door slams open and Hoyt’s angry voice preceeds his heavy footsteps.
 “Nuff of this dang caterwauling, some of us’re tryin’ to sleep!”
 He stops dead at the wall of scent surrounding you, and a sly grin takes over his rugged features. “Well, lookee here.”
 Reaching inside his pocket, he pulls out a small foil strip that you recognise instantly.
 “Guess somebody’s not just a plain ole beta after all, huh?”
 “You asshole,” you spit, your disdain for Hoyt overriding your lust for just a moment.
 “That’s not very polite now, is it?” he says. He moves casually towards the whimpering blonde, who stares in terrified anticipation up at him. He reaches down and strokes her hair, and she cringes away from his touch. “Tommy, why don’t you teach this little bitch a lesson in manners?”
 Thomas takes two short strides towards you, but you dart out from under his grasp and sprint towards the stairs. The girl you’re abandoning screams after you, but all you can think of now is to escape, battling the nagging tug at the back of your mind that’s still desperately reaching out for Thomas.
 You somehow make it up the steps and through the door, your footsteps crashing on the boards as you fly down the hall. You throw your entire weight against the front door, splintering the wood surrounding the lock as you burst out into the night.
 You breathe in lungfuls of air as you sprint across the field, heading for the road. You’ve never been a fast runner, but the adrenaline pumping through your veins has you practically leaping like a gazelle. Your feet catch on stones and loose earth, threatening you with a fall, but you just manage to keep your balance. The sound of pounding footsteps behind you sends a sharp spike of fear into your gut, and if you weren’t running you may have vomited.
 You vaguely recognise another sound – a deep, mechanical roar – but you don’t want to risk glancing over your shoulder to see if it is what you think. He’s getting closer, you can smell him, you can hear his laboured breathing, you can feel his fingers grasping at your hair—
 He overshoots you by a good ten strides when you fall to the ground, scraping your hands and knees on hard soil. Turning to face your supine form, he brandishes the growling chainsaw clutched in his massive hands.
 You’re dead. You must be. How can you possibly expect any other outcome from this situation? Scrambling to your knees, you try to rise, but the metal teeth of the chainsaw brush too close; you can almost taste your own blood. Thomas’s eyes, black with rage, focus on you. His chest is heaving, his muscular arms flexing as he prepares to deal the killing blow—
 “Alpha!” you shriek, the word spilling from your tongue before you can recognise its meaning. “Alpha, please!”
 He freezes, arms aloft, staring down at you in surprise and disbelief.
 You crawl forwards, reaching out a shaking hand to touch his booted foot. “Please . . . p-please don’t kill me.”
 He glances up towards the house. You can tell he’s not used to making decisions without approval, but Hoyt isn’t here to spit poison in his ear.
 “I’ll . . . I’ll be yours.” You can’t believe the words you’re saying. “Please, alpha . . . you can have me. I’ll do whatever you want. Just don’t kill me.”
 He steps back and shakes his head angrily, but not in refusal – more like he’s trying to rid your honeyed words from his head as a bull might dislodge a persistent fly. Taking your life in your hands, you slowly rise to your feet and proffer your sweating hands towards him; the scent from your wrists glands is strong, unavoidable. The chainsaw powers down, and his arms slowly fall to waist-height. You take careful hold of one wrist and detach his fingers from the chainsaw handle. Keeping your gaze locked with his, you part your dry lips and press the flat of your tongue against his own wrist, licking a long, slow stripe. His skin is salty with sweat, the musk beneath deep and earthy, hitting the back of your throat like spice. You feel a shudder pass through his body and go one step further – baring your teeth just enough to nip the tender, swollen skin. The chainsaw falls heavily to the ground as he grabs you, one hand twisting the skin of your wrist, the other securing the back of your neck, fingers knotted in your hair. You stare up at him, heart dancing, skin tingling, fear and lust seeking dominance in your stomach. His teeth are bared behind the gap in his mask, his brow furrowed in bewildered rage and desire. You lift the hand still free from his grip and, as tenderly as though handling a baby sparrow, touch the gland at the nape of his neck. The skin is raised and warm, and his eyes close almost in reverence at the contact.
 “What in Lord’s name’re you doin’, boy?!” Hoyt’s furious voice startles you both. He’s hurrying up behind you, shotgun under one arm, glaring between you and Thomas.
 In a swift, one-handed movement, Thomas pulls you flush against his body, your nose filling with the metallic scent of blood imbedded in his apron – which, it occurs to you, is undoubtedly human blood.
 Hoyt stops in his tracks, assessing the situation before him. You, pliant and submissive in Thomas’s arms; Thomas, dominant and possessive, ready to protect you from the threat Hoyt poses. The older man sighs, chuckling softly.
 “Well, I’ll be damned.” Swinging the shotgun to rest on his shoulder, he shakes his grizzled head. “Y’sure, Tommy? She’d taste mighty sweet with Mama’s hot biscuits.”
 Thomas’s grip tightens and you whimper – he’s about to break your wrist. His fingers immediately loosen, and you see a flash of what could almost be called concern cross his face. Hoyt rolls his eyes and turns, heading back towards the farmhouse.
 “Come on, then.”
 Before you can protest, Thomas sweeps you up into a bridal embrace, pressing your body against his broad chest. Tears prick your eyes as you’re brought back to the place you fought so hard to escape from. As you’re carried over the threshold, Hoyt shoots you a nasty grin.
 “Welcome to the family, Little Miss Omega.”    
Comments are greatly appreciated because I’m a needy little trashbag.               
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panda-noosh · 4 years
unlike me {fred weasley x reader}
  Words: 8k
Summary: You, a shy Hufflepuff, have caught the eye of Fred Weasley.
Genre: fluff
Notes: support my writing or ask me about commissions! - did i just write pure fluff? wow. i’m learning.
  Fred Weasley doesn’t do things to impress others. He never has. Trying to please others is so far from his mind when playing one of his pranks that it’s almost laughable to think he and his twin brother do anything for the sake of attention. They live to amuse themselves, and nobody else.
    But sometimes the reactions of others do catch his eye. It happens rarely, but there have been the odd times when Fred and George are fleeing from the scene of one of their usual messy pranks, and Fred will look over to see someone standing there, staring open mouthed and wide eyed at the scene in front of them, and he will turn back to the path and smile because - yet again - he has left somebody speechless.
   More often than not these days, that person is you.
  Fred doesn’t know much about you; you’re clearly very shy, hardly ever being spotted in the hallways unless you’re making your way to your next class, and even then you’re prone to keeping your head down, refusing to talk to anybody who wants to talk to you. Fred doesn’t know if you have any friends, if you want friends, if you’ve ever looked at him and wondered what it would be like to talk to him…
   “So, Harry, tell me a bit about that one over there.”
   Harry looks up from his breakfast plate, eyes still fogged from a night of no-doubt restless sleep. Beside him, Ron is still trying to wake himself up and Hermione is hastily flipping through a gargantuan textbook. It seems to Fred like the Chosen One may be the only one at this moment in time in a fit enough state to answer his pressing questions.
   “Huh?” he replies.
  Fred leans forward a little more, so close that his mouth is very nearly touching Harry’s ear. “That one over there.” He nods over to the Hufflepuff table. “The one sitting on their own.”
 Harry narrows his eyes. “Y/N L/N? What about them?”
  “They’re in your year, aren’t they?”
  “I think so. I don’t really know too much about them; they’re quite quiet, really.”
  “Yeah,” Fred and George say together. “We know.”
  Harry raises a brow, flicking his gaze to the twins standing on either side of him. “Why? Are you both interested?”
  “Just ol’ Freddy Boy here.”
  Ron scoffs. “You? Getting in with Y/N L/N? Mate, that’s about as likely as Percy showing up for Christmas this year.”
  Fred slaps Ron on the back of the head. “Shut your mouth, you git.”
  “So, what? You really think you have a chance with them?” Harry asks.
  Fred shifts uncomfortably; he hadn’t meant for the conversation to get this far. All he wanted was for Harry to tell him a bit about you and that be it - he was fairly confident he could handle the rest on his own using his incredible charm and humour.
   But now these snotty little fifth years are making him second-guess his own abilities, which has never happened before in his seventeen years of life.
    “I think so,” he replies, trying to keep his voice as confident as possible. “Why wouldn’t I have a chance? I’m charming, and witty, and-”
  “And loud, and annoying, and centre of attention literally all the time,” Ginny finishes, waltzing into the conversation. She sits down next to Hermione, pinching a hash brown off Harry’s plate. “Y/N is the complete opposite of that. You’ll scare them away before you even get a chance to ask them out.”
   Fred frowns. George says something in his twins defence, but Fred has stopped listening, instead choosing to glance over to where you’re still sitting, smiling shyly at the Hufflepuff boy who has just taken a seat next to you. It’s clear - and always has been clear - that you get plenty of attention - you just don’t want it. Fred has watched you get shy and awkward, shuffling away from people who so much as grin in your direction. Fred has even watched you scurry away when he walks past, and at this point, he isn’t even surprised; the scenes Fred finds him in are far from the types of scenes you’ll want to be caught in.
   You really are very different people, and Fred isn’t stupid enough to deny that. Nonetheless, there’s something about you that has always caught his eye, from the day he was a puny little second year, watching you scramble up to the Sorting Hat. Even then he found himself staring at you, fingers crossed in the hopes you would get sorted into Gryffindor, that he could find an excuse to lead you to the Common Room himself - not Perfect Percy - but then you were being sorted into Hufflepuff and an awful long time went by in which Fred did nothing to pursue you.
   But now he’s in his sixth year. If not now, then when?
  “Have you ever tried speaking to them?”
   Ron’s voice snaps Fred from his daze. He looks down and shrugs.
  “Not really.”
  “That's not like you,” says Ginny. “Have we actually found someone who makes you shy?”
 Fred scowls. “I’m not shy. Y/N’s shy - I’m just respecting that and keeping my distance.”
  “Good on you, mate,” says George, before he ducks his head down and whispers loudly in Harry’s ear, “Every time he sees them, he wets himself a little.”
  Fred kicks his twin. “Would you lot give it a rest? I’ll talk to them today, alright? You’ll all see.”
  “Oh, don’t wind him up,” Hermione tuts, slapping Ron on the arm when the group of youngsters start laughing.
  “Oooh,” George says. “You’ve got Granger sticking up for you, Fred - who would have thought that would ever happen to us?”
   “I think it’s cute that Fred likes Y/N,” says Hermione, sitting up a little straighter. “I don’t know much about them, but I think someone bringing them out of their shell could do them a world of good.”
   Fred can’t help but grin; the thought of it, of you actually giving him a chance - it makes him unnervingly happy. “Cheers, Hermione.”
   Fred takes that tiny bit of assurance and carries it with him throughout the entire day - he doesn’t really know when he’s going to make his move, just that he is.
   At some point.
  He has no classes with you. He barely sees you in the hallways. He doesn’t share a common room with you - the situation is really not working in his favour, but Fred Weasley will not let such a drawback ruin his plans. He’ll find ways around it, just as he finds ways around everything.
   The solution finally comes to him at 11:00pm.
  He should be in bed. He knows he should be in bed, that if Filch were to see him right now, the old man would be going absolutely ballistic, overjoyed with the idea of giving another student a detention. Fred has the advantage of the Marauders Map, plus a lifetimes worth of sneaking around, but that doesn’t make him feel any less nervous.
  He’s been out of bed after curfew plenty of times before, but never has he crept into another common room whilst doing it.
   He heads towards the basement, checking the Marauders Map every few seconds to ensure Filch and his filthy cat are as far away as possible. His mind is working at a million miles per hour, because for the first time in his life, Fred is convinced he’s being stupid. The amount of protective charms that must be on the doors of these openings would be insane, and Fred is insane to think he could ever try and get past them, but god, he can’t go down to breakfast tomorrow without making some attempt to talk to you, just like he said he would, just like Hermione-
  Fred spins on his heel, nearly falling over a body of armour stood in the corner. Multiple paintings rouse from their sleep, and the ones that were already awake break into fits of giggles. Fred doesn’t even acknowledge the tiny noise that made him jump in the first place, instead choosing to desperately hush the paintings around him.
   “Shut up. Sh! Filch will hear and then we’re all in trouble!”
   “Speak for yourself, Weasley,” says Doogle Doolaly through a mouthful of giggles. Fred shoots the painting a glare before abruptly remembering what had caused him to stumble in the first place.
   He spins around. To his surprise, you’re still there.
  You, standing right in front of him with both hands clapped over your mouth, eyes wide. You’re wearing a pair of yellow bed robes, hair a mess. Fred has to take a minute to just stare.
   And then, “What on Earth are you doing out of bed?”
  Slowly you lower your hands, biting your lower lip as you stare right back at him; Fred, though pleased, finds this quite odd considering he’s so used to watching you avoid eye contact as much as possible. “I was walking.”
   Your voice is quiet, timid.
   Fred tilts his head. “Walking? At eleven at night?”
   “I couldn’t sleep.”
  “Me neither.”
   You nod. Fred nods back. The two of you stand a good five feet apart, unsure of what to say or do to make the silence go away - of course, there’s so many things Fred wants to ask, considering he was previously convinced you would never step out of line, but none of those questions are appearing right now.
    Fred, however, knows this silence can’t last forever, so he’s the one to make the first move in breaking it.
   “You alright?”
  You look up, startled. “I’m fine. Why?”
 “I was just wondering. You look like you’ve seen someone use an illegal curse or something.”
 Fred’s stomach flips. “Not that you don’t look really pretty, because you do, but I’m just saying-”
   “Why were you heading towards the Hufflepuff common room?”
  Fred pauses. Have you just caught him out?
  “How did you know that’s where I was going?”
 “Because nobody else comes down here this late at night unless they’re a Hufflepuff coming back from detention.”
  “You’re good at this, you know. Right little detective, you are.”
   You shrug.
  Fred sighs, rubs the back of his neck before saying, “I was just having an innocent little dander about. Those Gryffindor sixth years can be a rowdy bunch - it’s hard to get to sleep.”
   “Oh. Okay.” You trace your eyes along his towering form, and for a moment, Fred is almost convinced you’re genuinely checking him out. It boosts his confidence a little. “Well, I’m sorry you couldn’t sleep. I’m also sorry for making so much noise - you startled me.”
   “Yeah, well, I’m a pretty scary person I’ve been told.”
  Your lips twitch. “Who told you that?”
   He shrugs. “It’s not so much a verbal thing. Sometimes sweet little Hufflepuff’s run away when they make eye contact with me.” He raises a brow, smirks when he sees your own smile fade, replaced by a mild look of embarrassment because you both know exactly who Fred is talking about.
   You cough and awkwardly kick at the floor. “Sometimes sweet little Hufflepuff’s get a little shy.”
   Fred’s confidence is really flooding back into his system now, and he doesn’t know why it feels different. This isn’t the confidence he carries around with him on a day-to-day basis, the confidence that allows him to play these big pranks without a care in the world. This is a type of confidence he has never felt before, makes him feel elated, like he can do anything.
   He smirks, folding his arms across his chest. “I’m Fred Weasley, by the way.”
  “I know.” Your eyes pop open for a brief second. “I mean - uh - Ron. Ron is your brother, right?”
  “He is.”
 “I know your brother. He’s in my year. Goalkeeper for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, right?”
 You nod, biting your lower lip in that way Fred has learned you do quite often when you’re flustered. “I heard of you - uh - from him. Yeah.”
  Fred nods. He stares at your flustered form, finding amusement in the way you quickly look to the floor, trying desperately to avoid his gaze which has apparently now become too much for you.
  He chuckles and pushes himself away from the wall he found himself leaning upon. “It was lovely talking to you, Hufflepuff. Try not to run away next time and maybe we can talk again.”
   You look up and nod, lips twitching. Fred grins right back, bows his head to you before he walks off down the corridor, pretty darn pleased with himself.
   “So how did it go?”
  “I don’t kiss and tell.”
  Ginny gasps, slapping Fred on the arm when her, Fred and George sit down to breakfast the next morning. “You kissed?”
   Fred snickers. “No. But we spoke, and it was great. Y/N L/N is actually a bit of a rule breaker.”
 Ginny raises a brow, reaching across George for a slice of toast. “Shut up.”
  “He’s telling the truth,” says George, at the same time Fred says, “I’m telling the truth.”
   “Wow. What were they doing to break the rules?”
 “Walking about after curfew. Lucky I was there, or else Filch would have had them.”
   Ginny scoffs. “Because god forbid anyone be as sneaky as you two.”
  “Exactly,” the twins reply.
   “So what was the conversation like?” Ginny prods. She wears a distracted gaze in the hopes that Fred won’t see just how curious she really is, but Fred sees right through her.
   “It wasn’t bad,” he replies. “A bit short, but that’s easily fixed.”
  “So you want to keep talking to them?”
  Fred raises a brow. “Of course I do.”
  Ginny hums around the slice of toast in her mouth. “Cute, Fred. Cute.”
  Fred opens his mouth to give a sarcastic retort, but gets abruptly distracted by the sight of you rising from the Hufflepuff table. He sits bolt upright, craning his neck to see over the heads of everybody else; you don’t spare him a glance, apparently retreating back to your usual, shy self. With your head ducked down and your books piled in your arms, you hastily make your way towards the exit.
    Fred is standing up before he can even process he’s moved. Ginny and George watch him, both smiling maniacally as Fred utters a half-hearted goodbye and follows after you. He really has no plans for what he could possibly say when he finally catches up, but he’s decided to take every opportunity he possibly can.
   He bustles out of the Great Hall, finding you only a few seconds after as you head back towards the Hufflepuff common room.
  You freeze, spinning around as Fred jumps onto the step just below the one you’re currently standing on. He pants dramatically, clutching his chest.
   “You move quick.”
 You glance over his shoulder, hugging your books a little tighter. “Hi, Fred. How was breakfast?”
  “Oh, good. Great, actually. I - uh - had toast.”
  “Sounds nice.”
  “Yeah.” He straightens up, rubbing the back of his neck; why is he suddenly nervous? “Where are you off to?”
  “I have to go grab some books for my first few classes,” you reply, and Fred can’t help but note the slight tinge of amusement in your voice. “Where are you off to?”
  Fred pauses; again, this was not something he necessarily thought through when he first decided to follow you out here. He really just wanted a chat, to hear your voice one more time before he was forced to go to classes.
   He folds his arms over his chest as nonchalantly as he can manage, leaning against the banister. “I don’t think it’s right for a lovely wizard like yourself to be walking to class on your own; I thought I’d offer my services.”
    You raise a brow, once again taking a cautious glance over Fred’s shoulder to ensure nobody is around to hear his flirtations; nonetheless, you make no attempt to stop him, which he takes as a relatively good sign. “Well, you can walk me to class if you like. I have to get my books first, though.”
 Fred gestures up the stairs. “Lead the way.”
  And so you do. Fred follows you all the way to the Hufflepuff common room, where he is forced to wait outside whilst you gather your belongings. His stomach grumbles, evidence of his uneaten breakfast, but he doesn’t even care right now. Not when you walk out of the common room, all smiles and nervous glances. Fred offers you his arm, and it’s with only the slightest bit of hesitation that you take it and allow Fred to lead you back through the school hallways.
   “What is it like in there?” he asks.
   “In where?”
  “The Hufflepuff common room. Surely you can hear all the house elves rattling about in the kitchens at night.”
   You shake your head. “The walls are soundproof; did you know Muggles have soundproof things as well?”
  Fred raises a brow. “You’re not obsessed with Muggle stuff, are you? My dad’s into all that stuff - I’ve heard enough of it for a lifetime.”
   You giggle, and Fred is fairly certain his hand starts trembling.
   “No, I’m not obsessed,” you say. “I do find some of it interesting, though. The similarities between our world and theirs.”
  “Are there many? Similarities, I mean.”
  You shrug. Looking to the side, Fred can see your face suddenly change; what once was an expression of nerves and uncertainty is now one of interest and intrigue as Fred asks you questions on a topic you are clearly very invested in. It makes his heart lift, and he has to bite his lower lip to stop the smile from spreading and making it too obvious.
   “A few I’ve picked up on,” you reply. “They still - like - wear clothes and stuff. Just different styles. And they live in houses, and go to school-”
  “School? Don’t insult Hogwarts like that. Muggle school and wizard school aren’t even comparable.”
   You furrow your brows, glancing up at Fred. “But they still learn.”
   “Not the important stuff. Not like we do.”
  “And what would you consider important?”
  Fred hums, gazing wistfully into the distance. You giggle again. Finally, he says “aha!” and clicks, whirling on you. “Right, tell me this - do Muggles learn Defense Against the Dark Arts?”
  You frown, grip tightening on his arm. “I don’t think so. They don’t have magic, so it would be a bit pointless, wouldn’t it?”
  “Ah, but it’s important. What are they gonna do if a Dementor comes knocking on their front door?”
  “There’s nothing they can do, even if they knew the basic stuff we know. They don’t have magic, Fred.”
  Fred grunts. “Must be a hard life having to do everything by hand.”
   “I agree.”
  Fred chuckles, glancing down at you. Your eyes meet his for a fraction of a second before you bite your bottom lip and avert your gaze.
   “Go on then,” Fred continues. “Tell me some more similarities. You’ve got me interested now.”
  You tilt your head in thought. “Well. . . I suppose the way their government system works is quite similar to ours.”
  “They have people in power. A system of higher-up’s, if you will, who control everything.”
  “Is theirs as corrupt as ours?”
  “Oh, definitely. Sometimes I’d even argue they’re even more corrupt than ours.”
  Fred’s eyes pop open. “Blimey. How has the Muggle world not completely broken down?”
   You laugh. Full-on laugh, eyes squinting closed and head thrown back. Fred can’t even bring himself to laugh alongside you, suddenly too engrossed in your enjoyment to indulge in his own.
   You hiccough yourself back to reality before looking up and saying, “Surely your dad could teach you all this stuff if he’s so interested in Muggle affairs?”
   “He’s interested, but he’s also a bit oblivious. Doesn’t matter how many times Harry tells him what a telephone is, he still has no idea how it all works.” Fred shrugs. “Plus, I enjoy my lessons much more when you’re teaching them.”
   You stiffen, lower lip hiding - yet again - behind your teeth. You swallow thickly, and before Fred can do anything, you’re unwinding your arm from his and picking up your pace, calling a quick, “I’m gonna be late!” over your shoulder. Fred falters mid-way, staring after you with his mouth dropped open and confusion making his stomach churn.
   Someone crashes into his shoulder as you round the corner. “Nice one, mate.”
  “Shut up, George.”
   “It doesn’t look like it’s going too well.”
 “It’s - it’s going fine.” Fred curses under his breath - now you’ve got him stuttering? “They’re just a little shy. But I think they like me.”
    “Oh yes, the most obvious sign of attraction - running away.”
   Fred is beginning to get very tired of his classes.
  He’s only here for the sake of his mothers sanity; god only knows how Molly Weasley would react if he showed up at the Burrow six months early, claiming he was finished with school before he’d even managed to bag an acceptable amount of N.E.W.T’s.
   But he doesn’t want to be here any more. He’s getting tired of forcing himself to listen to things he only half cares about, getting tired of being told off for things that - honestly - the teachers should just be used to by now. It’s not like they haven’t seen it for the past six years.
   He grunts to himself as he and George walk out of History of Magic. Yet another boring lesson that seemed to drag on much longer than necessary; all Fred has to prove he was there at all is the doodle of a cat in the top hand corner of his notebook.
   “I need a sleep,” George says. “His bloody voice exhausts me.”
  Fred opens his mouth to respond, but his twin brother cuts him off by slapping a hand to his arm and pointing straight ahead.
  Startled, Fred looks up. Standing by the gargoyle just outside History of Magic is you, hugging your books whilst awkwardly looking back and forth, as if afraid one of the passing students is going to stop and harass you.
  George snickers. “Go on, mate. I think they’re looking for you.”
  Before Fred can object, get himself together, George shoves him forward hard enough to make him stumble. Your head snaps up at the sound of Fred saying “You git!” and Fred is quick to lean against the wall, look at you and say, coolly, “Y/N. What a pleasant surprise.”
   You stand up a little straighter, lips twitching. “Hi. How was class?”
  “Boring.” He smirks. “Much better now that you’re here, though.”
  The unmistakable sound of George snorting as he passes by floats between you. You smile, giving Fred’s brother a nod before you turn back to Fred and say, “Do you fancy taking a little walk before break ends?”
   Of all the things Fred expected to happen today, you asking him on a walk was certainly not one of them. It takes him a second to reply, and it’s only the realisation that you’re probably just as nervous as he is that he snaps out of it and nods.
   You wind your arm through his without him having to offer; his cheeks are burning.
  Together, you set off down the hall. It’s quiet for a little bit, Fred still trying to figure out what’s happening, and you inspecting each and every one of the sculptures you pass, as if too afraid to look over at Fred.
    Finally, however, you break the silence. “I’m sorry about earlier.”
   Fred’s stomach jolts. “What are you sorry for?”
  “For how I reacted. You were just being nice and I - uh - I don’t really know how to handle that kind of thing.”
  Fred perks an eyebrow, glancing down at you with genuine curiosity. “I find that very hard to believe.” Because he does. He finds it downright unbelievable that compliments are not something you have grown used to across the five years spent in Hogwarts.
   You shrug. “Well, believe it. I really appreciated what you said, but I just. . . I don’t know how to respond, or if you’re telling the truth-”
 “I was definitely telling the truth.”
   You bite your lip. “I shouldn’t have ran off like that. It must have made you feel awful.”
 Classic Hufflepuff behaviour - thinking more about other people’s feelings than their own.
  “You know,” Fred drawls, “if my flirting makes you uncomfortable, just tell me and I’ll stop.”
  Fred’s eyes snap down. You look back up at him, eyes wide before you realise the abruptness of your protestation and hastily avert your gaze to the floor.
  “No,” you say, softer now. “I - uh - I don't think you should stop. I quite like it, actually.”
  Fred smirks, keeping his eyes trained on you even as you fight desperately to look anywhere but him. “Do you fancy me, Y/N L/N?”
  “Oh, give me a break, Fred.”
   “I think you do.” He rubs his cheek against your own. “Just a little bit.”
  You jerk away, slapping his arm. “Well, it’s not bloody difficult, is it?”
  Fred falters, though his smile only widens. “What does that mean?”
  You groan, pulling your arm from his yet again. Fred stumbles back, unable to help the laugh that bursts from his throat at the sight of your flustered state.
   “I’m going to class,” you announce.
  “You didn’t answer my question!”
   “I don’t have an answer to your question.” You stand there a little longer. With a smile still beaming, Fred watches as you take a single step forward, a step back, another step forward-
  And then, as if telling yourself to just get it over with, you jump forward and press your lips to Fred’s cheek. His jaw drops open, but he doesn’t get the chance to say anything before you’re spinning on your heel and rushing away, rounding the corner without so much as a wave in his direction.
   Fred swallows thickly, reaching up to brush his fingers against the area you have just kissed, just like they do in those cheesy Muggle movies his mum is so fond of. He can’t believe the feeling that comes with it - his heart is going to explode.
    Oh, no…
   The Hufflepuff table is boring compared to the Gryffindor table. That’s the first thing Fred notices.
  Maybe it’s because his friends aren’t with him. Maybe it’s because George flat-out refused to accompany him. Maybe it’s because Fred is nervous, and he’s angry about it, because since when has Fred Weasley ever been nervous about anything?
   This morning, however, he is pushed on by the memory of your lips against his cheek. That is his only source of motivation, the only reason he doesn’t flick Ernie MacMillan on the back of the head when the Hufflepuff boy turns and scowls at the Gryffindor student currently making his way towards you, sat at the very end.
  You have yet to look up from your textbook. Fred takes great pleasure in wrapping his arms around your shoulders, your body jumping back against his in your shock. He leans down and chuckles in your ear, moving his head so you can see his clearly amused features.
   Immediately your eyes widen. “Fred! What are you doing here?”
 “I thought I’d come have breakfast with you.” He waves his wand; a sausage springs up from Ernie’s plate, which he catches before biting into. “Like a date.”
    You bite your lip. “Do you want to sit down?”
 “Uh, Y/N?” Ernie calls over as Fred takes the empty seat next to you; he doesn’t miss the way you barely look up when you hum in response to Ernie’s - quite frankly - rude call of your name. “You know the houses have to eat together. He’s breaking the rules.”
   You shyly look up. “Oh, Ernie, let him sit down…”
 “Yeah Ernie,” Fred jeers. “Let me sit down, you nosy little git.”
   You choke on the pumpkin juice you just lifted to your mouth, spinning in your seat to hide the amused smile growing uncontrollably upon your face. Fred grins, placing his hands on your shoulders.
  “Did you like that?”
 “You’re impossible,” you hiss, slapping his arm. “Just ignore him. He’s got a grudge against anyone who plays for Gryffindor.”
 “Yeah, I know.” Fred narrows his eyes, craning his neck a little to see over your shoulder, where Ernie sits with a scowl on his face. “He better not give you a hard time for hanging out with me, you know. You’d tell me if he was?”
    You shift so you’re covering Ernie’s face and are now the centre of Fred’s attention. “Of course I would. Plus, Ernie doesn’t scare me.”
   “I’ll certainly scare him if he so much as-”
 “Fred,” you laugh, nudging his knee beneath the table. His eyes drift back to you, his body immediately relaxing at the sight of your glowing smile. “Calm down, okay? He’s got nothing against me - it’s you and the Gryffindor team he’s got a problem with.”
   “Is that supposed to make me hate him any less?”
  You shrug, plucking Fred’s hands from your shoulders and placing a hash brown between his fingertips. “He’s got a point, you know. You are breaking the rules by sitting here.”
   Fred raises a brow. “Right, I’ll leave if you-”
  “No!” You latch onto his arm, pulling him back to the bench as Fred bursts into yet another round of raucous laughter at how easily flustered you become. “No, you should stay. Dumbledore isn’t even looking.”
   “If I was any less wise, L/N, I’d think you want me to have breakfast with you.”
   “I just don’t get to see that much of you,” you mumble.
  Fred coos; he’s trying so hard to keep up the fun-guy persona, putting on a mask of confidence despite the speed at which his heart is hammering in his chest at the moment. You make it so easy for him to feel this way, too easy, because sure, Fred has had crushes on people before, but never has he put himself out like this. Never has he wanted to make someone laugh so much. Never has he been so proud of being the reason for someone else’s smile.
    Fred leans forward, lowering his voice. “That’s very cute.”
  “Yeah, well…”
   He chuckles, flicking your heated cheek before he takes a bite from the slice of toast you’re holding. You jolt upright immediately, swatting him away with a glare. “Hey!”
   He licks the butter noisily from his fingers. “Yummy.”
  You roll your eyes. “Get your own breakfast.”
  “But yours is so much tastier.”
   You grab another slice of toast from your plate and push it against Fred’s lips. He opens his mouth, takes a bite and hums appreciatively.    
   And then the world stops.
   It really is like those scenes in those cheesy movies his mum watches all the time, where the room seems to go still and it’s like nobody else exists. Your fingers hover inches away from his face, your eyes cast to his lips where the slice of toast has just disappeared. Fred swallows, his own eyes drawn to your lips, slightly parted, so soft looking-
    “Weasley! What do you think you’re doing sitting at the Hufflepuff table! Get back to where you belong right this instant!”
   McGonagall grabs a fistful of his robes, pulling him up from the bench. Fred gasps, stumbling up with his eyes still locked on you. You hastily look back down at the table, pushing hair out of your eyes, trying to avoid being told off by the Deputy Head.
   “Awk, lay off, Professor!” Fred exclaims. “I was having fun!”
  “You were breaking the rules, Mr Weasley. You can integrate with your pals whenever breakfast has finished, but until then-”
   “Yeah, yeah,” Fred grumbles, giving you one last glance. It’s to his utter relief that he sees you looking back at him, a tiny smile on your face. Fred winks before McGonagall shoves him forward, back into his seat at the Gryffindor table.
   When Fred receives your note, he is sat in the Gryffindor common room with George.
  Homework litters the table in front of them, unfinished and not understood by either of them. Hermione had long since gone to bed, insisting she wasn’t going to help people who didn’t want to help themselves. And so, the twins sat up until the late hours of the night, staring at their homework with a sense of frustration building between them.
   Fred feels certain he’s going to snap at any given moment; this whole school thing really isn’t working out for him nor George, and the two of them have such prestigious dreams that sitting in a classroom all day just feels like a waste of time. Maybe that’s why he can’t bring himself to properly concentrate on his lessons. Maybe that’s why neither he nor George care as much about grades as all his other siblings.
   “Right, so clearly Flitwick was on something when he wrote this,” says George, scowling at his charms homework. “He didn’t even mention flying charms last lesson, so why has he-”
   The fireplace suddenly erupts.
  Both Fred and George jump at the sudden interruption, swivelling round in their chairs to catch a glimpse of what has happened; they both know full well the kinds of things these fireplaces can permit, and neither of them want to deal with anything too dangerous at this time of night.
    In the fire, however, is not the face of a Death Eater, or anything close to such - instead, a single piece of paper sits in the ashes, Fred’s name printed in bold across the top.
   The twins frown at each other. George makes a suggestive gesture, all but shoving Fred closer for inspection.
  Fred stumbles, sends George a glare before he bends down and picks the piece of paper up. Immediately the handwriting is recognisable by the lazy flick of the letters, how effortlessly neat it looks. It would take Fred hours to write a note that looks like this, and yet he’s watched you scribbling notes down; this is undoubtedly your doing.
   Suddenly he’s smiling.
  “Oh, here we go,” George groans, noticing his twins expression. “You’re sending love notes to each other now?”
   “Shut up.” Fred sinks down into one of the armchairs, reading your note thoroughly. “Y/N wants to meet up.”
  “Right now?”
  George raises a brow. “Have you two even kissed yet?”
 Fred’s eyes snap up, cheeks heating before he can stop them. He never ever gets flustered around George, but the mention of such a thing has his stomach flipping. “Why do you care?”
   George raises his hands in mock surrender. “Never said I did, mate, but the smile on your face right now would suggest at least a peck on the cheek or something.”
   Fred scowls. “No, we haven’t kissed. We’re not even properly together, so drop it.”
   “How does that make sense? You both fancy each other-”
   “Yeah, but it’s nothing official.” Fred lazily flicks his hand, clicking his fingers so the note folds itself into a perfect square and zips into his robe pocket. “You wouldn’t understand these things, Georgie Boy. You’ve got to take it slow.”
   Goerge scoffs, throwing a pencil at Fred. “Very bloody slow apparently. But I forgot, it’s a Hufflepuff you’ve got your eye on. They tend to be a bit hard-to-get, don’t they?”
   Fred opens his mouth to protest, to stick up for you, but he can’t even deny the truth in George’s words; a fair amount of time has passed since the two of you first started talking, and all you’ve done is say you enjoy his company. There’s been no kissing, no hand-holding, nothing even close to being considered romantic.
   Fred is okay with this, of course. He’s in that very weird head space where even just being in your presence is enough to satisfy him; he catches glimpses of you as you parade from one class to another, and that is enough until he sees you again at lunch, or dinner, or during breaks.
   He sighs, pushing himself up from the armchair. “Don’t wanna leave them waiting, do I?”
  George scowls. “What about our homework?”
  “We’ll be fine.”
  “I’m not covering for you if Flitwick asks what you were up to that’s more important than his homework assignments.”
 Fred grins, not even giving a response as he clambers out of the common room and ducks into the hallways.
  He knows exactly where to go, even though he’s never met up with you after hours before - not since the first time, which he doesn’t even count considering it was entirely an accident. To this day, he still isn’t convinced that wasn’t some type of dream - a Hufflepuff, out of bed after hours? Not a single soul would believe him if he told them.
   Fred makes his way down the corridor and grins when he sees you standing there; you’re much braver than him. Fred, personally, feels much safer when he’s wading through the halls - it makes it more difficult for Filch to catch him if he’s not stationary. You, however, seem to have no issue with standing behind a suit of armour, waiting patiently for Fred to round the corner.
   “Hola. Bonjour. Hello. Hi.”
   You look round, face immediately lighting up. “Fred! Hi!”
  He’ll never get used to that greeting.
   “Y/N! Hi!” he mimics. “I got your note.”
  “Good. Great. I was worried I did it wrong.”
   “You? Do something wrong?” Fred screws his face up in an expression of mock confusion, which prompts you to roll your eyes and nudge him. He grins, stuffs his hands in his pockets and says, “Out after curfew again, eh? Have I finally corrupted you?”
   “You must have,” you reply.
   Fred tilts his head. “What’s the actual reason you invited me out?”
   And that’s when your expression shifts.
   You bite your lower lip in that way you always do, eyes darting to the ground awkwardly. Fred raises a brow, leaning forward a bit in his attempt to get you to look at him again, but you suddenly seem much too embarrassed to even be giving Fred the time of day. His stomach flips with uncharacteristic anxiety, and he can’t stop himself when he steps forward and places a gentle hand on your elbow.
   “Hey. Did something happen?”
  The words burst out of you in one breath. “I left my book in the bathing room and I’m too scared to get it myself but I really need it to help me sleep, so I was wondering if you could help me get through the hallways without Filch knowing and then I promise you can go back to bed and never speak to me again.”
   You take a sharp breath before looking away again, apparently too embarrassed by your request to even look at him.
   Fred takes a moment to reply. He has to untangle your words first, and then he has to bask in his amusement at how embarrassed you were by asking it; personally, he doesn’t see the problem. He’s happy to help. In fact, he’d be pretty annoyed if it wasn’t him you were asking.
  Your eyes snap up. “Really? I mean, you don’t have to, I just thought - well, you know your way around, and you’ve dealt with Filch-”
  “You don’t need to explain.” He offers his arm, just as he always does. “What book is it?”
 And it’s with only the tiniest bit of hesitance that you take his offered arm and allow him to guide you through the corridors he apparently knows so well; in truth, he doesn’t tend to go out after curfew all that often, because he gets all of his mischief done in the day time now. But you were indeed correct in saying he knows this place better than anyone else. He and George spent the majority of their school careers finding secret passageways and little hiding spots they could use at any given time. As he listens to you talk about the book he’s about to try and save, he recalls each and every one of these hiding places whilst keeping a sharp ear out for Filch.
   The two of you arrive at the bathing rooms and Fred pushes open the door. It squeaks, and you wince, glancing at Fred anxiously; he merely places a hand on the small of your back, pushing you further into the room.
   He follows, closes the door and exhales heavily. “Made it. Now where’s that book you’ve lost?”
   You skitter around the edge of the massive bathing pool; it’s still filled to the brim with forever hot water, always clean despite the amount of people washing themselves within it on a daily basis. Fred stands on the edge, hands stuffed in his pockets as he watches you rush to the far side of the room, rummage around in a basket of towels before pulling a particularly thick book out from beneath them.
   You look over, smiling broadly with the book pressed against your chest.
  Fred raises a brow. “Happy now?”
 You skip back over to him, pulling open the front cover to look inside. Fred leans forward, reading the confusing inside blurb over your shoulder.
   “And you use this for a bit of light reading in the bath?” he asks.
  Startled, you slam the book closed. “It’s good, honestly.”
  “I’ll take your-”
   Fred’s sentence is cut off by the sound of Filch yelling.
  And it’s unmistakably Filch yelling, because Fred has heard it many, many times before. It always comes with that initial rush of panic, the realisation he’s been caught, and if he was with anybody else, that initial panic wouldn’t have even lasted. Now, however, he takes one look at your slack face, the horror swimming in your eyes, and he realises this is the first time you’ll have ever gotten in trouble with the caretaker.
   A traumatic experience for anyone.
  “Oh, god,” you whisper, dropping the book with a SLAM. You jump, scrambling to pick it up, but the noise only seems to draw Filch closer to the door. Fred has to think now.
   He groans low under his breath, fumbling beneath his robes for his wand - a wand that has been left on the table back in the Gryffindor common room.
  You jolt back up straight, hugging the book to your chest, and that’s when Fred does the one thing he can think to do right now - he grabs your arms and pushes you back, jumping into the deep end of the bath with you alongside him.
    He holds you close, opening his eyes as much as he possibly can. He can hear Filch’s yelling from above, aggravated screams of “I know you’re in here! I know you’re in here! I heard you!” Fred simply pulls you closer, urging you to hold your breath for as long as possible.
   But he can see you panicking, the air leaving you. He can see your lips threatening to split open so you can scream or cry or breathe, Fred doesn’t know, but he can’t let you do it. Not right now.
   Without magic, there’s only one thing he can think to do.
  He presses his lips to your own and pries your mouth open. He doesn’t know how this works. He read about it once in a Muggle Studies book, but he never thought he would ever actually need to pay attention to the details. He takes your relaxing body as a good sign, tightening his hold on your shoulders as he continues to breathe as much air into your mouth as he can possibly muster.
    And then the door is slamming, and Filch’s screams are muted behind the gold plating, and Fred immediately lets go of you and bursts to the surface.
   You follow, gasping for air, wiping water out of your eyes along with fat strands of wet hair. Fred pants, wiping his eyes roughly, trying so hard to find words for an apology but unable to gather enough breath to even think proper thoughts at the moment.
   His heartbeat soars. He looks over at you; you’re already looking at him, and the entire room is silent besides your synchronised panting breaths.
   You shove past the water, into his arms, and kiss him.
   Fred’s eyes pop open wide, but his arms wind around your waist almost instinctively. His lips mould against yours, and once the initial shock has passed, his eyes are slipping closed and he’s falling, falling, drowning, never wanting to resurface ever again.
   You pull away first. Water drips from your bottom lip, your eyelashes, your chin, and Fred has never seen a sight so beautiful. He reaches forward, swiping his thumb along your lower lip before he leans forward and gives you a final peck.
    “Always full of surprises, you are,” he whispers.
   Fred watches you. Leaning against the door frame with his arms folded across his chest, he watches as you run the towel down your face, grumbling beneath your breath about how impossible it will be to explain your soaked robes to Professor Sprout.
   Fred hasn’t even stopped to properly think about how the two of you are meant to get back to your respective common rooms without someone noticing; you’ll surely leave a trail of water in your wake, and Filch is already on high alert. Despite this, Fred can only focus on the kiss the two of you have just shared, and what it means for the future.
    You sigh, slamming the towel down and turning. There’s an adorable pout on your face, eyebrows furrowed, hair still soaked and clinging to your skin.
   “That really was a shock,” you say.
  Fred chuckles. “Just the bit where we took a swim?”
   “And the bit where you saved me from drowning.”
  “And the bit when we resurfaced and you-”  
   You groan, waving your hands in front of you as if swatting a fly. “Awk, don’t. I never do anything like that. I probably did it all wrong-”
  “You didn’t.”
  “Kissing is just something I never got the hang of. I’ve only done it a few times, because I don’t really tend to like people that way, but-”
  “But I’m a special case?”
  You scowl, deflating. “You know you are.”
  Fred grins that cheeky grin of his, pushing away from the door. He wades towards you and stops only when he’s close enough that you have to crane your neck to look into his eyes. “I think you got the hang of kissing perfectly fine. You’re a bloody natural.”
   You blink. “Yeah?”
  “Yes.” With that, Fred leans down and presses his lips to your own. It’s only slow, slow enough that Fred can feel you melt into him, your rib cage suddenly coming against his own, your fingertips brushing delicately against his waist. It’s adorable, feeling you lose yourself like this, barely registering what is actually happening.
   He pulls away just as slow, so you can feel everything when he does so. Your eyes stay closed for a second before opening, lower lip retreating between your teeth, face hot when Fred brings his hands up to your jaw.
   “Does - Okay, well, stupid question, but does this make us a couple?” you ask.
  Fred laughs. “If you want, yeah.”
  “Do you -”
  “Oh, Y/N, don’t even ask that; you know full well I want to be your boyfriend. Full. Well.”
   A grin splits your face. “Okay.”
  You nod, wrapping your arms around his middle and placing your chin in the centre of his chest. “Yeah.”
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mochii0park · 3 years
meraki; 02 I jhs
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Title: Meraki
Pairing: Hoseok x Reader / Jin x Reader
Part of series: Waterlilies and Japanese Bridge
Genre: literaryscout!hoseok x writer!reader
Word count: 4.4k
Summary: Throughout your whole life you lived in your sister’s shadow, watching from side-lines as she formed herself into a successful businesswoman with an envying life. Never being able to fill her shoes you gradually understood the meaning of an estranged family and the burden it carried. The twenties began slowly slipping from your grasp which had been embedded with insecurities and longing for fulfilment. Pouring your heart out to strangers with a pseudonym meraki, you began second guessing the decision when an email lands in your inbox.
Author's note: unedited, i had fun writing this chapter tbh
Taglist: if you want to be added to the taglist message me
@namsope32 , @cuteipat , @ofvopemin
Meraki masterlist
<  chapter 01 | next chapter >
You absentmindedly twirl in your chair, chewing on the pencil in your hand. The ticking of the clock was inaudible from the loud sound of keys smashing against the keyboard. Your mind raced in different directions and to say you were anxious was an understatement. A black polished oxford shoe lands harshly on the surface of your chair halting your twirl. The stain is starkly visible, inhabiting your mind and annoying you endlessly.
Min Yoongi pulls his foot back; the action makes your chair stroll backwards the back hitting your desk. “I am not paying you to slack off during work hours.”
It took a lot of willpower not to roll your eyes. He exhales, leans forward, and takes the sheet of paper from your lap. You could feel the level of disappointment rise with each sigh as he reads the lines of the text.
“I understand inspiration has to come to you, but it’s been months.” He scraps the paper throwing it into the bin, the action itself telling you what he thought of your work.
To be honest your thoughts on it didn’t differ much.
“I am sorry. It hasn’t been my month.” Or your year. You cower further into the chair. It was embarrassing enough to fall behind because of your private issues but having your higher up pity you was by far worse.
Yoongi shakes his head taking a seat on the sofa. He unbuttons his sleeve pulling them until they reached his elbows. Working for him for over two years made you know that whatever matter he was about to discuss was serious.
“The single didn’t do well,” you nod as you recall seeing it flop dramatically,” We need to produce an album that will reach the top ten charts. That won’t happen if you sit here twirling for hours with nothing to show me.”
“I understand.” He clicks his tongue, a ding from his phone gaining his attention as he signals for you to hold your thought.
You mumble hypocrite under your breath relieved when he gives no reaction to the word as he locks his phone looking straight at you. He crosses his legs, hands intervened on his knee as he rocks back and forward.
He glances up at the ceiling whistling an unfamiliar tune. After a few seconds, he stops rocking, taps his knees enthusiastically and walks towards the guitar. He whistles the tune over and over until he manages to perfectly string it through guitar chords. You stare at him watching closely as he scribbles a few notes and tosses the paper to you.
“Try to write something that would go well with this tune.” -was the last thing he said before he put the guitar back in its stand and left the room.
You let the frustration out through a scream, the soundproof plates securing it between the four walls. Ignoring the papers laying in front of you, you dig through the content of your purse. You extract pack of cigarettes. The clock on the desk flashes 10 pm and you know a long night was ahead of you.
The lobby was empty, the patter of your shoes cutting the silence. You tap your foot impatiently as you wait for the lift to take you to the rooftop. Smoking was forbidden in the KT entertainment building so your only options either the roof or the yard in front of the company.
“Graveyard shift?” A voice to your right says.
You scoff placing a cigarette in the mouth. “Yeah, you too?”
Baekhyun nods following you inside the lift. “I wish trouble wouldn’t follow Jungkook everywhere he went.”
“He got into a scandal?” Baekhyun catches the doubt in your voice and smiles.
He closes his eyes, resting his head against the mirror. You watch with pity as he breathes out in defeat. “It wasn’t him per se. A friend of his caused ruckus in a karaoke bar in Busan. Somebody sent an image of him leaving the bar. He was drunk and accompanied by a girl.”
You whistle at the last part. Idols getting caught with a female was almost like a death sentence for their career, no matter if the female was just a friend. Jungkook was the star of KT Entertainment, the one who brought the revenue. The idol has had a clean image so far. He did drink and lit a cigarette with his friends but, who didn’t? Although he wasn’t problematic, he had a knacker for attracting trouble.
The lift stops at your designated floor and Baekhyun jumps already halfway through the door. You follow behind him, wrapping your arms around yourself for some warmth. The cold night leaves traces over your cheeks, reddening them. You inhale the air, the scent reminding you of last year’s autumn. The image of Seokjin smiling at you as he crunches leaves is shattered by Baekhyun. He stops in front of you a spark flashing from his lighter casting different shades over his face.
You lean in, inhaling the nicotine as the tip of the cigarette burns. You observe him as he inhales a smoke before exhaling it and making a circle out of it. You often forgot he was six years your senior. His youthful face and the lively person often misled people believing he was far younger.
He leans against the rail, a hand in the pocket of his jeans. The scenery in front of you looked like a young adult novel. The light of the city flashed behind Baekhyun, his figure coming out as a blur because of the smoke. His newly dyed red hair catching your attention.
The silence between you wasn’t an awkward one, on the contrary, it was comforting. Finding a smoke-buddy like him was a blessing. He wasn’t very talkative despite his upbeat personality; he somehow distinguished your emotions well and knew when to speak and when to be silent.
“Did Yoongi punish you again?” He breaks your train of thoughts, choosing the spot closest to you to stand.
“Well, I wouldn’t call it punishment,” you throw the bud on the floor stepping over it lightly before you throw it in the bin, “but I do have to write some lyrics to a beat of his choosing.”
“Sounds like a punishment to me.” He chuckles as he lits another cigarette.
You shrug your shoulders. Working with Yoongi hadn’t been at all difficult as how people told you it would be. When you applied for the position, you read various posts on forums about Yoongi’s wrath and the difficulty of the tasks he gave. Many people criticised him for his mentorship, but you had found it refreshing. He never sugar-coated his opinion; he was straight to the point kind of a guy, and you liked it. Well, not every single time but you can’t have the best of both worlds in this industry.
“I can handle it. He’s right, I am behind deadlines, and I should focus on work instead of my personal life.”
Baekhyun looks like he wants to say something but quickly changes his mind. Throwing the bud over the rail he presses the down button. You punch him on his shoulder, hating the way he never cared much about the environment and the disposal of his trash.
“I’ll see you around. Maybe for a coffee next time?” Baekhyun smiles as you exit the lift, and you hum a quiet yes before going in the direction of your studio.
A part of you always felt bad for turning down Baekhyun’s invites for a coffee. You knew his motives were nothing but friendly seeing as you’ve met his long-term girlfriend Dayhun. The two were a match made in heaven having the same humour and playful personality. Sometimes it came to the point where they morphed into one person which gave you the creeps.
You laid on the couch, legs looking at the ceiling, back twisted and the head narrowed to the floor. It was half-past midnight, and inspiration was lacking in every sense. You scrunched the papers with words you thought were bad and aimed for the bin in the corner. You have yet to hit the bin, the papers lying next to it.
You were about to throw the next paper when your phone buzzed. Deeming the notification oh so important you fish it out of your back pocket staring at the screen. Yoongi’s name appears under the official e-mail inviting all the employers of the KT Entertainment tomorrow for a celebration of Jeon Jungkook winning an award for the Male Musician of the Year Netizen Vote and his single Still with You winning the Best Pop Song.
You sit up straight preparing yourself to decline the invite when a message pops up.
Min the Boss Yoongi
The invitation isn’t optional for you. You are required to come.
You didn’t even ask if I was busy tomorrow night?
Min the BOSS Yoongi
Are you busy tomorrow night?
No, but that’s beside the po-
Min the BOSS Yoongi
Great, see you at 8 pm tomorrow.
You massage your temples trying not to sink further into the frustration you felt for this man.
Min the BOSS Yoongi
I wrote that everyone could bring a plus one if they desire, seeing as the two of us and Jeon’s manager will be working tomorrow night, I highly advise you not to bring a plus one. I won’t mind if you do, but they might since you will be by my side most of the time.
You type a quick reply and toss the phone into your bag. Sehun wouldn’t be opposed to the idea of a plus one knowing he wanted to infiltrate himself into the upper society. Meeting people of such status equalled cases with greater stakes and greater stakes meant higher pay. You were gathering your belonging when a soft knock on the door caught your attention.
Baekhyun’s head pops behind the doors. “I was about to leave do you need a ride?”
You smile at him and nod. Baekhyun gives you a thumbs up, happy knowing he won’t be driving home alone at this hour. Luckily for you, he lived nearby and had given you plenty of times a ride. You get up from the couch and throw your purse over your shoulder, locking the studio.
As you walk to the car you discuss tomorrow’s party in Jungkook’s honour. You chuckle as Baekhyun grabs his head already imagining scandalous scenes pernicious for Jungkook’s career.
At the sight of the guests’ attire, you felt severely underdressed. The sleeveless v cut dress tightened by a small knot on each side of your shoulders fell a little bit above your knees. Combat boots were your go-to footwear on such occasions, unlike the rest of the women at the party you needed to feel comfortable in order to finish tasks. You had to run around from one place to the other, obeying each order your boss gave. Sometimes you felt more like a secretary than a songwriter. Under such circumstances, high heels weren’t an option unless you wanted blisters.  
The metal rings on your fingers clanged against the glass deconcentrating you. The room swarm of people of different ages and statuses. You fell back blending well with the rest of the staff you tolerated. Baekhyun stood next to Jungkook, the younger if closely examined looked exhausted. Yoongi stood a few feet away talking to a group of men, some that you recognized.
A hand taps your shoulder, a familiar lavender scented perfume reaches your nose. Momo lays her head on your shoulder. “I thought this was a party. It feels more like a business gathering.”
Momo had been the main choreographer at the KT Entertainment. She was the type of person whom you couldn’t hate even if you wanted to. Kind natured and a bit naïve, she was the heart of the company always ready to help you or brighten your day.
You chuckle as you pat her head while she twists the straw in her cocktail. “Well, Min Yoongi organized it. He wouldn’t know what fun was even if it hit him straight in the face.”
Momo chuckles. “But he sure knew what handsome meant. Look at those men at his side.”
Something you noticed while working for him was the pallet of handsome men he knew which he called close friends. The first you met was Park Jimin, a highly respected dancer that occasionally stepped in to fill for Momo when she was absent. He was very charming and well equipped with words that bared red shade to the cheeks of female employers.
After Jimin, you’ve met Kim Namjoon, a literary professor who frequently reviewed your work. He was shy which often came off as reserved but overall, he was a pleasant company to have when going through your lyrics. He gave them the spark that was much needed to make the song into a hit.
Next to Namjoon stood Kim Taehyung. You’ve met him on one occasion when you barged into Yoongi’s office after he sent a rather rude message. Out of all Yoongi’s friends, he was the one you knew the least. Unlike Namjoon’s unintentional cold behaviour Taehyung’s was deliberate. He didn’t even introduce himself as he left the office making you feel like shit for interrupting what seemed an important meeting.
Another person who was part of Yoongi's close circle is Kim Seokjin, who recommended you to Yoongi. The two were childhood friends and somehow, you’ve never heard of the name Yoongi until two years ago. As much as you hated Jin now, you were still grateful for his help.
The last person in the circle was unfamiliar to you. He fitted well with the others, his handsome face wearing a smile that never flattened through the conversation as he jumped into Yoongi’s words a few times causing the gang to laugh. He had to be very close to Yoongi for your boss not to bash him for interjecting but rather send him a smile.
Momo lifts her head from your shoulder and stands in front of you. “Did you notice one of Yoongi’s friends absent from parties?”
You swallow a lump at the thought of your best friend before you quickly shake your head. “No, not really.”
“Call me crazy but I’m sure I saw Kim Seokjin at these parties before.”
“Can’t recall. Why do you care about him when Park Jimin is over there?” You try to change the subject hoping Momo would take the bait.
She huffs rolling her eyes. “You know I am not a big fan of him. Sure, his work is splendid but him? His personality? It needs a major rework.”
You chuckle at her disgusted expression as she jabs the olive pretending it was Jimin’s face. “Well, then you have Jeon Jungkook.”
“What am I? The company’s serial dater? Can I be honest with you?”, Momo says you follow her line-of-sight landing on Jungkook.
“Sure.” You say as you watch him push past people before he stands next to Jimin, engulfing the older one in a hug.
“I am sorry I know you work with his team, but I hate his songs. They feel like all the washed pop songs you hear on the radio. The whole night I’ve been lying to people saying his latest one is amazing.” You laugh loudly at her confession partly sympathising with her. It was ironic how much you both loved the songs you wrote for him and hated.
“No need to apologize just because I work for him.” You shrug off her apologetic smile, her lips fall into a straight line after she swallows a big sip of her drink.
“It’s still kind of awkward. We work together Y/N, I make all of his choreographies.”
“So? Just because you work together doesn’t mean you have to be a fan.” She nods soaking up your words. She goes to take a sip of her drink, but she groans in surprise at the empty glass.
“I’m going to get another cocktail. You want some?”
You shake your head, and she shrugs her shoulder starting to walk away. Before she can disappear from your sight you call out for her. She turns around tilting her head slightly. “Who’s the fifth guy in Yoongi’s circle?”
You watch as she searches for Yoongi and the rest of the gang. The man in question seemingly sensing you spoke of him looks up at you offering you a smile. He was by far the most handsome one in the group by your standards. Dressed from head to toe in red he, stood out in the mass, the waisted suit hugging his body showing off his well-built figure.
Doubting the smile was for you, you look around searching for the real receiver not wanting to look like an idiot if you return it. Seeing your action, the man laughs which catches the attention of the group.
When Yoongi turns around motioning for you to join them you flush. As you pass Momo her touch lingers for a while on your elbow. She darts close whispering in your ear.
“That’s Jung Hoseok.”
The information left you out of breath, the e-mails he kept sending replaying themselves in your mind. You stumble a bit when Momo’s light touch disappears. Feelings a set of eyes on you, you regain your footing and walk towards your boss. Each step feeling heavier.
There was no one else to blame for the situation you found yourself in but yourself. You knew who Hoseok was in theory, he published many bestseller books and everyone who was even remotely into writing had some knowledge of him and his famous company. Although in the last couple of months your newsfeed lacked information about Hoseok’s whereabouts, you brushed it off as him working on a new book.
You knew about him all, but what he looked like. Jung Hoseok managed to avoid the press like his life depended on it. You saw articles of his assistant Yuta standing in his place at promotions and any other public event. If you only dug deeper or asked for the guest list, you could’ve avoided this.
Yoongi places the palm of his hand on your lower back guiding you into the circle. Jeon Jungkook waves giving you a soft but tired smile, Kim Namjoon nods in your direction slowly sipping the wine, Park Jimin gives you a polite greeting while Kim Taehyung acts as if you never existed. You saw Jimin elbow him lightly, but the man never wavered.
Your eyes stop at Hoseok who beams at you stretching his hand. Yoongi leans and whispers into your ear, the loud beating of your heart making it hard to differentiate his words. “Y/N this is Jung Hoseok.”
“It’s nice to finally meet you.”
Finally? What did he mean by that?
You muster up what you thought was a smile albeit a weak one but there. “The pleasure is all mine.”
Different questions race through your mind. Was he here because he found out it was you behind the username? Was he even Yoongi’s friend? Had this all been a plot to finally meet you?
“He hasn’t shut up about the Jungkook’s single. Something about it speaking out to him. He’s very excited to meet the writer behind it.” Yoongi tells you making your head snap in his direction.
There was a silent argument going on between you. It took you months before you accepted Namjoon into the small circle of people who knew that behind another pseudonym of yours stood your name. The songs you wrote for Jungkook mostly spoke of unrequited love and heartbreaks and it would mortify you if people knew it was you who wrote it. The pity looks you might get sent a shudder through your body.
“I can’t wait to hear the future songs you will write.” He says clapping enthusiastically unlike you who couldn’t even utter a word besides thanks. You felt like you kept were being rude. You tried your best not to let the events get to you, but it was hard with him bombarding your inbox constantly.
To your side, Yoongi smiles as if silently answering your question. Hoseok didn’t know you wrote the other songs, nobody knew except Namjoon and Yoongi. You exhale in relief, but the tension remains as you look up at Hoseok. He seemed like the mood maker of the group his smile permanently resting on his face.
“We’re currently working on a new song,” Yoongi announces, and you feel like you want the floor to swallow you up.
You notice Jungkook now paying attention to the conversation as Hoseok leans in. Yoongi turns to you putting you on the spot probably knowing you hadn’t written anything. Trying to calm your nerves you imagine Momo or Sehun standing in front of you instead.
The tension in your body slowly shimmers down, and you can feel yourself take control of the anxiety that was the result of the shock you felt from seeing Jung Hoseok.
“Something with a happier note I hope,” Taehyung says, and you wince at his stoic voice.
Hoseok tsks at him. “Whatever Y/N and Yoongi write will be a hit no doubt.”
“Whipped.” Jungkook coughs under his breath and Jimin giggles slapping him softly on the back of his head.
“We’ll see.” Yoongi smiles, and you follow his suit ignoring your burning cheeks.
Whenever you glanced at Hoseok he was already looking back at you. The attention he gave you every time you spoke offered you a feeling of importance that contributed to you speaking more freely in their presence.
“Did you manage to find anyone interesting to publish their work?” Namjoon’s sentence tickles your curiosity shifting your gaze to Hoseok whose smile for the first time tonight drops.
He plays with the drink in his hands prolonging his answer. “I did find someone, but I am not sure if we’ll sign a deal.”
You stiffen at his answer, the e-mails in your phone suddenly felling heavy.
Namjoon’s brow quirks up. “Not satisfied with the writing?”
Hoseok shakes his head, a weak smile on his lips. He bites his tongue before plopping it to the corner of his mouth. “On the contrary,” this seemed to confuse Namjoon,” they haven’t been responding to any of my e-mails.”
“That’s hard to believe.” Jimin joins the conversation, your attention changing between them as they speak.
"Did you offer them a bad contract?" Namjoon buts in jokingly once he finishes his drink.
Hoseok puckers his lips, slowly looking at Namjoon. "There was no contract to begin with."
"Your conversation gives me a headache. Can you finish the story in one go?" Taehyung speaks up and you silently agree with him.
Hoseok places the glass on the table in front of them, pushing his wavy hair to the sides. His eyes seemed even more mesmerising as they looked over the edge of his glasses.
"I've seen their work on a site and tried to contact them via e-mail. I’ve tried searching for them on other sites but with no results.”
"Why don't you call them or text them? It's the 21st century most people don't use emails as a form of communication."  Jungkook adds his two cents, and you see the rest of the table roll their eyes.
"Just because you use messenger and kakaotalk as communication doesn't mean others do. This isn't a chat between two friends, it's between possible business partners." Jimin scolds the younger and you stifle a laugh.
Namjoon pats Jungkook's back affectionately. "It's unprofessional to contact people through apps especially if you're someone of Hoseok’s status.”
"Anyway," Hoseok coughs straightening his posture," I don't know their name or number. All I have is the user under which they write and well the e-mail."
"Are you sure they are worth all the fuss?" Yoongi adds and you look at Hoseok who immediately nods.
"You should read their poems, Yoongi. They are magical, raw. You can feel each emotion slowly seeping into you. Just like with Y/N’s and yours song. It's powerful."
You tense up at the mention of your name which goes unnoticed by the rest as they engage in a lyrical discussion. You can see Taehyung backing away from the table with Jungkook following behind. Jimin occasionally nods to Hoseok's interpretation of your poems not interested but not wanting to be rude either. Yoongi and Hoseok go back and forward for a while before Namjoon excuses himself leaving the four of you.
"Anyway, I don't want to bore you with my work," Hoseok finishes the discussion turning towards you, " it was lovely meeting you Y/N. I hope to see you soon."
Highly unlikely you wanted to say. "Likewise."
He disappears in the crowd as Yoongi turns to you. "Jimin and I should talk to the other producers some more before we call it a night."
Soon enough they are out of your reach, and you feel like you could breathe for the first time tonight. Pulling your phone from your purse you head straight for the exit. You tap the familiar number, one you’ve dailed many times.
"Hello?" Sehun's voice cuts through your hectic thoughts.
"You will never know who I just fucking met."
"What? No. It’s Jung Hoseok."
You say as you watch the said man lean into the wall of the lift before he notices you standing not far away. The last thing you see before the doors close was his smile turning into a smirk.
"Jung fucking Hoseok."
Miss/Mister Meraki,
I am writing you this mail in hopes of getting a response from you. Wishing the previous mail had landed in a spam box (rather than you not answering), I am writing you another one filled with more hope. After reading your poems I couldn’t help but notice the sad tone most of them carried.
In the light of the discovery, I am going with my hunch and will say freely that you are probably wary of me. Therefore, I’ve decided to take the time and let you get to know me. I’ll start by writing you little facts about me after I read one of your poems. Hopefully, by the end of the journey, you will choose me.
Kind regards,
Jung Hoseok.
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moxfirefly · 4 years
Kiss forced by the whumper? I guess with michelangelo as whumper? Dont know what it means so hopefully it aint bad :)
Hmm I think I know what I can do. I’m not about forcing a kiss on somebody, but if it two consenting adults who at times like to practice this and it’s been stated before that it’s ok between them, then cool.
Rated Mature (somewhat nsfw-ish)
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It was a little game the two of you played, a means of teasing one another throughout the day.
Currently he had you cornered in the kitchen, strong hands gripping your hips, face buried at your neck. “You’re killing me here baby cakes” He lightly ran his lips up your neck maping out each spot he wanted to sink his teeth in. “Think of your ninja training” You smiled deviously, biting your lower lip when his hand wandered in between your legs, he gripped the flesh.
“You can’t tell me you aren’t feeling this girl, I got you bad and you know I’m winning” He pressed his forehead to yours, those baby blues lingering on your lips. Winning your ass, you had this in the bag, he’d cave five minutes before patrol. “Mike, come on, are you really not giving me any credit here?” You snaked your fingers across the inside of the waistband of his shorts, his breath hitched.
You smirked, he frowned.
Mikey’s lips hovered close to yours, he swallowed visibly and you awaited your prize.
The game went as such, first to cave and kiss has to give the winner whatever they want. The odds were down the middle, there were days where Mikey was the picture of patience and you could barely keep yourself off of his thigh. Today though, you were on a mission to win. “Come on baby boy, you know you want to” You squeezed your thighs, locking his hand in place. He bit the inside of his cheeks, exhaling a long breath through his nostrils. “Fucking hell dude” He rested his head on your shoulder, grinding against you. You would be lying if that hadn’t made you bite back a moan, he was definitely affected by this.
It did take a lot more of your strength to squeeze your way out from his grip. “Thought sooooo, oh would you look at the time” You looked at the kitchen clock, Mikey almost looked like he was about to start praying at the kitchen counter. He backed up, hands in front of his shorts. “You’re gonna look real funny when I’m declaring myself winner, babe” He wanted to sound cocky but his will to do so shattered when you took the few steps to stand before him. Your hand made a path up the steel plates of his plastron, two fingers at his chin. Mikey’s pupils were blown, he could smell you.
Your lips parted, a tantalizing gaze that had him truly contemplating throwing you over his shoulder and going to his room. You stood on your tip toes, snaking a tongue across your bottom lip. Mikey’s throat was dry.
“Patrol starts in five, get your gear” You grinned triumphantly when your heard his growl like churr resonating. Just as you began to turn ready to reap the spoils of this little victory, you felt a strong hand pull you by the wrist. An equally strong body push you against the refrigerator and forceful lips against yours. The utter alleviation in his body once he had your lips against his bounced off of him in palpable waves. He kissed you as if he hadn’t seen you in years, all biting and churrs and hands at your rear.
The brief moment where he stopped, forehead pressed against yours and a pained look that only stated just how badly he wanted you. You smiled deviously, he knew he had just lost but right this second feeling your all warm and curves was everything. “You’re gonna do exactly what I want tonight, hmm?” You were chuffed even going so much as to press your lower half against his. Mikey lips were at your ear, a small pained moan for your to hear.
You weren’t even sure how he was going to manage patrol but the idea of him being so utterly turned on and desperate, just made it all the more satisfying.
“You can hold off a little longer more” You ghosted your lips against his cheek, words above a whisper.
Mikey nodded slowly, yeah of course he could.
“Just remember that I’m gonna get things started in your bed while you’re gone” You bit his jaw, absolutely reveling in the pained look in his eyes and his whine.
“Has anybody ever told you just how seriously evil you are? Like downright movie villain levels” He groaned and you laughed. “If you want evil, I guess I could use your pillow while your gone” You shrugged and it took five seconds for Mikey to understand.
There was no way he was gonna make it through patrol.
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theweasleysredhair · 4 years
Truth or Dare [S.B.]
Character: Sirius Black
Word Count: 1547
Requested?: Yes/No
Summary: An almost innocent game of truth or dare leads to Sirius finally confessing the feelings he has for a certain someone.
Tags: @dreamer821 @gracemayhateyou @criminalyetminimal @firewhisky-kisses @obsessedwithrandomthings @angelinathebook @iprobablyshipit91 @potterverseimagine @slytherineheir @kpopgirlbtssvt @susceptible-but-siriusexual @tinylumpiaa @locke-writes | message or send an ask to be added/removed!
Disclaimer: Gif isn't mine, credit to whoever made it
A/n: i had an idea, i ran with it, and this happened. definitely not one of my best but i guess it’s something
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"Padfoot, truth or dare?" James asked with a cheeky grin and a mischievous glint in his eye. "Why are you even asking? Dare," Sirius replied, lazily taking a sip from his firewhisky bottle.
James' grin stretched wider, if it were possible, and Sirius sat up more on his bed, gulping. Usually, he wouldn’t be too worried about what James would come up with, knowing his friend wasn’t exactly the most creative with dares, however something told Sirius this time was different.
"I dare you to touch Y/n's boob." 
The deafening silence after the dare was announced was broken by James’ laugher that escaped him at the look on Sirius’ face, Remus joining in soon after, sniggering to himself.
"Y/n's boob? Why?" Sirius spluttered, his heart racing. Of course he wanted to touch your boob! But not like this.
"Because you like her," James said bluntly, before pausing and then adding in thought, "And she has nice boobs, one of us should get to touch them."
Sirius glared at him, reaching over and smacking him across the head. "Ow! What was that for?!" "For looking at her! She's mine to look at, not yours!"
"Then go and touch her boob and confess your feelings and no guy will ever dare to look at her again, problem solved,” James frowned, rubbing his head.
"Fine. I will,” Sirius said determinedly, if a tad sulkily, “Next time I see her.”
By the next morning, Sirius had completely forgotten about the dare. Luckily, James hadn’t.
And as Sirius took his place at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall, he cursed as he looked up to find three expectant faces staring back at him.
Sirius paused midway through his first bite of toast, “What do you three want?”
James shared an amused look with Peter and snickered under his breath, “Oh, nothing much. We’re just waiting for you to finish your dare from last night.”
Sirius felt his heart jolt - surely the dare couldn’t be that bad though, could it? “Which dare?” He asked as he grabbed a fork to pile some bacon onto his plate.
“Have you forgotten already? Better not drink as much next time, Padfoot,” James tutted, shaking his head in mock-condescension, before continuing, “The dare where you have to touch Y/n’s boob.”
And suddenly the memory of the dare came screaming back to Sirius, and his face paled. He dropped his fork to his place, causing a clatter that turned a few heads, but he paid them no mind, “Fuck.”
James held his hand up to Remus for a high five, who hit it without looking as he finished his breakfast.
“I’m just a genius. An actual bloody genius! I’m just so proud of myself for this one,” James boasted, grinning from ear to ear as he sat back and enjoyed how annoyed Sirius appeared to be getting.
“Oh yeah?” Sirius grumbled, “Why don’t you just go and shove your proudness right up your-“
“There she is!” Remus interrupted him, nodding over to the entrance of the hall, where you were walking towards your house table with a couple of friends.
“Go on then, Padfoot,” Peter goaded, letting out a squeaky laugh.
“Well I’m not about to do it right in front of everyone am I? I’m more of a gentleman than that,” Sirius ran a hand through his hair, staring at the food on his plate that no longer seemed appealing, and trying to avoid the temptation of looking over at you.
“I’m sorry, did you just call yourself a gentleman?” Remus scoffed in disbelief.
“I did ballroom dancing and played piano as a child!”
“Only because you had to.”
Sirius scowled, pushing his plate away.
“A dare is a dare, Sirius,” James said, glancing over in your direction. Sirius sighed, running a hand down his face and wondering what he had gotten himself into.
“Fine, I’ll do it. But not here.”
Sirius watched you from across the hall, talking with your friends as you waited outside the Transfiguration classroom for the lesson to start. His eyes drifted across your features - your bright eyes, the curve of your nose and down to your lips - and down to where his target was - your chest.
“I can’t do this! It’s degrading,” Sirius frowned, shaking his head and throwing his arms up in the arm in emphasis as he turned to his friends.
“I’m sure she’ll get over it if you ask her out, I’ve heard she quite fancies you,” Remus mentioned casually, flicking through his Transfiguration textbook.
Sirius slammed a hand down on the textbook, making Remus jump and nearly drop it, “Moony, what do you mean, she fancies me? And you’re just telling me now? For Merlin’s sake, you’re telling me that she bloody likes me?!”
Remus pulled the book away from him, closing it and tucking it under his arm, “Yeah, for a while now.”
“I hate you so much for not telling me. Fine, I’m going!” Sirius announced as he turned away to walk over towards you.
Just as Sirius was out of earshot, James leant over to Remus, “I never heard anything about her liking Padfoot, who told you that?”
“Oh, nobody. I made it up, I just want to see him make a fool of himself,” Remus grinned at his messy haired friend, who now sported an impressed look.
“Maybe you’re the genius, Moony,” James said in awe, receiving a ‘well, duh’ look from Remus.
Just down the hall, Sirius marched to your friend group, looking a lot more confident that he felt. The door to the classroom had just opened as he reached you, so he called out, “Hey Y/n!”
Your friends had just headed into the room as you turned at the sound of your name, but before you could reply, you realised you were very close to somebody - namely, the eldest Black brother.
Your eyes widened as you slowly looked down at the slight pressure that had just been applied to your chest.
“Sirius!" You squeaked. “What?" He replied innocently. You looked up at him, suddenly feeling a lot warmer than you were previously.
“Why in Merlin's name are you holding my boob?" You hissed, your eyes still wide and mouth dropping slightly.
Sirius' cheeks redden, and Merlin if his heart isn’t beating faster than he could ever remember it going, "I mean it's... it's a good boob... good good good.”
“Well um... thank you? I think. But... would you mind letting go?"
"Oh! Oh yeah of course, yeah my bad, sorry." Sirius removed his hand promptly, stepping back and creating a bit more space between you. And had he have turned to look at his friends, he would’ve noticed James practically falling onto the floor with his laughing, clutching onto the arms of Remus and Peter - who also looked amused - for support.
You straightened out your jumper and looked at the now seemingly nervous boy, “Now may I ask why you decided to do that?”
“Well you see... me and the lads were kinda playing truth or dare last night, and Prongs - I mean James - decided to dare me to touch your boob because he knows I’ve fancied you since, well, as long as I can remember.”
“And so you went through with it?” You asked, scoffing amusedly.
“Um... yes,” Sirius hung his head, half in shame and half in hopes of hiding his still-red cheeks.
“You know you could’ve just, I don’t know... spoken to me? Like a normal person?”
Sirius looked up at you and grinned, “Well yeah... yeah I suppose I could have but this way, I got to touch your boob - which was a revelation, a mind blowing experience, by the way - and you got to find out how it feels to have me-“
“To have you what? Grope me without so much as a word?” You cut in, shaking your head but nevertheless letting out a small laugh.
“I mean I wouldn’t say it was groping... more of a light pat, perhaps a squeeze-“
“Besides the point, Sirius. Bloody hell, didn’t even ask me on a date first,” You now grinned, leaning back against the doorframe behind you.
His face lit up, “I mean I’d definitely love to go on a date with you, yes love!”
You frowned, your mouth slightly dropping again, “Wait I wasn’t asking-“
“Meet me outside the Gryffindor common room on Saturday at 3,” Sirius interrupted you, beginning to step away backwards in the direction of his friends, “Give me a chance to apologise for this whole thing.”
“Again, I wasn’t asking you on a date!” You called after him, though you weren’t opposed to the idea of a date with the guy you’d liked for just over a year now.
“And yet we’re going on one. Funny how things turn out, huh?” Sirius replied, “And maybe at the end of the date - or perhaps during - I’ll be able to touch your boob again.”
You shook your head, smiling at his cheekiness as he walked off to thank James for the dare, leaving you confused at the encounter, but with a warm feeling in your stomach at the idea of a date with the handsome boy.
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