#something about getting to know eachother makes the time at the job feel like a gem
booksandwillowtrees · 11 months
I love a man in uniform <3 (5 months ago I saw a man and woman wearing UPS uniforms at my college and I felt a deep yearning in my soul, my heart rate accelerated, I believed in magic like I was a child again, and I’ve thought of them on a regular basis since.)
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poppy-metal · 9 days
i think about it alot. tashi staying with patrick, her injury never happening. your arts college girlfriend and now you're married and it feels fucking stagnant, your relationship. but neither of you wants to give up. neither of you wants to reveal to the other true feelings.
under the cut because this got long and i have a whole au in my hear around this concept
you're only in counseling because of tashi. because shes still in your lives, her and patrick. and she recommended it to art when they were having one of their 'friend' lunches. and now here you are, because of course art took her advice.
he hasn't said anything, though. despite pleading for this. saying he wanted to save your marriage, that he wanted to love you how you should be loved but he didn't know how.
so here you are, on opposite ends of the couch, with the counselor staring at the empty space between you like that in itself is very telling. you suppose it is, in a way. couples who want to stay together should be unified, shouldn't they? you imagine how it would feel, if art had sat next to you. put an arm around you. squeezed you to his side. would you even be able to relax into him? its been so long since you touched eachother that way.
"so im picking up on some distance here," your therapist says. shes a small woman. almost swallowed by her chair. her glasses are perched on her nose as she gazes imperiously at empty space separating you and art. "not just physical either, though thats rather obviously there. but emotional distance. do either of you wanna comment on that?"
you cut a glance at art, expecting him to speak up since this was his idea - well. tashi's. but he just looks down at his lap, quiet. spins his wedding band around his finger.
you feel an anger so intense it pricks your eyes with tears.
"well, i guess you could start with the fact that coming here wasn't even either of our idea. it was his friends."
and now. here art speaks. his head jerks up and she shoots you an annoyed look. "you don't have to say it like that. you always say it like that. her name is tashi and she is my friend. and it was her suggestion, yeah, but it was a good one."
you look at the therapist - janet. raise your eyebrows in arts direction like, get a load of this guy. your legs cross and you start picking at a stray string from the couch.
"first words of the session and its to talk about another woman."
arts inhale is sharp and you can feel his eyes on you but you dont look at him. you can't. you wont. you're right, anyway. he can try to deny it all he wants but you know - you know what you are to him. you know where all your problems stem. you dont need to be here to make any grand discoveries over a fact you've resigned yourself too.
"i see." janet says. "and art having a relationship with this other woman upsets you."
"everything upsets her." art cuts in, sounding tired. his elbow is braced on the arm of the couch and hes chewing on his thumb in one of his nervous gestures. he always did that, as long as you've known him. he was a nail biter, he'd chew his lips raw, he'd nibble on straws, the ends of his pens. he was either lost in thought or agitated. your guess was the latter. "nothing i do makes her happy."
"is this true? are you unhappy with art?"
your skin feels hot. you shift around in your seat. the attention is all on you, and it feels like you've done something wrong, even though you know its literally janets job to ask questions.
"more like i know I'm not what he wants and that makes me...... really fucking sad."
art knees almost knock against yours as he turns his body to face you, giving you his full attention the first time today. you cant meet his eyes still, so you look at the faded spot on his jeans. light blue, like his eyes. you wonder how hes looking at you. cant make yourself look up to see.
"what." he stops. seems to gather some thoughts. tries again, with a steadier tone. "what are you talking about."
you try not to roll your eyes. your arm flings out limply.
"just that this whole thing is a joke, art." and you let out an exasperated laugh, even though nothing is funny. nothing has been funny or light between you two in a long time. "we're only here because the girl you really wanted to marry, told you to get your fucking shit together. you didn't ask us to come here because you wanted to mend something, you're here to please tashi. because if playing a good husband is a role she wants for you - well, you want to play it right, dont you?"
its quiet after that. in the silence you cant help but think about those early days. when you'd been full of love and light and art seemed to be really happy with you. you'd go on dates to the movies, walk through the park together with your hands swinging between you. laugh together and steal kisses whenever you could. you felt high back then.
it didn't even matter that art had a crush on tashi, because hell, you had one too, at the time. but she'd started dating patrick, and they seemed to mesh well together. they were both so intense and passionate. back then, you'd been alot closer to tashi yourself. patrick too. you remember the way she'd rant about how much she fucking hated him, pacing around your room and calling him every name under the sun. and you'd sit there with eager curiosity, and ask her why she didn't end it then. if he makes you so angry, why stay?
and she'd get this faraway look in her eyes. kind of wistful. kind of sad. kind of happy.
"because he makes me feel fucking alive. hes like a - like a drug or something. i cant quit. its addictive, you know?"
that stuck with you. it still sticks with you. you remember being envious of that kind of passion. youe relationship with art had always been so easy. you dont think you'd ever fought by that point. you loved art. you felt safe with art. but were you addicted to him? if you broke up - would you feel withdrawal symptoms?
sometimes you layed awake at night and thought about starting a fight - breaking up for no reason. just to see if he'd fight for you back, if the missing of eachother would be so intense one of you would cave.
but somehow you knew that wouldn't be the case. thats just not how you and art operated. if you got angry, he wouldn't rise to meet you, he'd back down. if you ended things, he wouldn't chase you, he'd let you go.
patrick and tashi were fire and brimstone and you and art was ice and you were....... dirt. solid. walked upon. dependable and not at all exciting.
when art had proposed to you after college graduation it wasn't spur of the moment as it had been with patrick when he'd swept tashi up with a ring and a elopement to vegas. it was talked about and agreed upon and you knew it was coming.
you still said yes.
"you think," and arts voice has a barely concealed tremble to it that makes you look up, finally. you're shocked to see he looks wounded. so many of his expressions you can count on one hand - and this - this wasn't one of them. his eyes are dark, stormy. "you think i dont care about our marriage beyond what someone else has to say about it? you really think that?"
you hate the sliver of guilt you feel, because its not a crazy thing to feel.
"yeah, i really do."
because well, that's the truth of the matter isn't it? you and your husband stare at eachother. and it feels like you're looking at a stranger. not the man who's freckles you used to kiss. who's fears you knew. who's hands you know every callous of, every divot and fingerprint.
"it seems you two have very different views of how the other views this marriage." janet cuts in, sounding curious. she taps her pen against the open notepad on her lap. "art, would you like to chime in on why you wanted to come here? even at the suggestion of someone else?"
art stares at you for a long moment. his face is unreadable to you. his jaw works before his chest expands on an exhale and he looks away.
"i guess i - i just didn't realize how..... stagnant things had gotten until it was pointed out to me. harshly." he winces, and you wonder exactly what tashi had to say to him. you haven't talked to the other woman for some time. contact fizzling out after your marriage to art. he flicks a glance to you, then away again. "im not the best at being aware of shit going on around me." his hand comes up to rub nervously at his neck. "i guess you could say im good at brushing things under the rug. going through the motions. that sort of thing."
janet nods like this makes sense to her. well, great, you think. you know my husband more than i do.
"you're not a fan of confrontation, are you?"
art actually laughs. a genuine one. one that brings a dimple to his cheek and flashes his teeth. you stare at it, like its an exotic animal, and you wont see it again. quickly you catalog the expression in your memory, so you dont forget what he looks like when hes happy.
"yeah, no." he shakes his head. "but I think thats part of the problem. I've obviously let too much shit get put under the rug and now its so full other people are noticing."
you look down at your hands, lips pressed together. your face burns at the knowledge that tashi and by extension - patrick - know your marriage is in shambles. how embarrassing, to be caught lacking in such a momentous way. to come up short and have your husbands friends know about it. you wonder - does he talk about all the ways you make him miserable with them? does patrick shake his head, say, "she's sucking the life out of you, man." does tashi look at him with pity? like hes some poor abused cat that needs to be let in from the rain?
the rain of your marriage.
the rain of you.
you're the storm. you're the problem. you're not enough. art needs fire. you're not even dirt, you're glass. and you can feel yourself breaking.
"that clearly hit a nerve, my dear." janets voice is soft. soothing. she hands you a tissue and you realize you'd begun to cry. "do you want to explain what you're feeling about what art said?"
you dab dab dab at your eyes. sniffle. look around the room, trying to collect your thoughts. they feel like flyaway dandelions. you dont know which of them to grasp.
a warm hand settles over yours in your lap and you startle. its arts hand. warm and calloused and tan, covering yours. the gold glint of his wedding ring winks at you, the engraved words etched into them, "my soft epilogue". a shortened version of your favorite qoute i think we deserve a soft epilogue, my love.
at the time, that's what art was to you. your life before him hadn't been easy. being with art had felt like coming home from a long day and falling into a soft bed. it had felt like being able to land after weeks of being made to fly.
you turned your palm up, so he could slide his fingers between yours. he squeezed your hand.
"i think, i. i think i just think - I'm a failure." your bottom lip wobbles. you look at your enterwoven fingers and it makes you so sad that you haven't done the simple gesture of holding your husbands hand in months. "the two most important people in your life are. are so passionate and loud. and i see. i see how happy they make you - and i cant - i cant b-be that for you. we aren't - im not - you dont need me. im not a limb for you how they are. you could extract yourself from me and be. be happier."
your breath shudders out of you.
"you don't need me." you echo.
you wait for him to pull his hand away. this is more than you thought you'd share. some of it you weren't even aware of till the words were spilling from your lips. but they ring true.
without patrick and tashi art would drown. without you..... he'd float just fine.
"and that's important to you." janet says. a statement not a question. "you want to feel needed by art, and you feel as though you aren't. that his needs are met better with his friends than with you."
you nod slowly.
"baby." the word sends a shock through you. not the word itself but how its said. art calls you baby all the time, in a monotonous kind of way. routine. now he says it softly. with feeling. he lets go of your hand in favor of cupping your cheek, still damp with tears, turning your face to his. he looks pained. "of course i need you. i know i haven't been good at showing it. i just - you shut down - after we got married. you've been like a fucking ghost. like you dont want me to touch you. like i could dissappear for all you care and you'd just carry on. i don't know. but i need you, okay? i. need. you."
both hands cup your face, he makes you stare right into him. the conviction in his voice takes your breath away. theres a fire burning there you've thought long put out.
"obviously we have shit to sort out, and we will. but you've got to. you've got to know that. tashi only pushed me to do this because she how - how desperate i was. that's all."
you inhale deeply. exhale. swallow hard. tears cling to your lashes. you reach a hand up to clutch at one of arts wrists. eyes fluttering automatically when you do. you feel grounded again. less like you might float away.
"yeah...." and you smile. it trembles across your lips. but its there. "we'll sort our shit."
art lets out a relieved breath. kisses your forehead, lingering there. the gesture so tender you get emotional again. you want to crawl into his lap, have him wrap you in his arms. you want to feel held by him, like you used to.
"our time is up." janet sets her pen down. smiles. "but i think that was a wonderful first session. i can see the love between you hasn't faded, and that's more i can say for alot of couples who come to see me. keep your chin up."
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salaciousdoll · 1 year
The men of jjk want to know why Gojo is so annoying when it comes to his little fling…
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· · "How Bout' I Cum All On Your D1ck and Then I Lick It Off" · ·
・˳ . ⋆ Featuring Gojo Satoru, Geto Suguru, Fushiguro Toji, Higuruma Hiromi, Nanami Kento, Shiu Kong, Choso Kamo, Sukuna x Bimbo!Fem reader ・˳ . ⋆
୨⍣୧ ⁺⁎˚ ⋆━━ Warnings: smut, anal, Cum swallowing, body fluid( squirting, spitting), spit roasting, hint at poly at the end, double penetration( two dicks), cervix kissing, dacryphillia, rough sex, degradation, everyone taking turns fucking you, fucked dumb, chubby reader hints, doggystyle, standing fucking, full nelson, standing doggystyle, fucking in vehicles and other places, big exhibition, Voyuerism, mating press, cheating reader( kinda), bukkake at the end, black coded reader, oral, pet names( doll, sweet doll, Angel, etc.), fucking in a mirror, double penetration again, group sex, Shiu Kong is the man who paid Toji for a** assination , jjk au/ not canon, heavy degradation, praise ofc, minor foot job at the end, overall nasty shit, tell me if I’m missing something please
୨⍣୧ ⁺⁎˚ ⋆━━ Word count: 7.1k
18+, Minors do not interact
Tokyo Revengers Version Aot Version
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・˳ . ⋆ .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆ Gojo Satoru: in the car + riding
You missed Gojo so much. His job has been keeping you away from him so when you get the opportunity to see him, it’s unfortunate and fortunate that you have to see him only in his car outside of the building he owns since it’s his lunch break. He was supposed to be eating lunch with you but instead he’s digging inside of your pussy like a man who’s getting his first lick of pussy and what it feels like inside and out. “ Mmgh fuck, please slo-slow down sato’!” Your voice was going horse from the screaming he was causing from the rapid motion of his hips snapping into yours.
Gojo balls were hitting your ass as he moved inside of you and he relished in the feeling of his heavy dick inside of you, “ nuh- uh, baby I can’t, been missing this pussy this entire week. I haven’t been able to talk to you as much as I want to, kiss you, touch you, and fuck you like I want— lemme , fuck! You’re squeezing me so tightly just like when you were a fucking virgin.” His mouth opened in a silent moan as your ass slapped down on his thighs whilst your pussy gripped his cock like you've wanted to plant him there forever in your little garden of a pussy.
You would think that because he’s a CEO that he would be able to take breaks whenever he wanted but he’s got too much shit to deal with in his company. He needed this. He needed to be inside of you. He needed you. He’s displaying his feelings as he fucks into your soaking, wet pussy. Each time he digs in the curve of his dick massages your silky but bumpy walls making you throw your head back in ecstasy. The windows were tinted but on the outside of the car, anyone who walks by could hear Gojo and your moans with the car bouncing up and down based on the movement of your hips slamming into his. Both of your moans were engulfed in the kiss you two shared as you hungrily lapped eachother tongues in each of your mouths.
Gojo's face got even redder as he was at the brink of the edge— little whimpers and pants escaped his mouth as his lips were opened with gloss of spit and sweat lathering them. He was about to cum and you knew that so you moved back and forth to chase your own orgasm telling him to hold it for you, “ sato’ hold it f’ me, please, I wanna- shit!- try something~.” As soon as you said the word new you came on his dick squeezing him even more so it was even harder for him to not cum inside of you. This was beginning to fill like torture. You stayed on him to stop shaking like a mad men whispering to him to hold it, repeating it multiple times.
Gojo moved around like a man on fire while knocking his knees together in fear of cumming inside of you. He knows you hate when he doesn't listen to you but he didn’t know if he was going to last until you slowly slid off his heavy, long cock. He groaned when you placed a finger on his opening slit of the tip of his dick— moving to the passenger seat. He was confused until you removed your finger from his slit, replacing your finger with your warm mouth. A spew of curse words and “ holy shit” released from Gojo’s mouth as you took in a shot of his cum. Afterwards, you took his dick out your mouth to paint your face with the rest of his cum. His body couldn’t do anything but shake at this display because you never did this before and always hated cum on your face so what changed. You were officially his girl now, there’s no snaking around now.
・˳ . ⋆ .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆ Nanami Kento: on his desk in his office + doggystyle
Nanami has heard about you being Gojo’s little fling for the past few months. Gojo never stopped talking about you and he wanted to see who’s the first person to make him shut up whenever he takes a call on his cellphone, opening with a “ hi princess”— occasionally smiling wide with red blush dancing across his cheeks as he walks out his office door. Nanami at first thought it was a ploy to get out of talking about the plans for their company to merge with Toji’s company in hopes of an even greater deal coming out of this group project. As time walked on and on, he started to hear moans every time he walked past Gojo’s office or car that one time he came back from his lunch break.
He just had to put a face to the splendid moans he hears every now and then. And he did, essentially when you knocked on his door holding a box of pizza you brought for the office mates of the 15th floor. You only decided to do this to get to Nanami and it worked so as he opened the door, his eyes were so wide and he was stuck there just like you wanted him to be. You bat your eyelashes and smile at him, “ Hi, you must be Nanami, Gojo told me to give this to you, do you mind if I come in and set this down.” Nanami gulped because he was still puzzled by the door revealing such a beautiful smile and face. It didn’t matter about anything even if you have braces, a gap, crooked teeth, or a missing tooth. You were still beautiful to him, right now.
So that may be the reason you are bent over his desk with your clothes dropped to your ankle by your pretty ankle they will acknowledge later. The papers on his desk were flying off it as your body practically danced on his desk at the speed he was going. Nanami never expected this to turn out this way but he couldn’t resist your body or face for that matter. The feeling of your ass slapping against his pelvis as he moved back and forth in a rhythmic movement in the act of holding your tummy, mounding his fingers against your tummy and thick thighs— squeezing them as he fucked into you with whispers of how tight and great you felt.
You tried to subdue your moans but Nanami’s tip was breaching into your cervix causing an immense amount of pleasure and a little pain, just as you liked it. Nanami’s hair was out of place and sweat was glistening over his entire body which means that his buttoned down shirt was now completely opened. “ You are so heavenly to be inside of, my doll. You’re squeezing me like you never want me to leave this hot, wet pussy. Hell, I never want to leave, especially when you fuck me back like you’re doing right -Uumph fuck~- now, shit!” You can feel your orgasm approaching and you couldn’t even talk because it’s like your brain couldn’t function properly from the way he was drilling inside of your pussy. You didn’t even care about the front of your thighs burning and hurting at how hard he was fucking you against the desk. The pizza was long forgotten once you two started. The pizza was a great contrast from how your body felt right now. Pizza was cold right now while your body was hot and was about to cum on this man dick. Once he angled his hips into circles you were gone. “ Fuck~ m’gonna, mmph, m’ cummin.” You kept repeating the saying like you were stuck in a mantra and he wasn’t stopping even if you came on his cock just now. White juices lather his cock and he felt in heaven.
You could tell he was about to cum because he was now leaned over you with one arm across your chest and another one still playing with your tummy, “ where do you want me to cum, sweetheart. Hmm? Want me to cum on that pretty face or in your mouth so I could send you back to that fucker who just can’t shut up about you. It’s annoying but now I - Fuck~- see why he’s that way, choose now, doll.” Your legs were shaking and your limbs gave up so now he was grinding on top of you while holding your head down after whispering in your ear. You mumbled your answer but he couldn’t hear it so he grabbed the coils in your hair making your back hit his chest as his right hand was still holding your hair. You looked up into his eyes as he still moved inside of you trying so hard not to cum inside of your warm pussy, “ couldn’t hear you, sweetheart. Use your words correctly.” You whimper and close your eyes, “ I want it in my mouth and on my face, please, pretty please Nami’.” He let go of your hair but not before fixing it back the way it was while pulling out of you. He tightly grabbed his tip to stop his dick from cumming right there and now. You, on the other hand, was getting down on your knees— looking up at him through your teary gaze and pretty lashes. Meanwhile, he stared down at you with a hard stoic face but his eyes told another story as he looked at you.
“ Fuck, you look so pretty on your knees for me like the good doll you are. Shit! It's coming. Open your mouth.”, Nanami moaned and you obliged— opening your mouth in time to catch some of his hot, white cum into your mouth while the rest painted your face so well, landing on your cheek, nose, and forehead. You thought that he was a great shooter as you smiled with the white substance on your face. Nanami wished he could take a picture, print it, and keep it in his wallet. His breaths were shallow and slow, some of his limbs were still shaking a little bit. He’ll have to ask you if he could take the picture next time, he thought as he took your face in his hands— bending down to give you a kiss on the mouth in proudness.
・˳ . ⋆ .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆ Geto suguru: bedroom + standing fuck
You and Geto hit it off when Gojo wanted to invite you over for a game night they were having. So far you were having a great time but you kept feeling eyes on you from across the table you all sat at. It was nothing but Gojo’s friend Geto, Shoko, Nanami, Toji, Sukuna, Mei, Utahime, Choso, Hiromi, and etc. you know you fucked one of his friends already so that’s probably who was eyeing you this entire night. I mean Nanami was eyeing you but not full long staring at you like Suguru was at the moment. You excused yourself when you got a text from Nanami. After your little exchange you traded numbers and have been talking to each other ever since. You gave yourself away to Geto when you smiled really hard on your way to the bathroom.
You didn’t even go to the bathroom, you went inside of a dark bedroom with only the lamp on, sitting down on the chair in front of the bed, texting Nanami back with a smile on your face. Geto knew you were a player and he was always trying to get Gojo stupid ass to see it, but he couldn’t. Too in love. Geto cleared his throat, placing two cards on the table, making all of them groan behind his back as he walked away from the table to check the bathroom upstairs. As expected you weren’t in there and he noted that he saw Nanami texting under the table. So he made the connection when he walked to his room— the connection that you and Nanami was fucking. Had to be. To his surprise he found you texting on the phone in his room as soon as he opened the door. He closed it— locking it behind him.
“ How long do you think he’s gonna be stupid? Hmm, maybe days, weeks, month-”, Geto says in a low voice while standing beside you, scaring you into putting your phone down with the screen up. “ What? What the hell are you talking about?” Your time was hushed but he could still make out the words. He was about to talk until he heard a ding and looked at your phone notification only to confirm his theory that you and Kento been fucking behind Satoru back. He shook his head when he saw you grab your phone to turn it over prior to looking up at him. Geto uncrossed his arms and sighed, “ What a slut, fucking whore really.” You were about to argue when he suddenly placed a thumb in your mouth. Instantly proving him right by sucking on his thumb even if he just caught you. You were indeed an Slut, his slut for the night.
Which is how we got here. Here as in Suguru fucking you against the wall with his pants down to his ankles and his tattooed arms under your thighs— your panties in your mouth to muffled your screams and moans. He’s gonna use your body until you realize your nothing but a fucking slut for him and his crew. The sounds of you wet pussy grabbing his dick as he moved in and out of you could be straight from porno he watches. You were a fucking pornstar of his dreams right now even if you weren’t a pornstar. So fucking beautiful while taking his cock deep inside of your melting pussy, “ Fuck, baby, your tears are just turning me on even more. Such a slut letting me and Nanami fuck you after Gojo spoke about you in a white light. Shit~ so fucking turned on about me fucking this slutty ass pussy aren’t you?” Your screams were loud but muffled making you cry even more because you can’t really get your moans out due to him silencing you with your own wet panties. The frantic was getting wetter with your saliva and drool.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he mixed your insides like they were cake battering. His dick was fucking you in all of the right places, gliding along your right walls, eventually kissing your cervix. The curve of his cock did him justice more than his girth. Suguru moaned into your ear as he held your body up against the wall slamming inside of you. Nothing but your muffled and his groans along with the slapping of skin was heard around the room. He didn’t even care if Gojo or anyone else could hear. He was enjoying the feeling of your pussy clamping around him like a tight scrunchie around a ponytail. He started to hear your cries get a little louder and your tears came down your face even more. All of this is happening just as your legs were wrapped around his waist— they were shaking like a leaf on a tree on a windy day. He knew you just came, uniquely when you squirted and cream on him at the same time. Fuck that was fucking hot.
Geto snapped his hips into your even faster as more squirt released from your pussy. “ Where do you want me to cum, my pretty little slut, hmm? Want it in your pussy?” You thought about it prior to shaking your head no. Your body felt so full and warm on his as he now grinded against you whilst whispering in your ear, “ Then where? On your tits? On your body? Oh~ I got it in your mouth right? Isn’t that where lots of sluts want cum.” His laugh after that was so mocking and it almost made you cry from how degrading this was, but your pussy just got even wetter from his degradation. Geto pulled out as he heard knocking on the door and Gojo’s voice asking where you were at and did he see you anywhere. Geto smirked before mouthing ‘get on your knees Whore’. You were worried that Gojo would find out but Geto didn’t give a damn. He needed to cum and he was going to do it in your mouth. Warm wet mouth.
You got on your knees as Suguru answered Gojo— stroking himself in front of your face. “ She’s not in here, check in the bathroom or basement. She knows she likes to sneak off and do whatever she wants to do.” You felt like that was a jab at him, so you took his tip into your mouth— sucking harshly on his tip causing him to hiss loudly. He grabbed your head and pushed it onto his dick making you take all of his cock, gagging and coughing with little taps could be heard but luckily Gojo was already gone. Geto snapped his pelvis to your face two times before cumming down your throat making your eyes roll to the back of your head and your pussy dripping on the floor. He yanked you off him with a loud gasp coming out your mouth, white liquid dropped out the sides of your mouth as you showed him you swallowed his cum. Geto leaned down to spit in your mouth, fore kissing you on your lips. He pulled away whispering “good girl”.
・˳ . ⋆ .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆ Toji Fushiguro and Shiu kong : floor on carpet + mating press + double penetration
Toji knew he had to get you alone once Gojo started bragging about his little fling as well. He didn’t want Satrou to upstage him at any point of life, even in business, so when he got you alone, it was a done deal for both of you. Toji knew you were the one geto was describing who he had sex with the other night. At first he didn’t want to view you as a cheater and just a girl that wants to have fun so he pushed you out as a contender in the Suguru sex adventures. It couldn’t have been a coincidence but then again you are way too innocent. So he invited you over to his house to give you the notes and paperwork he needs to give to Gojo for their collaboration project.
Once you were inside his house, you didn’t leave due to your anklet dangling by your head paralleling the movements of his hips mixing into yours in addition to his legs being placed on each side of your hips. Mating press was his favorite position to put naughty bitches like you in. You couldn’t do anything except bite your lip or scratch his back and he loved that shit but you haven’t scratched his back yet, so he just fucked you even harder. Your cries and moans were music to his ears. Your pussy was being shaped into his thick ass cock and you and him loved it, “ Don’t cum to face, Angel. Wouldn’t want to overstimulate you now, would I?” Toji smirked when you opened your mouth letting out a silent oh. You were brainless right now, “ Brainless slut! Can’t even form a sentence, feel bad for you? Don’t you Shiu? Or would you rather her suffer more?!”
Your ears were going in and out that you couldn’t even hear or even see who he was talking about because your vision was too blurry with pretty crystal teers clouding it. You were on the verge of full on sobbing when Toji reached to choke your neck all the while dragging his cock inside of your pretty pussy, each time he moved in you clamped down on you and when he moved out your pussy was gasping for air and for his cock at the same time. “ Toji, please… I can’t take it.” Toji and the other guy who you now noticed is licking the tears off your cheek. He finally came into full view and you knew him right away because he was the first one in Toji’s company to hit on you as soon as you walked in the door, Shiu Kong. The man people told you to watch out for, but at this moment you wanted him.
Toji’s face was in your neck moaning and groaning your name, “ { reader}! Fuck {reader}, your pussy is so good. You gotta take it for me, Angel? Take it for me and Shiu here. We got you.” Shiu chuckled, “ Fuck that, be the whore Suguru mentioned while walking past my office that day. He described you just like I’m seeing you now, so you can take it. If you don’t shut up, I’m gonna give you something to take your mind off how much you can’t take it.” You were surprised by how deep his voice was, the cigarette mixed with Dior sauvage cologne smell illuminating from his body. His musk was intoxicating and you could only imagine how his cock would taste in your mouth, so you complained again when Toji grinds on you whilst his legs were resting beside you, semi mating press and semi missionary. “ Mmgh! Toji, you feel so good deep inside of me, but don’t go any faster please. I need rest.” You were so lying, you just wanted to see what Shiu would do.
You found out the hard way of what he would do because now he had his dress pants off to the side and his dress shirt unbuttoned— tie and blazer long gone. His dick was done your throat while Toji still had you in a mating press. Shiu balls were hitting your forehead instead of your chin because you were sucking his dick upside down. He loved the view of you getting fucked shamelessly on the living room floor by his boss. He also loved the feeling of your melting hot mouth on his hard dick. He sees why the Gojo guy is practically in love with you. “ Fucking hell, take all of it in your pretty little mouth pussy. Aahh, I could see the fucking bulge in her throat. Toji raised his head to look at your throat, sure enough the bulge was appearing and disappearing when he moved in and out of your mouth. Your spit was lathering up your face, chin, and chest— can’t forget his entire cock as well. Shiu wanted more of you just like Toji does.
“ Look at that.” Toji smacked your throat with a open hand making you gag even more on Shiu’s cock, “ Fucking perfect. The perfect girl in my eyes. Ughh! I think I wanna paint your body with my cum. Your body is my muse.”, Toji says prior to biting the top of your right boob. Shiu threw his head back, “ S-she can- shit. She has me stuttering because of how perfect she’s sucking my dick. She’s my fucking canvas, fuck her mouth is especially. Can’t wait to fuck her fat pussy next but for right now, swallow all of this cum, baby doll.” He pushed his dick seeped into your mouth. The movement of your body stopped a little as your eyes rolled back. Gosh, being treated like a whore is so fun, as long as it’s displayed like that in the bedroom settings. All the men you fucked understood the assignment and this one will fit in perfectly. You couldn’t even feel anything because your senses was fucking with you at the moment.
You only knew they both came with you when Toji moaned out your name while stroking his semen on your tummy. Some of the cum dripped down your body rolls and he fell in love with you right then and there. You came on his cock with the muffled screams crowding the room and he came on your body, shuddering from the impact of your pussy. Meanwhile Shiu was now making out with you after you swallowed his cum, “ You did so good, my little princess. Can we fuck you again? Can I?” You nodded your head prior to sitting up with the help of Shiu. Your body shook as you crawled over to Toji to engulf the tip of his cock in your mouth sucking him dry. He was panting and whimpering at you sucking on his tip, now he was the one who couldn’t take it. Oh well.
・˳ . ⋆ .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆ Choso kamo: + standing doggystyle
It was hard to get to Choso because he was closed off and to himself. You figured because he was the emo/ goth guy of the group meanwhile they are just regular. You knew that Choso had a big dick because you could tell from the way he walked and how quiet and preserved he was. You didn’t always believe in quiet men having big dicks because it was just an opinion but after getting choso alone because you fucked with your car to get it fixed and needed someone to fix it or stay with you. Yes you did do that just because you heard through the grapevine( Gojo) that he does mechanical work on the side of being an assistant.
Right now, you two are the only ones in this abandoned parking lot where a grocery store used to be and it was late at night. He was seeing what caused your car to break down- hood raised up while he tweaks and checks some things. You, on the other hand, fixed yourself up and fixed your hair up, “ Did you find it yet? Or do you need help with the flashlight part?” Choso slammed the hood of the car down and stared right into your eyes with an angry expression on your face. He turned to sit on the hand prior to making a motion finger to get you to come to him and you obeyed quickly. Once you stood in front of him, he turned you around and whispered the words you didn’t think would come out his mouth, “ you want my cock, right? That’s why you purposely did that to your car. Such a succubus really. Pulling me in and here I am falling for it. You got me, now satisfy me, pretty girl.”
Your clothes was discarded and you had nothing but your bra on as he was digging into your pussy from behind. Your car rocked as he bounced your ass up and down his dick, “ That’s it, pretty boy. Fuck me like you mean it.” You knew he liked to be in control but controlled at the end of the day. A fucking switch if you want to put a name to it. He became puddin in your hands as soon as he pushed two clean fingers inside of your pussy and now his dick was the replacement for his fingers. He watched as your ass plopped down on him and wished he could capture this moment in his mind forever. Want to replay it like a broken record on repeat. That’s how amazing this felt right now. “ Hah, sh-shit, pretty girl. You feel amazing to be inside of.” You as your hands were placed along the side of him on the cold surface of the car— you rolled your hips, “ Mhmm, tell me more, baby.”
Choso suddenly grabbed your arms to place them behind your back, fucking into you with his big heavy balls slapping in between your thighs, “ I want to impregnate you so badly, right now. You were always the thoughts clouding up my brain. Everytime I - mmph!- thought about you stress went away that quick. You have a healthy and unhealthy affect on me. I hate it and I hate you!” He started to fuck you even more harder with one hand now snaked around your neck and the other one still holding your wrist together. The rolls on your body rippled along with his thrust, as well as your ass. You couldn’t even get a word out, “ You’re fucking me so good! Uuhhh! Yes right there, fuck me like you hate me, so’. I need it.” You kept repeating need it as drool slipped out of your mouth to the floor. One of your lashes was coming off from how hot the night air was. You thought you looked ugly right now but Choso thought the opposite. You looked even more beautiful fucked out under the moon light.
Choso bit your ear lobe as you tightened and untightened your pussy on his cock. He heard your cries and knew you just came on his cock just like he wanted, “ shit, baby. I don’t think I could hold on ang longer from the way you’re squeezing me right now. So please, where do you want me to cum? Hmm?” You whimpered prior to speaking, “ I want to suck you off, please. Please, lemme suck your dick.” Choso stopped with a hiss and pulled out at the same time of you dropping to your knees carefully on the concrete floor, scraping them a little. That’s something you will regret later.
Choso moved his hair out his face and looked down at you with low eyes and puffed up red cheeks. He watched as you placed kitten licks on his cock, savoring your taste on his dick which made him let out a broken moan. “ You like that, don’t you?” Choso rubbed your cheek with his thumb, “ Yes, fuck yes!, I do. Mmmm, you’re being such a good slut right now.” You laughed while continuing to place kitten licks under the head of his dick where his trigger vein is at. His tip was turning an angry red even if it had a little tint of brown, “ Cum f’me, So’. Cum in this pretty mouth, pretty face, cum for me baby.” He folded as soon as you said baby and gave one more kitten lick as you said it. He moaned out your name like a werewolf in heat, “ Fucking yes! Ohh I can’t take anymore, wait. Wait, ahhh fuck yes!” His reaction was because your pretty lips wrapped around his cock sucking up every last drop. “ Your fucking- hahhh’~ draining me baby.” Your laugh practically caused him to whine even more since it made a vibration on his tip. 6 down, two more to go.
・˳ . ⋆ .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆ Higuruma Hiromi: shower + against the wall
You never tried anal before but for Hiromi you’re willing to. You caught him in the bathroom while he was taking a shower at your apartment. He only stopped by yours because it was close and he was already forming a little bond with you over these past few weeks from the text messages. You so badly wanted to talk dirty to him in the text messages but was waiting for the right moment and right now was the right moment.
You were walking past your bathroom when you heard groans. Your mind wasn’t playing tricks on you that’s for sure, so you snuck inside the bathroom while Gojo was calling your phone after just fucking one of his hook-ups. He always called you whenever they wouldn’t satisfy him and you would turn him down every time telling him to go wash his dick off. What a coincidence that Hiromi is washing his clothes off. He was sensitive because he wasn’t jerking off at all. He was washing it until you heard a whisper of your name. Next thing you know after washing up with him, you were hanging onto him with your legs wrapped around his waist, “ You ever tried anal before, cupcake.” You shook your head no and he asked you if you would like to try— nodding your head yes to the question, which lands you a finger in your ass going in and out, carefully, “ You're taking this so well, cupcake. I think with a few more pumps you’ll be ready for my dick.”
Luckily the water was the lube for now but that still wasn’t enough so he spit on his fingers and fingered your ass even faster making you throw your head back in euphoria, “ Ahhnn, that feels so damn - mmph!” Hiromi smirked at your reaction with his wide big eyes staring directly into yours. He stopped fingering you and kissed you on your mouth. His lips were so soft against yours as the water ran over his entire body meanwhile only running down your face and tits. “ You.” He kissed your lips one last time. “Ready?” Another kiss on the top of your nose. You nodded your head as he moved up a little to get from under the water. You helped him get the water out his eyes prior to him messaging the opening of your ass.
Your breath got caught in your throat when he moved inside of your ass, you couldn’t even notice one tear sliding down your eyes, “ Fuck!” Hiromi kissed all over your face trying to ease you up and it worked because you were a sucker for light affection as well. He paused to let you get comfortable— moving inside of you more steady when you welcomed his tip inside of your puckered hole even more. You never thought but anal would feel this amazing or is it just Hiromi groping your ass as he moved up and down inside of you. His cock was bruising your whole body so well that you were crying without any words, just whimpers and moans. Hiromi chuckled and you could feel it on your chest as well, adding more to your pleasure/ humiliation of even trying anal, “ Look at you, so pretty taking my cock in that pretty ass of yours. You’re mine now.”
As soon as he said that he started moving even more faster inside of you despite your size because he was still holding you up, fucking you up inside and it felt so good. Soo good. “ everytime I slam into your ass, it jiggles on my fingers, adding to my fetish baby. Ass has always been something I admire for a long time and you know how long I’ve been staring at your ass. Ready to bend you over any minute.” Your mouth opened and a scream came from it turning into a loud moan of Hiromi’s name, “ Mmgh! Aaah! Keep pounding me just like that.” You gripped his cock everytime he slammed inside of your hot ass, fuck he wanted to spend so much time worshipping every inch of your body. “ Gonna cum for me, hmm, cupcake, gonna fuck~ cum onto my cock.” You nodded and kissed him as you moved up and down chasing your orgasm as well.
The sound of balls slapping your ass was enough to end you over the edge. Hiromi fucked you even harder, speeding up his movements trying not to fall. He snapped his hips into yours four more times— cumming into your little asshole. Throwing his head back as the water slid down his hair, face, and onto his neck. Hiromi came back up and placed you down on the floor, shaking as he did it. Your asshole felt brand new because of the loss of virginity and his cock size. He was freaking big and you didn’t know how you fit him inside but then again once you looked down, he was still a little hard. You body shook and jumped a bit as you got in your knees, licking his cock clean of your juices and his mixed together, “ You’re so fucking nasty, my love. I fucking love it.” You never did this before but there’s a first time for everything. One more to go.
・˳ . ⋆ .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆ Sukuna: two dicks/ mouths in your bed in front of the mirror + full Nelson
You never in your life heard of someone with two dicks. It was rare and I’m sure there’s a name for it out there somewhere. Sukuna was a strange individual, he had tribal tattoos on his arms and probably all over his body but that’s not gonna stop you anytime soon. He may be strange, in your mind that just means the dick is extravagant, so you couldn’t wait to try it. You sent the text to sukuna that you wanted to fuck two days after Hiromi fuck session. You’ve been on a role and haven't caught my Gojo yet, but then again does it matter. No, it didn’t not because you two are flings, so you would fuck whoever you wanted and he could do the same, just not friends. Somehow your ears were closed when he said that one.
Reasons why your anklet is back to your ear with arms wrapped around your legs holding your head in place as well. You was getting fucked in your pussy and ass by one person: Sukuna. You were moaning like a bitch in heat as you were put in a full nelson by someone as big and strong like him. Your pussy was on full display in front of your mirror and you couldn’t be more happy at the feeling of two dicks fucking you, “ Ohnnn bitch, fucking hell this hurts so good, kuna’.” He wanted to hear you say his name on a scratched cd saying the same thing over and over. His hand reached to play with your pretty pussy, rubbing your clit as he still moved up and down inside of your pussy and ass, “ Give me what I want, my little Bimbo. You don’t think I noticed your entire aura and act. You didn’t think I heard the stories from each one of them. They fucking love you and I now love your pussy as well because I could never love a little girl like you.” You burst out crying at his mean words. He was being such a meanie and asshole.
This is the degradation you hated and loved because it may be true. Sukuna laughed at your choked moans/sobs, “ So fucking pretty but pathetic. Playing the game but didn’t know that I made the game a long time ago. Shit~ this pussy is beautiful inside and out, but you're still nothing but a bitch in heat.” You were about to talk back but he pulled your head into a nasty kiss. This was true hate fucking and you couldn’t even process this because when did he hate you so much, now you hated him just as much. Who does sukuna think he is talking to you like he was? He made you feel trashy and that was the greatest feeling you could feel. Degrading was a part of your mind every and any day. Words hurt so good.
Sukuna dick from your pussy popped out making him stop completely, “ Put it back in before I stop completely. You’re not even gonna get to fucking lick off my cum once I cum inside of this soaking whorish pussy and ass.” Your moans and cries were louder than before since he sped up as soon as you placed his cock back into your weeping pussy. Little groans were escaping his mouth as he fucked you so good, better than he did with other women. Maybe because he fucked them without passion just complete degradation.
“ M’gonna cum, m’fucking cummin’. Ohh~.”, Sukuna swears when your head is laid back on his huge chest, your eyes crossed in complete bliss. “ That’s right baby, cum on this dick. Your pussy and ass is mine forever now. You are mine. Gojo gonna have to give you up to me. Fuckkkk~”. His balls slapped inside against your clit and pussy two more times ensuring that he’s cumming inside of you. “ So fucking perfect!”
Sukuna stood up with his cocks still inside of you. Afterwards, he placed you on the bed carefully, kissing your head as he stood in front of you, “ Sorry if I was mean, my sweet doll. Had to be, release my anger for you going to them first instead of me.” You smiled up at him with low eyes— soon licking up and down his dicks tasting both of them. If you couldn’t lick one you would just stroke the other and trade off when the other one is clean. After cleaning them both off even with his body shaking and low moans erupting from him, you spoke, “ Save the best for last.” Sukuna smirked down at you, proud of you. You won the game, or did you?
・˳ . ⋆ .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆ All of them: in your living room + bukkake
After two weeks, you were in a jam, a good one. This was so unexpected but what could you say? Absolutely nothing since you have a huge cock in your mouth, brown eyes looked down at you in admiration. Nanami was so beautiful to look at as you gave him a blow job. Blonde hair discheveled and cheeks bones going and out from the low breathes he took. Every part of your body was being played in front of Gojo who was sitting on the chair with red blush covering his entire face. He didn’t want to find out you were fucking his friends this way and he wanted to be angry, disappointed even but he couldn’t when you looked so fucking sexy taking this many cocks.
His cock was being stroked by Geto as he breathed in and out while keeping his eyes on you, taking Choso inside of your ass, Hiromi inside of your pussy, and shiu played with your tits as his cock slid between the crack of your leg bending. Toji was on the other side of you with his cock in your face waiting for you to suck him off as well and you did eagerly. Nanami and Toji smashed their lips together in the heat of the moment. You were kinda glad the attention is completely off you and their indulging in themselves instead of focusing on you all the time. But
Sukuna used your feet to stroke his cocks, loving the feeling of your panty hose stockings on his cocks. You weren’t really interested in foot jobs because they were weird. But Sukuna looks like he’s having a good time from the corner of your eye, besides it felt a little good. “ Look, Satoru. Look at how she’s becoming everyone’s pretty little angelic, slut right in front of your eyes. All that boasting was just preparing us for something like this.”
Your gags and gargles were heard around the room as Toji yanked your head up and down his cock. Your hands were full and so was your pussy and ass, you couldn’t be more happy especially when you saw Gojo enjoying himself with Geto as well in a heated makeout session while he was playing with his cock. You two were in bliss, you never wanted this to end.
After, taking all of their cocks inside of your pussy and ass, you came on their dicks as many times as you can count on your fingers, they all stood around your body as you sat on your knees on the fur carpet in your living room. You stuck your tongue out for everyone as you seen your cum lathered on all of their dicks, damn you made these men tired epesically Gojo Satoru, your first target. “ Good girl, stick your tongue out just like that.”, Suguru says closing his eyes with his head thrown back. You caught all of his cum swallowing it with no problem. Sukuna grabbed your hand to stroke his cock, gosh was he huge in size and height. You thought that as you looked up at him. He was 7’0 or up, the tallest one out of the group.
Everyone came on your face, you couldn’t see because you had your eyes close because Hiromi was a messy shooter, always had been. You smiled even more when you heard a click of a camera, “ Such a fucking whore, I love you.” It was Gojo who took the pic and Gojo was the first one to say I love you. Your job was done, he cracked.
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Tagging: @shunsuist ( don’t know if you want me to tag your old account), @happygoluckyalexis @mastermindenoshimaalicia @simpingfor-wakasa @bontens-angel and plenty more who wants to be tagged
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teddynottss · 2 months
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PAIRING(S): theodore nott x fem. reader !!
WARNING(S): smut
SUMMARY: Hermoine is aware of y/n’s feelings toward theo, therefore when she gets the chance, hermoine makes it her job to get them close to eachother
A/N: i hope you enjoy this and check my most recent post with tom riddle please show it some support 😭🙏 (this is edited)
You and Hermione were in your shared dorm, getting ready together for the pool party thrown.
You put your matching black swimsuits on and put your hair up so that it doesnt get wet from the water.
“Hermoineeeee” you sigh. “Is- is uhh is, is theo gonna be there?” You ask hesitantly.
Hermoine had always been aware of your feelings toward theo and she made no effort to stop teasing you about it.
“Ugh, y/n, yes he is” she spoke as she rolled her eyes.
“Do i look good, should i tie my hair or keep it in a claw-clip like this? Omg idk what to do i feel so ugly. Should i change this swimsuit?” you complain
“Y/l/n, one more word i swear. You look gorgeous, ur perfect. How many times do i need to tell you that?” She said.
You jump into her arms before she could finish, “god hermoine i love you” you say.
“Yeah i know bla bla bla bla, now we have a party to get to and boys to impress” she winked before dragging you out of the room.
You get to the party and ur eyes immediately begin scanning the room, in search of theo. In no time you spot him, sat in the hot tub with cormac, harry, ron, ginny, and luna.
Hermoine notices your intentions and grabs your hand leading you to the hot tub, “hermoine, no, im not ready yet!!” you sigh.
“too bad” she says before jumping in the hot tub. “shoot, y/n, there’s no more place for you, but im sure theo would be more than pleasured to keep you on his lap” she giggled.
You and theo didn’t hate eachother, you weren’t friends either. However, there was always tension between the two of you, even Neville could catch it.
He patted on his lap, gesturing for you to come over “c’mere” he said. You drag ur feet in the water and adjust ur sitting on his lap.
Looks and smiles exchange between everyone in the tub and you begin to feel the tension form. Cormac, next to you, starts talking about his previous experience with the ladies and other stuff.
And while ur listening, trying to act interested in whatever he’s talking about, you feel something poke from under you.
You also feel theo’s hands wrap around ur waist from under water which makes you let out a loud gasp, loud enough for the people in the hot tub to hear at least.
Everyones heads turn around to you, “sorry guys, thought i saw a bug” you laugh it off and all ur friends go back to their conversations.
The poking from under you only got more annoying, so you turn ur head, “theo, the laces of ur swimsuit are poking me, can u do something about it?” You speak.
“Cara mia, my shorts don’t have laces” he whispers to you, you could feel his breath on ur ear. “Fuck theo” you say.
He looks at you and then says something again “i say we get out of here darling before i can’t control myself anymore”.
You immediately jump up, and theo follows you. “If you’ll excuse us, we have some business to manage” he jokes pointing at the both of you.
“Get out of here man” Ron laughs.
“God please no” this, from Luna.
“Off you go” hermoine says smiling.
Theo then grabs your hand, two towels, and starts leading you back to his dorm. On ur way there, he wraps one of the towels around you, making sure you’re not cold.
When you get there, the Slytherin boy wastes no time locking the door and smashing his lips onto yours, immediately also allowing his tongue to slip in.
The kiss was not sweet, it was slow yet passionate and hungry. The boy was practically eating your face off while he has you pinned on the wall.
In a sudden movement, theo slips his hands under your thighs and carries you up into his arms. He carries you to his bed, the kiss ongoing, and makes you lay there.
He wastes no time unclasping your bikini and sucking on your tits. Your fingers meet his hair and you start tugging at it as he sucks on your nipples.
He leaves kisses on your boobs and cups them while he moves back up to your lips, also removing your underwear. They meet again and this time the kiss is faster, deeper, and hungrier.
“I- i.. fuck” he says in between kisses.
“Mhm?” you wonder.
“My friend down there, fucking hell, he needs attention.” the boy explains.
You laugh and start working your way, trying to remove his shorts. He turns over making sure to provide you with enough space to take control.
You make your way down, leaving kisses down his ab lines. You slowly lower his shorts and begin trailing his v line with your fingers.
You then remove his shorts completely and for a second, you are taken back by his large size.
His wet, throbbing cock was now inches away from your face. You begin by licking his tip, slowly and carefully before taking him in all in one go.
To that, he gasps, his hands then move to your head guiding you, he grabs onto your hair and leads you.
He even makes you gag a few times when he hits your throat, which you pinch his thigh for that.
You speed up your movements as you wanted to be the one to make him cum first, and you wanted to be the one that makes it happen faster.
“Cara mia” he spoke. “Im gonna.. soon. Im gonna.. fuck”.
You mumble a quick mhm as you speed your movements.
“Fuck you’re so good at this”. he praised
You smiled to yourself before he finally came on your mouth, he squeezed your hair as he released.
You move back up to him and stick your tongue out to show him you swallowed it. You then start kissing him again, slipping your tongue inside, his hands wrapping around your waist.
“You know ur actually gorgeous, youre so perfect. A goddess i swear” he said as you were sat on his lap, staring deep into his eyes.
“Tell me something in italian” you ask.
“Hmm? Something like what ehh?” he smirks.
“Anything” you smile.
“Well.. ti scoperò finché non potrai più camminare.” he said in a whisper.
“And that means?” you wonder.
“I’ll fuck you till you cant walk” he spills.
“Oh is that so?” you giggle.
he nods and then you give him the look of affirmation before he slams into you, which makes you let out a gasp before adjusting yourself to his size.
You then start working ur hips in sync with his, riding him while his hands roam ur body, touching every bit of skin he could get his hands on.
“Fff.. fuckkk, you look too good like this” he praised. “dannatamente perfetto”. (fucking perfect)
you smile and in a sudden movement, he flips you over so hes in control, he starts speeding and you grab onto the sheets for dear life.
He leans in and kisses you, you moan into his mouth and his swollen tip hits your spot, the one that sends you to the moon and back.
“FUCKING HELL!!” you scream, “THEODORE IM GONNA CUM”. He speeds up his movements and guides you as you release.
“è stato fantastico, bellissimo” (that felt amazing, beautiful) he spoke slumping on the bed next to you.
“You really gotta start teaching me italian so i can understand what ur saying” you chuckle.
“Oh yeah? What if i dont want you to understand what im saying” he teased.
“Uhh oh, we might have a problem then” you both laugh as he hugs u tightly, kissing ur temple.
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ghostlyferrettarot · 2 months
♥︎Pick a picture:💎✨️Everything about your next partner✨️💎
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•Pile 1 •Pile 2 •Pile 3
❗️This is a collective reading, take what resonates and leave the rest❗️
✨️Paid Services ✨️ (Natal charts and tarot readings) Open!
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💎Pile 1: 10 of Cups, Ace of Wands and Ace of Cups.
Hi pile 1! Your next partner is someone fun and reliable, I sense a lot of air signs energy from them, they know how to be serious but also fun! I see someone taller than you and with curly hair; i keep hearing people laughing so he probably has a really good sense of humor.
You two will bond over similar interest and also humor, i see them making you laugh a lot which is really cute. This person is really focus when it comes to their job/career, and you may meet them in a work/academic environment; they are really smart when it comes to what they do and value their time also. This person is someone non judmental when it comes to others, they are on the more out going side and likes to get along with everyone; i see that they are this way because others may have judged them in the past.
Theres a lot of duality in your person, i feel that they have a balanced femenine and masculine energy, they are in touch with their emotions and wont play around when it comes to a romantic connection. They will be really dedicated towards you, a trully loving energy; they want to be the one to be with you in your good and bad days, theres something about sharing memories and spending time with you that they really value and love, i keep hearing "you are the light of my life".
💎Signs: Air signs, glasses, blue, autum and winter season, winter holidays.
🪩Channeled Song:
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💎Pile 2: Knight of Wands, The Emperor and 4 of Swords.
Hi pile 2! I see that this person is someone who is not the relationship type, they are more focused on other aspects of their life, but you will change this for them! They have a fast energy, always setting new goals in their lifes. Because of this, they probably have the romantic aspect of their life quiet down; but when they meet you is like an instant spark for them. They will try to approach you and get to know you, their energy is dominant. Dark hair is really prominent, as well as longish hair and jewerly, i also see tattos on the hands and arms.
I feel like when both of you meet will be like a divine scenario, like it was meant to be, maybe you also resonate to be more focused on other aspects of you life instead of the romantic one. I don't know how to explain but this trully feels like a divine meeting, everything fell into place in order for you to meet, i heard "we almost missed eachother". I also see a rainy scenario so maybe the day you meet is on a rainy day.
Both of you will grow together, it will be a serious connection and you will feel really secure with them, maybe even doing long terms changes with them like moving or adopting a pet. You bring another side of them, the most loving and caring one; i'm hearing that you are their one and only, is like you could get anything out of them with just a look from your pretty eyes (their words pile 2🥹).
I trully see this as a long lasting connection; also this person family/friends will really love the relationship, it feels like you bring out the more fun side of them, you ground them somehow.
💎Signs: Earth signs, dark colors, mid lenght hair, cats, piercings.
🪩Channelled Song:
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💎Pile 3: 4 of Wands, Ace of Swords and The Fool.
Hi pile 3! I feel like this will be a ying and yang type of connection. You two may be seem really different but are actually more alike that what others thinks. This will be a very healing relationship, if you have had bad romantic experiences in the past, this person is coming to help you heal and evolve together. I keep hearing "Ill be you safe space", which is really beautiful; you will feel really comfortable with them. I see someone with brownish hair, they may have dimples and a really pretty smile.
This persons energy is a really kind and soft one, they may be the type of person who always seems relax and tries to see the positive side of life; maybe they do charity work or its involved in a career that requieres to connect/be in touch with a lot of people.
I see that you two will travel a lot together and would potentially build a home too; i feel that non of you will rush into the relationship, both will build a solid friendship and then will start developing a romantic connection, trully taking your time to get to know eachother. I am getting a Colin and Penelope from Britgerton type of vibe. I see that both of you will enjoy spending time together around the house, watching movies or cooking, so if you are a home buddy type of person, your person is too! I see cute dates in the park, but specially long conversations and bonding, i feel like you would be eachothers favorite person.
💎Signs: Earth/ Water placements, Green, Spring season, City, Brown hair, green eyes.
🪩Channeled Song:
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💎Thanks for reading and tell
me if it resonated💎
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harmoonix · 8 months
The Mist Spirit
• Astrology Notes •
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🌫️ - Your 8th house sign can indicate the legacy your ancestors left for you
Libra/Taurus in the 8th house = beauty, beautiful looking, popularity
Gemini/Virgo in the 8th house= Powerful voice, also the ancestors in your family could've had all beautiful voices
Aries/Scorpio in the 8th house = dominance power and confidence
Leo in the 8th house could've actually had wealthy ancestors
Capricorn/Aquarius in the 8th house are karmic already. Your legacy can be found inside you since you are here to break something bad from your family, also love for freedom
Pisces/Sagittarius in the 8th house = intuition, spiritual gifted, enchanting
Cancer in the 8th house = Most of your ancestors could've be women/females, psychic abilities
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🌫️ - Midheaven at 11°, 23° degrees can indicate that you may choose a career that implies technology
🌫️ - Midheaven at 1°, 13°, 25° degrees can indicate a job where you may take the lead role. Like to be the boss of some company
🌫️ - Midheaven at 2°, 7°, 14°, 19°, 26° degrees can indicate a job that implies art, music, maybe some fashion designer? C'mon girl you shine at these topics
🌫️ - Pallas (2) aspecting Mars can be fierce when it comes to righteousness, they respect people who are right and devoted
🌫️ - Pallas (2) harmoniously aspect Juno (3) - are the cutest people ever when it comes to commitment, these aspects get so along with eachother and makes it easy for you to tell your feelings (Good luck 🙏🏼)
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🌫️ - Pallas (2) in Libra/Scorpio or Capricorn in my experience cannot stand people who lie, like they don't like lying at all and can't stand it (Is always better to tell the truth)
🌫️ - Asteroid Ceres (1) square/opposition asteroid Juno (3) might indicate that you either your specific person needs nurturing in the relationship
🌫️ - Asteroid Lucifer (1930) aspecting Ascendant can hate favoritism. Like they don't like it when someone dear to them has a favorite person (also they may be get jealous fast)
🌫️ - Asteroid Lucifer (1930) aspecting Juno can show obsession with one eachother, but it can also make you and you specific person jealous asf
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🌫️ - Sun aspecting Uranus natives need to embody their unique traits and to not fear living in the shadow because they are different
🌫️ - Leo Placements can experience anxiety and overthinking about themselves kinda a lot. Especially they can have this fear of "What people will think/say about me" and honestly you shouldn't care because the only person who matters is you
🌫️ - Mercury in the 7th house natives are very special because they are the type of people who communicate everything with their specific person
🌫️ - Sun/Mercury/Venus and Moon in the 11th house make the most cutest friendships ever, they tend to attract good people in their lives
🌫️ - While Mars/Saturn and Pluto in the 11th house tend to attract competition, because these planets in this house have bigger influence
🌫️ - Lilith aspecting the Ascendant has a very a big influence, they are the type of people who catches everyone attention when they enter in a room. They may have a very different appearance than others, from clothing style to their body features
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🌫️ - Moon - Saturn intense aspects can be shy when they may first talk to someone new, but with the time as you know them more you can see they are different than you thought
🌫️ - Eros (433) in Taurus/Libra/Pisces are very romantic, Eros is Aphrodite's offspring and Aphrodite is represented as Venus. Also they might be most flirty people you can met
🌫️ - Venus - Mercury aspects can fall in love with people's voices first, like it can happen to hear someone's voice and fall for that type of voice
🌫️ - Chiron/Saturn in the 1st house natives can have a highly anxious state since they were kids, they could have experienced anxiety and panic attacks a lot in their childhood
🌫️ - Lilith - Sun aspects are the type of people you can fall the first time you see them, it is because they can embody Lilith's traits with a misterious personality
🌫️ - Jupiter trine/sextile/conjunct Pluto can possess a lot of power when it comes to their spirituality and belfies, they are so strong spiritually
🌫️ - Having a lot of air signs in your chart is an indicator of you being an very socializing person. You like to talk, to express yourself, you live for communication
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🌫️ - Capricorn/Aquarius Duo in a chart can embody Saturn traits faster than others, being responsible, respectful, good educated, polite, gentle and charismatic
🌫️ - Earth Sun combined with an Air Moon can possess great social skills and is that type of person who has a solution for everything, but often they can be hidden artists
🌫️ - Air Sun combined with an Earth Moon is the person who has a fight between brain - heart, often they are forced to chose which to follow, would you be more logical and follow your brain or would you be more affectionate and choose your heart?
🌫️ - Moon in the 7th house/Moon in the Libra seriously talking can get depressed or in a very sad mental state if they are not with someone they love. These people are hopeless romantics
🌫️ - I imagine the natives with Saturn - Venus aspects to be in denial when they first have a crush on someone, omg especially if you have Saturn quincunx Venus. Denial is such a thing for these aspects
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🌫️ - No matter what happens if someone with Pluto - Venus aspects loves you (for real) you are lucky because their love is so pure and so magnetic. You'll always remember their love
🌫️ - Sagittarius Venus 🤝🏻 Pisces Venus = Both being Jupiters kids, let's say they love life may be interesting and challenging in the same time
🌫️ - Aquarius Venus 🤝🏻 Capricorn Venus = Saturnian kids, they can share so many things in common, especially the love for freedom both of these natives seek for
🌫️ - "We never go out of style" - description for Aries/Libra/Aquarius and Leo Rising
🌫️ - Asteroid Cupido (763) in Cancer/4th house remembers me so much of a person who is very shy to fall in love but their love is the purest it's so complicated with them (They have very beautiful eyes just like Bambie)
🌫️ - "I like me better when I'm with you" - Moon/Venus aspects DEFINITELY 10000%. They change their vibe, mood everything when they see the people they like
🌫️ - Ascendant aspecting Uranus has a unique flow, they are outstanding. Out of the crowd and always something unique is with them.
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💨 Nothing feels better than staying outside on a October morning feeling the cold breeze through your body. As a sign that falls arrived 🍁
🍁 And the photos for this post are mesmerizing
🍁 I hope everyone who reads my notes has a blessed Sunday full of light and joy 🍁🎑
-Harmoonix 🍁
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bigfatbimbo · 3 months
saw ur post ab the vees and i wasn't sure if u wanted nsfw rambles or sfw rambles so like... i'll send the sfw rambles in a separate ask 😭
anywaysss im thinking ab putting them all in their place.... maybe they're all arguing over you or being pissy to eachother in general so you punish them all- seperately ofc, u cant have them getting off in eachothers pleasure bc ik damn well they'd be into watching you fuck someone else especially another one of the vees
i am always willing to rant about the vees🙏🙏🙏
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summary — The Vees being humbled by the reader in the form of loose, unprofessional headcanons and vague thoughts.
warnings — dom reader, sub… everyone else, very messy, not proofread, read at the risk of incoherence
a/n — I HATE THEM SO MUCH!! THEY’RE THE WORST!! Let’s as a society fuck them to tears.
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So, unpopular opinion, I’ve see a few ideas of being the vees collective lay or ‘plaything’ fucktoy, and the idea is so much more fun with a dom reader.
And i’m saying that objectively too, like not just as a dom reader blog. Because these are three people who make up the worst aspects of society, and lowkey are basically just manipulation tactics personified. Propaganda the trio!
Looking at these cocky assholes, who are the embodiment of what is considered terrible people, and who all have unmatched mathematically impossibly high egos, would it just be so fun to fuck the pride out of them?
Especially, for example, let’s say you’re around a lot and you’ve become a trusted person a good fuck for the Vees. They all have terrible attention seeking tendencies, so it would be safe to assume they’d be all over you.
Vox would be trying to talk to you about whatever particular subject he thinks is most interesting (about himself) to capture your attention, while Velvette would be close to you as well, flicking her phone your direction to show you something she finds funny or hot, but mainly as a subtle power-play to get your attention off Vox and onto her.
Valentino would be much less subtle, of course, by nature. He’d be all up around you, touching you, running his hands along your shoulder blades as he walks past, and probably the type to ‘drop something’ and bend over to flash you his fishnets and panties.
Needless to say, they’re all pissing each other off immensely. Obviously, being short tempered people, this leads to an argument because Velvette was ‘talking to you first’ but Vox had ‘actually important things to say’ and according to Valentino ‘the two of you were boring them out of their minds’ and he had to ‘spice your day up.’
Unfortunately for the Vees, you don’t do your one ‘job.’ Your attention isn’t given to any one of them. Yet. You just simply sit on the couch, scrolling through your phone and flicking through channels. Maybe you even actually leave the tower and go eat out or something.
Of course, until later when you pick them off one by one. And no matter who you decide to fuck senseless first, they will be so obviously loud just to be petty because, after all, you did choose them first. Like they would be being obnoxiously vocal about how ‘full they are’ or how ‘you’re going so fast!’ or some other fake shit like that. It’s honestly a whole show. Now, I feel like fucking all of them at the same time is kind of inevitable, because they’re all deprived horny freaks on the lowkey. (Except for Val it’s very highkey.) But I think there would be little mannerisms that appear on one on one sessions that they would NEVER show during a foursome. For example, Vox’s certain… titles he uses. mommy kink mommy kink mommy kink. Because he would literally die before calling you mommy or daddy in front of Velvette or Val. It’s okay when it’s just you because it’d be easier to be vulnerable around someone he trusts to set his dominance fully aside for.
And like, yeah, the other Vees know he gets fucked just like the rest of them, but it’s simpler for him to keep his illusion of dominance and respect out side of the bedroom, if the more shamefully submissive aspects of himself stayed hidden.
Also, I think Valentinos would have an easier time actually giving into to subbing during one on one sessions. Like yes, he does sub when it’s with you all the time. That’s the point of the fic.
But he’s less of a power bottom, and his flirtatious, incredibly disgusting remarks subside much faster into whimpers and whining.
Because, although less professional than Vox, he does still have an image. And when it’s just you fucking him, his vile horny comments disappear into whines for your attention in no time. Well actually a lot of time, but the point is that they actually do. And similar to Valentinos, Velvette’s confidence when bottoming alone with you is increasingly less apparent. Yea, she’s still bossy and definitely a power bottom, but there’s more of a recognition that she isn’t in charge. Honestly, she’s such a princess I think she’d actually have a very hard time going into subspace, even when alone. Because degradation just pisses her off. Why aren’t you worshipping her like you should be? But then it’s, what the fuck, why aren’t you worshiping her like you should be?? It makes her brat out even harder, which she does show in front of the other Vees, until she’s actually just needy to be pleased and given pleasure, making her twice as whiny. That aspect she does not show in front of the vees. But let’s talk about group sex with the Vees. Probably only used as a severe punishment, or a surprisingly giving reward. I have a very particular scene for the severe punishment aspect, however. So they’ve all been bad, but let’s say, for the sake of specifics to set the scene, Val has been worse. It is still a punishment for Vox and Velvette, but punishing them all to the same extent when Val has misbehaved clearly more would be wrong, would it not? They’re all greedy, selfish assholes, so you’ve concocted the perfect form of torture for your useless brats; they don’t receive anything until they’re good. Especially Val. Velvette has a strap on, so she can’t even feel anything but minor friction when you slide your worked open ass onto the plastic dick and open your legs, exposing your empty pussy to none other than Vox. He eats you out reluctantly, while rutting into the mattress as fast as he could, all while you cockwarm (and sometimes roll your hips to press the strap against her pussy uncomfortably) Velvette. Oh, and where’s Valentino? Tied up in a chair in front of the bed, getting a perfect shot while being totally naked and hard. You have a gag in his mouth too, because otherwise he’d be complaining the whole time. Because that’s just not fair, is it? He does this all day for a living. Seriously, he watches people fuck all day. It was his turn to feel something! And you would only have punished him more if he’d done something about this at work today. (Yikes..) I mean, this sounds like complete and utter bullshit. A lose-lose situation! But, it actually is completely fair. And as you’re receiving all the pleasure, from Velvettes feelingless, fake dick, Vox’s tongue while he humps the bed pathetically, and Val’s whines in complaint, you know the punishment is working. You’ve bothered them behind belief, you’ve hit a spot you knew would leave a message. Because none of the attention is on our poor little trio at all. These naturally selfish, greedy people, have to finally give. And god, they’re becoming more desperate for your attention and praise by the second.
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a/n — We all know I love sub Vox. But this opened by eyes to how much I love sub Velvette and Valentino. REQUEST THEM ALL MORE.
if this flops im throwing myself out of a window btw
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goldessia · 2 months
RUINED REPUTATION — k. bkg x assistant reader
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sum. katsuki bakugo is the #1 professional hero. because of this, he built an agency, and wound up hiring an assistant to help him with publicity and to do majority of his paperwork for him... something he didn’t expect was for that assistant to be so damn attractive.
warnings. smut, mdni! power imbalance (implied), slight degration, risky / quickie, scandal, sort of slowburn, reader had a small quirk (can manipulate small doses of water), intoxication, smut in later parts.
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 (wip)
a/n. ty to @cafekitsune for the borders / dividers!
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“YOU do know the risks, right?” my room-mate, mina, says, “i mean, i went to school with bakugo. he’s not a very.. nice person, and publicly placing yourself as his assistant could make you a target.”
i nod. “i know that.” i say, stuffing some things into my purse, “but i need this job. i love you, mina, but right now we kind of need the extra income. we’re not getting much with your job.”
she groans in frustration, “i know! but, all the villains lately just aren’t compatible with my quirk, so i’ve been leaving it to the others..” she sighs, rubbing her face.
“yeah, i know.” i say, slinging my purse over my shoulder, “it’ll just be temporary until you get back on your roll.”
“more like temporary because dynamight’ll kill you before that.” she snorts.
picking up my keys, i scoff, “i’m sure he’s not that bad. maybe he’s just a stressed out person!”
“sure. just come home in one piece, alright?” she chuckles, taking a sip of her cold coffee.
i roll my eyes and step out the door, finding my car and opening my phone for the directions to the agency.
the agency was easy enough to find — right in the middle of town with a sign in bright, orange colours: “the dynamight agency”.
i guess when you’re the #1 hero you don’t have to be scared to be found. in fact, looking at the giant building, i suspect he wants to be found; to be challenged, and to show them why he has the title of number one hero.
..and i also suspect this guy needs a serious ego check.
but i couldn’t lie and say i didn’t feel nervous. anxiety rushed through me, daring to glue me to this spot and not enter the building.
despite this, i walk through the front doors accidentally pushing a pull door and make my way to the front-desk where a pretty woman sits with two body guards beside her.
“hi,” i whisper, “i’m uh, here for the interview.. for the assistant?”
“oh! yes, you’re right on time.” she smiles, clicking a few buttons on her keyboard, “you’ll have to take the elevator up to the fiftieth floor, and in room A3.
“you’ll find a few of dynamight’s personnel as well as himself. he insisted on being there.. considering if you’re accepted you’ll be seeing a lot of eachother for a long while.”
my heart skips a beat.
“dynamight’s.. gonna be there?” i say, my eyes widening.
the lady hums, nodding her head like it was something normal to sit and have a talk with the number one hero.
i gulp, but mutter a, “thank you,” walking toward the elevators while clutching my purse with clammy hands.
pressing the button to the fiftieth floor, i feel anxiety rush through me. who was i thinking, applying for this job? i can’t handle being the assistant to dynamight!
i groaned, slapping my forehead as the reality finally set in.
i should’ve just listened to mina, and applied for some desk job or something. i figured, why not go above and beyond?
i’m so stupid!
the elevator doors open, and about a gazillion people rush into the elevator muttering nonsense to eachother or into their phones. majority held a briefcase — some are just holding loose papers, clutching onto them like their life depends on it.
i’m suddenly pushed to the back, and i try to mutter a few “excuse me”s, but to no avail — none of them could hear me, too zoned out in their own realities to care.
i was trapped.
suddenly i hear an explosion. a minor one, but undeniable.
my heart skips out of my chest. was there a villian? i’m in an elevator with fifteen people! i’m so dead. what was i thinking?!
“WHERE IS THAT DAMN ASSISTANT?” a voice screams, becoming louder by the second. “she’s late!”
“i’m sorry, dynamight, but it’s only been two minut-“
“SHUT UP! i didn’t ask you.” dynamight’s voice is now clearly in-front of us.
and then, i see him.
he’s tall, menacing — still in his hero costume that i recognize seeing on television when i was a teenager, just a little changed up.
the look on his face was undeniable. red, hot anger spilled from his aura as his eyes scanned the group of frightened workers, all frozen in place and have halted their calls and conversations.
i feel myself freeze when his eyes glaze over me, before halting. his eyes narrow, before he lifts a hand and points.
“you.” he says. “‘cmere, will ya?”
everyone’s eyes flick to me. i gulp, before nodding and slowly trying to make my way through the crowd.
“well, move out her damn way then!” dynamight hisses, and suddenly i see a path in front of me where there used to be people.
i take a deep breath, and with newfound confidence i walk forward, never breaking my eyes from his as i find myself beside him.
he snorts.
turning on his heel, he begins walking. hesitantly, i start walking beside him. he gives me a quick glare, expecting me to dip behind him but i don’t.
like i said before: he needs an ego check, and this is it.
he scoffs. “so, you’re my new assistant, or whatever?” he says, looking ahead again.
“well, i haven’t done the interview yet. so, maybe?” i say, masking my nervousness by remaining cold still except for my legs that are struggling to keep up with the hero’s pace.
he tuts. “fuck that. you’re hired, from here on out.”
then, he stops. he stands in-front of me, and it suddenly hits me how much taller he is, as he towers over me quite easily.
“which means you’ll do as i say when i say it. you work seven days a week, doing all my boring work i don’t want to do. got it?”
“seven?” my brows furrowed, “the agency said five—“
“yeah, well i say seven.” he spits, before pushing open a door. “this is your office. i’m across the hall.
“you’ll come when i call you. you’ll be dealing with all of my publicity shit as well.”
i shift on my feet. “yes, uh… sir?” i test, cringing at my own words.
his brows furrow, and his chin tips up. “good.” he says, before turning on his heel, “my manager will send you a list of things to do. get working on it.”
with that, he walks away.
my first interaction with my new boss, dynamight, couldn’t have gone any worse.
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after the first few weeks, i was spent. i’d never run around so much and dealt with such work since my first year in college.
after a long day in the office, dealing with one of dynamight’s scandals—he had hooked up with another pro hero—i finally was able to go home. it was 5:30, which meant i was already in overtime.
packing up my stuff, i push open the glass door that is my office. music played through my earphones, just a simple playlist that consisted of my favourite songs i grew up on.
i hum along to the tune, scrolling on my phone as i walked toward the elevator.
a notification popped up; mina had texted me asking to swing by a grocery store to pick up something for dinner.
as i begun typing a reply, i was quickly stopped when i felt a hand roughly grab my shoulder and turn me around.
my heart stops in my chest as dynamight glares over me, before ripping out my earphone and scoffing.
“i called you fifty times. next time, you’ll listen, alright?” he spits.
“you were— huh?” my brows furrow.
“fuck, are you deaf, or something?!” he stops himself, rubbing his eyes before inhaling a deep breath, “a word. in my office.”
he starts walking to his office, before i speak. “sir, i— i’m already in overtime as it is. respectfully, with your recent.. scandal, i haven’t gotten much time to rest. this is my one time to.”
his steps slowly halt. he turns, glaring with those ruby eyes straight into my soul.
“in my office, y/n. now.” he seethes, “the amount of rest you get isn’t my concern.”
maybe i would’ve gotten more rest if you learned to just keep it in your pants, i think but i do not say.
“you got a problem with my orders?” he stares, testing me, trying to provoke me.
i stare back. with a sharp inhale, i mutter a—“no, sir.” while beginning on my already aching feet.
i hear another notification on my phone.
girl, where are you!! foods gonna get cold
taking a quick look to dynamight, i try to quickly type back.
i know, sorry, will be there shortly
mr. explosion murder is mad at me 😬
oh damn
praying 4 u girl
“texting your boyfriend?” dynamight scoffs, to which i quickly put my phone away.
“oh uh— no, sir.” i clear my throat.
he looks ahead and murmurs a, “good.”
he opens the door to his office with such force i jump, the door nearly grazing my nose. he stands in-front of it, gesturing for me to enter.
when he does, he closes the door behind him.
i try to mask my nervousness, but it’s nearly impossible—who wouldn’t be nervous to be alone in a room with dynamight?
“what’d you want to talk to me about, sir?” i ask, fixing the glasses on my nose— just a small prescription, mostly for looks since i thought they were cute.
he stalks toward the chair tucked neatly into the desk in the middle of the room. sitting on it, he gestures for me to sit as well.
hesitantly, i do, folding my hands neatly in my lap.
“the board wanted me to discuss something with you,” dynamight states, leaning back in his chair and resting his hands on his open thighs.
oh gods. what is so big that the board wanted dynamight himself to talk to me alone about? was i being fired? was my work not good enough? was —
“your clothing.” he states, “you need to dress more formally.” he looks me over, eyes gesturing to the jeans and tank-top i had on.
i blink. “you.. you pulled me in here just to talk about what i wear?”
he runs a hand over his chin, inhaling. he has a slight stubble along his jaw and neck; the result of overworking himself the past few days.
lately, i’ve noticed a spike in his working hours, working longer than he usually does and longer than he needs to.
the biggest question is: why do i feel like i need to care for dynamight?
“not necessarily.” he states, leaning forward, “i’m going across tokyo for a mission. i want you to come with me.”
“what?” my brows furrow, “why?”
he sighs, “because.. i haven’t been out outside of work since my scandal, let alone talked to the press. i need you there to handle that shit for me so i can do my job.”
i ponder with his words, “..okay. well, i’d have to check with—“
“it’s not a question. it’s your job,” dynamight’s voice suddenly turns harsh, “we’re leaving tomorrow morning. i’ll pick you up by seven.”
“but you don’t know where i—“
“i know where you live.” he says, standing, peering me over when he sees i’m confused, “it’s in your work file.” he adds.
“oh. right.” i sigh in relief, thankful he wasn’t some stalker who found out where i lived by following me home.
wait, why would he even do that in the first place? whatever..
the door opens, and i turn to see dynamight standing irritably beside it. catching up on context clues, i grab my things and rush out the room.
that is, before i’m stopped by a hand on my shoulder. he leans closer, glaring ahead of him. i can feel the heat emitting from his hand, his body, and i freeze beneath his aura.
“and y/n?” he says, “if you’re going to wear that shirt.. wear a fucking bra next time.” he seethes.
practically pushing me out the room, i feel the door slam behind me.
i feel my face flush as i peer down to my shirt — i thought i could get away without wearing one today but i guess i was wrong.
fuck. how embarrassing was that?!
u alive?
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after i had gotten home, i told mina everything. needless to say, she was shocked — “seriously? travelling across the country with bakugo?”
“yeah. and for a week!”
“oh, you’re so done for.” she snorts, “i could barely handle a few hours with that kid back in highschool, let alone be with him all day long.”
i sigh, taking a sip of my water, placing it on the counter as i jump up to sit on it.
“he’s not.. that bad.” i cringe at my own words, “just a little misunderstood.”
“oh, please.”
“serious!” i cry, taking a bite of my donut, “i mean, he is an asshole, but working alongside him isn’t so bad.
“plus, majority of time he’ll just be ripping up some villains. all i get is some sweet vacation.” i shrug.
mina spares me a look, “are you sure you don’t have some sort of crush on him, or something?”
i gasp. a harsh blush finds my cheeks, and i want to crumble in on myself. “what? no!” my voice cracks as i am quick to defend myself.
she snorts. “you’re only ever like this when you have a crush!”
“am not.” i say, hiding my face from her.
“you’re blushinggg..” she teases, “you so have a crush on him!
groaning, i jump off the counter and make my way to the couch instead of the kitchen.
“don’t try and hide it!” mina calls from the kitchen. i roll my eyes and ignore her, flicking on the television.
the news was on.
the lady on the screen speaks, “number one hero, dynamight, was seen only two days ago with a top-ten hero. rumours have speculated about the two — are they dating, or was it just a fling? here’s what we think…”
i groan. another mention of this stupid scandal was gonna make my head explode.
the press didn’t know who it was he had slept with, but i did — it was double trouble, a hero with a doubled voice quirk that could control others bodies.
i always thought she was cool. standing at fourth place, she was a well known pro-hero in the area.
and also known to be happily married with two kids.
so why, on earth, did dynamight have to sleep with her? he had to be stupid to, she was pretty, but he really needed to get better with his publicity skills.
being the cause of an affair wasn’t getting better at it.
and if any information got out of it being double trouble, he’d not only have ruined his reputation but ruined double troubles life.
so, i spent the last week making sure every last bit of this scandal was wrapped up and sealed away. everything on the internet, security cameras, was wiped out of the world.
turning on one of my favourite shows, i set down my phone and get comfortable on the couch.
finally, i could relax.
and slowly, but surely, i fall into a slumber.
nearly an hour later, i hear a knock at the door. i groan, annoyed my sleep was disrupted and even more annoyed someone decided to knock on my door at midnight.
“can’t i just get one night of peace?” i mumble to myself as i push myself off the couch, fixing the tank-top strap on my shoulder.
walking to the door, i run a hand through my hair to attempt to tame the wild mess caused by sleep.
i open it, the door creaking as i did, peeking my head out the door. and…
i see no other thank katsuki bakugo, better known as dynamight.
he’s clutching the side of his torso, clutching the doorframe as he attempts to keep himself up.
he looks up, cheeks flushed, wearing casual wear — well, casual until you see the giant blood stain ruining his white tee shirt.
“i.. i didn’t know where else to go.”
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dailyadventureprompts · 5 months
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Dm Tip: Playing the Villain/ Guidelines for "Evil" Campaigns
I've never liked the idea of running an evil game, despite how often I've had people in my inbox asking how I'd go about it. I'm all about that zero-to-hero heroic fantasy not only because I'm a goodie twoshoes IRL but because the narrative-gameplay premise that d&d is built around falls apart if the party is a bunch of killhappy murder hobos. Not only would I get bored narrating such a game and indulging the sort of players who demands the freedom to kill and torture at will (I've had those before and they don't get invited back to my table), but the whole conceit of a party falls through when the obviously villainous player characters face their first real decision point and attempt to kill eachother because cooperation is a thing that goodguys do.
Then I realized I was going about it all wrong.
The problem was I had started out playing d&d with assholes, those "murder and torture" clowns who wanted to play grand-theft-auto in the worlds I'd created and ignore the story in favour of seeing how much unchallenged chaos they could create. They set my expectations for what an evil campaign was, and I spent the rest of my time developing as a dungeonmaster thinking " I Don't want any part of that"
But what would an evil campaign look like for my playgroup of emotionally healthy friends who understand character nuance? What would I need to change about the fundamental conceit of d&d adventures to refocus the game on the badguys while still following a similar enough narrative-gameplay premise to a hero game? How do we make that sort of game relatable? What sort of power/play fantasy can we indulge in without going off the deepend?
TLDR: In an evil campaign your players aren't playing the villains, they're the MINIONS, they're mooks, henchmen, goons, lackeys. They're the disposable underlings of uncaring overseers who have nothing but ill intent towards them and the world at large.
Where as in a hero game the party is given the freedom to challenge and overthrow corrupt systems, in an evil game the party is suck as part of that corrupt system, forced to bend and compromise and sacrifice in order to survive. The fantasy is one of escaping that corrupt system, of biding your time just long enough to find an opening, find the right leverage, then tossing a molitov behind you on the way out.
Fundamentally it's the fantasy of escaping a shitty job by bringing the whole company down and punching your asshole boss in the face for good measure.
Below the cut I'm going to get into more nuance about how to build these kinds of narratives, also feel free to check out my evil party tag for campaigns and adventures that fit with the theme.
Designing a campaign made to be played from the perspective of the badguys requires you to take a different angle on quest and narrative design. It’s not so simple as swapping out the traditionally good team for the traditionally bad team and vis versa, having your party cut through a dungeon filled with against angel worshiping holyfolk in place of demon worshipping cultists etc. 
Instead, the primary villain of the first arc of the campaign should be your party’s boss. Not their direct overseer mind you, more CEO compared to the middle managers your party will be dealing with for the first leg of their journey. We should know a bit about that boss villain’s goals and a few hints at their motivation, enough for the party to understand that their actions are directly contributing to that inevitable doom.
“Gee, everyone knows lord Heldred swore revenge after being banished from the king’s council for dabbling in dark magic. I don’t know WHY he has us searching for these buried ancient tablets, but I bet it’s not good”
Next, you need a manager, someone who’s a part of the evil organization that the party directly interfaces with. The manager should have something over the party, whether it be threats of force, blackmail, economic dependency… anything that keeps the antiheroes on the manager’s leash. Whether you make your manager an obvious asshole or manipulative charmer, its important to maintain this power imbalance:   The party arn’t going to be rewarded when the boss-villain’s plan goes off, the manager is, but the manager’s usefulness to the boss-villain is contingent on the work they’re getting the party to do.  This tension puts us on a collison course to our first big narrative beat: do the party get tired of the manager’s abuse and run away? Do they kill the manager and get the attention of the upper ranks of the villainous organization? Do they work really hard at their jobs despite the obvious warning signs and outlive their usefulness? Do they upstage their manager and end up getting promoted, becoming rivals for the boss-villain’s favor? 
Building this tension up and then seeing how it breaks makes for a great first arc, as it lets your party determine among themselves when enough is enough, and set their goals for what bettering the situation looks like. 
As for designing those adventures, you’ll doubtlessly realize that since the party arn’t playing heroes you’ll need to change how the setup, conflict, and payoff work. They’re still protagonists, we want them to succeed after all, but we want to hammer home that they’re doing bad things without expecting them to jump directly to warcrimes. 
Up to no good: The basic building block of any evil campaign, our party need to do something skullduggerous without alerting the authorities.  This of course is going to be easier said than done, especially when the task spins out of control or proves far more daunting than first expected. The best the party can hope for is to make a distraction and then escape in the chaos, but it will very likely end with them being pursued in some manner (bounties, hunters, vengeful npcs and the like).  Use this setup early in a campaign so you have an external force gunning for your party during the remainder of their adventures. 
Dog eat dog:  It’s sort of cheating to excuse your party’s villainous actions by having them go up against another villain who happens to be worse than they are. The trick is that we’re not going after this secondary group of outlaws because they’re bad, we’re doing it because they’ve either got something the boss wants, or they’re edging in on the boss’s turf.  This sort of plotline sees the party disrupting or taking advantage of a rival’s operation, then taking over that operation and risking becoming just as villainous as that rival happened to be. This can also be combined with an “Up to no good” plot where both groups of miscreants need to step carefully without alerting an outside threat. 
The lesser evil: This kind of plot sees your party sent out to deal with an antagonistic force that’s a threat not only to the boss’s plans but to everyone in general. In doing so they might end up fighting alongside some heroes, or accidentally doing good in the long run. This not only gives your party a taste of heroism, but gives them something in their back pocket that could be used to challenge the boss-villain in the future.  
The double cross: In order to get what they want, the party need to “play along” with a traditional heroic narrative long enough to get their goal and then ditch. You have them play along specifically so they can get a taste of what life would be like if they weren't bastards, as well as to make friends with the NPCs inevitably going to betray. This is to make it hurt when you have the manager yank the leash and force the party to decide between finishing the job , or risk striking out on their own and playing hero in the short term while having just made a long term enemy. This is sort of plot is best used an adventure or two into the campaign, as the party will have already committed some villainous deeds that one good act can’t blot out. 
Next, lets talk about the sort of scenarios you should be looking to avoid when writing an evil campaign:
Around the time I started playing d&d there was this trend of obtusely binary morality systems in videogames which claimed to offer choice but really only existed to let the player chose between the power fantasy of being traditionally virtuous or the power fantasy of being an edgy rebel. Early examples included:
Do you want to steal food from disaster victims? in Infamous
Do you as a space cop assault a reporter who’s being kind of annoying to you? in Mass Effect
Do you blow up an entire town of innocent people for the lols? in Fallout (no seriously check out hbomberguy’s teardowm on fallout 3’s morality system and how critics at the time ate it up)
I think these games, along with the generational backwash of 90s “edge” and 00s “grit” coloured a lot of people's expectations ( including mine) about what a "villain as protagonist" sort of narrative might look like. They're childish exaggerations, devoid of substance, made even worse by how blithely their narratives treat them.
Burn down an inn full of people is not a good quest objective for an evil party, because it forces the characters to reach cartoonish levels of villainy which dissociates them from their players. Force all the villagers into the inn so we can lock them inside and do our job uninterrupted lets the party be bad, but in a way that the players can see the reason behind it and stay synced up with their characters. The latter option also provides a great setup for when the party's actually monstrous overseer sets the inn on fire to get rid of any witnesses after the job is done. Now the party (and their players) are faced with a moral quandary, will they let themselves be accessories to a massacre or risk incurring their manager's wrath? Rather than jumping face first into cackling cruelty, these sorts of quandaries have them dance along the knife's edge between grim practicality and dangerous uncertainly; It brings the player and character closer together.
Finally, lets talk about ending the villain arc:
I don't think you can play a whole evil campaign. Both because the escalation required is narratively unsustainable, but also because the most interesting aspect of playing badguys is the breaking point. Just like heroes inevitably having doubts about whether or not they're doing the right thing, there's only so long that a group of antiheroes can go along KNOWING they're doing the wrong thing before they put their feet down and say "I'm out". I think you plan a evil campaign up until a specific "there's no coming back from this" storybeat, IE letting the Inn burn... whether or not the party allows it to happen, it's the lowest point the narrative will allow them to reach before they either fight back or allow themselves to be subsumed. If they rebel, you play out the rest of the arc dismantling the machine they helped to build, taking joy in its righteous destruction. If they keep going along, show them what they get for being cogs: inevitably betrayed, sacrificed, or used as canon fodder when the real heroes step in to do their jobs for them.
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highhhfiveee · 8 months
Mike x reader, with reader who works long hours during the daytime and Mike working at night which results in them barely having time to see eachother besides from dinner and bedtime
oh, you wanted angst fr 🥲 i think it could go either way, but honestly angst is what stood out to me first. i’m going to make this sadder too, just because i can 💜
to crumble
pairing: mike schmidt x blackfem!reader summary: y/n and mike find their relationship at a dead end. wc: 2.3k tags: angst, pain, prescription drug mentions, fluff and cuteness in the beginning but not for long. mdni. part 2 here: 🏳️
all i can think ab is the unbearable pain that replaces the love in your hearts as time goes on.
you’ve been together for half a year. things were fun at first, but once you decide to move in to help with abby, you start to see the cracks in the foundation.
in this one, reader works two jobs (bc let’s face it, this is unfortunately realistic); teaching from 9-4 and cashiering from 5-8:30. mike doesn’t want you working two jobs and you didn’t want to, but you knew that your salaries combined wouldn’t keep you afloat. abby’s school is expensive, and so is everything else in life. the extra money you get from cashiering gives you guys flexibility. 
every morning at 6:30, monday to friday, you wake up alone. even though you know it’ll probably be empty, you still reach your arm over to run it over mike’s side. it’s always cold and flat, completely untouched. 
you brush this off at first; it's one of the things that comes with him working overnight and you know he needs this job so that he can keep abby. you want that for him and know that love is sacrifice. 
you wake abby up and start getting her ready in between fixing yourself up; brushing her teeth while you brush yours, letting her get a few more minutes of sleep in while you throw on your clothes, guiding her through packing her bag while you make breakfast. by that time, closer to 7:30, mike is finally walking into the house. 
his eyes are hooded and surrounded by dark bags and you can tell he's exhausted from the way he hangs his things up lethargically. he kisses abby, who's running around collecting things, on the head, then ambles over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing along your neck. 
they're soft, gentle actions that make you forget about not being able to do things like this at night. it doesn't matter when you have mornings with him, even if it's only 30 minutes before you have to go. you giggle and reach a hand up to his cheek, kissing him on his other one. 
"missed you," you whisper.
"missed you too," he mumbles back, planting a kiss on your lips before stalking away to ask abby something. 
you all eat breakfast together, and then you're slipping abby's coat over her shoulders before you put on your own. you usher her to the car and give mike one last kiss before you leave, a deep one that you hope he feels all day. when you pull away, you can see the affection sparkling in his eyes, low and tired but expressive nonetheless. 
"i love you," he whispers, his sleepiness masquerading as love-drunkeness. 
"i love you, mike. get some rest, okay?" 
you drop abby off, wishing her well, before you're alone for the next 12 hours. it often drags. at your teaching job, you feel as if it's just passing you buy in waves, everything whizzing past you at light speed. you're aware that you're in front of the kids, but then you just blackout. you're thrown into autopilot, and you do this over and over until your lunch break at 1. you text mike to pass the time.
sometimes it's something silly, like "god i do not get paid enough" or "a kid just ate glue /: send help", to which mike will respond "😂😂😂" or "lol you deserve millions (:". he makes you laugh, and it's enough to help you push through the end of the day. 
he picks up abby from school, asking her all about her day and what she wants for dinner. he'll text you what she says so you know what to expect when you get home, like "meatloaf 🍖🍞 (:" or "chicken alfredo 0: fancy". 
for you, transitioning from teaching to customer service was easy; all you had to do was maintain that same autopilot: smile on, eyes alert, prepared for anything. no one suspected a thing when you could keep up and answer their questions. 
mike helps abby with her homework, scratching his head with the eraser of a pencil when he draws blanks on a math or history question. abby only sighs, telling him about something off-topic. "art class is much more interesting." 
mike starts dinner while you're closing up at work, sweeping the front end of the store and counting down your drawer. he lets abby help sometimes, and they usually have it ready for you by the time you're home at 9. 
abby meets you at the door, and you hug her tight, picking her up and waltzing her back into the house. mike is setting the dining table, greeting you with a sleepy smile and, "the queen has arrived."
you all sit down and eat, and it's another one of those moments where everything feels okay. the last 12 hours didn't matter when you were able to have this at the end of it. 
you tell abby and mike about your day over spaghetti, spilling details about prideful parents and spiteful customers. abby laughs all throughout, asking questions about being a cashier. mike just listens, eyes and heart floating between the two of you. 
you clear the table while mike goes to get ready for work, and a wash of dread passes over you. your brain knows what's happening next. you'll kiss him goodbye, clinging to his hoodie sleeve for a second longer than you should, and then you'll settle down with abby, bathing her and reading her to sleep. then you'll be alone. it will just be you and the screech of infomercials until midnight, and then you'll be off to sleep, snuggling into a pillow that smells like mike. 
you push the feeling away, shaking your head and hands and doing just as you know. there's the kiss, the night routine with abby, and the moment you sit on the couch, surrounded by tv light and the croaking of cicadas. 
mike doesn't text during his shift unless it's an emergency. it makes you sad, but you understand. security requires focus, and you require sleep. 
for a while, this works. it's what you and mike have to do to make ends meet, and while you both think that it'll only get better with more time at it, it doesn't. 
you still wake up alone and go through the same rhythm, but when mike comes in around 7:30, it's not 7:30 anymore. it's 7:39, then 7:45, then 7:58. the latest he's ever been, so late that you're not able to eat with him. he shrugs it off when you mention it, kissing your cheek and retreating to the bedroom to sleep.
you drop abby off as usual, and go to work. work. work. work. 
mike starts missing your lunch break texts, sometimes dozing dangerously close to when abby's school lets out. while your class works, you bitterly stare at your text conversation. your unanswered "shaping america's future is kinda sick" message stares back at you until it's replaced by abby's school calling. your heart drops to your stomach as you step out of the room to take the call, answering the phone with, "is she okay?" 
mike didn't pick her up. she's out at 2:30 and it's 3:30 now, and she's crying and scared because he didn't pick up the phone, and she always calls him first. 
you leave work in a flurry, asking a fellow teacher to take over, and you speed to abby's school, not caring about tickets or police or anything. you only want to get her home.
mike is dashing out of the door when you pull up, wrenching a sobbing abby out of your backseat and clutching her close. "i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry," he breathes, smoothing her hair and looking up at you with regret etched into every feature on his face.
you try your best to hide your upset, ushering everyone inside before changing into your work clothes. you were going to be late, but you shake it off. abby was home and that was all that mattered. 
"hey," mike reaches out to you when you're on your way out. his fingers graze their way down to your hand, and it makes you wish that you could stay home. "thanks for that. i've just been super tired lately and i overslept and---"
"it's okay, baby," you give him a tight lipped smile and a kiss on the knuckles. "just don't let it happen again." 
it happens again. and again. and again. it happens so many times that abby starts to think mike is forgetting about her, and you don't know how to get that out of her head. she cries about it more and more with each time you have to pick her up. he stops running out to apologize, still asleep inside. 
you rush into the bedroom. he's splayed out over the bed, snoring loudly with his arm hanging over the side. you find an orange pill bottle on his nightstand. an old ambien prescription. 
you argue with him before work sometimes.
"what do you need ambien for?"
"i can't sleep." 
"but every morning, you skip breakfast to sleep."
"i do fall asleep, but i started waking up out of it. i just take the ambien to help me fall again."
"what time do you take it?"
"i don't know, y/n."
"why are you lying to me?"
"i'm not." 
"what time?" you cry, grasping at your chest. a sharp pains thud through your ribcage, and you literally sob. it feels like your heart is tearing in two. "you stare at times, mike. what time do you take the ambien?" 
he doesn't answer you and he doesn't know why. it would be so easy to tell you that he takes it at 9 or 10, and that he believes he'll be able to wake himself up around 2 but he doesn't. he can’t sleep without the ambien. he needs it now because he kept himself up in the early days of this, mind toiling over their situation, the endless reassurance that this would work sending him into insomnia. 
you leave when he doesn't answer, wiping at your watery eyes and runny nose. 
you cashier as a shell of yourself. abby stops asking mike for homework help, and eventually he stops cooking dinner too, trading all that time in for extra sleep after picking her up. you have to explain the situation to your retail store manager, just in case mike forgets again, and start looking after abby more. mike only ever made time to spend with her on the weekends, content with awkward moments over lunch and low energy bickering.
the lunch break texts stop. the dinner texts stop.
he's dressed and ready to leave when you get home these days, prepared to exit as you enter. you don't know what to say as you face each other in the doorway, eyes focused on anything but each other. you don’t even kiss anymore.
"i think abby's asleep already."
you shake your head. "i think she's really sad. she hasn't been coming out of there like she used to. she misses you." 
"i miss her too, of course. i'm just busy." 
"all you do is work, mike," you deadpan, exhausted with him. you never thought you'd ever get to a point where you looked at mike, the sure love of your life, with disdain, but you felt it creep into you ever so slightly. 
"yeah, i know. it fucking sucks, but it's what i have to do to keep abby."
you scoff, scooting past him to take your coat and bag off. "as if you're going to keep her by leaving her at school everyday." it's supposed to be under your breath, but the disdain creeps onto your tongue, bitter and raging, and you say it aloud, to his face. 
his jaw clenches and his brown eyes burn, staring you down with an unrelenting severity. you hunch yourself over, dropping your head and sighing out, "mike, i'm sorry. i didn--" 
he leaves without another word. 
how it got to this, neither of you know. not even the weekends healed anymore. mike caught up on sleep, you caught up on grading, and in your downtime, you avoided each other. for him, it felt easier than being around you. you were irritable all the time, a quick fuse with any word he could think to speak. 
for you, it seemed like it was what he wanted. time away from you, from abby, from everyone; time to be alone and recharge for the only thing he ever did, the only thing that was keeping his sister in his care. 
you didn't even remember what his touch felt like, what he tasted like. the man that you loved had become but a memory, a ghost that passed through your plane. you’re able to imagine his fluffy hair, his perfect smile, his laugh, his rich smell, but none of it mattered. he didn’t feel like yours anymore. 
you suppose it was the same for him, with you existing in the same space but only tangible to him some of the time. he would catch glimpses of your smile, laughing at something on your phone, or talking to abby, meet your eyes when you shuffled back to the bedroom from the bathroom, rimmed in red from crying for the last 30 minutes.
he starts sleeping on the couch, unable to even lay beside you. 
mike does a lot of crying. a lot of screaming into his pillow, wondering why he fucks these things up so badly. you do the same, wondering why you stay in situations that hurt you.
this goes on for longer than you two would like, so long that you don't even celebrate your one-year anniversary.
the day passes without noise, mike sleeping and you working.
a prequel of sorts : x
THIS WAS SO FUCKING LONG MY BBBBBBBB OMG. i did NOT mean to go this deep in, i just felt SOOOOO MUCH! my little brain got sad ): i could go deeper into this too one day, breaking up moments into specific little blurbs or ficlets d: let me know if y'all even enjoyed this lmaooo off to write for Halloween lol
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what if he's written 'mine' on my upper thigh . . . bsd x reader
tattoos the bsd men have ! feat. dazai, chuuya, fyodor, nikolai, kunikida, akutagawa, atsushi
~ fluff, headcanons, dubious grammar
by @cinnamon-girl-writes
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osamu dazai ~ collarbone
arguably the sluttiest bsd character, i can totally see dazai having a collarbone tattoo
ALWAYS showing that shit off, like opening the top couple buttons of his white shirt so you can see it *drools excessively*
i don’t think he’d ever get anything with personal significance to him because of the loss trauma he already has
that being said, i think *over time* in y’all’s relationship it starts to gain significance to him
i.e., you always kissing that spot <33
slowly, something with limited meaning that was only meant for aethetic reasons becomes something that makes him think of you every time he sees it
ngl, this scares him a little bit since he’s so used to being left
so you gotta stay for him and let him know it’s gonna be okay <333
that being said, the primary reason he got it was to like the way his body looks again (assuming it’s damaged/scarred under the bandages or he’s just insecure)
so the ink PLUS your affections- he’s so happy <33
chuuya nakahara ~ pelvis
oh lord
i’m sorry he’s just so— ESDRUTFYIGUBLVICU
^ me thinking about chuuya with tattoos. anyways
because of his job in the port mafia i don’t think he’d have anything that’s visible in his normal clothes
but this way it would be EXTRA secret and only for your eyes !!!
chuuya would have a tattoo on his pelvis of your name
some couples have tattoos in eachother’s handwriting, but chuuya is a man of refined taste, so he gets it done in an elegant cursive font (not to offend your handwriting, but it is permantly on *his* body after all)
needless to say, you give it lots of attention in general, kisses and gentle touches
but also during *stuff*
he’s so obsessed with you, PLEASE get matching tatts with him
omggg i can see your matching tattoo being in a roman style all-caps font
whether it’s his name or an important date, he doesn’t mind, just the thought that you dedicated something to him gives him butterlies <33
fyodor dostoyevsky ~ sternum
this crazy religious man/anemic rat would most likely not get tattoos
whether that was due to his religious practices or just his personal preferences i don’t see him ever wanting tattoos at all
BUT we’re gonna ignore that for this
in this case, i think he’d get a cross tattoo down his sternum
something detailed and intricate, and since he’s russian it would most likely me the orthodox cross
MAYBE if you’re extra special *coughs* useful to him *coughs* he’ll get your initials somewhere & very small (just to manipulate you into trusting him more)(okay sorry i’ll stop-)
nikolai gogol ~ thigh
i know we always talk about this man’s thick thighs but like. LETS TALK SOME MORE
ANYWAYS, i can see him getting something really ornate like flowers or fish or something
i think once you’ve been together for a while he’d get something dedicated to you like your name or your initials
i can totally see him getting it in your handwriting (even if it’s messy, you apologize but he doesnt care <3)
like y’all would be doing *stuff* or just like hanging out or whatever and you’d see it and be like……baby what is this
and he’ll be like ‘oh yeah i got that a few months ago!’ BITCH??!??!?!?!?
anyways ten minutes later you’re tearing up (after berating him) cause he’s just so <333
bonus crack note: i feel like he’d get something so stupid like a meme or wtv and you’re just like. babe you know this is permanant right. and he’s like yeah i know.
doppo kunikida ~ forearm
drooling at the thought of kunikida with tattoosssss
he would get it on his forearm so he could always see it himself, and it wouldn’t matter about his work uniform because he always wears long sleeves in public anyways
i think he would get something like a picture, and kinda detailed
maybe like a cherry blossom or some fishies or something :))
AND he’d have your name tied into the design somehow in like a really intricate way
long story short, it took a long time for you to convince this guy to get a tattoo since he’s so obsessed with his ideals (getting permanant ink etched into his skin is NOT in his notebook)
BUT after careful deliberation the two of y’all planned out matching tattoos
they’re not totally identical & they both reflect y’all’s styles and stuff, but you have eachothers names/important dates in there <3
sigma ~ nape
i feel like sigma (canonically?) doesn't really feel 'human', and he's not sure what getting a tattoo would be like for his body
idk i feel like he wouldn't really 'get' the point of tattoos and kind of question it
anyways, assuming he's working at the casino, he would want something that would be easy to conceal every day
AND he has beautiful luscious hair.....
which leads me to a nape tattoo (i actually didn't know what this was called until today cause i had to google it,.... but basically it's the back of your neck)
would DEFINETELY get something super meaningful, like a symbol to him or something
he would absolutely tie your initials into it too
overall just. 10/10 he's so gorgeous
ryuunoske akutagawa ~ chest
another one i don’t really think would be into tattoos
similar to dazai, i feel like he’s too insecure/subconcious about his body or just doesn’t care about his looks that much
however, after you convince him to get a tattoo on his chest (he vaguely mentioned they looked cool and then you encouraged him) he gains some confidence!!!
i think it would probably be something that looks badass, like a snake or uhhhh something
i don’t think the actual symbol will have much meaning to him, but it’s what you make of it <3
he loves it when you lay your head on his chest (not quite cuddling fully because i don’t think he’d like physical contact that much) and you leave gentle kisses on it <33
tldr: you help him heal.
atsushi nakajima ~ hand
idk something about his vibes and that haircut gives me hand tatt vibes <33
he would DEFINTELY get something that had significance to him & likely something related to you
this boy would absolutely get something with your name, screw that he’d get a whole biography of your entire life tattooed on his entire body in fluttery cursive font
this boy is W H I P P E D for you like. it’s bad
i also feel like he’d get colored ink instead of just black
anyways, kiss his hands and tell him he’s pretty <33
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part 2 anyone????? also i'll do full fics/drabbles of these if anyone wants (SEND ME REQUESTS PLSSSSS ANYTHING)
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auras-moonstone · 9 months
hi i cant tell u how excited i am everytime i get your notifications 😭😭 also i know if i send a rec you'll do an amazing job so i'm requesting one rn i hope u like it!
barista y/n and ethan landry who are coworkers after class, they're always teasing eachother and there is some (light) flirting
y/n hasn't realized yet how attractive he is, until he passes behind her grabbing her waist to get on the other side of the counter to get an order.
it's not rlly a plot but GOD i'm imagining ethan in his tight little polo shirt and the apron around his waist, his front curls w a little bit of sweat onto them while he makes coffee..... i'm so weak 😭
thank you so much😭🥺 i was so excited to write this! love the concept so so much. hope you like it 🫶🏻
glitch — ethan landry
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word count: 1,747
pairing: barista!ethan landry x barista!fem!reader
summary: ethan has a crush on his co-worker, and she doesn’t reciprocate that crush until one touch changes everything.
warnings: a bit suggestive, but no smut
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TRUTH WAS, ETHAN HAD BEEN SIMPING HARD FOR Y/N SINCE HIS VERY FIRST DAY OF WORK. How could he not when she had that graceful smile on her face that made every customer weak in the knees? Ethan clearly wasn’t not the exception, he could work-ship the ground she walked on. But the attraction was very much one-sided.
It wasn’t that he was invisible to her, but she just didn’t see him the way he wanted to. They did flirt a bit, but while he did it with the intention of making her notice him in a romantic way, she only did it for fun, there weren’t any second intentions involved. Besides, Ethan had to watch every day the way boys would hit on her and asked for her number and how she wrote it in the palm of their hands. It broke his heart knowing she would never see him in another light.
“How many times did you have to write your number in someone’s hands today?” Ethan asked faking a laugh as they closed the cafe.
Y/N rolled her eyes playfully “Today was a chill one, so not much.”
“Have you ever gone on a date with any those guys?” he asked curiously. She never talked about going on dates, or never mentioned she was seeing or texting someone.
Y/N looked at him with surprise eyes. “Eth, please tell me you don’t believe I actually hand in my number that easily.”
“Wait what?”
The girl laughed, and punch him in the arm lightly. “You do think that! God, Ethan. I give them fake numbers. I don’t want random people texting me.”
“Can’t you just say no?” Ethan asked confused.
“I don’t want them to feel bad.” she shrugged.
“So you give them fake numbers and make some strangers let them know the pretty barista gave them a fake number?” Ethan asked incredulously.
Y/N grimaced “Okay, that sounds bad too, but I least I don’t have to see their rejected faces and they don’t get turned down in public.”
Ethan laughed, and the pressure on his chest evaporated. Was it crazy that he felt relieved by this new information? A bit. “So that means that I shouldn’t bother to ask for your number?” he acted disappointed.
Y/N chuckled. “Econ geniuses are my weakness, so I would never give you a fake number.”
Ethan blushed and shoved her “Shut up! I’m not an Econ genius.”
“Anyone who passes that dreadful class is a genius in my eyes” she said, shoving him back. “Let me give you my number, but don’t ghost me, okay?”
“I would never.”
“Good, cause you’d break my heart.” she joked, writing down her real number on his palm. Her hand felt so good on his, Ethan wished she would never let go. “There you go. Text me, we should hang out outside of work.”
“Really?” Ethan’s eyes shone and his heart started doing cartwheels.
“Of course, Eth. I actually like being around you” she smiled softly. Ethan would definitely mark that day as the best day of his life. “I can set you up with someone and we can go on a double date!” his face fell. So much for hoping. “Or, we can do something just the two of us. Now that I think about it, we don’t actually know much about the other. What a fake friendship we have.”
Friendship. That’s all he was ever going to have with her, and he needed to come in terms with it. Y/N was amazing, and he should be lucky to have her around, even if it was just as a friend.
Although, on a wednesday morning, the turning point happened. The university’s cafe was completely packed, and so they had to work ten times faster than usual. Stress filled the air of the small shop.
“Ugh, stupid machine! You had to choose this day to work like shit?” Y/N groaned, hitting the coffee machine. The coffee poured down slowly, and knowing it was going to take ages for the cup to be filled, she took one step backwards in frustration.
Ethan, who was trying to get to the other side to deliver a drink, bumped into her. Being in a rush, he almost made her lose her balance when they collided, but he grabbed her by the waist just in time to steady her. “Sorry! Are you okay?”
Y/N wanted to say yes, but she was not okay. Not because he had hurt her, but because the feeling of his big hand on her waist left her speechless. It produced a glitch on her body, a malfunction that caused her brain to not be able to utter a single syllable. She only managed to nod before setting her eyes on the coffee machine as if it were the most interesting thing on the planet.
For the rest of the stressful shift, Y/N found herself sneaking glances towards the tall boy every time she could. She couldn’t help it, her eyes diverted on their own and every time Ethan would pass by her, her whole body tensed and yearned for one more touch.
Ethan’s electric touch had been like a bug that altered her whole system. How in the world did she not notice him like that before? The way his cute polo shirt hung to him like a second skin—giving him the look of a hot nerd that Y/N was now a complete sucker for—, the way he adorably frowned in concentration as he prepared a drink, or the way his beautiful curls sticked to his forehead because of the sweat—honestly, she had no idea sweaty men could be that attractive. That’s what Ethan Landry was. He was so fucking attractive, and now that Y/N saw it, it took her lots of self-control not to push him against the counter and kiss the hell out of him.
“Tough shift, right?” Ethan said as they cleaned the now empty cafe.
Her gaze dropped down to his arms, his biceps flexed as he cleaned the counter. He was so hot. “Yeah.”
“What’s wrong with you today? You seemed off the entire day.” he asked confused.
“Nothing, I’m just really tired.” she said casually, forcing herself to look away from him.
“God, yes. My body is about to collapse.” he groaned as he stretched his arms. The action cause his shirt to ride up, showing a bit of his lower stomach.
Y/N’s grip on the cloth tightened as she felt the heat growing between her legs. I get it, I’m an idiot for not noticing how hot he is! Stop torturing me, she said to her hormones. “Same.”
Ethan laughed. “Seriously, what’s going on? Do you feel sick? You’re flushed, your face is really red. Do you have a fever? I can finish cleaning, you can go home, or wait for me and I’ll drive you.”
And he was so fucking sweet too. She wanted to rip her heart out and give it to him. “No, I’m okay.”
But Ethan didn’t believe her, so he walked towards her and cup her cheeks, making her breath hitch. “You’re not. What are you not telling me?”
Y/N sighed, he was not going to let go. “Trust me, you don’t wanna know.”
“I wanted to know, now I need to know. Tell me.”
“I’m horny, okay?” she blurted out in an exasperated tone. “And it’s your fault!”
“W-what?” he took one step back, eyes widened.
“Yes, you put your hand on me today and I can’t just stop thinking about your long fingers on the curve of my waist. And you won’t believe half the things I’ve seen inside my head since. You have been driving me crazy the whole day”
Ethan’s mouth was dry. At first, he thought she was messing with him, but her shiny glossy doe eyes were telling him a different story. She wanted him. “Try me. No, actually, show me.”
And it was then when the cafe’s temperature raised, when lust filled the air and their bodies turned warm with need. Five seconds later, Y/N fastened herself to him with a stitch—she grabbed Ethan by the collar of his polo, and tugged him down to met her lips in one ferocious kiss. She walked him backwards until his lower back hit the edge of the counter. He moaned both in pain and excitement.
The girl sneaked her hand down his shirt and felt his toned abs, groaning in delight against his lips. “So fucking hot. I need you.”
Ethan grabbed her by the forearms to change positions and then turned Y/N around so that her back was against his front and her stomach pressed against the marble counter.
He bit her earlobe and then started dragging his wet lips down the skin of her neck, sucking on her sweet spot. His veiny rough hands slipped inside her shirt, exploring the skin of her stomach and then they settled on her waist, giving them a squeeze. “You liked this, didn’t you?”
“Yes.” she replied breathlessly, resting the back of her head on his chest.
“Isn’t this better though?” he asked huskily on her ear as he trailed his fingers upwards, cupping her breasts. “No bra? Lucky me.”
“Eth…” she moaned, clenching her thighs, desperate have him inside her.
Noticing that, Ethan used his right leg to spread her thighs apart. “Bend over the counter, love.” he commanded, raising her skirt up to her hips and unbuckling his belt. “Be a good girl and moan my name.”
When they left the cafe, they were both still flushed by the dirty and hot encounter they had. Ethan still couldn’t comprehend how the day ended—he had walked inside the cafe that morning, the idea of fucking Y/N didn’t even cross his mind because he knew he had no chance. And now he was leaving with his hand intertwined in hers.
Y/N, on the other hand, didn’t even want to think about her life before that shift, when she wasn’t at Ethan’s mercy, when she didn’t know he kissed slowly and with passion, that he was a very dirty talker, that his touch felt like heaven, that he loved being praised as much as he loved praising, that he made the hottest sounds and that even though he had been attractively rough during sex, he was a fucking sweetheart after it, making sure she wasn’t in pain and had a good time. Now, Y/N was all about Ethan Landry.
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cameronspecial · 1 month
OMGGG, I woke up today and thought of smth. It's gonna take forever to make if you do make this, but..
Drew starkey and Y/N, they meet at a fancy restaurant like this GIF
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And Y/N thinks he's cute and she's like there waiter or smth and Drew is out for dinner w the cast to celebrate season 4 starting and she's just like really smiley or smth, anywaysss. They get eachothers numbers and talk a bit later that night and she finds out he's a Actor and he played in OBX and what not so she starts watching it and they eventually get tg after more talking. IDK, I WANT IT TO BE LONG LOWKEY, OR CHAPTERS OF THEM MEETING AND TALKING, HE FINDS OUT SOME HOW THAT SHE STARTED WATCHING OBX OR A MOVIE HE PLAYED IN AND SHES ALL BLUSHING AND EMBARRASSED, IDK ITS SM TO ASK- PLSSSS PLSSSS PLSSSSSSSSS PLEASEEEEE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE😭🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
That's Him?!
Pairing: Drew Starkey x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.8K
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Y/N has been texting Drew all day. She shouldn’t have slipped him her number last night, but he was too good of the match not to take the chance to get to know him better. The table he had sat at was big, filled with, who she assumed were, his co-workers. They were all polite and respectful, helping make her job easy by being patient and stacking their plates when they were done, yet he stood out to her even in the sea of faces. He was attractive, no doubt, and always caught her attention with the most charming smile. He would joke and try to make polite conversation as she served his table. So once the time for them to close their cheque came, she took the opportunity to write her number down on his receipt. It turns out, the feeling is mutual. 
I swear I didn’t know that Nair was a hair removal product. Logan didn’t believe me though. She giggles at his recounting of when he accidentally caused his brother to go bald, not noticing her sister’s arrival in the living room. 
The shift in the couch beside her causes Y/N to turn her sister. “Are you still texting that guy from last night?” Via inquires. Y/N bites her bottom lip to hide her smile, “Yeah. He’s really sweet.” “Well, hopefully, this turns into something more because you need to get laid. Anyways, I’m going to watch my show down here.” The older sister doesn’t say anything as her sibling picks up the remote and switches it to Netflix. 
Y/N continues her conversation with Drew, letting the show on the TV drown out in the background until a familiar voice sounds throughout the room. Her eyes flick up to the large screen and back down to her phone. She recognizes the buzz head and can’t believe his presence. She also doesn’t know why she never thought about asking him where he works. “That’s him?!” she yells, pointing at the screen. Via looks at her sister like she has grown two heads, “What are you talking about?”
“That’s Drew. That’s who I met yesterday and have been talking to.”
“Hold on, you are telling me that the Drew you have been talking to is Drew Starkey.”
“I guess.”
Via pauses the show and pulls out her phone. Her sister waits patiently as her sister types something in. The phone is turned in her direction and she looks at the various pictures of her new friend on the screen. “Yeah, that’s definitely him.”
After a few weeks of texting, Y/N and Drew finally set a date on their calendar. His hand rests on her lower back, leading her while the hostess shows them to their table. She sits across from him with a massive grin. His hand rests in the middle of the table and she reaches out to place her hand on his, almost knocking down her empty wine glass if it isn’t for his quick reflex. “I’m sorry,” she apologizes. “I guess I’m still feeling a little Kooky.” Her eyes glance towards his face to see if he reacts to her teasing. His face remains stoic as he tries to figure out if she used the word for the reason he thinks she did. She recognizes his attempt and pushes it even more by going over the menu. 
“I wonder if they have any fish. I’m in the mood for menhaden or as it is otherwise known as pogue.” 
Certain that the jig is now up, he sets his menu down to give her his full attention. “So you know?” he confirms. She nods, “Yes, I found out a few weeks ago when my sister was watching the show in the living room. How come you didn’t tell me?” He sighs, playing with the hoop in his ear. “I didn’t want you to treat me differently. Or for you to be scared of entering a relationship with me because I travel a lot for work and sometimes get followed by a crowd of fans.”
 She gives his hand a soft squeeze. “I understand why you would fear those things, but I promise you don’t have anything to worry about. You are still plain old Drew to me and I have a thick skin from being a waitress, I think I can handle a few teenage girls.” 
He gives her a thankful smile and holds his hand up to her, “Why don’t we start over? I’m Drew Starkey. I act for a living and I think you are the most beautiful girl I have seen. I would love it if you would go on a date with me. She giggles and takes his hand. “Nice to meet you, Drew. I’m Y/N. I wait tables and I would love to go on a date with you.” 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @magicalyoura @rubixgsworld
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lvrcpid · 1 year
imagine being neteyams twin and dying along with him.
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includes: gn!reader. they/them pronouns. neteyams death..AGAIN! getting “shot”. blood. death. grief. the afterlife. neteyamxreader (platonic!) i totally pulled this concept from my ass so if it doesn’t make a lick of sense i am SO SORRY. ANGSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT mwah love y’all.
in na’vi culture it’s unusual to carry twins. the na’vi body isn’t really meant to carry two babies at one time. but somehow your mother did it. although the pregnancy was difficult, she powered through and gave birth to two babies. neteyam and (y/n). you had come out a little bit after neteyam, making him the oldest. watching the two newborns sleep cozily in their moms arms made jake well up with tears. his little family was starting.
another thing in na’vi culture which goes unsaid is when a twin dies. the other one dies as well. they feel and see eachothers pain too. one time when neteyam got cut, you also felt the pain of his cut, the gash leaving a scar on both of your bodies. in the same place.
the na’vi people don’t understand this predicament. it just happened. the one thing they couldn’t understand. while jake and neytiri were happy and felt blessed by this, they also worried.
if we lose one kid. we lose another.
your parents had informed you of this many times while growing up with your brother. sugar coating it seeing as though you two were still too young to understand the concept of death. all you knew was ‘if neteyam gets hurt. i get hurt too’ vise versa.
you both did a relatively good job keeping eachother safe until the sky people arrived and that fateful day struck your family, tarnishing their hearts forever.
you felt a sharp pang in your chest, a feeling of dread and sluggishness consumed your body like the plague, brushing it off as something minor. but when you couldn’t shake the feeling. something hurt but you didn’t know what. you knew something was wrong.
“(y/n)! come quick it’s neteyam!” your youngest brother, lo’ak called to you frantically, he knew since neteyam was hit that you were as well. you stood up from your seat and immediately felt dizzy, feeling a substance trickle down your chest and down your back, sending chills down your spine. you were bleeding. there was a coin sized hole that wasn’t there before. that’s when it hit you.
neteyam had been shot.
neteyam was dying. and so were you.
panic sky rocketed through your body as you stumbled out to your family, your mother quickly scooping you and laying you next to your brother. your health declining rapidly as blood began to pool your mouth.
jake stared in horror. there was nothing he could do for his kids. he knew this would eventually happen. but he didn’t think it would happen this soon. the sight of you red at the mouth with a wound, ironically matching your twin, made him cringe. this was unfair. he couldn’t process one. now he’s being forced to process two upcoming losses just because it was the way of the na’vi people.
you leaned into your brother as everything was moving. so fast. just a few minutes ago you were making bracelets for everyone. now you’re on the rocks dying with your brother. you cursed eywa in your head, cursing how this was unfair to you and neteyam. you couldn’t even give proper goodbyes first.
neteyam turned his head over to you before letting out a weak smile “im sorry..”. you opened your mouth to speak but was quickly silenced by the spew of blood that erupted from your throat, neteyam feeling the warm metallic substance cloud his throat.
“mom im scared..” you turned to your mom while you faintly heard neteyam whisper something to your father about wanting to go home. then..
there was nothing.
“(y/n)!” you shot up in a panic. it was white. everywhere. when your sight adjusted you saw your older brother in front of you. “neteyam..where..” he quickly shushed you and brought you to a glowing figure, her warm smile filling your body up with the warmth of a mothers embrace.
it was eywa.
you and neteyam quickly bowed before she let out a small hum of approval. “you both have strong hearts. one soul. but very strong and different hearts” her voice was smooth like honey against your ears.
one soul? you always knew you and your brother were attached at the hip but not like this. ‘one soul?’ you thought to yourself but the goddess in front of you was quick with her response. “yes. one soul. you both have one soul. soulfully connected. if one part of the soul leaves..” she looks over to neteyam “then the other has to go along with it.” she looked over to you.
after the conversation, you and neteyam walked hand in hand in the afterlife, admiring what eywa has to offer. “(y/n) im sorry.” neteyam spoke , breaking the comfortable silence. “it’s okay..it’s not your fault. let’s just spend the rest of eternity happy okay?” neteyam giving a small nod before pulling you towards a river, pushing you in.
life isn’t fair. you know this. but at least you have your brother.
how everyone reacted. (part 2 ish)
a.n // y’all probably hate me after this but OH WELL. i just wanna say thank you for all the love and support on my most recent stories. your comments and reblogs truly make my day 10x better. i plan on doing a lot more so thank you again - sae 🥹🫶🏾
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hello hello!! i was rereading the sunshine p2 headcanons, and i read a part that said “it’s not even the worst he’s done, you’re just that type of person in bed.” and it made me wonder… so what’s the worst san lang and xie lian has done to m!reader?? and what triggered them to be so horny towards reader? something reader said or wore? or was the two talking amongst eachother and had ideas?
i hope you’re taking care! i remember once you said you’re in school, so i hope that’s going well too!!💗
Sunshine headcanons 3
Hua Cheng x M!reader x Xie Lian
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Thank you for waiting so long💕
I'm continuing off the sunshine reader headcanons for this
If the gif isn't Tgcf ignore it because the Internet sucks ass I'll fix it later
I did this at school 😊
I'm putting it in headcanons since there's multiple questions but just tell me if this isn't what you meant
Made up scenarios
There might be slight misinformation remember when Hua Cheng had the weird rut thing? Yeah I'm using that, but my details might all be messed up.
Ignore grammar mistakes
Maybe OOC
If you do not like these things do not read this.
NSFW, slapping, spanking, bondage, overstimulation, edging, choking ahead!!!
Sunshine headcanons part two
Sunshine part four
Xie Lian and San Lang have done plenty of things to you!
Of course you've enjoyed it
San Lang likes to bully you so of course the things he's done have been more rough.
San Lang likes to edge you, or overstimulate you. It just depends on his mood
He'll do it for hours too.
Each time he makes sure you're crying and babbling. If you're not then San Lang doesn't think his job is done.
San Lang's favorite things is to fuck you dumb
Whether it be in bed, or over a calligraphy table, or in the gambling den, even over an alter!
His goal is to make your vocal chords raw and your legs shake.
San Lang makes sure by the end of the night that your poor cock can't cum anymore and you're all emptied out
So after a long time of making you wait, or pushing you over the edge many times you obviously start to squirm.
It's a natural body reaction that San Lang enjoys to see but he doesn't appreciate when your hands reach him and attempt to pause his ministrations.
(Obviously he would stop if you said your safe word or seriously wanted to stop)
Which leads to something else he enjoys.
San Lang loves, loves, loves to tie you up in pretty red ropes so that you can't escape him
It just does something to him, to see you tied up like that.
Like if you wanted to you seriously could break out of them but you enjoy being good for him and being pretty for him too.
San Lang won't get physically rough with you, he isn't one to hit you or spank you.
He likes to watch though
Xie Lian is mostly the gentle one, you both are gentle.
That doesn't mean he can't be rough though
If you're in the mood to get physically aggressively that's Xie Lian's domain.
While San Lang would rather not put you in serious pain, Xie Lian knows you want it and it's in a safe space.
He wouldn't ever purposely hurt you either, this is only in the bedroom.
So Xie Lian surprisingly enough is the one who will slap you if you get too mouthy, or spanks you if he thinks you deserve such a punishment
Your guy's sex life didn't always look like this.
It used to always be vanilla and gentle. Which of course you all enjoyed but everyone was hiding deeper desires
It started more with Xie Lian and San Lang talking
You aren't assertive at all so of course you didn't make a peep about your own feelings
Xie Lian and San Lang had just been making ideas of their own, they aren't dumb
They just decided to keep it to themself for now until there was an opportunity to discuss a more complex bedroom life
Their plan of smoothly introducing you to this failed very quickly when Hua Cheng went through one his strange rut things again
Xie Lian doesn't know why but he had been planning on taking care of it himself.
He's dealt with it before and he's sure Hua Cheng doesn't want you to see him like this
Especially when Hua Cheng rarely remembers what happens
Well that didn't go as planned either, when you accidentally enticed Hua Cheng
Honestly it's all your fault (jk)
Xie Lian had left for a literal 30 seconds before he could hear thumps in the room.
It was an accident on your part, you had come home with a new outfit you wanted to show your lovers
Some pretty robes you got from the ghosts
You were very pretty but the robes were obviously meant for more vulgar work. Not that your oblivious self knew.
So when you decided to show Hua Cheng how you looked, his rut-adled brain jumped on you immediately, pushing you into the bed and ripping the many layers off
Which was unusual for Hua Cheng, who was usually patient and waited for you to carefully disrobe.
So when Xie Lian went to go check what was going on it was already too late🤷
Hua Cheng already had you pinned under him and your poor, ripped up robes were now just scattered cloth on the floor.
So that's how your bedroom life changed.
After that night of aggressive, and endless sex you decided you white enjoyed it
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng enjoyed it too
"A-Lang, A-Lian, I'm home!" You call, walking into Paradise Manor. However your lovers don't answer, do you decide to just go to the bedroom. Unknowingly for you, you've just passed Xie Lian in the kitchen, and your lover can't warn you about San Lang. Woops. Your first mistake of the night.
You continue on to the bedroom. You had been out most of the day. Xie Lian and San Lang ushered you out of the house, so you decided to hang out with your ghost friends. The women were absolutely adored with you and wanted to dress you up. The women's work was to try and attract the attention of men to have sex but you were friends with them anyways!
They're quite chaotic and fun to be around. They dressed you up in some of their robes. You know how you looked. Enticing, pretty, sexy, etc. The point was you wanted your lovers to see you. Why wouldn't you show them? You're dressed up so pretty for someone's attention so of course you want your lovers to be the ones to give you such attention. Your second mistake of the night.
When you open the bedroom door, you find only Hua Cheng in the room. You don't remember seeing Xie Lian anywhere else in the manor so maybe he went out? "A-Lang what are you doing all alone in the bedroom?" You hum.
Your voice immediately drags Hua Cheng's attention. His head snaps in your direction and then you see his eyes roaming over your form. He never replied and he only looks at you like prey. You should've run them but that was your third mistake. You just watched your lover stalk closer to you and stay where you are instead.
If Hua Cheng is a fox, and Xie Lian is a ferret, you're definitely a rabbit. You just freeze in place, staring at him. Hua Cheng lightly runs a hand over your cheek and he just looks at you for a few seconds. The silence is broken when he's suddenly grabbing you by the elbow and showing you down in the bed. He doesn't even say anything just low grunts and growl like sounds come up from his throat.
You yelp in surprise. Hua Cheng has never done this. He's always careful and even hesitant to touch you but something has changed. Before you can ask what's happening or try to move out of under him, Hua Cheng rips your robes. "S-san Lang, wait just a minute?!" You shriek and blush. You try pushing back, and attempt to sit up but Hua Cheng shoves you on your back and forces you under him.
Xie Lian finally decides to see what's going on and quickly finds the two of you. He blinks in shock. He never saw you come in. Also your situation right now is shocking as well. Xie Lian is quick to move Hua Cheng back and off of you, using rouye to keep him in place. Xie Lian at first though you might've been scared. After all you've never seen Hua Cheng like this but you're actually, shamefully hard.
You're blushing and shut your legs, trying to hide but you can't when Xie Lian has already seen. You don't know why you're turned on. This should be scary and frightening but that's the opposite of what you're feeling right now. The way Hua Cheng harshly forced you under him, as if he was going to devour you right then and there? The way he ripped your robes without care, because he's too impatient and wants to fuck you now?
You quite enjoyed that.
"A-n, are you alright?" Xie Lian smiles at you and walks closer to run a hand over your hair. You can only bid slowly. You're still staring at Hua Cheng who struggles a bit in Rouye's hold.
The perfect time has presented itself so why not take it by the hand? Xie Lian tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear, and he leans down, pressing his lips near your ear. "Baobei, do you like this? Do you like how San Lang treats you?"
You blush and gulp nervously. You turn your head trying to move your sensitive ear away from Xie Lian's lips. His breath tickles your ear and his voice just makes you ache more. "U-uhm"
Xie Lian tried out something for himself and he grips your hair, forcing your head to stay where it is. When you moan, Xie Lian stops feeling bad about it. "Do you A-n?"
"I-I like it" you gaze at bed, too aroused to meet any of your lovers gazes. Xie Lian smiles at your answer, and sits next to you on the bed. "Would you like to help San Lang this time around?" Xie Lian looks at Hua Cheng, who's staring at both of you with a predatory gaze.
Xie Lian's hand rubs over your thigh, "Let's try it then." He releases Rouye and lets the bandage wrap back around his wrist. Hua Cheng is immediately up and moving, getting on the bed and dragging you into a rough kiss. It's different and you like it. Hua Cheng explores your mouth with his tongue, and he nips your lips until the bleed a little.
Xie Lian doesn't mind watching, he likes seeing Hua Cheng enjoying you. He leans back against the headboard while Hua Cheng decides just kissing you is getting boring. His hands find your hips and he pulls you into his lap, spreading your legs around him so you can't hide your pretty cock away from him.
Hua Cheng attacks your neck next. Biting, and sucking roughly on your skin. Hua Cheng gets more handy though and one his hands dig into the plump flesh of your ass. Another hand starts rubbing your dick. You thought it was Hua Cheng but it's Xie Lian. You can only cling to your lover and moan. "San Lang face him this way" Xie Lian switches up the position.
You're still on Hua Cheng's lap but your back is to his chest, and now Xie Lian is in front of you instead. You cling to your lover's arms trying not to tip over, but Hua Cheng pulls your knees up to your chest instead, spreading you apart again. "You're pretty flexible A-n" Xie Lian laughs softly.
You flush at his words but a moan leaves your mouth when Xie Lian starts prodding oil covered fingers into your hole. "San Lang really wants to bully you Baobei but I'll make sure you don't get hurt" Xie Lian is only teasing you though, and you really want to cum by now. You whine impatiently, as Xie Lian purposely avoids your prostate.
Your prayers are answered though and his fingers leave you empty, the emptiness is soon replaced by something much bigger though. Hua Cheng keeps your legs hiked up and he bullies his cock inside you. A cry tumbles from your lips when Hua Cheng pushes your hips down, forcing you to take all of him.
He doesn't wait for your comfort like he usually does and goes straight to thrusting his dick into. He acts like he's been starved for years! "Ah~ A-Lang please, p-please!" You don't really know what exactly you're begging him for. Whether it's to slow down or for him to keep going but he successfully wrings an orgasm out of you, and it splatters across your tummy.
You've never had the chance to have more than one orgasm in a night but that's going to change today because Hua Cheng is moving again and he's shoving your face in the pillows. Hua Cheng prefers this, he can fuck you better when your on your hands and knees, and perking your ass in the air. His cock bullies deeper into you and his hips slap hard against your ass.
Xie Lian is thoroughly enjoying himself. Your eyes rolled back and your cries muffled by the pillows. He has a better idea though. "A-n can I borrow your pretty lips?"
You only babble an incoherent sentence at him, a mumbled "yesh~" and something else. Xie Lian really only cares for the consent though. He disrobes, enough to where he can let his cock escape its confinements. Then he fists his fingers into your hair and forces you to look up at him. Xie Lian was going to try and guide you through it slowly but you immediately nuzzle up to his dick and start licking his head.
Xie Lian moans and grips tighter when you take his cock down your throat and gag. Hua Cheng's fucking only makes you take both of their cocks deeper and soon tears are running down your face and another orgasm shakes you to your core. Xie Lian takes the initiative to face fuck you. Both of them make sure your holes are never empty for too long.
"A-n you're doing s-so well" Xie Lian purrs out, he stutters from your lips around his dick though. Not that you would notice you're too busy drooling and babbling. They aren't invisible to the pleasure they're receiving from you either and it's not long until they're both cumming in you at the same time. Hua Cheng's and Xie Lian's cum both feel warm in your belly. You can feel Hua Cheng's cum drips down the back of your thighs.
They pull out of you but Hua Cheng doesn't let you go. He keeps his arms wrapped around you and tucks his face into your neck. You breathe heavily and Xie Lian wipes the drool from your chin. You sigh leaning back on Hua Cheng's chest, resting. Hua Cheng chuckles in your ear and for the first time in the night speaks for the first time. "You don't think we're done do you?"
Of course you aren't. 💕
I hope you like 😭🙏
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cal-flakes · 1 year
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╰┈➤ getting caught with rafe
warnings: smut, a lot of swearing.
summary: y/n maybank gets caught with rafe cameron, by her brother.
“nobody’s home rafe, it’ll be fun!” y/n gleamed, dragging her reluctant boyfriend by the arm. branches and leaves crunched underneath their feet as the trampled through the cut. rafe cameron did not want to be walking through this side of the island, but after a minor spat about rafe having never been to his girlfriends house, he agreed.
“im not sure if you’re forgetting princess, but there’s a reason we’ve never gone to your house” rafe whispered, earning a cheeky smile from her. “shh, he’s not home, he’s out with pope..” y/n uttered, praying her boyfriend won’t bolt.
it wasn’t that rafe was scared, absolutely not. rafe cameron would never run from a pogue like jj maybank. he was nervous about y/n getting in trouble. y/n and rafe had been sneaking around with eachother for a little while, having shared a blunt at a party once, leading to a very long conversation about outer space.
still being dragged along, rafe observed the girl in front of him carefully, seeing how her hand fit just right in his, watching the skip in her step as she pulled him with her.
he was in awe, he adored her to no end, to the point it unnerved him. rafe cameron couldn’t have seen this coming from a mile away, the thought of falling so hard for someone scared him to death, nevermind falling for a pogue.
over the last few weeks they had a routine going, y/n would sneak out when she knew jj was asleep and walk fifteen minutes up the road where rafe’s car would wait for her. from there they’d drive back to his place, or when they were feeling it, drive to the beach and sit there all night.
because of her, rafe’s downright hatred for pogues had softened quite a bit. taking the time to understand why she lives the way she does, why she has to work two jobs, sometimes three just to make enough money for her and jj. y/n maybank had really opened his eyes, and he secretly loved it. he was amazed by her.
“see? nobody’s home” she stated, subconsciously taking the win as she peered through the open porch. no lights, no cars. she knew jj was somewhere with pope, and would most likely crash at john b’s place. “what about your dad?” rafe asked carefully, aware of the sensitive topic. shrugging, “he’s been gone for a while, don’t know where, doubt he’ll be back anytime soon” y/n sighed, her heart hurting slightly at the thought of luke abandoning her, thought she would never admit that.
pushing the door open, she ushered rafe through and turned the hallway light on. looking around, he took notice of the various holes along the walls, a few broken pictures lay on the ground underneath them. a strange pain in his chest caught him off guard, he couldn’t explain the feeling, but he knew why.
rafe picked up the pace and hastily followed after her before she could notice he was looking. “you hungry? we probably don’t have much but i’m sure i could make you a sandwich or something, if jj hasn’t eaten everything…” y/n fidgeted with her bracelets as she rambled anxiously, now regretting her decision to bring him here. the differences between their houses was ongoing and y/n was overly aware of it in the moment.
taking hold of her cheek, rafe shushed her with a soft kiss. “i’m not hungry angel, it’s okay” he muttered, stroking her head with his fingers. nodding, she grabbed his hand again, leading him through to her room.
heading through, rafe chuckled as y/n jumped onto her bed the moment they set foot in her room. y/n’s room wasn’t big, big enough for a double bed and some bookshelves. the walls were littered with framed pictures. rafe’s lips curled slightly, threatening a small smile as he looked over the baby picture of her and her brother, pictures of her and the pogues.
wracking his brain, rafe couldn’t think of anything that would make him change his mind about her brother and his friends, but her large smiles in the photographs were enough to make him see that they were a big part of her life.
creeping behind him, y/n wrapped her arms around his torso, leaning her head on his shoulder blade as he continued looking at the contents of her room. coming round to look with him, she pointed a finger at one of the photos. “this was in the marsh i think, we were fishing through the summer and jj pushed me off the boat, a scary moment for sure because god knows what’s down there, but it was fun” she spoke quietly, a toothy smile appearing.
rafe’s eyes trailed from the photograph back to her, sucking in a breath as he stared. “you are so fucking beautiful angel..” he muttered, almost breathless.
y/n turned to face him, beaming as he looked down at her. suddenly, she latched onto him, causing them to topple and land on the bed.
giggling, she leaned down as she straddles him, planting kisses all over his chiselled face. his ring clad fingers reached up to hold her cheeks, pulling her in for a deep kiss. not breaking the kiss, his hands wandering as ground her hips onto him.
y/n moaned into rafe’s mouth, feeling his cock harden beneath her. pulling away slowly, rafe flipped them both, pinning y/n down. a torrent of whimpers left her mouth as he trailed kisses down her neck, undoing her shorts as he did.
she gripped the sheets, lifting slightly for rafe to pull down the denim bottoms. pleasurable thoughts invaded her mind, wanting nothing more than release. looking up at her, he pressed light kisses to her inner thighs, the hot air from his breath making her jolt.
the cool metal rings on his fingers added nothing but pleasure as his thumb circles her clit at a painfully slow pace. “f-fuck, rafe..please” y/n whined, intertwining her fingers with his hair, pulling slightly.
groaning as she tugged, he pushed his fingers through her folds, earning yet another breathy moan. his pace quickened as his tongue took over from his thumb, sucking softly on her clit.
the burning coil in her stomach twisted tighter and she clenched around his fingers, an early sign that she was close.
“you gonna cum for me angel? can you do that for me?” he whispered, the vibrations from his mouth sent shockwaves through her. nodding, she threw her head back, not able to suppress the noises bubbling in her throat.
a loud gasp erupted from her lips as she heard a bang outside, pushing rafe’s head away. “oh my god” she muttered in fear. rafe’s head perked up, unsure of what was going on.
“quick, get under the blanket, jj’s back” she whispered, hearing her brothers taunting footsteps in the hallway. y/n covered rafe with the sheet the best she could, lying back, nervously thinking of a plan.
“yo y/n! you in?” jj called from outside her door. “fuck” she mumbled, “y-yeah, in my room!” she answered, half praying he’d take it and leave it. before god could consider granting her wish, her bedroom door swung open, jj’s boots clunking on the floor as he stepped inside.
his eyes narrowed at the sight before him, y/n laying in bed, the blanket bundled up around her lower half. “you okay? you sick?” her brother questioned, suspicion laced in his tone. “uh, y-yeah, yeah i’m not feeling great”
“okay, you cold or something? that’s a lot of blankets y/n” jj joked, taking a step forward to prod the sheets. “no don’t touch them! i finally got comfy!” she screamed, her heart beating almost out of her chest.
“hey man, im just making sure you got enough” his brows furrowed, making the final step towards the bed, laying a hand on the mound of blankets. for a second, time seemed to slow. her eyes widened as her brothers did. he knew, and she knew that he knew.
jumping backwards with such force, knocking the photograph of her in the marsh onto the floor. “that’s a fucking person y/n, that’s not a fucking sheet!” he shouted, not knowing what to think. before she could get a word in, jj had started on a verbal rampage.
“who the fuck is under there y/n? i swear to god i’ll blow his fucking brains out!” his arms flapped around as he spoke, his anger showing through his movements.
“for fucks sake jj! get out!” she screamed at him, gesturing violently for him to leave. shaking his head, he tapped the wall beside him as if to ground himself.
“no! get out of the bed y/n! get up!” an argument ensued as rafe stayed as still as possible. he’d have jumped up by now to argue with her brother also, but he didn’t want to make things worse for her.
after a bit of back and forth, jj, fed up, went to rip the sheets away from his sister. “no! jj don’t! i’m naked!” she shrieked, pausing all movement from her brother.
the look in his eyes scared her, he looked crazy, possibly even murderous if she really squinted. “i’m not leaving this house until i find out who’s in your fucking room y/n!” jj bellowed, slamming the door behind him. “you’ll have to come out at some point! might as well get it over with!”
chest heaving, she pulled the blanket off rafe, who just smirked up at her. “i told you this was a bad idea angel” he laughed quietly, enjoying the feeling of being right, once again. “it’s not funny rafe! he’s going to kill me!” she cried, worried about her brothers reaction when his eyes meet rafe’s. shaking his head, he pecked her thigh once more. “not as long as i’m here”
after helping her get dressed, rafe pressed a kiss to her forehead as she moved slowly to the door. the door vibrated as jj knocked on it. “i’m waiting y/n”
this was it. this was the moment her brother would finally snap.
opening the door slowly, y/n couldn’t meet her brothers gaze as his eyes travelled from his sister to the man in her room. for a moment he said nothing, almost hyperventilating as his blood boiled.
“rafe? you’re sleeping with rafe cameron?!” he shouted, causing his sister to jump at the sudden noise.
as if to anger him further, rafe stood tall behind y/n, hands on her waist as he stared her brother down, egging him on to make a move.
the bad blood between the two was incomprehensible, unfixable, unchanging. she could think of so many words to describe the mutual hatred between them.
jj shook in his place, seething. if his sister wasn’t standing right in front of him, he would’ve went for rafe by now.
“jj! stop! he’s not what you think!” y/n pleaded, desperate for him to understand. the taken aback look on his face said it all. “not what i think? not what i fucking think?! he’s dangerous y/n! you need to stay away from him!”
rafe stayed quiet, knowing how upset she would be if he made any advances. his fingers dig into her side as he listened to the insults spewing from her brothers mouth, struggling to keep his cool.
“no he’s not jj! he’s so sweet and kind to me! you wouldn’t get it!” she retorted, growing tired of brothers anger.
worried about what he might do, given the chance, jj stopped shouting. “you know what, I can’t even fucking look at you right now y/n”
before she could plead with him, he’d stormed out of the house, taking his forever packed bag with him, a sign he wasn’t returning that night.
“shh baby, i’ve got you, it’s okay” rafe cooed, pulling her into him, her tears staining his top.
part two <3
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