#sometimes i wish i’d met her later on
god fucking damnit
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remuslovebot · 6 months
felix catton fic where he loves reader but she doesn’t notice <3
omggg okay so i think it would be super interesting if this fic was told in his pov. please be kind, im not great at first person. :)
pairing: felix catton x fem!reader
warnings: use of y/n, farleigh being goofy and helpful, possessive!felix, some sexual language, angst with a happy ending.
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I saw her come into the library with a stack of books for Farleigh and I. Her smile lit up the room and I felt my cheeks pull into a grin.
Before she sat down at our table, I heard Farleigh say to me. “It’s never going to happen.”
I turned to him, my cheeks felt hot. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I replied, brushing off the fact of Farleigh knowing about my feelings for her.
She walked to the table, placing down the books. “You won’t believe what I found. They have first editions of all my favorite classics. It’s impressive,” she smiled.
God she was so pretty when she smiled. It made my stomach fill with butterflies.
“It’s Oxford, of course they do,” Farleigh snapped sarcastically with a laugh.
I glared at Farleigh. I wish he wasn’t so rude sometimes. I looked to y/n cheerfully, “that’s wonderful. I’m glad you found what you were looking for.”
Her big doe like eyes looked into mine. I swear she was like a breath of fresh air. I’d never seen someone shine the way she did. Y/n sat down next to me and I put my arm around her shoulders.
Y/n didn’t seem to argue or even notice. She never noticed my feelings.
“So, the pub tonight?” Farleigh asked. I nodded and now all eyes were on Y/n.
“I can’t tonight. I have a date,” Y/n said sheepishly.
I looked at her in surprise, but then of course she would have a date. She was beautiful and funny. She was smart, always helping me with my homework or studying.
“Oh?” Farleigh said, his eyebrows wiggling. “Tell us more,” he said, looking at me and then to her.
“Well his name is Evan,” she explained. “I met him in my art history course, we sit together. “He asked me out for dinner and I said yes.”
I wanted to ring Evan’s neck. How dare he steal Y/n away from me. She was mine, I love her. Woah love? Maybe. Possibly. Yes.
Farleigh was already giving her advice and I stayed unusually quiet. I couldn’t tell her it was wonderful, because it wasn’t. This was dreadful. I didn’t want to lie to her.
“Felix? Are you okay,” I hear her sweet voice ask. I look at my hand and it’s clutched tightly around my pen.
I dropped my pen and looked at Y/n. “I need to go,” I say, grabbing my books and binder. I stood up and walked out of the library.
This was maddening. How could she not see how much I cared for her? And now she has to go to stupid Evan and ruin my plans.
The next day, I stayed out of her sight. I couldn’t bare to look at her. I was jealous and heartbroken. I had assumed the date had gone well, because from my window I saw my Y/n with him.
Farleigh came to my room later that day. “You need to tell her how you feel,” he said.
I grumbled in response. “There’s no point, she doesn’t love me.”
“That’s not true. She talks about you all the time. It’s exhausting,” Farleigh whined.
“You’re being serious?” I asked, looking at him in shock. Farleigh only looked at me like I was crazy.
“Yeah,” he said rolling his eyes. “Tell her how you feel for gods sake.” He said.
“What about Evan?” I asked, although truthfully I didn’t care.
Farleigh rolled his eyes, “What about Evan, you could have anyone you wanted,” he insisted.
So I thought I would tell Y/n how I felt.
Later, she and I were hanging out in my dorm room. I was smoking a cigarette and she was reading by my window. I looked up at her from my spot on the floor and admired her. She was perfect. Her concentration was intriguing.
“Y/n,” I hummed, taking a drag of my cigarette.
“Yes, Felix,” she replied. I held back a groan at my name on her lips. It turned me on.
“I need to tell you something,” I began to confess. I put out my cigarette and I sat up, looking at her seriously.
She looked at me quizzically and I felt my cheeks go red. “I don’t like you with Evan. I don’t think he deserves you,” I said.
Her eyebrows furrowed and I walked towards my window, closer to her.
“Any why is that exactly,” she replied, putting down her book.
“It’s because—it’s because, well, I love—I’m in love with you,” I said softly, looking down her gorgeous face.
Y/n was in shock, or at least that’s how she looked. “You love me?” She asked and I nodded. Of course I loved — love — her.
She stood up from my windowsill and up at me. “I don’t understand,” she said.
“What don’t you understand? I can’t stand to see you with him, I’d rather you be with me,” I insisted.
“I can’t Felix,” she said, voice cracking.
Tears came to my eyes, “What? Why?” I asked.
She sighed, “Do you know how long I’ve waited for this? For the day when you would pluck up the courage to ask me out,” she said.
I had no idea.
“Of course I love you too,” she said, shaking her head in disbelief.
In an instant I pulled her to me and kissed her roughly. She kissed me back, her tongue entering my mouth. My body was on fire, she tasted of coffee and cigarettes — smelled of vanilla and rose.
I moaned her name as we continued to devour each others faces. She loved me and I would never let her forget it.
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merakiui · 4 months
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yandere!azul ashengrotto x (female) reader cw: yandere, nsfw, non-con, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, arranged marriage, oviposition, breeding, royalty au note - in an effort to bring peace to two warring sides, you are engaged to the sea queen’s son.
If anyone is to blame for the abysmal diplomacy between the Land and the Sea, it would be your ancestors. Pompous and foolhardy, they thought they could rule the grand seas stretching out from the harbor, beyond weather-worn docks with their rotted, seaweed-strewn planks and briny fetor. The ocean was vast, unexplored territory—a dangerous, deceptive beauty harboring life far beneath unruly waves.
And your ancestors intended to claim it.
Sailors would recount tales of fishfolk—uncanny creatures who looked more marine than the two-legged mammals of the land. They’d raise mugs, each overflowing with ale, in drunken merriment, terrifying themselves with the mysteries of the deep, dark sea.
“It ought to give ya a proper scare straight to Davy Jones himself!” they’d say, voices lowered conspiratorially. “Soon as yer candle goes out and all ya’ve got’s the moon to guide ya… You’ll hear ’em slip through the water if yer listenin’ well enough.”
“You ever go and spy one up close?”
“I’d sooner see the Devil himself and let him keelhaul me before facin’ those cursed beasts!”
“The cut of their jib ain’t so pretty. Enough to give men like us a fright and we’ve seen all sorts of somethin’.”
“Monsters, I say! Monsters!”
Festivals were held to keep these beasts at bay—to prevent them from gathering the courage to creep up onto the land. Every year, during the summer solstice, pits were hollowed on the shore and bordered with stones. Flames licked towards the sky, red-orange fingers clawing for purchase amidst the stars above. Townsfolk would sing and dance late into the eve, bellowing songs passed through the generations. Children would skip up and down the beach, torches in hand, and cry out an old chant: “Fish for you and me are meant to stay in the sea! Should you see one on land, may the Heavens strike it down with a gentle, loving hand!”
Their excitement did well to ward off the fishfolk. Sometimes the lone child would spot one in the distance, peeking out from between the rocks before diving back under in a splash.
On land, humans were safe. On land, the fishfolk couldn’t catch them.
It was different in the sea.
Ships were destroyed in terrible tempests. The waves tossed them around as if they were nothing. Many sailors would find their demise at the bottom of the ocean, torn to shreds with shattered skeletons. Viscerally brutalized, they died with secrets on their tongues—secrets of the strange fishfolk who’d drag them down, down, down to a watery grave.
On one cold February afternoon, the octopus prince was brought into the world. In shadowed fathoms, a grand celebration was held. After so much time—misfortune after misfortune—one fry survived out of the entire clutch. He was round and soft and small, colored blue from exertion and fighting through the tug of the current to reach home. The Sea Queen met him halfway and embraced him, ecstatic tears in her eyes, for a mother’s love is stronger than any political power.
“My little Azul,” she said, stroking a hand along his cheek, “how precious you are.”
No ships were sunk; no lives were lost. It was a peaceful day for both the Land and the Sea. And it would continue to be so in the future. Every year on that same February, it was made a day of peace to honor the little prince.
A day of life, not death.
It was on that same February eleven years later when you were tossed into the frigid depths like a hatchling cast out of its nest. Similarly, your birth had been a wondrous occasion. Your parents brought five boys into the world, each just as adored as the last, but they had been hoping for a daughter. It was a miracle when their fervent wishes were finally granted. You were spoiled as all daughters often are, pampered and doted on by your family and the palace staff.
Your brothers, though protective and caring, were a troublesome and rowdy bunch. Kyffin was the eldest. Two years younger was Emyr, and another two years behind him was Owin. A year younger than him were twins Morcan and Martyn. They picked on you as all immature boys often do when caught up in sibling rivalries, aiming to be the only one their parents see. To prove themselves as the best, the strongest, the wisest.
So it was with a half-cruel heart that Emyr tossed you into the waves from where he stood in the rowboat.
“Only way to learn is with exposure!” he called down to you, watching as you struggled against the push and pull of the sea. 
“C-Can’t!” you shouted back, choking on salt and flailing about. “E-Emyr, I can’t—can’t swim!”
“Don’t be silly,” Owin added with a sweet smile. “It’s how we learned. That old sod threw us right in. You’re lucky it’s us and not him. He was awfully mean with it, wasn’t he?”
“Terribly so.” Emyr watched your struggling a moment longer and clicked his tongue. He held the oar out just before you could slip under, and you clung to it with shaky hands. “Come on—let’s get you up here. You’re not gonna get it today.”
“Fin got it on his first try.”
“Fin gets everything on his first bloody try.”
Relieved, your heart pounding like a drum, you peered up at your brothers. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get it…”
“Nothing to apologize for. You’ll get it one day.”
“We’ll keep trying until then. And once you do, we’ll throw you a big party.”
“Really? Will you really do that?” Your expression brightened, but your brothers’ faces darkened. They saw the shadow before you did. Saw the webbed hands reaching out, the serrated teeth glinting in a sinister smile.
And then—
Owin leaned over, his arm outstretched. So fluid was his motion that it took you by surprise. “(Name), grab on! Hurry! Before—”
The rest of his warning was muffled by the water. You hardly had any time to brace yourself when you were yanked under, your nails raking across the wood of the oar as you went with the force of the pull. Salt stung your eyes when you cracked them open, peering frantically at blurry surroundings. Teal-green specks slid silently through the shadows, mismatched eyes flicking over your form. And then there was a high, raucous sort of chittering. Like a dolphin’s cry, loud and piercing. You squeezed your eyes shut and pressed your palms against your ears.
It only lasted a few mere seconds, but it felt like an eternity trapped in the coils of a creature you couldn’t comprehend. One moment you were holding your breath and the next arms were hooked around your torso, and you were pulled up and into the belly of the rowboat. Your hands flew to your throat, and you coughed up seawater while Owin patted you.
“It’s fine. It’s…okay,” Emyr muttered, his voice shot through with fear. It was the most shaken he’d ever sounded.
Blood fogged in the water, staining the tip of his harpoon. He gazed down at his hand. A deep, jagged gash ran angrily from palm to wrist. He hissed and closed his fingers in a tight fist.
“We gotta get back,” Owin was saying, still rubbing soothing circles into your back. “I’ll row. You rest.”
“Not good,” Emyr said instead, shaking his head in dismay as he watched your attackers retreat.
“We’re still in our waters, right? We didn’t go past the boundary, did we?”
“Let’s hope not.”
“We didn’t, right?”
“Let’s hope—” Emyr paused, collecting his words. “Let’s hope those monsters were in the wrong.”
“Father’s gonna kill us.”
“If not us, the monsters.”
Both brothers looked towards you. Your tunic was torn, stained through with saltwater and blood. You shivered all the way to shore.
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Following that mishap, an official meeting was called between the Land and the Sea. The King—your father—met the Sea Queen at the border. He stood proud on his ship, peering down at her with fire in his old eyes.
“Your Majesty.”
The Sea Queen was just as formidable as those who came before her. Her tentacles unfurled as one, and if you looked at them long enough they almost seemed to take on the shape of an obsidian-colored crinoline.
“I believe my mother and your father made the terms quite clear all those years ago,” she said, a wave lifting her to meet the King at the deck of his ship. “So then, with that in mind, there should be no reason for us to meet under these circumstances.”
Emyr and Owin stood just behind their father. You peered through their legs at the Sea Queen, silently amazed. You’d never seen anyone quite like her before. At least, not a real person. You’d seen her in storybooks, depicted as a fearsome beast with devilish features, and though there was something intimidating about her gaze and build she appeared understanding enough. Her grey skin was sleek in the morning sun, her long, silvery strands tied up and pinned with an ornate hair ornament. She looked beautiful in a magical, enigmatic way.
“I couldn’t agree more,” came the clipped response of your father. “Alas, misfortune has brought us here.” He stepped aside to allow her to behold Emyr’s bandaged hand. “Harm has befallen my son and daughter. I suppose you might have an inkling as to why they find themselves in their current state?”
She frowned, but you couldn’t tell if it was out of sympathy or some other emotion. “Perhaps one of them can give reason to the wound now marring one of my subject’s sons.”
Your father glanced overboard at the snake-like merman cradled in the arms of another merman. They looked near-identical, their features unmistakable. He glanced back at Emyr, his gaze hard. “Go on then. Explain yourself.”
Emyr stepped forward. “With wholehearted respect, Your Majesty, it was out of self-defense. Your kind—they attacked us first.”
“You were in our waters!” one of the mers exclaimed, pointing a clawed finger towards Emyr. “It’s all your fault Jade got hurt!”
Owin hurried ahead, his hands gripping the taffrail. “He’s playing it up! It was a graze!”
“He could’ve died! You almost killed him!”
“That is enough,” the Sea Queen said, jutting an arm out to silence both sides. “I understand everyone is hurt here. Our feud lies in misunderstanding.” She gazed at you next. “Little one, we have yet to hear your story. Do share.”
You glanced at the guards, at Owin and Emyr, and then at father. He nodded encouragingly. “U-Um!” Shyly, you approached the Sea Queen. “My brothers were teaching me how to swim. I don’t know anything about whose water is whose. I just wanted to learn how to swim.” You met the fierce scowl of the mer holding his twin brother and quickly looked elsewhere. “He grabbed me before my brothers could pull me up.”
“Because you were trespassing. Anyone who tresspasses ought to—”
At the not-so-subtle warning in his father’s voice, he shut his mouth and snarled. His brother—Jade—was handed off to their father, who assessed his state with a frown.
“He will live, but it will take time for him to recover. My son is right. Your son could have killed him.”
“Just as your sons could have killed my sister!” Owin shouted, glaring.
Floyd stuck his tongue out, remorseless.
“It is impossible to know which side is in the wrong,” your father began, turning towards the Sea Queen. “Seeing as both have been injured, I am willing to apologize on behalf of my sons.”
“What?!” Owin’s head turned towards his father. “You’re bloody mad! Have you not seen—”
“Father,” Emyr interjected evenly. “We have nothing to apologize for. We were within our waters. We had no ill will towards the others. It was completely innocent.”
The Sea Queen hummed her contemplation. “The boundary was drawn for a reason, decided upon by those who came before us, and yet it does more harm than good. It is not for safety’s sake. It is to keep us divided—to ensure that neither side will ever know peace.”
“And you’re implying that we get rid of it?”
She nodded, quite serious. Everyone looked on in equal parts shock and disbelief. “Why do we continue to fight? It does nothing but open old wounds, rendering them incurable. Innocent lives are lost in petty squabbling. And for what?”
To that, no one could offer a smart reply.
“Therefore I propose peace. A union to welcome a new era—one in which we embrace one another as allies without animosity.”
“A union?” Your father raised a brow, suspicious but willing to listen. “I suppose it would be beneficial. My people would be free to travel the seas at their leisure.” “And mine would no longer have to live in fear of being thoughtlessly slaughtered and taken as trophies.”
“Unbelievable,” Orwin muttered.
Emyr elbowed him. “Knock it off.”
“We’ll collaborate on a contract. One that dissolves the invisible boundary that has been the cause for so much suffering. In order to attain true peace, I shall offer you my only son.” She glanced at you and then back at your father. “Your daughter shall marry him when they are of age.”
“What?! No way! Ew! Gross!” Your voice came out shrill and you shook your head in protest. “I don’t wanna marry an octopus! No, I won’t do it!”
Your father stood in front of you. “She’s my only daughter. If something were to happen—”
“Which is precisely why I bring up this engagement. Should they be betrothed, we as their parents will promise to uphold peace to give them bright futures and they will act as the first example of a human-mer alliance. Unions between humans and merfolk are unheard of, but is this not the best way to foster harmony between the Land and Sea?”
“I won’t do it! No! Don’t make me marry a gross—” Emyr gathered you in his arms, holding his uninjured hand over your mouth.
“Let the grown-ups talk.”
Owin frowned. “I still don’t agree with this…”
Your father mulled it over, his eyes glazed in thought. “Very well. We will create a contract—an official peace treaty.”
Both leaders shook hands and planned to convene at the end of the week to discuss further.
You watched the mers depart, each one slipping under the sea. Floyd was the last to go, staring at you with a mean sort of vitriol. And then he, too, dove under.
“He didn’t mean it, right?” you whispered to Emyr after your father gave the order to turn the ship around and head for land. “I won’t have to marry an octopus, right?”
Emyr could only offer a commiserate frown.
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“She’s a brat,” Floyd spits. “Stupid, evil Two Legs.”
Jade chuckles and runs his fingers over the scar. “I consider it an honor.”
“Yeah, well, I think it’s messed up. She’s the reason you can’t ever swim naturally again. While she’s up there in her pretty, little tower, safe and sound, you’re still hurting.”
“It’s not as much of a hindrance as you may think. I’m not weak, mind you.”
Floyd grumbles. “Still. She’s mean.”
Azul gazes up at the palace, sighing dreamily. “She’ll be my wife someday. That’s what humans call it, yes? Husband and wife… What wonderful words.”
It’s been one year since the peace treaty. Since then, humans and merfolk have made an effort to get along. This is the second time Azul will be meeting with you. He’s nervous. The first time you went out to sea to greet him, and he’d gotten so anxious that he inked right then and there. His mother entertained you from where you sat in the boat with your personal guard. It was a mortifying experience—one that had taken him months to recover from.
Now he’s going to try to meet you in the shallows. Try is the key word here. He’s scared, all three hearts beating as one. Is it too late to reschedule?
“I can’t believe you’re actually okay with this. You that lonely?”
Azul turns to scowl at both twins, but it’s mostly directed at Floyd. “I never asked you to tag along. Leave me alone.”
Jade smiles. “And let the Queen’s little prince swim to his death?”
“I can take care of myself.”
“Sure you can. But what about when Two Legs gets ya? What then?”
“She wouldn’t do that.”
Floyd rolls his eyes. “You saw what her brothers did to Jade.”
“Because you tried to kill her.”
“Because she was in our territory!”
Azul huffs and pushes him away with a tentacle. “Regardless, we’re supposed to be on good terms now. You’ll break the contract if you try anything dangerous.”
“He’s right, Floyd.”
“Ugh. Whatever.” Floyd turns away, stubborn. “This is lame. I’m not stickin’ around.”
Jade lingers long enough to observe the way Azul lights up when he spots you on the stone steps. And then he disappears beneath the water.
Barefoot, holding your dress up and out of the way, you pad across the beach.
“Why are you here? I’m busy. My brothers are taking me into town.”
The smile that had been fighting to break out on his face frosts over. “Oh. I… Um…” Azul fumbles with the conch shell he’d collected on the way here. A gift for you. He made sure to study human speech patterns in the months leading up to this meeting. He’s fully prepared! And yet you look so displeased. “F-For you! I found it…”
You stare at the shell clutched in a dark tentacle. Tentatively, you reach for it. “Why?”
“Ah. W-Well, my mother says gifts are an important part of any bond. In the sea, we give gifts to the ones we care about. To friends and family and o-other halves…”
You turn the shell over in your hands. “We’re not friends.”
“Not yet,” he tries, but you shake your head.
“You ran away from me the last time we met. That’s not very friendly.”
His face flushes blue and he opens his mouth to argue, but nothing comes out. It wasn’t on purpose.
You’re already turning on your heel. “I don’t have time for this.” You toss the shell over your shoulder. Azul watches it land in the sand, just out of his grasp.
“W-Wait! I… I want to talk to you. Please don’t go. You’re going to be my other half one day, so I’d like to—”
But you’re already dashing across the beach to get to the stairs.
Azul deflates against the rock. Tears overflow in floods. Is it because of him? Is he to blame? Why don’t you want to be his friend? Is it because of the peace treaty? Why?
Why? Why? Why?
Azul doesn’t want to think negatively of you. Humans are sensitive creatures. He reads up on them in the palace library, poring over literature and textbooks in an effort to better understand you. But as the months pass and you seem to simply tolerate him for the sake of the alliance, he begins to suspect something.
It’s made apparent the next time he sees you, where you walk right past the beach to catch up with your brothers. He hides behind the rocks, two blue eyes following your figure until you’re out of sight.
Floyd was right. You are a brat.
And yet he can’t hate you.
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On the eve of your eighteenth birthday, Azul meets you in the shallows.
Nowadays you send letters, preferring strained long distance over the personal intimacy of face-to-face relations. These exchanges are purely diplomatic. But now that he’s asked to meet with you, a rare occurrence, you’ve deigned to greet him in person. It’s the least you can do after he’s gone through the trouble to travel here. It’s been so long since you’ve seen him that he’s almost unrecognizable. You remember the round, baby-faced octo-mer from your childhood. The one who lounges against the rocks is leaner now—his features defined, jawline as sharp as his eyes. They cut through the gloom to find you.
“You wished to see me?” You’re in your nightwear, a silky gown with an even softer robe. A cool breeze blows across the beach, and you wrap your arms around yourself for extra warmth. “Azul?”
He hesitates, his gaze trailing up your legs. You’ve also changed a lot in the time you’ve been apart. You’ve grown taller, filling out in places he didn’t know humans could fill. What he’d give to hold you… His mother says he needs to be patient. Fickle thing that you are, you’re the reason he’s spent six years trying to appease you through letters—to win you over and be anything more than that “annoying octopus” you’re doomed to marry. Perhaps it would have been easier to act just as you do if it weren’t for the fact that he’d been elated at the premise of having someone to love. When his mother broached the idea in the days following her meeting with the Land King, he’d stared at her with wide, excited eyes.
“There’s a human girl who wants to be my friend?” he asked, to which his mother smiled and nodded.
More than a friend, actually, but then all he was focused on was finally getting to experience the one thing he’d never known or had: friendship.
Sighing, he foregoes formality and holds out a necklace. It dangles from the tip of his tentacle. Strung on a dainty, silver strand, pearls wink back at you under the moonlight. Azul averts his eyes, his cheeks a pleasant periwinkle.
“Happy birthday…”
“Oh.” You move in closer, taking the necklace from him. His tentacle pursues you, twining delicately around your wrist. “Um… What is it? Do you need—whoa!”
Azul tugs you closer. The sea laps at your ankles. Beneath a tapestry of stars, you meet his azure stare. His features are set with a determination you’ve never seen before.
“I want to start over.”
“Start over?”
“I’d like to be on friendly terms with you. We’re so cold. Distant…” Azul frowns, seeming unsure of what to say or do next. The tentacle laced around your wrist like a bracelet tightens its hold. “We’re to be wed one day. I want to make this work.”
You blink at him. He thinks he may have gotten through to you, having finally broken through layers of stone and ice, but then your nose scrunches and odium shimmers in your gaze.
“That’s impossible. I’m a human. How am I supposed to live with an octopus?” You shake him off with a huff. “I’m not sure what our parents think this will accomplish. I don’t want to be a pawn to be moved around for the sake of peace. I’m my own person.”
Azul’s expression sours. His lip curls up into a sneer. “Well, I don’t find it very enjoyable either. You’re not the only victim in this scenario.”
You exhale an exhausted breath. “Azul, I appreciate the gift, but it doesn’t mean anything if you’re only giving it to me to curry favor.”
I wasn’t, he thinks, but he doesn’t say that. Admitting it would be a weakness. Admitting it would mean coming to terms with an unrequited opinion.
“At least one of us is making a conscious effort.”
“At least one of us isn’t trying so hard. It’s pathetic.”
“You’re not obligated to accept my goodwill.” He smiles, smug. “Yet you do every time. I’d wager you enjoy my materialistic affections.”
“As if.” Despite this, you hold the necklace out of his reach when a tentacle flexes towards it. “It’s mine now.”
“So you are fond of my ‘pathetic’ ways!”
“I’m not!”
You jerk away with a vicious scowl, but your foot catches in the sand and you quickly find yourself tipping backwards. If not for the tentacles that coil around your waist to steady you, you would have fallen on your rear. Your chest heaves with adrenaline. Stunned, you stare at Azul.
“You…caught me,” you breathe, lips parted in awe.
“Did you think I’d let you fall?” He cocks his head at you, grinning playfully. “Why, I’d never! Unless it’s me you’re falling for, in which case I gladly welcome the—”
“You’re such a pest.” Untangling yourself from his grasp, which he allows without scrimmage, you step away from the water’s edge. He watches you secure the pearls around your neck, and his hearts stumble in his chest when you point an accusatory finger at him. “Don’t delude yourself with foolish nonsense. I have no interest in you.”
With an indignant harrumph, you start towards the palace.
“May we meet here tomorrow?” Azul calls out after you, testing his luck with what little chance he has.
“Don’t push it.”
“I’ll wait for you.”
“Good. Keep waiting, dummy!” You break into a sprint, hurrying off into the shadows.
Azul smiles at the empty beach. Whether or not you like him, it doesn’t matter. You’re to be his one day. You’ve always been, ever since he was eleven.
He’ll wait, even if you won’t show.
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Ostensibly, twenty-one years wise, you’re getting married today.
Your gown is just as exquisite as your hair and makeup. Pearls cling to your throat and arms—classic wedding attire for merfolk. A thin veil shields the scheme in your stare.
This was an inevitability, but you’re determined to fight it until the end. No matter how quickly time seems to pass, you’ll do everything you can to stall and slow it.
Gripping a sharpened dagger in a resolute fist, you drag it through the long, sprawling train of your gown.
“As if I’d marry an octopus,” you grumble, cutting fine fabric until you’re permitted smoother movement. Gazing at yourself in the mirror, you scowl. “I’m no one’s bride.”
By the time the maids arrive to check on you, you’ve already stolen out the window.
The rowboat sways on choppy water. You’ve watched your brothers do this enough times to have the technique engraved in your memory. Your arms strain with the oars, every muscle screaming in protest, but you fight through the pain. The palace looks smaller and smaller with every passing minute. Eventually, you’re so far out that the land is but a mere speck.
It’s going well. You’re escaping towards a better future—a future without the octopus prince.
You glance towards the horizon. Your boat undulates with the waves.
You’ll miss your brothers, your maids, your personal guard…
Water slops over the edge. You yelp, startled. Have the seas always been so rough?
Despite everything, you’ll miss your father.
Just as you think this, your boat rocks to the side. You grab onto the edge to steady yourself, but it’s already too late. It tips over and you go with it, careening into the sea with a noisy splash. Twin shadows cut seamlessly through the murky water. You catch sight of a yellow eye before you propel yourself towards the sky, coughing and heaving once you break the surface. You grab onto the overturned rowboat, your dagger clutched in one hand.
You search the surface for them, eyes flicking to and fro in a frantic panic.
Somewhere… Anywhere… Where are you?
And then you find them, peering at you from the other side of the boat.
“Go on then,” you spit, glaring. “Kill me.”
Floyd bares his teeth at you. “This time I ain’t gonna leave a scar.”
“You know we mustn’t. That’s not why we’re here.” Jade smiles at you, but there’s something in his eyes that unnerves you. “Your Highness, you should know it’s poor manners to leave the groom on his special day.”
Floyd circles you restlessly. “S’not fair we gotta be nice when you’re so mean.”
“I’m not going to marry him.”
“I’m afraid you don’t have a choice in that matter.”
“What’d Azul ever do to you?”
You attempt to answer that before realizing the truth. Nothing. He’s done absolutely nothing but be kind and understanding and patient. And I took that, chewed it up, and spat in his face.
“If you used that brain of yours, you wouldn’t have thrown yourself to the sharks. We can’t get to you on land.” “But it’s fair game in the sea,” Floyd finishes, every syllable dripping with pride. “Stupid Two Legs.”
“I’m inclined to agree. You’re not the brightest human. A pity.”
“My brother should’ve gutted you when he had the chance. Maybe then—”
You see the whites of Floyd’s eyes when he strikes, launching himself at you with a clawed hand, sharp, pointed teeth aiming for your jugular.
This is it. You’re dead.
…or not.
The searing pain never comes, nor does the impending laceration. You cling to the boat and watch dark tentacles rise from the depths to close around Floyd, ensnaring him in a firm hold. He thrashes, snapping his jaws like a deranged beast.
“Let go of me, Azul! Lemme at her! She’s a bitch! I’ll kill her!”
“There will be none of that.” Azul tuts. “I don’t intend to marry a corpse.”
Jade swims over to you. “My feelings aren’t hurt in the slightest, Your Highness. If it weren’t for your status and connection to Azul, I’d have disemboweled you ages ago. Quite a relief for you, yes?”
You swallow your horror, allowing him to detach you from the boat so that Azul can turn it over. A tentacle curls around your waist, lifts you from the water, and places you back in the boat. You stare at your hands. They’re trembling. You can hardly hold the dagger properly.
It takes some convincing and a lukewarm apology from you, but Floyd promises to be good. He doesn’t do anything as you’re pulled back to shore, but he does stare at you for the duration of the trip, his eyes tracking your every movement. You press yourself into the belly of the boat, defeated and riddled with anxiety.
Your father isn’t pleased. When you see his enraged expression, the debate dies on your tongue. “You are to marry the prince,” he seethes, pulling you aside, “or else you jeopardize the peace of our kingdom.”
You’re washed and fitted in a new dress. Guards are stationed at all possible routes to prevent another escape.
When you walk down the beach to meet Azul in the shallows, your veil shields the sadness in your stare.
The ceremony carries on without incident. Floyd watches from the water, lurking like Death. You speak rehearsed vows in robotic monotone, mindlessly floating through the rigmarole like it’s second nature. Azul smiles at you through it all, sweetly smitten.
It’s a nightmare lived in real time.
Humans and mers alike congratulate you, cheering for this momentous occasion. Your tongue is numb by the end of it all. You’ve expressed faux gratitude so many times that it hurts to even force the words. And now, as night descends and the party kicks into full swing, you’re left reflecting on the day.
Freedom feels so far away. You’ll never know it again, will you?
Azul guides you away from the crowd. Firelight grows dim with the distance. Eventually, you find yourself taking refuge in a tiny inlet cut into the beach. A rocky outcrop hides you from the moon’s spotlight.
“I’m not upset,” Azul murmurs, curling a tentacle up your leg. “But Floyd is.”
“His brother’s the one who hurt me all those years ago.”
“That was before the union.”
“I’m not letting it go.”
“Perhaps not now, but you will. One day.”
You don’t believe him.
“Our people are at peace. Aren’t you pleased, my love?”
You shove him away, gathering heaps of your dress to walk in calf-deep water. “I’m not your love.”
“Legally, you are.”
“That means nothing to me. Absolutely nothing.”
Azul sighs. “Even now, after everything, you’re still trying to flee.”
“For good reason. I don’t want to be tied down.”
Azul inches closer. Another tentacle wraps slyly around your ankle.
“You’re so beautiful. I feel like the luckiest mer in the sea. To be able to call you my own… My beautiful bride.” He pulls you closer. You resist weakly. “Now that we’re alone I can finally tell you the very thing I’ve thought of ceaselessly for years.”
A tentacle slides up your leg, straying closer to your inner thigh. You flinch away.
“Azul, wait. I don’t want—”
“I love you.”
You squirm in his hold, attempting to thwart the tentacles that grab at your every limb. You trip over yourself in the process. This time Azul doesn’t catch you. Water laps at your dress, soaking through at once. He’s radiant beneath the moon. Dreading his touch, you scoot as far from him as you can get in the water, hoping to reach land. Azul seizes your wrist and pulls you into his arms. You fight him with more force.
“No… No, let go of me! Release me!”
“Why should I? You’re mine now. Is it not customary for a married couple to consummate their new bond? We do something similar in the sea.” A tentacle brushes your veil back so that he can look upon your pretty face. “I’d take you to a quiet space in the seagrass, lay you down in the sand, and then—”
“I don’t want that! No!” You lash out, swinging blindly. A tentacle shoots out to stop your arm before it can smack him. “Azul, please—”
“I was patient. I waited and waited in hopes that you might warm up to me. I cherished you in silence. I learned your language. Your customs. Your habits. I wrote to you. Traveled to meet you. And yet you look at me as if I’m a monster…”
It’s not the devastated look in his eyes or the edge in his voice that scares you. It’s the startling gentleness with which he handles you. Tentacles loop around your body, exploring beneath your gown. You wriggle in discomfort, yelping when suckers brush against the frilly garter secured around your thigh. Azul hums and holds you up in his tentacles, using two to spread your legs so that he may slide it from your leg.
“I wasn’t forceful. I courted you kindly. You accepted all of my gifts. You wore them proudly and I thought—I knew you would love me, too. You were mine from the moment our parents signed that agreement. And if you leave me, you’ll break a political promise and then our kingdoms will go to war and I’ll be sure to collect the heads of your family first. Each one of them, and you will watch as I bring ruin to the kingdom you love so fondly.”
“N-No… Please stop. Please.”
“I’ve waited ten years for you.” A tentacle hooks around your panties. You thrash again, shaking your head at him. He remains unconvinced, watching with gleeful eyes as your nudity is revealed to him. “And aren’t you an angel? Oh, you’re so pretty…”
Like your hopes, your panties are cast aside.
The tip of a tentacle prods curiously at your pussy. Your breath hitches.
“W-Wait! You… You can’t.” His eyes find yours, and you swallow the rising sob. “T-That can’t go inside… It won’t fit. It won’t—”
Azul smiles. “Of course it will. The human body is capable of marvelous feats.”
Even though it’s pointless, you struggle. “I can’t! Please… Azul, I’m scared. Please don’t do this…”
A lone tentacle slides into your hand. Thoughtless, you hold tight.
“My love, there’s no need to cry. I’m not going to hurt you.” He brings you closer, kissing your tears away. “I’m here for you. I’ve always been here, even when you didn’t seem to need me.”
You hiccup, your chest heaving. It’s not lonely for long, for he pulls your dress down your shoulders. Your breasts spill free and are quickly cradled in cold hands. Azul watches your expression with an intense focus while he rolls your nipples between his fingers. You grit your teeth, refusing to respond. But then the tentacle between your legs finds your clit and a sucker affixes to it, suctioning slowly. You gasp and throw your head back, bolts of pleasure racing up your spine. It happens in a white-hot flash. You slacken in his grasp.
Azul laughs, astonished. “Did you cum? Already?”
“Nooo,” you whine, closing your hand around the tentacle once more. Another one strokes your cheek. “You’ve had your fun. Now let go of me…”
“What a silly demand.”
He tugs on your nipples. You groan, lashes fluttering. “Ooh… Stop. No, stop it… Don’t touch there. Not—haa… Not there!”
“You’re so sensitive.” He drags the underside of a tentacle along your cunt and shivers. “And so wet… Is this your season? Do humans experience such a thing?”
You’ve no idea what he’s referring to, but before you can dwell on it he leans down to take your perky bud in his mouth. Your free hand grabs at his hair, pinning him to your chest. His tongue laves across it, warm and wet. You shouldn’t enjoy it so much, and yet you can’t stop yourself from crying out.
He hums against your skin, beaming like a devil. You can’t hate him. He’s your husband. He’s yours. You shouldn’t hate him.
You’re falling apart in his tentacles, grinding down to chase the bliss provided by the underside of the appendage clinging to your pussy. The sinful squelch of skin on skin fills the quiet inlet. The scent of sex and salt intermingles. It’s wrong and it’s right. It’s instinct, carnal and corrupt. Azul groans against your breast, your teat between his teeth.
“Az—ooh!�� You tug on his hair, insatiable. Your brain is fogging over with lust. You don’t want to lose yourself in this madness. You can’t. “N-No more… No more.” 
But he’s not listening. He pinches your other nipple between his fingers, and that’s all it takes for you to unravel.
In the aftermath, the tapered tip of a thicker tentacle squirms between your thighs. Mindlessly, you spread your legs and lift your hips for him. It presses in shallowly, a jarring experience.
“Not inside—don’t! You can’t!”
Azul pulls away from you, his expression scrunched in woozy ecstasy. “Why not?” he mumbles, smiling stupidly. “You’re my bride. It’s only fair…”
Before you can bicker, he kisses you. His tongue pursues yours in a sloppy tango. You lick into his mouth, desperate and dazed. Lost in a sea of salacity, shipwrecked on an island of forgotten inhibitions.
The tentacle pushes through rings of tight, slick muscle. Tears spring to your eyes. It feels weird and foreign, so unlike your fingers. He holds you close, minding his strength and pace. It fills you slowly, reaching places you’ve never been able to feel. The lust numbs your senses and gives way to something animalistic—a base desire you’ve suppressed. Azul rocks the appendage deeper until it’s pushed up against the entrance to your womb, squeezed snugly in your warm walls.
“I-It’s in…” you mumble once he’s broken the kiss, a strand of saliva connecting your mouths. “It’s really…inside me…”
Azul kisses your cheek and pets you with a tentacle. “We were made for each other.”
Surely not, you think, but it feels so when he draws back and thrusts in. Maybe he’s right.
He fucks you gently, savoring every single sound you make. He tells you he loves you, whispers it over and over like it’s prayer. You nod dumbly, grabbing at his hand to hold it. The both of you are gasping in unison, chasing cloud nine. In just a few more deep strokes, his tip bullying its way to your womb, he finally finds his end. A thin substance fills you up in plentiful amounts. Distantly, you think it’s water until he drags your hips further down. Your mouth drops open in a strangled scream as something round and gelatinous passes through. It settles in your womb, and you know right away that it shouldn’t be there.
You panic. “W-Wait… Wha—Zul… Stop… No, I don’t want—”
“It’s all right,” he breathes, his mouth on your shoulder. He soothes you with soft shushes and even softer kisses. “You’re okay. I’m here.”
You dig your nails into the tentacle curled in your palm just as a second orb squeezes through. He groans, his eyes squeezed shut.
“Finally…” He pants, a wobbly smile stretching on his delirious countenance. “Finally, my love, my dear—oh, my beloved bride!”
He cradles you like a mother would a newborn. You lie there as he fills you, your voice hoarse from babbling and bewailing. These things—little orbs of jelly—are stuffed into your womb, and by the time you surpass twenty you lose count and blank out, trembling through yet another orgasm. You’re not sure how many more he has left or how many more you can possibly fit. It feels too good to think about that.
“Bigger. They’ll get bigger. You’ll look so pretty—round and full and soft.”
Dizzy, you glance at the bloated dome that is your belly. Your gown strains over it, an impressively deceptive size that you almost mistake for pregnancy. That’s when it clicks. Eggs. These are eggs.
“I’ll make sure they survive. All of them—as many as I possibly can. I’ll stay by your side. I’ll keep you content. I’ll fill you with love—so much love—an abundance of it, and you’ll never know emptiness again,” he rambles, resting a tentacle over your distended middle.
It’s not just a senseless sweet nothing. It’s a promise.
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penkura · 1 month
First Mother's Day
Note: I decided to do a special post in what is now my OP Men as Dads series, and do a Mother's Day headcanon/blurb post. I understand this day can be rough for some, but I hope that whether you celebrate or not, whether your mom is in your life or not, that you have a lovely day otherwise and if this isn't your cup of tea, I hope there's something else that can entertain you today. <3
If you'd like my thoughts on other OP men as dads (Shanks, Kid, Usopp, etc.), please just ask and I'll give an answer! I'll include Luffy in this despite my viewing him as a son or brother, but it probably won't be x Reader based. Requests are being worked on as well.
I am using baby Ace image to break up this and the actual content from now on lol. He's just so cute. 🥺
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Ace is going to go all out for your first Mother’s Day. He’s buying flowers, candies, and cards, all from him and your daughter. Even if you tell him you don’t want anything except a quiet day at home with the two of them, he’s buying you gifts.
He’ll likely buy you a bracelet with your daughter’s name on it, or maybe a charm bracelet with her birthstone, so you can add any more in the future if/when you have more children. Ace will try to make you breakfast in bed, but he ends up burning the bacon to the point your smoke alarm goes off, and you have to open all the windows to air out the house the rest of the day (at least it’s a nice day out). He orders out breakfast from a nearby diner to make sure you have something that morning, he’ll even try to take your daughter out for a walk or to Luffy and Sabo’s place for the day to give you a break, but you insist on going along.
“You should have the day off though!”
“Ace, I don’t want a day off. Rogue is only three month’s old, and I’d much rather spend the day with you and her than alone. That’s not a fun Mother’s Day to me.”
The three of you end up at Luffy and Sabo’s place, the two uncles absolutely adoring their niece as she coos and lets them hold her without any crying or fussing. When you get home later that night, Ace watches you get Rogue ready for bed. He knew from the start that you would be a great mother, and sometimes, he just wishes his own mother was around to see it, and to meet her granddaughter.
Law has a plan that gets thrown off when your son decides to be born a week earlier than expected, on Mother’s Day itself. He still tries to do something for you, even though the original plan of taking you out for brunch and giving you a quiet day at home while you waited for your baby to be born was now out the window. He should’ve known, ever since he met Luffy all his plans go haywire at some point. At least it led to you two meeting eventually.
Once you’ve gone to sleep and your son Rosi is in the nursery at the hospital, Law slips out to quickly put something together. He has a gift for you, a mother’s ring that will fit into your wedding band, he just needs flowers, or chocolate, or something to add to it. He doesn’t really like to be cliché, but he ends up with flowers, at least they’re something pretty you can have in your hospital room and when you’re released to take your baby boy home.
The girl in the hospital gift shops tells him he looks happy, even if Law doesn’t really show it. She swears it’s just something in the way he speaks while he asks her to pull together a small bouquet for you. He is happy, beyond that actually, knowing you two have a son, you both are healthy and safe. He has a family again, his very own. The flowers and ring aren’t enough to convey his gratitude to you for giving him a family to call his own, but it’s a start. There will be plenty more times for him to do so in the future.
When Law gets back to your room, you’re awake again and in the middle of nursing your son, a nurse helping you when you need it. She notices the flowers he’s brought and leaves you both with a smile, saying she’ll come back in a few minutes.
“Where’d you get off to?”
“Had to get something,” Law comes over and presses a kiss to your forehead, giving you a smile, “Happy Mother’s Day.”
Penguin has thought of what to do every day since your daughter Wren was born. He’s come up with multiple ways to celebrate your first Mother’s Day, but nothing seems just right to him. He’s thought of brunch, breakfast in bed, giving you a day out with your friends while he watches your daughter, or even a weekend trip away, leaving your baby with her grandparents, but nothing works out. Restaurants and diners he calls are all booked up already, you hate eating in bed because of crumbs, your friends all had plans either with their own mothers or their spouses and kids, and your own parents were out of town for the next two weeks.
He ends up with no real plans for the day and feels terrible about it as it approaches. Its going to be another normal Sunday for the three of you, he hates the idea of that because it’s your first Mother’s Day, it should be special, shouldn’t it?
When the day finally comes around, Penguin is up first, hearing Wren’s little babbles through the baby monitor, and going to pick her up. At nine-months-old she’s figured out how to stand up on her own, still no steps being taken by herself, but when she sees Penguin enter the nursery, she grins and starts bouncing up and down, holding the rail of her crib and shouting “da” over and over. It makes Penguin smile as he picks her up, kissing her chubby cheek which makes her squeal.
“Good morning, Wren! Let’s keep quiet, mommy’s still asleep, okay?”
He laughs a bit, lifting her up over his head to make her giggle again, as she reaches her little hands towards his face.
“You know…a great gift would be for you to say ‘mama’ for the first time, yeah?”
“Yeah, you’re close! Now, just say ‘mama’.”
Wren sticks her tongue out while she tries to speak, Penguin helping her along for several minutes until she finally says something close to ‘mama’.
Penguin sighs a bit, but nods as he brings Wren down and kisses her cheek again, making her giggle as she wraps her arms around his neck.
“You two sure have been having fun.”
Both look to you in the doorway, no shortage of smiles among the three of you, as Wren lights up and starts to reach for you, trying to say she wants you to hold her. You both take just a moment too long to get her to you, and it makes her fuss and kick her legs a bit.
You didn’t even get her in your arms, you and Penguin both freezing in place for a moment while Wren continues to fuss and whine, almost in tears since you haven’t held her yet.
“Her first word!!” You quickly take Wren from Penguin and hug her close, kissing her cheeks and forehead telling her how proud you are of your little girl. “This is the best Mother’s Day gift!”
At least that worked out, even if he didn’t have a plan in mind.
Sanji wouldn’t have waited nearly a year to celebrate you as a mother if you hadn’t forced him to. With fraternal twins to now take care of and raise, you’ve both been through bouts of exhaustion and elation over the two babies you brought into the world. Sora and Angel, your precious blessings, were nearly a year old, and you’d already started planning a birthday party for them, completely ignoring the fact Mother’s Day was a few weeks prior to their turning one-year-old.
Sanji didn’t forget, he had a plan, one that included your twins scribbling away to make cards for you, though he didn’t expect the two to be so fussy about it and mark each other up more than the papers. He learned very quickly to not give babies or toddlers markers, unless they were washable. You still don’t fully realize how Sora ended up with a bright green mark over his right eye and Angel had a hot pink line down her left arm.
The rest was simple, breakfast in bed, made by your professional chef husband of course, and whatever else you wanted for the rest of the day. If you want to lay in bed and watch TV without interruption, he’d put your twins in the stroller and take them to the park. If you wanted to turn your phone off and sleep the day away, he’d take over and leave you alone until you needed anything. Whatever you want, it’s a day to celebrate you as the mother of his children, he wasn’t going to deny you anything.
But when you do tell him what you want, after finishing off breakfast, Sanji’s a bit surprised.
“Are you…sure?”
“Mm-hm,” you nod and try to keep Sora from grabbing the butter knife on the tray, making him whine while Angel slept in Sanji’s arms, “I want to spend the day with the three of you.”
“You…do that every day though, my love.”
“So?” smiling, you kiss the top of Sora’s head and watch Angel as she starts to stir awake, rubbing her eyes with her tiny hands, “You guys are my family. I hate the idea of not being with the three of you today, so I’d rather just spend it like we always do.”
Sanji nods a bit, seeming to understand, greeting Angel when she wakes up fully with a kiss to the forehead. It makes you happy to watch him with both your children, but especially your daughter. How could he ever think you’d want to spend the day alone? Not when you had these two blessings as your children and Sanji as your husband.
“We could still take these two to the park later, maybe burn off some energy so they nap at a decent time.”
“Of course! Whatever you want, my love.”
Zoro doesn’t even fully realize that its Mother’s Day until Nami says something to him. The past few weeks with your son have been exhausting for both of you, but he can’t believe he forgot that this was a thing. He has nothing planned and isn’t sure what to do. He’s running out of time, it’s literally just a few hours away before Nami offers to take you out for the day wherever the Sunny docks in the morning. Zoro will stay with your son on the ship, and you’ll get a day off from being a mom and wife, the two think it’s the best thing to give you on such short notice, though Nami does up the interest on his debt again for this.
You don’t even get to say good morning to your husband or son before Nami has dragged you off to whatever she has planned, its really just a normal girl’s day out with shopping and lunch. Most of what you buy isn’t even for you, it’s baby items that you need or clothes you think are adorable. It just ended up making you miss your son more as the day went on.
When you do get back to the ship, your son is wailing and no one has been able to calm him down, not even Zoro while he tries his hardest and lightly bounces your baby as he shushes him gently. As soon as you drop your bags you’re taking him from your husband and holding him close to calm him down.
“Shh, shh, it’s okay, mommy’s here, Keitaro. I’m back.”
He slowly calms down once he realizes its you, burying his little face in your shoulder and keeping a tight grip on your shirt. When you ask Zoro what the deal was with Nami dragging you off the ship so early, before you even had the chance to hold Keitaro that day, he explains the situation and it just makes you tilt your head.
“…it’s Mother’s Day?”
You hadn’t even realized it. That just makes Zoro feel bad that it caused your son such distress, and he and Nami both apologize for not talking to you about it beforehand. They both assumed the other had discussed it with you. You didn’t really care to celebrate, all that mattered was being with your husband and son, the rest of your day spent with just the two of them.
Note 2: Out here dropping names like I didn't say I'd make a post about that at some point lol. So, the firstborns in order of character are Portgas D. Rogue, Trafalgar D. Rosinante (called Rosi cause it's too damn cute), Wren, Sora and Angel, and Roronoa Keitaro.
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thewulf · 4 months
Not Just Pals || Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Summary: Request - Hello darling! I have a request for you if you don't mind... It's a hangman x fem! Reader pen pals to friends to lovers kind of thing. Like maybe when he was in the academy someone put his name in this program to write to college students but joke on them because he got paired with reader and they hit it off almost instantly... Read Rest Here
A/N: Whew! This one was for whatever reason really tough to write! I changed it up a little bit but I hope you guys still enjoy it. :)
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Female Reader
Word Count: 3.9k +
T/W : Self-doubt
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October 9th, 2014
Hi There Y/N,
I’m not sure how you’re really supposed to start one of these things? How are you supposed to go about talking to somebody you’ve literally never met before? Although the Navy/Army pen pal thing could be interesting. I’ll be honest, my buddy signed me up and I didn’t think I’d actually write anything down but then I got the email with your name on it, Cadet Y/N Y/L/N. Consider myself intrigued.
What’s it like up in New York? Is it cold? Do you get a lot of snow? It gets awfully cold down here in Maryland, so I have to imagine how cold it gets up there. I’m from Texas so I’m still adjusting to this weather… four years later. It’s not easy. I think it’s the hardest part of living in the northeast. I’d rather run a marathon with a thirty-pound pack on than sit outside in the snow for more than twenty minutes. I hope to get stationed somewhere warm when this is all set and done.
Your ‘about me’ says you’re going into the Air Defense Artillery after West Point… which is the exact opposite of what I’m doing. Consider myself doubly intrigued Cadet. What do you do? Fire missiles and rockets at jets? That can’t possibly be as much fun as firing them when you’re in the air. It’s cool just not nearly as cool as what I do, know what I mean? Maybe a close second though.
Have you even been in a jet before? I bet you’d like it. I obviously don’t know you, but I haven’t met many people who didn’t like it. There’s something so freeing about flying 1,000 miles per hour in a tiny silver tube. You should try it sometime. If this whole thing works out maybe I’ll even take you up one day, who knows?
I guess that was my attempt at 20 questions. Hopefully you didn’t find it too annoying. Hope to hear back from you soon!
Jake Seresin
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November 23rd ,2014
Hello Future Lieutenant Jake Seresin,
I’m thrilled you actually decided to write. I’m glad my name was all you needed to pick up that pen. I have to admit you made me giggle a few times. You seem effortlessly funny Mr. Seresin. Even for a soon-to-be Pilot.
I find it comical you’re asking me about the weather of all things, Midshipmen. Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do on an awkward first date? But to answer your question, yes it’s cold as all get out up here. But I’m from Indiana so I’m used to it. Doesn’t mean I didn’t wish West Point wasn’t in Georgia or something. Why’d they have to put all the Military schools in the north?
What was it like growing up in Texas? Did you ever see snow? One of my favorite memories from this place is watching my roommate (who’s from Florida) see and play in snow for the first time. She froze her ass off but had the day of her life. She also hates snow now. So, it looks like you warm people have that in common.
To sum it up I guess you can say we fire rockets and missiles. My professors always say, ‘If it sounds like rocket science, it is’. Basically, we need to protect the ground troops from the flying bastards aka you. Although we do love our American flying bastards. So, I guess that doesn’t knock you down too many pegs in my book. Do you think they matched us up because our jobs are the antithesis of the other? If so, somebody had a hilarious sense of humor.
I’ve never been in a jet, and I have no plans to either. I don’t think I’d enjoy it if we’re being honest. You’re talking to the girl who gets sea-sick on cruises and had to take a motion pill if we’re going to an amusement park. My lil brain can’t handle the motion. A character flaw as they say. I also have a sense that you wouldn’t go to easy on me, being Army and all. I’ll stick to my calculations and rockets.
Don’t tell anybody I wrote this, but I do think what you guys do is so badass. I work with a bunch of jealous Cadets who couldn’t make it into the Army Aviation division, they’re just bitter. When I was little my dad used to take me to the Blue Angels shows in Chicago whenever they made their way across the States. Kind of the reason why I wanted to be in the military in the first place. But only my dad knows that. And well, I guess you now too. So, keep my secret safe Mr. Seresin.
I know the weather is less than desirable, but I do hope you’re finding things you love in Annapolis! There are some of the best crab cakes I’ve ever had there.
Thanks for the smiles after a long week!
Your New Friend,
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February 16th, 2015
Future Second Lieutenant Y/N Y/L/N,
That has a right to it doesn’t it? Your name sounds good with a Second Lieutenant in front of it. Sorry it’s been so long since I wrote. Getting busy with graduation coming up and practical’s and all. It’s a lame excuse I know, but it’s all I got. I hope you know how big I smiled reading your letter to me. I read it about fifty times before I could write a decent response to you. You have a way with words that I haven’t read in a long, long time.
Was your father in the military? None of my family was. I also loved the Blue Angels when they came down to Houston for the air shows. I’d always beg and plead and finally my mom or sister would give in and take me. They’re also the reason I’m here. So, I guess we should thank them that we got to meet. Neither you nor I would be in these academies without them. Your secret is locked away in the drawer and safe in my head too. It’s super safe with me.
I’ll be honest, the food here is so damn good. I sure do miss my Texas barbeque, but the spread is better up over here. Plus, the snacks? I didn’t know there was different brands sold across the states and you guys have better girl scout cookies! That’s just not fair. I could’ve gone my whole life knowing that there were two versions of girl scout cookies and I got the worse version. I’ve enjoyed the move far more than I’ve regretted it. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. It doesn’t guarantee I’ll be a pilot, but it means I’m one step closer to getting there.
What all schooling do you have to do after you graduate this spring? Are you up for deployment soon? I’ve got a lot left to go. If I get picked after I’ve got a few years of flight school ahead of me. Then I’ll really be off. Wish me luck I make it!
With Love,
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March 13th, 2015
Mr. Seresin,
I was getting worried! I thought it was something I had wrote. I’m glad it’s your negligence and not mine for the lack of communication. I forgive you though. It’s been stressful up here in New York as well. I luckily don’t have any practical’s I need to worry about. Just a few nuclear engineering classes are standing in between me and graduation.
I just have a year of Officer School (if I get selected that is) after this is all set and done come June. We have to apply this April so I’m getting a little anxious about the whole thing. I don’t really have a backup plan that I’d actually like to do so I really, really hope I get selected. Enough about me though, let’s talk about you. You’re going to get picked! Don’t let any bad thoughts get in between you and your goal. I think you’ll make a fine pilot Jake. You seem to have your wits about you which is the first step a lot of people miss.
My dad was in the Navy, like you. Don’t gloat though, it’ll ruin the finely crafted image I have of you. He was a deck hand or something like that. I wish I could ask him some more about it, but he passed when I was just thirteen. I just remember he loved being in the Navy. He loved everything about it. He made it seem like anything was possible with a passion.
I’m glad you’re enjoying the food and the girl scout cookies. It took me by surprise when I got Peanut Butter Patties instead of Tagalongs when I was down south for a winter. I’m so glad I grew up where the real GSC are sold.
I hope this letter brought you as much joy as yours brought me.
With the Same Love,
(P.S. – Here’s my number if you’d like to text instead of write. No pressure!)
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It had only been a week since you sent the last letter. Sure, you hadn’t really known the guy all too well but there was something so exciting about sending written mail. You felt like a little kid on Christmas waiting for a response from him. Who knew throwing your name in something so silly for your class would bring you so much joy.
You sat down on your desk setting your computer out front of you to study. Jake was right. It was an awfully busy time of the year. Applying for your future. Studying for you exams. When you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket you truly didn’t think much of it. It was only hours later when you finally closed the laptop shut that you went to check it that your face scrunched in confusion. You didn’t recognize the area code. It was then that it clicked that it could be him.
No pressure at all text! Hi there (it’s Jake).
You grinned reading it over and over again. That was quick! Maybe you made an impression? You sure hoped so. You hardly even knew what the guy looked like. You might’ve gone digging a little when you got his name. He was cute. Handsome even. But he seemed like that type. That arrogant pilot type. But even in just the two letters you received from him you got the hint that he wasn’t that type of guy at all.
I didn’t think you’d actually text me. It’s good to hear from you.
The messages between the two of you were infrequent at best as the semester ended. But he never failed to put a smile on your face. When you needed a pick me up you went through and read the messages that popped up.
On your graduation day you sent him a picture of you and a few friends in a cap and gown with the text: Beat you! You’re also looking at your newest Officer Candidate too!
You didn’t have to wait long for a reply. Your face only grew with glee seeing his response: Congrats Second Lieutenant. And future Captain. Knew you’d do it. You look beautiful as always.
Typing a quick reply, you hid your smile away just knowing your friends would make a stupid comment about the mystery man that always had you so smiley: You’re making me blush all the way up here in New York. I better get a picture next weekend when you do the same, future Lieutenant.
He came through on your request. When you got the text you could only smile. You spotted him in the picture immediately, your eyes drawn to him. He was so damned handsome. How lucky were you to get paired with a guy like that? Your smile grew further when you read the message: Lieutenant (and future pilot) Jake Seresin reporting for picture duty.
The messages occurred naturally between through the years as you were deployed, and he was in school. Some months you texted more and some you didn’t hear from him at all. It never bothered you. The silly little thing called life happened for both of you.
Still, the two of you often made time for phone calls when the time was right. The first time you talked on the phone you thought you were going to quite literally throw up you were so nervous. But in typical Jake Seresin fashion he made you feel cool as a cucumber. You talked and talked and talked into the morning. It felt so normal. Like you were catching up with an old friend. Jake Seresin. Who was this man that was making it hard to date? He was quite literally everything you wanted and needed in a partner. The universe had a funny way of working sometimes.
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It had been six long years since you received that first letter from him. He was off on a mission now. A dangerous one he couldn’t tell you much about. But he wanted you at his arrival back home in San Diego and you promised him you’d be there. Assured him. That’s how you ended up in here pacing in the hotel room contemplating whether you should really go or not. It felt too intimate, like you were intruding. But he did say none of his family would be there, they had other things going on as the mission was a bit of a surprise to everybody. The pilots were all instructed to keep it as quiet as possible.
Your hands were shaking as you parked your car in the overcrowded lot. Gripping the steering wheel, you took a long breath in. You could do this. You had to do this. For him, for you. You stepped out of the car and made you way to the dock. The aircraft carrier was already docked by the time you got to the meeting site. You stood back and waited. Watched and waited. It felt like an eternity then finally the men and women started pouring out in their Navy Whites. You’d always thought they looked the sharpest of the bunch, but you’d never tell Jake that. He’d make fun of your Army uniforms or something like that.
It felt like both an eternity and seconds later that you spotted him amongst the crowd of sailors exiting the ship searching high and low for you. You promised you’d be there. And here you were. He either felt your eyes on him or had an uncanny sense of timing as his eyes locked with your own. His smile had melted you right there on the spot. You felt helpless as you willed your brain to move but it wouldn’t. You only began to panic a little as he moved with ease through the crowd making his way right to you.
He stood in front of you. Jake Seresin stood in front of you, much taller than you thought, “I knew I recognized you. First Lieutenant Y/L/N.” His eyebrows raised as you gaped at him with wide eyes as if he wasn’t really there. Closing your mouth, you knew you needed to pull it together but that sounded much easier said than done. Jake freaking Seresin, your pen pal was really standing in front of you in real life. He was more of enigma in your mind at this point. Somebody you could have deep life conversations with so easily but never having actually met the man it was hard for you to grasp he was really real. And standing in front of you.
“Jake.” You smiled hoping it sounded somewhat normal. He was so much more handsome than the photos he sent through the years. How was that possible? Wasn’t it supposed to go the other way? You continued once your head finally could form coherent sentences, “Well it’s actually Captain now. Got promoted a couple weeks ago.”
He turned his head to the side just slightly, “You didn’t tell me that.” Almost looking offended you hadn’t told him.
“Never felt like the right time to divulge. With this mission and all. Had to keep you locked in.” You looked up to him now studying his face as you gained more courage talking to him. He was something your dreams couldn’t make up.
He nodded not daring to take his eyes off you. He too thought you were even prettier than he could have envisioned. You’d sent pictures and he’d followed your social media, but nothing could’ve prepared him. Especially in your civilian clothes, he was a sucker already. Deep down Jake knew you were the reason he was so non-committal before. He was looking for somebody just like you and couldn’t find her. Yet here you stood in front of him. You were so funny and witty and smart, and yet he couldn’t put it all into words. You are the whole package and so much more.
“You still could’ve told me. We talked enough before I left.” He grinned seeing that the tension was already easing from your shoulders.
You shook your head, “Wasn’t about me Seresin. I just wanted you to stay focused and safe. And thank goodness you did.” You admitted a little more than you wanted, but he just made you feel so gushy. Like you were a sweeter version of yourself you could hardly recognize. And the words just kept flowing out when he gave you that look with those green eyes.
“Oh yeah?” He challenged you a bit sensing that you were starting to feel a bit more comfortable with him already, “Didn’t think you’d be so relieved darlin’.”
Ignoring the sweet term of endearment you shook your head, “And waste six years of my life on nothing? Jake that’s so inefficient. Of course, I want you safe.” The words came fast, and they were snarkier than you intended. But you truly couldn’t help it.  He had you relaxed within the first five minutes of talking to him. You felt like you could just be you.
He threw his head back in laughter. That same weight had lifted right off his shoulders when you snapped back at him like he was waiting on it, “There she is. My favorite mouthy girl.”
He said it so nonchalantly you thought your heart was going to combust on the spot. Your cheeks surely gave way to your reaction to his words. His favorite mouthy girl? Christ. He was trying to send you into a coma or something! Your brain quite literally short circuited as it failed to form any coherent sentence. He only chuckled in response seeing your cheeks heat up in a blazing blush.
“It’s so nice to actually see you in person. You know I’ve always told you this, but it rings even truer even now. You’re quite a stunner, Captain.” His eyes met yours before you looked away quickly feeling as though you were going to faint at those words. You weren’t sure how this interaction was going to go initially. But you really didn’t think he’d come right out and say that he found you stunning. The occasional letter and texts in between had grown flirtier the longer you had known him, but it never crossed your mind he’d be so outright with it.
You turned away out of sheer bashfulness. Never had a man been so bold with you before. It was foreign. Not uncomfortable, no. Nothing could be with him. He made it easier than seemed possible.
“You flatter me Jake.” You grinned up at him hoping your makeup would hide the darkening of your cheeks, “I should say the same for you. Handsome as ever.”
“Now you’re making me blush, Cap.” Sure as hell the faintest pink dusted his cheek, but he seemed much stronger than you. He kept the eye contact going.
You shook your head trying to bite back the big smile you had on your face, but it showed through anyway. How was he doing this? Making you feel so giddy just by looking at him. You knew this man but for the first time it actually felt like you might actually love him. You’d had the deepest conversations with him. When you needed a laugh you texted him. When you craved advice you called him. He was the guy you turned to. And it dawned on you that he never failed to answer you. He wanted to take your calls and answer your texts. He looked forward to it. He too had fallen for a woman he’d never met before.
You needed the change the subject and fast or more words would be tumbling out, “How was the mission? Everyone make it out okay?” You asked having no idea what you were getting yourself into. Jake hadn’t told you much about what they were doing, couldn’t tell you much. But now that it was over he couldn’t wait to tell you every nitty gritty little detail.
“I’ll tell you if you let me buy you a drink?” He gave you a smirk that sent nerves racing throughout your body. Jesus. This man was something else.
Giving him a curious once over you nodded, “Shouldn’t I be the one buying you a drink sailor? You coming home and all?”
“Absolutely not. I’ll never let you buy me a drink darlin’.”
Gosh, Jake was actually going to be the death of you. He was so good making his words come off so easily. You felt terribly high strung next to him, “And why not?”
“Because I’m trying to woo you sweetheart. When I get you to go on a date with me I have to impress you. Inevitably that’ll work and you’ll become my girlfriend. And I can’t have my girlfriend paying for my drinks, no. And it’ll only get worse when I get the pleasure of marrying you. If my wife thinks she’ll pay for a thing she had another thing coming.” He gleamed at you as if he didn’t just say all of that.
You gulped before a stupid smile grew on your face. Of course, you knew he was forward but again, he just took you on an entirely new adventure with that statement, “That’s quite a bold statement Jake.”
He shrugged, “I thought I should make my intentions perfectly clear. I think you’re one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. And you’re perfectly you. Sharp as tack. Funnier than ever. You’re you. And I really like you.”
You let out a breath not sure if you really believed all of that, “So not just pals, huh?” It was all you could think of quickly but that did it for him. Sealed the deal. He knew he was going to marry you right then and there. You’d complete him in every way he needed you and vice versa.
He shook his head taking his arm in yours, “Not just pals.” Leaning into his gentle embrace you led him to your car where he would not let you drive. He insisted that it was a gentleman’s job even if he was only running off four hours of sleep. You’d appeased the man who was on his very best behavior. Not that you minded. Nope, not at all. You were thrilled that Jake was exactly who he seemed to be. Your Jake. Not just pals indeed.
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Jake Seresin/Top Gun: Permanent Taglist (If you'd like to be added to any or all works please fill out the form here: Taglist Sign Up) @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @mamachasesmayhem @hardballoonlove @rosiahills22 @djs8891 @illisea @jessicab1991 @guacam011y @dempy
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chishiyaisasnack · 7 months
It’s under my skirt, Doctor
Hello everyone! It’s been a while. I finally got this little thing together, and I hope you all like it.
Disclaimer! This is smut. Stay away if you aren’t of agw or if you’re uncomfortable with the topic. Remember to use protection in real life!
Written and posted on mobile, I apologize for any wierd formatting.
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Chishiyas life was work. Long hours, sometimes so long that he didn’t leave the hospital before his next shift. The couch in his office had become soft from where he slept, countless days and nights spent there alone. Not that it mattered, not to him. He liked his job. Kind of. There was nothing else he wanted to do anyway, so filling his life with something that kept his brain occupied and evolving was good enough. Once he stopped caring about all the injustice he focused solely on performing surgeries. The heart was an interresting thing, so small, so powerful. One wrong move and a life could end. Sometimes he wondered what that would feel like. He would never play with a life like that, he wasn’t completely insane, but the thought had showed up once or twice.
This particular shift got his mood turning all over the place. Everyone was whiny, rude and just hard to deal with. Twelve hours of pretending to be respectful was hard enough on the good days.
When he got back to his office he sank down into the couch, contemplating buying new cushions soon because they were starting to get uncomfortable. He needed to get his mind cleared out, to stop thinking about work and kids and parents who he wanted to toss in the trashcan.
A vibration went off in his pocket, making his head hurt just thinking about what they would need him for now. He just wanted to rest. So, when he picked it up and saw the notification on his screen he got pleasently suprised.
Y/N: Hey, sorry to disturb your work but I have a medical issue that I wondered if you could take a look at? I can come over in 10 minutes if that works for you.
He couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. Normal people didn’t use the words ”medical issue” as a synonym for ”I want to fuck” but it worked very well for the two of them. Chishiya had met her at a work gathering and that turned out to be the best stress reliever he could wish for, and he knew that she used him for that exact same reason. Some might say that they were dating, but the only times they really met in person was just for sex and maybe some lunch afterwards. Chishiya did spend occasional nights at her place since she lived closer to the hospital than he did, and getting his dick wet then sleep in a bed instead of his office couch was a nice change.
Ten minutes later the telltale three knocks on his office door woke him up from his thoughts. Trying not to run to the door in excitement, he stood up, took a deep breath and changed into his normal ’I don’t care about anything’-face before opening it. The ’not caring about anything’-face changed as soon as he saw what was on the other end of the doorframe. He was not prepared for her standing there, panties hanging from slender fingers on one of her hands and her head cocked to the side. The skirt she was wearing was short and flowy, almost revealing what was, or rather what wasn’t underneath it.
”Eager are we?” Chishiya welcomed her in a smug voice, trying to hide the mess his head was already in. She winked at him in response.
”You usually don’t have very long so I thought I’d be prepared.” She walked straight to him, put the underwear in the chest pocket of his white doctors coat and kicked the door closed behind her. Chishiya could hear the click from the lock but was more interrested in the cleavage that her ”too tight to be comfortable”-top was showing. He didn’t even try to hide that he liked what he saw. He knew she liked it. A finger under his chin woke him up from his thoughts and when he looked up he was met with sparkling eyes full of excitement when she gazed back into his.
”Hmm.. I like how professional you look in this outfit” she purred as she smoothed her hands up his chest until she reached his neck, hands tangling in the blonde strands in the back until his hair tie fell to the floor, one thumb tracing his ear. ”I’d let you examine me any day.”
Chishiya rolled his eyes at her attempt at flirting, but rather than giving her a comeback he reached in and put his hands on her bare thighs, inching further up while he kissed that lovely space between her neck and shoulder that made her whimper every time.
”So, what did you want me to take a look at?” Chishiya murmered teasingly into her ear. She hummed and moved her hands back down to his shoulders, gripping onto the neck of his coat.
”It’s under my skirt, Doctor.”
In one swift move she grabbed the stethoscope still hanging around his neck and pulled him with her until they both hit the wall behind her, before crashing her lips into his with urgency, and Chishiya returned it with just as much desire as he was given. It was intoxicating, her soft lips, the sweet smell of her perfume, her hands tugging at his hair trying to coax him closer.
His hands went from her thighs to her waist, with just a quick squeeze at her ass first, clenching his fingers in the fabric of her shirt, pulling her even closer so that she could feel that this was affecting him too. His cock was already getting hard, pushing uncomfortably against his pants, but her soft stomach gave great friction whenever she moaned and rubbed herself against him.
Trying to deepen the kiss, she slid her tounge against his lips, making him smile against her whine when he didn’t answer her attempt. He was the one calling the shots and he wanted her to remember that. Instead of giving her what she wanted he pried his lips away from hers and targeted her neck.
The sweet sounds she made whenever his lips caressed her made his head spin. He couldn’t keep his hands still any longer and torturously slow started to inch them up the skin under her top, feeling the way she moved under them, how she was shivering against his touch and how her lungs moved with every heated breath that left her. He knew that undressing her probably wasn’t the best idea in case someone managed to interrupt them, but when he felt her breast under his palms, so soft and squeazable and utterly wonderful to nibble at, his desire to put his face between them took over his rationality. So, after he sucked down on the skin on her shoulder - and grinned at the sour moan she made - he pulled her top off and started his descent down her body. Somewhere in the back of his mind he heard the thump that her head made when she threw it back against the wall but he was far more interrested in the goosebumps that spread under the line he licked down her collarbone. When he finally moved his mouth over her nipple he felt a hand grip his shoulder with a strenght that was sure to leave a mark.
The noises she made went straight to Chishiyas cock. His mind was so clouded by the need to be inside her that he was having trouble keeping his teasing facade in check. Nestling his face in her chest did ground him a bit though, it was the whines that followed it that made him throb in his pants.
”Fuck, Chishiya… lower please” she begged, shivering when he swept his tounge over her other nipple. The gentle squeeze from his other hand earned him another whimper - and a fist in his hair trying to push him further down. He complied with a quiet laugh, loving how aroused she was from just this. Not that he had anything to say about that, he was aching just as bad as she was.
He didn’t bother to take her skirt off, he just held it up with one hand while running the other up her inner thigh, slow and steady so that he could hear her quiet complaints that he took too long.
”Hold it” he commanded, looking at her and then the skirt, nodding towards it to make his point. A shaky hand took a hold of the hem of the skirt and he shifted his focus back to her soft thighs, leading up to her glistening center that he couldn’t wait to be inside. He couldn’t help himself and squeezed the inside of her thigh, thinking about how great it would feel to have them wrapped around him - then laughed at her impatient grunt before giving in and giving her what she asked for.
With one hand he hiked her leg over his shoulder and then he dove in and let his tounge spread her open, loving the wetness he was met with. A cascade of ’yes’-es fell from her mouth as she rolled her hips in time with his tounges movements. A long lick between the folds, flicking over the clit, sucking, kissing, circling… he knew exactly what she liked and he gave it to her. Every time her moans got a little louder he slowed down, dragging out the sensation (and pissing her off just a little just because he could). It was his favourite leisure activity and he could go for hours if he had the time. Unfortunately he didn’t and with a last lick he stopped, her disappointed groan chiming like music in his ears.
He rose to his feet, one hand still lingering on her thigh, the other moving a strand of hair from her face that was so lovely and flushed from desire. There was a hint of irritation from the way her eyebrows scrunched together, but it disappeared when he used the same hand that he just caressed her cheek with to draw a line along her pussy, wet and warm, and so inviting, making her squirm under his touch.
”I want to take my time with you but we’re in a bit of a hurry,” he reminded her. ”Come here.”
Chishiya started walking towards the couch, sat down and patted his lap as an invitation for her to sit.
”I’m tired and have been working all day,” Chishiya playfully told her, watching her eyes roll as she walked towards him, which made him chuckle. He enjoyed how obvious she was with everything and that she didn’t take any of his shit. She was strong and powerful and he wouldn’t have a chance against her wits if she wanted to ruin him. And he didn’t want it any other way.
”You need a new couch” she complained while straddling his lap, knees sinking down too far and throwing off her balance before she put her hands on his shoulder and shuffled her way forward to hover over his length.
”But I really like my couch” he lied, lazily putting his hands on her waist to pretend to help her.
”Sure you do. Take off your pants, or are you too tired to do that to, Doctor?”
For once he hurried, mostly because his dick was aching and he couldn’t wait for it to be inside her. So he moved his pants and boxers out of the way, enough to release his cock. She didn’t waste a second and sank down onto it right away.
Both of them moaned, her from finally being filled and him from finally being hugged by her warm, wet walls. When she started to move, riding him nice and deep, he couldn’t help himself and let his head fall back so he could watch her face as she fucked herself on him.
”Fuck, I’ve been needing this” he groaned as she took him in, Chishiya pushing as far in as he could to savour that warm and tight feeling that her insides gave him. ”You feel so good.”
”Fuck…” was the only answer he got, but it sounded perfect. Breathless and broken, turning into another moan when his cock hit her sweet spot again.
She rode him deep and fast, her wet walls stroking his cock in rhythm with her movements. Desperate to feel more of it, he bucked up into her to bury himself as deep as he could. Her hands was on his shoulders, nails digging deep into his white coat.
Chishiyas hands were everywhere, grabbing her ass hard as she bounced on his lap, sliding up her waist when he went back to rolling her hips, cupping her breasts when he took over and fucked her from below. The bliss on her face drove him on, making him thrust harder and angling his hips so that he hit that spongy spot inside her with every thrust. He could feel her getting close, her insides tightening and clamping down around his cock, stroking the life out of him with it. He wouldn’t last much longer either - he needed her to come so that he could join her. So he slid a hand down to her center, putting two fingers on her clit and started to circle it in time with his thrusts. The loud groan she let out at the sensation made the fire in his stomach grow even more and, fuck, he needed her to orgasm.
”Y/N, come for me,” he hissed and pressed down harder on her clit. ”Fuck, come on my cock.”
And so she did. With a rough moan into his neck he felt her walls clamping down on his cock, so fucking tight, before convulsing around him. Maybe he should have stopped and let her catch her breath but his hips moved at their own will now. He fucked her with desperation, each thrust bringing him closer, until he emptied himself deep inside her. She moaned as he did, rocking her hips to stimulate him more until his cock had stopped twitching.
Chishiyas hands landed on her waist again, this time drawing soft circles on her skin, making her shiver under his touch. Her breath was warm against his neck when she nuzzled her face there. He let her rest on him, he was too satisfied to move anyway. They sat like that until both their breathing had calmed down, and until he had gone soft enough to slip out of - although he didn’t want to. She felt too good. But even he wasn’t able to control his body that much. He had tried.
When she moved it was with shaky legs, tired from overworking them on that dumb couch. He smirked as he helped her up onto her feet, casting a glance on the clock hanging on the wall above his desk. There were still time to have some more fun, and even if his dick was tired, his tounge wasn’t. Standing up next to her he bent in, moved a strand of her hair away from her face, and softly spoke into her ear.
”So, is there anything else you want me to examine?”
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zxoaii · 1 month
Everyone but you
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fem! reader x Mike Schmidt
Summary: Mike finally opens up about his soft spot for you.
WC: 4.8k
Warnings: NSFW 18+ (idk how to do this its smut)
A/N: I was already halfway through this when the votes tied for this and Peeta so let’s hope Peeta doesn’t surpass Mike
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[ Y/n ]
“You know, you’re actually pretty weird.”
Mike looks up at me with an unamused look on his face. “I’m weird?” He takes a fry from my tray. I nod with my mouth full.
“I’ve never met a security guard who was as good looking as you.” My smile forces through mid-sentence. I can’t ever keep a straight face. Mike on the other hand can only keep a straight face.
He shakes his head at me and pulls his wallet out of his pocket. “Can you go get me some fries? Now I want some.” When he opens his wallet I catch a glimpse of a photo.
“Who’s that?” I reach out and grab his wallet. “That’s my sister, Abby.” He actually tells me. Mike omits most things about his life. “She’s cute. How old is she?”
The wallet is taken from my hands. “I’ll tell you if you go get me a large fry with some ketchup.” Our eyes meet for a moment. I’m the first to give in. His gaze always melts me.
“Fine.” I grab the five from his hand and get up from the table. As I make my way across the food court I glance at the clock on the wall.
Damn, I only have ten minutes left on my break. Sometimes I wish I had a reason to call security during my shift just so I could see Mike. He never really walks near the Victoria’s Secret.
I guess it’d be kind of weird if he lingered around it though…
“Hi. Can I just get a large fry please.” I look back at the table to check if Mike is still there. I’m not sure why I check like this when I leave. He always stays. And he always comes back too.
“Here.” The kid at the register hands me the receipt. “Thanks.” I take it and move off to the side to wait for the food.
Mike is a confusing guy. Most of the time I’m not actually sure if he likes me. He doesn’t smile or laugh. He doesn’t talk much either.
Maybe it’s obvious how smitten I am with him. I don’t think I could make it any more obvious. I drop hints for him like my life depends on it. He’s never really acknowledged or reciprocated any of them though.
“Large fry.” I grab the fries off the tray and a handful of ketchup packets. The crowds shift unpredictability. The food court is the worst part of the mall. Easily.
I shoulder my way through the crowd and weave through tables. “Here. Now, how old is she?” I drop into the seat and reach for the rest of my burger. “She’s six but she thinks she’s 16. That girl fights for independence like her life depends on it.”
Mike smiles a little as he talks about her. “You guys are close?” He doesn’t seem to mind talking about her. “Yeah.” Damn, I thought I’d get more than that.
“How much longer do we have?” Mike shovels his food. “Uhh… Five minutes.” A feeling of sadness actually washes over me.
“We should hang out after work.” That is the boldest I’ve been so far. It still doesn’t seem to faze him at all. “I can’t.” Mike takes one of my napkins to wipe ketchup off his face.
“Why?” The sting of rejection hits me hard. “I have to get Abby from school.” He looks back at the clock. “I can meet you somewhere after.”
“I don’t have anyone to watch her.” I’m taken aback by this comment. “What about your parents?” Maybe I’m prying too far now. “Look, if you want to do something you’ll have to come over to my place.”
Do something? I’d like to do a lot of something at his place. My stupid grin is too big to hide. “Yeah, that sounds good.”
Mike nods and puts his trash on my tray. “I’ll meet you here and give you my address later then.”
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I pull my sun visor down and open the mirror. Hopefully I don’t look slutty. Sexy but not slutty. He has a little sister. Maybe she’s actually his daughter…
That’s a bit of a stretch.
I check the time and shut my sun visor. My heart pounds in my chest. This is actually happening. I’m outside Mike’s house. About to go inside.
I used my employee discount to get a new lingerie set just for tonight. Not that I’m expecting anything or something like that… Just in case.
Mike doesn’t even liked being touched. Maybe he doesn’t like sex either. No, that can’t be it. Who doesn’t like sex?
It’s already five past four and I told him I’d be here at four. I turn my car off and step out. The small house has some random toys littering the front yard.
I make my way up to the door and ring the doorbell. Anxiety and anticipation fill my stomach. The door opens and I’m met with the brunette from his wallet.

“Hi Y/n!” She greets me like she knows me. Mike rushes up and pushes Abby aside. “Go finish your dinner.” He mutters to her before turning to me.
We just stare at each other for a moment. Mike steps aside and I let myself in. “Take your shoes off.” Abby calls from the table.
I nod and discard my shoes by the door. There are three plates at the table. Oh god… He is her dad. Her mom is probably somewhere around here.
“I made you a plate.”
“What?” I turn to him, my cheeks heated with blush. “I didn’t know if you’d eaten yet so…” He gestures to the table. “No, I haven’t. Thanks.” I make my way to the table and sit across from Abby.
My plate is filled with mac and cheese and a hotdog. “Sorry… Abs requested this specifically. I would’ve made something nicer otherwise.” Mike sits down at the head of the table. “No, it’s better than what I would’ve had-”
“What were you going to have for dinner?” Abby pokes at her food with her fork. “Don’t interrupt.” She sends Mike an annoyed glance.
I shake my head and put my hands up. “She’s fine… I probably would’ve had some leftover takeout.” Abby nods and looks over to Mike.
I look over at him too, trying to understand what the exchange of glances means. Nothing is said or given away.
The two of them go back to eating like they had come to a silent agreement. I follow them and start eating the food on my plate.
“Y/n you’re really pretty. I hope I look like you when I grow up.” My face lights up. “Oh my god that’s so sweet. You’ll be prettier than me when you grow up. I’m sure of it.”
Abby turns to Mike again. I feel like I’m definitely missing something here.
The rest of dinner is filled with Abby talking about her day. She doesn’t mention friends. Or talking to anyone but her teachers. The only thing she really talks about is drawing. Mike looks at her like she’s the only thing in the world.
I wonder if he’s ever looked at me like that…
“Can I come with you to work on Saturday?” At this Mike actually rolls his eyes. “You know you can’t. I don’t want to do this tonight.” He takes her empty plate and goes into the kitchen.
Abby throws her head back and groans. I’m not working this Saturday. It would give me an excuse to see him… “I’m not working. I can watch her.” I blurt out.
Both of them stop and look at me. “Really?” Mike walks up behind Abby with his hands on his hips. God it shouldn’t be as sexy as it is. “Yeah, I don’t mind hanging out with you at the mall.”
Abby turns to face her brother. I can imagine the pleading look on her face. When Mike looks away with a sigh we both know his answer. I continue eating my food to avoid the annoyed look I’m being given.
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I sit on the couch alone. The tv is on but my eyes linger on the hall. Mike went in to put Abby to sleep. I’m prepared for the lecture I’ll probably get when he joins me.
Hopefully he isn’t too mad about it though. When the door clicks closed I turn my attention to the tv. In my peripheral vision I can see him walk over to the couch.
“Want some popcorn?” He asks as he sits down on the other side of the couch. “No, thanks.” I look over at him. In his sweatpants and tee he looks like a fucking gift from god.
When Mike looks over at me I don’t bother to look away. Part of me wants to make a move. To finally find out if he wants me too.
“Y/n…” My stomach turns over as he says my name. “Yeah?” I find myself leaning in closer. “I… Abby can be a handful and I can’t pay you for watching her.”
My heart sinks in my chest. “Oh, that’s fine.” I slowly sink back away from him. The annoyance of this avoidance starts to build up inside me.
Does he want me? Does he not want me? Is it worth losing him as a friend if he doesn’t want me? What could happen if he says he does want me?
“Mike I’m interested in you.” I blurt out, not even looking at him. He turns to look at me. I avoid his eyes. The silence drags on for ages. With each passing second feelings threaten to burst out of me.
None of them good.
“I should go.” I quickly get up and head towards the door. As I pass him, Mike grabs my wrist. He stands up and tries to meet my eyes. I avoid him still. Tears threaten to fall.
I don’t need the rejection to be said. His silence was loud enough.
“Please. You don’t have to do this. It was stupid, if I’ve learned anything about you it’s that you hate everyone but your sister. That’s fine. I’ll watch her and-”
“Hate you? I don’t hate anything about you.”
At this point I’m so overwhelmed with contradictory feelings the only feeling that I can clearly feel is nausea.
“What?” Finally I look at him. My breath gets stuck in my chest. “I don’t hate anything about you.” He repeats. “You… Are everything. When I’m alone you are all I can think about. All I can want.”
I exhale a shaky breath. “You do things to me that drive me insane. You have had me since the moment I laid eyes on you.”
I’m left completely speechless. The only thing that makes sense is to pull him closer. I wrap my arms around his neck and smash my lips onto his.
Mike drops his hands to my hips. He pulls me in closer so our bodies are pressed against each other. Our kiss is lustful and desperate. Neither of us can get enough of each other.
We stumble around for a moment until my back hits the wall. His taste is intoxicating. Mike moves down to kiss my neck. I take quick and shallow breaths.
The heat pooling in my underwear is unbearable. I squirm under his touch. With one hand I grab his hair, I use the other to stifle my moans.
Mike pulls away from me and takes some deep breaths. “Is this ok?” He asks obliviously. “Don’t talk.” I pull him back in and kiss him again.
“Wait. Not here.” He pulls me with him into his room. As soon as the door is shut he pulls his shirt off. His toned body is better than I could’ve imagined.
My fingers trace the shape of his abs, sliding down toward his v-line. His heavy breathing drives me insane.
I reach down and lift my own shirt. Mike’s hands slide up my body and push it off me eagerly. “Fuck.”
The only light comes from the street lamps outside his window. It creates harsh shadows that define every inch of him. I reach down and slide my fingers into his waistband.
As our eyes meet I’m sure our intentions are the same. I remove the last of his clothes carefully. Mike steps out of his pants and pulls me over to his bed.
He sits on the edge and pushes me down into a kneel in front of him. Without exchanging any words I took his tip into my mouth.
“Ohh fuck.” His rough hand grabs the back of my head. My tongue works around his shaft. I use my hands to carefully rub what isn’t in my mouth. “Come on. You can take more than that.”
Mike’s hand puts pressure on my head. I sink lower on his cock, taking as much as I can. “That’s perfect. Good girl.” His hand slides off my head and down my back. My bra is unhooked and slides down my arms.
My hands work to undo my pants. As I pull my head back for air I work them down over my ass. Mike watches me through half lidded eyes.
He tugs his lip between his teeth as I lower my head again. The taste of his precum fills my mouth. My pants sit at my knees. As I try to reach down to relieve myself, Mike grabs my wrist.
“Don’t.” His voice is husky and demanding. I obliege and instead grab onto his legs. The sounds of my mouth fill the room. Mike’s quiet moans push me to do more.
My nails dig into his skin as his tip brushes the back of my throat. Nothing I’ve ever dreamt of compares to this. To the lustful look he has in his eyes.
Mike grabs my face to stop me. My desperation for anything for him shows out. As I sit on his floor with my pants half down and no top, Mike looks at me like I’m the only thing in the world.
“Stand up.” He demands. I slowly raise myself up from the ground. My pants fall to my ankles. Mike lifts my leg and removes my pants then follows with the other.
God his attitude has never driven me this wild. His lips caress my stomach. My fingers twist into his hair.
My hand clenches into a fist as his fingers brush against my core. “Jesus.” The feeling of his rough hands being so gentle with me drives me insane.
I know he can do so much more. I wish he would. “How’s this?” Mike’s finger brushes past my clit. “Good.” My voice shakes as I answer him.
“Just good? You deserve better than that.” His breath is hot on my stomach. I toss my head back as his fingers rub me harder. “Ah!” My hand covers my mouth to shut me up.
“Like that?” Mike kisses my belly. “Yes. God, don’t stop.” I roll my hips with his fingers. The feeling of hush tongue on my skin drives me crazy.
I want to taste his lips again. Not only that, I want him to just fuck me. A raw fuck would drive me insane.
“You’re so wet.” I look down at him, grabbing his shoulder for support. With his free hand Mike strokes himself. His lips tug into a smug grin.
“Give me more.” My pleads seem to get him off more. “Please. I don’t want to wait anymore.” I continue. “Fuck.” His fingers leave my body and with a swift motion and has me down on his bed.
Mike places himself over me. He leans down and presses his lips to mine in a needy kiss. Our bodies grind against each other.
We both want it so badly and simultaneously need this to last forever. This feeling of desperate lust.
“How many times have you thought of me like this?” I whisper as we pull away for air. “A million times.” Mike moves down to my neck, sucking on the bare skin.
My back arches up against him as his teeth add pressure. I have work tomorrow. I don’t bother mentioning it. I want everyone to know how hard I got fucked tonight.
Our make out session ends as abruptly as it started. Mike spreads my legs, holding my thighs apart. He looks to me for a moment. I nod back.
He adjusts himself until his tip is pressed against me. My hand grabs at the sheets. As he slowly thrusts into me, my grip tightens.
Mike’s hands press harder on my thighs. Strangled moans escape from my mouth. I fight to stay quiet. My body responds to him with pure pleasure.
“Jesus christ you were made for me.” His head falls forward between his shoulders. Mike thrusts into me at a steady speed. We touch each other like needy idiots.
My head digs into his pillow. I’m surrounded by him. His smell is intoxicating. His sounds are addictive. His touch is breathtaking.
“Mike.” I moan, reaching up to grab at his back. “Harder.” I hold him closer to me. Mike obliges and starts to fuck me harder.
“You’re so good.” He whispers, gripping my hip. How do we go back to normal after this? Do we? How do I keep my hands off of him after this?
“Turn over.” Mike pulls out of me with one sudden movement. I quickly turn onto my stomach. His hands grab my hips, pulling my ass up.
I dig my face into the pillow as I anticipate his penetration. When he finally slides back into me my moans are quieted.
“God, fuck.” He grunts as he builds back up to a steady rhythm. My legs start to slide apart with each thrust. Mike grabs them to steady me.
Warmth starts to build up in my stomach. I don’t want this to end yet. This hasn’t lasted nearly long enough.
My fists clutch his sheets again. I let myself moan more freely now that my face is in the pillow.
Our skin meets with a rhythmic clap. Mike tries to quiet it but doesn’t seem to care enough to change positions. Thank god.
I’ve never been fucked like this. I hope no one ever has the chance to fuck me again. This is it. No one could possibly be better than this.
“Are you close?” Mike groans. “Yes.” I choke out. “God your cunt is clenching around me.” One of his hands slides from my thigh to between my legs.
He presses onto my clit, circling his finger slowly. My whines start to creep out louder and louder. My orgasm builds up satisfyingly slow.
“Don’t stop.” I beg, laying my head in my arms. Mike continues with his movements. The feeling continues to build up more quickly now.
I feel Mike’s cock twitch inside me. His quiet profanities and grunts give away how close he is as well. I want to see his face as he finishes inside me.
“I want to see you.” My words come out more slurred than they should’ve. At first I’m unsure if he could even understand me.
Then in one swift motion Mike flips me over. His relentless fucking continues immediately after my back hits the mattress. Our faces are both damp with sweat.
His eyes lock with mine, his gaze piercing right through me. There’s nothing he couldn’t get from me. “You’re the most beautiful thing to ever walk this planet.”
I’m taken aback by his comment. Before I can respond my orgasm consumes my thoughts. My back arches up until we’re skin to skin again.
Mike slides a hand under my back, holding me tight. I sink my teeth into his shoulder to hold my moans in. “Fuck.” His grip gets even tighter. We both stay like this until our orgasms have passed.
I lay back down on his bed. Mike lays down next to me. We both stare at the ceiling while we catch our breath. I creep my hand over toward his. When our pinkies touch, Mike takes my hand in his.
“I like you so much.” He mumbles. “You don’t know how crazy you’ve driven me since I first saw you.”
My heart skips a beat in my chest. I turn my head to look at him. Mike looks over at me too. “I didn’t even think you liked me as your friend.” He did nothing to give it away. Ever.
“I don’t like anyone but you. You’re fucking mesmerizing.” He pressed my hand against his lips, kissing my knuckles.
If I’m dreaming don’t ever wake me up.
I lean in and kiss him again. His stubble contrasts my soft skin. The roughness he has is one of his sexiest qualities.
“Do you want to shower?” Mike whispers as we part. “With you?” My hand slides up to his shoulder. “I wouldn’t let you shower alone.” His smirk returns.
That fucking smirk. If he had flashed that at me any time before today I might’ve just grabbed him and kissed him right there. He doesn’t even know how sexy he is.
“I’ll go run the water.” Mike sits up and reaches for his clothes off the floor. “Here.” He slides his boxers back on then walks over to his dresser. I watch as he pulls out another pair of boxers and a tee.
“You can wear this.” As he drops the clothes on the bed he leans in closer to me. I meet him in the middle, pressing another kiss onto his lips. I’m desperate for his touch. Even after all that.
“Alright. I’m going to go get the shower ready… Come join me when you’re ready.” Maybe it’s too dark to see but Mike actually winks at me. Before I can ask him if he really did he’s leaving the room.
I collapse back onto the mattress. Jesus this guy is going to be the death of me.
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sonnetfromsappho · 1 month
good luck, babe! | prologue
pairing: tashi duncan x fem!reader (inclusive reader)
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When not dealing with academic stress, your back-to-back classes, and the burden that came with working at Stanford’s campus bookstore, you granted yourself the luxury of sleeping in on the weekends. You honestly did deserve it after the week you just had, feeling like you were being worked to the literal bone. You understood it came with being in college, but sometimes you wished you could have more time for yourself. It didn’t matter in moments like this, the moments you were with her.
You couldn’t deny that you noticed her shift out of the bed a little earlier on, but knowing the plans you had in mind, you didn’t mind asking where she was going. You picked your head up to see if she was near, and you only assumed that she was getting herself ready for practice. She usually leaves earlier, but you somehow convinced her that she deserved to sleep in. You weren’t lying, she had been working her ass off since you first met her, and she rarely ever gave herself time to relax. Tennis was always so demanding, so you tried to understand why training would become excessive and take up her entire schedule when she wasn’t in class. You never complained much because it never interfered with the time she made for you. 
“I threw you out of whack, didn’t I?” you asked, almost scaring Tashi. She was so wrapped up in getting herself ready that she barely even noticed you woke up.
“You? Never. Besides, I’d probably be waiting until now anyways. I’m training with Art today, and even he said he’s not good with time,” she answered, but not without her making her way over to kiss your forehead, “Good morning, love.”
“Hi, do you want me to come with? I can get ready in five seconds, I have Barry Allen speed, you know,” you joked while shrugging off your covers and getting out of bed. 
“Honestly, I would just stay here and wait for me to get back,” she was fixing up her hair while looking into the mirror you had in your room. You couldn’t help yourself, she just looked so warm, so you snaked your arms around her waist and pulled her into a hug. 
“And if I’m being honest, I say fuck Art and stay here with your super awesome, amazing girlfriend,” you whispered to her and though you noticed the way she tensed at the word ‘girlfriend’, you let it go in that moment. Later, you would overthink the entire interaction. 
“I would love to do that, but I’ve been saying that I’d help him practice for about a week,” she says as she breaks the hug, heading over to where she placed her bag. You tried to shake off any upset that might have been visible on your face, but she noticed anyway. 
“Don’t give me that look,” she scoffed playfully.
“What look?” you asked defensively, you were hoping that she would just let it go. But it was Tashi, she never let anything go, especially when it came to you.
“You’re looking at me like I’m the asshole, I’m sorry babe but I swear I will be yours in…two hours,” she was always able to read you, but you were very happy that she was wrong for once. The last thing you wanted to do was argue with her, especially over something that couldn’t be settled within the next five minutes. 
“Okay, as long as you promise to come back to me,” you make your way back to your bed, getting cozy under the covers.
“And when have I ever broken that promise?” she smiled at you, slinging her bag over her shoulder. 
If you could have seen what would happen in a couple of months, you would have told her at that moment that she had broken her promise. For now, you feigned a smile and mumbled out a ‘never’ in response to her question as she kissed you goodbye.
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imdefinitelyfloating · 4 months
A Perfect Chaos (spencer reid x reader)
Pairing: Spencer x fem! Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
This will switch between Spencer’s POV and Reader’s POV – the first paragraph is Reader, and from there it alternates. I hope it isn’t too difficult to follow along!
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The universe can be funny sometimes. It puts us in places we never expect to be, and sets into motion the new chapter of our lives. And I believe that is exactly what happened when I walked into the BAU bullpen on my first day at my new job, 3 years ago. The only empty desk sat across from a man, with his curly golden locks, his sharp jawline, and the softest eyes; I was sure, this was the most beautiful man I had ever seen. I don’t know if I believe in love at first sight, but that’s the only way I can describe what I felt at that very fateful moment.
My whole life, I’ve been trying to narrow down all the things around me to an exact science. But when she walked in that day, I felt something I had never experienced before. I was… speechless. The way her hair flowed, the way her eyes sparkled, the way her skin shone despite the harsh lighting of the BAU bullpen; I’m sure, this was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid my eyes upon. There’s an old Buddhist saying that, when you meet your soulmate, remember that the act to bring you together was 500 years in the making. So always appreciate and be kind to each other. I don’t know if I believe in soulmates, but that’s the only way I can describe what she would become to me.
Spencer and I became fast friends after I joined the BAU. I don’t know if it was intentional or just a simple coincidence, but Hotch always paired us together on cases, we sat opposite each other every day, and even rode all the same trains on the Metro. It’s safe to say we were quickly becoming the best of friends; we’d have Doctor Who marathons at his place, and have sleepovers at mine. Platonic, of course. There is no doubt in my mind that this is who I love, and this is who want to spend the rest of my life with. But I know he’ll never feel the same way, not for me.
Y/n became a place of comfort for me after tough cases, and she’d always be the one to pull me out and lift me up. She was my best friend, and I loved her, in more ways than she could even understand. I still remember the first time we sat together on the jet. It was a long case, and everyone was worn out. I felt the warmth radiating from her as she rested her head on my shoulder. I’m not the best with touch, but with her I didn’t mind. With her, I wish I could stay like that for all eternity. But I know she’ll never feel the same way, not for me.
Sitting opposite the man everyday, I quickly realised how much Spence loved his coffee (or in his case, sugar with a hint of coffee!) It soon became a tradition for us to bring coffee for each other every morning, and to go down to the little coffee shop a few blocks away on our shared breaks. As we’d walk, he would ramble on about Star Trek, and I’d counter back with my love of Star Wars! If there’s anyone who was going to challenge one of my favourite movie series, I’m glad it was him.
Valentine’s Day was always tough for me. To be honest, I was never really bothered by it until I met Y/n. Seeing her almost every day, but not being able to hold her, not being able to tell her how I really felt, it killed me inside. Every year, I thought this time I’m going to tell her. But when I would open my mouth to speak, it was like I’d forget how to talk, how to breathe. Now, three years later, I’m still just as speechless as I was when I had first met her.
February 14th – a day of love. It was meant to be a beautiful day, but for me it was just another day gone by when I hadn’t confessed my feelings to the man I so desperately wanted to hold, and to love. Still, me and Spence both went for our daily coffee break, both pretending to ignore the clearly obvious tension between us. We both had a lot of paperwork to get through, so we ordered our drinks to go. February in DC is unpredictable to say the least; the sun was finally shining through as we stepped into the small café, but as we stepped out, I felt the rain brush upon my face as I looked up to see clouds looming above us once again. And of course, just my luck, I don’t have my umbrella!
I must have forgotten my umbrella at my desk. The rain is really coming down now, so Y/n and I decide to take a shortcut through the park. We’re practically running now, and well, I’m not the most athletic of individuals. I stop at a bench, with Y/n coming back to hopelessly get me back up. She quickly gives in, sitting down on the small, wooden bench with me. The two of us sit in silence as I struggle to catch my breath in the cold Virginia air. But just as I felt my breath coming down to a more normal pace, I heard Y/n ask me the question I had been hoping she would never ask.
“So, Reid, who’s your Valentine’s?”
It had become something she’d ask me each year, always pestering me to go on dates or trying to set me up with one of her friends. But all I wanted to say was “I wish it was you.” It amazed me, a profiler, and she is still oblivious to how I really feel about her. Instead, I just brush her question off and ask her one instead.
“Who’s yours, Y/n?”
It’s now or never. If I don’t tell him now, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. He has to know.
“I wish you were my Valentine.”
Is this real? Did she really just say that? No, she must be joking. She could never love someone like me. I’ll just laugh it off. Why isn’t she saying anything? And that’s when I saw it. I looked in her eyes. She’s serious? This is happening? Oh, this is happening. It’s now or never, she has to know. And with that, I pressed my lips to hers, and we stayed like that. The rain was pouring, the wind was howling. People were shouting “Get a room!” But we didn’t care. You always hear it in children’s fairytales, that when you truly love someone nothing else matters, the whole world stops except for you. I had never believed it until now, but Y/n is my fairytale come true.
As our lips parted from one another, we rested our foreheads together. Magic really does exist, because Spencer Reid is my magic.
Eventually, Y/n and I made it back to work. We were so ready for a trademark Hotch glare, coming back so long after our break had finished. But all we heard was Rossi, “Finally, thank God they admitted it!” I was about to speak, but Y/n read my mind and beat me to it:
“How did you- HOW?!”
Everyone erupted into a fit of laughter, Emily and JJ making pointing fingers and teasing as Garcia literally suffocated me in a classic Penelope hug. And then there’s Morgan patting Spencer a little too enthusiastically on the back, “Pretty Boy, my man!” Even Hotch gave a rare smile as he and Rossi observed the scene. It was a perfect chaos, and in the middle of it all stood Spencer and I, my soulmate and I.
Thank you for reading! 🥰💗
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pascalcampion · 7 months
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Under the Boardwalk.
I was at Lightbox a few weeks ago and I bumped into a friend I hadn’t seen in a while. ( hey Francis! We need to do lunch) He was laughing because he said that he had just seen a trailer for this thing I did some work on years ago. It took me a minute to realize he was talking about Under the Boardwalk. Movies do take a while to get done.
Anytime I see a movie in a theater that doesn’t come from Pixar, Disney, Illumination or Dreamworks, I clap my hands in my mind. It is SO hard to get to the finish line. Each movie that you see is the result of a series of small miracles.
I did a couple months of work on it. I was think it was in preproduction at the time. It was called Jersey Crabs at the time and there were only three people on it. At least, I only met three.
There was Chris Zibach, Ericka Stewart and David Soren.
I had just come off of two rather long and hard productions and I was a bit burned out about Art direction, production design or just… design in general.
When I first got an email about this, I wasn’t sure. But I went over to Paramount to meet with all three of them.
And you know what? They were fantastic.
Ericka was the producer and she had this no nonsense approach. Tell me your price, I’ll tell you if we can do it, if not we’ll figure something out. Boom. Done. She cut to the chase and any time I had a question she would reply within the hour. Her feedback was always short and precise, and she was always encouraging. After I was gone, she emailed me a couple of times to follow up on this or that. She didn’t leave any loose ends AND, something that is absolutely remarkable in this industry, she would reply to emails. She didn’t simply reply when she needed something, but when I would ask her if I could send recommendations, or if there were any other projects going on, she would send me an email back. I think the longest it took her to reply was TWO days, which is incredible.
Chris Zibach. It wasn’t immediately clear what Chris’s role on this was. I knew he was an artist. I had met him a few years prior while visiting a friend at Dreamworks TV I think. He was quieter than Ericka. Not sure if he was shy or I was simply too aloof for him to talk to me. For whatever reason, when I saw him, I thought of Tim Burton. Maybe the genius in him? Not sure. Later, I learned he was the production designer. I was surprised because that is something I typically learn on the first meeting. I was also unsure of his role because I hadn’t seen any of his work before and he didn’t act like any of the production designers I had met before. He wasn’t bombastic or sure of himself. He wasn’t trying to win me over with his talent or past battlefield experiences. He was humble. Yes, I think that’s probably the right word. Humble. But at the time, I couldn’t figure out if it was humility or something else.
It became clear after the first few designs of his I’d seen and especially after I had done a sketch for a moment that I couldn’t quite picture. I wasn’t understanding what they were looking for and Chris did this thirty second sketch that was SO clear, SO readable and SO easy to work with, and I was. OH! Ok.. he’s the real deal.
I love Artists like him. I wish I had worked with him more actually.
And, David Soren, the director
That was such an interesting meeting.
You know how sometimes you are hesitating on a project and you meet the team and all of a sudden it all flips? That’s how it was for this. I didn’t know what this story was based on, I didn’t find crabs particularly interesting, and the story, as it was pitched, wasn’t what I gravitate toward.
But David, wow. He had this energy in the meeting, this confidence. He was good at talking but he could listen AND hear you. He could also answer questions. Any type of question regarding the art, the story, the schedule, the planning. I didn’t know much about him but I came away very impressed.
I gave it a shot and now, I feel I was lucky to have been asked because, even if I was only on this for a very short while, it was one of those candy like work experiences. All good, nothing bad. Short and sweet and really fun.
There was a moment when I was drawing this big long scene that was supposed to be in the middle of a battle and I stopped, look at it and laughed on the inside because I had just realized I was being paid to do this and THIS was SO much fun.
I don’t know what my job was, what I was supposed to bring to the project. I didn’t understand why they had me do these designs when Chris’s work was so different and so unique already, but all three did a good job at quieting those thoughts.
I was working from home and they were on the lot. If I remember correctly, they would send me emails to broadly tell me “ There is a flood there, there is a battle there, there is club, a hotel, etc etc” and I would just do some images on what I thought it could be.
They already had some character designs, and Chris had done a few images, so I wasn’t totally going from nothing.
Each time I would send a set of images, I would get an email back the same day or the next day from either Ericka or David telling me something nice. Never from Chris though. I always wondered why but now I am realizing it was because he was too busy getting the whole thing off the ground.
I would get notes sometimes but not very often. Chris would do little drawers or notes on my images and, again, they were always minimal except for that one set piece and always clear.
I don’t know what the movie is like. I was still working on this when I started with the Peanuts Special which would occupy my life for the next three and a half years.
But I do know that I remember this as a very fun, loving and carefree work experience, which have not come around very often in my career.
Thank you Ericka, Chris and David.
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AITA - me and my bestfriend (bsf) of six years recently got into a 2 week long argument and at this point have stopped talking. First i need to provide some back ground of the situation. Last November i became friends with “J”. This itself caused some arguments because they have similar names and sometimes i’d slip and call bsf, J, on accident and would immediately apologize. After a couple times of this happening she got really upset but i explained i’d been doing the same to J and she seemed to be less upset about it.
In the beginning of January, J and her bestfriend “E” got into some pretty serious drama where information from both sides never matched up but i’d known and used to be friends with E for a while. He is not a great guy speaking from past experience. (he constantly talks about how he’s a narcissist very proudly) He was claiming they had slept together and was telling all of his friends about it. She was saying they hadn’t. These rumors had been going around for months about them but had died down until this. the problem is i believed J but bsf was close with E and sided with him. I’d like to make a note through this entire situation neither me or bsf played any roll in it to my knowledge. this was just between E and J. Later on i found out they had slept together from J and asked why she had said they hadnt she said it was an agreement between the two of them that they wouldn’t say anything to anyone else because of the rumors people were already spreading about them being together. But once she found out it was definitely him telling people this time she told me the truth. yeah they had slept together then he forced her to take a plan B even though he knew she was on birth control and they’d used a condom. then ghosted her and pretended not to know her when asked by Js twins sisters best-friend.
Now it’s about 3 weeks ago where i posted two separate story’s saying how much i loved J and her sister and the other about how much i love bsf. about 10 minutes later bsf texted me “just delete this.” i of course asked why but she never responded so i took it down like she asked. later that day she reply’s to a text i had sent her the day before saying “nothing much just wishing i was hanging out with you” she replied “right.” at this point i’m genuinely confused what’s happening i had a feeling it was about J somehow because every time i posted about J it would be the one thing she didn’t like or comment on and she would get annoyed when i’d mention some thing me and J had done recently. i immediately replied with “of course, i love hanging out with you. your my best friend” A couple hours later she send me a three paragraph message saying how she didn’t think that anymore because i was ignoring everything she was telling me about what E was saying. That i was only taking J’s side and always talking about what J was saying about her side. She said I was using her as a separate option that if J couldn’t hang out i would call her. etc at the end of the message she told me she would never make me choose but that she will never trust anything J says. (they’ve literally never met or talked the only thing she hears about J is through E or me) she ends it with do whatever you want to do but don’t do anything for me. keep being friends with her idk i’m keeping my distance from all that. I replied with a message basically saying that she wasn’t the second option, i wasn’t sure who to trust, and that i try to avoid talking about the situation with J. we go back and forth with her apologizing for how she’s acting then getting mad about me not just believing her over everything else i’m being told. Then she tried to claim she never said J was wrong but that she knows she’s lied to me (the thing i mentioned in the first paragraph is the only time she’s lied to me) that she never picked a side and that she can’t believe how hurt she feels when “i’m supposed to be her bestfriend” i brought up the fact that i had asked her more than once if me being friends with her bothered her and she always said no. That this wouldn’t have exploded like this if we could have talked it out before. she took that as me saying this was all her fault.
A couple days later she messages me asking to talk in person i say when and where but she just send me a message about her feelings anyways again apologizing for how she’s acting and that she felt i wasn’t listening to her but it hurt more to lose me etc but continuing to say she doesn’t think i should be friends with J but it’s my choice. I reply i was listening but i think we were both just trying to find the facts in a situation we will never really know who was lying 100%. but i made a point in the massage to say i wasn’t going to stop being friends with J and that i didn’t understand why me and bsf relationship was so affected by me and J’s. She gets mad again bringing up a hate account that was made claiming J had made it but J had shown me that she hadn’t and it was investigated by our school who also said she didn’t do it. that it was my choice to be friends with her but that i don’t understand how it’s affecting her and that it wasn’t fair. at this point i was really mad because it really felt like she was trying to force me to choose between them two in a way. i replied saying she hadn’t made the account and said i don’t think J is the reason we stopped talking and that i feel like she was making me choose even though she was saying she wasn’t. she then replied saying she didn’t make me choose but that i had chose J over her and “that i guess you though she needed more attention” (yeah maybe because J is not mentally handling this well at all and your fine because your not actually involved with this drama) i didn’t reply to her but about another week later i texted her “i just want to be friends with both of you. why can’t i do that” she replied i understand but i don’t think you should be friends with she’s not a good person but hope your having fun it’s all i wanted for you. that’s the end of the messages at this point.
TLDR : (do we do those here??) bestfriend of three years stopped talking to me because i became friends with another girl who later got into drama with best friends close friend E (A PROUDLY SELF PROCLAIMED NARCISSIST I MIGHT ADD)
What are these acronyms?
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Outsiders from Johnny’s perspective
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55868605
usual Outsiders warnings. Suicidal ideation (will get kind of detailed in later chapters), violence, etc
please give me criticism, but main thing is just that you enjoy, I hope whoever’s reading likes this
That day, I had probably been off on my own, at the lot or something. Soon enough, things got crazy, as Ponyboy had been jumped. He was taken care of and all, but Darry told him off. I didn’t want what happened to me to happen to him, but I wish he didn’t have to watch out. Tulsa, and who knows where else- people like us, greasers, we’re targeted. It bummed Pony out, and me too, but it hurt him the most. He couldn’t get over it, and sometimes I felt like it was childish, saying the world wasn’t fair, but I knew it wasn’t right. It had messed with all of us, and I wondered if it’d ever end. Answering my own question, I knew it wouldn’t, but all we could do was try to do what we could with what we had. Ultimately, we’d always be cut down. I found my feet moving without thought, keeping up with the others till we got to the Curtises. Quickly, the tension in the otherwise warm home grew thick enough to be cut with a knife as Darry, Soda, and Pone began to argue. All I could do was stay quiet, there. Any interference made things worse, added fuel to the fire. Changing the subject, Dal piped up easily, “Speakin’ of movies,” he yawned, then continued after flicking his cigarette, “I’m walking over to the Nightly Double tomorrow night. Anybody want to come and hunt some action?” Steve replied with something about him and Soda going to a game, and I looked between Steve and Pony as the tension rose again. Sometimes, Steve saw Pone as a tag along. Pony, obviously, wasn’t always like that, so he took offense to Steve’s nasty look. I think Steve was jealous of Pony getting Soda’s attention, but Pone had a skewed view of himself. He took it personally, ‘cause he didn’t seem to think people liked him. Feeling like that- I understood him, and I stuck by his side. Suddenly, Darry interjected with something about work. I felt awful for him, having a lot on his shoulders, and the responsibility crushed a lot of opportunities for him. Pony couldn’t quite see it for what it was, so they tended to argue. I just hoped that they would figure things out, because I knew that they both cared about each other. Interrupting my thoughts, Pony answered for the both of us about going with Dally. I was glad for that, because I hadn’t been paying attention, and I didn’t really feel like talkin’. Darry said he could go, and I wasn’t surprised, ‘cause he wasn’t the most strict on him going out. He may’ve had him on a tight leash as far as school and all, but he meant well. I didn’t ever try to convince Pone, because I knew they’d have to work it out themselves, and he wouldn’t take me seriously. Dally updated us all on Sylvia, and they had broken up again. She had two-timed him. Honestly, I wished Dally could find someone who really loved him. But it ain’t like any good girls would give us a chance. Sylvia had even tried hittin’ on me once, but Steve chased her off. Dally deserved better than whatever he had made up in his head about it all. He was gallant, and all he could think of himself was that he was a hood. Well, he was good, and he could be better, but I knew he never would. Don’t get me wrong, I think he’s one of the best people I’ve ever met, but he’d just accepted that for himself. Tryin’ to convince him otherwise would be like trying to control the sea; it simply didn’t do any good, ineffective. I think we could all be that way sometimes, but Dal would get what he wanted till the end. I swallowed hard. At least he had that. All I was, all the worth I brought.. they all thought of me as a pet, at best. I was someone to be protected, and I didn’t feel sixteen. I’d never have thought that I’d make it even that far, and sometimes I wished I hadn’t. In my messy thoughts, I couldn’t make sense of what was reasonable or not. I wanted to clear my head, smoke.
Tumblr is being stupid and not saving so this is part one part two will be in the reblogs
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jaybirdss · 2 years
I really liked your writing and I was hoping to put in a Garmadon request.
(Also love the Misako slander)
Could you write one where it's Garmadon x ninja reader where they first meet when he's Lord Garmadon and he becomes interested in her.
They later meet again when he's sensei Garmadon and they got this chemistry going on that everyone slowly notices.
🩰 Writing this took at least ten years off my life to be honest. And the ending is a little rushed :((
Also, like how I twisted Morro’s ending, I’m doing the same with Garmadon. He wasn’t sent to the cursed realm and will be present in a later season in the time skip of this fic <33
3k Words, No warnings
*mild* age gap, i suppose
You were barely getting used to your true potential when you first met Lord Garmadon. Fresh to the team, you always had felt like the odd one out. Being the (technical) oldest and all.
The others were fresh out of their teens, the youngest barely even 18 whenever you all became a team. You automatically were dubbed the cool older sibling when they all found out you were 25, quickly learning that freshly turned adult teenagers are still quite more childish than you’d assume. And that was okay. You enjoyed their innocence, their rambunctious attitudes, and their will to fight. Nights where you'd be up, giggling at how Jay chased Kai around with a handful of electricity. Mornings where you’d assist Zane in cooking, watching as your culinary goodness be thrown around in an outrageous food fight. You quite loved your brothers, but with their age, came an attitude.
Like now, for instance. Due to Lloyds abduction, Lord Garmadon had become a part of your daily lives in hopes of bringing him home quicker. He ate with you all, slept under the same roof, and spent free time near one another. A peaceful housemate, in a more evil lord type of peaceful. The boys all thought some ill of him and his way of life, specifically Kai. Always served up a snarky comment or quick glare whenever he was near. You, on the other hand, were surprisingly quite kind to the villain, despite how wicked he had seemed. You’d taken an interest and liking to how he lived throughout the day, and even struck up quick conversations with you. You'd subconsciously found yourself flocking towards the man.
The others had always found it strange.
The thunderstorm was loud, bright, and potentially nauseating to those afraid of things such as this. Like you’d promised not long ago, you joined Garmadon in one of his ‘sunbathing’ sessions. You sat next to him at a comfortable distance, trying to get comfortable on the thin mat he’d laid out. Eyes wandering across the lightning-littered sky. Garmadon sat towards the middle, head upturned to the bright void. Wide, red eyes filled with curiosity, perhaps something gentle. Something that made you feel quite lost until your attention was taken away from the warm void, his voice pulling you from your trance.
“When Lloyd would cry during storms, I’d be the one to ease him back to sleep, you know?” His voice was soft, you could feel the ache he tried to push back, but the attempt didn’t do much to hide it.
“I’d tell him there was no need to be afraid. That I'd always be there to protect him.” He hums. “With everything happening, I hope he remembers that. Good or bad. I love my son.” He understood why he enjoyed the time alone, but having someone listening made it just a little more bearable for him, as lonely as he got sometimes, in his state. He longed for his son, his broken family. A simple friend.
Despite how evil the man had come to be, he was being truthful. He loved his son, and wished nothing more than to be there for him. You don’t think the others took it into much consideration. His only child had been kidnapped by ancient evil snakes that he’d released. Lloyd was a child, a boy who didn’t know any better. No one had been able to care for him, leading him to become reckless and aching for something fun. Something that would make his dad proud. Despite how awkward you were with children, you always tried your best to make Lloyd feel welcome, and needed amongst the bounty. It made you upset, and you missed him dearly. Who knows what they could do to the poor boy in their clutches. You pitied him, feeling your own heart ache for him and Lloyd. None of this should have happened to them.
The venom from the great devourer, Lloyd being abducted, everything.
As he spoke, you couldn’t help but do what you felt was best, by slipping your hand into one of his. Giving it a reassuring squeeze. His skin was cold, but surprisingly soft, and a lot larger than yours. He was still for a moment before he accepted the embrace, letting his hand envelop back over yours.
“You’re a good person, Garmadon.” You hummed quietly, your thumb caressing the dark skin of the Lord. Feeling how he relaxed under your touch, it was strange.
You recognize how you wouldn’t really do this for your teammates, or anyone you knew. Early on, you began to feel something for the evil lord that you’d never felt with anyone. “-I just hope you realize that someday.”
It took the villain by complete surprise, of course. And for the first time in a while, he felt his lips curl up. Not into his usual wicked grin. It was a genuine, sweet little smile. His harsh features softened as he gazed at you. The dark magic that flooded his senses had been replaced with something almost too sweet to handle. A pleasant scent submerged against his nose. You smelt of honey and jasmine, and felt like silk and feathers. Your presence reminded him of something he wasn’t, something so pure.
“I’m glad someone thinks so.” He chuckled. “I’d believe you if I could.” His fingers toyed with yours subconsciously as the sky above turned darker with each passing second,a chuckle filing out of his mouth for a brief moment. Words enveloping around his head and fitting comfortably like a glove. And it wasn’t long until your eyelids grew heavy, a sudden exhaustion taking over your form as you casually rest your head against the man’s shoulder.
It’s surprising how relaxing a thunderstorm could be, especially in a state such as this. Along streaks of white and blue crackling throughout the darkened clouds, rumbling that would wake the citizens in the city below them. Not a drop of rain in sight. It all felt so righteous as nothing but a chill lingered throughout you.
Time barely passes and you’ve fallen asleep against him, causing him to smile even more at the sight of your innocently exhausted frame. Hunched over and stuck against an evil man like him.
His lower arm slipped from between the two of you, resting carefully against your side as he debated on carrying you to your room. But took the time to admire how sweet you looked in your sleep, his features softening at the feeling of your breathing against him.
He could get used to this.
“Sweet dreams, Y/N.”
He could get really used to this.
Your breath seemed to get caught in your throat at the sight in front of you. Leaning over the wooden railing of the Bounty, you couldn't help but feel sick to your stomach. Ghosts. Ghosts is all you saw, littering the small town of Stixx.
Your battle had begun the moment Lloyd was possessed by Wu’s old pupil. Days, weeks went by trying to take back your Green Ninja. Exhaustion is the only thing you felt, besides fear from what was to come. But, why? You've taken on armies of snakes, corrupted nindroids. Fuck, you've been to space for gods sake. A few ghosts should be a piece of cake. Shouldn't it?
“Unfortunate, isn't it?”
You could recognise the voice anywhere. Unfortunate was the best way to describe it, yes.
“Yeah...” You muttered, taking a glance towards the old sensei. You grew curious as to how he felt after all these dangerous expeditions you and your friends went on. Curious as to how he felt of his son being the target of all these villains. It had been only a few days since youve had Lloyd back, and he was still recovering from his possession. Though he was quick to fight.
“How do you do it?” You muttered softly, feeling yourself grow anxious. Insecure at how much dread you felt. The smell of death that lingered in the air was something you got used to quickly. But it wouldn’t change how horrible you felt.
He looked puzzled, you decided to continue
“All of this, it’s- it’s wrecking my nerves terribly and even though we just keep on and keep on, i’m afraid I just can’t do it sometimes-“ You began, your fist has subconsciously gripped at the sleeves of your Gi, the fabric pinched between your thumb and index finger. Cursing yourself for how your shoulders had trembled. “I’ve barely gotten bits of my element back in control, and I just can’t help but feel hopeless. I’m the oldest, I need to protect my team the best I can but I don’t think I can. I’m so scared, I-“
The hushed broken vocals you projected had been halted by the lump forming in your throat, and for a minute you thought you were just seconds from tipping.
The overwhelming feeling based purely on fear and crisis seemed to level out as Garmadon wrapped his arms around your hunched form. He pulled you against him, a hand rested against the back of your head, the other holding the dip right above your hip. Your hands rested against his chest as you accepted the embrace. Head resting against his shoulder, and you felt at peace, for at least a moment. You felt that ache amongst the pounding in your chest from the first time you’d ever touched him.
“Need I remind you of how much you’ve done?” He hummed, muttering lowly under his breath, at a tone you could interpret. “There’s not enough time to list off all the things you’ve achieved.” He gently pried you off of him, his hands moving to take your face into them. His palms pressed against your cheeks, and a thumb grazing slowly against your skin. He continued in his low, sweetest tone. “But all and all, there’s no need to be afraid, I’ll be here to protect you.”
Your eyes watered immensely, though you felt the heat rise in your face at his words. A warmth made its way through your chest, and a pleasant but nervous flutter throughout your belly caused you to shiver. What made it worse was the smile he gave you, and the way his lips twitched when he looked down to you. He softened his gaze and watched your look falter. In his perspective, he’d had his eyes on you ever since he spotted you on the Bounty, nonchalant as you were one of the ones to pry Kai off of him when he’d been jumped by the aggressive boy in red.
He sought out the comfort you brought to him that eventful night on the deck, where he held you against him as you napped in his (four) arms. The way his cold heart leaped in his chest when your fingers grazed over his. He searched far through his old lover to try and find the joy you brought him. He lifted his hands to a love that had been lost and couldn't be found. He was never lifted, and his heart just couldn’t beat for her any longer.
With your face in his hands, Garmadon felt complete. With a purse of his lips, he pressed them against your forehead. It sent shivers down your spine and made you warm with delight at his affections. And as he pulled back, his touch lingered on your skin and littered your senses with something you couldn’t quite describe.
“You are capable of saving the world just as much as they are.” Garmadon spoke softly, letting his thumb graze over your cheek. “And I’ll be waiting for your return, dear.”
With his words of encouragement, you glanced back down to the terror of what was once the small town of Stixx. His hands now rested on your shoulders, taking it all in. You huffed out a pitiful laugh.
“And when I do, you sir-” You turned back to him, harshly poking at his chest.
“You owe me a date.”
The battle had finished. Morro was defeated and you had the realm crystal in your clutches.
After weeks of chasing ghosts and bandits, mastering Airjitzu and traveling realms. It was over and you could feel it. Your chest heaved as you dropped your weapon to the ground. Looking around, your team cheered and did the same as you. Everyone seemed to be just fine.
Your eyes squinted when you didn’t spot the man who’d pushed you to fight so graciously. Your gaze locked onto Lloyd, He wore his fathers robes. The sight made your stomach drop, and sweat beads formed at your hairline. Everyone on the list of your half of the group was checked off, except for him. You all had decided to split to cover more ground. You’d been left with Lloyd, Misako, Cole and Nya. The lack of his presence, It made you feel panicked, and at loss.
“Where is he?” You spoke, your words had gotten stuck in your throat. Attention turned towards you, putting you in an awkward spotlight. “Garmadon, where is he.”
To which, they seemed puzzled. They didn’t seem to pay much mind to the man through the sea of evacuation, the sinking of the Preeminent, or Morro’s fallen army of ghosts. Even Lloyd seemed clueless, and he muttered a short ‘i don’t know.’
Panic rose in your chest, the worry that had been etched onto your features was stronger than before. It seemed to bother you a lot more than them, of course.
With a quick turn of your head, you inhaled deeply and ran. Letting your legs carry you to something you hope isn’t lost as your teams yells fall upon your sudden deaf ears.
You spent careful time running, but time was something you feared would run out soon. Peering amongst the rubble of broken wood and stray pieces of boulders. And the lump in your throat grew harder to swallow the more you looked.
“Fuck” You spoke. Letting your hands grip at the stray pieces of your hair. You held onto them tightly as you felt your face heat up, and at that moment you felt the gates that held your tears falter slightly.
You spun round and round praying he’d appear, but stopped as you felt your consciousness grow faint with every spin. With a deep breath, you choose a direction, and pray it’s the right one. Sure with yourself that you won't stop until you’ve discovered him, or at least a bit of him.
It happened so quickly, you didn’t quite know what to think, in all honesty. There was a group of people aimlessly staring at the wreckage that had once been their home. You felt a small twinge in your chest, you felt pained for them. And it made you feel so very selfish when your expression softened and the dam that withheld your tears bursted at the sight of him. Nothing was held together as you dodged throughout the crowd to get to him. He seemed to do the same when he finally caught the sight of you.
Garmadon was barely able to finish his sigh, and utter your name when you threw yourself onto him. He stumbled back and landed on the dirt, and no amount of apologies would be good enough for him that would make him forget the wail you unleashed when he was able to envelope you in his loving embrace.
He tried to hush you softly.
“Dear? Dearest, Y/N, I’m here, I’m alright-” He was unable to ease your sobs. Your cries of relief crashed over the two of you, and he felt the slightest bit of ease when you managed to spurt out a laugh past your lips and call him some cruel little name for making you worry so badly.
He made a mental note not to disappear on you in times of need.
Your damp towel hung around your neck loosely, bringing an end up to occasionally wipe at your face. A large tee shirt falling from your shoulder paired nicely with a pair of gray sweatpants hugged your body in warmth that you had been craving for ages. Comfort is something you deserved after these past few weeks of battling gross beings of ectoplasm.
Deciding on skipping the brushing of your teeth, you couldn’t help but yawn lazily as you stepped out of the bathroom. Thinking lightly on the events of today. Wrapped up in twenty four hours, you managed to defeat an army of ghosts, sink the preeminent, and casually express your admiration for a man who was ten times older than you. The father of your friend, to be exact.
It made you grimace as your hand hovered over the doorknob, past it was the room you shared with the others. Pushing the wooden door open, you decided that the walk of shame would be the most amusing part of your night. But you probably would prefer the ghosts.
To your surprise, the boys didn’t really say anything. You weren’t going to jinx yourself now, when the perfect opportunity to escape into slumber, no questions asked was-
Jay snickered, breaking the silence in the dim room.
Gone, The opportunity was gone.
You groaned, throwing yourself onto your bunk when you heard the others join in, soon enough they all found it quite amusing as Jay howled with laughter and Kai had started to wheeze. And no matter how deep you shoved your head into your pillow, it didn’t drown out the reckless wails of your teammates.
“I assumed you had daddy issues, but this just tops it off” Cole heaved, peeking over the side of his bunk to peer down at you. To which you pry yourself up, throwing your pillow at him. He dodges, unfortunately. “He’s like, how old? 200?” “My money’s on four digits-” “Oh can it, motor mouth!”
Their chatter died down, and it fell silent again.
“If you two get married, would that make LLoyd your son?”
“Oh GROSS-” “How did we even get to this subject?” “Lloyd, chin up, you’d have a cool step parent!” “Over my dead body!”
Your eyes rolled profusely, moving to fall back against your sheets with a sigh. Your brothers were surely annoying.
Really fucking annoying.
Tag List: @holycrimin @kazuhacumslut @marmalade-matcha @yukinarengoku
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dreamfyre03 · 4 months
A Dragon's Love
Trigger Warnings: A bit of swearing, threats, mentions of violence, Aemond being a little obsessive
Chapter 4: The Woes of Courtship
Five years later
At ten and eight, Aemond Targaryen had now grown to become the man widely known throughout the realm as the feared one eyed prince. Most people dared not look him in the eye, his wielded his sword with indescribable skill, as though it were an extension of his person. His continued his schooling even when he didn’t have to, and tutors from all over the realms were brought the King’s Landing to further his knowledge, at his request. 
He liked his fearsome reputation, no one dared to cross him, and he liked it that way. He liked being feared. 
However, the only rare instance one might see a crack in his carefully curated exterior, was in the presence of his older half sister, Daenys. Aemond couldn’t resist looking at her, trying but sometimes failing to be subtle. She had grown into a beautiful woman, with long silver white hair, much like his own, kind grey-blue eyes one could get lost in. Her body was a woman’s now, with a woman’s curves, and large breasts that Aemond knew sometimes attracted the attention of many a nobleman. She never lost her kind spirit, and although one might make the mistake of thinking she was much like Helaena, gentle and fragile, Aemond knew his sister possessed a dragonfire within her that was just waiting to be unleashed. 
He had finished his training with Ser Criston for the day, spoke with his mother after she attended to the King’s council with his grandsire, and paid a visit to Helaena and the children. He turned the corner and entered the library, where he knew she would be, and was met with the sight of her in a red and black dress, for although one might mistake the colours as a symbol of support to their sister, he knew she simply loved to wear their Targaryen colours proudly. She was sitting on the settee, as Aegon sat next to her, clearly trying to convince her of getting involved in one of his foolish ideas, no doubt. “Come now, sister, you know I’d never let anything happen to you.” He heard Aegon tell her.
She simply laughed and shook her head. “Aegon, I’ve no wish to acquire our older sister’s reputation. You can recount your endeavours to me when you come back, as you always do.” She replied. He watched as Aegon leaned in close to her and whisper something, to which she let out another laugh, until she saw him. “Brother,” she greeted him, with a smile. Aemond took a seat on the other side of her, leaving her cushioned between her two brothers. 
“What is our brother trying to rope you into this time?” He asked, eyeing Aegon who rolled his eyes. “It doesn’t matter, for I’ve already told him no” she emphasised her answer to him once again, only prompting him to grin at her cheekily. Aemond never understood how his drunken, whoring brother could be so dearly loved by Daenys, but he let it be. 
“You’re a woman grown, sister, a bit of carnal fun might be good for you,” Aegon said, running his finger across her cheek, causing her to roll her eyes at him with faux annoyance. 
Aemond glared at Aegon, who ignored his piercing stare. 
“Brother, I guarantee that should I go with you to the Street of Silk tonight, I will no doubt be recognised and reported back to your mother.” She said. “You wish to take our sister out to the Street of Silk? Are you mad?” Aemond asked incredulously. 
Aegon sighed and got up, “Don’t get all worked up, brother, she won’t come with me. Worry not sister, who knows, one night I might just bring the Street of Silk to you.” He teased, causing Daenys to laugh and toss her book at him, which he surprisingly caught expertly and rested on the table. He soon left them alone, and Aemond said, “You mustn’t let Aegon drag you into such ventures. The Street of Silk is no place for a woman like you.” 
Daenys shifted so that she was facing him, sitting comfortably with her feet tucked under her. “A woman like me?” She repeated his words, with a look of amusement. “Brother, need I remind you, as I often must, that I am the elder of us. Just because everyone fears you so doesn’t mean you can lecture me like I am the younger. I can handle Aegon, don’t you worry.” 
“They fear me for a reason, sister.” 
“Do they? And what will you do if I went with our brother tonight? Kill him?” She looked up at him with those eyes, and Aemond tried not to get lost in them. “I’m ceaselessly tempted to, so I just might.” He said seriously. 
“Hmm, well. You don’t scare me, little brother. Tell me, where is the little boy I used to take with me on rides atop Meraxa?” “He died long ago.” “Pity,” She said, studying his face, seeing him in a way only she could. “I quite loved that little boy once. I know he’s still in there, sweet boy, no matter how hard you try to snuff him out.” 
Aemond finally looked her back in the eye, and said, “Only for you, Daenys.”, unable to fight the small smile she could always coax out of him. 
“I’m glad.” She replied, yawning as she resting her head on his shoulder. Her warmth was like a blanket that encompassed him and made him feel at peace, the incessant angry noise in his head went quiet. 
“I am quite exhausted, baby Maelor is quite the bundle of energy, isn’t he?” She said, snuggling into him. 
Aemond generally didn’t like physical touch, he didn’t care to be unnecessarily touched by anyone, but, as she was with most things relating to him, Daenys was the exception to the rule. He savoured every touch, when she laughed a little too loudly and her hand would touch his arm, when she would reach up and smooth his long, Targaryen silver locks back into place after they came back from taking the skies together, or like now, when she would lay her head on his shoulder, as he would let her talk tiredly about whatever she wanted, for he could never get tired of hearing her voice. 
She smelled his jasmine and lilies, a scent that now, after eighteen years, felt like home to him. 
“But, are you too tired to take to the skies with Vhagar and I? Or are you scared Meraxa is, in fact not as fast as my Vhagar?” She shot up instantly, always ready for a challenge. “I shall prove you wrong again, brother. Come, let us be off to the Dragon Pit.” She said with a smile, her red dress effortlessly flowing around her as she moved, and Aemond followed right behind her. 
Aemond was in lighter spirits after spending hours in the sky with Daenys and Meraxa, and his usually cold disposition was slightly less guarded as they walked the halls together upon their return. That would not last for long, however, as they rounded the corner and met the handsome young Lord Linus Tyrell. “My Prince, Princess.” He greeted them. Aemond nodded in acknowledgement, his gaze hardened when he observed the Lord of Highgarden’s gaze lingering of the sight of his sister in her riding leathers. 
“Lord Tyrell, lovely to see you,” Daenys said politely, and the man smiled in response. “Not as lovely as it is for me to see you, Princess.” He replied, and Aemond felt anger creeping up his spine as he noticed the man taking in his sister in an unsubtle manner, looking at the shape of her body through the fitted riding leathers, which was arguably less conservative than a dress. 
Daenys simply gave him a cordial smile, as he continued to speak. “I’ve only just arrived from Highgarden today. It is particularly lovely this time of year.” “How sad it must be for you to leave it behind then,” His sister replied. 
“Indeed. A beauty such as yourself would put the blooms of Highgarden to shame, Princess.” He said, and Aemond fought the urge to roll his eye. “You are too kind, my Lord. I’m afraid I’m awfully tired, my brother and I have just returned from the Dragonpit. But I do hope you enjoy your stay in the capital.” 
“I believe I will. I hope to see you again soon, Princess.” He told her, as he bid them both farewell on went on his way. 
They walked on in companionable silence until they reached his sister’s rooms, and she bade him goodnight with a chaste kiss and went into her chambers. Aemond began to walk to his own rooms, only a few doors down, but could not get they way Lord Tyrell oogled this sister out of his head, and thought he might speak to his mother as to if she were aware of the man’s intentions. 
He quickened his steps but stopped outside the door when he heard his mother and grandfather conversing quietly. “He is a good match. We can never have too many allies in the Reach.” He heard his grandsire say. “Indeed, but it is not I who can grant Lord Tyrell permission to court Daenys, only the King can.” His mother replied.
“Yes, daughter, but we both know the King is in no state to consider such an idea. Not to mention, in the past he has rejected every marriage proposal that has come her way. In any case, when the King meets the stranger, it is the next ruler who will be responsible for her marriage.” “Rhaenyra will not care enough to see her sister wed.” His mother said. “You know that is not of whom I speak. Aegon is rather close to the girl, I suspect when he is king, he would marry her to a lord present at court, to keep her close to him. But that won’t serve our purposes much, will it?” 
He heard his mother sigh. “Very well. I shall grant him permission to court her, but should a match be the outcome, it is the King who has the final say.” “A wise choice. She would make a fine Lady of Highgarden, I believe.”
Aemond felt himself fuming with anger. He immediately turned himself away from the doors and walked away, lest his rage get the better of him and he did something he might regret. It didn’t surprise him that they spoke so openly of usurping his sister, and in all fairness he didn’t care, for why should the mother of bastards sit the throne? Although, his brother wasn’t exactly suited for the role either. But the politics amounted to nothing when compared to the fact that they wanted to marry his sister off the that Tyrell lord, who was clearly not worthy of her. He felt as though he could burn down King’s Landing with Vhagar at the very thought of her wedding him, letting him touch her, bed her, it made him sick. She wasn’t the Lord of Highgarden’s to claim, and he would damn well make sure of it. 
The next morning, Aemond stopped by the nursery to see Helaena and Daenys with the children. Helaena was braiding Jaehaera’s hair, while Jaehaerys played with a toy sword he had been gifted by his father. Maelor was sat atop Daenys’s lap, who bumped him gently on her knee as she sang softly to him. 
He sat with them, conversing about a number of things, including the upcoming celebrations to be held in a few months for Aemond’s name day, which he didn’t care for, but his mother insisted. He still hadn’t forgotten what he’d heard last night, and it returned to the forefront of his mind when he heard Helaena ask, “When will you meet Lord Tyrell?”
Aemond’s head snapped to attention, turning to listen as Daenys replied, “After his meeting with your mother and grandsire, I believe.” “He is quite handsome,” Helaena teased, and Daenys shook her head at her sister with an amused expression. 
“I suppose.” Was all she said. “He’s a pompous ass is what is is,” Aemond muttered under his breath. “What was that brother?” Helaena asked innocently. Daenys eyed him with a knowing expression, but instead he said, “I was only asking why are you meeting Lord Tyrell, sister?” 
“Your mother suggested I take him for a walk in the gardens. I don’t mind, really.” She told him. His mother had clearly began the matchmaking efforts already. He hadn’t a moment to waste. 
He abruptly bid his sisters and niece and nephews farewell, and walked until he saw the Lord Tyrell himself, seemingly heading for his mother’s sitting room. “Lord Tyrell.” Aemond greeted in a dark tone as he the man greeted him. “Prince Aemond. A pleasure, my prince, to see you this morning. I’m on my way to speak to the Queen, as it happens.” He said, seemingly eager to get to his destination. “My mother can wait. I believe we ought to have a word, my lord.” Aemond spoke clearly implying the man had no choice in the matter. He saw him gulp nervously at Aemond’s terrifyingly calm expression and nodded, as he followed Aemond into an empty study nearby. 
Aemond shut the door, creating a menacing feel in the room that was totally silent until Aemond spoke. “It is my understanding that you wish to court my sister.” Aemond finally broke the silence, looking down on the older man, who wasn’t that much older than Aemond, about twenty and six, but Aemond’s towering frame and commanding presence clearly set the tone that he was the one in power here. “I do, my prince.” He replied, unsuccessfully hiding his nervousness. “So, you think yourself worthy of my sister? Of the blood of the dragon, do you?” Aemond asked as he somewhat absentmindedly pulled out his dagger and looked at it with a bored expression. “Well, I would like to hope the Princess finds me worthy, my Prince.” He answered, his eye darting back and forth from Aemond’s face to the dagger in his hand. 
Aemond looked at him with an amused expression. “Allow me to spare my sister the effort. You are not. You are not worthy of my sister, you will rescind your request to court her, you will stay away from her, and you will return to Highgarden back to smelling the flowers or whatever the fuck you Tyrells do there. Am I clear?” Lord Tyrell bravely look Aemond in the eye and said, “Forgive me, my prince, but you do not decide who can court the princess. Only the King and Queen boast such authority.” Aemond gave a small laugh, but it lacked any warmth, it was a threatening laugh, one that struck fear in the Lord, who suddenly wished he didn’t try to stand his ground with one of the most feared men in the Seven Kingdoms.
In a flash, Aemond had the man cornered into the wall, and had the blade pressed to his neck before he even had a fighting chance. “I am feeling merciful today, so I will repeat myself again. You will withdraw your request to court my sister. You will stay far away from her. If I see your hungry gazing so much as linger past her face, I will personally carve your eyes out myself, and have them sent back to Highgarden. And if you breath a word of this conversation to the Queen, or the Hand, or Princess Daenys, then I will ensure that you are begging for the mercy of a quick death. I am a patient man, my lord, I am more than capable of keeping you alive for days whilst I feed you torture in ways that would have the bravest of men cowering. Do we have an understanding?”
As he spoke, the blade in his hand was pressing harder and harder into the man’s neck, until a spot of blood appeared and leaked onto his collar. He nodded fearfully, saying, “Yes my prince, I apologise.” Aemond withdrew himself. “Good. You may leave.” Lord Tyrell all but ran from the room, and Aemond wiped his dagger clean before putting it back in his scabbard. That very same day, his sister no longer met Lord Tyrell in the gardens, as he informed the Queen of an unexpected emergency back at Highgarden, and left King’s Landing that same day, and Aemond smiled in satisfaction at the man’s petrified expression as he bid them farewell and left to return home. It was that day Aemond knew, he would never let anyone take Daenys from him. 
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ikeromantic · 5 months
I'd like to order a Gilbert in the library with some red hots plz👀
Have a good day/night, and thank you for all the delicious fanfic you have been serving us!😔🙏🏻
Next up, hot plate! Watch your fingers ^_^ Approx. 1300 words of some spicy Gilbert in the library! IkePri New Years Event story!
Gilbert sat in one of the overstuffed library chairs, his boots carelessly resting on top of a polished wood and glass table. He held a book in his hand, skimming the pages with an expression of boredom. Waiting was hard, but he knew sometimes you needed patience to hunt rabbits.
A little while later, he was rewarded for his persistence when the door swung open and the Belle walked in. She didn’t notice him at first. Her eyes were on her prize - the shelf of racy romance titles. It was only when she stopped to peruse that she noticed him there and startled. “Prince Gilbert?”
“Are you asking or telling?” He closed the book he’d been reading but held it dangling between two fingers. 
“Ah . . . telling?” She drew her shoulders up, tense as a soldier about to go into his first battle. 
Gilbert chuckled. “Another question?”
His teasing got the intended response as she huffed. “That was clearly not a question. I wish you’d stop intentionally misinterpreting me.” 
“So the rabbit shows her sharp teeth now, hm?” He laughed again. 
She took a breath before responding. “I apologize, Prince Gilbert. I didn’t mean to snap at you.”
Gilbert shrugged. “I like it when you stop hiding behind courtesy.”
“Well I don’t care much what you like.” The Belle sniffed and turned to the shelf, trying to ignore him.
“But you give it to me anyway. I think you might care more than you want to admit.” He got up and went to stand beside her. “So what are we looking for today?”
She side-eyed him and continued her search.
“Won’t say? Or don’t know?” Gilbert grinned, his crimson eye flashing. He knew exactly what the little rabbit was here for. 
“If I tell you, will you go away?” The Belle turned to face him fully, realizing as she did so that he was close. Nearly close enough to kiss. But she didn’t back down. 
Gilbert raised an eyebrow. “Is that what you want?”
“Yes! Obviously.” She tried to frown but it was spoiled by the heat in her cheeks and the way her gaze darted about.
“If that’s what will make you happy, of course I’ll comply. I’d hate to upset you, little rabbit.” He touched her cheek lightly with his thumb. It was bittersweet that he could speak so honestly to her in these moments. She assumed he was playing some deep political game and of course, he was. But not in the way she expected.
“Great. Then I’ll tell you. I’m trying to find the new book from Jade. It’s called Love Blossoms, and Sariel told me he’d had it set aside on the shelf here. But I can’t find it, so maybe he . . .” Her gaze dropped to the book in Gilbert’s hand. 
He grinned. “Thank you. You’ve fulfilled your end of our bargain, so I’ll take my leave.” Gilbert turned to go and was unsurprised when her hand darted out to catch his sleeve.
“Is there something else? I thought you said it would please you for me to go . . .” He studied her expression. There was so much at play there. Tension, want, fear. Desire. He turned back toward her.
The Belle swallowed, the tip of her tongue licked the corner of her lips. “The um, the book I was looking for. You have it?”
“Oh? This one?” He held it up. “Is this what you want?”
Her eyes finally met his, and there was heat in them. “You know I do. I’m not sure how you knew but . . .”
Gilbert’s smile was thin and sharp. “What a coincidence! I just decided to read this story before you walked in.” 
She sighed. “Prince Gilbert. I know you aren’t really interested in that book. You - You’re just trying to manipulate me.” Her lips made a firm, angry line and her shoulders were tense. “Why don’t you just tell me what it is you want?”
“So direct. I like that about you.” He pretended to inspect the book cover. “Why don’t you tell me what’s so fascinating about this book. I want to know what you like.”
A slight flush crept up her cheeks at this, and she looked away. “It’s, erm, I heard it’s got good characters. And . . . the, um, the dialogue . . . and the story is a passionate romance.”
Gilbert nodded. “Mmm. Like, this part?” He cleared his throat, “The scholar cupped her face in his palm-” He stepped closer and lightly set his palm on her cheek. “I want to make you bloom. To see you open to me like a bud in the spring. The scholar’s hand caressed her shoulder, dropped to her breast, tracing the line of it under her thin, linen dress.” 
He slid his hand down, brushing over her shoulder, expecting her at any moment to step back or slap his hand away. But she didn’t. His fingertips outlined the swell of her soft breasts.
The Belle’s lips parted, and she let out a gasp of pleasure and surprise. 
“I want to taste your nectar, the scholar said, and began to unbutton her bodice.” Gilbert’s hand drifted to the line of buttons down the front of her dress. He began to undo them slowly, his scarlet gaze locked with hers. He was close enough to feel the tremble in her breath. Fear. Anticipation. Desire.
The heavy cloth fell open to reveal the thin linen of her underdress. Gilbert reached to tug it down. He wanted to see her stripped. To revel in that intimate vulnerability only lovers shared. She drew him, like iron filings to the magnet. 
“What -” Her voice shook, “What are you doing?”
“Do you want me to stop, little rabbit?” Gilbert stepped even closer, leaning toward her until his lips brushed hers, their breaths comingled. “Ask. Tell me. Say ‘stop’.”
“I . . . I . . .”
He touched the tip of his tongue to her parted lips, tasting them in an almost kiss. She was sweet, with a hint of sharpness and heat. Like a good champagne. Gilbert pressed his mouth to hers, invading her, claiming her. He had intended only to tease, but with her so close, so yielding, he couldn’t not help but take more territory. Advance and conquer. 
The Belle moaned against his lips, kissing him back with unexpected ferocity. Her mouth moved against his, her tongue darting in to taste him. 
Gilbert let his lips move down her neck, enjoying the way she arched into his touch. The little sounds she made. He tugged her underdress out of his way, revealing the soft slopes of her breasts. These he kissed as well, licking a line of heat down to the nipple.
Her fingers tangled in his hair, tugging, pushing. Her breath was uneven, shallow and ragged. 
He laughed as he took one nipple in his mouth, teasing it with the scrape of his teeth and the velvet heat of his tongue. He could feel it tighten under his ministrations, heat rushing to her skin. Her reactions made him want her all the more.
His hand stroked her thigh, tugging her skirt up so he could feel her satin skin.
“Prince . . . Gilbert . . . I - I”
He felt something in chest constrict as she said his name. A sharp tightness that made it suddenly hard to breathe. An ache that was more than physical. Gilbert let her skirts drop and pulled back. 
The Belle looked at him with heavy lidded eyes. Desire obvious in her expression, disheveled and aroused. “You stopped?”
Gilbert forced a smile, and set the book down. “Enjoy your book, little rabbit.”
He picked up his cane and turned to go. 
“Wait. Prince Gilbert.” She reached out to him, but he continued walking. 
It was too early in the game, he thought, and besides, the delay in gratification would only make victory sweeter. For both of them.
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finelinevogue · 2 years
li y/n going away to cry because she’s home sick or she misses her pet or something and harry going to comfort them 🥺
fuck now you’ve got me upset….
“Yo, where’s Y/N?” Harry asked Luca, walking around around like a lost puppy without you.
He held onto his water bottle to keep him from his crazily twitchy fingers - which he often got when he wasn’t around you and to hold you.
“Honestly thought she was with you mate?” Luca shrugged his shoulders apologetically.
“Shit.” Harry ran a stressed hand through his hair, twitching his nose at the same time. The last time he couldn’t find you, he had found out later on that you’d been trying to get over an anxiety attack from how overwhelming this all was. Now he was afraid, whenever you were alone, that something similar would happen.
You were currently on the terrace, because you knew that no one came up here during the day.
It had been an okay morning, but little by little you had started to get stuck inside your head. You’d thought about home too much and had gotten yourself too worked up that you’d gotten a bit upset about it.
You silently let some tears fall, but it was more that your chest felt tight and your hands were itching to scratch away at something to relieve the anxiety. You counted through your numbers shakily and tried your best to keep calm, but it was so easy to get lost inside your own head sometimes.
Luckily, no one could see you because you were tucked away on the floor rather than on the sofas. You let out another shaky breathe when the door to the terrace opened.
Tilting your head away so whoever it was couldn’t see your crying and embarrassment, you squeezed your eyes together to contain the next batch of tears.
It wasn’t until he sat down next to you, wrapped his arms around you and had picked you up to sit across his lap, did you realise that it had been Harry that had come and found you. He rocked you gently on his lap, stroking the skin on your back softly. Even though it was easily 35 degrees out, neither of you cared with how close and sticky you were with one another. You needed him and he’d be here for you.
“You want to talk about it?” He asked, completely avoiding asking whether you were okay when you clearly weren’t. You appreciated that about him.
“Just a bit homesick.” You shrugged your shoulders, pretending like it was no big deal.
“Hey, don’t brush it off like it’s nothing in front of me. If it’s making you upset then it’s not nothing, so don’t allow it to be.” He spoke quietly, not wanting his voice to travel to praying ears down below.
It was moments like these, when it was just you two together in your own small world, where you wished you’d met years before on the outside. You wished you were already living with each other and cooking breakfast with each other and doing nothing yoga, all of which you were currently doing inside the villa, outside the villa together.
“Miss m’mum.” Your ear was pressed against his chest so you could hear the beat of his heart like a drum.
“Sure she misses you too.” He kissed the top of your head.
“She’d probably be crying if she saw me right now.” You chuckled, which made Harry laugh.
“Like cry laughing? Or just crying?”
“Just crying?”
“Is she a big crier, your mum?”
“Yeah, I’d say so.” You nodded.
“It’s probably where you get it from.” He teased, poking your side and making you jolt. He knew how ticklish you were and still proceeded to attack you anyways.
“I’m not that bad.” You whined, sitting up so you could see his face. You noticed how his face lit up when he could finally see you, kissing your nose in delight.
“Baby… You cried when I threw away a grape yesterday because it was a bit wrinkly and gross.” Harry laughed, tilting his head back as he did so.
“You threw away the granddad of the family. Unacceptable.” You pretended like you were outraged.
“Unbelievable.” He shook his head.
“What? What’s unbelievable?”
“I’m coupled up with a right wet wipe.” He pretended to be annoyed.
You pushed him in his cheek, moving his face away from yours. He was quick to grab your hand though, give it a quick kiss, and then tilt his face back towards you. He puckered his lips as if he wanted a kiss, keeping his arm tight around your body as if you’d escape any second.
“No. You can piss off.” You shook your head no, “Calling me a wet wipe.” You tutted.
Harry giggled and let your hand go. You both sat quietly for a few moments, some of which were spent Harry pouting like a child and then the rest were you looking at each other intensely. Both of you couldn’t decide whether to look at the others lips or eyes, both too pretty to just pick one.
Before you could change your mind, or Harry gave you a reason to, you leant in and left him a sweet kiss to his sunburnt pink lips. He hummed in delight and pressed another kiss to your lips after you pulled away - always wanting ‘just one more’.
“What was that for, hm?” He asked.
“Just thanking you for being here for me.” You smiled at him.
“Always, baby, you know that. Always.”
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