#sorcerers stone fanfic
fandomsaligninstories · 5 months
Then I Met You
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Description: Violet Ellis is about to have her whole life change in ways she never could have predicted. A story of love, loss, anger, and magic. If you had told 10 year old Violet that she was a witch, she would have laughed. And if you told her that her entire life was a lie? Well, she wouldn’t have believed you. But 15 year old Violet? She doesn't know who to trust or who is on her side. Except for him.
Song Rec.: Violet and Draco's Playlist
TW: Angst, Big Emotions™️, death, abandonment (of child), illegitimate child, mentions of war and death eaters. Bullying (from slytherins). Slowburn. I’m not British, so forgive me if I completely butcher this… If I missed anything, let me know.
Other: Slowburn romance, sort of fast-paced story.
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x OC
Alternative Reading: Wattpad , Ao3
Status: On-Going
Year One: The Hogwarts Express
Year One: The Welcome Feast
Year One: Day One
Year One: Day Three
Year One: Halloween
Year One: Lamest Quidditch Match Ever
Year One: The Hufflepuff Entourage
Year One: End of Year
Year Two: Flourish and Botts
Year Two: Return to Hogwarts
Year Two: Boy Trouble
Year Two: Gilderoy Lockhart
Year Two: Slytherins Prank First-Years
Year Two: More Boy Trouble
Year Two: Jealousy, Jealousy
Year Two: The Chamber of Secrets
Year Two: Astronomy
Year Two: Astronomy Part 2
Year Two: Rogue Bludger
Year Two: A Bit of Draco
Year Two: A Touch of Kindness
Year Two: Jade(d)
Year Two: A Friends Breaking Point
Year Two: Sick Day
Year Two: The Dueling Club
Year Two: Parseltongue
Year Two: Polyjuice Potion
Year Two: Valentine's Day
Year Two: Secret Admirer
Year Two: Another Attack
Year Two: Just Another Monday
Year Two: Apology Twice Over
Year Two: The Chamber Entrance
Year Two: The Corridor of Secrets
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ladiesofhpfest · 1 month
She who has known Eternity by @artemisia-black
Our latest fic for Senior Sweethearts features an ancient (immortal) character, Perenelle Flamel! You may recognize her from Philosopher's Stone! @artemisia-black is treating us to a glimpse into the implications of what it means to live forever in this fic. Snippet and link below!
What does time mean when one lives forever? What does anything mean when one has endured the fall of multiple civilisations and seen great men wither in their old age?
What is the value of one's memories when one has too many of them?
Each jumbled together in her mind. 
Surely, one lifetime is not enough if a person's soul is the universe attempting to know itself. Yet after a thousand, it becomes mired in the dust of the lives already lived.
After millennia, she could only remember fragments of her first life.
Flashes of feelings and disjointed images: the feel of honey on her tongue as her mother spooned it from a terracotta urn, the squish of freshly pressed olives beneath her feet, and the roughness of her linen stola against her sun-warmed skin.
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sybill-the-seer · 1 year
Read on AO3
Summary: Harry didn’t know much about his parents growing up, but in the wizarding world he learns something very important about them.
Note: Not my best writing imo, but it was a slow day at work today, so I whipped up this little thing. @hinnyfied’s fic “Fireside” has me all in the feels thinking about Harry getting to know his parents.
Disclaimer: I have used some direct lines and quotes from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
Prompt: hate/love
His parents hated him.
Harry was sure of it. If they hadn’t hated him, why would they have left him here? He had never known his mum and dad, but Aunt Petunia had.
Aunt Petunia said they were irresponsible.
Aunt Petunia said they were drunks.
Aunt Petunia said that if they had loved him, they wouldn’t have driven while drunk with him, a baby, in the car.
Harry had no proof to the contrary, so it must be true. Aunt Petunia had known them after all. Uncle Vernon too. Harry didn’t know anyone else who had known his parents. Perhaps they hadn’t had any friends — he certainly didn’t.
Sometimes Harry liked to think that Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon were liars. They lied to Dudley sometimes, after all. They told him all sorts of things that Harry knew weren’t true: that Father Christmas was real, that Dudley was a sweet angelic little boy, that Dudley’s school teachers had nice things to say about him, that Harry was a freak…
Well, Harry wasn’t so sure about the last one, but he liked to hope it was a lie. Strange things did tend to happen around him, but perhaps it was just coincidence. Perhaps Harry just had very, very bad luck.
His entire existence at Privet Drive was bad luck after all.
Yes, Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon lied about some things, but it was hard to believe the things they said about his mum and dad weren’t true. Not when they had known them and Harry hadn’t. Not when Harry couldn’t think of any reason for them to lie about them. And especially not when Harry couldn’t think of any other reason for why they seemed to hate him so much.
His parents had been terrible people.
His aunt and uncle hated them, and hated him too.
His parents had never loved him.
And if they hadn’t loved him, who else possibly could?
Harry felt the familiar ache in his chest, the cold sensation that seemed to creep up on him, enveloping him completely whenever he came to this conclusion. He wrapped his arms tighter around himself and stared harder at the spider creeping up the cupboard wall, wishing for sleep to claim him. ____________________
His parents hadn’t died in a car crash. At least, that’s what Hagrid told him. Being murdered by a dark wizard was terrible, but he supposed it was still better than what Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon had told him. At least now he knew for sure that they had lied — and that meant they might have also lied about his parents not caring about him.
Harry had started to come to terms with the fact that he might never know for sure how his mum and dad had felt about him, but was content with what Hagrid had told him. Until he found the mirror.
Green eyes looking back into his with the most tender expression Harry had ever seen. Brown eyes and dark hair, a broad smile. Tears of happiness leaking from his mother’s eyes as both his mum and dad looked at him with pride and joy in their faces.
They loved him.
Harry pressed himself against the mirror, staring at them hungrily, wishing he could fall through the glass and into their open arms. He would live with them in the mirror forever if he could. ____________________
The Philosopher’s Stone was safe, and he was alive. Professor Dumbledore was talking to him in the hospital wing. Dumbledore was answering his questions good-naturedly, and Harry was determined to ask him everything.
“But why couldn’t Quirrell touch me?”
“Your mother died to save you,” Dumbledore said, as if it were the most simple thing in the world. “If there is one thing Voldemort cannot understand, it is love. He didn’t realize that love as powerful as your mother’s for you leaves its own mark. Not a scar, no visible sign...to have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever. It is in your very skin.”
Harry could hardly breathe. The ache in his chest was back, but this time it was different. A powerful mixture of grief and love as he had never felt it before seemed to have gripped him, and he couldn’t seem to look Dumbledore in the eye.
They loved him.
The mirror had been one thing, but hearing Dumbledore confirm it out loud was certainly another. Nearly eleven years of doubt and hurt couldn’t be vanquished with a few simple words, but in that moment Harry could almost feel it leaking out of him, the remains of some toxin that had lived within him for so long, invisibly eating him up from the inside.
Dumbledore’s simple words were hardly simple at all, Harry thought, if they changed everything. He was glad Dumbledore looked away as he dried his eyes on the crisp hospital sheets.
Later, when Hagrid handed him a handsome, leather-covered photo album, Harry became overwhelmed once again.
“Sent owls off ter all yer parents’ old school friends, askin’ fer photos ... knew yeh didn’ have any...d’yeh like it?”
Harry couldn’t speak, but Hagrid seemed to understand.
Note: The fact that it's canon that little 11 y/o Harry gets emotional hearing his parents loved him always gets me in the feels. Someone give that baby a hug <3
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slayingqueenchal · 1 year
Harry's twin sister? You're doomed, malfoy | Draco malfoy x y/n
I think this is my first time making a fic about Draco malfoy, but I've made some about the marauders, ill appreciate if u check it out :)
This story is basically about how Draco is in love with y/n, Harry's twin sister, and how hopeless he felt, but he didn't know something. That something is you like him too. Don't think of Harry's family line pls 😭. And draco here is soft and adorable.
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3 years of dreading. 3 years of the boy you fell in love with bullying you. 3 years of Draco malfoy bullying you.
"Looking like Trevor, y/n, I personally think it suits you" Draco laughed along his friends. You wanted to push through and follow your friends but today was the last straw. You she'd a few tears- many to be exact.
You ran through the hallway. You went to the most uncrowded hallway. "I'm so stupid! " You said it out loud. You were stupid. How can you fall in love with such a dimwitted selfish git?
But it was too late, you loved him more than you love your self. "Y/n? " You heard a voice. You were buried with tears that you couldn't recognize the voice. It was definitely masculine, it was probably harry. "I don't want to talk right now, harry! " You cried more, hugging your growling book of monster.
"No, y/n, it's not harry, it's Draco.. " Draco came closer and kneeled to you. "You actually know my name, don't you Draco! It's not toad, or a lion, and even ugly-face! You know it! Why can't you just be nice for once, it's making.. Things for me more complicated! " You looked at him dead in the eyes.
"Y/n, sweatheart, im-" Draco said but you cut him off. "You cant say that, you're being mean. After all those years now you call me sweatheart? You know why I'm awful most of the time, it's not because of you, it's because the things you say hurts me, and deep down I know you don't mean all that stuff, I just know, you know what I don't know why I'm rambling about this to you, I'm just giving you materials for you to bully me" You almost screamed,but shortly after that you cried more. "Y/n, please, I'm sorry, please don't cry" What draco said was making you feel worse. It was impossible.
You stood up, and left him confused. It was a great timing since that was your last class, so you could just stay in your dorm as much as you liked.
When you opened the door, you saw the girls smiles fades. "Y/n, what's wrong? " Lavender asked. You didn't know such short words could trigger you that much. "Harry Ron and I have been searching for you, what happened? " Hermione asked. You layed on your bed before telling.
"It's Draco! He said that I looked like a toad, I thought I looked great today! And then he proceeds to say sorry and call me sweatheart! It's just that it's so unbelievable! It's so unbelievable cause Im in love with him.. I'm in love with him. " You cried. "Oh, my, y/n" Parvati gasped.
"And now Harry's going to be disappointed in me" You sighed. "He's not going to be disappointed in you, but he is going to be mad.. A-at Draco, though" Hermione Stuttered.
"After all this time? You were in love with him? " Pavarti asked. "Yes, yes, all this time, and I hate my self for it" You said
Harry knew. After Hermione told Ron and Ron told Harry. The next morning, he immediately came for malfoy. "You stay away from my sister, you stay away from her! ". If Ron had left Harry to Hogsmeade, I think he would go insane.
"Potter, look, please just tell your sister I'm sorry, and give her this" Draco handed Harry a letter. "What is this, some kind of prank that'll make her more insecure? " He asked.
"Just please give her it" Draco said. Harry took it. Considered it was harrys last favor for Draco.
"Y/n? " Hermione knocked the door. "Yeah? " You said. "Draco gave you this letter, open it" Hermione handed it to yours. "How did you get it?" You asked. "Actually, you should ask Harry or Ron that, cause they just used me as an owl" Hermione gave you a big smile. You look at the letter, and opened it.
'Dear, y/n.
I know you don't want me to start with an 'I'm sorry'. But I'm truly am, sorry. There's something that made me say all those rude things for you.
I made you hate yourself, from what I heard, and I'm sorry. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. You keep your cool at times where I would've raged. You look lovely when you're exhausted. You look the exact opposite of Neville's toad. You smell good, and you're so.. You're so heavenly. And I hate my self for saying all those rude things to you.
Y/n, you're a Potter, I'm supposed to hate you like your brother. But I didn't, I did the exact opposite. I fell for you.
You might ask 'why did you say all those things, then?' Cause I'm a pureblood, a malfoy, and you're a Potter. Even if you have feelings for me we wouldn't work.
I say all those things to keep you away from me. But it's selfish. I know I was an asshole who hurt your feeling but if you want to talk about it, more, meet me at the library at 12, if you don't come i get it, it's alright. And this is not a prank.
Love, draco.'
"Oh.. " Hermione said. "It's 11:55" You said. "Go, y/n" Hermione smiled.
You stormed out of the dorm and common room so fast. And you immediately went to the library. Searched and searched, each time you felt more and more hopeless.
"Y/n? " A voice said, a voice that is draco's voice. "Draco?, I got your letter" You showed him the letter.
"Y/n, I'm so sorry for the things I've said and done to you. Daphne was a bit mad at me for it, she scolded me for it, and I felt sorry, but I just cannot stop and be nice, but, I took it too far and it's bad, really bad. You're so beautiful, please don't ever doubt your beauty," Draco said. You felt sorry. "Draco about the I fell for you part, is it true? " You asked him, looking at his eyes.
"Yes, I love you,,but you dont have to feel bad if you don't like me, just please don't tell your brother" He took both of your hands with both of his hands.
"Draco.. " You whispered. But he nodded, "I get it, let's just forget we ever talked and I'll stop interacting with you", he let go of your hands.
But you took them back, saying "draco.. I fell for you since the first day of school, and I just hate my self for it, you were the boy who bullied me but I still fell for you, either way"
"So I don't want to rush things.. But y/n do you want to be my-" You kissed him. "Is that a yes, y/n potter? " He smiled. He look taken aback, but he was very happy, you on the other hand, was blushing very hard.
"Yes, Draco, that's a yes" You giggled while he brushes the hair away from your face before kissing you one more time, before saying "I love you so much", " I love you way more"
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fictionfanaticspod · 10 months
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🪄𝓜𝓲𝓰𝓾𝓮𝓵 𝓰𝓸𝓮𝓼 𝓽𝓸 𝓗𝓸𝓰𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓼!🪄
In this side series we are joined by our fan club president Miguel, who is giving his opinion on the Harry Potter movies after seeing them for the first time! First up is the Sorcerer’s Stone!
Stay tuned as continue with each movie because there may some giveaways coming! Listen now wherever you get your podcasts!
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invye · 1 year
Unity of Magic - Chapter 26
Posted Chapter 26 this morning!
Lots and lots of magic lore here. Also answering the question just how much the Mystic Order knows about the Darkhold...
Welcome to Kamar-Taj, Wanda and Vision, you'll leave with your lives changed forever.
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fureliselost · 11 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Potter & James Potter, Harry Potter & James Potter & Lily Evans Potter, Harry Potter & Lily Evans Potter, Lily Evans Potter & Severus Snape, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter Characters: Harry Potter, Lily Evans Potter, James Potter, Severus Snape Additional Tags: James Potter & Lily Evans Potter Live, Lily Evans Potter & Severus Snape Friendship, Slytherin Harry Potter, Harry Potter is Bad at Feelings, Harry Potter is So Done, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Child Neglect, aftermath of child neglect, Poor Hygiene, Emotional Hurt/Comfort Series: Part 2 of Bootleg Sorcerer's Stone AU Summary:
“What is it, James?”
“Lily, you’ll never believe what Harry just told me!”
“Is it something traumatic?”
“Also that, yes.” He shook his head, “But I’m shelving all of that for later, we don’t have time to unpack all that. I have something far more entertaining. You’ll never believe it,” he made a dramatic pause, “Snape is a professor at Hogwarts.” She stared at him blankly. “I thought you might not think the fact that Snivellus is a professor when he hated children was as funny as I think it is, but I was at least expecting a reaction.”
“Oh, sorry.” Lily said, but she was one hundred percent not and she let it show in her expression and tone. “I already knew.”
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shelleylovesloki · 1 year
Warped Reality
Summary: Being a student at the Sanctum Sanctorum  is never easy, especially when there is a group of rogue sorcerers led  by a mad man on the lose. Rose (Michelle) and Rachel never thought their lives  could become any more chaotic. But when Rachel is given an assignment to  hunt down Amadeus Rainer, a rogue sorcerer from the Sanctum, their  lives both take a drastic turn. Besides a band of evil sorcerers, they  are pulled into the mission to retrieve an infinity stone with the  potential to open other realms. But while on this mission, past traumas  are reopened, powers rediscovered, and realities reshaped in ways that  both women never could have imagined. And with the help of a certain God  of Mischief, the three sorcerers run into an ancient prophecy that  could open up their universe to a villain that reshapes the  understanding of magic itself.
Chapter 3: Spectre
Amadeus stepped through the dark ringed portal. Average security was so easy to get past. He wore a gray t-shirt underneath a black hooded jacket. The hood he wore over his head and a mask over the lower half of his face. His black cargo held a pack of miniature arrows and a sheath for his dagger. A miniature crossbow was strapped to his forearm.
Security was heavy, or it would be if it were an average thief. Amadeus was no common thief. Bodyguards were armed with batons while others with automatic weapons. The place looked like a museum. Dark wood floors and cool gray walls. The ceilings were high and echoing. Artifacts and paintings decorated the halls. But this was no museum. It was a private facility for Wilson Fisk. No one had the strength or nerve to cross him. Things always changed.
He peeked over the corner as he closed in on his goal. Three guards stood in the large showroom. All armed to the teeth with MAC-10s. He was going to have to move fast. Act without hesitating. He loaded a small tranquilizer arrow into the crossbow. Amadeus swerved around the corner and fired the arrow. It flew into the neck of the closest man. His victim grabbed his neck and collapsed to the floor. The other two quickly turned and began to raise their weapons.
Amadeus reached out one hand while grabbing for his dagger with the other. From his extended hand shot forth a black, cloudy chain which wrapped around the gun of the farthest guard, jerking it away from his hands. He threw his dagger, plunging it into the second guard’s chest. Amadeus unleashed another ominous chain around the third guard’s arm, yanking him to the ground. He rushed to the grounded man, grabbed his head and bashed it into the floor. The man laid unconscious on the ground in front of him.
“What was that?” said a voice in the distance.
Acting on instinct, Amadeus produced a smoking bow and arrow in his hands. He drew back the arrow and waited for the next set of guards. He released the arrow as the first bit of reinforcements rounded the corner. The black arrow pierced the guard’s abdomen, making him double over and fall to the ground. Amadeus used his chain projection to pull his dagger back into his hand.
The other two guards were not fortunate enough to have firearms. Amadeus smiled underneath his mask. This was going to be easier than expected. He pulled what seemed like a short baton from his belt. Black smoke surrounded his baton, extending it into a bo staff. Less than a minute later, both men were on the floor curled in pain.
Amadeus walked slowly to the display closest to him. In the glass case was a small clear crystal. Inside the crystal swirled some sort of red smoke. An image of Rachel flashed in his head. Was she okay? No, he couldn’t think about that right now. He had to focus.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out his sling ring. He swirled his fingers, projecting a black, smoky ringed portal. Reaching into the portal, he grabbed the rock from the display case. He tossed the rock up in the air and placed it in a pouch on his belt. Child’s play. He thought to himself.
He walked up to the blank wall. He removed his red and black glove, revealing his hand which was producing a black fog. He brought his hand around as the fog marked the wall like black ink. All he wrote was one word: Spectre.
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toulosersthings · 10 months
"The world had ended, so why had the battle not ceased, the castle fallen silent in horror, and every combatant laid down their arms? Harry's mind was in freefall, spinning out of control, unable to grasp the impossibility, because Fred Weasley could not be dead, the evidence of all his senses must be lying—"
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fandomsaligninstories · 5 months
Year One: Halloween
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Chapter List WC: 2,350
31st October, 1991, Evening
Violet was sitting on the stairs in the courtyard after her Charms class had finished, studying for a quiz when she was the Gryffindor's heading her way. She shoved her belongings in her bag as she rushed towards them, her hand raised in a wave when she saw the familiar trio, but she pulled up short as she heard Ron talking.
Ron was walking with Harry and two other boys, Hermione right behind them. 
"She's a nightmare, honestly! No wonder she hasn't got any friends." Ron said, just as Hermione pushed past him and rushed away from Violet.
Violet glared at Ron then rushed after Hermione, who was halfway into the castle.
"Hermione! Hermione, wait!" The girl continued on as if she hadn't heard her name being called. Violet huffed, but kept chasing her, all the way into the girls bathroom. Hermione shut herself into a stall and Violet could hear her sobbing.
"Go away!" 
"No, I don't think I will. I heard what Ron said, he's a right arse for that."
She started crying harder, "But he's not wrong, you know."
"Yes he is!" Violet urged, moving to lean against the sink across from the stall, "He is wrong. You and I are friends, aren't we?"
"Well..." She paused, thinking it over, "I suppose..."
"He's just jealous that you're smarter than him. He comes from a family of wizards, but you can perform spells far better than he can." It was silent for a moment, and she was worried she'd said the wrong thing. Then she heard the lock click and the stall door opened.
Hermione stepped out, rubbing at her red eyes as she stared at the ground, "You think so?"
"I know so. Don't let him get to you, Hermione. He'll realise soon enough that you're a great friend, then he'll be sorry."
"Thanks, Violet." The girl gave her a weak smile.
"Feeling better? Let's get to dinner, I hear there's a big feast tonight for Halloween!"
The girls linked arms as they turned towards the exit of the bathroom, only to both freeze at the sight of the giant, ugly beast in front of them.
"T-Troll!" Hermione gasped. 
The thing was huge, it was brutish and its head reached halfway to the ceiling. It was a muddy green-grey colour, with warts all over its body. It wore thin scraps of leather as a vest and loincloth, and carried a large wooden club. 
The girls each backed into a bathroom stall, pulling out their wands and shutting the doors, then ducking as the troll swung its club, destroying the wooden walls and doors. The girls screamed as the remnants piled atop them.
"Hermione move!" Someone yelled, and both girls' heads popped up to see Harry and Ron, "Violet?!"
The troll started swinging its club again, so the girls began crawling out from the debris and away from the beast, as well as their wands. The boys were throwing pieces of wood and other debris at the troll, distracting it as the girls crawled around it and tried to hide under the sinks. Unfortunately there wasn't really anywhere to hide, and the troll swung and started destroying the sinks. The girls screamed again as porcelain and water sprayed around them.
"Help!" Hermione yelled at the boys, who were staring dumbly at the troll. 
Harry, the fool, took out his wand and charged at the beast. He grabbed hold of its swinging arm and flew up into the air, landing on the trolls head. The troll started to throw its head around in an attempt to knock Harry off, and in Harry's attempt to grab a hold of something, he stuck his wand up the trolls nostril.
"Ew!" All three of the others groaned. 
Harry grabbed hold of the trolls giant ears as it violently threw its head around, finally dislodging Harry and grabbing him by the leg.
"Do something!" Harry shouted at Ron, as the troll held him upside down and tried to hit him with its club.
"What?!" Ron replied.
"Anything!" Harry yelled, dodging the club.
"Swish and flick!" Hermione told Ron, who had pulled out his hand.
"Wingardium Leviosa! " Ron followed Hermione's instructions, causing the trolls club to slowly drift up and away from it. 
The troll looked at its empty hand confused, then looked up just in time for the club to fall onto its head. It dropped Harry, who quickly crawled backwards away from it, just as it began to sway and fall down, unconscious. 
Violet and Hermione stood up from the places under the sinks, looking between the troll and the boys. 
"Is it... Dead?" Hermione asked, slowly walking around it, stopping to stand across from the boys, as Violet moved to the other side of the bathroom, quickly picking through the debris to pull out their lost wands, which, thankfully, weren't broken. She moved to stand beside Ron and Harry, tossing Hermione her wand.
"I don't think so," Answered Harry, "Just knocked out."
Harry pulled his own wand out of the trolls nose, wiping it clean on his robes, just as a group of professors rushed in. 
Professor McGonagall gasped, clutching at her chest, "Oh my goodness!" Professors Snape and Quirrell stopped beside her. She looked at Harry, Ron, and Violet, "Explain yourselves!" 
Hermione interrupted the boys' stuttering, "It's my fault, Professor McGonagall." All eyes swung to her.
"Miss Granger?"
"I went looking for the troll. I've read about them and thought I could handle it." Hermione looked down at the ground, as if she were embarrassed, "but I was wrong. If Harry, Ron, and Violet hadn't come and found me, I'd probably be dead."
"Be that as it may, it was an extremely foolish thing to do. I would have expected more rational behaviour on your part, and I am very disappointed in you, Miss Granger." Professor McGonagall lectured, "Five points will be taken from Gryffindor for your serious lack of judgement. As for you two gentlemen, and lady, well, I just hope you realise how fortunate you are! Not many first-year students could take on a fully grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale. Five points... Will be awarded to each of you for sheer dumb luck."
The four students nodded, eyes downcast and smiling as Professors McGonagall and Snape exited the bathroom.
"Perhaps you ought to go, m-might wake up!" Professor Quirrell moved towards the troll, nervously laughing as the students left. 
As they made their way down the dark hallway, lit primarily by the thunderstorm outside and a few lit fire sconces, Harry thanked Hermione. 
"Good for you to get us out of trouble like that."
Ron rolled his eyes, "Mind you, we did save her life!"
"Mind you," Violet hissed, "We might not have needed saving if you hadn't insulted her."
"What're friends for?" Ron answered meekly, sharing a smile with Hermione. 
"Ugh," Violet mock scoffed, smiling at the other three, "Alright now? Because I'm hungry and would like to go find some food."
"Right, we should probably head back to our dorms. Isn't Hufflepuff by the kitchens?"Hermione asked.
"Yeah, but I don't know how to get in, we were told we're not allowed... Maybe I'll ask Cedric, or Anthony. I bet one of them knows." She nodded to herself, "Goodnight!"
The other three wished her a goodnight as they continued down the hall, while Violet took a left to head back towards the front of the castle. 
━━━━━━⊱༻ ༺⊰━━━━━━
9th November, 1991, Noon
"Why are we here again?" Violet shouted, leaning over to Cedric and Caroline so they could hear her over the screaming crowd. 
"Because it's fun!" Caroline shouted back, her eyes never leaving the quidditch pitch. 
There were many, many things Violet would have preferred doing on a Saturday. Responding to her parents' letter she received last night, or reading, or catching up on homework. Anything but sitting there in the stands, surrounded by what must've been every Hogwarts student and professor, watching the quidditch match between Gryffindor and Slytherin. 
Sure, she wanted to support Harry during his first game, but she could not have cared less about quidditch. Not when her friends tried to explain it to her, and especially not when they dragged her out in the freezing weather to watch the game. Even bundled up in her heavy cloak, and house coloured scarf, gloves, and hat, she was freezing. 
She grasped that Harry was chasing something called the golden snitch, and if caught, he'd win the game for his team, so she tried to focus on him, but it was hard. Half the time he was just sitting in the air, watching the team, and the rest of the time he was flying so fast she could barely find him. 
The game had only been going for a little while when Slytherin started to attack the Gryffindor players. Violet and the rest of the crowd gasped and booed at the Slytherins, who were knocking Gryffindors off their brooms. Violet's attention was pulled back to Harry when someone shouted, "Look!"
"What's wrong with Harry?!" She shouted standing up and leaning out to get a better look. Cedric and Caroline were right next to her, watching in confusion.
"I think something's wrong with his broom!" Cedric replied.
Harry's broom was flying all over the place. It was jerking up and down, side to side, and spinning him around. It was easy to tell, even from the distance, that he wasn't doing so well up there. 
"HARRY!" She screamed, watching as he fell off the broom, barely holding on and preventing a plummet several kilometres to the ground. The broom continued to jerk around, trying to drop Harry, until it suddenly stopped. 
He was barely back on his broom before he took off again, chasing then flying alongside a Slytherin player.
"He must've found the snitch!" Cedric exclaimed, his eyes never missing a single happening in the game.
She watched Harry as he flew at the ground, pulling back at the last second, then moving to stand on his still moving broom. 
"What is he doing?!" Violet yelled. She wouldn't admit it, not after the fight she'd put up about going, but she was starting to enjoy herself. The energy from the crowd around her was infectious. 
Suddenly Harry went soaring off his broom, tumbling over the pitch that he'd luckily been close to, landing on his feet. He clutched at his stomach, looking like he was going to be sick, when he spit something out of his mouth. 
"He's got the snitch!" The announcer exclaimed, "Harry Potter receives one hundred and fifty points for catching the snitch!"
The crowd erupted in screams and cheers, "Go, go, Gryffindor!"
Violet joined in, beaming down at her friend who was surrounded by his teammates, all celebrating their win. 
Once the crowds had departed and she was back inside, Cedric and Caroline walking on either side of her, she couldn't get rid of the grin on her face.
"Wasn't that bad, now was it?" Cedric nudged her, his grin matching her own.
"Suppose not," She relented, "But I still don't care for the game. I've never liked sports, not even back at home."
"Don't worry," Caroline laughed, waving as Susan came towards them, "We'll turn you into a quidditch fan yet." Then she took off with Susan, both disappearing up the stairs.
"You really enjoyed it?" Cedric asked, following Violet towards the common room.
"I wouldn't say enjoy... but I didn't hate it." Her grin softened as she noticed Cedrics hesitation, "I had fun. Thanks for dragging me along."
He nodded, stopping outside the Hufflepuff door, opening it for her. She went in first, then started taking off her outerwear once inside. It was much warmer inside the castle, which Violet believed to be because of magic, seeing as the only real heat source was from the candles and sconces around the castle.
"Glad you had fun," Cedric replied, taking off his own coat and outerwear, "We don't play for a few more weeks, and it'll be against Ravenclaw. Evenly matched, I'd say."
"How many games are there in a year?" She asked, curious.
"Only six. Each team plays each other once, with two games in November, two in February, one in May, and one in June. Whatever team has the most points out of all the games wins the Quidditch Cup. It's been a few years since we've won it, but this is our year." 
Violet notices that Cedrics entire face lights up when talking about quidditch, "Is it something you want to do after you leave school?"
"Yeah, maybe. Haven't thought that far ahead, you know?" He leaned against the back of the couch, his belongings discarded on it as he focused his attention on her.
"Fair enough," She laughed, "Well, thanks again for today. I've got some reading to do, but catch up later?" 
He nods, watching as she heads to her dorm. She waves when she sees he's still staring before crossing into the dorm hallway. 'Odd', she thought, 'Does he always stare after people like that?'
She shrugged it off the thought as she entered her room, neatly tucking away her belongings into her trunk before moving over to the bedside table. She opened the drawer and pulled out a stack of parchment and a quill. She settled onto her bed with a hard book and began writing.
𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓜𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓕𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻,
𝓘 𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓼 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓼𝓸 𝓶𝓾𝓬𝓱. 𝓗𝓸𝓰𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓼 𝓱𝓪𝓼 𝓫𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝔀𝓮𝓵𝓵. 𝓔𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔂𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓲𝓼 𝓼𝓸 𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓭 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓱𝓮𝓵𝓹𝓯𝓾𝓵. 𝓣𝓸 𝓪𝓷𝓼𝔀𝓮𝓻 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷, 𝓷𝓸, 𝓷𝓸 𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓲𝓼 𝓰𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓶𝓮 𝓪 𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓭 𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮. 𝓣𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮'𝓼 𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓫𝓸𝔂𝓼 𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮, 𝓢𝓵𝔂𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓷, 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝔀𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓷'𝓽 𝓼𝓸 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓪𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓶, 𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝔂'𝓻𝓮 𝓸𝓴𝓪𝔂 𝓷𝓸𝔀.
𝓒𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝓰𝓸𝓸𝓭. 𝓜𝔂 𝓯𝓪𝓿𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓼𝓾𝓫𝓳𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓼 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓻𝓫𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓰𝔂 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓓𝓮𝓯𝓮𝓷𝓼𝓮 𝓐𝓰𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓼𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓓𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓐𝓻𝓽𝓼. 𝓦𝓮'𝓿𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓪𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓵 𝓹𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓲𝓻 𝓹𝓻𝓸𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓽𝓲𝓮𝓼, 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓭𝓲𝓯𝓯𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓽𝔂𝓹𝓮𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓫𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓼. 𝓓𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓻𝔂, 𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓶 𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭 𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓪𝓽𝓽𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓗𝓸𝓰𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓼, 𝓼𝓸 𝔀𝓮'𝓻𝓮 𝓽𝓸𝓽𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓼𝓪𝓯𝓮 𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮! 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓸𝓴𝓪𝔂, 𝓪 𝓯𝓮𝔀 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓭 𝓸𝓯 𝓫𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱. 𝓘'𝓿𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓸 𝓯𝓵𝔂 𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓫𝓻𝓸𝓸𝓶! 𝓘𝓽 𝔀𝓪𝓼 𝓼����𝓪𝓻𝔂 𝓪𝓽 𝓯𝓲𝓻𝓼𝓽, 𝓫𝓮𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓸 𝓯𝓪𝓻 𝓸𝓯𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓰𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓭, 𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝓘'𝓶 𝓰𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓫𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓹𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓮.
𝓘 𝓬𝓪𝓷'𝓽 𝔀𝓪𝓲𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓱𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼! 𝓗𝓪𝓼 𝓲𝓽 𝓫𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝓼𝓷𝓸𝔀𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮? 𝓘𝓽 𝓱𝓪𝓼 𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮. 𝓘𝓽'𝓼 𝓼𝓸 𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓾𝓽𝓼𝓲𝓭𝓮. 𝓣𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮'𝓼 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝓽𝓻𝓮𝓮𝓼, 𝓯𝓲𝓮𝓵𝓭𝓼, 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝔀𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓪𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓭 𝓾𝓼.
𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓼 𝔂𝓸𝓾,
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aslanscompass · 1 year
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Potter & Newt Scamander, Tina Goldstein & Harry Potter Characters: Harry Potter, Newt Scamander, Tina Goldstein, Rolf Scamander, Scamander Family (Harry Potter) Additional Tags: sorcerer's stone au Series: Part 17 of ....and how to save them, Part 1 of The Boy Who Loved Summary:
It's Harry's eleventh birthday. Time for his Hogwarts letter.
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inwhichiramble · 2 years
Chrysalis: Chapter 12
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Caelia may have had no experience with sneaking anywhere in Hogwarts, except for maybe the kitchens (though that was an open Hufflepuff secret), but she did have experience with Transfiguration.
Harry had warned her about Peeves, Filch, and Filch’s cat, Mrs. Norris, and using what she learned in McGonagall’s class, she decided that Mrs. Norris was who she would have to take out of the equation first. In a fun, safe, cat-friendly way of course. She didn’t grow up being babysat by Mrs. Figg for nothing.
Taking a couple of her spare quills, she finished writing a letter to her father as her dormmates left the common room, bidding her good night. Finally, she was alone.
Tiptoeing out of the common room and into the hallway, she glanced around, and then, setting a quill on the floor, transfigured it into a rat, which scurried away quickly. That would keep Mrs. Norris busy and her nose out of Caelia’s business.
She began to make her way down the hall by the Slytherin common room to head upstairs, but froze as she saw someone exiting Professor Snape’s office.
He stilled at the sight of her, and his eyes widened. Quietly, he hurried towards her.
“Hi Draco,” she smiled sheepishly.
“What are you doing out here?”
I could ask you the same thing, she thought. But she was already late. “Draco, you know this is only the first time I’ve snuck out.”
“I know. So it must be something important…”
“Draco… do you trust me?”
He nodded.
“I’ll tell you everything later. I promise.”
“You don’t have to. Just… are you okay?”
She smiled. “I will be.”
The two of them parted ways, Draco to his common room and Caelia upstairs as fast as she could. She had to set another rat loose when Mrs. Norris came too close, but blessedly nothing else obstructed her path. She met Harry, Ron, and Hermione--who appeared seemingly out of nowhere--at the door in the third floor corridor, which was already ajar.
“Well, there you are,” Harry said quietly, “Snape’s already got past Fluffy.”
“Fluffy?” Caelia gasped. “That’s such a cute name, what is it that we’re facing?”
The three of them stared at her.
“Right. Nevermind. Sorry.”
Harry turned to the other three. “If you want to go back, I won’t blame you. You can take the cloak, I won’t need it now.”
Caelia frowned. “Are you serious?” “Don’t be stupid,” Ron chimed in.
“We’re coming,” said Hermione.
Harry pushed the door open.
Caelis peered into the dark room, and flinched slightly when she heard low growls coming from the back of the room. “What is that?” She whispered.
Ron rested a hand on her shoulder. “Caelia… meet Fluffy, the three headed dog.”
“What’s that at its feet?” Hermione whispered.
“Looks like a harp,” said Ron. “Snape must have left it there.”
“It must wake up the moment you stop playing,” said Harry. “Well, here goes…”
He pulled out a short wooden flute and blew a tuneless stream of music, lulling Fluffy back to sleep.
Ron and Hermione led Caelia to a trapdoor next to the dog’s great paws.
“Want to go first, Hermione?”
“No, I don’t!”
“All right,” said Ron, gritting his teeth. He pulled open the trapdoor and he and Caelia peered inside.
“It’s pitch black,” she muttered. “Is it too risky to try Lumos?”
“I haven’t practiced that spell yet,” Hermione admitted. “But I’ve read about it in the second-year textbooks. Can you do it?”
“Yeah, my Dad taught me. Lumos,” she whispered, sending a tiny ball of light into the pitch-black hole to reveal a large mass of vines. “That looks like a pretty soft landing.”
Harry had made his way over to them, and handed the flute to Hermione for her to keep playing. “That’s good news, but just in case, I’ll go first,” he said. “If anything happens to me, don’t follow. Go straight to the owlery and send Hedwig to Dumbledore, right?”
“Right,” said Ron.
“Harry…” Caelia started. “We can go at the same time, if you like.”
He seemed to consider it for a moment, but shook his head. “It’s alright. See you in a minute,” he smiled to reassure her.
And Harry dropped into the hole, straight into the bed of vines. After a moment, he called back up to them. “It’s okay, you can jump!”
Ron went next, then Caelia, then Hermione.
They looked around. “We must be miles under the school,” said Hermione.
“Lucky this plant thing’s here, really,” said Ron.
Caelia paled.
“Lucky!” shrieked Hermione, “Look at you three!”
Harry and Caelia were wrapped up to their necks in the vines, and Ron’s legs were encased by them as well. Hermione pulled free and scrambled over to a wall.
The boys began to struggle, but Caelia remained as still as she could. If there was one thing she’d learned from Professor Sprout this year, it was that getting sent to the hospital wing with Devil’s Snare choking the life out of your wrist was not fun.
“I know what this is--” said Hermione “--it’s Devil’s Snare!”
“Hermione, can you light a fire?” Caelia gasped.
Ron’s jaw dropped. “What would that do, we’d all be caught up in it!”
“That’s how you kill it!” Hermione cried, wringing her wrists. “But--but there’s no wood!”
“Oh, right!” said Hermione, and she conjured her trademark bluebell frames, sending them through the plant, allowing Harry, Ron, and Caelia to escape.
The next room was filled with flying keys, and the door across the room was locked. Ron figured out what key they should be looking for, and the four of them mounted brooms, flying into the mass of wings keys.
Caelia’s tactic was to grab handfuls of keys and rifle through them, looking for a silver one, but Harry, being seeker, was a bit faster--he spotted the silver key with bright blue wings and the four of them dove for it so Harry could capture it.
Once unlocked, the door revealed a room filled with, of all things, chess pieces.
“Now what do we do?” Harry whispered.
“It’s obvious, isn’t it?” said Ron. “We’ve got to play our way across the room.”
Ron replaced each of the black pieces with one of them, taking the knight for himself, and expertly navigated them across the board. Caelia’s very bones shook each time a piece got knocked out, but she resolved to trust that Ron wouldn’t allow one of them to be hurt.
That is, aside from himself.
“Yes…” said Ron softly, upon observing the white, faceless queen before him. “It’s the only way… I’ve got to be taken.”
“NO!” The other three shouted.
“That’s chess!” snapped Ron. “You’ve got to make some sacrifices! I take one step forward and she’ll take me--that leaves you free to checkmate the king, Harry!”
“Do you want to stop Snape or not?”
“Look, if you don’t hurry up, he’ll already have the Stone!”
In the next moment, Ron had moved forward and was swiped off his place atop the horse--Hermione and Caelia screamed, and Harry flinched harshly--and he was knocked out, dragged onto the other side of the room by the queen.
Shaking, Harry quickly moved three spaces to the left, forcing the white king to accept defeat.
The three of them quietly moved on to the next room, groaning in disgust at the sight of a knocked-out troll, and quickly continued to a room only populated by a table full of vials. Caelia was doing everything in her power to stay calm, but nearly jumped out of her skin when two barriers of fire--one purple, one black--trapped them within the room.
Hermione took no time at all to decode the riddle, but when it came time to decide who would drink what, they all drew a bit of a blank.
“There’s three of us, and each of those bottles has barely one swallow’s worth of liquid,” said Caelia.
Harry stared intensely at the bottles. “Which one will get you back through the purple flames?”
Hermione pointed at the right bottle.
“Hermione, you drink that,” said Harry. “No, listen, get back and get Ron. Grab brooms from the flying-key room, they’ll get you out of the trapdoor and past Fluffy--go straight to the owlery and send Hedwig to Dumbledore, we need him. I might be able to hold Snape off for a while, but I’m no match for him, really.”
Hermione nodded weakly. “Wait--but then, what will Caelia do? You can’t both drink the vial to get through either fire.”
Caelia squinted. “Can’t wine put out fire?”
Hermione tilted her head. “Yes. I don’t know about magical fire, but it’s worth a try.”
Caelia nodded, and Hermione indicated the two wine vials. While Hermione went to give Harry a hug, Caelia took one of the vials over to the black fire and poured a very tiny bit over the fire, smiling weakly when she saw it begin to die down.
Going back to join them, Caelia gave Hermione a tight hug before the bushy-haired girl drank her vial and rushed back through the purple flames towards Ron.
Harry, however, was frowning. “Aren’t you going to go with her?”
Caelia shook her head amusedly. “Remember what I said? I’m not leaving you behind. Besides…” she went over to the purple flames and poured a bit of the wine over them. Nothing happened. “Apparently these are wine-proof flames. Professor Snape is very, very weird.”
Harry sighed in defeat, but drank his vial and motioned for her to follow him. She poured the two wine vials over the flames, allowing her just enough time to slip through the heat.
Harry had frozen. Caelia looked past him.
There was someone already there.
It was Quirrel.
“You!” gasped Harry. Caelia’s jaw had hit the floor.
Quirrel smiled, completely calm. “Me. I wondered whether I’d be meeting you here, Potter.”
Harry had tried to shove Caelia behind him, out of Quirrel’s view, but the so-called professor noticed.
“Well, well, well… who else do we have here?”
Caelia snapped.
Storming out from behind Harry, she made her way all the way into the room and marched straight up to Quirrel, thrusting her wand towards his throat.
Quirrel, for a moment, seemed to retreat back into the professor they thought they’d known--fumbling helplessly for his wand as he was held and wand-point by Caelia.
“Try it, I dare you,” she snarled. “I may be a first year, but having an auror for a dad made up for having to sit through your miserable class for a whole year. Harry, go ahead and question him.”
Harry, who had only ever seen Caelia act this way on three specific occasions before, had frozen in fear. Finally coming to, he noticed the Mirror of Erised behind Quirrel and Caelia. He cleared his throat.
“Caelia, lead Quirrel to the mirror.”
Caelia grabbed Quirrel’s arm and jerked him around, keeping her wand pointed at his head.
“What do you see in the mirror?” Harry bit out. He was still trying to wrap his mind around the fact that it was not Snape standing before him.
Quirrel chuckled, and Caelia jammed her wand further into the side of his turban, causing him to flinch. “I see the stone… I am presenting it to my master… but where is it?”
Harry frowned. “Who is your master?”
Quirrel smiled once more. “Why, Lord Voldemort, of course. I used to be foolish, full of ridiculous ideas about good and evil… he showed me how wrong I was. There is no good and evil, there is only power, and those too weak to see it. I cannot fail him again…” he murmured, shuddering.
Caelia rolled her eyes. “Yeah, we get it, You-Know-Who is a really great guy--moving on!”
“What I am trying to understand is where exactly the Stone is. Is it inside the mirror?”
Caelia glanced at Harry and it was clear that all the gears were connecting in his head. Unfortunately, she made the mistake of glancing at the mirror for just a moment--she thought she saw a goat?--but Quirrel used this moment to grab ahold of her and cast her aside, causing her to slam into the stone wall--then, not a second later--
She screamed.
She screamed until all she saw was white. White hot pain coursed through every fiber of her being, tears poured down her face and she cried out Harry’s name.
But there was nothing Harry could do, as Quirrel forced him in front of the Mirror and he pocketed the stone.
Quirrel pushed Harry out of the way, and the distraught boy rushed over to Caelia, who was still violently shaking and crying.
“Let me speak to him… face-to-face…”
Harry was frozen next to Caelia, who had finally begun to calm, but the two of them trembled with fear as Quirrel unwrapped his turban to reveal, quite literally, the most horrifying face they had ever seen--chalk white, a nose replaced by snake-like slits, and deep, soulless red eyes that glinted in their direction. Caelia screamed once more.
She had lost all concept of what was happening around her. Voldemort--Quirrell was advancing upon Harry, who was shouting angrily--he had run away, the two-faced man in pursuit--Harry grabbed Quirrel, who screamed--Voldemort was screaming just as loud and desperately, which later caused Caelia just how pathetic of a villain he was, considering how often he lost to a literal child.
Eventually, all the screaming came to an abrupt halt--until Caelia came to and saw Quirrel’s dead body, devoid of Voldemort’s face, and Harry’s unconscious one beside her.
It didn’t take much longer for Professor Dumbledore to rush into the room, followed by McGonagall, Snape, Ron, and Hermione--the latter of whom screamed as well. It was all getting to be too much for Caelia’s head to take--she remembered stuttering worse than Quirrel while trying to explain what happened--the next thing she knew she was in a very soft bed and she just couldn’t take it anymore, falling asleep while tears streamed down her cheeks.
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queenendless · 6 months
☯️My Senpai (Student!SatoSugu x Student!Reader ft Student!Ieiri Shoko)☯️
A/n: The canonical prequel of Ticklish Remedy aka the Cursed Seer AU!
You the late transfer, getting along with your fellow first years, while also being dote on by your senpais.
There is an allude to an ongoing mystery with you in this AU that is kinda obvious, crack kinda nonsense from everyone here, mentions of ShokoHime, and SatoSugu be kinda chaotic in this, I did the best I could to make it short but sweet!
PLEASE DONT PLAGIARIZE, STEAL, REPOST, COPY AND/OR TRANSLATE MY FANFIC CONTENT. Reblog, like, and follow instead please and thank you.
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You're a walking mystery.
No family.
No home.
Just a wandering soul that was discovered passed out by the entrance, collapsed before the first torii gate.
Sensing the shift in balance as an abnormal source appeared out of the blue right at the doorstop, Gojo was the first to find you, followed closely behind by Geto.
Your eyes were closed, lost in subconsciousness.
But in your mind's eye, you could visualize everything transpiring. You could hear them clear as day. Gojo's curly lips as he held you in his arms, brushing your hair aside to see your face more.
“Like a little kitten~ Kawaii~”
“Less flirting, you. Best to take her to Shoko.” Geto murmured as he took you in his arms to carry you all bride-like.
“You're blushing though~” Gojo snickered.
“Shut it.” Geto's kick was halted by Infinity.
“You likey, me likey~” Gojo sang as they started climbing those stone steps.
Those two nosey felines peaked in as you awoke a while later after Shoko's healing did the trick, a cig between her quirked lips.
“Cutie pie.” Patting you on the head, she gave you a lollipop. “For being a good patient.”
“Hey! I want some!” Gojo barged in loud enough to startle you in bed, grabbing some right out of the opened bag nestled in the desk chair. “I get sweets on top on seeing this sweetie up and about for real!”
“Good to see you awake, um …” Geto's awkward trail off as he rubbed the back of his neck, not knowing your name.
“Y/n L/n.”
Those three had big sparkling eyes of wonderment the moment you replied. Even your name sounded wonderful to them.
Like, your very presence was swaying them all.
“Ieiri Shoko.” She saluted.
“Suguru Geto.” He bowed a bit.
“Satoru Gojo.” He winked.
Blushing up at their greetings gave an extra kick for you to feel energized.
Enough to change into one of Shoko's spare tees, sweatpants, and sandals before the trio brought you before Yaga-sensei who met you inside a shrine of the school, introducing yourself to the newfound principal.
After affirming your backstory and situation thus far, you were put on the spot and tested for your chance to stay, facing off against one of his cursed corpse dolls. A giant bear with boxing gloves.
Your eyes burned and gleamed bright as moving pictures appeared in your mind.
As they zipped up to you, you felt something click within.
In that next moment, your feet moved on their own.
Your desire to move had you zipping in blurry speed all over, exhilaration racing through your veins.
Kicking the bear right into the wall, leaving cracks in its dent sized hole.
Shoko snapped a pic whereas the guys both whistled lowly.
It all went by in a snap.
“Not bad. For a sapling. However!” He pried his wiggling bruised doll from the wall, cradling and patting the whimpering little thing. “Everyone has their reason for becoming a sorcerer. What is yours?”
“I have nowhere else to go … no one else to turn to.” That was all you could rely on because your recollection on how you teleported here was still foggy but there was nothing else to do but move forward and hope the truth comes to light in time.
“If this is my gift … my innate talent … my newfound purpose then … is to take advantage of it to the fullest. And if saving lives can come with that, then fine. As long as I have food, a roof over my head, and get paid for it, that is.”
Yaga-sensei turned to the second years who looked anywhere but him, whistling, at the mention of getting paid. “Very well.” Yaga bowed to you. “Welcome to Jujutsu High.”
You bowed in return when the clapping and congratulations from your new senpais had your face tinted like a flustered rose.
“Is that not the cutest thing you've ever seen?” Sitting against the vending machine, Gojo's blue raspberry lips curled up, directed at you as you chatted with your fellow first years.
“She has a name, ya know.” Geto's pineapple tinted lips pursed.
“And our precious kouhai to boot~!”
“Staring at her so much will only unsettle her.”
“Slowly growing curse energy level. Innate technique still developing. Almost as if she's just become a cursed newborn –”
“Terrible word choice.”
“These eyes can fully read her … but it still feels like she's hiding something.”
“Everyone’s entitled to have secrets.”
Only a week has gone by and already you were part of the IT crowd.
Clad in your new uniform, you had walked out of the combini with Nanami on one side and Haibara on the other, plastic bags of popsicles in hand as your senpais tasked you three with buying them, passing them out as you plopped a (favorite flavor) popsicle in your mouth.
Haibara got chummy with you, chattering about anything right away with his coconut soaked lips madly while Nanami commented here and there with those lemon lips but looking at ease with you two there.
Gojo chuckled, dumping his popsicle and wrapper into the nearby trash can. “How interesting~ This'll be fun~”
Despite barely meeting the qualifications of becoming a sorcerer, you gave off such a comforting assuring presence.
Everyone flocked to you. The curious, genuine soul amiss the cursed chaos that is this kind of life. Among this crew. A rare special enigma …
“L/n-chan~ Walk with me~ Talk with me~Adore me~!” Gojo appeared before you, floating right there, embracing you in a squeeze.
Burning face aside, the word slipped out before you could process it.
Haibara's gasp, Nanami coughing out a snort in his fist, Shoko's kiwi glossed smirk, and Geto's surprised but amused face were all a pale contrast to Gojo's guffawed face as he shook you, oblivious to how your insides fluttered so damn much from his actions.
“Huh!? Why not!? I'm your senpai! The strongest one there is! You have to do what I say!”
“You and Geto-senpai are the strongest together, you hurtful baka.” You reminded the prime fact that has been etched in your mind and soul.
Geto's pink dusted cheeks made him that much more dashing in your eyes as he pulled you out of Gojo's arms. “Thank you, L/n-chan.” He then smacked Gojo upside the head. “Baka.”
“Suguru, I didn't mean that! Forgive me!’ The albino shredded waterfalls, embracing the stewing teen who easily broke free from the lanky grip.
You hurried over to hide behind Geto's bulky frame, peaking out at Gojo before blinking up at Geto with those anticipated e/c eyes earning an enriching laugh from him. “Yosh yosh~” Geto patted your head to your bashful self. “Forgive him. He's still learning the mundane ways of decency.”
Haibara and Gojo gasped dramatically in unison, Nanami looked cross eyed at the escalating nonsense, and Shoko took another popsicle in.
“You're just as bad as me, ya know.” Gojo poked him insistently in the cheek.
“Satoru, your prideful obnoxiousness isn't gonna win her over.” Geto lightly smacked his hand aside.
“It won you over, didn't it~?”
Gojo's sly smirk and Geto's flaming face had Haibara raspily squealing, Nanami covering his mouth to stop that noise, Shoko giving a bland whoop call and you this close to getting a nosebleed.
“Come on, Suguru~ Flex them muscles and brains for our sweet kouhai if you're so confident like you do for me~” Gojo flirted.
“We shouldn't overwhelm her right off the bat you idiot!” Geto hissed.
“What is happening?” Nanami was mortified.
“Our senpai are so brazen … it's inspiring!” Haibara was starry-eyed, seeing nothing wrong.
“The moronic couple have broken their own world record.” Shoko hummed as she was recording with her phone to show Utahime later.
Blue and almond clashed when a supple soft form appeared between the two, taking each of their hands in your own, tugging on them just to get them to hold hands themselves. “Don't fight because of me. Please.”
Arrows pierced the pair's hearts; red dusting from cheeks to their ears, with light in their eyes at the supportive small softie that is you.
“Kawaii~” Gojo hummed.
“Angelic~” Geto breathed out, stunned.
“Stubborn but reasonable … I like you.” Shoko laughed a bit; her popsicle stuck in between her lips instead, pulling you out from between them, hugging you from behind. “Maybe I'll keep you for me and Utahime-senpai to share.”
. . .
Moving pictures flashed in your mind for a moment.
Holding their hands.
Being carried away in their arms.
Laugher ringing out through the bright scene.
They came in so quick.
They were gone the next.
“Eto?” Your dot eyes blinked dubiously.
“We call dibs on her, Shoko! Right Suguru!?”
“Wha – ?”
“Damn it, fine.”
You yelped as they each took an arm of yours and easily pulled you out of Shoko's hold, using their arms to carry you in their own makeshift arm throne, running fast enough to leave dust in their wake.
“Suck it Shoko!” Gojo hollered over his shoulder.
“I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested! Sorry Shoko!” Geto yelled back in a jumble.
“Everyone!” Your panicked yell echoed along with their manic laughter as you three blinked out of view.
“GoGe throuple it is. Damn it.” She didn't sound too upset as she sent the recording to her bae before taking the bags you dropped amidst the chaos as she followed their path.
“Our senpai are idiots.” Nanami's head dipped in shame as he followed.
“But bold! I like it!” Oh Haibara, always the optimist.
As the winds blew hard and the sun gleamed for the optimistic future that laid ahead of you, you were suddenly lowered down. Your heart was ready to soar out of your chest.
The vision came true.
But chalking it up as coincidence would be best suited until more came into fruition to confirm their legitimacy.
Perhaps then, using them as a guide would help reveal the missing pieces in the puzzle that is you. How you came to be here. These newfound abilities of yours that were steadily growing as we speak. And your otherworldly charm that lures everyone in. These two especially.
Tilting his shades up to rest on his head, Gojo's eyes twinkled with deviousness as he cheekily giggled. “Y/n~ How lucky you are to have two strong senpai looking after you~”
“While part of me still finds this insane, I suppose being Jujutsu sorcerers in training entitles us to embrace the craziness. Right, Y/n-chan~?” Geto's toothy smirk made you just as nervous as it did anticipating what's to come.
You gave off steam as you hid your burning red face in your hands, earning you breathy laughs from those two as they waved at your fellow schoolmates that were finally catching up to them.
What a way to start things off.
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greycaelum · 1 year
Kaleidoscope Series—Clouds and Mochi Chapters { Say You Won't Let Go }
—Gojo Satoru X Wife Reader
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𑁍 Synopsis: It was because over the years you never let go
𑁍 Genre: song lyric fanfic, family theme, fluff, angst if you squint, comfort
𑁍 CW/TW: (3k)—teen to marriage life timeskip, domesticity, crying, kisses, slight profanity, kids, mentions of pregnancy, overall fluff
𑁍 A/N: Okay so first, thank you for the 2k everyone, I can't believe the small corner I started has grown to this extent 🥺 and on top of that Satoru's finally back. So here's my little something to celebrate with you! I hope you like it! This song is one of my favorite and I find it so fitting for Kaleidoscope Series~ —Grey
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I met you in the dark, you lit me up
You made me feel as though I was enough
We danced the night away, we drank too much
I held your hair back when you were throwin' up
Satoru met you long before you uttered a word to him. On a night, wearing your thin pajamas and messy hair as you hurriedly put on a curtain before the sorcerers arrive to contain the curse, he knew you caught his eyes. The lady wasn't ethereally beautiful but she was breathtaking in the midst of chaos.
And after many years of sleepless nights and sealed lips of unrequited admiration he now has you, dancing sloppily in the living room in a silly truth or drink game. The light turned off with only the dim candles and the clumsily made pillow fort at the back and a bottle of wine now empty on the floor.
Sharing this silent moment, staring into each other's eyes, a little tipsy and flush with your giggles every time gets him swooning, his heart racing faster than it should and he's left wondering how to keep moments like this forever. In your cuteness or in your mess. Satoru wants to be there every moment he's allowed.
Then you smiled over your shoulder
For a minute, I was stone-cold sober
I pulled you closer to my chest
And you asked me to stay over
I said, I already told ya
I think that you should get some rest
"You look like you're breaking apart." Your hand reaches to cup his cheeks, cheeks that have grown prominent from waking nights of sporadic sleep. Dinners together were the thing he look forward to spending with you. Hating it when the clock strikes 9 telling him it's time to go. "Stay here." You held his hand, stopping Satoru from leaving. It's one of those days he needs you more than ever. Need to feel you close by as he wraps his arms around your waist, his head tucked under your chin, letting you cradle him as he presses an ear over your heart. It's when your fingers thread through his hair, lulling him into the touch his soul craves the most.
"Feeling better?" You questioned in a hush, stopping your hand from lightly scratching his back. Satoru groaned, dismayed from the loss of your caress. "Don't stop." He whines making you chuckle at the pouting tone. "You needy baby, my arms will be sore." You complained but you resumed stroking his head and running your nails on the curve of his spine knowing he needs some rest.
I knew I loved you then, but you'd never know
'Cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go
I knew I needed you, but I never showed
But I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old
"You can't marry her. She's a civilian." It was a cold day. A day he knew would eventually come to the second he chooses you. After all, he is a greedy man. Greedy enough to pull you into his world. Would you hate him if he does so? Satoru could feel his heart waver at the mere thought of your eyes looking at him with pain and sadness. And hope against hope you would never look at him in that way.
"Who says I can't?" Satoru knew even if he was the strongest he is still restricted. "Who do you think I am?" But who can restrain him from having you? To have the only person that makes him more human. His fists clenched, turning his back on his clan leader.  "I will only have her, only her." Even if he has to wrestle that chance with his tooth and nail,
Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go
But he was foolish. Running after the power to keep you by his side only to break your heart until you're worn down. How heart-wrenching it was when you're his happiness but he was the reason for your pain.
"But Satoru... I am tired." You beat your chest finding it so hard to breathe, that the physical pain is so much better than this agony and confusion tearing you apart.
His heart is being stabbed seeing the beads of tears rain down your sweet cheeks. He brushed them with his thumb but you look down, evading his touch. Denying him of any right to console the pain he has caused you. And fuck that damn hurts. When all he wanted to give you is his love but he's the one to hurt you the most.
"I'm not yet tired!" He groaned. "Baby if you're tired, rest. I'll do everything. Just please don't leave me Y/n."
There was a foreign thing in his voice. A crack of desperation, and he's begging. Something he has never done in his life. His eyes look up at you filled with pain and yearning.
"No one understood me! No one cared enough. As long as I do my job as the strongest. Until now I'm still doing my best to be the strongest. To make everything okay, and I could continue shouldering all of it Y/n, I will carry everything... As long as you're mine." he whispered holding your hands tightly.
I'll wake you up with some breakfast in bed
I'll bring you coffee with a kiss on your head
And I'll take the kids to school, wave them goodbye
And I'll thank my lucky stars for that night
Perhaps deep down there was a part of him that very night he first saw you that envisioned this moment. Or was it when the clouds are grey that pushed him to talk to you first, offering you an umbrella that led to this life with you and his mochis running around the home you two built.
The morning sun streams in the room while you're fast asleep. Satoru is watching the rise and fall of your chest. Brushing your pale cheeks with his thumb. You'd be the first he sees in the morning and the last to see at night. Something like seeing you sleep so comfortably in his presence stir the urge to curl you and wrap you in his arms.
And that love could only expand as Satoru's children barged into the room, squealing and scrambling to climb onto the bed to smother you both in their tiny arms. The little balls of chaos need some morning love before the busy day starts.
"Good morning Papa," Saika quickly crawled on top of Satoru's chest. While Kouki is busy waking you up with kisses. "G'morning Mama."
It's those mornings that keep him smiling to have you and his children all huddled up. So simple within the four walls of the bedroom that holds Satoru's entire world.
Every day can't be like this so he can never waste a single one to remind you with a kiss how much he loves you. To carry his kids in his arms as long as he can. Bring them to school with his hand holding theirs. Seeing them grow day by day, loving them with all the love he could give
And he knows those small things that make up the smile on your face whenever he sees you. Seeing you stand on your tiptoes to press a kiss on his lips love brimming in your eyes like the stars that night he first saw you. He was never a believer in stars or the fates, but maybe just maybe there was a shooting star that heard him and granted his wish.
Because if not for the interference of the universe... He doesn't think he would be the man to hold your waist and kiss you passionately right now.
When you looked over your shoulder
For a minute, I forget that I'm older
I wanna dance with you right now, woah
And you look as beautiful as ever
And I swear that every day you'll get better
You make me feel this way somehow
I'm so in love with you and I hope you know
Darling, your love is more than worth its weight in gold
We've come so far, my dear, look how we've grown
And I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old
"Come inside already Satoru, you're all gonna get sick." He could hear you yell from the doorstep, your figure holding towels for him and the kids.
"Mama let's play in the rain!" Kouki shrilled while Saika jumps over the puddle giggling when it splashed on her Papa making Satoru shield his face as he runs in your direction, grinning wide at your glaring eyes and a few drops of his soaked hair wetting your clothes.
"Awee c'mon, a little rain won't hurt and I'll bathe them after." Satoru winks at you and unceremoniously leaned down to pull you over his shoulders, like a sack of potatoes.
"What are you—?! Satoru!" You shrieked at the raindrops instantly drenching you and the kids running with wide smiles on their faces at the sight of their father carrying their mom all around. "You're going to pay for this! Satoru you rascal!" You huffed running a palm over your face but the rain instantly soaked your face again.
"Mama! Booo!" Kouki splashed at you with his pail and run to hug his Papa's legs, laughing so identical to his father. 
"Ahhhh! I got my Queen no one can stop me now," Satoru swung you around, chasing after Saika while Kouki clung to one of his legs cackling. "Next I must get the Princess and the whole kingdom is mine." Satoru did an evil laugh while Kouki run away and played the knight shielding his sister in form of splashing his Father over and over.
"Satoru put me down, oh you!" You cannot be more thankful that the house has a very tall fence with the tall shrub adding more privacy and no one can easily your family from the streets. Seeing you with your husband and kids drenched like poodles isn't the typical sight a neighborhood wants to see on a rainy afternoon.
"The knight defeated the curse of the dragon and returned the King." Satoru ended, putting you down and holding your waist. "And the King finally reunited with his Queen, and got his true love's kiss." You should see the way you blush, it's so cute he can't help but chuckle.
Kouki put his hand over his sister's eyes and closed his too. But their father had more things in store.
"I'll make chicken soup 'kay? Now give me some kisses." Satoru puckered his lips making you squirm at his cringy attempt to kiss you.
"You're so ugh!" You sighed and loosely wrap your arms around his neck, letting his hands sway you in the dips of your waist.
"Romantic? Handsome? I know Baby, part of my charms."
"You're annoying." You rolled your eyes and he's going to prove you wrong—
Or so he thought until you leaned over to kiss his lips, shaking your head with a bashful smile adorning your face.
"Again," Satoru whispered.
"Mama, Papa are you done?! I'm hungry now." Kouki asked interrupting you both making you slip away easily and scoop your kids to run into the house while Satoru followed, chasing after to kiss you one last time before you step into the home.
Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go
There are times Satoru would catch you staring blankly at the wall. And in that, you're wearing this complicated look of pain in your eyes. It's been years but the strain of life as his wife has always followed you. It's one of those days when you need him more than ever. 
"Love... what was the box like?" You sat on the couch, with your knees on your chin. Satoru drapes a quilt his mother sent for you after he visited the Gojo Estate for a meeting.
Satoru was unable to answer. It's not that he doesn't want to answer but he knows it will leave you more heartbroken.
"It was dark, and not very nice." He settles beside you. Patting his lap for you to lay on. "I told you I'm fine Honey, really."
I wanna live with you even when we're ghosts
'Cause you were always there for me when I needed you most
I'm gonna love you till my lungs give out
I promise till death we part, like in our vows
So I wrote this song for you, now everybody knows
That it's just you and me until we're grey and old
"But I'm not." You honestly replied. "Would you hate me if I tell you after that I want to cage you? Every time you leave the door my mind goes hysterical of many things that will tear you off us." You clutch your heart. "I thought I was going crazy every time I hear the door open, wondering if it's you or people going after me and our children."
His arms quickly wrap around you and you clung to his biceps. Satoru tucked your head under his chin, pressing kisses on the crown of your head. He has never been vocal about the demons in his past. And you know it. If it's up to him, he would rather forget yesterday, or else it'll weigh him down. After all, suppressing unpleasant things has been his forte ever since he was young. A force of habit that he will keep on doing as long as he can.
"Never. I'll never leave you or our kids." Satoru shushed you, running his hand over your growing bump. And if ever he did, unfortunately, meet anything that will overpower his Infinity. He will most probably turn to a vengeful curse, and haunt anyone who dares to do you harm. He will follow you and the kids around like the menace he is and keep you all safe even if he burns in hell after. 
Satoru chuckled without humor at his dark thoughts.
Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go
Oh, just say you won't let go
"Love?" You called from the kitchen, a small whine in your voice.
"Mnnn? In a minute." Satoru adds a little water to your orange juice to tone down the little sourness of the fruit. He comes back to the living room to see you struggling to stand up from the kotatsu with your heavy belly and hopeless eyes.
"What's wrong?" He sets down the glass and looks at you quizzically.
"I can't get up."
You're normally a person with your head on your shoulders. But pregnancy brings out that side of you that craves your husband's attention more than ever. It's that period of time you're more doting than ever, more affectionate than you already are, and more needy than normal.
"You want to walk Baby?" Satoru helps you up carefully.  He went home early, and the kids are still in school. Now that you're a month to the end of your 2nd trimester, Satoru's been more and more at home to keep an eye on you.
"I just wanna hug you." You buried your face into his warm chest, nuzzling to inhale his intoxicating scent. Satoru on the other hand sighs at that. He would greatly appreciate it if not for the reality you forced him to use dishwashing liquid as soap after finding his usual body wash "stinky".
"Awee, acting cute are you?" He pinches your nose and rubs your back. "How about we fetch the kids? Y'know, a walk to keep Mommy and baby healthy?"
With the autumnal equinox nearing the breeze is starting to get colder. Walking on the slightly busy street on the outskirts of Tokyo Satoru kept you close. The kids are attending a decent size middle school with little to no problem. Other than a few quarrels of kids trying to get on Kouki and Saika for their different hair and eyes they are doing fine, much better than the two of you expected. Satoru has assigned several guards for the kids hidden from sight, and based on their report he doesn't need to intervene in his children's quarrels. As much as he loves them to the bone, he also needs to let them stand for themselves rather than sheltering them too much. 
The two of you arrived at the school gates just in time for the school bell to ring and in a few seconds children are filling out of the school. Some are running, some are talking with their friends. In the crowd, it is easy to spot the vivid white long hair of your kids. Kouki and Saika talk with a group of friends on their way out. Kouki was the first to notice you and Satoru standing by the gate and immediately said goodbye, calling Sai to look at the gate.
"Mama! Papa!" They run to your and Satoru's leg, bright smiles in their faces.
"Hi munchkins, did you miss us?" Satoru was quick to pick up Saika while Kouki grab your hand.
"Missed, are you tired Mama?" Saika asks as Satoru held your shoulder and guide you to the side.
"I'm fine sweetie, are you two hungry?"
"Yes!" They chorused making you and Satoru chuckle.
"Well pass by a cafe later then go home, c'mon." Satoru held Kouki's hand while you held the other and the four of you started walking home.
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Check out the Masterlist for more
All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned images(s) and songs(s) used, belongs to their respective owner(s)
General/Kaleidoscope Series Taglist: @ice-icebaby @aeanya @gummy-dummy @tender-rosiey
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obsessedfics · 11 months
Remade Gojo x Reader (Mature/Explicit)
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Gojo Satoru Fanfic 
Rating: Mature (Explicit Sexual Scenes)
Word Count: 12k+
Summary: It has been 10 years since you left behind the world of being a sorcerer. You experienced too much hurt to ever want to step back foot in that world, even if it meant never getting to give your heart closure. You worked behind the shadows, executing curses to alleviate pressure on the students who attend Jujutsu High. One day on your way back from your mission, you meet an unexpected guest...
I wrote this because this man has been living rent-free in my head for the past couple of weeks and it needed to be done. I simply can't just write smut, I need substance. So here is my dirty little fic for ya'll. I hope you enjoy it!
Note: I posted this on Ao3. This is all my writing I promise, just posting of different platforms for more people to enjoy. 
Faster…  I have to run faster.
You ‘stumbled’ on a nest of cursed spirits. You were now running at a deadly pace to lure them into your trap – hundreds of cursed tools poised and ready to kill every last spirit. 
Sweat ran down the length of your spine as you finally rounded the corner of the alley, immediately skidding on the concrete, using your cursed technique to shoot the weapons forward, meeting their destined targets.  
Shrieks rang out through the alley from the dying spirits, blood staining the stones beneath their bodies. 
Without looking back, you summon your own cursed spirit, Osu. You named it, even though you knew you shouldn’t. With the raise of your hand, Osu opened their mouth as you summoned the cursed weapons, funneling them one by one into Osu. 
“Good work,” you smiled, affectionately patting the top of Osu’s gray leathery head. The spirit seemed to pur in response, leaning into the warmth of your hand. 
With that, you sent the cursed spirit back to the in-between, which is what you called the shadows you send your shikigami to. 
You sighed deeply.
It seems there are more and more cursed spirits these days. I left the sorcerers of Tokyo 10 years ago, but it seems I am still doing their dirty work. 
With a look at your blood-stained clothes, you sigh once again as you make your way back to your apartment. 
The citizens of Tokyo walk by, blissfully unaware of the danger that lurks in each of their mundane thoughts. Lights of neon billboards light the smoggy night air as cars speed past your relaxed figure. 
You used to hate them. People who didn’t have a cursed technique or couldn’t sense cursed energy. For how weak and useless they were, how they contributed to the problems you had to clean up. The lives of friends that have been lost that you’ll never get back. 
After the Star Plasma Vessel incident, you were convinced that you no longer wanted to be a sorcerer. You were on a mission in Nagasaki when it happened. You were ordered by the higher-ups to return immediately to protect the vessel, Riko Amanai. 
As soon as you received the order you moved, getting to Tokyo in just 6 hours. 
But you were too late.
Toji Fushiguro had successfully killed Riko Amanai, and disabled Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto. This was the first update you got. The second was when you arrived in Tokyo. Satoru killed Toji Fushiguro and secured Riko’s body. 
You shivered as you entered your apartment. You remembered Satoru's face that day of Riko’s memorial service, cold and emotionless. 
That day changed everything. For everyone…
“Hiiiikaaarrriiii~?” you called into the room, flipping on the light switch to find someone sitting on your couch. 
The familiar voice called and you stopped cold, keys falling out of your hands. 
Your cat, Hikari, lay in his lap, soft belly up, purring at the sensation of his long fingers scratching her. 
You quietly cursed your cat as you crossed your arms over your chest, pulling a cold mask over your shocked features. 
“Satoru,” you say coldly narrowing your eyes at the man who you haven’t seen in 10 years. Instead of heavily tinted sunglasses he now wore a black band around his eyes. Now he dressed casually instead of his usual black uniform. 
He’s not here on business.
His laugh sounded through the room, light and airy, but you knew it was fake. You had spent too much time with him, even now, you knew him like the back of your hand. 
“I never thought you would be so cold towards me, y/n!” he smiled, the kind of smile he displayed when he wanted to be friendly, but knew he would win whatever argument he was in. 
I’m annoyed. 
“Satoru, I am no longer a sorcerer. I have no place in your world. I declared as much all those years ago. Leave.”  your voice was so stern it made Hikari rise from her place in Satoru's lap and come caress your leg as if comforting you. 
He paused for a moment, smile dropping from his face, as he studied you. He peeled off his blindfold, exposing those brilliant blue eyes. A stark contrast against his moon-pale skin and silver hair. The world seemed to rest in his eyes as they seemed to sparkle with life. 
You didn’t falter. Instead, you held his piercing gaze, refusing to bow to the man you once loved hopelessly. 
“I came to warn you. So before you try to kill me, hear me out.” 
Your eye twitched at his words. A taunt mixed with sincerity. He had always been a cocky arrogant bastard, but his expression was so serious it scared you. So much so that you nodded and sat across from him. 
“Nice place, by the way.” he offered and you scoffed in return, telling him with your eyes to get to the point. 
He held up his hands, took a deep breath, then spoke. 
“In the next few years, the Jujutsu world is going to change.” 
If it were anyone else, you would’ve punched them for telling you bullshit that doesn’t involve you but… That serious expression didn’t leave his face. 
“Which curse is it?” Satoru held no fear for himself, but rather for everyone around him, including civilians, ever since Riko.
“A first-year name Yuta Okkotsu showed up with a cursed sword imbedded with a high-class curse named Rika. Geto attacked him…” 
Geto? I knew Suguru defected, but to attack a student? How far gone is he?
Satoru swallowed and then continued. 
“Geto is dead… But y/n, this is just the beginning. There’s a group collecting Ryomen Sukunas fingers.”
You didn’t hide your shock. 
“They’re trying to resurrect him…” you whispered, nearly to yourself but he heard you while nodding, confirming your suspicion. 
“That’s why the curses are gathering in greater numbers, they’re feeding off the chaos. My guess is the group is trying to bring the glory days of the curses back. Which means –”
“They’re going to raise the number of sorcerers, but they can’t do that with you around.” 
Your eyebrows knitted together.
What are you getting at, Satoru?
“Exactly, I don’t know how they plan to disable me. But when that happens, they’re going to need you y/n. Innocent lives will be lost if you don’t step in, but it has to be at the right moment. They’ve forgotten about you, about your skill how your strength was second to mine…” 
You were already shaking your head. The thought of going back to that power-hungry world. That bloody world… 
“Y/n think–”
“No,” you said breathlessly, Satoru's emotionless face of that day flashing in your mind. How he was a hollow shell for the remainder of that final year. 
It broke something inside of you. You had seen so many deaths, but to see him, the man who smiled so carefree and bright be rendered to… That? Sure, he gained a deeper connection to his power, but at what cost? 
“Y/n,” he said your name, voice softer as he reached across the coffee table, his warm fingers brushing yours. 
“No, Satoru. You don’t know what you’re asking me to do.” 
How could he? Your feelings were one-sided, to begin with. 
Back then, you watched as girls flirted with him as he flirted back. Yet you were always there. You always listened to him when he needed someone to talk to about his scars, about the shadows that chased his light. He did the same for you, but perhaps it was out of pity. 
You pulled your hand out of his touch, foreign and familiar. Even after all this time, your skin still missed him. 
“You’re asking me to step back into the world I hate the most, but only after something horrible happens to you…?” your eyes stung as you finally met his gaze. His features were blurry, but you could see his fair eyebrows knitted together as he bit his inner cheek. 
“I won’t die,” he promised, voice soft and vulnerable, a voice that you had only heard once before. 
Your lip quivered. 
“There are things worse than death, Satoru Gojo. I rather die, than watch you suffer again,” you admitted. 
His eyes widened at your words, shock plain on his face but you didn’t care, you pressed on. 
“I will not go through that again… When I got that call saying you had been disabled by Toji Fushiguro I felt like I couldn’t breathe. It was as if all the air in the world had evaporated. I traveled through the in-between to get to you. Only to find you…” your words died in your throat as salty tears fell from your eyes. 
Shaking your head, you ran your hands down your thighs to ground yourself to reality. 
Satoru was wordless. Which was rare for him. 
He hadn’t stopped looking for y/n for the past 10 years. 
When she suddenly announced her separation he felt lost. He had gained a lot, but he lost everything important to him. She had been there for him since the beginning, and he for her. 
He recalled the first time he had ever seen her cry. There was a rumor that she had no feelings, that the strong female sorcerer was all ice with no heart. But when he saw her high up in a tree, knees tucked into her chest, rocking slightly, he realized they couldn’t be more wrong. 
It’s not that she didn’t feel, it’s that she felt too much, lost too much to the point where she didn’t want to let anyone close to her fragile heart. 
Satoru stared at y/n’s current crying frame, he watched as she tried to steel herself. Hands rubbing her thighs to try and soothe her pain, to ground herself. She chewed on her bottom lip as she concentrated between his eyebrows, unable to truly meet his eyes. 
Memories of their past flashed in his mind. Particularly the night he opened up to her about growing up in the Gojo clan, and the things he had done leading up to attending Jujutsu High. 
They were stuck on a mission together, the atmosphere was awkward and they only talked when discussing how to swiftly dispose of the lower-level cursed spirit. Satoru was particularly annoyed because he thought he was given such a remedial task, one that was without Suguru which at that point the two of them had become inseparable. 
“Y/n, are you always so serious?” Satoru drew out his voice while leaning over her shoulder, lazily craning his neck to meet her eyes over his glasses. 
She simply waved him off with an elegant hand while rolling her eyes. 
“The sooner we finish this mission the sooner I can be done with you.” She sighed, popping a piece of gum in her mouth as she pressed on. 
What is wrong with this girl? Usually, women kill to get a chance to be alone with me.
“Hey hey hey aren’t you being a little too mean? After all, you should feel grateful that I am here.” he boasted, stuffing his hands into his pockets, matching her brisk pace easily thanks to his long legs. 
Her features further dropped into annoyance as she eyed him sidelong with one eyebrow raised, as if in a warning. 
“I have no idea why we got put together. Anyways Gojo, we’re going to be entering the area where the cursed spirit was sighted. Even though it’s reported as a low-level curse we should still be cautious.” the woman scolded as she pushed a piece of her long hair behind her ear. For some reason, that act alone distracted him. 
“I’m not worried since nothing can touch me. Unless I want it to of course.” he shrugged and she rolled her eyes again. 
“Yes while you may feel invincible, I am not blessed with your lovely Infinity skill. So I will continue being careful.” another bemused sigh escaped her full lips. 
Why am I so distracted right now? Is it because I know she’s putting up a front? 
He was lost in thought for a while till her voice called out into the silence. 
“This should be it. You remember the plan, right?” her eyes meet his over her shoulder, a coy smile tugging on her lips. 
“Of course.” he returned her smile. 
“Well, that was easy.” Satoru whistled looking at the pathetic excuse for a curse. Its corpse lay motionless on the floor of the abandoned skyscraper. 
“Too easy…” y/n said, voice wary. 
She crouched down in front of the corpse, face emotionless, eyes dissecting every aspect of the curse trying to find its secrets. 
Scary. She’s too smart.
Her plan went effortlessly. She had him drop his technique entirely so they couldn’t be sensed. She went in alone since the curse was reported to only attack young women. He was to tail her, concealing his existence until the curse showed itself. Once it did, all he had to do was attack it with his cursed energy. 
“Such a weak curse.” Satoru clicked his tongue, hands returning to his pockets. 
Why did we even get put on this mission? Y/n maybe I could see, but me? Why couldn’t I go on the mission with Suguru? I can’t–
At that exact moment, he felt a huge amount of cursed energy that he didn’t sense earlier, but he was too late. 
Y/n had jumped in front of his body, shielding him from the attack. 
Y/n looked at Satoru with wide eyes as the cursed spirit stabbed through her abdomen. Blood spilled from the wound and her mouth as the spirit pulled back. 
In a second he killed it, but it didn’t matter.
Y/n fell to the ground, hand tightly pressed to her wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding. 
Panic bubbled in his chest as he quickly ran to her side, taking off his jacket and shirt, beginning to rip the fabric into ribbons. 
“What’re you?” she asked weakly, color already draining from her face. 
“Don’t talk, move your hand.” she hesitated, but she moved her trembling hand from the wound. 
Shit, I need to stop the bleeding. I could use the Reversed Curse– no, too risky. I haven’t practiced enough. 
He moved her jacket and shirt up, exposing her bright red stomach. Taking a deep breath in, he begins stuffing her wound. 
Y/n screams out in pain as Satoru stuffs the hole, packing it as tightly as he can and he does the same to her back. Despite the pain she was in, she forced her body to be still for him. 
“Almost done,” he promised to her, she only nodded through gritted teeth. Her skin was clammy and cool to the touch. 
She’s going into shock.
Hastily he secures the packed wound with the remainder of his t-shirt and then wraps her in his jacket. He watched her face for a minute, her breathing is ragged and her eyes are tightly shut as if she was trying to block out the world. 
“I’m going to move us now, can you hold onto me?” she nodded weakly as she reached up wrapping her arms around his neck. 
Her blood smeared all over Satoru’s bare chest and stomach as he stood. He pulled her higher to have her head rest in the crook of his neck to try and return some warmth to her skin. 
I can’t take her to a hospital right now… There will be too much of a commotion if I do that. Better if I take her to a hotel for the evening and call someone in secretly to treat her. 
With one last look down at her he prayed for the first time in years that she survived the night. 
“I’m happy you have half a brain Gojo.” Shoko chided as she finished healing Y/n’s wound. 
They both had been dressed in fresh clothes thanks to Shoko. 
“If you didn’t act when you did, she would have died because you’re trash,” she added, pulling out a cigarette and making her way to the balcony. He followed behind wordlessly, lost too much in his thoughts to truly take in her words. 
Shoko was always with Suguru and Satoru, and she is skilled with her Reversed Curse Technique. Thankfully she answered when he called, if she didn’t he might’ve had to do it himself…
“Thank you for coming,” he said in reply, and she eyed him while she lit her cigarette, taking a long drag of smoke. 
“Where’s Suguru?” she asked instead of responding to his thanks. 
“Another mission. They stuck the two of us together. It was supposed to be just one curse. But…” his words died. 
It’s my fault. I got distracted. I let her get hurt.
Shoko sighed, reading his mood, and took another pull of her cigarette.
“She’s alive, that’s all that matters.” she flicked the ash over the edge of the balcony.
“I won’t tell the higher-ups, I’ll keep this a secret. But learn from this and be more careful in the future. Not everyone can protect themselves as you can.” she took another long pull, blew out the smoke, and put out the bud. 
“I am leaving, call me if anything changes.”
He watched as Shoko left and then positioned himself on the chair in front of the bed that housed y/n. 
The pain was gone from her features but she was still far too pale. The blood that colored her cheeks was gone. The tips of her fingers felt impossibly cold. He had to keep watching the rise and fall of her chest to remind himself she was still alive. 
Hours passed like that, guilt wracking his mind as he watched her sleep, then she woke up. 
“Gojo?” she called weakly, hand immediately going to her once wounded abdomen.
Her face twisted in confusion as she continuously touched the skin there, feeling for the hole. 
“Shoko healed you.” 
His voice was soft and raw, he had no masks to put on today. He couldn’t, not after what she did for him. 
She nodded once, wincing as she positioned herself on her side so she was facing him. 
“Why do you look like that?” she asked while running a hand through her messy hair. 
“Like what?” he knit his eyebrows together. 
Why is she already picking a fight?
“Like a wounded puppy.” with a huff, she flicked his forehead. Of course, he had let her, but it still left him surprised. 
“See, that’s better. That face suits you way more.” she smiled softly with cracked lips.
“What face?” some life returned to his voice. 
“The face of a surprised idiot.” nodding as if proud of herself, she burrowed further into the blanket. 
“Why’d you do it…?” 
“Why’d you jump in front of me, y/n? You know about my skills and yet you…” he shook his head, unable to finish the sentence. 
She seemed to ponder the question for a moment, eyes on the ceiling.
Clearing her throat she spoke. 
“You may not have noticed it, but you let your technique drop. I felt the difference in the energy. As soon as I noticed the spirit's attack there was no way I could counter-attack in time to save you. So if you look at the scales, and ask what life holds more value, it’s yours. So I choose you.” she said it so matter-of-factly, the blatant disregard for her own life, saying it held less value than his own. 
He couldn’t wrap his head around it. From a young age, people have tried to kill him. He was positive even the old higher-ups wanted him dead but didn’t want to face the consequences of killing the head of the Gojo Clan. Yet here this girl, who he barely knows, is saying that his life is more important to her than her own. 
She smiled as if reading his thoughts. 
“Although I hate to admit it, you have the power to change this world. I do not. If I could save the world's savior, then maybe my tarnished soul could be spared.” her voice was sweet like honey, but her words struck him deeply. 
 “Tarnished soul?” he repeated her words like an echo. 
She smiled again, though this time sadness traced her features, settling into her eyes. 
“You saved my life, so I suppose I could share some of my demons.” she ran her hands along the blanket. 
“I discovered my curse technique when I was young. Being able to sense cursed energy and summon Shikigami came very easily to me…”
 She considered something for a moment, then continued. 
 “You see, my home life wasn’t what you would call a ‘Happy Family’. So I was glad to have a distraction.” she paused, again running her hands along the blanket as if she was soothing herself. 
“One day I came home early from school with my report card. I had gotten straight A’s so I wanted to show my parents. I entered our small home only to find my father stabbing my mother… Out of fear and rage, I attacked and killed him. It was also then that I discovered I possessed the Reversed Curse Technique. I tried for hours to heal my dead mother to no avail. Her wounds closed, but her heart didn’t beat. The police found the scene two days later, with me hugging my mother's body…” By the time she finished, her words were barely a whisper. 
Silence fell in the room, only the sound of their breaths filled the space. For some time, neither of them spoke. 
“I have never told anyone that.” she professed, voice shaky and unsure. 
Not knowing what to say, he reached for her hand. She accepted his touch, and he enclosed her fingers with his, her hand feeling impossibly small.
“Your soul isn’t tarnished.” 
She met his eyes, hand trembling in his. Something about her expression was so raw, so vulnerable that he felt that he needed to wrap his arms around her and protect her from the world that had taken so much.
“I killed my blood,” she shakily whispered, tears pricking her eyes. He soothed her by rubbing soft circles into her palm. 
“So have I…” 
“I can’t promise you anything, y/n,” he answered honestly, recalling the pain she shared with him. Knowing full well how much of him she held in her heart, and how much of her he held in his…
She ran her hands down her face, nails lightly digging into her skin. 
He read the reports of her movements when Mei had found her. She did networking remotely for a hospital but still went out of her way to hunt down cursed spirits. Going after nests or high-grade curses, to help alleviate the risks for students training at Jujutsu High.
When he got the reports months ago, he almost dropped everything to see her then. But everything got so busy with Yuta. 
Now that he’s here, all the things he wanted to say died in his throat. The sight of her shaking and crying, the tears he only ever got to see, made his knees weak and his resolve crumble. 
Women were always interested in him, some he entertained, but none he cared for. Not in the way he cared for Y/n… No one compared. 
“You’re those kids' best hope if I get taken out of the fight,” he said honestly.
He thought of his new dream, and re-strengthened his mind, trying not to let his resurfaced feelings sway him. 
Her eyes met his, and his breath caught in his throat. 
Time had been kind, and her beauty only grew. Eyes mature and loving, face kind and warm. So different from how she looked as a sorcerer. 
She took him in for a moment, for the first time since she arrived she truly looked at him, she saw him. 
He felt naked under her gaze, he had never been self-conscious, but with her, he felt nervous. Fearful he wasn’t enough, that he wouldn’t ever be enough. 
“You’re playing dirty, Satoru Gojo, by bringing the next generation into this.” he watched as she sighed, shoulders curving inwards as she leaned back against her chair. Her blood-stained clothes clung to her skin. 
“Then you’re agreeing?” she nodded, stress already lining her face. 
Before he could talk, she spoke. 
“Now if this concludes your business, leave.” the edge from earlier returned to her voice. It threw him for a loop. 
“You don’t want to talk?” his voice, though sounding normal to anyone else, sounded pathetic to his ears.
She eyed him again, eyelashes wet from her tears.
“Satoru… What do you want from me?”
Your heart was in your throat. 
You agreed to sign yourself back up for pain because Satoru was right. If he was taken out of the fight, those kids will need someone to help them, your personal feelings aside. 
But how could it not be personal? When the man you loved, who you still love, sat across from you with an open unguarded expression. Practically begging you to continue talking to him.
You spent years trying to forget him. The memories you both shared, the internal wounds you healed together. You tried finding your peace in others, but it was futile. The sight of his smiling face still shined brightly behind your eyes. The stories of his achievements chased your ears. 
You sighed, running your hands through your hair whilst awaiting his answer. 
“Do you still feel the same about me, y/n?” 
Bastard. Answering my question with a question.
“Does it matter? You never saw me in that light, to begin with,” you answered him bitterly, some of your anger returning to the surface. 
Genuine shock filled his beautiful eyes. 
“I. Why do you think that?” he cocked his head to the side as if studying you. 
“It was obvious, Satoru. In many people's eyes, you are a God. Women practically threw themselves at you, and you greedily took in all their advances. I watched it happen time and time again. If you harbored feelings for me, you wouldn’t have acted that way.”
The truth hung between you. You ran your hands along your thighs to calm yourself, not wanting to cry for a second time this evening. 
You made to stand, but Satoru caught your wrist, halting you in place.
“I took you for granted,” he admitted eyes on the floor. 
The warmth of his hand spread to your flesh. Your skin sang at the feeling, your pores drank him in, missing him as much as your heart did. 
You stayed silent. The air between you two was impossibly heavy as your heart pounding against your chest, like a bird trying to escape its cage. 
“I won’t apologize with my words…” he stood, now towering over you, even with the coffee table separating your bodies. 
Those beautiful, intense eyes pinned you in place. You now truly looked at him for the second time this evening.
He grew into his features more, now even more beautiful than he was when you were a teen. He was unreal, like that of a painting. All silver as if he was pure moonlight with eyes like the clearest sapphires. You resisted the urge to take his face in your hands, to greedily bask in his warmth – in his scent. 
Satoru walked around the table as he gently let go of your wrist. Instead, he place both his hands on your cheeks, cupping your face as his long fingers tangled themselves in your hair. Despite yourself, you leaned into his touch, closing your eyes. 
I’m still so weak to you.
“Will you let me make it up to you?” his soft voice whispered, thumbs rubbing your cheeks. 
You trembled at his touch. He was close enough that you could smell him, the smell of fresh summer rain and jasmine. Beautiful and alluring – it was home. He was home…
Satoru crouched down now, his face just mere inches from your own. Your breaths mixed as he stared at you so sincerely it made your chest hurt. 
You gently grabbed his wrists. 
“I can’t lose you…” the words came out of your throat in a croak. The thought of him being hurt or worse frightened you. It made your blood run cold and your stomach churn. 
“I am yours, y/n.” 
Not a promise that nothing will happen to him, but a promise of his heart, and that it belongs to you.
You nearly wept, the words you thought you would never hear now filled your ears. You almost thought this was some twisted dream, and that at any moment reality would slam into you the way it always has. 
“And I am yours, I have been since that day you saw me crying in that tree.” a confession of your heart fell from your lips. One that you held so close and suppressed like a child's dream thinking it will never come true.
He pressed his lips to yours. A soft sweet pressure that made your stomach flutter. You fit so perfectly together that it was dizzying. His lips moved smoothly and passionately against your own, tongue licking your bottom lip asking for permission which you granted. 
The taste of him caressed your tongue, the smell of him filled your senses, the press of his warm body against your own it all made your toes curl. Your tongues danced as your fingers found their way to his silken hair, tugging slightly, pulling him deeper into the kiss. 
You had been kissed before, but nothing compared to this. The way his tongue teased yours, the loving press of his soft lips, and the reassuring pressure of his hands against your face; made your knees weak. There was a painful desperation between you two. The unspoken fear that you’ll never see each other again. 
His hands slid from your face to your waist, pulling you closer to his body. You gasped at the contact, heat spreading from your face to your chest at the feeling of his firm muscles against your torso. 
You were so lost in the feeling of him you forgot you had to breathe, so he pulled away first– a string of saliva connecting your swollen lips as he rested his forehead against yours. 
You both breathed heavily, eyes hooded and dark with desire. 
He caressed your face as if he was trying to remember every curve, dip, and pore that resided there. 
“Y/n,” he whispered breathlessly, desperation coating his voice. 
“Satoru,” you answered, just as winded as him.
“Don’t run away again…” 
Your eyes widened. 
He pulled his face back, allowing himself a full view of your features as he lovingly massaged your scalp. 
“I understand why you left. But you didn’t even say goodbye.” 
Blue eyes searched yours as if trying to find answers to the questions he’s had for years. Your mind went blank as your blood still sang with praise from the press of his lips, already missing his warmth. 
You overlapped his large hands with your small ones, gently rubbing the sides of his palms. 
“I won’t run,” you promised. 
He didn’t move, his eyes still searched yours indefinitely. Almost as if he was holding his breath, waiting for you to change your mind. 
“I won’t run, I'll fight for you, and for our future.” those words removed the invisible chain that shackled your heart. For so long, you held everyone at arm's length, but where did it get you? You were tired of pushing away your feelings. 
A smile slowly spread across Satorus's face. It was a dazzlingly unpracticed smile, a real smile. One that was only for you. 
“Our future?” he repeated while humming as if thinking your words over. 
You bit your bottom lip in embarrassment as the blush on your cheeks deepened. You got carried away by the moment and perhaps spoke too honestly. 
“I think I like the sound of that,” he murmured then began planting feather-soft kisses on your cheek. 
 You bit back your giggle as he continued trailing kisses to your nose, forehead, jawline, then the corner of your mouth. 
“Satoru” you called softly, running your hands down the length of his strong arms, hands settling on his shoulders to steady yourself. 
“Hm?” he purred innocently into your skin, lips ghosting over the expanse of your neck. The heat from earlier returned to your bones at his touch. 
“I am exhausted,” you admitted. 
You had spent all day tracking the reported nest. You then used up a fair amount of your cursed energy for the attack. On top of that you just went through a whirlwind of emotions you still have yet to process. 
He pulls his face from your neck, eyes now filled with concern as he traces your body for any sign of injury. 
You half sigh half laugh as you take his face in your hands, shaking his head slightly. 
“I.Am.Fine.” you drag out each word from your lips, tilting his head at each word as if it would make it reach his brain. 
You watch as his eyes gloss over as if missing your point entirely. 
You sigh, gently stepping out of the warmth of his embrace and gesture to your still blood-soaked body. 
“I need a shower, hot tea, and decompression time. It’s been a long day with surprises.” you smooth your hands over your face as the weight of the day settles over you, the excitement of early slowly dissipating. 
A smirk pulled on the corner of Satoru’s full lips as a mischievous look filled his eyes. 
“It’s quite late, isn’t it?” he mused, playfulness in his tone as he rubbed his chin. 
“Yes, it is,” you confirmed slowly, not quite catching what he was planning. 
“Well, it would be troublesome for me to leave at this hour, due to the trains stopping for the night. I mean, you know how far Jujutsu High is.”
Your eye twitched. He wasn’t wrong, of course, but what he was implying–
“So I guess I have to stay the night!” he said cheerily, extending his arms over his head like a child spinning in a circle. 
I only have one bed… The loveseat is too small for his stupidly long figure. 
Heat rushes to your cheeks as you briskly brush past him. 
“I am sure you make enough money, go find a hotel,” you say hurriedly, making your way over to your bathroom.
You hear his light footsteps right behind you, entering your bathroom with you. 
“Awww, why are you being like that? After we just kissed too?” though he pursed his lips to a pout, his eyes were full of humor. 
He’s enjoying this too much.
“Are you saying because we kissed you have earned yourself the right to be in my bed?” you crossed your arms over your chest, making sure to push your full breasts up while jutting out a hip. You wore a breezy white button-up shirt and black pants. A plain outfit sure, but one that complimented your silhouette. 
If he was going to tease you, you were going to return the favor.
You watched as he swallowed his saliva, eyes taking in your figure as they danced with desire. He stood several inches taller than you, and it didn’t help that you were in the confined space of your restroom. With your back pressed against the wall, he peered down at you, eyes hungrily taking in the sight of you. 
He placed an arm above your head, pinning you in place. 
“If I said I won’t do anything unprovoked would you believe me?” he asked his voice deep and low which made your stomach flutter. A smirk was playing on his lips, one that would make most women swoon. 
You licked your lips, throat suddenly feeling dry.
“You always do what you want. You get what you want when you want it. So no, I do not believe you.” you continued to meet his heated stare, which seemed to please him. His fingers tilted your chin up further, making you crane your neck up to him. 
“Are you suggesting I want you, y/n?” he purred, already knowing your answer. 
You rubbed your legs together, trying to relieve some of that growing pressure between the apex of your thighs. A movement that didn’t go unnoticed by Satoru. 
“I’m sorry, am I supposed to assume otherwise when you follow me into a bathroom and pin me against a wall? Or do you do this with all your friends?” there was one thing you never lacked, and that was your quick temper. Thanks to that, sarcasm tended to lick your words at all times. 
His hand gripped your face, fingers lightly squeezing your cheeks. 
“But are we truly just friends, y/n?” he brought his face closer to yours, hot breath tickling your skin. 
“I recall,” he hummed as he took his free hand and trailed it down your clothed sternum. “You called yourself mine earlier.”
Your mind was cloudy, dizzy from the proximity of his face, the warmth of his hand gripping your cheeks, the smell of his skin, the soft caress of his voice; all of him was a drug, one that you could get high off of forever. 
“I did,” you confirmed swallowing your dry saliva, trying to keep your voice steady. 
Anticipation coursed through your veins as his finger continued to travel down your abdomen, hooking under the hem of your ruined shirt.
“Would you like me to show you how well I take care of things that are mine?” Satoru hummed, hot finger swirling around your belly button. 
His long eyelashes lowered, making his intense gaze turn sultry and possessive. You forget to breathe for a moment, the heat between your legs spreading like a fire to your stomach, responding to his soft touch. 
You bit your lip, your weak attempt at trying to resist him; crumbling with each mixed breath. 
“What do you say, y/n? Will you let me worship you?” he dragged his finger up your stomach, playfully pushing under the band of your bra, just below your breast. Your breath hitched as he pressed his lips to your ear, tongue licking your soft lobe. 
“Will you let me claim what's mine?” teeth grazed the soft shell of your ear and you gasped, head tilting back as the feeling went straight to your sex. 
“Y-Yes,” you whispered, giving up your control, dropping your last barrier. 
You felt him smile against your skin as he wrapped his hand around your waist.
“Good girl,” 
You had to bite back the moan that threatened to escape your throat as he roughly kissed you, the press of his lips hungry and desperate. Strong hands wrapped themselves around your soft thighs, hiking you up the wall so he could press his hips into yours, hard cock pressing against your need. 
Locking your legs around his waist you tangled your hands into his hair, fighting his tongue for dominance, clinging to the taste of him. He let a satisfied moan escape into your mouth as you dragged your teeth along his tongue, pulling it further into your mouth, sucking on the muscle.  
He grabbed your ass shaking it roughly, the action making your clothed clit rubbed against his throbbing cock. You moaned greedily into his mouth as he possessively bit your bottom lip, tongue swirling along the swollen flesh.
Pressing his body further into yours, he removed his hands from your rear and began undoing your blouse, lips never leaving your own. He teasingly brushed his fingers over your clothed peaked nipples as he tantalizingly exposed you to him. Expert fingers crawled up your spine to your bra, undoing its clasp.
Supporting your weight with one arm, he took one step backward so he could remove the clothes that kept your skin from him. 
He pulled back from the lull of your lips so he could admire you. Your breasts were heavy against your chest as your nipples ached, crying to be touched as the rest of your body did.  
Satoru let out a satisfied sigh, eyes taking in your breasts as well as the tattoos that decorated your ribs and sternum. 
“My fucking God you are perfect,” he praised, freely tracing his hand over the ink of your tattoos, lighting your skin ablaze. 
“Mm, Satoru,” you whined lightly, tightening your legs around his waist to try and give yourself some relief. 
He laughed darkly, his pupils swallowed his eyes entirely as pure desire resided in them. 
“Eager for my dick, are you?” he hummed, two fingers pushing past your lips. You obediently sucked them, hollowing out your cheeks as you coated his flesh with your saliva as if this was your answer to his question. 
You reveled in his pleased expression, he played with your tongue a bit while marveling at you. Ever-so-slowly, he removed his fingers from your mouth. He then scissored your thick, stringy saliva between his fingers, placed them in his mouth, and hummed in satisfaction. 
Your insides turned molten at the sight. His eyes never left yours, even when he dragged his fingers out of his mouth. It was as if he wanted to drink you in, commit your every reaction to memory. He had barely touched you, but you could feel your wetness soak through your jeans. Your walls throbbed, practically begging to be fucked by him. 
He read your expression easily, smirked, and then pressed his lips to yours instantly claiming dominance over your swollen lips. You were too lost in him to even noticed he had moved to your room, gently placing you down on your bed. 
Lips trailing white-hot fire down your neck, he hooked his sinful fingers under the waistband of your jeans. He made quick work of taking the fabric off your skin and he kissed, sucked, and nipped at your neck. You moaned, all earlier pride washing away while being steadily replaced with lust.
You spread your legs wide for him, your sex, still clothed, had completely soaked your panties. Cool air kissed your heated flesh and you hissed, earning yourself a chuckle from Satoru. He rubbed gentle circles into the plush of your thighs, making you squirm with impatience. 
He stepped back and you trailed him, sliding your fingers under his shirt, tugging it off his deliciously toned body.
“It’s maddening that you still have clothes on,” you admitted, bringing your knees under you, and planting kisses on his abdomen. He cursed at the touch, fingers entangling themselves in your hair as his gaze burned through you. 
“Mm, you look so pretty on your knees for me, y/n.” he encouraged you as he lightly dug his fingers into your scalp. 
You began taking off his pants as you trailed your tongue up his torso, his body shuddering against you as began sucking right above his hipbone. 
You ensured to leave his boxers on, as he left your panties on you. It was driving you insane having a barrier between you two, but it was also a fun game you knew he was playing; who will cave first?
Ensuring to keep eye contact, you ghost your hand over his clothed length as you dip your tongue under the waistband of his boxers, feeling the stubble of his regrowing pubic hairs against your tongue. His eyelashes flutter as the hand in your hair trembles, you could tell he was holding back. Seeing him this way made your core throb. 
“Are you trying to tease me?” he breathed heavily, chest rising and falling above you. It served as your encouragement. Purely drunk off the sight of him being so sensitive to your touch. 
For a response, hummed innocently as you didn’t stop your teasing. With your other hand, you slid it up his left leg ensuring it entered his boxers, skillfully avoiding his balls and shaft while you softly swirled your fingers dangerously near where he wanted your touch. 
His cock twitched, lightly hitting your hand and you smirked, biting into his hip, eliciting a moan from his throat. You moaned sweetly into his flesh, which drove him mad. 
His hands found your shoulders and pinned you down to the bed as his lips found your clavicle, tongue tracing the length of the bone. 
“Who knew,” he whispered breathlessly into your flesh, hands spreading your legs wide, as he began planting slopping kisses down your chest. 
“That the girl who would cry in trees would be so evil?” Satoru licked his way from your sternum to your navel, tongue swirling around the soft skin making you squirm. 
You hummed, fingers refinding his hair which prompted him to enclose your wrists with one hand, pinning them above your head. His mouth wrapped around your nipple, tongue expertly teasing the rosy bud making your toes curl. You mewled, back arching into his mouth as pleasure crawled down your spine. 
“Who knew that the strongest man in this world would be so weak to my touch?” you challenged back, voice breathy and low. You earned yourself a nip to your nipple, making you yelp as your walls clenched at the feeling. 
Satoru seemed to like your comment about him being strong because he happily worked your full breasts with his mouth, giving you a sensation of pleasure you never experienced before. Your soft moans filled the room, which only encouraged him more. Every lick, suck, and bite brought you closer to that edge. 
He noticed too, humming into your skin and then removing his mouth, making you let out a needy whine in protest. 
“Were you close, y/n?” he cooed, lips traveling south.
“Asking questions you already know the answers to?” you answered slyly, hands struggling against his iron grip. You wanted to replace the warmth your breasts had lost; wanting to chase the taste of pleasure he gave you.
“I always do, sweetheart.”
He smiled up at you, face between your legs, his breath tickling your needy sex. He inhaled deeply, making you blush even harder but you didn’t break eye contact, refusing to lose to him.
“Look at you, y/n. You're such a mess for me,” he clicked his tongue and dragged his finger up your wet, clothed pussy. Fire pooled in your gut at the lingering sensation of his finger. Your body trembled. You bit your lip, concealing the throaty moan that threatened you.  
Satoru got on his knees and pulled you closer to the edge of the bed, your dripping core mere inches from his face. Without hesitation, he licked his way up your clothed cunt in a zig-zag-like motion, stopping just before reaching your swollen clit. You moaned loudly at the sudden pressure as your stomach tightened at the pleasure. 
“Your panties are so soaked, and you wore white, too. Almost like you knew,” His voice vibrated against you, making you shiver. 
He planted another lick on you, again stopping right before he reached your bundle of nerves, avoiding where you wanted him most. 
“You taste so good baby.” he praised while continuing to slowly lick your pussy, your legs began to shake as your body screamed for more. He dug his strong hands into your hips, pinning you to the bed to keep you still for him. 
It felt so good, but also incomplete. With each swipe of his tongue, he moaned appreciatively, drinking in your scent, losing himself in the taste of your need, but never fully giving you what you want. 
“S-Satoru, mm, please.” you pleaded helplessly, submitting to him fully. 
“Be a good girl for me and tell me what I want to hear, y/n.” 
Another long lick without relief, you whimpered. 
“Beg for me,” he whispered darkly, tongue licking above your clit just for emphasis. 
“I-I am yours,” you panted, the ability to form coherent sentences increasingly becoming hard for you with each press of his tongue. 
“And?” he coaxed, fingers now joining his dance as he rubbed two of them against you. 
You recalled his words from earlier this evening. 
“I want you to worship me,” you moaned loudly at the slight brush of his finger against your clit. 
“What else, y/n? Tell me what you want.” his teeth are now wrapped around the lace of your panties, ready to pull them down at your words. 
You swallowed your pride, allowing yourself to be consumed whole by his eyes. 
“I want you to fuck me. With your mouth, with your fingers, with your cock. I want you to fuck me however you want, Satoru. I am yours, and you are mine.” as the words left your lips, he peeled your panties off your body. 
Cool air kissed your throbbing pussy making you quiver. 
“I am going to make you forget every man that came before me.” 
The pure promise of his words nearly drove you over the edge, but nothing could compare to what came next.
His tongue licked up your dripping cunt, making your juices drip down to your ass. He growled anomalistically into you as you coated his tongue. You tangled your fingers in his hair, the sweet press of his tongue against your clit making you buck your hips. 
“You’re so perfect,” he praised into your sex, sending sweet vibrations to the deepest parts of you.
His mouth wrapped around your clit, tongue swirling and sucking your bundle of nerves, sending delicious waves of pleasure through your firey veins. Breathing was impossible, you became a moaning mess for him. His name left your lips like a prayer, and he drank it up. Savoring every bit of your helpless moans, knowing they were all for him. 
Without warning, he slid two warm fingers into your slick walls, momentarily stretching you, then removing them entirely.
You knitted your eyebrows because the only noise you could make was strangled pleasure-filled moans. 
But soon, those two fingers enter your ass, as his thumb entered your cunt making you moan uncontrollably. 
You were overstimulated, so much pleasure filled you. His free hand came to play with your breasts, pinching a rolling your nipples between his rough nimble fingers. The edge crept back up, the knot in your stomach tightening. 
“S-Satoru I’m–” you cried, your release rapidly approaching. 
Tears pricked your eyes. No man had ever made you feel this way, let alone make you cum. You were almost afraid of the release. 
“Not until I tell you to baby,” he warned, his tongue flicking your clit relentlessly as his fingers pumped both your holes, driving you closer and closer to the deep end. 
You clenched your walls hard, trying so desperately to hold back your orgasm, which only made Satoru pump and suck you faster. 
“I-I can’t–”
“Cum for me baby,” 
His words were your undoing. On his command, you came hard around his fingers, both of your holes shuddering as pleasurable waves crashed over your body. Stars blotted your vision. Your feet became unbearably hot as your hands held his hair for dear life as if it would save you from your overwhelming orgasm. 
“Good girl, cum for Daddy.” Satoru praised you, tongue tracing slow circles on you as his hand helped you ride the wave. 
You felt like you were floating. Your body was impossibly light as you came down from your high. You tried to remember how to breathe.
Inhale… Exhale… Inhale… Exhale.
Wet lips found yours, the taste of you lingering on his tongue as his body hovered over you. You moaned into his mouth, your body sensitive and mind hazy as the after-effects. 
Through his searing kiss, you began to reground yourself in reality. You hook your legs behind Satoru’s, then flip your bodies, pleased to find at some point he removed his boxers as your slickness coated him.
“Your turn,” you take his bottom lip between your teeth, dragging them slowly along the plump flesh. He gives you an appreciative smack to your ass, the feeling going straight to your groin. 
You trail your lips down his neck, licking and sucking at the supple skin, relishing in the gasp that escapes Satoru’s lips when you lick his ear. Grinding your slick pussy against him, he grunts, hands holding your hips tight enough to leave bruises. 
You smile as you feel him grit his teeth, soft pants leaving his lips. 
“Feel good Daddy?” you ask innocently, pulling your face back to look at his beautiful face. 
His cheeks were flushed with lips wet and parted, eyebrows knitted together, and eyes completely transfixed on your wet pussy grinding against him. 
“Mm, you feel good baby,” he says to you softly and watches as you lean back further, placing your hands on his sculpted chest, moving your hips with a deeper pressure.
“Tell me what you want,” you sigh, enjoying the warm feeling of his thick cock against you. His eyes find your face, taking in your satisfied features, smirking at the sight of you getting yourself off by just grinding on him. 
He takes your face in his hand and traces your lips with his finger. 
“I want you to wrap that pretty little mouth of yours around my cock.” 
The heat in his gaze alone nearly drives you over the edge, so you oblige him. Making a show of you getting on all fours for his lying down frame, wiggling your ass in the air for him, earning yourself another spank. 
You take his member in your hand, pumping him a few times, marveling at his length and girth. Satoru just watched you, sucking in air between his teeth at your touch.
Bigger than anyone I’ve ever had…
Meeting his eyes, you brought your lips to his tip. Sucking and swirling your tongue, humming when the salty yet sweet taste of his precum hits your lips. His expression darkened as you moved your mouth down his shaft, hollowing out your cheeks, allowing him to travel down your esophagus until your nose touched his stomach.
“S-Shit, y/n.” his hands fisted your hair as you happily shook your mouth around him, causing him to curse again. 
Slowly, you make your way back up, licking his underside as your hand cup and gently massage his balls. He’s beautiful, even with the sweat dripping down his brow and his face contours from pleasure. 
You begin to pick up your pace. Ensuring to suck harder towards the tip and make slurping and choking noises to stroke his ego. Your saliva thickened as your throat fucked him and as soon as you could comfortably take him he regained control. 
Satoru began thrusting his cock in your mouth at a relentless pace, you could see the satisfaction in his eyes as your tears formed and you struggled to breathe. 
“You look so beautiful with my cock in your mouth. What a good little slut you are.” 
Your walls clenched at his word as you licked and sucked him as best you could with his pace, getting off on the fact that you were pleasing him. You moaned against him, which in turn made his cock twitch. 
“Fuck, just like that baby.” he hissed while throwing his head back into the sheets, the base of his cock twitching more and more in your mouth. 
Suddenly, he aggressively pulled your head back, completely taking your mouth off of him, saliva dripping from your wet lips. 
He laughs, running his thumbs along your cheeks. He pulls himself to a sitting position as you hungrily stare at his glistening angry red cock that stands proudly against his stomach. 
“You almost made me cum,” he mused breathlessly, peppering kisses along your cheek. 
“Well, that was my intent,” you smile and he groans, flipping your bodies so that you’re under him again. 
He aligns himself with your dripping entrance and smiles at you. He smacks his cock against your clit, sending shocks down your spine. 
“Tell me to stop if it hurts, okay?” you bit your lips and nodded, earning you another world-shatteringly beautiful smile. 
“So perfect,” he murmurs against your lips as he slowly pushes into you, swallowing your gasp.
You tremble as your walls adjust to his thickness, the feeling of him stretching you felt like heaven. Inch by inch he pushes into you, allowing you to adjust to him every step of the way. His tongue plays with yours as he swallows your satisfied moan at the feeling of fullness he gives you. 
“Fuck Satoru,” you breathe between the two of you. He nips at your bottom lip as he grabs your legs, allowing himself to bottom out in your pussy. 
“You’re so fucking tight, y/n,” He presses his forehead against yours as a shuddering breath passes his lips. You nod your head while digging your fingers into his shoulders, a signal to him to start moving. 
He pulls out of you, almost entirely, then rolls his hips back into yours. The feeling makes your stomach tighten, he reached so deep in you as your velvet walls hungrily sucked him back in causing you both to let out a moan. 
He picked up his pace, now biting his lower lip in concentration. You couldn’t help yourself as you reached up and caressed his face, marveling at this beautiful man. 
“Mine,” you whispered, almost to yourself. 
“Yours,” he answered, slamming his hips into you, angling himself to hit that spongey spot that connects right to your clit.
You couldn’t hide the obnoxious moan that left your throat as he hit that spot over and over again, making your eyes roll back. 
“Found it,” 
You both lost yourselves in the feeling of each other. Him in the warm wet bliss of your walls tightly hugging him, you in the friction and stretch of him. Your mouths were a hot mess of skin, teeth, and saliva. Your hands hungrily gripped one another. His hands find your ass, bringing your hips up to reach a new depth in you, which you returned by meeting his relentless thrusts. 
There was a sort of desperation in your movements together, as if you both feared this would be the last time you would be able to express yourselves. 
Your breaths became ragged as you felt the approach of your second release. You hopelessly raked your nails down Satoru’s spine. His thrusts became more erratic as you felt his cock twitch inside of you, which caused you to clench around him. He wrapped his hand around your throat, hard enough to leave a mark, light enough to allow you to breathe. 
“Fuck baby, I’m close.” he breathed into your ear, hot and heavy. The words brought you closer to the edge. 
“I want you to cum for me Daddy.” You said breathlessly, the words falling off your lips in a slur. He grunted, fingers digging into your plump ass. 
He sucked the juncture between your neck and shoulder. He reached between your bodies and rubbed expert circles into your clit, sending you over the edge for the second time that evening. 
Your release crashed over you hard as your walls clenched around Satoru, taking him over the cliff with you. His seed spilled in you, warm and deep which made you feel so full and satisfied. You moaned helplessly into his shoulder as he whispered your name in your ear as if it was the most precious thing in the world. 
Y/n’s body shuddered against him as they came down from their highs together. Satoru rubbed soothing circles against her sweaty back while peppering her hot cheeks with light kisses. 
He has had a lot of sex, but nothing ever felt like that to him, ever. His cock was already hard again, deep inside y/n's warm pussy, plugging her full of his seed. 
He had no intention of having children, but he needed to claim her, in every way he possibly could. He wasn’t satiated, not even close. 
“Y/n,” he pressed a kiss to her soft, swollen lips. Basking in the taste of their combined lust. 
“Hm?” she murmured dreamily, long eyelashes fluttering against her deeply flushed cheeks. 
“Turn around for me,” he ordered. She whimpered but obediently did as he said. 
Sluggishly, she unlatched their bodies and crawled forward on the bed, and got on all fours, shaking her ass in front of his face. He sighed at the sight, watching as their mixed juices streamed down her plump thighs. 
Getting on his knees himself, he positioned himself at her entrance, relishing in the way her body shuddered at the contact. Grabbing her long hair and wrapping it around his hand, he slammed his cock into her quivering pussy. 
She moaned loudly into the bed as he tilted his head back, getting drunk from the feeling of her tight velvet walls sucking him back in, taking all of him. Satoru didn’t hold back as he greedily fucked her, watching as her ass bruised with his hand prints bounced on his cock. 
She cried his name into the bed, hands gripping the sheets as her chest fell to the mattress forcing her back to arch at a harsher angle. He watched as drool pooled from her mouth with her face squished, moving back and forth with each hard thrust of his hips. 
“You’re doing so good baby girl,” he moaned meaning every word. 
She smiled, lifting her head slightly to meet his eyes, nearly driving him over the edge. He never came quickly before, which is why he was so shocked when he nearly busted from her mouth alone. She had bewitched him, in ways that no woman could even compare. From the feeling of her lips, moans that were soft and musical to his ears, down to the taste that dripped for him. No one came close. 
“Mm, you feel so fucking good.” her praise was like honey, making his cock twitch and he set an ungodly pace, hands digging into her hips so he could pull her into his deep thrusts. 
“Fuck fuck fuck,” she cursed, her legs shaking beneath him as her walls clenched around him. 
He smiled wolfishly, roughly grabbing her face and kissing her. She moaned into his kiss, unable to control the tears falling from her eyes. 
Tasting the salt on his tongue, Satoru pulled away and sweetly kissed her tears away. 
“Does it hurt baby?” he asked softly, fear suddenly coating his veins. 
“N-No, you’re just, ah, so, you feel–” her words were messy and slow, yet he couldn’t help but think she couldn’t look more beautiful to him. 
She let down each and every last barrier for him tonight, and he knew how scary that was for her. He wanted to appreciate her, in every way possible, starting with giving her the pleasure that he knew no one had given her. He could tell by her reactions, the surprise on her face at each orgasm that she never came through sex before. It filled him with pride and a sense of ownership. 
He slowed his pace, rubbing circles into her lower back to allow her to breathe. 
“What is it, love?” he coaxed, lovingly smoothing her hair out of her face. 
She gulped down air relaxing into his touch, and she sighed. 
“It’s a lot, I-I’ve never.” she closed her eyes, body shuddering against him. Again, he felt her walls clenching him deliciously, it took everything in him not to moan. 
“I know, baby. I know,” he assured her, peppering kisses along her spine. His hips moved in sync with hers, matching her pace while enjoying the full feeling of her.
“Do you want to stop?” he offered, but she shook her head with vigor even with her eyes showing signs of exhaustion. He couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped his lips, she was just as drunk off of him as he is of her. 
He was enjoying this almost too much. He could do this for hours, but he didn’t know if her body would hold up. 
“Good girl,” 
At his praise, her pussy responded, clenching hard around him. 
He smiled, taking his hand and pressing it to the base of her neck, gently forcing her face down into the bed. She screwed her eyes shut, teeth sinking into her lips to conceal her moan. 
With a deep breath in, he picked his pace back up, rolling and hammering his cock into her. Her legs began shaking so much to the point they gave out on her, her body laying flat on the bed as he continued to bring them closer to their high. 
“Fuck, you’re so deep,” she moaned, voice muffled by the sheets. 
He grunted, the compliment filling him with even more motivation. 
“You do such a good job at taking this dick, y/n.” 
She whimpered her orgasm close. He could tell by how tense her body was. Her walls were impossibly tight around him, clenching down hard on his cock as if it was trying to suck him in. 
“D-Daddy I'm close–” 
His eyes rolled back. Hearing her sweet voice say such dirty things for him drove him crazy. 
“I want you to cum all over my cock baby.” 
He pressed kisses to her shoulder, sucking on the skin as his release crept up on him, balls tightening to prepare for the burst. 
Her hands clawed helplessly at the sheets as he overstimulated her body. 
“That’s right, let go, y/n. Let me make you feel good.” 
She screamed his name as she came all around him, dragging his orgasm out of him. White-hot fire crashed over him as he stopped dead in her, shaking violently as he spilled his seed into her for the second time. 
“Fuck,” she heaved, chest rising and falling heavily. He could only nod against her clammy skin, lips pressing soft kisses to her shoulder. 
She reached her hands around their bodies and began rubbing his thighs, small hands trying to soothe him. 
Laughing lightly, he slowly detached himself from her. His cock missed her warmth immediately as he set out to her bathroom, bare feet padding on the cold hardwood floors. He found the towel he sought and returned to her side. 
She whimpered while he helped her into a sitting position. Slowly, he pressed light kisses to her face as he gently cleaned his seed off of her. It had spilled everywhere. Down her thighs, on her ass, on the sheets. Everything was sticky from their various fluids, and it made him feel good knowing he was the one that caused it. 
He looked to y/n. She leaned back on her hands, eyes closed, forehead slick with sweat, lips parted as she tried to breathe. Her nipples were still peaked as he took in the sight of the love marks he had left on her skin. It made him smile. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, pushing some of her hair that stuck to her face out of the way. 
“Hm, so are you.” she hummed happily, opening her eyes to meet his. 
His heart skipped a beat. 
The way she looked at him was indescribable. Even back then, she had been one of the few people who were completely honest with him. She didn’t care how powerful he was. She ignored it and accepted him. He showed her the darkest parts of himself, and she still supported him with a smile. This woman, who he failed to realize his feelings for till it was too late, looked at him with nothing but love.
He pulled her into his lap, taking her lovely face into his hands. 
“I can’t promise you it’ll be easy with me,” her eyes widened. 
“There may be a time where I get hurt, or I sacrifice myself for my students, or I make a stupid decision.” 
“You always make stupid decisions,” she chided with a snort, coaxing a smile out of him. 
“But, my heart is yours, y/n. For however long we are here on this earth, I promise to love you, and only you.” the truth of his words clanged between them as his heart pounded against his chest. It was the first profession of love he ever made and meant – it terrified him. Being this vulnerable, knowing now he truly had a weakness. 
She smiled, softly taking his hands in hers. 
“I love you, Satoru Gojo. I will love you through the pain and blood that awaits us. I will love your stupidity. I will accept your demons, fears, and dreams all the same. I will support you. I am yours.” 
His lips found her soft ones, trying to conceal the tears that fell from his eyes. Despite that, her hands found his cheeks, lovingly wiping away his tears. 
He couldn’t stop the flow. He felt so much at once; relief, pain, sadness, longing, happiness, fear, love. It overwhelmed him. He had missed her for so long. The way he would push her buttons so she could spit fire at him. How he was the only one who saw her soft laugh. He missed the way she would hold his body with her small one, promising him he wasn’t a monster as her scent enveloped his senses. He chased the smell of her for years, due to it being the only thing that made him feel at ease. 
He realized then. 
She was home. She is his home.  
One year later
“Y/nnnnnnnn~!” Utahime called out to you, arms spread wide and she ran towards your approaching figure. 
You smiled softly, opening your arms to accept her embrace. The woman crashed into your arms, chest pressing hard against yours as she sobbed into your neck. 
“I thought you died! To think that bastard Gojo found you before I did!” she cried and you laughed, rubbing circles into your friend's back. 
“Oi! What do you mean by ‘bastard Gojo’? And get off my woman!” his tone made you chuckle. 
You two haven’t changed much.
“Utahime, let y/n breathe.” 
You look in the direction of the voice and saw Mei Mei. 
Your heart stopped. She looked even more beautiful than she did when you were young. 
Utahime begrudgingly lets go of your frame. Though she pulled her cool indifferent mask back on, you could make out her slight pout. 
Mei Mei grabbed your shoulder, her red lips pulling into a wicked smile. 
“Have you been well? Has this trash been treating you well?” 
“Hey, I’m right here!” 
“Yes, I have been well, how about you?” you smile innocently as you, Mei Mei and Utahime start walking – ignoring Satoru entirely. 
The grounds of Jujutsu High were just as beautiful as you remembered. You chatted idly with your friends, sharing stories of the past ten years. Utahime couldn’t hide her tears at some parts, where Mei Mei reassuringly rubbed your shoulder. Satoru lazily trailed behind, a secret smile on his lips as he watched you smile with your friends. 
As you entered the main building you sighed, memories flooding your mind of your time here. 
“Time sure does fly,” you muse, spinning in a small circle to take in your surroundings. 
“It does,” they all said in unison, making you chuckle. 
“Do they know?” you asked no one in particular, knowing everyone knew what you were asking. 
“Gojo is still hiding your existence from the higher-ups, which is why we’re confused as to why he brought you here. Is it for Itadori Yuuji?” Mei Mei asked carefully, eyeing Satoru side-long. 
You nodded once. He proposed that you meet Itadori Yuuji, Megumi Fushiguro, and Nobara Kugisaki so they could learn your face and trust you in the future. 
As you approached the classroom an annoyed female voice rang through the hall. 
“Oi! Idiot A and B are you listening?!”
“Yes yes yes, we’re listening”
“I want a steak”
“No you idiot I said we’re eating sushi! Sushi! Listen and repeat after me. Su-shi. Tell that happy-go-lucky teacher of ours that we want sushi!”  
You had to stifle your laughter as Satoru opened the doors to the classroom, arms spread wide with a nonchalant smile plastered on his face. 
“No need to fear your good-looking teacher is here!” 
“Huuuh?” the students said in unison, their heads cocked to the side as they stared at the teacher with dumbfounded expressions. 
Mei Mei and Utahime positioned themselves outside the classroom, ensuring to keep an eye out for anyone who might come down the hall and see you. 
You quietly step into the classroom, an awkward smile on your face as you softly wave to his precious students. 
“Hello, I am y/n l/n. It is nice to meet you.” you bow deeply to show respect to the younger generation, but you hear Satoru’s sneaky chuckle. 
“Gojo-sama is this the girlfriend you’re so obsessed with?” a cool-toned voice called out from the black-haired student. 
Toji’s son, huh?
“No way, this is your girlfriend?!” the pink-haired boy called out, voice full of energy and brightness. 
Sukunas vessel.
“Of course, it’s his girlfriend, look at the way he’s standing so close to her.” the young female chided, looking at you with bright sparkling eyes. 
You couldn’t hide your laughter. You used your hand to cover your mouth as the sight of them reminded you so much of Satoru, Suguru, and Shoko. 
“I wanted to introduce you to her, so in the future, if you have to work with her know that she can be trusted. Back in the day, her strength was second only to mine.” Satoru bragged about you shamelessly to his students, making you blush. 
Yuuji blushed while looking at you whereas Megumi simply turned his gaze away. Nobara still looked at you with awe. 
“Why aren’t you a sorcerer anymore?” Yuuji asked, and you smirked bringing your index finger to your lips. 
“It’s a secret.” you threw the students a wink, and Megumi let out a sigh. 
“You’re just as bad as him.” Megumi stuck his chin out towards Satoru, which made you smile inwardly. 
It’s still strange to think Satoru raised this kid, even if it is to spite the Zen’in clan. 
“Don’t be rude!” Nobara slapped his knee, causing Megumi’s eye to twitch. 
“Stop fighting, you’re making me look bad.” Satoru scolded, but none of them listened. 
“Huh? Who cares about that?” Megumi challenged, easily pushing Satoru’s buttons. 
“Eh? What did you just say you brat?” Satoru wasted no time, locking Megumis head in his arm, aggressively messing his spiky hair up. 
You stood, trying to stifle your laughter at the lively sight. Nobara cheered Satoru on while Yuuji remained shocked at his teacher's actions. You could hear Mei Mei sigh and Utahime covered her eyes in disappointment.
You didn’t know how long this would last, but it made your heart feel so full. It healed the very last wound that plagued your soul. Finally, you were whole again. 
You became remade in the brightness of their light. 
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calypsocolada · 1 year
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IT’S TIME TO GO | s. gojo
(click here for part two :3 )
synopsis: the strongest sorcerer in the world is always there to swoop in like a hero and you’re sick of it.
authors note: holy crap this was a long one. this is my second fanfic I’ve ever written and I started at 10 p.m. and finished around 6 a.m. I think I maybe also make a part two to this one so let me know if you guys would like that :)
cw: lots of blood, near death, hospital setting, cussing, angst, slightly suggestive, a bit of fluff
wc: 4.1k
You had been asleep for quite awhile. Though technically you were unconscious. The last thing you remembered was blood, blood on your hands, and clothes and mouth. You felt the sickening sensation of losing it, of being drained of power and ability to stand up straight. You clamped your hand to your stomach, feeling the warmth of lost blood coat your fingers.
You were gonna die. It was a sobering moment. The enemy cackled before you, its razor sharp eyes flicking from your paling face to the blood seeping between your finger tips. It smiled a wicked knowing smile, energy radiating through it. One more hit and you’d be falling fast into nothing. You straightened at that, willing to die until you felt a steady hand on your shoulder.
“That’s enough, go rest.” Gojo said beside you, so tall you had to crane your head to meet his eyes that were hidden behind black glasses. Just at his words you felt exhaustion plague your body. But you were stubborn and Gojo made it clear many times that you were weak. You were ready to die proving him wrong. You shrugged off his hand.
“My second wind is coming,” You said spitefully but when you faced the enemy again you pitched forwards, legs fully giving out. Gojo was there to catch you with swiftness as though he knew you were about to go down. He pulled you back to safety as though you weighed nothing and sat you rather softly against a stone wall. You looked up at him, fuming. Just another reason for him to call you weak. “Ass-hole,” You coughed, blood spilling over your lips. Gojo seemed serious when he spoke, his hand coming up, long fingers pulling your hair from your eyes. It was surprisingly tender from the man that teased you constantly.
“Don’t speak or move. This’ll take a sec,” He said but added a wink. And that was the last thing you remembered until now.
Waking to bright hospital lights and rhythmic beeping. You were hooked up to a monitor with what felt like tens of little tubes all snaking around your arms. You blinked, taking in a shaky breath. It didn’t hurt to breathe like it had before. Your body didn’t feel as though you were dying. Maybe you were dead already?
You looked around and that’s when you noticed him. Gojo, sat at your bedside, head thrown back snoring, long limbs splayed about. You stared at him as the events of your fight played out again. You were losing, he swooped in. Time old tale. Anger filled you once again. All the work you’d done to prove yourself as a sorcerer and idiot Gojo with godlike powers always swoops in and saves you. It burned you up real good from the inside out. You sat up, you must’ve been out for a while because the ungodly pain you felt before you passed out was now a dull ache.
You yanked out the tubes from your arms as the machine beeped a flatlining noise. Gojo sprang up from his sleep, knocking a few things over.
“Wha! Huh! Jesus-” Gojo fumbled, you’d never seen him so disheveled. His eyes locked on you before darting to the machine then back at you. “Y-You’re awake…” He breathes out, a strange fondness in his voice. His crystal blue eyes striking. Your face soured as you narrowed your eyes at him.
“Yeah, I’m awake, and alive, so that’s terrific.” You growled, shoving the covers from your warm legs. Gojo watched you and cleared his throat.
“Uh yeah, that is a good thing…” He trailed off, curiously. You shimmied to the side of the bed and threw your legs over, going to stand but just like before your legs gave out. Too much time spent in bed it seemed. Gojo caught you, his large hands on your waist, fingers slipping accidentally under the fabric of your tank top. His hands were surprisingly warm. The closeness alarmed you so before he could say anything you pushed at his chest. He looked at you confused as you fell back onto the bed.
“You piss me off,” You sigh, avoiding his eyes. Gojo stepped back, you felt his eyes on you but you refused to meet them. If he wanted to play knight he could go help someone else, you were done.
“You’re mad that I helped you?” He posed as a question, as though you had no right to be angry. And truly maybe you didn’t, you were breathing sitting in the early morning light because of him. But you also didn’t care about rationalizing right now.
“You always help me.” You hiss.
“That’s a bad thing?”
Your eyes shot up to him, he looked amused. Anger boiled in your stomach. You’re sure you could melt steel with how hot it burned.
“You love playing the hero, don’t you?” You accuse. Gojo just looks at you, with that stupid sideways grin. He steps back and slides back into his chair. Clearly amused at your anger. It made it that much worse.
“It’s an easy thing to play.” He says cockily.
“I’m sure it is for the strongest.” You chided. He nodded his head, his smile growing even more pronounced. “Well I’m glad you got your playtime, but I’m done. I’m sure you’ve been waiting for me to say that.” His smile stopped growing, he looked at you, cocking his head just slightly like a dog.
“You told me I was the weakest and time and time again you’ve gone out of your way to prove your point.”
“Don’t interrupt me.” You snapped, his lips shut. You composed yourself, taking in a staggering breath. “You win.” You said finally, a bitterly defeated tone caressing your voice. “I’m obviously just as you said.” You swallowed, fierce eyes dulling as your eyes drifted to the floor. You’d been thinking about this for a while. How much it hurt that now it finally felt right.
“You’re quitting?” Gojo asked into the silence between you both. He was mere feet from you, manspreading like he didn’t have a care in the world. You wanted to be stubborn some more but to be completely honest, you were tired. You had been for quite a while. You didn’t want to think of it as quitting, some things just felt better being walked away from and you knew this had to be one of them. Your entire family had been begging you to quit for years, terrified you’d come home in a body bag. You started to see their side of it this past year. Why continue doing something just to spite a man that didn’t have a care in the world for you. Your lack of an answer was an answer enough for Gojo. He breathed out in relief, a small laugh escaping from his lips. “Never thought this day would come.” Your eyes shot up. He looked relieved, almost happy at your declaration. You had no clue why he could be so kind to others and so cruel to you.
“You know what?” You started angrily. “Fuck you.” You growled, staggering to your feet, wobbling. Gojo reached out just in case you fell again but you pushed past his hands towards the clean clothes on the desk near the bathroom. You stripped off your tank top and shorts, exposed to the cool hospital air in just underwear and a bra. You heard Gojo make a low noise and you slightly turned, he had shielded his eyes, cheeks red in embarrassment, jaw set tightly. Rolling your eyes you pulled a shirt over your head and shimmied into the pants.
“Are you decent?” Gojo asked, his voice low. You didn’t answer him, you just yanked your shoes from the corner and sat back on the bed to put them on. Gojo peeked out from behind his hand then pulled it away when he saw you were dressed. Gojo sighed, swallowing thickly. “You should really take it easy, Y/n. I mean-- you almost died out there. I thought you were dead when I-,” He stopped talking. You looked at him, he was serious again. Gojo was never very serious, it was a strange sight. He cleared his throat like he was composing himself, crystal blue eyes sliding to yours. “Look, just take it easy, don’t go stomping around getting yourself hurt again.” You stared at him and suddenly you were laughing, it was a soft laugh, intimidating to your own ears. You just felt so out of control with your feelings around him, of anger and exhaustion and embarrassment. So many people admired the man in front of you and all you wanted to do was get one good hit on him.
“That sounded like you really cared, bravo.” You jested sharply.
“I do care.” Gojo said and that made you laugh even harder. A sort of belly laugh that had you aching all over.
“Fuck! That’s funny.” You said in between gasps.
“Y/n.” Gojo started but you just shook your head, holding up your hand to halt his words.
“Just leave, Gojo. Seriously, why’re you even still here?” You asked amused. You watched the man’s throat bob as though you wouldn’t like the answer.
“Y/n, come on, you really don’t know why?”
“No, no please enlighten me oh strong one.” You provoked as you slipped on your shoes. You heard Gojo sigh exasperatedly, you looked up just as he ran a hand through his white shaggy hair, the pieces falling into perfect place. It was annoying to say the least. Gojo was the perfect specimen, everything about him was handsome. It was infuriating to say the least. Maddening that you had found him charming when you first met him. How quickly feelings of wanting to kiss him turned to wanting to kill him. How stupid you were back then…
“Of course I care for you. I go out of my way to make sure you make it back from your fights.”
“Because you think I’m weak. That I need help.”
“Everybody needs help sometimes.”
“Not you.” You snap and he exhales a soft laugh.
“Not me.” He says gently. “Maybe one day I’ll meet my match.” Gojo waves off as though that’s something absurd and annoyingly enough you think not one single soul could ever think to touch him.
“You undermine me. You try to prove time and time again how weak I am.”
“You’re not weak.”
“You’re a hypocrite!” You growl accusingly. Gojo sighs again as if this whole conversation is annoying to him. “You babysit me more than the damn kids! You’re at everyone of my goddamn fights-”
“Making sure you don’t get yourself killed.” Gojo adds flippantly.
“But wouldn’t that be easier for you?”
“Hmm?” Gojo hums.
“If it’s such a goddamn chore why don’t you just let me die!” You burst, Gojo finally looks at you, your breathing hard, still healing and already pushing yourself, further proving what he’d just said. “You hate me. I know you do so why not just-”
“I’m not gonna sit back and let you die.” He waved off.
“Why not!” You pushed off the bed, it creaked with the sudden movement. For once you were looking down at Gojo and him up at you. The blood rushed around your body, you were heated, swaying slightly.
“I already told you why you didn’t listen.” Gojo says slowly, his eyes watching you carefully. For a moment you two stared at each other as you breathed heavily. He told you a lie and hoped you would believe it. That man cares about nothing but himself, if he thought for a moment you’d believe otherwise he was a mad man. So you nodded your head and turned away from him grabbing your stuff. “Where are you going?” He asked.
“I already told you but you didn’t listen.” You threw back at him. You were going home, that’s where all quitters end up after a while and to be honest you craved nothing more than home right now. The warm pull of it. You heard Gojo spring up from his chair.
“Wait, Y/n,” You felt his slender fingers catch your arm and you yanked away from him in an instant. At your reaction Gojo raised his hands to show he wasn’t going to touch you anymore. You turned, shooting daggers with your glare. He was towering over you again, so much bigger than you in many many ways. It would be intimidating if you weren’t so damn angry all the time.
“I’m quitting and leaving for good, Gojo, you don’t have to pretend anymore.” You jeered and he rolled his eyes. Rolled his eyes at you! You steamed all over. “What the fuck is so amusing to you about this!” You seethed, angry tears coming to your eyes. “I’m quitting because of you!” You poked him hard in the chest, he didn’t flinch. “Everyone raves about the great sorcerer Satoru Gojo but you--,” You stumbled over your words, suddenly embarrassed by the onslaught of tears rolling down your cheeks. You turned away from him and hastily wiped them away. He was the absolute last person you wanted to see you cry. You kept your back to him as you spoke. “I was so excited to meet you for the first time. So excited to be a sorcerer alongside you but-- now I can’t stand the thought. Can’t believe I ever thought-”
“Y/n, turn around.” Gojo’s voice was level behind you. You bit your lip. You weren’t turning around. Your emotions were still on display for him to see, you needed this cover until you wrangled them back in.
“Shut up,” You said over your shoulder. It felt like a childish thing to say but you didn’t trust yourself in saying more than two words right now as more tears streamed down your face.
“Turn around or I’m turning you around.” Gojo warned but his words didn’t have a hard edge like you assumed they would. It almost, almost, sounded like a plea. You let out a shaky breath, wiped your cheeks dry and slowly, against your better judgment, turned around. He wasn’t amused this time. No stupid smirk or condescending words. You stared at him as his eyes met yours, he took in your red eyes and blushed cheeks, some tears had fallen on your gray shirt in small drops.
Slowly and hesitantly Gojo reached for you. You froze as his hands slid against your cheeks, one hand tucking a loose strand of hair. The pad of his thumb gently wiped a rogue tear away and you couldn’t force yourself to move. Your senses were overwhelmed, His hands on your face, his eyes looking at you almost… benevolently? It was a strange, strange, sight to behold and it stopped your thoughts and clouded your mind as he touched you. You felt your heart like a bird with one wing banging around in your ribcage and you hoped you weren’t still breathing so heavily. His eyes darted between yours before dipping low to your lips, his eyes lingered there for a long moment. Your stomach flipped at that. It was like your ability to think rationally and logically had paused to make way for this moment.
“Please,” Gojo started in a pleading sort of voice. “Please don’t kill me for this.” He whispers, breath hitting your lips a second before his own lips. Is it right for the strongest man to act like this? To kiss you in a way that has your knees buckling? His right hand sliding down to your waist, pulling you impossibly closer to him. As though even a centimeter of space between you two was too far. You gasped into his mouth when his fingers gently dug into the skin of your waist, sliding under the hem of your tee shirt. Warm hands like before. God this was… insane. Unbelievable. Deranged. Ridiculous. You wouldn’t believe this would happen in a millenia. If anyone had said to you that Satoru Gojo would say please before pressing his lips to your own, you would’ve spat in their face and called them mad. But they weren’t mad. Gojo tugged you closer and pressed you back into the door that led to the hallway, he reached down and you heard the click of the lock. His entire body taut against yours. Enveloping everything around you until all you could feel was him and the hard press of the wooden door to your back. His lips, surprisingly soft, chased after yours. Slowly your hands moved from your sides, seemingly of their own accord. They came up to slide around the back of his neck and into his hair, tugging softly. He groaned into your mouth and it rocked you to your core, your breath catching in your throat. He’s kissing you once and twice and over and over. His hands gripping you, pulling you. You realize, infuriatingly, you’ve wanted this. He pulls away for a moment and you both are staring, completely out of breath, pupils blown wide, lips red raw.
Instinct kicked in as you raised your hand and viciously swung it to meet his cheek but of course he caught it. He didn’t look surprised or angry, he looked hungry, like a starving man that had just gotten a taste of something he wanted to devour. You wanted a small saving grace before the laughter kicked in as though him kissing you was some big elaborate joke. You hoped the slap would combat just how much you were affected by the kiss. As though you could truly hide behind the violence of it. But it was futile. You wanted this and he fucking knew it. But you knew something even more valuable. He kissed you first. He pleaded before kissing you. He wanted this just as much if not more than you.
At that thought he’s reaching for you again. He’s kissing you harder and deeper and pulling you towards the bed with a fervent need you’ve never experienced before in your life. It’s the kind of kiss that takes your breath away, leaves you a panting mess as he presses you down against the rough hospital mattress, body caging your own. There was a sort of explosive urgency to it all. Like he couldn’t stop if he goddamn tried. And god dammit you didn’t want him to stop. You didn't want his hands anywhere else but on you, his lips on you, his body on you. It was all consuming like the fire in your stomach. He was kissing you gently and you just wanted more, all the anger of the day and past few months bubbling over. With a quick movement that you're sure he could’ve predicted you flipped over on top, pressing him back into the pillows. He makes a low sound in his throat and you know he likes it for some reason. He leans up so that you're practically straddling his lap and you feel a smirk against your lips. You know he’s about to speak.
“Don’t-- don’t ruin the moment.” You mutter breathless against his lips, your voice almost hoarse. Both of Gojo’s hands dropped to your waist, fingers gripping as he moved your hips against his. You made a sound that wasn’t at all decent as lights bloomed and burned within you. You pressed closer to him, moving on your own accord and finding a thrill when a strangled sort of whimper escaped Gojo’s lips. Jesus… You thought as you kissed him hard enough to break him open.
Suddenly there’s a knock at the door.
“Ms. L/n?” A nurse's voice rings out, another few knocks.
“Fucking hell.” Gojo groans beneath you and suddenly the heat of the moment is up in the air. You take a few clumsy moves back away from Gojo and for a moment he looks betrayed, as though you’d just stabbed him in his back. You swallow, turning away from him and walking towards the door, flicking the lock and opening the door. The nurse smiles at you, she tells you that it’s best not to lock the doors just in case of an emergency and you smile, apologizing to her. When she leaves you leave the door cracked and turn back, Gojo is sitting with his legs over the side of the bed. It’s awkward suddenly and you're not so sure what to do with your hands that had been all over the man you really thought you hated. It was all very confusing. Gojo clears his throat.
“I think it’s good that you're quitting.” He says and just like that things aren’t so confusing to you anymore.
“Are you fucking-”
“I can’t worry about you all the time, it’s affecting everything I do, Y/n. I mean… seriously you drive me crazy the way you just run into danger.” Gojo looks over at you, his eyes intense. He meant every word of what he said. Your words stagger in your throat, torn between anger and confusion. “I really thought I was gonna lose you this time, I mean… there was so much blood and you were out for days, it was a fucking nightmare. How could you put me through all that? Huh?”
“I didn’t…” You really didn’t know what to say. This was all news to you. Gojo caring and all but you supposed since he showed up all the time… Maybe he always had?
“You know the worst of it? You are strong, you're very strong and maybe if you worked at it for a couple years you could rival me… But I don’t want that. I don’t want you anywhere near the shit I have to face. Not at all.”
“So you want me to give up?”
“No…” Gojo swallows, running a hand through his hair. He looked so torn with what he wanted to say and what he should say. Slowly things were coming into perspective. Gojo stands, he sighs and walks across the room. “I want you to be safe. That’s all I have ever wanted for you.” Emotion plagued you, you felt it in your chest, a warmth spreading.
“So… all this time you chased and annoyed the shit outta me because you have a crush?” You jested, Gojo’s eyes shot to yours. You smile, it's small but it’s there. Gojo unashamedly nods his head. “That’s so… embarrassing. Just wait til I tell Nanami, he'll tease you relentlessly.” You joke as Gojo cracks a smile, shaking his head.
“You wouldn’t dare.” Gojo breaths out, moving closer to you. Your breath catches. The implication of the moment is heavy. Your head swam, to stay a sorcerer or leave it behind now that you knew you had potential. You still missed your family and if you were being honest with yourself going home just felt like the right thing. You felt you knew when it was time to go.
“I think I’ll head home.” You say into the small space between you two. He swallows dryly, Adam's apple bobbing in his throat. He was so handsome and it used to make you so mad, but not so much right now. Gojo nodded softly. This side of him was something you wished to know more about but there wouldn’t be much time with the distance between you both.
“God, you look like we’ll never see each other again.” Gojo says suddenly, his hand reaching and tucking some hair behind your ear.
“Not as much as usual.” You say in an amused tone.
“I’ll come visit as long as I’m welcome.” He says and you blush at his closeness, his eyes darting to your lips and you cursed the force that had kept you two apart for so long. You felt weirdly like you’d made a new friend and maybe he could be more than that someday.
“I don’t know if my parents would like you.”
“Parents love me, Y/n.” Gojo boasts as you roll your eyes.
“I seriously doubt that.”
“Well I’ll just have to prove you wrong.” He says matter of factly. You blush even deeper at the confidence. He smirks at you like he knows he’s made you hot.
“I guess I’ll take you up on that bet.” You say and his smirk grows even wider.
hi!! thanks for reading!! if you’d like a part two let me know :)
also if you like sanemi from demon slayer this is my first fan fic I wrote. check it out if you want :)
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