#something something the anti-matter universe=the upside down.
ectonurites · 2 years
I don't have fully formed thoughts on the matter but my brain has just been rotating these two images around next to each other for days. interpret that as you will
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(Crisis on Infinite Earths #12, published December 1985/cover date March 1986)
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(Stranger Things S4E9, takes place in March 1986)
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smolcinnamonchipmunk · 5 months
I thought way too much about the logistics of if the Trailblazer was to be incredibly small, so you’ll have to suffer through this brain dump if you want anything else out of this, because I’m way too busy right now to write or draw anything actually about it ;-; Of course, I’m going to be making this from how I think my Trailblazer, Nova, would kind of experience
Starting from the beginning (because I found Honkai Star Rail no commentary, and now I can actually review/imprint everything in my stupid little lizard brain), I’m just thinking that maybe the vessel is somehow unstable so that when Silver Wolf manifests them, they’re just a little guy but both Silver Wolf and Kafka (at least Kafka doesn’t seem like she’d be worried about it, Silver Wolf might feel insulted by the Vessel not manifesting properly) aren’t concerned because there was nothing in Elio’s script that suggested the Vessel not being a normal human-size would affect anything significant enough to be warned, so they just move forward with it and the Vessel is stable enough to harbor the Stellaron
Of course, it would be extremely jarring to not only wake up on a random space station with your only memories being your name and vaguely Kafka, but to find yourself TINY in someone’s palm with their mouth almost entirely on top of you, only to be snatched away by another gigantic person who's a lot more energetic and loud
I feel like the first section of the game would have to essentially be without Nova being able to participate in fights, which personally I don’t like because I love the fact that they use a fucking BASEBALL BAT. I’m very torn between waiting for them to meet Herta or somehow manage to find a way to be temporarily human-sized naturally
If I go with the ‘natural’ route, I’m thinking that because the Stellarons seem apparently comparable to galactic nukes and are semi-sentient(?), maybe somehow if they ambiently absorb a large amount of Anti-Matter (Say, for instance, the appearance of a Doomsday Beast), the vessel has enough fuel to be temporarily normal-sized, allowing for Nova to get in on some beat-down action themself while revealing the Stellaron stuff at the end of the Prologue like normal
It would also give Herta something to go off of because I feel like she’d want some way to have a better look of Nova outside of the Simulated Universe. So! I’m thinking that Herta essentially concocts some kind of Antimatter concoction (I imagine it’s deadly to normal people but perfectly safe since Nova has a Stellaron inside of them) similar to the potions that the Mermen in TW have to drink to maintain a human form, that way it allows both smacking people upside the head and also goofy G/t shenanigans (And Nova would want their privacy still with their own room, though it'll eventually have to be fitted with some pathways for their normal size after a couple times of waking up tiny and unable to do much)
So Nova would go about everything mostly normally but when unable to take the Herta concoction, would revert to their more natural shrunken form. Which, I think would be hilarious with Sampo in particular because imagine coming across a weird trio, ‘befriending’ them, and then when you swoop in to help them out from Bronya, one of them just spontaneously shrinks while you’re taking them underground. Easier to carry but HOLY SHIT SOMEONE IS RANDOMLY TINY
Of course, when this kind of stuff happens without being able to get ahold of one of Herta’s concoctions (I imagine people would start carrying around extras after a couple incidents), someone usually has to uptake the ‘burden’ of carrying Nova. In Jarilo-VI, I imagine it’s mostly Dan Heng and sometimes Sampo. I feel like with the Xianzhou Luofu that Welt would be responsible enough to ensure that Nova had a steady supply of Antimatter, though that’s where Dan Heng would explain his draconic instincts. And I’m mostly thinking that they’d be good in Penacony? To meet Aventurine, there needs to be the check-in hold up, but maybe the Antimatter gets confiscated? I’m not sure how much their natural size would factor in considering the whole arc is about being in dreams
Everyone agrees March 7th should not hold Nova, even March 7th after some logic from Dan Heng and Welt, unless in an emergency and there’s no one else more responsible to do so
Obviously, there’s room for shenanigans, but I just wanted to word vomit some general stuff
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avelera · 2 years
Hello love!! ♥️ Any thoughts on We Are Going Down together by Dove Cameron and Khalid as anti-dreamling song??? It‘s a beautiful ballad and I keep imagining Hob and Dream singing it together and believing that it’s what they could do/ be for each other!?? That they could give up everything to be together because they love each other so deeply, but we as the reader know that no matter how far they’re willing to go for the other one they ultimately could never give up who they are at heart (which.. v healthy tbh, although co-depended feral lovers has always been my fav trope). Imo Hob would die to protect dream in a fight but he would never give up his immortality to love him and Dream would equally do everything to ensure Hobs safety and comfort, but could never abandon his responsibilities to the dreamers and his function to love him. The song just screams I WOULD DO EVERYTHING FOR YOU, but the tragedy is that they truly couldn’t??? Agree? Disagree? I chose to scream at you specifically because you have an understanding of these characters and wrote different versions of them in totally different emotional states and general vastly different situations and yet they’re the same at the core?
No strong opinion on the song, honestly, I'm not familiar with it ^^;;
As for the idea though, of Dream and Hob having limits to their love even if they wish they didn't... I'd simply consider that mature, adult human behavior? Even as I'm sure Dream for all his romanticism would love to devote himself 100% to a lover, I don't think he'd ever include "sacrifice the Dreaming" in that bargain, just as Hob would never include "sacrifice my immortality" in that bargain, just as I don't think most people would/could/should include "sacrifice my life's work" or "literally die for you" in any relationship??
But I don't think that's a bad thing? Honestly, I wouldn't ship them if I thought they would? I actually find it quite important that Hob would never die for Dream, because the last thing Dream needs in his life is someone who gives even a whisper of an inch of justification to suicide ideation. I think what Dream needs to hear, far more than "I'd die for you" is "I'd never die for you, are you crazy? That's nuts. I will live for you and do my damndest to make sure you live as well but people aren't stories and dying for someone should never, ever have to happen??"
I think Dream seeing himself as a story (I know we get very meta with that since obviously he IS a story but let's accept the premise of being in-universe for a second, Hob doesn't live his life like he's a story) is how he martyred himself to his role as the Dream Lord and never managed any sort of healthy existence. IMO it's why he wishes so badly for a lover to give him something else to care about that much, because as a romantic he thinks only love can be worthy of being the singular focus of his life outside his task, but of course, no one single relationship can do that, nor should it. But I think someone like Hob, who wouldn't martyr himself for anything but can understand having a purpose in life and a life's work would maybe begin to help disentangle Dream from this like... deeply unhealthy martyrdom to his function and complete inability to like... admit he's a person with needs?
Just as a final note on the song, or at least that sort of message from a song, I could see them listening to it and Hob being like, "Well that's ridiculous nonsense, I'd never ask someone to die for me, that's crazy, isn't that right, Dream?" and Dream being all... distracted like "Gosh I wish that were me," about it until Hob slaps him upside the head like "No. Bad. If I died and I found out you died for me I would PHYSICALLY HAUNT YOU or better yet, reincarnate until we're in the same life again so I could shake the drama king out of you. We do not DO THAT in this house, Dream!" And maybe, someday, Dream would come around enough to realize that's Hob's love language but also just, y'know, sanity, and you can love someone, indeed love them more effectively, when you focus on living for someone instead of relying on self-destructive grand gestures like dying for them?
Christ, Dream needs therapy so badly...
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The Road Ahead (More Hindsight AU)
Orignal Hindsight AU
A/N- Orignal warning apply. This is not friendly to Peeta, please enjoy your day/night by continueing on if that is not to your likeing. FOR REAL, please don't torture yourself if your a Peeta fan, skip this. I would absoulutly be with you if my mind would stop wanting the angst. This one is through Peeta's PoV so I promise this is argueably worse than the OG one. Upside is I got to write some Delly! Which helped to make it worth it. Hope those craveing the angst enjoy this. And with luck this will be the end of this plot bunny/alternate universe for me.
This idea came to me I think, octorber of last year so as much as it makes me want to cry I am glad to have finally finished it.
Also yes: I did tag everthorne and Gale for a reason. Avoid like the plague if you have a problem with it. They are not the focus here, but they are presant and portrayed as happy here. So my everthrone antis can also continue on your day without reading this better off for it, too.
Delly's footsteps slow their pattern of hitting the dirt ground and she gently grabs his hand with hers.
"Peeta, I'm glad you are letting me hang around while rebuilding the bakery. Spending time with you after so long has been nice. Really nice."
Knowing anything he says could give a wrong impression, Peeta smiles politely and nods to agree. Delly decides to throw all of her cards on the table and leans into him for a kiss which Peeta gently steps back from. Putting a gentle hand on her shoulders to make his message unmistakable.
For her part, Delly doesn't seem upset. Disappointment shades her features but not any anger or sadness. It relieves him a bit, seeing she didn't take it too harshly. Even if there is no small amount of guilt pooling in his gut. Still, it was nice to see she wasn't terribly hurt. That was the last thing he wanted.
"Sorry. I just- I had to try. Only once, tell you before I moved on." Delly explains.
"No, no don't be. Delly if I could just feel the same way you do I would. If it were up to me, I promise you it'd be different. Please know you are amazing, alright? Don't let me not being able to get my head out of my rear end make you think otherwise." Peeta explains.
A smile is flashed at him, and they continue to walk through the path covered with the forests downed leaves. For a moment he thinks he couldn't get more lucky to have Delly as his closest friend. Peeta wishes it were as simple, as easy to forget he'd already given his heart away and to be with her instead. It isn't, and he has tried and tried hard to let himself fall into something with her. To pretend otherwise would be a lie. Delly deserved much, much better than that.
Katniss Everdeen did exist, and even though she had chosen Gale, he couldn't love anyone like he had loved her no matter how much he wanted to or tried. Despite truly trying in the last few weeks to let this time with Delly grow something it was fruitless. Peeta wished it was as easy as choosing her.
"Peeta, can I say one last thing? Then we can talk about anything you want, forget this ever happened?" She asks, and he nods. She meets her eyes with his. "Katniss…she's happy, Peeta. And I wish that you could be that way too. I know you are content, and at peace with how things are. But you've earned more than that, whether I'm involved or not. Just think about it, okay? Maybe start looking at the road ahead of you. Deciding what you want it to look like."
He can't stop himself. Peeta doesn't want to make these promises cause he doesn't feel confident in fulfilling them. But Peeta decides, he is trying. Reopening the bakery is the start even if doesn't feel as successful as he'd hoped. "I promise, Dells."
Inside he knows, as usual, she is right. Katniss, for the last few weeks as far as he understands, has been on an extended hunting trip with Gale, thoroughly enjoying herself and filled with life if the look she had while smiling as they packed their gear the morning they left was any indication. She's never been more where is meant to be. Somehow she'd scratched something pleasant for herself after it all. With that, it would be logical to make an effort to have something like that for himself.
Peeta was sure he wouldn't get that far. Though he's trying, Katniss could be confident in choosing what she wanted, or at least not be affected by his reaction. And that Delly wouldn't worry about him sulking himself to an early grave.
"Good!" Delly trills, loosely taking his arm. When he stays silent, she offers more chatting to continue and lighten the conversation. "Is this rumor about a new cinnamon roll recipe I am hearing about true? If so, I volunteer as a taste tester."
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occasionallykettle · 2 years
unpopular opinion: i don't think max should get powers in season 5.
if there was someone getting powers in season 5, then it would most likely be will, because he's had the connection to vecna and the upside down the longest, and (most importantly), we have already seen him using supernatural-like abilities (sensing vecna's presence).
and giving someone powers is not a thing that is taken lightly in the stranger things universe - the only people that we know have powers are main characters (vecna and el) and the children from brenner's lab. that is a very small selection of people. the children from brenner's lab don't count much, because they most likely won't be addressed in season 5 (e.g. we won't see 13 kids running around and snapping people's necks with their minds). so it would make powers somewhat less effective, storytelling wise.
to give another character powers is a risky move, especially one that will most likely not be a main character in the final season.
i've seen multiple videos made by the GA talking about how awesome it would be if max got powers and helped defeat vecna (first of all, it was a mistake of me to interact with the GA lol). and don't get me wrong, i love max and she would totally be bitchin' with powers, but she has not had the sort of build-up to have them like will has. she was not possessed by vecna in the same way that will was in season 2. she did not miraculously survive in the upside down for a week.
in addition to this, victor creel did not get any powers (if he had, they would have been mentioned before). and whilst it is true that victor didn't technically die like max did, i don't think that should matter too much. he was still under the curse for a bit. and from these two interactions of vecna cursing someone and almost killing them, neither has pointed to one of them gaining powers by any means. vecna is not implanting a part of himself inside their bodies like he/the mindflayer did with will (that's kind of a given because the plan is to kill the person, that would be like killing a part of yourself - h/rry p/tter parallels, anyone?), so i don't see where the powers would come from in the first place.
personally, i don't even like the idea of will getting powers similar to el's (please note that i am specifying similar to el's powers, i am aware that he already has the supernatural ability to tell when vecna/the mindflayer is around) because if the key to defeating vecna was just using powers like el's, then the series could have easily ended at season 4. and besides, el has already ended 3 seasons by using her powers against the enemy, and the upside-down and vecna still torments hawkins. and i seriously don't think that the key is just more power, because that's stupid. that would be so anti-climactic. all along, the key to solving everything was just "get will powers so that will and el can use their powers combined to scream at vecna and disintegrate him"? i don't think so. even if the key to defeating vecna is something cheesy like the power of friendship/love, i think it will be better than repeating what they have already done for 3 seasons.
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strangertheory · 4 years
I'd love for Will to be able to have the power of reality alteration because him being the most powerful one would be a very nice plot twist. But. Do you really believe they make him more powerful than El? I keep finding crazy comments on social media, suggesting it's the "El show" 😪 *sigh*. And I know some people who say it'd be anti feminist since Will is a boy. Thx
That’s a lot of interesting questions to think about.
I’ll attempt to address each thought that you’ve shared one at a time and provide you with my own opinions and theories about each:
You said: “I'd love for Will to be able to have the power of reality alteration because him being the most powerful one would be a very nice plot twist. But. Do you really believe they would make him more powerful than El?”
I have a lot of conflicted feelings about the way that the fandom often talks about characters’ powers and supernatural abilities in Stranger Things. (I also really dislike the way that the fandom has decided that they can’t appreciate and support both El and Will’s happiness and that their happy endings and successes are somehow mutually exclusive, but I’ll address the topic of their powers first.)
Fans often focus on the abilities and superpowers of characters as something desirable and cool but fans rarely spend time considering what it cost those characters to develop their abilities in the first place. Neither El nor Will suddenly woke up one day and had superpowers that they had conscious control over.
Certain impressive skills that people have in the real world might also be developed under extremely traumatic and undesirable circumstances and not because they wanted them: the powers represented so far in Stranger Things are very much like that variety of skillset.
El’s powers and her ability to control them are canonically shown to have manifested during her imprisonment, abuse, isolation, and manipulation at the Lab. As Kali says “They stole your life, Jane!” Due to El’s isolation from society and from love and affection and from having a family and from everything else in the world beyond the Lab she has a significant amount of early childhood social and psychological development that was stolen from her that she can never truly get back. A healthy, loving, safe environment for development and self-actualization that children deserve to have was not provided to El and she has suffered so much and she has had significant delays in her opportunity to grow and become her own person because of what was done to her. So yes, El has psychic powers that give her a variety of unique abilities that are very useful. But at what cost? If El were given the choice to abandon all of her powers in exchange for a loving family, a community of friends that she’d had the opportunity to know and spend time with since early childhood, a variety of passions and hobbies that she chose for herself over the years as she was growing up and engaging with the world, an extensive understanding of the world outside of the Lab based on her own exploration of the world and not only what people tell her or what she sees on television, and most importantly a sense that she is treated kindly because people truly love her and not because they want to exploit her and her powers for their own purposes: wouldn’t she make that trade?
Do I currently agree with the theory that Will’s subconscious mind created the Upside Down, the Mindflayer, the demogorgon, and even most probably created many other characters and fantastical plotlines that exist in the story? Yes. But I believe it has (so far) been unintentional, entirely subconscious, and is a mental coping mechanism in response to extremely traumatic circumstances that Will has faced throughout his life. Would Will’s subconscious mind creating significant parts of the Stranger Things universe represent a certain level of “power” that is greater than El’s? I don’t personally think they’re comparable. There are things that Will can probably do that El cannot, and vice versa. They will surely each have their own strengths and weaknesses and their own limitations that we may or may not always be shown in the series.
But what does "more powerful” really mean to us, and why does that question even matter? It was not El’s choice to have powers and it was not Will’s choice to have powers. Much of what I believe Will has incidentally created is creating a lot of confusion and suffering for him and for others that he cares about. If the story were about real people I’d be offended at the question of who’s more powerful and feel as though that question and debate is the sort that Dr. Brenner and his colleagues would have: “How useful is this child to me? Which child is more powerful?” I dislike the question because it feels like asking a parent which child is their favorite. I care about them both, and I don’t care about them because they happen to have superpowers: I care about them because they are nuanced characters that are very well-written and that I can empathize with as if they were real people. I respect why it’s a popular thing for fans to debate over which X-Men is the most powerful, for example, but that’s never been what draws me into scifi and fantasy stories. What characters choose to do under unusual circumstances and with unique resources (such as superpowers) is far more important to me than the nature and intensity of the powers themselves. I believe that the Stranger Things fandom does these beautifully written characters a disservice by focusing too heavily on their abilities and not enough on their feelings, choices, relationships, dreams, goals, and experiences that humanize them.
I love Stranger Things because of the humanity of each of the characters and not because some of them can throw cars through walls.
You said: “I keep finding crazy comments on social media, suggesting it's the "El show"”
El is definitely an important character in the story at this point in the show and she has some really fascinating abilities in the Stranger Things universe that often give her iconic moments and provide her an opportunity to be in the spotlight.
I believe that there is a reason that the writers have decided to develop many characters in the story and in my opinion it can seem hard to pin-point a “main” character at times. I think this is absolutely intentional on the part of the writers, and I predict that we will learn how Will’s, Hopper’s, and El’s storylines intersect in season 4. I think we will learn something new about each of the characters.
I do not personally believe that it is the “El show” any more than it could be argued that this is the “Steve show” or the “Hopper show.” But I do appreciate that fans have grown to love El’s character.
I strongly disagree with anyone in the fandom that insists that Will is not important. I can tell that the way that he was quieter in season 3 inspired some fans to dismiss his role in the series entirely, but I think they’re mistaken. Quiet and less assertive doesn’t mean irrelevant in a story like this one. I believe that much of what Will has been through is at the heart of the entire series, and I think that he will play a very critical role in future seasons. If some fans passionately dislike Will then they might need to steel themselves for some severe disappointment.
You said: “And I know some people who say it'd be anti feminist [for Will to be more powerful than El] since Will is a boy." 
I would argue that El embodies many traits that are often presumed to be stereotypically masculine by certain incorrect and outdated schools of thought: assertiveness, the ability to win in combat, determination, resilience, and bravery (among others.) There were eras in which these traits were not always valued and respected in women, and arguably there are still many circumstances under which they still aren’t. El is a complex character who is not written as a gender stereotype and I think that is powerful and important.
We need more characters of many different genders that are written as people. Complex, multi-faceted, and capable of many different things regardless of their gender.
Yes. Will is a boy.
Will is a young boy who has been bullied for having certain traits that are very often stereotypically seen by society as feminine. As being “womanly.”
I believe that feminism needs to be intersectional and seek to address the ways that all people and all genders are harmed by a society that devalues women and devalues traits, work, and skillsets that are associated with femininity.
Feminism should not be reduced and oversimplified to “girl power.” Anyone that reduces feminism to that does not, in my opinion, understand feminism.
“Feminism is the belief in the social, economic, and political equality of the sexes.”
Devaluing admirable traits when someone of one gender expresses them but then deciding to value those exact same traits when they are expressed by a person of a different gender is prejudiced and anti-feminist because it maintains the false idea that certain traits only have value in people if they are a specific gender. 
El is a wonderful, empowering character and I appreciate that she is very well written and admired by many fans. But I worry when certain fans are more willing to appreciate a kick-ass fictional young woman that defies outdated and incorrect gender stereotypes but are not also willing to embrace gentler, more sensitive, less stereotypically masculine young men like Will with similar enthusiasm and affection.
Will is bullied and devalued by his small-town community for having traits and interests that are perceived as feminine and therefore, according to closeminded bigots like his dad, not allowed and are deserving of abuse and bullying. Will is arguably also devalued and dismissed by the Stranger Things fandom because he has traits that are perceived as feminine and undesirable in a young teen guy in the eyes of certain fans, too.
The devaluing and dismissal of gentle, kind, emotional young men is a feminist issue.
A character doesn’t have to be a girl in order to represent feminist ideals within a story. I know that there are probably plenty of feminists that will disagree with me (because there will always be people with their own opinions) but I strongly believe that Will's story is feminist as it has been explored so far (just as El's is.)
Anyone in the fandom that considers themselves a “Feminist” but that spends significant amounts of time criticizing Will Byers by dismissing him as “boring” and criticizing him for being quiet, sensitive, gentle, and emotional should take a good look in the mirror and reflect on what their personal brand of feminism stands for and whether their goal truly is “the equality of the sexes” or if their goal is simply hating men and only valuing and promoting stereotypically masculine traits in our society.
Feminism’s goal is not to make women more powerful than men or to make men less powerful than women, it is about the promotion of the “equality of the sexes.” 
Stereotypes are constructs our society has built and that impact the way we all currently relate to each other. Until society stops treating traits associated with society's currently constructed idea of femininity as something weak or bad then it is important to appreciate these traits in characters of many different genders and to value these traits in men (both in real life and in fictional stories) too. Anyone of any gender can be sensitive and sensitivity should not be seen as a weakness but rather as a strength and as something that's a valuable aspect of our humanity, and the same can be said for many other beautiful traits that society has wrongly decided to put into boxes and assign gender stereotypes to.
This complicated topic is incredibly important to me as a fan of both El and Will. I believe that both El and Will are feminist characters and that the series is very empowering and is challenging society’s gender biases through both of their stories. I hope that my response to your question was successful in communicating how I feel and resonates with you and with perhaps other fans who also care about El and Will and feel their own experiences, feelings, and identities validated by their story arcs.
Will some fans still whine and cry “sexism” and attempt to brand Stranger Things as “anti-feminist” if their hope that El will be the solo main character of the story and not have to share the spotlight with a boy is dashed? Sure. But I think they’re wrong, that their concept of feminism and sexism is incorrect, and that their priorities and their understanding of El’s value as a character is unfortunate. El is more than her superpowers. El doesn’t need to be “the strongest” or “the most powerful” in order to be an inspiring, complex, well-written, relatable, and empowering character.
Thank you for your Ask! I hope you don’t mind how long this response is. You mentioned a few things that I have some very complicated opinions about.
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andrewmoocow · 4 years
Steven Universe: The Fantastic Mutants chapter 5: Never Again (originally posted on November 16, 2020)
AN: Good to see you all again my dear readers! How have things  been? Am I being too intrusive? Well, doesn't matter! It's good to be  back in business after a few weeks, so let's just cut to the chase, shall we?
"So  how much of this show is actual camping?" HYDRA Bob asked Peridot as  they, along with Deadpool & Lapis, watched Camp Pining Hearts  together at the X-Mansion while surrounded by massive amounts of snack  foods and garbage. "A fair bit, but pretty much everyone comes for the  romance," Peridot answered. "Yeah," Wade stated. "like your crippling yaoi addiction."
"What is yah-oy?" Lapis asked while  mispronouncing this new word just as Pearl came in with a broom. "You really should learn how to pick up after yourselves as guests." The Gem  grumbled while sweeping up crumbs off the carpet. "Hey, wise up Pearl,  I'm basically an honorary member!" Deadpool remarked. "Hey, Flat-Top,  gimme a refill on my coke here!"
"And you should also treat the  people housing you like friends, not your servants." Colossus reminded  them, just as disgruntled as Pearl, while he gave the Merc with a Mouth another bottle of pop when suddenly, Xavier came in. "Ah, Professor!  Would you be so kind as to help us teach Wade here some manners?"
"It's alright, Piotr." Xavier calmed the metal mutant down. "Although Mr.  Wilson here can be a bit of a nuisance, we do need all the help we can  get to rescue Steven and Kitty."
"Thanks for the save Cap'n." Wade  grinned at the aged mutant when someone knocked at the window. "Hey,  anyone in there?!" the voice of Spider-Man called from outside, latching  upside down onto the glass. "Peter!" Pearl exclaimed. "Long time no  see. How are the other Avengers doing?"
"The big six are off in  space right now, and the reserves are holding down the fort for now."  The web-slinger answered as he opened the window and leaped through it.  "When your message reached us, I was the first to take it and brought  along a few pals who might be useful."
As Peter finished talking, a  silver and blue blur burst through the front doors, stopping to reveal  itself as Quicksilver. "Pietro, good to see you!" Colossus exclaimed.  "Must mean Wanda isn't too far behind, da?"
"You are correct."  Scarlet Witch answered as she followed her brother. "Hello again Crystal  Gems." She greeted the Gems. "Hello to you and Pietro too, Wanda,"  Garnet replied as she stepped into the room. "It certainly has been a  while since Thanos. I hope you both are well."
"Oh, never better  Garney!" Quicksilver responded as he sat down between Peridot &  Lapis to watch Camp Pining Hearts with them. "Ooh, I love this show! I  always felt Pierre & Percy have really good chemistry."
"Thank  you for agreeing with me good sir." Peridot added pridefully. "Oh, quit with the shit already!" Wade interjected crossly. "No one ever talks about Pierre and Paulette!"
"You take that back, you crimson clod." Peridot snarled threateningly at the mercenary and soon, an  intense shipping debate between the two began. "Oh, this could take a long while." Pearl sighed in exhaustion.
"I just watch for all the crazy shenanigans these campers get up to." Spider-Man gave his opinion while snatching some snicker-doodles from the ottoman.
"Come on, work!" Kitty groaned in frustration as she continuously tried and failed to break her and Steven from their imprisonment without using her mutant powers. "If only I could find a way to break this collar, then  we'd get outta here easier."
"Why don't I give it a shot?" Steven  suggested, deciding to use his shield to cut the bars apart. However, that failed as well. "It's hopeless. If I didn't come, then maybe we wouldn't be stuck here."
"Hey, don't beat yourself up like that  Steven." Kitty comforted her fellow mutant. "I'm sure the Gems are  already on their way to save us, so try and keep your chin up until  then." She implored Steven, but he remained downtrodden. "Let's face it;  we're here because of my mom."
"Oh, mother issues?" Kitty  realized. "I get it. That's perfectly normal. But you can't always let  the sins of the parent bring you down." She assured him. "Yeah, sins  like taking part in universal genocide before realizing that wasn't good  and instead doing things far worse than that." Steven grumbled, much to  her surprise. "Whoa okay, didn't see that coming!" Kitty exclaimed.  "Far worse how? Did she actually murder someone?"
"She  deliberately left tons of Gems and other races to die for her just  because she was bored of being Pink Diamond, let two of my friends to be  imprisoned for thousands of years, forced Gems who cared for her to  suffer from her faked death and who knows what else!" Steven complained.  "And then there was that whole thing with Magneto."
As if on cue,  the aforementioned leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants stepped into  the brig to interrogate them. "I see you've been making yourselves at  home while you could." He declared before grabbing Steven by the shirt  collar through the cell bars. "Tell me boy, why do you have her  gemstone? Was it passed down to you?"
"As a matter of fact, yes."  Steven answered. "When I was born, my mom died to give birth to me, and I  got her gemstone and all her powers as a result. She also left me with  all her baggage from ages ago, including when she was once a member of  the Great Diamond Authority."
"Great Diamond Authority?" Magneto  wondered, and Kitty seemed just as confused. "Yeah, I have to agree.  There are more Diamonds out there?"
"That's not important right  now," Steven said before Magneto set him down. "Still, why go after me in particular? We're both mutants. We should be on the same side!"
"You already know about how Rose abandoned me at Auschwitz, but the Gems only told you half the story," Erik revealed, turning away from Steven  & Kitty in the process. "My part of this tale is far more complex  than you realize. Like many a Jew during the war, I was prosecuted by  the Nazis for my religion and sentenced to death. But I was a special  case."
Heavy rain poured upon  Poland in 1944 as a large group of imprisoned Jews marched sorrowfully  through Auschwitz, their world nothing but drab colors aside from the  bright yellow Star of David on their clothes signifying their religion.  All around them, more of their people were forced to perform possibly  lethal jobs for their superiors and be treated horribly should they fail  to work or try to resist.
One young man in particular named Erik  Lehnsherr watched just as miserably as his fellow Jews and began to  notice that many of the other prisoners had brands on their arms. As  soldiers began coldly leading their prisoners away from the group,  Erik's parents Edie & Jacob were forcefully separated like the rest  from their son, with Edie being particularly hysterical about having to  leave her child.
Erik raced after his parents in an effort to see  them one last time, but the gates closed before he could get a chance,  and another Nazi grabbed the boy to keep him under control. However,  something miraculous happened. When Erik fruitlessly reached out towards  the gate, it began bending towards him. Another Nazi aided his fellow  soldier in detaining the boy, and two more raced towards him as the  fence began twisting more and more.
Erik's mutant powers awakened  that day as the gates were ripped open with a mere stretch of his hand,  but he was quickly stopped with the butt of a gun to his head from a  fifth soldier. "Bring ihn zu Dr. Schmidt." that soldier commanded his  subordinates. The four Nazis nodded and dragged the unconscious boy  away, to where his destiny would soon be realized.
"And  that's where you first met his mom, right?" Kitty asked her captor.  "Yeah, I don't think we need to hear how she ditched you again."
"As I stated, the story is much deeper than that," Magneto said. "Allow me to continue."
Soon,  HYDRA had come to assist the Nazis in stopping the Howling Commandos  and the Crystal Gems from instigating the Auschwitz breakout. As Rose  began fighting off soldiers, she began counting off the fleeing Jews.  "Let me see how many we got," Rose muttered while trying to do a  headcount. "Agh, there's too many of them! I can barely keep count when  I'm surrounded like this!"
"Less than a million!" Garnet counted  for her leader with her future vision. "However, there are still a few  that we were too late to save, namely the Lehnsherr family. Klaus  Schmidt is holding their son Erik."
"Klaus?" Rose soon came to a  realization. "That was the boy in the office! I have to go ba-" Before  Rose could finish, a HYDRA enforcer took advantage of her letting her  guard down and fired with an anti-Gem weapon, poofing her form.
"Rose!"  Pearl exclaimed while rushing to the deactivated gem lying on the  ground. While Captain America covered for them with his shield, the Gems  made a hasty retreat. "But what about those other Jews?!" Amethyst  exclaimed. "A few prisoners should take this from here." Garnet  answered, just as the Sonderkommando charged at their captors with guns,  knives, axes, and grenades.
Inside the building where Klaus  Schmidt was stationed, the mutant Jew slithered around the hall to avoid  being caught again. Nazis raced outside to combat without once taking  notice of the boy making his escape. Taking a moment to peek outside the  window, he noticed the Gems escaping the concentration camp and  furrowed his brow angrily. "Sie haben mich verlassen."
As the  warfare continued, Erik quietly made his getaway with his newly awakened  mutant powers and used a wrecked chain fence to fly himself away from  Auschwitz.
Many years later in  1963, Magneto was holding a demonstration in New York to make a speech  about the superiority of mutants when she showed up again. Rose Quartz  had decided to show her face to him again after leaving him to rot all  those years ago in Auschwitz, and only now, she shows up with an excuse  to try and make peace.
"You can try to rope yourself into my good  graces all you want Gems," he growled, preparing to fight the Crystal  Gems. "But nothing can ever change the past!"
Ripping a nearby  water tower off its supports, Erik prepared to smash it on top of Rose,  Garnet & Pearl, but then came a loud shriek coming from the Irish  mutant Sean Cassidy, aka Banshee. "Top o' the mornin' to you ladies!"  Banshee exclaimed and let out another scream that brought the master of  magnetism to the ground. "Now Neal!"
"I got you!" the Indian  pyrokinetic Neal Shaara, or Thunderbird to his teammates, boomed while  turning his body into plasma and landing a few hits on Magneto, but the  German fought back by expanding a force-field that pushed him back.  "Longshot, Angel, Mimic, it's all you now!"
"You got it!" Longshot  replied while standing on a rooftop with Mimic and Angel Salvadore and  preparing to throw a large knife at Magneto. "Just got one shot at  this." He muttered to himself just as Amethyst hopped up behind him.  "Hey, what you guys doing?" she asked the three mutants, catching  Longshot off-guard. "Do you mind squirt?!" Longshot barked, but then he  noticed her gem. "Say, you wouldn't happen to know those three, right?"
"We  can discuss it later!" Angel said while sprouting fly-like wings and  flying off. "Hey, wait for me!" Mimic exclaimed, copying his teammate's  power by growing insect wings of his own and soaring after her.
"You  guys wouldn't happen to be like ol' Maggy over there?" Amethyst  continued asking Longshot, who harshly shushed her while trying to keep  his concentration. "Okay, sheesh!"
"Now Longshot!" Banshee  exclaimed as he let out a loud shriek at Magneto to knock him  off-balance, allowing Longshot to fling his knife at the evil mutant.  But Erik stopped the blade before it could reach his face with his  powers and threw it right at Pearl with a wicked grin.
"Pearl,  no!" Rose cried out as she dove in front of her confidant, letting the  knife stab her instead, causing her to ultimately poof and retreat into her gem.
"Rose!" the remaining Gems shouted, racing to protect  their leader's inactive gemstone from Magneto. "Well, that should do  nicely for now." He snidely muttered. "But know this Crystal Gems, we  shall meet again someday soon. Even if we have to wait years to do so!"
With  that, Magneto zoomed off into the sky and left the Crystal Gems &  the X-Men below. "So, sorry about letting your boss end up like this."  Longshot nervously apologized. "That was my knife he threw at her after  all."
"It's alright. Rose will recover soon." Garnet assured the mutant. "By the way, I didn't get your name."
"Call  me Longshot, leader of the X-Men!" Longshot proudly replied. "These are  my teammates; Banshee, Mimic, Angel Salvadore, and Thunderbird. We're  all mutants."
"It is a pleasure to meet you." Thunderbird greeted,  extending a hand to Pearl. "Mutants? I think I remember meeting one, centuries ago." Pearl replied, shaking Neal's hand. "You wouldn't happen  to know anyone named En Sabah Nur?"
This revelation caused the  X-Men to gasp in shock. "Wait, you met Apocalypse?!" Mimic cried. "Let  me guess, you guys know him as a real bad guy?" Amethyst quipped. "Yeah,  he's about yay tall, superiority complex, total Darwinist." Angel  replied. "Come along. We can tell you more about him."
"And maybe  we'll introduce you to the professor too." Banshee added happily. "We'd  be glad to meet your professor." Pearl agreed, and Garnet & Amethyst  nodded as well.
"So that's how the  Gems met Xavier!" Steven realized. "But how come you remember that last  bit happening? You left after poofing Rose."
"Don't think about  it." Magneto assured him. "And now that I have you in our clutches,  watching Doctor Doom experiment on you will be so satisfying."
"But still, you can't just vent your vengeance on a kid!" Kitty exclaimed.
"Yeah,  this isn't what Xavier would want!" Steven replied, forcing Magneto to  drop his stoic façade. "He knows you can be better than this, barring  the terrorism. You're both on the same wavelength when it comes to  protecting mutants, but kidnapping one of your own for your own sake is  just wrong!"
"Y'know, that does seem like something Charles would  say. Though he would've said it better." Magneto relented, pressing a button on the cell to let Steven and Kitty out. "Fight them off while  you still can children. I shall take the blame myself."
"Okay Steven, let's get outta here!" Kitty declared excitedly. "And no matter what happens, I got your back!"
"Actually  Kit, I think I got yours." Steven replied, just as another door opened,  and Mystique stepped into the brig. "Erik! Why have you let the  prisoners out?" she asked Magneto. "It was the boy who convinced me."  Erik revealed. "As it turns out, he's quite good at turning people to  his side."
"Well, you're too late child." Mystique said to Steven. "We have finally landed in Latveria."
The  Crystal Gems, X-Men, Fantastic Four, X-Force, Spider-Man, Scarlet  Witch, and Quicksilver all marched to the Blackbird, ready to go out to  Latveria and save Steven & Kitty. Human Torch and Cyclops were in  charge of piloting the plane while Xavier planted his wheelchair in the  back.
"So tell us what we're in for Reed." Garnet asked Mister  Fantastic, who gave a sharp sigh of regret. "You should know by now that  Doctor Doom is our family's greatest adversary. Intelligence on par  with my own, mastery of the mystic arts, psionic abilities, the works."  Reed explained. "But what I'm sure you probably don't know yet was that  we knew Doom long before he turned out like this."
"Victor,  have you gone mad?!" a younger Reed yelled at his college classmate  Victor, who was standing in front of a large machine generating an  unstable portal. "This machine is highly unstable and could explode at  any moment!"
"I do not care what it takes, Richards!" the man who  would be king of Latveria cried as the machine was on the verge of  self-destructing. "This is the only way I can see my mother again!"
"Hey  Stretch, we got everyone outta here!" Ben Grimm, back then a normal  human being instead of a large rock creature, called for his classmate  while he, Johnny and Sue burst into the laboratory. "You gotta come with  us!"
"No Reed, we can see our mothers again, together!" Doom  tried convincing his rival. Reed hesitated for a moment, weighing his  options between escaping with his friends or getting to see his late  mother Evelyn again. But as he made his decision, he turned away from  Victor. "I'm sorry Vic. But I've moved on."
"How dare you?!"  Victor screeched, while his four contemporaries fled the scene. "Don't  you dare run away! We could've been something more!" Just then, the  portal machine has just about reached its boiling point, and caused the  lab to explode with Doom inside. The last thing he said before the room  collapsed on him was a scream of "RIIIIIIIIICHAAAAAAAARDS!"
"Never  saw him again after that incident. Ol' Iron Mask got expelled, then he  just vanished offa the face of the planet." Ben regaled in the present  day. "That is until he re-emerged as some young upstart billionaire  named Victor Domashev, who funded the space flight that made us into the  Four we are today."
"Hey guys, less backstory, more blasting  off!" Amethyst snapped her fingers. "Pretty sure Steven might be on his  way to being dissected by now!"
"Yeah, and a certain author friend  of ours wants to get this out as quickly as possible." Deadpool agreed,  his medium-aware comment inciting odd stares from the others. "Can we  move onto the next scene already?!"
As  Mystique had declared, Steven was now in the European country of  Latveria, famously ruled by the Fantastic Four's arch-nemesis Victor von  Doom. He and Kitty were led through the aesthetically medieval capital  city Doomstadt, where its citizens whispered in German, Hungarian and an  unknown third language reminiscent of the latter dialect.
"Victor, we have brought the child. And an unwanted guest." Mystique announced  in front of Doom's castle as they crossed the drawbridge. The castle was  guarded by numerous robot soldiers that bore Doom's face, all of them  giving Steven cold and unfeeling glares as he was finally brought before the man who's face the robots bore.
"Steven Universe." Doctor  Doom boomed, resting on his throne while the boy was handcuffed in front of him. "I have heard much about you these past few months child. Erik,  I must commend you for getting the job done, although I've heard of  your possible betrayal and won't tolerate it." Then Doom turned to  Mystique. "Thank you Ms. Darkholme for alerting me of this before you  arrived.
"You are most kind Doctor." Mystique thanked him with a bow. "We hope you return your end of the bargain and grant us mutants  sanctuary in Latveria."
"Raven, you must listen!" Magneto cried to  his second in command. "This boy calls himself a mutant, just like us!  We can't just let Victor experiment on him like this. What if he has  something else planned?!"
"SILENCE!" the king of Latveria roared.  "It seems this child has made you soft Mr. Lehnsherr. No matter." He  rose from his throne and stepped towards Steven & Kitty to give them  a good look. "He shall become useful to me soon. And as for the girl, take her away."
"Yes your Highness." Mystique complied, snapping her fingers to have Juggernaut take Kitty away.
"Hey,  put me down!" Kitty hissed, struggling to break free from the massive  mutant's hands, which was easier said than done since her powers were  still restrained. "Don't worry Steven, I'll find a way to save you!"
"Ah  shaddup!" Juggernaut groaned loudly, stuffing a big finger inside the  smaller girl's mouth to keep her quiet when Mystique put a hand on his  bicep. "And what do you want Bluey?"
"It's about Erik. We may  resort to terrorism to fight for mutant rights, but I think allowing a  child to be experimented on may be going a bit too far." Raven whispered  to Cain while they moved farther away from Doom. "Besides, he is a  mutant much like us."
"So I've heard." The Juggernaut muttered. "But shouldn't he count more as an alien because his momma was one?"
When  the Brotherhood mutants left the throne room, Steven was left all alone  with Magneto and Doom. "What do you want with me Doom?" Steven asked the king. "Was it really necessary to have the Brotherhood kidnap me  when you could've had your robots do it?"
"Why I couldn't have  just sent my Doombots doesn't matter." Doom declared. "But what does  matter is what I want to do to you. You see, you're special Steven, as  you probably know. A being who's a mixture of human and alien DNA, and  that alien DNA might prove very important to me." He explained to  Steven. "I wish to use those genes for my own ends. Perhaps make an army  of similar beings, or perhaps become part-Gem myself to gain ultimate  power! Which is why I chose you in particular."
"Doctor, an  invading ship is approaching Doomstadt." A Doombot announced as it  walked into the throne room. "Shall we send out the reinforcements you  selected?"
"You may, #1961." Doom replied, pressing a few buttons on his arms that opened a door, and behind it were four supervillains.
Trapster, a man in goggles with a container of glue-like substance on his back, attached to a hose with a gun at the end.
Mole Man, a deformed midget in a green suit with a blue visor who was holding a staff in his hand.
The  Puppet Master, a bald, dark-skinned man accompanied by a pair of  human-sized marionettes in the shape of the Human Torch and the Thing,  that he controlled with a special remote.
And the Wizard, a purple armor-wearing supergenius who floated in the air with special anti-gravity discs.
"Frightful  Four, it seems we have some uninvited guests." Doom revealed to the  four villains. "I insist you deal with them at once, while I make my  little guest here at home."
"Yes Doctor." The Frightful Four said  in unison, then the marched out of the throne room to battle. Once again  Steven was alone in the throne room with Victor & Erik, and the  former was all too eager to get things started.
"Now then, shall we begin testing?" Doom asked Steven maliciously, and Steven replied with a very nervous gulp.
After  three months of work, it's finally done! We're getting close to the end  of this guys, and I couldn't be more excited. But for now, I think I'm  gonna take a little break to focus on college stuff for a bit, and I'll  be back soon with not just a new chapter, but also a brand spankin' new  Steven Universe tale I've had on the brain for a while. It's an AU  rewrite of Steven Universe Future aptly named Steven Universe: Alternate  Future. If you want to know more about this upcoming series, I've  already got an entire episode list on my DeviantArt page along with  drawings of some original characters created for it. Until we meet  again, toodle-oo!
In Loving Memory of Sean Connery
& Alex Trebek
8 notes · View notes
monkey-network · 4 years
The Fiasco Finale of Future [1/2]
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So in the penultimate episode of Steven Universe 2, the climax of both the season and series as a whole... is a group hug. As I expected, plenty were not too pleased with this turnout. Some felt it was anti-climatic, some felt it was resonating, and others tried to own the critics by digging deep into the scene like they always do sucking this show’s co- Coming from nearly a month later, I’m... split. One hand, I didn’t mind the climax. On the other hand, it was pathetic compared to plenty of other finales I’ve seen in media. It’s like this show as a whole, I enjoy it, but I also enjoy smacking it upside the head cuz it made some Karen-esque, All Lives Matter type stupid shit that I just cannot get behind. So you know what, Perry the Platypus, let’s mix it up. I wanna express the good and bad of this climactic end to the show and see where we can go from there. You ready?
What’s Good:
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You truly wanna know what makes that final hug a great scene? A real showstopper? I have the truth, the best truth behind this, you won’t believe me but here goes. The climax worked because A Hug Is Nice. That’s it, there’s nothing else to it beyond a hug being nice. “But Monkey, you incel troll, there’s should’ve been more to that. The episode shouldn’t have taken that long to get to that point.” Well, in typical fashion, let me put it this way by talking about Spider-Man 2 (better than Spiderverse, don’t @ me). The whole movie is centered around Peter’s life getting shat on. He’s getting fired left and right, his people are abandoning him, he even loses his powers, he’s just at his utter lowest. But at his apartment, while contemplating, in comes his landlord’s daughter, Ursula, who offers him some chocolate cake and a glass of milk.
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We can say the scene comes out of nowhere and that this is all that happens, feeling pointless, but I say this is an important scene because after everything that happens to him before, this one gesture from somebody out of nowhere to be honest was one of the nicest things he’s received in a while. It’s the seedling of a scene that keeps Parker going before Doc Ock comes to make him truly spring back into action. Above everything, it was nice. Like a hug.
I don’t need to be philosophically deep with SU2′s meta to tell you that a hug can be a worthwhile thing to get more than anything. It doesn’t resolve all the baggage Steven has in his mind, but a group hug from the people closest to you (and the Diamonds) can be a gesture so nice, it can numb you out, if only for a moment. Only other times where Steven got a hug was when he felt everything could be okay. With Lars, Peridot, and Connie after her “rejection”, and it’s after that “rejection” where he slowly loses it in his attempts to shake off that harsh feeling of abandonment and that everything can be okay. It is something where he can turn to the others for help but the concern of their response makes him reasonably suffer in silence. That last part is a little dumb, but I’ll get to that later. He can’t really hug himself because it doesn’t work like that. The point being that Steven, at his lowest, just needed something nice to consider. And a hug from everyone who loves him (and the Diamonds) can be that piece of chocolate cake he needed to be at ease, again, if only for a moment.
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Like let me tell ya, as a deliriously depressed man that constantly wishes for death, a hug shouldn’t be spat on. Whether it be from your friends or mommy, a good hug can, at the very least, keep you sane and going. It isn’t medication, let’s not get it twisted, but a healthy remedy nonetheless, especially if you’ve ever felt touch-starved like I have before. It’s an affectionate gesture that for what it’s worth, should never be taken for granted. And while Steven could’ve well gotten this big type hug at almost any time he desired, I can at least appreciate the show for saving that at the right time. Whew. But, while the moment itself is nice, it’s predictably almost everything around it that unfortunately puts the moment in a vacuum and me with a bad taste in my mouth.
What’s Bad: 
Let’s get this out the way, because I’m such a literal bastard... *inhale*
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Penis. Penis. Penis. Penis. Penis. Penis. Penis. Penis. Penis. Penis. Penis.
Congrats on those with the corrupted!steven theories who no doubt had it hard on when this horned trunk ascended, hung its head high, and beat its meaty chest with blind rage, the crewniverse certainly had the balls to go with this design and a long discussion of utilizing Monster Steven’s full potential. And if you think I’m nasty about this, hoo boy, be glad that words are all you’re seeing right now because artists no doubt had a field day potentially ruining this design for you even more. I’m surprised Tumblr’s flagging system hasn’t taken down whole posts with this. HEHEHEHAAAAAAAA!
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As you can probably tell, I’m not a fan of this Diamond Dinodildo’s design (say that 5x times fast). I mean Rebecca could be as horny as she pleased with this show, but this is next level, I tell you. But seriously, it honestly sucked that this is what they came up with when it served no purpose to Steven thematically other than him being a literal peen of a monster. Said this before, but what does becoming a corrupted looking amalgamation mean to him beyond “he’s a monster”? Corrupted gems weren’t the worst things in his world, they were products of a even worse thing. Turning into a diamond like figure would’ve said something about the cycle of abuse making you not feel like yourself, but a reflection of who you not only resent more than anyone, but were the indirect causes of your newfound issues. That would’ve took his struggle in the Diamonds Days arc to its next logical extreme, and brought most of Future’s episodes centered around Steven’s issues to a sensible turning point. Being a warped Diamond version of himself would’ve meant finally embracing inhumanity, and that would’ve conveyed the peak of Steven harshly feeling less like a human over the course of the season, especially when we had several episodes and new powers centering around him being inhuman. And a previous episode had him try to shatter a Pink version of White Diamond, two beings generally responsible for everything that’s happened to him. And it isn’t the design that made this a turn off.
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What was Steven even gonna do as a monster? He does nothing to the town, he never even makes it pass the cliffside. He doesn’t even try to attack anybody, the only times he does is when he’s provoked by either the Cluster, the Diamonds, or any of the gems. Spinel raised more hell than Steven. So on the look back it’s insultingly sad they hyped up this big dick energy only to do... genuinely nothing. He already didn’t deserve turning into Pinky the Phallisaurus, but having him not even do anything as a monster left far more to be desired. Mob Psycho 100 did this nearly identical, but better. You can’t deny that it would’ve worked better with 22 minutes, actually give him something to do beyond screech and stomp like he’s Scrat from Ice Age. As much as I don’t like Change Your Mind, 45 minutes worked to its favor to do everything it did. Oh wait, this episode did make good use of time... with a fucking pity party.
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They wasted my baby
This is. The WORST scene in the entire series and I’ll stand by that 100%. It’s one thing to show something offensive, but it’s another to have something be completely pointless. Yes, Connie talked some sense into them, but we didn’t need to waste time having White Diamond and the others bitch about something everyone who isn’t a toesucking simp should’ve figured out at that point. Not like it mattered, the Diamonds and Spinel never show up after this episode anyways, so good job making them count for something, I guess. This as well as minorly acknowledge the fact that the gems had a lot to do with Steven’s mental trauma because hey, we don’t have to hold these gems too accountable for child neglect. Speaking of which, where was Jasp- This plays well into my previous point, we aren’t shown what Steven was gonna do as a monster, so what else is the episode to do beyond holding him back in time to just make the characters go “All is lost” for one second before getting back up like this is Marvel’s Captain Driftwood?
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Friendship is Magic had this type of moment in its penultimate finale but in that, more time was given to show the villains getting the upper hand, Twilight at her low point, her turnaround with her friends, and the lead in charge to defeat the villains. While some moments felt convenient and downright insulting, they made the most of their limit. The same can’t be said for this and it makes no sense. Speaking of things that make no sense:
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Was this shapeshifting or corruption? Rushing or dragging? This personally bothers me because people are saying he shapeshifted even when they were also on board with him corrupting. But what was the point where monster Steven cums cries into the ocean turning it pink?
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Now if Steven got himself corrupted, this would make sense since the three Diamonds are there with so fully turning him back to normal wouldn’t be an issue. Questions would arise about how corruption can happen to a human, then again this is Steven Universe, fans never really wanted you to ask questions. But if this was shapeshifting, then why have this permanent monster form? It would’ve made a little more sense of Steven changing his shape depending on his emotions, like what we’ve seen before. Additionally, Steven should have been capable of talking normally instead of roaring and growling like he switched brains with an actual animal. Just because he kinned Godzilla’s joystick doesn’t mean he was unable to speak to anybody, that is if he shapeshifted. Lastly, and this is more implicit than my previous points:
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This season shouldn’t have tried tacking mental issues and trauma onto this dickslap of a climax. I’m on the side where we should’ve seen more from monster Steven, but what does this tell me for the topic of mental health? Nearly killing people on three separate occasions didn’t help, but having him transform into a near mindless beast is a backhanded way to convey post traumatic stress. Let me put it this way, if we didn’t get that episode where we learn Steven had held up trauma and stress from Doctor Priyanka, everything surrounding it afterward wouldn’t feel as fucked up as it did. Yes, understanding a root of a character’s problems is good, beneficial even, but having your character nearly, sporadically, commit MURDER THREE TIMES only to then have him become a wildin’ creature does nothing, if not disgust. It's disgusting when you talk about PTS one minute and have your main character be socially dangerous the next. You’d feel sorry for him, sure, but I gotta say nearly killing people is not something we should just hand wave. That is not a good or realistic depiction of depression and post traumatic stress; especially when you trying to discuss this with children. And don’t try to justify it by saying it was necessary for his downward spiral. Having to think and see death before my own eyes in real life, there should’ve been a better way to make Steven hit rock bottom without putting other’s lives on the line. It wasn’t compelling or resonating to see him become a witless creature after saying he could get away with anything, it felt jarringly hallow and teeth gritting sadistic to think this was acceptable. It took him turning into a literal creature to finally go to therapy or a throwaway line about therapy in this show’s case? Are you kidding me?
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The hug is a nice moment on its own, but it took far too many kneecaps to get to this point and think it’s believably or justly earned. I can make fun of the monster design all I want, but what they put Steven through to get to this point is the most insulting writing I ever have to think about. Because you know what that hug told me, personally? It’s that you can commit near irrefutable atrocities, you can behave like a blithering rampaging beast all you wish, but that won’t matter. Because you’re valid and your people will love you. That is not only asinine, but it kinda pissed on what I went through growing up. Like, as idealistic as that felt, it didn’t add up because it made the mentally unstable come off as more unstable than they mostly are. You can disagree all you want with this, it won’t change the baffling fact that I came to this conclusion in the first place when I didn’t want to. “But the crew said in an interv-” NO, just nope. If the message the show gives is this polarizing for those that invested or were concerned with it, maybe the message wasn’t clear enough, who knows? I can believe Mr. Rogers never fucked this up when he made his show. I tried thinking of this differently, but I can’t excuse what they did and how they did it. Bojack Horseman never pulled this with its main lead and when it truly did, that was given more time to sort out; not an 11 minute epilogue in its final moments. The hug was nice, but this episode was trash.
Speaking of which, next time...
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We Finally Look to the Future
Here’s Part 2, if you’re up.
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freuds-cokedealer · 5 years
Karl Marx on Censorship
Thus the instruction [encouraging censorship] forbids writers to cast suspicion on the frame of mind of individuals or whole classes, and in the same breath it bids the censor divide all citizens into suspicious and unsuspicious, into well-intentioned and evil-intentioned. The press is deprived of the right to criticise, but criticism becomes the daily duty of the governmental critic. This reversal, however, does not end the matter. Within the press what was anti-state as regards content appeared as something particular, but from the aspect of its form it was something universal, that is to say, subject to universal appraisal. 
However, now the thing is turned upside-down: the particular now appears justified in regard to its content, what is anti-state appears as the view of the state, as state law; in regard to its form, however, what is anti-state appears as something particular, that cannot be brought to the general light of day, that is relegated from the open air of publicity to the office files of the governmental critic. Thus the instruction wants to protect religion, but it violates the most general principle of all religions, the sanctity and inviolability of the subjective frame of mind. It makes the censor instead of God the judge of the heart. Thus it prohibits offensive utterances and defamatory judgments on individuals, but it exposes you every day to the defamatory and offensive judgment of the censor. Thus the instruction wants the gossip of evil-minded or ill-informed persons suppressed, but it compels the censor to rely on such gossip, on spying by ill-informed and evil-minded persons, degrading judgment from the sphere of objective content to that of subjective opinion or arbitrary action. Thus suspicion must not be cast on the intention of the state, but the instruction starts out from suspicion in respect of the state. Thus no bad frame of mind must be concealed under a good appearance, but the instruction itself is based on a false appearance. Thus the instruction wants to enhance national feeling, but it is based on a view that humiliates the nation. Lawful behaviour and respect for the law are demanded of us, but at the same time we have to honour institutions which put us outside the law and introduce arbitrariness in place of law. We are required to recognize the principle of personality to such an extent that we trust the censor despite the defects of the institution of censorship, and you violate the principle of personality to such an extent that you cause personality to be judged not according to its actions but according to an opinion of the opinion of its actions. You demand modesty and your starting point is the monstrous immodesty of appointing individual servants of the state to spy on people’s hearts, to be omniscient, philosophers, theologians, politicians, Delphic Apollos. On the one hand, you make it our duty to respect immodesty and, on the other hand, you forbid us to be immodest. The real immodesty consists in ascribing perfection of the genus to particular individuals. The censor is a 1842-Prussian censorship particular individual, but the press becomes the embodiment of the whole genus. You order us to have trust, and you give distrust the force of law. You repose so much trust in your state institutions that you think they will convert a weak mortal, an official, into a saint, and make the impossible possible for him. But you distrust your state or organism so much that you are afraid of the isolated opinion of a private person; for you treat the press as a private person. You assume that the officials will act quite impersonally, without animosity, passion, narrow-mindedness or human weakness. But what is impersonal, ideas, you suspect of being full of personal intrigue and subjective vileness. The instruction demands unlimited trust in the estate of officials, and it proceeds from unlimited distrust in the estate of non-officials. Why should we not pay tit for tat? Why should we not look with suspicion on precisely this estate of officials? Equally as regards character. From the outset one who is impartial should have more respect for the character of the critic who acts publicly than for the character of the critic who acts in secret.
Comments on the Latest Prussian Censorship Instruction(1842)
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balancingdiet · 4 years
Characters: Kaito/Shinichi, Aoko Words: 11.2k LMAO!!! (recommended to open new browser tab before clicking “Keep Reading”) Note: 9 months ago I made this prompt, and I finally did it. Sort of, or at least closely related enough hahhaha Other reading link: AO3
Investigating a supposedly abandoned building shouldn’t be too much of an effort for Kaito, that is if he didn’t have to try hiding his identity from a certain detective as well.
//"It looks so difficult and complex," Kaito lied and heaved a sad sigh. "But I think I can try to unlock it, even though I'm obviously just a normal civilian."
"Aren't you a magician?" Shinichi drawled. "Don't you know how to unlock things?"
"Oh— Yes. A civilian who happens to be a magician." Kaito gave a thumbs up. "That's why I THINK I can do it."//
Kaito's life had been flipped upside down more than a hundred times, but if he had to choose the one that remained constant, it would be Aoko's inquisitive senses.
She was easily fascinated in nature. Feisty too, much to Kaito's chagrin. But to be fair, he did leverage on her curiosity plenty of times for his heists' sake, and because of that, he hadn't figured how he would explain all his wrongdoings to her after his life as Kid ended.
So taking one step at a time towards that possible path of forgiveness, he tried by agreeing to most of the things she asked him to do, like trespassing into their high school in the middle of the night, joining that stupid Kid Capture Brigade club she created…
And now this: accompanying her to investigate an abandoned building for their university's student newspaper.
If Kaito had to complain, it would be how far the building decided to abandon itself away from town; the travelling already took them a bulk of their afternoon. But comparing this to the other requests Aoko made in the past, this was no biggie for Kaito. He could already imagine how the day would play out; probably a couple of self-paranoia scares, some trips and bumps over the old floorings, and maybe having someone joining in their investigation—
Kaito's life had been flipped upside down more than a hundred times, and one of the reasons was his uncanny luck to meet the people he didn't wish to see right now.
Aoko gasped, just two seconds slower than Kaito's realisation to their new visitor.
Standing by the broken door in his iconic unbuttoned blazer and pants was Kudo freaking Shinichi.
If newspaper articles and television didn't count, it would be three years since Kaito last saw the detective (in his other smaller form). And frankly, Japan wasn't that big, so Kaito should consider that quite a miracle. But compared to those 2D prints, seeing Shinichi in real life struck a heavier chord in Kaito's memories, and there was an equal balance between the fond and not so desirable ones…
Bullets. Blood. Debt
"This isn't an illusion, right?"
Kaito snapped out of his thoughts and glanced at Aoko over his shoulder. He hadn't wished for something so bad since he checked the gem for Pandora last week, but there was no point in trying to delude himself, or Aoko, when standing right there in the flesh was definitely that detective.
But before Kaito could confirm it, Aoko was already standing in front, her lips pursed to bite back her giggly excitement (and maybe to stop herself from exposing her scrapbook filled with Shinichi's articles and whatnots).
"You're Kudo Shinichi!" Aoko clicked onto her pen rapidly. "Like the Kudo Shinichi? Right? Detective of the East!"
"Just Kudo Shinichi." The said man afforded a small smile. "I'm quite over with that alias."
Alias… hah, Kaito thought wryly. And what about the others? Like the reincarnation of Sherlock Holmes, Silver Bullet, once-upon-a-time Edogawa Conan and also the Kid Killer—
"Nice to meet you!" Aoko placed a hand over her chest. "I'm Nakamori Aoko."
Kaito inwardly groaned.
"Nakamori?" Shinichi clarified.
"…Is your father a Police Inspector?"
"You're right!" Aoko's face brightened as she nodded. "He's the Inspector of Kaitou Kid Task Force."
"What a coincidence."
"How did you figure it out? Nobody ever says I look like my dad." Aoko tilted her head. "Is it by my name?"
"That's half of the reason." Shinichi pointing to her belongings. "I noticed you have an interesting Anti-Kid charm, and also the pen you're using was a gift to commemorate the founding anniversary of the Metropolitan Police Department. Only people affiliated to the police will have that."
"As expected of the detective," Aoko said in awe. "I really can't help but admit I'm a big fan of your work!"
Kaito couldn't roll his eyes any further behind his head. "Oi, Ahouko…"
"Sorry." Aoko hastily gestured over at Kaito, as if remembering his existence. "Anyway this is Kuroba Ka—"
"Kuroba is fine."
Aoko snapped a disapproving look and nudged Kaito in the ribs. "Can you sound any less rude?"
"Maybe it's a symptom whenever I'm close to any detective."
Obviously hearing their conversation, Shinichi raised an eyebrow. "Symptom?"
Kaito shrugged. "Like allergies."
"I guess it's better to say he's allergic than repulsive," Aoko muttered.
Shinichi shook his head. "That's fine; it's normal for some people to be repulsive against this line of job."
"Yeah, and maybe because Kaito is also a magician—"
"OKAYYYY that's too much information given. And you also just revealed my name, Ahouko." Kaito tugged Aoko's sleeve, pulling her a step away from the door Shinichi was still standing by. "We're here to do your work, not to chit-chat. Much less with strangers."
"What work?" Shinichi asked, and at the moment Kaito felt like he had fallen into the hole he dug.
"I'm currently helping to write a column for our university paper and I asked Kaito to accompany me," Aoko replied. "There seems to be some rumours going around about this abandoned building so I thought it'd be an interesting topic."
"And those rumours might be?"
Aoko parted her lips, ready to say everything because she was so easily pulled into any conversation like that, but Kaito cleared his throat, stopping her.
"What about you?" Kaito gestured a hand to Shinichi. "What are you doing here?"
Aoko looked excited to know Shinichi's answer too.
The detective, however, shook his head, but at least he had some kind of heart to explain after witnessing Aoko's shoulders fell. "It's police matters and not something I can share with the civilians."
Kaito cheered at the thought of Shinichi regarding him as a civilian, but the first part of his sentence sent a feeling of uncertainty to his gut. Police matters?
"If it's police matters, I'm not sure if the rumours we heard are going to be helpful." Aoko laughed sheepishly. "People said they heard some kind of activities happening at night here, and they think there's… ghosts."
Shinichi finally entered the room, one arm crossed while the other hand touched his chin. "Ghost, huh..."
Aoko tilted her head. "Do you believe in ghosts?"
Mulling for a while, Shinichi spoke, "There are many things one would wish to have a choice to not believe."
Kaito blinked.
Right. Having been shrunk by ten years from ingesting a pill, even Pandora's myth would have a hard time competing for the first place of bullshits that Kaito wished he had a choice to not believe in…
The room had grown too quiet for Kaito's taste. He glanced at Aoko knowingly; she looked lost in her own thoughts too.
He wondered what she was thinking, yet at the same time, he was a little afraid to know.
Kaito cleared his throat, snapping the other two attention back to earth. "Since we have nothing to do with each other and we're about done, shall we go home?" he said to Shinichi and then to Aoko.
Aoko glanced at her pink notebook and clicked her pen absently. "But we haven't been to the remaining floors. And there's also the roof too."
"We've seen nothing new for the past three levels." Kaito waved a hand around. "I bet it's gonna be the same — old and dusty."
"I would also advise you to leave as soon as possible," Shinichi said, stopping Aoko's attempt at a retort. "And if you don't mind, I have a couple pictures of those floors and the roof for you reference. I can send them to you via email."
"Really?" Aoko beamed. "That'll be nice!"
"Why do you need Aoko's email? Can't you just send via Bluetooth now?" Kaito drawled, though Ask was already scribbling down the details on a paper from her notepad.
"My battery is dead." Shinichi fished out his phone, because it was in every detectives' blood to show the evidence no matter what.
Whatever. But at least Shinichi did something right by advising Aoko to leave as soon as possible, and Kaito couldn't help but be thankful for it.
While the two were fussing about the email exchange, Kaito slipped half of his body out of the room and stared at the growingly dark corridor that led to the stairs up the next floor.
Kaito didn't feel it earlier, but after all the things Shinichi said, he wondered if he had been missing some signs.
"Thank you!" Aoko snapped her notebook shut and kept her materials back into her bag, her handmade Anti-Kid charm dangling loudly. "Are you also leaving too, Kudo-kun?"
"Not yet. I still want to explore this room."
"Alright! Take care." After Shinichi acknowledged her words with a nod, Aoko skipped towards Kaito.
"Thought you'd never leave," Kaito said with an eye-roll.
Aoko stuck out her tongue. "Let's go. And don't call me heartless because I remember the promised ice-cream treat after this."
It was never for the ice cream, but he grinned anyway. "Good."
As Aoko walked out of the room, Kaito gave Shinichi a last glance.
To his well-kept surprise, Kaito found Shinichi to be watching his conversation with Aoko, but when their eyes met, he turned away, showing only his broad (and albeit a little lonely) back for Kaito to see.
What a reunion, Kaito thought, before he finally turned on his heels, leaving the man tied to his many forgotten memories behind.
In the next three days after that chanced meeting, Kaito poured more time researching about Kudo Shinichi than he ever did for his project assignments in his entire university life.
The detective did appear on the media sometimes when he solved murder cases that shook the nation, but other than those, he was often in the back shots or nowhere to be found in the pictures; and easily counting these numbers, he had appeared much less periodically compared to the time before the Organization he dealt with fell apart.
But there was nothing Kaito could find — not from the recent news or about Shinichi — that would make the detective turn up at that abandoned building.
Was he there for his private investigation? What if it was related to the not-so-fallen Organization? A supposedly undetected rat that then grew an army under the sewers?
An email pinged on Kaito's computer, showing a notification about the student newspaper Aoko was a part of being published. It could serve as a small distraction for now (but he knew those thoughts would always be on the back of his mind).
Kaito clicked on the link and kept scrolling till he reached Aoko's column.
"Building lies abandoned, or not?"
As expected, Aoko had mostly written about the things she shared on their train ride back home. The building was abandoned, yes. And it looked too run down to be inhibited by anyone, yes. But what Kaito didn't expect was the way she concluded the mystery with a quote:
"There are many things one would wish to have a choice to not believe."
- A renowned detective who preferred to not be named.
Kaito rolled his eyes.
He guessed the pictures wasn't the only thing Aoko asked from Shinichi, and he wondered if they talked about anything else. Like the weather? How Hakuba sucks? Or…Kaitou Kid?
Kaito sighed and resumed browsing through his 'research', scrolling through pictures of different angled Shinichi looking back at him…
"What am I even doing?" Kaito said aloud to himself and shook his head. "Why should I even care about this, him, and that stupid building? I have my own problems to worry about."
Willing himself, Kaito shut his computer and headed to bed (not while spending the next intervening hours thinking about everything more than once every ten minutes).
As a reward for completing three assignments and his heist (though it wasn't Pandora) in a night, Kaito decided to give himself a break and take a solo trip to the abandoned building.
(There was no denying he needed to find better ways to spend his free time.)
Kaito parked his bike under a tree, a short distance away from the building's front yard. He usually planned six steps ahead, but given this unfamiliarised environment, he might have to improvise his decisions and timings along the way, which meant trusting the periodical public transport wouldn't be a wise choice.
Twirling his bike keys, Kaito kept them inside his pocket. He skipped past the cracks and rocks and arrived at the front of the building. It looked exactly like how it was, but without Aoko's blabbering and presence, there was nothing to distract him from the sudden unsettling feeling in his gut, like Kid's instinct; a phantom's sense…
Or maybe it was just Kudo Shinichi's fault.
Slipping past the cracks of the door, Kaito entered.
The building had five stories, but due to its extremely high ceiling and long stairs, its true height was way taller than such. Maybe ten? Perhaps. Even at his pace, Kaito was heaving a little when he reached the fourth floor, where Aoko and him didn't explore. He decided to start from there.
Kaito didn't ask Aoko to send him what Shinichi gave her, not that he didn't want to see what it was. He was afraid of her follow-up questions to his curiosity, and if she happened to figure out his intention of revisiting, it would do no good for him or her; he couldn't afford to risk her safety for anything.
But anyway, everything seemed perfectly normal for now. Normal in a sense that Kaito hadn't whipped out his card gun and smoke bombs and started running down the corridors for his life. This was also the fifth room he had explored so far on the fourth floor. Nothing much different from the others he had investigated... except for its size.
Kaito frowned at the new discovery, wondering if he was imagining it before he checked the windowpanes. Yes, definitely smaller. The other rooms had nine windows, but this only had seven. His attention grew high on alert as he looked at every inch of the room more carefully—
Kaito squinted his eyes at the top of the wall. "Is that a switch?" he wondered aloud. The old, cracked paints and cobwebs had covered it well.
Even with the biggest jump, it was still an impossible height for Kaito to reach the switch. He glanced around the room, trying to improvise, but there were only a couple of broken chairs, glasses and debris, which Kaito couldn't make out what they were.
Nothing useful.
If Aoko was here, he could imagine her pulling out her selfie-stick and calling it her secret weapon. But Kaito came just as prepared too; he just wasn't sure if his secret weapon liked to be called in the middle of its napping time.
Adjusted his arm to a right angle, a dove popped its head out of Kaito's sleeve.
"Hello Mochi." Kaito grinned.
It cooed, and if Kaito didn't know better, he would have missed the dangerous intent in its voice. He quickly took out the secret weapon for his secret weapon — some sunflower seeds. Thankful, it worked as Mochi finally came out of its den and flew to his wrist to get its little treats.
"So easy to please..."
After it was done, Kaito pointed at the wall. "Ok, go and flip that switch for me."
It would be a joke if it only switched on the lights or something lame like that, but everything was worth a try.
Mochi fluttered its wings... before flying past Kaito's head and towards the door behind him.
"Oi!" Kaito yelled and ran after it.
Secret weapon or not, his doves could be erratic at times, especially Mochi, which was why he decided out of all his doves, he would bring it with him so they could have a better bonding time—
Kaito froze by the door.
Standing in the middle of the corridor was Kudo Shinichi, his body tensed as Mochi settled on his shoulder. He glanced up, his stunned face turned into a scowl when he noticed Kaito.
"You—" Shinichi snapped, "Is this your dove?"
What on earth... "Fancy seeing you again," Kaito managed to say without giving away the feeling of wanting to jump off the building.
"Get it off me."
Biting back a smile, Kaito pulled out another fistful of sunflower seeds. "Come back Mochi, I'm the real owner with treats here."
Knowing its bargain, Mochi flew away from Shinichi and onto Kaito's wrist, pecking its beads on the seeds.
"You greedy little pig," Kaito muttered.
Shinichi closed their distance, his face still plastered with the disapproving scowl. "What are you doing here," he asked.
"And what are you doing here too?" Kaito shot back.
At least Shinichi was mature enough to not play the I-asked-you-first game. "I'm reinvestigating the scene."
"You've been coming down since?"
"No, I was busy. I'm only free to come down today."
Oh right, Kaito suddenly remembered the news (coincidentally, and not because he was searching up Kudo Shinichi again) about a series of murders that happened all around Tokyo, though those cases were solved within a day or two. At that rate, it got to be Shinichi doing the work.
Definitely very busy for Shinichi.
And definitely very unfortunate, for Kaito, that of all the days to come, he just had to choose the one when Kudo Shinichi was free.
"Your turn."
Kaito blinked. "My turn to?"
"Answer the question."
"Oh." Kaito scratched the side of his nose. "I lost something and came back to find it."
Shinichi eyed Kaito, in a way that brought him back memories of the earlier days when there was nothing but doubt and uncertainty during the beginning of their temporary truce and partnership.
(Kaito wondered how those memories came to him when he thought he had forgotten them all.)
"And you realised it only after two weeks?" Shinichi deadpanned.
"Yes," Kaito said, totally free of the irony.
"What did you lose?"
"Something." Kaito stroked Mochi's feathers when it showed signs of agitations after finishing the seeds. "But please don't mind me. I'm sure your investigation is more important than my lost item."
Shinichi obviously didn't seem satisfied with his answer, but he said nothing else as he walked past Kaito and into the room (while glancing warily at Mochi). Or maybe the detective wasn't even feeling anything in the first place, and those furrowed brows were becoming a default expression of his.
Kaito stood by the door, hesitating. Should he just leave? Then what about his so-called lost item? And more importantly... Kaito stared at the wall where the almost-hidden switch was. He still hadn't figured what its purpose was.
Heck it.
"Anyway, what is there to investigate here?" Kaito entered the room and inconspicuously followed Shinichi around. "I thought you've been to the upper floors already."
"I haven't."
"You haven't?" Kaito raised an eyebrow. "Wait, does that mean you lied to Aoko and I that day?"
Kicking over a debris, Shinichi didn't hesitate to admit. "It was late and dangerous for two civilians to continue loitering around."
Still regarded as a civilian, huh? Kaito grinned to himself at his appointed identity. "Then those pictures you sent—"
"Were duplicates from the lower floors."
"What a liar," Kaito said, though he couldn't help but inwardly wince a little at his own hypocrisy. "I'm gonna tell Aoko and smash your reputation."
"But you didn't hesitate to ride on the lie either." Shinichi raised an eyebrow back in a form of challenge. "You wanted to leave too, no? I helped you."
I wanted to leave because you were there, Kaito thought drily.
But Mochi cooed, as if agreeing out loud for Kaito.
"Oi." He scowled at his dove. "Are you—"
Kaito's little chiding had stopped him from noticing Shinichi halting in his tracks, causing him to knock into the detective's back. Kaito jumped away quickly, hoping their accidental contact didn't change Shinichi's mind in any way about his identity... (He might be getting a little paranoid.)
But Kaito's worry was unnecessary as Shinichi looked too preoccupied with his new finding to care about the bump — he, too, had noticed the switch.
"Oh! What an interesting switch you found, detective!"
With narrowed eyes, Shinichi glanced at Kaito before staring at Mochi on his wrist. "Were you going to ask your dove to help you with the switch earlier?"
"What? Of course not. How would I, a civilian, even notice the switch in the first place? Mochi is here only as my companion."
The side-eye continued. "Then I suppose you wouldn’t know if your dove is capable of flipping the switch on command?"
"Are you asking me, a civilian and his very normal dove, to help you with your investigation?”
"My question only requires a yes or a no."
"I'll take a maybe. Because we'll never know unless we try." Kaito chuckled, turning away from Shinichi and whispered to his dove, "Please don't embarrass me."
That said, Kaito raised his hand and Mochi flew up on cue and towards the wall. It hovered over the switch for a second, head tilting curiously before giving a peck.
A hiss, like a rush of escaped air, came from behind a large cracked mirror hanging on the wall. It turned unhinged on the side and swung open, revealing a secret compartment behind.
"Damn," Kaito breathed out, and this time his surprise was real.
Done with its task, Mochi landed and settled on a debris on the floor, watching.
Shinichi took out his phone and turned on his flashlight. There were stairs leading all the way further up, but it was too dark to see where it led to. Shinichi took a step in.
Kaito followed.
The detective turned, shining his light onto Kaito's face and nearly blinding him. "Aren't you busy with finding whatever you've lost?" Shinichi asked, with a hint of contempt that Kaito couldn't blame him for, given his previous dismissal to Shinichi's concern for his missing item.
"I figured this might be a little bit more interesting." Kaito grinned in reply. "And who knows, maybe you'll need my help again?"
"If I remember correctly, it's your dove that did most of the job."
"I raised it with my blood, sweat and tears so that has to be something."
Shinichi gave a mild roll of his eyes and finally shone his phone away and towards Mochi's direction. "Is your dove not following?"
"Mochi hates confine spaces."
"Hm." Shinichi made a noise that sounded neither happy or upset and continued his way up the dark stairs.
At the last second, Kaito ducked out from the compartment and scattered more sunflower seeds on the ground. "Stay here okay, Mochi. Don't go around finding any poisonous worms."
Mochi was already busy eating to even acknowledge whatever Kaito said.
He just prayed it understood and hurried to follow the light; to where Shinichi was.
The long stairs eventually led to a room, which was pitch black at one second but lit up the moment Shinichi first stepped inside; the ceiling lights switching on one by one.
Kaito squinted his eyes, trying to get use to the sudden brightness. "Judging by the sensors, does it mean we're the only one here?" 
Shinichi didn't answer, but he stood there, as if waiting for something to happen.
Kaito was almost tempted to hum just for the sake of it.
"I can't guarantee that," the detective finally admitted when nothing seemed to be able to confirm his speculations. "But keep close to me, in case anything happens."
Kaito considered feigning scared, but he didn't want Shinichi to legitimately think he was and send him out of the secret hideout. "Ok, detective."
"And don't touch anything."
"Yes yes."
Shinichi kept his phone and surveyed the room while Kaito quietly did his own.
The room looked way more decent than any of the ones outside; there were signs of people staying here, or been here, keeping the dust and cobwebs away. In the middle were three chairs surrounding a large table, and on it were two ashtrays full of burnt out cigarettes, a couple of files and some empty water bottles.
Shinichi pulled out a pair of gloves from his pocket and put them on before picking up a file. His frown deepened every time he flipped to the next page.
Kaito strained his neck, trying to peek at the file's content. "What's that?"
"Records on some trades they made, though it's in codes so I have no idea what the trade is about, for now," Shinichi muttered. "The most recent trade happened last week. It also states another one is happening in three days."
"Maybe it's drugs?"
Shinichi stiffened.
"Or weapons." Kaito quickly added.
"Either is likely." Shinichi shut the file and placed it back where he found it. He left the table and began scrutinizing the shelves against the walls, though there was nothing but rubbish on them, as far as Kaito could tell.
Kaito looked back at the file, contemplating. Giving his civilian status, he couldn't possibly ask whether everything here was related to the Black Organization...
"Is this the police matter that you've talked about?"
Shinichi hummed. "Not what I expected."
Huh? "What do you mean?"
"...Besides the ghost rumour that Nakamori mentioned, there were others that were circulating and keeping people away."
Is he changing the topic? "Like what?"
"Witchcrafts, curses, or... experiments." Shinichi paused. "Witnesses claimed they saw the lakes that goes downstream from this building turned black or green a couple of times."
Kaito was almost tempted to believe in those rumours if he didn't know Akako was currently in England with Hakuba right now... Unless she knew some spells that could teleport herself back and do her weird things here. But given the evidences of these illegal trades and whatnots, Kaito trusted Akako enough to know she wouldn't be a part of it, despite how creepy she could be sometimes (he was still dumbfounded to this day to why Hakuba was willing to accept her like that).
"So... What were you expecting in the first place?"
Shinichi stared at Kaito over his shoulder.
Seconds passed so long it felt like minutes. Kaito cleared his throat. "Uh... Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Nothing." Shinichi glanced away.
"You didn't answer my question."
"I don't see why I have to tell you either.
Kaito inwardly sighed. "Fine. Whatever it is, maybe there's something more we can find in there." Kaito pointed at the rounded corner of the room that led to another door.
Shinichi abandoned the crushed soda can on the shelves and followed the direction to where Kaito pointed. There was a door like Kaito mentioned, but it was passcode lock; not as easily accessible as it was to the room they were in.
"It's locked," Shinichi grumbled out the obvious and leaned an ear towards the door. "I can't hear anything from here either."
"Let me try." Kaito bent down to the glowing keypad. Ha. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. He recognised this system like the few museums he had broken into before. He just needed to disable it and it should do the trick.
The only problem was Shinichi's intense gaze on him.
"It looks so difficult and complex," Kaito lied and heaved a sad sigh. "But I think I can try to unlock it, even though I'm obviously just a normal civilian."
"Aren't you a magician?" Shinichi drawled. "Don't you know how to unlock things?"
"Oh— Yes. A civilian who happens to be a magician." Kaito gave a thumbs up. "That's why I THINK I can do it."
"Ok," was all Shinichi said (and Kaito thanked heaven for that). He pulled out another pair of gloves from his pocket. "Use this."
"Thanks." Kaito accepted it, though he had his Kid's gloves on him as well.
He made a show of trying to put the rubbery and sticky gloves on that Shinichi grew bored and went back to the shelves to inspect those soda cans again. Taking the opportunity, Kaito whipped out his tools from his sleeves and began his habitual tinkering.
Ten seconds. Three dying beeps. The glow disappeared.
"That's fast," Shinichi commented when he returned to Kaito's side.
"Beeeeeecause luck is on our side." Kaito laughed. And not waiting for Shinichi to say anything more that could risk his identity, Kaito pushed open the door.
The sensors acted again, lighting up the next pitch-black room and revealing rows and rows of guns, grenades and boxes of bullets. And on the other side of the large room were piles and piles of blank paper, which were going to be used for creating counterfeit money with the big printing machine behind. Next to the machine were big bottles of black and green ink.
"I think this should explain everything," Kaito said.
They headed to different direction; Shinichi checking the weapons and Kaito looking at the papers. Kaito had to admit these were of good quality and the criminals would definitely reap what they harvested from their investments. But too bad their dreams were gone and they would be spending at least twice of their lifetime in jail for all these smuggling and counterfeiting crimes—
Make that thrice if Kaito count in the fake paintings and jewels too.
At the blind spot of the room, Kaito found a high stack of famous paintings, and next to them on the floor were at least three dozen of Big Jewels encased in a large transparent glass box. Being more familiar in this line, he could tell with one look they were all fakes.
Kaito jolted from his squatting position, his heart nearly leaping out of his mouth. He half turned, scowling. "You scared the hell out of me."
"Why? Are you planning to steal something?"
Kaito tried to look offended. "Of course not."
"Are they real?" Shinichi gestured his head at the gems.
"The answer is obvious, isn't it?" Kaito muttered (whilst trying not to choke on his nervousness). "If they are into the business of printing counterfeits, these stuffs got to be too."
Shinichi looked amused. "A nice deduction."
Kaito scowled at Shinichi's head after he turned away. Is he being sarcastic or what?
Whatever. Kaito whipped out his phone and took a couple of pictures. Regardless if Shinichi were to bring down these bad guys or not, he should at least keep a note on these forgeries; if a similar jewel came up on the news, he would double check its authenticity rather than holding a heist for nothing—
A sudden slam from the door.
A series of gasps.
Kaito turned.
Remaining in his squatting position, Kaito crawled across the room and peeked his head from behind the money printer.
Aw crap.
Two men. Two guns. Both pointing at Shinichi.
"I SAID WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!" and "RAISE YOUR HANDS!" were both screamed at the same time.
Shinichi obeyed the second command while keeping his lips sealed.
No Soccer ball this time to save your life. Kaito thought mockingly as he ditched his rubbery gloves.
One of the men turned to his partner. "You know what, let's just shoot him before the others find out that someone came—"
A flick of his wrist and with his card gun in hand, Kaito shot at the ceiling lights.
The room turned to an abyss.
"What the?!" A cocking sound from a gun.
"Oi! Don't shoot! Unless you want to accidentally set the grenades off, idiot!"
Memorising every position, Kaito rushed out from his hiding spot and grabbed what he knew was Shinichi's wrist, pulling him along as he made a dash towards the door.
Before the lights in the first room flickered back on, Kaito shot them out again; they weren't needed anyway. He continued running past the table and out of the room, the only comfort he could find amidst this havoc was the warmth of Shinichi's wrist and his mint-scented breath—
"Shit." Kaito clicked his tongue, staring at the darkness on the other end of the stairs. "The mirror door is closed."
"Look." Shinichi flashed his phone's light to their right. "There's another stairs here."
"I guess it's a risk we have to—"
Multiple gun shots rung in the air, and Kaito thought he felt a bullet flew past the top of his head.
No words were needed as they rushed up to wherever the stairs led them too. But like the other stairs in the abandoned building, it was long and seemingly endless. Kaito was two seconds away of giving up when he felt a faint wind brushing his cheeks before the pale light from the dark sky touched their skin.
They reached the roof.
Slipping his card gun up his sleeves before Shinichi noticed, Kaito panted, "Now what?"
Another gunshot rung in the quiet night and the echoes of the thunderous footsteps continued, only that they were getting louder.
It was Shinichi's turn as he pulled Kaito's wrist, dragging them to the roof's ledge; five level of floors but with the height of ten. Kaito gulped, his surprise turned wary as the tip of their feet inches away from nothing. There was no way they would go without at least a broken spine if they jump down.
Shinichi grabbed the front of Kaito's shirt.
"Use your damn glider."
"Uh— Huh?" Kaito blinked rapidly. "My what?"
"Kaitou Kid's glider! I'm sure you have it on you now!"
Shinichi was right on the mark, but what Kaito didn't understand was how he figured about his identity? Did he notice the card gun?
But there was no more time to think or waste.
Two sounds of gunshots.
It was do or die.
Kaito knocked his left shoulder, sending his hidden cape flying out from the back of his shirt before solidifying into wings. Aoko's weight worked before, but Kaito wasn't sure if Shinichi's would. He kept the hesitation to himself and showed a smirk.
"Bridal style?"
Shinichi scowled. "Are there other options?"
Scooping Shinichi up, Kaito jumped off the roof and glided his way towards the forest that stretched infinitely beyond the dark horizon.
But Kaito's worry wasn't unwarranted — the glider indeed couldn't manage both of their weights. And Mother Nature hadn't been kind too. The wind's direction was going against their favour, and before they knew it, they flew down instead of straight after a distance and went crashing into the forest below.
"Thanks. I owe you one."
"My only request is don't meddle with my future heists anymore, little detective."
"...Ok." .
Kaito had no idea how long he passed out, or maybe he didn't and felt like he did, but no matter the case, the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was Shinichi, his face dark and earnestly serious as he stared at whatever that was in front of the bushes they were currently hiding in.
It was one of the men earlier.
"So did you find anything?" the man said into the walkie talkie.
A static. "I found a bike. Maybe it belongs to Kid and his accomplice."
"Get rid of it."
"Of course. And what about you? Found anything?"
"No. The ground's all messed up and I can't tell what any of the marks are."
"...Why do you think Kid is here anyway?"
The man shrugged, as if his partner could see it. "Maybe he wants to find a new hideout? But we got it first."
A static laugh. "Anyway, should we tell this to the others?"
"No. What if they pretend to make a big fuss and use this opportunity to cut our shares in the profit?" The man lowered his voice. "It's not like that thief can report us when he's a criminal himself."
"You're right."
"Let's forget about it." The man gave his surrounding one last look. "I'm going back to the hideout right now."
"Ok. I'm coming back too."
Until the sound of the man's footsteps was completely gone, Kaito heaved out a sigh of relief.
Shinichi did too, but more discreetly. "The coast is clear." He glanced at Kaito. "And you're awake."
"So I did pass out."
Shinichi nodded. "You landed headfirst."
Kaito groaned, the thumping headaches coming as if cued. "No wonder."
Shinichi brushed the leaves away from his face and stepped out of the bush, not without checking the direction where the man left once more. He put out a hand for Kaito.
"Thanks for the offer but I can't move," Kaito admitted much to his reluctance. His entire body was aching so much that he had trouble lifting his arm.
Surprisingly, Shinichi didn't complain. He bent forward and pulled Kaito up by the arm, but now all of Kaito's aches turned to jolts of pain.
"Ow, ow." Kaito made a dying whale noise as he struggled to keep his balance. The last thing he wanted was to fall on Shinichi.
"Your leg is bleeding." Shinichi widened his eyes. "I didn't notice it when I drag you behind the bushes."
"Bleeding? It must be just a scratch— Oh damn I am bleeding." Kaito sighed. He couldn't tell from the darkness, but he could feel the dampness of his blood soaking the bottom of his pants. "This sucks.”
"For your information, my landing is always perfect. This is the only exception."
"I didn't ask."
"Just thought you should know."
Ignoring him, Shinichi helped Kaito out of the bushes and set him down on the forest floor. Kaito didn't notice before, but when the sky cleared and some light miraculously managed to cast through the forest overhead, he spotted a bruise on Shinichi's right cheek.
He didn't go unscathed either.
"Are you okay though?"
"Nothing as bad as yours." Shinichi unclipped Kaito's cape.
"What are you doing? That's our only mode of transport."
"Based on the current circumstances, there is no point for the glider now." Shinichi put out a hand. "Give me a pen knife. Or whatever tool you have to cut your cape."
"A bandage for your injury."
Jii would be so mad, but was there really a choice? Kaito sighed and flicked his wrist, producing a penknife like what Shinichi wanted.
There was no warning or whatsoever when Shinichi began wrapping the cape around the opening of Kaito's wound. He dug his fingers into the ground and suppressed a groan. He needed a distraction from the pain, but Shinichi wasn't giving him any either so Kaito had to find it himself.
"He— Hey, how did you know that I'm Kid?"
"Why don't you guess?"
"Don't you love to show off their deductions?" Kaito mumbled. "Just enlighten me."
"I don't mind seeing your confused face."
"What you're seeing now is my super-in-pain face, not confused."
"Sorry," Shinichi suddenly said, which ironically made Kaito confused.
"For what?" Kaito asked warily.
"For this."
Shinichi finished the bandage with a tight knot and it almost sent Kaito's soul out of his body. He grabbed the remaining cloth of his cape and pressed it into his face, muffling his groan.
"Okay, I'm done."
"You— You're going to kill me first before I even bleed to death," Kaito snapped. When Shinichi ignored him and returned the penknife, Kaito continued, "Was it my card gun that gave it away?"
Wiping whatever off his forehead, Shinichi slumped onto the floor next to Kaito and heaved a sigh. "It's before that."
"So that jewel question was a taunt?"
Kaito gave Shinichi a withering look. "Then was it the lock? When I managed to disable it so fast that even the Detective of The East couldn't believe it."
Shinichi rolled his eyes. "Before that too."
"What?" Kaito sighed irritably. "Just tell me already."
"I can consider, if you tell me why you came back to the building in the first place."
Kaito blinked. That was an unexpected trade. "Didn't I say I lost—"
"You and I clearly know that I don't believe in the lie at all."
Kaito scoffed. "Why do you want to know anyway? I'm there for my own business."
"Did that man hit the jackpot?" Shinichi raised an eyebrow. "Are you really looking for a new hideout?"
A tug played at the corner of Shinichi's lips. "But that's the only reason I can think of for you to be there."
The question suddenly got Kaito remembering about the unspoken reason to why Shinichi was there, too. He said it was police matters, but it all didn't turn out to be what he expected...? Since Shinichi already knew his identity, Kaito supposed it was alright to be frank:
"Are those people related to the Black Organization?"
Shinichi's face turned into a blank. "What?"
"The Black Organization, or whatever that you used to call them."
Shinichi lowered his gaze. "No. But maybe they are inspired by them. Who knows?"
That didn't sound comforting. Kaito frowned. "So were you investigating if these jackasses are part of the Black Organization?"
Shinichi nodded, much to Kaito surprise — Not by his answer, but his willingness to admit it so quickly.
"I've never stopped finding any possible traces of them even after their downfall," Shinichi explained. "So when I heard the rumours, I thought it might be plausible... with the experiments and all. But seeing their operations — the sloppy hideout and the way they handle their trades — I figured it wasn't them, though that doesn't mean they aren't my concern too."
Hah. That was why. Kaito nodded. Shinichi's reason totally made sense, and now Kaito only feared for his embarrassment if he explained his. So why was he here? Because his gut senses told him there was more to the abandoned building. But why did he care? Because Kudo Shinichi was also investigating this. And how did that matter?
Kaito honestly didn't know.
But it was more important to make sure Shinichi didn't know.
"Speaking of which..." Kaito jabbed a thumb towards the direction of the building. "What are we going to do about them? Do you have your police mates to call for backup?"
"I lost my phone."
"It's okay, I have—" Kaito's grin faded as he stared at his cracked and black screen after fishing his phone out of his pocket.
Shinichi didn't bother waiting for Kaito to finish his sentence. "We might have to stay over the night and figure it out tomorrow."
"Isn't it too late?"
"Their next trade is three days later; there's still some time before anything goes out of their hideout."
"So are we gonna stare at each other until the sun rises?"
"You should sleep," Shinichi suggested after glancing at Kaito's bandaged leg, his face, and then his leg again.
"I don't need sleep," Kaito said, and shook his head. "Or more like I can't sleep with you around me."
"I'm not interested in you."
"Touché. But what I meant was because you know I'm Kid."
"I'm not going to do anything about your other identity." Shinichi crossed his arms. "I promised you, didn't I?"
"Thanks. I owe you one."
"My only request is don't meddle with my future heists anymore, little Detective."
Ah. The realisation came a little late, but now Kaito remembered it and not as a dream. The blurriness of the memory and the throbbing pain in his head definitely didn't help, and maybe sleep was really what Kaito needed.
"Are you not going to tell me how you figured my identity out?" Kaito tried for the last time.
"Fine. The conversation is now boring and I'm really going to sleep." Kaito scooted his butt and laid on his back, not before gathering his cape and crumbling them into a ball to use it as a make-shift pillow.
After getting comfortable in his position, Kaito glanced at Shinichi, who was still sitting cross-legged by his side. "Anyway, it might be tempting, but don't watch me sleep."
"That's the last thing I'll ever do."
"Before you die. So it means you'll rather watch me sleep than die."
Kaito turned on his side, back facing Shinichi as he began pretentiously snoring.
It was nice to have the last word in.
Kaito — Kaitou Kid — glanced away from the night view, his cape flapping wildly as he made a suave turn to his new companion on the roof.
"Hello, little detective."
"It's all done," Edogawa Conan said.
With all that scuffle earlier, it was amazing to see Conan only with a bandage on his cheek. Even Kaito suffered worse when he wasn't the main star of the show; he managed to temporarily fix the large gash on his right arm after stealing some supplies from a nearby hospital, though Kid's costume covered his imperfections perfectly.
"Is that Shuichi guy alright?" Kaito asked, while keeping his tone nonchalant for the better part. "He received quite a nasty shot in the stomach."
"He's fine."
"That's good."
That Shuichi guy was one of many people Kaito disguised as per Conan's request during the final showdown with the Black Organization. But even though Kaito didn't interact or personally know him, it would still disturb him if something bad had happened to the person he copied his face from.
"So... it's really done, that Organization of yours."
Conan nodded, his face remained solemn. Even after three hours had passed since everything, he still seemed stuck in that war.
"Are you going back to your original self soon?" Kaito smirked, trying to dispel their current mood to a better one. "I'll miss staring down at you like this. And also, a pity that I can't disguise you so freely anymore."
"Funny," Conan sneered.
"Shouldn't you be thanking me instead?"
That put things back into perspective for Conan. He gave a resigned smile. "Thanks. I owe you one."
"My only request is don't meddle with my future heists anymore, little detective."
"I guess this is the last time we will ever talk like this." Kaito tipped his hat up. "Don't miss me."
"On a serious note," Conan said, looking very seriously so. "If you ever need my help, I'm willing to give it to you, just as much as you did when I asked."
"Thanks, but as a Kaitou, I prefer to do things alone."
"My offer still stands."
Kaito raised two fingers to his eyebrow as a salute. "Take care, little detective."
He leaned back, falling off the roof with grace before his cape turned to wings.
It was an amazing exit.
But most important of all, his landing was perfectly done.
"...roba. Oi Kuroba. Wake up."
"Ugh, give me five more minute…"
A sigh. "The two men seem to be on the move."
Kaito flung open his eyes.
Everywhere was still dark—
Like on that roof.
"De— Detective?" Kaito blinked, staring at Shinichi's face above his. "You've grown... bigger."
Shinichi frowned, moving his face away from Kaito and stood up from his squatting position. "What are you talking about?"
"Uh, nothing." Kaito sniffed and sat up. "What happened?"
"I said the two men seem to be on the move." Shinichi gestured his head over to the building's direction. "I thought to ask you to come and... see." He suddenly looked hesitant as he glanced at Kaito's bandaged leg. "I hope your sleep rejuvenated you a little."
"Yeah, I'm feeling better now," Kaito said, which was the truth. "But I need a hand."
Shinichi stuck his arm out for Kaito to lift himself off the ground. He dusted his legs and attempted a stretch. The bleeding had stopped for now, but it still ached when he tried to move, though it was nothing that Kaito or Kaitou Kid couldn't endure.
Shinichi took the lead as they manoeuvred their way down the forest path and towards the building. The sun hadn't risen, but there were signs of activities from the birds and bugs in the forest. It made Kaito wonder how long he had slept.
"Have you been keeping a lookout the entire time?" Kaito asked.
"You didn't sleep?"
"No." Shinichi gave Kaito a glance. "Your snoring was too loud for me."
A second ago Kaito was feeling bad, but he wasn't anymore. "I can sue you for defamation."
"By all means—" Shinichi stopped and raised his hand (and this time Kaito was quick to realize before he knocked into Shinichi again).
They were a few steps away from the end of the forest.
Exchanging a silent signal, they crouched together before making a dash out of the forest, past a small field, and towards the row of thick bushes that surrounded the side of the building. Ignoring the pain from his leg, Kaito kneeled on one knee to elevate himself better and observed from behind their hiding spot.
True to what Shinichi said, the two men were standing in the front yard outside the building, one looking at his watch while the other was on his phone.
"Are they waiting for something?" Kaito whispered. "Do you think they changed their trading time?"
Shinichi shook his head next to Kaito. "They don't have any goods with them, but I can't say for sure."
The sun was slowly rising, taking shadows and darkness away with its light. Kaito used the opportunity and peeped at Shinichi. He looked tired but focused, but what Kaito couldn't believe was how his hair remained the same throughout the entire day and night.
Life's fair like that.
"There's a van."
"Huh— Oh, yeah. A van." Kaito regained his composure, acting as if he totally wasn't distracted and thinking about Shinichi's hair three seconds ago. He looked over just in time to watch the said van driving into the front yard of the building. After parking, three men got off; the driver twirling with the key like how Kaito did for his bike.
Aw, Kaito missed his bike.
"I think they are changing shifts," Shinichi said.
"If only there is a way we can get onto that van." Kaito pulled out his card gun from his sleeve and checked his cartridge. "Hm, I only have two shots left. Should I try?"
"No," Shinichi snapped. "You're injured. They are armed. Or at least two of them are. It's a risk we can't take."
"Is that concern I hear, detective?"
"It's dread." Shinichi sent Kaito a disdainful look. "I don't want to carry your dead body back."
Kaito kept his card gun grudgingly. "Then now what?"
Shinichi touched his chin, thinking. "We can—"
"What the hell!"
In sync, they looked at each other before raising their heads like two rabbits looking out of their burrow, trying to detect the cause for the yell.
Kaito gasped.
Failing for who-knows-how-many-times, the driver's comrades tried to swat Mochi away as it flew up, out of their reach, before swooping down to peck the driver's face again and again until he finally dropped his key onto the ground. Before they could react, Mochi snatched the keys with its beak and angled its flight towards Kaito and Shinichi's direction.
It dropped the key onto Kaito's hand and flew away again.
"Wh—Who is there!" one of the men exclaimed, noticing Kaito and Shinichi's heads above the bushes.
"Shit, is it Kid?"
"Kid? Like Kaitou Kid?!"
But their conversation didn't continue, and neither did they manage to pull out their guns to start a war, because at the very next second, they were all swarmed by a flock of birds; their hands too busy trying to protect their face and eyes from being pecked on.
"Mochi!" Kaito exclaimed to the sky. "Our life saviour—"
Shinichi grabbed Kaito's wrist, pulling him up. "Let's run already!" he yelled.
Registering the chance, they jumped over the bushes, sprinting across the front yard and towards the van.
One of the men was a little smarter than the rest — he suddenly laid flat on the ground, his face briefly away from the attacking birds as he whipped out a gun from the back of his pants.
But Kaito noticed it too. Before he pulled his card gun out, he tossed the key to Shinichi and then shot, hitting the man's gun away and out of reach.
As if realizing what they missed, more birds swooped down and attacked that man.
"Get on!" Shinichi already started the van.
Kaito did.
As Shinichi reversed the vehicle to get back on the road, Kaito unrolled the window and whistled a special tune only his trained doves would recognise. A flutter of white, and in a second Mochi flew into the van and settled its wings on Kaito's headrest.
Shinichi sped off.
Kaito let the silence fully sink in before ruining it with a heartfelt sigh.
"What a fantastic morning exercise." Kaito waved his card gun in the air. Maybe he should save his last card shot as a memento.
"…How many doves do you own?" Shinichi asked.
Kaito watched the wing mirror. The birds were still attacking, but after Mochi left the group, some started to disperse, as if the fun was over for them.
"That looks nowhere close to 12," Shinichi retorted. "The number's got to be at least three times of that."
"None of them were my remaining 11 doves." Kaito laughed and patted Mochi's head. "Mochi probably made some friends in the forest and gathered them for help."
Shinichi looked like he wanted to comment on something but didn't in the end.
"Oh." Kaito snapped his fingers. "I know the answer now."
Shinichi's eyes remained on the road. "Know what?"
"It's Mochi, isn't it?" Kaito grinned. "Because clearly, only the amazing Kaitou Kid can raise a dove so smart and well. That’s how you figured my identity out."
"I won't deny that your dove is smart, but no. It has nothing to do with it."
"Can't you just tell me already?" Kaito grumbled.
Shinichi shook his head, but a small smile danced across his lips until they disappear. "Why don't you be useful and find me a phone. I need to call for backup before they take everything and escape."
"Oh, right." Kaito straightened, deciding to focus what was more crucial on hand. He leaned forward and patted around the bottom of his seat, trying to feel for a secret phone. But remembering Shinichi's opinion about these men in comparison to the BO, he opened the glove compartment, revealing a dozen of phones, probably stolen.
"Nice," Shinichi said, which was a little funny because it sounded like what Kaito would say instead.
"Lady Luck is really shining on us." Kaito picked one out and switched it on. "The day can't get any better."
Shinichi gave Kaito a side-long glance. "Your leg is bleeding on the seat."
"...Damn. I almost forgot about that."
"Abandoned building discovered to be a criminal hideout." (Click More to Read)
It had been two days since that crazy night and three hours since an official statement was released to public. And given that time gap in announcement, there were more rumours than legitimate news online, but Kaito read them all, even though the details were either repetitive and the same.
And that was good, of course. Because what he feared more was finding something new, like the possibility that one of the criminals mentioned Kid was at the scene or something.
But so far there was none; either these men had completely forgotten about his existence and blamed the birds for their downfall or Shinichi had kept everything perfectly under wraps—
"Aoko?" Kaito scooted himself to the side of the campus bench so his childhood friend could sit beside him. "What are you doing here? Don't you have lessons now?"
"It's cancelled and I'm on my way back to the dorm." Aoko tilted her head. "And what are you doing here?"
"I finished my assignments so I'm just chilling outside." (He had been in bed all day yesterday because of his leg and he needed a breather.)
"Oh— Did you change your phone?"
"Yeah." Kaito twirled his new phone around for show. "I accidentally broke my old one." Though luckily, he had everything on cloud, including the photos he took yesterday.
"I see that you're also reading the recent news too; I was actually going to text you about it." Aoko stared at Kaito's phone screen, snorting. "Finally something that isn't about Kaitou Kid."
Kaito grimaced and tilted his screen away. "I have the freedom to read whatever I want."
Aoko stuck out her tongue, but her cheeky expression didn't last when she returned her attention to the news again. "Anyway, who knew the abandoned building we explored just two weeks ago would house such dangerous people! Gosh."
"Luckily we heeded Kudo-kun's advice and left." Aoko rubbed the side of her arms nervously. "Although it would be a great scoop, the risk is too much."
"In case you forgot, it was I who suggested to leave first."
"Fine, fine, Bakaito. Don't be jealous." She gestured her head to his phone. "I'll leave you to your reading and we can text later. I'm going back to finish up my projects first."
Kaito still had a lot of things to say, and one of the things was that he was not jealous. But he arranged the priorities in his head and pulled Aoko's bag, stumbling her back again.
"Wait, I have a question."
"You and that Kudo detective exchanged emails, right? Did you tell him any weird info about me?"
Aoko raised an eyebrow. "What is there for me to say?"
"I don't know. Just— Anything. Did you tell him anything?"
"I didn't. In fact, we didn't talk much. He only sent me the photos and I asked for his permission to use his quote."
"Really?" Kaito frowned. "That's it?"
The glint in Aoko's eyes made Kaito a little uncomfortable. "Is there something you want me to tell him for you?"
"Or you can tell him yourself if you want. I have his email address—"
"Bye Aoko." Kaito waved her off and pretentiously stared his phone, as if it contained the answer to the existence of the universe.
Aoko chuckled. "Bye Kaito." She waved and skipped her way towards the direction of her dorm.
Kaito glanced up, watching Aoko's back disappear behind the school building.
Besides worrying if Kid's presence at the abandoned building would be exposed, Shinichi's early discovery about his identity was also bugging him as well. He had been betting all on the chance that Aoko had mentioned something crucial to Shinichi, but if she didn't, then how on earth did he figure it out?
A chime came from Kaito's phone and he almost didn't recognise it as his ringtone since he just changed it. He looked at the caller ID.
Unknown number? Kaito frowned, alert on the rise.
He picked up the call. "Hello?"
"Is this Kuroba Kaito?"
Kaito blinked, his heart lurched. "...Detective?"
"We found your bike."
"Holy shit." Kaito flung up from his seat, earning curious stares from other students. That was two surprises in a row, the first being receiving a call from Kudo freaking Shinichi. "You serious?"
"Do I sound like I'm kidding?"
"I thought it's a goner," Kaito said. "Or even if it's not, it'll be kept as an evidence to prosecute Kid."
"I've settled the Kid problem. Don't worry."
"Oh." Kaito managed to hide his third surprise well. "Thanks for that."
"When are you free?"
The question got Kaito a little more flustered than he should be. "Why?"
"You need to come to the headquarters to fill in some forms before you can take your bike back."
"Right, of course." Kaito was tempted to slap a hand over his forehead. "I can come over now." He paused. "But are you free? Is your murder magnet not activated today?"
Kaito could perfectly imagine Shinichi's eye roll. "I'm free now."
"Okay. See you later."
Cutting the call, Kaito made his way towards the metro station (and till this day he wasn't sure if he was actually excited to reunite with his bike or at the thought of meeting Kudo Shinichi in a while.)
Even if all the other officers around them were busy shouting around and finding clues to solve their cases, there was no telling who would be watching, listening or both. So during the entire documentation process, Kaito burrowed his face deep into the papers while Shinichi silently watched across the table.
And it didn't help when their faces looked alike—
That thought gave Kaito a new guess.
So the moment when they were alone and standing at the parking lot outside the headquarters (and also after Kaito had spent three minutes cradling his bike and looking for scratches), Kaito spoke:
"I know the answer now, and this must be it."
Shinichi stuck a hand into his work pants, eyebrows raised. "You're still guessing?"
"Didn't you mention there are some things that are best to remain a mystery?"
It was such a long time ago since they had that conversation during one of his heists, and Kaito briefly wondered how Shinichi remembered his words so well. Kaito cleared his throat. "That doesn't count when the mystery involves my identity and my ability of hiding it."
"Fair point," Shinichi said. "So what's your guess?"
Kaito pointed at Shinichi before tapping a finger on his own cheek. "It's because we have the same face."
Shinichi blinked.
Did I get it right?
Shinichi took a step back and scrutinised Kaito from head to toe. "To be honest, I don't see how we are that similar..."
Kaito wrinkled his nose. "What are you talking about? I don't need to put on a mask to disguise you and fool everyone."
"Yes, but no. This so-called similarity of our faces wasn't what that made me figure out your identity," Shinichi said, before he muttered almost incoherently under his breath, "besides, it's not only you that have the same face as me. That Okita..."
Shinichi sighed and run a hand through his hair. "It's not the answer," was his final verdict.
"I officially give up." Kaito stuck his hands into his pockets. "Please. Just tell me already." (He barely refrained himself from admitting how he had been thinking about this the entire time.)
Shinichi bit his lip.
A pause.
An intake of breath.
"It was the way you stood when I saw you and Nakamori that day," Shinichi said. "It screamed to me that you're Kaitou Kid."
Kaito was too dumbfounded to even speak.
"Even the way you stand now." Shinichi gestured a hand over at Kaito, continuing, "You look just like the first time I met you as Conan and the last time I met you as Conan, too. You've been Kaitou Kid for years, Kuroba. You're not just Kaitou Kid; you've become Kaitou Kid — his essence and everything."
Kaito straightened, feeling extremely conscious with all the movements he was making now. "Just.. from this?"
Shinichi nodded. "It was the first thing that ignited my suspicions. The following things that happened only continued to confirm my theory... Especially the lock. Your acting is ridiculous."
Kaito scowled, whatever tension in the air he felt vanished. "Wow, thanks."
"Are you satisfied with my answer?"
"Of course not," Kaito muttered. Raising a hand, he copied one of Kid's signature wave movements. "But I always made sure there's a difference in whatever I do as Kid." An ace of heart between his fingers and gone the next. "Kid is still him. And I'm still... me."
"So Kaito is Kaito after all!"
He recalled Aoko said that to him after that stupid Sun Halo incident a long time ago. Kaito clenched his fist and stuck it back into his pocket.
Could it be that she also...?
"You may not notice, but those differences you created have turned into a part of you now." Suddenly, Shinichi looked tired as his eyes drooped at whatever memories that flashed across his mind. "It took me a long time before I got rid of Conan's manners and routines; I understand what it feels like."
Kaito crossed his arms. "But what if I don't mind it?"
"Given that you're good friends with Nakamori, I don't see why you'll be. Unless you're planning to admit your identity to her anytime soon." Shinichi lowered his voice. "She's honestly smarter than you think."
There was nothing Kaito could say to argue back.
"To stop the change, you have to stop being Kid." Shinichi face turned solemn, almost a replica of the Edogawa Conan that Kaito met on their last encounter:
"If you ever need my help, I'm willing to give it to you, just as much as you did when I asked."
"My offer still stands, you know." Shinichi finally said.
The arms around Kaito's chest tightened, and his thoughts stretched as long as the growing silence. Even after so many years, Kaito never failed to wake up every day and wonder if he could ever bring Snake down, avenge his father or even find Pandora; he still had some trouble putting trust in himself that he didn't see a point to put it in others.
But there was something about the way Shinichi stood before him, looking so determined as if he was born to be, and it made Kaito think, crazily, that if he really had to choose one person to put his trust in, that person would be...
"Regardless, I've said what I wanted to say." The determination in Shinichi's eyes faltered and he looked... deflated? Kaito couldn't tell, or understand, why the detective would be feeling that too—
"How is your injury?" Shinichi said instead, already changing the subject.
In return, Kaito observed the fading bruise on Shinichi's cheek; he supposed he didn’t have to ask back the question.
"This is definitely concern I’m hearing, right detective?" Kaito smirked, though Shinichi remained unamused. He wiggled his leg for show. "As you can see, I'm better now."
Kaito leaned against his bike, hoping for both physical and mental support. Every second that passed was making it harder for Kaito to return back to that moment...
He bit his lip.
A pause.
An intake of breath.
"Thanks, detective."
"...For what?"
"For that offer of yours again." Kaito nodded. "I'll think about it."
Shinichi blinked, surprised.
But just when Kaito thought it was the end, Shinichi smiled, and it was completely unexpected that Kaito almost thought he imagined it.
"You know where to find me."
Kaito needed a while to regain his composure. "…But how will I know if you're free for me to find, murder-magnet?"
"Given your lovely intel, you should know better."
This time, Kaito allowed Shinichi to have the last word in, and he only grinned back in return.
Even though Aoko knew Kaito since childhood, it was still hard for her to understand him completely at times, especially given his erratic behaviours and attitude. But at least out of everything, Aoko did know one thing consistent about him, and it would be his love for his dad, magic, and doves...
And a specific bench on their campus too?
As usual after Aoko was released from her afternoon class, she spotted Kaito sitting alone on that same campus bench again, helmet by his side and phone in his hand. It wasn't as if he didn't have a dorm to rest in or friends to find, but then again, this was just another behaviour of his that Aoko didn't understand.
(But maybe it was partially her fault, because she never found the need or courage to ask Kaito for answers too.)
Aoko slowed her pace, trying to tiptoe her way towards the bench and give Kaito a scare. But when a white figure swooped down from the sky and landed on his lap, she was the one that got a shock instead.
A dove!
Kaito glanced up, his eyes widened and mouth parting about to speak.
"Wait!" Aoko raised a hand, stopping him before pointing at his dove. "Let me guess. Is it Pocky?"
Kaito grinned. "Nope."
Mochi cooed.
"Impressive. Not bad for your second try."
Aoko showed a peace sign and sat next to Kaito after he shifted in his position. "What is Mochi doing here?"
Kaito indirectly answered her as he pulled a string and unrolled the note that was tied to Mochi's foot.
Aoko leaned over, trying to see what was written on the note. But besides catching a glimpse of the neat handwriting, she couldn't derive anything else as Kaito turned half of his back towards her and covered the note in his hand.
"Please respect my privacy, Ahouko."
"But I want to know what that is!"
"Not going to tell you."
Aoko snickered. "Is it a love letter?" 
Kaito rolled his eyes. "Whatever you want to think." He stood up, taking his helmet and releasing Mochi back into the sky. "Anyway I have to go. Say hi to your dad for me when you visit him over the weekends."
Given the recent announcement of Kid's upcoming heist, Aoko wasn't sure about the plan anymore when she knew her dad wouldn't be at home much, but she didn't bother telling Kaito either. "Where are you going?" she asked instead, watching him from her seat.
"Finding the sender of the love letter."
Aoko crossed her arms with a huff. "Really?"
"Fine, if that's the case. Please help me to tell that person I said hi too."
Kaito grinned. "Sure."
With that, he sped off. /end
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theineffableechoes · 4 years
(Warning - contains details of drug misuse and personal trauma)
Before I begin I just want to clarify that there is no personal agenda here, I am neither condoning nor condemning drugs, so relax hippies and put down those pitch forks over protective parents. I'm simply sharing my genuine life experience, which includes one of the biggest mistakes I ever made relating to drugs which ended up dictating events in the years that followed on a weird micro level that I have only realised in retrospect.
First I should probably give you some background for context. Growing up I was real bona fide goodie two shoes: Prefect who snitched on kids smoking in the playground, 100% attendance awards, got along with all my teachers.. you get the idea. The only real bad aspect to me was that I, in moderation, underage drank with friends from time to time.. but come on, this is England.. that's kinda what we do.. So I was passionately anti-drugs and cigarettes, that's kinda the point I'm making. That all changed with the biggest cliché.. that's right, university.
Towards the end of my first year I started smoking marijuana which was harmless enough and I tried to limit it to social situations in the beginning but everything would change in just a few months into my second year. I had this friend that I would hang out with and we'd smoke weed but one day he was running low, but told me he had a solution, he showed me this weird packet and told me it was an alternative to weed he bought in a shop.. I'd never heard of anything like that and it seemed weird it was packaged in such a professional way.. I had never heard of legal highs.. I trusted him anyway, figuring he must know what he's doing. I let him set up a bong, and then he got me to inhale, he kept telling me "More, Do more, keep breathing" and like an idiot.. I did just that.
He asked me what I felt and for a few seconds I felt nothing. Next thing I know this primal aggressive feeling emanated from me, I'd never felt something like that before.. it was so.. heavy. Everything got foggy and I remember grabbing my friend by his shirt or face before everything went black.
*What followed is hard for me to recount, either due to the effect of the drug or as I feel: the memories are somewhat suppressed due to the nature of what happened, I actually only recently remembered more when talking to my partner this morning.*
I wasn't in that room anymore, I wasn't in my body.. I was floating in perpetual darkness.. No sound.. No thought.. Just the taste of metal in my mouth.
At some point I saw something in the distance, a faint glimmer in the abyss. I chased it, I remember reaching out for it, I was desperate for anything other than this silence. Next thing I know I am engulfed in vibrance.. a pure purple light that twisted and bent as if a flag adrift in the wind. I was in awe, it felt like years had gone by, I didn't even know how I'd gotten to be here anymore or that there was anything other than this to life. Then that energy inexplicably began to change, fluctuate and take form. It shrank down until I realised the purple energy was forming my body and I was surrounded by black again but this time in the form of a  thick fog.
Suddenly I felt and heard this snap from inside my own brain, I felt wrong, I felt.. damaged.. The energy dissipated, the fog began to slowly lift.. I was back in the room.. but something was wrong. I couldn't think properly.. I couldn't remember how to talk.. and worst of all I forgot who I was.
I looked around not recognising my surroundings, realising I was wet from head to toe as I looked down and saw I was covered in vomit,  all four walls of the bedroom were covered in upchuck, the floor was a sea  of pure chunder that was being desperately cleaned up by a stranger.. who then proceeded to gag and throw up as he went. I wanted to speak to him, ask him what was happening but I couldn't remember how to form words.. I sat there and struggled just making noises at him.
Finally I managed to get it out "What's going on?" I asked, The stranger explained I had passed out with vomit stuck in my throat and he had desperately tried to tip me upside down and massage it out of my throat, but once dislodged a never ending technicolor yawn ensued and he was very close to calling an ambulance as he had thought I might die.
I then realised I knew this man.. "I know you.. you're -----, you're my friend!" He looked a bit confused and then a short silence followed. I broke it asking "What's my name?" This seemed to anger said person "You know your name, don't wind me up!" or something to that effect was said "No, I can't think, where are we? who am I? I don't remember" "You're Adam!" "Adam?" For whatever reason that didn't feel right, my own name didn't feel natural to hear. I began to remember more and slowly started to come back to myself.. but not completely.
To this day I don't feel like I'm truly the person I was before that night, that a piece of me didn't come back.. and I've realised in hindsight that I somewhat acted to fill that void but it was artificial and it slowly began to deteriorate my relationships and faculty of mental health. I don't know if it's a subtle form of brain damage or just the impact of the experience but I feel that my ability of expression, my physicality, and seemingly unrelated decisions that followed later in life have all been tainted by this. From my experience legal highs are worse than any class A's I've done.
I'm not me anymore, I haven't truly been me since 2014/15.. not really.. I've felt like a passenger observing my life but never truly being in the moment.. I think of this event as a small drop in the ocean, causing ripples along with several other distinct events that would form a great wave of depression that I tried to solve through constant drug abuse that I kept the extent of which hidden even among my friends who took drugs themselves and my flatmates. I wouldn't know what day of the week it was most of the time or if I had work, I couldn't tell the days apart without checking my phone and I started to realise I didn't recognize the man in the mirror anymore.. I was filled with deep self loathing and actually planning out a suicide towards the end. People tried to help but no one person could help me but me.
It may seem unrelated but in reality that's causality in effect. Don't get me wrong, I don't presume that my life would have been fantastical had I not taken that synthetic weed that night, I'm no fool.. not anymore anyway.
Bad things would have still happened but I think I would have had the capacity to control and change certain outcomes, like leaving a mutually toxic relationship at the first sign of physical/emotional abuse from them or after I made the mistake of cheating (As an example) rather than allow us both to keep pulling each other back until it became an unrecognizable trap of emotional dependency and physical abuse from her or a financial dependency and desperation from me. In other words my perception is different now, I see that whilst life wouldn't have been perfect it would have been better, and yes I do wish I could find that missing piece but it's gone and I need to accept that I can't be that person anymore and it's who I can be in the future that matters.
I won't live in that self pity anymore.. I've outgrown it, it controlled my life for too long and hurt many others along away (Never physically, I still maintained my pacifism despite everything). I like who I'm becoming now, someone who has both hands on the wheel for the first time in years, someone who goes out of their way again for others but this time is no longer door mat for anyone.
SO PLEASE don't EVER do legal highs, the risk is not worth it, you could end up dead or you could lose years of your life and personality like it did with me. You're actually more safe taking certain illegal drugs than legal highs. Yes some people are different and can handle them fine, but please think of my story.. and ask yourself what you are willing to lose for that fleeting sensation?
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riverofmemoriesft · 5 years
Master List
Unreleased WIPs: 
Title: Between the Lines: Scripted in Iron Series: Fairy Tail Pairings: Gajeel x Levy Chapters completed: 2 Summary: “‘You did not ruin me, Gajeel Redfox.  You hurt me, broke my body in a way that even Porlyusica could almost not do anything for, but you did not ruin me.  You made me realize how much work I have to do to live up to others in my guild, but I am here.  I am alive.  I lived to fight another day.  When you came after me, you didn’t ruin me, Gajeel.  You ruined yourself.’” Notes: How Levy and Gajeel got together in the BTL-universe.
Title: In Tenebris {Rewrite} Series: Fairy Tail Pairings: Natsu x Lucy, Gajeel x Levy Chapters completed: 4 Summary: After discovering a trio of scientific experiments who are the equivalents of dragons, life for Lucy Heartfilia and Levy McGarden gets flipped upside down.  Apparently, protecting dragons brings a few others like them knocking and makes things crazy.  It doesn’t help that some of the “others” are a whole lot less friendly. Notes: Bet you didn’t think I was still working on this.  REWRITE!  This is gonna be a whole lot darker than the original. 
Title: Out of Reach Series: Fairy Tail Pairings: Sting x Rhith Vila (OC), Natsu x Lucy Chapters completed: 1 Summary: When a series of odd dreams leads Natsu, Sting, and Rogue to an anti-magic village in the mountains near Crocus, they’re alarmed to discover that things aren’t quite as peaceful as they seemed to be.  Acnologia’s returning, the entire truth of END is brought to light, the stars are going out, a supposed god has come knocking, and the dead are apparently coming back to life. Notes: Sequel to Not As It Seems.  Got inspired when reading reviews and drawing Rhith.  
Title: Withstanding Series: Fairy Tail Pairings: Natsu x Lucy Chapters completed: N/A Summary: When Makarov gives Natsu a small, in-town job, he doesn’t expect to find himself in a hostage situation.  Things take a dark turn, and Juvia, undercover, is devastated to realize she can’t help him, nor can anyone else until the demands are met.  Time is running out, and Lucy finds herself having to make an impossible decision she isn’t sure she can make. Notes: A story akin to A Game of Life and Obsessive Impulsive.  I’ve got plans, my friends. 
Title: Between the Lines: Tales of Fiore Series: Fairy Tail Pairings: Various Chapters completed: 3 Summary:  A collection of stories from the universe of Between the Lines.
Title: Of Dust and Shadows Series: Fairy Tail Pairings: Natsu x Lucy Chapters completed: 38 Summary: After falling through time, Lucy Heartfilia finds that history – both the world's and her own – isn't as black and white as she thought it was. With the discovery of magic and the fact that she's arrived in a three-year period no one knows anything about, Lucy is determined to stop the devastation she knows is coming – all while being irreversibly tied to the one who creates it. Notes: A delight to write and share.
Title: Skinwalker Series: Supernatural Pairings: Dean x Alex Montgomery (OC) Chapters completed: 44 Summary: After confronting a young British woman about a dog that mysteriously appears at several crime scenes, the Winchesters gain an ally in their war against what comes knocking in the dark of the night. Except this ally may or may not be one of the very things they're determined to kill.  Notes: Let’s see if I ever finish this.
Title: Songcraft Series: Fairy Tail Pairings: Natsu x Lucy, various other pairings included throughout Chapters completed: 22 Summary: "Perhaps we were someone else, once upon a time. Perhaps we even hold their memories in our heads. Maybe it means something that we've found one another now for some strange unknown reason, but it doesn't mean we are them." Notes: Reincarnation AU
Title: To the Stars and Back Series: Doctor Who Pairings: 10th/11th Doctor x Jayden O’Connors (OC) Chapters completed: 17 Summary: Tagging along in the TARDIS after being rescued from a situation she was sold into, Jayden O'Connors finds that life isn't quite as pointless as she thought it to be. When the Doctor's involved, it's full of adventure and constant running. But the clock is ticking, and it doesn't look like running is an option - especially when you're facing death. Notes: Someday I’ll finish this one as well.  I have a lot of work to do.
Title: Between the Lines  Series: Fairy Tail Pairings: Natsu x Lucy, various other pairings throughout Chapters completed: 343 Summary: In a world that knows nothing of magic, there's a hidden society of people with incredible abilities. After joining the Fairy Tail guild and partnering with a crazy pyromaniac by the name of Natsu Dragneel as well as his flying blue cat, Lucy Heartfilia begins to learn that everyone has secrets - some of which even lie within her own family - and that nothing is ever as it seems.
Title: Not As It Seems Series: Fairy Tail Pairings: Natsu x Lucy, Sting x Rhith Vila (OC) Chapters completed: 18 Summary:   When Rhith Vila, an illusion mage employed by the Magic Council, is sent to investigate an influx of magic in Magnolia, she discovers that things are worse than originally thought. Meanwhile, Natsu and the guild are thrown into chaos when something that was never thought possible is discovered, leaving them brimming with determination to find their nakama and bring her home.
Title: Obsessive Impulsive Series: Fairy Tail Pairings: Gajeel x Levy Chapters completed: 20 Summary:   "'I've been trying to find you alone for weeks, but you've been avoiding me.' He clicked his tongue, as if scolding her. 'I tried approaching, but you always had someone with you to give me nasty words and looks. They turned you against me, Miss Levy.'" [Not for sensitive readers!]
Title: Oculto Series: Fairy Tail Pairings: Gajeel x Levy Chapters completed: 20 Summary:   When Levy takes a job requiring that she retrieve a treasure from ancient ruins, she doesn't expect there to be a guardian. In fact, she rejects Mira's offer of sending someone with her or even the idea that she should invite anyone other than Lily with her. "Good thing it's Mira, she's probably already sent Gajeel after us." {Gajeel x Levy}
Title: Paranormal Series: Fairy Tail Pairings: Natsu x Lucy Chapters completed: 31 Summary:   Living with a mostly friendly poltergeist and dealing with his "generous" acts of "kindness" is one thing. Figuring out just how he ended up there is a completely other matter that has Lucy's head spinning. And it certainly doesn't help that he's getting to be not nearly as friendly as time goes on. {WARNING: some of the content might not be for sensitive readers!}
Title: Paranormal: Tranquility Series: Fairy Tail Pairings: Natsu x Lucy Chapters completed: N/A Summary:   Saying goodbye is the hardest thing in the world. But sometimes, it's impossible, and Lucy knew that it was what trapped her there for so many years. {One-shot}{Semi-sequel to Paranormal}
Title: Redemption Series: Fairy Tail Pairings: Natsu x Lucy Chapters completed: N/A Summary:   There is a story rarely told, only beneath the comforting light of a full moon with a brightly lit fire as an offering to the demon they speak of. It is said to be a sacred tale that no man wishes to whisper unless it is done freely, beneath a blanket of stars that help to remind the demon of vows long since lost. A tale in which a demon breaks beneath the weight of redemption.
Title: The Game of Life Series: Fairy Tail Pairings: Natsu x Lucy, Gajeel x Levy Chapters completed: 13 Summary:   "You're new here, so I'll explain the rules once. Winners get one lash, losers die. It's quite simple. The last one standing gets no lash. We do one game a day here and you live as long as you can stand it. If you somehow miraculously try to get away, I kill you. It's quite simple really." [Not for sensitive readers!]
Title: The Traverler’s Song Series: Fairy Tail Pairings: Natsu x Lucy Chapters completed: N/A Summary:  "The song is not a popular one, only known by a select few that it has been passed down to. She's grateful that it was entrusted to her by the last member of the Fairy Tail guild before they'd passed away. It is known as the Song of Travelers and tells the story of a woman who travels with her lover and friends in search of help escaping from a bargain."
Title: The Twelve Days of Fairy Tail Series: Fairy Tail Pairings: Natsu x Lucy Chapters completed: N/A Summary:   "Every year, we do a little Christmas tradition that we call the Twelve Days of Fairy Tail. From the fourteenth of December until the twenty-fifth, one person will get on the nearest table at around ten in the morning and blurt out the song lyrics they've made for the song as well as the last set." In which Lucy experiences her first real Christmas in years and a guild tradition.
Title: Shattered Boundaries Series: Fairy Tail Pairings: N/A Chapters completed: N/A Summary:   The day Lucy was cursed, the Celestial Realm went into an uproar. Time shifted, the gates closed, and there wasn't much that could be done. Not that Loke didn't try.{One-shot}{Third in the Shattered Series}
Title: Shattered Dreams Series: Fairy Tail Pairings: Natsu x Lucy, various other pairings throughout Chapters completed: 25 Summary:   Lucy knew her dream of being a part of Fairy Tail was complete when they became her family, but sometimes when following your dreams, you forget that nightmares are dreams too. {First in the Shattered Series}
Title: Shattered Reality Series: Fairy Tail Pairings: Gajeel x Levy Chapters completed: 13 Summary:   As Lucy battles her nightmares, Gajeel, Levy, and Pantherlily set out to rid the world of the one behind them. Joined by someone they never expected to come across, it falls upon their shoulders to stop what could quite possibly be their demise alongside the destruction of Fiore. {Gajeel x Levy}{Spin-off of Shattered Dreams!}
Title: Shattered Souls Series: Fairy Tail Pairings: N/A Chapters completed: 8 Summary:   Team Natsu is a mess. And that's putting it lightly. {Last in the Shattered Series}
To Later Be Deleted...
Title: In Tenebris {Original} Series: Fairy Tail Pairings: Natsu x Lucy, Gajeel x Levy, various others Chapters completed: 29 Summary:  After purchasing a beautiful mansion for a ridiculously cheap price, Lucy and Levy are suspicious but can't find anything wrong with it...until Lucy discovers a trio of scientific experiments in a dungeon. Apparently, when confronted with the challenge of protecting people that are practically dragons from others like them, life tends to get a little crazy.
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destroyyourbinder · 6 years
rethinking butch while doing my laundry in buckets at 8 PM
You know, I never thought there would be anything on this earth that could make me re-think my commitment to pants over skirts and dresses, a vow I had made to myself over and over again since my childhood days of being crammed into tights and lace, but doing my laundry in a series of five gallon buckets in the bathtub of our dingy apartment was it.
I was thinking yesterday, while staring into our shared closet and remembering when I had a purple closet full of clothes that I had to tug at, clothes that I tried to ignore that they existed even when I was wearing them, that I probably haven't worn a skirt outside of a Halloween costume in almost fifteen years. When I moved out of my parents' house I ditched my last one, a vintage skirt that had always stayed on its hanger, part of a pair with a yellow blazer that I had loved but didn't fit anymore. I felt vindicated, but a bit lost, as if a high school presentation was going to leap out of the void at any time and make me regret my decision. I didn't bring any skirts with me here, to the city; it felt daring and somehow pathetic at the same time, a sign of how stunted my life had been that it seemed like a bold move at all. It was a tiny hop into the deep end of a lesbian kiddie pool. Skirts do lurk around the corner at any old thrift store, but somehow I felt like there was no going back; I had banished them, and they would not return.
My girlfriend and I share most of our clothes, as we're close in size-- she's a bit broader, I'm a bit taller-- and our clothing tastes are pretty similar. She has her favorites, and I have mine, and we don't tend to share pants or shoes due to the particulars of how we wear them out, but the rest are a big indeterminately owned mass of potential dress options. The thing is is that she's supposed to be a "man"; she still lives a life where she doesn't tell people she's detransitioned, generally, and most people take her to be outright male or a trans man. I'm not supposed to be a man; I don't pass except maybe from afar and behind, and I assume I mostly come across as tired and dumpy and gay. I don't really know if people notice that our shirts and shorts and socks swap between and across us. Maybe they're too confused by the other things going on with us to see that one. When we worked together doing early morning stocking we used to fuck with people, we'd switch our jackets and hats every so often and see who we could fool, which was way too many people at way too close a range for a pair of human beings supposed to be at the opposite poles of Gender. Nobody was particularly apologetic about it either when they mistook us, even though that kind of outright misgendering is supposed to be a major faux pas. They usually just laughed in a way that indicated that, well, of course. I laugh in the same way when people tell me that Trans Men are Men, that everyone treats them just like any other male person, that nobody knows they aren't male, that they never experienced sexism and never will, that the gap between them and A Woman is incomprehensibly large. A waiter's never handed me the check at the diner when I was out with a dude, but they do it all the time when I'm with my girlfriend, and then she has to use the men's room after dinner.
I've somehow gotten more "masculine" since I stopped seeing myself as transgender, which I think might surprise people who know nothing about the process of desisting or reidentifying or detransition, but doesn't surprise women who have been through this. I feel a lot less neurotic about wearing men's clothes, about buzzing my hair off, about being hairy elsewhere and not hiding it, about stepping out into the world as an unacceptable female person, uncontained and unbridled, edging in on men's turf. The stakes aren't quite as high, now, honestly, even though they're higher than they have been before. I don't have my family to fall back on if I lose my job due to being an unrepentant dyke, but now that I'm not in her house, I don't worry about my mother discovering my secrets, including that I'm not the daughter she wanted me to be. I'm scared to go out after 7 PM if I can't sufficiently cover up the fact that I'm female, but my entire sense of self worth isn't riding on whether or not someone perceives my ham-handed attempts at not-being-female correctly. I worry about my rent, but I don't worry about where exactly it is men pull up their socks to on their legs, and I don't worry about whether I'm not really worthy of living if I can't do it right, because I don't worry about if I'm not really a man or just a fuck-up of a woman, and I don't worry about whether or not a fuck-up of a woman is the worst thing I could possibly be. Well, I worry about it sometimes, still, because it matters to other people, even if I don't think it matters to me. But I've stopped trying to compensate for my fuck-ups by wearing the right earrings with my undercut, or hiding my breasts under a binder, hidden under a blouse. I can leave the house without having twenty thousand insecurities about the masculinity or femininity of my leg hair growth pattern or the color-contrast of my lips. So I leave the house in shit my nine year old self would probably appreciate: a flannel, a shirt with a cat on it, yellow pants with functioning pockets. I try to take stupid thoughts about whether the pocket style of said pants makes my butt look girly the same way I took my skirts, which is to chuck them out in honor of living a life without gender neuroses.
They always say that gender is culturally contextual, limited to time and place, and while we all pay lip service to that in some way or another when we get mad that our favorite historical figure got parsed as one thing or another, I think we all like to think we would be butch lesbians or trans men or whatever it is we are in another life, that we probably wouldn't have ended up like our great-grandmothers but something like female husbands, passing soldiers and sailors, instead. I spent a lot of time as a kid wondering why the hell girls did this or that, wasn't it harder, it's so stupid; I felt so betrayed when I hit middle school, and everyone was tripping over their purses, pursed lips in candy-sparkle lipgloss, on the way to idolize boys. I wanted to be among boys, I wanted to be a boy, somehow at the same time I thought girls were stupid for admiring them in the other way. I think a lot of us carry this into adulthood; we figure femininity's a bunch of dumb crap we can't be bothered to do, and besides we're unsuited for it, constitutionally incapable of hoisting a tube of fabric above our pooch. We escaped from it because we kept our heads (non) straight or maybe because it wicked off us like pink droplets on a Teflon pan, which we definitely use to make burgers with and not cute hors d’oeuvres. We know what a dress means and how it works, and we know how it makes us feel, and we know we would never wear it, not on a desert island nor to our sister's wedding.
After washing my clothes in a bucket, I don't think you should do disservice to your grandmothers like that. I had to sit on one of my other buckets-- there are three in this clothes washing system-- and think for a bit about what the hell I was doing with all this gender and anti-gender shit, what the fuck I was doing with my life at all. Because the thought I had, which surprised me, was that pants are fucking bullshit. They're fucking bullshit when you wash your clothes by hand, which is what generations of women did before me. My value system got turned upside down; I spent my whole life thinking skirts and dresses were frilly nonsense, floofery intended to hold women back from participating in the world, an "easy access" hole to parts I didn't want to exist. And it's not like that isn't true: women's dresses and skirts have been artificially cumbersome throughout history, full of engineered contraptions to enhance women's decorative-sexual living-pornography value, whether literally stuffed with metal cages and yards of fluff or whether tightly drafted to form a second skin. When you can't fucking sit down or lift your legs or bend over it's a problem, when your teeth chatter in the winter on your way to school it's a problem, when you can't be a lawyer or a senator without wearing the appropriate kind of Leg Tube it's a problem. It was a problem when my mom put me in a velvet thing that rested just above my knees, and I wasn't allowed to play or even spread my legs while I was in it, lest I render myself an obscene five year old girl. But the Leg Tube isn't the problem, it's all the other shit, and I had never taken that seriously, never really dug into it, until I had to confront the inconvenience of manually sloshing around my pants for ten minutes.
I had confused symbolism for reality. I thought I was done with that, over that, now that I was out of the trans shit. I was living in some patriarchal dollhouse, and I had thought I busted out, but now I'm in another one, better maybe, but just as artificial, because the grass being greener over here all hinged on having a washing machine. When do I get to leave? I am suddenly afraid I'll spend my life in an infinite nested universe of misogynist fuckery, having existential crises about the fridge or maybe the carpet next.
I guess my girlfriend and I got into what you might call "urban homesteading" by accident. We didn't set out to do this out of convictions or philosophy, it was mostly because we were cheap, and also we're lazy in a certain kind of baffling ADHD way where it's easier to make a curtain with your two damn hands than navigate thirty, fifty pages of advertising-merchandising to find one that will ship to your house for not-sixteen-dollars . Car insurance in this town is absurd, so we just don't have a vehicle. We also don't turn on the heat in the winter, or the air conditioning in the summer. We bake bread, make yogurt, make shampoo, wash out and reuse plastic zipper bags, don't flush the toilet for stretches of time. Clothes get patches upon patches, breadcrumbs go in a jar, there are lots of systems for a lot of things that nobody really thinks about anymore. My dad told me his family used to sleep on the porch of their farmhouse in the summer; I can't do that here, but it comes to mind anyway. He was from that kind of people where you did it yourself or you didn't do it at all, German farm folk born in nineteen-oh-something; my mom was from people that didn't do it at all, her father too drunk to give a shit, her mother feeding her seven kids out of cans. There's a weird mix of shame and pride when you end up doing your laundry in buckets, dual gene lines, dual angel-devils sitting on my shoulders: someone clapping me on the back for my resourcefulness, a job well done, and someone asking me why the hell I stooped to this when there's a washer in the basement, didn't I work hard so you didn't have to live this way.
We saw it on YouTube and thought we could save some money on electricity or water because our landlord isn't going to replace our 30-plus years old washing machine anytime soon. I thought maybe doing it in the buckets would help my busted brain a little, 'cause I could do it every couple days, fifteen minutes at a time, instead of in big piles once a week. I like shit I can touch or otherwise it doesn't feel real, I can't keep track of it, it feels like the sort of work women with tight lips and long nails do and they make their lips tighter when I can’t hack it. There could be a system, tangible, clothes I can see in places where they belong, hands on a plunger pushing soap and water and fabric up and down, you can tell if they got clean yet or not if you open the lid. I don't like dumping them in a machine, an unknown hole of productivity, input-output, assembly line nonsense. I'm not productive anyway, so what do I care?
When you're doing your laundry by hand like this something occurs to you, which is that this is a lot of work, and maybe you don't want to be doing this all the time, so you should be careful with how dirty your clothes get. I realized real quick I wasn't going to be doing this every day, and that it would be wasteful, worse than the water usage of some old-ass washer to try. You start realizing how dumb it is to wear your clothes once and only once before you wash them, as you plunge up and down, up and down. It occurs to you that ten minutes is a pretty long amount of time, even though you're in your late twenties and winter just showed up again and you keep wondering where the hell the time goes anymore. You start resenting how stupid and arbitrary it is that you're supposed to be squeaky clean in public, that stains and wear are unacceptable, that they mean anything at all about anybody except that they live a life and entropy exists. You think that if you have to put this much arm power into washing your clothes, then how much power has to go into a damn washer, and you start thinking about the arms that shovel coal out of the ground, into rail-cars, into boilers. You start getting real mad about how much shit the world puts people through just so clothes can get clean and floors can get clean and skin can get clean and nothing will look like it's ever been touched except by a very conscientious housewife. Your brain starts contriving things while your arms are going, like some wild-haired inventor, like maybe if you had an underlayer of clothing all the time you could just wash that and the outer layer would be allowed to get dirty for a while. Brilliant! And then you feel stupid because well, that's what we always did until you could dump your shit into an electric machine, and then they raised the standards to keep women busy doing something they didn't need to do. It occurs to you that pants are dumb because they're heavy and sopping wet, one big lump of fabric, and you can't wear an underlayer unless it's really cold outside. It occurs to you that pants are not worth it unless you are doing certain kinds of manual labor all the time or you need to protect your legs. You understand why the women in YouTube videos about washing your clothes in buckets are really mad at their husbands and sons, and some generational rage takes hold of your arms as you agitate the clothes in the bucket. Why do men get to be dirty in their stupid pants. Why do women have to clean them. You never want to hear anybody talk about fashion ever again. You never want to hear anybody talk about the gender of clothes again unless they've wrung out denim in anger and they're willing to wring a man's neck the same. Now you get to drain the bucket. Now you get to refill the bucket with clean water and agitate again. Now you get to drain the bucket and press the water out of your clothes with the full bucket. Now you get to hang up your clothes over your tub.
When I stopped seeing myself as transgender I told myself I would consider very carefully the value of anything I did, and I would let practicality and ethics dictate my life rather than sucking up to gender, to men, to the women pandering to them and afraid I wasn't going to. It's taken me some wild places, for real, and I didn't think it would take me to a place where I was questioning wearing pants. But given this, I find myself all the same cringing at wearing a skirt or something else other than those damn pants, other than the thing that men wear and women fought for, willing to violate my newfound guiding forces... and for what? Butch cred? Womanly pride? Can't I just shove it all in the washing machine and stop thinking about this? Do I need to live in the woods to tie something around my waist and get on with my life? If I've learned anything there's really nothing neutral when it comes to gender shit, and no matter how far you get in processing the patriarchy there's always something else at the bottom of a bucket, a broom, a sink strainer. How many years worth of women have had these thoughts while scrubbing something, however they cut their fucking hair? I try to focus more on that these days, rather than what I call myself or what pronoun I use. My grandmother, my mother, all those girls in my class who I thought were big idiots, the women out there bigger and badder and butcher than me, the trans men I envied for living in my dream world, all these female people I defined myself against all these years, we all end up here, staring into a drain, hoping the man won't crush us. When does it end? I want it to end. I'm done spinning my head in circles about the cut of my jeans, whether I wear jeans at all, and I hope you are too.
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beinglibertarian · 6 years
Top 20 Being Libertarian Articles of 2018
It’s been an amazing year overall for us here at Being Libertarian LLC, and we wanted to wrap the year up with a list of our top articles from 2018. We definitely want to thank each and every author for their contributions throughout the year. Here they are for your reading pleasure, and definitely keep your eyes out for all of the great content we have planned for you in the year ahead. Enjoy!
1. ‘Rampant Voter Fraud’, Florida Gov. Scott Files Lawsuits After Uncovering 100,000 New Ballots
Author: Alex Croft
“Broward County stated on election night that there were 634,000 votes cast that day. As of 1 pm Thursday, that number was corrected to 695,700 and again later that day at 2:30 pm to 707,223. Thursday evening saw that number jump further to 712,840, as Palm Beach County claimed to find over 15,000 previously untallied votes.”
2. Want A Gun For ‘Self-Defense’? That Will Soon Be Illegal In South Africa
Author: Martin van Staden
“If this bill is passed into law in its current form, it will likely make it impossible for those who acquired their licences for the purpose of self-defense unable to renew those licences, which is required on a periodic basis. Aspirant firearm owners would be barred completely from using guns as a tool to defend themselves going forward.”
3. JuSt cAlL ThE PoLicE
Author: Mike Ursery
“Bloom ruled that the school district and the sheriff’s office had no constitutional duty to protect students not in custody. She wrote in her ruling that Cruz was a third party and not a state actor and that for the duty of protecting plaintiffs to exist, they would have to be in custody, such as prisoners or patients at a mental hospital.”
4. The Truth About Gun Violence
Author: Vinny Marshall
“Historically, what we can learn from past attempts to remove or regulate ownership rights of firearms from citizens is that it doesn’t do a whole lot to actually affect the rates of violence that exist, only the rates of violence with the weapon that you had set out to ban.”
5. Misconceptions of the Libertarian View of Abortion
Author: Nathan Kreider
“Block and Whitehead argue that a woman has the right to evict the fetus, but not to terminate it if it’s possible for the fetus to exist outside the womb with the help of medical technology. They point out that as technology advances, the point at which a fetus can exist outside the womb will inch closer to earlier stages of development, and thus the earlier the limit on abortions will be placed.”
6. The Dangers of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Author: Jenny Grimberg
“We examine three of her policy proposals to show that not only are they incorrect, but also to remind everyone that capitalism has helped millions of people, and we should not be taken in by the socialist tendencies of politicians like Ocasio-Cortez.”
7. The March for Our Tyranny – The Lowdown on Liberty
Author: Thomas J. Eckert
“And therein lies the problem: the anti-gun crowd wants solutions to their perceived problems, but how can we begin a discussion with a group so disingenuous about their intentions? It’s like trying to speak to a pickpocket as they reach for your wallet. As you ask them what they’re up to, they may reassure you they mean no harm and accuse you of being paranoid, but the truth is that in the end they want your wallet, regardless of what they say.”
8. Why People Are Left Wing – Freedom Philosophy
Author: Brandon Kirby
“I believe something similar has happened to the left. They very passionately want to abolish poverty, perhaps in some cases even more so than the right. Just as the greediest investor is not the most successful investor, the most passionate people aren’t the ones with the best ideas on how to accomplish this goal.”
9. The Rise of Jordan Peterson – What It Says About Us
Author: Adam Barsouk
“I believe Peterson’s claim to ideological fame is his seeming lack of interest in it. Most political pundits start and end their careers in politics. And yet, politics inherently do not produce any economic value—the entire essence of the job is to steal another’s earning while convincing that person it is for their own good.”
10. No, Vaccines Should Never Be Mandatory
Author: JSB Morse
“As with any medication or pharmaceutical, there are health risks that come with the benefits of vaccines. It is irresponsible to suggest that all people should get all such pharmaceuticals and it is illegitimate use of governmental authority to require it in order to receive benefits or other privileges.”
11. Jordan B. Peterson’s Twelve Rules is a Wakeup Call for a Nightmare Society
Author: JSB Morse
“We have collectively been lulled into an unnatural and inhumane philosophy of life through various diabolical agents. Twelve Rules is an urgently needed wake-up call for us to stand up and take responsibility for one’s life—not 50% or “just enough to get by,” but everything you can muster—100%.”
12. GM Cuts Over 10,000 Jobs, & No, It’s Not All Due To Tariffs
Author: Vinny Marshall
“While those who take issue with tariffs will be quick to point out the economic policy handed down by the Trump administration as the primary cause of the downsizing currently being undertaken by American automakers, tariffs seem to only be a portion of the issue at hand. Yes, the tariffs play a role as GM and Ford have both stated tariffs on steel have cost the company upwards of $1 Billion, and Toyota claims the tariffs will raise the cost of popular models by $1-3k dollars. However, tariffs do not seem to be the primary issue in this case.”
13. It’s Time to Focus on the ‘School’ in ‘School Shooting’ – The Lowdown on Liberty
Author: Thomas J. Eckert
“No matter how you slice it, it’s impossible to examine what we know about school shootings with any objective measure and not conclude that public schools may be a large contributing factor. The only problem is that new solutions seem to be unwelcome in – what feels like – a never-ending conversation.”
14. Liberty at Sea – Red Dirt Liberty Report
Author: Danny Chabino
“Many people are looking to the concept of “seasteading” as a new bold adventure into free societies that exist outside the hands of existing governing bodies. Seasteading is as it sounds – making a home on the open seas, sometimes in international waters, where no particular government is in charge, and sometimes by negotiated means in a free economic zone that has been established.”
15. FCC Lied About DDoS Attack to Downplay Opposition of Net Neutrality Repeal
Author: Alon Ganon
“Unfortunately, it appears that the Pai led FCC is sounding like they have no plans to tell the public what truly happened or whether they had lied, as it appears the FCC has gone silent about the issue.”
16. Why Only Stupid People Propose Taxing Churches – Freedom Philosophy
Author: Brandon Kirby
“Governments tax profits. They tax income. When a pastor takes out an income from the church they must pay taxes on it. Canada has decided that money going to a non-profit organization is not considered income, for the organization and the one giving the money, so donations are a tax deduction. Religious ministers, unless they’ve taken a vow of poverty, aren’t being given a free ride on taxation, the ones whose tax returns I’ve filled out seem to be as aggravated as the rest of us on tax day.”
17. Sexualized Content: Revival of Puritanism
Author: Killian Hobbs
“With Facebook joining this decision despite having no such issues themselves in recent history it seems like little more than the revival of Puritan thinking. Once again, the social media platforms we frequent daily are deciding for us what is an is not appropriate content. This is a decision that shouldn’t be left in the hands of a small handful of companies, but rather in the hands of the users.”
18. Before You Go To University: Top 10 Logical Fallacies
Author: Brandon Kirby
“The wonderful thing about logic is that when practiced properly it finds falsehood against which there is no response. People who are found guilty of these fallacies have false arguments. Professors, scientists, economists, politicians, pastors, even philosophers, who make such fallacies can have their arguments that take this form immediately dismissed without further discussion.”
19. The Self-Destructive Nature of the Libertarian Party
Author: Jake Dorsch
“If you pay any attention to Libertarian Party politics, you would know there are far more gaffes than this that I could mention just from Gary Johnson alone. That said, I like the people I mentioned here and I think the named people would make excellent governors and senators.”
20. GoFundMe For Trump’s Border Wall. Sadly, It’s True.
Author: Killian Hobbs
“In my personal opinion, this is both a good and a bad thing. It raises many questions about the mindsets of the average American that is donating the funds directly out of their own pocket towards this campaign. Despite the general uselessness such a wall would actually have compared to say additional border staff or the like (if their intention is to truly increase border defense) they still are making large donations. The one upside to this, however, is that if it does work it will open the American public’s eyes to a notion that we Libertarians have been espousing for years: fund these things yourself rather than using our tax dollars towards it.”
The post Top 20 Being Libertarian Articles of 2018 appeared first on Being Libertarian.
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acuppellarp · 6 years
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Welcome (again) to A Cup-pella, Ace! We’re excited to have you and Mercedes Jones in the game! Please go through the checklist to make sure you’re ready to go and send in your account within the next 24 hours.
Name + pronouns: Ace + She/Her/It Age: 32 Timezone: CST Ships: Mercedes/Success, Mercedes/Chem Anti-Ships:Mercedes/Being Ignored
Full Name: Mercedes Carmen Jones Face Claim: Amber PaTrice Riley Age/Birthday: 25 / August 19th Occupation: Background singer, actress in The Untitled Abrams Project. Personality: empathetic, passionate, honest, stubborn, ambitious, insecure, kind, diligent Hometown: Chicago, IL
Bio: The Jones Family was that of picture perfection. Richard and Amelia Jones wed while in their last year of Medical and Law school respectively. They’d had a long romance prior, having grown up as neighbors their entire childhoods. They’d loved one another for as long as they could remember and when Richard proposed at their high school graduation Amelia cried and turned him down. She said they needed to wait. They needed time to grow up a little. The young man had been hurt and didn’t talk to his love for nearly a week after, which was as much torturous for him as he intended it to be for her. When they were finally reunited Amelia cried again and slapped his arms before jumping into them. From that moment on they’d never gone more than a day without speaking to one another. They attended Morehouse and Spelman colleges in Atlanta Georgia then moved to Washington DC to further their educations together at Howard University, which they and their families where more than proud of. And when Amelia got an offer at a prestigious Law Firm, the newlyweds packed up and moved once again
Richard and Amelia waited a while to start a family, wanting to be settled in their careers, much to the dismay of their own parents. But It gave them time, the time they needed to grow into their marriage, grow into a mature love that was more than just fun and heart eyes. A love they were willing to fight for and work at. It wasn’t until about 7 years into their marriage that their first child was born, Daniel, another two years later Matthew appeared and just three more brought the one and only official star of the family, Mercedes Carmen Jones.
Amelia used to tell young Mercedes she was born under a starry night; that there were more stars in that sky than she’d ever seen. It made the little girl feel special. God put all those stars in the sky that night because it was her destiny to shine bright. And she believed that with her whole heart. Mercedes started singing before she could speak and it pleased her mother to no end. Amelia loved music deeply, and though she never had the desire or talent to pursue it, shared that great love with her only daughter.
Mercedes lived a pretty charmed life for most of her childhood. She was doted on by her parents and older brothers, lived in a beautiful home in an upper middle class neighborhood, she was a favorite in the children’s church choir, and was always surrounded by love and encouragement. It wasn’t until her middle school years that she was met with the unfortunate realization that this world could be a very cruel place.
Inheriting her mother’s love of music created a special unbreakable bond between the two, and the further nourishment of Mercedes undeniable talent was certainly one of Amelia’s favorite pastimes. Mercedes let her entire family know how serious she was about her future as a performer at the tender age of 4.  At first there were just lessons, all kinds, singing, dance, acting, piano. Then came the auditions. Around age 7 is when Mercedes actively went out for local auditions. She honestly loved the process. Everyone was so nice and they smiled so bright whenever she sang. It filled her with an unspeakable joy. There was many a role she didn’t get, but her mother always explained that everything wasn’t meant for everyone, but all the things God had in store for her were beyond her wildest imagination, as long as she worked hard and lived every moment. And work hard she did! The little diva became a perfectionist about her craft.
The year Mercedes began to doubt everything was the year she stopped auditioning. When the young girl was 11 years old she went out for a local musical theater role. It was a pretty prominent part and Mercedes had worked on it for weeks. When she was told a polite thanks but no thanks, she was disappointed but grateful at least to be given a smaller less noteworthy role, even though she made it a point to tell her mother, she definitely deserved the bigger part. Next time! That enthusiasm waned when she stumbled upon the notes one of the casting directors had tossed out. Apparently she needed to go on a diet and wasn’t the right… complexion for the role. She didn’t tell anyone what she found, no matter how much her mother prodded her about why she didn’t want to go out for auditions anymore. She never let it slip.
Mercedes spent the rest of her middle school years as a regular kid. She had lots of friends, was a straight A student and sang in the school and church choirs. She missed auditioning but her insecurities continued to get the better of her, but all things considered she was a really happy kid. Very happy, until life dealt her the blow the knocked all of the wind out of her lungs. Mercedes’ mother was sick, really sick. Her parents sat her and her brothers down about a week into her first year of high school to break the news to them all. Breast Cancer. Her world was officially turned upside down. Mercedes was scared out of her mind.
Richard and Amelia did their best to make life as normal for their children as possible, they wouldn’t let Daniel come home from Howard, and Matthew and Mercedes were expected to go about life per usual. That became increasingly difficult as Chemo began to take its toll on Amelia. Mercedes life became about taking care of her mother, which seemed crazy to her because her mother was literally Superwoman. She didn’t mind though, she wanted to be there, she wanted to pitch in. Amelia wasn’t just her mother after all, she was also her best friend. The one thing her mother wouldn’t allow her to give up was her music. ‘Music wasn’t taking a backseat to that damned disease’, her mother’s words. So she sang, went to school, and helped take care of her mother for two years. She’d always been close with both of her parents but the ordeal definitely brought her and her father much closer. Near the end there, Mercedes almost completely lost herself. It had broken her down to see her mother so broken down.
Two years after the diagnosis Amelia Jones was in remission, and the Jones family rejoiced. Their prayers had finally been answered, but they were all changed forever. As Amelia gathered her strength, she made it her mission to get Mercedes back on the path she knew in her bones her little girl still wanted to be on. Mercedes passion had never wavered but her confidence took a hard hit and when Amelia finally found out why, the woman had beat cancer she could get a secret out of her 16 year old, the new mission was to find that casting director and kill him after helping Mercedes find her way again.
Mercedes had her mother back, life was good and she should have been happy, and she was, but not completely satisfied. She knew the choirs weren’t enough. She needed to pursue her dreams she needed it like air. Mercedes was revitalized and with her families continued encouragement she went hard. Resuming classes and auditions, snagging roles left and right. She booked actual singing gigs and became an official force in the Chi. Her social life had taken somewhat of a backseat, which was fine with her because she was on that stage tearing it up and making people happy, and that along with her family was all she needed, until Chase. Turns out she needed time with Chase too. The beautiful tattooed covered persistent “bad girl” annoyed the hell out of Mercedes, but there was something about the other woman that drew her in. Oh and Surprise to her… she liked girls. Well that was something she’d have to deal with later.
After a painstakingly long conversation about how she was breaking the HBCU family tradition with her father, Mercedes set her sites on NYC. Chicago began to seem limited as far as chasing her dreams was concerned and New York was so much more about substance than a place like LA which seemed so superficial from the outside. Mercedes studied Music at Barnard College of Columbia University. Balancing her studies along with trying to find professional gigs proved to be more work than Mercedes anticipated but she was nothing if she wasn’t hardworking. She Learned so much at Columbia and once she graduated the worked rolled in continuously, but she’s still waiting for that big break project.
Pets: N/A
Relationships: [ Only for OC applicants and Canon/Semi-canon characters not currently part of the Masterlist. Both OCs and Canon/Semi-canons not currently on the Masterlist must fill a wanted connection. Please provide brief headcanons for possible roommates and/or groups. ]
[ This is for the masterlist, but also a fun little way to get to know your character! ]
The Mercedes Jones /@DreamGirl_Cedes/Beyonce’s New Protege, even if she doesn’t know it yet. Aretha, Whitney, and Mariah - In that order. Give me a microphone and a stage and everything is right in the world. Mama’s girl.
Five latest tweets:
@DreamGirl_Cedes: Chiiiiile, If I don’t get a good 8 tonight tomorrow somebody is feeling the wrath
@DreamGirl_Cedes: Lord knows I asked for this life, but did I need all this stress on top. Yoga Anyone?
@DreamGirl_Cedes: Performing tonight at the Village Underground, be there or be missing out on a great night
@DreamGirl_Cedes: Feeling like a PYT tonight [https://66.media.tumblr.com/13d58524efc5dbda806a9b04a232f35e/tumblr_pn57j7fQ5j1ulewqf_540.jpg]
@DreamGirl_Cedes: When the plus size department is lacking you gotta break out the needle and thread #SheASeamstressToo
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poppyknitt · 6 years
Mischievous Magicians- A JSE Egos Fanfic
Recap: Marvin has returned to the egos, however, he did so recklessly, and is spending his time in the hospital, occasionally drifting into unconsciousness as he waits for his injuries to heal. More recently, however, Jackieboyman’s son, Liam, was finally born, on the eve of the one-year anniversary of Overnightwatch, and they found there was one more baby than expected, who was named Brandon. Meanwhile, Seán finished recording his video for the day, only to find that Merlin, whom is actually just a Marvin, belonging to a different universe, was sitting in his home and enjoying what little of himself he could, since, as it turns out, he has been chasing his world’s Anti, and believes that he came to our universe, looking to destroy it.
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[December 17th]
Seán ran after Merlin, who was happily bouncing around the streets of Brighton, basically showing off his “skills”, which, Seán had a feeling were just being temporarily boosted by his magic.
“Hurry up, Jackaboy! We’re gonna be la-ate!” Merlin taunted him in a sing-songy voice, a big, dopey grin plastered on his face, as Seán finally caught up to him.
“Please don’t call me that.” He wheezed, looking up at the childish magician, who was sitting on an outcropping, much like how Spiderman probably would, “Also, what the hell are we even doing?!”
Merlin’s grin dropped for a moment, as he probably had to think about it, but he smiled softly, and shrugged, making an “I dunno” noise.
Seán facepalmed, “Of course you don’t. What are you trying to do, anyways?”
“Uh... Explore Brighton..? We... don’t exactly live here in my universe...”
“... You don’t..?”
“Nope. Ours, uh, is kinda geographically different..? I-I don’t even know if we have a Brighton. You can probably pretty much forget ‘England’ as a whole.” He paused, putting on a mild poker face, “But now that I think about it, I may actually live in some kind of pocket dimension, which could explain why our Anti resorted to attacking and destroying other universes... Not very easy to destroy a pocket dimension you didn’t make..”
“... I have many questions.”
“That’s understandable.”
“... Did... Did you just... UwU..? In- In real life?!”
“For the love of god, stop making that face.”
Merlin’s dopey grin returned, “Hmmm... Nah. Don’t feel like it.”
The mischievous magic man practically leapt back into action, darting around a corner so quickly that Seán figured it would be useless to try and run after him or make him calm down.
Marvin darted away from this strange world’s version of Seán, his eyes lighting up with pure childish joy as the thrill of running and jumping around Brighton like it were a playground or trampoline kicked in. He didn’t even notice that Seán had stopped following him until he finally landed himself on a lamppost, balancing exactly how Jackie had taught him. He looked around the city, his eyes wide with curiosity and wonder. His attention snapped downwards, as a familiar voice with a thick Scottish accent called to him.
“Hey, what on earth are ya doin’ up there?!” It was none other than Jackie’s friend, Oliver! Or, at least, this world’s version of him. He could tell that this Oliver hadn’t met Marvin quite yet.
“Oh, y’know. Just... Hanging around!” Merlin grinned childishly as he swung down, hanging upside-down from the lamppost now. Oliver snorted in amusement, probably not expecting him to do that.
“What’re you even dressed as?”
“Oh, this isn’t a costume, I’m just a magician.”
“Aye, okay... Guess it kinda makes sense..” He paused, “Oh, where are my manners? I’m Oliver!”
He dropped down, and stood up, “Marv- I mean Merlin.”
Oliver was obviously a bit suspicious now, but he didn’t say anything, “Aye. ‘Sa good name, lad.”
“Yours, too!”
“... You know, you kinda remind me of a good friend of mine. You don’t happen to know an Irish lad by the name of Simon, d’ya?”
“Yep! Dunno if he remembers me, though.”
“Well, that’s easily fixed, lad! I was actually on my way to see him. Why don’t ya come with me?”
“Sure thing! Sounds fun to me!”
Merlin had no clue where they were now. All he could tell from this was that Jackie didn’t live with the other egos anymore in this universe. They were at a small apartment complex, waiting for someone, presumably Jackie, to answer the door.
The doorknob turned, and the door opened, revealing Jackie, whose face lit up when he saw his friend, “Oh! Oliver! I didn’t expect to see you today! ... And... uh... Who..?”
“Aye, this guy calls ‘imself Merlin. Says he was a friend of yours at one point?”
“Uh, h-hey, Simon.” He waved nervously, knowing Jackie could tell what his actual name was.
Jackie put on a smile, and let them in, “Well, no matter! Come on in, you guys.”
Merlin’s face lit up, and he practically hopped into the apartment, “Sweet!”
The three spent an hour or so laughing and having a good time, until Oliver said he had to go home, for obvious reasons he didn’t need to say.Once he left, and Jackie had closed the door behind him, the hero turned slowly to face him, eyes narrowed slightly.
“Who are you? Why do you look like him?!” His tone was... less than favorable.
“Because... I’m him..? But? From another universe..?”
“... Well, that explains the difference in temperament..”
“... Nothing.” Jackie paused, “Why are you here, exactly?”
“... Cuz I sorta chased after my world’s Anti when he found out he could leave it..? I think he came here in his most recent expedition...”
“... That’s not good.”
“Yeah, that’s what you Seán said, too.”
“Wait, you’ve spoken to Seán? H-How long have you even been here?!”
“Uh, yeah... I’ve been here a couple of days now... Went to Seán’s place yesterday to try and cool off or something, and, uh, he found me. I didn’t realize your Seán was woken up already...” He started fidgeting nervously again.
“Ah, okay. That’s fine, i guess. Just as long as you don’t mean to cause any trouble.”
“Oh! No, no! No, I’m only here to try and help you guys fight my Anti.”
“... Why would we need help anyways?”
“.... Because my Anti isn’t your everyday anti who doesn’t give a shit if his plans are a little last minute. He spends every waking moment plotting his every move, and the only thing to keep him from it in the first place is the rare occasions where we get a new ego. On those occasions, he usually sits back a while, and watches how they act, so he can predict them better.”
“How do you fight him if he knows your every move?!”
Merlin paused, and shrugged, making a bit of a poker face, “I dunno. My jackie doesn’t usually let me fight him.”
“And... You think you can help us fight him... How?”
“Because I know his fighting style better than you. And it was an excuse to get my Jackie to let me leave.”
That last comment got a laugh from the Hero, much to Merlin’s delight.
“God, you’re so childish.” Jackie laughed, putting his hand to his face, “I can see why he’d be so protective of you.”
“Hey, don’t think you can hold me back, old man! I have magic powers!” Merlin joked, a playfully determined look on his face as he pulled a hand back, pretending to wave an imaginary wand in the air, as though he were holding only one end of a pair of nunchucks or something. He almost lost his grin when he started feeling a slight shift in the world around him, and he realized that Jackie hadn’t taken any notice of it. He had a feeling that his Anti was preparing for something big, and he almost regretted trying to befriend the egos of this world. He wanted to save them, but... What if he was already too late..? He tried not to think about it, especially because he knew this world’s jackie had kids, just like his own Jackie did.
“... You okay, Merlin..?” Jackie’s features softened as he looked at the slightly smaller ego.
“... I’m... really worried about what my Anti will do with this world... I... I really like this place... I don’t want it to be destroyed... And..! And not to mention what could happen to you and the other egos from here, if he succeeds..!” He tried his best to keep his voice from breaking. He almost flinched when he detected Jackie hugging him, not expecting that.
“Hey, it’s okay, Merlin. He’s not gonna do anything to us, I promise.” They both knew it was a lie, but neither seemed to care, as if trying to convince themselves that it was true.
[December 21st]
Merlin happily bounded through the park, making sure he didn’t stray too far from Jackie and Ava, since he’d came to help them (specifically Ava) be assured that nothing bad was gonna happen to them while they were taking their new sons to the park. He slowed down a little as he picked up more of their current conversation, wanting to make sure everything was alright.
“... Brandon... powers, Jackie...”
“Shit, he does..? W-What kind?” Merlin already knew the answer to the question, as, in his universe, Liam and Brandon were born much earlier in the timeline than they were here, and were 8 years old now. Though, they hadn’t started developing powers until they were toddlers...
“Well, right now, he’s just got really abnormal strength levels... I’m worried he might accidentally hurt his brother..” Yep, that was one of them, alright. He just wished he could tell them all the funny stories he had about their sons’ powers.
“Don’t worry, Ava, we’ll make sure he doesn’t. Promise.”
Ava was still clearly worried about it, but she didn’t say anything.
Merlin decided to change the conversation, and turned around, still bouncing, as he walked backwards, “Hey! Guys! Look, a rainbow!” He pointed to the multicolored arch behind them, and both glanced in its direction. Jackie laughed as soon as he saw it, getting a confused, yet amused glance from Ava.
“What’s so funny about the rainbow?”
“I dunno, it’s just weird, i guess. Such a weird time and place to have one, you know?”
“I suppose it is.”
“It’s just raining over there, you two.. It’s not that deep.” He joked.
Merlin watched from afar as Thorn cautiously tried to approach Liam’s crib, amusement written all over his face, as the little snake creature shrank back from the small hands that grasped at the air in front of it. Jackie and Ava were out on a date, and Merlin had agreed to babysitting for them, until they came back.
A sudden thud on the patio brought his attention to the glass door, and he stood, carefully walking over to it, to look out and see what it was. He was surprised to see what looked like a person around his height, lying flat on the ground, wearing... a hospital gown?
He quickly opened the door, and darted to their side, turning them over to check for injuries. He had to hold himself from reeling back a few inches when he saw who it was- Another version of him! He must’ve been this world’s Marvin. That didn’t matter, though, because this version of him was clearly in no shape to be out of the hospital just yet, and had probably snuck out with a transportation spell. Hopefully it hadn’t backfired on him, because otherwise, he’d probably have just re-damaged several of his healing injuries.
“...J..ackie..?” The other groaned.
“Nope, sorry, Jackieboy’s off on a date. Girlfriend stuff, y’know?”
“... Then who...?”
“Uh. Long story. I’ll, uh, explain once I figure out what to do about this..” After that, the shorter-haired him passed out, presumably from the pain.
Marvin ran through a dense woodland he didn’t recognize, breathing heavily as he tried to outrun something he couldn’t see. Then, to his surprise and horror, the world around him was consumed by darkness, and all motion stopped.
A brief moment of nothing but darkness and silence passed, and then, his vision began flashing with images that flew by so fast, he couldn’t even really process them. Someone or something started screaming in his voice, and as he slowly walked forwards, it got louder, and the images stopped, revealing a version of himself on his knees, roughly grasping his hair between his fingers as he screamed.
Marvin froze at the sight, as the words being screamed slowly became more and more audible.
“No! You can’t do this! They were happy! Put them back! Let them go! They don’t deserve this-!” The longer-haired version of himself sobbed, as Anti walked into view, holding a knife, with a sickeningly sadistic, psychotic look plastered on his face. Behind the glitch flashed in the scattered bodies of the other egos, and more surprisingly, himself. The demon was laughing hysterically at the magician’s pain, each passing moment leaving him seeming to be more and more deranged, as he loomed over the broken magician before him, knife raised, and ready to kill.
Then, it all stopped, and a small, 8-year-old boy, who looked a fair bit like Jackie, appeared in front of him, his face devoid of any emotion.
“It’s too late to save them. I’m sorry. He has already won. You’re all going to become His puppets. Please, when you see him, tell Merlin to come home. I am afraid that he may not make it back. Our Anti is much more dangerous than he thinks.”
“Wait, who’s Merlin?!”
“... He’s you.”
Next Chapter
Hehehehehee! Yay! More Merlin development! I love it! :D (I also hit the paragraph limit. Again. Lmao)
@antis-loyal-puppet @tiny-septic-puppet @rorald-spooks @chaoticcrimsonrose @septic-dr-schneep
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